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Silvikultura, arti i prodhimit dhe kujdesit per pyllin

Silvikultura sht prcaktuar si " arti i prodhimit dhe kujdesit pr pyllin; aplikimit injohurive t silvikultures n trajtimin e nj pylli " Ky prkufizim tregon lidhjen q ekziston midis Silvikultures dhe pylltaris. fundit merret me parimet themelore t cilat kontrollojn jetn e drurve individuale dhe grum!ujve pyjore. Kjo ushqen !azn shkencore m!i t ciln m!shtetet silvikultura . " nj interpretim m t gjer t termit Silvikultura prfshin themelet e Silvikultures , domethn , pyllin , shkencn dhe praktikn e Silvikulturs apo artit .

#elativisht pak dihet lidhur me Silvikulturn . Kjo mund t$i atri!uohet tre shkaqeve %

S pari , silvikultura ende sht praktikuar n nj mas t kufizuar dhe gjat nj periudhe prej vetm disa vjet, &m pak se '((, apo m pak se nj gjenerat e pyllit t lart) ndrsa ajo krkon disa dekada pr t ndrtuar e vertetuar praktika t caktuara silvikulturore .

S dyti , praktika silvikulturore sht n thel! nj konsiderat lokale , t ndryshme n detaje t rndsishme nga pylli * +jirokastrs Sarands, n pyllin e ,i!razhdit, -ermoshit, .erizajt, Sharrit apo /ecanit . 0rgjithsimet dhe prdorimi i men1ur i njohurive t fituara nga t tjert n t tilla kusht avancojn shum ngadal.

S treti , aplikimi i njohurive pr t trajtimin e nj pyll t pengohet seriozisht kur njohurit lidhur me pyllin jan pjesore apo fragmentare . Shkencat pr pyllin &Silvics) , t cilat n teori japin !azat shkencore pr Silvikulturn , jan ende n foshnjrin e tyre aq sa akoma ka pro!leme pr t dhn informacion t prcaktuar atyr qe e ushtrojne kete profesion n pro!lemet e shumta e t rndsishme t pylltaris .

Silviculture is defined as " the art of producing and tending a forest; the application of the kno2ledge of silvics in the treatment of a forest." 3his definition indicates the relation e4isting !et2een silviculture and silvics. 3he latter deals 2ith the underlying principles 2hich control the life of individual forest trees and stands. *t furnishes the scientific !asis upon 2hich silviculture rests. *n a !roader interpretation of the term silviculture includes the foundations of silviculture; namely, silvics, the science, and the practice of silviculture or the art. #elatively little is kno2n concerning silviculture. 3his may !e attri!uted to three causes% First, silviculture as yet has !een practiced to a limited e4tent and during a period of only a fe2 years, 2hereas it requires several decades to !uild up definite silvicultural practice. Second, silvicultural practice is essentially a local consideration, varying in important details from forest to forest. +eneralizations and the intelligent use of kno2ledge gained !y others develop slo2ly under such a condition. Third, application of kno2ledge to treatment of a forest is seriously hampered 2hen such kno2ledge is fragmentary. Silvics, 2hich in theory affords the scientific !asis for silviculture, is still in its infancy so far as furnishing definite information for use of practitioners on numerous important pro!lems is concerned. #5,06 7. 658, 9

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