Conceptualizing Special Interest Tourism-Frameworks For Analysis

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Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

Conceptualizing special interest tourism—frameworks for analysis

Birgit Trauer
School of Tourism and Leisure Management, University of Queensland, Ipswich Campus, 11 Salisbury Road, Ipswich, Qld 4305, Australia
Received 8 July 2003; accepted 21 October 2004


To advance understanding of Special Interest Tourism (SIT), this paper will explore the complexities of this phenomenon in the
early 21st century. First, a look at what is ‘‘out there’’, both from a supply and demand perspective, will serve to paint a broad
picture at macro-level. The paper will present a discussion of the SIT phenomenon at the macro-level within a triangular relationship
of supply, demand and media. Then, a more specific look at SIT attempts to clarify the ambiguity of the term. Finally, a look at
micro-level from the consumer’s perspective will introduce the concepts of enduring and situational involvement, and the nature of
the product. Proposed frameworks are presented to provide structure and possible directions for future research and as a means of
progressing conceptual development.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Special interest tourism; Adventure tourism; Tourist experiences; Involvement; Market segmentation; Typologies

1. Introduction p. 316) point out: ‘‘successfully providing the creative

space for the consumer’s aesthetic personal projects to
Tourism consumption patterns and the growth of unfold is surely the challenge facing the late-modern
‘‘special interest tourism’’ (SIT) are thought to reflect entrepreneur’’.
the continuously increasing diversity of leisure interests According to Read (cited in Hall & Weiler, 1992,
of the late-modern leisure society (Douglas, Douglas, & p. 5), the phenomenon coined ‘‘SIT’’ emerged as a
Derret, 2001). According to Opaschowski (2001, p. 1), major force in the 1980s. However, as Hlavin–Schulze
who refers to vacations in the 21st century as ‘‘Das (1998a, b) points out quite succinctly, ‘‘alles schon
gekaufte Paradies’’ (the bought paradise), the tourism mal dagewesen’’ (everything has existed before). The
industry is increasingly subsuming the identity of an Grand Tour, The Olympics and overland expeditions
‘‘experience industry’’, with tourists willing to pay spring to mind immediately with regard to their
tourism organizers to help find optimal experiences historical context. Douglas et al. (2001, p. 2) state that
within the limited time available. Furthermore, a multiplicity of terms have emerged, including ‘‘alter-
Opaschowski (2001) suggests that tourists are looking native’’, ‘‘sustainable’’, ‘‘appropriate’’, ‘‘new’’, ‘‘respon-
for emotional stimuli, they want to buy feelings and not sible’’ and ‘‘ego tourism’’ to capture the underpinning
products. They want to personally experience the notions of ‘‘serious leisure and tourism’’. They point out
immaterial qualities, seeking ambiance, aesthetics and that there is an underlying ambiguity in all terms,
atmosphere, looking for an experience full of varying including the new term of ‘‘SIT’’, in that tourism
intimacies, intensities and complexities. The nature of denotes mass participation while ‘‘special interest’’
the tourism experience exists within a dynamic local to suggests non-commercialized individual travel.
global context and thus, as Varley and Crowther (1998, To advance the understanding of this phenomenon of
SIT in the 21st century, this paper will explore the
Tel.: +61 7 3381 1010; fax: +61 7 3381 1012. complexities of SIT. First, a look at what is ‘‘out there’’,
E-mail address: (B. Trauer). both from a supply and demand perspective, will serve

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184 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

to paint a broad picture at the macro-level. The paper arousing, with the individual believing that (a) she/he
will present a discussion of the SIT phenomenon at the has enough ability to succeed at the task and (b)
macro-level within a triangular relationship of supply, possessing a positive role in sustaining the quality of
demand and media. Then, a more specific look attempts one’s life and promote personal growth. In short, to
to clarify the ambiguity of the term. Finally, a look at repeat, experiences are sold on the premise of being life
the micro-level from the consumer’s perspective will enhancing.
introduce the concepts enduring and situational involve-
ment. Proposed frameworks are presented to provide
structure and possible directions for future research. 3. Special interest tourism demand

Various authors, therefore, point towards people’s

2. The tourism product—supply desire for quality of life and escape from the ‘‘pluralisa-
tion of lifeworlds’’, and ‘‘rationalization of contempor-
SIT was seen as a ‘‘prime force in the expansion of ary urban life’’ as major push factors and motivators for
tourism’’ by Read in 1980 (cited in Hall & Weiler, 1992, travel (Giddens, 1999; Habermas, 1987; Horne, 1994;
p. 5) with the product range having expanded from that Rojek & Urry, 1997). According to the World Tourism
of a boutique product to a mainstream offering. Organization (1985, cited in Hall & Weiler, 1992, p. 1),
‘‘Special interests’’ can be found on web pages either tourism consumption patterns reflect the increasing
by checking the list of special interests/activities (e.g. diversity of interests of the late-modern leisure society
sport, wine, culture, painting, adventure, opera, battle- with ‘‘SIT’’ having emerged, reflecting the new values
fields), or by geographical area (e.g. Asia, Europe) of which include ‘‘increased importance of outdoor activ-
interest and/or affinity groups (e.g. Seniors, women, ities, awareness of ecological problems, educational
gay), with tour operators catering for every special advances, aesthetic judgement and improvement of self
interest around the world. and society’’. However, this ‘‘self-improvement’’ and
Weber (2001) makes the point, along with Walle ‘‘concern for society’’ is questioned. While tourists, for
(1997), that practitioners appear to have caught on to instance, may aspire to adventure and sport images that
the notion of differentiation or specialization by are related to Heros, to Olympians, to environmental or
originally catering for a relatively small part of the cultural specialists of high achievement, they also may
market (niche market) with very special needs, even visit destinations and participate in activities as a status
before scholars started to consider the concepts in symbol (Beedie, 2003; McKercher & du Cros, 2002).
debate. Initially SIT organizations were perceived to Indeed, Morgan and Pritchard (1999) argue that
have focused on rather homogeneously considered tourism prefixed with specific descriptors, such as
groups of customers such as in adventure tourism, ecotourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism and
eco-tourism, sport tourism and cultural tourism for ‘‘SIT’’, serve to indicate qualitative difference from
tourists seeking the ‘‘hard or specialized’’ end of the those of mass tourism, thereby ‘‘promoting socially just
market, being ‘‘serious leisure participants’’ (Weiler & forms of tourism’’ that meet tourists’’ needs to engage in
Hall, 1992; Stebbins, 1982). However, it is now apparent modes of behaviour that, at best, again, enhance sense
that operators have diversified their offerings to attract of self, and at worst, may be ‘‘justified’’ as being socially
the large market segment of the ‘‘soft’’ or ‘‘novice’’ end responsible (Morgan & Pritchard, 1999, p. 53). Simi-
of the spectrum, and intervening stages, either based on larly, Hlavin-Schulze (1998a, b) suggests that individuals
their own expertise within the field of special interest or increasingly adjust their needs and desires based on
their awareness of the growing latent and salient images of societal behaviour that ‘‘promises’’ societal
consumer demand (Douglas et al., 2001; Morgan and acceptance. Opaschowski (2001) goes as far as to
Pritchard, 1999). propose that holidays no longer just facilitate the
A constant reciprocal exchange between supply and ‘‘traditional’’ escape of tourists from ‘‘dem Alltag’’
demand influences the evolvement, growth and access to (daily living), but rather the search for personal life
new leisure and tourism experiences (Strasdas, 1994). fulfillment, happiness, ‘‘paradise’’ and has become a
Technology, time squeeze, space contraction, affluence highlight of leisure, part of quality of life. However, as
and increased availability of leisure equipment and he points out ‘‘just as paradise does not have a specific
travel products have impacted on leisure and travel place, so does happiness not have a specific time’’ (p. 7).
trends and diversified activities and destinations from According to Wearing (2002, p. 243), the tourist in the
the ‘‘old’’ to the ‘‘new’’ (Beedie, 2003; Strasdas, 1994). 21st century is ‘‘searching for new and exciting forms of
Consequently, it becomes possible to ‘‘re-package’’ in travel in defiance of a mass-produced product’’ yet
ways within which, according to Ewert (1989a, 2000), an without ‘‘actually having to involve themselves in
environment may contain the appropriate mix of new or any way’’, a reflection of increasing commodification
old activities done in a new way to be optimally and depersonalization within modern and post-modern
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 185

society (Beck, 1999; Giddens, 1999; MacCannell, 1976). interdisciplinary system, which comprises the overall
Commodification has changed tourism experiences in environment (local to global), the tourist demand
the 21st century from that of the traditional search for system, the tourism industry supply system with the
the totally unknown, the utmost challenging and media being conceptualized as a major influencer on
dangerous to that of safety and comfort, to that of tourism in the 21st century, (see Fig. 1). It is the merging
‘‘gaze’’ but also embodiement beyond individual’s on- of all these components that make up SIT.
site experience (Cater, 2000; Opaschowski, 2001; Urry, The overall system is representative of political,
1990). As Smail (1993, p. 63) notes, ‘‘A person is partly economical, ecological, technological, and socio-eco-
body, certainly, but is also partly environment’’ and nomical and socio-cultural concerns, at local to global
thus the tourist interacts with and is influenced by places level. The tourism industry supply system is made up of
visited and the people met at those places. However, the tourism places/destinations, the travel and tourism
tourist also brings with him/her images and myths organizers/operators, travel agents, accommodation
associations as portrayed in the multiplicity of media businesses, transport, and SIT facilities and infrastruc-
and other sources which transform and individualize the ture. The tourist demand system consists of the
tourist experience (Rojek & Urry, 1997). Adventure individual’s financial situation, possession or access to
tourism for instance is regarded by Cater (2000) as necessary tourism activity equipment, the cognitive
commodification of ‘‘embodied human experiences’’ determinants (perception, awareness and learning),
that are marketed and managed to cater for a spectrum activating determinants (emotions, needs, motives,
of consumers within a framework of myth and dramatic attitudes, images), and personal characteristics (involve-
story line. ment, perceived risk, values) (Dreyer, 1995). The
demand side is sub-divided into intra- and inter-personal
components that recognize the internal and external
4. Special interest tourism—part of an interdisciplinary motivational determinants for demand, including the
system desire to gain insight, and to use the resultant ‘‘self-
image’’ for peer approval (Celsi, Rose, & Leigh, 1993;
Commercial product supply is differentiated upon Dreyer, 1995; Wearing, 2002).
patterns of perceived demand segments that in turn are Narrative reflections recreate myths for and of the
located within social and environmental characteristics, individual, they create meaning and ‘‘help us to
both embracing and attracting the participant (Weber, remember that we are heroes in a big human adventure’’
2001). When attempting to come to terms with what SIT (Bammel & Bammel, 1992, p. 364). It is not the activity
represents, two major interpretation frameworks stand and/or destination itself and the unfolding of the
out: the psycho-sociological, which comes from the experience which determine the meaning for the
perspective of the tourist, and the economic which is individual of, for instance, adventure, but rather the
based on the pragmatic operational approach (Collier, individual’s perception and interpretation, the telling of
1997; Dreyer, 1995; Pigeassou, 1997). SIT, it is ‘‘tall stories’’ (McIntyre & Roggenbuck, 1998). This
suggested, should be viewed as part of a system, an narrative extends into adventure, sport or a specific

Provides ‘signs’ of
‘Special Interest

technology Overall
ecology =
Inter- Media politics local
personal national
Intra- economy global

economy culture

Tourism Demand Tourism Supply

System System
Special Interest

Fig. 1. SIT interactive system.

186 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

activity or destination as seen in the purchase of Perkins, 1998; Rojek & Urry, 1997; Urry, 2000;
equipment, wearing of certain clothes and brands of Opaschowski, 2001). Tourism places no longer only
participants’’ chosen peer reference groups. Their present continuity in time and space with historical and
purchases are an inducement into a cult of ‘‘like- biographical meaning but are instilled with physical and
minded’’ activists, a symbol by which they recognize emotional sensations of a consumption-oriented society
each other and the degree of commitment to that (Hlavin-Schulze, 1998b; Morgan, 1996, 1999; Urry,
activity, be that commitment real or only contrived 2000). Images are interpreted and re-interpreted and
(Celsi et al., 1993). This includes guides and tourism generate perceived authenticity of place and action. Yet,
operators, as the very media that help shape the demand the modern day tourist is not ignorant of the staging and
for a product also help shape the design, presentation liminality of holiday experiences. It is the creation and
and representation of the product by those who supply interpretation of images that are purchased, anticipated
it. They too are part of a closed system that fuses and consumed by the ‘‘experience hungry’’ tourists of
representation of places and action with the production the 21st century (Schulze, 1993).
and reproduction of tourism experiences. Now that a broader context for SIT has been
established, the question arises: Apart from the products
available and a society demanding special experiences,
5. Image creation/media what is SIT and how can it be defined?

Bartram (2001) argues that increased exposure of

high-risk leisure in the media may indeed stimulate 6. Special interest tourism definitions
involvement in an activity such as mountaineering,
which can evolve into a leisure or tourism career. It is acknowledged that it is difficult, if not even
Tourism brochures, magazines, books, film and televi- impossible, to define tourism, or SIT in this case, in a
sion, all are media for the creation of images that manner acceptable to researchers across the spectrum of
fashion desires, wants and needs, creating anticipation tourism disciplines and research approaches (Butler,
and a way for tourists to envisage themselves in place 1999). However, in their original work on SIT, Hall
and action. (Ateljevic & Doorne, 2002; Coulter, 2001; and Weiler (1992, p. 5) proposed SIT to occur when the
Hlavin-Schulze, 1998a; Kim & Richardson, 2003; ‘‘traveler’s motivation and decision-making are primarily
Markwick, 2001; Nielsen, 2001; Wickens, 2002). Media determined by a particular special interest with a focus
pervades every intimate human space and thus can either on activity/ies and/or destinations and settings’’.
influence value creation, beliefs and attitudes (Trauer, Swarbrook and Horner (1999, p. 38) expanded this
2002). It generates a possible cognitive and affective definition by pointing out two perspectives of SIT. They
response—knowledge of, and familiarity with the suggest that the special interest tourist is motivated by a
activity and places within which it occurs, and an desire to ‘‘either indulge in an existing interest or develop
emotive response to those activities. The tourist comes a new interest in a novel or familiar location’’. They also
to the tourism location with pre-conceived images stated that SIT is different to that of activity tourism by
within which they have allocated a role to him or herself proposing that it involves ‘‘little or no physical exertion’’
(Ryan, 2003). The tourist tries to understand and relive (p. 38). Yet, it is argued, tourism with physical exertion
these images by mirroring the representations during such as in sport or adventure should be considered a
their holidays. Thus, tourism provides for a ritual or special interest from the tourist’s perspective (Hall, 1992;
sacred journey to be performed at places with meanings Morpeth, 2001; Trauer, 1999a, b; Trauer, Ryan, &
imbued by the tourism industry and the wider media Lockyer, 2003). Another argument has also been that
(Morgan, 1999; Rojek & Urry, 1997). SIT is the opposite of mass’’ tourism with the focus on
Place images are founded on core images within new forms of tourism that have the potential to meet the
established truths and myths as per historical literature needs of tourists and hosts, including rural tourism,
and only change slowly in yet constantly shifting societal adventure and nature-based tourism, cultural and heri-
contexts. On the other hand, these images are also tage tourism, and festival and event tourism. Douglas et
exposed to radical image-changes as new ones are being al. (2001, p. 2) accordingly suggest that ‘‘SIT, or
invented, disseminated and accepted through stereotyp- alternative tourism’’y.. has ‘‘emerged from concerns
ing, differentiation, commercialization and accessibility. for the delivery of sustainable tourism’’. At the same time
Representation of places are collages of images, of they present a definition of SIT by Derrett (2001, p. xvii)
experiences and metaphors, depicting a range of similes as ‘‘the provision of customized leisure and recreational
not only born of authenticity but enriched by ‘‘irrele- experiences driven by the specific expressed interest of
vant’’ stimuli through entertainment and spectacle, with individuals and groups’’ (p. 4). It has been recognized
the spectacle becoming more spectacular, thrills more that the term ‘‘SIT’’ comprises two major indicators: first,
thrilling and the magic of nature more magical (Cloke & ‘‘special interest’’, which suggests a need to consider the
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 187

leisure context; second, ‘‘tourism’’, pointing to the seeking ‘‘fashionable’’ or ‘‘popular’’ products as a
commercialization of leisure (Trauer, 1999a, b), which means of self-expression. On the other hand, for the
Poon (1997), (cited Douglas et al., 2001, p. 3) relates to as ‘‘Expert’’ the activity is central in her/his overall life and
‘‘new tourism’’y.. being ‘‘large-scale packaging of non- leisure. Hence, the ‘‘Expert’’ in SIT is likely to choose
standardized leisure services’’. This notion appears in the their special interest holiday in accordance with their
ATC’s publication ‘‘Special Interest Australia’’, describ- leisure interests and activities at home.
ing Australia as ‘‘a land of adventure’’, providing the Similar to the GIT, MIT and SIT premise by
perfect context for the tourists ‘‘to pursue favourite Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997), Hall (2003, p.
pastimes and learn new skills’’, being ‘‘excellent value for 276) applies the concept of ‘‘primary’’, ‘‘secondary’’ and
money’’, and for the operator ‘‘to capitalize on a ‘‘subsidiary to other interests’’ motives within the
worldwide trend towards so-called experiential travel’’ context of health and spa tourism. This motivational
(ATC, 1993, p. 2). The publication also entices the approach is also apparent in the various typologies that
tourism operators to join their marketing program to set have emanated from studies in various SIT segments,
themselves apart from other operators. such as cultural tourism (Richards, 1996; Craik, 1997),
educational tourism (informal to formal) (Arsenault,
1998, 2001; Arsenault & Anderson, 1998), bicycle
7. The ‘‘Tourism Interest Cycle’’ tourism (Morpeth, 2001), and wine tourism (Charters
& Ali-Knight, 2002). Typologies range from culturally
Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) in their attempt to attracted to culturally motivated tourists (based on a
conceptualize and define SIT, reviewed literature within matrix of level of interest and depth of experience)
leisure and tourism, comparing existing typologies and (McKercher & du Cros, 2002), shallow to deep eco-
frameworks, including those by de Grazia (1964), Kelly tourists (Acott, La Trobe, & Howard, 1998), and
(1983) and Iso-Ahola (1983) in the leisure context, and ‘‘hard’’ definition related to passive or active participa-
Plog (1974—psychocentrics/allocentrics), Cohen (1972— tion at an event at competitive level in sport tourism to
explorer/drifter), Gray (1979—sunlust/wanderlust) and ‘‘soft’’ definition referring to active participation at
Dann (1977—push and pull factors) in the tourism recreational level (Gammon & Robinson, 2003). Based
context. With reference to Murphy (1985) and Mannell on the above discussion, the following framework is
and Iso-Ahola (1987), they point out that while the suggested.
leisure approach highlights the home-based lifestyle The framework not only depicts the ‘‘tourism interest
activities, the tourism typologies focus on destination continuum’’ as suggested by Brotherton and Himme-
choice. Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) concluded toglu (1997), but also highlights the need to acknowl-
that neither appeared applicable to the concept of SIT, edge the overlap between MIT and SIT. It also
but pointed out that these were influential in their distinguishes between the segment of geographical/
development of a theoretical framework. location nature, the accommodation/transport/theme
To set SIT in a broader overall tourism context, segment, the affinity group segments, and SIT segments
Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) suggest a ‘‘Tourism with a focus on activity, such as sport, and/or setting
Interest Continuum’’. Based on Culligan’s framework, such as nature or architecture that could be a tourist’s
they propose that through increasing travel experience, hobby or recreational activity. It is argued that the
confidence and affluence, a maturation or tourist life potential exists for various special interests from within
cycle transition from ‘‘safe to more adventurous the SIT segment (e.g. sport, architecture, culture, opera,
kinds of travel and holidays’’ occurs, with the tourist education) to be participated in within the other three
‘‘trading up’’ and purchasing social prestige and categories. For instance, although event and cruise
ego-enhancement. tourism can be the special focus of activity, events and
They put forward the notion that the questions a cruises are further specialized by themes and interests
tourist would ask in the decision-making process are such as sports events (e.g. World Masters, Americas
Cup), classical music events (e.g. Salzburger Festspiele),
 General Interest Tourism GIT—where would I like to and health and wellness cruises (Dimmock & Tryce,
go? 2001; Douglas et al., 2001). Senior tourism also is a
 Mixed Interest Tourism MIT—where do I want to go recognized segment of SIT, yet once again, despite the
and what activities can I pursue there? underpinning stereotypical affinity, a variety and
 SIT—what interest/activity do I want to pursue, and different intensities of interests and activities amongst
where can I do it? seniors exists (Ruyss & Wei, 2001).
It is being acknowledged that multi-motivational
According to Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997), the decision-making processes underpin holiday choices
‘‘Dabbler’’ is looking for a change from GIT and MIT (Ryan, 2003). Therefore, not all the time would a
and, depending on her/his attitude to risk, will be progression have to occur for participants, or a special
188 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

General Interest Tourism (GIT)

Or Mass Tourism = Conventional large-scale tourism
Focus: Where can I go on holidays?

Mixed Interest Tourism (MIT)

Focus: Where, how and/or with whom can I go on holidays
and what activities can I pursue there?

Geographical Location Accommodation, Affinity Group

Segments: Transport & Event Segments:
E.g. Regional tourism, Urban Segments: E.g. Senior tourism
tourism, Rural tourism E.g. Resort, Cruise and Women’s tourism
Exhibition tourism Gay tourism

Special Interest (Activity/Setting) Segments:

E.g. Environmental tourism - Cultural tourism -
Hobby tourism - Health and spa tourism - Sport
tourism - Adventure tourism - Wine and food tourism
- Sex tourism

Special Interest Tourism

What interest/activity do I want to pursue, and where
can I do it? E.g: Adventure Tourism

E.g. Adventure
E.g. Environmental E.g. Sport
Sub-segments e.g. backpacking
e.g. ecotourism, (bushwalking),
nature-based tourism, mountaineering, e.g. golf, tennis, sailing,
wildlife tourism whitewater rafting, soccer, cycling,
kayaking, scuba diving
sailing, scuba diving,
wildlife safari

Fig. 2. SIT Cycle. Based on Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997), Prosser (2001), Ruyss and Wei (2001), Schofield (2001).

interest always be pursued during holidays. But rather, a

Leisure (home based)
proviso is maintained within the suggested framework
for individuals to be able to choose other types of
interest tourism holidays (GIT, MIT) according to their
General Interest Tourism (GIT)
needs and wants at various times.
Also, although SIT segments are separated and
discussed along specific descriptors, it is important to
note that within the realm of tourism overall and SIT in Mixed Interest Tourism (MIT)
particular, the segments at all levels are not necessarily
mutually exclusive and often overlap (Hall, 1992, 2003).
An example would be adventure tourism at SIT level, Special Interest Tourism (SIT)
which includes adventurous sports activities such as
sailing, mountain biking, and hang gliding (sport being Fig. 3. ‘‘Leisure–Tourism Interest Cycle’’. Based on Brotherton and
denoted by ‘‘competition’’ compared to ‘‘risk’’ in Himmetoglu (1997), and Carr (2002).
adventure (Krüger, 1995)), and environmental tourism
such as volunteer research expeditions with Earthwatch
(which are not free but have to be paid for by the
participants) to a remote location (see Fig. 2). The latter 8. The ‘‘Leisure-Tourism Interest Cycle’’
could also be classified as volunteer tourism (Wearing,
2002) or also senior tourism or educational tourism if It is apparent by the definitions presented that SIT
this was marketed and facilitated accordingly and is a form of recreation. Kelly (1996, p. 281) argued
perceived as such by the participant/tourist Fig. 3. that recreational tourism ‘‘is leisure on the move’’.
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 189

(Carr, 2002) restates that tourism for pleasure and leisure the mid 1970s by Little (1976) and (Bryan, 1977, 1979,
are interconnected, similar to other authors including 2000), and was defined as
Butler (1999), and McKercher and Davidson (1996). Carr
selective channeling of interests and abilities into a
(2002, p. 976) describes these areas of academic study as
specific area. Typically the participant would be
‘‘fuzzy sets with no sharp or accepted boundaries between
spending a lot of time engaged in activities within the
them’’. He presents a continuum that includes tourist and
area of specialization or be infrequently but intensely
residual culture, the latter being that of the home
involved. The participant typically would have
environment. This leads to an extension of the ‘‘Tourism
advanced levels of knowledge, skill and experience
Interest Cycle’’ as presented above into that of a
within the special interest area and be gaining
‘‘Leisure–Tourism Interest Cycle’’ with a potential cyclic
pleasure from and displaying interest in all areas of
feed back loop between leisure and tourism. Once again,
the specialization focus, be it activities, objects and
it is highlighted that a progression would not have to
events (Little, 1976, p. 12). (italics by author).
occur for participants every time, but rather a flexible
framework is suggested that facilitates a progression, not For example, sport tourists’ level of specialization and
necessarily one of a hierarchical nature but rather in a involvement influence spectators attention to factors
flexible cyclical fashion. extraneous to the actual sport activity, such as sport
advertising during games and events (Funk & James,
2002; Krüger, 1995; Laverie & Arnett, 2000). A holiday
9. Serious leisure, recreation specialization and enduring can also be viewed as an event, a personal project that
involvement requires time, thought and financial commitment
by individuals living in industrialized post-modern
As demonstrated and depicted in Fig. 1, there are two societies that are time-poor and ‘‘experience hungry’’
perspectives from which to analyse and define SIT, (Opaschowski, 2001). Today as in the past, ‘‘travel to
either from the consumer or the provider perspective. leisure and travel as leisure is recognized as something
The approach taken in this paper at micro-level is that planned, hoped for and experienced by those who can
from the tourist perspective, because just as ‘‘beauty lies afford it’’ (Kelly, 1996, p. 281).
in the eyes of the beholder’’, ‘‘special’’ lies in the Tourism is part of the overall leisure industry, where
experience of tourists. The discussion above emphasizes the investment and desired outcomes in leisure services
that, in order to add to the understanding of SIT and frequently are of an experiential and emotional nature
special interest tourists’’ experiences, an initial apprecia- (Schmidt, 1997). Stern (1997) pointed out that emotion-
tion of leisure and recreation participation is deemed of ally driven consumption with high levels of intangibility,
value. which is characteristic of intense and extended service
According to studies of leisure/tourism motivations, encounters as can be found in tourism generally and SIT
people choose to participate in recreational activities to specifically, should be viewed beyond behavioural
satisfy multiple needs (Ryan, 2003). In the case of SIT, indicators (e.g. visits to cultural sites) and differently
these can relate to those influencing participation in from rational decision-making processes as applied in
their special interest or hobby and/or those of travel and the choice of consumer products or services of
tourism in general. With reference to Stebbins (1982, functional nature. This assumption of ‘‘the goal-directed
1999), Bartram (2001, p. 5) states ‘‘Serious leisure is the rational actor’’ has also been questioned by Giddens
systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer (1999), who suggests that ‘‘the reflexive project of the
activity, that is sufficiently rewarding despite the costs, self’’ is not to be found in behaviour, nor—important as
such that participants find a career in the acquisition this is—in the reactions of others, but in the capacity to
and expression of its special skills and knowledge.’’ keep a particular narrative going’’ (p. 54, cited in
Serious leisure requires ‘‘high investment’’ with sus- Kuentzel, 2000, p. 89)yy.which ‘‘must be sustained in
tained commitment to the development of knowledge the reflexive activities of the individual as he produces
and skills as well as ‘‘communicative interaction with the and reproduces the routine activities and order of
people most important to usy..It is a context for the everyday life’’ (Kuentzel, 2000, p. 89).
development of relationships of trust, sharing, and The ‘‘Recreation Specialization Loop’’ (see Fig. 4)
intimacy’’ (Kelly & Godbey, 1992, p. 350). Apart from depicts a comprehensive perspective on recreation
participatory, experiential and novelty oriented compo- specialization (McIntyre, 1990). It emphasizes the
nents of SIT experiences/products, the shared social or affective as well as the behavioural and cognitive (such
cultural worlds of the travelers can influence the positive as previous experience and skill) and the level of
or negative perception of an experience (Arnould, Price, involvement an individual has for their special interest.
& Tierney, 1998). The three sub-components of the personal system of
The development of a special interest was originally recreation specialization, the ‘‘behavioural, cognitive
examined in the context of recreation specialization in and affective, or enduring involvement’’, are potentially
190 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

The Personal System’s Model

Selling Knowledge emphasises the ‘embodiement’
Atribuites of experiences (‘body, mind and
by including the affective as well as
COGNITIVE SYSTEM behavioural and cognitive systems

reinforcing recreation Enduring Involvement (Laurent and Kapferer,
specialization 1985 -consumer behaviour)
(multi-dimensional measure = 3 components)
(fourth dimension
added by McIntyre,
1989, 1990- recreation)
(Little, 1976)
Prior Familianity

Importance Enjoyment Self-expression Centrality

of product derived through to lifestyle
category from it product

Fig. 4. The ‘‘Recreation Specialization’’ loop. (McIntyre, 1989, 1990, p. 42). Coloured additions and highlights to emphasize major discussion points
in present paper.

mutually reinforcing and applicable to any individual cohesion) and centrality (lifestyle, work) constitute the
(McIntyre, 1989, 1990; McIntyre & Pigram, 1992). concept of ‘‘enduring involvement’’ (McIntyre, 1989,
However, there are variances depending on activity 1990) or the affective component of specialization
and/or setting focus (Havitz & Howard, 1995; Trauer, (Little, 1976). Hall and Weiler (1992, p. 9) discussed
1999a; Trauer et al., 2003) as can be demonstrated in the the issue of centrality, with its strong social content in
case of wine tourists. Some wine tourists indeed may be the context of serious leisure and tourism, referring to it
behaviourally involved (drinking wine), cognitively in- as the ‘‘unique ethos which is represented by a specific
volved (learning about it), and affectively involved social world ‘‘composed of special beliefs, values, moral
(enduring involvement—e.g. central to a wine connois- principles, norms, and performance standards’’ (Gah-
seur who pursues his hobby and interest in wine both at wiler, 1995; Gahwiler & Havitz, 1998). McKercher and
home and while on holidays). Yet, another tourist, by du Cros (2002) also acknowledged the issue of centrality
choice or for health reasons, might not drink wine at all, of interest in culture as a main differentiating variable in
but having grown up in a wine region that tourist might their study of ‘‘cultural’’ tourists to Hong Kong,
harbour a strong emotional attachment (affective/endur- acknowledging that behavioural indicators as in visits
ing involvement) with place and product (wine) through to cultural attractions was not sufficient for market
childhood memories, and might be particularly interested segmentation.
in the history and production of wine (cognitive
involvement). Behavioural measurements such as past
experience, frequency of use, and cognitive indicators 10. Casual leisure and situational involvement
such as knowledge and skill, have been incorporated into
recreation research (e.g. McIntyre, 1989, 1990; Scott & Having discussed the ‘‘serious’’ side of leisure and
Godbey, 1994; Scott & Scoot Shafer, 2001) and involve- recreation specialization, it is important to look at the
ment in leisure and tourism-related contexts (see Havitz other end of the spectrum, that of ‘‘casual leisure’’. It
& Dimanche, 1997, 1999). As the recreation specializa- has been defined as ‘‘an immediate and intrinsically
tion loop demonstrates, behaviour, cognition and affec- rewarding, relatively short-lived pleasurable activity
tive involvement are interlinked. However, as Laurent requiring little or no special training to enjoy it’’
and Kapferer (1985) pointed out ‘‘involvement does not (Stebbins, 1982, cited in Bartram, 2001, p. 5). This is
systematically lead to the expected difference in beha- akin to situational involvement and points to the
viouryy.because, in part, each involvement facet (see realization that within commercialized leisure and
below) influences specific behaviours differently’’ (cited in tourism, particularly within sub-segments such as
Iwasaki & Havitz, 1998, p. 262). adventure tourism, little or no training is necessary for
The involvement facets of importance and enjoy- the participants to partake in the experience. The guides
ment (attraction), self-expression (identity and social and/or management of the operations take on the
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 191

responsibility to maximize enjoyment and satisfaction research with regard to physical risk, particularly in the
for customers from across the spectrum of novices to context of adventure recreation and to some extent in
experts (Cater, 2000; Fluker & Turner, 1998, 2000; adventure tourism (e.g. Ewert, 1989b; McIntyre &
Trauer, 1998, 1999a). Roggenbuck, 1998; Priest, 1992, 1999; Robinson,
Stebbins (1997) points out that those participants 1992), other sources of risk exist in tourism such as
pursuing serious leisure are in fact in the minority social psychological, financial and temporal (Dimanche,
compared to those involved in casual leisure. This Havitz, & Howard, 1993). The following list is suggested
notion was supported by various authors in the area of (Sönmez & Graefe, 1998), which highlights the multi-
SIT such as cultural tourism (Craik, 1997) and eco- plicity and complexity of risk in tourism within the 21st
tourism (Eagles, 1996). This suggests that within SIT a century overall, not just in the context of ‘‘adventure
majority of participants in fact are not unlike casual tourism’’:
leisure participants who unknowingly ‘‘Often dabble in
or play around at an activity pursued as serious leisure  physical risk (physical danger or injury/accident),
by others’’ (Stebbins, 1997, p. 19).  health risk (becoming sick, e.g. SARS),
 technical risk (e.g. something going wrong with
transport, accommodation),
11. Involvement—enduring and situational  political instability risk (involvement in political
Involvement is a multi-dimensional construct and has  terrorism risk (terrorist attack),
been interpreted as a process of psychological identifica-  psychological risk (experience not real self, self-
tion resulting in varying degrees of behavioural, image),
cognitive and affective investment in an activity,  social risk (travel choice affects others’’ opinion of
product or situation (Richins & Bloch, 1986; Richins, self),
Bloch, & McQuarrie, 1992; Havitz & Dimanche, 1999;  satisfaction risk (no personal satisfaction/dissatisfac-
McIntyre, 1989, 1990). Involvement was defined initially tion),
by Rothschild (1984) as an unobservable state of  financial risk (not value for money),
motivation, arousal or interest towards a recreational  time risk (waste of time).
activity, or associated product. It is evoked by a
particular stimulus or situation and has drive properties. With the above in mind, Iwasaki and Havitz (1998, p.
Within consumer theory involvement reflects the 260) argue that there are antecedents to involvement of
extent to which a person associates him or herself with ‘‘individual mediating, individual moderating’’ nature
an activity or product, and this has been adopted by and those of ‘‘social-situational moderating’’ character-
researchers in leisure and tourism embracing the five istics as follow:
dimensions of the multi-dimensional construct of
involvement; these being  Individual mediating facets:
J Values or belief, attitudes, motivation, needs or
 the affective component as in the importance and goals, initial formation of preference, initial
enjoyment attributed to a product or activity, behavioural experiences, competence/skills.
 the sign or self-expression value as the statements  Individual moderating facets:
perceived to be made to others or self about self- J Intrapersonal constraints (e.g.funds, access,
identity through purchase and/or participation, health), anticipation of personal benefits, and/or
 the added component of centrality (McIntyre, 1989, initial gain of personal benefits such as satisfaction
1990), that refers to how important to an individual and health (e.g. Driver, Brown, & Peterson, 1991).
the activity, product or experience is,  Social-situational moderating factors (both at global
 risk probability, perceived potential of making a or macro and specific or micro-level):
wrong/poor choice, J Social support from significant others, situational
 risk consequence, perceived importance of negative incentives, social and cultural norms, interpersonal
consequences in the case of wrong/poor choice and structural constraints, anticipation of social
(Havitz & Dimanche, 1999). benefits and/or initial gain of social benefits such as
friendship and family solidarity (e.g. Driver et al.,
The first three facets form the underpinnings of 1991; Unruh, 1979, 1980).
enduring involvement in ‘‘recreation specialization’’ (see
Fig. 4) and imply a continuum of varying degrees of Although theses antecedents have been identified,
intensity from low level of involvement at one end to Iwasaki and Havitz (1998, p. 260/1) point out that an
high levels at the other. Iwasaki and Havitz (1998) note inherent difficulty exists in assessing these antecedent
that, although risk has received a lot of attention in effects on involvement ‘‘as they rarely increase or
192 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

decrease congruently with each other in terms of involvement, and yet, the correlation between these still
direction or intensity’’. Yet, if one accepts these requires further exploration (Havitz & Dimanche, 1997,
antecedents as overall underpinnings, it is not surprising 1999). This is important to recognize in the context of
that involvement theory has received a lot of attention in tourism, and adventure tourism in particular, as the risk
leisure research. Pearce (1993) stresses the importance of probability has shown positive correlation to the
recognizing the multiplicity of motives existent in attraction and sign facets of involvement profiles. Thus,
individuals in any social context, not just tourism, and a focus in research on the involvement dimension of sign
therefore recommends a dynamic approach to any and risk has been suggested (Dimanche, Havitz, &
theoretical framework. Indeed, individual’s behaviour, Howard, 1991; Havitz, 2002; Havitz & Mannell, 2005).
according to Cohen’s (1972) emic perspective, should be
considered in the context of place, social and time
specificity as these would be influential. Similarly, 12. The special interest tourism trip cycle
Sharpley (1999) argues that for any theoretical frame-
work or typology to be pertinent, a sociological From the above discussion, the following ‘‘SIT Trip
perspective that analyses tourists both within a micro- Cycle’’ (see Fig. 5) is suggested.
context as well as at the structural macro-level, serves to Tourism and leisure experiences are multi-phasic and
contextualize tourist behaviour and experiences in a evolving across time (Craig-Smith & French, 1994;
broader overall life context. Leiper, 1990; Stewart, 1998), with the tourist being a
The involvement construct provides a profile for participant and contributing factor in the development
market segmentation, demonstrated originally by Laur- and delivery of the experience. The tourism experience,
ent and Kapferer’s (1985) study, which reported ten consisting of the anticipation, consumption and memory
distinct clusters, of which four clusters were also phases, is situated within the consumer’s overall life
reasonably confirmed in the context of tourist motiva- context with the emergence of an enjoyable and
tion in the study by Havitz and Howard (1995). These satisfying experience being built across the total
were ‘‘intrinsic sophisticates, casual pleasure seekers, temporal frame and being interpreted ‘‘within the
ambivalent consumers and appearance involvement’’ (p. broader, narrative context of the consumer’s life’’
98). Havitz and Howard (1995) emphasize, however, (Arnould & Price, 1993). Cohen (1972) recognized this
that market segmentation clusters will vary depending by pointing out that all tourists, to varying degrees,
on sample characteristics, products, activities and carry with them their values and behaviours established
clustering procedures. Thus, their study revealed two in their home environment and culture, which influence
further unique clusters of ‘‘moderately engaged con- their perceptions and reactions to new experiences of
sumers and conformist consumers’’. other places, activities, people and foreign culture. At
When testing the enduring and situational involve- both levels of the ‘‘discursive’’ and ‘‘practical conscious-
ment properties, Havitz and Howard (1995) data ness’’, tourists are immersed in their individual action
confirmed the stability over time of the importance- and the social structures of their surrounds, that of the
pleasure (attraction) facet, as also presented by McIn- tourist and the home culture (Kuentzel, 2000).
tyre (1989). This is not surprising as leisure and Dimanche and Samdahl (1994, p. 125) suggest that
accordingly holidays are chosen on the premise that the need for identity affirmation at a personal level
they will be enjoyable (Kelly, 1983). Yet, the sign and (needs for self-expression and self-affirmation), and
risk consequence scores varied depending on activity affirmation of social identity (needs for conspicuous
context. Research conducted by Dimanche et al. (1993) consumption and display—sign value), respectively,
in the context of tourism resulted in high scores in the influence the choice of leisure activities. The term self-
importance/pleasure (attraction) and sign dimensions, expression is anchored in the context of recreation
which tended to show correlation with repeat behaviour. experiences within the leisure literature, while the term
Risk probability scores on the other hand decreased as sign value finds its roots within consumer behaviour
participants acquired increased behavioural and cogni- literature with reference to conspicuous consumption of
tive reference points. This suggests that increased products (Laverie & Arnett, 2000). The above inter-
familiarity with chosen activities and settings, including pretation by Dimanche and Samdahl (1994) is similar to
those of tourist destinations, facilitate a change in ability that by Pearce (1993) and Csikszentmihalyi (1975), who
to evaluate more rationally, a change in perception of argue that intrinsic motivation fosters individual atten-
risk, a change in destination choice and/or activity tion to issues of personal autonomy and travel choice,
complexity, as has been demonstrated within outdoor while extrinsic motivation encourages focus on ‘‘sig-
and adventure recreation research (Ewert, McIntyre, nificant others’’, power structures and social recognition
1990; McIntyre & Pigram, 1992). Frequency of partici- with delayed, or post hoc satisfaction being a driving
pation with a touristic activity, it should be noted here, motivator. Studies, taking an environmental psycholo-
has been proposed to be the behavioural result of gical perspective for the analysis of leisure experiences
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 193

Fig. 5. The ‘‘SIT Trip Cycle’’. EI ¼ enduring involvement, SI ¼ situational involvement. Based on Clawson and Knetsch (1966), Hamilton-Smith
(1987), Leiper (1990), Dimanche and Samdahl (1994).

applied experiential sampling methodology (ESM) control the effects of context. However, as the ‘‘SIT Trip
during the on-site experience and presented results with Cycle’’ emphasizes, constant evaluation takes place
variance in focus and mood (McIntyre & Roggenbuck, during all phases of travel, including the anticipation
1998), which, considering the antecedents of involve- and planning phase and once back in the home
ment (see discussion above), could be associated with environment, or travel originating region. The cyclic
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as on-site accumulative nature of situational involvement and
influences. enduring involvement therefore suggest a fusion be-
Iso-Ahola (1983) pointed to the issue of motivations tween RTS and PHS that will influence future leisure/
being re-constructed by participants within post hoc travel choice and behaviour.
research, participants possibly attempting to create a The discussion of self asks for clarification of
culturally acceptable image. This communication to self ontology and whether strict symbolic interactionism is
and/or others through narratives (stories), expressing seen to be the underpinning theory, or whether it is
satisfaction and also dissatisfaction feed back into structuration theory of ‘‘dualisam’’ as per Giddens
personal and social identity, and ultimately self within (1999), where the ‘‘saturated self’’ (Gergen, 1991) of
the home environment, and future leisure and travel post-modernity is involved in individual action and
choices and behaviour, respectively. The concepts of social structure that are ‘‘mutually constitutive of
‘‘post hoc satisfaction’’ (PHS) and ‘‘real-time satisfac- each other’’ywhere interaction of the ‘‘reflexive self’’
tion’’ (RTS) was considered and operationalized in a is ‘‘a subset of a broader spectrum of routinized
study conducted by Stewart and Hull (1992) with regard activities’’:yy..‘‘to keep a particular narrative going’’
to quality park management. PHS appraises the (cited in Kuentzel, 2000, pp. 89–91). Holidays indeed
recreation experience evaluated after the on-site activity are another time and place for ‘‘right of passage’’,
has occurred, while RTS is an evaluation of a another time and place for ‘‘selfhood’’, for the ‘‘reflexive
recreationist’s current state during the recreation/tour- project of self’’yy. not in the ‘‘quest for self-
ism experience. The results suggested the need for two improvement or development against the constraining
distinct constructs of satisfaction due to the differential forces of an external worldy.but to maintain the
reliance on introspection, differential emphasis on narrative in those moments of ambiguity or ‘‘ontological
recall of past experiences, and differential ability to anxiety, or to anchor the self across the contingencies of
194 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

time and space’’ (Kiewa, 2001; Kuentzel, 2000, p. 90). influence of possible enduring involvement in the leisure
Structuation theory recognizes the ‘‘duality’’ of life in (home) context and situational involvement within
post-modernity (Kuentzel, 2000) and this stance has tourism with a potential for a ‘‘career’’ path in SIT.
been taken for the conceptualization presented in this Additionally, the product complexity dimension is
paper. related to a specific SIT segment/category, for example
adventure, which is further refined in Fig. 7 ‘‘The
Adventure Tourism Experience’’. In their conclusion,
13. Frameworks for analysis of special interest tourism Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) sought to refine SIT
experiences at micro-level theorization from the global to the local, or from the
macro to the micro, thus providing for more focused
The prior discussion of SIT as being part of an overall research.
environmental system at macro-level (see Fig. 1) has As can be seen in Fig. 6, the main cells are formed by
attributed importance to media in terms of image a horizontal axis that traces the level of involvement; a
generation and has argued that image affects concepts continuum that ranges from low levels of involvement
of place, of self, and the promotion of desires for certain (multi-dimensional) as in ‘‘attraction’’ in a special
holiday products and experiences. Level (multi-dimen- interest focus (e.g. activity, environmental setting, social
sional construct, involvement profile), and kind (EI/SI) context), to high levels of involvement as in centrality
of involvement it is argued, are the contributing factors and commitment. The vertical axis presents a second
at micro-level for the individual in the decision-making continuum, that of ‘‘Frequency of SIT product pur-
process, the experience of SIT products, and satisfaction chase/participation’’. Enduring involvement implies a
at recollection stage (see Fig. 5). transition from the ‘‘one-off’’ experience into a process
Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) theorize a con- of experience repetition during which additional ‘‘skills’’
tinuum of ‘‘dabbler’’, ‘‘enthusiast’’, ‘‘expert’’ and (behavioural, cognitive and social/psychological) are
‘‘fanatics’’, and their study, consisting of a questionnaire collected and the nature of the challenge being sought
distributed to UK Outbound SIT participants and might become more ‘‘risky’’ with regard to risk
operators investigating market segmentation and pro- probability and risk consequence. In terms of this model
duct grouping, provided tentative evidence. Their the participant may therefore move along two dimen-
classifications are not unlike those suggested in the sions—these being a transition from lesser to greater
following proposed theoretical framework (see Figs. 6 involvement considering the various facets of involve-
and 7). However, the major contribution of this ment (attraction, self-expression and centrality, risk
extended framework of SIT is its fundamental con- potential, risk consequence) with a specific activity or
ceptualization of SIT based on the multi-dimensional setting (leisure interest), and two, by increasing exposure
and cyclic concept of involvement by considering the to travel involvement in SIT.

Fig. 6. The ‘‘SIT Experience’’.

B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 195

Fig. 7. The ‘‘Adventure Tourism Experience’’.

Thus, the ‘‘SIT Expert’’ has high involvement in both 14. Adventure tourism experiences
the leisure interest and experience in travel and chooses
SIT experiences with matching challenges. The ‘‘Novice’’ Within the context of adventure recreation, Ewert and
in SIT, according to Brotherton and Himmetoglu (1997) Hollenhorst (1989) presented a framework where the
is looking for a change from GIT and MIT and, adventure recreationist moves along a continuum from
depending on her/his attitude to risk, will be seeking introduction through development to commitment as
‘‘fashionable or popular’’ products as a means of self- he/she gains more experience with the activity. This
expression. They called these tourists the ‘‘dabblers’’, recreation specialization meant a change in activity and
not unlike the dabbler as suggested by Stebbins (1997) in setting preferences, something addressed by Clarke and
the debate of casual and serious leisure. The ‘‘Novice’’ is Stankey’s (1979) recreation opportunity spectrum
trying out a special leisure/recreation interest of high (ROS) for park management purposes. Through the
importance and centrality to the ‘‘Expert/Specialist provision of a range of recreational settings, the ROS
Interest Tourist’’ as well as the ‘‘Travelling Recreation facilitates satisfaction for a spectrum of users/partici-
Expert/Specialist’’, while being a novice at travel. Thus, pants catering for their varying needs, tastes and
the ‘‘Novice’’ is also exploring travel as a new or preferences. It is the ‘‘fit’’ between individual character-
evolving interest and hence is dabbling in the SIT’’ istics and setting (product) attributes that facilitates
Collector’s’’ expertise of travel. ‘‘peak experience’’ or ‘‘flow’’ (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975,
On the other hand, a ‘‘Collector’’ of SIT experiences 1990).
participates in a variety of SIT experiences/products Considering individual involvement and specializa-
such as cultural tourism, adventure tourism, sport tion attributes and product complexity/nature of the
tourism, etc. The ‘‘Collector’’, unfamiliar with and product in SIT, the following dimensions are suggested
inexperienced in e.g. adventure tourism, choosing a to serve as a framework for research, design, manage-
highly complex/specialized/’’‘‘hard’’ tourism product ment and marketing of engineered experiences within
may find him/herself in a risk zone encountering the commercial context of tourism.
challenges beyond their competence in the SIT focus.
The ‘‘Travelling Special Interest Expert’’ is the person 14.1. Product attributes (ROS/TOS)
who is highly involved (specialist) in the leisure focus but
a novice at travelling, possibly taking a ‘‘once in a  Product specific e.g.,
lifetime’’ vacation. These tourists would find themselves J Risk (perceived to real/soft to hard in adventure
in a ‘‘comfort zone’’ of their specialisation. tourism)
196 B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200

– competition (play/social to pure sport/serious safety. The framework implies that satisfaction is
orientation in sport tourism), derived from competently dealing with perceived risk,
– formality (informal to formal in educational and thereby permits product development where ‘‘real’’
tourism and eco-tourism), risk may be as minimal as possible. Yet so long as it
– depth of interest (shallow to deep in eco-tourism offers an ‘‘adrenalin high’’ from surmounting a chal-
and cultural tourism). lenge, client satisfaction can result.
 social orientation (programs/courses/family/friends to The understanding and application of the under-
peers/teams/solo), pinning aspects at macro- and micro-level proposed in
 environmental/physical orientation (natural/unstruc- this paper assist in establishing and maintaining
tured to developed/structured), professionalism and risk management policies for
 local to global (familiarity and proximity to novel and creating satisfying and memorable tourism experiences
exotic), within an environment of growing concern for safety,
 access (cost, time, equity, low to high). liability and the outcome of a satisfying experience of
‘‘extra-ordinaire’’ dimensions.
Fig. 7 presents a refined framework of a specific SIT
14.2. Individual attributes—involvement segment, that of adventure tourism.
Four cells, similar to Fig. 6 ‘‘The SIT Experience’’,
 Behavioural can therefore be identified, these being
J Frequency of participation (measures prior experi- Collector: A tourist who regularly chooses an
ence with activity, familiarity of setting). adventure tourism products/experiences for his/her
 Cognitive vacation, but does not focus on one particular SIT
J Skills, knowledge, setting attributes—low to high, sub-segment, e.g. as in adventure tourism: windsurfing,
J locus of control/autonomy (perceived to real canoeing, caving, skiing expedition, mountaineering,
competence). collecting various experiences like in ‘‘wine’’ tasting.
 Affective (EI) Expert/specialist tourist: On the other hand, for the
J Importance/enjoyment (attraction), ‘‘Expert/Specialist Tourist’’ the special interest activity
J self expression/sign, is central in her/his overall life and leisure. Hence, the
J centrality. ‘‘Adventure Tourist’’ is likely to choose their special
 Risk probability interest holidays in accordance with their overall leisure
J Choosing one activity/product over other options. interests and activities.
 Risk consequences Travelling expert/specialist recreationist: The ‘‘Travel-
J Making poor choices. ling Expert/Specialist Adventure Recreationist’’ is a
tourist who is highly involved in adventure during their
The framework brings together two key elements of leisure time. He/she pursues this mainly in their home
the setting and activity features (tourism product) and environment as a hobby and follows his/her recreational
the tourist’s attributes. It demonstrates a multi-dimen- passion during holidays as either a once in a lifetime
sional and changing relationship along a spectrum from experience or only on rare occasions, with little travel
attraction to centrality with, as an example, an experience overall.
‘‘adventure tourist career’’ path as shown in Fig. 7. Novice/dabbler: The ‘‘Novice’’ Adventure Tourist is
Within adventure tourism there is a ‘‘hard adventure’’ ‘‘trailing’’ an adventure tourism experience, being
product requiring careful preparation (physical, equip- inexperienced and unfamiliar with adventure experi-
ment, skill requirements and planning) and high levels of ences, having possibly participated in an eco-tourism
commitment and experience, as in an expedition to experience or a cultural tourism holiday prior to this
Mount Everest. However, the tourist can purchase this vacation. However, the travel exposure is limited and
‘‘expertise’’ in the commercial context of tourism. therefore, the ‘‘Novice’’ is ‘‘dabbling’’ in both the leisure
Companies further extend their offer for the compara- and travel expertise of the ‘‘travelling adventure recrea-
tively inexperienced under the umbrella of ‘‘soft’’ tion specialist’’ and the ‘‘collector’’, respectively, and the
adventure, experiences designed for the novice and the ‘‘Adventure Tourism Expert/Specialist’’ overall.
collector. Market segmentation based on benefits
analysis implies a need to present multiple products to
clientele that purchase ‘‘packages’’ of image and text to 15. SIT and adventure career path
fit their needs and desires. The benefit is premised on a
promise whereby participation yields satisfaction. This The frameworks imply a form of recreation-SIT
requires high levels of skill in technical expertise and career path whereby the participant may choose to
establishing empathy by the provider/operator with move along the 451 line from the exploration as a
clients, while complying with regulations relating to ‘‘novice or dabbler’’ to the ‘‘specialist/expert tourist/
B. Trauer / Tourism Management 27 (2006) 183–200 197

traveler’’ cell. That such movement is not automatic is, the involvement continuum from low to higher and
however, an important proviso. But the possible more enduring levels (attraction to centrality) based on
explanation for such movement is explained by the multi-dimensional measurements. Linking tourist cate-
degree of involvement that the participant begins to gories and typologies to tourism experiences as a multi-
demonstrate, a degree in part explained by the evalua- dimensional concept rather than tourists’ behaviour
tion of the experiences derived from the consumption of acknowledges that tourists are not homogenous and do
the SIT product (product complexity continuum). Thus, not function in isolation from broader sociological
the framework indicates an integration of the variables influencers.
identified as being important in this conceptualisation of It can be claimed that image determines both demand
SIT. However, it is important to realize, that within the and supply. The above argument has concentrated
context of tourism, the tourist can ‘‘buy’’ the equipment, primarily upon the nature of the demand, but many of
the time for organizing, the expert knowledge and skill those that supply the product do so in the wish to
within a package with no other investment such as prior sustain a certain life-style centred on the activity in
experience or involvement in the activity. Nonetheless, question and the social world (Unruh, 1979, 1980) that
in the zone of exploration the acquisition of skill by the sustains that activity. With reference to the work of
less involved encourages senses of achievement whereby Cloke and Perkins (1998, 2002), the model structures
both degrees of involvement and abilities to cope with their observations by establishing potential relationship
more challenging environments occurs, and thus a SIT between experience and commodification in a way not
career might be said to lie along this path. inherent in their work. The frameworks postulate that
questioning along the dimensions of signage and
involvement as well as the affective associated with
16. Conclusion given experiences are needed to better understand the
nature of the SIT product, or in this case the adventure
Like any form of modeling, the frameworks present ‘‘product’’. Understanding of involvement profiles and
potential relationships that are abstractions from reality; SIT opportunities (ROS) facilitates not only appropriate
yet nonetheless pose questions that elicit more mean- management to maximize consumer satisfaction, but
ingful responses. It raises issues relating to identification also would focus program development, target market-
of ‘‘inhibitors’’ and ‘‘facilitators’’. In the example of ing and relevant service mix, distribution, pricing and
adventure tourism it includes adventure skill acquisition promotional strategies. Research could apply the
in a transition from ‘‘soft’’ to ‘‘hard’’ adventure. While at involvement concepts with regard to activities and
one level this may be complementary to research about destinations not only to SIT segments such as adven-
participation levels in the leisure literature, the model also ture, sport or culture, but more specifically at sub-
poses questions about the role of media and the segment level such as rock-climbing, sky-diving or
importance of ‘‘signage’’. It attributes a role to the media mountaineering within adventure tourism. The progres-
whereby it creates ‘‘images of the familiar’’ so that the sion from an eclectic mix of SIT experiences to the
tourist perceives themselves not simply experiencing the pursuit of a specific interest such as mountaineering
unfamiliar, but rather as someone taking on a role to act already suggests a specialization and career away from
that which is familiar through image consumption. the general SIT segments (Beedie, 2003). Further
It is suggested that the two micro-frameworks research directions incorporating the involvement con-
incorporate two theoretical concepts within the litera- cept are suggested to also investigate gender, cultural
ture not previously linked—these being the continua of differences and age differences for international market-
the nature of the product/product complexity, e.g. hard ing and equity issues.
and soft adventure, and the role of involvement. This
micro-framework is in turn contextualized within a
macro-framework of the commercial adventure tourism References
industry of supply and demand with a specific role being
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