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Republic of the Philippines SAMAR STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Catbalogan, City Telephone Nu be!

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Aca2e ic Yea!" Secon2 Se este! SY )$.+')$.( I. II. III. I&. &. &I. &II. &III. Course Number Course Descripti e Tit!e Cre"it U#its$Time Fr%me Course Pre're(uisite$s Pro)essor$s Ac%"emic Term %#" Sc*oo! Ye%r Time A!!otme#t &isio# %#" +issio# o) SSU : : : SSU &ISION The Uni6e!sity co its itself to the 2e6elop ent of hu an potentials an2 the fo!tification of hu an con2itions as subsu e2 in the fun2a ental at!i7 of the life of the in2igenous society an2 in the !ealities of global co unity1 SSU +ISSION The Uni6e!sity shall p!i a!ily p!o6i2e a26ance2 inst!uction an2 p!ofessional t!aining in the a!ts, philosophy, social sciences, ag!icultu!e an2 fishe!y, fo!est!y, science an2 technology, enginee!ing, e2ucation, la0 an2 othe! !elate2 fiel2s1 It shall also un2e!ta8e !esea!ch an2 e7tension se!6ices, an2 p!o6i2e p!og!essi6e lea2e!ship in its a!eas of speciali9ation1
Sec1)1 R1A1 ,+.+

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3u anities ) 4ogic an2 Ethics + units-%( hou!s None Nathalie Ann C1 Alaga Secon2 Se este!5 SY )$.+')$.( %( hou!s


COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE -CAS. GOAL The College of A!ts an2 Sciences co its itself to the follo0ing goals1

.1 :e6elop th!ough inst!uction, intellectual acu en an2 globally acceptable technology'base2 s8ills 2i!ecte2 at the se!6ice of ;o2, count!y, an2 fello0 en5 )1 <oste! a 2esi!able attitu2es to0a!2s !esea!ch an2 p!o ote continuing e2ucation as a eans of achie6ing pe!sonal g!o0th an2 2e6elop ent5 +1 Encou!age eaningful co unity in6ol6e ent th!ough inno6ati6e an2 !esponsi6e st!ategies gea!e2 to0a!2s national 2e6elop ent, an2 (1 Instill positi6e p!o2ucti6ity fo! gaining sustainable g!o0th an2 self'sufficiency in a p!og!essi6e an2 en6i!on ent'f!ien2ly society1 ,. PROGRA+ OB/ECTI&ES Cogni9ant of these goals, the p!og!a s an2 acti6ities of the college of A!ts an2 Sciences a!e continuously gea!e2 to0a!2s the attain ent of the follo0ing tangible ob=ecti6es1 Co Enhance p!ofessional co petence of faculty in the 2iffe!ent aca2e ic sub=ects5 <acilitate the integ!al 2e6elop ent an2 stu2ents by p!o6i2ing the !ele6ant aca2e ic t!aining5 En!ich the cu!!iculu 8eeping it ab!east 0ith the cu!!ent t!en2s in the 2iffe!ent a!eas of stu2y an2 a8ing it o!e !esponsi6e to the changing en6i!on ent1 Enhance physical facilities so as to p!o6i2e an at osphe!e con2uci6e to lea!ning5 Con2uct e7tension acti6ities an2 functional !esea!ches fo! the i p!o6e ent of inst!uction1 unity i bue2 0ith a 9eal fo!

>n the 0hole, the college of A!ts an2 Sciences aspi!es to foste! aca2e ic co it ent, Achie6e ent an2 Se!6ices1



This cou!se 2eals 0ith the syste atic stu2y an2 the 2efinition an2 2i6ision of concept, the fo! ulation of =u2g ent, i e2iate an2 e2iate, infe!ence, an2 2e2ucti6e !easoning 0ith inclusion of philosophical !eflection o! o!al e7pe!ience an2 the ulti ate foun2ations of o!al 6alue, theo!ies of o!ality, philosophy an2 hie!a!chy of o!al 6alues1 ,II. COURSE OB/ECTI&ES ;ene!al >b=ecti6es" At the co pletion of each topic an2 suggeste2 acti6ities, the stu2ents a!e e7pecte2 to" .1 To obtain in'2epth 8no0le2ge of the science of hu an con2uct5 )1 To enhance, th!ough stu2y, the po0e! of the ental faculty in 8no0ing, co p!ehen2ing, applying, analy9ing, synthesi9ing, an2 e6aluating philosophical concepts an2 te! s5 +1 To app!eciate the 6alue of ethics an2 o!ality in hu an li6es an2 thei! in2ispensable intellectual e7e!cise1 Specific >b=ecti6es" Stu2ents a!e e7pecte2 to" .1 )1 +1 (1 %1 ?1 @1 ,III. To be able to 2iscuss the scope an2 eaning of ethics5 To co pa!e an2 analy9e the 2iffe!ent ethical theo!ies an2 thei! i plication on hu an con2uct5 To e7a ine the ethical !elationships bet0een the in2i6i2ual an2 the state5 To cite e7a ples on the 2iffe!ent le6els of !easoning5 To i2entify e!!o!s o! fallacies in !easoning5 To beco e fa ilia! 0ith the use of sy bols in logic5 To sho0 app!eciation on the i po!tance of in2i6i2ual sea!ch fo! t!uth1 a1 3onesty an2 Integ!ity b1 Ain2ness ,I&. COURSE CONTENTS Topic$U#it o) 0or1 Co ere". PART I. LOGIC A1 I#tro"uctio# to P*i!osop*34 De)i#itio#s B1 P*i!osop*ic%! Forms %#" S3mbo!s C1 I#tro"uctio# to Lo5ic :1 .1 /hat is 4ogicC #Mee!, & )1 Thin8ing +1 The <o! al >b=ect of 4ogic (1 I po!tance of 4ogic %1 Types of 4ogic ?1 A!t of the Min2" The Mental >pe!ati6es @1 /hat is 4anguageC E1 Co#cepts %#" Terms *1 ,1 .$1 ..1 .)1 /hat is a ConceptC Types of Concepts /hat is a Te! C /hat is a SuppositionC /hat 2oes :efinition MeanC . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! Time Fr%me$A!!otme#t -2ours. Rem%r1s -P%rti%!!3$Fu!!3


) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s

<1 /u"5me#t %#" Propositio# .+1 .(1 .%1 .?1 .@1 /hat is a Du2g entC /hat is a P!opositionC Sy bols of Catego!ical P!opositions Venn :iag!a /hat is a 3ypothetical P!opositionC . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou!

<1 Re%so#i#5 .*1 .,1 )$1 ).1 PART II. ET2ICS ;1 I#tro"uctio# .1 )1 +1 (1 %1 ?1 @1 *1 The <oun2ation of Ethics #Monte ayo!, & The Scope an2 Meaning of Ethics <un2a ental Concepts T0o <un2a ental Euestions Euestions on the No! of Mo!ality :efecti6e No! s of Mo!ality Specific :ete! inants of Mo!ality BahaFi Concept of Mo!ality an2 Spi!ituality #3atche! G 3atche!, .,+'.,?& ,1 Ethics an2 4a0 .$1 3u an Rights an2 Natu!al 4a0 31 Speci%! Et*ics ..1 .)1 .+1 .(1 .%1 Ethics an2 4o6e The In2i6i2ual an2 the State Mo!al Philosophy of :e oc!acy 4ibe!ty an2 4a0 Ethics an2 Mysticis . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! %. hou!s + hou!s %( hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s ) hou!s . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou! /hat is Reasoning- Infe!enceC Infe!ence- Syllogis sC /hat a!e <allaciesC Re6ie0 of Sy bolic 4ogic . hou! . hou! . hou! . hou!

Sub'total no1 of 3ou!s E7a inations Total no1 of 3ou!s ,&. +ET2ODOLOGIES$STRATEGIES a1 b1 c1 21 e1 ,&I. Pa!ticipati6e Metho2 Soc!atic Metho2 4ectu!e :iscussion Repo!to!ial Metho2 ;!oup :yna ics

E&ALUATION PARA+ETERS$+EASURES Mi2te! -<inal E7a s Class Pa!ticipation Eui99es Te! Pape!-P!o=ect ($H .%H )$H )%H 6778


REFERENCES 3atche!, Dohn an2 /illia 3atche!1 T*e L%9 o) Lo e E#s*ri#e". >7fo!2" ;eo!ge Ronal21 .,,,1 Monte ayo!, <eli71 Et*ics: T*e P*i!osop*3 o) Li)e. National Boo8sto!e1 .,,(1 Mee!, Thel a, 4ou S1 3ual2a an2 4a be!to M1 Ba ba, D!1 B%sics o) Lo5ic. T!initas Publishing, Inc1 )$$(1 C!u9, Co!a9on 41 P*i!osop*3 o) +%#4 :r" e"itio#. National Boo8sto!e1 )$$?1 #Thi!2 Rep!int E2ition&

P!epa!e2 by"


Inst!ucto!-P!ofesso! App!o6e2"

FLORABELLE B. PATOSA4 P*.D. Associate :ean, College of A!ts an2 Sciences


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