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5receded b 6 none

Comic Age: Golden Age 1938150's

)ollowed b 6 Silver Age

Golden Age
~The Golden Age of Comic Books was a period beginning in 1938 and ended in the mid '50s. During this era, comic books became more popular, with the concept of superhero created and firml established. !an famous heroes made their first appearance in the "olden #ge, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Green Lantern. $he era was kickstarted b the publishing of Action Comics #1 in %une, 1938, which featured the first appearance of Superman and the superhero. &uperman became e'tremel popular. &oon, superheroes dominate the pages of comic books from both DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and Fawcett Comics.
(Superman Debuts! $he )irst *orld *ar had a prefound effect on the "olden #ge. +omic books became known as cheap and portable sources of good triumphing o,er e,il. *ar bonds were ad,ertised on comics co,ers and co,ers were argubl full of propoganda. $he era ended in the mid '50s, with the release of more gritt stories b man companies, the cancellation of long running series such as the Justice Societ o! "merica, and the publishing of Seduction of the Innocent, b Dr. )redric *ertham, who argued that superhero comic books led to -u,enile deli.uenc . #fter this, the sil,er age began.

5receded b 6 Golden Age

Comic Age: Silver Age 1950170's

)ollowed b 6 Bronze Age

Silver Age
(The Silver Age is the informal term applied to a specific period of comic book publishing histor . )ollowing the "olden #ge era, D+'s &il,er #ge is largel recogni/ed as beginning with the introduction of the Flash in Showcase ##. 0owe,er, there are se,eral other characters commonl associated with the &il,er #ge that actuall predate the )lash. &cience1fiction ad,enturer Captain Comet debuted in 1951 in the pages of Stran$e "dventures, and the Martian Manhunter made his first appearance in 1955 2a full ear before the )lash3 in Detective Comics #%%&. #lthough the !artian !anhunter is technicall the first super1hero e'clusi,e to &il,er #ge era publishing, comic historians generall gi,e that honor to the )lash. D+ +omics enthusiasts t picall site that the &il,er #ge era ended with the 1985184 crosso,er ma'i1series, Crisis on Infinite Earths. +risis ielded not onl the end of an era, but also an omni,ersal reboot of the internal histor of most of their ma-or pro-ects. !an characters and e,ents that are germain to the continuit of 'arth()ne are said to be part of the &il,er #ge.

Showcase #4; 1st appearance of the Silver Age Flash; illustration by Carmine Infantino
5receded b 6 Silver Age Comic Age: Bron e Age 1970185 )ollowed b 6 Modern Age

Bron e Age
(The Bron e Age is the informal term applied to a specific period of comic book publishing histor . )ollowing the &il,er #ge era, D+'s 8ron/e #ge is largel recogni/ed as beginning with the 1970's and ended with the 1985184 crosso,er ma'i1series, Crisis on Infinite Earths. +risis ielded not onl the end of an era, but also the an omni,ersal reboot of the internal histor of most of their ma-or pro-ects. !an characters and e,ents that are germain to the continuit of 'arth()ne are said to be part of the 8ron/e #ge.

5receded b 6 Bronze Age

Comic Age: !odern Age 19851present

)ollowed b 6 %

!odern Age
($he !odern Age is the informal term applied to a specific period of comic book publishing histor . )ollowing the 8ron/e #ge era, D+'s !odern #ge is largel recogni/ed as beginning with the 1985184 crosso,er ma'i1series, Crisis on Infinite Earths. +risis ielded not onl the end of an era, but also the an omni,ersal reboot of the internal histor of most of their ma-or pro-ects. !an characters and e,ents that are germain to the continuit of 'arth()ne are said to be part of the 8ron/e #ge. !ost of the !odern #ge continuit occurs on *ew 'arth.

"e# $arth

*New Earth is the mainstream reality of the C !ultiverse"

&fficial "ame 9ew :arth Aliases :arth, 'arth()ne #See Notes$; 5er'elandra #!artian name$

'ocation Details
(niverse *ew 'arth Gala)* Mil+ Wa Sector %,1# Star S*stem Sol +lanet 'arth

Dimensions Diameter: :.uatorial 1<,754.<70 km 5olar 1<,713.500 km !ean 1<,7=5.591 km Circumference: :.uatorial6 =0,075.00= km !eridional6 =0,007.8=9 km !ean6 =0,0=1.=55 km Surface area: >and6 1=8,939,043.133 km? 2<9.< @3 *ater6 341,1<4,<<1.549 km? 270.8 @3 Aolume6 1.083<B101< km !ass6 5.9734B10<= kg Densit 65,515 kgCmD :.uatorial surface6 9.7801 mCs? "ra,it 6 20.997 3< g3 ,irst appearance Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-

"e# $arth -DC.

~In the Beginning
9ew :arth formed appro'imatel 10 billion ears after the 8ig 8ang, following the destruction of the Multiverse in the Crisis on .n!inite 'arths and the restarting of a single positi,e matter uni,erse 2paired with the "ntimatter /niverse3. $he new histor of the 9ew :arth Eni,erse was primaril the histor of 'arth()ne, with additional aspects of 'arth(Two, 'arth(Four, 'arth(S, and 'arth(0 folded in. #s a result, although it superficiall resembled the 1re(Crisis :arth1Fne, it was, in fact, a new :arth.

Ancient History
~48000 BCE
2andar "d$ 2Aandal &a,age3 was a ca,eman and leader of the Bear Tri3e who was born 50,000 ears ago. # m sterious meteor crashed to the ground, bathing him in radiation, and granting him incredible intellect and immortalit . #n obser,er from the 8ear $ribe would later approach that same meteorite and become &a,age's eternal nemesis, the .mmortal Man, possessing the power to resurrect as a new persona e,er time he is killed.

~9500 BCE
Gn appro'imatel 9,500 8+, the face of "tlantis changed fore,er. # massi,e earth.uake ripped across the continent killing untold millions of people. 0owe,er, man #tlantean scientists had prepared for such a catastrophe and constructed large force shields, which protected se,eral ma-or cities from the de,astation including Tritonis and 1oseidonis. 9othing howe,er, could pre,ent the entire continent of #tlantis from sinking permanentl into the sea.

~ 000 BCE
*hen &ha/am was a oung bo , some 9000 ears ago, he was chosen b si' long1since forgotten gods to become their championH

~!" 9#!"$0 BCE

+irca 1<00 8+, Sha4am became a high priest to the pharaoh Iamses GG of :g pt. #s the wi/ard grew older, he sought a champion worth to inherit his powers. $he oung prince Teth("dam of 5ahnda6 2Iamses' son3 impressed the wi/ard with his fairness and decenc . 8ut before &ha/am could bestow his powers, his daughter Bla4e made a deal with the god &et. *hen $eth1#dam spoke the name J&ha/am,J instead of gaining the wi/ard's powers, he was blessed with the power of se,en :g ptian gods6 &hu, 0eru, #mon, Kehuti, #ton and !ehen. $hus, though #dam speaks the name J&ha/am,J he does not draw power not fom the wi/ard. $eth1#dam ser,ed :g pt for man ears, but this dut drew him awa from his wife and children in Lahnda.. *hile he was awa , the mad priest, #hk1ton ra,aged Lahnda. and killed #dam's famil . $he priest was powered b the JFrb of IaJ. #dam could not apprehend #hk1 ton, so he entombed his famil and returned to the court of Iamses. $here he ser,ed as :g pt's champion alongside another great wi/ard, *a3u. !ight 1#dam was a success as a hero for :g pt, but his ser,ice kept him awa from his wife, &hiruta, and his sons "on and 0urut. #dam's homeland was destro ed and his famil killed b the e,il priest "h+(ton using the )r3 o! 7a. # disparaged #dam continued to ser,e in Iameses' court, and allied himself with 5rince Lhufu 2later 8aw+man3. #t this time, he met three tra,elers from the future6 8aw+$irl, Mr9 Terri!ic, and Captain Marvel. #dam felt relie,ed that his legac would continue through !ar,el, and thought highl of his future counterpart. *ith the help of these ,isitors and the wi/ard *a3u, #dam was able to capture #hk1 ton, whom he killed as retribution for murdering #dam's famil . #dam returned to Lhanda. and forcefull o,erthrew the go,ernment present there, and appointed himself ruler. $he wi/ard &ha/am was made aware of all of these e,ents and, thinking #dam had been corrupted b Bla4e, unleashed a powerful spell. 0e trapped #dam's soul and powers within a powerful

scarab rendering #dam's de1powered bod , now se,eral hundred ears old, into a withered corpse. &ha/am then buried both the bod and the scarab in the tomb of Iameses GG, where he had planned for it to remain for all eternit . Gn death, the former hero was referred to as JLhem1#damJ 2JBlack AdamJ3. Disillusioned b what he percei,ed as #dam's betra al, &ha/am went se,eral millennia before appointing a second champion to fight e,il in his name. %rince &h'(' 5rince Lhufu li,es during the reign of Iamesses GG in the 19th d nast of ancient :g pt. Lhufu belie,es that his ka, or soul, will not -ourne on to the land of the afterlife. Iather, his soul and that of his betrothed, Cha ("ra, are fated to remain in the mortal world. #s prophesied b the wi/ard *a3u, a space ship landed in :g pt. 5rince Lhufu, 9abu, and the champion Teth("dam search the desert, finall coming across the remains of a Thana$arian ship st led with a hawk1like motif. 9abu casts a spell translating the strange language of the female space tra,eler. %ust before d ing, she whispers the words, J*th MetalJ, the name of the substance that powered the downed ship. $eth1#dam lifted the ship back to Lhufu's palace, where it was studied inside the $emple of 0orus at :rdu. $he remaining 9th metal was e'amined, and its most ob,ious propert pro,es to be its abilit to negate gra,it . $he remaining sample from the ship is melted and used to create se,eral remarkable de,ices, including a scarab which allows Lhufu to fl , a deadl knife, and a battle glo,e referred to as the +law of 0orus. 0owe,er, the metal also strengthens the souls of Lhufu and +ha 1#ra, binding them together in their lo,e and imprinting them with the collecti,e knowledge of Thana$ar. #lthough the ,illainous priest 0ath1&et murders the two with the knife of 9th metal, their souls li,e on in the mortal plane. $he are reincarnated o,er man lifetimes, alwa s finding true lo,e in each other. 0owe,er, the are cursed to be repeatedl killed at the hands of a reincarnated 8ath(Set.

~!000 BCE
$he #ma/ons of $hem scira are a race of immortal warrior women that li,e on the m sticall hidden island of Them scira. $he were created b a coterie of )l mpian $ods o,er three thousand ears ago to ser,e as their messengers to the world in the name of peace and -ustice. $he oungest and most powerful of the #ma/ons, 5rincess Diana, left her protecti,e nation of sisterhood, renouncing her immortalit to fight the forces of e,il in !an's *orld as Wonder WomanH

~!400 A)
7a:s al Ghul is born to a tribe of nomads in a desert somewhere in #rabia, near a cit whose inhabitants' ancestors ha,e -ourne ed to the #rabian 5eninsula from +hina. Ia's is interested in science from an earl age. Enable to learn an science li,ing as a nomad, he abandons his tribe to li,e in the cit , where he can conduct his scientific research. 0e becomes a ph sician and marries a woman named &ora, the lo,e of his life.;1<

)*+n o( the S',erheroes

>ee $ra,is becomes The Crimson "ven$er, regarded as the first of the man subse.uent Jm ster menJ that would soon populate the #merican landscape.

Justice Societ o! "merica become the first assemblage of Jm ster menJ and ser,e as an inspiration to all that follow. !ain article% World War II

Modern Er*
Justice Lea$ue o! "merica follow in the footsteps of the %&#. Teen Titans form.

~E-er*ld .+ilight
8al Jordan becomes 1aralla=.

~/in*l 0ight
#n alien refugee b the name of Dusk crash1landed in !etropolis' *est Ii,er on :arth to warn the planet of the coming of an entit known as a &un1:ater. #s its name implied, this artificiall created black hole was en route to :arth to literall consume :arth's sun. 5aralla' entered the sun and absorbed all of the energ from the superno,a blast. 0e then re1channeled the radiation, as well as his own green energ to reignite the star thus sa,ing all of :arth. $he effort pro,ed too much for e,en one as powerful as himself, and 5aralla' died at the heart of the sun.

$he %># encounter beings from another universe as heroic as the are.

~Identity Crisis
Sue Di3n , wife of the 'lon$ated Man, is murdered, her bod horribl burned. $he super1hero communit rallies to find the murderer. !id19ite and $errific, along with 8atman, separatel reali/e that &ue was murdered b someone with access to the technolog of the #tom, Ia 5almer. 25almer's technolog grants him the abilit to shrink himself to subatomic si/e3. 8efore the can disco,er whether it was 5almer or someone using his technolog , 5almer learns that his estranged wife, %ean >oring, is aware of the note sent to %ack Drake 2knowledge of which had been kept secret3. 0e deduces that she was the killer. >oring asserts that she did not mean to kill &ue, nor was it her intention for %ack Drake to be killed. &he argues that she sent the note and gun in order for him to protect himself and sur,i,e the attack. &he tells 5almer that she undertook the plan, which included faking the attempt on her own life, in order to bring Ia back into her life. 5almer reali/es that she is insane, and >oring is committed to "r+ham "s lum.

~In(inite Crisis
#fter the e,ents of Crisis on .n!inite 'arths, it is shown that the characters who entered the Jhea,enJ do not end up ,er pleased. "le=ander Luthor schemed to manipulate Superman o! 'arth( Two into destro ing the current :arth to bring back a better 'arth(Two. Super3o (1rime became a force for e,il. >uthor creates a number of worlds searching for the Jperfect oneJ.

# ear without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but a not ear without heroes. Gt is re,ealed that the remaining :arths created b "le=ander Luthor collapsed back together, combining historical remnants to form one 0e+ E*rth. 0owe,er, the single uni,erse was too small to contain the energ inside it and it began replicating 1 into 5< identical Eni,erses, a new Multiverse.

~4orld 4*r III

*orld *ar GGG was a worldwide metahuman conflict which lasted for onl one week. 5recipitated b the mass slaughter b Blac+ "dam in Bial a, which resulted in millions of deaths, the conflict raged o,er the surface of the :arth. :,entuall , the combined forces of the JS", Captain Marvel, +hina's Great Ten, Martian Manhunter, and other heroes stopped 8lack #dam's rampage.

~Co'ntdo+n to /in*l Crisis

Death of the 9ew "ods, Mar Marvel is tempted b the dark side and :clipso.

~Sinestro Cor,s 4*r

Sinestro rallies the uni,ersal forces of terror in the ser,ice of fear and unsuccessfull attempts to in,ade :arth.

~/in*l Crisis
$he future...

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