April 15, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes Good

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1 Village of Fleischmanns Village Board Meeting April 15, 2013 The Village of Fleischmanns Board of Trustees held a Pu lic

!earing on the 2013"201# Tentati$e Budget on Monda%, April 15, 2013 at &'00 p(m( at the )*ene Memorial +i rar%( Present ,ere' Ma%or Todd Pascarella, -eput% Ma%or Ben.amin Fenton and /athleen 0ostad Miles( Public Hearing/ Tentative Budget 2013-14 Ma%or Pascarella ad$ised he had put together this tentati$e udget so that there ,ould e no ta1 increase( 2hate$er is added to the e1penses is going to re3uire a ta1 increase to offset it( )ome of the ma.or changes included a reduction of appro1imatel% 415,500(00 in ta1 re$enue at the same rate as last %ear mostl% ecause of the loss of the ta1 ase from the flood( There is a 256 increase in pool receipts, and a slight decease in health insurance e1pense7 s,itching a,a% from 81cellus B9B) to 9-P!P for the same plan, ut for more than 126 less cost( The Village Board salaries are gone and there are se$eral small changes from last %ear( Board mem ers discussed the pros and cons of remo$ing the salaries of the Ma%or and the Village Trustees from the udget( Also discussed ,as delin3uent ta1es : receipt of same along ,ith penalties( -iscussion ,as also held as to the ,ater re$enue, chips, pool receipts, needed street repairs, etc( Close of Public Hearing Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to close the Pu lic !earing on the Tentati$e Budget for 2013"1#( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Organizational eeting

Chief Fiscal Officer/Mayor Todd Pascarella Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to appoint Ma%or Todd Pascarella as 9hief Fiscal =fficer of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Deputy Mayor/Benjamin Fenton Ma%or Todd Pascarella appointed Ben.amin Fenton as -eput% Ma%or of the Village of Fleischmanns( Village Clerk Treasurer Ta! "ater # $e%er &ent Collector/'orraine DeMarfio Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint +orraine -eMarfio as Village 9ler*, Village Treasurer, Ta1 9ollector, 2ater 0ent 9ollector : )e,er 0ent 9ollector for a term of t,o >2? %ears, e1piring April, 2015( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella" A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Fair (ousing Officer/(arriet ') *rossman Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to appoint !arriet +( ;rossman as Fair !ousing =fficer of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Village Pool +dministrator/Manager,(arriet ') *rossman Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint !arriet +( ;rossman as Pool Administrator@Manger( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried(

Village +ttorney/-ohn &) Fair.airn // 0s1) Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint Aohn 0( Fair airn, BBB, 8s3( as attorne% for the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella" A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( "ater $uperintendent/Michael Myers Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint Michael M%ers as 2ater )uperintendent of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella" A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( C0O/2oning/Flood +dministrator Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint 9arl Patric* -a$is as 98=, Coning and Flood Administrator of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Flood Commission Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint +arr% 0eill%, Todd Pascarella and /athleen 0ostad Miles to the Village of Fleischmanns Flood 9ommission( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles" A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Bond Counsel/Paul &iechel 0s1) Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint Paul 0iechel as Bond 9ounsel for the Village of Fleischmanns for a term of one >1? %ear( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Village Vital $tatistics &egistrar/(arriet ') *rossman Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint !arriet +( ;rossman as Vital )tatistics 0egistrar of the Village of Fleischmanns for a term of four >#? %ears( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Deputy Vital $tatistics &egistrar/*lenna (er3 Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint ;lenna !erD as -eput% Vital )tatistics 0egistrar of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( (ealth Officer/Brian Callaghan Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint Brian 9allaghan as !ealth =fficer of the Village of Fleischmanns for a term of four >#? %ears e1piring April 10, 2015( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( $ignatory/'orraine DeMarfio Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint +orraine -eMarfio as signator% on all Village issued chec*s( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella" A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Official Bank/Community Bank Motion made % Todd Passcarella to appoint 9ommunit% Ban* as the official an* of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella" A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried(

Official 4e%spaper/Catskill Mt) 4e%s Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint the 9ats*ill Mt( Ee,s as the official ne,spaper of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Monthly Meetings/5nd Monday of 0ach Month Motion made % Todd Pascarella to schedule regular Village Board meetings on the 2nd Monda% of each month at &'00 p(m( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Mileage/&eim.ursement Motion made % /athleen 0ostad Miles that an% Village 8mplo%ee ,ho uses his or her o,n $ehicle for Village related usiness shall e reim ursed at the current federal rate( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton" A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( &e6ie% +uditor/(arriet ') *rossman Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appoint !arriet +( ;rossman as re$ie, auditor for Village ta1 : 2ater collection( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Park Commissioner/-eanine Pascarella Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to appoint Aeanine Pascarella as Par* 9ommissioner of the Village of Fleischmanns( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman" A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Prepayment +uthori3ation Motion made % /athleen 0ostad Miles to allo, prepa%ment authoriDation for electric, postage, phones, 2ater Pro.ect in$oices and pa%ments for grants( Motion seconded % Todd Pascarella( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton" A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A%e( -a$id <ates"A%e( Motion so carried( Centennial Committee Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to appoint /athleen 0ostad Miles, Michele )idrane, Pamela ;rocholl, Aohn -uda and )ind% Bec*er to the Village of Fleischmanns 9entennial 9ommittee( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton" A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Ball Par!/Partial O"ening Motion made % Todd Pascarella to allo, partial reopening of the all par* ,here it has een re"seeded, lea$ing the unimpro$ed section closed to the pu lic( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( #$ O/%""eal/&illage Par! -eput% Ma%or Ben.amin Fenton ad$ised that the appeal filed ,ith )8M= for the par* ,as appro$ed and recei$ed % F8MA on the 10th of April, 2013( The appeal ,as filed ,ith )8M= since F8MA shorted the Village appro1imatel% 4250,000(00( The -eput% Ma%or, Ben.amin Fenton, has een ,or*ing hard ,ith )enator /irsten ;ili randFs =ffice and 9ongressman 9hris ;i sonFs =ffice to push the appeal through as soon as possi le( The fact that )8M= appro$ed is a $er%, $er% good thing(

# 'ela(are O"erations) *nc+/,ou 'ibble Purchase Orders Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to pa% the follo,ing $ouchers for the month of April, 2013')lac* 9hemical, ul* coagulant >PA9?, gal(, 300 gal( G 42(H5@gal(, total cost of re3uest"4H55(00, reason for purchase' chemicals used in the treatment process7 )lac* 9hemical &06 magnesium h%dro1ide, 55 gal( drums, 220 gal G 4#(00@gal, total cost of re3uest"4HH0(00, reason for purchase' treat plant flo, for al*alinit% and p!7 Btems>s? and cost to e purchased' o1 of chart paper, #H5I3, 2G 4#&(I5, romcresol green 3002# 2G 413(II, chemical tu ing &2#3#, 1 G 455(I5, chemical tu ing, &3#25, 1 G 4115(I5, female threaded coupler 222I#, 1 G 41I(#I, test tu es" o1 of si1 32251, 1 G 41I(&I, total cost of re3uest' 433#(I&, plus shipping, reason for purchase' chart recorders at the facilit% use a special circle chart paper( The recorders use t,o charts per ,ee*( Atlantic -etroit -iesel, Btem and cost to e purchased' )er$ice 9ontract, Atlantic -etroit -iesel <earl% ;enerator 9ontract, total cost of re3uest"415#5(00, reason for purchase' maintain good ,or*ing condition of on site e3uipment7 Btem>s? and cost to e purchased' J)A Blue Boo* K)tri*eL insecticide, 112#H, total cost of re3uest' 4#5I(I5, reason for purchase' 2ithin the plant ,aste stream ,e ha$e an infestation of red ,orms ,hich ,ill hatch into a fl%ing midge( -uring the height of the hatch there ma% e as man% as one million midges dail%( This a undance of fl%ing midges creates an enormous mess through the plant( This item is on sale until Ma% 2013 : the cost ,ill e reduced to 4#13(I&7 Btem>s? and cost to e purchased' )er$ice 9ontract, !A9! 9ontrol Bnstruments <earl% 9ontract, total cost of re3uest' 41I&5(00, reason for purchase' maintain good ,or*ing condition of on site e3uipment( Air 9ompressor 8ngineering, item>s? and cost to e purchased' )er$ice 9ontract Air 9ompressor 8ngineering <earl% 9ontract, total cost of re3uest' 41130(00, reason for purchase' maintain good ,or*ing condition of on site e3uipment( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Appeal/Michael Mendel Motion made % Ben.amin Fenton to reduce the 0esidential 8-Js assigned to Michael MendalFs propert% located at 103 Brush 0idge 0oad from 3 0esidentail 8-Js to 1 0esidential 8-J >Account M 15H?( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( +ou -i le ,ill draft a letter to Mr( Mendal( Lateral Connections +ou -i le su mitted a listing of lateral connections in 3uestion7 H&H Main )t(, ta1 parcel M 2H5(25"2"3, 35 -epot )t(, ta1 parcel M 2H&(20"2"12, 102 -epot )treet, ta1 parcel M 2H5(15"3"2, 13H 2agner A$enue, ta1 parcel M 2H5(15"3"35, 25 8lls,orth A$enue, ta1 parcel M 2H5(15"3"I(1 and 12# 8lls,orth A$e(, ta1 parcel M 2H5(15"3"30( Monthly Report +ou -i le presented the Village Board ,ith the March, 2013 22TP 0eport( At this time the 22TP is running through most of the month at a reduced rate of flo,( 8$er% 5 to & da%s effluent flo, is discharged from the facilit%( =perators continue to monitor the pump station and the collection s%stem on a dail% asis( inutes %""roval/ arc- 11) 2013 Motion made % /athleen 0ostad Miles to appro$e the minutes of March 11, 2013( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton" A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( Part Ti.e %ccountant/s 0e"ort/1eb+ 22) 2013 Motion made % /athleen 0ostad Miles to appro$e the Part Time AccountantFs 0eport ending Fe ( 2H, 2013( Motion seconded % Ben.amin Fenton( /athleen 0ostad Miles" A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried(

5 Part Ti.e %ccountant/s 0e"ort/ arc- 31) 2013 Motion made % Todd Pascarella to appro$e the Part Time AccountantFs 0eport ending March 31, 2013( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( ,aCabanna otel 3 0est+ The Village is in receipt of official notification +a9a anaFs intent to file a ne, application for an =n"Premises li3uor license ,ith the Ee, <or* )tate +i3uor Authorit%( There ,ere no o .ections from the Village Board as to the filing of a ne, application( &illage ,i.it #ign Ma%or Pascarella addressed the issue of the Village limit sign on the +a*e )treet ,hich has turned side,a%s : is falling do,n the an* due to erosion( There ,as a su mission of a listing of properties ,ithin the Village of Fleischmanns at the eastern and ,estern ends of Main )t( that ha$e de ris : ,hich list also includes Village properties that need to e cleaned up : a list of impro$ed Main )t( properties since 200H in Fleischmanns( -iscussion ,as held as to flood u% outs, )tate Propert% Maintenance 9ode, etc( &ouc-ers/%"ril) 2013 Motion made % Todd Pascarella to pa% the follo,ing $ouchers for the month of April, 2013' ;eneral Fund, A stract M &3, Voucher M 2I0 totaling 412500(00, ;eneral Fund, A stract M &5, Vouchers M 2I1 through 312 totaling 4H200(55, ;eneral Fund, A stract M &&, Vouchers M 313 through 32# totaling 412,#55(50 7 2ater -ept( Fund, A stract M 15, Vouchers M 55 through &0 totaling 43,03&(H27 )e,er -epartment Fund, A stract M 11, Vouchers M 11H through 125 totaling 42#,2&3(I3( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried( ( %d4ourn Motion made % Todd Pascarella to ad.ourn( Motion seconded % /athleen 0ostad Miles( Todd Pascarella"A%e( /athleen 0ostad Miles"A%e( Ben.amin Fenton"A%e( !arriet +( ;rossman"A sent( -a$id <ates"A sent( Motion so carried(

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