101 Tips To Stop Your Child Bedwetting Forever

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101 Tips to Stop Your Child's Bedwetting Forever

1 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

"r. #owell i$ C%& and "irector o' Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. (http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com). She conduct$ wor*$hop$ and $eminar$ that have +een pre$ented throughout the ,nited State$ and a+road. "r. #owell ha$ +een certi'ied +the .ro'e$$ional /oman Networ* a$ a Save &ur 0outh and "iver$it- Trainer. She i$ certi'ied and e1perienced in 'acilitating wor*$hop$ and $eminar$ on the 'ollowing topic$, +ut not limited to: &rgani2ational Leader$hip, %ducational Leader$hip, Team Building, Struggling Teen$, .arenting, 0outh Leader$hip, Succe$$, and Cultural "iver$it-. "r. #owell ha$ +een recogni2ed +- the anche$ter3$ /ho3$ /ho 'or %1ecutive and .ro'e$$ional /omen. "r. #owell3$ *nowledge and e1perti$e in pro'e$$ionali$m and leader$hip i$ $upported +-ear$ o' wor* e1perience with &range Count- .u+lic School$, School "i$trict o' 4ill$+orough Count-, .remier "e*al+ School "i$trict, and .alm Beach Count- School S-$tem in +oth in$tructional and admini$trative role$. "r. #owell i$ al$o an ad5unct pro'e$$or with the ,niver$it- o' .hoeni1, Belhaven College, and 6rand Can-on ,niver$it-. !uthor o' 7&vercoming the Superwoman S-ndrome,7 7#ai$ing !'rican !merican Bo-$,7 and 7F!$tr!c* to an ! on 6raduate !.! /riting !$$ignment$7

8 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

Table of Contents

Introduction Initial Tips for ealing with Bedwetting in Your !ousehold Behavior #odification #edication ealing with Your %ediatrician Bedwetting evices and Tools Bedwetting 'dvice that !as (or)ed for *ther %arents %re,teens- Teenagers- and Bedwetting So/e Final Tips Conclusion

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9 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

I1T2* 3CTI*1
/hen +ed:wetting +ecome$ a pro+lem in -our home, what do -ou do; &'ten time$ when a child i$ wetting hi$ or her +ed, the rea$on i$ due either to an undiagno$ed medical condition or due to p$-chological e''ect$. !$ a parent, -ou will want to 'ind out what i$ happening with -our child $o that -ou can $top +edwetting. ,n'ortunatel-, there are thing$ that prevent man- parent$ 'rom tr-ing to determine what cau$e$ their child3$ +edwetting. Some o' the thing$ that $top parent$ 'rom helping their children include: <Shame (parent$ worr- that a child3$ +edwetting will re'lect +adl- on them while children ma- +e reluctant to $pea* with a pediatrician a+out a pro+lem that i$ em+arra$$ing 'or them). < i$conception$ a+out +edwetting <Time ($ome parent$ ma- +e reluctant to ta*e the time to help a child, a$$uming that +edwetting i$ a normal childhood ailment and will +e re$olved +- it$el') <!nger (parent$ ma- 'eel 'ru$trated or angr- with the pro+lem and thi$ ma- ma*e them thin* o' the pro+lem a$ unimportant) Than*$ to 71=1 Tip$ to Stop 0our Child>$ Bedwetting Forever7, though, -ou will have the tool$ and *nowledge to help -our child overcome +edwetting. Than*$ to the 'act that the +oo* i$ organi2ed into tip$, -ou can ea$il- read the +oo* a tip or two at a time, in -our $pare time, and tr- $everal idea$ that ma- +e e''ective in $topping +edwetting. .lu$, in thi$ e+oo* -ou will +e given the 'act$ a+out +edwetting, and the late$t re$earch and in'ormation -ou need to ma*e educated choice$ that can help -our child $top wetting the +ed. Be'ore we $tart to con$ider $ome o' the thing$ that can +e done to $top +edwetting in it$ trac*$, we need to di$cu$$ the ver- idea o' +edwetting. Bedwetting occur$ at night, and o'ten in children who have no trou+le or little trou+le controlling their +ladder during the da-. Thi$ mean$ that 'or the$e children, +edwetting ma*e$ +edtime a terri+le time. #ather
? Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

than +eing a time o' $torie$ and re$t, +edtime +ecome$ a time o' con'lict and $tre$$ 'or +oth parent and child. Bedwetting i$ not a rare pro+lem. %1pert$ thin* that 'ive to $even million children in thi$ countr- wet the +ed at lea$t occa$ionall-. The older children get, the le$$ li*el- the- are to wet the +ed, a$ children outgrow the pro+lem at a rate o' roughl- 1@A per -ear. 4owever, thi$ mean$ that 1A o' older teenager$, and 8=A o' children +etween the age$ o' $i1 and 'ive will $till wet their +ed regularl-. Bedwetting create$ $tre$$ 'or the entire 'amil-. .arent$ ma- +e 'ru$trated and 'atigued +the wa$hing o' $heet$, dr-ing o' mattre$$e$, and rea$$urance$ that 'ollow each incident o' +edwetting. The medical term 'or +edwetting i$ %nure$i$ and it i$ a $eriou$ $u+5ect 'or medical re$earch. #e$earcher$ have 'ound that a 'ew +a$ic cau$e$ o' +edwetting $eem to +e the culprit 'or mo$t $u''erer$ o' %nure$i$. !mong medical cau$e$, ailment$ $uch a$ urinartract in'ection$, allergie$, dia+ete$, cell anemia and $leep di$order$ are o'ten the culprit. Since +edwetting i$ o'ten the 'ir$t $ign o' the$e pro+lem$, it i$ a good idea to get -our child chec*ed out 'or the$e condition$. In addition, re$earcher$ have 'ound that p$-chological rea$on$ $uch a$ $tre$$, up$et, and trauma o'ten contri+ute to +edwetting. Children who wet the +ed 'or an- rea$on o'ten $u''er needle$$l-, and thi$ $u''ering i$ the +e$t rea$on to get -our child help 'or %nure$i$. Children who wet the +ed o'ten $u''er 'rom low $el':e$teem, withdrawal, $tre$$, 'ear, and other pro+lem$. The$e children ma- $u''er 'rom $leeple$$ne$$ +ecau$e the- 'ear or are em+arra$$ed +- what happen$ when the- $leep. ! child with %nure$i$ i$ o'ten tea$ed +- other$ and ma- 'eel dirt- +- the $mell o' urine a+out them. The child ma- even avoid other$ out o' 'ear o' ridicule. !t the ver- lea$t, 'un childhood activitie$ $uch a$ camp, $leep over$, and camping ma- +e made into traumatic rather than happ- event$ 'or the +edwetting child. an- parent$ wonder whether the- $hould $ee* help 'or +edwetting. !'ter all, de$pite the pro+lem$ o' +edwetting, man- doctor$ $till recommend patience and time a$ the +e$t wato re$olve +edwetting, a$ man- children overcome the pro+lem with no e1tra help. &' cour$e, man- children doe$ not mean all children, and telling an an1iou$ child that he or $he will wa*e up dr- B$omeda-C i$ not terri+l- rea$$uring 'or an-one. In general, there are a 'ew $ign$ that -ou $hould $ee* help 'or +edwetting: <0ou child a$*$ 'or help. I' -our child thin*$ that +edwetting i$ enough o' a pro+lem that the- need help with it, then +edwetting i$ $eriou$ enough to demand $ome $ort o' remed-. .eriod.
@ Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

<0our child ha$ $uddenl- developed a pro+lem a'ter having no pro+lem$ $ta-ing dr+e'ore. &'ten, thi$ i$ a $ign o' $ome pro+lem and $hould +e inve$tigated. <0our child act$ out or ha$ pro+lem$ with other$ (tea$ing or lac* o' 'riend$) a$ a re$ult o' +edwetting. <0our child avoid$ normal activitie$ that the- li*e (camping, going out) +ecau$e o' +edwetting. <Child i$ +edwetting regularl- a'ter eight -ear$ old and the pro+lem i$ cau$ing di$tre$$. <Bedwetting i$ cau$ing pro+lem$ in the hou$ehold. I' an- o' the 'ollowing appl-, then con$ider the 'ollowing 1=1 tip$ : -ou are $ure to 'ind $olution$ to tr- 'or -ou and -our childD

Initial Tips for ealing with Bedwetting in Your !ousehold

There are $ome tip$ -ou will want to adopt right awa- in order to deal with +edwetting in -our hou$ehold: Tip 415 (or) on Sensitivit6 &ne o' the +igge$t impact$ o' +edwetting on -our child i$ an emotional one, $o -ou $hould wor* on ma*ing $ure that -our hou$ehold i$ $en$itive to -our child3$ $ituation. No one at home $hould tea$e -our child or ma*e them 'eel terri+le a+out their +edwetting. The more tea$ed a child i$ a+out +edwetting, the more di''icult it will +e 'or the child to overcome the pro+lem. The older a child i$, the more a$hamed the- ma- +e o' wetting the +ed, and the more important it will +e to $ta- level:headed and calm to prevent $haming the child. Shaming will onl- re$ult in trauma and ma- even ma*e +edwetting wor$e. Tip 4&5 (atch 6our own sensitivit6 levels7 It i$ not 5u$t $i+ling$ and other children that need to +e con$idered. .arent$ o'ten inadvertentl- are in$en$itive to their child3$ +edwetting. The- are 'ru$trated +- the laundrE Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

that mu$t +e done and are $ometime$ even angered +- having $o man- $heet$ $tained or even ruined +- urine. &n a ru$hed morning, dealing with urine:$oa*ed $heet$ +e'ore da$hing o'' to wor* can +e 'ru$trating, +ut it i$ crucial not to lo$e -our temper. %ven i' -ou manage to +e calm mo$t o' the time, one out+ur$t a+out +edwetting will linger in -our child3$ mind and ma*e them 'eel a$hamed. I' -ou 'ind that -ou have no time to deal with $heet$ and clean:up in the morning, $trip the $heet$ and leave them 'or later. I' -ou are angr- +- the co$t o' +ed linen$, con$ider +u-ing le$$ e1pen$ive $heet$ in +ul* 'or a while to reduce co$t$ 'or -our$el'. Feep rag$ and other clean up item$ (deodori2er and cleaner) in the child3$ room 'or 'a$t cleaning. /or* on reducing -our $tre$$ level$ when it come$ to +edwetting, and -ou are le$$ li*el- to ma*e an un'ortunate comment 'rom pure $tre$$. Tip 435 8ducate Yourself 9:ust li)e an educator to reco//end; Throughout thi$ e+oo*, -ou will +e a+le to educate -our$el' a+out the 'act$ o' +edwetting. 4owever, -ou will want to $hare what -ou have learned with other$ in -our hou$ehold. I' -ou have $everal children, -ou need to +e aware that $i+ling$ will o'ten tea$e a +rother or $i$ter who B$till wet$ the +ed.C Letting the$e children *now that %nure$i$ i$ a condition can help them +e more $en$itive toward$ their $i+ling while mea$ure$ are ta*en to prevent +edwetting. Tip 405 8ducate 6our child For the child a''ected +- %nure$i$, +eing told the 'act$ a+out +edwetting can +e a +ig help. Children o'ten hear mi$conception$ a+out +edwetting 'rom other children. -th$ $uch a$ Bonl- +a+ie$ wet the +edC can +e hurt'ul to -our child and can ma*e him or her 'eel a$ though there i$ $omething BwrongC with them. &'ten, e1plaining that %nure$i$ i$ an actual condition and tal*ing a+out the remedie$ doctor$ have come up 'or it can help per$uade -our child that +edwetting i$ cura+le and a common pro+lem. That wa-, -our child can 'ocu$ on re$olving the pro+lem rather than worr- a+out the em+arra$$ment the- 'eel. Tip 4 "5<isit a octor

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Since $ome +edwetting i$ cau$ed +- undiagno$ed medical condition$ $uch a$ dia+ete$ or allergie$, it ma*e$ $en$e to ta*e -our child to a doctor to +e chec*ed out. I' there i$ a doctor in -our area who i$ *nown 'or treating children with %nure$i$, $o much the +etter. In either ca$e, ruling out medical pro+lem$ can +e a +ig relie'. I' a medical pro+lem i$ cau$ing -our child to wet the +ed, coping with the pro+lem will al$o generall- re$olve the %nure$i$. Tip 4+5 8valuate %valuate how much o' a pro+lem +edwetting i$ in -our 'amil- and how o'ten it happen$. FreHuent +edwetting that cau$e$ man- tear$ and em+arra$$ment or even argument$ in -our hou$ehold ma- need more aggre$$ive treatment than +edwetting that occur$ once in a while and re$ult$ in onl- $ome e1tra laundr-. Tip 4=5 ifferent t6pes of bedwetting de/and different approaches !l$o, +e $ure to di''erentiate +etween primar- and $econdar- %nure$i$. .rimar- nocturnal %nure$i$ i$ almo$t never cau$ed +- an underl-ing medical pro+lem. Secondar- nocturnal %nure$i$ mean$ that a child ha$ had control o' hi$ or her +ladder +ut ha$ +egun wetting the +ed. In the$e ca$e$, it i$ e$peciall- important to have the child $een +- a good pediatrician, a$ almo$t all ca$e$ o' $econdar- %nure$i$ are cau$ed +- an underl-ing pro+lem (p$-chological or ph-$ical) and $o re$pond$ ver- well to treatment. Tip 4$5 #a)e it less stressful &nce -ou have evaluated the +edwetting in -our hou$ehold, -ou can develop a plan o' action. Since -ou will +e learning man- tip$ that -ou can appl- to -our plan in the upcoming page$, -our plan here i$ +a$icall- a contingenc- plan. &n a paper, write down what -our child $hould do when he or $he wet$ the +ed. Ideall-, -our child $hould contact -ou, and then -ou $hould ta*e $tep$ to clean up. Share the plan with -our child $o that when an accident happen$, -our child can put the plan into action rather than +eing a$hamed and tr-ing to get -our attention. There are al$o a 'ew thing$ -ou can do to ma*e +edwetting le$$ $tre$$'ul. .utting $pecial $heet$ on -our child3$ +ed, 'or e1ample, can ma*e clean:up much ea$ier. Feeping e1tra $heet$ and +lan*et$ +- -our child3$ room can al$o ma*e clean:up much 'a$ter, e$peciall- in a +u$- hou$ehold. %ven $mall thing$ -ou can do to ma*e +edwetting le$$ $tre$$'ul will
I Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

allow -ou and -our child to 'ocu$ on re$olving the pro+lem rather than worr- a+out clean up. Thi$ e+oo* i$ dedicated to 'inding and then providing $olution$ a+out how to +e$t help and treat the child that wet$ the +ed. !$ -ou continue with thi$ e+oo*, -ou will 'ind manadditional tip$ 'or $mall thing$ that can +e done to help ma*e +edwetting le$$ $tre$$'ul in -our home. Tip 4.5 2ealit6 Chec) Con$ider whether there reall- i$ a pro+lem. !lthough we o'ten e1pect *id$ to grow up 'a$t toda-, the 'act i$ that occa$ional +edwetting up to age three i$ $till con$idered BnormalC +mo$t e1pert$ : children at thi$ age are $till $impl- learning to do +a$ic thing$ li*e u$e the wa$hroom and control their +ladder. %ven *id$ up to age 'ive ma- have an occa$ional +ed wetting BaccidentC and thi$ $hould not +e a cau$e 'or concern. an- e1pert$ con$ider children over 'ive who wet the +ed regularl- to have nocturnal %nure$i$. In man- ca$e$, thi$ condition tend$ to run in 'amilie$ and can la$t well into teenage -ear$. Be'ore -ou $tart worr-ing undul- a+out +edwetting, con$ider the age o' -our child. I' -our child i$ ver- -oung, it ma- $impl- ta*e a 'ew month$ or a -ear to re$olve the i$$ue. an- children have nighttime accident$ until the- are 'ive or even older. I' -our child i$ older ($i1, $even, or older), con$ider whether an-one el$e in the 'amil- $u''ered 'rom $imilar +edwetting pro+lem$ in childhood. /a$ there $omething that helped; Sometime$, 5u$t $eeing %nure$i$ a$ a childhood ailment or a condition in the 'amil- that i$ alwa-$ re$olved eventuall- can help $oothe the 'ra22led parent and the em+arra$$ed child. 0ou need to con$ider the 'reHuenc- o' pro+lem$ a$ well. ! child who wet$ the +ed a'ter watching a $car- movie or +e'ore a +ig da- ma- +e le$$ worri$ome than the older child who doe$ not $eem to +e a+le to $leep through a dr- night. Tip 4105 *nce 6ou have cal/ed down- ta)e action7 an- o' the a+ove tip$ are intended to get parent$ and children more com'orta+le with the +edwetting and accident$ that occur when a child i$ tr-ing to cope with %nure$i$. Thi$ i$ +ecau$e +edwetting i$ $uch a $tre$$'ul and emotional i$$ue : in 'act, $ome poll$ have $ugge$ted that +e$ide$ divorce and 'amil- con'lict, it i$ one o' the mo$t $tre$$'ul i$$ue$ 'or 'amilie$. Learning to deal with the pro+lem calml-, then, i$ a +ig priorit-.
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4owever, parent$ $hould not 5u$t allow them$elve$ to +e placated into ta*ing no action at all. The 'act i$, +edwetting can $till +e a nui$ance and a pro+lem 'or -our child, and there are man- $olution$ out there. &nce -our 'amil- ha$ learned to deal with the pro+lem in a level:headed wa-, do encourage -our 'amil- to $ee* $olution$ rather than wait 'or the pro+lem to go awa- on it$ own. There are man- $olution$ out there that can help -our child, $o that -our $on or daughter do not $u''er needle$$l-. Tip 4115 on>t let it beco/e a big deal7 &' cour$e, -ou want to help -our child $top wetting the +ed $o that the- can en5o- a com'orta+le $leep with no em+arra$$ment in the morning, +ut +e care'ul that -ou de$ire to help doe$ not come acro$$ a$ a $ign that there i$ $omething wrong. "on3t ma*e +edwetting : an un:dangerou$ condition : +ecome a +ig i$$ue at -our hou$e. Tip 41&5 ?eep things low,)e6 a*e $ure that the approach to +edwetting i$ a low:*e- one. .oint out that it i$ not a child3$ 'ault and that it u$uall- mean$ that a child $impl- need$ to *eep growing up : there i$ nothing a+normal a+out it. It o'ten help$ i' the child *now$ that other$ in the 'amilhave e1perienced +edwetting and have grown out o' it. !l$o, ma*e $ure that an- treatment$ or remedie$ u$ed are o''ered in a low:*e-, non: threatening wa-. There i$ no need to *eep $tre$$ing the child3$ +edwetting throughout the da-. &''er $ome therap- during the da- +ut allow the child to pla- and 5u$t en5o- +eing a *id. Tip 4135 @et the child tell 6ou when he or she has wet the bed7 I' -our child wet$ the +ed, ma*e $ure that $i+ling$ or other well:intentioned mem+er$ o' the hou$ehold don3t announce BKohnn- wet the +ed :again.C Thi$ 5u$t lead$ to $haming. In$tead, it i$ o'ten help'ul to have a Huiet time in the morning when -our child can tell -ou him$el' or her$el'. 4aving a $-$tem ($uch a$ a calendar where the child mar*$ wet and drnight$) can ma*e it ea$ier 'or the child to approach -ou, a$ there i$ a routine 'or $haring thi$ in'ormation. Tip 4105 @et the child help7

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I' it will help -our child 'eel le$$ em+arra$$ed, let him or her help clean up. 4e or $he can tid- up the pillow$ or 'old the $heet$. In $ome ca$e$, thi$ can ma*e the child 'eel le$$ inept and +a+-i$h, i' the- can +e entru$ted with a grownup chore. .lu$, i' the- can help clean the +ed the- ma- 'eel in control o' a $mall part o' their +edwetting. "o not ma*e cleaning up a puni$hment, +ut rather o''er it a$ a wa- to ma*e the child more com'orta+le. ! comment $uch a$ Bwould -ou li*e to put the pillowca$e$ on the pillow$ to ma*e -our +ed more com'orta+le;C ma*e$ it clear that the child i$ not +eing puni$hed 'or wetting the +ed. Tip 41"5 Sta6 alert for bigger proble/s In the +ig $cheme o' thing$, +edwetting i$ not a +ig pro+lem. 0our child i$ not in andanger o' $eriou$ in5ur- or harm i' he or $he occa$ionall- or even regularl- lo$e$ control o' their +ladder at night. To a child, however, it ma- not $eem li*e a $mall pro+lem. For thi$ rea$on, a$ a parent, -ou mu$t remain alert 'or $ign$ o' +igger pro+lem$. I' -our child3$ +edwetting cau$e$ them to 'eel $o a$hamed or up$et that their regular lie i$ a''ected, then that i$ a $eriou$ pro+lem. I' their $choolwor* i$ a''ected, then their +edwetting ma- a''ect their development a$ well. I' children are +ull-ing or tea$ing -our child to the point that $ocial activitie$ are a pro+lem, then -our child ma- e1perience alarming $ign$ o' $tre$$ and depre$$ion. In an- o' the$e ca$e$, $wi't action i$ needed to en$ure that -our child $ta-$ $a'e and happ-. I' -our child $how$ an- o' the 'ollowing $-mptom$, he or $he ma- +e $truggling more than -ou *now and $hould +e ta*en to a doctor or pediatrician to get help $orting out the emotion$ he or $he could +e 'elling: <Sudden and +ig change$ in appetite (eat$ a lot le$$ or 'ar more) <Fear'ul or withdrawn with other$ <"oe$ not $how intere$t in regular activitie$ <"oe$ not $pend time with other$ and doe$ not want to $pend time with other$ <Crie$, get$ angr- or i$ ver- Huiet o'ten < ood $wing$ <Trou+le $leeping
11 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

<Lo$$ o' control o' +ladder during the da<6rade$ dramaticall- wor$en <Brui$ing on the +od- or 'avorite to-$ are +ro*en (ma- indicate +ull-ing or $el':de$tructive +ehavior) I' -ou notice the$e pro+lem$, -ou will want to $ee* more aggre$$ive treatment 'or the +edwetting and -ou will want to vi$it a doctor or coun$elor to help -our child deal with the pro+lem$ cau$ed +- +edwetting. Tip 41+5 #a)e sure that no /edication is causing the proble/7 Chec* the $ide e''ect$ and direction$ on -our child3$ medication. I' -our child i$ ta*ing an- medication$ that cau$e e1treme drow$ine$$ or an urgent need to urinate, the medication$ ma- +e cau$ing the pro+lem. edication$ that ma*e -our child ver- tired ma$impl- not allow -our child3$ +od- to wa*e him or her up in time to go to the +athroom. Tal* to -our pharmaci$t or doctor a+out an- medication -our child i$ ta*ing and a$* whether the $u+$tance$ ma- add to the +edwetting pro+lem. &' cour$e, -our child maneed medication that doe$ not help hi$ or her +edwetting, +ut in $ome ca$e$ do$e$ or medication$ can +e changed in order to prevent $uch $ide e''ect$. Tip 41=5 #a)e sure that 6our child has eas6 access to a bathroo/7 ! +right night light and a +athroom that i$ ea$- to acce$$ Huic*l- at night will go a long wa- toward$ ma*ing $ure that -our child can get to the +athroom in time. Not everhou$ehold can arrange to provide a +athroom near a child3$ +edroom, +ut con$ider $leeping arrangement$ clo$el- and con$ider rearrangement$ that could ma*e nighttime +athroom trip$ much ea$ier. %ven $omething a$ $imple a$ moving -our child3$ +ed clo$er to the +edroom door can $ave a 'ew $econd$ at night, reducing accident$. Tip 41$5 Aet 6our child to go to sleep a bit earlier7 Children who are tired ma- have a hard time wa*ing up 'or an-thing : including a 'ull +ladder. I' -our child get$ the $leep he or $he need$, the- will not +e $o overtired that thewill +e una+le to wa*e up. Tip 41.5 @oo) for ps6chological triggers7

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%motional $tate$ o'ten add to +edwetting or even trigger it. I' -our child i$ undergoing an up$et (divorce in the 'amil-, death in the 'amil-, +ull-ing, moving, con'lict$ with $i+ling$) thi$ ma- contri+ute to +edwetting. In the$e ca$e$, -ou can either wait 'or the child to ad5u$t (at which point the +edwetting ma- cea$e too) or -ou can have -our child $ee a pediatrician or child therapi$t. Sometime$, even tal*ing a+out the pro+lem$ can help, $o +e $ure to di$cu$$ an-thing that $eem$ to +e +othering -our child. Tip 4&05 !ave Your child self,/onitor &nce -ou develop a $-$tem 'or dealing with +edwetting, or once -ou and -our 'amil- $tart tr-ing to control +edwetting in $ome wa-, it i$ u$e'ul to have a child chec* o'' on a calendar which night$ were completel- dr-, on which night$ a +athroom wa$ reached $ucce$$'ull-, and which night$ were wet. Feeping trac* let$ -our child get involved in the $olution proce$$, which will ma*e -our child 'eel more con'ident. &nce -our child $ee$ an- improvement, he or $he will li*el- +e encouraged to 'urther $ucce$$. Tip 4&15 Care for 6our child>s s)in7 Bedwetting ha$ 'ew $eriou$ $ide e''ect$, +ut one o' the ph-$ical di$com'ort$ it ma- cau$e i$ $*in pro+lem$. ,rine i$ a mi1 o' 'luid and wa$te chemical$ 'rom the +od-. /hen le't on $*in 'or a 'ew hour$ in the night, it can irritate. S*in ma- appear red initiall-, and ma- turn $ore and 'la*- i' the $*in i$ not treated. The $*in will al$o thic*en i' the irritation i$ not treated, eventuall- turning wrin*led and pale. !lthough not dangerou$, thi$ t-pe o' $*in irritation can +e ver- pain'ul 'or a child. S*in pro+lem$ can a''ect an- child who wet$ the +ed, +ut the pro+lem i$ more aggravated in tho$e who wet the +ed o'ten and in tho$e who wear a+$or+ent product$ to collect the urine. 6enital$ and +uttoc*$ can +e a''ected. In tho$e who wear a+$or+ent underpant$, the leg +and$ and wai$t +and$ are o'ten the mo$t irritated. &nce +edwetting i$ re$olved, the ra$h and $*in irritation it cau$e$ will di$appear a$ well. ,ntil -our child ha$ $topped wetting the +ed, though, -ou can tr- to reduce the $*in irritation the pro+lem cau$e$. To prevent $*in ra$he$ and $orene$$: < a*e $ure the child wa$he$ each morning, e$peciall- a'ter a BwetC night. The $*in a''ected +- the area $hould +e e$peciall- well wa$hed u$ing a mild and moi$turi2ing $oap. <%ncourage -our child to rin$e the +uttoc*$ and genital area when changing a+$or+ent underpant$ and a'ter wa*ing up a'ter having wet the +ed. <,$e a ver- $o't $ponge : not a har$h wa$hcloth : on an- irritated $*in area
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<Some parent$ 'ind that appl-ing petroleum ointment to a''ected area$ and area$ a''ected +- urine i$ help'ul <Choo$e correct:'itting a+$or+ent undergarment$, i' -our child u$e$ them. a*e $ure that the wai$t +and and the leg +and$ are not too $nug. Choo$e the mo$t a+$or+ent t-pe -ou can and loo* 'or a +rand that o''er$ a top la-er that *eep$ moi$ture awa- 'rom the $*in. <Tal* to -our pediatrician i' $*in irritation continue$. 4e or $he ma- +e a+le to o''er a medicated cream to $oothe $ore $*in. Tip 4&&5 Aet 6our child>s consent7 !$ -ou continue to read through thi$ e+oo*, -ou will 'ind man- tip$ 'or dealing with +edwetting. Some o' the$e will $eem li*e great idea$ to -ou and -ou will li*el- want to put them into e''ect right awa-. 4owever, -ou $hould +e care'ul a+out choo$ing +edwetting $olution$, 'or an- remed- -ou choo$e need$ to have -our child3$ con$ent. an- well:intentioned parent$ ru$h out to +u- the late$t gadget or device 'or treating +edwetting or 'or ma*ing it le$$ o' a pro+lem onl- to +e horri'ied to learn that their children want nothing to do with the e1pen$ive method. It i$ important not to 'orce a method on a child. It i$ completel- ine''ective a$ in $ome ca$e$ ($uch a$ +ehavior modi'ication) -ou actuall- need -our child3$ enthu$ia$m and participation 'or a method to wor*. In other ca$e$, 'orcing a +edwetting remed- on a child will +e ine''ective and can actuall- lead to more +edwetting +ecau$e o' all the $tre$$ cau$ed +- the B$uppo$ed remed-.C !l$o, in $a-ing that the- don3t Bli*eC a remed- children ma- +e tr-ing to $a- $omething more : $uch a$ that the remed- i$ uncom'orta+le or cau$e$ more em+arra$$ment that the +edwetting it$el'. Tip 4&35 (or) with 6our child in resolving bedwetting7 /hen -ou approach a child with a wa- or re$olving +edwetting, -ou can o'ten en$ure a +etter reception +- approaching the $u+5ect in a $en$itive and in'ormative wa-. %1plain to -our child what the method involve$, an$wer an- Hue$tion$, and e1pre$$ that it ma- help him or her with +edwetting. a*e $ure that -ou e1plain whether a method i$ temporar-, a$ a child will +e more li*el- to accept $omething new 'or a little while, or on a trial +a$i$, rather than accept $omething 'or a longer time.
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Behavior #odification
Behavior modi'ication $impl- mean$ that -ou train -our child or teach -our child to wa*e up in time to go to the +athroom. Behavior modi'ication i$ con$idered the mo$t e''ective wa- to help a child with +edwetting, a$ it actuall- teache$ a child to wa*e up Bin timeC rather than 5u$t treating the $-mptom$ o' +edwetting. .arent$ $hould not ta*e B+ehavior modi'icationC to mean that +edwetting i$ a +ehavioral pro+lem that need$ rigorou$ correction to 'i1. Nothing could +e 'urther 'rom the truth. #ather, +ehavior modi'ication wor*$ more +- teaching -our child the nighttime +ladder control that mo$t children learn $ooner or later. There are man- t-pe$ o' +ehavior modi'ication tip$ that have +een proven e''ective in helping children overcome +edwetting: Tip 4&05 iscipline (ill 1ot (or) an- -ear$ ago, it wa$ thought that children who wet the +ed were $impl- poorl- taught, were developmentall- dela-ed (or otherwi$e Ba+normalC) or 5u$t needed more di$cipline. %ven though mo$t parent$ *now +etter toda-, man- $till loo* at +edwetting a$ a wa- o' Bacting out.C It i$ important not to di$cipline -our child 'or wetting the +ed. Thi$ method not onl- doe$ not wor*, +ut the $tre$$ o' the di$cipline ma- ma*e the pro+lem wor$e. No child want$ to wet the +ed a'ter ever-one el$e can $ta- Bdr-C 'or the night. The child who ha$ a hard time not wetting the +ed need$ $-mpath- and help, not di$cipline. Tip 4&"5 *ffer %ositive 2einforce/ent and %raise /hen -our child ma*e$ it through night$ without wetting the +ed, +e $ure to o''er prai$e. Not onl- will thi$ help the child i' he or $he 'eel$ +ad when accident$ happen, +ut it will $u+con$ciou$l- motivate -our child to continue tr-ing to correct the pro+lem a$ well. ! $-$tem a$ $imple a$ o''ering gold $tar$ i$ e''ective. ! wee* that i$ dr- $hould +e given a $lightl- larger treat. 0ou can al$o u$e a point$ $-$tem. 4ave each $tar or dr- night count 'or a point. /hen -our child reache$ three point$, allow him or her to have a $mall treat. Five point$ can mean a ver- $mall gi't. Ten point$ can mean a trip $omeplace 'un, and $o on. Feep point$ po$ted where the- are vi$i+le. The e1citement generated +- thi$ $-$tem will encourage -our child to *eep tr-ing and pre$$ on.
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Tip 4&+5 Aive 6our child hope that the proble/ is not forever I' -our child $eem$ to +e doing +etter, remind him or her again that mo$t people overcome +edwetting with time and notice that their $ituation $eem$ to improving it$el'. ! child who doe$ not +elieve that the pro+lem will improve will $impl- have a harder time with the pro+lem and 'or $uch a child the pro+lem will $eem larger and more dire than it reall- i$. 4elp -our child $ee that +edwetting will +e re$olved and -our child will +e calmer, happier, and $o more a+le to wor* with -ou to get help 'or %nure$i$. Tip 4&=5 Focus on 1or/al Bladder Control o$t children who wet the +ed have trou+le at night. 4owever, a $mall percentage o' children have overactive +ladder$, which mean$ that the- 'reHuentl- have to go to the +athroom and ma- even have a hard time controlling their +ladder during the da-time. I' thi$ de$cri+e$ -our child, ta*e him or her to a doctor or urologi$t to $ee what treatment$ are availa+le 'or -our child3$ overactive +ladder. I' -our child onl- ha$ trou+le with control over the night, then it ma- +e a good idea to 'ocu$ on the 'act that -our child doe$ do well in going to the +athroom during the da-. &''er -our child encouragement +- pointing out that he or $he can ma*e it to the +athroom during the da- and rea$$ure -our child that mo$t people learn to control a$ well in the night, a$ well. Tip 4&$5 1ight lifting Night li'ting i$ a techniHue that reHuire$ the parent to wa*e up the child in the night. o$t children lo$e control o' their +ladder at a $imilar time each night (thi$ i$ e$peciall- true i' the child 'ollow$ the $ame routine each da-). I' -ou can note when each accident occur$, -ou can $et -our alarm +e'ore thi$ time, wa*e -our child up, and lead them to the +athroom. 0ou can al$o tr- wa*ing -our$el' and -our child up twice a night. In man- ca$e$, thi$ help$ the child wa*e dr- and encourage$ the child to *eep tr-ing to wa*e up +e'ore the- are wo*en up. 4owever, children ma- re$i$t wa*ing up in the night, e$peciall- i' the- are tired. Tip 4&.5 Bladder Control 8Bercises
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0our doctor ma- pre$cri+e e1erci$e$ 'or -our child to help him or her control their +ladder more e''ectivel-. Some patient$ with %nure$i$ +ene'it 'rom holding their urine a$ long a$ po$$i+le +e'ore relea$ing. The idea i$ to *eep repeating the$e e1erci$e$ in order to help the +od- develop more control. Bladder control e1erci$e: 1) 4ave -our child tell -ou when he or $he ha$ to BgoC during the da-. 8) %1plain to -our child that -ou are doing an e1erci$e to help him or her $ta- dr- at night. 4ave the child hold the urine. 9) 4ave -our child go to the wa$hroom ?) #epeat dail-, $lowl- increa$ing the amount o' time -ou ma*e -our child wait Tip 4305 3rination control eBercise Some doctor$ 'ind that helping the child control urination help$ control the urinar$phincter, or the mu$cle that hold$ +ac* or relea$e$ urine. Thi$ e1erci$e i$ o'ten u$ed in con5unction with the +ladder control e1erci$e and i$ completel- $a'e. ,rine Control e1erci$e: 1) /hen -our child urinate$, have -our child $top urinating Bmid:$treamC : that i$, have -our child $tart urinating and then $top +- $Huee2ing the mu$cle$ (urinar- $phincter) that control the 'low o' urine. 8) 4ave -our child $tart:$top three time$. 9) #epeat proce$$ during each +athroom vi$it. Some parent$ 'ind the two e1erci$e$ a+ove u$e'ul. The idea i$ that the child will control the +ladder more e''ectivel- during the da-, cau$ing the control to +e pre$ent at night, a$ well. In general, the$e e1erci$e$ wor* +e$t with children over the age o' $i1 -ear$ and tho$e who are willing to wor* hard to control their +ladder. Some $mall improvement $hould +e vi$i+le in a+out two wee*$.

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Tip 4315 Tr6 <isualiCation Li$uali2ation i$ a +ehavior modi'ication tool that ha$ proven e''ective in helping people accompli$h man- thing$, 'rom wa*ing up without an alarm to Huitting $mo*ing. 0ou can u$e the $ame techniHue to help -our child overcome +edwetting: 1) To +egin, have -our child rela1 and clo$e their e-e$. 0ou $hould +e in a Huiet and com'orta+le room that ha$ 'ew di$traction$. 0our child $hould +e $itting down or l-ing down. 4ave -our child +reathe deepl- and rela1. 8) Now, have -our child imagine $leeping in their regular +ed and in their regular $leep wear. 9) Ne1t, have then imagine having to go to the wa$hroom. 0our child $hould reallimagine the pre$$ure o' having to urinate. !$* -our child to imagine what it 'eel$ li*e to have to BgoC during the da- and have -our child imagine that $ame 'eeling a$ vividl- a$ po$$i+le in their imagining o' the $leep. ?) Now, have -our child imagine wa*ing up and going to the wa$hroom. 4ave -our child imagine thi$ $everal time$ over a period o' time. .eople who u$e vi$uali2ation $ometime$ practice $eeing a goal $everal time$ a da- 'or wee*$. %1pert$ thin* that vi$uali2ation wor*$ +- having the +od- imagine how thing$ are to +e done $o preci$eland inten$el- that the +od- actuall- accept$ the mind3$ vi$ual clue$ a$ realit-. The +od- actuall- +elieve$ what ha$ +een vi$uali2ed i$ real. I' -our child imagine$ wa*ing up in time to go to the +athroom, then, he or $he will have $et a $ort or emotional and mental precedent 'or doing $o in realit-. Li$uali2ation i$ e$peciall- e''ective with older children and can +e u$ed with other +ehavior modi'ication techniHue$. It i$ ver- $a'e and will generall- $how re$ult$ in a+out two wee*$. Tip 43&5 'void lots of fluids before bed It i$ important to *eep -our child h-drated. "rin*ing enough water help$ the +od- 'unction properl- and help$ *eep the *idne-$ health-. 4owever, encouraging -our child to drin* mo$t o' hi$ or her water inta*e earlier in the da- $o that le$$ water i$ drun* in the hour or two +e'ore +edtime can help en$ure that the +od- doe$ not produce lot$ o' urine at night. #emem+er, though: %ncourage -our child to drin* more 'luid$, not le$$, even i' it doe$ mean $ome wet night$. "rin*ing 'luid$ help$ the +ladder and *idne- 'unction well, which will help en$ure dr- night$ in the long run. "eh-dration and lac* o' 'luid$ will not $olve
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an-thing, and ma- ma*e the pro+lem wor$e a$ people with $maller +ladder retention have a harder time $ta-ing dr- at night. Tip 4335 (atch what fluids 6our child drin)s Some 'luid$ cau$e more pro+lem$ that other$. /hile -our child i$ tr-ing to overcome +edwetting, it i$ o'ten +e$t to $tic* with water. Cola$, dar* tea$, and co''ee all contain ca''eine that irritate$ the +ladder and al$o ma- increa$e the urgenc- to urinate more 'reHuentl-. I' -our child i$ older, alcohol ma- al$o a''ect +edwetting +- en$uring that motor control$ (needed to wa*e up) are a''ected while the need to urinate i$ increa$ed. !pple 5uice al$o $eem$ to cau$e increa$ed urine in $ome children, than*$ to the two $u+$tance$, patulin and gallic acid, that it contain$. %ncourage -our child to eat apple$ during the da-, +ut do not $erve apple 5uice or apple$auce in the evening$. Tip 4305 (atch what 6our child consu/es Some parent$ have al$o 'ound that $ugar- 'ood$, car+onated drin*$, mil*, -ellow chee$e and other product$ containing the$e 'ood$. Tr- cutting $peci'ic 'ood$ 'rom -our child3$ diet 'or a while to $ee whether the$e 'ood$ have an- e''ect on +edwetting. onitor what -our child eat$ +e'ore +edtime clo$el- and eliminate an- 'ood$ that $eem to contri+ute to +edwetting, or at lea$t limit the$e 'ood$ to morning. #emem+er: /hen limiting $peci'ic 'ood$, ta*e great care to en$ure that -ou child eat$ a +alanced diet that $till include$ plent- o' 'ood$ 'rom each 'ood group. Bedwetting i$ a minor pro+lem compared to vitamin de'icienc-. Tip 43"5 1ight trips to the bathroo/7 %ncourage -our child to go to the +athroom +e'ore $leep. 0ou can even wa*e him or her up when -ou go to $leep $o that he or $he can urinate again. Thi$ get$ rid o' the urine in the +ladder, reducing the chance$ that the +ladder will +e le't with enough urine to vacate in the night again. %ven i' -our child wet$ the +ed, the amount o' wetne$$ will +e reduced. Some parent$ al$o 'ind that thi$ techniHue alone i$ enough to help +edwetting. %ven i' it i$ not, it i$ a $a'e method that can +e u$ed with other remedie$. Tip 43+5 (a)e up alar/

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For man- children who wet the +ed, the pro+lem come$ 'rom the 'act that the +ladder $impl- doe$ not communicate well with the +od-. For mo$t o' u$, when we have to urinate during $leep, our +od- wa*e$ u$ up and we can head to the +athroom +e'ore returning to +ed. For children with %nure$i$, thi$ $-$tem doe$ not wor*. In addition, man- children who wet the +ed are al$o ver- heav- $leeper$. Ba$icall-, the +ladder emptie$ it$el' $ince the +od- doe$ not wa*e up to allow the child to go to the +athroom. In $ome ca$e$, the child might not even notice the pro+lem until the- wa*e up the ne1t morning. There are a num+er o' alarm$ on the mar*et that -our child can wear. The$e emit a noi$e when moi$ture i$ detected. The- will wa*e -our child up, allowing him or her to go to the +athroom. %ven i' -our child i$ a ver- heav- $leeper and will not wa*e up, the alarm can wa*e up the re$t o' the hou$ehold, $o that -ou can wa*e -our child up. The idea +ehind thi$ device i$ that the child will eventuall- learn to wa*e him or her$el' a'ter +eing wo*en up +- the alarm $everal time$. Some improvement will u$uall- +e $een in a+out two wee*$.

I' -our child wet$ the +ed, -ou will want to tr- +ehavior modi'ication 'ir$t. 4owever, 'or $ome children who wet the +ed 'reHuentl-, there are medication option$ availa+le. Be'ore deciding to give -our child medication, care'ull- weigh the ri$*$ and advantage$, a$ manmedication$ or drug$ have $ide e''ect$: Tip 43=5 '<% 9 es/opressin 'cetate; can help so/e children

""!L. i$ a medication that can help $ome children $top wetting the +ed. Thi$ medication wor*$ +- reducing the amount o' urine the +od- produce$ at night. ""!L. i$ +a$ed on re$earch which $how$ that $u''erer$ o' %nure$i$ have lower than normal level$ o' $omething called antidiuretic hormone, which i$ a hormone that regulate$ the +od-3$ urine production +- having the *idne-$ hold water $o that le$$ urine 'low$ to the +ladder. Children with low level$ o' thi$ hormone produce more urine nightl-. ""!L. correct$ thi$ pro+lem +- $uppl-ing a $u+$tance that wor*$ in the +od- 5u$t a$ the hormone doe$ (to reduce urine) and i$ al$o though to help children wa*e more ea$il-. It i$ important to note that "e$mopre$$in !cetate treat$ the $-mptom$ o' +edwetting. Thi$ mean$ that while -our child i$ on thi$ medication, the- will urinate le$$ during the night. 4owever, the condition o' +edwetting per $e will not +e cured. In man- ca$e$, when children $top ta*ing drug$ $uch a$ ""!L., +edwetting return$. The hope i$ that +- the
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time the- $top the medication, +edwetting will have pa$$ed on it$ own. Thi$ i$ not alwa-$ the ca$e. ""!L. i$ more li*el- to wor* with older children who have normal +ladder capacit-. 0ounger children with $mall +ladder$ are le$$ li*el- to +e helped +- the drug. ""!L. can +e ta*en a$ a pill or na$al $pra-. The na$al $pra- i$ u$uall- given to -ounger patient$ who ma- have a hard time with the pill 'orm. 4owever, the $pra- ma- +e a''ected +- cold$ or $tu''- no$e$. The pill$ have al$o +een 'ound to +e $lightl- more e''ective in $ome $tudie$. ""!L. need$ to +e ta*en at night +ut doe$ not need to +e ta*en dail- to +e e''ective. Thi$ drug al$o ha$ $ome $ide e''ect$, including $tomach up$et and headache. The$e $-mptom$ are more common in patient$ who ta*e the na$al 'orm o' the drug. .atient$ ta*ing the na$al $pra- ma- al$o e1perience no$e+leed$ and $inu$ or na$al pain. ore $eriou$l-, children who ta*e ""!L. are at ri$* o' $ei2ure$ cau$ed +- water into1ication. Thi$ medical emergenc- u$uall- ha$ $-mptom$ $uch a$ nau$ea, vomiting and headache. I' -our child i$ ta*ing ""!L. and e1perience$ the$e $-mptom$, $ee* medical help right awa-. /ater into1ication and the ri$* o' $ei2ure can +e prevented i' children ta*ing ""!L. avoid drin*ing water the evening$ that the- are ta*ing the drug. In general, no 'luid$ $hould +e ta*en in the two hour$ +e'ore retiring and onl- $mall amount$ in the late a'ternoon and evening leading up to +edtime.

Tip 43$5 I/ipra/ine is another drug option7 Imipramine i$ an anti:depre$$ant which reduce$ the amount o' urine produced during the night. It i$ $ometime$ pre$cri+ed to children who are una+le to ta*e the $imilarl-:wor*ing ""!L., +ut man- doctor$ are reluctant to pre$cri+e Imipramine +ecau$e o' it$ man- $ide e''ect$, which can include $leeping pro+lem$, nau$ea, irregular heart +eat$, and dr- mouth. Some doctor$ are al$o Huite cautiou$ with thi$ medication +ecau$e re$earcher$ have not +een a+le to completel- de'ine how it wor*$ to prevent +edwetting. Imipramine, li*e mo$t drug$ u$ed to treat +edwetting, wor*$ +e$t 'or older children who have normal +ladder capacit-. Li*e mo$t other drug$ u$ed to treat the pro+lem, it al$o onla''ect$ $-mptom$, meaning that tho$e who $top ta*ing Imipramine will 'reHuentl- re$ume +edwetting.
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Thi$ drug i$ u$uall- ta*en an hour or two +e'ore +edtime. "o$e$ var- +a$ed on the patient. Side e''ect$ with thi$ medication are rare, +ut ma- include irrita+ilit-, $leeping di$ruption$, 'atigue or drow$ine$$, change$ in appetite, mood $wing$, and per$onalit- change$. It i$ al$o po$$i+le to die 'rom thi$ drug i' an overdo$e occur$. Tip 43.5 'nticholinergic drugs are an option for so/e patients7 !nticholinergic drug$ wor* +- increa$ing +ladder capacit- and +- $topping the contraction$ o' the +ladder that $ome e1pert$ thin* lead to +edwetting. Common !nticholinergic drug$ u$ed 'or +edwetting include o1-+ut-nin ("itropan) and h-o$-amine (Lev$ine1). The$e drug$, unli*e man- medication$ u$ed to treat +edwetting, are e''ective 'or children with +ladder capacit- who have trou+le controlling their +ladder$ during the da-time a$ well a$ at night. The$e drug$ are u$uall- u$ed with ""!L. 'or children who wet the +ed +ut ma- +e u$ed alone i' a child wet$ the +ed due to general +ladder control pro+lem$ that are pre$ent during the da- a$ well. The$e drug$ are ta*en once or twice a da-, o'ten at +edtime. The- are not intended 'or children under twelve -ear$ old. !nticholinergic drug$ do have a num+er o' $ide e''ect$, including 'lu$hing and dr- mouth $-ndrome. Tip 4005 Be war6 of /edicating 6our child if other options are available7 The drug$ u$ed to treat +edwetting do not cure the pro+lem, and $ince the$e drug$ al$o carr- ri$*$ and $ide e''ect$, an- parent $hould thin* care'ull- and con$ider all the ri$*$ and option$ +e'ore choo$ing medication. edication can +e u$e'ul 'or children who wet the +ed ver- late or who $eem to $u''er undul- 'rom the pro+lem. 4owever, medication $hould never +e treated lightl-, nor $hould it +e tried a$ the 'ir$t method o' $topping +edwetting. 0ou $hould al$o remem+er that children who ta*e medication 'or +edwetting will o'ten revert to +edwetting once the medication ha$ $topped.

ealing (ith Your %ediatrician

0our pediatrician will +e an important part o' dealing with +edwetting. 4owever, $ince medical health pro'e$$ional$ are $o +u$- toda-, -ou will want to ma*e $ure that -ou approach -our child3$ ph-$ician in a wa- that en$ure$ ma1imum cooperation. 4ere are $ome tip$ that can help -ou communicate with -our child3$ pediatrician in a wa- that will en$ure +etter treatment option$ 'or -our child:
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Tip 4015 ?eep a diar6 &ne o' the +e$t wa-$ -ou can help -our doctor treat -our child i$ to *eep a diar- o' -our child3$ +edwetting. Starting 'rom the time -our child $eem$ to +e +edwetting more 'reHuentl-, *eep note$ in a $mall note+oo*. In thi$ note+oo* note: </hen -our child wet$ the +ed (date$ and time$, i' po$$i+le) <!n- 'amil- hi$tor- o' +edwetting <!n- re$ult$ o' +edwetting (cr-ing, pro+lem$ at $chool, tea$ing) <!n- medication$ -our child i$ on or an- medical pro+lem$ -our child ha$ had or i$ having <!n- Hue$tion$ -ou have a+out +edwetting <!n- Hue$tion$ or comment$ -our child ma*e$ a+out +edwetting <!n- comment$ that -our child ma*e$ +e'ore +edtime that ma- indicate a pro+lem (ache$ +e'ore +ed, emotional up$et$ during the da-) <!n- +edwetting product$ (di$po$a+le liner$, moi$ture detector$) -our child i$ u$ing and how e''ective the- $eem to +e <!n- other $-mptom$ -our child $eem$ to +e e1periencing <Note$ on an- re$ource$ or in'ormation a+out +edwetting that -ou encounter that $eem$ help'ul 4ealth care pro'e$$ional$ are +u$ier than ever toda- and *eeping $uch a diar- can +e a +ig help to a +u$- ph-$ician. 6o over the note+oo* with -our doctor and together loo* 'or patter$, and po$$i+le cau$e$. 6et an$wer$ to the Hue$tion$ -ou have written down. Feeping a diar- can al$o +e u$e'ul 'or -ou and 'or -our child. I' -our child $how$ improvement (wetting ever- 'ew da-$ rather than once a night) -ou can $how -our child thi$ improvement. I' -ou -our$el' have an- Hue$tion$, -ou can ea$il- re'er to the re$ource$ and in'ormation -ou have collected in -our note+oo* 'or more in'ormation. Tip 40&5 8Bplain an6 underl6ing proble/s Sometime$, doctor$ will not pa- attention to +edwetting once the- have ruled out an underl-ing condition, +ecau$e the- a$$ume that it i$ not a ver- threatening $ituation.
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I' -our child3$ $el':e$teem, grade$, or $ocial development i$ a''ected +- +edwetting, -ou need to let -our doctor *now +ecau$e at that point +edwetting ha$ moved 'rom a non: threatening pro+lem to a pro+lem that i$ a''ecting -our child3$ development. "i$cu$$ with -our doctor the $tep$ that mu$t +e ta*en to $top +edwetting or at lea$t cope with the pro+lem$ -our child ha$ developed a$ a re$ult o' it. Tip 4035 id 6our child>s bedwetting develop at the sa/e ti/e as other s6/pto/sD I' -our child ha$ developed +edwetting and $noring or e1treme 'atigue at the $ame time, -ou $hould mention thi$ to -our pediatrician. In rare ca$e$, $omething called &+$tructive Sleep !pnea (&S!) ma- contri+ute to +edwetting. &S! mean$ that $ome +loc*age : $uch a$ enlarged l-mph gland$ called adenoid$ : +loc* 'low o' air to the lung$. In $ome ca$e$, thi$ pro+lem cau$e$ $noring while 'or $ome children &S! cau$e$ +rie' period$ where +reathing i$ entirel- interrupted. &S! i$ thought to cau$e enough to $eriou$l- inter'ere with +reathing. The mo$t common cau$e o' &S! i$ re$tle$$ $leep, earlmorning headache$, and 'atigue. Some re$earcher$ have al$o lin*ed thi$ condition to +edwetting. Bedwetting cau$ed +&S! i$ ver- rare, +ut can +e treated, u$uall- +- removing the ton$il$ or adenoid$. 0our doctor can run a $pecial te$t to determine whether -our child3$ +edwetting i$ related to &S!.

Tip 4005 Aet a Second opinion I' -ou are not happ- a+out -our doctor3$ re$pon$e regarding -our child3$ +edwetting, don3t +e a'raid to $ee* more help, po$$i+l- 'rom a $peciali$t. 6et the care 'or -our child that ma*e$ -ou 'eel com'orta+le. %ver- doctor ha$ a di''erent approach to child +edwetting. I' -our doctor i$ $ati$'ied that -our child will overcome the pro+lem while -ou want $ome 'orm o' treatment, -ou ma- $ee* a ph-$ician who will help -ou.

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an- parent$ are reluctant to $ee* a $econd opinion, even though the- are not $ati$'ied with a child3$ care. an- doctor$ are reluctant to recommend a child $ee an urologi$t or other pro'e$$ional +ecau$e +edwetting i$ a pro+lem. 4owever, -ou are the parent and -ou $hould ta*e re$pon$i+ilit- 'or -our child3$ health. I' -our in$tinct tell$ -ou that $omething i$ wrong, $ee* a $econd opinion. Con$ider the 'ollowing pro+lem$ that can ea$il- +e mi$:diagno$ed or overloo*ed: <+ladder re'lu1 : Thi$ illne$$ can contri+ute to +edwetting and can reHuire $urger- to correct <con$tipation : I' -our child doe$ not empt- hi$ or her +owel$ regularl- or completel-, remaining wa$te can pre$$ down on the +ladder and cau$e +edwetting. < al'unctioning o' the urinar- $phincter : The $phincter mu$cle i$ re$pon$i+le 'or controlling urine 'low. In tho$e people who do not have a 'unctioning $phincter, +edwetting i$ chronic and will not go awa- +- it$el'. <Fidne- di$ea$e$ : Some *idne- di$ea$e$ cau$e +edwetting a$ well a$ other $-mptom$. /ithout re$olving the *idne- pro+lem, there i$ not much chance in $ucce$$'ull- +eating the +edwetting pro+lem. <,ndiagno$ed underl-ing pro+lem$ : Some children ma- wet the +ed due $ome $eriou$ pro+lem $uch a$ a+u$e, dia+ete$, epilep$-, &S!, or other pro+lem$. I' medical avenue$ are not care'ull- e1plored, the$e condition$ will remain undetected and untreated, putting the child at ri$*. Tip 40"5 Build a tea/7 There are man- people in -our child3$ li'e that can help en$ure that +edwetting i$ a $olva+le and un:$tre$$'ul pro+lem: <Teacher$: 0ou do not need to tell -our teacher$ a+out -our child3$ +edwetting, +ut -ou $hould +e in contact with -our child3$ in$tructor$ to ma*e $ure that -our child3$ grade$ or $ocial development i$ not $u''ering. !n alert teacher can al$o o'ten +e -our 'ir$t alert o' +ull-ing or tea$ing that i$ ta*ing place. <.ediatrician: 0our child3$ doctor $hould +e one o' -our 'ir$t $top$ when +edwetting +ecome$ a pro+lem, a$ -our child3$ pediatrician can run te$t$ to determine whether there are an- ph-$ical or underl-ing cau$e$ +ehind the +edwetting.

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<Therapi$t$/Child .$-chologi$t$: I' -our child3$ grade$, $el':e$teem, or $ocial $*ill$ are a''ected +- +edwetting, -ou ma- need to help -our child develop a team o' emotional $upport. Therapi$t$ and other$ can di$cu$$ -our child3$ 'eeling$ with him or her and can help -our child develop coping $trategie$ 'or tea$ing and other pro+lem$. <.ediatric nephrologi$t or urologi$t (*idne- or urinar- $-$tem $peciali$t): In $ome children, a medical pro+lem $uch a$ a +adl- wor*ing urinar- $phincter can cau$e +edwetting. Fidne- $peciali$t$ and urologi$t$ can tell -ou whether -our child3$ urinar- $-$tem i$ 'ine or whether there i$ $ome underl-ing medical pro+lem or ph-$ical pro+lem +ehind the +edwetting. I' +edwetting per$i$t$ ver- late ($uch a$ into adole$cence) or i$ a nightl- pro+lem even +age eight or $o, medical or ph-$ical rea$on$ $hould +e e1plored ver- care'ull- a$ the- are a li*el- culprit. Tip 40+5 (or) with 6our tea/ 0ou $hould choo$e the $peciali$t$ who wor* with -our child care'ull-, choo$ing tho$e who $eem to $ee the pro+lem in the $ame light a$ -ou, and choo$ing tho$e who$e treatment option$ agree with -ou. /hen loo*ing 'or health care pro'e$$ional$ to treat -our child3$ +edwetting, -ou will al$o want pro'e$$ional$ who li$ten to -ou and -our concern$. &nce -ou have 'ound a team -ou tru$t, however, it i$ 5u$t a$ important that -ou wor* e''ectivel- with them. Thi$ mean$ 'ollowing in$truction$ to the letter (a$*ing 'or clari'ication when needed) and +eing ver- 'ran* a+out other treatment$ -ou are u$ing and a+out which treatment$ $eem to +e wor*ing and which do not. Tip 40=5 o Your *wn 2esearch /hile a doctor can +e ver- u$e'ul in helping -ou deal with -our child3$ +edwetting, health care wor*er$ toda- are +u$ier than ever and no one doctor can *eep up with all the re$earch and new in'ormation coming out each da-. 0ou ma- want to contact organi2ation$ $uch a$ the National Fidne- Foundation or the !merican !cadem- o' .ediatric$ 'or more re$ource$ and then rai$e the in'ormation -ou 'ind with -our doctor. 0ou can contact $ome *e- re$ource$ a+out +edwetting -our$el': <The !merican !cadem- o' .ediatric$ (!!.) provide$ lot$ o' u$e'ul in'ormation, and pamphlet$ a+out a variet- o' condition$, including +edwetting... !merican !cadem- o' .ediatric$ (!!.) 1?1 Northwe$t .oint Boulevard
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%l* 6rove Lillage, IL E===GM1=JI .hone: (I?G) ?9?M?=== Fa1: (I?G) ?9?MI=== !lternative addre$$: The !merican !cadem- o' .ediatric$ "epartment o' Federal !''air$ E=1 19th Street, N/ Suite ?== North /a$hington, "C 8===@ ,S! .hone: (8=8) 9?GMIE== Fa1: (8=8) 9J9ME19G %mail: *id$doc$Naap.org /e+ !ddre$$: http://www.aap.org <The .ott- " i$ a great re$ource a+out toilet training and +edwetting. Since thi$ group$ 'ocu$e$ onl- on thi$ pro+lem, -ou are $ure to get in'ormation that i$ pertinent to the topic. an- parent$ $wear +- thi$ re$ource. .ott- " 881E /hite !venue Fno1ville, TN 9GJ1E .hone: 1MIGGM.&TT0 " (GEIMIJE9) /e+ !ddre$$: www.pott-md.com <The National Fidne- Foundation ha$ recentl- launched a num+er o' re$ource$ a+out +edwetting. Their we+$ite ha$ lot$ o' in'ormation and even video clip$ a+out the $u+5ect. .lu$, i' -our child3$ +edwetting i$ cau$ed +- a *idne- pro+lem, thi$ group can help -ou get in'ormation on that i$$ue, a$ well. National Fidne- Foundation 9= %a$t 99rd St., Suite 11== New 0or*, N0 1==1E .hone: 1MI==ME88MJ=1= /e+ !ddre$$: www.*idne-.org <The National Fidne- and ,rologic "i$ea$e In'ormation Clearinghou$e provide$ all $ort$ o' in'ormation a+out condition$ that a''ect the *idne-$ and urinar- $-$tem. Not $urpri$ingl-, the- have $everal re$ource$ 5u$t a+out +edwetting.
8G Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

National Fidne- and ,rologic "i$ea$e In'ormation Clearinghou$e 9 In'ormation /aBethe$da, " 8=IJ8M9@I= .hone: 1MI==MIJ1M@9J= /e+ !ddre$$: www.*idne-.nidd*.nih.gov <The Bedwetting Store carrie$ a large $election o' item$ relating to +edwetting. I' -ou want to *now a+out the late$t item$ and device$ that can help -our child, con$ult thi$ large online $election. The Bedwetting Store .hone: 1MI==M81?MJE=@ /e+ !ddre$$: www.+edwetting$tore.com <The !merican !cadem- o' Child and !dole$cent .$-chiatr- help$ in di$tri+uting in'ormation a+out childhood p$-chiatr-. It can +e a u$e'ul re$ource i' -our child e1perience$ undue up$et +ecau$e o' +edwetting or i' -our child i$ e1periencing $econdar%nure$i$ cau$ed +- emotional trauma and need$ treatment to overcome the pro+lem. !merican !cadem- o' Child and !dole$cent .$-chiatr/e+ !ddre$$: http://www.aacap.org Tip 40$5 @oo) for resources that can help 6ou and 6our child understand what is going on7 There are +een a num+er o' re$ource$ that are u$e'ul 'or parent$: <.amphlet$ "octor3$ o''ice$, clinic$, ho$pital$, and even pharmacie$ have pamphlet$ a+out variou$ condition$ : including +edwetting. The$e pamphlet$ can give -ou a general introduction to +edwetting, outline $ome commonl-:u$ed treatment option$, and generall- help -ou under$tand +edwetting. Since -ou will alread- have lot$ o' in'ormation 'rom thi$ e+oo*, *eep -our e-e$ open 'or pamphlet$ a+out +edwetting that are de$igned 'or children. /ritten 'or children, the$e pamphlet$ tend to e1plain that pro+lem in $imple term$. <Lideo$
8I Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

.harmacie$ and $ome doctor$ or $peciali$t$ have video$ availa+le that clearldi$cu$$ +edwetting. The$e video$ u$e under$tanda+le language and plent- o' vi$ual in'ormation to in'orm parent$ and children ali*e a+out how the +od- wor*$. It i$ $ometime$ u$e'ul to $ee picture$ o' the urinar- $-$tem and to $ee the actual +edwetting treatment$ : $eeing $omething vi$uall- can help with under$tanding. <Clinic$ or Speciali$t$ 4ealth care pro'e$$ional$ can an$wer -our $peci'ic Hue$tion$ a+out +edwetting and -our child, and $o $hould not +e overloo*ed a$ po$$i+le $ource$ o' in'ormation. edical pro'e$$ional$ al$o o'ten have acce$$ to all $ort$ o' in'ormation and re$ource$. !$*ing -our medical pro'e$$ional Bwhere can I get more in'ormation a+out thi$;C will generall- give a trea$ure trove o' relia+le and acce$$i+le re$ource$. <!rticle$ The media write$ a+out health i$$ue$ all the time, and there i$ plent- o' rea$on to paattention. Fir$t, the media will o'ten report on new treatment$ and product$ that ma- help -our child. It ma- al$o help -our child to $ee that a $u+5ect i$ written a+out and that other$ $u''er 'rom the $ame pro+lem. <&nline $ite$ and group$ &nline re$ource$ are not alwa-$ relia+le, and $o $hould +e treated with $ome caution. !lthough $ome online re$ource$ a+out +edwetting are written +- pro'e$$ional$, $ome are written a+out ordinar- people who ma- *now le$$ a+out +edwetting than -ou do. Tru$t online in'ormation onl- 'rom $ource$ that -ou have con'idence in. &n the other hand, online re$ource$ are ver- plenti'ul and are ea$- to loo* up. &ne t-pe o' online re$ource that man- parent$ have 'ound help'ul i$ the online 'orum or chat. In thi$ online area, parent$ can di$cu$$ health pro+lem$ and health $olution$. !lthough, again, -ou have no wa- o' *nowing who -ou are $pea*ing with and $o need to e1erci$e caution, man- parent$ 'ind that the $-mpath- and $upport the- get 'rom online group$ help$ them deal with a child who i$ wetting the +ed. &nline $pea*er$ can al$o have $ome idea$ a+out +edwetting and $ugge$tion$ 'or $peci'ic pro+lem$ ($uch a$ the +e$t cleaner$ to u$e to eliminate odor or thri't- wa-$ to $ave on $heet$). !$ long a$ -ou u$e -our common $en$e and $ome caution 'or online chat, -ou can 'ind online 'orum$ in'ormative and $upportive.

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<&ther parent$ or relative$ an- 'amilie$ have at lea$t a 'ew people in the 'amil- who wet the +ed. Tal*ing to other parent$ a+out +edwetting o'ten +ring$ plent- o' $upport and even $ome u$e'ul advice. 0ou $hould never di$cu$$ -our child3$ +edwetting with another per$on without -our child3$ *nowledge. 4owever, i' -our 'amil- i$ alread- aware o' the pro+lem -ou can o'ten get u$e'ul in'ormation a+out what method$ wor*ed 'or children and what doctor$ or pro'e$$ional$ in -our area $eem to have a high $ucce$$ rate in treating %nure$i$. &'ten, other parent$ and relative$ will tell -ou in'ormation that other$ cannot *now : the 'act that a certain alarm i$ too high:pitched to wor* or that a certain +rand o' a+$or+ent underpant$ ha$ a $pecial 'eature that ma*e them u$e'ul. Tho$e in the *now o'ten have great in$ight$. <.harmaci$t$ .harmaci$t$ have plent- o' in'ormation a+out all $ort$ o' ailment$ and treatment$. I' -our child i$ ta*ing an- medication$ 'or +edwetting at all (including her+al or all:natural medicine) then -ou need to tal* to a pharmaci$t to $ee whether the medication will inter'ere with an- other medication (including over the counter drug$). 0our pharmaci$t can help *eep -our child $a'e while he or $he learn$ to control +edwetting. Tip 40.5 Be cautious when evaluating bedwetting resources There are man- $ource$ out there a+out +edwetting. ,n'ortunatel-, there i$ al$o plent- o' m-th$ and mi$in'ormation a+out the $u+5ect, too. a*e $ure that -ou con$ider the 'ollowing a+out an- +edwetting re$ource -ou loo* at: 1) /ho wrote it; /a$ the author $omeone who *now$ a+out +edwetting; 8) /h- wa$ it written; I' $omething i$ written to convince -ou to +u- $omething (an ad) -ou need to con$ider the claim$ more criticall- than i' -ou were reading an article meant to in'orm rather than in'luence. 9) Can the 'act$ +e veri'ied; 0ou $hould +e a+le to loo* up the 'act$ in the re$ource and 'ind that other reputa+le +edwetting re$ource$ o''er the $ame 'act$.
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?) /hat i$ the pu+lication date; &lder material ma- no longer +e valid. New in'ormation i$ emerging all the time, $o i' -ou are u$ing an old $ource, -ou are loo*ing at in'ormation that ma- no longer +e true. @) I$ there an-thing $u$piciou$ a+out thi$ in'ormation; I' $omeone ha$ +a$ic 'act$ wrong or $eem to +e o''ering a miracle cure that cure$ twentillne$$e$, proceed with caution. "ou+le:chec* the in'ormation the re$ource contain$, at the ver- lea$t. Tip 4"05 ?now what to eBpect7 Fnowing what to e1pect when -ou ta*e -our child to the doctor with a +edwetting pro+lem can ma*e the trip le$$ $tre$$'ul 'or +oth -ou and -our child. The 'ir$t thing that the doctor will li*el- a$* i$ a+out the +edwetting it$el'. 0ou ma- al$o +e a$*ed whether the child can control the +ladder during the da- (an an$wer o' BnoC mean$ that the pro+lem i$ not +edwetting per $e +ut a pro+lem controlling the +ladder). .arent$ will al$o +e a$*ed whether the child ha$ e1perienced an- $tre$$ or change$ latel- and what the +edwetting i$ li*e (whether it i$ con$tant, when the child wa*e$ up, etc.). Finall-, parent hi$tor- and medical hi$tor- will +e ta*en, a$ $ome medical pro+lem$ cau$e +edwetting, a$ do genetic$ (children with two parent$ who were +ed wetter$ a$ children have a more than GEA chance o' having a pro+lem with wetting the +ed them$elve$). 0our doctor will li*el- chec* to $ee whether an- medication or medical treatment -our child i$ getting ma- contri+ute to the pro+lem. &nce -our doctor ha$ evaluated the pro+lem through Hue$tion$ and an$wer$, he or $he madecide that -our child3$ age and medical hi$tor- indicate no cau$e 'or concern and that waiting i$ the +e$t $olution. 4e or $he ma- al$o order 'urther te$ting. &ne ver- common te$t i$ to determine whether the +od- can hold 8==cc>$ o' 'luid. To determine thi$, the child i$ a$*ed to hold urine 'or a$ long a$ po$$i+le and then have whatever urine i$ produced mea$ured (o'ten thi$ i$ done +- having the child urinate into a container $o that the urine can +e mea$ured). I' the child cannot produce 8==cc3$ then that i$ an indication that the +ladder $impl- manot have developed enough. "octor$ ma- al$o order urine or +lood te$t$ to $ee whether anunderl-ing cau$e ma- +e the pro+lem.

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Bedwetting evices and Tools

an- manu'acturer$ have created product$ to ma*e +edwetting le$$ traumatic. The$e device$ and tool$ can ma*e +edwetting le$$ em+arra$$ing and can ma*e cleanup or activitie$ $uch a$ camping ea$ier. 4owever, the- $hould +e u$ed with treatment rather than a $u+$titute 'or it a$ mo$t o' the$e product$ will not cure +edwetting them$elve$: Tip 4"15 Choose the right #oisture etector 'lar/s oi$ture detector alarm$ are among the mo$t e''ective tool$ in helping children overcome +edwetting. ,nli*e man- o' the device$ and tool$ intended 'or children with %nure$i$, alarm$ can actuall- treat +edwetting rather than 5u$t ma*ing the $-mptom$ more +eara+le. oi$ture detector$ are worn with underpant$ and the $en$or o' the alarm emit$ a loud $ound when moi$ture i$ detected. The child can wa*e up and hurr- to the +athroom in time. /ith u$e, the idea i$ to get the child to anticipate the alarm and wa*e up +e'ore anmoi$ture i$ detected +- the alarm. /ithin two or three month$ o' nightl- u$e, manchildren 'ind that the- can prevent all nighttime accident$ and that the- are actuall- getting up when their +ladder i$ 'ull and going to the +athroom. Becau$e moi$ture detection alarm$ are $o e''ective in helping children overcome +edwetting, man- manu'acturer$ ma*e them. 4owever, all the di''erent moi$ture detector alarm$ are not made the $ame. I' -ou choo$e the wrong model : one that ma*e$ -our child uncom'orta+le or one that doe$ not wor* well : the chance$ o' $ucce$$ with the alarm are $lim. 0ou need a relia+le and well:+uilt alarm in order to help -our child. Sign$ o' a good alarm include: <#ea$ona+le price : the alarm mu$t +e a''orda+le <Com'orta+le to wear : -our child will need to wear thi$ alarm nightl- 'or a 'ew month$, an-thing that dig$ into -our child, prevent$ $leep or ha$ $harp edge$ could +e detrimental.
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.lu$, i' -our child hate$ wearing the alarm, he or $he ma- not wear it o'ten enough 'or the alarm to actuall- wor* <#ight level$ o' $en$itivit- : it i$ important that the alarm re$pond$ to $mall amount$ o' urine, $o that the child can wa*e up in time to go to the +athroom. !t the $ame time, an alarm that i$ too $en$itive ma- +e $et o'' +- night $weat$, which will not onl- interrupt $leep undul- +ut will al$o ma*e the alarm le$$ $ucce$$'ul in curing +edwetting. <%a$e o' u$e : the alarm mu$t +e ea$- enough 'or -our child to $et and re$et even in the middle o' the night. Some alarm$ have a remote $-$tem that allow$ parent$ to re$et the alarm 'rom another room. Thi$ i$ u$e'ul 'or -ounger children. <"ura+ilit- : -our child ma- drop the alarm in the night or ma- *noc* the alarm again$t the wall$ or +ed during a re$tle$$ night <#elia+ilit- : The alarm mu$t wor* each time urine i$ pre$ent, or it will +e di''icult to teach -our child to $olve +edwetting. <4-gienic de$ign : $ince the alarm will +e in contact with urine, it i$ e$$ential 'or good health that the alarm can +e ea$il- cleaned or di$in'ected a'ter each u$e without it$ 'unctioning +eing a''ected <Loudne$$ : The alarm $hould wa*e -our child (and -ou, i' -our child tend$ to $leep through alarm$). Some alarm$ come with ad5u$ta+le $ound level$, which can +e veru$e'ul. .lu$, $ome alarm$ allow children to +e wo*en with vi+ration$ rather than $ound. I' -ou have large 'amil-, -oung children, or i' -our child $hare$ a room, thi$ can +e a veru$e'ul 'eature. .lu$, children not wo*en +- $ound ma- well +e wo*en +- movement, $o thi$ 'eature i$ ver- u$e'ul i' -our child ha$ trou+le +eing wo*en +- an alarm. <Securene$$ : Some alarm$ come with wirele$$ technolog- to prevent tangling or pulled wire$. Thi$ i$ a nice 'eature, +ut even a lower:end alarm i$ 'ine a$ long a$ it 'it$ $nuglwith clip$ or $ome other $ecure 'a$tener $o that it will not di$lodge even with nightlto$$ing and turning. <Si2e : The alarm $hould +e $mall enough to +e worn with com'ort, and $hould +e the right $i2e 'or -our child. It $hould 'it $nugl- enough $o that it i$ not di$lodged during a re$tle$$ night <Simple power $ource$ : o$t o' the$e alarm$ wor* on +atterie$. a*e $ure an- alarm -ou are con$idering +u-ing u$e$ +atterie$ that are ea$il- availa+le. Stoc* up on +atterie$, a$ well.
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<6uarantee : The manu'acturer $hould +e con'ident enough in the product to o''er a 'ull warrant- or guarantee on the product. #emem+er: i' the alarm doe$ not wor* well each time, it will not +e a+le to teach -our child to overcome +edwetting. !n alarm that i$ not con$i$tent i$ u$ele$$. <Oualit- made : The device $hould +e $turd- and made with a de$ign that $how$ $ome thought to patient com'ort. The device $hould al$o +e made to la$t. &' cour$e, -ou ma- not +e a+le to tr- the device out in the $tore. 4owever, the pac*age la+el ma- at lea$t give clue$ a$ to which o' the a+ove Hualitie$ are pre$ent in a product. "octor or clinic review$ and recommendation$ 'rom other parent$ can al$o help guide -ou to the alarm$ that have mo$t o' the a+ove 'eature$. Tip 4"&5 3se #oisture etector alar/s effectivel6 for success &nce -ou have cho$en the +e$t moi$ture detector alarm 'or -our child, -ou will want to u$e it properl- $o that -our child will actuall- learn to u$e the alarm to $top +edwetting. The idea i$ not to u$e the alarm in order to alert that an BaccidentC ha$ ta*en place. The idea i$ to get the child up Huic*l- $o that the- will go to the +athroom in time : a'ter $ome time with the alarm, man- children are a+le to wa*e them$elve$ up when the- need to u$e the +athroom, without the u$e o' the alarm. The idea i$ to get -our child to anticipate the alarm and wa*e up +e'ore the alarm ha$ gone o'', when the +ladder 'eel$ 'ull. Be $ure to e1plain to -our child the purpo$e o' the alarm. Stre$$ the idea o' u$ing the alarm to get up and go to the +athroom Huic*l- when the alarm i$ heard. Better -et, practice with -our child. 4ave the child activate the alarm with a damp cloth and then have the child hurr- to the +athroom 'rom hi$ or her room. 4ave -our child practice $etting the alarm and then re$etting the alarm once he or $he ha$ gone to the +athroom. .ractice with -our child $o that -our child *now$ e1actl- what to do when the alarm goe$ o''. a*e it ea$- 'or -our child to re$pond to the alarm Huic*l-. ! hall light or other light $ource can help en$ure that -our child can move to the +athroom Huic*l- and without in5ur- when the alarm goe$ o'' at night. a*e $ure that the child can ea$il- acce$$ a +athroom clo$e to hi$ or her +athroom. I' -our child i$ a heav- $leeper, he or $he ma- need help wa*ing up when the +u22er goe$ o''. I' -ou hear the alarm, wa*e -our child and help him or her to the +athroom. I' -our child ha$ trou+le wa*ing up to the alarm, ma*e $ure that there i$ no noi$e in -our child3$ room.
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I' -our child $leep$ in a noi$- room, he or $he ma- $impl- have +ecome more adept at +loc*ing out an- noi$e, ma*ing him or her le$$ li*el- to +e wo*en up +- noi$e$ o' an- t-pe. !l$o en$ure that -our child goe$ to +ed a little earlier than u$ual. %1treme tiredne$$ cau$ed +- $ta-ing up too late will ma*e it di''icult 'or an-one to wa*e up 'or an- alarm. /hen u$ing a moi$ture detection alarm, it i$ important to u$e the device 'aith'ull- each night until +edwetting epi$ode$ have $topped 'or at lea$t a month. Thi$ ma- ta*e a 'ew month$ to accompli$h, $o patience i$ a de$ired trait when u$ing thi$ method to treat +edwetting. a*e $ure that an- +edclothe$ the child wear$ allow 'or proper u$e o' the alarm. Thin underwear that allow$ a good grip 'or the clip$ that o'ten come with the alarm$, a$ well a$ a t:$hirt to prevent tugging at wire$, i$ o'ten a good idea. %ven once -our child ha$ +een dr- u$ing the alarm device, ma*e $ure that the pro+lem ha$ +een re$olved well. Some doctor$ recommend that the child drin* more 'luid$ +e'ore +edtime and continue wearing the device to en$ure that the child reall- can wa*e up and go to the +athroom without Baccident$.C %ven a'ter the child i$ doing well, occa$ionallre$orting to the alarm again can help B$olidi'-C the learning, according to $ome e1pert$. Tip 4"35 isposable urine absorbers7 In'ant$ wear diaper$ to control the me$$ o' urine 'low. Now, there are di$po$a+le product$ de$igned 'or older children and even adult$. The$e can help en$ure a dr- night and le$$ me$$ to clean up. Toda-3$ product$ are made to +e thin and di$creet $o that -our child doe$ not have to 'eel a$ though the- are wearing diaper$. The$e product$ are availa+le through pharmacie$ and through medical $uppl- $tore$. 4owever, even i' -our child wear$ the$e at night, +e $ure to pur$ue other option$ 'or actuall- treating the +edwetting. "i$po$a+le product$ are 5u$t a tool to ma*e +edwetting le$$ me$$- : the- will not 'i1 the pro+lem. The$e di$po$a+le $-$tem$ are generall- made to loo* li*e underpant$, +ut the- have liner$ o' a+$or+ent matter a$ well a$ top la-er$ o' pla$tic material to *eep moi$ture awa- 'rom the $*in. For children who urinate onl- a little in their $leep, there are al$o liner$ that can +e u$ed with underwear. !l$o +e $ure to *eep -our child3$ h-giene in mind while u$ing the$e product$. The$e product$ do *eep moi$ture awa- 'rom the $*in +ut the- can al$o +e heav- and ver- warm when worn all night (e$peciall- in the $ummer). Teach -our child to care 'or hi$ or her $*in to prevent $ore $*in.
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Tip 4"05 2eusable urine absorbers There are urine $topper$ that can catch urine during the night +ut which can +e u$ed again and again. The$e are le$$ e1pen$ive than di$po$a+le product$ and can loo* either li*e underpant$ or li*e a com+ination o' liner and underpant$. Some parent$ pre'er reu$a+le urine a+$or+er$ +ecau$e the- *eep $heet$ dr- while $till allowing a child to 'eel the wetne$$, which in $ome ca$e$ can wa*e the child up in time to go to the +athroom. ,$ed in thi$ wa-, reu$a+le urine a+$or+er$ $uch a$ underpant$ or liner$ can +e u$ed a$ part o' +ehavior modi'ication to cure +edwetting. Tip 4""5 Choose the right t6pe of urine absorber7 ,rine a+$or+er$ come in two +a$ic t-pe$: 1) Liner$ : The$e are $trip$ o' a+$or+ent material, covered with a $ta-:dr- la-er and underpinned with a waterproo' la-er. The- are attached to the underpant$ with adhe$ive $trip$, $lip$, or +and$ o' $ome $ort. The- can lea* i' a child urinate$ a larger amount, +ut the- are o'ten enough 'or children who wet onl- a little. The$e liner$ are Huite di$creet and can cau$e le$$ $*in irritation and di$com'ort. &n the other hand, the- can al$o di$lodge during a re$tle$$ night, not o''ering protection. 8) !+$or+ent underpant$ : There are underpant$ made o' a+$or+ent material that i$ covered in $o't 'a+ric that *eep$ the $*in dr-. The out$ide o' the underwear i$ made waterproo' and ma- +e covered in de$ign$ to ma*e the underpant$ loo* more li*e regular Bunderwear.C The$e a+$or+ent underpant$ can +e ver- e1pen$ive, +ut come in man- $t-le$ and $i2e$. The newer $t-le$ are thinner than ever and al$o more di$creet (the- do not create an- tell: tale $ound o' crin*ling). For $mall children, the$e underpant$ provide a large area $o that lea*$ are le$$ li*el-. The$e a+$or+er$ can al$o u$uall- a+$or+ more urine. The$e underpant$ can cau$e $*in irritation a$ the $*in cannot +reathe ver- well. For thi$ rea$on, it i$ important to choo$e the correct $i2e. 0ou $hould choo$e an a+$or+er that wor*$ 'or -our child3$ $ituation and one that -our child will not mind u$ing. In $ome ca$e$, it ta*e$ $ome trial and error 'or -our child and -ou to 'ind the a+$or+er that i$ mo$t e''ective and com'orta+le. Tip 4"+5 #attress liners and /attress protectors
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The$e product$ are placed under the $heet$ and *eep the mattre$$ 'ree 'rom moi$ture and $tain$. Thi$ can help protect a co$tl- mattre$$ and can ma*e cleanup le$$ o' a ha$$le. The$e are a good idea while -our child wet$ the +ed, a$ otherwi$e the $mell o' urine can linger in the mattre$$ and ma*e -our child uncom'orta+le. !l$o, without liner$, each time -our child wet$ the +ed -ou will have to air out and dr- the mattre$$, which can ta*e all da-. Liner$ ma*e li'e ea$ier 'or ever-one in -our 'amil-. Familie$ who do not want to inve$t in e1pen$ive mattre$$ liner$ and protector$ can ea$ilcover the child3$ +ed $ecurel- with pla$tic wrapping (gar+age +ag$, poncho$, an- pla$tic material). The$e have the advantage o' +eing di$po$a+le a$ well a$ a''orda+le, ma*ing clean up even ea$ier. 4owever, with the$e home:made innovation$, -ou have to cover the mattre$$ 'irmla$ lea*$ ma- happen more readil- with thi$ $olution, e$peciall- i' -ou child i$ a re$tle$$ $leeper. Store +ought mattre$$ liner$ are made to 'it $eamle$$l- and $nugl- over a +ed, $o that le$$ lea*ing i$ po$$i+le. /hatever $ort o' +ed protection -ou u$e, ma*e $ure that all a''ected area$ are covered. That mean$ that i' -our child to$$e$ and turn$ a lot, -ou $hould provide 'ull mattre$$ coverage a$ well a$ po$$i+l- pillow liner$ or protector$ a$ well. Be $ure to clean all protector$ regularl- (i' the- are not the di$po$a+le *ind) to prevent odor. Tip 4"=5 Sleeping bag liners The$e are more di''icult to get than mattre$$ liner$, +ut the- can ma*e all the di''erence on camping trip$ and overnight $ta-$ at a 'riend3$ hou$e. Chec* at on:line retailer$, $porting good$ $tore$, and medical $uppl- $tore$. The$e liner$ *eep the in$ide o' a $leeping +ag drand odor:'ree than*$ to an a+$or+ent inner la-er, a $o't top la-er and a waterproo' lower la-er that *eep$ the $leeping +ad completel- dr-. Tip 4"$5 Those with chronic 8nuresis often turn to catheters7 Catheter$ are medical eHuipment u$ed to draw wa$te awa- 'rom a +od- when a patient i$ ver- ill or uncon$ciou$. The- are u$ed +- $ome patient$ with %nure$i$. Traditional catheter$ will generall- pre$ent a ri$* o' in'ection and $hould not +e u$ed nightl-. Something called the BTe1a$ catheterC 'it$ over the genital$, i$ le$$ inva$ive, and $o i$ $a'er. The idea i$ that the catheter gather$ the urine into a di$po$a+le container, en$uring that the patient wa*e$ up dr-. ,rine can +e di$po$ed ea$il-, en$uring no clean up. !l$o, unli*e
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a+$or+enc- undergarment$, catheter$ draw the urine awa- more completel-, reducing the chance$ o' $*in irritation or $*in in'ection. Thi$ i$ a +it o' an e1treme method, a$ it i$ not ver- com'orta+le and i$ certainl- not di$creet. 4owever, it i$ u$ed +- $ome %nure$i$ patient$ who wet the +ed each night due to a medical condition. I' catheter$ $eem li*e a $olution to -ou, $pea* with a doctor or health care pro'e$$ional. Catheter$ are availa+le through medical $uppl- outlet$, +ut i' -ou decide to get one -ou ma- need to +e trained to clean and u$e it properl- and $a'el-.

Bedwetting 'dvice that !as (or)ed for *ther %arents

Tho$e who *now a lot a+out +edwetting option$, remedie$ and treatment$ are o'ten tho$e parent$ who have $truggled with the pro+lem with their own children. There are manalternative or le$$:u$ed +edwetting remedie$ u$ed +- parent$ to help treat the pro+lem. Some are +ac*ed +- re$earch, other$ are u$ed $impl- +ecau$e the- wor* 'or $ome parent$. !t the ver- lea$t, the$e tip$ are worth con$idering when -ou are tr-ing to cope with +edwetting at -our home: Tip 4".5 !6pnotherap6 4-pnotherap- i$ an alternative treatment that u$e$ h-pno$i$ to treat +edwetting (4-pnotherap- i$ al$o u$ed to treat a ho$t o' other ailment$). The premi$e +ehind h-pnotherap- i$ much the $ame a$ the idea +ehind +ehavior modi'ication or vi$uali2ation : the mind i$ u$ed to control what the +od- doe$. "uring h-pnotherap-, a child will +e h-pnoti2ed and then $ugge$tion$ will +e made (+- the h-pnotherapi$t3$ voice) that the child i$ a+le to control their +ladder at night and can wa*e up in time to go to the +athroom. 4-pnotherap- i$ $a'e and i$ generall- u$ed 'or older children, although there are h-pnotherapi$t$ who wor* with -ounger children, a$ well. Some re$ult$ can +e $een in a 'ew wee*$. I' -ou decide to u$e h-pnotherap- a$ a route, -ou need to inve$tigate practitioner$ care'ull-, a$ in mo$t $tate$ alternative healer$ $uch a$ h-pnotherapi$t$ are not reHuired to +e licen$ed or otherwi$e controlled. 6et recommendation$ 'or a good h-pnotherapi$t who ha$ had $ucce$$ treating other patient$ o' %nure$i$ $peci'icall-. o$t health in$urance doe$ not cover thi$ 'orm o'
9I Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

treatment, $o get the +e$t h-pnotherapi$t -ou can $o that -our mone- i$ well $pent on an e''ective remed-. Tip 4+05 Chec) Your Child>s school bathroo/ and school drin)ing habits It $ound$ $trange, +ut it3$ true : -our child3$ ha+it$ at $chool ma- +e contri+uting to pro+lem$ at home. Some doctor$ have $ugge$ted that children do not drin* ver- much during $choolda-$. .artl-, thi$ i$ +ecau$e children are given onl- $hort +rea*$ and +ecau$e +everage$ are not allowed in cla$$. Children who do not drin* enough in $chool ma- +e deh-drated +- the time the- come home, meaning that the- drin* mo$t o' their dail- 'luid$ in the hour$ leading up to evening. .lu$, man- children are $h- a+out u$ing +athroom$ in pu+lic place$, $uch a$ their $chool. Thi$ mean$ that the- ma- +e waiting to drin* and u$e the +athroom until the- come home. Thi$ 'orce$ the +od- to ta*e mo$t o' it$ water +ut al$o per'orm mo$t o' it$ voiding within a 'ew hour$, encouraging accident$ in the night. I' -our child ha$ wet night$ more o'ten during the $chool wee*, $chool:related $tre$$ or poor drin*ing and +athroom ha+it$ ma- +e the culprit. %n$uring that -our child can drin* and vi$it +athroom$ regularl- throughout the da- can help en$ure drier night$. %ncourage -our child to vi$it the +athroom at $chool and drin* during $chool time. "i$cu$$ anconcern$ -our child ha$ a+out u$ing the +athroom at $chool or drin*ing water at $chool. Tr- to remed- the$e pro+lem$. Tip 4+15 evelop a bedti/e routine7 Some parent$ have 'ound that a $tead- +edtime routine help$ $ome children rela1 and $ettle into $leep. ! good night3$ $leep can help with +edwetting $ince the child i$ not going to $leep $o tired that the- will not wa*e up (even when their +ladder i$ 'ull) or $o *e-ed:up that an accident i$ more li*el- to happen. .lu$, $ome parent$ have 'ound that a $tead- routine help$ to Huiet the child and have the child prepare 'or +ed in a good 'rame o' mind. Some parent$ +elieve that 5u$t a$ the routine i$ e$ta+li$hed 'or +edtime, $o the child3$ mind can accept a routine 'or getting up and going to the +athroom. !t the ver- lea$t, thi$ method co$t$ no mone- and i$ per'ectl$a'e to u$e alone or with other remedie$. Tip 4+&5 ' teaspoon of hone6
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Some parent$ 'ind that a tea$poon o' hone- ta*en orall- morning and night help$ prevent +edwetting. There i$ $ome controver$- a+out thi$ treatment, a$ $ome doctor$ in$i$t that it doe$ not wor* while $ome happ- parent$ claim that it doe$. #e$earch indicate$ that the $u+$tance$ in hone- ma- help with water retention and help calm 'ear$. ore re$earch need$ to +e done a+out the$e propertie$ and their po$$i+le impact on +edwetting. 4owever, at the ver- lea$t a tea$poon o' hone- at night and in the morning i$ not harm'ul in an- wa- and can ea$il- +e u$ed with other treatment$. Tip 4+35 Subli/inal Suggestion !$* -our child i' he or $he dream$ that $he i$ urinating on the night$ when he or $he wet$ the +ed. I' -our child doe$, have -our child practice imagining wa*ing up in the dream. .ractice with -our child, and have -our child $a- BI have to wa*e up and go to the +athroom nowC in the dream $eHuence. I' -our child can do thi$ in their dream, the- will wa*e up and have time to go to the +athroom. Thi$ i$ called B$u+liminal $ugge$tionC and man- parent$ 'ind that thi$ wor*$ li*e magic. Tip 4+05 !o/eopath6 and natural re/edies I' -ou can 'ind a Huali'ied homoeopath or alternative doctor in -our area, he or $he ma- +e worth a tr-, e$peciall- i' he or $he ha$ had $ucce$$ in treating +edwetting pro+lem$ in the pa$t. There are a num+er o' natural medicine$ out there 'or treating +edwetting. 0ou can ea$il- and ine1pen$ivel- +u- them at the health 'ood $tore. 4owever, a good natural healer or holi$tic practitioner can +e a +etter choice a$ he or $he will +e Huali'ied to tell which medication$ and natural treatment$ are e''ective. anparent$ and their children have 'ound $ucce$$ +- pur$uing thi$ method. I' -ou decide to purcha$e her+al or homeopathic remedie$ o' an- *ind, it i$ important that -ou read the ingredient$ ver- care'ull- to ma*e $ure that -our child i$ not allergic to an- o' the $u+$tance$. It i$ al$o a good idea to tal* to -our pharmaci$t to $ee whether aningredient$ in the medication or treatment could interact with an- $u+$tance$ -our child i$ ta*ing. #emem+er: even remedie$ that are all:natural ma- contain ingredient$ that can +e harm'ul or can cau$e allergic reaction$ in -our child. an- parent$ have 'ound help through natural or alternative ta+let$, pill$, and other treatment$, +ut -ou need to +e cautiou$ a+out what -ou give -our child to inge$t.
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Tip 4+"5 Chiropractors Some parent$ have 'ound help through chiropractic therap-. I' -ou decide to opt 'or thi$ route, ma*e $ure that -ou choo$e a Huali'ied and recommended practitioner. It i$ +e$t i' -ou can 'ind $omeone who ha$ had e1perience in helping patient$ with %nure$i$ $peci'icall-. Chiropractor$ wor* +- manipulating the 5oint$ and the $pinal cord in particular. It i$ thought that thi$ manipulation help$ to ea$e man- condition$, including +edwetting. In 'act, one recent $tud- $eem$ to prove that chiropractic treatment i$ +ene'icial 'or +edwetting prevention and treatment. !ccording to a $tud- pu+li$hed in Kournal o' anipulative and .h-$iological Therapeutic$ $ugge$t$ that in $ome ca$e$ chiropractic treatment can help reduce +ed wetting$ +- hal'. In 'act, the $tud- 'ound that chiropractic care helped more than 8@A o' $u+5ect$ in the $tudma*e $uch dramatic improvement in their +ladder control. Chiropractic treatment i$ u$ed +- man- people and when per'ormed +- a Huali'ied practitioner i$ Huite $a'e. It i$ even $a'e 'or children. 4owever, -ou will want to 'ind a practitioner with ver- good recommendation$, a$ not all area$ en'orce $trict control$ on chiropractic practitioner$.

%re,Teens- Teenagers- and Bedwetting

! $mall num+er o' pre:teen$ and teen$ $till wet the +ed, and 'or the$e children, the pro+lem can +e Huite up$etting. Since 'ar 'ew children in thi$ age group wet the +ed, %nure$i$ can +e e$peciall- i$olating 'or thi$ age group. !l$o, children at thi$ age worr- e$peciall- o'ten a+out image and e1ternal appearance : what other$ thin* o' them matter$ more, which can ma*e a pro+lem li*e +edwetting $eem li*e a much greater concern. .re:teen$ and teenager$ are al$o more li*el- to +e ta*ing part in activitie$ : $uch a$ dating and overnight trip$ : which are more a''ected +- %nure$i$. There are a 'ew tip$ that appl- $peci'icall- to pre:teen$ and teen$ who wet the +ed: Tip 4++5 See) /edical help aggressivel67 B- thi$ $tage, -ou $hould loo* 'or medical treatment aggre$$ivel-, a$ it i$ clear that the old adage o' Bwait until he or $he grow$ out o' itC ma- not wor* in thi$ ca$e. 4ave a doctor do
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a 'ull ph-$ical, and $ee* help 'rom an urologi$t to 'ind an- medical condition$. I' all $eem$ well, then a$* 'or te$t$ to +e run 'or rarer di$ea$e$. Then, $ee* a $econd opinion. Tip 4+=5 ?eep an e6e out for s6/pto/s of trouble7 Teenager$ and pre:teen$ ma- $impl- have a harder time dealing with +edwetting. The +od- or $el' image o' children in thi$ age group i$ $till developing, and $omething li*e +edwetting can a''ect $el':e$teem and $el':image con$idera+l-. !t the $ame time, children in thi$ age group tend to have more mo+ilit- and tend to +e awa- 'rom parental control$. .arent$ ma- not notice $ign$ o' pro+lem$ until too late. .arent$ will want to *eep an e-e out 'or: <Sign$ o' Bacting outC : &lder children ma- have acce$$ to drug$, alcohol, and other $el': de$tructive ha+it$ ($e1, $tealing, cheating) that can +ecome dangerou$ ver- Huic*l-. "on3t let a $mall pro+lem +ecome a +ig one. <Sign$ o' a poor +od- image : &lder children who 'eel a$ though their +odie$ are acting again$t them ma- 'eel uncom'orta+le in their +odie$. Thi$ can lead to $eriou$ condition$ $uch a$ anore1ia and +ulimia. "o not let -our older child3$ +edwetting +ecome a $eriou$ +od- pro+lem <Sign$ o' depre$$ion or emotional up$et : Sign$ $uch a$ lo$$ o' appetite, lo$$ o' intere$t in regular activitie$, and $evere pro+lem$ with $leep, $chool, and peer$ o'ten indicate$ an emotional up$et that need$ to +e handled. <"rop$ in $chool mar*$ : !t the teen and pre:teen level$, $chool i$ ver- important a$ grade$ +egin to count toward$ univer$it- acceptance and other li'e:altering event$ $uch a$ that. !n- drop$ in grade$ could a''ect -our child3$ 'uture. Tip 4+$5 Treat an6 signs of trouble The pro+lem i$ that man- teenager$ and pre:teen$ are wor*ing ver- hard to +ecome independent o' their parent$. Not onl- doe$ +edwetting threaten thi$ : which ma- ma*e an older child withdraw more : +ut thi$ independence ma- ma*e it harder 'or parent$ to help a child, even when a parent notice$ the a+ove $ign$ o' danger. I' -our notice the a+ove $ign$, ta*e -our older child to doctor or therapi$t 'or help. Tip 4+.5 3se the fact that 6our children are older when treating bedwetting7
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/hile treating pre:teen$ and teenager$ with %nure$i$ i$ challenging in man- wa-$, it al$o ha$ it$ man- advantage$. &lder children cam ta*e more re$pon$i+ilit- 'or them$elve$ and ta*e care o' the accident$ the- create with $uch preci$ion that a parent might not even *now that a pro+lem $till e1i$t$. .lu$, older children can participate more 'ull- in treatment a$ well : an older child can actuall- read thi$ +oo* and put $ome o' the tip$ into wor* them$elve$D

So/e Final Tips

!$ -ou 'ini$h reading thi$ e+oo*, con$ider a 'ew 'inal tip$ that can help en$ure drier morning$:

Tip 4=05 Be patient7 Thi$ i$ the advice mo$t o'ten given to parent$ a+out children3$ +edwetting. !lthough it i$ di''icult advice to 'ollow, it i$ al$o $ound advice to a point. Since +edwetting o'ten correct$ it$el' in part or in 'ull with time, a com+ination o' $ome treatment$ and $ome patience i$ o'ten nece$$ar- 'or $ucce$$. /hen tr-ing new +edwetting treatment$, it i$ o'ten a good idea to give the treatment$ time to wor*, a$ well. There are no Bin$tantC re$olution$ 'or +edwetting, and tr-ing manremedie$ in rapid $ucce$$ion i$ not li*el- to wor*. In 'act, it will not $olve the pro+lem +ut will o'ten 'ru$trate -ou a$ well. Tip 4=15 #agnetic Therap6 New re$earch ha$ $ugge$ted than an alternative treatment called magnetic therap- ha$ +een $hown u$e'ul in treating +edwetting in $ome children. ! Forean ,niver$it- ha$ 'ound that children who were given treatment 'our time$ a wee* were le$$ li*el- to $u''er 'rom %nure$i$. In thi$ therap-, the child3$ pelvic 'loor i$ e1po$ed to the magnetic therap- +- having the child u$e a $pecial magnetic chair. ore re$earch need$ to +e done on thi$, +ut it i$ thought that in the 'uture, thi$ therap- will +e u$ed to treat $ome children.
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Tip 4=&5 Chec) for rashes7 &nce o' the onl- ph-$ical e''ect$ o' +edwetting i$ po$$i+le $*in irritation and $*in ra$he$ cau$e +- having urine $o clo$e to the +od-. Thi$ pro+lem i$ mo$t common in children who wear a+$or+ent underpant$ or who wet the +ed ver- 'reHuentl-. In mo$t ca$e$, the$e ra$he$ can +e prevented with 'reHuent mild wa$hing and ma-+e with a $oothing cream. Tip 4=35 Chec) for Infection Some children, e$peciall- -ounger children, though, ma- $cratch at irritated $*in. Le't untreated, thi$ can cau$e an in'ection, which cau$e$ even more unnece$$ar- mi$er-. I' -our child ha$ an in'ection, -ou need to prevent $cratching +- *eeping the child3$ nail$ clipped $hort. 0ou al$o need to vi$it -our doctor 'or a medicated cream to treat the in'ection. Since +edwetting can a''ect the $*in, it i$ important to care 'or -our child P$ $*in or teach -our child to care 'or hi$ or her $*in care'ull-. !n- $ign$ o' $*in $orene$$ $hould +e treated promptl- to prevent unnece$$ar- $u''ering or in'ection. In'ection i$ u$uall- characteri2ed +- a wet, $ore:loo*ing $*in area. Sometime$, -ea$t +ecome$ active on the $*in +ecau$e o' the moi$ture. /hen thi$ happen$, the $*in ma- loo* +right red and $potted with pale 'lec*$. For thi$ in'ection, the doctor will o'ten pre$cri+e an anti:-ea$t medicated cream. Tip 4=05 Consider r6 Bed Training Some clinic$ o''er a $ort o' inten$ive and advanced +ehavioral modi'ication approach to +edwetting called Bdr- +ed training.C Thi$ can onl- +e done +- a pro'e$$ional, or with pro'e$$ional help, a$ it i$ Huite complicated. Children u$ing thi$ approach learn to $top wetting the +ed through a com+ination o' urine retention training, urine alarm $-$tem, $el':correction, rapid wa*ing training, po$itive a''irmation$ and rein'orcement, larger water inta*e, and toilet training. Some clinic$ and ho$pital$ o''er thi$ program. 0our pediatrician or urologi$t ma- +e a+le to help -ou 'ind the training program neare$t -ou. Becau$e o' the $ometime$ high co$t o' thi$ method, it i$ o'ten re$tricted to tho$e patient$ who have tried man- other method$ with no $ucce$$. Tip 4="5 Ta)e care of the proble/s the proble/ causes
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%ven i' no method i$ immediatel- availa+le in treating +edwetting, or i' no method $eem$ to wor*, parent$ can help children cope with +edwetting more e''ectivel-, *nowing that the pro+lem will in mo$t ca$e$ go awa- +- it$el'. %ven while -ou are waiting 'or method$ to ta*e e''ect, though, -ou ma- want to con$ider treating the pro+lem$ that +edwetting cau$e$. !'ter all, +edwetting it$el' i$ not dangerou$ or a huge pro+lem. /hen children are up$et ++edwetting, what the- are o'ten reall- reacting to are $ome o' the pro+lem$ a$$ociated with the pro+lem. !$ a parent, -ou can help -our child deal with the$e pro+lem$. /hen -ou do, -our child will worr- le$$ a+out the pro+lem and will +e +etter a+le to handle the pro+lem a$ -ou tr- treatment or a$ -ou wait 'or it to pa$$. Some o' the mo$t common pro+lem$ that children 'ace with +edwetting are: Tip 4=+5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ e/barrassed7F Children o'ten 'eel em+arra$$ed +- urinating at night, e$peciall- $ince it ma*e$ them 'eel that the- are doing $omething em+arra$$ing, hidden, or up$etting. For man- children, proce$$e$ li*e urination and +od- part$ a$$ociated with urination are em+arra$$ing. Bedwetting 5u$t highlight$ all the em+arra$$ment that children 'eel a+out the whole topic. 0ou can help -our child +- repeatedl- e1plaining that there i$ nothing to +e a$hamed o'. Spea*ing 'ran*l- o' +od- part$ and proce$$e$ can help, a$ can e1plaining 'ran*l- how the +od- create$ urine and what happen$ when people wa*e up in time or don3t wa*e up in time to urinate. Thi$ will dem-$ti'- the proce$$ 'or -our child and ma*e it $eem le$$ o' an em+arra$$ing thing. Tip 4==5 (hen 6our child thin)s- E oes this /ean that I>/ Gbad>DF an- children thin* that not controlling their +ladder at night ma*e$ then B+ad.C Thi$ macome 'rom a 'ew place$. Children ma- hear adult$ $a-ing B+adC to children who have had an accident (the- ma- even $ee thi$ on televi$ion). Children ma- al$o pic* up on their parent$3 'ru$tration with having to clean the $heet$ and +ed a'ter an accident. The e1tra wor* a parent ha$ to do, along with the 'ru$tration, can ma*e a child 'eel guilt- or even that he or $he i$ unloved. #ea$$ure -our child that urination i$ a +od- proce$$ and that it $impl- ta*e$ longer 'or $ome children to control their +ladder. Continue to prai$e -our child when he or $he ma*e$ it to the +athroom in time, and never $cold or puni$h -our child 'or accident$. a*e clean: up a$ ea$- on -ou a$ po$$i+le $o that -our child will not $ee -ou 'ru$trated or up$et a$ a re$ult o' +edwetting.
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Tip 4=$5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EThis will never get better7F For children, time pa$$e$ di''erentl-. ! pro+lem the- have had 'or wee*$ ma- well $eem 'orever. I' the- are the la$t children in their cla$$ or group o' 'riend$ to wet the +ed, thema- 'eel that their pro+lem will la$t B'orever.C Children who 'eel thi$ ma- get di$couraged and up$et +- the pro+lem. #ea$$ure -our child that the pro+lem i$ temporar-. I' po$$i+le, have other 'amil- mem+er$ di$cu$$ their own +edwetting e1perience$ (and how the- overcame it) with -our child. Collect $torie$ in the pre$$ o' cele+ritie$ who wet the +ed a$ children +ut outgrew it (cele+ritie$ will $ometime$ mention thi$ $ort o' thing : or their +iographer$ will : in interview$). Thi$ will help convince -our child that the pro+lem i$ onl- temporar-. Tip 4=.5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ not nor/al7F Children o' a certain age worr- ver- much a+out B'itting in.C !n-thing that interrupt$ thi$ o'ten cau$e$ undue up$et. /hether it i$ not having the BrightC $hoe$ or +eing di''erent +ecau$e o' a medical condition, children who do not 'eel that the- +elong e1perience lot$ o' $tre$$. I' -our child thin*$ that he or $he i$ the la$t E:-ear:old (or I:-ear:old or 1E:-ear: old) that $till wet$ the +ed, -our child ma- conclude that there i$ $omething BwrongC with them. 4ave -our doctor tal* to -our child and a$$ure him or her that +edwetting i$ normal. Better -et, 'ollow the advice a+ove : have people that -our child $ee$ a$ normal tal* a+out their childhood +edwetting. &nce -our child reali2e$ that he or $he i$ not B$trangeC +- wetting the +ed, $ome o' the an1iet- will decrea$e. Tip 4$05 (hen 6our child thin)s- EIt ta)es so /uch ti/e and wor)7F &*, thi$ i$ the cr- o' mo$t parent$ who are 'aced with a child who wet$ the +ed, +ut -our child ma- al$o 'ace an1iet- a+out the upheaval that a BwetC night cau$e$, e$peciall- i' there are other people around to witne$$ the 'u$$. I' -our child $pend$ lot$ o' time tr-ing to wor* with +edwetting remedie$ or $pend$ e1tra time cleaning up, he or $he ma- al$o re$ent the time and wor* +edwetting ta*e$ up. 0ou can ma*e +edwetting le$$ o' a pro+lem 'or -ou and -our child +- ma*ing clean:up ea$ier. 4ave -our child wear a+$or+ent underpant$ while tr-ing to control +edwetting, or at lea$t protect the +ed and pillow$ with protective mattre$$ liner$. Feep e1tra +ed linen$
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and cleaning product$ in -our child3$ room $o that clean:up ta*e$ onl- a minute. "o larger load$ o' laundr- to $ave $ome time, i' -ou can. Tip 4$15 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ asha/ed7F an- children are $hamed +- +edwetting : u$uall- +- the remar*$ made +- a parent or another child. In general, a child i$ made to 'eel a$hamed +ecau$e tho$e around him or her $eem to ma*e +edwetting a +ig deal or a $ign o' 'ailure. 0ou can prevent -our child 'rom +eing a$hamed +- $tic*ing to a Bno +ig dealC attitude -our$el'. a*e $ure that -our home i$ a no:tea$e 2one and do not let other adult$ +elittle -our child. I' a well:meaning relative $tart$ to $a- $omething to -our child a+out wetting the +ed, prai$e -our child pu+licl- 'or doing well. Sa-ing $omething a$ $imple a$ B&h, Kohn i$ doing much +etter with that now. /e3re all ver- proud o' himC right to an adult who i$ ma*ing -our child 'eel a$hamed will ma*e -our child 'eel +etter. .o$itive rein'orcement o' an- *ind, in 'act, will help -our child. &ne o' the +e$t antidote$ to $hame i$ $howing -our child that -ou love and are proud o' them. Tip 4$&5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EThis /eans I>/ laC67F It i$ one o' the m-th$ a+out +edwetting that it i$ cau$ed +- la2ine$$. 0our child ma- hear thi$ m-th 'rom another child or 'rom an adult. It can ma*e -our child 'eel a$ though he or $he i$ not Bgood enough.C %1plain to -our child how urination wor*$ and wh- $ome children cannot control their +ladder until the- are older. .oint out all the thing$ that -our child doe$ (chore$, help, activitie$, $chool pla-) that prove that he or $he i$ not la2-. "i$cu$$ what a m-th i$ and e1plain wh- $ome people +elieve them. Tr- $a-ing $omething li*e, BBe'ore, doctor$ didn3t *now wh- $ome *id$ wet the +ed and $ome didn3t, and $omeone thought that ma-+e it wa$ +ecau$e $ome *id$ were la2-. Now, doctor$ *now that it3$ not true. Fid$ wet the +ed +ecau$e their +odie$ $till need to grow in $ome wa-$, +ut $ome people haven3t heard o' thi$, and $o the- $till +elieve the old idea.C Thi$ $hould help convince -our child that the m-th i$ not true. Tip 4$35 (hen 6our child thin)s- EThis /eans I>/ stupid7F Sadl-, man- people tr- to loo* 'or e1planation$ in illne$$e$ or condition$, tr-ing to 'ind out the Bcau$eC +ehind $omething or tr-ing to 'ind out what $omething $uppo$edl- Bmean$C
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rather than 'ocu$ing on care or treatment. 0our child ma- al$o +e under the impre$$ion that the lac* o' +ladder control Bmean$ $omething.C 0our child ma- a$$ume that there i$ $omething wrong with hi$ or her mind, a$ other *id$ have BlearnedC to $ta- dr-. /hen -our child hear$ that the +od- doe$ not wa*e the mind up to go to the +athroom : a common wa- %nure$i$ i$ e1plained to children : the child ma- a$$ume that there i$ $omething wrong with their mind that i$ cau$ing the +edwetting. .rai$ing -our child3$ intellectual a+ilit- (putting good grade$ on the 'ridge or rewarding well done a$$ignment$) can help convince -our child that he or $he i$ intelligent. 0ou can al$o ta*e care to e1plain that children who wet the +ed do not have an-thing wrong with their mind$ at all : the- are 5u$t waiting 'or $ome +od- part$ to grow up. Thi$ can hep rea$$ure them that the- are +right, that the- 5u$t need to wait a +it longer to control their +ladder.

Tip 4$05 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ dirt67F Children who wet the +ed ma- +e tea$ed +- other children a+out the urine odor which malinger a+out their clothe$ and room$. %ven i' thi$ i$ not the ca$e, man- children a$$ociate urine with $omething Bgro$$C or Bdirt-C and ma- 'eel di$gu$t with their own +odie$. I' $*in irritation develop$, children ma- 'eel even dirtier, $eeing mar*$ o' their +edwetting on their $*in. 0ou can help -our child 'eel clean +- *eeping their room and clothe$ clean and odor:'ree. FreHuent wa$hing, airing out o' room$ and clothe$, and u$e o' a deodori2ing cleaning product will u$uall- *eep odor awa-. #oom $pra-$ can al$o help. ,$ing a+$or+ent undergarment$ or $heet liner$ can help control odor and wetne$$. !l$o, help -our child care 'or hi$ or her $*in or +od- and en$ure that the- alwa-$ have 're$h $heet$ and clothe$ on hand to u$e a'ter an Baccident.C 0ou will al$o want to $pea* 'ran*l- with -our child a+out urine and +od- wa$te. %1plaining where it come$ 'rom and what it i$ can help -our child overcome $ome o' hi$ or her di$gu$t. Be $ure that -ou do not encourage an- o' the$e negative 'eeling$ +- wrin*ling -our no$e or e1pre$$ing di$ta$te when cleaning a'ter -our child. !n- other per$on in charge o' cleaning up a'ter -our child $hould +e taught the $ame. Tip 4$"5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ angr67F
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Thi$ i$ o'ten a ca$e o' Bwh- did thi$ have to happen to me;C Children ma- 'eel that it i$ un'air that the- have a pro+lem with wetting the +ed when other$ $eem to have no pro+lem$ $leeping a dr- night. Some children ma- al$o +e angr- that other tea$e them a+out it. !nger o'ten ta*e$ man- 'orm$, 'or withdrawal, to out+ur$t$ to violent 'lare:up$ o' anger with other children. 6etting -our child to cool down i$ a top priorit-. !lwa-$ have -our child calm down Huietl- +- him$el' or her$el' a'ter a di$pla- o' temper or de'iance. Then, give -our child a chance to tell their $ide o' the $tor-. &' cour$e, a$ a parent, -ou *now that there are no an$wer$ a$ to wh- $ome thing$ happen to $ome children and not to other$. %1plain that it i$ un'air that not ever-one develop$ at the $ame time. %1plain to -our child $ome o' the rea$on$ +ehind +edwetting and $-mpathi2e with their anger. Then, tal* a+out what $hould +e done when the- 'eel anger. "i$cu$$ wh- anger happen$ and what can +e done a+out it. I' -our child 'eel$ anger at home, -ou can tr- to encourage him or her to $it Huietl-, +reathe deepl-, and wait 'or the 'eeling to go awa-. I' -our child i$ angr- a+out +eing tea$ed, tr- getting -our child to act out what it $aid to him or her and have -our child act out what he or $he might $a- the ne1t time $omething happen$ that i$ $imilar. 0ou $hould not give -our child e1cu$e$ 'or e1pre$$ing anger or violence, +ut -ou need to help -our child deal with the 'eeling$ in a non:de$tructive wa-. Tip 4$+5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ being teased7F an- children are tea$ed at $chool 'or +edwetting. /hile adult$ *now that mo$t children will +e tea$ed 'or $omething at $ome point, and pa- the pro+lem no mind, tea$ing can +e deva$tating to a child. Cruel nic*name$ $uch a$ B+a+- diaper$C or wor$e can $tic* to a child and +ring on the 'eeling$ o' $hame, anger, em+arra$$ment, and worthle$$ne$$ mentioned a+ove, and thi$ can +e Huite $eriou$. 4ave grown:up$ tal* to -our child a+out what the- were tea$ed a$ a child (all the +etter i' the- were tea$ed a+out +edwetting, too) and have them tell -our child how the pro+lem eventuall- got +etter. !l$o, -ou ma- want to $ugge$t to -our child $ome thing$ he or $he can $a- when he or $he i$ +eing tea$ed. The +e$t wa- to do thi$ (e$peciall- with -ounger children) i$ to pla- ma*e: +elieve. 4ave -our child pretend to +e the tea$er, and pretend to +e the child.

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4ave -our child tell -ou where -ou are and have -our child tea$e B-ou.C a*e the remar*$ -ou thin* are appropriate, $ugge$t man- thing$ that the child could $a-. Then, $witch role$. Thi$ game ha$ $everal advantage$: <It ma*e$ the child 'eel in control, rather than helple$$ (which i$ the 'eeling tea$ing o'ten create$) <It allow$ the child to laugh at tea$ing <It give$ the child $ome idea o' what can +e $aid or done to tea$er$ <It +uild$ the child3$ con'idence <It give$ -ou a chance to evaluate the level and t-pe o' tea$ing -our child e1perience$ <It open$ communication with -our child. Since the child 'eel$ 'ree to tell -ou what i$ happening through Bpla- actingC he or $he ma- +e willing to tell -ou what i$ happening in more detail, which can help -ou in deciding what to do a+out the tea$ing. Tip 4$=5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI>/ being bullied7F &ne thing that -ou need to watch out 'or in term$ o' tea$ing i$ +ull-ing. Bull-ing i$ tea$ing that ha$ ta*en a more aggre$$ive turn. In man- ca$e$, it e$calate$ with time and can include actual ph-$ical violence. Some children have even died at the hand$ o' +ullie$ who have targeted them. Sometime$, it can +e hard to tell when tea$ing ha$ ta*en the turn to +ull-ing, +ut in general i' -our child $eem$ traumati2ed +- the tea$ing he or $he i$ getting at $chool, -ou $hould treat the tea$ing a$ +ull-ing. !l$o, i' there i$ an- ph-$ical aggre$$ion or an- threat$ then the $ituation i$ certainl+ull-ing. Bull-ing i$ a crime in man- location$ and need$ to +e +rought to the attention o' parent$, $chool authoritie$, and po$$i+l- authoritie$ a$ well. Bull-ing need$ to +e ta*en $eriou$l- at once, a$ it can ver- Huic*l- get completel- out o' hand. &' cour$e, adult$ *now that +ull-ing and tea$ing are not cau$ed +- +edwetting : child +ullie$ will target an- child who $eem$ un$ure o' them$elve$ and an- child who di$pla-$ $ign$ o' +eing Bdi''erent.C 4owever, +edwetting can +e a $ign o' di''erence and can a''ect a child3$ $el':e$teem to the point where the- do ma*e a target 'or other children.

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In $ome ca$e$, therap- or vi$it$ to a coun$elor can help -our child get the $ocial $*ill$ needed to deal with tea$ing. In other ca$e$, more help i$ needed, e$peciall- i' +ull-ing i$ an i$$ue. In man- ca$e$, tr-ing to deal with the +ull-3$ parent$ ha$ little e''ect, a$ not all parent$ can control what their children do out$ide the hou$e. oving awa- i$ al$o not alwa-$ e''ective, a$ tea$ing ma- $impl- continue at the new location. Tip 4$$5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI feel li)e a bab67F For children, acting Bgrown upC i$ important, partl- +ecau$e children loo* up to adult$ $o much and o'ten want the power and control the- thin* that adult$ have. For a child who wet$ the +ed, though, there i$ a $en$e o' the oppo$ite 'eeling$ : lac* o' control, and lac* o' power. Children who wet the +ed ma- 'eel powerle$$. an- children ma- worr- that the- are acting B+a+-i$h,C e$peciall- $ince thi$ i$ one o' the 'ir$t accu$ation$ leveled again$t +ed wetter$ on the pla-ground. For an adult, +eing called a B+a+-C ma- not +e a +ig pro+lem, +ut it can 'eel li*e a deva$tating pro+lem to a child, e$peciall- a -ounger one who ma- $ee +eing a B+a+-C a$ +eing le't +ehind while other$ in the $ame age group Bgrow up.C To o''$et the$e 'eeling$, ma*e $ure that -our child under$tand$ that children o' all age$ : even children who are older : wet the +ed. It i$ trul- not a pro+lem o' age, +ut a pro+lem o' +ladder control, and it can a''ect people o' all age$. /hile children do eventuallBoutgrowC the pro+lem in man- ca$e$, man- children -our child would con$ider Bgrown upC $till 'ace the $ame pro+lem. Tip 4$.5 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI hate having a big secret7F o$t children tr- to *eep +edwetting a +ig $ecret, a$ the- are 'ear'ul that other$ will 'ind out. 4owever, having a large $ecret can a''ect the wa- -our child3$ relation$hip$ and can leave him or her 'eeling lonel-. 4aving a large $ecret i$ i$olating, to $a- the lea$t. .lu$, -our child ha$ all the $tre$$ o' *nowing that the $ecret ma- +e e1po$ed. The older a child i$, t-picall- the more e''ort will go into *eeping +edwetting a $ecret. !mong the thing$ that children will do to *eep +edwetting a $ecret are: <!voiding $leep over$, camping trip$, and other event$ 'or 'ear o' +eing B'ound out.C

@1 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

<!voiding +ringing home other children, out o' 'ear that $omeone in the home will Btell.C <!dopting an BI don3t careC attitude or acting aloo' in order to avoid getting clo$e to other$. <!voiding ma*ing 'riend$. <Sta-ing up all night on camping trip$ or during $leep over$ in order to prevent accident$. <Teenager$ ma- avoid dating. <!ll children ma- avoid attention or notice +- re'u$ing to tr- to e1cel at $chool or activitie$. <!cting in a BtoughC or $el':de$tructive wa- $o that no one will gue$$ the Btruth.C 0our child ma- put them$elve$ through a lot to prevent other$ 'rom 'inding out that thewet the +ed. Thi$ can create a lot o' ten$ion in the home and al$o en$ure$ that -our child will not ma*e clo$e 'riend$. /or$e, -our child ma- give up 'un trip$ or e1citing event$ 5u$t out o' 'ear o' accident$. Thi$ i$ limiting. 0ou certainl- don3t want -our child to grow up 'ear'ull- or in great ten$ion. 6enerall-, whether -our child choo$e$ to tell other$ a+out their +edwetting or not i$ up to them. 0ou $hould never tell $omeone el$e a+out -our child3$ +edwetting : the child $hould +e a+le to decide who to tru$t and who not to tru$t. Telling an-one : even a well:meaning teacher or relative : without the child3$ con$ent i$ a recipe 'or di$a$ter, e$peciall- i' -our child i$ *eeping the pro+lem a $ecret. 0our child ma$impl- cea$e to tru$t -ou and will li*el- 'eel more 'ear'ul a$ well a$ re$ent'ul. 4owever, -ou can help -our child open up to other$ +- $howing -our own acceptance o' the pro+lem. I' -ou treat the pro+lem matter:o':'actl- and with $en$itivit-, -our child ma$tart to tru$t that other$ will, too. .lu$, -ou $hould encourage -our child to $pend time with other$ a$ much a$ po$$i+le. "i$cu$$ thing$ $uch a$ camping trip$ or other event$ ahead o' time and di$cu$$ with -our child how he or $he could handle +edwetting or the po$$i+ilit- o' accident$ in $uch a $ituation.
@8 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

In a wa-, -our child ma- +e relieved when hi$ or her $ecret i$ 'inall- revealed. 4owever, it can al$o +e a ver- traumatic time, e$peciall- i' the BtruthC i$ met with tea$ing or di$approval. 0ou ma- want to $pea* to -our child a+out what he or $he would 'eel li*e i' $omeone did 'ind out. "i$cu$$ the re$pon$e$ that -our child e1pect$ 'rom other$ and then $ugge$t more gentle re$pon$e$ that ma- +e po$$i+le, too. Tal* with -our child a+out thing$ that he or $he could $a- to negative or in$en$itive comment$. Tip 4.05 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI don>t want to go an6where7F an- children who wet the +ed $how le$$ intere$t in $pending lot$ o' time with other$, e$peciall- i' the- are tea$ed or are tr-ing to prevent other$ 'rom learning a+out their +edwetting. Thi$ can lead $ome children to i$olate them$elve$ and can al$o lead to $uch a low $tate o' $el':e$teem and happine$$ that children will $top their regular 'un activitie$ a$ well : even i' tho$e activitie$ do not involve $leeping over or even other people. Thi$ can +e a $eriou$ $ign o' up$et and $hould +e ta*en $eriou$l-. ! lac* o' intere$t in what i$ happening can +e a +ig pro+lem o' +edwetting. Children can +ecome unenthu$ia$tic, depre$$ed, li$tle$$, and apathetic, leading to lac* o' activit- and increa$ing depre$$ion. 0ou can tr- enticing -our child3$ intere$t in new thing$ +- encouraging him or her to ta*e part in new activitie$ that $eem appealing. &''er $upport 'or activitie$ that -our child ha$ done in the pa$t that he or $he ha$ e1celled in, and o''er $ome part o' an activit- a$ a treat. For e1ample, i' -our child ha$ alwa-$ li*ed +a$e+all, +u- him or her a new glove or a +a$e+all card to revive intere$t. I' nothing $eem$ to wor* and apath- la$t$ longer than a wee* or $o, ta*e -our child to a doctor to ma*e $ure that no ph-$ical pro+lem or $eriou$ emotional trauma are cau$ing the di$intere$tedne$$. Tip 4.15 (hen 6our child thin)s- EI feel insecure7F No child will $impl- come right out and $a- it that wa-, +ut there are man- $ign$ that a child i$ 'eeling that wa- on $ome level. Children who 'eel thi$ wa- will o'ten tr- to +e loud to garner more attention or will +e Huieter and tr- to attract a$ little attention a$ po$$i+le. Children ma- +ull- other$ or attract +ullie$ a$ a target. The- ma- cling to the home, 'ear'ul o' venturing an-where el$e. The- ma- +ecome Huite cling- and demanding in all $ort$ o' wa-$.
@9 Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

In$ecurit- i$ a +igger pro+lem than man- thin*. It can lead to e1perimentation with drug$ in older children who want to B'it inC and it can lead to a ho$t o' de$tructive +ehavior$, even in -ounger children. It can prevent children 'rom tr-ing new thing$ and hold them +ac* 'rom e1celling. It can al$o lead to image pro+lem$ and 'eeling$ o' unhappine$$ or even depre$$ion. Building $el':e$teem in children i$ a long road, +ut it can +e done. Start +- prai$ing -our child 'or the thing$ that he or $he doe$ right. !l$o encourage -our child to ta*e part in activitie$ or tr- thing$ out$ide the home. &'ten, when a child accompli$he$ $omething Ball +- them$elve$C the pride o' the $ucce$$ will outweigh all the po$itive prai$e po$$i+le, a$ it create$ a real 'eeling o' accompli$hment. Tip 4.&5 (hen 6our child thin)s- E(hat will others thin)DF Children o'ten worr- mo$t a+out other people3$ reaction$ rather than a+out actual +edwetting. .ut another wa-, i' there wa$ no one el$e around, +edwetting would +e 'ar le$$ $tre$$'ul 'or a child a$ there would +e no one el$e to *now a+out the pro+lem. anchildren imagine what other$ would $a-, and the imagination i$ alwa-$ wor$e than the realit-. &r, -our child ma- have had one or two e1perience$ o' +eing tea$ed 'or the pro+lem and now i$ 'ear'ul that other$ will react in a li*e wa-. %ither wa-, worr-ing what other$ will thin* ma*e$ a much +igger pro+lem out o' +edwetting. Such an1iet- al$o put$ lot$ o' $tre$$ on a child, o'ten unnece$$aril-. 0ou can help -our child overcome thi$ pro+lem +- di$cu$$ing with -our child po$$i+le reaction$ people might have to the +edwetting and di$cu$$ing what could +e $aid in re$pon$e. I' $omeone accu$e$ him or her o' +eing a +a+-, 'or e1ample, -ou child can point out that lot$ o' older *id$ wet the +ed or tell the tea$er that +edwetting i$ not a+out +eing a +a+-, +ut rather a condition. Be $ure to di$cu$$ po$$i+le nice or $en$itive thing$ people could $a-, too, $o that -our child i$ not 5u$t imagining the wor$t. I' -our child i$ he$itant a+out other people3$ reaction +ecau$e he or $he ha$ alread- had a negative e1perience, -ou will have to wor* a +it harder. Tal* to -our child a+out the incident, and con$ider wh- $omeone would have a +ad reaction (Could the- have +een ignorant a+out +edwetting; Could the- have +een having a +ad da- and 5u$t ta*en it out in that wa-; Could the- 5u$t +e mean:$pirited, $a-ing $omething unplea$ant a+out an-one, whether the- wet the +ed or not;). /ith -our child, di$cu$$ what the child would do or $a- in the $ame $ituation. Then, tal* a+out an- po$itive e1perience$ the child ha$ had with people learning a+out hi$ or her +edwetting and di$cu$$ po$$i+l- *ind thing$ that people could $a- once the- 'ind out.
@? Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

Thi$ $ort o' role pla-ing i$ ver- e''ective in having -our child 'eel in control o' $ituation$ where people learn a+out the +edwetting. &'ten, the mo$t 'rightening thing a+out $omeone3$ reaction to u$ i$ that we cannot control the reaction. Imagining what to $agive$ -our child $ome o' that control. !l$o, imagining or remem+ering po$itive reaction$ will ta*e -our child out o' the mind 'rame that all reaction$ will +e +ad. Tip 4.35 (hen 6our child thin)s- EThis /a)es ho/e feel terrible7F Bedwetting a''ect$ not 5u$t the child a''licted with %nure$i$, +ut rather the whole 'amil-. In $ome ca$e$, children ma- re$ent the home or ma- 'eel that their pro+lem create$ an unplea$ant atmo$phere at home. .arent$ ma- di$agree over the treatment option$, $i+ling$ ma- 'eel 5ealou$ o' the attention the child receive$ or ma- tea$e their $i+ling over the pro+lem. The child ma- al$o come to a$$ociate hi$ or her +edroom with nighttime di$com'ort. There are man- wa-$ that +edwetting can a''ect the home, and 'ew o' them are plea$ant. The +e$t wa- to counteract thi$ pro+lem i$ to wor* together a$ a team. %ver-one in the 'amil- $hould +e included in deci$ion$ that a''ect the whole hou$ehold (deci$ion$ $uch a$ changing a $leeping room $o that one child will +e clo$er to the +athroom, 'or e1ample). 0ou $hould al$o tr- to ma*e home a$ un:ten$e a$ po$$i+le. a*e +edwetting le$$ o' a 'amil- upheaval +- ma*ing clean:up$ ea$- and +- ma*ing the child a''ected help with $ome clean:up. !l$o, ma*e $ure that -ou have ever-one in the hou$ehold agree to no tea$ing. Creating a $erene home environment i$ help'ul 'or ever-one a''ected ++edwetting.

Tip 4.05 Ta)e it one step at a ti/e7 0ou can3t e1pect -our child to $top wetting the +ed overnight. For man- children, the proce$$ ta*e$ month$ or -ear$, and even then the occa$ional BaccidentC can happen. Ta*e thing$ one $tep at a time, $lowl- helping -our child and cele+rating $ucce$$e$ ($uch a$ a wee* or a record three da-$ dr- in a row). #u$hing will not accompli$h an-thing and will 5u$t put unnece$$ar- pre$$ure on the child. Tip 4."5 Sta6 organiCed7

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Tr- one method at a time and care'ull- record on paper how e''ective it i$ (the ea$ie$t wato do thi$ i$ to mar* o'' which night$ are dr- and which are not $o that -ou can $ee i' there i$ an improvement). I' -ou tr- $everal method$ at once, -ou will have no wa- o' *nowing which remedie$ are wor*ing and which are not. Tip 4.+5 Aive a /ethod ti/e to wor) before tossing it aside7 In general, mo$t method$ $hould give -ou at lea$t $ome minor re$ult within two wee*$. 4owever, $ome method$ ma- ta*e longer to $how e''ect. "o not +e in a ru$h to tr- evermethod. The goal i$ to help -our child, and -ou do not want to overloo* a method that would wor* 5u$t +ecau$e -ou want Bin$tantC an$wer$. I' -ou have not $een improvement in a 'ew wee*$, though, +- all mean$ tr- $ome other method to $ee whether -our child can 'ind relie' $ome wa-. Tip 4.=5 Co/bine so/e tips for best results7 /here no interaction i$ a 'actor, tr- com+ining tip$ to get great re$ult$. For e1ample, -ou can o'ten com+ine natural or homeopathic alternative therapie$ with +ehavior modi'ication. o$t tip$ wor* well with com'ort tip$ $uch a$ protecting $heet$. &' cour$e, -ou do not want to com+ine medication$, +ut com+ining +ehavioral modi'ication with $ome natural $upplement or dietar- change$ ma- do the tric*. I' -ou are going to +e com+ining remedie$, ma*e $ure a+ove el$e that the two method$ will not +e dangerou$ together. Then, introduce each therap- to -our child one at a time $o that -our child can get u$ed to each treatment and $o that -ou can o+$erve an- adver$e e''ect$. Tip 4.$5 Tr6 si/plest /ethods first7 0ou want the +e$t 'or -our child, +ut the +e$t i$ not alwa-$ the mo$t complicated or high tech method. /ith -oung children, e$peciall-, $imple$t method$ are +e$t. The- al$o tend to +e the mo$t e''ective. For e1ample, low:co$t moi$ture detector alarm$ have ver- high rate$ o' e''icienc-, even when compared to high:priced training. Loo* 'or ine1pen$ive treatment$ that are $imple enough 'or -our child to under$tand. I' tho$e are ine''ective, then -ou can move on to other method$. I' -ou $tart with the mo$t complicated gadget$ and $olution$, -ou ma- 'ind -our$el' $pending a lot mone- than -ou planned i' that 'ir$t treatment doe$ not wor*. .lu$, i' -ou put too much 'aith in the late$t high:tech $olution and -our child3$ pro+lem i$ not re$olved, +oth -ou and -our child will have to deal with the di$appointment.
@E Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

Feep -our e1pectation$ reali$tic (gradual improvement over time) and *eep -our $olution$ $imple. Both -our child and -our wallet will than* -ou 'or it. Tip 4..5 3nderstand all ris)s before 6ou begin Some method$ o' +edwetting treatment have almo$t no ri$*$ (thin* o' the hone- cure or vi$uali2ation, 'or e1ample). Some are ri$*- when admini$tered improperl- (alternative or holi$tic medicine, chiropractic therap-) and $ome are ri$*- (all medication$ carr- ri$*$ o' $ide e''ect$). a*e $ure that -ou under$tand what can go wrong with each treatment +e'ore -ou +egin it. a*e $ure that -ou can cope with the eventualit- i' it happen$. &' cour$e, -ou $hould tr- low:ri$* option$ (+ehavior modi'ication, 'or e1ample) +e'ore higher ri$* option$ ($uch a$ medication). It ma*e$ $en$e to *eep -our child $a'e, e$pecialli' the +edwetting i$$ue can +e re$olved with no po$$i+le in5ur-. ove onto ri$*ier method$ i' the low:ri$* method$ do not $eem to +e wor*ing a'ter a 'ew wee*$. Tip 41005 ?eep 6our e6e on the big picture !$ -ou +row$e through thi$ e+oo*, -ou ma- +e e1cited that $o man- po$$i+le $olution$ e1i$t 'or +edwetting. 4owever, do not 'ocu$ on the$e tip$ $o much that -ou lo$e trac*. 0our main goal i$ to ma*e -our child 'eel com'orta+le and to help -our child 'eel happ-. I' -ou can do thi$ with method$ 'or getting rid o' +edwetting, then great. 4owever, putting the 'ocu$ on -our child 'ir$t mean$ that -ou will not lo$e trac* o' -our child3$ com'ort level a$ -our tr- to help -our child $top wetting the +ed. Tip 41015 @ove 6our child I' -ou are reading thi$ +oo* and tr-ing to help -our child, then -ou li*el- don3t need to +e told : +ut doe$ -our child; Children who are e1periencing +edwetting and treatment 'or the pro+lem o'ten e1perience great upheaval$ o' emotion$. The- need -our love more than ever, and the- e$peciall- need to +e told that the- are loved : right now. Being a''ectionate and loving with -our child will help rea$$ure -our child more than an-thing that he or $he i$ $till loved and accepted. Thi$ can help give -our child the $trength to get over tea$ing and the other pro+lem$ a$$ociated with +edwetting. "on3t 5u$t a$$ume -our child *now$ -ou love them : e$peciall- i' -ou have +een $hort: tempered with them concerning +ed wetting or +edwetting treatment. Tell them.
@G Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

Now that -ou have pondered more than one hundred wa-$ to help -our child with +edwetting, the time ha$ come to choo$e which method$ to u$e in helping -our child. 0ou ma- have cho$en $ome method$ to put into practice alread- or -ou ma- +e wondering where to +egin. 0ou will notice that the method$ o' dealing with +edwetting 'all into a 'ew +road categorie$: <Time and patience: &'ten the mo$t:recommended method, thi$ mean$ that parent$ and children wait until the +od- on it$ own learn$ to $top lo$ing +ladder control at night. Thi$ can +e a 'ru$trating method, +ut tend$ to +e an e''ective one, a$ mo$t children tend to outgrow the pro+lem on their own with time. !ll method$ reHuire at lea$t a $mall do$e o' time and patience to wor*. <Behavior odi'ication: Thi$ method wor*$ +- tr-ing to BteachC the +od- to wa*e up in time in order to go to the +athroom. Lariou$ method$ are u$ed in thi$ treatment. oi$ture detector alarm$, ma*ing +athroom acce$$ ea$ier, vi$uali2ation, and other techniHue$ are all u$ed. <#eduction o' e$$ or .ro+lem: Some parent$ $impl- $ee +ed wetting a$ a natural part o' childhood, and wor* to $impl- reduce the me$$ and inconvenience. ! num+er o' product$ on the mar*et toda- e1i$t to help with thi$ goal, including mattre$$ liner$, $leeping +ad liner$, di$po$a+le a+$or+ent underpant$, non:di$po$a+le a+$or+ent product$, and manother$. The$e can all ma*e morning$ more plea$ant until the child learn$ to $leep Bdr-.C In manca$e$, -ou $hould u$e one o' the$e method$ no matter what method -ou are u$ing, a$ Baccident$C ma- occur. < edical Treatment: Some parent$ $ee* doctor help with +edwetting. Thi$ can +e a good idea i' a parent $u$pect$ an underl-ing cau$e ma- +e the real pro+lem +ehind +edwetting. %ven i' the cau$e i$ not medical, doctor$ can pre$cri+e medication that can control +edwetting. <4oli$tic Treatment: ! num+er o' alternative treatment$ e1i$t which help children with +edwetting. %ating hone-, h-pnotherap-, and other $uch treatment$ have +een 'ound e''ective +- $ome parent$, even though the$e treatment$ do not wor* 'or ever-one and even though in $ome ca$e$ not much re$earch ha$ +een done a+out the e''icac- o' the$e treatment$.
@I Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

<.ro1- Treatment : #ather than treating the pro+lem, $ome parent$ choo$e to treat the pro+lem$ cau$ed +- the pro+lem. Thi$ can mean helping a child cope with tea$ing or clean: up or di$com'ort. The idea i$ that i' the pro+lem i$ more +eara+le, the child will +e a+le to wait 'or the pro+lem to clear up on it$ own. !l$o, pro1- treatment ac*nowledge$ that it i$ o'ten not +edwetting it$el' that i$ a pro+lem, +ut rather it i$ the pro+lem$ cau$ed +- it that $eem un+eara+le. o$t parent$ u$e at lea$t a 'ew treatment$, i' not $everal. The- ma- u$e a 'ew remedie$ to control the me$$ o' +edwetting, 'or e1ample, and u$e other$ to actuall- re$olve the pro+lem. "i''erent parent$ u$e di''erent method$, 5u$t a$ di''erent doctor$ will $ugge$t di''erent wa-$ 'or dealing with +edwetting. /hatever treatment $-$tem -ou choo$e 'or -our child $hould have a 'ew +a$ic Hualitie$. It $hould: <Be accepted +- the child <Not ma*e the pro+lem wor$e <Be $a'e <Be e''ective <Be a''orda+le 'or -our 'amil<Cau$e a minimum o' di$ruption in the home <Not reHuire $o much time that other 'amil- activitie$ or re$pon$i+ilitie$ $u''er <Be a $-$tem that +oth the child and the parent 'eel com'orta+le with <Suit -our child3$ and 'amil-3$ $peci'ic circum$tance$ <Not inter'ere with normal child development and activitie$ There are man- treatment$ and tip$ throughout thi$ e+oo* that ma- have the$e Hualitie$ 'or -our ca$e. Choo$e tho$e tip$ that ma*e $en$e to -ou and give them a tr- to $ee i' the- help. an- parent$ have 'ound help +- 'ollowing the advice on the$e page$, and now that -ou have the tip$ in thi$ e+oo*, -ou will +e a+le to e''ect $imilar $ucce$$ $torie$ with -our own 'amil-. orning$ will $eem much nicer when -our child i$ well re$ted !N" happ-, $o go +ac*, choo$e the tip$ -ou want to tr- and $tart -our wa- to calmer wa*e:up$.
@J Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

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E= Bright Chance Tutoring, Inc. http://www.BrightChanceTutoring.com Now Serving Central FL, Surrounding etro !tlanta, Lee Count, NC

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