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Weber Liu


How has your understanding of what constitutes humanity been illuminated by your study of texts and their contexts? In your answer you must refer to the theme of justice within the texts Of Mice and Men and The Motorcycle Diaries It is only through a simultaneous comparison of two different texts are we able to examine the composers contextual concerns dealing with the constituent ideals and values of humanity and their transcending nature into our own society. John Steinbecks 1937 novella, Of Mice and Men and Walter Salles 2004 film The Motorcycle Diaries both present varying insights into the relationships of individuals, the changing of values and societal justice. Steinbecks Of Mice and Men , set in the post-great depression era deals with those cyclically influenced by the American Dream within the Californian Dustbowl, whilst Salles film The Motorcycle Diaries utilises an epistolary framework based on the diary of Che Guavarez in a period where American Capitalism had muffled the need for human rights in an impoverished Mexico. Despite the 50 year gap in context, the composers both present similar criticisms and concerns, and, resulting from a newfound understanding of relationships, justice and values, we gain an insight into the concept of humanity. Steinbeck explores the need for relationships through the characters of George and Lennie, who epitomise humanities values of the period. The quote Aint many guys travel around together from Slim symbolises and establishes the lack of friendship during the Post-depression era, which evidently results in the inhuman nature expressed through the other characters. The characters George and Lennie are seen to be unlike to the extremes, through the juxtaposition Every part of him was defined behind him walked his opposite The additional use of animal imagery to describe Lennie the way a bear drags his paws emphasizes their differences in appearance whilst illustrating the complimentary nature of the two parties and the reason behind their compatibility; George is the brains, and Lennie is the muscle. Together, through the friendship, George and Lennie are able to divulge in the delusion of the American dream, symbolised through the motif of a little house, a couple of acres and the rabbits. The characters optimistic ambitions hence provide the basis of their friendship despite their differences. The relationship between the protagonists is used by Steinbeck to evaluate its place as a human value. Similarly, relationships also take a major role in Salles The Motorcycle Diaries. Salles film presents relationships as a vehicle to cross psychological and physical barriers in order to communicate. Salles protagonists, Fuser and Ernesto are portrayed to have the similar outlooks in their lives, through the description what we have in common: Our restless, impassioned spirits. By using a first person authorial voice, the friendship and bond between these characters are accentuated. The character of Fuser decides to break from status quo by choosing not to wear gloves when coming into contact with the Lepers. The close-up shot of Fusers bare hand and the change of expression from worried to cheerful on the victims face symbolises the attempt to fight the system and to form human relationships illustrating the idea that ones relationship cannot hold true with a barrier in place. Through The Motorcycle Diaries we are able to understand the importance of relationships in forming connections and bonds, an essential role of humanity. Steinbeck scrutinizes the absence of justice during the post-great depression era through a juxtaposition of power between the working class and bourgeoisie. During this period, as a result of high unemployment rates, people of higher positions of the social hierarchy were able to abuse their power. Curley is portrayed without integrity and as an oppressor of the American dream through

Weber Liu


juxtaposition between power and helplessness. The simile like a terrier contrasts Curleys docile and aggressive nature with Lennie who, with the animalistic imagery huge paws and bleated is described as a helpless bear. Through an accumulation of violent images slashed, smashed, terror and slugging, the unjust nature of power exploitation is exemplified and. Whilst Steinbeck depicts the lack of justice in his contextual society due to inhumanity, Salles presents a similar issue through the Chilean miners, who represent the victims of South America. Salles presents the importance of justice through a result of racial discrimination against the indigenous people of South America. People during this period were typically victimised as a result of their gender and political perspectives. The mining couple are dispossessed due to their political belief as they are communists. Fusers authorial voiceover provides a description on their tragic and haunting faces, and through a close up shot of grimly dirt covering their faces portray the hardship encountered as a result of fighting the institution and the victimising from capitalist companies. When being chosen by the companies, the unsteady camerawork and switching between the company representative and Fuser highlight the controversial nature of their conversation. The juxtaposition between camera framing, the representative placed a whole body perspective and the angle of the camera looking up towards Fuser make him seem like a greater more authoritative figure which introduces the concept of him becoming an advocate for justice. The notion of justice is dismissed within both Salles and Steinbecks texts, and replaced with the issue of lack of justice. By doing so, its requirement in the existence of humanity can be evaluated by the responder. Of Mice and Men presents the value of a dream from various characters in order to emphasize its necessity in our existence. During the 1930s, common citizens were subscribed to the notion of the American Dream, a goal designed to increase motivation, primarily perceptible in George and Lennie. Each of Steinbecks characters who reside in the long rectangular building each carry personal aspirations. The geometric imagery used to describe the bunkhouse gives a confined and boxed in effect, establishing it as a place of refuge of which those who cannot achieve their dream exist in. Georges repetition of I bet we could swing her when his plan of buying a home portrays the personal significance of becoming economically autonomous. Through his passively enthusiastic tone and the lack of additional dialogue, we are able to understand the value of the Emersonian dream to and its psychological significance on George, Lennie and Candy. As a result of the idealistic vision of achieving their dream and hence fulfilling a value, we find, as in The Motorcycle Diaries, the idea that keeping values and dreams are a part of basic human instinct. Salles conveys the importance of values through the character Fuser, using his physical incapability to highlight its overwhelming effect. Through Fuser swimming between the two islands, the composer illustrates an attempt to fight the institution during a time of separation. The river, portrayed with a dark colour scheme, represents a rift of segregation. Fuser solidifies his value of unity by swimming across the river, and through the suspenseful atmosphere created through the lack of music, which stresses the sound of his asthmatic breathing, he bridges the gap between healthy and sick. This event draws parallels with the society of his time, as the islands were a microcosm of what was the South American society, barricaded by divisions of inequality. The miseen-scene and the camera angle level with the water create a tense, claustrophobic effect which influences the extent of the films verisimilitude. By doing so, the authenticity of Fusers challenge to achieve his dream is enhanced. Although the task undertaken seems almost impudent, it is the

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individuals satisfaction gained through promoting his value which motivates the incident, and hence supports the concept that values are fundamental in being human. In both Of Mice and Men and The Motorcycle Diaries, the different perspectives on the similar themes which constitute humanity are expressed. As a result of the differing media and context of both texts, Steinbeck using literary techniques and responding to the issues of the Great Depression and the Californian Dustbowl, and Salles employing cinematic devices to advocate for the social and economic inequality in South America, we are able to gain an insight into the effect of relationships, justice and values on humanity.

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