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PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENT Submitted by:Dr. Poonamjot Kaur Sidhu 2.

. INTRODUCTION MENTAL HEALTHA state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. PSYCHIATRY Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted tothe study and treatment of mental disorders. These mental disorders include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual abnormalities. PSYCHIATRISTA psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. 3. INTRODUCTION DE-ADDICTION CENTRES A place where a Professional team comprising of Psychiatrist, Medical Officer, Counsellor, Social Workers and Yoga Therapist involve in the treatment of addiction LIFE STYLE MODIFICATION CENTRES It carries out program that include fitness training, nutritioncounselling, health screening, health education and behaviour modification. Such places incorporates all of these elements into a one comprehensive plan. 4. IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENTS The World Health Organization estimates that by 2020, mental depression will be the largest cause of disability worldwide. It also says that by 2025, mental illness will catch up with heart disease or may even overtake it as the biggest global health concern. The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bangalore estimates that two crore Indians need help for serious mental disorders, while a further five crore suffer from mental illnesses not considered very serious. These figures do not include neurological age- related progressive disorders such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. 5. It also estimates that at least 35 lakh Indians need hospitalisation on account of mental illnesses. But the country has only 40 institutions that are equipped to treat patients suffering from mental disorders. The total number of beds is less than 26,000. Of these 40 institutions, only nine are equipped to treat children. Moreover, many ofthem are medieval-era, asylum-style institutions with high boundary walls, artificial barriers and patients kept in solitary confinement. "We need to get out of this mental hospital structure. More importantly, we need to stop reinforcing negative stereotypes of the mentally ill," says Vandana Gopikumar,member of the policy group appointed by the Union health ministry to frame a national mental health policy. 6. PSYCHIATRY HOSPITALS Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals, are hospitals specializing in the treatment of serious mental disorders. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialise only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialise in the temporary or permanent care of residents who, as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialised and controlled environment. 7. Crisis stabilization Open units Medium-term Juvenile wards Long-term care facilities Halfway houses Political imprisonment Secure units 8. PSYCHIATRY WINGS These form a part of a general or a multispecialty hospital Usually located away from the general OPD or IPD Allot of government and private hospital prefer them to be on dead ends or in lesser traffic areas of the hospital as such patients may become violent at times 9. BASIC REQUIREMENTS Certain base line provisions should be present in case a psychiatric hospital or wing is being planned These are given by the mental health act 1987 and completion of them is necessary to get a mandatory licence. These can be discussed under various aspects being:

10. PHYSICAL FEATURES OPEN AND CARPET AREA REHABLITATION DORMITORYDIAGNOSTIC DRAINAGE FACILITIES SYSTEM EMERGENCY BASIC FACILITY AMMENITIES COMPOUND WALL 11. SERVICES Registration Outpatient Treatment Inpatient Treatment Emergency services Dispensing of medications (pharmacotherapy) Psychosocial interventions Laboratory servicesReferral / Consultation / Linkages Record maintenance 12. STAFF REQUIREMENTS psychiatrist Medical Clinical officer psychologist Psychiatric hospitalStaff nurses attendants In accordance to need 13. QUALIFICATION OF STAFFPsychiatristMedical OfficerClinical PsychologistTrained PsychologistsPsychiatric social workerStaff Nurse 14. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DE-ADDICTION CENTRES: 15. NEUROPSYCHIATRYDRUG DEADDICTION CUM REHABLITATION CENTRE Dr. Hardeep Singh MD Psychiatry (PGI) MIPS,MAPA,AIASP,MIACAM Sr. Consultant Psychiatrist 16. INTRODUCTION It is the first and only licensed private psychiatric hospital in the region Was established in the year At Neuropsychiatry Centre their goal is to provide comprehensive drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation services to individuals whose lives have become unmanageable as a result of addiction and introduce them to a new lifestyle free of drugs/ alcohol. Provided through a social-therapeutic model and includes education, counselling, new lifestyle training, and introduction to the recovery community. 17. MISSION It is to effectively treat individuals suffering from substance abuse and other psychological disorders. It emphasis on theimportance of treating clients with dignity while helping them reintegrate into society as productive, drug-free individuals. 18. STEPS TAKEN TO ACHIEVE MISSION Providing high quality, cost effective treatment services Ensuring that their drug rehabilitation centre has sober living environments and is safe, supportive and chemical- free. Demonstrating significant reductions in substance abuse and corresponding quality of life improvements. Achieving cooperative partnerships between treatment staff and clients. Continuing Education and Training of their staff. 19. HIERARCHY OF THE STAFF Dr. Hardeep Singh Psychiatrist Mrs. Suman Gupta Counselor SecurityStaff Nurses Receptionist Attendants Misc Guards 5 3 1 4 3-4 20. LAYOUT KITCHEN RECORD REST ROOM ROOM STAFF NURSE ROOMS RECEPTIONIPD (15 BEDS ) C COUNSELLERS H ROOM PSYCHIATRISTS A ROOM STORAGE I INNER WAITING R ROOM 21. CONSULTATION PROVIDED FOR Psychiatric problems Drug and alcohol de addiction Psychosexual disorders Childhood behavioral disorders Emotional problems Marital and interpersonal problems Counseling / psychotherapy Behavior therapy Relaxation therapy Stress management 22. FACILITIES AVAILABLEElectroconvulsive Psychological Pharmacy therapy testing Psychiatric Indoor admission emergency 23. PROCESS FLOW OF THE DEPARTMENTAppointment ( on phone, on line orpersonally ) Payment made in cash or by card Evaluated by an psychologist Dr. Hardeep consults the patient Diagnosis and treatment planning is done 24. INVENTORY A stock register is maintained Periodically the amount of goods are checked Orders are placed in accordance to requirements

25. PROBLEMS FACED Maintenance problems Patients reporting late for appointments Long waiting time for patients 26. SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM Reminders for appointments should be given Patients encouraged to come on time Time allocations to be made specific Delays should be patiently explained to the patient 27. LIFE STYLE MODIFICATION CENTRES Also called as wellness centers or spa These centers focus on healthy life practices Usually the concerned individual is admitted for a certain period of time They usually practice drugless therapy which combines Indian Nature Cure with Yoga and other drugless regimens, namely, Diet Therapy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, and exercise. Such Institutes accepts and provides diagnosis only through scientific methods with modern medical equipment. 28. DISEASES CONSIDEREDAbdominal disorders Eosinophillia Menstrual DisordersAllergic Rhinitis Gastritis MigraineAmoebiasis Gout MyopiaAnaemia (Haemoglobin level Hepatitis - A Obesitynot less than 8 gm/ 100 ml)Anxiety Neurosis Hiatus Hernia Osteo ArthritisArthritis High Blood Pressure Refractive ErrorsBronchial Asthma High cholesterol Rheumatoid ArthritisCalcaneal Spur High Uric acid SciaticsChronic Constipation Hyperacidity SinusitisColitis Hypotension Sleep Apnoea Spondylitis-Cervical andDepression Hypothyroidism LumberDiabetes Mellitus Insomnia Stable Heart CasesDysentery Irritable bowel Syndrome Ulcers 29. ACTIVITIES Yoga Laughing session 15 km walk Kriya before yoga 40 minutes aerobics Swimming Meditation Messages and body packs Outdoor games One hour lecture on health every night Two meals a day and 5 L of water 30. REFERENCES

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