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Joshua VanCampen Senior Trans 9/17/13

College Professor Career Research Paper

The object of my career is to inspire others to always be learning and growing within themselves and their community. Professors teach a disciplined subject, in either a tradition field such as Language Arts, History, Mathematics, and Sciences, or in a field of Arts or Liberal Sciences. Most colleges have departments where professors with different backgrounds congregate and study a subject from several different perspectives. For example, people in psychology, medicine and literature can come together to teach in a department of Womens studies. Teaching involves lecturing undergraduates, graduate study groups or even distant online educational courses. Professors have to write course plans, meet with their students individually, grade papers and exams, and watch over teaching assistants. In addition, professors must conduct a vast amount of research used to publish their own essays, articles and books. Recognition within this profession is often based on the presss acceptance of said professors work, and how often it gets published. Professors are also responsible for administrative work in their department and their college as a whole. For instance, a professor might be part of a committee that reviews applications and decides on purchases for the college. Some may choose to do more administrative work than actual teaching, as either a department head or even a dean. A professors research is generally solitary work, although professors in some departments can work as a team in labs. Most professors spend their time in libraries preparing

for lectures, researching and studying. The amount of work a professor must work is directly related to their status and topic, professors who do a larger amount of publishing do not teach as many classes. The average teaching load for a full time professor is 2-3 courses per term, which is about 50-60 hours a week and has a relatively flexible schedule. In preparation for their job, professors must study 9 to11 years. As graduate students, they usually receive grants, scholarships, and fellowships that cover their living expenses. PhD recipients often spend 1 to 3 years in a part-time position before landing a full time job. Professors may teach at 2-4 year colleges, and the 2 year colleges have harder teaching loads. Earnings depend on the quality of their research, the instruction, and the discipline taught. Rank and years of experience also affect their income. Average salaries for a full time assistant professor range from $50,000 to $60,000 a year. A full time professor in mid career will make between $60,000 and $80,000 a year and after many years in their field they can even make up to $80,000 to $130,000. Professors must have other qualifications, such as a passion for learning and excellent researching and writing skills. As a professor, you must be very at ease speaking in front of large crowds, compassion, and extraordinary leadership skills. Demonstrating critical thinking skills and having the ability to inspire are also required, and fluency in a second or third language is also helpful and is required on some PhD programs. As professors work farther into their career, they must continue to help students work and learn as easily as possible. To aid them, professors create clubs and committees to help each other and share ideas. The American Association of University Professors are trying to advance academic freedom, and encourage higher education. The American Council of Education serves

as a leader on higher educational issues and influences public policy through research and program initiatives. College professors also have communities in their departments with the other teachers. Many are friends and even spend time with each other outside of the workplace. Similar interests, troubles and inspirations can give teachers a common ground with their colleagues to form lifelong friendships. Almost like having a second family the teachers will draw near to each other and spend time having fun and unwinding after working together all week. The teachers real families can sometimes be stressed because of the occasion long work week. Since professors can work up to 60 hours a week, there is not always time to do the things they want with their families. Teaching young minds is always a need in any place therefore the job opportunities for professors are found everywhere and in very diverse places. The total employment for college professors was 51,380 jobs in 2010, however, it is expected that there will be a 9.4% increase in job opportunities in 2020. On average there is 1,304 job openings every year, but by 2020, there will be close to 2,000 annual openings. Professors can advance their career by becoming an administrative worker, such as advancing to a dean profession. This will raise their earnings by $3,000 to $10,000 by year one. In addition, Professors often return to college to study fields such as law, business and engineering. They return because they can find well-paying jobs in many private sectors, such as Economists, Chemists, Historians or Mathematician. As a college professor, I aim to help inspire people to learn and advance in many academic fields. By using my own skills of leadership, patience and knowledge, I wish to ensure that as much information and understanding is given to the next generation.

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