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WWI total war(a war in which opponents mobilizes all availble societal resources in war efforts) at the end

of WWI the powers were exausted from war and defeated nations were we ak Establishment of league of nation and 14 point program of woodro wilson treaty of varsile settlement& 1929 the great depression caused e\rise of hitler and japanese agression league was unable to maintain peace The varsailles conference losers were not present present states:Britain france US(all democratic nations so people opinion matter ed most) woodrow wilsons 14 points-a new way for peace conference during wwI bolshevik revolution of russia philosophy of bolshevism:anti capitalist philosophy &supported revolution and cl ass struggle changes in geo political situation disintegration of ottaman empire-power vaccume in middle east new concepts emerged like "war to end all wars","war to make safe for propagatio n of democracy" influencing factors: 1.democratict staus of deciding nations 2.development of mass media 3.idealism of woodrow wilson Aims A wish to develop a new order of international relations that would secure perma nent peace US 1.14 point program of woodro wilson 2.establish democracy and self determination(countries should be established acc ording to wishes of concerning people) 3.Establishment of league of nation (notion of collecctive security) 4.punishment to Germany and decide period of probation after which Germany could join the league of nation UK Elimination of German fleet to end German empire as potential source of conflict defeat German plans to establish control of Europe 4.normal European relationship for economic activities which wold act as bulwark against Bolshevism 5.Not to become part of any kind of alliance 6.discourage French territrial ambitions in Europe thereby maintain balance of p ower 7.Declaring Germany war guilty and forced it to pay reparation(Campaign promise of Llyod george(Then PM of Britain)) France 1.future security against Germany 2.IT requied Germany for extensive disarmamentterretorial reduction,heavy repara tion to weaken german economy 3.recover Alsace-Lorraine region 4.create a buffer area west of Rhine

5.acquire Saar region of Germany as financial compensation 5.firm alliance of UK & US against german agression wanted concrete meausuers

Italy 1.Achive terretorail gains promised by treaty of London-annextion of Damatian co ast,Trieste,south Tyrol Japan 1.recognition for its dominant power in china & pacific 2.acquire large empirefor security and economic strenght 3.establish itsef as major power 4.entitle to grman possesion 5.racial equality Questions to be considered in versille The treatment of Germany THe austro Hungarian empire The ottamn empire Russia Non European states

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