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The characteristic feature that differentiates human beings from other animals is the ability to communicate by words. The term communication can have many meanings in the context in which it is used. The word communication is derived from the latin word Communicare which means to share, divide out, impart, inform, unite or participate in. To some communication is the interchange of information between two or more people or the exchange of thoughts. Communication and education are interworks. Communication strategies can enhance learning Ultimate goal of all communication is to bring about a change in the desired direction of the person who receive communication. t may be cognitive level in terms of increase in knowledge, affective in terms of changing existing patterns of behavior and attitudes and psychomotor in terms of ac!uiring new skills. The newer trend in communication revolution to put todays health information at the deposal of families to help people to achieve health by their own action and efforts.

Communication has various definitions" #$ny act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that persons needs, decides, perception, knowledge or affective states. t may be international or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms and may occur through spoken or other models%.

&'ational (oint committee for the communicative 'eeds of persons with severe disability, )**+. Communication is a process where people send stimulus in purpose to change or to make behavior of other people & ,oral, (anis, -elly . )*/0.

Communication is a process of sending information, idea, emotion, ability etc by using symbols such as words, pictures, numbers etc. & 1erelson dan stainer )*23

Communication is a process which explains who, says what, in which channel, to whom with what effect. & 4asswell )*25

Communication is a process which make something which belong to one person becomes belong to + persons or more. & 6ode & )*/*

$ccording to the methods used for communication and also the flow of information, there are many types of communication. The main types are7 )8 9ne way communication :didactic8 +8 Two way communication :;ocratic8 08 <erbal communication 38 'on verbal communication

/8 =ormal and informal communication 28 <isual communication >8 Telecommunication and internet One way communication (Didactive method) The flow of communication is one way from communicator to audience. There are many limitations such as imposing of knowledge, authoritative learning, decreased audience participation, lack of feedback and absence of influence on human behavior. ) Two way communication 1oth the communicator and audience take part in this. The audience may raise !uestions and add their own information, ideas and opinions to the sub?ect. t is more likely to influence the behavior. !) "e#$a% communication Communication using words it is persuasive. &) Non ve#$a% communication Communication that occur without words. t includes body movements, positives, gestures, facial expressions and even silence. t can actually convey more than that in verbal means. ') Fo#ma% and in(o#ma% communication =ormal communication follows the lines of authority and informal does not informal communication exists in many settings. nformal channels may be more active if formal ones are not catering the needs.

)) "i*ua% communication+ t is the type which helps in conveying messages to people who can understand the verbal message very less. The visual form of communication comprise charts, graphs, pictograms, tables, maps, posters etc.. ,) Te%ecommunication and Inte#net Telecommunication is the process of communicating over distance using electromagnetic instruments designed for the purpose. @adio, T< and internet are very effective most communication media.

,ealth is the concern of everyone for everyone. ,ealth communication is therefore an important area of communication. ,ealth information can be communicated through many channels to increase awareness and assess the knowledge of different problems about various issues, products and behaviors. Function* o( hea%th communication + ,ealth communication has to cater to the following needs, )8 nformation /8 Counseling D8 9rganiEation /) In(o#mation The primary function of health communication is to provide scientific knowledge or information to people about health problems and how to maintain and promote health.

+8 Aducation 28 @aising morale

08 Botivation

38 Cersuasion

>8 ,ealth development

) Education Aducation of the general public in an integral part of a prevention . oriented approach to health and disease problems and basis of all education in communication. Aducation can bring about changes in life styles and thus risk factors of diseases also. -nowledge determines attitudes and attitudes determine behavior. !) Motivation t is the power that drives a person from within to act. 9ne of the goals of health communication is to motivate individuals to translate health information to personal behavior and life style for their own health. Botivation includes the stages of interest, evaluation and decision making. The best channels of success involve programmes directed at individuals who are already having some strong motivation, in patients with chronic illness or a disability those facing acute crisis etc. &) Pe#*ua*ion t is the art of winning friends and influencing people. t is a conscious attempt by one individual to change or influence the general beliefs, understanding, values and behavior of another individual or group of individuals in some desired ways. ') Coun*e%in0 t is a process that can help people understand better and deal with their problems and communicate better with those with whom they are emotionally involved. t can improve and reinforce motivation to change behavior. t can provide support at the time of crisis. )) 1ai*in0 mo#a%e Borale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently or consistently communication is the first step in raising morale.

,) -ea%th Deve%o2ment Communication can play a powerful role in health development by helping to diffuse knowledge in respect of the goals of development and preparing the people for the goals expected of them. 3) -ea%th O#0ani4ation Communication is the life and blood of an organiEation. n a health organiEation communication can flow in vertical or horiEontal direction. <ertical can be from downward to upward or viceversa. ,oriEontal is between e!uals at any level. The direction in which communication flows in an organiEation suggest the degree of freedom in the internal communication network.

In(o#mation Education 5 Communication (IEC) $ccording to U'=C$ nformation Aducation and communication : AC8 combines strategies approaches and methods that enable individuals, families, group, organiEations and communities to play active roles in achieving, protecting and sustaining their own health. Cha#acte#i*tic* o( IEC AC is a combination of various activities. t also has many characteristics. $s this is the problem used in the health it has the characteristics needed for meeting the goals. The main characteristics of AC program are7 t is the process of learning that empowers people to make decisions. t helps in modifying behavior and changing social conditions. $ctivities are developed based on needs assessment.

t is based on sound educational principles. There is periodic evaluation The whole process is based on a clear set of goals or ob?ectives. ,ealth service providers must be prepared for responding to any demand that may be created as a result of AC activities. nfluence of social, culture, economic and environmental conditions are taken into consideration.

Com2onent* o( IEC The components of AC are simply information, education and communication. Counseling is also a key components of AC programme. In(o#mation Correct information is a basic part of health education. Axposure to right kind of health information can eliminate social and psychological barriers of ignorance, pre?udice and misconception people have about health matters. t increases the awareness of people to the point that they are able to perceive their health needs. $lso it influences people to the extend that unfelt needs become felt needs and felt needs become demands. Education Aducation in AC is health education. t is indispensible in achieving individual and community health. t can help to increase knowledge and to reinforce desired behavior patterns.

DEFINITION OF -EA.T- EDUCATION ,ealth education is the translation of what is known about health, into desirable individual and community behavior patters by means of an educational process & 'ihae

The process by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance or restoration of ,ealth. & (ohn B. 4ast

$ny combination of learning opportunities and teaching activities designed to facilitate voluntary adaptations of behavior that are conducive to health & 6reen 4.F :)*>*8

,ealth education is a process that informs, motivates and helps people to adopt and maintain healthy practices and lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal and conducts professional training and research to the same end. & 'ational conference on

preventive medicine U;$ ,ealth education is the part of health case that is concerned with promoting healthy behavior. & F,9 :)**D8

$ process aimed at encouraging people to want to be healthy, to know how to stay healthy to do what they can individually and collectively to maintain health and to seek help when needed. & $lma&$fa Geclaration :)*>D8

Gefinition by $lma&$fa is the dynamic definition of health education.



Gefinition adopted by F,9 in )*2* and $lma&$fa declaration adopted in )*>D provide a useful basis for formulating the aims and ob?ectives of health education. They are as follows" )8 To encourage people to adopt and sustain health promoting lifestyle and practices. +8 To promote the proper use of health services available to them. 08 To arouse interest, provide new knowledge, improve skills and change attitudes in making rational decisions to solve their own problems and 38 To stimulate individual and community self&reliance and participation to achieve health development through individual and community involvement at every step from identifying problems to solving them.


,ealth education brings together the art and science of medicine and the principles and practice of general education. Certain principles of learning can be abstracted and applied to health education. They include7 ). Credibility " & t is the degree to which the message to be communicated is

perceived as trustworthy by the receiver. 6ood health education must be consistent and compatible with scientific knowledge and also with the local culture, educational system and social goals. +. nterest . health educators must find out the real health needs of the people. f the

health programme is based on felt&needs people will gladly participate in the programme and only then it will be a peoples programme. The health educator will have to bring about a recognition of the needs before he proceeds to tackle them.


Carticipation . t is a keyword in health education. t is based on the psychological

principle of active learning. ,ealth education should aim at encouraging people to work activity with health workers and others in identifying their own health problems and also developing solution and plans to work them out. The $lma& $fa declaration states #The people have a right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care%. f community participation is not an integral part, health progrmme are unlikely to succeed. 3. Botivation " & n every person there is a fundamental right to learn. $wakening

their desire is called motivation. n health education motivation should be used. Botivation is contagious. 9ne motivated person may spread motivation throughout a group. /. Comprehension "& n health education we must know the level of understanding,

education and literacy of people to whom teaching is directed. 9ne barrier of communication is using words which cannot be understood. $void words which are unfamiliar to the people. $lso teach within the mental capacity of the audience. 2. @einforcement " & @epetition at intervals is necessary if there is no reinforcement,

there is every possibility of individual going back to pre&awareness stage. >. 4earning by doing " & The universe proverb # f hear forget, f see, remember,

f do -now% illustrates the importance of learning by doing. D. -now the unknown" n the health education work we must proceed from concrete

to abstract, particular to general, simple to more complicated and known to unknown. Fe use the existing knowledge of people as the pegs on which to hang new knowledge. *. ;etting an example" & The health educator should set a good example of the things

he is teaching. Talking about one thing and behaving in opposite way will cause lack of trust by the people.


6ood human relations " & ;haring of information, ideas and feelings happen most

easily between people who have a good relationship. 1uilding good relationship with people goes hand in hand with developing good communication skills. )). =eed back"& The health educator can modify the elements of the system in the light

of feedback from his audience. =eedback is of Caramount importance in effective communication. )+. 4eaders" & Fe learn best from people whom we respect and regard. 4eaders are

agents of change and they can be made use of in health education. Ag" village leader, school teacher, political leader.


,ealth education is a global sub?ect because without change in behavior the highest standard of health cannot be achieved. ;o there is a need of wide network of health education agencies from international to grassroots level.

i. nternational Union for health Aducation . ts head!uarters are at Caris. The main aim of this agency is to encourage the countries for creation of national societies for health education. ;outh Aast $sia @egional 1ureau :;A$@18 is the part of nternational Union for ,ealth Aducation. ts head!uarters is at banglore. ii. ,ealth Aducation and ,ealth promotion & ,A,C :F,98 . $division of F,9, ,A,C division supports regional office of F,9 is strengthening national capabilities in health education and promotion. t also develops and identifies new ideas and tools for health education and promotion. iii. Givision of public nformation and Cublic relation :F,98 . t provides information about health and support health education programmes and activities.

i. C,A1 ii. Binistry of nformation andf 1roadcasting . <arious units are working under this. Cress nformation 1ureau . t provides information to press or media. Girectorate of field Cublicity . creates awareness among people about the social programmes sponsored by union government. Girectorate of advertising and visual Cublicity :G$<C8 . Crovides health education by means of advertisements, posters, pictures and other tools of publicity. Crasar 1harati . Goordharshan and $ll ndia @adio are two divisons of Crasar 1harati. ;ongs and Grama Givision . Cerforms 4ine shows. 'ational Bedical 4ibrary . t is the $pex body regarding library and information services related to health sciences. t provides valuable information and health education materials. t is situated in Gelhi. 9ther than the above ,uman @esource Gepartment, Houth Gevelopment, Central 1ureau of ,ealth ntelligence.

State .eve%+
;tate 4evel education bureau and A4 bureau under the health ministry are present. The state agencies, divisionsIwingsIunits of central health education agencies are also running at state level.


Di*t#ict .eve%+
The district level units of central and state health agencies extends the work and fulfils the activities of health education programmes. Gistrict information centre also propagate health messages and provide support in health education.

.oca% .eve%+
n cities municipality, municipal corporation, devloment authorities etc and in village panchayath, block development office etc. take up this responsibility.

Cent#a% -ea%th Education 6u#eau

t is the apex organiEation of ,ealth education in the country t was established in )*/2 under the ministry of health. ts ob?ectives are7 To make available facilities of communication for health education. To carry out training and research in health education. To exchange latest information about development and programmes. To publish and distribute various health bulletins, magaEine and informations. To provide technical support to central and state health services and various health organiEations.

Divi*ion* +
Training Cublicity

Aditorial ,ealth education @egional study Axhibitions centre Crofessional health syllabus @esearch J Avaluation

Aducational material should be designed to focus attention to provide new

knowledge to facilitate interpersonal and group discussion and to reinforce and clarify poor knowledge and behavior. Communication in this context is health communication. There are many varieties of methods that can be used for facilitating communication. The methods used can be used selectively at different times, depending upon the ob?ectives to be achieved, the behavior to be influenced and available funds. Bethods vary accordingly to approach to communication. t can be individual, group or mass communication. Usually mass approach is used for the AC activities to attain the goal at a more vast population. There are many methods which can be used in mass approach. Bass media are a one way approach for effectiveness they should be used in combination with other methods. Cower of mass media in creating a political will in favor of health, raising the health consciousness of the people, selling norms, delivering technical messages, popular rising health knowledge and fostering community

involvement are well recogniEed. The following are some of the mass media used in health communication7 ). Television The most popular of all the media. t is effective note only in creating awareness, but also to an extend influencing public opinion and introducing new ways of life. t is raising level of understanding and helping people familiariEe things, they have not seen before. +. @adio t can reach illiterate population not accessible through printed word. t is purely didactic medium. t is useful in health information in the form of straight talks, plays, !uestions and answers and !uiE programmes. Goctors and health workers may speak out on radio. ,ealth issues may be identified and discussed leading to general awareness. 0. nternet The new means of computer based common system has opened vast capability of transfer of knowledge and has made it possible to get into direct and instant common across the world by means of A&mails and online chats. <ast amount of health related literature from F,9 and other health agencies is available online. 3. 'ewspapers They are the most widely disseminated of all form of literature. 1ut they are effective only on the literate people of the community. /. Crinted materials BagaEines, pamphlets, booklets and hangouts, have long been in use for health communication. They are aimed at those who can read. They can be produced in bulk for very little cost and can be circulated.

2. Girect mailing This is a new method of communication in ndia. The intension is to reach remote areas of the country with printed word. These are sent directly to village leaders, literate persons, panchayath and local bodies and other who are considered as opinion leades. >. Costers 1ill 1oards and ;igns" They are intended to catch the eyes and create awareness. ;o the message must be simple and artistic. Botives such as humor and fear are introduced into posters in order to hold the attention of the public. n places where people will be spending sometime, the posters can be present more information. @ight amount of matter should be put at the right place and right time. They have much less effect in changing behavior. D. ,ealth museum and exhibitions. f properly organiEed health museum and exhibition can attract large number of people. 1y presenting a variety of ideas, they do increase knowledge and awareness. n exhibitions there is a big element of personal communication there workers who explain each item on exhibit. *. Cinema This is a very effective and extreme medium of health education. t is possible to deliver effective message through films on health. 1rief introduction before the beginning, while keeping the interest alive and discussion with the audience after the end of film can be useful. )5. Cuppet show n the rural areas, health education can be imparted through this medium along with recreation woven around with some song and dancing to the tune of the artist fingers and voice, singing and en?oying colorful puppet touch the core of the public and the health message enter their heart.

))8 ;treet plays or 'ukkad 'atak. These are arranged in any crowded place, traffic crossroads, corridors of outdoors or street corners. The message of family planning, malnutrition and other health programmes can be send to the public through these media.

Mea*u#e* (o# *ucce**(u% communication+

The following measures are necessary to make communication successful Clarity of thought with simple and understandable language. Use of two way communication Usefulness of health message Croper use of audio visual aids, gestures, words and pictures. Credibility and geniuses of communication Topic for health education according to re!uirement feelings, beliefs and experience of people. 4atest and reliable information. Correct medium or method for communication $ppropriate attention to verbal as well as non verbal messages. ncrease communication skill for the following steps may be fruitful" 1e confident in your ability to relate to people. 1e sensitive to the needs of others. 1e consistent and know yourself

@ecogniEe symptoms of anxiety @ecogniEe anxiety @ecogniEe differences Use words carefully @ecogniEe and evaluate your own actions and responses. 1e careful in non verbal communication.

Ste2* in Deve%o2in0 IEC Activitie*+

The information gathered through the needs assessment provides the framework for the development of suitable AC activities the ma?or steps are7 Conduct a needs assessment ;et the goal. This is a broad statement of what you would like to see accompanied with the target audience in the end. Astimate behavioral ob?ectives that will contribute to achieving the goals. Gevelop AC activities and involve as many other partners as possible. $fter their successful implementation, you should be able to have a significant impact on achieving the behavioural ob?ectives. dentify potential barriers and ways of overcoming them dentify potential partners, resources and other forms of support for your activities and gained their sustained commitment. Astablish and evaluation plan.


IEC Activate* in India

Cublic policy and communication strategies influence both individual and collective change. The interface between these two components provides the framework to position behavior change.

AC training scheme was launched by Binistry of ,ealth and =amily Felfare with functional assistance from U;$ G. t was started on 'ov )>, )*D> in 3 hindi speaking states of UC, BC, @a?asthan J 1ihar. Through U; $ G assistance was no longer available, the government decided not only to continue it beyond march )**0 but also to extend it to other districts of the 3 states. Binistry of ,ealth and family welfare approved the scheme to continue as a plan scheme under the < the Binistry. plan and made budgeting provisions as part of the AC decision of

Activitie* $ein0 ca##ied out unde# the IEC 2#o0#amme in India9

/) Socia% Mo$i%i4ation (o# the Pu%*e 2o%io mmunisation :Cpi8 Crogramme " Fide publicity through electronic and print media was organiEed. This resulted in successful campaign under the programme. The Cpi programme was formally launched by the ,onorable Cresident of ndia on )5&)5&+553 at @ashtrapathy 1havan where he administered Colio drops to a few children.


) Activitie* th#ou0h media unit* o( I 5 6 mini*t#y9 The media units of the ministry of nformation J 1roadcasting provides

communication support to the family welfare programmes as per the re!uirement and guidelines of the AC Givision. The focus is on mother and child health issues, population growth, status of women, small family and the community needs assessment approach. a8 Goordarshan . Gooradarshan telecasts video spots at prime time on a range of @C, issues. ;ports are telecast on regional channels as well. t also telecasts various programmes including panel discussions, films, interviews and covers important occasions like observation of world population day, pulse polio mmuniEation programme, etc. ;ome programmes like -alyani, the teleserial $tma?a, film $para?ita etc. were broadcasted. Chone in programme were also telecasted video spots on Amergency contraception, ';<, Copper .T etc. are also examples. b8 $ll ndia @adio . Communication support has been provided through $ @. The commercial broadcasting ;ervices :C1;8 of $ @ has been broadcasting the programme -hustiya 1hara $angan regularly. c8 =olk song based Crogrammes through radio . 4ok (hankar, ;ushakar etc are some programmes $udio speak about Bala .GIGeluxe 'irodh are being broadcasted. d8 Girectorate of advertising and visual publicity . G$<C issued press advertisements and developed electronic software for various programmes in ,indi and other regional languages. G$<C organiEes publicity for the Gepartment of family welfare through bus back panels, hoardings, posters, leaflets etc. e8 Girectorate of field publicity . t organiEes film shows, photo exhibitions and oral communication program special programs were organiEed to sensitive people about pulse polio programme in weak district all over the country.

f8 Cress information bureau . t provides media coverage on important occasions, events activities, policies and programmes of the department C 1 arrangement for coverage of family welfare, melas world population day function, Culse Colio programmes and other important events. g8 ;ong and Gramma Givision . to educate the people about family welfare issues, songs J drama division organiEes live entertainment programs like puppet shows, dance, drams, folk KKKKK, mythological KKK, traditional plays, magic shows etc. h8 =ilms division . =ilms division produces films on themes related to family welfare, 'ational Copulation Colicy, @C, issues etc.. t also undertakes distribution of fils to filed organiEation and cinema circuit throughout the country for exhibiton. Axamples of fils are Gharini, Cukar, Cuthiya Hudam etc. !9 Activitie* in the *tate :Union te##ito#ie* $ctivities were given multidimensional and integrated thrust to increase the outreach and impact of reproduction and child health and family welfare messages with the ob?ectives of bridging the gap between awareness and acceptance. a8 Bahila ;wasthya ;angh . 6reater emphasis being laid on inter personnel communication to encourage community participation, particularly for the women folk through Bahila ;wasthya ;angh in villages with a population of over )555 or +555 households in plain area and for population of /55 or more in hilly terrain. The $uxillary 'urse Bidwife :$'B8 is the member secretary of B;;. The field level functionaries of the educational department are also member of the B;;. Bahila ;wasthya ;angh members are given short .term training, supplied with informations material and guided by local health workersI1AAI1lock Bedial 9fficers. b8 Training of AC personnel . The AC division organiEed a series of capacity building programmes for AC and personnel through ' ,=F, 'ew Gelhi and other state Training


centers. The awareness generation training co&ordinated by the 'ational nstitute of the ;tate and Gistrict level include a module on interpersonal communication.

&) Media Advocacy th#ou0h N8O* a8 ndian $ssociation of Carliamentarians on population J development : $CCG8 . The pro?ect involvement of Alected @epresentatives for advocacy on population, @eproductive health, , <I$ G;, reproductive rights and women empowerment being implemented by ndian $ssociation of Carliamentarians on Copulation and development was launched in 'ovember )***. The goal of the pro?ect was to sensitiEeI mobiliEe and to involve elected representatives towards effective population stabiliEation approach, reproductive health programme including awareness of , <I$ G; etc. at district level. $CCG is one of the partners in the media advocacy and communication pro?ect in U'=C$s < country programme. They have also undertaken nter state study tour of BCsIB4$s from 'orthern states to southern states for their better exposure on population stabiliEation and @C, issues. b8 Cress nstitute of ndia :C 8 . The development media and $dvocacy pro?ect on population Gevelopment and gender ssues being implemented by C , was operationalised in Bay +555 for a period of two years to involve ?ournalists, media and communication experts in creating greater awareness and played active role in changing population development scenario and highlight reproductive health and !uality care issues. C is publishing population and development 'ews letter .#Ceople% in Anglish and #,umlog% in ,indi regularly for media persons. c8 Copulation foundation of ndia . Copulation foundation of ndia is one of the partners of our 'ational communication and $dvocacy Cro?ect under contrary Crogramme < which has started functioning from (anuary, +553. They had also organiEed . 'ational consultation on 4aw, Colicy and @ights.

') Po2u%ation Education a8 Copulation Aducation in the ;chool sector . Copulation Aducation Crogramme in ;chool stream Cro?ect has been implemented as #Copulation and development Aducation in ;chools%. The Cro?ect has been implemented by 'CA@T at the 'ational 4evel and by ;CA@TsI;tate nstitute of Aducation at the ;tate IUT level. This is now the regular activity of the B9,@G :Gept. of Aducation8 'CA@T has also developed module on adolescent heart education in school sectors. )) Ado%e*cent hea%th Po#0#amme9 t may be mentioned that adolescent development is a broad issue of which ministry of youth affairs and sports is the nodal ministry. The population education programme supported by this department being implemented by 'CA@T has made a beginning in the concern of @eproductive ;exual ,ealth :@$;,8 in curriculum and teachers training. ,) P#omotion th#ou0h P#int Media9 a8 Cress $dvertisement & The most intensive print media campaign was for in the Culse Colio Crogramme, which was made systematically through a series of press advertisements in numerous newspapers on all ndia basis, on and before all the 'ational and sub&national rounds of the CC Crogramme. $ 'umber of advertisements on different issues and important events such as @ashtriya (anani ;uraksha Givas, different ,ealth ;ratus, T=, world Copulation day, 'o ;calpel <asectomy, ;ervice '69 ;cheme, @egional @esource Centre for B'69, mother '69 scheme etc were designed in house and issued for publicity through G$<C to ma?or newspapers in all languages in the country. b8 Crint ;oftware . $ number of publicationsIprint software such as the ,andbook on C'GT $ct, ,andbook diary for ,ealth functionaries, guidelines for various procedures in community. mmuniEation cards with plastic ?acket for the routine immuniEation

programme are being made. 'ew Hear greeting cards are prepared and sent to the members of parliament, members of legislative assemblies and ,ealth functionaries etc. c8 @C, 'ews letter . $ )2 page !uarterly @C, newsletter is brought out in many languages. The news letter gave details of new schemes and services highlighting efforts of individuals and non&government organiEations working in the field of family welfare and health. $ number of issues in the form of readers @esponse, have been discussed throughout this news letter. d8 $nnual wall calendar . Calendar designed in house, has come out with innovative design on polio eradication, save the girl child, small family norm, checkups during pregnancy safe delivery, breast feeding, balanced diet, contraception, ndian systems of medicine and yoga, and , <I$ G; issues. This calendar is circulated to all the health setups in the country. e8 9ther Crint ;oftwares & hindi ?ournals ,amara 6har and an number of print

software are designed and printed for health functionaries at the C,4 level. f8 Gistribution of centreI;tateUTs. Baterials . The distribution wing mails audio&video and print ndia working in the

softwareImaterial to various audience groups all over

1O.E OF IEC IN "A1IOUS NATIONA. -EA.T- P1O81AMMES AC is an integral part and essential component of all national health programmes. IODINE DEFICIENCY CONT1O. P1O81AMME 4ots of emphasis is given on informations education J communication activities using appropriate methods and channels of communication to promote awareness. Clays, songs, drams, seminars, film shows, group discussions etc. are conducted. ;pots of GG are telecasted through doordarshan at prime time before news. Bessages from the

,onorable Union ,ealth Binister of state for health appealing to masses for regular consumption of iodated salt are published in leading newspapers on GG 6lobal day . 9ct. +).

NATIONA. AIDS CONT1O. P1O81AMME (P-ASE II ) 9b?ectives of the ;trategy in '$CC are, to raise awareness improve knowledge and understanding about $ G; infection and ;TG routes of transmission and method of prevention, to promote desirable practice like avoiding multiple sex partners, use of condoms, steriliEation of needles and syringes and voluntary blood donation. Bassive use of dooradharshan, private channels, =B, radio, (iyo $ur (eene Go the radio program and '$C9 film parade are done. 9ther stratergies are $dvocacy of campaign for civil society to promote momentum to efforts. ;chool $ G; programme 'ewsletter called $ G; in ndia by '$T9. Febsite ,elpline Celebrating worlds $ G; day. OT-E1 P1O81AMMES The other progammes which utiliEe this are blindness control Crogram, U C, 'ational mental health programme etc.


The main focuses are on safe motherhood, oral rehydration, ;TGs, family planning J reproduction ,ealth. 1O.E OF NU1SE IN IEC+ 'urses have a ma?or role to act in AC programme. They are responsible for helping the smooth conduct of the programme. Gistribution of teaching aids and giving information, informing regarding new programmes etc. are the important roles. 'urses help in the programme by motivating people to participate.


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