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"Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier


A targeted achievement of a research report based on questionnaires that 79% of respondents considered it necessary to establish an e-waste collection center in our community


1. Summary of business plan 2. Identification of the company 3. description of Business 4. market definition 5.The Marketing 6.Description products and services 7. Organization and company management 8. Economic and financial analysis

Company name:

Area of activity:
Is ecological type. Our activity consist of a new way of collecting and recycling electronic waste, similar to the West

Generale objectives:
Reduction of pollution in the local community Housekeeping community Implementation of innovation strategies for electronic waste recycling on environmental education to change attitudes of the population of Pildeti Creating new job Partial and total recycling of electronic waste

Specific objective of the activity: - Purchase 4 auto equipment specializing in greening electronic waste

The services provided by our company

Collection and recycling of electronic waste

sale of electronic components and some layouts made with electronic components
Marketplace is therefore of Pildeti citizens and the community as well as companies for waste collection.

Form of organization: "Limited Liability Company" - SRL Company Name: SC ECO-ELECTRONIC SRL Main activity: electronic waste collection Capital: 4,000 Headquarters: Pildesti, com Cordun, Neamt County NACE code: 3811

Date of commencement of the / forward: 20/11/2014 The current state of the business: implementation phase Phase in which lies the proposed business: release Category of services actually performed: selective collection of electronic waste Organic recycling electronic waste Product Category effectively carried out: electronic platform Our strategy: making a profit by satisfying the need of learning

Mission of the company:

Through our company activity aims to make citizens think about the awareness for environmental protection and to assume chemical pollution Practice activities and collection of high quality professional development and upgrading of our society in the European Union standards Promoting the company by products launched and a profit

The vision of the company:

Ensuring a bio Community by removing all electronic waste to the city and surrounding areas, which destroy the ozone layer and make the earth a more polluted. To collect waste we choose the most effective and safest methods and technologies (collection baskets, bags and special machines). Our company will be one in town will gather electronic desurile doorstep.

Type of feedstock
Industrial materials

Expected supplier
SC Dedeman SRL Roman

Electronic materials

Waste collected from households and companies

Auxiliary materials

SC Enna Instal SRL

Management Team
Name Function Studies / Specializations


General Director Director recycling department Director tehnic producie


Technical Director Production

Enasoaie Adriana

Personnel structure

Total number of employees: 28 Numerical structure plan: Direct productive personnel (16 workers, foremen 2 engineers 2) -20 Personal indirectly productive (administrative, marketing, sales) -4 Personnel management: 3

In the first year of business strategy can be operationalized as follows:



Deadlines (monthly)
5 6 7 8




Formation, company registration Spatial planning, providing utilities Acquisition Purchase of raw materials Personal employment Technology probe , promote community service Making waste collection and recycling Achieving planned production

x x x x x x







Therefore, our objective will be to collect electronic waste from home each subscriber. Waste collection will be done with special machines by our employees every two weeks on Thursday. In the future if everything goes as planned we want to expand and together to make a cleaner city. For start we hope to sign contracts with over 14,000 potential customers and hope that every citizen in the future will want to sign with us.

over 14.000 subscribers in the Pildesti and Roman zone companies that are the object of repair, maintenance or manufacturing of IT equipment, electrical equipment and installations, devices and systems automation practical workshops for skilled electrical / electronic

Features Product / Service

Platforms achieved practical application of electric schemes, helping perception of notions of the learning program .

Target market, potential

The market for secondary schools aimed at potential customers and the surroundings. Potential clients are teachers with students eager to progress in electric domain.

The competitive environment There is no currently Strategy for promoting and selling the product

Campaign overview of products and services promotional Flyers posters Cards calendars






Market positioning
S.C ECO-ELECTRONICA S.R.L. is the only company of this kind, so partially we have not competition from S.C. ROSSAL GROUP S.R.L.

Fixed price is 20 USD / month for citizens and 35 USD / month for companies. Be paid at the company at the end of next month. If you do not pay the subscription for a month in penalties levied 2% and in case of the default for a period of two months Service will not be performed.

Methods of Sale
Our company's field agents to sign contracts with subscribers, but we can be contacted by phone and at the office. To purchase models and electronics will open a store near the company's headquarters.

Methods of promoting
Local television will show an infomercial for 2 minutes with a demonstration of our services and will share folders, calendars and business cards around town.

Location factories Total area owned by the company is 380 m in which: headquarters_______________80 m Garage_______________200 m Deposit_____________60 m Shop space______30 m In the future we will purchase a space and will build other garages for 4 cars yet. And qualified workforce existing in the region: For jobs offered by our company were required courses for environmental knowledge, environmental protection modes, and those who were elected to the posts you are trained in Perman of our specialists regarding electronic waste collection.

When purchasing the 4 machines will be required to hire 18 people 12 sanitation workers, four drivers and two sales agents, giving them jobs.
Now, we want our employees to be in number 28 persons and found this:

No. criterion

Title of functiei

No. of people

Aministrator 1

3 4



Sales agent 4

6 7

Sanitation worker Mechanical

12 2


Auxiliary workers


Total people:


In order to develop SC ECOELECTRONICA SRL will need funds, valued at 400,000 lei for the purchase of four machines. Loan agreement The sum of 400,000 lei to be contracted for a period of 3 years with an interest rate of 10% will be returned each month 6,000 lei to Romanian National Bank of Roman. Funding period Loan duration is 3 years with the possibility of being repaid the loan in a shorter period. In this case an interest charge of 0.2% of the remaining value.

The annual budget of income and expenses: Annual revenue: Number of persons subscribed: Physical: 14,000 Companies: 20 Subscription Price: - individual: 20 lei / month -company: 35 lei/ month Annual income from the collection of electronic waste: 14,000 x (12x20) + 20x (12x35) = 14.000x240 + 20x420 = 3,360,000 +8,400 = 3,368,400 lei

Annual revenue from recycling and sales: 6.23 6.230.000 lei Total annual income: 9,598,400 lei Annual expenses: Fuel: 280,000 lei Purchase special baskets: 85,000 lei Electricity: 5,000 lei / year Water / sewer: 500 lei / year Network Telephone: 4900 lei lei

Wages: Administrator no. persons: 1 Salary / person: 4,000 lei Accountant No. of persons: 1 Salary / person: 2000 lei Cashier No. people: 1 Salary / person: 1200 lei Sales Agent No. people: 4 Salary / person: 1000 lei Driver No. people: 4 Salary / person: 1000 lei Sanitation workers No. of people: 12 Salary / person: 900 lei

Mechanical No. people: 2 Salary / person: 860 lei Guard No. people: 2 Salary / person: 860 lei No staff persons: 1 Salary / person: 840 lei Total salary / month: 30 .280 lei Total salaries / year: 363.360 lei Total annual expenditures: 363,360 +4,900 +500 +5000 + 280,000 + 85,000 = 738,760 lei Profit = total revenue total expenses = 9598400738760 = 8859640 lei

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