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Publisher: SSF in Daun Art village formed

People Volume
a Self1Help Group Issued: April 15, 2008
20 housewives of the poorest of the poor and vulnerable families
in Kampong Dear Speu Colleagues,
province's Samrong Tong district's SAOSkus SARY FOUNDATION (SSF) is a
meeting Duan Art village joined together forming a Self non-profit,
Help non-government, non-
with Riverkids SSF would like to extend to you our
Group in their village and invested 10000 Riel (about USD2.5) political party organization
Children. each member, sincerest appreciation to all SSF funding
according a consultative meeting facilitated by SSF working to help poorest of the
and technical advising partners who
staff on February 10, 2008. poor and vulnerable families in the
continue financial support and technical
Cambodia’s poorest communities
At the beginning, this group
assistance, is having
without your a look each other
contribution it to find
Villagers in Daun among caring for their children especially
someone them to become a group
would not be possible for us to continue leader, Secretary and
Art villagetreasurer
formed a that girls from all forms of violence,
and work that they poorest
to help can become of the to group
self help group exploitations and abuse. Our
representatives poor directing their group
and vulnerable and to
families easily
caring forcollaborate
dedicated team is committed to
with SSF andtheir other stakeholders.
children and avoid Thisthem groupfrom members all will be some girls whom living with
provide emergency support to
elected theirforms representatives next week
of violence, exploitations and when they will meet poor families to attend
extremely poor communities in
Now peopletogether
plantagain to collect
abuse the investment
throughout the Kingdomcapital as of appointment
public schooltowhile their parents are
Cambodia reduce drop-out
and grow deadline.
vegetables Cambodia. While the extreme needs of impossible and wanted them to job
rates from public schools and to
the poor and vulnerable in Cambodia to seeking.
Please we back to review something that happened before
----------------- assist this families in becoming
fight for survival are far from satisfied, SSF uses its effort to aware them
group was formed with serious working by SSF in attempting economically self-sufficient so
you can take pride in the knowledge that until this
SSF, we doservices
supports to them. People in this village, they were they can happening
no provide for againtheirforown
to ensure longer of together,
poorest believable in 2008, we continue to make a
to other services supported fromchildren with new without
social methodology havingthat their
the poor and real impact on the lives of those very group responsible to their invested
organizations because they said that "they used to cheat by institutionalize
some their children in
vulnerableNGOs families in poor and the most vulnerable. money own self. SSF is really proud
that they accessed into this village and asked them orphanages.
to Children have a right
the Cambodia’s
invest likes SHG but a
To get after
realthey gathered
sense for themoney progress fromofthem, to see
to an
theypositive impact
education and to to this
poorest communities
took the collected
whichmoneyyou are intovitally
their personal
essential,pocket we have money". and
their own families sit
people can down
are able to carewant
don't for toprepared
see this matter again
this newsletterNow People
in to
bring do
you up and work together to serve their
SSF accesses
their children to speed on eventsSSF and activities asshare
they you an amazing success story that we
would like to
themselves! happen and to give you all a better feelin ourSSFtargetwasarea registered with the
got from a community that we mobilize
for the facts on thepeople ground; in this village from doing nothing on the land toofgreen
who have we Ministry of Interior (MOI) the
helped, what havefield we at learned and
the moment. 10 poorhow Kingdom of Cambodia
among theplease as a
household non- in
can we improve in this the future. For further contact
village change their habit and follow to a demo
#42, Phsa Chas village, Svay Kravan farmer we
We sincerely welcome trained yourandcontribution
advised. SSF delightscommune, to seeChbathis happen Morn in their
in SSF work. We wish village.
you SSF all thenever thoughtKampong
blessing that a littleSpeusupport from us given of
of long, fruitful them lives positively
and meaningful impact toCambodia
their livelihoods.
work, and we share in the dream of Mobile: (855) 12 471 106/415 332
continued peacePlease in we ourgo back to see what happen within this community,
Cambodia. I remain, Tonlab is the name of a village located in Skus commune,
Samrong Tong district, Kampong E-Mail:
Speu province. Villagers in this
Sincerely Yours, village, they did not habitWebsite: to plan or
grow their crops in dry
season or when their land is free from rice transplantation. Only
Monthlya Meeting
season a year, with Riverkids
they transplant Children
their rice crop and wait to
SSF Executive harvest.Director met 10 educational sponsored children granted
by Riverkids foundation On Saturday 02, February 2007 at SSF office
locates in LateKampong2006,Speu province. into
SSF accessed This this
villagewas andfocused
beganon to how is
going on with their family
a poorest education sendingaftertheir
attend secondary
underage girlsschool more
that parents
than threeattempted
months and givenjob
to seek them insecticide
as garment [SSFfor
factory gives insecticide
to school to
and then
sponsoredachildren every three
select another family month].
to be a demo famer, plant morning glory
by using non chemical fertilizer. Villagers over there, don't
Almost children,
believe they to what reported
we didus that
and theytheir
value less is to
uslow rank
by saying
among their classmates because they never get
that "Now is a chemical fertilizer era, most people they use why extra training at
Teacher's you home especially mathematic subject.
are crazy to return back" and "Why do you need to plantTeacher gave them an
average score and suggested
vegetable likes morning them glory?
to learn It and pay extra
is cheap pricemoney if they it
[on market]
want to bewill better score. Some of them requested
not balance to the labour and capital you invest?” us to support learning
extra course on Mathematic at their teacher's home and others promise
us to wake upInatfact,
Yes, the Theyearlytoldmorning
us theand learn
correct by them
answer if we self to ensure
plant morning
they can pass or not.
glory like what they habit to do, planting one ridge or row and
At the end waiting to harvestthose
of meeting, and then continue
children wereto weighted
plan another
and one
insecticidewhat SSF
tablets andand
we demo farmer to
plan together do improve
is creating a Morning
hygiene, workingGlory
team, assist monks of champatep temple to do something asgrow
Planting Business for a family that they at least 10-20
and early wake per monthbefore
to learn and they
goinghave to harvest them from 25-50
to school.

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