Highlights From Survey of Student Use of Online Resources

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Highlights from Survey of Student Use of Online Resources

by Framingham State University and Middlesex Community College SoTL Communities

375 students took the survey: 61.7% four-year college students; 32.3% two-year college students 77% of students are enrolled in four or more courses in a semester The three sites students use most frequently to assist learning in college courses are o YouTube (59%), o Textbook Companion Site (42%) o Smart Phone Apps (35%). Other sites students mentioned include the following: o Google; o Yahoo; o NPR; o Wikipedia; o University of o New York Times; o Blackboard; Reddit; o BBC/Open o Noodletools; o SparkNotes; University; o Easybib, o NIST(National o iTunes o Quizlet; Institute of University; o Wolfram Alpha; Standards & o Google Scholar; o EBSCO, JSTOR & Technology); o Vimeo; other libraryo WHO (World o StudyBlue; related Health o Bozeman databases; Organization); Science; o Twitter; o Sapling; o Crash Course on o HP o Purdue OWL; YouTube Entrepreneurs; o Codingbat;

The most useful sites for enhancing learning for college courses are YouTube and textbook companion sites, and the least useful is Facebook. Students cited YouTube & textbook companion sites as the most frequent resources used to supplement course work. o 30% of students completing the question use their textbook companion site INSTEAD of doing assigned reading sometimes or always; o 29% of students use YouTube sometimes or always INSTEAD of doing assigned reading; o 19% use smart phone apps sometimes or always INSTEAD of doing assigned reading.

Highlights from Survey of Student Use of Online Resources

by Framingham State University and Middlesex Community College SoTL Communities

Regarding how students find these resources, the following results were recorded: YouTube: o 69.5% personal exploration; o 38.5% instructor recommended; o 28% friend recommended; o 26.5 % used it in high school Khan Academy: o 43.2% personal exploration; o 40.9% instructor recommended; o 29.5% friend recommended; o 26.1 % used it in high school Ted Talks: o 36.6% personal exploration; o 50.5% instructor recommended; o 18.8% friend recommended; o 10.9 % used it in high school Regarding which resources professors recommend that students use, the following was recorded: o Textbook Companion Site: 59.1% o YouTube: 52.8% o Ted Talks: 23.3% o Khan Academy: 21.1% o Smart Phone Apps: 20.5% In response to whether students visit sites recommended by professors, the following was recorded: o Yes: 47.8% o No: 11.8% o Sometimes: 40.4% Regarding what students gained from using these resources, the following was recorded: o Improved my grade: 36.4% o Enhanced my understanding of course material: 78.8% o Increased my interest in the topic: 42% o Provided a good review of information I already knew: 41.6% o Did not benefit from using these resources: 14% Regarding the frequency with which courses use these resources as a COMPONENT of their courses, the following was recorded: o YouTube: 56%; o Textbook Companion Sites: 38%; o Smart Phone Apps: 14% o Khan Academy: 7%; o Ted Talks: 4%.

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