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NOT GUILTY By Elliot Byrne A film

EXT. Outside Courtroom DAY Large groups of people are gathered outside of a courtroom, a mixture of news crews and protesters. Some members have CAMERAS and MICROPHONES whilst the protesters have a variety of HOMEMADE SIGNS. The camera zooms towards the courtroom, weaving through the crowd. During this time we hear snippets from various members of the crowd. --News Crew #1-The biggest trial that Britain has ever seen

--News Crew #2 A horrific murder of a young girl-

--Group of Protesters Go die Desmond

INT. Inside Courtroom - DAY The camera continues into the courtroom, to see its packed. There are lots of people in the seats behind the dock. Theres a man standing in the dock. He is in early twenties, with short black, hair. Pretty good looking, Lean figure. He stands in a suit.

Everything freezes. A voiceover of the man starts. --CRAIG DESMOND (VOICEOVER)

I have always wanted to be famous. I have always wanted cameras flashing everywhere and to see people care about who I am. But not like this. I wanted to be a celebrity, not a fucking murderer. But thats what everyone says I am.


CRAIG DESMOND is walking down the street, quietly whistling to himself. The weather is cold and snow covers the ground, his breath showing up in front of him. This is obviously mid-December at around 4:00pm. He is wrapped up, wearing a scarf and jumper.

EXT. Outside Pub He wonders to a small pub, where he stands outside. He gets out a cigarette from his pocket, and lights. After a puff or two, he slowly exhales smoke into the cold frosty air. He stands silent for a moment before heading inside the pub.

INT. Craigs House Nighttime. A pretty petite, brunette is sat, curled up on the sofa. She is Craigs partner, a young and charming girl named Olivia. She is clutching a glass of red wine, the fireplace burning bright behind her. She is watching TV, a sappy love film.

CUT TO: Craig enters the house, coming from the harsh, snowy weather into the warm, appealing house. He hangs his coat up on a rack beside the door.

He walks into the living room, and slowly walks to the pretty brunette. --Craig-Alright, babe.

--Olivia Im great darling

The brunette giggles as Craig brushes close, grabs her face and they kiss.

Banging on the door interrupts them. The banging is loud and continuous; indicating the person doing it is desperate for them. Craig looks up sharply, and grimaces towards his partner.

Craig opens the door to see a wide-eyed woman, in her mid-forties. She is Craigs neighbor, LIZ. She is hysterical, screeching!


Liz grabs Craig as shes screaming. Craig looks at Olivia behind him, fear is plastered across his face.

--Craig Whos gone?


--Craig Shit! CUT TO. EXT. Inside Lizs house Liz is sat, crying, on the sofa, her husband with his arm wrapped around her. She is surrounded by a number of policemen, asking her questions. She is clutching a picture of her missing child.

Craig is standing in the kitchen, facing Lizs back. He is drinking tea, Olivias head resting on his shoulder.

EXT. A Marsh Craig and a number of helpers are walking in the local marsh. It has been three days since the disappearance of ISABELLA DAVIS. She was a young child of just five years old, brown hair down to her shoulders,

--Craig ISABELLA! CAN YOU HEAR ME? He looks around, looking unhopeful. A few of the other members of the search party join in the shouting. It is nearing darkness, and the group start to turn around. Craig glances to his left and looks at the wood. He stands staring for a moment before following the group off into the opposite direction.

INT. Craigs House Olivia and Craig are curled up on the sofa together, both looking exhausted.

The phone starts ringing. Craig sighs and reaches to pick it up. Olivia lifts her head off his chest curiously. He mutters a few, quiet yesses before putting the phone down.

--Craig They found her. --- Shes dead.

With that, Olivia bursts into tears.


INT. A Police Questioning Room

Craig is sitting in the middle of a questioning room. The room is dark and dull. An older police officer is sat in front of him, looking glum. Craig looks exhausted; making it evident hes been there for a number of hours. --Police Officer #1 Come on now Mr. Desmond, weve been here for a number of hours. --Why did you kill Isabella Davis?

--Craig (Sighs) I didnt kill Isabella Davis.

--Police Officer #1 Then if thats the case, explain to me what you were doing at 5:20 on Friday morning?

--Craig I was in the marsh, walking. -- Why dont you believe me?

--Police Officer #1 Because we know youre lying to us Mr. Desmond.

Ext. Outside Craigs House A police car pulls up outside Craigs house. Craig gets out of the back seat, his coat draped over his arm.

--Liz You bastard! You did it, didnt you? DIDNT YOU!

--Craig Come on Liz! You know I wouldnt do anything like that.

--Liz YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS--- (Liz breaks down, crying) She was just our little girl.

Liz is slowly led away, into her house. Craig looks to the heavens and sighs.

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