Mom's Best Recipes Cookbook

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Mom’s Best

A Collection of
Friends’ & Family

Judy’s Girls Enterprises

Lori Pederson
Michelle Pederson-Tomes

Copyright ©2000

All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or
reproduce any part of Mom’s Best Recipes. Permission is granted for brief quotations in
reviews or articles.

Published in California by Judy’s Girls Enterprises.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of Mom’s Best Recipes Cookbook will be
donated to Cancer research and/or Cancer support groups.

Miracle Whip, Hidden Valley, Cool Whip, Goya’s Black Bean Soup, Velveeta, Cheese
Whiz, Worcestershire Sauce, V-8 Juice, Catalina Dressing, Tabasco Sauce, Doritos,
Crisco, Cold Duck, Bacardi Rum, Crème de Menthe, Crème de Cacao, Galliano and
Southern Comfort are registered Trademarks of their respective owners.

Notice: The information contained in this book is true, complete and accurate to the best
of our knowledge. All recommendations and suggestions are made without any guaranty
on the part of Judy’s Girls Enterprises. The editor and publisher disclaim any liability
incurred in connection with the use of this information.

For additional copies of this book or for any comments or questions, please e-mail us at or visit our website at
By phone you can reach us at (909) 946-8041 or (888) 203-6782.

Thank you and ENJOY!

by Lori Pederson

I have always enjoyed cooking and entertaining. Michelle and I helped our mom as she
cooked for parties and holidays that she hosted at our home. We were also very active in
4-H, and exhibited our baked goods at fairs and won many blue ribbons.

As I moved away from home and had to start cooking for myself on a regular basis, I
found that cooking was a way to relax from a stressful day. My office seemed to reap the
benefits of my stress because I would always bring cookies, breads and other goodies into
the office for them to enjoy.

I have found that when I am in the kitchen cooking, the world fades away and I become
completely engrossed in the process of creating. Cooking has become an artistic
expression for me in which all of my joy, passion and love can be mixed into a bowl to
bring pleasure to all those around me. It is also the one thing that I can do where I feel
my mother’s love deeply inside me. I can always feel her guiding touch and insights
when I cook.

Writing a cookbook is no easy task. My sister and I have revised Mom’s Best Recipes
more times than we want to remember. But to create a cookbook in our mother’s
memory has always been important to me. It is a true tribute to her spirit and the essence
of who she was. Cooking and entertaining brought great joy to our mother. She blessed
so many friends and family members with her special gift. She continues to touch us all
through the love she put into each of these recipes.

Bon Appétit
by Michelle Pederson-Tomes

When my sister Lori asked me to work on a cookbook of our mom’s recipes, I was
reluctant to say the least. I had two small children who took up most of my time and
creative energy. I could not conceive of putting together a cookbook without completely
losing my mind. It took me several years to even settle into the concept. Not my sister
Lori, she has always thought this was a good idea and has encouraged me all along.

It wasn’t until I got a home computer and color printer that I finally felt like this was
possible. My husband and children don’t always understand why I’m always on the
computer changing pictures or adding recipes, or why I’m constantly e-mailing my sister
to ask her one more question. Now that they have seen the final product, I think they
finally understand what all the fuss was about.

We haven’t done this alone by any means. With the help of our family and friends, we
have tested recipes, had them print the books, and asked questions on cooking methods
and recipe quantities. A lot of the recipes had never been written down. We definitely
could not have done this without their help. We thank all of you for your generosity!

This hasn’t been an easy process. I have shed many tears over the loss of my mother and
that she isn’t here to see what we have done in her honor. I really did not understand the
magnitude of who she was until we started this book. Many people that knew her have
been very favorable to our book. She was at her best when she was cooking and planning
parties. It was her passion. Her friends and family were extremely lucky to have had her
to bring us all together through her generous spirit.

Although I like experimenting with new recipes, I still enjoy the traditional ones as well.
It helps me to feel connected to my family roots. My daughters Nicole and Danielle also
enjoy cooking. They have already won blue ribbons in 4-H for their baked goods. My
husband Mark also likes to cook and create new recipes. Cooking together is a fun part
of our family life.

A quote by Harriet Van Horne sums up the way our family feels about cooking. It reads:
“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”

Happy Cooking!
Appetizers Pg. 1

Beverages Pg. 6

Breakfast Foods Pg. 9

Soups, Salads, Side Dishes Pg. 12

Main Dishes Pg. 21

From Mom’s Bakery Pg. 33

Add Your Own Recipes Pg.53

Index Pg. 56
This was our mother’s most famous recipe. She made these for every party she had.
They are simple and delicious.

2 lbs. chicken wings, cut up

1 cup soy sauce
1 cup granulated sugar
½ tsp. ginger
Salt & pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 375°F. Combine soy sauce, sugar, ginger, salt and pepper in a saucepan. Bring
mixture to a boil stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Place chicken wings in a baking pan.
Pour sauce over chicken wings. Bake at 375°F for one hour, turning chicken over after 30 minutes.

*Helpful hints: This recipe works well with raw brown sugar. Light soy sauce can also be used for
those watching their sodium level. If wings have been frozen, be sure to have them completely
defrosted before baking. Do not over cook or burn sauce, this will cause the chicken wings to have a
burnt taste. The sauce mixture can also be used over other chicken parts for a main dish. Serve
with steamed rice.

This was a favorite holiday gift our mother gave to friends. Packaged in a nice tin or
decorative box, it makes a wonderful holiday treat.

1 (8 oz.) wedge or container of cheddar cheese (without port wine)

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese
2½ tsp. dried onions
1½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Chopped walnuts

Let cheese soften and mix. Add dried onions and Worcestershire sauce. Mix well and store in a
plastic container overnight in the refrigerator. Next day, chop nuts and form cheese into a ball and
roll in nuts. Serve with crackers.


¾ lb. beef liver, broiled

3 eggs, hard boiled
1 small onion, sauté until soft
2 Tbsp. chicken fat
1 tsp. salt

Grind liver once, then a second time grind liver with eggs and onions. Mix salt and chicken fat into
liver mixture. Add fat from sautéed onion until liver mixture is moist. Chill. Serve with crackers.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 1


1 pkg. (8 oz.) pastrami slices

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese
Dill or sweet pickles, sliced into strips

Spread cream cheese on a slice of pastrami. Put a small slice of pickle next to the edge of meat and
roll-up. Pierce roll-up with a toothpick to hold in place. Place in refrigerator to set cream cheese.

Many people have brought deviled eggs to parties we have attended, but we have to say our
mother’s deviled eggs are still our favorite. Just the right mixture gives it a sweet taste.

1 dozen eggs
½ cup mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. mustard
Granulated sugar, to taste
Dash of paprika

Boil eggs until yolks are hard, about 3 to 5 minutes in boiling water. Let eggs cool. Peel off
eggshells and cut in half. Take out egg yolks and put in a mixing bowl. Place egg whites on a plate
and set aside. Mix egg yokes, mayonnaise, mustard together. Add a dash of sugar until the mixture
is to your taste. Fill the egg whites with the mayonnaise mixture. Sprinkle with paprika.


2 cloves of garlic
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
¼ cup butter
Dash of pepper
Dash of Tabasco sauce

Crush garlic cloves with ½ teaspoon of salt, a few grains of black pepper, Worcestershire sauce,
Tabasco sauce and butter. Heat gently to mix. Store in a tightly covered jar in the refrigerator.

Easy and amazing. Your guests will truly love them!

1 pkg. (16 oz.) bacon (thick-sliced works best)

1 to 2 cans (8 oz.) whole water chestnuts

Cut bacon in half. Roll a piece of bacon around one water chestnut. Place a toothpick in the center
to hold the bacon in place. Broil until bacon is crisp.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 2

Grandma Foster and our mother taught us how to make these wonderful pickles.
Lori canned them for 4-H Fairs. She even won a few blue ribbons as well.

1 quart white vinegar

2 quarts water
½ cup salt
1 clove garlic per jar
Fresh dill
Pickling cucumbers (enough to can 7 qts.)

Put cucumbers in jar until they fill the jar- not too tight. Pour the vinegar, water and salt mixture
over the cucumbers. Put fresh dill on top and bottom. Add a garlic clove to each jar. Place jars with
canning lids on in a canner or large kettle of cold water. Be sure the water covers the jars. Heat
water so that it is too hot for the hand or until cucumbers change color. Set aside and let jars set in
the water until the water is cool. Test each jar to be sure the lids have sealed.


1 lb. lean ground pork or beef

½ cup finely chopped onions
1 can (8 oz.) diced water chestnuts, finely chopped (optional)
1 pkg. (12 oz.) Won Ton wrappers
Cooking oil: 1 Tbsp. (for sautéing) & 3 cups (for frying)
¼ cup soy sauce
1 egg white, beaten
Salt, pepper, and monosodium glutamate to taste

Set Won Ton wrappers aside. Finely chop onions and chestnuts in a food processor or manually.
Sauté onions and chestnuts in 1 tablespoon oil until soft. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, except oil
and egg white. Place a teaspoonful of the mixture evenly at one end of the Won Ton wrapper. Roll
wrapper to cover meat mixture making sure ends are sealed by moistening with water or egg white.
Deep fry in oil until brown and meat is thoroughly cooked, approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Serve hot
with Sweet and Sour Sauce (see recipe below), duck sauce or soy sauce.


1 cup water
3 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. vinegar
Granulated sugar, salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp. cornstarch mixed in ¼ cup water

Bring to a boil all ingredients except for cornstarch mixture. Slowly add cornstarch mixture and
continue mixing until sauce becomes sticky.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 3

Make this as a meal or as an appetizer. Mom had these at all of her parties.
They even taste great the day after—if there are any leftover.

1 bottle (12 oz.) chili sauce
1 bottle (10 oz.) grape jelly
2 tsp. lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat ingredients until jelly has completely

2 lbs. ground beef
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 grated onion
Dash of salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 325°F. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Works best if you mix
ingredients with your hands. Once the ingredients have been completely mixed, form into medium
sized balls. In a skillet, brown meatballs on all sides. Then drop meatballs into sauce. Put meatballs
and sauce in a casserole dish. Place casserole dish in the oven at 325°F for 45 minutes or simmer on
stove for 45 minutes.

*Helpful hints: Cocktail wieners or little smokies also work well with this sauce.

Another wonderful appetizer that is easy to make. On Thanksgiving Lori made 4 lbs. of Stuffed
Mushrooms for the family- everyone kept wanting more. Another party favorite of our mother’s.

1 lb. mushrooms with stems, washed and patted dry

½ cup Parmesan cheese
¼ cup margarine, melted
1 Tbsp. green onions, chopped

Remove stems from mushrooms and finely chop. Combine in a mixing bowl chopped mushroom
stems, green onions, melted margarine and Parmesan cheese. Mix well. Spoon enough mixture into
mushroom caps to cover completely a little bit over the top. Broil for 2 to 3 minutes or until the
mixture is slightly golden brown and cheese is melted.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 4

This dip recipe has changed over time. But I think our father finally found the perfect mixture of
all three ingredients. It is easy, has a cool summery coral color to it and taste great.

1 cup green chili salsa (or picante sauce)

1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese
3 to 6 drops Tabasco sauce

Allow cream cheese to soften. Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix well. Chill in
refrigerator for one hour to allow time for ingredients to settle. Serve with tortilla chips or

*Helpful Hints: The dip gets hotter the longer it sits, so if you like it mild, use less Tabasco sauce.


1 pint sour cream

1 cup Miracle Whip or mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2½ tsp. salad seasoning
½ tsp. pepper
1 pkg. (1 oz.) Hidden Valley Ranch Mix with Buttermilk
1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen spinach (chopped and thawed)
Dill seed, to taste

Combine all ingredients and chill in the refrigerator for one hour. Serve in a hollowed out
round loaf of bread; pumpernickel or sourdough bread works best.


1 clove garlic, split in half

1 lb. Swiss cheese, grated
Salt & pepper, to taste
1½ to 2 cups dry white wine
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 Tbsp. light Bacardi rum
1 loaf French bread, toasted and cubed

Use fondue pan, add all ingredients except bread. Mix ingredients over heat until smooth and
Serve hot and dip with bread.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 5


8 to 10 oz. fruit punch concentrate

1 liter lemon-lime soda
1 quart water
½ gallon pineapple sherbet

Mix first three ingredients and top with sherbet. Serve chilled.

This was our favorite drink as kids. We felt so grown-up when we had our own fancy drink.

Lemon-lime soda
Maraschino cherries
Ice Cubes

Pour soda into a 12 oz. glass. Add a splash of Grenadine. Stir and add ice cubes. Top with a


1/3 cup orange juice

½ cup water
½ cup milk
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ tsp. vanilla
5 to 6 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in a blender on high speed for 30 seconds. Serve immediately.


This seems to be a favorite of some of our parent’s friends—I guess they had an opportunity to
partake in this lively punch during many festivities at our home.

1 bottle (1/5th) Southern Comfort

2¼ quarts lemon-lime soda
6 oz. fresh lemon juice
1 (6 oz.) orange juice concentrate
2 (6 oz.) lemonade concentrate

Mix all ingredients in a large punch bowl, adding soda last. Finish by adding ice.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 6


2 bottles champagne
1 bottle (1/5th) vodka
3 bottles (2 liter) ginger ale (or lemon-lime soda)
½ gallon lime sherbet, softened
Dry ice
Ice ring

Mix all ingredients in a punch bowl. Top with an ice ring.


1 can (46 oz.) pineapple juice, chilled

4 cans (6 oz.) frozen limeade
¼ cup honey
1 bottle (1/5th) gin
2 bottles (2 liter) lemon-lime soda, chilled
2 limes, juiced
Ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a large punch bowl.


4 bottles (quarts) Cold Duck, chilled

4 bottles (2 liter) ginger ale, chilled
2 2/3 cups light rum
4 cans (6oz.) frozen daiquiri mix

Mix ingredients in a punch bowl. Serve with an ice ring.


3 qts. orange juice

6 Tbsp. light corn syrup
1 pint dark rum
1½ qts. pineapple/grapefruit juice
1½ tsp. almond extract
1 bottle (1/5th) light rum

Mix well and serve chilled in a punch bowl. Serve with an ice ring.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 7

On warm weekend evenings in California, Lime Daiquiris were a family favorite.

1 can frozen lime juice

1 bottle (1/5th) light Bacardi Rum
Ice cubes

Mix ingredients in a blender, blend until creamy smooth. Serve immediately. Add a sprig of
mint for garnish. Serves 18.


2 jiggers white Crème de Cacao

1 jigger green Crème de Menthe
1 jigger heavy cream
¾ cup crushed ice

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Blend for a few seconds. Makes 2- 3oz. drinks.


1 jigger white Crème de Cacao

1 jigger Galliano
3 scoops vanilla ice cream
Ice cubes

Add all ingredients into a blender, omitting the ice cubes. Blend until smooth and creamy, adding
ice cubes as needed for the right consistency. Makes one drink.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 8

Absolutely wonderful and easy to make. Don’t let all those eggs scare you away.
This is a family favorite for Easter Brunch.

¼ cup butter or margarine

18 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 cup milk
2 tsp. salt (or less, if you prefer)
¼ cup green onions, chopped

Preheat oven to 350°F. Melt butter and pour into a 9” x 13” baking pan. Coat bottom of pan with
butter. Beat all ingredients very well with an electric mixer. The more you beat it the higher the
omelet will rise. Pour ingredients in the pan. Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes or until set.


These are our Aunt Carol’s creation. It’s a great recipe if you have guests.
It makes about 5 dozen muffins. They are moist and tasty.

Mix and set aside:

5 tsp. baking soda
2 cups boiling water

1 cup cooking oil (or olive oil)
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs

1 Tbsp. salt
1 quart buttermilk
5 cups all-purpose flour

Soda water mixture
2 cups 40% bran flakes
3 cups wheat germ
2 cups 100% bran
½ cup raisins
½ cup chopped nuts

Mix as directed above in a large mixing bowl. Bake at 375°F for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve warm.

*Helpful hints: Batter can be stored in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. The longer it stands, the better
the muffins taste. Keep covered. Leftover muffins can be frozen and reheated later.
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 9

3 Tbsp. margarine (or butter)

2 cups cooked ham, cubed
1 can (5 oz.) mushrooms, drained
12 eggs, beaten
¼ cup onions, chopped
¼ cup red or green pepper, chopped

In a large skillet, melt 3 tablespoons of margarine. Sauté onions and green pepper until tender. Add
ham, mushrooms and eggs. Cook over medium heat until eggs are firm, but moist. Stir
occasionally. Remove from heat. Make sauce, see below.

2 Tbsp. margarine (or butter)
2 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. instant chicken bouillon
1½ cups milk
½ cup Swiss cheese
¼ cup Parmesan cheese

In a medium saucepan, melt margarine. Blend in flour and chicken bouillon. Cook until smooth and
bubbly. Gradually add milk. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Add Swiss cheese, Parmesan
cheese and stir until smooth. Fold into eggs. Pour into a greased 9” x 13” baking dish. Add

2 cups soft bread cubes
¼ cup Parmesan cheese
¼ cup margarine (or butter), melted
2 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 350°F. Sprinkle over egg mixture. Bake at 350°F for 25 to 30 minutes or until
golden brown on top.


2 eggs
½ cup milk
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
Bread (thick slices work best)

Beat eggs and mix milk, sugar and cinnamon together. Dip bread into batter. Place on a hot griddle
and cook until both sides are slightly browned. Serve with syrup or powdered sugar.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 10


1 cup pancake mix

½ cup granulated sugar
1 egg
½ cup milk
3 tsp. cooking oil
¼ cup brown sugar
½ tsp. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease an 8" cake pan. In large bowl, stir pancake mix and sugar. Add egg,
milk and salad oil. Mix until smooth. Pour into cake pan. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon together,
stirring until all the lumps are out. Sprinkle this mixture on top of the cake. Bake at 400°F for 20
minutes. Cut and serve while hot.


2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1 cup granulated sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
½ cup fresh cranberries, chopped
1 cup milk
¼ cup cooking oil
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 Tbsp. orange zest

Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease 14 muffin cups or use liners. Sift flour, baking powder and salt
into a large bowl. Add sugar, orange zest and cranberries. Toss lightly to combine. Mix milk,
oil and egg. Pour milk mixture into flour mixture and stir until creamy. Fill muffin cups 2/3
full. Bake at 400°F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Something a little different for the breakfast table. Another 4-H blue ribbon winner.

2 cups all-purpose flour

½ tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 cup pineapple, crushed (canned or fresh, with juice drained)
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
¼ cup shortening

Preheat oven to 400°F. Beat eggs and add sugar. Combine pineapple. Sift in all dry ingredients.
Gently blend in shortening. Blend until all ingredients are smooth. Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes.
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 11
Soups, Salads
Side Dishes

1 cup barley
2 lbs. pre-cooked roast cut into 1” cubes
2 Tbsp. margarine
1 onion chopped
1 cup celery
1 cup carrots
3 to 4 cups water
4 cubes beef bouillon
2 cubes chicken bouillon
½ cup red wine (optional)
Salt and pepper

Sauté celery, onions and carrots in margarine for 3 to 4 minutes until tender. Stir in barley and sauté
an additional 2 minutes. Combine all ingredients into a large stockpot. Bring to a boil. Simmer until
barley softens, approximately 1 to 1½ hours. Water may need to be added, as the barley will soak up
the liquid.

This is one of Michelle’s favorite soups. It is easy to make and very satisfying.
Perfect for cold weather days!

1 can (46 oz.) tomato juice

4 cups water
5 cubes beef bouillon
3 cups shredded cabbage
3 cups zucchini squash, sliced
½ cup canned green beans
½ cup celery, chopped
½ cup green pepper, chopped
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
4 tsp. dry minced onion
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
Garlic powder, to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large stew pot and simmer at least one hour. Serve hot. Store leftovers
in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 12


1½ cups thinly sliced onions

6 cups beef broth
¼ tsp. ground pepper
4 to 6 pieces of toast
Parmesan cheese

Brown 1 ½ cups thinly sliced onions in butter (do not burn). Add 6 cups beef broth and ¼-teaspoon
fresh ground pepper. Simmer over low heat or at 275°F in the oven for 30 minutes. Pour into
casserole bowls and cover with toast sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven for 10
minutes until cheese melts. Add a dash of sherry or cognac for extra flavor.


1 pkg. (16 oz.) Velveeta cheese

1 cup wild rice
1 bag (16 oz.) frozen mixed vegetables
2 cans (10¾ oz.) cream of chicken soup
1 large onion, chopped
2 stalks of celery, chopped

Boil 4 cups water and add rice. Cook 30 to 40 minutes until rice is tender. Meanwhile, combine
cream of chicken soup and Velveeta cheese in a large stockpot and melt cheese. Cook vegetables,
onion, and celery slightly in microwave. Add vegetables and rice to cheese mixture and bring to a
boil. Simmer for 30 minutes.

A true family favorite for generations. It is a warm, hardy meal that our Grandmother
taught us how to make. The tradition lives on as we continue to make this wonderful soup.

4 potatoes, peeled and cubed

1 onion, chopped
4 celery stalks, chopped
3 cups summer sausage, cubed
7 to 8 cups water
5 cups milk (whole milk tastes best)

Add potatoes, onion, celery and summer sausage to 7 to 8 cups water and bring to a boil. Simmer
for 1 hour or until potatoes are tender. Add milk and cook until soup comes back to a simmer.
Serve hot. Tastes great even after a day or two in the refrigerator.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 13

Lori has played with this recipe with several different ingredients. Our mother started using
turkey sausage. For this dish it really adds a wonderful flavor.

2 cups lentils, rinsed

5 to 6 cups water
4 cubes beef bouillon
2 cubes chicken bouillon
1 cup celery, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 Tbsp. margarine
1 lb. turkey sausage, spicy or mild
2 to 4 garlic cloves, minced
Salt & pepper, to taste

Sauté celery and onions in margarine for 3 to 4 minutes until tender. Cut turkey sausage into 1”
pieces. Combine all ingredients into a large stockpot. Bring to a boil. Simmer until lentils soften,
approximately 1 to 1½ hours. Extra water may need to be added, as the lentils will soak up the


4 chicken breasts, with ribs attached

1 large onion, chopped
1½ cups carrots, chopped
1½ cups celery, chopped
2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. ketchup
3 celery stalks with leaves attached, chopped
6 cups water
4 to 6 cubes chicken bouillon
½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
½ tsp. dried parsley
Salt & pepper, to taste
Hot sauce, to taste

In a large stockpot place chicken breasts, celery stalks with leaves, onion, salt & pepper, parsley and
garlic. Add water, bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 1½ hours. Remove chicken
and discard skin and bones. Cut chicken into small bite-size pieces. Skim fat off the top of the

Combine chicken pieces, carrots, chopped celery, ketchup, chicken bouillon cubes and hot sauce in
with the chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for 1 hour or until vegetables are tender.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 14

This salad is a family favorite for special holidays like Thanksgiving and Easter.

1 pkg. (3 oz.) lemon gelatin

1½ cups (12 oz.) apricot juice
1 pkg. (3 oz.) cream cheese
1 cup mandarin oranges
1 cup (1/2 pt.) whipping cream

Measure juice and add enough water to make 2 cups. Boil juice and pour over gelatin. Cool until
thick. Cream the cheese and beat into gelatin with mixer. Whip cream and fold into gelatin.
Arrange orange slices in a gelatin mold and pour mixture over them. Refrigerate until firm.
Remove gelatin carefully from mold and serve.


1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) instant Pistachio pudding

1 can (14 oz.) crushed pineapple, including syrup
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 tub (12 oz.) Cool Whip, softened
½ cup chopped nuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients, folding in the Cool Whip last. Chill in refrigerator for several hours.
Maraschino cherries and coconut can be added for variety.

A great mixture of tastes. Mom made this during the summer for picnics
or on evenings when we had dinner outside.

2 lbs. potatoes, diced

3 Tbsp. sweet or dill pickles, or relish (optional)
3 stalks celery, chopped
¼ cup onion, chopped
3 eggs, hard cooked and chopped
½ cup mayonnaise (or Miracle Whip)
2 Tbsp. mustard
Granulated sugar, to taste

Boil potatoes until tender. Mix mayonnaise, mustard, and sugar until creamy. Drain potatoes and
add mayonnaise mixture. Add pickles, celery, and onion. Gently fold in hard cooked eggs. Mix
well. Refrigerate until chilled. Sprinkle with paprika before serving.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 15


½ clove of garlic
1/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups croutons
3 quarts romaine lettuce
2 lemons
1 egg (optional)
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup blue cheese, crumbled
Mushrooms, black olives, green onions, sliced (optional)

In advance: cover ½ clove of garlic with 2 tablespoons oil; let stand. Also, prepare 2 cups of
croutons or purchase prepared croutons. Place 3 quarts dry, cold, crisp romaine lettuce broken into
bite size pieces, place in a large bowl. Add 1/3 cup each of oil, grated Parmesan cheese and
crumbled blue cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add sliced mushrooms, black olives and green
onions. Break raw egg over greens. Squeeze juice of 2 lemons over egg. Toss well. Just before
serving, remove garlic from oil, mince garlic and add to greens. Combine oil and croutons and
sprinkle over the top the salad and mix together.

*Helpful hints: If you are concerned about using a raw egg, try using a boiled egg. Chop egg into
small pieces and toss into salad. If you have any leftovers, it’s best to serve croutons separately
since they will get soggy in the salad.


1 lb. cooked colored Fusilli pasta

1 jar (8 oz.) sun-dried tomatoes in oil with herbs
2 to 4 oz. sliced pimentos
8 oz. black olives, sliced or chopped
3 to 4 Tbsp. Italian seasoning
1 pkg. (1.9 oz.) fresh basil, chopped
Fresh ground pepper
7 to 8 oz. crumbled Feta cheese

The day before, combine Italian seasonings, part of the basil and some fresh ground pepper in the oil
drained from the sun-dried tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes in small pieces, remix with the herbs and oil
and marinate a few hours or overnight. Add some of the basil if desired.

Combine the pasta, pimentos, olives, chopped basil and tomatoes with oil and herbs. Mix well. Add
fresh pepper and sprinkle in Feta cheese. Mix again and serve.

*Helpful hints: The oil in the sun-dried tomato jar measures about 2 ounces, and should be sufficient
to coat the pasta lightly. Sometimes a little more olive oil is needed.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 16


1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced

½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup milk
Salt & pepper

Let cucumbers soak in a mixture of 1 tablespoon salt and 2 cups of cold water for an hour. Drain
water from cucumbers. Combine mayonnaise and milk and stir until creamy. Mix cucumbers with
mayonnaise mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.


This was the last recipe our mother showed Lori how to make.
It’s a great recipe for afternoon luncheons.

1 pkg. (12 oz.) shell macaroni

1 pkg. (6 oz.) imitation crab
1 can (6 oz.) black olives
1 jar (7 oz.) green olives
2 to 4 stalks of celery
1 pkg. (16 oz.) Velveeta cheese, block style
½ cup mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. mustard
2 Tbsp. milk
Granulated sugar, to taste

Cook macaroni and cool. Be sure to let macaroni cool before adding cheese or the cheese will melt.
Mix mayonnaise and mustard together and add milk to smooth out. Add a dash of sugar to taste.
Cut crab and cheese into small cubes. Chop celery, onions, and olives. Combine all ingredients into
a large mixing bowl and pour sauce over the mixture. Mix thoroughly. Chill in refrigerator before


¼ cup cheddar cheese, grated

1 can (6 oz.) crabmeat (or tuna or cooked chicken)
2 Tbsp. green onions, sliced
3 Tbsp. mayonnaise
1 Tbsp. celery, chopped fine
Dash of Worcestershire
Dash of lemon juice

Mix all ingredients until well blended. Spread mixture on 2 slices of toast (sourdough or French
bread works best). Broil until cheese melts.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 17

This is one of Lori’s favorites. It is very easy to make and melts in your mouth.
It goes well with pasta or any other type of Italian dish.

4 zucchini, washed and cut lengthwise

1 onion, thinly sliced
1 pkg. (6 oz.) mozzarella cheese slices
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
Italian seasoning
2 Tbsp. olive oil

Lightly sauté onion in olive oil. Remove onions from skillet and set aside. Lightly sauté both sides
of zucchini in skillet, adding more olive oil if needed.

Once the zucchini has been sautéed, place them with the cut side up in the skillet. Lightly sprinkle
with Italian seasoning; add a layer of sautéed onions, a layer of tomato sauce, and a slice of
mozzarella cheese on top. Simmer on a low heat until zucchini is tender.


1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen spinach, defrosted and chopped

1 pkg. (15 oz.) Ricotta cheese
1 cup Mozzarella cheese, grated
½ cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 egg, beaten
1 Tbsp. Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp. parsley
1 box (8 oz.) Manicotti shells
1 jar (16 oz.) spaghetti sauce

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Combine cheeses, egg, spinach and seasonings. Cook manicotti according to
package directions. Stuff shells with filling, top with spaghetti sauce. Bake at 350ºF for 30 minutes.


1 can (14½ oz.) stewed tomatoes

1 onion, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
Salt & pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine all ingredients in a baking dish. Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 18


2 cups white rice

1 can (10¾ oz.) chicken broth
1 cup water
½ cup onions, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 cup corn (optional)
Salt and pepper, to taste

Sauté chopped onions, corn and garlic in olive oil for approximately 5 minutes or until soft. Add
rice (do not rinse). Sauté rice for an additional 5 minutes; do not brown. Add chicken broth and
water, bring to a boil. Let cook for 20 minutes or until liquid has evaporated and rice is tender.


3 cups cooked white rice

1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of celery soup (or cream of mushroom)
1 jar (8 oz.) Cheese Whiz
½ cup onion, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
1 pkg. broccoli spears
½ cup cold water
¼ cup butter
½ cup almonds, chopped

Preheat oven to 350°F. Chop broccoli and combine other ingredients, except almonds. Boil for
5 minutes. Bake in an 8”x10” baking pan at 350°F for 25 to 30 minutes. Sprinkle with almonds.


1 onion, chopped
1 cup lentils
5 cups water, divided
2 cups rice
2 cloves
1 bay leaf
1 celery stalk, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
Salt & pepper, to taste

Sauté chopped onions in oil. Add 1 cup lentils (rinsed) and 2 cups water to cooked onions. Boil.
Meanwhile, rinse rice. Add 2 cups rice and 2 to 3 cups water. Add salt, pepper, cloves, bay leaf,
chopped celery and carrots. Simmer until tender, approximately 45 minutes after rice has been
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 19
Mom made this for various occasions- mostly holidays. Michelle has
kept up the tradition. Sweet like pecan pie, but smooth as mashed potatoes.
It is a hit at the dinner table- even children love them.

3 cups sweet potatoes, mashed (fresh or canned)

¾ cup granulated sugar
½ cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup margarine
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla

If using fresh sweet potatoes, cook in a microwave for 6 minutes on high or until tender. Peel skin
and discard skin. Mash potatoes. Combine all ingredients and pour into a baking dish. Top with the
following mixture.

1 cup coconut
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped nuts (pecans work best)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup melted butter

Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix well first 4 ingredients and add butter. Sprinkle over potatoes. Bake at
375°F for 30 minutes.


A family classic in many homes. Mom made this for every holiday meal.

1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of mushroom soup

½ cup milk
4 cups green beans, freshly cooked or canned
1 can (2.8 oz.) French-fried onions, divided
Dash pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 °F. In a 6” x 10” glass baking dish combine soup, milk and pepper. Stir in
green beans and ½ can of onions. Bake, uncovered, at 350°F for 30 minutes. Top with remaining
onions and bake 5 minutes more.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 20

Main Dishes
If you ever want people to come back to your house for dinner again and again- this would be
the recipe to make. Our mom made Stroganoff when we had friends over for dinner. My friends
never forgot the flavorful taste of this dish. They have all asked for the recipe.

1½ lbs. round steak, cut into small slices

Dash of salt and pepper
¼ cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup butter or margarine
1 can (4 oz.) sliced mushrooms
½ cup onions, chopped
1 small clove of garlic, chopped/minced
1 can (10½ oz.) beef broth
1 cup sour cream
1 pkg. (10 oz.) egg noodles

Combine flour, salt and pepper together. Roll meat in flour/pepper mixture. Brown meat in butter
until lightly brown on both sides. Take meat out of the pan as it is cooked. Brown onions, garlic
and mushrooms. Add meat back into the pan with the beef broth. Simmer approximately 1 hour
until meat is tender. Add sour cream and heat until mixture comes to a slight boil. Prepare egg
noodles according to package directions. Can also be served over rice, if preferred.


1 lb. ground beef

1 can (15 oz.) stewed tomatoes
1 can (15 oz.) tomato sauce
2 cups dry elbow macaroni

Cook macaroni as per directions on package. Brown ground beef and drain. Pour tomato sauce and
stewed tomatoes over mixture and stir in macaroni. Mix well and cook thoroughly.


1 lb. ground beef

1 (12 oz.) bottle of chili sauce
1 tsp. mustard
1 tsp. vinegar
1 tsp. beef bouillon

Brown ground beef in a skillet. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until the sauce thickens.
Serve on toasted hamburger buns.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 21


1½ lbs. ground beef

3 slices of bread, cubed
1 cup milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
1¼ tsp. salt
¼ cup minced onion flakes (or chopped onions)
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
3 to 4 Tbsp. catsup (or chili sauce)

Combine all of the ingredients except for the ground beef. Mix in ground beef and pat into a 4”x 9”
loaf pan. Spread catsup or chili sauce over the top of the meatloaf before placing it in the oven.
Bake at 350ºF for about 1 hour.


1½ lbs. stew meat

½ cup all-purpose flour
2 tsp. oil
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 onion, chopped or sliced in chunks
2 cans (10½ oz.) beef broth
2 cans water
1 beef bouillon cube
6 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 cup celery, sliced
4 to 5 red potatoes, not peeled
12 small white onions (optional)
1 lb. fresh mushrooms
1 can baby corn
2 Tbsp. cornstarch mixed with 3 Tbsp. water
Salt & pepper, to taste

Coat meat with flour, salt and pepper. In a large skillet, brown meat on both sides in oil. In a crock-
pot, combine browned beef, Worcestershire sauce, sliced onion, bouillon, pepper, salt, carrots,
potatoes and celery.

Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours. Turn to high and add cornstarch diluted in water,
mushrooms and baby corn, and mix well. Cover and cook on high for an additional 20 minutes or
until mushrooms are tender and mixture has thickened.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 22


2 cups uncooked white rice

1 lb. hamburger
½ cup onion, chopped
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
3 cups tomatoes, cut-up (canned or fresh)
1 can (15 oz.) tomato sauce
Salt & pepper, to taste

Make rice according to package directions. Brown hamburger and onion. Drain off excess grease.
In a butter-greased roaster, mix rice, hamburger, onion and the rest of the ingredients. Put a lid on
the pan and bake at 350°F for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until rice is tender.


2 to 2½ lbs. beef short ribs

Dash of salt
½ cup burgundy
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1 cup catsup
2 Tbsp. cooking oil
2 Tbsp. honey
1 Tbsp. mustard
½ tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. chili powder

Place ribs in a large kettle with water to cover and 1 tablespoon of salt. Bring to a boil, cover and
simmer ½ hour. Meanwhile, combine wine, vinegar, catsup, oil, honey, Worcestershire sauce,
mustard, garlic salt and chili powder. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain ribs and place in a
shallow pan. Brush generously with sauce and roast at 350ºF for 15 to 20 minutes basting often.
Turn ribs and brush with sauce and continue roasting for 10 to 15 minutes or until tender. If using a
crock-pot, pour sauce over uncooked meat and cook for 6 to 8 hours.


2 lbs. flank steak

¼ cup soy sauce
3 Tbsp. honey
3 Tbsp. vinegar
1 tsp. garlic powder
1½ tsp. ginger
¾ cup cooking oil

Mix all ingredients and pour over steak. Marinate for several hours. Broil or BBQ until medium
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 23

4 eggs, beaten
2 cups milk
1 cup packaged dry bread crumbs
4 Tbsp. butter
1 cup onions, finely chopped
2 lbs. ground chuck
½ lb. ground pork
¼ tsp. allspice
¼ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. dill weed
¼ tsp. cardamom
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 cans (10½ oz.) beef broth
1 cup light cream
Salt & pepper, to taste

Combine eggs, milk and bread crumbs. Sauté onions, spices and mix with bread crumbs. Add meats
and mix well. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Shape into meatballs. Preheat oven to 325°F. Brown
meatballs in skillet. Mix flour, drippings and salt & pepper. Stir in beef broth and boil. Add cream
and dill. Pour over meatballs and bake at 325°F for 30 minutes. Serve over egg noodles or rice.


2 lbs. stew meat

1 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 large onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
¼ tsp. pepper
¼ tsp. marjoram
¼ tsp. thyme
1 cup red wine
1 cup mushrooms, sliced

Blend soy sauce with flour in a baking dish or crock-pot. Cut meat into 1½” cubes. Add soy sauce
mixture and coat meat cubes. Add sliced onions, garlic, pepper, marjoram, thyme and red wine to
meat. Stir gently to mix. Cover baking dish and simmer in the oven at 325°F for 1 hour. Add
mushrooms and bake for an additional 1½ to 2 hours or until meat is tender.

If using a crock-pot, follow directions as above and cook on high heat for 5 hours. Add mushrooms
and cook for an additional hour or until meat is tender.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 24

This is a zesty chili full of spices. Great for parties!

2 cans (17 oz.) dark red kidney beans

2 lbs. lean ground beef
1 onion, chopped
2 cans (15½ oz.) cut-up casserole tomatoes
1 green pepper, chopped (for variety chop ½ green pepper and ½ red pepper)
2 cans (15 oz.) tomato sauce
1 bay leaf
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. cayenne pepper (or more, if preferred)
½ tsp. crushed red pepper (optional)
Dash of paprika
Dash of salt & pepper
Tabasco sauce, to taste

Season ground beef with salt and pepper and brown until done. Remove meat and sauté green and
red peppers and onions until soft. Combine all ingredients into a stew pot. Bring to a boil. Simmer
for about 1 hour. Stir frequently to keep chili from sticking to the pan.


1 head of cabbage, rinsed and separated

Cut out large heavy vanes. Steam cabbage leaves for a few minutes.

Combine the following:

1 lb. ground beef
½ cup raw rice
1 small onion, chopped
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 egg, beaten

Place a meatball on cabbage leaf and roll to cover meat. Secure with a toothpick. Make 8 to 10
individual roll-ups and place in a baking dish. Cover with sauce.

2 cans tomato sauce
1 can water

Pour over cabbage roll-ups and cover with lid. Bake at 375°F for 1½ hours.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 25

Michelle’s family favorite. Simple and everyone loves it.

2 to 3 lb. beef chuck roast, boneless

1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
1¼ cups water
1 cup salsa
Cheddar cheese, grated
1 pkg. flour tortillas, burrito size

In a slow cooker, add meat, water and onion soup mix. Cook over medium setting (at least 3) for
approximately 2½ hours, or until meat is tender. Drain juice from meat. Shred beef and put into a
skillet. Add salsa and simmer for 20 minutes or until salsa is heated through. Heat tortillas in a
small skillet, one at a time until soft. Take one tortilla, add a few tablespoons of beef mixture and
top with cheese. Fold in ends of the tortilla and roll into a burrito. Top with sour cream if you like.

This is Michelle’s creation. Thick and chunky sauce with lots of spices.

½ lb. ground beef

1 can (4 oz.) sliced mushrooms
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste
1 can (14½ oz.) tomatoes, peeled & cut
¼ cup onion, chopped
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. minced garlic
½ cup red wine (optional)
Grated Parmesan Cheese
1 pkg. (16 oz.) Spaghettini (or Capellini)

Brown ground beef in a large skillet. Drain excess juice. Add mushrooms, onion, Italian seasoning,
and garlic and cook until onion is slightly brown. Add tomato sauce, tomato paste, cut tomatoes and
mix thoroughly. Stir in red wine, if desired. Simmer covered at least 20 minutes.

Meantime, prepare spaghetti noodles according to package directions. Serve sauce over noodles and
top with grated Parmesan cheese.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 26


1 to 1½ lbs. uncooked ground beef

1 bag (16 oz.) frozen peas and carrots
½ cup milk
1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of chicken soup (or cream of mushroom)
1 bag (32 oz.)Tater Tots
1 small onion, chopped

Preheat oven to 350°F. Crumble ground beef into a 9” x 13” casserole pan. Add salt and pepper to
taste. Pour chopped onion and bag of frozen peas and carrots over ground beef. Mix together milk
and soup, and then pour over ground beef mixture. Top casserole with frozen Tater Tots. Bake
uncovered at 350°F for 1½ hours.

If you like veal, this is a great recipe to entertain friends and family.
Mom made this meal for special family dinners.

1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour

½ tsp. salt
Dash of pepper
4 veal cutlets, cut into cubes
¼ cup oil- (extra virgin olive oil is best)
½ medium onion, chopped
1 can (16 oz.) tomatoes, cut-up
1 can (8 oz.) sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp. snipped parsley (fresh or flakes)
1 to 2 cloves of garlic, minced
¼ tsp. dried oregano
Cooked noodles or rice

Combine flour, salt and pepper in a bag. Cut veal into bite-size pieces and lightly coat with flour
mixture. In a skillet, brown meat slowly in hot oil. Remove meat from skillet. Add onions and
minced garlic to skillet; cook until tender but not brown. Add cooked meat, tomatoes, and
mushrooms with liquid, parsley, salt and oregano to skillet. Cover and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes
or until veal is tender, stirring occasionally.

Top noodles or rice with veal and sauce mixture. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 27


¼ cup butter (or margarine)

¼ cup all-purpose flour
1 cup chicken broth (or 1 can)
1 can (12 oz.) evaporated milk
3 cups cooked rice
2½ cups cooked chicken, diced
1 can (5 oz.) sliced mushrooms
¼ cup carrots, finely chopped
¼ cup celery, finely chopped
½ cup slivered almonds, toasted

Preheat oven to 350°F. Melt butter; add flour and blend. Add broth, milk, celery and carrots; cook
over low heat until thick, stirring constantly. Add rice, chicken and mushrooms to milk mixture.
Mix until blended. Pour into a greased 9” x 13” baking dish. Top with almonds. Bake at 350°F for
45 minutes.


1 cup rice (uncooked)

1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of mushroom soup
1 pkg. (1 oz.) dry onion soup mix
2 cups water
1 cut-up chicken fryer

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix ¾ of the onion soup mix package, mushroom soup, rice and water in an
oblong baking pan. Add chicken parts. Season and sprinkle with remaining onion soup mix on top.
Bake at 350°F for one hour or until chicken is cooked thoroughly and rice is tender.


4 boneless chicken breasts

1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of mushroom soup
1 pint sour cream
1 cup cooking sherry
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced

Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine cream of mushroom soup, sour cream and cooking sherry, mix
thoroughly. Place chicken in a square baking pan, cover with sauce and top with fresh, sliced
mushrooms. Cover the pan with foil and bake at 350°F for 55 minutes. Serve with rice or noodles.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 28

This is a true invention of Lori’s. She has experimented with this recipe many times
and it really works well for an easy meal.

4 skinless/boneless chicken breasts

2 cans (15 oz.) tomato sauce
1 red pepper
½ lb. mushrooms, sliced thick
1 onion, chopped
2 to 4 cloves of garlic, minced
½ cup red wine
½ cup cream
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. crushed red pepper
Salt & pepper, to taste
1 box Fusilli pasta (or your favorite pasta)

Cut chicken into small bite size pieces. Wash and slice red peppers into 1” strips. Slice mushrooms
with stems. Heat a skillet with olive oil and pan sear the chicken pieces. Remove from skillet. Add
olive oil as needed. Sauté red peppers, and mushrooms until tender, but not mushy. Remove from
skillet. Chop onion and sauté in skillet until tender. Add tomato sauce, seasonings and a ½ cup red
wine. Bring sauce to a boil. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Return all ingredients to the pan and stir
thoroughly. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Add cream and bring to a slight boil.
Let simmer for 5 more minutes. The cream will thicken the sauce.

Cook pasta as directed on the box. Serve chicken over pasta, drizzle with sauce.


1 can (12 oz.) V-8 juice

2 lbs. chicken parts
2 Tbsp. cooking oil
½ cup chopped onion
1 medium clove garlic, minced
½ tsp. oregano leaves, crushed
½ tsp. salt
1 small green pepper, cut into squares
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour

Reserve ½ cup V-8 juice. Brown chicken in oil. Add juice, onion and seasonings. Cover; cook
over low heat for 30 minutes. Add pepper, cook 15 minutes more. Stir occasionally. Add
remaining juice and flour. Cook over medium heat until juice thickens.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 29


8 broiler-fryer chicken thighs

½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. minced dried onions
1 tsp. parsley flakes
4 oz. mozzarella cheese
2 cans (15 oz.) tomato sauce
½ tsp. dried leaf basil
½ tsp. dried leaf oregano
Grated Parmesan cheese
1 pkg. (8 oz.) spaghetti

Step I:
De-bone chicken thighs. Cut along thinner side of the thigh to the bone.

Step II:
Sprinkle the non-skin side with salt, minced onions and parsley flakes. Cut mozzarella cheese into 8
pieces about 2½” x ½“ x ¾”. Place cheese on each thigh, folding sides over cheese and fasten with a
toothpick. Place skewer side down in foil lined shallow baking pan. Bake at 400°F for 40 minutes.

Combine tomato sauce, basil, oregano in a saucepan and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. For thicker
sauce add tomato paste as needed.

Cook spaghetti according to package directions. Place chicken over spaghetti and top with sauce.
Sprinkle lightly with grated Parmesan cheese.

This is another great meal for a party. It is tangy and delicious.

2 to 3 lbs. chicken thighs and breasts (cut breast in half)

1 bottle (16 oz.) Catalina salad dressing
1 can (20 oz.) pineapple chunks
¼ cup brown sugar

Bring Catalina salad dressing, pineapple chunks with juice and brown sugar to a boil. Season
chicken with seasoning salt and garlic powder. Place chicken in a Pyrex dish; pour sauce over
chicken and cover. Refrigerate overnight. The next day, skim excess grease off top and baste
chicken. Bake at 325°F for 1½ hours.

*Helpful Hints: Increase dressing and brown sugar to taste, or if making more chicken. This recipe
may also be served with steamed rice.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 30


4 chicken breasts
1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of chicken soup
1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of mushroom soup
1 can (6 oz.) Roletto spicy tomatoes (optional)
½ cup onions, chopped
1 large bag Nacho Doritos
1 block (16 oz.) Velveeta Mexican-style cheese
½ cup milk

Boil chicken in water until meat is completely cooked. Rinse chicken in cool water and shred meat.
Discard bones and skin. Sauté onions until tender. Combine soups, onions, and milk together in a
saucepan and bring to a boil. Add shredded chicken to soup mix. Layer chips, chicken and soup
mixture in a casserole dish. Top casserole with Velveeta cheese. Bake in oven at 350ºF for
approximately 15 to 20 minutes or until cheese is completely melted. Serve with rice or noodles.

A family classic. Simple and delicious. Kids love it as much as adults do.

1 pkg. (12 oz.) egg noodles

1 can (10¾ oz.) cream of mushroom soup
1½ cups milk (or 1- 12 oz. can evaporated milk)
1 to 2 cans (5 oz.) tuna, juices drained
1 cup potato chips, crushed

Cook egg noodles according to the directions on the package. Mix together cream of mushroom
soup, tuna and milk in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat until well blended. Put crushed chips
on the bottom of a 9” x 13” casserole dish. Place half of the noodles on top of the potato chips and
then part of the tuna/soup mixture. Repeat layering until all ingredients are used. Top with crushed
potato chips. Bake at 350°F for ½ hour.

*Helpful hints: Canned or freshly cooked chunk chicken may be substituted for the tuna.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 31

Lori invented this recipe one evening while trying to make a special dinner for her boyfriend and
his father- trying to impress the family. She spent several hours in the kitchen preparing and
combining recipes, but the outcome was an amazing pork dish. This dish takes some time, but is
well worth the effort.

4 to 8 lbs. whole shoulder of pork with skin

12 garlic cloves
2 fresh oranges
6 fresh lemons
2 fresh limes
5 to 8 small dried red chilies
¼ tsp. cumin
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 large Spanish onion
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 cup water (or chicken or beef broth)

Preheat the oven to 350º F. Score the entire skin of the shoulder by slicing deeply through the skin
and into the meat. Make cuts about ¼ inch apart from each other. Combine the juice of the oranges,
lemons, limes and water (or broth) in a bowl. Place the garlic cloves, cumin, salt, pepper and chilies
in a food processor. Pulse until all the seasonings are coarsely ground. Rub this mixture all over the
skin of the pork and into the cut areas to cover all surfaces of the meat. Place pork into the juice
mixture, cover and marinate for 3 to 5 hours. Turn meat over about half way through.

Slice half of the onion and place in the bottom of a roasting pan. Place pork on top of the onions.
Pour extra juice mixture over the pork. Baste with olive oil and cover with tin foil. Bake at 350ºF
for 4 to 5 hours. Turn the oven temperature up to 450ºF and bake for an additional 30 minutes
uncovered to brown the top. Be sure there is liquid at the bottom of the pan while baking, if
necessary add water while baking. Baste occasionally with pan juices. It is ready when the pork is
cooked through the center. The last 10 minutes of baking, slice the remaining onion and place on
top of roast.

Serve with Garlic Rice (see page 19) and black bean soup- Goya’s Black Bean soup is the best.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 32

From Mom’s
Anyone who knew our Mom also knew her Three-Tier Bars.
Christmas was not Christmas without this gift in your tin.

Bottom Layer:
½ cup margarine
1 egg
5 Tbsp. granulated sugar
4 Tbsp. cocoa
1 tsp. vanilla

Cook over hot water bath until it forms thin custard.

2 cups crushed graham cracker crumbs
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
½ cup walnuts

Pour into oblong cake pan, pack lightly and place in the refrigerator to settle.

Middle Layer:
2 Tbsp. instant vanilla pudding
4 Tbsp. butter or margarine
3 Tbsp. milk

Cream all three ingredients together.

2 cups powdered sugar

Spread this over the graham cracker mixture and return it to the refrigerator to firm.

Top Layer:
1 pkg. small chocolate chips
3 to 5 Tbsp. butter or margarine

Melt chocolate chips and butter over a hot water bath. When the ingredients become like custard
pour on and spread over the bars. Sprinkle crushed walnuts on top. Return to refrigerator to set the
chocolate. Cut before the bars become really firm or they will crack. Keep refrigerated.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 33


4 eggs, beaten
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2½ cups all-purpose flour
2 cups granulated sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
1½ cup cooking oil
½ cup walnuts
3 small jars of strained carrots (baby food)

Combine ingredients in order given and mix well. Bake at 350°F for 30 to 40 minutes on a cookie
sheet or jellyroll pan. Spread on frosting when bars are cool.

Carrot Bars Frosting:

3½ cups powdered sugar
1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, warmed
½ tsp. vanilla
½ cup Crisco

Combine all ingredients and beat until smooth. Spread on cooled carrot bars.


2 oz. (1 square) unsweetened chocolate

½ cup butter (or margarine), melted
2 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
¾ cup sifted all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
½ tsp. vanilla
1 cup marshmallows (miniature)
1 cup chopped nuts

Melt chocolate and butter together, then cool. Beat eggs with sugar until smooth. Add cooled
chocolate and butter. Sift together dry ingredients and stir in. Add vanilla, marshmallows and nuts.
Pour into greased 9” square baking pan. Bake at 300°F for 30 minutes. Cut into squares when cool.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 34

Kids favorite! Michelle loves them, too! Especially easy if you make them in the microwave.

1 pkg. (10 oz.) marshmallows (40 regular size or 4 cups miniature)

3 Tbsp. butter (or margarine)
4 cups crispy rice cereal
2 cups corn flakes

Cook butter with marshmallows in a large pan until both are melted and smooth. Take pan off of the
stove. Add crispy rice cereal and corn flakes and mix until well blended. Pour into a greased 9”x
13” baking dish. Let cool and cut into squares.

*Helpful hints: You can microwave the butter and marshmallows in a large bowl for 2 minutes, stir,
then cook for an additional minute. Add the other ingredients and mix until blended. Finish as


½ cup butter, softened
1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
¼ cup powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix ingredients until butter is well blended into flour/sugar mixture. Press
mixture into an ungreased 8” square baking pan, making sure it’s evenly distributed and packed
firm. Bake at 350°F for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pan on baking rack,
approximately 20 minutes. While crust cools, mix lemon filling according to the following

Lemon filling:
1 cup granulated sugar
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking powder
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. lemon peel, grated

Combine sugar, flour and baking powder. Add eggs, lemon juice and lemon peel. Mix well. Pour
evenly over baked, cooled crust in pan. Bake at 350°F for an additional 25 minutes. Top puffs up in
baking, but falls while cooling. Cool in pan on rack and cut into 2” squares. Sprinkle with
powdered sugar. Filling will become firm after cooling.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 35

These are a wonderful Halloween treat for your special trick –or-treaters.

½ cup uncooked popcorn

2/3 cup light or dark syrup
2/3 cup granulated sugar
½ tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. butter

Pop popcorn in an air popper. Mix syrup, sugar and salt in a heavy saucepan. Cook over medium
heat for about 2 minutes. Add butter, stirring until well blended and the sugar dissolves. Pour butter
mixture over popcorn and toss lightly. Use butter to grease your hands. Be careful while handling
popcorn mixture because it will be extremely hot. Form popcorn mixture into 3 to 4” balls.

*Helpful hints: Substitute 1 package of marshmallows and 3 tablespoons of butter/margarine

(similar to the Crispy Rice Bars recipe) for the syrup and sugar mixture. It is slightly creamier than
the syrup mixture.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 36


Cream together:
½ cup shortening
1 cup granulated sugar

2 eggs, well beaten
3 ripe bananas, mashed

Sift Together:
1 tsp. salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
½ tsp. baking powder

3 Tbsp. sour cream
Grated rind of 1 lemon
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 cup chopped nuts

Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes or until center is done and the top is golden brown. Test with a
toothpick. Top of loaf will split. Let bread cool before slicing.


These are so easy to make. Mom would make these on the weekend
and they would be gone as fast as they came out of the oven.

1 cup honey
½ cup margarine, melted (or butter)
¾ cup broken walnuts
3 pkgs. (7½ oz.) refrigerated biscuits
3 Tbsp. melted margarine
Cinnamon, to taste

Blend honey and melted butter; divide mixture among 21 muffin cups- do not use muffin liners.
Sprinkle a few walnuts into each cup. Cut biscuits in half. Brush one side of each biscuit with
melted margarine and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place 3 halves cut side down (curved side will be on
top) and buttered sides touching in each muffin cup. Bake biscuits at 350°F for 15 minutes or until
done. Remove immediately. Serve warm.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 37

Our Aunt Pam’s Whole Wheat bread is a wonderful bread to use for any occasion.
Pam made this bread for all of our family gatherings. Aunt Pam passed away in 1993.

2 cups warm water

¼ cup cooking oil (or softened shortening)
½ cup brown sugar
2 tsp. salt
3 cups whole-wheat flour
1 cup gluten flour
1 cup wheat germ
1 to 1 2/3 cup all-purpose white flour
1 pkg. yeast

In 2¼ cups warm water, add oil, brown sugar, and salt. Add whole-wheat flour, gluten flour, and
wheat germ. Beat well. Add yeast, which has been dissolved in ¼ cup warm water. Then add white
flour. Knead. Let rise once. Shape into 2 loaves; put in well-greased pans and let rise. Bake at
375°F for 35 minutes.


This is a wonderful bread for brunch.

1 pkg. Bakery-style blueberry muffin mix

2 Tbsp. poppy seeds
1 egg
¾ cup water
1 Tbsp. grated lemon rind

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix all ingredients except crumb topping. Pour mixture into a 4”x 8” x 2”
pan. Sprinkle crumb mixture on top of bread. Bake at 350°F for 1 hour. After bread is done, drizzle
with a mixture of ½ cup powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Slice when bread is cool.

These are great as an appetizer for parties, or as rolls for dinner. They also taste great cold!

2 pkgs. (7½ oz.) buttermilk refrigerator rolls, cut in quarters

¼ cup margarine
2 tsp. parsley flakes
¼ tsp. instant minced onions
¼ tsp. celery seed
Grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425°F. Melt margarine; add celery seed, minced onions and parsley flakes. Stir and
pour into a cake pan. Brush both sides of each biscuit with melted margarine mixture. Put roll
pieces on top of mixture and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake at 425°F for 12 to 15 minutes.
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 38
It is a great recipe that our mom insisted she had to have every Christmas. She would make it
late at night on Christmas Eve ready for us on Christmas Day.

1 pkg. active dry yeast, fresh

¼ cup water
1 cup milk, scalded
½ cup butter (or margarine)
¼ cup granulated sugar
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground cardamom
4 to 4½ cups all-purpose flour, sifted
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 cup raisins, seedless
½ cup candied cherries or maraschino cherries
2 Tbsp. orange peel, grated
1 Tbsp. lemon peel, grated
¼ cup roasted almonds, chopped
Glaze (see below)

Soften active dry yeast in ¼ cup warm water (110°F). Combine milk, butter, sugar, salt and
cardamom; cool to lukewarm. Stir in 2 cups of the flour; beat well. Add the softened yeast and egg;
beat well. Stir in fruit, peels and nuts. Add enough of the remaining flour to make soft dough.

Turn out on a lightly floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic (about 8 to 10 minutes).
Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease surface of dough. Cover and let rise in a warm place
until double (about 1 hour and 45 minutes). Punch down; turn out on a lightly floured surface.
Divide in 3 equal parts. Cover; let rest 10 minutes.

Roll each of the 3 parts to a 10” x 6” rectangle (this will make 3 separate loaves). Without
stretching, fold the long side over to within 1 inch of the opposite side; seal edge. Place on a greased
baking sheet. Cover and let rise in a warm place until almost double (about 1 hour). Bake at 375°F
for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. While warm, brush with glaze (see below).

1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
2 Tbsp. hot water
½ tsp. butter

Combine sugar, hot water and butter in a bowl and mix. With a pastry brush, spread glaze over

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 39


Sift together:
1½ cups cake flour, sifted
½ cup granulated sugar, sifted

Sift separately:
1 1/3 cups granulated sugar

Beat until soft peaks form:

1½ to 1¾ cup egg whites
¼ tsp. salt
1¼ tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. vanilla
¼ tsp. almond extract

Add 1 1/3 cups sifted sugar gradually to egg white mixture and beat until stiff peaks form. Fold in
sugar and flour mixture gradually. Pour into cake pan. Bake at 375°F for 35 to 40 minutes.


1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese

1/3 cup lemon juice
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 (6 oz.) graham cracker ready-made pie crust

Mix warmed cream cheese with other ingredients until smooth. Pour into pie crust. Refrigerate
until firm or freeze for 1 hour. Top with fruit slices if desired.


1 pkg. yellow cake mix

2 pkg. (16 oz.) frozen strawberries, defrosted
2 cups (3 oz. pkg.) prepared vanilla pudding
1 cup whipped cream, sweetened (La Crème or Cool Whip)
Fresh strawberries, sliced (for garnish)

Make cake according to package directions. Bake cake in a rectangular 9” x 13” baking pan. Using
half the cake, break it into pieces. Place the other cake half into the bottom of a large glass serving
bowl. Layer strawberries, cake pieces and then pudding. Keep layering until all ingredients are
used. Top with whipped cream and sliced fresh strawberries. Refrigerate at least 4 hours.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 40


Apple mixture:
4 to 5 cups green apples (Pippin or Granny Smith), peeled and sliced
1 cup granulated sugar
1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. cinnamon

Mix thoroughly and place in an 8” square baking pan. Make crumb topping as directed below.

Crumb topping:
¾ cup brown sugar
¾ cup oatmeal (dry, old fashioned)
¾ cup all-purpose flour
½ cup butter or margarine
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. baking powder

Mix thoroughly and sprinkle on top of the apple mixture. Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes or until
golden brown. Serve with a scoop of ice cream, if desired.


1 pkg. yellow cake mix

1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) instant vanilla pudding
¾ cup cooking oil
¾ cup water (or sherry, apricot or orange juice may be used)
4 eggs, beaten
1 Tbsp. butter flavoring
1 Tbsp. vanilla
¼ cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
½ cup walnuts, chopped

Mix together all ingredients, except sugar, cinnamon and walnuts and beat for 8 minutes. Sprinkle ¼
cup nuts into a greased bundt pan. For a swirl affect in the cake, fold in sugar, cinnamon and ¼ cup
of walnut mixture or layer. Bake at 350 °F for 45 minutes. Let cake cool for 15 minutes before
serving. Mix icing ingredients (see below) and drizzle over warm bundt cake.

1 cup powdered sugar
½ Tbsp. butter
½ Tbsp. vanilla
Milk, to desired thickness

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 41


2½ cups cake flour

½ cup shortening
1½ cup granulated sugar
4 tsp. baking powder
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. ground cloves
3 eggs
1/3 cup evaporated milk

Sift flour, measure and resift into large mixing bowl. Cut in shortening until particles are size of
course cornmeal. Sift together sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon and add to flour mixture.
Stir to mix. Add eggs and beat until smooth. Add pumpkin and beat until smooth. Gradually add
milk and blend well. Turn into a tube pan or bundt cake pan, greased and floured. Bake at 375°F for
25 minutes or until it tests done. Cool 5 minutes in pan and turn out onto cake rack and cool.


This is a “wacky” combination of ingredients, but it’s the best chocolate cake we’ve ever had!

Mix together:
1 cup granulated sugar
1½ cups all-purpose flour
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup cocoa
1 tsp. baking soda

1 Tbsp. white vinegar
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1/3 cup cooking oil
1 cup water

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Batter will be thin. Pour into a 9" round cake pan. Bake at
350°F for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool and top with cocoa-mocha icing, if desired.

Cocoa-Mocha Icing:
2 2/3 cups powdered sugar
3 Tbsp. powdered cocoa
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 Tbsp. instant coffee dissolved in 2 Tbsp. water, blend well

Sift together powdered sugar, cocoa. Add soft butter and coffee mixture. Mix and spread on cake.
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 42
I think we made hundreds of these mints for our Aunt Pat’s wedding. They are tasty and
make a wonderful accessory to your table.

2 oz. cream cheese

¼ tsp. flavoring (wintergreen or cinnamon work best)
1 2/3 cups powdered sugar
Rubber candy molds

Soften cream cheese. Mix all ingredients until well blended, not smooth. Food coloring may be
added. Refrigerate for ½ hour. Take molds and put granulated sugar in mold to cover bottom of
mold. Take approximately 1 teaspoon of mixture and roll into a ball. Fit mixture into mold. Scrape
off excess with back of a knife. Ease candy out of the mold. Repeat process with remaining dough.


You have to have a sweet tooth for this one, but it has been a family tradition for centuries. Mom
used to make these for Christmas gifts.

1 medium baking potato

4 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Boil peeled potato; mash (should yield ¾ cup). In large bowl, combine mashed potato, vanilla and
salt. Gradually add powdered sugar beating until mixture is stiff enough to roll into balls.
Refrigerate over night. Prepare wax paper on cookie sheet. Set aside. Roll mixture into 1” balls.
Dip balls, one at a time, into chocolate dip, see below.

Chocolate Dip:
2 to 4 unsweetened baking chocolate squares
Cooking wax shavings

In top of double boiler over hot, not boiling water, melt chocolate adding shavings of wax to thin
chocolate; stir until mixture is smooth. Cool slightly. Dip potato candy balls, one at a time, into
chocolate dip. Let excess chocolate drip off balls. Place on prepared cookie sheet. Place a walnut
on top and press slightly down. Store in a tightly covered container and refrigerate.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 43


1 cup peanut butter

1¼ cups graham crackers, crushed
¼ cup brown sugar, packed
¼ tsp. vanilla
¼ cup granulated sugar

Combine peanut butter, graham crackers and brown sugar, mix well. Refrigerate for ½ hour. Roll
into small balls, approximately 1”, and then roll into granulated sugar. Place in miniature-size
muffin paper cups.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 44

These are another of Michelle’s favorites. Also a 4-H blue ribbon winning recipe.

¾ cup shortening, softened

1 cup packed brown sugar
½ cup granulated sugar
1 egg
½ cup water
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. baking soda
3 cups oats, uncooked
1 cup nuts, chopped

Beat shortening, sugars, water and vanilla together until creamy. Sift together flour, salt, and soda.
Add to flour mixture and blend well. Stir in oats. Add nuts, raisins, butterscotch or chocolate chips,
or anything that sounds good. Drop onto cookie sheets. Bake in oven at 350°F for 12 to 15 minutes.


¾ cup all-purpose flour, sifted

1 tsp. granulated sugar
2 egg yolks or 1 egg
½ tsp. salt
¾ cup milk
1 tsp. cooking oil

Sift dry ingredients together. Beat egg, add milk and mix well. Add liquid to dry ingredients
gradually, beating until a smooth batter is formed. Add oil and blend.

In a frying pan, heat approximately 4 cups of cooking oil to 375°F. Once oil has been heated dip
iron Rosette pieces in oil to heat. Once heated, dip the iron Rosette piece in the batter and then place
back into the oil. Let the Rosette come off of the iron form and cook until golden brown. Place on a
cookie sheet that has been covered with paper towels to absorb the oil.

*Helpful hints: Rosettes are best served warm. If batter is left over night before frying, a few
bubbles will appear in the finished product. If used as a dessert, it may be rolled or sprinkled with
powdered sugar before serving.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 45

All of our family Christmas pictures have someone making Sour Cream Cookies.
They are delicious and great to decorate anytime of the year.
Mom made heart shaped cookies with pink frosting for Valentine’s Day.

Beat together:
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup shortening, softened
2 eggs

1 cup sour cream
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. salt

Then add:
5½ to 6 cups flour (More or less for right consistency)

Combine ingredients as instructed above. Refrigerate overnight and then scoop out a fair amount
onto a floured board and work some flour into the dough until pliable. Roll out into approximately
¼” thickness. Cut out with cookie cutters. Sprinkle with colored sugar or candies before baking.
Cookies can also be frosted after baking. Bake at 450°F for 8 to 10 minutes.

Another blue ribbon winner. Kids love to make these because they are simple and delicious.

Combine in a large mixing bowl:

½ cup butter, softened
¾ cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1 tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt

Mix in a separate bowl:

1 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. granulated sugar

Preheat oven to 400ºF. Combine ingredients as instructed above. Roll dough into 1” balls. Roll
balls into cinnamon and sugar mixture. Bake at 400ºF for 8 to 10 minutes. Makes approximately 3
dozen cookies.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 46


1½ cups butter (or margarine), softened

1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 Tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
½ tsp. almond extract
4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
Colored sugar

Thoroughly cream butter or margarine and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and almond extract; beat well.
Sift together flour and baking powder; add gradually to creamed mixture, mixing to a smooth dough.
Do not chill. Force dough through cookie press onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with
colored sugar, if desired. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 400ºF for about 6 to 8 minutes. Let cool and
place in a tightly covered container.


1 cup butter, softened

1½ tsp. water
2 tsp. vanilla
¼ cup powdered sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup walnuts

Cream butter and powdered sugar. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Shape into rolls of
about ½” in diameter and cut 1” pieces or roll into a ball. Put on cookie sheets and pull end down
slightly to form crescent or balls. Bake at 375°F for 15 minutes. Roll in powdered sugar while


2 cups self-rising flour

¼ cup granulated sugar
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ cup butter, softened
¼ cup snipped dried apricots
¼ cup currants
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/3 cup milk

Combine flour, sugar and baking soda. Cut in butter until it resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in
apricots and currants. Combine egg and milk; stir into flour mixture. On a lightly floured surface,
knead dough 10 times. Roll into ¼” thickness, cut with a cookie cutter. Bake at 450ºF for 8
Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 47
Our mother always had Chocolate Chip Cookies in the freezer throughout the year.
It was the one thing that everyone knew would always be there.

2¼ cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 cup butter or margarine (or ½ cup butter & ½ cup margarine), softened
¾ cup granulated sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1 pkg. (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips (or white chocolate chips)
¼ cup nuts, chopped (optional, pecans or walnuts taste best)

Preheat oven at 375ºF. In a small bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside. In a large
mixing bowl combine butter, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla and beat until creamy. Beat in eggs.
Gradually add flour mixture. Stir in chocolate chips. Add nuts, if desired and mix well. Drop
dough by tablespoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 375ºF for 9 to 11 minutes or until
golden brown.

*Helpful hints: To make cookie bars, make recipe according to directions above, but spread dough
into a 9” x 13” baking pan and bake at 375ºF for 25 to 30 minutes or until firm.


½ cup shortening, softened

¼ cup peanut butter
2/3 cup peanuts, shelled and chopped
1 1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
1/3 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt

Preheat oven to 375°F. Cream together shortening and peanut butter until smooth. Gradually add
sugar, creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Sift
together flour, soda, and salt. Add peanuts and stir into creamed mixture blending thoroughly.
Shape into balls about ¾.” Place on lightly greased baking sheets; flatten with palm of hand. Mark
criss-cross design with fork. Bake at 375°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 48


2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. salt
¾ cup Crisco
1/3 cup cream (or ice water)

Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Cut in shortening until it has the appearance of fine bread crumbs.
Add cream or water gradually but not in full amount, only enough to make a firm ball. Roll out to
1/8” thickness and brush with egg white. Makes 14 - ½” strips for lattice top. Bake according to pie


Mom made this pie for 4-H competitions and won many blue ribbons for it.
It is a family favorite- not too tart and not too sweet.

¾ cup cherry juice

¼ tsp. red food coloring
¾ cup granulated sugar
3 Tbsp. tapioca
1 Tbsp. cornstarch (combined with ¼ cup water)
½ tsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. butter
1/8 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cans (16½ oz.) pitted cherries (in original juice or water packed)
1 pie crust (see recipe above)

Drain cherries (set juice aside). Mix juice, coloring, sugar, and thickening in a saucepan. Stir while
it is heating to prevent it from sticking to the pan. Cook until mixture is slightly thickened. Remove
from heat and blend in butter, lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Add cherries and mix well. Pour
into pie crust and add lattice top. Brush lattice with cream or egg whites to give a glaze. Place
aluminum foil over edges to prevent it from burning.

Bake at 425°F for 10 minutes. Reduce oven to 375°F and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove
aluminum foil the last 5 minutes. Makes one 9" pie.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 49


1 pie crust (see recipe on page 49)

1½ cup cooked pumpkin (fresh or canned)
1 cup rich milk (half and half or evaporated milk)
1 cup granulated sugar
¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. cinnamon
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 Tbsp. butter, melted

Preheat oven to 425ºF. Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pour into pastry-lined pie pan.
Bake at 425ºF for 25 minutes or until an inserted knife comes out clean (try near sides). The middle
will thicken while cooling. Serve with whipped cream.


1 pie crust (see recipe on page 49)

1 can (15 oz.) pumpkin
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
1 egg
1¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground ginger, nutmeg, and salt
¼ cup packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp. cold margarine (or butter)
¾ cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)

Preheat oven to 425ºF. In mixing bowl, combine pumpkin, sweetened condensed milk, egg, ¾
teaspoon cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt; mix well. Turn into pie crust. Bake for 15 minutes and
remove pie. Reduce oven to 350ºF. In a small bowl, combine sugar, flour and remaining ½ teaspoon
cinnamon; cut in margarine until crumbly. Stir in walnuts or pecans. Sprinkle walnut/pecan mixture
evenly over pie.

Bake at 350°F for 40 minutes or until knife inserted 1 inch from edge comes out clean. Cool.
Refrigerate leftovers.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 50

Our house in California had a lemon tree in the backyard
so our mom made Lemon Pies throughout the year.
This recipe looks more complicated than it is, be patient.

1½ cups granulated sugar

1/3 cup cornstarch
1½ cups water
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
3 Tbsp. butter
¼ cup lemon juice
1 Tbsp. grated lemon rind
1 pie crust (see recipe on page 49)

Prepare pie crust according to directions. Place pie crust in a 9” pie plate. Prick the bottom and
sides with a fork. Bake in a 450ºF oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Mix sugar and
cornstarch in a sauce pan. Gradually stir in water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until
mixture thickens and boils. Boil for 1 minute. Slowly stir at least half of the hot mixture into the
egg yolks. Then blend into hot mixture in saucepan. Boil 1 minute longer stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and continue stirring until smooth. Blend in butter, lemon rind and lemon juice.
Pour into the baked pie shell.

Prepare meringue as instructed below. Cover lemon mixture with meringue, sealing to the edge of
the pie crust to prevent shrinkage. Bake according to meringue directions.

4 egg whites
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff enough to form mounds. Add sugar slowly,
2 tablespoons at a time, beating until meringue makes stiff glossy peaks. Spread meringue over pie
filling making the center ¼“ thick and the sides 1” thick. Bake until light brown and crisp at 275°F
for 1 hour. Cool away from drafts or meringue will crack and fall. Tastes best chilled.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 51


2 cups milk, scalded

¼ cup margarine
1/3 cup granulated sugar
¼ tsp. salt
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1½ cups cooked rice
¾ cup dark seedless raisins
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

Combine milk, margarine, sugar, and salt. Stir until margarine is melted. Add mixture slowly to the
eggs, stirring constantly. Stir in rice, raisins and cinnamon. Spoon mixture evenly into seven 6-
ounce custard cups. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg. Set in a pan of hot water 1-inch deep. Bake at
300°F for 40 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. To bake in a casserole baking
dish, use a 1½ qt. dish; treat same as custard cups, but bake for 15 minutes longer.


1 cup granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. butter, softened
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 egg

Mix all ingredients together like a cake. Pour into a greased 9” x 13” baking pan.

4 to 5 cups rhubarb
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups boiling water

Pour ingredients over cake batter and bake at 350ºF for 45 minutes.

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 52

When we were developing this cookbook, friends of ours would say—“Is your mom’s chicken wing
recipe in there? If yes, I want a copy.” When love is put into your food it leaves those you touch
with a special reminder of you. Cooking is such a large part of our lives. Those that put passion and
joy into their cooking give us even more than our daily bread... they give us LIFE. We have
provided extra space in this cookbook to make it Yours. To add that special recipe from a loved one
that has left a lasting memory.

Michelle & Lori


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Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 55

A Page Number
Angel Food Cake 40
Apricot & Mandarin Orange Mold 15
Apple Crumble 41

Backyard Lemon Meringue Pie 51
Baked Egg Omelet 9
Baked Egg Scramble 10
Banana Nut Bread 37
Beef Barley Soup 12
Beef Burgundy 24
Bundt Cake with Icing 41
Burgundy Ribs

Cabbage Roll-Ups 25
Caesar’s Salad 16
Carol’s Bran Muffins 9
Carrot Bars & Frosting 34
Cheese Ball 1
Cheese Fondue 5
Chicken and Mushrooms 28
Chicken and Rice Casserole 28
Chicken Cacciatore 29
Chicken Mini-Rolls Parmigiana 30
Chicken Soup 14
Chocolate Chip Cookies 48
Chopped Liver 1
Citrus Roast Pork 32
Coffee Cake 11
Cold Duck Punch 7
Company Sweet Potatoes 20
Crab Salad Sandwich 17
Cranberry Muffins 11
Crispy Rice Bars 35
Crock-Pot Beef Stew 22
Cucumber Salad 17

Deviled Eggs 2

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 56

Easy No-Bake Cheesecake 40

Fabulous Chicken Wings 1
French Toast 10

Garlic Butter 2
Garlic Rice 19
Golden Cadillac 8
Goulash 21
Grandma’s Garlic Dill Pickles 3
Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie 50
Granny’s Spanish Rice 23
Grasshopper 8
Great-Great Grandma Ruckdaschel’s
Potato Candy & Chocolate Dip 43
Green Bean Bake 20

Hawaiian Chicken 30
Hearty Spaghetti 26


Kids’ Party Punch 6

Lemon-Blueberry Poppy Seed Bread 38
Lemon Love Notes 35
Lentil Soup 14
Lime Daiquiris 8
Lime Punch 7
Lumpia 3

Macaroni Crab Salad 17
Mai Tai Punch 7
Meatloaf 22
Mexican Chicken 31
Michelle’s Favorite Beef Stroganoff 21

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 57

Minestrone Soup 12
Mints 43
Mom’s Famous Chili con Carne 25
Mom’s Prize-Winning Cherry Pie 49

Oatmeal Cookies 45
One-Dish Chicken and Rice 28
Onion Soup 13
Orange Juice Smoothie 6

Pam’s Whole-Wheat Bread 38
Parmesan Rolls 38
Pasta Salad 16
Pastrami Roll-Ups 2
Papa’s Salsa Dip 5
Peanut Butter Candy 44
Peanut Butter Cookies 48
Pie Crust 49
Pineapple Muffins 11
Pistachio Salad 15
Popcorn Balls 36
Potato Salad 15
Potato Soup 13
Pumpkin Cake 42

Quick Sticky Buns 37

Raisin Rice Pudding 52
Rice and Broccoli Casserole 19
Rice and Lentils 19
Rhubarb Pudding 52
Rocky Road Bars 34
Rosettes 45
Rumake 2

Scones 47

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 58

Shirley Temple 6
Shredded Beef Burritos 26
Snickerdoodles 46
Sour Cream Cookies 46
Southern Comfort Punch 6
Sparkling Punch 7
Spicy Chicken & Pasta 28
Spinach Dip 5
Spinach Manicotti 18
Spritz 47
Stollen 39
Strawberry Trifle 40
Stuffed Mushrooms 4
Swedish Meatballs 24
Sweet and Sour Meatballs 4
Sweet and Sour Sauce 3

Tangy Sloppy Joe’s 21
Tater Tot Casserole 27
Teriyaki Flank Steak 23
Three Tier Bars 33
Tomato Surprise 18
Tuna Casserole 31

Veal Scallopini 27

Wacky Chocolate Cake and Icing 42
Walnut Crescents 47
Walnut Pumpkin Pie 50
Wild Rice Soup 13

Zucchini & Mozzarella 18

Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 59


Mom’s Best Recipes © 2000, All Rights Reserved 60

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