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SCIENCE The definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice. Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge.

This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. PURPOSE OF SCIENCE The purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality. Science is sometimes called pure science to differentiate it from applied science, which is the application of research to human needs. Fields of science are commonly classified along two major lines: Natural sciences, the study of the natural world, and Social sciences, the systematic study of human behavior and society. Science is Allahs gift to humanity. This is the gift which man has improved upon from the day he received it. The present era is the era of science. Science has undoubtedly done a great service to mankind. Man, a rational being, has been curious to explore mysteries of nature and this led to many discoveries being made in various part of the world. But he is never satisfied with the acquired knowledge and is always keen to unravel mysteries of the universe. He has conquered the land and air. His incredible lust for knowledge has revolutionized human life and raised the standard of life. He was able to invent innumerable ways of making his life comfortable and happy. Every sphere of life has been revolutionized by science. In todays world its almost impossible to live without science. We use science all the time in different aspects of our daily life. The world would be a certainly different place to live in without cell phones, airplanes, computers and other gifts of science. All the technology devices need power to run and without science, it would be impossible to product the much needed electricity to run the various devices. INVENTIONS There have been innumerable inventions. One of the greatest inventions is the invention of medicines. There has been a series of tests carried out using animals as subjects and various medicines have been tried out on these animals to check their efficacy. Many fatal diseases can now be cured because we have the drug to fight those diseases. It has reduced the rate of infant mortality and increased the life span. Before these inventions millions of people died for lack of medical care. IMPACT ON OUR DAILY LIFE Science has given us many machines that have made our lives very comfortable. Buses, cars, sewing machines, mixes, grinders, etc. are all machines that are used every day by us and the discovery of electricity has made it possible for us to change night into day and summer into a comfortable cool season. Science is used in homes from the kitchen, sitting room among other places. INCREASED PRODUCTION It is now easy to cultivate fields as we have tractors. New forms of irrigation are now being employed. It is easier to protect the crops because of the use of various chemicals and pesticides. Even mosquitoes can be driven away because of the discoveries made in science. It has enabled man to entertain himself in many ways.TV, radio and video. Besides entertainment they educate the masses. Today the computer has made life even easier for us. The press, the means of communication, etc. have all improved because of science. BRIGHTER AND DARKER SIDE Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example if we take nuclear energy it helps us in generating electricity, and the same is used for weapons which destructs the peace. When the nuclear bombs are tested it makes a loud explosion and creates noise pollution and it also destroys the fertility of the nearby lands. ADVANTAGES The advancement in technology is another gift by science; technology makes work easy and faster for people. It has enabled man to entertain himself in many ways.TV, radio and video. Besides entertainment they educate the masses. Today the computer has made life even easier for us. The press, the means of communication, etc. have all improved because of science.

Science makes life easier for humans. People can now travels from one place to another do business, go for vacation etc. Technology and science has made living easier in many ways. One of the main advantages is that technology is able to do jobs that humans once had to do but in a much quicker manner. This has proven to be more time efficient and result in higher productivity in companies. The discovery of electricity is a wonder. Today we dont have to wait for the news from a distant country or different parts of our own country. The moment news is broadcast, the next moment we hear them from here. Science has also shortened the world for man. Distance of years has been reduced to days and hours. The invention of train, motor cars, airplanes have all helped increasing the speed of man. People are able to travel to local or far away locations at a more rapid pace than in previous years when the technologies didn't exist. We can talk on the mobile phone at a distance of thousands of kilometers. The invention of the computer has assisted the process of calculation in laboratories and has made our work easier and faster. Doing work at workplaces is easier because of invention of computers and notebooks. Science has changed our domestic life. Electricity is used in place of coal. We cook on gas stoves. Heaters, irons, washing machines, freezers, and room- coolers are in common use. The cost of production has gone down. Farmers use many machines in agriculture. Chemicals are used in the fields. The discovery of better seeds, better techniques of irrigation and pest control. The use of technology in agriculture has increased our productivity. In the field of medicine and surgery, science has made wonderful progress. Man has discovered a cure to almost every illness today. Science is used to develop cures for various diseases. These are not, however, the only advantages of science. Man has been benefited from science in every sphere of his activity. DISADVANTAGES Though science is a major blessing to the human race, it also has its disadvantages. As man continues to advance and automate everything pollution continues to increase. The machinery developed pollutes the air which reduces the life of man. The introduction of various pollutants in the human body often leads to complications and diseases which significantly reduces the human life. Similarly the darkest visage of science is seen. It is neither blessing nor curse in itself. It is advantage to particular person to decide what services he asks to render. The use of violent action and instability may occur, which may eventually take over the human and universe in coming future. Due to advancement of science, the identity and cultures are faded, the diseases are produced at an alarming rate and pollution is increased in geometric ratio. Because of advancement of science in unwanted business, people are so busy that a son cannot recognize his father. Many illegal and prohibited works are increased. One is not able to take sound sleep and breathe fresh air. The black history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki shows how dreadful the unwanted advancement in science has been made. So we should become aware in every event that may take place in days to come and to overcome to unnecessary events every probable consequence in future should be applied by using the principle of science. Similarly, the misuse of science and its inventions have bought human life in the complete destruction. It has invented very powerful weapons like nuclear bomb, missiles, hydrogen bomb and so on which can destroy the property and can lost large sum of money, which has negative effects on other aspects .But we minutely realized it. With the advanced capabilities of science, people can now develop serious weapons that lead to the destruction of cities and the death of thousands of people. The ability of man to produce such weapons encourages nations to fight each other. Though science has been a blessing to the human race, we cannot outweigh its disadvantages. CONCLUSION Thanks to science, we now know more about our planet and how things work and are continually trying to discover more. Concisely science has its advantages and disadvantages its up to us to decide whether we want to use to better our lives or completely destroy it. The future depends on how we decide to use science. Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the future, how advanced science will be in the future; we can only hope that it will be more of a blessing than a curse.

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