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Camp Tako

By Hartorotica and YoToob

[Collaboration; Chapters One, Three, Five etc are written by Hartorotica; Two, Four, Six etc are written by Yotoob] hartorotica.tu yotoob.tu

Chapter One !ell, this is "ar cry "ro civilisation. Its not as if shes expected a four star resort or anything, but this camp, whats it called again, does not look like the one featured on the cover of her informational booklet. She glances down once more, to verify that shes actually arrived at the right destination and her cab driver hasnt made some terrible mistake. Sure enough, there it is, black letters on a yellow background. Ca p Ta#o $ we a#e your su er ore "un% Its a lousy slogan, she thinks. She figures she could have come up with something better, something with a pun, maybe. Perhaps she should make a career out of that, instead of desperately trying to find a job within education. r languages. !nything that kind of uses the degree she put herself into debts for. Hannah Hart, &aster o" 'uns. Hannah Hart, &aster in 'unolo(y. She chuckles at her own train of thought, and gets out of the cab, looking at the wooden entrance of this place suspiciously. "Its seen better days.# ! male voice sounds from behind her. $he cab driver grabs her luggage from the trunk and sets it down on the sandy road before nodding at the entrance. Its created a small opening in a mass of trees, and %annah is somewhat worried that shes got to make her way through the woods by herself, considering the fact that these fir trees are definitely blocking most of the sunlight. "&o you know, where um '# "$he administration office(# $he man interrupts, "If you go through that gate there, its on your right. ! hundred metres or so. Id drop you off, but vehicles arent allowed on the premises.# "$hats alright.# %annah smiles, "$hanks a bunch, dude.# ")*+.,*.# %e holds out the palm of his hand, looking at the watch on his wrist. " h, okay.# She reaches into the back pocket of her shorts, her fingers grasping her wallet. )ot one "or pleasantries then. She counts out *, and hands it to the man, who sighs and gets back to the front of the car without saying anything else, "-ye.# %annah calls after him as he revs the engine. *lri(ht. Ca p Ta#o, here + co e. %er luggage weighs heavier than when she left home, but thats purely due to her ever expanding collection of snapbacks she decided to buy before coming out here. &oes a camp counsellor need eight different snapbacks for monitoring a bunch of fourteen year olds( Probably not, but theres nothing wrong with being stylish. $he forest feels chilly as soon as she walks in, although shes pleased to find the administration office being in the exact same spot the cab driver told her it would be. " h, hi.# "/esus 0hr'# She jumps as a female voice sounds from behind her. !hat is it with people snea#in( up on e, "Sorry.# She smiles at the dark haired girl in front of her, "%i.# "1oure one of the new camp counsellors, arent you(# $he girl extends her hand, "Pearl. 2ible. Im kind of in charge of the administration in here.#

"!h.# %annah shakes the girls hand, somewhat taken back by the formality of this, "Sorry, you just seem,# She pauses, "1oung to run this camp( I mean, we must be the same age.# " h, no.# $he girl reaches for the duffel bag that %annah has put down on the ground, "/ohns the boss over here. /ohn 3reen( %es currently in a meeting with his brother4 the kids are only arriving tomorrow, you see. 3ives us some well'needed time to prep.# Pearl sounds excited. "5ost of the counsellors have already arrived. 2hat did you say your name was(# "%art. %annah %art.# "1eah, I think that you are one of the last ones. 2e have one more cabin for staff, which you will share with two other counsellors.# Pearl picks up her bag and starts walking further down the path, ignoring the administration office completely, "1oure the first one in there, though. 1ou get dibs on the bed choice.# She winks. %annah loves this camp already. ' So it turns out that staff cabins dont come with enough dressing space for her to lay out her snapbacks. $hey soon get shoved back into the suitcase shes brought, as she tries to figure out where shes going to put her shorts for now. She looks around, contemplating possibilities as she hears Pearls voice outside of her cabin once more, this time accompanied by someone else. "%ere you go.# Pearl opens up the door, " ne of your fellow counsellors just arrived twenty minutes ago.# She adds, stepping inside, "$his is %annah.# %annah turns to the door to see a redhead walk into the cabin, loaded with luggage. Oh Christ. "3od, is it just me or is it insanely hot in here( 5ight be just me, though.# She smirks, " h, hi.# $hey make eye contact, and %annah cant believe this. !t all. "5amrie(# She 6uestions, frowning, "1oure 5amrie %art, right(# "1es(# $he redhead eyes her suspiciously, "%ow do you 7 do I owe you money or something(# "8o,# %annah grins, "&ont you remember me( %annah %art( 2e went to high school together. I was in 5s. 9oberts class when you were ' I cant remember.# She crosses the room, "-ut you were definitely 7 I mean, you went to San :ranco, right(# "1eah.# $he older girl s6uints at her, "2ait. !rent you,# She pauses, "%annah(# "1eah.# %annah exclaims, "1eah. %annah %art.# "!re you two related(# Pearl looks in between them, "0ause this is 6uite a coincidence.#

%annah feels tempted to exclaim 5amries her wife, for some reason, but refrains herself and just shakes her head. Shes not too sure whether her lovely jokes would go down well with someone two years her senior. /udging by 5amries luggage, there are things %annah is not completely prepared for. $heres a flask dangling from a rucksack and 7 +s that a (illie suit, "9ight. Ill leave you two to unpack.# Pearl sighs, "$heres only one more girl who were waiting for, but shes due to arrive soon. Ill send her your way. h, and theres a meeting at seven. /ust some basic guidelines and rules and all that. See you guys in a bit.# "-ye.# 5amrie yells after Pearl before slamming the door shut, "9ight. 2hich bed is yours(# She looks at %annah, who immediately points to the bed near the window, "9ight, okay. Ill take,# 5amrie looks in between the two other ones, "$his one.# She throws a bag down upon it, "Shit, those things look as comfy as the ones in the military.# -illie suits. &ilitary. Oh wow. %annah feels a smirk creep into the corner of her mouth. "&id you go into the military(# She asks, "2erent you the president of the drama club(# "*n. the glee club.# 5amrie adds, "-ut yeah, that did not really work out well. I did get a bachelors degree in performance arts though. $hen decided I wanted some action.# !hat a weir. career turn that is. %annah thinks to herself, although its probably inappropriate to point that out to someone you vaguely recognise from your past, six years ago. Shes here for work experience and social skills so perhaps becoming friends with 5amrie implies that you dont ask her stupid 6uestions after sharing a cabin with her for five minutes. "So, er, what do you do nowadays(# 5amrie looks up at her again, "2erent you that one kid that took literally every single language class there was(# "8ot every language class.# %annah chews the inside of her cheek. 2hy is this even making her feel nervous, "I dropped out of Spanish.# She admits, "-ut I did do :rench and 3erman. !nd sinology.# "Sino'what now(# "Sinology(# %annah repeats, ";m. 0hinese stuff.# "!h.# 5amrie couldnt look less impressed, nor interested, "So what, youre like a translator now(# "!ctually, I got a degree in <nglish literature and /apanese.# %annah cant help but feeling slightly accomplished as she mentions this, "-erkeley.# "$hats (reat.# 5amrie pauses for an instant, "So, youre a translator now(# "2ell, I mean, I coul. be.# $he shorter girl runs her hand through her hair and puts a snapback on, "Im actually looking for a job in education, but its hard to find a decent position. So I figured that I may as well be a camp counsellor for a month. 1ou know, help some kids out, get some skills. 0an only help me down the line, right(#

"1ouve thought this through.# 5amrie reaches for her rucksack and grabs her flask, "Say, little %art, do you reckon we can drink at night(# ' Its close to nine when the two %arts make their way back to their cabin. Its already become 6uite dark , and despite her initial reluctance against being by herself in the middle of nowhere, %annah does think that a walk is possibly a good idea. 'hysical an. ental stren(th are the "oun.ations o" success. $hats from a book, she thinks. ne of the many books shes read. 5amrie has declined her offer to tag along, and although she isnt sure, she thinks the redhead even snorted at her suggestion. -ut that doesnt matter, or at least not very much. 2hat matters is that she is now at peace, in this impeccable piece of nature. She walks for about five minutes until she gets to the entrance again. &ay as well stroll next to the roa. "or a bit. Its lighter out here and maybe there are some things they can do aside of camp, in the next four weeks. "Son of a fucking bitch.# %annah looks at the silhouette walking up the road, towards her. :irst she notices nothing but long legs and tiny, tiny shorts, but then her eyes dart up to slender arms and blonde hair falling loosely from the girls shoulder and she swears she recognises this sight. She loo#s "a iliar. "%ey.# She greets the stranger, "0an I help you out with these( 1oure here for camp, right(# "$he fucking buses didnt drive and the cab driver dropped me off a fucking mile back. $his is horrible.# $he blonde complains, "$his place seems to have fallen off the surface of the earth.# "Its, um,# %annah thinks of the right word, "Secluded( %ere, let me grab your bag.# She leans down and grabs one of the bags before looking up to the girl. Oh -o.. Oh y "uc#in( -o.. $his is undoubtedly 3race %elbig. The 3race %elbig. 3race %elbig who walked around school and got fucking adored by everyone because she was the sole reason San:rancos track team won anything, ever. 3race %elbig with the long legs and the blonde curls. 3race %elbig who was dating 0hris, then =iam, then 5ark, then some guys %annah never even bothered listening about from the corridor gossip, because chances were they were not going to make it to the end of the week. Prom 6ueen 3race %elbig. "1ou look familiar.# 3race s6uints at her, "&id we work together at Shaggys(# ";m, no.# %annah tries, "-ut we went to high school together. %annah %art(# She flashes the taller girl a warm smile, "2e were in the same chemistry class. !nd I think we had math and <nglish together, too.# "2erent you that one girl who did haikus the entire time( 2ith the numbers and all(# %annah looks at her in confusion for a second. !hat the hell is she on about, $hen the mistake hits her, and she laughs.

"8o, no. Sudokus. 1eah, thats me.# %annah grins, "$his is aweso e.# She exclaims, "1ou know, we never really got to know each other in high school, did we( Probably because it was so busy, with like, being high school and all. h 3od, this is exciting, isnt it.# "Sure is.# 3race sighs, walking a few feet behind %annah. $he brunette swears she can hear 3race mumble something along the lines of >hellhole and >big mistake and >there is no 3od, but she decides not to pursue that line of conversation. Shes probably misunderstood it, too. 0ause well, this is camp. 0amp is fun. !nd since 3race signed up to be a counsellor, just like herself, the blonde is probably just a tad bit off with getting lost before she even got to the camp. $hats understandable, isnt it( "1ou are never going to believe the odds, but do you remember that one girl in senior year( $he redhead who was the president of the glee club and the drama club( 5amrie( Shes here too. $his is like a high school reunion.# %annah grins, "3race, this is going to be one (reat camp, dude.# $here is no reply, but perhaps 3race is just busy focussing her mental and physical ability to get her luggage to her new home for the next month. !gain, this is sensible. %annah likes sensible people. She knows for a fact that this is going to be (reat. 5amrie and 3race and her bonding. $his promises to be nothing less but epic. <pic. <mphasis on epic. Pearl is at the administration office as %annah waves at her. 3race still behind her, %annah points at the blonde whos struggling to keep up. "I found the last counsellor, I think.# %annah grins, "She was a mile away.# "2ell, you missed the meeting.# Pearl looks at the blonde, not very impressed, "3race %elbig, right(# "1up.# " kay, well. 1ou are sharing a cabin with %annah and 5amrie.# Pearl turns to the shorter brunette, "I reckon you can explain the guidelines and all, right(# "Sure.# 3race gives her a thumbs up, "0ome on then, 3race.# !s she walks up to the cabin, its obvious that 5amrie is up and about, because some very weird music is blaring from within. +s that )ew /i.s On The 0loc#, %annah ignores the urge to grin at this and walks up the small path up to their cabin with 3race in tow. 2ho would have known out of all the places in the world, and all the people that could have been at camp, shed be reunited with two people she vaguely recognised from her high school past. Perhaps she wasnt the most socially active kid back in the day, but she was here now, and she was going to make it count. "5ames.# %annah smirks as she opens the door of the cabin, "=ook who I found.# "2hos that(# $he redhead frowns as 3race walks in, dropping her purse on the floor the second she sets foot inside.

"&a rie.# %annah feigns shock, "$hats 3race %elbig.# She points at the blonde as if her point was not obvious enough, "Prom 6ueen. $rack team. Surely you remember her.# She frowns, "0ome on, 5ames.# "&oesnt ring a bell, sorry.# 5amrie lays down on her bed, "1ouve got that bed, by the way.# She points at the bed closest to the door, "$ry to unpack 6uickly, yeah. Id like to get some sleep.# She turns to %annah, "P$S&, you know.# %annah nods, unsure what the appropriate reaction to such information might be. She sits down on the edge of her bed and grabs her notebook from her back pocket. 0licking a pen, she presses the ballpoint to the paper and looks at her two roommates for a second. + have been reac1uainte. with two people + ha. "ran#ly never expecte. to see ever a(ain. 2ohn an. 'earl are absolutely lovely, an. those other counsellors + et to.ay are a total hoot, especially that 1uir#y blon.e #i. Tyler. !e3re (onna (et alon( (reat. &a rie3s su""erin( "ro 'TS4 an. -race see s tire. because she #eeps si(hin( while she unpac#s. *nyway, very lon( story short $ + have arrive. at Ca p Ta#o. This is 5ust aweso e.

Chapter Two 3race didnt think it was possible to wake up in this level of bad mood. -ut here she is, defying expectation and known social norms once a(ain. $he camp bed is massively uncomfortable, and 3race has a feeling that the other two must have checked all of them, and left her with the one least conducive to a good nights sleep. Its what she would have done. 2hen she rolls over, she can see the daylight, filtering beneath the door frame, which means it is nearly dawn, which means this poorly thought through idea has to start becoming a reality. It was her moms idea, really. !nd 3race just hadnt created a good enough excuse to avoid it. -ecause 3race didnt have anything to do this summer, and needed the cash. It turns out that some early success, and becoming the face of =owes, didnt mean that you were set up for life, and shes struggled to book anything, recently. !nd so her mom had contacted /ohn 3reen, a family friend, and had re6uested a favor, and so here she was. 2hat she hadnt anticipated, and would have made up a hell of a good excuse, something along the lines of malaria, or an allergy to grass, had she known, was that shed be sharing with %annah %art and 5amrie %art. %annah %art, who seems to be the same annoying, enthusiastic kid she remembered from school. $he one who always knew the answer to the teachers 6uestions. $he one with the ability to do a class presentations without transforming into a 6uivering wreck. $he one who thought it was cool to try and be friends with everyone. $he one who would say really honest things, like that top really suits you, or, a a6in( 5ob at the trac# eet, well .one%, and was generally far too sincere and made all of 3races social defenses go up. !nd then, to top it, &a rie %art. $he lunatic who ate. 'aint. !ccording to the rumors, at least, but when asked 5amrie had always just confirmed it, and those are not the dietary patterns of a person she can trust. ? She showers early, because 3race thinks this might be her last chance of feeling clean while out in this goddamn forest, and walks back from the shower blocks to her cabin slowly, turning things over in her mind. $he sun is out, which is about the only positive that 3race can find. $he problem was that $im, the little shit, had somehow managed to carve himself a niche in the entertainment industry without even trying. r at least, on the outskirts of the entertainment industry. $heir mom had been so delighted, and proud, as $im had explained over dinner that yes, 1outube would actually pay him for his rambles into the camera. People would watch, and the

advertising revenue would come in, and youtube would hand him a cut of it. !nd so now, because he had nearly one hundred thousand followers, and (rowin(, he had enough coming in to support himself. -o..a it, anyone could do that. 3race could do that. -ut no, instead, here she is, out in the wild. Surrounded by nature and people who she really doesnt want to spend any social time with. !nd then there are going to be children turning up, fourteen year olds who think theyre adults, and dear god, she feels like she has entered hell. 2hen she sneaks the door open, hoping that %annah and 5amrie are still asleep, shes greeted by music, and ugh. "5orning 3race. 3ood idea with the early shower 7 how were they(# 3race flaps a hand, and sets her towel and wash bag on her bed, uncertain where to look because %annah seems to be doing lunges, or something. " h. ;m. $hey were okay, I guess. 8o visible diseases in them, so, you know. -onus.# %annah grins, and nods at her, before abruptly starting to do star'jumps to the beat of the -eyonce tune she has blaring out of her phone, and oh good god, what is happening( 5amrie is still in her bed, which is slightly more acceptable to 3races mind that the small floor routine %annah is going through. 2hat isnt acceptable is what 5amrie is doing. 5amrie seems to notice that 3race is staring at her, disbelieving, after a second, and looks away from the tiny hand held mirror. "1es(# "8o, um?# 3race stutters, and frowns, before pointing vaguely at 5amries face. "I was just? what are you doing(# 5amrie sighs, as if it should be obvious why she has really dark streaks of green, black, and brown grease paint over her face. "Its camouflage paint. 2e dont know what we are dealing with, out there.# Sitting down on her bed, because she feels like she needs a bit of support, 3race glances once at %annah, before laughing, hesitantly. ";mm, breakfast, I hoped(# 5amrie gives her a look, as if to say that sort o" sloppy thin#in( is the reason why you are so socially aw#war., and %annah jumps into the conversation, sentences arriving between every other push up. "5amrie is the camps survival expert, right( Shes got military experience, which she is going to share with the kids. $each them how to track enemies and make emergency shelters in a thunderstorm and stuff. 9ight 5amrie(# 5amrie tilts her head to one side, and then closes her mirror with a snap.

"<xactly. !nd now if you two will excuse me, Im going to go see if I can track down an enemy coffee, because %annah, the routine is exhausting just to watch.# %annah stopped immediately, looking apologetic, but 5amrie is already out of bed, shuffling out of the door in slippers, pyjamas and a hoodie, and a "ull set o" war paint. %annah glances at 3race, and shrugs. "I remember her being kooky, dont you( She seems awesome though, the kids will love her. &o you? do you mind if I keep going(# 3race shakes her head, because hopefully if %annah is doing that, she wont try and talk to her. $hen she remembers that maybe this experience will be better if she at least tries to be friendly with the people she has to live with for eight weeks, and so makes an effort. "!t least she wasnt eating the paint, right(# %annah looks at her, nonplussed, and then shrugs. ";mm. 1eah, sure(# 3race frowns, and then sets about packing away her things, because she doesnt want to see that she is blushing, regretting the joke that clearly %annah didnt understand. It cant just be her that remembers that( She thought everyone knew about 5amrie eating paint( ? 3races primary task is working for Pearl, who seems to have come to the conclusion, after the terrible first impression 3race made last night, that 3race is entirely incompetent. She doesnt mind. She thinks she might be. " kay, so in this filing cabinet we have a list of their medical details, emergency contact numbers and dietary re6uirements, so thats where you head in case of any problems. !nd over here is your desk, which?# 3races job is answering the phone to anxious parents, the first person anyone from the outside world speaks to. Pearl gives her a short briefing on how to speak to another human without giving them the impression that their child might be dead, and then leaves her to it. Sighing, 3race checks her cell phone. 8o signal. -reat. She spends most of the morning staring out of the window, watching cars pull up and spit out kids, with over'si@ed backpacks and fresh out of the box hiking boots on. %annah and another blonde boy are out there, taking names and handing out passes. %annah hugs every single child that she greets, and after twenty minutes, the boy, 3race thinks she might be called $aylor, she was briefly introduced at breakfast, starts hugging them too, and ugh. %uman contact. She shudders at the thought.

5amrie is nowhere to be seen. 3race pictures her hiding behind a tree somewhere, possibly practising bird calls or digging a bear trap, or whatever army types do. !fter a moment, /ohn walks in, who 3race recogni@es from when she was a lot younger. She jumps up automatically, and holds her hand out for him to shake. /ohn greets her warmly, and asks how her journey over was. " h, god, yeah, terrible. Sorry I was so late. If %annah, one of the other counsellors hadnt found me, Id probably be still out there now. 5e and nature do not get on.# /ohn gives her a bit of a peculiar look, and 3race curses inwardly, because shes taken a job that surrounds her by nature, dammit. Its like taking a job as a life guard and then claiming a deep fear of water. " kay, well, hopefully youll get used to it. 0ould I ask you to go and help greet the kids, just during the rush( Ill man the desk, and try and get some paper work done at the same time. 3reat to see you again 3race.# 2ell, he was very nice as well. 3race can tell that she is going to spend two months surrounded by positive, upbeat people, which is going to be exhaustin(. !s she walks to the main yard, 5amrie appears, as if from her nightmares, from behind a cabin. "Psst. 3race. ver here.# 3race contemplates claiming a case of mistaken identity, but trudges over, ducking behind the cabin. 5amrie gives her a once up and down. "!re you still the boring goodie two'shoes I remember(# 3race riles, because she may not have spent her childhood eating paint and generally being the loudest, weirdest kid in school, but that didnt mean that she was boring. ";mm, no, but I wasnt boring in school, thank you.# 5amrie waves away her protests, and she still has camouflage paint on, and who even does that( "2hatever, just checking. =ook, I got you a coffee.# 3race takes it, because 5amrie isnt giving her much choice, but holds it away from her, as if it is about explode. "1eah( h. ;m, thank you.# " h, you will. $aste it.# 9apidly calculating the odds of 5amrie trying to poison her, 3race sniffs suspiciously at it, and then takes a tiny, tiny sip.

2ait? "&oes this? have you put alcohol in it(# 5amrie grins at her, and waves a hip flask in 3races direction. It sounds full. 3races eyes widen. "/ust a little bit of -aileys. /ust to get the juices flowing. 3o on then, %elbiggie. 3o interact with the children. !nd dont tell %annah, shell freak out.# 3race thinks about asking what useful activity 5amrie is doing, behind a cabin with a hipflask, but thinks better of it. 5amrie reads her mind anyway. "Im just getting a feel for the lay of the land, you know. $hose toe rags are going to experience a game of hide and seek like theyve never known before.# 3race backs away slightly, raising her coffee in gratitude, and heads towards %annah and $aylor. Shes pretty sure that drinking on the job, while parents hand over their children into her care, is a certain way to get fired. She finds she doesnt mind though. $he coffee tastes good. ? $heres a staff meeting that night, for the -lue shift, which is what herself, %annah and 5amrie are on. 9ed shift are keeping the kids entertained, while -lue shift get to eat, and discuss the next few days. 3race attempts to enter late, and sit at the back, but %annah seems to be keeping some kind of look out, and waves her over, and 3race can hardly fake temporary blindness. She sits cautiously, and %annah rubs her on the back in greeting, before patting her on the knee and flinging an arm around her shoulders to s6uee@e, and what is with all the touchin(, "&ont touch me.# "Sorry dude, just excited to see you.# %annah literally saw her half an hour ago. 3race thinks about mentioning this, but %annah carries on, before she can mention it. "Isnt this cool though. $he next few days sounds awesome4 theres raft building and trust exercises and some camp cooking 7 it sounds a blast. &o you know what you are down for(# 3race shrugs. "I go wherever they tell me. I think Im mainly on the desk though4 answering calls. 5ight be for the best, Im not great with kids# %annah shakes her head.

"8ah dude, Im sure if you ask theyll rotate you. !lso, you were fine with kids, they all loved youre whole, ar(h, +3 a socially aw#war. robot, routine.# %annah is doing something weird with her hands, and is that what she looks like( "2hat routine( $here was no routine.# %annah drops her hands, and looks at her, uncomprehending. " h. 2ait, really(# h, fucking hell. $his day could not be going any worse. -ut then 5amrie walks over, and sits down with them, and well, dont speak too soon, %elbig. "%annah. 3race. %ow were your days(# %annah claps her hands together once, in excitement. "!wesome, I had an excellent time. $he kids seem great, man, I cant wait to get to know them better. -ut where were you, dude( Pearl was looking for you earlier.# 5amrie gestures towards her face, where the face paint is entirely smeared, and appears to be creeping down her neck. "I was there. /ust, you know. -lending into the surroundings. I like to keep my stealth skills sharply honed, you never know when theyre going to be needed.# %annah nods, as if 5amrie is talking anything other than complete bullshit, and then /ohn on stage calls for their attention. "!lright guys, day one done' great job.# $he twenty five or so people in the room whoop and cheer, as 5amrie takes a long sip of coffee and 3race panics about whether she has accidentally joined a cult. "$his meeting is going to go through the schedule for the next week, and some of the safety procedures, which are important, so try not to fall asleep. !fter that, were going to do some getting to know you exercises, and have a bit of team building. Sound good(# %annah shouts "yeah.# enthusiastically next to her, and 3race leans away from her imperceptibly, trying not to be noticed. 5amrie leans into her at that point, causing 3race to automatically swerve away, but that would take her back to leaning towards %annah, and is nowhere sa"e, ":ucking team building exercises. <very woman for herself, I say. 2ant some coffee(#

Chapter Three

Saying she loves this, would be an understatement. /ohn and his brother, she think hes called %ank, have walked them through the safety procedures and she is pretty sure shes got the entire evacuation route penned down perfectly in her little notebook, although she i(ht have to check with 5amrie what that entire counting heads thing was about. r, judging by 5amries dopey look, she may be better off asking 3race 7 although the blonde doesnt seem particularly interested in this part of camp either. "!lright, pair up.# /ohn exclaims, "$heres twenty'five of you, so one group of three will do.# 0rilliant% She immediately wraps an arm around both 5amries and 3races shoulder, the latter rushing to shrug her arm off of her. 3race probably doesnt feel too comfortable around her, %annah figures. $his is why /ohns idea of >getting to know you exercises seems like such an incredible idea. She cant wait to find out more about her two roommates. "%ere are some conversation starters.# %ank comes over and hands them to %annah, "1ou with these two, right(# %e glances at 5amrie, whos still sitting at the table, and 3race, whos now crossed her arms and looks as if she hopes she is spontaneously going to combust in flames, "2ow, okay. 3ood luck.# "!lright, guys.# %annah sits down, and checks the cards, before turning to 5amrie, "1ou go first, 5ames. 2hen did you realise you wanted to be a camp counsellor(# ' kay, loving this is not even close to how she feels about this. Shes learned valuable information about 5amrie and 3race, and she thinks shes doing 6uite a good job being emphatic and listening to others and this is so going to come in handy when she applies for jobs next month. /ohn calls out for attention again, and she hears something about trust falls, and perhaps that slightly tempers her motivation and eagerness because 3race is like, six foot or something, and 5amrie is 6uite tall as well. " hai gurl.# She turns around to see $yler stand in front of her, wearing a shirt thats nearly identical to hers. Shes already decided $yler is going to be one of her best buddies here at camp. %es sassy and hes cute and he gives pretty ama@ing hugs, she found out before. "%ey $y.# She grins, "2hats up, dude(# "2ell, the trust fall thing, I think you and I should totes team up.# %e smirks, "-ecause frankly, I dont think you can hold the blonde if she falls, and the other one looks like '# %e turns to look at 5amrie and grimaces, "Is she drunk(# "Tyler.# %annah swats at his arm playfully, " f course 5amrie isnt drunk. Shes a camp counsellor.#

"She ate paint.# $yler snaps his fingers, "She confirmed to /oey that she ate paint. %e overheard your >get to know each other talk and 3race mentioned it or something( She ate paint, %annah. 0mon.# "2ell?# Its hard to make a case for someone who admits they like to eat paint. Its not like %annah has to expect any sort of help from 3race in order to defend 5amrie, because the blondes mood still hasnt lifted whatsoever. O#ay, well. She gestures to $yler that yes, she wants to do trust falls with him. $yler applauds and makes this sound thats in between a girls giggle and a piglets s6ueal, and %annah thinks she may have found her soul mate. ' 2hat has she learned today( $hat trust falls are an excellent way to start trusting people, and that its a great method to try and bond with someone you havent really known before. ;nless, of course, you are called 5amrie or 3race. %annah still doesnt know what exactly happened, but apparently 3race had to perform the fall and 5amrie had to catch her and she didnt and now the two of them are not even speaking to each other. %er own trust falls with $yler went absolutely "uc#in( ama@ing, and shes now gone to ac6uaint herself with the other counsellors. $heres /oey and 5arcus and /enna and /ustine and -o., she loves camp. "3uys.# %ank calls for their attention, "/ust a reminder that starting from tomorrow, each cabin is going to have their own group of kids and youll be moved into cabins in a specific area of camp, together with your group of thirty kids. Pearls got the information.# %annah nods, enthusiastically. $hats like what, ten kids for each of them to monitor properly( 8o, %annah, think tea . $hirty kids for 5amrie and 3race and %annah to monitor. $hats better. "=ets be off to see Pearl then.# %annah exclaims, having spotted the dark haired girl next to the stage, talking to /ohn, "0ome on, guys. !re you coming(# "$he alternative is staying seated.# 3race folds her arms on the table and rests her head on top of it, "Im sure you can manage by yourself, %annah.# Its the nerves of camp and the fact they have had a long day, %annah is sure of it. Ca p counsellors love ca p, .on3t they% Plus 5amrie has mentioned something about earlier camp experience a few years ago in 8orth 0arolina, although that story made little sense. So maybe thats why she is so unfa@ed by all of this. $o %annah, this is new. !nd therefore exciting. !nd fuck these twos pessimism, shes going to talk to Pearl. "%i, er,# Pearl smirks, "%annah, right( Still trying to learn names here.# "1eah.# %annah grins, "Im with 5amrie and 3race, and I, well, we, were wondering what group weve got and stuff.# "!h.# Pearl flips through her papers and pulls out a few of them, laying them out on the small table nearby, "1ou three have got,# She runs her finger over some lines, "$he koalas.#

/oalas% %annah loves koalas. Possibly the cutest animals ever, apart from :rench bulldogs and sea otters. -ut koalas probably win. "3reat. !nd where are we off to(# "1oull be at the south'east side of the woods.# Pearl pinpoints an area on the attached map, "9ight here. &ont tell your fellow counsellors, but thats actually one of the nicest parts. =oads of open spots and a small lake and stuff. !nd a @ip'line thing, but you might have to share that with another group, so you should talk to them about it. =ets see,# Pearl rifles through her papers again, "$yler akleys group. 1ou know him( %es the kid with '# "7ove $yler.# %annah smirks, "3ood, thanks. 2ell, Ill be on my way.# She grabs the papers and heads back to her two new friends, who have remained in their spot, 5amrie still looking at the flask and 3race seemingly sleeping on top of her arms. "3ood news, guys.# %annah sits down next to them, "2e are the team leaders of the koalas.# "I hate koalas.# 3race mumbles, "$hey are stupid.# "3race.# %annah gasps, "%ave you hear. yourself( Aoalas are '# "1es, I have heard myself. !nd I very much agree with me.# 3race sighs as she sits up, "Is this charade over( -ecause Id love to get at least one more decent night of sleep.# "So that you are all awake and ready to play with those kids tomorrow morning.# %annah nods, "Bery wise choice, 3race. I knew you '# "<r, no.# 3race frowns, "Ill have you know that Im basically in charge of administration at the head office, so Im not going to be babysitting these kids.# She flaps her hand, "$hats for you and 5andy to do.# "5amrie.# $he redhead chips in. "2hatever.# 3race yawns, "!re we going back( Im tired.# ' Shes decided to go for a walk. $his is what she likes to do when she has conflicting feelings about something. !nd this is 6uite some nice nature, %annah thinks. Shes not sure whether shes breaking rules already, because its nearly one at night and shes out by herself in the woods, but whats life without some risks, anyway( "%ey, wait up.# She turns around, and there is 3race %elbig again. Standing tall, with her hair up in a messy bun, wearing a cardigan of some sorts and her arms wrapped tightly around her body. "I didnt know you liked late night walks as well.# %annah grins.

" h, I dont. -ut 5anny is mumbling to herself and I thin# I saw her unpack a bald cap just five minutes ago and I dont know, Im not really one for cra@y. <specially at this time of night. !nd you were out, so?# "1ou do know shes called 5amrie, right(# " dd name, if you ask me.# 3race sighs, "So, where are we going(# "I was thinking of finding out where we are going to spend the next four weeks of camp.# %annah feels the excitement building once more, "1ou know, the koala camp.# " h yeah. Im .evastate. that Im missing out on the field action.# %annah turns to face 3race and its 6uite hard to tell in the dark whether the leggy blonde is being sarcastic or not. Shes going to assume 3race wasnt being sarcastic, because why would she( "2ell, I think Pearl likes me.# %annah pipes up, "Im sure that if I ask, she can relieve you from your administrative duties and you can come out with 5ames and I and do activities with the kids.# "$here is really no need.# "Its no big deal, 3racie.# %annah wraps an arm around the other girls shoulder, but the angle is too awkward to walk in a semi'embrace, and 3race is 6uick to push her arm off of her again, "Sorry.# "1ou are terribly touchy'feely, you know that(# "I '# "1ou stop it.# 3race frowns, " r you do it with 5amrie or that gay kid thats walking around as if rainbows are gonna shoot out of his ass, whats his name, $aylor(# "$yler.# %annah is frowning now, too, "!nd dude, come on. + am gay.# :or the first time ever since shes been reac6uainted with 3race, the blonde is at a loss for words. She just gapes at %annah for a few seconds and then shuts her mouth, looking away. "Sorry.# "8o worries.# %annah shoves her hands in the pockets of her shorts, "9ight. ;m. Im gonna go to check out the camp.# She looks at her feet, "1ou coming, or(# "8ah. Im going back. 2ith a bit of luck, our drunk has passed out already.# "3race, this is ca p.# %annah calls after her, "5amrie knows alcohol is not allowed on the premises, its in the rules book, somewhere.# She doesnt know whether 3race has heard her, because shes already disappeared out of sight. So ethin( is up with that (irl. &aybe she3s (oin( throu(h a har. ti e. &aybe + shoul.

tal# to her about it an. have her open up an. help her out a bit. That3. be a nice thin( to .o, Hannah. You shoul. .e"initely try an. (et -race to open up a bit ore. She embarks on another mini walk, following pointers and yellow arrows until she arrives at an entire row of yellow striped cabins. "%ello, koala @one.# She mumbles to herself. So yes, this is nice. $here are five large cabins and when she peeks through the windows, she can tell there are three bunk beds in each. ne cabin is a bit further away from the group, and she instinctively walks over. &ust be the sta""3s. $heres one small room with a single bed, and then theres another, somewhat larger room with two beds, and then theres a common area. She reckons this must be where she is going to live for the next couple of weeks. This is so aweso e% &eciding that its slightly too dark to stay out here, she grabs her phone and turns on the flashlight app, aiming it at the ground as she makes her way back to her temporary cabin. $he light is still on, and she figures 3race must have been unlucky, and 5amrie has in fact not passed out just yet. ' "%ey shorty.# 5amrie grins, "2here have you been(# " ut for a walk.# %annah responds, casting a 6uick glance at 3race, whos going through the latest Bogue maga@ine. So apparently not everyone buys snapbac#s be"ore co in( out here, so e o" us buy a(a6ines instea.. -reat. "2hat have you been up to(# "Ive prepared for our mission, of course.# 5amrie sits on the edge of her bed, "2e should discuss tactics. 3ather round.# "1eah, no.# 3race calls from her bed, "Id rather look at cute bikini tops, because I am definitely going to go on a shopping spree once Im out of this hellhole.# "She was attac#e.,# 5amrie uses air 6uotes as she leans in towards %annah, "-y a moth. She freaked out. $he girl obviously hasnt been in a war before. If a friggin moth freaks her out '# "%ave you been in a war, 5ames(# %annah asked, her voice merely a whisper. "3irl, please.# $he redhead nods her head into the direction of a neatly folded gillie suit, "2hat do you think(# %annah nods, because she understands. Surely the pressure of war and the post traumatic stress 5amrie seems to be dealing with, are reason enough not to en6uire what exactly went on in 5amries past. Perhaps thats the reason why she also chooses to ignore the subtle bourbon smell coming from 5amries breath as they talked. She makes her way over to her own bed and flicks on the small light on the nightstand, because the ceiling light doesnt nearly cover her part of the room. To.ay was interestin(. She writes opens her notebook and pens it down, !e "oun. out that we are (oin( to be in char(e o" thirty8so ethin( #oalas, an. that3s basically what this is about, isn3t it. !e are (oin( to be shapin( these youn(sters "or the next couple o" wee#s. -ui.e the throu(h a spiritual 5ourney while e bar#in( on "un issions an. activities an. we3ll leave ca p with a better o" li"e. 7i"e is precious, an. + a startin( to realise that

here, now. &a rie has (one throu(h so uch alrea.y, an. -race ust have too, because worry is etche. upon her "eatures every sin(le ti e + loo# at her. + thin# + ay a#e it y personal (oal to have her open up to e. +n atter o" "act, + a (oin( to .o that. She3s loo#in( at e ri(ht now, + will "in. out what is botherin( her, an. +3ll help her throu(h this, because that3s what (oo. people .o. Foo. "or thou(ht. "2hat are you always writing down, anyway(# 3race asks, her eyes focussed on the brunette. "8othing much.# %annah glances up, giving the blonde a warm smile, "/ust some things.# Hai#u o" the .ay9 + #now -race Helbi( : *n. &a rie Hart as well now : The (irl who ate paint.

Chapter Four 3race deliberately sets her alarm even earlier, for the next day, and showers pretty much under the cover of darkness. Its not like shes a morning person, because she really isnt. -ut she is an alone time person, and she feels a little bit like she is drowning, in the constant interactions that she is being forced to do with people. She sighs, in the shower, and tries to remember that she is being paid to do this, and it isnt as though the work is particularly difficult, as long as she can dissuade %annah, the perkiest of all the chipmunks, to not ask Pearl to rotate her, because 3race thinks she can handle manning a desk. She doesnt think she can handle manning ten kids. Shed learned, yesterday, that this shower block was for the camp adults only, which means no chances of any children appearing. It was one of the very few good things she learned yesterday. $he other good thing that she learned yesterday was that 5amrie, despite being completely mental and the sort of person who 3race would normally avoid like cra@y, just in case the weirdness was catching, had a mysterious alcohol supply. 2hich she was generous with. 3race thinks she might be able to handle maybe? one child, if her morning coffee has been perked up with something. $wisting for the shampoo bottle causes her back to twinge, and she straightens up, and flexes, remembering why 5amrie owed her some goddamn alcoholic coffee. %onestly, who fails to catch someone during a trust fall( !nd then, who in the world just leans over the person theyve failed to catch, looks them dead in the eye, and whispers >trust no'one, %elbiggie. I learned that in the 3ulf 2ar. 3race doesnt remember much about the 3ulf 2ar, but she is pretty sure that it was not a recent event. She feels like shes participating in some horrendous reality tv show. ? 2hen she gets back to the cabin, the lights are on, and 3race is beginning to suspect that %annah just doesnt sleep, and instead waits for the first sign of movement, before flinging herself out of bed and embarking on whatever energetic activity shes been plotting, overnight. !t least this time it isnt a fitness routine. Instead? "2hat are they(# %annah grins, and drops a snap back onto her head, to demonstrate.

"5orning 3race. Ive got to say, Im really impressed with your enthusiasm to start each day 7 dawn out here is just so pretty, isnt it( !nyway, what do you think(# 3race doesnt know what she thinks. =ast night shed hoped that maybe, out of %annah and 5amrie, %annah was the safest one to ally herself to, but it seems she was wrong. ";h? I dont know. 2hat is it(# %annah points at her head, and then at the card and marker pens on the floor. "$eam Aoala( 3et it( I thought, why not stand out, give the kids a way to easily identify us, and create a sense of team pride( !nd, Ive brought loads of snap backs, and with only a few minor adjustments, you can attach koala ears. =ook, Ive made you one too. nly, just be a bit careful, some of the glue might get in your hair.# 3race takes it off her gingerly, and inspects the inside. %er face has defaulted to her usual expression of vague horror, she can tell, but she doesnt hide it, because when she was fourteen she doesnt remember being impressed by grown women in stupid hats, and %annah has to know that. %annah comes to stand by her elbow, and points at the interior. "=ook, that bit has dried. Put it on, so we can match.# $heres a mirror right in front of them. 3race dons the hat with a sigh, and looks at her own, ridiculous reflection with resignation, as %annah claps next to her and runs to get her camera, so this moment can be recorded for prosperity, and she swears to (o., if that photo ends up on facebook, therell be a murder committed up here. 5amrie pipes up from her bed, and 3race wonders if +.*C am is too early to re6uest some alcohol. "$hose look fucking ridiculous %annah4 the kids will love it.# She laughs big after her announcement, and %annah spins around, arms out stretched. "I know, right( 2e should all wear one.# 5amrie snorts, and levers herself upright. "Ill take one if you ensure that the ears are covered in the appropriate military approved camo pattern. Its a very specific design and hue, honed to achieve almost complete invisibility.# %annahs face falls slightly, and she looks down at her colors with concern. " h, ummm, do you have anything that I could try to copy, because?(# 3race bites her lip, trying not to say anything, because (oo. (o.. 5amrie meets her eye for half a second, and 3race swears that maybe, maybe, theres half a smile there, as if 5amrie is saying you #now what3s (oin( on here.

!nd then its gone, and 5amrie flings back the covers, revealing that she apparently slept in a full gillie suit. "0ome on then 3race, well leave %annah to her painting by numbers. I believe a coffee is in order, dont you(# ? 3race doesnt know how she survives the crippling embarrassment of walking through camp to the canteen with a woman dressed as a small section of shrubbery, but here they are. $he irritating thing is that 5amrie doesnt seem embarrassed at all, and doesnt feel the need to explain it to anyone, merely nodding and arching her eyebrows whenever she catches someone looking. 3race finds herself desperately wanting to laugh, when the lady refilling the coffee supply takes one look at 5amrie and nearly drops her e6uipment in shock, but she cant do that, because that would imply that 3race approves of 5amries weirdness, which she most definitely .oes not. $hey sit at the end of one of the staff benches, as the first kids start filtering in. 3race looks expectantly at the coffee in front of her, and then at 5amrie, who looks blankly back at her. "2hat(# &ammit. 3race isnt going to as# for alcohol. 9olling her eyes slightly, as she reali@es that shes going to spend the morning with 5amrie without the one benefit shed been banking on, 3race looks away, towards the table that has Pearl and /ohn sitting at it, in deep conversation. She cant imagine theyre discussing koala hats. She takes a sip of coffee, and then her eyes widen automatically, because? "2ait? how did you even do that(# 5amrie arches her eyebrows, and then looks away, as though she is the master and 3race is the apprentice in some =ifetime channel, coming of age shit. "&o what, 3race(# h, 3race is not playing along with this. She takes another sip, instead, nodding her thanks, and tears the corner off her slice of toast. Shell have a normal conversation with this woman if it kills her. "So, what are you doing today(# 5amrie shrugs, rolling her shoulders slightly and looking off at the other end of the tent, where teenagers are seemingly figuring out how to feed themselves for the first time. "%ave you seen the %unger 3ames(#

3race nods, slowly, watching as 5amrie si@es up each child, narrowing her eyes. She doesnt look at 3race when she answers. "$hat.# h?kay. 3race takes another bite of toast, and reminds herself that she doesnt have to spend much time in the company of others today. <verything will be fine. %annah appears at this point, looking rushed, with a streak of marker pen across her face. "%i guys. =ook, 3race, you forgot your hat. !nd here, 5amrie, I tried my best?# ne of the ears is covered in random, interlocking patterns, of green, brown, and black. $he other ear has a neatly colored in stars and stripes motif. 5amrie takes it out of %annahs hands, and holds it up to the light, inspecting carefully as %annah hops anxiously from one foot to the other. 5amrie hums once, non'commitally, and turns it over to inspect the back. %annah waits, wringing her hands together. 3race rolls her eyes so hard she wonders if it is possible to strain something doing so. !bruptly, 5amrie claps it on her head, smiling wide at %annah. "%annah4 I fucking love it.# %annah looks shocked for a second, at 5amries use of a swear word, even though they must be nearly twenty metres from the nearest kid. -ut then delight takes over her face, and she bounces up and down a couple of times. "1ou do( 1oull wear it(# 5amrie nods solemnly. "2ith pride.# %annah punches the air, and then flings her arms around 5amrie in a hug, which 5amrie accepts, laughing, for half a second, before shaking her off. " kay then %annah, calm down, we cant let our defences drop.# %annah shrugs happily, and turns to 3race. "!nd 3race, will you wear yours( Please wear it4 remember the team pride.# :ighting the urge to edge away, 3race takes another drink of coffee. She then stands, pretending that Pearl has just called her over. ";mm, yeah, sure %annah, but not until my hair has dried, so if you could look after it this morning that would be very useful? just coming Pearl. <xcuse me guys. %ave a good day.#

She makes her way over to the office 6uickly, and her shift isnt due to start for another half an hour, but on the plus side at least the filing cabinet wont try to encourage her to wear stupid hats. ? -y lunch time, shes regretting not eating properly at breakfast, because her slot doesnt end for another three hours, and the woman who brought around the packed lunches only had cheese DnopeE and ham DnopeE sandwiches left, leaving 3race with an apple, and a chocolate bar that she cant eat. She stares at the phone, willing it to ring, because then at least she would feel like she has a purpose, but no, shes just sitting in a too hot cabin, unable to leave her post, because the second she does that 3race just knows that someone will call. She occupies herself by tipping all of the colored drawing pins out onto the desk, and arranging them into color coded groups, and then patterns, before finally spelling out -;$$5 83<9 in large letters. Shes so heavily focused on this that she nearly falls off her chair, when the door flies open. $heres a child. 3race waits for it to speak. "%ello. !re you 3race( 2hat are you doing(# 3race sweeps an arm guilty across the desk, hoping to casually erase the -;$$5 that shes got so far, but instead just succeeds in stabbing herself multiple times. "Oww, son of a? person, holy?cheese. ;mm, yes. %ello. Im 3race. I was just doing a' a stock check.# 3race finds herself blushing, under the scrutiny of this child, who already is looking away from her, staring around the office with wide eyes. " kay, hi. Im %arriet, Im in your team.# 2hat( %arriet fills in for 3race after a second, sensing her confusion. "$eam Aoala. 3o As. %annahs told us all about you, she said that you had pretty hair and were super good at sports, so we cant wait for you to be allowed to come out and do activities with us.# %arriet stares at her expectantly, and 3race reali@e that shes going to have to participate in this conversation more fully. " h, right( %ello. 8ice to meet you.# %arriet shrugs, as if people are pleased to meet her all the time, and nods towards her hands. "%annah sent this over. 2e had a spare roasted vegetable sandwich that no'one wanted. -ut she says Im only allowed to give it to you if you put this hat on.#

%arriet grins at her, as if this is so e #in. o" (a e, and 3race thinks about protesting, but then her stomach gurgles really loudly, and 3race winces, before holding out her hand resignedly. " kay, sure. %and it over.# She places the snap back on her head with a roll of her eyes, and %arriet hands over the sandwich, seriously. "$ransaction completed. %annah said to say hi. Shall I tell her that you said hi back(# Tell her that -race is plottin( ways to escape the ca p. "Sure, tell her I said hi.# 2hen alone again, 3race eats the sandwich with the hat sitting on her head, as if saying to the universe really, ;eally, -ut after while, she stops noticing that it is there. !nd, it might not be team pride, but she cant help wondering if %annah will be pleased, nevertheless. ? $hat night, after dinner, %annah insists on a group photo. %er, 5amrie and 3race, on the steps of their cabin. "$his way we can have a before and after comparison, so we can see how weve changed. %ow weve bonded. oh, maybe we should deliberately stand really far away from each other, and look awkward, that way the contrast will be even better.# Its the first instruction that 3race has received all camp that she feels confident about completing. 5amrie calls a child over, by their last name, because apparently she alrea.y knows all of their last names. She catches 3races look at her after a second. "0ant use first names as an authority figure. Aeep your friends close, but little shits like this need boundaries.# %annah shushes 5amrie fussily, as a child who may or may not have the family name 5iller approaches with trepidation, because the way 5amrie yelled at him made it sound like he was in trouble. %annah greets him with a pat on the shoulder, and instructs him on how to use a (o..a n Iphone camera, as if it is some sort of exotic technology. $he boy 5iller nods along happily though, and then %annah arranges them on the steps. "3race? here. !nd try to look like' oh. Perfect. 1eah, exactly like that. !nd 5amrie, I thought if you stood here, and, oh, yes um, okay, sure, you can be leaning out from behind that tree, no problem, and if I just sit here on the step like? this. kay. 3o $oby.# 3race looks up at the sky, where the stars are just creeping out. $heres a camp fire burning bright in the distance, and 3race thinks that maybe, today, wasnt so bad. 5aybe she gets to go to bed soon. 5aybe Pearl will let her continue to hide in the office cabin. 5aybe %arriet didnt read the word -;$$ written in drawing pins.

She then reali@es that there a children creeping over towards them, like moths to a flame. Something about %annah and 5amrie just seems to attract them, and, well. 3race really doesnt like moths. %annah jumps up. "$eam Aoala photo shoot. 3uys, go get everyone. 2ell do it here.# !nd thats how she ends up standing on the cabin steps surrounded by children. %annahs kneeling at the front, with her arms out stretched, and 5amrie, at the other end of the steps, seems to be posing in such a way that it looks like she is a second away from biting off the head of the child next to her. 3race snorts, despite herself, and looks at $yler, whos holding the camera. "9eady guys(# %annah shouts from the front. "<veryone say team A, alright( $hree, two, one?# 3race plays along, as the kids whoop and cheer next to her. %arriet, who is standing just in front of her, turns and gives 3race a thumbs up, which 3race returns weakly, and huh, this isnt so bad. -ut then %annah jumps to her feet, and claps her hands to her head. "3race. 5amrie. $he hats. 2e need to do one with the hats. kay guys, just wait here?# h, no.

Chapter Four %annah has never been one to exaggerate, but tears of joy are not far behind when she lays eyes on her koala camp right after dawn. It looks prettier than a few hours before, especially in the way that the sunlight is now filtered through the fir trees crowns. Shes never understood how people can simply ignore the genius and beauty of trees. $he way they are built and the way the crown of trees transports water to the atmosphere and turns carbon dioxide into oxygen and 7 breathe. $rees are underrated. She must write about this, one day. "Isnt it (or(eous.# She asks her two fellow counsellors, who have joined her. Shes not very sure how she should be communicating with 3race. $he blonde has been restless all night, as proven by the constant creaking of her bed springs. Perhaps she should address this, although not now4 3race looks like she can bite someones head off right now. 5amrie is nowhere to be found, although %annah was sure that she was standing right behind her just a few moments ago. $heres some rustling of leaves and %annah tries to find the source of this noise, s6uatting down and peering into the shrubbery. ")ever do that.# She gets tackled down to the floor by someone in a full body gillie suit, mask included. She wants to scream but no words come out. 3race is standing a few metres away, arms crossed, watching her get slaughtered by this 7 "5amrie(# "=isten up, buttercup.# $he redhead takes her helmet and mask off, "8ever go investigate danger on your own, right. 1ou have %elbig and myself to back you up. If you need to identify a threat, send out a scout. 8ever go into battle unarmed.# "-ut 5ames,# %annah tries, finding the weight of the redhead on her waist somewhat restraining, especially because it looks as if shes being sat on by a bush, "Its a #i.s camp.# "%itler was a kid once.# 5amrie gets up, "Some kids are born evil. &ont trust anyone, ever.# %annah wants to argue about this ludicrous statement. 8ature and nurture and all that. -ut 3race is not having any of this, and is fast to intervene before the conversation spirals down into philosophy any further. "%ave you got the keys to our place(# She asks, nodding at the lone barrack at the end of the line, "Id rather move our stuff in there already, so we dont have to do that later on.# "Sure.# %annah digs through her pockets for the keys, "2hy arent you wearing your hat(# "I did my hair this morning.# 3race frowns, "Im not going to straighten this,# She points at her hairdo, "!nd then cover it by a hat. $hats alright for some, I suppose.# She glances down at the brunette, "2hat happened to this bit(# She points at the fade at the side of %annahs head, "Is that why you are wearing the snapbacks( -ecause you know, I cut my fringe once. I can try and fix that for you, if you like.#

%annah is gobsmacked. Its both the most words that have ever come out of 3races mouth in one go, and potentially pretty offensive. $he blondes face doesnt give away whether she was being actually serious or whether she has no idea about hair fashion at all. "Its a fashion thing.# %annah points out, "Its so this bit,# She grabs a bit of hair, ":alls over that bit and it looks nicer. Its cool.# "Is it(# 3race looks genuinely surprised. "2hat are you two talking about( In an open area, for that matter(# 5amrie joins them, "I need to teach you two some basic defence tactics, because this is just horrible.# "8othing much.# %annah tears her eyes away from 3race, "2e were just talking about my fade.# "$his thing, right(# 5amrie reaches out and runs a gloved finger over the side of %annahs head, "Its cool. I got a similar cut when I was serving.# !wkward silence overcomes the three of them. %annah doesnt know why 3race is staring at 5amrie funnily, but she assumes it must be because she too is humbled by the presence of someone whos done so much for her country. r perhaps its because 3race is also slightly intimidated by 5amries outfit or her stories 7 despite the fact there arent many stories to hear about for now. "=ets go check our place out, then.# %annah changes the subject, "$heres this one small room with one bed, and a larger room with two beds, so we should probably check whos going to sleep in which room.# She unlocks the front door and 3race immediately stalks off to the one'bed bedroom, 6uickly coming out again and making her way to the other beds, plonking down on the edges and lightly bouncing on them before sighing and getting up. "Im gonna sleep in here.# She states, "Im not taking the single bedroom. $hat bed is as bad as the one I have right now.# "Ill take it.# 5amrie takes her helmet off, "Im used to dire conditions,# She looks at %annah, who simply nods 6uickly and looks away, "!nd Im not one for sharing. 1ou alright to share with %elbiggie(# "Sure.# $his is brilliant. Perhaps she can use this opportunity to bond with 3race, somehow. $he blonde is already laying down on one of the beds, tossing and turning. She seems happy with her choice, which %annah considers a step into the right direction. ! good nights sleep means a happy 3race, and happy 3race is most likely going to do a good job doing activities with kids. She must speak to Pearl about this, still. ' Its about ten in the morning when the kids start showing up, directed to the open area between the cabins by Pearl, whos already losing her voice on the first official day of camp.

Shes pointing at the trio and trying to herd the thirty youngsters to the middle. %annah hears 5amrie mutter something along the lines of >irresponsible and >open target but doesnt dare to in6uire what that means, exactly. She just smiles at the kids and gives a thumbs up at %arriet, whos smirking at her and 3race. "O#ay.# Pearl exclaims, trying to overcome the noise the teenagers are making, "3uys, please. /ust a second, please '# "Shut the "uc# up.# 5amrie shouts, and the noise immediately dies down, "$hats better.# "5ames, you cant swear at these kids.# %annah speaks fast, in a hushed whisper, "$hese are fourteen year old kids, 5amrie, you cant treat them like you are some drill sergeant because these kids are sensitive and '# "3o ahead, 5s. 2ible.# 5amrie ignores her completely, "1ou were saying(# ";m.# Pearl looks at her three camp counsellors4 this redhead in a gillie suit, the shorter one with a koala hat or the blonde who is looking at the kids as if its a bunch of wild animals, ";i(ht. 3uys, meet your team leaders for the next couple of weeks.# She steps in between the group of kids and the trio, "1oull be spending most of your time in this area of camp. $here are five cabins, three for the girls and two for the boys.# She reads from her paper, ignoring the disappointing grunts, "!nd we are going to #eep it that way. 1our team leaders will ensure that everyone is in their own cabin by night time.# She looks over to see %annah nodding eagerly, "3ood. 2ell. I suggest these three ladies introduce themselves, and then you can go get your stuff and settle in.# Pearl smiles at the group of teenagers and then turns to face the three girls, who are standing there next to each other, none of them saying much. %annah is the first to move. She glances at 5amrie and 3race, before taking a step forward and clearing her throat. "%i guys.# She claps her hands together and looks for a familiar face, "Some of you have already met me,# She winks at %arriet, whos giving her another thumbs up, "Im %annah %art, Im one of the hosts in 0amp $aco and I am going to make sure that you all have an aweso e time.# She looks around excitingly, "Im going to be the one whos going to make up activities and Im gonna be in charge of the cooking, so this is really just going to be aweso e.# She pauses, "9ight. kay. ;m. 5ames(# "1ou can call me Sergeant %art.# 5amrie shouts loudly, only tempering her voice when %annah nudges her, "Or you can call me 5amrie, I guess. Ill be outlining the defence plan for our camp and make sure we remain safe during our time here. $he enemies are lurking from within the dark, but Ill set up a perimeter and accompany you to these activities %annah just mentioned. Ill also be the one who is in charge of the food supplies, and if anyone at some stage hurts themselves, chances are that I can patch you up. !nd if I spot one of you little sh'# She halts herself when %annah glares at her, "Aids, trying to sneak out of your cabin after night time, this is turning into a boot camp.# She puts her hands on her hips, satisfied that none of the teenagers is responding to her, "3race(# "Im 3race.# $he blonde states.

$hen theres silence. !hat the hell, -race. %annah looks at the tall blonde next to her. Social anxiety is a bitch, apparently. &aybe she 5ust nee.s so e encoura(e ent. %annah steps closer to the older girl and puts her hand upon the small of her back, gently pushing. "&o not touch me.# 3race mumbles, although getting the brunettes point, "2e are not really going to interact much, since Im on administrational duty, but youll see me around.# She ends, "!nd thats it, really. 8ot much more to say.# Pearl widens her eyes at her files, as if to say wow, then pulls out a single paper and hands it over to %annah, given that shes probably the only one who isnt coming across as bat shit cra@y right now. "%annah, can you do the roll call(# She asks, giving the smaller girl a pen, "/ust check the names off, and then you can give it to 3race, shell bring it to the office. 1ou ought to do this in the morning time and in the evening, okay(# "1up.# %annah nods, clearly pleased that she has been given the responsibility of keeping the kids in check, "$otally got it. Say, Pearl,# She gestures for the blue eyed girl to come closer, "&o you think that maybe you can relieve 3race of her administrative duties a few days a week, when the rush of camp is over( -ecause I do think she kind of, like, wants to get more involved, shes just really bad at making herself known, for some reason.# "1eah, sure.# Pearl responds, "I mean, %ank and I can run it by ourselves, if need be. Ill ask /ohn and Ill get back at you, alright( 1oure being 6uite a good friend, arent you.# +n char(e o" roll call an. (oo. "rien. $ that3s two "or two. %er resume by the end of camp is going to be so impressive and hart'wrenching Dpunology, this is her forteE that every single school in the district is going to want to hire her. ' "!very, $roy.# %annah calls out, looking around the group until a dark haired guy raises his hand, "Perfect. %i there, $roy.# "-ates, 5egan.# She looks up again, hearing a girl affirm shes there, "3ood. 2elcome to team koala.# "-ane, =iam.# $he name call goes on for a few more minutes, until %annah gets all F+ of her groups kids. Success% She folds the paper and pins it together with the pen, before handing it over to 3race. "9ight, well.# 3race sighs in relief, "Ill be getting out of here. Ill see you two for dinner.# !nd off she goes. %annah wants to give 5amrie a thumbs up, but the redhead is already gathering all of the boys, explaining the dangers of not setting up perimeters around camp and in6uiring which of them has got some prior scouting experience. -uess that leaves e with the (irls. She walks over to the smaller groups of girls and puts her hands in the pockets of her shorts, slightly nervous. %aving a younger sister helps, but yet these are stran(ers, and some of them look as impressed and enthusiastic about this entire experience as 3race. ;e e ber the na es,

Hannah. ;e e ber the na es. These are #i.s with i.entities an. "eelin(s an. they are little a.ults an. you nee. to treat the li#e that, an. why is that one (irl starin( at e, " kay.# %annah smiles, "2e are not really gonna do much for now, apart from getting settled in your cabins and prepare lunch. 2ere gonna have some bread and some soup,# She pauses, pleased at the brilliant prospect of having soup again, "Itll be great. So, the cabins are per six. %ow do you think we best do that(# +nvolve the -oo. i.ea, involve the ' Involving the children was a horrible idea. She now knows that. $here are three cabins she needs to somehow divide between eighteen girls, and while the math is easy on paper, teaming up six of them is a hassle. + shoul. have 5ust put the into cabins alphabetically. $heres Sophie and Spencer, who came here together, so they should stick together. -ut then there is another trio that knows each other, and perhaps sticking them five together means the sixth one is getting isolated, and "uc#, this is more difficult than it seems. "Problems, shorty(# "%ey 5ames.# %annah sighs, looking at the girls who have gone back to talking to each other, "I got no idea how to divide these kids properly. Its taking me ages. 1ou best get started on the boys, because I swear, it lasts for like '# "-een there, done that.# 5amrie frowns, ":ive in that one,# She points, "!nd four in that one. !ll good. 2hat are you struggling with(# "2ell, I dont want anyone to feel left out, so like '# "1ou think too much. 3ive me that.# 5amrie gets up, "-irls.# She immediately gets all of their attention, "$his one here,# She wraps her arm around %annah, "Is on the edge of a mental breakdown because separating you into three groups is frying her cute little brain. So please, if you wish to have lunch instead of burying this ones remains, separate yourself into three groups of six, alright( 2hatever you feel comfortable with.# It takes less than a minute for the girls to divide into three groups. That3s a a6in(. %annah looks at the efficiency 5amrie has handled this situation with4 putting it down to the military experience. -arracks and teams and all that, of course its right up 5amries street. "3ood.# 5amrie claps her hands together, "1ou, 9oberts. 1ou are s6uad leader of your cabin. 1oull take the first one.# She looks at the others, "2u, you take the second cabin with your group. !nd %udson, you take the third. 0ome on, ladies, get settled.# $he girls grab their bags and scurry off to their respective cabins. "$hat was impressive.# %annah mumbles, "Say, 5ames, where are the boys(# "Patrolling, of course.# 5amrie frowns, "2hat else would they be doing( I told them to get the coordinates on that $ylers camp, hes closest to us. I dont trust him, %annah, his eyes sparkle. !nd hes dyed his hair grey. I mean, who in their right mind dyes their hair grey(#

$here are so many answers to that, but %annah doesnt feel like she wants to get into that right now, especially not with a girl whos got war paint on her face and looks like a walking shrub. "0an you get the stuff for lunch(# She asks, "Ill get our table from our cabin to the front of it, so the kids can come find us if there is any problem during recreational moments, alright(# "!ye.# 5amrie does something in between an epileptic sei@ure and a salute and stalks off, leaving %annah by herself. This is (oin( s oothly. This is (oin( so well. She drags the small table outside of her cabin and grabs a chair. -oo. 5ob, counsellor Hart. She sits down and reaches for her notebook, even though the day has only gone on for a couple of hours. "%annah(# She looks up and theres a kid standing in front of her and shit, she cant remember her name at all. She peers through 9ay -ans, which this girl is obviously not going to notice. So she takes her sunglasses off, and gives this girl her best impression of a comforting smile. "2hats up, kiddo(# "I, um, dont feel too well(# $he girl tries, "I dont know, I think I may have eaten something dodgy this morning. 8ot sure. -ut I really dont feel okay.# " h.# %annah jumps up. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. "9ight, Ill bring you to the administrative office, alright( 2ere going to skip getting you to 5amrie because well,# 0ecause &a rie is probably crawlin( throu(h shrubs ri(ht now. "!ctually, hold on.# She grabs her camp phone, "I may as well use this.# She taps the buttons and hopes that the main office is picking up soon. "%ello(# "3race(.# %annah sighs in relief, "3race, thank 3od. Ive got,# She looks at the kid, "!lison( !lison. 2ith me. %ere. !nd um, she doesnt feel well.# Silence. <erie silence. "3race(# "1eah, Im here. ;m, what do you want me to do about that(# "2hats camp protocol(# %annah pinches the bridge of her nose, shutting her eyes. This is not a (oo. ti e "or you to 6one out, -race. "&o I bring her over, or do you pick her up, or what(# "Ill come over.# She hears a chair scraping over the floor, "I got nothing to do here anyway.# $en minutes later, 3race appears in their camp and !lison rushes over, explaining to 3race whats wrong as %annah observes them from a distance. 3race grimaces and then puts one arm around the shorter girls shoulder, as some sort of awkward hug. !lison hugs back as

they turn and walk back to the entrance, where %annah hopes Pearl will take over. 'erhaps that aw#war. robot routine .oes wor#. 5amrie walks past her, carrying a few bags of tomatoes. %annah doesnt think shes ever needed soup this much.

Chapter Six 3race genuinely doesnt know what to do with the child %annah has asked her to collect. She takes her to the cabin, and sits her on a chair, handing her a glass of water in silence. 3race then opens her filing cabinet, and retrieves !lisons file. $heres nothing in her file that indicates that !lison could be on the verge of an unpleasant death. 3race breathes a sigh of relief, and sits on the edge of the desk, pressing her fingers to her temples and circles once. " kay, so, how do you feel(# !lison nods, and smiles at 3race. She then goes a certain shade of green, and 3race only has about two seconds to react, to get the trash can underneath her, before she pukes, and oh (reat. ? 3race doesnt want to complain, but it isnt the best start to her afternoon. $he girl is a lot better, after emotionally scarring 3race. 3race is actually pretty proud of herself, for being able to pat her on the back and calm her down and not just run from the scene of the crime, as all her instincts had screamed at her to do. $his is what she is being paid for. !nd so, shed anticipated more paper work and less rinsing puke out of a bucket, but shell take what she can get. %annah grins at her over dinner, and %annahs clearly been wearing her hat backward all day, because shes managed to burn herself a tan line which looks ridiculous and hilarious and really %annah, somehow. 3race doesnt say anything though, instead tries to focus on what %annah is saying. "So, thank you, for dealing with !lison. I dont know if Id have been able to keep the rest of the kids under control, if shed been sick in front of the rest of them. It could have been a difficult few moments.# 3race shrugs, and tries to look as if shes seen it all before. "Its okay, just dont? please dont give me any more sick kids. r at least, try not to encourage them to be sick. ;hh. 2heres 5amrie(# %annah shrugs, and gestures behind her vaguely. "She said she was going to be teaching them stealth techni6ues tomorrow, I think she must be planning for that. 5aybe establishing a good spot for them to hone their strategies, and practice.# 3race snorts, and shakes her head.

"1ou just know that she is going to be hiding behind a tree somewhere, trying not to be found and drinking >coffee.# %annah looks at her oddly, and then frowns into her plate of food. "2hatever works for her, you know. I like her4 shes a maverick. !nd the kids love her. r are terrified of her. Im not really sure to be honest, but I think she could get them to do anything. 1ou should have seen her, when she was organi@ing who was sleeping where. Shes a professional4 I couldnt get them in order at all.# 3race smiles at %annah for a moment, and thinks about raising the issue of 5amries 6uestionable military experience, but decides to leave it, because that is a can of worms she feels sure she hasnt got the energy for. She focuses on the final part of %annahs sentence, instead. "1ou want to work with kids, dont you(# 3race isnt sure why she is bringing it up, but she seems to remember %annah mentioning it, at some point before, and it is interesting to her, how some people are lucky enough to know what they want to do. %annah nods mournfully, and takes a drink of water. "1eah, I just? I dont know, I think maybe I might not be great with them. =ike, none of them seem scared of me. I think they like me, but I dont know if I could get them to do something they really didnt want to do, like 5amrie could.# 3race shrugs, and then feels an urge to reassure %annah, because from what shes seen, %annahs doing just fine. "8o, you need? education places always have a variety of staff, dont they( $hey have the really strict ones, and the friendly ones that kids go to for all the advice, and the completely mental ones that everyone thinks might be on drugs, so they play along. 1oure the friendly one. Aids love that.# %annah smiles shyly at her, looking pleased with herself, and 3race finds herself blushing, and laughs awkwardly, looking away, because she didnt mean to be that encouraging. "2hich one are you, then(# 3race rolls her eyes, gesturing at herself. " h, you know, the most important one. $he one that cleans up the puke.# %annah laughs, and then just grins at her, before jumping slightly, appearing to remember something. " h. I asked Pearl if you could get rotated to come and join us, she said shed look into it, but sounded really positive about it. 2hichll be great, you must be going cra@y in that cabin.#

3race tries not to let the concern show on her face, because honestly, she has been getting a bit bored. $heres a limit to the different number of fonts that -uttmonger can be spelt out in before things get tedious. ";mm, sure. kay. !s long as' can we team up, for a bit( I dont know if I want to be completely in charge of a bunch of them all by themselves4 not at least until Ive found their weaknesses.# =aughing, %annah leans back on the bench. "1ou sound like 5amrie, shed be impressed. !nd sure, the kids would love it. 2e could do competitions, and split them in half, my group against your group. Sound good(# 3race nods, because it maybe doesnt sound good, but it does sounds acceptable, and 3race is learning to lower her standards. ? n the walk back to their cabin, 3race can see that they are about to be ambushed. <mphasis on the word bush. She doesnt know if she is developing forest vision, or whatever the term might be, but for some reason, 3race just knows that the reason that a certain patch of foliage looks at lot denser that the other areas, is because 5amrie is hiding behind it. %annah doesnt seem to have noticed, and instead is in the middle of a small monologue about trees, and photosynthesis, and something, so 3race chooses not to mention it, instead merely braces herself for the inevitable moment when 5amrie jumps out and tries to give them both a heart attack. It doesnt come though, and instead 5amrie waits, until her and %annah are just past her, before rising serenely, like Benus from the waves, only a lot grubbier, and falling into step with 3race. She nods once at her, and produces a flask of >coffee as if from nowhere, and offers it to 3race, which she accepts gratefully. %annah spins on her heel at this point, no doubt to try and point out to 3race an interesting branch, and then nearly jumps out of her skin. "!hhhh. 5amrie. %ow long have you been there(# 5amrie glances once at 3race, and then waves a hand around, vaguely. " h, you know, about five minutes. Seriously, your observation skills are woeful, if I was an enemy youd already have been garroted and your body thrown into the ocean.# %annah is looking at 5amrie is something approaching awe, and 3race takes another drink of coffee, purely to hide her grin. "So? what is the plan for tonight( 9ed shift have got the kids, it is our rest night 7 what should we do(#

5amrie looks at 3race for a second, approvingly, and 3race reali@es that those words just came out of her own mouth. "=ook at you %elbiggie, functioning like a normal human. Shes right, lesser %art, we should do something. Something? that maybe we shouldnt.# 5amrie takes the flask back off 3race, and takes a long sip, while eyeing %annah meaningfully. 3race plays along with the charade, and removes the flask from 5amries hands the second she has done, taking another gulp, waiting to see if %annah catches their hint, because she must know that there is alcohol in this, she ust. 3radually, like sunrise, comprehension dawns on %annahs face, and she takes a step back, before clapping her hands together enthusiastically. " h, you guys. 1ou (uys. 1es. I know exactly what we should do.# ? So. 3race cant even get the thought out, and reaches for the flask, which 5amrie hands over stoically, never taking her eyes of %annah. 3race s6uints again at the tiny figure of %annah, who is running around 0amp Aoalas yard excitedly, and tries the thought again. So. %annah thinks that they should design an obstacle course. "So, from here, if we stack the benches up, they have to climb over and under alternatively, and then it is over to this tree, and circle it three times, and then from there they have to hop to the tap, fill up this bowl to the brim, and then hold it over their head as they run to here, then crawl underneath the stairs, climb up the stairs, do the Single ladies dance, and then the next person on their team can start. 2hat do you think(# 3race boggles at her. Shes not sure if she has ever boggled at anyone in her life, but if there was ever the occasion, this is it. 5amrie clears her throat after a second. "0an the opposing team be throwing soft balls at them while this is happening( 1ou know, to replicate enemy fire(# %annah shrugs, and nods, jogging up to the steps of their cabin. "Sure, sure, I dont see why not, anything that improves their peripheral vision can only be a bonus. 3race, what do you think(# 3race blinks slowly at her, and then stands, handing the flask back to 5amrie and looking %annah up and down, appraisingly. "I think?. I could kick your butt at this obstacle course.# %annah gasps, as 5amrie whistles 6uietly and mutters "oh, its on.# !nd then %annah grins, and rolls up her sleeves.

"1eah( 0ause Ive got to warn you, I have a very lower centre of gravity, it makes me exceptionally good at 6uick changes of direction.# 3race rolls her eyes, and glances in 5amries direction, before lifting her foot up behind her, to stretch out her knee. "2ell, that does sound terri"yin(, but hopefully the fact that Im about twice the height of you will compensate, in some way.# 5amrie mutters " h no she didnt#, even as %annah folds her arms, trying and completely failing to have a serious game face on. "-ring it on, -iggie.# ? $hey add just one more obstacle to the list, namely, after the tree circling, the competitor has to don 5amries entire gillie suit. $he commotion draws the other nearby blue camp counsellors over, and $yler and 5itchell take charge of the time keeping and adjudications, after the first round when 5amrie claims a void turn because %annah failed to crawl under the stairs in the appropriate commando fashion, and the entire race has to be run again. 3race wins, but not by as far as shed like, with 5amrie showing a surprising turn of speed, and particular skill when it came to getting into the gillie suit at pace. "Ive done it under enemy fire, %annah# 3race overhears 5amrie explain, "I think I can hack a pissy little assault course.# %annah comes last by a long way, but only really because she insists on performing both verse and chorus of the Single =adies dance, as a grand finale. 3race claps twice, to show support, and then finds herself strutting forward, and wow, just how strong was that coffee( "2hat do I win, %annah(# %annah looks at her, and then jumps down the steps, pulling off the head covering and tossing it towards 5amrie. "2hy, the chance to captain $eam Aoala at regional level, of course? $yler, you think you guys have got it in you, or are you all pussies(# "3irrrrl?# ? !nd thats how 3race ends up running along behind 5amrie, screaming encouragement at her. -ecause $ylers team, the wombats, are surprisingly agile, and 3race is damned if she is going to lose to a bunch of wombats. "0ome on 5amrie, push it.#

5amrie swears loudly at her, and looks like shes thinking about throwing the bowl of water at 3races head, but sets off in the correct direction, with 5itchell, who didnt have a gillie suit, and so had improvised with a carrot onesie, in hot pursuit. 5amrie tosses the bowl of water behind her, only 5ust missing 5itchell, and throws herself on the ground, diving underneath the stairs with a reasonable level of ability, 3race has to admit. !nd then shes out, and up the stairs, and gyrating around vaguely as %annah yells at her to go faster, before stripping out of the gillie suit, throwing it on its designated start position, and collapsing on the decking, just as 5itchell starts stripping. ":ucking? go, %annah.# %annah doesnt wait, and 3race is with her, bouncing along beside her, screaming like she can actually make %annahs legs grow somehow, because even though $yler is e6ually tiny, he hasnt already done the course three times, and will have a lot more energy. !nd her voice is going to be shot tomorrow, she knows it, but somehow, right now, it doesnt matter. ? $hey win, but only because 3race pretty much just tackles %annah to the floor before %annah can do the second verse of the dance, and Pearl, who had been called in to adjudicate, looking alarmed and then deeply, deeply amused, presses the button on the stopwatch. %annahs face is completely covered with the gillie mask, and she thrashes around slightly. "3race. 3race( I cant see( I cant see( &id we win(# !t that point 5amrie piles on top of them, and yells "Bictory.# So 3race doesnt need to supply the answer, and just stays there, sandwiched between a lunatic and a chipmunk. ? Its a good night. ? $he next morning, however, is really not very good, because 3race is hungover, %annah is as bright as a button, and Pearl decides that today is the day that %annah and 3race join up. "$wenty kids, two of you. 1ouve already got the activity planned, an. you gave it a very thorough test drive last night, so I cant see what could go wrong(# 3race grunts from behind her sunglasses, and nods. 5amrie leans into her. "Im going to be teaching them how to observe enemy territory. $hat means they all have to stay very 6uiet, and very still. In the shade. 3ood luck.# -riefly hating her, 3race stands, and walks over to %annah, who is already briefing their kids. "!lright, so, any 6uestions(#

%arriet the perky raises her hand. "So, we need team names( -ecause we are all Aoalas.# %annah puts her hands on her hips, and removes her Aoala hat, slowly. " h yeah? I hadnt' I hadnt thought of that. ;h. !ny suggestions(# Silence. !fter a moment, 3race shrugs. "5ine can be 3racists. 1ours can be %annabals.# It raises a laugh, and actual laugh, from everyone sitting there, and 3race feels a small flare of pride, because see, Ti , She can be "unny too. %annah looks at her as if shes just figured out the meaning of life, and then claps her hands together. "1eah. !wesome? and possibly slightly inappropriate, but mainly awesome. kay guys, lets do this.# ? !fter the first round, 3races team are losing, and she forgets the hangover, because she is not allowing her team to lose at this crappy obstacle course. "0ome on Spenser' push it.# ? Its a good day. %er voice, however, is completely lost by the time she sits down to dinner, and %annah laughs at her, with the sunburn somehow even more pronounced. "Same thing again tomorrow, 3race(# 3race shrugs, because sure, why not( ?

Chapter Seven She likes this, she decides. $his is going very, very well. $heyre one week into camp, and 3race seems to have finally discarded her awkward robot routine because bless, shes tal#in( to kids now each time she comes out to visit 5amrie and herself. Shes getting more and more out of the office, and %annah decides that having 3race around is definitely a bonus. It makes a more fun dynamic when theres three of them, for some reason. Shes sitting at the breakfast table with 5amrie, a bit separated from the kids, when 3race finally walks out of their cabin and joins them, donning an enormous pair of sunglasses. "5orning, -racie.# 5amrie grins. %annah suppresses a chuckle, although shes well aware of 5amries intent. <ver since 3race pointed out that she loathed the nickname Helbi((ie, 5amrie has decided the best alternative would be 3racie, which possibly annoys 3race even more. %annah hasnt decided whether she is going to join in on that or not, because she genuinely doesnt want to annoy 3race, but her "ace though. "Im going to call you Shrub.# 3race grunts, swinging her legs over the bench that serves as their seats, "%ey.# She turns to %annah, "Slept okay( 1ou were kind of restless tonight.# 0urse 3race %elbig for noticing that. Perhaps she should make an excuse about it, because shes supposed to be the cheery one, isnt she( Plus, its not that much of a big deal, really. 8ot a big deal at all. Its just that sometimes she feels like she wants to pen things down in her little red book, and well, the little red book has gone missing. It was right there on her nightstand before she went on the forest hunt thing with the kids yesterday, and then she came back and it was gone. Is it a big deal( Probably not. <specially not something you can bring up when you have a 5amrie sitting next to you, whos inevitably gone through worse things than losing a mini journal. "5os6uito.# She smiles. She fucking hates lying. ' "!lright.# %annah claps her hands and rubs them together, "3uys, listen up. 3race is going to be joining us today, so we are going to divide ourselves in three teams, alright.# She points at 5amrie, "$ownies.# She points at 3race, "3racists.# She grins, "!nd of course, %annabals. 5ake your pick.# $he teens divide themselves in three groups and to %annahs surprise, half of the boys decide to group up with 3race. O... :or the past few days, the guys have mainly hung out with 5amrie, basically because shes having them perform semi'military events and they really do seem to dig it. $oday, shes only got five of them, as the other four are now grinning at each other, in 3races group. %annah looks for the blonde and they make eye contact4 and its obvious that the awkwardness in 3race is rising once more. Shes got all girls, again, including %arriet, which she likes.

"$oday,# %annah pauses, looking around the group, "2e are going to do something awesome.# She grins, "2e are going kayaking.# 3race grimaces for a second, before she snaps back into something %annah supposes is an alternative persona, and high fives one of the guys. "3racists are definitely going to win this.# 3race exclaims. 5amrie and %annah both snort at this statement, because %annah knows 5amrie is most likely going to have some sort of divine strategy on how to tackle this challenge. !nd she herself is convinced that as long as you encourage the kids and praise their self'worth and confidence, they are bound to perform better than when you basically order them to win. Shes had track team manager experience, %annah reasons. $hat accounts for something. Sure, 3race has been on a track team, but she was no manager. Shes got this. She definitely has got this. ' "0ome on, <mily.# She shouts at the dark haired girl, "1oure nearly there.# <mily, who is a proud member of the %annabals, is desperately trying to follow one of the guys on 3races team, although hes (oo. at this kayaking business and hes definitely way ahead of her. 3race is cheering a bit further down the shore of this lake. $he guy, %annah thinks hes called $homas, finishes first at the imaginary line 5amrie has drawn, and the redhead perform her infamous >oh ohhh yelp as she drags the kayak to the side and helps him out. "I think I, well, my team, won.# 3race smirks, "!dmit defeat, %annah.# "I think youll find this was a tie.# %annah sulks, "Its nine to nine. 2e tied.# $ying, despite being not half as good as winning, is still better than losing, she figures. !nd she hates to admit it, but 3races team performed better overall. Shes no issues admitting this, as long as 3race dont openly calls her out on it and 7 ":ine, tie break round.# 3race announces, "3et into a kayak.# $he teenagers cheer, because what is better than your two team leaders battling it out themselves( %annah tries to think of some reason why it would not be a great idea to get into a kayak herself, hoping that 5amrie substitutes her, but 3race is already grabbing an oar and choosing a kayak. "%annabals, cheer for me.# %annah grins, pulling her top over her head. $he boys in both 3races and 5amries team cheer even louder, as %annah makes her way to the kayaks as well, in shorts and a bikini top. "0ome on then, -racie.# She smirks, grabbing an oar for herself. "1ou are going .own.# 3race hisses, "Im going to beat your ass.# "I got an ass that just wont 6uit, dude.# %annah grins, "1ou make sure you get your legs into that kayak first.# She says coolly, getting into one as well under loud cheers of her own team.

"9eady( Set( Aayak.# 5amrie shouts from the shore, and both of them set off. %annah has no idea how come, but 3race is almost immediately lengths ahead of her. She paddles harder, cleaves the water with her oar more vigorously, but to no avail. 3race is speeding up, and %annah starts to fear that she is looking irrevocably stupid right now. $he blonde is pretty far ahead, turning around already to get back to the finish line, where 5amrie is standing. $wenty seven teenagers are shouting at the top of their lungs, and %annah turns too, hoping to at least get near 3race as she beats her. "I thought you were gonna win(# 3race smirks, turning around and pointing her oar at %annah, "=ooks who is winning n'# Its either a rock in the water or 3race getting out of balance, but before %annah can respond, the kayak tipples over and is floating belly up. Oh shit. %annah tries to get herself out of her kayak, pushing herself up as she pulls her legs in, but due to the frantic behaviour behind it, its not working out well. $he rest of the group has noticed, because there are yelps, and %annah turns to them to look for the gillie suit, hoping that 5amrie can somehow aid her. !here the hell is she at, "5amrie.# She shouts, "3uys, where is 5amrie.# She cant spot 5amrie, and turns her attention back to the drifting kayak. Its only been fifteen seconds or so that 3race has fallen into the water, and surely that is not that bad, right( Suddenly, theres something coming at them at a rapid pace. ! shrub( %annah s6uints her eyes until the weird green oddity gets closer, and then she spots a flash of read. "5amrie(.# She yelps. Its a bald cap. ! "uc#in( bald cap. 5amrie is in the water, donning some sort of striped bathing suit, and %annah wonders for a second how on earth that works, beneath a gillie suit, and then looks back at 5amrie and her bald cap with fucking leaves and branches glued onto it like some basic disguise outfit. She wants to scream, but theres not really any sound coming from her mouth as 5amrie dives into the lake and stays under for a moment. !nd another one. !nd another one. " h, fuck.# %annah manages to get herself out of her kayak and leaps into the water as well, her shorts immediately feeling way too heavy, "3uys.# She yells at the shoreline, "Someone, go get Pearl. 8o, wait.# She adds, "$wo of you.# *lways pair the up. 5amrie reappears above water, holding a very sick'looking 3race in her arms. Oh -o.. 3race is gasping for air and spitting out water and flailing her arms around and 5amries hit in the face repeatedly as she tries to keep her head above the mucky water in the first place. "3race, calm down.# %annah tries, "1oure okay. 3race, calm down.# "=ets get her to shore.# 5amrie starts swimming, one arm wrapped around 3races neck as she uses the other to swim over to the group of kids, "0ome on.# %annah crawls behind her, swimming alongside until she thinks shes in shallow water again. Putting her feet onto the lakes bottom, she tries to help 5amrie get 3race out. $he blonde

grunts and spits out more water and coughs, and %annah kneels next to her and tries to keep her head up straight so she doesnt get even more breathing difficulties. "%annah?# 3race mutters in between gulps of lake water and her breakfast coming out again, ";h.# "2hat is it, 3race(# %annah leans in closer, wiping some algae'clad strand of hair out of the blondes face, "Im right here.# "$hat did not count as forfeit.# 3race heaves, "I was going to win.# "1eah,# %annah sighs in relief, "1ou won.# ' Its around nine in the evening when %annah makes her way back to the cabin. 3race hasnt come out for dinner, but chose to stay in bed after being slightly shaken up by what happened at the lake. 5amries decided shes going to stay with the kids and make sure they go to bed when they are supposed to, while %annah can go check upon 3race. $he door of the cabin creaks too noisily as she pushes it open, and she can almost immediately tell shes woken the blonde up as she stirs in her bed. "Shit, sorry.# %annah whispers, closing the door and walking into the bedroom she shares with 3race, "I didnt mean to wake you.# "$hats okay.# 3race mumbles, "2hats the time(# "8ine.# %annah stands there, awkwardly, "In the evening. ;m. 0an I sit(# 3race rolls on her side so %annah can take a seat on the edge of the bed. 0areful not to actually put her hand on 3race, because judging by her facial expressions, 3race hates that, she leans over 3race either way and tries to make eye contact. "2ant me to get you some dinner(# "8ot hungry.# " kay.# %annah is silent for a few seconds, "$hirsty(# "8o.# 3race turns around, "%annah, its fine. Im just tired and I got a headache. Ill be fine in the morning, alright(# She buries her head in the pillow again, "Please thank 5amrie for me, again.# She sighs, "!nd just, I dont know, write about today in that little book of yours.# "I, um, seem to have lost it.# %annah frowns, "%ave you seen it(# "Ive only seen it sticking from the pocket of your shorts, you know, ass that wont 6uit(# %annah smiles, and gets up. Screw this. She pats 3races arm gently, through the sheets, and for the first time in nearly ten days, 3race doesnt swat her away or tell her off. 'ro(ress. '

"!re the kids okay(# "1eah, theyre all in their cabins. Still talking and shit, but you know,# 5amrie shrugs, "$heyre kids. %ows 3race(# "-it shaken up, but shell be fine.# %annah sits down on the porch, next to the redhead, "She asked me to thank you, again.# "$heres no need.# "2ell, maybe its not such a big deal for you, because you used to do it all the time, but you pretty much saved her life, 5ames.# %annah nudges her namesake gently, "$hat means something.# "!bout that,# 5amrie sighs, "=isten?# "8o.# %annah shakes her head, "I wont have you diminish this again or distract me from saying what I want to say, 5amrie. 1ou are a fucking hero, and you should just take that compliment. Period.# She wraps the redhead into a bear hug and kisses her cheek softly. She save. -race. Its hard to imagine how the three of them never even spoke to each other in high school, and within ten days of camp, shes bonded with 3race and 5amrie and 5amrie has saved the blonde from drowning. $his is big. It must be the power of camp, surely. "Im going to go to sleep.# 5amrie mumbles, "Its been a long day.# "1eah.# %annah sighs, "Im coming in too, in a bit.# "8ight, shorty.# "8ight, 5ames.# $he door opens and shuts again, and she can hear the creaking from the wooden floorboards as 5amrie gets into her room. !here the hell is that noteboo# (one, She kicks at some pebble and grabs a branch, dragging it through the sandy ground until its forming letters. She starts doodling, then writes some /apanese symbols next to it, then gets terribly frustrated about the fact shes lost her notebook. It hasnt happened in the seven years shes had it, so why the hell now( Its close to midnight when she finally gets up and goes inside of the cabin, changing into her night gear silently, careful not to wake 3race. She turns off the small lamp on her nightstand and gets between the covers, sighing. "8ight, 3race.# She whispers out loud, because its a thing shes done for the past nine nights, and she is ashamed to say that its become automatic. Shes turning around and pulling the sheets up higher, and for a second, she dares to swear that 3race has said it too.

Chapter Eight $he next night, 3race still doesnt feel normal. !nd it is annoying, because she was fine. She is fine. 8o physical side effects, barring a headache that she thinks was brought on by sheer embarrassment. -ut all the kids had spent the whole of today talking about 5amrie as if she actually saved 3races life, when the only reason that 3race was staying under was because she was trying to find her sandal, which had fallen into the lake in the commotion. !nd so, sure, maybe that wasnt the smartest move, but 3race had just taken a massive kayak to the head, and probably wasnt at her most lucid. -ut no, then 5amrie, inexplicably looking like a bald 2aldo, hauls her out of the water, and u(h, 3race is burning up just thinking about the fuss. 5amrie had seemed to figure out that 3race wasnt in that much distress from the moment shed 6uit hauling 3race to the bank, but %annah was in such a fren@y that shed checked 3races pulse three times, even though 3race was sitting up and tal#in( to her. -y the time Pearl had turned up, at a sprint that had rapidly turned into a jog and then a walk, 3race was on her feet, entirely drenched, as %annah was frantically performing a head count of the Aoalas, to check none of them had run off in the excitement, and 5amrie was in the non' treacherous kayak, paddling out slowly to retrieve the upturned vessel that 3race had prematurely abandoned. 3race had met Pearls eye sheepishly, and then self'consciously passed a hand through her hair, checking that there wasnt any stray lake life in there. Pearl had put her hands on her hips, and raised her eyebrows in 6uestion. " kay(# 3race had nodded, because she was, but then coughed slightly, because she had swallowed not an insignificant amount of water. Pearl had rolled her eyes slightly, before smiling gently. "3o take the rest of the afternoon off 7 shower and sleep. Ill cover you.# 3race had wanted to protest, but she also didnt want to spend the rest of the afternoon in wet underwear, and so common sense had prevailed. ? -ut tonight, a full twenty four hours later, shes still feeling like a pri@e idiot. It is -lue shifts duty night, and camp Aoala and 2ombat have joined forces for the post lights out patrol. $he kids have been getting increasingly confident over the last few nights, and /ohn had made it really clear that it was their responsibility to make sure they didnt roam.

Its dark, and 3race is not doing a patrol by herself, so they pair up. She steps over to $yler on impulse, who warns her that he will not be able to defend her at all if they get attacked by >a bear, or a moose, or a yak, or a bald eagle, or whatever horror out here. 3race grins at him, and flashes her flashlight in his face, briefly. "$hen why would I want to be with you(# $yler laughs, and then leans forward. "5y scream really carries, okay(# %annah is running from one pair to another, checking and checking that they know what they are doing. She checks on 3race three times, and 3race knows that she is just being %annah, and confirming that 3race isnt about to succumb to late onset pneumonia, but it is hard not to be annoyed, because she just wants to forget about it. "Hannah. Im fine. 0an you not(# $here must be an edge to her voice, because $yler tuts at her slightly, but %annah doesnt seem to notice, but just nods, and dashes off to her patrol partner, /oey. 5amrie raises her voice after a second. "9emember the !lamo guys.# She doesnt elaborate, leaving 3race to wonder when, if ever, anyone is going to notice that 5amrie surely ust be joking, she ust. ? $hey do a simple circuit, her and $yler, weaving between the cabins, talking loudly to show any kids that they are out there, and they are paying attention. 3race had initially been worried about what she was going to talk about, but $ylers wonderfully easy to talk to, she finds, and they end up discussing various seasons of 9eal %ousewives in almost methodical detail. 3race does impressions of her favorites, and shes sure that her impressions arent accurate at all, but $ylers laughs are echoing off the trees. !t one moment, 5amrie looms out of the shadows, with a very distressed 5itchell stumbling behind her. "$yler. -oycub. $ry not to sound like youre having too much fun, else well have kids coming out to see what all the noise is about.# $yler snorts, and then gestures at 3race. "It was her fault, 5ames, tell her to stop making me laugh. -ut okay, well discuss something more sensible? 5itchell, what have you got all over your face(# 5itchell flinches, and then casts a nervous glance at 5amrie. ";mm. &irt. I wasnt appropriately camouflaged?#

3race laughs briefly, and then grins at 5amrie, whose face is conspicuously clean. 5amrie winks at her, and then points a finger under her nose. "!void all lakes, %elbiggie. $hats the big wet stuff.# 3race rolls her eyes, but nods, because shell allow the nickname in exchange for participating in this secret club of two. "Sure thing. Ill keep an eye out for enemy snipers too.# 5amrie claps once on her shoulder, approvingly, and then inexplicably dodges sideways into the darkness, trailing a confused 5itchell. %e mutters something about not crawling through any more ditches, and then it is just her and $yler again. $yler coughs slightly, in what sounds like repressed amusement, and then says "So? are we going to talk about the fact that 5amrie seems to be completely mental, or?(# 3race smiles into the darkness, and then finds herself playing along with 5amries shit. "Shes seen things $yler. It changes a person.# $yler goes 6uiet for a moment, as though trying to figure out whether 3race is joking, and then veers away from that conversation. "1ou three went to school together, didnt you( 2hat are the odds?# 3race snorts, and tries to remember 5amrie from school. !ll she really has is the certain knowledge that, at some point, &a rie ate paint, and a vague memory of a confident girl who didnt seem to give a shit about anything, and positively welcomed attention, two traits that had seemed very unsettling for a teenaged 3race. "8ot high enough, it would seem. 1eah, the three of us knew of each other. r at least, I knew of them. -ut we didnt hang out4 we werent "rien.s.< $yler nods next to her, and sweeps the flashlight beam over some doors of cabins, checking all are closed. "1ou are friends now, though, right(# 3race shrugs, because she is more used to spending so much time with 5amrie and %annah, but she doesnt think that friendship is the word to use. 5ore like, a tolerance of the situation developed by the lack of any other options. "I dont know. I dont mind them. -ut. $hey arent like my other friends.# $yler throws the beam in her face, and 3race clamps her eyes closed a second too late, and great, there goes her night vision. "1ou three work well together. %ell, I hear 2ombats talking about how they wish they were Aoalas. 2hich I am outra(e. about, naturally.#

:rowning, 3race looks down at her shoes. "8o, well, thats probably more to do with %annah and 5amrie. I mean. 5amrie has them all completely entranced. !nd %annah is? ridiculously good with kids. Im just? you know. $here. $aking unscheduled outdoor baths.# $yler laughs, and 3race thinks she feels some of the weight caused by the memory of her lake incident ease slightly. " h, no? %annah is a natural, though. *n. she is only trying to look after you, =ittle 5iss ;ngrateful. I saw you rolling your eyes at her.# 3race takes the flashlight off him, so he cant check her face again, and tries to construct a normal sentence. " h, I know. Shes fine, I guess. She was exactly like that at school too, always checking on everyone, like she could fix everyone. Im used to it.# $yler hums slightly, and falls in step with 3race. "Shes great. Shes a good person to have on your side.# 3race bites down on her lip, because of course $yler loves her. f course everyone loves her. 8othing changes, does it( ? $he group spend some time sitting on the steps of $eam Aoalas cabin, after theyve patrolled for an hour and a half, and are confident that any ambitions to escape have been dampened. 5amrie produces hot chocolate with baileys, somehow, and 3race briefly wonders whether she should attempt a sensible conversation with her at some point, because anyone who can keep a joke running for this long, purely for her own entertainment, is the sort of person 3race wants to be like. 3race thinks of $im, and his little empire of internet followers, hanging on every word, laughing at every joke. It would be stupid to pretend that she wasnt jealous. -ut she just isnt brave enough for something like that. $eam 2ombat drift away, after twenty minutes of discussion, and activity planning. 3race sits it out, in the most part, because these people clearly really want to do what is best for the kids. $hey care, and want to entertain, give them experiences, build their characters, knit them together as a team. 3race feels like a fraud. !ll she wants to do is crack some jokes and never fall into a lake again. $yler kisses her on the cheek as he leaves, and 3race feels a pang of regret that she wasnt placed in team 2ombat, because they seem like the sort of people who would let 3race just be 3race, and not keep pushing at her, and pulling out of her own carefully constructed shell, one day at a time.

She likes her shell, goddammit. %annah leans over towards 3race, and rests a hand on her knee. "3race, are you okay, youre really 6uiet( &o you need to go to sleep4 youve had a tough couple of days(# kay, so 3race is going to stay up until %annah goes to bed. -ecause she is "ine. She waves her concerns away, and pulls her hoodie up, hoping to disappear completely. "Im okay %annah, stop checking on me. Ill tell you if I start developing P$S&, okay(# 5amrie nods at this point, and swoops down to retrieve their mugs. She then grabs %annahs chin, and tilts her head upwards, making direct eye contact. "Shes fine. $rust me. Id know.# %annah nods once, after a second, and 3race nods at 5amrie in gratitude, because her leaning tower of bullshit has its uses, it would seem. 5amrie s6uee@es at 3races shoulder once. "Im going to bed. 8ight %annah. 8ight -iggie.# 3race waves vaguely at 5amrie, and then it is just her and %annah, sitting 6uietly on their cabin steps. 3race likes 6uiet %annah. She can deal with 6uiet %annah. "0an I call you -iggie too(# 3race glances over at %annah, who appears to be scuffing at the dirt with a stick, concentrating full on the task. Shed asked the 6uestion hesitantly though, like she was worried about the answer. 3race rolls her eyes after a second, mainly at herself, because she reali@es that shes been wearing bitchiness like a suit of armour, this past day, and %annah has noticed. " nly if I can call you Smalls.# %annah snorts, and then chuckles, until shes just laughing, and 3race finds herself joining in. " kay, sure. &eal. Phew.# 3race folds her arms across her knees, and rests her chin on her forearms, anxious to preserve warmth. "Phew(# She knows the answer, but maybe talking is the best way to help %annah process, and maybe shell wind down, somehow. "1eah, phew. I was scared you were annoyed with me.# 3race laughs, and nods.

" h, I was. -ut $yler told me to stop being an idiot, in so many words. %e gives out better advice than you %annah, youd better watch your back.# %annah gasps, jokingly, and then comes shifting over towards 3race, grin on her face. "2arning4 initiating human contact.# 3race snorts, and accepts the arm around her shoulders without a fight. %annah s6uee@es once, and then removes herself. "$hats one problem fixed. 8ow if only I could find my notebook?# 3race shrugs, and looks up at the moon, which is just appearing from behind a cloud. "1ou were always writing stuff in class, too. I remember that.# %annah grunts, surprised, and seems to inspect her finger nails. "I was trying to keep a note of everything the teacher said. I worked really hard at school, cause I figured that otherwise I wasnt going to get noticed. 8ow I just write nonsense. $houghts and feelings. Its a diary, I guess.# 3race bites her lip, because the idea of %annah not getting noticed at school is kind of stupid. "%annah, seriously. !ll the teachers loved you at school. <veryone loved you. 1ou were the cool kid. 1ou never needed to try that hard in class either, because you were so goddamn smart.# %annah looks over at her 6uickly, probably in surprise, because god knows where that came from. She then laughs awkwardly. " h, um. $hanks. I always thought that you never liked me4 you seemed to spend a lot of time ignoring me. 5aybe I was just being paranoid.# 3race shrugs, and clears her throat. "1eah, no, I didnt like you very much. Probably because I was this shy kid who no'one ever cared about unless I was running or jumping over something. I didnt like the fact that you found everything so easy, but still tried hard and got on great with everyone. I was pretty jealous, I think. I probably still am4 the kids like you loads more than me.# %annah is staring at her, and 3race finds herself looking at her own knees in self'defence, because good lord, what is this, honesty hour( "$he kids like you fine, 3race. $he girls keep asking me what + like about you, which is surely a sign of their affection, right(# 3race doesnt know. It feels like forever since she was at school, staring at the back of %annahs head, internally raging at the fact that she seemed to be able to make the whole class laugh, whereas the only way 3race could achieve the same effect was if she fell over the trash can.

"I dont know4 I dont know how these kids think.# %annah laughs 6uietly, though 3race wasnt joking, and leans her head on 3races shoulder, briefly. "1oure alright -iggie. !nd for the record, I was jealous of you at school. I harboured dreams of high jump school champion for so long, I cant even explain it.# 3race snorts unwillingly, at the idea of %annah trying to complete the high jump, until theyre both giggling at nothing. It feels like progress. 3race doesnt know towards what, but it feels like progress, nevertheless. ? $hey get into bed using flashlights, because the strip light above makes a hellish noise when it is turned on, and they dont want to wake 5amrie. !s 3race is casting around, flicking the beam back and forth on the phone in an effort to find her phone charger, her eye spies a flash of red, poking out from between the back of %annahs bed and the wall. %annahs notebook. It must have fallen down there accidentally. 3race doesnt say anything, however, and then doesnt know why she didnt say anything, as she is lying in bed, staring at blackness. %annahs notebook. %annah murmurs a ni(ht 0i((ie, across the gap, and 3race responds with a ni(ht S alls after a second. Shes not curious. Shes just? %annahs notebook. %annahs diary. Shell tell her where it is tomorrow.

Chapter nine $he next morning, %annah is the first to wake up. $his has become a thing, she realises, as 5amrie somehow never seems to function before shes had her cups of coffee, and 3race has given up her early shower schedule in favour of, well, more sleep. $rying her hardest not to wake her roommate up, %annah throws on a hoodie and some shorts before grabbing her loafers and going outside. $he sky looks really ominous, as though a brutal downpour is only moments away, and shes not sure what camp protocol is during events like these. Surely they cant do any activities with kids in this kind of weather. "5orning.# 2ombats $yler is standing in the middle of her camp. She grins and pulls her sunglasses out of her hoodie, putting them on as she puts the hoodie over badly kept hair. "%ey $yler.# She pulls him into a one'armed hug, "2hat are you doing up(# "0ouldnt sleep.# $yler shrugs, "!nd 5itchell snores. =ooks like its going to rain today.# $yler cringes lightly, "&o you know what protocol is(# "8o idea.# %annah digs her hands into the pouch of her hoodie, "2ant to go up to the administration office with me( Someone from management is bound to be there, right(# "Sure.# $yler links arms with her, and they start walking down the small path between the trees, "%ow are you doing(# %e asks, "2ith 3race and 5amrie(# "3ood(# %annah frowns behind sunglasses, even though its obvious the sun wont come out today, "2hy are you asking(# "8o particular reason. 2ell,# %e rolls his eyes, "I ay have had a chat with her yesterday.# "!bout(# "1ou. 5ametown.# This is weir.. 3race hasnt struck %annah as someone whos willing to tal# about things. !nd her earlier outbursts about $yler in mind, %annah wonders why 3race chose to open up to him instead of her. $hey are team mates, after all. She wants to ask $yler4 she wants to know what 3races said to him, mainly about her, because what if 3race actually doesnt like her and just tolerates her for the time being( 3race seems like the type of person who would just tolerate someone because she doesnt cope with confrontation very well. "0ool.# She responds, because what else is she supposed to say. "She likes you.# $yler nudges her softly, "/ust stuff about high school, basically.# %e pauses as the administrative office comes in sight, "1ou were 6uite the teachers pet, apparently.# "I guess.# %annah shrugs, "I just wanted to be good at something, you know. School made me feel better about stuff. I kind of had to be the class clown, you know?#

%annah knows $yler has no idea what she is talking about, but he nods nevertheless, and despite her not feeling up to explaining her childhood to him, the meaning behind his gesture comforts her. She sighs and lets go of his arm once they are on the porch of the administrative office. Pearl is already talking to /ohn and %ank, and %annah knocks on the door, briefly. " h, hi.# %ank adjusts his glasses, "2hat are you two doing up already( Is there a problem(# %e asks, before turning to %annah, "1our fellow counsellor hasnt contracted pneumonia yet(# "3race is fine.# %annah smirks, "$yler and I were just kind of wondering what the plans for today are. 2e can hardly do outdoor activities when its pissing rain, can we(# "2ell probably organise something indoors.# /ohn passes some papers to Pearl, "1ou phone 8ick and ask him to pick up a projector and a giant white screen someplace, we may want to try and do a movie night later on.# %e grins at %annah, "1ou can keep your kids busy until about five, cant you(# "Sure.# %annah mumbles, "I can think of so ethin(.# $hey leave the office again, and $yler is 6uick to link arms once more, leaning in closer. "$rivia 6ui@.# %e whispers, "Aoalas versus 2ombats. 1ou and I can get started on 6uestions.# ' "%ey, where have you been(# Its close to nine in the morning when %annah re'enters the cabin. 3race seems to have showered already, and 5amrie is nowhere to be found. %annah pulls her hoodie over her head, slightly embarrassed by the fact her t'shirt rides up her waist once she does, and looks back at 3race, dragging fingers through messy hair. "$yler and I went to check with Pearl what todays planning was.# She smiles, "2ere gonna do a trivia 6ui@ with their 2ombats later on. Is the shower free(# "1eah.# 3race sounds a bit absentminded, "5amries gone out to fetch the kids breakfast. Im just,# She pats the duvet, "I was just waiting for you to come back, really. 2ant me to do something while you shower(# "$hink of trivia 6uestions.# %annah grabs a towel and kicks her loafers off, "2e need a do@en more.# ' 2hen %annah returns, the bedroom is empty. !here the hell .i. -race (o, She frowns and ruffles through her hair with a smaller towel, trying to get it as dry as possible before she even attempts blow drying it. !nd then her eyes dart over to her bed, and more particularly, the object thats laying on top of it, staring back at her. That can3t be= Its her notebook. Its her personal, red, little, notebook. She drops the towel, immediately, and grabs the small book off the duvet, flipping through it. Sure enough, this is hers. %er handwriting, her little crumpled

corners, the small stain on the back of it. This is ine. She slams it down in the palm of her hand a couple of times, contemplating the possibilities about the sudden reappearance. "3race.# She calls out, "3race.# She finds 3race right outside of the cabin. :uck knows where 5amrie is, but 3race is right there, talking to one of the boys who is blushing furiously each time she makes eye contact with him. %annah sighs and tugs at 3races arm. "3race. ! moment(# She tries, "+n private(# 3race apologises to the kid and says something along the lines of coming to find him later on, but %annah doesnt pay any further attention. Shes got to get to the bottom of this, whatever this is. "Sup(# 3race asks, tying her hair together in a ponytail once theyre inside of their cabin, "5amrie '# "5y notebooks back.# %annah interrupts, "It was on my bed when I got out of the shower.# " kay(# 3race frowns. "%ow did it get there(# %annah continues, "5amrie was not in, and you were in the room when I left you, and then I got back and you were gone and I found it sitting on top of my covers.# She rants on, "-asically, I just wanna 7 where did you find it(# "It, um, I found it between your bed and the wall(# "2hen( /ust now( 2hy were you '# "=ast night.# 3race sighs, "2hen you got into bed and I was looking for my phone charger. I may have accidentally noticed it and um, '# "2hy didnt you say(# "$here,# 3race seems to think for a second, and the delay doesnt go unnoticed. Oh -o.. She rea. it. She ust have rea. it. "1ou were asleep. I didnt want to wake you up.# "1ou read it.# %annah mumbles, "1ou read my journal.# "I didnt rea. it.# 3race tries, "I mean, obviously I had a 6uick look to see whether it was yours, but its not as if I actually read it, %annah, calm '# "$hanks for finding it, 3race.# %annah interrupts her again, "$hanks a lot.# She storms out of the room, slamming the door shut as she leaves the cabin as well. She doesnt know why her cheeks feel so flushed, and she doesnt know whether she is inclined to believe 3race when she says she didnt read it. +t3s not as i" you3ve written anythin( ba. in it= %er mind reasons with her. Its true. Shes maybe mentioned 3race a few times, about how she wanted her to open up and then how well they were getting along.

"%annah(# Fuc# e si.eways. "5ames.# "2hy are you out here, kiddo(# 5amrie nods up the sky, "Its gonna rain soon. I took the kids to the 2ombats camp already, theyre getting ready for that trivia 6ui@. 2heres %elbiggie(# She asks, despite the fact its obvious 3race is not there with %annah, "!re you alright( 1ou look flushed.# "Im fine.# %annah snaps, "Im totally fine.# "$hen why are you '# "I am "ine, 5amrie.# %annah pushes through some more bushes and shrubs to get away from the redhead, because honestly, this is just too ridiculous for words. She knows that she probably shouldnt let anger consume her and refuse to talk this over with 3race, but "uc#. She sits down on a flat rock for a second and grabs the notebook out of her back pocket, flipping through the pages. 4ay "our% -race is still on a. inistration .uty, but we are startin( to converse, ore or less, in the evenin(s. +t3s weir. to thin# about the "act we are actually han(in( out. + .on3t thin# that she li#e. e that uch in hi(h school, i" our classes to(ether was anythin( to (o by. She3s not brou(ht the past up, so "ar. &aybe she3s all "or new starts. Or aybe she3s still co in( to ter s with the "act she3s (ettin( to spen. su er with e an. &a es. &a rie3s .one well "or hersel", (oin( "ro >the (irl who ate paint3 to so e #in. o" war hero. So prou. o" y San Franco (irls. Six .ays in% -race has been 5oinin( in with the activities an. the #i.s absolutely love her. They love e too, an. &a rie, althou(h they only see to obey worl.3s "avourite ser(eant. Or lieutenant, or whatever her title is. + haven3t as#e. yet. -race .oesn3t see to care uch about &a rie3s ilitary past, an. instea. #eeps re"errin( to her brother Ti . + thin# that + re e ber Ti . 0rown hair, (lasses, "ew years below e. *pparently he3s now bi( on the internet so ewhere, althou(h +3 not sure whether -race is prou. o" it or 5ealous o" it. &ixe. "eelin(s. 4ay ei(ht, Ti e "lies. -race an. + chatte. at brea#"ast to.ay, so ethin( about the trac# tea she ran on an. our post hi(h school en(a(e ents. *pparently her youn(er brother is so e #in. o" "a ous YouTuber, which is cool. -race3s so ethin( with co unication, which stri#es e as so ewhat o.. because well, it3s -race. She3s not the sa e (irl + recall "ro hi(h school. She3s still stri#in(ly (oo. loo#in(, but well, she3s so"ter. She3s shyer, too. +t3s weir.. + li#e her. + li#e how she (i((les at so e thin(s. + li#e how she tries to act li#e she .oesn3t care but then en.s up carin( too uch an. tryin( to hi.e it. + li#e her aw#war. hu(s, because -o., she3s tryin( so har.. + #in. o" li#e -race Helbi(, an. + .on3t #now whether that3s a nostal(ic thin( or a ca p thin( or a Hannah thin(. Ten .ays. $his was her last entry before the notebook got lost, -race an. &a es an. + .i. so e obstacle course with Tyler an. so e other counsellors an. it was a a6in(. +t3s weir. to see how she3s "inally lettin( her (uar. .own. + li#e it. +t3s a .i""erent -race than the pro

1ueen who (allivante. throu(h the hallways with Chris or &ar# or 7ia or whatever his na e was. +t3s also a .i""erent -race than the one on the trac# tea ; popular as hell an. too oblivious to notice + was the assistant ana(er o" the trac# tea . *n. now we (et alon( 5ust "ine. + what woul.3ve been i" we ha. struc# up a "rien.ship in hi(h school, the three o" us. She stops reading because droplets of water are starting to fall down around her. O" course it starts rainin( now. %annah curses herself for wandering through the woods to get away from 5amrie, because where the "uc# does she go to find the path( !nd why on earth is it so fucking dark when its not even noon. $heres thunder and a bolt of lightning and then theres something %annah could only describe as a torrential downpour. 0lothes become soaked relatively fast, and weirdly enough, she just wants to keep her notebook dry. "%annah.# She hears her name being called, "%art. 2here are you(.# "%ere.# She calls back, stupidly, because where the hell is she, anyway. "%annah(# " ver here.# She shouts back. $heres rustling of leafs and then a familiar blonde head pops up from beneath a large bush. Oh no. 3race is standing right in front of her, her clothes soaked as well. "2hy are you in the woods(# 3race mumbles. "I tried to escape 5amrie.# %annah sighs, "2hy are you in the woods(# "I was trying to find you. 2ere all at the 2ombats camp and well, you werent(# 3race cringes lightly and scratches her neck in a gesture of complete and utter awkwardness, "So, er, I kind of came to look for you, because, I dont know, I worried or something.# "Im fine.# %annah turns, "Ill write my thoughts and feelings down later on, and you can just nick my notebook and read it again, alright(# "%annah, that is not what 7 hey.# 3race grabs her arm, "&ont walk away from me.# "Im gonna put on other clothes, is all.# %annah frowns, before realising she still has no idea where the hell shes at, "2hat direction(# "$his way.# 3race sighs, grabbing %annahs sleeve and dragging her alongside her. It takes them a few moments before they are back on track, "5ind if I walk with you(# Yes. Yes, + in.. %annah shrugs, because its rude to tell someone to fuck off, even though they have read your deepest secrets 7 and 3race ust have. She doesnt know why shes upset about this, but she reckons its to do with the embarrassment of 3race knowing she wrote about her, more than 3race actually reading her notebooks contents, because she didnt mention her that much, she doesnt think. "I take it you must change as well.# %annah shrugs, again, because shrugging seems to be the one thing she can do without 3race pointing it out, "=ets go then.#

$hey walk in silence, no longer caring about the rain soaking them to the bone. %annah is partly expecting the blonde to whine about her hair, because 3races do was 6uite straightened out this morning, and now its just going to be curly again and why the hell does she even know this( $hey get to their cabin and %annah pushes the door open, gesturing for 3race to walk in first. She shuts the door behind them and water is literally leaking from the frayed threads of 3races shorts. "1ou want to shower first(# She asks 3race, "1ou are shivering.# "8'no4# 3race wraps her arms around herself, "1ou go first. 1ou were out there longer. Plus,# She gestures awkwardly, "I have a history with getting soaked by dirty water. Ill be fine.# %annah grins, and she hates that she does. She pulls the notebook out of her pocket and glances at 3race, who suddenly looks very busy staring at her feet. Fuc# it. %annah sighs and puts it down on the nearest chair, because it doesnt matter whether 3race knows that %annah likes her more than she liked her before. -ecause thats what friendships are, isnt it( =iking people( She likes 3race. So 3race and her could be friends. Should be friends. Shes sure thats logical, somehow. $hat must make sense, doesnt it. It does. "Ill be right out again.# %annah forces herself to smile and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it from the inside, "/esus 0hrist.# She mutters to herself. ' She comes out of the bathroom and 3race is fast to slip past her and lock the door herself. %annah sighs as she ruffles her hair dry for the second time that day, before walking over to her bed and trying to find dry clothes. She looks over at the chair the notebook was on, and "uc# 3race, because its shifted positions. %annah mumbles beneath her breath because -o., this is infuriating as fuck. )ot the sli(htest bit o" respect or re orse. )othin(. !ell, "uc# you, -race Helbi(. She furiously clicks her pen out of its little holder, determined to write a flaming message into her notebook. $hat way, next time that nosey bitch goes through her stuff, shell know exactly what %annah is thinking. She goes to the last page, only to see some scrabbled words that are .e"initely not her own handwriting. >+ pro ise + .i. not rea. it. It reads, >+ a sorry i" it was inappropriate to have a tiny pee#. + pro ise it was 5ust to veri"y whether it was yours.3 $hats bullshit, of course, because like fuck is 5amrie going to have a little red notebook, identical to hers, >To a#e it up to you, here is a Su.o#u, >cause + .i. rea. one o" those in here, so + "i(ure. you li#e the .3 %annah grins, because instead of a nine'digit logic analytics game, 3races written her some prose instead. &aybe + shoul. explain her what the .i""erence is with a hai#u, this ti e. %annah grins. >Hannah Hart li#es "arts, + #now this to be so true, + apolo(ise too.3 "&id I do that right(#

She snaps her head around so fast she thinks whiplash might have actually hit her this time. 3race is standing in the doorframe, wriggling her hands together nervously. %annah looks at the haiku again, and wants to tell 3race that shes incorrectly assuming that she needs *+ syllables while she has to count >on instead of syllables, and that there are so many different ones and that she personally likes the %aibun and Shiki, but 3races tried hard at this, obviously, and theres a swirly >3race beneath it and xs and she cant bring herself to tell 3race its not even called Sudoku. "1eah,# %annah closes the notebook, "1eah, you did.#

Chapter Ten 3race does not do poetry. She does not do poetry so hard that her first, and only detention that she ever received at school, was awarded because 3races <nglish teacher was insisting that she had to write a page long poem about things that she liked about herself. !nd she refused, naturally. -ecause nothing rhymed with +3 reasonably talente. at 5u pin( over thin(s, + (uess. !nd so, 3race hadnt expected to be dusting off her extremely rusty literature skills for an apology poem, but then unexpected things keep on seeming to happen to 3race this summer, so she may as well roll with it. %annah tosses her notebook back onto her bed, and laughs. "$hough I dont know why you had to include the word farts in it. I mean, maybe if you were rhyming it with my last name, that would be understandable, but?# 3race shrugs, and pulls a sweater over her t'shirt. "2ell, I wouldnt want you to think I was being too sincere?# $heres silence for a moment, and when 3race glances at %annah, shes staring at her oddly. "2hat(# %annah looks away, and dives into her luggage, busy hands. "8othing. 2ell, I mean. Im sorry. I was thinking negative things about you earlier 7 I thought youd read it and I was embarrassed.# 2ell, of course, that sentence begs the 6uestion what is in there to be embarrassed about, but this conversation has a feeling of a near miss threaded through every sentence, so 3race leaves it. $heres a rumble of thunder overhead, and %annah crouches down even further, looking worriedly up at their ceiling like the lightning will come straight through. "2ere going to need waterproofs?# ? It is a complete joke of an afternoon. $he rain doesnt let up at all, and by about two the kids are restless, because there is a limit to how many team building activities can be completed in a run down barn. $heyve got about half the entire camp here, with 9ed shift no doubt going through the same struggles on the other side of camp. $heres kids in here that 3race has never seen before. %ell, theres counsellors in here that 3race has never seen before.

She is not going to have a panic attack, or turn into whatever %annah called her on the first day. 2eird robot 3race. Instead she is going to circulate, and chat politely with the kids, and help out with any of the games that look short staffed, and enthuse the kids, and? She does all that. -ut she does it with 5amrie. "3oddamn hyper'sensitive managers. Seriously, a bit of rain hurt no'one. $hey should be outside, trying to build water proof shelters and figuring out how to start a camp fire in the rain, not cooped up in here like a bunch of battery hens. =ook at them, theyre on the verge of snapping and eating each other? hey% 'ut that .own or +3ll ra it up your nose%< $he guilty child drops the old tin of paint that he was trying to prise open, and stands very still, as through 5amries more likely to pounce if he runs. 3race snorts, but 5amrie just takes a couple of steps closer, and retrieves the can of paint from his feet, before glaring haughtily at him. "8ow, you might be thinking, she cant possibly get that up my nose, shes joking. -ut let it be known, if it wont fit up your nose, Ill find somewhere else for it to fit, and believe e, youll wish it was your nose by the time Im done.# $he stricken boys friends snigger next to him, as the boy goes cross'eyed in an attempt to not have to maintain eye contact with 5amrie, and nods a few times. 3race clenches her jaw to stop herself from laughing, because that might ruin the impact, and deliberately blank faces until her and 5amrie have moved away. She then lets a small chuckle escape. "I think he actually shit himself.# 5amrie snorts, and then it is a full on belly laugh, that 3race cant help but join in with. 5amrie puts a hand on her shoulder, and at that point 3race notices that theyre attracting curious attention from the kids near them. She automatically blank faces, and nudges 5amrie, who free@es instantly and glares at the offenders. "2hat(# 5ost of them immediately look down at the floor, but one of them raises their hand hesitantly. "2hat are you laughing at(# 5amrie mutters under her breath, apparently at the sheer audacity of the child, and 3race jumps in. "2e were planning a murder. It was amusing to us. !nd how dare you.# Shed have never gotten away with it if she was by herself, but 5amrie is instantly next to her, leaning and pointing as if to say, go on, 6uestion us, I dare you, and the child looks away, sporting an impressed look of amused terror, which is a challenge to pull off, 3race has to admit. She li#es hanging out with 5amrie. ?

$heres all sorts of games being played in here. $heres the paper tower building game. $he blindfold your partner and guide them via verbal instructions game. Some kind of giant game of Pictionary. 3race even thinks she sees charades, and wow. 5amrie reads her mind. "Snoo@e alert much, no( 2heres %annah( Shell think of something good.# 3race gestures over at the main desk, where %annah is sitting underneath the one available light in this place, next to $yler. $heyre both scribbling on a pad of paper, glancing up every few moments to check that the kids arent actively rioting, or the building is on fire, or whatever, and 5amrie groans. "Is this for the 6ui@( !re they in charge of the 6uestions(# 3race nods, and hopes for the best. "!t least $yler isnt a complete dork, hell be designing ones that could entertain.# 5amrie scoffs. "1eah, in between 6ueen nerd %annahs e.ucational ones. 8ame the state flower of 5innesota, and other fun facts.# 3race bites down on a grin, because %annah was so goddamn sincere she probably would be designing straight up trivia 6uestions. "2hat is the highest mountain in <urope, and which country does it belong to(# "=ist all the ;S Presidents with last names that start with a vowel. -onus points if you can state their favorite sandwich filling. !nd tree.# 3race laughs out loud, and claps her hand over her mouth, because %annah glances up at that point, and meets her eye by coincidence. She waves at 3race, and then gives her an enthusiastic thumbs up, and good lord, the $itanic could be sinking and %annah would still be giving 3race an enthusiastic thumbs up. 5amrie starts muttering, oh no, loo# busy, loo# busy, loo# busy, but $yler and %annah are bouncing over, pad of paper in hand. "%ey guys. $he kids are great arent, really getting into the spirit of things and facing adversity well.# 3race s6uints at %annah, and then glances around at the barn, checking they havent been teleported into a parallel universe. 8ope. Still around two hundred listless, grumpy kids. She shrugs. "Sure.#

"So anyway, 5ames, me and %annah were wondering whether youd want to maybe host the 6ui@( 2eve done the hard work, and written all the 6uestions, all youd have to do is read them out. !nd, uh, pad, a bit, because we cant take them over to the main hall for a movie until five apparently.# 5amrie looks down at $yler, and then looks off into the distance, as though contemplating which mountain would have the honor of her climbing it next. nly a wind machine could make her look more noble. "0ometh the hour, cometh the woman. 8one of you amateurs could pull it off, thats for sure.# $yler nods next to her, looking relieved, and %annah punches the air. "1eah. !wesome. $he kids will love it. So, I thought?# 5amrie interrupts her. "3race will co'host with me.# 2ait, what( 3race holds up her hands in an immediate rejection of that idea. ";mm, whoa, no I will not.# 5amrie looks at her, once, and then nods. "Sure you will. 1ou two organi@e the different teams representatives4 me and 3race need to go back to the cabins for a bit to prepare. !nd can someone find 5itchell, I need him for something.# ? 3race is not doing this. She is not. -ecause she is scared, and not comfortable, and really doesnt want to have two hundred kids looking at her as the dullest 6ui@ in the world flat lines in front of their very eyes. "5amrie, I really dont think I want to do this?# 5amrie marches on ahead, ignoring 3race, who has only come with her in the hope of maybe being attacked by a bear, which would almost certainly mean she didnt have to host a 6ui@. "Sure you are, now wait here for a second?# 5amrie enters team 2ombats hut with a key that 5itchell had given her, and returns a minute later, with a gray bundle of what looks like clothing in her arms. She then nods once, and they continue on to their own hut, 3race trailing helplessly behind her, hopelessly trying to avoid the bigger puddles. "5amrie, if you think that you can just get me drunk, and Ill do it, Ive got to tell you?# 5amrie rolls her eyes, and then throws open their huts door.

" h please, like Id waste the alcohol supply on dutch courage. 8ot happening. 8ow, if youll excuse me, Im going to put on a gillie suit, you are going to put on this delightful item that 5itchell was good enough to lend to you, and then we are going to have a little chat about how the 6ui@ is going to go , okay(# 3race snorts, and eyes 5amries hoodie. "I thought you kept the gillie suit on at all times, underneath your clothes. :or emergencies.# 5amrie flips her off vaguely, in the most normal looking gesture 3race thinks shes seen her do since she arrived at this camp. "Its all about the mystic, -igs. 8ow get your skinny butt changed, will you(# ? Its a Aoala onesie. Shes wearing a Aoala onesie. 5amrie nods approvingly when 3race emerges, and places the gillie suits head covering on her head with only a small amount of ceremony. "See(# 3race doesnt. "8o, I dont. !nd what even is the likelihood of 5itchell having a Aoala onesie as well, I mean really?# 5amrie grunts at her, and steps closer, resting both hands on 3races shoulders. "Its a costume. 2ear something stupid, and you can get away with anything, I swear. $hink of it as your cape, and then you get to pretend to be a super hero. People might think you are cra@y, but it is just a costume, so you can take it off.# 3race looks at 5amrie for a long second, and then tilts her head to the side, en6uiringly. "1ou were never in the army, were you 5ames(# 5amrie frowns at her for a long second, and then shrugs. "5y ex was. !nd when things got kinky in the bedroom, role play happened. So, you know. I may have just exaggerated that experience to get an interview and job here. 5anagement know, Ive already told Pearl that it was a lie, because I think Ive proven my worth now. She thinks Im nuts, but doesnt want to lose such a vital cog in this machine. -ut apparently my acting is so fucking flawless that you are the only other counsellor who has caught on so far.# 3race stares at her for what feels like an eternity, and then starts laughing. 5amrie joins in after a second, and it is infectious, it really is. 3race straightens herself up, and wipes away some tears. " h my god? %annah thinks you are a fucking war hero.#

5amrie clucks at her, and then shrugs. "1eah, well, things got pretty weird in the bedroom, on occasion. I feel like Ive had first hand experience. Ill tell her eventually, you know.# 3race breathes, and then breathes again, and reali@es that 5amrie maybe is completely deranged, but theres a tiny part of her who wants to experience that, even if it is just during a crappy trivia 6ui@. " kay. kay. $he 6ui@. 2hat are we doing(# ? Shes not nervous. Shes not. Shes not. 5amrie strides into the barn like an invading army, and a hush descends. $he other counsellors have got all the kids sitting in rows, with the nominated teams of each camp sitting at the front, at tables. Somehow, theyve managed to arrange the lights so the end of the barn is lit up, and it looks like a stage. Shes not nervous. %annah comes scampering over to them, with a stack of cards in hand, and looks 3race up and down nervously. ";h, here are the 6uestions guys. !nd? 3race, what are you?# 5amrie clears her throat loudly, removes the cards from %annahs unresisting hand, and turns to the collected audience. "1ou all know me. 2eve seen things together. 2eve scaled reasonably large hills, laid in undergrowth for hours, and generally faced challenges that that your puny little minds could not have dreamed of, when you arrived at 0amp $ako, two weeks ago. -ut nothing,# and at this point 5amrie kneels down abruptly, and pretty much just yells in a Aoala kids face, who looks like he doesnt know whether to laugh or cry, "nothin(% 2ill have prepared you for the emotional trauma that we are about to devastate upon you, via these trivia 6uestions.# 3race chooses entirely the wrong moment to look at %annahs face, at that point, and the grimace of terrified confusion on her face almost cracks 3race, and 3race almost starts laughing, but holds it together somehow. 5amrie stands, and points at 3race. "8ow, this fine human specimen, is 3race. She has survived 6ui@@es designed by %annah %art before. She knows the pain. &o not be fooled by her Aoala costume, she is completely impartial.# 3race pulls a face at this point, and states baldly, "I hate you all.# $heres a gasp, and then a laugh, hastily cut off at the back, when 5amrie twirls on her heel, trying to identify the offender. She then hands the cards over to 3race.

"3race. :irst 6uestion please. $eams, the penalty for conferring is death.# $hat does actually raise a laugh. 3race looks down at the first 6uestion, and ignores it entirely, improvising her own 6uestion. "2hat flavor of jellybean did I almost choke to death on, when I was six(# $here is a silence. 5amrie looks over at 3race, and shakes her head. "I told you. I warne. you. 8ot a single brain cell among them. I dont know why we are bothering when? yes(# %arriet has raised her hand, and is looking at 5amrie with wide eyes. "2as it? raspberry(# 5amrie looks at 3race. 3race doesnt know what to do. "%ow dare you.# $heres a laugh, that seems to mainly come from the other counselors, but it gets magnified when 5amrie leans into %arriet, who looks like she is trying desperately not to laugh. "!re you mocking 3races near death experience(# %arriet shakes her head rapidly, and the child next to her raises his hand. "2as it?banana(# 5amrie looks at 3race. 3race looks at 5amrie. $he entire crowd look at them, and 3race feels like she is flying, gliding on the intensity of their ga@e. She raises her hand to her brow, as if overcome by the trauma of the memory, and nods, once. 5amrie points dramatically at $yler, who is standing off to the side, both hands over this mouth. "$yler, make a note. Seven and a half points to Aoala, and three camels. 3race. 8ext 6uestion. $eam Aoala burst into applause and cheers, and the rest of the kids seem to be grinning, at the two cra@y women in front of them, and 3race do this. She doesnt feel nervous. She feels a a6in(. ? =ater on that night, after 3race has showered, and all the kids are in bed, she gets to lie on her bed for a bit, and just try to breathe steadily. She loved it. =oved it. 5amrie had them all wetting themselves with laughter, of course, but they were laughing at 3races jokes too, and after twenty minutes they just abandoned the 6ui@, and instead did impersonations of other counsellors, and took 6uestions from the kids, and it might have been one of the most intense experiences of 3races life, and she love. it.

%annah comes in through the open door, and grins at her, before lying on her own bed, and picking up her note book. She writes 6uietly in it, for a couple of minutes, and 3race rolls over onto her side, unable to restrain herself. "2hat are you writing(# %annah looks at her once, before smiling softly and reading aloud. "&ay fifteen. It was raining all day, so we had to keep the kids entertained in'doors. It wasnt going so great, to be honest, until 5amrie stepped up, forced 3race into a Aoala onesie, and the resulting show made me laugh harder than I can remember. !nd now 3race is lying on her bed, looking like shes just discovered what she is meant to do with her life, and I think I agree with her.# 3race grins, despite herself, and fights the urge to hug the pillow, just to hug so ethin(. "2hat, no complaints about us abandoning your crappy 6ui@ 6uestions(# %annah pouts at her. "=ook, I still think that if you guys had stuck to the script, then they would have'# 5amrie yells through from her room at that point. "$hey would have fallen asleep %annah. 8ot everyone wants 6uestions on the number of syllables in a Suhikodu or whatever, you ass.# %annah looks outraged, before cracking up and laughing, and 3race joins in, forgetting to even wonder when hanging out with these guys became the best summer shes had in years.

Chapter Eleven $his is one of the big horrors from her youth, replaying all over again. $his is some cruel, cosmic joke, no doubt. nly this time, shes not in her family home, but in some poorly built cabin in the woods in the middle of frigging nowhere. !nd this time, shes not sharing a room with her older sister, but with 3race %elbig, who is blissfully unaware of the current danger, as proven by the gentlest of snores, which is kind of cute. +t3s not >cute3, Hannah. Stop it. -ack to the danger. Perhaps she should 7 )o. So apparently, pulling up her covers higher and burying her face deeper into the pillow, does not block this out. She cant even pinpoint what is scaring her to death right now. Its something in between the calm, steady clattering of raindrops onto the window shes sleeping under, and the silent, creepy whooshing of the trees leafs as the wind rustles through. !lso, theres one branch hitting the cabins roof every few moments and %annah is determined to cut it down tomorrow, when the storms over. Oh an, + hate this shit. :lashback to thirteen years ago, when there was a storm nearly similar to this one, and the wind was so strong that something literally shattered the window. She screamed the entire house down, while 8aomi was laughing her head off. "%annah.# She yelps, because the covers are suddenly yanked off of her, and 3race is towering over her, dressed in her underwear and some baggy, light blue shirt that reads >Sponsored by %elbig Industries, and a print of what seems to be $im %elbigs face. $he blonde rubs her eyes, tiredly, and lets go of the covers. "2hats up(# %annah asks, sitting up straighter. "I should ask you.# 3race yawns, "1ouve been tossing and turning for the past half hour. !re you alright( 1ou feeling okay(# "1eah.# Too enthusiastic. "1eah, no. Im totally fine.# $hey are just staring at each other now, and %annah dares to swear 3race is s6uinting at her just slightly, as if shes trying to see through the incredibly flimsy lie %annahs just told. "%annah(# 3race drags out, 6uietly. She cracks. ":ine.# She turns around and plumps her pillow a few times before laying down again, "&aybe I have difficulties sleeping when its stormy weather, okay(# She tries to ignore the fact shes blushing, a(ain, because this seems to be a thing that she does around 3race now, "/ust maybe.# "!re you scared(# Terri"ie.. "3race.# %annah snorts, "I am in my twenties. I successfully lived in /apan for nearly an entire year. I have been with the girl scouts, and I have two degrees. I do not think storms '#

"&egrees nor scouts honour help you cope with storms, you idiot.# 3race frowns, "!nd I doubt some /apanese city comes close to a creepy cabin in the woods. Scoot.# "2hat do '# "&ove.# She moves because /esus 0hrist, there is no reasoning with 3race %elbig when shes made a decision, it seems. She shifts closer towards the wall as 3race grabs an extra pillow thats fallen onto the floor during her tossing, before the blonde throws the pillow down next to hers and gets beneath the covers as well. ?n8"uc#in(8believable. "$here.# 3race sounds satisfied, "2henever Id get scared of storms, when I was like, "ive or something, Id get into bed with my parents and Id feel totally safe and fine. !nd if it works on five year old me, itll work on you too. So sleep.# "3race, you dont have to '# "=ess talking, more sleeping.# 3race nudges her, and %annah makes a mental note this is the first time 3race has initiated any kind of human contact, "Shut up. !nd dont you .are tell anyone about this.# She turns her back to %annah, "!lthough I give you permission to write it into that little red notebook of yours, obviously.# %annah grins and turns her back on 3race as well, hugging her sheets tighter. She falls asleep almost instantly, and sleeps through the night easily. ' "2hat is this(# ! familiar voice wakes her up from a peaceful slumber, "%elbiggies bony ass free@ing off so now youre sharing body heat or something( -ecause let me tell you, you are way too overdressed to pull that off.# %annahs still facing the wooden wall, inches away from her face. She wants to turn around and tell 5amrie to leave her be for just a few more minutes, when another voice responds to the redhead. "8ot now, 5amrie.# -race, Its definitely 3races voice, but 3races voice is sounding close by. Slightly frowning, %annah turns around, only to see the back of 3races blonde head. !ow wow wow. !ait. !hat, <vents of last night come flooding back to her, and shes somewhat relieved that shes managed to think of these so 6uickly. "$he storm freaked me out.# %annah sits up, trying not to touch 3race as she does so, because 3od knows the blonde is still not too fond of 7 well. She wonders whether getting into bed with someone means you are sort of, kind of alright with them accidentally touching you, "3race came to keep me company.# " ut of the goodness of my heart.# 3race mumbles next to her, not bothering to look up, "8ow leave me be, you noisy people.#

"$heres been a bit of debris in our lovely camp, though.# 5amrie continues after a moment of silence, "%annah, you wanna come check it out with me(# "Sure. 3ive me a second.# %annah crawls over 3races body, careful not to actually touch her, because its 3race, after all. 5amrie gags when she notices %annah standing in her underwear and a tank top and throws a pair of shorts thats been draped over the chair, before turning around. "=ets go then, Smarto.# She yells, making 3race grunt and %annah grin, "2e havent got all day.# ' Its taken them about an hour to get all of the fallen branches and other crap to the side of camp, with some help of kids who were already awake. %annah stretches as 5amrie directs some of the guys to go pick up breakfast supplies with her, and observes their newly tidied camp when she suddenly gets poked from behind. "5orning.# 3race rakes her fingers through her hair, "8ot too bad.# "2ell, we cleane. up, 3race. It was pretty bad.# "Im sure.# $he blonde wriggles her hands together, "Sooo? 2hat are we doing today(# %annah turns around and tries to temper her excitement, although its fairly obvious that shes giddy, she thinks, "2ell, one of my personal favourites.# "2hat(# 3race looks wary, "2hat is it(# "0apture $he :lag.# ' "3uys.# %annah claps her hands together in excitement, "3uys, guys, guys.# She frowns, eager for their attention, "%ey guys, come on.# She clears her throat, "!gain, g'# "Shut the "uc# up.# 3race screeches. !ll F+ teenagers go 6uiet immediately, a couple of them smirking at the sounds 3race just produced. $he blonde clears her throat, too, and gestures at %annah. "3o ahead.# "$hanks, er, 3race.# %annah turns back to the group, "9ight. 2ere gonna do a 0apture $he :lag challenge today.# She smirks, "-asically, it will be us versus the 2ombats. $heyre coming here in a bit. -asically, guys, we have the entire area around the lake. 2hich is, like, big.# %annah grins, "$he purpose of this game, is to grab the enemy flag and bring it back to our own base. ur base, obviously, is this open area here.# She looks around, "9ules are simple. 2hen an enemy player tags you, you get sent off to jail. /ails situated on the border

of the territory. 1ou can get freed by a team player of your own when they retag you, thats called a jailbreak. $eam that manages to grab the enemy flag and bring it to camp, wins.# $here are cheers and some excited whispers in between the kids, and %annah loves this. She enjoyed playing this when she was younger, and this is just an excellent chance to prove her skills once more. 5amries donned her gillie suit already, and %annah thinks this may be the first time ever that it comes in handy. $heres some rustling in the bushes and another bunch of kids walk out, $yler and 5itchell in front, /oey somewhere at the side, talking to one of the 2ombats. "%i girls.# $yler grins, "!re you ready to get your asses kicked(# "-ring it on.# 3race snorts, "1ou do realise that when I hold the flag above my head, you cant even reach it, right(# $he entire crowd >ohhhs at this, and $yler does not look very impressed. %annahs tempted to laugh at the sneer, but then again, shes five foot four herself, and she suspects that she too cant reach the flag if 3race holds it above her head, unless shed tickle her or something, but that would be very inappropriate. "-andanas.# /oey walks over with some boxes, "So apparently, we all got bandanas, too. I just went to pick them up at the administrative office.# %e plonks the boxes down, "$eam Aoala, here are yours. I thought we could use them to identify ourselves in the game, without being too obvious.# %annah tears the lid of the boxes and stares at a couple do@en of grey bandanas. This is aweso e. She grabs a handful and starts throwing them at the teenagers, who either tie it around their necks or arms. %annah notices 3race pick up a couple as well, and tie the last one shes holding into her hair, while 5amrie dons one around her neck. %annah ties one of them around her upper arm and another one around her head, for good measure. $he wombats have black ones, and %annah can barely hold in her excitement for all of this. "!lright.# She yells, "=ets do this, guys. $he game starts in exactly five minutes. 2ombats, back to your own camp, please. $he game ends at five, when you hear this sound.# She gestures at 5amrie, who is holding an air horn in the air. $he sound is horrible, but efficient. "5ay the odds be ever in your favour.# %annah yells, while everyone starts cheering, "0ome on, Aoalas.# She rallies, "=ets do this.# ' Its half past two, and shes already in forest jail. This is stupi.. Shes already sitting down, her legs crossed, because fuck it, it may take ages for one of her own kids to come find her and shes surely not going to remain standing. ne of the 2ombat kids is standing a few feet away from the red'lined jail, obviously eager to prevent anyone from even attempting to free her. "%ey, 2ombat.# She tries, "$heres some movement on your left, dude. 1ou may want to go check that out.#

%e smirks at her and gives her a thumbs up, but doesnt move. S art little shit. %annah sighs and looks away for a second, before theres rustling from behind some bushes and a familiar flash of blonde jumps out. "$ag.# She smirks, pulling the black bandana out of the kids back pocket, " ff to jail you go, 2ombat.# " h, shit.# $he guy grunts, grabbing his bandana back. "$hat way, kiddo.# 3race grins, pointing at the direction of the Aoala jail. She waits for the kid to be out of sight, before she walks over to the jail %annah is in. "2ell, well. %ello.# She grins, "%annah, please explain to me how come you are in fucking jail within half an hour of this game. It was your idea, Id have imagined you were .ecent at this.# "%e snuck up on me.# %annah sighs, getting up, "9ight, free me.# "5aybe.# 3race cocks her eyebrow, "$ell me what the incentives are if I free you.# "Incentives(# !hat is she on about, "3race, this is a team game. :ree me.# "5agic word(# ")ow.# "1ou are no fun.# 3race sighs, high fiving %annah. ":inally.# %annah exclaims. She grabs 3races arm and drags her into the shrubbery once more, crouching low while 3race walks behind her, seemingly not bothered. "&uck, will you(# %annah hisses, "People are going to spot you.# "Is ducking what got you spotted in the first place(# 3race grins, "-ecause I have been walking around for ages and I havent been to jail yet.# $hats unfair, surely, because 3race is five foot nine or five foot ten or something, which implies shes naturally easily detectable by enemy players. How is that even possible that nobo.y notices her, She pulls 3race down with her anyway, and 3race stumbles, falling down on top of %annah. $he blonde opens her mouth to say something, when they suddenly hear kids voices. " ver here, yeah(# "1a. I had one in jail and then that tall blonde Aoala girl freed her, and they must have gone this way. I think.# "1ou sure(# "1eah, man. Positive. $hey have to be around her somewhere.#

%annah is looking up at 3race whos still on top of her, not moving a single inch. Than# -o. she3s s#inny. 3races pressed against her, and neither of them is moving because those kids are close by, and %annah feels 3races breath upon her face and she doesnt know why exactly, but she doesnt even dare to breathe too loudly anymore. 3race looks at her when she gasps for air and gives her a disapproving look before putting her hand over %annahs mouth, shaking her head. "$ag.# $hey hear 5amrie yelp, "-oth of you, off to jail.# $he two guys mumble something beneath their breath, and 3race sighs in relief, ready to get up. $heres some more rustling and %annah is 6uick to pull 3race back down, back on top of her. $hey remain silent once more, holding onto each other as they are half beneath a bush. "*(ain(# $hey look up at a frowning 5amrie, "%onestly, whats up with you two( I know she is touchy'feely,# %annah feels the tip of 5amries combat boot prod against her shoulder lightly, "-ut you, %elbiggie. 1oure not like this at all.# "Im competitive.# 3race shrugs, getting up off of %annah and extending a hand to pull her up to her feet as well, "I freed %annah, before.# "$hats no reason to drag her into the bushes.# 5amrie smirks, "-uy her dinner first, 3racie.# She disappears in the bushes again, not hearing the >Idiot. remark 3race yells after her. %annah clears her throat, because -o., this feels awkward all of a sudden. Shes got dirt on her legs and 3races shorts have a green smear of whatever it is, and she sighs. $heres two and a half more hours of this to go, and she feels like the best way forward is probably to go back to jail and stay there for the remainder of the game. " kay, so?# 3race whispers, "Im going to steal that flag. 1ou coming(# "Im gonna sit here for a while.# %annah responds, "1ou know, in case one of our own gets sent to jail, that way I can free them.# 3race looks at her for a while and blinks, once, before looking away. "1eah. 1eah, sure.# She nods, "!lright, come look for me in a bit, yeah( r free me, whatever.# 3race struts off into the bushes, and then %annah is by herself again. 'eace an. 1uiet. She listens to the woods sounds for a few minutes. <very few moments, theres a scream or a >$ag. being shouted somewhere in the distance, and perhaps shes getting too old for this type of game play. She reaches for her notebook in her back pocket, just to make sure its still there, and then, on a whim, takes it out and grabs the small pen attached to it. -race, i" you ever rea. this $ 4on3t (et on top o" e any ore, .u.e. She presses the ballpoint deeper into the paper, +t (ives e "eels. She rolls her eyes once she rereads the sentences, and scribbles them through, sighing. This is not (onna happen a(ain. She frowns as she puts the notebook back where it belongs, You are not (onna "all "or the strai(ht ones any ore. 7earn "ro your ista#es. $heres a >$ag. yelled close by and theres a girl with a grey bandana around her neck walking over to the jail territory. %annah sighs and looks through the bushes to find her captor.

"$ag.# She yells as she pops up behind the 2ombat girl and grabs the girls black bandana from her back pocket, "3ot you.# She turns around to the 2ombat jail and slaps the outreached hand of her Aoala sister before they both dash off into opposite directions. $heres another >$ag. being shouted, and shes pretty sure its 3race, because the blondes vocals have become infamous during the past two weeks. She grins, realising that shes having a pretty good time with her former fellow school goer. She just doesnt know how she feels about that.

Chapter Twelve 3race has a routine, now. She li#es routines. She gets up, she showers. She waits for %annah do decide which of a hundred identical snap backs she is going to wear today. $hey go for breakfast. 5amrie appears at some point, either emerging from a bush or leaping out from behind a cabin or, one startling morning, dropping down from a tree. ver breakfast they plan the day. 3race spends less and less time in the cabin now, after Pearl spoke to her and told her that she was far too liked by the kids to be wasted trapped in a cabin. %annah comes up with some elaborate plan, as 3race nods along and 5amrie chomps through endless slices of toast. $he day passes. :or the competitions activities, the kids now automatically divide themselves up into %annabals, 3racists, and $ownies, although these days she overhears a lot of the $ownies referring to themselves as the 5entalists. She tells 5amrie this, one night, and 5amrie claps her hands together, delighted. In the evening they eat together in the 5ess hall, and then, depending on what day of the rota it is, either have to occupy the kids some more, or get the night to themselves. n the nights when they do have the kids, %annah always seems to end up starting a camp fire, and teaching a rapt audience how to translate standard food dishes into outdoors living. 3race likes to watch, because %annah takes it really seriously, but the kids are only watching to smile at her efforts. Some ideas work better than others. $he cheese and toast kebab was a good idea. $he egg on a skewer recipe less so. %annah draws life metaphors for her successes, and messages of hope from her failures, and the whole thing is just really good to watch, somehow. It leaves 3race smiling inside, even if she is rolling her eyes externally. n the nights when they dont have the kids, the three of them hang out. Sometimes they just sit on the steps of their cabin, eating potato chips and talking about old ac6uaintances from school. %annah has kept in touch with almost everyone, it transpires. 5amrie seemingly remembers nothing except random instances of humor about most people, like when one girl accidentally fell off stage, or the time a douchebag jock got owned by a freshman. 3race smiles along, and wonders why it seems that %annah kept in touch with nearly everyone except her. Sometimes they go for a walk across camp, just to get away from the hut and the vague feeling that they should be on duty all the time. $heres a cool spot to sit, down by the lake, and %annah likes to skim stones at the reflection of the moon, and now and then 5amrie will stand up, and heave a heavy rock into the water like shes performing the shotput. "5amrie.# "/ust trying to remind you to not get too poetic in your head, =esser %art.# 3race laughs. She doesnt know why she does, but she laughs. She prefers the nights when they dont have the kids.

? ne night, a couple of days after %annah proved herself to be completely useless at 0apture the :lag, 5amrie bring a bottle of coke down to the lake. She then lifts up a few fallen branches, and produces a bottle of vodka from the undergrowth. %annahs eyes widen. "5amrie. 2hat, how, when did you put that there(# 5amrie shrugs, and glances once at 3race. "$he, umm, the alcohol fairy dropped it off for me(# 3race snorts, and raises a hand out to %annah, to calm her somehow. She doesnt know what her hand wants to do though, and so just ends up patting her on the head a couple of times. "0ome on %annah, you know that 5amrie has been spiking the coffee she and I have been drinking for weeks now( 1ou ust know, you arent that innocent.# %annah shrugs, and then gestures at 5amrie. "2ell, yes, but that is one thing. %iding bottles of alcohol all over camp is a whole new level of inappropriate. 2hat if the kids find it(# " h please %annah, what are the odds( $heyre cant even come down here unsupervised. !nd I didnt want to have to walk across camp with a bottle of vodka tucked under my arm, thank you. 8ow shut up and have a drink. 1ou deserve it, youve been working your butt off.# %annah grumbles a bit, but sits down next to 3race on the bank, resting her back against the fallen log behind them. 5amrie straightens up after a moment, and scratches her head. "2ait, I dont suppose you guys have any glasses on you(# 3race laughs, and leans forward, talking up to 5amrie, who is standing over them, looking confused. "2hat, did you forget to provide cups in your midnight boo@e planting missions( 5amrie?# 5amrie flips her off, and then sits down on the log, passing the vodka bottle down to 3race. "=ook -iggie, Ive planted so many bottles of boo@e over this camp by now, if you are ever in trouble you should just lift a rock, theres probably something under it. 8ow drink it from the bottle, will you 7 you can chase it with cola after.# %annah sighs, and shakes her head. "$his is so high school. I thought Id left drinking neat vodka behind me.# 3race takes a swig, and then passes the bottle over, nudging %annah in the side.

"0ome on Smalls, dont be a spoil sport.# %annah rolls her eyes, and takes the bottle from 3race. "1ou guys? this is the worst peer pressure.# 5amrie passes her down the cola, and snorts. " h please %annah, you love it.# ? $hey watch stars. "$here. 1ou see it( $hat one looks like a hippo' doesnt it( &oesnt it(# 5amrie laughs, and reaches over, putting a hand over %annahs eyes. "8o %annah, that game is for looking at clouds, you ass. 8ot stars. Stars all look like dots. 8ot hippos. 2hat is the matter with you(# "8o but, I mean, if you join up the outlines of that one, that one, and then down a bit, and then those two could be the ears, and then' 3race, why are you laughing( 2hy are you laughing(# ? !bruptly, a thought strikes her. "I dont think I ever did this at high school. 1ou know how you said that it reminded you of high school %annah( I never did this. I just stayed in my room and messed about on my computer.# 5amrie grunts at her, and passes the bottle of cola over. $heyve just been drinking cola for a while now, having reached an unspoken point where getting drunk becomes unnecessary. "3od damn, 3race, dont ruin our childhood memories of you. 2e always though beautiful 3race %elbig was hanging out with the attractive older kids, and thats why she didnt have any time for us.# 3race sits up at that, and tries to make eye contact with 5amrie, shes so surprised. "2hat( !re you kidding me( I was cra@y shy, and didnt speak to either of you two because 5amrie, you were intimidating, and %annah, you were? I dont know. !nnoyingly positive and good at stuff. I was never hanging out with the cool kids.# %annah shrugs, from her position on the ground, and tilts her head to look at 3race. ;nwitting fingers reach over, and slide gently down her arm, and 3race doesnt mind it, she doesnt. "I really wanted to hang out with you. I mean, I wasnt one of the cool kids, but I wanted to hang out with you. 1ou were so? and you know. 9eally good at jumping over shit. 8ot that

you ever noticed me, yelling from the side lines. 1ou know I was assistant track coach, for a while(# 3race nods, and smiles down at her. "1eah, I knew. I just, I dont know. I guess you were cheering on everyone, from the side lines. I didnt feel like you were particularly supporting me.# "2ell, you were wrong, because I was, okay( I still do.# 5amrie clears her throat at this point. " kay, this is all getting a bit $aylor Swift. %ey, %annah. 2ant to hear a funny secret(# %annah blinks, and then wriggles onto her side, giving 5amrie her full attention. "2hat, 5amrie(# 5amrie sits up, and looks at 3race once, with a face that seems to say +3 a .istraction, o#ay, because you nee. to thin# about what you are .oin(, ri(ht now. r at least, thats how 3race reads it. 5aybe it doesnt say that at all. "I was never in the army. Surprise.# "2ait, what( !hat,# ? %annah is outraged, and leaps to her feet, and spends what feels like half an hour pacing back and forth, listing the ways in which 5amrie has suggested, inferred, or otherwise managed to convince %annah that she has served in the military. "!nd all the shelter building, 5amrie, that day when we did shelter building with the kids, and you were showing them how to camouflage themselves. !nd the orienteering activities. !nd the camo paint. !nd the gillie suit. $he (illie suit, 5amrie(# 5amrie looks coolly at %annah, and then inspects her finger nails. "1ou know you can just buy those, %annah. $hey dont just belong to military folk.# %annah s6uints down at her, and then puts her hands on her hips. She glances at 3race. "2hy arent you surprised(# 3race shrugs, suddenly not wishing to let on that shes been keeping a secret from %annah, but 5amrie ploughs ahead with it. "-ecause 3race guessed. -ecause shes a cynic, unlike you, you trusting little wide'eyed optimist. %onestly, %annah, do you seriously think they let people with my type of personality into the military( Im such an attention seeker Id be jumping up and down, trying

to get the enemy to laugh at my jokes before they shot me. Sit .own %annah, stop flipping out.# %annah sits, grumbling, and tucks her knees up into herself, so that as little of her is exposed to the outside world as possible. "-ut you are supposed to be our survival expert.# 5amrie waves her hand at nothing, dismissive, and sighs. "Please, %annah. 8o one has died yet. !nd this stuff that Im doing with them isnt wrong. I have done some basic research, you know. !nd used common sense. -ut it is more entertaining for me this way. !nd more entertaining for the kids, dont even try and deny it.# %annah grunts in acknowledgement, and then scratches at the back of her head, sighing. "&o management know( =ike, Im really bad at keeping secrets. 9eally bad.# 5amrie laughs, and reaches over to %annah, throwing an arm around her. " h, cutie. 1eah, management know4 they think Im nuts, but they know. I wanted to tell you, because this way it makes us into a little gang of three, doesnt it( Anowledge is pranking power. /ust dont tell the kids, okay( 2rite it in your little book, if you need to.# 3race smiles at that, at nothing, because the idea of %annah being so honest that she couldnt help but blurt out the truth, to Pearl or /ohn or %ank, somehow, is kind of adorable. She then checks herself, because that thought feels familiar, as if it isnt the first time shes thought that about %annah. $hats weird. %annah reaches for 5amries hand, at that point, distracting 3race. "5amrie, just promise me this? you did actually eat paint, didnt you(# 5amrie laughs, and then sobers, turning slightly so she can look %annah dead in the eye. "I swear, on all of my secret li6uor supplies, that I did eat paint. It tasted like victory.# 3race snorts, and then just smiles, as %annah cracks up laughing. ? 2alking back, %annah decides to take a long way around, with her flash light, just to check that 9ed Shift have actually done their job, and all of 0amp Aoala are in and settled. 5amrie offers to go with her, vaguely, but %annah shrugs, jogging off. "8ah guys, I know this route like the back of my hand. Ill yell if I get in trouble, okay( 1ou guys go in and get warmed up, 3race, youve been shivering for the past hour.#

3race crams her hands into her pockets, anxious to demonstrate that shes fine, but she cant lie, it has turned pretty cold, and it seems that %annah has noticed. %er and 5amrie walk along in silence for a bit, down a well worn path that is illuminated only by the flash light app on 3races phone. :inally, 5amrie puts her arm around 3races shoulders, and s6uee@es. "So, you know that %annah is behaving like a smitten teenager around you(# 3race ducks her head, and tries to laugh it off. "2hat( 8o. )o. Shes like that with everyone.# "8uh uh, -iggie. 8ot everyone. /ust you. Its you that gets all the attention and care and that weird giggle blush thing that she got going on.# 3race looks away, to her left, just in case %annah is going to come emerging from the darkness, somehow. "2hatever, 5amrie.# 5amrie clucks at her, and then pokes her, slightly. "!nd youre into it, arent you( ! bit( /ust admit it.# 3race bites her lip, and shrugs. -ecause maybe she does. 5aybe she likes feeling like shes earned %annahs attention. $hat shes stopped being the awkward gawky kid from school. "So what if I do( Its a way to pass the time, isnt it( -esides, its all innocent.# 5amrie nods simply, and says, "1up. Its cute. /ust dont? try not to lead her on. ;nless you like where it is leading, if you know what Im saying. 5aybe jumping into her bed for a sleep over isnt a completely platonic thing to do. So, you know. !ssess whether you actually want her in your bed.# 3race blushes, because things are certainly not heading in that direction. &efinitely not here. !nd theres that thought, again. Secondary, and unnecessary, but hinting that maybe she likes %annah more than she thought she did. "$hanks 5ames. Ill be smart, okay(# 5amrie nods. " kay. 3ood. -ecause I am not at all confident in the sound'proofing 6ualities of these walls?# "5amrie.#

Chapter Thirteen She doesnt know when her little red notebook starts evolving. Its not like she can pinpoint it, but camp is nearly halfway now and her writings are less about camp and spiritual development and the beauty of pristine nature, and more about 3race %elbig. "8ight, 3racie.# 3race mumbles her own goodnight and %annahs left sitting up against the headboard of the bed, a pillow covering her lap and the notebook laying on top of that. She rereads what shes written so far on the small page. *pparently -race never really went out with the popular #i.s while we were in hi(h school. +nstea., she3. be her "ree ti e in her roo , sittin( behin. a co puter screen, .oin( whatever she li#e. to .o. This is o.., to e. 'erhaps we were both e.itin( our &ySpace pro"iles at the sa e ti e, aybe we3ve been loo#in( at the sa e articles at so e sta(e; separate. an. yet bon.e. to(ether by the powers o" the internet. She sighs, because her writings have become decreasingly profound and instead just focus on whatever 3race turns out to have done that day. $heres a small creak in the floorboards and %annah decides to call it a night. She flicks the light off because heaven forbids 3race gets another panic attack when a moth comes close to her face, and puts her notebook aside. $he storms calmed down since yesterday, and she knows shell sleep alright, even when 3races body isnt radiating heat against her own. ' 2hen %annah wakes up, she doesnt immediately realise that its their day off, and panics for just a few seconds before she spots 3race sleeping still as well. Than# -o.. She turns around and pulls the sheets up higher, wondering what the three of them can do today. She feels like she still has to take revenge on 5amrie for leading her on with her military nonsense. "3race(# She whispers, "3race, are you awake(# "I am now.# $he blonde shifts beneath her sheets and sits up, "Its our day off, %an, whats up(# $his is another thing thats started happening. 8icknames. 2hen did 3race start calling her %an( She knows for a fact she herself started with 3racie only to help 5amrie wind her up a bit, but surely that was obvious. 3race has no particular reason to give her a nickname, because thats something you only do with your friends. So maybe this is it4 maybe 3race has decided they are friends as of now. + approve o" that. "2hat, er,# %annah swallows, "2hat do you wanna do today( 1ou know, the three of us.# 3race is silent, if only for a second, before she grins and ties her hair together. 5aybe having 3race pitch suggestions isnt a too bright idea either. $he blonde often tends to @one out for no particular reason, leaving 5amrie and herself to fend for themselves. $his time, 3race does seem to have come up with a particular good idea. "=ets make a vlog.# "! what(#

"! vlog.# 3race swings her legs off the edge of the bed, "9emember my brother $im(# %annah is no psychologist, but its ridiculously obvious that 3race is somewhat irked about her brothers success. Shes heard the story twice now, maybe thrice within the period of two weeks in 0amp $akota. $im recording videos with his roommate two years ago and their collaboration channel on 1ou$ube spiralling out of control. $ims been able to live from his 1ou$ube incomes, while 3race has struggled for cash for months now and eventually agreed to become a camp counsellor for summer time, just to get in some extra money. "1eah.# %annah sits up, too, "2hat about it(# "2e just make videos.# 3race looks genuinely excited, "=ets do something with the three of us. /ust shoot some footage for a while and then later on today,# She pauses, "I mean, I can edit it together. I used to do it for $im at the start when he was too busy with his botany.# %annah thinks they should ask 5amrie about this, because she suspects the redhead to have a rather outspoken opinion about 3races master plan, but shes got to admit that she is on board of this. If it makes 3race happy, why not( She grins as the blonde gets out of bed and stalks over to 5amries room. +" it a#es -race happy. She cant help but wonder what the implications of that statement actually mean. ' Its ama@ing how good 5amrie turns out to be in front of a camera. 3race had received a laptop from Pearl, pretending that she ur(ently needed one for some work'related stuff, and Pearl had of course hooked her up. %annahs camera had been propped up onto a stack of books, and 5amrie had made a makeshift table by putting a plank onto two chairs and covering it with one of the sheets. "$his is >1ou &eserve ! &rink.# 5amrie exclaims, "!nd who do I think deserves a drink today( Its everyones favourite camp counsellor, who aint living in s6ualor 7 3race %elbig.# 3race jumps into shot, and %annah wipes sweaty hand palms onto her shorts, "8ext up, its %annah, who wears a bandana and does not need a mannah 7 %annah %art.# She jumps into the shot, waving and shouting "%ello.# and 3race snorts at her, loudly. "$oday,# 5amrie slams down a glass onto the makeshift table, "2e are going to make a Popular 0ounsellor.# ' Its nearly evening time when they stop being in front of the camera, and even then its simply because %annahs battery has died on them. $he brunette wipes at her eyes, dismayed about the small bit of eyeliner that comes off as well. 5amries sketch had been a blast, and afterwards %annah had tried to get some noodles out of the food supplies and make something /apanese to eat, but 5amries concoction had made her feel slightly too worse for wear. 3race had affectionately called her sketch 5y &runk Aitchen, before she had done a segment of her own, in which she reviewed all of her camp make up and then forced %annah to be her test subject as she tried to apply said make up on the brunette. 8eedless to say that 3race, too, had become slightly intoxicated, with the end result that %annah looked like a sad clown more than a hot vixen, as 3race had promised.

"1ou guys,# 5amrie slurs, "2e got to think of like,# She grabbed the last bit from her own cocktail, "! channel name. 2ere gonna upload it, arent we, 3racie(# 3race looks embarrassed for a second, and %annah feels like this is an excellent opportunity to show the blonde what kind of a great friend she can be. Perhaps this techni6ue didnt work too well in high school, but surely it must work now. $heyre adults, theyre mature, they are leading a camp 7 and 3race is slightly wasted, so %annah expects the girls guard to be down. " f course shes gonna upload it, 5ames.# %annah wraps an arm around 3race, "Its genius. nce 3race uploads this to 1ou$ube, /ohn is gonna have 6uite some competition.# "$im.# 3race mumbles, "2rong brother, %an.# "1eah, yeah, $im.# %annah responds eagerly, s6uee@ing 3races shoulder lightly. " kay, think of a name then.# $he blonde rests her head upon %annahs shoulder, and %annah barely remains seated instead of jumping up, "Something cool.# "$he %oly Shits.# 5amrie chips in, "-ecause I think Im about to shit my pants.# "I dont think we can call the three of us '# %annah grins, "$heres three of us. %ow about the %oly $rinity(# "$oo boring.# 5amrie snorts, "%ow about '# "I like it.# 3race interrupts, "=ets take that one.# %annah grins, proudly. $hey dont have internet access in their cabin and 3race figures out 6uite 6uickly that she doesnt have the necessary edit programmes on the computer Pearl gave her, but she vows to get on it first thing after camp. %annah wants to bring up that the content is actually on her camera and that would mean that they have to meet up a"ter camp and for some reason, she doesnt want to bring that up just now, because 3race is sobering up. "Im gonna grab some dinner.# 5amrie announces, getting up, "&o I bring something back or are you two coming as well(# $he redhead in6uires, "1ou know, just asking in case you two inexplicably end up rolling on the ground again.# Its stupid, of course, and shes imagining things, because why would 3race and 5amrie exchange some sort of look( -efore she has the time to ask about it, 5amries already gone, and 3race pulls away, clearing her throat. "&ont mind her, shes just being 5amrie.# %annah doesnt know what to say to that, because its created the impression that 3race and 5amrie have talked about things 7 about her' behind her back, and the thought itself makes her feel slightly nauseous. It reminds her of high school again, and although she was a well' loved kid, she knows for a fact people talked about her and her optimistic ways. "Im not always upbeat.#

!or. vo it. 3race turns to face her and theres a slight smile creeping into the corner of her mouth, as if shes happy for %annah to say something completely random. " h(# "I wake up some days where I absolutely hate life.# %annah places her hands on the mattress, staring at her feet that are dangling off the bed la@ily, "I dont go for walks every morning because who can get bothered with that. I get pissed off when people around me eat hamburgers because I dont eat beef or pork anymore.# She adds, "&id you know that pigs are highly intelligent animals, 3race( $hey actually manage to '# "Please dont talk about pigs.# 3race sighs, "0an we lay down( 5y head,# She points at her head, as if to emphasise her point, "Is feeling a bit woo@y.# She nods, because of course, yeah, she doesnt want 3race to have a killer headache in the morning. She shifts on the bed and lays down, creating enough room for the blonde to lay down next to her. 3race closes her eyes and sighs contently, as %annah props herself up on her elbow and for the first time ever, studies 3race from a really close distance. $heres the small wrinkle near her eyes and the tiny hairs and that one freckle near her chin that you only spot when you pay close attention. 3races nostril flare when she inhales deeply and opens her eyes, staring at %annahs whos staring at her. "Sorry.# %annah mumbles, "I, er?# "2hat do you see(# 3race asks, 6uietly, "2hen you look at me(# Shit. Shes not prepared for 6uestions like this. She doubts that shed be able to answer 3race even if she was prepared for 6uestions like this. She coughs and shakes her head and shrugs. "3race.# She states, "$he blonde prom 6ueen who jumped over hurdles and walked around in shorts which were barely worthy of the name.# 3race chuckles, lightly. "Sounds about right.# 4o it. *s# her. +t3s only "air, she 5ust as#e. you. "2hat do you see(# 3race turns onto her side, studying %annahs face carefully. %annah follows the ha@el brown eyes as they dart over her features, and %annah can tell exactly what 3race is staring at. That "rec#le on y nose. &y 5aw. The s all scar on y "orehea.. $hen 3races eyes shift again, and she looks straight into %annahs blue ones. @h. "2hats that(# 3race murmurs, "$hat coloured spot in your sclera(# The what, "$he freckle(# She guesses, because 3race keeps intensely staring at her left eye and it makes her feel hot beneath the collar, as in hot, ";m. I dont know. I was born with it.#

"Its really pretty.# 3race states, before frowning and leaning in closer, "%old still.# !hat the hell. 3races hand cups her cheek as the blonde closes the distance between them, staring at the thing in %annahs >sclera or whatever 3race called it just now. %annah thinks that shes about to re6uire immediate medical assistance because her heart is about to pound out of her chest because this is not normal. :riends dont do that, even not when they have had a bit to drink. !t least, thats what she thinks. She tries to think back of college, although thats not useful at all since the one girl who came this close to her face was the one she subse6uently fell in love with and who continued to break her heart once theyd fucked for a few months. 4a n strai(ht (irls. She was never going to fall for straight girls again and this particular girl in front of her, 3race, was very straight. !s proven by =iam and 5ark and /ason and whoever. ";m.# She can smell the coconut shampoo 3race insists on washing her hair with for lengthy showers in the morning, and she can feel the girls breath upon her lips as it leaves 3races mouth in little rags, the alcohol from 5amries cocktails still lingering onto it. "Sorry.# 3race pulls back and coughs, "1ou just, you got,# She gestures, "Pretty eyes.# "$hanks.# "I, er,# $he blonde gets up, "=ets go eat, yeah( Im hungry. !re you hungry(# She is hungry, so she nods. ' Its nearly eleven when the three of them make their way back to the cabin. Pearls agreed on 3race going to the administrative office in the morning to get onto the internet for something she barely understands, and they are all in good spirits. 5amries talking about a conversation she was having with $yler before they got there, and %annah finds herself listening to the 6uirky explanation as they walk back. 3race is walking at her other side, arms wrapped around herself as per usual. "!re you cold(# %annah interrupts 5amries story as she notices 3race shivering slightly. "8'no. Im fine. Im good, really. Its just five more minutes, isnt it. Ill live.# "%ere.# $he brunette stops and starts @ipping her green hoodie down, "%ere you go.# She hands it over to 3race, who seems to look at 5amrie 6uickly, "3o on.# "I dont need it.# 3race sighs, "9eally, %annah, its alright.# "8o, its not. I dont want you to contract some delayed pneumonia. 1ou were in the lake for a while, 3race.# %annah points out, even though thats nearly a week ago, "1ou cant ever be too careful. Please(# She pouts, ":or my peace of mind(# $he blonde smirks at the last remark and slips her arms through the sleeves. %annah is pleased with this and reaches for the @ip.

"Im pretty sure she can do that herself, %annah.# 5amrie sounds slightly annoyed for some reason, "%elbiggie is a big girl.# "%elbiggies hands are free@ing.# %annah retorts, "/ust 7 there you go.# She looks up at the blonde whos now smiling down at her. Oh, why the hell not, She reaches for the hood and pulls it over 3races head, even though that means she has to nearly jump up to the blondes face. 3race lets out a small laugh and %annah thinks its the best sound shes heard in a very, very long time. "$here you go.# She smiles, "8ow youre like me.# She likes this, the sight of 3race in her very own comfort hoodie. $he blonde smiles and turns back into the direction they were going, and 5amrie tries to continue her story with a very obnoxious >!nyway.. %annah doesnt mind much, though. $heyve walked a few steps before 3race slides her arm through the gap between her own arm and waist, and nudges into her. $heres going to be more to write in her notebook, she thinks. It takes them two more minutes to reach their cabin and 5amries 6uick to retreat to her own bedroom. 3races fingers are fumbling with the @ip of the hoodie, pulling it down slowly and shrugging it off, before %annah stops her. "1ou can keep it.# She blurts out, "I mean, you can wear it. $onight. If youre cold.# "I cant '# 3races face grimaces, "%annah, its really sweet, but '# "I insist.# %annah cuts her friend off, "Im gonna sit outside for a few more minutes,# She holds up her notebook, "1ou know.# She drags, and 3race nods, because she must know by now that this is a thing she does, %annah thinks, "Sweet dreams, 3race.# She stands on the tips of her toes and presses her lips against 3races cheek. She lingers, although she doesnt know why exactly thats happening, but she does know that 3race doesnt move away. "3et a room.# 5amrie passes them as she grabs one of the soda bottles they left in their joined bedroom, "1ou fuckers.# "2e are in our room, 5ames.# %annah pulls back and grins, "9ight, ladies 7 have a good night, yeah. !nd dont lock me out.# She walks out, leaving the door slightly ajar as she sits on the small steps in front of their cabin and puts her notebook on her knees, pressing the ballpoint onto thick paper. $heres only just enough light from the little porch light for her to make out what shes writing. Its distracting to pen down thoughts and feelings when you hear 3race and 5amrie talk in a hushed tone in the cabin, but she decides to just ignore it and focus on the here and now. She writes >-race another time and suddenly the word is more than a swirl on paper. Its a little pang in her chest, and shes terrified of what that may possibly mean. She grips the pen tighter and stares at the five letters. 4on3t .o it. 4on3t li#e her too uch. 4on3t you .are li#in( her too uch. She tells herself, although shes pretty sure its too late for that to be stopped.

She waits until the lights in their room are out, then waits another ten minutes, before going back inside.

Chapter Fourteen 3race doesnt sleep well. She ends up not sleeping well for the next couple of nights. !nd grumping at anyone who will listen to her, which is surprisingly few people. -ecause she was enjoying the flirting. She was. It was fun and it was innocent and it was a distraction from the increasingly bland routine. !nd %annah was an easy person to flirt with, and 3race liked the attention. !nd then %annah had to go and kiss her on the cheek. It over'stepped a boundary that 3race had carefully designated in the privacy of her own head, even though she told no'one about it, so it was hardly %annahs fault. !nd it wasnt so much the fact that %annah had kissed her on the cheek, but rather, for the split second that it took for %annah to rise onto her tip toes, and press her lips to 3races face, 3race had hoped %annah was going to kiss her on the mouth. !nd that, was not acceptable. ? She tries not to show %annah, over these couple of days, that shes pissed off. -ecause she isnt, as such. Shes annoyed with herself, mainly, for thinking that she could flirt with someone like %annah, Dwho she had always had a weird individual set of emotional responses for, all the way through high schoolE and get away with it. 5amrie had been right. 8o flirting unless you are sure what you want. -ecause this camp experience is overwhelming. $heyre always on camp, and even though there are rest days, the camp site is too remote for them to usefully get away from the park, and so 3race feels a tiny bit trapped somehow, despite spending nearly all of her time outdoors. 5aybe it is one of those things that will stop, when her and %annah stop seeing each other so much, after the summer. !nd god knows she doesnt want to lead her on. 3race resigns herself to the fact that she doesnt know what she wants. !nd adds this to the pile of unknowns that she was hoping that 0amp $ako would give her a break from thinking about, ones like y career, and y "uture. So she tries to not spend much time alone with %annah. !nd tries to work in teams, only. !nd tries to hang out with the 2ombat counsellors. !nd even tries to get afternoons back in the sweaty reception cabin, just so she doesnt have to watch as %annah runs around in cut off sleeves, and shares her attention around every child, because 3race is selfish, and finds that she wants it all to herself. Self'discipline, is the key here, she decides. :or gods sake, 3race has ambitions to be an actor Dshe thinks. -e a so ethin(, anywayE. She can handle pretending to be %annahs friend.

? >-igs. 3race greets 5amrie on the steps of their cabin with a head nod, and goes back to looking out over the view. $he sun is setting, and they just done another hard day of child entertainment. $here was kayaking that 3race managed to get through without dunking herself, and some kind of raft building that ended up with a lot of soggy kids, and 3race, standing waist deep in water, trying desperately to reattach an empty water can to her teams raft, as %arriet, Spenser, and $oby, s6uealed and yelled and clung to each other, as their teams effort sunk beneath them. 3racists were good at a lot of things. =ike orienteering, and playing duck duck goose. 2hat they werent so hot on, was actually making stuff. 2hereas the %annabals seemed to have developed an uncanny ability to tie knots and whittle and generally do stuff, with their hands. 3race guesses they maybe learned via osmosis from %annah, she isnt sure. 5amrie sits next to her, and observes the view for a moment. "Still pissed that your bunch of angels couldnt even make it around the course( &efeat does not suit you %elbig.# f course, the 5ametowns always seemed to have some inexplicable but incredibly useful advantage, during all of the activities, and so rarely lost. 3race snorts. "0ra@y, huh, that your lot managed to find four sets of disused kayak paddles, just in the undergrowth(# 5amrie nods, and takes a reflective bite of the cereal bar she has just unwrapped. "I do tell them to make use of all the natural resources available, 3race. $hats !rmy induction, day one.# 3race rubs her hand across her face, and remembers to laugh just in time, because she isnt annoyed that she lost, that isnt the problem. 5amrie probably notices her discomfort, but doesnt say anything, chewing steadily on her mouthful, seemingly giving 3race an opportunity to speak, if she wants it. She doesnt. Instead she keeps her eyes glued to the view. 2hich involves a whole lot of skyline, and tree, and mountains, edging off into the hori@on. !nd lower down, where she spends most of her time looking, is %annah, surrounded by kids, showing them how to make smores. <very now and then, one of them shouts with laughter, and 3race can see %annah dropping things, and giggling along, and generally looking like she is having an absolute blast.

3race is jealous. f %annah, because the kids are laughing at her jokes and she looks completely at ease, like she always did at school. 3race thinks these days that maybe she could make those kids laugh just as much, but probably not without shaking with nerves on the inside, and maybe losing about a pint of fluids through adrenaline. She is also jealous of the kids, because she wants %annah up here, cracking jokes for 3race. $his is goddamn stupid. She sighs restlessly, and deliberately looks away, trying to start a conversation. "%ows 0amp 2omb'less( 1ou were just over there, werent you(# 5amrie nods, and jerks her head in the correct direction. "$heyre fine, they just need a bit of 5omrie loving now and then, those boys couldnt tell their elbow from their backside. r maybe they can, maybe thats the trouble. 2hos to say. !nyway. I was thinking?# 3race cups her chin in her hands, and looks towards 5amrie, as it seems that 5amrie struggles to find a way to say what is on her mind. r she is just building suspense, 3race can never tell. "2hat, 5amrie(# "I think? that if you donned the gillie suit, you could easily sneak down and be five feet away from %annah, no one would have to know.# h. $his again. 9olling her eyes, 3race looks away, determinedly attaching her eyes to a bit of the view that definitely doesnt contain %annah. "2hatever.# " h come on 3racie. 1ouve been avoiding her. -ut throwing her all of these pining looks. !nd then the second %annah looks at you, you look away, and scowl at a tree. Im hardly a psychologist. -ut get it together slightly please, or the kids will start noticing. Hannah will start noticing. r rather, I think she already has, but shell run out of other plausible explanations for your behavior, and just be left with the obvious one.# 3race juts out her chin definitely, as if that will protect her from the answer to a 6uestion she doesnt want asked. "!nd whats that(# 5amrie comes back, instantly. "$hat you are crushing on her. -ut you dont want to be crushing, so you are fighting it.# 3od. 4a n. It.

" h, so thats how it is, huh( ne entirely fictional tour of !fghanistan and you are expert on everything, is that right( I am not=# " h please 3race'" and 5amrie grabs her knee and s6uee@es tight, which doesnt so much comfort her as cripple her so that she cant stand up, and maybe that is what 5amrie had been aiming for. "&ont be a teenager about this. I can tell, okay( Its fine, %annah is completely adorable and obviously smitten with you, and you are responding to it because hell, youd have to be made of rock to not respond. !ll of that shit with the hoodie the other night( I thought I was in some goddamn $egan and Sara video. Its okay.# 3race shrugs, angrily, and chews mindlessly at the corner of her thumb nail like she always does when she is nervous. "&o you think Im being obvious(# "8ot to everyone. $o me, maybe, but that is because Im looking for it. $o %annah, no. She thinks you are in a bad mood with her again, she keeps coming to ask me what shes done wrong, like the little puppy that she is.# 3race smiles unwillingly, and finds herself looking down at %annah again. %annah straightens up at this point, and seems to flex her back, probably trying to work out a cramp caused by all the crouching. She shades her eyes, and looks up towards the steps where 3race and 5amrie are sitting, and raises what looks like a hesitant hand, in greeting. 5amrie waves back simply, and 3race tries to follow suit, trying to remember what simple gestures look like. %annah gives them a thumbs up, before s6uatting back down to help a kid with what looks like an unruly kebab stick, and 3race hasnt felt like this since high school. She doesnt even know if she felt like this at high school. "She hasnt asked me what shes doing wrong.# 5amrie snorts. "!nd if she did, what would you tell her(# 3race ducks her head, and looks down at the decking between her feet. She sighs. "Probably that shes being too %annah for me. I cant deal with this. I can3t.# "Sure you can, dont be an idiot. Its just %annah. 1oure both single. 2hats the problem(# 3race rolls her eyes, and then looks over at 5amrie. "1ou know that it isnt that simple. I cant just? Im strai(ht, for gods sake, this is just a?# 5amrie puts a hand on her shoulder, and levers herself upright, using 3race as support. "2hatever. It is as simple or as complex as you let it be. !nd everyone is straight until they aint. 8ow, maybe go have a conversation with $yler. -ecause youre right, -iggie4 an entirely fictional tour of !fghanistan doesnt prepare you for everything?#

? 3race feels like an idiot. $yler looks at her carefully, and then stretches his legs out in front of him, pointing his toes at the lake. Its getting beyond the point of dusk now, and the stars are shining above and below them. 3race shifts on the log slightly, nervous to hear $ylers response to her entirely unprovoked announcement about her confusion. Shed be fine if $yler never answered her, actually, if the universe just fro@e at this point. "Its okay, you know( It is okay.# 3race sighs, because she feels like she has had a lot of people either checking she is okay, or telling her that she is okay, which feels completely inappropriate, because the last thing she feels is o#ay. kay means fine, or normal, or whatever. She doesnt feel any of those. She is feeling a great deal more, than any of those descriptors. "Its %annah, isnt it(# !nd trust $yler, really, to ask the straight'forward 6uestion. !nd yes, honestly, who else could it be. Shes already mentioned talking to 5amrie about it, and her relationship with Pearl is hardly ready to be taken to the next level. !nd none of the other counselling groups really talk to them, they all seem slightly unnerved by 5amrie, which is understandable. "1eah? I dont know $yler, this really isnt how Id anticipated my summer going?# $yler blows out some air, and then flaps a hand around suddenly, waving off an unseen bug. "2ell, if it helps, I dont think anyone anticipates it until it happens. So, you know. -reathe in through the nose, out through the mouth, all that stuff. I promise you that it isnt as life altering as you might think. -ut for gods sake, find a way to loosen up around %annah. Shes been asking me and 5amrie, and if she keeps asking everyone eventually someone is going to connect the dots.# 3race grunts in agreement, and stands up from the log. "Its just hard, $yler. !ll previous experience has involved people crushing on me, and me accepting their crush if they dont offend me too massively. Ive never? you know. -een the one with the crush.# 3race must be doing something weird with her hands, or maybe her entire body, because $yler, just snorts, and then starts laughing, with his laugh that is incredibly difficult to stay serious in the face of. " h lord, I feel like I should be offering some really profound advice at this point, but? its %annah. Im pretty sure + have a crush on her. -ut tragically, she only has eyes for you. I promise, if you just let yourself be normal around her again, shell do all the crushing on you that you need.#

3race bites her lip, and smiles out towards the hori@on, because she doesnt want $yler to see it. She then sits down with a sigh. "<asier said than done, $yler.# $yler snorts at her, and rubs a hand over her back. "If we were in the real world, Id be suggesting that alcohol is a pretty good way of getting things back on track. 1ou know, just easing the passing of the first few hurdles. -ut, unfortunately, we are in 0amp Gero $olerance, so?# 3race eyes a certain bush, just off to the left of them, and smiles vaguely. "!hh, but $yler, you dont have a close personal ac6uaintance with the alcohol fairy?# ? She loves $yler. 5aybe she should crush on $yler instead, with his funny hair and his little giggle and his tendency to laugh at her jokes. "$yler?tyler% :rom now on Im only going to fall for gay men, okay, so brace yoself, boy?# " h, lord, I knew that I shouldnt have let you drink that much without a mixer? shit, do you think 5amrie will actually kill me, 3race( &o you think that it is possible( She must have killed men before, she probably knows how to dispose of bodies? no, no, 3race, that isnt your cabin? shh.# $yler seems oddly frantic. 2hich is weird because 3race is fiiiiiiine. Shes fine. Bodka coat is keeping her warm, feet are heading in the correct direction with only the slightest encouragement4 everything is coming up roses. "Tyyyyyyler, youve been very helpful, actually. Im going to tell %annah how I feel, and then maybe make out with her some, because shes got this really weird spot in her eye4 have you seen it( 0an you see it( !nd it makes me want to kiss her, so. So. $yler, where is my cabin(# " kay, 3race, you just? ah, stay here, for a second, wait? sit there, and keep an eye out for racoons. !nd Ill just? Ill be right back, okay(# kay. !nd whatever, she hadnt been prepared for racoon watch tonight, but the schedule does change, so. !nyway. 9acoon watch first. %annah face kissing later. She doesnt even know what a racoon looks like. Some kind of stripy ferret( 5aybe( 2ith ears( 2hos to say( 3race decides that the safest bet is to just raise the alarm if she sees any kind of wildlife. She blinks into the darkness, completely focused. %mmmmph. Shes tired. "3ood lord -iggs, what has $yler done to you(# 3race straightens up, briefly.

"8othing. :ound the alcohol myself. !nd, then $yler talked a lot of sense, which was good, though I cant really remember any of it ri(ht now? but the upshot is that Im going to go in there and make out with %annah. 1ou know. :or team moral. 3o Aoalas.# 5amrie makes a face at her, and then looks impressed with 3races Aoala commitment, obviously. "2ow, okay, you go girl. ;mm, but I think, what will actually happen, is that you are going to sleep in my bed tonight, and Ill have yours. -ecause although %annah has been a very good girl this year, Im not sure she deserves a drunken %elbig turning up and flopping all over her when she is trying to sleep.# "%ow dare you, I am not'" 3race stumbles slightly at this point, and 5amrie grabs her arm to try and steady her, and okay, so maybe she is a little drunk. "Sure, cutie, you are not drunk. /ust tired. 2hich means that sleeping in my bed makes perfect sense, because it is easier to sleep alone, isnt it, and besides, %annah is going to hear all about the nasty migraine you developed, so obviously sleeping in a darkened room with no, ahem, sti ulation, was the sensible thing to do, and?# 5amries 6uiet monologue gets them up the stairs, and into their cabin, and 3race finds that now, even though the idea of pressing %annah up against the wall is desirable, maybe only if it is a hori@ontal wall. r maybe just a bed. r maybe a bed to herself, maybe that is the best thing right now. 3race kicks off her shoes, and then shushes them when they fall noisily. 5amrie guides her backward, until 3race is sitting on the bed, and 5amrie is crouched before her. "2ord to the wise, -iggie4 sometimes words mean more then they arent dipped in alcohol.# 3race waves her away, because shush, you know( $heres a bed here, and 3races head is tired, and it is shush time, right now. "3night 5ames. &ont, you know. 5ake out with %annah.# 5amrie snorts. " h, she would not be able to handle me. Sleep well, 3race.# 3race tips herself sideways, and pulls the covers up. She needs, maybe, just a few hours sleep. $hen shell be "ine. ?

Chapter Fi teen %annah wakes up uncharacteristically late the next morning. Its not as if shes been more tired than usual, but she distinctly remembers so e commotion last night when 5amrie and 3race entered the cabin at some ungodly hour in the middle of the night and 7 oh. She sits up in bed, stretching and looking over at 3races bed. 9ed hair is splayed across the pillow and %annah frowns, because why on earth would 5amrie and 3race swap beds( Oh -o.. She #nows. She comes up with the only possible explanation she can think of. 3race must have somehow figured out that she, %annah %art, may possibly have the tiniest of crushes on the tall blonde. O" course she #nows% It all starts to make sense right now4 3race avoiding her like the plague, people giving her funny looks when she asks them whether they know why 3race is being so avoidant 7 "uc#, -race is absolutely terri"ie. o" this, probably. She3s strai(ht. 3race is straight, maybe that is key in this. 5aybe she just has to stop being this selfish and just crush these feelings down. !nd perhaps she should start being a good friend, at last. She gets out of bed and, without waking 5amrie, sneaks through the cabin to where 3race is sleeping. She opens the door to 5amries bedroom and tiptoes inside, only to see 3race laying on her stomach, arms wrapped tightly around her pillow. + can3t wa#e her up. She stands in the room for a couple of seconds before sighing and walking out once more. 5aybe the best way forward is to ignore any possible tension. 5aybe all she needs to do, is put some aspirins on 3races bedside table for when she wakes up, and leave this be. +t3s 5ust a silly crush. You3ll (et over it. She peps herself up before grabbing some water and pills. You3ll (et over it. ' Its nearly noon when she sees 3race come out of their cabin. %annah tries to hide her smile and focuses on the coloured strings in front of her. $urns out that making friendship bracelets is something she is not particularly good at, which is a sad fact that 5amrie has pointed out repeated throughout the course of the day so far. Still, shes managed to make one, and shes onto her second one now, and the kid next to her 7she thinks his name is :red' is doing a pretty good job helping her out. %e reminds her of a mini'$yler, which makes her think of the fact she should probably talk to $yler later today, about this crush on 3race. "%ey.# She tries to sound as if nothing is weird, "%ow did you sleep(# "2ere you the one who put the aspirin and the banana on my nightstand(# 3race asks, standing next to %annah in her trademark crossed'arms pose. "<h 7 yeah.# "$hanks.# 3race says, awkwardly, ";m. I slept in 5amries bed because I didnt want to wake you up by puking all over the place(# She apologises, "1ou know what my stomach is like.#

"&ont worry about it, dude.# %annah smiles, "Im glad youre okay.# " kay, well.# 3race gestures vaguely, "Ill start making some of these too, then.# %annah feels her heart pound out of her chest when 3race sits down and grabs some strings herself, knotting them together and trying to figure out how to do this, exactly. $o her relief, 3race seems to be even worse at this than she is. "8o, you kind of need to,# %annah puts her own craft down, and puts one of 3races fingers on a particular white thread, "1ou need to keep it here and then bring the blue one across. =ike this.# She shows, "1ou see( !nd then the black one goes over the blue, and then you repeat.# "0ool, thanks.# *n. now +3 touchin( her a(ain. !hat the "uc#, Hannah. She abruptly gets up, feeling like she has to get away from this as fast as she can, before she does something stupid. /eep it control, #eep it control. Aent. You nee. to vent. She needs $yler. ' "2ell, Im starting to feel like prah or &r. Phil.# $yler smirks at her as he pulls her into a hug, "2hats up with you, sunshine( 1ou look like youve had better days.# "I think I have a crush on 3race.# Its word vomit. It comes out and the second she hears herself say it, she feels both nauseous and very, very relieved. $yler doesnt particularly look surprised, but she figures thats because hes her friend, and hes gay, and "uc#, $yler must totally know this feeling. 0rushing on a straight one is the single most horrible thing that can happen to gay folk. $his is fact, and thus, $yler is going to help her through this, its like a gay code thing. "So(# "%ow do you mean, so(# %annah frowns, "I have to figure out how to stop it. Its horrible, $yler. I just want to be around her without her scurrying to get away from me.# $heres something odd about $ylers demeanour, she notices now. $heres something o"". %es even giddier than usual, and thats something shes picked up on straight away. She s6uints at him as $yler does his best to look at his loafers. "$y'y'yler.# %annah drags out, "2hat are you hiding from me(# "8othing.# $yler shakes his head vigorously, "!ell, nothing much.# %e bites his bottom lip, " kay, I am only telling you because its like a gay code thing, right(# %e checks, "-ut 3race came to talk to me last night.# %e whispers, "!bout you.# -race ca e in totally .run# last ni(ht. "!nd(#

"1ou dont know this from me or anything, but 3race ay possibly have a crush on you.# $yler looks in between %annahs eyes, gauging for a reaction, "$hats why shes been avoiding you. She doesnt really know how to deal with it because well, you know, straight and all that.# O" course% It all makes sense to her now. 3race avoiding her, 3race talking to anyone but her while shes done exactly the same. Oh -o.. She needs to talk to 3race. $houghts and feelings parade, and casual conversations about how this is perceived, and 7 "I got to go.# "2ait, where are you going(# "Im gonna talk to 3race.# "8o, youre not.# $yler yanks her back, "%arto, you got to play this cool, girl. 3race is confused. 1ou can hardly pound on her, its going to scare her off. $rust me on this one, I was out and proud while you were still a closeted little geek,# $yler wraps his arm around her shoulder, "1ou got to let 3race come to you. :lirt, be nice, be friendly, be whatever she wants you to be. -ut dont go sharing your feelings, I know what you are like.# %e s6uee@es her shoulder gently, "!nd you being vulnerable is not going to help either of you.# "So what do you suggest then(# %annah asks, and she hates the fact that she seems to be needing advice in this, "I just pretend like I dont know.# "<xactly.# $yler nods, "1ou knowing that she has a crush on you but she not knowing that you have a crush on her, gives you a paramount advantage.# It makes sense, she figures. Perhaps $ylers some kind of expert on this. ' $hey dont have the kids tonight, which means that 5amries decided to throw them a mini party. $he 2ombats 9ed team is off as well, and thus $yler, 5itchell and /oey are sitting in the girls cabin as well, passing cocktails back and forth. %annah hasnt figured out why 5amrie had thought it was a good idea to pack cocktail shakers when she got ready for camp, but shes kind of glad that she did. Shes gone for a -loody 5ary and apparently, so has 3race. $heyre sitting next to each other, on the pillows that theyve thrown on the floor of their bedroom in order to get some sort of cosy circle. 5amrie joins the other five, and passes out two more drinks. "So, guys 7 and ladies of course,# She grins, "%ow do you suggest we pass this pleasant evening(# "2e can discuss our different approaches with the kids.# %annah tries, "Im sure that we could all learn from each other, especially in certain situations like '# 5amrie pretends to snore, and $yler yawns, and this makes her shut up almost instantly. /oey is sipping from something 5amries called a 3roey'/oey, and despite the fact she has no idea whats in it, the bright'eyed boy seems to be slightly tipsy already.

"%ow about,# %e drags, slurring lightly, "2e play $ruth or &are.# "1eah, >cause thats not the most juvenile idea anyone has ever come up with, ever.# 3race shakes her head, "$ruth or &are.# She snorts. "2hy not(# /oey frowns, "!re you scare., 3race(# %annah glances at 3race, whos suddenly staring back at the boy in front of her. She slowly shakes her head and puts her glass down. "-ring it on then, 3raceffa.# ' $his is hilarious. %annah leans back against the side of the bed as $yler is dared to eat something that %annah suspects to be dog food. She cringes as he eats a spoonful and tries to keep it in his mouth. 3race is in tears over his antics, 5itchell has run to the bathroom to prevent his beer coming out of his nose and /oey and 5amrie are spurring $yler on to swallow it. "2hats the matter.# 5amrie urges him on, "0ome on, $y, you know how to swallow.# 3race cracks up even louder at 5amries pun, and $yler starts coughing, tears flooding down his cheeks as he dry heaves. %annah smirks and takes another sip from her third -loody 5arry, holding the small bit of raw celery to the side as she takes a few gulps. "9ight, my turn.# $yler coughs. "3race.# "1eah.# 3race takes a sip from her -ud =ight, "&are.# "I dare you,# $yler looks around the circle, and %annah swears that she sees his eyes linger on 5amries for just a second too long, "$o kiss %annah.# /oeys stopped laughing and gasps, looking between the blonde and the brunette. %e slaps $yler on the back and then wrings his hands together, obviously excited. %annah, on the other hand, hears nothing else but the sound of her own blood rushing through her veins. You little shit. She doesnt even dare to look at 3race at this stage, so she looks at 5amrie instead. $he redheads ignoring her, and is instead looking at 3race, so maybe, aybe she should too. "8o.# 3race shakes her head, "I' Im not going to.# " h, come on.# $yler grins, "&ont be a spoilsport.# "If she doesnt want to, $yler.# %annah hears herself speak up, "=et it go. She doesnt want to.# $yler looks at her as if saying are you before turning back to 3race and sighing. ":ine.# %e agrees, "-ut then you have to take a bite of this dog food as well.# %e smirks. "If you wanted an alternative, thats the one, 3race. !nd I promise, its not as if '#

3race grabs the small can from $yler and grabs the spoon, shoving an entire spoonful into her mouth. $ylers gone 6uiet and the entire group is watching her now. You (o, -race. %annah silently spurs her on as the blonde chews, her eyes focussed on $yler. You (o, baby. 3race swallows, and then heaves and grabs her drink. "Ill get you some more of that.# 5amrie murmurs, getting up, "/esus 0hrist, 3race. I knew you were competitive, but that is some sick shit.# "2ell.# 3race coughs, "8ow thats over with, $yler 7 truth or dare.# ' Its nearly two in the morning when $yler staggers out of the cabin, his arm wrapped around 5amrie. /oey and 5itchell have gone already, and thus the redheads offered to help $yler back to the 2ombat camp. %annahs picking up the pillows and throwing them back onto their respective beds and pillows, while 3race gathers empty bottles and puts them in a cardboard box near the door. $he blonde has been in the bathroom for over twenty minutes before, brushing her teeth and rinsing so loudly it made %annah chuckle next door. "&o you think eating dog food is detrimental to my health(# 3race asks, scrounging up her face, "-ecause I dont think that was a very good idea.# "Im sure one spoonful wont harm you.# %annah grins, "2as it very gross(# "Aery gross.# $he blonde smirks back, "-ut I was hardly going to give him the satisfaction of owning me, wasnt I.# She adds, "-y the way, nothing personal with that,# She gestures in a typical 3race fashion, %annah notices, flailing her hands around restlessly, "Aissing situation. I just dont like kissing in public, its gross.# She sighs, "8early as gross as dog food.# "&ont worry about it.# %annah puts her pillow back where it belongs, "I wasnt offended. Plus, if pretending to be awkward about kissing in public saves you the trouble of having to fight the urge to fall for me because Im such a great kisser 7 thats totally cool too.# Its a joke, of course, but 3race free@es up for just a second. Oh y -o., Tyler was ri(ht. %annah turns away from the blonde. $echnically, 5amries not here, so that means its just the two of them. !nd 3race is into her. She must be into her, if $yler knows. !nd well. She turns around, looking back at 3race curiously as the blonde folds up a $'shirt that shes washed earlier. "3race.# She states, making the blonde turn to face her, "$ruth or dare.# 3race looks back at her in confusion for a couple of seconds, before putting the shirt down and walking over until shes standing in front of %annah. "&are.# She whispers, and %annah swears she can feel a chill run down her spine. "3o ahead.# "I dare you,# %annah whispers back, and the thudding of her heart is deafening in her ears, "$o kiss me.#

Shes already making up a list of excuses to use in case 3race would freak out about this. +t was a 5o#e. You sai. it ha. to .o with #issin( in public. + #now you are strai(ht. + was + .i.n3t ean it. + 5ust wante. to "rea# you out a bit. + ha. too uch to .rin#. You ha. too uch to .rin#. $he thing is, though, shes pretty sober. !nd so is 3race. !nd shes not joking, and shes got her doubts about 3race being totally straight if shes admitted to $yler that shes got a crush on her. "Aiss you(# 3race murmurs, "9eally(# She can only nod, because yes, she wants 3race to kiss her. 3race %elbig, the girl who could jump over shit and have an entire school cheer her on. 3race, who walked through the corridors daydreaming and who managed to get all the boys attention. 3race, who never left any kind of information for anyone to contact her after high school. 3race, whos apparently had a crush on her for a little while now. She wants that 3race to kiss her, right now. "Aay.# She can literally hear 3race swallow. $heres a hand on her shoulder and 3race is leaning towards her, dipping her head slightly and turning just the tiniest bit in order to press her lips against %annahs. She almost immediately rests one hand on 3races hip, keeping it there as 3race comes in closer and stops a couple of millimetres away from %annahs lips. %annah can feel her breath against her mouth now, and shes fighting every urge to close the gap between them herself, but then 3race moves in closer anyway and presses her lips against her in the softest of kisses. It feels "uc#in( electric. She automatically pulls 3race closer and the blonde wraps her other arm around %annahs neck as their lips brush against each other la@ily. %annahs top lip is captured between 3races before she pulls away briefly and pulls 3races bottom lip between her own once more. Oh -o.. %er fingers tangle into the hem of 3races top, carefully, before she pulls away. "3race,# She breaths, "I '# "Im back, fuckers.# 5amrie slams the front door shut and it takes less than a second for the two of them to jump apart and try to look casual, although %annah is pretty sure they look like theyre caught in the act the second 5amrie takes one decent look at them. "%ey 5ames.# %annah clears her throat, "2ere, um, cleaning up a bit.# "I see that.# 5amrie grins, "Ill leave you two to it, then. !nd hide these empty bottles.# She leaves the room, and %annahs 6uick to get to 3race and spin her around. "3race, Im '# "0an we not talk about it, please(# $he blonde whispers, "Please, %annah, just 7 dont.# !hat the hell.

" kay.# *(ain, what the hell. She doesnt know what is the appropriate thing to do now. &oes she ignore 3races plea and try to fix this anyway( &oes she go after 5amrie and try to level with her, see if she knows something( r does she just 7 %annah sighs, and walks out of the room, out of the cabin. Sitting down on the front steps of the cabin, she reaches for her notebook and flips through it until she reaches a new blank page. + thin# + 5ust "uc#e. this up. She pens down. + #isse. -race Helbi(.

Chapter Sixteen 3race stares at her bed. Its just there. She could get in, and hide under the covers, and pretend to be asleep when %annah gets back in. %annah will be out there, just on the steps. 3race knows this, because %annah is such a hopeful person that she wouldnt run anywhere that would be too hard for 3race to find her. -ecause shed be waiting, to see if 3race came to her senses. 2hat the hell is she freaking out about( 3race is very good at self assessment, and can spot when her common sense has started flat' lining. 3ranted, shes not great at pulling herself together once the panic has started, but she isnt going to beat herself up over that, not now. She kissed %annah. It felt really good. !nd now theres just? 2hat( !nnoyance at $yler, making it blatant that 3race was crushing on %annah, when shed asked him not to say anything. !nnoyance with 5amrie, for walking in at the wrong time, and then walking back out again, as if %annah and 3race should be allowed to continue. !s if shed interrupted an important moment. !nnoyance with herself, because? ugh. She hates gossip. !nd this is going to be everywhere tomorrow. $yler will have definitely said something to /oey and 5itchell, and even if he doesnt 3races ill'advised decision to chomp down a whole spoonful of dogfood rather than just lean over an peck %annah on the lips before laughing it off, like any normal friend would do, would have definitely flagged it up. People are going to be talking about her. It will be like high school all over again. 3race swears, she only had two boyfriends in high school, and both were short'lived, casual relationships. -ut because they were both from the track team, and everyone seemed to know them, or be crushing on them, it meant that suddenly 3race was the focus of all the school gossip. Shed hate. it. People were inventing extra boyfriends for her, by senior year. !nd sure, this isnt the same, but shes damn well going to freak out about it regardless.

%annah will be outside, writing. 2riting about 3race, and what a fucked up mess of mixed signals she is. 3race sighs, hard, and sits on the edge of the bed, holding her head in her hands. If only she hadnt freaked out, after 5amrie had walked in. 3race presses her eyes closed, wishing for an ability to replay that moment. !fter a moment, the door creaks open, and 3race jumps, standing up immediately and casting around for something to make her look like she is busy Its not %annah. Its 5amrie. 3race relaxes slightly, but then frowns. "2hat(# 5amrie looks around the room, checking in every corner, seemingly in an attempt to not look at 3race. "1ou okay there -iggie( %annah said you were in here, but from her demeanour I gathered that you werent in the process of changing into lingerie, so I thought?# "5amrie, can I stay in your room again tonight( I just? I feel weird.# 3race flaps a hand inarticulately, and 5amrie closes the door after a second, and take unpermitted steps forward, until she sits on %annahs bed. She then points at 3race, and 3race, rolling her eyes, sits opposite. "%annah that bad a kisser, huh(# 3race blushes, hard and fast, and then looks at the floor. "8o, 5amrie. I just dont want everyone talking about it.# 5amrie shrugs. "Im not going to tell anyone I caught you two making out. 3od, you two are keeping it at secret that Ive invented an entire military career purely for my own entertainment4 I think I can manage to keep a 6uick kiss a secret.# 3race tilts her head to one side, and shrugs. "Its the boys though. 0amp 2ombutt. $heyll be talking about me. $heyll tell everyone. $yler has already demonstrated that he cant be trusted?# 5amrie holds a hand up, shutting off 3races sentence. "8o, $yler has demonstrated that, when a bit drunk, he gets over excited and tries to play fairy god mother. !nd you could have dealt with that dare far more sensibly. If anything sets the other two wondering, itll be your extreme evasive action manoeuvres.# 3race puts her head back in her hands, and groans slightly.

":ucking truth or dare? theres a reason why it shouldnt be played by adults.# 5amrie grunts in agreement, and then pokes at 3races shin with her toe. "%ow is %annah the problem in all of this(# 3race looks up, and rubs a hand over her face, trying to sober up. "She isnt. $hat bit was fine. 3ood.# 5amrie laughs slightly, and stretches. " kay, wow, Im sure shell be thrilled with that review. -ut, maybe, if she isnt the problem, you shouldnt make her feel like she is the problem( 3o talk to her, shes outside looking ready to start singing the theme to &awsons 0reek.# 3race looks down at her feet, biting her lip. "Im shy.# "2hatever 3race, youre a big girl. 8ow, Im going to go to bed, in y room, and you are going to go figure out something with %annah. -ecause as much as you want to put this thing back in a box and save it for later, that isnt fair on her 3race, and you know it.# ? 3race takes a deep breath, and then exits the cabin smoothly, trotting down the steps beside %annah. "%annah, come on.# 3race can just about hear %annahs cut off wha8 and then %annah is scrambling along beside her, tucking her notebook in her back pocket. "3race, where are we?# "I think better when Im walking, come on.# "3race it is dark, I havent got my flashlight with me?# 3race points at the flashlight in her own hand, rolling her eyes though she knows that %annah cant see it. "Ive got one, though( Im not going to abandon you, so as long as you dont run away from me?# 3race hears %annah mumble never, under her breath, and re'doubles her grip on the flashlight, determined not to screw this up. ?

$hey make it down to the lake, unscathed. $he moon is easing its way out from behind a cloud, and the double reflection of the moon in the water makes it a bit easier to see. 3race sits down on the log, after a moment. %annah hovers, indecisive, until 3race relents, and pats the space next to her, indicating that she should sit. She turns off the flashlight, to save the battery, and waits for her eyes to adjust. %annah shivers abruptly, next to her, and 3race, echoing a previous moment, reaches behind %annah, pulling up the hood over her head. "Scold. 0ant have you getting pneumonia too.# %annah exhales what sound like half a laugh, and then sighs. "=isten, 3race, Im sorry about before. It was just'# 3race cuts her off, because she really doesnt want to hear %annah say that it was all a joke. "&o you know what I hated the most about school(# %annah shrugs, and 3race can hear her picking at the bark of the trunk on the far side of her, in a nervous gesture. "I hated the gossip. I felt like I had no friends, but somehow everyone knew me, knew me well enough to talk to me, and talk about me. It felt like all anyone cared about was who I was dating.# %annah grunts after a bit, and seems to struggle for words. "3race? you had friends, and it wasnt like that?# 3race bites her lip. "5aybe it wasnt. -ut it felt like it was, in my head. !nd do you know how many boyfriends I had, in high school(# %annah pauses, and 3race can tell that she is doing some mental arithmetic. "2asnt it?.five( r'# "It was two. I had two. 5ark lasted for six weeks before it turned out that he thought sex was a basic human right, and /ake was a moron, and lasted three weeks, one of which was prom night because I didnt want people to think that I couldnt get a date, and give them something else to talk about.# %annah is silent, and 3race stumbles to fill the gaps, her eyes betraying her, and filling with tears. "$hats all people seemed to want to do, invent boyfriends for me. If I talked to a boy on the track s6uad, suddenly I was also giving him blow jobs underneath the bleachers?#

3race cuts of then, because her voice cracks, and %annah, thankfully, puts an arm around her shoulders without asking, and 3race gets to just lean into her, and be held, uncomplicated. "I never thought that 3race, never. $here might have been maybe a handful of bitchy, jealous girls, who?# "1eah well.# 3race sniffs, feeling an idiot. "It was enough, okay(# %annah hums, and then rubs a hand over 3races shoulder, comforting her. 3race can tell she is still feeling a little bewildered, because this is a big gear shift from their previous encounter. She swallows, hesitant. "I just? I hate the idea of everyone talking about me, behind my back, and when 5amrie walked in, before, I had this fear of? I dont know, just, high school, all over again?# "5amrie wont say anything if you dont want her to. Id kill her. r at least, punch her in the boob. !nd then shed kill me. -ut Id defend your honor 3race. !nd Id kill $yler too. r shave off his eyebrows.# 3race snorts unwillingly, and then laughs, because %annah is trying to lift her spirits, and the idea of 5amries face after %annah has calmly walked up to her and punched her in the boob is sort of hilarious. "I know 5amrie isnt going to tell anyone. I know Im? being irrational. Im just scared.# %annah sighs, and then seems to hesitate for a moment, before pressing a kiss to 3races head, and resting her chin on top of it. "Its okay. I shouldnt have? you know. $ried to force the situation. I was? I dont know. %opeful that you might want to kiss me.# 3race sits up, slightly, and looks at %annah. "I did want to kiss you. I just? didnt want people to know I was kissing you.# %annah sighs unhappily, and looks down at her feet. "Im bad at secrets 3race. Im really bad at them.# 3race bites her lip, and then nudges her hand over towards %annahs, so her pinkie is just touching %annahs. %annah looks at her again, and 3race can see the moons reflection in her eyes, just about make out the 6uestion that %annah isnt asking. "I thought. ;m. If you are managing to keep all of 5amries secrets, you might be able to manage mine, too( :or a bit(# %annah nods, after a second, and then 3race is leaning into her for the second time tonight, and she just catches %annahs tongue, flicking out to lick her own lips, before 3race kisses her. !nd it can only have been an hour, since they last kissed, but 3race feels like shes missed it.

%annah sighs slightly, and then kisses her again, moving her hand so that shes linking her fingers with 3races. !nd 3race lets her mouth drift open, until shes just kissing at %annahs bottom lip, tilting her head and inching closer. Its so 6uiet out here. 3race feels sure that %annah must be able to hear her heart, hear the way it must be near thudding out of her rib cage. %annahs other hand comes up, and shes cupping the side of 3races face, stroking a thumb across her cheekbone, before curling her fingers around the back of 3races neck. It has been "orever since she has made out with someone. 3race wonders if it always felt like this, or if her heart has found extra gears, as shes grown older. 3race hums, and flicks out her tongue without thinking, and %annah gasps, and then follows the suggestion, and this is proper making out now, a tiny part of 3races brain thinks, as the rest of it flails around at how (oo. this feels. $his is proper, high school, making out, and what if %annah had asked her to the prom( $he gossip would have taken on an entirely different level of intensity. 3race finds herself smiling into the kiss, at the idea of %annah asking her to slow dance, and %annah breaks away, breathing slightly unsteady. She doesnt go far though, just resting her forehead against 3races. "2hat(# 3race doesnt know what the answer is. %ell, she doesnt know what the 6uestion is. "2hat, %annah(# "1ou were? you were smiling(# 3race shrugs, and kisses her again, 6uickly, because things are easy in the dark. "Sorry. !m I supposed to stay serious(# %annah sighs, happy, and then kisses her again. "I dont like it when you are serious. It usually means Ive done something wrong.# 3race shakes her head, and then twists her legs towards %annah on impulse, resting her legs over %annahs thighs and scooting closer. "1ouve been doing lots of things wrong %annah. -eing too funny and cute and stuff. 2hy else would I be kissing you like this(# %annah grins at her, and then runs a hand over 3races thigh, up to the edge of her jean shorts, in a way that has 3race gasping internally. "2orst decision of my life, clearly, all that cute and funny stuff, look at the trouble it has landed me in?#

3race bites her lip, and then leans in to bite at Hannah3s lip. " h, you have no idea?# ? $hey walk back up through the darkness holding hands. 3race starts shivering like cra@y at one point, and she doesnt know if it is from coldness, adrenaline, or nerves, but %annah wraps an arm around her waist, and 3race drapes an arm over %annahs shoulders, and that seems to help. $hey enter the cabin as silently as possible, and 3race can hear 5amries snores, the ones that she always denies the existence of, the next day. %annah holds her hand all the way into their room, before dropping it so that she can press her flash light up to her bottle of water, a trick that %anks wife Aatherine showed her and 3race, one evening. It creates a very low level light source, just enough for them to make out the outlines of things. 3race is thankful that she doesnt have to turn the light on. $oo much light might ruin this, she decides. "%annah. 0an we? I mean. 0an it be a secret( /ust a thing that is you and me and no'one else. /ust while Im? you know. :iguring stuff out(# 3race doesnt know what there could possibly be to figure out, from the way that she had felt, down by the lake, but she has trained herself to leave herself loopholes, over the years. %annah steps into her, after a second, and kisses once at her mouth, briefly. "2hatever you need, 3race, okay( /ust please? talk to me. I need to know. I get that it is complicated and scary and you want to keep it a secret for now, but? dont keep it a secret from me, okay( Please.# %annah sounds so vulnerable that 3race doesnt even think about her response, instead just cups her face and draws her back towards her, kissing her gently, as if thatll be enough of an answer. It probably wont though. "Ill try, %annah. Ill try really hard. I trust you, okay(# %annah sighs against her lips and then takes her hand, s6uee@ing once. "I know, 3racie. I know.# ?

Chapter Seventeen $here are things happening now. =ike, thin(s. 5ore specifically, things between 3race and herself. She and 3race. She likes it, she thinks, its the first thought that crosses her mind in the morning after she wakes up in that shitty camp bed. 3race is in her own bed, and she feels somewhat ashamed to wonder why on earth 3race wasnt in hers. <ver since the blonde kissed her at the lake last night, shes had this weird feeling in her stomach. %annahs narrowed it down to either being the dinner they had the night before, or her falling for 3race faster than she could make a pun about eggs. !nd well, thats "ast. 3race is laying on her side, face turned to the window, and %annah sneaks out of her own bed, unsure of what to do. "3race(# She whispers, not wanting to wake up the blonde too abruptly, "1ou awake(# 3race doesnt respond whatsoever. So %annah just stands, wondering whether there is a risk that 3race would punch her in the mouth if she were to lean down and kiss her because thats what they do now. She thinks. She sai. she wante. to "i(ure thin(s out. %annah stands still, contemplating for a few more seconds, before sighing and turning on her heels. It makes the wooden floor creak and shit, of course 3race has heard it. "%an(# $he blonde mumbles, before turning around and rubbing her eyes. $his is another thing that shes grown to like. $he nicknames. 4on3t "rea# her out. %annah exhales slowly and sits down on the edge of 3races bed, careful not to accidentally put her hand places other than the sheet'covered mattress. "5orning.# She smiles, because theres nothing else you can do when looking at 3race when she just wakes up, "Slept okay(# "3reat.# 3races voice cracks as bad as the floor and goddamn, it is adorable, "1ou(# "Pretty good myself.# 3race sits up in the bed, pulling up her knees and wrapping her arms around them. Its an awkward stance, %annah realises, especially because shes sitting inches away from 3race. S all tal#. You are (oo. at s all tal#. "So today we are going to '# "!bout last night '# "Sorry, you go first.# %annah mutters. "8o, no, you.# 3race responds, slightly too fast, ";m.# $heres silence, "I just wanted to say thanks. :or, um, dealing with this.# She continues, "1ou know, me being weird about us.# ?s. "&ont be silly.# %annah automatically reaches for 3races hand, toying with slender fingers as she tries to find the right words, "Im just glad that we, you know, talked about it.# She

wants to add that she would like it if they #ept talking about it, but maybe thats not such a good idea either. "So am I.# Its barely a whisper, and %annah doesnt even know whether she heard it right. -ut the second she looks up to ask 3race to repeat herself, just in case, the blonde leans in closer and brushes her lips against hers. There it is a(ain. She still hasnt gotten used to 3race initiating physical contact whatsoever, but here it is nevertheless. She gasps slightly into the kiss and brings up a hand to 3races face because fuck, she li#es touching 3races face, but 3race is 6uick to grasp her wrist the second her hand cups 3races face. "5amrie.# $he blonde whispers against her lips, "She already thinks '# " h.# O" course, &a rie. "Sorry.# %annah doesnt know how on earth she is going to keep this a secret from the fierce redhead. -ut if thats what 3race wants, her keeping this a secret, she will. Perhaps she can put on 5amries gillie suit and just hi.e from her. <ven though the entire army story proved to be a fake, %annahs still convinced that somehow, 5amrie may actually have picked up some torture techni6ues to extract information from nervous, secret'keeping girls like herself. ' Its the first time since the start of camp that shes not particularly fond of having to spend the entire day with a bunch of kids, doing activities. Shes responsible and shes kind, so surely shell manage to spend a couple of hours with these teenagers, but the fact that 3race has gone off to the lake with the boys to do some more kayaking, has got her worried. "%annah. 1oure gluing your fingers together if youre not careful.# She looks down at her glue'covered fingers. Shit. She wants to wipe them on her cut off jeans, but reconsiders just in time. 5amries looking at her funnily as %annah stares at the thin( shes made. "2hat movie are you recreating with that(# 5amrie frowns, a smirk creeping into the corners of her mouth, "Sharknado( 2ith all of those blood spattered pieces of 7 what is that, anyway(# "Its obviously -lue /asmine.# %annah frowns, "=ook, this here, thats the slope hill of San :rancisco. !nd this is the house of the sister, you know, down town. !nd here is 3olden -ridge, because thats prominent, and '# "!nd the rainbow sprinkles(# "<pitome of gay.# %annah shrugs, "1ou know.# "I do know, yeah.# 5amrie looks at her own craftwork for a second, "So, what did you and 3race tal# about last night(# "8othing much.# %annah feels a blush coming up, "$he usual. 0amp. %igh school.#

5amrie snorts. She #nows. %annah suddenly gets up from the bench, eager to get away from 5amrie because 3od knows shes going to spill this secret shes keeping if she has to be around the older redhead for much longer. "Im gonna see if any of the kids need some help.# "%oney, by the look of your thing, youre the only one whos in need of help.# ' $hey spend their evening in the mess hall, where /ohn, %ank and Pearl judge all of the kids entries for the 5ovie 9eenactment 0rafts. Pearls in charge to select a winner from the Aoalas, the 2ombats and the Seahorses, although %annah already knows the latter have no chance of winning. $heir counsellors, /enna and two other girls, must have found 5amries stack of boo@e somewhere, because they look .run#. !nd judging by the art work their kids came up with, %annah suspects they all were off their faces. "2hat is yours(# 3race murmurs next to her ear, "Show me.# "Im mildly offended that youd be unable to recognise my superior skill in craft making.# %annah smirks, "$ake a guess.# She glances at the blonde, who lets her eyes dart over all of the artworks on the tables in front of them. She touches a few, grinning at the material used or the scene depicted, before picking up something %annah remembers %arriet made with dried macaroni. "$his one(# She asks, innocently. "8o.# "$hen,# She picks up another, something a guy called $om made to depict a @ombie movie. "8o,# %annah frowns, "8o. $his one.# She points at her own, "1ou see, it has a slope hill, and a bridge, and '# "0hicago.# 3race claps her hands together, "Its 0hicago.# "8o, its San :rancisco.# %annah feels panic starting to rise, because Pearl is coming closer, making notes on a clipboard and despite the fact that she doesnt want to win this competition, she sure as hell doesnt want her entry to be a complete failure. "I know it is, you idiot.# 3race nudges her, "Its obviously San :rancisco. <h,# She s6uints at %annahs craftwork, "Id say 7 is it -lue /asmine(# She could kiss 3race, right now. -ut that would be very inappropriate so instead, she just nods. 3race grins, proudly, and puts %annahs piece of art down again, before looking at the smaller brunette. "&id you miss me today, then(# She whispers, trying to fight back the urge to smile. "8ot really,# %annah shrugs, "I had 5ames with me, and the kids were 6uite '#

"1oure an ass.# "$hats a funny way of saying you think Im aweso e.# "1oure lucky that I do.# 3race suddenly blurts out, after a fit of laughter. $heres a look, and theres silence, and then there seems to be a mutual realisation that they are standing in the middle of a mess hall, surrounded by pretty much everyone whom 3race didnt want to know found out about them. %annah panics for a second ,even though they were whispering and nobody was within hearing range, but 3races already blushing, trying to make a 6uick getaway. "Its okay.# %annah 6uickly shakes her head, "8obody heard.# She shrugs, "!nd even if they had, it was obviously a joke.# "1eah.# 3race sighs, " nly, its not.# %annah stares at her dumbfounded as the blonde shoots her an apologetic glance and walks away, trying to get to 5amrie as fast as possible so she can chat to her. $hen theres a smile, because 3od, 3race is being absolutely adorable. ' She likes the late night sing'along they have with the kids around a camp fire 5amrie builds relatively easily, when they get back to camp. $hey have won from the 2ombats, and 3race seemed especially pleased with the victory. <nough reason to celebrate by throwing an impromptu camp party, and thats why shes sitting on a log, laughing as kids do impressions of celebrities and try to sing along with 5amries 5PH which seems to be full of songs nearly nobody knows. "2hy dont you sing(# ne of the guys looks at 3race, smirking, "Id love to hear you sing.# "2ell, =ucas,# 3race stands up, "I may as well. !lthough Ill need someone to sing it with, to be honest, anyone up for volunteering(# "%annah.# =ucas points out, "0ome on, do it.# "I cant sing.# %annah shakes her head, "9eally, guys, thats not something you want to hear and '# "3et up, %annah.# 3race gestures, "9ight, 5ametown. 3ive me a song.# 5amrie taps her screen a couple of times, before a familiar tune sounds across the open space. $he kids are laughing already, and %annah grunts before turning to 3race. "&o we got to do this(# She mumbles, "I am really not good of a '# "1ou are missing the first part already.# 3race laughs, " h, come on.# She ends up singing 5iley 0yrus 2e 0ant Stop, joined by 3race, who just screeches through the entire three minutes and struts around camp pulling hilarious faces. %annah

remains standing where she is, trying to look as white girl ghetto as she can possibly manage without breaking out in laughter herself. -ut 3race, 3race is doing just fine. $he kids are loving it, 5amries in hysterics and %annah feels some sort of weird accomplishment, as if whatevers going on between 3race and herself somehow makes the blonde more comfortable with the outside world. ' 2hen the kids have gone to their own cabins and 5amries put out the fire and went to bed, theyre both left sitting on the stairs of the cabin, looking at the open area in front of them. %annahs rapping her fingertips against her thigh, nervously, only looking up when 3race nudges her. "&o you need me to go inside(# $he blonde asks, 6uietly. "8'no( 2hy would I need you to go inside(# %annah frowns. "-ecause you have been coming outside at night for the past seventeen nights,# 3race smirks, "!nd every single night you spend some time writing down things in that notebook. !nd tonight, youre just sitting here. !nd I just wonder whether this is too,# She grins, "Private or something. !m I disturbing your 6uality time with your words, %annah(# "I could write in it just fine.# %annah looks down, "Itd just be rude, you know. 1oure sitting right here. I dont want to ignore you.# "3o ahead.# 3race turns and rests her back against one of the wooden pillars that keep the small roof of the cabin up, "2rite.# She pulls her knees up against her chest, resting her chin upon it, "I like watching you concentrate on things.# %annah smiles and mimics 3races position, so she is facing her. She grabs her notebook, pulls out the small pen and presses the ballpoint against the paper. -race is sittin( here with e. She looks up, ha@el brown eyes staring back at her in amusement. *n. she wants e to write, but how can + write about so ethin( i" the sub5ect o" y wor.s is sittin( a "ew "eet away "ro e, *n. why .o + even bother to write about how + "eel about her, instea. o" tellin( her, "1ou look troubled.# 3race whispers, "1oure frowning.# "1eah, no.# %annah looks down at the words shes just written, "/ust '# + li#e her. + li#e the way she loo#s at e nowa.ays. + li#e how she 6ones out when people tal# to her because she .ay.rea s. + li#e how she han.les the #i.s. + li#e her sense o" hu our. + li#e the "eelin( o" her lips a(ainst ine. + li#e wa#in( up in the sa e roo as her, 5ust because she loo#s pretty .a n cute in the ornin(. + li#e how she (rins at e ran.o ly. "!nd now youre scribbling like a maniac.# 3race interrupts again, "2hat is it about, this time(# "1ou.# %annah blurts out, looking down at her writings once more, "Its about you most of the times.#

"2hat about me, then(# %annah shrugs and in a sudden surge of bravery, holds the notebook out for 3race to take. $he blonde leans in forward, after a moment of hesitance, and turns the small red book around. %annah can see her eyes dart over the lines, and her heart beat is speeding up again. " kay.# 3race clears her throat, handing the notebook back, "%annah,# She breaths, "Im going to go inside. 1ou are going to finish up whatever you need to write, and youre going to come inside as well, alright(# She whispers, " kay(# "Aay.# 3race gets up, wiping her shorts off with her hands for just a second before going inside of their cabin. %annah looks over the open camp area and clicks her pen, before putting it away. Somehow, she doesnt think any more words need to be said right now, never mind written. She gets up, sticks the notebook in her back pocket and opens the door to the cabin as well, as 6uietly as possible. She doesnt want to wake up 5amrie, not after todays continuous staring battle between her and the redhead. She pushes the door of her bedroom open, and closes it again, and "uc#. "I was really hoping you werent going to write much more.# Its 3races voice, hushed as a whisper, and then shes pushed against the inside of the bedroom door with 3races hands cupping her cheeks and 3races lips upon hers. + li#e the way she #isses e as i" she nee.s e as as the air she breathes.

Chapter Eighteen $his is a new routine, now. 3race gets to kiss %annah, now. Iuickly, and 6uietly, in the morning, to say hello and to say Im glad to see you and to say I wish my dreams had contained more of you, last night. She gets to kiss her sometimes during the day. Stolen, hidden kisses, behind the backs of cabins, or, one memorable moment, in the e6uipment store when a team game had needed more soft balls, and %annah had dashed off to go get them, closely followed by 3race. $hose kisses, when they certainly shouldnt, always felt the most exciting. !nd it was always 3race who initiated them, leans into %annah after glancing over her shoulder to check that no one was looking. She likes the way that %annah will jump backwards slightly, as if she wasnt expecting permission to kiss 3race then, and then will kiss her back just as fiercely, usually grabbing at her hips and pulling 3race towards her, so their bodies are pressed tight together. She wants so much, it scares her slightly. She hadnt anticipated the way that her blood would roar in her ears, when %annah moans 6uietly against her mouth, and curls her fingers against her camp t'shirt, until fingertips find 3races skin. !nd skin in the most innocuous of places, at 3races shoulders, or the small of her back, but it is enough to make consider forgetting everything, just for the moment. Its stupid, because 3race knows they could be caught, at any second, and it is 3race who wants this to be secret. -ut this feeling is electric, and 3race cant help but chase at sparks. So it is thirty seconds, or so, of frantic making out, before %annah will step back from her, and look nervously around. "3race' you cant just? 2ell get caught, and you said that'# 3race will usually nod, penitent, at this point, and kiss her again, in a kiss that isnt so much of a (oo.bye, as a +3ll see you later. ? 5amrie raises her eyebrows at her, over >coffee post dinner one evening. "So? the kids were talking about you today. I overheard them.# 3race nods vaguely, and dumps a spoonful of sugar into her mug. "2as this because you were disguised as a tree( r a racoon(# 5amrie shrugs, standing up and stretching. "8o# she says, smiling down at 3race and indicating with a tilt of her head for 3race to follow. "!nd we need to revisit your understanding of what a racoon is 3race, because although I am super skinny and waif'like, disguising myself as a racoon is pushing it. I was

outside the Spenser girls cabins, actually, during their down time. !nd their window was open.# 3race thinks about 6uestioning why 5amrie felt the need to hang around to hear the whole conversation, but then cancels the impulse, reali@ing that she would have done exactly the same if shed heard the kids talking about her. r 5amrie. r %annah. "2hat were they saying(# 5amrie waves her hand around as she speaks, as if preparing the air somehow for the words that are emerging from her mouth, and 3race is nervous, suddenly. Shes glad that they are now walking slowly back to their cabin, away from curious ears. " h, you know, the usual blah about how pretty your hair is, how much they want to be you, how you are their 6ueen, etc. Seriously, those girls4 if you asked them to fling themselves off a cliff, their final re6uest would be 5ust tell e your hair care routine as they plummet to their deaths.# 3race snorts, because she does seem to have developed a small but devoted army of teenage girls. 5aybe teenage girls are her thing. She wonders if a comedian has ever speciali@ed in just teenage girls. &o teenage girls even go to comedy gigs( Shes stalling. "2hy are you telling me this(# 5amrie hip checks her, at this point. "$ry not to sound like this is the Spanish In6uisition 3race. $hey were then talking about how much happier you seemed now, compared to when you started here. $hats all.# h. 3race looks down at her feet, not really wanting to smile, but doing so anyway. "2ell, I guess. Ive figured out that you arent a complete weirdo. !nd, Im less scared of the kids, now. Im enjoying stuff.# 5amrie hums to herself slightly, and then seems to lock eyes with a kid approaching them from the other direction. Its a boy from 9ed Shift, who 3race barely recogni@es, but he seems to recogni@e them, because he smiles shyly at 3race, and then nods nervously at 5amrie. %e then takes such a wide path around them that he pretty much just leaves the path, and wades through bushes in order to not encroach on 5amries territory at all. 3race laughs slightly, when he is far past them. "%ow do you even do that, 5ames( Ive got a tiny army of teenage girls, but you have all of them at your command, if you wanted. $here are small countries that you could probably invade, at this point.# 5amrie shrugs.

"$hey all think Im a weirdo. Its a force of personality thing4 they arent completely sure that Im not going to crack at some point, and go all out commando unit on their backsides. 2hereas you have figured me out, huh(# 3race nods once, and grins in 5amries direction, feeling a sudden burst of affection for the girl that she had been terrified of, all through high school. 5amrie checks over her shoulder briefly, and then throws an arm around 3races shoulders, s6uee@ing tight. "!nd I am thrilled that you arent the complete wet blanket you were in high school -iggie. -ecause that would have been a snoo@e fest.# 3race pokes 5amrie once in the side, and then laughs in acknowledgment of the truth, because who knows what could have happened if shed been a bit braver at school( She might have enjoyed herself. She might have had real friends. %er and %annah might have? 5amrie reads her mind, at that point. r maybe 3races thoughts are just that lou.. "2hat have you figured out about %annah(# 3race thinks about denying the suggestion, just out of habit, because it has been two weeks now, of her and %annah hiding it from 5amrie, pretending that the half kiss that 5amrie saw was a nothing, and everything is as normal. -ut 3race thinks that maybe there is a difference between being discrete, and hiding something from your friends to the point of nonsense, and this might be the line. "$hat she makes me feel good. $hat I? I like kissing her.# 5amrie grunts, and nods, but says nothing, and suddenly 3race is falling over herself to continue. "Ive been kissing her a lot, you know.# 5amrie laughs at that, and releases her shoulders. " h, Id figured. 2henever you disappear together for completely plausible and non' suspicious reasons, %annah always comes back looking like she just glimpsed heaven. !nd you look like? like youve got a secret to keep, and you are enjoying it slightly too much.# 3race bites at her lip, and pushes her bangs out of her eyes. "Please dont tell anyone.# "8ot planning to. $he 6uestion is, why arent you telling anyone(# 3race inspects her finger nails, and (oo. lor., why is she this twitchy( 2hy cant she just keep walking with still hands like a normal person( "I dont want? I dont like being the centre of gossip. I dont like people talking about me. !nd. ;h. 1ou know. $he kids.#

5amrie glances over at her, and 3race can tell she is being assessed for being a complete idiot, and well. 2ho knows( "Im not suggesting a coming out parade for the kids. -ut you are making more of a big deal of this that you need to, I think( 1ou could let on to the other counsellors, maybe( I think a solid fifty per cent of them are gay anyway' I doubt theyd blink.# 3race shrugs. "I dont know. It makes it? really real, that way, doesnt it( I mean, Im still not sure what it even is that me and %annah are doing. Some kind of holiday romance, maybe( !nd then everyone goes home and forgets about it all.# "&o you want to forget about it all(# 3race has to fist her hands into balls at this point, tight, to prevent them from doing what she wants them to do, which is hug herself. ")o. 8o. -ut. %annah must have? I mean. Shes attractive, and out, and Im maybe just the girl from high school who was too uptight to talk to anyone so pretended that she was better than everyone, and maybe Im just a challenge, to %annah. r an idea. $hat Im not going to live up to.# $heyre at the cabin. 5amrie unlocks it with their key, and then frowns down at 3race. "1ou are doing %annah a disservice, right now. !nd yourself. -ecause the happy is pouring off both of you in waves, and you are checking every step for a booby trap. Its okay to want to keep something a secret because it is excitin(, 3race. I was just trying to find a way to suggest that maybe you dont have to keep it a secret from me, because my acting skills are damn fine, but I cant pretend to be permanently blind, and I refuse to pretend to be a moron.# Its a speech with a point, even if it is delivered with half a smile. 3race ducks her head, embarrassed to be called out on bullshit, and then nods. "Sorry 5ames. Im making this unnecessarily high school, arent I( 2ell stop hiding from you.# "&amn right. /ust dont consummate your marriage in "ront of me, please, because then I will go blind.# "5amrie. I would never? we havent?# "=ord, girl4 a joke. Im joking.# ? %er and 5amrie end up making smores over a couple of candles. It sounds like a terrible idea, yet is inexplicably pleasant, much like much of 3races summer.

%annah comes in after another half hour or so, and sits down automatically on the cabin floor, crossing her legs and making a perfect two into a perfect three, and that isnt how maths works, but 3race doesnt care. She smiles at %annah instead. "%ey( 2hereve you been( 5amries been missing your cooking knowledge.# "$oo right4 look, Im managed to make smores without giving myself second degree burns, and that just doesnt feel right.# %annah flips 5amrie off vaguely, and picks up a marshmallow, putting it in her mouth with a grin. "1eah, yeah 5ametown. I was up with /ohn and %ank, actually. 1ou know that message they sent around about staffing and organisation for next year, and maybe getting involved in a more official way( I went over to the meeting, you know, to show willing. -ut it sounds really interesting. /ohn seemed super pleased to see me.# 5amrie hands %annah a cracker and a piece of chocolate. "8o shortcuts, mini me. 0ommit to the smore. !nd everyone is pleased to see you, all the time. It is disgusting, watching all the faces light up at your approach. %ave a bad day or something, please, you make the rest of us look bad.# %annah shrugs and 3race can tell that shes trying not to glance in 3races direction. "I dont seem to have bad days, right now.# 3race rolls her eyes, and watches as 5amrie mimes puking into her hands. She then leans over, and presses a straight'forward kiss to %annahs cheek. %annah blushes really hard, and 3race has to laugh, slightly, at the way %annahs eyebrows raise high on her forehead, but the rest of her face goes completely still, as if she is figuring out how to react. ";hh, wha'# 3race gestures at 5amrie. "5amrie told me to stop making her pretend that she didnt know we were? you know. 2hatever we are doing.# %annahs eyes go really wide, and then she glances apologetically in 5amries direction. " h. kay. Sorry 5ames.# 5amrie shrugs, and breaks off another s6uare of chocolate. "Secrets safe with me. =ord knows Ive been keeping it for this long' I think I can manage a bit longer?#

? 3race gets to kiss %annah at night, now. 5amrie closes her door with a roll of her eyes and a wave for her hand, and 3race gets to rise up from the floor, and then pull %annah upwards, and kiss her when she is standing. $hey still stay 6uiet, because just because 5amrie knows doesnt mean that she needs to know everythin(. -ut %annah slides her fingers down 3races arm, and links their fingers together, and 3race wonders if that tells 3race everything that she needs to know, maybe. $heir door gets closed 6uietly, and then 3race gets to pull %annah even closer, and hug her tight, in a way that is a whole lot more than just making out. "Sorry about the secrets, %annah.# %annah shrugs, and kisses at the corner of her jaw, gently. "I dont mind so much. $he main problem is that Im scared of slipping up, and making it obvious, somehow, but I guess if 5amrie knows, then thats a bit less pressure4 we dont see the others as much.# 3race ducks her head down at this point, and kisses at %annahs mouth, parting her lips and sucking at %annahs lower lip slightly, because 3race doesnt know why %annah is making things this easy for her, but she needs to say thank you some how. $he kiss builds, until %annah is gripping at her hips, and they sway together, because no matter how tight 3race presses herself against %annah it still isnt enough, it isn3t enou(h. She breaks the kiss at that point, and looks blindly at their beds. "&o you think? could they join up, maybe(# %annah groans slightly, and steps away from 3race, holding her hands out in front of her. "3race, okay, I want to, okay, I really want to, but I want it to be special, and two joined up camp beds are not special at all, and you deserve more than that, so?# 3race wrinkles her nose, and then laughs gently, at how flustered %annah is getting. "8o, %annah, I just meant? sleeping next to each other, because, you know? I get cold.# Its a lie, but %annah seems to accept it immediately, and starts inspecting the feet of her camp bed with such intensity that 3race thinks she must be hiding a blush. $hey figure it out, after several awkward minutes. !nd 3race .oes get cold at night, sometimes, but tonight wont be one of those nights, because %annah feels like an inferno next to her. 3race sighs, after a second of staring silently at the ceiling, and she holds her arms out to %annah.

"0ome here.# %annah wriggles over the gap carefully, and wow, okay, camp beds are far too small to do anythin(, but %annah gets around this by half draping herself over 3race, and 3race gets to wrap her arms around %annahs shoulders, and kiss her. "Id want it to be special too.# %annah kisses her again, and 3race can tell she is smiling. "1eah( -ecause, I mean, no pressure, I didnt want to assume, its just, with the bed suggestion, and then my brain got confused, so I said words that werent supposed to come out, and then?# "I suggested the bed thing because I miss you, during the night.# %annah pauses at that, and lifts herself up slightly, and the moonlight filtering through their window means 3race can just make out the smile on her lips, the hair falling across her face. "1eah(# "1eah.# %annah leans down to kiss her, and then twists slightly, so her head is on 3races shoulder and her arm is across 3races stomach and everything feels like it should be wildly uncomfortable, but is instead co pletely per"ect. "3ood. 5e too.#

Chapter !ineteen 2hen in doubt, you have to rely on the facts. $hats one of the main things that she was taught in one of her journalism classes. Its an easy rule to follow, although right now she is not too sure what the "acts are, exactly. She likes kissing 3race. 3race likes kissing her, she thinks. She likes 3race, "ull stop. 3race likes her, she thinks. She wants to keep seeing 3race after 0amp $ako ends in six days. 3race wants to 7 she has no idea what 3race wants. $hats a fact as certain as the one where she looks down and 3race %elbig is sleeping peacefully in her bed. !ell, in two be.s 5oine. to(ether. $hey fell asleep a couple of hours ago, 3races head resting on %annahs chest. $he blondes moved in her sleep, causing %annahs t'shirt to have shifted just enough for the girl to be able to make out the outline of her tattoo. 'lay. 'ause. $he sight confuses her, because fucking hell, 3races head on her chest certainly looks as if this is a viable option, the two of them. -ut what if 3race doesnt want to( 2hat if this is somehow high schools popular, awkward girl being bored at camp and just doing some experimenting she didnt have the chance to in college( She coul. have 5ust hoo#e. up with a (uy counsellor i" she were bore.. %er mind warns her, even though she is pretty sure that the majority of male counsellors in this joint are very, very gay. "1oure awake.# 3races breath tickles her skin and it almost immediately causes %annah to get goose bumps. $he blonde inhales deeply and lifts her head up from %annahs chest, hair messy and eyes looking up at her sleepily. Its adorable, and it makes her think of how fucking unfair this would be if it was just an elaborate joke. "0ouldnt sleep.# She mumbles, "1ou know what Im like.# "%m.# 3race shifts and presses herself up on one arm, rubbing her eyes with the palm of her free hand. So cute. Stop it, Hannah. 4on3t (et too attache.. She rakes slender fingers through blonde hair and then 3race leans in, brushing her lips against the younger girls gently. "!re you gonna tell me whats bothering you(# 3race whispers, " r is this information available in notebook format(# "I have only started thinking about it just now.# %annah responds, although its not the complete truth, "3race(# She asks, watching the taller girl yawn, "2hat, um 7 what are you going to do after camp( =ike, next week(# "3o home and soak in a bath for a few hours.# 3race grins, "1ou(# "I dont know.# She actually doesnt know. Perhaps 3races answer was meant to be humorous, but she cant see the funny side of it, at all, "I actually dont know.# "2ell, you got a job, havent you.# 3race reasons, crossing her legs and sitting opposite of %annah, "1ou can pick up where you left, right( 1ou should be pleased with that. + am going

to have to start looking for a job, and we both know that Im not exactly good at taking initiatives.# "I meant,# %annah swallows, "3race.# She sighs, "%ow do you see this going(# $he blonde looks at her, a frown etching into her brow, "1ou know, this(# She gestures in between them. 3race seems to blank for a second because those ha@el brown eyes simply stare at her and its making %annah slightly uncomfortable because she has no idea whether 3races brain is firing off do@ens of different options for her to say, or whether the blonde is actually @oning out again. "%ow do you see it(# Shes no stranger to insecurity, and thats definitely the look 3race is sporting right now. 0e brave. -o all in. -o all in. -o. 2ust (o. She reaches out for the blondes hand and strokes it with her thumb just lightly, ignoring the clamminess on both of their hands. "I was hoping that we could maybe, you know,# Say it. "3ive this a try. In the real world.# $heres something interesting happening with 3races hand, or so she likes to pretend, because the alternative is looking at 3races face and conse6uently seeing the girls reaction to what shes just said. 3race s6uee@es her hand, just once, and she has to look up, doesnt she, and 3race is smiling at her. !ctually s ilin(. Pursing her lips together and smiling and nodding and wham 7 theyre back to kissing. $he force behind 3races kiss makes %annah lean backwards and before she knows it, 3race is laying on top of her and theyre just kissing. -o., this is (reat. %er fingertips trail over 3races cheek, and then hold onto her hips and then, for no reason at all, slip beneath the blue shirt the blonde is wearing and shes stroking soft skin. 2esus. Shes sucking 3races bottom lip between her own when her thumbs stroke the blondes hipbones gently. 3race moans. Oh "uc#. Oh, "uc#, "uc#, "uc#. %annah immediately redraws her hands, pulling 3races top down to where it was originally for good measure. 3race smiles into the kiss and pulls back herself, looking down at the brunette in amusement. "Sorry.# %annah mumbles. "3ot carried away.# "&ont be sorry.# 3race chews her bottom lip, "I kind of liked it.# Its starting to become light outside. %annah doesnt want to move because even if she feels she cant touch her, 3race certainly loo#s pretty ama@ing on top of her. 3race leans backwards, straddling %annahs stomach as her fingers run up and down %annahs arms lightly. "Anow what I want to do(# She murmurs, "I want to make people laugh.# "1ou should.# %annah s6uirms and wriggles a bit, just enough for her to be able to sit up as well, 3race in her lap, "1oure funny.#

"1ouve seen me though.# 3race plays with a loose thread near the collar of %annahs $' shirt, "I am not as comfortable with crowds as you and 5amrie. 1ou two, you are just "unny. I am funny because I mess up or say something inappropriate.# Its struck her that the most talented, funniest, kindest people are often the ones who fail to see their own true potential. )ot (oin( to let that happen to -race. %annah decides, in that moment, that shes going to do what she initially set out to do, before she ended up doing this kissing thing with 3race. "I remember this one time in high school,# %annah says softly, "2here there was some sort of talent contest and you participated with that other girl, what was her name( 5ikaela(# "5ichelle.# 3race corrects, smirking. "5ichelle, right. !nd you basically lipsynced to that !vril =avigne song and I was in tears, 3race. !nd I know for a fact that all of my friends loved it, because 9obin 7 remember 9obin(' taped it and we ended up watching that thing over and over.# %annah smirks, "1ou know, when 5ichelle was on, you were just in the back, waving(# She chuckles, "1ou are hilarious. !nd people would love you.# "I once did stand'up.# 3race confesses, "In university. I had like one boyfriend, right(# She wets her lips, "0hris. !nd he dumped me, and I wrote down this fifteen minute long monologue about him and performed it on some improvisation gig at some pub. People liked it, but I literally felt sick the week before, and the second I got off that stage, I puked. !nd that was like, twenty people.# %annah looks at the girl whos straddling her lap carefully. 3race would be good at whatever she planned on doing, really. She got the looks, she definitely got the brains 7 and 3od help her, if she were to actually try to have a thing with 3race after this, she may as well push her limits a bit. "2hat about 1ou$ube(# %annah suggests, the palms of her hands gently moving up and down 3races bare thighs, "$hat way, itd be just you in front of a camera.# She continues, "1ou could record yourself being funny, edit it and post it online. 8o crowd pressure.# She leans in closer and presses her lips against 3races cheek, "I have a video on 1ou$ube.# She smirks, "5ade cheese on toast while drunk, for a friend.# "Id love to see that.# 3race grins, wrapping her arms loosely around %annahs neck, "1ou can show me, right(# She cocks her head to the side, "1ou know, after we get out of here, and go home?# She clears her throat, "1ou just give me your address and Ill take the car and come see you.# "Id like that.# %annah murmurs, and "uc#, she means that. ":uck, imagine that if itd work.# 3race giggles, "5e, on 1ou$ube. ur $im would find it hilarious.# "!sk him to pitch you.# %annah smiles, leaning in and pressing her lips against 3races collarbone, "Im sure hed help you out, with the editing youve done for him.#

"5aybe.# 3race pulls back, "1oure gonna help me, right(# She looks hopeful, "1ou dont have to do it without incentive.# She grins, "I can edit a video of you if you ever decide to get drunk again and cook up something.# She kisses %annah softly, " r I can just make out with you.# "5aking out would '# " h 2esus other"uc#in( Christ, my eyes.# "5amrie.# 3race screeches as she suddenly spots the redhead standing in the doorframe, covering her eyes. %annahs relatively certain shes lost her hearing in her left ear, "0ant you knock.# "0ant you perhaps keep your hands off of each other for five minutes.# $he redhead winces, "Seriously, ladies, we have six more days of camp, try to make it through without having me walk in on you two doing the nasty.# "5amrie, inappropriate.# %annah frowns, although she does push 3race off her softly, "$his is our bedroom, remember(# She sighs, "!nd since 3race wants to keep it a secret, we cant really '# "Is the secret,# 5amrie smirks, walking in and sitting down on the edge of %annahs bed as 3race sighs and scoots over to %annah, "$hat you two are making out, or is there another secret(# She grins, looking in between them, "%m(# "2hat do you mean, 5ames(# 3race grunts, putting her hair up in a messy bun. "!re you two .atin( now(# $he redhead emphasises the word. -oo. "uc#in( 1uestion. %annah looks down at her knees because damn, shes not going to be the one who is going to say anything that might freak 3race out. She exhales, slowly, only realising shes been holding her breath for a couple of seconds without knowing why. Its still silent in the room. She looks up at 3race and the blonde is staring right at her. Suddenly, 3race reaches for her hand and links their fingers together before turning to 5amrie. "1eah.# She hears 3race say, "2e are.# ' Its rather ama@ing how much more aweso e camp can become, %annah thinks. Sure, theres pristine nature surrounding them, and the sincere positivity of youthful little teenagers, and friendships in form of $yler and 5itchell and Pearl and 5amrie, but the one thing that happens to make her day the tiniest bit more ama@ing is that each time she glances over at 3race now, its no longer 5ust 3race. Its her (irl"rien. 3race. "5orning, Spence.# She wraps her arm around one of the girls as they stand talking to each other in the middle of camp, "2hat are you rascals talking about on this fine morning(# "8othing much.# $he girl grins, "2e were just wondering what we were gonna be doing today.#

"!h, well,# %annah ruffles the teenagers hair, "Im just about to go to the administrative office to find out. Ill let you know in like, ten minutes.# 7i"e is brilliant. 7i"e is a a6in(. 7i"e is 7 =ife is awesome and all of those things, but life with 3race is, for the time being, a secret. So perhaps she should stop looking as if she can spontaneously burst into song any second. Shes halfway to the administration when someone comes out of the bushes and wraps an arm around her. "5orning, camper.# "%ey $yler.# %annah grins, "%ow are you this fine morning(# " h girl, happy as ever.# $yler frowns, "2hats up with you(# %e frowns, pointing at her face, "2hats happening with this face situation(# %e wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, "Oh 3od. Please tell me I am right assuming that you and 3race '# "Shut up, $yler.# "1ou are blushin(.# $yler claps his hands together, "%ow was it( 1ou got to tell me all the details, %art. -ecause you totally straight baited 3race into '# %es stopped by %annahs hand on his chest. "&ude.# $he brunette says, frowning, "8o. &ont do that. 8othing happened.# " h.# %e clears his throat, "Sorry. I, eh '# "I like 3race, 3race likes me. 2ell see how that goes.# %annah clarifies, ";ntil we have figured that out, promise me youll keep your mouth shut. 8o funny remarks, no suggestive comments, nothing. kay, $y(# She looks at the flashy haired guy, "Promise me.# ":ine, fine.# %e mutters, "I promise. 3ay scouts honour.# "3ood.# %annah smiles in relief, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, "=ets go see what Pearls got in store for us today.# ' $he rest of the day goes by smoothly. She manages to single 3race out from the rest of their gang twice, once as she runs an errand and once when 3race has to change shirts in their cabin because shes spilled some coke over it. She ends up following the blonde inside and closing the door behind her, right as 3race is rummaging through a drawer for another shirt. Startled by the noise, the blonde turns around before relaxing to see its %annah. "%ey.# She greets, and %annah swears theres some swarm of butterflies inhabiting her stomach, "&id you forget something(# "8o.# %annah murmurs, reaching behind her and turning the key in the lock, "I just saw you coming inside and I thought, why not follow your girlfriend inside.#

$he term (irl"rien. has 3race blushing, which %annah finds highly amusing. 3lad that shes not the only one whos fallen head over heels as some sort of hormonal teenager, she walks over to the taller blonde and runs a single finger down the blondes chest, resting it on the bra strap in the middle for a second before running it down a very lean stomach. "%ave I told you how beautiful I think you are(# %annah whispers, taking in the sight, "0ause let me tell you, 3race, I '# $heres the slightest clan( coming from behind her. %annah frowns and turns around, staring at the one window in their room. 3race is 6uick to grab her coke'drenched shirt and holds it in front of her to cover up as %annah tiptoes over to the slightly ajar window and then swings it open. "2hat the fuck.# She shouts. -eneath the window, crouching as not to be seen, is one of her camp kids. ! guy called =uke, if shes not mistaken. %e looks genuinely terrified and %annah doesnt know whether she wants to deck him or feel sorry for him. 3races standing behind her now, glancing over her shoulder at the teenager whos now looking at the two of them frightened. "1ou little perv.# %annah grunts, "2hat the '# "%ey.# She hears 5amrie call from the outside, "=uke, what are you doing there(# 5amrie appears in sight and immediately looks between =uke and %annah standing inside of the cabin, 3race right behind her. $he redhead gives %annah a knowing look before she grabs =ukes sleeve and pulls him upright. "1ou and I are going to have a little chat, mister.# She hisses, " ff to your cabin. Ill be there in a minute or two. !nd no funny business.# $he guy called =uke scurries off, and 5amries 6uick to turn to her two friends. "!re you out of your fucking minds(# She frowns, "3etting at it in .ayti e, honestly(# "I had to change my shirt.# 3race hisses back, "I just came in to change my shirt, 5ames.# "!nd you(# "I, eh,# %annah feels a blush creep into her cheeks because o" course she hasnt got a decent excuse to being there, with 3race, "I forgot my notebook earlier.# "1ou two are going to be the death of me.# 5amrie sighs, "Im off to frighten the living shit out of this kid. 1ou make sure you are out here pronto.# %annah nods and closes the window, before turning to look at 3race. "3race, Im sorry, I shouldnt have followed you inside, maybe this wouldnt have '# "$he curtain.# 3race points behind her, "1ou forgot to close the curtain. 0lose the curtain.#

%annah doesnt understand how a curtain can be possibly more important than a genuine apology, but closes it nevertheless. Shes barely redrawn her hand when she feels two arms wrap around her waist from behind and a pair of soft lips against the nape of her neck. "$urn around.# She feels 3races lips curl up into a smile, "0ome on.# She turns around to face the blonde, who immediately brings her hands up to cup %annahs face and lift it up just slightly, just enough for her to lean down and brush her lips against %annahs in the softest of kisses. "Six more days.# 3race whispers against her lips, "!nd then you can let your guard down.# She smiles, deepening the kiss for a few moments, " nce were out of here. kay(# She smiles at her. Six ore .ays. %annah grins and pecks her lovers lips gently. Six more days, she can manage.

Chapter Twenty 3race should probably be freaking out, at this point. $he thing about summers, is that they have to end. $hough she hates the summer, usually, because it is too hot and the bugs seem to double in si@e and everything is flatter, deader, in the heat. $his summer has been? She has tan lines. 9eally pronounced ones, because all the counselors have been given five 0amp $akota baseball tees, that they have on rotation, and because they have to wear them while on duty, and because the cut is identical on each of them, the same patches of 3races skin are exposed, every day. She also has cuts, and gra@es, all over her legs, from the fre6uent marches into the undergrowth that she had to accompany her team on, particularly if 5amrie has been in charge of organi@ing the activities for that day. !nd her knees are completed fucked, covered in bruises from kneeling regularly, trying to help her kids with whatever hands on activity %annah has dreamed up. 3race also has a group of people who will laugh at her jokes. !nd maybe a feeling that her jokes arent un"unny, at least. She doesnt know what to make of that. 3race has also made "rien.s. -ecause thats what 5amrie is, now. ! friend. !nd $yler is a darling, when he isnt making eyes at 3race like he is offended that 3race doesnt feel the need to share all of her romantic encounters with him. !nd Pearl is the sort of steady, positive person that 3race will want to stay in touch with. She also has? she doesnt know what %annah is. 3race shies away from the word girlfriend, instinctively, but she thinks that is only because in the past she has been a terrible girlfriend to some of the boys in her past. &is'interested and impatient and passive aggressive, until the relationship broke down and 3race was single again. $he word girlfriend doesnt have good connotations for 3race, because she never was one. !nd she certainly never considered havin( one. -ut %annah says it, now. 8ot all the time, not so much to be annoying. !nd never in front of 5amrie. /ust when they are by themselves, in gentle conversations about nothing. It doesnt feel weird 3race finds. It just feels warm, somehow. Shell hear %annah refer to being 3races girlfriend, when shes kissing at the sensitive skin near 3races collar bone, as they lie in precariously in a camp bed before the start of the day, and 3race will have a warm sensation, flaring at the base of her stomach. She doesnt really know how else to describe it, apart from really warm, and an idea that makes 3race feel good. She doesnt want this summer to end.

? /ohn stands up in front of the gathered camp counsellors, rubbing his hands together with a tired looking grin on his face. "8early there guys4 three more days. !nd youve been ama@ing, all of you.# %annah woops, and claps her hands together, and a half second later everyone is clapping, apart from 5amrie who highkicks the air, inexplicably, and 3race, who rolls her eyes in a reminder of how she started this camp, and presses the palms of her hands together tightly, because otherwise shell reach to hold %annahs hand. /ohn waves his arms, accepting the applause, and then gestures towards the floor in a calming motion, stilling them after a moment. "Pearl will outline the plans for the upcoming few days, and the send off event on the last night, but Im only up here really to say a few things. :irstly4 thank you. $his has got to have been the best year of camp that I have ever experienced, and thats because you have poured your hearts into this, and have made it so. I cant thank you enough.# %annah clasps her hands underneath her chin at that point, and glances at 3race, looking incredibly proud, and 3race is not going to start welling up, she is not. "!nd, also, keep an eye out for any kids who are struggling, as camp finishes. Some of these guys dont have great homes to go back to, and camp is an escape for them. $here will be tears and sadness4 look out for it and do your best for them. =ook after each other.# 5amrie makes a funny noise in the back of her throat, and when 3race looks at her, she reali@es it is because 5amrie is fighting not to cry, biting her lip instead, with a single tear rolling down her cheek. $he sight of it makes it easier for 3race not to cry, somehow, because shes never found it easy to respond to honest emotions. She presses her fingers over her mouth in an effort to not smile, and watches 5amrie with owl'wide eyes for a second, wondering whether to rub her on the shoulder or poke her in the ribs. 5amrie glances at her, and rolls her eyes, before wrapping a strong arm around 3races neck and tugging her into a brief headlock. "$ell anyone and your body will never be found, %elbig.# 3race chokes back a laugh, and flails an arm out'towards %annah, who tugs her upright after a second, and shushes them. 2hen 3race looks at %annah, she has a furrow in her brow and is concentrating, really concentrating, on what Pearl is now explaining. 3race is struck, really intensely, by a memory of high school, and how %annah would always be the one who actually listened to the teachers instructions. !nd how 3race would always pretend that she hadnt fully understood, and would lean across the row to ask %annah what to do. She bites her lip, and looks down at her knees, because she clearly had been subconsciously crushing so har. during high school, shed just chosen to ignore it.

5amrie leans past her, and she and 3race both just silently observe %annah for a moment. %annah slowly, steadily, without breaking her attention on Pearl in the slightest, flips them off, and 3race and 5amrie have their hands over their mouths, trying not to get caught giggling. ? Its their turn to do the night checks. $hankfully, the kids have been in a solid routine over this since the first couple of weeks of camp, and so there is less pressure. %er, %annah and 5amrie get to walk around steadily together, weaving through the Aoala and 2ombat cabins on paths that are well trodden, now. %annah is wearing a bandana, has been wearing a bandana for the last week or so. 5amrie, in an apparent effort to not be out done, has hauled out her gillie suit from the bottom of her trunk, and is wearing that. 3race, because old habits die hard, is wearing an expression of re in. e who these two orons are, +3ve never seen the be"ore in y li"e. She loves this, she reali@es. "2hat are you both doing after camp is over(# %annah glances curiously at her once, in the glow of the flashlight, because she and %annah have already had this conversation, a few times now, but plays along gamely. "3oing to carry on with the voluntary stuff. 3et enough work experience this year working with kids this year to hopefully be able to retrain for next year. &o something that makes people feel good, you know. $hats all I ever want to do.# 5amrie laughs after a second. " kay, thank you 5iss 8ebraska? youll make me puke, one day %annah, with how decent and straight'forward and genuine you are. !ctual puke. It is sickening. 1ou are a sickening goddamn delight. 1oure going to make people feel good whatever you end up doing4 its like you have a freaking feel good ray gun, beaming out of your butt.# 3race screws up her face at that mental image, before laughing 6uietly, because she can tell that %annah has ignored all the abuse, and just @oned in on the compliment, and is now grinning to herself, feeling pleased. "!ww, thanks 5ametown. Ill be sure to cite you as a reference, for any future applications. 2hat about you(# 5amrie shrugs, and flips the head covering of her gillie suit up, so 3race can see her profile. "0ontinue my 6uest for world domination, of course. Bia, you know, open mic comedy nights. 3o back to the cocktail making, hopefully make enough money to retire at forty. 1ou guys are going to come and tip me, right(#

3race nods, because it turns out that 5amrie works in a bar in downtown San :rancisco that 3race and %annah have both separately heard of, and have visited on occasion, during nights out. 3race thinks shell be visiting a lot more now. 5amrie hips checks her. "!nd you, -iggie. $he plan(# 3race shrugs, because there isnt one, really. Shes got a shared apartment with vague ac6uaintances in =!, which comes with crippling high rent, and no desire whatsoever to put herself through endless rounds of auditions for roles which all felt too bland, too beige, for what she wanted to do, but a job is a job, at the end of the day. She cant help but wonder if theres another path into that world. "Ill probably stay in San :ran for a while. $he rent in =! is cra@y high, and Id like to not blow everything I earned this summer in one month. Stay with mom. &oing something?. I dont know. Something else.# %annah pipes up next to her. "1outube. Ive told you 3race, $im will help you.# 3race nods vaguely, because $ims career makes pursuing that avenue seem both possible and impossible. She doesnt li#e asking for help. "5aybe. 2ell see.# Something in her tone must make it clear that she doesnt really want to talk about it, at this point, because %annah doesnt push, just shrugs and keeps walking, scanning the remaining cabins with her flash light. 3race reali@es, after a moment, that she wasnt really asking them what they were doing with their careers, after they leave camp. She clears her throat awkwardly. "!nd, um, you know. 2hat about socially(# 5amrie snorts at her, and yep, 3race probably deserved that. "Socially( &o you mean which balls I plan on attending(# "8o, I mean, you know? what are you going to be doing in your spare time, I guess. 2hat, um?# %annah comes to her rescue, before 3race manages to reset herself into the socially inept person that started this camp experience. "3race? were doing stuff, remember( 2ere meeting up and'# 5amrie laughs at this point, and interrupts %annah.

"&oing stuff, oh god you guys, will you just say that you are dating( r will be dating, when you arent being forced into co'habitation by the camp set up. >5eeting up, honestly, what is wrong with you two idiots?# 3race blushes, because whatever, you know. :ine. &ating. =ife is pain, but she can grin through it anyway, and reach out to link her fingers with %annahs, who s6uee@es back, certain. "8o 5amrie, weve had that conversation. I know that? yes. &ating. $rying this out. I mean, Im trying to say, you know, the three of us, we should, hang out. !fter camp.# 5amrie holds up a hand, and theyre whispering now, because this part of the route takes them very close to some of the cabins under their supervision. " h, shit, can I just confirm that you are not proposing a three'way relationship( -ecause you two are adorable, but neither of you would be able to handle me at all, and someone is bound to get injured in the threesomes, so'# %annah snort in something that sounds like amused horror, and then waves a hand, clearly trying to delete that previous comment. "8o, no, 5ames, I think -iggie is trying to ask whether we can stay friends, is that right 3race( !re you asking us to be friends with you(# 3race restrains from crossing her arms over her chest and huffing, because why she would want to hang out with these idiots in the future is beyond her. " kay there, S alls, I was, and it was going to be a perfectly normal en6uiry until you both started treating me like some kind of socially incapable lunatic, like, I know wed talked about shooting more videos together, but that was a while ago, and Im just looking to firm up plans, this is not a re6uest for us to be best friends for life, because fuck knows I am not making myself available for that sort of abuse on a regular long term basis?# 5amrie pretty much just grabs her head at this point, and pulls 3race into what would be a hug, except it is more like 5amrie forcing 3races face into her breasts. 3race struggles to not breathe in a lungful of gillie suit, because she cant imagine it being good for her health. "3ood lord, what a paragraph of blah, 3race. f course well do stuff, best friends for life, right %annah(# %annah is laughing somewhere over her shoulder, and 3race stops fighting after a second, and joins in. ? "I dont know why you get so many kicks out of watching me struggle, you both knew what I was asking, you asshole?# "8ah 3race, but it is cute, you are so cute, we were just teasing you because you hate. us at the start of camp, and now look at you. =ook at all the progress.#

"2hatever? 5aybe I still do hate you, you dont know that for certain.# "5mmhph, if you hate me you really should stop kissing me like that, Im getting very mixed messages here 3race?# "Shut up %annah? are you getting into my bed, or what(# "!sk me nicely?# "3et into my bed or there will be trouble.# "5aybe I like trouble? oh shit, okay, look, here I am.# "&amn right.# ? Its the final night of having the Aoalas to themselves. $omorrow is the final night of camp, and so every team are gathering together for a big barbe6ue. So this is the last time that her little team are together. 3race isnt emotional. She has a lump in her throat for other reasons. She has developed an allergy to pine cones, maybe. %annah watches as her kids get the camp fire going, while 5amrie has a bunch of the boys under her direction, as she encourages them to re'enact entirely fictional tales of her heroism in Bietnam, and they cant be that stupid, 3race decides. $hey must know that 5amrie cant possibly be old enough to have seen action in Bietnam. $heyre playing along. $he reali@ation only makes her like them more. She even likes =uke, the little shit they found underneath 3races window that time. %e claimed complete innocence, even after a no doubt terrifying interrogation from 5amrie, so 3race has to at least give him grudging respect for having a backbone, the little pervert. She tries to remember that he is a teenage boy, and all teenage are perverts. Its part of the genetic make'up. 2ith a start, she reali@es that someone is talking to her. "3race(# "%uh(# Its %arriet. She looks, oh no. "I just wanted to say that Ill miss you, um. 2ell miss all you guys, but we were the 3racists, and so well miss you most, and so?# %arriets voice starts wobbling at that point, and this seems to create a similar reaction in her other ten girls, until 3race is being swamped by teenage girls, and theyre hu((in( her.

3race looks around for help, but %annah is just sitting back on her haunches, watching her with the grin that always makes 3race feel good, and so 3race tries not to fight it, tries to hug back, and accept this bi@arre out'pouring of seemingly genuine love from people with hair brai.s, for goodness sake. $heres snivels, from beneath her, and 3race tries to pat every girl who she thinks is crying on the head, because she certainly hasnt got the words to diffuse this sort of situation. !fter a while, the tears seem to ebb, and 3race is given back her personal space. She probably needs to say something. "1ou guys are too cute. ;mm. $hank you for being in my team all the time, I know I wasnt as funny as 5amrie, or as cool as %annah, but?# Spenser shakes her head firmly. "1ou were the best, 3race. 2e were the best team.# 3race doesnt know where to go with that, but thankfully %annah takes over, to 3races relief. "1ou know that 3race is starting a youtube channel( 1ou guys will still be able to see her, if you subscribe.# kay, so shes not that relieved. "8o, umm, thats, I mean, its a maybe, I dont really know if Im the right sort of person to be a vlogger?# "&ont listen to her guys, she definitely is?# " h my gosh please do, I would die.# $hats the only distinct comment 3race can hear from her group of 3racists, the other girls are just making a series of high pitched noises and flailing their arms and touching their faces a lot. 3race pulls a face of horror, but then catches %annahs eye unwillingly, and now she is laughing. " kay, okay, Ill do a couple and see how it goes, okay, but dont expect anything too impressive?# $his time the hug isnt so much of a hug as a pile on, and 3race loses her footing, and lands with a bump, as young bodies seemingly attempt to suffocate her. $he pitch of the screaming gets even higher, and 3race is laughing, has to laugh, because stupid decisions rarely feel this good. -esides, maybe it isnt a completely stupid decision.

Chapter Twenty"one She tries to recall what $im %elbig was like in high school, as his sister is asleep in her arms. Its the penultimate night at 0amp $ako, and %annah finds it hard to fall asleep. 3race is cuddled up against her just like the past two weeks, and now its finally dawning upon her that they are going home in less than two days. So uch "or wa#in( up next to -race. <ven in the middle of the night she can make out 3races features as the blonde rests her head upon her chest. %annah sighs and strokes 3races shoulder gently, careful not to wake the girl up. Shes been thinking about $im. Ti Helbi(. $he dark haired boy who was said to look nothing like his older brother /ohn, although %annah had never seen /ohn. $he tall guy with glasses who was president of the chess club and who was a prominent member of the schools marching band. $he funny guy whose prom dates later out turned out to be lesbians 7 she knew this because she herself had ended up with one of them at some stage. Ti Helbi(. It was odd to think that he now had tens of thousands of people following him on 1ou$ube. %e had never been exceptionally popular, nor had he been exceptional at any subject apart from biology. It made no sense how he got all of this success and his sister was going through a mild panic attack because she had no clue what to do with her life. +3 (oin( to help -race, so ehow. ' %annah wakes up with a soreness in her arm and a heaviness in her chest 7 and 3race looking at her sleepily. She leans in closer to the blonde and presses her lips against a hot forehead before wrapping her arm around the taller girl. 3race sighs happily and kisses at the base of her neck. " ne more day, huh.# 3race murmurs. " f camp.# %annah feels the need to clarify, because 3od knows shed be driving up to 3races place once they went back to San :rancisco, "2hat are you doing on :riday(# "8othing in particular.# 3race yawns, "2hy(# "2e should go out.# %annah feels her heart beat pace rapidly, "1ou and I. !nd 5amrie. 2e should, I dont know, go for drinks. &ebrief.# "Id like that.# $he blonde cuddles into her side, "Bery much.# ' "-ye.# %annah watches 3race hug one of the kids, "Ill miss you too.# She likes how 3race has become increasingly comfortable with these children. She herself says goodbye to some more of her protJgJes, wondering if shes ever going to see any of them again. =ost in thought, she doesnt realise 5amrie sneaks up behind her and wraps her arms around her shoulder. "1ou like her.# $he redhead smirks, "Its cute.#

"5ames,# %annah tears her eyes away from the blonde, "&o you wanna go for drinks with us on :riday(# "Sure. 8ot at my place though, because I guarantee itll be worlds biggest mess.# 5amrie lets go of her friend and waves at one of the teenagers whos giving her a thumbs up, "I love those little fucks.# "So do I.# "I dont love them.# 3race has joined them, "I mean, I li#e them, from a distance. Im not going to say I love them like some of you sentimental idiots.# "5ames is going for drinks with us on :riday.# "0ool.# 3race blinks, "<h, Im gonna go do some packing, alright(# %annah nods. 8eedless to say that shes packed her belongings already. -asically camp is over, now the kids are leaving. She vaguely recalls Pearl saying something about a debrief and some kind of counsellor party and then the next morning, they too will leave 0amp $ako. She still isnt sure whether shes glad to be close to the real world again, or not. 3races left, and when %annah looks up, its just 5amrie looking at her funnily. "2rite it down.# 5amrie rests her hand on her shoulder, "!nd for heavens sake, talk to %elbiggie about this. &ont keep it all to yourself.# She nods, although shes not sure what exactly is left for her to write about. She likes 3race, loads, and it certainly looks as if 3race likes her too. -ut still, this is 0amp. She imagines that anyone would be up for liking anyone after a month in relative solitude and isolation from the actual world. !hat i" she (oes bac# ho e an. "or(ets about e co pletely, $he thought makes her sick to her stomach, and she automatically reaches for the notebook in the back pocket of her shorts. Itll take her approximately five minutes to get to her favourite place at the lake, and she reckons thats where shes got to go now in order to find some peace of mind. ' %er writing does not go according to plan. :ive minutes into her heart'to'heart with herself, theres rustling in the bushes and a flash of indigo'silvery hair pops up, followed by the rest of $yler akley. -reat. She immediately closes her notebook and waits for the guy to sit next to her. %e nudges her shoulder lightly and looks out over the lake. "9eady for tonight(# "1eah.# "&o you feel happy or sad(# $yler turns to face her, "1ou know, that this is over.# "I dont know, really.# %annah sighs, grabbing a pebble and skipping it over the surface of the lake, "Im glad Im getting to see my sister again. Im just nervous, I guess.# "!bout 3race(#

She can literally hear the smirk in his voice. She looks at $yler, who immediately looks away and tries to hide the grin on his face. "Its not funny.# "It kind of is.# $yler nudges her again, "$his is like the ultimate love story, the two of you, isnt it. 3irl meets girl after not seeing her for years and wham, straight bait. Its brilliant.# "Shut up, $yler.# $heres silence, and $yler sighs, before wrapping an arm around her shoulder protectively. $hey sit like that for a few more moments, before he presses his lips against her temple gently. "I spoke to her, remember( She was off her head, but she was being genuine. She likes you. 2hether she wants to keep this a secret for the time being or not, she definitely likes you. /ust give it time, okay( &ont force the poor girl into admitting to anything and you two will be fine.# "Since when have you gotten this good at advice(# %annah mutters. "I have people skills.# $yler gets up and rubs the dirt of his shorts, "Ill leave you to write in that little red book of yours. %onestly, %annah, I dont think theres anyone in this camp who would not pay to see what you write in that every single day.# %e grins, ducking beneath a branch and disappearing back into the bushes. %annah looks at the lakes surface, and then her eyes drift to the sky that is already turning a darker shade. $he red notebook is laying in front of her, pen neatly tucked in between. She reaches out for it and skims through the entries for a couple of minutes, until she lands on the last couple of lines shes written just minutes ago. B=C This ornin( + awo#e in y ca p be., an act which + have been .oin( "or the past seven wee#s. +n these seven wee#s, + have been a counsellor "or #i.s. This ornin(, + (ot out o" -race3s ar s an. procee.e. to en(a(e in acts o" .ental hy(iene, while thin#in( o" thou(hts an. places. Then + wal#e. aroun. ca p to see what ha. chan(e. $ turne. out, not very uch, apart "ro the "act the #i.s have (one. + then went to the ess hall where + resiste. te ptation o" all sorts o" carbohy.rates, or as + li#e to call u""ins > ornin( ca#es3. 'articipate. in a (ruellin( act o" brea#in( ca p eti1uette by allowin( &a rie to pour e so e o" her 0aileys8in"use. co""ee Be""ectiveC an. sat .own to write so e thou(hts an. "eelin(s about -race Helbi(. + then went bac# to the cabin to "in. that .espite the "act + ha. been tryin( 1uite har. to #eep it ti.y, it loo#e. li#e a bo b ha. been .roppe. in y laun.ry. Feelin( co pletely overwhel e. by this situation, + .eci.e. to .o what any other person woul. .o, an. con"i.e. into &a rie about these thou(hts an. "eelin(s that ha. lea. e to (et into this crisis. However, + .eci.e. + still wante. to a#e the best o" y .ay. So + went to see 'earl "or a bit, be"ore 5oinin( &a rie an. -race to say (oo.bye to the #i.s. *n. aybe that3s what a.e this conte plation worth it, 5ust seein( all these #i.s bein( so happy to 5ust have "un an. well, be alive. *n. aybe that3s how + nee.e. to be, too. &ore appreciative an. less conte plative. )ot every 5ourney nee.s to be observe. "ro the outsi.e. So eti es it3s best to sit on a roc# near a la#e an. thin# about thou(hts an. places an. "eelin(s an. -race. )ow +3 5ust sittin( here watchin( pine trees per"orate the e.(e o" the s#y an. the .ay "ol.e.

in on itsel" to beco e the ni(ht. *n. now + thin# about how a sunset is pretty si ilar to (oin( ho e in (eneral an. thou(h it see in(ly stays the sa e, + shoul.n3t ta#e it "or (rante.. "!re you still out here(# She looks up to see 3races toned legs right in front of her. &arting her eyes further up the lean body in front of her, %annah sighed and patted the on the flat surface of the rock. She could hear 3race sigh, too, as she sat down where $yler had been sitting ten minutes earlier. "$hinking too much again(# 3race in6uires gently, "2riting(# She nods, "0an I read(# $his is a thing now, her trusting 3race enough to let her read the thoughts and feelings she comes up with. She passes the notebook and looks down at her knees, which have become rather bruised during the past couple of weeks. She glances over at 3race to see ha@el brown eyes dart over the lines shes written down, a smirk in the corners of the tall blondes mouth. 3race snorts, and she doesnt know whether to be insulted or flattered by that, but she lets it happen either way. $he blonde turns the page and reads the last few lines, before putting a hand on %annahs knee. "0an I have the pen(# She asks 6uietly, "3onna try something.# $his is new. %annah hands the pen over and snorts as 3race covers up what shes writing with her hand. $heres a couple of moments of scribbling before 3race rapidly closes the notebook and holds it out for %annah to take. " kay, lets see how you massacred that.# %annah jokes. ")o.# 3race blurts out, "I mean, um. Its meant for you to be read like, after we leave.# "$omorrow morning(# %annah frowns. "1eah.# !hat the "uc#. $heres something in 3races eyes that wasnt there before. %annah looks at the notebook for a second, knowing that even 3race knows that she could read her entry a do@en times before the girl would even notice. Its not as if shes short of opportunities. -ut thats not a thing she does now, fucking 3race over. So she nods and puts it back into the back pocket of her shorts. 3race smiles, and seconds later, the blondes lips are on her own. ' Its a short debrief, and %annah is ashamed to admit she has no idea what /ohn and %ank have said. Instead, shes just looking at 3race as the blonde is pulling faces at 5amrie. It doesnt get better at the party itself. $heres alcohol, and then theres more alcohol 7 and then there is 5amries extra stash that shes spiking all of the other drinks with. %annahs head feels slightly di@@y and the bu@@ is real, and 3race looks 7if possible' even better now than in broad daylight, when shes sober. She tries her hardest to not be around the blonde for too long, because shes no longer sure she can stop herself from touching her.

"!h, there she is. Shorts.# 5amrie calls, before wrapping her arm around %annah, "=ook at this.# She slurs, pointing at %annahs face, "2hats happening here with your face situation, namesake( 8obody should look this good in a fucking bandana, thats for sure.# /oey cracks up, while 5itchell and $yler just grin and take another sip of their drink. /oey gestures for 5amrie to give him a refill of her own concocted alcohol and $yler is 6uick to nudge them as Pearl walks by, joining the group. "%i guys.# $he dark haired girl smiles, "!ll good here(# "1eah.# /oey 6uips, "3reat party, Pearly.# "%ank organised it.# Pearl grins, "2ow, how far gone are you(# "8ot too much.# %annah smiles, "1ou just, just unwinding before we go back into the real world.# "!re you gonna keep in touch with people(# Pearl asks, taking a sip from her own drink, "!s I understand, some of you live relatively close, right(# "1'yeah.# %annah mumbles, suddenly aware that the three guys and 5amrie are looking at her intensely. @veryone but -race. "I guess so, yeah.# "0ourse we will, %annah.# 3race slurs, louder than anticipated, "2ere dating.# Silence. <erie silence. Silence in which you can only hear the pumping of your own blood in your ears while the rest of the world is drowned out. %annah stares at the taller blonde in shock, but 3race seems unaware of the bomb shes dropped in the middle of this social gathering. $ylers staring at the two of them with a gaping mouth, while 5amrie is starting to crack up over her drink. Pearl and the other two guys are just looking anywhere but the duo, unsure of what to say to this. " kaaay,# Pearl finally speaks up, "Ive got to go say bye to some more people, Ill catch up with you guys later.# "-yeee.# 3race calls after her, taking a sip from her drink before she notices %annahs eyes focussed on her, "2hat(# ' $hey stumble into the cabin around half past three. %annahs sure that her head is going to be pounding in the morning. 5amrie mumbles something of a good night before shuffling into her own room, which leaves %annah with a rather drunk 3race. "1oure pretty.# 3race mumbles, leaning upon %annah for support as they make their way into their own bedroom, "1ou make me happy, and thats all that matters, isnt it, %annah.# "1oure drunk.# %annah whispers back, trying to 6uell the fluttering feeling in her stomach, "Shush.#

"8'no.# 3race falls back upon the bed, covering her face with her arms as her legs are still hanging off the bed, "1our notebook.# She murmurs, "I w'was sober.# "2hat about it(# "9ead it.# 3race props herself up on her elbows, "8ow. I mean. 9ead it now, not tomorrow.# %annah frowns and reaches for the small red book thats laying on her night stand. She opens it up and goes to the last page, seeing handwriting different to her own for the second time during camp. $heres something scribbled down what she assumes is an address, and then something that she thin#s spells >&aily3race. "2hat is this(# %annah mumbles, reading further along. $heres something that makes little sense, and then an arrow pointing to the next page, "3race(# "Im gonna do it.# $he blonde whispers, "Im gonna do the 1ou$ube thing. !nd Im gonna do it daily.# She giggles, "!nd it will be called &aily3race. -ecause I am 3race. !nd I am daily.# "Sounds like a plan.# %annah mumbles before turning the page. $heres nothing else on the page but five words in the middle, with a small heart next to it. %annah reads over them, looks at 3race and re'reads them. !nd then once more, for good measure. Its the first time in her life that alcohol makes her feel like she is about to burst. It has to be the alcohol, of course, it can hardly be the swirly written + love you, Hannah Hart that is now adorning her notebook. "I do.# 3race breaks the silence, looking dopier than %annah has ever seen her, "I do, %annah.# $he notebook gets dropped on the floor because its no longer the most important thing. $he mattress dips when %annah sits across 3races lap and looks down at the blonde astonished, unsure of what all of this means. "2hat(# 3race swallows, smiling, "2hat are you looking at(# "2hy did I have to read it after wed gone(# %annah asks, trying to block out the bu@@ in her head. "0ause,# 3race hiccups, then laughs, "0ome closer.# She mumbles, waiting for %annah to hover her face over hers, "0ause I was scared I was gonna say it,# She whispers, "!nd you werent gonna say it back(# She looks into the blue eyes above her, "&oes that make sense(# "It does.# %annah exhales, chewing the inside of her cheek softly as 3race falls back flat on the bed, "3race(# She follows suit, "%ey. 3race.# "%m'what(# "$ell me.# %annah brushes her lips against the blondes softly, "8ow.#

"$ell you what(# 3race mumbles, fighting to keep her eyes open, " h.# She adds as %annah looks down at her incredulously, "9ight.# $heres shifting on the bed, and 3race manages to bring her hand to the back of the brunettes neck, smiling, "I love you.# She whispers, "%annah %art.# It feels like an explosion. ! legit explosion somewhere in between the swarm of butterflies in her stomach and the rapid pounding of her heart. She stares at 3races lips for what seems an eternity, not sure whether shes heard the words that came out of the blondes mouth, right. She loves e. 3races earlier statement comes flooding back to her and she looks at into ha@el brown eyes that are now looking at her hopefully. -o.. "I love you back.# %annah whispers, leaning down to press her lips against 3races. 3race breathes heavily as she kisses her, and theres pressure in her neck as the blonde tries to keep her in place. $his strikes %annah as particularly funny, because there is hardly a place shed rather be than right here, right now.

Chapter Twenty"two It doesnt feel like it is over. 8ot when she drops her bag on the floor. 8ot when her mom hugs her, and exclaims over the depth of her tan. 8ot when she goes through her clothes, separating lights and darks into two, dusty, chaotic piles. !nd not when she collapses into the couch in her moms front room, and luxuriates in comfort for the first time in two month. Its the real world. 3race can tell, because now if she is taken with a sudden yearning for chips, she doesnt have to trek for half a kilometer and beg a favor from one of the catering staff. 8ow, the cupboard is just there. !nd, glory of glories, next to it is a refrigerator, with dips in it, and isnt civili@ation wonderful( She takes a shower, to wash the dirt off, and then runs a bath, using way too much water and piling bubbles high. $he water is still slightly too hot, when she gets in, but 3race cant remember the last time that she felt slightly too hot, and so accepts the discomfort gratefully. !fterwards her mom has made her the meal that used to be her favorite, when she was back in high school, and 3race doesnt feel like pointing out that a fair bit of time has passed since then, that things have moved on since then, because maybe they havent. $he conversation idles in first gear, talking about most memorable moments and favorite kids and the time that 3race accidentally fell out of her kayak. ver dessert, her mom sidles her way into the same old conversation. "So, 3race? what do you think you will do next(# 3race rolls her eyes gently, and waves her fork towards the ceiling. "3o to sleep( 9emind my spine what a real mattress feels like(# %er mom nods absently, and takes a sip of her drink. "!nd then tomorrow(# "2atch some television( 9emind my eyes what pixels look like.# "3race? you know that isnt what I mean.# ! couple of months ago, the 6uestion about the direction her life is heading in would have been enough to destroy her good mood, and shed have snapped at her mom, and probably spent the rest of the evening in surly silence. 8ow however, things are different. "I know 5om, Im just playing with you. I have a few ideas, just? give me a couple of days.#

%er mom looks at her for a second or so, probably trying to establish whether she is just lying to buy time or is genuine. 3race smiles, and shrugs, and her mom nods, once. "I might have to send you on camp every year 3racie, if thats the case.# ? ;pstairs, in her room after dinner, 3race loads up her 5ac-ook, which has been left dormant by the side of her wardrobe since she came home from =!, and the latest round of disappointments. Shes edited videos before. In fact, during the festive season last year, $im had asked her to edit together some footage that he had shot, of their family goofing around together. Shes in it, and her mom is in it, and the whole set up felt very different from $ims usual fare of him being the chief of dorks, alone in his room. %ed paid her, something like fifty dollars, because he hadnt had the time to do it, and it meant that he had kept to his posting schedule. 3race had almost refused, because shed enjoyed the process, honestly, but then had accepted anyway, because shes not stupid. She heads to youtube, and tweaks search terms until she finds the two videos, entitled %elbig %olidays, one and two. 3race watches with a smile on her face, mainly because this is like a better way of re'visiting family photos, and she hasnt seen $im in nearly four or five months now. Shes featured 6uite heavily in the second video, because $im had wanted to do some kind of family 6ui@ thing. !nd she grins, sometimes, at some of the jokes that she had forgotten editing in, such as when shed taken a thirty long second clip of $im holding the camera on a 5rs 0laus figurine in someones yard, waffling on about goodness knows what, and instead had reduced it to about five seconds, and had just played &il#sha#e over it. Scrolling down through the comments, as a way of stalling, 3races eye is caught by a theme. She returns to the top comments, and re'reads. This re ains one o" y "avorite vi.eos $ + love the "eel o" it. &ooaar -race, your sister is so cute, + can3t even. 3race wrinkles her nose, and then bites her lip. -eing called cute by strangers on the internet feels weird. !nd kind of good, she guesses. 2hatever. Step one, she decides, is getting the footage she shot on her camera of 5amrie and %annah being idiots onto her computer, and seeing if she can still edit a video together. !nd then she can decide if the other steps feel doable.

? Its the video of %annah that 3race finishes first, editing down forty minutes of her then not yet girlfriend into five minutes of well timed jump cuts and puns so bad 3race cant help but laugh at them. It takes her until well past midnight, and she jumps when she reali@es the time. 9eaching behind her, she pulls her phone from its charger. $heres two messages from %annah. Feels weir. to be bac#, huh, +3 #in. o" sa. to not be (ettin( into a ca p be. that is way too s all, ri(ht now. 3race thumbs out a 6uick reply. Yeah, e too. Sorry, + #now + sai. +3. call, + (ot .istracte. tryin( to re e ber how to vi.eos. There3s (oin( to be so ethin( in your inbox to orrow8 please .on3t 5u.(e e. Dx !fter waiting for five minutes, 3race decides that %annah must be asleep, as any normal person would be. !nd so she re'watches the video, for the fifth time, checking for mistakes, and then presses send. ? $he next morning, she wakes up at dawn, a habit caught from camp. It takes her a second, to reali@e where she is, and why she feels like she is missing someone, pressed into her side. 3race wants to see %annah today. $he idea of not doing so, when her day is entirely free, seems unnecessarily contrary to what her body seems to need. 0hecking her phone, it would seem that %annah hasnt woken up yet, because there arent any new messages. 3race blinks sleepily at the picture that she has on her phones lock screen, of her, %annah and 5amrie, arms around each other, in matching 0amp $ako shirts. She then reaches for a hair tie and drags it all back into a pony, before going to investigate the breakfast options available in her moms cupboards. ? She is half way through editing the footage from 5amrie when %annah calls her. "%ey.# "5orning babe. &o you have a youtube empire yet(#

3race snorts despite herself, and then frowns at the screen, trying to decide whether 5amries joke that she just watched was too crude for the internet. "2orking on it? did you like your video(# %annah sighs happily, and 3race can just picture her, leaning back in her chair, or bed, or whatever, and grinning wide. "1ou made me look like some kind of comedy genius. I loved it, of course.# 3race nods, to herself, satisfied that it wasnt just her that found it entertaining. "3ood. Im doing 5amries now. $hough it is a bit harder, because I think we were all in giggle fits by then, you can hear either me or you laughing in the background every two seconds.# "=eave it in. <specially your laugh, which is cra@y hilarious.# "%ey.# 3race exclaims, only half joking, "=eave my laugh alone.# %annah laughs at her, and then murmurs down the phone. "!nd sexy. &id I say that yet( Bery sexy.# 3race simultaneously blushes, coughs, tries to clear her throat, because it is something like nine am, and she doesnt feel very sexy, slouched unshowered in her computer chair. -ut god help her if the tone of %annahs voice doesnt just .o something to her, regardless. "2hatever. Shut up.# %annah chuckles to herself, clearly delighted that shes managed to get some kind of reaction out of 3race, and moves the conversation along. "0ome out with me tonight( Ill pick you up.# "1ou dont know where I live.# "2ell, you could tell me that, couldnt you(# "Is this a date re6uest(# %annah pauses at that, and 3race bites her lip, happy to have %annah off balance, for once. %annah breathes out a sigh, slow. "1eah? would you go on a date with me, 3race(# 3race nods a couple of times, and then remembers that %annah cant see her. "1eah. 1eah. Id like that a lot.# ?

She spends most of the day setting things up. &aily 3race as name hasnt been taken yet, thank (o.. !nd %elbig is an unusual enough name for the search terms 3race %elbig to take her to her own, as yet unused space on youtube. >&aily 3race of course, implies daily videos. 2hich means she is really going to have to commit to this, if she wants to make it a thing. So she opens up a notebook, and writes a list of possible video titles, reviews and how tos and whatever she can think of, really, all sorts of nonsensical ideas. !nd then, because her mom goes to the store, she spends half an hour in front of her camera, talking to herself like a complete lunatic. She talks on the subject of how to survive summer camp, and by the end of it she doesnt know if it is comedy or a self help session, but it feels really real. !nd then by the time she has finished editing it, and saved it as a private video on her channel, it is five in the afternoon, and she needs to start making herself look presentable, if she is going to show %annah that she is serious about this. ? > h, 3race? you look so beautiful.# 3race screws up her face automatically at her moms compliment, and checks her reflection in the mirror, looking to see that her dress doesnt ride up at the back or anything. "$hanks mom' there wasnt much call for evening dress at camp4 its nice to get dressed up a bit.# %er mom nods vaguely, seemingly fully focused on the flowers she is arranging D%er mom is always doing something like that 7 arranging flowers, or baking a pie, or completing an idle crosswordE "!re you meeting anyone I know(# 3race pauses, because she can tell from her moms tone that shes spotted that this might be more than just an evening out, but she decides that she doesnt care, so much. ";mm, I dont know. Someone I went to school with, she was on camp with me, co' incidentally. %annah %art( &id I ever mention her(# " h? oh. 1es. 1es you did. ;mm. I was under the impression that you couldnt decide what you thought of her. 1ou complained about her, but often in really positive ways?# -lushing, 3race stares furiously at her phone, grateful when she notices that there is a message waiting from 5amrie. "1es, well, that was a long time ago? hang on, I have a message.#

S alls has 5ust tol. e you a.e her loo# as "unny as "uc# with your a(ic e.itin( s#ills, where3s y vi.eo, Or were you lau(hin( so har. you coul.n3t "inish it, *n., are you "ree to orrow, For a "rien.ship only co""ee, + #now Hannah3s (ot you occupie. with a proper .ate, toni(ht= 3race groans, reali@ing that she forgot to send the completed video to 5amrie. Shes probably got five minutes. She types out a 6uick sure, soun.s (reat. +3ll 5ust sen. the vi. to you, "ive inutes nee.e.% "/ust need to 6uickly do something mom, hang on?# %er macbook is only on stand'by, thankfully, which means she should be able to get this sent in a matter of minutes. 5inutes is not long enough, unfortunately, because the doorbell goes just as she is loading up the page, and she cant help the slightly frantic yell of >Im coming mom, just leave it. !nd so of course her mom ignores her, of course. h, no. ? f course %annah is just standing in their hallway, chatting happily to her mom. f course. f course. 3race pauses at the top of the stairs, trying to gather herself, and then trots smoothly down. >%i %annah?# %annah takes a step back, and then gulps a bit, and if her mom had a reasonably good idea of what was happening before, she must be certain now. "%i? you look? wow.# 3race ducks her head, trying to hide a blush, and if she was alone with %annah right now, there would probably be some making out happening in the next thirty seconds, because %annah scrubs up well too, and is wearing a button up shirt that 3race hasnt seen before. Something about the way %annah smooths it out over her front, nervously, makes 3race want to rip it off her, frankly. -ut she cant let on to any of that, and so just nods once, biting her lip in a move that she has no control over. ";h, thanks. 1ou too.# %er mom is looking between them with a goofy look on her face, and (o., this is why living with parents is such a bad idea. " h, let me take a photo of the two of you, please, you both just look so adorable, let me just go get my camera?#

%annahs got a grin spread wide across her face, because of course she is up for a photo shoot, the little tart. 3race grabs her hand instead, and pulls her out of the door. "8o, mom, were going to be late, another time, okay(# %annah grumbles all the way down her moms yard, and gets into her car still moaning. "3race, a 6uick photo wouldnt have been so bad, I was all ready to do awkward prom poses?# 3race leans over, and presses a 6uick kiss to her cheek, which seems to silence her. "!nother time, I said. Ive done awkward prom poses in front of mom once, I dont need to re'live that.# %annah nods a few times, and then starts her engine. "Sure. 1our mom is adorable, by the way.# 3race sighs, and leans back in her seat, getting comfy. "I know. <veryone always that.# ? $hey go for sushi. 3race gets used to %annah staring at her, with slightly wide eyes, as if she cannot believe this is happening. She gets used to it, but doesnt stop enjoying it. $he conversation circles back to youtube, after a couple of hours, and %annah convinces her to hand over her phone, and show her the how to video that 3race shot earlier today. She has to cover her mouth a couple of times, to stop herself from giggling too loudly, and 3race blushes, trying not to enjoy the sensation of making %annah laugh too much. " h, man? awesome. !wesome awesome. 1oure going to post this, right( 1ou owe it to your teenage following.# 3race shrugs happily, and then nods. "1eah? Im going to try and get a few ready to go, before I start posting, though, to try and develop a cushion. 4aily 3race comes with deadline pressures, I think.# %annah slides the phone across the table, and then grabs at her hand, s6uee@ing once. "1oull be great at it, I know you will. 1ouve got the perfect type of comedy for it.# 3race smiles gently, grateful, because when things come out of %annah mouth, they seem easier to believe, somehow.

? $hey end up going for a drink in another bar, and then just walking through a park, hand in hand, as midnight approaches. 3race snorts to herself, after a moment. "I keep waiting for 5amrie to come leaping out from behind a bush, you know.# %annah laughs hard, and 3race can tell that she was just dwelling on the same idea. "I though she was going to be underneath our table. r come sidling up to us disguised as a waiter.# 3race giggles at the mental image, and then pulls %annah into a hug, on impulse. "$his has been the weirdest summer of my life.# %annah sighs, and then kisses slowly at the base of her neck, in a move that has 3race shivering from more than just the cool night air. "Its been the best one of my life.# 3race nods in agreement, and then kisses %annah, pressing her lips against ones that feel familiar and brand new, at the same time. "5ine too.# ? -y the end of the week she starts posting videos. Something about the name 3race %elbig is uni6ue enough, because the first few comments that she gets are all from the girls from camp, who clearly have been sitting on youtube and fC'ing for a week, just to see if she pops up. *aaah you are .oin( it% O ( +3 (oin( to tell all y "rien.s. Subscribe. instantly%%%E% 2 -y video three, the view count has hit one thousand, and it is hardly an overnight sensation, but one thousand sounds like a hell of an impressive number, to 3race. -y video five, she gets a phone call from $im. "%ey $im.# "%eeelllo, 3race. r should I call you &aily(# 3race snorts, and then blushes, because she wasnt exactly hiding it from him, but she didnt want to sound like she was asking for a leg up, or help, in anyway. %er sense of pride is a funny thing, and kicks in at the oddest of times.

" h. 1ou googled me, did you(# "8o, one of my subscribers spotted, and left an excited comment on my latest video. Its top comment at the moment, you might have noticed a traffic jump.# 3race clicks over to her over tab, and her eyes go wide when she reali@es that, in the last five minutes, her subs have gone from seventy nine to five hundred and twelve. " h, "uc#.# $im giggles at her for a second, and then composes himself. "2hy fuck( I mean, I know you are new to it, but numbers are a good thing, on youtube.# "8o, I know, I just? didnt want it too look like I was asking you for help. I wanted to do it myself.# " h 3race? you know that you will always be the Solange to my -eyonce.# 3race snorts at the comparison, because in no world in no known universe is $im comparable to -eyonce. She feels her sibling rivalry kick in. "1eah( 2ell see. 5y fourth video just broke two thousand views. %ow long did it take for any of your videos to break two thousand(# $im goes silent, but 3race can feel his evil little grin. "1ou can rely on receiving no help from me, big sis.# 3race leans back in her chair, reaching for her camera, ready to make another vlog. "&ont need your help $im. I have all the support I need, little bro.# 1ou see, she has, now. She really has.

Epilogue #$race%& point o view i& written by yotoob' Hannah%& point o view i& written by hartorotica(

!fter six months, 3race hits *KK,KKK subscribers. $he number looks cra@y, a number that 3race never thought would be linked with her in any way at all, and yet there it is. ne hundred thousand. She clicks away from the screen, closes down her whole computer, and picks up her phone. "%annah(# "%ey baby? whats up(# "I just hit one hundred thousand. I dont know what to do to celebrate.# "!www, yeah%1ou should tweet something. !nd Instagram it. !nd tumblr. !nd do all the things, you know how this works now. =et your people know.# 3race grins, because every now and then, even though %annah doesnt have any youtube ambitions beyond occasionally appearing in 3race and 5amries videos, she will suddenly switch from being 3races girlfriend to some kind of P9 expert, and it is adorable. "I want to celebrate with you though? can you get out of class, tomorrow( 1ou said you only had a half day( /ump on the plane early(# "!hh, I dont think I can, Im sorry. I have an assignment that is due in tomorrow, and I need to get it done tonight. !lthough how completing assignments has anything to do with my ability to teach, Ill never know?# 3race bites at her lip, because the plan had been that %annah came to spend a weekend with her in =!, and then return to -erkeley on the 5onday. -ut it is only $hursday, and 3race hasnt seen %annah for nearly a month, and she wants to see %annah toni(ht. %annah takes her silence as disappointment, which 3race supposes it is, but she doesnt really need apologies, because it isnt her fault. "Im sorry 3racie, I wish I could come early?# "8ah, it is okay, Ill see you the day after anyway. Ill cope.# %annah mumbles down the phone, something along the lines of +3 not sure i" + will, and 3race changes the subject, smiling. ? 3race doesnt do this sort of thing.

She doesnt make surprise visits, and turn up unannounced on peoples doorsteps. Particularly when she was only going to have to wait another twenty four hours to see the person. 3race has nearly turned around multiple times, during this journey. She nearly didnt make it out of her house. !nd then when 3race had arrived at the airport shed sat in her car for ten minutes, aware that she was in danger of making herself late, debating whether to just go home again, and cancel the impulse. !nd then, when shed got o""the plane, after an hour long flight, she had considered just booking a flight back, and to hell with the wasted money. Shes worried that %annah will think shes a moron. Some kind of over eager, loved up, teenager, arriving to distract %annah when she only wants to concentrate on her studies. !nd now there is a door in front of her, and 3race is going to knock. 9ight now. !nd then apologi@e profusely for disturbing %annah, and then go home. 3race rolls her eyes at herself, because she is being an idiot, and then knocks, twice. ' $here are only so many words she can write about the psychological aspect of childcare and teaching without feeling like her brain is going to spontaneously combust. $here is no point focussing on this assignment anyway, because shes been on the phone to 3race a couple of hours earlier and 3race managed to get *KK.KKK subscribers and that is an unreal number. %annah can hardly fathom what it implies. ne hundred thousand people thinking her girlfriend is worth their attention. Her (irl"rien.. It still feels like a foreign concept, this entire thing she and 3race have got going on. Shes loved up, thats for sure, and seeing 3races face five days out of seven on her 5ac-ook makes the fact she has to hop onto a plane every single time she wants to see her, more bearable. %annah taps the back of her pen down on the surface of her desk, and looks at the book in front of her.'ointless. She wonders whether 3race is on Skype, because surely taking a break from doing assignments are best spent talking to ones girlfriend. She grins and taps her laptops track pad. -race Helbi(. O""line. f course she is. %annah sighs and looks back down at the lines of text that dont seem to make a lot of sense. $heres a double knock at the door and %annah frowns, because who on earth would come by her place at eleven on a $hursday night, especially without letting her know. The ru.eness o" so e people. Shes okay with spontaneity as long as it suits her schedule, and right now whoever is standing at the other side of the door, is a menace. She sighs and gets up before walking over to her front door and grabbing the door handle. "2hats up wi'# She stops mid'sentence as she looks at 3race, smiling awkwardly, "3race(# She blinks, wondering whether her assignment has successfully melted her brain, "2hy are 7 what are you doing here(#

"I couldnt stand being apart from you for another day.# $he blonde seems nervous, "!lthough I now feel like an idiot. $his is stupid, you were going to come see me tomorrow, um,# She gestures, "Ill just get back, I just wanted tosee you or something, does that make sense( 1eah, no, Ill be getting out of your way now, sorry again, this was '# 3race rambles, and %annah just stands in awe of this clumsy, awkward blonde she calls hers. Shes tuned out of 3races monologue ages ago, yet reaches out for the girls wrist as 3race tries to turn around and pulls her in closer. She gets onto the tips of her toes, kissing the blonde for the first time in weeks. 3race kisses her back, slender fingers gripping her waist and then sliding beneath the hoodie shes wearing, curling fingertips into soft skin. "I missed you.# %annah whispers against lips that taste of strawberry lip gloss, "So much, 3race.# 3race hums contently and %annah pulls her inside before pinning her against the inside of the closed front door. $heres not enough patience within her to resist making out with the blonde, because 3race looks ama@ing even though shes just stepped off a plane, and she hasnt seen her in over a month, and all she wants is to just ' "%annah,# She breathes as the younger girl sucks at her pulse point softly, "-edroom.# Yes. She involuntarily thinks back of the first time they had sex. It had been a few weeks after they had returned from 0amp $akota, after they had gone out for drinks with 5amrie. 3race had asked to stay at her place afterwards and she had nodded, not expecting the blonde to make out with her the second they got back and beg her in hushed whispers to touch her. She had touched 3race alright. !nd now 3race is asking again, panting softly as she sucks on the blondes pulse point, digging her fingertips deeper into %annahs hoodie'clad sides. She wants 3race, a(ain. $he amount of times shes been thinking of the older girl s6uirming beneath her touch the past few weeks have been countless, and now theres nothing stopping her from ravishing her girlfriend and 7 Fuc#. "3race,# She drags out as she pulls away slowly, "-abe, I got this assignment to finish by tomorrow morning, and I really,# She swallows, "I really want to, but I got to hand it in before nine.# 3race looks at her through heavy'lidded eyes and nods, only sighing very 6uietly. "8o problem.# She whispers, dipping down to press her lips against %annahs gently, "8o rush, Im just glad to be here.# She3s per"ect. %annah smiles and entwines their fingers before leading 3race to the rest of the small apartment. She watches 3race take the surroundings in, and gestures at the couch thats set against one of the bare walls of the flat.

"1ou sit down, Ill get my books and my 5ac and we can sit together, alright(# 3race hums in agreement and %annah rushes to her desk, grabbing her books and her 5ac and a notepad. This is nice. -y the time shes back in her living room, 3race has gotten her own 5ac out, and %annah smiles at the sight, before sitting down next to the blonde. She takes her reading glasses from the small front pocket of her shirt and perches them upon her nose, before looking at 3race. "Im glad youre here.# She chews her bottom lip, "Ill make this 6uick.# "%mmm.# 3race smiles, "1ou look sexy in glasses.# +(nore it. +(nore it. +(nore it. "$hanks.# %annah murmurs, "9ight, work. /ust,# She gestures at the book in front of her, "Psychology things. Iuite hard.# 3race turns back to her own computer and taps the keyboard while %annah continues on reading. $heres about two minutes of silence before 3race nudges her side gently. "&o you like it(# She asks. "&o I like what(# %annah repeats, looking at 3races screen, where a bottle cartoon is now 3races 1ou$ube header, 4aily -race scribbled alongside it. "Its cool, I like it. Its very,# %annah pauses, "Its very -race.# "I made it a few days ago.# $he blonde smiles proudly, " kay, sorry. 0arry on.# Psychology is difficult to focus on with 3race %elbig sitting next to you. <specially when she is either typing loudly or chuckling at comments her new fans leave her. %annah tries to concentrate harder, blinks a few times before staring down at words shes never heard before in her life. "I love you so much, you know.# Oh, "or the love o" -o.. She turns to face the blonde, who is now just looking at her dreamily. She smiles, because despite the interruption, 3races random outbursts and love declarations are the cutest. She is about to reply when 3race shakes her head and leans in closer, pressing her lips against hers gently. Fuc#. She cant focus on anything, she realises, nothing but 3race. "1oure very distracting.# She mumbles in between kisses. "Im sorry.# 3race whispers, cupping her face with one hand, "=et me show you how sorry I am.# $heres a hand sliding up her inner thigh and %annah clenches her jaw, trying to ignore 3races lips kissing down the side of her neck as her hand slides up higher. "3race?# She protests weakly, "!ssignment. I really need to '#

"$ake a break.# $he blonde whispers, "$en minutes. I just need ten minutes.# Yeah, no. Fuc# that. She pulls back and puts her own 5ac on the floor before taking 3races off her lap and putting it down as well. $he blonde bites her bottom lip in amusement and %annah sighs in mock annoyance before pushing the girl down onto the couch and getting on top of her. =ips find each other and 3race gasps beneath her every time %annahs hand trails over her body. $he brunette pulls back, cheeks flushed and her heart beating out of her chest as she looks down at 3race panting. "Im gonna need more than ten minutes.# %annah whispers, "2ay more.# ' 3race isse. %annah. In a weird way, she misses her right now, even as %annah kisses at her neck and then just rests her head on 3races shoulders, breath still uneven from recent activities. 3race runs a hand up her naked back until fingers weave into the short hair at the nape of %annahs neck, rubbing affectionately. %annah hums once, and lets her body weight rest more fully on 3race, and 3race sort of loves it when %annah stops pretending to be strong. She misses her because she knows that in a few days theyll have to separate again, and then itll be back to counting down the days, waiting, because as wonderful as the digital age is, pixels arent that comforting, arent that real. 3race lets herself flash forward to the future, maybe three years down the line, maybe two, when they get a place together, and maybe a dog, and 3race can wake up every morning with %annah and not have to instantly calculate how long until the next goodbye. $heyll get there, she decides. -ut the interim sort of sucks. !nd this is far too gloomy an outlook for someone who has just had three orgasms. %annah is tired too, and 3race presses a kiss to her forehead, before brushing some hair away from her eyes. "&o you need food now( 1ou usually need food now. 2ant me to order a takeout(# %annah moans slightly, a .i""erent sort of moan to recent ones, and lifts her head, kissing 3races cheek. "$hat is the best thing that has ever come out of your mouth.# 2hat( 3race frowns slightly, pantomiming offense. ";mm, pretty sure that I just told you how much I loved you, not so long ago. So, you might want to reconsider that statement, or no takeout. 8o nothing, tonight.#

%annah giggles, and lifts herself up more fully, pushing herself up on arms that still seem slightly shaky, to smirk at her. "Sorry. Second best thing.# Shes a complete idiot. 3race doesnt know if she is describing %annah, for being an idiot, or herself, for loving an idiot. She kisses her. ' Its half past three at night when they are sitting side to side in %annahs bed, the pillows propped up behind their backs and the sheets covering half of their bodies. $urns out %annah needed a few hours with the blonde, taking it from the living room to the hallway floor to #in. o" against her bedroom door to her bed4 finally. 3race is wearing one of her old $' shirts and %annah doesnt remember the last time she was so entranced by someone wearing an old navy top. %er laptop is bu@@ing in her lap, the heat radiating through the sheets, as she types up the final few lines of her assignment. 8ext to her, 3race is checking her 1ou$ube account, reacting on more comments as she scrolls through the pages. "&one.# %annah sighs happily, "$here, Im gonna email it to him and that will be it.# She turns to 3race and grins before taking her glasses off her nose, "8othing to do until Sunday evening.# )othin( to .o but you. %annah leans sideways and presses her lips against 3races shoulder, "2hat are you doing(# "Something isnt right(# 3race looks at her screen, "Something isnt right with my damn channel, %annah. I dont "eel it, you know(# $he blonde looks at her girlfriend, "1oure good at this. $ell me what needs changing.# %annah turns the screen towards her and darts her eyes over the cartoon'outlook and the scribbling and the 4aily-race and the entire format of the older girls page. EEF.GHG subscribers. She cant help but being baffled at the rapid speed 3race seems to attract new viewers. She knows the blonde is funny, and she knows that shows in her videos, and the entire editing format is just so 7 so -race. +t3s 5ust so -race. "Its 3race.# %annah frowns, "$hats what needs changing. 8ot &aily3race. /ust,# She gestures, "+t3s -race.#. She looks into ha@el eyes, "2hat do you think(# 3race stays 6uiet for a moment, then nods. %annah smiles at her lover and the blonde smiles back, leaning in closer and kissing her, one hand moving to the back of %annahs neck as fingertips curl into her hair line. "Its 3race.# She whispers, "3enius.# %annah hums, because yes. Yes, it is. )

The End*

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