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Level Language Function: Grammar

1 2 3 4 5 reading, discussion, vocabulary, phrasal verbs Question Forms

Read and translate the text

Human beings have spent large amounts of money trying to beat the laws of probability for centuries. More than thirty countries currently have legalized gambling in the form of national lotteries or private casinos. In the last ten years this addictive pastime has been generating millions more via the internet. So how do you become a successful gambler? back in 18 !" engineer #oseph #aggers won $!%%"%%% dollars in three days at the casino in Monte &arlo by noticing that the mechanical faults in their roulette wheels made certain numbers come up more often than others. More recently" an 'ustralian wrote a software program to help him spot winners on the horses in (ong )ong and has supposedly won $1*% million over the last +% years. ,hich city earns the most from gambling? -as .egas" of course. /efore gaming was legali0ed there in the 11!%s it was a small desert town2 today it has !* million visitors and earns seven and a half thousand million dollars from its casinos every year. ,hat do they do with the profits? /uild hotels" it seems the world3s biggest is the M4M 4rand (otel 5 &asino with *"%%* rooms. In fact somebody estimated it would take one person !+1 years to sleep in every hotel room in .egas. ,hat3s the strangest bet ever made? (ere3s one which started a hundred years ago in a -ondon club" supposably after a certain amount of alcohol had been taken. 'n 'merican businessman bet a /ritish investor $1%%"%%% that it was not possible to walk around the world without being recognised. ' certain (arry /ensley agreed to take up the challenge. (e had to wear an iron mask for the whole trip and pay his way by selling pictures of himself. ,hile travelling" he also had to find a woman who would marry him" to push a pram and carry only one change of underwear6 (e set off from -ondon in #anuary 11%8 and was arrested a few miles down the road for selling postcards without a licence. (e supposedly got most of the way round the world and was in Italy on his way home in 1117 when the 8irst ,orld ,ar broke out and he had to call the whole thing off. What is the meaning of these words?
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human being probability currently legali0e gambling addictive pastime successful gambler fault certain come up earn desert profit estimated bet supposably recognised take up challenge pram set off supposedly broke out call off

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Find the Mistake and explain WHY

Question Forms

+,ample*entence- Which does car goes fast? .orrection- Which car goes fast?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. !. ". $. %. 1(. /ou en0oy atching old films' do you? ) onder if can you gi#e me a hand. Ho long has you li#ed in 1e /ork? Which is house his? Do you think should e go to the party? 2hey ill be here ne,t eek' no? /our home is located here' didn3t it? When gets she up? When did are car made? Would mind you helping me for a moment?

Discussion questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. !. ". $. %. 1(. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1!. 1". Do you play the lottery? Do you like gambling? Do you play slot machines? What forms of gambling are legal and illegal in your country? Ho many forms of gambling as you can think of? Do you think online gambling is dangerous? Ha#e you e#er on or lost a lot of money through gambling? Who suffers the most from a gambling problem? &part from the ob#ious reason of inning money' hy do people gamble? Why is gambling addicti#e? What kinds of people do you think are more prone to de#eloping a gambling problem? )s there such a thing as good and bad luck? )f so' hat is it? Does luck ha#e anything to do ith inning? *hould some forms of gambling be banned? Do you think that those ho o n and run casinos are criminals or conmen? Does the national lottery encourage gambling? Do you kno anyone ho is hea#ily into gambling?

ask out 4separable5- ask for a date. 61ancy has a ne boy friend. 7oe asked her out last night.6 back down 4no ob0ect5- not follo a threat. 62om as going to call the police hen ) told him )3d recked his car' but he backed do n hen ) said )3d pay for the damages.6 back off 4no ob0ect5- not follo a threat. 62om as ready to call the police hen ) told him )3d recked his car' but he backed off hen ) said )3d pay for the damages.6 2

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