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Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) for Network Protocols

(Position Paper)

Saleem Bhatti, Edwin Brady, Kevin Hammond James McKinna

School of Computer Science ICIS/Grondslagen
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL

Abstract bile ad hoc networks – MANETs) may require rapid proto-

typing of applications protocols, coupled with strong veri-
Next generation network architectures will benefit from the fication of protocol behaviour and properties (e.g. military
many years of practical experience that have been gained MANETs, sensor networks).
in designing, using and operating network protocols. Over This list already presents a very challenging set of re-
time, the networking community has gradually improved its quirements. The traditional approach to protocol definition,
understanding of networked systems in terms of architec- implementation and testing typically has a long lead time,
ture, design, engineering and testing. However, as proto- requires an extensive and difficult-to-construct test suite,
cols and networked systems become more complex, it is our and can often be difficult to debug. Overall, this means that
contention that it will be necessary for programming tech- it is not easy to experiment with novel network protocols,
niques to evolve similarly so that they better support the de- especially for wireless and mobile environments.
sign, implementation and testing of both the functional and While the C sockets API remains widely used and pro-
the non-functional requirements for the network protocols vides excellent functionality, anyone who has used it will
that will be used. know that it is not easy to debug, requiring careful use and
We therefore envisage new levels of programming lan- programming for ensuring correct protocol behaviour. Typ-
guage support that permit: (a) the design and implementa- ically, 50% or more of the code will deal with error check-
tion of new protocols with provably correct construction; ing or other software control functions rather than the func-
(b) inline testing; and (c) the expression of protocol be- tionality of the protocol, and it is not easy to separate these
haviour within the design. Based on our ongoing work with aspects in the working protocol implementation.
both network protocols and programming language design, Meanwhile, other languages and APIs, such as the Java
we believe that exploiting the capabilities of recent work in network API, may offer higher levels of abstraction and bet-
Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) will allow us to meet ter error-handling paradigms. However, they offer no spe-
such requirements, allowing straightforward and “correct- cific assistance with the design, implementation and testing
by-construction” design and implementation of next gener- of network protocols, and often lack the lower-level systems
ation network protocols. hooks that give the C Sockets API its power, flexibility and
continued longevity.

1. Introduction 1.1. Limitations for protocol design

The next generation of network architectures must en- Whilst many approaches have been proposed to support
compass a wide range of existing requirements that have the definition of communication protocols (from syntactic
emerged over the four decades or so of networking ex- methods to formal methods to model-based approaches),
perience. Additional requirements will also appear in the each of them typically deals well with only a subset of the
near future as more applications and users populate the net- problem space. For example, Abstract Syntax Notation 1
work. As two examples, network protocols (and applica- (ASN.1) allows packet and interface definitions, but can-
tions) need to be: (i) adaptive to variations in network con- not specify protocol states, whereas finite-state-machines
ditions; and (ii) secure against a range of attack vectors from (FSMs) allow specification of state transitions, but not
the network. Furthermore, certain applications (e.g. mo- packet and interface specifications.
0 1 2 3
There are other requirements that are difficult to describe 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
using such approaches. For example, in wireless and mobile |Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length |
environments, we may need to explore novel approaches to: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| Identification |Flags| Fragment Offset |
| Time to Live | Protocol | Header Checksum |
• adaptation capability: adaptation decisions for appli- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
cations and protocol operation, e.g. use of a fuzzy sys- | Source Address |
tems approach to deal with changes in the network | Destination Address |
conditions [1] to allow media-stream adaptation.
Figure 1. IPv4 address format (from RFC791)
• operation in untrusted communication environments:
a node may need to support communication in envi-
ronments where there is a high risk that relay nodes or Our discussion and approach could equally be applied to ap-
end-systems may be compromised. In such a situation, plication layer protocols; control-plane and signalling pro-
trust cannot be guaranteed across the network, e.g. use tocols; protocols used for transactional services (such as re-
of routing through secure, exploratory learning of for- mote procedure call); protocols providing real-time stream-
warding behaviour [12]. ing, and many other uses cases or application areas. How-
ever, in order to highlight the key ideas of our work, we
• tuning protocol operation for improved performance: restrict our attention to the constraints outlined above.
factors such as mobility patterns, rate of mobility and
node density may affect protocol performance, so the
protocol needs to be tuned for optimum performance 2. Defining protocols today
(this is particularly important in resource limited envi- 2.1. Message formats
ronments), e.g. adaptation of protocol timers to reduce
overhead in dynamic MANET routing [5]. The lower layers of message formats are still often de-
scribed using ‘ASCII pictures’ of the byte-level, on-the-wire
To define, test and build this functionality into individual encoding, with bits/bytes numbered, and with conventions
protocols using current specification techniques and tech- about bit/byte order for transmission. For example, Fig-
nology would require experienced developers to spend sig- ure 1 shows the IPv4 packet header from RFC791. This
nificant time in the “design, build, test” cycle. Attempting technique has the advantage that it is easy to use, provides
to integrate all the functionality listed above in a single pro- an easy visual understanding of the header as a data struc-
tocol, through a single development system, would present ture, and provides, effectively, a canonical view of the mes-
a very substantial undertaking. Yet these are precisely the sage. It is also machine independent, in that the message
kind of functions that we would like to have available in a definition provides a clear notation of the bit/byte ordering
library, in order to build new protocols, as we need them for of the data structure on the wire, regardless of any internal
novel applications, quickly and easily. byte/word alignment and ordering preferences.
A more formal alternative is Augmented Backus-Naur
1.2. Scope of the paper Form (ABNF - Internet STD68, RFC5234, May 2008).
This provides a readily machine-parseable definition but re-
This paper considers a new language-based approach that mains, essentially a syntactic notation representing the on-
aims to produce provably-correct protocol designs and cor- the-wire data structure. Another formal syntactic descrip-
responding implementations, using an easy-to-use Domain- tion notation is ASN.1, which uses abstract data types to
Specific Language (DSL) mechanism. For the sake of define data structures. ASN.1 is also platform independent,
brevity, we will confine our attention to: and relies on the use of an associated set of formal encod-
ing rules for the ASN.1 to define the on-the-wire encod-
• Protocols that are typically defined using mechanisms
ings. The use of different encoding rules can give different
that describe the ‘on-the-wire’ encodings of the proto-
on-the-wire packets for the same ASN.1 (Note that we do
col messages, and the associated protocol behaviour.
not consider transactional protocols, so we will not discuss
• Protocols in use on end-systems or hosts, and provid- RPC-like encodings here.)
ing services to higher layer protocols. That is, the pro-
tocols are likely to have both a user-plane and control- 2.2. Behaviour
plane element and are likely to interface to lower pro-
tocols, as well as higher layer protocols. This is in The examples of protocol definition schemes above all have
contrast to, say, routing protocols, that do not really one thing in common: they are syntactic descriptions only.
have a user-plane element. ABNF and ASN.1 both have some explicit definitions for
data-types, and therefore some semantic information, but specification. Moreover, since a program’s type is its speci-
there is nothing that describes protocol behaviour. Typi- fication, the program is, in effect, an executable proof of its
cally, protocol behaviour is described using textual descrip- specification.
tions which have to be translated to code by a programmer, Dependent types allow values to be captured within
allowing room for errors in interpreting the specification. types. In a full-spectrum dependently typed language [10],
While FSMs can be used to make the behaviour of a pro- any value may appear as part of a type, and types may be
tocol more concrete in terms of state transitions, they still computed from any value. We can thus create indexed fam-
require correct translation to code by a human programmer. ilies of types. We require programs to be total, so guar-
Systems that describe communicating processes such as Fi- anteeing that they terminate by returning a value. A key
nite State Processes (FSP) and Communicating Sequential advantage of being able to index types over values is that it
Processes (CSP) can be used to verify behaviour, but then allows us to link representation with meaning.
are not related to the description of the messages. Finally, A simple example concerns linked lists, which may
dealing with uncertainty in changing network conditions be represented as an algebraic data type as follows,
is not handled well in protocol behaviour definitions. For parametrised over the element type A:
example, under which conditions does sufficient level of
data List A = nil | cons A (List A)
packet loss look more like a possible denial of service at-
tack rather than the normal operation of a harsh network Dependent types allow us to predicate types on values,
environment (e.g. mobile/radio)? Such concerns may affect such as length, so that we may represent lists as follows,
the protocol operation and may be affected by higher-level parametrised over the element type A and the list length n:
policy. Clearly, behavioural hooks should be in place to al- data List : (A : ⋆) → (n : N) → ⋆ where
low such adaptive behaviour. To the best of our knowledge, nil : List A 0
no existing technique covers all the required levels of be- | cons : A → List A k → List A (k + 1)
havioural specification.
Note that an empty list, nil, expresses in its type that the
length is zero, and a non-empty lists, cons x xs expresses in
2.3. Error checking and Testing
its type that the length has increased by one over its tail.
Any function over lists then carries an explicit invariant ex-
Similarly, error checking and testing mechanisms may be plaining the function’s effect on size. For example, if we
distributed across the protocol definition: they may be part append two lists, we must add the size, and express this in
of the syntactic description, (e.g. numerical error code val- the type:
ues), part of the behavioural description (e.g. states that deal
with error conditions), and may also have additional be- append : List A n → List A m → List A (n + m)
havioural input to the overall protocol operation, outside of append nil ys 7→ ys
the main syntactic and behavioural specification. Moreover, append (cons x xs) ys 7→ cons x (append xs ys)
test suites are often defined outside the protocol definition,
and may not always involve the protocol designer. The DSL 3.2. Domain Specific Languages
approach described here potentially allows automatic con-
struction of (at least some) behavioural test cases. This is a The ability to predicate types on values has important uses
contentious point and is outside the scope of our immediate in language implementation, namely that properties of the
discussion: test engineers have, in the past, been totally sep- language we are implementing can be expressed directly
arate teams from the development engineers, though this is in types. Using a dependently-typed implementation lan-
changing in today’s development environments and project guage, we aim to develop a domain-specific language for
management paradigms, e.g. eXtreme Programming (XP). communication protocol definition which integrates: i) the
specification of the structure of packets and interfaces (e.g.
3. A DSL-based Protocol Example in the style of ABNF); ii) the specification of the states
and transitions in a state machine, and the conditions under
3.1. Dependent Types which specific state transitions are valid; and iii) a means of
combining and executing valid state transitions.
Where simple types express a meaning, dependent types
allow types to be predicated on values, so expressing a 3.3. Protocols as DSLs
more precise meaning. This allows the programmer both to
write programs and to verify specifications within the same A potential benefit of dependent types is in describing data
framework. Simply because a program typechecks, we ob- such as protocols and file formats precisely, covering se-
tain a free theorem [16] that the program conforms to its mantic constraints in addition to more common syntactic
constraints as may be expressed in ABNF or ASN.1. We number, a list of bytes (the payload) and a checksum cal-
propose to take such ideas further: rather than just using culated from the sequence number and payload. All pack-
types to describe protocols, we would also like to program ets must be acknowledged by the receiver before any more
in the same framework. Correctness (with respect to the packets can be sent. By using a dependently-typed host lan-
stated type) can then be statically guaranteed throughout our guage to implement a strongly typed domain-specific lan-
program, and we can also exploit static information about guage for describing protocol state transitions, we can do
the data to remove any need for dynamic checks, so im- all of the following in the same framework:
proving efficiency. This is particularly important in imple-
menting network protocols. 1. Describe the packet format
The correctness of a network protocol is often verified (if
2. Guarantee that packets are verified on receipt, and no
at all) by model checking a finite-state-machine or Petri Net
processing occurs on unverified packets.
representation [15]. This approach is, however, limited:
3. Guarantee the machine is in a valid state before exe-
1. The state machine representing a protocol may have cuting a state transition. (e.g. timeout cannot occur if
a large number of states and transitions. Verifying an acknowledgement has been received and acted on.)
the protocol requires exploring the entire state space.
Since this may be very large, the model may be a sim- 4. Guarantee that sending a packet (or sequence of pack-
plified (and so unrealistic) representation. ets) ends in a consistent state, either with success or
with timeout.
2. A model is needed in addition to the implementation.
This model may have been simplified to reduce the Packets can be described directly in our notation. They con-
state space, or there may be errors in transcription be- sist of a sequence number, a checksum, and the payload:
tween the model and the implementation.
data Packet = Pkt Byte Byte (List Byte)
As an approach to verification, model-checking is therefore Data is not valid unless the checksum calculated from the
not self-contained, in that it can verify a protocol (or a sim- data corresponds to the checksum in the packet.
plification of a protocol), but not the corresponding imple-
check : Byte → List Byte → Byte
mentation. In contrast, we will construct a self-contained,
flexible framework in a dependently-typed language to en- We represent validated data explicitly. A ChkPacket cor-
code and verify network protocols. This brings two main responds to a raw Packet, and can be computed from valid
advantages: packets only:

1. Desired properties can be expressed as part of the im- data ChkPacket : Packet → ⋆ where
plementation itself. An implementation can still be chkPacket : (seq : Byte) → (chk : Byte) →
considered in terms of states and transitions, but we (data : List Byte) →
can ensure at compile-time both that only valid tran- ChkPacket (Pkt seq (check seq data) data)
sitions can be executed (soundness), and that all valid Whenever we have a ChkPacket, we have a proof that the
transitions are handled (completeness). packet data is validated — the return type of chkPacket re-
quires that the packet on which it is predicated has a valid
2. Within the same framework, we can precisely express checksum, so the existence of a value of type ChkPacket p
the form of data to be transmitted and ensure that it is implies that p is valid. A secondary advantage of this (other
validated. For example, if a message comprises some than knowing that the data is valid) is that when a packet has
lines of text, a line count, and a checksum, we can con- been validated once, it never needs to be validated again,
struct a proof (a certificate) that the checksum is valid because the type systems ensures that we are working with
and that the line count is correct with respect to the validated data.
data. Such information can also be used for optimisa- The sender can be in one of four states; ready to send,
tion; e.g. we can know statically that no bounds check waiting for an acknowledgement, timed out, or finished. In
is needed when looking up a bounded index from the each case, the state records the current sequence number.
list of lines.
data SendSt = Ready Byte | Wait Byte
3.4. A Simple Transport Protocol | Timeout Byte | Sent Byte
We can describe the transitions allowed by the sending ma-
We consider a simple transport protocol with automatic re- chine precisely, by relating commands to the effect they
peat request (ARQ), where packets consist of a sequence have on the machine in the type. Each constructor describes
how the state is affected, and carries the data required to Any type-correct implementation of sendPacket has an ex-
execute the transition. plicit guarantee (verified by the type checker) that it ends in
a consistent state. Either the packet has been successfully
data SendTrans : SendSt → SendSt → ⋆ where
sent, or the request timed out and the machine is ready to
SEND : List Byte →
try again.
SendTrans (Ready seq) (Wait seq)
The receiver is constructed in a similar way, but the states
| OK : (ChkPacket (Pkt seq data (check seq data))) →
are simpler because there are no acknowledgements to wait
SendTrans (Wait seq) (Ready (seq + 1))
for — the receiver will either accept a packet and wait for
| FAIL : SendTrans (Wait seq) (Ready seq)
the next in sequence, or else will reject a packet.
| TIMEOUT : SendTrans (Wait seq) (Timeout seq)
| FINISH : SendTrans (Ready seq) (Sent seq) data RecvTrans : RecvSt → RecvSt → ⋆ where
We can describe a machine parametrised by its state, which RECV : (seq : Byte) → (data : List Byte) →
carries a list of data to be transmitted: CheckPacket (Pkt seq (check seq data) data) →
RecvTrans (ReadyFor seq) (ReadyFor (seq + 1))
data SendMachine : SendSt → ⋆ where
sendMachine : List (List Byte) → (s : SendSt) →
SendMachine s 4. Related work
Our interface to this machine is through a transition func-
tion, meaning that only valid transitions can be executed: The most closely related work to that described here has
been published either in the DSL community or the network
execTrans : SendTrans s s′

community, but not both. As far as we are aware, there is
Machine s → IO (Machine s′ )
no current work that addresses network programming and
In effect, we have created a DSL (SendTrans), with the va- protocol definition in the manner we propose. In partic-
lidity operations enforced by the dependent type system of ular, none of the existing approaches deals explicitly with
the host language. The interpreter for the DSL, execTrans, uncertainty in operation, e.g. with respect to security and
guarantees through its type that the properties required of adaptability in network protocols as explained above.
the protocol are satisfied however it is implemented. The
return type, IO (Machine s′ ) indicates that the state machine 4.1. Domain specific language approaches
has moved from state s to s′ , and executed some I/O oper-
ations in the process (possibly involving the actual transfer The work that is most similar to our own involves de-
of data across a network connection). veloping special-purpose type systems for guaranteeing re-
So far, we have described and hopefully justified the source properties, e.g. [6, 7, 13, 14, 17]. These approaches
transitions allowed in the implementation of the sender. differ from ours in that they develop a new resource type
Types ensure that these transitions are applied safely and system rather than exploiting an existing general-purpose
correctly in the implementation. In our implementation, the type system. They consequently must also develop both
process of sending a packet could result in the machine ei- new soundness proofs and a new type checking implemen-
ther being ready to send the next packet, or timed out: tation. While these approaches seem promising as spe-
data NextSent : Byte → ⋆ where cialised applications, we prefer to build on a strong general-
NextReady : (seq : Byte) → purpose type system, to give maximum flexibility, and to al-
SendMachine (ReadyToSend (seq + 1)) → low maximum reuse of existing tools, proofs and implemen-
NextReady seq tations. Data and packet description languages, e.g. [3,8,11]
| Failure : (seq : Byte) → are also closely related to our work, but unlike our approach
SendMachine (Timeout seq) → are limited to expressing syntactic constraints.
NextReady seq
4.2. Model-checking approaches
The sendPacket function, which implements the protocol
by sending a packet and waiting for an acknowledgement, Previous approaches to protocol verification have typi-
can now be given a type which ensures that the machine cally been based on developing special-purpose type sys-
is ready to send a packet at the start, and expresses that it tems, post-hoc program analysis, or a combination of these
will end in an appropriate state (e.g., not still waiting for a techniques. For example, Marriott et al. [9] use a determin-
reply): istic finite-state automaton (DFA) to describe the allowed
sendPacket : (seq : Byte) → List Byte → states of resources. Their approach relies on a program
SendMachine (ReadyToSend seq) → analysis that models the approximate behaviour of the pro-
IO (NextSent seq) gram, and that then checks that this behaviour conforms to
the DFA. In contrast, in our approach, we effectively place References
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