ME 411 Fall 2012 LAB 2-1

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Kelkar, Fall 2012


Course Instructor: Dr.Atul Kelkar Lab Instructor: Ruchir Goswami ( Total points: 50 DUE: At the beginning of class on Sept 20, 2012.

PD Controller Design for DC motor Position

In lab exercise 1 you have obtained the transfer function for the DC motor system from a given set of differential equations. For this lab the objective is to design and implement the PD controller in order to control the motor position. You have observed during the first lab that the effect of inductance of the DC motor is negligible as compared to the resistance and can be neglected. As a result, in this lab, you will use the second order model derived in the Part II of Lab 1. i.e. ( ) ( ) ( )


)( )

The block diagram for the feedback control system is shown in Figure 1.

+ -

Controller Kp+ Kds

Plant G2new(s)

Figure 1: Block diagram of typical feedbak control system.

Consider R= 1 rad as the reference input, and the design criteria to be:

Settling time less than 0.04 seconds (Use 5% criterion) Overshoot less than 16% No steady-state error No steady-state error due to a disturbance

Recall that the transfer function for a PID controller is:

Kelkar, Fall 2012

Part I (25 points): Proportional Control: 1. Obtain the transfer function (Gcl_P(s)) for the closed loop system with proportional control. (5 points) 2. Design proportional control for given performance criteria i.e. obtain the value of Kp that satisfy the given conditions. (Hint: First calculate the natural frequency n and damping ratio from expected overshoot and settling time, then compare the desired characteristic equation with the characteristic equation of Gcl_P(s) and obtain Kp). (10 points) 3. Use rltool in Matlab to plot the root locus and step response of the closed loop system. Also calculate the overshoot and settling time graphically from the matlab figure. (5 points) 4. Using the P-controller designed above simulate the closed loop system using the original system model G2 (s) (given below) with non-zero inductance. Plot the closed-loop responses for (t) using both G2 (s) and G2new (s) system models. Comment on the performance variation if any. (5 points) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) Part II (25 points): Proportional and Derivative (PD) Control: ( )

1. Obtain the transfer function (Gcl_PD(s)) for the closed loop system with PD control. (5 points) 2. Design PD controller for a given performance criteria i.e. obtain the values of Kp and Kd to meet the design specs. (Follow the similar procedure as in Part I Prob. 2). (10 points) 3. Use rltool in Matlab to plot the root locus and step response of the closed loop system. Also obtain the overshoot and settling time graphically from the matlab figure. (5 points) 4. Using the PD-controller designed above simulate the closed loop system using the original system model G2 (s) (given above) with non-zero inductance. Plot the closedloop responses for (t) using both G2 (s) and G2new (s) system models. Comment on the performance variation if any. (5 points) Answer all the questions in Part I and Part II. Attach Simulink model diagrams, system response plots and root locus diagrams to the report. The response plots should indicate the settling time and overshoot. Please label the axes, give appropriate title, and insert legends if necessary.

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