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VIRTUDES EMOES NEGATIVAS 1 Love 2 Joy 3 Peace 4 Patience


5 Kindness

Unforgiveness, insignificance, resentment Sadness, depression, feeling I am hopeless. I am worthless. Life is inferior, worthless, flawed hopeless Anxiety, worry Something bad will happen. The future will be like the past. Im not okay Impatience, anger, Something must change right now for me to frustration, insecurity, desire be okay for love substitutes Rejection, hurt, fear People will take advantage of me. People are too sensitive Fear, shame Distrust, being judgmental Guilt, shame, wrong pride

AES PREJUDICIAIS I am unlovable. I am insignificant. I am flawed Self-protection Self-gratification Actions to pleasure the 5 senses Unhealthy Actions to get things Actions to gain approval of self and others Selfishness Attempts to pull others down Manipulation Manipulation, deceit, giving up

SISTEMAS CORPORAIS Endocrine Skin Gastrointestinal Immune

Central Nervous

6 Goodness 7 Trust 8 Humilty

9 Self-Control Laziness, entitlement, helplessness

I am bad. I am not good enough. I am unforgivable People are out to get me. I must be in control. Its not fair. People must think well of me for me to be okay I cant do it. Im not capable. Others should do it for me. Its not fair

Respiratory Reproductive and Urinary Tract Circulatory Muscular/Skeletal


Pride: unforgiveness, judgmentalness, entitlement, wrongful pride, arrogance, scorn, false humility; being overbearing, pious, prejudiced, narrow-minded, boastful, know-it-all, dogmatic, holier-than-thou. Anger: impatience, frustration, resentment, hate, antagonism; being vengeful, aggressive, mean, sullen, destructive, self destructive. Lust/Desire/Craving: greed, envy, possessiveness, compulsion, addiction, overindulgence, recklessness, denial; seeking love substitutes; being manipulative, demanding. Fear: insecurity, distrust, anxiety, doubt, nervousness, worry, defensiveness, withdrawal, panic, dread, suspiciousness; feeling tense, frightened, terrified, paralyzed, afraid of punishment. Grief: sadness, unhappiness, guilt; feeling hurt, inferior, rejected, neglected, betrayed; poor me. Apathy: worthlessness, insignificance, depression, helplessness, laziness, hopelessness, despair; feeling too tired, discouraged, flawed. Shame: disgrace, dishonor, condemnation, humiliation, embarrassment; feeling inadequate, miserable, despised. You may notice that some of these are not emotions in the way we normally think of emotions. However, we can feel entitlement, inferiority, or laziness in a very real way.


I am unlovable. Who could possibly love me? I will do anything and everything to get them to love me There is no joy for me. I dont bring joy to anyone either

Whats the use? I cant make them love me. I cant love them.

Love leads to loss. I cant stand any more pain. It hurts too much to

I am afraid I will be rejected. I had better hold back my love

If they dont love me, its their fault. They annoy me anyway. If they know whats good for them, they will give me what I want





Why try for happiness? Im doomed

3 4

Peace Patience

There is no peace for me. I dont deserve peace. No wonder no one has patience with me. I dont even have patience with me!

Why even try to get peace? It is useless to try.

: Why even bother to consider patience, why its missing, or its value? It is too much trouble and ultimately is a waste of time. Seeking kindness is like chasing my shadow. I cant catch it no matter what I do. Unkindness, on the other hand, finds me automatically.


If they knew me, they would hate me. I dont deserve kindness or anything else other than punishment and scorn. I am so far from goodness that I cant have it or express it. I am pathetic





It is useless trying to attain this condition. I have tried everything but I am so obviously sinful and flawed I am awful; I have done I cant rely on the unreliable. awful things, and thought I dont know what it means to awful thoughts. I cant feel trust in anything except trust and probably never the coming punishment will. that I deserve I am so below being Who cares? It is useless to humble that I wonder if I try to be humble even should even occupy though the Bible space and breathe air encourages it. that might be better used by someone else. If I had any self-control, I No matter how many times I and my life wouldnt be tried to do or not do such a mess. something, it didnt work. Why continue trying?

I would do anything for an I dont need their love. Who are indication of approval or they anyway? They should be love grateful that I give them my time and attention. Who needs them? After what happened to me? Who knows when the other shoe Happiness is as unpredictable as I will be happy just as soon Power and money will make Such betrayal, will drop? Im always on edge. people. Get them all in a headlock as I get my next fix me joyful. Forget that other abandonment, loss! and youll be safe of ________ (money, work, stuff! promotion, sex, drugs, new car, approval, etc.) I lost any chance for peace I am afraid I will never have peace. I am angry that peace eludes me. If I can just get more _____ I I dont need peace or anything when I lost _____. I caused If I have peace, bad things will Peace is a ridiculous goal. will have peace. My lack else. I protect myself by _____ to lose peace take it away. I am afraid I have Peace for others is not my goal either of peace is due to my lack degrading upset _____ and will again of ____. the value of peace. I lost. Waiting for anything He/she is going to be angry with Patience doesnt make things happen; I cant wait! I must have it Patience is for others, not me. just reminds me of the pain me no matter what I do or dont do. impatience does! I have to push and now! I cant rest until I get Let them wait. My wants take of that loss This delay means I am not going push for results. The energy of anger, it! I dont want to wait. Why priority. and what the future to get what I need and want. impatience, and frustration covers should I? They should realize that. inevitably holds for me Better to start preparing myself my fear and forces others to do what now for that disappointment. I want. People who should have Uh oh... here comes pain and Kindness means I get taken I can manipulate people into I deserve kindness. I am kind been kind to me werent. I cruelty again. There is a black advantage of. People dont respect being kind to me. I can milk to those who deserve it but not didnt learn to be kind to cloud hanging over everything. My kindness; they respect money and kindness from them like to those who dont deserve it. myself or others. I had fears are supposed to keep me power. The weak want me to be kind. they were cows. I need their Why waste kindness on the plenty of times when I could safe but they seal me off from the I want them out of my way. kindness but I cant share it undeserving? have been kind, but I didnt kindness of others with them. There is not do it. I lost. enough to go around. I dont understand how I If people knew of my lack of The good die young. I will take what I I will fake goodness if that Being a goody two shoes is a could have lost my inherent goodness I would be rejected want by force. Everyone is will get me what I want. Id joke. Id rather be bluntly honest goodness as a person. I lost instantly. faking being good. They are phony rather have feeling good and my connection to God and This must be why things are so than goodness. tell people how it is! good by being a bad person difficult for me in life I cant trust anyone after Right behind the faade of trust is It is better to realize that everyone is I trust what I have in my I am trustworthy. The only what I have experienced, the pain of surprise. If I trust that out for himself, including me. own hands, in my bank times I do bad things is when after what I have things will work out and get better, Dog-eat-dog and survival-of-theaccount, what I own, and its justified done, and after what I have then the coming pain is just that fittest and all that. what I control. The more I seen. There is a hole in my much more upsetting have, the more I can control heart where trust should be others. Thats what I trust Having lost precious things Every time I start to feel good about I feel like kicking humble people. As soon as I am a They deserve to be humble. doesnt lead to humility. I myself something bad happens. Being wimpy doesnt get you millionaire and have They accurately appreciate cant tell I am afraid I will be humbled more. anywhere. It gets you stepped on like everything I want I will their own insignificance. In all broken-hearted from a doormat become humble. In the humility, I am better than that. humble. meantime, get me what I want! Lack of self-control caused Self-control is like an opponent People pay attention when I rant and I can stop _____ any time I People are pathetic when they me to lose what I valued you have to wrestle to the floor rave. I dont control myself; I want. I just dont want to! cant control themselves. That most. I couldnt make myself and never let up. As soon as I control them. Plus, it is more fun doing is the cause of most peoples do the right thing, and I relax, the darker side takes right _____. problems. When I choose have been paying for it ever over. excess, it is a choice, not a since. weakness in my character.



PARTES DOS SISTEMAS CORPORAIS Adrenals, Gonads , Hypothalamus , Ovaries , Pancreas , Pineal , Pituitary , Testicles , Thyroid Hair , Skin


2 Joy 3 Peace

Skin Gastrointestinal

Diabetes , Fatigue , Hairiness , Hypertension , Insomnia , Ovulation , Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) , Sexual function , Sugar cravings , Temperature, low. Acne , Cysts , Eczema , Hair , Hairiness , Mouth , Nails , Psoriasis , Rashes , Seborrhea , Skin Gallbladder , Glands (digestive) , Acid reflux , Bloating , Colic , Colon , Constipation , Crohn's disease , Intestine , Liver , Mouth , Pancreas , Dental , Diarrhea , Gingivitis , Heartburn , Mouth , Reflux , Saliva , Stomach , Teeth , Tongue Sinus problems , Stomach cramps , Teeth , Ulcers Lymphocytes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) , Allergies , Athletes foot , Autoimmune diseases , Bacterial infection , Blood clots , Bronchitis , Cancer , Fever , Fungus , Hepatitis , Immune system , Infection , Inflammation , Lupus , Lymph congestion , Lymphoma , Multiple Sclerosis (MS) , Psoriasis , Ringworm , Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) , Temperature, high

4 Patience


5 Kindness

Central Nervous Brain , Ears , Eyes , Nerves , Nose , Alzheimer's , Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD) , Spinal cord Brain , Brain fog , Dementia , Depression , Headache , Hearing , Memory , Meningitis , Multiple Sclerosis (MS) , Pain , Vision Respiratory Bronchi , Lungs Asthma , Coughing , Emphysema , Mucus Reproductive and Breasts , Glands (sexually related) , Abortion (miscarriage), Breast (fibrocystic, cancer, infection) , Urinary Tract Gonads , Kidneys , Ovaries , Penis , Endometriosis , Infertility , Kidney stones , Ovulation , Prostate , Prostate , Testicles , Ureter , Urethra Sexual function , Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) , Urinary tract , Uterus , Vagina infection. Circulatory Aorta , Arteries , Heart , Lymphatic system , Veins Aneurysm , Arteriosclerosis , Atherosclerosis , Bleeding , Congestive heart failure , Dysrhythmia , Embolism , Hypertension , Irregular heartbeat , Swelling , Thrombosis, deep vein , Varicose veins Arthritis , Bone , Bursitis , Fibromyalgia , Fractures of bone , Hernia , Ligamentitis , Osteoporosis , Tendonitis

6 Goodness 7 Trust

8 Humilty

9 Self-Control Muscular/Skeletal Bones , Cartilage , Ligaments , Muscles , Tendons

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