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How often do you use the following teaching methods?

Whole Class Activities Lecture/Teacher talk Question & Answer Demonstration Watching a video/film otice !oard style dis"lays #verhead "ro$ector White/!lack!oard Teacher led whole class discussion %ree flowing whole class discussion &isits Dictation I!#ivi#$al Activities 'ssay writing/formal reasoning '(am "a"er )uestions Worksheets or other individual work *elf "roduced handouts +ommercially "roduced handouts Homework/"rivate study ,ndividual assignments *tudent "ersonal choice in an assignment ,ndividually negotiated activities '("eriments/,nvestigations .reci"e. ty"e '("eriments/,nvestigations .discovery. ty"e /egular tests 'nd of year/course tests Li!rary research/ information seeking +ase *tudies Demonstration 0ractical &isits/visitors ,nterviewing/surveys/)uestionnaires Very o te! O te! So"eti"es Har#ly ever Never Notes Very o te! O te! So"eti"es Har#ly ever Never Notes

I!#ivi#$al Activities %co!ti!$e#& *elf evaluation & individual target setting "re-tests #ne-to-one teaching Question and answer /eading te(t!ooks/$ournals etc +om"uter aided learning 1se of word-"rocessing 1se of com"uterised s"readsheets 1se of com"uterised data!ases 1se of the ,nternet/WWW etc 1se of com"uterised gra"hics/DT0 S"all Gro$' Activities 2u33 grou"s *mall grou" discussions *mall grou" role "lay Large grou" role "lay Drama *tudent "resentation in grou"s *tudent "resentation individually *tudent led discussions De!ate *mall grou" assignments 4uided discovery or what5s your theory 4ames +ard games +ase studies 0ractical

Very o te!

O te!


Har#ly ever



Very o te!

O te!


Har#ly ever



%re)u e n c y me t h o d is used !y teac h e r s

Ho( to $se these )$estio!!aires* *tudents com"lete the Learning-style 0reference Questinnaire6 while *taff com"lete the Teaching-style 0reference Questionnaire7 /es"onses are scored for each teaching method on a five "oint scale6 five for 5very often5 or 5very well57 *tudent5s scores are averaged to give a score for each teaching method7 The Teacher5s score for fre)uency of use6 is "lotted against student score for how well they learn7 There will !e a "oint on the gra"h for each teaching method7 89ou need not "lot all methods6 $ust those with high or low scores from either

x A

x D

x +

*tud e n t "refer x 2ence

students or teachers7: ,f a teaching method is in regions D and + this is good news6 /egions A and 2 suggest useful changes can !e made7

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