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Jessica Derges K1207361

I propose to design and make a fashion based website which r!ns thro!gh eras and decades in partic!lar the decades from 1"20#s to the present da$% &he website will pro'ide a g!ide to the most pop!lar fashions of each era whilst complimented with accompan$ing m!sic of the decade it represents% Site purpose &he site#s main p!rpose is to be informati'e and creati'e% It will be ed!cational in its aim to pro'ide a walkthro!gh of fashion thro!gh the decades leading !p to now% It also pro'ides a histor$ of m!sic alongside the fashion% It will be creati'e in the wa$ it pro'okes art within its content% I am going to attempt to hand draw fashion icons which will create an artistic take on fashion thro!gh the $ears% Site inspiration/motivation I was inspired to make a fashion st$le website whilst I was looking at other fashion sites namel$ fashion blogs and e(commerce sites s!ch as &opshop )ore'er 21 and *oohoo%com% I decided it wo!ld be a good idea to prod!ce a concise doc!mentar$ of the histor$ of fashion b!t in an artistic manner% I then tho!ght I co!ld prod!ce something fl!id which took the a!dience thro!gh a timeline of the histor$ and this co!ld also incorporate the histor$ of m!sic de'elopment and changes to match the fashion% I decided on these two different aspects beca!se I am partic!larl$ passionate abo!t both of them and feel I alread$ ha'e the knowledge behind both m!sic and fashion o'er the $ears to s!ccessf!ll$ create m$ website% Target audience/suitability +$ target a!dience is going to be primaril$ females aged between 1,(2-% &his is beca!se I feel that a female wo!ld be more inclined to 'isit not onl$ a fashion based website b!t also a concept!al one% I ha'e decided to onl$ do female fashion thro!gh the $ears as this will s!it a more specific target a!dience than choosing both male and female models% I ha'e chosen the age gro!p of 1,(2- as I feel these are the people who are partic!lar$ interested in 'intage fashion and fashion in general% +ore and more people are p!rchasing old 'intage clothes from charit$ shops high street stores and markets therefore it wo!ld be good to ed!cate these people on the st$les and fashions the$ are sporting and where the$ deri'ed from making it a s!itable website concept for its a!dience% General website content +$ website is going to be content(rich as I wish to !se lots of different forms of m!ltimedia to create it% )irstl$ I will be creating different doll.manne/!in fig!res which represent the era of fashion I want to portra$% &his will be set in a timeline fashion mo'ing thro!gh the decades from the 1"20#s to the present da$% Participants in the website will be able to tra'el thro!gh the website !sing arrows and directions learning as the$ go abo!t the fashion of that partic!lar decade thro!gh images that ha'e been hand drawn%

+!sic will also accompan$ the fashion manne/!ins gi'ing the participant a real feel of the time that I am portra$ing% Project Timeline: Week 1: Designing and creating mood boards !pdating m$ blog with research on the fashion era#s of the 1"20#s thro!gh to the present da$% I will be researching each era and the poignant fashions in each one% Week 2: Prod!cing a manne/!in design for each decade which is hand( drawn% 5esearch e6isting websites for design ideas and la$o!ts% Week 3: Intricate la$o!t design of the website how it will work and the technicalities behind making the website% 5esearching Ja'a 0&+7 and 899% Week 4: 5esearching and selecting m!sic for each decade% 5esearching how to add this to a website% Week 5: :ebsite making begins% Website Flowchart

01+2P 342

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

fashion .m!sic

&imeline design

Website Wireframe:


ood !oards:

0ere is a collection of images I ha'e so!rced to define the la$o!t st$le and design of m$ website;

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