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Introduction to Art – Unit 2: Aesthetics Name:

Assignment: Surrealist Collage

Advanced Proficient Emerging Unsatisfactory Total

Criteria 20 – 18 pts. 17 – 16 pts. 15 – 14 pts. 13 – 12 pts. Points
Composition: The collage shows The collage is There is little or no The collage was not Teacher
How well did you a great deal of planned, but the evidence of completed,
use the principles planning and visual movement planning and demonstrating little
of design? visual movement is very stiff and visual movement. or no planning.
with a strong point academic. The There is little or no
of emphasis. point of emphasis emphasis.
is not as clear.
Perspective: There is a strong 1-pt Perspective There is a small There is no sense of Teacher
Did you create a sense of space was created in the area of 1-pt. space in the collage;
sense of space? created by 1-pt. background, but it Perspective used, or the collage was
Perspective. The feels separated and it feels added not completed.
space is creatively from the in, instead of an
incorporated into foreground. The important part of
the overall design. perspective is stiff the overall design.
and academic.
Surrealism: The design shows The overall design There is little or no There is no overall Teacher
How well did you a strong adequately shows overall concept for concept or theme.
develop a understanding of a planned the collage. Many
Surrealist Surrealism; and concept, but there of the images
concept? the concept are a few parts of used seem more
created is the collage that of a jumble of Student
outstanding. either do not ideas than one
belong or are not cohesive concept.
as well thought
Collage: Did you All collaged Most of the Few of the The collage was not Teacher
correctly and elements were collaged elements collaged elements completed in a Student
creatively use correctly cut and are cut out and are cut out and satisfactory manner.
collage glued down. The glued down glued down
elements? elements correctly. Most of properly. Many of
creatively work the collaged the collaged
together to make elements have elements are
an exceptional been pieced taken straight from
artwork. together and few the magazine with
have been used little manipulation.
as the artist
Craftsmanship The artwork is The overall The artwork The artwork was not Teacher
: outstanding and artwork shows merely shows an completed in a
How much effort demonstrates a above average average level of satisfactory manner.
was made to unique level of craftsmanship and craftsmanship and
finish your piece? patience and understanding. understanding.
Total Points Earned: Teacher Student

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