K 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals: Ooperation For Innovation and The Exchange of Good Practices

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i" t#e $iel% o$ e%& 'tio"( tr'i"i") '"% yo&t# in the field of Education and Training: o mobility project for higher education students and staff o mobility project for VET learners and staff o mobility project for school staff o mobility project for adult education staff in the field of Youth o mobility project for young people and youth workers Youth Exchanges European Voluntary Ser ice Youth workers! training and networking - L'r)e ! 'le E&rope'" Vol&"t'ry Ser*i e e*e"t! European Voluntary Ser ice "omplementary acti ities +oi"t M'!ter De)ree! M'!ter St&%e"t Lo'" G&'r'"tee


- Str'te)i .'rt"er!#ip! i" t#e $iel% o$ e%& 'tio"( tr'i"i") '"% yo&t# o cooperation between organi#ations with a iew to establishing exchanges of practices o de elopment$ testing and%or implementation of inno ati e practices o recognition and alidation of knowledge$ skills and competences ac-&uire through formal$ non-formal and informal learning o cooperation between regional authorities o transnational initiati es o o o K"o1le%)e Alli'" e! 'oosting inno ation in higher education$ business and in the broader socioeconomic en ironment (e eloping entrepreneurship mind-set and skills Stimulating the flow and exchange of knowledge between higher education and enterprises Se tor S2ill! Alli'" e! (efining skills and training pro ision needs in a gi en specific economic sector (esigning joint curricula (eli ering joint curricula -'p' ity B&il%i") i" t#e $iel% o$ yo&t#

acti ities encouraging the policy dialogue$ cooperation$ networking and exchanges of practices in the field of youth$ such as seminars$ conferences$ workshops and meetings large-scale youth e ents

information and awareness campaigns de elopment of information$ communication and media tools) de elopment of youth work methods$ tools and materials$ as well as youth work curricula$ training modules and documentation instruments such as Youthpass creation of new forms of deli ering youth work and pro iding training and support$ notably through open and flexible learning materials$ irtual cooperation and open educational resources *+E, Youth Exchanges between .rogram and eligible .artner "ountries European Voluntary Ser ice from%to eligible .artner "ountries /obility of youth workers between .rogram and eligible .artner "ountries *i0e0 participation of youth workers in seminars$ training courses$ contact-making e ents$ study isits abroad) b- a job shadowing%obser ation period abroad in an organi#ation acti e in the youth fieldK 3 - SU..ORT FOR .OLI-Y REFORM - Str& t&re% Di'lo)&e4 o /eetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth o 1ean /onnet acti ities S.ORT - -oll'bor'ti*e .'rt"er!#ip! - networking among key stakeholders - identification and sharing of good practices - de elopment and implementation of training and educational modules - acti ities to increase the competences of multipliers in the field of sport and to de elop monitoring and benchmarking of indicators$ notably as regards the promotion of ethical beha iors and codes of conduct among sportspeople - awareness-raising acti ities on the alue of sport and physical acti ity in relation to the personal$ social and professional de elopment of indi iduals - acti ities to impro e the e idence-base of sport to tackle societal and economic challenges *collection of data$ sur eys$ consultations$ etc0- acti ities to promote inno ati e synergies between the field of sport and the fields of health$ education$ training and youth - conferences$ seminars$ meetings$ e ents and awareness-raising actions underpinning the aforementioned acti ities - Not-$or-pro$it E&rope'" !port e*e"t! - organi#ation of training acti ities for athletes$ coaches$ organi#ers and olunteers in the run-up to the e ent - organi#ation of the e ent - organi#ation of side-acti ities to the sporting e ent *conferences$ seminars- implementation of legacy acti ities *e aluations$ drafting of future plans-

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