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November 26, 2012 Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling Secretary, New York State P blic Service !

ommi""ion #$ree %m&ire "tate Pla'a Albany, NY 1222()1(*0 Re: Case 12-F-0410 +ear Secretary Brilling, -e are in recei&t o. a letter /ate/ November 20, 2012 .rom 0r. 1arry 2olk", Senior 3ice Pre"i/ent an/ !$ie. +evelo&ment 4..icer .or BP -in/ %nergy Nort$ America, 5nc. 0r. 2olk" claim" in $i" letter to re"&on/ to a letter "ent to BP Alternative %nergy an/ BP -in/ %nergy Nort$ America on 4ctober (0, 2012. 5n t$at 4ctober (0 letter we, t$e collective electe/ an/ a&&ointe/ o..icial" o. t$e government o. t$e #own o. !a&e 3incent, e6&re""e/ a n mber o. &roblem" we e6&erience/ in attem&ting to learn BP" &lan" .or a ma7or win/ &ower /evelo&ment &ro7ect in o r town. 0r. 2olk"8 letter i" a 9re"&on"e: only in t$e mo"t tec$nical "en"e. 5n .act, it i" w$olly nre"&on"ive. 4. t$e "everal concern" an/ ; e"tion" clearly "et .ort$ in o r letter, 0r. 2olk" /oe" not re"&on/ to any o. t$em. Hi" letter /oe" not merely .ail to clari.y anyt$ing< it /oe" not even /o " t$e co rte"y o. acknowle/ging t$e i"" e" &re"ente/ in o r letter. BP -in/ %nergy claim" to be &rocee/ing in goo/ .ait$ n/er Article 10 by engaging in a P blic 5nvolvement Program =P5P> t$ro g$ w$ic$ t$ey will /iligently "eek to in.orm an/ e/ cate t$e re"i/ent" o. !a&e 3incent an/ ot$er "take$ol/er". However, t$e re.erence/ BP letter "$ow" no trace o. gen ine & blic involvement. 5t i" not$ing more t$an a .ew "$ort &aragra&$" o. very "tan/ar/ BP marketing lang age ; oting generali'e/" t$at BP a""ert" will come to a comm nity .rom $aving a win/ &ro7ect. -e co l/ $ave li.te/ t$at lang age .rom one o. t$eir broc$ re".

#$e letter concl /e" wit$ BP claim to be looking .orwar/ to 9contin ing /ialog e: wit$ ", b t we are naware o. any /ialog e to /ate wit$ BP )) in "&ite o. o r re&eate/ e..ort" to $ave one. BP8" e..ort i" better c$aracteri'e/ a" a monolog e, not a /ialog. #$i" mo"t recent comm nication .rom BP i" very /i"t rbing. 5t "erve" a" . rt$er in/ication t$at o r town i" .ace/ wit$ a ma7or in/ "trial /evelo&er, &ro&o"ing a &ro7ect o. n&rece/ente/ "i'e an/ "co&e, w$ic$ re. "e" to talk wit$ " in any meaning. l way. -e tr "t t$at yo will weig$ o r concern" an/ .r "tration" very care. lly a" yo contin e to eval ate BP8" "o)calle/ & blic involvement wit$ t$e #own o. !a&e 3incent. Sincerely,

?rban !. Hir"c$ey S &ervi"or

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