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9 Key Frames: The Verve Bittersweet Symphony

Frame 1 This frame was chosen because it depicts the start of a journey and what is seen is that the artist is a one in the be!innin! and with that they are comp ete y i!nored by the oncomin! peop e" This is a simi ar concept to my !roup#s music video$ the who e theme of bein! un%nown and this frame !reat y depicts that as the artist has ta ent but no one actua y notices him and this can be used by us in a simi ar way to he p show how our artist starts of un%nown" Frame & ' This shot is a c ose up of the ead voca ists face$ whi e we don#t have yrics in our son!$ c ose ups of the artist wi be necessary as both this son! and my !roups son! choice are of the roc% !enre and these are very performance based and feature many c ose ups of the artist performin! maybe not a ways their face(s) but sti centred around the performance side of the video rather than the narrative" Frame * This frame shows a convention of the roc% !enre which wou d be the c othin! sty e" +espite bein! wea thy the artists shoes and trousers oo% very affordab e and oo% we used and this can be beneficia to us as anyone fami iar with the roc% !enre can use the association to the !enre to actua y reco!nise our music videos !enre before the music actua y starts p ayin!" Frame , ' This c ose up shows the fee in! of the artist as he is performin! which is another convention of the roc% !enre as it has a specia meanin! to the artist and that is conveyed throu!h his facia e-pression" This cou d be somethin! we try to incorporate into our wor% as it is a way that ma%es the artist seem more rea and enab es the audience to sympathise with them"

Frame . This frame throws the focus and ma%es the artist the foca point of the scene which indicates that at this time the rest of the shot is current y unimportant and this is somethin! that we wi use as it he ps to identify what is actua y !oin! on the scene as it shows the audience what to oo% at essentia y"

Frame / This particu ar shot is a point of view which wi be used as it shows the audience what the artist sees and this can be very effective with our music video as my !roups video shows the journey of the artist and seein! the journey throu!h the person who is actua y e-periencin! it wi have a !reat effect as it puts the audience in the shoes of the artist" Frame 0 This is a trac%in! shot as the artist wa %s forward the camera is movin! bac%wards" This shot is inspirationa and cou d be in our music video because i%e Bittersweet Symphony it cou d be used to actua y trac% the artists journey and fo owin! their pro!ression throu!hout the narrative which enab es the audience to fee en!rossed in what#s !oin! on as they#ve been fo owin! the journey and have been with the artist throu!h it a " Frame 1 This shot uses natura i!htin! and it is 2uite bri!ht and this is somethin! that wi be used in my !roup#s music video as it isn#t a convention of the roc% the i!htin! tends to be ower %ey and cha en!in! that ma%es this music video our own and ess stereotypica " Frame 9 This is at the end of his journey and this shot shows the artist with the rest of his !roup which is how we intend to end our music video as it shows how at the be!innin! he was a one and no one noticed him but by the end he has !ained a reputation be it !ood or bad and he has now !ot peop e noticin! him

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