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Hindustan Latex (HLL) commenced its journey to serve the Nation in the area of Health Care, on March 1, 1966, ith its incor!oration as a cor!orate entity under as the Ministry of Health and "amily #elfare of the $overnment of %ndia& HLL contrace!tive sheaths for the National "amily )lannin* )ro*ramme& +he com!any commenced its commercial o!erations on ,!ril -, 1969 at )eroor.ada in +rivandrum& +he )lant as esta'lished in technical colla'oration ere added, ith M/s 0.amoto %ndustries %nc& 1a!an& + o most modern )lants one at +hiruvanantha!uram and the other at 2el*aum in 193-& +he !roduction facility at )eroor.ada has emer*ed as one of the lar*est sin*le manufacturin* )lant4s in the orld for the !roduction of Condoms, ith a ca!acity #ith the addition of this ca!acity, to !roduce over 1 2illion Condoms a year&

set u! in the natural ru''er rich state of (erala, for the !roduction of male

HLL today has an annual !roduction ca!acity of 1&516 'illion condoms& HLL is today a multi6!roduct, multi6unit or*ani7ation addressin* various !u'lic health challen*es facin* humanity +he manufacturin* unit at )eroor.ada as set u! 'y HLL in 1969 ith the

technical colla'oration usin* 1a!anese technolo*y& +he !lant moderni7ation over the years& +he facility is e9ui!!ed

hich has an

annual !roduction of 1866 million !ieces condoms under*one continuous ith modern !roduction, ins!ection and 9uality control machines and e9ui!ments in international 9uality norms& Condoms manufactured 'y this facility have C: Mar. and can meet a ran*e of international 9uality norms 'y #H0 ;885, %<0 =8>=?;88;, <,N< %<0 =8>=, ,<+M @ 5=9;, $0<+6 =6=-631 etc& Page 1 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

+ransformation of tested ra latex to condom* !lace in !rimary !roduction

consists of three major !rocesses& i) ii) iii) Com!oundin* Mouldin* Aulcani7in*

2.1 Compounding )roduction starts ith com!oundin*& +he re9uired characteristics of latex is latex in lar*e

o'tained durin* com!oundin*& +his is achieved 'y the addition of fixed 9uantity of com!oundin* chemicals in dis!ersion to ra mixer tan.s& +he dis!ersion is !re!ared 'y usin* 'all mill/sand *rinder/!earl mill/attritor mill& +he com!ound is then heated (!re6vulcani7ed) 'y introducin* steam to the of mixers& ,fter the !redetermined time ,the heatin* is arrested 'y introducin* chilled mixed ith re9uired amount of 1B ammonia ater to the +he com!ound latex from the mixer tan. is then transferred to su!!ly tan. and is ater solution in order to ith control the !ro!erties li.e +< (total solid) content, viscosity etc& ,lon*

this colour !i*ments are added, de!endin* on the ty!e of condom re9uired& +hen it is .e!t for a !redetermined time for a*ein* 'efore su!!lyin* for mouldin*& +he hole com!oundin* time 11&- hours to com!lete&

2.2 Compounding Chemicals And Their unc!ions <ta'ilisers used are ,mmonia <olution, Casein solution, !otassium salt of fatty acids etc& are added to !revent, or retard decay or s!oila*e of latex under the conditions of use or stora*e&

Page 2 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

Aulcanisin* a*ent used is <ul!hur&

Chemical that !ermits the acceleration of Aulcanisation reaction&

Cinc oxide is used as the vulcani7in* activator

Com!oundin* chemicals that is used to !revent deterioration of the !ro!erties of the film caused 'y oxidation or 'y natural a*ein*

<urface6active su'stance used to facilitate the sus!ension of solid com!oundin* materials in a li9uid medium and to sta'ili7e the dis!ersion there'y !roduced&

)i*ments are added to the com!ounded latex at the su!!ly tan. sta*e to im!art colour to the condoms&

2." #oulding o$ Condoms )rimary )roduction includes? + o ty!es of mouldin* machines are availa'le Eigh! machines? M1, M;, M5, M= ()L,N+6,) M,, M2 ()L,N+62) M-, M6 ()L,N+6C) +he machines are named in the order in machines are hich they ere assem'led& +he

ith the nomenclature consistin* of al!ha'ets, i&e, M,,M2,MC,M@ are hile those ith the nomenclature ith num'ers, i&e,

those hich are desi*ned 'y the ori*inal manufacturers (0.amoto D Eitcher) and im!orted

Page 3 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

M1,M;,M5,M=,M- DM6 !roduction de!artment&

ere indi*enously fa'ricated and commissioned 'y our


$erman +echnolo*y (M/s Eitcher Hi6+ech) + o machines? MC, M@ ()L,N+62)


1a!anese +echnolo*y (M/s& 0(,M0+0 E%(:N $0MF C0)

Page 4 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

2.% &apanese Technolog' #oulding Opera!ion(
















Page 5 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

2.+ ,ulcanisa!ion o$ Condoms 'rittle Fncured natural ru''er is stic.y, can easily deform hen arm, and is ith a *ood

hen cold& %n this state it cannot 'e used to ma.e articles

level of elasticity& +he reason for inelastic deformation of unvulcani7ed ru''er can 'e found in its chemical nature? ru''er is made of lon* !olymer chains& +hese !olymer chains can move inde!endently relative to each other, hich results in a chan*e of sha!e& 2y the !rocess of vulcani7ation, crosslin.s are formed 'et een the !olymer chains (Aulcanisation consists of creatin* a sul!hur crosslin., i&e&, a 'rid*e is 'ein* formed 'y one or more sul!hur atoms 'et een adjacent !olymer chains) so the chains can no lon*er move inde!endently& ,s a result, hen stress is a!!lied the vulcani7ed ru''er ill deform, 'ut u!on release of the stress, the ru''er article ill *o 'ac. to its

ori*inal sha!e&Aulcanisin* %nduces extensive chan*es in the !hysical !ro!erties of natural ru''er and is 'rou*ht 'y reactin* the ru''er ith sul!hur

2.- De.h'dra!ion Opera!ion )ost6<tri!!in*, the condoms are dehydrated in a ire mesh 'arrel& +he silica slurry is dried off from the stri!!ed condoms 'y the dehydrator and leaves the dry !o der on the condom to serve as a dusty material durin* further !rocessin*& +he condoms are dried usin* hot air so that the !roducts can !neumatically 'e carried to the vulcanisin* machine 'arrels carry6hose& ,fter the mouldin* o!eration the unvulcani7ed condoms move to vulcani7ation sta*e& ithout* any here in the

Page 6 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum



+he function of :lectronic +estin* @e!artment is to test and roll u! the condoms in :lectronic )inhole +estin* Machine (:)+)& +he :+@ is class 188888& :+@ receives condoms manufactured 'y HLL as ell as from other sources, !assed 'y H)GC for testin* in :)+ machines& +estin* is done after a minimum maturation time of 5 days of the !assed lots from H)GC& +he Condoms are covered on the mandrels fixed to a conveyor chain& Chain s!eed is 98H; !er minute& +hese condoms !ass throu*h a conductive ru''er fla!, hich is !art of the hi*h volta*e6testin* unit& Hi*h volta*e is a!!lied to the condom throu*h the ru''er fla!& +he moulds are rotated at a s!eed of ;6= times across the hi*h volta*e tester& +he HA tester a!!lies 988616-8 A @C& +he detectin* unit identifies the condom as *ood or 'ad& , rollin* 'rush rolls u! the tested condoms& +he rolled condoms are !neumatically stri!!ed off into the $ood and 2ad collection trays&

Page 7 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

%.1 Primar' pac2aging +he in!ut materials usin* in this !rocess are foil, silicon oil, and na.ed condoms& 1& S!rip pac2ing I +his is the most im!ortant !rocess in !* o!eration, hich is doin* in stri! !* machine& +here are mainly t o ty!es of machine are usin* 'ased on ty!e of ja s for sealin* and they are (a) rotary seal ja machine D (') flat seal ja ty!e machine& +he most im!ortant !arameters monitored in these machines are sealin* tem!erature, machine s!eed, !ressure and the !osition of condoms in the slot of machine& +here are 185 machine are usin* in our !lant for !* in hich -- machines are of sin*le rectan*ular, 1- are sin*le s9uare machines, ;> are static s9uare machines and 6 are 2E+ machines& Com!arison of these different machines are sho n in ta'le






Characteristics <ealin* 168J/6-oC tem!erature Machine 68 stri!s/min

13-J/6-oC 3- stri!s/min 3- stri!s <in*le Manually

15-J/6-oC 68 stri!s/min 68 stri!s <in*le Manually

188J/6-oC =8 stri!s/min 1;8 stri!s +ri!le ,utomatic

s!eed 0ut!ut in min 68 stri!s Line of <in*le o!eration "eedin* condoms slots of Manually in

,fter settin* u! the machine !arameters, condoms

ill 'e !ic.ed from the crate

and is !laced over clean machine 'ed& ,s the conveyor moves condoms are Page 8 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

!laced on conveyor !lates& ,s the foils moves throu*h the heated !ress rollers, the condoms also *et inside the layer of foils and since there are recess in the !ress rollers, the condoms are safely !ositioned inside the ! formed 'y the recess and *ets sealed all around and carries out in continuous stri!& ,s the condoms moves throu*h the slots of machine and it carried to ards the silicon no77le area, here oil is su!!lied to the stri!s ith the hel! of a !um!& +he 9uantity of silicon oil a!!lied in to the stri!s is de!ends u! on the ty!e of schemes and is sho n in the ta'le ,fter the oil !um!s in to the to! of condoms in the stri!s, sealin* re9uirements of the customers& ill ta.e !lace

on the four side of the foil and then cut it in to different series as !er the

Secondar' Pac2ing +he materials as ell as machines re9uired for secondary !* o!erations are allet, carton, 'ox, leaflet, catch cover, shrin. machine, H@): sheet, !ac.ed condoms& ei*hin* machine, ra!!in* machine, ho!in* allet codin* machine and stri!


Page 9 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

+here are four sections under en*ineerin* de!artment? M:CH,N%C,L F+%L%+K :L:C+E%C,L %N<+EFM:N+,+%0N

#EC3ANICA) SECTION +his section !lays a .ey role as a service section to .ee! the !lant and machineries in satisfactory condition& +y!es of maintenance? 2roadly maintenance is divided into t o cate*ories? i) ii) )reventive maintenance n maintenance

Pre4en!i4e main!enance ,ctivities carried out to !revent failure or detect failure 'efore it develo!s into a failure& )reventive maintenance involves lu'rication, !lanned overhauls, re*ular cleanin* and adjustments& 5rea2do6n main!enance ,ctivities carried out to correct the failure or 'rea. do n after the occurrence of ' n/ fault& n analysis is also done& )roduction de!artment calls for the maintenance de!artment to rectify the defect& +his economical for non6critical e9ui!ments less& hose do ntime and re!air cost are

-. UTI)IT7
Page 10 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

Ftility section is one of the su!!ortin* sections !rovidin* the facilities re9uired for the !roduction !rocesses& %t maintains *eneration and distri'ution of all utilities associated ith !roduction !rocess& +he major functions are, +o *enerate and su!!ly steam in desired 9uantity +o su!!ly sufficient 9uantity of !rocess sections +o *enerate and su!!ly com!ressed air to various sections re9uired& +o maintain diesel en*ine of @$ set in *ood condition +o maintain all mechanical ei*hin* 'alances in *ood condition +o maintain all ,HF4s in *ood condition +o maintain "or.lifts in *ood condition& hat ever ater and chilled ater to various

U!ili!' E8uipmen!s -.1 5oilers )resently there are t o 'oilers6 (essel!ac. and, of 3 +)H each& 2oth are furnace oil fired, hori7ontal, !ac.a*ed, 5 !ass, fire tu'e 'oiler& (essel!ac. is used continuously and the efficiency is 38631B& +hermax is used tu'es in +hermax 'oiler is 133 and of (essel!ac. 'oiler is ;=;& 2oiler o!eration? 2oth the 'oilers are furnace oil fuelled& +he furnace oil is transferred from the main tan. to an over head tan. 'y means of a *ear !um!& +hen it is !um!ed on to the 'oiler 'y another *ear !um!& +he furnace oil is heated to a'out 1;8 0C Page 11 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum henever the re9uirement exceeds 3 +)H, and the efficiency is a'out >6B& +he num'er of

usin* a heat exchan*er heated 'y steam& "or cold start electric heater is also !rovided& +he furnace oil is then atomised usin* !rimary air from a centrifu*al 'lo er and introduced into the cham'er& +he secondary air is su!!lied for com'ustion& +ime, tem!erature and tur'ulence should 'e maintained to 'urn the furnace oil effectively& "or cold startin* of the 'oilers diesel is used initially and i*nited usin* a s!ar.&


F F !"#"C$ !"#"C$ %&L %&L P!&'#!( P!&'#!( )T%!#*$ )T%!#*$

)$C%"+#!( )T%!#*$ (;888 L+<)


(98888 L+<)

Page 12 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

SPECI ICATIONS eed 6a!er( !H Hardness +otal solids >&- 6 9&L- !!m =88 !!m (max)

5lo6 do6n 6a!er !H +@< 1861; -888 !!m (max)

*eneral s!eam <u!!ly !ressure >&- I 9&1- .*/s96cm (11-&686158&8!si) lue gases +em!erature ;886;-8 0C

urnace oil +em!erature 5ac2.Up F)< ==8A 9-61;- 0C

-.2 Air Compressors ,ir com!ressors are used to !rovide com!ressed air to various !roduction de!artments& )ressurised air is used in various !neumatic controls& +he dia!hra*m !um! used in com!oundin* section, !neumatic controls in vulcani7ation, stri!!in* of condoms in :+@ and !neumatic cuttin* system in !* machines use com!ressed air& Aarious tests in G, li.e 2A/2) also use com!ressed air&

Page 13 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

+here are three com!ressors of Chica*o )neumatic ma.e& + o are of >- H) and 1 of 68 H)& +he com!ressors are Hori7ontal, + o Cylinder, and 2alanced6 0!!osed Models& +he t o cylinders are connected ith an intercooler cooled 'y coolin* to ers& +he com!ressors !rovide oil free air& ,n air drier is also !rovided& Opera!ional parame!ers ,ir !ressure (1st sta*e ) ,ir !ressure (;nd sta*e ) 1 to ;&- .* /s9& cm 5&- to 6 .* /s9& cm

-." 9a!er Suppl' +here are t o main ater tan.s of 6-8 (L and 1=-8 (L& ,n over head tan. of 68 ater is also !resent& +he ater

(L is also !resent& , softenin* unit for !rocess

su!!ly is from +hiruvanantha!uram Munici!al Cor!oration& -.% D* Se! +here are currently - @$ sets of 1888(A,, -88 (A,, ; Nos& 5;8 (A, and 1 Nos& of ;88 (A,& +he 1888 (A, *enerator set uses a 16 cylinder @iesel :n*ine (+, 586>$& ( I A :n*ine + I +ur'o char*ed , I ,fter cooler $ 6 $enerator @is!lacement <!eed 586> cu inches 1-88 E)M

-.+ or2li$!s Page 14 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

"or. lifts are used to load/unload and trans!ort *oods

ithin the factory

!remises& +here are ; for.lifts& 2oth are of $odrej ma.e of one is 5 tonne and other is - tonne, diesel !o ered& Maintenance of these for.lifts is *iven as ,MC to $odrej&

-.- Po6er suppl'? 11 (A H+ su!!ly from (<:2 is fed throu*h a hi*h tension AC2 (Aaccum circuit ' !anel& %ts then ste!!ed do n to 11(A/==8A 'y distri'ution transformer& %ts then connected to a main volta*e !anel throu*h 1;-8, ,C2 (air circuit ' as an incomer& 2us cou!lers are !rovided in the main !anel so that the system does not *et affected in case if the transformers are out of service& +he main vaccum circuit ' ((<:2 su!!ly and *enerator su!!ly) is !rovided ith an* system& +he distri'ution system consists of mainly 5 nos& of 658 (A,, 11(A/=55A ste! do n transformers& +he total connected load of the system is 1=-8 (A, and the contract demand is 9-8 (A,& +he readin*s of the various meters such as +0@ (time of the day) meter, H+ ammeter, H+ voltmeter, L+ ammeter and L+ voltmeter are recorded in the daily lo* sheet at 1 hour interval 'asis& -.: Elec!rical U!ili!ies( Page 15 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

11(A, H+ "eeder& 5 nos of 658 (A, 11(A,/=55A ste! do n +ransformer& H+ )anel, Main )anel 2oard, <u' < itch 2oards(<<24s) :ner*y Meters hich indicates the amount of :lectrical ener*y consumed& @$ sets I1888 (A, 1 noM -88 (A, 1noM ;88(A, 1nos,5;8 (A, ; nos ,C24s (,ir Circuit 2rea.ers), 0C24s (0il Circuit 2rea.ers),AC24s(Aaccum Circuit 2rea.ers) that hel!s to !rotect the e9ui!ments connected to it&

5 !hase Ca!acitor 2an. that hel!s to im!rove the !o er factor & ,AE (,utomatic Aolta*e Ee*ulators) to sustain the volta*e fluctuations& %ndustrial F)< (Fninterru!ti'le )o er <u!!ly) :9ui!ments also hel!s to avoid !roduction loss maintain the volta*e to the desired level incase if the volta*e fails

Ac!i4i!ies Ee!airin* and maintenance of !rocess control 6e9ui!ments& Cali'ration of test and measurin* e9ui!ments as iso 6standards& )reventive / !roactive maintenance& <cheduled maintenance& 2rea. do n maintenance 6 'y shift !ersonnel& +echnolo*y u! *radation / modification or.s& Maintenance of internal tele!hone communications& Page 16 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum


@evice !re I accident strate*ies and conduct safety audit D ins!ection& %ntroduce or. !ermit system, detailed accident analysis, fire fi*htin* o!eration etc& +o !re!are !rocedure for emer*ency !re!aredness D res!onse method& :nsure im!lementation of the !rocedure 'y concerned de!artments& %dentify and evaluate environmental as!ects and fix environmental o'jectives and tar*ets& +o monitor the concentration of ammonia, dust and noise? +o !rovide *uidance for identification of !ro!er !ersonnel !rotective e9ui!ments 'y concerned de!artments& Measurements 9uarterly 'asis +o maintain safe hei*ht of materials& ill 'e made on a


+he aim of the de!artment is to !rocure ri*ht 9uality of material in the ri*ht 9uantity at the ri*ht time from the ri*ht su!!lier for the ri*ht !rice and thus to ensure that materials and services are made availa'le to have uninterru!ted )roduction and )* as !er !lan& )rocurement of ra materials, !* materials, e9ui!ments, s!are !arts and services to maintain continuity in res!ect of su!!ly of materials to su!!ort !roduction schedule and the com!anies o!eration are done here& +he de!artment also deals ith develo!in* *ood and relia'le vendors and ensurin* healthy 'uyer6vendor relationshi!s& ,lso the evaluation of vendors 'ased on their a'ility to su!!ly !roducts in accordance de!artment& ith the or*ani7ation4s re9uirements is done 'y this

Page 17 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum


O>?ec!i4es +o receive material *oods and e9ui!ments and chec. them for identification& +o .ee! the tracea'ility of all materials received in <tores in each level&

%ssue of material to various sections as !er their re9uirements&

Control of inventory&

)ro!er stora*e, !reservation and handlin* of finished *oods& 0!timum usa*e of cu'ic s!ace& +o initiate !urchasin* cycle in the a!!ro!riate time so that materials re9uired are never out of stoc.&

11. @A A An In!roduc!ion(
+he !rimary function of the G, de!artment is to ensure the 9uality of !roduct at all sta*es of !roduction, so that overall rejection of the final !roduct could 'e .e!t at a minimum& +here'y e ensure that our !roduct meets the internationally reco*ni7ed standards of 9uality& %<0 =8>= (standard for !roduction of natural latex male contrace!tive condoms) is the 'asic standard for condom !roduction at )eroor.ada "actory Page 18 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

& Condoms are Class ;62 medical device& $enerally e follo #H0 ;885& <am!lin* !lan is derived from %<0 ;3-961

t o standards for

the testin* of condomsM they are <chedule6E of the @ru*s and Cosmetics ,ct D & +he other major functions of the G, de!artment is *iven 'elo ? (ee!in* the test status for the !roduct at every sta*e of manufacturin*& +horou*h revie and dis!osition of non6conformin* !roducts& @efinin* and documentin* 9uality system !rocedures :sta'lishin* 9uality mana*ement systems as !er the *uidelines of %<0 98816;888 Contract revie s re*ardin* the re9uirements of the customer and our o n ca!a'ilities& (ee!in* the identification and trace a'ility of the !roduct& ,!!lication of the <GC (statistical 9uality control) techni9ues& 0verseein* / Conduction of the receivin* ins!ection, in !rocess ins!ection and final !roduct ins!ection on sam!le 'asis& Conductin* monthly $M) audits in all de!artments +enderin* of 'atches for $ovt& su!!ly

Maintenance of reserve sam!les 'y G, de!artment for the life of the !roduct& 0fferin* external 'atches for ins!ection& )artici!atin* in inter6la' trials Collectin* customer feed'ac. Corrective and !reventive actions&

3al$ Produc! Tes!ing

Page 19 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

%n this !hase the 'atch num'er and lot identity is *iven& "rom the lot sam!les are selected and sam!les are su'jected to visual ins!ection, dimensional D lea.a*e*& @imensional Chec. includes? ,vera*e #ei*ht Len*th #idth

+he visual ins!ections sure that defects li.e rin.les, 'ad ed*e roll, scratches, t isted condoms, discolouration,*, 'ad !rint, ea. s!ots, 'um! cut, non vulcani7ed etc& %f such defects are !resent they are rejected and these defects are sho n on screen so that they are met ith immediately& @A Tes!s Conduc!ed +he G, tests are conducted on sam!les from the follo in* t o !hases? 2efore )* ,fter )*

58 sam!les from a lot of electronically tested condoms are ta.en for 'efore !* testin*& ;= out of these are tested for ater lea.a*e& %f ; or more sam!les fail, the lot is rejected& Eemainin* six sam!les are set for 'urst test&

9id!h =9 mm -5 mm

5urs! ,olume /)i!ers0 1-&3; 13&-8 16 13

Page 20 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

%n the after !* testin* section certain num'er of sam!les are su'jected to 'urst test and certain num'er are su'jected to ater lea.a*e test& Num'ers of sam!les to 'e selected are determined 'y an em!irical formula? N N O(nJ1) here n is the total 9uantity

%n 'urst test the lot is rejected if 18 or more fails ithin minimum !ressure of 1 ()a& %n the ater lea.a*e test lot is rejected if ; or more fails& +he next test is after a*ein* test& <am!les are !laced in ovens at >8PC for 5 days for condoms havin* ex!iry date of 5 years and > days for condoms havin* ex!iry date of - years& +hen the condoms are su'jected to lu'rication 9uantity test and !ac.a*e seal test&

Page 21 HLL LifeCare Limited , Trivandrum

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