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Building Code Act, 1992 Loi de 1992 sur le code du btiment


Consolid$tion %eriod& From January 1, 2014 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: O. Reg. 36 !13. This Regulation is made in English only.

(ection 1,1, 1,1,1, 1,1,2, 1,1,!, 1,2, 1,2,1, 1,2,2, 1,!, 1,!,1, 1,5, 1,5,1, 1,5,2, 1,7, 1,7,1, 1,7,2, Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code A..lic$tion o/ #i1ision B Building (i-e #etermin$tion$nce$nce 2it0 #i1ision B )$teri$ls,$nces, (3stems $nd E4ui.ment Inter.ret$tion Inter.ret$tion Terms $nd Abbre1i$tions #e/initions o/ 6ords $nd %0r$ses (3mbols $nd Ot0er Abbre1i$tions Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions Re/erenced #ocuments Org$ni-$tions


(ection (ection


(ection 1,1, Org$ni-$tion $nd A..lic$tion 1,1,1, Org$ni-$tion o/ t0is Code 1,1,1,1, (co.e o/ #i1ision A 819 "#$#s#on % conta#ns com&'#ance and a&&'#cat#on &ro$#s#ons and the objectives and functional statements o( th#s )ode. 1,1,1,2, (co.e o/ #i1ision B 819 "#$#s#on * conta#ns the acceptable solutions o( th#s )ode. 1,1,1,!, (co.e o/ #i1ision C 819 "#$#s#on ) conta#ns the adm#n#strat#$e &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode. 1,1,1,5, Intern$l Cross:re/erences 819 +( a &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode conta#ns a re(erence to another &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode ,ut no "#$#s#on #s s&ec#(#ed, ,oth &ro$#s#ons are #n the same "#$#s#on o( th#s )ode. 1,1,2, A..lic$tion o/ #i1ision B 1,1,2,1, A..lic$tion o/ %$rts 1, ; $nd 12 819 -arts 1, . and 12 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y to a'' buildings. 1,1,2,2, A..lic$tion o/ %$rts !, 5, 7 $nd < 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, -arts 3, 1 and 6 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y to a'' buildings, 1

2a3 used (or major occupancies c'ass#(#ed as, 2#3 4rou& %, assembly occupancies, 2##3 4rou& *, care, care and treatment or detention occupancies, or 2###3 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1, high hazard industrial occupancies, or 2,3 e5ceed#ng 600 m2 #n building area or e5ceed#ng three storeys #n building height and used (or major occupancies c'ass#(#ed as, 2#3 4rou& ), residential occupancies, 2##3 4rou& ", business and personal services occupancies, 2###3 4rou& 6, mercantile occupancies, or 2#$3 4rou& F, "#$#s#ons 2 and 3, medium hazard industrial occupancies and low hazard industrial occupancies. 829 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, -art 4 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to, 2a3 post-disaster buildings, 2,3 buildings descr#,ed #n /entence 213, 2c3 a reta#n#ng wa'' e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm #n e5&osed he#ght ad0acent to, 2#3 &u,'#c &ro&erty, 2##3 access to a building, or 2###3 &r#$ate &ro&erty to wh#ch the &u,'#c #s adm#tted, 2d3 a &edestr#an ,r#dge a&&urtenant to a building, 2e3 a crane runway, 2(3 an e5ter#or storage tan7 and #ts su&&ort#ng structure that #s not regu'ated ,y the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, 2g3 s#gns regu'ated ,y /ect#on 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * that are not structura''y su&&orted ,y a building, 2h3 a structure that su&&orts a w#nd tur,#ne generator ha$#ng a rated out&ut o( more than 3 78, 2#3 an outdoor pool that has a water de&th greater than 3.1 m at any &o#nt, and 203 a permanent solid nutrient storage facility w#th su&&ort#ng wa''s e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm #n e5&osed he#ght. 8!9 /ect#on 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to public pools. 859 /ect#on 3.12. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to public spas. 879 /ect#on 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to s#gns. 1,1,2,!, A..lic$tion o/ %$rt = 819 -art o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to the des#gn, construction, o&erat#on and ma#ntenance o( a'' sewage systems and to the construction o( buildings #n the $#c#n#ty o( sewage systems. 1,1,2,5, A..lic$tion o/ %$rt 9 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, -art 9 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to a'' buildings, 2a3 o( three or (ewer storeys #n building height, 2,3 ha$#ng a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 m2, and 2c3 used (or major occupancies c'ass#(#ed as, 2#3 4rou& ), residential occupancies, 2##3 4rou& ", business and personal services occupancies, 2###3 4rou& 6, mercantile occupancies, or 2#$3 4rou& F, "#$#s#ons 2 and 3, medium hazard industrial occupancies and low hazard industrial occupancies. 1,1,2,7, A..lic$tion o/ %$rt 1> 819 -art 10 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to e5#st#ng buildings re:u#r#ng a &erm#t under sect#on 10 o( the %ct. 1,1,2,<, A..lic$tion o/ %$rt 11 2

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, -art 11 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to the des#gn and construction o( e5#st#ng buildings, or &arts o( e5#st#ng buildings, that ha$e ,een #n e5#stence (or at 'east (#$e years. 829 +( a building has ,een #n e5#stence (or at 'east (#$e years ,ut #nc'udes an add#t#on that has ,een #n e5#stence (or 'ess than (#$e years, -art 11 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es to the ent#re building. 1,1,2,;, E?isting Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 3.1.. o( "#$#s#on *, /ect#on 9.40. o( "#$#s#on * and -art 11 o( "#$#s#on *, #( an e5#st#ng building #s e5tended or #s su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r, th#s )ode a&&'#es on'y to the des#gn and construction o( the e5tens#ons and those &arts o( the building that are su,0ect to the mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r. 829 +( an e5#st#ng &re$#ous'y occu&#ed building #s mo$ed (rom #ts or#g#na' 'ocat#on to ,e #nsta''ed e'sewhere, or #s d#smant'ed at #ts or#g#na' 'ocat#on and mo$ed to ,e reconst#tuted e'sewhere, th#s )ode a&&'#es on'y to changes to the des#gn and construction o( the building re:u#red as a resu't o( mo$#ng the building. 1,1,!, Building (i-e #etermin$tion 1,1,!,1, Building (i-e #etermin$tion o/ Building #i1ided b3 +ire2$lls 819 8here a firewall d#$#des a building, each &ort#on o( the building that #s d#$#ded sha'' ,e cons#dered as a se&arate building, e5ce&t (or the &ur&oses o(, 2a3 a determ#nat#on o( gross area #n /ect#on 1.2. o( "#$#s#on ), 2,3 a (#re a'arm and detect#on system #n /entence o( "#$#s#on * or %rt#c'e 9.10.1 .1. o( "#$#s#on *, and 2c3 a plumbing system #nterconnected through a firewall. 1,1,!,2, Building (i-e #etermin$tion o/ Building #i1ided b3 'ertic$l +ire (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, #( &ort#ons o( a building are com&'ete'y se&arated ,y a $ert#ca' fire separation that has a fire-resistance rating o( at 'east 1 h and that e5tends through a'' storeys and service spaces o( the se&arate &ort#ons, each se&arated &ort#on may ,e cons#dered to ,e a se&arate building (or the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng building height #(, 2a3 each se&arated &ort#on #s not more than three storeys #n building height and #s used on'y (or residential occupancies, and 2,3 the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or a (#re(#ghter (rom the nearest street to one entrance to each se&arated &ort#on #s not more than 41 m. 829 ;he $ert#ca' fire separation #n /entence 213 may term#nate at the ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e a basement #( the basement con(orms to %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on *. (ection 1,2,$nce 1,2,1,$nce 2it0 #i1ision B 1,2,1,1$nce 2it0 #i1ision B 819 )om&'#ance w#th "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e ach#e$ed, 2a3 ,y com&'y#ng w#th the a&&'#ca,'e acceptable solutions #n "#$#s#on *, or 2,3 ,y us#ng alternative solutions that w#'' ach#e$e the 'e$e' o( &er(ormance re:u#red ,y the a&&'#ca,'e acceptable solutions #n res&ect o( the objectives and functional statements attr#,uted to the a&&'#ca,'e acceptable solutions #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /%-1, >O,0ect#$es and Funct#ona' /tatements %ttr#,uted to the %cce&ta,'e /o'ut#ons?. 829 For the &ur&oses o( )'ause 2132,3, the 'e$e' o( &er(ormance #n res&ect o( a functional statement re(ers to the &er(ormance o( the functional statement as #t re'ates to the objective w#th wh#ch #t #s assoc#ated #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /%-1, >O,0ect#$es and Funct#ona' /tatements %ttr#,uted to the %cce&ta,'e /o'ut#ons?. 1.2.2. )$teri$ls,$nces, (3stems $nd E4ui.ment 1,2,2,1, C0$r$cteristics o/ )$teri$ls,$nces, (3stems $nd E4ui.ment 819 %'' mater#a's, appliances, systems and e:u#&ment #nsta''ed to meet the re:u#rements o( th#s )ode sha'' &ossess the necessary character#st#cs to &er(orm the#r #ntended (unct#ons when #nsta''ed #n a building. 1,2,2,2, sed )$teri$ls,$nces $nd E4ui.ment 819 @n'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed, recyc'ed mater#a's #n building &roducts may ,e used and used mater#a's, appliances and e:u#&ment may ,e reused when they meet the re:u#rements o( th#s )ode (or new mater#a's and are sat#s(actory (or the#r #ntended use. (ection 1,!, Inter.ret$tion 3

1,!,1, Inter.ret$tion 1,!,1,1, #esign$ted (tructures 819 ;he (o''ow#ng structures are des#gnated (or the &ur&oses o( c'ause 2d3 o( the de(#n#t#on o( building #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( the %ct: 2a3 a reta#n#ng wa'' e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm #n e5&osed he#ght ad0acent to, 2#3 &u,'#c &ro&erty, 2##3 access to a building, or 2###3 &r#$ate &ro&erty to wh#ch the &u,'#c #s adm#tted, 2,3 a &edestr#an ,r#dge a&&urtenant to a building, 2c3 a crane runway, 2d3 an e5ter#or storage tan7 and #ts su&&ort#ng structure that #s not regu'ated ,y the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, 2e3 s#gns regu'ated ,y /ect#on 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * that are not structura''y su&&orted ,y a building, 2(3 a so'ar co''ector that #s mounted on a building and has a (ace area e:ua' to or greater than 1 mA, 2g3 a structure that su&&orts a w#nd tur,#ne generator ha$#ng a rated out&ut o( more than 3 78, 2h3 a d#sh antenna that #s mounted on a building and has a (ace area e:ua' to or greater than 1 mA, 2#3 an outdoor pool, 203 an outdoor public spa, and 273 a permanent solid nutrient storage facility w#th su&&ort#ng wa''s e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm #n e5&osed he#ght. 1,!,1,2, +$rm Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 263, farm buildings sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n the ))*F) BR)) 3 .32, >Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada?. 829 %rt#c'es and 3.1. .1. and /u,sect#ons 3.1.4. and 4.1.4. #n the ))*F) BR)) 3 .32, >Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada? do not a&&'y to farm buildings. 8!9 +n the ))*F) BR)) 3 .32, >Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada?, re(erences #n %rt#c'es,,,,,,, and to the ))*F) BR)) 3 .26, >Bat#ona' *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada?, are deemed to ,e re(erences to Ontar#o Regu'at#on 403!9. 2*u#'d#ng )ode3, as #t read on "ecem,er 30, 2006. 859 % farm building o( low human occupancy ha$#ng a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 m2 and not more than three storeys #n building height #s deemed to com&'y w#th the structura' re:u#rements o( the ))*F) BR)) 3 .32, >Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada? #( #t #s des#gned and constructed #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-11, >)onstruct#on o( Farm *u#'d#ngs?. 879 % li uid manure storage tan7 sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( -art 4 o( "#$#s#on * o( th#s )ode and the re:u#rements o( -art 4 o( the ))*F) BR)) 3 .32, >Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada?. 8<9 % permanent solid nutrient storage facility sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( -art 4 o( "#$#s#on * o( th#s )ode. (ection 1,5, Terms $nd Abbre1i$tions 1,5,1, #e/initions o/ 6ords $nd %0r$ses 1,5,1,1, Non:de/ined Terms 819 "e(#n#t#ons o( words and &hrases used #n th#s )ode that are not #nc'uded #n the '#st o( de(#n#t#ons #n %rt#c'es, and and are not de(#ned #n another &ro$#s#on o( th#s )ode sha'' ha$e the mean#ngs that are common'y ass#gned to them #n the conte5t #n wh#ch they are used, ta7#ng #nto account the s&ec#a'#Ced use o( terms ,y the $ar#ous trades and &ro(ess#ons to wh#ch the term#no'ogy a&&'#es. 1,5,1,2, #e/ined Terms 819 6ach o( the words and terms #n #ta'#cs #n th#s )ode has, 2a3 the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( the %ct, #( not de(#ned #n )'ause 2,3 or 2c3, 2,3 the same mean#ng as #n each o( the (o''ow#ng &ro$#s#ons (or the &ur&oses descr#,ed #n the &ro$#s#on: 2#3 /entences and 223 o( "#$#s#on %, and 4

2##3 /entences, .., . and o( "#$#s#on *, or 2c3 the (o''ow#ng mean#ng (or the &ur&oses o( th#s )ode: Absorption trench means an e5ca$at#on #n soil, as de(#ned #n -art o( "#$#s#on *, or #n leaching bed fill, ,e#ng &art o( a leaching bed, #n wh#ch a distribution pipe #s 'a#d that a''ows #n(#'trat#on o( the effluent #nto the soil, as de(#ned #n -art o( "#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill! Acceptable solution means a re:u#rement stated #n -arts 3 to 12 o( "#$#s#on *. Accessible means, when a&&'#ed to a fi"ture, connect#on, plumbing appliance, $a'$e, cleanout or e:u#&ment, to ,e access#,'e w#th or w#thout ha$#ng to (#rst remo$e an access &ane', door or s#m#'ar o,struct#on, ,ut a fi"ture, connect#on, plumbing appliance, $a'$e, cleanout or e:u#&ment #s not access#,'e #( access can ,e ga#ned on'y ,y cutt#ng or ,rea7#ng mater#a's. Access to e"it means that &art o( a means of egress w#th#n a floor area that &ro$#des access to an e"it ser$#ng the floor area.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8c9 is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing de/inition& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1, 5!9

Adaptable seating means a (#5ed seat or seats des#gned to (ac#'#tate a s#de trans(er (rom a whee'cha#r. Additional circuit vent means a vent pipe that #s #nsta''ed ,etween a circuit vent and a relief vent to &ro$#de add#t#ona' a#r c#rcu'at#on. Adfreezing means the adhes#on o( soil to a foundation unit resu't#ng (rom the (reeC#ng o( soil water. Air admittance valve means a one-way $a'$e des#gned to a''ow a#r to enter the drainage system when the &ressure #n the plumbing system #s 'ess than the atmos&her#c &ressure. Air barrier system means an assem,'y #nsta''ed to &ro$#de a cont#nuous ,arr#er to the mo$ement o( a#r. Air brea# means the uno,structed $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween the 'owest &o#nt o( an indirectly connected waste pipe and the flood level rim o( the fi"ture #nto wh#ch #t d#scharges. Air-conditioning #s the &rocess o( treat#ng a#r #n a s&ace to contro' s#mu'taneous'y #ts tem&erature, hum#d#ty, c'ean'#ness, and d#str#,ut#on to meet the com(ort re:u#rements o( the occu&ants o( the s&ace. Air gap means the uno,structed $ert#ca' d#stance through a#r ,etween the 'owest &o#nt o( a water su&&'y out'et and the flood level rim o( the fi"ture or de$#ce #nto wh#ch the out'et d#scharges. Air-supported structure means a structure cons#st#ng o( a &'#a,'e mem,rane that ach#e$es and ma#nta#ns #ts sha&e and su&&ort ,y #nterna' a#r &ressure. Alarm signal means an aud#,'e s#gna' transm#tted throughout one or more Cones o( a building or throughout a building to ad$#se occu&ants that a (#re emergency e5#sts. Alert signal means an aud#,'e s#gna' to ad$#se des#gnated &ersons o( a (#re emergency. Allowable bearing pressure means the ma5#mum &ressure that may ,e sa(e'y a&&'#ed to a soil or roc# ,y the foundation unit cons#dered #n des#gn under e5&ected 'oad#ng and su,sur(ace cond#t#ons. Allowable load means the ma5#mum 'oad that may ,e sa(e'y a&&'#ed to a foundation unit cons#dered #n des#gn under e5&ected 'oad#ng and su,sur(ace cond#t#ons. Alternative solution means a su,st#tute (or an acceptable solution. Appliance means a de$#ce to con$ert (ue' #nto energy and #nc'udes a'' com&onents, contro's, w#r#ng and &#&#ng re:u#red to ,e &art o( the de$#ce ,y the a&&'#ca,'e standard re(erred to #n th#s )ode. Architect means the ho'der o( a '#cence, a cert#(#cate o( &ract#ce or a tem&orary '#cence under the Architects Act. Area affected by a significant drin#ing water threat means an area descr#,ed #n )'ause,3 o( "#$#s#on ). Artesian groundwater means a con(#ned ,ody o( water under &ressure #n the ground. As constructed plans means construction &'ans and s&ec#(#cat#ons that show the building and the 'ocat#on o( the building on the &ro&erty as the building has ,een constructed. Assembly occupancy means the occupancy or the use o( a building or &art o( a building ,y a gather#ng o( &ersons (or c#$#c, &o'#t#ca', tra$e', re'#g#ous, soc#a', educat#ona', recreat#ona' or s#m#'ar &ur&oses or (or the consum&t#on o( (ood or dr#n7. Attic or roof space means the s&ace ,etween the roo( and the ce#'#ng o( the to& storey or ,etween a dwar( wa'' and a s'o&#ng roo(. Au"iliary water supply means, when a&&'#ed to &rem#ses, any water su&&'y on or a$a#'a,'e to the &rem#ses other than the &r#mary potable water su&&'y (or the &rem#ses. $ac#flow means a ('ow#ng ,ac7 or re$ersa' o( the norma' d#rect#on o( the ('ow. 1

$ac#flow preventer means a de$#ce or a method that &re$ents bac#flow #n a water distribution system. $ac#-siphonage means bac#flow caused ,y a negat#$e &ressure #n the su&&'y system. $ac#-siphonage preventer means a de$#ce or a method that &re$ents bac#-siphonage #n a water distribution system. $ac# vent means a &#&e that #s #nsta''ed to $ent a trap o(( the hor#Conta' sect#on o( a fi"ture dra#n or the vertical leg o( a water c'oset or other fi"ture that has an #ntegra' s#&hon#c ('ush#ng act#on and >bac# vented? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. $ac#water valve means a chec# valve des#gned (or use #n a gra$#ty drainage system. $arrier-free means, when a&&'#ed to a building and #ts (ac#'#t#es, that the building and #ts (ac#'#t#es can ,e a&&roached, entered and used ,y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#t#es. $asement means one or more storeys o( a building 'ocated ,e'ow the first storey. $athroom group means a grou& o( &'um,#ng fi"tures #nsta''ed #n the same room, cons#st#ng o( one domest#c-ty&e 'a$atory, one water c'oset and e#ther one ,athtu,, w#th or w#thout a shower, or one one-headed shower. $earing surface means the contact sur(ace ,etween a foundation unit and the soil or roc# on wh#ch the foundation unit ,ears. $oarding, lodging or rooming house means a building, 2a3 that has a building height not e5ceed#ng three storeys and a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 mA, 2,3 #n wh#ch 'odg#ng #s &ro$#ded (or more than (our &ersons #n return (or remunerat#on or (or the &ro$#s#on o( ser$#ces or (or ,oth, and 2c3 #n wh#ch the 'odg#ng rooms do not ha$e ,oth ,athrooms and 7#tchen (ac#'#t#es (or the e5c'us#$e use o( #nd#$#dua' occu&ants. $oiler means an appliance #ntended to su&&'y hot water or steam (or s&ace heat#ng, &rocess#ng or &ower &ur&oses. $ottle trap means a trap that reta#ns water #n a c'osed cham,er and that sea's the water ,y su,merg#ng the #n'et &#&e #n the '#:u#ds or ,y a &art#t#on su,merged #n the '#:u#ds. $ranch means a soil or waste pipe that #s connected at #ts u&stream end to the 0unct#on o( two or more soil or waste pipes or to a soil or waste stac# and that #s connected at #ts downstream end to another branch, a sum&, a soil or waste stac# or a building drain. $ranch vent means a vent pipe that #s connected at #ts 'ower end to the 0unct#on o( two or more vent pipes and that, at #ts u&&er end, #s connected to another branch vent, a stac# vent, a vent stac# or a header, or term#nates #n open air. $reeching means a flue pipe or cham,er (or rece#$#ng flue gases (rom one or more flue connect#ons and (or d#scharg#ng these gases through a s#ng'e flue connect#on. $uilding area means the greatest hor#Conta' area o( a building a,o$e grade, 2a3 w#th#n the outs#de sur(ace o( e5ter#or wa''s, or 2,3 w#th#n the outs#de sur(ace o( e5ter#or wa''s and the centre '#ne o( firewalls. $uilding %ode website means the we,s#te at!,u#'d#ngcode. $uilding control valve means the $a'$e on a water system that contro's the ('ow o( potable water (rom the water service pipe to the water distribution system. $uilding drain means the 'owest hor#Conta' &#&#ng, #nc'ud#ng any $ert#ca' offset, that conducts sewage, clear water waste or storm water ,y gra$#ty to a building sewer. $uilding height means the num,er o( storeys conta#ned ,etween the roo( and the ('oor o( the first storey. $uilding sewer means a sanitary building sewer or storm building sewer. $uilding trap means a trap that #s #nsta''ed #n a sanitary building drain or sanitary building sewer to &re$ent c#rcu'at#on o( a#r ,etween the sanitary drainage system and a &u,'#c sewer. $usiness and personal services occupancy means the occupancy or use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness or the &ro$#s#on o( &ro(ess#ona' or &ersona' ser$#ces. %amp for housing of wor#ers means a cam& #n wh#ch buildings or other structures or &rem#ses are used to accommodate (#$e or more em&'oyees. %ampground means 'and or &rem#ses used as an o$ern#ght cam&#ng (ac#'#ty that #s not a recreational camp. %anopy means a roo(-'#7e structure &ro0ect#ng more than 300 mm (rom the e5ter#or (ace o( the building.

%arbon dio"ide e uivalent means a measure used to com&are the #m&act o( $ar#ous greenhouse gases ,ased on the#r g'o,a' warm#ng &otent#a'. %are and treatment occupancy 24rou& *, "#$#s#on 23 means an occupancy #n wh#ch &ersons rece#$e s&ec#a' care and treatment. %are occupancy 24rou& *, "#$#s#on 33 means an occupancy #n wh#ch s&ec#a' care #s &ro$#ded ,y a (ac#'#ty, d#rect'y through #ts sta(( or #nd#rect'y through another &ro$#der, to res#dents o( the (ac#'#ty, 2a3 who re:u#re s&ec#a' care ,ecause o( cogn#t#$e or &hys#ca' '#m#tat#ons, and 2,3 who, as a resu't o( those '#m#tat#ons, wou'd ,e #nca&a,'e o( e$acuat#ng the occupancy, #( necessary, w#thout the ass#stance o( another &erson. %avity wall means a construct#on o( masonry un#ts 'a#d w#th a ca$#ty ,etween the wythes, where the wythes are t#ed together w#th meta' t#es or ,ond#ng un#ts and are re'#ed on to act together #n res#st#ng 'atera' 'oads. %ertificate for the occupancy of a building described in Sentence &!'!'!(!)'* of +ivision % means a cert#(#cate descr#,ed #n /entence 3...4.3.263 o( "#$#s#on ). %ertificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed means a cert#(#cate descr#,ed #n /entence 3...4.3.213 o( "#$#s#on ). %hamber means a structure that #s constructed w#th an o&en ,ottom and that conta#ns a &ressur#Ced distribution pipe. %hec# valve means a $a'$e that &erm#ts ('ow #n on'y one d#rect#on and &re$ents a return ('ow. %himney means a sha(t that #s &r#mar#'y $ert#ca' and that enc'oses at 'east one flue (or conduct#ng flue gases to the outdoors. %himney liner means a condu#t conta#n#ng a chimney flue used as a '#n#ng o( a masonry or concrete chimney. %ircuit vent means a vent pipe that ser$es a num,er o( fi"tures and connects to the fi"ture drain o( the most u&stream fi"ture, and >circuit vented? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. %lass & fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe or fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&#&e systemDs out'ets, #s directly connected to the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n on'y, has no &um&s or reser$o#rs and #n wh#ch the s&r#n7'er dra#ns d#scharge to the atmos&here, to dry we''s or to other sa(e out'ets. %lass 2 fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means a %lass & fire sprin#ler,standpipe system that #nc'udes a ,ooster &um& #n #ts connect#on to the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n. %lass ' fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys potable water (rom the water service pipe or fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&#&e systemDs out'ets and that #s directly connected to the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n and to one or more o( the (o''ow#ng storage (ac#'#t#es, wh#ch are (#''ed (rom the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n on'y: e'e$ated water storage, (#re &um&s su&&'y#ng water (rom a,o$eground co$ered reser$o#rs or &ressure tan7s. %lass ( fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe or fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&#&e systemDs out'ets and #s directly connected to the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n 2s#m#'ar to %lass & and %lass 2 fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems 3 and to an au5#'#ary water su&&'y ded#cated to (#re de&artment use that #s 'ocated w#th#n 120 m o( a &um&er connect#on. %lass - fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe or fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&#&e systemDs out'ets, #s directly connected to the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n and #s #nterconnected w#th an au"iliary water supply. %lass . fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe or fire service main to the s&r#n7'er!stand&#&e systemDs out'ets and acts as a com,#ned #ndustr#a' water su&&'y and (#re &rotect#on system that #s su&&'#ed (rom the &u,'#c water su&&'y ma#n on'y, w#th or w#thout gra$#ty storage or &um& suct#on tan7s. %leanout means a (#tt#ng access #n a drainage system or venting system that #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de access (or c'ean#ng and #ns&ect#on and that #s &ro$#ded w#th a read#'y re&'acea,'e a#r t#ght co$er. %lean water means water that has &assed through a recirculation system. %lear water waste means waste water conta#n#ng no #m&ur#t#es or contam#nants that are harm(u' to a &ersonDs hea'th, &'ant or an#ma' '#(e or that #m&a#r the :ua'#ty o( the natura' en$#ronment. %losed container means a conta#ner so sea'ed ,y means o( a '#d or other de$#ce that ne#ther '#:u#d nor $a&our w#'' esca&e (rom #t at ord#nary tem&eratures. %losure means a de$#ce or assem,'y (or c'os#ng an o&en#ng through a fire separation or an e5ter#or wa'', such as a door, a shutter, w#red g'ass and g'ass ,'oc7, and #nc'udes a'' com&onents such as hardware, c'os#ng de$#ces, (rames and anchors. .

%ombustible means that a mater#a' (a#'s to meet the acce&tance cr#ter#a o( )%B!@L)-/114, >;est (or "eterm#nat#on o( Bon)om,ust#,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ng <ater#a's?. %ombustible construction means a ty&e o( construct#on that does not meet the re:u#rements (or noncombustible construction. %ombustible fibres means (#ne'y d#$#ded com,ust#,'e $egeta,'e or an#ma' (#,res and th#n sheets or ('a7es o( such mater#a's wh#ch, #n a 'oose, un,a'ed cond#t#on, &resent a ('ash (#re haCard, and #nc'udes cotton, woo', hem&, s#sa', 0ute, 7a&o7, &a&er and c'oth. %ombustible li uid means any '#:u#d ha$#ng a flash point at or a,o$e 3.. E) and ,e'ow 93.3E). %ompliance alternative means a su,st#tute (or a re:u#rement #n another -art o( "#$#s#on * that #s '#sted #n -art 10 or 11 o( "#$#s#on *, and >%!A!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. %ompressed gas means, 2a3 any conta#ned m#5ture or mater#a' ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure e5ceed#ng one or ,oth o( the (o''ow#ng, 2#3 2.1. 7-a 2a,so'ute3 at 21E), or 2##3 .1. 7-a 2a,so'ute3 at 14E), or 2,3 any '#:u#d ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure e5ceed#ng 2.1. 7-a 2a,so'ute3 at 3.. E). %omputer room means a room, 2a3 that conta#ns e'ectron#c com&uter or data &rocess#ng e:u#&ment such as ma#n (rame ty&e, 2,3 that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building (or the &ur&ose o( contro''#ng the a#r :ua'#ty #n the room ,y a se'(conta#ned c'#mate contro' system, and 2c3 that has an occupant load o( not more than one &erson (or each 40 mA o( the room. %onditioned space means s&ace w#th#n a building #n wh#ch the tem&erature #s contro''ed to '#m#t $ar#at#on #n res&onse to the e5ter#or am,#ent tem&erature or #nter#or d#((erent#a' tem&eratures ,y the &ro$#s#on, e#ther d#rect'y or #nd#rect'y, o( heat#ng or coo'#ng o$er su,stant#a' &ort#ons o( the year. %onstruction inde" means a 'e$e' on a sca'e o( 1 to determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a,'e o( "#$#s#on * des#gnat#ng the e5&ected performance level o( the building structure w#th res&ect to the ty&e o( construction and (#re &rotect#on o( an e5#st#ng building, and >%!/!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. %ontained use area means a su&er$#sed area conta#n#ng one or more rooms #n wh#ch occu&ant mo$ement #s restr#cted to a s#ng'e room ,y secur#ty measures not under the contro' o( the occu&ant. %ontinuous vent means a vent pipe that #s an e5tens#on o( a $ert#ca' sect#on o( a branch o( fi"ture drain. %oo#top means a coo7#ng sur(ace ha$#ng one or more ,urners or heat#ng e'ements. %ritical level means the 'e$e' o( su,mergence at wh#ch a bac#-siphonage preventer ceases to &re$ent bac#-siphonage. +angerous goods means those &roducts or su,stances that are regu'ated ,y the Transportation of +angerous 0oods 1egulations made under the Transportation of +angerous 0oods Act, &222 2)anada3. +ay camp means a cam& or resort that adm#ts &ersons (or a cont#nuous &er#od not e5ceed#ng 24 hours. +ay nursery means a day nursery as de(#ned #n the +ay 3urseries Act. +ead end means a &#&e that term#nates w#th a c'osed (#tt#ng. +ead load means the we#ght o( a'' &ermanent structura' and nonstructura' com&onents o( a building. +eep foundation means a foundation unit that &ro$#des su&&ort (or a building ,y trans(err#ng 'oads e#ther ,y end-,ear#ng to a soil or roc# at cons#dera,'e de&th ,e'ow the building or ,y adhes#on or (r#ct#on, or ,oth, #n the soil or roc# #n wh#ch #t #s &'aced. 4iles are the most common ty&e o( deep foundation. +esign activities means the act#$#t#es descr#,ed #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct. +esign bearing pressure means the &ressure a&&'#ed ,y a foundation unit to soil or roc#, wh#ch &ressure #s not greater than the allowable bearing pressure. +esign capacity means, #n the de(#n#t#on o( sewage system, the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3. o( "#$#s#on *. +esigner means the &erson res&ons#,'e (or the des#gn. +esign load means the 'oad a&&'#ed to a foundation unit, wh#ch 'oad #s not greater than the allowable load.

+etention occupancy 24rou& *, "#$#s#on 13 means an occupancy #n wh#ch &ersons are under restra#nt or are #nca&a,'e o( se'( &reser$at#on ,ecause o( secur#ty measures not under the#r contro'. +eveloped length means, when a&&'#ed to a &#&e and (#tt#ngs, the 'ength a'ong the centre '#ne o( the &#&e and (#tt#ngs. +irectly connected means &hys#ca''y connected #n such a way that ne#ther water nor gas can esca&e (rom the connect#on. +istilled beverage alcohol means a ,e$erage that #s &roduced ,y (ermentat#on and conta#ns more than 20F ,y $o'ume o( water-m#sc#,'e a'coho'. +istillery means a process plant where distilled beverage alcohols are &roduced, concentrated or otherw#se &rocessed, and #nc'udes (ac#'#t#es on the same s#te where the concentrated &roducts may ,e ,'ended, m#5ed, stored or &ac7aged. +istributing pipe means a &#&e or &#&#ng #n a water distribution system. +istribution bo" means a de$#ce (or ensur#ng that effluent (rom a treatment unit #s d#str#,uted #n e:ua' amounts to each '#ne o( distribution pipe #n a leaching bed. +istribution pipe means a '#ne or '#nes o( &er(orated or o&en 0o#nted &#&e or t#'e #nsta''ed #n a leaching bed (or the &ur&ose o( d#str#,ut#ng effluent (rom a treatment unit to the soil, as de(#ned #n -art o( "#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill #n the leaching bed. +iving board means a ('e5#,'e ,oard. +iving platform means a r#g#d &'at(orm that #s not a starting platform. +rainage system means an assem,'y o( &#&es, (#tt#ngs, fi"tures and a&&urtenances on a &ro&erty that #s used to con$ey sewage and clear water waste to a ma#n sewer or a private sewage disposal system , and #nc'udes a private sewer, ,ut does not #nc'ude subsoil drainage piping. +rin#ing water system has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the Safe +rin#ing 5ater Act, 2002. +rum trap means a trap whose #n'et and out'et are #n the s#des o( the cy'#ndr#ca' ,ody o( the trap. +ual vent means a vent pipe that ser$es two fi"tures and connects at the 0unct#on o( the trap arms. +welling unit means a suite o&erated as a house7ee&#ng un#t, used or #ntended to ,e used ,y one or more &ersons and usua''y conta#n#ng coo7#ng, eat#ng, '#$#ng, s'ee&#ng and san#tary (ac#'#t#es. 6arth pit privy means a 'atr#ne cons#st#ng o( an e5ca$at#on #n the ground surmounted ,y a su&erstructure. 6ffluent means sanitary sewage that has &assed through a treatment unit. 6lectric space heating means an e'ectr#c energy source that &ro$#des more than 10 &er cent o( the heat#ng ca&ac#ty &ro$#ded (or a building and #nc'udes, 2a3 e'ectr#c res#stance un#tary ,ase,oard heat#ng, 2,3 e'ectr#c res#stance un#tary ca,#net heat#ng, 2c3 e'ectr#c res#stance ce#'#ng ca,'e or ('oor ca,'e heat#ng, 2d3 e'ectr#c res#stance centra' (urnace heat#ng, 2e3 e'ectr#c hot water s&ace heat#ng, and 2(3 a#r source heat &um&s #n com,#nat#on w#th e'ectr#c res#stance ,ac7u& heat#ng. 6"cavation means the s&ace created ,y the remo$a' o( soil, roc# or fill (or the &ur&oses o( construct#on. 6"haust duct means a duct through wh#ch a#r #s con$eyed (rom a room or s&ace to the outdoors. 6"it means that &art o( a means of egress, #nc'ud#ng doorways, that 'eads (rom the floor area #t ser$es to a se&arate building, an o&en &u,'#c thorough(are or an e5ter#or o&en s&ace &rotected (rom (#re e5&osure (rom the building and ha$#ng access to an o&en &u,'#c thorough(are. 6"it level means the 'e$e' o( an e"it sta#rway #n a building at wh#ch an e5ter#or e"it door or e"it &assageway 'eads to the e5ter#or. 6"it storey means a storey ha$#ng an e5ter#or e"it door #n a building go$erned ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.6. o( "#$#s#on *. 6"posing building face means that &art o( the e5ter#or wa'' o( a building that (aces one d#rect#on and #s 'ocated ,etween ground 'e$e' and the ce#'#ng o( #ts to& storey or, where the building #s d#$#ded #nto fire compartments, the e5ter#or wa'' o( a fire compartment that (aces one d#rect#on. 6"terior cladding means those com&onents o( a building that are e5&osed to the outdoor en$#ronment and are #ntended to &ro$#de &rotect#on aga#nst w#nd, water or $a&our. 9

7actory-built chimney means a chimney cons#st#ng ent#re'y o( (actory-made &arts, each des#gned to ,e assem,'ed w#th the other w#thout re:u#r#ng (a,r#cat#on on s#te. 7arm building means a'' or &art o( a building, 2a3 that does not conta#n any area used (or residential occupancy, 2,3 that #s assoc#ated w#th and 'ocated on 'and de$oted to the &ract#ce o( (arm#ng, and 2c3 that #s used essent#a''y (or the hous#ng o( e:u#&ment or '#$estoc7 or the &roduct#on, storage or &rocess#ng o( agr#cu'tura' and hort#cu'tura' &roduce or (eeds. 7ill means soil, roc#, ru,,'e, #ndustr#a' waste such as s'ag, organ#c mater#a' or a com,#nat#on o( these that #s trans&orted and &'aced on the natura' sur(ace o( a soil or roc# or organ#c terra#nG #t may or may not ,e com&acted. 7ire bloc# means a mater#a', com&onent or system that restr#cts the s&read o( (#re w#th#n a concea'ed s&ace or (rom a concea'ed s&ace to an ad0acent s&ace. 7ire compartment means an enc'osed s&ace #n a building, 2a3 that #s se&arated (rom a'' other &arts o( the building ,y enc'os#ng construct#on that &ro$#des a fire separation, and 2,3 that may ,e re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 7ire damper means a closure that cons#sts o( a norma''y he'd o&en dam&er #nsta''ed #n an a#r d#str#,ut#on system or #n a wa'' or ('oor assem,'y and des#gned to c'ose automat#ca''y #n the e$ent o( a (#re #n order to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the fire separation. 7ire detector means a de$#ce that detects a (#re cond#t#on and automat#ca''y #n#t#ates an e'ectr#ca' s#gna' to actuate an alert signal or alarm signal and #nc'udes heat detectors and smo#e detectors. 7ire load means, when a&&'#ed to occupancy, the combustible contents o( a room or floor area e5&ressed #n terms o( the a$erage we#ght o( combustible mater#a's &er un#t area, (rom wh#ch the &otent#a' heat '#,erat#on may ,e ca'cu'ated ,ased on the ca'or#(#c $a'ue o( the mater#a's, and #nc'udes the (urn#sh#ngs, (#n#shed ('oor, wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes, tr#m and tem&orary and mo$a,'e partitions. 7ire-protection rating means the t#me #n m#nutes or hours that a closure w#'' w#thstand the &assage o( ('ame when e5&osed to (#re under s&ec#(#ed cond#t#ons o( test and &er(ormance cr#ter#a, or as otherw#se &rescr#,ed #n th#s )ode. 7ire-resistance rating means the t#me #n m#nutes or hours that a mater#a' or assem,'y o( mater#a's w#'' w#thstand the &assage o( ('ame and the transm#ss#on o( heat when e5&osed to (#re under s&ec#(#ed cond#t#ons o( test and &er(ormance cr#ter#a, or as determ#ned ,y e5tens#on or #nter&retat#on o( #n(ormat#on der#$ed (rom that test and &er(ormance as &rescr#,ed #n th#s )ode. 7ire-retardant treated wood means wood or a wood &roduct that has ,een #m&regnated w#th (#re-retardant chem#ca's to reduce #ts sur(ace-,urn#ng character#st#cs such as ('ame s&read, rate o( (ue' contr#,ut#on and the dens#ty o( smo7e de$e'o&ed. 7ire separation means a construct#on assem,'y that acts as a ,arr#er aga#nst the s&read o( (#re. 7ire service main means a &#&e and #ts a&&urtenances that are connected to a source o( water and that are 'ocated on a &ro&erty, 2a3 ,etween the source o( water and the ,ase o( the r#ser o( a water-,ased (#re &rotect#on system, 2,3 ,etween the source o( water and #n'ets to (oam ma7#ng systems, 2c3 ,etween the source o( water and the ,ase e',ow o( &r#$ate hydrants or mon#tor noCC'es, 2d3 as (#re &um& suct#on and d#scharge &#&#ng not w#th#n a building, or 2e3 ,eg#nn#ng at the #n'et s#de o( the chec7 $a'$e on a gra$#ty or &ressure tan7. 7ire stop means a system cons#st#ng o( a mater#a', com&onent and means o( su&&ort, used to (#'' ga&s ,etween fire separations or ,etween fire separations and other assem,'#es, or used around #tems that who''y or &art#a''y &enetrate a fire separation. 7ire stop flap means a de$#ce, 2a3 that #s #ntended (or use #n hor#Conta' assem,'#es that are re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating and #ncor&orate &rotect#$e ce#'#ng mem,ranes, and 2,3 that o&erates to c'ose o(( a duct o&en#ng through the mem,rane #n the e$ent o( a (#re.


7irewall means a ty&e o( fire separation o( noncombustible construction that su,d#$#des a building or se&arates ad0o#n#ng buildings to res#st the s&read o( (#re and that has a fire-resistance rating as &rescr#,ed #n th#s )ode and the structura' sta,#'#ty to rema#n #ntact under (#re cond#t#ons (or the re:u#red (#re-rated t#me. 7irst storey means the storey that has #ts ('oor c'osest to grade and #ts ce#'#ng more than 1. m a,o$e grade. 7i"ture means a rece&tac'e, plumbing appliance, a&&aratus or other de$#ce that d#scharges sewage or clear water waste, and #nc'udes a ('oor dra#n. 7i"ture drain means the &#&e that connects a trap ser$#ng a fi"ture to another &art o( a drainage system. 7i"ture outlet pipe means a &#&e that connects the waste o&en#ng o( a fi"ture to the trap ser$#ng the fi"ture. 7i"ture unit means, when a&&'#ed to a drainage system, the un#t o( measure ,ased on the rate o( d#scharge, t#me o( o&erat#on and (re:uency o( use o( a fi"ture that e5&resses the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s #m&osed ,y that fi"ture on the drainage system. 7i"ture unit means, when a&&'#ed to a water distribution system, the un#t o( measure ,ased on the rate o( su&&'y, t#me o( o&erat#on and (re:uency o( use o( a fi"ture or out'et that e5&resses the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s #m&osed ,y that fi"ture or out'et on the su&&'y system. 7lame-spread rating means an #nde5 or c'ass#(#cat#on #nd#cat#ng the e5tent o( the s&read o( ('ame on the sur(ace o( a mater#a' or an assem,'y o( mater#a's, as determ#ned #n a standard (#re test &rescr#,ed #n th#s )ode. 7lammable li uid means any '#:u#d ha$#ng a flash point ,e'ow 3.. E) and ha$#ng a $a&our &ressure not more than 2.1. 7-a 2a,so'ute3 at 3.. E) as determ#ned ,y %/;< "323, >Ha&or -ressure o( -etro'eum -roducts 2Re#d <ethod3?. 7lash point means the m#n#mum tem&erature at wh#ch a '#:u#d w#th#n a conta#ner g#$es o(( $a&our #n su((#c#ent concentrat#on to (orm an #gn#ta,'e m#5ture w#th a#r near the sur(ace o( the '#:u#d. 7lood level rim means the to& edge at wh#ch water can o$er('ow (rom a fi"ture or de$#ce. 7loor area means the s&ace on any storey o( a building ,etween e5ter#or wa''s and re:u#red firewalls, #nc'ud#ng the s&ace occu&#ed ,y #nter#or wa''s and partitions, ,ut not #nc'ud#ng e"its, vertical service spaces and the#r enc'os#ng assem,'#es. 7low control roof drain means a roof drain that restr#cts the ('ow o( storm water #nto the storm drainage system. 7lue means an enc'osed &assageway (or con$ey#ng flue gases. 7lue collar means the &ort#on o( a (ue'-(#red appliance des#gned (or the attachment o( the flue pipe or breeching. 7lue pipe means the &#&e connect#ng the flue collar o( an appliance to a chimney. 7ood premises means a floor area where (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, or an #ngred#ent o( (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, #s manu(actured, &rocessed, &re&ared, stored, d#s&'ayed, hand'ed, ser$ed, d#str#,uted, so'd or o((ered (or sa'e, ,ut does not #nc'ude, 2a3 a &r#$ate res#dence, 2,3 a ,oard#ng house that &ro$#des mea's (or (ewer than 10 ,oarders, 2c3 a building to wh#ch Regu'at#on 114 o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 2)am&s #n @norgan#Ced ;err#tory3 or Regu'at#on 16 o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 2Recreat#ona' )am&s3 made under the 8ealth 4rotection and 4romotion Act a&&'#es, 2d3 a &'ant, as de(#ned #n the 9il# Act, that #s re:u#red to ,e o&erated under the author#ty o( a '#cence #ssued under that %ct, 2e3 &rem#ses where a '#censed act#$#ty, as de(#ned #n the 7ood Safety and :uality Act, 200&, #s carr#ed on ,y a &erson who #s re:u#red to ho'd a '#cence #ssued under that %ct, 2(3 an egg-grad#ng stat#on or an egg-&rocess#ng stat#on, as de(#ned #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 1.1!10 26ggs and -rocessed 6gg3, made under the 7ood Safety and :uality Act, 200&, 2g3 a floor area occu&#ed ,y a church, ser$#ce c'u, or (raterna' organ#Cat#on (or the &ur&ose o(, 2#3 &re&ar#ng mea's (or s&ec#a' e$ents (or #ts mem,ers and &ersona''y #n$#ted guests, or 2##3 conduct#ng ,a7e sa'es, or 2h3 a farm building. 7orced-air furnace means a furnace e:u#&&ed w#th a (an that &ro$#des the &r#mary means (or the c#rcu'at#on o( a#r. 7orce main means a sanitary drainage pipe through wh#ch sanitary sewage #s con$eyed ,y mechan#ca' or &neumat#c &ro&u's#on. 7oundation means a system or arrangement o( foundation units through wh#ch the 'oads (rom a building are trans(erred to su&&ort#ng soil or roc#. 11

7oundation unit means one o( the structura' mem,ers o( the foundation o( a building, such as a (oot#ng, ra(t and pile. 7resh air inlet means a vent pipe that #s #nsta''ed #n con0unct#on w#th a building trap and term#nates #n open air. 7rost action means the &henomenon that occurs when, 2a3 water #n soil #s su,0ected to (reeC#ng wh#ch, ,ecause o( the water #ce &hase change or #ce 'ens growth, resu'ts #n a tota' $o'ume #ncrease or the ,u#'d-u& o( e5&ans#$e (orces under con(#ned cond#t#ons or ,oth, and 2,3 the su,se:uent thaw#ng 'eads to 'oss o( soil strength and #ncreased com&ress#,#'#ty. 7unctional statement means a (unct#on set out #n ;a,'e that a building or an e'ement o( a building #s #ntended to &er(orm. 7urnace means a space-heating appliance that uses warm a#r as the heat#ng med#um and usua''y &ro$#des (or the attachment o( ducts. 0aming premises means &rem#ses that are a gam#ng s#te as de(#ned #n the ;ntario <ottery and 0aming %orporation Act, &222. 0as vent means that &ort#on o( a $ent#ng system des#gned to con$ey $ent gases to the outdoors, 2a3 (rom the vent connector o( a gas-(#red appliance, or 2,3 d#rect'y (rom the appliance when a vent connector #s not used. 0rade means the a$erage 'e$e' o( &ro&osed or (#n#shed ground ad0o#n#ng a building at a'' e5ter#or wa''s. 0raded lumber means 'um,er that has ,een graded and stam&ed to #nd#cate #ts grade, as determ#ned ,y the BL4%, >/tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es (or )anad#an Lum,er?. 0reywater means sanitary sewage o( domest#c or#g#n that #s der#$ed (rom fi"tures other than sanitary units. 0ross area means the tota' area o( a'' ('oors a,o$e grade measured ,etween the outs#de sur(aces o( e5ter#or wa''s or ,etween the outs#de sur(aces o( e5ter#or wa''s and the centre '#ne o( firewalls, e5ce&t that, #n any occupancy other than a residential occupancy, where an access or a building ser$#ce &enetrates a firewall, measurements sha'' not ,e ta7en to the centre '#ne o( such firewall. 0round water means, when a&&'#ed to a sewage system, water ,e'ow the sur(ace o( the ground that occu&#es a Cone o( the earthDs mant'e that #s saturated w#th water. 0round water table means, when a&&'#ed to a sewage system, the e'e$at#on o( the u&&er sur(ace o( the ground water e5#st#ng #n the area o( the sewage system. 0roundwater means a (ree stand#ng ,ody o( water #n the ground. 0roundwater level means the to& sur(ace o( groundwater. 0uard means a &rotect#$e ,arr#er, w#th or w#thout o&en#ngs through #t, that #s around o&en#ngs #n ('oors or at the o&en s#des o( sta#rs, 'and#ngs, ,a'con#es, mezzanines, ga''er#es, ra#sed wal#ways or other 'ocat#ons to &re$ent acc#denta' (a''s (rom one 'e$e' to another. 8auled sewage means sanitary sewage that, 2a3 #s not (#na''y d#s&osed o( at the s#te where #t #s &roduced and #s not con$eyed ,y a sewer to sewage wor#s, and 2,3 #s stored or reta#ned at the s#te where #t #s &roduced (or &er#od#c co''ect#on, hand'#ng, treatment, trans&ortat#on, storage or &rocess#ng &r#or to (#na' d#s&osa' at a &'ace other than where #t was &roduced, and #nc'udes sanitary sewage that #s remo$ed (rom a sewage system (or the &ur&ose o( c'ean#ng or ma#nta#n#ng the system. 8auled sewage system means wor7s, #nsta''at#ons, e:u#&ment, o&erat#ons and 'and used #n connect#on w#th the co''ect#on, hand'#ng, treatment, trans&ortat#on, storage, &rocess#ng and d#s&osa' o( hauled sewage, as regu'ated under the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act. 8azard inde" means a 'e$e' on a sca'e o( 1 to determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a,'es*. to o( "#$#s#on *, des#gnat#ng the '#(e sa(ety haCard to occu&ants o( a building ,ased on, 2a3 use and occupancy, 2,3 occupant load, 2c3 the use and (unct#on o( ('oor s&aces, 2d3 the d#((#cu'ty o( egress, 2e3 the (#re 'oad o( contents, (#n#shes and (urn#sh#ngs, 12

2(3 the con(#gurat#on or com&artmentat#on o( ('oor s&aces, and 2g3 the s#Ce o( the building, and >8!/!? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. 8azardous classroom means a c'assroom, 2a3 that #s su&&'#ed w#th ('amma,'e gas, 2,3 that conta#ns haCardous su,stances such as chem#ca's or e5&'os#$e dusts, 2c3 that conta#ns 'arge :uant#t#es o( combustible mater#a's, or 2d3 where coo7#ng e:u#&ment #s used. 8azardous room means a room conta#n#ng su((#c#ent :uant#t#es o( a su,stance that, ,ecause o( #ts chem#ca' nature, may create an atmos&here or cond#t#on o( #mm#nent haCard to hea'th. 8eader means a vent pipe that connects two or more vent stac#s or stac# vents to open air. 8eader line means a '#ne o( &#&e w#th watert#ght 0o#nts #nsta''ed #n a sewage system (or the &ur&ose o( d#str#,ut#ng effluent (rom a treatment unit to the distribution pipe #n a leaching bed. 8eat detector means a fire detector des#gned to o&erate at a &redeterm#ned tem&erature or rate o( tem&erature r#se. 8eavy timber construction means that ty&e o( combustible construction #n wh#ch a degree o( (#re sa(ety #s atta#ned, 2a3 ,y &'ac#ng '#m#tat#ons on the s#Ces o( wood structura' mem,ers and on the th#c7ness and com&os#t#on o( wood ('oors and roo(s, and 2,3 ,y the a$o#dance o( concea'ed s&aces under ('oors and roo(s. 8eritage building means a building, 2a3 that #s des#gnated under the ;ntario 8eritage Act, or 2,3 that #s cert#(#ed to ,e o( s#gn#(#cant arch#tectura' or h#stor#ca' $a'ue ,y a recogn#Ced, non-&ro(#t &u,'#c organ#Cat#on whose &r#mary o,0ect #s the &reser$at#on o( structures o( arch#tectura' or h#stor#ca' s#gn#(#cance and the cert#(#cat#on has ,een acce&ted ,y the chief building official. 8igh ground water table means the h#ghest e'e$at#on at wh#ch there #s &hys#ca' e$#dence that the soil, as de(#ned #n -art "#$#s#on *, or the leaching bed fill has ,een saturated w#th water. o(

8igh hazard industrial occupancy 24rou& F, "#$#s#on 13 means an industrial occupancy conta#n#ng su((#c#ent :uant#t#es o( h#gh'y combustible and ('amma,'e or e5&'os#$e mater#a's to const#tute a s&ec#a' (#re haCard ,ecause o( the#r #nherent character#st#cs. 8olding tan# means a tan7 des#gned to tota''y reta#n a'' sanitary sewage d#scharged #nto #t and re:u#r#ng &er#od#c em&ty#ng. 8ome for special care means a home (or the care o( &ersons re:u#r#ng nurs#ng, res#dent#a' or she'tered care. 8orizontal branch means that &art o( a waste pipe that #s hor#Conta' and #nsta''ed to con$ey the d#scharge (rom more than one fi"ture. 8orizontal e"it means an e"it (rom one building to another ,y means o( a doorway, $est#,u'e, wal#way, ,r#dge or ,a'cony. 8orizontal service space means a s&ace such as an att#c, duct, ce#'#ng, roo( or craw' s&ace, 2a3 that #s or#ented essent#a''y #n a hor#Conta' &'ane, 2,3 that #s concea'ed and genera''y #naccess#,'e, and 2c3 through wh#ch building ser$#ce (ac#'#t#es such as &#&es, ducts and w#r#ng may &ass. 8otel means floor areas, a floor area or &art o( a floor area that conta#ns (our or more suites and that &ro$#des s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or the tra$e''#ng &u,'#c or (or recreat#ona' &ur&oses. 8ub drain means a dra#n o&en#ng (or #nd#rect '#:u#d wastes, 2a3 that does not ser$e as a ('oor dra#n, 2,3 that has the same &#&e size, mater#a' and $ent#ng re:u#rements as a ('oor dra#n, 2c3 that has a flood level rim a,o$e the ('oor #n wh#ch #t #s #nsta''ed, and 2d3 that rece#$es wastes that are d#scharged d#rect'y #nto the dra#n o&en#ng.


/mpeded egress zone means a su&er$#sed area #n wh#ch occu&ants ha$e (ree mo$ement ,ut re:u#re the re'ease, ,y secur#ty &ersonne', o( secur#ty doors at the ,oundary ,e(ore ,e#ng a,'e to 'ea$e the area, ,ut does not #nc'ude a contained use area. /ndirectly connected means not directly connected. /ndirect service water heater means a service water heater that der#$es #ts heat (rom a heat#ng med#um such as warm a#r, steam or hot water. /ndividual vent means a vent pipe that ser$es one fi"ture. /ndoor pool means a public pool where the &oo' and pool dec# are tota''y or &art#a''y co$ered ,y a roo(. /ndustrial occupancy means the occupancy or use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the assem,'#ng, (a,r#cat#ng, manu(actur#ng, &rocess#ng, re&a#r#ng or stor#ng o( goods or mater#a's. /nterceptor means a rece&tac'e that #s des#gned and #nsta''ed to &re$ent o#', grease, sand or other mater#a's (rom &ass#ng #nto a drainage system. /nterconnected floor space means su&er#m&osed floor areas or &arts o( floor areas #n wh#ch ('oor assem,'#es that are re:u#red to ,e fire separations are &enetrated ,y o&en#ngs that are not &ro$#ded w#th closures. <a#e Simcoe shoreline has the same mean#ng as #n the La7e /#mcoe -rotect#on -'an esta,'#shed under the <a#e Simcoe 4rotection Act, 200= and dated Ju'y, 2009.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1<, Cl$use 8c9 is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing de/inition& 8(ee& O, Reg, !!2"12, (entences 5,2,1,1,819, 5,5,1,1,8299

<a#e Simcoe watershed has the same mean#ng as #n sect#on 2 o( the <a#e Simcoe 4rotection Act, 200=. <eaching means d#s&ersa' o( '#:u#d ,y downward or 'atera' dra#nage or ,oth #nto &ermea,'e soil, as de(#ned #n -art "#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill. o(

<eaching bed means an a,sor&t#on system constructed as absorption trenches or as a (#'ter ,ed, 'ocated who''y #n ground or ra#sed or &art'y ra#sed a,o$e ground, as re:u#red ,y 'oca' cond#t#ons, to wh#ch effluent (rom a treatment unit #s a&&'#ed (or treatment and d#s&osa' and that #s com&osed o(, 2a3 the soil, as de(#ned #n -art o( "#$#s#on *, leaching bed fill or other (#'ter med#a that #s conta#ned ,etween the sur(ace on wh#ch the sanitary sewage #s a&&'#ed and the ,ottom o( the ,ed, 2,3 the distribution pipe and the stone or gra$e' 'ayer #n wh#ch the distribution pipe #s 'ocated, and 2c3 the ,ac7(#'' a,o$e the distribution pipe, #nc'ud#ng the to&so#' and sodd#ng or other ant#-eros#on measure, and the s#de s'o&es o( any &ort#on e'e$ated a,o$e the natura' ground e'e$at#on. <eaching bed fill means unconso'#dated mater#a' su#ta,'e (or the construction o( a leaching bed, &'aced #n the area o( the leaching bed #n order to o,ta#n the re:u#red unsaturated Cone ,e'ow the distribution pipes and the re:u#red 'atera' e5tent such that the effluent #s a,sor,ed. <eader means a &#&e that #s #nsta''ed to carry storm water (rom a roo( to a storm building drain, sewer or other &'ace o( d#s&osa'. <imiting distance means the d#stance (rom an e"posing building face to a &ro&erty '#ne, to the centre '#ne o( a street, 'ane or &u,'#c thorough(are or to an #mag#nary '#ne ,etween two buildings or fire compartments on the same &ro&erty, measured at r#ght ang'es to the e"posing building face. <isted means e:u#&ment or mater#a's #nc'uded #n a '#st &u,'#shed ,y a cert#(#cat#on organ#Cat#on accred#ted ,y the /tandards )ounc#' o( )anada. <i uid manure means manure ha$#ng a dry matter content o( 'ess than 1 &er cent or a s'um& o( more than 110 m#''#metres us#ng the ;est <ethod (or the "eterm#nat#on o( L#:u#d 8aste 2s'um& test3 set out #n /chedu'e 9 to Regu'at#on 34. o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 24enera' I 8aste <anagement3 made under the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act. <ive load means a $ar#a,'e 'oad due to the #ntended use and occupancy that #s to ,e assumed #n the des#gn o( the structura' mem,ers o( a building and #nc'udes 'oads due to cranes and the &ressure o( '#:u#ds #n conta#ners. <ive,wor# unit means a dwelling unit ha$#ng an area o( not more than 200 m 2 that conta#ns a su,s#d#ary business and personal services occupancy or a su,s#d#ary low hazard industrial occupancy , and wh#ch #s used and o&erated ,y one or more &ersons o( a s#ng'e househo'd. <oadbearing means, when a&&'#ed to a building e'ement, su,0ected to or des#gned to carry 'oads #n add#t#on to #ts own dead load, ,ut does not #nc'ude a wa'' e'ement su,0ect on'y to w#nd or earth:ua7e 'oads #n add#t#on to #ts own dead load. <oading rate means the $o'ume #n '#tres o( effluent &er s:uare metre a&&'#ed #n a s#ng'e day to soil, as de(#ned #n -art "#$#s#on *, or leaching bed fill. o(


<ow hazard industrial occupancy 24rou& F, "#$#s#on 33 means an industrial occupancy #n wh#ch the combustible content #s not more than 10 7g!mA or 1200 <J!mA o( floor area. <ow human occupancy means, when a&&'#ed to a farm building, an occupancy #n wh#ch the occupant load #s not more than one &erson &er 40 mA o( floor area dur#ng norma' use. 9ajor occupancy means the &r#nc#&a' occupancy (or wh#ch a building or &art o( a building #s used or #ntended to ,e used, and #s deemed to #nc'ude the su,s#d#ary occupancies that are an #ntegra' &art o( the &r#nc#&a' occupancy. ;he major occupancy c'ass#(#cat#ons used #n th#s )ode are as (o''ows: 2a3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 - Assembly occupancies #ntended (or the &roduct#on and $#ew#ng o( the &er(orm#ng arts, 2,3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 - Assembly occupancies not e'sewhere c'ass#(#ed #n 4rou& %, 2c3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 - Assembly occupancies o( the arena ty&e, 2d3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 - Assembly occupancies #n wh#ch occu&ants are gathered #n the o&en a#r, 2e3 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 - +etention occupancies, 2(3 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 - %are and treatment occupancies, 2g3 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 - %are occupancies, 2h3 4rou& ) - 1esidential occupancies, 2#3 4rou& " - $usiness and personal services occupancies , 203 4rou& 6 - 9ercantile occupancies, 273 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 - 8igh hazard industrial occupancies, 2'3 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 - 9edium hazard industrial occupancies, and 2m3 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 - <ow hazard industrial occupancies . 9a#e-up water means water added to a public pool (rom an e5terna' source. 9ar uee means a canopy o$er an entrance to a building. 9asonry or concrete chimney means a chimney o( ,r#c7, stone, concrete or masonry un#ts constructed on s#te. 9eans of egress #nc'udes e"its and access to e"its and means a cont#nuous &ath o( tra$e' &ro$#ded (or the esca&e o( &ersons (rom any &o#nt #n a building or #n a conta#ned o&en s&ace to, 2a3 a se&arate building, 2,3 an o&en &u,'#c thorough(are, or 2c3 an e5ter#or o&en s&ace that #s &rotected (rom (#re e5&osure (rom the building and that has access to an o&en &u,'#c thorough(are. 9edium hazard industrial occupancy 24rou& F, "#$#s#on 23 means an industrial occupancy #n wh#ch the combustible content #s more than 10 7g!mA or 1200 <J!mA o( floor area and that is not classified as a high hazard industrial occupancy. 9ercantile occupancy means the occupancy or use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the d#s&'ay#ng or se''#ng o( reta#' goods, wares or merchand#se. 9ezzanine means an #ntermed#ate ('oor assem,'y ,etween the ('oor and ce#'#ng o( any room or storey and #nc'udes an #nter#or ,a'cony.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8c9 is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing de/inition& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1, 5!9

9obility assistive device means a mo,#'#ty ass#st#$e de$#ce as de(#ned #n sect#on 2 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 191!11 2+ntegrated %ccess#,#'#ty /tandards3 made under the Accessibility for ;ntarians with +isabilities Act, 200-. 9odified pool means a public pool that has a ,as#n-sha&ed ('oor s'o&#ng downward and #nward toward the #nter#or (rom the r#m. 9odified stac# venting means a stac# venting arrangement #n wh#ch the stac# vent a,o$e the connect#on o( the h#ghest stac# vented fi"ture #s reduced #n d#ameter. 9unicipal drin#ing water system has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the Safe +rin#ing 5ater Act, 2002. 3ominally horizontal means at an ang'e o( 'ess than 41E w#th the hor#Conta'. 3ominally vertical means at an ang'e o( not more than 41E w#th the $ert#ca'.


3oncombustible means that a mater#a' meets the acce&tance cr#ter#a o( )%B!@L)-/114, >;est (or "eterm#nat#on o( Bon)om,ust#,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ng <ater#a's?. 3oncombustible construction means a ty&e o( construct#on #n wh#ch a degree o( (#re sa(ety #s atta#ned ,y the use o( noncombustible mater#a's (or structura' mem,ers and other ,u#'d#ng assem,'#es. ;bjective means an o,0ect#$e set out #n %rt#c'e ;ccupancy means the use or #ntended use o( a building or &art o( a building (or the she'ter or su&&ort o( &ersons, an#ma's or &ro&erty. ;ccupant load means the num,er o( &ersons (or wh#ch a building or &art o( a building #s des#gned. ;ffset means the &#&#ng that connects the ends o( two &#&es that are &ara''e'. ;ffset relief vent means a relief vent that &ro$#des add#t#ona' a#r c#rcu'at#on u&stream and downstream o( an offset #n a soil or waste stac#. ;pen air means the atmos&here outs#de a building. ;pen-air storey means a storey #n wh#ch at 'east 21 &er cent o( the tota' area o( #ts &er#meter wa''s #s o&en to the outdoors #n a manner that w#'' &ro$#de cross $ent#'at#on to the ent#re storey. ;utdoor pool means a public pool that #s not an indoor pool. 4ail privy means a 'atr#ne #n wh#ch the rece&tac'e (or human waste cons#sts o( a remo$a,'e conta#ner surmounted ,y a su&erstructure. 4artition means an #nter#or wa'', one storey or &art-storey #n he#ght, that #s not loadbearing. 4arty wall means a wa'', 2a3 that #s 0o#nt'y owned and 0o#nt'y used ,y two &art#es under an easement agreement or ,y a r#ght #n 'aw, and 2,3 that #s erected at or u&on a '#ne se&arat#ng two &arce's o( 'and each o( wh#ch #s, or #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng, a se&arate rea' estate ent#ty. 4erched groundwater means a (ree stand#ng ,ody o( water #n the ground e5tend#ng to a '#m#ted de&th. 4ercolation time means the a$erage t#me #n m#nutes that #s re:u#red (or water to dro& one cent#metre dur#ng a &erco'at#on test or as determ#ned ,y a soil e$a'uat#on or ana'ys#s. 4erformance level means the 'e$e' o( &er(ormance under wh#ch a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building (unct#ons w#th res&ect to #ts building systems. 4ermanent solid nutrient storage facility has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 26.!03 24enera'3 made under the 3utrient 9anagement Act, 2002! 4harmacy means the &rem#ses #n a building or the &art o( the &rem#ses #n wh#ch &rescr#&t#ons are com&ounded and d#s&ensed (or the &u,'#c or #n wh#ch drugs are so'd ,y reta#'. 4ile means a s'ender deep foundation unit, 2a3 that #s made o( mater#a's such as wood, stee' or concrete or a com,#nat#on o( them, and 2,3 that #s e#ther &re-manu(actured and &'aced ,y dr#$#ng, 0ac7#ng, 0ett#ng or screw#ng, or cast-#n-&'ace #n a ho'e (ormed ,y dr#$#ng, e5ca$at#ng or ,or#ng. 4lenum means a cham,er (orm#ng &art o( an a#r duct system. 4lumbing appliance means a rece&tac'e or e:u#&ment that rece#$es or co''ects water, '#:u#ds or sewage and d#scharges water, '#:u#d or sewage d#rect'y or #nd#rect'y to a plumbing system. 4lumbing system means a system o( connected &#&#ng, (#tt#ngs, $a'$es, e:u#&ment, fi"tures and a&&urtenances conta#ned #n plumbing. 4oint of entry treatment unit has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 1.0!03 2"r#n7#ng 8ater /ystems3 made under the Safe +rin#ing 5ater Act, 2002. 4ool dec# means the area #mmed#ate'y surround#ng a public pool. 4ortable privy means a &orta,'e 'atr#ne #n wh#ch the rece&tac'e (or human ,ody waste and the su&erstructure are com,#ned structura''y #nto one un#t. 4ost-disaster building means a building that #s essent#a' to the &ro$#s#on o( ser$#ces #n the e$ent o( a d#saster, and #nc'udes, 2a3 hos&#ta's, emergency treatment (ac#'#t#es and ,'ood ,an7s, 16

2,3 te'e&hone e5changes, 2c3 &ower generat#ng stat#ons and e'ectr#ca' su,stat#ons, 2d3 contro' centres (or 'and trans&ortat#on, 2e3 &u,'#c water treatment and storage (ac#'#t#es, 2(3 water and sewage &um&#ng stat#ons, 2g3 emergency res&onse (ac#'#t#es, 2h3 (#re, rescue and &o'#ce stat#ons, 2#3 storage (ac#'#t#es (or $eh#c'es or ,oats used (or (#re, rescue and &o'#ce &ur&oses, and 203 commun#cat#ons (ac#'#t#es, #nc'ud#ng rad#o and te'e$#s#on stat#ons. 4otable means (#t (or human consum&t#on. 4otable water system means the plumbing that con$eys potable water. 4ressurized distribution system means a leaching bed #n wh#ch the effluent #s d#str#,uted through the use o( &ressur#Ced distribution pipes. 4rivate sewage disposal system means a sewage system or a sewage wor#s that #s not owned and o&erated ,y the )rown, a mun#c#&a'#ty or an organ#Cat#on acce&ta,'e to the "#rector res&ons#,'e (or #ssu#ng an en$#ronmenta' com&'#ance a&&ro$a' re:u#red under sect#on 13 o( the ;ntario 5ater 1esources Act. 4rivate sewer means a sewer other than a building sewer that, 2a3 #s not owned or o&erated ,y a mun#c#&a'#ty, the <#n#stry o( the 6n$#ronment or another &u,'#c agency, 2,3 rece#$es dra#nage (rom more than one sanitary building drain e#ther d#rect'y or through more than one sanitary building sewer or rece#$es dra#nage (rom more than one storm building drain e#ther d#rect'y or through one or more storm building sewers, and connects to a ma#n sewer, or 2c3 ser$es as a &'ace o( d#s&osa' on the &ro&erty, ,ut does not #nc'ude, 2d3 a sewer that carr#es on'y the san#tary waste or storm sewage (rom two sem#-detached dwe''#ng un#ts, 2e3 a sewer that carr#es on'y the san#tary waste or storm sewage (rom one ma#n building that #s o( care, care and treatment, detention, commerc#a' or industrial occupancy and one anc#''ary building, or 2(3 a sewer that carr#es on'y the san#tary waste or storm sewage (rom a row hous#ng com&'e5 ha$#ng (#$e or (ewer s#ng'e (am#'y res#dences. 4rivate use means, when a&&'#ed to &'um,#ng fi"tures, fi"tures #n res#dences and a&artments, #n &r#$ate ,athrooms o( hote's, and #n s#m#'ar #nsta''at#ons #n other buildings (or a s#ng'e househo'd or an #nd#$#dua'. 4rivate water supply means &#&#ng that ser$es as a source o( su&&'y on the &ro&erty to more than one water service pipe. 4rivate water supply system means an assem,'y o( &#&es, (#tt#ngs, $a'$es, e:u#&ment and a&&urtenances that su&&'#es water (rom a &r#$ate source to a potable water system. 4rivy vault means a 'atr#ne #n wh#ch the rece&tac'e (or human waste cons#sts o( a constructed $au't (rom wh#ch the waste #s &er#od#ca''y remo$ed. 4rocess plant means an industrial occupancy where mater#a's, #nc'ud#ng flammable li uids, combustible li uids or gases, are &roduced or used #n a &rocess. 4rofessional engineer means a &erson who ho'ds a '#cence or a tem&orary '#cence under the 4rofessional 6ngineers Act. 4ublic corridor means a corr#dor that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom more than one suite. 4ublic heritage building means a heritage building where the occupancy #n who'e or #n &art #nc'udes $#ew#ng o( the building ,y the &u,'#c &ro$#ded that d#s&'ays #n #t are '#m#ted to those re'e$ant to the her#tage s#gn#(#cance o( the building. 4ublic pool means a structure, ,as#n, cham,er or tan7 conta#n#ng or #ntended to conta#n an art#(#c#a' ,ody o( water (or sw#mm#ng, water s&ort, water recreat#on or enterta#nment, ,ut does not #nc'ude, 2a3 &oo's o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th 'ess than s#5 dwelling units, suites or s#ng'e (am#'y res#dences or any com,#nat#on o( them, 2,3 &oo's that are used on'y (or commerc#a' d#s&'ay and demonstrat#on &ur&oses, 1.

2c3 wad#ng &oo's, 2d3 hydro-massage &oo's, or 2e3 &oo's that ser$e on'y as rece#$#ng ,as#ns (or &ersons at the ,ottom o( water s'#des. 4ublic spa means a hydro-massage &oo' that conta#ns an art#(#c#a' ,ody o( water, that #s #ntended &r#mar#'y (or thera&eut#c or recreat#ona' use, that #s not dra#ned, c'eaned or re(#''ed ,e(ore use ,y each #nd#$#dua' and that ut#'#Ces hydro0et c#rcu'at#on, a#r #nduct#on ,u,,'es, current ('ow or a com,#nat#on o( them o$er the ma0or#ty o( the &oo' area, ,ut does not #nc'ude, 2a3 wad#ng &oo's, or 2,3 s&as o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th 'ess than s#5 dwelling units, suites or s#ng'e (am#'y res#dences, or any com,#nat#on o( them, (or the use o( occu&ants or res#dents and the#r $#s#tors. 4ublic use means, when a&&'#ed to &'um,#ng fi"tures, fi"tures #n genera' washrooms o( schoo's, gymnas#ums, hote's, ,ars, &u,'#c com(ort stat#ons and other #nsta''at#ons #n wh#ch fi"tures are #nsta''ed so that the#r use #s unrestr#cted. 4ublic way means a s#dewa'7, street, h#ghway, s:uare or another o&en s&ace to wh#ch the &u,'#c has access, as o( r#ght or ,y #n$#tat#on, e5&ressed or #m&'#ed. 1ainwater means storm sewage runo(( that #s co''ected (rom a roo( or the ground, ,ut not (rom access#,'e &at#os and dr#$eways. 1ecirculation system means a system, 2a3 that ma#nta#ns the c#rcu'at#on o( water through a public pool ,y &um&s, and 2,3 that &ro$#des cont#nuous treatment o( the water, #nc'ud#ng (#'trat#on and ch'or#nat#on or ,rom#nat#on and any other &rocess that may ,e necessary (or the treatment o( the water. 1ecreational camp means a cam& (or recreat#ona' act#$#t#es cons#st#ng o( one or more buildings or other structures esta,'#shed or ma#nta#ned as '#$#ng :uarters, w#th or w#thout charge, (or the tem&orary occupancy o( 10 or more &ersons (or (#$e or more days. 1elief vent means a vent pipe that #s used #n con0unct#on w#th a circuit vent to &ro$#de add#t#ona' a#r c#rcu'at#on ,etween a drainage system and a venting system. 1epair garage means a building or &art o( a building where (ac#'#t#es are &ro$#ded (or the re&a#r or ser$#c#ng o( motor $eh#c'es. 1esidential full flow-through fire sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs #nsta''ed #n the res#dent#a' &ort#ons o( a building conta#n#ng one or two dwelling units that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe to out'ets #n the s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems and #s (u''y #ntegrated #nto the potable water system to ensure a regu'ar ('ow o( water through a'' &arts o( the s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems. 1esidential occupancy means an occupancy #n wh#ch s'ee&#ng accommodat#on #s &ro$#ded to res#dents who are not har,oured (or the &ur&ose o( rece#$#ng s&ec#a' care or treatment and are not #n$o'untar#'y deta#ned. 1esidential partial flow-through sprin#ler,standpipe system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs #nsta''ed #n the res#dent#a' &ort#ons o( a building conta#n#ng one or two dwelling units that con$eys water (rom the water service pipe to out'ets #n the s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems and #n wh#ch ('ow occurs dur#ng #nact#$e &er#ods o( the s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems on'y through the ma#n header to the water c'oset 'ocated at the (arthest &o#nt o( the s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems. 1eturn duct means a duct (or con$ey#ng a#r (rom a s&ace ,e#ng heated, $ent#'ated or a#r-cond#t#oned ,ac7 to the heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning appliance. 1iser means a water distributing pipe that e5tends through at 'east one (u'' storey, as de(#ned #n -art . o( "#$#s#on *. 1oc# means a &ort#on o( the earthDs crust that #s conso'#dated, coherent and re'at#$e'y hard and that #s a natura''y (ormed, so'#d'y ,onded, mass o( m#nera' matter that cannot read#'y ,e ,ro7en ,y hand. 1oof drain means a (#tt#ng or de$#ce that #s #nsta''ed #n the roo( to &erm#t storm sewage to d#scharge #nto a leader. 1oof gutter means an e5ter#or channe' #nsta''ed at the ,ase o( a s'o&ed roo( to con$ey storm sewage. Sanitary building drain means a building drain that conducts sewage to a building sewer (rom the most u&stream soil or waste stac#, branch or fi"ture drain ser$#ng a water c'oset. Sanitary building sewer means a &#&e that #s connected to a sanitary building drain 1 000 mm outs#de a wa'' o( a building and that conducts sewage to a &u,'#c sewer or private sewage disposal system.

Sanitary drainage pipe means a'' &#&#ng that con$eys sanitary sewage to a &'ace o( d#s&osa', #nc'ud#ng the sanitary building drain, sanitary building sewer, soil pipe, soil stac#, waste stac# and waste pipe ,ut not the ma#n sewer or &#&#ng #n a sewage treatment &'ant. Sanitary drainage system means a drainage system that conducts sanitary sewage. Sanitary sewage means, 2a3 '#:u#d or water ,orne waste, 2#3 o( #ndustr#a' or commerc#a' or#g#n, or 2##3 o( domest#c or#g#n, #nc'ud#ng human ,ody waste, to#'et or other ,athroom waste, and shower, tu,, cu'#nary, s#n7 and 'aundry waste, or 2,3 '#:u#d or water ,orne waste d#scharged (rom a public pool to a dra#n. Sanitary sewer means a sewer that conducts sewage. Sanitary unit means a water c'oset, ur#na', ,#det or ,ed&an washer. Self-service storage building means a building that #s used to &ro$#de #nd#$#dua' storage s&aces to the &u,'#c and that #s o&en to the &u,'#c on'y (or those &ur&oses. Septic tan# means a watert#ght $au't #n wh#ch sanitary sewage #s co''ected (or the &ur&ose o( remo$#ng scum, grease and so'#ds (rom the '#:u#d w#thout the add#t#on o( a#r and #n wh#ch so'#ds sett'#ng and anaero,#c d#gest#on o( the sanitary sewage ta7es &'ace. Service room means a room &ro$#ded #n a building to conta#n e:u#&ment assoc#ated w#th building ser$#ces. Service space means s&ace &ro$#ded #n a building to (ac#'#tate or concea' the #nsta''at#on o( ,u#'d#ng ser$#ce (ac#'#t#es such as chutes, ducts, &#&es, sha(ts or w#res. Service water heater means a de$#ce (or heat#ng water (or plumbing ser$#ces. Sewage means sanitary sewage or storm sewage. Sewage system means, 2a3 a chem#ca' to#'et, an #nc#nerat#ng to#'et, a rec#rcu'at#ng to#'et, a se'(-conta#ned &orta,'e to#'et and a'' (orms o( &r#$y, #nc'ud#ng a portable privy, an earth pit privy, a pail privy, a privy vault and a com&ost#ng to#'et system, 2,3 a greywater system, 2c3 a cess&oo', 2d3 a leaching bed system, or 2e3 a system that re:u#res or uses a holding tan# (or the retent#on o( hauled sewage at the s#te where #t #s &roduced ,e(ore #ts co''ect#on ,y a hauled sewage system, where these, 2(3 ha$e a design capacity o( 10,000 '#tres &er day or 'ess, 2g3 ha$e, #n tota', a design capacity o( 10,000 '#tres &er day or 'ess, where more than one o( these are 'ocated on a 'ot or &arce' o( 'and, and 2h3 are 'ocated who''y w#th#n the ,oundar#es o( the 'ot or &arce' o( 'and on wh#ch #s 'ocated the building or buildings they ser$e. Sewage wor#s means sewage wor7s as de(#ned #n su,sect#on 1 213 o( the ;ntario 5ater 1esources Act. Sewer lateral e"tension means the &ort#on o( a storm building sewer or sanitary building sewer that e5tends (rom the &u,'#c sewer u& to 1.1 m #nto the &ro&erty. Shallow buried trench means an absorption trench that conta#ns a chamber. Shallow foundation means a foundation unit that der#$es #ts su&&ort (rom soil or roc# 'ocated c'ose to the 'owest &art o( the building that #t su&&orts. Shelf and rac# storage system means a se'(-conta#ned structura' system w#th#n a building, ha$#ng one or more e'e$ated &'at(orms or wa'7way 'e$e's (or &ersonne' access that may a'so su&&ort con$eyors and other mater#a' hand'#ng, storage and d#str#,ut#on e:u#&ment. Significant drin#ing water threat has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200.. Size means the nom#na' d#ameter ,y wh#ch a &#&e, (#tt#ng, trap or other s#m#'ar #tem #s commerc#a''y des#gnated. 19

Smo#e alarm means a com,#ned smo#e detector and aud#,'e a'arm de$#ce des#gned to sound an a'arm w#th#n the room or suite #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated on the detect#on o( smo7e w#th#n that room or suite. Smo#e detector means a fire detector des#gned to o&erate when the concentrat#on o( a#r,orne com,ust#on &roducts e5ceeds a &re-determ#ned 'e$e'. Soil means, e5ce&t (or the &ur&oses o( -art o( "#$#s#on *, a &ort#on o( the earthDs crust that #s (ragmentary or such that #nd#$#dua' &art#c'es o( a dr#ed sam&'e may ,e read#'y se&arated ,y ag#tat#on #n water, and #nc'udes ,ou'ders, co,,'es, gra$e', sand, s#'t, c'ay and organ#c matter. Soil pipe means a sanitary drainage pipe that carr#es the d#scharge o( a sanitary unit, w#th or w#thout the d#scharge (rom any other fi"ture. Soil stac# means a $ert#ca' soil pipe that &asses through one or more storeys and #nc'udes any offset that #s &art o( the stac7. Source protection area has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200.. Source protection plan has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200.. Space heater means a space-heating appliance (or heat#ng the room or s&ace w#th#n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, w#thout the use o( ducts. Space-heating appliance means an appliance, 2a3 that #s #ntended to su&&'y heat d#rect'y to a room or s&ace, such as a space heater, (#re&'ace and unit heater, or 2,3 that #s #ntended to su&&'y heat to rooms or s&aces o( a building through a heat#ng system, such as a centra' furnace or boiler. Sprin#lered means e:u#&&ed w#th a system o( automat#c s&r#n7'ers. Stac# vent means a vent pipe that connects the to& o( a soil stac# or waste stac# to a header or open air and >stac# vented? has a corres&ond#ng mean#ng. Stac# venting means, when used w#th re(erence to fi"tures, an arrangement such that the connect#ons o( the dra#nage &#&#ng (rom the stac# vented fi"tures to the stac7 &ro$#de $ent#ng to the fi"ture traps so that no add#t#ona' vent pipe #s re:u#red. Stage means a s&ace that #s des#gned &r#mar#'y (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances w#th &ro$#s#on (or :u#c7 change scenery and o$erhead '#ght#ng, #nc'ud#ng en$#ronmenta' contro' (or a w#de range o( '#ght#ng and sound e((ects, and that #s trad#t#ona''y, ,ut not necessar#'y, se&arated (rom the aud#ence ,y a &roscen#um wa'' and curta#n o&en#ng. Starting platform means a r#g#d &'at(orm 'ocated ent#re'y on a pool dec# that cons#sts o( a to& that, #( &ro0ected hor#Conta''y o$er the water sur(ace, wou'd ,e 'ess than 1 000 mm #n $ert#ca' he#ght a,o$e the sur(ace and that #s des#gned to ,e used ,y a sw#mmer to d#$e (rom at the start o( a sw#mm#ng race. Storage garage means a building or &art o( a building that #s #ntended (or the storage or &ar7#ng o( motor $eh#c'es and that conta#ns no &ro$#s#on (or the re&a#r or ser$#c#ng o( motor $eh#c'es. Storage-type service water heater means a service water heater w#th an #ntegra' hot water storage tan7. Storey means, e5ce&t (or the &ur&oses o( -art . o( "#$#s#on *, the &ort#on o( a building, 2a3 that #s s#tuated ,etween the to& o( any ('oor and the to& o( the ('oor ne5t a,o$e #t, or 2,3 that #s s#tuated ,etween the to& o( the ('oor and the ce#'#ng a,o$e the ('oor, #( there #s no ('oor a,o$e #t. Storm building drain means a building drain that conducts storm water and #s connected at #ts u&stream end to a 'eader, sum& or catch ,as#n, and at #ts downstream end to a building sewer or a des#gnated storm water d#s&osa' 'ocat#on. Storm building sewer means a building sewer that con$eys storm sewage to a &'ace o( d#s&osa' and commences 1 000 mm (rom the building. Storm drainage pipe means a'' the connected &#&#ng that con$eys storm sewage to a &'ace o( d#s&osa' and #nc'udes the storm building drain, storm building sewer, ra#n water leader, catch ,as#n and area dra#n #nsta''ed to co''ect water (rom the &ro&erty and the &#&#ng that dra#ns water (rom a sw#mm#ng &oo', other than a public pool, or (rom water coo'ed airconditioning e:u#&ment, ,ut does not #nc'ude, 2a3 a subsoil drainage pipe, or 2,3 a &r#$ate sewage treatment and d#s&osa' (ac#'#ty des#gned (or the treatment or retent#on o( storm sewage &r#or to d#scharge to the natura' en$#ronment. Storm drainage system means a drainage system that con$eys storm sewage. Storm sewage means water that #s d#scharged (rom a sur(ace as a resu't o( ra#n(a'', snow me't or snow(a''. 20

Storm sewer means a sewer that con$eys storm sewage. Stove means an appliance #ntended (or coo7#ng or s&ace heat#ng or ,oth. Street means any h#ghway, road, ,ou'e$ard, s:uare or other #m&ro$ed thorough(are that #s 9 m or more #n w#dth, that has ,een ded#cated or deeded (or &u,'#c use and that #s access#,'e to (#re de&artment $eh#c'es and e:u#&ment. Subsoil drainage pipe means a &#&e that #s #nsta''ed underground to #nterce&t and con$ey su,sur(ace water, and #nc'udes (oundat#on dra#n &#&es. Subsurface investigation means the a&&ra#sa' o( the genera' su,sur(ace cond#t#ons at a building s#te ,y ana'ys#s o( #n(ormat#on ga#ned ,y methods such as geo'og#ca' sur$eys, #n s#tu test#ng, sam&'#ng, $#sua' #ns&ect#on, 'a,oratory test#ng o( sam&'es o( the su,sur(ace mater#a's and groundwater o,ser$at#ons and measurements. Suite means a s#ng'e room or ser#es o( rooms o( com&'ementary use, o&erated under a s#ng'e tenancy, and #nc'udes, 2a3 dwelling units, 2,3 #nd#$#dua' guest rooms #n mote's, hote's, ,oard#ng houses, room#ng houses and dorm#tor#es, and 2c3 #nd#$#dua' stores and #nd#$#dua' or com&'ementary rooms (or business and personal services occupancies . Supply duct means a duct (or con$ey#ng a#r (rom a heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning appliance to a s&ace to ,e heated, $ent#'ated or a#r-cond#t#oned. Surface water means water on the sur(ace o( the ground. Tarion 5arranty %orporation means ;ar#on 8arranty )or&orat#on as des#gnated under sect#on 2 o( the ;ntario 3ew 8ome 5arranties 4lan Act. Theatre means a &'ace o( &u,'#c assem,'y #ntended (or the &roduct#on and $#ew#ng o( the &er(orm#ng arts or the screen#ng and $#ew#ng o( mot#on &#ctures, and cons#st#ng o( an aud#tor#um w#th &ermanent'y (#5ed seats #ntended so'e'y (or a $#ew#ng aud#ence. Trap means a (#tt#ng or de$#ce that #s des#gned to ho'd a '#:u#d sea' that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( gas ,ut w#'' not mater#a''y a((ect the ('ow o( a '#:u#d. Trap arm means that &ort#on o( a fi"ture drain ,etween the trap weir and the vent pipe (#tt#ng. Trap dip means the 'owest &art o( the u&&er #nter#or sur(ace o( a trap. Trap seal depth means the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween the trap dip and the trap weir. Trap standard means the trap (or a fi"ture that #s #ntegra' w#th the su&&ort (or the fi"ture. Trap weir means the h#ghest &art o( the 'ower #nter#or sur(ace o( a trap. Treatment unit means a de$#ce that, when des#gned, #nsta''ed and o&erated #n accordance w#th #ts des#gn s&ec#(#cat#ons, &ro$#des a s&ec#(#c degree o( sanitary sewage treatment to reduce the contam#nant 'oad (rom that o( sanitary sewage to a g#$en effluent :ua'#ty. Tribunal means the L#cence %&&ea' ;r#,una' esta,'#shed under the <icence Appeal Tribunal Act, &222. Type A dispersal bed means a leaching bed that rece#$es effluent (rom a Le$e' +H treatment unit as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e .6.2.2. o( "#$#s#on * and that #s com&r#sed o( a stone 'ayer a,o$e an unsaturated sand 'ayer as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on ..... o( "#$#s#on *. Type $ dispersal bed means a leaching bed com&r#sed o( a pressurized distribution system that un#(orm'y d#str#,utes effluent (rom a Le$e' +H treatment unit as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e .6.2.2. o( "#$#s#on * to the under'y#ng soil, as de(#ned #n -art o( "#$#s#on *, through a set o( distribution pipes #nsta''ed #n a ,ed com&r#sed o( se&t#c stone. >nit heater means a sus&ended space heater w#th an #ntegra' a#r c#rcu'at#ng (an. >nprotected opening means, when a&&'#ed to an e"posing building face, 2a3 a doorway, w#ndow or o&en#ng, other than one e:u#&&ed w#th a c'osure ha$#ng the re:u#red fire-protection rating, or 2,3 any &art o( a wa'' (orm#ng &art o( the e"posing building face that has a fire-resistance rating 'ess than re:u#red (or the e"posing building face. >nstable li uid means a '#:u#d, #nc'ud#ng flammable li uids and combustible li uids, that #s chem#ca''y react#$e to the e5tent that #t w#'' $#gorous'y react or decom&ose at or near norma' tem&erature and &ressure cond#t#ons or that #s chem#ca''y unsta,'e when su,0ected to #m&act. ?acuum brea#er means bac#-siphonage preventer. ?apour barrier means the e'ements #nsta''ed to contro' the d#((us#on o( water $a&our. 21

?ent connector means, when a&&'#ed to a heat#ng or coo'#ng system, the &art o( a $ent#ng system that conducts the flue gases or $ent gases (rom the flue collar o( a gas appliance to the chimney or gas vent, and may #nc'ude a dra(t contro' de$#ce. ?ent pipe means a &#&e that #s &art o( a venting system. ?ent stac# means a vent pipe that #s connected at #ts u&&er end to a header or #s term#nated #n open air and that #s used to '#m#t &ressure d#((erent#a' #n a soil or waste stac#. ?enting system means an assem,'y o( &#&es and (#tt#ngs that connects a drainage system w#th open air (or c#rcu'at#on o( a#r and the &rotect#on o( trap sea's #n the drainage system. ?ertical leg means the $ert#ca' &ort#on o( a fi"ture dra#n and #nc'udes the &ort#on o( a dra#n (rom the out'et o( a water c'oset ,ow' to the &o#nt where the connect#ng &#&#ng changes to hor#Conta'. ?ertical service space means a sha(t that #s or#ented essent#a''y $ert#ca''y and that #s &ro$#ded #n a building to (ac#'#tate the #nsta''at#on o( building ser$#ces, #nc'ud#ng mechan#ca', e'ectr#ca' and &'um,#ng #nsta''at#ons and (ac#'#t#es such as e'e$ators, re(use chutes and '#nen chutes. ?ulnerable area has the same mean#ng as #n su,sect#on 2 213 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200.. 5al#way means a co$ered or roo(ed &edestr#an thorough(are used to connect two or more buildings. 5aste pipe means a sanitary drainage pipe that carr#es the d#scharge (rom a fi"ture d#rect'y to a waste stac#, soil stac#, sanitary building drain, branch or sewage system. 5aste stac# means a $ert#ca' waste pipe that &asses through one or more storeys and #nc'udes any o((set that #s &art o( the stac7 that conducts '#:u#d waste (rom fi"tures other than sanitary units. 5ater distribution system means an assem,'y o( &#&es, (#tt#ngs, $a'$es and a&&urtenances that con$eys potable water to water su&&'y out'ets, fi"tures, plumbing appliances and de$#ces (rom the water service pipe or (rom a point of entry treatment unit 'ocated #n the building. 5ater purveyor means the owner or o&erator o( a drin#ing water system. 5ater service pipe means a &#&e on the &ro&erty that con$eys potable water (rom a drin#ing water system or a private water supply to the #ns#de o( the building. 5ater system means a water service pipe, a private water supply, a water distribution system, a fire service main or any &art o( any o( them. 5ave action pool means a public pool e:u#&&ed w#th a means (or #nduc#ng wa$e mot#on #n the water. 5et vent means a waste pipe that a'so ser$es as a vent pipe. 5or#ing capacity means the $o'ume o( '#:u#d that a treatment unit or holding tan# #s ca&a,'e o( ho'd#ng w#thout o$er('ow#ng wh#'e #t #s #n #ts wor7#ng &os#t#on, ,ut does not #nc'ude the $o'ume o( '#:u#d conta#ned #n a com&artment #n wh#ch a &um& or s#&hon #s #nsta''ed. @-ray e uipment #nc'udes 5-ray #mag#ng systems, &rocess#ng e:u#&ment and e:u#&ment d#rect'y re'ated to the &roduct#on o( #mages (or d#agnos#s or d#rect'y re'ated to #rrad#at#on w#th 5-rays (or thera&y. @-ray machine means an e'ectr#ca''y-&owered de$#ce &roduc#ng 5-rays, 2a3 (or the #rrad#at#on o( a human ,e#ng or an an#ma' (or a thera&eut#c or d#agnost#c &ur&ose, or 2,3 (or #ndustr#a' use. Ao#e vent means a vent pipe that #s connected at #ts 'ower end to a soil or waste stac# and at #ts u&&er end to a vent stac# or a branch vent that #s connected to a vent stac#. 1,5,1,!, #e/inition o/ A..lic$ble L$2 819 For the &ur&oses o( c'ause 223 2a3 o( the %ct, applicable law means, 2a3 the statutory re:u#rements #n the (o''ow#ng &ro$#s#ons w#th res&ect to the (o''ow#ng matters: 2#3 sect#on 114 o( the %ity of Toronto Act, 200. w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' ,y the )#ty o( ;oronto or the Ontar#o <un#c#&a' *oard o( &'ans and draw#ngs, 2##3 sect#on 19 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200. w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( a not#ce ,y the r#s7 management o((#c#a' (or the construction o( a building, 2###3 sect#on 1 o( Regu'at#on 262 o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 24enera'3, made under the +ay 3urseries Act, w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( &'ans (or a new building to ,e erected or an e5#st#ng building to ,e used, a'tered or reno$ated (or use as a day nursery or (or a'terat#ons or reno$at#ons to ,e made to &rem#ses used ,y a day nursery, 22

2#$3 sect#on 194 o( the 6ducation Act w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the <#n#ster (or the demolition o( a building, 2$3 sect#on 6 o( Regu'at#on 314 o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 24enera'3, made under the 6lderly 4ersons %entres Act, w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the <#n#ster (or the construction o( a building &ro0ect, 2$#3 sect#on 1 o( the 6nvironmental Assessment Act w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the <#n#ster or the 6n$#ronmenta' Re$#ew ;r#,una' to &roceed w#th an underta7#ng, 2$##3 sect#on 46 o( the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the <#n#ster to use 'and or 'and co$ered ,y water that has ,een used (or the d#s&osa' o( waste, 2$###3 sect#on 4..3 o( the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( a renewa,'e energy a&&ro$a', 2#53 sect#on 16 .3.1 o( the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act w#th res&ect to the construction o( a building to ,e used #n connect#on w#th a change o( use o( a &ro&erty, 253 &aragra&h 2 o( su,sect#on 16 .6 213 o( the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act #( a cert#(#cate o( &ro&erty use has ,een #ssued #n res&ect o( the &ro&erty under su,sect#on 16 .6 213 o( that %ct, 25#3 sect#on 14 o( the 9il# Act w#th res&ect to the &erm#t (rom the "#rector (or the construction or a'terat#on o( any building #ntended (or use as a &'ant, 25##3 sect#on 11.1 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 26.!03 24enera'3, made under the 3utrient 9anagement Act, 2002, w#th res&ect to a &ro&osed building or structure to house (arm an#ma's or store nutr#ents #( that Regu'at#on re:u#res the &re&arat#on and a&&ro$a' o( a nutr#ent management strategy ,e(ore construction o( the &ro&osed building or structure, 25###3 su,sect#on 30 223 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to a consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a building where the counc#' o( the municipality has g#$en a not#ce o( #ntent to des#gnate the building under su,sect#on 29 233 o( that %ct, 25#$3 sect#on 33 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality (or the a'terat#on o( &ro&erty, 25$3 sect#on 34 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality (or the demolition o( a building, 25$#3 sect#on 34.1 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the <#n#ster to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a des#gnated building, 25$##3 su,sect#on 34.. 223 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to a consent o( the <#n#ster to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a building where the <#n#ster has g#$en a not#ce o( #ntent to des#gnate the building under sect#on 34.6 o( that %ct, 25$###3 sect#on 42 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the &erm#t g#$en ,y the counc#' o( a municipality (or the erect#on, a'terat#on or demolition o( a building, 25#53 sect#on 14 o( the ;ntario 4lanning and +evelopment Act, &22( w#th res&ect to any con('#ct ,etween a de$e'o&ment &'an made under that %ct and a Con#ng ,y-'aw that a((ects the &ro&osed building or structure, 2553 sect#on 41 o( the 4lanning Act w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' ,y the counc#' o( the municipality or the Ontar#o <un#c#&a' *oard o( &'ans and draw#ngs, 255#3 sect#on 42 o( the 4lanning Act w#th res&ect to the &ayment o( money or ma7#ng arrangements sat#s(actory to the counc#' o( a municipality (or the &ayment o( money, where the &ayment #s re:u#red under su,sect#on 42 263 o( that %ct, 255##3 sect#on 2 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 239!13 2%ct#$#t#es on -u,'#c Lands and /hore Lands I 8or7 -erm#ts and 65em&t#ons3, made under the 4ublic <ands Act, w#th res&ect to the wor7 &erm#t author#C#ng the construction or &'acement o( a building on &u,'#c 'and, 255##.13 sect#on 1 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 239!13 w#th res&ect to the e5em&t#on (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a wor7 &erm#t author#C#ng the construction or &'acement o( a building w#th#n an un&atented m#n#ng c'a#m, 255###3 sect#on 34 or 3 o( the 4ublic Transportation and 8ighway /mprovement Act w#th res&ect to the &erm#t (rom the <#n#ster (or the &'acement, erect#on or a'terat#on o( any building or other structure or the use o( 'and, 2,3 the (o''ow#ng &ro$#s#ons o( %cts and regu'at#ons: 2#3 su,sect#on 102 233 o( the %ity of Toronto Act, 200., 2##3 sect#ons 2 and 13 o( the +evelopment %harges Act, &22B, 2###3 sect#ons 21.. 3 and 21..93 o( the 6ducation Act, 23

2#$3 su,sect#on 1 243 o( the 6nvironmental Assessment Act, 2$3 su,sect#on 133 243 o( the 9unicipal Act, 200&, 2$#3 su,sect#on 24 233 o( the 3iagara 6scarpment 4lanning and +evelopment Act, 2$##3 su,sect#on 2. 233 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act, 2$###3 sect#on 33 o( the 4lanning Act e5ce&t where, #n the case o( the demolition o( a res#dent#a' &ro&erty, a &erm#t to demolish the &ro&erty #s o,ta#ned under that sect#on, 2#53 sect#on 46 o( the 4lanning Act, 2c3 regu'at#ons made ,y a conser$at#on author#ty under c'ause 2 213 2c3 o( the %onservation Authorities Act w#th res&ect to &erm#ss#on o( the author#ty (or the construction o( a building or structure #(, #n the o&#n#on o( the author#ty, the contro' o( ('ood#ng, eros#on, dynam#c ,eaches or &o''ut#on or the conser$at#on o( 'and may ,e a((ected ,y the de$e'o&ment, 2d3 ,y-'aws made under sect#on 10 o( the %ity of Toronto Act, 200., ,ut on'y w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( a &erm#t (or the construction o( a green roo( #( the construction o( the roo( #s &roh#,#ted un'ess a &erm#t #s o,ta#ned, 2e3 ,y-'aws made under sect#on 40.1 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act, 2(3 ,y-'aws made under sect#on 34 or 3 o( the 4lanning Act, 2g3 su,0ect to c'ause 2h3, ,y-'aws made under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 60 !06 2"e$e'o&ment -erm#ts3 made under the 4lanning Act, 2h3 ,y-'aws re(erred to #n c'ause 2g3 #n re'at#on to the de$e'o&ment o( 'and, ,ut on'y w#th res&ect to the #ssuance o( a de$e'o&ment &erm#t #( the de$e'o&ment o( 'and #s &roh#,#ted un'ess a de$e'o&ment &erm#t #s o,ta#ned, 2#3 ,y-'aws made under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 246!01 2"e$e'o&ment -erm#ts3 made under the 4lanning Act wh#ch cont#nue #n (orce des&#te the re$ocat#on o( that Regu'at#on ,y reason o( sect#on 1. o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 60 !06 2"e$e'o&ment -erm#ts3 made under that %ct, 203 orders made ,y the <#n#ster under sect#on 4. o( the 4lanning Act or su,sect#on 1. 213 o( the ;ntario 4lanning and +evelopment Act, &22(, and 273 ,y-'aws made under any &r#$ate %ct that &roh#,#t the &ro&osed construction or demolition o( the building un'ess the ,y-'aw #s com&'#ed w#th. 829 For the &ur&oses o( c'ause 10 223 2a3 o( the %ct, applicable law means any genera' or s&ec#a' %ct, and a'' regu'at#ons and ,y-'aws enacted under them that &roh#,#t the &ro&osed use o( the building un'ess the %ct, regu'at#on or ,y-'aw #s com&'#ed w#th. 1,5,1,5, Ot0er de/initions /or t0e .ur.oses o/ t0e Act 819 For the &ur&oses o( the %ct, architect, as constructed plans and professional engineer ha$e the same mean#ng as that set out #n )'ause 1,5,2, (3mbols $nd Ot0er Abbre1i$tions 1,5,2,1, (3mbols $nd Ot0er Abbre1i$tions 819 +n th#s )ode, a sym,o' or a,,re$#at#on '#sted #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e has the mean#ng '#sted o&&os#te #t #n )o'umn 2. T$ble 1,5,2,1, (3mbols $nd Abbre1i$tions Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. 9. 10. )o'umn 1 /ym,o' or %,,re$#at#on 1 #n 2 %/84 %*/ *: )*O"1 )O2e )F@ cm cmA )-H) )o'umn 2 <ean#ng s'o&e o( 1 $ert#ca' to 2 hor#Conta' %mer#can /tee' 8#re 4age acry'on#tr#'e-,utad#ene-styrene ,ec:uere'2s3 the (#$e day car,onaceous ,#ochem#ca' o5ygen demand carbon dio"ide e uivalent co'ony (orm#ng un#ts cent#metre2s3 s:uare cent#metre2s3 ch'or#nated &o'y 2$#ny' ch'or#de3


11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 2 . 30. 31. 32 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69.

d*2%3 E ) d#am "8H (t g ga ga' ga'!m#n h =H%) =C #n. J 7g 7g!mA 7B 7-a 78 L L!m#n L!s L-F '5 m mA m3 m!s ma5. mg!L m#n m#n. <J mm <-a B B!% ng Bo. nom. o.c. O/* -a -* -6 -6!%L!-6 -6J -6J!%L!-6J -H) R/+ s tem&. ;K4 8 wt F Lg Lm

%-we#ghted sound 'e$e' degree2s3 degree2s3 )e's#us d#ameter dra#n, waste and $ent (oot 2(eet3 gram2s3 gauge #m&er#a' ga''on2s3 #m&er#a' ga''on2s3 &er m#nute hour2s3 heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and a#r-cond#t#on#ng hertC #nch2es3 0ou'e2s3 7#'ogram2s3 7#'ograms &er s:uare metre 7#'onewton2s3 7#'o&asca'2s3 7#'owatt2s3 '#tre2s3 '#tre2s3 &er m#nute '#tre2s3 &er second '#tres &er ('ush 'u5 metre2s3 s:uare metre2s3 cu,#c metre2s3 metre2s3 &er second ma5#mum m#''#gram2s3 &er '#tre m#nute2s3 m#n#mum mega0ou'e2s3 m#''#metre2s3 mega&asca'2s3 newton not a&&'#ca,'e nanogram2s3 num,er2s3 nom#na' on centre or#ented strand,oard &asca'2s3 &o'y,uty'ene &o'yethy'ene &o'yethy'ene!a'um#num!&o'yethy'ene cross'#n7ed &o'yethy'ene cross'#n7ed &o'yethy'ene!a'um#num!cross'#n7ed &o'yethy'ene &o'y 2$#ny' ch'or#de3 therma' res#stance, +nternat#ona' /ystem o( @n#ts second2s3 tem&erature tongue and groo$e watt2s3 we#ght &ercent m#crogram2s3 m#cron

(ection 1,7, Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions 1,7,1, Re/erenced #ocuments 21

1,7,1,1, A..lic$tion o/ Re/erenced #ocuments 819 ;he &ro$#s#ons o( a re(erenced document #n "#$#s#ons % and * a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that the &ro$#s#ons re'ate to, 2a3 buildings, and 2,3 the objectives and functional statements attr#,uted to the a&&'#ca,'e acceptable solutions #n "#$#s#on * where the document #s re(erenced. 1,7,1,2, Con/licting Re4uirements 819 +n the case o( a con('#ct ,etween the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode and those o( a re(erenced document, the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode sha'' go$ern. 1,7,1,!, A..lic$ble Editions 819 8here documents are re(erenced #n th#s )ode, they sha'' ,e the ed#t#ons des#gnated #n /u,sect#on 1.3.1. o( "#$#s#on *. 1,7,2, Org$ni-$tions 1,7,2,1, Abbre1i$tions o/ N$mes 819 ;he a,,re$#at#ons o( &ro&er names #n th#s )ode sha'' ha$e the mean#ngs ass#gned to them #n %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on *. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on %, -art 1G O. Reg. 111!13, ss. 1, 2G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 1, 2.
(ection (ection 2,1, 2,1,1, 2,2, 2,2,1, A..lic$tion A..lic$tion Ob@ecti1es Ob@ecti1es

(ection 2,1, A..lic$tion 2,1,1, A..lic$tion %&&'#cat#on o( O,0ect#$es 819 ;he objectives set out #n ;a,'e a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that they re'ate to com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e (ection 2,2, Ob@ecti1es 2,2,1, Ob@ecti1es 2,2,1,1, Ob@ecti1es 819 ;he objectives o( th#s )ode sha'' ,e those set out #n ;a,'e T$ble 2,2,1,1, Ob@ecti1es Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 )ategory /a(ety /a(ety I F#re /a(ety )o'umn 2 Bum,er O/ O/1 O/1.1 )o'umn 3 ;bjective %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re caused ,y a (#re or e5&'os#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re caused ,y (#re or e5&'os#on #m&act#ng areas ,eyond #ts &o#nt o( or#g#n.






/a(ety I /tructura' /a(ety

O/2 O/2.1






/a(ety I /a(ety #n @se

O/3 O/3.1






%n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re caused ,y the co''a&se o( &hys#ca' e'ements due to a (#re or e5&'os#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re caused ,y (#re sa(ety systems (a#'#ng to (unct#on as e5&ected. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to (#re caused ,y &ersons ,e#ng de'ayed #n or #m&eded (rom mo$#ng to a sa(e &'ace dur#ng a (#re emergency. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y 'oads ,ear#ng on the building e'ements that e5ceed the#r loadbearing ca&ac#ty. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y 'oads ,ear#ng on the building that e5ceed the loadbearing &ro&ert#es o( the su&&ort#ng med#um. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y damage to or deter#orat#on o( building e'ements. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y $#,rat#on or de('ect#on o( building e'ements. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y #nsta,#'#ty o( the building or &art o( #t. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to structura' (a#'ure caused ,y co''a&se o( the e"cavation. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( the building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y tr#&&#ng, s'#&&#ng, (a''#ng, contact, drown#ng or co''#s#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y contact w#th hot sur(aces or su,stances. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y contact w#th energ#Ced e:u#&ment. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y e5&osure to haCardous su,stances. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y e5&osure to h#gh 'e$e's o( sound (rom (#re a'arm systems. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y &ersons ,ecom#ng tra&&ed #n con(#ned s&aces.



/a(ety I Res#stance to @nwanted 6ntry





=ea'th =ea'th I +ndoor )ond#t#ons

O= O=1 O=1.1



=ea'th I /an#tat#on

O=2 O=2.1






=ea'th I Bo#se -rotect#on


%n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to haCards caused ,y &ersons ,e#ng de'ayed #n or #m&eded (rom mo$#ng to a sa(e &'ace dur#ng an emergency. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to the buildingCs 'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance to unwanted entry. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to the buildingCs 'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance to unwanted entry caused ,y #ntruders ,e#ng a,'e to (orce the#r way through 'oc7ed doors or w#ndows. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #n0ury due to the buildingCs 'ow 'e$e' o( res#stance to unwanted entry caused ,y occu&ants ,e#ng una,'e to #dent#(y &otent#a' #ntruders as such. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused ,y #nade:uate #ndoor a#r :ua'#ty. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused ,y #nade:uate therma' com(ort. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to #ndoor cond#t#ons caused ,y contact w#th mo#sture. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n or ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y e5&osure to human or domest#c waste. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y consum&t#on o( contam#nated water. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y #nade:uate (ac#'#t#es (or &ersona' hyg#ene. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y contact w#th contam#nated sur(aces. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y contact w#th $erm#n and #nsects. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson ad0acent to the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to unsan#tary cond#t#ons caused ,y e5&osure to human or domest#c waste. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( sound or#g#nat#ng #n ad0acent s&aces #n the building.


=ea'th I H#,rat#on and "e('ect#on L#m#tat#on =ea'th I =aCardous /u,stances )onta#nment =ea'th I -r#$acy =ea'th I H#ew to the Outdoors 3. %ccess#,#'#ty %ccess#,#'#ty I *arr#er-(ree -ath o( ;ra$e' %ccess#,#'#ty I *arr#er-(ree Fac#'#t#es 4. F#re, /tructura', 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs F#re, /tructura', 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs I F#re -rotect#on o( the *u#'d#ng


O=1 O=6 O=. O% O%1 O%2 O-


%n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( sound or#g#nat#ng #n ad0acent s&aces #n the building caused ,y e5&osure to a#r,orne sound transm#tted through assem,'#es se&arat#ng dwelling units (rom ad0acent s&aces #n the building. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to h#gh 'e$e's o( $#,rat#on or de('ect#on o( building e'ements. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the &u,'#c w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( #''ness due to the re'ease o( haCardous su,stances (rom the building. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an unacce&ta,'e 'e$e' o( &r#$acy. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson #n the building w#'' ,e una,'e to e5&er#ence a $#ew to the outdoors. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#ty w#'' ,e unacce&ta,'y #m&eded (rom access#ng or us#ng the building or #ts (ac#'#t#es. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#ty w#'' ,e unacce&ta,'y #m&eded (rom access#ng the building or c#rcu'at#ng w#th#n #t. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a &erson w#th a &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#ty w#'' ,e unacce&ta,'y #m&eded (rom us#ng the buildingCs (ac#'#t#es. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, the building or ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re or structura' #nsu((#c#ency, or the building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( 'oss o( use a'so due to structura' #nsu((#c#ency. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused ,y (#re or e5&'os#on occurr#ng. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused ,y (#re or e5&'os#on #m&act#ng areas ,eyond #ts &o#nt o( or#g#n. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused ,y co''a&se o( &hys#ca' e'ements due to a (#re or e5&'os#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused ,y (#re sa(ety systems (a#'#ng to (unct#on as e5&ected. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y 'oads ,ear#ng on the building e'ements that e5ceed the#r loadbearing ca&ac#ty. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y 'oads ,ear#ng on the building that e5ceed the loadbearing &ro&ert#es o( the su&&ort#ng med#um. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y damage to or deter#orat#on o( building e'ements.

O-1.1 O-1.2

O-1.3 O-1.4 F#re, /tructura', 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs I /tructura' /u((#c#ency o( the *u#'d#ng O-2








F#re, /tructura', 8ater and O-3 /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs I -rotect#on o( %d0acent *u#'d#ngs (rom F#re O-3.1

F#re, /tructura', 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs I -rotect#on o( %d0acent *u#'d#ngs (rom /tructura' "amage

O-4 O-4.1



O-4.4 F#re, /tructura', 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs I 8ater and /ewage -rotect#on o( *u#'d#ngs and Fac#'#t#es Resource )onser$at#on O-1

%n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y $#,rat#on or de('ect#on o( building e'ements. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y #nsta,#'#ty o( the building or &art o( #t. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building or &art o( #t w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage or 'oss o( use due to structura' (a#'ure or 'ac7 o( structura' ser$#cea,#'#ty caused ,y #nsta,#'#ty or mo$ement o( the su&&ort#ng med#um. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to (#re caused ,y (#re or e5&'os#on #m&act#ng areas ,eyond the building o( or#g#n. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( structura' damage. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused ,y sett'ement o( the med#um su&&ort#ng ad0acent buildings. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( the building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused ,y co''a&se o( the building or &ort#on o( #t onto ad0acent buildings. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused ,y #m&act o( the building on ad0acent buildings. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, ad0acent buildings w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( structura' damage caused ,y co''a&se o( the e5ca$at#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( #ts des#gn or construction, a building w#'' ,e e5&osed to unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( damage due to 'ea7age o( ser$#ce water or sewage. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( de&'et#on or the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng the use, treatment or d#s&osa' o( the resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( ,e#ng e5ceeded. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( de&'et#on. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, water resources w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( de&'et#on due to the consum&t#on o( water. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, a resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( de&'et#on due to the consum&t#on o( energy. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng the use, treatment or d#s&osa' o( a resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( ,e#ng e5ceeded. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the ca&ac#ty o( the #n(rastructure su&&ort#ng the use, treatment or d#s&osa' o( a resource w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( ,e#ng e5ceeded due to e5cess#$e demand on the #n(rastructure. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn, construction or o&erat#on o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( degradat#on.



Resource )onser$at#on I 8ater and 6nergy )onser$at#on

OR1 OR1.1 OR1.2

Resource )onser$at#on I +n(rastructure )a&ac#ty




6n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty



6n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty I %#r Mua'#ty

O61 O61.1


6n$#ronmenta' +ntegr#ty I 8ater and /o#' Mua'#ty .. )onser$at#on o( *u#'d#ngs



%n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to em#ss#ons #nto the a#r. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to em#ss#ons o( greenhouse gases #nto the a#r. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn or construction o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to the re'ease o( contam#nants, other than greenhouse gases, #nto the a#r. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the des#gn, construction or o&erat#on o( a building, the natura' en$#ronment w#'' ,e e5&osed to an unacce&ta,'e r#s7 o( degradat#on due to e5cess#$e re'ease o( contam#nants #nto water or soil. %n objective o( th#s )ode #s to '#m#t the &ro,a,#'#ty that, as a resu't o( the e5tens#on, mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r o( an e5#st#ng building or a change #n use o( an e5#st#ng building, the e5#st#ng building cannot ,e acce&ta,'y conser$ed.

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on %, -art 2.

(ection (ection !,1, !,1,1, !,2, !,2,1, A..lic$tion A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements +unction$l (t$tements +unction$l (t$tements

(ection !,1, A..lic$tion !,1,1, A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements !,1,1,1, A..lic$tion o/ +unction$l (t$tements 819 ;he functional statements set out #n ;a,'e a&&'y on'y to the e5tent that they re'ate to com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e (ection !,2, +unction$l (t$tements !,2,1, +unction$l (t$tements !,2,1,1, +unction$l (t$tements 819 ;he functional statements o( th#s )ode are those set out #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,1,1, +unction$l (t$tements Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 Bum,er F01 F02 F03 F04 F01 F06 F10 F11 F12 F13 F20 F21 F22 F23 F30 F31 F32 F33 )o'umn 2 Funct#on ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( acc#denta' #gn#t#on. ;o '#m#t the se$er#ty and e((ects o( (#re or e5&'os#ons. ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on areas ,eyond #ts &o#nt o( or#g#n. ;o retard (a#'ure or co''a&se due to the e((ects o( (#re. ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on emergency egress (ac#'#t#es. ;o retard the e((ects o( (#re on (ac#'#t#es (or not#(#cat#on, su&&ress#on and emergency res&onse. ;o (ac#'#tate the t#me'y mo$ement o( &ersons to a sa(e &'ace #n an emergency. ;o not#(y &ersons, #n a t#me'y manner, o( the need to ta7e act#on #n an emergency. ;o (ac#'#tate emergency res&onse. ;o not#(y emergency res&onders, #n a t#me'y manner, o( the need to ta7e act#on #n an emergency. ;o su&&ort and w#thstand e5&ected 'oads and (orces. ;o '#m#t or accommodate d#mens#ona' change. ;o '#m#t mo$ement under e5&ected 'oads and (orces. ;o ma#nta#n e:u#&ment #n &'ace dur#ng structura' mo$ement. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury to &ersons as a resu't o( tr#&&#ng, s'#&&#ng, (a''#ng, contact, drown#ng or co''#s#on. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury to &ersons as a resu't o( contact w#th hot sur(aces or su,stances. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury to &ersons as a resu't o( contact w#th energ#Ced e:u#&ment. ;o '#m#t the 'e$e' o( sound o( a (#re a'arm system.








9. 10. 11.



14. 11.

F34 F31 F36 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F41 F46 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F11 F16 F60 F61 F62 F63 F.0 F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F 0 F 1 F 2 F101 F102 F110 F111 F112 F113 F120 F121 F122 F123 F124 F130 F131 F132 F133 F140 F110 F111

;o res#st or d#scourage unwanted access or entry. ;o (ac#'#tate the #dent#(#cat#on o( &otent#a' #ntruders. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 that &ersons w#'' ,e tra&&ed #n con(#ned s&aces. ;o '#m#t the 'e$e' o( contam#nants. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( generat#on o( contam#nants. ;o res#st the entry o( $erm#n and #nsects. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( re'ease o( haCardous su,stances. ;o '#m#t the s&read o( haCardous su,stances ,eyond the#r &o#nt o( re'ease. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( the s&read o( d#seases through communa' shower (ac#'#t#es. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( contam#nat#on o( potable water. ;o &ro$#de a#r su#ta,'e (or ,reath#ng. ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate a#r and sur(ace tem&eratures. ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate re'at#$e hum#d#ty. ;o ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate #ndoor!outdoor a#r &ressure d#((erences. ;o '#m#t dra(ts. ;o res#st the trans(er o( a#r through en$#ronmenta' se&arators. ;o '#m#t the transm#ss#on o( a#r,orne sound #nto a dwelling unit (rom s&aces e'sewhere #n the building. ;o contro' the accumu'at#on and &ressure o( water on and #n the ground. ;o res#st the #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on, water or mo#sture (rom the e5ter#or or (rom the ground. ;o (ac#'#tate the d#ss#&at#on o( water and mo#sture (rom the building. ;o '#m#t mo#sture condensat#on. ;o &ro$#de potable water. ;o &ro$#de (ac#'#t#es (or &ersona' hyg#ene. ;o &ro$#de (ac#'#t#es (or the san#tary d#s&osa' o( human and domest#c wastes. ;o (ac#'#tate access to and c#rcu'at#on #n the building and #ts (ac#'#t#es ,y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#t#es. ;o (ac#'#tate the use o( a buildingCs (ac#'#t#es ,y &ersons w#th &hys#ca' or sensory d#sa,#'#t#es. ;o res#st deter#orat#on resu't#ng (rom e5&ected ser$#ce cond#t#ons. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( ma'(unct#on, #nter(erence, damage, tam&er#ng, 'ac7 o( use or m#suse. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #nade:uate &er(ormance due to #m&ro&er ma#ntenance or 'ac7 o( ma#ntenance. ;o '#m#t unwanted $#sua' e5&osure. ;o &ro$#de a $#ew to the outdoors #n buildings. ;o contro' the re'ease o( contam#nants #nto soil, groundwater, surface water and a#r. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( ma'(unct#on, damage or (a#'ure o( a sewage system. ;o &ro$#de ade:uate treatment o( sanitary sewage and effluent. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury as a resu't o( contact w#th sanitary sewage or &art#a''y treated effluent. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury to &ersons enter#ng or e5#t#ng the &oo', as a resu't o( un(am#'#ar#ty w#th the &oo'. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( #n0ury to &ersons us#ng the &oo', as a resu't o( un(am#'#ar#ty w#th the &oo'. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( contam#nat#on o( &oo' water. ;o (ac#'#tate t#me'y res&onse to #nca&ac#tated &oo' users. ;o m#n#m#Ce the r#s7 o( entra&ment or #n0ury to a &erson w#th#n the &oo', as a resu't o( water, a#r or $acuum act#on. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e water consum&t#on. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e energy consum&t#on. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e demand on the #n(rastructure. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e &ea7 demand on the #n(rastructure. ;o (ac#'#tate the reuse and mater#a' a'terat#on and re&a#r o( e5#st#ng buildings. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e em#ss#ons o( greenhouse gases #nto the a#r. ;o '#m#t e5cess#$e re'ease o( contam#nants, other than greenhouse gases, #nto the a#r.

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on %, -art 3.

(ection 1,1, 1,1,1, 1,1,2, 1,2, 1,!, 1,!,1, 1,!,2, Gener$l A..lic$tion Clim$tic #$t$ Reser1ed Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions Re/erenced #ocuments Abbre1i$tions

(ection (ection

(ection 1,1, Gener$l 32

1,1,1, A..lic$tion 1,1,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s -art a&&'#es to a'' buildings co$ered #n th#s )ode. 1,1,2, Clim$tic #$t$ 1,1,2,1, Clim$tic $nd (eismic #esign '$lues 819 ;he c'#mat#c and se#sm#c $a'ues re:u#red (or the des#gn o( buildings under th#s )ode sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th the c'#mat#c and se#sm#c $a'ues &ro$#ded #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. 829 ;he outs#de w#nter des#gn tem&eratures determ#ned (rom <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, sha'' ,e those '#sted (or the January 2.1F $a'ues. 1,1,2,2, #e.t0 o/ +rost %enetr$tion 819 "e&th o( (rost &enetrat#on sha'' ,e esta,'#shed on the ,as#s o( 'oca' e5&er#ence. /ect#on 1.2. Reser$ed (ection 1,!, Re/erenced #ocuments $nd Org$ni-$tions 1,!,1, Re/erenced #ocuments 1,!,1,1, E//ecti1e #$te 819 @n'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s )ode, the documents re(erenced #n th#s )ode sha'' #nc'ude a'' amendments, re$#s#ons and su&&'ements e((ect#$e to <ay 1, 2012. 1,!,1,2, A..lic$ble Editions 819 8here documents are re(erenced #n th#s )ode, they sha'' ,e #n the ed#t#ons des#gnated #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e T$ble 1,!,1,2, #ocuments Re/erenced in t0e Building Code Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 +ssu#ng %gency %)4+= %+/+ %B/+ )o'umn 2 "ocument Bum,er 2010, 6d#t#on /201-0. %20 .1-2009 )o'umn 3 ;#t'e o( "ocument213 +ndustr#a' Hent#'at#on <anua' Borth %mer#can /tandard (or )o'd Formed /tee' Fram#ng N -roduct "ata -art#c'e,oard )o'umn 4 )ode Re(erence ;a,'e 6.2.3. .2113

4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16.

%B/+!%/=R%6 %B/+!%/=R%6!+6 /B% %B/+!)/%

62.1-2010 90.1-2010

Hent#'at#on (or %cce&ta,'e +ndoor %#r Mua'#ty 6nergy /tandard (or *u#'d#ngs 65ce&t Low-R#se Res#dent#a' *u#'d#ngs Re'#e( Ha'$es (or =ot 8ater /u&&'y /ystems

%B/+ O21.22-1999 ! .. )/% 4.4-<99 2#nc'ud#ng %ddenda 1 and 23 %-=%!%88%!86 2001, 21st 6d#t#on /tandard <ethods (or the 65am#nat#on o( 8ater and 8aste .,3 F 8ater %/=R%6 %/=R%6 %/=R%6 %/=R%6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 2009 2011 2012 2010 %112.19. -200. *16.3-2006 *16.4-2006 *16.12-199 *16.11-2006 Fundamenta's =H%) %&&'#cat#ons =H%) /ystems and 6:u#&ment Re(r#gerat#on /uct#on F#tt#ngs (or @se #n /w#mm#ng -oo's, 8ad#ng -oo's, /&as, and =ot ;u,s <a''ea,'e +ron ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 110 and 300 4ray +ron ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 121 and 210 )ast +ron ;hreaded "ra#nage F#tt#ngs )ast *ronCe ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 121 and 210 .. .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. .. ..2...3.213


1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39. 40. 41.

%/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 %/<6 ! )/% %/<6 ! )/% %/<6 ! )/% %/<6 ! )/% %/<6 ! )/% %/<6 ! )/% %/-6 %//6 %//6 %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;<

*16.1 -2001 *16.22-2001 *16.23-2002 *16.24-2006 *16.26-2006 *16.29-200. *1 .6.1-19 1 %/<6 %1..1-200. ! )/% *44-0. %/<6 %112.1 .1-2012 ! )/% *121.1-12 %/<6 %112.1 .2-2001 ! )%B!)/%-*121.2-01 %/<6 %112.19.1-0 ! )%B!)/%-*41.2-0 %/<6 %112.19.2-0 ! )%B!)/%-*41.1-0 %/<6 %112.19.3-0 ! )%B!)/%-*41.4-0 2001 %B/+!%//6 1010-2004 1011-2009 %13 ! %13<-0. %123 ! %123<-0 %113 ! %113<-01 %212-9 %2 3 ! %2 3<-03 %11 ! %11 <-99 %613 ! %613<-0 %.92 ! %.92<-0 %100 ! %100 <-09

)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs 8rought )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs )ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage F#tt#ngs: "8H )ast )o&&er %''oy -#&e F'anges and F'anged F#tt#ngs: )'asses 110, 300, 600, 900, 1100 and 2100 )ast )o&&er %''oy F#tt#ngs (or F'ared )o&&er ;u,es 8rought )o&&er and 8rought )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage F#tt#ngs - "8H 8ood /crews 2+nch /er#es3 /a(ety )ode (or 6'e$ators and 6sca'ators -'um,#ng /u&&'y F#tt#ngs -'um,#ng 8aste F#tt#ngs 6name''ed )ast +ron and 6name''ed /tee' -'um,#ng F#5tures )eram#c -'um,#ng F#5tures /ta#n'ess /tee' -'um,#ng F#5tures "ata *oo7s 8ater =ammer %rresters +nd#$#dua' and *ranch ;y&e %#r %dm#ttance Ha'$es (or /an#tary "ra#nage /ystems -#&e, /tee', *'ac7 and =ot-"#&&ed, O#nc-)oated 8e'ded and /eam'ess O#nc 2=ot "#& 4a'$an#Ced3 )oat#ngs on +ron and /tee' -roducts O#nc )oat#ng 2=ot-"#&3 on +ron and /tee' =ardware

..2...6.213 ..2...6.223 ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ..2...6.213 ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ..2...1.213 ..2...2.213 ..2.....213 ..2.....223 ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ..2...1.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....4.1.213 .. .. ..2.6...243

;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 8e'ded and /eam'ess /tee' -#&e -#'es 4.2.3. .213 Low and +ntermed#ate ;ens#'e /trength )ar,on /tee' -'ates 4.2.3. .213 )orros#on-Res#stant =#gh-/#'#con +ron )ast#ngs ..2. .1.213 /tee' /heet, O#nc-)oated 24a'$an#Ced3 or O#nc-+ron %''oy- ;a,'e )oated 24a'$annea'ed3 ,y the =ot-"#& -rocess /tee' /heet, 11F %'um#num-O#nc %''oy-)oated ,y the =ot-"#& -rocess /tee', /heet, )o'd-Ro''ed, )ar,on, /tructura', =#gh4.2.3. .213 /trength Low-%''oy, and =#gh-/trength Low-%''oy w#th +m&ro$ed Forma,#'#ty, /o'ut#on =ardened, and *a7e =ardena,'e /tee', /heet and /tr#&, =ot-Ro''ed, )ar,on, /tructura', =#gh-/trength Low-%''oy, =#gh-/trength Low-%''oy w#th +m&ro$ed Forma,#'#ty, and @'tra-=#gh /trength /o'der <eta' /eam'ess )o&&er -#&e, /tandard /#Ces /eam'ess Red *rass -#&e, /tandard /#Ces /eam'ess )o&&er ;u,e, *r#ght %nnea'ed /eam'ess )o&&er 8ater ;u,e )o&&er "ra#nage ;u,e 2"8H3 L#:u#d and -aste F'u5es (or /o'der#ng o( )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy and ;u,e 4.2.3. .213 .. ..2...1.213 ..2...1.223 ..2...4.233 ..2...4.213 ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ..2...4.213 .. ..

42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10.

%/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;<

%1011 ! %1011<-09a *32-0 *42-02e1 *43-9 *6 -02 * -03 *306-02 * 13-00e1 * 2 -02


11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1. .2. .3. .4. .1.

%/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;<

)4-04e1 )2.-9 ).3-01 )126-99 )212-00 )260-06 )411-01 )412<-01a )444<-03 )494 ! )494<-0 )113-02 )612-04 ).00-0.a ) 34-01 )920-01 )914-0. )991-03 )1002-0. )1013-00 )11.. ! )11..<-0 )11. ! )11. <-0 )11 4-01 )1311-02 )1330-02 )1396 ! )1396<-06a

<a7#ng )a&#''ary Jo#nts ,y /o'der#ng o( )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy ;u,e and F#tt#ngs )'ay "ra#n ;#'e and -er(orated )'ay "ra#n ;#'e )'ass#(#cat#on (or F#re )'ay and =#gh-%'um#na Re(ractory *r#c7 )a'c#um /#'#cate *r#c7 2/and-L#me *r#c73 )eram#c 4'aCed /tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e, Fac#ng *r#c7, and /o'#d <asonry @n#ts /tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e %#r-6ntra#n#ng %dm#5tures (or )oncrete =ot-/ur(ace -er(ormance o( =#gh-;em&erature ;herma' +nsu'at#on )oncrete "ra#n ;#'e 2<etr#c3 -er(orated )oncrete -#&e 2<etr#c3 )hem#ca' %dm#5tures (or )oncrete <#nera' F#,er *'an7et ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or )ommerc#a' and +ndustr#a' %&&'#cat#ons <#nera' F#,er *'oc7 and *oard ;herma' +nsu'at#on H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e, 65tra /trength, /tandard /trength and -er(orated Late5 /ea'ants 6'astomer#c Jo#nt /ea'ants /tee' "r#'' /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to /tee' /tuds (rom 0.033 #n. 20. 4 mm3 to 0.112 #n. 22. 4 mm3 #n ;h#c7ness F'e5#,'e F#,rous 4'ass +nsu'at#on (or <eta' *u#'d#ngs /tee' /e'(--#erc#ng ;a&&#ng /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to 8ood /tuds or /tee' /tuds *oros#'#cate 4'ass -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or "ra#n, 8aste and Hent 2"8H3 %&&'#cat#ons 4'ass <at 4y&sum /u,strate (or @se as /heath#ng )oated 4'ass <at 8ater-Res#stant 4y&sum *ac7#ng -ane' /tructura' /#'#cone /ea'ants /o'$ent Re'ease /ea'ants )y'#ndr#ca' /ea'ant *ac7#ng (or @se w#th )o'd L#:u#d%&&'#ed /ea'ants 4y&sum *oard

;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.3.1. .213 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.3.1. .213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2..4.2.223 ;a,'e 9.2..4.2.223 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.29.1...213 ..2. .1.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2..4.2.223 ;a,'e 9.2..4.2.223 ;a,'e 9.2..4.2.233 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.23.1..2.%. ;a,'e o( "#$#s#on % ;a,'e

.6. ... . . .9. 0. 1.

%/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;<

"323-0 "3.4-99 "16 -.. "631-06 "21. -04 "2 9 -0

Ha&or -ressure o( -etro'eum -roducts 2Re#d <ethod3 ;h#c7ness o( /o'#d 6'ectr#ca' +nsu'at#on Rate o( *urn#ng and!or 65tent and ;#me o( *urn#ng o( F'e5#,'e -'ast#cs #n a Hert#ca' -os#t#on Rate o( *urn#ng and!or 65tent and ;#me o( *urn#ng o( -'ast#cs #n a =or#Conta' -os#t#on %s&ha't 4'ass Fe't @sed #n Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng %cce'erated 8eather#ng o( F#re-Retardant-;reated 8ood (or F#re ;est#ng


2. 3. 4.

%/;< %/;< %/;<

"3261-03 690-04 696 ! 696<-01

*utt =eat Fus#on -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c F#tt#ngs (or -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c -#&e and ;u,#ng La,oratory <easurement o( %#r,orne /ound ;ransm#ss#on Loss o( *u#'d#ng -art#t#ons and 6'ements 8ater Ha&our ;ransm#ss#on o( <ater#a's

3.2.3...243 .. ;a,'e 9...1.2.223 .. .. .. .. ;a,'e .. .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ... .3.223 ... .3.233 ;a,'e . ;a,'e .6.2.2. o( "#$#s#on % o( "#$#s#on ) o( "#$#s#on ) to 213 o( "#$#s#on % 9.1..3.4.213 ;a,'e 9.2..9.1.223

1. 6. .. . 9. 90. 90.1 91. 92. 93. 94. 91. 96. 9.. 9 . 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 101. 106. 10.. 10 . 109. 110.

%/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %8-% %8/ %88% %88% %88% %88% *)<O= *BM *BM ))*F) ))*F) ))*F) ))*F) ))*F) ))*F) ))*F) )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

6336-01 6413-04 62190-0 F4.6- 4 F62 -0 F.14-0 F166.-01 <4-0 %B/+!%8/ %1. ! 1. <-2004 %B/+!%88% )104 ! %21.4-200 %B/+!%88% )110 ! %21.10-200 %B/+!%88% )111 ! %21.11-200. %B/+!%88% )111 ! %21.11-2002 Hers#on 2, 21st /e&t, 200. *BM 3624-111-200. )%B!*BM 36 0-6002009 BR)) 3 .30 199. BR)) 14431 2011 BR)) 3 .26 1991 BR)) 13301 2010 BR)) 13302 2010 BR)) 13303 2010 BR)) 3 .32 1991 )%B!)4/*-1.101-< 9 )%B!)4/*-..2-94 )%B!)4/*-10.3-92 )%B!)4/*-11.3-< .

<easurement o( %#r,orne /ound %ttenuat#on *etween Rooms #n *u#'d#ngs )'ass#(#cat#on (or Rat#ng /ound +nsu'at#on +nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#t -er(ormance and 6$a'uat#on /ecur#ty o( /w#ng#ng "oor %ssem,'#es %cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 /chedu'e 40 -'ast#c "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e 8#th a )e''u'ar )ore -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c -#&e 2/"R--R3 *ased on Outs#de "#ameter "r#$en Fasteners: Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es )are o( -reser$at#$e-;reated 8ood -roducts /&ec#(#cat#on (or F#''er <eta's (or *raC#ng and *raCe 8e'd#ng )ement-<ortar L#n#ng (or "uct#'e-+ron -#&e and F#tt#ngs "uct#'e-+ron and 4ray-+ron F#tt#ngs Ru,,er-4as7et Jo#nts (or "uct#'e-+ron -ressure -#&e and F#tt#ngs "uct#'e-+ron -#&e, )entr#(uga''y )ast, (or 8ater /ewerage /ystem /tandard -ract#ce <anua' -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e and F#tt#ngs - F'e5#,'e -#&es (or "ra#nage - )haracter#st#cs and ;est <ethods Ons#te Res#dent#a' 8astewater ;reatment ;echno'og#es <ode' Bat#ona' 6nergy )ode o( )anada (or *u#'d#ngs Bat#ona' 6nergy )ode o( )anada (or *u#'d#ngs Bat#ona' *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada Bat#ona' *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada Bat#ona' -'um,#ng )ode o( )anada Bat#ona' F#re )ode o( )anada Bat#ona' Farm *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada <ethod o( -ermeance o( )oated 8a'',oard %d0usta,'e /tee' )o'umns %#r /ett#ng Re(ractory <ortar =ard,oard


111. 112.

)4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-11.1-< . )%B!)4/*-12.1-<90

=ard,oard, -recoated, Factory F#n#shed, (or 65ter#or )'add#ng ;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass

113. 114. 111. 116. 11.. 11 . 119.

)4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-12.2-<91 )%B!)4/*-12.3-<91 )%B!)4/*-12.4-<91 )%B!)4/*-12.1-< 6 )%B!)4/*-12. -9. )%B!)4/*-12.10-<.6 )%B!)4/*-12.11-<90

F'at, )'ear /heet 4'ass F'at, )'ear F'oat 4'ass =eat %,sor,#ng 4'ass <#rrors, /#'$ered +nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#ts 4'ass, L#ght and =eat Re('ect#ng 8#red /a(ety 4'ass

120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 121. 126. 12..

)4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-12.20-< 9 )%B!)4/*-19.22-< 9 )%B!)4/*-34.9-<94 )%B!)4/*-34.22-94 )%B!)4/*-34.23-94 )%B!)4/*-3..1-< 9 )%B!)4/*-3..2-< )%B!)4/*-3..3-< 9

/tructura' "es#gn o( 4'ass (or *u#'d#ngs <#'dew Res#stant /ea'#ng )om&ound (or ;u,s and ;#'e %s,estos-)ement /ewer -#&e %s,estos-)ement "ra#n -#&e %s,estos-)ement =ouse )onnect#on /ewer -#&e )hem#ca' 6mu's#(#ed ;y&e, 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't, <#nera' )o''o#d ;y&e, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng and (or Roo( )oat#ngs %&&'#cat#on o( 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng

12 . 129. 130.

)4/* )4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-3..4-< 9 )%B!)4/*-3..1-< 9 3.-4--6<a-19 3

F#,rated, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't, La& )ement (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng )ut,ac7 %s&ha't -'ast#c )ement %s&ha't, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng

131. 132. 133.

)4/* )4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-3.. -< 3.-4--9<a-19 3 3.-4--12<a-19 4

%s&ha't, )ut,ac7, F#''ed, (or Roo( )oat#ng -r#mer, %s&ha't, @n(#''ed, (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng, "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng

9.29...1.213 ;a,'e 9.2..9.1.213 ;a,'e 9. . ...213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9. . ...213 .. ;a,'e .. .. ;a,'e ;a,'e 1. .2.3.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 1. .2.2.263 1. . ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 1. .2.3.223 ;a,'e


134. 131.

)4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-3..16-< 9 3.-4--1 <a-19 1

F#''ed, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng

136. 13.. 13 . 139. 140. 141.

)4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

3.-4--21<-19 1 )%B!)4/*-3..22-< 9 3.-4--36<-19.6 3.-4--3.<-19.. )%B!)4/*-3..10-< 9 )%B!)4/*-3..11-<90

142. 143. 144. 141.

)4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

3.-4--12<-19 4 )%B!)4/*-3..14-91 3.-4--11<-19.9 3.-4--16<-19 1

146. 14.. 14 . 149. 110. 111.

)4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/*

3.-4--64<-19.. 41-4--6<-19 3 )%B!)4/*-41.24-91 )%B!)4/*-11.21-< . 11-4--2.<-19.9 )%B!)4/*-11.32-<..

112. 113.

)4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*-11.33-< 9 )%B!)4/*-11.34-< 6 2amended 19 3

114. 111. 116.

)4/* )4/* )4/*

)%B!)4/*- 2.6-< 6 )%B!)4/*-93.1-< 1 )%B!)4/*-93.2-<91

;a,'e ;ar, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng 1. .2.2.263 1. . ;a,'e ;ar, )ut,ac7, F#,rated, For Roo( )oat#ng ;a,'e %&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed, )ut,ac7 ;ar Foundat#on )oat#ng 1. .2.3.223 (or "am&&roo(#ng ;a,'e %&&'#cat#on o( F#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng 1. .2.3.213 and 8ater&roo(#ng ;a,'e %&&'#cat#on o( =ot %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng or 1. .2.3.213 8ater&roo(#ng ;a,'e =ot %&&'#ed, Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and ;a,'e 8ater&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on (or =ot %&&'#ed Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng 1. .2.3.213 ;a,'e Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane, /heet %&&'#ed, ;a,'e 6'astomer#c -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane ;a,'e %&&'#cat#on o( /heet %&&'#ed F'e5#,'e -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng <em,rane ;a,'e <em,rane, <od#(#ed, *#tum#nous, -re(a,r#cated, and ;a,'e Re#n(orced (or Roo(#ng <at Re#n(orc#ng, F#,rous 4'ass, (or <em,rane ;a,'e 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems and *u#'t-u& Roo(#ng /heets, ;hermosett#ng -o'yester -'ast#cs, 4'ass F#,er ;a,'e Re#n(orced R#g#d H#ny' /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a ;a,'e 9.2..12.1.213 ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -heno'#c, Faced ;a,'e ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, Loose F#'' /heath#ng, <em,rane, *reather ;y&e ;a,'e 9.2..3.2.213 Ha&our *arr#er, /heet, 65c'ud#ng -o'yethy'ene, (or @se #n ;a,'e *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet (or @se #n *u#'d#ng ;a,'e )onstruct#on 9.1 .6.2.213 "oors, <#rrored 4'ass, /'#d#ng or Fo'd#ng, 8ardro,e /heet, %'um#num %''oy, -re(#n#shed Res#dent#a' ;a,'e 9.2..11.1.243 -re(#n#shed %'um#num /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Facs#a (or Res#dent#a' @se ;a,'e 3

11.. 11 . 119. 160.

)4/* )4/* )/% )/%

161. 162. 163. 164. 161. 166. 16.. 16 .

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

169. 1.0.

)/% )/%

1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.1.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

1.6. 1... 1. . 1.9.

)/% )/% )/% )/% 9.2..11.1.233 )%B!)4/*-93.3-<91 -re(#n#shed 4a'$an#Ced and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy /tee' ;a,'e /heet (or Res#dent#a' @se 9.2..11.1.223 )%B!)4/*-93.4-92 4a'$an#Ced /tee' and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy )oated /tee' ;a,'e /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a, -re(#n#shed, Res#dent#a' 9.2..11.1.213 )%B!)/%-6.19-01 Res#dent#a' )ar,on <ono5#de %'arm#ng "e$#ces %23.1-09 )oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on ;a,'e )%B!)/%-%23.3-04 "es#gn o( )oncrete /tructures ;a,'e 4.1. .9. %60.1-<19.6 H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e .. %60.3-<19.6 H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e Jo#nts .. )%B!)/%-% 2.1-< . *urned )'ay *r#c7 2/o'#d <asonry @n#ts <ade From )'ay ;a,'e or /ha'e3 % 2.4-<19. /tructura' )'ay Load-*ear#ng 8a'' ;#'e ;a,'e % 2.1-<19. /tructura' )'ay Bon-Load-*ear#ng ;#'e ;a,'e )%B3-% 2. -<. =o''ow )'ay *r#c7 ;a,'e )%B!)/%-% 2.2.-<91 4y&sum *oard ;a,'e ;a,'e % 2.30-<19 0 +nter#or Furr#ng, Lath#ng and 4y&sum -'aster#ng ;a,'e % 2.31-<19 0 4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on ;a,'e )%B3-%93-< 2 Batura' %#r('ow Hent#'ators (or *u#'d#ngs ;a,'e %123.1-01 !%123.1-01 %s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom Organ#c Fe't and /ur(aced ;a,'e w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es ! %s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom 4'ass Fe't and /ur(aced w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es )%B!)/%-%123.2-03 %s&ha't )oated Roo(#ng /heets ;a,'e %123.3-01 %s&ha't /aturated Organ#c Roo(#ng Fe't ;a,'e )%B!)/%-%123.4-04 %s&ha't (or )onstruct#ng *u#'t-@& Roo( )o$er#ngs and ;a,'e 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems %123.1.-01 %s&ha't 4'ass Fe't @sed #n Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng ;a,'e )%B3-%123.11-< 1 %s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:3 and /tee&er ;a,'e )%B3-%123.12-< 1 %s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:6 to Less than 1:3 ;a,'e )%B!)/%-%161.1-04 )oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts ;a,'e 9.1..1.1.213


1 0. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 1 1. 1 6. 1 .. 1 1 . .

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-%161.2-04 )%B!)/%-%161.3-04 )%B3-%161.4-< 1 )%B!)/%-%1.9-04 )%B!)/%-%220.0-06 )%B!)/%-%220.1-06

)oncrete *r#c7 <asonry @n#ts -re(aced )oncrete <asonry @n#ts %utoc'a$ed )e''u'ar @n#ts <ortar and 4rout (or @n#t <asonry -er(ormance o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es +nsta''at#on o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es

)%B!)/%-%21. /er#es- /tandards (or )oncrete -#&e and <anho'e /ect#ons 03 %21..4-03 -recast Re#n(orced )#rcu'ar )oncrete <anho'e /ect#ons, )atch *as#ns, and F#tt#ngs %2..-0 -rocedure (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs %2..-0 -rocedure (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.26.1..1.213 .. .. o( "#$#s#on ) o( "#$#s#on ) ;a,'e ;a,'e 9...3.3. 9...4.1.213 9...4.2.213 9...4.3.223 9...1.1.213 9...1.3.213 ;a,'e 9...3.3. 9...6.1.213 9...4.2.213 9...4.3.213 ;a,'e 9.2 .2.1.213 .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1 9. 190.

)/% )/%

)%B!)/%-%324-< )%B!)/%-%3.1-04

)'ay F'ue L#ners <asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs

191. 192.

)/% )/%

)%B!)/%-%401-< . %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440-0

"es#gn and )onstruct#on o( <asonry )h#mneys and F#re&'aces B%F/ N Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts

193. 194. 191. 196. 19.. 19 . 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 201. 206. 20.. 20 .

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

%440.2-09 ! %440.3-09 )%B!)/%-%440.4-0. %440/1-09 )%B!)/%-%660-04 )%B!)/%-%3001-0 )%B!)/%-*41.0-02 )%B!)/%-*41.1-02 )%B!)/%-*41.9-02 )%B!)/%-*41.10-01 *12-01 )%B!)/%-*64.0-0. )%B!)/%-*64.1.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64.1.2-0. )%B!)/%-*64.2-0. )%B!)/%-*64.2.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64.2.2-0.

Fenestrat#on 6nergy -er(ormance ! @ser 4u#de to )/% %440.2-09, Fenestrat#on 6nergy -er(ormance 8#ndow, "oor and /7y'#ght +nsta''at#on )anad#an /u&&'ement to %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, B%F/ N Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts )ert#(#cat#on o( <anu(acturers o( /tee' *u#'d#ng /ystems )ement#t#ous <ater#a's (or @se #n )oncrete 4enera' Re:u#rements (or -'um,#ng F#5tures -'ast#c -'um,#ng F#5tures <acerat#ng /ystems and Re'ated )om&onents =ydromassage *athtu,s <echan#ca' Re(r#gerat#on )ode "e(#n#t#ons, 4enera' Re:u#rements, and ;est <ethods (or Hacuum *rea7ers and *ac7('ow -re$enters %tmos&her#c Hacuum *rea7ers 2%H*3 -ressure Hacuum *rea7ers 2-H*3 =ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3 =ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3 w#th <anua' "ra#n#ng Feature


209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 211. 216. 21.. 21 . 219.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-*64.3-0. )%B!)/%-*64.4-0. )%B!)/%-*64.4.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64.1.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64.6-0. )%B!)/%-*64.6.1-0. )%B!)/%-*64..-0. )%B!)/%-*64. -0. )%B!)/%-*64.9-0. *64.10-0.

=ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3 w#th %utomat#c "ra#n#ng Feature "ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters w#th %tmos&her#c -ort 2")%-3 Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2R-3 Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2R-F3




221. 222. 223. 224. 221. 226. 22.. 22 . 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

*.0-06 *111-19.4 )/% *121.3-12 )%B!)/%-*12..1-99 *12..2-<19.. )%B!)/%-*12 .1-06 )%B!)/%-*13..1-01 )%B!)/%-*13..2-01 )%B!)/%-*13..3-01 )%B!)/%-*13..1-01 )%B!)/%-*13..6-01 )%B!)/%-*13..9-01 )%B!)/%-*13..10-01 )%B!)/%-*13..11-01

.. .. .. .. ;a,'e ..6.2.4. .. "ou,'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2")H%3 .. "ou,'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re .. -rotect#on /ystems 2")H%F3 ;a,'e ..6.2.4. "ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2"u)3 .. .. ....1.1.233 "ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on .. /ystems 2"u)F3 ;a,'e ..6.2.4. La,oratory Faucet Hacuum *rea7ers 2LFH*3 .. "ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters w#th +ntermed#ate .. Hent 2"u)H3 /#ng'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re .. -rotect#on /ystems 2/)H%F3 ;a,'e ..6.2.4. /e'ect#on and +nsta''at#on o( *ac7('ow -re$enters .. .. ;a,'e ..6.2.4. .. "es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or . -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s . . . . )ast +ron /o#' -#&e, F#tt#ngs and <eans o( Jo#n#ng .. .. 8#re Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es -'um,#ng F#tt#ngs .. .. .. %s,estos )ement "ra#n, 8aste and Hent -#&e and -#&e .. F#tt#ngs .. )om&onents (or @se #n %s,estos )ement *u#'d#ng /ewer .. /ystems .. "es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( Bon--ota,'e 8ater /ystems ....2.1.223 ....4.1.213 -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or )o'd .. 8ater -ressure /er$#ces ;a,'e ..2.11.2. -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 +n0ect#on-<ou'ded 4as7eted ..2.1. .213 F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. R#g#d -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 -#&e (or -ressure ..2.1. .213 %&&'#cat#ons .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. )ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J3 ;u,#ng /ystems (or ..2.1...213 -ressure %&&'#cat#ons ;a,'e ..2.11.2. )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 -#&e, ;u,#ng and .. F#tt#ngs (or =ot and )o'd 8ater "#str#,ut#on /ystems .. ;a,'e ..2.11.2. -o'yethy'ene!%'um#n#um!-o'yethy'ene 2-6-%L--63 .. )om&os#te -ressure--#&e /ystems ;a,'e ..2.11.2. )ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene!%'um#num )ross'#n7ed .. -o'yethy'ene 2-6J-%L--6J3 )om&os#te -ressure--#&e .. /ystems ;a,'e ..2.11.2. ..


231. 236.

)/% )/%

*11 .1-19.6 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1-06

-o'y&ro&y'ene 2---R3 -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons )ast *rass /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage, 8aste and Hent F#tt#ngs %cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs



)%B!)/%-*1 1.2-06

-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs

23 . 239.

)/% )/%

)%B!)/%-*1 1.3-06 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1-06

-o'yo'e(#n and -o'y$#ny'#dene F'uor#de 2-H"F3 La,oratory "ra#nage /ystems -'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs

..2...1.213 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2. .1.213 ;a,'e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3. .3.1.213 ..

240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 241. 246. 24.. 24 .

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-*1 2.2-06 )%B!)/%-*1 2.4-06 )%B!)/%-*1 2.6-06 )%B!)/%-*214-0. *242-01 )%B!)/%-*2.2-93 )%B!)/%-*311-00 )%B!)/%-*316-00 )%B!)/%-*361-01

-/< ;y&e -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs -ro(#'e -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs -ro(#'e -o'yethy'ene 2-63 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or Lea7--roo( /ewer %&&'#cat#ons +nsta''at#on )ode (or =ydron#c =eat#ng /ystems 4roo$e and /hou'der-;y&e <echan#ca' -#&e )ou&'#ngs -re(a,r#cated /e'(-/ea'#ng Roo( Hent F'ash#ngs L#(ts (or -ersons w#th -hys#ca' "#sa,#'#t#es 8ater -ressure Reduc#ng Ha'$es (or "omest#c 8ater /u&&'y /ystems +nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d-Fue' *urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment

249. 249.1 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 211.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-*366.1-11 *411.1-00 )%B!)/%-*4 1.1-0. )%B!)/%-*4 1.2-0. )%B!)/%-*4 1.4-0. )%B!)/%-*4 3.1-0. )%B!)/%-*602-01 )22.2 Bo. 0.3-01

/o'#d Fue'-F#red )entra' =eat#ng %&&'#ances -er(ormance ;est#ng o( /o'#d-Fue'-*urn#ng =eat#ng %&&'#ances ;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng Lard

216. 21..

)/% )/%

)22.2 Bo.113-<19 4 )22.2 Bo. 141-10 .. . 3 ;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng O#' .. . 3 <a#ntenance o( 4rease +nterce&tors . "r#n7#ng 8ater ;reatment /ystems ..2.10.1..213 <echan#ca' )ou&'#ngs (or "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and .. /ewer -#&e .. ;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es .213 .223 Fans and Hent#'ators 6mergency L#ght#ng 6:u#&ment 3.2...4.223


21 . 219. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 261. 266. 26.. 26 . 269. 2.0. 2.1. 2.2.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)22.2 Bo. 211.0-03

4enera' Re:u#rements and <ethods o( ;est#ng (or Bonmeta''#c )ondu#t )%B!)/%-)22.2 Bo. O&t#ca' F#,er )a,'e and )ommun#cat#on )a,'e Raceway 262-04 /ystems )%B!)/%-)22.3 Bo. 1- O$erhead /ystems 2010 )%B!)/%-) -<90 -ower ;rans(ormers and Reactors )%B!)/%-)260-<90 Rat#ng (or the -er(ormance o( Res#dent#a' <echan#ca' Hent#'at#ng 6:u#&ment )%B!)/%-)2 2-01 )%B!)/%-)439-00 )%B!)/%-)44 .1-02 )%B!)/%-)44 .2-02 )%B!)/%-F2 0-<90 )%B!)/%-F326-<91 )%B!)/%-F3.9.1-09 F3 3-0 6mergency 6'ectr#ca' -ower /u&&'y (or *u#'d#ngs Rat#ng the -er(ormance o( =eat!6nergy-Reco$ery Hent#'ators "es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( 6arth 6nergy /ystems (or )ommerc#a' and +nst#tut#ona' *u#'d#ngs "es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( 6arth 6nergy /ystems (or Res#dent#a' and Other /ma'' *u#'d#ngs "eterm#n#ng the Re:u#red )a&ac#ty o( Res#dent#a' /&ace =eat#ng and )oo'#ng %&&'#ances Res#dent#a' <echan#ca' Hent#'at#on /ystems -ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems 2L#:u#d-toL#:u#d =eat ;rans(er3 3.6.2...2103 ;a,'e 3.2...1.213 .. .. .. .. 4.2.3. .213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ..2.6. .213 ;a,'e ;a,'e 4.1. .9. ;a,'e 9.2.. .1.213 ;a,'e 9.2....1.213 ;a,'e 9.2....1.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2.. .1.213

+nsta''at#on o( -ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems )%B!)/%-430.1 -<92 *#''et /tee' *ars (or )oncrete Re#n(orcement 440.21-04 4enera' Re:u#rements (or Ro''ed or 8e'ded /tructura' Mua'#ty /tee' =ot "#& 4a'$an#s#ng o( +rregu'ar'y /ha&ed %rt#c'es )orrugated /tee' -#&e -roducts 8ood -reser$at#on

2.3. 2.4. 2.1.

)/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-4164-<92 )%B!)/%-4401-0. )%B!)/%-O 0 /er#es0

2.6. 2... 2. . 2.9. 2 0. 2 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-O 0.1-0 )%B!)/%-O 0.2-0 )%B!)/%-O 0.3-0 O 0.11-9. O 6-09 O111-<19 2 O11 .1-0 O11 .2-0 O121-0

/&ec#(#cat#on o( ;reated 8ood -rocess#ng and ;reatment -reser$at#$e Formu'at#ons -reser$at#$e ;reatment o( 8ood (or *u#'d#ng Foundat#on /ystems, *asements and )raw' /&aces ,y -ressure -rocesses 6ng#neer#ng "es#gn #n 8ood =ardwood and "ecorat#$e -'ywood 8estern Red )edar /ha7es and /h#ng'es 6astern 8h#te )edar /h#ng'es "oug'as F#r -'ywood


2 1. 2 6. 2 .. 2 .

)/% )/% )/% )/%

)%B!)/%-O122-06 )%B!)/%-O132.2 /er#es-90 O141-01 O111-09

/tructura' 4'ued-Lam#nated ;#m,er 8ood F'ush "oors /o(twood Lum,er )anad#an /o(twood -'ywood

;a,'e %-13 ;a,'e %-14 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e %-16 9...4.3.243 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2.. .1.213 ;a,'e %-13 ;a,'e %-14 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2.. .1.213 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e %-16 ;a,'e ;a,'e*. ;a,'e 9.23.11...*. ;a,'e*. ;a,'e %-13 ;a,'e %-14 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.2..10.1.213 ;a,'e %-13 ;a,'e %-14 ;a,'e %-11 ;a,'e 4.1. .9. ;a,'e 4.1. .9. ;a,'e 4.1. .9.

2 9.


O113-<19 0

-o&'ar -'ywood

290. 291.

)/% )/%

O1..-06 )%B!)/%-O321.0-0.

Mua'#(#cat#on )ode (or <anu(acturers o( /tructura' 4'uedLam#nated ;#m,er )onstruct#on /heath#ng




O/* and 8a(er,oard

293. 294. 291. 296. 29..

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

/16-09 )%B!)/%-/136-0. )%B!)/%-/11.-01 ! /11..1-01 /304.1-04 /30.-<19 0

"es#gn o( /tee' /tructures Borth %mer#can /&ec#(#cat#ons (or the "es#gn o( )o'd Formed /tee' /tructura' <em,ers 2us#ng the %&&end#5 * &ro$#s#ons a&&'#ca,'e to )anada3 /trength "es#gn #n %'um#num ! )ommentary on )/% /11.-01, /trength "es#gn #n %'um#num "es#gn o( <asonry /tructures Load ;est -rocedure (or 8ood Roo( ;russes (or =ouses and /ma'' *u#'d#ngs


29 . 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 303.1

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/%

/36.-09 )%B!)/%-/406-92 /413-0. /4. -91 O32-04 )%B!)/%-O91-02 O240 <= /er#es-09

%#r-, )a,'e-, and Frame-<em,rane /u&&orted /tructures )onstruct#on o( -reser$ed 8ood Foundat#ons

304. 301. 306.

)/% )/% )/%

O240.2.1-09 O240.10.1-0 )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es03 9.13.2. .213 -ar7#ng /tructures 4u#de'#ne on "ura,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ngs ;a,'e 6'ectr#ca' /a(ety and 6ssent#a' 6'ectr#ca' /ystems #n =ea'th 3.2...3.243 )are Fac#'#t#es 3.2...6.213 3...1.1.213 =ea'th and /a(ety )ode (or /us&ended 6:u#&ment O&erat#ons <anu(actured =omes o( "#$#s#on ) o( "#$#s#on ) /tructura' Re:u#rements (or <anu(actured =omes /#te -re&arat#on, Foundat#on and %nchorage o( <anu(actured =omes -ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers 9.3 .1.1.213 9.3 .2.1.213 o( "#$#s#on ) o( "#$#s#on ) 3...1.2.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e*. ;a,'e ;a,'e"!6. ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e*. ;a,'e ;a,'e"!6. ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e*. ;a,'e ;a,'e"!6. ;a,'e

30.. 30 . 309. 310. 311.

)/% )/% )/% )8) "*R

)%B!)/%-O31..2-01 O662-0. )%B!)/%-O.396.1-06 2009 ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, <ay 1961

/&ec#a' Re:u#rements (or =eat#ng, Hent#'at#on and %#r )ond#t#on#ng 2=H%)3 /ystems #n =ea'th )are Fac#'#t#es O#' and 4as -#&e'#ne /ystems <ed#ca' 4as -#&#ng /ystems - -art 1: -#&e'#nes (or <ed#ca' 4ases and Hacuum 6ng#neer#ng 4u#de (or 8ood Frame )onstruct#on F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams



;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., Octo,er 1961

F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s



;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, June 1966

F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es

314. 311. 316. 31.. 31 .

6-% F+B% =+ =R%+ =@"

6-%!621!R-92!016 2009 2001 2001 Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes 2000

Radon -re$ent#on #n the "es#gn and )onstruct#on o( /choo's and Other Large *u#'d#ngs Ru'es and Regu'at#ons - F+B% Fac#'#t#es Ru'es 2009-2013 - FR1 "#$#ng Fac#'#t#es =ydron#cs +nst#tute <anua's "#gest 4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and ;a,'e %ssem,'#es ;a,'e*. ;a,'e


319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324.

=H+ =H+ +/O +/O +/O <<%=

=H+ 911-2009 =H+ 916-2009 3 64-1: 2002 .010: 2003 201: 19 .263 /u&&'ementary /tandard /%-1, Bo$em,er 24, 2013 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, /e&tem,er 14, 2012





/u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, /e&tem,er 14, 2012



/u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, /e&tem,er 14, 2012

32 .




/u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, /e&tem,er 1, 2013

;a,'e"!6. ;a,'e -rocedure (or Loudness Rat#ng o( Res#dent#a' Fan -roducts ;a,'e %#r('ow ;est -rocedure 4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's N /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns N -art 1: "es#gn -r#nc#&'es (or /a(ety /#gns #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas 4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's - /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns /a(ety /#gns @sed #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas %coust#cs - %ud#,'e 6mergency 6$acuat#on /#gna' O,0ect#$es and Funct#ona' /tatements %ttr#,uted to the o( %cce&ta,'e /o'ut#ons "#$#s#on % o( "#$#s#on % )'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata 3.3.1...213 6.2.1...213 .. ;a,'e ;a,'e F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs 3.1...1.223 3.1. .14.223 3 F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es <easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs ;a,'e ;a,'e"!6. ;a,'e %&&ro$ed /ewage ;reatment @n#ts .


330. 331. 332. 333. 334.

<<%= <<%= <<%= <<%= <<%=

/u&&'ementary /tandard /*-6, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-., /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*- , /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, /e&tem,er 14, 2012

-erco'at#on ;#mes and /o#' "escr#&t#ons 4uards (or =ous#ng and /ma'' *u#'d#ngs "es#gn, )onstruct#on and +nsta''at#on o( %nchorage /ystems (or F#5ed %ccess Ladders Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro' 6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements

. 9. . .2.213 to 243 ;a,'e 9...3.3. o( "#$#s#on % ;a,'e 9...3.3. ;a,'e 3...4.1.223 o( "#$#s#on ) .. .. 3.2. .4.2.3

331. 336.

<<%= <<%=

/u&&'ementary /tandard )onstruct#on o( Farm *u#'d#ngs /*-11, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard 6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng /*-12, /e&tem,er 1, 2013 /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-13, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 /u&&'ementary /tandard /)-1, /e&tem,er 14, 2012 -+*/ 6 .9 200 -+*/ 6 1e 200 2011 -u,'#cat#on 13-200. 4'ass #n 4uards )ode o( )onduct (or Reg#stered )ode %genc#es "es#gn 4u#de'#nes (or /ewage 8or7s "es#gn 4u#de'#nes (or "r#n7#ng-8ater /ystems Bat#ona' F#re )odes +nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems

33.. 33 . 339. 340. 341. 342.

<<%= <<%= <O6 <O6 BF-% BF-%

343. 344. 341. 346. 34.. 34 . 349.

BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-%

13"-200. 13R-200. 14-200. 20-200. 24-2010 6 -200. 0-200.

+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems #n One- and ;wo-Fam#'y "we''#ngs and <anu(actured =omes +nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems #n Res#dent#a' Occu&anc#es u& to and #nc'ud#ng Four /tor#es #n =e#ght +nsta''at#on o( /tand&#&e and =ose /ystems +nsta''at#on o( /tat#onary -um&s (or F#re -rotect#on +nsta''at#on o( F#re /er$#ce <a#ns and ;he#r %&&urtenances .. 65&'os#on -rotect#on ,y "e('agrat#on Hent#ng F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es 3.1. .1.223 3.1. .10.223 3.1. .14.213


310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 311. 316. 31..

BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BF-% BL4%

2-2009 91-2004 96-200 130-2010 211-2006 214-2001 .01-2010 200.

+nc#nerators, 8aste and L#nen =and'#ng /ystems and 6:u#&ment 65haust /ystems (or %#r )on$ey#ng o( Ha&ors, 4ases, <#sts and Boncom,ust#,'e -art#cu'ate /o'#ds Hent#'at#on )ontro' and F#re -rotect#on o( )ommerc#a' )oo7#ng O&erat#ons F#5ed 4u#deway ;rans#t and -assenger Ra#' /ystems )h#mneys, F#re&'aces, Hents and /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances 8ater-)oo'#ng ;owers F#re ;ests (or F'ame -ro&agat#on o( ;e5t#'es and F#'ms /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es (or )anad#an Lum,er 3.12...1.213 o( "#$#s#on % ;a,'e ;a,'es %-1 to %10

31 .


January 2001, #nc'ud#ng a'' amendments, re$#s#ons and su&&'ements e((ect#$e to <ay 31, 2006 B/F!%B/+ 46-2010 B/F!%B/+ 61-2010 %B/+!/<%)B% 0062006, 3rd 6d#t#on 2001

6ner4u#de (or Bew =ouses: %dm#n#strat#$e and ;echn#ca' -rocedures

319. 360. 361.

B/F B/F /<%)B%

6$a'uat#on o( )om&onents and "e$#ces @sed #n 8astewater ;reatment /ystems "r#n7#ng 8ater /ystem )om&onents - =ea'th 6((ects =H%) "uct )onstruct#on /tandards - <eta' and F'e5#,'e

. ..2.10...213

362. 363. 364. 361.

;-+) @L @L @L)

200. @L 300-2001 @L 2034-200 )%B!@L)-/101-0.

;russ "es#gn -rocedures and /&ec#(#cat#ons (or L#ght <eta' -'ate )onnected 8ood ;russes F#re 65t#ngu#sh#ng /ystems (or -rotect#on o( Restaurant )oo7#ng %reas /#ng'e and <u't#&'e /tat#on )ar,on <ono5#de %'arms

366. 36.. 36 . 369. 3.0. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4.

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/102-0. )%B!@L)-/102.2-0. )%B!@L)-/102.3-0. )%B!@L)-/102.4-0. )%B4-/104-< 0 )%B4-/101-< 1 )%B4-/106-< 0 )%B!@L)-/10.-03 )%B!@L)-/109-03 F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's 3.1...1.213 3.1.11...213 3.2.3. .213 ;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( *u#'d#ng <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es ;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( F'oor#ng, F'oor )o$er#ngs, and <#sce''aneous <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es F#re ;est o( L#ght "#((users and Lenses F#re and /mo7e )haracter#st#cs o( 6'ectr#ca' 8#r#ng and .213 )a,'es F#re ;ests o( "oor %ssem,'#es 3.1. .4.213 F#re "oor Frames <eet#ng the -er(ormance Re:u#red ,y )%B4-/104 F#re ;ests o( 8#ndow and 4'ass *'oc7 %ssem,'#es 3.1. .4.213 F#re ;ests o( Roo( )o$er#ngs F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms

3.1. 3.6. 3... 3. . 3.9. 3 0. 3 1. 3 2.

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/110-0. @L)-/111-0. )%B!@L)-/112-<90 )%B!@L)-/112.1-<90 )%B!@L)-/112.2-0. )%B!@L)-/113-0. )%B!@L)-/114-01 )%B!@L)-/111-01

;est (or %#r "ucts F#re ;ests (or %#r F#'ter @n#ts F#re ;est o( F#re-"am&er %ssem,'#es Lea7age Rated "am&ers (or @se #n /mo7e )ontro' /ystems F#re ;est o( )e#'#ng F#resto& F'a& %ssem,'#es 8ood )ore "oors <eet#ng the -er(ormance Re:u#red ,y )%B!@L)-/104 (or ;wenty <#nute F#re Rated )'osure %ssem,'#es ;est (or "eterm#nat#on o( Bon-)om,ust#,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ng <ater#a's F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems 3.1. .4.213

3 3. 3 4. 3 1. 3 6. 3 .. 3 .

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/124-06 )%B!@L)-/126-06 )%B!@L)-/134-92 )%B!@L)-/131-04 )%B!@L)-/13 -06 @L)-/139-00 )%B!@L)-/143-09 /101-19.4 /113-19. )%B!@L)-/124-06

3 9. 390. 391. 392.

393. 394. 391. 396. 39.. 39 .

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/131-02 )%B!@L)-/13.-04 )%B!@L)-/143-09 )%B!@L)-/113-02 )%B!@L)-/161-03 )%B!@L)-/1.2-10 o( "#$#s#on % 9.10.9...233 ;est (or the 6$a'uat#on o( -rotect#$e )o$er#ngs (or Foamed -'ast#c ;est (or F#re /&read @nder Roo(-"ec7 %ssem,'#es F#re ;est o( 65ter#or 8a'' %ssem,'#es 3.2.3...233 ;est <ethod (or the "eterm#nat#on o( )om,ust#,#'#ty -arameters o( *u#'d#ng <ater#a's @s#ng an O5ygen )onsum&t#on )a'or#meter 2)one )a'or#meter3 F#re ;est (or F#re 4rowth o( +nsu'ated *u#'d#ng -ane's #n a Fu''-/ca'e Room )on(#gurat#on F#re ;est (or 6$a'uat#on o( +ntegr#ty o( 6'ectr#ca' )a,'es 3.2...10.223 3.2...10.233 F#re ;ests (or Bon-<eta''#c 6'ectr#ca' and O&t#ca' F#,re )a,'e Raceways Fus#,'e L#n7s (or F#re -rotect#on /er$#ce 3.1. .9.213 ;hreaded )ou&'#ngs (or 3 mm and 61 mm F#re =ose +nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems 3.1. .12.223 3.1. .12.233 /mo7e %'arms Her#(#cat#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems +nterna' Lug Mu#c7 )onnect )ou&'#ngs (or F#re =ose +nsta''at#on o( /mo7e %'arms +nsta''at#on and /er$#ces (or F#re /#gna' Rece#$#ng )entres 3.2.4. .243 and /ystems -hoto'um#nescent and /e'(-Lum#nous /#gns and -ath <ar7#ng /ystems


399. 400. 401. 402. 403.

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/610-< . @L)-/62 -93 )%B!@L)-/629-< . )%B!@L)-/639-< . )%B!@L)-/.01-01

Factory-*u#'t F#re&'aces F#re&'ace +nserts 610P) Factory-*u#'t )h#mneys /tee' L#ner %ssem,'#es (or /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng <asonry F#re&'aces ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, *oards and -#&e )o$er#ng 9.22. .1.213 ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e ;a,'e 9.23.11...233 ;a,'e 9.29. .1.213 3.1. .1 .213 .

404. 401. 406. 40.. 40 . 409.

@L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/.02-09 )%B!@L)-/.03-01 )%B!@L)-/.04-03 )%B!@L)-/.01.1-01 )%B!@L)-/.01.2-01 )%B!@L)-/.06-02

<#nera' F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs )e''u'ose F#,re +nsu'at#on 2)F+3 (or *u#'d#ngs ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'yurethane and -o'y#socyanurate *oards, Faced ;herma' +nsu'at#on - /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty - <ater#a' - /&ec#(#cat#on ;herma' +nsu'at#on - /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty - %&&'#cat#on 8ood F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs

410. 411. 412. 413. 414.


@L) @L) @L) @L) @/"%

)%B!@L)-/.41-0 @L)!OR"-)263.1-99 @L)!OR"-)199--02 @L)!OR"-)1214.61991 Octo,er 1993

%#r *arr#er <ater#a's - /&ec#(#cat#on /&r#n7'er--rotected 8#ndow /ystems )om,ust#,'e -#&#ng (or /&r#n7'er /ystems F#re ;est#ng o( Restaurant )oo7#ng %rea F#re 65t#ngu#sh#ng /ystem @n#ts /o#' /ur$ey <anua'

Notes to T$ble 1,!,1,2,&

/ome t#t'es ha$e ,een a,r#dged to om#t su&er('uous word#ng.

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Item 2<; is $mended b3 striAing out BCAN"C(A:+2=>:)9>C $nd substituting B+2=>:12C 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, ! 81>9, 15> 8299 Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, T$ble 1,!,1,2, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Items& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2, 5!9



23199: 2012

%ss#st#$e -roducts (or *'#nd and H#s#on-+m&a#red -ersons N ;act#'e 8a'7#ng /ur(ace +nd#cators

3. .3.1 .213

34 .1 BF-% .2-2013


Bat#ona' F#re %'arm and /#gna'#ng )ode

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, T$ble 1,!,1,2, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Items& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, ! 82>9, 15> 8299




65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N <ater#a's and /ystems 65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N +nsta''at#on o( 6+F/ )om&onents and 8ater Res#st#$e *arr#er 65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N "es#gn %&&'#cat#on 9.2..13.1.213 9.2..13.2.213 9.2..13.3.223 9.2..13.3.213

409.2 409.3

@L) @L)

)%B!@L)-/.16.2-12 )%B!@L)-/.16.3-12


Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1;, Item !29 is re1oAed, 8(ee& O, Reg, !!2"12, (entences 5,2,1,1,829, 5,5,1,1,8!99

1,!,2, Abbre1i$tions 1,!,2,1, Abbre1i$tions o/ N$mes 819 +n th#s )ode, an a,,re$#at#on o( &ro&er names '#sted #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e has the mean#ng ass#gned o&&os#te #t #n )o'umn 2. T$ble 1,!,2,1, Abbre1i$tions o/ N$mes
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. )o'umn 1 %,,re$#at#on %)4+= %+/+ %B/+ %-=% %/=R%6 %/<6 %/-6 %//6 %/;< %8-% %8/ %88% *)<O= *BM )%B )o'umn 2 <ean#ng %mer#can )on(erence o( 4o$ernmenta' +ndustr#a' =yg#en#sts %mer#can +ron and /tee' +nst#tute %mer#can Bat#ona' /tandards +nst#tute %mer#can -u,'#c =ea'th %ssoc#at#on %mer#can /oc#ety o( =eat#ng, Re(r#gerat#ng and %#r-)ond#t#on#ng 6ng#neers ;he %mer#can /oc#ety o( <echan#ca' 6ng#neers %mer#can /oc#ety o( -'um,#ng 6ng#neers %mer#can /oc#ety o( /an#tary 6ng#neer#ng %mer#can /oc#ety (or ;est#ng and <ater#a's %mer#can 8ood--reser$ersD %ssoc#at#on %mer#can 8e'd#ng /oc#ety %mer#can 8ater 8or7s %ssoc#at#on *r#t#sh )o'um,#a <#n#stry o( =ea'th *ureau de Borma'#sat#on du MuQ,ec Bat#ona' /tandard o( )anada des#gnat#on ;he num,er or name (o''ow#ng the )%B des#gnat#on re&resents the agency under whose aus&#ces the standard #s #ssued. )%B1 des#gnates )4%, )%B2 des#gnates )4/*, )%B3 des#gnates )/%, and )%B4 des#gnates @L). )anad#an )omm#ss#on on *u#'d#ng and F#re )odes )anad#an 4enera' /tandards *oard )anad#an /tandards %ssoc#at#on )anad#an 8ood )ounc#' "#$#s#on o( *u#'d#ng Research, 7nown as the +nst#tute (or Research #n )onstruct#on s#nce 19 1 6n$#ronmenta' -rotect#on %gency FQdQrat#on +nternat#ona'e de Batat#on =ydron#cs +nst#tute =eat#ng, Re(r#gerat#ng and %#r-)ond#t#on#ng +nst#tute o( )anada @./. "e&artment o( =ous#ng and @r,an "e$e'o&ment =ome Hent#'at#ng +nst#tute +''um#nat#ng 6ng#neer#ng /oc#ety o( Borth %mer#ca +nternat#ona' Organ#Cat#on (or /tandard#Cat#on Ontar#o <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng Ontar#o <#n#stry o( the 6n$#ronment Bat#ona' F#re -rotect#on %ssoc#at#on Bat#ona' Lum,er 4rades %uthor#ty Batura' Resources )anada B/F +nternat#ona', (ormer'y ca''ed Bat#ona' /an#tat#on Federat#on /heet <eta' and %#r )ond#t#on#ng )ontractors Bat#ona' %ssoc#at#on +nc. ;rans&ort )anada ;russ -'ate +nst#tute o( )anada @nderwr#ters La,orator#es +nc. @nderwr#tersD La,orator#es o( )anada @n#ted /tates "e&artment o( %gr#cu'ture 8or'd 6n$#ronment Federat#on

16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39. 40. 41.

))*F) )4/* )/% )8) "*R 6-% F+B% =+ =R%+ =@" =H+ +6/B% +/O <<%= <O6 BF-% BL4% BR)an B/F /<%)B% ;) ;-+) @L @L) @/"% 86F

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 1G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 3 21-9, 11-193, 4.


%ART 2

(ection !,1, !,1,1, !,1,2, !,1,!, !,1,5, !,1,7, !,1,<, !,1,;, !,1,=, !,1,9, !,1,1>, !,1,11, !,1,12, !,1,1!, !,1,15, !,1,17, !,1,1<, !,1,1;, !,1,1=, !,1,19, !,1,2>, !,2, !,2,1, !,2,2, !,2,!, !,2,5, !,2,7, !,2,<, !,2,;, !,2,=, !,2,9, !,!, !,!,1, !,!,2, !,!,!, !,!,5, !,!,7, !,!,<, !,5, !,5,1, !,5,2, !,5,!, !,5,5, !,5,7, !,5,<, !,5,;, !,7, !,7,1, !,7,2, !,7,!, !,7,5, !,<, !,<,1, !,<,2, !,<,!, Gener$l (co.e Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ Buildings or %$rts o/ Buildings b3 )$@or Occu.$nc3 )ulti.le Occu.$nc3 Re4uirements Combustible Construction Noncombustible Construction Reser1ed +ire:Resist$nce R$tings +ire (e.$r$tions $nd Closures %enetr$tions in +ire (e.$r$tions $nd +ire:R$ted Assemblies +ire2$lls +ire BlocAs in Conce$led (.$ces +l$me:(.re$d R$ting $nd (moAe #e1elo.ed Cl$ssi/ic$tion Interior +inis0 Roo/ Assemblies Roo/ Co1ering +$brics Occu.$nt Lo$d #r$in$ge $nd Gr$des Abo1e Ground Electric$l Conductors Gl$ss in Gu$rds Building +ire ($/et3 Gener$l Building (i-e $nd Construction Rel$ti1e to Occu.$nc3 (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion $nd E?.osure %rotection +ire Al$rm $nd #etection (3stems %ro1isions /or +ire/ig0ting Addition$l Re4uirements /or Eig0 Buildings Lig0ting $nd Emergenc3 %o2er (3stems )e--$nines $nd O.enings t0roug0 +loor Assemblies (t$nd.i.e (3stems ($/et3 6it0in +loor Are$s All +loor Are$s Assembl3 Occu.$nc3 C$re, C$re $nd Tre$tment or #etention Occu.$nc3 Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 Industri$l Occu.$nc3 #esign o/ E$-$rdous Are$s E?its Gener$l Number $nd Loc$tion o/ E?its /rom +loor Are$s 6idt0 $nd Eeig0t o/ E?its +ire (e.$r$tion o/ E?its E?it (igns o/ E?it +$cilities +ire Esc$.es 'ertic$l Tr$ns.ort$tion Gener$l Ele1$tor Re4uirements +ire (e.$r$tions #imensions $nd (igns (er1ice +$cilities Gener$l (er1ice Rooms 'ertic$l (er1ice (.$ces $nd (er1ice +$cilities







!,<,5, (ection !,;, !,;,1, !,;,2, !,;,!, !,;,5, !,;,7, !,;,<, !,=, !,=,1, !,=,2, !,=,!, !,9, !,9,1, !,9,2, !,9,!, !,1>, !,1>,1, !,1>,2, !,1>,!, !,1>,5, !,11, !,11,1, !,11,2, !,11,!, !,11,5, !,11,7, !,11,7, !,11,<, !,11,;, !,11,=, !,11,9, !,11,1>, !,11,11, !,12, !,12,1, !,12,2, !,12,!, !,12,!, !,12,5, !,12,7, !,12,<, !,1!, !,1!,1, !,1!,2, !,1!,!, !,1!,5, !,1!,7, !,1!,<, !,1!,;, !,1!,=, !,15, !,15,1, !,15,2, !,17, !,17,1, !,17,2,

Eori-ont$l (er1ice (.$ces $nd (er1ice +$cilities Ee$lt0 Re4uirements Eeig0t $nd Are$ o/ Rooms 6indo2s Reser1ed %lumbing +$cilities Ee$lt0 C$re +$cilit3 (3stems +ood %remises B$rrier:+ree #esign Gener$l Occu.$nc3 Re4uirements #esign (t$nd$rds %ort$ble Cl$ssrooms (co.e Interior +inis0 A..lic$tion (el/:(er1ice (tor$ge Buildings (co.e Re4uirements /or All Buildings Addition$l Re4uirements /or Buildings Cont$ining more t0$n 1 (tore3 Addition$l Re4uirements /or 1 (tore3 Buildings %ublic %ools Gener$l #esign$tions o/ %ublic %ools %ool $nd %ool #ecA #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements /or All Cl$ss A $nd Cl$ss B %ools %ublic %ools E4ui..ed 2it0 #i1ing Bo$rds or #i1ing %l$t/orms R$m.s into %ublic %ools in Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or !, )$@or Occu.$ncies R$m.s into %ublic %ools )odi/ied %ools 6$1e Action %ools Recircul$tion /or %ublic %ools #ressing Rooms, LocAer +$cilities $nd %lumbing +$cilities /or All %ublic %ools Emergenc3 %ro1isions /or All %ublic %ools (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge /or All %ublic %ools %ublic (.$s Gener$l %ublic (.$ $nd #ecA #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements R$m.s into %ublic (.$s R$m.s $nd Access into %ublic (.$s 6$ter Circul$tion /or %ublic (.$s Emergenc3 %ro1isions /or All %ublic (.$s (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge /or All %ublic (.$s R$.id Tr$nsit (t$tions (co.e $nd #e/initions Construction Re4uirements ($/et3 Re4uirements 6it0in (t$tions )e$ns o/ Egress +ire ($/et3 %ro1isions Re4uired ($nit$r3 +$cilities Emergenc3 'entil$tion B$rrier:+ree #esign Tents $nd Air:(u..orted (tructures Tents Air:(u..orted (tructures (igns (co.e Alter$tions










!,17,! !,17,5, !,17,7 (ection !,1<, !,1<,1, !,1<,2, !,1<,!, !,1;, !,1;,1, !,1;,2,

(tructur$l Re4uirements %l$stic (ign +$cing )$teri$ls Loc$tion Restrictions (0el/ $nd R$cA (tor$ge (3stems (co.e (tor$ge o/ Cl$ss I, II, III $nd I' Commodities (tor$ge o/ Grou. A, B $nd C %l$stics $nd Rubber Tires Addition$l Re4uirements +or C0$nge o/ se (co.e Addition$l Construction


(ection !,1, Gener$l !,1,1, (co.e !,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. !,1,1,2, R$don 819 +n add#t#on to a'' other re:u#rements, a building #n the (o''ow#ng des#gnated areas sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that the annua' a$erage concentrat#on o( radon 222 does not e5ceed 200 *:!m 3 o( a#r and the annua' a$erage concentrat#on o( the short '#$ed daughters o( radon 222 does not e5ceed 0.02 wor7#ng 'e$e's #ns#de the building: 2a3 the )#ty o( 6''#ot La7e #n the ;err#tor#a' "#str#ct o( %'goma, 2,3 the ;ownsh#& o( Faraday #n the )ounty o( =ast#ngs, and 2c3 the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( =yman #n the ;err#tor#a' "#str#ct o( /ud,ury. !,1,1,!, Building in +lood %l$ins 819 $uildings constructed on ('ood &'a#ns sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned and constructed #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce to w#thstand ant#c#&ated $ert#ca' and hor#Conta' hydrostat#c &ressures act#ng on the structure, and 2,3 #ncor&orate ('ood&roo(#ng measures that w#'' &reser$e the #ntegr#ty o( e"its and means of egress dur#ng t#mes o( ('ood#ng. !,1,2, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ Buildings or %$rts o/ Buildings b3 )$@or Occu.$nc3 !,1,2,1, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y %rt#c'es to 3.1.2..., e$ery building or &art o( #t sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed accord#ng to #ts major occupancy as ,e'ong#ng to one o( the 4rou&s or "#$#s#ons descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 829 % building #ntended (or use ,y more than one major occupancy sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed accord#ng to a'' major occupancies (or wh#ch #t #s used or #ntended to ,e used. T$ble !,1,2,1, )$@or Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tion Form#ng -art o( /entences, and
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. )o'umn 1 4rou& % % % % * * * ) " 6 F F F )o'umn 2 "#$#s#on 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ------1 2 3 Column 3 Description of 9ajor ;ccupancies Assembly occupancies intended for the production and viewing of the performing arts Assembly occupancies not elsewhere classified in Group A Assembly occupancies of the arena type Assembly occupancies in which occupants are gathered in the open air +etention occupancies %are and treatment occupancies %are occupancies 1esidential occupancies $usiness and personal services occupancies 9ercantile occupancies 8igh hazard industrial occupancies 9edium hazard industrial occupancies <ow hazard industrial occupancies


!,1,2,2, Occu.$ncies o/ t0e ($me Cl$ssi/ic$tion 819 %ny building #s deemed to ,e occu&#ed ,y a s#ng'e major occupancy, notw#thstand#ng #ts use (or more than one major occupancy, &ro$#ded that a'' occupancies are c'ass#(#ed as ,e'ong#ng to the same 4rou& c'ass#(#cat#on or, where the 4rou& #s d#$#ded #nto "#$#s#ons, as ,e'ong#ng to the same "#$#s#on c'ass#(#cat#on descr#,ed #n ;a,'e !,1,2,!, Aren$ T3.e Buildings 819 %n arena ty&e building #ntended (or occas#ona' use (or trade shows and s#m#'ar e5h#,#t#on &ur&oses sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy. !,1,2,5, %olice (t$tions 819 % &o'#ce stat#on w#th detent#on :uarters #s &erm#tted to ,e c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy &ro$#ded the stat#on #s not more than 1 storey #n building height and 600 m2 #n building area. !,1,2,7, Grou. B, #i1ision ! Occu.$ncies 819 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancies are &erm#tted to ,e c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) major occupancies &ro$#ded, 2a3 the occu&ants '#$e as a s#ng'e house7ee&#ng un#t #n a suite w#th s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons, and 2,3 not more than two occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency. !,1,2,<, Rest$ur$nts 819 % restaurant #s &erm#tted to ,e c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& 6 major occupancy &ro$#ded the restaurant #s des#gned to accommodate not more than 30 &ersons consum#ng (ood or dr#n7. !,1,2,;, (tor$ge o/ Combustible +ibres 819 $uildings or &arts o( them used (or the storage o( ,a'ed combustible fibres sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as medium hazard industrial occupancies. !,1,!, )ulti.le Occu.$nc3 Re4uirements !,1,!,1, (e.$r$tion o/ )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, major occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom ad0o#n#ng major occupancies ,y fire separations ha$#ng fire-resistance ratings con(orm#ng to ;a,'e T$ble !,1,!,1, )$@or Occu.$nc3 +ire (e.$r$tions819 Form#ng -art o( /entence
/tem %olumn & 9ajor ;ccupancy 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

)o'. 2 )o'. 3 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. <#n#mum 7ire-1esistance 1ating of 7ire Separation, h 213 %d0o#n#ng 9ajor ;ccupancy %-1 %-2 %-3 %-4 *-1 *-2 *-3 --1 1 1 2 2 2 1 --1 1 2 2 2 1 1 --1 2 2 2 1 1 1 --2 2 2 2 2 2 2 --2 2 2 2 2 2 2 --1 2 2 2 2 2 1 --1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
223 223 223 223 223 223 223

)o'. 9 )o'. 10 ) 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 --1 2233


)o'. 11 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2233 ----3 -----

)o'. 12 F-1
223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223

)o'. 13 F-2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2243 ----2 -----

)o'. 14 F-3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 ----2 -----

%-1 %-2 %-3 %-4 *-1 *-2 *-3 ) " 6 F-1 F-2 F-3

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 1

2 2

2 2

2 2

2243 1

" 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 ----3 -----

3 3 --2 2

Botes to ;a,'e

/ect#on 3.3. conta#ns re:u#rements (or the se&arat#on o( occupancies and tenanc#es that are #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements (or the se&arat#on o( major occupancies.
223 233 243

/ee /entence /ee /entence /ee /entence 11

829 +n a building not more than 3 storeys #n building height, #( not more than two dwelling units are conta#ned together w#th a 4rou& 6 major occupancy, the fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation ,etween the two major occupancies need not ,e more than 1 h. 8!9 ;he fire separations re:u#red ,etween major occupancies #n /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e &enetrated ,y ('oor o&en#ngs &rotected #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.2. ., e5ce&t (or fire separations (or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancies and (or mezzanines descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2. .2.213. !,1,!,2, %ro0ibition o/ Occu.$nc3 Combin$tions 819 Bo major occupancy o( 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 sha'' ,e conta#ned w#th#n a building w#th any occupancy c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, * or ). 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243 and /entence, not more than one suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e conta#ned w#th#n a building c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy. 8!9 % s'ee&#ng room or s'ee&#ng area sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto a room or area where (ood #s #ntended to ,e stored, &re&ared, &rocessed, d#str#,uted, ser$ed, so'd or o((ered (or sa'e. 859 % 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy #s &erm#tted #n a building conta#n#ng on'y live,wor# units #( the occupancy #s (or the e5c'us#$e use o( the occu&ants o( the live,wor# units. !,1,5, Combustible Construction !,1,5,1, Combustible )$teri$ls %ermitted 819 % building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction #s &erm#tted to ,e constructed o( combustible materials, w#th or w#thout noncombustible com&onents. !,1,5,2, %rotection o/ +o$med %l$stics 819 Foamed &'ast#cs that (orm &art o( a wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'y #n combustible construction sha'' ,e &rotected (rom ad0acent s&aces #n the building, other than ad0acent concea'ed s&aces w#th#n attic or roof spaces , craw' s&aces, and wa'' assem,'#es, 2a3 ,y one o( the #nter#or (#n#shes descr#,ed #n /u,sect#ons 9.29.4. to 9.29.9., 2,3 ,y any therma' ,arr#er that meets the re:u#rements o( /entence, or 2c3 where the building does not conta#n a 4rou& * or 4rou& ) major occupancy, ,y sheet meta', 2#3 mechan#ca''y (astened to the su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on, 2##3 not 'ess than 0.3 mm th#c7, and 2###3 w#th a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow 610E). 829 ;he flame-spread rating on any e5&osed sur(ace o( combustible #nsu'at#on, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through #t #n any d#rect#on, sha'' ,e not more than 100. !,1,5,!, 6ires $nd C$bles 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es w#th combustible #nsu'at#on, 0ac7ets or sheathes #nsta''ed #n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction sha'', 2a3 not con$ey ('ame or cont#nue to ,urn (or more than 1 m#n when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est #n )'ause 4.11.1. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es? 2F;1 Rat#ng3, or 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n, 2#3 tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways, 2##3 concea'ed s&aces #n wa''s, 2###3 concrete s'a,s, or 2#$3 tota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways con(orm#ng to )'ause,3. 829 ;he re:u#rement #n )'ause 2132a3 #s cons#dered to ,e met where the w#res and ca,'es, 2a3 e5h#,#t a $ert#ca' char o( not more than 1.1 m when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est N )a,'es #n )a,'etrough #n )'ause 4.11.4. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es? 2F;4 Rat#ng3, or 2,3 e5h#,#t a ('ame-s&read o( not more than 1.1 m, a smo7e dens#ty o( not more than 0.1 at &ea7 o&t#ca' dens#ty and a smo7e dens#ty not more than 0.11 at a$erage o&t#ca' dens#ty when tested #n con(ormance w#th the F'ame and /mo7e ;est #n the %&&end#5 to )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es? 2F;6 Rat#ng3.


8!9 /er$#ce-entrance ca,'es (or commun#cat#on and commun#ty antennae d#str#,ut#on systems need not con(orm to /entence 213 &ro$#ded, 2a3 the ser$#ce-entrance ca,'es are 'ocated #n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction and are not more than 3 m #n 'ength (rom the &o#nt o( entry #nto the building or (rom the &o#nt o( 'ea$#ng &rotect#on as re:u#red #n )'ause 213 2,3, or 2,3 the ser$#ce-entrance ca,'es enter #nto an e'ectr#ca' or te'e&hone service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. !,1,5,5, Nonmet$llic R$ce2$3s 819 ;ota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways used #n a plenum #n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction sha'' meet the re:u#rements o( )'ause !,1,5,7, +ire:Ret$rd$nt Tre$ted 6ood 819 +( fire-retardant treated wood #s s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art, the wood sha'', 2a3 ,e &ressure #m&regnated w#th (#re-retardant chem#ca's #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-O 0 /er#es-<, >8ood -reser$at#on?, and 2,3 ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21. !,1,5,<, Ee$13 Timber Construction Altern$ti1e 819 +( combustible construction #s &erm#tted and #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating more than 41 m#n, heavy timber construction #s &erm#tted to ,e used. 829 +( heavy timber construction #s &erm#tted, #t sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 3.1.4... !,1,5,;, Ee$13 Timber Construction 819 8ood e'ements #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e arranged #n hea$y so'#d masses and w#th essent#a''y smooth ('at sur(aces to a$o#d th#n sect#ons and shar& &ro0ect#ons. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 to 263 and 2123, the m#n#mum d#mens#ons o( wood e'ements #n heavy timber construction sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3.1.4... T$ble !,1,5,;, Ee$13 Timber #imensions Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.1.4...223
+tem )o'umn 1 /u&&orted %ssem,'y Roo(s on'y )o'umn 2 /tructura' 6'ement )o'umn 3 /o'#d /awn 2w#dth R de&th3, mm R mm 140 R 191 9 R 140 )o'umn 4 4'ued-Lam#nated 2w#dth R de&th3, mm R mm 130 R 190 0 R 112 0 R 112 130 R 112 )o'umn 1 Round 2d#am3, mm 1 0 -------



F'oors, ('oors &'us roo(s

)o'umns %rches su&&orted on the to&s o( wa''s or a,utments *eams, g#rders and trusses 9 R 140 %rches su&&orted at or near the ('oor 140 R 140 '#ne )o'umns 191 R 191 *eams, g#rders, trusses and arches 140 R 241 or 191 R 191

1.1 R 190 200 130 R 22 or 1.1 R 190 ---

8!9 8here s&'#ce &'ates are used at s&'#ces o( roo( arches su&&orted on the to&s o( wa''s or a,utments, roo( trusses, roo( ,eams and roo( g#rders #n heavy timber construction, they sha'' ,e not 'ess than 64 mm th#c7. 859 F'oors #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e o( g'ued-'am#nated or so'#d sawn &'an7 not 'ess than, 2a3 64 mm th#c7, s&'#ned or tongued and groo$ed, or 2,3 3 mm w#de and 9 mm dee& set on edge and we''-s&#7ed together. 879 F'oors #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e 'a#d, 2a3 so that no cont#nuous '#ne o( end 0o#nts w#'' occur e5ce&t at &o#nts o( su&&ort, and co$ered w#th, 2#3 tongued and groo$ed ('oor#ng not 'ess than 19 mm th#c7 'a#d cross-w#se or d#agona''y, or 2##3 tongued and groo$ed &heno'#c-,onded &'ywood, strand,oard or wa(er,oard not 'ess than 12.1 mm th#c7, and 2,3 not c'oser than 11 mm to the wa''s to &ro$#de (or e5&ans#on, w#th the ga& co$ered at the to& or ,ottom. 1.

8<9 Roo(s #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e o( tongued and groo$ed &heno'#c-,onded &'ywood not 'ess than 2 mm th#c7, or g'ued-'am#nated or so'#d sawn &'an7 that #s, 2a3 not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7, s&'#ned or tongued and groo$ed, or 2,3 not 'ess than 3 mm w#de and 64 mm dee& set on edge and 'a#d so that no cont#nuous '#ne o( end 0o#nts w#'' occur e5ce&t at the &o#nts o( su&&ort. 8;9 8ood co'umns #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e cont#nuous or su&er#m&osed throughout a'' storeys. 8=9 /u&er#m&osed wood co'umns #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e connected ,y, 2a3 re#n(orced concrete or meta' ca&s w#th ,rac7ets, 2,3 stee' or #ron ca&s w#th &#nt'es and ,ase &'ates, or 2c3 t#m,er s&'#ce &'ates (astened to the co'umns ,y meta' connectors housed w#th#n the contact (aces. 899 8here ,eams and g#rders #n heavy timber construction enter masonry, wa'' &'ates, ,o5es o( the se'(-re'eas#ng ty&e or hangers sha'' ,e used. 81>9 8ood g#rders and ,eams #n heavy timber construction sha'' ,e c'ose'y (#tted to co'umns, and ad0o#n#ng ends sha'' ,e connected ,y t#es or ca&s to trans(er hor#Conta' 'oads across the 0o#nts. 8119 +n heavy timber construction, #ntermed#ate wood ,eams used to su&&ort a ('oor sha'' ,e su&&orted on to& o( the g#rders or on meta' hangers #nto wh#ch the ends o( the ,eams are c'ose'y (#tted. 8129 Roo( arches su&&orted on the to&s o( wa''s or a,utments, roo( trusses, roo( ,eams and roo( g#rders #n heavy timber construction are &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 64 mm w#de &ro$#ded, 2a3 where two or more s&aced mem,ers are used, the #nter$en#ng s&aces are, 2#3 ,'oc7ed so'#d'y throughout, or 2##3 t#ght'y c'osed ,y a cont#nuous wood co$er &'ate not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 secured to the unders#de o( the mem,ers, or 2,3 the s&ace ,e'ow the roo( dec7 or sheath#ng #s sprin#lered. !,1,7, Noncombustible Construction !,1,7,1, Noncombustible )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243 and %rt#c'es to, and, a building or &art o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, sha'' ,e constructed w#th noncombustible mater#a's. 829 Botw#thstand#ng the de(#n#t#on (or noncombustible mater#a's stated #n %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %, a mater#a' #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n noncombustible construction &ro$#ded that, when tested #n accordance w#th )%B!@L)-/131, >;est <ethod (or the "eterm#nat#on o( )om,ust#,#'#ty -arameters o( *u#'d#ng <ater#a's @s#ng an O5ygen )onsum&t#on )a'or#meter 2)one )a'or#meter3?, at a heat ('u5 o( 10 78!m2, 2a3 #ts a$erage tota' heat re'ease #s not more than 3 <J!m2, 2,3 #ts a$erage tota' smo7e e5t#nct#on area #s not more than 1.0 m2, and 2c3 the test durat#on #s e5tended ,eyond the t#me st#&u'ated #n the re(erenced standard unt#' #t #s c'ear that there #s no (urther re'ease o( heat or smo7e. 8!9 +( a mater#a' re(erred to #n /entence 223 cons#sts o( a num,er o( d#screte 'ayers and test#ng re$ea's that the sur(ace 'ayer or 'ayers &rotect the under'y#ng 'ayers such that the com&'ete com,ust#on o( the under'y#ng 'ayers does not occur, the test sha'' ,e re&eated ,y remo$#ng the outer 'ayers se:uent#a''y unt#' a'' 'ayers ha$e ,een e5&osed dur#ng test#ng, or unt#' com&'ete com,ust#on has occurred. 859 ;he acce&tance cr#ter#a (or a mater#a' tested #n accordance w#th /entence 233 sha'' ,e ,ased on the cumu'at#$e em#ss#ons (rom a'' 'ayers, wh#ch must not e5ceed the cr#ter#a stated #n )'auses 2232a3 and 2,3. !,1,7,2, )inor Combustible Com.onents 819 ;he (o''ow#ng m#nor combustible com&onents are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction: 2a3 &a#nt, 2,3 mast#cs and cau'7#ng mater#a's a&&'#ed to &ro$#de ('e5#,'e sea's ,etween the ma0or com&onents o( e5ter#or wa'' construct#on, 2c3 fire stops con(orm#ng to /entence and fire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11..., 1

2d3 tu,#ng (or &neumat#c contro's &ro$#ded #t has an outs#de d#ameter not more than 10 mm, 2e3 adhes#$es, vapour barriers and sheath#ng &a&ers, 2(3 e'ectr#ca' out'et and 0unct#on ,o5es, 2g3 wood ,'oc7#ng w#th#n wa'' assem,'#es #ntended (or the attachment o( handra#'s, (#5tures, and s#m#'ar #tems mounted on the sur(ace o( the wa'', and 2h3 s#m#'ar m#nor com&onents. !,1,7,!, Combustible Roo/ing )$teri$ls 819 %ombustible roo( co$er#ng that has an %, * or ) c'ass#(#cat#on determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.1.11. #s &erm#tted on a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 829 %ombustible roo( sheath#ng and roo( sheath#ng su&&orts #nsta''ed a,o$e a concrete dec7 are &erm#tted on a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the concrete dec7 #s not 'ess than 10 mm th#c7, 2,3 the he#ght o( the roo( s&ace a,o$e the dec7 #s not more than 1 000 mm, 2c3 the roo( s&ace #s d#$#ded #nto com&artments ,y fire bloc#s #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e, 2d3 o&en#ngs through the concrete dec7, other than (or noncombustible roof drains and &'um,#ng &#&#ng, are &rotected ,y masonry or concrete sha(ts, 2#3 constructed as fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2##3 e5tend#ng (rom the concrete dec7 to not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e the ad0acent roo( sheath#ng, 2e3 the &er#meter o( the roo( #s &rotected ,y a noncombustible &ara&et e5tend#ng (rom the concrete dec7 to not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e the ad0acent sheath#ng, and 2(3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y )'ause 2d3, the roo( s&ace does not conta#n any building ser$#ces. 8!9 %ombustible cant str#&s, roo( cur,s, na#'#ng str#&s and s#m#'ar com&onents used #n the #nsta''at#on o( roo(#ng are &erm#tted on a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 859 8ood na#'er (ac#ngs to &ara&ets, not more than 600 mm h#gh, are &erm#tted on a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, #( the (ac#ngs and any roo( mem,ranes co$er#ng the (ac#ngs are &rotected ,y sheet meta'. !,1,7,5, Combustible Gl$-ing $nd (A3lig0ts 819 %ombustible s7y'#ght assem,'#es are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction #( the assem,'#es ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than, 2a3 110, &ro$#ded the assem,'#es, 2#3 ha$e an #nd#$#dua' area not more than 9 m2, 2##3 ha$e an aggregate hor#Conta' &ro0ected area o( the o&en#ngs through the ce#'#ng not more than 21F o( the area o( the ce#'#ng o( the room or s&ace #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, and 2###3 are s&aced not 'ess than 2 100 mm (rom ad0acent assem,'#es and 1 200 mm (rom re:u#red fire separations, or 2,3 .1, &ro$#ded the assem,'#es, 2#3 ha$e an #nd#$#dua' area not more than 2. m2, 2##3 ha$e an aggregate hor#Conta' &ro0ected area o( the o&en#ngs through the ce#'#ng not more than 33F o( the area o( the ce#'#ng o( the room or s&ace #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, and 2###3 are s&aced not 'ess than 1 200 mm (rom ad0acent assem,'#es and (rom re:u#red fire separations. 829 %ombustible $ert#ca' g'aC#ng #nsta''ed no h#gher than the second storey #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, the combustible $ert#ca' g'aC#ng &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 sha'' ha$e a flamespread rating not more than .1. 859 ;he flame-spread rating o( combustible g'aC#ng #n /entence 223 #s &erm#tted to ,e not more than 110 #( the aggregate area o( g'aC#ng #s not more than 21F o( the wa'' area o( the storey #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, and, 2a3 the g'aC#ng #s #nsta''ed #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2,3 the g'aC#ng #n the first storey #s se&arated (rom the g'aC#ng #n the second storey #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e (or o&en#ng &rotect#on, or 19

2c3 s&r#n7'ers are #nsta''ed #n, 2#3 any storey w#th combustible g'aC#ng, and 2##3 the storey #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the storey w#th combustible g'aC#ng. 879 %ombustible w#ndow sashes and (rames are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 each w#ndow #n an e5ter#or wa'' (ace #s an #nd#$#dua' un#t se&arated ,y noncombustible wa'' construction (rom e$ery other o&en#ng #n the wa'', 2,3 w#ndows #n e5ter#or wa''s #n cont#guous storeys are se&arated ,y not 'ess than 1 000 mm o( noncombustible construction, and 2c3 the aggregate area o( o&en#ngs #n an e5ter#or wa'' (ace o( a fire compartment #s not more than 40F o( the area o( the wa'' (ace. !,1,7,7, Combustible Com.onents /or E?terior 6$lls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 223, an e5ter#or non- loadbearing wa'' assem,'y that #nc'udes combustible com&onents #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s, 2#3 not more than 3 storeys #n building height, or 2##3 not more than 6 storeys #n building height #( sprin#lered, 2,3 the #nter#or sur(aces o( the wa'' assem,'y are &rotected ,y a therma' ,arr#er con(orm#ng to /entence, and 2c3 the wa'' assem,'y sat#s(#es the cr#ter#a o( /entences 233 and 243 when su,0ected to test#ng #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/134, >F#re ;est o( 65ter#or 8a'' %ssem,'#es?. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es and, where the area o( unprotected openings determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a,'es*. to #s re:u#red to ,e not more than 10F o( the e"posing building face, the construct#on re:u#rements o( ;a,'e 3.2.3... sha'' ,e met. 8!9 F'am#ng on or #n the wa'' assem,'y sha'' not s&read more than 1 m a,o$e the o&en#ng dur#ng the test &rocedure re(erenced #n /entence 213. 859 ;he heat ('u5 dur#ng the ('ame e5&osure on a wa'' assem,'y sha'' ,e not more than 31 78!m 2 measured 3.1 m a,o$e the o&en#ng dur#ng the test &rocedure re(erenced #n /entence 213. 879 % wa'' assem,'y &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 that #nc'udes combustible c'add#ng o( fire-retardant treated wood sha'' ,e tested (or (#re e5&osure a(ter the c'add#ng has ,een su,0ected to an acce'erated weather#ng test as s&ec#(#ed #n %/;< "2 9 , >%cce'erated 8eather#ng on F#re-Retardant-;reated 8ood (or F#re ;est#ng?. 8<9 ;he re:u#rements #n th#s %rt#c'e do not a&&'y where (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on #s used #n an e5ter#or wa'' assem,'y o( a building and the #nsu'at#on #s &rotected #n con(ormance w#th /entences 3.2.3. .213 and 223. !,1,7,<, N$iling Elements 819 8ood na#'#ng e'ements attached d#rect'y to or set #nto a cont#nuous noncombustible ,ac7#ng (or the attachment o( #nter#or (#n#shes, are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded the concea'ed s&ace created ,y the wood e'ements #s not more than 10 mm th#c7. !,1,7,;, Combustible )ill2orA 819 %ombustible m#''wor7, #nc'ud#ng #nter#or tr#m, doors and door (rames, show w#ndows together w#th the#r (rames, a&rons and ,ac7#ng, handra#'s, she'$es, ca,#nets and counters, #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,7,=, Combustible +looring Elements 819 %ombustible stage ('oor#ng su&&orted on noncombustible structura' mem,ers #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 829 8ood mem,ers more than 10 mm ,ut not more than 3.1 mm h#gh a&&'#ed d#rect'y to or set #nto a noncombustible ('oor s'a, are &erm#tted (or the construct#on o( a ra#sed &'at(orm #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded the concea'ed s&aces created are d#$#ded #nto com&artments ,y fire bloc#s #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223. 8!9 ;he ('oor system (or the ra#sed &'at(orm re(erred to #n /entence 223 #s &erm#tted to #nc'ude combustible su,('oor and combustible (#n#shed ('oor#ng. 859 %ombustible (#n#shed ('oor#ng #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 60

!,1,7,9, Combustible (t$irs in #2elling nits 819 %ombustible sta#rs are &erm#tted #n a dwelling unit #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,7,1>, Combustible Interior +inis0 819 %ombustible #nter#or (#n#sh, #nc'ud#ng &a#nt, wa''&a&er, and other #nter#or (#n#shes not more than 1 mm th#c7, #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 829 %ombustible #nter#or wa'' (#n#shes, other than (oamed &'ast#cs, are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded they, 2a3 are not more than 21 mm th#c7, and 2,3 ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 110 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on. 8!9 %ombustible #nter#or ce#'#ng (#n#shes, other than (oamed &'ast#cs, are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded they, 2a3 are not more than 21 mm th#c7, e5ce&t (or e5&osed fire-retardant treated wood ,attens, and 2,3 ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or on any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, or are o( fire-retardant treated wood, e5ce&t that not more than 10F o( the ce#'#ng area w#th#n each fire compartment #s &erm#tted to ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 110. !,1,7,11, G3.sum Bo$rd 819 4y&sum ,oard w#th a t#ght'y adher#ng &a&er co$er#ng not more than 1 mm th#c7 #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded the flame-spread rating o( the sur(ace #s not more than 21. !,1,7,12, Combustible Insul$tion $nd its %rotection 819 %ombustible #nsu'at#on, other than (oamed &'ast#cs, #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded that #t has a flame-spread rating not more than 21 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, where the #nsu'at#on #s not &rotected as descr#,ed #n /entences 233 and 243. 829 Foamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating not more than 21 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, #s &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded the #nsu'at#on #s &rotected (rom ad0acent s&ace #n the building, other than ad0acent concea'ed s&aces w#th#n wa'' assem,'#es, ,y a therma' ,arr#er cons#st#ng o(, 2a3 not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum ,oard mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on, 2,3 'ath and &'aster, mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on, 2c3 masonry, 2d3 concrete, or 2e3 any therma' ,arr#er that meets the re:u#rements o( c'ass#(#cat#on * when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/124, >;est (or the 6$a'uat#on o( -rotect#$e )o$er#ngs (or Foamed -'ast#c?. 8!9 %ombustible #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating more than 21 ,ut not more than 100 on an e5&osed sur(ace, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, #s &erm#tted #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded the #nsu'at#on #s &rotected (rom ad0acent s&ace #n the building, other than ad0acent concea'ed s&aces w#th#n wa'' assem,'#es, ,y a therma' ,arr#er as descr#,ed #n /entence 223, e5ce&t that #n a building that #s not sprin#lered and #s more than 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, or #n a building that #s not sprin#lered and #s regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., the #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a therma' ,arr#er cons#st#ng o(, 2a3 gy&sum ,oard not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7, mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on and w#th a'' 0o#nts e#ther ,ac7ed or ta&ed and (#''ed, 2,3 'ath and &'aster, mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on, 2c3 masonry or concrete not 'ess than 21 mm th#c7, or 2d3 any therma' ,arr#er that, when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?, w#'' not de$e'o& an a$erage tem&erature r#se more than 140E) or a ma5#mum tem&erature r#se more than 1 0E) at any &o#nt on #ts une5&osed (ace w#th#n 10 m#n.


859 %ombustible #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating more than 21 ,ut not more than 100 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, #s &erm#tted #n the #nter#or wa''s, w#th#n ce#'#ngs and w#th#n roo( assem,'#es o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded the #nsu'at#on #s &rotected (rom ad0acent s&ace #n the building, other than ad0acent concea'ed s&aces w#th#n wa'' assem,'#es, ,y a therma' ,arr#er as descr#,ed #n /entence 223, e5ce&t that #n a building that #s not sprin#lered and #s more than 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, or #n a building that #s not sprin#lered and #s regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., the #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a therma' ,arr#er cons#st#ng o(, 2a3 ;y&e J gy&sum ,oard not 'ess than 11.9 mm th#c7, mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on and w#th a'' 0o#nts e#ther ,ac7ed or ta&ed and (#''ed, con(orm#ng to, 2#3 %/;< )1396 ! )1396<, >4y&sum *oard?, or 2##3 )%B!)/%-% 2.2.-<, >4y&sum *oard?, 2,3 non-loadbearing masonry or concrete not 'ess than 10 mm th#c7, 2c3 loadbearing masonry or concrete not 'ess than .1 mm th#c7, or 2d3 any therma' ,arr#er that, when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?, 2#3 w#'' not de$e'o& an a$erage tem&erature r#se more than 140E) or a ma5#mum tem&erature r#se more than 1 0E) at any &o#nt on #ts une5&osed (ace w#th#n 20 m#n, and 2##3 w#'' rema#n #n &'ace (or not 'ess than 40 m#n. 879 %ombustible #nsu'at#on, #nc'ud#ng (oamed &'ast#cs, #nsta''ed a,o$e roo( dec7s, outs#de o( foundation walls ,e'ow ground 'e$e' and ,eneath concrete s'a,s-on-ground #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 8<9 ;hermosett#ng (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating not more than 100 that (orms &art o( a (actoryassem,'ed e5ter#or wa'' &ane' that does not #ncor&orate an a#r s&ace #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the (oamed &'ast#c #s &rotected on ,oth s#des ,y sheet stee' not 'ess than 0.3 mm th#c7 that w#'' rema#n #n &'ace (or not 'ess than 10 m#n when the wa'' &ane' #s tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?, 2,3 the flame-spread rating o( the wa'' &ane', determ#ned ,y su,0ect#ng a sam&'e #nc'ud#ng an assem,'ed 0o#nt to the a&&ro&r#ate test descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.1.12., #s not more than the flame-spread rating &erm#tted (or the room or s&ace that #t ,ounds, 2c3 the building does not conta#n a 4rou& * or 4rou& ) major occupancy, and 2d3 the building #s not more than 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey. 8;9 % (actory-assem,'ed non-loadbearing #nter#or or e5ter#or wa'' or ce#'#ng &ane' conta#n#ng (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating o( not more than 100 #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 the building #s not more than 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the u&&ermost storey, 2c3 the building does not conta#n a 4rou& %, 4rou& * or 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2d3 the &ane' does not conta#n an a#r s&ace, 2e3 the &ane', when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/13 , >;est (or F#re 4rowth o( +nsu'ated *u#'d#ng -ane's #n a Fu''-/ca'e Room )on(#gurat#on?, meets the cr#ter#a de(#ned #n the document, and 2(3 the flame-spread rating o( a &ane', determ#ned ,y su,0ect#ng a sam&'e, #nc'ud#ng an assem,'ed 0o#nt ty&#ca' o( (#e'd #nsta''at#on, to the a&&ro&r#ate test descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.1.12., #s not more than the flame-spread rating &erm#tted (or the room or s&ace that #t ,ounds. !,1,7,1!, Combustible Elements in %$rtitions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, so'#d 'um,er partitions not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 and wood (ram#ng #n partitions 'ocated #n a fire compartment not more than 600 m2 #n area are &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction #n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered &ro$#ded the partitions, 2a3 are not re:u#red fire separations, and 2,3 are not 'ocated #n a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy. 62

829 4artitions #nsta''ed #n a building o( noncombustible construction are &erm#tted to conta#n wood (ram#ng &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, 2,3 the partitions are not 'ocated #n a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy, and 2c3 the partitions are not #nsta''ed as enc'osures (or e"its or vertical service spaces. 8!9 /o'#d 'um,er partitions not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 and partitions that conta#n wood (ram#ng are &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the floor area conta#n#ng the partitions #s sprin#lered, and 2,3 the partitions are not, 2#3 'ocated #n a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy, 2##3 #nsta''ed as enc'osures (or e"its or vertical service spaces, or 2###3 used to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( )'ause 3.2. .1.2132a3. !,1,7,15, (tor$ge LocAers in Residenti$l Buildings 819 /torage 'oc7ers #n storage rooms are &erm#tted to ,e constructed o( wood #n a building o( residential occupancy re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,7,17, Combustible #ucts 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, combustible ducts, #nc'ud#ng plenums and duct connectors, are &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded these ducts and duct connectors are used on'y #n hor#Conta' runs. 829 %ombustible duct '#n#ngs, duct co$er#ngs, duct #nsu'at#on, $#,rat#on #so'at#on connectors, duct ta&e, &#&e #nsu'at#on and &#&e co$er#ngs are &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded they con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( -art 6. 8!9 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, combustible ducts need not com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( -art 6 &ro$#ded the ducts are, 2a3 &art o( a duct system con$ey#ng on'y $ent#'at#on a#r, and 2,3 conta#ned ent#re'y w#th#n a dwelling unit. !,1,7,1<, Combustible )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233 and ,y )'ause and %rt#c'e, combustible &#&#ng and tu,#ng and assoc#ated adhes#$es are &erm#tted to ,e used #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded that, e5ce&t when concea'ed #n a wa'' or concrete ('oor s'a,, they, 2a3 ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21, and 2,3 #( used #n a building descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.2.6., ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 10. 829 %ombustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e used w#th#n a sprin#lered floor area #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. 8!9 -o'y&ro&y'ene &#&es and (#tt#ngs are &erm#tted to ,e used (or dra#n, waste and $ent &#&#ng (or the con$eyance o( h#gh'y corros#$e mater#a's and (or &#&#ng used to d#str#,ute d#st#''ed or d#a'yCed water #n 'a,oratory and hos&#ta' (ac#'#t#es #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 the &#&#ng #s not 'ocated #n a $ert#ca' sha(t, and 2c3 &#&#ng that &enetrates a fire separation #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that has an F; rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, w#th a &ressure d#((erent#a' o( 10 -a ,etween the e5&osed and une5&osed s#des, w#th the h#gher &ressure on the e5&osed s#de. !,1,7,1;, Combustible %lumbing +i?tures 819 %ombustible plumbing fi"tures are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction #( they are constructed o( mater#a' ha$#ng a flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 3.1.13. !,1,7,1=, 6ires $nd C$bles


819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and %rt#c'es and, o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es w#th combustible #nsu'at#on, 0ac7ets or sheathes are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the w#res and ca,'es e5h#,#t a $ert#ca' char o( not more than 1.1 m when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est N )a,'es #n )a,'etrough #n )'ause 4.11.4. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;4 Rat#ng3, 2,3 the w#res and ca,'es are 'ocated #n, 2#3 tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways, 2##3 concea'ed s&aces #n wa''s, 2###3 concrete s'a,s, 2#$3 a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2$3 tota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways con(orm#ng to )'ause,3, or 2c3 the w#res and ca,'es are commun#cat#on ca,'es used at the ser$#ce entry to a building and are not more than 3 m 'ong. 829 ;he re:u#rement #n )'ause 2132a3 #s cons#dered to ,e met where the w#res and ca,'es e5h#,#t a ('ame-s&read o( not more than 1.1 m, a smo7e dens#ty o( not more than 0.1 at &ea7 o&t#ca' dens#ty and a smo7e dens#ty not more than 0.11 at a$erage o&t#ca' dens#ty when tested #n con(ormance w#th the F'ame and /mo7e ;est #n the %&&end#5 to )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;6 Rat#ng3. !,1,7,19, Combustible Tr$1elling C$bles /or Ele1$tors 819 %ombustible tra$e''#ng ca,'es are &erm#tted on e'e$at#ng de$#ces #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,7,2>, Nonmet$llic R$ce2$3s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /u,c'ause$3 and su,0ect to '#m#ts on s#Ce (or &enetrat#ons o( fire separations as re:u#red ,y /entence, w#th#n a fire compartment o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, tota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways not more than 1.1 mm #n outs#de d#ameter, or an e:u#$a'ent rectangu'ar area, are &erm#tted to ,e used to enc'ose o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es, &ro$#ded, where, 2a3 the w#res and ca,'es #n the raceways meet or e5ceed the re:u#rements o( )'ause .2132a3, the nonmeta''#c raceways meet the re:u#rements (or at 'east an F;4 rat#ng #n, 2#3 )%B!)/%-)22.2 Bo. 262, >O&t#ca' F#,er )a,'e and )ommun#cat#on )a,'e Raceway /ystems?, or 2##3 )%B!@L)-/143, >F#re ;ests (or Bon-<eta''#c 6'ectr#ca' and O&t#ca' F#,re )a,'e Raceway /ystems?, and 2,3 the w#res and ca,'es #n the raceways do not meet or e5ceed the re:u#rements o( )'ause .2132a3, the nonmeta''#c raceways e5h#,#t a $ert#ca' char not more than 1.1 m when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est 2F;43 N )ondu#t or ;u,#ng on )a,'e ;ray #n )'ause 6.16 o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 211.0, >4enera' Re:u#rements and <ethods o( ;est#ng (or Bonmeta''#c )ondu#t?. !,1,7,21, 6ires in Com.uter Room +loors 819 O&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es w#th combustible #nsu'at#on, 0ac7ets or sheathes, 'ocated #n the s&ace ,e'ow a ra#sed ('oor #n a computer room, are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded they do not con$ey ('ame or cont#nue to ,urn (or more than 1 m#n when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est #n )'ause 4.11.1. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;1 Rat#ng3. 829 ;he re:u#rement #n /entence 213 #s cons#dered to ,e met where the w#res and ca,'es, 2a3 e5h#,#t a $ert#ca' char o( not more than 1.1 m when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est N )a,'es #n )a,'etrough #n )'ause 4.11.4. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;4 Rat#ng3, or 2,3 e5h#,#t a ('ame-s&read o( not more than 1.1 m, a smo7e dens#ty o( not more than 0.1 at &ea7 o&t#ca' dens#ty and a smo7e dens#ty not more than 0.11 at a$erage o&t#ca' dens#ty when tested #n con(ormance w#th the F'ame and /mo7e ;est #n the %&&end#5 to )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;6 Rat#ng3. !,1,7,22, Combustible Com.onents in %ublic %ools $nd %ublic (.$s 819 %ombustible (#tt#ngs and com&onents #n a public pool or public spa, #nc'ud#ng ma#n dra#ns, &#&#ng, s7#mmers, return #n'ets, ste&s, 'adder rungs and '#ners, are &erm#tted #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,7,2!, )$r4uees E$1ing Combustible Elements 64

819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, e5ter#or mar uees, not greater than ..1 m (rom ground 'e$e' to the to& o( the mar uee, ha$#ng combustible e'ements, other than (a,r#cs or (#'ms con(orm#ng to /entence, are &erm#tted on a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded e$ery o&en#ng #n the e5&osed wa'' o( the building a,o$e the mar uee #s &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n accordance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs? where these o&en#ngs are w#th#n, 2a3 4.1 m hor#Conta''y o( the mar uee, and 2,3 9 m $ert#ca''y a,o$e the mar uee. 829 ;he &rotect#on re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed #( the building #s sprin#lered. !,1,7,25, Combustible )e--$nines 819 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, a mezzanine 'ocated w#th#n a live,wor# unit #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, &ro$#ded the area o( the mezzanine #s not more than 21F o( the floor area o( the live,wor# unit or 20 m2, wh#che$er #s 'ess, and has no o,struct#ons more than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor. !,1,7,27, 6ood #ecor$ti1e Cl$dding 819 8ood decorat#$e c'add#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e used on e5ter#or mar uee (asc#as, o( a storey ha$#ng d#rect access to a street or access route, o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, &ro$#ded the c'add#ng #s fire-retardant treated wood that, ,e(ore test#ng to )%B!@L)-/102, >;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( *u#'d#ng <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?, has ,een cond#t#oned #n con(ormance w#th %/;< "2 9 , >%cce'erated 8eather#ng o( F#re-Retardant-;reated 8ood (or F#re ;est#ng?. !,1,7,2<, Combustible (ol$r Collector (3stems 819 % combustible so'ar co''ector system #s &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed a,o$e the roo( o( a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,1,<, Reser1ed !,1,;, +ire:Resist$nce R$tings !,1,;,1, #etermin$tion o/ R$tings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and %rt#c'e 3.1...2., the rat#ng o( a mater#a', assem,'y o( mater#a's or a structura' mem,er that #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the resu'ts o( tests conducted #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?. 829 % mater#a', assem,'y o( mater#a's or a structura' mem,er #s &erm#tted to ,e ass#gned a fire-resistance rating on the ,as#s o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. !,1,;,2, E?ce.tion /or E?terior 6$lls 819 ;he '#m#t on the r#se o( tem&erature on the une5&osed sur(ace o( an assem,'y as re:u#red ,y the tests re(erred to #n /entence 3.1...1.213 sha'' not a&&'y to an e5ter#or wa'' that has a limiting distance o( 1.2 m or more, &ro$#ded correct#on #s made (or rad#at#on (rom the une5&osed sur(ace #n accordance w#th /entence !,1,;,!, E?.osure Conditions /or R$ting 819 F'oor, roo( and ce#'#ng assem,'#es sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re on the unders#de. 829 7irewalls and #nter#or $ert#ca' fire separations sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re on each s#de. 8!9 65ter#or wa''s sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re (rom #ns#de the building. !,1,;,5, )inimum +ire:Resist$nce R$ting 819 ;he use o( mater#a's or assem,'#es ha$#ng a greater fire-resistance rating than re:u#red sha'' #m&ose no o,'#gat#on to e5ceed #n who'e or #n &art the m#n#mum fire-resistance ratings re:u#red ,y th#s -art. !,1,;,7, R$ting o/ (u..orting Construction 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or m#5ed ty&es o( construct#on, a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches #n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow a ('oor or roo( assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted ('oor or roo( assem,'y. 829 <oadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a service room or service space need not con(orm to /entence 213. 8!9 +( an assem,'y #s re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction and ha$e a fire-resistance rating, #t sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y noncombustible construction. !,1,=, +ire (e.$r$tions $nd Closures !,1,=,1, Gener$l Re4uirements 61

819 %ny wa'', partition or ('oor assem,'y re:u#red to ,e a fire separation sha'', 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, ,e constructed as a cont#nuous e'ement, and 2,3 as re:u#red #n th#s -art, ha$e a fire-resistance rating as s&ec#(#ed. 829 O&en#ngs #n a fire separation sha'' ,e &rotected w#th closures, sha(ts or other means #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es 3.1. .4. to 3.1. .1 . and /u,sect#ons 3.1.9. and 3.2. . !,1,=,2, Combustible Construction (u..ort 819 %ombustible construction that a,uts on or #s su&&orted ,y a noncombustible fire separation sha'' ,e constructed so that #ts co''a&se under (#re cond#t#ons w#'' not cause the co''a&se o( the fire separation. !,1,=,!, Continuit3 o/ +ire (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, a horizontal service space or other concea'ed s&ace 'ocated a,o$e a re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separation, #nc'ud#ng the wa''s o( a $ert#ca' sha(t, sha'' ,e d#$#ded at the fire separation ,y an e:u#$a'ent fire separation w#th#n the service space. 829 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' term#nate so that smo7e-t#ght 0o#nts are &ro$#ded where #t a,uts on or #ntersects, 2a3 a ('oor, 2,3 a roo( s'a,, or 2c3 a roo( dec7. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.6.3. (or a sha(t &enetrat#ng a roo( assem,'y, a sha(t, #nc'ud#ng an e"it enc'osure, that &enetrates a fire separation, sha'', 2a3 e5tend through any horizontal service space or any other concea'ed s&ace, and 2,3 term#nate so that smo7e-t#ght 0o#nts are &ro$#ded where the sha(t a,uts on or #ntersects, 2#3 a ('oor, 2##3 a roo( s'a,, or 2###3 a roo( dec7. 859 ;he cont#nu#ty o( a fire separation sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned where #t a,uts another fire separation, a ('oor, a ce#'#ng, or an e5ter#or wa'' assem,'y. !,1,=,5, #etermin$tion o/ R$tings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 3.1. .14.213, the fire-protection rating (or a closure sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the resu'ts o( tests conducted #n con(ormance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate &ro$#s#ons #n, 2a3 )%B4-/104-<, >F#re ;ests o( "oor %ssem,'#es?, 2,3 )%B4-/106-<, >F#re ;ests o( 8#ndow and 4'ass *'oc7 %ssem,'#es?, or 2c3 )%B!@L)-/112-<, >F#re ;est o( F#re-"am&er %ssem,'#es?. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.1. .10.213, the fire-protection rating o( a closure sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3.1. .4. (or the re:u#red fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation. T$ble !,1,=,5, +ire:%rotection R$ting o/ Closure Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.1. .4.223 and )'ause
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. %olumn & 7ire-1esistance 1ating of 7ire Separation 30 min 45 min 1h 1.5 h 2h 3h 4h Column 2 Required 7ire-4rotection 1ating of %losure 20 min 45 min 45 min 1h 1.5 h 2h 3h

!,1,=,7, Inst$ll$tion o/ Closures


819 65ce&t where fire dampers, w#ndow assem,'#es and g'ass ,'oc7 are used as closures, closures o( the same fireprotection rating #nsta''ed on o&&os#te s#des o( the same o&en#ng are deemed to ha$e a fire-protection rating e:ua' to the sum o( the fire-protection ratings o( the closures! 829 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art, e$ery door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation, 2a3 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?, and 2,3 where re:u#red to ha$e a fire-protection rating, sha'' ha$e 'a,e's or c'ass#(#cat#on mar7s to #dent#(y the test#ng 'a,oratory. 8!9 +( a door #s #nsta''ed so that #t cou'd damage the #ntegr#ty o( a fire separation #( #ts sw#ng #s unrestr#cted, door sto&s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &re$ent the damage. !,1,=,<, )$?imum O.enings 819 ;he s#Ce o( an o&en#ng #n an #nter#or fire separation re:u#red to ,e &rotected w#th a closure sha'' ,e not more than 11 m2, w#th no d#mens#on more than 3.. m, #( a fire compartment on e#ther s#de o( the fire separation #s not sprin#lered. 829 ;he s#Ce o( an o&en#ng #n an #nter#or fire separation re:u#red to ,e &rotected w#th a closure sha'' ,e not more than 22 m2, w#th no d#mens#on more than 6 m, &ro$#ded the fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( the fire separation are sprin#lered. !,1,=,;, +ire #$m.ers 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. . ., a duct that &enetrates an assem,'y re:u#red to ,e a fire separation sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper. !,1,=,=, +ire #$m.ers 6$i1ed 819 7ire dampers need not ,e &ro$#ded #n noncombustible ,ranch ducts that ha$e a me't#ng &o#nt a,o$e .60E) and that &enetrate a re:u#red fire separation &ro$#ded the ducts, 2a3 ser$e on'y air-conditioning un#ts or com,#ned air-conditioning and heat#ng un#ts d#scharg#ng a#r not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor and ha$e a cross-sect#ona' area not more than 130 cm2, or 2,3 are connected to e"haust duct r#sers that are under negat#$e &ressure and #n wh#ch the a#r ('ow #s u&ward as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e and are carr#ed u& #ns#de the r#ser not 'ess than 100 mm. 829 % cont#nuous noncombustible duct &enetrat#ng a $ert#ca' fire separation not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation. 8!9 % noncombustible duct that &enetrates a hor#Conta' fire separation not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation. 859 % noncombustible duct that &enetrates a fire separation that se&arates a vertical service space (rom the rema#nder o( the building need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation &ro$#ded, 2a3 the duct has a me't#ng &o#nt a,o$e .60E), and 2,3 each #nd#$#dua' duct e5hausts d#rect'y to the outs#de at the to& o( the vertical service space. 879 % cont#nuous noncombustible duct ha$#ng a me't#ng &o#nt a,o$e .60E) that &enetrates a $ert#ca' fire separation as re:u#red ,y /entence ,etween suites o( other than care, care and treatment, detention or residential occupancy need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation. 8<9 % duct that ser$es commerc#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment and &enetrates a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e, 2a3 enc'osed #n a vertical service space that con(orms to /entence, 2,3 enc'osed #n a horizontal service space that con(orms to /entence, or 2c3 e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper, s&ec#(#ca''y des#gned (or such use, at the fire separation. 8;9 +n e'ementary and secondary schoo's, a cont#nuous noncombustible duct ha$#ng a me't#ng &o#nt a,o$e .60E) that &#erces a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( 30 m#n need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation. 8=9 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons and not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency and wh#ch #s e:u#&&ed w#th a (#re-a'arm system, a duct need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th a fire damper at a fire separation &ro$#ded duct-ty&e smo#e detectors ha$e ,een #nsta''ed to contro' smo7e c#rcu'at#on as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e !,1,=,9, Inst$ll$tion o/ +ire #$m.ers 819 % fire damper sha'' ,e arranged to c'ose automat#ca''y u&on the o&erat#on o( a (us#,'e '#n7 con(orm#ng to @L)-/101, >Fus#,'e L#n7s (or F#re -rotect#on /er$#ce?, or other heat-actuated or smo7e-actuated de$#ce. 6.

829 % heat-actuated de$#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated where #t #s read#'y a((ected ,y an a,norma' r#se o( tem&erature #n the duct, and 2,3 ha$e a tem&erature rat#ng a&&ro5#mate'y 30E) a,o$e the ma5#mum tem&erature that wou'd e5#st #n the system e#ther w#th the system #n o&erat#on or shut down. 8!9 % fire damper sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the &'ane o( the fire separation so as to stay #n &'ace shou'd the duct ,e d#s'odged dur#ng a (#re. 859 % fire damper tested #n the $ert#ca' or hor#Conta' &os#t#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the manner #n wh#ch #t was tested. 879 % t#ght'y (#tted access door sha'' ,e #nsta''ed (or each fire damper to &ro$#de access (or the #ns&ect#on o( the dam&er and the resett#ng o( the re'ease de$#ce. !,1,=,1>, T2ent3:)inute Closures 819 % door assem,'y ha$#ng a fire-protection rating not 'ess than 20 m#n #s &erm#tted to ,e used as a closure #n, 2a3 a fire separation not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating more than 1 h, 'ocated ,etween, 2#3 a public corridor and a suite, 2##3 a corr#dor and ad0acent s'ee&#ng rooms, or 2###3 a corr#dor and ad0acent c'assrooms, o((#ces and '#,rar#es #n 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancies, or 2,3 a fire separation not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating more than 41 m#n, 'ocated #n a building not more than 3 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he re:u#rements (or noncombustible s#''s and combustible ('oor co$er#ngs #n BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?, do not a&&'y to a door descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 % door descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a c'earance not more than 6 mm at the ,ottom and not more than 3 mm at the s#des and to&. 859 +n e'ementary and secondary schoo's, a door assem,'y con(orm#ng to %rt#c'es and #s &erm#tted to ,e used as a closure #n a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( 30 m#n. !,1,=,11, (el/:Closing #e1ices 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 213 and, e$ery door #n a fire separation sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(c'os#ng de$#ce des#gned to return the door to the c'osed &os#t#on a(ter each use. 829 /e'(-c'os#ng de$#ces need not ,e &ro$#ded on doors to (re#ght e'e$ators and dum,wa#ters. 8!9 +n a building that #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce #s not re:u#red on a door that #s 'ocated ,etween a c'assroom and a corr#dor &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (rom the c'assroom, e5ce&t that a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce #s re:u#red on a door ,etween a hazardous classroom and the corr#dor #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo'. 859 +n a building that #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce #s not re:u#red on a door ,etween a public corridor and an ad0acent room or suite o( business and personal services occupancy #( the door #s not 'ocated #n, 2a3 a dead-end &ort#on o( the corr#dor, or 2,3 a corr#dor that ser$es a hotel. 879 8#th#n a fire compartment #n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home that com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e, a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce #s not re:u#red on a door that #s 'ocated ,etween, 2a3 a &at#entDs or res#dentDs s'ee&#ng room and a corr#dor ser$#ng the &at#entDs or res#dentDs s'ee&#ng room, or 2,3 a &at#entDs or res#dentDs s'ee&#ng room and an ad0acent room that ser$es the &at#entDs or res#dentDs s'ee&#ng room. !,1,=,12, Eold:O.en #e1ices 819 % ho'd-o&en de$#ce #s &erm#tted on a door #n a re:u#red fire separation, other than an e"it sta#r door #n a building more than 3 storeys #n building height, and on a door (or a $est#,u'e re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.3.1..., &ro$#ded the de$#ce #s des#gned to re'ease the door #n con(ormance w#th /entences 223 to 2.3. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 233, 213, 263 and 2.3, a ho'd-o&en de$#ce &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to re'ease ,y a s#gna' (rom, 2a3 an automat#c s&r#n7'er system, 2,3 a heat-actuated de$#ce, 2c3 (us#,'e '#n7, or 6

2d3 a smo#e detector 'ocated as descr#,ed #n )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 243, 213, 263 and 2.3, a ho'd-o&en de$#ce &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to re'ease u&on a s#gna' (rom a smo#e detector 'ocated as descr#,ed #n )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, #( used on, 2a3 an e"it door, 2,3 a door o&en#ng #nto a public corridor, 2c3 an egress door re(erred to #n /entence, 2d3 a door ser$#ng, 2#3 an assembly occupancy, 2##3 a care occupancy, 2###3 a care and treatment occupancy, 2#$3 a detention occupancy, or 2$3 a residential occupancy, or 2e3 a door re:u#red to (unct#on as &art o( a smo7e contro' system. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 213, 263 and 2.3, a ho'd-o&en de$#ce &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to re'ease u&on a s#gna' (rom the building (#re a'arm system #( a (#re a'arm system #s &ro$#ded, e5ce&t that th#s re:u#rement does not a&&'y to, 2a3 a ho'd-o&en de$#ce on a door 'ocated ,etween a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c and an ad0acent s'ee&#ng room #n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home, or 2,3 a ho'd-o&en de$#ce that #s des#gned to re'ease ,y a heat-actuated de$#ce or a (us#,'e '#n7 #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223. 879 /entences 223 and 233 do not a&&'y #n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home to, 2a3 a door 'ocated ,etween a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c and an ad0acent s'ee&#ng room, or 2,3 &a#red doors descr#,ed #n /entence 8<9 % ho'd-o&en de$#ce on a door #n )'ause 2132a3 sha'' ,e des#gned to re'ease the door u&on a s#gna' (rom, 2a3 a smo#e detector as re:u#red ,y /entence (or s'ee&#ng rooms #n 4rou& * occupancies, and 2,3 the (#re a'arm system when an alert signal #s #n#t#ated w#th#n the same fire compartment #n /entence 8;9 % ho'd-o&en de$#ce on a door #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e des#gned to re'ease the door u&on a s#gna' (rom the (#re a'arm system when an alert signal #s #n#t#ated w#th#n the same fire compartment #n /entence 8=9 % ro''#ng stee' (#re door #nsta''ed as a closure #n a fire separation sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ho'd-o&en de$#ce des#gned to re'ease the shutter as descr#,ed #n /entence 223. !,1,=,1!, #oor L$tc0es 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence and %rt#c'e, a sw#ng-ty&e door #n a fire separation sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &os#t#$e 'atch#ng mechan#sm des#gned to ho'd the door #n the c'osed &os#t#on a(ter each use. !,1,=,15, 6ired Gl$ss $nd Gl$ss BlocA 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es 3.1. .16. and 3.1. .1.. (or the se&arat#on o( e"its, an o&en#ng #n a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not more than 1 h #s &erm#tted to ,e &rotected w#th (#5ed w#red g'ass assem,'#es or g'ass ,'oc7s #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?. 829 8#red g'ass assem,'#es &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 and descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, are &erm#tted to ,e used as closures #n $ert#ca' fire separations w#thout ,e#ng tested #n accordance w#th /entence 3.1. .4.213. 8!9 4'ass ,'oc7s &erm#tted ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 4.3.2. and re#n(orced w#th stee' re#n(orcement #n each hor#Conta' 0o#nt. !,1,=,17,$ture Rise Limit /or #oors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. .1.., the ma5#mum tem&erature r#se on the o&a:ue &ort#on o( the une5&osed s#de o( a door used as a closure #n a fire separation #n a 'ocat#on shown #n ;a,'e 3.1. .11., sha'' con(orm to the ;a,'e when tested #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.1. .4.213. 69

T$ble !,1,=,17, Restrictions on$ture Rise $nd Gl$-ing /or Closures Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'es o( 3.1. .11. and 3.1. .16.
+tem )o'umn 1 Locat#on )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Re:u#red 7ire-4rotection 1ating o( "oor Less than 41 m#n 41 m#n %'' rat#ngs 41 m#n 1.1 h 2h 1.1 h 3h )o'umn 3 <a5#mum ;em&erature R#se on O&a:ue -ort#on o( @ne5&osed /#de o( "oor, E) Bo '#m#t 210 a(ter 30 m#n Bo '#m#t 210 a(ter 30 m#n 210 a(ter 1 h 210 a(ter 1 h 210 a(ter 30 m#n 210 a(ter 1 h )o'umn 4 <a5#mum %rea o( 8#red 4'ass #n "oor, m2 Bo '#m#t 0.0641 0. 0.0641 0.0641 0.0641 0.0641 0 )o'umn 1 <a5#mum %ggregate %rea o( 4'ass *'oc7 and 8#red 4'ass -ane's not #n "oor, m2 Bo '#m#t 0.0641 0. 0.0641 0.0641 0.0641 0 0


2. 3. 4.

*etween a dead-end corr#dor and an ad0acent occupancy where the corr#dor &ro$#des the on'y access to e"it and #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating *etween an e"it enc'osure and the rema#nder o( the floor area #n buildings not more than 3 storeys #n building height *etween an e"it enc'osure and the rema#nder o( the floor area 2e5ce&t as &erm#tted a,o$e3 +n a firewall

!,1,=,1<, Are$ Limits /or 6ired Gl$ss $nd Gl$ss BlocA 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. .1.., the ma5#mum area o( w#red g'ass #n a door used #n the 'ocat#ons shown #n ;a,'e 3.1. .11. sha'' con(orm to the ;a,'e. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. .1.., the ma5#mum area o( g'ass ,'oc7 and w#red g'ass &ane's not #n a door, used #n the 'ocat#ons shown #n ;a,'e 3.1. .11., sha'' con(orm to the ;a,'e. !,1,=,1;,$ture Rise $nd Are$ Limits 6$i1ed 819 ;he tem&erature r#se '#m#ts and g'ass area '#m#ts re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es 3.1. .11. and 3.1. .16. are wa#$ed (or a closure ,etween an e"it enc'osure and an enc'osed $est#,u'e or corr#dor &ro$#ded, 2a3 the $est#,u'e or corr#dor #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 the fire separation re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3 conta#ns no w#red g'ass or g'ass ,'oc7 w#th#n 3 m o( the closure #nto the e"it enc'osure, and 2c3 the $est#,u'e or corr#dor conta#ns no occupancy. !,1,=,1=, (.rinAler %rotected Gl$-ed 6$ll Assembl3 819 % s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y sha'' ,e constructed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( @L)!OR" )263.1, >/&r#n7'er--rotected 8#ndows /ystems?. 829 % s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 fire separations re:u#r#ng a fire resistance rating o( more than two hours, 2,3 a firewall, 2c3 a high hazard industrial occupancy, or 2d3 any &art o( an e"it ser$#ng, 2#3 a floor area su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2##3 a care occupancy, 2###3 a care and treatment occupancy, 2#$3 a detention occupancy, or 2$3 a residential occupancy. 8!9 8here a s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y #s #nsta''ed #n an e"it fire separation &erm#tted #n /entence 223, 2a3 the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, and 2,3 the e"its &rotected w#th the s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'#es sha'' not com&r#se more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red num,er o( e"its (rom any floor area. .0

!,1,9, %enetr$tions in +ire (e.$r$tions $nd +ire:R$ted Assemblies !,1,9,1, +ire (to.s 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 223 and 233 and &erm#tted ,y /entences 243 and 213, &enetrat#ons o( a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e, 2a3 sea'ed ,y a fire stop that, when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, has an F rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-protection rating re:u#red (or closures #n the fire separation #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e 3.1. .4., or 2,3 t#ght'y (#tted. 829 -enetrat#ons o( a firewall or a hor#Conta' fire separation that #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e sha'' ,e sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that, when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, has an F; rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the fire separation. 8!9 -enetrat#ons o( a fire separation #n con(ormance w#th /entence sha'' ,e sea'ed ,y a fire stop that, when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, has an F; rat#ng not 'ess than the fireresistance rating re:u#red (or the fire separation o( the assem,'y. 859 /&r#n7'ers are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ha$#ng to meet the fire stop re:u#rements o( /entence 213, 223 or 233, &ro$#ded the annu'ar s&ace created ,y the &enetrat#on o( a (#re s&r#n7'er #s co$ered ,y a meta' escutcheon &'ate #n accordance w#th BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 879 @n'ess s&ec#(#ca''y des#gned w#th a fire stop, fire dampers are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ha$#ng to meet the fire stop re:u#rements o( /entence 213, 223 or 233, &ro$#ded the fire damper #s #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?. !,1,9,2, Combustibilit3 o/ (er1ice %enetr$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es and, &#&es, ducts, e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es, tota''y enc'osed raceways or other s#m#'ar ser$#ce e:u#&ment that &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e noncombustible un'ess the assem,'y has ,een tested #ncor&orat#ng that ser$#ce e:u#&ment. !,1,9,!, %enetr$tion b3 6ires, C$bles $nd Outlet Bo?es 819 O&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es #n tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways are &erm#tted to &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, tota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es, and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es, s#ng'e or grou&ed, w#th combustible #nsu'at#on, 0ac7ets or sheathes that con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )'ause .2132a3 and that are not #nsta''ed #n tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways are &erm#tted to &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, &ro$#ded the o$era'' d#ameter o( the s#ng'e or grou&ed w#res or ca,'es, or the raceways #s not more than 21 mm. 8!9 /#ng'e conductor meta' sheathed ca,'es w#th combustible 0ac7et#ng that are more than 21 mm #n o$era'' d#ameter are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, &ro$#ded the ca,'es are not grou&ed and are s&aced a m#n#mum o( 300 mm a&art. 859 %ombustible tota''y enc'osed raceways that are em,edded #n a concrete ('oor s'a, are &erm#tted #n an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, &ro$#ded the concrete co$er ,etween the raceway and the ,ottom o( the s'a, #s not 'ess than 10 mm. 879 %ombustible e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es are &erm#tted #n an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, &ro$#ded the o&en#ng through the mem,rane #nto the ,o5 #s not more than 160 cm2. 8<9 3oncombustible e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es that &enetrate a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating need not meet the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e &ro$#ded, 2a3 they do not e5ceed, 2#3 100 cm2 each #n area, and 2##3 an aggregate area o( 610 cm2 #n any 9.3 m2 o( sur(ace area, and 2,3 the annu'ar s&ace ,etween the mem,rane and the ,o5 does not e5ceed 3 mm. .1

8;9 @n'ess &ro$#ded w#th a fire stop #n accordance w#th )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es on o&&os#te s#des o( a $ert#ca' fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated ,y a hor#Conta' d#stance o( not 'ess than 600 mm, or 2,3 #nsta''ed #n ad0acent stud ca$#t#es. !,1,9,5, Combustible %enetr$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 to 2 3, combustible &#&#ng sha'' not ,e used #( any &art o( the &#&#ng system &enetrates, 2a3 a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, or 2,3 a mem,rane that (orms &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 829 %ombustible &#&#ng that #s &art o( a system descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a vertical service space. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 243 to 2.3, combustible &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating or #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a mem,rane that (orms &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating, &ro$#ded the &#&#ng #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that has an F rat#ng not 'ess than the fireresistance rating re:u#red (or the fire separation when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, w#th a &ressure d#((erent#a' o( 10 -a ,etween the e5&osed and une5&osed s#des, w#th the h#gher &ressure on the e5&osed s#de. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2.3, combustible dra#n &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a hor#Conta' fire separation, &ro$#ded #t 'eads d#rect'y (rom a noncombustible water c'oset through a concrete ('oor s'a, and the &#&#ng #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop #n con(ormance w#th )'ause 879 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2.3, combustible &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a $ert#ca' or hor#Conta' fire separation, &ro$#ded the fire compartments on each s#de o( the fire separation are sprin#lered and the &#&#ng #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop #n con(ormance w#th )'ause 8<9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2.3, combustible &#&#ng not more than 21 mm #n d#ameter conta#n#ng ch'or#ne gas #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation ,etween a ch'or#ne gas service room ,u#'t #n con0unct#on w#th a public pool or public spa and the rema#nder o( the building, &ro$#ded the &#&#ng #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop #n con(ormance w#th )'ause 8;9 8here combustible &#&#ng &enetrates a firewall or a hor#Conta' fire separation descr#,ed #n /entence, the &#&#ng sha'' ,e sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that has an F; rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the firewall or hor#Conta' fire separation when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, and, 2a3 the fire stop sha'' ha$e ,een tested w#th a &ressure d#((erent#a' o( 10 -a ,etween the e5&osed and une5&osed s#des, w#th the h#gher &ressure on the e5&osed s#de, or 2,3 the fire compartments on each s#de o( the firewall or hor#Conta' fire separation sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 8=9 %ombustible &#&#ng (or centra' $acuum c'ean#ng systems #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation, &ro$#ded the #nsta''at#on con(orms to the re:u#rements that a&&'y to combustible &#&#ng s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 233. !,1,9,7, O.enings t0roug0 $ )embr$ne Ceiling 819 % mem,rane ce#'#ng (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y ass#gned a fire-resistance rating on the ,as#s o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, #s &erm#tted to ,e &enetrated ,y o&en#ngs 'ead#ng #nto ducts w#th#n the ce#'#ng s&ace &ro$#ded, 2a3 the ducts are sheet stee', and 2,3 the amount o( o&en#ngs and the#r &rotect#on con(orm to the re:u#rements o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. 829 7ire stop flaps #n ce#'#ng mem,ranes re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/112.2, >F#re ;est o( )e#'#ng F#resto& F'a& %ssem,'#es?. !,1,9,<, %lenums 819 % ce#'#ng assem,'y used as a plenum sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e !,1,1>, +ire2$lls !,1,1>,1, %re1ention o/ +ire2$ll Coll$.se 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, the connect#ons and su&&orts (or structura' (ram#ng mem,ers that are connected to or su&&orted on a firewall and ha$e a fire-resistance rating 'ess than that re:u#red (or the firewall, sha'' ,e des#gned so that the (a#'ure o( the (ram#ng systems dur#ng a (#re w#'' not a((ect the #ntegr#ty o( the firewall dur#ng the (#re. .2

829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to a firewall cons#st#ng o( two se&arate wa'' assem,'#es each t#ed to #ts res&ect#$e building (rame ,ut not to each other, &ro$#ded each wa'' assem,'y #s, 2a3 a fire separation ha$#ng one-ha'( o( the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the firewall ,y /entences and 223, and 2,3 des#gned so that the co''a&se o( one wa'' assem,'y w#'' not cause the co''a&se o( the other. 8!9 % firewall #s &erm#tted to ,e su&&orted on the structura' (rame o( a building o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded the su&&ort#ng (rame has a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the firewall. 859 -#&#ng, ducts and tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the#r co''a&se w#'' not cause the co''a&se o( the firewall. !,1,1>,2, R$ting o/ +ire2$lls 819 % firewall that se&arates a building or buildings w#th floor areas conta#n#ng a 4rou& 6 or a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 major occupancy sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation o( noncombustible construction ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 4 h, e5ce&t that where the u&&er &ort#on o( a firewall se&arates floor areas conta#n#ng other than 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 major occupancies, the fire-resistance rating o( the u&&er &ort#on o( the firewall #s &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 2 h. 829 % firewall that se&arates a building or buildings w#th floor areas conta#n#ng major occupancies other than 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation o( noncombustible construction ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, the re:u#red fire-resistance rating o( a firewall, e5ce&t (or closures, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y masonry or concrete. 859 % firewall &erm#tted to ha$e a fire-resistance rating not more than 2 h need not ,e constructed o( masonry or concrete &ro$#ded, 2a3 the assem,'y &ro$#d#ng the fire-resistance rating #s &rotected aga#nst damage that wou'd com&rom#se the #ntegr#ty o( the assem,'y, 2,3 the des#gn con(orms to %rt#c'e, 2c3 the 'e$e' o( &er(ormance o( the firewall #s not 'ess than o( masonry or concrete #n the areas o(, 2#3 &er(ormance dur#ng (#re cond#t#ons, 2##3 mechan#ca' damage dur#ng the norma' use o( the building, and 2###3 res#stance to damage (rom mo#sture, 2d3 the firewall se&arates buildings or buildings w#th floor areas that do not conta#n, 2#3 a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy, or 2##3 a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy, and 2e3 the firewall does not se&arate a building regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6 (rom another building un'ess the buildings on ,oth s#des o( the firewall are sprin#lered. !,1,1>,!, Continuit3 o/ +ire2$lls 819 % firewall sha'' e5tend (rom the ground cont#nuous'y through, or ad0acent to, a'' storeys o( a building or buildings so se&arated, e5ce&t that a firewall 'ocated a,o$e a basement storage garage con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e #s &erm#tted to commence at the ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the storage garage. 829 % firewall #s &erm#tted to term#nate on the unders#de o( a re#n(orced concrete roo( s'a, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the roo( s'a, on ,oth s#des o( the firewall has a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2#3 1 h #( the firewall #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, or 2##3 2 h #( the firewall #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 4 h, and 2,3 there are no concea'ed s&aces w#th#n the roo( s'a, #n that &ort#on #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the firewall. !,1,1>,5, %$r$.ets 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and, a firewall sha'' e5tend a,o$e the roo( sur(ace to (orm a &ara&et not 'ess than, 2a3 110 mm h#gh (or a firewall re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, and 2,3 900 mm h#gh (or a firewall re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 4 h. .3

829 % firewall that se&arates two buildings w#th roo(s at d#((erent e'e$at#ons need not e5tend a,o$e the u&&er roo( sur(ace to (orm a &ara&et, &ro$#ded the d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the roo(s #s more than 3 m. !,1,1>,7, )$?imum O.enings 819 O&en#ngs #n a firewall sha'' con(orm to the s#Ce '#m#ts descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.1. .6. and the aggregate w#dth o( o&en#ngs sha'' ,e not more than 21F o( the ent#re 'ength o( the firewall. !,1,1>,<, E?.osure %rotection /or Ad@$cent 6$lls 819 ;he re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y to the e5terna' wa''s o( two buildings that meet at a firewall at an ang'e 'ess than 131. !,1,1>,;, Combustible %ro@ections 819 %ombustible mater#a' sha'' not e5tend across the end o( a firewall ,ut #s &erm#tted to e5tend across a roo( a,o$e a firewall that #s term#nated #n con(ormance w#th /entence 829 +( buildings are se&arated ,y a firewall, combustible &ro0ect#ons on the e5ter#or o( one building, #nc'ud#ng ,a'con#es, &'at(orms, canopies, ea$e &ro0ect#ons and sta#rs, that e5tend outward ,eyond the end o( the firewall, sha'' not ,e &erm#tted w#th#n 2.4 m o( combustible &ro0ect#ons and w#ndow or door o&en#ngs o( the ad0acent building. !,1,11, +ire BlocAs in Conce$led (.$ces !,1,11,1, (e.$r$tion o/ Conce$led (.$ces 819 )oncea'ed s&aces #n #nter#or wa'', ce#'#ng and craw' s&aces sha'' ,e se&arated (rom concea'ed s&aces #n e5ter#or wa''s and attic or roof spaces ,y fire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... !,1,11,2, +ire BlocAs in 6$ll Assemblies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, fire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ,'oc7 o(( concea'ed s&aces w#th#n a wa'' assem,'y, 2a3 at e$ery ('oor 'e$e', 2,3 at e$ery ce#'#ng 'e$e' where the ce#'#ng (orms &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, and 2c3 so that the ma5#mum hor#Conta' d#mens#on #s not more than 20 m and the ma5#mum $ert#ca' d#mens#on #s not more than 3 m. 829 7ire bloc#s con(orm#ng to /entence 213 are not re:u#red &ro$#ded, 2a3 the wa'' s&ace #s (#''ed w#th #nsu'at#on, 2,3 the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's and any #nsu'at#on w#th#n the wa'' s&ace are noncombustible, 2c3 the e5&osed mater#a's w#th#n the wa'' s&ace, #nc'ud#ng #nsu'at#on ,ut not #nc'ud#ng w#r#ng, &#&#ng or s#m#'ar ser$#ces, ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21 on any e5&osed sur(ace, or on any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, and fire bloc#s are #nsta''ed so that the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween them #s not more than 10 m, or 2d3 the #nsu'ated wa'' assem,'y conta#ns not more than one concea'ed a#r s&ace and the hor#Conta' th#c7ness o( that a#r s&ace #s not more than 21 mm. !,1,11,!, +ire BlocAs bet2een N$iling $nd (u..orting Elements 819 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, a concea'ed s&ace #n wh#ch there #s an e5&osed ce#'#ng (#n#sh w#th a flame-spread rating more than 21, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th fire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... ,etween wood na#'#ng e'ements, so that the ma5#mum area o( the concea'ed s&ace #s not more than 2 m2. 829 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, fire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n the concea'ed s&aces created ,y the wood mem,ers &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.1.1. .223, so that the ma5#mum area o( a concea'ed s&ace #s not more than 10 m2. !,1,11,5, +ire BlocAs bet2een 'ertic$l $nd Eori-ont$l (.$ces 819 7ire bloc#s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 at a'' #nterconnect#ons ,etween concea'ed $ert#ca' and hor#Conta' s&aces #n #nter#or co$ed ce#'#ngs, dro& ce#'#ngs and so((#ts #n wh#ch the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating more than 21, and 2,3 at the end o( each run and at each ('oor 'e$e' #n concea'ed s&aces ,etween sta#r str#ngers #n wh#ch the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating more than 21. !,1,11,7, +ire BlocAs in Eori-ont$l Conce$led (.$ces


819 65ce&t (or a craw' s&ace con(orm#ng to /entence, a hor#Conta' concea'ed s&ace w#th#n a ('oor assem,'y or roo( assem,'y o( combustible construction, #n wh#ch s&r#n7'ers are not #nsta''ed, sha'' ,e se&arated ,y construct#on con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... #nto com&artments not more than, 2a3 600 m2 #n area w#th no d#mens#on more than 60 m, #( the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21, and 2,3 300 m2 #n area w#th no d#mens#on more than 20 m, #( the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating more than 21. 829 % concea'ed s&ace #n an e5ter#or corn#ce, a mansard sty'e roo(, a ,a'cony or a canopy #n wh#ch e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating more than 21, sha'' ,e se&arated ,y construct#on con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11..., 2a3 at 'ocat#ons where the concea'ed s&ace e5tends across the ends o( re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separations, and 2,3 so that the ma5#mum d#mens#on #n the concea'ed s&ace #s not more than 20 m. !,1,11,<, +ire BlocAs in Cr$2l (.$ces 819 % craw' s&ace that #s not cons#dered as a basement ,y %rt#c'e and #n wh#ch s&r#n7'ers are not #nsta''ed, sha'' ,e se&arated ,y construct#on con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... #nto com&artments not more than 600 m 2 #n area w#th no d#mens#on more than 30 m. !,1,11,;, +ire BlocA )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243 and 2.3 mater#a's used to se&arate concea'ed s&aces #nto com&artments sha'' rema#n #n &'ace and &re$ent the &assage o( ('ames (or not 'ess than 11 m#n when su,0ected to the standard (#re e5&osure #n )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?. 829 4y&sum ,oard not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 and sheet stee' not 'ess than 0.3 mm th#c7 need not ,e tested #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213 &ro$#ded a'' 0o#nts ha$e cont#nuous su&&ort. 8!9 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, wood na#'#ng e'ements descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e need not ,e tested #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213. 859 +n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, #n a combustible roo( system &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, and #n a ra#sed &'at(orm &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.1.1. .223, mater#a's used to se&arate concea'ed s&aces #nto com&artments are &erm#tted to ,e, 2a3 so'#d 'um,er not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7, 2,3 &heno'#c ,onded &'ywood, wa(er,oard, or strand,oard not 'ess than 12.1 mm th#c7 w#th 0o#nts su&&orted, or 2c3 two th#c7nesses o( 'um,er, each not 'ess than 19 mm th#c7 w#th 0o#nts staggered, where the w#dth or he#ght o( the concea'ed s&ace re:u#res more than one &#ece o( 'um,er not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 to ,'oc7 o(( the s&ace. 879 O&en#ngs through mater#a's re(erred to #n /entences 213 to 243 sha'' ,e &rotected to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the construct#on. 8<9 8here mater#a's re(erred to #n /entences 213 to 243 are &enetrated ,y construct#on e'ements or ,y ser$#ce e:u#&ment, a fire stop sha'' ,e used to sea' the &enetrat#on. 8;9 +n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, sem#-r#g#d (#,re #nsu'at#on ,oard, &roduced (rom g'ass, roc7 or s'ag, #s &erm#tted to ,e used to ,'oc7 the $ert#ca' s&ace #n a dou,'e wythe wa'' assem,'y (ormed at the #ntersect#on o( the ('oor assem,'y and the wa''s, &ro$#ded the #nsu'at#on ,oard, 2a3 has a dens#ty not 'ess than 41 7g!m3, 2,3 #s secure'y (astened to one set o( studs, 2c3 e5tends (rom ,e'ow the ,ottom o( the to& &'ates #n the 'ower storey to a,o$e the to& o( the ,ottom &'ate #n the u&&er storey, and 2d3 com&'ete'y (#''s the &ort#on o( the $ert#ca' s&ace ,etween the headers and ,etween the wa'' &'ates. !,1,12, +l$me:(.re$d R$ting $nd (moAe #e1elo.ed Cl$ssi/ic$tion !,1,12,1, #etermin$tion o/ R$tings 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 223 and as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, the flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( a mater#a', assem,'y, or structura' mem,er sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( no (ewer than three tests conducted #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/102, >;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( *u#'d#ng <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?.


829 ;he flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( a mater#a' or assem,'y sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( no (ewer than three tests conducted #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/102.2, >;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( F'oor#ng, F'oor )o$er#ngs, and <#sce''aneous <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?, #( the mater#a' or assem,'y, 2a3 #s des#gned (or use #n a re'at#$e'y hor#Conta' &os#t#on w#th on'y #ts to& sur(ace e5&osed to a#r, 2,3 cannot ,e tested #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213 w#thout the use o( su&&ort#ng mater#a' that #s not re&resentat#$e o( the #ntended #nsta''at#on, or 2c3 #s thermo&'ast#c. 8!9 % mater#a', assem,'y, or structura' mem,er #s &erm#tted to ,e ass#gned a flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on on the ,as#s o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. !,1,1!, Interior +inis0 !,1,1!,1, Interior +inis0 #escri.tion 819 +nter#or (#n#sh mater#a' sha'' #nc'ude any mater#a' that (orms &art o( the #nter#or sur(ace o( a ('oor, wa'', partition or ce#'#ng, #nc'ud#ng, 2a3 #nter#or c'add#ng o( &'aster, wood or t#'e, 2,3 sur(ac#ng o( (a,r#c, &a#nt, &'ast#c, $eneer or wa''&a&er, 2c3 doors, w#ndows and tr#m, 2d3 '#ght#ng e'ements, such as '#ght d#((users and 'enses (orm#ng &art o( the (#n#shed sur(ace o( the ce#'#ng, and 2e3 car&et mater#a' that o$er'#es a ('oor that #s not #ntended as the (#n#shed ('oor. !,1,1!,2, +l$me:(.re$d R$ting 819 65ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red or &erm#tted ,y th#s /u,sect#on, the flame-spread rating o( #nter#or wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes, #nc'ud#ng g'aC#ng and s7y'#ghts, sha'' ,e not more than 110 and sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble !,1,1!,2, +l$me:(.re$d R$tings Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;ccupancy, Locat#on or 6'ement )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum 7lame-Spread 1ating (or 8a''s and )e#'#ngs Sprin#lered Bot Sprin#lered 110 .1 110 21 21 21 21 .1 223 21 21 21 21

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.
213 223

4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies, #nc'ud#ng doors, s7y'#ghts, g'aC#ng and '#ght d#((users and 'enses 4rou& * occupancies 6"its213 Lo,,#es descr#,ed #n /entence )o$ered $eh#cu'ar &assageways, e5ce&t (or roo( assem,'#es o( heavy timber construction #n such &assageways ?ertical service spaces

Botes to ;a,'e

/ee %rt#c'es 3.1.13. . and

4rou& * occupancies are re:u#red to ,e sprin#lered. /ee -art 11 (or reno$at#ons o( e5#st#ng non- sprin#lered 4rou& * occupancies. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, doors, other than those #n 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies, need not con(orm to /entence 213 &ro$#ded they ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 200. 8!9 "oors w#th#n a dwelling unit need not con(orm to /entences 213 and 223. 859 @& to 10F o( the tota' wa'' area and 10F o( the tota' ce#'#ng area o( a wa'' or ce#'#ng (#n#sh that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 to ha$e a flame-spread rating 'ess than 110 #s &erm#tted to ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 110, e5ce&t that u& to 21F o( the tota' wa'' area o( 'o,,#es descr#,ed #n /entence #s &erm#tted to ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 110. 879 65ce&t #n the case o( 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies, combustible doors, s7y'#ghts, g'aC#ng and '#ght d#((users and 'enses sha'' not ,e cons#dered #n the ca'cu'at#on o( wa'' and ce#'#ng areas descr#,ed #n /entence 243. !,1,1!,!, %lumbing +i?tures $nd B$t0rooms +inis0es .6

819 ;he flame-spread rating o( #nter#or wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes (or a ,athroom #n a suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e not more than 200. 829 4lumbing fi"tures sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 200. !,1,1!,5, Lig0t #i//users $nd Lenses 819 ;he flame-spread rating o( combustible '#ght d#((users and 'enses #n a'' occupancies other than 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to ,e more than the flame-spread rating '#m#ts re:u#red e'sewhere #n th#s /u,sect#on, &ro$#ded the '#ght d#((users and 'enses, 2a3 ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 210 and a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 600 when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/102.2, >;est (or /ur(ace *urn#ng )haracter#st#cs o( F'oor#ng, F'oor )o$er#ngs, and <#sce''aneous <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?, 2,3 (a'' to the ,ottom o( the test a&&aratus ,e(ore #gn#t#ng when tested #n con(ormance w#th @L)-/102.3, >F#re ;est o( L#ght "#((users and Lenses?, 2c3 are not &re$ented (rom (a''#ng (rom the ce#'#ng ,y construct#on 'ocated ,eneath the e'ements, and 2d3 are not used #n a corr#dor that #s re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation or #n an e"it sha(t un'ess #nd#$#dua' d#((users or 'enses are not more than 1 m2 #n area and are not 'ess than 1.2 m a&art. !,1,1!,7, (A3lig0ts 819 +nd#$#dua' combustible s7y'#ghts #n a corr#dor that #s re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the storey ,y a fire separation sha'' ,e not more than 1 m2 #n area and not 'ess than 1.2 m a&art. !,1,1!,<, Corridors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, the flame-spread rating sha'' ,e not more than .1 (or the #nter#or wa'' (#n#sh o(, 2a3 a public corridor, 2,3 a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c #n, 2#3 an assembly occupancy, or 2##3 a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy, 2c3 a corr#dor ser$#ng c'assrooms, or 2d3 a corr#dor ser$#ng s'ee&#ng rooms #n a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy. 829 ;he flame-spread rating '#m#t s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 does not a&&'y to corr#dors re(erred to #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded the flame-spread rating #s not more than, 2a3 21 on the u&&er ha'( o( the wa'', and 2,3 110 on the 'ower ha'( o( the wa''. 8!9 ;he flame-spread rating '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n /entences 213 and 223 (or corr#dors re(erred to #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to a corr#dor #n wh#ch the flame-spread rating #s not more than 110 &ro$#ded the floor area #s sprin#lered. 859 ;he flame-spread rating '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n /entences 213 to 233 a&&'y to occupancies #n the corr#dor as we'' as to the corr#dor #tse'(. 879 65ce&t #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered and as &erm#tted #n /entence 263, the #nter#or ce#'#ng (#n#sh o( corr#dors and occupancies re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 243 sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21. 8<9 ;he flame-spread rating '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to a corr#dor #n wh#ch the flame-spread rating #s not more than 110 &ro$#ded the floor area #s sprin#lered. !,1,1!,;, Eig0 Buildings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, the #nter#or wa'', ce#'#ng and ('oor (#n#shes #n a building regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. sha'' con(orm to the flame-spread rating re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es to and to the flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on $a'ues #n ;a,'e 3.1.13... T$ble !,1,1!,;, +l$me:(.re$d R$ting $nd (moAe #e1elo.ed Cl$ssi/ic$tion in $ Eig0 Building Form#ng -art o( /entences 3.1.13...213 and 223
+tem )o'umn 1 Locat#on or 6'ement )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum 7lame-Spread 1ating )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . <a5#mum /mo7e "e$e'o&ed )'ass#(#cat#on


1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.
213 223

6"it sta#rways, $est#,u'es to e"it sta#rs and 'o,,#es descr#,ed #n /entence )orr#dors not w#th#n suites 6'e$ator cars 6'e$ator $est#,u'es Service spaces and service rooms Other 'ocat#ons and e'ements

8a'' /ur(ace 21

)e#'#ng /ur(ace 213 21


F'oor /ur(ace 21 300 300 300 21 Bo '#m#t

8a'' /ur(ace 10 100 410 100 10 300

)e#'#ng F'oor /ur(ace 213 /ur(ace 10 10 10 410 100 10 10 100 410 300 10 Bo '#m#t

.1 21 21

.1 21 21

Botes to T$ble !,1,1!,;,&

/ee /entence (or '#ght#ng e'ements. Other re:u#rements o( th#s -art a&&'y.

829 65ce&t (or a building o( 4rou& * major occupancy and e'e$ator cars, the flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( #nter#or wa'', ('oor and ce#'#ng (#n#shes need not con(orm to the $a'ues #n ;a,'e 3.1.13..., &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered and the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entences and 8!9 ;r#m, m#''wor7 and doors #n an e"it sta#rway, a $est#,u'e to an e"it sta#rway, a 'o,,y descr#,ed #n /entence, or a corr#dor not w#th#n a suite need not con(orm to the flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on re:u#rements o( /entence 213, &ro$#ded they ha$e, 2a3 a flame-spread rating not more than 110, 2,3 a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 300, and 2c3 an aggregate area not more than 10F o( the area o( the wa'' or ce#'#ng on wh#ch they occur. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 213 to 2.3, plumbing fi"tures #n a building regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. sha'' ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 300. 879 % plumbing fi"ture that #s not 'ocated #n a 4rou& * occupancy need not com&'y w#th /entence 243 #( the building #s sprin#lered. 8<9 % plumbing fi"ture may ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on more than 300 ,ut not more than 100 #(, 2a3 #t #s #n a room where the wa'' sur(aces ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 200, and 2,3 #t #s 'ocated #n, 2#3 a 4rou& ) occupancy, or 2##3 a 4rou& * occupancy and the building #s sprin#lered. 8;9 % thera&eut#c ,ath#ng system #n a 4rou& * occupancy need not com&'y w#th /entence 243 #( the room #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, 2a3 does not o&en d#rect'y #nto &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, and 2,3 #s sprin#lered. !,1,1!,=, Noncombustible Construction 819 +n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, 2a3 the flame-spread ratings re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.1.1. sha'' a&&'y #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on, and 2,3 the flame-spread ratings (or e"its #n th#s /u,sect#on sha'' a'so a&&'y to any sur(ace #n the e"it that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, e5ce&t that th#s re:u#rement does not a&&'y to doors, heavy timber construction #n a sprin#lered building and fire-retardant treated wood. !,1,1!,9, nderground 6$lA2$3s 819 65ce&t (or &a#nt, the #nter#or wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes o( an underground wal#way sha'' ,e o( noncombustible materials. !,1,1!,1>, E?terior E?it %$ss$ge2$3 819 ;he wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes o( an e5ter#or e"it &assageway that &ro$#des the on'y means of egress (rom the rooms or suites #t ser$es, #nc'ud#ng the so((#t ,eneath and the guard on the &assageway, sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21, e5ce&t that a flame-spread rating not more than 110 #s &erm#tted (or u& to 10F o( the tota' wa'' area and (or u& to 10F o( the tota' ce#'#ng area. .

!,1,1!,11, Ele1$tor C$rs 819 ;he wa'' and ce#'#ng sur(aces o( e'e$ator cars sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than .1. 829 ;he wa'', ce#'#ng and ('oor sur(aces o( e'e$ator cars sha'' ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 410. !,1,15, Roo/ Assemblies !,1,15,1, +ire:Ret$rd$nt Tre$ted 6ood Roo/ (3stems 819 +( a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system #s used to com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.2., the roo( dec7 assem,'y sha'' meet the cond#t#ons o( acce&tance o( )%B!@L)-/126, >;est (or F#re /&read @nder Roo(-"ec7 %ssem,'#es?. 829 /u&&orts (or the roo( dec7 assem,'y re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 fire-retardant treated wood, 2,3 heavy timber construction, 2c3 noncombustible construction, or 2d3 a com,#nat#on o( the #tems descr#,ed #n )'auses 2a3 to 2c3. !,1,15,2, )et$l Roo/ #ecA Assemblies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a meta' roo( dec7 assem,'y sha'' meet the cond#t#ons o( acce&tance o( )%B!@L)-/126, >;est (or F#re /&read @nder Roo(-"ec7 %ssem,'#es?, #(, 2a3 #t su&&orts a combustible mater#a' a,o$e the dec7 that cou'd &ro&agate a (#re ,eneath the roo( dec7 assem,'y, and 2,3 the dec7 #s used to com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences,,,, 3.2.2..0.223 and 3.2.2..6.223 (or noncombustible construction. 829 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 213 are wa#$ed &ro$#ded, 2a3 the combustible mater#a' a,o$e the roo( dec7 #s &rotected, 2#3 ,y not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum ,oard, mechan#ca''y (astened to a su&&ort#ng assem,'y #( 'ocated ,eneath the roo( dec7, or 2##3 ,y a therma' ,arr#er con(orm#ng to one o( )'auses to 2e3 that #s 'ocated on the unders#de o( the combustible mater#a' or ,eneath the roo( dec7, 2,3 the building #s sprin#lered, or 2c3 the roo( assem,'y has a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n. !,1,17, Roo/ Co1ering !,1,17,1, Roo/ Co1ering Cl$ssi/ic$tion 819 % roo( co$er#ng c'ass#(#cat#on sha'' ,e determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/10., >F#re ;ests o( Roo( )o$er#ngs?. !,1,17,2, Roo/ Co1erings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, e$ery roo( co$er#ng sha'' ha$e a )'ass %, * or ) c'ass#(#cat#on as determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 829 % roo( co$er#ng #s not re:u#red to ha$e a )'ass %, * or ) c'ass#(#cat#on (or, 2a3 a tent, 2,3 an air-supported structure, or 2c3 a building o( 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 occupancy not more than 2 storeys #n building height and not more than 1 000 m2 #n building area, &ro$#ded the roo( co$er#ng #s under'a#d w#th noncombustible mater#a'. !,1,1<, +$brics !,1,1<,1, +$bric A2nings, C$no.ies $nd )$r4uees 819 Fa,r#cs used as &art o( an awn#ng, canopy or mar uee that #s 'ocated w#th#n or attached to a building o( any ty&e o( construct#on sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?. !,1,1;, Occu.$nt Lo$d !,1,1;,1, Occu.$nt Lo$d #etermin$tion .9

819 ;he occupant load o( a floor area or &art o( a floor area, or o( a building or &art o( a building not ha$#ng a floor area, sha'' ,e ,ased on, 2a3 the num,er o( seats #n an assembly occupancy ha$#ng (#5ed seats, 2,3 two &ersons &er s'ee&#ng room or s'ee&#ng area #n a dwelling unit or suite, or 2c3 the num,er o( &ersons, 2#3 (or wh#ch the area #s des#gned, or 2##3 determ#ned (rom ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. (or occupancies other than those descr#,ed #n )'auses 2a3 and 2,3. T$ble !,1,1;,1, Occu.$nt Lo$d Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e 3.1.1..1.
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( @se o( $uilding or 7loor Area or -art o( 7loor Area Assembl3 uses s&ace w#th (#5ed seats s&ace w#th non-(#5ed seats stages (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances s&ace w#th non-(#5ed seats and ta,'es stand#ng s&ace stad#a and grandstands ,ow'#ng a''eys, &oo' and ,#''#ard rooms c'assrooms schoo' sho&s and $ocat#ona' rooms read#ng or wr#t#ng rooms or 'ounges d#n#ng, a'coho'#c ,e$erage and ca(eter#a s&ace 'a,orator#es #n schoo's e5h#,#t#on ha''s other than those c'ass#(#ed #n 4rou& 6 C$re, c$re $nd tre$tment or detention uses *-1 : detent#on :uarters *-2 : treatment and s'ee&#ng room areas *-3 : s'ee&#ng room areas 2/ee a'so %rt#c'e 3...1.3.3 Residenti$l uses dwelling units dorm#tor#es Business $nd .erson$l ser1ices uses &ersona' ser$#ce sho&s o((#ces )erc$ntile uses basements and first storeys second storeys ha$#ng a &r#nc#&a' entrance (rom a &edestr#an thorough(are or a &ar7#ng area d#n#ng, a'coho'#c ,e$erage and ca(eter#a s&ace other storeys Industri$l uses manu(actur#ng or &rocess rooms storage garages storage s&aces 2warehouse3 a#rcra(t hangars Ot0er uses c'ean#ng and re&a#r o( goods 7#tchens storage public corridors #ntended (or occupancies #n add#t#on to &edestr#an tra$e' )o'umn 2 %rea &er -erson, m2 /ee )'ause 2132a3 0..1 0..1 0.91 0.40 0.60 9.30 1. 1 9.30 1. 1 1.10 4.60 2. 0 11.60 10.00 10.00 /ee )'ause 2132,3 4.60 4.60 9.30 3..0 3..0 1.10 1.60 4.60 46.00 2 .00 46.00 4.60 9.30 46.00 3..0


3. 4. 1.



829 +( a floor area or &art o( #t has ,een des#gned (or an occupant load other than that determ#ned (rom ;a,'e 3.1.1..1., a &ermanent s#gn #nd#cat#ng that occupant load sha'' ,e &osted #n a cons&#cuous 'ocat#on. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( th#s %rt#c'e, mezzanines, t#ers and ,a'con#es sha'' ,e regarded as &art o( the floor area. 859 +( a room or grou& o( rooms #s #ntended (or d#((erent occupancies at d#((erent t#mes, the $a'ue to ,e used (rom ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. sha'' ,e the $a'ue that g#$es the greatest num,er o( &ersons (or the occupancies concerned. 0

879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 263 or 2.3, #n d#n#ng, a'coho'#c ,e$erage and ca(eter#a s&aces the occupant load sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. 8<9 ;he occupant load #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e the num,er o( &ersons (or wh#ch the s&ace #s des#gned. 8;9 ;he occupant load #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e not more than that determ#ned ,y us#ng an area o( 0.6 m2 &er &erson. !,1,1;,2, #$nce +loor 819 ;he occupant load o( a room #n wh#ch a dance ('oor #s s#tuated sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated #n res&ect o( that &ort#on o( the room that #s not occu&#ed ,y the dance ('oor. !,1,1;,!, %ublic %ools 819 ;he occupant load o( a public pool, e5ce&t a wave action pool, sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a:
occupant load = " 2.1 + / 1.4

where, " S the water sur(ace area #n s:uare metres o( the &art o( the &oo' that #s dee&er than 1 310 mmG and / S the water sur(ace area #n s:uare metres o( the &art o( the &oo' that #s 1 310 mm #n de&th or 'ess. 829 ;he occupant load o( a wave action pool sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a:
occupant load = " 2.1 + / 1.1

where, " S the water sur(ace area #n s:uare metres o( the &art o( the &oo' where the st#'' water de&th #s greater than 1 000 mmG and / S the water sur(ace area #n s:uare metres o( the &art o( the &oo' where the st#'' water de&th #s 1 000 mm or 'ess. !,1,1=, #r$in$ge $nd Gr$des !,1,1=,1, #r$in$ge 819 ;he building sha'' ,e 'ocated and the building s#te graded so that water w#'' not accumu'ate at or near the building and w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any ad0acent &ro&ert#es. !,1,19, Abo1e Ground Electric$l Conductors !,1,19,1, Cle$r$nce to Buildings 819 % building sha'' not ,e 'ocated ,eneath e5#st#ng a,o$e ground e'ectr#ca' conductors. 829 ;he hor#Conta' c'earance measured (rom the ma5#mum conductor sw#ng to the building, #nc'ud#ng ,a'con#es, (#re esca&es, ('at roo(s or other access#,'e &ro0ect#ons ,eyond the (ace o( the building, sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 1 m, (or e'ectr#ca' conductors carry#ng $o'tages .10 H or 'ess, e5ce&t where necessary to connect to the e'ectr#ca' w#r#ng o( the building, 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 3 m, (or e'ectr#ca' conductors carry#ng $o'tages greater than .10 H ,ut not e5ceed#ng 46 7H, 2c3 ,e not 'ess than 3.. m, (or e'ectr#ca' conductors carry#ng $o'tages greater than 46 7H ,ut not e5ceed#ng 69 7H, or 2d3 con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-)22.3 Bo.1, >O$erhead /ystems?, (or e'ectr#ca' conductors carry#ng $o'tages greater than 69 7H. 8!9 8here the sw#ng o( an a,o$e ground e'ectr#ca' conductor not owned or o&erated ,y an e'ectr#ca' su&&'y author#ty #s not 7nown, a sw#ng o( not 'ess than 1. m sha'' ,e used. 859 /entences 213 to 233 do not a&&'y to a building conta#n#ng e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment and e'ectr#ca' #nsta''at#ons used e5c'us#$e'y #n the generat#on, trans(ormat#on or transm#ss#on o( e'ectr#ca' &ower or energy #ntended (or sa'e or d#str#,ut#on to the &u,'#c. !,1,2>, Gl$ss in Gu$rds !,1,2>,1, Gl$ss 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 3.3.4...213, g'ass #n guards sha'' con(orm to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-13, >4'ass #n 4uards?. (ection !,2, Building +ire ($/et3 !,2,1, Gener$l 1

!,2,1,1, E?ce.tions in #etermining Building Eeig0t 819 % roo(-to& enc'osure &ro$#ded (or e'e$ator mach#nery, a sta#rway or a service room used (or no &ur&ose other than (or ser$#ce to the building, sha'' not ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng the building height. 829 /&ace under t#ers o( seats #n a building o( the arena ty&e sha'' not ,e cons#dered as add#ng to the building height &ro$#ded the s&ace #s used on'y (or dress#ng rooms, concess#on stands and s#m#'ar &ur&oses #nc#denta' to the major occupancy o( the building. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, the s&ace a,o$e a mezzanine need not ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng building height &ro$#ded, 2a3 the aggregate area o( mezzanines that are not su&er#m&osed does not e5ceed 40F o( the o&en area o( the room #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, and 2,3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2 3 and /entence the s&ace a,o$e the mezzanine #s used as an o&en area w#thout partitions or su,d#$#d#ng wa''s h#gher than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the mezzanine ('oor. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, the s&ace a,o$e a mezzanine need not ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng the building height &ro$#ded, 2a3 the aggregate area o( mezzanines that are not su&er#m&osed and do not meet the cond#t#ons o( /entence 233 does not e5ceed 10F o( the floor area #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, and 2,3 the area o( mezzanine #n a suite does not e5ceed 10F o( the area o( that suite. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2.3, each 'e$e' o( mezzanine that #s &art'y or who''y su&er#m&osed a,o$e the (#rst 'e$e' o( mezzanine sha'' ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng the building height. 8<9 -'at(orms #ntended so'e'y (or &er#od#c #ns&ect#on and e'e$ated catwa'7s need not ,e cons#dered as ('oor assem,'#es or mezzanines (or the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng building height &ro$#ded, 2a3 they are not used (or storage, 2,3 they are constructed w#th noncombustible mater#a's un'ess the building #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, and 2c3 where they are #ntended to ,e occu&#ed, they ha$e an occupant load o( not more than (our &ersons. 8;9 9ezzanines, e'e$ated wa'7ways and &'at(orms that are #ntended to ,e occu&#ed #n 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 major occupancies need not ,e cons#dered as storeys #n ca'cu'at#ng building height &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s o( noncombustible construction, and 2,3 the occupant load #s not more than (our &ersons. 8=9 ;he s&ace a,o$e a mezzanine con(orm#ng to /entence 233 #s &erm#tted to #nc'ude an enc'osed s&ace whose area does not e5ceed 10F o( the o&en area o( the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated, &ro$#ded the enc'osed s&ace does not o,struct $#sua' commun#cat#on ,etween the o&en s&ace a,o$e the mezzanine and the room #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated. 899 % service space #n wh#ch (ac#'#t#es are #nc'uded to &erm#t a &erson to enter and to underta7e ma#ntenance and other o&erat#ons &erta#n#ng to building ser$#ces (rom w#th#n the service space need not ,e cons#dered a storey #( #t con(orms to %rt#c'es and and /entences, 3.2...3.223,, and !,2,1,2, (tor$ge G$r$ge Considered $s $ (e.$r$te Building 819 % basement used &r#mar#'y as a storage garage #s &erm#tted to ,e cons#dered as a se&arate building (or the &ur&oses o( /u,sect#on 3.2.2., &ro$#ded the ('oor and roo( assem,'#es a,o$e the basement and, e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, the e5ter#or wa''s o( the basement a,o$e the ad0o#n#ng ground 'e$e' are constructed as fire separations o(, 2a3 masonry or concrete ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, or 2,3 noncombustible construction ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h, where the building con(orms to )'auses and 2c3 to 2e3. 829 ;he e5ter#or wa'' o( a basement that #s re:u#red to ,e a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating #n accordance w#th /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e &enetrated ,y o&en#ngs that are not &rotected ,y closures &ro$#ded, 2a3 the storage garage #s sprin#lered, 2,3 e$ery o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' #s se&arated (rom storeys a,o$e the o&en#ng ,y a &ro0ect#on o( the ('oor or roo( assem,'y a,o$e the basement, e5tend#ng not 'ess than, 2#3 1 m ,eyond the e5ter#or (ace o( the storage garage #( the u&&er storeys are re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, or 2

2##3 2 m ,eyond the e5ter#or (ace o( the storage garage #( the u&&er storeys are &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, or 2c3 the e5ter#or wa''s o( any storeys 'ocated a,o$e the ('oor or roo( assem,'y re(erred to #n /entence 213 are recessed ,eh#nd the outer edge o( the assem,'y ,y not 'ess than, 2#3 1 m #( the u&&er storeys are re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, or 2##3 2 m #( the u&&er storeys are &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction. 8!9 ;he ('oor or roo( assem,'y &ro0ect#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2232,3 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h and sha'' ha$e no o&en#ngs w#th#n the &ro0ect#on. !,2,1,!, Roo/ Considered $s $ 6$ll 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on any &art o( a roo( that #s &#tched at an ang'e o( 60 or more to the hor#Conta' and #s ad0acent to a s&ace #ntended (or occu&ancy w#th#n a building sha'' ,e cons#dered as &art o( an e5ter#or wa'' o( the building. !,2,1,5, +loor Assembl3 o1er B$sement 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence,,,,, or .233, a ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e a basement sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or a ('oor assem,'y, ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n. 829 %'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e a basement sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red ,y /entence 213 (or the ('oor assem,'y. !,2,1,7, +ire Cont$inment in B$sements 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and, #n a building #n wh#ch an automat#c s&r#n7'er system #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3., e$ery basement sha'', 2a3 ,e sprin#lered, or 2,3 ,e su,d#$#ded #nto fire compartments not more than 600 m 2 #n area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the basement. 829 %n open-air storey need not con(orm to /entence 213. !,2,1,<, )e--$nines 819 ;he ('oor assem,'y o( a mezzanine that #s re:u#red to ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng building height sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th the fire separation re:u#rements (or ('oor assem,'#es #n %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. !,2,2, Building (i-e $nd Construction Rel$ti1e to Occu.$nc3 !,2,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, a building sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th th#s /u,sect#on to &re$ent (#re s&read and co''a&se caused ,y the e((ects o( (#re. !,2,2,2, (.eci$l $nd nusu$l (tructures 819 % structure that cannot ,e #dent#(#ed w#th the character#st#cs o( a building #n %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst (#re s&read and co''a&se #n con(ormance w#th good (#re &rotect#on eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. !,2,2,!, E?ce.tions to (tructur$l +ire %rotection 819 F#re &rotect#on #s not re:u#red (or, 2a3 stee' '#nte's a,o$e o&en#ngs not more than 2 m w#de #n loadbearing wa''s and not more than 3 m w#de #n nonloadbearing wa''s, 2,3 stee' '#nte's a,o$e o&en#ngs more than 2 m w#de #n loadbearing wa''s and more than 3 m w#de #n non- loadbearing wa''s, &ro$#ded the '#nte's are su&&orted at #nter$a's o( not more than 2 m ,y structura' mem,ers w#th the re:u#red fireresistance rating, 2c3 the ,ottom ('anges o( she'( ang'es and &'ates that are not a &art o( the structura' (rame, 2d3 stee' mem,ers (or (ramewor7 around e'e$ator ho#stway doorways, stee' (or the su&&ort o( e'e$ator and dum,wa#ter gu#des, counterwe#ghts and other s#m#'ar e:u#&ment, that are ent#re'y enc'osed #n a ho#stway and are not a &art o( the structura' (rame o( the building, 2e3 stee' mem,ers o( sta#rways and esca'ators that are not a &art o( the structura' (rame o( a building, 2(3 stee' mem,ers o( &orches, e5ter#or ,a'con#es, e5ter#or sta#rways, (#re esca&es, corn#ces, mar uees and other s#m#'ar a&&urtenances, &ro$#ded they are outs#de an e5ter#or wa'' o( a building, and 3

2g3 loadbearing stee' or concrete mem,ers who''y or &art'y outs#de a building (ace #n a building not more than 4 storeys #n building height and c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, *, ), " or F, "#$#s#on 3 major occupancy &ro$#ded the mem,ers are, 2#3 not 'ess than 1 m away (rom any unprotected opening #n an e5ter#or wa'', or 2##3 sh#e'ded (rom heat rad#at#on #n the e$ent o( a (#re w#th#n the building ,y construct#on that w#'' &ro$#de the same degree o( &rotect#on that wou'd ,e necessary #( the mem,er was 'ocated #ns#de the building, w#th the &rotect#on e5tend#ng on e#ther s#de o( the mem,er a d#stance e:ua' to the &ro0ect#on o( the mem,er (rom the (ace o( the wa''. !,2,2,5, Buildings 2it0 )ulti.le )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 ;he re:u#rements restr#ct#ng (#re s&read and co''a&se (or a building o( a s#ng'e major occupancy c'ass#(#cat#on are &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on accord#ng to #ts building height and building area. 829 +( a building conta#ns more than one major occupancy, c'ass#(#ed #n more than one 4rou& or "#$#s#on, the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on concern#ng building s#Ce and construct#on re'at#$e to major occupancy sha'' a&&'y accord#ng to %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. . !,2,2,7, A..lic$ble Building Eeig0t $nd Are$ 819 +n determ#n#ng the (#re sa(ety re:u#rements o( a building #n re'at#on to each o( the major occupancies conta#ned #n #t, the building height and building area o( the ent#re building sha'' ,e used. !,2,2,<, )ulti.le )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es 3.2.2... and 3.2.2. ., #n a building conta#n#ng more than one major occupancy, the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on (or the most restr#cted major occupancy conta#ned sha'' a&&'y to the who'e building. !,2,2,;, (u.erim.osed )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.2.2. ., #n a building #n wh#ch one major occupancy #s 'ocated ent#re'y a,o$e another major occupancy, the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on (or each &ort#on o( the building conta#n#ng a major occupancy sha'' a&&'y to that &ort#on as #( the ent#re building was o( that major occupancy. 829 +( one major occupancy #s 'ocated a,o$e another major occupancy, the fire-resistance rating o( the ('oor assem,'y ,etween the major occupancies sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on (or the 'ower major occupancy. !,2,2,=, E?ce.tions /or )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 +n a building #n wh#ch the aggregate area o( a'' major occupancies #n a &art#cu'ar 4rou& or "#$#s#on #s not more than 10F o( the floor area o( the storey #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, these major occupancies need not ,e cons#dered as major occupancies (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on, &ro$#ded they are not c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 occupancies. 829 % he'#co&ter 'and#ng area on the roo( o( a building need not ,e cons#dered a major occupancy (or &ur&oses o( /u,sect#on 3.2.2. where such 'and#ng area #s not more than 10F o( the area o( the roo(. !,2,2,9, Cr$2l (.$ces 819 For the &ur&oses o( %rt#c'es and, a craw' s&ace sha'' ,e cons#dered as a basement #( #t #s, 2a3 more than 1 00 mm h#gh ,etween the 'owest &art o( the ('oor assem,'y and the ground or other sur(ace ,e'ow, 2,3 used (or any occupancy, 2c3 used (or the &assage o( flue pipes, or 2d3 used as a plenum #n combustible construction. 829 % ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y a,o$e a craw' s&ace #s not re:u#red to ,e constructed as a fire separation and #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating &ro$#ded the craw' s&ace #s not re:u#red to ,e cons#dered as a basement ,y /entence 213. !,2,2,1>, (treets 819 6$ery building sha'' (ace a street 'ocated #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es and (or access routes. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /u,sect#ons 3.2.2. and 3.2.1. an access route con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.1. #s &erm#tted to ,e cons#dered as a street. 8!9 % building #s cons#dered to (ace two streets &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10F o( the building &er#meter #s 'ocated w#th#n 11 m o( the street or streets. 859 % building #s cons#dered to (ace three streets &ro$#ded not 'ess than .1F o( the building &er#meter #s 'ocated w#th#n 11 m o( the street or streets. 4

879 6nc'osed s&aces, tunne's, ,r#dges and s#m#'ar structures, e$en though used (or $eh#cu'ar or &edestr#an tra((#c, are not cons#dered as streets (or the &ur&ose o( th#s -art. !,2,2,11, E?terior B$lconies 819 %n e5ter#or ,a'cony sha'' ,e constructed #n accordance w#th the ty&e o( construct#on re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3., as a&&'#ca,'e to the occupancy c'ass#(#cat#on o( the building. !,2,2,12, E?terior %$ss$ge2$3s 819 %n e'e$ated e5ter#or &assageway used as &art o( a means of egress sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or mezzanines. !,2,2,1!, Occu.$nc3 on Roo/ 819 % &ort#on o( a roo( that su&&orts an occupancy sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th the fire separation re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or ('oor assem,'#es. !,2,2,15, Roo/:To. Enclosures 819 % roo(-to& enc'osure (or e'e$ator mach#nery or (or a service room sha'' ,e constructed #n accordance w#th the ty&e o( construct#on re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. 829 % roo(-to& enc'osure (or e'e$ator mach#nery or (or a service room, not more than 1 storey h#gh, #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 8!9 % roo(-to& enc'osure (or a sta#rway sha'' ,e constructed #n accordance w#th the ty&e o( construct#on re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. 859 % roo(-to& enc'osure (or a sta#rway need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating nor ,e constructed as a fire separation. !,2,2,17, (tore3s belo2 Ground 819 +( a building #s erected ent#re'y ,e'ow the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e' and does not e5tend more than 1 storey ,e'ow that ground 'e$e', the m#n#mum &recaut#ons aga#nst (#re s&read and co''a&se sha'' ,e the same as are re:u#red (or basements under a building o( 1 storey #n building height ha$#ng the same occupancy and building area. 829 +( any &ort#on o( a building #s erected ent#re'y ,e'ow the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e' and e5tends more than 1 storey ,e'ow that ground 'e$e', the (o''ow#ng m#n#mum &recaut#ons aga#nst (#re s&read and co''a&se sha'' ,e ta7en: 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, the basements sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 a ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2#3 3 h #( the basements are #ntended (or use as 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 occupancies, or 2##3 2 h #( the basements are not #ntended (or use as 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 occupancies, and 2c3 a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the construct#on that they su&&ort. 8!9 +( the first storey o( a building #s not re:u#red to ,e sprin#lered, s&r#n7'ers are not re:u#red #n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the first storey, &ro$#ded the storey ,e'ow, 2a3 conta#ns on'y residential occupancies, and 2,3 has at 'east one uno,structed access o&en#ng con(orm#ng to /entence #nsta''ed on that storey (or each 11 m o( wa'' 'ength #n at 'east one wa'' re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on to (ace a street. !,2,2,1<, Ee$13 Timber Roo/ %ermitted 819 @n'ess otherw#se &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3., a roo( assem,'y #n a building u& to 2 storeys #n building height #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction regard'ess o( building area or ty&e o( construct#on re:u#red, &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered. 829 +( /entence 213 &erm#ts a roo( assem,'y to ,e o( heavy timber construction, structura' mem,ers #n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the roo( assem,'y are &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction. !,2,2,1;, (.rinAlers in Lieu o/ Roo/ R$ting 819 ;he re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or roo( assem,'#es to ha$e a fire-resistance rating are &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 the s&r#n7'er system #n )'ause 2a3 #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence, and 1

2c3 the o&erat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system #n )'ause 2a3 w#'' cause a s#gna' to ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243. !,2,2,1=, Autom$tic (.rinAler (3stem Re4uired 819 +( an automat#c s&r#n7'er system #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3., the system sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2.4. . to and !,2,2,19, Buildings Cont$ining Im.eded Egress Fones 819 % building conta#n#ng an impeded egress zone and con(orm#ng to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. #s not re:u#red to con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es and (or a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2c3 #t does not #nc'ude, 2#3 a contained use area, 2##3 s'ee&#ng accommodat#on, 2###3 a high hazard industrial occupancy, or 2#$3 a mercantile occupancy, 2d3 the building area #s not more than 6 400 m2 #( the building #nc'udes a medium hazard industrial occupancy, 2e3 the impeded egress zone does not e5tend ,eyond the ,oundar#es o( the fire compartment #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, and 2(3 the occupant load o( the impeded egress zone #s not more than 100. !,2,2,2>, Grou. A, #i1ision 1, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es and, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,21, Grou. A, #i1ision 1, 1 (tore3, Limited Are$ 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2,3 #t has 'ess than 40F o( the area o( the building as 2 storeys (or the &ur&ose o(, 2#3 de$e'o&ment o( &roduct#ons #nc'ud#ng &re&arat#on o( scenery and costumes and rehearsa' o( &er(ormers, 2##3 organ#Cat#on o( &er(ormers, scenery and sound e:u#&ment, 2###3 &re&arat#on ,y &er(ormers (or a &er(ormance, 2#$3 manager#a' (unct#ons, or 2$3 to#'ets, rest rooms and s#m#'ar &u,'#c (ac#'#t#es, 2c3 #t has no occupancy a,o$e or ,e'ow the aud#tor#um other than one that ser$es #t or #s de&endent on #t, 2d3 #t #s not more than 600 m2 #n building area, and 2e3 the occupant load #s not more than 600. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations, 2#3 w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 6

2##3 o( heavy timber construction, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y, or 2##3 ,e o( heavy timber construction. !,2,2,22, Grou. A, #i1ision 1, 1 (tore3 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2,3 no &art o( an aud#tor#um ('oor #s more than 1 m a,o$e or ,e'ow grade, 2c3 no occupancy #s a,o$e or ,e'ow the aud#tor#um other than one that ser$es #t or #s de&endent on #t, and 2d3 the occupant load o( the aud#tor#um ('oor #s not more than 300. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a fire separation sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the fire separation. !,2,2,2!, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to ., a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,25, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, u. to < (tore3s, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2, that #s not '#m#ted ,y building area, #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, and 2,3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,27, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e .

T$ble !,2,2,27, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 600 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 2 000 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 2 400 1 200

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 41 m#n, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height, the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, and the building area #s not more than, 2#3 00 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 1 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 1 200 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,2<, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 4 00 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 2 400 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 41 m#n, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,2;, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height w#th no basement, 2##3 1 200 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or

2###3 600 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. !,2,2,2=, Grou. A, #i1ision 2, 1 (tore3 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2,3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 400 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 100 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 600 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets. 829 +n a building re(erred to #n /entence 213 w#thout a basement, the building area '#m#ts o( /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e dou,'ed &ro$#ded a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h #s used to se&arate the building #nto fire compartments, each one o( wh#ch does not e5ceed the area '#m#ts o( )'ause 2132,3. !,2,2,29, Grou. A, #i1ision !, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$ 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 sha'' con(orm to /entences 223 and 233. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered #( #t #s regu'ated ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2d3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +( #ntended (or occas#ona' use (or trade shows and s#m#'ar e5h#,#t#on &ur&oses, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 that #s more than 1 100 m2 #n building area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,!>, Grou. A, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,!>, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. A, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 4 000 2 000 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 1 000 2 100 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 6 000 3 000

829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y )'auses 2c3 and 2d3, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( heavy timber construction, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y, e5ce&t that arches and structura' mem,ers w#th#n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow a roo( assem,'y are &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction. 9

8!9 +( #ntended (or occas#ona' use (or trade shows and s#m#'ar e5h#,#t#on &ur&oses, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 that #s more than 1 100 m2 #n building area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,!1, Grou. A, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 12 000 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 6 000 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y )'ause 2c3 and %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y, e5ce&t that arches are &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction. !,2,2,!2, Grou. A, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3, Incre$sed Are$ 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entences 223 and 233 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 3 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 3 600 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, and the building area #s not more than, 2#3 1 200 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 1 100 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 1 00 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. 8!9 +( #ntended (or occas#ona' use (or trade shows and s#m#'ar e5h#,#t#on &ur&oses, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 that #s more than 1 100 m2 #n building area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,!!, Grou. A, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than . 200 m2. !,2,2,!5, Grou. A, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3 90

819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 1 000 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 1 210 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 1 100 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets. !,2,2,!7, Grou. A, #i1ision 5 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction. 829 Roo( assem,'#es and su&&ort#ng arches and co'umns are &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction. 8!9 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 the occupant load #s 'ess than 1 100, and 2,3 the building has a limiting distance not 'ess than 6 m. 859 /&r#n7'ers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a'' s&aces ,e'ow t#ers o( seats #n a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 #( those s&aces are used (or occupancy! !,2,2,!<, Grou. B, #i1ision 1, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,!;, Grou. B, #i1ision 1, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area, 2#3 that #s not '#m#ted #( the building #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 not more than 12 000 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 not more than 000 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,!=, Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or #i1ision !, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 91

2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,!9, Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or #i1ision !, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area, 2#3 that #s not '#m#ted #( the building #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 not more than 12 000 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 not more than 000 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,5>, Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 1 600 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,51, Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or #i1ision !, 1 (tore3, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than 100 m2. !,2,2,52, Grou. C, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to ., a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 92

2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, wh#ch are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. !,2,2,5!, Grou. C, u. to < (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area, 2#3 that #s not '#m#ted #( the building #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, 2##3 not more than 12 000 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, 2###3 not more than 9 000 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height, 2#$3 not more than . 200 m2 #( 1 storeys #n building height, or 2$3 not more than 6 000 m2 #( 6 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, wh#ch are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. !,2,2,55, Grou. C, u. to 5 (tore3s, Noncombustible Construction 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than, 2#3 3 storeys #n building height, or 2##3 4 storeys #n building height &ro$#ded there #s not more than one dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, and $ert#ca' fire separations o( ad0acent dwelling units con(orm to /entence 243, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,55, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. C, u. to 5 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street not '#m#ted 6 000 4 000 3 000 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets not '#m#ted not '#m#ted 1 000 3 .10 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets not '#m#ted not '#m#ted 6 000 4 100

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 93

2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, wh#ch are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 ;he dwelling units descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2132a32##3 sha'' ,e se&arated ,y cont#nuous $ert#ca' fire separations that e5tend through a'' storeys and service spaces o( the se&arated &ort#ons. 879 % ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,57, Grou. C, u. to 5 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 . 200 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 3 600 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, 2###3 2 400 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, or 2#$3 1 00 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 and 243, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, that are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 +n a building #n wh#ch there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, the fire-resistance rating (or ('oor assem,'#es ent#re'y w#th#n the dwelling unit #s wa#$ed. !,2,2,5<, Grou. C, u. to ! (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$ 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,5<, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. C u. to ! (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 2 400 1 200 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 3 000 1 100 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 3 600 1 00 1 200

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 and 243, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 94

2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, that are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 +n a building #n wh#ch there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, the fire-resistance rating (or ('oor assem,'#es ent#re'y w#th#n the dwelling unit #s wa#$ed. 879 % ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,5;, Grou. C, u. to ! (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,5;, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. C, u. to ! (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 00 900 600 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 2 210 1 121 .10 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 2 .00 1 310 900

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 and 243, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, that are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 +n a building #n wh#ch there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, the fire-resistance rating (or ('oor assem,'#es ent#re'y w#th#n the dwelling unit #s wa#$ed. 879 % ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,2,2,5=, Grou. C, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 1 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 2 .00 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 1 00 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 and 243, ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and


2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8!9 +n a building that conta#ns dwelling units that ha$e more than 1 storey, su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 233, the ('oor assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng ('oors o$er basements, that are ent#re'y conta#ned w#th#n these dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n ,ut need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 +n a building #n wh#ch there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, the fire-resistance rating (or ('oor assem,'#es ent#re'y w#th#n the dwelling unit #s wa#$ed. !,2,2,59, Grou. #, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$ 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered #( #t #s regu'ated ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, 2d3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height th#s re:u#rement #s wa#$ed, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,7>, Grou. #, u. to < (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,7>, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. #, u. to < (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street not '#m#ted . 200 4 00 3 600 2 00 2 400 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets not '#m#ted not '#m#ted 6 000 4 100 3 600 3 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets not '#m#ted not '#m#ted . 200 1 400 4 320 3 600

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height th#s re:u#rement #s wa#$ed, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,71, Grou. #, u. to < (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area, 2#3 that #s not '#m#ted #( the building #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, 2##3 not more than 14 400 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, 96

2###3 not more than 10 00 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height, 2#$3 not more than 640 m2 #( 1 storeys #n building height, or 2$3 not more than . 200 m2 #( 6 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,72, Grou. #, u. to 5 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than 3 600 m2. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,7!, Grou. #, u. to ! (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,7!, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. #, u. to ! (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 4 00 2 400 1 600 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 6 000 3 000 2 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets . 200 3 600 2 400

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height, the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, and the building area #s not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 3 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 3 600 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 9.

2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,75, Grou. #, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 14 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 . 200 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 4 00 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,77, Grou. #, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,77, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. #, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 000 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 1 210 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 1 100 1 200

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,7<, Grou. #, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& " #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 3 000 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 2 400 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 9

2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,7;, Grou. E, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es . to, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,7=, Grou. E, u. to 5 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than 1 00 m2. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,79, Grou. E, u. to ! (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,79, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. E, u. to ! (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 100 1 200 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 1 100 1 100 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 1 100 1 100 1 100

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height, the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s o( noncombustible construction or #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, 99

2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a fire separation sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the fire separation. !,2,2,<>, Grou. E, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 . 200 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 3 600 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 2 400 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a fire separation sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the fire separation. !,2,2,<1, Grou. E, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e T$ble !,2,2,<1, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. E, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 000 600 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 1 210 .10 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 1 100 900

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,<2, Grou. E, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& 6 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 3 000 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 100

2##3 1 00 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,<!, Grou. +, #i1ision 1, u. to 5 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to, a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 9 000 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 4 100 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, 2###3 3 000 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, or 2#$3 2 210 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,<5, Grou. +, #i1ision 1, u. to ! (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 3 600 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 1 00 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, or 2###3 1 200 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,<7, Grou. +, #i1ision 1, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 1 200 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 101

2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,<<, Grou. +, #i1ision 1, 1 (tore3 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than 00 m2. !,2,2,<;, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$, (.rinAlered 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es . to 3.2.2..2., a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,<=, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to < (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e .%. or ;a,'e .*. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. T$ble !,2,2,<=,A, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to < (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence .213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 9 000 4 100 3 000 2 210 1 00 1 100 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 11 210 1 621 3 .10 2 10 2 210 1 .1 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 13 100 6 .10 4 100 3 3.1 2 .00 2 210

T$ble !,2,2,<=,B, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to < (tore3s, (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entence .213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2


1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

1 2 3 4 1 6

2. 000 13 100 9 000 6 .10 1 400 4 100

!,2,2,<9, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$ 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e or ;a,'e*. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. T$ble !,2,2,<9,A, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 6 000 3 000 2 000 1 100 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets . 100 3 .10 2 100 1 .1 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 9 000 4 100 3 000 2 210

T$ble !,2,2,<9,B, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$, (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 1 000 9 000 6 000 4 100

!,2,2,;>, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e 3.2.2..0.%. or ;a,'e 3.2.2..0.*. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that #n buildings not more than 1 storey #n building height, the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, and the building area #s not more than, 2#3 1 600 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 2 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 103

2###3 2 400 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets, 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng a fire separation sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. T$ble !,2,2,;>,A, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2..0.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 3 200 1 600 1 0.0 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 4 000 2 000 1 340 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 4 00 2 400 1 600 1 200

T$ble !,2,2,;>,B, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 5 (tore3s, Incre$sed Are$, (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2..0.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 9 600 4 00 3 200 2 400

!,2,2,;1, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e 3.2.2..1. T$ble !,2,2,;1, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2..1.213
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 000 600 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 1 210 .10 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 1 100 900

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,;2, Grou. +, #i1ision 2, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 104

2#3 4 100 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 1 00 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,;!, Grou. +, #i1ision !, An3 Eeig0t, An3 Are$ 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es 3.2.2..4. to 3.2.2. 3., a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building sha'' ,e sprin#lered #( #t #s regu'ated ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2,3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, e5ce&t that ('oor assem,'#es are &erm#tted to ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h #n a storage garage w#th a'' storeys constructed as open-air storeys, 2c3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, 2d3 #( the building #s not sprin#lered, roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2e3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,;5, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to < (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e 3.2.2..4. T$ble !,2,2,;5, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to < (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2..4.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street not '#m#ted . 200 4 00 3 600 2 0 2 400 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets not '#m#ted 9 000 6 000 4 100 3 600 3 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets not '#m#ted 10 00 . 200 1 400 4 320 3 600

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,;7, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to < (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, and 101

2c3 #t has a building area, 2#3 that #s not '#m#ted #( the building #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 not more than 21 600 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, 2###3 not more than 14 400 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, 2#$3 not more than 10 00 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height, 2$3 not more than 640 m2 #( 1 storeys #n building height, or 2$#3 not more than . 200 m2 #( 6 storeys #n building height. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, the building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. !,2,2,;<, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 5 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e 3.2.2..6. T$ble !,2,2,;<, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 5 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2..6.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 4 00 2 400 1 600 1 200 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 6 000 3 000 2 000 1 100 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets . 200 3 600 2 400 1 00

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, e5ce&t that #n a building not more than 1 storey #n building height, the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed &ro$#ded the roo( assem,'y #s constructed as a fire-retardant treated wood roo( system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, and the building area #s not more than, 2#3 2 400 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 3 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 3 600 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets, and 2d3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,;;, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 5 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 106

2#3 14 400 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, 2##3 . 200 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height, 2###3 4 00 m2 #( 3 storeys #n building height, or 2#$3 3 600 m2 #( 4 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e, #( o( combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2c3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,;=, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e 3.2.2.. . T$ble !,2,2,;=, )$?imum Building Are$, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s Form#ng -art o( /entence 3.2.2.. .213
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bo. o( Storeys 1 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea, m2 Fac#ng 1 Street 1 600 00 )o'umn 3 Fac#ng 2 Streets 2 000 1 000 )o'umn 4 Fac#ng 3 Streets 2 400 1 200

829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,;9, Grou. +, #i1ision !, u. to 2 (tore3s, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 2 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 . 200 m2 #( 1 storey #n building height, or 2##3 2 400 m2 #( 2 storeys #n building height. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations and, #( o( combustible construction, sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches su&&ort#ng an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'', 2#3 ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2##3 ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,=>, Grou. +, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3 10.

819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2,3 #t has a building area not more than, 2#3 1 600 m2 #( (ac#ng one street, 2##3 . 000 m2 #( (ac#ng two streets, or 2###3 400 m2 #( (ac#ng three streets. !,2,2,=1, Grou. +, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3, (.rinAlered 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction or noncombustible construction used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.2.2...213, the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 #t #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and 2c3 #t has a building area not more than 16 00 m2. !,2,2,=2, Grou. +, #i1ision !, 1 (tore3, An3 Are$, Lo2 +ire Lo$d Occu.$nc3 819 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to /entence 223 &ro$#ded #t #s, 2a3 not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2,3 used so'e'y (or 'ow fire load occupancies such as, 2#3 &ower generat#ng &'ants, or 2##3 &'ants (or the manu(acture or storage o( noncombustible mater#a's, and 2c3 not '#m#ted #n building area. 829 ;he building re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,2,=!, Grou. +, #i1ision !, (tor$ge G$r$ges u. to 22 m Eig0 819 % building used as a storage garage w#th a'' storeys constructed as open-air storeys and ha$#ng no other occupancy a,o$e #t #s &erm#tted to ha$e #ts ('oor, wa'', ce#'#ng and roo( assem,'#es constructed w#thout a fire-resistance rating &ro$#ded #t #s, 2a3 o( noncombustible construction, 2,3 not more than 22 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng 'e$e' o( the to& storey, 2c3 not more than 10 000 m2 #n building area, and 2d3 des#gned so that e$ery &ort#on o( each floor area #s w#th#n 60 m o( an e5ter#or wa'' o&en#ng. !,2,!, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion $nd E?.osure %rotection !,2,!,1, Limiting #ist$nce $nd Are$ o/ n.rotected O.enings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'es to, the area o( unprotected openings #n an e"posing building face (or the a&&'#ca,'e limiting distance sha'' ,e not more than the $a'ue determ#ned #n accordance w#th, 2a3 ;a,'e*. or ;a,'e (or an e"posing building face con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e o( a building or fire compartment that #s not sprin#lered, or 2,3 ;a,'e". or ;a,'e (or an e"posing building face con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e o( a sprin#lered fire compartment that #s &art o( a building that #s sprin#lered #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 3.2. 829 ;he area o( the unprotected openings #n an e"posing building face sha'' ,e the aggregate area o( unprotected openings e5&ressed as a &ercentage o( the area o( the e"posing building face #n ;a,'e*., ;a,'e, ;a,'e". or ;a,'e 8!9 For the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng the ty&e o( construct#on and c'add#ng and the fire-resistance rating o( an e5ter#or wa'', 2a3 the e"posing building face sha'' ,e ta7en as the &ro0ect#on o( the e5ter#or wa'' onto a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that no &ort#on o( the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building or o( a fire compartment, #( the fire compartment com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e, #s ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured, and


2,3 the area o( unprotected openings sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom ;a,'e*., ;a,'e, ;a,'e". or ;a,'e 859 For the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng the actua' &ercentage o( unprotected openings &erm#tted #n an e5ter#or wa'', the 'ocat#on o( the e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e ta7en at a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that there are no unprotected openings ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured. 879 65ce&t (or buildings that are sprin#lered, where the limiting distance #s 2 m or 'ess, the area o( each #nd#$#dua' unprotected opening #n an e"posing building face sha'' not ,e greater than, 2a3 the area #n ;a,'e, or 2,3 (or a limiting distance e:ua' to or greater than 1.2 m, the area ca'cu'ated as (o''ows: %rea S 0.24 T22 5 L"3 - 1.2U2 where, %rea S area o( the unprotected opening #n m2, and L" S limiting distance #n m. T$ble !,2,!,1,A )$?imum Concentr$ted Are$ o/ n.rotected O.enings Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 <imiting +istance, m 1.2 1.1 2.0 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea o( +nd#$#dua' >nprotected ;penings, m2 0.31 0.. 1.

8<9 ;he d#stance ,etween #nd#$#dua' unprotected openings descr#,ed #n /entence 213 that ser$e a s#ng'e room or s&ace descr#,ed #n /entence 2.3 sha'' not ,e 'ess than, 2a3 2 m measured hor#Conta''y where the unprotected openings are on the same e"posing building face, or 2,3 2 m measured $ert#ca''y where the unprotected openings ,oth ser$e, 2#3 the s#ng'e room or s&ace, or 2##3 another room or s&ace on the same storey. 8;9 For the &ur&ose o( /entence 263, >s#ng'e room or s&ace? means a room or s&ace that, 2a3 #s not d#$#ded ,y a wa'', 2,3 #s d#$#ded ,y, 2#3 a wa'' that e5tends 'ess than 1.1 m (rom the #nter#or (ace o( the e5ter#or wa'', or 2##3 a &art#a' he#ght wa'', or 2c3 cons#sts o( two or more stac7ed s&aces that are on the same storey. 8=9 +( a building has any storey that #s not sprin#lered and (#re(#ght#ng (ac#'#t#es cannot reach #t w#th#n 10 m#n o( the a'arm ,e#ng rece#$ed, the re:u#red limiting distance sha'' ,e dou,'ed. 899 +( the sur(ace tem&erature on the une5&osed sur(ace o( a wa'' assem,'y e5ceeds the tem&erature '#m#t o( a standard (#re test as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1...2., an a''owance sha'' ,e made (or the rad#at#on (rom the hot une5&osed wa'' sur(ace ,y add#ng an e:u#$a'ent area o( unprotected opening to the area o( actua' o&en#ngs as (o''ows: %) S % V 2%F R F6O3 where, %) S corrected area o( unprotected openings #nc'ud#ng actua' and e:u#$a'ent o&en#ngs, % S actua' area o( unprotected openings, %F S area o( e5ter#or sur(ace o( the e"posing building face, e5c'us#$e o( o&en#ngs, on wh#ch the tem&erature '#m#t o( the standard test #s e5ceeded, and F6O S an e:u#$a'ent o&en#ng (actor der#$ed (rom the (o''ow#ng e5&ress#on:


2; u + 2 . 334 F6O S 2;e + 2.334

where, ;u S a$erage tem&erature #n degrees )e's#us o( the une5&osed wa'' sur(ace at the t#me the re:u#red fireresistance rating #s reached under test cond#t#ons, ;e S 92E) (or a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 92.E) (or a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 1 010E) (or a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h.

81>9 @n'ess a closure used to &rotect an o&en#ng #n an e"posing building face has a &rotect#$e &er(ormance e:u#$a'ent to that re:u#red (or the wa'' assem,'y #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, an e:u#$a'ent area o( unprotected opening, determ#ned #n accordance w#th the &rocedures o( /entence 293 sha'' ,e added to the greater o(, 2a3 the actua' area o( unprotected openings, or 2,3 the corrected area o( unprotected openings. 8119 ;he re:u#red limiting distance (or an e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e measured to a &o#nt ,eyond the &ro&erty '#ne that #s not the centre '#ne o( a street, 'ane or &u,'#c thorough(are #(, 2a3 the owners o( the &ro&ert#es on wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured and the municipality enter #nto an agreement #n wh#ch such owners agree that, 2#3 each owner co$enants that, (or the ,ene(#t o( 'and owned ,y the other co$enantors, the owner w#'' not construct a building on h#s or her &ro&erty un'ess the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces #n res&ect o( the &ro&osed construction #s measured #n accordance w#th the agreement, 2##3 the co$enants conta#ned #n the agreement are #ntended to run w#th the 'ands, and the agreement sha'' ,e ,#nd#ng on the &art#es and the#r res&ect#$e he#rs, e5ecutors, adm#n#strators, successors and ass#gns, 2###3 the agreement sha'' not ,e amended or de'eted (rom t#t'e w#thout the consent o( the municipality, and 2#$3 they w#'' com&'y w#th such other cond#t#ons as the municipality cons#ders necessary, #nc'ud#ng #ndemn#(#cat#on o( the municipality ,y the other &art#es, and 2,3 the agreement re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( the &ro&ert#es to wh#ch #t a&&'#es. 8129 8here an agreement re(erred to #n /entence 2113 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( a &ro&erty, the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces sha'' ,e measured to the &o#nt re(erred to #n the agreement. T$ble !,2,!,1,B, n.rotected O.ening Limits /or $ Building or +ire Com.$rtment t0$t is not (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 6"posing $uilding %rea o( >nprotected ;penings (or 4rou&s %, ), ", and F, "#$#s#on 3 ;ccupancies, F 7ace <a5#mum Rat#o <imiting +istance, m %rea, m2 2L!= or 213 =!L3 0 1.2 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 1 20 21 30 31 40 41 10 1. 10 Less 0 10 1 29 46 91 100 than 3:1 3:1 to 0 12 21 33 10 96 100 10:1 o$er 0 11 1 32 4 6 100 10:1 2. 11 Less 0 . 9 14 22 33 63 100 than 3:1 3:1 to 0 10 1. 21 3. 6. 100 10:1 o$er 0 10 11 26 39 13 . 100 10:1 3. 20 Less 0 . 9 12 1 26 49 1 100 than 3:1 3:1 to 0 10 11 21 30 13 1 100 10:1 o$er 0 9 14 23 33 41 .2 100 10:1






















Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1

0 . 0 0 9 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . 9 . . 9 . 9 9

11 16 23 41 66 9 13 19 26 41 .0 100


13 21 30 39 62 90 100 11 11 20 31 16 12 1. 23 39 61 3 100 100

12 19 2. 36 16 .9 100 10 13 1. 2 44 64 9 100

11 11 20 32 4 11 1. 24 31 4. 66

69 93 100 100

9 12 11 24 3. 13 .2 96 100 10 14 1 2 41 1. .. 100

10 11 21 2 41 1. .6 9. 100 9 11 14 21 32 41 62 10 13 16 21 36 49 66 10 14 20 21 3 . 10 12 1 11 6. 26 36 4 1 100 1 100

1 100 62 .9 9 4 100 100

9 11 14 21 29 40 12 6. 13 1. 22 32 44 16 .0 9

6 100 0 9. 100 4 100

11 16 22 30 40 11 61 21 34 44 16 69

9 11 13 1

12 16 20 29 39 49 61 .4 9

9 100

10 13 1. 22 29 3. 46 16 6. .9 93 100 4 9. 100

10 11 11 20 26 33 41 10 60 .1 11 13 1. 24 31 39 4 . 9 1. 6

.9 91 100 . 100

9 10 13 16 20 21 30 36 43 11 19 6 10 12 11 19 24 2

34 40 4. 11 63 .2 92 100 2 92 100 44 10 64 1 99 100 1 100 100

9 11 14 19 24 30 36 43 10 1. 61 .3 . 9 9 11 14 16 20 24 2 33 3

9 11 13 16 19 23 2. 32 3. 42 4 11 69

9 10 12 16 21 21 30 36 41 4. 13 19 66 .3 . . . 9 9

10 12 14 16 19 22 21 29 33 3. 4. 19 .1 100

10 12 14 16 19 22 21 29 33 3. 41 12 63 .6 100 11 14 1 22 21 30 34 3 43 4 13 1 .0 2 96 100



1 000


2 000

Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1 Less than 3:1 3:1 to 10:1 o$er 10:1

0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .

. . . . . .

. . . .

. 9

10 12 13 14 16 1

20 22 2. 33 39 1

2 100 6 100

10 11 12 14 11 1. 19 21 23 26 31 3. 43 63

9 11 13 16 19 21 24 2. 30 33 36 39 46 13 60 . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 9

2 100 .4 93 100

10 11 12 13 14 11 1. 20 23 33 44 1

10 11 12 13 14 11 16 1. 20 23 2. 3. 49 63 .9 9. 100 19 21 23 21 2. 32 36 40 13 66 2 99 100

11 12 14 16 1

Notes to T$ble !,2,!,1,B,&


%&&'y wh#che$er #s greater,

L S Length o( e"posing building face, = S =e#ght o( e"posing building face. T$ble !,2,!,1,C, n.rotected O.ening Limits /or $ Building or +ire Com.$rtment t0$t is not (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e

Notes to T$ble !,2,!,1,C,&



%&&'y wh#che$er #s greater,

L S Length o( e"posing building face, = S =e#ght o( e"posing building face. T$ble !,2,!,1,#, n.rotected O.ening Limits /or $ Building or +ire Com.$rtment t0$t is (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 6"posing $uilding 7ace <a5#mum %rea, m2 1, 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 10 11 20 21 30 40 10 60 0 100 110 or more %rea o( >nprotected ;pening (or 4rou&s %, *, ), " and F, "#$#s#on 3 ;ccupancies, D <imiting +istance, m 0 1.2 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 1 6 . 0 16 24 42 66 100 0 16 20 34 10 .4 100 0 16 20 30 42 60 100 0 16 1 26 3 12 90 100 0 14 1 24 34 46 . 100 0 14 16 22 30 40 64 96 100 0 14 16 20 2 36 16 2 100 0 14 16 20 26 32 10 .2 9 100 0 14 16 1 22 2 42 1 0 100 0 14 16 1 22 26 36 10 6 100 0 14 14 16 20 22 30 40 12 66 2


T$ble !,2,!,1,E, n.rotected O.ening Limits /or $ Building or +ire Com.$rtment t0$t is (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 6"posing $uilding 7ace <a5#mum %rea, m2 10 11 20 21 30 40 10 60 0 100 110 200 or more %rea o( >nprotected ;pening (or 4rou&s 6 and F, "#$#s#on 1 and 2 ;ccupancies, D <imiting +istance, m 0 1.2 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 12 20 34 10 96 10 0 0 10 16 26 36 6 10 0 0 10 14 22 30 14 6 10 0 0 10 14 1 26 44 .0 10 0 0 12 1 24 40 60 10 0 0 12 16 20 32 4 6 94 10 0 0 10 14 1 2 40 1 .6 10 0 0 10 12 16 24 36 10 66 6 10 0 0 10 12 14 20 30 40 12 66 4 10 0 0 10 12 1 26 34 44 16 .0 4 10 0 0 10 12 16 20 26 32 40 10 60 .2 4 9 10 0 0 10 14 1 22 2 34 42 10 60 6 0 92 11


!,2,!,2, Are$ o/ E?.osing Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223, and 233, the area o( an e"posing building face sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated as the tota' area o( e5ter#or wa'' (ac#ng #n one d#rect#on on any s#de o( a building measured (rom the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' to the u&&ermost ce#'#ng. 829 +( a building #s d#$#ded ,y fire separations #nto fire compartments, the area o( e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e ca'cu'ated (or each fire compartment &ro$#ded the fire separations ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n.


8!9 +n a building that conta#ns an interconnected floor space, the area o( the e"posing building face (or the interconnected floor space #s &erm#tted to ,e determ#ned ,y cons#der#ng each storey as a se&arate fire compartment notw#thstand#ng o&en#ngs through the ('oor assem,'#es. !,2,!,!, 6$ll Enclosing Attic or Roo/ (.$ce 819 %n e5ter#or wa'' enc'os#ng an attic or roof space and 'ocated a,o$e an e"posing building face, sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or the e"posing building face. !,2,!,5, Reser1ed !,2,!,7, 6$ll 2it0 Limiting #ist$nce Less T0$n 1,2 m 819 O&en#ngs #n a wa'' that has a limiting distance 'ess than 1.2 m sha'' ,e &rotected ,y closures whose fire-protection rating #s #n con(ormance w#th the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the wa''. 829 8#red g'ass or g'ass ,'oc7 sha'' not ,e used (or a closure re(erred to #n /entence 213. !,2,!,<, Combustible %ro@ections 819 65ce&t (or a building conta#n#ng one or two dwelling units on'y, combustible &ro0ect#ons on the e5ter#or o( a wa'' that cou'd e5&ose an ad0acent building to (#re s&read and are more than 1 m a,o$e ground 'e$e', #nc'ud#ng ,a'con#es, &'at(orms, canopies and sta#rs, sha'' not ,e &erm#tted w#th#n, 2a3 1.2 m o( a &ro&erty '#ne or the centre '#ne o( a public way, or 2,3 2.4 m o( a combustible &ro0ect#on on another building on the same &ro&erty. 829 8here the e"posing building face has a limiting distance o( not more than 0.41 m, &ro0ect#ng roo( so((#ts sha'' not ,e constructed a,o$e the e"posing building face. 8!9 8here the e"posing building face has a limiting distance o( more than 0.41 m, the (ace o( roo( so((#ts a,o$e the e"posing building face sha'' not &ro0ect to 'ess than 0.41 m (rom the &ro&erty '#ne. 859 8here roo( so((#ts &ro0ect to 'ess than 1.2 m (rom the centre '#ne o( a 'ane or &u,'#c thorough(are or (rom an #mag#nary '#ne ,etween two buildings or fire compartments on the same &ro&erty, they sha'', 2a3 ha$e no o&en#ngs, and 2,3 ,e &rotected ,y, 2#3 not 'ess than 0.3 mm th#c7 sheet stee', 2##3 un$ented a'um#num con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-93.2-<, >-re(#n#shed %'um#num /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a, (or Res#dent#a' @se?, 2###3 not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum so((#t ,oard or gy&sum ce#'#ng ,oard #nsta''ed accord#ng to )/% % 2.31-<, >4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on?, 2#$3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 &'ywood, 2$3 not 'ess than 12.1 mm th#c7 O/* or wa(er,oard, or 2$#3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 'um,er. 879 For buildings o( combustible construction, mater#a's #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red &rotect#on o( so((#ts may ,e co$ered w#th a combustible or noncombustible (#n#sh mater#a'. !,2,!,;, Construction o/ E?.osing Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243 and %rt#c'es and, the fire-resistance rating, construct#on and c'add#ng (or e"posing building faces o( buildings or fire compartments sha'' com&'y w#th ;a,'e 3.2.3... 829 Reser$ed 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, c'add#ng (or buildings or fire compartments where the ma5#mum &erm#tted area o( unprotected openings #s more than 10F o( the e"posing building face need not ,e noncombustible where the wa'' assem,'y com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences, 233 and 243 when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/134, >F#re ;est o( 65ter#or 8a'' %ssem,'#es?. 859 )'add#ng (or buildings or fire compartments where the ma5#mum &erm#tted area o( unprotected openings #s more than 21F ,ut not more than 10F o( the e"posing building face need not ,e noncombustible where, 2a3 the limiting distance #s greater than 1 m, 2,3 the building or fire compartment and a'' combustible attic or roof spaces are sprin#lered, 2c3 the c'add#ng, 114

2#3 con(orms to /u,sect#on 9.2..6., 9.2...., 9.2.. ., 9.2..9. or 9.2..10., 2##3 #s #nsta''ed w#thout (urr#ng mem,ers, or on (urr#ng not more than 21 mm th#c7, o$er gy&sum sheath#ng at 'east 12.. mm th#c7 or o$er masonry, and 2###3 a(ter cond#t#on#ng #n con(ormance w#th %/;< " 2 9 , >%cce'erated 8eather#ng o( F#re-Retardant-;reated 8ood (or F#re ;est#ng?, has a flame-spread rating not greater than 21 on the e5ter#or (ace when tested #n accordance w#th /entence, or 2d3 the c'add#ng, 2#3 con(orms to /u,sect#on 9.2..12., 2##3 #s #nsta''ed w#th or w#thout (urr#ng mem,ers o$er gy&sum sheath#ng at 'east 12.. mm th#c7 or o$er masonry, 2###3 has a flame-spread rating not greater than 21 when tested #n accordance w#th /entence, and 2#$3 does not e5ceed 2 mm #n th#c7ness e5c'us#$e o( (asteners, 0o#nts and 'oca' re#n(orcements. 879 8here ;a,'e 3.2.3... &erm#ts an area o( unprotected openings o( more than 10F ,ut not more than 21F o( the e"posing building face, the re:u#rements (or noncombustible c'add#ng are wa#$ed (or wa'' assem,'#es that com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 263 ;he construct#on re:u#rements (or the e"posing building face that are '#sted #n ;a,'e 3.2.3... sha'' ,e sat#s(#ed ,e(ore the area o( unprotected openings may ,e #ncreased as &erm#tted ,y /entence T$ble !,2,!,;, )inimum Construction Re4uirements /or E?.osing Building +$ces Form#ng -art o( /entences 3.2.3...213, 213 and 263
+tem )o'umn 1 ;ccupancy )'ass#(#cat#on o( $uilding or 7ire %ompartment 4rou& %, *, ), ", or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea o( >nprotected ;penings -erm#tted, F o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace %rea 0 to 10 W 10 to 21 W 21 to 10 W 10 to X 100 2. 4rou& 6, or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 0 to 10 W 10 to 21 W 21 to 10 W 10 to X 100 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Re:u#red 7ire-1esistance 1ating )o'umn 4 ;y&e o( )onstruct#on Re:u#red )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( )'add#ng Re:u#red


1h 1h 41 m#n 41 m#n 2h 2h 1h 1h

3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible

3oncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or 3oncombustible

!,2,!,=, %rotection o/ E?terior Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233 and #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( /entence 3.2.3...213 and where the ma5#mum &erm#tted area o( unprotected openings #s greater than 10F o( the e"posing building face, (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on used #n an e5ter#or wa'' o( a building more than 3 storeys #n building height sha'' ,e &rotected on #ts e5ter#or sur(ace ,y, 2a3 concrete or masonry not 'ess than 21 mm th#c7, or 2,3 noncombustible mater#a' that com&'#es w#th the cr#ter#a (or test#ng and cond#t#ons o( acce&tance o( /entence 223 when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?. 829 ;he cr#ter#a (or test#ng and the cond#t#ons o( acce&tance (or a wa'' assem,'y to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( )'ause 213 2,3 are that, 2a3 the (#re e5&osed area o( the wa'' assem,'y sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9.3 m2 and ha$e no d#mens#on 'ess than 2..1 m, 2,3 the e5&osed sur(ace w#'' #nc'ude ty&#ca' $ert#ca' and hor#Conta' 0o#nts, 2c3 the test sha'' ,e cont#nued (or not 'ess than 11 m#n and the standard t#me!tem&erature cur$e o( the re(erenced standard sha'' ,e (o''owed, 111

2d3 the noncombustible &rotect#$e mater#a' w#'' rema#n #n &'ace and no through o&en#ngs w#'' de$e'o& that are $#s#,'e when $#ewed norma' to the (ace o( the mater#a', and 2e3 the noncombustible &rotect#$e mater#a' w#'' not d#s#ntegrate #n a manner that wou'd &erm#t (#re to &ro&agate a'ong the sur(ace o( the test assem,'y. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 213 are wa#$ed (or wa'' assem,'#es that com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e !,2,!,9, %rotection o/ (tructur$l )embers 819 /tructura' mem,ers, #nc'ud#ng ,eams, co'umns and arches, &'aced who''y or &art'y outs#de an e5ter#or (ace o( a building that are 'ess than 3 m (rom the &ro&erty '#ne or centre'#ne o( a &u,'#c thorough(are sha'' ,e &rotected (rom e5ter#or (#re ,y (#re &rotect#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. (or the#r &rotect#on (rom #nter#or (#res, ,ut not 'ess than 1 h. 829 /tructura' mem,ers o( heavy timber construction, #nc'ud#ng ,eams, co'umns and arches, &'aced who''y or &art'y outs#de an e5ter#or (ace o( a building and 3 m or more (rom the &ro&erty '#ne or centre'#ne o( a &u,'#c thorough(are need not ,e co$ered w#th noncombustible c'add#ng. !,2,!,1>, nlimited n.rotected O.enings 819 %n e"posing building face o( an open-air storey #n a storage garage #s &erm#tted to ha$e un'#m#ted unprotected openings &ro$#ded #t has a limiting distance not 'ess than 3 m. 829 ;he e"posing building face o( a storey that (aces a street and #s at the same 'e$e' as the street #s &erm#tted to ha$e un'#m#ted unprotected openings #( the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 9 m. !,2,!,11, Lo2 +ire Lo$d, 1 (tore3 Building 819 %n e"posing building face o( a building o( low hazard industrial occupancy con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.2.2. 2. #s &erm#tted to ,e o( noncombustible construction w#thout a fire-resistance rating &ro$#ded, 2a3 #t #s not a loadbearing wa'', and 2,3 the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 3 m. !,2,!,12, Are$ Incre$se /or n.rotected O.enings 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3.2.3...263, the ma5#mum area o( unprotected openings #n any e"posing building face or fire compartment o( a building that #s not sprin#lered #s &erm#tted to ,e dou,'ed #( the o&en#ngs are g'aCed w#th, 2a3 g'ass ,'oc7 con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.1. .14., or 2,3 w#red g'ass assem,'#es con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. !,2,!,1!, %rotection o/ E?it +$cilities 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 233 and as &erm#tted ,y /entence, #( the &'ane o( an e5ter#or wa'' o( an e"it enc'osure (orms an ang'e 'ess than 131 w#th the &'ane o( an e5ter#or wa'' o( the building #t ser$es, and an o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the e"it enc'osure cou'd ,e e5&osed to (#re (rom an o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building, the o&en#ng #n e#ther the e5ter#or wa'' o( the e"it or the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 243 where the o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building #s w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y and, 2a3 'ess than 10 m ,e'ow an o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the e"it, or 2,3 'ess than 2 m a,o$e an o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the e"it. 829 +( an unenc'osed e5ter#or e"it sta#r or ram& cou'd ,e e5&osed to (#re (rom an o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building #t ser$es, the o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 243 where the o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building #s w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y and, 2a3 'ess than 10 m ,e'ow the e"it sta#r or ram&, or 2,3 'ess than 1 m a,o$e the e"it sta#r or ram&. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, #( an e5ter#or e"it door #n one fire compartment #s w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y o( an o&en#ng #n another fire compartment and the e5ter#or wa''s o( these fire compartments #ntersect at an e5ter#or ang'e o( 'ess than 131, the o&en#ng sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 243. 859 ;he o&en#ng &rotect#on re(erred to #n /entences 213 to 233 sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 g'ass ,'oc7 con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.1. .14., 2,3 a w#red g'ass assem,'y con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, or 2c3 a closure con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.1. . and %rt#c'es and !,2,!,15, 6$ll E?.osed to Anot0er 6$ll 116

819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 233 and or as &erm#tted ,y /entence, #( an unprotected opening #n an e5ter#or wa'' o( a fire compartment #s e5&osed to an unprotected opening #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( another fire compartment, and the &'anes o( the two wa''s are &ara''e' or at an ang'e 'ess than 131 , measured (rom the e5ter#or o( the building, the unprotected openings #n the two fire compartments sha'' ,e se&arated ,y a d#stance not 'ess than "O, where, "O S 2" N T2Y!903 5 "U ,ut #n no case 'ess than 1 m, and " S the greater re:u#red limiting distance (or the e"posing building faces o( the two fire compartments, and Y S the ang'e made ,y the #ntersect#ng &'anes o( the e"posing building faces o( the two fire compartments 2#n the case where the e5ter#or wa''s are &ara''e' and (ace each other, Y S 03. 829 ;he e5ter#or wa'' o( each fire compartment re(erred to #n /entence 213 w#th#n the d#stance, " O, sha'' ha$e a fireresistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the #nter#or $ert#ca' fire separation ,etween the fire compartment and the rema#nder o( the building. 8!9 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to unprotected openings o( fire compartments w#th#n a building that #s sprin#lered, ,ut sha'' a&&'y to, 2a3 unprotected openings o( fire compartments on o&&os#te s#des o( a firewall, and 2,3 e5&osure (rom unprotected openings o( a fire compartment that #s not &rotected ,y an automat#c s&r#n7'er system. !,2,!,17, 6$ll E?.osed to Ad@oining Roo/ 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, #( a wa'' #n a building #s e5&osed to a (#re haCard (rom an ad0o#n#ng roo( o( a se&arate fire compartment that #s not sprin#lered #n the same building, and the e5&osed wa'' conta#ns w#ndows w#th#n 3 storeys $ert#ca''y and 1 m hor#Conta''y o( the roo(, the roo( sha'' conta#n no s7y'#ghts w#th#n 1 m o( the e5&osed wa''. !,2,!,1<, %rotection o/ (o//its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243, where a common attic or roof space s&ans more than two suites o( residential occupancy or more than two &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, and the common attic or roof space &ro0ects ,eyond the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building, the &ort#on o( any so((#t or other sur(ace enc'os#ng the &ro0ect#on that #s 'ess than 2.1 m $ert#ca''y a,o$e a w#ndow or door and 'ess than 1.2 m (rom e#ther s#de o( the w#ndow or door, sha'' ha$e no o&en#ngs and sha'' ,e &rotected ,y, 2a3 noncombustible mater#a', 2#3 not 'ess than 0.3 mm th#c7, and 2##3 ha$#ng a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow 610E), 2,3 not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum so((#t ,oard or gy&sum wa'',oard #nsta''ed accord#ng to )/% % 2.31-<, >4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on?, 2c3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 &'ywood, 2d3 not 'ess than 12.1 mm th#c7 O/* or wa(er,oard, or 2e3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 'um,er. 829 8here an attic or roof space, #nc'ud#ng #ts ad0o#n#ng ea$e o$erhangs, #s se&arated ,y construct#on con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1.11... #nto com&artments such that the resu't#ng s&aces are not common to more than two suites o( residential occupancy or more than two &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, the re:u#rements #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y. 8!9 +( an ea$e o$erhang #s com&'ete'y se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the attic or roof space ,y fire bloc#s, the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 do not a&&'y. 859 ;he &rotect#on re:u#red ,y /entence 213 (or &ro0ect#ons #s &erm#tted to ,e om#tted #(, 2a3 the fire compartments ,eh#nd the w#ndow and door o&en#ngs are sprin#lered #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, and 2,3 a'' rooms, #nc'ud#ng c'osets and ,athrooms, ha$#ng o&en#ngs #n the wa'' ,eneath the so((#t are sprin#lered, notw#thstand#ng e5ce&t#ons &erm#tted #n the standards re(erenced #n %rt#c'e (or the #nsta''at#on o( automat#c s&r#n7'er systems. !,2,!,1;, C$no.3 %rotection /or 'ertic$ll3 (e.$r$ted O.enings 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, #( a storey c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 major occupancy #s re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the storey a,o$e ,y a fire separation,


2a3 e$ery o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' o( the 'ower storey that #s 'ocated $ert#ca''y ,e'ow an o&en#ng #n the storey a,o$e sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the storey a,o$e ,y a canopy &ro0ect#ng not 'ess than 1 m (rom the (ace o( the building at the #nter$en#ng ('oor 'e$e', and 2,3 the canopy re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y ,ut need not ,e more than 1 h, e5ce&t as re:u#red e'sewhere #n th#s /u,sect#on. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, the canopy re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e om#tted #( the e5ter#or wa'' o( the u&&er storey #s recessed not 'ess than 1 m ,eh#nd the e5ter#or wa'' conta#n#ng the o&en#ng #n the 'ower storey. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entences 213 and 223 are &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed #( s&r#n7'ers are #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 the 'ower storey re(erred to #n )'ause 2132a3, and 2,3 the storey #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the 'ower storey. !,2,!,1=, Co1ered 'e0icul$r %$ss$ge2$3 819 % co$ered $eh#cu'ar &assageway des#gned as a rece#$#ng or sh#&&#ng area sha'' ,e se&arated (rom e$ery building or &art o( a building ad0o#n#ng #t ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1.1 h. 829 % co$ered $eh#cu'ar &assageway constructed ,e'ow grade sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction. !,2,!,19, 6$lA2$3 bet2een Buildings 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, #( buildings are connected ,y a wal#way, each building sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the wal#way ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a wal#way connected to a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction sha'' a'so ,e o( noncombustible construction. 8!9 % wal#way connected to a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction #s &erm#tted to ,e o( heavy timber construction &ro$#ded, 2a3 not 'ess than 10F o( the area o( any enc'os#ng &er#meter wa''s #s o&en to the outdoors, and 2,3 the wal#way #s at ground 'e$e'. 859 % wal#way o( noncombustible construction used on'y as a &edestr#an thorough(are need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es and 879 % wal#way ,etween buildings sha'' ,e not more than 9 m w#de. !,2,!,2>, nderground 6$lA2$3 819 %n underground wal#way sha'' not ,e des#gned or used (or any &ur&ose other than &edestr#an tra$e' un'ess, 2a3 the &ur&ose #s &erm#tted, and 2,3 s&r#n7'ers are #nsta''ed #n any s&ace #n the wal#way conta#n#ng an occupancy. 829 $uildings connected ,y an underground wal#way sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the wal#way ,y a fire separation w#th a fireresistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8!9 %n underground wal#way sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction su#ta,'e (or an underground 'ocat#on. 859 +n an underground wal#way, 2a3 smo7e ,arr#er doors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at #nter$a's o( not more than 100 m, or 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance (rom the door o( an ad0acent room or s&ace to the nearest e"it sha'' ,e not more than one and a ha'( t#mes the 'east a''owa,'e tra$e' d#stance to an e"it (or any o( the ad0acent occupancies as &erm#tted ,y /entence 879 %n underground wal#way ,etween buildings sha'' ,e not more than 9 m w#de. !,2,!,21, Inst$ll$tion o/ (er1ice Lines nder Buildings 819 % building sha'' not ,e constructed o$er an e5#st#ng ,ur#ed ('amma,'e gas ma#n un'ess the gas ma#n #s encased #n a gas-t#ght condu#t #n con(ormance w#th )/% O662, >O#' and 4as -#&e'#ne /ystems?. !,2,5, +ire Al$rm $nd #etection (3stems !,2,5,1, #etermin$tion o/ Re4uirement /or $ +ire Al$rm (3stem 819 Reser$ed 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 to 213 and /entence, a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a building that conta#ns, 11

2a3 a contained use area, 2,3 an impeded egress zone, 2c3 more than 3 storeys, #nc'ud#ng storeys ,e'ow the first storey, 2d3 a tota' occupant load more than 300, other than #n o&en a#r seat#ng areas, 2e3 an occupant load more than 110 a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey, other than #n o&en a#r seat#ng areas, 2(3 a schoo', co''ege or ch#'d care (ac#'#ty, w#th an occupant load more than 40, 2g3 a '#censed ,e$erage esta,'#shment or a restaurant, w#th an occupant load more than 110, 2h3 a medium hazard industrial occupancy or a low hazard industrial occupancy w#th an occupant load more than .1 a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey, 2#3 a residential occupancy w#th s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or more than 10 &ersons, 203 a high hazard industrial occupancy w#th an occupant load more than 21, 273 an occupant load more than 300 ,e'ow an o&en a#r seat#ng area, 2'3 an interconnected floor space re:u#red to con(orm to %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11, 2m3 a care and treatment occupancy (or more than 10 &ersons rece#$#ng care or treatment, or 2n3 a care occupancy (or more than 10 &ersons rece#$#ng care. 8!9 +( each dwelling unit has d#rect access to an e5ter#or e"it (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng to ground 'e$e', a (#re a'arm system #s not re:u#red #n an a&artment building, 2a3 #n wh#ch not more than (our dwelling units share a common means of egress, or 2,3 that #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height. 859 % (#re a'arm system #s not re:u#red #n a hotel 3 storeys or 'ess #n building height &ro$#ded each suite has d#rect access to an e5ter#or e"it (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng to ground 'e$e'. 879 % (#re a'arm system #s not re:u#red #n a storage garage con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.2.2. 3. &ro$#ded there are no other occupancies #n the building. !,2,5,2, Continuit3 o/ +ire Al$rm (3stem 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, #( there are o&en#ngs through a firewall, other than those (or &#&#ng, tu,#ng, w#r#ng and tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways, the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on sha'' a&&'y to the floor areas on ,oth s#des o( the firewall as #( they were #n the same building. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, #( a building conta#ns more than one major occupancy and a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red, a s#ng'e system sha'' ser$e a'' occupancies. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, #( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red #n any &ort#on o( a building, #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed throughout the building. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on are &erm#tted to ,e a&&'#ed to each &ort#on o( a building not more than 3 storeys #n building height, #n wh#ch a $ert#ca' fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h se&arates the &ort#on (rom the rema#nder o( the building as #( #t were a se&arate building, &ro$#ded there are no o&en#ngs through the fire separation, other than those (or &#&#ng, tu,#ng, w#r#ng and tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways. 879 ;he &erm#ss#on #n /entence 243 to cons#der se&arated &ort#ons o( a building as se&arate buildings does not a&&'y to service rooms and storage rooms. 8<9 $uildings #nterconnected ,y wal#ways &erm#tted #n %rt#c'es and or ,y $est#,u'es &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e sha'' ,e treated as se&arate buildings (or the &ur&ose o( (#re a'arm #nsta''at#on re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on. !,2,5,!, o/ +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 % (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e, 2a3 a s#ng'e stage system #n a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, 2,3 a two stage system #n a 4rou& * occupancy other than those descr#,ed #n )'ause 2c3, 2c3 a s#ng'e or two stage system #n a building 3 storeys or 'ess #n building height that conta#ns a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, 119

2d3 a s#ng'e stage system #n e'ementary and secondary schoo's, e5ce&t (or a s&ec#a' needs (ac#'#ty, and 2e3 a s#ng'e or two stage system #n a'' other cases. !,2,5,5, #escri.tion o/ +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 % s#ng'e stage (#re a'arm system sha'', u&on the o&erat#on o( any manua' &u'' stat#on or fire detector, cause an alarm signal to sound on a'' aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces #n the system. 829 % two stage (#re a'arm system sha'', 2a3 cause an alert signal to sound u&on the o&erat#on o( any manua' &u'' stat#on or fire detector, 2,3 e5ce&t (or a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 occupancy, automat#ca''y cause an alarm signal to sound #( the alert signal #s not ac7now'edged w#th#n 1 m#n o( #ts #n#t#at#on, 2c3 ha$e each manua' &u'' stat#on e:u#&&ed so that the use o( a 7ey or other s#m#'ar de$#ce causes an alarm signal to sound and cont#nue to sound u&on the remo$a' o( the 7ey or s#m#'ar de$#ce (rom the manua' &u'' stat#on, and 2d3 #n a building conta#n#ng a hotel, 2#3 cause an alarm signal to sound #n the #n#t#at#ng (#re Cone #n the hotel, and 2##3 cause an alert signal to sound throughout the hotel and such &arts o( the building as #s necessary to a'ert hotel sta((. 8!9 % two stage (#re a'arm system #s &erm#tted to ,e Cone coded so that, u&on the o&erat#on o( any manua' &u'' stat#on or fire detector, 2a3 a coded alert signal #s sounded #nd#cat#ng the Cone o( a'arm #n#t#at#on, 2,3 the coded alert signal #s re&eated #n #ts ent#rety no (ewer than (our t#mes, and 2c3 a cont#nuous alert signal #s sounded u&on com&'et#on o( the coded s#gna's re(erred to #n )'ause 2,3 and /entence 243. 859 +( a second manua' &u'' stat#on or fire detector #s o&erated #n a (#re a'arm system w#th Cone cod#ng as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, #n a Cone other than that (or wh#ch the (#rst alert signal was sounded, the coded alert signal (or the (#rst Cone sha'' ,e com&'eted ,e(ore the coded alert signal (or the second Cone #s re&eated no (ewer than (our t#mes. !,2,5,7, Inst$ll$tion $nd 'eri/ic$tion o/ +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 F#re a'arm systems, #nc'ud#ng those w#th $o#ce commun#cat#on ca&a,#'#ty, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?. 829 % (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e $er#(#ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/13., >Her#(#cat#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, to ensure sat#s(actory o&erat#on. !,2,5,<, Commissioning o/ Li/e ($/et3 $nd +ire %rotection (3stems 819 8here '#(e sa(ety and (#re &rotect#on systems are #nsta''ed to com&'y w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode or the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, the comm#ss#on#ng o( these #ntegrated systems must ,e &er(ormed as a who'e to ensure the &ro&er o&erat#on and #nter-re'at#onsh#& ,etween the systems. !,2,5,;, (ilencing o/ Al$rm (ign$ls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e des#gned so that when an alarm signal #s actuated #t cannot ,e s#'enced automat#ca''y ,e(ore a &er#od o( t#me has e'a&sed that #s not 'ess than, 2a3 1 m#n (or a building not re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an annunc#ator, and 2,3 20 m#n (or any other building. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences and and 243, a (#re a'arm system sha'' not #ncor&orate manua' s#'enc#ng sw#tches other than those #nsta''ed #ns#de the (#re a'arm contro' un#t. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y )'ause, #n a care and treatment occupancy an alert signal #s &erm#tted to ,e s#'enced automat#ca''y a(ter 1 m#n. !,2,5,=, (ign$ls to +ire #e.$rtment 819 +( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed and a s#ng'e stage system #s &ro$#ded, the system sha'' ,e des#gned to not#(y the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243 that an alarm signal has ,een #n#t#ated #n, 2a3 a 4rou& % occupancy ha$#ng an occupant load more than 300, 2,3 a 4rou& * occupancy, 2c3 a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, 120

2d3 a building regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2e3 a building conta#n#ng interconnected floor space re:u#red to con(orm to %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11., or 2(3 a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 that #s a 4rou& ) occupancy. 829 % (#re a'arm system that #nc'udes water('ow #nd#cat#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e des#gned to not#(y the (#re de&artment, #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243, that an a'arm has ,een #n#t#ated. 8!9 +( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed and a two stage system #s &ro$#ded, the system sha'' ,e des#gned to not#(y the (#re de&artment, #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243, that an alert signal has ,een #n#t#ated. 859 Bot#(#cat#on o( the (#re de&artment re:u#red ,y /entences 213 to 233 sha'' ,e ,y way o(, 2a3 s#gna's to a centra' stat#on con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/161, >+nsta''at#on and /er$#ces (or F#re /#gna' Rece#$#ng )entres and /ystems?, or 2,3 the mun#c#&a' (#re a'arm system. 879 8here a s#ng'e stage (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed #n a building that #s not sprin#lered, and /entence 213 does not a&&'y, a 'eg#,'e not#ce, that #s not eas#'y remo$ed, sha'' ,e a((#5ed to the wa'' near each manua' &u'' stat#on stat#ng, 2a3 that the (#re de&artment #s to ,e not#(#ed #n the e$ent o( a (#re emergency, and 2,3 the emergency te'e&hone num,er (or the municipality or the te'e&hone num,er o( the (#re de&artment. !,2,5,9, Annunci$tor $nd Fone Indic$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 to 213, an annunc#ator sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n c'ose &ro5#m#ty to a building entrance that (aces a street or an access route (or (#re de&artment $eh#c'es that com&'#es w#th /entence 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, the annunc#ator re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ha$e se&arate Cone #nd#cat#on o( the actuat#on o( the a'arm #n#t#at#ng de$#ces #n each, 2a3 floor area so that #n a building that #s not sprin#lered, the area o( co$erage (or each Cone #s ne#ther more than, 2#3 1 storey, nor 2##3 2 000 m2, 2,3 floor area so that #n a building that #s sprin#lered, the area o( co$erage (or each Cone #s ne#ther more than, 2#3 1 storey, nor 2##3 the system area '#m#ts as s&ec#(#ed #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?, 2c3 sha(t re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th fire detectors, 2d3 a#r hand'#ng system re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e detectors, 2e3 (#re e5t#ngu#sh#ng system re:u#red ,y BF-% 96, >Hent#'at#on )ontro' and F#re -rotect#on o( )ommerc#a' )oo7#ng O&erat#ons?, 2(3 contained use area, 2g3 impeded egress zone, 2h3 fire compartment re:u#red #n /entence, and 2#3 fire compartment re:u#red to ,e se&arated ,y $ert#ca' fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, other than dwelling units descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.3.4. 8!9 %n annunc#ator need not ,e &ro$#ded (or a (#re a'arm system #( not more than one Cone #nd#cator #s re:u#red #n /entence 223. 859 +( an annunc#ator #s not #nsta''ed as &art o( a (#re a'arm system #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213, a $#sua' and aud#,'e trou,'e s#gna' de$#ce sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #ns#de the ma#n entrance o( the building. 879 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 213 are wa#$ed #n a building, 2a3 Reser$ed 2,3 that has an aggregate area (or a'' storeys o( not more than 2 000 m2, and 2c3 that #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height. 8<9 ;he area '#m#ts o( )'ause 2232a3 are wa#$ed (or an #nter#or und#$#ded o&en s&ace used as an arena, a r#n7 or a sw#mm#ng &oo' &ro$#ded that other s&aces #n the building that are se&arated (rom the o&en s&ace are #nd#$#dua''y Coned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 223. 121

8;9 % (#re a'arm contro' un#t #nsta''ed #n c'ose &ro5#m#ty to a building entrance that (aces a street or an access route (or (#re de&artment $eh#c'es that com&'#es w#th /entence, #s deemed to sat#s(y the re:u#rement (or an annunc#ator &ro$#ded a'' #nd#cators re:u#red (or an annunc#ator or trou,'e s#gna' de$#ce are #nc'uded on the contro' un#t. 8=9 +n a building conta#n#ng a hotel #n wh#ch a trou,'e s#gna' sound#ng de$#ce has a s#'enc#ng sw#tch, a trou,'e '#ght sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 the ma#n rece&t#on area ser$#ng the hotel, or 2,3 another cont#nua''y-su&er$#sed 'ocat#on. 899 +n a 'ong-term care home, a remote aud#o$#sua' (#re a'arm trou,'e s#gna' sha'' ,e 'ocated at the ma#n nurs#ng stat#on. !,2,5,1>, Electric$l (u.er1ision 819 6'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a (#re a'arm system. 829 +( a (#re a'arm system #n a building #s re:u#red ,y /entence to ha$e an annunc#ator, each $a'$e contro''#ng water su&&'#es #n a stand&#&e system, e5ce&t (or hose $a'$es, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed sw#tch (or transm#tt#ng a trou,'e s#gna' to the annunc#ator #n the e$ent o( mo$ement o( the $a'$e hand'e. 8!9 +( a (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed #n a building, an automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed to #nd#cate a su&er$#sory s#gna' on the building (#re a'arm system annunc#ator (or each o( the (o''ow#ng, 2a3 mo$ement o( a $a'$e hand'e that contro's the su&&'y o( water to s&r#n7'ers, 2,3 'oss o( e5cess water &ressure re:u#red to &re$ent (a'se a'arms #n a wet &#&e system, 2c3 'oss o( a#r &ressure #n a dry &#&e system, 2d3 'oss o( a#r &ressure #n a &ressure tan7, 2e3 a s#gn#(#cant change #n water 'e$e' #n any water storage conta#ner used (or (#re(#ght#ng &ur&oses, 2(3 'oss o( &ower to any automat#ca''y start#ng (#re &um&, and 2g3 a tem&erature a&&roach#ng the (reeC#ng &o#nt #n any dry &#&e $a'$e enc'osure or water storage conta#ner used (or (#re(#ght#ng &ur&oses. 859 +( a (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed #n a building, a (#re &um& sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n accordance w#th BF-% 20, >+nsta''at#on o( /tat#onary -um&s (or F#re -rotect#on?. 879 +( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red #n a building, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to #nd#cate, on the (#re a'arm system annunc#ator, a 'oss o( &ower to a heat trac#ng ca,'e that #s #nsta''ed to heat, 2a3 a stand&#&e r#ser, 2,3 a s&r#n7'er '#ne as &art o( a (#re su&&ress#on system, or 2c3 an e"it or means of egress to 7ee& #t (ree o( #ce and snow. 8<9 +n a building regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., the #nd#cat#on o( a su&er$#sory s#gna' #n accordance w#th /entence 233 sha'' ,e transm#tted to a &ro&r#etary contro' centre or to an #nde&endent centra' stat#on. !,2,5,11, +ire #etectors 819 7ire detectors re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e sha'' ,e connected to the (#re a'arm system. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, #( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red, fire detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each, 2a3 storage room not w#th#n a dwelling unit, 2,3 service room not w#th#n a dwelling unit, 2c3 0an#torsD room, 2d3 room #n wh#ch haCardous su,stances are to ,e used or stored, 2e3 e'e$ator or dum,wa#ter sha(t, 2(3 'aundry room #n a building o( residential occupancy, ,ut not one w#th#n a dwelling unit, and 2g3 hazardous classroom and change room #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo'. !,2,5,12, (moAe $nd Ee$t #etectors 819 +( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red, smo#e detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 each s'ee&#ng room and each corr#dor ser$#ng as &art o( a means of egress (rom s'ee&#ng rooms #n &ort#ons o( a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& * major occupancy, 122

2,3 each room #n a contained use area and corr#dors ser$#ng those rooms, 2c3 each corr#dor #n &ort#ons o( a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy, 2d3 each public corridor #n &ort#ons o( a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2e3 each e"it sta#r sha(t, 2(3 each corr#dor ser$#ng c'assrooms #n e'ementary and secondary schoo's, and 2g3 each e'e$ator mach#ne room or mach#nery s&ace. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, #( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red, heat detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 e$ery room #n &ort#ons o( buildings c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1, 2,3 e5ce&t #n a hotel, #n e$ery suite, and e$ery room not 'ocated w#th#n a suite, #n &ort#ons o( buildings c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) major occupancy and more than 3 storeys #n building height, and 2c3 #n a floor area conta#n#ng a hotel, #n e$ery room #n a suite and #n e$ery room not 'ocated #n a suite other than washrooms w#th#n a suite, saunas, re(r#gerated areas and sw#mm#ng &oo's. 8!9 Smo#e detectors re:u#red #n s'ee&#ng rooms o( care, care and treatment or detention occupancy sha'' u&on actuat#on &ro$#de an aud#,'e and $#s#,'e s#gna' to sta(( ser$#ng those rooms so that the room or 'ocat#on conta#n#ng the smo#e detector can ,e eas#'y #dent#(#ed. 859 Smo#e detectors re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132g3 sha'', u&on actuat#on, reca'' the e'e$ators ser$ed ,y mach#nery 'ocated #n the mach#ne room or mach#nery s&ace #n wh#ch the smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2.3, where a building #s re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a (#re a'arm system, a smo#e detector sha'' ,e 'ocated near the entrance to, 2a3 a wal#way descr#,ed #n %rt#c'es and, or 2,3 a $est#,u'e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 8<9 Smo#e detectors #nsta''ed at the entrance to a wal#way #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.1. .12. are deemed to meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 213. 8;9 7ire detectors are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed #n '#eu o( the smo#e detectors re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #n 4rou& F occupancies where the smo#e detectors may ,e su,0ected to (a'se a'arms due to the act#$#t#es w#th#n the building. !,2,5,1!, %re1ention o/ (moAe Circul$tion 819 +( a (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed, an a#r hand'#ng system sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent the c#rcu'at#on o( smo7e u&on a s#gna' (rom a duct-ty&e smo#e detector #( the a#r hand'#ng system, 2a3 ser$es more than 1 storey, 2,3 ser$es more than one suite #n a storey, 2c3 ser$es more than one fire compartment re:u#red ,y /entence, or 2d3 #s not &ro$#ded w#th fire dampers as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.1. . .2 3. !,2,5,15, '$cuum Cle$ning (3stem (0utdo2n 819 % centra' $acuum c'ean#ng system ser$#ng more than one suite or storey #n a building e:u#&&ed w#th a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e des#gned to shut down u&on actuat#on o( the (#re a'arm system. !,2,5,17, Ele1$tor Emergenc3 Return 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, #n a building ha$#ng e'e$ators that ser$e storeys a,o$e the first storey and that are e:u#&&ed w#th an automat#c emergency reca'' (eature, smo#e detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the e'e$ator 'o,,#es on the reca'' 'e$e' so that when these smo#e detectors are actuated, the e'e$ators w#'' automat#ca''y return d#rect'y to an a'ternate ('oor 'e$e'. 829 Smo#e detectors re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned as &art o( the building (#re a'arm system. 8!9 ;he a'ternate ('oor reca'' (eature re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s not re:u#red #( the floor area conta#n#ng the reca'' 'e$e' #s sprin#lered. !,2,5,1<, (.rinAlers in Lieu o/ +ire #etectors 819 7ire detectors re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e and heat detectors re:u#red ,y /entence need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th#n a floor area #( the floor area #s sprin#lered and the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence !,2,5,1;, (3stem )onitoring 123

819 %n automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th water('ow detect#ng de$#ces and, #( an annunc#ator #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that each de$#ce ser$es, 2a3 not more than 1 storey, and 2,3 an area on each storey that #s not more than the system area '#m#ts as s&ec#(#ed #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 829 +( a (#re a'arm system #s &ro$#ded, water('ow #nd#cat#ng de$#ces re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e connected to the (#re a'arm system so that on actuat#on an alert signal or an alarm signal #s #n#t#ated. !,2,5,1=, )$nu$l %ull (t$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, #( a (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed, a manua' &u'' stat#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 near the &r#nc#&a' entrance to the building, and 2,3 near e$ery re:u#red e"it. 829 +n a building that #s sprin#lered, a manua' &u'' stat#on #s not re:u#red at an e5ter#or egress doorway (rom a suite that does not 'ead to an #nter#or shared means of egress #n a hotel not more than 3 storeys #n building height, &ro$#ded each suite #s ser$ed ,y an e5ter#or e"it (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng d#rect'y to ground 'e$e'. 8!9 +n a building that #s sprin#lered, a manua' &u'' stat#on #s not re:u#red at an e5ter#or egress doorway (rom a dwelling unit that does not 'ead to an #nter#or shared means of egress #n a building not more than 3 storeys #n building height conta#n#ng on'y dwelling units, &ro$#ded each dwelling unit #s ser$ed ,y an e5ter#or e"it (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng d#rect'y to ground 'e$e'. 859 +n a building re(erred to #n /entence 223 or 233, manua' &u'' stat#ons sha'' ,e #nsta''ed near doorways 'ead#ng (rom shared #nter#or corr#dors to the e5ter#or. 879 +n a building conta#n#ng a hotel, a manua' &u'' stat#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the ma#n rece&t#on area ser$#ng the hotel. 8<9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, #n 4rou& ) a&artment buildings, #( a &u'' stat#on #s not #nsta''ed on a floor area #n accordance w#th /entence 213 or 243, 2a3 a manua' &u'' stat#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit #n the floor area near each egress door 'ead#ng (rom the dwelling unit, 2,3 smo#e detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the floor area #n public corridors and sta#rwe''s, and 2c3 fire detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the floor area #n a'' common &u,'#c areas and #n rooms not 'ocated w#th#n dwelling units. 8;9 +n floor areas where the manua' &u'' stat#ons are 'ocated #n dwelling units, a 'eg#,'e s#gn stat#ng +IRE ALAR) % LL (TATION( LOCATE# IN A%ART)ENT NIT( sha'' ,e &osted near e$ery e"it #n a public corridor. 8=9 Zey sw#tch act#$ated &u'' stat#ons are &erm#tted #n an impeded egress zone and a contained use area #n 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 and 2 occupancies. !,2,5,19, Alert $nd Al$rm (ign$ls 819 +n a two stage (#re a'arm system descr#,ed #n /entence, the same aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces are &erm#tted to ,e used to sound the alert signals and the alarm signals! 829 +( aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces w#th $o#ce re&roduct#on ca&a,#'#t#es are #ntended (or &ag#ng and s#m#'ar $o#ce message use, other than dur#ng a (#re emergency, they sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that alert signals and alarm signals ta7e &r#or#ty o$er a'' other s#gna's. 8!9 %ud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces (orm#ng &art o( a (#re a'arm or $o#ce commun#cat#on system sha'' not ,e used (or &'ay#ng mus#c or ,ac7ground no#se. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, $#sua' s#gna' de$#ces sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n add#t#on to aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces, 2a3 #n a building or &ort#on o( #t #ntended (or use &r#mar#'y ,y &ersons w#th hear#ng #m&a#rment, 2,3 #n a public corridor ser$#ng a 4rou& %, *, " or 6 occupancy, 2c3 #n a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c and #n a floor area or &art o( #t where the &u,'#c may congregate #n 4rou& % occupancy, and 2d3 #n not 'ess than 10F o( the suites o( a hotel or mote'.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 859 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !, 5!9

859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, $#sua' s#gna' de$#ces sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n add#t#on to aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces, 2a3 #n a building or &ort#on o( a building #ntended (or use &r#mar#'y ,y &ersons w#th hear#ng #m&a#rment, 124

2,3 #n a public corridor ser$#ng a 4rou& %, *, ), " or 6 occupancy, 2c3 #n a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c and #n a floor area or &art o( a floor area where the &u,'#c may congregate #n a 4rou& % occupancy, 2d3 #n not 'ess than 10F o( the suites o( a hotel or mote', 2e3 #n a washroom (or public use descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.223, 233, 243 or 263, and 2(3 #n the '#$#ng s&ace #n a suite o( residential occupancy #n a 4rou& ) major occupancy a&artment building. 879 H#sua' s#gna' de$#ces are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed #n '#eu o( aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces #n the com&artments re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 8<9 H#sua' s#gna' de$#ces re:u#red ,y )'auses 2432,3 and 2c3 are not re:u#red #n, 2a3 a c'assroom, and 2,3 a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons and not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency. !,2,5,2>, Audibilit3 o/ Al$rm (3stems 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence and e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y )'ause, aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces (orm#ng &art o( a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a building so that, 2a3 alarm signals are c'ear'y aud#,'e throughout the floor area, and 2,3 alert signals are c'ear'y aud#,'e #n cont#nuous'y sta((ed 'ocat#ons and, where there are no cont#nuous'y sta((ed 'ocat#ons, throughout the floor area. 829 ;he sound &attern o( an alarm signal sha'' con(orm to the tem&ora' &attern de(#ned #n )'ause 4.2 o( +nternat#ona' /tandard +/O 201, >%coust#cs I %ud#,'e 6mergency 6$acuat#on /#gna'?. 8!9 ;he sound &atterns o( alert signals sha'' ,e s#gn#(#cant'y d#((erent (rom the tem&ora' &atterns o( alarm signals. 859 +n a'' norma''y occu&#ed s&aces, the (#re alarm signal sound &ressure 'e$e', 2a3 sha'' ,e not more than 100 d*% when measured at a d#stance o( 3 m (rom the de$#ce, or 2,3 #s &erm#tted to ,e more than 100 d*% &ro$#ded the sound &ressure 'e$e' measured 2 000 mm a,o$e ('oor 'e$e' #s not more than 100 d*%. 879 ;he sound &ressure 'e$e' #n a s'ee&#ng room (rom a (#re a'arm aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ce sha'' ,e not 'ess than .1 d*% #n a building o( residential occupancy when any #nter$en#ng doors ,etween the de$#ce and the s'ee&#ng room are c'osed. 8<9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, the sound &ressure 'e$e' (rom a (#re a'arm aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ce #n a floor area sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 d*% a,o$e the am,#ent no#se 'e$e', ,ut w#th a m#n#mum $a'ue not 'ess than 61 d*%. 8;9 F#re a'arm aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces sha'' ,e su&&'emented ,y $#sua' s#gna' de$#ces #n any floor area #n wh#ch, 2a3 the am,#ent no#se 'e$e' #s more than . d*%, or 2,3 the occu&ants o( the floor area, 2#3 use ear &rotect#$e de$#ces, 2##3 are 'ocated w#th#n an aud#ometr#c ,ooth, or 2###3 are 'ocated w#th#n sound #nsu'ated enc'osures. 8=9 /entence 2.3 sha'' a'so a&&'y #n an assembly occupancy #n wh#ch mus#c and other sounds assoc#ated w#th &er(ormances cou'd e5ceed 100 d*%. 899 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2133, an aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ce 'ocated w#th#n a dwelling unit sha'' #ncor&orate a means that ena,'es the de$#ce to ,e s#'enced (or a &er#od o( not more than 10 m#n, a(ter wh#ch the de$#ce sha'' restore to norma' o&erat#on. 81>9 %ud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces w#th#n a dwelling unit or a suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e connected to the (#re a'arm system, 2a3 #n a manner such that a s#ng'e o&en c#rcu#t at one de$#ce w#'' not #m&a#r the o&erat#on o( other aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces on the same c#rcu#t that ser$e the other dwelling units or suites o( residential occupancy, or 2,3 on se&arate s#gna' c#rcu#ts that are not connected to the de$#ces #n any other dwelling unit, public corridor or suites o( residential occupancy. 8119 +n a building or &art o( #t c'ass#(#ed as a residential occupancy, 121

2a3 se&arate c#rcu#ts sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces on each floor area, and 2,3 aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces w#th#n dwelling units or suites o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e w#red on se&arate s#gna' c#rcu#ts (rom those not w#th#n suites o( residential occupancy or dwelling units. 8129 %ud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a service space re(erred to #n /entence and sha'' ,e connected to the (#re a'arm system. 81!9 %ud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces, w#th#n dwelling units that are w#red on se&arate s#gna' c#rcu#ts, need not #nc'ude a means (or s#'enc#ng as re:u#red ,y /entence 293 &ro$#ded the (#re a'arm system #nc'udes a &ro$#s#on (or the automat#c s#gna' s#'ence w#th#n dwelling units, where, 2a3 the automat#c s#gna' s#'ence cannot occur w#th#n the (#rst 60 s o( o&erat#on or w#th#n the Cone o( #n#t#at#on, 2,3 a su,se:uent a'arm e'sewhere #n the building w#'' reactuate the s#'enced aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces w#th#n dwelling units, 2c3 a(ter a &er#od o( not more than 10 m#n, the s#'enced aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces w#'' ,e restored to cont#nuous aud#,'e s#gna' #( the a'arm #s not ac7now'edged, and 2d3 the $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n %rt#c'e has a &ro$#s#on to o$err#de the automat#c s#gna' to a''ow the transm#ss#on o( $o#ce messages through s#'enced aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ce c#rcu#ts that ser$e the dwelling units. 8159 +( a two stage (#re a'arm system has ,een #nsta''ed w#th an automat#c s#gna' s#'ence as descr#,ed #n /entence 2133, the system sha'' ,e des#gned so that any s#'enced aud#,'e s#gna' de$#ces ser$#ng dwelling units are reactuated whene$er an alarm signal #s re:u#red to ,e transm#tted as &art o( the second stage. !,2,5,21, 'isu$l (ign$ls 819 H#sua' s#gna' de$#ces re:u#red ,y /entences and and 2 3 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the s#gna' (rom at 'east one de$#ce #s $#s#,'e throughout the floor area or &ort#on o( #t #n wh#ch they are #nsta''ed. 829 H#sua' s#gna' de$#ces &erm#tted ,y /entence sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the s#gna' (rom at 'east one de$#ce #s $#s#,'e throughout the com&artment #n wh#ch they are #nsta''ed. !,2,5,22, (moAe Al$rms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, smo#e alarms con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/131, >/mo7e %'arms?, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit and, e5ce&t (or care, care and treatment or detention occupancies re:u#red to ha$e a (#re a'arm system, #n each s'ee&#ng room not w#th#n a dwelling unit. 829 %t 'east one smo#e alarm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on each storey and mezzanine o( a dwelling unit. 8!9 On any storey o( a dwelling unit conta#n#ng s'ee&#ng rooms, a smo#e alarm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n, 2a3 each s'ee&#ng room, and 2,3 a 'ocat#on ,etween the s'ee&#ng rooms and the rema#nder o( the storey, and #( the s'ee&#ng rooms are ser$ed ,y a ha''way, the smo#e alarm sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the ha''way. 859 % smo#e alarm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on or near the ce#'#ng. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, smo#e alarms re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e #nsta''ed w#th &ermanent connect#ons to an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, 2,3 ha$e no d#sconnect sw#tch ,etween the o$ercurrent de$#ce and the smo#e alarm, and 2c3 #n case the regu'ar &ower su&&'y to the smo#e alarm #s #nterru&ted, ,e &ro$#ded w#th a ,attery as an a'ternat#$e &ower source that can cont#nue to &ro$#de &ower to the smo#e alarm (or a &er#od o( not 'ess than se$en days #n the norma' cond#t#on, (o''owed ,y 4 m#n o( a'arm. 8<9 Suites o( residential occupancy are &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e detectors #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms, &ro$#ded the smo#e detectors, 2a3 are ca&a,'e o( #nde&endent'y sound#ng aud#,'e s#gna's w#th#n the #nd#$#dua' suites, 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 2.3, are #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, and $er#(#ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/13., >Her#(#cat#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, and 2c3 (orm &art o( the (#re a'arm system. 8;9 Smo#e detectors &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263 are not re:u#red under )'ause 2632,3 to sound an a'arm throughout the rest o( the building, &ro$#ded they sound 'oca'#Ced a'arms w#th#n #nd#$#dua' suites and otherw#se meet the re:u#rements o( )'ause 2632,3. 8=9 +( more than one smo#e alarm #s re:u#red #n a dwelling unit, the smo#e alarms sha'' ,e w#red so that the actuat#on o( one smo#e alarm w#'' cause a'' smo#e alarms w#th#n the dwelling unit to sound. 126

899 % smo#e alarm re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/113, >+nsta''at#on o( /mo7e %'arms?. 81>9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2113, a manua''y o&erated s#'enc#ng de$#ce sha'' ,e #ncor&orated w#th#n the c#rcu#try o( a smo#e alarm #nsta''ed #n a dwelling unit so that #t w#'' s#'ence the s#gna' em#tted ,y the smo#e alarm (or a &er#od o( not more than 10 m#n, a(ter wh#ch the smo#e alarm w#'' reset and aga#n sound the a'arm #( the 'e$e' o( smo7e #n the $#c#n#ty #s su((#c#ent to reactuate the smo#e alarm. 8119 Suites o( residential occupancy e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e detectors #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, as &art o( the (#re a'arm system #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, need not #ncor&orate the manua''y o&erated s#'enc#ng de$#ce re:u#red ,y /entence 2103. 8129 ;he sound &atterns o( smo#e alarms sha'', 2a3 meet the tem&ora' &atterns o( alarm signals, or 2,3 ,e a com,#nat#on o( tem&ora' &attern and $o#ce re'ay.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,2,5,22, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (entence& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 5, 5!9

81!9 Smo#e alarms descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a $#sua' s#gna''#ng com&onent con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements #n 1 .1.3. 2L#ght, )o'or and -u'se )haracter#st#cs3 o( BF-% .2, >Bat#ona' F#re %'arm and /#gna'#ng )ode?. !,2,5,2!, 'oice Communic$tion (3stems 819 % $o#ce commun#cat#on system re:u#red ,y /entences 2.3 to 2103, /u,sect#on 3.2.6. or )'ause sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 a two-way means o( commun#cat#on w#th, 2#3 the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty, and 2##3 the mechan#ca' contro' centre (rom each floor area, and 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 2 3, 'ouds&ea7ers that are, 2#3 o&erated (rom the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty, and 2##3 des#gned and 'ocated so that transm#tted messages are aud#,'e and #nte''#g#,'e as re:u#red ,y /entence 223 #n a'' &arts o( the building, e5ce&t #n e'e$ator cars. 829 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ,roadcast#ng &re-recorded, synthes#Ced or '#$e messages w#th $o#ce #nte''#g#,#'#ty meet#ng or e5ceed#ng the e:u#$a'ent o( a common #nte''#g#,#'#ty sca'e score o( 0..0. 8!9 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' #nc'ude a means to s#'ence the alarm signal #n a s#ng'e stage (#re a'arm system wh#'e $o#ce messages are ,e#ng transm#tted, ,ut on'y a(ter the alarm signal has #n#t#a''y sounded (or not 'ess than 30 s. 859 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' #nc'ude a means to s#'ence the alert signal and the alarm signal #n a two stage (#re a'arm system wh#'e $o#ce messages are ,e#ng transm#tted, ,ut on'y a(ter the alert signal has #n#t#a''y sounded (or not 'ess than, 2a3 10 s #n hos&#ta's that ha$e su&er$#sory &ersonne' on duty (or twenty-(our hours each day, or 2,3 30 s (or a'' other occupancies. 879 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e des#gned so that the alarm signal can ,e se'ect#$e'y transm#tted to any Cone or Cones wh#'e ma#nta#n#ng an alert signal or se'ect#$e'y transm#tt#ng $o#ce messages to any other Cone or Cones #n the building. 8<9 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n )'ause 2132a3 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that emergency commun#cat#on de$#ces are 'ocated #n each floor area near e"it sta#r sha(ts. 8;9 65ce&t (or 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 and 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancies, a $o#ce commun#cat#on system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a building where, 2a3 a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.2.4., 2,3 a two stage (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed, and 2c3 the occupant load o( the building e5ceeds 1 000. 8=9 % $o#ce commun#cat#on system re:u#red ,y /entence 2.3 sha'' cons#st o( 'ouds&ea7ers that are, 2a3 o&erated (rom the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty or, #n the a,sence o( a centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty, (rom a des#gnated area, and 12.

2,3 des#gned and 'ocated so that transm#tted messages are aud#,'e and #nte''#g,'e #n a'' &arts o( the building, e5ce&t #n e'e$ator cars. 899 @n'ess sta(( tra#ned to &ro$#de #nstruct#ons o$er the $o#ce commun#cat#on system re(erred to #n /entence 2 3 are &resent at a'' t#mes, a &re-recorded message sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 81>9 ;he $o#ce commun#cat#on system re:u#red ,y /entence 2.3 sha'' meet the s#'enc#ng and transm#ss#on re:u#rements o( /entences 233 to 213. !,2,7, %ro1isions /or +ire/ig0ting !,2,7,1, Access to Abo1e Gr$de (tore3s 819 65ce&t (or storeys ,e'ow the first storey, d#rect access (or (#re(#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom the outdoors to e$ery storey that #s not sprin#lered and whose ('oor 'e$e' #s 'ess than 21 m a,o$e grade, ,y at 'east one uno,structed w#ndow or access &ane' (or each 11 m o( wa'' #n each wa'' re:u#red to (ace a street ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. 829 %n o&en#ng (or access re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a s#'' no h#gher than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the #ns#de ('oor, and 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm h#gh ,y not 'ess than, 2#3 110 mm w#de (or a building not des#gned (or the storage or use o( dangerous goods, or 2##3 .10 mm w#de (or a building des#gned (or the storage or use o( dangerous goods. 8!9 %ccess &ane's a,o$e the first storey sha'' ,e read#'y o&ena,'e (rom ,oth #ns#de and outs#de, or the o&en#ng sha'' ,e g'aCed w#th &'a#n g'ass. !,2,7,2, Access to B$sements 819 "#rect access (rom at 'east one street sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom the outdoors to each basement, 2a3 that #s not sprin#lered, and 2,3 that has hor#Conta' d#mens#on more than 21 m. 829 ;he access re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded ,y, 2a3 doors, w#ndows or other means that &ro$#de an o&en#ng not 'ess than 1 100 mm h#gh and 110 mm w#de, w#th a s#'' no h#gher than 900 mm a,o$e the #ns#de ('oor, or 2,3 an #nter#or sta#rway #mmed#ate'y access#,'e (rom the outdoors. !,2,7,!, Roo/ Access 819 On a building more than 3 storeys #n building height where the s'o&e o( the roo( #s 'ess than 1 #n 4, a'' ma#n roo( areas sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th d#rect access (rom the floor areas #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow, e#ther ,y, 2a3 a sta#rway, or 2,3 a hatch not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 900 mm w#th a (#5ed 'adder. 829 )'earance and access around roo( s#gns or other o,struct#ons sha'' &ro$#de, 2a3 a &assage not 'ess than 900 mm w#de ,y 1 00 mm h#gh, c'ear o( a'' o,struct#ons e5ce&t (or necessary hor#Conta' su&&orts not more than 600 mm a,o$e the roo( sur(ace, 2#3 around e$ery roo( s#gn, and 2##3 through e$ery roo( s#gn at 'ocat#ons not more than 11 m a&art, and 2,3 a c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 200 mm ,etween any &ort#on o( a roo( s#gn and any o&en#ng #n the e5ter#or wa'' (ace or roo( o( the building #n wh#ch #t #s erected. !,2,7,5, Access Routes 819 % building that #s more than 3 storeys #n building height or more than 600 m2 #n building area sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th access routes (or (#re de&artment $eh#c'es, 2a3 to the building (ace ha$#ng a &r#nc#&a' entrance, and 2,3 to each building (ace ha$#ng access o&en#ngs (or (#re(#ght#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es and !,2,7,7, Loc$tion o/ Access Routes


819 %ccess routes re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the &r#nc#&a' entrance and e$ery access o&en#ng re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es and are 'ocated not 'ess than 3 m and not more than 11 m (rom the c'osest &ort#on o( the access route re:u#red (or (#re de&artment use, measured hor#Conta''y (rom the (ace o( the building. 829 %ccess routes sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a building so that, 2a3 (or a building &ro$#ded w#th a (#re de&artment connect#on, a (#re de&artment &um&er $eh#c'e can ,e 'ocated ad0acent to the hydrants re(erred to #n %rt#c'e, 2,3 (or a building not &ro$#ded w#th a (#re de&artment connect#on, a (#re de&artment &um&er $eh#c'e can ,e 'ocated so that the 'ength o( the access route (rom a hydrant to the $eh#c'e &'us the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or the (#re(#ghter (rom the $eh#c'e to the building #s not more than 90 m, and 2c3 the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or the (#re(#ghter (rom the $eh#c'e to the building #s not more than 41 m. 8!9 ;he uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or the (#re(#ghter re:u#red ,y /entence 223 (rom the $eh#c'e to the building sha'' ,e measured (rom the $eh#c'e to the (#re de&artment connect#on &ro$#ded (or the building, e5ce&t that #( no (#re de&artment connect#on #s &ro$#ded, the &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e measured to the &r#nc#&a' entrance o( the building. 859 +( a &ort#on o( a building #s com&'ete'y cut o(( (rom the rema#nder o( the building so that there #s no access to the rema#nder o( the building, the access routes re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (rom the $eh#c'e to one entrance o( each &ort#on o( the building #s not more than 41 m. !,2,7,<, Access Route #esign 819 % &ort#on o( a roadway or yard &ro$#ded as a re:u#red access route (or (#re de&artment use sha'', 2a3 ha$e a c'ear w#dth not 'ess than 6 m, un'ess #t can ,e shown that 'esser w#dths are sat#s(actory, 2,3 ha$e a centre'#ne rad#us not 'ess than 12 m, 2c3 ha$e an o$erhead c'earance not 'ess than 1 m, 2d3 ha$e a change o( grad#ent not more than 1 #n 12.1 o$er a m#n#mum d#stance o( 11 m, 2e3 ,e des#gned to su&&ort the e5&ected 'oads #m&osed ,y (#re(#ght#ng e:u#&ment and ,e sur(aced w#th concrete, as&ha't or other mater#a' des#gned to &erm#t access#,#'#ty under a'' c'#mat#c cond#t#ons, 2(3 ha$e turnaround (ac#'#t#es (or any dead-end &ort#on o( the access route more than 90 m 'ong, and 2g3 ,e connected w#th a &u,'#c thorough(are. !,2,7,;, 6$ter (u..l3 819 %n ade:uate water su&&'y (or (#re(#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery building. 829 =ydrants sha'' ,e 'ocated w#th#n 90 m hor#Conta''y o( any &ort#on o( a building &er#meter that #s re:u#red to (ace a street #n /u,sect#on 3.2.2. !,2,7,=, Reser1ed !,2,7,9, Reser1ed !,2,7,1>, Reser1ed !,2,7,11, Reser1ed !,2,7,12, Reser1ed !,2,7,1!, Autom$tic (.rinAler (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 223 to 243, an automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 829 BF-% 13R, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems #n Res#dent#a' Occu&anc#es u& to and +nc'ud#ng Four /tor#es #n =e#ght?, #s &erm#tted to ,e used (or the des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and test#ng o( an automat#c s&r#n7'er system #nsta''ed #n a building, 2a3 o( residential occupancy that #s not more than 4 storeys #n building height, or 2,3 o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons and not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3, BF-% 13", >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems #n One- and ;wo-Fam#'y "we''#ngs and <anu(actured =omes?, #s &erm#tted to ,e used (or the des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and test#ng o( an automat#c s&r#n7'er system #nsta''ed #n a building o( residential occupancy that conta#ns not more than two dwelling units.


859 +( a building conta#ns (ewer than n#ne s&r#n7'ers, the water su&&'y (or these s&r#n7'ers #s &erm#tted to ,e su&&'#ed (rom the domest#c water system (or the building &ro$#ded the re:u#red ('ow (or the s&r#n7'ers can ,e met ,y the domest#c system. 879 +( a water su&&'y ser$es ,oth an automat#c s&r#n7'er system and a system ser$#ng other e:u#&ment, contro' $a'$es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded so that e#ther system can ,e shut o(( #nde&endent'y. 8<9 Botw#thstand#ng the re:u#rements o( the standards re(erenced #n /entences 213 and 223 (or the #nsta''at#on o( automat#c s&r#n7'er systems, s&r#n7'ers sha'' not ,e om#tted #n any room or c'oset #n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow a roo( assem,'y #( the fire-resistance rating o( the roo( assem,'y #s wa#$ed as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 8;9 /&r#n7'ers #n e'e$ator mach#ne rooms sha'' ha$e a tem&erature rat#ng not 'ess than that re:u#red (or an #ntermed#ate tem&erature c'ass#(#cat#on and sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst &hys#ca' damage. 8=9 ;he s&r#n7'er system descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a m#n#mum 20 m#n water su&&'y when #nsta''ed #n a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0. !,2,7,15, Combustible (.rinAler 819 %ombustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng sha'' ,e used on'y (or wet systems #n residential occupancies and other '#ght haCard occupancies. 829 %ombustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng sha'' meet the re:u#rements o( @L)!OR"-)199-, >)om,ust#,'e -#&#ng (or /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, combustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the area ser$ed ,y the s&r#n7'er system, and (rom any other fire compartment, ,y ce#'#ngs, wa''s, or so((#ts cons#st#ng o(, as a m#n#mum, 2a3 'ath and &'aster, 2,3 gy&sum ,oard not 'ess than 9.1 mm th#c7, 2c3 &'ywood not 'ess than 13 mm th#c7, or 2d3 a sus&ended mem,rane ce#'#ng w#th, 2#3 stee' sus&ens#on gr#ds, and 2##3 'ay-#n &ane's or t#'es ha$#ng a mass not 'ess than 1.. 7g!m 2. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, combustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng may ,e 'ocated a,o$e a ce#'#ng, &ro$#ded that the d#stance ,etween the edge o( any ce#'#ng o&en#ng that #s not &rotected #n con(ormance w#th /entence 233 and the nearest s&r#n7'er #s not more than 300 mm. 879 ;he &rotect#on re:u#red ,y /entences 233 and 243 #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed where combustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng has ,een tested #n con(ormance w#th @L)!OR"-)199-, >)om,ust#,'e -#&#ng (or /&r#n7'er /ystems?, and has ,een shown to meet the re:u#rements #n that document w#thout add#t#ona' &rotect#on. !,2,7,17, (.rinAlered (er1ice (.$ce 819 %n automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a service space re(erred to #n /entence #( ('oor#ng (or access w#th#n the service space #s other than catwa'7s. 829 ;he s&r#n7'er system re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th water('ow detect#ng de$#ces, w#th each de$#ce ser$#ng not more than 1 storey. 8!9 ;he water('ow detect#ng de$#ces re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' ,e connected to the (#re a'arm system to, 2a3 #n#t#ate an alert signal #n a two stage system or an alarm signal #n a s#ng'e stage system, and 2,3 #nd#cate se&arate'y on the (#re a'arm system annunc#ator the actuat#on o( each de$#ce. 859 +( a building #s sprin#lered, s&r#n7'er &rotect#on need not ,e &ro$#ded #n the s&ace ,e'ow a ra#sed ('oor #n a computer room, 2a3 #( the o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es #n th#s s&ace con(orm to the test re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e, 2,3 #( the building #s o( noncombustible construction and other combustible com&onents are '#m#ted to those &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 3.1.1., 2c3 #( th#s s&ace #s used to c#rcu'ate cond#t#oned a#r and the a#r hand'#ng system #s des#gned to &re$ent the c#rcu'at#on o( smo7e u&on a s#gna' (rom a smo#e detector, 2d3 #( a'' o( th#s s&ace #s eas#'y access#,'e ,y &ro$#d#ng access sect#ons or &ane's #n the ra#sed ('oor, and 2e3 #( the computer room #s more than 2 000 m2 and the annunc#ator has se&arate Cone #nd#cators o( the actuat#on o( smo#e detectors 'ocated #n th#s s&ace so that the co$erage (or each Cone #s not more than 2 000 m2. 130

879 8here a room, chute or ,#n #s re:u#red to ,e sprin#lered as #nd#cated #n /entence, %rt#c'e and /entence, the s&r#n7'ers may ,e su&&'#ed w#th water (rom the (#re stand&#&e system &ro$#ded that, 2a3 e5ce&t (or a chute, not more than e#ght s&r#n7'ers are re:u#red to &rotect any room or ,#n ,ased on a ma5#mum co$erage o( 12 m2 &er s&r#n7'er, 2,3 the stand&#&e r#ser #s, 2#3 not 'ess than 6 #n. #n d#ameter, or 2##3 hydrau'#ca''y des#gned to meet com,#ned water su&&'y as s&ec#(#ed #n )'ause 2c3, 2c3 the water su&&'y (or a stand&#&e system, &um&#ng ca&a,#'#ty and water storage (ac#'#ty, #( re:u#red, #s #ncreased to su&&'y 91 L!m#n (or each s&r#n7'er o$er and a,o$e the re:u#rements (or the stand&#&e system u& to ma5#mum .60 L!m#n (or s&r#n7'ers, 2d3 a water('ow detect#ng de$#ce sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the s&r#n7'er ma#n ad0acent to the &o#nt o( connect#on to the stand&#&e r#ser, and 2e3 the act#$at#on o( each water('ow detect#ng de$#ce #n )'ause 2d3 sha'' ,e #nd#cated se&arate'y on the (#re a'arm system annunc#ator. !,2,7,1<, +ire #e.$rtment Connections 819 ;he (#re de&artment connect#on (or a stand&#&e system sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the d#stance (rom the (#re de&artment connect#on to a hydrant #s not more than 41 m and #s uno,structed. 829 ;he (#re de&artment connect#on (or an automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the d#stance (rom the (#re de&artment connect#on to a hydrant #s not more than 41 m and #s uno,structed. 8!9 ;he (#re de&artment connect#ons re:u#red #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,e, 2a3 'ocated on the outs#de o( a building ad0acent to a street or an access route, not 'ess than 300 mm and not more than 900 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e', and 2,3 &ro$#ded w#th two 61 mm hose connect#ons w#th (ema'e sw#$e' hose cou&'#ngs. !,2,7,1;, %ort$ble +ire E?tinguis0ers 819 -orta,'e (#re e5t#ngu#shers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a'' buildings, e5ce&t w#th#n dwelling units, #n con(ormance w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( -art 6 o( "#$#s#on * o( the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 829 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy, &orta,'e (#re e5t#ngu#shers are &erm#tted to ,e 'ocated #n secure areas, or #n 'oc7a,'e ca,#nets &ro$#ded, 2a3 #dent#ca' 7eys (or a'' ca,#nets are 'ocated at a'' su&er$#sory or secur#ty stat#ons, or 2,3 e'ectr#ca' remote re'ease de$#ces are &ro$#ded and are connected to an emergency &ower su&&'y. !,2,7,1=, %rotection /rom +ree-ing 819 6:u#&ment (orm#ng &art o( a (#re &rotect#on system sha'' ,e &rotected (rom (reeC#ng #(, 2a3 #t cou'd ,e ad$erse'y a((ected ,y (reeC#ng tem&eratures, and 2,3 #t #s 'ocated #n an unheated area. !,2,7,19, +ire %um.s 819 % (#re &um& ha$#ng a rated net head &ressure greater than 2 0 7-a sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( BF-% 20, >+nsta''at#on o( /tat#onary -um&s (or F#re -rotect#on?. !,2,<, Addition$l Re4uirements /or Eig0 Buildings !,2,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to a building, 2a3 o( 4rou& %, ", 6 or F major occupancy c'ass#(#cat#on that #s more than, 2#3 36 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, or 2##3 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, and #n wh#ch the cumu'at#$e or tota' occupant load on or a,o$e any storey a,o$e grade, other than the first storey, d#$#ded ,y 1. t#mes the w#dth #n metres o( a'' e"it sta#rs at that storey, e5ceeds 300, 2,3 conta#n#ng a 4rou& * major occupancy #n wh#ch the ('oor 'e$e' o( the h#ghest storey o( that major occupancy #s more than 1 m a,o$e grade, 131

2c3 conta#n#ng a floor area or &art o( a floor area 'ocated a,o$e the th#rd storey des#gned or #ntended as a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, and 2d3 conta#n#ng a 4rou& ) major occupancy whose ('oor 'e$e' #s more than 1 m a,o$e grade. !,2,<,2, Limits to (moAe )o1ement 819 % sprin#lered building sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th /entences 223 to 213 and <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?, to '#m#t the danger to occu&ants and (#re(#ghters (rom e5&osure to smo7e #n a building (#re. 829 % building re(erred to #n /entence 213, sha'' ,e des#gned so that, dur#ng a &er#od o( 2 h a(ter the start o( a (#re, each e"it sta#r ser$#ng storeys ,e'ow the 'owest e"it level w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom the (#re ('oor, assum#ng an outdoor tem&erature e:ua' to the January des#gn tem&erature on a 2.1F ,as#s determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. 8!9 6ach sta#rway that ser$es storeys a,o$e the 'owest e"it level sha'' ha$e a $ent to the outdoors, at or near the ,ottom o( the sta#r sha(t, that, 2a3 has an o&ena,'e area o( 0.01 m2 (or e$ery door ,etween the sta#r sha(t and a floor area, ,ut not 'ess than 1. m2, 2,3 o&ens d#rect'y to the outdoors or #nto a $est#,u'e that has a s#m#'ar o&en#ng to the outdoors, and 2c3 has a door or closure that, 2#3 #s o&ena,'e manua''y, and 2##3 can rema#n #n the o&en &os#t#on dur#ng a (#re emergency. 859 <easures sha'' ,e ta7en to '#m#t mo$ement o( smo7e (rom a (#re #n a floor area ,e'ow the 'owest e"it storey #nto u&&er storeys. 879 65ce&t (or e5haust (ans #n 7#tchens, washrooms and ,athrooms #n dwelling units, and e5ce&t (or (ans used (or smo7e $ent#ng as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, a#r mo$#ng (ans #n a system that ser$es more than 2 storeys sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed so that #n the e$ent o( a (#re these (ans can ,e sto&&ed ,y means o( a manua''y o&erated sw#tch at the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty. 8<9 % building that #s not sprin#lered sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?, to '#m#t the danger to occu&ants and (#re(#ghters (rom e5&osure to smo7e #n a building (#re. !,2,<,!, Connected Buildings 819 +( a building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e #s connected to any other building, measures sha'' ,e ta7en to '#m#t mo$ement o( contam#nated a#r (rom one building #nto another dur#ng a (#re. !,2,<,5, Emergenc3$tion o/ Ele1$tors 819 <anua' emergency reca'' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a'' e'e$ators ser$#ng storeys a,o$e the first storey. 829 Zey-o&erated sw#tches (or emergency reca'' descr#,ed ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a cons&#cuous 'ocat#on at, 2a3 each e'e$ator 'o,,y on the reca'' 'e$e', and 2,3 the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 3.2.6... 8!9 +n-car emergency ser$#ce sw#tches sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a'' e'e$ator cars. 859 Zeys to o&erate the sw#tches re:u#red ,y /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e, 2a3 &ro$#ded #n a su#ta,'y #dent#(#ed ,o5 cons&#cuous'y 'ocated on the outs#de o( an e'e$ator ho#stway near the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.2.6..., and 2,3 7e&t at the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty. 879 +n a building that #s not sprin#lered, automat#c emergency reca'' o&erat#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a'' e'e$ators ser$#ng storeys a,o$e the first storey. 8<9 ;he automat#c emergency reca'' (eature #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e actuated ,y, 2a3 smo#e detectors #nsta''ed #n each e'e$ator 'o,,y on each storey, or 2,3 the building (#re a'arm system. 8;9 Smo#e detectors #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e des#gned as &art o( the building (#re a'arm system. !,2,<,7, Ele1$tor /or se b3 +ire/ig0ters 819 %t 'east one e'e$ator sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or use ,y (#re(#ghters #n con(ormance w#th /entences 223 to 263. 132

829 ;he e'e$ator re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a usea,'e &'at(orm area not 'ess than 2.2 m 2 and sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( carry#ng a 'oad o( 900 7g to the to& ('oor that #t ser$es (rom a 'and#ng on the storey conta#n#ng the entrance (or (#re(#ghter access re(erred to #n %rt#c'es and w#th#n 1 m#n. 8!9 65ce&t where <easure Z o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?, #s used, each e'e$ator (or use ,y (#re(#ghters sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a closure at each sha(t o&en#ng so that the #nter'oc7 mechan#sm rema#ns mechan#ca''y engaged and e'ectr#ca' cont#nu#ty #s ma#nta#ned #n the #nter'oc7 c#rcu#ts and assoc#ated w#r#ng (or a &er#od o( not 'ess than 1 h when the assem,'y #s su,0ected to the standard (#re e5&osure descr#,ed #n )%B4-/104-<, >F#re ;ests o( "oor %ssem,'#es?, 2,3 ,e &rotected w#th a $est#,u'e conta#n#ng no occupancy and se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2c3 ,e &rotected w#th a corr#dor conta#n#ng no occupancy and se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 213, an e'e$ator re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng trans&ortat#on (rom the storey conta#n#ng the entrance (or (#re(#ghter access re(erred to #n %rt#c'es and to e$ery ('oor that #s a,o$e grade #n the building and that #s norma''y ser$ed ,y the e'e$ator system. 879 +( #t #s necessary to change e'e$ators to reach any ('oor re(erred to #n /entence 243, the system sha'' ,e des#gned so that not more than one change o( e'e$ator #s re:u#red when tra$e''#ng to any ('oor #n the building (rom the storey conta#n#ng the entrance (or (#re(#ghter access re(erred to #n %rt#c'es and 8<9 6'ectr#ca' conductors (or the o&erat#on o( the e'e$ator re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsta''ed #n service spaces con(orm#ng to /ect#on 3.6. that do not conta#n other combustible mater#a', or 2,3 &rotected aga#nst e5&osure to (#re (rom the ser$#ce entrance o( the emergency &ower su&&'y, or the norma' ser$#ce entrance o( the norma' &ower su&&'y, to the e:u#&ment ser$ed, to ensure o&erat#on (or a &er#od o( 1 h when su,0ected to the standard (#re e5&osure descr#,ed #n )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?. !,2,<,<, 'enting to Aid +ire/ig0ting 819 <eans o( $ent#ng each floor area to the outdoors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y w#ndows, wa'' &ane's, smo7e sha(ts or, e5ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 213, the building e5haust system. 829 F#5ed g'ass w#ndows sha'' not ,e used (or the $ent#ng re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #( the ,rea7#ng o( the w#ndows cou'd endanger &edestr#ans ,e'ow. 8!9 O&ena,'e w#ndows used (or the $ent#ng re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ermanent'y mar7ed so that they are eas#'y #dent#(#a,'e. 859 6'e$ator ho#stways sha'' not ,e des#gned (or the $ent#ng re:u#red ,y /entence 213. 879 +n a building that #s not sprin#lered, $ent#ng o( floor areas re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e &ro$#ded ,y the building e5haust system. !,2,<,;, Centr$l Al$rm $nd Control +$cilit3 819 % centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the storey conta#n#ng the entrance (or (#re(#ghter access re(erred to #n %rt#c'es and #n a 'ocat#on that, 2a3 #s read#'y access#,'e to (#re(#ghters enter#ng the building, and 2,3 ta7es #nto account the e((ect o( ,ac7ground no#se '#7e'y to occur under (#re emergency cond#t#ons, so that the (ac#'#ty can &ro&er'y &er(orm #ts re:u#red (unct#on under such cond#t#ons. 829 ;he centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 means to contro' the $o#ce commun#cat#on system re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.2.6. ., so that messages can ,e sent to, 2#3 a'' 'ouds&ea7ers s#mu'taneous'y, 2##3 #nd#$#dua' floor areas, and 2###3 e"it sta#rwe''s, 2,3 means to #nd#cate aud#,'y and $#sua''y alert signals and alarm signals and a sw#tch to, 2#3 s#'ence the aud#,'e &ort#on o( these s#gna's, and 2##3 #nd#cate $#sua''y that the aud#,'e &ort#on has ,een s#'enced, 2c3 means to #nd#cate $#sua''y that e'e$ators are on emergency reca'', 133

2d3 an annunc#ator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, 2e3 means to transm#t alert signals and alarm signals to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.2.4. ., 2(3 means to re'ease ho'd-o&en de$#ces on doors to $est#,u'es, 2g3 means to manua''y actuate alarm signals #n the building se'ect#$e'y to any Cone or Cones, 2h3 means to s#'ence the alarm signals re(erred to #n )'ause 2g3 #n con(ormance w#th /entences and 243, 2#3 means, as a&&ro&r#ate to the measure (or (#re sa(ety &ro$#ded #n the building, to, 2#3 actuate au5#'#ary e:u#&ment, or 2##3 commun#cate w#th a cont#nua''y sta((ed au5#'#ary e:u#&ment contro' centre, 203 means (or two-way commun#cat#ons w#th e$ery e'e$ator car, 273 means to #nd#cate $#sua''y, #nd#$#dua' s&r#n7'er system water('ow s#gna's, 2'3 means to #nd#cate aud#,'y and $#sua''y, s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e system su&er$#sory s#gna's and trou,'e s#gna's, 2m3 a sw#tch to s#'ence the aud#,'e &ort#on o( a su&er$#sory s#gna' or a trou,'e s#gna', and 2n3 $#sua' #nd#cat#on that the aud#,'e &ort#on o( a su&er$#sory s#gna' or a trou,'e s#gna' has ,een s#'enced. !,2,<,=, 'oice Communic$tion (3stem 819 % $o#ce commun#cat#on system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a building #(, 2a3 the ('oor o( the to& storey #s more than 36 m a,o$e grade, 2,3 a floor area or &art o( a floor area 'ocated a,o$e the th#rd storey #s des#gned or #ntended (or use as a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, or 2c3 a floor area or &art o( a floor area 'ocated more than 1 m a,o$e grade #s des#gned or #ntended (or use as a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 that #s a 4rou& ) occupancy. !,2,<,9, Testing 819 ;he systems (or contro' o( smo7e mo$ement and mechan#ca' $ent#ng re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es and sha'' ,e tested to ensure sat#s(actory o&erat#on #n accordance w#th the &rocedures descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?. !,2,;, Lig0ting $nd Emergenc3 %o2er (3stems !,2,;,1, )inimum Lig0ting Re4uirements 819 %n e"it, a public corridor, a corr#dor &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (or the &u,'#c, a corr#dor ser$#ng &at#ents or res#dents #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, a corr#dor ser$#ng c'assrooms, an e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment room, a trans(ormer $au't and a ho#stway &#t sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to an a$erage 'e$e' not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e' and at a'' &o#nts such as ang'es and #ntersect#ons at changes o( 'e$e' where there are sta#rs or ram&s. 829 ;he m#n#mum $a'ue o( the #''um#nat#on re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' not ,e 'ess than 10 15. 8!9 Rooms and s&aces used ,y the &u,'#c sha'' ,e #''um#nated as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.34.2... 859 L#ght#ng out'ets #n a building o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.34.2. 879 6'e$ator mach#ne rooms sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to an a$erage 'e$e' o( not 'ess than 100 '5 at ('oor 'e$e'. 8<9 6$ery &'ace o( assem,'y #ntended (or the $#ew#ng o( mot#on &#ctures or the &er(orm#ng arts, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de an a$erage 'e$e' o( #''um#nat#on at ('oor 'e$e' #n the a#s'es o( not 'ess than 2 '5 dur#ng the $#ew#ng. 8;9 6$ery area where (ood #s #ntended to ,e &rocessed, &re&ared or manu(actured and where e:u#&ment or utens#'s are #ntended to ,e c'eaned sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to a 'e$e' o( not 'ess than 100 '5 measured at the ('oor 'e$e'. 8=9 6$ery storage room, dress#ng room, san#tary (ac#'#ty, ser$#ce area and corr#dor ser$#ng the areas #n /entence 2.3 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to a 'e$e' o( not 'ess than 300 '5 measured at the ('oor 'e$e'. !,2,;,2, Recessed Lig0ting +i?tures 819 % recessed '#ght#ng (#5ture sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n an #nsu'ated ce#'#ng un'ess the (#5ture #s des#gned (or th#s ty&e o( #nsta''at#on. !,2,;,!, Emergenc3 Lig0ting 819 6mergency '#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to an a$erage 'e$e' o( #''um#nat#on not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e' #n, 134

2a3 e"its, 2,3 &r#nc#&a' routes &ro$#d#ng access to e"it #n an o&en floor area and #n service rooms, 2c3 corr#dors used ,y the &u,'#c, 2d3 corr#dors ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, 2e3 corr#dors ser$#ng c'assrooms, 2(3 underground wal#ways, 2g3 public corridors, 2h3 floor areas or &arts o( them where the &u,'#c may congregate #n, 2#3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies, or 2##3 4rou& %, "#$#s#ons 2 and 3 occupancies ha$#ng an occupant load o( 60 or more, 2#3 floor areas or &arts o( them #n day care centres where &ersons are cared (or, 203 (ood &re&arat#on areas #n commerc#a' 7#tchens, 273 &r#nc#&a' routes &ro$#d#ng access to e"it #n a floor area that #s not su,d#$#ded #nto rooms or suites o( rooms ser$ed ,y corr#dors #n a business and personal services occupancy, a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy, and 2'3 #nterna' corr#dors or a#s'es ser$#ng as &r#nc#&a' routes to e"its #n a business and personal services occupancy , a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy that #s su,d#$#ded #nto rooms or suites o( rooms, and #s not ser$ed ,y a public corridor. 829 6mergency '#ght#ng to &ro$#de an a$erage 'e$e' o( #''um#nat#on o( not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or catwa'7 'e$e' sha'' ,e #nc'uded, 2a3 #n a service space re(erred to #n /entence, and 2,3 on a shelf and rac# storage system, #n 'ocat#ons descr#,ed #n /entence 8!9 ;he m#n#mum $a'ue o( the #''um#nat#on re:u#red ,y /entences 213 and 223 sha'' not ,e 'ess than 1 '5. 859 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( /entences 213 to 233, the #nsta''at#on o( ,attery-o&erated emergency '#ght#ng #n hea'th care (ac#'#t#es sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( )/% O32, >6'ectr#ca' /a(ety and 6ssent#a' 6'ectr#ca' /ystems #n =ea'th )are Fac#'#t#es?. !,2,;,5, Emergenc3 %o2er /or Lig0ting 819 %n emergency &ower su&&'y sha'' ,e, 2a3 &ro$#ded to ma#nta#n the emergency '#ght#ng re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on (rom a &ower source such as ,atter#es or generators that w#'' cont#nue to su&&'y &ower #n the e$ent that the regu'ar &ower su&&'y to the building #s #nterru&ted, and 2,3 so des#gned and #nsta''ed that u&on (a#'ure o( the regu'ar &ower #t w#'' assume the e'ectr#ca' 'oad automat#ca''y (or a &er#od o(, 2#3 2 h (or a building w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2##3 1 h (or a building o( 4rou& * major occupancy c'ass#(#cat#on that #s not w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., and 2###3 30 m#n (or a building o( any other occupancy. 829 +( se'(-conta#ned emergency '#ght#ng un#ts are used, they sha'' con(orm to )/% )22.2 Bo. 141, >6mergency L#ght#ng 6:u#&ment?. !,2,;,7, Emergenc3 %o2er (u..l3 Inst$ll$tion 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es 3.2...6. and 3.2....., an emergency e'ectr#ca' &ower system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-)2 2, >6mergency 6'ectr#ca' -ower /u&&'y (or *u#'d#ngs?. 829 6$ery emergency &ower su&&'y sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an emergency aud#,'e and $#sua' trou,'e #nd#cat#on. !,2,;,<, Emergenc3 %o2er /or$ls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.2....., an emergency e'ectr#ca' &ower system (or emergency e:u#&ment re:u#red ,y th#s -art (or hea'th care (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )/% O32, >6'ectr#ca' /a(ety and 6ssent#a' 6'ectr#ca' /ystems #n =ea'th )are Fac#'#t#es?. !,2,;,;, +uel (u..l3 (0ut:o// '$l1es $nd E?0$ust 131

819 +( a '#:u#d or gas (ue'-(#red eng#ne or tur,#ne (or an emergency e'ectr#c &ower su&&'y #s de&endent on a (ue' su&&'y (rom outs#de the building, the (ue' su&&'y sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a su#ta,'y-#dent#(#ed se&arate shut-o(( $a'$e outs#de the building. 829 8here &#&es (or e5haust gases (rom emergency &ower systems &enetrate re:u#red fire separations, they sha'' ,e enc'osed #n a se&arate service space ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating e:ua' to that o( the &enetrated ('oor assem,'y, ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n. !,2,;,=, Emergenc3 %o2er /or +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 F#re a'arm systems, #nc'ud#ng those #ncor&orat#ng a $o#ce commun#cat#on system, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an emergency &ower su&&'y con(orm#ng to /entences 223 to 243. 829 ;he emergency &ower su&&'y re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e su&&'#ed (rom, 2a3 a generator, 2,3 ,atter#es, or 2c3 a com,#nat#on o( the #tems descr#,ed #n )'auses 2a3 and 2,3. 8!9 ;he emergency &ower su&&'y re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng, 2a3 su&er$#sory &ower (or not 'ess than 24 h, and 2,3 #mmed#ate'y (o''ow#ng, emergency &ower under (u'' 'oad (or not 'ess than, 2#3 2 h (or a building w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2##3 1 h (or a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& * major occupancy that #s not w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2###3 1 m#n (or a building not re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an annunc#ator, and 2#$3 30 m#n (or any other building. 859 ;he emergency &ower su&&'y re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned so that, #n the e$ent o( a (a#'ure o( the norma' &ower source, there #s an #mmed#ate automat#c trans(er to emergency &ower w#th no 'oss o( #n(ormat#on. !,2,;,9, Emergenc3 %o2er /or Building (er1ices 819 %n emergency &ower su&&'y ca&a,'e o( o&erat#ng under a (u'' 'oad (or not 'ess than 2 h sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y an emergency generator (or, 2a3 e$ery e'e$ator ser$#ng storeys a,o$e the first storey #n a building that #s more than 36 m h#gh measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey and e$ery e'e$ator (or (#re(#ghters #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223, 2,3 water su&&'y (or (#re(#ght#ng #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.2.1..., #( the su&&'y #s de&endent on e'ectr#ca' &ower su&&'#ed to the building, and the building #s w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2c3 (ans and other e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment that are #nsta''ed to ma#nta#n the a#r :ua'#ty s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e, and 2d3 (ans re:u#red (or $ent#ng ,y %rt#c'e 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, the emergency &ower su&&'y (or e'e$ators re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132a3 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( o&erat#ng a'' e'e$ators (or (#re(#ghters &'us one add#t#ona' e'e$ator s#mu'taneous'y. 8!9 /entence 223 does not a&&'y #( the t#me to reca'' a'' e'e$ators under emergency &ower su&&'y #s not more than 1 m#n, each (rom #ts most remote storey to, 2a3 the storey conta#n#ng the entrance (or (#re(#ghter access re(erred to #n %rt#c'es and, or 2,3 to a trans(er 'o,,y. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 213, an emergency &ower su&&'y ca&a,'e o( o&erat#ng under a (u'' 'oad (or not 'ess than 30 m#n sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y emergency generator (or water su&&'y (or (#re(#ght#ng #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.2.1..., #( the su&&'y #s de&endent on e'ectr#ca' &ower su&&'#ed to the building, and the building #s not w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. 879 /entence 243 does not a&&'y to the water su&&'y (or a stand&#&e system. !,2,;,1>, %rotection o/ Electric$l Conductors 819 6'ectr#ca' conductors sha'' con(orm to /entences 223 to 293 #( they, 2a3 are w#th#n buildings #dent#(#ed #n %rt#c'e and ser$e, 2#3 (#re a'arm systems, or 2##3 emergency e:u#&ment w#th#n the sco&e o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.6. ., 136

2,3 ser$e (#re &um&s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed under %rt#c'e, 2c3 ser$e mechan#ca' systems re'ated to, 2#3 com&artments re(erred to #n )'ause,3, 2##3 contained use areas re(erred to #n )'auses 3.3.3...2432a3 and 2,3, or 2###3 &ro$#s#ons o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .4. to 3.2. .6. and 3.2. .9., or 2d3 ser$e emergency '#ght#ng descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.2...3. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 233 and e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n th#s %rt#c'e, e'ectr#ca' conductors re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 con(orm to @L)-/139, >F#re ;est (or 6$a'uat#on o( +ntegr#ty o( 6'ectr#ca' )a,'es?, #nc'ud#ng the hose stream a&&'#cat#on, to &ro$#de a c#rcu#t #ntegr#ty rat#ng o( not 'ess than 1 h, or 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n a service space that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation that has a fireresistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. 8!9 6'ectr#ca' conductors that are used #n con0unct#on w#th systems re(erred to #n )'ause 2132c3 sha'', 2a3 con(orm to @L)-/139, >F#re ;est (or 6$a'uat#on o( +ntegr#ty o( 6'ectr#ca' )a,'es?, #nc'ud#ng the hose stream a&&'#cat#on, to &ro$#de a c#rcu#t #ntegr#ty rat#ng o( not 'ess than 2 h, or 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n a service space that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation that has a fireresistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. 859 ;he service spaces re(erred to #n )'ause 2232,3 or 2332,3 sha'' not conta#n any combustible mater#a's other than the e'ectr#ca' conductors ,e#ng &rotected. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 2.3 and 293, the e'ectr#ca' conductors re(erred to #n /entence 213 are those that e5tend (rom the source o( emergency &ower to, 2a3 the e:u#&ment ser$ed, or 2,3 the d#str#,ut#on e:u#&ment su&&'y#ng &ower to the e:u#&ment ser$ed, #( ,oth are #n the same room 8<9 +( a (#re a'arm trans&onder or annunc#ator 'ocated #n one fire compartment #s connected to a centra' &rocess#ng un#t or another trans&onder or annunc#ator 'ocated #n a d#((erent fire compartment, the e'ectr#ca' conductors connect#ng them sha'' ,e &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence 223. 8;9 F#re a'arm system ,ranch c#rcu#ts w#th#n a storey that connect trans&onders and #nd#$#dua' de$#ces need not con(orm to /entence 223. 8=9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 293, #( a d#str#,ut#on &ane' su&&'#es &ower to emergency '#ght#ng, the &ower su&&'y conductors 'ead#ng u& to the d#str#,ut#on &ane' sha'' ,e &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence 223. 899 )onductors 'ead#ng (rom a d#str#,ut#on &ane' re(erred to #n /entence 2 3 to emergency '#ght#ng un#ts #n the same storey need not con(orm to /entence 223. !,2,=, )e--$nines $nd O.enings t0roug0 +loor Assemblies !,2,=,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.2. .2. and /entence, the &ort#ons o( a floor area or a mezzanine that do not term#nate at an e5ter#or wa'', a firewall or a $ert#ca' sha(t sha'', 2a3 term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y and e5tend#ng (rom the ('oor assem,'y to the unders#de o( the ('oor or roo( assem,'y a,o$e, or 2,3 ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. 829 ;he &enetrat#on o( a ('oor assem,'y ,y an e"it or a vertical service space sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#ons 3.4. to 3.6. 8!9 % floor area conta#n#ng s'ee&#ng rooms #n a building o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 major occupancy sha'' not ,e constructed as &art o( an interconnected floor space. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 213, an e'ementary or secondary schoo' sha'' not, 2a3 conta#n an interconnected floor space, or 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n an interconnected floor space. 879 %n interconnected floor space #s &erm#tted #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo' &ro$#ded, 13.

2a3 the interconnected floor space cons#sts o( the first storey, and the storey ne5t a,o$e or ,e'ow #t, ,ut not ,oth, 2,3 the interconnected floor space #s sprin#lered, 2c3 the &ort#ons o( the u&&er floor area that do not term#nate at an e5ter#or wa'', a firewall or a $ert#ca' sha(t sha'' term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation e5tend#ng (rom the ('oor assem,'y to the unders#de o( the ('oor or roo( assem,'y a,o$e, 2d3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n )'ause 2e3, the fire separation re:u#red #n )'ause 2c3 need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating, 2e3 where a corr#dor #s 'ocated #mmed#ate'y ad0acent to the fire separation re:u#red #n )'ause 2c3, the fire separation sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 30 m#n, and 2(3 where a &ort#on o( a floor area #s not w#th#n the interconnected floor space, the re:u#red access to e"it (rom th#s &ort#on o( the floor area sha'' not 'ead through the interconnected floor space. !,2,=,2, E?ce.tions to (.eci$l %rotection 819 % mezzanine need not term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation nor ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. &ro$#ded the mezzanine, 2a3 ser$es a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy, 2,3 ser$es a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 major occupancy #n a building not more than 2 storeys #n building height, 2c3 ser$es a 4rou& %, ), ", 6 or F major occupancy and the mezzanine con(orms to /entence or 2 3, 2d3 #s not cons#dered a storey #n /entence #n ca'cu'at#ng building height &ro$#ded the mezzanine #s not more than 100 m2 #n area and does not conta#n a 4rou& * occupancy, or 2e3 #s not cons#dered a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng building height #n /entence 829 65ce&t (or ('oors re(erred to #n /entence and %rt#c'e, o&en#ngs through a hor#Conta' fire separation (or $eh#cu'ar ram&s #n a storage garage are not re:u#red to ,e &rotected w#th closures and need not con(orm to th#s /u,sect#on. 8!9 +( a closure #n an o&en#ng #n a fire separation wou'd d#sru&t the nature o( a manu(actur#ng &rocess, such as a cont#nuous ('ow o( mater#a' (rom storey to storey, the closure (or the o&en#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e om#tted &ro$#ded &recaut#ons are ta7en to o((set the resu't#ng haCard. 859 %n interconnected floor space #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. &ro$#ded the interconnected floor space does not #nterconnect more than 2 ad0acent storeys. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, o&en#ngs (or sta#rways, esca'ators and #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7s need not con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. &ro$#ded, 2a3 the o&en#ng (or each sta#rway, esca'ator or wa'7 does not e5ceed 10 m2, 2,3 the building #s sprin#lered throughout, and 2c3 the interconnected floor space conta#ns on'y 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1, 2 or 3, 4rou& " or 4rou& 6 occupancies. 8<9 %n interconnected floor space need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. &ro$#ded, 2a3 the interconnected floor space cons#sts o( the first storey and the storey ne5t a,o$e or ,e'ow #t, ,ut not ,oth, 2,3 the interconnected floor space #s sprin#lered, and 2c3 the interconnected floor space conta#ns on'y 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1, 2 or 3, 4rou& ", 4rou& 6, or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancies. !,2,=,!, Con/igur$tion 819 +n buildings constructed #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es 3.2. .4. to 3.2. .11., the unprotected openings through ('oor assem,'#es #n an interconnected floor space sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent s#Ce and sha'' ,e &os#t#oned re'at#$e to each other so as to ,e ca&a,'e o( conta#n#ng, w#th#n the (u'' he#ght o( the interconnected floor space, a cy'#nder con(orm#ng to /entence 223. 829 ;he cy'#nder re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a cross-sect#on that, where ta7en at a r#ght ang'e to the 'ong#tud#na' a5#s o( such cy'#nder, #s, 2a3 a c#rc'e at 'east 9 m #n d#ameter, or 2,3 an e''#&se at 'east . m w#de a'ong the m#nor a5#s and at 'east 61 m2 #n area. !,2,=,5, E?its 819 % building that #s more than 1 m #n he#ght, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, and that conta#ns an interconnected floor space, sha'' ,e des#gned to '#m#t the &assage o( smo7e (rom a (#re #nto e"it sta#rsha(ts 13

o&en#ng #nto an interconnected floor space so that dur#ng a 2 h &er#od a(ter the start o( (#re, such sta#rsha(ts w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom the (#re ('oor, assum#ng an outdoor tem&erature e:ua' to the January des#gn tem&erature on a 2.1F ,as#s. 829 8here a building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space #s more than .1 m #n he#ght, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, the e"it sta#rsha(t &rotect#on re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e accom&'#shed ,y the &ro$#s#on, ,etween each floor area and each e"it sta#rsha(t, o( a $est#,u'e &ro$#ded w#th a mechan#ca' a#r su&&'y or w#th a $ent o&en#ng to the outdoors. 8!9 8here a $est#,u'e &rotect#ng an e"it sta#rsha(t #s #ncor&orated #nto the des#gn o( the building to meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 or 223, such $est#,u'e sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned so that each doorway (or a door o&en#ng #nto the $est#,u'e #s 'ocated at 'east 1 00 mm (rom a door or doors o&en#ng outward (rom the $est#,u'e, 2,3 ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating at 'east e:ua' to that re:u#red (or the e"it that #t ser$es e5ce&t that the fire-resistance rating o( a fire separation ,etween the $est#,u'e and a public corridor need not e5ceed 41 m#n, and 2c3 not ha$e a door or doors o&en#ng #nto more than one e"it sta#rsha(t. 859 65ce&t where e"its ser$#ng the floor area are at ground 'e$e', the #ncreased tra$e' d#stance to e"its &erm#tted ,y )'ause sha'' not a&&'y to a floor area w#th#n an interconnected floor space. 879 8here a &ort#on o( a floor area #s not w#th#n an interconnected floor space, re:u#red access to e"it (rom such &ort#on o( a floor area sha'' not 'ead through an interconnected floor space. 8<9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 2.3 and 2 3, &ort#ons o( an interconnected floor space that ha$e ('oor 'e$e's more than 1 m a,o$e grade sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y e"its that &ro$#de at 'east 0.3 m2 o( area o( treads, 'and#ngs and ('oor sur(ace (or each occu&ant o( such &ort#ons o( an interconnected floor space. 8;9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 263 need not ,e a&&'#ed where a floor area that #s a &ort#on o( an interconnected floor space and that has a ('oor 'e$e' more than 1 m a,o$e grade #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the interconnected floor space ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( at 'east 1 h, e5ce&t that no fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red (or such fire separation where a'' o( the major occupancies conta#ned w#th#n the interconnected floor space may ,e c'ass#(#ed as '#ght haCard occupancies #n con(ormance w#th %&&end#5 % o( BF-% 13 >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 8=9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 263 need not ,e a&&'#ed where the e"it sta#rs that ser$e interconnected floor spaces are des#gned so that the re:u#red w#dth o( each sta#r #s cumu'at#$e. !,2,=,7, Ele1$tors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where an e'e$ator sha(t o&ens #nto an interconnected floor space and #nto storeys that are a,o$e such s&ace and that ha$e ('oor 'e$e's more than 1 m a,o$e grade, e#ther the e'e$ator doors o&en#ng #nto the interconnected floor space or the e'e$ator doors o&en#ng #nto the storeys a,o$e the interconnected floor space sha'' ,e &rotected ,y $est#,u'es that, 2a3 are des#gned to restr#ct the &assage o( contam#nated a#r to the '#m#t descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2. .4.213, and 2,3 con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 3.2. .4.233. 829 8here e'e$ator doors o&en#ng #nto an interconnected floor space are &rotected ,y $est#,u'es #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213, the e'e$ator doors o&en#ng #nto the 'owest storey o( the interconnected floor space need not ,e &rotected ,y such $est#,u'es. !,2,=,<, Grou. B ( Rooms 819 O&en#ngs &ro$#ded (or access ,etween an interconnected floor space and a building or a &ort#on o( a building conta#n#ng 4rou& * major occupancy s'ee&#ng rooms sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th $est#,u'es that are &ro$#ded w#th a mechan#ca' a#r su&&'y and that are des#gned, 2a3 to restr#ct the &assage o( smo7e (rom the interconnected floor space #nto the area conta#n#ng s'ee&#ng rooms #n accordance w#th the '#m#ts descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2. .4.213, and 2,3 #n con(ormance w#th )'ause 3.2. .4.2332a3. !,2,=,;, (.rinAlers 819 +n a building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space, storeys that are who''y or &art#a''y w#th#n an interconnected floor space and a'' storeys ,e'ow an interconnected floor space sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 829 +n a building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space, 2a3 water('ow a'arm s#gna's (rom s&r#n7'er systems sha'' ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243, and 139

2,3 s&r#n7'er systems sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed as re:u#red ,y /entence !,2,=,=, +ire Al$rm $nd #etection (3stem 819 % building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a (#re a'arm system and e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed annunc#ator con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.4., 2,3 a system o( smo#e detectors 'ocated, 2#3 on the ce#'#ng o( each storey #n the $#c#n#ty o( the o&en#ngs through ('oor assem,'#es descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .3., e5ce&t w#th#n dwelling units, heat detectors may ,e #nsta''ed #nstead o( smo#e detectors, and 2##3 as re:u#red (or the act#$at#on o( the smo7e contro' system descr#,ed #n /entences 3.2. .9.233, 243, 263 and 2.3, and 2c3 (ac#'#t#es (or transm#tt#ng a s#gna' to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.2.4. . !,2,=,9, (moAe Control 819 % smo7e contro' system con(orm#ng to /entences 223 to 2 3 sha'' ,e des#gned to contro' the mo$ement o( smo7e w#th#n a building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space. 829 ;he des#gn o( the smo7e contro' system sha'' assume an outdoor tem&erature e:ua' to the January des#gn tem&erature on a 2.1F ,as#s. 8!9 @&on act#$at#on o( the s&r#n7'er system or automat#c detect#on o( smo7e ,y at 'east two smo#e detectors #n a s#ng'e Cone w#th#n an interconnected floor space, the system sha'', 2a3 sto& a#r mo$#ng (ans that &ro$#de (or the norma' e5haust#ng or re-c#rcu'at#ng o( a#r #n an interconnected floor space, 2,3 act#$ate e"it sta#rsha(t &rotect#on re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .4., 2c3 act#$ate e'e$ator &rotect#on re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .1., and 2d3 act#$ate the $est#,u'e a#r su&&'y re:u#red #n /entence 3.2. .6.213. 859 % building conta#n#ng an interconnected floor space may ,e des#gned so that, #n the e$ent o( a (#re ar#s#ng #n a floor area or &art o( a floor area w#th#n the interconnected floor space, automat#c detect#on o( such (#re w#'' act#$ate a#r hand'#ng e:u#&ment that, 2a3 e5tracts a#r d#rect'y (rom such floor area or &art o( a floor area at the rate o( at 'east s#5 a#r changes &er hour, and 2,3 su&&'#es a#r #n su((#c#ent :uant#t#es and at a&&ro&r#ate 'ocat#ons to &re$ent smo7e (rom &ass#ng out o( such floor area #nto other &ort#ons o( the interconnected floor space. 879 For &ur&oses o( /entences 263 and 2.3, the $o'ume o( an interconnected floor space need not #nc'ude the aggregate $o'ume o( those floor areas or &ort#ons o( floor areas des#gned to ha$e Coned a#r e5tract#on #n accordance w#th /entence 243. 8<9 % mechan#ca' e5haust sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to remo$e a#r at the to& o( an interconnected floor space at the rate o( at 'east s#5 a#r changes &er hour, e5ce&t that where the $o'ume o( the interconnected floor space e5ceeds 1. 000 m3, on'y (our a#r changes &er hour need ,e &ro$#ded. 8;9 65ce&t where Coned mechan#ca' e5haust descr#,ed #n /entence 243 has ,een act#$ated, u&on automat#c detect#on o( smo7e w#th#n the $o'ume o( the interconnected floor space, the mechan#ca' e5haust descr#,ed #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e automat#ca''y act#$ated and su&&'y a#r sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n su((#c#ent :uant#ty and at a&&ro&r#ate 'ocat#ons to a''ow a cons#stent rate o( remo$a' o( smo7e throughout the $o'ume o( the interconnected floor space. 8=9 O$err#d#ng manua' contro's (or the smo7e contro' system sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or (#re de&artment use at an acce&ta,'e 'ocat#on #n the $#c#n#ty o( the (#re a'arm annunc#ator. !,2,=,1>, Emergenc3 %o2er (u..l3 819 +n a building that #s more than 1 m #n he#ght, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey, an emergency &ower su&&'y ca&a,'e o( o&erat#ng under a (u'' 'oad (or at 'east 2 h sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y an emergency generator or ,y a se&arate ser$#ce not su&&'#ed ,y the same su,stat#on as the &r#mary source (or (ans re:u#red (or smo7e contro' &ur&oses #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .4., 3.2. .1., 3.2. .6. and 3.2. .9. !,2,=,11, Testing 819 ;he systems (or smo7e contro' and $ent#ng descr#,ed #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .4., 3.2. .1., 3.2. .6. and 3.2. .9. sha'' ,e tested to ensure sat#s(actory o&erat#on. !,2,9, (t$nd.i.e (3stems !,2,9,1, 60ere Re4uired 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 to 2.3, a stand&#&e system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery building that, 140

2a3 #s more than 3 storeys #n building height, 2,3 #s more than 14 m h#gh measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng o( the to& storey, or 2c3 #s not more than 14 m h#gh measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng o( the to& storey ,ut has a building area e5ceed#ng the area shown #n ;a,'e (or the a&&'#ca,'e building height #( the building #s not sprin#lered. T$ble !,2,9,1, Building Limits 2it0out (t$nd.i.e (3stems Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. %olumn & ;ccupancy )'ass#(#cat#on % ) " F, "#$#s#on 2 F, "#$#s#on 3 %olumn 2 $uilding Area, m2 1 Storey 2 100 2 000 4 000 2 000 3 000 %olumn ' 2 Storeys 2 000 1 100 3 000 1 100 2 000 %olumn ( 3 Storeys 1 100 1 000 2 000 1 000 1 000

829 % stand&#&e system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery basement o( a building that re:u#res a stand&#&e system a,o$e grade. 8!9 % stand&#&e system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery basement o( a building that #s regu'ated ,y /entence 859 % stand&#&e system #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n the 'owest storey #n a building #( th#s storey #s a service room that has an area not more than 10 m2. 879 % stand&#&e system #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n a roo(-to& enc'osure #( th#s enc'osure has an area not more than 10 m2. 8<9 % stand&#&e system #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n a storage garage con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.2.2. 3. &ro$#ded the building #s not more than 11 m h#gh. 8;9 % stand&#&e system #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n a dwelling unit that, 2a3 e5tends not more than 3 storeys a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e', 2,3 #s com&'ete'y cut o(( (rom the rema#nder o( the building so that there #s no access to the rema#nder o( the building, and 2c3 has d#rect access to #ts #nter#or ,y means o( an e5ter#or doorway 'ocated not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e or ,e'ow ad0acent (#n#shed ground 'e$e'. !,2,9,2, (t$nd.i.e (3stem #esign 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, #( a stand&#&e system #s re:u#red, the des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and test#ng o( the system sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 14, >+nsta''at#on o( /tand&#&e and =ose /ystems?. 829 % dry stand&#&e that #s not connected to a water su&&'y sha'' not ,e cons#dered as (u'(#''#ng the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e. 8!9 +( more than one stand&#&e #s &ro$#ded, the tota' water su&&'y need not ,e more than 30 L!s. 859 ;he res#dua' water &ressure at the des#gn ('ow rate at the hydrau'#ca''y most remote hose connect#on o( a stand&#&e system that #s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n a building #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 410 7-a &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, 2,3 the water su&&'y at the ,ase o( the s&r#n7'er r#ser #s ca&a,'e o( meet#ng the des#gn ('ow rate and &ressure demand o( the s&r#n7'er system, #nc'ud#ng the #ns#de and outs#de hose a''owance, and 2c3 (#re &rotect#on e:u#&ment #s a$a#'a,'e to de'#$er, ,y means o( the (#re de&artment connect#on, the (u'' demand ('ow rate at a res#dua' water &ressure o( 410 7-a at the hydrau'#ca''y most remote hose connect#on o( the stand&#&e system. 879 % (#re de&artment connect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery stand&#&e system. 8<9 -um&s re:u#red to ha$e a rated net head &ressure greater than 2 0 7-a and the#r contro''ers sha'' ,e listed and 'a,e''ed. 8;9 )ou&'#ngs (or hoses or other (#tt#ngs used #n connect#on w#th such cou&'#ngs sha'' con(orm to @L)-/113, >;hreaded )ou&'#ngs (or 3 mm and 61 mm F#re =ose? or )%B!@L)-/143, >+nterna' Lug Mu#c7 )onnect )ou&'#ngs (or F#re =ose?. 8=9 +( (reeC#ng o( &#&#ng may occur, a dry stand&#&e system may ,e &ro$#ded and so arranged through the use o( listed de$#ces to, 2a3 automat#ca''y adm#t water to the system ,y o&en#ng o( a hose $a'$e, and 2,3 transm#t a s#gna' to an attended 'ocat#on. 141

899 % stand&#&e r#ser sha'' ,e 'ocated #n, 2a3 an e"it sta#r sha(t, or 2,3 a vertical service space se&arated (rom the ad0acent floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to ;a,'e !,2,9,!, Eose Connections 819 +( a stand&#&e system #s re:u#red #n a building, 3 mm d#am hose connect#ons sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each storey #n the building. 829 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements #n /entence 213, #( a stand&#&e system #s re:u#red, 61 mm d#am hose connect#ons sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each storey #n the building #( the building, 2a3 #s more than 21 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng o( the to& storey, or 2,3 has a building area o( more than 4 000 m2. !,2,9,5, Eose (t$tions 819 +( a stand&#&e system #s re:u#red #n a building, hose stat#ons sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each storey #n the building. 829 6ach hose stat#on sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a hose rac7 (#''ed w#th not more than 30 m o( 3 mm d#am (#re hose and the hose rac7 and (#re hose sha'' ,e, 2a3 listed, or 2,3 a&&ro$ed ,y the Factory <utua' Research )or&orat#on. 8!9 65ce&t #n a 4rou& F occupancy, at each hose stat#on, hose connect#ons, $a'$es, (#re hose, noCC'e and hose rac7 sha'' ,e #n a hose ca,#net. 859 % hose ca,#net re(erred to #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent s#Ce to, 2a3 conta#n the e:u#&ment re(erred to #n /entence 233, 2,3 conta#n a listed (#re e5t#ngu#sher, and 2c3 &ro$#de su((#c#ent c'earance to &erm#t the use o( a standard (#re de&artment hose 7ey. 879 =ose stat#ons sha'' ,e 'ocated, 2a3 so that e$ery &ort#on o( the building can ,e reached ,y a hose stream and #s w#th#n 3 m o( a noCC'e attached to the hose re:u#red #n /entence 223, 2,3 not more than 1 m (rom e$ery re:u#red e"it ser$#ng a floor area, e5ce&t, 2#3 (or the first storey, or 2##3 #( add#t#ona' hose stat#ons are re:u#red to ach#e$e (u'' co$erage o( the floor area, and 2c3 #n a cons&#cuous 'ocat#on where they are not '#7e'y to ,e o,structed. 8<9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2.3, hose stat#ons sha'' ,e 'ocated so that #t #s not necessary to &enetrate an e"it w#th a hose #n order to &ro$#de the des#gn co$erage re:u#red #n )'ause 2132a3. 8;9 % hose #s &erm#tted to &enetrate an e"it #n order to &ro$#de the re:u#red co$erage to, 2a3 a service room re(erred to #n /entence, 2,3 a roo(-to& enc'osure re(erred to #n /entence, 2c3 a room not more than 10 m2 #n area, or 2d3 a room or grou& o( rooms not more than 200 m2 #n area #n a sprin#lered floor area. 8=9 % hose stat#on 'ocated on one s#de o( a horizontal e"it sha'' ,e cons#dered to ser$e on'y the floor area on that s#de o( the horizontal e"it. 899 % hose ca,#net sha'' ,e 'ocated so that #ts door, when (u''y o&ened, w#'' not o,struct the re:u#red w#dth o( a means of egress. 81>9 % hose stat#on #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ocated #n a secure area, or #n a 'oc7a,'e ca,#net &ro$#ded that, 2a3 #dent#ca' 7eys (or a'' ca,#nets are 'ocated at a'' guard stat#ons, or 2,3 e'ectr#ca' remote re'ease de$#ces are &ro$#ded and are connected to an emergency &ower su&&'y. 142

!,2,9,7, (u.er1isor3 (ign$l Annunci$tion /or '$l1es 819 +( a (#re a'arm system #n a building #s re:u#red ,y /entence to ha$e an annunc#ator, $a'$es contro''#ng water su&&'#es #n a stand&#&e system, other than hose $a'$es, sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n accordance w#th /entence 223. !,2,9,<, 6$ter (u..l3 /or != mm Eose Connections 819 +( a stand&#&e and hose system #s re:u#red, the water su&&'y sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to &ro$#de a ('ow, measured at each o( the two hydrau'#ca''y most remote 3 mm d#am hose connect#ons, 2a3 o( not 'ess than 3 0 L!m#n, 2,3 (or not 'ess than 30 m#n, 2c3 at a &ressure o( not 'ess than 410 7-a, and 2d3 o( not 'ess than 190 L!m#n (rom each o( the two out'ets s#mu'taneous'y. !,2,9,;, 6$ter (u..l3 /or <7 mm Eose Connections 819 +( 61 mm d#am hose connect#ons are re:u#red, the water su&&'y sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to &ro$#de a ('ow, measured at each o( the two hydrau'#ca''y most remote 61 mm d#am hose connect#ons, 2a3 o( not 'ess than 1 90 L!m#n, 2,3 (or not 'ess than 30 m#n, 2c3 at a &ressure o( not 'ess than 410 7-a, and 2d3 o( not 'ess than 941 L!m#n (rom each o( the two out'ets s#mu'taneous'y. 829 +( the building #s 'ess than 4 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng 'e$e' o( the to& storey, the water su&&'y re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e su&&'#ed through the (#re de&artment connect#on. 8!9 +( the building #s 4 m or more h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng 'e$e' o( the to& storey, the water su&&'y re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y su((#c#ent &um&#ng ca&ac#ty. 859 +( the building #s 4 m or more h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ce#'#ng 'e$e' o( the to& storey, the building sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y no (ewer than two sources o( water su&&'y (rom a &u,'#c water system. (ection !,!, ($/et3 6it0in +loor Are$s !,!,1, All +loor Are$s !,!,1,1, (e.$r$tion o/ (uites 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, each suite #n other than business and personal services occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom ad0o#n#ng suites ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 ;ccupancies that are ser$ed ,y public corridors con(orm#ng to )'ause,3 #n a building that #s sprin#lered, are not re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom one another ,y fire separations &ro$#ded the occupancies are, 2a3 suites o( business and personal services occupancy, 2,3 (ast (ood $end#ng o&erat#ons that do not &ro$#de seat#ng (or customers, 2c3 suites o( mercantile occupancy, or 2d3 any com,#nat#on o( these occupancies. !,!,1,2, E$-$rdous (ubst$nces, E4ui.ment $nd %rocesses 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#on 3.3.6., the storage, hand'#ng and use o( the haCardous su,stances sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th, 2a3 the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, or 2,3 the ))*F) BR)) 13303, >Bat#ona' F#re )ode o( )anada?, #n the a,sence o( regu'at#ons re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3. 829 )oo7#ng e:u#&ment, not w#th#n a dwelling unit, used #n &rocesses &roduc#ng grease-'aden $a&ours sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th -art 6. 143

8!9 % (ue'-(#red appliance sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a corr#dor ser$#ng as an access to e"it. !,!,1,!, )e$ns o/ Egress 819 Access to e"it w#th#n floor areas sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#ons 3.3.2. to 3.3.6., #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on. 829 +( a &od#um, terrace, &'at(orm or conta#ned o&en s&ace #s &ro$#ded, egress re:u#rements sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( /entence (or rooms and suites. 8!9 9eans of egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom e$ery roo( that #s #ntended (or occu&ancy, and (rom e$ery &od#um, terrace, &'at(orm or conta#ned o&en s&ace. 859 %t 'east two se&arate means of egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom a roo(, used or #ntended (or an occupant load more than 60, to sta#rs des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the e"it sta#r re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3.4. 879 % roo(to& enc'osure sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an access to e"it that 'eads to an e"it, 2a3 at the roo( 'e$e', or 2,3 on the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the roo(. 8<9 % roo(to& enc'osure that #s more than 200 m2 #n area sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th at 'east two means of egress. 8;9 ;wo &o#nts o( egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a service space re(erred to #n /entence #(, 2a3 the area #s more than 200 m2, or 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance measured (rom any &o#nt #n the service space to a &o#nt o( egress #s more than 21 m. 8=9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3 and &erm#tted ,y /entences and 263, each suite #n a floor area that conta#ns more than one suite sha'' ha$e, 2a3 an e5ter#or e"it doorway, or 2,3 a doorway, 2#3 #nto a public corridor, or 2##3 to an e5ter#or &assageway. 899 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y th#s /ect#on and ,y /entence, at the &o#nt where a doorway re(erred to #n /entence 2 3 o&ens onto a public corridor or e5ter#or &assageway, #t sha'' ,e &oss#,'e to go #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons to each o( two se&arate e"its. 81>9 9eans of egress (rom a roo( (or &ersonne' ser$#c#ng roo( to& e:u#&ment or (or a ,e'ow ground service room that #s not norma''y occu&#ed, #s &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded ,y sta#rways or (#5ed 'adders. !,!,1,5, %ublic Corridor (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red ,y th#s -art or as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, a public corridor sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the storey ,y a fire separation. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233 and )'auses 2432a3 and 2,3, the fire separation ,etween a public corridor and the rema#nder o( the storey sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n. 8!9 +( a storey #s sprin#lered, no fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red (or a fire separation ,etween a public corridor and the rema#nder o( the storey &ro$#ded the corr#dor does not ser$e a care, care and treatment, detention or residential occupancy. 859 Bo fire separation #s re:u#red #n a sprin#lered floor area ,etween a public corridor and, 2a3 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences and and notw#thstand#ng /entences, the rema#nder o( a storey &ro$#ded the tra$e' d#stance (rom any &art o( the floor area to an e"it #s not more than 41 m., 2,3 a room or suite &ro$#ded the public corridor com&'#es w#th /entence and )'ause, or 2c3 a s&ace conta#n#ng plumbing fi"tures re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. &ro$#ded the s&ace and the public corridor are se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the storey ,y a fire separation that has a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red ,etween the public corridor and the rema#nder o( the storey. 879 ;he s&r#n7'er system #n /entences 233 and 243 sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence 233 and, u&on o&erat#on, sha'' cause a s#gna' to ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243 when the corr#dor ser$es a 4rou& 6 or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 or 2 occupancy. !,!,1,7, Egress #oor2$3s


819 65ce&t (or dwelling units, a m#n#mum o( two egress doorways 'ocated so that one doorway cou'd &ro$#de egress (rom the room or suite as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e #( the other doorway ,ecomes #naccess#,'e to the occu&ants due to a (#re that or#g#nates #n the room or suite, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery room and e$ery suite, 2a3 whose area #s more than 11 m2 and #s used (or, 2#3 a high hazard industrial occupancy, or 2##3 a hazardous room, 2,3 #ntended (or an occupant load more than 60, 2c3 #n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered #(, 2#3 the area o( a room or suite #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e, or 2##3 the tra$e' d#stance w#th#n the room or suite to the nearest egress doorway, #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e, 2d3 #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered and does not conta#n a high hazard industrial occupancy #(, 2#3 the tra$e' d#stance to an egress doorway #s more than 21 m, or 2##3 the area o( the room or suite #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e*., or 2e3 where the area o( the room #s more than 100 m2 and #t #s a hazardous classroom #n e'ementary or secondary schoo'. T$ble !,!,1,7,A, Egress in +loor Are$, not (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

%olumn & ;ccupancy o( Room or Suite 4rou& % 4rou& ) 4rou& " 4rou& 6 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3

)o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea o( Room or Suite, m2 110 110213 200 200 200 200

)o'umn 3 <a5#mum "#stance to 6gress "oorway, m 11 21213 21 21 21 21

Botes to T$ble !,!,1,7,A,&

/ee %rt#c'e (or dwelling units. T$ble !,!,1,7,B, Egress in (.rinAlered +loor Are$ Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. .

%olumn & ;ccupancy o( Room or Suite 4rou& % 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 s'ee&#ng rooms other than s'ee&#ng rooms 4rou& ) 4rou& " 4rou& 6 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3

)o'umn 2 <a5#mum %rea o( Room or Suite, m2 200 100 100 200 110213 300 200 200 300

Botes to T$ble !,!,1,7,B,&

/ee %rt#c'e (or dwelling units.

829 8here two egress doorways are re:u#red ,y /entence 213, they sha'' ,e &'aced at a d#stance (rom one another e:ua' to or greater than one-th#rd o( the ma5#mum o$era'' d#agona' d#mens#on o( the room or suite to ,e ser$ed, measured as the shortest d#stance that smo7e wou'd ha$e to tra$e' ,etween the nearest re:u#red egress doors. 8!9 65ce&t (or a mezzanine w#th#n a dwelling unit, e$ery mezzanine that #s not re:u#red to term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .2. sha'' ha$e two egress (ac#'#t#es &'aced #n such a manner that one (ac#'#ty cou'd &ro$#de egress


(rom the mezzanine #( the other (ac#'#ty ,ecomes #naccess#,'e to the occu&ants o( the mezzanine due to a (#re that m#ght or#g#nate #n the room or suite #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated, 2a3 where the occupancy o( the mezzanine, room or suite #s c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1, 2,3 where the mezzanine #s #ntended (or an occupant load o( more than 60 &ersons, 2c3 #n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered #(, 2#3 the area o( a mezzanine #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e, or 2##3 the tra$e' d#stance to an egress doorway or an egress (ac#'#ty #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e, or 2d3 #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered #(, 2#3 the tra$e' d#stance to an egress doorway or an egress (ac#'#ty #s more than 21 m, or 2##3 the area o( the mezzanine #s more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e*. 859 For the &ur&ose o( )'auses 2332c3 and 2d3, 2a3 #( the room or suite #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated #s &erm#tted to ha$e one egress doorway, the tra$e' d#stance #s measured (rom any &o#nt on the mezzanine to that doorway, or 2,3 #( the room or suite #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated #s re:u#red to ha$e more than one egress doorway, the tra$e' d#stance #s measured (rom any &o#nt on the mezzanine to the nearest egress (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng (rom the mezzanine. 879 65ce&t (or a mezzanine wh#ch #s not cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng building height #n /entence, where the s&ace ,e'ow a mezzanine #s enc'osed, an egress (ac#'#ty (rom the mezzanine sha'' not 'ead #nto the enc'osed s&ace. !,!,1,<, Tr$1el #ist$nce 819 +( more than one egress doorway #s re:u#red (rom a room or suite re(erred to #n %rt#c'e, the tra$e' d#stance w#th#n the room or suite to the nearest egress doorway sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum tra$e' d#stances s&ec#(#ed #n )'auses, 2,3, 2c3 and 2(3 (or e"its. !,!,1,;, %rotection on +loor Are$s 2it0 $ B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery floor area a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey that has a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'', 2a3 ,e ser$ed ,y an e'e$ator, 2#3 con(orm#ng to /entences to 263, 2##3 &rotected aga#nst (#re #n con(ormance w#th )'ause,3 or 2c3, and 2###3 #n a building o$er 3 storeys #n building height, &rotected aga#nst smo7e mo$ement so that the ho#stway w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom a (#re ('oor dur#ng a &er#od o( 2 h a(ter the start o( a (#re, assum#ng an outdoor tem&erature e:ua' to the January des#gn tem&erature on a 2.1F ,as#s determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, or 2,3 ,e d#$#ded #nto at 'east two Cones ,y fire separations con(orm#ng to /entences 243 to 263 so that, 2#3 &ersons w#th &hys#ca' d#sa,#'#t#es can ,e accommodated #n each Cone, 2##3 the tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt #n one Cone to a doorway 'ead#ng to another Cone sha'' ,e not more than the $a'ue (or tra$e' d#stance &erm#tted ,y /entence (or the occupancy c'ass#(#cat#on o( the Cone, and 2###3 a ,arrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s &ro$#ded to an e"it. 829 +n residential occupancies, the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 are wa#$ed #( a ,a'cony con(orm#ng to /entence 2.3 #s &ro$#ded (or each suite, e5ce&t (or suites on the storey conta#n#ng the barrier-free entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entences 213 and 223 are wa#$ed when the building #s sprin#lered. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, the fire separations re(erred to #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 879 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separations re(erred to #n )'ause 2132,3 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8<9 % door act#ng as a closure #n a fire separation re(erred to #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e weatherstr#&&ed or otherw#se des#gned and #nsta''ed to retard the &assage o( smo7e. 146

8;9 % ,a'cony re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door way ha$#ng a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess that 00 mm when the door #s #n the o&en &os#t#on, 2,3 ha$e no &ro0ect#on a,o$e the wa'7#ng sur(ace more than 13 mm, 2c3 ,e not 'ess than 1.1 m dee& (rom the outs#de (ace o( the e5ter#or wa'' to the #ns#de edge o( the ,a'cony, and 2d3 &ro$#de not 'ess than 0.1 m2 (or each occu&ant o( the suite. !,!,1,=, Ee$droom Cle$r$nce 819 65ce&t w#th#n the floor area o( a storage garage, the m#n#mum headroom c'earance #n e$ery access to e"it sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e (or e"its. !,!,1,9, Corridors 819 ;he m#n#mum w#dth o( a public corridor sha'' ,e 1 100 mm. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences and 233, the m#n#mum uno,structed w#dth sha'' ,e 1 100 mm (or e$ery, 2a3 corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c, 2,3 corr#dor ser$#ng c'assrooms, and 2c3 corr#dor #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy where the corr#dor, 2#3 ser$es a service room, 2##3 ser$es an adm#n#strat#$e area, 2###3 w#'' not ,e used ,y non-am,u'atory out&at#ents, or 2#$3 w#'' not ,e used ,y non-am,u'atory res#dents. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, o,struct#ons 'ocated w#th#n 1 9 0 mm o( the ('oor sha'' not &ro0ect more than 100 mm hor#Conta''y #n a manner that wou'd create a haCard (or a &erson w#th a $#sua' d#sa,#'#ty tra$e'#ng ad0acent to the wa''s #n, 2a3 an e"it &assageway, 2,3 a public corridor, 2c3 a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c, 2d3 a corr#dor ser$#ng c'assrooms, or 2e3 a corr#dor ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 occupancy. 859 ;he hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( an o,struct#on re(erred to #n /entence 233 #s &erm#tted to ,e more than 100 mm &ro$#ded the c'earance ,etween the o,struct#on and the ('oor #s 'ess than 6 0 mm. 879 +( a corr#dor conta#ns an occupancy, the occupancy sha'' not reduce the uno,structed w#dth o( the corr#dor to 'ess than #ts re:u#red w#dth. 8<9 +( a public corridor con(orm#ng to )'ause conta#ns an occupancy, 2a3 the occupancy sha'' ,e 'ocated so that (or &edestr#an tra$e' there #s an uno,structed w#dth not 'ess than 3 m at a'' t#mes ad0acent and &ara''e' to a'' rooms and suites that (ront onto the public corridor, and 2,3 the com,#ned area o( a'' occupancies #n the public corridor sha'' ,e not more than 11F o( the area o( the public corridor. 8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, a dead end corr#dor sha'' con(orm to /entences 2 3 to 2143. 8=9 % dead end corr#dor #s &erm#tted #n an assembly occupancy where there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto a dead end corr#dor. 899 +n a residential occupancy, e5ce&t (or corr#dors ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it as descr#,ed #n /entence, a dead end public corridor #s &erm#tted &ro$#ded #t #s not more than 6 m 'ong. 81>9 "ead end corr#dors #n /entence 293 sha'' conta#n no door o&en#ngs to service rooms conta#n#ng (ue'-(#red appliances or rooms that may ,e cons#dered a haCard. 8119 % dead end public corridor #s &erm#tted #n a business and personal services occupancy where, 2a3 the dead end corr#dor, 2#3 ser$es an occupant load o( not more than 30 &ersons, 2##3 #s not more than 9 m 'ong, and 14.

2###3 #s &ro$#ded w#th doors ha$#ng se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces, or 2,3 there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto a dead end corr#dor. 8129 % dead end corr#dor #s &erm#tted #n a mercantile occupancy where, 2a3 the dead end corr#dor, 2#3 ser$es an occupant load o( not more than 30 &ersons, 2##3 #s not more than 9 m 'ong, and 2###3 #s &ro$#ded w#th doors ha$#ng se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces, or 2,3 there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto a dead end corr#dor. 81!9 % dead end corr#dor #s &erm#tted #n a low or medium hazard industrial occupancy where, 2a3 the dead end corr#dor, 2#3 ser$es an occupant load o( not more than 30 &ersons, 2##3 #s not more than 9 m 'ong, and 2###3 #s &ro$#ded w#th doors ha$#ng se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces, or 2,3 there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto a dead end corr#dor. 8159 % dead end corr#dor #s &erm#tted #n a high hazard industrial occupancy where there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto a dead end corr#dor. 8179 65ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red ,y th#s /ect#on, a#s'es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. !,!,1,1>, #oor (2ing 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, a door that o&ens #nto a corr#dor or other (ac#'#ty &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (rom a suite, or a room not 'ocated w#th#n a suite, sha'' sw#ng on a $ert#ca' a5#s. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e, a door that o&ens #nto a corr#dor or other (ac#'#ty &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (rom a room or suite sha'' sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it #( the room or suite #s used or #ntended (or, 2a3 an occupant load more than 60, 2,3 a high hazard industrial occupancy, or 2c3 a hazardous classroom #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo'. 8!9 6$ery door that d#$#des a corr#dor that #s not who''y conta#ned w#th#n a suite sha'' sw#ng on a $ert#ca' a5#s #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it where the corr#dor &ro$#des access to e"it (or, 2a3 an occupant load more than 60, 2,3 a high hazard industrial occupancy, 2c3 a hazardous classroom #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', or 2d3 a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy. 859 +( a &a#r o( doors #s #nsta''ed #n a corr#dor that &ro$#des access to e"it #n ,oth d#rect#ons, the doors sha'' sw#ng #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons, w#th the door on the r#ght hand s#de sw#ng#ng #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it. !,!,1,11, (liding #oors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a s'#d#ng door &ro$#ded #n the 'ocat#ons descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed to sw#ng on the $ert#ca' a5#s #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it when &ressure #s a&&'#ed, and 2,3 ,e #dent#(#ed as a sw#ng#ng door ,y means o( a 'a,e' or deca' a((#5ed to #t. 829 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, or #n an impeded egress zone #n other occupancies, s'#d#ng doors used #n an access to e"it need not con(orm to /entence 213 and %rt#c'e 8!9 <o$a,'e partitions used to se&arate a public corridor (rom an ad0acent business and personal services occupancy or a mercantile occupancy need not con(orm to /entence 213 and /entences and 223 &ro$#ded the partitions are not 'ocated #n the on'y means of egress. !,!,1,12, #oors $nd #oor E$rd2$re 14

819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, a door that o&ens #nto or #s 'ocated w#th#n a public corridor or other (ac#'#ty that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a suite sha'', 2a3 &ro$#de a c'ear o&en#ng o( not 'ess than 00 mm #( there #s on'y one door 'ea(, 2,3 #n a doorway w#th mu't#&'e 'ea$es, ha$e the act#$e 'ea( &ro$#d#ng a c'ear o&en#ng o( not 'ess than 00 mm, and 2c3 not o&en onto a ste&. 829 % door #n an access to e"it sha'' ,e read#'y o&ena,'e #n tra$e''#ng to an e"it w#thout re:u#r#ng 7eys, s&ec#a' de$#ces or s&ec#a'#Ced 7now'edge o( the door o&en#ng mechan#sm, e5ce&t that th#s re:u#rement does not a&&'y to a door ser$#ng a contained use area, or an impeded egress zone, &ro$#ded the 'oc7#ng de$#ces con(orm to /entence 263. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, door re'ease hardware sha'' ,e o&era,'e ,y one hand and the door sha'' ,e o&ena,'e w#th not more than one re'eas#ng o&erat#on. 859 %n egress door (rom an #nd#$#dua' dwelling unit or (rom a suite o( residential occupancy #s &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded w#th add#t#ona' de$#ces that re:u#re a re'eas#ng o&erat#on add#t#ona' to the ma#n door re'ease hardware, &ro$#ded the de$#ces are read#'y o&era,'e (rom the #ns#de w#thout the use o( 7eys, s&ec#a' de$#ces or s&ec#a'#Ced 7now'edge. 879 "oor re'ease hardware sha'' ,e #nsta''ed not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 8<9 % door #n a means of egress ser$#ng a contained use area or an impeded egress zone #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th 'oc7#ng de$#ces that can ,e re'eased e#ther 'oca''y or remote'y #n con(ormance w#th /entence 2.3 or 2 3. 8;9 Loca' 'oc7#ng de$#ces &erm#tted ,y /entence 263 sha'' ,e o&era,'e ,y a 7ey (rom ,oth s#des o( the door. 8=9 )ontro's (or the remote re'ease o( door 'oc7#ng de$#ces &erm#tted ,y /entence 263 sha'' ,e 'ocated #n an area read#'y a$a#'a,'e to secur#ty &ersonne'. 899 Loc7#ng de$#ces &erm#tted ,y /entence 263 that are e'ectr#ca''y o&erated sha'' ,e, 2a3 des#gned to o&erate on emergency &ower, and 2,3 ca&a,'e o( manua' re'ease ,y secur#ty &ersonne'. 81>9 % door #n an access to e"it #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7#ng de$#ce con(orm#ng to /entence, e5ce&t that th#s &erm#ss#on does not a&&'y to a door, 2a3 #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', 2,3 a door 'ead#ng (rom a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, or 2c3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2113, re:u#r#ng a 'atch re'ease de$#ce ,y %rt#c'e 8119 % door #n an access to e"it #n a gaming premise #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7#ng de$#ce con(orm#ng to /entences and 2.3. !,!,1,1!, R$m.s $nd (t$ir2$3s 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, %rt#c'e 3.3.4... and /u,sect#on 3.3.2., ram&s and sta#rways that do not ser$e as e"its sha'' con(orm to the d#mens#ona', guard, handra#' and s'#&-res#stance re:u#rements (or e"it ram&s and sta#rways o( /entence and %rt#c'es and to 829 Ram&s and sta#rways that do not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 and are #ntended on'y (or occas#ona' use (or ser$#c#ng e:u#&ment and mach#nery are &erm#tted, (a) to serve service rooms and service spaces, and 2,3 #n industrial occupancies. !,!,1,15, E?terior %$ss$ge2$3s 819 %n e5ter#or &assageway 'ead#ng to a re:u#red e"it sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3.4. (or e5ter#or e"it &assageways. !,!,1,17, Cur1ed or (.ir$l (t$irs 819 % cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#r #s &erm#tted #n a sta#rway not re:u#red as an e"it &ro$#ded the sta#r has, 2a3 treads w#th, 2#3 a m#n#mum run not 'ess than 110 mm, and 2##3 an a$erage run not 'ess than 200 mm, and 2,3 r#sers #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.4.6. .223. !,!,1,1<, C$.$cit3 o/ Access to E?its 149

819 ;he ca&ac#ty o( an access to e"it sha'' ,e ,ased on the occupant load o( the &ort#on o( the floor area ser$ed. 829 +n an access to e"it the re:u#red w#dth o( ram&s w#th a s'o&e not more than 1 #n , doorways, and corr#dors sha'' ,e ,ased on not 'ess than 6.1 mm &er &erson. 8!9 +n an access to e"it the re:u#red w#dth o( a ram& w#th a s'o&e more than 1 #n &er &erson. sha'' ,e ,ased on not 'ess than 9.2 mm

859 +n an access to e"it (rom a floor area used or #ntended to ,e used (or &at#ents or res#dents #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, the re:u#red w#dth o( corr#dors, doorways, and ram&s sha'' ,e ,ased on not 'ess than 1 .4 mm &er &erson. 879 ;he ca&ac#ty o( sta#rs #n an access to e"it sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or sta#rs #n /entences to 233. !,!,1,1;, Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263 and %rt#c'es 3.3.2. . and 3.3.4..., a guard not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 around each roo( to wh#ch access #s &ro$#ded (or other than ma#ntenance, 2,3 at o&en#ngs #nto smo7e sha(ts re(erred to #n /u,sect#on 3.2.6. that are 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2c3 at each ra#sed ('oor, mezzanine, ,a'cony, ga''ery, #nter#or or e5ter#or $eh#cu'ar ram&, and at other 'ocat#ons where the d#((erence #n 'e$e' #s more than 600 mm. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233 and /entence 3.3.2. .243, o&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 100 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 8!9 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 and that #s #nsta''ed #n a building o( industrial occupancy sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce wh#ch w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 200 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 859 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s not re:u#red ,y /entence 213 and that ser$es a building o( other than industrial occupancy, sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that, 2a3 w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 100 mm, or 2,3 w#'' &erm#t the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 200 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed these '#m#ts do not re&resent a haCard. 879 @n'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs do not &resent a haCard, a guard sha'' ,e des#gned so that no mem,er, attachment or o&en#ng 'ocated ,etween 140 mm and 900 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' &rotected ,y the guard w#'' (ac#'#tate c'#m,#ng. 8<9 /entence 213 does not a&&'y at the (ront edges o( stages, ('oor &#ts #n repair garages and 'oad#ng doc7s. !,!,1,1=, Tr$ns.$rent #oors $nd %$nels 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units and as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, a g'ass or trans&arent door sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that the e5#stence and &os#t#on o( the door #s read#'y a&&arent, ,y attach#ng non-trans&arent hardware, ,ars or other &ermanent (#5tures to #t. 829 % g'ass door sha'' ,e constructed o(, 2a3 'am#nated or tem&ered sa(ety g'ass con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2,3 w#red g'ass con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, trans&arent &ane's used #n an access to e"it that, ,ecause o( the#r &hys#ca' con(#gurat#on or des#gn, cou'd ,e m#sta7en as a means of egress sha'' ,e made #naccess#,'e ,y ,arr#ers or ra#'#ngs. 859 /'#d#ng g'ass partitions that se&arate a public corridor (rom an ad0acent occupancy and that are #ntended to ,e o&en dur#ng norma' wor7#ng hours need not con(orm to /entences 213 and 233, &ro$#ded the partitions are su#ta,'y mar7ed to #nd#cate the#r e5#stence and &os#t#on. 879 4'ass #n doors and g'ass s#de'#ghts that cou'd ,e m#sta7en (or doors, w#th#n or at the entrances to dwelling units and #n &u,'#c areas, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 8<9 % w#ndow #n a &u,'#c area that e5tends to 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor and #s 'ocated a,o$e the second storey #n a building o( residential occupancy, sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a ,arr#er or ra#'#ng (rom the ('oor to not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor, or the w#ndow sha'' ,e non-o&ena,'e and des#gned to w#thstand the 'atera' des#gn 'oads (or ,a'cony guards re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e !,!,1,19, E?0$ust 'entil$tion 110

819 %n e5haust $ent#'at#on system des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( -art 6 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a building or &art o( a building #n wh#ch dust, (umes, gases, $a&our or other #m&ur#t#es or contam#nants ha$e the &otent#a' to create a (#re or e5&'os#on haCard. 829 65&'os#on re'#e( de$#ces, $ents or other &rotect#$e measures con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 6.2.2. sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a s&ace #n wh#ch su,stances or cond#t#ons that ha$e the &otent#a' to create an e5&'os#on haCard are &resent as a resu't o( the &r#nc#&a' use o( a building. !,!,1,2>, *$nitorsG Rooms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, a room or s&ace w#th#n a floor area (or the storage o( 0an#tor#a' su&&'#es sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating #( the floor area #n wh#ch the room or s&ace #s 'ocated #s sprin#lered. !,!,1,21, Common L$undr3 Rooms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, #n a building o( residential occupancy, a 'aundry room #n a floor area that #s not w#th#n a dwelling unit sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fireresistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating #( the floor area #n wh#ch the 'aundry room #s 'ocated #s sprin#lered. !,!,1,22, Obstructions 819 Bo o,struct#on sha'' ,e &erm#tted #n any occupancy that wou'd restr#ct the w#dth o( a norma' means of egress (rom any &art o( a floor area to 'ess than .10 mm un'ess an uno,structed a'ternat#$e means of egress #s &ro$#ded ad0acent to, access#,'e (rom, and &'a#n'y $#s#,'e (rom the o,structed means of egress. !,!,1,2!, (igns in (er1ice (.$ces 819 +''um#nated s#gns con(orm#ng to /entence or 2.3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to #nd#cate the d#rect#on to egress &o#nts #n a service space re(erred to #n /entence !,!,1,25, 6elding $nd Cutting 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, we'd#ng and cutt#ng o&erat#ons sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a room, 2a3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2,3 &rotected ,y an automat#c (#re e5t#ngu#sh#ng system. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to an industrial occupancy where the we'd#ng and cutt#ng o&erat#ons do not &resent a (#re or e5&'os#on haCard to ad0acent areas. !,!,2, Assembl3 Occu.$nc3 !,!,2,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to assembly occupancies and to outdoor &'aces o( assem,'y. !,!,2,2, +ire (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, the seat#ng area o( a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy sha'' ,e se&arated (rom ad0acent occupancies #n the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h #( the occupant load #n the seat#ng area e5ceeds 200. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 111

2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 +( usa,'e s&ace e5#sts under t#ers o( seats #n arena ty&e buildings, a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the s&ace and the seats or the s&ace sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entences 213 to 2.3, #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', a hazardous classroom sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire-separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 1 h where the building #s not sprin#lered, or 2,3 30 m#n where the building #s sprin#lered. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', a hazardous classroom conta#n#ng an auto re&a#r sho& sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire-separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 2 h where the building #s not sprin#lered, or 2,3 1 h where the building #s sprin#lered. 8<9 +n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', #( there #s a grou& o( hazardous classrooms or a grou& o( hazardous classrooms and anc#''ary rooms o( a com&'ementary use, the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 243 or 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th#n the grou& ,ut the fire separation #s re:u#red ,etween the grou& and the rema#nder o( the building. 8;9 +n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', a hazardous classroom conta#n#ng a s&ray &a#nt#ng o&erat#on sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 2 h, or 2,3 1 h where the s&ray &a#nt#ng o&erat#on #s se&arated (rom the c'assroom ,y a fire-separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8=9 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 293, #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', where the occupant load o( a room e5ceeds 200 &ersons, the room and any anc#''ary rooms o( a com&'ementary use sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 1 h where the building #s not sprin#lered, or 2,3 30 m#n where the building #s sprin#lered. 899 % 7#tchen sha'' not ,e 'ocated w#th#n the fire compartment re:u#red #n /entence 2 3. !,!,2,!, +i?ed (e$ts 819 65ce&t (or the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.3.2... (or ,ench-ty&e seats and e5ce&t as re:u#red or &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and %rt#c'es and, (#5ed seats #n &'aces o( assem,'y sha'' ,e, 2a3 attached or secured to the ('oor, &'at(orm or &'at(orm r#ser, 2,3 &ro$#ded w#th arms and ,ac7, and 2c3 arranged #n rows ha$#ng an uno,structed &assage not 'ess than 400 mm w#de measured hor#Conta''y ,etween &'um, '#nes (rom the ,ac7s o( the seats #n one row and the edges o( the (urthest (orward &ro0ect#on o( the seats #n the ne5t row #n the unoccu&#ed &os#t#on. 829 For (#5ed seats w#th ,ac7s and w#th (o'd#ng ta,'et arms, the $a'ue o( 400 mm re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132c3 sha'' ,e measured when the ta,'et arms are #n the use &os#t#on, ,ut #s &erm#tted to ,e measured #n the stored &os#t#on &ro$#ded, 2a3 there are not more than se$en seats ,etween any seat and the nearest a#s'e, 2,3 the seats are 'ocated #n a 'ecture ha'' or an aud#tor#um used (or #nstruct#ona' &ur&oses, and 2c3 the ta,'et arm, when ra#sed manua''y to a $ert#ca' &os#t#on, (a''s ,y the (orce o( gra$#ty to the stored &os#t#on. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 243 and 213, a#s'es sha'' ,e 'ocated so that there are not more than se$en seats w#th ,ac7s or 20 seats w#thout ,ac7s ,etween any seat and the nearest a#s'e. 859 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 233 do not a&&'y #(, 2a3 egress doorways are &ro$#ded to ser$e ,oth ends o( rows o( seats, 2,3 each doorway re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 ser$es not more than three rows o( seats, and 2c3 each row conta#ns not more than 100 seats. 879 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 233 do not a&&'y #(, 2a3 there are not more than se$en seats ,etween any seat and the nearest a#s'e, where the seats are ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e a#s'e, 112

2,3 there are not more than 20 seats ,etween any seat and the nearest a#s'e, where the seats are ser$ed ,y two a#s'es, 2c3 each row has an uno,structed &assage w#th m#n#mum w#dth o( 400 mm &'us 6.1 mm (or each add#t#ona' seat a,o$e 16 seats #n the row, and 2d3 the tra$e' d#stance #s not more than 41 m measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' (rom any seat to an e"it or to an egress doorway. 8<9 /eat#ng arrangements that do not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entences 233 to 213 are &erm#tted &ro$#ded the standard o( sa(ety #s not reduced and the t#me re:u#red (or egress #s not #ncreased. !,!,2,5, Aisles 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'es, and, a#s'es 'ead#ng to egress doors or e"its sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /entences 223 to 22.3 #n &'aces o( assem,'y that conta#n (#5ed seats. 829 +n th#s /u,sect#on, a con$erg#ng a#s'e #s an a#s'e #nto wh#ch the occu&ants o( two or more a#s'es con$erge #n tra$e''#ng to an e"it. 8!9 %n a#s'e sha'' term#nate at, 2a3 a con$erg#ng a#s'e, 2,3 an egress doorway (rom the seat#ng area, or 2c3 an e"it (rom the seat#ng area. 859 % con$erg#ng a#s'e sha'' term#nate at, 2a3 an egress doorway (rom the seat#ng area, or 2,3 an e"it (rom the seat#ng area. 879 ;he m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( a#s'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm , e5ce&t that the w#dth #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to not 'ess than, 2a3 .10 mm #( ser$#ng not more than 60 seats, and 2,3 900 mm #( ser$#ng seats on one s#de on'y. 8<9 ;he m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( each a#s'e sha'' ,e measured at the &o#nt #n the a#s'e (urthest (rom, 2a3 an egress doorway re(erred to #n )'ause 21132a3, 2,3 an e"it re(erred to #n )'ause 21132,3, or 2c3 an e"it re(erred to #n /entence 2163. 8;9 65ce&t (or an a#s'e ser$#ng ,'eacher seats, where rows o( seats d#scharge #nto an a#s'e, the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 21 mm (or each metre o( 'ength o( the a#s'e measured #n the d#rect#on towards an e"it. 8=9 ;he w#dth o( a con$erg#ng a#s'e sha'' ,e not 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the w#dest a#s'e &'us 10F o( the tota' re:u#red w#dth o( the rema#n#ng a#s'es that #t ser$es. 899 +( rows o( seats d#scharge d#rect'y #nto the con$erg#ng a#s'e, the w#dth re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3 sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 21 mm (or each metre o( 'ength o( the a#s'e where the rows o( seats d#scharge #nto the a#s'e. 81>9 ;he w#dth o( an egress doorway or an e"it 'ead#ng d#rect'y (rom the seat#ng area sha'' ,e not 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the w#dest a#s'e or con$erg#ng a#s'e &'us 10F o( the tota' re:u#red w#dth o( the rema#n#ng a#s'es and con$erg#ng a#s'es that #t ser$es. 8119 ;he re:u#rements #n /entences 213 to 2103 and 21.3 do not a&&'y #(, 2a3 the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( an a#s'e #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, ,ut #s not 'ess than 900 mm #( ser$#ng seats on one s#de on'y, 2,3 the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( an a#s'e #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, ,ut #s not 'ess than 1 200 mm #( ser$#ng seats on ,oth s#des, 2c3 the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( a con$erg#ng a#s'e #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, ,ut not 'ess than the w#dth o( the w#dest a#s'e 'ead#ng to the con$erg#ng a#s'e, 2d3 the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( an e"it 'ead#ng d#rect'y (rom the seat#ng area #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, 2e3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n )'ause 2(3, the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( an egress doorway 'ead#ng d#rect'y (rom the seat#ng area #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, ,ut not 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the a#s'e or the con$erg#ng a#s'e 'ead#ng to the doorway, and 113

2(3 #( more than one $om#tary #s &ro$#ded, 2#3 the m#n#mum tota' c'ear w#dth o( the egress doorways 'ead#ng (rom one $om#tary #s not 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the a#s'e or the con$erg#ng a#s'e 'ead#ng to the doorways, and 2##3 the m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( egress doorways (rom add#t#ona' $om#tor#es #s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 8129 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 2133 and 2143, dead-end a#s'es sha'' ,e not more than 6 m 'ong. 81!9 "ead-end a#s'es are &erm#tted to ,e more than 6 m 'ong, ,ut not more than 10 m 'ong #(, 2a3 the seat#ng area #s se&arated (rom other seat#ng areas and ad0acent occupancies, #nc'ud#ng a corr#dor ser$#ng any seat#ng area, ,y a fire separation #n accordance w#th /entences and 223, 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance #s not more than 21 m measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' (rom any seat to an e"it, to an egress doorway or to an o&en#ng #nto a $om#tary, 2c3 at 'east one means of egress, com&r#s#ng not 'ess than 30 &er cent o( the re:u#red e"it ca&ac#ty, #s through an e5ter#or e"it, an e"it sta#rway or a corr#dor not conta#n#ng an occupancy, 2d3 each row ser$ed ,y the dead-end a#s'e has a m#n#mum uno,structed w#dth o( 400 mm &'us 6.1 mm (or each add#t#ona' seat a,o$e se$en seats #n a row, ,ut not more than 110 mm, 2e3 the m#n#mum ce#'#ng he#ght a,o$e the seat#ng area #s 3 m, 2(3 the act#$at#on o( a fire detector or a s&r#n7'er head #n the seat#ng area w#'', 2#3 cause the shutdown o( the &ro0ect#on system ser$#ng the seat#ng area, and 2##3 turn on the norma' '#ght#ng #n the seat#ng area, and 2g3 the floor area #s sprin#lered. 8159 "ead-end a#s'es are &erm#tted to ,e more than 10 m 'ong, ,ut not more than 13 m 'ong #(, 2a3 the seat#ng area #s se&arated (rom other seat#ng areas and ad0acent occupancies, #nc'ud#ng a corr#dor ser$#ng any seat#ng area, ,y a fire separation #n accordance w#th /entences and 223, 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance #s not more than 21 m measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' (rom any seat to an e"it, to an egress doorway or to an o&en#ng #nto a $om#tary, 2c3 at 'east one means of egress, com&r#s#ng not 'ess than 30 &er cent o( the re:u#red e"it ca&ac#ty, #s through an e5ter#or e"it, an e"it sta#rway or a corr#dor not conta#n#ng an occupancy, 2d3 each row ser$ed ,y a dead-end a#s'e has a m#n#mum uno,structed w#dth o( 400 mm &'us 6.1 mm (or each add#t#ona' seat a,o$e se$en seats #n a row, ,ut not more than 110 mm, 2e3 the act#$at#on o( a fire detector or a s&r#n7'er head #n the seat#ng area w#'', 2#3 cause the shutdown o( the &ro0ect#on system ser$#ng the seat#ng area, and 2##3 turn on the norma' '#ght#ng #n the seat#ng area, 2(3 a $o#ce commun#cat#on system #s #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e, 2g3 a smo7e contro' system #s #nsta''ed to contro' mo$ement o( smo7e #n the seat#ng area or a smo7e e5haust system #s &ro$#ded so that, #n the e$ent o( detect#on o( smo7e ,y a smo#e detector #n the seat#ng area, a#r hand'#ng e:u#&ment #s act#$ated to e5tract a#r d#rect'y (rom the seat#ng area at the rate o( at 'east s#5 a#r changes &er hour, and 2h3 the floor area #s sprin#lered. 8179 8here a seat#ng area #s se&arated as re:u#red ,y /entences and 223 or 3, the 'ength o( tra$e' ,y any a#s'e sha'' ,e not more than 41 m measured (rom the most remote &o#nt o( the a#s'e to, 2a3 an egress doorway #n the re:u#red se&arat#on, or 2,3 an e"it 'ead#ng d#rect'y (rom the seat#ng area. 81<9 8here a seat#ng area #s not re:u#red to ,e se&arated ,y /entences and 223 or 3, the tra$e' d#stance sha'' ,e not more than 41 m measured (rom the most remote &o#nt o( the a#s'e to an e"it. 81;9 /#de a#s'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de #( seat#ng #s &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /entence 81=9 %n a#s'e that has a s'o&e not more than 1 #n 8199 %n a#s'e that s'o&es more than 1 #n sha'' not ,e ste&&ed. sha'' ,e ste&&ed.

82>9 ;he &assageway ,etween rows o( seats ser$ed ,y a ste&&ed a#s'e sha'' ,e 'e$e' at r#ght ang'es to the '#ne o( tra$e'. 114

8219 ;he r#ser o( a ste& #n an a#s'e sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 110 mm h#gh, and 2,3 not more than 200 mm h#gh. 8229 Har#at#ons are &erm#tted #n r#ser he#ght &ro$#ded, 2a3 the he#ght o( ad0acent r#sers does not $ary ,y more than 6 mm, and 2,3 the de&th o( a tread or a &'at(orm #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' #s not 'ess than 430 mm. 82!9 /te&s #n an a#s'e sha'', 2a3 ha$e a run not 'ess than 230 mm e5c'us#$e o( nos#ngs, 2,3 ha$e a tread de&th not 'ess than 210 mm, 2c3 e5tend to the ad0acent rows o( seats #n a manner that w#'' not create a haCard (rom tr#&&#ng, and 2d3 ha$e a (#n#sh on the treads con(orm#ng to /entence 8259 ;he 'ocat#on o( e$ery r#ser #n an a#s'e sha'' ,e made a&&arent (rom ,oth d#rect#ons o( tra$e' ,y strateg#ca''y &'aced '#ght#ng or contrast#ng mar7#ng str#&es. 8279 % &'at(orm #n an a#s'e sha'' ,e 'e$e', e5ce&t that a s'o&e not more than 1 #n 10 #s &erm#tted (or a &'at(orm that #s not 'ess than 430 mm dee& #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 82<9 +( a ste& #s used at the entry to a row o( seats (rom a ste&&ed a#s'e, an uno,structed &'at(orm not 'ess than 00 mm s:uare sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ad0acent to the a#s'e. 82;9 ;he (#n#sh o( the sur(ace o( a &'at(orm #n or ad0acent to a ste&&ed a#s'e sha'' con(orm to /entence !,!,2,7, Corridors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243, a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c #n an assembly occupancy as an access to e"it sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 ;he fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed #( the floor area #n wh#ch the corr#dor #s 'ocated #s sprin#lered. 859 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed #( the d#stance (rom any &o#nt #n the floor area to an e"it measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' to an e"it does not e5ceed the tra$e' d#stance &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e !,!,2,<, #oors 819 % door e:u#&&ed w#th a 'atch#ng mechan#sm #n an access to e"it (rom a room or suite o( assembly occupancy conta#n#ng an occupant load more than 100 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a de$#ce that w#'' re'ease the 'atch and a''ow the door to sw#ng w#de o&en when a (orce not more than that s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 3. . #s a&&'#ed to the de$#ce #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it. !,!,2,;, +i?ed Benc0:T3.e (e$ts 2it0out Arms 819 +( (#5ed ,ench-ty&e seats w#thout arms are &ro$#ded, the seat w#dth &er &erson sha'' ,e assumed to ,e 410 mm. 829 ;he centre-to-centre s&ac#ng ,etween rows o( ,ench-ty&e seats sha'' ,e not 'ess than .60 mm #( ,ac7 rests are &ro$#ded, and not 'ess than 110 mm #( ,ac7 rests are not &ro$#ded. 8!9 % c'ear s&ace o( not 'ess than 300 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the ,ac7 o( each seat and the (ront o( the seat #mmed#ate'y ,eh#nd #t. !,!,2,=, Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences 223 to 243 (or ,'eacher seats, guards sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n outdoor and #ndoor &'aces o( assem,'y w#th (#5ed seats so that, 2a3 at the (asc#a o( e$ery ,o5, ,a'cony or ga''ery where the seats e5tend to the edge, the he#ght o( guards #s not 'ess than, 2#3 .60 mm #n (ront o( the seats, and 2##3 920 mm #( 'ocated at the end o( a#s'es or at the (oot o( ste&s, 111

2,3 the he#ght o( guards a'ong e$ery cross a#s'e other than those ad0acent to the (asc#a o( e$ery ,o5, ,a'cony or ga''ery #s not 'ess than 660 mm, e5ce&t that guards need not ,e &ro$#ded #( the ,ac7s o( the seats a'ong the (ront s#de o( the a#s'e are not 'ess than 600 mm a,o$e the ('oor o( the a#s'e, and 2c3 where the seat#ng #s arranged #n success#$e t#ers and the he#ght o( r#se ,etween &'at(orms #s more than 410 mm, the he#ght o( guards #s not 'ess than 660 mm a'ong the ent#re row o( seats at the edge o( the &'at(orm. 829 ;he ,ac7s and ends o( ,'eacher seats more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ground or ('oor that are not ad0acent to a wa'' sha'' ,e &rotected w#th a guard, 2a3 not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh a,o$e an ad0acent a#s'e sur(ace or (oot rest, and 2,3 not 'ess than 920 mm h#gh a,o$e the centre o( an ad0acent seat ,oard. 8!9 +( the (ront o( a ,'eacher #s more than 600 mm a,o$e the ground or ('oor, #t sha'' ,e &rotected w#th a guard not 'ess than 40 mm h#gh a,o$e the (ront (oot rest. 859 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 300 mm. !,!,2,9, Outdoor %l$ces o/ Assembl3 819 % 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancy and each t#er or ,a'cony that has a ca&ac#ty o( more than, 2a3 1 000 &ersons sha'' ha$e no (ewer than three se&arate e"its, or 2,3 4 000 &ersons sha'' ha$e no (ewer than (our se&arate e"its. 829 +n a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancy, e$ery seat sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the tra$e' d#stance #s not more than 41 m measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' (rom the seat to, 2a3 the ground, 2,3 an e"it, 2c3 an o&en#ng to a &assageway 'ead#ng (rom the seat#ng area, or 2d3 a &orta', a $om#tary or any other o&en#ng through the seat#ng dec7 structure. 8!9 6"its (rom outdoor stad#a or grandstands sha'' ,e 'ocated not more than 21 m a&art. 859 ;he ca&ac#ty o( a means of egress (or a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancy sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 879 %#s'es #n a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancy, 2a3 sha'' ,e 'ocated so that there are not more than 20 seats ,etween any seat and the nearest a#s'e, and 2,3 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 200 mm w#de, e5ce&t that an a#s'e ser$#ng 'ess than 60 &ersons #s &erm#tted to ,e .10 mm w#de. !,!,2,1>, Ble$c0ers 819 /te&s &ro$#ded #n a#s'es o( ,'eachers o( the te'esco&#c ty&e sha'', 2a3 ha$e r#sers not more than 210 mm h#gh, and 2,3 ha$e treads w#th a run not 'ess than 2 0 mm. 829 +( the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween seat#ng &'at(orms #n ,'eachers #s more than 2 0 mm, an #ntermed#ate ste& sha'' ,e &ro$#ded the (u'' w#dth o( the a#s'e and &ro&ort#oned to &ro$#de two e:ua' r#sers ,etween &'at(orms. 8!9 +( the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween seat#ng &'at(orms #n ,'eachers #s more than 410 mm, two #ntermed#ate ste&s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded the (u'' w#dth o( the a#s'e so that there are three e:ua' r#sers ,etween &'at(orms. 859 +( the &assageway ,etween rows o( seats #s not a c'osed dec7, (oot,oards sha'' ,e &ro$#ded so that, 2a3 the tota' w#dth o( the (oot,oards sha'' ,e not 'ess than three-:uarters o( the centre-to-centre s&ac#ng ,etween rows o( seats, and 2,3 the s&ac#ng ,etween (oot,oard mem,ers sha'' ,e not more than 21 mm. 879 O&en#ngs a,o$e (oot,oards and ,e'ow the seats #n rows o( ,'eachers sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 100 mm. !,!,2,11, Libr$ries 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a '#,rary ,oo7 storage room that #s not norma''y access#,'e to the &u,'#c sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h #( #t, 116

2a3 #s more than 210 m2 #n area, or 2,3 conta#ns ,oo7 stac7s that, 2#3 are more than 10 m h#gh, or 2##3 &enetrate more than one ('oor assem,'y. 829 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s not re:u#red #( the ,oo7 storage room #s sprin#lered. 8!9 O&en ,oo7 she'$es are &erm#tted a,o$e and ,e'ow a mezzanine ('oor #n a '#,rary building &ro$#ded the he#ght o( the she'$es #s not more than 2.1 m ,ut not more than .1F o( the ('oor-to-ce#'#ng he#ght o( the s&ace a,o$e or ,e'ow the mezzanine ('oor assem,'y. !,!,2,12, (t$ges /or T0e$tric$l %er/orm$nces 819 % stage (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances and anc#''ary s&aces, #nc'ud#ng wor7sho&s, dress#ng rooms and storage areas, sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 829 % fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween a stage (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances and anc#''ary s&aces, #nc'ud#ng wor7sho&s, dress#ng rooms and storage areas. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 263, a stage (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances and anc#''ary s&aces, #nc'ud#ng wor7sho&s, dress#ng rooms and storage areas, sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the seat#ng area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, e5ce&t (or a &roscen#um o&en#ng &rotected w#th, 2a3 a s&r#n7'er de'uge system con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( BF-% 13 >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?, 2,3 an un(ramed (#re curta#n #( the o&en#ng #s not more than 20 m w#de, or 2c3 a sem#-r#g#d (#re curta#n #( the o&en#ng #s more than 20 m w#de. 859 % (#re curta#n re:u#red ,y /entence 233 sha'' ,e o( a ty&e des#gned to c'ose, 2a3 automat#ca''y u&on the actuat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system, 2,3 automat#ca''y u&on actuat#on o( the (#re a'arm system, 2c3 manua''y ,y remote contro' de$#ces 'ocated at the curta#n contro' &ane' and at each s#de o( the stage, and 2d3 automat#ca''y ,y heat-actuated de$#ces. 879 %t 'east two $ents (or the &ur&ose o( $ent#ng (#re and smo7e to the outs#de o( a building sha'' ,e &ro$#ded a,o$e a stage des#gned (or theatr#ca' &er(ormances and sha'', 2a3 ha$e an aggregate area not 'ess than one-e#ghth o( the area o( the stage ,eh#nd the &roscen#um o&en#ng, and 2,3 ,e arranged to o&en automat#ca''y u&on actuat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system. 8<9 ;he fire separation re(erred to #n /entence 233 #s not re:u#red ,etween a stage and a seat#ng area #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered, &ro$#ded a s&r#n7'er de'uge system #s #nsta''ed at the ,oundary ,etween the stage and the seat#ng area. !,!,2,1!, Risers /or (t$irs 819 +n a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 occupancy used (or the ser$#ng o( (ood and ,e$erages, an #nter#or ('#ght o( sta#rs w#th (ewer than three r#sers #s &erm#tted &ro$#ded #t, 2a3 #s not 'ess than 900 mm w#de, 2,3 #s #''um#nated at a'' t#mes that occu&ants are on the &rem#ses, and 2c3 has a handra#' on each s#de. !,!,2,15, (tor$ge Rooms 819 % room #ntended (or the storage o( flammable li uids or combustible li uids re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B sha'' not ,e 'ocated a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey o( the building. !,!,!, C$re, C$re $nd Tre$tment or #etention Occu.$nc3 !,!,!,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to care occupancies, care and treatment occupancies and detention occupancies. !,!,!,2, +ire (e.$r$tions 819 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence ,etween a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy and a repair garage sha'' ha$e no o&en#ngs.


829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, wa''s ,etween s'ee&#ng rooms and ad0acent rooms sha'' ,e constructed as fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, e5ce&t that the fire-resistance rating need not ,e more than 41 m#n where the ('oor assem,'y #s not re:u#red to ,e more than 41 m#n. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, wa''s se&arat#ng corr#dors ser$#ng s'ee&#ng rooms (rom ad0acent rooms sha'' ,e constructed as fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, e5ce&t that the fire-resistance rating need not ,e more than 41 m#n where the ('oor assem,'y #s not re:u#red to ,e more than 41 m#n. 859 ;he wa''s se&arat#ng s'ee&#ng rooms (rom ad0acent rooms and corr#dors #n those &arts o( a floor area c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy sha'' ,e constructed as fire separations ,ut are not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating #(, 2a3 those &arts o( the floor area conta#n s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons, and 2,3 not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency. 879 ;he door #n the fire-separation re:u#red #n /entence 243 #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ro''er 'atch and need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. !,!,!,!, Corridors 819 % corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c or ser$#ng &at#ents or res#dents sha'' ha$e no dead-end &ort#on un'ess the area ser$ed ,y the dead-end &ort#on has a second and se&arate means of egress. 829 % corr#dor ser$#ng &at#ents #n a hos&#ta' sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 400 mm w#de. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 213, a corr#dor ser$#ng res#dents who are not am,u'atory #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 610 mm w#de. 859 -a#red doors #n a corr#dor ser$#ng &at#ents or res#dents sha'', 2a3 sw#ng #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons, the r#ght hand door sw#ng#ng #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e', and 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de. 879 % corr#dor #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons and not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency need not com&'y w#th /entence 233. !,!,!,5, #oor2$3 6idt0 819 ;he m#n#mum c'ear w#dth o( doorways ser$#ng &at#ents or res#dents sha'' ,e 1 010 mm, e5ce&t where, #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, the door, 2a3 ser$es a service room, 2,3 ser$es an adm#n#strat#$e area, 2c3 w#'' not ,e used ,y non-am,u'atory out&at#ents, 2d3 #s 'ocated w#th#n a &at#entDs or res#dentDs s'ee&#ng room, or 2e3 #s #n a 'ong-term care home that w#'' accommodate on'y am,u'atory res#dents. !,!,!,7,$ls $nd Long:Term C$re Eomes 819 7loor areas conta#n#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home sha'' con(orm to /entences 223 to 2123. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a floor area conta#n#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms #n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home sha'' ,e d#$#ded #nto no (ewer than two fire compartments, each not more than 1 000 m2 #n area. 8!9 ;he floor area on e#ther s#de o( a horizontal e"it con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e #s &erm#tted to ,e cons#dered as a fire compartment #n a&&'y#ng the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, fire separations se&arat#ng fire compartments re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 879 ;he fire-resistance rating o( a fire separation re(erred to #n /entence 243 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8<9 % closure #n a fire separation ,etween fire compartments re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e weatherstr#&&ed or otherw#se des#gned and #nsta''ed to retard the &assage o( smo7e. 8;9 ;he tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt w#th#n each fire compartment re(erred to #n /entence 223 to a door to an ad0o#n#ng fire compartment sha'' ,e not more than 41 m. 11

8=9 6ach fire compartment re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( accommodat#ng, #n add#t#on to #ts own occu&ants, the occu&ants o( the 'argest ad0acent fire compartment ,ased on a c'ear ('oor s&ace o( 2.1 m2 &er &at#ent or res#dent #n the ad0acent fire compartment. 899 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 2103 and 2113, wa''s ,etween &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms and the rema#nder o( the floor area sha'' ,e constructed as fire separations ,ut are not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating un'ess a fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red ,y other &ro$#s#ons #n th#s -art. 81>9 ;he fire separation re:u#rements o( /entence 293 do not a&&'y to wa''s w#th#n a grou& o( #ntercommun#cat#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD rooms, &ro$#ded the grou& o( rooms does not 2a3 conta#n more than (#$e &at#ents or res#dents, or 2,3 #nc'ude storage, ,ath#ng or to#'et (ac#'#t#es ser$#ng &ersons not occu&y#ng the grou& o( rooms. 8119 % door #n a fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 293 #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ro''er 'atch. 8129 % fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 293 sha'' not conta#n any gr#''es, 'ou$res or other o&en#ngs. !,!,!,<, %rotection /or (.eci$l C$re $nd Tre$tment +$cilities 819 )om&artments conta#n#ng rooms such as o&erat#ng rooms, reco$ery rooms, de'#$ery rooms, #ntens#$e care un#ts and cr#t#ca' care un#ts, (rom wh#ch #t #s #m&ract#ca,'e to mo$e &at#ents #n an emergency, sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated (rom ad0acent s&aces ,y fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2,3 &ro$#ded w#th a mechan#ca' a#r su&&'y so that dur#ng a &er#od o( 2 h a(ter the start o( a (#re #n another s&ace, the com&artments w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom the (#re area. !,!,!,;, Cont$ined se Are$s 819 % contained use area sha'' con(orm to /entences 223 to 213. 829 % contained use area sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fireresistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, a building that #nc'udes a contained use area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 859 % contained use area, #n a building (or wh#ch %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. do not re:u#re the #nsta''at#on o( an automat#c s&r#n7'er system, #s not re:u#red to ,e sprin#lered as re:u#red ,y /entence 233 &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s des#gned so that dur#ng a &er#od o( 2 h a(ter the start o( a (#re #n the contained use area, other fire compartments w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom the contained use area, 2,3 the building #s des#gned so that dur#ng a &er#od o( 2 h a(ter the start o( a (#re #n another &art o( the building, the contained use area w#'' not conta#n more than 1F ,y $o'ume o( contam#nated a#r (rom the other &art o( the building, 2c3 a'' doors are des#gned to ,e remote'y re'eased #n con(ormance w#th /entence, and 2d3 the contained use area does not conta#n any rooms '#ned w#th combustible &add#ng. 879 % corr#dor ser$#ng a contained use area sha'' ha$e no dead-end &ort#on un'ess the area ser$ed ,y the dead-end &ort#on has a second and se&arate means of egress. !,!,!,=, E$ndr$ils 819 )orr#dors and ram&s used ,y res#dents #n a 'ong-term care home sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th handra#'s on each s#de con(orm#ng to /entences to 213 and 293 to 2113. !,!,5, Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 !,!,5,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to residential occupancies. !,!,5,2, +ire (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and, suites o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each other and the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 8!9 F'oor assem,'#es w#th#n a dwelling unit need not ,e constructed as fire separations &ro$#ded, 119

2a3 the d#stance ,etween the 'owest ('oor 'e$e' and the u&&ermost ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n the dwelling unit #s not more than 6 m, and 2,3 the dwelling unit #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2#3 41 m#n #( the building #s sprin#lered and #s not more than 3 storeys #n building height, 2##3 1 h #( the building #s sprin#lered and #s more than 3 storeys #n building height, 2###3 1 h #( the building #s not sprin#lered and #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height, or 2#$3 2 h #( the building #s not sprin#lered and #s more than 6 storeys #n building height. 859 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation 'ocated ,etween a dwelling unit and an attached storage garage need not con(orm to that re:u#red ,y /entence &ro$#ded, 2a3 the storage garage conta#ns not more than (#$e $eh#c'es, 2,3 the dwelling unit and the attached storage garage are sprin#lered, 2c3 the dwelling unit #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n con(ormance w#th /entences 213 to 233, 2d3 there are no a#r duct systems connect#ng the storage garage and the dwelling unit, 2e3 the construct#on ,etween the storage garage and the dwelling unit &ro$#des an e((ect#$e ,arr#er to gas and e5haust (umes, and 2(3 e$ery door ,etween the storage garage and the dwelling unit #s, 2#3 t#ght (#tt#ng and weather-str#&&ed to &ro$#de an e((ect#$e ,arr#er aga#nst the &assage o( gas and e5haust (umes, 2##3 (#tted w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce, and 2###3 not 'ocated #n a room #ntended (or s'ee&#ng. 879 ;he fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence #s not re:u#red ,etween a dwelling unit and an attached storage garage, ser$#ng that dwelling unit on'y, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the dwelling unit and #ts attached storage garage are se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n con(ormance w#th /entences 213 to 233, 2,3 there are no a#r duct systems connect#ng the storage garage and the dwelling unit, 2c3 the construct#on ,etween the storage garage and the dwelling unit &ro$#des an e((ect#$e ,arr#er to gas and e5haust (umes, and 2d3 e$ery door ,etween the storage garage and the dwelling unit #s, 2#3 t#ght (#tt#ng and weather-str#&&ed to &ro$#de an e((ect#$e ,arr#er aga#nst the &assage o( gas and e5haust (umes, 2##3 (#tted w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce, and 2###3 not 'ocated #n a room #ntended (or s'ee&#ng. !,!,5,!, (tor$ge Rooms 819 /&r#n7'ers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a storage room &ro$#ded (or the use o( tenants #n a residential occupancy w#th#n a floor area ,ut not conta#ned w#th#n a suite. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a storage room re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8!9 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re:u#red ,y /entence 223 #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n &ro$#ded the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. #s &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than 1 h (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the floor area, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 859 65ce&t where 'ocated w#th#n a dwelling unit, a room #ntended (or the storage o( flammable li uids or combustible li uids re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B sha'' not ,e 'ocated a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey o( the building. !,!,5,5, Egress /rom #2elling nits 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3, s#ng'e storey dwelling units #n an a&artment building need not 'ead to a public corridor or e5ter#or &assageway on the same storey &ro$#ded the dwelling units are ser$ed ,y &r#$ate sta#rways 'ead#ng d#rect'y to a &u,'#c access to e"it on the storey, 160

2a3 #mmed#ate'y a,o$e, and 2,3 #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3 and as &erm#tted ,y /entences 233 and 243, a dwelling unit conta#n#ng more than 1 storey sha'' ha$e an e"it door or an egress door o&en#ng d#rect'y #nto a &u,'#c access to e"it (rom the u&&ermost storey and (rom the 'owest storey o( the dwelling unit so that each storey #s ser$ed ,y an e"it or egress door 'ocated not more than 1.1 m a,o$e or ,e'ow #ts ('oor 'e$e'. 8!9 % s#ng'e e"it #s &erm#tted (rom a dwelling unit &ro$#ded the e"it #s an e5ter#or doorway not more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e' and, 2a3 #t #s not necessary to tra$e' u& or down more than 1 storey to reach the e"it door, or 2,3 the u&&ermost ('oor 'e$e' o&ens to a ,a'cony not more than 6 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 859 %n egress door (rom e#ther the u&&ermost storey or the 'owest storey #n a dwelling unit, as re:u#red #n /entence 223, need not ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3, #( that storey #s ser$ed ,y a sta#rway that, 2#3 'eads to a &u,'#c access to e"it, 2##3 has no d#rect access to any other storey #n the dwelling unit, and 2###3 #s se&arated (rom the other storeys #n the dwelling unit ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 on the u&&ermost storey #n the dwelling unit #( the dwelling unit has not more than 2 storeys a,o$e the first storey o( the building, 2c3 #( #t #s not necessary to tra$e' e#ther more than 1 m or more than 1 storey u& or down w#th#n the dwelling unit to reach the egress door, or 2d3 #( that storey #s, 2#3 &ro$#ded w#th a ,a'cony con(orm#ng to /entence 2.3, 2##3 not more than 2 storeys a,o$e or ,e'ow the dwelling unit egress door, and 2###3 #n a building that #s not more than 6 storeys #n building height. 879 +n a building o( residential occupancy not more than 3 storeys #n building height, a doorway (rom a dwelling unit #s &erm#tted to o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it sta#rway &ro$#ded the dwelling unit has a second and se&arate means of egress. 8<9 +( a dwelling unit has a second and se&arate means of egress, one means of egress (rom a dwelling unit #s &erm#tted to &ass through, 2a3 an #nter#or corr#dor ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it, 2,3 an e5ter#or ,a'cony ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it sta#rway, or 2c3 an e5ter#or &assageway ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it sta#rway. 8;9 8here a ,a'cony #s &ro$#ded to meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 233 or 243, the ,a'cony sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a so'#d ('oor ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or a ('oor assem,'y ,etween suites, and 2,3 an area &ro$#d#ng not 'ess than 1.1 m 2 &er suite occu&ant, ,ased on occupant load, and a m#n#mum d#mens#on o( 1 200 mm. 8=9 6ach dwelling unit #n a building con(orm#ng to /u,c'ause sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y, 2a3 a d#rect e"it that #s an e5ter#or doorway 'ocated not more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e', or 2,3 a sta#rway that, 2#3 'eads to an e5ter#or doorway not more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e', 2##3 has no access to another dwelling unit, and 2###3 #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building w#th a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. !,!,5,7, Autom$tic LocAing %ro0ibition 819 65ce&t (or hotels, a door o&en#ng onto a public corridor that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a suite sha'' ,e des#gned not to 'oc7 automat#ca''y. 161

!,!,5,<, (ound Tr$nsmission 819 /ound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ngs o( building assem,'#es sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 1.9. !,!,5,;, (t$irs, R$m.s, L$ndings, E$ndr$ils $nd Gu$rds /or #2elling nits 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.3.4. ., sta#rs, ram&s, 'and#ngs, handra#'s and #nter#or guards w#th#n a dwelling unit sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9. . 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, e5ter#or sta#rs, ram&s, 'and#ngs, handra#'s and guards ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9. . and /entence 8!9 Loads on e5ter#or guards ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit sha'' com&'y w#th -art 4. !,!,5,=, %rotection o/ O.en$ble 6indo2s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 223, o&ena,'e w#ndows #n suites o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e &rotected ,y, 2a3 a guard w#th a m#n#mum he#ght o( 1 0.0 mm constructed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, or 2,3 a mechan#sm ca&a,'e o( contro''#ng the (ree sw#ng#ng or s'#d#ng o( the o&ena,'e &art o( the w#ndow so as to '#m#t any c'ear uno,structed o&en#ng to not more than 100 mm measured e#ther $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y, where the other d#mens#on #s greater than 3 0 mm. 829 8#ndows need not ,e &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence 213 where, 2a3 the on'y o&en#ng ha$#ng greater d#mens#ons than those a''owed ,y )'ause 2132,3 #s 'ocated h#gher than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, or 2,3 the ,ottom edge o( the o&ena,'e &ort#on o( the w#ndow #s 'ocated 'ess than 1 00 mm a,o$e the ('oor or ground on the other s#de o( the w#ndow. !,!,5,9, (tud 6$ll Rein/orcement 819 +( wood wa'' studs or sheet stee' wa'' studs enc'ose the ma#n ,athroom #n a dwelling unit, re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t the (uture #nsta''at#on o( a gra, ,ar on a wa'' ad0acent to, 2a3 a water c'oset #n the 'ocat#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 3. .3. .2132d3, and 2,3 a shower or ,athtu, #n the 'ocat#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 3. .3.13.2132(3.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 7, 5!9

819 +( wood wa'' studs or sheet stee' wa'' studs enc'ose the ma#n ,athroom #n a dwelling unit, re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t the (uture #nsta''at#on o( the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 (or a water c'oset, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'auses 3. .3. .2332a3 and a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3. .2332c3, 2,3 (or a shower, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3.13.2232(3, and 2c3 (or a ,athtu,, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3.13.2432c3. !,!,5,1>, Resist$nce to +orced Entr3 819 Res#stance to (orced entry #nto dwelling units sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 9...1.2. and 9...1.3. !,!,7, Industri$l Occu.$nc3 !,!,7,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to industrial occupancies. !,!,7,2, +ire E?tinguis0ing (3stems 819 +n add#t#on to other re:u#rements #n th#s "#$#s#on (or the #nsta''at#on o( automat#c (#re e5t#ngu#sh#ng systems, an a&&ro&r#ate (#re e5t#ngu#sh#ng system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery industrial occupancy floor area to &ro$#de &rotect#on #( re:u#red ,y, 2a3 the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, or 2,3 the ))*F) BR)) 13303, >Bat#ona' F#re )ode o( )anada?, #n the a,sence o( &ro$#s#ons re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3. !,!,7,!, B$sements 819 % basement sha'' not ,e used (or the storage, manu(acture or hand'#ng o( $o'at#'e so'#ds, '#:u#ds or gases that generate e5&'os#$e a#r-$a&our m#5tures or (or &rocesses that #n$o'$e e5&'os#$e dusts. 829 6ntrances and e"its to a basement and to rooms conta#n#ng building ser$#ces sha'' ,e se&arate (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n a building #n wh#ch, 162

2a3 the storage, manu(acture or hand'#ng o( $o'at#'e mater#a's can generate e5&'os#$e a#r-$a&our m#5tures, or 2,3 &rocesses occur that &roduce e5&'os#$e dusts. 8!9 $asements and rooms re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building w#th a $a&ourt#ght se&arat#on. !,!,7,5, Re.$ir $nd (tor$ge G$r$ges 819 +( access #s &ro$#ded (rom a storage garage to a sta#r tower or e'e$ator ser$#ng occupancies a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the storage garage, the access sha'' ,e through a $est#,u'e con(orm#ng to /entence 3.3.1...233. 829 ;reads and 'and#ngs #n #nter#or sta#rs that e5tend to the roo( o( a storage garage sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e (ree o( accumu'at#ons o( #ce and snow. 8!9 % mechan#ca' storage garage not more than 4 storeys #n building height, #n wh#ch no &ersons other than &ar7#ng attendants are &erm#tted a,o$e the street ('oor 'e$e', need not ha$e a fire separation ,etween the e"its and the rema#nder o( the building. 859 % garage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th natura' or mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 6.2.2. to &re$ent e5cess#$e accumu'at#on o( car,on mono5#de, e5haust (umes or ('amma,'e and to5#c $a&ours. 879 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3. .2.2.223, the c'ear he#ght #n a storage garage sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 m. 8<9 % cont#nuous cur, not 'ess than 110 mm h#gh and a guard not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at e$ery garage ('oor o&en#ng and around the &er#meter o( e$ery ('oor where the e5ter#or wa''s are om#tted. 8;9 65ce&t (or open-air storeys, e$ery storey o( a storage garage or repair garage 'ocated ,e'ow grade sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,!,7,7, Re.$ir G$r$ge (e.$r$tion 819 % repair garage and any anc#''ary s&aces ser$#ng #t, #nc'ud#ng wa#t#ng rooms, rece&t#on rooms, too' and &arts storage areas and su&er$#sory o((#ce s&ace, sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. !,!,7,<, (tor$ge G$r$ge (e.$r$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences and 213, a storage garage sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1.1 h. !,!,7,;, 'estibules 819 +( access #s &ro$#ded through a fire separation ,etween a storage garage and a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 or 4rou& * occupancy, the access sha'' ,e through a $est#,u'e con(orm#ng to /entence 233. 829 +n a building more than 3 storeys #n building height, access through a fire separation ,etween a storage garage and a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2, 3 or 4, or a 4rou& ) occupancy, sha'' ,e through a $est#,u'e con(orm#ng to /entence 233. 8!9 +( access #s &ro$#ded through a $est#,u'e, as re:u#red ,y /entences 213, 223 and, the $est#,u'e sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 1. m 'ong, 2,3 ,e $ent#'ated, 2#3 natura''y to outs#de a#r ,y a $ent that has an uno,structed area o( not 'ess than 0.1 m 2 (or each door that o&ens #nto the $est#,u'e ,ut not 'ess than 0.4 mA, or 2##3 mechan#ca''y at a rate o( 14 m3!h (or each s:uare metre o( $est#,u'e ('oor sur(ace area, and 2c3 ha$e o&en#ngs ,etween the $est#,u'e and an ad0o#n#ng occupancy &ro$#ded w#th se'(-c'os#ng doors w#th no ho'd-o&en de$#ces. !,!,7,=, Toe:Bo$rds Re4uired 819 8here too's or other o,0ects cou'd (a'' (rom the ('oor o( an u&&er 'e$e' to a 'ower 'e$e' #n a room or s&ace #ntended (or use as a 4rou& F occupancy, the edge o( the ('oor at the u&&er 'e$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a toe-,oard e5tend#ng (rom the ('oor sur(ace to a he#ght at 'east 121 mm a,o$e the ('oor sur(ace. !,!,<, #esign o/ E$-$rdous Are$s !,!,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to des#gn and (#re &rotect#on re:u#rements (or buildings or &arts o( buildings #ntended (or the storage, hand'#ng, use and &rocess#ng o(, 2a3 dangerous goods, 163

2,3 mater#a's that #n$o'$e a r#s7 o( e5&'os#on or h#gh ('amma,#'#ty, and 2c3 mater#a's that are h#gh'y react#$e. !,!,<,2, (tor$ge o/ E?.losi1es 819 ;he des#gn o( buildings or &arts o( buildings #ntended (or the storage o( e5&'os#$es, ,'ast#ng agents, detonators, &ro&e''ant e5&'os#$es, (#rewor7s, &yrotechn#cs and ammun#t#on sha'' con(orm to the 6"plosives Act 2)anada3 and the 6"plosives 1egulations made under that %ct. !,!,<,!, Indoor (tor$ge o/ Com.ressed G$ses 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 233, where re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, a room #ntended (or the #ndoor storage o( cy'#nders conta#n#ng ('amma,'e compressed gases sha'' meet the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements, 2a3 #t #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a gas-t#ght fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h, 2,3 #t #s 'ocated on an e5ter#or wa'' o( the building, 2c3 #t can ,e entered (rom the e5ter#or, 2d3 #t #s $ent#'ated #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243, 2e3 #t #s constructed so that an e5ter#or wa'' &ro$#des e5&'os#on $ent#ng, 2#3 #n the rat#o o( 0.2 m2 (or each cu,#c metre o( room $o'ume, or 2##3 #n the rat#o com&uted #n accordance w#th BF-% 6 , >65&'os#on -rotect#on ,y "e('agrat#on Hent#ng?, ,ut #n no case 'ess than 0.061 m2 o( $ent area (or each cu,#c metre o( room $o'ume, 2(3 #t #s not #ntended to conta#n (ue'-(#red e:u#&ment or h#gh tem&erature heat#ng e'ements, and 2g3 #t #s not #ntended to ,e used (or a &ur&ose other than the storage o( compressed gas. 829 8here a closure #s #nsta''ed #n the fire separation se&arat#ng the room (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132a3, #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce that 7ee&s the closure c'osed when not #n use, and 2,3 constructed so as to &re$ent the m#grat#on o( gases (rom the room #nto other &arts o( the building. 8!9 8here re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B , a room #ntended (or the storage o( not more than three cy'#nders o( ('amma,'e compressed gases that are hea$#er than a#r and that ha$e an aggregate ca&ac#ty not e5ceed#ng 100 7g sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a gas-t#ght fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2,3 'ocated at or a,o$e grade, and 2c3 $ent#'ated #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243. 859 % room descr#,ed #n /entence 213 or 233 sha'' ,e, 2a3 mechan#ca''y $ented to the outs#de so as to ensure at 'east one a#r change &er hour, or 2,3 natura''y $ented to the outs#de so as to ensure cross $ent#'at#on through non-c'osa,'e 'ou$ered o&en#ngs w#th, 2#3 at 'east one o&en#ng ha$#ng an aggregate (ree o&en#ng area o( at 'east 0.2 m 2 &er 100 m2 o( the floor area 'ocated not more than 300 mm (rom the ce#'#ng, and 2##3 at 'east one o&en#ng ha$#ng an aggregate (ree o&en#ng area o( at 'east 0.2 m 2 &er 100 m2 o( the floor area 'ocated not more than 300 mm (rom the ('oor. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2.3, where re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, an area #ntended (or the storage o( cy'#nders conta#n#ng compressed gases that may react w#th one another sha'' ,e d#$#ded #nto se&arate fire compartments ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. 8<9 /e&arate fire compartments re:u#red ,y /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded, #( the area #ntended (or the storage o( cy'#nders conta#n#ng compressed gases that are '#ghter than a#r #s se&arated ,y a concrete or masonry wa'' ha$#ng a he#ght o( at 'east 2.0 m and &ro0ect#ng at 'east 1.0 m, measured hor#Conta''y, ,eyond the cy'#nders. 8;9 /e&arate fire compartments re:u#red ,y /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded, #( the area #ntended (or the storage o( cy'#nders conta#n#ng compressed gases that are hea$#er than a#r #s se&arated ,y a concrete or masonry wa'' ha$#ng a he#ght o(


at 'east 1.1 m and &ro0ect#ng such that the m#n#mum d#stance that $a&our can tra$e' ,etween two cy'#nders o( gas that may react w#th each other #s not 'ess than 11 m, measured hor#Conta''y. !,!,<,5, (tor$ge $nd #is.ensing Rooms /or +l$mm$ble Li4uids $nd Combustible Li4uids 819 % room #ntended (or the storage o( flammable li uids and combustible li uids sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating #n con(ormance w#th the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 233 and 243, a room #ntended (or the storage or d#s&ens#ng o( )'ass +% or )'ass +* '#:u#ds #n o&en conta#ners sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent cr#t#ca' structura' and mechan#ca' damage (rom an #nterna' e5&'os#on #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce, such as that descr#,ed #n BF-% 6 , >65&'os#on -rotect#on ,y "e('agrat#on Hent#ng?. 8!9 /entence 223 does not a&&'y to a room #ntended (or the storage o( distilled beverage alcohol. 859 % room #n an occupancy or (ac#'#ty co$ered ,y Regu'at#on 11 o( the Re$#sed Regu'at#ons o( Ontar#o, 1990 2+ndustr#a' 6sta,'#shments3, made under the ;ccupational 8ealth and Safety Act, or Ontar#o Regu'at#on 6.!93 2=ea'th )are and Res#dent#a' Fac#'#t#es3, made under that %ct, where )'ass +% '#:u#ds are #ntended to ,e stored #n closed containers or )'ass + '#:u#ds are #ntended to ,e d#s&ensed or stored #n o&en conta#ners, sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent cr#t#ca' structura' and mechan#ca' damage (rom an #nterna' e5&'os#on #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce, such as that descr#,ed #n BF-% 6 , >65&'os#on -rotect#on ,y "e('agrat#on Hent#ng?. 879 % d#s&ens#ng room #n an occupancy or (ac#'#ty descr#,ed #n /entence 243 wh#ch has an area greater than 11 m 2 or #n wh#ch the tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt to the nearest egress door #s more than 4.1 m sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated #n a floor area that has at 'east two e"its, and 2,3 ha$e at 'east two egress doors. 8<9 %n egress door ser$#ng a room descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce, and 2,3 sw#ng on a $ert#ca' a5#s #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it. 8;9 ;he m#n#mum d#stance ,etween the egress doors descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e not 'ess than three-:uarters o( the ma5#mum d#agona' d#mens#on o( the room. 8=9 ;he tra$e' d#stance w#th#n the room to the nearest egress door descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e not more than 23 m. !,!,<,7, Tire (tor$ge 819 % t#re storage area #ntended (or the storage o( more than 3.1 m 3 o( t#res sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. !,!,<,<, Ammonium Nitr$te (tor$ge 819 8here the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B a&&'#es due to the :uant#ty and nature o( the stored &roduct, a building #ntended (or the storage o( ammon#um n#trate sha'', 2a3 ,e not more than one storey #n building height, 2,3 not conta#n a basement or a craw' s&ace, 2c3 not conta#n o&en ('oor dra#ns, tunne's, e'e$ator &#ts or other &oc7ets that m#ght tra& mo'ten ammon#um n#trate, 2d3 ha$e noncombustible ('oor#ng mater#a's #n storage areas, 2e3 ,e des#gned to &re$ent the ammon#um n#trate (rom com#ng #nto contact w#th building mater#a's that, 2#3 w#'' cause the ammon#um n#trate to ,ecome unsta,'e, 2##3 may corrode or deter#orate ,y reason o( contact w#th the ammon#um n#trate, or 2###3 w#'' ,ecome #m&regnated w#th the ammon#um n#trate, and 2(3 ha$e not 'ess than 0.00. m2 o( $ent area (or each s:uare metre o( storage area, un'ess mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on #s &ro$#ded. !,!,<,;, +looring )$teri$ls 819 ;he ('oor #n an area #ntended (or the storage o( dangerous goods sha'' ,e constructed o( #m&ermea,'e mater#a's to &re$ent the a,sor&t#on o( chem#ca's. !,!,<,=, +ire (e.$r$tions in %rocess %l$nts


819 +n a process plant, an area #ntended as a 'ocat#on where unstable li uids are hand'ed or sma'' sca'e un#t chem#ca' &rocesses occur sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. !,!,<,9, B$sements $nd %its 819 % process plant #ntended as a 'ocat#on where )'ass + and )'ass ++ '#:u#ds are hand'ed sha'' not conta#n a basement or a co$ered &#t. (ection !,5, E?its !,5,1, Gener$l !,5,1,1, (co.e 819 6"it (ac#'#t#es com&'y#ng w#th th#s /ect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom e$ery floor area that #s #ntended (or occu&ancy. !,5,1,2, (e.$r$tion o/ E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, #( more than one e"it #s re:u#red (rom a floor area, each e"it sha'' ,e se&arate (rom e$ery other e"it 'ead#ng (rom that floor area. 829 +( more than two e"its are &ro$#ded (rom a floor area, e"its are &erm#tted to con$erge #n con(ormance w#th /entence, &ro$#ded the cumu'at#$e ca&ac#ty o( the con$erg#ng e"its does not contr#,ute more than 10F o( the tota' re:u#red e"it w#dth (or the floor area. !,5,1,!, Access to E?its 819 Access to e"its sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 3.3. !,5,1,5, o/ E?it 819 /u,0ect to the re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on, an e"it (rom any floor area sha'' ,e one o( the (o''ow#ng, used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on: 2a3 an e5ter#or doorway, 2,3 an e5ter#or &assageway, 2c3 an e5ter#or ram&, 2d3 an e5ter#or sta#rway, 2e3 a (#re esca&e 2con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.4...3, 2(3 a horizontal e"it, 2g3 an #nter#or &assageway, 2h3 an #nter#or ram&, or 2#3 an #nter#or sta#rway. !,5,1,7, E?terior E?it %$ss$ge2$3s 819 %ccess to an e5ter#or e"it &assageway (rom a floor area sha'' ,e through e"it doors at the ('oor 'e$e'. 829 6$ery e5ter#or e"it &assageway that has a dro& o( more than 100 mm on any s#de sha'' ha$e guards on the o&en s#des not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh. !,5,1,<, Restricted se o/ Eori-ont$l E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, horizontal e"its sha'' not com&r#se more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red num,er o( e"its (rom any floor area. 829 +n a hos&#ta' or 'ong-term care home, horizontal e"its ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms sha'' com&r#se not more than two-th#rds o( the re:u#red num,er o( e"its (rom any floor area. 8!9 8here an e'ementary or secondary schoo' #s su,d#$#ded ,y a firewall, a horizontal e"it sha'' not ser$e as an e"it ,ut #s &erm#tted to ser$e as an access to e"it. !,5,1,;, (lide Esc$.es 819 % s'#de esca&e sha'' not ,e erected on any building as a re:u#red e"it, ,ut #s &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded as an add#t#ona' egress (ac#'#ty #( unusua' haCards are (oreseen. !,5,1,=, Tr$ns.$rent #oors $nd %$nels 819 4'ass and trans&arent &ane's #n an e"it sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e . (or g'ass and trans&arent &ane's #n an access to e"it. 166

!,5,1,9, )irrors ne$r E?its 819 Bo m#rror sha'' ,e &'aced #n or ad0acent to any e"it #n a manner that wou'd con(use the d#rect#on o( e"it. !,5,1,1>, Combustible Gl$-ing in E?its 819 %ombustible g'aC#ng #s not &erm#tted #n wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'#es or #n closures used to construct an e"it enc'osure. !,5,1,11, E?terior (t$ir2$3 /or Long:Term C$re Eomes 819 Bo o&en e5ter#or sta#rway sha'' ser$e as a means of egress (or res#dents a,o$e the second ('oor o( a 'ong-term care home. !,5,2, Number $nd Loc$tion o/ E?its /rom +loor Are$s !,5,2,1, )inimum Number o/ E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243 and 263, e$ery floor area #ntended (or occu&ancy sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y at 'east two e"its. 829 % floor area #n a building not more than 2 storeys #n building height, #s &erm#tted to ,e ser$ed ,y one e"it &ro$#ded the tota' occupant load ser$ed ,y the e"it #s not more than 60 and, 2a3 #n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered, the floor area and the tra$e' d#stance are not more than the $a'ues #n ;a,'e, or 2,3 #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered, 2#3 the tra$e' d#stance #s not more than 21 m, and 2##3 the floor area #s not more than the $a'ue #n ;a,'e*. T$ble !,5,2,1,A, Criteri$ /or One E?it, +loor Are$ not (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 ;ccupancy o( 7loor Area 4rou& % 4rou& ) 4rou& " 4rou& 6 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum 7loor Area, m2 110 100 200 110 110 200 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum ;ra$e' "#stance, m 11 11 21 11 10 11

T$ble !,5,2,1,B, Criteri$ /or One E?it, +loor Are$ (.rinAlered Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 ;ccupancy o( 7loor Area 4rou& % 4rou& * 4rou& ) 4rou& " 4rou& 6 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum 7loor Area, m2 200 100 110 300 200 200 300

8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, #( /entence 223 &erm#ts a s#ng'e e"it (rom a floor area c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& * or 4rou& ) occupancy, the e"it sha'' ,e an e5ter#or doorway not more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 859 ;he re:u#rements o( /entences 213 and 223 are &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed (or dwelling units ha$#ng access to e"it con(orm#ng to /entences to 243 and 2 3. 879 6"its are not re:u#red d#rect'y (rom roo(to& enc'osures that are &ro$#ded w#th access to e"its #n con(ormance w#th /entences and 263. 8<9 6$ery room conta#n#ng an assembly occupancy ser$#ng a hotel, and 'ocated #n the building conta#n#ng the hotel, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th no (ewer than, 2a3 three se&arate egress doorways (rom the room where the occupant load #s more than 600 &ersons, and 2,3 (our se&arate egress doorways (rom the room where the occupant load #s more than 1 000 &ersons. 16.

8;9 6ach egress doorway #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e cons#dered as contr#,ut#ng not more than, 2a3 one-th#rd o( the re:u#red w#dth where three egress doorways are re:u#red, and 2,3 one-(ourth o( the re:u#red w#dth where (our egress doorways are re:u#red. !,5,2,2, )e--$nine E?iting 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243, a mezzanine sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th e"its on the same ,as#s as re:u#red (or floor areas ,y th#s /ect#on. 829 % mezzanine need not con(orm to /entence 213 &ro$#ded %rt#c'e 3.2. .2. does not re:u#re #t to term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation. 8!9 +n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered, a mezzanine need not con(orm to /entence 213 where %rt#c'e 3.2. .1. does re:u#re #t to term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation &ro$#ded the tota' occupant load o( the mezzanine #s not more than 60 and, 2a3 the area o( the mezzanine does not e5ceed the area '#m#ts (or rooms and suites #n ;a,'e, and 2,3 the d#stance '#m#ts #n ;a,'e are not e5ceeded (rom any &o#nt on the mezzanine to, 2#3 the egress doorway (rom the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated #( that room has a s#ng'e egress doorway, or 2##3 an egress (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng (rom the mezzanine #( the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated has two egress doorways &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.3.1. 859 +n a floor area that #s sprin#lered, a mezzanine need not con(orm to /entence 213 where %rt#c'e 3.2. .1. does re:u#re #t to term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation &ro$#ded the tota' occupant load o( the mezzanine #s not more than 60 and, 2a3 the area o( the mezzanine does not e5ceed the area '#m#ts (or rooms and suites #n ;a,'e*., and 2,3 the d#stance o( tra$e' #s not more than 21 m when measured (rom any &o#nt on the mezzanine to, 2#3 the egress doorway (rom the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated #( that room has a s#ng'e egress doorway, or 2##3 an egress (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng (rom the mezzanine #( the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated has two egress doorways &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.3.1. !,5,2,!, #ist$nce bet2een E?its 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the 'east d#stance ,etween two re:u#red e"its (rom a floor area sha'' ,e, 2a3 one-ha'( the ma5#mum d#agona' d#mens#on o( the floor area, ,ut need not ,e more than 9 m (or a floor area ha$#ng a public corridor, or 2,3 one-ha'( the ma5#mum d#agona' d#mens#on o( the floor area, ,ut not 'ess than 9 m (or a'' other floor areas. 829 6"its need not com&'y w#th /entence 213 where, 2a3 the floor area #s d#$#ded so that not 'ess than one-th#rd o( the floor area #s on each s#de o( the fire separation, and 2,3 #t #s necessary to &ass through the fire separation to tra$e' (rom one e"it to another e"it. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum d#stance ,etween e"its re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e the shortest d#stance that smo7e wou'd ha$e to tra$e' ,etween the e"its, assum#ng that the smo7e w#'' not &enetrate an #nter$en#ng fire separation. !,5,2,5, Tr$1el #ist$nce 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on, tra$e' d#stance means the d#stance (rom any &o#nt #n the floor area to an e"it measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' to the e"it. 829 ;he tra$e' d#stance (rom a suite or a room not w#th#n a suite #s &erm#tted to ,e measured (rom an egress door o( the suite or room to the nearest e"it &ro$#ded, 2a3 the suite or room #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation, 2#3 ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n #n a floor area that #s not sprin#lered, or 2##3 that #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered, and 2,3 the egress door o&ens onto, 2#3 an e5ter#or &assageway, 2##3 a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e (or the se&arat#on o( public corridors, or 2###3 a public corridor that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e


8!9 ;ra$e' d#stance to an e"it sha'' ,e not more than 10 m (rom any &o#nt #n a service space re(erred to #n /entence 293. 859 +( there #s a firewall #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', the tra$e' d#stance sha'' not ,e measured to a door #n the firewall, ,ut sha'' ,e measured to an e5ter#or e"it door or an e"it door to a sta#rway. !,5,2,7, Loc$tion o/ E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223, 3.2. .4.243 and to 2163, #( more than one e"it #s re:u#red (rom a floor area, the e"its sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the tra$e' d#stance to at 'east one e"it sha'' ,e not more than, 2a3 21 m #n a high hazard industrial occupancy, 2,3 40 m #n a business and personal services occupancy, 2c3 41 m #n a floor area that conta#ns an occupancy other than a high hazard industrial occupancy , &ro$#ded #t #s sprin#lered, 2d3 101 m #n any floor area, ser$ed ,y a public corridor, #n wh#ch rooms and suites are not se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation, &ro$#ded, 2#3 the public corridor #s not 'ess than 9 m w#de, 2##3 the ce#'#ng he#ght #n the public corridor #s not 'ess than 4 m a,o$e a'' ('oor sur(aces, 2###3 the building #s sprin#lered, and 2#$3 not more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red egress doorways (rom a room or suite o&en #nto the public corridor #( the room or suite #s re:u#red to ha$e more than one egress doorway, 2e3 60 m #n any storage garage that con(orms to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.2.2. 3., and 2(3 30 m #n any floor area other than those re(erred to #n )'auses 2a3 to 2e3. 829 65ce&t (or a high hazard industrial occupancy, /entence 213 need not a&&'y #( e"its are &'aced a'ong the &er#meter o( the floor area and are not more than 60 m a&art, measured a'ong the &er#meter, &ro$#ded each ma#n a#s'e #n the floor area 'eads d#rect'y to an e"it. 8!9 6"its sha'' ,e 'ocated and arranged so that they are c'ear'y $#s#,'e or the#r 'ocat#ons are c'ear'y #nd#cated and they are access#,'e at a'' t#mes. !,5,2,<, %rinci.$l Entr$nce 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on, at 'east one door at e$ery &r#nc#&a' entrance (rom ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements (or e"its. !,5,!, 6idt0 $nd Eeig0t o/ E?its !,5,!,1, E?it 6idt0 B$sed on Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 For the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng the aggregate w#dth o( e"its, the occupant load o( e$ery room or floor area sha'' ,e determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.1.1.. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, the re:u#red e"it w#dth sha'' ,e cumu'at#$e #( two or more e"its con$erge. !,5,!,2, E?it 6idt0 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, the m#n#mum aggregate re:u#red w#dth o( e"its ser$#ng floor areas #ntended (or assembly occupancies, residential occupancies, business and personal services occupancies , mercantile occupancies, and industrial occupancies sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y mu't#&'y#ng the occupant load o( the area ser$ed ,y, 2a3 6.1 mm &er &erson (or ram&s w#th a s'o&e o( not more than 1 #n , doorways, corr#dors and &assageways, 2,3 mm &er &erson (or a sta#r cons#st#ng o( ste&s whose r#se #s not more than 1 0 mm and whose run #s not 'ess than 2 0 mm, or 2#3 ram&s w#th a s'o&e o( more than 1 #n , or 2##3 sta#rs, other than sta#rs con(orm#ng to )'ause 2,3. 829 ;he m#n#mum aggregate w#dth o( e"its ser$#ng floor areas #ntended (or a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y mu't#&'y#ng the occupant load o( the area ser$ed ,y 1 .4 mm &er &erson. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum aggregate w#dth o( means of egress ser$#ng a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancy sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y mu't#&'y#ng the occupant load o( the area ser$ed ,y, 169

2c3 9.2 mm &er &erson (or,

2a3 1. mm &er &erson (or, 2#3 a#s'es, 2##3 sta#rs other than e"it sta#rs, and 2###3 ram&s and &assageways #n $om#tor#es and e"its, and 2,3 2.4 mm &er &erson (or e"it sta#rs. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, the re:u#red e"it w#dth need not ,e cumu'at#$e #n an e"it ser$#ng two or more floor areas 'ocated one a,o$e the other. 879 ;he re:u#red e"it w#dth (or an e"it sta#r #n an assem,'y ha'' or theatre ser$#ng more than one ,a'cony 'e$e' sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements (or sta#rs ser$#ng interconnected floor spaces #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .4. 8<9 +( more than one e"it #s re:u#red, e$ery e"it sha'' ,e cons#dered as contr#,ut#ng not more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red e"it w#dth. 8;9 ;he w#dth o( an e"it sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 1 100 mm (or corr#dors and &assageways, 2,3 1 100 mm (or ram&s not ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, 2c3 1 100 mm (or sta#rs, not ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, that ser$e more than two storeys a,o$e the 'owest e"it level or more than one storey ,e'ow the 'owest e"it level, 2d3 900 mm (or sta#rs, not ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, that ser$e not more than two storeys a,o$e the 'owest e"it level or not more than one storey ,e'ow the 'owest e"it level, 2e3 1 610 mm (or sta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, 2(3 1 010 mm (or doorways ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, and 2g3 .90 mm (or doorways not ser$#ng &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms. !,5,!,!, E?its /rom Interconnected +loor (.$ce 819 6"it sta#rs that ser$e interconnected floor spaces as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3.2. .4. and #n th#s /ect#on. !,5,!,5, E?it 6idt0 Reduction 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 to 243, no (#5ture, turnst#'e or construct#on sha'' &ro0ect #nto or ,e (#5ed w#th#n the re:u#red w#dth o( an e"it. 829 6"it doors sha'' ,e hung so that, when o&en, they sha'' ne#ther d#m#n#sh nor o,struct the re:u#red w#dth o( the e"it ,y more than 10 mm (or each door 'ea(. 8!9 /w#ng#ng doors #n the#r sw#ng sha'' not reduce the re:u#red w#dth o( e"it sta#rs or 'and#ngs to 'ess than .10 mm or reduce the w#dth o( an e"it &assageway to 'ess than the m#n#mum re:u#red w#dth. 859 =andra#'s and construct#on ,e'ow handra#'s are &erm#tted to &ro0ect #nto the re:u#red w#dth o( means of egress ,ut the &ro0ect#ons sha'' ,e not more than 100 mm on each s#de o( the re:u#red w#dth. 879 +n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', where a sta#r '#(t #s #nsta''ed #n an e"it sta#r, an #ntermed#ate handra#' sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween the &ath o( tra$e' o( the sta#r '#(t and the rema#nder o( the sta#r to ensure that the sta#r '#(t w#'' not reduce the re:u#red w#dth o( the e"it sta#r. !,5,!,7, Ee$droom Cle$r$nce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 223, 243 and 213, e$ery e"it sha'' ha$e a c'ear he#ght o$er the c'ear w#dth o( the e"it o( not 'ess than 2 100 mm. 829 ;he c'ear he#ght o( sta#rways sha'' ,e measured $ert#ca''y, o$er the c'ear w#dth o( the sta#rway, (rom a stra#ght '#ne tangent to the tread and 'and#ng nos#ngs to the 'owest &o#nt a,o$e, and sha'' not ,e 'ess than 2 010 mm. 8!9 ;he c'ear he#ght o( 'and#ngs sha'' ,e measured $ert#ca''y, o$er the c'ear w#dth o( the 'and#ng, to the 'owest &o#nt a,o$e. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, the c'ear he#ght o( doorways sha'' not ,e 'ess than 2 030 mm. 879 Bo door c'oser or other de$#ce sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to reduce the c'ear he#ght o( a doorway to 'ess than 1 9 0 mm. !,5,5, +ire (e.$r$tion o/ E?its !,5,5,1, +ire:Resist$nce R$ting o/ E?it (e.$r$tions


819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223, 243,,, and, e$ery e"it sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2., ,ut not 'ess than 41 m#n, (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the storey, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the storey, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. 829 ;he fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation re(erred to #n /entence 213 need not ,e more than 2 h. 8!9 +( an e"it sta#r #n an assem,'y ha'' or theatre ser$es more than one ,a'cony 'e$e', the e"it sta#r sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n con(ormance w#th /entence 213. 859 ;he &ath o( e"it tra$e' may 'ead (rom an e"it door or e"it enc'osure through open air &ar7#ng that #s 'ocated ,e'ow a roo( or ('oor assem,'y that #s &art o( the building ser$ed ,y the e"it door or e"it enc'osure where, 2a3 the &ort#on o( the &ath o( e"it tra$e' that 'eads through the open air &ar7#ng #s not more than 9 m #n 'ength measured (rom the e"it door to a &o#nt at ground 'e$e' at the &er#meter o( the building, 2,3 measures are ta7en to &re$ent $eh#c'es #ntended to &ar7 #n s&aces ad0acent to the &ath o( e"it tra$e' (rom encroach#ng on the &ath o( e"it tra$e', and 2c3 an a'ternate means of egress not 'ead#ng through the open air &ar7#ng #s a$a#'a,'e (rom the #nter#or s#de o( the door o&en#ng onto the &ath o( e"it tra$e' through the open air &ar7#ng area. !,5,5,2, E?its t0roug0 Lobbies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, no e"it (rom a floor area a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey sha'' 'ead through a 'o,,y. 829 Bot more than one e"it (rom a floor area #s &erm#tted to 'ead through a 'o,,y &ro$#ded, 2a3 the 'o,,y ('oor #s not more than 4.1 m a,o$e grade, 2,3 the &ath o( tra$e' through the 'o,,y to the outdoors #s not more than 11 m, 2c3 the ad0acent rooms or &rem#ses ha$#ng d#rect access to the 'o,,y do not conta#n a residential occupancy or an industrial occupancy, e5ce&t that dwelling units may o&en d#rect'y onto the 'o,,y where, 2#3 (rom the #nter#or o( the e"it sta#r that o&ens onto the 'o,,y there #s a'ternate means of egress not 'ead#ng through the 'o,,y and such means of egress #s ent#re'y w#th#n the same storey as the 'o,,y, or 2##3 the floor area #s sprin#lered, 2d3 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2g3, the 'o,,y #s not 'ocated w#th#n an interconnected floor space other than as descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2. .2.263, 2e3 the 'o,,y con(orms to the re:u#rements (or e"its, e5ce&t that, 2#3 rooms other than service rooms and storage rooms are &erm#tted to o&en onto the 'o,,y, 2##3 the fire separation ,etween the 'o,,y and a room used (or the so'e &ur&ose o( contro' and su&er$#s#on o( the building need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating, 2###3 the fire separation ,etween the 'o,,y and ad0acent occupancies that are &erm#tted to o&en onto the 'o,,y need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating &ro$#ded the 'o,,y and ad0acent occupancies are sprin#lered, and 2#$3 &assenger e'e$ator entrances are &erm#tted to o&en onto the 'o,,y &ro$#ded the e'e$ator entrance doors are des#gned to rema#n c'osed e5ce&t wh#'e 'oad#ng and un'oad#ng, 2(3 a fire separation, constructed #n accordance w#th /entence, #s ma#nta#ned ,etween the 'o,,y and any e"it &erm#tted ,y th#s /entence to 'ead through the 'o,,y, and 2g3 that #( the e"it ser$es a hotel, the 'o,,y #s not 'ocated w#th#n an interconnected floor space. !,5,5,!, E?terior %$ss$ge2$3 E?ce.tions 819 ;he re:u#rements o( /entences and and 233 do not a&&'y to an e5ter#or e"it &assageway &ro$#ded, 2a3 not 'ess than 10F o( the e5ter#or s#de #s o&en to the outdoors, and 2,3 an e"it sta#r #s &ro$#ded at each end o( the &assageway. !,5,5,5, Integrit3 o/ E?its 819 % fire separation that se&arates an e"it (rom the rema#nder o( the building sha'' ha$e no o&en#ngs e5ce&t (or, 1.1

2a3 stand&#&e and s&r#n7'er &#&#ng, 2,3 e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es, tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways and noncombustible &#&#ng that ser$e on'y the e"it, 2c3 o&en#ngs re:u#red ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., 2d3 e"it doorways, 2e3 w#red g'ass and g'ass ,'oc7 &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. .14., and 2(3 a s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1. .1 . 829 6"its w#th#n sc#ssors sta#rs and other cont#guous e"it sta#rways sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each other ,y a smo7e-t#ght fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y through wh#ch they &ass. 8!9 7ire separations se&arat#ng cont#guous sta#rs descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' not ,e &#erced ,y doorways, ductwor7, &#&#ng or any other o&en#ngs that a((ect the cont#nu#ty o( the se&arat#on. 859 % (ue'-(#red appliance sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n an e"it. 879 %n e"it sha'' not ,e used as a plenum (or a heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning system. 8<9 %n e"it sha'' ,e des#gned (or no &ur&ose other than (or e5#t#ng, e5ce&t that an e"it #s &erm#tted a'so to ,e des#gned to ser$e as an access to a floor area. 8;9 % service room sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it. 8=9 /torage rooms, washrooms, to#'et rooms, 'aundry rooms and s#m#'ar anc#''ary rooms sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it. 899 Service spaces re(erred to #n /entence sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it. 81>9 +n e'ementary and secondary schoo's, an e"it sha'' ,e des#gned so that #t does not ser$e as an access (rom one &ort#on o( a floor area to another &ort#on o( the same floor area. !,5,7, E?it (igns !,5,7,1, E?it (ign$ge 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 293 and 2103, e$ery e"it door sha'' ha$e an e"it s#gn &'aced o$er or ad0acent to #t #( the e"it ser$es, 2a3 a building more than 2 storeys #n building height, 2,3 a building ha$#ng an occupant load o( more than 110, or 2c3 a room or floor area that has a (#re esca&e as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 2.3, e$ery e"it s#gn sha'', 2a3 ,e $#s#,'e on a&&roach to the e"it, 2,3 cons#st o( a green &#ctogram and wh#te gra&h#c sym,o' meet#ng the $#s#,#'#ty s&ec#(#cat#ons re(erred to #n +/O 3 64-1, >4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's N /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns N -art 1: "es#gn -r#nc#&'es (or /a(ety /#gns #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas?, and 2c3 con(orm to the d#mens#ons #nd#cated #n +/O .010, >4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's - /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns - /a(ety /#gns @sed #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas? (or the (o''ow#ng sym,o's: 2#3 6001 emergency e5#t 'e(t, 2##3 6002 emergency e5#t r#ght, 2###3 6001 90-degree d#rect#ona' arrow, and 2#$3 6006 41-degree d#rect#ona' arrow. 8!9 +nterna''y #''um#nated e"it s#gns sha'', 2a3 ,e cont#nuous'y #''um#nated, and 2,3 where #''um#nat#on o( the s#gn #s &owered ,y an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th )/% 22.2 Bo. 141, >6mergency L#ght#ng 6:u#&ment?. 859 65terna''y #''um#nated e"it s#gns sha'' ,e cont#nuous'y #''um#nated ,y a '#ght (#5ture su&&'#ed ,y an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t. 879 -hoto'um#nescent and se'(-'um#nous e"it s#gns sha'', 2a3 con(orm to )%B!@L)-/1.2, >-hoto'um#nescent and /e'(-Lum#nous /#gns and -ath <ar7#ng /ystems?, 1.2

2,3 ,e cont#nuous'y #''um#nated #( re'#ant on an e5terna' energy source to energ#Ce the re('ect#$e coat#ng o( the s#gn, and 2c3 not ,e #nsta''ed #n a building w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. 8<9 +( #''um#nat#on o( an e"it s#gn #s &ro$#ded (rom an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, that c#rcu#t sha'', 2a3 ser$e no e:u#&ment other than emergency '#ght#ng #n the area where e"it s#gns are #nsta''ed, and 2,3 ,e connected to an emergency &ower su&&'y as descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2...4.213 8;9 8here no e"it #s $#s#,'e (rom a public corridor, (rom a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c #n a 4rou& % or * major occupancy or (rom &r#nc#&a' routes ser$#ng an o&en floor area ha$#ng an occupant load o( more than 110, an e"it s#gn con(orm#ng to )'auses 2232,3 and 2c3 w#th an arrow or other #nd#cator &o#nt#ng at the d#rect#on o( egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 8=9 65ce&t (or egress doorways descr#,ed #n /entence, an e"it s#gn con(orm#ng to /entences 223 to 263 sha'' ,e &'aced o$er or ad0acent to e$ery egress doorway (rom rooms w#th an occupant load more than 60 #n 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies, dance ha''s, '#censed ,e$erage esta,'#shments and other s#m#'ar occupancies that, when occu&#ed, ha$e '#ght#ng 'e$e's ,e'ow the 'e$e' that wou'd &ro$#de easy #dent#(#cat#on o( the egress doorway. 899 65ce&t (or suite doors o&en#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, e$ery e"it ser$#ng a hotel sha'' ha$e an e"it s#gn &'aced o$er or ad0acent to #t. 81>9 %n e"it s#gn #s not re:u#red w#th#n a suite conta#n#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy #( the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements are met: 2a3 the suite conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons, and 2,3 not more than 6 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency. !,5,7,2, (igns 2it0in E?it +$cilities 819 +n a building more than 2 storeys #n building height, any &art o( an e"it ram& or sta#r that cont#nues u& or down &ast the 'owest e"it level sha'' ,e c'ear'y mar7ed ,y a s#gn #nd#cat#ng that #t does not 'ead to an e"it. 829 %n e"it sta#r ser$#ng a building more than 6 storeys #n building height sha'' ,e c'ear'y mar7ed ,y s#gns #nd#cat#ng that #t does not 'ead to an e"it at the roo( 'e$e'. !,5,<, o/ E?it +$cilities !,5,<,1, (li. Resist$nce o/ R$m.s $nd (t$irs 819 ;he sur(aces o( ram&s, 'and#ngs and treads, 2a3 sha'' ha$e a (#n#sh that #s s'#& res#stant, and 2,3 #( access#,'e to the &u,'#c, sha'' ha$e e#ther a co'our contrast or a d#st#nct#$e &attern to demarcate the 'ead#ng edge o( the tread and the 'ead#ng edge o( the 'and#ng, as we'' as the ,eg#nn#ng and end o( a ram&. 829 ;reads and 'and#ngs o( e5ter#or e"it sta#rs sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e (ree o( #ce and snow accumu'at#ons #( the sta#rs, 2a3 are more than 10 m h#gh, or 2,3 ser$e a hotel.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,5,<,1, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, <, 5!9

!,5,<,1, (ur/$ce +inis0 o/ R$m.s $nd (t$irs 819 ;he sur(aces o( ram&s, 'and#ngs and treads sha'', 2a3 ha$e a (#n#sh that #s s'#&-res#stant, and 2,3 #( access#,'e to the &u,'#c, ha$e a co'our contrast or a d#st#nct#$e $#sua' &attern to demarcate, 2#3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the tread, 2##3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the 'and#ng, and 2###3 the ,eg#nn#ng and end o( a ram&. 829 % tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.1 . sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 at the to& o( the sta#rs start#ng one tread de&th ,ac7 (rom the edge o( the to& sta#r, and 2,3 at the 'ead#ng edge o( 'and#ngs where a doorway o&ens onto sta#rs. 8!9 ;reads and 'and#ngs o( e5ter#or e"it sta#rs sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e (ree o( #ce and snow accumu'at#ons #( the sta#rs, 2a3 are more than 10 m h#gh, or 1.3

2,3 ser$e a hotel. !,5,<,2, )inimum Number o/ Risers 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, e$ery ('#ght o( #nter#or sta#rs sha'' ha$e no (ewer than 3 r#sers. !,5,<,!, )$?imum 'ertic$l Rise o/ (t$ir +lig0ts $nd Re4uired L$ndings 819 Bo ('#ght o( sta#rs sha'' ha$e a $ert#ca' r#se o( more than 3.. m ,etween ('oors or 'and#ngs, e5ce&t that a ('#ght o( sta#rs ser$#ng as an e"it #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' ha$e a $ert#ca' r#se not more than 2.4 m ,etween ('oors or 'and#ngs. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 233, a 'and#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 at the to& and ,ottom o( each ('#ght o( #nter#or and e5ter#or sta#rs, 2,3 at the to& and ,ottom o( e$ery sect#on o( ram&, 2c3 where a doorway o&ens onto a sta#r or ram&, 2d3 where a ram& o&ens onto a sta#r, and 2e3 where a sta#r o&ens onto a ram&. 8!9 % 'and#ng may ,e om#tted at the ,ottom o( an e5ter#or sta#r or ram&, &ro$#ded there #s no gate, door or (#5ed o,struct#on w#th#n the 'esser o(, 2a3 the w#dth o( the sta#r or ram&, or 2,3 1 100 mm. !,5,<,5, #imensions o/ L$ndings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 243, the 'ength and w#dth o( a 'and#ng sha'' ,e at 'east the w#dth o( the sta#rway or ram& #n wh#ch #t occurs, e5ce&t that #n a stra#ght run the 'ength o( the 'and#ng need not ,e more than 1 100 mm. 829 8here a doorway or sta#rway em&t#es onto a ram& through a s#de wa'', there sha'' ,e a 'e$e' area e5tend#ng across the (u'' w#dth o( the ram&, and (or a d#stance o( 300 mm on e#ther s#de o( the wa'' o&en#ng, e5ce&t one s#de #( #t a,uts on an end wa''. 8!9 8here a doorway or sta#rway em&t#es onto a ram& through an end wa'', there sha'' ,e a 'e$e' area e5tend#ng across the (u'' w#dth o( the ram& and a'ong #ts 'ength (or not 'ess than 900 mm. 859 8here the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' changes at a 'and#ng, the 'and#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e cham(ered or cur$ed #n &'an, &ro$#ded the re:u#red w#dth o( the sta#r #s ma#nta#ned where measured &er&end#cu'ar to the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' across the 'and#ng. !,5,<,7, E$ndr$ils 819 % sta#rway sha'' ha$e a handra#' on at 'east one s#de, and #( 1 100 mm or more #n w#dth, sha'' ha$e handra#'s on ,oth s#des. 829 +( the re:u#red w#dth o( a ram& or ('#ght o( sta#rs #s more than 2 200 mm, one or more #ntermed#ate handra#'s cont#nuous ,etween 'and#ngs sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, and 'ocated so that there w#'' ,e not more than 1 610 mm ,etween handra#'s. 8!9 =andra#'s sha'' ,e cont#nuous'y gras&a,'e a'ong the#r ent#re 'ength and sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a c#rcu'ar cross-sect#on w#th an outs#de d#ameter not 'ess than 30 mm and not more than 43 mm, or 2,3 any non-c#rcu'ar sha&e w#th a gras&a,'e &ort#on that has a &er#meter not 'ess than 100 mm and not more than 121 mm and whose 'argest cross-sect#ona' d#mens#on #s not more than 41 mm. 859 ;he he#ght o( handra#'s on sta#rs and ram&s sha'' ,e measured $ert#ca''y (rom the to& o( the handra#' to, 2a3 a stra#ght '#ne drawn tangent to the tread nos#ngs o( the sta#r ser$ed ,y the handra#', or 2,3 the sur(ace o( the ram&, ('oor or 'and#ng ser$ed ,y the handra#'. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 263 and 2.3, the he#ght o( handra#'s on sta#rs and ram&s sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 61 mm, and 2,3 not more than 961 mm. 8<9 =andra#'s #nsta''ed #n add#t#on to re:u#red handra#'s need not com&'y w#th /entence 213. 8;9 8here guards are re:u#red, handra#'s re:u#red on 'and#ngs sha'' ,e not more than 1 0.0 mm #n he#ght. 8=9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2143 and e5ce&t where #nterru&ted ,y doorways or newe's at changes #n d#rect#on, at 'east one handra#' sha'' ,e cont#nuous throughout the 'ength o( a sta#rway or ram&, #nc'ud#ng 'and#ngs. 1.4

899 =andra#'s sha'' ,e term#nated #n a manner that w#'' not o,struct &edestr#an tra$e' or create a haCard. 81>9 %t 'east one handra#' sha'', 2a3 #n the case o( a sta#r, 2#3 e5tend hor#Conta''y at the re:u#red he#ght, not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the to& r#ser, and 2##3 cont#nue to s'o&e (or a de&th o( one tread ,eyond the ,ottom r#ser (o''owed ,y a 300 mm hor#Conta' e5tens#on, and 2,3 #n the case o( a ram&, e5tend hor#Conta''y at the re:u#red he#ght, not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the to& and ,ottom edges o( the #nc'#ne. 8119 ;he c'earance ,etween a handra#' and any sur(ace ,eh#nd #t sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm. 8129 =andra#'s and the#r su&&orts sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to w#thstand the 'oad#ng $a'ues o,ta#ned (rom the nonconcurrent a&&'#cat#on o(, 2a3 a concentrated 'oad not 'ess than 0.9 7B a&&'#ed at any &o#nt and #n any d#rect#on (or a'' handra#'s, and 2,3 a un#(orm 'oad not 'ess than 0.. 7B!m a&&'#ed #n any d#rect#on to handra#'s not 'ocated w#th#n dwelling units. 81!9 % ram& sha'' ha$e handra#'s on ,oth s#des. 8159 +n a 'ong-term care home and a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, a cont#nuous handra#' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on ,oth s#des o( a sta#rway throughout the 'ength o( the sta#rway, #nc'ud#ng 'and#ngs, e5ce&t where a handra#' #s #nterru&ted ,y doorways or newe's at changes #n d#rect#on. !,5,<,<, Gu$rds 819 6$ery e"it sha'' ha$e a wa'' or a we''-secured guard on each s#de. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 243, the he#ght o( guards (or e"it sta#rs sha'' ,e not 'ess than 920 mm measured $ert#ca''y to the to& o( the guard (rom a '#ne drawn through the outs#de edges o( the sta#r nos#ngs and 1 0.0 mm around 'and#ngs. 8!9 6"it ram&s and the#r 'and#ngs sha'' ,e &rotected w#th guards not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm measured $ert#ca''y to the to& o( the guard (rom the ram& sur(ace where the d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the ad0acent ground or ('oor 'e$e' and the ram& #s more than 600 mm. 859 ;he he#ght o( guards (or e5ter#or sta#rs and 'and#ngs more than 10 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm measured $ert#ca''y to the to& o( the guard (rom the sur(ace o( the 'and#ng or a '#ne drawn through the outs#de edges o( the sta#r nos#ngs. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, o&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 100 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 8<9 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 and that #s #nsta''ed #n a building o( industrial occupancy sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 200 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 8;9 +n a sta#rway, a w#ndow (or wh#ch the d#stance measured $ert#ca''y ,etween the ,ottom o( the w#ndow and a '#ne drawn through the outs#de edges o( the sta#r nos#ngs #s 'ess than 900 mm, or a w#ndow that e5tends to 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the 'and#ng, sha'', 2a3 ,e &rotected ,y a guard that #s, 2#3 'ocated a&&ro5#mate'y 900 mm a,o$e a '#ne drawn through the outs#de edges o( the sta#r nos#ngs, or 2##3 not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh measured to the to& o( the guard (rom the sur(ace o( the 'and#ng, or 2,3 ,e (#5ed #n &os#t#on and des#gned to res#st the 'atera' des#gn 'oads s&ec#(#ed (or guards and wa''s #n %rt#c'es and 8=9 @n'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs do not &resent a haCard, a guard sha'' ,e des#gned so that no mem,er, attachment or o&en#ng 'ocated ,etween 140 mm and 900 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' ,e#ng &rotected ,y the guard w#'' (ac#'#tate c'#m,#ng. !,5,<,;, R$m. (lo.e 819 65ce&t as re:u#red (or a#s'es ,y %rt#c'e, the ma5#mum s'o&e o( a ram& sha'' ,e, 2a3 1 #n 10 #n any assembly, care, care and treatment, detention or residential occupancy, 2,3 1 #n 6 #n rooms or floor areas c'ass#(#ed as mercantile occupancy or industrial occupancy, 1.1

2c3 1 #n

#n any other floor area, and

2d3 1 #n 10 (or an e5ter#or ram&. !,5,<,=, Tre$ds $nd Risers 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted (or dwelling units and ,y /entence 3.4...1.213 (or (#re esca&es, ste&s (or sta#rs sha'' ha$e a run o( not 'ess than 211 mm and not more than 311 mm ,etween success#$e ste&s. 829 /te&s (or sta#rs re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a r#se ,etween success#$e treads not 'ess than 121 mm and not more than 200 mm. 8!9 65ce&t #n (#re esca&e sta#rs and where an e5ter#or sta#r ad0o#ns a wal#way as &erm#tted ,y /entence, r#sers, measured as the $ert#ca' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, sha'' ,e o( un#(orm he#ght #n any one ('#ght, w#th a ma5#mum to'erance o(, 2a3 1 mm ,etween ad0acent treads or 'and#ngs, and 2,3 10 mm ,etween the ta''est and shortest r#sers #n a ('#ght. 859 65ce&t #n (#re esca&e sta#rs, treads, measured as the hor#Conta' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, sha'' ha$e a un#(orm run w#th a ma5#mum to'erance o(, 2a3 1 mm ,etween ad0acent treads, and 2,3 10 mm ,etween the dee&est and sha''owest treads #n a ('#ght. 879 ;reads and r#sers sha'' not d#((er s#gn#(#cant'y #n run and r#se #n success#$e ('#ghts #n any sta#r system. 8<9 8here ang'ed treads are #ncor&orated #nto a sta#r, the treads #n a'' sets o( ang'ed treads w#th#n a ('#ght sha'' turn #n the same d#rect#on. 8;9 ;he s'o&e on treads or 'and#ngs sha'' not e5ceed 1 #n 10. 8=9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2103, the to& o( the nos#ng o( a sta#r tread sha'' ha$e a rounded or ,e$e''ed edge e5tend#ng not 'ess than 6 mm and not more than 13 mm measured hor#Conta''y (rom the (ront o( the nos#ng. 899 ;he (ront edge o( sta#r treads #n e"its and &u,'#c access to e"its sha'' ,e at r#ght ang'es to the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 81>9 +( res#'#ent mater#a' #s used to co$er the nos#ng o( a sta#r tread, the m#n#mum rad#us or ,e$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 2 3 #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to 3 mm. !,5,<,9, Cur1ed (t$irs 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, ta&ered treads sha'' not ,e used #n an e"it. 829 % cur$ed sta#r used as an e"it sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a handra#' on each s#de, 2,3 treads w#th a m#n#mum run o( 240 mm e5c'us#$e o( nos#ngs, 2c3 treads that con(orm to %rt#c'e 3.4.6. . where they are measured 230 mm away (rom the handra#' at the narrow end o( the tread, and 2d3 an #ns#de rad#us that #s not 'ess than tw#ce the sta#r w#dth. !,5,<,1>, Eori-ont$l E?its 819 65ce&t #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo' that #s su,d#$#ded ,y a firewall, the floor area on each s#de o( a horizontal e"it sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to accommodate the occu&ants o( ,oth floor areas, a''ow#ng not 'ess than 0.1 m 2 o( c'ear ('oor s&ace &er &erson, e5ce&t that 1.1 m 2 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each &erson #n a whee'cha#r and 2.1 m 2 (or each &at#ent #n ,ed. 829 +( $est#,u'es, enc'osed ,a'con#es or ,r#dges are used as &arts o( a horizontal e"it, the#r c'ear w#dth sha'' ,e not 'ess than that o( the e"it doorways o&en#ng #nto them, e5ce&t that handra#'s are not &erm#tted to &ro0ect #nto th#s c'ear w#dth more than 100 mm. 8!9 +n a horizontal e"it where there #s a d#((erence #n 'e$e' ,etween the connected floor areas, s'o&es not more than those s&ec#(#ed (or ram&s #n %rt#c'e 3.4.6... are &erm#tted to ,e used. 859 Bo sta#rs or ste&s sha'' ,e used at a horizontal e"it. 879 +( two doors are &ro$#ded #n a horizontal e"it that com&r#ses a &art o( the re:u#red num,er o( e"its (rom the floor areas on ,oth s#des o( the e"it, 2a3 the doors sha'' ,e mounted ad0acent to each other w#th the door on the r#ght s#de #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' through the horizontal e"it sw#ng#ng #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' through the horizontal e"it, and 1.6

2,3 s#gns sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on each s#de o( the horizontal e"it to #nd#cate the door that sw#ngs #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' (rom that s#de. 8<9 +( a horizontal e"it ut#'#Ces ,r#dges ,etween buildings or outs#de ,a'con#es, the ,r#dges or ,a'con#es sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 8;9 %ny change #n ('oor 'e$e' (rom one s#de o( a horizontal e"it to the other s#de sha'' not e5ceed 2 000 mm. !,5,<,11, #oors 819 ;he d#stance ,etween a sta#r r#ser and the 'ead#ng edge o( a door dur#ng #ts sw#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 300 mm. 829 Bo e"it door sha'' o&en d#rect'y onto a ste& e5ce&t that, #( there #s danger o( ,'oc7age (rom #ce or snow, an e"it door #s &erm#tted to o&en onto not more than one ste& wh#ch sha'' ,e not more than 110 mm h#gh. 8!9 6"it doors sha'' ,e c'ear'y #dent#(#a,'e. 859 Bo door 'ea( #n an e"it doorway w#th more than one 'ea( sha'' ,e 'ess than 600 mm w#de. !,5,<,12, #irection o/ #oor (2ing 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233 and %rt#c'e, e$ery e"it door sha'', 2a3 o&en #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e', and 2,3 sw#ng on #ts $ert#ca' a5#s. 829 % door ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit sha'' sw#ng on #ts $ert#ca' a5#s. 8!9 65ce&t #n a high hazard industrial occupancy, an e"it door need not sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' where #t ser$es, 2a3 a room, suite or floor area ha$#ng an occupant load o( not more than 60 &ersons, or 2,3 as &art o( a means of egress (rom more than one floor area and the floor areas so ser$ed ha$e a tota' occupant load o( not more than 60 &ersons. !,5,<,1!, (el/:Closing #e1ices 819 %n e"it door that #s norma''y re:u#red to ,e 7e&t c'osed, 2a3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a se'(-c'os#ng mechan#sm, and 2,3 sha'' not ,e secured #n an o&en &os#t#on e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 3.1. .12.213. !,5,<,15, (liding #oors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 an e"it door 'ead#ng d#rect'y to outdoors at ground 'e$e' #s &erm#tted to ,e a s'#d#ng door &ro$#ded #t #s re'eased #n con(ormance w#th /entence 829 %n e"it door ser$#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, or an impeded egress zone #n other occupancies, #s &erm#tted to ,e a s'#d#ng door that does not con(orm to /entence &ro$#ded #t #s des#gned to ,e re'eased #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e !,5,<,17, Re1ol1ing #oors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a re$o'$#ng door, #( used, sha'', 2a3 ,e co''a&s#,'e, 2,3 ha$e h#nged doors &ro$#d#ng e:u#$a'ent e5#t#ng ca&ac#ty 'ocated ad0acent to #t, 2c3 ,e used as an e"it (rom the ground ('oor 'e$e' on'y, 2d3 ,e not 'ess than 3 m (rom the (oot o( any sta#rway, and 2e3 ha$e a'' g'ass #n door 'ea$es and enc'osure &ane's con(orm#ng to, 2#3 )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2##3 )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a re$o'$#ng door sha'' not ,e cons#dered to ha$e an e5#t#ng ca&ac#ty (or more than 41 &ersons. 8!9 %n e'ectr#ca''y &owered re$o'$#ng door #s not re:u#red to con(orm to /entences 213 and 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 the door 'ea$es w#'' co''a&se and sto& automat#c rotat#on o( the door system and not o,struct the doorway #( a (orce not more than that s&ec#(#ed #n /entence #s a&&'#ed at the centre o( a door 'ea(, 1..

2,3 the door 'ea$es are ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng o&ened (rom #ns#de the building w#thout re:u#r#ng 7eys, s&ec#a' de$#ces, or s&ec#a'#Ced 7now'edge o( the door o&en#ng mechan#sm, 2c3 the a''owa,'e e5#t#ng ca&ac#ty #s ,ased on the c'ear w#dth o( &assage through the door enc'osure when the doors are (u''y co''a&sed, 2d3 a &ermanent s#gn, whose centre'#ne #s ,etween 1 000 mm and 1 100 mm a,o$e the ('oor, #s &'aced on each (ace o( each door 'ea( #nd#cat#ng the method (or co''a&s#ng the door 'ea( #n an emergency, and 2e3 g'ass used (or door 'ea$es and enc'osure &ane's #s sa(ety g'ass con(orm#ng to, 2#3 )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2##3 )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?. !,5,<,1<, #oor Rele$se E$rd2$re 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units, e5ce&t (or de$#ces on doors ser$#ng a contained use area or an impeded egress zone des#gned to ,e re'eased #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e, and e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 243, 'oc7#ng, 'atch#ng and other (asten#ng de$#ces on e$ery e"it door sha'' &erm#t the door to ,e read#'y o&ened (rom the #ns#de w#th not more than one re'eas#ng o&erat#on and w#thout re:u#r#ng 7eys, s&ec#a' de$#ces or s&ec#a'#Ced 7now'edge o( the door o&en#ng mechan#sm. 829 +( a door #s e:u#&&ed w#th a 'atch#ng mechan#sm, a de$#ce that w#'' re'ease the 'atch and a''ow the door to sw#ng w#de o&en when a (orce o( not more than 90 B #s a&&'#ed to the de$#ce #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' to the e"it sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on, 2a3 e$ery e"it door (rom a floor area conta#n#ng an assembly occupancy ha$#ng an occupant load more than 100, 2,3 e$ery door 'ead#ng to an e"it 'o,,y (rom an e"it sta#r sha(t, and e$ery e5ter#or door 'ead#ng (rom an e"it sta#r sha(t #n a building ha$#ng an occupant load more than 100, and 2c3 e$ery e"it door (rom a floor area conta#n#ng a high hazard industrial occupancy. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3. ., e$ery e"it door sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed so that, when the 'atch #s re'eased, the door w#'' o&en under a (orce o( not more than 90 B, a&&'#ed at the 7no, or other 'atch re'eas#ng de$#ce. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence, e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7s that do not #ncor&orate 'atches, &#ns or other s#m#'ar de$#ces to 7ee& the door #n the c'osed &os#t#on are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed on e"it doors other than doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s e:u#&&ed w#th a (#re a'arm system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.4., 2,3 the 'oc7#ng de$#ce, and a'' s#m#'ar de$#ces #n the access to e"it 'ead#ng to the e"it door, are #nsta''ed as anc#''ary de$#ces to the (#re a'arm system and re'ease #mmed#ate'y u&on act#$at#on o(, 2#3 the alarm signal where a s#ng'e stage (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed, 2##3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /u,c'ause 2###3, the alert signal where a two stage (#re a'arm system #s #nsta''ed, or 2###3 the alarm signal o( a two stage (#re a'arm system #nsta''ed #n a care, care and treatment or detention occupancy, 2c3 the 'oc7#ng de$#ce re'eases #mmed#ate'y u&on 'oss o( &ower to the (#re a'arm contro' &ane' or 'oss o( &ower contro''#ng the e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7#ng mechan#sm and #ts assoc#ated au5#'#ary contro's, 2d3 the 'oc7#ng de$#ce re'eases #mmed#ate'y u&on actuat#on o( a manua''y o&erated sw#tch read#'y access#,'e on'y to author#Ced &ersonne' and 'ocated near the ma#n entrance o( the building or #n the centra' a'arm and contro' (ac#'#ty o( /entence 3.2.6...213, 2e3 the 'oc7#ng de$#ce re'eases #mmed#ate'y u&on a (au't ,e#ng detected #n the e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t ,etween the (#re a'arm contro' &ane' and the contro''er o( the 'oc7#ng de$#ce, 2(3 the 'oc7#ng de$#ce re'eases #mmed#ate'y u&on the o&erat#on o( a manua' &u'' stat#on (or the (#re a'arm system 'ocated on the wa'' not more than 600 mm (rom the door, 2g3 a 'eg#,'e s#gn ha$#ng the words E)ERGENCD EHIT NLOCIE# BD +IRE ALAR) #s &ermanent'y mounted on the door, 2h3 the 'etter#ng on the s#gn re:u#red #n )'ause 2g3 #s at 'east 21 mm h#gh w#th a 1 mm stro7e, 2#3 u&on re'ease, the 'oc7#ng de$#ce must ,e reset manua''y ,y the actuat#on o( the sw#tch re(erred to #n )'ause 2d3, 203 the o&erat#on o( any ,y-&ass sw#tch, where &ro$#ded (or test#ng o( the (#re a'arm system, causes an aud#,'e s#gna' and a $#sua' s#gna' to ,e #nd#cated at the (#re a'arm annunc#ator &ane' and at the mon#tor#ng stat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 3.2.4. .243 2a3, and 273 emergency '#ght#ng #s &ro$#ded at the doors. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2.3, e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7s are not &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed on e"it doors, 1.

2a3 descr#,ed #n )'ause 2232a3, 2,3 or 2c3, 2,3 ser$#ng an e'ementary or secondary schoo', or 2c3 'ead#ng d#rect'y (rom a high hazard industrial occupancy. 8<9 6'ectromagnet#c 'oc7s are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed on an e5ter#or door 'ead#ng (rom an e"it sta#rway #n a building ser$#ng on'y a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy or a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 major occupancy. 8;9 6'ectromagnet#c 'oc7s are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed on an e"it door that ser$es on'y a gaming premises #(, 2a3 the gaming premises #s 'ocated w#th#n a sprin#lered floor area, 2,3 smo#e detectors are #nsta''ed #n each room and each corr#dor access#,'e to the &u,'#c, 2c3 a (orce o( not more than 90 B a&&'#ed to the door o&en#ng hardware #n#t#ates an #rre$ers#,'e &rocess that w#'' re'ease the 'oc7#ng de$#ce w#th#n 11 s and not re'oc7 unt#' the door has ,een o&ened, and 2d3 a 'eg#,'e s#gn con(orm#ng w#th )'ause 2432h3 #s &ermanent'y mounted on the e"it door to #nd#cate that the 'oc7#ng de$#ce w#'' re'ease w#th#n 11 s o( a&&'y#ng &ressure to the door re'ease hardware. 8=9 "oor hardware (or the o&erat#on o( the doors re(erred to #n th#s /ect#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at a he#ght not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. !,5,<,1;, Reser1ed !,5,<,1=, Emergenc3 Access to +loor Are$s 819 +n a building more than 6 storeys #n building height, 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, doors &ro$#d#ng access to floor areas (rom e"it sta#rs sha'' not ha$e 'oc7#ng de$#ces to &re$ent entry #nto, 2#3 any floor area des#gnated as an area o( re(uge, 2##3 floor areas 'ocated at #nter$a's o( 1 storeys or 'ess, and 2###3 at 'east one o( the three h#ghest storeys, 2,3 doors re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 that &ro$#de access #nto the floor area sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y a s#gn on the sta#rway s#de to #nd#cate that they are o&ena,'e (rom that s#de, and 2c3 a master 7ey to (#t a'' door 'oc7#ng de$#ces that are #ntended to &re$ent entry #nto a floor area (rom an e"it sta#r sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a des#gnated 'ocat#on access#,'e to (#re(#ghters, or the door sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a w#red g'ass &ane' not 'ess than 0.0641 m2 #n area and 'ocated not more than 300 mm (rom the door o&en#ng hardware. 829 +( access to floor areas through un'oc7ed doors #s re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132a3 or through e'ectromagnet#ca''y 'oc7ed doors as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, #t sha'' ,e &oss#,'e (or a &erson enter#ng the floor area to ha$e access through un'oc7ed doors or through e'ectromagnet#ca''y 'oc7ed doors w#th#n the floor area to at 'east one other e"it. 8!9 6'ectromagnet#c 'oc7#ng de$#ces may ,e #nsta''ed on the doors &ro$#d#ng access to floor areas (rom e"it sta#rs as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132a3, &ro$#ded a'' 'oc7#ng de$#ce re'ease and s#gnage &ro$#s#ons #n /entence are #nsta''ed on ,oth s#des o( the doors. 859 +n a building not more than 6 storeys #n building height, doors &ro$#d#ng access (rom e"it sta#rs to a floor area conta#n#ng a hotel are &erm#tted to ha$e 'oc7#ng de$#ces to &re$ent entry #nto the floor area &ro$#ded the re:u#rements #n )'ause 2132c3 are com&'#ed w#th. !,5,<,19, +loor Numbering 819 %ra,#c numera's #nd#cat#ng the ass#gned ('oor num,er sha'', 2a3 ,e mounted &ermanent'y on each s#de o( doors to e"it sta#r sha(ts, 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 60 mm h#gh, ra#sed a&&ro5#mate'y 0.. mm a,o$e the sur(ace, 2c3 ,e 'ocated 1 100 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2d3 ,e contrast#ng #n co'our w#th the sur(ace to wh#ch they are a&&'#ed. 829 @&&er case 'etters #nd#cat#ng the des#gnat#on ass#gned to each e"it sta#r sha(t sha'' ,e mounted &ermanent'y on each s#de o( doors to the e"it sta#r sha(t and sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 60 mm h#gh, ra#sed a&&ro5#mate'y 0.. mm a,o$e the sur(ace, 2,3 ,e 'ocated 1 100 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2c3 ,e contrast#ng #n co'our w#th the sur(ace on wh#ch they are a&&'#ed. 1.9

!,5,;, +ire Esc$.es !,5,;,1, (co.e 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, (#re esca&es sha'' not ,e erected on a building. 829 +( #t #s #m&ract#ca,'e to &ro$#de one or more o( the e"it (ac#'#t#es '#sted #n %rt#c'e, (#re esca&es con(orm#ng to %rt#c'es 3.4...2. to 3.4..... are &erm#tted to ser$e floor areas #n an e5#st#ng building &ro$#ded the floor areas ser$ed are, 2a3 not #n an e'ementary or secondary schoo', 2,3 not more than 2 storeys a,o$e ground 'e$e' #n care, care and treatment or detention occupancies, and 2c3 not more than 1 storeys a,o$e ground 'e$e' #n other occupancies. !,5,;,2, +ire Esc$.e Construction 819 F#re esca&es sha'' ,e o( meta' or concrete, o( the sta#r ty&e e5tend#ng to ground 'e$e', constructed throughout #n a strong su,stant#a' manner and secure'y (#5ed to the building, e5ce&t that wooden (#re esca&es are &erm#tted to ,e used on buildings o( combustible construction #( a'' &osts and ,rac7ets are not 'ess than 9 mm #n the#r 'east d#mens#on and a'' other woodwor7 #s not 'ess than 3 mm #n #ts 'east d#mens#on. !,5,;,!, Access to +ire Esc$.es 819 %ccess to (#re esca&es sha'' ,e (rom corr#dors through doors at ('oor 'e$e', e5ce&t that access (rom a dwelling unit #s &erm#tted to ,e through a casement w#ndow ha$#ng an uno,structed o&en#ng not 'ess than 1 100 mm h#gh ,y 110 mm w#de w#th a s#'' he#ght o( not more than 900 mm a,o$e the #ns#de ('oor. 829 ;he c'ear area o( a (#re esca&e ,a'cony onto wh#ch a door o&ens, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 m2. !,5,;,5, %rotection o/ +ire Esc$.es 819 +( a (#re esca&e ser$es any storey a,o$e the second, o&en#ngs 'ocated #n a Cone descr#,ed #n /entence 223, #nc'ud#ng access doorways #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( the building to wh#ch the (#re esca&e #s attached, sha'' ,e &rotected ,y closures con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.1. . 829 ;he Cone re(erred to #n /entence 213 e5tends (rom any ,a'cony, &'at(orm or sta#rway o( a (#re esca&e to a d#stance, 2a3 3 m hor#Conta''y, 2,3 10 m ,e'ow, and 2c3 1 00 mm a,o$e. !,5,;,7, (t$irs 819 /ta#rs sha'' ,e #nc'#ned at an ang'e o( not more than 41 w#th the hor#Conta', and the#r ste&s sha'' ha$e r#sers not more than 210 mm h#gh and treads not 'ess than 220 mm w#de e5c'us#$e o( nos#ng. 829 /ta#rway headroom sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 910 mm &'us the he#ght o( one r#ser measured $ert#ca''y a,o$e the nos#ng o( any tread or &'at(orm. 8!9 ;he w#dth o( a (#re esca&e sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'es, and, e5ce&t that the w#dth #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to 110 mm &ro$#ded the (#re esca&e ser$es, 2a3 not more than 3 storeys, and 2,3 not more than 11 &ersons. 859 +( a ('#ght o( sta#rs 'ead#ng to the ground at the (oot o( a (#re esca&e #s not (#5ed #n &os#t#on, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e he'd #n the ra#sed &os#t#on w#thout a 'atch or 'oc7#ng de$#ce, 2,3 ,e (#tted w#th a counter,a'anc#ng de$#ce, 2c3 ,e eas#'y and :u#c7'y ,rought #nto &os#t#on (or use, and 2d3 reach the ground #n the 'owered &os#t#on. !,5,;,<, Gu$rds $nd R$ilings 819 ;he o&en s#des o( e$ery &'at(orm, ,a'cony and sta#rway (orm#ng &art o( a (#re esca&e sha'' ,e &rotected ,y guards not 'ess than 920 mm h#gh measured $ert#ca''y a,o$e the nos#ng o( any tread or &'at(orm. 829 ;he to& ra#' o( a guard #s &erm#tted to ser$e as a handra#' #( #t #s (ree (rom o,struct#ons that cou'd ,rea7 a handho'd. 8!9 % wa'' handra#' sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #( the (#re esca&e #s more than 110 mm w#de.

1 0

859 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&here ha$#ng a d#ameter more than 100 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 879 @n'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs do not &resent a haCard, a guard (or a (#re esca&e sha'' ,e des#gned so that no mem,er, attachment or o&en#ng 'ocated ,etween 140 mm and 900 mm a,o$e a &'at(orm or the nos#ng o( any tread w#'' (ac#'#tate c'#m,#ng. !,5,;,;, L$ndings 819 -'at(orms (or a (#re esca&e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or sta#r 'and#ngs #n %rt#c'es and (ection !,7, 'ertic$l Tr$ns.o rt$tion !,7,1, Gener$l !,7,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to $ert#ca' trans&ortat#on (ac#'#t#es #nsta''ed #n a building, #nc'ud#ng e'e$ators, esca'ators and dum,wa#ters. 829 6'e$ators #n a building w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'es and !,7,2, Ele1$tor Re4uirements !,7,2,1, Re4uired Ele1$tor 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, #( s'ee&#ng rooms or &at#ent or res#dent ser$#ces are &ro$#ded on more than one ('oor 'e$e' and the ('oor 'e$e's are not connected ,y ram&s con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.4., such ('oor 'e$e's sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y at 'east one e'e$ator that #s 'arge enough to accommodate a stretcher #n a hor#Conta' &os#t#on. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to those &arts o( a floor area c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy #(, 2a3 those &ort#ons o( the floor area conta#n s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons, and 2,3 not more than s#5 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#ng #n the case o( an emergency. !,7,2,2, B$rrier:+ree #esign 819 -assenger e'e$ators sha'' con(orm to %&&end#5 6 o( %/<6 %1..1 ! )/% *44, >/a(ety )ode (or 6'e$ators and 6sca'ators?. !,7,!, +ire (e.$r$tions !,7,!,1, +ire (e.$r$tions /or Ele1$tor Eoist2$3s 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a vertical service space used as an e'e$ator ho#stway sha'' ,e se&arated (rom a'' other &ort#ons o( each ad0acent storey ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to ;a,'e (or the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the storey, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the storey, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. T$ble !,7,!,1, +ire (e.$r$tion /or 'ertic$l Tr$ns.ort$tion (.$ce Form#ng -art o( /entences and
+tem )o'umn 1 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( 7ire Separation Re:u#red (or F'oor %ssem,'y 'ess than 41 m#n 41 m#n 1h 1.1 h 2 h or more )o'umn 2 <#n#mum 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( ?ertical Service Space (or 6'e$ator =o#stway 41 m#n 41 m#n 1h 1h 1.1 h )o'umn 3 <#n#mum 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( ?ertical Service Space (or "um,wa#ters --41 m#n 41 m#n 1h 1h

1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

829 -assenger e'e$ators, other than those &ro$#ded (or (#re(#ghters #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, are &erm#tted to ,e 'ocated w#th#n or ad0acent to the o&en#ng o( an interconnected floor space &rotected #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11., /entences 3.2. .2.243 and 263 w#thout ,e#ng enc'osed #n a ho#stway se&arated (rom the rema#nder 1 1

o( the interconnected floor space &ro$#ded the e'e$ator mach#nery #s 'ocated #n a room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation whose fire-resistance rating #s not 'ess than that re:u#red (or ho#stways ,y /entence 213. 8!9 8here the e'e$ator descr#,ed #n /entence 223 has doors o&en#ng #nto storeys a,o$e or ,e'ow the interconnected floor space #t sha'' ,e &rotected ,y $est#,u'es con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( /entence 3.2. .1.213. !,7,!,2, 'ertic$l (er1ice (.$ces /or #umb2$iters 819 % vertical service space conta#n#ng a dum,wa#ter sha'' ,e se&arated (rom a'' other &ort#ons o( each ad0acent storey ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to ;a,'e (or the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the storey, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the storey, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. !,7,!,!, +ire (e.$r$tions /or Ele1$tor )$c0ine Rooms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a room conta#n#ng e'e$ator mach#nery sha'' ,e se&arated (rom a'' other &arts o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the vertical service space conta#n#ng the e'e$ator ho#stway. 829 % room conta#n#ng e'e$ator mach#nery need not ,e se&arated (rom the e'e$ator ho#stway that #t ser$es &ro$#ded the room and the ho#stway are se&arated (rom a'' other &arts o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the vertical service space conta#n#ng the e'e$ator ho#stway. !,7,5, #imensions $nd (igns !,7,5,1, Ele1$tor C$r #imensions 819 +( an e'e$ator #s #nsta''ed to con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.3.1..., or #( one or more e'e$ators are &ro$#ded #n a building more than three storeys #n building height, each storey ha$#ng e'e$ator ser$#ce sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y at 'east one e'e$ator that has #ns#de d#mens#ons that w#'' accommodate and &ro$#de ade:uate access (or a &at#ent stretcher 2 010 mm 'ong and 610 mm w#de #n the &rone &os#t#on. 829 %n e'e$ator sat#s(y#ng the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 sha'' ,e c'ear'y #dent#(#ed on the ma#n entrance 'e$e' o( the building. (ection !,<, (er1ice +$cilities !,<,1, Gener$l !,<,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he &ro$#s#ons o( th#s /ect#on a&&'y to horizontal service spaces, vertical service spaces , attic or roof spaces , ducts, craw' s&aces, sha(t s&aces, service rooms, and mechan#ca' &enthouses, and (ac#'#t#es conta#ned #n any o( them. 829 65ce&t (or plenum re:u#rements #n, the (#re sa(ety character#st#cs o( heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems sha'' com&'y w#th -art 6. !,<,1,2, Reser1ed !,<,1,!, (tor$ge se %ro0ibition 819 Service spaces sha'' not ,e des#gned to (ac#'#tate su,se:uent use as storage s&ace. !,<,1,5, Reser1ed !,<,1,7, +i?ed Access L$dders 819 +( a (#5ed 'adder #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de access to a roo( o( a building, the des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( the attachment and anchorage system (or the 'adder sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*- , >"es#gn, )onstruct#on and +nsta''at#on o( %nchorage /ystem (or F#5ed %ccess Ladders?. !,<,2, (er1ice Rooms !,<,2,1, +ire (e.$r$tions $round (er1ice Rooms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 2 3 to 2103, (ue'-(#red appliances sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n service rooms se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 233, a (ue'-(#red appliance that ser$es on'y one room or suite #s not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building. 8!9 % so'#d (ue' (#red appliance sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a repair garage, a storage garage, or any other 'ocat#on where #t cou'd ,e e5&osed to ('amma,'e $a&ours or gases un'ess,

1 2

2a3 #t #s enc'osed #n a service room that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fireresistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 #t #s su&&'#ed w#th com,ust#on a#r d#rect'y (rom outs#de the building, and 2c3 the heat that #t generates #s su&&'#ed #nd#rect'y to the s&ace ser$ed ,y means o( ducts or &#&#ng. 859 % service room conta#n#ng an #nc#nerator sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. 879 6:u#&ment that uses a '#:u#d ha$#ng a flash point ,e'ow 93.3E) sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8<9 6'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment that #s re:u#red to ,e 'ocated #n a service room ,y a regu'at#on made under the 6lectricity Act, &22=, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fireresistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8;9 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2 3, #n a storey that #s not sprin#lered, a service room that conta#ns ser$#ce e:u#&ment other than that addressed ,y /entences 213 to 263, sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8=9 +( a service room re(erred to #n /entence 2.3 conta#ns a '#m#ted :uant#ty o( ser$#ce e:u#&ment, and the ser$#ce e:u#&ment ne#ther const#tutes a (#re haCard nor #s essent#a' to the o&erat#on o( (#re sa(ety systems #n the building, the re:u#rements (or a fire separation sha'' not a&&'y. 899 % fire separation #s not re:u#red ,etween a (#re&'ace and the s&ace #t ser$es. 81>9 % fire separation #s not re:u#red ,etween a roo(-to& appliance and the building #t ser$es. 8119 ;he fire separation &ro$#s#ons (or a (ue'-(#red appliance #n a &orta,'e c'assroom sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 3.9.3... !,<,2,2, (er1ice Rooms under E?its 819 % service room conta#n#ng ser$#ce e:u#&ment su,0ect to &oss#,'e e5&'os#on, such as boilers o&erat#ng #n e5cess o( 100 7-a 2gauge3 and some ty&es o( re(r#gerat#ng mach#nery and trans(ormers, sha'' not ,e 'ocated d#rect'y under a re:u#red e"it. !,<,2,!, (er1ice E4ui.ment 819 % service room conta#n#ng s&ace heat#ng, s&ace coo'#ng and ser$#ce water heat#ng appliances #s &erm#tted to conta#n other ser$#ce e:u#&ment such as e'ectr#ca' ser$#ce e:u#&ment. !,<,2,5, Inciner$tor Rooms 819 % service room conta#n#ng an #nc#nerator sha'' not conta#n other (ue'-(#red appliances. !,<,2,7, Combustible Re/use (tor$ge 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, a room (or the storage o( combustible re(use sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2,3 sprin#lered. !,<,2,<, #oor (2ing /or (er1ice Rooms 819 % sw#ng-ty&e door (rom a service room conta#n#ng a boiler or #nc#nerator sha'' sw#ng outward (rom the room, e5ce&t that the door sha'' sw#ng #nward #( the door o&ens onto a corr#dor or any room used (or an assembly occupancy. !,<,2,;, Electric$l E4ui.ment '$ults 819 8here an e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't #s re:u#red ,y the 6'ectr#ca' /a(ety )ode ado&ted under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 164!99 26'ectr#ca' /a(ety )ode3 made under the 6lectricity Act, &22=, the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't sha'' ,e tota''y enc'osed ,y a fire separation o( so'#d masonry or concrete construct#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 3 h #( the $au't #s not &ro$#ded w#th an automat#c (#re e5t#ngu#sh#ng system and not 'ess than 2 h #( the $au't #s so &rotected. 829 8here a building #s re:u#red to ,e sprin#lered, the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't descr#,ed #n /entence 213 need not ,e sprin#lered &ro$#ded, 2a3 the $au't #s des#gned (or no &ur&ose other than to conta#n the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment, and 2,3 a smo#e detector #s &ro$#ded #n the $au't that w#'' actuate the building (#re a'arm system #n the e$ent o( a (#re #n the $au't. 8!9 % $au't, that #s &art o( a building and houses e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment #ndoors, sha'' ha$e, 2a3 roo(s or ce#'#ngs cons#st#ng o( re#n(orced concrete o( ade:uate strength (or the cond#t#ons and not 'ess than 110 mm th#c7, and 1 3

2,3 ('oors cons#st#ng o( re#n(orced concrete o( ade:uate strength (or the cond#t#ons and not 'ess than 110 mm th#c7, e5ce&t that ('oors that are at e5ca$at#on 'e$e' are &erm#tted to ,e o( re#n(orced concrete not 'ess than 100 mm th#c7. 859 8a''s, roo(s or ce#'#ngs, and ('oors sha'' ,e ade:uate'y anchored together #n a manner des#gned to res#st d#s'odgement ,y e5&'os#on. 879 On'y &#&es or ducts necessary (or (#re &rotect#on or the &ro&er o&erat#on o( the e'ectr#ca' #nsta''at#on sha'' &enetrate the fire separations surround#ng the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't. 8<9 % $ent#'at#on duct or o&en#ng, that &enetrates the fire separation to the outdoors, need not ,e &rotected ,y a closure at the &enetrat#on. 8;9 6ach door to an e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a su,stant#a' 'oc7 or &ad'oc7. 8=9 65&'os#on-re'#e( de$#ces and $ents or other &rotect#$e measures sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't conta#n#ng d#e'ectr#c '#:u#d (#''ed e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 899 6$ery e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a $ent#'at#on system des#gned #n con(ormance w#th -art 6 to &re$ent the am,#ent tem&erature #n the $au't (rom e5ceed#ng 40E). 81>9 8here the $au't $ent#'at#on system #n /entence 293 #s d#rect'y (rom an outdoor area ,y natura' $ent#'at#on w#thout the use o( ducts, and where the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment #s the &r#nc#&a' source o( heat, the com,#ned net area o( #n'et and out'et o&en#ngs sha'' ,e not 'ess than 0.002 m2!7Ha o( e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment ca&ac#ty w#th a m#n#mum o( 0.093 m2, e5ce&t that, 2a3 where e:u#&ment #n the &ower c'ass as descr#,ed #n )%B!)/%-) -<, >-ower ;rans(ormers and Reactors? #s #nsta''ed, $ent#'at#on re:u#rements are &erm#tted to ,e ,ased on the actua' (u''-'oad 'osses, or 2,3 where the e:u#&ment #s #nsta''ed (or emergency &ur&oses on'y and #s not norma''y energ#Ced, #t need not ,e cons#dered #n determ#n#ng the $ent#'at#on re:u#rements. 8119 +n the $au't $ent#'at#on system #n /entence 2103, the #n'et (or (resh a#r sha'' 'ead (rom an outdoor area and sha'' term#nate at a &o#nt not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor 'e$e' o( the $au't. 8129 8here the $au't $ent#'at#on system #n /entence 293 #s a mechan#ca' system, #t sha'' ,e se&arate (rom the system (or the rema#nder o( the building and sha'' ,e des#gned so that, 2a3 the $au't tem&erature #s thermostat#ca''y contro''ed, 2,3 the (an #s 'ocated so that #t may ,e ser$#ced w#thout danger to &ersonne', 2c3 a h#gh tem&erature a'arm #s &ro$#ded #n the $au't, 2d3 the system #s automat#ca''y shut o(( #n the e$ent o( a (#re #n the $au't, and 2e3 a (#'ter #s &ro$#ded #n the a#r #n'et #( there #s a &oss#,#'#ty o( d#rt ,e#ng drawn #n. 81!9 %'' $ent#'at#on o&en#ngs sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th /entences and 243 and the &rotect#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n such a manner that #t cannot ,e remo$ed (rom the outs#de ,y the use o( common too's and #t #s tam&er&roo(. 8159 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2113, the ('oor o( the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't descr#,ed #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,e '#:u#d t#ght and surrounded ,y '#:u#d t#ght wa''s and s#''s o( su((#c#ent he#ght to con(#ne w#th#n the $au't a'' o( the '#:u#d (rom the 'argest #tem o( e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment, ,ut to a he#ght o( not 'ess than 100 mm. 8179 ;he ('oor o( the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't descr#,ed #n /entences 213 and 223 may ,e &ro$#ded w#th a ('oor dra#n connected to a co$ered sum& ca&a,'e o( ho'd#ng a'' o( the '#:u#d (rom the 'argest #tem o( e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment, and the connect#on sha'' ha$e a noncombustible tra& to &re$ent the s&read o( (#re (rom the $au't to the sum&. 81<9 8here the e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't #s 'ocated #n a haCardous 'ocat#on c'ass#(#ed as )'ass ++, "#$#s#on 1 #n accordance w#th the 6'ectr#ca' /a(ety )ode ado&ted under Ontar#o Regu'at#on 164!99 26'ectr#ca' /a(ety )ode3 made under the 6lectricity Act, &22=, #t sha'' ha$e, 2a3 no $ent o&en#ng e5ce&t to the e5ter#or o( the building, and 2,3 su#ta,'e &ressure-re'#e( o&en#ngs commun#cat#ng on'y w#th the a#r outs#de the building. 81;9 8here doors are &ro$#ded ,etween the $au't descr#,ed #n /entence 2163 and the rest o( the building, they sha'' ha$e su#ta,'e sea's such as weatherstr#&&#ng to m#n#m#Ce the entrance o( dust #nto the $au't. 81=9 6$ery e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment $au't sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 ade:uate '#ght#ng, contro''ed ,y one or more sw#tches 'ocated near the entrance, 2,3 'um#na#res 'ocated so that they may ,e re'am&ed w#thout danger to &ersonne', and 2c3 a grounded rece&tac'e 'ocated #n a con$en#ent 'ocat#on #ns#de the $au't, near the entrance. 1 4

!,<,2,=, Emergenc3 %o2er Inst$ll$tions 819 8here a generator #ntended to su&&'y emergency &ower (or '#ght#ng, (#re sa(ety and '#(e sa(ety systems #s 'ocated #n a building, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a room that, 2a3 #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2#3 2 h (or buildings w#th#n the sco&e o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., and 2##3 1 h (or other buildings, and 2,3 conta#ns on'y the generat#ng set and e:u#&ment that #s re'ated to the emergency &ower su&&'y system. !,<,2,9, (tor$ge o/ O?3gen Cont$iners 819 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, a room (or the storage o( o5ygen conta#ners sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 des#gned (or the storage o( o5ygen conta#ners on'y, 2c3 $a&our t#ght, 2d3 '#ned w#th noncombustible (#n#sh, 2e3 se&arate'y e5hausted to the e5ter#or, and 2(3 e:u#&&ed w#th rac7s to store the conta#ners. !,<,!, 'ertic$l (er1ice (.$ces $nd (er1ice +$cilities !,<,!,1, +ire (e.$r$tions /or 'ertic$l (er1ice (.$ces 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /ect#on 3.1., a vertical service space sha'' ,e se&arated (rom a'' other &ort#ons o( each ad0acent storey ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to ;a,'e (or the fire-resistance rating re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3.2.2. (or, 2a3 the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the storey, or 2,3 the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow the storey, #( there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e. T$ble !,<,!,1, +ire (e.$r$tions /or 'ertic$l (er1ice (.$ce Form#ng -art o( )'ause,3 and /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. %olumn & 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( 7ire Separation Re:u#red (or F'oor %ssem,'y 'ess than 41 m#n 41 m#n 1h 1.1 h 2 h or more )o'umn 2 <#n#mum 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( ?ertical Service Space --41 m#n 41 m#n 1h 1h

829 % vertical service space that does not e5tend through the roo( o( a building sha'' ,e enc'osed at the to& w#th construct#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the vertical service space wa''s. 8!9 % vertical service space that does not e5tend to the ,ottom o( a building sha'' ,e enc'osed at the 'owest 'e$e' w#th construct#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the vertical service space wa''s. 859 % $ent (rom a vertical service space not e5tend#ng to the roo( sha'' ,e enc'osed w#th#n the building w#th construct#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the vertical service space wa''s. 879 On'y o&en#ngs that are necessary (or the use o( the vertical service space sha'' ,e &erm#tted through a vertical service space enc'osure. !,<,!,2, +o$med %l$stic %rotection 819 Foamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on #n a vertical service space sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e !,<,!,!, Linen $nd Re/use C0utes 819 % '#nen chute or re(use chute sha'', 2a3 ,e #m&er$#ous to mo#sture, 2,3 ha$e a smooth #nterna' sur(ace, 1 1

2c3 ,e corros#on-res#stant, 2d3 ,e constructed o( noncombustible mater#a', and 2e3 ,e 'ocated #n a sha(t #n wh#ch there are no ser$#ces other than noncombustible dra#n, waste and $ent &#&#ng or noncombustible water &#&#ng. 829 % sha(t conta#n#ng a '#nen chute or re(use chute sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating con(orm#ng to /entence, ,ut not 'ess than, 2a3 1 h #( the chute out'et (or the d#scharge room #s &rotected ,y an automat#c, se'(-'atch#ng closure he'd o&en ,y a (us#,'e '#n7, or 2,3 2 h #( no closure #s &ro$#ded at the chute out'et #nto the d#scharge room. 8!9 %n #nter#or '#nen chute or re(use chute sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 1 m a,o$e the roo( and sha'' ,e $ented a,o$e the roo( w#th a $ent that, 2a3 has an uno,structed area not 'ess than the cross-sect#ona' area o( the chute, and 2,3 #s e:u#&&ed w#th a co$er that w#'' o&en automat#ca''y, or that can ,e o&ened manua''y, #n the e$ent o( a (#re #n the chute. 859 +nta7e o&en#ngs (or a '#nen chute or a re(use chute sha'', 2a3 ha$e an area not more than 60F o( the cross-sect#ona' area o( the chute, and 2,3 ,e (#tted w#th closures des#gned to c'ose automat#ca''y and 'atch a(ter use. 879 +nta7e o&en#ngs (or a '#nen chute or a re(use chute sha'' ,e 'ocated #n rooms or com&artments that, 2a3 ha$e no d#mens#on 'ess than .10 mm, 2,3 are se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 are des#gned (or no other &ur&ose, and 2d3 do not o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it. 8<9 /&r#n7'ers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at the to& o( each '#nen chute or re(use chute, at a'ternate ('oor 'e$e's and #n the room or ,#n #nto wh#ch the chute d#scharges. 8;9 ;he room #nto wh#ch a '#nen chute d#scharges sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 8=9 % re(use chute sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed at the to& w#th s&ray e:u#&ment (or wash#ng-down &ur&oses. 899 % re(use chute sha'' d#scharge on'y #nto a room or ,#n se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. 81>9 ;he room or ,#n #nto wh#ch a re(use chute d#scharges sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent s#Ce to conta#n the re(use ,etween norma' #nter$a's o( em&ty#ng, ,e #m&er$#ous to mo#sture and ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water connect#on and ('oor dra#n (or wash#ng-down &ur&oses. 8119 % room #nto wh#ch a re(use chute d#scharges sha'' conta#n no ser$#ce e:u#&ment that #s not re'ated to re(use hand'#ng and d#s&osa'. !,<,!,5, E?0$ust #uct Neg$ti1e %ressure 819 +( a vertical service space conta#ns an e"haust duct that ser$es more than one fire compartment, the duct sha'' ha$e a (an 'ocated at or near the e5haust out'et to ensure that the duct #s under negat#$e &ressure. !,<,5, Eori-ont$l (er1ice (.$ces $nd (er1ice +$cilities !,<,5,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to horizontal service spaces and ser$#ce (ac#'#t#es, #nc'ud#ng ce#'#ng s&aces, duct s&aces, craw' s&aces and attic or roof spaces. !,<,5,2, +ire (e.$r$tions /or Eori-ont$l (er1ice (.$ces 819 % horizontal service space that &enetrates a re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separation sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building #t ser$es #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223. 829 +( a horizontal service space or other concea'ed s&ace #s 'ocated a,o$e a re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separation other than a $ert#ca' sha(t, th#s s&ace need not ,e d#$#ded at the fire separation as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3.1. .3. &ro$#ded the construct#on ,etween th#s s&ace and the s&ace ,e'ow #s a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating e:u#$a'ent to that re:u#red (or the 1 6

$ert#ca' fire separation, e5ce&t that the fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 30 m#n #( the $ert#ca' fire separation #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating more than 41 m#n. !,<,5,!, %lenum Re4uirements 819 % concea'ed s&ace used as a plenum w#th#n a ('oor assem,'y or w#th#n a roo( assem,'y need not con(orm to /entence and %rt#c'e &ro$#ded, 2a3 a'' mater#a's w#th#n the concea'ed s&ace ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21 and a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on not more than 10, e5ce&t (or, 2#3 tu,#ng (or &neumat#c contro's, 2##3 o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es that e5h#,#t a ('ame s&read not more than 1.1 m, a smo7e dens#ty not more than 0.1 at &ea7 o&t#ca' dens#ty and a smo7e dens#ty not more than 0.11 at a$erage o&t#ca' dens#ty when tested #n con(ormance w#th the F'ame and /mo7e ;est #n the %&&end#5 to )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;6 Rat#ng3, 2###3 o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es that are 'ocated #n tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways, 2#$3 tota''y enc'osed nonmeta''#c raceways that e5h#,#t a hor#Conta' ('ame d#stance o( not more than 1.1 m, an a$erage o&t#ca' smo7e dens#ty o( not more than 0.11 and a &ea7 o&t#ca' smo7e dens#ty o( not more than 0.1 when tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/102.4, >F#re and /mo7e )haracter#st#cs o( 6'ectr#ca' 8#r#ng and )a,'es?, 2F;6 Rat#ng3, and 2$3 s#ng'e conductor e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es that e5h#,#t a $ert#ca' char o( not more than 1.1 m when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est I)a,'es #n )a,'etrough #n )'ause 4.11.4. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;4 Rat#ng3, and 2,3 the su&&orts (or the ce#'#ng mem,rane are o( noncombustible mater#a' ha$#ng a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow .60E). 829 +( a concea'ed s&ace re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s used as a return-a#r plenum and #ncor&orates a ce#'#ng mem,rane that (orms &art o( the re:u#red fire-resistance rating o( the assem,'y, e$ery o&en#ng through the mem,rane sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a fire stop flap that sha'', 2a3 sto& the ('ow o( a#r #nto the concea'ed s&ace #n the e$ent o( a (#re, 2,3 ,e su&&orted #n a manner that w#'' ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the ce#'#ng mem,rane (or the durat#on o( t#me re:u#red to &ro$#de the re:u#red fire-resistance rating, and 2c3 con(orm to )%B!@L)-/112.2, >F#re ;est o( )e#'#ng F#resto& F'a& %ssem,'#es?. 8!9 %s,estos &a&er sha'' not ,e e5&osed #n su&&'y and return-a#r systems. !,<,5,5, Attic or Roo/ (.$ce Access 819 %n attic or roof space more than 600 mm h#gh sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th access (rom the ('oor #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow ,y a hatchway not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 900 mm or ,y a sta#rway. !,<,5,7, Eori-ont$l (er1ice (.$ce Access 819 % horizontal service space, cons#st#ng o( ce#'#ng and duct s&aces, that #s more than 1 200 mm h#gh and 600 mm w#de sha'' ha$e #ns&ect#on doors not 'ess than 300 mm #n ,oth hor#Conta' and $ert#ca' d#mens#ons &'aced so that the ent#re #nter#or o( the duct or s&ace can ,e $#ewed. !,<,5,<, Cr$2l (.$ce Access 819 % craw' s&ace sha'' ha$e at 'east one access o&en#ng not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 900 mm. (ection !,;, Ee$lt0 Re4uirements !,;,1, Eeig0t $nd Are$ o/ Rooms !,;,1,1, Room $nd (.$ce Eeig0t 819 ;he he#ght o( e$ery room and s&ace sha'' ,e su((#c#ent so that the ce#'#ng or ce#'#ng (#5tures do not o,struct mo$ement or act#$#t#es ,e'ow. 829 ;he uno,structed he#ght #n dwelling units and s'ee&#ng rooms #n 4rou& ) occupancies sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.1.3. !,;,1,2, Residenti$l Room #imensions 819 ;he areas o( rooms #n dwelling units, dorm#tor#es, ,oard#ng houses and room#ng houses sha'' con(orm to -art 9. !,;,1,!, ( Are$s in Grou. B $nd C0ild C$re +$cilities 1 .

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a s'ee&#ng area #n a 4rou& * occupancy sha'' &ro$#de not 'ess than 4.. m 2 &er &erson #n a room ha$#ng, 2a3 an area not 'ess than . m2, 2,3 a hor#Conta' d#mens#on not 'ess than 2 000 mm, and 2c3 a ce#'#ng he#ght not 'ess than 2 300 mm. 829 /'ee&#ng rooms (or res#dents #n 'ong-term care homes sha'' ha$e, e5c'us#$e o( s&ace &ro$#ded (or washrooms and (or ,u#'t-#n or &orta,'e c'othes c'osets, a ('oor s&ace not 'ess than, 2a3 10.22 m2 #n a s#ng'e-,ed un#t, 2,3 16..2 m2 #n a two-,ed un#t, 2c3 21.0 m2 #n a three-,ed un#t, and 2d3 29..3 m2 #n a (our-,ed un#t. 8!9 % ch#'d care (ac#'#ty sha'' &ro$#de s'ee&#ng accommodat#on ha$#ng not 'ess than 0.93 m 2 o( ('oor sur(ace area (or each ch#'d w#th not 'ess than 2 300 mm ce#'#ng he#ght o$er the ent#re room area. !,;,1,5, ( Are$s in C$m.s 819 1ecreational camps sha'' ha$e an area #n the s'ee&#ng :uarters o( not 'ess than 3..2 m 2 &er cam&er or, #( dou,'e or tr#&'e t#er ,un7 un#ts are used, 2..9 m2 &er cam&er. 829 % camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' ha$e an area o( not 'ess than 3..2 m 2 &er em&'oyee #n e$ery room used (or s'ee&#ng &ur&oses. !,;,2, 6indo2s !,;,2,1, 6indo2 Are$s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 or otherw#se &erm#tted, e$ery room used (or s'ee&#ng #n any building, and e$ery &r#nc#&a' room such as '#$#ng room, d#n#ng room or com,#nat#on o( them #n dwelling units sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th w#ndows ha$#ng areas con(orm#ng to -art 9, e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y. 829 Long-term care homes sha'' ha$e, 2a3 #n an act#$#ty room, a s#tt#ng room or a 'ounge, one or more w#ndows w#th a tota' uno,structed g'ass area, e5c'us#$e o( s7y'#ghts, o( not 'ess than 10F o( the area o( the room, and 2,3 #n a res#dentsD s'ee&#ng room, one or more w#ndows that, 2#3 ha$e a tota' uno,structed g'ass area, e5c'us#$e o( s7y'#ghts, o( not 'ess than 10F o( the area o( the room, 2##3 o&en to the outdoors and ha$e a tota' uno,structed g'ass area, e5c'us#$e o( s7y'#ghts, o( not 'ess than 1F o( the area o( the room, and 2###3 are #nsta''ed w#th the ,ottom edge o( the g'ass o( e$ery w#ndow not more than 660 mm a,o$e the ('oor. 8!9 -'ay act#$#ty rooms #n a ch#'d care (ac#'#ty and wor7 areas #n live,wor# units sha'' ha$e one or more w#ndows that con(orm to )'ause 2232a3. !,;,!, Reser1ed !,;,5, %lumbing +$cilities !,;,5,1, %lumbing $nd #r$in$ge (3stems 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, each building s#tuated on &ro&erty that a,uts on a street #n wh#ch a &u,'#c or mun#c#&a' water ma#n #s 'ocated sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th or ha$e access#,'e to #ts occu&ants a plumbing system #nc'ud#ng a potable water su&&'y, a sanitary drainage system and plumbing fi"tures! 829 8hen the #nsta''at#on o( a sanitary drainage system #s not &oss#,'e ,ecause o( the a,sence o( a water su&&'y, san#tary &r#$#es, chem#ca' c'osets or other means (or the d#s&osa' o( human waste sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 8!9 4lumbing fi"tures need not ,e &ro$#ded #n a building that #s not norma''y occu&#ed ,y &ersons where such #nsta''at#ons are #m&ract#ca' and other fi"tures are a$a#'a,'e #n near,y buildings when the su,0ect building #s #n use. !,;,5,2, %lumbing +i?tures, Gener$l 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on, the occupant load sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th the &ro$#s#ons #n /u,sect#on 3.1.1.. e5ce&t that #n a 4rou& " occupancy, the area &er &erson sha'' ,e 14 m2.

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, water c'osets sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each se5 assum#ng that the occupant load #s e:ua''y d#$#ded ,etween ma'es and (ema'es, un'ess the &ro&ort#on o( each se5 e5&ected #n the building can ,e determ#ned w#th reasona,'e accuracy. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, ur#na's are &erm#tted to ,e su,st#tuted (or water c'osets re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on (or ma'es and may ,e counted as water c'osets &ro$#ded the num,er o( ur#na's #s not more than, 2a3 one-(#(th o( the re:u#red num,er o( water c'osets #n hos&#ta's and 'ong-term care homes, and 2,3 two-th#rds o( the re:u#red num,er o( water c'osets #n any other occupancy. 859 +( on'y two water c'osets are re:u#red (or ma'es, one ur#na' #s &erm#tted to ,e su,st#tuted (or one o( the water c'osets. 879 65ce&t as re:u#red #n th#s /u,sect#on, at 'east one 'a$atory sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a room conta#n#ng one or two water c'osets or ur#na's, and at 'east one add#t#ona' 'a$atory sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each add#t#ona' two water c'osets or ur#na's. 8<9 8ash (ounta#ns #n c#rcu'ar or stra#ght trough (orm are &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded #n '#eu o( re:u#red 'a$ator#es &ro$#ded each 100 mm o( c#rcum(erence or trough 'ength #s cons#dered to ,e the e:u#$a'ent o( one 'a$atory. 8;9 ;he water c'oset and 'a$atory &ro$#ded #n the un#$ersa' to#'et room descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .3.12.213 may ,e counted as &art o( the plumbing fi"tures re:u#red (or ma'es and (ema'es #n th#s /u,sect#on #(,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8;9 is $mended b3 striAing out Buni1ers$l toilet roomC in t0e .ortion be/ore Cl$use 8$9 $nd substituting Buni1ers$l 2$s0roomC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, ; 819, 5!9

2a3 more than one water c'oset #s re:u#red (or ma'es, and 2,3 more than one water c'oset #s re:u#red (or (ema'es. 8=9 *oth se5es are &erm#tted to ,e ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e water c'oset #( the occupant load #s not more than 10 &ersons #n an assembly occupancy re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 3...4.3. e5ce&t (or, 2a3 e'ementary and secondary schoo's, 2,3 ch#'d care (ac#'#t#es, 2c3 &'aces o( worsh#&, 2d3 underta7#ng &rem#ses, and 2e3 d#n#ng rooms, restaurants, ca(eter#as and a'coho'#c ,e$erage esta,'#shments.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8=9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, ; 829, 5!9

8=9 8here one water c'oset #s re:u#red (or ma'es and one water c'oset #s re:u#red (or (ema'es, the (o''ow#ng may ,e &ro$#ded #n '#eu o( the water c'osets otherw#se re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on: 2a3 one un#$ersa' washroom con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.12.213, and 2,3 one washroom conta#n#ng one water c'oset that #s &erm#tted to ,e used ,y ,oth se5es &ro$#ded the door to the room can ,e 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de. 899 %ny she'( or &ro0ect#on a,o$e a 'a$atory sha'' ,e 'ocated so that #t w#'' not ,e a haCard.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 899 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, ; 829, 5!9

899 *oth se5es are &erm#tted to ,e ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e water c'oset #( the occupant load #s not more than 10 &ersons #n an assembly occupancy re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 3...4.3. e5ce&t (or, 2a3 e'ementary and secondary schoo's, 2,3 ch#'d care (ac#'#t#es, 2c3 &'aces o( worsh#&, and 2d3 underta7#ng &rem#ses. 81>9 65ce&t (or dwelling units, 'a$ator#es re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th (aucets that, 2a3 o&erate automat#ca''y, or 2,3 ha$e 'e$er ty&e hand'es that do not c'ose under s&r#ng act#on.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 81>9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, ; 829, 5!9

81>9 %ny she'( or &ro0ect#on a,o$e a 'a$atory sha'' ,e 'ocated so that #t w#'' not ,e a haCard. 8119 65ce&t (or dwelling units, 'a$ator#es re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th (aucets that, 2a3 o&erate automat#ca''y, or 1 9

2,3 ha$e 'e$er ty&e hand'es that do not c'ose under s&r#ng act#on. !,;,5,!, %lumbing +i?tures /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 223 to 2163 and /entence 3...4.2.2 3, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or assembly occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.%.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 striAing out B(entence !,;,5,2,8=9C $nd substituting B(entence !,;,5,2,899C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, =, 5!9

T$ble !,;,5,!,A, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.3.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 1 - 21 26 - 10 11 - .1 .6 - 100 101 - 121 126 - 110 111 - 1.1 1.6 - 200 201 - 210 211 - 300 301 - 310 311 - 400 O$er 400 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or <a'es 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 6 6 . &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 200 ma'es #n e5cess o( 400 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or Fema'es 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 100 (ema'es #n e5cess o( 400

829 65ce&t (or mot#on &#cture theatres, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.*. T$ble !,;,5,!,B, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.3.223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 1 to 10 11 to .1 .6 to 100 101 to 121 126 to 110 111 to 1.1 1.6 to 200 201 to 210 211 to 300 301 to 310 311 to 400 o$er 400 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or <a'es 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 6 6 . &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 200 ma'es #n e5cess o( 400 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or Fema'es 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 100 (ema'es #n e5cess o( 400

8!9 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.). (or, 2a3 mot#on &#cture theatres, 2,3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 3 occupancies, 2c3 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 occupancies, and 2d3 outdoor pools.


T$ble !,;,5,!,C, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entences 3...4.3.233 and
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 1 to 10 11 to 110 111 to 210 211 to 3.1 3.6 to 100 o$er 100 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 110 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 263 and 2.3, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or d#n#ng rooms, restaurants and ca(eter#a sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.". T$ble !,;,5,!,#, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entences 3...4.3.243 and 2.3
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 1 to 20 21 to .0 .1 to 101 106 to 131 136 to 161 166 to 191 196 to 221 226 to 2.1 2.6 to 321 326 to 3.1 3.6 to 421 o$er 421 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 10 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 421

879 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or esta,'#shments used &r#mar#'y (or the consum&t#on o( a'coho'#c ,e$erages that &ro$#de '#m#ted or no (ood ser$#ce sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.6. T$ble !,;,5,!,E, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entences 3...4.3.213 and 3.14.1. .213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 1 to 10 11 to .0 .1 to 90 91 to 110 111 to 140 141 to 1 0 1 1 to 220 221 to 260 o$er 260 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 40 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 260

8<9 +n e$ery d#n#ng room, restaurant, ca(eter#a and a'coho'#c ,e$erage esta,'#shment ha$#ng more than 40 seats, se&arate san#tary (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or em&'oyees, #n add#t#on to (ac#'#t#es &ro$#ded (or &atrons, and the num,er o( water c'osets and 'a$ator#es re:u#red sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.F. T$ble !,;,5,!,+, %lumbing +i?tures /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.3.263
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( 6m&'oyees o( 6ach /e5 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets and )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets and


1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

1 to 9 10 to 24 21 to 49 10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100

La$ator#es (or <a'es 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 ma'e em&'oyees #n e5cess o( 100

La$ator#es (or Fema'es 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 (ema'e em&'oyees #n e5cess o( 100

8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2 3, #n e$ery d#n#ng room, restaurant, ca(eter#a and a'coho'#c ,e$erage esta,'#shment ha$#ng not more than 40 seats, em&'oyees are &erm#tted to share the san#tary (ac#'#t#es &ro$#ded (or &atrons, and the m#n#mum num,er o( water c'osets sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.". ,ased on, 2a3 a ma'e occupant load o( 10F o( the num,er o( seats &'us the num,er o( ma'e em&'oyees, and 2,3 a (ema'e occupant load o( 10F o( the num,er o( seats &'us the num,er o( (ema'e em&'oyees. 8=9 8here a se&arate em&'oyee washroom #s &ro$#ded, the same room may ,e used ,y ,oth (ema'e and ma'e em&'oyees &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the tota' num,er o( em&'oyees #s not more than 1, and 2,3 the door to the room can ,e 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de. 899 ;he num,er o( em&'oyees #n /entences 263 to 2 3 sha'' ,e the ma5#mum num,er o( em&'oyees who are norma''y &resent on the &rem#ses at one t#me and sha'' #nc'ude on'y those who are &resent (or more than 21 &er cent o( the wor7#ng day. 81>9 For a &ar7#ng 'ot that #s &art o( a restaurant where &atrons are #ntended to eat #n $eh#c'es &ar7ed on the 'ot, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 ;a,'e 3...4.3.4. where (ood ser$#ce ,y em&'oyees #s not &ro$#ded on the &ar7#ng 'ot, or 2,3 ;a,'e 3...4.3.=. where em&'oyees ser$e (ood on the &ar7#ng 'ot. T$ble !,;,5,!,G, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng &art o( /entence 3...4.3.2103
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 Bum,er o( -ar7#ng /&aces <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 to 20 1 21 to .0 2 .1 to 101 3 106 to 131 4 136 to 161 1 166 to 191 6 196 to 221 . 226 to 2.1 2.6 to 321 9 326 to 3.1 10 3.6 to 421 11 o$er 421 12 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 10 &ar7#ng s&aces #n e5cess o( 421

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.

T$ble !,;,5,!,E, 6$ter Closets /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng &art o( /entences 3...4.3.2103 and 2113
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ar7#ng /&aces 1 to 40 41 to 140 141 to 210 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3

1. 2. 3.


4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.

211 to 2.0 2.1 to 330 331 to 390 391 to 410 411 to 110 111 to 610 611 to .10 .11 to 10 o$er 10

4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 100 &ar7#ng s&aces #n e5cess o( 10

8119 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or dr#$e-#n theatres sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.=. 8129 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or dance ha''s and recreat#ona' esta,'#shments sha'' ,e at 'east one (#5ture (or each 100 ma'es and one (#5ture (or each .1 (ema'es. 81!9 +n a ch#'d care (ac#'#ty the ma5#mum num,er o( ch#'dren &er water c'oset and 'a$atory sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.3.+. T$ble !,;,5,!,I, %lumbing +i?tures /or $ C0ild C$re +$cilit3 Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.3.2133
+tem )o'umn 1 %ge o( )h#'dren under 2 2 to 1 6 to 9 o$er 9 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Bum,er o( )h#'dren &er 8ater )'oset and La$atory 10 w#thout regard to num,er o( each se5 10 w#thout regard to num,er o( each se5 11 (or ma'esG 11 (or (ema'es 30 (or ma'esG 26 (or (ema'es

1. 2. 3. 4.

8159 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or e'ementary and secondary schoo's sha'' ,e at 'east one (#5ture (or each 30 ma'es and one (#5ture (or each 26 (ema'es. 8179 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or non-res#dent#a' co''ege buildings sha'' ,e at 'east one (#5ture (or each 100 ma'es and one (#5ture (or each .1 (ema'es. 81<9 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or &'aces o( worsh#& and underta7#ng &rem#ses sha'' ,e at 'east one (#5ture (or each 110 &ersons o( each se5. !,;,5,5, %lumbing +i?tures /or C$re, C$re $nd Tre$tment or #etention Occu.$ncies 819 ;he num,er o( water c'osets and 'a$ator#es re:u#red (or 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1 occupancies sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the s&ec#a' needs o( these occupancies. 829 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, washrooms sha'' ,e &ro$#ded so that each washroom, 2a3 ser$es not more than (our &at#ents or res#dents, 2,3 #s access#,'e (rom &at#entsD or res#dentsD s'ee&#ng rooms, 2c3 conta#ns one water c'oset, and 2d3 conta#ns one 'a$atory. 8!9 ;he num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or em&'oyees #n 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.4. T$ble !,;,5,5, 6$ter Closets in Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or ! Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.4.233
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 u& to 9 10 to 24 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2


3. 4. 1. 6.

21 to 49 10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100

3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

!,;,5,7, %lumbing +$cilities /or #2elling nits 819 % dwelling unit where a &#&ed water su&&'y #s a$a#'a,'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a, 2a3 7#tchen s#n7, 2,3 'a$atory, 2c3 water c'oset or dra#n'ess com&ost#ng water c'oset, and 2d3 ,athtu, or shower sta''. !,;,5,<, %lumbing +i?tures /or Ot0er Residenti$l Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units and as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or residential occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.6. T$ble !,;,5,<, 6$ter Closets +or Residenti$l Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.6.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 u& to 9 10 to 24 21 to 49 10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

829 %t 'east one water c'oset or &r#$y sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery, 2a3 10 cam&ers o( each se5 #n a recreational camp, and 2,3 10 em&'oyees o( each se5 #n a camp for housing of wor#ers. 8!9 +n recreational camps and camps for housing of wor#ers , no (ewer than two 'a$ator#es or &ro$#s#on (or a &a#' or other &orta,'e conta#ner o( sound construct#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each o( the water c'osets or &r#$#es re:u#red #n /entence 223. 859 % camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 at 'east one shower or other area o( ,ath#ng, and 2,3 &ro$#s#ons (or at 'east one wash#ng mach#ne or 'aundry tu, (or e$ery 11 ,eds. !,;,5,;, %lumbing +i?tures /or Business $nd %erson$l (er1ices Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or business and personal services occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4... 829 Bot more than one water c'oset to ser$e ,oth se5es need ,e &ro$#ded #n a 4rou& " occupancy ha$#ng an occupant load o( not more than 10 &ersons. T$ble !,;,5,;, 6$ter Closets /or Business $nd %erson$l (er1ices Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4...213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 u& to 9 10 to 24 21 to 49 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3

1. 2. 3.


4. 1. 6.

10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100

4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

!,;,5,=, %lumbing +i?tures /or )erc$ntile Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s %rt#c'e, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or em&'oyees #n mercantile occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4. . T$ble !,;,5,=, 6$ter Closets /or )erc$ntile Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4. .213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 u& to 9 10 to 24 21 to 49 10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the num,er o( water c'osets re:u#red (or the &u,'#c #n mercantile occupancies sha'' ,e at 'east one (#5ture (or each 300 ma'es and one (#5ture (or each 110 (ema'es, e5ce&t that, 2a3 water c'osets &ro$#ded (or em&'oyees are &erm#tted to ,e counted as &art o( those re:u#red (or the &u,'#c when these water c'osets are made access#,'e to the &u,'#c, and 2,3 where the tota' area o( the mercantile occupancy, e5c'ud#ng basements, #s not more than 600 m 2, not more than one water c'oset (or each se5 need ,e &ro$#ded. 8!9 Bot more than one water c'oset to ser$e ,oth se5es need ,e &ro$#ded #n a 4rou& 6 occupancy where, 2a3 the occupant load #s not more than n#ne &ersons, or 2,3 where the tota' area o( the occupancy, e5c'ud#ng basements, #s not more than 300 m2. 859 For a restaurant c'ass#(#ed as mercantile occupancy, the num,er o( water c'osets and 'a$ator#es re:u#red sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 3...4.3. !,;,5,9, %lumbing +i?tures /or Industri$l Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the num,er o( water c'osets and 'a$ator#es re:u#red (or industrial occupancies sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3...4.9. T$ble !,;,5,9, %lumbing +i?tures /or Industri$l Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence 3...4.9.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -ersons o( 6ach /e5 u& to 9 10 to 24 21 to 49 10 to .4 .1 to 100 o$er 100 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets and La$ator#es (or 6ach /e5 1 2 3 4 1 6 &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 30 &ersons o( each se5 #n e5cess o( 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

829 Bot more than one water c'oset to ser$e ,oth se5es need ,e &ro$#ded #n a 4rou& F occupancy where, 2a3 the occupant load #s not more than 10 &ersons, or 2,3 the tota' area o( the occupancy, e5c'ud#ng basements, #s not more than 300 m2. 191

!,;,5,1>, %lumbing +i?tures /or )obile Eome +$cilities 819 +( mo,#'e homes do not ha$e #nd#$#dua' &'um,#ng (ac#'#t#es connected to a centra' water su&&'y and dra#nage system, a ser$#ce building sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or &u,'#c use. 829 ;he ser$#ce building re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' conta#n, 2a3 at 'east one water c'oset (or each se5 #( the ser$#ce building (ac#'#t#es ser$e not more than 10 mo,#'e homes, and 2,3 an add#t#ona' water c'oset (or each se5 (or each add#t#ona' 10 mo,#'e homes. 8!9 +( a ser$#ce building #s re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #t sha'' conta#n 'a$ator#es as re:u#red ,y /entence 3...4.2.213 and at 'east, 2a3 one 'aundry tray or s#m#'ar (ac#'#ty, and 2,3 one ,athtu, or shower (or each se5. !,;,5,11, ($/et3 Gl$ss 819 4'ass, other than sa(ety g'ass, sha'' not ,e used (or a shower or ,athtu, enc'osure. !,;,5,12, (ur/$ce %rotection 819 8a'' and ('oor sur(aces ,e'ow the u&&ermost sur(aces o( ur#na's sha'' ,e &rotected (rom deter#orat#on ,y #m&er$#ous and dura,'e mater#a' (or a d#stance (rom the ur#na' to a &o#nt not 'ess than 900 mm (rom the &ro0ected out'#ne o( the ur#na' on to the wa'' or ('oor. 829 F'oor sur(aces around a water c'oset sha'' ,e &rotected (rom deter#orat#on ,y #m&er$#ous and dura,'e mater#a' (or a d#stance not 'ess than 900 mm (rom the &ro0ected out'#ne o( the water c'oset on to the ('oor. !,;,5,1!, +loor #r$ins 819 % ('oor dra#n sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a washroom (or public use that conta#ns a ur#na' or a water c'oset e:u#&&ed w#th an automat#c ('ush#ng de$#ce. !,;,5,15, Gr$b B$r Inst$ll$tion 819 4ra, ,ars that are #nsta''ed sha'' res#st a m#n#mum 'oad o( 1.3 7B a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y. !,;,5,17, Cle$r$nces /or 6$ter Closets 819 65ce&t #n a dwelling unit and e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /ect#on 3. ., a m#n#mum c'earance o( 3 0 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n (ront o( a water c'oset. !,;,5,1<, %ri1$c3 819 +( a room conta#ns not more than 1 water c'oset, the doorway to the room sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a (u'' he#ght door that #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de. 829 65ce&t #n a room (or private use, water c'osets, ur#na's, 'a$ator#es, showers and ,athtu,s sha'' not ,e $#s#,'e (rom the entrance to the room where #t conta#ns at 'east, 2a3 two water c'osets, 2,3 one water c'oset and one ur#na', 2c3 one shower sta'', or 2d3 one ,athtu,. !,;,5,1;, 6$ter$ture Control 819 % water distribution system su&&'y#ng hot water to plumbing fi"tures sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on ..6.1. !,;,5,1=, #rinAing 6$ter 819 On e$ery ('oor where wor7 w#'' ,e &er(ormed and w#th#n 100 m o( any area where wor7 w#'' ,e &er(ormed, potable water sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom, 2a3 a (ounta#n w#th an u&ward 0et, 2,3 a ta& (rom a &#&ed water su&&'y, or 2c3 a ta& (rom a co$ered $esse'. !,;,5,19, %0$rm$cies


819 6$ery pharmacy sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a s#n7 w#th hot and co'd potable water (or wash#ng utens#'s used #n the &re&arat#on, ser$#ce or storage o( drugs. !,;,7, Ee$lt0 C$re +$cilit3 (3stems !,;,7,1, Electric$l (3stems 819 +n anaesthet#C#ng 'ocat#ons, e'ectr#ca' systems sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th )/% O32, >6'ectr#ca' /a(ety and 6ssent#a' 6'ectr#ca' /ystems #n =ea'th )are Fac#'#t#es?. !,;,7,2, )edic$l G$s 819 %'' med#ca' gas &#&#ng systems sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%O.396.1, ><ed#ca' 4as -#&#ng /ystems - -art 1: -#&e'#nes (or <ed#ca' 4ases and Hacuum?. !,;,7,!, (0ielding o/ H:R$3 E4ui.ment 819 6$ery #nsta''at#on o( an "-ray machine or o( "-ray e uipment #n a building sha'' ,e sh#e'ded to &rotect any &erson who cou'd ,e e5&osed to rad#at#on #ns#de and outs#de the building. !,;,<, +ood %remises !,;,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to a'' food premises. !,;,<,2, Room +inis0es 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ('oors and ('oor co$er#ngs sha'' ,e t#ght, smooth and non-a,sor,ent #n rooms where, 2a3 (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, or an #ngred#ent o( (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, #s manu(actured, &rocessed, &re&ared, stored, d#s&'ayed, hand'ed, ser$ed, d#str#,uted, so'd or o((ered (or sa'e, 2,3 utens#'s are washed, or 2c3 wash#ng fi"tures or to#'et fi"tures are 'ocated. 829 )ar&et#ng may ,e used #n areas where (ood #s ser$ed. 8!9 8a'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes o( rooms and &assageways sha'' ,e easy to c'ean. !,;,<,!, Loc$tion o/ %lumbing +i?tures 819 % room conta#n#ng a water c'oset sha'' ,e 'ocated where, 2a3 #t does not o&en d#rect'y #nto any room or area where (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, or an #ngred#ent o( (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, #s #ntended to ,e stored, &re&ared, &rocessed, d#str#,uted, ser$ed, so'd or o((ered (or sa'e, and 2,3 #t #s not necessary (or the &u,'#c to go through the (ood &re&arat#on areas to ga#n access to the plumbing fi"tures. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, a room conta#n#ng plumbing fi"tures (or the &u,'#c and em&'oyees #n a restaurant sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the restaurant. 8!9 % room conta#n#ng plumbing fi"tures (or the &u,'#c #n /entence 223 need not ,e 'ocated #n the restaurant #(, 2a3 the room #s 'ocated #n the building conta#n#ng the restaurant, and 2,3 the d#stance o( tra$e' ,etween the restaurant and the room #s not more than 41 m. !,;,<,5, L$1$tories,$nces $nd (inAs 819 % se&arate 'a$atory (or the handwash#ng o( em&'oyees sha'' ,e constructed #n a 'ocat#on con$en#ent (or em&'oyees #n each manu(actur#ng, &rocess#ng and &re&arat#on area. 829 +( e:u#&ment and (ac#'#t#es (or the c'ean#ng and san#t#C#ng o( utens#'s are &ro$#ded, they sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 mechan#ca' e:u#&ment, or 2,3 dra#nage rac7s o( corros#on-res#stant mater#a's and, 2#3 a three-com&artment s#n7 or three s#n7s, or 2##3 a two-com&artment s#n7 or two s#n7s, where the (#rst com&artment or s#n7 can ,e used e((ect#$e'y (or wash#ng and r#ns#ng and the second com&artment or s#n7 can ,e used e((ect#$e'y (or san#t#C#ng. 8!9 % reta#' food premises #s e5em&t (rom com&'#ance w#th th#s %rt#c'e #( #ts eat#ng and dr#n7#ng area does not e5ceed 16 m2 and any one or more o( the (o''ow#ng a&&'#es: 19.

2a3 #t #s des#gned to se'' on'y co'd dr#n7s #n or (rom the or#g#na' conta#ner, 2,3 #t #s des#gned to se'' on'y (roCen con(ect#ons #n the or#g#na' &ac7age or wra&&er, 2c3 #t #s des#gned to &re&are and se'' on'y hot ,e$erages, 2d3 #t #s des#gned to &re&are and se'' on'y &o&&ed corn, roasted nuts or (rench-(r#ed &otatoes, 2e3 #t #s des#gned to se'' on'y (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on that, 2#3 #s &re-&ac7aged at a &rem#ses other than the food premises at wh#ch #t #s ,e#ng o((ered (or sa'e, and 2##3 #s not ca&a,'e o( su&&ort#ng the growth o( &athogen#c organ#sms or the &roduct#on o( the to5#ns o( such organ#sms. !,;,<,7, Eot $nd Cold 6$ter (u..l3 819 % hot and co'd water su&&'y sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to, 2a3 e$ery plumbing appliance and fi"ture re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3...6.4., 2,3 e$ery area where (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, or an #ngred#ent o( (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, #s manu(actured, &rocessed or &re&ared, and 2c3 e$ery area where utens#'s are washed. 829 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y to a reta#' food premises descr#,ed #n /entence 3...6.4.233. !,;,<,<, Em.lo3ee +$cilities 819 +n a food premises, where dress#ng rooms are &ro$#ded (or em&'oyees, there sha'' ,e se&arate dress#ng rooms (or ma'es and (ema'es that, 2a3 are 'arge enough (or the em&'oyees to change and store the#r c'oth#ng, and 2,3 are e:u#&&ed w#th 'oc7ers or other (ac#'#t#es su#ta,'e (or stor#ng the c'oth#ng o( the em&'oyees. 829 6$ery room conta#n#ng sanitary units (or em&'oyees sha'' ha$e a ('oor area not 'ess than 2.3 m2. !,;,<,;, ( Ju$rters 819 % room or s&ace #ntended to ,e used as s'ee&#ng :uarters sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto any room where (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, or an #ngred#ent o( (ood or dr#n7 (or human consum&t#on, #s manu(actured, &rocessed, &re&ared, stored, d#s&'ayed, hand'ed, ser$ed, d#str#,uted, so'd or o((ered (or sa'e. (ection !,=, B$rrier:+ree #esign !,=,1, Gener$l !,=,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on a&&'y to a'' buildings e5ce&t, 2a3 houses, #nc'ud#ng sem#-detached houses, du&'e5es, tr#&'e5es, town houses, row houses and ,oard#ng or room#ng houses w#th (ewer than ,oarders or roomers, 2,3 buildings o( 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancy, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8b9 is $mended b3 striAing out B$ndC $t t0e end, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 9, 5!9

2c3 buildings that are not #ntended to ,e occu&#ed on a da#'y or (u'' t#me ,as#s, #nc'ud#ng automat#c te'e&hone e5changes, &um&houses and su,stat#ons.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 $dding B$ndC $t t0e end o/ Cl$use 8c9 $nd b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Cl$use& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 9, 5!9

2d3 camps for housing of wor#ers. !,=,1,2, Entr$nces 819 +n add#t#on to the barrier-free entrances re:u#red ,y /entence 223, the num,er o( barrier-free entrances #n a building re(erred to #n /entence 3. .1.1.213 sha'' ,e no (ewer than those as s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e 3. .1.2. and sha'' 'ead (rom, 2a3 the outdoors at s#dewa'7 'e$e', or 2,3 a ram& that con(orms to %rt#c'e 3. .3.4. and 'eads (rom a s#dewa'7.


T$ble !,=,1,2, )inimum Number o/ %edestri$n Entr$nces Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .1.2.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( &edestr#an entrances #nto building 1 to 3 more than 3 to 1 more than 1 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum num,er o( &edestr#an entrances re:u#red to ,e barrierfree 1 2 not 'ess than 10 &er cent

1. 2. 3.

829 % suite o( assembly occupancy, business and personal services occupancy or mercantile occupancy that #s 'ocated #n the first storey o( a building or #n a storey to wh#ch a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s &ro$#ded, and that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building, so that there #s no access to the rema#nder o( the building, sha'' ha$e at 'east one barrier-free entrance. 8!9 % barrier-free entrance re:u#red ,y /entences 213 or 223 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 3. .3.3. 859 %t a barrier-free entrance that #nc'udes more than one doorway, on'y one o( the doorways #s re:u#red to ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3. .3.3. 879 +( a wal#way or &edestr#an ,r#dge connects two barrier-free storeys #n d#((erent buildings, the &ath o( tra$e' (rom one storey to the other storey ,y means o( the wal#way or ,r#dge sha'' ,e barrier-free.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,1,2, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1>, 5!9

!,=,1,2, Entr$nces 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 3.13. .1.223, the num,er o( barrier-free entrances #nto a building sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .1.2. T$ble !,=,1,2, )inimum Number o/ %edestri$n Entr$nces Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .1.2.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( -edestr#an 6ntrances #nto $uilding 1. 2. 3. 1 to 3 4 or 1 <ore than 1 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( -edestr#an 6ntrances Re:u#red to *e $arrier7ree 1 2 Bot 'ess than 10F

829 One o( the barrier-free entrances re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e the &r#nc#&a' entrance to the building. 8!9 +n add#t#on to the barrier-free entrances re:u#red ,y /entence 213, a suite o( assembly occupancy, business and personal services occupancy or mercantile occupancy that #s 'ocated #n the first storey o( a building or #n a storey to wh#ch a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s &ro$#ded, and that #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building so that there #s no access to the rema#nder o( the building, sha'' ha$e at 'east one barrier-free entrance. 859 % barrier-free entrance sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 3. .3.3., and 2,3 'ead (rom, 2#3 the outdoors at s#dewa'7 'e$e', or 2##3 a ram& that con(orms to %rt#c'e 3. .3.4. and 'eads (rom a s#dewa'7. 879 %t a barrier-free entrance that #nc'udes more than one doorway, on'y one o( the doorways #s re:u#red to ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 3. .3.3. 8<9 +( a wal#way or &edestr#an ,r#dge connects two barrier-free storeys #n d#((erent buildings, the &ath o( tra$e' (rom one storey to the other storey ,y means o( the wal#way or ,r#dge sha'' ,e barrier-free. !,=,1,!, B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el


819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 243 and e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 3. .3., e$ery barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' &ro$#de an uno,structed w#dth o( at 'east 1 100 mm (or the &assage o( whee'cha#rs. 829 +nter#or and e5ter#or wa'7#ng sur(aces that are w#th#n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'', 2a3 ha$e no o&en#ng that w#'' &erm#t the &assage o( a s&here more than 13 mm #n d#am, 2,3 ha$e any e'ongated o&en#ngs or#ented a&&ro5#mate'y &er&end#cu'ar to the d#rect#on o( tra$e', 2c3 ,e sta,'e, (#rm and s'#&-res#stant, 2d3 ,e ,e$e''ed at a ma5#mum s'o&e o( 1 #n 2 at changes #n 'e$e' not more than 13 mm, and 2e3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th s'o&ed ('oors or ram&s at changes #n 'e$e' more than 13 mm. 8!9 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s &erm#tted to #nc'ude ram&s, &assenger e'e$ators or other &'at(orm e:u#&&ed &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ces to o$ercome a d#((erence #n 'e$e'. 859 6$ery barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' 'ess than 1 600 mm #n w#dth sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 600 mm #n w#dth and 1 600 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 859 is $mended b3 striAing out B1 <>> mm in 2idt0 $nd 1 <>> in lengt0C $nd substituting B1 =>> mm in 2idt0 $nd 1 =>> mm in lengt0C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 11 819, 5!9

879 8here the headroom o( an area #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s reduced to 'ess than 1 9 0 mm, a guardra#' or other ,arr#er w#th #ts 'ead#ng edge at or ,e'ow 6 0 mm (rom the ('oor sha'' ,e &ro$#ded.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 879 is $mended b3 striAing out B/rom t0e /loorC $nd substituting B/rom t0e /inis0ed /loorC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 11 829, 5!9 Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,1,!, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (entence& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 11 8!9, 5!9

8<9 % norma''y occu&#ed floor area that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' meet the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements: 2a3 #nter#or wa'7#ng sur(aces throughout the norma''y occu&#ed floor area sha'' com&'y w#th )'auses 2232a3 to 2e3, and 2,3 where the headroom o( an area #n a corr#dor or a#s'e #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area #s reduced to 'ess than 1 9 0 mm, a guardra#' or other ,arr#er w#th #ts 'ead#ng edge at or ,e'ow 6 0 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. !,=,1,5, Access to (tore3s (er1ed b3 Esc$l$tors $nd )o1ing 6$lAs 819 +n a building #n wh#ch an esca'ator or #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7 &ro$#des access to any ('oor 'e$e' a,o$e or ,e'ow the entrance ('oor 'e$e', an #nter#or barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to that ('oor 'e$e'. 829 ;he route (rom the esca'ator or #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7 to the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' that 'eads (rom ('oor to ('oor re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e c'ear'y #nd#cated ,y a&&ro&r#ate s#gns.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,1,5, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 12, 5!9

!,=,1,5, Esc$l$tors $nd )o1ing 6$lAs 819 +n a building #n wh#ch an esca'ator or #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7 &ro$#des access to any ('oor 'e$e' a,o$e or ,e'ow the entrance ('oor 'e$e', an #nter#or barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to that ('oor 'e$e'. 829 ;he route (rom the esca'ator or #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7 to the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e c'ear'y #nd#cated ,y a&&ro&r#ate s#gns. 8!9 +n a building #n wh#ch a mo$#ng wa'7 &ro$#des access ,etween areas on the same ('oor 'e$e', a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the areas ser$ed ,y the mo$#ng wa'7. !,=,1,7, Controls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences and 3. .3.1.213 (or e'e$ators and /entence 3. . (or &ower door o&erator contro's, contro's (or the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces or sa(ety de$#ces, #nc'ud#ng e'ectr#ca' sw#tches, thermostats and #ntercom sw#tches, #ntended to ,e o&erated ,y the occu&ant and 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e access#,'e to a &erson #n a whee'cha#r, o&era,'e w#th one hand and mounted at not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1!, 5!9

819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entences and 3. .3.1.213 (or e'e$ators and /entence 3. . (or &ower door o&erator contro's, contro's (or the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces or sa(ety de$#ces, #nc'ud#ng e'ectr#ca' sw#tches, thermostats and #ntercom sw#tches, #ntended to ,e o&erated ,y the occu&ant and 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'', 2a3 ,e access#,'e to a &erson #n a whee'cha#r us#ng a s#de a&&roach, 2,3 ,e o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st and w#th a (orce o( not more than 22.2 B, and 200

2c3 ,e mounted, 2#3 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, #n the case o( a thermostat or a manua' &u'' stat#on, and 2##3 not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, #n the case o( a'' other contro's. 829 % s#gna' #ntended (or the &u,'#c to #nd#cate the o&erat#on o( a building secur#ty system that contro's access to a building sha'' cons#st o( an aud#,'e and $#sua' s#gna'. !,=,1,<, Illumin$tion 819 %'' &ort#ons o( a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de a 'e$e' o( #''um#nat#on #n accordance w#th /entence 3.2...1.213. !,=,2, Occu.$nc3 Re4uirements !,=,2,1, Are$s Re4uiring B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' (rom the entrances re:u#red ,y /entences 3. .1.2.213 and 223 to ,e barrier-free sha'' ,e &ro$#ded throughout the entrance storey and w#th#n a'' other norma''y occu&#ed floor areas ser$ed ,y a &assenger e'e$ator, esca'ator, #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7, or other &'at(orm e:u#&&ed &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ce. 829 ;he &ro$#s#on o( a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #n /entence 213 does not a&&'y, 2a3 to service rooms, 2,3 to e'e$ator mach#ne rooms, 2c3 to 0an#tors rooms, 2d3 to service spaces, 2e3 to craw' s&aces, 2(3 to attic or roof spaces, 2g3 to ('oor 'e$e's not ser$ed ,y a &assenger e'e$ator, a &'at(orm-e:u#&&ed &assenger-e'e$at#ng de$#ce, an esca'ator, or an #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7, 2h3 to high hazard industrial occupancies, 2#3 w#th#n &ort#ons o( a floor area w#th (#5ed seats #n an assembly occupancy where these &ort#ons are not &art o( the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' to s&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use, 203 #nto suites o( residential occupancy that are #n storeys other than the entrance storey and that ha$e a'' entrance doors at ('oor 'e$e's that do not corres&ond to e'e$ator sto& 'e$e's, 273 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 243 w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy, or 2'3 w#th#n those &arts o( a floor area that are not at the same 'e$e' as the entry 'e$e', &ro$#ded amen#t#es and uses &ro$#ded on any ra#sed or sun7en 'e$e' are access#,'e on the entry 'e$e' ,y means o( a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum num,er o( s&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use #n an assembly occupancy w#th (#5ed seats sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .2.1. T$ble !,=,2,1, #esign$ted 60eelc0$ir (.$ces Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .2.1.233
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 Bum,er o( F#5ed /eats #n <#n#mum Bum,er o( /eat#ng %rea /&aces Re:u#red (or 8hee'cha#rs u& to 100 2 101 to 200 3 201 to 300 4 301 to 400 1 401 to 600 6 O$er 600 Bot 'ess than 1 &er cent o( the seat#ng ca&ac#ty

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

859 +n a 4rou& ) major occupancy a&artment building, not 'ess than 10F o( a'' res#dent#a' suites sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' (rom the suite entrance door to, 2a3 the doorway to at 'east one ,edroom at the same 'e$e', and 201

2,3 the doorway to at 'east one ,athroom, 2#3 ha$#ng an area not 'ess than 4.1 m2 at the same 'e$e', and 2##3 con(orm#ng to /entence
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,2,1, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 15, 5!9

!,=,2,1, Are$s Re4uiring B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' (rom the entrances re:u#red ,y /entences 3. .1.2.213 and 233 to ,e barrier-free sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 throughout the entrance storey, 2,3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, to and throughout a'' norma''y occu&#ed floor areas and roo(to& amen#ty s&aces, and 2c3 throughout a'' norma''y occu&#ed floor areas and roo(to& amen#ty s&aces that, 2#3 are e5em&t (rom the a&&'#cat#on o( )'ause 2,3, and 2##3 are ser$ed ,y a &assenger e'e$ator, esca'ator, #nc'#ned mo$#ng wa'7, or other &'at(orm e:u#&&ed &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ce. 829 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132,3 #s not re:u#red to e5tend, 2a3 to floor areas or &ort#ons o( floor areas conta#n#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy that are not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e to ,e connected ,y a ram& or ser$ed ,y an e'e$ator, 2,3 to 4rou& ) or 4rou& " occupancies that are #n floor areas #n a building that, 2#3 #s three or (ewer storeys #n building height, and 2##3 has a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 m2, 2c3 to 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancies that are not re:u#red ,y /entence 3. .2.2.213 to ,e ser$ed ,y an e'e$ator, 2d3 to &ort#ons o( restaurants and '#censed ,e$erage esta,'#shments where the same amen#t#es and uses are &ro$#ded on other floor areas that ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', or 2e3 to &ort#ons o( ch#'d care (ac#'#t#es that ha$e a'' entrance doors at ('oor 'e$e's that do not ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 8!9 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 #s not re:u#red to e5tend, 2a3 #nto service rooms, 2,3 #nto e'e$ator mach#ne rooms, 2c3 #nto 0an#torsD rooms, 2d3 #nto service spaces, 2e3 #nto craw' s&aces, 2(3 #nto attic or roof spaces, 2g3 #nto high hazard industrial occupancies, 2h3 to &ort#ons o( a floor area w#th (#5ed seats #n an assembly occupancy where these &ort#ons are not &art o( the barrierfree &ath o( tra$e' to, 2#3 s&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use, 2##3 seats des#gnated (or adaptable seating, or 2###3 s&aces (or the storage o( whee'cha#rs and mobility assistive devices , 2#3 to suites o( residential occupancy that are #n storeys other than the entrance storey and that ha$e a'' entrance doors at ('oor 'e$e's that are not re:u#red to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', 203 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, on the #ns#de o( a suite o( residential occupancy, or 273 to &ort#ons o( a floor area that are not at the same 'e$e' as the entry 'e$e', &ro$#ded amen#t#es and uses &ro$#ded on any ra#sed or sun7en 'e$e' are access#,'e on the entry 'e$e' ,y means o( a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 859 +n an assembly occupancy w#th (#5ed seats, the m#n#mum num,er o( s&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use and the m#n#mum num,er o( (#5ed seats des#gnated (or adaptable seating sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .2.1. 202

T$ble !,=,2,1, #esign$ted 60eelc0$ir (.$ces $nd Ad$.t$ble (e$ting Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .2.1.243
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( F#5ed /eats #n /eat#ng %rea @& to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 61 to 0 1 to 100 O$er 100 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( /&aces "es#gnated (or 8hee'cha#rs 2 2 2 2 3 3F o( the seat#ng ca&ac#ty )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er o( F#5ed /eats "es#gnated (or Adaptable Seating 1 2 3 4 1 ;he greater o( 1 seats or 1F o( the a#s'e seat#ng ca&ac#ty

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

879 +n a 4rou& ) major occupancy a&artment building, not 'ess than 11F o( a'' suites o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' (rom the suite entrance door #nto the (o''ow#ng rooms and s&aces that sha'' ,e 'ocated at the same 'e$e' as the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e': 2a3 at 'east one ,edroom, 2,3 at 'east one ,athroom con(orm#ng to /entence 263, 2c3 a 7#tchen or 7#tchen s&ace, and 2d3 a '#$#ng room or s&ace. 8<9 *athrooms re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132,3 sha'', 2a3 conta#n a 'a$atory, 2,3 conta#n a water c'oset, 2c3 conta#n a ,athtu, or a shower, 2d3 ha$e wa'' re#n(orcement #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /entence, and 2e3 ,e des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to turn #n an o&en s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n d#ameter. 8;9 ;he num,er o( suites descr#,ed #n /entence 213 ha$#ng 1, 2 or 3 or more ,edrooms sha'' ,e #n &ro&ort#on to the num,er o( suites o( residential occupancy ha$#ng 1, 2 or 3 or more ,edrooms #n the rema#nder o( the building. 8=9 ;he suites descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e d#str#,uted among storeys that are re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', ha$#ng regard to the he#ght o( the suite a,o$e grade. !,=,2,2, Access to %$rAing Are$s 819 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom the entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. to, 2a3 an e5ter#or &ar7#ng area, where e5ter#or &ar7#ng #s &ro$#ded, and 2,3 at 'east one &ar7#ng 'e$e', where a &assenger e'e$ator ser$es an #ndoor &ar7#ng 'e$e'. 829 ;he $eh#cu'ar entrance to and egress (rom at 'east one &ar7#ng 'e$e' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and a'' areas #ntended to ,e used ,y whee'cha#r access#,'e $eh#c'es to ga#n access to a &ar7#ng s&ace on that 'e$e' sha'' ha$e a $ert#ca' c'earance o( not 'ess than 2 100 mm. 8!9 +( an e5ter#or &assenger 'oad#ng Cone #s &ro$#ded, #t sha'' ha$e, 2a3 an access a#s'e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de and 6 m 'ong ad0acent and &ara''e' to the $eh#c'e &u''-u& s&ace,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8$9 is $mended b3 striAing out B1 7>> mm 2ide $nd < m longC $nd substituting B2 55> mm 2ide $nd ; 5>> mm longC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 17 819, 5!9

2,3 a cur, ram&, where there are cur,s ,etween the access a#s'e and the $eh#c'e &u''-u& s&ace, and 2c3 a c'earance he#ght o( not 'ess than 2 .10 mm at the $eh#c'e &u''-u& s&ace and a'ong the $eh#c'e access and egress routes.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8c9 is $mended b3 striAing out B2 ;7> mmC $nd substituting B! <>> mmC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 17 829, 5!9


!,=,2,!, 6$s0rooms Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree 819 65ce&t where other barrier-free washrooms are &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m and e5ce&t w#th#n suites o( residential occupancy, and buildings e5em&ted #n )'auses 3. .1.1.2132a3, 2,3 and 2c3, #n buildings where a washroom #s re:u#red #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 3...4., a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a barrier-free washroom des#gned to accommodate d#sa,'ed &ersons #n con(ormance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.12. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, where washrooms #n e5cess o( those re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. are &ro$#ded #n a storey to wh#ch a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3. .2.1., these washrooms sha'' ,e des#gned to accommodate d#sa,'ed &ersons #n con(ormance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.12. 8!9 8ashrooms need not con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /entence 223 &ro$#ded, 2a3 they are 'ocated w#th#n suites o( residential occupancy, 2,3 other barrier-free washrooms are &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m, or 2c3 they are 'ocated #n an #nd#$#dua' suite that #s, 2#3 used (or a business and personal services occupancy, a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy, 2##3 'ess than 300 m2 #n area, and 2###3 com&'ete'y se&arated (rom, and w#thout access to, the rema#nder o( the building.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,2,!, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1<, 5!9

!,=,2,!, 6$s0rooms Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree 819 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to barrier-free washrooms des#gned to accommodate &ersons w#th d#sa,#'#t#es #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.12. 829 ;he num,er o( un#$ersa' washrooms con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.12. &ro$#ded #n a building #n wh#ch a washroom #s re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .2.3.%. T$ble !,=,2,!,A, )inimum Number o/ ni1ers$l 6$s0rooms .er Building Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .2.3.223
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( Storeys #n $uilding 1. 2. 3. 1 to 3 4 to 6 O$er 6 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( @n#$ersa' 8ashrooms &er $uilding 1 2 3, &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 3 storeys #n e5cess o( 6 storeys

8!9 8here a washroom re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. #s &ro$#ded #n a storey that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', 2a3 the washroom sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.11., and 2,3 the num,er o( barrier-free water c'oset sta''s &ro$#ded #n the washroom sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .2.3.*. T$ble !,=,2,!,B, )inimum Number o/ 6$ter Closet (t$lls Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .2.3.233
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( 8ater )'osets &er 8ashroom 1 to 3 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( $arrier7ree 8ater )'oset /ta''s &er 8ashroom 0, where a un#$ersa' washroom #s &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m o( the washroom, or



2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

4 to 9 10 to 16 1. to 20 21 to 30 O$er 30

1, where a un#$ersa' washroom #s not &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m o( the washroom 1 2 3 4 1, &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( 10 water c'osets &er washroom #n e5cess o( 30 water c'osets &er washroom

859 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 213, where washrooms #n e5cess o( those re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. are &ro$#ded #n a storey that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', the add#t#ona' washrooms sha'' ,e des#gned to accommodate &ersons w#th d#sa,#'#t#es #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o(, 2a3 %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.11., or 2,3 %rt#c'e 3. .3.12. 879 8ashrooms need not con(orm to /entence 243 &ro$#ded, 2a3 they are 'ocated w#th#n suites o( residential occupancy, 2,3 other barrier-free washrooms are &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m, or 2c3 they are 'ocated #n an #nd#$#dua' suite that #s, 2#3 used (or a business and personal services occupancy, a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy, 2##3 'ess than 300 m2 #n area, and 2###3 com&'ete'y se&arated (rom, and w#thout access to, the rema#nder o( the building. 8<9 8here a washroom re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 3...4. #s &ro$#ded #n a storey that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', the washroom sha'', 2a3 con(orm to %rt#c'e 3. .3.9. and /entences 3. .3.10.213 and 3. .3.11.213, and 2,3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th at 'east one am,u'atory water c'oset sta'' con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3. .2103. !,=,2,5, Eotels 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, at 'east 10F o( the suites o( a hotel sha'', 2a3 ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' e5tend#ng to the #ns#de o( each room, and to a ,a'cony where re:u#red ,y /entence 3.3.1...223, and 2,3 ,e d#str#,uted among storeys ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 829 Bot more than 20 suites need com&'y w#th /entence 213. 8!9 % suite ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a ,athroom that, 2a3 con(orms to the re:u#rements o( )'auses 3. .3.12.2132a3 to 2#3, 2,3 has an uno,structed area at 'east 1 200 mm #n d#ameter e5tend#ng the (u'' he#ght o( the roomG howe$er, a door #s &erm#tted to o&en on the #ns#de #( #t does not reduce the uno,structed area, and 2c3 has a ,ath or shower that con(orms to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3. .3.13.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,2,5, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1;, 5!9

!,=,2,5, Eotels 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, at 'east 10F o( the suites o( a hotel sha'', 2a3 ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' e5tend#ng to, 2#3 the #ns#de o( each room, and 2##3 a ,a'cony where re:u#red ,y /entence 3.3.1...223, and 2,3 ,e d#str#,uted among storeys that are re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', ha$#ng regard to the he#ght o( the suite a,o$e grade. 829 Bot more than 20 suites need com&'y w#th /entence 213. 8!9 % suite ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a ,athroom that, 201

2a3 con(orms to )'auses 3. .3.12.2132a3 to 2h3 and 203, 2,3 has an uno,structed area at 'east 1 200 mm #n d#ameter e5tend#ng the (u'' he#ght o( the room, e5ce&t that a door #s &erm#tted to o&en on the #ns#de #( #t does not reduce the uno,structed area, and 2c3 has a ,athtu, or shower that con(orms to %rt#c'e 3. .3.13. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3. . (or &ower door o&erator contro's, contro's (or the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces or sa(ety de$#ces, #nc'ud#ng e'ectr#ca' sw#tches, thermostats and #ntercom sw#tches, #ntended to ,e o&erated ,y the occu&ant and 'ocated w#th#n a suite ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to /entence 3. .1.1.213. 879 %n entrance door to a suite ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a &ower door o&erator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.3., and 2,3 a door $#ewer 'ocated at a he#ght no h#gher than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 8<9 8here a door #s &ro$#ded ,etween a suite ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213 and an ad0o#n#ng suite, the door sha'' con(orm to /entences 3. .3.3. 213 and 233. 8;9 8here an emergency &ower su&&'y #s su&&'#ed ,y a generator, #t sha'' su&&'y at 'east one emergency &ower rece&tac'e #n at 'east one o( the suites ha$#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red ,y /entence 213. 8=9 ;he emergency &ower rece&tac'e descr#,ed #n /entence 2.3 sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed w#th a 'eg#,'e s#gn ha$#ng the words E)ERGENCD %O6ER O TLET &ermanent'y mounted on the wa'' ,es#de the rece&tac'e. !,=,!, #esign (t$nd$rds !,=,!,1, Accessibilit3 (igns 819 8here a building #s re:u#red to ha$e a barrier-free entrance to accommodate d#sa,'ed &ersons, s#gns #ncor&orat#ng the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess#,#'#ty sha'' ,e #nsta''ed where necessary to #nd#cate, 2a3 the 'ocat#on o( that entrance, and 2,3 the 'ocat#on o( ram&s 'ocated #n a re:u#red barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' ser$#ng that entrance. 829 8here a washroom, e'e$ator, te'e&hone or &ar7#ng area #s re:u#red to accommodate d#sa,'ed &ersons, #t sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y a s#gn cons#st#ng o( the #nternat#ona' sym,o' o( access#,#'#ty (or d#sa,'ed &ersons and such other gra&h#c, tact#'e or wr#tten d#rect#ons as are needed to #nd#cate c'ear'y the ty&e o( (ac#'#ty a$a#'a,'e. 8!9 8here a washroom #s not des#gned to accommodate d#sa,'ed &ersons #n a storey to wh#ch a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s re:u#red, s#gns sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to #nd#cate the 'ocat#on o( the barrier-free (ac#'#t#es. 859 /#gns #ncor&orat#ng the #nternat#ona' sym,o' o( access#,#'#ty (or d#sa,'ed &ersons sha'' ,e #nsta''ed where necessary to #nd#cate the 'ocat#on o( the access#,'e means of egress. 879 )haracters, sym,o's or &#ctogra&hs on tact#'e s#gns sha'', #( wa'' mounted, ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 1 200 mm and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the ('oor.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,1, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 1=, 5!9

!,=,!,1, Accessibilit3 (igns 819 8here a building #s re:u#red to ha$e a barrier-free entrance, s#gns #ncor&orat#ng the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to #nd#cate the 'ocat#on o(, 2a3 that entrance, 2,3 ram&s 'ocated #n a re:u#red barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' ser$#ng that entrance, and 2c3 an e5ter#or &assenger 'oad#ng Cone con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .2.2.233, #( one #s &ro$#ded. 829 8here a washroom, e'e$ator, te'e&hone or &ar7#ng area #s re:u#red to accommodate &ersons w#th d#sa,#'#t#es, #t sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y a s#gn cons#st#ng o( the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess and such other gra&h#c, tact#'e or wr#tten d#rect#ons as are needed to #nd#cate c'ear'y the ty&e o( (ac#'#ty a$a#'a,'e. 8!9 8here a washroom #s not des#gned to accommodate &ersons w#th d#sa,#'#t#es #n a storey that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', s#gns sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to #nd#cate the 'ocat#on o( a washroom re:u#red to ,e barrier-free. 859 /#gns #ncor&orat#ng the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess sha'' ,e #nsta''ed where necessary to #nd#cate the 'ocat#on o( a barrier-free means of egress. 879 8here a wa'' mounted tact#'e s#gn #s &ro$#ded #n a building, characters, sym,o's or &#ctogra&hs on the s#gn sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 1 200 mm and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 206

8<9 8here a wa'' mounted tact#'e s#gn #s &ro$#ded #n a storey that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', characters, sym,o's or &#ctogra&hs on the s#gn sha'' con(orm to /entence 213. !,=,!,2, E?terior 6$lAs 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e5ter#or wa'7s that (orm &art o( a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded ,y means o( a cont#nuous &'ane not #nterru&ted ,y ste&s or a,ru&t changes #n 'e$e', 2,3 ha$e a &ermanent, (#rm and s'#&-res#stant sur(ace, 2c3 e5ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 3. .1.3.243, ha$e an un#nterru&ted w#dth o( not 'ess than 1 100 mm and a grad#ent not e5ceed#ng 1 #n 20, 2d3 ,e des#gned as a ram& where the grad#ent #s greater than 1 #n 20, 2e3 ha$e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de sur(ace o( a d#((erent te5ture to that surround#ng #t, where the '#ne o( tra$e' #s 'e$e' and e$en w#th ad0acent wa'7#ng sur(aces, 2(3 ,e (ree (rom o,struct#ons (or the (u'' w#dth o( the wa'7 to a m#n#mum he#ght o( 1 9 0 mm, e5ce&t that handra#'s are &erm#tted to &ro0ect not more than 100 mm (rom e#ther s#de #nto the c'ear area, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8/9 is $mended b3 striAing out B$ndC $t t0e end, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 19 819, 5!9

2g3 ha$e a 'e$e' area ad0acent to the entrance doorway con(orm#ng to )'ause 3. .3.4.2132c3.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 $dding B$ndC $t t0e end o/ Cl$use 8g9 $nd b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Cl$use& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 19 819, 5!9

2h3 ha$e a tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.1 . that #s 'ocated to #dent#(y an entry #nto a $eh#cu'ar route or area where no cur,s or any other e'ement se&arate the $eh#cu'ar route or area (rom a &edestr#an route. 829 8here a d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween 'e$e's #n a wa'7way #s not more than 200 mm, a cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entences 233 and 243 may ,e &ro$#ded. 8!9 ;he cur, ram& &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a runn#ng s'o&e con(orm#ng to ;a,'e 3. .3.2., 2,3 ha$e a w#dth o( not 'ess than 1 200 mm e5c'us#$e o( ('ared s#des,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8b9 is $mended b3 striAing out B1 2>> mmC $nd substituting B1 7>> mmC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 19 829, 5!9

2c3 ha$e a sur(ace #nc'ud#ng ('ared s#des that sha'', 2#3 ,e s'#&-res#stant, 2##3 ha$e a detecta,'e warn#ng sur(ace that #s co'our- and te5ture-contrasted w#th the ad0acent sur(aces, and 2###3 ha$e a smooth trans#t#on (rom the ram& and ad0acent sur(aces, and 2d3 ha$e ('ared s#des w#th a s'o&e o( not more than 1:10 where &edestr#ans are '#7e'y to wa'7 across them. T$ble !,=,!,2, R$m. Rise $nd (lo.e Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .3.2.233
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Hert#ca' R#se *etween /ur(aces, mm .1 to 200 'ess than .1 )o'umn 2 /'o&e 1:10 to 1:12 1: to 1:10

859 )ur, ram&s descr#,ed #n /entence 233 do not re:u#re handra#'s or guards. !,=,!,!, #oor2$3s $nd #oors 819 6$ery doorway that #s 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ha$e a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess than 10 mm when the door #s #n the o&en &os#t#on.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 striAing out B=7> mmC $nd substituting B=<> mmC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 819, 5!9

829 65ce&t where no ,athroom w#th#n the suite #s at the 'e$e' o( the suite entrance door to wh#ch a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' #s &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /entence 3. .2.1.213, the doorway to at 'east one ,athroom and to each ,edroom at the same 'e$e' as such ,athroom w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ha$e, when the door #s #n the o&en &os#t#on, a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess than, 2a3 .60 mm where the door #s ser$ed ,y a corr#dor or s&ace not 'ess than 1 060 mm w#de, and 2,3 10 mm where the door #s ser$ed ,y a corr#dor or s&ace 'ess than 1 060 mm w#de. 20.

8!9 "oor o&en#ng de$#ces that are the on'y means o( o&erat#on sha'' ,e o( a des#gn that does not re:u#re t#ght gras&#ng and tw#st#ng o( the wr#st.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 829, 5!9

8!9 "oor o&en#ng de$#ces that are the on'y means o( o&erat#on sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned to ,e o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st, and 2,3 ,e mounted not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2123, e$ery door that &ro$#des a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' through an entrance re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #( the entrance ser$es, 2a3 a hotel, 2,3 a building conta#n#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy, or 2c3 a building more than 300 m2 #n building area conta#n#ng a 4rou& %, " or 6 occupancy.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 859 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 829, 5!9

859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2123, e$ery door that &ro$#des a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' through a barrier-free entrance re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #( the entrance ser$es a building conta#n#ng a 4rou& %, 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3, 4rou& ), 4rou& " or 4rou& 6 occupancy. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 263 and 2123, where the entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. #ncor&orates a $est#,u'e, a door 'ead#ng (rom the $est#,u'e #nto the floor area sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #n, 2a3 a hotel, 2,3 a building o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3, occupancy, and 2c3 a building more than 300 m2 #n building area conta#n#ng a 4rou& %, " or 6 occupancy.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 879 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 829, 5!9

879 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 2123, where a barrier-free entrance re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. #ncor&orates a $est#,u'e, a door 'ead#ng (rom the $est#,u'e #nto the floor area sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #n a building conta#n#ng a 4rou& %, 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3, 4rou& ), 4rou& " o( 4rou& 6 occupancy. 8<9 ;he re:u#rements #n /entences 243 and 213 do not a&&'y to an #nd#$#dua' suite ha$#ng an area o( 'ess than 300 m 2 #n buildings ha$#ng on'y suites o( 4rou& %, " or 6 occupancy where such suite #s com&'ete'y cut o(( (rom the rema#nder o( the building.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8<9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 829, 5!9

8<9 % door sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator where the door ser$es, 2a3 a washroom (or public use re:u#red to ,e barrier-free, or 2,3 a 4rou& % occupancy w#th#n a 4rou& ) major occupancy a&artment building. 8;9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2 3, and e5ce&t (or doors w#th &ower o&erators, c'osers (or doors #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e des#gned to &erm#t doors to o&en when a (orce o( not more than 3 B #s a&&'#ed to the hand'es, &ush &'ates or 'atch-re'eas#ng de$#ces #n the case o( e5ter#or doors and 22 B #n the case o( #nter#or doors. 8=9 /entence 2.3 does not a&&'y to doors at the entrances to dwelling units, or where greater (orces are re:u#red #n order to c'ose and 'atch the doors aga#nst &re$a#'#ng d#((erences #n a#r &ressures on o&&os#te s#des o( the doors. 899 65ce&t (or doors at the entrances to dwelling units, c'osers (or #nter#or doors #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ha$e a c'os#ng &er#od o( not 'ess than 3 seconds measured (rom when the door #s #n an o&en &os#t#on o( .0E to the doorway, to when the door reaches a &o#nt .1 mm (rom the c'osed &os#t#on, measured (rom the 'ead#ng edge o( the 'atch s#de o( the door. 81>9 @n'ess e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator, a door #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ha$e a c'ear s&ace on the 'atch s#de e5tend#ng the he#ght o( the doorway and not 'ess than, 2a3 600 mm ,eyond the edge o( the door o&en#ng #( the door sw#ngs toward the a&&roach s#de, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8$9 is $mended b3 striAing out B$ndC $t t0e end, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 8!9, 5!9

2,3 300 mm ,eyond the edge o( the door o&en#ng #( the door sw#ngs away (rom the a&&roach s#de.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 81>9 is $mended b3 $dding B$ndC $t t0e end o/ Cl$use 8b9 $nd b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Cl$use& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 8!9, 5!9

2c3 300 mm ,eyond ,oth s#des o( a s'#d#ng door.


8119 Hest#,u'es 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e arranged to a''ow the mo$ement o( whee'cha#rs ,etween doors and sha'' &ro$#de a d#stance ,etween two doors #n ser#es o( at 'east 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e' (rom one door to another.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8119 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 859, 5!9

8119 Hest#,u'es 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', 2a3 sha'' ,e arranged to a''ow the mo$ement o( whee'cha#rs ,etween doors, and 2,3 sha'' &ro$#de, 2#3 where the doors #nto the $est#,u'e are #n ser#es, a d#stance ,etween the doors o( at 'east 1 100 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e' (rom one door to another, and 2##3 where the doors #nto the $est#,u'e are not a'#gned, a turn#ng d#ameter o( 1 100 mm w#th#n the $est#,u'e c'ear o( any door sw#ng. 8129 On'y the act#$e 'ea( #n a mu't#&'e 'ea( door #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' need con(orm to the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e. 81!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n )'ause 3. .3.4.2132c3, the ('oor sur(ace on each s#de o( a door #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e 'e$e' w#th#n a rectangu'ar area, 2a3 as w#de as the door &'us the c'earance re:u#red on the 'atch s#de ,y /entence 2103, and 2,3 whose d#mens#on &er&end#cu'ar to the c'osed door #s not 'ess than the w#dth o( the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' ,ut need not e5ceed 1 100 mm. 8159 8here a $#s#on &ane' #s &ro$#ded #n a door #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', such &ane' sha'' ,e at 'east .1 mm #n w#dth and ,e 'ocated so that, 2a3 the ,ottom o( the &ane' #s not more than 900 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2,3 the edge o( the &ane' c'osest to the 'atch #s not more than 210 mm (rom the 'atch s#de o( the door. 8179 % door #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' cons#st#ng o( a sheet o( g'ass sha'' ,e mar7ed w#th a cont#nuous o&a:ue str#& that, 2a3 sha'' ,e co'our and ,r#ghtness contrasted to the ,ac7ground o( the door, 2,3 sha'' ,e at 'east 10 mm w#de, 2c3 sha'' ,e 'ocated across the w#dth o( the door at a he#ght o( 1 310 mm to 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2d3 may #ncor&orate a 'ogo or sym,o' &ro$#ded such 'ogo or sym,o' does not d#m#n#sh, 2#3 the o&ac#ty o( the str#&, 2##3 the w#dth o( the str#&, 2###3 the co'our and ,r#ghtness contrast o( the str#& to the ,ac7ground o( the door, and 2#$3 the cont#nu#ty o( the str#& across the w#dth o( the door. 81<9 ;he &ower door o&erator re:u#red ,y /entences 243 and 213 sha'' a''ow &ersons to act#$ate the o&en#ng o( the door (rom e#ther s#de.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 81<9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 879, 5!9

81<9 8here a &ower door o&erator #s &ro$#ded, #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on the 'atch s#de so as to a''ow &ersons to act#$ate the o&en#ng o( the door (rom e#ther s#de. 81;9 ;he contro' (or a &ower door o&erator re:u#red ,y /entences 243 and 213 sha'', 2a3 ha$e no (ace d#mens#on 'ess than 100 mm, 2,3 ha$e #ts centre 'ocated not 'ess than 1 000 mm and not more than 1 100 mm (rom the ('oor 'e$e' or ground, 2c3 ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 600 mm ,eyond the door sw#ng where the door o&ens towards the contro', and 2d3 conta#n the s#gn #ncor&orat#ng the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess#,#'#ty.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 81;9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2> 879, 5!9

81;9 65ce&t where a &ro5#m#ty scann#ng de$#ce #s #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /entence 21 3, the contro' (or a &ower door o&erator re:u#red ,y /entence 243, 213 or 263 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a (ace d#mens#on o( not 'ess than, 209

2#3 110 mm #n d#ameter where the contro' #s c#rcu'ar, or 2##3 10 mm ,y 100 mm where the contro' #s rectangu'ar, 2,3 ,e o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st, 2c3 ,e 'ocated so that, 2#3 #ts centre #s 'ocated not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor or ground, or 2##3 #t e5tends (rom not more than 200 mm to not 'ess than 900 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor or ground, 2d3 ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 600 mm and not more than 1 100 mm ,eyond the door sw#ng where the door o&ens towards the contro', 2e3 ,e 'ocated #n a c'ear'y $#s#,'e &os#t#on, and 2(3 conta#n a s#gn #ncor&orat#ng the +nternat#ona' /ym,o' o( %ccess. 81=9 % &ro5#m#ty scann#ng de$#ce that act#$ates a &ower door sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( detect#ng a &erson #n a whee'cha#r. 8199 % norma''y occu&#ed floor area that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' com&'y w#th the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements: 2a3 a'' doorways #n public corridors #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 213, 2,3 door o&en#ng de$#ces that are the on'y means o( o&erat#on on doors #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 233, 2c3 where a $#s#on &ane' #s &ro$#ded #n a door #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area, the &ane' sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 2143, 2d3 doors cons#st#ng o( a sheet o( g'ass #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 2113, and 2e3 where a &ower door o&erator #s #nsta''ed (or doors #n the norma''y occu&#ed floor area, #t sha'' com&'y w#th /entences 2163 and 21.3. !,=,!,5, R$m.s 819 Ram&s 'ocated #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'', 2a3 ha$e a m#n#mum w#dth o( 900 mm ,etween handra#'s, 2,3 ha$e a ma5#mum grad#ent o( 1 #n 12, 2c3 ha$e a 'e$e' area o( at 'east 1 6.0 mm ,y 1 6.0 mm at the to& and ,ottom o( a ram& and where a door #s 'ocated #n a ram&, so that the 'e$e' area e5tends at 'east 600 mm ,eyond the 'atch s#de o( the door o&en#ng, e5ce&t that where the door o&ens away (rom the ram&, the area e5tend#ng ,eyond the 'atch s#de o( the door o&en#ng may ,e reduced to 300 mm, 2d3 ha$e a 'e$e' area at 'east 1 6.0 mm 'ong and at 'east the same w#dth as the ram&, 2#3 at #nter$a's o( not more than 9 m a'ong #ts 'ength, and 2##3 where there #s an a,ru&t change #n the d#rect#on o( the ram&,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubcl$use 8ii9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 21 819, 5!9

2##3 where there #s a change o( 90E or more #n the d#rect#on o( the ram&, 2e3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ,e e:u#&&ed w#th handra#'s on ,oth s#des that sha'', 2#3 ,e cont#nuous'y gras&a,'e a'ong the#r ent#re 'ength and ha$e c#rcu'ar cross-sect#on w#th an outs#de d#ameter not 'ess than 30 mm and not more than 40 mm, or any non-c#rcu'ar sha&e w#th a gras&a,'e &ort#on that has a &er#meter not 'ess than 100 mm and not more than 111 mm and whose 'argest cross-sect#ona' d#mens#on #s not more than 1. mm, 2##3 ,e not 'ess than 61 mm and not more than 961 mm h#gh, measured $ert#ca''y (rom the sur(ace o( the ram&, e5ce&t that handra#'s not meet#ng these re:u#rements are &erm#tted &ro$#ded they are #nsta''ed #n add#t#on to the re:u#red handra#', 2###3 ,e term#nated #n a manner that w#'' not o,struct &edestr#an tra$e' or create a haCard, 2#$3 e5tend hor#Conta''y not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the to& and ,ottom o( the ram&, 2$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a c'earance o( not 'ess than 10 mm ,etween the handra#' and any wa'' to wh#ch #t #s attached, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubcl$use 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 21 829, 5!9


2$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a c'earance o( not 'ess than 10 mm ,etween the handra#' and any wa'' or guard to wh#ch #t #s attached, and 2$#3 ,e des#gned and constructed such that handra#'s and the#r su&&orts w#'' w#thstand the 'oad#ng $a'ues o,ta#ned (rom the nonconcurrent a&&'#cat#on o( a concentrated 'oad not 'ess than 0.9 7B a&&'#ed at any &o#nt and #n any d#rect#on (or a'' handra#'s and a un#(orm 'oad not 'ess than 0.. 7B!m a&&'#ed #n any d#rect#on to the handra#', 2(3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ha$e a wa'' or a guard on ,oth s#des and where a guard #s &ro$#ded the guard sha'', 2#3 ,e not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm measured $ert#ca''y to the to& o( the guard (rom the ram& sur(ace, and 2##3 ,e des#gned so that no mem,er, attachment or o&en#ng 'ocated ,etween 140 mm and 900 mm a,o$e the ram& sur(ace ,e#ng &rotected ,y the guard w#'' (ac#'#tate c'#m,#ng, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubcl$use 8ii9 is $mended b3 striAing out B$ndC $t t0e end, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 21 8!9, 5!9

2g3 ,e &ro$#ded, 2#3 w#th a cur, at 'east 10 mm h#gh on any s#de o( the ram& where no so'#d enc'osure or so'#d guard #s &ro$#ded, and 2##3 w#th ra#'#ngs or other ,arr#ers that e5tend to w#th#n 10 mm o( the (#n#shed ram& sur(ace or ha$e a cur, not 'ess than 10 mm h#gh.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 $dding B$ndC $t t0e end o/ (ubcl$use 8g98ii9 $nd b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Cl$use& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 21 8!9, 5!9

2h3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where the ram& #s w#der than 2 200 mm, ha$e an #ntermed#ate handra#' w#th a c'ear w#dth o( 900 mm ,etween the #ntermed#ate handra#' and one o( the handra#'s descr#,ed #n )'ause 2e3. 829 8here a ram& ser$es as an a#s'eway (or (#5ed seat#ng, the re:u#rements (or handra#'s #n )'ause 2132e3 need not a&&'y.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 829 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 21 859, 5!9

829 8here a ram& ser$es as an a#s'eway (or (#5ed seat#ng, the re:u#rements (or handra#'s #n )'auses 2132e3 and 2h3 and (or wa''s or guards #n )'ause 2132(3 need not a&&'y. 8!9 F'oors or wa'7s #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' ha$#ng a s'o&e stee&er than 1 #n 20 sha'' ,e des#gned as ram&s. !,=,!,7, %$ssenger Ele1$ting #e1ices 819 % &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ce re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*311, >L#(ts (or -ersons w#th -hys#ca' "#sa,#'#t#es?. !,=,!,<, (.$ces in (e$ting Are$ 819 /&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use #n /entence 3. .2.1.233 sha'' ,e, 2a3 c'ear and 'e$e' or 'e$e' w#th remo$a,'e seats, 2,3 not 'ess than 900 mm w#de and 1 121 mm 'ong to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to enter (rom a s#de a&&roach, and 1 220 mm 'ong where the whee'cha#r enters (rom the (ront or rear o( the s&ace, 2c3 arranged so that at 'east two des#gnated s&aces are s#de ,y s#de, 2d3 'ocated ad0o#n#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' w#thout #n(r#ng#ng on egress (rom any row o( seat#ng or any a#s'e re:u#rements, and 2e3 s#tuated, as &art o( the des#gnated seat#ng &'an, to &ro$#de a cho#ce o( $#ew#ng 'ocat#on and a c'ear $#ew o( the e$ent ta7#ng &'ace.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,<, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 22, 5!9

!,=,!,<, 60eelc0$ir (.$ces $nd Ad$.t$ble (e$ting 819 /&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use re:u#red ,y /entence 3. .2.1.243 sha'' ,e, 2a3 c'ear and 'e$e' or 'e$e' w#th remo$a,'e seats, 2,3 not 'ess than 900 mm w#de and not 'ess than, 2#3 1 121 mm 'ong where des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to enter (rom a s#de a&&roach, and 2##3 1 220 mm 'ong where des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to enter (rom the (ront or rear o( the s&ace, 2c3 arranged so that, 2#3 at 'east two o( the des#gnated s&aces are s#de ,y s#de, and 2##3 at 'east one (#5ed seat (or a com&an#on #s 'ocated ,es#de, 211

2%3 each grou& o( des#gnated s&aces, #( two or more des#gnated s&aces are arranged s#de ,y s#de #n a grou&, and 2*3 each des#gnated s&ace that #s not &art o( a grou& descr#,ed #n /u,-su,c'ause 2%3, 2d3 'ocated ad0o#n#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' w#thout #n(r#ng#ng on egress (rom any row o( seat#ng or any a#s'e re:u#rements, and 2e3 s#tuated, as &art o( the des#gnated seat#ng &'an, to &ro$#de a cho#ce o( $#ew#ng 'ocat#on and a c'ear $#ew o( the e$ent ta7#ng &'ace. 829 F#5ed seats des#gnated (or adaptable seating re:u#red ,y /entence 3. .2.1.243 sha'' ,e, 2a3 'ocated ad0o#n#ng a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' w#thout #n(r#ng#ng on egress (rom any row o( seat#ng or any a#s'e re:u#rements, 2,3 e:u#&&ed w#th a mo$a,'e or remo$a,'e armrest on the s#de o( the seat ad0o#n#ng the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', and 2c3 s#tuated, as &art o( the des#gnated seat#ng &'an, to &ro$#de a cho#ce o( $#ew#ng 'ocat#on and a c'ear $#ew o( the e$ent ta7#ng &'ace. 8!9 +n an assembly occupancy w#th (#5ed seats, s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or the storage o( whee'cha#rs and mobility assistive devices #n accordance w#th the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements: 2a3 at 'east one storage s&ace not 'ess than 10 mm ,y 1 3.0 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where the assembly occupancy has not more than 200 (#5ed seats and at 'east two such storage s&aces sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where the assembly occupancy has more than 200 (#5ed seats, and 2,3 the storage s&ace or s&aces sha'' ,e 'ocated on the same 'e$e' and #n &ro5#m#ty to the s&aces des#gnated (or whee'cha#r use and seats des#gnated (or adaptable seating. !,=,!,;, Assisti1e Listening #e1ices 819 +n buildings o( assembly occupancy, a'' c'assrooms, aud#tor#a, meet#ng rooms and theatres w#th an area o( more than 100 m2 and an occupant load o( more than .1 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th ass#st#$e '#sten#ng systems encom&ass#ng the ent#re seat#ng area. !,=,!,=, 6$ter Closet (t$lls 819 8here a washroom #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.3. to ,e barrier-free, at 'east one water c'oset sta'' or enc'osure sha'', 2a3 ,e at 'east 1 100 mm #n w#dth ,y 1 100 mm #n de&th, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a door that sha'', 2#3 ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'atched (rom the #ns#de w#th a mechan#sm that #s o&era,'e ,y one hand, 2##3 &ro$#de, when the door #s #n an o&en &os#t#on, a c'ear o&en#ng o( at 'east 10 mm, 2###3 sw#ng outward, un'ess .60 mm ,y 1 220 mm c'ear ('oor area #s &ro$#ded w#th#n the sta'' or enc'osure to &erm#t the door to ,e c'osed w#thout #nter(er#ng w#th the whee'cha#r, 2#$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th s&r#ng-ty&e or gra$#ty h#nges so that the door c'oses automat#ca''y, 2$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door &u'' on the outs#de, near the 'atch s#de o( the door, and 2$#3 ,e a'#gned w#th the c'ear manoeu$r#ng s&ace ad0acent to the water c'oset, 2c3 ha$e a water c'oset 'ocated so that #ts centre'#ne #s not 'ess than 460 mm and not more than 4 0 mm (rom an ad0acent s#de wa'' on one s#de, 2d3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th gra, ,ars that sha'', 2#3 ,e at 'east .60 mm #n 'ength and mounted at a 30E to 10E ang'e s'o&#ng u&wards, away (rom the water c'oset w#th the 'ower end o( the ,ar mounted .10 mm to 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor and 10 mm #n (ront o( the to#'et ,ow', or a'ternat#$e'y, ,e L-sha&ed w#th .60 mm 'ong hor#Conta' and $ert#ca' com&onents mounted w#th the hor#Conta' com&onent .10 mm to 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor and the $ert#ca' com&onent 110 mm #n (ront o( the to#'et ,ow', 2##3 ,e at 'east 600 mm #n 'ength mounted hor#Conta''y on the wa'' ,eh#nd the water c'oset (rom 40 mm to 920 mm a,o$e the ('oor and, where the water c'oset has a water tan7, ,e mounted 110 mm a,o$e the tan7, 2###3 Reser$ed 2#$3 ,e #nsta''ed to res#st a 'oad o( at 'east 1.3 7B a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y, 2$3 ,e not 'ess than 30 mm and not more than 40 mm #n d#ameter, 2$#3 ha$e a c'earance o( 30 mm to 40 mm (rom the wa'', and 212

2$##3 ha$e a s'#& res#stant sur(ace, 2e3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a coat hoo7 mounted not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor on a s#de wa'' and &ro0ect#ng not more than 10 mm (rom the wa'', 2(3 ha$e a c'earance o( at 'east 1 .00 mm ,etween the outs#de o( the sta'' (ace and the (ace o( an #n-sw#ng#ng washroom door and 1 400 mm ,etween the outs#de o( the sta'' (ace and any wa''-mounted (#5ture or other o,struct#on, and 2g3 when a to#'et &a&er d#s&enser #s &ro$#ded, &ro$#de a d#s&enser that #s, 2#3 wa'' mounted, 2##3 'ocated ,e'ow the gra, ,ar, 2###3 #n '#ne w#th or not more than 300 mm #n (ront o( the to#'et seat, and 2#$3 not 'ess than 600 mm a,o$e the ('oor.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,=, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9

!,=,!,=, 6$ter Closet (t$lls 819 6$ery barrier-free water c'oset sta'' #n a washroom descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.233 or 243 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a c'ear turn#ng s&ace at 'east 1 100 mm #n d#ameter, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a door that sha'', 2#3 ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'atched (rom the #ns#de w#th a mechan#sm that #s o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st, 2##3 when the door #s #n an o&en &os#t#on, ha$e a c'ear o&en#ng o( at 'east 60 mm, 2###3 sw#ng outward, un'ess 20 mm ,y 1 440 mm c'ear ('oor area #s &ro$#ded w#th#n the sta'' to &erm#t the door to ,e c'osed w#thout #nter(er#ng w#th the whee'cha#r, 2#$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th s&r#ng-ty&e or gra$#ty h#nges so that the door c'oses automat#ca''y, 2$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door &u'' on ,oth s#des o( the door, near the 'atch s#de o( the door, 'ocated at a he#ght not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2$#3 ,e a'#gned w#th a c'ear trans(er s&ace re:u#red ,y /u,c'ause 2232a32##3 or )'ause 2232,3, and 2$##3 ,e ca&a,'e o( ha$#ng the 'atch re:u#red ,y /u,c'ause 2#3 re'eased (rom the outs#de #n case o( an emergency, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water c'oset con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.9. that #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 2232a3 or 2,3, 2d3 Reser$ed 2e3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a coat hoo7 mounted not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor on a s#de wa'' and &ro0ect#ng not more than 10 mm (rom the wa'', 2(3 ha$e a c'earance o( at 'east 1 .00 mm ,etween the outs#de o( the sta'' (ace and the (ace o( an #n-sw#ng#ng washroom door and 1 400 mm ,etween the outs#de o( the sta'' (ace and any wa''-mounted (#5ture or other o,struct#on, and 2g3 where a to#'et &a&er d#s&enser #s &ro$#ded, &ro$#de a d#s&enser that #s, 2#3 wa'' mounted, 2##3 'ocated ,e'ow the gra, ,ar, 2###3 #n '#ne w#th or not more than 300 mm #n (ront o( the seat, and 2#$3 not 'ess than 600 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 829 % water c'oset descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132c3 sha'' ,e, 2a3 'ocated so that, 2#3 the centre '#ne o( the water c'oset #s not 'ess than 460 mm and not more than 4 0 mm (rom one s#de wa'', and 2##3 a c'ear trans(er s&ace at 'east 900 mm w#de and 1 100 mm dee& #s &ro$#ded on the other s#de o( the water c'oset, or 2,3 'ocated so that a c'ear trans(er s&ace at 'east 900 mm w#de and 1 100 mm dee& #s &ro$#ded on each s#de o( the water c'oset. 8!9 8here a water c'oset #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 2232a3, 2a3 a gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entences 213 and 2.3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the s#de wa'' re(erred to #n /u,c'ause 2232a32#3, 213

2,3 a (o'd-down gra, ,ar may ,e &ro$#ded and, #( one #s &ro$#ded, #t sha'' con(orm to /entence 2 3 and ,e &ro$#ded on the s#de o( the water c'oset o&&os#te the gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3, and 2c3 a gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entences 263 and 2.3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the wa'' ,eh#nd the water c'oset. 859 8here a water c'oset #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 2232,3, 2a3 a (o'd-down gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entence 2 3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on each s#de o( the water c'oset, and 2,3 a gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entences 263 and 2.3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the wa'' ,eh#nd the water c'oset. 879 % gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 2332a3 sha'', 2a3 ,e cont#nuous L-sha&ed w#th .60 mm 'ong hor#Conta' and $ert#ca' com&onents, and 2,3 ,e wa'' mounted w#th the hor#Conta' com&onent .10 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor and the $ert#ca' com&onent 110 mm #n (ront o( the water c'oset. 8<9 % gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 2332c3 or 2432,3 sha'', 2a3 ,e at 'east 600 mm #n 'ength, and 2,3 ,e wa'' mounted hor#Conta''y (rom 40 mm to 920 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor and, where the water c'oset has a water tan7, ,e wa'' mounted 110 mm a,o$e the tan7. 8;9 % gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 2332a3 or 2c3 or 2432,3 sha'', 2a3 ,e #nsta''ed to res#st a 'oad o( at 'east 1.3 7B a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y, 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 31 mm and not more than 40 mm #n d#ameter, 2c3 ha$e a c'earance o( 10 mm (rom the wa'', and 2d3 ha$e a s'#&-res#stant sur(ace. 8=9 % (o'd-down gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 2332,3 or 2432a3 sha'', 2a3 ,e mounted on the wa'' ,eh#nd the water c'oset, 2#3 w#th the hor#Conta' com&onent .10 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2##3 not 'ess than 390 mm and not more than 410 mm (rom the centre '#ne o( the water c'oset, 2,3 not re:u#re a (orce o( more than 22.2 B to &u'' #t down, 2c3 ,e at 'east .60 mm #n 'ength, 2d3 ,e #nsta''ed to res#st a 'oad o( at 'east 1.3 7B a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y, 2e3 ,e not 'ess than 31 mm and not more than 40 mm #n d#ameter, and 2(3 ha$e a s'#&-res#stant sur(ace. 899 % (o'd-down gra, ,ar #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th /entence 2 3 #s &erm#tted to encroach #nto, 2a3 the c'ear turn#ng s&ace descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132a3, or 2,3 a c'ear trans(er s&ace descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2232a32##3 or )'ause 2232,3. 81>9 8here an am,u'atory water c'oset sta'' #s re:u#red ,y /entence 3. .2.3.263, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e at 'east 1 100 mm #n de&th and ,e not 'ess than 90 mm and not more than 940 mm #n w#dth, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a door that sha'', 2#3 ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'atched (rom the #ns#de w#th a mechan#sm that #s o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st, 2##3 when the door #s #n an o&en &os#t#on, ha$e a c'ear o&en#ng o( at 'east 10 mm, 2###3 sw#ng outward, un'ess the m#n#mum d#mens#ons #n )'ause 2a3 are not 'ocated w#th#n the door sw#ng, 2#$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th s&r#ng-ty&e or gra$#ty h#nges so that the door c'oses automat#ca''y, 2$3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door &u'' on ,oth s#des o( the door, near the 'atch s#de o( the door, 'ocated at a he#ght not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2$#3 ,e ca&a,'e o( ha$#ng the 'atch re:u#red ,y /u,c'ause 2#3 re'eased (rom the outs#de #n the case o( an emergency, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water c'oset con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.9. and 'ocated so that #ts centre '#ne #s centred ,etween the &art#t#on wa''s, 214

2d3 ,e e:u#&&ed on each s#de o( the water c'oset w#th gra, ,ars con(orm#ng to )'ause 2332a3, and 2e3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a coat hoo7 con(orm#ng to )'ause 2132e3. !,=,!,9, 6$ter Closets 819 8ater c'osets (or a &erson w#th &hys#ca' d#sa,#'#t#es sha'', 2a3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a seat 'ocated at not 'ess than 400 mm and not more than 460 mm a,o$e the ('oor, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th hand-o&erated ('ush#ng contro's that are eas#'y access#,'e to a whee'cha#r user or ,e automat#ca''y o&era,'e, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ,ac7 su&&ort where there #s no seat '#d or tan7, and 2d3 not ha$e a s&r#ng-act#$ated seat.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,9, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9

!,=,!,9, 6$ter Closets 819 % water c'oset descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3. .2132c3 or 21032c3 or 3. .3.12.2132d3 sha'', 2a3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a seat 'ocated at not 'ess than 430 mm and not more than 4 1 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th hand-o&erated ('ush#ng contro's that are eas#'y access#,'e to a whee'cha#r user or ,e automat#ca''y o&era,'e, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ,ac7 su&&ort where there #s no seat '#d or tan7, and 2d3 not ha$e a s&r#ng-act#$ated seat. 829 =and-o&erated ('ush#ng contro's re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st and w#th a (orce o( not more than 22.2 B. !,=,!,1>, Reser1ed
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,1>, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9



819 8here more than one ur#na' #s &ro$#ded #n a washroom descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.233 or 243, at 'east one ur#na' sha'' ,e, 2a3 wa'' mounted, w#th the r#m 'ocated not more than 430 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, or 2,3 ('oor mounted, w#th the r#m 'e$e' w#th the (#n#shed ('oor. 829 % ur#na' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e, 2a3 no ste& #n (ront, 2,3 a $ert#ca''y mounted gra, ,ar #nsta''ed on each s#de o( the ur#na' that, 2#3 #s not 'ess than 300 mm 'ong, 2##3 has #ts centre '#ne 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2###3 #s 'ocated not 'ess than 3 0 mm and not more than 410 mm measured hor#Conta''y (rom the $ert#ca' centre '#ne o( the ur#na', and 2#$3 com&'#es w#th /entence 3. .3. .2.3, and 2c3 a m#n#mum de&th o( 341 mm measured (rom the outer (ace o( the ur#na' r#m to the ,ac7 o( the (#5ture. 8!9 8here manua' ('ush contro's are &ro$#ded (or a ur#na' descr#,ed #n /entence 213, the ('ush contro's sha'' ,e, 2a3 o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st, and 2,3 mounted no h#gher than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 859 8here &r#$acy screens are #nsta''ed (or a ur#na' descr#,ed #n /entence 213, they sha'', 2a3 ,e mounted a m#n#mum o( 460 mm (rom the centre '#ne o( the ur#na', and 2,3 ha$e a c'earance o( at 'east 10 mm (rom the gra, ,ars re:u#red ,y )'ause 2232,3. 879 8here more than one ur#na' #s &ro$#ded #n a washroom descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.263, at 'east one ur#na' con(orm#ng to /entences 213 to 243 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n the washroom. !,=,!,11, L$1$tories 211

819 % barrier-free washroom sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a 'a$atory that sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated so that the d#stance ,etween the centre'#ne o( the 'a$atory and the s#de wa'' #s not 'ess than 460 mm, 2,3 ,e mounted so that the to& o( the 'a$atory or, where the 'a$atory #s #n a $an#ty, the to& o( the $an#ty #s not more than 40 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2c3 ha$e a c'earance ,eneath the 'a$atory not 'ess than, 2#3 .60 mm w#de, 2##3 .31 mm h#gh at the (ront edge, 2###3 6 1 mm h#gh at a &o#nt 201 mm ,ac7 (rom the (ront edge, and 2#$3 230 mm h#gh o$er the d#stance (rom a &o#nt 2 0 mm to a &o#nt 430 mm ,ac7 (rom the (ront edge, 2d3 ha$e #nsu'ated &#&es where they wou'd otherw#se &resent a ,urn haCard or ha$e water su&&'y tem&erature '#m#ted to a ma5#mum o( 43E), 2e3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th (aucet hand'es o( the 'e$er ty&e w#thout s&r#ng 'oad#ng or ,e automat#ca''y o&era,'e and are 'ocated so that the d#stance (rom the centre'#ne o( the (aucet to the edge o( the ,as#n or, where the ,as#n #s mounted #n a $an#ty, to the (ront edge o( the $an#ty, #s not more than 4 1 mm, 2(3 ha$e soa& d#s&ensers that are, 2#3 'ocated to ,e access#,'e to &ersons #n whee'cha#rs, 2##3 'ocated so that the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2###3 o&era,'e w#th one hand, and 2g3 ha$e towe' d#s&ensers or other hand dry#ng e:u#&ment that are, 2#3 'ocated to ,e access#,'e to &ersons #n whee'cha#rs, 2##3 'ocated so that the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2###3 o&era,'e w#th one hand. 829 +( m#rrors are &ro$#ded #n a barrier-free washroom, at 'east one m#rror sha'' ,e, 2a3 mounted w#th #ts ,ottom edge not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor, or 2,3 #nc'#ned to the $ert#ca' to ,e usa,'e ,y a &erson #n a whee'cha#r. 8!9 +( d#s&ens#ng or hand-o&erated washroom accessor#es, e5ce&t those 'ocated #n to#'et sta''s or descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132(3, are &ro$#ded, they sha'' ,e mounted so that the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s ,etween 900 mm and 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,11, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9

!,=,!,11, L$1$tories 819 % 2$s0room described in (entence !,=,2,!,829, 8!9 or 859 s0$ll be .ro1ided 2it0 $ l$1$tor3 t0$t s0$ll, 2a3 ,e 'ocated so that the d#stance ,etween the centre '#ne o( the 'a$atory and the s#de wa'' #s not 'ess than 460 mm, 2,3 ,e mounted so that the to& o( the 'a$atory #s not more than 40 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2c3 ha$e a c'earance ,eneath the 'a$atory not 'ess than, 2#3 920 mm w#de, 2##3 .31 mm h#gh at the (ront edge, 2###3 6 1 mm h#gh at a &o#nt 201 mm ,ac7 (rom the (ront edge, and 2#$3 310 mm h#gh (rom a &o#nt 300 mm ,ac7 (rom the (ront edge to the wa'', 2d3 ha$e #nsu'ated &#&es where they wou'd otherw#se &resent a ,urn haCard or ha$e water su&&'y tem&erature '#m#ted to a ma5#mum o( 43E), 2e3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th (aucets that ha$e 'e$er ty&e hand'es w#thout s&r#ng 'oad#ng or o&erate automat#ca''y and that are 'ocated so that the d#stance (rom the centre '#ne o( the (aucet to the edge o( the ,as#n or, where the ,as#n #s mounted #n a $an#ty, to the (ront edge o( the $an#ty, #s not more than 4 1 mm, 2(3 ha$e a m#n#mum 1 3.0 mm dee& ('oor s&ace to a''ow (or a (orward a&&roach, o( wh#ch a ma5#mum o( 100 mm can ,e 'ocated under the 'a$atory, 2g3 ha$e a soa& d#s&enser that #s, 216

2#3 'ocated to ,e access#,'e to &ersons #n whee'cha#rs, 2##3 'ocated so that the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2###3 'ocated not more than 610 mm, measured hor#Conta''y, (rom the edge o( the 'a$atory, and 2#$3 o&era,'e w#th one hand, and 2h3 ha$e a towe' d#s&enser or other hand dry#ng e:u#&ment that #s, 2#3 'ocated to ,e access#,'e to &ersons #n whee'cha#rs, 2##3 'ocated so that the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2###3 o&era,'e w#th one hand, and 2#$3 'ocated not more than 610 mm, measured hor#Conta''y, (rom the edge o( the 'a$atory. 829 +( m#rrors are #nsta''ed #n a washroom descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.223, 233 or 243, at 'east one m#rror sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsta''ed a,o$e a 'a$atory re:u#red ,y /entence 213, and 2,3 mounted w#th #ts ,ottom edge not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor or #nc'#ned to the $ert#ca' to ,e usa,'e ,y a &erson #n a whee'cha#r. 8!9 +( d#s&ens#ng or hand-o&erated washroom accessor#es, e5ce&t those 'ocated #n water c'oset sta''s or descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132g3, are &ro$#ded, they sha'' ,e mounted so that, 2a3 the d#s&ens#ng he#ght #s not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2,3 the contro's or o&erat#ng mechan#sms are mounted not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2c3 a m#n#mum 1 3.0 mm dee& ('oor s&ace #s &ro$#ded #n (ront o( the contro's or o&erat#ng mechan#sms to a''ow (or a (ront a&&roach. 859 8here a she'( #s #nsta''ed a,o$e a 'a$atory re:u#red ,y /entence 213, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated not more than 200 mm a,o$e the to& o( the 'a$atory and not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2,3 &ro0ect not more than 100 mm (rom the wa''. 879 % washroom descr#,ed #n /entence 3. .2.3.263 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a 'a$atory con(orm#ng to )'auses 2132e3, 2g3 and 2h3. !,=,!,12, ni1ers$l Toilet Rooms 819 % un#$ersa' to#'et room sha'', 2a3 ,e ser$ed ,y a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', 2,3 ha$e a door ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de and re'eased (rom the outs#de #n case o( emergency and that has, 2#3 a gras&a,'e 'atch-o&erat#ng mechan#sm 'ocated not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor, 2##3 #( #t #s an outward sw#ng#ng door, a door &u'' not 'ess than 140 mm 'ong 'ocated on the #ns#de so that #ts m#d&o#nt #s not 'ess than 200 mm and not more than 300 mm (rom the h#nged s#de o( the door and not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2###3 #( #t #s an outward sw#ng#ng door, a door c'oser, s&r#ng h#nges or gra$#ty h#nges, so that the door c'oses automat#ca''y, 2c3 ha$e one 'a$atory con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.11., 2d3 ha$e one water c'oset con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3. .3.9. and 'ocated, 2#3 so that #ts centre'#ne #s not 'ess than 460 mm and not more than 4 0 mm (rom an ad0acent s#de wa'' on one s#de, and 2##3 not 'ess than 1 020 mm to the wa'' on the other s#de, 2e3 ha$e gra, ,ars con(orm#ng to )'ause 3. .3. .2132d3, 2(3 ha$e no #nterna' d#mens#on ,etween wa''s that #s 'ess than 1 .00 mm, 2g3 ha$e a coat hoo7 con(orm#ng to )'ause 3. .3. .2132e3 and a she'( 'ocated not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the ('oor, 21.

2h3 ,e des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to ,ac7 #n a'ongs#de the water c'oset #n the s&ace re(erred to #n /u,c'ause 2d32##3, 2#3 ,e des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to turn #n an o&en s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n d#ameter, and 203 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #( the door #s e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. 829 Reser$ed
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,12, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9


ni1ers$l 6$s0rooms

819 % un#$ersa' washroom sha'', 2a3 ,e ser$ed ,y a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', 2,3 ha$e a door that #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de and re'eased (rom the outs#de #n case o( emergency and that has, 2#3 a gras&a,'e 'atch-o&erat#ng mechan#sm 'ocated not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2##3 #( #t #s an outward sw#ng#ng door, a door &u'' not 'ess than 140 mm 'ong 'ocated on the #ns#de so that #ts m#d&o#nt #s not 'ess than 200 mm and not more than 300 mm (rom the 'atch s#de o( the door and not 'ess than 900 mm and not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2###3 #( #t #s an outward sw#ng#ng door, a door c'oser, s&r#ng h#nges or gra$#ty h#nges, so that the door c'oses automat#ca''y, 2c3 ha$e one 'a$atory con(orm#ng to /entences 3. .3.11.213, 233 and 243, 2d3 ha$e one water c'oset con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.9. that #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 3. .3. .2232a3 or 2,3, 2e3 ha$e gra, ,ars con(orm#ng to, 2#3 /entence 3. .3. .233, #( the water c'oset #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 3. .3. .2232a3, or 2##3 /entence 3. .3. .243, #( the water c'oset #s 'ocated #n accordance w#th )'ause 3. .3. .2232,3, 2(3 ha$e no #nterna' d#mens#on ,etween wa''s that #s 'ess than 1 .00 mm, 2g3 ha$e a coat hoo7 con(orm#ng to )'ause 3. .3. .2132e3 and a she'( 'ocated not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2h3 ,e des#gned to &erm#t a whee'cha#r to turn #n an o&en s&ace not 'ess than 1 .00 mm #n d#ameter, 2#3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a door e:u#&&ed w#th a &ower door o&erator #( the door #s e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce, 203 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a m#rror, 2#3 #nsta''ed a,o$e a 'a$atory descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132c3, and 2##3 mounted w#th #ts ,ottom edge not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor or #nc'#ned to the $ert#ca' to ,e usa,'e ,y a &erson #n a whee'cha#r, and 273 ha$e '#ght#ng contro''ed ,y a mot#on sensor con(orm#ng to /entence 829 % un#$ersa' washroom sha'' ha$e, 2a3 an emergency ca'' system that cons#sts o( aud#,'e and $#sua' s#gna' de$#ces #ns#de and outs#de o( the washroom that are act#$ated ,y a contro' de$#ce #ns#de the washroom, and 2,3 an emergency s#gn that conta#ns the words IN TEE E'ENT O+ AN E)ERGENCD % (E E)ERGENCD B TTON AN# A #IBLE AN# 'I( AL (IGNAL 6ILL ACTI'ATE #n 'etters at 'east 21 mm h#gh w#th a 1 mm stro7e and that #s &osted a,o$e the emergency ,utton. 8!9 % c'ear s&ace not 'ess than 10 mm w#de and 1 30 mm 'ong sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each un#$ersa' washroom (or an adu't-s#Ce change ta,'e. 859 8here the c'ear s&ace &ro$#ded (or an adu't-s#Ce change ta,'e #s ad0acent to a wa'', re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the wa'' to &erm#t the (uture #nsta''at#on o( the change ta,'e. 879 8here an adu't-s#Ce change ta,'e #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'', 2a3 when (u''y 'oaded, ha$e a sur(ace he#ght a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor that can ,e ad0usted (rom ,etween 410 mm and 100 mm at the 'ow range to ,etween 10 mm and 900 mm at the h#gh range, 2,3 ,e des#gned to carry a m#n#mum 'oad o( 1.33 7B, 21

2c3 ha$e a c'ear ('oor s&ace &ara''e' to the 'ong s#de o( the ta,'e not 'ess than .60 mm w#de and 1 100 mm 'ong, and 2d3 #n the case o( a (o'd-down ta,'e, 2#3 ,e #nsta''ed so that #t does not encroach #nto a c'ear trans(er s&ace descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3. .2232a3 or 2,3, and 2##3 ha$e no o&erat#ng mechan#sms h#gher than 1 200 mm. 8<9 % un#$ersa' washroom need not con(orm to /entences 233 and 243 #(, 2a3 #t #s 'ocated #n an #nd#$#dua' suite that, 2#3 #s used (or an assembly occupancy, a business and personal services occupancy , a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy, and 2##3 #s 'ess than 300 m2 #n building area, or 2,3 another un#$ersa' washroom con(orm#ng to th#s %rt#c'e #s &ro$#ded on the same ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n 41 m. !,=,!,1!, (0o2ers $nd B$t0tubs 819 65ce&t w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy, #( showers are &ro$#ded #n a building, at 'east one shower sta'' #n each grou& o( showers sha'' ,e barrier-free and sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de and 900 mm dee&, 2,3 ha$e a c'ear ('oor s&ace at the entrance to the shower not 'ess than 900 mm dee& and the same w#dth as the shower, e5ce&t that (#5tures are &erm#tted to &ro0ect #nto that s&ace &ro$#ded they do not restr#ct access to the shower, 2c3 ha$e a s'#&-res#stant ('oor sur(ace, 2d3 ha$e a ,e$e''ed thresho'd not more than 13 mm h#gher than the (#n#shed ('oor, 2e3 ha$e a h#nged seat that #s not s&r#ng-'oaded or a (#5ed seat that sha'' ,e, 2#3 not 'ess than 410 mm w#de and 400 mm dee&, 2##3 mounted a&&ro5#mate'y 410 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2###3 des#gned to carry a m#n#mum 'oad o( 1.3 7B, 2(3 ha$e a hor#Conta' gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /u,c'auses 3. .3. .2132d32#$3 to 2$#3 that #s, 2#3 not 'ess than 900 mm 'ong, 2##3 mounted a&&ro5#mate'y 10 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2###3 'ocated on the wa'' o&&os#te the entrance to the shower so that not 'ess than 300 mm o( #ts 'ength #s at one s#de o( the seat, 2g3 ha$e a &ressure-e:ua'#C#ng or thermostat#c m#5#ng $a'$e contro''ed ,y a 'e$er or other de$#ce o&era,'e w#th a c'osed (#st (rom the seated &os#t#on, 2h3 ha$e a hand-he'd shower head w#th not 'ess than 1 100 mm o( ('e5#,'e hose 'ocated so that #t can ,e reached (rom the seated &os#t#on and e:u#&&ed w#th a su&&ort so that #t can o&erate as a (#5ed shower head, and 2#3 ha$e (u''y recessed soa& ho'ders that can ,e reached (rom the seated &os#t#on. 829 +nd#$#dua' shower sta''s that are &ro$#ded (or use ,y &at#ents or res#dents #n buildings o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213. 8!9 +nd#$#dua' ,athtu,s that are &ro$#ded (or the use o( &at#ents or res#dents #n buildings o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' ha$e, 2a3 (aucet hand'es o( the 'e$er ty&e that are not s&r#ng-'oaded or ,e automat#ca''y o&era,'e, 2,3 (aucet hand'es that are 'ocated so as to ,e usa,'e ,y a &erson seated #n the ,athtu,, and 2c3 un'ess the ,athtu, #s (ree-stand#ng, an >L?-sha&ed gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /u,c'auses 3. .3. .2132d32#$3 to 2$#3 mounted on the wa'', 2#3 w#th each 'eg o( the >L? ,e#ng at 'east 900 mm 'ong, 2##3 w#th the 'egs o( the >L? ,e#ng se&arated ,y 90E, 2###3 w#th the hor#Conta' 'eg o( the >L? ,e#ng 'ocated ,etween 110 mm and 200 mm a,o$e and &ara''e' to the r#m o( the ,athtu,, and 2#$3 w#th the $ert#ca' 'eg o( the >L? ,e#ng 'ocated ,etween 300 mm and 410 mm (rom the contro' end o( the ,athtu,. 219

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,1!, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2!, 5!9

!,=,!,1!, (0o2ers $nd B$t0tubs 819 65ce&t w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy, #( showers are &ro$#ded #n a building, the num,er o( barrier-free showers sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 3. .3.13. T$ble !,=,!,1!, )inimum Number o/ B$rrier:+ree (0o2ers Form#ng -art o( /entence 3. .3.13.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( /howers &ro$#ded #n a 4rou& 1. 2. 3. 1 2 to . O$er . )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Bum,er o( /howers Re:u#red to *e $arrier-7ree 0 1 1, &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' #ncrement o( . showers #n a grou&

829 % barrier-free shower re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de and 900 mm dee&, 2,3 ha$e a c'ear ('oor s&ace at the entrance to the shower not 'ess than 900 mm dee& and the same w#dth as the shower, e5ce&t that (#5tures are &erm#tted to &ro0ect #nto that s&ace &ro$#ded they do not restr#ct access to the shower, 2c3 ha$e a s'#&-res#stant ('oor sur(ace, 2d3 ha$e a thresho'd that #s 'e$e' w#th the ad0acent (#n#shed ('oor or a ,e$e''ed thresho'd not more than 13 mm h#gher than the ad0acent (#n#shed ('oor, 2e3 ha$e a h#nged seat that #s not s&r#ng-'oaded or a (#5ed seat that sha'' ,e, 2#3 not 'ess than 410 mm w#de and 400 mm dee&, 2##3 mounted not 'ess than 430 mm and not more than 4 1 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2###3 des#gned to carry a m#n#mum 'oad o( 1.3 7B, and 2#$3 'ocated so that the edge o( the seat #s w#th#n 100 mm o( the shower contro's, 2(3 ha$e a wa'' mounted cont#nuous L-sha&ed gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3. .2.3 and 'ocated ,etween the shower head and the contro's, w#th the hor#Conta' com&onent o( the gra, ,ar mounted not more than 10 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2g3 ha$e a &ressure-e:ua'#C#ng or thermostat#c m#5#ng $a'$e contro''ed ,y a 'e$er or other de$#ce o&era,'e us#ng a c'osed (#st (rom the seated &os#t#on, 2h3 ha$e a hand-he'd shower head w#th not 'ess than 1 100 mm o( ('e5#,'e hose 'ocated so that #t can ,e reached (rom the seated &os#t#on and e:u#&&ed w#th a su&&ort so that #t can o&erate as a (#5ed shower head, and 2#3 ha$e (u''y recessed soa& ho'ders that can ,e reached (rom the seated &os#t#on. 8!9 +nd#$#dua' showers that are &ro$#ded (or use ,y &at#ents or res#dents #n buildings o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' con(orm to /entence 223. 859 +nd#$#dua' ,athtu,s that are &ro$#ded (or the use o( &at#ents or res#dents #n buildings o( 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancy sha'' ha$e, 2a3 (aucets that ha$e 'e$er ty&e hand'es w#thout s&r#ng 'oad#ng or that o&erate automat#ca''y, 2,3 (aucet hand'es that are 'ocated so as to ,e usa,'e ,y a &erson seated #n the ,athtu,, 2c3 un'ess the ,athtu, #s (ree-stand#ng, a cont#nuous L-sha&ed gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3. .2.3 w#th 900 mm 'ong hor#Conta' and $ert#ca' com&onents mounted w#th, 2#3 the hor#Conta' com&onent 'ocated not 'ess than 110 mm and not more than 200 mm a,o$e and &ara''e' to the r#m o( the ,athtu,, and 2##3 the $ert#ca' com&onent 'ocated not 'ess than 300 mm and not more than 410 mm (rom the contro' end o( the ,athtu,, and 220

2d3 un'ess the ,athtu, #s (ree-stand#ng, a gra, ,ar con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3. .2.3 that #s 'ocated at each end o( the ,athtu, and #s, 2#3 at 'east .60 mm 'ong, 2##3 mounted $ert#ca''y (rom a &o#nt 200 mm a,o$e the r#m o( the ,athtu,, and 2###3 mounted w#th#n 110 mm (rom the edge o( the ,athtu,, measured hor#Conta''y. 879 8here a barrier-free ,athtu, #s &ro$#ded, a c'ear ('oor s&ace at 'east 900 mm w#de and 1 440 mm 'ong sha'' ,e &ro$#ded a'ong the (u'' 'ength o( the ,athtu,. !,=,!,15, Reser1ed !,=,!,17, (0el1es or Counters /or Tele.0ones 819 8here ,u#'t-#n she'$es or counters are &ro$#ded (or &u,'#c te'e&hones, they sha'' ,e 'e$e' and sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 310 mm dee&, and 2,3 ha$e, (or each te'e&hone &ro$#ded, a c'ear s&ace not 'ess than 210 mm w#de ha$#ng no o,struct#on w#th#n 210 mm a,o$e the sur(ace. 829 ;he to& sur(ace o( a sect#on o( the she'( or counter descr#,ed #n /entence 213 ser$#ng at 'east one te'e&hone sha'', 2a3 ,e not more than 61 mm (rom the ('oor, and 2,3 ha$e a 7nee s&ace not 'ess than 6 1 mm h#gh. 8!9 8here a wa''-hung te'e&hone #s &ro$#ded a,o$e the she'( or counter sect#on descr#,ed #n /entence 223, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the rece#$er and co#n s'ot are not more than 1 200 mm (rom the ('oor.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,17, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 25, 5!9

!,=,!,17, (0el1es or Counters /or Tele.0ones 819 8here more than one te'e&hone #s &ro$#ded (or &u,'#c use, a ,u#'t-#n she'( or counter sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or at 'east one te'e&hone. 829 % she'( or counter descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e 'e$e', 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 100 mm w#de and 310 mm dee&, and 2c3 ha$e, (or each te'e&hone &ro$#ded, a c'ear s&ace that, 2#3 #s not 'ess than 10 mm w#de and 1 3.0 mm dee&, centred on the te'e&hone, and 2##3 has no o,struct#on w#th#n 210 mm a,o$e the sur(ace. 8!9 ;he to& sur(ace o( a sect#on o( the she'( or counter descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated not 'ess than ..1 mm and not more than .1 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2,3 ha$e a 7nee s&ace not 'ess than .40 mm h#gh. 859 8here a wa''-hung te'e&hone #s &ro$#ded a,o$e the she'( or counter sect#on descr#,ed #n /entence 233, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the rece#$er and co#n or card s'ot are not more than 1 200 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor. 879 8here more than one te'e&hone #s &ro$#ded (or &u,'#c use #n a norma''y occu&#ed floor area that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', a ,u#'t-#n she'( or counter that con(orms to /entences 223, 233 and 243 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or at 'east one te'e&hone. !,=,!,1<, #rinAing +ount$ins 819 8here dr#n7#ng (ounta#ns are &ro$#ded, at 'east one sha'' ,e barrier-free and sha'', 2a3 ha$e a s&out 'ocated near the (ront o( the un#t not more than 911 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th contro's that are eas#'y o&erated (rom a whee'cha#r us#ng one hand w#th a (orce o( not more than 22 B or ,e automat#ca''y o&era,'e.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,=,!,1<, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 25, 5!9

!,=,!,1<, #rinAing +ount$ins 819 8here more than one dr#n7#ng (ounta#n #s &ro$#ded, at 'east one sha'' ,e a barrier-free (ounta#n that con(orms to /entences 223 and 233. 829 % barrier-free dr#n7#ng (ounta#n sha'', 221

2a3 ha$e a s&out 'ocated near the (ront o( the un#t not more than 911 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th contro's that are eas#'y o&erated (rom a whee'cha#r us#ng one hand w#th a (orce o( not more than 22 B or o&erates automat#ca''y, 2c3 &ro0ect the water at 'east 100 mm h#gh, 2d3 &ro$#de the water stream at a $ert#ca' ang'e o( u& to, 2#3 30o, where the s&out #s 'ocated 'ess than .1 mm (rom the (ront o( the (ounta#n, or 2##3 11o, where the s&out #s 'ocated not 'ess than .1 mm and not more than 121 mm (rom the (ront o( the (ounta#n, 2e3 ,e detecta,'e ,y a cane at a 'e$e' at or ,e'ow 6 0 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor, and 2(3 where the dr#n7#ng (ounta#n #s cant#'e$ered, meet the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements: 2#3 ,e mounted not more than 911 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2##3 &ro$#de a c'earance he#ght under the (ounta#n o( not 'ess than .31 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor, 2###3 ha$e a c'ear de&th under the (ounta#n o( not 'ess than 100 mm, 2#$3 ha$e a c'ear w#dth under the (ounta#n o( not 'ess than .60 mm, 2$3 ha$e a toe c'earance he#ght under the (ounta#n o( at 'east 310 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor (rom a &o#nt 300 mm ,ac7 (rom the (ront edge to the wa'', and 2$#3 ha$e a de&th at the ,ase o( the (ounta#n o( at 'east .00 mm. 8!9 % barrier-free dr#n7#ng (ounta#n re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a c'ear ('oor s&ace #n (ront o(, or ad0acent to, the (ounta#n that #s a m#n#mum o( 10 mm dee& and 1 3.0 mm w#de. 859 8here more than one dr#n7#ng (ounta#n #s &ro$#ded #n a norma''y occu&#ed floor area that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', at 'east one sha'' ,e a barrier-free (ounta#n that con(orms to /entences 223 and 233. !,=,!,1;, %l$t/orms 819 % tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.1 . sha'' ,e #nsta''ed a'ong any edge o( a &'at(orm that #s, 2a3 not &rotected ,y a guard, and 2,3 h#gher than 210 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor or ground or s'o&ed stee&er than 1 #n 3. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to the (ront edges o( stages. !,=,!,1=, T$ctile Attention Indic$tors 819 8here a tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator #s re:u#red, #t sha'' con(orm to )'auses 4.1.1. and 4.1.2. o( +/O 23199, >%ss#st#$e -roducts (or *'#nd and H#s#on-+m&a#red -ersons N ;act#'e 8a'7#ng /ur(ace +nd#cators?. (ection !,9, %ort$ble Cl$ssrooms !,9,1, (co.e !,9,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on, the re:u#rements #n th#s "#$#s#on a&&'y to &orta,'e c'assrooms. !,9,1,2, Ee$ting (3stems 819 =eat#ng systems and e:u#&ment #n a &orta,'e c'assroom sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th /ect#on 6.2. !,9,2, Interior +inis0 !,9,2,1, +l$me:(.re$d R$tings 819 +nter#or (#n#sh mater#a' used on a wa'' or ce#'#ng o( a &orta,'e c'assroom sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating o( 110 or 'ess. !,9,!, A..lic$tion !,9,!,1, Building Are$s 819 % s#ng'e &orta,'e c'assroom sha'' ,e not more than 100 m 2 #n building area, and not more than 1 storey #n building height.


829 For the &ur&oses o( /u,sect#on 3.2.2., where the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 'ess than 6 m, a grou& o( &orta,'e c'assrooms may ,e cons#dered as a s#ng'e building w#th a building area e:ua' to the aggregate area o( the &orta,'e c'assrooms. !,9,!,2, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tions 819 ;he re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.3. need not ,e &ro$#ded ,etween #nd#$#dua' &orta,'e c'assrooms where the d#stance ,etween the c'assrooms #s 6 m or more. 829 ;he re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.3. need not ,e &ro$#ded ,etween #nd#$#dua' &orta,'e c'assrooms w#th#n a grou& where, 2a3 the &orta,'e c'assrooms are #n grou&s where, 2#3 the d#stance ,etween the c'assrooms #s 'ess than 6 m, 2##3 the num,er o( c'assrooms #n a grou& #s not more than s#5, and 2###3 the d#stance ,etween grou&s o( c'assrooms #s 12 m or more, or 2,3 the &orta,'e c'assrooms are #n grou&s where, 2#3 the means of egress (or each c'assroom w#th#n a grou& #s ,y a common corr#dor or &assageway, 2##3 the num,er o( &orta,'e c'assrooms #n a grou& #s not more than s#5, and 2###3 the d#stance ,etween grou&s o( &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 12 m or more. !,9,!,!, +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the (#re a'arm system #n the ma#n schoo' building sha'' ,e e5tended to the &orta,'e c'assrooms w#th a se&arate Cone #nd#cator on the annunc#ator. 829 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded where there are not more than 12 &orta,'es on a s#te and where, 2a3 Reser$ed 2,3 the d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 'ess than 6 m and the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. are a&&'#ed ,etween the c'assrooms, or 2c3 the &orta,'e c'assrooms are #n grou&s where, 2#3 the d#stance ,etween the c'assrooms #s 'ess than 6 m, 2##3 the num,er o( c'assrooms #n a grou& does not e5ceed s#5, 2###3 w#th#n a grou& o( c'assrooms, the (ac#ng wa''s ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( 41 m#n, rated (rom #ns#de the c'assroom, and 2#$3 the d#stance ,etween grou&s o( c'assrooms #s 12 m or more. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded where the d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 6 m or more. !,9,!,5, %ro1isions /or +ire/ig0ting 819 ;he re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es and to 3.2.1... need not ,e &ro$#ded where there are not more than 12 &orta,'e c'assrooms on a s#te and where, 2a3 the d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 6 m or more, 2,3 the d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 'ess than 6 m and the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. are a&&'#ed ,etween the c'assrooms, or 2c3 the &orta,'e c'assrooms are #n grou&s con(orm#ng w#th e#ther )'ause or 2,3. !,9,!,7, %ort$ble +ire E?tinguis0ers 819 % (#re e5t#ngu#sher, #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each &orta,'e c'assroom. !,9,!,<, )e$ns o/ Egress 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 3.9.3...213, a &orta,'e c'assroom sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th means of egress con(orm#ng to /ect#ons 3.3. and 3.4. !,9,!,;, +uel:+ired$nces 819 8here there #s on'y one egress door (rom a &orta,'e c'assroom, a (ue'-(#red appliance sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the c'assroom ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n. 223

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, #( a &orta,'e c'assroom conta#ns a (ue'-(#red appliance, the appliance sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the c'assroom ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 1.1 h where the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 1.1 m or 'ess, and 2,3 41 m#n where the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s more than 1.1 m. 8!9 +( the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween &orta,'e c'assrooms #s 6 m or more, a (ue'-(#red appliance need not ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the c'assroom ,y a fire separation &ro$#ded, 2a3 there #s not more than one appliance &er &orta,'e c'assroom, and 2,3 the appliance #s 'ocated not 'ess than 4.1 m (rom an egress doorway or an e"it (rom the &orta,'e c'assroom. 859 Fue'-(#red appliances w#th sea'ed com,ust#on 'ocated #n a &orta,'e c'assroom are not re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the c'assroom, 2a3 #( there are not more than (our &orta,'e c'assrooms #n a grou&, and 2,3 #( the appliance #s 'ocated not 'ess than 4.1 m (rom an egress doorway or an e"it (rom the &orta,'e c'assroom. !,9,!,=, 6$s0room +$cilities 819 8ashroom (ac#'#t#es need not ,e &ro$#ded #n a &orta,'e c'assroom where the (ac#'#t#es #n the ma#n schoo' building com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3...4. (or the tota' occupant load o( the ma#n schoo' building and the &orta,'e c'assrooms. !,9,!,9, B$rrier:+ree Access 819 ;he re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3. . (or barrier-free access need not ,e &ro$#ded (or a &orta,'e c'assroom &ro$#ded that the ma#n schoo' building com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3. . (ection !,1>, (el/:(er1ice (tor$ge Buildings !,1>,1, (co.e !,1>,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on, the re:u#rements #n th#s "#$#s#on a&&'y to self-service storage buildings. !,1>,2, Re4uirements /or All Buildings !,1>,2,1, Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tion 819 % self-service storage building, 2a3 sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements (or a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy, and 2,3 sha'' not conta#n a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy. !,1>,2,2, Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 ;he re:u#rements ,ased on occupant load sha'' not a&&'y. !,1>,2,!, (tructur$l +ire %rotection 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and /entence, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#ons 3.2.1. and 3.2.2. sha'' a&&'y. 829 ;he first storey sha'' ,e su,d#$#ded #nto areas not more than 100 m 2 ,y a masonry or re#n(orced concrete fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or #t sha'' ,e sprin#lered. !,1>,2,5, ($/et3 Re4uirements 6it0in +loor Are$s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 2123, the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.3. sha'' a&&'y. 829 % corr#dor need not ,e constructed as a public corridor where the tra$e' d#stance, measured (rom #ns#de the renta' s&ace to the nearest e"it, #s not more than 11 m &ro$#ded that the corr#dor wa''s, 2a3 are o( noncombustible construction, 2,3 ha$e no o&en#ngs other than doors and the doors are o( so'#d construct#on, and 2c3 are cont#nuous (rom the ('oor to the unders#de o( the ('oor a,o$e, the ce#'#ng or the roo(. 8!9 8here the building #s sprin#lered, doors #n a public corridor do not re:u#re to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces and 'atches &ro$#ded that the tra$e' d#stance #s measured (rom #ns#de the renta' s&ace to the nearest e"it. 859 6gress doors (rom a renta' s&ace are not re:u#red to sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' or sw#ng on a $ert#ca' a5#s &ro$#ded, 224

2a3 the area o( the renta' s&ace #s not more than 10 m2, and 2,3 the d#stance o( tra$e' w#th#n the renta' s&ace #s not more than 10 m. 879 8here egress doors (rom a renta' s&ace o&en onto a corr#dor and sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e', the corr#dor sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de, and the doors sha'' ,e not more than 914 mm w#de. 8<9 8here egress doors (rom a renta' s&ace o&en onto a corr#dor and do not sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e', the corr#dor sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth. 8;9 "ead end corr#dors are not &erm#tted. 8=9 )orr#dors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 natura' '#ght#ng that sha'' ,e un#(orm'y d#str#,uted and ,e at 'east 4F o( the corr#dor area, or 2,3 emergency '#ght#ng, con(orm#ng to /entences 3.2...4.213 and 223, that sha'' &ro$#de a$erage 'e$e's o( #''um#nat#on not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor 'e$e'. 899 Bot more than two dwelling units sha'' ,e conta#ned w#th#n one o( the buildings on the &ro&erty. 81>9 +welling units sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. 8119 % fire separation #s not re:u#red ,etween a dwelling unit and an o((#ce where the o((#ce #s not more than 10 m 2 #n area. 8129 ;he fire separations re:u#red #n /entence need not ,e &ro$#ded ,etween #nd#$#dua' renta' s&aces. !,1>,2,7, E?it Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.4. sha'' a&&'y. 829 ;he c'ear w#dth o( an e"it sta#r sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm. 8!9 6"it doors (rom renta' s&aces are not re:u#red to sw#ng on a $ert#ca' a5#s &ro$#ded, 2a3 the area o( the renta' s&ace #s not more than 10 m2, and 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance w#th#n the renta' s&ace #s not more than 10 m. !,1>,2,<, (er1ice +$cilities 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.6. sha'' a&&'y. 829 65ce&t where 'ocated #n and ser$#ng on'y the dwelling units, a (ue'-(#red appliance sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. !,1>,2,;, ($nit$r3 +$cilities 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3...4. sha'' a&&'y. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 3...4.1.223 and 233, two washrooms, each conta#n#ng a water c'oset and a 'a$atory, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th#n one o( the buildings on the &ro&erty. !,1>,!, Addition$l Re4uirements /or Buildings Cont$ining more t0$n 1 (tore3 !,1>,!,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to a'' buildings e5ce&t a 1 storey building that does not conta#n a basement or mezzanine. !,1>,!,2, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.3. sha'' a&&'y. 829 ;he d#stance ,etween buildings sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9 m. !,1>,!,!, +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4. sha'' a&&'y. 829 % (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed. 8!9 8#th#n the first storey, manua' &u'' stat#ons are re:u#red on'y #n corr#dors. !,1>,!,5, %ro1isions /or +ire/ig0ting 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.1. sha'' a&&'y. 829 %ccess routes (or (#re de&artment $eh#c'es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded and sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9 m w#de. 221

8!9 =ydrants sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the access routes re:u#red #n /entence 223 so that, 2a3 (or a building &ro$#ded w#th a (#re de&artment connect#on (or a stand&#&e system or a s&r#n7'er system, 2#3 a (#re de&artment &um&er $eh#c'e can ,e 'ocated ad0acent to a hydrant, and 2##3 the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or the (#re(#ghter (rom the $eh#c'e to the (#re de&artment connect#on #s not more than 41 m, and 2,3 (or a building that #s not sprin#lered, a (#re de&artment &um&er $eh#c'e can ,e 'ocated #n the access route so that the uno,structed &ath o( tra$e' (or the (#re(#ghter #s not more than, 2#3 41 m (rom the hydrant to the $eh#c'e, and 2##3 41 m (rom the $eh#c'e to e$ery o&en#ng #n the building. !,1>,!,7, (t$nd.i.e (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.9. sha'' a&&'y. 829 =ose stat#ons are not re:u#red #n the first storey. !,1>,5, Addition$l Re4uirements /or 1 (tore3 Buildings !,1>,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to 1 storey buildings that do not conta#n a basement or mezzanine. !,1>,5,2, Building Are$ 819 For the &ur&oses o( /u,sect#on 3.2.2., building area means, 2a3 the building area o( each building, 2,3 the tota' o( the building areas o( a'' buildings as a grou&, or 2c3 the tota' o( the building areas o( any num,er or grou& o( buildings. !,1>,5,!, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.3. sha'' a&&'y. 829 8here the building area con(orms to )'ause,3, the limiting distance re:u#rements sha'' not a&&'y ,etween #nd#$#dua' buildings. 8!9 8here the building area con(orms to )'ause, 2a3 the limiting distance re:u#rements sha'' a&&'y ,etween each grou& o( buildings, ,ut not ,etween #nd#$#dua' buildings w#th#n a grou&, and 2,3 the d#stance ,etween each grou& o( buildings sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9 m. 859 ;he d#stance ,etween #nd#$#dua' buildings w#th#n a grou& sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6 m. !,1>,5,5, +ire Al$rm (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4. sha'' not a&&'y. 829 ;he re:u#rements (or smo#e alarms #n %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y to a dwelling unit. !,1>,5,7, %ro1isions /or +ire/ig0ting 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 2.3, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.2.1. sha'' not a&&'y. 829 %ccess routes (or (#re de&artment $eh#c'es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded and sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9 m w#de. 8!9 =ydrants sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the access routes re:u#red #n /entence 223 so that the 'ocat#ons con(orm to /entence 859 ;he access routes re:u#red #n /entence 223 sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /entence 879 %n ade:uate water su&&'y (or (#re(#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery building. 8<9 8here a s&r#n7'er system #s #nsta''ed, the system sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es, and . 8;9 8here combustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e (ection !,11, %ublic %ools !,11,1, Gener$l 226

!,11,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to e$ery public pool. 829 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the des#gn and construct#on o( s#te assem,'ed and manu(actured &oo's that are #ntended (or use as public pools. 8!9 8here mater#a' a'terat#ons to a public pool or the e:u#&ment #nsta''ed #n a public pool a((ect the ,ottom s'o&e, the water $o'ume or the ca&ac#ty o( the recirculation system, the ad$erse'y a((ected &ort#ons sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s "#$#s#on. 859 8here mater#a' a'terat#ons or re&a#rs concern any &oo' (#tt#ng &ass#ng water and!or a#r #n or out o( the &oo' tan7, the a((ected (#tt#ng sha'' com&'y w#th /entences 3.11. .1.2143 to 2203. !,11,2, #esign$tions o/ %ublic %ools !,11,2,1, %ool #esign$tions 819 6$ery public pool sha'' ,e des#gnated as ,e#ng e#ther a )'ass % &oo' or a )'ass * &oo' #n accordance w#th /entence 223 or 233. 829 % )'ass % &oo' #s a public pool to wh#ch the genera' &u,'#c #s adm#tted or that #s, 2a3 o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th or as a &art o( a &rogram o( an educat#ona', #nstruct#ona', &hys#ca' (#tness or ath'et#c #nst#tut#on or assoc#at#on, su&&orted #n who'e or #n &art ,y &u,'#c (unds or &u,'#c su,scr#&t#on, or 2,3 o&erated on the &rem#ses o( a recreational camp, (or use ,y cam&ers and the#r $#s#tors and cam& &ersonne'. 8!9 % )'ass * &oo' #s a public pool that #s, 2a3 o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th s#5 or more dwelling units, suites, s#ng'e (am#'y res#dences, or any com,#nat#on o( them (or the use o( occu&ants or res#dents and the#r $#s#tors, 2,3 o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th a mo,#'e home &ar7 (or the use o( res#dents or occu&ants and the#r $#s#tors, 2c3 o&erated on the &rem#ses o( a hotel (or the use o( #ts guests and the#r $#s#tors, 2d3 o&erated on the &rem#ses o( a campground (or the use o( #ts tenants and the#r $#s#tors, 2e3 o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th a c'u, (or the use o( #ts mem,ers and the#r $#s#tors, or 2(3 o&erated #n con0unct#on w#th an esta,'#shment or #nst#tut#on c'ass#(#ed #n ;a,'e as, 2#3 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1, major occupancy, or 2##3 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3, major occupancy, (or the use o( res#dents or occu&ants and the#r $#s#tors. !,11,!, %ool $nd %ool #ecA #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements /or All Cl$ss A $nd Cl$ss B %ools !,11,!,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red #n /u,sect#ons 3.11.4., 3.11.1., 3.11.6. and 3.11... or otherw#se e5em&ted #n /entences 223 and 233, )'ass % &oo's and )'ass * &oo's sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to com&'y w#th /entences 223 to 2263.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 striAing out B(entences 829 to 82<9C $t t0e end $nd substituting B(entences 829 to 82<9 $nd Articles !,11,!,2, $nd !,11,!,!,C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 819, 5!9

829 8here a )'ass * &oo' #s constructed (or use so'e'y #n con0unct#on w#th a c'u,, ch#'d care (ac#'#ty, day camp or esta,'#shment or #nst#tut#on (or the care o( &ersons who are #n(#rm, aged or #n custod#a' care, the &oo' sha'' ,e e5em&t (rom the re:u#rements o( )'ause 2932a3 and /entences 2133 and 2143. 8!9 8here a )'ass * &oo' #s constructed (or use so'e'y #n con0unct#on w#th an esta,'#shment or #nst#tut#on (or the treatment o( &ersons who are d#sa,'ed or #'', the &oo' sha'' ,e e5em&t (rom the re:u#rements o( /entences 263 and 2.3, )'ause 2932a3 and /entences 2133 and 2143.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is $mended b3 striAing out B.ersons 20o $re dis$bled or illC $nd substituting B.ersons 2it0 dis$bilities or .ersons 20o $re illC, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 829, 5!9

859 % public pool sha'' ,e constructed to ha$e a water de&th o( not 'ess than .10 mm e5ce&t (or, 2a3 a modified pool, 2,3 a wave action pool, 2c3 a &oo' (or thera&eut#c use, 2d3 a ,each entry ram&, and 2e3 a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence 22.

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8e9 is $mended b3 striAing out B(entence !,11,7,1,819C $t t0e end $nd substituting B(entence !,11,7,2,819C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 8!9, 5!9

879 ;he ,each entry ram& &erm#tted #n )'ause 2432d3 sha'' ,e &rotected w#th &ermanent ,arr#ers ,etween 900 mm to 1 200 mm a'ong the pool dec# to &re$ent entry #nto the &oo' unt#' the m#n#mum water &oo' de&th #s .10 mm. 8<9 65ce&t (or a modified pool, a wave action pool and a &oo' used e5c'us#$e'y (or scu,a d#$#ng, the s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( any &ort#on o( a public pool sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 F where the water de&th #s 1 310 mm or 'ess, 2,3 33F where the water de&th #s more than 1 310 mm and 'ess than 2 000 mm, and 2c3 10F where the water de&th #s 2 000 mm or more. 8;9 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, where the s'o&e o( any &ort#on o( the ,ottom o( a public pool #s more than F, the wa''s o( the &oo' sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th recessed (#tt#ngs to wh#ch a sa(ety '#ne su&&orted ,y ,uoys can ,e attached across the sur(ace o( the water and the recessed (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at a hor#Conta' d#stance o( at 'east 300 mm measured (rom the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the to& o( the s'o&e #n the d#rect#on o( the sha''ow end o( the &oo'. 8=9 65ce&t (or a modified pool, wave action pool and a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence, the s#de and end wa''s o( a public pool sha'' ,e $ert#ca' (rom the to& o( the wa''s to w#th#n 110 mm o( the ,ottom e5ce&t at ste&s or recessed 'adders or #n water de&ths o( 1 310 mm or more.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8=9 is $mended b3 striAing out B(entence !,11,7,1,819C $nd substituting B(entence !,11,7,2,819C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 859, 5!9

899 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool and e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2113, a public pool sha'' ,e surrounded ,y a hard-sur(aced pool dec# that sha'', 2a3 e5ce&t (or a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence, ,e not 'ess than 1 00 mm w#de and &ro$#de at 'east 900 mm w#dth o( c'ear &assage, 2#3 ,eh#nd any diving board and #ts su&&ort#ng structure, and 2##3 ,etween any co'umn &#erc#ng the dec7 and the edge o( the &oo' or ,etween the co'umn and outer &er#meter o( the pool dec#,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8$9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 879, 5!9

2a3 e5ce&t (or a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence, ,e not 'ess than 1 00 mm w#de, 2,3 #n the case o( an outdoor pool, ,e s'o&ed away (rom the &oo' to waste dra#ns or to ad0acent 'ower ground at a s'o&e o( ,etween 2F and 4F, and 2c3 #n the case o( an indoor pool, ,e #m&er$#ous and s'o&ed away (rom the &oo' to waste dra#ns at a s'o&e o( ,etween 1F and 4F. 81>9 8here a public pool #s constructed w#th a 'edge, the 'edge sha'', 2a3 ,e &'aced on'y #n &arts o( the &oo' where the water de&th #s 1 310 mm or more, 2,3 ,e not more than 200 mm w#de, 2c3 ,e at 'east 1 000 mm ,e'ow the water sur(ace, 2d3 where 'ocated on the s#de o( the &oo', ,e gradua''y ta&ered towards the sha''ow end o( the &oo' #n such a manner as to &re$ent a harm(u' o,struct#on, and 2e3 ha$e a ,and o( contrast#ng co'our a'ong the ent#re 0uncture o( the s#de and to& o( the 'edge. 8119 Botw#thstand#ng /entences 2123 to 2163, where a public pool #s constructed on any 'e$e' sur(ace w#th wa''s r#s#ng a,o$e that sur(ace and has a constant water de&th not e5ceed#ng 1 100 mm and a water sur(ace area not e5ceed#ng 100 m 2, the pool dec# may ,e an e'e$ated &'at(orm surround#ng the &oo' #( #t has, 2a3 an uno,structed w#dth o( not 'ess than 900 mm, 2,3 a he#ght o( at 'east .1 mm a,o$e grade or &a$ement e'e$at#on, 2c3 6 mm w#de o&en#ngs (or dra#nage, and 2d3 a non-s'#& sur(ace that #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 7e&t c'ean and d#s#n(ected. 8129 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, where a pool dec# &ro0ects o$er the water sur(ace, the &ro0ect#on sha'' not e5ceed 10 mm. 81!9 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, the pool dec# sha'' ,e se&arated (rom any ad0acent s&ectator area or ga''ery and (rom any s&ectator access to such area or ga''ery ,y a gate or other ,arr#er. 22

8159 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, the &er#meter o( the pool dec# sha'' ,e c'ear'y de'#neated ,y &a#nted '#nes or other means where any area cont#guous to the pool dec# may ,e con(used w#th the dec7.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8159 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 8<9, 5!9

8159 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, the &er#meter o( the pool dec# sha'' ,e c'ear'y de'#neated ,y a tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.1 . and 'ocated where any area cont#guous to the pool dec# may ,e con(used w#th the dec7. 8179 -er#meter dra#nage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where necessary to &re$ent sur(ace run-o(( (rom dra#n#ng onto the pool dec#. 81<9 65ce&t (or a modified pool, one or more hose ,#,,s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed near the &er#meter o( the pool dec# #n 'ocat#ons con$en#ent (or ('ush#ng the pool dec#. 81;9 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, where access to the &oo' enc'osure #s o$er any sur(ace that #s not su,0ect to regu'ar c'ean#ng and san#t#C#ng, a (oot s&ray to wash (eet ,y means o( a s&ray runn#ng (ree'y to waste sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at each such access. 81=9 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, at 'east one 'adder or set o( ste&s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n ,oth the dee& and sha''ow areas o( a public pool (or entry #nto and egress (rom the &oo' water.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 81=9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 8;9, 5!9

81=9 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, at 'east, 2a3 one 'adder or set o( ste&s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n ,oth the dee& and sha''ow areas o( a public pool (or entry #nto and egress (rom the &oo' water, and 2,3 one barrier-free access sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or entry #nto and egress (rom the water o( a public pool as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 8199 ;he pool dec#, the su,merged &arts o( a public pool, the wa''s or &art#t#ons ad0acent to a pool dec# and the &a$ement or ('oor ad0acent to a pool dec# sha'' ha$e sur(aces that &erm#t thorough c'ean#ng. 82>9 65ce&t (or mar7#ngs (or sa(ety or com&et#t#on &ur&oses, su,merged sur(aces #n public pools sha'' ,e (#n#shed wh#te or '#ght #n co'our. 8219 65ce&t #n a modified pool, a ,'ac7 d#sc 110 mm #n d#ameter on a wh#te ,ac7ground sha'' ,e a((#5ed to the ,ottom o( a public pool w#th#n the area o( #ts greatest de&th. 8229 % public pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th 'oc7a,'e doors or other ,arr#ers ca&a,'e o( &re$ent#ng &u,'#c access to the pool dec#. 82!9 65ce&t (or a modified pool, wave action pool or a &oo' #nsta''ed at a recreational camp, a )'ass % &oo' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 where the water sur(ace area #s greater than 110 m2 ,ut not greater than 230 m2, at 'east one '#(eguard contro' stat#on, and 2,3 where the water sur(ace area #s greater than 230 m2, at 'east two '#(eguard contro' stat#ons. 8259 65ce&t (or a modified pool, e$ery public pool sha'' d#s&'ay on the dec7 c'ear'y mar7ed (#gures, not 'ess than 100 mm h#gh, that set out, 2a3 the water de&ths #nd#cat#ng the dee& &o#nts, the ,rea7s ,etween gent'e and stee& ,ottom s'o&es and the sha''ow &o#nts, 2,3 the words (EALLO6 AREA at one or more a&&ro&r#ate 'ocat#ons, and 2c3 where the water de&th e5ceeds 2 100 mm, the words #EE% AREA at one or more a&&ro&r#ate 'ocat#ons. 8279 65ce&t (or a modified pool and a &oo' to wh#ch /entence a&&'#es, e$ery public pool ha$#ng a ma5#mum water de&th o( 2 100 mm or 'ess sha'' d#s&'ay a warn#ng not#ce &osted #n a 'ocat#on c'ear'y $#s#,'e to d#$ers on wh#ch #s &r#nted #n 'etters at 'east 110 mm h#gh, the words CA TION K A'OI# #EE% #I'E( or (EALLO6 6ATER K NO #I'ING.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8279 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 27 8=9, 5!9

8279 65ce&t (or a modified pool and a &oo' to wh#ch /entence a&&'#es, e$ery public pool ha$#ng a ma5#mum water de&th o( 2 100 mm or 'ess sha'' d#s&'ay a warn#ng not#ce &osted #n a 'ocat#on c'ear'y $#s#,'e to d#$ers on wh#ch are &r#nted #n 'etters at 'east 110 mm h#gh the words CA TION K A'OI# #EE% #I'E( or (EALLO6 6ATER K NO #I'ING. 82<9 65ce&t where no s&ace #s &ro$#ded ,etween 'adder treads and the &oo' wa'', the s&ace ,etween the &oo' wa'' and su,merged &ort#ons o( any treads o( a 'adder (or entry #nto and egress (rom the water sha'' ,e not more than 110 mm and not 'ess than .1 mm.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,11,!, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Articles& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2<, 5!9


!,11,!,2, B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el /or Outdoor %ool #ecA 819 8here an outdoor pool #s &ro$#ded, a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to and throughout the norma''y occu&#ed &ort#ons o( the pool dec#. !,11,!,!, Access into %ublic %ools 819 %ccess (or entry #nto and egress (rom the water o( a public pool &ro$#ded #n a storey that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e barrier-free and sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y, 2a3 a ram& con(orm#ng to, 2#3 %rt#c'e, and 2##3 %rt#c'e, #n the case o( a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence, or 2,3 a &oo' '#(t con(orm#ng to the manu(acturerDs s&ec#(#cat#ons and #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons and con(orm#ng to /entences 223 to 263. 829 65ce&t where the ent#re &oo' de&th #s greater than 1 220 mm, where a &oo' '#(t #s #nsta''ed, at 'east one '#(t sha'' ,e 'ocated where the water 'e$e' does not e5ceed 1 220 mm. 8!9 ;he centre '#ne o( the seat (or the &oo' '#(t sha'' ,e 'ocated o$er the dec7 and a m#n#mum o( 400 mm (rom the edge o( the &oo' when #n the ra#sed &os#t#on. 859 % c'ear dec7 s&ace 'ocated &ara''e' w#th the seat (or the &oo' '#(t and on the s#de o( the seat o&&os#te the water sha'', 2a3 ,e at 'east 911 mm w#de, and 2,3 e5tend (orward not 'ess than 1 220 mm (rom a '#ne 'ocated 301 mm ,eh#nd the rear edge o( the seat. 879 ;he &oo' '#(t sha'' ,e, 2a3 des#gned to ,e o&era,'e w#thout ass#stance (rom ,oth the dec7 and water, and 2,3 des#gned so that, when #n use, #ts contro's and o&erat#ng mechan#sms are uno,structed. 8<9 ;he &oo' '#(t sha'', 2a3 ha$e a we#ght ca&ac#ty o( at 'east 131 7g, and 2,3 ,e ca&a,'e o( susta#n#ng a stat#c 'oad o( at 'east 1.1 t#mes the rated 'oad. !,11,5, %ublic %ools E4ui..ed 2it0 #i1ing Bo$rds or #i1ing %l$t/orms !,11,5,1, #i1ing Bo$rds or %l$t/orms 819 Bo diving board or diving platform sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a public pool un'ess the re:u#rements o( /entences 213 to 21.3 are met ,ut the re:u#rements (or a diving platform do not a&&'y to a starting platform. 829 Bo diving board or diving platform sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a modified pool or a wave action pool. 8!9 8here a public pool #s e:u#&&ed w#th a diving board or a diving platform, the ,oard or &'at(orm sha'' ha$e a non-s'#& sur(ace. 859 8here a diving board or a diving platform #n a public pool #s more than 600 mm a,o$e the water sur(ace, the ,oard or &'at(orm sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th one or more ad0acent handra#'s. 879 8here a public pool #s e:u#&&ed w#th a diving board or a diving platform not more than 3 m #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace, the &oo' sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed #n con(ormance w#th /entences 263 to 2113. 8<9 ;he de&th o( water #n the area d#rect'y ,e'ow a hor#Conta' sem#-c#rc'e #n (ront o( a diving board or diving platform ha$#ng a rad#us o( 3 m measured (rom any &o#nt on the (ront end o( the ,oard or &'at(orm sha'' not ,e 'ess than, 2a3 2 .10 mm, where a ,oard #s 600 mm or 'ess #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace, 2,3 3 m, where a ,oard or &'at(orm #s greater than 600 mm ,ut not more than 1 000 mm #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace, and 2c3 3.61 m, where a ,oard or &'at(orm #s greater than 1 000 mm ,ut not more than 3 m #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace. 8;9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2 3, the water de&th #n a public pool sha'' ,e at 'east 1 310 mm at the hor#Conta' arc ha$#ng a rad#us o( 9 m measured (rom any &o#nt on the (ront end o( the diving board or diving platform and #ntersect#ng the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#ons o( the wa''s o( the &oo'. 8=9 8here a )'ass * &oo' #s e:u#&&ed w#th a diving board 600 mm or 'ess #n he#ght a,o$e the water, 2a3 the water de&th sha'' ,e at 'east 1 310 mm at the hor#Conta' arc ha$#ng a rad#us o( ..1 m measured (rom any &o#nt on the (ront end o( the diving board, and 230

2,3 a warn#ng not#ce, on wh#ch #s &r#nted #n 'etters at 'east 110 mm h#gh, the words #ANGER K A'OI# #EE% OR LONG #I'E(, sha'' ,e &osted #n a 'ocat#on c'ear'y $#s#,'e to d#$ers. 899 ;he s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( a public pool ha$#ng a diving board or diving platform sha'' not change ,y more than 1.F where the water de&th #s 'ess than the a&&'#ca,'e de&th set out #n /entence 263 and greater than the de&th set out #n /entence 2.3 or 2 3, as a&&'#ca,'e. 81>9 ;he hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the centre '#ne o( a diving board or diving platform and the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the centre '#ne o( another ,oard or &'at(orm sha'' ,e at 'east 2 .10 mm. 8119 ;he hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween the centre '#ne o( a diving board or diving platform and the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the c'osest s#de or any 'edge on the c'osest s#de o( a public pool sha'' ,e at 'east, 2a3 3 m, where a diving board or diving platform #s 1 000 mm or 'ess #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace, and 2,3 3.6 m, where a diving board or diving platform #s greater than 1 000 mm #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace. 8129 % diving board or a diving platform 600 mm or 'ess #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace sha'' &ro0ect o$er the water a hor#Conta' d#stance o( at 'east 900 mm (rom the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( a &oo' wa'' under #t. 81!9 % diving board greater than 600 mm #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace sha'' &ro0ect o$er the water a hor#Conta' d#stance o( at 'east 1 100 mm (rom the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the &oo' wa'' under #t. 8159 % diving platform greater than 600 mm #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace sha'' &ro0ect a hor#Conta' d#stance o( at 'east 1 200 mm (rom the $ert#ca' &ro0ect#on o( the &oo' wa'' under #t. 8179 ;he s&ace a,o$e a diving board or diving platform sha'' ,e uno,structed and sha'' cons#st o( at 'east, 2a3 a s&ace ha$#ng a w#dth o( 2 100 mm on each s#de o( the centre '#ne o( the ,oard or &'at(orm, a 'ength e:ua' to the sum o( the hor#Conta' d#stance the ,oard or &'at(orm &ro0ects o$er the water &'us 3 m, and a he#ght o(, 2#3 3.61 m a,o$e a diving board 3.61 m or 'ess #n 'ength, 2##3 1 m a,o$e a diving board greater than 3.61 m #n 'ength, or 2###3 3 m a,o$e a diving platform, and 2,3 the s&ace ,e'ow the &'anes or#g#nat#ng (rom the (ront and s#des o( the u&&ermost hor#Conta' &'ane o( the s&ace determ#ned under )'ause 2a3 and s'o&#ng downwards at 30E (rom the hor#Conta'. 81<9 % diving board or diving platform greater #n he#ght than 3 m a,o$e the water sur(ace sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a gate, ,arr#er or other de$#ce ca&a,'e o( &re$ent#ng access to the diving board or diving platform. 81;9 8here a public pool #s to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th diving boards or diving platforms greater than 3 m #n he#ght a,o$e the water sur(ace, the des#gn o( the diving boards or diving platforms and the corres&ond#ng water de&ths and c'earances sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th F+B%, >Ru'es and Regu'at#ons - F+B% Fac#'#t#es Ru'es 2009-2013 - FR1 "#$#ng Fac#'#t#es?. !,11,7, R$m.s into %ublic %ools in Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or !, )$@or Occu.$ncies !,11,7,1, R$m.s into %ools 819 Botw#thstand#ng /entences and 2.3 and )'ause, where a public pool #s constructed #n a building conta#n#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3, major occupancy, and has a water de&th not e5ceed#ng 1 100 mm and a water sur(ace area not e5ceed#ng 100 m 2, the pool dec# cont#guous to not more than 10F o( the tota' &er#meter o( the &oo' may ,e re&'aced ,y one or more ram&s that w#'' &erm#t a ,ather seated #n a whee'cha#r to enter the water w#th or w#thout the whee'cha#r. 829 8here a public pool has one or more ram&s as descr#,ed #n /entence 213, the &oo' sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to com&'y w#th /entences 233 to 2 3. 8!9 % ram& re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a handra#' ha$#ng a he#ght ,etween 00 mm and 900 mm a'ong each s#de o( the ram& and runn#ng &ara''e' to the s'o&e o( the ram&, 2,3 a w#dth o( at 'east 1 100 mm, 2c3 a cur, or other means to &re$ent a whee'cha#r (rom (a''#ng o(( the s#de o( the ram&, 2d3 sur(ace (#n#shes ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 7e&t c'ean, san#tary and (ree (rom s'#&&er#ness, and 2e3 a 'and#ng at the ,ottom at 'east 1 100 mm #n 'ength and the same w#dth as the ram&. 859 Botw#thstand#ng /entence, a warn#ng not#ce, on wh#ch #s &r#nted #n 'etters at 'east 110 mm h#gh, the words CA TION K NO #I'ING, sha'' ,e &osted cons&#cuous'y on each wa'' or (ence '#ne enc'os#ng the &oo'. 879 ;here sha'' ,e a cur, a'ong the &er#meter o( the &oo' e5ce&t at ste&s, 'adders and ram& entrances. 231

8<9 ;he cur, sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a he#ght o( 10 mm, 2,3 rounded edges, 2c3 a co$ed ,ase, and 2d3 a ra#sed nos#ng at the to& to ser$e as a (#ngerho'd (or a ,ather #n the water. 8;9 8here a ram& that #s not su,merged #s ad0acent to the &oo' wa'' and #s used (or access to the water, the &oo' sha'' ,e constructed so that, 2a3 the 'and#ng at the ,ottom o( the ram& #s at 'east 410 mm ,ut not more than 110 mm ,e'ow the to& o( the wa'' se&arat#ng the ram& (rom the &oo', 2,3 the 'and#ng #s e:u#&&ed w#th a ('oor dra#n at #ts 'owest &o#nt, 2c3 the to& o( the wa'' ,etween the &oo' and the ram& #s at 'east 210 mm and not more than 300 mm #n w#dth, 2d3 the pool dec# #s ca&a,'e o( accommodat#ng a mo$a,'e ,arr#er se&arat#ng the dec7 (rom the ram&, 2e3 the water de&th at the 'and#ng sha'' ,e accurate'y and c'ear'y mar7ed at the 'and#ng #n (#gures at 'east 100 mm h#gh on the to& o( the wa'' se&arat#ng the &oo' (rom the ram&, and 2(3 the ram& sha'' ha$e a s'o&e not e5ceed#ng F. 8=9 8here a su,merged ram& #s ad0acent to the &oo' wa'' and #s used (or access to the water, the &oo' sha'' ,e constructed so that, 2a3 the water de&th at the ,ottom o( the ram& #s at 'east 600 mm and not greater than 900 mm, 2,3 a hard-sur(aced area that #s at 'east .10 mm w#de #s cont#guous to the ent#re 'ength o( the &art o( the su,merged ram& that &#erces any &art o( the dec7, 2c3 the area descr#,ed #n )'ause 2,3 #s ca&a,'e o( accommodat#ng a mo$a,'e ,arr#er that se&arates the area (rom the dec7, 2d3 the (#n#shes #n su,merged &ort#ons o( the ram&s and cur,s are d#((erent #n co'our or shade (rom each other and (rom that o( the &oo' wa''s and ,ottom, and 2e3 the su,merged ram& has a s'o&e not e5ceed#ng 11F.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,11,7, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2;, 5!9

!,11,7, R$m.s into %ublic %ools !,11,7,1, R$m.s into %ublic %ools 819 8here barrier-free access (or entry #nto and egress (rom the water o( a public pool #s &ro$#ded ,y a ram& as re:u#red ,y )'ause, the &oo' sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed #n accordance w#th /entences 223 to 243. 829 % ram& sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a'ong each s#de a handra#' that, 2#3 has a he#ght o( not 'ess than 61 mm and not more than 961 mm, and 2##3 runs &ara''e' to the s'o&e o( the ram&, 2,3 a w#dth o( at 'east 1 100 mm, 2c3 a cur, or other means to &re$ent a whee'cha#r (rom (a''#ng o(( the s#de o( the ram&, 2d3 sur(ace (#n#shes ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng 7e&t c'ean, san#tary and (ree (rom s'#&&er#ness, and 2e3 a 'and#ng at the ,ottom at 'east 1 100 mm #n 'ength and the same w#dth as the ram&. 8!9 8here a ram& that #s not su,merged #s ad0acent to the &oo' wa'' and #s used (or access to the water, the &oo' sha'' ,e constructed so that, 2a3 the 'and#ng at the ,ottom o( the ram& #s at 'east 410 mm ,ut not more than 110 mm ,e'ow the to& o( the wa'' se&arat#ng the ram& (rom the &oo', 2,3 the 'and#ng #s e:u#&&ed w#th a ('oor dra#n at #ts 'owest &o#nt, 2c3 the to& o( the wa'' ,etween the &oo' and the ram& #s at 'east 210 mm and not more than 300 mm #n w#dth, 2d3 the pool dec# #s ca&a,'e o( accommodat#ng a mo$a,'e ,arr#er se&arat#ng the dec7 (rom the ram&,


2e3 the water de&th at the 'and#ng #s accurate'y and c'ear'y mar7ed at the 'and#ng #n (#gures at 'east 100 mm h#gh on the to& o( the wa'' se&arat#ng the &oo' (rom the ram&, and 2(3 the ram& has a s'o&e not e5ceed#ng 1 #n 12. 859 8here a su,merged ram& #s ad0acent to the &oo' wa'' and #s used (or access to the water, the &oo' sha'' ,e constructed so that, 2a3 the water de&th at the ,ottom o( the ram& #s at 'east 600 mm and not greater than 900 mm, 2,3 a hard-sur(aced area that #s at 'east .10 mm w#de #s cont#guous to the ent#re 'ength o( the &art o( the su,merged ram& that &#erces any &art o( the dec7, 2c3 the area descr#,ed #n )'ause 2,3 #s ca&a,'e o( accommodat#ng a mo$a,'e ,arr#er se&arat#ng the area (rom the dec7, 2d3 the (#n#shes #n su,merged &ort#ons o( the ram&s and cur,s are d#((erent #n co'our or shade (rom each other and (rom that o( the &oo' wa''s and ,ottom, and 2e3 the su,merged ram& has a s'o&e not e5ceed#ng 1 #n 9. !,11,7,2, %ublic %ools in Grou. B, #i1ision 2 or ! )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 "es&#te /entences and 2 3 and )'ause, where a public pool #s constructed #n a building conta#n#ng a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 major occupancy and has a water de&th not e5ceed#ng 1 100 mm and a water sur(ace area not e5ceed#ng 100 m2, the pool dec# cont#guous to not more than 10F o( the tota' &er#meter o( the &oo' may ,e re&'aced ,y one or more ram&s that w#'' &erm#t a ,ather seated #n a whee'cha#r to enter the water w#th or w#thout the whee'cha#r. 829 "es&#te /entence, a warn#ng not#ce, on wh#ch are &r#nted #n 'etters at 'east 110 mm h#gh the words CA TION K NO #I'ING, sha'' ,e &osted cons&#cuous'y on each wa'' or (ence '#ne enc'os#ng a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 ;here sha'' ,e a cur, a'ong the &er#meter o( a &oo' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 e5ce&t at ste&s, 'adders and ram& entrances. 859 ;he cur, re:u#red ,y /entence 233 sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a he#ght o( 10 mm, 2,3 rounded edges, 2c3 a co$ed ,ase, and 2d3 a ra#sed nos#ng at the to& to ser$e as a (#ngerho'd (or a ,ather #n the water. !,11,<, )odi/ied %ools !,11,<,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 % modified pool #s e5em&t (rom /entences 243 to 293, 2123, 2133, 2143, 2163, 21.3, 21 3, 2213, 2233, 2243 and 2213 o( %rt#c'e and /entence 3.11. .1.2123.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2= 819, 5!9

819 % modified pool #s e5em&t (rom /entences to 293, 2123, 2133, 2143, 2163, 21.3, 21 3, 2213, 2233, 2243 and 2213, /entence 3.11. .1.2123 and %rt#c'e 829 % modified pool sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to com&'y w#th /entences 233 to 293. 8!9 % modified pool and #ts pool dec# sha'' ,e constructed o( hard-sur(aced mater#a' that &erm#ts thorough c'ean#ng. 859 ;he s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( any &ort#on o( a modified pool sha'' not e5ceed F.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 859 is $mended b3 striAing out Be?ceed =LC $t t0e end $nd substituting Be?ceed 1 in 12C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 2= 829, 5!9

879 ;he de&th o( the water #n any &ort#on o( a modified pool sha'' not ,e more than 1 00 mm. 8<9 % modified pool sha'' ,e surrounded on a'' s#des ,y a hard-sur(aced pool dec# that sha'', 2a3 ,e at 'east 3 m w#de, 2,3 ha$e a cont#nuous crest surround#ng the &oo' at 'east 100 mm a,o$e the &oo' water sur(ace, and 2c3 ,e s'o&ed to shed water (rom the crest to the outer &er#meter o( the pool dec#. 8;9 % modified pool sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th two or more dra#n (#tt#ngs co$ered w#th &rotect#$e gr#''es w#th o&en#ngs ha$#ng an aggregate area o( at 'east 10 t#mes the #nterna' cross-sect#ona' area o( the out'et &#&e or &#&es connected to the recirculation system that #s ca&a,'e o( com&'ete'y dra#n#ng the &oo'. 233

8=9 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or '#(eguard contro' stat#ons ad0acent to the edge o( the water at #nter$a's o( not more than 60 m. 899 ;he ,ottom o( a modified pool sha'' ,e mar7ed w#th cont#nuous ,'ac7 contour '#nes, 2a3 110 mm w#de 'ocated where the water de&th #s 600 mm, and 2,3 300 mm w#de 'ocated where the water de&th #s 1 200 mm. !,11,;, 6$1e Action %ools !,11,;,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 % wave action pool #s e5em&t (rom /entences 243 to 293, 2123 to 2143, 21.3, 21 3 and 2233 o( %rt#c'e and /entence 3.11. .1.2123.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 29 819, 5!9

819 % wave action pool #s e5em&t (rom /entences to 293, 2123, 2133, 2143, 21.3, 21 3 and 2233, /entence 3.11. .1.2123 and %rt#c'e 829 % wave action pool sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to com&'y w#th /entences 233 to 2113. 8!9 ;he s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( any &ort#on o( a wave action pool, 2a3 sha'' not e5ceed F where the st#'' water de&th #s 'ess than 1 000 mm, and 2,3 sha'' not e5ceed 11F where the st#'' water de&th #s 1 000 mm or more.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 29 829, 5!9

8!9 ;he s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( any &ort#on o( a wave action pool, 2a3 sha'' not e5ceed 1 #n 12 where the st#'' water de&th #s 'ess than 1 000 mm, and 2,3 sha'' not e5ceed 1 #n 9 where the st#'' water de&th #s 1 000 mm or more. 859 ;he wa''s o( a wave action pool sha'' ,e $ert#ca' (rom the water sur(ace to w#th#n 110 mm o( the ,ottom. 879 ;here sha'' ,e a hard-sur(aced pool dec# at 'east 3 m w#de #mmed#ate'y ad0acent to the &oo' wa'' at the sha''ow end o( the &oo' and at 'east 1 100 mm w#de #mmed#ate'y ad0acent to a'' wa''s o( the &oo'. 8<9 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or two or more '#(eguard contro' stat#ons on each s#de o( the pool dec# ad0acent to wh#ch the st#'' water de&th e5ceeds 1 000 mm. 8;9 /ets o( ste&s or 'adders recessed #nto &oo' s#de wa''s and ha$#ng cont#nuous $ert#ca' gra, ,ars on each s#de o( them sha'' ,e 'ocated at #nter$a's o( not more than ..1 m a'ong &ort#ons o( the &oo' where the st#'' water de&th e5ceeds 1 000 mm, e5ce&t that no ste&s or 'adders sha'' ,e 'ocated w#th#n 3 m o( the corners at the dee& end o( the &oo'. 8=9 65ce&t at recessed ste&s or 'adders, the pool dec# a'ong each s#de o( a wave action pool ad0acent to wh#ch the water de&th #s 2 300 mm or 'ess sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ,arr#er su&&orted ,y &osts or a wa'' that, 2a3 #s 1 000 mm #n he#ght, 2,3 #s 'ocated 1 000 mm or 'ess (rom the s#de o( the &oo', and 2c3 has warn#ng not#ces a((#5ed to the ,arr#er or wa'' at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng ..1 m s#gn#(y#ng c'ear'y that 0um&#ng and d#$#ng are &roh#,#ted a'ong the s#des o( the &oo'. 899 /7#mm#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e des#gned and su#ta,'y 'ocated to remo$e sur(ace (#'m when no wa$es are #nduced #n a wave action pool. 81>9 % system ca&a,'e o( deact#$at#ng the wa$e-ma7#ng e:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th read#'y access#,'e &ush ,uttons 'ocated on the pool dec# not more than 30 m a&art, ad0acent to each s#de and the dee& end o( the &oo'. 8119 % wave action pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a (#rst-a#d room 'ocated w#th#n 10 m o( the &oo'. !,11,=, Recircul$tion /or %ublic %ools !,11,=,1, Recircul$tion (3stems 819 6$ery public pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a recirculation system. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on, the water #n a public pool and #ts recirculation system #s deemed not to ,e potable water. 8!9 ;he water #n a public pool and #ts recirculation system sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the potable water su&&'y and (rom the sewer or dra#nage system #nto wh#ch #t dra#ns ,y air gaps or other de$#ces that &re$ent, 2a3 the water #n the &oo' or #ts recirculation system (rom ('ow#ng ,ac7 #nto the potable water su&&'y, and 234

2,3 the water #n the sewer or drainage system (rom ('ow#ng ,ac7 #nto the &oo' or #ts recirculation system. 859 ;he recirculation system o( a public pool sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and e:u#&&ed to com&'y w#th /entences 213 to 2203. 879 ;he recirculation system o( a public pool sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( (#'ter#ng, d#s#n(ect#ng and &ass#ng through the &oo' each day a $o'ume o( water o( at 'east, 2a3 #n the case o( a )'ass % &oo', other than a modified pool or a wave action pool, s#5 t#mes the tota' water $o'ume o( the &oo', 2,3 #n the case o( a )'ass * &oo', other than a wave action pool, (our t#mes the tota' water $o'ume o( the &oo', 2c3 #n the case o( a modified pool, three t#mes the tota' water $o'ume o( the &oo', and 2d3 #n the case o( a wave action pool, s#5 t#mes the tota' water $o'ume o( the &oo'. 8<9 % recirculation system sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ('ow meter reg#ster#ng the rate o( water ('ow. 8;9 %'' &oo's sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th automat#c ma#e-up water de$#ces and &ro$#ded w#th water meters to reg#ster the $o'ume o( a'' ma#e-up water added to a public pool or #ts recirculation system. 8=9 6:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to cont#nuous'y d#s#n(ect the water #n a public pool ,y means o(, 2a3 a ch'or#nat#on or hy&och'or#nat#on system &ro$#ded w#th a chem#ca' contro''er (or regu'at#ng the dosage o( ch'or#ne and ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng not 'ess than, 2#3 #n the case o( an outdoor pool, other than a wave action pool, 300 g o( ch'or#ne &er day &er 10 000 L o( tota' &oo' ca&ac#ty, 2##3 #n the case o( an indoor pool, other than a wave action pool, 200 g o( ch'or#ne &er day &er 10 000 L o( tota' &oo' ca&ac#ty, 2###3 #n the case o( an outdoor wave action pool, 1 200 g o( ch'or#ne &er day &er 10 000 L o( tota' &oo' ca&ac#ty, and 2#$3 #n the case o( an #ndoor wave action pool, 00 g o( ch'or#ne &er day &er 10 000 L o( tota' &oo' ca&ac#ty, or 2,3 a ,rom#nat#on system ca&a,'e o( ma#nta#n#ng #n the &oo' water a tota' ,rom#ne res#dua' o( 3 mg!L. 899 )h'or#nat#on e:u#&ment (or a public pool sha'' conta#n a mechan#sm where,y the ch'or#ne (eed sha'' automat#ca''y term#nate whene$er the recirculation system ceases to su&&'y clean water to the &oo'. 81>9 %'' e5&osed potable water &#&#ng and ch'or#ne &#&#ng w#th#n a public pool water treatment service room sha'' ,e co'our coded ,y means o(, 2a3 &a#nt#ng the ent#re outer sur(ace o( the &#&#ng, or 2,3 co'oured ,ands at 'east 21 mm #n w#dth that are s&aced a'ong the &#&#ng at #nter$a's o( not more than 1 200 mm. 8119 ;he co'our cod#ng re(erred to #n /entence 2103 sha'' ,e ye''ow (or ch'or#ne and green (or potable water. 8129 65ce&t (or a modified pool and wave action pool, a public pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th o$er('ow gutters or sur(ace s7#mmers connected to the recirculation system that are ca&a,'e o( remo$#ng sur(ace (#'m (rom the sur(ace o( the water and w#thdraw#ng each day and d#scharg#ng to the waste dra#ns u& to 11F o( the tota' $o'ume o( &oo' water. 81!9 % public pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th clean water #n'ets arranged #n con0unct#on w#th sur(ace s7#mmers or o$er('ow gutters to &ro$#de un#(orm d#str#,ut#on and c#rcu'at#on o( clean water. 8159 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2193, a'' (#tt#ngs at or ,e'ow the water sur(ace that a''ow water and!or a#r to ,e &assed to or (rom the public pool sha'', 2a3 ha$e a ma5#mum o&en#ng o( . mm #n one d#rect#on, and 2,3 ,e secure'y he'd #n &'ace ,y corros#on res#stance (asten#ng that re:u#re a too' (or remo$a' and are ga'$an#ca''y com&at#,'e w#th the (#tt#ngs and gr#''es or co$ers. 8179 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence (or a modified pool, a'' (#tt#ngs ,e'ow the water sur(ace that &ro$#de suct#on or gra$#ty ('ow #n a public pool sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a m#n#mum o( two suct#on or gra$#ty out'ets #nterconnected to a (u'' s#Ce man#(o'd, and 2,3 ,e se&arated ,y a c'ear d#stance o( not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 81<9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence (or a modified pool, water #n a'' public pools sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng em&t#ed through the &oo' dra#ns #n 12 hours or 'ess. 81;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence (or a modified pool, o&en#ngs #n suct#on or gra$#ty (#tt#ngs sha'', 231

2a3 ,e such that the ('ow o( water does not e5ceed 0.41 m!s and the $e'oc#ty #s ca'cu'ated assum#ng a'' &oss#,'e sources o( suct#on ('ow are &resent at one t#me, and 2,3 ,e such that e$ery suct#on (#tt#ng 'ocated w#th#n 1 000 mm o( the water sur(ace, e5ce&t (or s7#mmers and gutter (#tt#ngs, conta#n o&en#ngs w#th a m#n#mum aggregate area o( 0.2 m2. 81=9 65ce&t (or s7#mmers and gutters, a'' su,merged suct#on and gra$#ty (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e c'ear'y and &ermanent'y mar7ed w#th a 10 mm w#de ,and #n a contrast#ng co'our. 8199 F#tt#ngs return#ng water and!or a#r to the &oo' tan7 that are 'ocated w#th#n 300 mm o( the water sur(ace are &erm#tted to ha$e o&en#ngs w#th one d#mens#on more than . mm ,ut sha'' conta#n no o&en#ngs more than 21 mm #n d#ameter. 82>9 /u,merged s7#mmer e:ua'#Cer (#tt#ngs and $acuum (#tt#ngs are not &erm#tted #n public pools. !,11,9, #ressing Rooms, LocAer +$cilities $nd %lumbing +$cilities /or All %ublic %ools !,11,9,1, #ressing Rooms $nd ($nit$r3 +$cilities 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery public pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th dress#ng rooms, 'oc7er rooms, shower heads, water c'osets, ur#na's, 'a$ator#es and dr#n7#ng (ounta#ns that sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and e:u#&&ed to com&'y w#th /entences 243 to 2143. 829 8here a )'ass % &oo' #s #nsta''ed on the &rem#ses o( a recreational camp, dress#ng rooms, 'oc7er rooms, shower heads, water c'osets, ur#na's, 'a$ator#es and dr#n7#ng (ounta#ns are not re:u#red #(, 2a3 dress#ng, water c'oset and shower (ac#'#t#es are con$en#ent'y a$a#'a,'e (or ,athers e'sewhere on the &rem#ses, and 2,3 (oot s&rays are &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /entence 8!9 8here a )'ass * &oo' #s #nsta''ed, dress#ng rooms, 'oc7er rooms, shower heads, 'a$ator#es, water c'osets, dr#n7#ng (ounta#ns and ur#na's are not re:u#red #(, 2a3 dress#ng, water c'oset and shower (ac#'#t#es are con$en#ent'y a$a#'a,'e e'sewhere on the &rem#ses (or ,athers when the &oo' #s o&en (or use, and 2,3 (oot s&rays are &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /entence 859 ;he m#n#mum num,er o( water c'osets, ur#na's and 'a$ator#es sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom %rt#c'e 3...4.3. and ;a,'e 3...4.3.). (or an occupant load ,ased on, 2a3 the (ormu'a #n /entence 3.1.1..3.213 (or a'' public pools, e5ce&t a wave action pool, or 2,3 the (ormu'a #n /entence 3.1.1..3.223 (or a wave action pool. 879 % m#n#mum o( one shower head sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery 40 ,athers. 8<9 8here dress#ng and 'oc7er rooms, water c'osets and ur#na's are &ro$#ded #n con0unct#on w#th a public pool, they sha'' ,e 'ocated #n such a manner that ,athers, a(ter us#ng them, sha'' &ass through or ,y a shower area to reach the pool dec#. 8;9 %'' shower heads sha'' ,e su&&'#ed w#th potable water at a &ressure o( at 'east 140 7-a. 8=9 ;he shower water system sha'' ha$e one or more tem&er#ng de$#ces ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng ad0usted to ensure that water su&&'#ed to shower heads does not e5ceed 40E). 899 F'oors #n washrooms, shower areas and &assageways used ,y ,athers sha'' s'o&e to waste dra#ns at not 'ess than 1F and sha'' ,e o( hard sur(aced mater#a's that do not ,ecome s'#&&ery when wet. 81>9 Jo#nts ,etween ('oors and wa''s sha'' ,e co$ed #n areas descr#,ed #n /entence 293 and #n dress#ng and 'oc7er rooms. 8119 =ose ,#,,s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n sa(e 'ocat#ons con$en#ent (or ('ush#ng down the wa''s and ('oors #n washrooms, shower areas and &assageways used ,y ,athers. 8129 4artitions or wa''s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ensure &r#$acy o( dress#ng rooms, washrooms and shower areas. 81!9 ;he ,ottom o( #nter#or partitions #n dress#ng rooms and washrooms sha'' ,e ,etween 210 mm and 310 mm a,o$e the ('oor. 8159 "ress#ng and 'oc7er room ('oors sha'' ha$e non-s'#& sur(aces that &erm#t con$en#ent and thorough c'ean#ng and d#s#n(ect#ng. !,11,1>, Emergenc3 %ro1isions /or All %ublic %ools !,11,1>,1, Lig0ting $nd Emergenc3 %ro1isions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, rooms and s&aces used ,y the &u,'#c #n con0unct#on w#th a public pool sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( #''um#nat#on to 'e$e's #n com&'#ance w#th /u,sect#on 3.2...


829 "ress#ng rooms, 'oc7er rooms, shower rooms, washrooms and &assageways sha'' ha$e an #''um#nat#on 'e$e' o( at 'east 200 '5 at ('oor 'e$e'. 8!9 %n indoor pool or an outdoor pool that #s #ntended to ,e o&en (or use a(ter sundown sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a '#ght#ng system, 2a3 that w#'' ma#nta#n at any &o#nt on the pool dec# and on the &oo' water sur(ace an #''um#nat#on 'e$e' o( at 'east, 2#3 200 '5 #n the case o( an indoor pool, and 2##3 100 '5 #n the case o( an outdoor pool, and 2,3 that ma7es the underwater areas o( the &oo' c'ear'y $#s#,'e (rom any &o#nt on the pool dec#. 859 %n outdoor pool that #s #ntended to ,e o&en (or use a(ter sundown and an indoor pool sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an #nde&endent emergency '#ght#ng system that automat#ca''y o&erates whene$er the norma' e'ectr#ca' &ower su&&'y to a public pool '#ght#ng system (a#'s. 879 ;he #nde&endent emergency '#ght#ng system re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( #''um#nat#ng the pool dec#, washroom, shower, 'oc7er areas, &oo' water sur(ace and a'' means o( egress to a 'e$e' o( at 'east 10 '5. 8<9 %n emergency &ower su&&'y (or the emergency '#ght#ng system re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' com&'y w#th /entences 3.2...4.213 and 3.2.....213 and %rt#c'e 3.2...1. 8;9 %n emergency te'e&hone d#rect'y connected to an emergency ser$#ce or to the 'oca' te'e&hone ut#'#ty sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to the pool dec# o( e$ery )'ass % &oo'. 8=9 % te'e&hone access#,'e (or emergency use sha'' ,e #nsta''ed (or e$ery )'ass * &oo' w#th#n 30 m o( the &oo'. 899 6$ery wave action pool sha'' ha$e a &u,'#c address system that sha'' ,e c'ear'y aud#,'e #n a'' &ort#ons o( the &oo'. 81>9 6$ery wave action pool sha'' ha$e a commun#cat#on system (or the use o( &ersons engaged #n su&er$#s#on or o&erat#on o( the &oo' that sha'' ,e #nterconnected w#th each '#(eguard contro' stat#on, the (#rst-a#d room and the ,ather adm#ss#on contro' centre. 8119 ;he &u,'#c address system and the commun#cat#on system descr#,ed #n /entences 293 and 2103 sha'' ,e #nterconnected. 8129 %'' rec#rcu'at#ng &um&s used #n a public pool sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng deact#$ated ,y an emergency sto& ,utton c'ear'y 'a,e''ed and 'ocated at, 2a3 a )'ass % &oo' ,es#de the te'e&hone that #s re:u#red #n /entence 2.3, and 2,3 a )'ass * &oo' on the dec7 area. 81!9 ;he emergency sto& ,utton #n /entence 2123 sha'', when used, act#$ate an aud#,'e and a $#sua' s#gna' 'ocated ,y the emergency sto&. 8159 %n emergency s#gn conta#n#ng the words IN TEE E'ENT O+ AN E)ERGENCD % (E E)ERGENCD (TO% B TTON AN# (E E)ERGENCD %EONE, A #IBLE AN# 'I( AL (IGNAL 6ILL ACTI'ATE sha'' ,e #n 'etters at 'east 21 mm h#gh w#th a 1 mm stro7e and &osted a,o$e the emergency sto& ,utton. !,11,11, (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge /or All %ublic %ools !,11,11,1, (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge +$cilities 819 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, service rooms sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences, and 3 and %rt#c'es and 829 8here com&ressed ch'or#ne gas #s used as a &oo' water d#s#n(ectant, the cy'#nders or conta#ners o( gas sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a service room that, 2a3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences to 2.3, #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a 1 h fire separation that #s su,stant#a''y gas t#ght, 2,3 #s des#gned (or the so'e &ur&ose o( conta#n#ng a'' #nsta''ed &ressur#Ced ch'or#ne gas a&&aratus and &#&#ng and stor#ng a'' ch'or#ne gas conta#ners or ch'or#ne gas cy'#nders that are #nd#$#dua''y secured aga#nst to&&'#ng, 2c3 #s 'ocated at or a,o$e ground 'e$e', 2d3 #s &ro$#ded w#th an e"it door o&en#ng to the outdoors, 2e3 has screened o&en#ngs to the outdoors w#th at 'east one o&en#ng 'ocated w#th#n 110 mm (rom the ('oor and at 'east one o&en#ng 'ocated w#th#n 110 mm (rom the ce#'#ng, each o&en#ng ,e#ng 2F o( the area o( the ('oor,


2(3 #s e:u#&&ed w#th emergency mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on ca&a,'e o( &roduc#ng at 'east 30 a#r changes &er hour, ta7#ng suct#on at a ma5#mum o( 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor 'e$e' and d#scharg#ng at 'east 2 100 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e' d#rect'y to the outdoors, and 2g3 conta#ns a &'at(orm we#gh sca'e o( at 'east 131 7g ca&ac#ty (or each ch'or#ne cy'#nder #n use. 8!9 /torage (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or the sa(e storage o( a'' chem#ca's re:u#red #n &oo' o&erat#ons. 859 ;he storage (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e $ent#'ated and sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water hose connect#on and a ('oor dra#n. 879 Service rooms and storage (ac#'#t#es, #nc'ud#ng rooms and (ac#'#t#es that conta#n e'ectr#ca' or mechan#ca' e:u#&ment or chem#ca's or chem#ca' (eeders, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a secure 'oc7#ng de$#ce. (ection !,12, %ublic (.$s !,12,1, Gener$l !,12,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the des#gn and construction o( s#te-assem,'ed public spas and (actory-,u#'t public spas. 829 +( mater#a' a'terat#ons to a public spa or the e:u#&ment #nsta''ed #n a public spa a((ect the ,ottom s'o&e, the water $o'ume or the ca&ac#ty o( the water c#rcu'at#on system, the ad$erse'y a((ected &ort#ons sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s "#$#s#on. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, #( mater#a' a'terat#ons or re&a#rs concern any &oo' (#tt#ng that &asses water or a#r, or ,oth, #n or out o( the &oo' tan7, the a((ected (#tt#ng sha'' com&'y w#th /entences 3.11. .1.2203 and to 2103. 859 +( the mater#a' a'terat#ons or re&a#rs concern a (#tt#ng co$er or gr#''e, the a((ected (#tt#ng co$er or gr#''e sha'' com&'y w#th /entences to 2103. 879 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on, e$ery re(erence to a public pool or a recirculation system #n a de(#n#t#on #n %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %, or a /entence or )'ause #n /ect#on 3.11. that #s made a&&'#ca,'e to public spas ,y th#s /ect#on, #s deemed to ,e a re(erence to a public spa or water c#rcu'at#on system, res&ect#$e'y. !,12,2, %ublic (.$ $nd #ecA #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements !,12,2,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, public spas sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences to 21.3, 2193, 2203 and 2223 and )'ause 829 % public spa sha'' ,e constructed to ha$e a water de&th o( not more than 1 200 mm. 8!9 ;he s'o&e o( the ,ottom o( any &ort#on o( a public spa sha'' not e5ceed F. 859 % public spa sha'' ,e surrounded ,y a hard-sur(aced pool dec# that, 2a3 sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum c'ear dec7 s&ace o( not 'ess than 1. m at the ma#n entrance &o#nt, 2,3 sha'' ha$e a c'ear dec7 s&ace o( 900 mm on a'' s#des, e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3 and &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, 2c3 sha'' ,e s'o&ed away (rom the &oo' to waste dra#ns or to ad0acent 'ower ground at a s'o&e o( ,etween 2F and 4F, #n the case o( an outdoor public spa, and 2d3 sha'' ,e #m&er$#ous and s'o&ed away (rom the &oo' to waste dra#ns at a s'o&e o( ,etween 1F and 4F, #n the case o( an #ndoor public spa. 879 One sect#on o( the hard-sur(aced pool dec# that does not e5ceed 21F o( the &er#meter o( the public spa may ha$e a m#n#mum c'ear dec7 s&ace o( not more than 300 mm #(, 2a3 the public spa has an area 'ess than 6 m2, and 2,3 the public spa has no #nter#or d#mens#on more than 2.1 m. 8<9 ;he ma5#mum de&th o( water to a seat or ,ench #n a public spa sha'' ,e 600 mm. 8;9 +( a set o( ste&s #s &ro$#ded (or entry #nto and egress (rom the public spa water, the ste&s, 2a3 sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a handra#', 2,3 sha'' ha$e a non-s'#& sur(ace, and 2c3 sha'' ha$e a ,and o( contrast#ng co'our a'ong the ent#re 0uncture o( the s#de and to& o( the edges. 8=9 6$ery public spa sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th dress#ng rooms, water c'osets and shower (ac#'#t#es that are con$en#ent'y a$a#'a,'e on the &rem#ses.


899 65ce&t where no s&ace #s &ro$#ded ,etween 'adder treads and the s&a wa'', the s&ace ,etween the s&a wa'' and su,merged &ort#ons o( any treads o( a 'adder (or entry #nto and egress (rom the water sha'' ,e not more than 110 mm and not 'ess than .1 mm. !,12,!, R$m.s into %ublic (.$s !,12,!,1, R$m.s into (.$s 819 Bot more than 10F o( the tota' &er#meter o( a public spa may ,e re&'aced ,y one or more ram&s that &erm#t a ,ather seated #n a whee'cha#r to enter the water w#th or w#thout the whee'cha#r. 829 +( a public spa has one or more ram&s descr#,ed #n /entence 213, the public spa sha'' com&'y w#th /entences 213 to 233 and 213 to 2 3.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,12,!, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !>, 5!9

!,12,!, R$m.s $nd Access into %ublic (.$s !,12,!,1, R$m.s into %ublic (.$s 819 Bot more than 10F o( the tota' &er#meter o( a public spa may ,e re&'aced ,y one or more ram&s that &erm#t a ,ather seated #n a whee'cha#r to enter the water w#th or w#thout the whee'cha#r. 829 +( a public spa has one or more ram&s descr#,ed #n /entence 213, the public spa sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e and /entences and 243. !,12,!,2, Access into %ublic (.$s 819 8here more than one public spa #s &ro$#ded w#th#n a suite 'ocated on a storey that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 3. .2.1. to ha$e a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e', a barrier-free access descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to at 'east one public spa. 829 $arrier-free access (or entry #nto and egress (rom a public spa sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y, 2a3 a ram& con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, 2,3 a &oo' '#(t con(orm#ng to the manu(acturerDs s&ec#(#cat#ons and #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons and con(orm#ng to /entences to 263, or 2c3 a trans(er wa'' con(orm#ng to /entences 233 to 213. 8!9 % trans(er wa'' &ro$#d#ng barrier-free access (or entry #nto and egress (rom a public spa sha'', 2a3 ha$e a he#ght not 'ess than 401 mm and not more than 4 1 mm measured (rom the pool dec#, 2,3 ha$e a de&th o( at 'east 300 mm and not more than 400 mm, 2c3 ,e s'#&-res#stant and ha$e edges that are rounded, and 2d3 ha$e at 'east one gra, ,ar that, 2#3 #s &er&end#cu'ar to the &oo' and e5tends the (u'' de&th o( the trans(er wa'', 2##3 #s 'ocated not 'ess than 100 mm and not more than 110 mm a,o$e the trans(er wa'', 2###3 has a c'earance o( at 'east 610 mm on ,oth s#des, 2#$3 com&'#es w#th )'auses 3. .3. .2.32a3 and 2,3, and 2$3 #s made o( a s'#&-res#stant mater#a'. 859 ;he dec7 area re:u#red to ma7e a 'atera' trans(er to the trans(er wa'' sha'', 2a3 ,e outs#de and ad0acent to the barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' descr#,ed #n /entence 213, 2,3 ha$e no o,struct#ons at the s#de o( the trans(er wa'' ser$#ng the trans(er s&ace, 2c3 ha$e a c'ear s&ace o( 900 mm ,y 2 200 mm, and 2d3 ha$e a s'o&e 'ess than 2F &ro$#ded at the ,ase o( the trans(er wa'' sur(ace. 879 ;he dec7 area descr#,ed #n )'ause 2432c3 sha'' ,e centred on, 2a3 the gra, ,ar where one gra, ,ar #s &ro$#ded, or 2,3 the c'ear s&ace ,etween the gra, ,ars where more than one gra, ,ar #s &ro$#ded. !,12,5, 6$ter Circul$tion /or %ublic (.$s !,12,5,1, 6$ter Circul$tion (3stems


819 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, the water c#rcu'at#on system o( a public spa sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences 3.11. .1.223, 233, 263, 2.3, 293, 2103, 2113, 2133 and 2203. 829 % public spa sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water c#rcu'at#on system that #s ca&a,'e o( (#'ter#ng, d#s#n(ect#ng and &ass#ng the public spa water through the public spa w#th a turno$er &er#od o( not more than, 2a3 30 m#nutes (or a public spa w#th a $o'ume o( water that e5ceeds 6 m3, 2,3 20 m#nutes (or a public spa w#th a $o'ume o( water that e5ceeds 4 m3 ,ut does not e5ceed 6 m3, or 2c3 11 m#nutes (or a public spa w#th a $o'ume o( water that does not e5ceed 4 m3. 8!9 +( cartr#dge-ty&e (#'ters are used (or a public spa, the (#'ters sha'' ,e a sur(ace-ty&e that #s des#gned (or a ma5#mum ('ow rate o( 0.2. L!s!m2 e((ect#$e (#'ter area. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, e$ery c#rcu'at#on system #n a public spa sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y a m#n#mum o( two suct#on or gra$#ty out'ets, 2a3 that are #nterconnected to a (u'' s#Ce man#(o'd, and 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, that are se&arated ,y a c'ear d#stance o( not 'ess than 900 mm. 879 +( com&'#ance w#th )'ause 2432,3 #s #m&ract#ca,'e ,ecause o( d#mens#ona' restr#ct#ons at the ,ottom o( the public spa, the out'ets may ,e 'ocated on two d#((erent &'anes o( the public spa #(, 2a3 at 'east one o( the out'ets through wh#ch the public spa can ,e em&t#ed to a (u''-s#Ce man#(o'd #s 'ocated on the ,ottom o( the public spa, and 2,3 the ,ottom o( a'' out'ets, other than s7#mmers, are not more than .1 mm (rom the ('oor o( the public spa. 8<9 % c#rcu'at#on system #n a (actory-,u#'t public spa may ,e ser$ed ,y a ,u#'t-#n suct#on or gra$#ty out'et w#th mu't#&'e o&en#ngs that are connected to a (u''-s#Ce man#(o'd. 8;9 %'' (#tt#ngs at or ,e'ow the water sur(ace that a''ow water or a#r or ,oth to ,e &assed to or (rom the public spa sha'' ,e secure'y he'd #n &'ace ,y corros#on res#stant (asten#ng that re:u#res a too' (or remo$a' and #s ga'$an#ca''y com&at#,'e w#th the (#tt#ngs and gr#''es or co$ers. 8=9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 293, a'' suct#on or gra$#ty (#tt#ngs #nsta''ed at or ,e'ow the water '#ne o( a public spa sha'', 2a3 ha$e a ma5#mum o&en#ng o( . mm #n one d#rect#on, and 2,3 ,e des#gned so that the ('ow o( water through the o&en#ngs does not e5ceed 0.41 m!s. 899 /entence 2 3 does not a&&'y to suct#on and gra$#ty out'ets that are e:u#&&ed w#th ant#-entra&ment co$ers that com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( %/<6 %112.19. , >/uct#on F#tt#ngs (or @se #n /w#mm#ng -oo's, 8ad#ng -oo's, /&as, and =ot ;u,s?. 81>9 ;he ca'cu'at#on o( water $e'oc#t#es (or the &ur&oses o( )'ause 2 32,3 and /entences 2113 and 2123 and the ca'cu'at#on o( water ('ow rates (or the &ur&oses o( /entence 293 sha'' ,e ,ased on the assum&t#on that a'' &oss#,'e sources o( suct#on ('ow are &resent at the same t#me. 8119 ;he water $e'oc#ty #n a suct#on &#&e sha'' not e5ceed 1. m!s. 8129 ;he water $e'oc#ty #n a &ressure &#&e sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 3.0 m!s (or &'ast#c &#&#ng, and 2,3 1. m!s (or co&&er &#&#ng. 81!9 6$ery suct#on system that ser$es a public spa sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a $acuum re'#e( mechan#sm that sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 a $acuum re'ease system, 2,3 a $acuum '#m#t system, or 2c3 other eng#neered systems that are des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to con(orm to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances. 8159 6:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to cont#nuous'y d#s#n(ect the water #n a public spa ,y means o( a ch'or#nat#on, hy&och'or#nat#on or ,rom#nat#on system that #s ca&a,'e o( regu'at#ng the dosage o( ch'or#ne or ,rom#ne. 8179 +( a two-s&eed &um& #s ut#'#Ced (or a public spa, the (#'ter and heater sha'' ,e s#Ced to accommodate the ma5#mum &um& out&ut, w#thout e5ceed#ng the manu(acturerDs des#gn ('ow rate o( the (#'ter e'ement or heater and w#thout ,y-&ass#ng the (#'ter e'ement. 81<9 % public spa e:u#&&ed w#th hydro-massage 0et (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a t#m#ng de$#ce, 240

2a3 that contro's the &er#od o( o&erat#on o( the 0et &um&, and 2,3 that #s &'aced #n a 'ocat#on where the user must e5#t the public spa to reset the t#mer. 81;9 % public spa water heater sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an u&&er '#m#t cut-o(( de$#ce, 2a3 that #s #nde&endent o( the norma' public spa water tem&erature thermostat, and 2,3 that '#m#ts the ma5#mum water tem&erature o( the public spa to 40E). 81=9 % public spa sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a water c#rcu'at#on system that #s ca&a,'e o( ,oth com&'ete'y and &art#a''y dra#n#ng and re(#''#ng the public spa water. !,12,7, Emergenc3 %ro1isions /or All %ublic (.$s !,12,7,1, Lig0ting $nd Emergenc3 %ro1isions 819 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, public spas sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences to 263. 829 %n emergency te'e&hone d#rect'y connected to an emergency ser$#ce or to the 'oca' te'e&hone ut#'#ty sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th#n 30 m o( the public spa. 8!9 %'' &um&s used #n a public spa sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng deact#$ated ,y an emergency sto& ,utton that #s, 2a3 c'ear'y 'a,e''ed, and 2,3 'ocated at a &o#nt that #s, 2#3 read#'y access#,'e to and w#th#n s#ght o( &ersons us#ng the public spa, and 2##3 w#th#n 11 m o( the public spa. 859 ;he emergency sto& ,utton re:u#red #n /entence 233 sha'', 2a3 ,e a sw#tch se&arate (rom the public spaDs t#m#ng de$#ce, 2,3 act#$ate an aud#,'e and a $#sua' s#gna' when used, and 2c3 ha$e an emergency s#gn con(orm#ng to /entence 879 +( a public spa and public pool are 'ocated #n the same room or s&ace, the emergency sto& ,uttons re:u#red #n /entences 233 and sha'' deact#$ate a'' &um&s ser$#ng the public spa and public pool. !,12,<, (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge /or All %ublic (.$s !,12,<,1, (er1ice Rooms $nd (tor$ge +$cilities 819 Service rooms and storage (ac#'#t#es (or a'' public spas sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e (ection !,1!, R$.id Tr$nsit (t$tions !,1!,1, (co.e $nd #e/initions !,1!,1,1, (co.e 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on the re:u#rements #n th#s "#$#s#on a&&'y to rapid transit stations. !,1!,1,2, #e/initions 819 +n th#s /ect#on: Ancillary space means the rooms or s&aces #n the stat#on used on'y ,y the trans#t agency to house or conta#n o&erat#ng, ma#ntenance or su&&ort e:u#&ment and (unct#ons, ,ut does not #nc'ude ,ooths and 7#os7s used ,y the trans#t agency or service rooms. %entral supervising station means the o&erat#ons centre where the trans#t agency contro's and co-ord#nates the system-w#de mo$ement o( &assengers and $eh#c'es and (rom wh#ch commun#cat#on #s ma#nta#ned w#th su&er$#sory and o&erat#ng &ersonne' o( the trans#t agency and w#th &art#c#&at#ng agenc#es when re:u#red. %rush load means the tota' o( the seat#ng ca&ac#ty and the stand#ng ca&ac#ty o( a car where, 2a3 the seat#ng ca&ac#ty #s the num,er o( seats #n a car, and 2,3 the stand#ng ca&ac#ty #s 0.2 m2 &er &erson (or the stand#ng area wh#ch #s measured 300 mm #n (ront o( the seats. 6gress capacity means the num,er o( &eo&'e a,'e to tra$e' (rom or through a ty&e o( egress (ac#'#ty #n a s&ec#(#ed &er#od o( t#me. 6ntraining load means the num,er o( &assengers ,oard#ng the tra#n at a stat#on. 241

7are-paid area means that &ort#on o( a rapid transit station to wh#ch access #s ga#ned ,y a &ass or ,y &ay#ng a (are. 7are-paid area control means the &o#nt where &assengers enter or 'ea$e the fare-paid area. <in# load means the num,er o( &assengers on ,oard the tra#n2s3 tra$e''#ng ,etween two stat#ons. 9a"imum calculated train load means the crush load &er car mu't#&'#ed ,y the ma5#mum num,er o( cars &er tra#n #n the &ea7 &er#od. 4ea# direction means, (or each route, the d#rect#on o( tra#n tra$e' ha$#ng the 'argest &assenger ('ow $o'ume ,ased on the sum o( the #ncom#ng lin# load &'us the entraining load &er &ea7 hour. 4rotected route means that &ort#on o( a means of egress that starts at the &o#nt where &assengers wou'd not ,e $u'nera,'e to e5&osure (rom a tra#n (#re and that 'eads to the e5ter#or o( the stat#on or through an e"it to an ad0acent building. 4ublic area means the &u,'#c c#rcu'at#on areas #n a rapid transit station &ro$#d#ng &edestr#an access to and (rom tra#ns. 1apid transit station means a building or &art o( a building used (or the &ur&ose o( 'oad#ng and un'oad#ng &assengers o( a rapid transit system ,ut does not #nc'ude o&en a#r she'ters at street 'e$e'. 1apid transit system means an e'ectr#(#ed trans&ortat#on system, ut#'#C#ng gu#dance methods #n$o'$#ng &os#t#$e mechan#ca' contact w#th the (#5ed way o&erat#ng on a r#ght-o(-way (or the mass mo$ement o( &assengers. !,1!,2, Construction Re4uirements !,1!,2,1, Re4uirements /or (t$tions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#ons 3.2.1. and 3.2.2. do not a&&'y to a rapid transit station. 829 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 233 sha'' a&&'y to, 2a3 a rapid transit station erected ent#re'y ,e'ow the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e', and 2,3 the underground &ort#on o( a rapid transit station. 8!9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 243, an underground stat#on or an underground &ort#on o( a stat#on #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations ha$#ng a fire-resistance rat#ng not 'ess than 2 h, 2,3 roo( assem,'#es ,e'ow ground 'e$e', sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, ,ut a fire-resistance rating #s not re:u#red where stee' tunne' '#ners are 'e(t #n &'ace to (orm &art o( the assem,'y and the tunne' '#ners are #n d#rect contact w#th soil, and 2c3 a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rat#ng not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 859 %n #nter#or sta#r e5tend#ng to street 'e$e' #s &erm#tted to ,e &rotected ,y a combustible roo(. 879 8here a rapid transit station #s erected a,o$e and ,e'ow the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e', the a,o$e ground &ort#on o( the stat#on sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /entence 2103. 8<9 8here a rapid transit station #s erected ent#re'y a,o$e the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e' and #s a stand-a'one building, the stat#on sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /entence 2113. 8;9 O&en#ngs (or sta#rways and esca'ators used ,y &assengers are &erm#tted to &enetrate the fire separations re:u#red #n /entences 223 to 263. 8=9 6'e$ator sha(ts are &erm#tted to &enetrate the fire separations re:u#red #n /entences 223 to 263 &ro$#ded they are enc'osed ,y, 2a3 a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2,3 w#red g'ass assem,'#es con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. 899 O&en#ngs (or other than sta#rways, esca'ators or e'e$ators are &erm#tted to &enetrate the fire separations re:u#red #n /entences 223 to 263 &ro$#ded the o&en#ngs are &rotected ,y a closure ha$#ng a fire-protection rat#ng not 'ess than 41 m#n. 81>9 ;he building sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and


2d3 a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8119 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2123, the building sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction, and, 2a3 ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 mezzanines sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2c3 roo( assem,'#es sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, and 2d3 a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted assem,'y. 8129 % building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 occupancy that #s not more than 1 storey #n building height, and #n wh#ch the building area #s not more than 3 200 m 2 #( not sprin#lered, or 6 400 m2 #( sprin#lered, #s &erm#tted to ,e constructed w#th a roo( o( heavy timber construction and ha$e co'umns o( heavy timber construction. !,1!,!, ($/et3 Re4uirements 6it0in (t$tions !,1!,!,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on and /u,sect#on 3.13.4., the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#ons 3.3.1. and 3.6.2. a&&'y to a rapid transit station. 829 % door #n a fire separation #s &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th &#$ot h#nges #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.4.4. (or fire separation o( e"its do not a&&'y #n a rapid transit station. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, the re:u#rements #n /entence (or doors to ,e read#'y o&ened (rom the #ns#de a&&'y to re:u#red e"it doors #n a rapid transit station. 879 8here a grou& o( two or more doors ser$es as a s#ng'e e"it (ac#'#ty, on'y one door #n the grou& #s re:u#red to com&'y w#th /entence 8<9 % door that #s re:u#red to ,e read#'y o&ened #n /entence 243 or 213 sha'' ha$e a s#gn attached to #t that, 2a3 d#s&'ays the words E)ERGENCD EHIT w#th the 'etters not 'ess than 21 mm h#gh, and 2,3 #s $#s#,'e (rom the e"it a&&roach. !,1!,!,2, Boot0s $nd IiosAs 819 *ooths and 7#os7s that are not more than 20 m2 #n area and are used on'y ,y the trans#t agency (or (are co''ect#on, d#ssem#nat#on o( #n(ormat#on or s#m#'ar non-mercantile occupancies sha'' ,e o( noncombustible construction and are not re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation. 829 *ooths and 7#os7s that are more than 20 m 2 #n area and are used on'y ,y the trans#t agency (or (are co''ect#on, d#ssem#nat#on o( #n(ormat#on or s#m#'ar non-mercantile occupancies sha'' ,e, 2a3 sprin#lered, and 2,3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation o( noncombustible construction that #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 8!9 % door act#ng as a closure #n the fire separation #n /entence 223 #s not re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. !,1!,!,!, (er1ice Rooms $nd Ancill$r3 (.$ces 819 %n ancillary space #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a door o&en#ng (rom a service room onto a means of egress #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 1 m (rom an esca'ator ,a'ustrade and (rom the to& and ,ottom r#ser o( a ('#ght o( sta#rs used as a means of egress (rom the rapid transit station. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 223 do not a&&'y where, 2a3 the service room #s sprin#lered, or 2,3 there #s a $est#,u'e ,etween the service room and the means of egress. 859 8here a door (rom a service room o&ens onto a means of egress 'ess than 1 m w#de, 2a3 the service room sha'' ,e sprin#lered, or 2,3 there sha'' ,e a $est#,u'e ,etween the service room and the means of egress. 243

!,1!,!,5, Le$sed Are$s 819 %'' 'eased areas w#th#n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e, 2a3 sprin#lered, and 2,3 se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation o( noncombustible construction that #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 829 % door act#ng as a closure #n the fire separation #n )'ause 2132,3 #s not re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. 8!9 8here 'eased areas are 'ocated on o&&os#te s#des o( a means of egress, the w#dth o( the means of egress sha'' not ,e reduced to 'ess than 1 m. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where the 'eased area on any ('oor 'e$e' e5ceeds 11F o( the public area on that 'e$e', the public area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 879 +n a rapid transit station that #s erected ent#re'y a,o$e the ad0o#n#ng (#n#shed ground 'e$e' and #s a stand-a'one building, where the 'eased area on any ('oor 'e$e' e5ceeds 20F o( the public area on that 'e$e', the public area sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 8<9 +n determ#n#ng the 'eased area #n /entences 243 and 213, #t #s not necessary to #nc'ude a 'eased area that #s se&arated (rom the public area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2a3 2 h where the 'eased area conta#ns a mercantile or medium hazard industrial occupancy, or 2,3 1 h where the 'eased area conta#ns any other occupancy. 8;9 % 'eased area #s &erm#tted on a &'at(orm 'e$e' &ro$#ded #t #s, 2a3 'ocated not 'ess than 1 m (rom the &'at(orm edge, 2,3 'ocated not 'ess than 1 m (rom an egress (ac#'#ty, and 2c3 not 'ocated #n a dead end &ort#on o( the &'at(orm. !,1!,!,7, 'e0icle Termin$l 819 8here an enc'osed term#na' ser$es $eh#c'es &owered ,y com,ust#,'e (ue's, and the term#na' has d#rect access to a rapid transit station, 2a3 the term#na' sha'' ,e sprin#lered, and 2,3 the term#na' sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rapid transit station, 2#3 ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2##3 ,y w#red g'ass assem,'#es con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, w#th w#red g'ass doors e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces. 829 "oors #n the fire separation or #n the w#red g'ass assem,'y #n )'ause 2132,3 are not re:u#red to ha$e 'atches where c'ose s&aced s&r#n7'er &rotect#on #s &ro$#ded on the stat#on s#de. !,1!,!,<, Access to Ad@$cent Building 819 8here an access #s &ro$#ded ,etween a rapid transit station and an ad0acent building, the stat#on and the building sha'' ,e se&arated ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 2 h. 829 ;he access #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e through a $est#,u'e that #s se&arated (rom the stat#on and (rom the building, 2a3 ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2,3 ,y w#red g'ass assem,'#es con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, w#th w#red g'ass doors e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces. 8!9 ;he $est#,u'e doors #n /entence 223, 2a3 are not re:u#red to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th 'atches, and 2,3 sha'' sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( tra$e' (rom the rapid transit station. 859 )'ose s&aced s&r#n7'er &rotect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on each s#de o( a'' $est#,u'e doors. 879 ;he $est#,u'e sha'' not conta#n an occupancy. 8<9 8here an access #s &ro$#ded ,etween a rapid transit station and an ad0acent building, and the building #s regu'ated ,y the &ro$#s#ons o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. or 3.2. ., these &ro$#s#ons are not re:u#red #n the rapid transit station. !,1!,!,;, Emergenc3 Lig0ting 244

819 6mergency '#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a$erage 'e$e's not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e' #n public areas #n a rapid transit station. 829 %n emergency &ower su&&'y con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2... sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ma#nta#n the emergency '#ght#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 (or a &er#od o( 30 m#n a(ter a &ower (a#'ure. !,1!,5, )e$ns o/ Egress !,1!,5,1, Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 ;he occu&ant 'oad (or public areas w#th#n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e, 2a3 determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, and 2,3 ,ased on &ea7 hour &atronage as &ro0ected (or des#gn o( the trans#t system. 829 ;he &'at(orm occu&ant 'oad (or each &'at(orm #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e the greater o( the a.m. or &.m. &ea7 &er#od 'oads ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th /entences 233 to 213. 8!9 ;he a.m. and the &.m. &ea7 &er#od occu&ant 'oads (or each &'at(orm sha'' ,e ,ased on the s#mu'taneous e$acuat#on o( the entraining load and the lin# load (or that &'at(orm. 859 ;he entraining load (or each &'at(orm sha'' ,e the sum o( the entraining loads (or each trac7 ser$#ng that &'at(orm and the entraining load (or each trac7 sha'' ,e ,ased on the entraining load &er tra#n headway mu't#&'#ed ,y, 2a3 a (actor o( 1.3 to account (or surges, and 2,3 #n the pea# direction (or each route, an add#t#ona' (actor o( 2 to account (or a m#ssed headway. 879 ;he lin# load (or each &'at(orm sha'' ,e the sum o( the lin# loads (or each trac7 ser$#ng that &'at(orm and, e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, the lin# load (or each trac7 sha'' ,e ,ased on the lin# load &er tra#n headway mu't#&'#ed ,y, 2a3 a (actor o( 1.3 to account (or surges, and 2,3 #n the pea# direction (or each route, an add#t#ona' (actor o( 2 to account (or a m#ssed headway. 8<9 ;he ma5#mum lin# load at each trac7 sha'' ,e the ma"imum calculated train load. !,1!,5,2, Gener$l Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, esca'ators con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( /entences and 213 sha'' ,e acce&ta,'e as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress #n a rapid transit station. 829 6sca'ators (orm#ng &art o( a re:u#red means of egress sha'' not com&r#se more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red egress capacity (rom any one 'e$e'. 8!9 8orizontal e"its con(orm#ng to /entence 243 may &ro$#de a'' o( the re:u#red egress capacity (rom a rapid transit station. 859 8orizontal e"its to any one building sha'' not com&r#se more than one-ha'( o( the re:u#red egress capacity (rom any area w#th#n a rapid transit station. 879 % protected route sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th emergency $ent#'at#on con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.13... 8<9 +n an a,o$eground unenc'osed stat#on, the protected route #s &erm#tted to ,eg#n at the &o#nt o( 'ea$#ng the &'at(orm. 8;9 +n an enc'osed or underground stat#on, the &rotect#on (or the protected route sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, 2,3 construct#on ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than 1 h, or 2c3 w#red g'ass assem,'#es con(orm#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. !,1!,5,!, Number $nd Loc$tion o/ )e$ns o/ Egress 819 6ach &'at(orm #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y no (ewer than two means of egress that are #nde&endent o( and remote (rom each other (rom the &'at(orm to the e5ter#or o( the stat#on. 829 8here a cont#nuous 'e$e' wa'7#ng sur(ace #s &ro$#ded ,etween two ad0acent &'at(orms, they may ,e cons#dered as one &'at(orm (or the &ur&ose o( con(orm#ng to th#s /u,sect#on. 8!9 %t the &'at(orm 'e$e', the d#stance se&arat#ng the egress (ac#'#t#es #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,e the greater o( one car 'ength or 21 m. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 213, two or more means of egress are &erm#tted to con$erge #n con(ormance w#th /entence


879 9eans of egress (rom &'at(orms sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the tra$e' t#me (rom the most remote &o#nt on a &'at(orm to a protected route does not e5ceed 4 m#n ,ased on tra$e' s&eeds o(, 2a3 3 m!m#n (or hor#Conta' tra$e', and 2,3 21 m!m#n (or $ert#ca' r#se. !,1!,5,5, Egress C$.$cit3 819 For a rapid transit station, the re:u#red aggregate egress capacity (rom each &'at(orm sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y d#$#d#ng the &'at(orm occu&ant 'oad determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences to 263 ,y the re:u#red &'at(orm c'earance t#me determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 233. 829 8here two &'at(orms are cons#dered as one &'at(orm as &ro$#ded #n /entence, the re:u#red egress capacity (or each &'at(orm sha'' ,e determ#ned se&arate'y. 8!9 ;he re:u#red &'at(orm c'earance t#me sha'' ,e 4 m#n 'ess the tra$e' t#me ,etween the &'at(orm and the entry #nto the protected route ,ased on tra$e' s&eeds o(, 2a3 3 m!m#n (or hor#Conta' tra$e', and 2,3 21 m!m#n or $ert#ca' r#se. 859 For each means of egress, the re:u#red egress capacity at the &'at(orm sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned (or the ent#re 'ength o( the means of egress. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, where two or more means of egress con$erge, the re:u#red egress capacity ,eyond that &o#nt sha'' ,e cumu'at#$e. 8<9 ;he egress capacity #n /entence 213 need not ,e cumu'at#$e a(ter con$erg#ng where #t can ,e shown that the &'at(orm c'earance t#me #n /entence 233 #s not e5ceeded. !,1!,5,7, 6idt0 o/ )e$ns o/ Egress 819 65ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red #n th#s /u,sect#on, the re:u#red w#dth o( means of egress ser$#ng &'at(orms #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e determ#ned ,ased on, 2a3 the re:u#red egress capacity determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e, and 2,3 the &edestr#an ('ow rate (or the ty&e o( means of egress (ac#'#ty '#sted #n ;a,'e T$ble !,1!,5,7, %edestri$n +lo2 R$tes Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( 6gress Fac#'#ty -'at(orms )orr#dors "oorways 4ates Ram&s not more than 4F Ram&s more than 4F /ta#rs 6sca'ators mo$#ng #n d#rect#on o( egress tra$e', nom#na' w#dth : 1 200 mm : 00 mm : 600 mm ;urnst#'es, he#ght o( ,ar : not more than 900 mm : more than 900 mm )o'umn 2 F'ow Rate, &edestr#ans &er m#nute B!% B!% B!% B!% B!% B!% B!% 100 0 60 41 21 )o'umn 3 F'ow Rate, &edestr#ans &er m#nute &er metre w#dth 0 0 0 0 0 11213 11213 B!% B!% B!% B!% B!%


Botes to T$ble !,1!,5,7,&


F'ow rate #s a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y.

829 +n ca'cu'at#ng the re:u#red w#dth o( corr#dors and ram&s w#th a grade o( 'ess than 4F, 300 mm at each s#dewa'' sha'' ,e added to the w#dth determ#ned ,ased on re:u#red egress capacity. 8!9 +n ca'cu'at#ng the re:u#red w#dth o( egress routes, one esca'ator at each 'e$e' #n a rapid transit station #s deemed to ,e out o( ser$#ce and not a$a#'a,'e (or egress &ur&oses. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, the m#n#mum w#dth o( means of egress (ac#'#t#es ser$#ng &'at(orms sha'' ,e, 246

2a3 1 .10 mm (or corr#dors and ram&s, 2,3 1 .10 mm (or sta#rs, 2c3 430 mm (or turnst#'es, 2d3 100 mm (or (are co''ect#on gates, 2e3 600 mm nom#na' w#dth (or esca'ators, and 2(3 900 mm (or a door 'ea(. 879 % second means of egress as re:u#red ,y /entence #s &erm#tted to ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm w#de. 8<9 ;he m#n#mum w#dth o( &'at(orms sha'' ,e, 2a3 3.2 m (or s#de &'at(orms, and 2,3 6.4 m (or #s'and &'at(orms. 8;9 ;he m#n#mum uno,structed w#dth o( &'at(orms measured (rom the &'at(orm edge sha'' ,e 2.1 m. !,1!,5,<, Egress +$cilities 819 6sca'ators (orm#ng &art o( a re:u#red means of egress sha'', 2a3 where e:u#&&ed to run re$erse to the d#rect#on o( egress tra$e', ,e ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng sto&&ed remote'y and 'oca''y, and 2,3 ha$e a $ert#ca' r#se not more than 12 m ,etween ('oors or 'and#ngs. 829 8here e'ectr#ca''y o&erated gates or turnst#'es used (or (are co''ect#on are #ntended to ,e used as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress (rom a rapid transit station, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to re'ease the gates or turnst#'es #n accordance w#th /entence 243 to a''ow them to o&erate (ree'y #n the d#rect#on o( egress tra$e'. 8!9 8here 'oc7ed doors that &re$ent entry #nto a fare-paid area are to ,e used as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress (rom a rapid transit station, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to re'ease the doors #n accordance w#th /entence 243 to a''ow them to o&erate (ree'y #n the d#rect#on o( egress tra$e'. 859 ;he re'ease de$#ce re:u#red #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed as an anc#''ary de$#ce to the (#re a'arm system and sha'' re'ease #mmed#ate'y, 2a3 u&on act#$at#on o( the (#re alarm signal, 2,3 #n the e$ent o( a &ower (a#'ure or ground (au't, or 2c3 u&on actuat#on o( a manua''y o&erated sw#tch access#,'e to author#Ced &ersonne' and 'ocated #n, 2#3 a (are co''ectorDs ,ooth or 7#os7 at the stat#on, or 2##3 the central supervising station. 879 %(ter re'ease, the gates or turnst#'es #n /entence 223 or the doors #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( react#$at#on on'y ,y manua' actuat#on o( the sw#tch #n )'ause 2432c3. !,1!,7, +ire ($/et3 %ro1isions !,1!,7,1, +ire Al$rm (3stem 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, a (#re a'arm system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.4. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a rapid transit station. !,1!,7,2, E?ce.tions 819 <anua' &u'' stat#ons need not ,e #nsta''ed #n a rapid transit station. 829 %ud#,'e s#gna' a&&'#ances need not ,e #nsta''ed #n a rapid transit station. !,1!,7,!, +ire #etectors 819 65ce&t where the area #s sprin#lered, fire detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery service room, ancillary space, 'eased s&ace, ,ooth and 7#os7. !,1!,7,5, Centr$l (u.er1ising (t$tion 819 6ach rapid transit station sha'' ,e mon#tored ,y a central supervising station con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/161, >+nsta''at#on and /er$#ces (or F#re /#gna' Rece#$#ng )entres and /ystems?. !,1!,7,7, Annunci$tors 819 %n annunc#ator sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 24.

2a3 #n a 'ocat#on that #s read#'y access#,'e to (#re(#ghters enter#ng the building, and 2,3 #n the rapid transit station, 2#3 #n a des#gnated co''ectorDs ,ooth, or 2##3 w#th#n $#ew#ng d#stance o( a des#gnated co''ectorDs ,ooth. !,1!,7,<, Annunci$tor Indic$tion 819 %'' (#re a'arm, fire detectors, $a'$e sw#tches and water ('ow #nd#cator s#gna's when act#$ated #n a rapid transit station sha'' ,e #nd#cated on the annunc#ator at the stat#on. 829 ;he annunc#ator at a rapid transit station sha'' ,e mon#tored s#mu'taneous'y at the central supervising station. 8!9 8here a means of egress (rom a rapid transit station 'eads through an ad0o#n#ng building, any alarm signal or#g#nat#ng #n the building w#th#n 2 storeys a,o$e a connect#on to the stat#on sha'', 2a3 ,e #nd#cated on the rapid transit station annunc#ator, and 2,3 cause a message to ('ash a warn#ng on a s#gn 'ocated #n con(ormance w#th /entence 243, that the means of egress sha'' not ,e used as an e"it (rom the stat#on. 859 % s#gn re:u#red #n )'ause 2332,3 sha'' ,e 'ocated, 2a3 at the doors (rom the rapid transit station to the ad0o#n#ng building, and 2,3 #n the means of egress to the ad0o#n#ng building, at the 'ast &o#nt where there #s a cho#ce o( d#rect#on to tra$e' to at 'east one other e"it. !,1!,7,;, Emergenc3 %o2er 819 %n emergency &ower su&&'y con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.2... . sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or the (#re a'arm system. !,1!,7,=, Communic$tion (3stems 819 +n a rapid transit station, a &u,'#c address system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed and sha'' #nc'ude 'ouds&ea7ers that, 2a3 can ,e o&erated (rom the central supervising station, 2,3 can ,e o&erated (rom the rapid transit station #n wh#ch they are 'ocated, and 2c3 des#gned and 'ocated so that $o#ce messages can ,e heard #nte''#g#,'y throughout the public area #n a rapid transit station. 829 % two-way commun#cat#on system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each rapid transit station w#th te'e&hones 'ocated at, 2a3 the co''ectorDs ,ooth, and 2,3 at each end o( each &'at(orm. 8!9 ;he te'e&hones #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th connect#ons to the central supervising station. !,1!,7,9, Emergenc3 Re.orting #e1ices 819 6mergency re&ort#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e 'ocated on &assenger &'at(orms and throughout a rapid transit station such that the d#stance o( tra$e' (rom any &o#nt #n the public area to such a de$#ce #s not more than 90 m. 829 ;he emergency re&ort#ng de$#ces re:u#red #n /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e &u,'#c te'e&hones w#th an emergency no charge ca&a,#'#ty and the#r 'ocat#on sha'' ,e &'a#n'y #nd#cated ,y a&&ro&r#ate s#gns. !,1!,7,1>, (.rinAler (3stems 819 /&r#n7'er systems sha'' con(orm w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 829 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.13.3. the stee' truss enc'osure o( an esca'ator sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 8!9 ;here sha'' ,e #dent#(#cat#on on a (#re de&artment connect#on (or a s&r#n7'er system #n a rapid transit station to #nd#cate that the connect#on #s &art o( the stat#on system. !,1!,7,11, (t$nd.i.e $nd Eose (3stems 819 % stand&#&e and hose system con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.9. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a rapid transit station, e5ce&t as otherw#se re:u#red or &erm#tted #n th#s %rt#c'e. 829 8here a rapid transit station #nc'udes more than one stand&#&e r#ser there sha'' ,e a cross-connect#on &#&e ha$#ng a d#ameter not 'ess than 100 mm ,etween each stand&#&e r#ser so that su&&'y#ng o( water through any (#re de&artment connect#on w#'' (urn#sh water throughout each r#ser.


8!9 ;here sha'' ,e #dent#(#cat#on on a (#re de&artment connect#on (or a stand&#&e system #n a rapid transit station to #nd#cate that the connect#on #s &art o( the stat#on system. 859 =ose stat#ons sha'' ,e 'ocated so that e$ery &ort#on o( the rapid transit station can ,e reached ,y a hose stream and #s w#th#n 3 m o( a hose noCC'e when the hose #s e5tended. 879 +n add#t#on to the re:u#rements #n /entence 243, hose stat#ons sha'' ,e 'ocated #n each tunne' not more than 20 m (rom the end o( the &'at(orm. 8<9 ;he re:u#rement (or hose rac7 and (#re hose #n /entence does not a&&'y #n a rapid transit station. 8;9 6ach hose stat#on sha'' ha$e a 3 mm hose connect#on and a 61 mm hose connect#on. 8=9 %'' su&&'y &#&#ng sha'' ha$e a d#ameter not 'ess than 100 mm. !,1!,<, Re4uired ($nit$r3 +$cilities !,1!,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, /u,sect#on 3...4. a&&'#es to a rapid transit station. !,1!,<,2, 6$s0rooms Re4uired 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, a washroom (or each se5, conta#n#ng at 'east one water c'oset and one 'a$atory, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each rapid transit station (or use ,y em&'oyees. 829 8here the num,er o( em&'oyees #n a rapid transit station #s not more than (#$e, a washroom conta#n#ng one water c'oset and one 'a$atory #s &erm#tted to ,e used ,y ,oth se5es &ro$#ded the door to the room can ,e 'oc7ed (rom the #ns#de. 8!9 8here a rapid transit station #s not sta((ed dur#ng o&erat#ng hours, a washroom #s not re:u#red #n the stat#on. 859 +n each rapid transit station 'ocated at the end o( a '#ne, a washroom (or each se5, conta#n#ng no (ewer than three water c'osets and two 'a$ator#es, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or use ,y the &u,'#c. !,1!,;, Emergenc3 'entil$tion !,1!,;,1, A..lic$tion 819 6$ery rapid transit station sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an emergency $ent#'at#on system con(orm#ng to BF-% 130, >F#5ed 4u#deway ;rans#t /ystems?. !,1!,=, B$rrier:+ree #esign !,1!,=,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3. . a&&'y to rapid transit stations. 829 %t 'east one barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom an entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2., 2a3 #nto the fare-paid area, and 2,3 to each &'at(orm.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,1!,=,1, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !1, 5!9

!,1!,=,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3. . a&&'y to rapid transit stations. 829 % rapid transit station need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th more than one barrier-free entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. 8!9 %t 'east one barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom a barrier-free entrance, 2a3 #nto the fare-paid area, and 2,3 to each &'at(orm. !,1!,=,2, E?ce.tion 819 8here an e'e$ator #s used to com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 3.3.1..., the &ro$#s#ons o( )'ause 3.3.1...2132a3 do not a&&'y where the e'e$ator system com&'#es w#th %rt#c'e 3.13. .3. !,1!,=,!, Ele1$tor Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the e'e$ator #n %rt#c'e 3.13. .2. sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng trans&ortat#on (rom each &'at(orm to an entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !2, 5!9

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the e'e$ator descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.13. .2. sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng trans&ortat#on (rom each &'at(orm to a barrier-free entrance descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3. .1.2. 249

829 8here #t #s necessary to change e'e$ators to reach the entrance descr#,ed #n /entence 213, the e'e$ator system sha'' ,e des#gned so that not more than one change o( e'e$ator #s re:u#red ,etween, 2a3 a &'at(orm and a fare-paid area control, and 2,3 the fare-paid area control and the entrance. !,1!,=,5, Emergenc3$tion o/ Ele1$tors 819 <anua' emergency reca'' o&erat#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or a'' e'e$ators. 829 Zey-o&erated sw#tches (or emergency reca'' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded and sha'' ,e 'ocated on the outs#de o( each e'e$ator sha(t at the 'e$e' o( the fare-paid area control. 8!9 +n-car emergency ser$#ce sw#tches sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a'' e'e$ator cars. 859 Zeys to o&erate the sw#tches re:u#red #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e 'ocated at, 2a3 the annunc#ator re:u#red #n )'ause, and 2,3 the co''ectorDs ,ooth des#gnated #n )'ause,3. !,1!,=,7, 6$s0rooms Re4uired to be B$rrier:+ree 819 % barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to the washrooms re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 829 8here a washroom re:u#red #n /entence conta#ns on'y one water c'oset and one 'a$atory, the washroom sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3. .3.12. 8!9 8here a washroom re:u#red #n /entence conta#ns more than one water c'oset, the washroom sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.11. 859 ;he washroom re:u#red #n /entence sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3. .3.12. 879 ;he washrooms re:u#red #n /entence sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 3. .3. . to 3. .3.11. (ection !,15, Tents $nd Air:(u..orted (tructures !,15,1, Tents !,15,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, tents are e5em&ted (rom com&'y#ng w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s "#$#s#on. !,15,1,2, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on sha'' a&&'y to a'' tents. 829 %rt#c'es, 3.14.1... and 3.14.1. . do not a&&'y to tents that, 2a3 do not e5ceed 221 m2 #n ground area, 2,3 do not e5ceed 221 m2 #n aggregate ground area and are c'oser than 3 m a&art, 2c3 do not conta#n ,'eachers, and 2d3 are not enc'osed w#th s#dewa''s. !,15,1,!, )e$ns o/ Egress 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, tents sha'' con(orm to /ect#ons 3.3. and 3.4. 829 % tent need not con(orm to %rt#c'e e5ce&t where sw#ng ty&e doors are &ro$#ded. 8!9 8here the area ,etween ad0acent tents or a tent and the &ro&erty '#ne #s used as a means of egress, the m#n#mum w#dth ,etween sta7e '#nes sha'' ,e the w#dth necessary (or means of egress, ,ut not 'ess than 3 m. !,15,1,5, Cle$r$nce to Ot0er (tructures 819 ;ents sha'' not ,e erected c'oser than 3 m to the &ro&erty '#ne. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233, 243 and 213, tents sha'' not ,e erected c'oser than 3 m to other tents or structures on the same &ro&erty. 8!9 % wal#way ,etween a building and a tent occu&#ed ,y the &u,'#c #s &erm#tted &ro$#ded, 2a3 the tent #s not c'oser than 3 m (rom the building, and 2,3 the wal#way con(orms to %rt#c'e 210

859 ;ents not occu&#ed ,y the &u,'#c need not ,e se&arated (rom one another, and are &erm#tted to ,e erected 'ess than 3 m (rom other structures on the same &ro&erty, where such c'oser s&ac#ng does not create a haCard to the &u,'#c. 879 ;ents 'ocated on (a#r grounds or s#m#'ar o&en s&aces, need not ,e se&arated (rom one another &ro$#ded such c'oser s&ac#ng does not create a haCard to the &u,'#c. !,15,1,7, Cle$r$nces to +l$mm$ble )$teri$l 819 ;he ground enc'osed ,y a tent and (or not 'ess than 3 m outs#de o( such structure sha'' ,e c'eared o( a'' ('amma,'e or combustible mater#a' or $egetat#on that w#'' carry (#re. !,15,1,<, +l$me Resist$nce 819 6$ery tent, and tar&au'#ns, decorat#$e mater#a's, (a,r#cs and (#'ms used #n connect#on w#th tents, sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?, or BF-% .01, >F#re ;ests (or F'ame -ro&agat#on o( ;e5t#'es and F#'ms?. !,15,1,;, Ble$c0ers 819 8here ,'eachers are &ro$#ded #n tents, they sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es 3.3.2. ., and /u,sect#on 4.1.1. !,15,1,=, ($nit$r3 +$cilities 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the m#n#mum num,er o( water c'osets (or tents sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 3...4.3.6. 829 %rt#c'e 3...4.1.. a&&'#es to san#tary (ac#'#t#es #n /entence 213. 8!9 /an#tary &r#$#es, chem#ca' c'osets or other means (or the d#s&osa' o( human waste may ,e &ro$#ded #n '#eu o( to#'et (#5tures. !,15,1,9, %ro1ision /or +ire/ig0ting 819 %ccess sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a'' tents (or the &ur&ose o( (#re(#ght#ng. !,15,1,1>, Electric$l (3stems 819 ;he e'ectr#ca' system and e:u#&ment #n a tent, #nc'ud#ng e'ectr#ca' (uses and sw#tches, sha'' ,e #naccess#,'e to the &u,'#c. 829 )a,'es on the ground #n areas used ,y the &u,'#c #n a tent sha'' ,e &'aced #n trenches or &rotected ,y co$ers to &re$ent damage (rom tra((#c. !,15,2, Air:(u..orted (tructures !,15,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the re:u#rements o( th#s "#$#s#on a&&'y to air-supported structures. !,15,2,2, Gener$l 819 Air-supported structures sha'' not ,e used (or 4rou&s *, ) or 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 major occupancies or (or c'assrooms. 829 65ce&t where no fire separation #s re:u#red ,etween major occupancies, air-supported structures sha'' conta#n not more than one major occupancy. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, air-supported structures are e5em&t (rom com&'y#ng w#th %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3., e5ce&t (or ma5#mum building s#Ce. 859 Air-supported structures may ,e des#gned w#th #nter#or wa''s, mezzanines, or s#m#'ar construction. 879 +nter#or construct#on conta#ned w#th#n air-supported structures must meet the construct#on re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. !,15,2,!, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223, 233 and 243, air-supported structures sha'' not ,e erected c'oser than 3 m to other structures on the same &ro&erty or to the &ro&erty '#ne. 829 Air-supported structures not occu&#ed ,y the &u,'#c need not ,e se&arated (rom one another, and are &erm#tted to ,e erected c'oser than 3 m (rom other structures on the same &ro&erty where such c'oser s&ac#ng does not create a haCard to the building occu&ants or the &u,'#c. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, an air-supported structure #s &erm#tted to ,e attached to another building &ro$#ded the building to wh#ch #t #s attached,


2a3 con(orms to the re:u#rements o( other -arts o( th#s "#$#s#on ,ased on the tota' building areas o( the air-supported structure and the attached building, 2,3 #s sprin#lered, and 2c3 #s se&arated (rom the air-supported structure ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. 859 %n air-supported structure #s &erm#tted to ,e attached to another building &ro$#ded the building to wh#ch #t #s attached, 2a3 has a building area not more than 200 m2, 2,3 con(orms to the re:u#rements o( other -arts o( the )ode ,ased on the building area o( the attached building, and 2c3 #s sprin#lered or se&arated (rom the air-supported structure ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. !,15,2,5, Cle$r$nces to +l$mm$ble )$teri$l 819 ;he ground enc'osed ,y an air-supported structure and (or not 'ess than 3 m outs#de o( such structure sha'' ,e c'ear o( a'' ('amma,'e or combustible mater#a' or $egetat#on that w#'' carry (#re. !,15,2,7, +l$me Resist$nce 819 Air-supported structures sha'' ,e constructed o( mater#a' con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ameRes#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?, or BF-% .01, >F#re ;ests (or F'ame -ro&agat#on o( ;e5t#'es and F#'ms?. 829 <ater#a's (or (a,r#cs used #n connect#on w#th air-supported structures are e5em&t (rom com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements (or flame-spread ratings (or #nter#or (#n#shes #n /u,sect#on 3.1.13. !,15,2,<, Emergenc3 Air (u..l3 819 %n air-supported structure des#gned (or an assembly occupancy w#th an occupant load o( more than 200 &ersons sha'' ha$e e#ther an automat#c emergency eng#ne-generator set ca&a,'e o( &ower#ng one ,'ower cont#nuous'y (or 4 h, or a su&&'ementary ,'ower &owered ,y an automat#c #nterna' com,ust#on eng#ne. !,15,2,;, Electric$l (3stems 819 ;he e'ectr#ca' system and e:u#&ment #n an air-supported structure, #nc'ud#ng e'ectr#ca' (uses and sw#tches, sha'' ,e #naccess#,'e to the &u,'#c. 829 )a,'es on the ground #n areas used ,y the &u,'#c #n an air-supported structure sha'' ,e &'aced #n trenches or &rotected ,y co$ers to &re$ent damage (rom tra((#c. (ection !,17, (igns !,17,1, (co.e !,17,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded otherw#se #n %rt#c'e th#s /ect#on sha'' a&&'y to the erect#on o( a'' s#gns. !,17,1,2, E?ce.tions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng s#gns sha'' not ,e su,0ect to the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s /ect#on, 2a3 s#gns (or regu'at#ng tra((#c or s#m#'ar de$#ces, 'ega' not#ces or warn#ngs at ra#'road cross#ngs, 2,3 s#gns #n d#s&'ay w#ndows #nc'ud#ng wr#t#ng, re&resentat#on, &a#nt#ng or 'etter#ng d#rect'y on the sur(ace o( any w#ndow or door, or other s#gns not a((#5ed to the building #nter#or, 2c3 sma'' s#gns d#s&'ayed (or the d#rect#on o( the &u,'#c #nc'ud#ng s#gns that #dent#(y rest rooms, (re#ght entrances and such other s#m#'ar d#rect#ona' s#gns, 2d3 s#gns &a#nted d#rect'y on a building, and 2e3 #nc#denta' s#gns or other s#gns su,0ect to mun#c#&a' a&&ro$a'. !,17,2, Alter$tions !,17,2,1, E?ce.tions /or Alter$tions 819 ;he chang#ng o( mo$a,'e &arts o( s#gns that are des#gned (or changes, or the re&a#nt#ng o( d#s&'ay matter sha'' not ,e deemed to ,e a'terat#ons. !,17,!, (tructur$l Re4uirements !,17,!,1, (tructur$l #esign 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on, a'' s#gn structures sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 212

!,17,5, %l$stic (ign +$cing )$teri$ls !,17,5,1, Combustible (ign +$ces 819 -'ast#c mater#a's used #n the construct#on o( s#gn (aces sha'', 2a3 ha$e an a$erage ,urn#ng rate not greater than 61 mm!m#n #n sheets 1.1 mm th#c7 when tested #n accordance w#th %/;< "631, >Rate o( *urn#ng and!or 65tent and ;#me o( *urn#ng o( -'ast#cs #n a =or#Conta' -os#t#on?, 2,3 ha$e an a$erage ,urn#ng rate not greater than 140 mm!m#n when tested #n accordance w#th %/;< "16 , >Rate o( *urn#ng and!or 65tent and ;#me o( *urn#ng o( F'e5#,'e -'ast#cs #n a Hert#ca' -os#t#on?, and 2c3 ha$e a measurement o( mater#a' th#c7ness #n accordance w#th <ethod *-<ach#n#stsD <#crometer 8#thout Ratchet o( %/;< "3.4, >;h#c7ness o( /o'#d 6'ectr#ca' +nsu'at#on?. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, where the e"terior cladding o( a wa'' #s re:u#red to ,e noncombustible, a &'ast#c s#gn (ace or a grou& o( cont#guous &'ast#c s#gn (aces may ,e &'aced o$er such c'add#ng &ro$#ded each such s#gn (ace or grou& o( cont#guous s#gn (aces, 2a3 does not e5ceed 30F o( the wa'' area o( the storey on wh#ch #t #s #nsta''ed, 2,3 does not e5ceed 11 m2 #n area or 1 200 mm #n he#ght at each storey, and 2c3 when 'ocated a,o$e the first storey, #s $ert#ca''y se&arated (rom other &'ast#c s#gn (aces ,y 1 200 mm o( noncombustible construction un'ess se&arated ,y a hor#Conta' noncombustible &ro0ect#on such as a canopy, e5tend#ng the (u'' w#dth o(, and &ro0ect#ng at 'east 900 mm ,eyond the e5ter#or s#gn (ace. 8!9 8here a &'ast#c e5ter#or s#gn #s mounted as a (ace on a meta' s#gn ,o5 that #s at 'east 200 mm #n de&th, the re:u#rements o( /entence 223 need not a&&'y &ro$#ded the s#gn ,o5 #s mounted on a noncombustible e5ter#or wa''. 859 Botw#thstand#ng the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, the &'ast#c &ort#on o( an #nter#or s#gn &'aced o$er or (orm#ng &art o( an #nter#or wa'' sur(ace #n corr#dors, co$ered or enc'osed wal#ways at or a,o$e grade #n buildings sha'', 2a3 not e5ceed 11F o( the wa'' area #n, or o$er wh#ch #t may ,e #nsta''ed, 2,3 ,e su&&orted ,y a de$#ce that w#'' not detr#menta''y a((ect the fire-resistance rating o( the #nter#or wa'' to wh#ch #t #s attached or o( wh#ch #t may (orm a &art, and encase the edges o( the &'ast#c s#gn (ace #n meta', 2c3 not ,e &os#t#oned or s#Ced #n such a manner that #t #s 'ess than 600 mm (rom the $ert#ca' '#ne se&arat#ng two ad0acent &rem#ses, 2d3 ,e &'aced so that there #s at 'east 600 mm $ert#ca' se&arat#on o( noncombustible mater#a' ,etween the to& o( the &'ast#c s#gn sur(ace and the ce#'#ng sur(ace, 2e3 ,e &erm#tted to ha$e an #ncrease o( 100F #n area re:u#red #n )'ause 2a3 and a decrease o( 10F o( the se&arat#on d#stances re:u#red #n )'auses 2c3 and 2d3 #( the area #s sprin#lered, and 2(3 ha$e a flame-spreading rating not more than 210. 879 /#gns #n e"its and underground wal#ways sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating not more than 21. !,17,7, Loc$tion Restrictions !,17,7,1, Obstructions not %ermitted 819 % s#gn sha'' not ,e 'ocated so as to o,struct o&en#ngs re:u#red (or '#ght and $ent#'at#on, any re:u#red means of egress or re:u#red access (or (#re(#ght#ng #n accordance w#th /entence !,17,7,2, Cle$r$nce /or E?terior (igns 819 %n e5ter#or s#gn sha'' not ,e 'ocated so as to o$erhang a s#dewa'7 or other &edestr#an wal#way un'ess the $ert#ca' d#stance, measured (rom the ,ottom o( the o$erhang#ng &ort#on o( the s#gn to the sur(ace o( the s#dewa'7, #s at 'east 2 400 mm. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a s#gn (ace sha'' not ,e 'ocated w#th#n 600 mm o( the $eh#cu'ar tra$e''ed &ort#on o( a &r#$ate 'ane or roadway, or o( a motor $eh#c'e &ar7#ng area, un'ess the m#n#mum $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween grade and the ,ottom o( the o$erhang#ng s#gn (ace #s at 'east 4.21 m. 8!9 8here the he#ght o( a'' $eh#c'es us#ng any &r#$ate road or &ar7#ng area #s &ermanent'y restr#cted, the $ert#ca' d#stance #n /entence 223 may ,e reduced to the amount o( the actua' he#ght restr#ct#on, (or as 'ong as the sa#d he#ght restr#ct#on #s #n e5#stence on the &rem#ses. 859 % s#gn sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n &ro5#m#ty to e5#st#ng a,o$e ground e'ectr#ca' conductors, un'ess the s#gn meets the c'earance re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.1.19. (ection !,1<, (0el/ $nd R$cA (tor$ge (3stems 213

!,1<,1, (co.e !,1<,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system. 829 ;he re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2. . do not a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system con(orm#ng to th#s /ect#on. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.16.2. a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system (or the storage o( )'ass +, ++, +++ and +H commod#t#es as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 859 ;he re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.16.3. a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system (or the storage o( 4rou& %, * and ) &'ast#cs and ru,,er t#res as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. !,1<,1,2, Gener$l 819 % shelf and rac# storage system sha'' not ,e des#gned (or &roduct#on, manu(actur#ng, assem,'#ng, d#sassem,'#ng or anc#''ary adm#n#strat#$e (unct#ons. 829 % shelf and rac# storage system may ,e des#gned (or the storage, access#ng, retr#e$a', &ac7#ng and d#str#,ut#on o( commod#t#es. 8!9 % high hazard industrial occupancy sha'' not conta#n a shelf and rac# storage system. 859 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, a shelf and rac# storage system sha'' not e5ceed 24 m #n he#ght. !,1<,1,!, Construction 819 %'' structura' com&onents o( a shelf and rac# storage system, #nc'ud#ng &osts, ,eams, dec7s, wa'7ways, connect#ons and the#r su&&orts such as concrete s'a,s and foundations, sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, &'at(orm and wa'7way 'e$e's sha'' ,e o(, 2a3 so'#d construct#on cons#st#ng o( stee' &'ate or stee' roo( dec7#ng w#th a to& su,strate that (orms a ser$#cea,'e ('oor area, or 2,3 o&en construct#on cons#st#ng o( stee' grat#ng or o&en stee' ('oor &'an7#ng. 8!9 0uards and toe-,oards sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es and 3.3.1. . 859 6$ery &'at(orm or wa'7way 'e$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th (#re e5t#ngu#shers #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. !,1<,1,5, (igns 819 % &ermanent s#gn sha'' ,e &osted #n a cons&#cuous 'ocat#on to #nd#cate the ma5#mum &erm#ss#,'e design loads (or each shelf and rac# storage system. 829 -ermanent s#gns sha'' ,e &osted #n cons&#cuous 'ocat#ons w#th, 2a3 the words NO ()OIING #n ,'ac7 'etter#ng not 'ess than 10 mm h#gh w#th a stro7e not 'ess than 12 mm on a ye''ow ,ac7ground, or 2,3 a non-smo7#ng sym,o' ha$#ng a s#Ce not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 110 mm. !,1<,1,7, Lig0ting 819 8a'7ways and &'at(orms sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to an a$erage 'e$e' not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e' and at ang'es and #ntersect#ons at changes o( 'e$e' where there are sta#rs or ram&s. 829 6mergency '#ght#ng on wa'7ways, &'at(orms, unenc'osed egress sta#rs and e"its &ro$#d#ng means of egress sha'' con(orm to not 'ess than, 2a3 the #''um#nat#on 'e$e' #n /entences 3.2...3.223 and 233, and 2,3 the durat#on #n /entence 3.2...4.213. !,1<,1,<, (.rinAler (3stem 819 %n automat#c s&r#n7'er system con(orm#ng to th#s %rt#c'e sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a floor area conta#n#ng a shelf and rac# storage system. 829 ;he automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems? or the a&&ro&r#ate BF-% s&r#n7'er standard (or the most se$ere haCard to wh#ch the storage system #s e5&osed. 8!9 /&r#n7'er &rotect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under a'' &'at(orms and wa'7ways. 859 65ce&t where the &'at(orms or wa'7ways are o( o&en construct#on, any o&en#ngs (or egress sta#rs sha'' ,e &rotected ,y noncombustible dra(t sto&s not 'ess than 410 mm ,e'ow the ('oors a,o$e. 214

879 ;he automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed to #nd#cate a trou,'e s#gna' on the building (#re a'arm system annunc#ator or where the building does not ha$e a (#re a'arm system, to not#(y the &erson contro''#ng the o&erat#on o( the building (or each o( the s#tuat#ons '#sted #n /entence 8<9 ;he automat#c s&r#n7'er system sha'' ,e des#gned to not#(y the (#re de&artment that a water('ow sw#tch has ,een act#$ated. 8;9 ;he not#(#cat#on to the &erson contro''#ng the building and the (#re de&artment re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 263 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243. 8=9 % &ermanent s#gn sha'' ,e &osted, at or near the s&r#n7'er contro' $a'$e, conta#n#ng, 2a3 the word NOTICE #n contrast#ng 'etters, 2,3 a descr#&t#on o( the commod#ty c'ass as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?, and 2c3 the s&r#n7'er des#gn cr#ter#a used (or the shelf and rac# storage system. !,1<,1,;, E?its $nd )e$ns o/ Egress 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery wa'7way or &'at(orm 'e$e' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th no (ewer than two e"its con(orm#ng to /ect#on 3.4. 829 %n access to e"it (rom an e'e$ated &'at(orm 'e$e' may ,e &ro$#ded ,y means o( o&en unenc'osed sta#rs ser$#ng, 2a3 not more than (our &'at(orm 'e$e's, the h#ghest o( wh#ch sha'' ,e not more than 12 m a,o$e the ma#n ('oor, where the shelf and rac# storage system #s #ntended (or the storage o( )'ass +, ++, +++ and +H commod#t#es, as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?, and 2,3 not more than two &'at(orm 'e$e's, where the shelf and rac# storage system #s #ntended (or the storage o( 4rou& %, * and ) &'ast#cs and ru,,er t#res, as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. 8!9 %ny s#ng'e &'at(orm or wa'7way #n a shelf and rac# storage system may ,e ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e unenc'osed sta#r 'ead#ng to the &'at(orm or wa'7way 'e$e' #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow &ro$#ded, 2a3 the &'at(orm or wa'7way does not e5ceed 200 m2 #n area, 2,3 the tra$e' d#stance on the &'at(orm or wa'7way to the 'e$e' ,e'ow, #nc'ud#ng the tra$e' d#stance a'ong the s#ng'e unenc'osed egress sta#r, does not e5ceed 21 m, and 2c3 the &'at(orm or wa'7way ,e'ow #s &ro$#ded w#th two se&arate egress sta#rs or e"its. 859 ;he ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance on an e'e$ated &'at(orm to the ground ('oor 'e$e', #nc'ud#ng the tra$e' d#stance a'ong unenc'osed sta#rs, sha'' not e5ceed 41 m. 879 ;he ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance on an e'e$ated &'at(orm to an e"it ser$#ng that &'at(orm sha'' not e5ceed 41 m. 8<9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2.3, the ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( an unenc'osed sta#r to an e"it a'ong a ma#n a#s'e on the ground ('oor 'e$e' sha'' not e5ceed 41 m. 8;9 8here the tra$e' d#stance #n /entence 263 e5ceeds 41 m, 2a3 an egress system ser$#ng the shelf and rac# storage system sha'' ,e des#gned on the ,as#s o( a t#me-,ased egress ana'ys#s us#ng the (o''ow#ng cr#ter#a: 2#3 occu&ant egress s&eed o( 1 m!sec sha'' ,e used (or hor#Conta' egress routes w#th#n the shelf and rac# storage system, 2##3 occu&ant egress s&eed o( 0.6 m!sec sha'' ,e used (or $ert#ca' egress routes w#th#n the shelf and rac# storage system, measured on the d#agona' a'ong the nos#ng o( the sta#rs, 2###3 occu&ant egress s&eed o( 1.3 m!sec sha'' ,e used (or hor#Conta' egress routes a'ong a ma#n a#s'e on the ground ('oor 'e$e', 2#$3 each '#(t-gate sha'' ,e accorded an egress t#me o( 10 seconds, 2$3 each at-'e$e' con$eyor cross-o$er sha'' ,e accorded a t#me o( 1 seconds, and 2$#3 a sa(ety (actor o( 1.1 sha'' ,e used #n ca'cu'at#ng the tota' egress t#me, 2,3 the tota' egress t#me sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a: ;ota' 6gress ;#me S 2=& V H&!0.6 V =m!1.3 V 10B'g V 1B'c 3 [ 1.1 2#n seconds3 where: =& S hor#Conta' tra$e' d#stance on the shelf and rac# storage system, #n metres, 211

H& S $ert#ca' tra$e' d#stance on the shelf and rac# storage system, #n metres, =m S hor#Conta' tra$e' d#stance on the ma#n ('oor, #n metres, B'g S num,er o( '#(t gates #n the means of egress, B'c S num,er o( at-'e$e' cross o$ers #n the means of egress, 2c3 the tota' egress t#me (rom any &o#nt #n the shelf and rac# storage system sha'' ,e a ma5#mum o( 4 m#nutes, 2d3 a (#re a'arm and detect#on system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.4. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the building, 2e3 smo#e detectors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under a'' so'#d dec7#ng and wa'7ways, 2(3 c'ear'y #dent#(#ed and eas#'y access#,'e &u'' stat#ons sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at egress sta#rs, con$eyor cross-o$ers or '#(t-gates 'ocated a'ong egress &aths, and 2g3 the occupant load on each 'e$e' o( the shelf and rac# storage system sha'' not e5ceed 10 &ersons &er egress sta#r. 8=9 % dead end a#s'e sha'' not e5ceed 9 m where the &'at(orm or wa'7way #s &ro$#ded w#th two or more egress (ac#'#t#es. 899 %n a#s'e ser$#ng a shelf and rac# storage system sha'' ha$e a c'ear-a#s'e w#dth o( not 'ess than .60 mm. 81>9 )on$eyors, tro''eys, trac7s or any other s#m#'ar mode o( &roduct trans&ortat#on w#th#n the a#s'e or wa'7way sha'' not reduce the c'ear-a#s'e w#dth re:u#red #n /entence 293. 8119 8here e"its are &ro$#ded to com&'y w#th /entence, ma#n a#s'es ser$#ng the shelf and rac# storage system on the ground ('oor, 'ead#ng (rom egress sta#rs d#rect'y to an e"it, sha'' ,e c'ear'y demarcated and ha$e a m#n#mum uno,structed, c'ear-a#s'e w#dth o( 2.4 m. 8129 8here a '#(t-gate #s #ncor&orated a'ong an egress route, 2a3 a ma5#mum o( two '#(t-gates may ,e w#th#n a s#ng'e egress route, 2,3 each '#(t-gate sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &os#t#$e 'oc7 when o&en, and 2c3 #t sha'' ,e des#gned to automat#ca''y sto& the con$eyor ,e't that #t ser$es when the '#(t-gate #s o&en. 81!9 8here an at-'e$e' con$eyor cross-o$er #s #ncor&orated a'ong an egress route, 2a3 not more than two at-'e$e' con$eyor cross-o$ers sha'' ,e w#th#n a s#ng'e egress route, 2,3 handra#'s s&aced not more than 1 m a&art and &ara''e' to the d#rect#on o( egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on ,oth s#des o( the at-'e$e' cross-o$er, 2c3 ('at, meta' #nserts sha'' ,e &'aced ,etween each ro''er o$er the re:u#red egress w#dth at each at-'e$e' con$eyor crosso$er to &ro$#de a wa'7#ng sur(ace, 2d3 at 'east two #nserts not 'ess than 100 mm w#de sha'' ,e arranged symmetr#ca''y ,etween the handra#'s ser$#ng the at'e$e' cross-o$er, 2e3 #nserts sha'' ,e s#Ced to su&&ort 'oads s&ec#(#ed #n -art 4, 2(3 a c'ear'y #dent#(#ed and eas#'y access#,'e sw#tch that w#'' sto& the con$eyor sha'' ,e 'ocated at each at-'e$e' cross-o$er, and 2g3 sta#rs a&&roach#ng at-'e$e' con$eyor cross-o$ers sha'' ,e mar7ed to #nd#cate that they are read#'y #dent#(#a,'e as &art o( the egress route. !,1<,2, (tor$ge o/ Cl$ss I, II, III $nd I' Commodities !,1<,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system #ntended (or the storage o( )'ass +, ++, +++ and +H commod#t#es as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. !,1<,2,2, Construction 819 8here the he#ght o( a shelf and rac# storage system , measured (rom the ('oor su&&ort#ng the system to the to&most &ort#on o( the she'(, e5ceeds 1 m, 2a3 a (#re a'arm and detect#on system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 3.2.4. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th, 2#3 &u'' stat#ons 'ocated at a'' e"it doors #nc'ud#ng e"it doors ser$#ng e'e$ated dec7s and wa'7ways, and 2##3 smo#e detectors 'ocated, at the ce#'#ng o( a'' rooms and areas conta#n#ng the shelf and rac# storage system , w#th#n e"it sta#r enc'osures at the to&, and at e$ery th#rd 'e$e' o( e'e$ated dec7 or wa'7way, and


2,3 the (#re a'arm and detect#on system re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3, sha'' ,e des#gned to not#(y the (#re de&artment u&on act#$at#on, and 2c3 the shelf and rac# storage system sha'' ,e des#gned on'y (or the storage o( )'ass +, ++ and +++ commod#t#es as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. !,1<,!, (tor$ge o/ Grou. A, B $nd C %l$stics $nd Rubber Tires !,1<,!,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to a shelf and rac# storage system #ntended (or the storage o( 4rou& %, * and ) &'ast#cs and ru,,er t#res as de(#ned #n BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'er /ystems?. !,1<,!,2, Construction 819 % shelf and rac# storage system #ntended (or the storage o( ru,,er t#res sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %rt#c'e, and 2,3 the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 829 -'at(orm and wa'7way 'e$e's sha'' not ,e o( o&en construct#on. 8!9 % shelf and rac# storage system sha'' not e5ceed . m #n he#ght. (ection !,1;, Addition$l Re4uirements /or C0$nge o/ se !,1;,1, (co.e !,1;,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es where &ro&osed construction #n res&ect o( an e5#st#ng building w#'' resu't #n any o( the (o''ow#ng changes o( use o( a'' or &art o( the building: 2a3 a change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( a building that #s des#gnated w#th a >\? #n ;a,'e o( "#$#s#on ), 2,3 a suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy #s con$erted #nto more than one suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2c3 a suite or &art o( a suite o( a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 or a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 major occupancy #s con$erted to a gaming premises, 2d3 a farm building or &art o( a farm building #s changed to a major occupancy, 2e3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a post-disaster building, 2(3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, or 2g3 the use o( a building or &art o( a building #s changed and the &re$#ous major occupancy o( the building or &art o( the building cannot ,e determ#ned. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on and /entences and, the changes o( use set out #n )'auses 213 2,3 to 2d3 and 2(3 sha'' a'so ,e deemed to const#tute a change #n major occupancy. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on are #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( other -arts o( th#s "#$#s#on as they a&&'y to the &ro&osed construction. !,1;,2, Addition$l Construction !,1;,2,1, C0$nge o/ se $nd Com.ens$ting Construction 819 8here &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n a change o( use descr#,ed #n )'auses 3.1..1.1.2132a3 to 2d3 and 2(3, add#t#ona' construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n order that the building or &art o( a building su,0ect to the change o( use con(orms to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6. and /ect#ons 3..., 3.11. and 3.12. as they a&&'y to the new major occupancy that the building or &art o( a building #s to su&&ort. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s %rt#c'e, e5#st#ng buildings sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as to the#r construction and occupancy as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence !,1;,2,2, %er/orm$nce Le1el $nd Com.ens$ting Construction (1) The performance level of a building after construction shall not be less than the performance level of the building prior to construction. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, reduct#on o( performance level sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es, and


8!9 8here &ro&osed construction wou'd reduce the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building, com&ensat#ng construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es,, and 859 /ect#on 11.1. a&&'#es #n res&ect o( the re:u#rements o( /entences, 233 and 243. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 3G O. Reg. 111!13, ss. 3-2.G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 1-21.
(ection 5,1, 5,1,1, 5,1,2, 5,1,!, 5,1,5, 5,1,7, 5,1,<, 5,1,;, 5,1,=, 5,2, 5,2,1, 5,2,2, 5,2,!, 5,2,5, 5,2,7, 5,2,<, 5,2,;, 5,2,=, 5,!, 5,!,1, 5,!,2, 5,!,!, 5,!,5, 5,!,7, 5,!,<, 5,5, 5,5,1, 5,5,2, 5,5,!, 5,5,5, 5,5,7, (tructur$l Lo$ds $nd %rocedures Gener$l (.eci/ied Lo$ds $nd E//ects Limit (t$tes #esign #e$d Lo$ds Li1e Lo$ds #ue to se $nd Occu.$nc3 Lo$ds #ue to (no2 $nd R$in 6ind Lo$d E$rt04u$Ae Lo$d $nd E//ects +ound$tions Gener$l (ubsur/$ce In1estig$tions $nd Re1ie2s )$teri$ls sed in +ound$tions #esign Re4uirements E?c$1$tions (0$llo2 +ound$tions #ee. +ound$tions (.eci$l +ound$tions #esign Re4uirements /or (tructur$l )$teri$ls 6ood %l$in $nd Rein/orced )$sonr3 %l$in, Rein/orced $nd %restressed Concrete (teel Aluminum Gl$ss #esign Re4uirements /or (.eci$l (tructures Air:(u..orted (tructures %$rAing (tructures Gu$rds o1er Ret$ining 6$lls Anc0or (3stems on Building E?terior )$nure (tor$ge T$nAs




(ection 5,1, (tructur$l Lo$ds $nd %rocedures 5,1,1, Gener$l 5,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 5,1,1,2, Reser1ed 5,1,1,!, #esign Re4uirements 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers and connect#ons #nc'ud#ng (ormwor7 and (a'sewor7 sha'' ,e des#gned to ha$e su((#c#ent structura' ca&ac#ty and structura' #ntegr#ty to sa(e'y and e((ect#$e'y res#st a'' 'oads, e((ects o( 'oads and #n('uences that may reasona,'y ,e e5&ected, ha$#ng regard to the e5&ected ser$#ce '#(e o( buildings, and sha'' #n any case sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on. 829 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers sha'' ,e des#gned (or ser$#cea,#'#ty, #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es to 8!9 %'' &ermanent and tem&orary structura' mem,ers, #nc'ud#ng (ormwor7 and (a'sewor7 o( a building, sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst 'oads e5ceed#ng the s&ec#(#ed 'oads dur#ng the construction &er#od e5ce&t when, as $er#(#ed ,y ana'ys#s or test, tem&orary o$er'oad#ng o( a structura' mem,er wou'd resu't #n no #m&a#rment o( that mem,er or any other mem,er. 859 -recaut#ons sha'' ,e ta7en dur#ng a'' stages o( construction to ensure that the building #s not damaged or d#storted due to 'oads a&&'#ed dur#ng construction. 21

5,1,1,5, #esign B$sis 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, buildings and the#r structura' mem,ers sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the &rocedures and &ract#ces &ro$#ded #n th#s -art. 829 -ro$#ded the des#gn #s carr#ed out ,y a &erson es&ec#a''y :ua'#(#ed #n the s&ec#(#c methods a&&'#ed and &ro$#ded the des#gn demonstrates a 'e$e' o( sa(ety and &er(ormance #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s -art, buildings and the#r structura' com&onents (a''#ng w#th#n the sco&e o( th#s -art that are not amena,'e to ana'ys#s us#ng a genera''y esta,'#shed theory may ,e des#gned ,y, 2a3 e$a'uat#on o( a (u''-sca'e structure or a &rototy&e ,y a 'oad#ng test, or 2,3 stud#es o( mode' ana'ogues. 5,1,2, (.eci/ied Lo$ds $nd E//ects 5,1,2,1, Lo$ds $nd E//ects 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, the categor#es o( 'oads, s&ec#(#ed 'oads and e((ects set out #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e ta7en #nto cons#derat#on #n the des#gn o( a building and #ts structura' mem,ers and connect#ons. T$ble 5,1,2,1,A, C$tegories o/ Lo$ds, (.eci/ied Lo$ds $nd E//ects Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.

)o'umn 1 /ym,o' # E E L LHC C Cd C; % ( T 6

)o'umn 2 Loads, /&ec#(#ed Loads and 6((ects 213 dead load N a &ermanent 'oad 223 due to the we#ght o( building com&onents as s&ec#(#ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.4. earth:ua7e 'oad and e((ects N a rare 'oad 243 due to an earth:ua7e, as s&ec#(#ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1. . a &ermanent 'oad 223 due to 'atera' earth &ressure, #nc'ud#ng groundwater live load N a $ar#a,'e 'oad 233 due to #ntended use and occupancy 2#nc'ud#ng 'oads due to cranes and the &ressure o( '#:u#ds #n conta#ners3, as s&ec#(#ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.1. live load e5c'us#$e o( crane 'oads live load due to cranes #nc'ud#ng se'( we#ght se'( we#ght o( a'' cranes &os#t#oned (or ma5#mum e((ects crane ,um&er #m&act 'oad &ermanent e((ects caused ,y &restress $ar#a,'e 'oad 233 due to snow #nc'ud#ng #ce and assoc#ated ra#n, as s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e, or due to ra#n, as s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e e((ects due to contract#on, e5&ans#on, or de('ect#on caused ,y tem&erature changes, shr#n7age, mo#sture changes, cree&, ground sett'ement, or a com,#nat#on o( them w#nd 'oad N a $ar#a,'e 'oad 233 due to w#nd, as s&ec#(#ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1...

Botes to ;a,'e

Load means the #m&osed de(ormat#ons 2#.e., de('ect#ons, d#s&'acements or mot#ons that #nduce de(ormat#ons and (orces #n the structure3, (orces and &ressures a&&'#ed to the building structure.
223 233 243

-ermanent 'oad #s a 'oad that changes $ery '#tt'e once #t has ,een a&&'#ed to the structure, e5ce&t dur#ng re&a#r. Har#a,'e 'oad #s a 'oad that (re:uent'y changes #n magn#tude, d#rect#on or 'ocat#on. Rare 'oad #s a 'oad that occurs #n(re:uent'y and (or a short t#me on'y.

829 <#n#mum s&ec#(#ed $a'ues o( the 'oads descr#,ed #n /entence 213, as set (orth #n /u,sect#ons 4.1.4. to 4.1. ., sha'' ,e #ncreased to account (or dynam#c e((ects where a&&'#ca,'e. 8!9 For the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng s&ec#(#ed 'oads (, 6 or E #n /u,sect#ons 4.1.6. to 4.1. ., buildings sha'' ,e ass#gned an +m&ortance )ategory ,ased on #ntended use and occupancy, #n accordance w#th ;a,'e*. T$ble 5,1,2,1,B, Im.ort$nce C$tegories /or Buildings Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 @se and ;ccupancy $uildings that re&resent a 'ow d#rect or #nd#rect haCard to human '#(e #n the e$ent o( (a#'ure, #nc'ud#ng: ] 'ow human-occupancy buildings, where #t can ,e shown that co''a&se #s not '#7e'y to cause #n0ury or other ser#ous conse:uences ] m#nor storage buildings )o'umn 2 +m&ortance )ategory Low


2. 3.


%'' buildings e5ce&t those '#sted #n +m&ortance )ategor#es Low, =#gh and -ost-d#saster $uildings that are '#7e'y to ,e used as &ost-d#saster she'ters, #nc'ud#ng buildings whose &r#mary use #s: ] as an e'ementary, m#dd'e or secondary schoo' ] as a commun#ty centre <anu(actur#ng and storage (ac#'#t#es conta#n#ng to5#c, e5&'os#$e or other haCardous su,stances #n su((#c#ent :uant#t#es to ,e dangerous to the &u,'#c #( re'eased 4ost-disaster buildings

Borma' =#gh


5,1,2,2, Lo$ds Not Listed 819 8here a building or structura' mem,er can ,e e5&ected to ,e su,0ected to 'oads, (orces or other e((ects not '#sted #n %rt#c'e, such e((ects sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the des#gn ,ased on the most a&&ro&r#ate #n(ormat#on a$a#'a,'e. 5,1,!, Limit (t$tes #esign 5,1,!,1, #e/initions 819 +n th#s -art, the term, 2a3 >'#m#t states? means those cond#t#ons o( a building structure that resu't #n the building ceas#ng to (u'(#'' the (unct#on (or wh#ch #t was des#gned. 2;hose '#m#t states concern#ng sa(ety are ca''ed u't#mate '#m#t states 2@L/3 and #nc'ude e5ceed#ng the 'oad-carry#ng ca&ac#ty, o$erturn#ng, s'#d#ng and (ractureG those '#m#t states that restr#ct the #ntended use and occupancy o( the building are ca''ed ser$#cea,#'#ty '#m#t states 2/L/3 and #nc'ude de('ect#on, $#,rat#on, &ermanent de(ormat#on and 'oca' structura' damage such as crac7#ngG and those '#m#t states that re&resent (a#'ure under re&eated 'oad#ng are ca''ed (at#gue '#m#t states3, 2,3 >s&ec#(#ed 'oads 2C, #, E, E, L, %, (, T and 63? mean those 'oads set out #n ;a,'e, 2c3 >&r#nc#&a' 'oad? means the s&ec#(#ed $ar#a,'e 'oad or rare 'oad that dom#nates #n a g#$en 'oad com,#nat#on, 2d3 >com&an#on 'oad? means a s&ec#(#ed $ar#a,'e 'oad that accom&an#es the &r#nc#&a' 'oad #n a g#$en 'oad com,#nat#on, 2e3 >ser$#ce 'oad? means a s&ec#(#ed 'oad used (or the e$a'uat#on o( a ser$#cea,#'#ty '#m#t state, 2(3 >&r#nc#&a'-'oad (actor? means a (actor a&&'#ed to the &r#nc#&a' 'oad #n a 'oad com,#nat#on to account (or the $ar#a,#'#ty o( the 'oad and 'oad &attern and the ana'ys#s o( #ts e((ects, 2g3 >com&an#on-'oad (actor? means a (actor that, when a&&'#ed to a com&an#on 'oad #n the 'oad com,#nat#on, g#$es the &ro,a,'e magn#tude o( a com&an#on 'oad act#ng s#mu'taneous'y w#th the (actored &r#nc#&a' 'oad, 2h3 >#m&ortance (actor, +,? means a (actor a&&'#ed #n /u,sect#ons 4.1.6. to 4.1. . to o,ta#n the s&ec#(#ed 'oad and ta7e #nto account the conse:uences o( (a#'ure as re'ated to the '#m#t state and the use and occupancy o( the building, 2#3 >(actored 'oad? means the &roduct o( a s&ec#(#ed 'oad and #ts &r#nc#&a'-'oad (actor or com&an#on-'oad (actor, 203 >e((ects? re(ers to (orces, moments, de(ormat#ons or $#,rat#ons that occur #n the structure, 273 >nom#na' res#stance, R,? o( a mem,er, connect#on or structure, #s ,ased on the geometry and on the s&ec#(#ed &ro&ert#es o( the structura' mater#a's, 2'3 >res#stance (actor, ^,? means a (actor a&&'#ed to a s&ec#(#ed mater#a' &ro&erty or to the res#stance o( a mem,er, connect#on or structure, and that, (or the '#m#t state under cons#derat#on, ta7es #nto account the $ar#a,#'#ty o( d#mens#ons and mater#a' &ro&ert#es, wor7mansh#&, ty&e o( (a#'ure and uncerta#nty #n the &red#ct#on o( res#stance, and 2m3 >(actored res#stance, ^R,? means the &roduct o( nom#na' res#stance and the a&&'#ca,'e res#stance (actor. 5,1,!,2, (trengt0 $nd (t$bilit3 819 % building and #ts structura' com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned to ha$e su((#c#ent strength and sta,#'#ty so that the (actored res#stance, ^R, #s greater than or e:ua' to the e((ect o( (actored 'oads, wh#ch sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 223. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the e((ect o( (actored 'oads (or a building or structura' com&onent sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e and the (o''ow#ng 'oad com,#nat#on cases, the a&&'#ca,'e com,#nat#on ,e#ng that wh#ch resu'ts #n the most cr#t#ca' e((ect: 2a3 (or 'oad cases w#thout crane 'oads, the 'oad com,#nat#ons '#sted #n ;a,'e, and 2,3 (or 'oad cases w#th crane 'oads, the 'oad com,#nat#ons '#sted #n ;a,'e*. 8!9 Other 'oad com,#nat#ons that must a'so ,e cons#dered are the &r#nc#&a' 'oads act#ng w#th the com&an#on 'oads ta7en as Cero.


859 8here the e((ects due to 'atera' earth &ressure, E, restra#nt e((ects (rom &re :stress, %, and #m&osed de(ormat#on, T, a((ect the structura' sa(ety, they sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the ca'cu'at#ons, w#th 'oad (actors o( 1.1, 1.0 and 1.21 ass#gned to E, % and T res&ect#$e'y. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 4.1. .16.213, the counteract#ng (actored dead load, 0.9# #n 'oad com,#nat#on cases 2, 3 and 4 and 1.0# #n 'oad com,#nat#on case 1 o( ;a,'e and 0.9 # #n 'oad com,#nat#on cases 1 to 1 and 1.0 # #n 'oad com,#nat#on case 6 o( ;a,'e*., sha'' ,e used when the dead load acts to res#st o$erturn#ng, u&'#(t, s'#d#ng, (a#'ure due to stress re$ersa', and to determ#ne anchorage re:u#rements and the (actored res#stance o( mem,ers. 8<9 ;he &r#nc#&a'-'oad (actor 1.1 (or live loads, L #n ;a,'e and LHC #n ;a,'e*. may ,e reduced to 1.21 (or '#:u#ds #n tan7s. 8;9 ;he com&an#on-'oad (actor 0.1 (or live loads, L #n ;a,'e and LHC #n ;a,'e*. sha'' ,e #ncreased to 1.0 (or storage areas and (or e:u#&ment areas and service rooms re(erred to #n ;a,'e 8=9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 293, the 'oad (actor 1.21 (or dead load, #, (or soil, su&er#m&osed earth, &'ants and trees g#$en #n ;a,'es and*. sha'' ,e #ncreased to 1.1, e5ce&t that when the soil de&th e5ceeds 1.2 m, the (actor may ,e reduced to 1 V 0.6!hs ,ut not 'ess than 1.21, where hs #s the de&th o( soil #n metres su&&orted ,y the structure. 899 % &r#nc#&a'-'oad (actor o( 1.1 sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to the we#ght o( saturated soil used #n 'oad com,#nat#on case 1 o( ;a,'e 81>9 6arth:ua7e 'oad, E, #n 'oad com,#nat#on case 1 o( ;a,'e and case 6 o( ;a,'e*. #nc'udes hor#Conta' earth &ressure due to earth:ua7e determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 4.1. .16.243. 8119 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to ensure ade:uate sta,#'#ty o( the structure as a who'e and ade:uate 'atera', tors#ona' and 'oca' sta,#'#ty o( a'' structura' &arts. 8129 /way e((ects &roduced ,y $ert#ca' 'oads act#ng on the structure #n #ts d#s&'aced con(#gurat#on sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the des#gn o( buildings and the#r structura' mem,ers. T$ble 5,1,!,2,A, Lo$d Combin$tions 2it0out Cr$ne Lo$ds /or ltim$te Limit (t$tes Form#ng -art o( /entences and 213 to 2103
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.
213 223 233 243 213 263 2.3 2 3

)o'umn 1 )ase 1 2 3 4 1

)o'umn 2 Load )om,#nat#on213 -r#nc#&a' Loads 1.4#223 21.21#233 or 0.9#2433 V1.1L213 21.21#233 or 0.9#2433 V1.1( 21.21#233 or 0.9#2433 V1.46 1.0#243 V 1.0E2 3

)o'umn 3 )om&an#on Loads --0.1(263 or 0.46 0.1L2632.3 or 0.46 0.1L2.3 or 0.1( 0.1L2632.3 V 0.21(263

Notes to T$ble 5,1,!,2,A,&

/ee /entences, 233 and 243. /ee /entence /ee /entence 3. /ee /entence /ee /entence /ee %rt#c'e /ee /entence /ee /entence T$ble 5,1,!,2,B, Lo$d Combin$tions 2it0 Cr$ne Lo$ds /or ltim$te Limit (t$tes Form#ng -art o( /entences, 213 to 2 3 and 2103

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4.

)o'umn 1 )ase 1 2 3 4

)o'umn 2 Load )om,#nat#on213 -r#nc#&a' Loads 21.21#223 or 0.9#2333 V 21.1C V 1.0LHC3 21.21#223 or 0.9#2333 V21.0C V 1.1LHC2133 21.21#223 or 0.9#2333 V1.1( 21.21#223 or 0.9#2333 V1.46

)o'umn 3 )om&an#on Loads 1.0(243 or 0.46 0.1(243 or 0.46 1.0C V 0.1LHC243263 1.0C2.3 V 0.1LHC243263


1. 6.
213 223 233 243 213 263 2.3 2 3

1 6

21.21#223 or 0.9#2333 VC. 1.0#233 V 1.0E2 3

--1.0Cd V 0.1LHC243263 V 0.21(243

Notes to T$ble 5,1,!,2,B,&

/ee /entences to 243. /ee /entence 3. /ee /entence /ee %rt#c'e /ee /entence /ee /entence /#de thrust due to cranes need not ,e com,#ned w#th (u'' w#nd 'oad. /ee /entence

5,1,!,!, +$tigue 819 % building and #ts structura' com&onents, #nc'ud#ng connect#ons, sha'' ,e chec7ed (or (at#gue (a#'ure under the e((ect o( the cyc'#ca' 'oads, as re:u#red #n the standards '#sted #n /ect#on 4.3. 829 8here $#,rat#on e((ects, such as resonance and (at#gue resu't#ng (rom mach#nery and e:u#&ment, are '#7e'y to ,e s#gn#(#cant, a dynam#c ana'ys#s sha'' ,e carr#ed out. 5,1,!,5, (er1ice$bilit3 819 % building and #ts structura' com&onents sha'' ,e chec7ed (or ser$#cea,#'#ty '#m#t states as de(#ned #n )'ause 2a3 under the e((ect o( ser$#ce 'oads (or ser$#cea,#'#ty cr#ter#a s&ec#(#ed or recommended #n %rt#c'es and and #n the standards '#sted #n /ect#on 4.3. 5,1,!,7, #e/lection 819 +n &ro&ort#on#ng structura' mem,ers to '#m#t ser$#cea,#'#ty &ro,'ems resu't#ng (rom de('ect#ons, cons#derat#on sha'' ,e g#$en to, 2a3 the #ntended use o( the building or mem,er, 2,3 '#m#t#ng damage to non-structura' mem,ers made o( mater#a's whose &hys#ca' &ro&ert#es are 7nown at the t#me o( des#gn, 2c3 '#m#t#ng damage to the structure #tse'(, and 2d3 cree&, shr#n7age, tem&erature changes and &restress. 829 ;he 'atera' de('ect#on o( buildings due to ser$#ce w#nd and gra$#ty 'oads sha'' ,e chec7ed to ensure that structura' e'ements and non-structura' e'ements, whose nature #s 7nown at the t#me the structura' des#gn #s carr#ed out, w#'' not ,e damaged. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the tota' dr#(t &er storey under ser$#ce w#nd and gra$#ty 'oads sha'' not e5ceed 1!100 o( the storey he#ght un'ess other dr#(t '#m#ts are s&ec#(#ed #n the des#gn standards re(erenced #n /ect#on 4.3. 859 ;he de('ect#on '#m#ts re:u#red #n /entence 233 do not a&&'y to #ndustr#a' buildings or sheds #( e5&er#ence has &ro$en that greater mo$ement w#'' ha$e no s#gn#(#cant ad$erse e((ects on the strength and (unct#on o( the building. 879 ;he building structure sha'' ,e des#gned (or 'atera' de('ect#on due to E, #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 4.1. .13. 5,1,!,<, 'ibr$tion 819 F'oor systems susce&t#,'e to $#,rat#on sha'' ,e des#gned so that $#,rat#ons w#'' ha$e no s#gn#(#cant ad$erse e((ects on the #ntended occupancy o( the building. 829 8here the (undamenta' $#,rat#on (re:uency o( a structura' system su&&ort#ng an assembly occupancy used (or rhythm#c act#$#t#es, such as danc#ng, concerts, 0um&#ng e5erc#ses or gymnast#cs, #s 'ess than 6 =C, the e((ects o( resonance sha'' ,e #n$est#gated ,y means o( a dynam#c ana'ys#s. 8!9 % building susce&t#,'e to 'atera' $#,rat#on under w#nd 'oad sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 4.1...2. so that the $#,rat#ons w#'' ha$e no s#gn#(#cant ad$erse e((ects on the #ntended use and occupancy o( the building. 5,1,5, #e$d Lo$ds 5,1,5,1, #e$d Lo$ds 819 ;he s&ec#(#ed dead load (or a structura' mem,er cons#sts o(, 262

2a3 the we#ght o( the mem,er #tse'(, 2,3 the we#ght o( a'' mater#a's o( construct#on #ncor&orated #nto the building to ,e su&&orted &ermanent'y ,y the mem,er, 2c3 the we#ght o( partitions, 2d3 the we#ght o( &ermanent e:u#&ment, and 2e3 the $ert#ca' 'oad due to earth, &'ants and trees. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, #n areas o( a building where partitions other than &ermanent partitions are shown on the draw#ngs, or where partitions m#ght ,e added #n the (uture, a''owance sha'' ,e made (or the we#ght o( such partitions. 8!9 ;he partition we#ght a''owance #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom the actua' or ant#c#&ated we#ght o( the partitions &'aced #n any &ro,a,'e &os#t#on, ,ut sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 7-a o$er the area o( ('oor ,e#ng cons#dered. 859 4artition 'oads used #n des#gn sha'' ,e shown on the draw#ngs. 879 +n cases where the dead load o( the partition #s counteract#$e, the 'oad a''owances re(erred to #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'' not ,e #nc'uded #n the des#gn ca'cu'at#ons. 8<9 65ce&t (or structures where the dead load o( soil #s &art o( the 'oad-res#st#ng system, where the dead load due to soil, su&er#m&osed earth, &'ants and trees #s counteract#$e, #t sha'' not ,e #nc'uded #n the des#gn ca'cu'at#ons. 5,1,7, Li1e Lo$ds #ue to se $nd Occu.$nc3 5,1,7,1, Lo$ds #ue to se o/ +loors $nd Roo/s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the s&ec#(#ed live load on an area o( ('oor or roo( de&ends on the #ntended use and occupancy, and sha'' not ,e 'ess than wh#che$er o( the (o''ow#ng 'oads &roduces the most cr#t#ca' e((ect: 2a3 the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted 'oad &atterns '#sted #n %rt#c'e, 2,3 the 'oads due to the #ntended use and occupancy, or 2c3 the concentrated 'oads '#sted #n %rt#c'e 829 For buildings #n the Low +m&ortance )ategory as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e*., a (actor o( 0. may ,e a&&'#ed to the live load. 5,1,7,2, ses Not (ti.ul$ted 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where the use o( an area o( ('oor or roo( #s not &ro$#ded (or #n %rt#c'e, the s&ec#(#ed live loads due to the use and occupancy o( the area sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom an ana'ys#s o( the 'oads resu't#ng (rom the we#ght o(, 2a3 the &ro,a,'e assem,'y o( &ersons, 2,3 the &ro,a,'e accumu'at#on o( e:u#&ment and (urn#sh#ngs, and 2c3 the &ro,a,'e storage o( mater#a's. 829 For buildings #n the Low +m&ortance )ategory as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e*., a (actor o( 0. may ,e a&&'#ed to the live load. 5,1,7,!, +ull $nd %$rti$l Lo$ding 819 ;he un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load sha'' ,e not 'ess than the $a'ue '#sted #n ;a,'e, wh#ch may ,e reduced as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 4.1.1. ., a&&'#ed un#(orm'y o$er the ent#re area, or on any &ort#ons o( the area, wh#che$er &roduces the most cr#t#ca' e((ects #n the mem,ers concerned. T$ble 5,1,7,!, (.eci/ied ni/orml3 #istributed Li1e Lo$ds on $n Are$ o/ +loor or Roo/ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 @se o( %rea o( F'oor or Roo( %ssem,'y %reas 2a3 65ce&t (or those areas '#sted under 2,3, 2c3, 2d3 and 2e3, assem,'y areas w#th or w#thout (#5ed seats #nc'ud#ng: %renas 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3 %ud#tor#a )hurches and s#m#'ar &'aces o( worsh#& 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3 "ance ('oors "#n#ng areas 213 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum /&ec#(#ed Load, 7-a 4.


2. 3.



6. .. . 9.

Foyers and entrance ha''s 4randstands 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3, re$#ew#ng stands and ,'eachers 4ymnas#a Lecture ha''s 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3 <useums -romenades R#n7s /tad#a 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3 Stages Theatres 2areas w#thout (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s3 Other areas w#th s#m#'ar uses 2,3 )'assrooms and courtrooms w#th or w#thout (#5ed seats 2c3 -ort#ons o( assem,'y areas w#th (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s (or the (o''ow#ng uses: %renas 4randstands /tad#a 2d3 -ort#ons o( assem,'y areas w#th (#5ed seats that ha$e ,ac7s (or the (o''ow#ng uses: )hurches and s#m#'ar &'aces o( worsh#& Lecture ha''s Theatres 2e3 Hom#tor#es, e"its, 'o,,#es and corr#dors %tt#cs %ccess#,'e ,y a sta#rway #n residential occupancies on'y =a$#ng '#m#ted access#,#'#ty so that there #s no storage o( e:u#&ment or mater#a' *a'con#es 65ter#or +nter#or and mezzanines that cou'd ,e used ,y an assem,'y o( &eo&'e as a $#ew#ng area +nter#or and mezzanines other than a,o$e )orr#dors, 'o,,#es and a#s'es Other than those '#sted ,e'ow Bot more than 1 200 mm #n w#dth and a'' u&&er ('oor corr#dors o( res#dent#a' areas on'y o( a&artments, hotels and mote's 2that cannot ,e used ,y an assem,'y o( &eo&'e as a $#ew#ng area3 +n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than 10 &ersons and not more than 6 occu&ants re:u#re ass#stance #n e$acuat#on #n case o( an emergency 6:u#&ment areas and service rooms #nc'ud#ng: 4enerator rooms <echan#ca' e:u#&ment e5c'us#$e o( e'e$ators <ach#ne rooms -um& rooms ;rans(ormer $au'ts Hent#'at#ng or air-conditioning e:u#&ment 6"its and (#re esca&es Factor#es Foot,r#dges 4arages (or Heh#c'es not e5ceed#ng 4 000 7g gross we#ght Heh#c'es e5ceed#ng 4 000 7g ,ut not e5ceed#ng 9 000 7g gross we#ght Heh#c'es e5ceed#ng 9 000 7g gross we#ght Z#tchens 2other than res#dent#a'3 L#,rar#es /tac7 rooms Read#ng and study rooms O((#ce areas 2not #nc'ud#ng record storage and com&uter rooms3 'ocated #n $asement and the first storey F'oors a,o$e the first storey O&erat#ng rooms and 'a,orator#es -at#entsD ,edrooms Recreat#on areas that cannot ,e used (or assem,'y &ur&oses #nc'ud#ng: *#''#ard rooms *ow'#ng a''eys -oo' rooms Res#dent#a' areas 2w#th#n the sco&e o( %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %3

2.4 2.9


4. 1.4 0.1 4. 4.



2.4 3.6233

4. 6.0233 4. 2.4 6.0 12.0 4. ..2 2.9 4. 2.4 3.6 1.9 3.6

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11.



1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

/'ee&#ng and '#$#ng :uarters #n a&artments, hotels, mote's, ,oard#ng schoo's and co''eges 8or7 areas w#th#n live,wor# units Res#dent#a' areas 2w#th#n the sco&e o( %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %3 *edrooms and other areas /ta#rs w#th#n dwelling units Reta#' and who'esa'e areas Roo(s /#dewa'7s and dr#$eways o$er areaways and basements /torage areas, #nc'ud#ng 'oc7er rooms #n a&artment buildings ;o#'et areas @nderground s'a,s w#th earth co$er 8arehouses

1.9 2.4 1.9 1.9 4. 1.0243 12.0243 4. 2.4

243 233



Botes to ;a,'e

213 223 233 243

/ee %rt#c'e /ee %rt#c'e /ee /entence /ee %rt#c'e

5,1,7,5, Lo$ds /or Occu.$nc3 (er1ed 819 ;he (o''ow#ng sha'' ,e des#gned to carry not 'ess than the s&ec#(#ed 'oad re:u#red (or the occupancy they ser$e, &ro$#ded they cannot ,e used ,y an assem,'y o( &eo&'e as a $#ew#ng area: 2a3 corr#dors, 'o,,#es and a#s'es not more than 1 200 mm w#de, 2,3 a'' corr#dors a,o$e the first storey o( res#dent#a' areas o( a&artments, hotels and mote's, and 2c3 #nter#or ,a'con#es and mezzanines! 5,1,7,7, Lo$ds on E?terior Are$s 819 65ter#or areas access#,'e to $eh#cu'ar tra((#c sha'' ,e des#gned (or the#r #ntended use, #nc'ud#ng the we#ght o( (#re(#ght#ng e:u#&ment, ,ut not (or 'ess than the snow and ra#n 'oads &rescr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.6. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, roo(s sha'' ,e des#gned (or the un#(orm live loads s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e, the concentrated live loads '#sted #n ;a,'e, or the snow and ra#n 'oads &rescr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.6., wh#che$er &roduces the most cr#t#ca' e((ects #n the mem,ers concerned. 8!9 65ter#or areas access#,'e to &edestr#an tra((#c, ,ut not $eh#cu'ar tra((#c, sha'' ,e des#gned (or the#r #ntended use, ,ut not (or 'ess than the greater o(, 2a3 the live load &rescr#,ed (or assem,'y areas #n ;a,'e, or 2,3 the snow and ra#n 'oads &rescr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.6. 859 Roo( &ar7#ng dec7s sha'' ,e des#gned (or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live loads s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e, the concentrated live loads '#sted #n ;a,'e, or the roo( snow 'oad, wh#che$er &roduces the most cr#t#ca' e((ect #n the mem,ers concerned. 5,1,7,<, Lo$ds /or #ining Are$s 819 ;he m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed live load '#sted #n ;a,'e (or d#n#ng areas may ,e reduced to 2.4 7-a (or areas #n buildings that are ,e#ng con$erted to d#n#ng areas, &ro$#ded that the floor area does not e5ceed 100 mA and the d#n#ng area w#'' not ,e used (or other assem,'y &ur&oses, #nc'ud#ng danc#ng. 5,1,7,;, )ore T0$n One Occu.$nc3 819 8here an area o( ('oor or roo( #s #ntended (or 2 or more occupancies at d#((erent t#mes, the $a'ue to ,e used (rom ;a,'e sha'' ,e the greatest $a'ue (or any o( the occupancies concerned. 5,1,7,=, '$ri$tion 2it0 Tribut$r3 Are$ 819 %n area used (or assembly occupancies des#gned (or a live load o( 'ess than 4. 7-a and roo(s des#gned (or the m#n#mum 'oad#ng s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e sha'' ha$e no reduct#on (or tr#,utary area. 829 8here a structura' mem,er su&&orts a tr#,utary area o( a ('oor or a roo(, or a com,#nat#on o( them, that #s greater than 0 mA and e#ther used (or assembly occupancies des#gned (or a live load o( 4. 7-a or more, or used (or storage, 261

manu(actur#ng, reta#' stores, garages or as a (oot,r#dge, the s&ec#(#ed live load due to use and occupancy #s the 'oad s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e mu't#&'#ed ,y,

0.1 V
where, >%? #s the tr#,utary area #n s:uare metres (or th#s ty&e o( use and occupancy. 8!9 8here a structura' mem,er su&&orts a tr#,utary area o( a ('oor or a roo( or a com,#nat#on o( them, that #s greater than 20 mA and used (or any use or occupancy other than assembly occupancies and those #nd#cated #n /entences 213 and 223, the s&ec#(#ed live load due to use and occupancy, #s the 'oad s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e mu't#&'#ed ,y,

0.3 V
where, >*? #s the tr#,utary area #n s:uare metres (or th#s ty&e o( use and occupancy. 859 8here the s&ec#(#ed live load (or a ('oor #s reduced #n accordance w#th /entence 223 or 233, the structura' draw#ngs sha'' #nd#cate that a live load reduct#on (actor (or tr#,utary area has ,een a&&'#ed. 5,1,7,9, Concentr$ted Lo$ds 819 ;he s&ec#(#ed live load due to &oss#,'e concentrat#ons o( 'oad resu't#ng (rom the use o( an area o( ('oor or roo( sha'' not ,e 'ess than that '#sted #n ;a,'e a&&'#ed o$er the 'oaded area noted #n ;a,'e and 'ocated so as to cause ma5#mum e((ects, e5ce&t that (or occupancies not '#sted #n ;a,'e, the concentrat#ons o( 'oad sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e T$ble 5,1,7,9, (.eci/ied Concentr$ted Li1e Lo$ds on $n Are$ o/ +loor or Roo/ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 %rea o( F'oor or Roo( )o'umn 2 <#n#mum /&ec#(#ed )oncentrated Load, 7B Roo( sur(aces 1.3 F'oors o( c'assrooms 4.1 F'oors o( o((#ces, manu(actur#ng buildings, hos&#ta' wards and stages 9.0 F'oors and areas used ,y $eh#c'es not e5ceed#ng 4000 7g gross we#ght 1 F'oors and areas used ,y $eh#c'es e5ceed#ng 4000 7g ,ut not e5ceed#ng 9000 36 7g gross we#ght F'oors and areas used ,y $eh#c'es e5ceed#ng 9000 7g gross we#ght 14 "r#$eways and s#dewa'7s o$er areaways and basements 14 )o'umn 3 Loaded %rea, mm 5 mm 200 5 200 .10 5 .10 .10 5 .10 120 5 120 120 5 120 210 5 600 210 5 600

5,1,7,1>, (2$3 +orces in Assembl3 Occu.$ncies 819 ;he ('oor assem,'y and other structura' e'ements that su&&ort (#5ed seats #n any building used (or assembly occupancies accommodat#ng 'arge num,ers o( &eo&'e at one t#me, such as grandstands, stad#a and theatre ,a'con#es, sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st a hor#Conta' (orce e:ua' to not 'ess than 0.3 7B (or each metre 'ength o( seats act#ng &ara''e' to each row o( seats, and not 'ess then 0.11 7B (or each metre 'ength o( seats act#ng at r#ght ang'es to each row o( seats, ,ased on the assum&t#on that these (orces are act#ng #nde&endent'y o( each other. 5,1,7,11, Cr$ne:(u..orting (tructures $nd Im.$ct o/ )$c0iner3 $nd E4ui.ment 819 ;he m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed 'oad due to e:u#&ment, mach#nery or other o,0ects that may &roduce #m&act sha'' ,e the sum o( the we#ght o( the e:u#&ment or mach#nery and #ts ma5#mum '#(t#ng ca&ac#ty, mu't#&'#ed ,y an a&&ro&r#ate (actor '#sted #n ;a,'e T$ble 5,1,7,11, +$ctors /or t0e C$lcul$tion o/ Im.$ct Lo$ds Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 )ause o( +m&act O&erat#on o( ca, or rad#o-o&erated cranes O&erat#on o( &endant or hand-o&erated cranes O&erat#on o( e'e$ators /u&&orts (or '#ght mach#nery, sha(t or motor-dr#$en /u&&orts (or rec#&rocat#ng mach#nery 2e.g. com&ressors3 /u&&orts (or &ower-dr#$en un#ts 2e.g. &#ston eng#nes3 )o'umn 2 Factor 1.21 1.10

1.20 1.10 1.10


Botes to T$ble 5,1,7,11,&


/ee %/<6 %1..1 ! )/% *44, >/a(ety )ode (or 6'e$ators and 6sca'ators.? 829 )rane-su&&ort#ng structures sha'' ,e des#gned (or the a&&ro&r#ate 'oad com,#nat#ons '#sted #n %rt#c'e

8!9 )rane runway structures sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st a hor#Conta' (orce a&&'#ed norma' to the to& o( the ra#'s e:ua' to not 'ess than 20F o( the sum o( the we#ghts o( the '#(ted 'oad and the crane tro''ey, e5c'ud#ng other &arts o( the crane. 859 ;he (orce descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e e:ua''y d#str#,uted on each s#de o( the runway and sha'' ,e assumed to act #n e#ther d#rect#on. 879 )rane runway structures sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st a hor#Conta' (orce a&&'#ed &ara''e' to the to& o( the ra#'s e:ua' to not 'ess than 10F o( the ma5#mum whee' 'oads o( the crane. 5,1,7,12, Ble$c0ers 819 *'eacher seats sha'' ,e des#gned (or a un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load o( 1..1 7B (or each '#near metre or (or a concentrated 'oad o( 2.2 7B d#str#,uted o$er a 'ength o( .10 mm, wh#che$er &roduces the most cr#t#ca' e((ect on the su&&ort#ng mem,ers. 829 *'eachers sha'' ,e chec7ed ,y the erector a(ter erect#on to ensure that a'' structura' mem,ers, #nc'ud#ng ,rac#ng s&ec#(#ed #n the des#gn, ha$e ,een #nsta''ed. 8!9 ;e'esco&#c ,'eachers sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th 'oc7#ng de$#ces to ensure sta,#'#ty wh#'e #n use. 5,1,7,1!, Eelico.ter L$nding Are$s 819 =e'#co&ter 'and#ng areas on roo(s sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or he'#&orts conta#ned #n -art +++ o( the %anadian Aviation 1egulations made under the Aeronautics Act 2)anada3. 5,1,7,15, Lo$ds on Gu$rds 819 ;he m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed hor#Conta' 'oad a&&'#ed #nward or outward at the m#n#mum re:u#red he#ght o( e$ery re:u#red guard sha'' ,e, 2a3 3.0 7B!m (or o&en $#ew#ng stands w#thout (#5ed seats and (or means of egress #n grandstands, stad#a, ,'eachers and arenas, 2,3 a concentrated 'oad o( 1.0 7B a&&'#ed at any &o#nt (or access ways to e:u#&ment &'at(orms, cont#guous sta#rs and s#m#'ar areas where the gather#ng o( many &eo&'e #s #m&ro,a,'e, and 2c3 0..1 7B!m or a concentrated 'oad o( 1.0 7B a&&'#ed at any &o#nt, wh#che$er go$erns (or 'ocat#ons other than those descr#,ed #n )'auses 2a3 and 2,3. 829 +nd#$#dua' e'ements w#th#n the guard, #nc'ud#ng so'#d &ane's and &#c7ets, sha'' ,e des#gned (or a 'oad o( 0.1 7B a&&'#ed o$er an area o( 100 mm ,y 100 mm 'ocated at any &o#nt #n the e'ement or e'ements so as to &roduce the most cr#t#ca' e((ect. 8!9 ;he 'oads re:u#red #n /entence 223 need not ,e cons#dered to act s#mu'taneous'y w#th the 'oads &ro$#ded (or #n /entences 213 and 243. 859 ;he m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed 'oad a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y at the to& o( e$ery re:u#red guard sha'' ,e 1.1 7B!m and need not ,e cons#dered to act s#mu'taneous'y w#th the hor#Conta' 'oad &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 213. 879 For 'oads on handra#'s, re(er to /entence 5,1,7,17, Lo$ds on 'e0icle Gu$rdr$ils 819 Heh#c'e guardra#'s sha'' ,e des#gned (or a concentrated 'oad o( 22 7B a&&'#ed hor#Conta''y outward at any &o#nt 100 mm a,o$e the ('oor sur(ace. 5,1,7,1<, Lo$ds on 6$lls Acting As Gu$rds 819 8here the ('oor e'e$at#on on one s#de o( a wa'', #nc'ud#ng a wa'' around a sha(t, #s more than 600 mm h#gher than the e'e$at#on o( the ('oor or ground on the other s#de, the wa'' sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st the a&&ro&r#ate 'atera' des#gn 'oads &rescr#,ed e'sewhere #n th#s /ect#on or 0.1 7-a, wh#che$er &roduces the more cr#t#ca' e((ect. 5,1,7,1;, +ire2$lls 819 7irewalls sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st the ma5#mum e((ect due to, 2a3 the a&&ro&r#ate 'atera' des#gn 'oads &rescr#,ed e'sewhere #n th#s /ect#on, or 2,3 a (actored 'atera' 'oad o( 0.1 7-a under (#re cond#t#ons, as descr#,ed #n /entence 223. 829 @nder (#re cond#t#ons, where the fire-resistance rating o( the structure #s 'ess than that o( the firewall, 2a3 'atera' su&&ort sha'' ,e assumed to ,e &ro$#ded ,y the structure on one s#de on'y, or 26.

2,3 another structura' su&&ort system ca&a,'e o( res#st#ng the 'oads #m&osed ,y a (#re on e#ther s#de o( the firewall sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 5,1,<, Lo$ds #ue to (no2 $nd R$in 5,1,<,1, (.eci/ied Lo$d #ue to R$in or to (no2 $nd Associ$ted R$in 819 ;he s&ec#(#ed 'oad on a roo( or any other building sur(ace su,0ect to snow and assoc#ated ra#n sha'' ,e the snow 'oad s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e, or the ra#n 'oad s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e, wh#che$er &roduces the more cr#t#ca' e((ect. 5,1,<,2, (.eci/ied (no2 Lo$d 819 ;he s&ec#(#ed 'oad, (, due to snow and assoc#ated ra#n accumu'at#on on a roo( or any other building sur(ace su,0ect to snow accumu'at#on sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated (rom the (ormu'a, / S +s T/s 2),)w)s)a3 V /rU where, +s S #m&ortance (actor (or snow 'oad as &ro$#ded #n ;a,'e, /s S 1-#n-10-year ground snow 'oad, #n 7-a, determ#ned #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2., ), S ,as#c roo( snow 'oad (actor #n /entence 223, )w S w#nd e5&osure (actor #n /entences 233 and 243, )s S s'o&e (actor #n /entences 213, 263 and 2.3, )a S sha&e (actor #n /entence 2 3, and /r S 1-#n-10-year assoc#ated ra#n 'oad, #n 7-a, determ#ned #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2., ,ut not greater than /s2),)w)s)a3. T$ble 5,1,<,2, Im.ort$nce +$ctor /or (no2 Lo$d, I( Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 +m&ortance )ategory Low Borma' =#gh -ost-d#saster )o'umn 2 +m&ortance Factor, +s @L/ 0. 1 1.11 1.21 )o'umn 3 /L/ 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

829 ;he ,as#c roo( snow 'oad (actor, ),, sha'' ,e 0. , e5ce&t that (or 'arge roo(s #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 1.0 N 230!lc32, (or roo(s w#th )w S 1.0 and lc greater than or e:ua' to .0 m, or 2,3 1.3 N 2140!lc32, (or roo(s w#th )w S 0..1 or 0.1 and lc greater than or e:ua' to 200 m, where, lc S character#st#c 'ength o( the u&&er or 'ower roo(, de(#ned as 2w-wA!l, #n metres, w S sma''er &'an d#mens#on o( the roo(, #n metres, l S 'arger &'an d#mens#on o( the roo(, #n metres. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 243, the w#nd e5&osure (actor, )w, sha'' ,e 1.0. 859 For buildings #n the Low and Borma' +m&ortance )ategor#es as set out #n ;a,'e*., the w#nd e5&osure (actor g#$en #n /entence 233 may ,e reduced to 0..1, or to 0.1 #n e5&osed areas north o( the tree'#ne, where, 2a3 the building #s e5&osed on a'' s#des to w#nd o$er o&en terra#n as de(#ned #n )'ause 4.1...1.2132a3 , and #s e5&ected to rema#n so dur#ng #ts '#(e, 2,3 the area o( roo( under cons#derat#on #s e5&osed to the w#nd on a'' s#des w#th no s#gn#(#cant o,struct#ons on the roo(, such as &ara&et wa''s, w#th#n a d#stance o( at 'east 10 t#mes the d#((erence ,etween the he#ght o( the o,struct#on and ),)w/s!_ metres, where _ #s the un#t we#ght o( snow on roo(s, and 2c3 the 'oad#ng does not #n$o'$e the accumu'at#on o( snow due to dr#(t#ng (rom ad0acent sur(aces. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded (or #n /entences 263 and 2.3, the s'o&e (actor, )s, sha'' ,e, 2a3 1.0 where the roo( s'o&e, `, #s e:ua' to or 'ess than 30E, 26

2,3 2.0E - `3!40E where ` #s greater than 30E ,ut not greater than .0E, and 2c3 0 where ` e5ceeds .0E. 8<9 ;he s'o&e (actor, )s, (or uno,structed s'#&&ery roo(s where snow and #ce can s'#de com&'ete'y o(( the roo( sha'' ,e, 2a3 1.0 when the roo( s'o&e, `, #s e:ua' to or 'ess than 11E, 2,3 260E - `3!41E when ` #s greater than 11E, ,ut not greater than 60E, and 2c3 0 when ` e5ceeds 60E. 8;9 ;he s'o&e (actor, )s, sha'' ,e 1.0 when used #n con0unct#on w#th sha&e (actors (or #ncreased snow 'oads as g#$en #n )'auses 2 32,3 and 2e3. 8=9 ;he sha&e (actor, )a, sha'' ,e 1.0, e5ce&t that where a&&ro&r#ate (or the sha&e o( the roo(, #t sha'' ,e ass#gned other $a'ues that account (or, 2a3 non-un#(orm snow 'oads on ga,'e, arched or cur$ed roo(s and domes, 2,3 #ncreased snow 'oads #n $a''eys, 2c3 #ncreased non-un#(orm snow 'oads due to snow dr#(t#ng onto a roo( that #s at a 'e$e' 'ower than other &arts o( the same building or at a 'e$e' 'ower than another building w#th#n 1 m o( #t, 2d3 #ncreased non-un#(orm snow 'oads on areas ad0acent to roo( &ro0ect#ons, such as &enthouses, 'arge chimneys and e:u#&ment, and 2e3 #ncreased snow or #ce 'oads due to snow s'#d#ng or me'twater dra#n#ng (rom ad0acent roo(s. 5,1,<,!, +ull $nd %$rti$l Lo$ding 819 % roo( or other building sur(ace and #ts structura' mem,ers su,0ect to 'oads due to snow accumu'at#on sha'' ,e des#gned (or the s&ec#(#ed 'oad #n /entence, d#str#,uted o$er the ent#re 'oaded area. 829 +n add#t#on to the d#str#,ut#on #n /entence 213, ('at roo(s and shed roo(s, ga,'e roo(s o( 11E s'o&e or 'ess, and arched or cur$ed roo(s sha'' ,e des#gned (or the s&ec#(#ed un#(orm snow 'oad #nd#cated #n /entence, wh#ch sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng )a S 1.0, d#str#,uted on any one &ort#on o( the 'oaded area, and ha'( o( th#s 'oad on the rema#nder o( the 'oaded area, #n such a way as to &roduce the most cr#t#ca' e((ects on the mem,er concerned. 5,1,<,5, (.eci/ied R$in Lo$d 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the s&ec#(#ed 'oad, (, due to the accumu'at#on o( ra#nwater on a sur(ace whose &os#t#on, sha&e and de('ect#on under 'oad ma7e such an accumu'at#on &oss#,'e, #s that resu't#ng (rom the one-day ra#n(a'' determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2. and a&&'#ed o$er the hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( the sur(ace and a'' tr#,utary sur(aces. 829 ;he &ro$#s#ons o( /entence 213 a&&'y whether or not the sur(ace #s &ro$#ded w#th a means o( dra#nage, such as ra#nwater leaders. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence, 'oads due to ra#n need not ,e cons#dered to act s#mu'taneous'y w#th 'oads due to snow. 859 8here scu&&ers are &ro$#ded and where the &os#t#on, sha&e and de('ect#on o( the 'oaded sur(ace ma7e an accumu'at#on o( ra#nwater &oss#,'e, the 'oads due to ra#n sha'' ,e the 'esser o( e#ther the one-day ra#n(a'' determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2. or a de&th o( ra#nwater e:ua' to 30 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the scu&&ers, a&&'#ed o$er the hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( the sur(ace and tr#,utary areas. 5,1,;, 6ind Lo$d 5,1,;,1, (.eci/ied 6ind Lo$d 819 ;he s&ec#(#ed e5terna' &ressure or suct#on due to w#nd on &art or a'' o( a sur(ace o( a building sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a: & S +w:)e)g)& where, & S s&ec#(#ed e5terna' &ressure act#ng stat#ca''y and #n a d#rect#on norma' to the sur(ace, e#ther as a &ressure d#rected towards the sur(ace or as a suct#on d#rected away (rom the sur(ace, +w S #m&ortance (actor (or w#nd 'oad, as &ro$#ded #n ;a,'e 4.1...1., : S re(erence $e'oc#ty &ressure, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, )e S e5&osure (actor, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, 269

)g S gust e((ect (actor, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, and )& S e5terna' &ressure coe((#c#ent, a$eraged o$er the area o( the sur(ace cons#dered. T$ble 5,1,;,1, Im.ort$nce +$ctor /or 6ind Lo$d, L6 Form#ng -art o( /entences 4.1...1.213 and 233
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 +m&ortance )ategory Low Borma' =#gh -ost-d#saster )o'umn 2 +m&ortance Factor, +8 @L/ 0. 1.0 1.11 1.21 )o'umn 3 /L/ 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1

829 ;he net w#nd 'oad (or the building as a who'e sha'' ,e the a'ge,ra#c d#((erence o( the 'oads on the w#ndward and the 'eeward sur(aces, and #n some cases may ,e ca'cu'ated as the sum o( the &roducts o( the e5terna' &ressures or suct#ons and the areas o( the sur(aces o$er wh#ch they are a$eraged as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213. 8!9 ;he net s&ec#(#ed &ressure due to w#nd on &art or a'' o( a sur(ace o( a building sha'' ,e the a'ge,ra#c d#((erence o( the e5terna' &ressure or suct#on as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 213 and the s&ec#(#ed #nterna' &ressure or suct#on due to w#nd ca'cu'ated (rom, &# S +w:)e)g#)&# where, &# S s&ec#(#ed #nterna' &ressure act#ng stat#ca''y and #n a d#rect#on norma' to the sur(ace, e#ther as a &ressure d#rected toward the sur(ace or as a suct#on d#rected away (rom the sur(ace, +w S #m&ortance (actor (or w#nd 'oad, as &ro$#ded #n ;a,'e 4.1...1., : S re(erence $e'oc#ty &ressure, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, )e S e5&osure (actor, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, )g# S #nterna' gust e((ect (actor, as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, and )&# S #nterna' &ressure coe((#c#ent. 859 ;he re(erence $e'oc#ty &ressure, :, sha'' ,e the a&&ro&r#ate $a'ue determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2. ,ased on a &ro,a,#'#ty o( ,e#ng e5ceeded #n any one year o( 1-#n-10. 879 ;he e5&osure (actor )e, sha'' ,e, 2a3 2h!1030.2 ,ut not 'ess than 0.9 (or o&en terra#n, where o&en terra#n #s 'e$e' terra#n w#th on'y scattered buildings, trees or other o,struct#ons, o&en water or shore'#nes, h ,e#ng the re(erence he#ght a,o$e grade #n metres (or the sur(ace or &art o( the sur(ace, 2,3 0..2h!1230.3 ,ut not 'ess than 0.. (or rough terra#n, where rough terra#n #s su,ur,an, ur,an or wooded terra#n e5tend#ng u&w#nd (rom the building un#nterru&ted (or at 'east 1 7m or 20 t#mes the he#ght o( the building, wh#che$er #s greater, h ,e#ng the re(erence he#ght a,o$e grade #n metres (or the sur(ace or &art o( the sur(ace, 2c3 an #ntermed#ate $a'ue ,etween the two e5&osures de(#ned #n )'auses 2a3 and 2,3 #n cases where the s#te #s 'ess than 1 7m or 20 t#mes the he#ght o( the building (rom a change #n terra#n cond#t#ons, wh#che$er #s greater, &ro$#ded an a&&ro&r#ate #nter&o'at#on method #s used, or 2d3 #( a dynam#c a&&roach to the act#on o( w#nd gusts #s used, an a&&ro&r#ate $a'ue de&end#ng on ,oth he#ght and sh#e'd#ng. 8<9 ;he gust e((ect (actor, )g, sha'' ,e one o( the (o''ow#ng $a'ues: 2a3 (or the building as a who'e and ma#n structura' mem,ers, )g S 2.0, 2,3 (or e5terna' &ressures and suct#ons on sma'' e'ements #nc'ud#ng c'add#ng, ) g S 2.1, 2c3 (or #nterna' &ressures, )g# S 2.0 or a $a'ue determ#ned ,y deta#'ed ca'cu'at#on that ta7es #nto account the s#Ces o( the o&en#ngs #n the building en$e'o&e, the #nterna' $o'ume and the ('e5#,#'#ty o( the building en$e'o&e, or 2d3 #( a dynam#c a&&roach to w#nd act#on #s used, ) g #s a $a'ue that #s a&&ro&r#ate (or the tur,u'ence o( the w#nd and the s#Ce and natura' (re:uency o( the structure. 5,1,;,2, #3n$mic E//ects o/ 6ind 2.0

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, buildings whose he#ght #s greater than 4 t#mes the#r m#n#mum e((ect#$e w#dth, wh#ch #s de(#ned #n /entence 233, or greater than 60 m and buildings whose 'owest natura' (re:uency #s 'ess than 1 =C, as determ#ned ,y rat#ona' ana'ys#s, sha'' ,e des#gned ,y, 2a3 e5&er#menta' methods (or the danger o( dynam#c o$er'oad#ng, $#,rat#on and the e((ects o( (at#gue, or 2,3 us#ng a dynam#c a&&roach to the act#on o( w#nd gusts. 829 $uildings whose 'owest natura' (re:uency #s 'ess than 1!4 =C, as determ#ned ,y rat#ona' ana'ys#s, sha'' ,e des#gned ,y e5&er#menta' methods #n accordance w#th )'ause 213 2a3. 8!9 ;he e((ect#$e w#dth, w, o( a building sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng the (ormu'a,
w= h# w# h#

where, the summat#ons are o$er the he#ght o( the building (or a g#$en w#nd d#rect#on, h# #s the he#ght a,o$e grade to 'e$e' #, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1...1.213, w# #s the w#dth norma' to the w#nd d#rect#on at he#ght h#, and the m#n#mum e((ect#$e w#dth #s the 'owest $a'ue o( the e((ect#$e w#dth cons#der#ng a'' &oss#,'e w#nd d#rect#ons. 5,1,;,!, +ull $nd %$rti$l Lo$ding 819 $uildings and structura' mem,ers sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( w#thstand#ng the e((ects o(, 2a3 the (u'' w#nd 'oads act#ng a'ong each o( the two &r#nc#&a' hor#Conta' a5es cons#dered se&arate'y, 2,3 the w#nd 'oads as descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3 ,ut w#th 100F o( the 'oad remo$ed (rom any &ort#on o( the area, 2c3 the w#nd 'oads as descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3 ,ut cons#dered s#mu'taneous'y at .1F o( the#r (u'' $a'ue, and 2d3 the w#nd 'oads as descr#,ed #n )'ause 2c3 ,ut w#th 10F o( these 'oads remo$ed (rom any &ort#on o( the area. 5,1,;,5, Interior 6$lls $nd %$rtitions 819 +n the des#gn o( #nter#or wa''s and partitions, due cons#derat#on sha'' ,e g#$en to d#((erences #n a#r &ressure on o&&os#te s#des o( the wa'' or partition that may resu't (rom, 2a3 &ressure d#((erences ,etween the w#ndward and 'eeward s#des o( a building, 2,3 stac7 e((ects due to a d#((erence #n a#r tem&erature ,etween the e5ter#or and #nter#or o( the building, and 2c3 a#r &ressur#Cat#on ,y the mechan#ca' ser$#ces o( the building. 5,1,=, E$rt04u$Ae Lo$d $nd E//ects 5,1,=,1, An$l3sis 819 ;he de('ect#ons and s&ec#(#ed 'oad#ng due to earth:ua7e mot#ons sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on, e5ce&t that the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on need not ,e cons#dered #n des#gn #( /20.23, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.2.3, #s 'ess than or e:ua' to 0.12. 5,1,=,2, Not$tion 819 +n th#s /u,sect#on, %r S res&onse am&'#(#cat#on (actor to account (or ty&e o( attachment o( mechan#ca'!e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .1 .213, %5 S am&'#(#cat#on (actor at 'e$e' 5 to account (or $ar#at#on o( res&onse o( mechan#ca'!e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment w#th e'e$at#on w#th#n the building, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .1 .213, *5 S rat#o at 'e$e' 5 used to determ#ne tors#ona' sens#t#$#ty, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.293, * S ma5#mum $a'ue o( *5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.293, )& S se#sm#c coe((#c#ent (or mechan#ca'!e'ectr#ca' e:u#&ment, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .1 .213, "n5 S &'an d#mens#on o( the building at 'e$e' 5 &er&end#cu'ar to the d#rect#on o( se#sm#c 'oad#ng ,e#ng cons#dered, e5 S d#stance measured &er&end#cu'ar to the d#rect#on o( earth:ua7e 'oad#ng ,etween centre o( mass and centre o( r#g#d#ty at the 'e$e' ,e#ng cons#dered, 2.1

Fa S acce'erat#on-,ased s#te coe((#c#ent, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.243, Ft S &ort#on o( H to ,e concentrated at the to& o( the structure, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.263, F$ S $e'oc#ty-,ased s#te coe((#c#ent, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.243, F5 S 'atera' (orce a&&'#ed to 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.263, h#, hn, h5 S the he#ght a,o$e the ,ase 2# S 03 to 'e$e' #, n, or 5 res&ect#$e'y, where the ,ase o( the structure #s the 'e$e' at wh#ch hor#Conta' earth:ua7e mot#ons are cons#dered to ,e #m&arted to the structure, hs S #nterstorey he#ght 2h# - h#-13, +6 S earth:ua7e #m&ortance (actor o( the structure, as descr#,ed #n /entence 4.1. .1.213, J S numer#ca' reduct#on coe((#c#ent (or ,ase o$erturn#ng moment, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.213, JJ S numer#ca' reduct#on coe((#c#ent (or o$erturn#ng moment at 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.2.3, Le$e' # S any 'e$e' #n the building, # S1 (or (#rst 'e$e' a,o$e the ,ase, Le$e' n S 'e$e' that #s u&&ermost #n the ma#n &ort#on o( the structure, Le$e' 5 S 'e$e' that #s under des#gn cons#derat#on, <$ S (actor to account (or h#gher mode e((ect on ,ase shear, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.213, <5 S o$erturn#ng moment at 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.2.3, B S tota' num,er o( storeys a,o$e e5ter#or grade to 'e$e' n,

S %$erage /tandard -enetrat#on Res#stance (or the to& 30 m, corrected to a rod energy e((#c#ency o( 60F o( the theoret#ca' ma5#mum,

-4% S -ea7 4round %cce'erat#on e5&ressed as a rat#o to gra$#tat#ona' acce'erat#on, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.213, -+ S &'ast#c#ty #nde5 (or c'ays, Rd S duct#'#ty-re'ated (orce mod#(#cat#on (actor re('ect#ng the ca&a,#'#ty o( a structure to d#ss#&ate energy through re$ersed cyc'#c #ne'ast#c ,eha$#our, as g#$en #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .9., Ro S o$erstrength-re'ated (orce mod#(#cat#on (actor account#ng (or the de&enda,'e &ort#on o( reser$e strength #n a structure des#gned accord#ng to these &ro$#s#ons, as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .9., /- S hor#Conta' (orce (actor (or &art or &ort#on o( a building and #ts anchorage, as g#$en #n /entence 4.1. .1 .213, /2;3 S des#gn s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, e5&ressed as a rat#o to gra$#tat#ona' acce'erat#on, (or a &er#od o( ;, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.2.3, /a2;3 S 1F dam&ed s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, e5&ressed as a rat#o to gra$#tat#ona' acce'erat#on, (or a &er#od o( ;, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.213, /FR/ S /e#sm#c Force Res#st#ng /ystem2s3 #s that &art o( the structura' system that has ,een cons#dered #n the des#gn to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to the earth:ua7e (orces and e((ects de(#ned #n /u,sect#on 4.1. ., su S a$erage undra#ned shear strength #n the to& 30 m o( soil, ; S &er#od #n seconds, ;a S (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od o( $#,rat#on o( the building or structure #n seconds #n the d#rect#on under cons#derat#on, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.233, ;5 S ('oor tor:ue at 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.2103, H S 'atera' earth:ua7e des#gn (orce at the ,ase o( the structure, as determ#ned ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .11., Hd S 'atera' earth:ua7e des#gn (orce at the ,ase o( the structure, as determ#ned ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .12., He S 'atera' earth:ua7e e'ast#c (orce at the ,ase o( the structure, as determ#ned ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .12., Hed S 'atera' earth:ua7e des#gn e'ast#c (orce at the ,ase o( the structure, as determ#ned ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .12., H- S 'atera' (orce on a &art o( the structure, as determ#ned ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .1 .,

S a$erage shear wa$e $e'oc#ty #n the to& 30 m o( soil or roc#,

8 S dead load, as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e, e5ce&t that the m#n#mum partition 'oad as de(#ned #n /entence 233 need not e5ceed 0.1 7-a, &'us 21F o( the des#gn snow 'oad s&ec#(#ed #n /u,sect#on 4.1.6., &'us 60F o( the 2.2

storage 'oad (or areas used (or storage, e5ce&t that storage garages need not ,e cons#dered storage areas, and the (u'' contents o( any tan7s, 8#, 85 S &ort#on o( 8 that #s 'ocated at or #s ass#gned to 'e$e' # or 5 res&ect#$e'y, 8- S we#ght o( a &art or &ort#on o( a structure, e.g., c'add#ng, partitions and a&&endages, aa$e S a$erage d#s&'acement o( the structure at 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.293, and ama5 S ma5#mum d#s&'acement o( the structure at 'e$e' 5, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.293. 5,1,=,!, Gener$l Re4uirements 819 ;he building sha'' ,e des#gned to meet the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on and o( the des#gn standards re(erenced #n /ect#on 4.3. 829 /tructures sha'' ,e des#gned w#th a c'ear'y de(#ned 'oad &ath, or &aths, that w#'' trans(er the #nert#a' (orces generated #n an earth:ua7e to the su&&ort#ng ground. 8!9 ;he structure sha'' ha$e a c'ear'y de(#ned /e#sm#c Force Res#st#ng /ystem2s3 2/FR/3, as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .2. 859 ;he /FR/ sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st 100F o( the earth:ua7e 'oads and the#r e((ects. 879 %'' structura' (ram#ng e'ements not cons#dered to ,e &art o( the /FR/ must ,e #n$est#gated and shown to ,eha$e e'ast#ca''y or to ha$e su((#c#ent non-'#near ca&ac#ty to su&&ort the#r gra$#ty 'oads wh#'e undergo#ng earth:ua7e-#nduced de(ormat#ons ca'cu'ated (rom the de('ect#ons determ#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .13. 8<9 /t#(( e'ements that are not cons#dered &art o( the /FR/, such as concrete, masonry, ,r#c7 or &re-cast wa''s or &ane's, sha'' ,e, 2a3 se&arated (rom a'' structura' e'ements o( the building such that no #nteract#on ta7es &'ace as the building undergoes de('ect#ons due to earth:ua7e e((ects as ca'cu'ated #n th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 made &art o( the /FR/ and sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on. 8;9 /t#((ness #m&arted to the structure (rom e'ements not &art o( the /FR/, other than those descr#,ed #n /entence 263, sha'' not ,e used to res#st earth:ua7e de('ect#ons ,ut sha'' ,e accounted (or, 2a3 #n ca'cu'at#ng the &er#od o( the structure (or determ#n#ng (orces #( the added st#((ness decreases the (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od ,y more than 11F, 2,3 #n determ#n#ng the #rregu'ar#ty o( the structure, e5ce&t the add#t#ona' st#((ness sha'' not ,e used to ma7e an #rregu'ar /FR/ regu'ar or to reduce the e((ects o( tors#on, and 2c3 #n des#gn#ng the /FR/ #( #nc'us#on o( the e'ements not &art o( the /FR/ #n the ana'ys#s has an ad$erse e((ect on the /FR/. 8=9 /tructura' mode''#ng sha'' ,e re&resentat#$e o( the magn#tude and s&at#a' d#str#,ut#on o( the mass o( the building and o( the st#((ness o( a'' e'ements o( the /FR/, #nc'ud#ng st#(( e'ements that are not se&arated #n accordance w#th /entence 4.1. .3. 263, and sha'' account (or, 2a3 the e((ect o( crac7ed sect#ons #n re#n(orced concrete and re#n(orced masonry e'ements, 2,3 the e((ect o( the (#n#te s#Ce o( mem,ers and 0o#nts, 2c3 sway e((ects ar#s#ng (rom the #nteract#on o( gra$#ty 'oads w#th the d#s&'aced con(#gurat#on o( the structure, and 2d3 other e((ects that #n('uence the 'atera' st#((ness o( the building. 5,1,=,5, (ite %ro.erties 819 ;he &ea7 ground acce'erat#on 2-4%3 and the 1F dam&ed s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on $a'ues, /a2;3, (or the re(erence ground cond#t#ons 2/#te )'ass ) #n ;a,'e 4.1. .4.%.3 (or &er#ods ; o( 0.2 s, 0.1 s, 1.0 s, and 2.0 s, sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 1.1.2. and are ,ased on a 2F &ro,a,#'#ty o( e5ceedance #n 10 years. 829 /#te c'ass#(#cat#ons (or ground sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 4.1. .4.%. and sha'' ,e determ#ned us#ng #n /entence 233.

e5ce&t as &ro$#ded

8!9 +( a$erage shear wa$e $e'oc#ty, /, #s not 7nown, /#te )'ass sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom energy-corrected %$erage /tandard -enetrat#on Res#stance, 60, or (rom soil a$erage undra#ned shear strength, su, as noted #n ;a,'e 4.1. .4.%., 60 and su ,e#ng ca'cu'ated ,ased on rat#ona' ana'ys#s. 859 %cce'erat#on- and $e'oc#ty-,ased s#te coe((#c#ents, Fa and F$, sha'' con(orm to ;a,'es 4.1. .4.*. and 4.1. .4.). us#ng '#near #nter&o'at#on (or #ntermed#ate $a'ues o( /a20.23 and /a21.03. 879 /#te-s&ec#(#c e$a'uat#on #s re:u#red to determ#ne Fa and F$ (or /#te )'ass F. 2.3

8<9 For structures w#th a (undamenta' &er#od o( $#,rat#on e:ua' to or 'ess than 0.1 s that are ,u#'t on '#:ue(#a,'e soils, /#te )'ass and the corres&ond#ng $a'ues o( F a and F$ may ,e determ#ned as descr#,ed #n ;a,'es 4.1. .4.%., 4.1. .4.*., and 4.1. .4.). ,y assum#ng that the soils are not '#:ue(#a,'e. 8;9 ;he des#gn s&ectra' acce'erat#on $a'ues o( /2;3 sha'' ,e determ#ned as (o''ows, us#ng '#near #nter&o'at#on (or #ntermed#ate $a'ues o( ;: /2;3 S Fa/a20.23 (or ;b0.2 s S F$/a20.13 or Fa/a20.23, wh#che$er #s sma''er (or ; S 0.1 s S F$/a21.03 (or ; S 1.0 s S F$/a22.03 (or ; S 2.0 s S F$/a22.03!2 (or ; c4.0 s T$ble 5,1,=,5,A, (ite Cl$ssi/ic$tion /or (eismic (ite Res.onse Form#ng -art o( /entences 4.1. .4.213 to 233
+tem )o'umn 1 /#te )'ass % * ) " 6 )o'umn 2 4round -ro(#'e Bame =ard roc#213 223 1oc#213 Hery dense soil and so(t roc# /t#(( soil /o(t soil )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 %$erage -ro&ert#es #n ;o& 30 m %$erage /hear 8a$e %$erage /tandard -enetrat#on He'oc#ty, / 2m!s3 Res#stance, 60 B!% / W 1100 .60X / b1100 B!% 360X / X.60 60W 10 )o'umn 1 Soil @ndra#ned /hear /trength, su B!% B!% su W 1007-a

1. 2. 3. 4. 1.


Other soils233

1 0X / X360 11 b 60 b10 10 7-a X su b100 7-a su X 10 7-a / X1 0 60 X 11 %ny &ro(#'e w#th more than 3 m o( soil w#th the (o''ow#ng character#st#cs: ] &'ast#c#ty #nde5: -+W20 ] mo#sture content w c40F, and ] undra#ned shear strength: su X 21 7-a /#te-s&ec#(#c e$a'uat#on re:u#red

Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .4.%.:

/#te )'asses % and *, hard roc# and roc#, are not to ,e used #( there #s more than 3 m o( so(ter mater#a's ,etween the roc# and the unders#de o( (oot#ng or mat foundations. ;he a&&ro&r#ate /#te )'ass (or such cases #s determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the a$erage &ro&ert#es o( the tota' th#c7ness o( the so(ter mater#a's.

+( / has ,een measured #n-s#tu, the Fa and F$ $a'ues der#$ed (rom ;a,'es 4.1. .4.*. and 4.1. .4.). may ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y 21100! /31!2.

Other soils #nc'ude: 2a3 '#:ue(#a,'e soils, :u#c7 and h#gh'y sens#t#$e c'ays, co''a&s#,'e wea7'y cemented soils, and other soils susce&t#,'e to (a#'ure or co''a&se under se#sm#c 'oad#ng, 2,3 &eat and!or h#gh'y organ#c c'ays greater than 3 m #n th#c7ness, 2c3 h#gh'y &'ast#c c'ays 2-+ W .13 more than m th#c7, and 2d3 so(t to med#um st#(( c'ays more than 30 m th#c7. T$ble 5,1,=,5,B, '$lues o/ +$ $s $ +unction o/ (ite Cl$ss $nd ($8>,29 Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .4.243

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 /#te )'ass % * ) " 6 F

)o'umn 2 Ha'ues o( Fa /a20.23b0.21 0.. 0. 1.0 1.3 2.1


)o'umn 3 /a20.23S0.1 0.. 0. 1.0 1.2 1.4


)o'umn 4 /a20.23S0..1 0. 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1


)o'umn 1 /a20.23S1.00 0. 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9


)o'umn 6 /a20.23c1.21 0. 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9



Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .4.*.:


/ee /entence 4.1. .4.213 T$ble 5,1,=,5,C, '$lues o/ +1 $s $ +unction o/ (ite Cl$ss $nd ($81,>9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .4.243

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 /#te )'ass % * ) " 6 F

)o'umn 2 Ha'ues o( F$ /a21.03b0.1 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.4 2.1


)o'umn 3 /a21.03S0.2 0.1 0.. 1.0 1.3 2.0


)o'umn 4 /a21.03S0.3 0.1 0.. 1.0 1.2 1.9


)o'umn 1 /a21.03S0.4 0.6 0. 1.0 1.1 1..


)o'umn 6 /a21.03c0.1 0.6 0. 1.0 1.1 1..


Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .4.).:

/ee /entence 4.1. .4.213 819 ;he earth:ua7e #m&ortance (actor, +6, sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to ;a,'e 4.1. .1. T$ble 5,1,=,7, Im.ort$nce +$ctor /or E$rt04u$Ae Lo$ds $nd E//ects, IE Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .1.213

5,1,=,7, Im.ort$nce +$ctor

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4.

)o'umn 1 +m&ortance )ategory Low Borma' =#gh -ost-d#saster

)o'umn 2 +m&ortance Factor, +6 @L/ 0. 1.0 1.3 1.1

)o'umn 3 /L/213

Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .1.:

/ee %rt#c'e 4.1. .13. 819 /tructures ha$#ng any o( the (eatures '#sted #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6. sha'' ,e des#gnated #rregu'ar. 829 /tructures not c'ass#(#ed as #rregu'ar accord#ng to /entence 4.1. .6.213 may ,e cons#dered regu'ar.

5,1,=,<, (tructur$l Con/igur$tion

8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 4.1. .10., #n cases where + 6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, structures des#gnated as #rregu'ar must sat#s(y the &ro$#s#ons re(erenced #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6. T$ble 5,1,=,<, (tructur$l Irregul$rities819 Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .6.213
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 ;y&e 1 )o'umn 2 +rregu'ar#ty ;y&e and "e(#n#t#on 'ertic$l (ti//ness Irregul$rit3 Hert#ca' st#((ness #rregu'ar#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st when the 'atera' st#((ness o( the /FR/ #n a storey #s 'ess than .0F o( the st#((ness o( any ad0acent storey, or 'ess than 0F o( the a$erage st#((ness o( the three storeys a,o$e or ,e'ow. 6eig0t 8m$ss9 Irregul$rit3 8e#ght #rregu'ar#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st where the we#ght, 8 #, o( any storey #s more than 110F o( the we#ght o( an ad0acent storey. % roo( that #s '#ghter than the ('oor ,e'ow need not ,e cons#dered. 'ertic$l Geometric Irregul$rit3 Hert#ca' geometr#c #rregu'ar#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st where the hor#Conta' d#mens#on o( the /FR/ #n any storey #s more than 130F o( that #n an ad0acent storey. In:%l$ne #iscontinuit3 in 'ertic$l L$ter$l:+orce:Resisting Element )o'umn 3 Botes 223233 223


3. 4.

3 4



1. 6.

1 6

.. .

65ce&t (or ,raced (rames and moment-res#st#ng (rames, an #n-&'ane d#scont#nu#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st where there #s an o((set o( a 'atera'-(orce-res#st#ng e'ement o( the /FR/ or a reduct#on #n 'atera' st#((ness o( the res#st#ng e'ement #n the storey ,e'ow. Out:o/:%l$ne O//sets "#scont#nu#t#es #n a 'atera' (orce &ath, such as out-o(-&'ane o((sets o( the $ert#ca' e'ements o( the /FR/. #iscontinuit3 in C$.$cit3 M 6e$A (tore3 % wea7 storey #s one #n wh#ch the storey shear strength #s 'ess than that #n the storey a,o$e. ;he storey shear strength #s the tota' strength o( a'' se#sm#c-res#st#ng e'ements o( the /FR/ shar#ng the storey shear (or the d#rect#on under cons#derat#on. Torsion$l (ensiti1it3 8to be considered 20en di$.0r$gms $re not /le?ible9 ;ors#ona' sens#t#$#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st when the rat#o * ca'cu'ated accord#ng to /entence 4.1. .11.293 e5ceeds 1... Non:ort0ogon$l (3stems % non-orthogona' system #rregu'ar#ty sha'' ,e cons#dered to e5#st when the /FR/ #s not or#ented a'ong a set o( orthogona' a5es.


223233243 233

223233213 263

Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .6.:


One-storey &enthouses w#th a we#ght o( 'ess than 10F o( the 'e$e' ,e'ow need not ,e cons#dered #n the a&&'#cat#on o( th#s ;a,'e.
223 233 243 213 263

/ee %rt#c'e 4.1. ... /ee %rt#c'e 4.1. .10. /ee %rt#c'e 4.1. .11. /ee /entences 4.1. .11.293 and 2103 and 4.1. .12.243. /ee %rt#c'e 4.1. . .

5,1,=,;, )et0ods o/ An$l3sis 819 %na'ys#s (or des#gn earth:ua7e act#ons sha'' ,e carr#ed out #n accordance w#th the "ynam#c %na'ys#s -rocedure descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .12., e5ce&t that the 6:u#$a'ent /tat#c Force -rocedure descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .11. may ,e used (or structures that meet any o( the (o''ow#ng cr#ter#a: 2a3 #n cases where +6Fa/a20.23 #s 'ess than 0.31, 2,3 regu'ar structures that are 'ess than 60 m #n he#ght and ha$e a (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od, ; a, 'ess than 2 s #n each o( two orthogona' d#rect#ons as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. . ., or 2c3 structures w#th structura' #rregu'ar#ty, o( ;y&e 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6 or as de(#ned #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6., that are 'ess than 20 m #n he#ght and ha$e a (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od, ;a, 'ess than 0.1 s #n each o( two orthogona' d#rect#ons as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. . . 5,1,=,=, #irection o/ Lo$ding 819 6arth:ua7e (orces sha'' ,e assumed to act #n any hor#Conta' d#rect#on, e5ce&t that the (o''ow#ng sha'' ,e cons#dered to &ro$#de ade:uate des#gn (orce 'e$e's #n the structure: 2a3 where com&onents o( the /FR/ are or#ented a'ong a set o( orthogona' a5es, #nde&endent ana'yses a,out each o( the &r#nc#&a' a5es o( the structure sha'' ,e &er(ormed, 2,3 where the com&onents o( the /FR/ are not or#ented a'ong a set o( orthogona' a5es and + 6Fa/a20.23 #s 'ess than 0.31, #nde&endent ana'yses a,out any two orthogona' a5es #s &erm#tted, or 2c3 where the com&onents o( the /FR/ are not or#ented a'ong a set o( orthogona' a5es and + 6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, ana'ys#s o( the structure #nde&endent'y #n any two orthogona' d#rect#ons (or 100F o( the &rescr#,ed earth:ua7e 'oads a&&'#ed #n one d#rect#on &'us 30F o( the &rescr#,ed earth:ua7e 'oads #n the &er&end#cu'ar d#rect#on, w#th the com,#nat#on re:u#r#ng the greater e'ement strength ,e#ng used #n the des#gn. 5,1,=,9, (+R( +orce Reduction +$ctors, (3stem O1erstrengt0 +$ctors, $nd Gener$l Restrictions 819 ;he $a'ues o( Rd and Ro and the corres&ond#ng system restr#ct#ons sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 4.1. .9. and the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on. 829 8hen a &art#cu'ar $a1ue o( Rd #s re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e, the corres&ond#ng Ro sha'' ,e used. 8!9 For com,#nat#ons o( d#((erent ty&es o( /FR/ act#ng #n the same d#rect#on #n the same storey, RdRo sha'' ,e ta7en as the 'owest $a'ue o( RdRo corres&ond#ng to these systems. 859 For $ert#ca' $ar#at#ons o( RdRo, e5c'ud#ng roo(to& structures not e5ceed#ng two storeys #n he#ght whose we#ght #s 'ess than the greater o( 10F o( 8 and 30F o( 8 # o( the 'e$e' ,e'ow, the $a'ue o( R dRo used #n the des#gn o( any storey sha'' ,e 2.6

'ess than or e:ua' to the 'owest $a'ue o( RdRo used #n the g#$en d#rect#on (or the storeys a,o$e, and the re:u#rements o( /entence 4.1. .11.213 must ,e sat#s(#ed. 879 +( #t can ,e demonstrated through test#ng, research and ana'ys#s that the se#sm#c &er(ormance o( a structura' system #s at 'east e:u#$a'ent to one o( the ty&es o( /FR/ ment#oned #n ;a,'e 4.1. .9., then such a structura' system w#'' :ua'#(y (or $a'ues o( Rd and Ro corres&ond#ng to the e:u#$a'ent ty&e #n that ;a,'e. T$ble 5,1,=,9, (+R( #uctilit3:Rel$ted +orce )odi/ic$tion +$ctors, Rd, O1erstrengt0:Rel$ted +orce )odi/ic$tion +$ctors, Ro, $nd Gener$l Restrictions 819 Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. 9.213
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( /FR/ )o'umn 2 Rd )o'umn 3 Ro )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 Restr#ct#ons223 )ases 8here +6Fa/a20.23 X0.2 1. /tee' /tructures "es#gned and "eta#'ed %ccord#ng to )/% /16 233 "uct#'e moment-res#st#ng (rames 1.0 1.1 BL <oderate'y duct#'e moment-res#st#ng 3.1 1.1 BL (rames L#m#ted duct#'#ty moment-res#st#ng 2.0 1.3 BL (rames <oderate'y duct#'e concentr#ca''y ,raced (rames ;ens#on-com&ress#on ,races 3.0 1.3 BL 3.0 1.3 BL ;ens#on on'y ,races L#m#ted duct#'#ty concentr#ca''y ,raced (rames 2.0 1.3 BL ;ens#on-com&ress#on ,races ;ens#on on'y ,races 2.0 1.3 BL "uct#'e ,uc7'#ng-restra#ned ,raced 4.0 1.2 BL (rames "uct#'e eccentr#ca''y ,raced (rames 4.0 1.1 BL "uct#'e &'ate wa''s 1.0 1.6 BL L#m#ted duct#'#ty &'ate wa''s 2.0 1.1 BL )on$ent#ona' construct#on o( momentres#st#ng (rames, ,raced (rames or &'ate wa''s Assembly occupancies 1.1 1.3 BL 1.1 1.3 BL Other occupancies Other stee' /FR/2s3 not de(#ned a,o$e 1.0 1.0 11 )oncrete /tructures "es#gned and "eta#'ed %ccord#ng to )%B!)/%-%23.3 "uct#'e moment-res#st#ng (rames 4.0 1.. BL <oderate'y duct#'e moment-res#st#ng 2.1 1.4 BL (rames "uct#'e cou&'ed wa''s 4.0 1.. BL "uct#'e &art#a''y cou&'ed wa''s 3.1 1.. BL "uct#'e shear wa''s 3.1 1.6 BL <oderate'y duct#'e shear wa''s 2.0 1.4 BL )on$ent#ona' construct#on 1.1 1.3 BL <oment-res#st#ng (rames /hear wa''s 1.1 1.3 BL Other concrete /FR/2s3 not '#sted a,o$e 1.0 1.0 11 ;#m,er /tructures "es#gned and "eta#'ed %ccord#ng to )/% O 6 /hear wa''s 3.0 1.. BL Ba#'ed shear wa''s: wood-,ased &ane' /hear wa''s: wood-,ased and 2.0 1.. BL gy&sum &ane's #n com,#nat#on *raced or moment-res#st#ng (rames w#th duct#'e connect#ons <oderate'y duct#'e 2.0 1.1 BL c0.2 to X0.31 BL BL BL c0.31 to b0..1 BL BL 60 )o'umn . )o'umn )ases 8here +6F$/a21.03 W0.3 BL BL 30

W0..1 BL BL 30


40 20 60 40 40 BL BL 60

40 20 60 40 40 BL BL 60

40 20 60 40 40 BL BL 60


11 60 BBL 60 BL BL BL BL 11 40 B30 20

11 40 BBL 40 BL BL BL 60 B30 B20 20

11 40 BBL 40 BL BL BL 60 B30 B20 20










1.1 1.1 BL BL L#m#ted duct#'#ty Other wood-or gy&sum-,ased /FR/2s3 1.0 1.0 11 11 not '#sted a,o$e <asonry /tructures "es#gned and "eta#'ed %ccord#ng to )/% /304.1 <oderate'y duct#'e shear wa''s 2.0 1.1 BL BL L#m#ted duct#'#ty shear wa''s 1.1 1.1 BL BL )on$ent#ona' construct#on 1.1 1.1 BL 60 /hear wa''s <oment-res#st#ng (rames 1.1 1.1 BL 30 @nre#n(orced masonry 1.0 1.0 30 11 Other masonry /FR/2s3 not '#sted a,o$e 1.0 1.0 11 B)o'd-Formed /tee' /tructures "es#gned and "eta#'ed %ccord#ng to )%B!)/%-/136 /hear wa''s 2.1 1.. 20 20 /crew-connected shear wa''s wood-,ased &ane' /crew-connected shear wa''s 1.1 1.. 20 20 wood-,ased and gy&sum &ane's #n com,#nat#on "#agona' stra& concentr#ca''y ,raced wa''s L#m#ted duct#'#ty 1.9 1.3 20 20 1.2 1.3 11 11 )on$ent#ona' construct#on Other co'd-(ormed /FR/2s3 not '#sted 1.0 1.0 11 11 a,o$e

11 B60 40 30 BBB20 20

11 B40 30 11 BBB20 20

11 B40 30 11 BBB20 20

20 BB-

20 BB-

20 BB-

Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .9.:

213 223

/ee %rt#c'e 4.1. .10. B- S system #s not &erm#tted. BL S system #s &erm#tted and not '#m#ted #n he#ght as an /FR/G he#ght may ,e '#m#ted #n other -arts o( the )ode. Bum,ers #n )o'umns 4 to are ma5#mum he#ght '#m#ts #n m. ;he most str#ngent re:u#rement go$erns.


=#gher des#gn (orce 'e$e's are &rescr#,ed #n )/% /16 (or some he#ghts o( buildings.

5,1,=,1>, Addition$l (3stem Restrictions 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2232,3, structures w#th a ;y&e 6 #rregu'ar#ty, "#scont#nu#ty #n )a&ac#ty N 8ea7 /torey, as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6., are not &erm#tted un'ess +6Fa/a20.23 #s 'ess than 0.2 and the (orces used (or des#gn o( the /FR/ are mu't#&'#ed ,y RdRo.

829 4ost-disaster buildings sha'',

2a3 not ha$e any #rregu'ar#t#es con(orm#ng to ;y&es 1, 3, 4, 1 and . as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6., #n cases where +6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, 2,3 not ha$e a ;y&e 6 #rregu'ar#ty as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6., 2c3 ha$e an /FR/ w#th an Rd o( 2.0 or greater, and 2d3 ha$e no storey w#th a 'atera' st#((ness that #s 'ess than that o( the storey a,o$e #t. 8!9 For buildings ha$#ng (undamenta' 'atera' &er#ods, ;a, o( 1.0 s or greater, and where +6F$/a21.03 #s greater than 0.21, wa''s (orm#ng &art o( the /FR/ sha'' ,e cont#nuous (rom the#r to& to the foundation and sha'' not ha$e #rregu'ar#t#es o( ;y&e 4 or 1 as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 4.1. .6. 5,1,=,11, E4ui1$lent (t$tic +orce %rocedure /or (tructures ($tis/3ing t0e Conditions o/ Article 5,1,=,;, 819 ;he stat#c 'oad#ng due to earth:ua7e mot#on sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to the &rocedures g#$en #n th#s %rt#c'e. 829 ;he m#n#mum 'atera' earth:ua7e (orce, H, sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng the (ormu'a, H S / 2;a3 <$+68! 2RdRo3 e5ce&t, 2a3 (or wa''s, cou&'ed wa''s and wa''-(rame systems, H sha'' not ,e 'ess than, / 24.03 <$ +68! 2RdRo3 2,3 (or moment-res#st#ng (rames, ,raced (rames and other systems, H sha'' not ,e 'ess than, 2.

/ 22.03 <$ +68! 2RdRo3 2c3 (or buildings 'ocated on a s#te other than )'ass F and ha$#ng an /FR/ w#th an R d e:ua' to or greater than 1.1, H need not ,e greater than,
2 3

/ 2 0 .2 3 + 6 8 ! 2 R d R o 3

8!9 ;he (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od, ;a, #n the d#rect#on under cons#derat#on #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e determ#ned as, 2a3 (or moment-res#st#ng (rames that res#st 100F o( the re:u#red 'atera' (orces and where the (rame #s not enc'osed ,y or ad0o#ned ,y more r#g#d e'ements that wou'd tend to &re$ent the (rame (rom res#st#ng 'atera' (orces, and where h n #s #n metres, 2#3 0.0 1 2hn33!4 (or stee' moment (rames, 2##3 0.0.1 2hn33!4 (or concrete moment (rames, or 2###3 0.1 B (or other moment (rames, 2,3 0.021 hn (or ,raced (rames where hn #s #n metres, 2c3 0.01 2hn33!4 (or shear wa'' and other structures where hn #s #n metres, or 2d3 other esta,'#shed methods o( mechan#cs us#ng a structura' mode' that com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 4.1. .3.2 3, e5ce&t that, 2#3 (or moment-res#st#ng (rames, ;a sha'' not ,e ta7en greater than 1.1 t#mes that determ#ned #n )'ause 2a3, 2##3 (or ,raced (rames, ;a sha'' not ,e ta7en greater than 2.0 t#mes that determ#ned #n )'ause 2,3, 2###3 (or shear wa'' structures, ;a sha'' not ,e greater than 2.0 t#mes that determ#ned #n )'ause 2c3, 2#$3 (or other structures, ;a sha'' not ,e ta7en greater than that determ#ned #n )'ause 2c3, and 2$3 (or the &ur&ose o( ca'cu'at#ng the de('ect#ons, the &er#od w#thout the u&&er '#m#t s&ec#(#ed #n /u,c'auses 2d32#3 to 2#$3 may ,e used, e5ce&t that, (or wa''s, cou&'ed wa''s and wa''-(rame systems, ; a sha'' not e5ceed 4.0 s, and (or moment-res#st#ng (rames, ,raced (rames, and other systems, ;a sha'' not e5ceed 2.0 s. 859 ;he we#ght, 8, o( the building sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng the (ormu'a,

S 8

879 ;he h#gher mode (actor, <$, and #ts assoc#ated ,ase o$erturn#ng moment reduct#on (actor, J, sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 4.1. .11. T$ble 5,1,=,11, Eig0er )ode +$ctor, )1, $nd B$se O1erturning Reduction +$ctor, *819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .11.213
+tem 1. X .0 2. c .0 )o'umn 1 /a20.23!/a22.03 )o'umn 2 ;y&e o( Latera' Res#st#ng /ystem <oment-res#st#ng (rames )ou&'ed wa''s243 *raced (rames 8a''s, wa''-(rame systems Other systems213 <oment-res#st#ng (rames )ou&'ed wa''s243 *raced (rames 8a''s, wa''-(rame systems Other systems213 )o'umn 3 <H For ;a b 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 )o'umn 4 <H For ;a S 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 2.2 2.2 )o'umn 1 <H For ;a c4.0


233 233



)o'umn 6 J For ;a b0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

)o'umn . J For ;a S2.0 0.9 0.9 0. 0.6 0.6 0.. 0.. 0.6 0.4 0.4

)o'umn J For ;a c4.0



233 233



Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .11.:


For $a'ues o( <$ ,etween (undamenta' 'atera' &er#ods, ; a, o( 1.0 s and 2.0 s and ,etween 2.0 s and 4.0 s, the &roduct /2; a3 [ <$ sha'' ,e o,ta#ned ,y '#near #nter&o'at#on.

Ha'ues o( J ,etween (undamenta' 'atera' &er#ods, ; a, o( 0.1 s and 2.0 s and ,etween 2.0 s and 4.0 s sha'' ,e o,ta#ned ,y '#near #nter&o'at#on. 2.9

233 243

For (undamenta' 'atera' &er#ods, ;a, greater than 2.0 s, use the $a'ues (or ;a S 2.0.

% >cou&'ed wa''? #s a wa'' system w#th cou&'#ng ,eams, where at 'east 66F o( the ,ase o$erturn#ng moment res#sted ,y the wa'' system #s carr#ed ,y the a5#a' tens#on and com&ress#on (orces resu't#ng (rom shear #n the cou&'#ng ,eams.

For hy,r#d systems, $a'ues corres&ond#ng to wa''s must ,e used or a dynam#c ana'ys#s must ,e carr#ed out as &er %rt#c'e 4.1. .12. 8<9 ;he tota' 'atera' se#sm#c (orce, H, sha'' ,e d#str#,uted such that a &ort#on, F t, sha'' ,e assumed to ,e concentrated at the to& o( the building, where Ft, #s e:ua' to 0.0. ; aH ,ut need not e5ceed 0.21 H and may ,e cons#dered as Cero, where the (undamenta' 'atera' &er#od, ;a, does not e5ceed 0.. sG the rema#nder, H - Ft, sha'' ,e d#str#,uted a'ong the he#ght o( the building, #nc'ud#ng the to& 'e$e', #n accordance w#th the (ormu'a,

F 5 S 2H - F t 3 8 5 h

n ! 8 #h # #S 1

8;9 ;he structure sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st o$erturn#ng e((ects caused ,y the earth:ua7e (orces determ#ned #n /entence 263 and the o$erturn#ng moment at 'e$e' 5, <5, sha'' ,e determ#ned us#ng the (ormu'a,

< 5 S J 5 F# 2h # - h 5 3
i =5

where, J5 S 1.0 (or h5 c 0.6hn, and J5 S J V 21- J32h5 ! 0.6hn3 (or h5,X 0.6hn where, J S ,ase o$erturn#ng moment reduct#on (actor con(orm#ng to ;a,'e 4.1. .11. 8=9 ;ors#ona' e((ects that are concurrent w#th the e((ects o( the (orces ment#oned #n /entence 263 and are caused ,y the s#mu'taneous act#ons o( the (o''ow#ng tors#ona' moments sha'' ,e cons#dered #n the des#gn o( the structure accord#ng to /entence 2103: 2a3 tors#ona' moments #ntroduced ,y eccentr#c#ty ,etween the centres o( mass and res#stance and the#r dynam#c am&'#(#cat#on, and 2,3 tors#ona' moments due to acc#denta' eccentr#c#t#es. 899 ;ors#ona' sens#t#$#ty sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y ca'cu'at#ng the rat#o * 5 (or each 'e$e' 5 accord#ng to the (o''ow#ng e:uat#on (or each orthogona' d#rect#on determ#ned #nde&endent'y: *5 S ama5 ! aa$e where, * S ma5#mum o( a'' $a'ues o( *5 #n ,oth orthogona' d#rect#ons, e5ce&t that the * 5 (or one-storey &enthouses w#th a we#ght 'ess than 10F o( the 'e$e' ,e'ow need not ,e cons#dered, ama5 S ma5#mum storey d#s&'acement at the e5treme &o#nts o( the structure, at 'e$e' 5 #n the d#rect#on o( the earth:ua7e #nduced ,y the e:u#$a'ent stat#c (orces act#ng at d#stances d 0.10 "n5 (rom the centres o( mass at each ('oor, and aa$e S a$erage o( the d#s&'acements at the e5treme &o#nts o( the structure at 'e$e' 5 &roduced ,y the a,o$e-ment#oned (orces. 81>9 ;ors#ona' e((ects sha'' ,e accounted (or as (o''ows: 2a3 (or a building w#th * b1.. or where +6Fa/a20.23 #s 'ess than 0.31, ,y a&&'y#ng tors#ona' moments a,out a $ert#ca' a5#s at each 'e$e' throughout the building, der#$ed (or each o( the (o''ow#ng 'oad cases cons#dered se&arate'y, 2#3 ;5 S F52e5 V 0.10 "n53, and 2##3 ;5 S F52e5 N 0.10 "n53 where F5 #s the 'atera' (orce at each 'e$e' determ#ned accord#ng to /entence 263 and where each e'ement o( the building #s des#gned (or the most se$ere e((ect o( the a,o$e 'oad cases, or 2,3 (or a building w#th * W1.., #n cases where + 6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, ,y a "ynam#c %na'ys#s -rocedure as s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .12. 5,1,=,12, #3n$mic An$l3sis %rocedure 819 ;he "ynam#c %na'ys#s -rocedure sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th one o( the (o''ow#ng methods: 2 0

2a3 L#near "ynam#c %na'ys#s ,y e#ther the <oda' Res&onse /&ectrum <ethod or the Bumer#ca' +ntegrat#on L#near ;#me =#story <ethod us#ng a structura' mode' that com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 4.1. .3.2 3, or 2,3 Bon'#near "ynam#c %na'ys#s, #n wh#ch case a s&ec#a' study sha'' ,e &er(ormed. 829 ;he s&ectra' acce'erat#on $a'ues used #n the <oda' Res&onse /&ectrum <ethod sha'' ,e the des#gn s&ectra' acce'erat#on $a'ues, /2;3, de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.2.3. 8!9 ;he ground mot#on h#stor#es used #n the Bumer#ca' +ntegrat#on L#near ;#me =#story <ethod sha'' ,e com&at#,'e w#th a res&onse s&ectrum constructed (rom the des#gn s&ectra' acce'erat#on $a'ues, /2;3, de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.2.3. 859 ;he e((ects o( acc#denta' tors#ona' moments act#ng concurrent'y w#th the 'atera' earth:ua7e (orces that cause them sha'' ,e accounted (or ,y the (o''ow#ng methods: 2a3 the stat#c e((ects o( tors#ona' moments due to 2d 0.10 " n53F5 at each 'e$e' 5, where F 5 #s e#ther determ#ned (rom the e'ast#c dynam#c ana'ys#s or determ#ned (rom /entence 4.1. .11.263 mu't#&'#ed ,y R dRo!+6, sha'' ,e com,#ned w#th the e((ects determ#ned ,y dynam#c ana'ys#s, or 2,3 #( *, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .11.293, #s 'ess than 1.., #t #s &erm#tted to use a three-d#mens#ona' dynam#c ana'ys#s w#th the centres o( mass sh#(ted ,y a d#stance o( N 0.01 "n5 and V 0.01 "n5. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, the des#gn e'ast#c ,ase shear, H ed, #s e:ua' to the e'ast#c ,ase shear, H e, o,ta#ned (rom a L#near "ynam#c %na'ys#s. 8<9 For structures 'ocated on s#tes other than )'ass F that ha$e an /FR/ w#th R d e:ua' to or greater than 1.1, the e'ast#c ,ase shear o,ta#ned (rom a L#near "ynam#c %na'ys#s may ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y the (o''ow#ng (actor to o,ta#n the des#gn e'ast#c ,ase shear, Hed:

2/20.23 1.0 3/2;a 3

8;9 ;he des#gn e'ast#c ,ase shear, Hed, sha'' ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y the #m&ortance (actor, + 6, as determ#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .1., and sha'' ,e d#$#ded ,y RdRo, as determ#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .9., to o,ta#n the des#gn ,ase shear, Hd. 8=9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 293, #( the ,ase shear, H d, o,ta#ned #n /entence 2.3 #s 'ess than 0F o( the 'atera' earth:ua7e des#gn (orce, H, o( %rt#c'e 4.1. .11., Hd sha'' ,e ta7en as 0. H. 899 For #rregu'ar structures re:u#r#ng dynam#c ana'ys#s #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 4.1. ..., H d sha'' ,e ta7en as the 'arger o( the Hd determ#ned #n /entence 2.3 and 100F o( H. 81>9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 2113, the $a'ues o( e'ast#c storey shears, storey (orces, mem,er (orces, and de('ect#ons o,ta#ned (rom the L#near "ynam#c %na'ys#s, #nc'ud#ng the e((ect o( acc#denta' tors#on determ#ned #n /entence 243, sha'' ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y Hd!He to determ#ne the#r des#gn $a'ues, where Hd #s the ,ase shear. 8119 For the &ur&ose o( ca'cu'at#ng de('ect#ons, #t #s &erm#tted to use a $a'ue (or H ,ased on the $a'ue (or ; a determ#ned #n )'ause 4.1. .11.2332d3 to o,ta#n Hd #n /entences 2 3 and 293. 5,1,=,1!, #e/lections $nd #ri/t Limits 819 Latera' de('ect#ons o( a structure sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th the 'oads and re:u#rements de(#ned #n th#s /u,sect#on. 829 Latera' de('ect#ons o,ta#ned (rom a '#near e'ast#c ana'ys#s us#ng the methods g#$en #n %rt#c'es 4.1. .11. and 4.1. .12. and #ncor&orat#ng the e((ects o( tors#on, #nc'ud#ng acc#denta' tors#ona' moments, sha'' ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y R dRo!+6 to g#$e rea'#st#c $a'ues o( ant#c#&ated de('ect#ons. 8!9 *ased on the 'atera' de('ect#ons ca'cu'ated #n /entence 223, the 'argest #nterstorey de('ect#on at any 'e$e' sha'' ,e '#m#ted to 0.01 hs (or post-disaster buildings, 0.02 hs (or =#gh +m&ortance )ategory buildings, and 0.021 hs (or a'' other buildings. 859 ;he de('ect#ons ca'cu'ated #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e used to account (or sway e((ects as re:u#red ,y /entence 2123. 5,1,=,15, (tructur$l (e.$r$tion 819 %d0acent structures sha'' e#ther ,e se&arated ,y the s:uare root o( the sum o( the s:uares o( the#r #nd#$#dua' de('ect#ons ca'cu'ated #n /entence 4.1. .13.223, or sha'' ,e connected to each other. 829 ;he method o( connect#on re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ta7e #nto account the mass, st#((ness, strength, duct#'#ty and ant#c#&ated mot#on o( the connected buildings and the character o( the connect#on. 8!9 R#g#d'y connected buildings sha'' ,e assumed to ha$e the 'owest RdRo $a'ue o( the buildings connected. 859 $uildings w#th non-r#g#d or energy-d#ss#&at#ng connect#ons re:u#re s&ec#a' stud#es. 2 1

5,1,=,17, #esign %ro1isions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, d#a&hragms, co''ectors, chords, struts and connect#ons sha'' ,e des#gned so as not to y#e'd, and the des#gn sha'' account (or the sha&e o( the d#a&hragm, #nc'ud#ng o&en#ngs, and (or the (orces generated #n the d#a&hragm due to the (o''ow#ng cases, wh#che$er one go$erns: 2a3 (orces due to 'oads determ#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .11. or 4.1. .12. a&&'#ed to the d#a&hragm are #ncreased to re('ect the 'atera' 'oad ca&ac#ty o( the /FR/, &'us (orces #n the d#a&hragm due to the trans(er o( (orces ,etween e'ements o( the /FR/ assoc#ated w#th the 'atera' 'oad ca&ac#ty o( such e'ements and account#ng (or d#scont#nu#t#es and changes #n st#((ness #n these e'ements, or 2,3 a m#n#mum (orce corres&ond#ng to the des#gn-,ased shear d#$#ded ,y B (or the d#a&hragm at 'e$e' 5. 829 /tee' dec7 roo( d#a&hragms #n buildings o( 'ess than 4 storeys or wood d#a&hragms that are des#gned and deta#'ed accord#ng to the a&&'#ca,'e re(erenced des#gn standards to e5h#,#t duct#'e ,eha$#our sha'' meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, e5ce&t that they may y#e'd and the (orces sha'' ,e, 2a3 (or wood d#a&hragms act#ng #n com,#nat#on w#th $ert#ca' wood shear wa''s, e:ua' to the 'atera' earth:ua7e des#gn (orce, 2,3 (or wood d#a&hragms act#ng #n com,#nat#on w#th other /FR/, not 'ess than the (orce corres&ond#ng to R dRo S 2.0, and 2c3 (or stee' dec7 roo( d#a&hragms, not 'ess than the (orce corres&ond#ng to RdRo S 2.0. 8!9 8here d#a&hragms are des#gned #n accordance w#th /entence 223, the struts sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132a3 and the co''ectors, chords and connect#ons ,etween the d#a&hragms and the $ert#ca' e'ements o( the /FR/ sha'' ,e des#gned (or (orces corres&ond#ng to the ca&ac#ty o( the d#a&hragms #n accordance w#th the a&&'#ca,'e )/% standards. 859 +n cases where +6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, the e'ements su&&ort#ng any d#scont#nuous wa'', co'umn or ,raced (rame sha'' ,e des#gned (or the 'atera' 'oad ca&ac#ty o( the com&onents o( the /FR/ they su&&ort. 879 8here structures ha$e $ert#ca' $ar#at#ons o( R dRo sat#s(y#ng /entence 4.1. .9.243, the e'ements o( the /FR/ ,e'ow the 'e$e' where the change #n R dRo occurs sha'' ,e des#gned (or the (orces assoc#ated w#th the 'atera' 'oad ca&ac#ty o( the /FR/ a,o$e that 'e$e'. 8<9 8here earth:ua7e e((ects can &roduce (orces #n a co'umn or wa'' due to 'atera' 'oad#ng a'ong ,oth orthogona' a5es, account sha'' ,e ta7en o( the e((ects o( &otent#a' concurrent y#e'd#ng o( other e'ements (ram#ng #nto the co'umn or wa'' (rom a'' d#rect#ons at the 'e$e' under cons#derat#on and as a&&ro&r#ate at other 'e$e's. 2;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2 3, the des#gn (orces assoc#ated w#th the 'atera' ca&ac#ty o( the /FR/ need not e5ceed the (orces determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 4.1. ...213 w#th R dRo ta7en as 1.0, un'ess otherw#se &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#ca,'e re(erenced des#gn standards (or e'ements, #n wh#ch case the des#gn (orces assoc#ated w#th the 'atera' ca&ac#ty o( the /FR/ need not e5ceed the (orces determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 4.1. ...213 w#th RdRo ta7en as 1.3. 8=9 +( foundation roc7#ng #s accounted (or, the des#gn (orces (or the /FR/ need not e5ceed the ma5#mum $a'ues assoc#ated w#th foundation roc7#ng, &ro$#ded that Rd and Ro (or the ty&e o( /FR/ used con(orm to ;a,'e 4.1. .9. and that the foundation #s des#gned #n accordance w#th /entence 4.1. .16.213. 5,1,=,1<, +ound$tion %ro1isions 819 7oundations sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st the 'atera' 'oad ca&ac#ty o( the /FR/, e5ce&t that when the foundations are a''owed to roc7, the des#gn (orces (or the foundation need not e5ceed those determ#ned #n /entence 4.1. ...213 us#ng an R dRo e:ua' to 2.0. 829 ;he des#gn o( foundations sha'' ,e such that they are ca&a,'e o( trans(err#ng earth:ua7e 'oads and e((ects ,etween the building and the ground w#thout e5ceed#ng the ca&ac#t#es o( the soil and roc#. 8!9 +n cases where +6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements sha'' ,e sat#s(#ed: 2a3 piles or pile ca&s, dr#''ed &#ers, and ca#ssons sha'' ,e #nterconnected ,y cont#nuous t#es #n no (ewer than two d#rect#ons, 2,3 piles, dr#''ed &#ers, and ca#ssons sha'' ,e em,edded a m#n#mum o( 100 mm #nto the pile ca& or structure, and 2c3 piles, dr#''ed &#ers, and ca#ssons, other than wood piles, sha'' ,e connected to the pile ca& or structure (or a m#n#mum tens#on (orce e:ua' to 0.11 t#mes the (actored com&ress#on 'oad on the pile. 859 %t s#tes where +6Fa/a20.23 #s e:ua' to or greater than 0.31, basement wa''s sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st earth:ua7e 'atera' &ressures (rom ,ac7(#'' or natura' ground. 879 %t s#tes where +6Fa/a20.23 #s greater than 0..1, the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements sha'' ,e sat#s(#ed: 2a3 piles, dr#''ed &#ers, or ca#ssons sha'' ,e des#gned and deta#'ed to accommodate cyc'#c #ne'ast#c ,eha$#our when the des#gn moment #n the e'ement due to earth:ua7e e((ects #s greater than .1F o( #ts moment ca&ac#ty, and

2 2

2,3 s&read (oot#ngs (ounded on soil de(#ned as /#te )'ass 6 or F sha'' ,e #nterconnected ,y cont#nuous t#es #n no (ewer than two d#rect#ons. 8<9 6ach segment o( a t#e ,etween e'ements that #s re:u#red ,y )'ause 2332a3 or 2132,3 sha'' ,e des#gned to carry ,y tens#on or com&ress#on a hor#Conta' (orce at 'east e:ua' to the greatest (actored pile ca& or co'umn $ert#ca' 'oad #n the e'ements #t connects, mu't#&'#ed ,y a (actor o( 0.10 +6Fa/a20.23, un'ess #t can ,e demonstrated that e:u#$a'ent restra#nts can ,e &ro$#ded ,y other means. 8;9 ;he &otent#a' (or '#:ue(act#on o( the soil and #ts conse:uences, such as s#gn#(#cant ground d#s&'acement and 'oss o( soil strength and st#((ness, sha'' ,e e$a'uated ,ased on the ground mot#on &arameters re(erenced #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. and sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the des#gn o( the structure and #ts foundations. 5,1,=,1;, (ite (t$bilit3 819 ;he &otent#a' (or s'o&e #nsta,#'#ty and #ts conse:uences, such as s'o&e d#s&'acement, sha'' ,e e$a'uated ,ased on s#tes&ec#(#c mater#a' &ro&ert#es and ground mot#on &arameters re(erenced #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. and sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the des#gn o( the structure and #ts foundations. 5,1,=,1=, Elements o/ (tructures, Non:structur$l Com.onents $nd E4ui.ment 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 2 3, e'ements and com&onents o( buildings descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 4.1. .1 . and the#r connect#ons to the structure sha'' ,e des#gned to accommodate the building de('ect#ons ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 4.1. .13. and the e'ement or com&onent de('ect#ons ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th /entence 2103, and sha'' ,e des#gned (or a 'atera' (orce, H-, a&&'#ed through the centre o( mass o( the e'ement or com&onent that #s e:ua' to: H&S 0.3Fa/a20.23 +6/&8& where, Fa S as de(#ned #n ;a,'e 4.1. .4.*., /a20.23 S s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on $a'ue at 0.2 s, as de(#ned #n /entence 4.1. .4.213, +6 S #m&ortance (actor (or the building, as de(#ned #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .1., /& S )&%r%5!R& 2the ma5#mum $a'ue o( /& sha'' ,e ta7en as 4.0 and the m#n#mum $a'ue o( / & sha'' ,e ta7en as 0..3, where, )& S e'ement or com&onent (actor (rom ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., %r S e'ement or com&onent (orce am&'#(#cat#on (actor (rom ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., %5 S he#ght (actor 21 V 2 h5 ! hn3, R& S e'ement or com&onent res&onse mod#(#cat#on (actor (rom ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., and 8& S we#ght o( the com&onent or e'ement. 829 For buildings other than post-disaster buildings, where +6Fa/a20.23 #s 'ess than 0.31, the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 need not a&&'y to )ategor#es 6 through 21 o( ;a,'e 4.1. .1 . 8!9 ;he $a'ues o( )& #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 4.1. .1 . 859 For the &ur&ose o( a&&'y#ng /entence 213 and )ategor#es 11 and 12 o( ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., e'ements or com&onents sha'' ,e assumed to ,e ('e5#,'e or ('e5#,'y connected un'ess #t can ,e shown that the (undamenta' &er#od o( the e'ement or com&onent and #ts connect#on #s 'ess than or e:ua' to 0.06 s, #n wh#ch case the e'ement or com&onent #s c'ass#(#ed as ,e#ng r#g#d or r#g#d'y connected. 879 ;he we#ght o( access ('oors sha'' #nc'ude the dead load o( the access ('oor and the we#ght o( &ermanent e:u#&ment, wh#ch sha'' not ,e ta7en as 'ess than 21F o( the ('oor live load. 8<9 8hen the mass o( a tan7 &'us #ts contents or the mass o( a ('e5#,'e or ('e5#,'y connected &#ece o( mach#nery, (#5ture or e:u#&ment #s greater than 10F o( the mass o( the su&&ort#ng ('oor, the 'atera' (orces sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y rat#ona' ana'ys#s. 8;9 Forces sha'' ,e a&&'#ed #n the hor#Conta' d#rect#on that resu'ts #n the most cr#t#ca' 'oad#ng (or des#gn, e5ce&t (or )ategory 6 o( ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., where the (orces sha'' ,e a&&'#ed u& and down $ert#ca''y. 8=9 )onnect#ons to the structure o( e'ements and com&onents '#sted #n ;a,'e 4.1. .1 . sha'' ,e des#gned to su&&ort the com&onent or e'ement (or gra$#ty 'oads, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, and sha'' a'so sat#s(y these add#t#ona' re:u#rements: 2a3 (r#ct#on due to gra$#ty 'oads sha'' not ,e cons#dered to &ro$#de res#stance to se#sm#c (orces, 2,3 R& (or non-duct#'e connect#ons, such as adhes#$es or &ower actuated (asteners, sha'' ,e ta7en as 1.0,

2 3

2c3 R& (or anchorage us#ng sha''ow e5&ans#on, chem#ca', e&o5y or cast-#n &'ace anchors sha'' ,e 1.1, where sha''ow anchors are those w#th a rat#o o( em,edment 'ength to d#ameter o( 'ess than , 2d3 &ower-actuated (asteners and dro&-#n anchors sha'' not ,e used (or tens#on 'oads, 2e3 connect#ons (or non-structura' e'ements or com&onents o( )ategory 1, 2 or 3 o( ;a,'e 4.1. .1 . attached to the s#de o( a building and a,o$e the (#rst 'e$e' a,o$e grade sha'' sat#s(y the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements: 2#3 (or connect#ons where the ,ody o( the connect#on #s duct#'e, the ,ody sha'' ,e des#gned (or $a'ues o( ) -, %r and R& g#$en #n ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., and a'' o( the other &arts o( the connect#on, such as anchors, we'ds, ,o'ts and #nserts, sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( de$e'o&#ng 2.0 t#mes the nom#na' y#e'd res#stance o( the ,ody o( the connect#on, and 2##3 connect#ons where the ,ody o( the connect#on #s not duct#'e sha'' ,e des#gned (or $a'ues o( ) &S2.0, R& S1.0 and %r g#$en #n ;a,'e 4.1. .1 ., and 2(3 (or the &ur&ose o( a&&'y#ng )'ause 2e3, a duct#'e connect#on #s one where the ,ody o( the connect#on #s ca&a,'e o( d#ss#&at#ng energy through cyc'#c #ne'ast#c ,eha$#our. 899 F'oors and roo(s act#ng as d#a&hragms sha'' sat#s(y the re:u#rements (or d#a&hragms stated #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .11. 81>9 Latera' de('ect#ons o( e'ements or com&onents sha'' ,e ,ased on the 'oads de(#ned #n /entence 213 and 'atera' de('ect#ons o,ta#ned (rom an e'ast#c ana'ys#s sha'' ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y R&!+6 to g#$e rea'#st#c $a'ues o( the ant#c#&ated de('ect#ons. 8119 ;he e'ements or com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned so as not to trans(er to the structure any (orces unaccounted (or #n the des#gn, and r#g#d e'ements such as wa''s or &ane's sha'' sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 4.1. .3.263. 8129 /e#sm#c restra#nt (or sus&ended e:u#&ment, &#&es, ducts, e'ectr#ca' ca,'e trays, etc. sha'' ,e des#gned to meet the (orce and d#s&'acement re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e and ,e constructed #n a manner that w#'' not su,0ect hanger rods to ,end#ng. 81!9 +so'ated sus&ended e:u#&ment and com&onents, such as &endant '#ghts, may ,e des#gned as a &endu'um system &ro$#ded that ade:uate cha#ns or ca,'es ca&a,'e o( su&&ort#ng 2.0 t#mes the we#ght o( the sus&ended com&onent are &ro$#ded and the de('ect#on re:u#rements o( /entence 2113 are sat#s(#ed. T$ble 5,1,=,1=, Elements o/ (tructures $nd Non:structur$l Com.onents $nd E4ui.ment Form#ng -art o( /entence 4.1. .1 .213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. )o'umn 1 )ategory 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 )o'umn 2 -art or &ort#on o( $uilding %'' e5ter#or and #nter#or wa''s e5ce&t those #n )ategory 2 or 3 213 )ant#'e$er &ara&et and other cant#'e$er wa''s e5ce&t reta#n#ng wa''s 213 65ter#or and #nter#or ornamentat#ons and a&&endages 213 F'oors and roo(s act#ng as d#a&hragms 223 ;owers, chimneys, smo7estac7s and &enthouses when connected to or (orm#ng &art o( a building =or#Conta''y cant#'e$ered ('oors, ,a'con#es, ,eams, etc. /us&ended ce#'#ngs, '#ght (#5tures and other attachments to ce#'#ngs w#th #nde&endent $ert#ca' su&&ort <asonry $eneer connect#ons %ccess ('oors <asonry or concrete (ences more than 1. m ta'' <ach#nery, (#5tures, e:u#&ment, ducts and tan7s 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 that are r#g#d and r#g#d'y connected233 that are ('e5#,'e or ('e5#,'y connected233 <ach#nery, (#5tures, e:u#&ment, ducts and tan7s 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 conta#n#ng to5#c or e5&'os#$e mater#a's, mater#a's ha$#ng a flash point ,e'ow 3 E) or (#re(#ght#ng ('u#ds that are r#g#d and r#g#d'y connected233 that are ('e5#,'e or ('e5#,'y connected233 F'at ,ottom tan7s 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 attached d#rect'y to a ('oor at or ,e'ow grade w#th#n a building F'at ,ottom tan7s 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 attached d#rect'y to a ('oor at or ,e'ow grade w#th#n a building conta#n#ng to5#c or e5&'os#$e mater#a's, mater#a's ha$#ng a flash point ,e'ow 3 E) or (#re(#ght#ng ('u#ds -#&es, ducts, ca,'e trays 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 -#&es, ducts 2#nc'ud#ng contents3 conta#n#ng to5#c or e5&'os#$e mater#a's 6'ectr#ca' ca,'e trays, ,us ducts, condu#ts R#g#d com&onents w#th duct#'e mater#a' and connect#ons )o'umn 3 )& 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 )o'umn 4 %r 1.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.10 )o'umn 1 R& 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 1.10 2.10 2.10 1.21 2.10

13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 .

13 14 11 16 1. 1

1.10 1.10 0..0 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00

1.00 2.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.10 1.00

1.21 2.10 2.10 2.10 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.10

2 4

19. 20. 21.

213 223 233

19 20 21

R#g#d com&onents w#th non-duct#'e mater#a' or connect#ons F'e5#,'e com&onents w#th duct#'e mater#a' and connect#ons F'e5#,'e com&onents w#th non-duct#'e mater#a' or connect#ons

1.00 1.00 1.00

1.00 2.10 2.10

1.00 2.10 1.00

Botes to ;a,'e 4.1. .1 .:

/ee /entence 4.1. .1 .2 3. /ee /entence 4.1. .1 .293. /ee /entence 4.1. .1 .243.

(ection 5,2, +ound$tions 5,2,1, Gener$l 5,2,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to e"cavations and foundation systems (or buildings. 5,2,2, (ubsur/$ce In1estig$tions $nd Re1ie2s 5,2,2,1, (ubsur/$ce In1estig$tion 819 % subsurface investigation, #nc'ud#ng groundwater cond#t#ons, sha'' ,e carr#ed out, ,y or under the d#rect#on o( a &erson ha$#ng 7now'edge and e5&er#ence #n &'ann#ng and e5ecut#ng such #n$est#gat#ons to a degree a&&ro&r#ate (or the building and #ts use, the ground and the surround#ng s#te cond#t#ons. 5,2,2,2, +ield Re1ie2 819 % (#e'd re$#ew sha'' ,e carr#ed out ,y the designer or ,y another su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed &erson to ascerta#n that the su,sur(ace cond#t#ons are cons#stent w#th the des#gn and that construction #s carr#ed out #n accordance w#th the des#gn and good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 829 ;he re$#ew re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e carr#ed out, 2a3 on a cont#nuous ,as#s, 2#3 dur#ng the construction o( a'' deep foundation units w#th a'' &ert#nent #n(ormat#on recorded (or each foundation unit, 2##3 dur#ng the #nsta''at#on and remo$a' o( reta#n#ng structures and re'ated ,ac7(#''#ng o&erat#ons, and 2###3 dur#ng the &'acement o( eng#neered fills that are to ,e used to su&&ort the foundation units, and 2,3 as re:u#red, un'ess otherw#se d#rected ,y the chief building official, 2#3 #n the construction o( a'' shallow foundation units, and 2##3 #n e5ca$at#ng, dewater#ng and other re'ated wor7s. 5,2,2,!, Altered (ubsur/$ce Condition 819 +( dur#ng construction, the soil, roc# or groundwater #s (ound not to ,e o( the ty&e or #n the cond#t#on used #n des#gn, and as #nd#cated on the draw#ngs, the des#gn sha'' ,e reassessed ,y the designer. 829 +( dur#ng construction, c'#mat#c or any other cond#t#ons ha$e changed the &ro&ert#es o( the soil, roc# or groundwater, the des#gn sha'' ,e reassessed ,y the designer. 5,2,!, )$teri$ls sed in +ound$tions 5,2,!,1, 6ood 819 8ood used #n foundations or #n su&&ort o( soil or roc# sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.3.1. 5,2,!,2, %reser1$tion Tre$tment o/ 6ood 819 8ood e5&osed to soil or a#r a,o$e the 'owest ant#c#&ated groundwater ta,'e sha'' ,e treated w#th &reser$at#$e #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-O 0 /er#es, >8ood -reser$at#on?, and the re:u#rements o( the a&&ro&r#ate commod#ty standard as (o''ows: 2a3 )%B!)/%-O 0.2, >-rocess#ng and ;reatment?, 2,3 )%B!)/%-O 0.3, >-reser$at#$e Formu'at#ons?, or 2c3 )/% O 0.11, >-reser$at#$e ;reatment o( 8ood (or *u#'d#ng Foundat#on /ystems, *asements and )raw' /&aces ,y -ressure -rocesses?. 2 1

5,2,!,!, %l$in $nd Rein/orced )$sonr3 819 -'a#n or re#n(orced masonry used #n foundations or #n su&&ort o( soil or roc# sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.3.2. 5,2,!,5, %re1ention o/ #eterior$tion o/ )$sonr3 819 8here &'a#n or re#n(orced masonry #n foundations or #n structures su&&ort#ng soil or roc# may ,e su,0ect to cond#t#ons conduc#$e to deter#orat#on, &rotect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to &re$ent such deter#orat#on. 5,2,!,7, Concrete 819 -'a#n, re#n(orced or &restressed concrete used #n foundations or #n su&&ort o( soil or roc# sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.3.3. 5,2,!,<, %rotection Ag$inst C0emic$l Att$cA 819 8here concrete #n foundations may ,e su,0ect to chem#ca' attac7, #t sha'' ,e treated #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?. 5,2,!,;, (teel 819 /tee' used #n foundations or #n su&&ort o( soil or roc# sha'' con(orm w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( /u,sect#ons 4.3.3. or 4.3.4., un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on. 5,2,!,=, (teel %iles 819 8here stee' piles are used #n deep foundations and act as &ermanent 'oad-carry#ng mem,ers, the stee' sha'' con(orm w#th one o( the (o''ow#ng standards: 2a3 %/;< %212, >8e'ded and /eam'ess /tee' -#&e -#'es?, 2,3 %/;< %2 3 ! %2 3<, >Low and +ntermed#ate ;ens#'e /trength )ar,on /tee' -'ates?, 2c3 %/;< %100 ! %100 < , >/tee', /heet, )o'd-Ro''ed, )ar,on, /tructura', =#gh-/trength Low-%''oy, and =#gh/trength Low-%''oy w#th +m&ro$ed Forma,#'#ty, /o'ut#on =ardened, and *a7e =ardena,'e?, 2d3 %/;< %1011 ! %1011<, >/tee', /heet and /tr#&, =ot-Ro''ed, )ar,on, /tructura', =#gh-/trength Low-%''oy, =#gh/trength Low-%''oy w#th +m&ro$ed Forma,#'#ty, and @'tra-=#gh /trength?, or 2e3 )/% 440.21, >4enera' Re:u#rements (or Ro''ed or 8e'ded /tructura' Mua'#ty /tee'?. 5,2,!,9, Eig0 (trengt0 (teel Tendons 819 8here h#gh strength stee' #s used (or tendons #n anchor systems used (or the &ermanent su&&ort o( a foundation or #n the erect#on o( tem&orary su&&ort o( soil or roc# ad0acent to an e"cavation, #t sha'' con(orm w#th the re:u#rements o( )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?. 5,2,!,1>, Corrosion o/ (teel 819 8here cond#t#ons are corros#$e to stee', ade:uate &rotect#on o( e5&osed stee' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 5,2,5, #esign Re4uirements 5,2,5,1, #esign B$sis 819 ;he des#gn o( foundations, e"cavations and soil- and roc#-reta#n#ng structures sha'' ,e ,ased on a subsurface investigation carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7, and on any o( the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 a&&'#cat#on o( genera''y acce&ted geotechn#ca' and c#$#' eng#neer#ng &r#nc#&'es ,y a &erson es&ec#a''y :ua'#(#ed #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7 as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on and other /ect#ons o( th#s -art, 2,3 esta,'#shed 'oca' &ract#ce where such &ract#ce #nc'udes success(u' e5&er#ence ,oth w#th soils and roc#s o( s#m#'ar ty&e and cond#t#on and w#th a foundation or e"cavation o( s#m#'ar ty&e, construction method, s#Ce and de&th, or 2c3 #n s#tu test#ng o( foundation units such as the 'oad test#ng o( piles, anchors or (oot#ngs carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7. 829 ;he foundations o( a building sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( res#st#ng a'' the 'oads st#&u'ated #n /ect#on 4.1., #n accordance w#th '#m#t states des#gn #n /u,sect#on 4.1.3. 8!9 For the &ur&ose o( the a&&'#cat#on o( the 'oad com,#nat#ons g#$en #n ;a,'e, the geotechn#ca' com&onents o( 'oads and the (actored geotechn#ca' res#stances at @L/ sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 859 4eotechn#ca' com&onents o( ser$#ce 'oads and geotechn#ca' react#ons (or /L/ sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson.

2 6

879 ;he foundation o( a building sha'' ,e des#gned to sat#s(y /L/ re:u#rements w#th#n the '#m#ts that the building #s des#gned to accommodate, #nc'ud#ng tota' sett'ement and d#((erent#a' sett'ement, hea$e, 'atera' mo$ement, t#'t or rotat#on. 8<9 )ommun#cat#on, #nteract#on and coord#nat#on ,etween the designer and the &erson res&ons#,'e (or the geotechn#ca' as&ects o( the &ro0ect sha'' ta7e &'ace to a degree commensurate w#th the com&'e5#ty and re:u#rements o( the &ro0ect. 5,2,5,2, (ubsur/$ce In1estig$tion 819 % subsurface investigation sha'' ,e carr#ed out to the de&th and e5tent to wh#ch the building or e"cavation w#'' s#gn#(#cant'y change the stress #n the soil or roc#, or to such a de&th and e5tent as to &ro$#de a'' the necessary #n(ormat#on (or the des#gn and construction o( the e"cavation or the foundations. 5,2,5,!, Identi/ic$tion 819 ;he #dent#(#cat#on and c'ass#(#cat#on o( soil, roc# and groundwater and descr#&t#ons o( the#r eng#neer#ng and &hys#ca' &ro&ert#es sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th a w#de'y acce&ted system. 5,2,5,5, #e.t0 o/ +ound$tions 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, the bearing surface o( a foundation sha'' ,e ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( &otent#a' damage, #nc'ud#ng damage resu't#ng (rom frost action, and the foundation sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent damage resu't#ng (rom adfreezing and (rost 0ac7#ng. 829 ;he bearing surface o( a foundation need not ,e ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( &otent#a' damage (rom (rost where the foundation, 2a3 #s des#gned aga#nst frost action, or 2,3 o$er'#es mater#a' not susce&t#,'e to frost action. 5,2,5,7, ( Ground 819 8here a foundation #s to rest on, #n or near s'o&#ng ground, th#s &art#cu'ar cond#t#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,<, Eccentric $nd Inclined Lo$ds 819 8here there #s eccentr#c#ty or #nc'#nat#on o( 'oad#ng #n foundation units, th#s e((ect sha'' ,e (u''y #n$est#gated and &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,;, #3n$mic Lo$ding 819 8here dynam#c 'oad#ng cond#t#ons a&&'y, the e((ects sha'' ,e assessed ,y a s&ec#a' #n$est#gat#on o( these cond#t#ons and &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,=, E3drost$tic .li/t 819 8here a foundation or any &art o( a building #s su,0ect to hydrostat#c u&'#(t the e((ects sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,9, Ground2$ter Le1el C0$nge 819 8here &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n a tem&orary or &ermanent change #n the groundwater level, the e((ects o( th#s change on ad0acent buildings sha'' ,e (u''y #n$est#gated and &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,1>, %erm$/rost 819 8here cond#t#ons o( &erma(rost are encountered or &ro$en to e5#st, the des#gn o( the foundation sha'' ,e ,ased u&on ana'ys#s o( these cond#t#ons ,y a &erson es&ec#a''y :ua'#(#ed #n that (#e'd o( wor7. 5,2,5,11, (2elling $nd (0rinAing (oils 819 8here swe''#ng or shr#n7#ng soils, #n wh#ch mo$ements resu't#ng (rom mo#sture content changes may ,e su((#c#ent to cause damage to a structure, are encountered or 7nown to e5#st, such a cond#t#on sha'' ,e (u''y #n$est#gated and &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,12, E?.$nding $nd #eterior$ting RocA 819 8here roc# that e5&ands or deter#orates when su,0ected to un(a$oura,'e en$#ronmenta' cond#t#ons or to stress re'ease #s 7nown to e5#st, th#s cond#t#on sha'' ,e (u''y #n$est#gated and &ro$#ded (or #n the des#gn. 5,2,5,1!, Construction on +ill 819 $uildings may ,e &'aced on fill #( #t can ,e shown ,y subsurface investigation that, 2a3 the fill #s or can ,e made ca&a,'e o( sa(e'y su&&ort#ng the building, 2,3 detr#menta' mo$ement o( the building or ser$#ces 'ead#ng to the building w#'' not occur, and 2c3 e5&'os#$e gases can ,e contro''ed or do not e5#st. 5,2,5,15, (tructur$l #esign 2 .

819 ;he structura' des#gn o( the foundation o( a building, the &rocedures and construction &ract#ces sha'' con(orm w#th the a&&ro&r#ate /ect#ons o( th#s )ode un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on. 5,2,7, E?c$1$tions 5,2,7,1, #esign o/ E?c$1$tions 819 ;he des#gn o( e"cavations and o( su&&orts (or the s#des o( e"cavations sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.2.4. and th#s /u,sect#on. 5,2,7,2, E?c$1$tion Construction 819 6$ery e"cavation sha'' ,e underta7en #n such a manner as to &re$ent mo$ement that wou'd cause damage to ad0acent buildings at a'' &hases o( construction. 829 <ater#a' sha'' not ,e &'aced nor sha'' e:u#&ment ,e o&erated or &'aced #n or ad0acent to an e"cavation #n a manner that may endanger the #ntegr#ty o( the e"cavation or #ts su&&orts. 5,2,7,!, (u..orted E?c$1$tions 819 ;he s#des o( an e"cavation #n soil or roc# sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y a reta#n#ng structure con(orm#ng w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es and, e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e 5,2,7,5, nsu..orted E?c$1$tions 819 ;he s#des o( an e"cavation #n soil or roc# may ,e unsu&&orted where a des#gn #s &re&ared ,y a &erson es&ec#a''y :ua'#(#ed #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7 #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es and 5,2,7,7, Control o/ 6$ter Around E?c$1$tions 819 Surface water, a'' groundwater, perched groundwater and #n &art#cu'ar artesian groundwater sha'' ,e 7e&t under contro' at a'' &hases o( e"cavation and construction. 5,2,7,<, Loss o/ Ground 819 %t a'' &hases o( e"cavation and construction, 'oss o( ground due to water or any other cause sha'' ,e &re$ented. 5,2,7,;, %rotection $nd )$inten$nce $t E?c$1$tions 819 %'' s#des o( an e"cavation, su&&orted and unsu&&orted, sha'' ,e cont#nuous'y ma#nta#ned and &rotected (rom &oss#,'e deter#orat#on ,y construction act#$#ty or ,y the act#on o( (rost, ra#n and w#nd. 5,2,7,=, B$cA/illing 819 8here an e"cavation #s ,ac7(#''ed, the ,ac7(#'' sha'' ,e &'aced so as to, 2a3 &ro$#de 'atera' su&&ort to the soil ad0acent to the e"cavation, and 2,3 &re$ent detr#menta' mo$ements. 829 ;he mater#a' used as ,ac7(#'' or fill su&&ort#ng a (oot#ng, foundation or a ('oor on grade sha'' ,e o( a ty&e that #s not su,0ect to detr#menta' $o'ume change w#th changes #n mo#sture content and tem&erature. 5,2,<, (0$llo2 +ound$tions 5,2,<,1, #esign o/ (0$llo2 +ound$tions 819 ;he des#gn o( shallow foundations sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.2.4. and th#s /u,sect#on. 5,2,<,2, (u..ort o/ (0$llo2 +ound$tions 819 8here a shallow foundation #s to ,e &'aced on soil or roc#, the soil or roc# sha'' ,e c'eaned o( 'oose and unsound mater#a' and sha'' ,e ade:uate to su&&ort the design load ta7#ng #nto account tem&erature, &rec#&#tat#on, construction act#$#t#es and other (actors that may 'ead to changes o( the &ro&ert#es o( soil or roc#. 5,2,<,!, Incorrect %l$cement o/ (0$llo2 +ound$tions 819 8here a shallow foundation unit has not ,een &'aced or 'ocated as #nd#cated on the draw#ngs, 2a3 the error sha'' ,e corrected, or 2,3 the des#gn o( the foundation unit sha'' ,e reca'cu'ated (or the a'tered cond#t#ons ,y the designer. 5,2,<,5, #$m$ged (0$llo2 +ound$tions 819 8here a shallow foundation unit #s damaged, 2a3 #t sha'' ,e re&a#red, or 2

2,3 the design o( the foundation unit sha'' ,e reca'cu'ated (or the damaged cond#t#on ,y the designer. 5,2,;, #ee. +ound$tions 5,2,;,1, Gener$l 819 % deep foundation unit sha'' &ro$#de su&&ort (or a building ,y trans(err#ng 'oads ,y end-,ear#ng to a com&etent stratum at cons#dera,'e de&th ,e'ow the structure, or ,y mo,#'#C#ng res#stance ,y adhes#on or (r#ct#on, or ,oth, #n the soil or roc# #n wh#ch #t #s &'aced. 5,2,;,2, #esign /or #ee. +ound$tions 819 +eep foundation units sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 4.2.4. and th#s /u,sect#on. 829 8here deep foundation units are 'oad tested, as re:u#red #n )'ause, the determ#nat#on o( the num,er and ty&e o( 'oad test and the #nter&retat#on o( the resu'ts sha'' ,e carr#ed out ,y a &erson es&ec#a''y :ua'#(#ed #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7. 8!9 ;he des#gn o( deep foundations sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( geotechn#ca' cons#derat#ons ta7#ng #nto account, 2a3 the method o( #nsta''at#on, 2,3 the degree o( #ns&ect#on, 2c3 the s&ac#ng o( foundation units and grou& e((ects, 2d3 other re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, and 2e3 the a&&ro&r#ate structura' re:u#rements o( /ect#on 4.1. and /u,sect#ons 4.3.1., 4.3.3. and 4.3.4. 859 ;he &ort#on o( a deep foundation unit &ermanent'y #n contact w#th soil or roc# sha'' ,e structura''y des#gned as a 'atera''y su&&orted com&ress#on mem,er. 879 ;he &ort#on o( a deep foundation unit that #s not &ermanent'y #n contact w#th soil or roc# sha'' ,e structura''y des#gned as a 'atera''y unsu&&orted com&ress#on mem,er. 8<9 ;he structura' des#gn o( &re(a,r#cated deep foundation units sha'' a''ow (or a'' stresses resu't#ng (rom dr#$#ng, hand'#ng and test#ng. 5,2,;,!, Toler$nce in Alignment $nd Loc$tion 819 -erm#ss#,'e de$#at#ons (rom the des#gn a'#gnment and the 'ocat#on o( the to& o( deep foundation units sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y des#gn ana'ys#s and sha'' ,e #nd#cated on the draw#ngs. 5,2,;,5, Incorrect Alignment $nd Loc$tion 819 8here a deep foundation unit has not ,een &'aced w#th#n the &erm#ss#,'e de$#at#ons re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 4.2...3., the cond#t#on o( the foundation sha'' ,e assessed ,y the designer. 5,2,;,7, Inst$ll$tion o/ #ee. +ound$tions 819 +eep foundation units sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n such a manner as not to #m&a#r, 2a3 the strength o( the deep foundation units and the &ro&ert#es o( the soil or roc# on or #n wh#ch they are &'aced ,eyond the ca'cu'ated or ant#c#&ated '#m#ts, 2,3 the #ntegr#ty o( &re$#ous'y #nsta''ed deep foundation units, or 2c3 the #ntegr#ty o( ne#gh,our#ng buildings. 5,2,;,<, #$m$ged #ee. +ound$tion nits 819 8here #ns&ect#on shows that a deep foundation unit #s damaged or not cons#stent w#th des#gn or good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce, 2a3 such a un#t sha'' ,e reassessed ,y the designer, and 2,3 any necessary changes sha'' ,e made and act#on ta7en as re:u#red. 5,2,=, (.eci$l +ound$tions 5,2,=,1, Gener$l 819 8here s&ec#a' foundation systems are used, such systems sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 4.2.4. and /entence 5,2,=,2, se o/ E?isting +ound$tions 819 65#st#ng foundations may ,e used to su&&ort new or a'tered buildings &ro$#ded they com&'y w#th a'' &ert#nent re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on. (ection 5,!, #esign Re4uirements /or (tructur$l )$teri$ls 2 9

5,!,1, 6ood 5,!,1,1, #esign B$sis /or 6ood 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( wood sha'' con(orm to )/% O 6, >6ng#neer#ng "es#gn #n 8ood?. 5,!,1,2, Glue:L$min$ted )embers 819 4'ued-'am#nated mem,ers sha'' ,e (a,r#cated #n &'ants con(orm#ng to )/% O1.., >Mua'#(#cat#on )ode (or <anu(acturers o( /tructura' 4'ued-Lam#nated ;#m,er?. 5,!,1,!, Termites 819 +n areas 7nown to ,e #n(ested ,y term#tes, the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es, and sha'' a&&'y. 5,!,2, %l$in $nd Rein/orced )$sonr3 5,!,2,1, #esign B$sis /or %l$in $nd Rein/orced )$sonr3 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( &'a#n and re#n(orced masonry sha'' con(orm to )/% /304.1, >"es#gn o( <asonry /tructures?. 5,!,!, %l$in, Rein/orced $nd %restressed Concrete 5,!,!,1, #esign B$sis /or %l$in, Rein/orced $nd %restressed Concrete 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( &'a#n, re#n(orced or &restressed concrete sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%%23.3, >"es#gn o( )oncrete /tructures?. 5,!,5, (teel 5,!,5,1, #esign B$sis /or (tructur$l (teel 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( structura' stee' sha'' con(orm to )/% /16, >"es#gn o( /tee' /tructures?. 5,!,5,2, #esign B$sis /or Cold +ormed (teel 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( co'd (ormed stee' sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-/136, >Borth %mer#can /&ec#(#cat#on (or the "es#gn o( )o'd-Formed /tee' /tructura' <em,ers?. 5,!,5,!, (teel Building (3stems 819 /tee' building systems sha'' ,e manu(actured ,y com&an#es cert#(#ed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-%660, >)ert#(#cat#on o( <anu(acturers o( /tee' *u#'d#ng /ystems?. 5,!,7, Aluminum 5,!,7,1, #esign B$sis /or Aluminium 819 $uildings and the#r structura' mem,ers made o( a'um#num sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-/11. ! /11..1, >/trength "es#gn #n %'um#num!)ommentary on )/% /11.-01, /trength "es#gn #n %'um#num?, us#ng the 'oads st#&u'ated #n /ect#on 4.1., #n accordance w#th '#m#t states des#gn #n /u,sect#on 4.1.3. 5,!,<, Gl$ss 5,!,<,1, #esign B$sis /or Gl$ss 819 4'ass used #n buildings sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)4/*-12.20-<, >/tructura' "es#gn o( 4'ass (or *u#'d#ngs?. (ection 5,5, #esign Re4uirements /or (.eci$l (tructures 5,5,1, Air:(u..orted (tructures 5,5,1,1, #esign B$sis /or Air:(u..orted (tructures 819 ;he structura' des#gn o( air-supported structures sha'' con(orm to )/% /36., >%#r-, )a,'e-, and Frame-<em,rane /u&&orted /tructures? us#ng the 'oads st#&u'ated #n /ect#on 4.1., #n accordance w#th '#m#t states des#gn #n /u,sect#on 4.1.3. 5,5,2, %$rAing (tructures 5,5,2,1, #esign B$sis /or %$rAing (tructures 819 -ar7#ng structures sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th )/% /413, >-ar7#ng /tructures?. 5,5,!, Gu$rds o1er Ret$ining 6$lls 5,5,!,1, Gu$rds o1er Ret$ining 6$lls 290

819 6$ery reta#n#ng wa'' that #s des#gnated #n /entence o( "#$#s#on % sha'' ,e &rotected ,y guards on a'' o&en s#des where the &u,'#c has access to o&en s&ace at the to& o( the reta#n#ng wa''. 5,5,5, Anc0or (3stems on Building E?terior 5,5,5,1, Anc0or (3stems on Building E?terior 819 8here sus&ended ma#ntenance and w#ndow c'ean#ng o&erat#ons are #ntended to ,e carr#ed out on the e5ter#or o( a building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %, anchor systems sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where any &ort#on o( the roo( #s more than m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the anchor systems #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-O91, >=ea'th and /a(ety )ode (or /us&ended 6:u#&ment O&erat#ons?. 8!9 Other anchor systems may ,e used where such systems &ro$#de an e:ua' 'e$e' o( sa(ety. 859 ;he anchor system mater#a' sha'' ,e made o( sta#n'ess stee', or other corros#on res#stant ,ase mater#a', or (rom stee' that #s hot d#&&ed ga'$an#sed, #n accordance w#th )%B!)/%-4164-<, >=ot "#& 4a'$an#s#ng o( +rregu'ar'y /ha&ed %rt#c'es?. 5,5,7, )$nure (tor$ge T$nAs 5,5,7,1, Li4uid )$nure (tor$ge T$nAs 819 <i uid manure storage tan7s sha'' ,e constructed o( stee', re#n(orced concrete or &restressed concrete. 829 <i uid manure storage tan7 wa''s, ,ases and a&&urtenances, #nc'ud#ng &#&#ng (or the con$eyance o( li uid manure and assoc#ated connect#ons and 0o#nts, sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to &re$ent 'ea7age o( contents. 8!9 )oncrete (or li uid manure storage tan7s sha'', 2a3 ,e made (rom =/ or =/, cement, 2,3 ha$e a 2 -day strength o( at 'east 32 <-a, and 2c3 ha$e a water!cement mater#a's rat#o o( not more than 0.41. 859 <i uid manure storage tan7s sha'' ,e &'aced on und#stur,ed soil (ree o( any organ#c, de'eter#ous and e5traneous mater#a's and ca&a,'e o( su&&ort#ng the su&er#m&osed des#gn 'oads (rom the tan7s. 879 8here granu'ar fills are used ,etween the ,ases o( li uid manure storage tan7s and the und#stur,ed soil, the granu'ar fills sha'' ,e com&acted to a /tandard -roctor dens#ty o( not 'ess than 91F. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 4G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 26-31.
(ection 7,1, 7,1,1, 7,1,2, 7,1,!, 7,1,5, 7,1,7, 7,2, 7,2,1, 7,2,2, 7,!, 7,!,1, 7,5, 7,5,1, 7,7, 7,7,1, 7,<, 7,<,1, 7,<,2, 7,;, 7,;,1, Gener$l (co.e A..lic$tion #e/initions Resist$nce to Lo$ds $nd #eterior$tion Ot0er Re4uirements Lo$ds $nd %rocedures En1ironment$l Lo$ds $nd #esign %rocedures (tructur$l Lo$ds $nd #esign %rocedures Ee$t Tr$ns/er T0erm$l Resist$nce o/ Assemblies Air Le$A$ge Air B$rrier (3stems '$.our #i//usion '$.our B$rriers$tion %rotection /rom$tion (e$ling, #r$in$ge, Accumul$tion $nd #is.os$l (ur/$ce 6$ter %rotection /rom (ur/$ce 6$ter


(ection (ection (ection (ection




7,=, 7,=,1, 7,=,2, 7,9, 7,9,1, 7,1>, 7,1>,1, 7,1>,2, 7,1>,!,

)oisture in t0e Ground +ound$tion $nd +loor #r$in$ge %rotection /rom )oisture in t0e Ground (ound Tr$nsmission %rotection /rom Noise (t$nd$rds A..lic$ble (t$nd$rds 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts E?terior Insul$tion +inis0 (3stems

(ection (ection

(ection 7,1, Gener$l 7,1,1, (co.e 7,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 7,1,2, A..lic$tion 7,1,2,1, E?.osure to E?terior (.$ce or t0e Ground $nd (e.$r$tion o/ #issimil$r En1ironments 819 ;h#s -art a&&'#es to, 2a3 building mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es e5&osed to e5ter#or s&ace or the ground, #nc'ud#ng those se&arat#ng #nter#or s&ace (rom e5ter#or s&ace or se&arat#ng #nter#or s&ace (rom the ground, 2,3 building mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es se&arat#ng en$#ronmenta''y d#ss#m#'ar #nter#or s&aces, and 2c3 s#te mater#a's, com&onents, assem,'#es and grad#ng that may a((ect en$#ronmenta' 'oads on building mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es e5&osed to e5ter#or s&ace or the ground. 7,1,!, #e/initions 7,1,!,1, Reser1ed 7,1,5, Resist$nce to Lo$ds $nd #eterior$tion 7,1,5,1, (tructur$l $nd En1ironment$l Lo$ds 819 $uilding mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es that se&arate d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments or are e5&osed to the e5ter#or sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to &ro$#de su((#c#ent ca&ac#ty and #ntegr#ty to res#st or accommodate, 2a3 a'' en$#ronmenta' 'oads, and e((ects o( those 'oads, that may reasona,'y ,e e5&ected ha$#ng regard to, 2#3 the #ntended use o( the building, and 2##3 the en$#ronment to wh#ch the mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es are su,0ect, and 2,3 a'' structura' 'oads, and e((ects o( those 'oads, that may ,e reasona,'y e5&ected. 829 ;he des#gn and construct#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132a3 sha'' com&'y w#th /u,sect#on 1.2.1. 8!9 ;he des#gn and construct#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132,3 sha'' com&'y w#th /u,sect#on 1.2.2., w#th regard to, 2a3 mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es, and assoc#ated 'oads, that are #dent#(#ed #n -art 4, 2,3 a#r &ressure 'oads #m&osed on air barrier systems, 2c3 w#nd u&-'#(t #m&osed on roo(#ng, and 2d3 hydrostat#c &ressure #m&osed on the means o( &rotect#on (rom mo#sture #n the ground. 859 For mater#a's, com&onents, assem,'#es and 'oads to wh#ch /entence 233 does not a&&'y, the des#gn and construct#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132,3 sha'', 2a3 com&'y w#th /u,sect#on 1.2.2. (or #nd#$#dua' a&&'#ca,'e 'oads, or 2,3 #n the case o( common mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es, and the#r #nsta''at#on, ,e ,ased on &ro$en &ast &er(ormance o$er a &er#od o( se$era' years (or #nd#$#dua' a&&'#ca,'e 'oads. 879 <ater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments and assem,'#es e5&osed to the e5ter#or, #nc'ud#ng the#r connect#ons, that are su,0ect to structura' 'oads re(erred to #n %rt#c'e, sha'', 2a3 trans(er such 'oads to the building structure w#thout ad$erse e((ects on the &er(ormance o( other mater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es, 292

2,3 not de('ect to a degree that ad$erse'y a((ects the &er(ormance o( other mater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es, and 2c3 ,e des#gned, and constructed accord#ng to that des#gn, to accommodate, 2#3 the ma5#mum re'at#$e structura' mo$ement that may reasona,'y ,e e5&ected, and 2##3 construct#on to'erances that may reasona,'y ,e e5&ected. 7,1,5,2, Resist$nce to #eterior$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, mater#a's used #n building com&onents and assem,'#es that se&arate d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments, or #n assem,'#es e5&osed to the e5ter#or, sha'' ,e, 2a3 com&at#,'e w#th ad0o#n#ng mater#a's, and 2,3 res#stant to any mechan#sms o( deter#orat#on that may reasona,'y ,e e5&ected g#$en, 2#3 the nature and (unct#on o( the mater#a's, 2##3 the e5&osure o( the mater#a's, and 2###3 the c'#mat#c cond#t#ons #n wh#ch the mater#a's w#'' ,e #nsta''ed. 829 <ater#a' com&at#,#'#ty and deter#orat#on res#stance are not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that #ncom&at#,#'#ty or uncontro''ed deter#orat#on w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 8!9 "es#gn and construct#on o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments and assem,'#es e5&osed to the e5ter#or sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th good &ract#ce, such as descr#,ed #n )/% /4. , >4u#de'#ne on "ura,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ngs?. 7,1,7, Ot0er Re4uirements 7,1,7,1, Re4uirements in ot0er %$rts o/ t0e Code 819 /tructura' and (#re sa(ety re:u#rements #n other -arts o( the )ode sha'' a&&'y. (ection 7,2, Lo$ds $nd %rocedures 7,2,1, En1ironment$l Lo$ds $nd #esign %rocedures 7,2,1,1, E?terior En1ironment$l Lo$ds 819 %,o$e ground c'#mat#c 'oads sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, ,e'ow ground e5ter#or en$#ronmenta' 'oads not descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom e5#st#ng geo'og#ca' and hydro'og#ca' data or (rom s#te tests. 8!9 8here 'oca' des#gn and construct#on &ract#ce has shown soil tem&erature ana'ys#s to ,e unnecessary, soil tem&eratures need not ,e determ#ned. 7,2,1,2, Interior En1ironment$l Lo$ds 819 +nter#or en$#ronmenta' 'oads sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce as descr#,ed #n /entence ,ased on the #ntended use o( the s&ace. 7,2,1,!, En1ironment$l Lo$d $nd Tr$ns/er C$lcul$tions 819 )a'cu'at#ons re'ated to the trans(er o( heat, a#r and mo#sture and the transm#ss#on o( sound sha'' con(orm to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce such as that descr#,ed #n the %/=R%6 Fundamenta's =and,oo7. 829 For the &ur&oses o( any ana'ys#s conducted to #nd#cate con(ormance to the therma' res#stance 'e$e's re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, soil tem&eratures sha'' ,e determ#ned ,ased on annua' a$erage soil tem&erature, seasona' am&'#tude o( $ar#at#on and attenuat#on o( $ar#at#on w#th de&th. 8!9 8#nd 'oad ca'cu'at#ons sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 4.1... 7,2,2, (tructur$l Lo$ds $nd #esign %rocedures 7,2,2,1, #etermin$tion o/ (tructur$l Lo$ds $nd E//ects 819 8here mater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es that se&arate d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments or are e5&osed to the e5ter#or, or the#r connect#ons, are re:u#red to ,e des#gned (or structura' 'oads, these 'oads sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 293

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 4.1. .1 ., the structura' 'oads re(erred to #n /entence 213 and the#r re'ated e((ects sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 dead loads trans(erred (rom structura' e'ements, 2,3 w#nd, snow, ra#n, hydrostat#c and earth &ressures, 2c3 earth:ua7e e((ects (or post-disaster buildings, de&end#ng on the#r #ntended (unct#on, 2d3 live loads due to use and occupancy, and 2e3 'oads due to therma' or mo#sture-re'ated e5&ans#on and contract#on, de('ect#on, de(ormat#on, cree&, shr#n7age, sett'ement, and d#((erent#a' mo$ement. 8!9 8here mater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es that se&arate d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments or are e5&osed to the e5ter#or, or the#r connect#ons, can ,e e5&ected to ,e su,0ect to 'oads or other e((ects not otherw#se descr#,ed #n th#s /u,sect#on or #n -art 4, such 'oads or other e((ects sha'' ,e ta7en #nto account #n the des#gn ,ased on the most current and a&&'#ca,'e #n(ormat#on a$a#'a,'e. 7,2,2,2, #etermin$tion o/ 6ind Lo$d 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to the determ#nat#on o( w#nd 'oad to ,e used #n the des#gn o( mater#a's, com&onents and assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng the#r connect#ons, that se&arate d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments or are e5&osed to the e5ter#or, where these are, 2a3 su,0ect to w#nd 'oad, and 2,3 re:u#red to ,e des#gned to res#st w#nd 'oad. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the w#nd 'oad re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 100F o( the s&ec#(#ed w#nd 'oad determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 4.1...1. 8!9 8here #t can ,e shown ,y test or ana'ys#s that a mater#a', com&onent, assem,'y or connect#on descr#,ed #n /entence 213 w#'' ,e su,0ect to 'ess than 100F o( the s&ec#(#ed w#nd 'oad, the w#nd 'oad re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than the 'oad determ#ned ,y test or ana'ys#s. 7,2,2,!, #esign %rocedures 819 /tructura' des#gn sha'' ,e carr#ed out #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 4.1.3. and other a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n -art 4. (ection 7,!, Ee$t Tr$ns/er 7,!,1, T0erm$l Resist$nce o/ Assemblies 7,!,1,1, Re4uired Resist$nce to Ee$t Tr$ns/er 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where a building com&onent or assem,'y w#'' ,e su,0ected to an #ntended tem&erature d#((erent#a', the com&onent or assem,'y sha'' #nc'ude mater#a's to res#st heat trans(er or means to d#ss#&ate trans(erred heat #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on. 829 ;he #nsta''at#on o( mater#a's to res#st heat trans(er #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on #s not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that uncontro''ed heat trans(er w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,!,1,2, %ro.erties to Resist Ee$t Tr$ns/er or #issi.$te Ee$t 819 <ater#a's and com&onents #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to heat trans(er or the means #m&'emented to d#ss#&ate heat sha'', 2a3 &ro$#de su((#c#ent res#stance or d#ss#&at#on, 2#3 to m#n#m#Ce sur(ace condensat#on on the warm s#de o( the com&onent or assem,'y, 2##3 #n con0unct#on w#th other mater#a's and com&onents #n the assem,'y, to m#n#m#Ce condensat#on w#th#n the com&onent or assem,'y, 2###3 #n con0unct#on w#th systems #nsta''ed (or s&ace cond#t#on#ng, to meet the #nter#or des#gn therma' cond#t#ons (or the #ntended occupancy, and 2#$3 to m#n#m#Ce #ce damm#ng on s'o&ed roo(s, and 2,3 ta7e #nto account the cond#t#ons on e#ther s#de o( the en$#ronmenta' se&arator. 7,!,1,!, Loc$tion $nd Inst$ll$tion o/ )$teri$ls %ro1iding T0erm$l Resist$nce 294

819 8here a mater#a' re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e #s #ntersected ,y a building assem,'y, &enetrated ,y a h#gh conductance com&onent or #nterru&ted ,y e5&ans#on, contro' or construct#on 0o#nts, and where condensat#on #s '#7e'y to occur at these #ntersect#ons, &enetrat#ons or #nterru&t#ons, su((#c#ent therma' res#stance sha'' ,e &ro$#ded so as to m#n#m#Ce condensat#on at these 'ocat#ons. 829 <ater#a's &ro$#d#ng re:u#red therma' res#stance sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent #nherent res#stance to a#r ('ow or ,e &os#t#oned #n the assem,'y so as to &re$ent con$ect#$e a#r ('ow through and around the mater#a'. 8!9 /&ray-#n-&'ace &o'yurethane #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( )%B!@L)-/.01.2, >;herma' +nsu'at#on - /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty, +nsta''erDs Res&ons#,#'#t#es /&ec#(#cat#one. (ection 7,5, Air Le$A$ge 7,5,1, Air B$rrier (3stems 7,5,1,1, Re4uired Resist$nce to Air Le$A$ge 819 8here a building com&onent or assem,'y se&arates #nter#or conditioned space (rom e5ter#or s&ace, #nter#or s&ace (rom the ground, or en$#ronmenta''y d#ss#m#'ar #nter#or s&aces, the &ro&ert#es and &os#t#on o( the mater#a's and com&onents #n those com&onents or assem,'#es sha'' ,e such that they contro' a#r 'ea7age or &erm#t $ent#ng to the e5ter#or so as to, 2a3 &ro$#de acce&ta,'e cond#t#ons (or the building occu&ants, 2,3 ma#nta#n a&&ro&r#ate cond#t#ons (or the #ntended use o( the building, 2c3 m#n#m#Ce the accumu'at#on o( condensat#on #n and &enetrat#on o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto the building com&onent or assem,'y, 2d3 contro' heat trans(er to roo(s where #ce damm#ng can occur, and 2e3 not com&rom#se the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, an air barrier system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the &r#nc#&a' res#stance to a#r 'ea7age. 8!9 %n air barrier system #s not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that uncontro''ed a#r 'ea7age w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,5,1,2, Air B$rrier (3stem %ro.erties 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, mater#a's #ntended to &ro$#de the &r#nc#&a' res#stance to a#r 'ea7age sha'', 2a3 ha$e an a#r 'ea7age character#st#c not greater than 0.02 L!2s[mA3 measured at an a#r &ressure d#((erence o( .1 -a, or 2,3 con(orm to )%B!@L)-/.41, >%#r *arr#er <ater#a's N /&ec#(#cat#on?. 829 ;he a#r 'ea7age '#m#t s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e #ncreased where #t can ,e shown that the h#gher rate o( 'ea7age w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 8!9 ;he air barrier system sha'' ,e cont#nuous, 2a3 across construct#on, contro' and e5&ans#on 0o#nts, 2,3 across 0unct#ons ,etween d#((erent building assem,'#es, and 2c3 around &enetrat#ons through the building assem,'y. 859 ;he structura' des#gn o( air barrier systems #nsta''ed #n assem,'#es su,0ect to a#r &ressure 'oads sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e and /u,sect#on 1.2.2. (ection 7,7, '$.our #i//usion 7,7,1, '$.our B$rriers 7,7,1,1, Re4uired Resist$nce to '$.our #i//usion 291

819 8here a building com&onent or assem,'y #s su,0ected to d#((erent#a's #n tem&erature and water $a&our &ressure, the &ro&ert#es and &os#t#on o( the mater#a's and com&onents #n those com&onents or assem,'#es sha'' ,e such that they contro' $a&our d#((us#on or &erm#t $ent#ng to the e5ter#or so as to m#n#m#Ce accumu'at#on o( condensat#on #n the building com&onent or assem,'y. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a vapour barrier sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the &r#nc#&a' res#stance to water $a&our d#((us#on. 8!9 % vapour barrier #s not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that uncontro''ed $a&our d#((us#on w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,7,1,2, '$.our B$rrier %ro.erties $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 ;he vapour barrier sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent'y 'ow &ermeance and sha'' ,e &os#t#oned #n the building com&onent or assem,'y so as to, 2a3 m#n#m#Ce mo#sture trans(er ,y d#((us#on, to sur(aces w#th#n the assem,'y that wou'd ,e co'd enough to cause condensat#on at the des#gn tem&erature and hum#d#ty cond#t#ons, or 2,3 reduce mo#sture trans(er ,y d#((us#on, to sur(aces w#th#n the assem,'y that wou'd ,e co'd enough to cause condensat#on at the des#gn tem&erature and hum#d#ty cond#t#ons, to a rate that w#'' not a''ow su((#c#ent accumu'at#on o( mo#sture to cause deter#orat#on or otherw#se ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2#3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2##3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2###3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 829 )oat#ngs a&&'#ed to gy&sum wa'',oard to &ro$#de re:u#red res#stance to $a&our d#((us#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 when tested #n accordance w#th )%B!)4/*-1.101-<, ><ethod (or -ermeance o( )oated 8a'',oard?. 8!9 )oat#ngs a&&'#ed to mater#a's other than gy&sum wa'',oard to &ro$#de re:u#red res#stance to $a&our d#((us#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 when tested #n accordance w#th %/;< 696, >8ater Ha&our ;ransm#ss#on o( <ater#a's? ,y the des#ccant method 2dry cu&3. (ection 7,<,$tion 7,<,1, %rotection /rom$tion 7,<,1,1, Re4uired %rotection /rom$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where a building com&onent or assem,'y #s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the com&onent or assem,'y sha'', 2a3 m#n#m#Ce #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto the com&onent or assem,'y, and 2,3 &re$ent #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto #nter#or s&ace. 829 -rotect#on (rom #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #s not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that such #ngress w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,<,1,2, Inst$ll$tion o/ %rotecti1e )$teri$ls 819 8here a mater#a' a&&'#ed to a s'o&ed or hor#Conta' assem,'y #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de re:u#red &rotect#on (rom &rec#&#tat#on and #ts #nsta''at#on #s co$ered #n the sco&e o( one o( the (o''ow#ng standards, #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( the res&ect#$e standard: 2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..11-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( =ot %&&'#ed Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2,3 )4/* 3.-4--11<, >%&&'#cat#on o( /heet %&&'#ed F'e5#,'e -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng <em,rane?, 2c3 )%B3-%123.11-<, >%s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:3 and /tee&er?, or 2d3 )%B3-%123.12-<, >%s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:6 to 'ess than 1:3?. 296

829 8here masonry a&&'#ed to $ert#ca' assem,'#es #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de re:u#red &rotect#on (rom &rec#&#tat#on, #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-%3.1, ><asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. 8!9 8here &rotect#$e mater#a's are a&&'#ed to assem,'#es to &ro$#de the re:u#red &rotect#on (rom &rec#&#tat#on, the mater#a's sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to shed &rec#&#tat#on or otherw#se m#n#m#Ce #ts entry #nto the assem,'y and &re$ent #ts &enetrat#on through the assem,'y. 7,<,2, (e$ling, #r$in$ge, Accumul$tion $nd #is.os$l 7,<,2,1, (e$ling $nd #r$in$ge 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, mater#a's, com&onents, assem,'#es, 0o#nts #n mater#a's, 0unct#ons ,etween com&onents and 0unct#ons ,etween assem,'#es e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on sha'' ,e, 2a3 sea'ed to &re$ent #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on, or 2,3 dra#ned to d#rect &rec#&#tat#on to the e5ter#or. 829 /ea'#ng or dra#nage are not re:u#red where #t can ,e shown that the om#ss#on o( sea'#ng and dra#nage w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,<,2,2, Accumul$tion $nd #is.os$l 819 8here water, snow or #ce can accumu'ate on a building, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to m#n#m#Ce the '#7e'#hood o( haCardous cond#t#ons ar#s#ng (rom such accumu'at#on. 829 8here &rec#&#tat#on can accumu'ate on s'o&ed or hor#Conta' assem,'#es, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or dra#nage con(orm#ng w#th /ect#on ..4. 8!9 8here downs&outs are &ro$#ded and are not connected to a sewer, &ro$#s#ons sha'' ,e made to, 2a3 d#$ert the water (rom the building, and 2,3 &re$ent soil eros#on. 859 Junct#ons ,etween $ert#ca' assem,'#es, and s'o&ed or hor#Conta' assem,'#es, sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to m#n#m#Ce the ('ow o( water (rom the s'o&ed or hor#Conta' assem,'y onto the $ert#ca' assem,'y. 7,<,2,!, (ol$r Collector (3stems 819 % so'ar co''ector system #s &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed a,o$e roo(#ng mater#a's con(orm#ng to ;a,'e (ection 7,;, (ur/$ce 6$ter 7,;,1, %rotection /rom (ur/$ce 6$ter 7,;,1,1, %re1ention o/ Accumul$tion $nd Ingress 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the building sha'' ,e 'ocated, the building s#te sha'' ,e graded or catch ,as#ns sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that surface water w#'' not accumu'ate aga#nst the building. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the foundation wa''s sha'' ,e constructed so that surface water w#'' not, 2a3 enter the building, or 2,3 damage mo#sture susce&t#,'e mater#a's. 8!9 $uildings s&ec#(#ca''y des#gned to accommodate accumu'at#on o( water at the building or the #ngress o( water need not com&'y w#th /entence 213 or )'ause 2232a3. (ection 7,=, )oisture in t0e Ground 7,=,1, +ound$tion $nd +loor #r$in$ge 7,=,1,1, Re4uired #r$in$ge 819 65ce&t where a wa'' or ('oor #s su,0ect to cont#nuous hydrostat#c &ressure, or un'ess #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, the ,ottom o( e$ery e5ter#or foundation wa'' and e$ery ('oor-on-ground sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th dra#nage. 7,=,1,2, #r$in$ge )$teri$ls $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 "ra#nage sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed to accommodate the dra#nage 'oad. 7,=,2, %rotection /rom )oisture in t0e Ground 29.

7,=,2,1, Re4uired )oisture %rotection 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where a building e'ement se&arates #nter#or s&ace (rom the ground, mater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &re$ent mo#sture trans(er #nto the s&ace. 829 <ater#a's, com&onents or assem,'#es need not ,e #nsta''ed to &re$ent mo#sture trans(er (rom the ground where #t can ,e shown that such trans(er w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect any o(, 2a3 the hea'th or sa(ety o( building users, 2,3 the #ntended use o( the building, or 2c3 the o&erat#on o( building ser$#ces. 7,=,2,2, %rotecti1e )$teri$l $nd Com.onent %ro.erties 819 65ce&t where #t can ,e shown that 'esser &rotect#on w#'' not 'ead to ad$erse cond#t#ons, or as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 1. .2.3., mater#a's and com&onents #nsta''ed to &ro$#de re:u#red mo#sture &rotect#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 2.3, mater#a's #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red mo#sture &rotect#on sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ,r#dg#ng, 2a3 construct#on, contro' and e5&ans#on 0o#nts, 2,3 0unct#ons ,etween d#((erent building assem,'#es, and 2c3 0unct#ons ,etween building assem,'#es and e'ements &enetrat#ng building assem,'#es. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, where the mater#a' #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red mo#sture &rotect#on #s not ca&a,'e o( ,r#dg#ng construct#on, contro' and e5&ans#on 0o#nts, those 0o#nts sha'' ,e des#gned to ma#nta#n the cont#nu#ty o( the mo#sture &rotect#on. 859 <ater#a's and com&onents #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red mo#sture &rotect#on sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent'y 'ow water &ermeance to res#st mo#sture 'oads. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, mo#sture &rotect#on sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to res#st des#gn hydrostat#c &ressures as determ#ned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. 8<9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, mater#a's co$ered #n the sco&e o( the (o''ow#ng standards sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er: 2a3 )4/* 3.-4--6<a, >%s&ha't, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?, or 2,3 )4/* 3.-4--1 <a, >;ar, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?. 8;9 8here the su,strate #s cast-#n-&'ace concrete, and a dra#nage 'ayer #s #nsta''ed ,etween the building assem,'y and the soil, and the assem,'y w#'' not ,e su,0ect to hydrostat#c &ressure, 2a3 mater#a's and com&onents #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er need not con(orm to /entences 223, 233, 213 and 263, and 2,3 mater#a's co$ered #n the sco&e o( the (o''ow#ng standards are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er where those mater#a's con(orm to the re:u#rements o( the standards: 2#3 )4/* 3.-4--6<a, >%s&ha't, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?, or 2##3 )4/* 3.-4--1 <a, >;ar, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?. 7,=,2,!, Inst$ll$tion o/ )oisture %rotection 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where mater#a's are #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er and the#r #nsta''at#on #s co$ered #n the sco&e o( the (o''ow#ng standards, #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to the water&roo(#ng re:u#rements o( the res&ect#$e standards: 2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..3-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2,3 )4/* 3.-4--36<, >%&&'#cat#on o( F#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2c3 )4/* 3.-4--3.<, >%&&'#cat#on o( =ot %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng?, or 2d3 )%B!)4/*-3..11-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( =ot %&&'#ed Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?. 829 8here the su,strate #s cast-#n-&'ace concrete, and a dra#nage 'ayer #s #nsta''ed ,etween the building assem,'y and the soil, and the assem,'y w#'' not ,e su,0ect to hydrostat#c &ressure,


2a3 mater#a's and com&onents #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er and whose #nsta''at#on #s co$ered #n the sco&e o( the standards '#sted #n /entence 213, are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the dam&&roo(#ng re:u#rements o( the standards '#sted #n /entence 213, or 2,3 mater#a's #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red res#stance to mo#sture trans(er and whose #nsta''at#on #s co$ered #n the sco&e o( the (o''ow#ng standards, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( the res&ect#$e standards: 2#3 )4/* 3.-4--12<a, >%&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng?, or 2##3 )%B!)4/*-3..22-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed )ut,ac7 ;ar Foundat#on )oat#ng (or "am&&roo(#ng?. (ection 7,9, (ound Tr$nsmission 7,9,1, %rotection /rom Noise 7,9,1,1, (ound Tr$nsmission Cl$ss 819 /ound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ngs sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %/;< 6413, >)'ass#(#cat#on (or Rat#ng /ound +nsu'at#on?, us#ng the resu'ts (rom measurements #n accordance w#th, 2a3 %/;< 690, >La,oratory <easurement o( %#r,orne /ound ;ransm#ss#on Loss o( *u#'d#ng -art#t#ons and 6'ements?, or 2,3 %/;< 6336, ><easurement o( %#r,orne /ound %ttenuat#on *etween Rooms #n *u#'d#ngs?. 7,9,1,2, Re4uired %rotection /rom Noise 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a dwelling unit sha'' ,e se&arated (rom e$ery other s&ace #n a building #n wh#ch no#se may ,e generated ,y construct#on &ro$#d#ng a sound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ng not 'ess than 10, measured #n accordance w#th the standards re(erenced #n /entence 829 )onstruct#on se&arat#ng a dwelling unit (rom an e'e$ator ho#stway or a re(use chute sha'' ha$e a sound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ng not 'ess than 11, measured #n accordance w#th the standards re(erenced #n /entence (ection 7,1>, (t$nd$rds 7,1>,1, A..lic$ble (t$nd$rds 7,1>,1,1,$nce 2it0 A..lic$ble (t$nd$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and e'sewhere #n th#s -art, mater#a's and com&onents, and the#r #nsta''at#on, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( the a&&'#ca,'e standards #n ;a,'e where those mater#a's or com&onents are, 2a3 #ncor&orated #nto en$#ronmenta' se&arators or assem,'#es e5&osed to the e5ter#or, and 2,3 #nsta''ed to (u'(#'' the re:u#rements o( th#s -art. 829 ;he re:u#rements (or flame-spread ratings conta#ned #n therma' #nsu'at#on standards sha'' ,e a&&'#ed on'y as re:u#red #n -art 3. T$ble 7,1>,1,1, (t$nd$rds A..lic$ble to En1ironment$l (e.$r$tors $nd Assemblies E?.osed to t0e E?terior Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. )o'umn 1 Issuing Agenc3 %B/+ %/<6 %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< )o'umn 2 #ocument Number %20 .1 *1 .6.1 %123 ! %123< %113 ! %113< %613 ! %613< )4 ).3 )126 )212 )412< )444< )113 )612 ).00 ) 34 )o'umn 3 Title o/ #ocument -art#c'e,oard 8ood /crews 2+nch /er#es3 O#nc 2=ot "#& 4a'$an#Ced3 )oat#ngs on +ron and /tee' -roducts O#nc )oat#ng 2=ot-"#&3 on +ron and /tee' =ardware /tee' /heet, O#nc-)oated 24a'$an#Ced3 or O#nc-+ron %''oy-)oated 24a'$annea'ed3 ,y the =ot-"#& -rocess )'ay "ra#n ;#'e and -er(orated )'ay "ra#n ;#'e )a'c#um /#'#cate *r#c7 2/and-L#me *r#c73 )eram#c 4'aCed /tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e, Fac#ng *r#c7, and /o'#d <asonry @n#ts /tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e )oncrete "ra#n ;#'e 2<etr#c3 -er(orated )oncrete -#&e 2<etr#c3 <#nera' F#,er *'an7et ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or )ommerc#a' and +ndustr#a' %&&'#cat#ons <#nera' F#,er *'oc7 and *oard ;herma' +nsu'at#on H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e, 65tra /trength, /tandard /trength and -er(orated Late5 /ea'ants


16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1. .2. .3.

%/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %/;< %8-% *BM )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )4/* )/% )/% )/%

)920 )991 )1002 )11.. ! )11..< )11. ! )11. < )11 4 )1311 )1330 )1396 ! )1396< "21. 62190 <4 *BM3624-111 )%B!)4/*-11.3-< )%B!)4/*-11.1-< )%B!)4/*-12.1-< )%B!)4/*-12.2-< )%B!)4/*-12.3-< )%B!)4/*-12.4-< )%B!)4/*-12.1-< )%B!)4/*-12. )%B!)4/*-12.10-< )%B!)4/*-12.11-< )%B!)4/*-34.22 )%B!)4/*-3..1-< )%B!)4/*-3..2-< )%B!)4/*-3..3-< )%B!)4/*-3..4-< )%B!)4/*-3..1-< 3.-4--6<a )%B!)4/*-3.. -< 3.-4--9<a 3.-4--12<a )%B!)4/*-3..16-< 3.-4--1 <a 3.-4--21< )%B!)4/*-3..22-< 3.-4--36< 3.-4--3.< )%B!)4/*-3..10-< )%B!)4/*-3..11-< 3.-4--12< )%B!)4/*-3..14 3.-4--11< 3.-4--16< 3.-4--64< 41-4--6< )%B!)4/*-41.24 )%B!)4/*-11.32-< )%B!)4/*-11.33-< )%B!)4/*-11.34-< )%B!)4/*-93.1-< )%B!)4/*-93.2-< )%B!)4/*-93.3-< )%B!)4/*-93.4 %23.1 )%B!)/%-% 2.1-< % 2.4-<

6'astomer#c Jo#nt /ea'ants F'e5#,'e F#,rous 4'ass +nsu'at#on (or <eta' *u#'d#ngs /tee' /e'(--#erc#ng ;a&&#ng /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to 8ood /tuds or /tee' /tuds 4'ass <at 4y&sum /u,strate (or @se as /heath#ng )oated 4'ass <at 8ater-Res#stant 4y&sum *oard *ac7#ng -ane' /tructura' /#'#cone /ea'ants /o'$ent Re'ease /ea'ants )y'#ndr#ca' /ea'ant *ac7#ng (or @se w#th )o'd L#:u#d-%&&'#ed /ea'ants 4y&sum *oard %s&ha't 4'ass Fe't @sed #n Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng +nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#t -er(ormance and 6$a'uat#on )are o( -reser$at#$e-;reated 8ood -roducts -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e and F#tt#ngs - F'e5#,'e -#&es (or "ra#nage - )haracter#st#cs and ;est <ethods =ard,oard =ard,oard, -recoated, Factory F#n#shed, (or 65ter#or )'add#ng ;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass F'at, )'ear /heet 4'ass F'at, )'ear F'oat 4'ass =eat %,sor,#ng 4'ass <#rrors, /#'$ered +nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#ts 4'ass, L#ght and =eat Re('ect#ng 8#red /a(ety 4'ass %s,estos-)ement "ra#n -#&e )hem#ca' 6mu's#(#ed ;y&e, 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't, <#nera' )o''o#d ;y&e, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng and (or Roo( )oat#ngs %&&'#cat#on o( 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng F#,rated, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't, La& )ement (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng )ut,ac7 %s&ha't -'ast#c )ement %s&ha't, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng %s&ha't, )ut,ac7, F#''ed, (or Roo( )oat#ng -r#mer, %s&ha't, @n(#''ed, (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng, "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng F#''ed, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng ;ar, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng ;ar, )ut,ac7, F#,rated, For Roo( )oat#ng %&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed, )ut,ac7 ;ar Foundat#on )oat#ng (or "am&&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on o( F#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on o( =ot %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng =ot %&&'#ed, Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng %&&'#cat#on (or =ot %&&'#ed Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane, /heet %&&'#ed, 6'astomer#c -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane %&&'#cat#on o( /heet %&&'#ed F'e5#,'e -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng <em,rane <em,rane, <od#(#ed, *#tum#nous, -re(a,r#cated, and Re#n(orced (or Roo(#ng <at Re#n(orc#ng, F#,rous 4'ass, (or <em,rane 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems and *u#'tu& Roo(#ng /heets, ;hermosett#ng -o'yester -'ast#cs, 4'ass F#,er Re#n(orced R#g#d H#ny' /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a /heath#ng, <em,rane, *reather ;y&e Ha&our *arr#er, /heet, 65c'ud#ng -o'yethy'ene, (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on /heet, %'um#num %''oy, -re(#n#shed Res#dent#a' -re(#n#shed %'um#num /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Facs#a (or Res#dent#a' @se -re(#n#shed 4a'$an#Ced and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy /tee' /heet (or Res#dent#a' @se 4a'$an#Ced /tee' and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy )oated /tee' /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a, -re(#n#shed, Res#dent#a' )oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on *urned )'ay *r#c7 2/o'#d <asonry @n#ts <ade From )'ay or /ha'e3 /tructura' )'ay Load-*ear#ng 8a'' ;#'e


.4. .1. .6. ... . . .9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 91. 96. 9.. 9 . 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 101. 106. 10.. 10 . 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116.

)/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% )/% @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L) @L)

% 2.1-< )%B3-% 2. -< )%B!)/%-% 2.2.-< % 2.30-< % 2.31-< )%B3-%93-< %123.1!123.1 )%B!)/%-%123.2 %123.3 )%B!)/%-%123.4 %123.1. )%B3-%123.11-< )%B3-%123.12-< )%B!)/%-%161.1 )%B!)/%-%161.2 )%B!)/%-%161.3 )%B3-%161.4-< )%B!)/%-%1.9 )%B!)/%-%220.0 )%B!)/%-%220.1 )%B!)/%-%3.1 )%B!)/%-%3001 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1 440.21 )%B!)/%-4401 )%B!)/%-O 0 /er#es O111-< O11 .1 O11 .2 O121 O141 O111 O113-< )%B!)/%-O321.0 O43..0 /4. )%B!@L)-/.01 )%B!@L)-/.02 )%B!@L)-/.03 )%B!@L)-/.04 )%B!@L)-/.01.1 )%B!@L)-/.01.2 )%B!@L)-/.06

/tructura' )'ay Bon-Load-*ear#ng ;#'e =o''ow )'ay *r#c7 4y&sum *oard +nter#or Furr#ng, Lath#ng and 4y&sum -'aster#ng 4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on Batura' %#r('ow Hent#'ators (or *u#'d#ngs %s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom Organ#c Fe't and /ur(aced w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es ! %s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom 4'ass Fe't and /ur(aced w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es %s&ha't )oated Roo(#ng /heets %s&ha't /aturated Organ#c Roo(#ng Fe't %s&ha't (or )onstruct#ng *u#'t-@& Roo( )o$er#ngs and 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems %s&ha't 4'ass Fe't @sed #n Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng %s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:3 and /tee&er %s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:6 to Less than 1:3 )oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts )oncrete *r#c7 <asonry @n#ts -re(aced )oncrete <asonry @n#ts %utoc'a$ed )e''u'ar @n#ts <ortar and 4rout (or @n#t <asonry -er(ormance o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es +nsta''at#on o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es <asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs )ement#t#ous <ater#a's (or @se #n )oncrete -'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs 4enera' Re:u#rements (or Ro''ed or 8e'ded /tructura' Mua'#ty /tee' )orrugated /tee' -#&e -roducts 8ood -reser$at#on =ardwood and "ecorat#$e -'ywood 8estern )edars /ha7es and /h#ng'es 6astern 8h#te )edar /h#ng'es "oug'as F#r -'ywood /o(twood Lum,er )anad#an /o(twood -'ywood -o&'ar -'ywood )onstruct#on /heath#ng O/* and 8a(er,oard 4u#de'#ne on "ura,#'#ty #n *u#'d#ngs ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, *oards and -#&e )o$er#ng <#nera' F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs )e''u'ose F#,re +nsu'at#on 2)F+3 (or *u#'d#ngs ;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'yurethane and -o'y#socyanurate *oards, Faced ;herma' +nsu'at#on - /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty <ater#a' - /&ec#(#cat#on ;herma' +nsu'at#on - /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty, +nsta''ersDs Res&ons#,#'#t#es - /&ec#(#cat#on 8ood F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs

7,1>,2, 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 7,1>,2,1, Gener$l 213 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts, #nc'ud#ng the#r com&onents, that se&arate, 2a3 #nter#or s&ace (rom e5ter#or s&ace, or 2,3 en$#ronmenta''y d#ss#m#'ar #nter#or s&aces. 223 For the &ur&ose o( th#s /u,sect#on, the term >s7y'#ght? re(ers to un#t s7y'#ghts, roo( w#ndows and tu,u'ar day'#ght#ng de$#ces. 233 8here a w#red g'ass assem,'y #s #nsta''ed #n a re:u#red fire separation, #t need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on. 7,1>,2,2, A..lic$ble (t$nd$rds 213 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n,


2a3 %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ N Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?, and 2,3 )/% %440/1, >)anad#an /u&&'ement to %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, B%F/ N Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?. 223 -er(ormance grades (or w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' ,e se'ected accord#ng to the )anad#an /u&&'ement re(erenced #n )'ause 2132,3 so as to ,e a&&ro&r#ate (or the cond#t#ons and geogra&h#c 'ocat#on #n wh#ch the w#ndow, door or s7y'#ght w#'' ,e #nsta''ed. 233 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' con(orm to the &er(ormance grades se'ected under /entence 223 when tested #n accordance w#th the standard re(erenced #n )'ause 2132a3. 7,1>,2,!, (tructur$l Lo$ds, Air Le$A$ge $nd 6$ter %enetr$tion 213 8#ndows, doors, s7y'#ghts and the#r com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed #n accordance w#th, 2a3 %rt#c'e, where they are co$ered #n the sco&e o( the standards '#sted #n /entence, or 2,3 %rt#c'e and /ect#ons 1.4. and 1.6., #n other cases. 7,1>,2,5, Ee$t Tr$ns/er 213 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' meet the heat trans(er &er(ormance re:u#rements #n /ect#on 1.3. 223 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a'' meta'-(ramed g'aCed assem,'#es se&arat#ng #nter#or conditioned space (rom #nter#or uncond#t#oned s&ace or e5ter#or s&ace sha'' #ncor&orate a therma' ,rea7 to m#n#m#Ce condensat#on. 233 <eta'-(ramed g'aCed assem,'#es need not com&'y w#th /entence 223 where these assem,'#es are, 2a3 storm w#ndows or doors, or 2,3 w#ndows or doors that are re:u#red to ha$e a fire-protection rating. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 1G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 32, 33.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ection 7,1>, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (ubsection& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, !5, 15> 8299

7,1>,!, E?terior Insul$tion +inis0 (3stems 7,1>,!,1, A..lic$ble (t$nd$rds 819 8here e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh systems are #nsta''ed, the systems and the#r com&onents sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %rt#c'e and /ect#ons 1.3. to 1.6., and 2,3 )%B!@L)-/.16.1, >65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N <ater#a's and /ystems?, #( the systems are co$ered #n the sco&e o( that standard.
(ection (ection <,1, <,1,1, <,2, <,2,1, <,2,2, <,2,!, <,2,5, <,2,7, <,2,<, <,2,;, <,2,=, <,2,9, <,2,1>, <,2,11, <,2,12, <,2,1!, <,!, <,!,1, Gener$l A..lic$tion #esign $nd Inst$ll$tion Gener$l 'entil$tion Air #uct (3stems Air #ucts /or Lo2 C$.$cit3 (3stems Ee$ting$nces, Gener$l Inciner$tors nit Ee$ters R$di$tors $nd Con1ectors /or Ee$ting $nd Cooling (3stems Re/riger$ting (3stems $nd E4ui.ment /or Air:Conditioning (tor$ge Bins C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms 'entil$tion /or L$bor$tories C0imne3s $nd 'enting E4ui.ment Gener$l


(ection <,1, Gener$l <,1,1, A..lic$tion 302

<,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 829 8here the method o( o&erat#on o( an e5#st#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning system #s a'tered, the re&a#r or com&onent re&'acements that change the ca&ac#ty or e5tent o( sa(ety o( the system sha'' con(orm to th#s )ode. <,1,1,2, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s -art a&&'#es to systems and e:u#&ment (or heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning ser$#ces. (ection <,2, #esign $nd Inst$ll$tion <,2,1, Gener$l <,2,1,1, Good Engineering %r$ctice 819 =eat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems, #nc'ud#ng re'ated mechan#ca' re(r#gerat#on systems, sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to con(orm to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances such as descr#,ed #n, 2a3 the %/=R%6 =and,oo7s as (o''ows: 2#3 Fundamenta's, 2##3 Re(r#gerat#on, 2###3 =H%) %&&'#cat#ons, 2#$3 =H%) /ystems and 6:u#&ment, and 2$3 %B/+!%/=R%6!+6/B% 90.1, >6nergy /tandard (or *u#'d#ngs 65ce&t Low-R#se Res#dent#a' *u#'d#ngs?, 2,3 the )%B!)/%-F2 0-<, >"eterm#n#ng the Re:u#red )a&ac#ty o( Res#dent#a' /&ace =eat#ng and )oo'#ng %&&'#ances?, and the outs#de w#nter des#gn tem&eratures sha'' con(orm to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Cl$use 8b9 is $mended b3 striAing out Bt0e CAN"C(A:+2=>:)C $t t0e beginning $nd substituting BC(A +2=>C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, !7 819, 15> 8299

2c3 )%B!)/%-F326-<, >Res#dent#a' <echan#ca' Hent#'at#on /ystems?, 2d3 the BF-% F#re )odes, 2e3 the =R%+ "#gest, 2(3 the =ydron#cs +nst#tute <anua's, 2g3 the /<%)B% <anua's, 2h3 %)4+=, >+ndustr#a' Hent#'at#on <anua'?, 2#3 )%B!)/%-O31..2, >/&ec#a' Re:u#rements (or =eat#ng, Hent#'at#on, and %#r )ond#t#on#ng 2=H%)3 /ystems #n =ea'th )are Fac#'#t#es?, 203 ))*F) BR)) 3 .30, ><ode' Bat#ona' 6nergy )ode o( )anada (or *u#'d#ngs?, 273 ))*F) BR)) 14431, >Bat#ona' 6nergy )ode o( )anada (or *u#'d#ngs?, and 2'3 6-%!621!R-92!016, >Radon -re$ent#on #n the "es#gn and )onstruct#on o( /choo's and Other Large *u#'d#ngs?. <,2,1,2, #esign Indoor Air$tures 819 $uildings c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occupancies or 4rou& ) residential occupancies that are #ntended (or use #n the w#nter months on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s sha'' ,e #nsu'ated and ,e e:u#&&ed w#th heat#ng (ac#'#t#es that are ca&a,'e o( ma#nta#n#ng an #ndoor a#r tem&erature o( 22E) at the outs#de w#nter des#gn tem&erature re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 6.2.1... 829 %'' other buildings #ntended (or occu&ancy #n the w#nter months on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s shou'd ,e #nsu'ated and sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th heat#ng (ac#'#t#es to ma#nta#n a m#n#mum #ndoor a#r tem&erature o( 1 E) or commensurate w#th the use o( the building at the outs#de w#nter des#gn tem&erature descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 6.2.1... <,2,1,!, (tructur$l )o1ement 819 <echan#ca' systems and e:u#&ment sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed to accommodate the ma5#mum re'at#$e structura' mo$ement &ro$#ded (or #n the construction o( the building. <,2,1,5, Inst$ll$tion (t$nd$rds 819 ;he #nsta''at#on o( so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances (or centra' heat#ng systems sha'' com&'y w#th )%B!)/%-*361, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment? and the manu(acturerDs #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons. 303

829 ;he so'#d (ue'-(#red appliances #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*366.1, >/o'#d Fue'-F#red )entra' =eat#ng %&&'#ances?. 8!9 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( earth energy systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-)44 .2, >"es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( 6arth 6nergy /ystems (or Res#dent#a' and Other /ma'' *u#'d#ngs?, where such systems use groundwater, su,merged heat e5changers or ground heat e5changers to ser$e, 2a3 s#ng'e dwelling units, or 2,3 buildings where the conditioned space #s not more than 1 400 mA. 859 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( earth energy systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-)44 .1, >"es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( 6arth 6nergy /ystems (or )ommerc#a' and +nst#tut#ona' *u#'d#ngs?, where such systems use groundwater, su,merged heat e5changers or ground heat e5changers to cond#t#on a ('oor s&ace area more than 1 400 mA. 879 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng stoves, ranges and space heaters, #nc'ud#ng the re:u#rements (or com,ust#on a#r, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-*361, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment? and the manu(acturerDs #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons. 8<9 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( hydron#c heat#ng systems sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-*214, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or =ydron#c =eat#ng /ystems?, or 2,3 good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances such as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 8;9 /o'#d (ue'-,urn#ng stoves, furnaces and hydron#c heat#ng systems des#gned to ,urn so'#d (ue's, other than coa', sha'' con(orm to the &art#cu'ate em#ss#on '#m#ts o(, 2a3 )/% *411.1, >-er(ormance ;est#ng o( /o'#d-Fue'-*urn#ng =eat#ng %&&'#ances?, or 2,3 the >/tandards o( -er(ormance (or Bew Res#dent#a' 8ood =eaters?, set out #n /u,&art %%% o( -art 60 o( ;#t'e 40 o( the )ode o( Federa' Regu'at#ons, &u,'#shed ,y the @n#ted /tates 6n$#ronmenta' -rotect#on %gency, as #t read on Bo$em,er 1, 2013. <,2,1,7, +ire.l$ces 819 F#re&'aces sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 9.22. <,2,1,<, Ee$t Reco1er3 'entil$tors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, heat reco$ery $ent#'ators w#th rated ca&ac#t#es o( not 'ess than 21 L!s and not more than 200 L!s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 829 8here electric space heating, other than (orced-a#r e'ectr#c heat#ng system, #s &ro$#ded #n buildings o( residential occupancy w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9, the mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system sha'' #nc'ude heat reco$ery $ent#'ators des#gned to &ro$#de the greater o(, 2a3 the m#n#mum rated e((#c#ency re:u#red ,y the 0reen 6nergy Act, 2002, or 2,3 a m#n#mum 11F sens#,'e heat reco$ery e((#c#ency when tested to the 'ow tem&erature therma' and $ent#'at#on &er(ormance test method set out #n )%B!)/%-)439, >Rat#ng the -er(ormance o( =eat!6nergy-Reco$ery Hent#'ators?, at a /tat#on 1 test tem&erature o( -21E) at an a#r ('ow not 'ess than 30 L!s. <,2,1,;, Outside #esign Conditions 819 ;he outs#de cond#t#ons to ,e used #n des#gn#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems sha'' ,e determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. <,2,1,=, Inst$ll$tion M Gener$l 819 6:u#&ment re:u#r#ng &er#od#c ma#ntenance and (orm#ng &art o( a heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th &ro$#s#on (or access (or #ns&ect#on, ma#ntenance, re&a#r and c'ean#ng. 829 <echan#ca' e:u#&ment sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th guards to &re$ent #n0ury. 8!9 =eat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning systems sha'' ,e &rotected (rom (reeC#ng #( they may ,e ad$erse'y a((ected ,y (reeC#ng tem&eratures. <,2,1,9, E?.$nsion, Contr$ction $nd (3stem %ressure 819 =eat#ng and coo'#ng systems sha'' ,e des#gned to a''ow (or e5&ans#on and contract#on o( the heat trans(er ('u#d and to ma#nta#n the system &ressure w#th#n the rated wor7#ng &ressure '#m#ts o( a'' com&onents o( the system. <,2,1,1>, Asbestos 819 %s,estos sha'' not ,e used #n a#r d#str#,ut#on systems or e:u#&ment #n a (orm or #n a 'ocat#on where as,estos (#,res cou'd enter the a#r su&&'y or return systems. 304

<,2,1,11, Access O.enings 819 %ny co$er#ng o( an access o&en#ng through wh#ch a &erson cou'd enter sha'' ,e o&ena,'e (rom the #ns#de w#thout the use o( 7eys where there #s a &oss#,#'#ty o( the o&en#ng ,e#ng acc#denta''y c'osed wh#'e the system or e:u#&ment #s ,e#ng ser$#ced. <,2,1,12, Combustible Tubing 819 %ombustible tu,#ng (or &neumat#c contro's may ,e used #n buildings re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction &ro$#ded #t has an outs#de d#ameter not e5ceed#ng 10 mm. <,2,2, 'entil$tion <,2,2,1, Re4uired 'entil$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a'' buildings sha'' ,e $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th th#s -art. 829 65ce&t #n storage garages and repair garages co$ered ,y %rt#c'e, the rates at wh#ch outdoor a#r #s su&&'#ed #n buildings ,y $ent#'at#on systems sha'' ,e not 'ess than the rates re:u#red ,y %B/+!%/=R%6 62.1, >Hent#'at#on (or %cce&ta,'e +ndoor %#r Mua'#ty?. 8!9 /e'(-conta#ned mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on systems ser$#ng on'y one dwelling unit sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 th#s -art, or 2,3 /u,sect#on 9.32.3. 859 <ive,wor# units sha'' ,e mechan#ca''y $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( /entence 213. <,2,2,2, N$tur$l 'entil$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, the $ent#'at#on re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on e5ce&t that #t can ,e &ro$#ded ,y natura' $ent#'at#on or a com,#nat#on o( natura' and mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on #n, 2a3 buildings o( other than residential occupancy ha$#ng an occupant load o( not more than one &erson &er 40 mA dur#ng norma' use, 2,3 buildings o( industrial occupancy where the nature o( the &rocess conta#ned #n them &erm#ts or re:u#res the use o( 'arge o&en#ngs #n the building en$e'o&e e$en dur#ng the w#nter, or 2c3 seasona' buildings not #ntended to ,e occu&#ed dur#ng the w#nter. 829 8here c'#mat#c cond#t#ons &erm#t, buildings conta#n#ng occupancies other than residential occupancies, may ,e $ent#'ated ,y natura' $ent#'at#on methods #n '#eu o( mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on where eng#neer#ng data demonstrates that such a method w#'' &ro$#de the re:u#red $ent#'at#on (or the ty&e o( occupancy. <,2,2,!, 'entil$tion o/ (tor$ge $nd Re.$ir G$r$ges 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 263, an enc'osed storage garage sha'' ha$e a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system des#gned to, 2a3 '#m#t the concentrat#on o( car,on mono5#de to not more than 100 &arts &er m#''#on o( a#r when measured ,etween 900 mm and 1 00 mm (rom the ('oor, where the ma0or#ty o( the $eh#c'es stored are &owered ,y gaso'#ne (ue''ed eng#nes, 2,3 '#m#t the concentrat#on o( n#trogen d#o5#de to not more than 3 &arts &er m#''#on &arts o( a#r when #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons, where the ma0or#ty o( the $eh#c'es stored are &owered ,y d#ese' (ue''ed eng#nes, or 2c3 &ro$#de, dur#ng o&erat#ng hours, a cont#nuous su&&'y o( outdoor a#r at a rate o( not 'ess than 3.9 L!s (or each s:uare metre o( ('oor area. 829 <echan#ca' $ent#'at#on systems &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132a3 sha'' ,e contro''ed automat#ca''y ,y car,on mono5#de mon#tor#ng de$#ces and systems &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132,3 sha'' ,e contro''ed automat#ca''y ,y n#trogen d#o5#de or other acce&ta,'e mon#tor#ng de$#ces, 'ocated so as to &ro$#de (u'' &rotect#on throughout the storage garage. 8!9 <echan#ca' $ent#'at#on systems &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned such that the &ressure #n the storage garage #s 'ess than the &ressure #n ad0o#n#ng buildings o( other occupancy, or #n ad0acent &ort#ons o( the same building ha$#ng a d#((erent occupancy. 859 +n storage garages su,0ect to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, where motor $eh#c'es are &ar7ed ,y mechan#ca' means, the $ent#'at#on re:u#rements may ,e reduced ,y one ha'(. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, t#c7et and attendant ,ooths o( storage garages sha'' ,e &ressur#Ced w#th a su&&'y o( outdoor a#r. 8<9 ;he re:u#rements o( /entences 213 to 213 sha'' not a&&'y to open-air storeys #n a storage garage. 301

8;9 % repair garage sha'' ha$e a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system des#gned to '#m#t the e5&osure o( wor7ers to, 2a3 car,on mono5#de to ,e'ow the t#me we#ghted a$erage concentrat#on o( 21 &arts &er m#''#on (or a norma' wor7day or 40 hour wor7 wee7, and 2,3 n#trogen d#o5#de (rom d#ese' &owered $eh#c'es to ,e'ow 0..2 &arts &er m#''#on (or a norma' wor7 wee7. hour

hour wor7day or 40 hour

8=9 +n a repair garage, when a re&a#r ,ay #s not #mmed#ate'y ad0acent to an outs#de garage door o&en#ng, a system ca&a,'e o( &ro$#d#ng cont#nuous genera' $ent#'at#on o( not 'ess than .00 L!s &er #nterna' ,ay sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 899 ;he genera' $ent#'at#on system descr#,ed #n /entence 2 3 sha'' ,e des#gned to, 2a3 o&erate cont#nuous'y, or 2,3 ,e contro''ed automat#ca''y ,y car,on mono5#de mon#tor#ng de$#ces, 'ocated so as to &ro$#de (u'' &rotect#on throughout the repair garage. 81>9 ;he genera' $ent#'at#on system descr#,ed #n /entence 2 3 #s not re:u#red when ta#' &#&es o( $eh#c'es are d#rect'y connected to 'oca' mechan#ca' e5haust systems that term#nate outdoors. <,2,2,5, Air Cont$min$nts 819 %#r contam#nants re'eased w#th#n buildings sha'' ,e remo$ed #nso(ar as &oss#,'e at the#r &o#nts o( or#g#n and sha'' not ,e &erm#tted to accumu'ate #n concentrat#ons greater than &erm#tted #n the %)4+=, >+ndustr#a' Hent#'at#on <anua'?. 829 /ystems ser$#ng s&aces that conta#n sources o( contam#nat#on and systems ser$#ng other occu&#ed &arts o( the building ,ut 'ocated #n or runn#ng through s&aces that conta#n sources o( contam#nat#on sha'' ,e des#gned #n such a manner as to &re$ent s&read#ng o( such contam#nat#on to other occu&#ed &arts o( the building. 8!9 =eat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems sha'' ,e des#gned to m#n#m#Ce growth o( m#cro-organ#sms accord#ng to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce as descr#,ed #n /entence 859 <echan#ca' rooms conta#n#ng re(r#gerat#on e:u#&ment sha'' ,e $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th )/%-*12, ><echan#ca' Re(r#gerat#on )ode?. <,2,2,7, E$-$rdous G$ses, #usts or Li4uids 819 /ystems ser$#ng s&aces that conta#n haCardous gases, dusts or '#:u#ds sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, or #n the a,sence o( re:u#rements &ert#nent to such systems #n the F#re )ode, to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce such as #s descr#,ed #n the &u,'#cat#ons o( the Bat#ona' F#re -rotect#on %ssoc#at#on and #n the ))*F) BR)) 13303, >Bat#ona' F#re )ode o( )anada?. 829 8hen #ndoor &#&#ng (or )'ass + flammable li uids #s #nsta''ed #n a trench, the trench sha'' ,e, 2a3 &ro$#ded w#th &os#t#$e $ent#'at#on to the outdoors, or 2,3 des#gned to &re$ent the accumu'at#on o( ('amma,'e $a&ours. <,2,2,<, Commerci$l CooAing E4ui.ment 819 %'' commerc#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th $ent#'at#on systems des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to con(orm to BF-% 96, >Hent#'at#on )ontro' and F#re -rotect#on o( )ommerc#a' )oo7#ng O&erat#ons?, e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence and %rt#c'e 829 F#re &rotect#on systems (or h#gh e((#c#ency, h#gh tem&erature commerc#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment us#ng $egeta,'e o#' or an#ma' (at sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 @L 300, >F#re 65t#ngu#sh#ng /ystems (or -rotect#on o( Restaurant )oo7#ng %reas?, or 2,3 @L)!OR"-)1214.6, >F#re ;est#ng o( Restaurant )oo7#ng %rea F#re 65t#ngu#sh#ng /ystem @n#ts?. <,2,2,;, Cr$2l (.$ces $nd Attic or Roo/ (.$ces 819 6$ery craw' s&ace and e$ery attic or roof space sha'' ,e $ent#'ated ,y natura' or mechan#ca' means. <,2,!, Air #uct (3stems <,2,!,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the des#gn, construct#on and #nsta''at#on o( a#r duct d#str#,ut#on systems ser$#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems. 829 ;h#s /u,sect#on does not a&&'y to the des#gn, construct#on and #nsta''at#on o( a#r duct d#str#,ut#on systems ser$#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems that ser$e #nd#$#dua' dwelling units w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9. <,2,!,2, )$teri$ls in Air #uct (3stems 306

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243 and #n %rt#c'e, a'' ducts, duct connectors, assoc#ated (#tt#ngs and plenums used #n a#r duct systems sha'' ,e constructed o( stee', a'um#num a''oy, co&&er, c'ay, as,estos-cement or s#m#'ar noncombustible mater#a'. 829 "ucts, assoc#ated (#tt#ngs and plenums are &erm#tted to conta#n combustible mater#a' &ro$#ded they, 2a3 con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements (or )'ass 1 duct mater#a's #n )%B!@L)-/110, >;est (or %#r "ucts?, 2,3 con(orm to %rt#c'e #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, 2c3 con(orm to /u,sect#on 3.1.9., 2d3 are used on'y #n hor#Conta' runs #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, 2e3 are not used #n $ert#ca' runs ser$#ng more than 2 storeys #n a building re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, and 2(3 are not used #n a#r duct systems #n wh#ch the a#r tem&erature may e5ceed 120E). 8!9 "uct sea'ants sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating o( not more than 21 and a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( not more than 10. 859 "uct connectors that conta#n combustible mater#a's and that are used ,etween ducts and a#r out'et un#ts sha'', 2a3 con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements (or )'ass 1 a#r duct mater#a's #n )%B!@L)-/110, >;est (or %#r "ucts?, 2,3 ,e '#m#ted to 4 m #n 'ength, 2c3 ,e used on'y #n hor#Conta' runs, and 2d3 not &enetrate re:u#red fire separations. 879 <ater#a's #n /entences 213 to 243 #nsta''ed #n a 'ocat#on where they may ,e su,0ected to e5cess#$e mo#sture sha'' ha$e no a&&rec#a,'e 'oss o( strength when wet and sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant. 8<9 %'' ductwor7 and (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e constructed and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /<%)B% <anua's and %/=R%6 =and,oo7s. 8;9 %'' duct mater#a's and (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e, 2a3 su#ta,'e (or e5&osure to the tem&erature and hum#d#ty o( the a#r ,e#ng con$eyed, and 2,3 res#stant to corros#on due to contam#nants #n the a#r ,e#ng con$eyed #n the duct. <,2,!,!, Connections $nd O.enings in Air #uct (3stems 819 %#r duct systems sha'' ha$e, 2a3 t#ght-(#tt#ng connect#ons throughout, and 2,3 no o&en#ngs other than those re:u#red (or &ro&er o&erat#on, #ns&ect#on and ma#ntenance o( the system. 829 %ccess o&en#ngs sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n duct systems to a''ow the remo$a' o( mater#a' that may accumu'ate #n plenums and ducts. <,2,!,5, #uct Co1erings, Linings, Ad0esi1es $nd Insul$tion 819 )o$er#ngs, '#n#ngs and assoc#ated adhes#$es and #nsu'at#on o( a#r ducts, plenums and other &arts o( a#r duct systems sha'' ,e o( noncombustible mater#a' when e5&osed to heated a#r or rad#at#on (rom heat sources that wou'd resu't #n the e5&osed sur(ace e5ceed#ng a tem&erature o( 120E). 829 8hen combustible co$er#ngs and '#n#ngs, #nc'ud#ng assoc#ated adhes#$es and #nsu'at#on, are used, they sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating o( not more than 21 on any e5&osed sur(ace or any sur(ace that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through the mater#a' #n any d#rect#on, and a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( not more than 10, e5ce&t that the outer co$er#ng o( ducts, plenums and other &arts o( a#r duct systems used w#th#n an assem,'y o( combustible construction may ha$e an e5&osed sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than .1 and may ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on greater than 10. 8!9 %ombustible co$er#ngs and '#n#ngs #n /entence 223 sha'' not ('ame, g'ow, smou'der or smo7e when tested #n accordance w#th the method o( test #n %/;< )411, >=ot-/ur(ace -er(ormance o( =#gh-;em&erature ;herma' +nsu'at#on? at the ma5#mum tem&erature to wh#ch the co$er#ngs and '#n#ngs are to ,e e5&osed #n ser$#ce. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on sha'' not ,e used as &art o( an a#r duct or (or #nsu'at#ng an a#r duct. 879 Foamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on may ,e used #n a ce#'#ng s&ace that acts as a return a#r plenum &ro$#ded the (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on #s &rotected (rom e5&osure to the plenum #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e


8<9 %ombustible co$er#ngs and '#n#ngs o( ducts, #nc'ud#ng assoc#ated adhes#$es and #nsu'at#on, sha'' ,e #nterru&ted at the #mmed#ate area o( o&erat#on o( heat sources #n a duct system, such as e'ectr#c res#stance heaters or (ue'-,urn#ng heaters or furnaces, and where the duct &enetrates a fire separation. 8;9 L#n#ngs o( ducts sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that they w#'' not #nter(ere w#th the o&erat#on o( $o'ume or ,a'anc#ng dam&ers, fire dampers, fire stop flaps and other c'osures. <,2,!,7, nderground #ucts 819 @nderground ducts sha'', 2a3 ,e constructed and #nsta''ed w#th a s'o&e to &ro$#de #nter#or dra#nage to a'' 'ow &o#nts, 2,3 not ,e connected d#rect'y to a sewer, and 2c3 ,e #nsta''ed and constructed o( mater#a's #n con(ormance w#th %/=R%6 =and,oo7s, /<%)B% <anua's and the =R%+ "#gest. 829 % c'ean-out or &um&-out connect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n an underground duct system at e$ery 'ow &o#nt o( the duct system. <,2,!,<, +ire #$m.ers 819 7ire dampers sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.1. . <,2,!,;, (moAe #etector Control 819 %#r hand'#ng systems sha'' #ncor&orate smo#e detector contro' where re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e <,2,!,=, E?0$ust #ucts $nd Outlets 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e"haust ducts o( nonmechan#ca' $ent#'at#ng systems ser$#ng se&arate rooms or s&aces sha'' not ,e com,#ned. 829 6"haust ducts o( nonmechan#ca' $ent#'at#ng systems ser$#ng s#m#'ar occupancies may ,e com,#ned #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the &o#nt o( (#na' de'#$ery to the outs#de, such as at the ,ase o( a roo( $ent#'ator. 8!9 6"haust ducts o( $ent#'at#ng systems sha'' ha$e &ro$#s#on (or the remo$a' o( condensat#on where th#s may ,e a &ro,'em. 859 65haust out'ets sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent ,ac7 dra(t under w#nd cond#t#ons. 879 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 263, e5haust systems sha'' d#scharge d#rect'y to the outdoors. 8<9 %u5#'#ary rooms, mechan#ca' rooms or storage rooms are &erm#tted to ,e $ent#'ated #nto a storage garage, &ro$#ded that, 2a3 they are access#,'e on'y (rom that storage garage, 2,3 they ha$e no o&en#ngs or duct &enetrat#ons through the wa''s se&arat#ng the room (rom ad0acent s&aces other than that storage garage and other au5#'#ary, mechan#ca' or storage rooms, 2c3 the e5haust conta#ns no contam#nants that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect the a#r :ua'#ty #n the storage garage, and 2d3 they are &ro$#ded w#th, 2#3 car,on mono5#de mon#tor#ng de$#ces #n accordance w#th /entences and 223, or 2##3 a '#ght sw#tch wh#ch #s #nter'oc7ed w#th the o&erat#on o( the e5haust (an ser$#ng the room. 8;9 6"haust ducts connected to 'aundry dry#ng e:u#&ment sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nde&endent o( other e"haust ducts, 2,3 des#gned and #nsta''ed so that the ent#re duct can ,e c'eaned, and 2c3 constructed o( smooth corros#on-res#stant mater#a'. 8=9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2103 and e5ce&t (or se'(-conta#ned systems ser$#ng #nd#$#dua' dwelling units, e"haust ducts ser$#ng rooms conta#n#ng water c'osets, ur#na's, ,as#ns, showers or s'o& s#n7s sha'' ,e #nde&endent o( other e"haust ducts. 899 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2103 and e5ce&t (or se'(-conta#ned systems ser$#ng #nd#$#dua' dwelling units, e"haust ducts ser$#ng rooms conta#n#ng res#dent#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nde&endent o( other e"haust ducts. 81>9 ;wo or more e5haust systems descr#,ed #n /entences 2 3 and 293 may ,e #nterconnected or connected w#th e"haust ducts ser$#ng other areas o( the building &ro$#ded,


2a3 the connect#ons are made at the #n'et o( an e5haust (an, and a'' #nterconnected systems are e:u#&&ed w#th su#ta,'e ,ac7 &ressure de$#ces to &re$ent &assage o( odours (rom one system to another when the (an #s not #n o&erat#on, or 2,3 the e"haust ducts d#scharge to a sha(t that #s ser$ed ,y an e5haust (an ha$#ng a ca&ac#ty that #s e:ua' to or greater than the com,#ned ca&ac#ty o( the e5haust (ans d#scharg#ng to the plenum mu't#&'#ed ,y the o&erat#on d#$ers#ty (actor, &ro$#ded that the e5haust (an ser$#ng the sha(t o&erates cont#nuous'y. 8119 8here e"haust ducts conta#n#ng a#r (rom conditioned spaces &ass through or are ad0acent to uncond#t#oned s&aces, the ducts sha'' ,e constructed to &re$ent condensat#on (rom (orm#ng #ns#de or outs#de o( the ducts. 8129 8here an e"haust duct system #s used (or smo7e remo$a' #n a h#gh building, the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y. 81!9 8here e"haust duct systems (rom more than one fire compartment are connected to an e"haust duct #n a vertical service space, the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y. 8159 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2113, e5haust a#r sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at a rate not 'ess than 24 L!s (or each water c'oset, ur#na', shower or s'o& s#n7. 8179 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, e5haust a#r sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or fi"tures #n dwelling units #n accordance w#th %B/+!%/=R%6 62.1, >Hent#'at#on (or %cce&ta,'e +ndoor %#r Mua'#ty?. 81<9 65ce&t (or wash ,as#ns 2'a$ator#es3, san#tary (ac#'#t#es #n a food premises sha'' ,e mechan#ca''y $ent#'ated and sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( e5haust#ng a#r at the rate o( not 'ess than 24 L!s (or each san#tary (#5ture '#sted #n /entence 21.3. 81;9 ;he mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on descr#,ed #n /entence 2163 a&&'#es to rooms conta#n#ng water c'osets, ur#na's, ,as#ns, showers or s'o& s#n7s. 81=9 8here co''ect#$e $ent#ng o( mu't#&'e #nsta''at#ons o( 'aundry-dry#ng e:u#&ment #s used, the $ent#'at#on system sha'', 2a3 ,e connected to a common e"haust duct that #s $ented ,y one centra' e5haust (an, 2,3 #ncor&orate one centra' '#nt tra&, 2c3 #nc'ude an #nter'oc7 to act#$ate the centra' e5haust (an when 'aundry-dry#ng e:u#&ment #s #n use, and 2d3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th ma7e-u& a#r. 8199 6"haust ducts or $ents connected to 'aundry-dry#ng e:u#&ment sha'' d#scharge d#rect'y to the outdoors. <,2,!,9, Interconnection o/ (3stems 819 +n a residential occupancy, a#r (rom one suite sha'' not ,e c#rcu'ated to any other suite or to a public corridor or &u,'#c sta#rway. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233 and /entence 6.2.3. .263, a#r duct systems ser$#ng storage garages sha'' not ,e d#rect'y #nterconnected w#th ductwor7 ser$#ng other areas o( the building. 8!9 8here e"haust ducts are &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /entence 6.2.3. .263, they may e5haust through an enc'osed storage garage &r#or to e5haust#ng to the outdoors &ro$#ded, 2a3 the storage garage e5haust system runs cont#nuous'y, 2,3 the ca&ac#ty o( the storage garage e5haust system #s e:ua' to or e5ceeds the $o'ume o( the e5haust enter#ng the garage, and 2c3 a 'ea7age rate 1 smo7e!fire damper rated #n accordance w#th )%B!@L)-/112.1-<, >Lea7age Rated "am&ers (or @se #n /mo7e )ontro' /ystems?, #s &ro$#ded near the duct out'et 'ocat#on #n the storage garage to &re$ent a#r (rom the storage garage (rom enter#ng the e5haust ductwor7 system #n the e$ent the buildingCs e5haust (an #s shut down. 859 65ce&t (or corr#dors con(orm#ng to /entence or as &erm#tted #n /entences 213 and 263, a public corridor or corr#dor ser$#ng the &u,'#c sha'' not ,e used as a &ort#on o( a su&&'y, return or e5haust a#r system ser$#ng ad0o#n#ng areas, other than as &art o( a su&&'y a#r system ser$#ng to#'et rooms, ,athrooms, shower rooms and s#m#'ar au5#'#ary s&aces o&en#ng d#rect'y to the public corridor or corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c. 879 % public corridor may ,e used as &art o( an eng#neered smo7e contro' system. 8<9 +n(#'trat#on due to corr#dor &ressur#Cat#on #s &erm#tted #nto a residential occupancy (rom a public corridor. <,2,!,1>, #ucts in E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, duct &enetrat#on o( fire separations se&arat#ng e"its (rom the rema#nder o( the building sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 829 "uct &enetrat#on o( fire separations se&arat#ng e"its (rom the rema#nder o( the building #s &erm#tted #( the duct, 2a3 #s des#gned (or the &ur&oses o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., or 309

2,3 on'y ser$es the e"it (rom a ded#cated roo( to& a#r ma7e-u& un#t. <,2,!,11, )$Ae:u. Air 819 +n $ent#'at#ng systems that e5haust a#r to the outdoors, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or the adm#ss#on o( a su&&'y o( ma7eu& a#r #n su((#c#ent :uant#ty so that the o&erat#on o( the e5haust system and other e5haust e:u#&ment or com,ust#on e:u#&ment #s not ad$erse'y a((ected. 829 <a7e-u& a#r (ac#'#t#es re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nter'oc7ed w#th the e5haust de$#ces they ser$e so that ,oth o&erate together. 8!9 8here ma7e-u& a#r (ac#'#t#es are #ntended to #ntroduce a#r d#rect'y (rom the outdoors to occu&#ed &arts o( the building #n w#nter, they sha'' #ncor&orate means o( tem&er#ng that a#r to ma#nta#n the #ndoor des#gn tem&erature. <,2,!,12, (u..l3, Return, Int$Ae $nd E?0$ust Air O.enings 819 /u&&'y, return and e5haust a#r o&en#ngs 'ocated 'ess than 2 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor #n rooms or s&aces #n buildings sha'' ,e &rotected ,y gr#''es ha$#ng o&en#ngs o( a s#Ce that w#'' not a''ow the &assage o( a 11 mm d#ameter s&here. 829 Outdoor a#r #nta7es and e5haust out'ets on the e5ter#or o( buildings sha'' ,e des#gned or 'ocated so that the a#r enter#ng the building system w#'' not conta#n more contam#nants than the norma' e5ter#or a#r o( the 'oca'#ty #n wh#ch the building #s s#tuated. 8!9 65ter#or o&en#ngs (or outdoor a#r #nta7es and e5haust out'ets sha'' ,e sh#e'ded (rom the entry o( snow and ra#n and sha'' ,e (#tted w#th corros#on-res#stant screens o( mesh ha$#ng o&en#ngs not 'arger than 11 mm, e5ce&t where e5&er#ence has shown that c'#mat#c cond#t#ons re:u#re 'arger o&en#ngs to a$o#d #c#ng o$er o( the screen o&en#ngs. 859 /creens re:u#red #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e access#,'e (or ma#ntenance. 879 %ombustible gr#''es, d#((users and other de$#ces (or su&&'y, return and e5haust a#r o&en#ngs #n rooms sha'' con(orm to the flame-spread rating and smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on re:u#rements (or the #nter#or (#n#sh o( the sur(ace on wh#ch they are #nsta''ed. <,2,!,1!, +ilters $nd Odour Remo1$l E4ui.ment 819 %#r (#'ters (or a#r duct systems sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or )'ass 2 a#r (#'ter un#ts as descr#,ed #n @L)-/111, >F#re ;ests For %#r F#'ter @n#ts?. 829 8hen e'ectrostat#c-ty&e (#'ters are used, they sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to ensure that the e'ectr#c c#rcu#t #s automat#ca''y de-energ#Ced when (#'ter access doors are o&ened and, #n dwelling units, when the system c#rcu'at#ng (an #s not o&erat#ng. 8!9 8hen odour remo$a' e:u#&ment o( the adsor&t#on ty&e #s used #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsta''ed to &ro$#de access so that adsor&t#on mater#a' can ,e react#$ated or renewed, and 2,3 &rotected (rom dust accumu'at#on ,y a#r (#'ters #nsta''ed on the #n'et s#de. 859 Fac#'#t#es (or ('ush#ng and dra#nage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where (#'ters are des#gned to ,e washed #n &'ace. <,2,!,15, Air 6$s0ers $nd E1$.or$ti1e Cooling (ections or To2ers 819 ;he (#'ter and water e$a&orat#on med#um o( e$ery a#r washer and e$a&orat#$e coo'#ng sect#on enc'osed w#th#n a building sha'' ,e made o( noncombustible mater#a'. 829 /um&s (or a#r washer and e$a&orat#$e coo'#ng sect#ons sha'' ,e constructed and #nsta''ed so that they can ,e ('ushed and dra#ned. 8!9 6$a&orat#$e coo'#ng sect#ons or towers sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( BF-% 214, >8ater-)oo'#ng ;owers?. <,2,!,17, +$ns $nd Associ$ted Air E$ndling E4ui.ment 819 Fans (or heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems sha'' ,e 'ocated and #nsta''ed so that the#r o&erat#on, 2a3 does not ad$erse'y a((ect the dra(t re:u#red (or &ro&er o&erat#on o( (ue'-(#red appliances, and 2,3 does not a''ow the a#r #n the a#r duct system to ,e contam#nated ,y a#r or gases (rom the boiler-room or furnace-room. 829 Fans and assoc#ated a#r hand'#ng e:u#&ment, such as a#r washers, (#'ters and heat#ng and coo'#ng un#ts, when #nsta''ed on the roo( or e'sewhere outs#de the building, sha'' ,e o( a ty&e des#gned (or outdoor use. <,2,!,1<, 'ibr$tion Isol$tion Connectors 819 H#,rat#on #so'at#on connectors #n a#r duct systems sha'' ,e noncombustible, e5ce&t that combustible (a,r#c connectors are &erm#tted &ro$#ded they, 2a3 do not e5ceed 210 mm #n 'ength,


2,3 com&'y w#th the ('ame-res#stance re:u#rements o( )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?, and 2c3 are not used #n a 'ocat#on where they are e5&osed to heated a#r or rad#at#on (rom heat sources that may cause the e5&osed sur(ace to e5ceed a tem&erature o( 120E). <,2,!,1;, T$.e 819 ;a&e used (or sea'#ng 0o#nts #n a#r ducts, plenums and other &arts o( a#r duct systems sha'' meet the ('ame-res#stance re:u#rements (or (a,r#c #n )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?. <,2,!,1=, Construction $nd Inst$ll$tion o/ #ucts $nd %lenums 819 Rectangu'ar &ane's #n plenums and ducts more than 300 mm w#de sha'' ,e sha&ed to &ro$#de su((#c#ent st#((ness. 829 8here the #nsta''at#on o( heat#ng supply ducts #n wa''s and ('oors creates a s&ace ,etween the duct and construct#on mater#a', the s&ace sha'' ,e (#re sto&&ed w#th noncombustible mater#a' at each end. 8!9 "ucts sha'' ,e secure'y su&&orted ,y meta' hangers, stra&s, 'ugs or ,rac7ets, e5ce&t that where Cero c'earance #s &erm#tted, wooden ,rac7ets may ,e used. 859 %'' round duct 0o#nts sha'' ,e t#ght-(#tt#ng and 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm. 879 Rectangu'ar duct connect#ons sha'' ,e made w#th / and dr#$e c'eats. 8<9 ;run7 supply ducts sha'' not ,e na#'ed d#rect'y to wood mem,ers. 8;9 *ranch ducts sha'' ,e su&&orted at su#ta,'e s&ac#ngs to ma#nta#n a'#gnment and &re$ent sagg#ng. 8=9 "ucts #n or ,eneath concrete s'a,s-on-ground sha'' ,e watert#ght, corros#on-, decay- and m#'dew-res#stant. 899 8here a supply or return duct #s not &rotected ,y an #nsu'ated e5ter#or wa'' or where the duct #s e5&osed to an unheated s&ace #t sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to &re$ent condensat#on. <,2,!,19, Cle$r$nces o/ #ucts $nd %lenums 819 ;he c'earances (rom combustible mater#a' and su&&'y plenums, supply ducts, ,oots and reg#ster ,o5es o( heat#ng systems sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 6.2.4. <,2,!,2>, Return:Air (3stem 819 ;he return-a#r system sha'' ,e des#gned to hand'e the ent#re a#r su&&'y. 829 8here any &art o( a return duct w#'' ,e e5&osed to rad#at#on (rom the heat e5changer or other rad#at#ng &art w#th#n the furnace, such &art o( a return duct d#rect'y a,o$e or w#th#n 600 mm o( the outs#de furnace cas#ng sha'' ,e noncombustible. 8!9 1eturn ducts ser$#ng so'#d (ue'-(#red furnaces sha'' ,e constructed o( noncombustible mater#a'. 859 8here combustible return ducts are &erm#tted, they sha'' ,e '#ned w#th noncombustible mater#a' ,e'ow ('oor reg#sters, at the ,ottom o( $ert#ca' ducts and under furnaces ha$#ng a ,ottom return. 879 ;he return-a#r system sha'' ,e des#gned so that the negat#$e &ressure (rom the c#rcu'at#ng (an cannot a((ect the furnace com,ust#on a#r su&&'y nor draw com,ust#on &roducts (rom 0o#nts or o&en#ngs #n the furnace or flue pipe. 8<9 Return-a#r #n'ets sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n an enc'osed room or craw' s&ace that &ro$#des com,ust#on a#r to a (ue'-(#red appliance. <,2,5, Air #ucts /or Lo2 C$.$cit3 (3stems <,2,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to the des#gn, construct#on and #nsta''at#on o( a#r duct d#str#,ut#on systems ser$#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems that ser$e #nd#$#dua' dwelling units w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9. <,2,5,2, #uct #esign 819 <ater#a's #n supply ducts sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 829 4a'$an#Ced stee' or a'um#num supply ducts sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble <,2,5,2, )inimum )et$l T0icAness o/ #ucts Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( "uct )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum <a5#mum 8#dth "#ameter, mm or "e&th, mm )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 <#n#mum <eta' ;h#c7ness, mm "uct <ater#a' 4a'$an#Ced /tee' %'um#num


1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

Round ducts ser$#ng s#ng'e dwelling units Round Rectangu'ar, enc'osed Rectangu'ar, not enc'osed, (or s#ng'e dwelling units, w#th re:u#red c'earance u& to 12 mm Rectangu'ar, not enc'osed, w#th re:u#red c'earance o( more than 12 mm

121 or 'ess 310 o$er 310 -------------

------310 o$er 310 310 o$er 310 310 o$er 310

0.214 0.33 0.41 0.33 0.41 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.4

0.30 0.30 0.41 0.30 0.41 0.41 0.4 0.41 0.4

8!9 ;he des#gn o( (#tt#ng (or ducts sha'' con(orm to /<%)B%, >=H%) "uct )onstruct#on /tandards N <eta' and F'e5#,'e?, e5ce&t that meta' th#c7ness sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e <,2,5,!, Construction $nd Inst$ll$tion o/ #ucts $nd %lenums 819 Rectangu'ar &ane's #n plenums and ducts more than 300 mm w#de sha'' ,e sha&ed to &ro$#de su((#c#ent st#((ness. 829 8here the #nsta''at#on o( heat#ng supply ducts #n wa''s and ('oors creates a s&ace ,etween the duct and construct#on mater#a', the s&ace sha'' ,e (#re sto&&ed w#th noncombustible mater#a' at each end. 8!9 "ucts sha'' ,e secure'y su&&orted ,y meta' hangers, stra&s, 'ugs or ,rac7ets, e5ce&t that where Cero c'earance #s &erm#tted, wooden ,rac7ets may ,e used. 859 %'' round duct 0o#nts sha'' ,e t#ght-(#tt#ng and 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm. 879 Rectangu'ar duct connect#ons sha'' ,e made w#th / and dr#$e c'eats. 8<9 ;run7 supply ducts sha'' not ,e na#'ed d#rect'y to wood mem,ers. 8;9 *ranch ducts sha'' ,e su&&orted at su#ta,'e s&ac#ngs to ma#nta#n a'#gnment and &re$ent sagg#ng. 8=9 %ombustible ducts #n concrete s'a,s-on-ground that are connected to a furnace su&&'y plenum sha'' ,e 'ocated not c'oser than 600 mm to that plenum and not 'ess than 600 mm (rom #ts connect#on to a r#ser or reg#ster. 899 "ucts #n or ,eneath concrete s'a,s-on-ground sha'' ,e watert#ght, corros#on-, decay- and m#'dew-res#stant. 81>9 8here a supply duct or return duct #s not &rotected ,y an #nsu'ated e5ter#or wa'' or where the duct #s e5&osed to an unheated s&ace #t sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to &ro$#de a therma' res#stance o( not 'ess than R/+ 2.1. 8119 8here a supply duct or return duct #s 'ocated #n an uncond#t#oned s&ace or outdoors, a'' 0o#nts o( the ductwor7 sha'' ,e sea'ed to a )'ass % sea' 'e$e' #n accordance w#th the /<%)B%, >=H%) "uct )onstruct#on /tandards N <eta' and F'e5#,'e?. 8129 8here a supply duct #s 'ocated #n a cond#t#oned s&ace, the ductwor7 sha'' ,e sea'ed to a )'ass ) sea' 'e$e' #n accordance w#th the /<%)B%, >=H%) "uct )onstruct#on /tandards N <eta' and F'e5#,'e?. 81!9 @nderground ducts sha'', 2a3 ,e constructed and #nsta''ed w#th a s'o&e to &ro$#de #nter#or dra#nage to a'' 'ow &o#nts, 2,3 not ,e connected d#rect'y to a sewer, and 2c3 ,e #nsta''ed and constructed o( mater#a's #n con(ormance w#th %/=R%6 =and,oo7s, /<%)B% <anua's and the =R%+ "#gest. 8159 % c'ean-out or &um&-out connect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n an underground duct system at e$ery 'ow &o#nt o( the duct system. <,2,5,5, 6$rm:Air (u..l3 Outlets 819 +n a dwelling unit, a warm-a#r su&&'y out'et sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each (#n#shed room that #s 'ocated ad0acent to unheated s&ace, e5ter#or a#r or e5ter#or so#'. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, when a room descr#,ed #n /entence 213 #s 'ocated ad0acent to e5ter#or wa''s, such out'ets sha'' ,e 'ocated so as to ,athe at 'east one e5ter#or wa'' or w#ndow w#th warm a#r, e5ce&t #n ,athrooms, ut#'#ty rooms or 7#tchens, where th#s may not ,e &ract#ca'. 8!9 8here the heat#ng system #s a'so des#gned to &ro$#de $ent#'at#on a#r, ce#'#ng out'ets or out'ets 'ocated h#gh on #nter#or wa''s may ,e #nsta''ed, &ro$#ded the out'ets are, 2a3 des#gned (or th#s &ur&ose, and 2,3 #nsta''ed w#th d#((users. 859 %t 'east one warm-a#r su&&'y out'et sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each 40 mA o( ('oor sur(ace area #n un(#n#shed basements ser$#ng dwelling units, 'ocated so as to &ro$#de ade:uate d#str#,ut#on o( warm a#r throughout the basement. 312

879 %t 'east one warm-a#r su&&'y out'et sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each 0 m2 o( ('oor sur(ace area #n heated craw' s&aces ser$#ng dwelling units, and #t sha'' ,e 'ocated so as to &ro$#de ade:uate d#str#,ut#on o( warm-a#r throughout the craw' s&ace. 8<9 65ce&t (or &#&e'ess furnaces and ('oor furnaces, the ca&ac#ty o( warm-a#r su&&'y out'ets ser$#ng dwelling units sha'' ,e not 'ess than the des#gn heat 'oss (rom the area ser$ed and sha'' not e5ceed 3 78 &er out'et. 8;9 +n basements and heated craw' s&aces, the ca'cu'ated heat ga#n (rom the supply ducts and plenum sur(aces may ,e cons#dered #n ca'cu'at#ng the des#gn heat 'oss. 8=9 ;he tem&erature o( su&&'y a#r at the warm-a#r su&&'y out'ets sha'' not e5ceed .0E). 899 8arm-a#r su&&'y out'ets 'ocated #n (#n#shed areas sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th d#((users and ad0usta,'e o&en#ngs and sha'' not ,e 'ocated on a furnace plenum. 81>9 %#r duct systems ser$#ng storage garages sha'' not ,e #nterconnected w#th other &arts o( the building. <,2,5,7, Reser1ed <,2,5,<, Ad@ust$ble #$m.ers $nd B$l$nce (to.s 819 %'' ,ranch supply ducts (or res#dent#a' systems sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th $o'ume contro' dam&ers at the ,oot to &erm#t ,a'anc#ng or sha'' ,e (#tted w#th a d#((user #ncor&orat#ng an ad0usta,'e and 'oc7a,'e $o'ume contro' de$#ce that can ,e set #n a (#5ed &os#t#on. <,2,5,;, Return:Air (3stem 819 ;he return-a#r system sha'' ,e des#gned to hand'e the ent#re a#r su&&'y. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, return ducts sha'' ,e constructed o( mater#a' ha$#ng a sur(ace flamespread rating o( not more than 110. 8!9 8here any &art o( a return duct w#'' ,e e5&osed to rad#at#on (rom the heat e5changer or other rad#at#ng &art w#th#n the furnace, such &art o( a return duct d#rect'y a,o$e or w#th#n 600 mm o( the outs#de furnace cas#ng sha'' ,e noncombustible. 859 1eturn ducts ser$#ng so'#d (ue'-(#red furnaces sha'' ,e constructed o( noncombustible mater#a'. 879 %ombustible return ducts sha'' ,e '#ned w#th noncombustible mater#a' ,e'ow ('oor reg#sters, at the ,ottom o( $ert#ca' ducts and under furnaces ha$#ng a ,ottom return. 8<9 /&aces ,etween studs and 0o#sts used as return ducts sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the unused &ort#ons o( such s&aces ,y t#ght-(#tt#ng meta' sto&s or wood ,'oc7#ng. 8;9 % $ert#ca' return duct sha'' ha$e o&en#ngs to return a#r on not more than 1 ('oor. 8=9 % public corridor sha'' com&'y w#th /entences and 213. 899 ;he return-a#r system sha'' ,e des#gned so that the negat#$e &ressure (rom the c#rcu'at#ng (an cannot a((ect the furnace com,ust#on a#r su&&'y nor draw com,ust#on &roducts (rom 0o#nts or o&en#ngs #n the furnace or flue pipe. 81>9 Return-a#r (rom a dwelling unit sha'' not ,e rec#rcu'ated to any other dwelling unit. 8119 65ce&t (or ('oor 'e$e's that are 'ess than 900 mm a,o$e or ,e'ow an ad0acent ('oor 'e$e' that #s &ro$#ded w#th a returna#r #n'et, at 'east one return-a#r #n'et sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n each ('oor 'e$e' #n a dwelling unit. 8129 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or the return o( a#r (rom a'' rooms ,y 'ea$#ng ga&s ,eneath doors, us#ng 'ou$red doors or #nsta''#ng return duct #n'ets. 81!9 Return-a#r #n'ets sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n an enc'osed room or craw' s&ace that &ro$#des com,ust#on a#r to a furnace. <,2,5,=, Co1erings, Linings $nd Insul$tion 819 Foamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on may ,e used #n a ce#'#ng s&ace that acts as a return a#r plenum, &ro$#ded the (oamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on #s &rotected (rom e5&osure to the plenum #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 829 L#n#ngs o( ducts sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that they w#'' not #nter(ere w#th the o&erat#on o( $o'ume or ,a'anc#ng dam&ers. <,2,5,9, T$.e 819 ;a&e used (or sea'#ng 0o#nts #n a#r ducts, plenums and other &arts o( a#r duct systems sha'' meet the ('ame-res#stance re:u#rements (or (a,r#c #n )%B!@L)-/109, >F'ame ;ests o( F'ame-Res#stant Fa,r#cs and F#'ms?. <,2,5,1>, Cle$r$nces o/ #ucts $nd %lenums 819 8here the plenum c'earance #s .1 mm or 'ess, the c'earance ,etween a supply duct and combustible mater#a' sha'', 2a3 ,e e:ua' to the re:u#red plenum c'earance w#th#n 410 mm o( the plenum, and


2,3 ,e not 'ess than 12 mm at a d#stance o( 410 mm or more (rom the plenum, e5ce&t that th#s c'earance may ,e reduced to Cero ,eyond a ,end or o((set #n the duct su((#c#ent'y 'arge to sh#e'd the rema#nder o( the duct (rom d#rect rad#at#on (rom the furnace heat e5changer. 829 8here the plenum c'earance #s more than .1 mm ,ut not more than 110 mm, the c'earance ,etween a supply duct and combustible mater#a' sha'', 2a3 ,e e:ua' to the re:u#red plenum c'earance w#th#n a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 1 00 mm o( the plenum, and 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 12 mm at a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 1 00 mm or more (rom the plenum, e5ce&t that th#s d#stance may ,e reduced to Cero ,eyond a ,end or o((set #n the duct su((#c#ent'y 'arge to sh#e'd the rema#nder o( the duct (rom d#rect rad#at#on (rom the furnace heat e5changer. 8!9 8here the plenum c'earance #s more than 110 mm, the c'earance ,etween a supply duct and combustible mater#a' sha'', 2a3 ,e e:ua' to the re:u#red plenum c'earance w#th#n a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 1 000 mm o( the plenum, 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 110 mm w#th#n a hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween 1 000 mm and 1 00 mm (rom the plenum, and 2c3 ,e not 'ess than 21 mm at a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 1 00 mm or more (rom the plenum, e5ce&t that th#s d#stance may ,e reduced to mm ,eyond a ,end or o((set #n the duct su((#c#ent'y 'arge to sh#e'd the rema#nder o( the supply duct (rom d#rect rad#at#on (rom the furnace heat e5changer. 859 8here a reg#ster #s #nsta''ed #n a ('oor d#rect'y o$er a &#&e'ess furnace, a dou,'e-wa''ed reg#ster ,o5 w#th not 'ess than 100 mm ,etween wa''s, or a reg#ster ,o5 w#th the warm-a#r &assage com&'ete'y surrounded ,y the co'd-a#r &assage, sha'' ,e &erm#tted #n '#eu o( the c'earances '#sted #n /entences 213, 223 and 233. <,2,5,11, E?0$ust #ucts $nd Outlets 819 8here an e"haust duct &asses through or #s ad0acent to unheated s&ace, the duct sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to &re$ent mo#sture or condensat#on #n the duct. 829 65haust out'ets sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent ,ac7 dra(t under w#nd cond#t#ons. 8!9 6"haust ducts d#rect'y connected to 'aundry dry#ng e:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nde&endent o( other e"haust ducts. 859 65haust systems sha'' d#scharge d#rect'y to the outdoors. <,2,5,12, )$Ae:u. Air 819 +n $ent#'at#ng systems that e5haust a#r to the outdoors, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or the adm#ss#on o( a su&&'y o( ma7eu& a#r #n su((#c#ent :uant#ty so that the o&erat#on o( the e5haust system and other e5haust e:u#&ment or com,ust#on e:u#&ment #s not ad$erse'y a((ected. <,2,5,1!, (u..l3, Return, Int$Ae $nd E?0$ust Air O.enings 819 /u&&'y, return and e5haust a#r o&en#ngs #n rooms or s&aces sha'' ,e &rotected ,y gr#''es ha$#ng o&en#ngs o( a s#Ce that w#'' not a''ow the &assage o( a 11 mm d#ameter s&here. 829 Outdoor a#r #nta7es and e5haust out'ets at the building e5ter#or sha'' ,e des#gned or 'ocated so that the a#r enter#ng the building system w#'' not conta#n more contam#nants than the norma' e5ter#or a#r. 8!9 65ter#or o&en#ngs (or outdoor a#r #nta7es and e5haust out'ets sha'' ,e sh#e'ded (rom the entry o( snow and ra#n and sha'' ,e (#tted w#th corros#on-res#stant screens o( mesh ha$#ng o&en#ngs not 'arger than 11 mm, e5ce&t where c'#mat#c cond#t#ons may re:u#re 'arger o&en#ngs. 859 /creens re:u#red #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e access#,'e (or ma#ntenance. 879 %ombustible gr#''es, d#((users and other de$#ces (or the su&&'y and return a#r o&en#ngs #nsta''ed #n wa''s and ce#'#ngs sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating o(, 2a3 not more than 200 #n ,athrooms, and 2,3 not more than 110 #n rooms or s&aces other than ,athrooms. <,2,5,15, Air +ilters $nd E4ui.ment 819 %#r (#'ters (or a#r duct systems sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or )'ass 2 a#r (#'ter un#ts as descr#,ed #n @L)-/111, >F#re ;ests For %#r F#'ter @n#ts?. 829 8hen e'ectrostat#c-ty&e (#'ters are used, they sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to ensure that the e'ectr#c c#rcu#t #s automat#ca''y de-energ#Ced when (#'ter access doors are o&ened or when the system c#rcu'at#ng (an #s not o&erat#ng. 8!9 8hen odour remo$a' e:u#&ment o( the adsor&t#on ty&e #s used #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsta''ed to &ro$#de access so that adsor&t#on mater#a' can ,e react#$ated or renewed, and 2,3 &rotected (rom dust accumu'at#on ,y a#r (#'ters #nsta''ed on the #n'et s#de. 314

<,2,7, Ee$ting$nces, Gener$l <,2,7,1, Loc$tion o/$nces 819 65ce&t (or appliances #nsta''ed #n dwelling units, (ue'-(#red heat#ng appliances sha'' ,e 'ocated, enc'osed or se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 3.6. <,2,7,2,$nces Inst$lled Outside t0e Building 819 Fue'-(#red appliances #nsta''ed outs#de a building sha'' ,e, 2a3 des#gned and constructed (or outdoor use, 2,3 #nsta''ed not 'ess than 1 200 mm (rom the &ro&erty '#ne, measured hor#Conta''y, and 2c3 #nsta''ed not 'ess than 3 m (rom an ad0acent wa'' o( the same building when such wa'' conta#ns an o&en#ng or o&en#ngs w#th#n 3 storeys a,o$e and 1 m hor#Conta''y (rom the appliance, un'ess such o&en#ngs are &rotected ,y a closure assem,'y ha$#ng a 41 m#n fire-protection rating determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 3.1. .4., or ,y w#red g'ass con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.1. .14. <,2,<, Inciner$tors <,2,<,1, A..lic$ble (t$nd$rd 819 ;he des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and mater#a' a'terat#on o( e$ery #ndoor #nc#nerator sha'' con(orm to BF-% 2, >+nc#nerators, 8aste and L#nen =and'#ng /ystems and 6:u#&ment?. <,2,;, nit Ee$ters <,2,;,1, Cle$r$nces 819 6$ery unit heater us#ng e#ther steam or hot water as the heat#ng med#um sha'' ,e #nsta''ed such that the c'earances ,etween the appliance and ad0acent combustible mater#a' con(orm to ;a,'e <,2,=, R$di$tors $nd Con1ectors <,2,=,1, Lining or B$cAing 819 6$ery steam or hot water rad#ator and con$ector 'ocated #n a recess or concea'ed s&ace or attached to the (ace o( a wa'' o( combustible construction sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a noncombustible '#n#ng or ,ac7#ng. 829 6$ery steam or hot water rad#ator and con$ector sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to con(orm to the c'earance re:u#rements o( ;a,'e <,2,9, /or Ee$ting $nd Cooling (3stems <,2,9,1, )$teri$ls $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 -#&#ng sha'' ,e made (rom mater#a's des#gned to w#thstand the e((ects o( tem&eratures and &ressures that may occur #n the system. 829 6$ery &#&e used #n a heat#ng or air-conditioning system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to a''ow (or e5&ans#on and contract#on due to tem&erature changes. 8!9 /u&&orts and anchors (or &#&#ng #n a heat#ng or air-conditioning system sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed to ensure that undue stress #s not &'aced on the su&&ort#ng structure. <,2,9,2, Insul$tion $nd Co1erings 819 +nsu'at#on and co$er#ngs on &#&es sha'' ,e com&osed o( mater#a' su#ta,'e (or the o&erat#ng tem&erature o( the system to w#thstand deter#orat#on (rom so(ten#ng, me't#ng, m#'dew and mou'd. 829 +nsu'at#on and co$er#ngs on &#&es #n wh#ch the tem&erature o( the ('u#d e5ceeds 120E), 2a3 sha'' ,e made o( noncombustible mater#a', or 2,3 sha'' not ('ame, g'ow, smou'der or smo7e when tested #n accordance w#th %/;< )411, >=ot-/ur(ace -er(ormance o( =#gh-;em&erature ;herma' +nsu'at#on?, at the ma5#mum tem&erature to wh#ch such #nsu'at#on or co$er#ng #s to ,e e5&osed #n ser$#ce. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, where combustible #nsu'at#on #s used on &#&#ng #n a horizontal or vertical service space, the #nsu'at#on and co$er#ngs on such &#&es sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating throughout the mater#a' o( not more than 21 #n buildings o( noncombustible construction and not more than .1 #n buildings o( combustible construction. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, #nsu'at#on and co$er#ngs on &#&#ng 'ocated #n rooms and s&aces other than the service spaces descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating o( not more than that re:u#red (or the #nter#or (#n#sh (or the ce#'#ng o( the room or s&ace. 311

879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, where combustible #nsu'at#on and co$er#ng #s used on &#&#ng #n buildings descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.2.6., they sha'' ha$e a smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on o( not more than 100. 8<9 65&osed &#&#ng or e:u#&ment su,0ect to human contact sha'' ,e #nsu'ated so that the tem&erature o( the e5&osed sur(ace does not e5ceed .0E). 8;9 Bo flame-spread rating or smo7e de$e'o&ed c'ass#(#cat#on '#m#tat#ons are re:u#red where combustible #nsu'at#on and co$er#ngs are used on &#&#ng when such &#&#ng #s, 2a3 'ocated w#th#n a concea'ed s&ace #n a wa'', 2,3 'ocated #n a ('oor s'a,, or 2c3 enc'osed #n a noncombustible raceway or condu#t. <,2,9,!, Cle$r$nces 819 )'earances ,etween combustible mater#a' and ,are &#&es carry#ng steam or hot water sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble <,2,9,!, Cle$r$nce Bet2een (te$m or Eot 6$ter $nd Combustible )$teri$l Form#ng -art o( /entences 6.2...1.213, 6.2. .1.223 and
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 /team or 8ater ;em&erature, E) not a,o$e 91 a,o$e 91 to 120 a,o$e 120 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum )'earance, mm no c'earance 11 21

<,2,9,5, (ur/$ce$ture 819 ;he e5&osed sur(ace tem&erature o( a steam or hot water rad#ator sha'' not e5ceed .0E) un'ess &recaut#ons are ta7en to &re$ent human contact. <,2,9,7, %rotection 819 8here a &#&e carry#ng steam or hot water at a tem&erature a,o$e 120E) &asses through a combustible ('oor, ce#'#ng or wa'', the construct#on sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a s'ee$e o( meta' or other noncombustible mater#a' not 'ess than 10 mm 'arger #n d#ameter than the &#&e. 829 @n&rotected steam or hot water &#&es that &ass through a storage s&ace sha'' ,e co$ered w#th not 'ess than 21 mm o( noncombustible #nsu'at#on to &re$ent d#rect contact w#th the mater#a' stored. <,2,9,<, in (0$/ts 819 8here &#&#ng (or heat#ng or air-conditioning systems #s enc'osed #n a sha(t, the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e (or sha(ts sha'' a&&'y. <,2,1>, Re/riger$ting (3stems $nd E4ui.ment /or Air:Conditioning <,2,1>,1, Cooling nits 819 8here a coo'#ng un#t #s com,#ned w#th a (ue'-(#red furnace #n the same duct system, the coo'#ng un#t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 #n &ara''e' w#th the heat#ng furnace, 2,3 u&stream o( the furnace, &ro$#ded the furnace #s des#gned (or such a&&'#cat#on, or 2c3 downstream o( the furnace, &ro$#ded the coo'#ng un#t #s des#gned to &re$ent e5cess#$e tem&erature or &ressure #n the re(r#gerat#on system. <,2,11, (tor$ge Bins <,2,11,1, (tor$ge Bins 819 /er$#ce &#&es &ass#ng through a storage ,#n (or so'#d (ue' sha'' ,e &rotected or so 'ocated as to a$o#d damage to the &#&es. 829 65ce&t (or (ue'-thaw#ng &#&es, e$ery &#&e des#gned to o&erate at a tem&erature o( 10E) or a,o$e sha'' ,e 'ocated where (ue' cannot ,e stored #n contact w#th #t. 8!9 % storage ,#n (or so'#d (ue' sha'' not ,e 'ocated a,o$e a sewer o&en#ng or dra#n o&en#ng. 859 /torage ,#ns (or so'#d (ue' sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that the a#r tem&erature #n the ,#n or the sur(ace tem&erature o( any &art o( the ('oor or wa''s #s ,e'ow 10E). <,2,11,2, As0 (tor$ge Bins 316

819 6$ery ash storage ,#n sha'' ,e constructed o( noncombustible mater#a'. 829 6$ery o&en#ng #n an ash storage ,#n sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a t#ght-(#tt#ng meta' door w#th meta' (rame secure'y (astened to the ,#n. <,2,12, C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms <,2,12,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to e$ery building that, 2a3 conta#ns a residential occupancy, and 2,3 conta#ns a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance or a storage garage. <,2,12,2, Loc$tion o/ C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms 819 8here a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance #s #nsta''ed #n a suite o( residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n the suite. 829 8here a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance #s #nsta''ed #n a service room that #s not #n a suite o( residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n e$ery suite o( residential occupancy that #s ad0acent to the service room, and 2,3 #n the service room. 8!9 8here a storage garage #s 'ocated #n a building conta#n#ng a residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n e$ery suite o( residential occupancy that #s ad0acent to the storage garage. <,2,12,!, Inst$ll$tion $nd Con/orm$nce to (t$nd$rds 819 ;he car,on mono5#de a'arms re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e sha'', 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, ,e &ermanent'y connected to an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t and sha'' ha$e no d#sconnect sw#tch ,etween the o$ercurrent de$#ce and the car,on mono5#de a'arm, 2,3 ,e w#red so that #ts act#$at#on w#'' act#$ate a'' car,on mono5#de a'arms w#th#n the suite, where 'ocated w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an a'arm that #s aud#,'e w#th#n ,edrooms when the #nter$en#ng doors are c'osed, where 'ocated #n a suite o( residential occupancy, and 2d3 con(orm to, 2#3 )%B!)/%-6.19, >Res#dent#a' )ar,on <ono5#de %'arm#ng "e$#ces?, or 2##3 @L 2034, >/#ng'e and <u't#&'e /tat#on )ar,on <ono5#de %'arms?. 829 8here the building #s not su&&'#ed w#th e'ectr#ca' &ower, car,on mono5#de a'arms are &erm#tted to ,e ,attery o&erated. <,2,1!, 'entil$tion /or L$bor$tories <,2,1!,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to 'a,orator#es #ntended as a 'ocat#on where flammable li uids and combustible li uids are used #n norma' 'a,oratory o&erat#ons #n :uant#t#es or #n a manner that create a (#re or e5&'os#on haCard. <,2,1!,2, Gener$l 'entil$tion 819 % 'a,oratory sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th cont#nuous mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on des#gned to ensure that ('amma,'e $a&ours, 2a3 do not accumu'ate #n the 'a,oratory, 2,3 are &re$ented (rom m#grat#ng to other &arts o( the building, 2c3 do not accumu'ate #n the $ent#'at#on system, 2d3 are e5hausted to the outdoors, and 2e3 are not returned to the building. 829 % $ent#'at#on system re:u#red #n th#s /u,sect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th mon#tor#ng de$#ces that, 2a3 #nd#cate that the $ent#'at#on system #s #n o&erat#on, and 2,3 sound an a'arm #( the $ent#'at#on system #s ma'(unct#on#ng. <,2,1!,!, %o2er:'entil$ted Enclosure


819 % &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure re:u#red ,y the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to con(orm to %rt#c'es and <,2,1!,5, Enclosure E?0$ust 'entil$tion 819 ;he $ent#'at#on system (or a &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure re(erred to #n %rt#c'e sha'', 2a3 con(orm to BF-% 91, >65haust /ystems (or %#r )on$ey#ng o( Ha&ors, 4ases, <#sts and Boncom,ust#,'e -art#cu'ate /o'#ds?, 2,3 &ro$#de cont#nuous e5haust $ent#'at#on at an a#r $e'oc#ty su((#c#ent to &re$ent the accumu'at#on o( combustible or react#$e de&os#ts #n the &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure and #ts e"haust duct system, 2c3 con(#ne ('amma,'e $a&ours and &art#c'es to the area where they are generated and e5haust them to the outdoors, 2d3 not return the e5hausted a#r to the building, and 2e3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th we'' #dent#(#ed contro' sw#tches that are, 2#3 'ocated outs#de the &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure, and 2##3 read#'y access#,'e #n case o( an emergency. 829 7ire dampers are &erm#tted to ,e used w#th#n the e"haust duct system o( the $ent#'at#on system (or a &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure re(erred to #n %rt#c'e <,2,1!,7, Enclosure Construction 819 ;he &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure re(erred to #n %rt#c'e and #ts e"haust duct system sha'', 2a3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, ,e constructed o( noncombustible mater#a's com&at#,'e w#th and chem#ca''y res#stant to the ('amma,'e $a&ours and &art#c'es ,e#ng e5hausted, and 2,3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th access doors to &erm#t #ns&ect#on and ma#ntenance o( the (an assem,'y and e"haust ducts. 829 %ombustible mater#a's are &erm#tted #n the &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and #ts e"haust duct system #(, 2a3 such mater#a's are re:u#red ,y the corros#$e or react#$e &ro&ert#es o( the chem#ca's or '#:u#ds ,e#ng used, and 2,3 the#r flame-spread rating #s not more than 21. 8!9 ;he flame-spread rating re:u#red #n /entence 223 #s &erm#tted to ,e greater than 21 #( an automat#c (#re su&&ress#on system #s &ro$#ded #ns#de the &ower-$ent#'ated enc'osure and #ts e"haust duct system. (ection <,!, C0imne3s $nd 'enting E4ui.ment <,!,1, Gener$l <,!,1,1, Re4uirement /or 'enting 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es and, the &roducts o( com,ust#on (rom so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances sha'' ,e $ented #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n the a&&'#ca,'e appliance #nsta''at#on standards '#sted #n %rt#c'e <,!,1,2, )$sonr3 or Concrete C0imne3s 819 Rectangu'ar masonry or concrete chimneys not more than 12 m #n he#ght sha'' con(orm to -art 9 #( they ser$e, 2a3 appliances w#th a com,#ned tota' rated heat out&ut o( 120 78 or 'ess, or 2,3 (#re&'aces. 829 9asonry or concrete chimneys other than those descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n BF-% 211, >)h#mneys, F#re&'aces, Hents and /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances?. <,!,1,!, )et$l (moAe (t$cAs 819 /#ng'e wa'' meta' smo7e stac7s sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 211, >)h#mneys, F#re&'aces, Hents and /o'#d Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances?. <,!,1,5, Reser1ed <,!,1,7, Access L$dders 819 %ccess 'adders (or chimneys, when &ro$#ded, sha'' cons#st o( stee' or ,ronCe rungs, ,u#'t #nto the wa''s o( the chimneys. 829 Rungs (or e5terna' 'adders sha'' ,eg#n at not 'ess than 2 100 mm (rom ground 'e$e'. 31

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 6G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 31 223-3 .

(ection ;,1, ;,1,1, ;,1,2, ;,1,!, ;,1,5, ;,1,7, ;,1,<, ;,2, ;,2,1, ;,2,2, ;,2,!, ;,2,5, ;,2,7, ;,2,<, ;,2,;, ;,2,=, ;,2,9, ;,2,1>, ;,2,11, ;,!, ;,!,1, ;,!,2, ;,!,!, ;,!,5, ;,!,7, ;,!,<, ;,!,;, ;,5, ;,5,1, ;,5,2, ;,5,!, ;,5,5, ;,5,7, ;,5,<, ;,5,;, ;,5,=, ;,5,9, ;,5,1>, ;,7, ;,7,1, ;,7,2, ;,7,!, ;,7,5, ;,7,7, ;,7,<, ;,7,;, ;,7,=, ;,7,9, ;,<, ;,<,1, ;,<,2, ;,<,!, ;,<,5, ;,<,7, ;,;, ;,;,1, Gener$l (co.e A..lic$tion #e/initions %lumbing +$cilities (er1ice Connections Loc$tion o/ +i?tures )$teri$ls $nd E4ui.ment Gener$l +i?tures Tr$.s $nd Interce.tors %i.e +ittings Non:)et$llic %i.e $nd +ittings +errous %i.e $nd +ittings Non:+errous %i.e $nd +ittings Corrosion Resist$nt )$teri$ls *ointing )$teri$ls )iscell$neous )$teri$ls 6$ter (er1ice $nd +ire (er1ice )$ins A..lic$tion Construction $nd se o/ *oints *oints $nd Connections (u..ort o/ %rotection o/ Testing o/ #r$in$ge $nd 'enting (3stems Testing o/ %ot$ble 6$ter (3stems #r$in$ge (3stems A..lic$tion Connections to #r$in$ge (3stems Loc$tion o/ +i?tures Tre$tment o/ (e2$ge $nd 6$stes Tr$.s Arr$ngement o/ #r$in$ge Cle$nouts )inimum (lo.e $nd Lengt0 o/ #r$in$ge (i-e o/ #r$in$ge E3dr$ulic Lo$ds 'enting (3stems 'ent /or Tr$.s 6et 'enting Circuit 'enting 'ent /or (oil or 6$ste (t$cAs )iscell$neous 'ent Arr$ngement o/ 'ent )inimum (i-e o/ 'ent (i-ing o/ 'ent Air Admitt$nce '$l1es %ot$ble 6$ter (3stems Arr$ngement o/ %rotection /rom Cont$min$tion (i-e $nd C$.$cit3 o/ 6$ter E//icienc3 6$ter$ture Control Non:%ot$ble 6$ter (3stems Connection








;,;,2, ;,;,!, ;,;,5,

Identi/ic$tion Loc$tion Non:%ot$ble 6$ter (3stems /or Re:use %ur.oses

(ection ;,1, Gener$l ;,1,1, (co.e ;,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. ;,1,2, A..lic$tion ;,1,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s -art a&&'#es to the des#gn and construction o( plumbing. 829 ;h#s -art does not a&&'y to #ndustr#a' &rocess systems un'ess the #ndustr#a' &rocess system #s #nterconnected w#th the plumbing system, #n wh#ch case the #nterconnect#on sha'' ,e so des#gned and #nsta''ed so that the plumbing system #s &rotected aga#nst contam#nat#on or ma'(unct#on that may ,e caused ,y the #ndustr#a' system. ;,1,!, #e/initions ;,1,!,1, #e/initions 819 +n th#s -art, Storey means the #nter$a' ,etween two success#$e ('oor 'e$e's #nc'ud#ng mezzanine ('oors that conta#n plumbing or ,etween a ('oor 'e$e' and roo(. ;,1,5, %lumbing +$cilities ;,1,5,1, +$cilities Re4uired 819 4lumbing (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 3...4. and /ect#on 9.31. ;,1,5,2, +loor #r$ins 819 8here gra$#ty dra#nage to a sanitary drainage system #s &oss#,'e, a ('oor dra#n sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a ,asement (orm#ng &art o( a dwelling unit. 829 8here gra$#ty dra#nage to a sanitary drainage system #s not &oss#,'e, the ('oor dra#n re:u#red ,y /entence 213 may ,e connected to a storm drainage system, dry we'' or dra#nage d#tch &ro$#ded #t #s 'ocated where #t can rece#$e on'y clear water waste or storm sewage. 8!9 % ('oor dra#n sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a &u,'#c 'aundry room, gar,age room, #nc#nerator room, boiler or heat#ng room that #s not 'ocated w#th#n a dwelling unit. ;,1,7, (er1ice Connections ;,1,7,1, ($nit$r3 #r$in$ge (3stems 819 6$ery sanitary drainage system sha'' ,e connected to a &u,'#c sanitary sewer, a &u,'#c com,#ned sewer or a private sewage disposal system. 829 % com,#ned building drain or a com,#ned building sewer sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed. ;,1,7,2, (torm #r$in$ge (3stems 819 6$ery storm drainage system sha'' ,e connected to a &u,'#c storm sewage wor7s, a &u,'#c com,#ned sewage wor7s or a des#gnated storm water d#s&osa' 'ocat#on ,ut sha'' not ,e connected to a sanitary sewage wor7s. ;,1,7,!, 6$ter #istribution (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e$ery water distribution system sha'' ,e connected, 2a3 to a waterma#n that #s &art o( a municipal drin#ing water system, or 2,3 to a drin#ing water system, #( a waterma#n descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3 #s not a$a#'a,'e. 829 Storm sewage or greywater that #s (ree o( so'#ds and treated to con(orm to %rt#c'e ....4.1. #s &erm#tted to ,e used as a water su&&'y (or, 2a3 water c'osets, 2,3 ur#na's, 2c3 su,-sur(ace #rr#gat#on, or 320

2d3 the &r#m#ng o( traps. 8!9 1ainwater that #s (ree o( so'#ds and treated to con(orm to %rt#c'e ....4.1. #s &erm#tted to ,e used as a water su&&'y (or, 2a3 c'othes washers, 2,3 'aundry trays, 2c3 mo& s#n7s, 2d3 ,ed&an washers, 2e3 water c'osets, 2(3 ur#na's, 2g3 hose ,#,,s, 2h3 su,-sur(ace #rr#gat#on, or 2#3 the &r#m#ng o( traps. 859 -#&#ng con$ey#ng the non-potable water descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on .... ;,1,7,5, (e.$r$te (er1ices 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, &#&#ng #n any building sha'' ,e connected to the &u,'#c ser$#ces se&arate'y (rom &#&#ng o( any other building. 829 %n anc#''ary building on the same &ro&erty as the ma#n building may ,e ser$ed ,y the same ser$#ce. 8!9 5ater service pipes or building sewers ser$#ng buildings 'ocated on the same &ro&erty may connect #nto a private water supply or a private sewer con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e ..1.1.1. 859 Bo plumbing ser$#ng a dwelling unit sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n or under another un#t o( the building un'ess the &#&#ng #s 'ocated #n a tunne', &#&e corr#dor, common basement or &ar7#ng garage, so that the &#&#ng #s accessible (or ser$#c#ng and ma#ntenance throughout #ts 'ength w#thout encroachment on any &r#$ate '#$#ng s&ace, ,ut th#s /entence does not &re$ent plumbing ser$#ng a un#t 'ocated a,o$e another un#t (rom ,e#ng #nsta''ed #n or under the 'ower un#t. ;,1,7,7, %ri1$te (e2ers $nd %ri1$te 6$ter (u..l3 819 4rivate water supply &#&es sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed accord#ng to <O6 -+*/ 6 "r#n7#ng-8ater /ystems?. ;,1,<, Loc$tion o/ +i?tures ;,1,<,1, Lig0ting $nd 'entil$tion Re4uirements 819 4lumbing fi"tures sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a room that #s not '#ghted and $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n -arts 3 and 9. ;,1,<,2, Accessibilit3 819 6$ery fi"ture, plumbing appliance, interceptor, cleanout, $a'$e, de$#ce or &#ece o( e:u#&ment sha'' ,e so 'ocated that #t #s read#'y accessible (or use, c'ean#ng and ma#ntenance. (ection ;,2, )$teri$ls $nd E4ui.ment ;,2,1, Gener$l ;,2,1,1, E?.osure o/ )$teri$ls 819 8here unusua' cond#t#ons e5#st such as e5cess#$e'y corros#$e soil or water, on'y mater#a's su#ted (or use #n such 'ocat#ons sha'' ,e used. 829 <ater#a's and e:u#&ment used #n a drainage system where e5cess#$e'y corros#$e wastes are &resent sha'' ,e su#ta,'e (or the &ur&ose. ;,2,1,2, Restrictions on Re: se 819 @sed mater#a's and e:u#&ment, #nc'ud#ng fi"tures, sha'' not ,e reused un'ess they meet the re:u#rements o( th#s -art (or new mater#a's and e:u#&ment and are otherw#se sat#s(actory (or the#r #ntended use. 829 <ater#a's and e:u#&ment that ha$e ,een used (or a &ur&ose other than the d#str#,ut#on o( potable water sha'' not ,e su,se:uent'y used #n a potable water system. ;,2,1,!, Identi/ic$tion $nd Certi/ic$tion 321 1e, >"es#gn 4u#de'#nes (or

829 4rivate sewers sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed accord#ng to <O6 -+*/ 6 .9, >"es#gn 4u#de'#nes (or /ewage 8or7s?.

819 6$ery 'ength o( &#&e and e$ery (#tt#ng sha'' ha$e cast, stam&ed or #nde'#,'y mar7ed on #t the ma7erDs name or mar7 and the we#ght or c'ass or :ua'#ty o( the &roduct, or #t sha'' ,e mar7ed #n accordance w#th the re'e$ant standard, and such mar7#ngs sha'' ,e $#s#,'e a(ter #nsta''at#on. 829 8here a com&onent o( a plumbing system #s re:u#red ,y th#s )ode to com&'y w#th a standard and the com&'#ance #s not cert#(#ed ,y a test#ng agency accred#ted ,y the /tandards )ounc#' o( )anada (or the test#ng o( the com&onent #n :uest#on and, when an #ns&ector re:uests &roo( o( the com&'#ance, &roo( o( com&'#ance sha'' ,e &roduced ,y the &erson &ro&os#ng to #nsta'' or ha$e #nsta''ed the com&onent, and w#thout such &roo( the com&onent sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed as a &ermanent &art o( any plumbing system. 8!9 ;he 'ac7 o( cert#(#cat#on mar7#ngs on a &roduct or plumbing com&onent sha'' ,e regarded as &roo(, #n the a,sence o( e$#dence to the contrary, that no cert#(#cat#on e5#sts. 859 +( a com&onent o( a plumbing system #s re:u#red to ,e cert#(#ed to a standard, the cert#(#cat#on sha'' ,e made ,y a test#ng agency accred#ted (or that &ur&ose ,y the /tandards )ounc#' o( )anada. ;,2,1,5, %i.e or 819 8here the term &#&e or &#&#ng and (#tt#ngs #s used, #t sha'' a'so a&&'y to tu,e or tu,#ng and (#tt#ngs un'ess otherw#se stated. ;,2,1,7, 6it0st$nding %ressure 819 -#&#ng, (#tt#ngs and 0o#nts used #n &ressure sewer, (orcema#n or sum& &um& d#scharge a&&'#cat#ons sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( w#thstand#ng at 'east one and one-ha'( t#mes the ma5#mum &otent#a' &ressure. ;,2,2, +i?tures ;,2,2,1, (ur/$ce Re4uirements 819 65ce&t (or the area des#gned to ,e s'#& &roo( #n such fi"tures, e$ery e5&osed area o( a fi"ture sha'' ha$e a smooth, hard corros#on-res#stant sur(ace that #s (ree (rom ('aws and ,'em#shes that may #nter(ere w#th c'ean#ng. ;,2,2,2, Con/orm$nce to (t$nd$rds 819 8ater c'osets and ur#na's sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e ..6.4.2. 829 H#treous ch#na (#5tures sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.19.2!)%B!)/%-*41.1, >)eram#c -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 8!9 6name''ed cast #ron (#5tures sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.19.1!)%B!)/%-*41.2, >6name''ed )ast +ron and 6name''ed /tee' -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 859 -orce'a#n ename''ed stee' (#5tures sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.19.1!)%B!)/%-*41.2, >6name''ed )ast +ron and 6name''ed /tee' -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 879 /ta#n'ess stee' (#5tures sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.19.3!)%B!)/%-*41.4, >/ta#n'ess /tee' -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 8<9 -'ast#c (#5tures sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*41.1, >-'ast#c -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 8;9 =ydromassage ,athtu,s sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*41.10, >=ydromassage *athtu,s?. 8=9 <acerat#ng to#'et systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*41.9, ><acerat#ng /ystems and Re'ated )om&onents?. ;,2,2,!, (0o2ers 819 /hower rece&tors sha'' ,e constructed and arranged so that water cannot 'ea7 through the wa''s or ('oor. 829 Bot more than s#5 shower heads sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e shower dra#n. 8!9 8here two or more shower heads are ser$ed ,y a shower dra#n, the ('oor sha'' ,e s'o&ed and the dra#n 'ocated so that water (rom one head cannot ('ow o$er the area that ser$es another head. 859 65ce&t (or co'umn showers, when a ,attery o( shower heads #s #nsta''ed, the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween two ad0acent shower heads sha'' ,e at 'east .10 mm. ;,2,2,5, Conce$led O1er/lo2s 819 % d#shwash#ng s#n7 and a (ood &re&arat#on s#n7 sha'' not ha$e concea'ed o$er('ows. ;,2,2,7, 6$ter Closets in %ublic 6$s0rooms 819 65ce&t (or 6astern-/ty'e to#'ets, where a water c'oset #s #nsta''ed #n a washroom (or public use #t sha'' ,e o( the e'ongated ty&e and &ro$#ded w#th a seat o( the o&en (ront ty&e. ;,2,2,<, L$1$tories 819 % 'a$atory that does not ha$e an o$er('ow sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a centre out'et waste (#tt#ng. ;,2,2,;, Troug0 rin$ls 322

819 Bo trough ur#na' sha'' ,e used as &art o( a plumbing system. ;,2,!, Tr$.s $nd Interce.tors ;,2,!,1, Tr$.s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 223, e$ery trap sha'', 2a3 ha$e a trap seal depth o( at 'east 3 mm, 2,3 ,e so des#gned that (a#'ure o( the sea' wa''s w#'' cause e5ter#or 'ea7age, and 2c3 ha$e a water sea' that does not de&end on the act#on o( mo$#ng &arts. 829 ;he trap seal depth on fi"tures dra#n#ng to an ac#d waste system sha'' ,e a m#n#mum o( 10 mm. 8!9 65ce&t (or a ('oor-mounted ser$#ce s#n7, e$ery trap that ser$es a 'a$atory, a s#n7 or a 'aundry tray sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout &'ug o( a m#n#mum f #n. size 'ocated at the 'owest &o#nt o( the trap and o( the same mater#a' as the trap, e5ce&t that a cast #ron trap sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a ,rass cleanout &'ug, 2,3 ,e des#gned so that the trap dip can ,e com&'ete'y remo$ed (or c'ean#ng &ur&oses, or 2c3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout #nsta''ed a,o$e the ('oor as c'ose as &ract#ca' downstream o( the trap when the trap #s, 2#3 #nsta''ed ,e'ow the ('oor, and 2##3 not read#'y accessible (or c'ean#ng as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3. 859 % ,e'' trap or an /-trap sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a drainage system. 879 % drum trap sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a drainage system. 8<9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2.3, no bottle trap sha'' ,e used #n a plumbing system. 8;9 % bottle trap may ,e used on a 'a,oratory s#n7 or other fi"ture e:u#&&ed w#th corros#on res#stant (#tt#ngs. 8=9 Bo runn#ng trap sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a plumbing system un'ess an accessible handho'e #s &ro$#ded (or c'ean#ng o( the trap, and where the trap #s too sma'' to accommodate a handho'e, a cleanout sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. ;,2,!,2, Interce.tors 819 6$ery interceptor sha'' ,e des#gned so that #t can ,e read#'y c'eaned. 829 6$ery grease interceptor sha'' ,e des#gned so that #t does not ,ecome a#r ,ound. 8!9 8here a grease interceptor #s re:u#red ,y /entence .., the interceptor sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-*4 1.1, >;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng Lard?, or 2,3 )%B!)/%-*4 1.2, >;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng O#'?. ;,2,!,!, Tubul$r Tr$.s 819 ;u,u'ar meta' or &'ast#c traps that con(orm to %/<6 %112.1 .2 ! )%B!)/%-*121.2, >-'um,#ng 8aste F#tt#ngs? sha'' ,e used #n accessible 'ocat#ons. ;,2,5, %i.e +ittings ;,2,5,1, T $nd Cross +ittings 819 % ; (#tt#ng sha'' not ,e used #n a drainage system e5ce&t to connect a vent pipe. 829 % cross (#tt#ng sha'' not ,e used #n a drainage system. ;,2,5,2, ($nit$r3 T +ittings 819 % dou,'e san#tary ; (#tt#ng sha'' not ,e used to connect the fi"ture drains o( two ur#na's where no cleanout (#tt#ng #s &ro$#ded a,o$e the connect#on. 829 Bo &#&e (#tt#ng, 0o#nt or connect#on that wou'd tend to #nterce&t so'#ds or reduce the ('ow through a &#&e ,y more than 10 &er cent sha'' ,e used #n a plumbing system. ;,2,5,!, 9>N Elbo2s 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, 90E e',ows o( 4 #n. size or 'ess that ha$e a centre-'#ne rad#us that #s 'ess than the size o( the &#&e sha'' not ,e used to 0o#n two soil or waste pipes. 829 90E e',ows o( 4 #n. size or 'ess #n sanitary drainage systems may ,e used, 2a3 to change the d#rect#on o( &#&#ng (rom hor#Conta' to $ert#ca', #n the d#rect#on o( ('ow, 323

2,3 where a trap arm enters a wa'', or 2c3 to connect trap arms as &erm#tted ,y /entence .. 8!9 % 90E e',ow that #s &art o( the &re-eng#neered wastewater heat reco$ery system #s &erm#tted to ha$e a centre-'#ne rad#us that #s 'ess than the size o( the &#&e. ;,2,5,5, +ittings Restricted in se 819 Bo dou,'e \, dou,'e ;\, dou,'e ; or dou,'e waste (#tt#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a nominally horizontal soil or waste pipe. ;,2,5,7, Assembled %i.e or Tubing 819 -#&e or tu,#ng assem,'ed to com&r#se a standard dra#n waste and $ent#ng system sha'' ,e connected w#th dra#n, waste and $ent (#tt#ngs #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e ..2.4.1.


T$ble ;,2,5,7, %i.e Arr$ngement /or #6' +ittings Form#ng -art o( /entence ..

;,2,7, Non:)et$llic %i.e $nd +ittings ;,2,7,1, Asbestos:Cement #r$in$ge %i.e $nd +ittings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, as,estos-cement &#&e and #ts (#tt#ngs (or use #n a dra#n, waste or $ent system sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-34.22, >%s,estos-)ement "ra#n -#&e?, or 2,3 )%B!)/%-*12..1, >%s,estos )ement "ra#n, 8aste and Hent F#tt#ngs?.


829 %s,estos-cement &#&e and (#tt#ngs used underground e#ther outs#de a building or under a building sha'' con(orm to /entence 213 or to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-34.9, >%s,estos-)ement /ewer -#&e?, 2,3 )%B!)4/*-34.23, >%s,estos-)ement =ouse )onnect#on /ewer -#&e?, or 2c3 )/% *12..2, >)om&onents (or @se #n %s,estos-)ement *u#'d#ng /ewer /ystems?. ;,2,7,2, Reser1ed ;,2,7,!, Concrete %i.e $nd +ittings 819 )oncrete &#&e sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%21. /er#es, >/tandards (or )oncrete -#&e and <anho'e /ect#ons?. 829 Jo#nts w#th e5terna' e'astomer#c gas7ets sha'' ,e made w#th corros#on res#stant e5terna' ,and ty&e ('e5#,'e mechan#ca' cou&'#ngs that con(orm to )%B!)/%-*602, ><echan#ca' )ou&'#ngs (or "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and /ewer -#&e?. 8!9 )oncrete (#tt#ngs (#e'd (a,r#cated (rom 'engths o( &#&e sha'' not ,e used. 859 )oncrete &#&e sha'' not ,e used a,o$e ground #ns#de a building. 879 -recast re#n(orced c#rcu'ar concrete manho'e sect#ons, catch ,as#ns and (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to )/% %21..4, >-recast Re#n(orced )#rcu'ar )oncrete <anho'e /ect#ons, )atch *as#ns, and F#tt#ngs?. ;,2,7,5, 'itri/ied Cl$3 %i.e $nd +ittings 819 H#tr#(#ed c'ay &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% %60.1-<, >H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e?. 829 )ou&'#ngs and 0o#nts (or $#tr#(#ed c'ay &#&e sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% %60.3-<, >H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e Jo#nts?. 8!9 H#tr#(#ed c'ay &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t (or an underground &art o( a drainage system. ;,2,7,7, %ol3et03lene %i.e $nd +ittings 819 -o'yethy'ene water &#&e, tu,#ng and (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to, and ha$e a &ressure rat#ng meet#ng the re:u#rements o(, /er#es 160 or a h#gher ser#es o( )%B!)/%-*13..1, >-o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or )o'd 8ater -ressure /er$#ces?. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence ..2.1...213, &o'yethy'ene water &#&e sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t (or a water service pipe. 8!9 *utt (us#on (#tt#ngs (or &o'yethy'ene &#&e sha'' con(orm to %/;< "3261, >*utt =eat Fus#on -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c F#tt#ngs (or -o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c -#&e and ;u,#ng?. ;,2,7,<, %ol3et03lene %i.e sed nderground 819 -o'yethy'ene &#&e used underground #n a drainage system (or reha,#'#tat#on o( e5#st#ng systems us#ng trench'ess techno'ogy sha'' con(orm to %/;< F.14, >-o'yethy'ene 2-63 -'ast#c -#&e 2/"R--R3 *ased on Outs#de "#ameter? and sha'' ,e ="-6 340 , /"R 1. or hea$#er. ;,2,7,;, CrosslinAed %ol3et03lene %i.e $nd +ittings 819 )ross-'#n7ed &o'yethy'ene &#&e and #ts assoc#ated (#tt#ngs used #n hot and co'd potable water systems sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..1, >)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J3 ;u,#ng /ystems (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?. ;,2,7,=, %'C %i.e $nd +ittings 819 -H) water &#&e, (#tt#ngs and so'$ent cement sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..3, >R#g#d -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 -#&e (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons? or )%B!)/%-*13..2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 +n0ect#on-<ou'ded 4as7eted F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?, and ha$e a m#n#mum &ressure rat#ng o( 1 100 7-a. 829 -H) water &#&e and (#tt#ngs #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e used #n a hot water system. ;,2,7,9, C%'C %i.e, +ittings $nd (ol1ent Cements 819 )-H) hot and co'd water &#&e, (#tt#ngs and so'$ent cements sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..6, >)h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or =ot and )o'd 8ater "#str#,ut#on /ystems?. 829 ;he des#gn tem&erature and des#gn &ressure o( a )-H) &#&#ng system sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*13..6, >)h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or =ot and )o'd 8ater "#str#,ut#on /ystems?. ;,2,7,1>, %l$stic %i.e, +ittings $nd (ol1ent Cement sed nderground 819 -'ast#c &#&e, (#tt#ngs and so'$ent cement used underground outs#de a building or under a building #n a drainage system sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to, 2a3 %/;< F62 , >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 /chedu'e 40 -'ast#c "ra#n, 8aste and Hent -#&e 8#th a )e''u'ar )ore?, 2,3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 326

2c3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2d3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1, >-'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2e3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.2, >-/< ;y&e -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs?, 2(3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.4, >-ro(#'e -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs?, 2g3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.6, >-ro(#'e -o'yethy'ene 2-63 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or Lea7--roo( /ewer %&&'#cat#ons?, 2h3 )%B!)/%-*13..2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 +n0ect#on-<ou'ded 4as7eted F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?, or 2#3 )%B!)/%-*13..3, >R#g#d -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 -#&e (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n )'auses 2h3 and 2#3, &'ast#c &#&e used as descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a st#((ness e:ua' or greater than 320 7-a. ;,2,7,11, Tr$nsition (ol1ent Cement 819 /o'$ent cement (or trans#t#on 0o#nts sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, or 2,3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?. 829 ;rans#t#on so'$ent cement sha'' on'y ,e used (or 0o#n#ng an %*/ plumbing system to a -H) plumbing system. ;,2,7,12, %l$stic %i.e, +ittings $nd (ol1ent Cement sed in Buildings 819 -'ast#c &#&e, (#tt#ngs and so'$ent cement used #ns#de or under a building #n a sanitary drainage system or venting system sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to, 2a3 %/;< F62 , >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 /chedu'e 40 -'ast#c "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e 8#th a )e''u'ar )ore?, 2,3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, or 2c3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?. 829 -'ast#c &#&e, (#tt#ngs and so'$ent cement used #ns#de a building #n a storm drainage system sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to, 2a3 %/;< F62 , >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 /chedu'e 40 -'ast#c "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e 8#th a )e''u'ar )ore?, 2,3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2c3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2d3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1, >-'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, or 2e3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.2, >-/< ;y&e -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 /ewer -#&e and F#tt#ngs?. 8!9 -'ast#c &#&e used as descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ha$e a &#&e st#((ness e:ua' or greater than 320 7-a. 859 Re:u#rements (or combustible &#&#ng #n re'at#on to (#re sa(ety sha'' con(orm to /entences and to 2 3 and %rt#c'es and 9.10.9... 879 8here noncombustible &#&#ng &#erces a fire separation or a fire bloc#, the re:u#rements (or (#re sto&&#ng o( /u,sect#on 3.1.9., /entence and %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y. ;,2,7,1!, %ol3et03lene"Aluminum"%ol3et03lene Com.osite %i.e $nd +ittings 819 -6!%L!-6 com&os#te &#&e and (#tt#ngs used (or potable water systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*13..9, >-o'yethy'ene!%'um#num!-o'yethy'ene 2-6-%L--63 )om&os#te -ressure--#&e /ystems?. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, -6!%L!-6 &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a hot water system. 8!9 -6!%L!-6 &#&e w#th a &ressure rat#ng o( 690 7-a or greater at 2P) sha'' ,e &erm#tted #n a hot water system. 859 -6!%L!-6 &#&e w#th a &ressure rat#ng o( 690 7-a or greater at 2P) sha'' ,e used w#th (#tt#ngs that con(orm to )%B!)/%-*13..10, >)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene!%'um#num!)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J-%L--6J3 )om&os#te -ressure-#&e /ystems?, #n a hot water system. ;,2,7,15, CrosslinAed %ol3et03lene"Aluminum"%ol3et03lene Com.osite %i.e $nd +ittings 32.

819 -6J!%L!-6J com&os#te &#&e and (#tt#ngs used (or potable water systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*13..10, >)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene!%'um#num!)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J-%L--6J3 )om&os#te -ressure--#&e /ystems?. ;,2,7,17, %i.e $nd +ittings 819 -o'y&ro&y'ene &#&e and (#tt#ngs used (or hot and co'd potable water systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*13..11, >-o'y&ro&y'ene 2---R3 -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?. ;,2,<, +errous %i.e $nd +ittings ;,2,<,1, C$st Iron #r$in$ge $nd 'ent %i.e $nd +ittings 819 "ra#nage &#&#ng, $ent &#&#ng and (#tt#ngs made o( cast #ron sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% *.0, >)ast +ron /o#' -#&e, F#tt#ngs and <eans o( Jo#n#ng?. 829 )ast #ron soil pipe and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a water system. ;,2,<,2, C$st Iron +ittings /or Asbestos:Cement #r$in$ge %i.e 819 )ast #ron (#tt#ngs des#gned (or use w#th as,estos-cement &#&e (or dra#nage &ur&oses sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o(, 2a3 )%B!)/%-*12..1, >%s,estos )ement "ra#n, 8aste and Hent F#tt#ngs?, or 2,3 )/% *12..2-<, >)om&onents (or @se #n %s,estos )ement *u#'d#ng /ewer /ystems?. ;,2,<,!, T0re$ded C$st Iron #r$in$ge +ittings 819 ;hreaded cast #ron dra#nage (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.12, >)ast-+ron ;hreaded "ra#nage F#tt#ngs?. 829 ;hreaded cast #ron dra#nage (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a water system. ;,2,<,5, C$st Iron 6$ter %i.e 819 )ast #ron water &#&es sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%88% )111!%21.11, >"uct#'e-+ron -#&e, )entr#(uga''y )ast (or 8ater?. 829 )ement-mortar '#n#ng (or cast #ron water &#&es sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%88% )104!%21.4, >)ement-<ortar L#n#ng (or "uct#'e-+ron -#&e and F#tt#ngs?. 8!9 )ast #ron (#tt#ngs (or cast #ron or duct#'e-#ron water &#&es sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%88% )110!%21.10, >"uct#'e-+ron and 4ray-+ron F#tt#ngs?. 859 Ru,,er gas7et 0o#nts (or cast #ron and duct#'e-#ron &ressure &#&e (or water &#&#ng sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%88% )111!%21.11, >Ru,,er-4as7et Jo#nts (or "uct#'e-+ron -ressure -#&e and F#tt#ngs?. ;,2,<,7, (cre2ed C$st Iron 6$ter +ittings 819 /crewed cast #ron water (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.4, >4ray +ron ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 121 and 210?. 829 /crewed cast #ron water (#tt#ngs used #n a water system sha'' ,e cement-mortar '#ned or ga'$an#Ced. 8!9 /crewed cast #ron water (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a drainage system. ;,2,<,<, (cre2ed )$lle$ble Iron 6$ter +ittings 819 /crewed ma''ea,'e #ron water (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.3, ><a''ea,'e +ron ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 110 and 300?. 829 /crewed ma''ea,'e #ron water (#tt#ngs used #n a water system sha'' ,e cement-mortar '#ned or ga'$an#Ced. 8!9 /crewed ma''ea,'e #ron water (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a drainage system. ;,2,<,;, (teel %i.e 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, we'ded and seam'ess stee' &#&e sha'' not ,e used #n a plumbing system. 829 4a'$an#Ced stee' &#&e may ,e used #n a drainage system or a venting system a,o$e ground #ns#de a building. 8!9 4a'$an#Ced stee' &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a water distribution system e5ce&t, 2a3 #n buildings o( industrial occupancy, or 2,3 (or the re&a#r o( e5#st#ng ga'$an#Ced stee' &#&#ng systems. 859 4a'$an#Ced stee' &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/;< %13!%13<, >-#&e, /tee', *'ac7 and =ot "#&&ed, O#nc)oated 8e'ded and /eam'ess?. 879 8here ga'$an#Ced stee' &#&e #s used #n a drainage system, #t sha'' ,e used w#th dra#nage (#tt#ngs. 8<9 %'' stee' &#&e o( 4 #n. size and sma''er sha'' ,e schedu'e 40 or hea$#er and (#tt#ngs o( 'ess than 2 #n. size sha'' ,e ga'$an#Ced screw (#tt#ngs. 32

;,2,<,=, Corrug$ted (teel %i.e $nd Cou.lings 819 )orrugated stee' &#&e and cou&'#ngs sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-4401, >)orrugated /tee' -#&e -roducts?. 829 )orrugated stee' &#&e sha'' on'y ,e used underground outs#de a building #n a storm drainage system. 8!9 )ou&'#ngs (or corrugated stee' &#&e sha'' ,e constructed so that when #nsta''ed they sha'', 2a3 ma#nta#n the &#&e a'#gnment, 2,3 res#st the se&arat#on o( ad0o#n#ng 'engths o( &#&e, 2c3 &re$ent root &enetrat#on, and 2d3 &re$ent the #n(#'trat#on o( surround#ng mater#a'. ;,2,<,9, (0eet )et$l Le$ders 819 % sheet meta' leader sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t a,o$e ground outs#de a building. ;,2,;, Non:+errous %i.e $nd +ittings ;,2,;,1, $nd Br$ss %i.e 819 )o&&er &#&e sha'' con(orm to %/;< *42, >/eam'ess )o&&er -#&e, /tandard /#Ces?. 829 *rass &#&e sha'' con(orm to %/;< *43, >/eam'ess Red *rass -#&e, /tandard /#Ces?. ;,2,;,2, Br$ss or Bron-e %i.e +l$nges $nd +l$nged +ittings 819 *rass or ,ronCe &#&e ('anges and ('anged (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.24, >)ast )o&&er %''oy -#&e F'anges and F'anged F#tt#ngs: )'asses 110, 300, 600, 900, 1100 and 2100?. ;,2,;,!, Br$ss or Bron-e T0re$ded 6$ter +ittings 819 *rass or ,ronCe threaded water (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.11, >)ast *ronCe ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 121 and 210?. 829 *rass or ,ronCe threaded water (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a drainage system. ;,2,;,5, Tube 819 )o&&er tu,e #n a plumbing system sha'', 2a3 ,e cert#(#ed to %/;< * , >/eam'ess )o&&er 8ater ;u,e?, or 2,3 com&'y w#th %/;< *306, >)o&&er "ra#nage ;u,e 2"8H3?. 829 ;he use o( co&&er tu,e sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..2...4. T$ble ;,2,;,5, %ermitted se o/ Tube $nd %i.e Form#ng -art o( /entence ..2...4.223
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( )o&&er ;u,e or -#&e Z K L hard Z K L so(t < hard < so(t "8H )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 5ater +istribution System @nder ground B B B B %,o$e ground B B )o'umn 4 $uilding Sewer B B B B )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 +rainage System @nder ground B B B B %,o$e ground B B )o'umn . )o'umn ?enting System @nder ground B B B B %,o$e ground B B -

1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

Botes to ;a,'e ..2...4.:

-I -erm#tted BI Bot -erm#tted 8!9 )o&&er tu,e used #n a plumbing appliance sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< * , >/eam'ess )o&&er 8ater ;u,e?, or 2,3 %/;< *6 , >/eam'ess )o&&er ;u,e?. 859 ;y&e Z or L co&&er tu,e sha'' ,e used (or the potable water s#de o( a heat e5changer #n a &re-eng#neered wastewater heat reco$ery system. 329

;,2,;,7, (older:*oint #r$in$ge +ittings 819 /o'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or drainage systems sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/<6 *16.23, >)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage F#tt#ngs: "8H?, or 2,3 %/<6 *16.29, >8rought )o&&er and 8rought )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage F#tt#ngs N "8H?. 829 /o'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or drainage systems sha'' not ,e used #n a water system. ;,2,;,<, (older:*oint 6$ter +ittings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, so'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or water systems sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/<6 *16.1 , >)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs?, or 2,3 %/<6 *16.22, >8rought )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs?. 829 /o'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or water systems not made ,y cast#ng or the wrought &rocess sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( %/<6 *16.1 , >)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs?. ;,2,;,;, +l$red:*oint +ittings /or Tube 6$ter (3stems 819 F'ared-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or co&&er tu,e water systems sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.26, >)ast )o&&er %''oy F#tt#ngs (or F'ared )o&&er ;u,es?. 829 F'ared-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or co&&er tu,e water systems not made ,y cast#ng sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( %/<6 *16.26, >)ast )o&&er %''oy F#tt#ngs (or F'ared )o&&er ;u,es?. ;,2,;,=, Le$d 6$ste %i.e $nd +ittings 819 Lead waste pipe and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used #n a water system or (or a building sewer. 829 8hen there #s a change #n size o( a 'ead c'oset ,end, the change sha'' ,e #n the $ert#ca' sect#on o( the ,end or made #n such a manner that there sha'' ,e no retent#on o( '#:u#d #n the ,end. ;,2,=, Corrosion Resist$nt )$teri$ls ;,2,=,1, %i.e $nd +ittings 819 -#&es and (#tt#ngs to ,e used (or dra#nage and $ent#ng o( ac#d and corros#$e wastes sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< %11 !%11 <, >)orros#on-Res#stant =#gh-/#'#con +ron )ast#ngs?, 2,3 %/;< )1013, >*orons#'#cate 4'ass -#&e and F#tt#ngs (or "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent 2"8H3 %&&'#cat#ons?, or 2c3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.3, >-o'yo'e(#n and -o'y$#ny'#dene F'uor#de 2-H"F3 La,oratory "ra#nage /ystems?. ;,2,9, *ointing )$teri$ls ;,2,9,1, Cement:)ort$r 819 )ement-mortar sha'' not ,e used (or 0o#nt#ng. ;,2,9,2, (older $nd +lu?es 819 /o'ders (or so'der 0o#nt (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/;< *32, >/o'der <eta'? #n accordance w#th the recommended use. 829 /o'ders and ('u5es ha$#ng a 'ead content #n e5cess o( 0.2 &er cent sha'' not ,e used #n a potable water system. 8!9 F'u5es (or so'dered 0o#nts sha'' con(orm to %/;< * 13, >L#:u#d and -aste F'u5es (or /o'der#ng %&&'#cat#ons o( )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy and ;u,e?. 859 *raC#ng a''oys sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%8/ %1. !%1. <, >/&ec#(#cat#on (or F#''er <eta's (or *raC#ng and *raCed 8e'd#ng?, *)u- range. ;,2,1>, )iscell$neous )$teri$ls ;,2,1>,1, +loor +l$nges 819 *rass ('oor ('anges sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% *11 .1, >)ast *rass /o'der Jo#nt "ra#nage, 8aste and Hent F#tt#ngs?. 829 %*/ ('oor ('anges sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?. 8!9 -H) ('oor ('anges sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?. 859 )ast #ron, co&&er and a'um#num ('oor ('anges sha'' ,e su#ta,'e (or the &ur&ose. ;,2,1>,2, (cre2s, Bolts, Nuts $nd 6$s0ers 330

819 6$ery screw, ,o't, nut and washer sha'' ,e o( mater#a's that are res#stant to corros#on, when used, 2a3 to connect a water c'oset to a water c'oset ('ange, 2,3 to anchor the water c'oset ('ange to the ('oor, 2c3 to anchor the water c'oset to the ('oor, or 2d3 to ho'd cleanout co$ers or ('oor dra#n grates. ;,2,1>,!, Cle$nout +ittings 819 6$ery &'ug, ca&, nut or ,o't that #s #ntended to ,e remo$a,'e (rom a (errous (#tt#ng sha'' ,e o( a non-(errous mater#a'. 829 % cleanout (#tt#ng that as a resu't o( norma' ma#ntenance o&erat#ons cannot w#thstand the &hys#ca' stresses o( remo$a' and re#nsta''at#on or cannot ensure a gas-t#ght sea' sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed. 8!9 % screw ca& or test ca& sha'' not ,e used as a cleanout &'ug or co$er. ;,2,1>,5, )ec0$nic$l Cou.lings 819 4roo$e and shou'der ty&e mechan#ca' &#&e cou&'#ngs sha'' con(orm to )/% *242, >4roo$e and /hou'der ;y&e <echan#ca' -#&e )ou&'#ngs?. 829 <echan#ca' )ou&'#ngs (or "8H and /ewer -#&e sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*602, ><echan#ca' )ou&'#ngs (or "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and /ewer -#&e?. ;,2,1>,7, ($ddle Eubs 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a sadd'e hu, or (#tt#ng sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n drainage systems, venting systems or water systems. 829 % sadd'e hu, or sadd'e c'am& may ,e #nsta''ed #n a building drain or building sewer o( nom#na' d#ameter not 'ess than #n. and that #s #n ser$#ce &ro$#ded that the connect#ng branch #s at 'east two &#&e sizes sma''er than the run o( the building drain or building sewer to wh#ch #t #s connected. ;,2,1>,<, (u..l3 $nd 6$ste +ittings 819 /u&&'y (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.1 .1 ! )/% *121.1, >-'um,#ng /u&&'y F#tt#ngs? or )/% *121.3, >-'um,#ng F#tt#ngs?. 829 8aste (#tt#ngs sha'' con(orm to %/<6 %112.1 .2 ! )%B!)/%-*121.2, >-'um,#ng 8aste F#tt#ngs?. ;,2,1>,;, Linings $nd Co$tings o/ #omestic 6$ter T$nAs 819 L#n#ngs and coat#ngs o( domest#c water tan7s that come #nto contact w#th potable water sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to B/F!%B/+ 61, >"r#n7#ng 8ater /ystem )om&onents - =ea'th 6((ects?. ;,2,1>,=, #irect +lus0 '$l1es 819 6$ery d#rect ('ush $a'$e sha'', 2a3 o&en (u''y and c'ose &os#t#$e'y under ser$#ce &ressure, 2,3 com&'ete #ts cyc'e o( o&erat#on automat#ca''y, 2c3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a means o( regu'at#ng the $o'ume o( water that #t d#scharges, and 2d3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a vacuum brea#er un'ess the fi"ture #s des#gned so that bac#-siphonage cannot occur. ;,2,1>,9, #rinAing +ount$in Bubblers 819 ;he or#(#ce o( e$ery dr#n7#ng (ounta#n ,u,,'er sha'', 2a3 ,e o( the sh#e'ded ty&e, and 2,3 d#rect the water u&ward to an ang'e o( a&&ro5#mate'y 41E. 829 6$ery dr#n7#ng (ounta#n ,u,,'er sha'' #nc'ude a means o( regu'at#ng the ('ow to the or#(#ce. ;,2,1>,1>, B$cA:(i.0on$ge %re1enters $nd B$cA/lo2 %re1enters 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, bac#-siphonage preventers and bac#flow preventers sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-*64.0, >"e(#n#t#ons, 4enera' Re:u#rements and ;est <ethods (or Hacuum *rea7ers and *ac7('ow -re$enters?, 2,3 )%B!)/%-*64.1.1, >%tmos&her#c Hacuum *rea7ers 2%H*3?, 2c3 )%B!)/%-*64.1.2, >-ressure Hacuum *rea7ers 2-H*3?, 331

2d3 )%B!)/%-*64.2, >=ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3?, 2e3 )%B!)/%-*64.2.1, >=ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3 w#th <anua' "ra#n#ng Feature?, 2(3 )%B!)/%-*64.2.2, >=ose )onnect#on Hacuum *rea7ers 2=)H*3 w#th %utomat#c "ra#n#ng Feature?, 2g3 )%B!)/%-*64.3, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters w#th %tmos&her#c -ort 2")%-3?, 2h3 )%B!)/%-*64.4, >Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2R-3?, 2#3 )%B!)/%-*64.1, >"ou,'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2")H%3?, 203 )%B!)/%-*64.6, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2"u)3?, 273 )%B!)/%-*64.., >La,oratory Faucet Hacuum *rea7ers 2LFH*3?, 2'3 )%B!)/%-*64. , >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters w#th +ntermed#ate Hent 2"u)H3?, or 2m3 )/% *64.10, >/e'ect#on and +nsta''at#on o( *ac7('ow -re$enters?. 829 $ac#-siphonage preventers 2ant#-s#&hon (#'' $a'$es3 (or tan7 ty&e water c'osets sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% *121.3, >-'um,#ng F#tt#ngs?. ;,2,1>,11, Relie/ '$l1es 819 ;em&erature re'#e(, &ressure re'#e(, com,#ned tem&erature and &ressure re'#e( and $acuum re'#e( $a'$es sha'' con(orm to %B/+ O21.22 ! )/% 4.4-<, >Re'#e( Ha'$es (or =ot 8ater /u&&'y /ystems?. ;,2,1>,12, Reducing '$l1es 819 "#rect act#ng water &ressure reduc#ng $a'$es (or domest#c water su&&'y systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*316, >8ater -ressure Reduc#ng Ha'$es (or "omest#c 8ater /u&&'y /ystems?. ;,2,1>,1!, (ol$r #omestic Eot 6$ter 819 6:u#&ment (orm#ng &art o( a &ac7aged system (or so'ar heat#ng o( potable water, sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-F3.9.1, >-ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems 2L#:u#d-to-L#:u#d =eat ;rans(er3?. ;,2,1>,15, 'ent %i.e +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng (a,r#cated on s#te (or vent pipes sha'' ,e (a,r#cated (rom, 2a3 co&&er sheet at 'east 0.33 mm th#c7, 2,3 a'um#num sheet at 'east 0.4 mm th#c7, 2c3 a''oyed C#nc sheet at 'east 0.31 mm th#c7, 2d3 'ead sheet at 'east 1..3 mm th#c7, 2e3 ga'$an#Ced stee' sheet at 'east 0.33 mm th#c7, or 2(3 &o'ych'oro&rene 2neo&rene3 at 'east 2. 9 mm th#c7. 829 -re(a,r#cated ('ash#ng (or vent pipes sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )/% *2.2, >-re(a,r#cated /e'(-/ea'#ng Roo( Hent F'ash#ngs?. ;,2,1>,17, 6$ter E$mmer Arresters 819 Factory ,u#'t water hammer arresters sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%//6 1010, >8ater =ammer %rresters?. ;,2,1>,1<, Air Admitt$nce '$l1es 819 %#r adm#ttance $a'$es sha'' con(orm to %//6 1011, >+nd#$#dua' and *ranch ;y&e %#r %dm#ttance Ha'$es (or /an#tary "ra#nage /ystems?. ;,2,1>,1;, #rinAing 6$ter Tre$tment (3stems 819 % dr#n7#ng water treatment system or de$#ce sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*4 3.1, >"r#n7#ng 8ater ;reatment /ystems?. ;,2,11, 6$ter (er1ice $nd +ire (er1ice )$ins ;,2,11,1, #esign, Construction, Inst$ll$tion $nd Testing 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es ..2.11.2. to ..2.11.4., and ..3...2, the des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and test#ng o( fire service mains and water service pipe com,#ned w#th fire service mains sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 24, >+nsta''at#on o( -r#$ate F#re /er$#ce <a#ns and ;he#r %&&urtenances?. ;,2,11,2, Certi/ic$tion or Con/orm$nce


819 5ater service pipes and fire service mains sha'' ,e cert#(#ed or con(orm to the standards (or the mater#a's '#sted #n ;a,'e ..2.11.2. T$ble ;,2,11,2, 6$ter (er1ice %i.e $nd +ire (er1ice )$in )$teri$ls Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 <ater#a' -o'yethy'ene &#&e and (#tt#ngs )ross'#n7ed &o'yethy'ene &ressure &#&e or tu,e and (#tt#ngs -H) &#&e and (#tt#ngs )o'umn 2 /tandard )ert#(#ed to /er#es 160 or a h#gher ser#es o( )%B!)/%-*13..1, >-o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or )o'd 8ater -ressure /er$#ces? )ert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..1, >)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J3 ;u,#ng /ystems (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons? )ert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..3, >R#g#d -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 -#&e (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons?, or cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 +n0ect#on-<ou'ded 4as7eted F#tt#ngs (or -ressure %&&'#cat#ons? )ert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..6, >)h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or =ot and )o'd 8ater "#str#,ut#on /ystems? )o'umn 3 L#m#tat#ons

-#&e and (#tt#ngs must ha$e a rated wor7#ng &ressure o( 1 100 7-a or more


)-H) &#&e and (#tt#ngs


)ast #ron water &#&e

)on(orm to %B/+!%88% )111!%21.11, >"uct#'e+ron -#&e, )entr#(uga''y )ast (or 8ater?


+ron (#tt#ngs (or cast #ron )on(orm to %B/+!%88% )110!%21.10, >"uct#'eor duct#'e-#ron water &#&es +ron and 4ray-+ron F#tt#ngs? Ru,,er gas7et 0o#nts (or cast #ron and duct#'e-#ron water &#&es /crewed cast #ron water (#tt#ngs ;y&e Z so(t co&&er tu,e /o'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or co&&er water systems )on(orm to %B/+!%88% )111!%21.11, >Ru,,er 4as7et Jo#nts (or "uct#'e-+ron -ressure -#&e and F#tt#ngs? )on(orm to %/<6 *16.4, >4ray +ron ;hreaded F#tt#ngs, )'asses 121 and 210? )ert#(#ed to %/;< * , >/eam'ess )o&&er 8ater ;u,e? )on(orm to %/<6 *16.1 , >)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs?, or con(orm to %/<6 *16.22, >8rought )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy /o'derJo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs? )on(orm to %/<6 *16.26, >)ast )o&&er %''oy F#tt#ngs (or F'ared )o&&er ;u,es? )ert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..9, >-o'yethy'ene!%'um#num! -o'yethy'ene 2-6-%L--63 )om&os#te -ressure--#&e /ystems? )ert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*13..10, >)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene! %'um#num!)ross'#n7ed -o'yethy'ene 2-6J-%L--6J3 )om&os#te -ressure--#&e /ystems?

;he des#gn tem&erature and &ressure sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( the )%B!)/%-*13..6, >)h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 -#&e, ;u,#ng and F#tt#ngs (or =ot and )o'd 8ater "#str#,ut#on /ystems? -#&e sha'' ha$e a cement-mortar '#n#ng con(orm#ng to %B/+!%88% )104!%21.4, >)ement-<ortar L#n#ng (or "uct#'e-+ron -#&e and F#tt#ngs? -#&e sha'' ha$e a cement-mortar '#n#ng con(orm#ng to %B/+!%88% )104!%21.4, >)ement-<ortar L#n#ng (or "uct#'e-+ron -#&e and F#tt#ngs?

.. . 9. 10.

/crewed cast #ron water (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e cement-mortar '#ned or ga'$an#Ced /o'der-0o#nt (#tt#ngs not made ,y cast#ng or the wrought &rocess sha'' con(orm to the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( %/<6 *16.1 , >)ast )o&&er %''oy /o'der-Jo#nt -ressure F#tt#ngs? F'ared-0o#nt (#tt#ngs not made ,y cast#ng sha'' con(orm to %/<6 *16.26, >)ast )o&&er %''oy F#tt#ngs (or F'ared )o&&er ;u,es?

11. 12. 13.

F'ared-0o#nt (#tt#ngs (or co&&er water systems -6!%L!-6 &#&e and (#tt#ngs -6J!%L!-6J &#&e and (#tt#ngs

;,2,11,!, Tr$cer 6ire 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a 14 gauge ;8 so'#d co&&er '#ght co'oured &'ast#c coated tracer w#re sha'' ,e attached to e$ery non-meta''#c water service pipe or fire service main. 829 8here a water service pipe or fire service main #s detecta,'e w#thout the tracer w#re re(erenced #n /entence 213, the tracer w#re may ,e om#tted. ;,2,11,5, Re4uired C0ecA '$l1e 819 8here a water service pipe #s su&&'#ed w#th water ,y more than one drin#ing water system, a chec# valve sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at each connect#on w#th a drin#ing water system.


829 8here a fire service main #s su&&'#ed w#th water ,y more than one source, a chec# valve sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at each connect#on w#th a source o( water. (ection ;,!, ;,!,1, A..lic$tion ;,!,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction and use o( 0o#nts and connect#ons, and the arrangement, &rotect#on, su&&ort and test#ng o( &#&#ng. ..3.2. )onstruct#on and @se o( Jo#nts ;,!,2,1, C$ulAed Le$d #r$in$ge *oints 819 6$ery cau'7ed 'ead dra#nage 0o#nt sha'' ,e (#rm'y &ac7ed w#th oa7um and t#ght'y cau'7ed w#th 'ead to a de&th o( at 'east 21 mm. 829 Bo &a#nt, $arn#sh or other coat#ng sha'' ,e a&&'#ed on the 'ead unt#' a(ter the 0o#nt has ,een tested. 8!9 )au'7ed 'ead dra#nage 0o#nts sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t (or cast #ron &#&e #n a drainage system or venting system, or ,etween such &#&e and, 2a3 other (errous &#&e, 2,3 ,rass and co&&er &#&e, 2c3 a cau'7#ng (erru'e, or 2d3 a trap standard. 859 % 'ength o( hu, and s&#got &#&e and &#&e (#tt#ngs #n a drainage system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th the hu, at the u&stream end. ;,!,2,2, 6i.ed *oints 819 8#&ed 0o#nts sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t (or sheet 'ead or 'ead &#&e, or ,etween such &#&e and co&&er &#&e or a (erru'e. 829 6$ery w#&ed 0o#nt #n stra#ght &#&e sha'', 2a3 ,e made o( so'der, 2,3 ha$e an e5&osed sur(ace on each s#de o( the 0o#nt at 'east 19 mm w#de, and 2c3 ,e at 'east 10 mm th#c7 at the th#c7est &art. 8!9 6$ery w#&ed ('anged 0o#nt sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th a 'ead ('ange that #s at 'east 19 mm w#de. ;,!,2,!, (cre2ed *oints 819 +n ma7#ng a screwed 0o#nt, the ends o( the &#&e sha'' ,e reamed or (#'ed out to the size o( the ,ore and a'' ch#&s and cutt#ngs sha'' ,e remo$ed. 829 Bo &#&e-0o#nt cement or &a#nt sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to the #nterna' threads. ;,!,2,5, (older *oints 819 /o'dered 0o#nts sha'' ,e made #n accordance w#th %/;< * 2 , ><a7#ng )a&#''ary Jo#nts ,y /o'der#ng o( )o&&er and )o&&er %''oy ;u,e and F#tt#ngs?. ;,!,2,7, +l$red *oints 819 +n ma7#ng a ('ared 0o#nt, the &#&e sha'' ,e e5&anded w#th a &ro&er ('ar#ng too'. 829 F'ared 0o#nts sha'' not ,e used (or hard 2drawn3 co&&er tu,e. ;,!,2,<, )ec0$nic$l *oints 819 <echan#ca' 0o#nts sha'' ,e made w#th com&ounded e'astomer#c cou&'#ngs or r#ngs he'd ,y sta#n'ess stee' or cast #ron c'am&s or conta#ned w#th#n a com&ress#on connect#on or groo$e and shou'der ty&e mechan#ca' cou&'#ng. ;,!,2,;, Cold:C$ulAed *oints 819 )o'd-cau'7ed 0o#nts sha'' not ,e used e5ce&t (or ,e'' and s&#got &#&e #n a water system, a drainage system or a venting system. 829 ;he cau'7#ng com&ound used #n co'd-cau'7ed 0o#nts sha'' ,e a&&'#ed accord#ng to the manu(acturerDs d#rect#ons. 8!9 6$ery co'd-cau'7ed 0o#nt #n a drainage system sha'' ,e (#rm'y &ac7ed w#th oa7um and t#ght'y cau'7ed w#th co'd cau'7#ng com&ound to a de&th o( at 'east 21 mm. 334

;,!,!, *oints $nd Connections ;,!,!,1, #rilled $nd T$..ed *oints 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243, no water distributing pipe, dra#nage &#&e or (#tt#ngs sha'' ,e dr#''ed, ta&&ed or swaged. 829 % water distributing pipe may ,e dr#''ed or ta&&ed to &ro$#de (or a mechan#ca''y e5tracted ; #n co&&er tu,#ng o( ;y&e L or Z &ro$#ded that a'' ,ranch connect#ons sha'' ,e notched and d#m&'ed to '#m#t de&th o( #nsert#on and con(orm to the #nner contour o( the ma#n. 8!9 % co&&er water distributing pipe o( 1 #n. size or 'arger may ,e mechan#ca''y swaged to &erm#t the 0o#n#ng o( other co&&er &#&e o( e:ua' size. 859 % dra#nage &#&e or (#tt#ng may ,e dr#''ed or ta&&ed, 2a3 to &ro$#de (or the connect#on o( a trap sea' &r#mer '#ne, 2,3 to connect a de$#ce des#gned to d#s&ense germ#c#da' or odour contro' chem#ca's or trap sea' water to a ('oor dra#n downstream o( a vacuum brea#er or ('ush $a'$e #n a ('ush tu,e connected to a sanitary unit, 2c3 to &ro$#de a ho'e (or a branch connect#on to a dra#nage &#&e, where the branch connect#on #s made w#th a sadd'e hu, as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e ..2.10.1. and where the ho'e #s dr#''ed to &ro$#de a smooth c'ean ho'e o( the re:u#red size and or#entat#on, or 2d3 to &ro$#de (or the connect#on o( &#&e or (#tt#ngs to meta' or r#g#d &'ast#c &#&e and (#tt#ngs where the &#&e or (#tt#ngs are th#c7 enough to ,e threaded or are ,ossed (or ta&&#ng. 879 Bo &#&e ada&t#on sha'' ,e made ,y the use o( a ,ush#ng that 'ea$es a s:uare edge or shou'der on the #ns#de o( the &#&e or (#tt#ng. ;,!,!,2, Reser1ed ;,!,!,!, %ro0ibition o/ 6elding o/ $nd +ittings 819 )ast #ron soil pipe and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e we'ded. 829 4a'$an#Ced stee' &#&e and (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e we'ded. ;,!,!,5, nions $nd (li. *oints 819 Runn#ng thread and &ac7#ng nut connect#ons and un#ons w#th a gas7et sea' sha'' not ,e used downstream o( a trap weir #n a drainage system or #n a venting system. 829 % s'#& 0o#nt sha'' not ,e used, 2a3 #n a venting system, or 2,3 #n a drainage system, e5ce&t to connect a fi"ture trap to a fi"ture drain #n an accessible 'ocat#on. ;,!,!,7, Incre$ser or Reducer 819 6$ery connect#on ,etween two &#&es o( d#((erent size sha'' ,e made w#th an #ncreaser or a reducer (#tt#ng #nsta''ed so that #t w#'' &erm#t the system to ,e com&'ete'y dra#ned. ;,!,!,<, Connection o/ #issimil$r )$teri$ls 819 %da&ters, connectors or mechan#ca' 0o#nts used to 0o#n d#ss#m#'ar mater#a's sha'' ,e des#gned to accommodate the re:u#red trans#t#on. ;,!,!,;, Connection o/ Roo/ #r$in to Le$der 819 6$ery roof drain sha'' ,e secure'y connected to a leader and &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or e5&ans#on. ;,!,!,=, Connection o/ +loor Outlet +i?tures 819 6$ery &edesta' ur#na', ('oor-mounted water c'oset or /- trap standard sha'' ,e connected to a fi"ture drain ,y a ('oor ('ange, e5ce&t that a cast #ron trap standard may ,e cau'7ed to a cast #ron &#&e. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, e$ery ('oor ('ange sha'' ,e o( ,rass. 8!9 8here cast #ron or &'ast#c &#&e #s used, a ('oor ('ange o( the same mater#a' may ,e used. 859 6$ery ('oor ('ange sha'' ,e secure'y set on a (#rm ,ase and ,o'ted to the trap ('ange o( the fi"ture, and e$ery 0o#nt sha'' ,e sea'ed w#th a natura' ru,,er, synthet#c ru,,er gas7et, or w#th a c'oset sett#ng com&ound. 879 8here a 'ead water c'oset stu, #s used, the 'ength o( the stu, ,e'ow the ('oor ('ange sha'' ,e at 'east .1 mm. ;,!,!,9, E?.$nsion $nd Contr$ction 331

819 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( e$ery &#&#ng system sha'', where necessary, #nc'ude means to accommodate e5&ans#on and contract#on o( the &#&#ng system caused ,y tem&erature change or building shr#n7age. ;,!,!,1>, Tube 819 ;y&es < and "8H co&&er tu,e sha'' not ,e ,ent. 829 *ends #n co&&er tu,#ng o( so(t or ,end#ng tem&er sha'' ,e made w#th too's manu(actured and s#Ced (or the &ur&ose. ;,!,!,11, Indirect Connections 819 8here a fi"ture or de$#ce #s indirectly connected, the connect#ons sha'' ,e made ,y term#nat#ng the fi"ture drain a,o$e the flood level rim o( a directly connected fi"ture to (orm an air brea#. 829 ;he s#Ce o( the air brea# sha'' ,e at 'east 21 mm. ;,!,!,12, *oints sed nderground 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, 0o#nts #n co&&er tu,es #nsta''ed underground sha'' ,e, 2a3 made w#th e#ther ('ared or com&ress#on (#tt#ngs, or 2,3 ,raCed us#ng a ,raC#ng a''oy w#th#n the %mer#can 8e'd#ng /oc#etyDs %8/-*)u- range. 829 )om&ress#on (#tt#ngs sha'' not ,e used underground under a building. ;,!,5, (u..ort o/ ;,!,5,1, C$.$bilit3 o/ (u..ort 819 -#&#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th su&&ort that #s ca&a,'e o( 7ee&#ng the &#&e #n a'#gnment and ,ear#ng the we#ght o( the &#&e and #ts contents. 829 6$ery ('oor or wa'' mounted water c'oset ,ow' sha'' ,e secure'y attached to the ('oor or wa'' ,y means o( a ('ange and sha'' ,e sta,'e. 8!9 6$ery wa'' mounted fi"ture sha'' ,e su&&orted so that no stra#n #s transm#tted to the &#&#ng. ;,!,5,2, Inde.endence o/ (u..ort 819 -#&#ng, fi"tures, tan7s or de$#ces sha'' ,e su&&orted #nde&endent'y o( each other. ;,!,5,!, Insul$tion o/ (u..ort 819 8here a hanger or su&&ort (or co&&er tu,e or ,rass or co&&er &#&e #s o( a mater#a' other than ,rass or co&&er, #t sha'' ,e su#ta,'y se&arated and e'ectr#ca''y #nsu'ated (rom the &#&e to &re$ent ga'$an#c act#on. ;,!,5,5, (u..ort /or 'ertic$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, $ert#ca' &#&#ng sha'' ,e su&&orted at #ts ,ase and at the ('oor 'e$e' o( a'ternate storeys ,y rests, each o( wh#ch can ,ear the we#ght o( &#&e that #s ,etween #t and the rest a,o$e #t. 829 ;he ma5#mum s&ac#ng o( su&&orts sha'' ,e ..1 m. ;,!,5,7, (u..ort /or Eori-ont$l 819 3ominally horizontal &#&#ng that #s #ns#de a building sha'' ,e ,raced to &re$ent sway#ng and ,uc7'#ng and to contro' the e((ects o( thrust. 829 3ominally horizontal &#&#ng sha'' ,e su&&orted so that, 2a3 ga'$an#Ced #ron or stee' &#&e #s su&&orted at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng, 2#3 3..1 m #( the &#&e size #s 6 #n. or more, and 2##3 2 100 mm #( the &#&e size #s 'ess than 6 #n., 2,3 'ead &#&e #s su&&orted throughout #ts 'ength, 2c3 cast #ron &#&e #s su&&orted, 2#3 at or ad0acent to each hu, or 0o#nt, 2##3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 3 m, and 2###3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm #( the &#&e has mechan#ca' 0o#nts and the 'ength o( &#&e ,etween ad0acent (#tt#ngs #s 300 mm or 'ess, 2d3 as,estos-cement &#&e #s su&&orted, 2#3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 2 000 mm or ha$e two su&&orts (or e$ery 4 m 'ength o( &#&e, and 336

2##3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm where the 'ength o( &#&e ,etween ad0acent (#tt#ngs #s 300 mm or 'ess, 2e3 %*/ or -H) &'ast#c "8H &#&e #s su&&orted, 2#3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 200 mm, 2##3 at the ends o( branches, 2###3 at changes o( d#rect#on or e'e$at#on, and 2#$3 #( the &#&e #s a fi"ture drain that #s more than 1 000 mm #n 'ength, as c'ose as &oss#,'e to the trap, 2(3 &'ast#c water &#&e #s su&&orted at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm, 2g3 co&&er tu,e and co&&er and ,rass &#&e #s su&&orted at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng, 2#3 3 m #( the tu,e or &#&e #s hard tem&er and 'arger than 1 #n. #n size, 2##3 2 100 mm #( the tu,e or &#&e #s hard tem&er and 1 #n. #n size or 'ess, and 2###3 2 100 mm #( the tu,e #s so(t tem&er, 2h3 a'um#num "8H &#&e #s su&&orted, 2#3 at #nter$a's not greater than 3 m, 2##3 at ,oth s#des o( a'' 0o#nts, 2###3 at a'' branch ends, 2#$3 at a'' &o#nts where there #s a change #n d#rect#on, and 2$3 as c'ose to a'' traps as &oss#,'e, 2#3 su&&orts and hangers (or a'um#num "8H &#&e sha'' ha$e a ,road su&&ort ,ase and sha'' ,e (ree o( ,urrs and rough edges to &re$ent a,ras#on o( the &#&e, 203 where 0o#nts #n the &#&#ng are 'ess r#g#d than the &#&e, the su&&ort &o#nts sha'' ,e se'ected so as to m#n#m#Ce the shear and ,end#ng (orces #m&osed on the 0o#nts, 273 -6!%L!-6 or -6J!%L!-6J com&os#te &#&e #s su&&orted at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm, and 2'3 ---R &'ast#c &#&e #s su&&orted, 2#3 at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1 000 mm, 2##3 at the end o( branches, and 2###3 at changes o( d#rect#on and e'e$at#on. 8!9 8here &'ast#c &#&e or a com&os#te &#&e #ncor&orat#ng a &'ast#c com&onent #s #nsta''ed, 2a3 the &#&e sha'' ,e a'#gned w#thout added stra#n on the &#&#ng, 2,3 the &#&e sha'' not ,e ,ent or &u''ed #nto &os#t#on a(ter ,e#ng we'ded or 0o#ned, and 2c3 hangers sha'' not com&ress, cut or a,rade the &#&e. 859 Reser$ed 879 8here hangers are used to su&&ort nominally horizontal &#&#ng, the hangers sha'' ,e, 2a3 su&&orted ,y meta' rods o( not 'ess than, 2#3 6 mm d#am (or su&&ort#ng &#&e 2 #n. or 'ess #n s#Ce, 2##3 mm d#am (or su&&ort#ng &#&e 4 #n. or 'ess #n s#Ce, and 2###3 13 mm d#am (or su&&ort#ng &#&e o$er 4 #n. #n s#Ce, or 2,3 so'#d or &er(orated meta' stra&s not 'ess than, 2#3 0.6 mm nom#na' th#c7ness, 12 mm w#de (or &#&e 2 #n. or 'ess #n s#Ce, and 2##3 0. mm nom#na' th#c7ness, 1 mm w#de (or &#&e 4 #n. or 'ess #n s#Ce. 8<9 8here a hanger #s attached to concrete or masonry, #t sha'' ,e (astened ,y meta' or e5&ans#on-ty&e &'ugs that are #nserted or ,u#'t #nto the concrete or masonry. ;,!,5,<, (u..ort /or nderground Eori-ont$l


819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, nominally horizontal &#&#ng that #s underground sha'' ,e su&&orted on a ,ase that #s (#rm and cont#nuous under the who'e o( the &#&e. 829 3ominally horizontal &#&#ng #nsta''ed underground that #s not su&&orted as descr#,ed #n /entence 213 may ,e #nsta''ed us#ng hangers (#5ed to a (oundat#on or structura' s'a, &ro$#ded that the hangers are ca&a,'e o(, 2a3 7ee&#ng the &#&e #n a'#gnment, and 2,3 su&&ort#ng the we#ght, 2#3 o( the &#&e, 2##3 #ts contents, and 2###3 the (#'' o$er the &#&e. ;,!,5,;, (u..ort /or 'ent %i.e Abo1e $ Roo/ 819 8here a vent pipe term#nates a,o$e the sur(ace o( a roo(, #t sha'' ,e su&&orted or ,raced to &re$ent m#sa'#gnment. ;,!,5,=, Com.ression +ittings 819 Bo com&ress#on (#tt#ng connect#ng to &'a#n end &#&e or tu,e sha'' ,e used #n a plumbing system un'ess the &#&e or tu,e and (#tt#ngs are su((#c#ent'y stayed, c'am&ed, anchored or ,uttressed so as to &re$ent se&arat#on dur#ng norma' ser$#ce o( the system a''ow#ng (or surge &ressures. ;,!,5,9, T0rust Restr$int o/ 6$ter (er1ice 819 -#&e c'am&s and t#e-rods, thrust ,'oc7s, 'oc7ed mechan#ca' or &ush-on 0o#nts, mechan#ca' 0o#nts ut#'#C#ng set screw reta#ner g'ands, or other su#ta,'e means o( thrust restra#nt sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at each change o( d#rect#on o( a water service pipe 4 #n. or more #n size and at a'' tees, &'ugs, ca&s and ,ends. 829 *ac7#ng (or underground water service pipes sha'' ,e &'aced, 2a3 ,etween und#stur,ed earth and the (#tt#ng to ,e restra#ned and sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent ,ear#ng area to &ro$#de ade:uate res#stance to the thrust to ,e encountered, and 2,3 so that the 0o#nts w#'' ,e accessible (or #ns&ect#on and re&a#r. 8!9 )oncrete thrust ,'oc7s sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum com&ress#$e strength o( not 'ess than 10 <-a a(ter 2 days. 859 ;hrust ,'oc7s sha'' not ,e used to restra#n $ert#ca' &#&e. ;,!,7, %rotection o/ ;,!,7,1, B$cA/ill o/ %i.e Trenc0 819 8here &#&#ng #s #nsta''ed underground, the ,ac7(#'' sha'' ,e care(u''y &'aced and tam&ed to a he#ght o( 300 mm o$er the to& o( the &#&e and sha'' ,e (ree o( stones, ,ou'ders, c#nders and (roCen earth. ;,!,7,2, %rotection o/ Non:)et$llic %i.e 819 8here as,estos-cement dra#nage &#&e or $#tr#(#ed c'ay #s 'ocated 'ess than 600 mm ,e'ow a ,asement ('oor and the ('oor #s constructed o( other than .1 mm or more o( concrete, the &#&e sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a .1 mm 'ayer o( concrete #nsta''ed a,o$e the &#&e. ;,!,7,!, Isol$tion /rom Lo$ds 819 8here &#&#ng &asses through or under a wa'', #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the wa'' does not ,ear on the &#&e. ;,!,7,5, %rotection /rom +rost 819 8here &#&#ng may ,e e5&osed to (reeC#ng cond#t#ons, #t sha'' ,e &rotected (rom the e((ects o( (reeC#ng. ;,!,7,7, %rotection /rom )ec0$nic$l #$m$ge 819 4lumbing, &#&#ng and e:u#&ment e5&osed to mechan#ca' damage sha'' ,e &rotected. ;,!,7,<, %rotection /rom Condens$tion 819 -#&#ng used (or #nterna' leaders, wh#ch may ,e su,0ect to condensat#on, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a manner that '#m#ts the r#s7 o( damage to the building due to condensat#on. ;,!,7,;, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, a ,ur#ed water service pipe sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the building drain, building sewer and a private sewage disposal system, ,y not 'ess than 2 440 mm measured hor#Conta''y, o( und#stur,ed or com&acted earth.


829 ;he water service pipe may ,e c'oser than 2 440 mm or ,e &'aced #n the same trench w#th the building drain or building sewer #(, 2a3 the (o''ow#ng cond#t#ons are met: 2#3 the ,ottom o( the water service pipe at a'' &o#nts #s at 'east 100 mm a,o$e the to& o( the building drain or building sewer, and 2##3 when #n a common trench w#th the building drain or building sewer, the water service pipe #s &'aced on a she'( at one s#de o( the common trench, 2,3 the water service pipe #s constructed o( a s#ng'e run o( &#&e w#th no 0o#nts or (#tt#ngs ,etween the street '#ne or source o( su&&'y on the &ro&erty and the #ns#de (ace o( the building, or 2c3 the building drain or building sewer #s constructed o( &#&#ng wh#ch #s &ressure tested #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on ..3... at 341 7-a. 8!9 % ,ur#ed water service pipe may &ass under a building drain or building sewer #(, 2a3 a $ert#ca' se&arat#on o( not 'ess than 100 mm #s &ro$#ded ,etween the #n$ert o( the building drain or building sewer and the crown o( the water service pipe, 2,3 ade:uate structura' su&&ort #s &ro$#ded (or the building drain or building sewer to &re$ent e5cess#$e de('ect#on o( 0o#nts and sett'#ng, and 2c3 the 'ength o( the water service pipe #s 'ocated so that there are no 0o#nts w#th#n 2 440 mm measured hor#Conta''y (rom the #ntersect#on w#th the building drain or building sewer. 859 % ,ur#ed water service pipe sha'' ,e constructed o( a s#ng'e run o( &#&e w#th no 0o#nts or (#tt#ngs ,etween the street '#ne or source o( su&&'y on the &ro&erty and the #ns#de (ace o( the building #( the water service pipe #s 'ess than 11 m (rom, 2a3 a private sewage disposal system, or 2,3 a source o( &o''ut#on other than a private sewage disposal system. ;,!,<, Testing o/ #r$in$ge $nd 'enting (3stems ;,!,<,1, Tests $nd Ins.ection o/ #r$in$ge or 'enting (3stems 819 65ce&t #n the case o( an e5terna' leader, a(ter a sect#on o( drainage system or a venting system has ,een roughed #n, and ,e(ore any fi"ture #s #nsta''ed or &#&#ng #s co$ered, a water or an a#r test sha'' ,e conducted. 829 8here a chief building official re:u#res a (#na' test, #t sha'' ,e carr#ed out a(ter e$ery fi"ture #s #nsta''ed and ,e(ore any &art o( the drainage system or venting system #s &'aced #n o&erat#on. 8!9 8here a &re(a,r#cated system #s assem,'ed o(( the building s#te #n such a manner that #t cannot ,e #ns&ected and tested on s#te, o((-s#te #ns&ect#ons and tests sha'' ,e conducted. 859 8here a &re(a,r#cated system #s #nsta''ed as &art o( a drainage system and venting system, a'' other plumbing wor7 sha'' ,e tested and #ns&ected and a (#na' test sha'' ,e carr#ed out on the com&'ete system. 879 % ,a'' test sha'' ,e carr#ed out on a sanitary building drain, sanitary building sewer, storm building drain and a storm building sewer ,ur#ed underground. 8<9 % sewer lateral e"tension need not ,e tested and #ns&ected #( the sewer lateral e"tension was constructed, tested and #ns&ected at the t#me o( the #nsta''at#on o( the &u,'#c sewer. ;,!,<,2, Tests o/ in #r$in$ge (3stems 819 6$ery &#&e #n a drainage system, e5ce&t an e5terna' leader or fi"ture outlet pipe, sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( w#thstand#ng w#thout 'ea7age a water test, a#r test and (#na' test. ;,!,<,!, Tests o/ 'enting (3stems 819 6$ery venting system sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( w#thstand#ng w#thout 'ea7age a water test, a#r test and (#na' test. ;,!,<,5, 6$ter Tests in #r$in, 6$ste $nd 'ent (3stems 819 8here a water test #s made, a'' 0o#nts sha'' ,e tested w#th a water co'umn o( not 'ess than 3 m. 829 +n ma7#ng a water test, 2a3 e$ery o&en#ng e5ce&t the h#ghest sha'' ,e t#ght'y c'osed w#th a test#ng &'ug or a test ca&, and 2,3 the system or the sect#on sha'' ,e 7e&t (#''ed w#th water (or 11 m#n. ;,!,<,7, Air Tests 339

819 8here an a#r test #s made, #t sha'' ,e conducted #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons (or the &#&#ng mater#a's, and, 2a3 a#r sha'' ,e (orced #nto the system unt#' a gauge &ressure o( 31 7-a #s created, and 2,3 th#s &ressure sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned (or at 'east 11 m#n w#thout a dro& #n &ressure. ;,!,<,<, +in$l Tests 819 8here a (#na' test #s made, 2a3 e$ery trap sha'' ,e (#''ed w#th water, 2,3 the ,ottom o( the system ,e#ng tested sha'' term#nate at the building trap, test &'ug or ca&, 2c3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, smo7e (rom smo7e-generat#ng mach#nes sha'' ,e (orced #nto the system, 2d3 when the smo7e a&&ears (rom a'' roo( term#na's they sha'' ,e c'osed, and 2e3 a &ressure e:u#$a'ent to a 21 mm water co'umn sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned (or 11 m#n w#thout the add#t#on o( more smo7e. 829 ;he smo7e re(erred to #n )'auses 2132c3 and 2d3 may ,e om#tted &ro$#ded the roo( term#na's are c'osed and the system #s su,0ected to an a#r &ressure e:u#$a'ent to a 21 mm water co'umn ma#nta#ned (or 11 m#n w#thout the add#t#on o( more a#r. ;,!,<,;, B$ll Tests 819 8here a ,a'' test #s made, a hard ,a'' dense enough not to ('oat sha'' ,e ro''ed through the &#&e. 829 ;he d#ameter o( the ,a'' sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm where the size o( the &#&e #s 4 #n. or more. ;,!,;, Testing o/ %ot$ble 6$ter (3stems ;,!,;,1, A..lic$tion o/ Tests 819 %(ter a sect#on o( a potable water system has ,een com&'eted, and ,e(ore #t #s &'aced #n o&erat#on, a water test or an a#r test sha'' ,e conducted. 829 % test may ,e a&&'#ed to each sect#on o( the system or to the system as a who'e. 8!9 8here a &re(a,r#cated system #s assem,'ed o(( the building s#te #n such a manner that #t cannot ,e #ns&ected and tested on s#te, o((-s#te #ns&ect#ons and tests sha'' ,e conducted. 859 8here a &re(a,r#cated system #s #nsta''ed as &art o( a water system, 2a3 a'' other plumbing wor7 sha'' ,e tested and #ns&ected, and 2,3 the com&'ete system sha'' ,e &ressure tested. ;,!,;,2, Tests o/ %ot$ble 6$ter (3stems 819 6$ery potable water system sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o(, 2a3 w#thstand#ng w#thout 'ea7age a water &ressure that #s at 'east 1 000 7-a (or at 'east 1 h, or 2,3 w#thstand#ng (or at 'east 2 h w#thout a dro& #n &ressure an a#r &ressure that #s at 'east .00 7-a. ;,!,;,!, 6$ter Tests 819 8here a water test #s made, a'' a#r sha'' ,e e5&e''ed (rom the system ,e(ore fi"ture contro' $a'$es or (aucets are c'osed. 829 4otable water sha'' ,e used to test a potable water system. (ection ;,5, #r$in$ge (3stems ;,5,1, A..lic$tion ;,5,1,1, A..lic$tion o/ #r$in$ge (3stems 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to sanitary drainage systems and storm drainage systems. ;,5,2, Connections to #r$in$ge (3stems ;,5,2,1, Connections to ($nit$r3 #r$in$ge (3stems 819 6$ery fi"ture sha'' ,e d#rect'y connected to a sanitary drainage system, e5ce&t that, 2a3 dr#n7#ng (ounta#ns may ,e, 2#3 indirectly connected to a sanitary drainage system, or 2##3 connected to a storm drainage system &ro$#ded that where the system #s su,0ect to bac#flow, a chec# valve #s #nsta''ed #n the (ounta#n waste pipe, 340

2,3 'aundry plumbing appliances may ,e indirectly connected to a sanitary drainage system, 2c3 fi"tures or plumbing appliances, other than ('oor dra#ns, e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence .., that d#scharge on'y clear water waste may ,e connected to a storm drainage system, 2d3 the (o''ow#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e indirectly connected to a drainage system: 2#3 a de$#ce (or the d#s&'ay, storage, &re&arat#on or &rocess#ng o( (ood or dr#n7, 2##3 a ster#'#Cer, 2###3 a de$#ce that uses water as a coo'#ng or heat#ng med#um, 2#$3 a water o&erated de$#ce, 2$3 a water treatment de$#ce, 2$#3 a dra#n or o$er('ow (rom a water system or a heat#ng system, or 2$##3 a dra#n '#ne (rom an =H%) system or e:u#&ment, and 2e3 ('oor dra#ns w#th#n wa'7-#n coo'ers sha'' ,e connected to a sanitary drainage system, 2#3 #nd#rect'y w#th an air brea#, or 2##3 d#rect'y w#th a bac#water valve #nsta''ed on the drainage system ,e(ore connect#on to the sanitary building drain. 829 ;he connect#on o( a soil or waste pipe to a nominally horizontal soil or waste pipe or to a nominally horizontal offset #n a soil or waste stac# sha'' ,e res&ect#$e'y at 'east 1 100 mm measured hor#Conta''y (rom the ,ottom o( a soil or waste stac# or (rom the ,ottom o( the u&&er $ert#ca' sect#on o( the soil or waste stac# that, 2a3 rece#$es a d#scharge o( 30 or more fi"ture units, or 2,3 rece#$es a d#scharge (rom fi"tures 'ocated on 2 or more storeys. 8!9 Bo other fi"ture sha'' ,e connected to a 'ead ,end or stu, that ser$es a water c'oset. 859 8here a change #n d#rect#on o( more than 41E occurs #n a soil or waste pipe that ser$es more than one c'othes washer, and #n wh#ch &ressure Cones are created ,y detergent suds, no other soil or waste pipe sha'' ,e connected to it within a length less than, 2a3 40 t#mes the size o( the soil or waste pipe or 2.44 m ma5#mum $ert#ca', wh#che$er #s 'ess, ,e(ore the change #n d#rect#on, and 2,3 10 t#mes the size o( the nominally horizontal soil or waste pipe a(ter the change #n d#rect#on. 879 8here a vent pipe #s connected #nto a suds &ressure Cone re(erred to #n /entence 243, no other vent pipe sha'' ,e connected to that vent pipe w#th#n the he#ght o( the suds &ressure Cone. ;,5,2,2, Connection o/ O1er/lo2s /rom R$in2$ter T$nAs 819 8here an o$er('ow (rom a rainwater tan7 #s connected to a storm drainage system, #t sha'' ,e connected ,y, 2a3 an air brea#, or 2,3 a bac#water valve #nsta''ed on the storm drainage pipe ,e(ore the connect#on to the storm building drain. ;,5,2,!, #irect Connections 819 ;wo or more fi"ture outlet pipes that ser$e out'ets (rom a s#ng'e fi"ture that #s '#sted #n )'ause .. may ,e directly connected to a branch that, 2a3 has a size o( at 'east 1 g #n., and 2,3 #s term#nated a,o$e the flood level rim o( a directly connected fi"ture w#th a m#n#mum d#ameter waste o( 1 h #n. to (orm an air brea#. 829 7i"ture drains (rom fi"tures that are '#sted #n /u,c'auses .. and 2##3 may ,e directly connected to a &#&e that, 2a3 #s term#nated to (orm an air brea# a,o$e the flood level rim o( a fi"ture that #s directly connected to a sanitary drainage system, and 2,3 #s e5tended through the roo( when fi"tures that are on 3 or more storeys are connected to #t. 8!9 7i"ture drains (rom fi"tures that are '#sted #n /u,c'auses .. to 2$#3 may ,e directly connected to a &#&e that,


2a3 #s term#nated to (orm an air brea# a,o$e the flood level rim o( a fi"ture that #s directly connected to a storm drainage system, and 2,3 #s e5tended through the roo( when fi"tures that are on 3 or more storeys are connected to #t. 859 6$ery waste pipe carry#ng waste (rom a de$#ce (or the d#s&'ay, storage, &re&arat#on or &rocess#ng o( (ood or dr#n7 sha'' ,e tra&&ed and ha$e a m#n#mum d#ameter e:ua' to the d#ameter o( the dra#n out'et (rom the de$#ce. ;,5,!, Loc$tion o/ +i?tures ;,5,!,1, %lumbing +i?tures 819 Sanitary units, ,athtu,s and shower ,aths sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to wa'' and ('oor sur(aces that are &er$#ous to water. ;,5,!,2, Restricted Loc$tions o/ Indirect Connections $nd Tr$.s 819 +nd#rect connect#ons or any trap that may o$er('ow sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a craw' s&ace or any other un(re:uented area. ;,5,!,!, E4ui.ment Restrictions .stre$m o/ Interce.tors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e:u#&ment d#scharg#ng waste w#th organ#c so'#ds sha'' not ,e 'ocated u&stream o( an interceptor. 829 +( a (ood scra& interceptor has ,een #nsta''ed u&stream o( the grease interceptor, e:u#&ment d#scharg#ng waste w#th organ#c so'#ds may d#scharge through a grease interceptor. ;,5,!,5, +i?tures Loc$ted in C0emic$l (tor$ge Loc$tions 819 % ('oor dra#n or other fi"ture 'ocated #n an o#' trans(ormer $au't, a h#gh $o'tage room or any room where ('amma,'e, dangerous or to5#c chem#ca's are stored or hand'ed sha'' not ,e connected to a drainage system. ;,5,!,7, )$cer$ting Toilet (3stem 819 % macerat#on to#'et system sha'' on'y ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 where no connect#on to a gra$#ty sanitary drainage system #s a$a#'a,'e, and 2,3 #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons. ;,5,!,<, #r$ins (er1ing Ele1$tor %its 819 +( a ('oor dra#n #s &ro$#ded #n an e'e$ator &#t, #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th /ect#on 2.2. o( %/<6 %1..1 ! )/% *44, >/a(ety )ode (or 6'e$ators and 6sca'ators?. ;,5,5, Tre$tment o/ (e2$ge $nd 6$stes ;,5,5,1, (e2$ge Tre$tment 819 8here a fi"ture or e:u#&ment d#scharges sewage or waste that may damage or #m&a#r the sanitary drainage system or the (unct#on#ng o( a sanitary sewage wor7s or sanitary sewage system, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or treatment o( the sewage or waste ,e(ore #t #s d#scharged to the sanitary drainage system. ;,5,5,2, %rotection /or #r$in$ge (3stem 819 8here a fi"ture d#scharges sewage or clear water waste that has ,een heated, the drainage system sha'' ,e su#ta,'e (or the tem&erature o( the sewage or clear water waste ,e#ng d#scharged. ;,5,5,!, Interce.tors 819 65ce&t (or suites o( residential occupancy, where a fi"ture d#scharges sewage that #nc'udes (ats, o#'s or grease and #s 'ocated #n an area where (ood #s coo7ed, &rocessed or &re&ared, #t sha'' d#scharge through a grease interceptor. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, o#' interceptors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded as (o''ows: 2a3 ser$#ce stat#ons, re&a#r sho&s and garages or any esta,'#shment where motor $eh#c'es are re&a#red, 'u,r#cated or ma#nta#ned sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an o#' interceptor, and 2,3 esta,'#shments wh#ch use o#'y or flammable li uids or ha$e such wastes as a resu't o( an #ndustr#a' &rocess sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an eng#neered o#' interceptor. 8!9 O#' interceptors are not re:u#red (or a dra#n #n a hydrau'#c e'e$ator &#t, &ar7#ng 'ot, car wash or a garage used e5c'us#$e'y as a motor $eh#c'e &ar7#ng area. 859 8here a fi"ture d#scharges sand, gr#t or s#m#'ar mater#a's, an interceptor des#gned (or the &ur&ose o( #nterce&t#ng such d#scharges sha'' ,e #nsta''ed. 879 6$ery interceptor sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent ca&ac#ty to &er(orm the ser$#ce (or wh#ch #t #s &ro$#ded. 342

8<9 %n on s#te constructed interceptor sha'' ,e constructed to the re:u#rements o( a manu(actured interceptor. 8;9 % grease interceptor sha'' ,e 'ocated as c'ose as &oss#,'e to the fi"ture or fi"tures #t ser$es. 8=9 ;he ('ow rate through a grease interceptor sha'' not e5ceed #ts rated ca&ac#ty and the ('ow rate sha'' ,e determ#ned us#ng the (o''ow#ng:

? : F ) )0!B**E 4+ ++T &

where: M #s the ('ow rate to a grease #nterce&tor #n L!s. H #s the $o'ume o( the fi"ture #n L. ""; #s the dra#n down t#me, 60 or 120 seconds. -" #s any &um& d#scharge #n L!s. B #s the num,er o( fi"tures to go through the #nterce&tor. 899 %'' grease and o#' interceptors sha'' ha$e an #nterna' ('ow contro' and, where the head w#'' e5ceed (#$e (eet, a secondary ('ow contro' sha'' ,e re:u#red. 81>9 F'oor dra#ns that con(orm to /entence .. are not re:u#red to ,e se&arate'y tra&&ed and $ented, and may ,e gang tra&&ed when d#scharg#ng through an o#' interceptor. ;,5,5,5, Neutr$li-ing $nd #ilution T$nAs 819 8here a fi"ture or e:u#&ment d#scharges corros#$e or ac#d waste, #t sha'' d#scharge #nto a neutra'#C#ng or d#'ut#ng tan7 that #s connected to the sanitary drainage system through, 2a3 a trap, or 2,3 indirect connection. 829 6ach neutra'#C#ng or d#'ut#ng tan7 sha'' ha$e a method (or neutra'#C#ng the '#:u#d. ;,5,7, Tr$.s ;,5,7,1, Tr$.s /or ($nit$r3 #r$in$ge (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 and %rt#c'e ..4.1.2., e$ery fi"ture sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a se&arate trap. 829 One trap may &rotect, 2a3 a'' the trays or com&artments o( a two or three com&artment s#n7, 2,3 a two or three com&artment 'aundry tray, or 2c3 two s#m#'ar ty&e s#ng'e com&artment fi"tures 'ocated #n the same room. 8!9 One trap may ser$e a grou& o( ('oor dra#ns and hub drains, a grou& o( shower dra#ns, a grou& o( wash#ng mach#nes or a grou& o( 'a,oratory s#n7s #( the fi"tures, 2a3 are #n the same room, and 2,3 are not 'ocated where they can rece#$e (ood or other organ#c matter. 859 Reser$ed 879 % grease interceptor sha'' not ser$e as a fi"ture trap and each fi"ture d#scharg#ng through the interceptor sha'' ,e tra&&ed and $ented. 8<9 8here a domest#c d#shwash#ng mach#ne e:u#&&ed w#th a dra#nage &um& d#scharges through a d#rect connect#on #nto the fi"ture outlet pipe o( an ad0acent 7#tchen s#n7 or d#s&osa' un#t, the &um& d#scharge '#ne sha'', 2a3 r#se as h#gh as &oss#,'e to 0ust under the counter, and 2,3 connect, 2#3 on the #n'et s#de o( the s#n7 trap ,y means o( a \ (#tt#ng, or 2##3 to the d#s&osa' un#t. 343

;,5,7,2, Tr$.s /or (torm #r$in$ge (3stems 819 8here a storm drainage system #s connected to a &u,'#c com,#ned sewer, a trap sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween any o&en#ng #n the system and the dra#n or sewer, e5ce&t that no trap #s re:u#red #( the o&en#ng #s the u&&er end o( a leader that term#nates, 2a3 at a roo( that #s used on'y (or weather &rotect#on, 2,3 not 'ess than 1 000 mm a,o$e or not 'ess than 3.1 m #n any other d#rect#on (rom any a#r #n'et, o&ena,'e w#ndow or door, and 2c3 not 'ess than 1 00 mm (rom a &ro&erty '#ne. ;,5,7,!, Connection o/ (ubsoil #r$in$ge %i.e to $ ($nit$r3 #r$in$ge (3stem 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, no (oundat#on dra#n or subsoil drainage pipe sha'' connect to a sanitary drainage system. 829 8here a storm drainage system #s not a$a#'a,'e or soil cond#t#ons &re$ent dra#nage to a cu'$ert or dry we'', a (oundat#on dra#n or subsoil drainage pipe may connect to a sanitary drainage system. 8!9 8here a subsoil drainage pipe may ,e connected to a sanitary drainage system, the connect#on sha'' ,e made on the u&stream s#de o( a trap w#th a cleanout or a tra&&ed sum&. ;,5,7,5, Loc$tion $nd Cle$nout /or Building Tr$.s 819 8here a building trap #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout (#tt#ng on the u&stream s#de o( and d#rect'y o$er the trap, 2,3 ,e 'ocated u&stream o( the building cleanout, and 2c3 ,e 'ocated, 2#3 #ns#de the building as c'ose as &ract#ca' to the &'ace where the building drain 'ea$es the building, or 2##3 outs#de the building #n a manho'e. ;,5,7,7, Tr$. (e$ls 819 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or ma#nta#n#ng the trap sea' o( a ('oor dra#n or a hub drain ,y the use o( a trap sea' &r#mer, ,y us#ng the dra#n as a rece&tac'e (or an indirectly connected dr#n7#ng (ounta#n, or ,y e:ua''y e((ect#$e means. 829 8here a mechan#ca' de$#ce #s #nsta''ed to (urn#sh water to a trap, the &#&e or tu,e con$ey#ng water (rom the de$#ce to the trap sha'' ,e at 'east i #n. #ns#de d#ameter. ;,5,<, Arr$ngement o/ #r$in$ge ;,5,<,1, (e.$r$te (3stems 819 Bo $ert#ca' soil or waste pipe sha'' conduct ,oth sanitary sewage and storm sewage. 829 ;here sha'' ,e no unused o&en ends #n a drainage system and dead ends sha'' ,e so graded that water w#'' not co''ect #n them. ;,5,<,2, Loc$tion o/ (oil or 6$ste 819 % soil or waste pipe sha'' not ,e 'ocated d#rect'y a,o$e, 2a3 non-&ressure potable water storage tan7s, 2,3 manho'es #n &ressure potable water storage tan7s, or 2c3 (ood-hand'#ng or &rocess#ng e:u#&ment. ;,5,<,!, (um.s or T$nAs 819 On'y &#&#ng that #s too 'ow to dra#n #nto a building sewer ,y gra$#ty sha'' ,e dra#ned to a sum& or rece#$#ng tan7. 829 8here the sum& or tan7 rece#$es sanitary sewage #t sha'' ,e water and a#r-t#ght and sha'' ,e $ented. 8!9 6:u#&ment such as a &um& or e0ector that can '#(t the contents o( the sum& or tan7 and d#scharge #t #nto the sanitary building drain or sanitary building sewer sha'' ,e #nsta''ed. 859 8here the e:u#&ment does not o&erate automat#ca''y, the capacity o( the sum& sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to ho'd at 'east a 24 hours accumu'at#on o( '#:u#d. 879 8here there #s a building trap, the d#scharge &#&e (rom the e:u#&ment sha'' ,e connected to the sanitary building drain downstream o( the trap.


8<9 ;he d#scharge &#&e (rom e$ery &um&ed sanitary sewage sum& sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a un#on, a chec# valve and a shut-o(( $a'$e #nsta''ed #n that se:uence #n the d#rect#on o( d#scharge. 8;9 ;he d#scharge &#&#ng (rom a &um& or e0ector sha'' ,e s#Ced (or o&t#mum ('ow $e'oc#t#es at &um& des#gn cond#t#ons. 8=9 ;he d#scharge &#&e (rom e$ery &um&ed storm sewage sum& sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th, 2a3 a un#on and a chec# valve #nsta''ed #n that se:uence #n the d#rect#on o( d#scharge and &um&ed to a,o$e grade 'e$e', or 2,3 a un#on, a chec# valve and a shut-o(( $a'$e #nsta''ed #n that se:uence #n the d#rect#on o( d#scharge. ;,5,<,5, %rotection /rom B$cA/lo2 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, a bac#water valve that wou'd &re$ent (ree c#rcu'at#on o( a#r sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a building drain or #n a building sewer. 829 % bac#water valve may ,e #nsta''ed #n a building drain &ro$#ded that, 2a3 #t #s a >norma''y o&en? des#gn con(orm#ng to, 2#3 )/% *.0, >)ast +ron /o#' -#&e, F#tt#ngs, and <eans o( Jo#n#ng?, 2##3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.1, >%cry'on#tr#'e-*utad#ene-/tyrene 2%*/3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2###3 )%B!)/%-*1 1.2, >-o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2-H)3 and )h'or#nated -o'y$#ny'ch'or#de 2)-H)3 "ra#n, 8aste, and Hent -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, or 2#$3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1, >-'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, and 2,3 #t does not ser$e more than one dwelling unit. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 213, where a building drain or a branch may ,e su,0ect to bac#flow, 2a3 a bac#water valve sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on e$ery fi"ture drain connected to #t when the fi"ture #s 'ocated ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( the ad0o#n#ng street, or 2,3 a bac#water valve sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &rotect fi"tures wh#ch are ,e'ow the u&stream san#tary manho'e co$er when a residential building #s ser$ed ,y a &u,'#c sanitary sewer. 859 8here more than one fi"ture #s 'ocated on a storey and a'' are connected to the same branch, the bac#water valve may ,e #nsta''ed on the branch. 879 % subsoil drainage pipe that dra#ns #nto a sanitary drainage system that #s su,0ect to surcharge sha'' ,e connected #n such a manner that sewage cannot ,ac7 u& #nto the subsoil drainage pipe. ;,5,<,7, )obile Eome (e2er (er1ice 819 % building sewer #ntended to ser$e a mo,#'e home sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 4 #n. #n size, 2,3 ,e term#nated a,o$e ground, 2c3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2#3 a tam&er&roo( term#na' connect#on that #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng re&eated'y connected, d#sconnected and sea'ed, 2##3 a &rotect#$e concrete &ad, and 2###3 a means to &rotect #t (rom (rost hea$e, and 2d3 ,e des#gned and constructed #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. ;,5,<,<, Building #r$in Ends 819 8here a building drain enters a building a,o$e the e'e$at#on o( the ,ottom o( the wa'' o( a building, the building drain may ,e deemed to term#nate at the (#rst &o#nt that the dra#nage &#&e changes d#rect#on (rom the hor#Conta' to the $ert#ca'. ;,5,;, Cle$nouts ;,5,;,1, Cle$nouts /or #r$in$ge (3stems 819 6$ery sanitary drainage system and storm drainage system sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th cleanouts that w#'' &erm#t c'ean#ng o( the ent#re system. 829 % cleanout (#tt#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the u&stream s#de and d#rect'y o$er e$ery runn#ng trap. 8!9 6$ery #nter#or leader sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout (#tt#ng at the ,ottom o( the leader or not more than 1 000 mm u&stream (rom the ,ottom o( the leader. 341

859 8here a cleanout #s re:u#red on a building sewer

#n. or 'arger #n size, #t sha'' ,e a manho'e.

879 8here there #s a change o( d#rect#on greater than 41E #n a sanitary building drain or a sanitary building sewer, a cleanout sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at each change #n d#rect#on. 8<9 6$ery sanitary building drain or storm building drain sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout (#tt#ng that #s 'ocated as c'ose as &ract#ca' to the &'ace where the dra#n 'ea$es the building. 8;9 6$ery soil or waste stac# sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a cleanout (#tt#ng, 2a3 at the ,ottom o( the stac7, 2,3 not more than 1 000 mm u&stream o( the ,ottom o( the stac7, or 2c3 on a \ (#tt#ng connect#ng the stac7 to the building drain or branch. 8=9 % cleanout sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to &erm#t the c'ean#ng o( the &#&#ng #mmed#ate'y downstream o( an interceptor. 899 6$ery #nd#rect dra#nage &#&e carry#ng waste (rom a (ood rece&tac'e sha'' ha$e a cleanout access at e$ery change o( d#rect#on o( more than 41E. 81>9 % cleanout sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on a trap arm ser$#ng a 7#tchen s#n7 as c'ose as &ract#ca' to the trap out'et and sha'' ,e read#'y accessible. ;,5,;,2, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ Cle$nouts 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, on dra#nage &#&#ng o( 4 #n. size and sma''er, the m#n#mum size cleanout o&en#ng sha'' ,e the same size as the dra#nage &#&e and on dra#nage &#&#ng 'arger than the 4 #n. size, the cleanout o&en#ng sha'' ,e 4 #n. or 'arger and the ma5#mum s&ac#ng ,etween cleanouts on hor#Conta' &#&e sha'' ,e, 2a3 #n the case o( a s#n7 waste pipe, 6 m, 2,3 #n the case o( a hor#Conta' sanitary drainage pipe, or storm drainage pipe, other than a waste pipe (rom a s#n7, 11 m, and 2c3 #n the case o( a hor#Conta' sanitary drainage pipe or storm drainage pipe 'arger than 4 #n. size, 30 m. 829 ;he s&ac#ng ,etween manho'es ser$#ng a building sewer, 2a3 24 #n. or 'ess #n size sha'' not e5ceed 90 m, and 2,3 o$er 24 #n. #n size sha'' not e5ceed 110 m. 8!9 ;he developed length o( a building sewer ,etween the building and the (#rst manho'e to wh#ch the building sewer connects sha'' not e5ceed 30 m. 859 %leanouts that a''ow rodd#ng #n one d#rect#on on'y sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t rodd#ng #n the d#rect#on o( ('ow. 879 <anho'es sha'' ,e 'ocated at a'' 0unct#ons and a'' changes #n grade, size or a'#gnment 2e5ce&t (or cur$#'#near a'#gnment3 on a sanitary building sewer that #s #n. or 'arger #n size. 8<9 <anho'es sha'' ,e 'ocated at changes o( grade, size or a'#gnment 2e5ce&t (or cur$#'#near a'#gnment3 on a storm building sewer or e5ter#or storm drainage pipe that #s #n. or 'arger #n size! ;,5,;,!, )$n0oles 819 % manho'e #nc'ud#ng the co$er sha'' ,e des#gned to su&&ort a'' 'oads #m&osed u&on #t. 829 % manho'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a co$er wh#ch sha'' &ro$#de an a#rt#ght sea' #( 'ocated w#th#n a building, 2,3 a r#g#d 'adder o( a corros#on-res#stant mater#a' where the de&th e5ceeds 1 000 mm, and 2c3 a $ent to the e5ter#or #( the manho'e #s 'ocated w#th#n a building. 8!9 % manho'e sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#mens#on o( 1 200 mm, e5ce&t that the to& 1 100 mm may ,e ta&ered (rom 1 200 mm down to a m#n#mum o( 600 mm at the to&. 859 % manho'e #n a sanitary drainage system sha'' ,e channe''ed to d#rect the ('ow o( e(('uent. ;,5,;,5, Loc$tion o/ Cle$nouts 819 %leanouts and access co$ers sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the o&en#ngs are read#'y accessible (or dra#n c'ean#ng &ur&oses. 829 % cleanout sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a ('oor assem,'y #n a manner that may const#tute a haCard and sha'' not ,e used as a ('oor dra#n. 8!9 Reser$ed 346

859 6ach change o( d#rect#on o( the &#&#ng ,etween a cleanout (#tt#ng and the dra#nage &#&#ng or vent piping that #t ser$es sha'' ,e accom&'#shed ,y us#ng 41 ,ends. 879 % cleanout sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ser$e $ert#ca' dra#nage &#&#ng (rom a wa'' hung ur#na' and sha'' e5tend a,o$e the flood level rim o( the fi"ture. 8<9 % cleanout ser$#ng a fi"ture #n hea'th care (ac#'#t#es, mortuar#es, 'a,orator#es and s#m#'ar occupancies, where contam#nat#on ,y ,ody ('u#ds #s '#7e'y, sha'' ,e 'ocated a m#n#mum o( 110 mm a,o$e the flood level rim o( the fi"ture. ;,5,=, )inimum (lo.e $nd Lengt0 o/ #r$in$ge ;,5,=,1, )inimum (lo.e 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery dra#nage &#&e that has a size o( 3 #n. or 'ess sha'' ha$e a downward s'o&e #n the d#rect#on o( ('ow o( at 'east 1 #n 10. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to a force main. 8!9 8here #t #s not &oss#,'e to com&'y w#th /entence 213, a 'esser s'o&e may ,e used #( #t w#'' &roduce a gra$#ty ('ow o( not 'ess than 0.6 m &er second. ;,5,=,2, Lengt0 o/ +i?ture Outlet 819 65ce&t (or fi"ture outlet pipes #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /entence .., the developed length o( e$ery fi"ture outlet pipe sha'' not e5ceed 1 200 mm. ;,5,9, (i-e o/ #r$in$ge ;,5,9,1, No Reduction in (i-e 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, no dra#nage &#&e that #s o( m#n#mum size re:u#red ,y th#s -art (or the &ur&ose (or wh#ch #t #s #nsta''ed sha'' ,e so connected as to dra#n to other dra#nage &#&e o( 'esser size. 829 8here a building drain connects to a stac7 through a wa'' or ('oor, the dra#n sha'' reta#n #ts (u'' size through the wa'' or ('oor. 8!9 % sanitary drainage pipe may ,e connected to a &re-eng#neered waste water heat reco$ery system that #ncor&orates &#&#ng o( a 'esser size than re:u#red ,y /entence 213 &ro$#ded that #t does not con$ey sewage, 2a3 (rom a sanitary unit, or 2,3 that conta#ns so'#ds. ;,5,9,2, (er1ing 6$ter Closets 819 ;he size o( e$ery dra#nage &#&e that ser$es a water c'oset sha'' ,e at 'east 3 #n. 829 ;he size o( e$ery hor#Conta' dra#nage &#&e downstream o( the th#rd water c'oset fi"ture drain connect#on sha'' ,e at 'east 4 #n. 8!9 ;he size o( e$ery soil stac# that ser$es more than s#5 water c'osets sha'' ,e at 'east 4 #n. 859 ;he size o( the d#scharge &#&e ser$#ng a macerat#ng to#'et system sha'' ,e at 'east f #n. 879 Bo vertical leg o( the dra#nage &#&e (rom a water c'oset or other fi"ture that has an #ntegra' s#&hon#c ('ush#ng act#on sha'' e5ceed 1 000 mm. ;,5,9,!, (i-e o/ +i?ture Outlet 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the size o( e$ery fi"ture outlet pipe sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.9.3. T$ble ;,5,9,!, )inimum %ermitted (i-e o/ +i?ture Outlet %i.e $nd E3dr$ulic Lo$ds /or +i?tures Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and ..
+tem )o'umn 1 7i"ture Autopsy table Bathroom group 2a3 w#th ('ush tan7 2,3 w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$e Bathtub (with or without shower) Bath: foot, sitz or slab Bed pan washer Beer cabinet Column 2 Minimum Size of 7i"ture ;utlet 4ipe, in. 1 Column 3 Hydraulic Load, fi"ture units 2 6 8 1 1 6 1

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

1 1 3 1


7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Bidet Chinese range Clothes washer 2a3 domest#c 2,3 commerc#a' Cup Sinks Dental unit or cuspidor Dishwasher (a) domestic 2,3 commerc#a' ty&e Drinking fountain Fish tank or tray Floor drain Garbage grinder, commercial type Icebox Laundry tray 2a3 s#ng'e or dou,'e un#ts or 2 s#ng'e un#ts w#th common trap (b) 3 compartments Lavatory 2a3 ,ar,er or ,eauty &ar'or 2,3 denta' 2c3 domest#c ty&e s#ng'e, or 2 s#ng'e w#th common trap (d) multiple or industrial type Macerating Toilet System Potato Peeler Shower drain 2a3 (rom 1 head 2,3 (rom 2 or 3 heads 2c3 (rom 4 to 6 heads Sink (a) domestic and other small type with or without garbage grinders, single, double or 2 single with a common trap (b) other sinks

1 1 N/A N/A 1 1 1

1 3 1 with 2 in. trap 2 with 2 in. trap h 1 1 (no load if connected to garbage grinder or domestic sink) 3 h 1 2 with 2 in. trap 3 with 3 in. trap 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 with 1 in. trap 1 h w#th 1 h #n. trap 3 4 3 1 3 6 1 1 with 1 in. trap 2 with 2 in. trap 3 with 3 in. trap 4 2 1 3 4 6

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3/4 2 1 2 3 1 1


20. 21. 22.




Urinal (a) pedestal, siphon jet or blowout type 2,3 sta'', washout ty&e 2c3 wa'' 2#3 washout ty&e 2##3 other ty&es Water closet 2a3 w#th ('ush tan7 2,3 w#th d#rect ('ush

2 2 1 2 3 3

(2) The part of the fi"ture outlet pipe that is common to three compartments of a sin# shall be one size larger than the largest fi"ture outlet pipe of the compartments that it serves!

8!9 8here c'othes washers do not dra#n to a 'aundry tray, the trap #n'et sha'' ,e (#tted w#th a $ert#ca' stand&#&e that #s not 'ess than 600 mm 'ong measured (rom the trap weir and the to& o( the stand&#&e sha'' term#nate a,o$e the flood level rim o( the c'othes washer #t ser$es. ;,5,9,5, )inimum (i-e o/ Building #r$ins $nd (e2ers 819 6$ery sanitary building drain and e$ery sanitary building sewer sha'' ,e at 'east 4 #n. #n size. 829 6$ery storm building drain and e$ery storm building sewer sha'' ,e at 'east 4 #n. #n size. ;,5,1>, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds ;,5,1>,1, Tot$l Lo$d on $ %i.e 34

819 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad on a &#&e #s the tota' 'oad (rom, 2a3 e$ery fi"ture that #s connected to the system u&stream o( the &#&e, 2,3 e$ery fi"ture (or wh#ch &ro$#s#on #s made (or (uture connect#on u&stream o( the &#&e, and 2c3 a'' roo(s and &a$ed sur(aces that dra#n #nto the system u&stream o( the &#&e. ;,5,1>,2, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds /or +i?tures 819 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad (rom a fi"ture that #s '#sted #n ;a,'e ..4.9.3. #s the num,er o( fi"ture units set (orth #n the ;a,'e. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom a fi"ture that #s not '#sted #n ;a,'e ..4.9.3. #s the num,er o( fi"ture units set (orth #n ;a,'e ..4.10.2. (or the trap o( the size that ser$es the fi"ture. T$ble ;,5,1>,2, %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d /rom $ +i?ture B$sed on (i-e o/ Tr$. Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. %olumn & Size o( Trap, #n. 1g 1h 2 2h 3 4 )o'umn 2 =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units 1 2 3 4 1 6

;,5,1>,!, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds /rom +i?tures 2it0 Continuous or (emi:continuous +lo2 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom a fi"ture that &roduces a cont#nuous ('ow, such as a &um& or an a#r-cond#t#on#ng fi"ture, #s 31.. fi"ture units (or each '#tre &er second o( ('ow. 829 8here a fi"ture or e:u#&ment that &roduces a cont#nuous or sem#-cont#nuous ('ow dra#ns to a storm drainage system, the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom the fi"ture #s 900 '#tres (or each '#tre &er second o( ('ow. 8!9 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad (rom a fi"ture or e:u#&ment that &roduces a sem#-cont#nuous ('ow sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10.3. T$ble ;,5,1>,!, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d /rom +i?tures 2it0 (emi:continuous +lo2s Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 <a5#mum -erm#tted F'ows ,y Trap Size Trap Size, #n. 1h 2 3 4 )o'umn 2 F'ow, L!s 0.00 - 0.090 0.091 - 0.190 0.191 - 0. 10 0. 11 - 1..00 )o'umn 3 =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units 3 6 2. 1 0

;,5,1>,5, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds /rom Roo/s or %$1ed (ur/$ces 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the hydrau'#c 'oad #n '#tres (rom a roo( or &a$ed sur(ace #s the ma5#mum 11 m#n ra#n(a'' determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, mu't#&'#ed ,y the sum o(, 2a3 the area #n s:uare metres o( the hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( the sur(ace dra#ned, and 2,3 one-ha'( the area #n s:uare metres o( the 'argest ad0o#n#ng $ert#ca' sur(ace. 829 7low control roof drains may ,e #nsta''ed &ro$#ded, 2a3 the ma5#mum dra#n down t#me does not e5ceed 24 h, 2,3 the roo( structure #s des#gned to carry the 'oad o( the stored water, 2c3 one or more scu&&ers are #nsta''ed not more than 30 m a&art a'ong the &er#meter o( the building so that, 2#3 the scu&&ers are des#gned to hand'e at 'east 200F o( the 11-m#nute ra#n(a'' #ntens#ty, and 2##3 the ma5#mum de&th o( contro''ed water #s '#m#ted to 110 mm, 2d3 they are 'ocated not more than 11 m (rom the edge o( the roo( and not more than 30 m (rom ad0acent dra#ns, and 349

2e3 there #s at 'east one dra#n (or each 900 m2. 8!9 8here the he#ght o( the &ara&et #s more than 110 mm or e5ceeds the he#ght o( the ad0acent wa'' ('ash#ng, 2a3 emergency roo( o$er('ows or scu&&ers descr#,ed #n )'ause 223 2c3 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, and 2,3 there sha'' ,e a m#n#mum o( two roo( dra#ns. ;,5,1>,7, Con1ersion o/ +i?ture nits to Litres $nd G$l"min 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence .., where the hydrau'#c 'oad #s to ,e e5&ressed #n '#tres, fi"ture units sha'' ,e con$erted as (o''ows: 2a3 when the num,er o( fi"ture units #s 260 or (ewer, the 'oad #s 2 360 L, and 2,3 when the num,er o( fi"ture units e5ceeds 260, the 'oad #s 9.1 L (or each fi"ture unit. 829 8here the hydrau'#c 'oad #s to ,e e5&ressed #n ga'!m#n, fi"ture units sha'' ,e con$erted #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..4.10.1. T$ble ;,5,1>,7, )$?imum %rob$ble #r$in$ge R$te, g$l"min Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. )o'umn 1 7i"ture >nits #n /er$#ce 100 90 0 .0 60 10 40 30 20 10 )o'umn 2 7i"ture >nits )o'. 1 13 11 49 4. 44 41 3 33 2. 21 )o'umn 3 7i"ture >nits )o'. 1 R 10 1.4 164 113 140 12 111 102 .2 13 )o'umn 4 7i"ture >nits )o'. 1 R 100 900 31 .10 6 0 600 120 431 310 262 1.4

;,5,1>,<, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds to (oil or 6$ste 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s dra#ned to e$ery soil or waste stac# sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10.6. T$ble ;,5,1>,<, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d #r$ined to (oil or 6$ste (t$cA Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. )o'umn 1 -#&e Size, #n. 1g 1h 2 3 4 1 6 10 12 11 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units 2 24 102 140 1 400 2 900 . 600 11 000 26 000 10 000 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum 7i"ture >nits "ra#ned (rom any one Storey 2 1 10 1 100 210 100 30 2 .00 46 0 9 000

(2) 5here the nominally horizontal offset in a soil or waste stac# is & -00 mm or more, the hydraulic load that is served by it shall conform to Table B!(!&0!=! 8!9 Hert#ca' sanitary drainage pipe sha'' ,e des#gned to carry no more than 29F o( #ts (u'' ca&ac#ty. ;,5,1>,;, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds on Br$nc0es 819 Bo hor#Conta' sanitary drainage pipe o( 'ess than 3 #n. size sha'' ha$e a fi"ture 'oad#ng #n e5cess o( that &erm#tted ,y ;a,'e ..4.10... 310

T$ble ;,5,1>,;, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d #r$ined to $ Br$nc0 Form#ng -art o( /entence ..4.10...213
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Size o( $ranch, #n. 1g 1h 2 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Load, fi"ture units 2 4 6

;,5,1>,=, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds on ($nit$r3 Eori-ont$l #r$in 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e ..4.10..., the hydrau'#c 'oad that #s dra#ned to a hor#Conta' sanitary drainage pipe sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10. ., ,ased on the size and s'o&e. 829 =or#Conta' sanitary drainage pipe sha'' ,e des#gned to carry no more than 61F o( #ts (u'' ca&ac#ty. T$ble ;,5,1>,=, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d #r$ined to $ Eori-ont$l ($nit$r3 #r$in$ge %i.e Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and ..4.10. .213
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 "ra#n Size, Bom#na' #n. <a5#mum =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units /'o&e213 1 #n 400 1 #n 200 1 #n 133 3 ------4 ------1 ----3 0 6 ----600 --1400 1100 10 --2100 2.00 12 2240 3900 4100 11 4 00 .000 9300 )o'umn 1 1 #n 100 --1 0 390 .00 1600 3000 1400 10400 )o'umn 6 1 #n 10 2. 240 4 0 40 2210 4100 300 16300 )o'umn . 1 #n 21 36 300 6.0 1300 33.0 6100 13000 22100

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. .

Botes to ;a,'e ..4.10. .:

/'o&e #s the rat#o o( r#se to run, #n whate$er measurement un#ts are chosen.

;,5,1>,9, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds on Eori-ont$l (torm #r$ins 819 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad that #s dra#ned to a hor#Conta' storm drainage pipe sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10.9., ,ased on the size and s'o&e. T$ble ;,5,1>,9, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d #r$ined to $ Eori-ont$l (torm #r$in$ge %i.e Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and ..
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 Size o( "ra#n or /ewer, #n. <a5#mum =ydrau'#c Load, L /'o&e213 1 #n 400 1 #n 200 1 #n 133 3 ---------------4 ---------------1 ----------6 .60 6 ----------10 .00 -----1 900 23 200 10 -----34 300 41 900 12 3. 400 11 900 6 300 11 .1 400 101 000 124 000 )o'umn 1 1 #n 100 -----4 220 . 610 12 400 26 .00 4 100 . .00 143 000 )o'umn 6 1 #n 6 -----1 160 9 310 11 200 32 00 19 400 96 100 1.1 000 )o'umn . 1 #n 10 2 ..0 1 9.0 10 00 1. 600 3. 00 6 600 112 000 202 000 )o'umn 1 #n 21 3 910 430 11 300 24 900 13 600 9. 000 11 000 2 . 000

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. .

Botes to ;a,'e ..4.10.9.:

/'o&e #s the rat#o o( r#se to run, #n whate$er measurement un#ts are chosen. 819 Bo change #n the size o( a ra#n leader w#th a nominally horizontal offset #s re:u#red #( the offset, 2a3 #s 'ocated #mmed#ate'y under the roo(, 2,3 #s not more than 6 m 'ong, and 311

;,5,1>,1>, R$in Le$ders

2c3 has a s'o&e not 'ess than 1 #n 10. 829 +( the hor#Conta' offset #s more than 6 m 'ong, the ra#n leader sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10.9. 8!9 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad that #s dra#ned to a ra#n leader sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..4.10.10. T$ble ;,5,1>,1>, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$d #r$ined to $ Circul$r R$in Le$der Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 Size, #n. 2 2h 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum =ydrau'#c Load, L 1 .00 3 0.0 1 000 10 00 19 100 31 00 6 300

(ection ;,7, 'enting (3stems ;,7,1, 'ent /or Tr$.s ;,7,1,1, 'enting /or Tr$.s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, e$ery trap sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a vent pipe. 829 +rainage systems sha'' ,e &rotected ,y the #nsta''at#on o( a system as &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#ons ..1.4. and ..1.1. ,y the #nsta''at#on o(, 2a3 additional circuit vents, 2,3 branch vents, 2c3 circuit vents, 2d3 continuous vents, 2e3 dual vents, 2(3 fresh air inlets, 2g3 headers, 2h3 individual vents, 2#3 offset relief vents, 203 relief vents, 273 stac# vents, 2'3 vent stac#s, 2m3 wet vents, or 2n3 yo#e vents. 8!9 % trap that ser$es a ('oor dra#n or hub drain need not ,e &rotected ,y a vent pipe se&arate'y where, 2a3 the size o( the trap #s not 'ess than 3 #n., 2,3 the 'ength o( the fi"ture drain #s not 'ess than 410 mm, 2c3 the (a'' on the fi"ture drain does not e5ceed #ts size, and 2d3 the trap #s connected to a hor#Conta' dra#nage &#&e that term#nates at #ts u&stream end #n a 3 #n. stac#. 859 % trap need not ,e &rotected ,y a vent pipe, 2a3 where #t ser$es, 2#3 a subsoil drainage pipe, or 2##3 a storm drainage system, or 2,3 where #t (orms &art o( an #nd#rect drainage system. 312

;,7,2, 6et 'enting ;,7,2,1, 6et 'enting 819 % soil or waste pipe may ser$e as a wet vent &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the hydrau'#c 'oad #s #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..1. .1., 2,3 the num,er o( wet $ented water c'osets does not e5ceed two, 2c3 when two water c'osets are #nsta''ed, they are connected at the same 'e$e' to a $ert#ca' &art o( the stac7 ,y means o( a dou,'e (#tt#ng #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..2.4.1., 2d3 the water c'osets are #nsta''ed downstream o( a'' other fi"tures, 2e3 trap arms and fi"ture drains connected to the wet vent do not e5ceed 2 #n. #n size, e5ce&t (or connect#ons (rom ('oor dra#ns #n accordance w#th )'auses .. to 2c3, 2(3 the tota' hydrau'#c 'oad on the wet vent does not e5ceed the '#m#ts stated #n ;a,'e ..1. .1. when se&arate'y $ented branches or fi"ture drains #n the same storey, ha$#ng a tota' hydrau'#c 'oad not greater than two fi"ture units, are connected to a wet vent or a wet $ented water c'oset trap arm, 2g3 the hydrau'#c 'oad o( se&arate'y $ented fi"tures that dra#n #nto the wet vent #s not #nc'uded when s#C#ng the continuous vent that ser$es the wet vent, 2h3 where a wet vent e5tends through more than 1 storey, the tota' d#scharge (rom any 1 storey a,o$e the first storey does not e5ceed (our fi"ture units, 2#3 where a wet vent e5tends through more than 1 storey, there #s not more than one nominally horizontal offset #n the wet vent, and, 2#3 the offset does not e5ceed 1 200 mm (or &#&es 2 #n. or 'ess #n size, or 2##3 the offset does not e5ceed 2 100 mm (or &#&es 'arger than 2 #n. #n size, 203 the wet $ented &ort#on #s not reduced #n size e5ce&t (or the &ort#on that #s u&stream o( ('oor dra#ns #n accordance w#th )'auses .. to 2c3, 273 the h#ghest fi"ture #s connected to a $ert#ca' &ort#on o( the wet vent, u&stream o( any other fi"tures, #n the (orm o( a continuous vent, and 2'3 the 'ength o( the wet vent #s not '#m#ted. ;,7,!, Circuit 'enting ;,7,!,1, Circuit 'enting 819 % sect#on o( a horizontal branch may ,e circuit vented &ro$#ded, 2a3 a circuit vent #s connected to #t, 2,3 a'' fi"tures ser$ed ,y the circuit vent are 'ocated #n the same storey and 'ocated at the most d#stant u&stream sect#on o( the horizontal branch, and 2c3 no soil or waste stac# #s connected to #t u&stream o( a c#rcu#t $ented fi"ture. 829 7i"tures w#th fi"ture outlet pipes 'ess than 2 #n. #n size sha'' ,e se&arate'y $ented or se&arate'y c#rcu#t $ented. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 213, a relief vent sha'' ,e connected to the branch that (orms &art o( a c#rcu#t $ented system, downstream o( the connect#on o( the most downstream c#rcu#t $ented fi"ture. 859 % soil or waste pipe ha$#ng a hydrau'#c 'oad not greater than s#5 fi"ture units may act as a relief vent (or a branch that #s ,e#ng c#rcu#t $ented. 879 % symmetr#ca''y connected relief vent may ser$e as a com,#ned relief vent (or a ma5#mum o( two branches that are c#rcu#t $ented, &ro$#ded there are not more than e#ght c#rcu#t $ented fi"tures connected ,etween the com,#ned relief vent and each circuit vent. 8<9 %dd#t#ona' circuit vents sha'' ,e re:u#red, 2a3 when each cumu'at#$e hor#Conta' change #n d#rect#on o( a branch ser$ed ,y a circuit vent e5ceeds 41E ,etween vent pipe connect#ons, or 2,3 where more than e#ght c#rcu#t $ented fi"tures are connected to a branch ,etween vent pipe connect#ons. 8;9 % soil or waste pipe may ser$e as an additional circuit vent #n accordance w#th /entence 263 &ro$#ded that the soil or waste pipe #s s#Ced as a wet vent #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e ..1. .1. and #s not 'ess than 2 #n. #n size. 313

8=9 )onnect#ons to circuit vents and additional circuit vents #n accordance w#th /entence 263 sha'' con(orm to /entence .. 899 % c#rcu#t $ented branch, #nc'ud#ng the fi"ture drain downstream o( the circuit vent connect#on, sha'' ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es ..4.10... and ..4.10. ., e5ce&t that #t sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 2 #n., where traps 'ess than 2 #n. #n size are c#rcu#t $ented, or 2,3 3 #n., where traps 2 #n. #n size or 'arger are c#rcu#t $ented. 81>9 Additional circuit vents sha'' ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..1...1. and /entence ..1...3.213. 8119 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad on a circuit vent sha'' #nc'ude the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom fi"tures connected to the branch ser$ed ,y the circuit vent, ,ut sha'' not #nc'ude the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom fi"tures &erm#tted ,y /entences 233, 243 and 213. ;,7,5, 'ent /or (oil or 6$ste (t$cAs ;,7,5,1, (t$cA 'ents 819 ;he u&&er end o( e$ery soil or waste stac# sha'' term#nate #n a stac# vent and the stac# vent sha'' term#nate #n open air outs#de the building, or connect d#rect'y or through a header to another stac# vent or vent stac# that does term#nate #n open air outs#de the building. ;,7,5,2, 'ent (t$cAs 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e$ery soil or waste stac# dra#n#ng fi"tures (rom more than 4 storeys sha'' ha$e a vent stac#. 829 % soil or waste stac# that ser$es as a wet vent does not re:u#re a vent stac#. 8!9 ;he vent stac# re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e connected to a $ert#ca' sect#on o( the soil or waste stac# at or #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the 'owest soil or waste pipe connected to the soil or waste stac#. 859 7i"tures may ,e connected to a vent stac# &ro$#ded, 2a3 the tota' hydrau'#c 'oad o( the connected fi"tures does not e5ceed e#ght fi"ture units, 2,3 at 'east one fi"ture #s connected to a $ert#ca' &ort#on o( the vent stac# and u&stream o( any other fi"tures, 2c3 no other fi"ture #s connected downstream o( a water c'oset, 2d3 a'' fi"tures are 'ocated #n the 'owest storey ser$ed ,y the vent stac#, and 2e3 the sect#on o( the vent pipe that acts as a wet vent con(orms to the re:u#rements regard#ng wet vents. ;,7,5,!, DoAe 'ents 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, where a soil or waste stac# rece#$es the d#scharge (rom fi"tures 'ocated on more than 11 storeys, a yo#e vent sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsta''ed (or each sect#on o( 1 storeys or &art o( them counted (rom the to& down, 2,3 #nsta''ed at or #mmed#ate'y a,o$e each offset or dou,'e offset, and 2c3 s#Ced #n accordance w#th /entence ..1...1.213. 829 ;he yo#e vent sha'' ,e connected to the soil or waste stac# ,y means o( a dra#nage (#tt#ng at or #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow the 'owest soil or waste pipe (rom the 'owest storey o( the sect#ons descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 ;he yo#e vent sha'' connect to the vent stac# at 'east 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor 'e$e' o( the 'owest storey #n the sect#on descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 859 % yo#e vent need not ,e #nsta''ed &ro$#ded the soil or waste stac# #s #nterconnected w#th the vent stac# #n each storey o( the sect#on #n wh#ch fi"tures are 'ocated ,y means o( a vent pipe e:ua' #n size to the branch or fi"ture drain or 2 #n. #n size, wh#che$er #s sma''er. ;,7,5,5, O//set Relie/ 'ents 819 % soil or waste stac# that has a nominally horizontal offset more than 1 100 mm 'ong and a,o$e wh#ch the u&&er $ert#ca' &ort#on o( the stac7 &asses through more than 2 storeys and rece#$es a hydrau'#c 'oad o( more than 100 fi"ture units sha'' ,e $ented ,y an offset relief vent connected to the $ert#ca' sect#on #mmed#ate'y a,o$e the offset, and ,y another offset relief vent, 2a3 connected to the 'ower $ert#ca' sect#on at or a,o$e the h#ghest soil or waste pipe connect#on, or 2,3 e5tended as a $ert#ca' cont#nuat#on o( the 'ower sect#on. ;,7,5,7, +i?tures #r$ining into 'ent 314

819 ;he trap arm o( a fi"ture that has a hydrau'#c 'oad o( not more than 1 h fi"ture units may ,e connected to the $ert#ca' sect#on o( a circuit vent, additional circuit vent, offset relief vent or yo#e vent, &ro$#ded that, 2a3 not more than two fi"tures are connected to the vent pipe, 2,3 where two fi"tures are connected to the vent pipe, the connect#on #s ,y means o( a dou,'e (#tt#ng, #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..2.4.1., and 2c3 the sect#on o( the vent pipe that acts as a wet vent con(orms to the re:u#rements regard#ng wet vents. ;,7,7, )iscell$neous 'ent ;,7,7,1, 'enting o/ ($nit$r3 (e2$ge (um.s 819 6$ery sum& or tan7 that rece#$es sanitary sewage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a vent pipe that #s connected to the to& o( the sum& or tan7. ;,7,7,2, 'enting o/ Interce.tors 819 6$ery o#' interceptor sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th 2 vent pipes that, 2a3 connect to the interceptor at o&&os#te ends, 2,3 e5tend #nde&endent'y to open air, 2c3 term#nate not 'ess than 2 000 mm a,o$e ground and at e'e$at#ons d#((er#ng ,y at 'east 300 mm, and 2d3 do not connect to each other or any other vent pipe. 829 %d0acent com&artments w#th#n e$ery o#' interceptor sha'' ,e connected to each other ,y a vent o&en#ng. 8!9 8here a secondary rece#$er (or o#' #s #nsta''ed #n con0unct#on w#th an o#' interceptor, #t sha'' ,e $ented #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerjs recommendat#ons, and the vent pipe sha'', 2a3 #n no case ,e 'ess than 1 h #n. #n size, 2,3 e5tend #nde&endent'y to open air, and 2c3 term#nate not 'ess than 2 000 mm a,o$e ground. 859 ;he vent pipes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e one size sma''er than the 'argest connected dra#nage &#&e ,ut not 'ess than 1 g #n. #n size, or can ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs recommendat#ons. 879 6$ery vent pipe that ser$es an o#' or grease interceptor and #s 'ocated outs#de a building sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 #n. #n size #n areas where #t may ,e su,0ect to (rost c'osure. 8<9 6$ery grease interceptor sha'' ha$e a vent pipe that #s not 'ess than 1 h #n. #n size connected to the out'et &#&e, that connects to the plumbing venting system. 8;9 % vent pipe sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th#n 1 100 mm o( the #n'et to a grease interceptor com&'ete w#th a cleanout to &ro$#de c'ean#ng o( the vent pipe. 8=9 8here an ac#d waste d#'ut#on tan7 #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a vent pipe connected at the to& o( the tan7 and that #s s#Ced #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e ..1..... ;,7,7,!, 'enting o/ Corrosi1e #r$in $nd #ilution T$nAs 819 ?enting systems (or dra#n &#&#ng or d#'ut#on tan7s con$ey#ng corros#$e waste sha'' e5tend #nde&endent'y and term#nate #n open air. ;,7,7,5, +res0 Air Inlets 819 8here a building trap #s #nsta''ed, a fresh air inlet not 'ess than 4 #n. #n size sha'' ,e connected u&stream and w#th#n 1 200 mm o( the building trap and downstream o( any other connect#on. ;,7,7,7, %ro1ision /or +uture Inst$ll$tions 819 8here &ro$#s#on #s made (or a fi"ture to ,e #nsta''ed #n the (uture, the drainage system and venting system sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng'y and &ro$#s#on made (or the necessary (uture connect#ons. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence ..1.....223, where a plumbing system #s #nsta''ed #n a building, e$ery storey #n wh#ch plumbing #s or may ,e #nsta''ed, #nc'ud#ng the ,asement o( a s#ng'e (am#'y dwe''#ng, sha'' ha$e e5tended #nto #t or &ass#ng through #t a vent pipe that #s at 'east 1 h #n. #n size (or the &ro$#s#on o( (uture connect#ons. ;,7,<, Arr$ngement o/ 'ent ;,7,<,1, #r$in$ge o/ 'ent 819 6$ery vent pipe sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#thout de&ress#on #n wh#ch mo#sture can co''ect. 311

829 6$ery waste pipe sha'' ,e #nsta''ed and bac# vented at the same t#me. ;,7,<,2, 'ent %i.e Connections 819 6$ery vent pipe #n a plumbing system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to ,e d#rect as &oss#,'e to a vent stac# or open air, as the case may ,e, and so that any hor#Conta' run ,e'ow the ('ood 'e$e' o( the fi"ture to wh#ch the vent pipe #s #nsta''ed #s e'#m#nated where structura''y &oss#,'e. 829 65ce&t (or wet vents, where a vent pipe #s connected to a nominally horizontal soil or waste pipe, the connect#on sha'' ,e a,o$e the hor#Conta' centre '#ne o( the soil or waste pipe. 8!9 @nused vent pipes #nsta''ed (or (uture connect#ons sha'' ,e &ermanent'y ca&&ed w#th an end cleanout or an ada&ter and &'ug. ;,7,<,!, Loc$tion o/ 'ent 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, a vent pipe that &rotects a fi"ture trap sha'' ,e 'ocated so that, 2a3 the developed length o( the trap arm #s not 'ess than tw#ce the size o( the fi"ture drain, 2,3 the tota' (a'' o( the trap arm #s not greater than #ts #ns#de d#ameter, and 2c3 the trap arm does not ha$e a cumu'at#$e change #n d#rect#on o( more than 131E. 829 ;he trap arm o( water c'osets, /-trap standards or any other fi"ture that a'so d#scharges $ert#ca''y and de&ends on s#&hon#c act#on (or #ts &ro&er (unct#on#ng sha'' not ha$e a cumu'at#$e change #n d#rect#on o( more than 221E. 8!9 % vent pipe that &rotects a water c'oset or any other fi"ture that a'so de&ends on s#&hon#c act#on (or #ts &ro&er (unct#on#ng sha'' ,e 'ocated so that the d#stance ,etween the connect#ons o( the fi"ture drain to the fi"ture and the vent pipe sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 1 000 mm #n the $ert#ca' &'ane, and 2,3 3 m #n the hor#Conta' &'ane. 859 ;he ma5#mum 'ength and m#n#mum s'o&e o( e$ery trap arm sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..1.6.3. T$ble ;,7,<,!, Lengt0 o/ Tr$. Arm Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem )o'umn 1 Size o( Trap /er$ed, #n. 1g 1h 2 3 4 4 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Trap Arm, m 1.1 1. 2.4 3.6 4.9 9. )o'umn 3 <#n#mum /'o&e 1 #n 10 1 #n 10 1 #n 10 1 #n 10 1 #n 10 1 #n 100

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

879 ;he vent pipe (rom a water c'oset or any other fi"ture that has an #ntegra' s#&hon#c ('ush#ng act#on may ,e connected to the vertical leg o( #ts dra#nage &#&e. ;,7,<,5, Connection o/ 'ents $bo1e +i?tures (er1ed 819 65ce&t (or a wet vent, e$ery vent pipe sha'' e5tend a,o$e the flood level rim o( e$ery fi"ture that #t ser$es ,e(ore ,e#ng connected to another vent pipe. 829 Bo vent pipe sha'' ,e connected #n such a manner that a ,'oc7age #n a soil or waste pipe wou'd cause waste to dra#n through the vent pipe to the drainage system. ;,7,<,7, Termin$ls 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the u&&er end o( e$ery vent pipe that #s not term#nated #n open air sha'' ,e connected to a venting system that term#nates through a roo( to open air. 829 ;he u&&er end o( e$ery vent pipe that #s term#nated #n open air, other than a vent pipe that ser$es an o#' interceptor or a fresh air inlet, sha'' ,e e5tended a,o$e the roo(. 8!9 8here a vent pipe #s #nsta''ed as a resu't o( add#t#ons or a'terat#ons to a plumbing system #n an e5#st#ng building, the vent pipe may ,e erected outs#de the building, &ro$#ded that, 2a3 no s#ng'e change o( d#rect#on o( the vent pipe e5ceeds 41E, 316

2,3 a'' &arts o( the vent pipe are nominally vertical, 2c3 the vent pipe #s #ncreased to not 'ess than 3 #n. #n size ,e(ore &enetrat#ng a wa'' or roo(, and 2d3 where the building #s 4 storeys or 'ess #n he#ght, the vent pipe term#nates a,o$e the roo( o( the building. 859 65ce&t (or a fresh air inlet, where a vent pipe #s term#nated #n open air, the term#na' sha'' ,e 'ocated, 2a3 not 'ess than 1 000 mm a,o$e or not 'ess than 3.1 m #n any other d#rect#on (rom e$ery a#r #n'et, o&ena,'e w#ndow or door, 2,3 not 'ess than 2 000 mm a,o$e or not 'ess than 3.1 m #n any other d#rect#on (rom a roo( that su&&orts an occupancy, and 2c3 not 'ess than 2 000 mm a,o$e ground. 879 8here a vent pipe &asses through a roo(, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e term#nated h#gh enough to &re$ent the entry o( roo( dra#nage ,ut not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e the roo( or a,o$e the sur(ace o( storm water, wh#ch cou'd &ond on the roo(, and 2,3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th ('ash#ng to &re$ent the entry o( water ,etween the vent pipe and the roo( or the wa''. 8<9 8here a vent pipe &asses through a roo( or an outs#de wa'' o( a building, #t sha'' ,e &rotected (rom (rost c'osure ,y #ncreas#ng #ts d#ameter at 'east one size, ,ut not 'ess than 3 #n. #n size, #mmed#ate'y ,e(ore #t &enetrates the roo( or the wa''. 8;9 8here a vent pipe #s 'ocated 2 000 mm or more a,o$e a roo(, #t sha'' ,e so constructed as to ,e sta,'e and secure. 8=9 F'ash#ng sha'' ,e o( mater#a' s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'e ..2.10.14. and on a sh#ng'ed roo( sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum d#mens#on o( 100 mm ,y 100 mm. 899 8here a s'ee$e ('ash#ng #s #nsta''ed on a ('at roo(, #t sha'' e5tend at 'east 110 mm a,o$e the ('ood 'e$e' and on a s'o&ed roo( sha'' ,e at 'east 110 mm h#gh on the short s#de. 81>9 Bo ,ore o( a vent stac# or stac# vent sha'' ,e reduced or o,structed ,y the #nsta''at#on o( a ('ash#ng. ;,7,;, )inimum (i-e o/ 'ent ;,7,;,1, Gener$l 819 ;he size o( e$ery vent pipe sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..1...1. T$ble ;,7,;,1, )inimum %ermitted (i-e o/ 'ent %i.e B$sed on (i-e o/ Tr$. Form#ng -art o( /entence ..1...1.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 Size o( Trap /er$ed, #n. 1g 1h 2 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Size o( ?ent 4ipe, #n. 1g 1g 1h 1h 1h 2 2

;,7,;,2, (i-e Restriction 819 ;he size o( a branch vent, stac# vent, vent stac# or header sha'' ,e not 'ess than the size o( the vent pipe to wh#ch #t #s connected. 829 6$ery sanitary building drain sha'' term#nate at #ts u&stream end #n a stac7 o( at 'east 3 #n. size. 8!9 % stac7 re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e a soil stac# #( one #s a$a#'a,'e and may ,e a vent stac# or waste stac# that &ro$#des at 'east 3 #n. stac# vent and that goes to open air a,o$e the roo(, e#ther d#rect'y or through a header. ;,7,;,!, Addition$l Circuit 'ents $nd Relie/ 'ents 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e ..1...1. and #n /entence .., the m#n#mum size o( an additional circuit vent or relief vent #nsta''ed #n con0unct#on w#th a circuit vent #s &erm#tted to ,e one size sma''er than the re:u#red size o( the circuit vent, ,ut need not ,e 'arger than 2 #n. 829 ;he size o( the soil or waste pipe act#ng as a relief vent #n accordance w#th /entence .. sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e ..4.10.6., ..4.10... or ..1. .1. or %rt#c'e ..1...1., wh#che$er size #s the 'argest cons#der#ng the hydrau'#c 'oad dra#ned #nto the soil or waste pipe. 31.

;,7,;,5, O//set Relie/ 'ents 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e ..1...1., the m#n#mum size o( an offset relief vent #s &erm#tted to ,e one size sma''er than the size o( the stac# vent. ;,7,;,7, DoAe 'ents 819 Ao#e vents re:u#red ,y /entence .. are &erm#tted to ,e one size sma''er than the size o( the sma''est &#&e to wh#ch they are connected. ;,7,;,<, 'ent /or )$n0oles 819 ;he m#n#mum size o( a vent pipe that ser$es a manho'e w#th#n a building sha'' ,e 2 #n. ;,7,;,;, 'ents /or ($nit$r3 (e2$ge (um.s or T$nAs, #ilution T$nAs $nd )$cer$ting Toilet (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the m#n#mum size o( the vent pipe (or a sanitary sewage sum& or tan7, or d#'ut#on tan7 sha'' ,e one size sma''er than the size o( the 'argest branch or fi"ture drain dra#n#ng to the sum& or tan7. 829 ;he size o( e$ery vent pipe (or a sanitary sewage sum& or tan7, or d#'ut#on tan7 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 #n., ,ut need not ,e greater than 4 #n. 8!9 ;he size o( e$ery vent pipe (or a macerat#ng to#'et system w#th a sum& or tan7 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 h #n. ;,7,=, (i-ing o/ 'ent ;,7,=,1, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds #r$ining to 6et 'ents 819 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad that dra#ns to a wet vent sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..1. .1. 829 8hen determ#n#ng the size o( a wet vent, the hydrau'#c 'oad (rom the most downstream fi"ture or symmetr#ca''y connected fi"tures sha'' not ,e #nc'uded. T$ble ;,7,=,1, )$?imum %ermitted E3dr$ulic Lo$ds #r$ined to $ 6et 'ent Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'es ..1.2.1. and ..1. .1.
+tem )o'umn 1 /#Ce o( 5et ?ent, #n. 1h 2 3 4 1 6 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum =ydrau'#c Load, 7i"ture >nits Bot /er$#ng 8ater )'osets /er$#ng Bot <ore ;han ;wo 8ater )'osets 7i"tures Other ;han 8ater )'osets 2 B!% 4 3 12 36 14 B!% 1 B!% 23

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

;,7,=,2, Indi1idu$l 'ents $nd #u$l 'ents 819 ;he size o( individual vents and dual vents sha'' ,e determ#ned us#ng ;a,'e ..1...1. accord#ng to the 'argest trap ser$ed. 829 8hen s#C#ng an individual vent or a dual vent, the 'ength #s not ta7en #nto cons#derat#on. ;,7,=,!, Br$nc0 'ents, Ee$ders, Continuous 'ents $nd Circuit 'ents 819 $ranch vents, headers, circuit vents and continuous vents sha'' ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..1. .3., un'ess they are individual vents or dual vents. T$ble ;,7,=,!, (i-ing o/ Br$nc0 'ents, Ee$ders, Continuous 'ents $nd Circuit 'ents Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e ..1. .3.
+tem )o'umn 1 ;ota' =ydrau'#c Load /er$ed ,y Hent, fi"ture units 2 20 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 /#Ce o( ?ent 4ipe, #n. )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . )o'umn )o'umn 9

1. 2. 3.

1g 1h 2 3 <a5#mum Length o( ?ent 4ipe, m213223 9 BL BL BL 9 30 61 BL ..1 11 46 BL





4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

213 223

24 42 60 100 200 100 1 100 1 900 2 200 3 600 1 600


9 9 4.1 BBBBBBBB-

30 30 11 11 9 6 BBBBB-

BL BL 120 .9 .6 11 11 6 BBB-

BL BL BL 301 2.1 211 61 21 9 ..1 B-

BL BL BL BL BL BL 211 61 2. 1 ..1

BL BL BL BL BL BL BL 211 101 .6 1

BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL 331 241 .6

Notes to T$ble ;,7,=,!,&

BL means not '#m#ted. B- means not &erm#tted.

829 For the &ur&oses o( ;a,'e ..1. .3., the 'ength o( a branch vent sha'' ,e #ts developed length (rom the most d#stant soil or waste pipe connect#on to a vent stac#, stac# vent, header or open air. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( ;a,'e ..1. .3., the 'ength o( a header sha'' ,e #ts developed length (rom the most d#stant soil or waste pipe connect#on to open air. 859 For the &ur&oses o( ;a,'e ..1. .3., the 'ength o( a circuit vent sha'' ,e #ts developed length (rom the hor#Conta' soil or waste pipe connect#on to a vent stac#, stac# vent, header or open air. 879 For the &ur&oses o( ;a,'e ..1. .3., the 'ength o( a continuous vent sha'' ,e #ts developed length (rom the $ert#ca' soil or waste pipe connect#on to a vent stac#, stac# vent, header or open air. ;,7,=,5, 'ent (t$cAs, or (t$cA 'ents 819 % vent stac#, or stac# vent sha'' ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..1. .4. ,ased on, 2a3 the 'ength o( the vent stac# or stac# vent, and 2,3 the tota' hydrau'#c 'oad that #s dra#ned to the 'owest sect#on o( soil or waste stac# or stac7s ser$ed ,y the vent pipe, &'us any add#t#ona' $ent 'oads connected to the vent stac# or stac# vent. T$ble ;,7,=,5, (i-e $nd #e1elo.ed Lengt0 o/ (t$cA 'ents $nd 'ent (t$cAs Form#ng -art o( /entence ..1. .4.213
)o'umn 1 Size o( Soil or 5aste Stac#, #n. )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ota' 8ater =ydrau'#c Occu&#ed Load %rea *e#ng Hented, fi"ture units 2 12 24 10 21 13 102 43 140 320 140 190 490 940 0.29 0.21 0.21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 )o'umn 4 )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn )o'umn 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 Size o( Stac# ?ent or ?ent Stac#, #n.

1g 1h 2 3

1g 1h 2 3 4 1 <a5#mum Length o( Stac# ?ent or ?ent Stac#, m213223 9 BL BL BL BL BL 11 46 BL BL BL BL 9 23 61 BL BL BL 11 46 BL BL BL B13 46 31. BL BL B10 33.1 24. BL BL B2 .1 20. BL BL B..1 26 1 9 BL BL BB10.1 .6 299 BL BB61 229 BL BB. 12 191 BL BB6.1 46 1.. BL BBB21 9..1 302 BBB19 .6 232 BBB16 64 204








1 400 100 1 100 2 000 2 900 1 00 3 400 1 600 . 600 4 000 . 200 11 000 11 000 . 300 13 000 20 000 26 000 11 000 21 000 3 000 10 000

.29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29 0.11 .20 .21 .29





1 39.1 30.1 21.1 23.1 9.1 . 6 1.1 BBBBBBBBBBBB-

1 0 122 94.1 .9 .3 29 22 19 1. 9.1 . 6 1.1 BBBBBBBB-

BL 301 23 201 1 3 .3 1 49 43 24 1 11.1 14 9.1 . 6 1.1 BBBB-

BL BL BL BL BL 2 . 219.1 1 6 1.0.1 94.1 .3 61 11 36.1 2 .1 24 22 12 9.1 .

BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL 292.1 221.1 192 1.4 116 91 .6 .0 39.1 29 24.1 22.1

BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL BL 2 . 219.1 1 6 112 94.1 .3 62 11

Notes to T$ble ;,7,=,5,&

213 223

BL means not '#m#ted. B- means not &erm#tted.

829 For the &ur&oses o( ;a,'e ..1. .4., the 'ength o( a stac# vent or vent stac# sha'' ,e #ts developed length (rom #ts 'ower end to open air. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum size o( vent stac# or stac# vent sha'' ,e one-ha'( the size o( the soil or waste stac# at #ts ,ase. 859 % stac# vent ser$#ng a wet vent stac7 that #s o$er 4 storeys h#gh sha'' e5tend the (u'' size o( the wet vent to open air. 879 6$ery sanitary building drain sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th at 'east one vent that #s not 'ess than 3 #n. #n size. ;,7,=,7, Lengt0s /or ot0er 'ent 819 8hen s#C#ng an additional circuit vent, offset relief vent, relief vent, yo#e vent and the vent pipe (or an interceptor, d#'ut#on tan7, sanitary sewage tan7 or sum&, or manho'e, 'ength #s not ta7en #nto cons#derat#on. ;,7,9, Air Admitt$nce '$l1es ;,7,9,1, Air Admitt$nce '$l1e $s $ 'ent Termin$l 819 /ndividual vents may term#nate w#th a connect#on to an air admittance valve as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es ..1.9.2. and ..1.9.3. ;,7,9,2, Air Admitt$nce '$l1es 819 Air admittance valves sha'' on'y ,e used to $ent, 2a3 fi"tures #n buildings undergo#ng reno$at#on, and 2,3 #nsta''at#ons where connect#on to a vent may not ,e &ract#ca'. 829 ;he air admittance valves sha'' ,e 'ocated, 2a3 a,o$e the flood level rim o( the fi"ture #t ser$es, 2,3 w#th#n the ma5#mum developed length &erm#tted (or the vent, 2c3 not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e #nsu'at#on mater#a's, and 2d3 #nsta''ed #n a 'ocat#on not su,0ect to ,ac7 &ressure. 8!9 Air admittance valves sha'', 2a3 on'y $ent fi"tures 'ocated on the same storey, and 2,3 ,e connected to the hor#Conta' fi"ture drain. ;,7,9,!, Inst$ll$tion Conditions


819 Air admittance valves sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n su&&'y or return a#r plenums, or #n 'ocat#ons where they may ,e e5&osed to (reeC#ng tem&eratures. 829 Air admittance valves sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons. 8!9 Air admittance valves sha'' ,e rated (or the size o( vent pipe to wh#ch they are connected. 859 +nsta''ed air admittance valves sha'' ,e, 2a3 accessible, and 2,3 'ocated #n a s&ace that a''ows a#r to enter the $a'$e. 879 6$ery drainage system sha'' ha$e one vent that term#nates to open air #n con(ormance w#th /entence .. (ection ;,<, %ot$ble 6$ter (3stems ;,<,1, Arr$ngement o/ ;,<,1,1, #esign 819 6$ery fi"ture su&&'#ed w#th se&arate hot and co'd water contro's sha'' ha$e the hot water contro' on the 'e(t and the co'd on the r#ght. 829 8here hot and co'd water are m#5ed and the tem&erature #s regu'ated ,y a s#ng'e, unmar7ed, manua' contro', a mo$ement to the 'e(t sha'' #ncrease the tem&erature and a mo$ement to the r#ght sha'' decrease the tem&erature. 8!9 +n a hot water distribution system o( a developed length o( more than 30 m or su&&'y#ng more than 4 storeys, the water tem&erature sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned ,y, 2a3 rec#rcu'at#on, or 2,3 a se'(-regu'at#ng heat trac#ng system. ;,<,1,2, #r$in$ge 819 % water distribution system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the system can ,e dra#ned or ,'own out w#th a#r and out'ets (or th#s &ur&ose sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. ;,<,1,!, Control $nd (0ut:o// '$l1es 819 % building control valve sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 on e$ery water service pipe at the 'ocat#on where the water service pipe enters the building, or 2,3 on the water distribution system at a 'ocat#on #mmed#ate'y downstream o( the point of entry treatment unit, where the building #s ser$ed ,y a point of entry treatment unit 'ocated #n the building. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a dra#n &ort sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the water distribution system #mmed#ate'y downstream o( the building control valve re:u#red ,y /entence 213 and #( there #s a meter, the dra#n &ort sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #mmed#ate'y downstream o( the meter on the water distribution system. 8!9 8here the building control valve re:u#red ,y /entence 213 #s o( 1 #n. trade size or sma''er, the dra#n &ort may ,e an #ntegra' &art o( the building control valve #n the (orm o( a sto& and waste $a'$e and the dra#n &ort sha'' ,e 'ocated on the water distribution system s#de o( the sto& and waste $a'$e. 859 6$ery &#&e that #s su&&'#ed w#th water (rom a tan7 on the &ro&erty that #s a gra$#ty water tan7 or a tan7 o( a drin#ing water system sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a shut-o(( $a'$e 'ocated c'ose to the tan7. 879 8here the water su&&'y #s to ,e metered, the #nsta''at#on o( the meter, #nc'ud#ng the &#&#ng that #s &art o( the meter #nsta''at#on and the $a'$#ng arrangement (or the meter #nsta''at#on, sha'' ,e accord#ng to the water purveyorCs re:u#rements. 8<9 For the &ur&ose o( #dent#(y#ng the &#&e mater#a' where &'ast#c 2&o'y,uty'ene, &o'yethy'ene or -H)3 water &#&e #s used underground (or a ser$#ce &#&e, the end o( the &#&e #ns#de the building sha'' ,e ,rought a,o$e ground (or a d#stance not 'ess than 300 mm and not greater than 410 mm. ;,<,1,5, (0ut:o// '$l1es 819 65ce&t (or a s#ng'e-(am#'y dwe''#ng, e$ery riser sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a shut-o(( $a'$e at the source o( su&&'y. ;,<,1,7, 6$ter Closets 819 6$ery water c'oset sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a shut-o(( $a'$e on #ts water su&&'y &#&e. ;,<,1,<, (uites 819 /hut-o(( $a'$es sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery suite #n a building o( residential occupancy as may ,e necessary to ensure that when the su&&'y to one suite #s shut o(( the su&&'y to the rema#nder o( the building #s not #nterru&ted. 361

;,<,1,;, %ublic 6$s0rooms 819 ;he water su&&'y to each fi"ture #n a washroom (or public use sha'' ,e #nd#$#dua''y $a'$ed and each $a'$e sha'' ,e accessible. ;,<,1,=, T$nAs 819 6$ery water &#&e that su&&'#es a hot water tan7, &ressure $esse', plumbing appliance or water us#ng de$#ce sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a shut-o(( $a'$e 'ocated c'ose to the tan7, &ressure $esse', plumbing appliance or water us#ng de$#ce. ;,<,1,9, %rotection /or E?terior 6$ter (u..l3 819 6$ery &#&e that &asses through an e5ter#or wa'' to su&&'y water to the e5ter#or o( the building sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a (rost-&roo( hydrant w#th a se&arate shut-o(( $a'$e 'ocated #ns#de the building, or 2,3 a sto&-and-waste coc7 'ocated #ns#de the building and c'ose to the wa''. ;,<,1,1>, C0ecA '$l1es 819 % chec# valve sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at the building end o( the water service pipe where the &#&e #s made o( &'ast#c that #s su#ta,'e (or co'd water use on'y. ;,<,1,11, +lus0ing #e1ices 819 6$ery ('ush#ng de$#ce that ser$es a water c'oset or one or more ur#na's sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent ca&ac#ty and ,e ad0usted to de'#$er at each o&erat#on a $o'ume o( water that w#'' thorough'y ('ush the fi"ture or fi"tures that #t ser$es. 829 8here a manua''y o&erated ('ush#ng de$#ce #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'' ser$e on'y one fi"ture. ;,<,1,12, Relie/ '$l1es 819 6$ery &ressure $esse' that #s &art o( a plumbing system or connected to a plumbing system sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a &ressure re'#e( $a'$e des#gned to o&en when the water &ressure #n the tan7 reaches the rated wor7#ng &ressure o( the tan7, and so 'ocated that the &ressure #n the tan7 sha'' not e5ceed 1 100 7-a or one-ha'( the ma5#mum test &ressure susta#ned ,y the tan7, wh#che$er #s the 'esser. 829 6$ery hot water tan7 o( a storage-type service water heater sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a tem&erature re'#e( $a'$e w#th a tem&erature sens#ng e'ement, 2a3 'ocated w#th#n the to& 110 mm o( the tan7, and 2,3 des#gned to o&en and d#scharge su((#c#ent water (rom the tan7 to 7ee& the tem&erature o( the water #n the tan7 (rom e5ceed#ng 99E) under a'' o&erat#ng cond#t#ons. 8!9 % &ressure re'#e( $a'$e and tem&erature re'#e( $a'$e may ,e com,#ned where /entences 213 and 223 are com&'#ed w#th. 859 6$ery indirect service water heater sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th, 2a3 a &ressure re'#e( $a'$e, and 2,3 a tem&erature re'#e( $a'$e on e$ery storage tan7 that (orms &art o( the system. 879 6$ery &#&e that con$eys water (rom a tem&erature re'#e(, &ressure re'#e(, or a com,#ned tem&erature and &ressure re'#e( $a'$e sha'', 2a3 ,e o( a size at 'east e:ua' to the size o( the out'et o( the $a'$e, 2,3 ,e r#g#d, s'o&e downward (rom the $a'$e, and, 2#3 term#nate w#th an #nd#rect connect#on a,o$e a ('oor dra#n, sum& or other sa(e 'ocat#on, w#th an air brea# o( not more than 300 mm, or 2##3 term#nate at a d#stance not 'ess than 110 mm and not more than 300 mm (rom a ('oor and d#scharge $ert#ca''y down, 2c3 ha$e no thread at #ts out'et, and 2d3 ,e ca&a,'e o( o&erat#ng at a tem&erature o( not 'ess than 99E). 8<9 ;he tem&erature re'#e( $a'$e re:u#red #n )'ause 2432,3 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a tem&erature sens#ng e'ement 'ocated w#th#n the to& 110 mm o( the tan7, and 2,3 ,e des#gned to o&en and d#scharge su((#c#ent water to 7ee& the tem&erature o( the water #n the tan7 (rom e5ceed#ng 99E) under a'' o&erat#ng cond#t#ons. 8;9 Bo shut-o(( $a'$e sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on the &#&e ,etween any tan7 and the re'#e( $a'$es or on the d#scharge '#nes (rom such re'#e( $a'$es. 362

;,<,1,1!, (ol$r #omestic Eot 6$ter (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a system (or so'ar heat#ng o( potable water sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 829 -ac7aged systems (or so'ar heat#ng o( potable water #n residential occupancies sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-F3 3, >+nsta''at#on o( -ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems?. ;,<,1,15, 6$ter E$mmer 819 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to &rotect the water distribution system (rom the ad$erse e((ects o( water hammer. ;,<,1,17, )obile Eome 6$ter (er1ice 819 % water service pipe #ntended to ser$e a mo,#'e home sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than f #n. #n size, 2,3 ,e term#nated a,o$e ground, and 2c3 ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2#3 a tam&er&roo( term#na' connect#on that #s ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng re&eated'y connected, d#sconnected and sea'ed, 2##3 a &rotect#$e concrete &ad, 2###3 a means to &rotect #t (rom (rost hea$e, and 2#$3 a cur, sto& and a means o( dra#n#ng that &art o( the &#&e 'ocated a,o$e the (rost '#ne when not #n use. ;,<,1,1<, T0erm$l E?.$nsion 819 -rotect#on aga#nst therma' e5&ans#on sha'' ,e re:u#red when a chec# valve #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e ..6.1.10., a bac#flow preventer #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e ..6.2.2., or a &ressure reduc#ng $a'$e #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e ..6.3.3. ;,<,2, %rotection /rom Cont$min$tion ;,<,2,1, Connection o/ (3stems 819 )onnect#ons to potable water systems sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed so that non- potable water or su,stances that may render the water non-potable cannot enter the system. 829 Bo connect#on sha'' ,e made ,etween a potable water system su&&'#ed w#th water (rom a drin#ing water system and any other potable water system w#thout the consent o( the water purveyor. ;,<,2,2, B$cA:(i.0on$ge 819 6$ery potable water system that su&&'#es a fi"ture or tan7 that #s not su,0ect to &ressures a,o$e atmos&her#c sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst bac#-siphonage ,y a bac#flow preventer. 829 8here a potable water su&&'y #s connected to a ,o#'er, tan7, coo'#ng 0ac7et, 'awn s&r#n7'er system or other de$#ce where a non-potable ('u#d may ,e under &ressure that #s a,o$e atmos&her#c or the water out'et may ,e su,merged #n the nonpotable ('u#d, the water su&&'y sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst bac#flow ,y a bac#flow preventer. 8!9 8here a hose ,#,, #s #nsta''ed outs#de a building, #ns#de a garage, or where there #s an #dent#(#a,'e r#s7 o( contam#nat#on, the potable water system sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst bac#flow ,y a bac#flow preventer. ;,<,2,!, %rotection /rom B$cA/lo2 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233 and %rt#c'es ..6.2.4. to ..6.2.6., where a bac#flow preventer #s re:u#red ,y th#s /u,sect#on, the bac#flow preventer sha'' ,e se'ected, #nsta''ed and tested #n con(ormance w#th )/% *64.10, >/e'ect#on and +nsta''at#on o( *ac7('ow -re$enters?. 829 $ac#flow preventers sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n con(ormance w#th /entence .. 8!9 ;an7 ty&e water c'oset $a'$es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a bac#-siphonage preventer #n con(ormance w#th /entence .. ;,<,2,5, B$cA/lo2 /rom +ire %rotection (3stems 819 % bac#flow preventer sha'' not ,e re:u#red #n a residential full flow through fire sprin#ler system , #n wh#ch the &#&e and (#tt#ngs are constructed o( potable water system mater#a's. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 243, potable water system connect#ons to (#re s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst bac#flow caused ,y bac#-siphonage or bac# pressure #n con(ormance w#th the (o''ow#ng )'auses: 2a3 1esidential partial flow through fire sprin#ler systems #n wh#ch the &#&es and (#tt#ngs are constructed o( potable water system mater#a's sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a dua' chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.6.1, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2"u)F3?, 363

2,3 %lass & fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a s#ng'e chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.9, >/#ng'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2/)H%F3?, &ro$#ded that the systems do not use ant#(reeCe or other add#t#$es o( any 7#nd and a'' &#&es and (#tt#ngs are constructed o( potable water system mater#a's, 2c3 %lass & fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems not co$ered ,y )'ause 2,3 as we'' as %lass 2 and %lass ' fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a dou,'e chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%*64.1.1, >"ou,'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2")H%F3?, &ro$#ded that the systems do not use ant#(reeCe or other add#t#$es o( any 7#nd, 2d3 %lass &, %lass 2 or %lass ' fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems, #n wh#ch ant#(reeCe or other add#t#$es are used, sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a reduced &ressure &r#nc#&'e bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.4.1, >Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2R-F3?, #nsta''ed on the &ort#on o( the system that uses the add#t#$es and the ,a'ance o( the system sha'' ,e &rotected as re:u#red ,y )'ause 2,3 or 2c3, 2e3 %lass ( and %lass - fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a reduced &ressure &r#nc#&'e bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.4.1, >Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2R-F3?, 2(3 %lass . fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems sha'' ,e &rotected, 2#3 ,y a dou,'e chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.1.1, >"ou,'e )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2")H%F3?, or 2##3 where a se$ere haCard may ,e caused ,y bac#flow, ,y a reduced &ressure &r#nc#&'e bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.4.1, >Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2R-F3?, and 2g3 bac#flow preventers on (#re s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems sha'' ,e se'ected and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e ..6.2.4. T$ble ;,<,2,5, B$cA/lo2 %re1enters on +ire (.rinAler $nd (t$nd.i.e (3stems Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )/% /tandard Bum,er ;y&e o( "e$#ce213 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 /ystem <ade w#th -ota,'e 8ater /ystem <ater#a's <#nor =aCard223 <#nor =aCard223 Res#dent#a' -art#a' F'ow- )'ass 1 /ystem ;hrough /ystem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 /ystem Bot <ade w#th -ota,'e 8ater /ystem <ater#a's <oderate =aCard223 /e$ere =aCard223 )'ass N %ny )'ass o( 1, 2, 3 and 6 /ystems /ystem #n wh#ch %nt#(reeCe or Other %dd#t#$es %re @sed BBBBB-

1. 2. 3. 4.

*64.6.1 *64.9 *64.1.1 *64.4.1

"u)F /)H%F ")H%F R-F


Botes to ;a,'e ..6.2.4.: %M %ermitted N%M Not %ermitted

213 223

;he &roduct #s on'y &erm#tted (or use on (#re s&r#n7'er and stand&#&e systems.

<#nor =aCard, <oderate =aCard and /e$ere =aCard ha$e the same mean#ng as #nd#cated #n )/% *64.10 >/e'ect#on and +nsta''at#on o( *ac7('ow -re$enters?. 8!9 ;he bac#flow preventer re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed u&stream o( the (#re de&artment &um&er connect#on. 859 8here a reduced &ressure &r#nc#&'e bac#flow preventer #s re:u#red on the water service pipe at a ser$#ce connect#on 'ocated on the same &rem#ses as the fire service main #n %lass ', (, - and . fire sprin#ler,standpipe systems , a reduced &ressure &r#nc#&'e bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.4.1, >Reduced -ressure -r#nc#&'e *ac7('ow -re$enters (or F#re -rotect#on /ystems 2R-F3?, sha'' a'so ,e &ro$#ded on the (#re ser$#ce connect#on. ;,<,2,7, B$cA/lo2 /rom Buildings 2it0 $ (ol$r #omestic Eot 6$ter (3stem 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, a potable water system sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst bac#flow where the heat trans(er 'oo& o( a so'ar domest#c hot water system #s directly connected to the potable water system. 364

829 8here the heat trans(er 'oo& o( the so'ar domest#c hot water system cons#sts o( d#rect ('ow-through o( potable water on'y, &rotect#on aga#nst bac#flow #s not re:u#red. 8!9 % potable water system that #s directly connected to the heat trans(er 'oo& o( a so'ar domest#c hot water system that ser$es a residential occupancy w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a bac#flow preventer se'ected #n accordance w#th )%B!)/%-F3.9.1, >-ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems 2L#:u#d-to-L#:u#d =eat ;rans(er3?. 859 8here a so'ar domest#c hot water system #nc'udes a s#ng'e wa'' heat e5changer and conta#ns on'y a re'at#$e'y harm'ess heat trans(er ('u#d as descr#,ed #n )%B!)/%-F3.9.1, >-ac7aged /o'ar "omest#c =ot 8ater /ystems 2L#:u#d-to-L#:u#d =eat ;rans(er3?, the bac#flow &re$ent#on re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e a dua' chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.3, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters w#th %tmos&her#c -ort 2")%-3?. ;,<,2,<, %remise Isol$tion 819 $uildings or (ac#'#t#es where a moderate haCard or se$ere haCard may ,e caused ,y bac#flow sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th &rem#se #so'at#on o( the potable water system ,y the #nsta''at#on o( a bac#flow preventer se'ected #n accordance w#th )'auses,3 and 2c3 o( )/% *64.10, >/e'ect#on and +nsta''at#on o( *ac7('ow -re$enters?. 829 $uildings o( residential occupancy w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 are not re:u#red to ,e #so'ated un'ess they ha$e access to an au"iliary water supply. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where no d#rect connect#on e5#sts ,etween the au"iliary water supply and the potable water system, &rem#se #so'at#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y a dua' chec# valve bac#flow preventer con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.6, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2"u)3?. ;,<,2,;, Reser1ed ;,<,2,=, Cle$ning o/ (3stems 819 % new'y #nsta''ed &art o( a potable water system sha'' ,e c'eaned and then ('ushed w#th potable water ,e(ore the system #s &ut #nto o&erat#on. ;,<,2,9, Air G$. 819 %n air gap sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a no5#ous en$#ronment. 829 6$ery air gap sha'' ,e not 'ess than 21 mm h#gh and at 'east tw#ce the d#ameter o( the o&en#ng o( the water su&&'y out'et #n he#ght. ;,<,2,1>, '$cuum Bre$Aers $nd +lood Le1els 819 8here the critical level #s not mar7ed on an atmos&her#c vacuum brea#er or &ressure vacuum brea#er, the critical level sha'' ,e ta7en as the 'owest &o#nt on the de$#ce. 829 8here an atmos&her#c vacuum brea#er #s #nsta''ed, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated on the downstream s#de o( the fi"ture contro' $a'$e or (aucet so that #t w#'' ,e su,0ect to water su&&'y &ressure, 2a3 on'y when the fi"ture contro' $a'$e or (aucet #s o&en, and 2,3 (or &er#ods o( use not to e5ceed 12 h cont#nuous. 8!9 %n atmos&her#c vacuum brea#er sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the critical level #s at 'east the d#stance s&ec#(#ed ,y the manu(acturer at wh#ch the de$#ce w#'' o&erate sa(e'y ,ut not 'ess than 21 mm a,o$e, 2a3 the flood level rim o( a fi"ture or tan7, or 2,3 the h#ghest &o#nt o&en to atmos&here #n an #rr#gat#on system. 859 % &ressure vacuum brea#er sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th #ts critical level at 'east 300 mm a,o$e, 2a3 the flood level rim o( a fi"ture or tan7, or 2,3 the h#ghest &o#nt o&en to atmos&here #n an #rr#gat#on system. ;,<,!, (i-e $nd C$.$cit3 o/ ;,<,!,1, #esign, Construction $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 6$ery water distribution system sha'' ,e des#gned to &ro$#de &ea7 demand ('ow when the ('ow &ressures at the su&&'y o&en#ngs con(orm to the &'um,#ng su&&'y (#tt#ng manu(acturerDs s&ec#(#cat#ons. 829 % potable water system sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to con(orm to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances, such as that descr#,ed #n the %/=R%6 =and,oo7s and %/-6 "ata *oo7s. 8!9 6$ery &#&e that su&&'#es a fi"ture sha'' ha$e a ca&ac#ty that w#'' &roduce a ('ow #n the fi"ture that w#'' ('ush the fi"ture and 7ee& #t #n a san#tary cond#t#on. ;,<,!,2, E3dr$ulic Lo$d 361

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the hydrau'#c 'oad o( a fi"ture or de$#ce that #s '#sted #n ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%. sha'' ,e the num,er o( fi"ture units g#$en #n the ;a,'e. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 213 and 233, the hydrau'#c 'oad o( a fi"ture that #s not '#sted #n ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%. #s the num,er o( fi"ture units '#sted #n ;a,'e ..6.3.2.". 8!9 8here fi"tures are su&&'#ed w#th ,oth hot and co'd water, the hydrau'#c 'oads (or ma5#mum se&arate demands sha'' ,e .1F o( the hydrau'#c 'oad o( the fi"ture units g#$en #n ;a,'es ..6.3.2.%. and ..6.3.2.". when us#ng a deta#'ed eng#neer#ng des#gn method. 859 ;he hydrau'#c 'oad o( ur#na's and water c'osets w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$es sha'' ,e the num,er o( fi"ture units '#sted #n ;a,'es ..6.3.2.*. and ..6.3.2.). T$ble ;,<,!,2,A, (i-ing o/ 6$ter #istribution (3stems819829 Form#ng -art o( /entences .. to 233 and .., 233 and 213
+tem )o'umn 1 7i"ture or "e$#ce )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Size o( /u&&'y -#&e, #n. B!% B!% 1!2 3!4 1 3! 1!2 1!2 3! 3! 3! 3! 1!2 3!4 1!2 3! 3! 1!2 1!2

)o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 4rivate >se =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units )o'd 2.. 4 1 ..1 1.1 1 2.1 3 1.9 0.1 0..1 1 1.1 1 0..1 1 1.1 1 263

)o'umn 6 )o'umn . )o'umn 4ublic >se =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units )o'd 3 ..1 ..1 2.21 3 1.1 1 0.21 2.1 6 1.9 1.1 1.1 3 3 3 1.1 2.21 6 3 1 1.1 1.1 1 2.21 1.1

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

$athroom group w#th 6 L-F ('ush tan7233 $athroom group w#th greater than 6 L-F ('ush tan7233 $athroom group w#th more than 3 fi"tures *athtu, w#th or w#thout shower head *athtu, w#th f #n. s&out *ed&an washer *#det )'othes washer, 3.1 7g )'othes washer, 6. 7g )'othes washer, commerc#a'213 "enta' 'a$atory "enta' un#t, cus&#dor "#shwasher, commerc#a'213 "#shwasher, domest#c "r#n7#ng (ounta#n or water coo'er =ose ,#,, =ose ,#,, =ose ,#,,, com,#nat#on hot and co'd La$atory, .3 L!m#n or 'ess La$atory, greater than .3 L!m#n /hower head, 9.1 L!m#n or 'ess &er head /hower head, greater than 9.1 L!m#n &er head /hower, s&ray, mu't#-head, fi"ture unit &er head /#n7, ,ar /#n7, c'#n#c ser$#ce (aucet /#n7, c'#n#c ser$#ce w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$e /#n7, 7#tchen, commerc#a', &er (aucet /#n7, 7#tchen, domest#c, .3 L!m#n or 'ess /#n7, 7#tchen, domest#c, greater than .3 L!m#n /#n7, 'a,oratory /#n7, 'aundry 21 or 2 com&artments3 /#n7, ser$#ce or mo& ,as#n /#n7, washu&, &er (aucet @r#na', w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$e

=ot 1.1 3 1 ..1 1.1 1 1.4 1.9 0.1 0..1 1 1.1 1 0..1 1 1.1 1 -

;ota' 3.6 6

=ot 3 ..1 ..1 2.21 3 1.1 1.9 1.1 1.1 3 3 3 1.1 2.21 3 1 1.1 1.1 1 2.21 1.1 -

;ota' 4 10 10 3 4 2 1 0.21 2.1 6 2.1 2 2 4 4 4 2 3 6 4 1.4 2 2 1.4 3 2


1.4 10 2 1.4 1.4 2.1 3 2.1 0.. 1 1.4 2 1.4 1 1.4 2 1.4 263

3! 1!2 1 1!2 3! 3! 3! 3! 1!2 1!2 3!4


31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39.


@r#na', w#th ('ush tan7 @r#na', w#th se'(-c'os#ng meter#ng $a'$e 8ater c'oset, 6 L-F or 'ess w#th ('ush tan7 8ater c'oset, greater than 6 L-F w#th ('ush tan7 8ater c'oset, w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$e

3! 1!2 3! 3! 1

3 2 2.2 3

3 2 2.2 3

3 4 2.2 1

3 4 2.2 1

Botes to ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%.:

;he fi"ture unit $a'ues #n th#s ;a,'e are not a&&'#ca,'e #n certa#n assembly occupancies ,ecause o( surges #n use ,y the occu&ants. For such occupancies, re(er to s&ec#(#c des#gn #n(ormat#on.
223 233 243 213 263

For fi"tures not #nd#cated #n th#s ;a,'e, re(er to ;a,'e ..6.3.2.". $athroom group #s ,ased on a h #n. size ,athtu, su&&'y &#&e. %dd add#t#ona' fi"ture to the fi"ture 'oad (or bathroom group. Re(er to the manu(acturerDs recommendat#ons. For fi"ture unit $a'ues (or fi"tures w#th d#rect ('ush $a'$es, see /entence .. and ;a,'es ..6.3.2.*. and ..6.3.2.). T$ble ;,<,!,2,B, (i-ing o/ 6$ter #istribution (3stems /or rin$ls 2it0 #irect +lus0 '$l1es Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and ..

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 Bum,er o( Ha'$es 1 2 3 4 1 or more

)o'umn 2 +nd#$#dua' 7i"ture >nits %ss#gned #n "ecreas#ng Ha'ues 20 11 10 1 each

)o'umn 3 7i"ture >nits #n %ccumu'at#$e Ha'ues213 20 31 41 13 1 , &'us 1 (or each add#t#ona' fi"ture #n e5cess o( 1

Botes to ;a,'e ..6.3.2.*.:


;he accumu'at#$e fi"ture unit $a'ues are the tota' $a'ues to ,e used #n con0unct#on w#th ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%. T$ble ;,<,!,2,C, (i-ing o/ 6$ter #istribution (3stems /or 6$ter Closets 2it0 #irect +lus0 '$l1es Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and ..

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 Bum,er o( Ha'$es 1 2 3 4 1 or more

)o'umn 2 +nd#$#dua' 7i"ture >nits %ss#gned #n "ecreas#ng Ha'ues 40 30 20 11 10 (or each public use, and 6 (or each private use

)o'umn 3 7i"ture >nits #n %ccumu'at#$e Ha'ues213 40 .0 90 101 111, &'us 10 (or each public use add#t#ona' fi"ture #n e5cess o( 1, and 111, &'us 6 (or each private use add#t#ona' fi"ture #n e5cess o( 1

Botes to ;a,'e ..6.3.2.).:


;he accumu'at#$e fi"ture unit $a'ues are the tota' $a'ues to ,e used #n con0unct#on w#th ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%. T$ble ;,<,!,2,#, E3dr$ulic Lo$ds o/ +i?tures Not Listed in T$ble ;,<,!,2,A, Form#ng -art o( /entences .. and 233 and ..

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4.

)o'umn 1 Size o( /u&&'y -#&e, #n. i h f 1

)o'umn 2 =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units 4rivate >se 1 2 3 6

)o'umn 3 4ublic >se 2 4 6 10


;,<,!,!, (t$tic %ressure 819 8here the stat#c &ressure at any fi"ture may e5ceed 110 7-a, a &ressure reduc#ng $a'$e con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e ..2.10.12. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to '#m#t the ma5#mum stat#c &ressure at the fi"ture to 110 7-a. ;,<,!,5, (i-e 819 6$ery water service pipe sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to the &ea7 demand ('ow ,ut sha'' not ,e 'ess than f #n. #n size. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, the size o( a su&&'y &#&e that ser$es a fi"ture or de$#ce sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e ..6.3.2.%. 8!9 For fi"tures '#sted #n ;a,'e ..6.3.2.% that ha$e a &erm#tted su&&'y &#&e size o( i #n., a connector not more than .10 mm 'ong and not 'ess than 6.3 mm #ns#de d#ameter may ,e used to su&&'y water to the fi"ture or de$#ce. 859 Bo water system ,etween the &o#nt o( connect#on w#th the water service pipe or the water meter and the (#rst ,ranch that su&&'#es a water heater that ser$es more than one fi"ture sha'' ,e 'ess than f #n. #n size. 879 8here ,oth hot and co'd water #s su&&'#ed to fi"tures #n res#dent#a' buildings conta#n#ng one or two dwelling units or row houses w#th se&arate water service pipes, the water system may ,e s#Ced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e ..6.3.4. where, 2a3 the hydrau'#c 'oads (or ma5#mum se&arate demands on water distribution system &#&#ng are not 'ess than 100F o( the tota' hydrau'#c 'oad o( the fi"ture units g#$en #n ;a,'es ..6.3.2.%., ..6.3.2.*., ..6.3.2.). and ..6.3.2.". (or private use, 2,3 the m#n#mum water &ressure at the entry to the building #s 200 7-a, and 2c3 the tota' ma5#mum 'ength o( the water system #s 90 m. T$ble ;,<,!,5, 6$ter %i.e (i-ing /or Buildings Cont$ining One or T2o #2elling nits or Ro2 Eouses 2it0 (e.$r$te 6$ter (er1ice Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem )o'umn 1 Size o( 8ater -#&e, #n. 1!2 3!4 1 1-1!4 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 8ater He'oc#ty m!s213 2.4 1.1 =ydrau'#c Load, fi"ture units . 4 16 9 31 1 1. 30

1. 2. 3. 4.

Botes to ;a,'e ..6.3.4.&

;a,'e ..6.3.4. #s not #ntended to '#m#t water $e'oc#t#es that are &erm#tted ,y /entence .. 819 ;he ma5#mum &erm#tted water $e'oc#t#es sha'' ,e those recommended ,y the &#&e and (#tt#ng manu(acturer.

;,<,!,7, 'elocit3 ;,<,5, 6$ter E//icienc3 ;,<,5,1, 6$ter (u..l3 +ittings 819 ;he ('ow rates o( (#tt#ngs that su&&'y water to a fi"ture sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum ('ow rates at the test &ressures '#sted (or that (#tt#ng #n ;a,'e ..6.4.1. T$ble ;,<,5,1, )$?imum +lo2 R$tes /or 6$ter (u..l3 +ittings Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 F#tt#ng La$atory Faucet Z#tchen Faucet /hower =eads #n 1esidential ;ccupancy /hower =eads #n Other ;ccupancies )o'umn 2 <a5#mum F'ow, L!m#n .31 .31 ..6 9.1 )o'umn 3 ;est -ressure, 7-a 413 413 110 110

829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to a fi"ture 'ocated #n a heritage building. ;,<,5,2, %lumbing +i?tures 819 8ater c'osets and ur#na's sha'' ,e cert#(#ed to )%B!)/%-*41.0, >4enera' Re:u#rements (or -'um,#ng F#5tures?. 36

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the ('ush cyc'e (or each fi"ture that #s a water c'oset or ur#na' sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum water consum&t#on &er ('ush cyc'e '#sted (or that fi"ture #n ;a,'e ..6.4.2.%. T$ble ;,<,5,2,A, )$?imum 6$ter Consum.tion .er +lus0 C3cle /or ($nit$r3 +i?tures Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem )o'umn 1 7i"ture 8ater )'oset 2;an7 ;y&e3 8ater )'oset 2"#rect F'ush3 @r#na' 2;an7 ;y&e3 @r#na' 2"#rect F'ush3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum 8ater )onsum&t#on &er F'ush )yc'e, L-F 6.0 6.0 1.9213 1.9213

1. 2. 3. 4.

Notes to T$ble ;,<,5,2,A,&

@r#na's e:u#&&ed w#th automat#c ('ush#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e contro''ed to &re$ent unnecessary ('ush cyc'es dur#ng building down t#me. 8!9 +n buildings c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& ) occupancy, the ('ush cyc'e (or each fi"ture that #s a water c'oset or ur#na' sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum water consum&t#on &er ('ush cyc'e '#sted (or that fi"ture #n ;a,'e ..6.4.2.*. T$ble ;,<,5,2,B, )$?imum 6$ter Consum.tion .er +lus0 C3cle /or ($nit$r3 +i?tures in $ Grou. C Occu.$nc3 Form#ng -art o( /entence ..
+tem )o'umn 1 7i"ture 8ater )'oset 2;an7 ;y&e3 8ater )'oset 2"#rect F'ush3 @r#na' 2;an7 ;y&e3 @r#na' 2"#rect F'ush3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum 8ater )onsum&t#on &er F'ush )yc'e, L-F 4. 213 4. 1.9223 1.9223

1. 2. 3. 4.
213 223

Notes to T$ble ;,<,5,2,B,&

8ater c'osets wh#ch &ro$#de a dua' ('ush cyc'e o&t#on o( ,oth 4.1 L-F or 'ess and 6.0 L-F are deemed to com&'y.

@r#na's e:u#&&ed w#th automat#c ('ush#ng de$#ces sha'' ,e contro''ed to &re$ent unnecessary ('ush cyc'es dur#ng building down t#me. 859 /entences 223 and 233 do not a&&'y to a fi"ture 'ocated #n an e5#st#ng building where the chief building official #s sat#s(#ed that com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rement #s #m&ract#ca,'e ,ecause o( ma#ntenance or o&erat#ona' d#((#cu't#es. ;,<,7, 6$ter$ture Control ;,<,7,1, )$?imum$ture o/ Eot 6$ter 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and .., the ma5#mum tem&erature o( hot water su&&'#ed ,y (#tt#ngs to fi"tures #n a residential occupancy sha'' not e5ceed 49E). 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to hot water su&&'#ed to #nsta''ed d#shwashers or c'othes washers. ;,<,7,2, (0o2ers 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded (or #n /entences 223 and 233, a'' $a'$es su&&'y#ng (#5ed 'ocat#on shower heads, sha'' ,e #nd#$#dua''y &ressure-,a'anced or thermostat#c-m#5#ng $a'$es, con(orm#ng to )/% *121.1, >-'um,#ng /u&&'y F#tt#ngs?. 829 %n #nd#$#dua''y &ressure-,a'anced or thermostat#c-m#5#ng $a'$e sha'' not ,e re:u#red (or showers #( a s#ng'e tem&erature water su&&'y (or such showers #s contro''ed ,y a master thermostat#c-m#5#ng $a'$e con(orm#ng to )/% *121.3, >-'um,#ng F#tt#ngs?. 8!9 "ec7-mounted, hand-he'd, ('e5#,'e-hose s&ray attachments are e5em&t (rom the therma' shoc7 re:u#rements o( /entence 213. 859 -ressure-,a'anced or thermostat#c-m#5#ng $a'$es sha'' ,e, 2a3 des#gned so that the out'et tem&erature does not e5ceed 49E), or 2,3 e:u#&&ed w#th h#gh-'#m#t sto&s wh#ch sha'' ,e ad0usted to a ma5#mum hot water sett#ng o( 49E). 369

;,<,7,!,$ture Control #e1ices 819 % water distribution system su&&'y#ng hot water to any ,athtu,, shower or hand ,as#n that #s access#,'e to a &at#ent or res#dent #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or 3 occu&ancy or a res#dent o( a grou& home, home for special care or res#dence (or adu'ts w#th de$e'o&menta' d#sa,#'#t#es sha'' ha$e one or more tem&erature gauges and contro' de$#ces that are, 2a3 access#,'e on'y to su&er$#sory sta((, and 2,3 ca&a,'e o( ,e#ng ad0usted to ensure that the tem&erature o( the water su&&'#ed to the fi"tures does not e5ceed 49E). (ection ;,;, Non:%ot$ble 6$ter (3stems ;,;,1, Connection ;,;,1,1, Non:%ot$ble Connection 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entences 223 and 233, a non- potable water system sha'' not ,e connected to a potable water system. 829 <a7e-u& water may ,e su&&'#ed to the non-potable water system ,y, 2a3 a reduced &ressure bac#flow preventer, or 2,3 an air gap. 8!9 8here a c'othes washer #s su&&'#ed ,y a rainwater system and a potable water system, the potable water system sha'' ,e &rotected ,y dua' chec# valve bac#flow preventers con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-*64.6, >"ua' )hec7 Ha'$e *ac7('ow -re$enters 2"u)3? (or, 2a3 area #so'at#on, and 2,3 &rem#se #so'at#on. ;,;,2, Identi/ic$tion ;,;,2,1, )$rAings Re4uired 819 Bon-potable water &#&#ng sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y mar7#ngs that are &ermanent, d#st#nct and eas#'y recogn#Ced. 829 Bon-potable water system (or re-use &ur&oses sha'' ,e mar7ed #n accordance w#th /ect#on 12 o( )%B!)/%-*12 .1, >"es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( Bon--ota,'e 8ater /ystems?. 8!9 % s#gn conta#n#ng the words NON:%OTABLE 6ATER, #O NOT #RINI sha'' ,e #n 'etters at 'east 21 mm h#gh w#th a 1 mm stro7e and &osted #mmed#ate'y a,o$e a fi"ture that #s &erm#tted to rece#$e non-potable water. ;,;,!, Loc$tion ;,;,!,1, 819 Bon-potable water &#&#ng sha'' not ,e 'ocated, 2a3 where (ood #s &re&ared #n a (ood &rocess#ng &'ant, 2,3 a,o$e (ood-hand'#ng e:u#&ment, 2c3 a,o$e a non-&ressur#Ced potable water tan7, or 2d3 a,o$e a co$er o( a &ressur#Ced potable water tan7. ;,;,!,2, Outlets 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence .., an out'et (rom a non-potable water system sha'' not ,e 'ocated where #t can d#scharge #nto, 2a3 a s#n7 or 'a$atory, 2,3 a fi"ture #nto wh#ch an out'et (rom a potable water system #s d#scharged, or 2c3 a fi"ture that #s used (or a &ur&ose re'ated to the &re&arat#on, hand'#ng or d#s&ens#ng o( (ood, dr#n7 or &roducts that are #ntended (or human consum&t#on. ;,;,5, Non:%ot$ble 6$ter (3stems /or Re:use %ur.oses ;,;,5,1, Con/orm$nce to (t$nd$rds 819 Bon-potable water systems (or re-use &ur&oses sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to con(orm to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances such as descr#,ed #n, 2a3 the %/=R%6 =and,oo7s, 3.0

2,3 %/-6 "ata *oo7s, or 2c3 )%B!)/%-*12 .1, >"es#gn and +nsta''at#on o( Bon--ota,'e 8ater /ystems?. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art .G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 39-46.
%ART = (E6AGE (D(TE)(
(ection =,1, =,1,1, =,1,2, =,1,!, =,2, =,2,1, =,2,2, =,!, =,!,1, =,!,2, =,!,!, =,!,5, =,!,7, =,5, =,5,1, =,5,2, =,7, =,7,1, =,7,2, =,<, =,<,1, =,<,2, =,;, =,;,1, =,;,2, =,;,!, =,;,5, =,;,7, =,;,<, =,;,;, =,;,=, =,=, =,=,1, =,=,2, =,9, =,9,1, =,9,2, =,9,!, Gener$l (co.e A..lic$tion Limit$tions #esign (t$nd$rds Gener$l Re4uirements Tre$tment $nd Eolding T$nAs Cl$ss 1 (e2$ge (3stems Gener$l Re4uirements (u.erstructure Re4uirements E$rt0 %it %ri13 %ri13 '$ults $nd %$il %ri13 %ort$ble %ri13 Cl$ss 2 (e2$ge (3stems Gener$l Re4uirements #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements Cl$ss ! (e2$ge (3stems Gener$l Re4uirements #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements Cl$ss 5 (e2$ge (3stems Gener$l Re4uirements Tre$tment nits Le$c0ing Beds Gener$l Re4uirements #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements Absor.tion Trenc0 Construction +ill B$sed Absor.tion Trenc0es +ilter Beds (0$llo2 Buried Trenc0 T3.e A #is.ers$l Beds T3.e B #is.ers$l Beds Cl$ss 7 (e2$ge (3stems A..lic$tion Gener$l Re4uirements$tion $nd )$inten$nce Gener$l$tion )$inten$nce









(ection =,1, Gener$l =,1,1, (co.e =,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. =,1,1,2, #e/initions 819 +n th#s -art, Soil means #n-s#tu, natura''y occurr#ng, unconso'#dated m#nera' or organ#c mater#a', at the earthjs sur(ace that #s at 'east 100 mm th#c7 and ca&a,'e o( su&&ort#ng &'ant growth, and #nc'udes mater#a' com&acted or cemented ,y so#' (orm#ng &rocesses, ,ut does not #nc'ude d#s&'aced mater#a's such as gra$e' dum&s, m#ne s&o#'s, or '#7e de&os#ts. 3.1

=,1,2, A..lic$tion =,1,2,1, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ (3stems 819 %'' sewage systems sha'' ,e c'assed as one o( the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 )'ass 1 I a chem#ca' to#'et, an #nc#nerat#ng to#'et, a rec#rcu'at#ng to#'et, a se'(-conta#ned &orta,'e to#'et and a'' (orms o( &r#$y #nc'ud#ng a portable privy, an earth pit privy, a pail privy, a privy vault and a com&ost#ng to#'et system, 2,3 )'ass 2 I a greywater system, 2c3 )'ass 3 I a cess&oo', 2d3 )'ass 4 I a leaching bed system, or 2e3 )'ass 1 I a system that re:u#res or uses a holding tan# (or the retent#on o( hauled sewage at the s#te where #t #s &roduced &r#or to #ts co''ect#on ,y a hauled sewage system. =,1,2,2,$tion $nd )$inten$nce 819 O&erat#on and ma#ntenance o( sewage systems sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#on .9. =,1,!, Limit$tions =,1,!,1, #isc0$rge 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 263, the sewage system sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to rece#$e on'y sanitary sewage o( domest#c or#g#n. 829 8here 'aundry waste #s not more than 20F o( the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow, #t may d#scharge to a sewage system. 8!9 8here #ndustr#a' &rocess waste water #s treated to the contam#nant 'e$e's (ound #n domest#c sanitary sewage, #t may d#scharge to a leaching bed &ro$#ded the treatment unit and sewage system are des#gned #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 859 8here 7#tchen waste water (rom a restaurant has &assed through an o&erat#ng grease interceptor, #t may d#scharge to a leaching bed &ro$#ded the sewage system has ,een des#gned #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 879 8aste water (rom a 7#tchen e:u#&&ed w#th a gar,age gr#nder may ,e d#rected to the sewage system &ro$#ded the system has ,een des#gned to acce&t such waste water. 8<9 8ater so(tener and #ron (#'ter d#scharge may ,e d#rected to the sewage system &ro$#ded the system has ,een des#gned to acce&t such d#scharges. 8;9 Storm sewage sha'' not ,e d#scharged #nto a sewage system. 8=9 ;he interceptor re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'', 2a3 ha$e a m#n#mum ('ow rate as re:u#red ,y /entence .. 3 us#ng a 60 second dra#n down t#me, and 2,3 con(orm to, 2#3 )%B!)/%-*4 1.1, >;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng Lard?, or 2##3 )%B!)/%-*4 1.2, >;est#ng and Rat#ng o( 4rease +nterce&tors @s#ng O#'?. (ection =,2, #esign (t$nd$rds =,2,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,2,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the des#gn o( sewage systems. =,2,1,2, (ite E1$lu$tion 819 % s#te e$a'uat#on sha'' ,e conducted on e$ery s#te where a new or re&'acement sewage system #s to ,e #nsta''ed. 829 ;he percolation time sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y, 2a3 conduct#ng &erco'at#on tests, or 2,3 c'ass#(y#ng the soil accord#ng to one o( the (o''ow#ng methods, 2#3 the @n#(#ed /o#' )'ass#(#cat#on /ystem as descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-6, >-erco'at#on ;#me and /o#' "escr#&t#ons?, or 2##3 the /o#' ;e5ture )'ass#(#cat#on as descr#,ed #n )ha&ter 3 o( @/"%, >/o#' /ur$ey <anua'?. 3.2

8!9 8here the percolation time #s determ#ned ,y a &erco'at#on test, there sha'' ,e a m#n#mum o( 3 'ocat#ons se'ected, su#ta,'y s&aced to accurate'y e$a'uate the leaching bed area, w#th the h#ghest percolation time o( the tests ,e#ng used. =,2,1,!, (e2$ge (3stem #esign +lo2s 819 For residential occupancies, the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow sha'' ,e at 'east the $a'ue #n )o'umn 2 as determ#ned (rom ;a,'e .2.1.3.%. 829 For a'' other occupancies, the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow sha'' ,e at 'east the $a'ue #n )o'umn 2 as determ#ned (rom ;a,'e .2.1.3.*. 8!9 8here a building conta#ns more than one esta,'#shment, the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow sha'' ,e the sum o( the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow (or each esta,'#shment. 859 8here an occupancy #s not '#sted #n ;a,'e .2.1.3.*., the h#ghest o( metered ('ow data (rom at 'east 3 s#m#'ar esta,'#shments sha'' ,e acce&ta,'e (or determ#n#ng the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow. T$ble =,2,1,!,A, Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 Form#ng -art o( /entence .
/tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 1esidential ;ccupancy %&artments, )ondom#n#ums, Other <u't#-(am#'y "we''#ngs - &er &erson 213 *oard#ng =ouses a3 -er &erson, #3 w#th mea's and 'aundry (ac#'#t#es, or, ##3 w#thout mea' or 'aundry (ac#'#t#es, and ,3 -er non-res#dent sta(( &er hour sh#(t *oard#ng /choo' - &er &erson "we''#ngs a3 1 ,edroom dwe''#ng ,3 2 ,edroom dwe''#ng c3 3 ,edroom dwe''#ng d3 4 ,edroom dwe''#ng e3 1 ,edroom dwe''#ng (3 %dd#t#ona' ('ow (or223 #3 each ,edroom o$er 1, ##3 %3 each 10 m2 2or &art o( #t3 o$er 200 m2 u& to 400 m2 233 , *3 each 10 m2 2or &art o( #t3 o$er 400 m2 u& to 600 m2 233 , and )3 each 10 m2 2or &art o( #t3 o$er 600 m2 233 , or ###3 each (#5ture un#t o$er 20 (#5ture un#ts =ote's and <ote's 2e5c'ud#ng ,ars and restaurants3 a3 Regu'ar, &er room ,3 Resort hote', cottage, &er &erson c3 /e'( ser$#ce 'aundry, add &er mach#ne 8or7 )am&!)onstruct#on )am&, sem#-&ermanent &er wor7er )o'umn 2 Ho'ume, '#tres 2.1 200 110 40 300 .10 1100 1600 2000 2100 100 100 .1 10 10 210 100 2100 210

3. 4.


213 223

Notes to T$ble =,2,1,!,A,&

;he occupant load sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng /u,sect#on 3.1.1..

8here mu't#&'e ca'cu'at#ons o( sanitary sewage $o'ume #s &erm#tted, the ca'cu'at#on resu't#ng #n the h#ghest ('ow sha'' ,e used #n determ#n#ng the des#gn da#'y sanitary sewage ('ow.

;ota' (#n#shed area, e5c'ud#ng the area o( the (#n#shed basement. T$ble =,2,1,!,B, Ot0er Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence .

+tem 1. 2.

)o'umn 1 6sta,'#shments213 %#r&orts, *us ;erm#na's, ;ra#n /tat#ons, "oc7!-ort Fac#'#t#es 2Food /er$#ces e5c'uded3 a3 -er &assenger, and ,3 -er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t %ssem,'y =a'' - &er seat a3 Bo (ood ser$#ce, or

)o'umn 2 Ho'ume, '#tres 20 40


3. 4. 1. 6.

.. . 9. 10. 11.


13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 .


,3 Food ser$#ce &ro$#ded *ar,er /ho&!*eauty /a'on - &er ser$#ce cha#r *ow'#ng %''eys 2Food /er$#ce not #nc'uded3 - &er 'ane )hurches and /#m#'ar -'aces o( 8orsh#& - &er seat a3 Bo 7#tchen (ac#'#t#es, or ,3 Z#tchen (ac#'#t#es &ro$#ded )ountry )'u, 2e5c'ud#ng Food /er$#ce3 a3 -er res#dent, ,3 -er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t, and c3 -er mem,er or &atron "ay )are Fac#'#ty &er &erson 2sta(( and ch#'dren3 "ent#st O((#ce a3 -er wet ser$#ce cha#r, and ,3 -er dry ser$#ce cha#r "octors O((#ce a3 -er &ract#t#oner, and ,3 -er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t Factory 2e5c'ud#ng &rocess or c'ean#ng waters3 - &er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t a3 Bo showers, or ,3 +nc'ud#ng showers F'ea <ar7ets223 2o&en not more than 3 days &er wee73 a3 -er non-(ood ser$#ce $endor s&ace, ,3 -er (ood ser$#ce esta,'#shment ! 9.21 m2 o( ('oor s&ace, and c3 -er '#m#ted (ood ser$#ce out'et Food /er$#ce O&erat#ons a3 Restaurant 2not 24 hour3, &er seat ,3 Restaurant 224 hour3, &er seat c3 Restaurant on contro''ed-access h#ghway, &er seat d3 -a&er ser$#ce restaurant, &er seat e3 "onut sho&, &er seat (3 *ar and coc7ta#' 'ounge, &er seat g3 "r#$e-#n restaurant &er &ar7#ng s&ace h3 ;a7e-out restaurant 2no seat#ng area3 #3 &er 9.21 m2 o( ('oor area, and ##3 &er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t #3 )a(eter#a - &er mea' 03 Food out'et #3 e5c'ud#ng de'#catessen, ,a7ery and meat de&artment, &er 9.21 m 2 o( ('oor s&ace, ##3 &er 9.21 m2 o( de'#catessen ('oor s&ace, ###3 &er 9.21 m2 o( ,a7ery ('oor s&ace, #$3 &er 9.21 m2 o( meat de&artment ('oor s&ace, and $3 &er water c'oset =os&#ta's - &er ,ed a3 +nc'ud#ng 'aundry (ac#'#t#es, or ,3 65c'ud#ng 'aundry (ac#'#t#es Long-;erm )are =omes, etc. - &er ,ed O((#ce *u#'d#ng233 a3 -er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t, or ,3 -er each 9.3 m2 o( ('oor s&ace -u,'#c -ar7s a3 8#th to#'ets on'y &er &erson, or ,3 8#th ,athhouse, showers, and to#'ets &er &erson Recreat#ona' Heh#c'e or )am&ground -ar7 a3 -er s#te w#thout water or sewer hoo7-u&, or ,3 -er s#te w#th water and sewer hoo7-u& /choo's - &er student a3 "ay schoo', ,3 8#th showers, c3 8#th ca(eter#a, and d3 -er non-teach#ng em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t /er$#ce /tat#ons 2no $eh#c'e wash#ng3 233 a3 -er water c'oset, and #3 &er (ue' out'et243, or

36 610 400 36 3.1 10 40 .1 2.1 190 2.1 .1 .1 121 60 190 91 121 200 400 60 400 121 60 190 .1 12 40 190 190 3 0 910 .10 110 410 .1 .1 20 10 2.1 421 30 30 30 10 910 160


20. 21. 22. 23. 24.



##3 &er $eh#c'e ser$ed /ho&&#ng )entre 2e5c'ud#ng (ood and 'aundry3 - &er 1.0 m2 o( ('oor s&ace /tad#ums, Race ;rac7s, *a'' -ar7s - &er seat /tores233 a3 -er 1.0 m2 o( ('oor area, or ,3 -er water c'oset /w#mm#ng and *ath#ng Fac#'#t#es 2-u,'#c3 - &er &erson Theatres a3 +ndoor, aud#tor#ums &er seat, ,3 Outdoor, dr#$e-#ns &er s&ace, or c3 <o$#e theatres &er seat Heter#nary )'#n#cs a3 -er &ract#t#oner, ,3 -er em&'oyee &er hour sh#(t, and c3 -er sta'', 7enne' or cage #( ('oor dra#n connected 8arehouse a3 -er water c'oset, and ,3 -er 'oad#ng ,ay

20 1 20 1 1230 40 20 40 11 2.1 .1 .1 910 110

Notes to T$ble =,2,1,!,B,&

213 223 233

;he occupant load sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated us#ng /u,sect#on 3.1.1.. F'ea mar7ets o&en more than 3 days &er wee7 sha'' ,e assessed us#ng the $o'umes stated under the head#ng >/tores?.

8here mu't#&'e ca'cu'at#ons o( sanitary sewage $o'ume #s &erm#tted, the ca'cu'at#on resu't#ng #n the h#ghest ('ow sha'' ,e used #n determ#n#ng the des#gn da#'y sanitary sewage ('ow.

;he num,er o( (ue' out'ets #s cons#dered the ma5#mum num,er o( (ue' noCC'es that cou'd ,e #n use at the same t#me.

=,2,1,5, Cle$r$nces 819 @n'ess #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, where the percolation time #s 10 m#nutes or greater, the 'ocat#on o( a'' com&onents w#th#n a sewage system sha'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th the c'earances '#sted #n %rt#c'e .2.1.1. or .2.1.6. 829 @n'ess #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, where the percolation time #s 'ess than 10 m#nutes, the c'earances '#sted #n %rt#c'es .2.1.1. and .2.1.6. (or we''s, 'a7es, &onds, reser$o#rs, r#$ers, s&r#ngs or streams sha'' ,e #ncreased to com&ensate (or the 'ower percolation time. 8!9 Bo building sha'' ,e constructed c'oser to any &art o( a sewage system than the c'earances '#sted #n %rt#c'e .2.1.1. or .2.1.6. 859 +( more than one sewage system #s 'ocated on a 'ot or &arce' o( 'and, there sha'' ,e no o$er'a& o( any &art o( the systems. =,2,1,7, Cle$r$nce #ist$nces /or Cl$ss 1, 2 $nd ! (e2$ge (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences . and 223, no )'ass 1, 2 or 3 sewage system sha'' ha$e a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 'ess than that &erm#tted ,y ;a,'e .2.1.1. T$ble =,2,1,7, Cle$r$nce #ist$nces /or Cl$ss 1, 2 $nd ! (e2$ge (3stems Form#ng -art o( /entence .
+tem )o'umn 1 Sewage System )o'umn 2 <#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stance #n metres (rom a we'' w#th watert#ght cas#ng to a de&th o( at 'east 6 m )o'umn 3 <#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stance #n metres (rom a s&r#ng used as a source o( potable water or we'' other than a we'' w#th a watert#ght cas#ng to a de&th o( at 'east 6 m 30 11 11 60 )o'umn 4 <#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stance #n metres (rom a 'a7e, r#$er, &ond, stream, reser$o#r, or a s&r#ng not used as a source o( potable water 11 10 11 11 )o'umn 1 <#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stance #n metres (rom a &ro&erty '#ne

1. 2. 3. 4.

6arth 4it 4rivy 4rivy ?ault 4ail 4rivy 0reywater /ystem )ess&oo'

11 10 10 30

3 3 3 3

=,2,1,<, Cle$r$nces /or $ Cl$ss 5 or 7 (e2$ge (3stem 3.1

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences . and 223, a treatment unit sha'' not ,e 'ocated c'oser than the m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stances set out #n ;a,'e .2.1.6.%. T$ble =,2,1,<,A, )inimum Cle$r$nces /or Tre$tment nits Form#ng -art o( /entence .
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. )o'umn 1 O,0ect /tructure 8e'' La7e -ond Reser$o#r R#$er /&r#ng /tream -ro&erty L#ne )o'umn 2 <#n#mum )'earance, m 1.1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 3

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences . and 223, a distribution pipe sha'' not ,e 'ocated c'oser than the m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stances set out #n ;a,'e .2.1.6.*. and these d#stances sha'' ,e #ncreased when re:u#red ,y /entence ...4.2.2113. T$ble =,2,1,<,B, )inimum Cle$r$nces /or #istribution Form#ng -art o( /entence .
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. )o'umn 1 O,0ect /tructure 8e'' w#th a watert#ght cas#ng to a de&th o( at 'east 6m %ny other we'' La7e -ond Reser$o#r R#$er /&r#ng not used as a source o( potable water /tream -ro&erty L#ne )o'umn 2 <#n#mum )'earance, m 1 11 30 11 11 11 11 11 11 3

8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences . and 223, a holding tan# sha'' not ,e 'ocated c'oser than the m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stances set out #n ;a,'e .2.1.6.). T$ble =,2,1,<,C, )inimum Cle$r$nces /or Eolding T$nAs Form#ng -art o( /entence .
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. )o'umn 1 O,0ect /tructure 8e'' w#th a watert#ght cas#ng to a de&th o( at 'east 6m %ny other we'' /&r#ng -ro&erty L#ne )o'umn 2 <#n#mum )'earance, m 1.1 11 11 11 3

=,2,2, Tre$tment $nd Eolding T$nAs =,2,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to any tan7 used #n a sewage system (or co''ect#ng, treat#ng, ho'd#ng or stor#ng sanitary sewage. =,2,2,2, T$nAs 3.6

819 /u,0ect to /entence 233, a tan7 that #s used as a treatment unit #n a )'ass 4 sewage system or a holding tan# #n a )'ass 1 sewage system sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )/% *66, >"es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s?. 829 /u,0ect to /entence 233, mater#a' standards, access and construct#on methods and &ract#ces (or a tan7 used (or other )'asses o( sewage systems sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )/% *66, >"es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s?. 8!9 ;an7s re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 are not re:u#red to con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )'ause 10.2.203 o( )/% *66 >"es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s?. 859 /entence 223 does not a&&'y to a tan7 that #s an #ntegra' &art o( a &re(a,r#cated )'ass 1 sewage system. 879 %ccess o&en#ngs sha'' ,e 'ocated to (ac#'#tate the &um&#ng o( a'' com&artments and the ser$#c#ng o( the #n'et and out'et o( each com&artment not access#,'e ,y remo$a' o( the tan7 to& or &art o( #t. 8<9 % tan7 sha'' not ,e co$ered ,y soil or leaching bed fill ha$#ng a de&th greater than the ma5#mum de&th o( ,ur#a' that the tan7 #s des#gned to w#thstand. 8;9 % tan7 sha'' ,e secure'y anchored when 'ocated #n an area su,0ect to ('ood#ng or where ground water 'e$e's may cause hydrostat#c &ressures. =,2,2,!, (e.tic T$nAs 819 ;he m#n#mum wor#ing capacity o( a septic tan# sha'' ,e the greater o( 3 600 L and, 2a3 #n residential occupancies, tw#ce the da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow, or 2,3 #n non-residential occupancies, three t#mes the da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow. 829 6$ery septic tan# sha'' ,e constructed #n such a manner that any sanitary sewage ('ow#ng through the tan7 w#'' &ass through at 'east 2 com&artments. 8!9 ;he wor#ing capacity o( the com&artments re:u#red #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e s#Ced such that, 2a3 the (#rst com&artment #s at 'east 1.3 t#mes the da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow ,ut #n no case 'ess than 2 400 L, and 2,3 each su,se:uent com&artment sha'' ,e at 'east 10F o( the (#rst com&artment. 859 8here mu't#&'e tan7s are to ,e used to meet the re:u#rements o( /entences 223 and 233, the tan7s sha'' ,e connected #n ser#es such that, 2a3 the (#rst tan7 #n the ser#es sha'' ha$e at 'east a ca&ac#ty as ca'cu'ated #n )'ause 2332a3, howe$er at no t#me sha'' a tan7 ha$#ng a wor#ing capacity o( 'ess than 3 600 L ,e used, 2,3 a'' add#t#ona' tan7s a(ter the (#rst tan7, e5c'ud#ng &um& or dos#ng tan7s sha'' ha$e at 'east a wor#ing capacity e:ua' to the $o'ume re:u#red ,y )'ause 2332,3, 2c3 the &#&e ,etween the out'et o( one tan7 and the #n'et o( the ne5t tan7 #n the ser#es sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum s'o&e o( 2 &er cent, 2d3 there sha'' ,e no &art#t#ons #n the tan7 e5ce&t where a &art#t#on #s re:u#red to ma#nta#n the structura' #ntegr#ty o( the tan7, #n wh#ch case o&en#ngs w#th#n the &art#t#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a''ow the (ree mo$ement o( sanitary sewage throughout the tan7, and 2e3 a'' &#&#ng ,etween tan7s sha'' ,e cont#nuous and sha'' ,e connected to the tan7 through the use o( ('e5#,'e watert#ght sea's that w#'' &erm#t d#((erent#a' mo$ement ,etween the tan7s. 879 -art#t#ons se&arat#ng the septic tan# #nto com&artments sha'' e5tend at 'east 110 mm a,o$e the '#:u#d 'e$e' at the out'et, and there sha'' ,e one or more o&en#ngs through or a,o$e the &art#t#on. 8<9 ;he o&en#ngs re:u#red ,etween com&artments re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ha$e a tota' cross-sect#ona' area o( at 'east three t#mes the area o( the #n'et &#&e and ,e 'ocated ,etween the to& and a 'e$e' 110 mm a,o$e the '#:u#d 'e$e' at the out'et to &ro$#de (or the (ree ('ow o( a#r ,etween com&artments. 8;9 Sanitary sewage sha'' &ass (rom one com&artment to another o( the septic tan# as (o''ows: 2a3 ,y means o( a de$#ce s#m#'ar to that descr#,ed #n )/% *66, >"es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s? (or out'et de$#ces, or 2,3 through two or more o&en#ngs through the &art#t#on 'ocated #n a hor#Conta' '#ne, and e$en'y s&aced across the w#dth o( the &art#t#on, centred at a&&ro5#mate'y 40F o( the '#:u#d de&th ,e'ow the sur(ace o( the '#:u#d, and ha$#ng a tota' area o( ,etween three and (#$e t#mes that o( the cross-sect#ona' area o( the #n'et &#&e.


8=9 % septic tan# sha'' ,e o( such des#gn and construct#on as w#'' &erm#t the co''ect#on and ho'd#ng o( sanitary sewage #n #t to a de&th o( not 'ess than 1 000 mm, e5ce&t that a de&th o( not 'ess than 900 mm #s &erm#tted where the e5ca$at#on #s #n roc7, or to a$o#d ru&ture or d#s&'acement o( the tan7 due to ground water &ressure. 899 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 2103 and 2113, e$ery septic tan# sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n such a manner that the access o&en#ngs are 'ocated not more than 300 mm ,e'ow the ground sur(ace. 81>9 8here the to& o( the septic tan# #s 'ocated more than 300 mm ,e'ow the ground sur(ace, #t sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th r#sers that e5tend (rom the access o&en#ng o( the septic tan# to w#th#n 300 mm o( the ground sur(ace. 8119 8here r#sers are used they sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )/% *66, >"es#gn, <ater#a', and <anu(actur#ng Re:u#rements (or -re(a,r#cated /e&t#c ;an7s and /ewage =o'd#ng ;an7s?, and sha'' ha$e ade:uate access o&en#ngs to a''ow (or regu'ar ma#ntenance o( the septic tan#. =,2,2,5, Eolding T$nAs 819 %'' holding tan#s sha'' ,e o( such des#gn and construct#on as w#'' a''ow the com&'ete remo$a' o( so'#d matter that can ,e e5&ected to sett'e #n the holding tan# through an a&&aratus or de$#ce su#ta,'e (or a''ow#ng the contents o( the holding tan# to ,e remo$ed (rom the holding tan#. 829 % holding tan# sha'' ha$e a wor#ing capacity o( not 'ess than 9 000 L. 8!9 8here two or more tan7s are used to meet the re:u#rement o( /entence 223, they sha'' ,e deemed to ,e one holding tan# &ro$#ded they are connected #n such a manner as w#'' a''ow the sanitary sewage conta#ned #n them to ('ow ,etween the tan7s. 859 ;he wor#ing capacity o( the tan7s descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' not #nc'ude any &ort#on o( any tan7 that cannot ,e com&'ete'y dra#ned due to the manner #n wh#ch the connect#ons are made. (ection =,!, Cl$ss 1 (e2$ge (3stems =,!,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,!,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction o( a )'ass 1 sewage system. =,!,1,2, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a )'ass 1 sewage system sha'' ,e des#gned to rece#$e on'y human ,ody waste (or d#s&osa'. 829 8here the sewage system #s s&ec#(#ca''y des#gned (or the ,#o'og#ca' decom&os#t#on o( non-water,orne ,#odegrada,'e 7#tchen wastes or re:u#res the add#t#on o( sma'' :uant#t#es o( &'ant matter to #m&ro$e the decom&os#t#on o( human ,ody waste, #t may rece#$e such wastes #n add#t#on to human ,ody waste. 8!9 8here the sewage system #s des#gned w#th a dra#n (or the remo$a' o( e5cess '#:u#d, then the sewage system sha'' dra#n to a )'ass 3, 4, or 1 sewage system. =,!,2, (u.erstructure Re4uirements =,!,2,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 % &r#$y as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#ons .3.3. to .3.1. sha'' ,e enc'osed w#th a su&erstructure that, 2a3 #s constructed o( strong dura,'e weather&roo( mater#a's, 2,3 has a so'#d ('oor su&&orted ,y a s#'' constructed o( treated t#m,er, masonry or other mater#a' o( at 'east e:ua' strength and dura,#'#ty, 2c3 #s eas#'y san#t#Ced, 2d3 un'ess #t #s e:u#&&ed so'e'y as a ur#na', #s e:u#&&ed w#th one or more seats each ha$#ng a co$er and ,e#ng su&&orted ,y an enc'osed ,ench or r#ser that #s '#ned w#th an #m&er$#ous mater#a' on a'' #nter#or $ert#ca' sur(aces, 2e3 #s e:u#&&ed w#th a se'(-c'os#ng door, 2(3 has one or more o&en#ngs (or &ur&oses o( $ent#'at#on, a'' o( wh#ch are screened, 2g3 has a $ent#'at#on duct that #s screened at the to& end and that e5tends (rom the unders#de o( the ,ench or r#ser to a &o#nt a,o$e the roo( o( the su&erstructure, and 2h3 sha'' not ha$e any o&en#ngs (or the rece&t#on o( human ,ody waste, other than ur#na's and those constructed #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132d3. =,!,!, E$rt0 %it %ri13 3.

=,!,!,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 %n earth pit privy sha'' ,e constructed #n the (o''ow#ng manner: 2a3 the ,ottom o( the &#t sha'' ,e at 'east 900 mm a,o$e the high ground water table, 2,3 the s#des o( the &#t sha'' ,e re#n(orced so as to &re$ent the#r co''a&se, 2c3 the &#t sha'' ,e surrounded on a'' s#des and on #ts ,ottom ,y not 'ess than 600 mm o( soil or leaching bed fill, and 2d3 the soil or leaching bed fill around the ,ase o( the s#des o( the su&erstructure o( the earth pit privy sha'' ,e ra#sed or mounded to a he#ght o( at 'east 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e'. =,!,5, %ri13 '$ults $nd %$il %ri13 =,!,5,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 % privy vault or a pail privy sha'' ,e constructed #n the (o''ow#ng manner: 2a3 the conta#ner or structure that #s to ,e used (or the ho'd#ng or storage o( sanitary sewage sha'' ,e watert#ght and made o( a mater#a' that can ,e eas#'y c'eaned, 2,3 the soil or leaching bed fill around the ,ase o( the s#des o( the su&erstructure sha'' ,e ra#sed or mounded to a he#ght o( at 'east 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e', and 2c3 the sur(ace o( the ground #n the area o( the privy vault or pail privy sha'' ,e so graded that sur(ace dra#nage w#'' ,e d#$erted away (rom the &r#$y. =,!,7, %ort$ble %ri13 =,!,7,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 % portable privy sha'' ,e constructed #n the (o''ow#ng manner: 2a3 the portable privy sha'' ha$e a watert#ght rece&tac'e that sha'' ,e su#ta,'e (or the ho'd#ng and storage o( any sanitary sewage de&os#ted #n #t, 2,3 the rece&tac'e (or the ho'd#ng and storage o( sewage sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed #n such a manner as to a''ow #t to ,e eas#'y em&t#ed and c'eaned, and 2c3 the portable privy sha'' ,e constructed o( such mater#a' and #n such a manner that #t can w#thstand the stresses to wh#ch #t w#'' ,e su,0ected dur#ng #ts trans&ortat#on to and (rom s#tes where #t #s to ,e used and dur#ng 'oad#ng and un'oad#ng (rom $eh#c'es used (or the trans&ortat#on o( the portable privy to and (rom s#tes where #t #s to ,e used. (ection =,5, Cl$ss 2 (e2$ge (3stems =,5,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,5,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction o( a )'ass 2 sewage system. =,5,1,2, A..lic$tion 819 % )'ass 2 sewage system sha'' ,e des#gned on'y (or the treatment and d#s&osa' o( greywater. 829 ;he tota' da#'y des#gn ('ow (or a )'ass 2 sewage system sha'' ,e ca'cu'ated ,ased on the fi"tures d#scharg#ng to the system as (o''ows: 2a3 200 L &er fi"ture unit where there #s a su&&'y o( &ressur#Ced water, and 2,3 121 L &er fi"ture unit where there #s no su&&'y o( &ressur#Ced water. =,5,2, #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements =,5,2,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 ;he ,ottom o( the &#t sha'' ,e at 'east 900 mm a,o$e the high ground water table. 829 ;he &#t sha'' ,e constructed #n such a manner as to &re$ent the co''a&se o( #ts s#dewa''s. 8!9 %ny mater#a' used to su&&ort or (orm the s#dewa''s o( the &#t sha'' ,e an o&en 0o#nted mater#a' o( a ty&e that w#'' &erm#t leaching (rom the &#t. 859 ;he &#t sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a t#ght, strong co$er that sha'' rema#n o$er the &#t e5ce&t when #t #s necessary to remo$e #t (or &ur&oses o( add#ng greywater to or remo$#ng greywater (rom the &#t or (or &ur&oses o( ma#ntenance o( the &#t. 879 ;he earth around the &er#meter o( the &#t sha'' ,e ra#sed or mounded to a he#ght o( at 'east 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e'.


8<9 ;he sur(ace o( the ground #n the area o( the &#t sha'' ,e so graded that sur(ace dra#nage #n the area w#'' ,e d#$erted away (rom the &#t. 8;9 ;he &#t sha'' ,e surrounded on a'' s#des and on #ts ,ottom ,y at 'east 600 mm o( soil ha$#ng a percolation time o( 'ess than 10 m#nutes. =,5,2,2, )$?imum (e2$ge +lo2 819 % )'ass 2 sewage system sha'' not ,e constructed where the da#'y des#gn greywater ('ow to the system e5ceeds 1 000 L!day. =,5,2,!, (i-ing 819 % )'ass 2 sewage system sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that the 'oad#ng rate to the s#de wa''s sha'' ,e not more than the $a'ue ca'cu'ated us#ng the (ormu'a,

LR =
where, LR S loading rate o( the s#dewa''s #n '#tres &er day!m 2, and ; S percolation time. (ection =,7, Cl$ss ! (e2$ge (3stems =,7,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,7,1,1, (co.e

400 ;

819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction o( a )'ass 3 sewage system. =,7,1,2, A..lic$tion 819 % )'ass 3 sewage system sha'' not ,e constructed where the da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow to the system e5ceeds 1 000 L!day. 829 % )'ass 3 sewage system sha'' ,e des#gned to rece#$e on'y the contents o( a )'ass 1 sewage system or effluent (rom a )'ass 1 sewage system (or d#s&osa'. =,7,2, #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements =,7,2,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 ;he ,ottom o( the cess&oo' sha'' ,e at 'east 900 mm a,o$e the high ground water table. 829 ;he cess&oo' sha'' ,e constructed #n such a manner as to &re$ent the co''a&se o( #ts s#dewa''s. 8!9 %ny mater#a' used to su&&ort or (orm the s#dewa''s o( the cess&oo' sha'' ,e an o&en 0o#nted mater#a' o( a ty&e that w#'' &erm#t leaching (rom the cess&oo'. 859 ;he cess&oo' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a t#ght strong co$er that sha'' rema#n o$er the cess&oo' e5ce&t when #t #s necessary to remo$e #t (or the &ur&oses o( add#ng sanitary sewage to or remo$#ng sanitary sewage (rom the cess&oo' or (or &ur&oses o( ma#ntenance o( the cess&oo'. 879 8here the cess&oo' e5tends to the ground sur(ace, the co$er re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' ,e 'oc7a,'e. 8<9 ;he soil or leaching bed fill around the &er#meter o( the cess&oo' sha'' ,e ra#sed or mounded to a he#ght o( at 'east 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e'. 8;9 ;he sur(ace o( the ground #n the area o( the cess&oo' sha'' ,e graded such that sur(ace dra#nage #n the area w#'' ,e d#$erted away (rom the cess&oo'. 8=9 ;he cess&oo' sha'' ,e surrounded on a'' s#des and on #ts ,ottom ,y at 'east 600 mm o( soil or leaching bed fill, e5ce&t the to& where the cess&oo' e5tends to the sur(ace o( the ground. (ection =,<, Cl$ss 5 (e2$ge (3stems =,<,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,<,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction o( a )'ass 4 sewage system. =,<,1,2, Gener$l Re4uirements

3 0

819 ;he treatment unit sha'' ,e connected to a leaching bed constructed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( /ect#on ... =,<,1,!, %um.s $nd (i.0ons 819 8here the tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe re:u#red #s 110 m or more, the sewage system sha'' ha$e at 'east one &um& or a s#&hon conta#ned #n a dos#ng tan7 that may ,e a se&arate com&artment w#th#n the tan7 structure, (or d#str#,ut#on o( the effluent. 829 %'ternat#ng s#&hons sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a sewage system. 8!9 8here 2 or more &um&s are em&'oyed w#th#n a dos#ng tan7, the &um&s sha'' ,e des#gned such that the &um&s a'ternate dos#ng, and dos#ng sha'' cont#nue #n the e$ent that one &um& (a#'s. 859 8here a &um& or s#&hon #s re:u#red, the &um& or s#&hon sha'' ,e des#gned to d#scharge a dose o( at 'east .1F o( the #nterna' $o'ume o( the distribution pipe w#th#n a t#me &er#od not e5ceed#ng (#(teen m#nutes. =,<,2, Tre$tment nits =,<,2,1, (e.tic T$nA (3stems 819 %n effluent (#'ter sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the out'et ('ow &ath o( e$ery septic tan# that d#scharges effluent to a leaching bed. 829 ;he septic tan# effluent (#'ter re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 con(orm to the re:u#rements o( B/F!%B/+ 46, >6$a'uat#on o( )om&onents and "e$#ces @sed #n 8astewater ;reatment /ystems?, 2,3 ,e s#Ced to (#'ter &art#c'es o( 1.6 mm, 2c3 ha$e a m#n#mum area o( 110 cm2, and 2d3 ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs recommendat#ons. 8!9 % secured access o&en#ng to a''ow (or regu'ar ma#ntenance o( the effluent (#'ter sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the ground sur(ace. =,<,2,2, Ot0er Tre$tment nits 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a treatment unit, other than a septic tan#, sha'' ,e des#gned such that the effluent does not e5ceed, (or the 'e$e' o( the treatment unit set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2., the ma5#mum concentrat#ons set out o&&os#te #t #n )o'umns 2 and 3 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2. T$ble =,<,2,2, Ot0er Tre$tment nit E//luent Ju$lit3 Criteri$ Form#ng -art o( /entences . and 223
+tem 1. 2. 3.

)o'umn 1 )'ass#(#cat#on o( ;reatment @n#t213 Le$e' ++ Le$e' +++ Le$e' +H

)o'umn 2 /us&ended /o'#ds223 30 11 10

)o'umn 3 )*O"1223 21 11 10

Notes to T$ble =,<,2,2,&

;he c'ass#(#cat#ons o( treatment units s&ec#(#ed #n )o'umn 1 corres&ond to the 'e$e's o( treatment descr#,ed #n )%B!*BM 36 0-600, >Ons#te Res#dent#a' 8astewater ;reatment ;echno'og#es?.

<a5#mum concentrat#on #n mg!L ,ased on a 30 day a$erage.

829 % treatment unit that #s used #n con0unct#on w#th a leaching bed constructed as a shallow buried trench, Type A dispersal bed or Type $ dispersal bed sha'' ,e des#gned such that the effluent does not e5ceed the ma5#mum concentrat#ons set out o&&os#te a Le$e' +H treatment unit #n )o'umns 2 and 3 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2. 8!9 %'' treatment units re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 that conta#n mechan#ca' com&onents sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an aud#,'e and $#sua' warn#ng a'arm so 'ocated to warn the occu&ants o( the building ser$ed or the o&erator o( the treatment unit o( a ma'(unct#on #n the o&erat#on o( the treatment unit. 859 %'' treatment units re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' &erm#t the sam&'#ng o( the effluent. 879 % treatment unit #s deemed to com&'y w#th /entences 213 and 223 #( #t, 2a3 #s descr#,ed #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >%&&ro$ed /ewage ;reatment @n#ts?, or 2,3 has ,een cert#(#ed to )%B!*BM 36 0-600, >Ons#te Res#dent#a' 8astewater ;reatment ;echno'og#es? us#ng a tem&erature cond#t#on '#sted under o&t#on a3 or ,3 o( )'ause .2.2. o( that standard. 3 1

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1;, (entence 879 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !!2"12, (entences 5,2,1,1,8!9, 5,5,1,1,8!99

879 % treatment unit #s deemed to com&'y w#th /entences 213 and 223 #( #t has ,een cert#(#ed to )%B!*BM 36 0-600, >Ons#te Res#dent#a' 8astewater ;reatment ;echno'og#es? us#ng a tem&erature cond#t#on '#sted under o&t#on a3 or ,3 o( )'ause .2.2. o( that standard. 8<9 6$ery o&erator o( a treatment unit sha'' o,ta#n, (rom the manu(acturer or d#str#,utor o( the treatment unit, '#terature that descr#,es the un#t #n deta#' and &ro$#des com&'ete #nstruct#ons regard#ng the o&erat#on, ser$#c#ng, and ma#ntenance re:u#rements o( the un#t and #ts re'ated com&onents necessary to ensure the cont#nued &ro&er o&erat#on #n accordance w#th the or#g#na' des#gn and s&ec#(#cat#ons. (ection =,;, Le$c0ing Beds =,;,1, Gener$l Re4uirements =,;,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the construction o( leaching beds. =,;,1,2, Limit$tion on Inst$ll$tion 819 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( a shallow buried trench, Type A dispersal bed or Type $ dispersal bed sha'' ,e carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n th#s (#e'd o( wor7. =,;,2, #esign $nd Construction Re4uirements =,;,2,1, Gener$l Re4uirements 819 % leaching bed sha'' not ,e 'ocated, 2a3 #n an area that has an a$erage s'o&e that e5ceeds one un#t $ert#ca''y to (our un#ts hor#Conta''y, 2,3 #n soil or leaching bed fill ha$#ng a percolation time o(, 2#3 'ess than one m#nute, or greater than 121 m#nutes #( constructed as a shallow buried trench, or 2##3 'ess than one m#nute, or greater than 10 m#nutes (or a'' other leaching beds, or 2c3 #n or on an area that #s su,0ect to ('ood#ng that may ,e e5&ected to cause damage to the leaching bed or #m&a#r the o&erat#on o( the leaching bed. 829 % leaching bed sha'' not ,e co$ered w#th any mater#a' ha$#ng a hydrau'#c conduct#$#ty 'ess than 0.01 m!day. 8!9 ;he sur(ace o( the leaching bed sha'' ,e sha&ed to shed water and together w#th the s#de s'o&es o( any ra#sed &ort#on, sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst eros#on #n such a manner as to not #nh#,#t the e$a&orat#on and trans&#rat#on o( waters (rom the soil or leaching bed fill, and to not cause &'ugg#ng o( the distribution pipe. 859 Bo &art o( a leaching bed sha'' ,e s'o&ed stee&er than 1 un#t $ert#ca''y to 4 un#ts hor#Conta''y. 879 % leaching bed sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e &rotected (rom com&act#on or any stress or &ressure that may resu't #n, 2a3 the #m&a#rment or destruct#on o( any &#&e #n the leaching bed, or 2,3 the smear#ng o( the soil or leaching bed fill. =,;,2,2, #istribution 2it0in Le$c0ing Beds 819 /entence 223 a&&'#es to the des#gn and construction o( a leaching bed w#th distribution pipes used w#th#n the leaching bed. 223 ;he header line and distribution pipes w#th#n a leaching bed sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that they can ,e detected ,y, 2a3 magnet#c means, 2,3 means o( a 14 gauge ;8 so'#d co&&er '#ght co'oured &'ast#c coated tracer w#re, or 2c3 other means o( su,sur(ace detect#on. =,;,!, Absor.tion Trenc0 Construction =,;,!,1, Lengt0 o/ #istribution %i.e 819 ;he tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe sha'', 2a3 not ,e 'ess than 30 m when constructed as a shallow buried trench, or 2,3 not ,e 'ess than 40 m (or any other absorption trench.

3 2

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 213, 233, and 243 e$ery leaching bed constructed ,y means o( absorption trenches sha'' ha$e a tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe not 'ess than the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a,
L= M; 200

where, L S tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe #n metres, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the des#gn percolation time. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where a leaching bed rece#$es effluent (rom a Le$e' ++, Le$e' +++ or Le$e' +H treatment unit as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e .6.2.2., the leaching bed may ha$e a tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe not 'ess than the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a,
LS M; 300

where, L S tota' 'ength o( distribution pipe #n metres, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the des#gn percolation time. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where the leaching bed #s constructed as a shallow buried trench, the tota' 'ength o( the distribution pipe sha'' not ,e 'ess than the $a'ue determ#ned ,y ;a,'e ...3.1. T$ble =,;,!,1, Lengt0 o/ #istribution %i.e in (0$llo2 Buried Trenc0 Form#ng -art o( /entence ...3.1.243
+tem 1. 2. 3. %olumn & 4ercolation Time, (T) of Soil, min 1 X ; b 20 20 X ; b 10 10 X ; X 121 )o'umn 2 Length o( +istribution 4ipe, m M!.1 M!10 M!30

where, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the des#gn percolation time. =,;,!,2, Absor.tion Trenc0es 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, absorption trenches sha'' ,e, 2a3 a&&ro5#mate'y the same 'ength and not more than 30 m #n 'ength, 2,3 not 'ess than 100 mm and not more than 1 000 mm #n w#dth, 2c3 not 'ess than 600 mm and not more than 900 mm #n de&th, 2d3 centred not 'ess than 1 600 mm a&art, 2e3 'ocated so that the ,ottom o( the absorption trench #s not 'ess than 900 mm a,o$e the high ground water table, roc7 or soil w#th a percolation time o( more than 10 m#nutes, and 2(3 ,ac7(#''ed, a(ter the #nsta''at#on o( the distribution pipe w#th leaching bed fill, so as to ensure that a(ter the leaching bed fill sett'es, the sur(ace o( the leaching bed w#'' not (orm any de&ress#ons. 829 Absorption trenches constructed as a shallow buried trench sha'' ,e, 2a3 a&&ro5#mate'y the same 'ength and not more than 30 m #n 'ength, 2,3 not 'ess than 300 mm and not more than 600 mm #n w#dth, 2c3 not 'ess than 300 mm and not more than 600 mm #n de&th, 2d3 centred not 'ess than 2 000 mm a&art, 3 3

2e3 not 'ess than 900 mm at a'' &o#nts on the ,ottom o( the absorption trench a,o$e the high ground water table or roc7, and 2(3 ,ac7(#''ed, a(ter the #nsta''at#on o( the distribution pipe w#th leaching bed fill, so as to ensure that a(ter the leaching bed fill sett'es, the sur(ace o( the leaching bed w#'' not (orm any de&ress#ons. =,;,!,!, #istribution %i.e 819 65ce&t (or a shallow buried trench, the distribution pipe used #n the construction o( a leaching bed sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 3 #n. trade size (or gra$#ty ('ow systems, 2,3 #nsta''ed w#th a un#(orm downward s'o&e (rom the #n'et w#th a dro& o( not 'ess than 30 mm and not more than 10 mm (or each 10 m o( distribution pipe (or gra$#ty ('ow systems, and 2c3 #nsta''ed w#th#n a 'ayer o( stone con(orm#ng to /entence 213. 829 -r#or to ,ac7(#''#ng, the stone 'ayer re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132c3 sha'' ,e &rotected #n such a manner so as to &re$ent soil or leaching bed fill (rom enter#ng the stone ,y com&'ete'y co$er#ng #t w#th, 2a3 untreated ,u#'d#ng &a&er, or 2,3 a &ermea,'e geo-te5t#'e (a,r#c. 8!9 6$ery &ressur#Ced distribution pipe sha'' ,e se'(-dra#n#ng so as to &re$ent (reeC#ng o( #ts contents. 859 6$ery &ressur#Ced distribution pipe sha'', 2a3 ,e not 'ess than 1 #n. trade size, and 2,3 ha$e or#(#ces o( at 'east 3 mm #n d#ameter, s&aced e:ua''y a'ong the 'ength o( the &#&e. 879 ;he stone 'ayer re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132c3 sha'', 2a3 ,e com&r#sed o( washed se&t#c stone, (ree o( (#ne mater#a', w#th gradat#on con(orm#ng to ;a,'e ...3.3., 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 100 mm #n w#dth, 2c3 e5tend not 'ess than 110 mm ,e'ow the distribution pipe, and 2d3 e5tend not 'ess than 10 mm a,o$e the distribution pipe. T$ble =,;,!,!, Gr$d$tion o/ (e.tic (tone Form#ng -art o( /entences ...3.3.213 and ... .2.263
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 -art#c'e /#Ce 13 mm 19 mm .1 Lm )o'umn 2 -ercent -ass#ng 100 0-1 0-1

=,;,5, +ill B$sed Absor.tion Trenc0es =,;,5,1, Lo$ding Re4uirements 819 ;he area descr#,ed #n /entence ...4.2.213 sha'' ,e des#gned such that the loading rate does not e5ceed, (or soil ha$#ng a percolation time set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e ...4.1., the ma5#mum $a'ue set out o&&os#te #t #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e ...4.1. T$ble =,;,5,1, Lo$ding R$tes /or +ill B$sed Absor.tion Trenc0es $nd +ilter Beds Form#ng -art o( /entences ...4.1.213 and ...1.2.223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 4ercolation Time (T) of Soil, min 1 < T b 20 20 < T b 35 35 < T b 50 T > 50 )o'umn 2 Load#ng Rates, (L/m2)/day 10 8 6 4

=,;,5,2, Construction Re4uirements 819 65ce&t (or a shallow buried trench, a leaching bed com&r#sed o( absorption trenches may ,e constructed #n leaching bed fill, #( unsaturated soil or leaching bed fill com&'y#ng w#th /u,c'ause ...2.1.2132,32##3 e5tends, 3 4

2a3 to a de&th o( at 'east 210 mm o$er the area co$ered ,y the leaching bed fill, and 2,3 (or at 'east 11 m ,eyond the outer distribution pipes #n any d#rect#on #n wh#ch the effluent enter#ng the soil or leaching bed fill w#'' mo$e hor#Conta''y. 829 +( the unsaturated soil or leaching bed fill descr#,ed #n /entence 213 has a percolation time greater than 11 m#nutes, any add#t#ona' leaching bed fill added to #t to (orm the leaching bed sha'' ha$e a percolation time not 'ess than .1F o( the percolation time o( the unsaturated soil or leaching bed fill to wh#ch #t #s added. 8!9 <eaching bed fill that does not meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 223 may ,e used to (orm the leaching bed #(, 2a3 the d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( the absorption trench to the under'y#ng soil #s not 'ess than 900 mm, or 2,3 where the d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( the absorption trench to the under'y#ng soil #s 'ess than 900 mm, the percolation time o( the 'east &ermea,'e soil or leaching bed fill w#th#n 900 mm (rom the ,ottom o( the absorption trench #s used to ca'cu'ate the 'ength o( the distribution pipe under %rt#c'e ...3.1. 859 /entence 223 does not a&&'y to any leaching bed fill added as ,ac7(#'' a,o$e the stone 'ayer #n wh#ch the distribution pipe #s 'ocated. 879 %'' leaching bed fill added sha'' ,e sta,#'#Ced aga#nst eros#on. 8<9 ;he s#te to wh#ch the leaching bed fill #s added sha'' ,e genera''y c'ear o( $egetat#on. 8;9 ;he leaching bed fill that #s added sha'' ,e com&acted #n 'ayers #n such a manner as to a$o#d une$en sett'ement o( the distribution pipes. 8=9 %ny distribution bo"es, header lines, absorption trenches, or distribution pipes sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on'y a(ter the leaching bed fill has ,een com&acted #n accordance w#th /entence 2.3. 899 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2103, the s#des o( the added leaching bed fill sha'' ,e s'o&ed to ensure sta,#'#ty, ,ut sha'' not ,e stee&er than one un#t $ert#ca''y to (our un#ts hor#Conta''y. 81>9 ;he s#de s'o&e o( the leaching bed fill may ,e #ncreased u& to one un#t $ert#ca''y to three un#ts hor#Conta''y #( measures are ta7en to &re$ent eros#on and ensure sta,#'#ty o( the leaching bed fill. 8119 ;he d#stances set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e .2.1.6.*. sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y tw#ce the he#ght that the leaching bed #s ra#sed a,o$e the or#g#na' grade. =,;,7, +ilter Beds =,;,7,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 1 000 L where the treatment unit #s a septic tan#, or 2,3 10 000 L where the treatment unit #s a Le$e' ++, Le$e' +++ or Le$e' +H treatment unit as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e .6.2.2. =,;,7,2, Lo$ding Re4uirements 819 ;he e((ect#$e area o( the sur(ace o( the (#'ter med#um #n each (#'ter ,ed sha'' ,e at 'east 10 m 2 and not more than 10 m2. 829 ;he area descr#,ed #n /entence ...4.2.213 sha'' ,e des#gned such that the loading rate does not e5ceed, (or soil ha$#ng a percolation time set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e ...4.1., the ma5#mum $a'ue set out o&&os#te #t #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e ...4.1. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow does not e5ceed 3 000 L, the e((ect#$e area sha'' ,e such that the 'oad#ng on the sur(ace o( the (#'ter med#um does not e5ceed .1 L!m 2 &er day. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow e5ceeds 3 000 L, 2a3 the e((ect#$e area sha'' ,e such that the 'oad#ng on the sur(ace o( the (#'ter med#um does not e5ceed 10 L!m 2 &er day, and 2,3 the leaching bed sha'' ,e com&r#sed o( more than one (#'ter ,ed, each o( s#m#'ar s#Ce and ad0acent to each other. 879 8here a Le$e' ++, Le$e' +++ or Le$e' +H treatment unit as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e .6.2.2. #s used #n con0unct#on w#th a (#'ter ,ed, the e((ect#$e area sha'' ,e such that the 'oad#ng on the sur(ace o( the (#'ter med#um does not e5ceed 100 L!m 2 &er day. =,;,7,!, Construction Re4uirements 819 /entences ...4.2.213, 223 and 243 to 2113 a&&'y to the construction o( a (#'ter ,ed. 829 ;he '#nes o( distribution pipe sha'' ,e e$en'y s&aced o$er the sur(ace o( the (#'ter med#um to wh#ch the sanitary sewage #s a&&'#ed. 8!9 ;he (#'ter med#um sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum de&th o( .10 mm ,e'ow the stone 'ayer and sha'' ,e c'ean sand com&r#sed o( &art#c'es rang#ng #n s#Ce ,etween the '#m#ts o(, 3 1

2a3 an e((ect#$e s#Ce o( 0.21 mm w#th a un#(orm#ty coe((#c#ent not 'ess than 3.1, 2,3 an e((ect#$e s#Ce o( 2.1 mm w#th a un#(orm#ty coe((#c#ent not greater than 1.1, and 2c3 ha$#ng a un#(orm#ty coe((#c#ent not greater than 4.1. 859 ;he (#'ter med#um sha'' ,e unsaturated (or #ts ent#re de&th. 879 8here there #s more than one (#'ter ,ed #n a leaching bed, the (#'ter ,eds sha'' ,e se&arated ,y at 'east 1 m ,etween the distribution pipes o( the (#'ter ,eds. 8<9 ;he ,ase o( the (#'ter med#um sha'' e5tend to a th#c7ness o( at 'east 210 mm o$er an area meet#ng the re:u#rements o( the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a:
%S M; 10

where, % S the area o( contact #n s:uare metres ,etween the ,ase o( the (#'ter med#um and the under'y#ng soil, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the 'esser o( 10 and the percolation time o( the under'y#ng soil. 8;9 ;he stone 'ayer re:u#red ,y )'ause ...3.3.2132c3 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm a,o$e the high ground water table, roc7 or soil w#th a percolation time o( more than 10 m#nutes. =,;,<, (0$llo2 Buried Trenc0 =,;,<,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 ;he treatment unit used #n con0unct#on w#th a leaching bed constructed as a shallow buried trench sha'' &ro$#de an effluent :ua'#ty that does not e5ceed the ma5#mum concentrat#ons set out o&&os#te a Le$e' +H treatment unit #n )o'umns 2 and 3 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2. 829 ;he effluent sha'' ,e d#str#,uted through a pressurized distribution system ha$#ng a &ressure head o( not 'ess than 600 mm when measured to the most d#stant &o#nt (rom the &um&. 8!9 ;he &um& cham,er sha'' ,e s#Ced to &ro$#de su((#c#ent storage $o'ume so that the effluent #s e$en'y dosed on an hour'y ,as#s o$er a 24-hour &er#od. 859 % shallow buried trench sha'' not ,e constructed un'ess the soil or leaching bed fill #s su((#c#ent'y dry to res#st com&act#on and smear#ng dur#ng e5ca$at#on. 879 6$ery chamber sha'' ,e as w#de as the shallow buried trench #n wh#ch #t #s conta#ned, and the cross-sect#ona' he#ght o( the chamber at #ts centre &o#nt sha'' not ,e 'ess than ha'( the w#dth o( the trench. 8<9 6$ery chamber sha'' conta#n on'y one &ressur#Ced distribution pipe. =,;,;, T3.e A #is.ers$l Beds =,;,;,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 ;he treatment unit used #n con0unct#on w#th a leaching bed constructed as a Type A dispersal bed sha'' &ro$#de an effluent :ua'#ty that does not e5ceed the ma5#mum concentrat#ons set out o&&os#te a Le$e' +H treatment unit #n )o'umns 2 and 3 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2. 223 % Type A dispersal bed sha'' ,e ,ac7(#''ed w#th leaching bed fill so as to ensure that, a(ter the leaching bed fill sett'es, the sur(ace o( the leaching bed w#'' not (orm any de&ress#ons. 233 ;he com,#ned th#c7ness o( the sand 'ayer and the stone 'ayer o( a Type A dispersal bed sha'' not ,e 'ess than 100 mm. 243 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, the sand 'ayer sha'', 2a3 ,e com&r#sed o( sand that has, 2#3 a percolation time o( at 'east 6 and not more than 10 m#n, and 2##3 not more than 1F (#nes &ass#ng through a 0.0.4 mm 2Bo. 2003 s#e$e, 2,3 ha$e a m#n#mum th#c7ness o( 300 mm, and 2c3 ha$e an area that #s not 'ess than the 'esser o(, 2#3 the area o( the stone 'ayer determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entence 263, and 2##3 the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a, 3 6

% =

M; 10

where, % S the area o( contact #n s:uare metres ,etween the ,ase o( the sand and the under'y#ng soil, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the 'esser o( 10 and the percolation time o( the under'y#ng soil. 879 8here the under'y#ng soil has a percolation time o( more than 11 m#n, the sand 'ayer re(erred to #n /entence 243 sha'', 2a3 e5tend to at 'east 11 m ,eyond the &er#meter o( the treatment unit, or distribution pipes #( ut#'#Ced, #n any d#rect#on that the effluent enter#ng the soil w#'' mo$e hor#Conta''y, and 2,3 ha$e an area that #s not 'ess than the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a,
%= M; 400

where, % S the area o( contact #n s:uare metres ,etween the ,ase o( the sand and the under'y#ng soil, or leaching bed fill #( ut#'#Ced, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the 'esser o( 10 and the percolation time o( the under'y#ng soil. 8<9 ;he stone 'ayer sha'', 2a3 ,e rectangu'ar #n sha&e w#th the 'ong d#mens#on &ara''e' to the s#te contours, 2,3 ha$e a m#n#mum th#c7ness o( 200 mm, 2c3 ,e &rotected #n the manner descr#,ed #n /entence ...3.3.223, and 2d3 ,e constructed such that the ,ottom o( the stone 'ayer #s at 'east 600 mm a,o$e the high ground water table, roc7 or soil w#th a percolation time o( 1 m#n or 'ess or greater than 10 m#n. 2e3 ha$e a m#n#mum area not 'ess than the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a, % S M!* where, % S the area o( the stone 'ayer #n s:uare metres, * S the (o''ow#ng amount, 2#3 10, #( the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow e5ceeds 3 000 '#tres, or 2##3 .1, #( the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow does not e5ceed 3 000 '#tres, and M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres. 8;9 <eaching bed fill w#th a percolation time not e5ceed#ng 11 m#n may ,e used to sat#s(y the $ert#ca' se&arat#on re:u#rements o( )'ause 2632d3, &ro$#ded that the leaching bed fill con(orms to the re:u#rements s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 regard'ess o( the percolation time o( the under'y#ng soil. 8=9 ;he effluent sha'' ,e e$en'y d#str#,uted w#th#n the stone 'ayer to w#th#n 600 mm o( the &er#meter o( the stone 'ayer. 899 ;he stone 'ayer sha'' not ,e 'ocated c'oser than the m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stances set out #n ;a,'e .2.1.6.*. and these d#stances sha'' ,e #ncreased when re:u#red ,y /entence ...4.2.2113. =,;,=, T3.e B #is.ers$l Beds =,;,=,1, Gener$l Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and /entence ... .2.223, a Type $ dispersal bed sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e ...2.1. 829 % Type $ dispersal bed sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n an area that has an a$erage s'o&e that e5ceeds one un#t $ert#ca''y to se$en un#ts hor#Conta''y. =,;,=,2, Construction Re4uirements

3 .

819 ;he treatment unit used #n con0unct#on w#th a leaching bed constructed as a Type $ dispersal bed sha'' &ro$#de an effluent :ua'#ty that does not e5ceed the ma5#mum concentrat#ons set out o&&os#te a Le$e' +H treatment unit #n )o'umns 2 and 3 o( ;a,'e .6.2.2. 829 % Type $ dispersal bed sha'' ,e, 2a3 rectangu'ar #n sha&e w#th the 'ong d#mens#on &ara''e' to the s#te contours, 2,3 not more than 1 000 mm #n de&th measured (rom the ,ottom o( the stone 'ayer to the (#n#shed grade when #nsta''ed #n soil w#th a percolation time that e5ceeds 11 m#n, and 2c3 ,ac7(#''ed w#th leaching bed fill so as to ensure that, a(ter the leaching bed fill sett'es, the sur(ace o( the leaching bed w#'' not (orm any de&ress#ons. 8!9 ;he ,ottom o( the stone 'ayer sha'' ,e at 'east 600 mm a,o$e the high ground water table, roc7 or soil w#th a percolation time greater than 10 m#n. 859 ;he effluent sha'' ,e d#str#,uted o$er the Type $ dispersal bed through a pressurized distribution system ha$#ng a &ressure head o( not 'ess than 600 mm when measured to the most d#stant &o#nt (rom the &um&. 879 ;he distribution pipes sha'', 2a3 ,e se'(-dra#n#ng so as to &re$ent (reeC#ng o( the#r contents, and 2,3 ha$e or#(#ces o( at 'east 3 mm #n d#ameter, s&aced e:ua''y a'ong the 'ength o( the &#&es. 8<9 ;he stone 'ayer conta#n#ng the distribution pipes sha'', 2a3 ,e com&r#sed o( washed se&t#c stone, (ree o( (#ne mater#a', w#th gradat#on con(orm#ng to ;a,'e ...3.3., 2,3 e5tend not 'ess than 210 mm ,e'ow the distribution pipe, and 2c3 e5tend not 'ess than 10 mm a,o$e the distribution pipe. 8;9 ;he distribution pipes sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 1.2 m a&art w#th the outermost &#&e s&aced not more than 600 mm (rom the edge o( the ,ed. 8=9 ;he &um& cham,er sha'' ,e s#Ced to &ro$#de su((#c#ent storage $o'ume so that the effluent #s e$en'y dosed on an hour'y ,as#s o$er a 24-hour &er#od. 899 8hen there #s more than one Type $ dispersal bed #n a leaching bed, the Type $ dispersal beds sha'' ,e se&arated ,y at 'east 1 m measured (rom the edge o( the stone 'ayers. 81>9 % Type $ dispersal bed sha'' not ,e 'ocated c'oser than the m#n#mum hor#Conta' d#stances set out #n ;a,'e .2.1.6.*. and these d#stances sha'' ,e #ncreased when re:u#red ,y /entence ...4.2.2113. =,;,=,!, #esign Re4uirements 819 ;he area o( a Type $ dispersal bed sha'' not ,e 'ess than the m#n#mum area determ#ned #n accordance w#th )'ause 223 2a3 or 2,3. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, the m#n#mum area #s e#ther o( the (o''ow#ng, 2a3 the area ca'cu'ated ,ased on the loading rates (or ;y&e 2 e(('uent set out #n the )o'umn headed >;y&e 2? (ound #n ;a,'e 2- o( the *)<O=, >/ewerage /ystem /tandard -ract#ce <anua'?, or 2,3 the $a'ue determ#ned ,y the (ormu'a,
%= M; 400

where, % S the area o( contact #n s:uare metres ,etween the stone 'ayer and the under'y#ng soil, M S the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow #n '#tres, and ; S the percolation time o( the under'y#ng soil. 8!9 ;he '#near loading rates o( the under'y#ng soil sha'' not ,e greater than, 2a3 the '#near loading rates set out #n ;a,'e 2-11 o( *)<O=, >/ewerage /ystem /tandard -ract#ce <anua'?, where the area o( the Type $ dispersal bed #s determ#ned #n accordance w#th )'ause 2232a3, or 2,3 the (o''ow#ng '#near loading rate, where the area o( the Type $ dispersal bed #s determ#ned #n accordance w#th )'ause 2232,3, 2#3 40 L!m, (or soil ha$#ng a percolation time e:ua' to or greater than 24 m#n, or 3

2##3 10 L!m, (or soil ha$#ng a percolation time 'ess than 24 m#n. 859 ;he w#dth o( a Type $ dispersal bed sha'' not e5ceed 4 m. (ection =,=, Cl$ss 7 (e2$ge (3stems =,=,1, A..lic$tion =,=,1,1, %ro0ibited Inst$ll$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e . .1.2., a )'ass 1 sewage system sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed. =,=,1,2, Acce.t$ble Inst$ll$tion 819 % )'ass 1 sewage system may ,e #nsta''ed #n the (o''ow#ng c#rcumstances: 2a3 where the &ro&osed use o( the sewage system #s (or a tem&orary o&erat#on, e5c'ud#ng seasona' recreat#ona' use, not e5ceed#ng 12 months #n durat#on, 2,3 to remedy an unsa(e sewage system where the remed#at#on o( the unsa(e cond#t#on ,y the #nsta''at#on o( a )'ass 4 sewage system #s #m&ract#ca,'e, 2c3 to u&grade a sewage system ser$#ng an e5#st#ng building, where u&grad#ng through the use o( a )'ass 4 sewage system #s not &oss#,'e due to 'ot s#Ce, s#te s'o&e or c'earance '#m#tat#ons, or 2d3 as an #nter#m measure (or a 'ot or &arce' o( 'and unt#' mun#c#&a' sewers are a$a#'a,'e, &ro$#ded that the mun#c#&a'#ty underta7es to ensure the cont#nued o&erat#on o( an a&&ro$ed hauled sewage system unt#' the mun#c#&a' sewers are a$a#'a,'e. 829 8here a )'ass 1 sewage system #s #nsta''ed, a wr#tten agreement (or the d#s&osa' o( sanitary sewage (rom the sewage system sha'' ,e entered #nto w#th a hauled sewage system o&erator. =,=,2, Gener$l Re4uirements =,=,2,1, Construction Re4uirements 819 %'' )'ass 1 sewage systems sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a de$#ce that sha'' &roduce an aud#,'e and $#sua' warn#ng a'arm so 'ocated to warn that the sewage system #s near#ng ca&ac#ty. 829 ;he de$#ce re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to &ro$#de su#ta,'e ad$ance warn#ng to the building occu&ants cons#der#ng, 2a3 the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow, 2,3 the 'ocat#on o( the )'ass 1 sewage system, and 2c3 the res&onse t#me o( the hauled sewage system contractor. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, a'' holding tan#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a $ent that, 2a3 #s not 'ess than 3 #n. trade size, 2,3 term#nates at 'east, 2#3 300 mm a,o$e (#n#shed grade w#th a $ent ca&, or 2##3 600 mm a,o$e (#n#shed grade w#th a $ent ca& when the holding tan# #s 'ocated #n an area su,0ect to ('ood#ng, and 2c3 term#nates at 'east 3.1 m away (rom any a#r #n'et, w#ndow, or door. 859 % $ent (rom a holding tan# may connect #nto the venting system o( the building ser$ed ,y the holding tan# &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the $ent #s not 'ess than 3 #n. trade size, and 2,3 the #nsta''at#on o( the $ent sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n -art .. =,=,2,2, (i-ing o/ Eolding T$nAs 819 %'' holding tan#s used #n res#dent#a' dwe''#ngs sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum . day ho'd#ng ca&ac#ty ,ased on the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow. (ection =,9,$tion $nd )$inten$nce =,9,1, Gener$l =,9,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the o&erat#on and ma#ntenance o( a'' sewage systems. 3 9

=,9,1,2, Gener$l Re4uirements /or$tion $nd )$inten$nce 819 6$ery sewage system sha'' ,e o&erated and ma#nta#ned so that, 2a3 the sewage system or any &art o( #t sha'' not em#t, d#scharge or de&os#t sanitary sewage or effluent onto the sur(ace o( the ground, 2,3 sanitary sewage or effluent sha'' not em#t, d#scharge, see&, 'ea7 or otherw#se esca&e (rom the sewage system or any &art o( #t other than (rom a &'ace or &art o( the sewage system where the system #s des#gned or #ntended to d#scharge the sanitary sewage or effluent, and 2c3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, sanitary sewage or effluent sha'' not em#t, d#scharge, see&, 'ea7 or otherw#se esca&e (rom the sewage system or any &art o( #t #nto a &#&ed water su&&'y, we'' water su&&'y, a watercourse, ground water or surface water. 829 )'ause 2132c3 does not a&&'y to the use o( a sewage system des#gned and o&erated such that &ro&er'y treated effluent #s d#scharged #nto soil. =,9,2,$tion =,9,2,1, (co.e 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on are #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on .9.1. =,9,2,2, Gener$l 819 6$ery sewage system sha'' ,e o&erated #n accordance w#th, 2a3 the ,as#s on wh#ch the construction and use o( the sewage system was a&&ro$ed or re:u#red under the %ct or &redecessor 'eg#s'at#on, as the case may ,e, and 2,3 the re:u#rements o( the manu(acturer o( the sewage system. =,9,2,!, Cl$ss 5 (e2$ge (3stems 819 6$ery )'ass 4 sewage system sha'' ,e o&erated #n accordance w#th the '#terature re:u#red ,y /entence . 829 Bo &erson sha'' o&erate a treatment unit other than a septic tan# un'ess the &erson has entered #nto an agreement where,y ser$#c#ng and ma#ntenance o( the treatment unit and #ts re'ated com&onents w#'' ,e carr#ed out ,y a &erson who, 2a3 &ossesses a co&y o( the '#terature re:u#red ,y /entence ., and 2,3 #s author#Ced ,y the manu(acturer to ser$#ce and ma#nta#n that ty&e o( treatment unit. 8!9 ;he &erson author#Ced ,y the manu(acturer to ser$#ce and ma#nta#n the treatment unit and who has entered #nto the agreement re(erred to #n /entence 223 w#th the &erson o&erat#ng the treatment unit sha'' not#(y the chief building official #(, 2a3 the agreement #s term#nated, or 2,3 access (or ser$#ce and ma#ntenance o( the treatment unit #s den#ed ,y the &erson o&erat#ng the treatment unit. =,9,2,5, ($m.ling o/ Tre$tment nits 819 6$ery &erson o&erat#ng a treatment unit that #s used #n con0unct#on w#th a leaching bed constructed as a shallow buried trench, Type A dispersal bed or Type $ dispersal bed sha'', 2a3 ta7e a gra, sam&'e o( the effluent to determ#ne the 'e$e' o( )*O"1 and sus&ended so'#ds #n the effluent, 2,3 carry out the sam&'#ng re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132a3 #n accordance w#th the methods descr#,ed #n the %-=%!%88%!86F, >/tandard <ethods (or the 65am#nat#on o( 8ater and 8astewater?, and 2c3 &rom&t'y su,m#t the resu'ts o( the sam&'#ng re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3 to the chief building official. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the sam&'#ng re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e conducted, 2a3 #n#t#a''y, once dur#ng the (#rst 12 months a(ter the sewage system was &ut #nto use, and 2,3 therea(ter, once dur#ng e$ery 12 month &er#od, at 'east 10 months and not more than 1 months a(ter the &re$#ous sam&'#ng has ,een com&'eted. 8!9 ;he concentrat#on o( )*O"1 and sus&ended so'#ds #n the gra, sam&'e descr#,ed #n /entences 213 and 243 #s deemed to com&'y w#th the ma5#mum concentrat#on re:u#rements set out #n ;a,'e .6.2.2. when #t does not e5ceed 20 mg!L (or each o( these &arameters. 859 +( the resu'ts o( the sam&'#ng re:u#red ,y /entence 213 do not com&'y w#th /entence 233, the &erson o&erat#ng the treatment unit sha'',


2a3 resam&'e the effluent #n accordance w#th )'auses 2132a3 and 2,3 w#th#n 6 months a(ter the &re$#ous sam&'#ng has ,een com&'eted, and 2,3 &rom&t'y su,m#t the resu'ts o( the resam&'#ng re:u#red ,y )'ause 2a3 to the chief building official. =,9,2,7, Cl$ss 7 (e2$ge (3stems 819 6$ery )'ass 1 sewage system sha'' ,e o&erated #n accordance w#th the agreement re(erred to #n /entence . .1.2.223. 829 Bo )'ass 1 sewage system sha'' ,e o&erated once #t #s (#''ed w#th sanitary sewage unt#' such t#me as the sanitary sewage #s remo$ed (rom the sewage system. =,9,!, )$inten$nce =,9,!,1, (co.e 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on are #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on .9.1. =,9,!,2, Gener$l 819 6$ery sewage system sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned so that, 2a3 the construction o( the sewage system rema#ns #n accordance w#th, 2#3 the ,as#s on wh#ch the construction and use o( the sewage system was a&&ro$ed or re:u#red under the %ct or &redecessor 'eg#s'at#on, as the case may ,e, and 2##3 the re:u#rements o( the manu(acturer o( the sewage system, and 2,3 a'' com&onents o( the sewage system (unct#on #n the#r #ntended manner. 829 ;he 'and #n the $#c#n#ty o( a sewage system sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned #n a cond#t#on that w#'' not cause damage to, or #m&a#r the (unct#on#ng o(, the sewage system. =,9,!,!, Interce.tors 819 6$ery grease interceptor re(erred to #n %rt#c'e .1.3.1. sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned #n accordance w#th )%B!)/%-*4 1.4, ><a#ntenance o( 4rease +nterce&tors?. =,9,!,5, Cl$ss 5 (e2$ge (3stems 819 Septic tan#s and other treatment units sha'' ,e c'eaned whene$er s'udge and scum occu&y one-th#rd o( the wor#ing capacity o( the tan7. =,9,!,7, %ressuri-ed #istribution (3stems 819 ;he &ressure head at the (urthest &o#nt (rom the &um& #n a'' distribution pipes sha'' ,e chec7ed (or com&'#ance w#th %rt#c'es ...6.1. and ... .2. and the des#gn s&ec#(#cat#on at 'east e$ery 36 months. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 4., 4 .
(ection (ection (ection 9,1, 9,1,1, 9,2, 9,!, 9,!,1, 9,!,2, 9,!,!, 9,5, 9,5,1, 9,5,2, 9,5,!, 9,5,5, 9,7, 9,7,1, 9,7,2, 9,7,!, 9,7,5, 9,7,7, Gener$l A..lic$tion Reser1ed )$teri$ls, (3stems $nd E4ui.ment Concrete Lumber $nd 6ood %roducts )et$l (tructur$l Re4uirements (tructur$l #esign Re4uirements $nd A..lic$tion Limit$tions (.eci/ied Lo$ds #e/lections +ound$tion Conditions #esign o/ Are$s, (.$ces $nd #oor2$3s Gener$l B$rrier:+ree #esign Ceiling Eeig0ts Li1ing Rooms or (.$ces 2it0in #2elling nits #ining Rooms or (.$ces 2it0in #2elling nits




9,7,<, 9,7,;, 9,7,=, 9,7,9, 9,7,1>, 9,7,11, (ection (ection 9,<, 9,<,1, 9,;, 9,;,1, 9,;,2, 9,;,!, 9,;,5, 9,;,7, 9,;,<, 9,=, 9,=,1, 9,=,2, 9,=,!, 9,=,5, 9,=,7, 9,=,<, 9,=,;, 9,=,=, 9,=,9, 9,=,1>, 9,9, 9,9,1, 9,9,2, 9,9,!, 9,9,5, 9,9,7, 9,9,<, 9,9,;, 9,9,=, 9,9,9, 9,9,1>, 9,9,11, 9,9,12, 9,1>, 9,1>,1, 9,1>,2, 9,1>,!, 9,1>,5 9,1>,7, 9,1>,<, 9,1>,;, 9,1>,=, 9,1>,9, 9,1>,1>, 9,1>,11, 9,1>,12, 9,1>,1!, 9,1>,15, 9,1>,17, 9,1>,1<, 9,1>,1;, 9,1>,1=, 9,1>,19, 9,1>,2>,

Iitc0ens 2it0in #2elling nits Bedrooms or (.$ces in #2elling nits $nd #ormitories Combined (.$ces B$t0rooms $nd 6$ter Closet Rooms E$ll2$3s #oor2$3 (i-es Gl$ss Gener$l 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts Gener$l Re4uired 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts %er/orm$nce o/ 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts )$nu/$ctured 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts (ite:Built 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts Inst$ll$tion (t$irs, R$m.s, E$ndr$ils $nd Gu$rds A..lic$tion (t$ir #imensions (t$ir Con/igur$tions (te. #imensions R$m.s L$ndings E$ndr$ils Gu$rds Construction C$ntile1ered %rec$st Concrete (te.s )e$ns o/ Egress Gener$l $nd %ur.ose o/ E?its #imensions o/ )e$ns o/ Egress +ire %rotection o/ E?its Obstructions $nd E$-$rds in )e$ns o/ Egress #oors in $ )e$ns o/ Egress Access to E?its E?its /rom +loor Are$s Egress /rom #2elling nits Egress /rom Bedrooms (igns Lig0ting +ire %rotection #e/initions $nd A..lic$tion Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tion R$tings Building (i-e #etermin$tion %ermitted O.enings in 6$ll $nd Ceiling Assemblies Construction (teel )embers +ire:Resist$nce, Combustibilit3 $nd (.rinAlers in Rel$tion to Occu.$nc3, Eeig0t $nd (u..orted Elements +ire (e.$r$tions Bet2een Rooms $nd (.$ces 6it0in Buildings (er1ice Rooms +ire2$lls %re1ention o/ +ire (.re$d $t E?terior 6$lls $nd Bet2een (tore3s #oors, #$m.ers $nd Ot0er Closures in +ire (e.$r$tions (.$ti$l (e.$r$tions Bet2een Buildings (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion Bet2een Eouses +ire BlocAs +l$me (.re$d Limits Al$rm $nd #etection (3stems (moAe Al$rms +ire/ig0ting





9,1>,21, 9,1>,22, (ection 9,11, 9,11,1, 9,11,2, 9,12, 9,12,1, 9,12,2, 9,12,!, 9,12,5, 9,1!, 9,1!,1, 9,1!,2, 9,1!,!, 9,1!,5, 9,15, 9,15,1, 9,15,2, 9,15,!, 9,15,5, 9,15,7, 9,15,<, 9,17, 9,17,1, 9,17,2, 9,17,!, 9,17,5, 9,17,7, 9,17,<, 9,1<, 9,1<,1, 9,1<,2, 9,1<,!, 9,1<,5, 9,1<,7, 9,1;, 9,1;,1, 9,1;,2, 9,1;,!, 9,1;,5, 9,1;,7, 9,1;,<, 9,1=, 9,1=,1, 9,1=,2, 9,1=,!, 9,1=,5, 9,1=,7, 9,1=,<, 9,1=,;, 9,19, 9,19,1, 9,19,2, 9,2>, 9,2>,1, 9,2>,2,

+ire %rotection /or Construction C$m.s +ire %rotection /or G$s, %ro.$ne $nd Electric CooAto.s (ound Control (ound Tr$nsmission Cl$ss R$ting 8Airborne (ound9 Re4uired (ound Control Loc$tions 8Airborne (ound9 E?c$1$tion Gener$l #e.t0 B$cA/ill Trenc0es Bene$t0 +ootings #$m..roo/ing, 6$ter.roo/ing $nd (oil G$s Control Gener$l #$m..roo/ing 6$ter.roo/ing (oil G$s Control #r$in$ge (co.e +ound$tion #r$in$ge #r$in$ge Tile $nd %i.e Gr$nul$r #r$in$ge L$3er #r$in$ge #is.os$l (ur/$ce #r$in$ge +ootings $nd +ound$tions A..lic$tion Gener$l +ootings +ound$tion 6$lls (u..ort o/ *oists $nd Be$ms on )$sonr3 +ound$tion 6$lls %$rging $nd +inis0ing o/ +ound$tion 6$lls +loors:on:Ground (co.e )$teri$l Bene$t0 +loors #r$in$ge Concrete 6ood Columns (co.e Gener$l (teel Columns 6ood Columns nit )$sonr3 Columns (olid Concrete Columns Cr$2l (.$ces Gener$l Access 'entil$tion Cle$r$nce #r$in$ge Ground Co1er +ire %rotection Roo/ (.$ces 'enting Access )$sonr3 $nd Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls Not in Cont$ct 2it0 t0e Ground A..lic$tion )$sonr3 nits











9,2>,!, 9,2>,5, 9,2>,7, 9,2>,<, 9,2>,;, 9,2>,=, 9,2>,9, 9,2>,1>, 9,2>,11, 9,2>,12, 9,2>,1!, 9,2>,15, 9,2>,17, 9,2>,1<, 9,2>,1;, (ection 9,21, 9,21,1, 9,21,2, 9,21,!, 9,21,5, 9,21,7, 9,22, 9,22,1, 9,22,2, 9,22,!, 9,22,5, 9,22,7, 9,22,<, 9,22,;, 9,22,=, 9,22,9, 9,22,1>, 9,2!, 9,2!,1, 9,2!,2, 9,2!,!, 9,2!,5, 9,2!,7, 9,2!,<, 9,2!,;, 9,2!,=, 9,2!,9, 9,2!,1>, 9,2!,11, 9,2!,12, 9,2!,1!, 9,2!,15, 9,2!,17, 9,2!,1<, 9,25, 9,25,1, 9,25,2, 9,25,!, 9,27, 9,27,1, 9,27,2, 9,27,!, 9,27,5, 9,27,7, 9,2<,

)ort$r )ort$r *oints )$sonr3 (u..ort T0icAness $nd Eeig0t C0$ses $nd Recesses (u..ort o/ Lo$ds Bonding $nd T3ing L$ter$l (u..ort Anc0or$ge o/ Roo/s, +loors $nd Intersecting 6$lls Corbelling Control o/ R$in 6$ter %enetr$tion %rotection #uring 6orA Rein/orcement /or E$rt04u$Ae Resist$nce Corrosion Resist$nce Abo1e:Ground +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls )$sonr3 $nd Concrete C0imne3s $nd +lues Gener$l C0imne3 +lues C0imne3 Lining )$sonr3 $nd Concrete C0imne3 Construction Cle$r$nce /rom Combustible Construction +ire.l$ces Gener$l +ire.l$ce Liners +ire.l$ce 6$lls +ire C0$mber Ee$rt0 #$ (moAe C0$mber +$ctor3:Built +ire.l$ces Cle$r$nce o/ Combustible )$teri$l +ire.l$ce Inserts $nd Ee$rt0:)ounted (to1es 6ood:+r$me Construction A..lic$tion Gener$l +$steners )$?imum (.$ns Notc0ing $nd #rilling Anc0or$ge (ill %l$tes Be$ms to (u..ort +loors +loor *oists 6$ll (tuds 6$ll %l$tes +r$ming O1er O.enings Roo/ $nd Ceiling +r$ming (ub/looring Roo/ (0e$t0ing 6$ll (0e$t0ing (0eet (teel (tud 6$ll +r$ming Gener$l (i-e o/ +r$ming Inst$ll$tion Ee$t Tr$ns/er, Air Le$A$ge $nd Condens$tion Control Gener$l T0erm$l Insul$tion Air B$rrier (3stems '$.our B$rriers %ro.erties $nd %osition o/ )$teri$ls in Building En1elo.e Roo/ing







9,2<,1, 9,2<,2, 9,2<,!, 9,2<,5, 9,2<,7, 9,2<,<, 9,2<,;, 9,2<,=, 9,2<,9, 9,2<,1>, 9,2<,11, 9,2<,12, 9,2<,1!, 9,2<,15, 9,2<,17, 9,2<,1<, 9,2<,1;, 9,2<,1=, (ection 9,2;, 9,2;,1, 9,2;,2, 9,2;,!, 9,2;,5, 9,2;,7, 9,2;,<, 9,2;,;, 9,2;,=, 9,2;,9, 9,2;,1>, 9,2;,11, 9,2;,12, 9,2;,1!, 9,2=, 9,2=,1, 9,2=,2, 9,2=,!, 9,2=,5, 9,2=,7, 9,2=,<, 9,29, 9,29,1, 9,29,2, 9,29,!, 9,29,5, 9,29,7, 9,29,<, 9,29,;, 9,29,=, 9,29,9, 9,29,1>, 9,!>, 9,!>,1, 9,!>,2, 9,!>,!, 9,!>,5, 9,!>,7, 9,!>,<, 9,!1, 9,!1,1, 9,!1,2, 9,!1,!,

Gener$l Roo/ing )$teri$ls (lo.e o/ Roo/ (ur/$ces +l$s0ing $t Intersections E$1e %rotection /or (0ingles $nd (0$Aes nderl$3 Bene$t0 (0ingles As.0$lt (0ingles on ( o/ 1 in ! or Gre$ter As.0$lt (0ingles on ( o/ Less T0$n 1 in ! 6ood Roo/ (0ingles Ced$r Roo/ (0$Aes Built: . Roo/s (el1$ge Roo/ing (0eet )et$l Roo/ing Gl$ss Rein/orced %ol3ester Roo/ing Eot A..lied Rubberi-ed As.0$lt Roo/ing %ol31in3l C0loride (0eet Roo/ing Concrete Roo/ Tiles Roo/ #r$ins $nd #o2ns.outs Cl$dding A..lic$tion Re4uired %rotection /rom$tion (econd %l$ne o/ %rotection (e$l$nts Att$c0ment o/ Cl$dding Lumber (iding 6ood (0ingles $nd (0$Aes %l32ood E$rdbo$rd O(B $nd 6$/erbo$rd )et$l 'in3l (iding E?terior Insul$tion +inis0 (3stems (tucco Gener$l (tucco )$teri$ls +$steners (tucco L$t0 (tucco )i?es (tucco A..lic$tion Interior 6$ll $nd Ceiling +inis0es Gener$l 6$ter.roo/ 6$ll +inis0 6ood +urring %l$stering G3.sum Bo$rd +inis0 8T$.ed *oints9 %l32ood +inis0 E$rdbo$rd +inis0 Insul$ting +ibrebo$rd +inis0 %$rticlebo$rd, O(B or 6$/erbo$rd +inis0 6$ll Tile +inis0 +looring Gener$l %$nel:T3.e nderl$3 6ood (tri. +looring %$r4uet +looring Resilient +looring Cer$mic Tile %lumbing +$cilities (co.e Gener$l 6$ter (u..l3 $nd #istribution






9,!1,5, 9,!1,7, 9,!1,<, (ection 9,!2, 9,!2,1, 9,!2,2, 9,!2,!, 9,!!, 9,!!,1, 9,!!,2, 9,!!,!, 9,!!,5, 9,!5, 9,!5,1, 9,!5,2, 9,!5,!, 9,!7, 9,!7,1, 9,!7,2, 9,!7,!, 9,!7,5, 9,!<, 9,!<,1, 9,!<,2, 9,!<,!, 9,!;, 9,!;,1, 9,!;,2, 9,!;,!, 9,!=, 9,!=,1, 9,!=,2, 9,!=,!, 9,!9, 9,!9,1, 9,5>, 9,5>,1, 9,5>,2,

Re4uired +$cilities Reser1ed (er1ice 6$ter Ee$ting +$cilities 'entil$tion Gener$l N$tur$l 'entil$tion )ec0$nic$l 'entil$tion Ee$ting $nd Air:Conditioning Gener$l Re4uired Ee$ting (3stems #esign$tures C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms Electric$l +$cilities Gener$l Lig0ting Outlets Emergenc3 Lig0ting G$r$ges $nd C$r.orts (co.e Gener$l +ound$tions 6$lls $nd Columns Cott$ges (co.e Gener$l Tourist Accommod$tion Log Construction Gener$l 6$lls Lintels %$rA )odel Tr$ilers (co.e Gener$l Re4uirements Rein/orced Concrete (l$bs (co.e Addition$l Re4uirements /or C0$nge o/ se (co.e Addition$l Construction







(ection (ection

/ect#on 9.1. 4enera' 9.1.1. %&&'#cat#on 9,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 9,1,1,2, (igns 819 /#gns sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.11. 9,1,1,!, (el/:(er1ice (tor$ge Buildings 819 Self-service storage buildings sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.10. 9,1,1,5, Tents $nd Air:(u..orted (tructures 819 ;ents sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.14.1. 829 Air-supported structures sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.14.2. 9,1,1,7, %ro?imit3 to E?isting $bo1e Ground Electric$l Conductors 396

819 8here a building #s constructed #n c'ose &ro5#m#ty to e5#st#ng a,o$e ground e'ectr#ca' conductors, the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.1.19. sha'' a&&'y. 9,1,1,<, +ood %remises 819 ;he re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3...6. a&&'y to a'' food premises. 9,1,1,;, R$don 819 +n add#t#on to a'' other re:u#rements, a building #n the (o''ow#ng des#gnated areas sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed so that the annua' a$erage concentrat#on o( radon 222 does not e5ceed 200 *:!m 3 o( a#r and the annua' a$erage concentrat#on o( the short '#$ed daughters o( radon 222 does not e5ceed 0.02 wor7#ng 'e$e's #ns#de the building (or, 2a3 the )#ty o( 6''#ot La7e #n the ;err#tor#a' "#str#ct o( %'goma, 2,3 the ;ownsh#& o( Faraday #n the )ounty o( =ast#ngs, and 2c3 the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( =yman #n the ;err#tor#a' "#str#ct o( /ud,ury. 9,1,1,=, Building in +lood %l$ins 819 $uildings constructed on ('ood &'a#ns sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned and constructed #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce to w#thstand ant#c#&ated $ert#ca' and hor#Conta' hydrostat#c &ressures act#ng on the structure, and 2,3 #ncor&orate ('ood&roo(#ng measures that w#'' &reser$e the #ntegr#ty o( e"its and means of egress dur#ng t#mes o( ('ood#ng. 9,1,1,9, (ite Assembled $nd +$ctor3:Built Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a manu(actured building #ntended (or residential occupancy #s deemed to com&'y w#th th#s )ode #( #t #s des#gned and constructed #n com&'#ance w#th, 2a3 )/% O240.2.1, >/tructura' Re:u#rements (or <anu(actured =omes?, #( the building #s constructed #n sect#ons not w#der than 4. m, or 2,3 )/% %2.., >-rocedures (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs?. 829 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s )ode sha'' a&&'y to, 2a3 building com&onents des#gned and constructed outside t0e .l$ce o/ m$nu/$cture, $nd 8b9 site inst$ll$tion o/ suc0 buildings. 9,1,1,1>, %ublic %ools $nd %ublic (.$s 819 4ublic pools sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3.11. and public spas sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3.12. 9,1,1,11, (0el/ $nd R$cA (tor$ge (3stems 819 Shelf and rac# storage systems sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3.16. /ect#on 9.2. Reser$ed /ect#on 9.3. <ater#a's, /ystems and 6:u#&ment 9.3.1. )oncrete 9,!,1,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, unre#n(orced and nom#na''y re#n(orced concrete sha'' ,e des#gned, m#5ed, &'aced, cured and tested #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements (or >R? c'ass concrete stated #n )'ause .13 o( )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?. 829 @nre#n(orced and nom#na''y re#n(orced s#te-,atched concrete sha'' ,e des#gned, m#5ed, &'aced and cured #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es to 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, /u,sect#on 9.11.4. and /ect#on 9.39., re#n(orced concrete sha'' ,e des#gned to con(orm to the re:u#rements o( -art 4. 859 For ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s not e5ceed#ng 2 storeys #n building height, and ha$#ng a ma5#mum ('oor to ('oor he#ght o( 3 m, #n buildings o( '#ght-(rame construct#on conta#n#ng on'y a s#ng'e dwelling unit, the concrete and re#n(orc#ng sha'' com&'y w#th -art 4 or, 2a3 the concrete sha'' con(orm to )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?, w#th a ma5#mum aggregate s#Ce o( 19 mm, and 39.

2,3 the re#n(orc#ng sha'', 2#3 con(orm to )%B!)/%-430.1 -<, >*#''et - /tee' *ars (or )oncrete Re#n(orcement?, 2##3 ha$e a m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed y#e'd strength o( 400 <-a, and 2###3 ,e 'a&&ed a m#n#mum o( 410 mm (or 10< ,ars and 610 mm (or 11< ,ars. 9,!,1,2, Cement 819 )ement sha'' meet the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-%3001, >)ement#t#ous <ater#a's (or @se #n )oncrete?. 9,!,1,!, Concrete in Cont$ct 2it0 (ul/$te (oil 819 )oncrete #n contact w#th su'(ate soil, wh#ch #s de'eter#ous to norma' cement, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n )'ause o( )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?. 9,!,1,5, Aggreg$tes 819 %ggregates sha'', 2a3 cons#st o( sand, gra$e', crushed roc7, crushed a#r-coo'ed ,'ast (urnace s'ag, e5&anded sha'e or e5&anded c'ay con(orm#ng to )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?, and 2,3 ,e c'ean, we''-graded and (ree o( #n0ur#ous amounts o( organ#c and other de'eter#ous mater#a'. 9,!,1,7, 6$ter 819 8ater sha'' ,e c'ean and (ree o( #n0ur#ous amounts o( o#', organ#c matter, sed#ment or any other de'eter#ous mater#a'. 9,!,1,<, Com.ressi1e (trengt0 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded e'sewhere #n th#s -art, the com&ress#$e strength o( unre#n(orced concrete a(ter 2 days sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 32 <-a (or garage ('oors, car&ort ('oors and a'' e5ter#or ('atwor7, 2,3 20 <-a (or #nter#or ('oors other than those (or garages and car&orts, and 2c3 11 <-a (or a'' other a&&'#cat#ons. 829 )oncrete used (or garage and car&ort ('oors and e5ter#or ste&s sha'' ha$e a#r entra#nment o( 1 to F. 9,!,1,;, Concrete )i?es 819 For s#te-,atched concrete, the concrete m#5es descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 9.3.1... sha'' ,e cons#dered acce&ta,'e #( the rat#o o( water to cement#ng mater#a's does not e5ceed, 2a3 0.41 (or garage ('oors, car&ort ('oors and a'' e5ter#or ('atwor7, 2,3 0.61 (or #nter#or ('oors other than those (or garages and car&orts, and 2c3 0..0 (or a'' other a&&'#cat#ons. 829 ;he s#Ce o( aggregate #n unre#n(orced concrete m#5es re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 1!1 the d#stance ,etween the s#des o( $ert#ca' (orms, or 2,3 1!3 the th#c7ness o( ('atwor7. T$ble 9,!,1,;, Concrete )i?es Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.3.1...213
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /#Ce o( )oarse %ggregate, mm 14 20 2 40 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <ater#a's, $o'ume )ement -arts 1 1 1 1 L213 2 2 2 2 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . F#ne %ggregate 2dam& a$erage coarse sand3 -arts L 1..1 49 1..1 49 2 16 2 16 )oarse %ggregate 2gra$e' or crushed stone3 -arts L 2 16 2.1 .0 3 4 3.1 9

1. 2. 3. 4.

Botes to ;a,'e 9.3.1...:

% 40 7g ,ag o( cement conta#ns 2 L.

9,!,1,=, Admi?tures 39

819 %dm#5tures sha'' con(orm to %/;< )260, >%#r-6ntra#n#ng %dm#5tures (or )oncrete?, or %/;< )494 ! )494<, >)hem#ca' %dm#5tures (or )oncrete?, as a&&'#ca,'e. 9,!,1,9, Cold 6e$t0er Re4uirements 819 8hen the a#r tem&erature #s ,e'ow 1) , concrete sha'' ,e, 2a3 7e&t at a tem&erature o( not 'ess than 10) or more than 21) wh#'e ,e#ng m#5ed and &'aced, and 2,3 ma#nta#ned at a tem&erature o( not 'ess than 10) (or .2 h a(ter &'ac#ng. 829 Bo (roCen mater#a' or #ce sha'' ,e used #n concrete descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 9,!,2, Lumber $nd 6ood %roducts 9,!,2,1, Gr$de )$rAing 819 Lum,er (or 0o#sts, ra(ters, trusses and ,eams and (or the uses '#sted #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y a grade stam& to #nd#cate #ts grade as determ#ned ,y the BL4%, >/tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es (or )anad#an Lum,er?. T$ble 9,!,2,1, )inimum Lumber Gr$des /or (.eci/ic End ses Form#ng -art o( /entences and
+tem )o'umn 1 @se )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 *oards -aragra&h #n the BL4% 4rad#ng Ru'es @nder 8h#ch *oards are 4raded %'' /&ec#es 6astern 8h#te -#ne K Red -#ne -ara 113 -ara 114 -ara 11 I I I I Bo. 3 )ommon Bo. 1 )ommon I I Bo. 3 )ommon Bo. 3 common Bo. 4 )ommon Bo. 1 )ommon I I I I I /tandard /tandard @t#'#ty 6conomy I Bo. 3 )ommon Bo. 1 )ommon I I Bo. 4 )ommon Bo. 3 )ommon Bo. 4 )ommon Bo. 1 )ommon )o'umn 1 Fram#ng %'' /&ec#es /tud, /tandard, Bo. 2 /tud, @t#'#ty, Bo. 3 Bo. 2 6conomy, Bo. 3 /tandard, Bo.2 /tandard I I I I

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10.

/tud wa'' (ram#ng 2loadbearing mem,ers3 /tud wa'' (ram#ng 2non-loadbearing mem,ers3 -'an7 (rame construct#on 2loadbearing mem,ers3 -'an7 (rame construct#on 2non-loadbearing mem,ers3 -ost and ,eams 'ess than 114 mm #n th#c7ness -ost and ,eams not 'ess than 114 mm #n th#c7ness Roo( sheath#ng /u,('oor#ng 8a'' sheath#ng when re:u#red as a na#'#ng ,ase 8a'' sheath#ng not re:u#red as a na#'#ng ,ase

9,!,2,2, Lumber Gr$des 819 65ce&t (or 0o#sts, ra(ters, trusses and ,eams, $#sua''y graded 'um,er sha'' con(orm to the grades #n ;a,'e 9,!,2,!, )$c0ine (tress R$ted Lumber 819 <ach#ne stress rated 'um,er sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 4.3.1. 9,!,2,5, O(B, 6$/erbo$rd $nd %l32ood )$rAing 819 O/*, wa(er,oard and &'ywood used (or roo( sheath#ng, wa'' sheath#ng and su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e 'eg#,'y #dent#(#ed on the (ace o( the mater#a' #nd#cat#ng, 2a3 the manu(acturer o( the mater#a', 2,3 the standard to wh#ch #t #s &roduced, and 2c3 that the mater#a' #s o( an e5ter#or ty&e. 9,!,2,7, )oisture Content 819 <o#sture content o( 'um,er sha'' ,e not more than 19F at the t#me o( #nsta''at#on. 9,!,2,<, Lumber #imensions 819 Lum,er d#mens#ons re(erred to #n th#s -art are actua' d#mens#ons determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th )/% O141, >/o(twood Lum,er?. 9,!,2,;, %$nel T0icAness Toler$nces 819 ;he th#c7ness s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art (or &'ywood, hard,oard, &art#c'e,oard, O/* and wa(er,oard sha'' ,e su,0ect to the to'erances &erm#tted #n the standards re(erenced (or these &roducts un'ess s&ec#(#ca''y #nd#cated #n th#s -art. 399


ndersi-ed Lumber

819 Jo#st, ra(ter, '#nte' and ,eam mem,ers u& to 1F 'ess than the actua' )anad#an standard s#Ces are &erm#tted to ,e used &ro$#ded the a''owa,'e s&ans (or the grade and s&ec#es o( 'um,er under cons#derat#on are reduced 1F (rom those shown #n the s&an ta,'es (or (u'' s#Ce mem,ers. 9,!,2,9, Termite $nd #ec$3 %rotection 819 +n 'oca'#t#es where term#tes are 7nown to occur, 2a3 c'earance ,etween structura' wood e'ements and the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' d#rect'y ,e'ow them sha'' ,e not 'ess than 410 mm and, e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a'' s#des o( the su&&ort#ng e'ements sha'' ,e $#s#,'e to &erm#t #ns&ect#on, or 2,3 structura' wood e'ements, su&&orted ,y e'ements #n contact w#th the ground or e5&osed o$er ,are so#', sha'' ,e &ressure-treated w#th a chem#ca' that #s to5#c to term#tes. 829 +n 'oca'#t#es where term#tes are 7nown to occur and foundations are #nsu'ated or otherw#se (#n#shed #n a manner that cou'd concea' a term#te #n(estat#on, 2a3 a meta' or &'ast#c ,arr#er sha'' ,e #nsta''ed through the #nsu'at#on and any other se&arat#on or (#n#sh mater#a's a,o$e (#n#shed ground 'e$e' to contro' the &assage o( term#tes ,eh#nd or through the #nsu'at#on, se&arat#on or (#n#sh mater#a's, and 2,3 a'' s#des o( the (#n#shed su&&ort#ng assem,'y sha'' ,e $#s#,'e to &erm#t #ns&ect#on. 8!9 /tructura' wood e'ements sha'' ,e &ressure-treated w#th a &reser$at#$e to res#st decay, where the $ert#ca' c'earance ,etween structura' wood e'ements and the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' #s 'ess than 110 mm. 859 +n 'oca'#t#es where term#tes are 7nown to occur and where w#ndows or other o&en#ngs at or ,e'ow grade conta#n wood e'ements, the ,ottom o( w#ndow we''s or ad0acent ground sha'' ,e at 'east 110 mm ,e'ow the nearest wood un'ess the wood #s &ressure-treated w#th a chem#ca' to5#c to term#tes. 879 /tructura' wood e'ements used #n reta#n#ng wa''s and cr#,,#ng sha'' ,e &ressure-treated w#th a &reser$at#$e to res#st decay, where, 2a3 the reta#n#ng wa'' or cr#,,#ng su&&orts ground that #s cr#t#ca' to the sta,#'#ty o( building foundations, or 2,3 the reta#n#ng wa'' or cr#,,#ng #s greater than 1.2 m #n he#ght. 8<9 8here wood #s re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e to ,e treated to res#st term#tes or decay, such treatment sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 2, >@se )ategor#es (or /&ec#(#c -roducts, @ses, and 65&osures?, o( )%B!)/%-O 0.1, >/&ec#(#cat#on o( ;reated 8ood?, as (o''ows: 2a3 @se )ategory 1, where the wood mem,er #s used #n, 2#3 #nter#or construct#on, 2##3 a,o$e-ground a&&'#cat#ons, and 2###3 a&&'#cat#ons where the wood mem,er rema#ns dry, 2,3 @se )ategory 2, where the wood mem,er #s used #n, 2#3 #nter#or construct#on, 2##3 a,o$e-ground a&&'#cat#ons, and 2###3 a&&'#cat#ons where the wood mem,er may ,e su,0ected to occas#ona' sources o( mo#sture, 2c3 @se )ategory 3.2, where the wood mem,er #s used #n, 2#3 e5ter#or construct#on, 2##3 a,o$e-ground a&&'#cat#ons, and 2###3 a&&'#cat#ons where the wood mem,er #s uncoated or #s used #n a con(#gurat#on conduc#$e to mo#sture accumu'at#on, 2d3 @se )ategory 4.1, where, 2#3 the wood mem,er #s used #n contact w#th the ground, 2##3 the wood mem,er #s used #n contact w#th (resh water, or 2###3 the $ert#ca' c'earance ,etween the wood e'ement and the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' #s 'ess than 110 mm and the wood e'ements are not se&arated (rom &ermea,'e su&&ort#ng mater#a's ,y a mo#sture ,arr#er, or 400

2e3 @se )ategory 4.2, where the wood mem,er #s used #n cr#t#ca' structura' com&onents, #nc'ud#ng &ermanent wood foundations. 8;9 8here wood #s &rotected #n accordance w#th @se )ategory 1 or @se )ategory 2 us#ng an #norgan#c ,oron &reser$at#$e, the wood sha'' ,e, 2a3 &rotected (rom d#rect e5&osure to water dur#ng and a(ter the com&'et#on o( construct#on, and 2,3 se&arated (rom &ermea,'e su&&ort#ng mater#a's ,y a mo#sture ,arr#er that #s res#stant to a'' e5&ected mechan#sms o( deter#orat#on #n the ser$#ce en$#ronment #( the $ert#ca' c'earance to the ground #s 'ess than 110 mm. 8=9 8ood that #s re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e to ,e treated to res#st term#tes or decay sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y a mar7 to #nd#cate the ty&e o( &reser$at#$e used and con(ormance to the re'e$ant re:u#red @se )ategory. 9,!,!, )et$l 9,!,!,1, (0eet )et$l T0icAness 819 <#n#mum th#c7nesses (or sheet meta' mater#a' re:u#red #n th#s -art re(er to the actua' m#n#mum ,ase meta' th#c7nesses measured at any &o#nt o( the mater#a', and #n the case o( ga'$an#Ced stee' descr#,ed #n /entence, #nc'ude the th#c7ness o( the ga'$an#C#ng coat#ng un'ess otherw#se #nd#cated. 9,!,!,2, G$l1$ni-ed (0eet (teel 819 8here sheet stee' #s re:u#red to ,e ga'$an#Ced, #t sha'' ,e meta''#c-coated w#th C#nc or an a''oy o( 11F a'um#n#um-C#nc meet#ng the re:u#rements o(, 2a3 %/;< %613 ! %613<, >/tee' /heet, O#nc-)oated 24a'$an#Ced3 or O#nc-+ron %''oy-)oated 24a'$anea'ed3 ,y the =ot"#& -rocess?, or 2,3 %/;< %.92 ! %.92<, >/heet /tee', 11F %'um#num-O#nc %''oy-)oated ,y the =ot "#& -rocess?. 829 8here ga'$an#Ced sheet stee' #s #ntended (or use #n 'ocat#ons e5&osed to the weather or as a ('ash#ng mater#a', #t sha'' ha$e a C#nc coat#ng not 'ess than the 490 2O2.13 coat#ng des#gnat#on or an a'um#num-C#nc a''oy coat#ng not 'ess than the %O<110 coat#ng des#gnat#on, as re(erred to #n /entence 213. (ection 9,5, (tructur$l Re4uirements 9,5,1, (tructur$l #esign Re4uirements $nd A..lic$tion Limit$tions 9,5,1,1, Gener$l 819 /u,0ect to the a&&'#cat#on '#m#tat#ons de(#ned e'sewhere #n th#s -art, structura' mem,ers and the#r connect#ons sha'', 2a3 con(orm to re:u#rements &ro$#ded e'sewhere #n th#s -art, 2,3 ,e des#gned accord#ng to good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce such as &ro$#ded #n the )8), >6ng#neer#ng 4u#de (or 8ood Frame )onstruct#on?, or 2c3 ,e des#gned accord#ng to -art 4 us#ng the 'oads and de('ect#on and $#,rat#on '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n, 2#3 th#s -art, or 2##3 -art 4. 829 8here ('oor (ram#ng #s des#gned #n accordance w#th )'ause 2132,3 or 2c3 and where su&&ort#ng wa'' (ram#ng and (asten#ngs or (oot#ngs are des#gned accord#ng to )'ause 2132a3, the s&ec#(#ed live load on the ('oor sha'' not e5ceed 2.4 7-a. 8!9 Locat#on-s&ec#(#c #n(ormat#on (or structura' des#gn, #nc'ud#ng snow and w#nd 'oads and se#sm#c s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#ons, sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. 9,5,2, (.eci/ied Lo$ds 9,5,2,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to '#ght-(rame construct#on whose wa'', ('oor and roo( &'anes are genera''y com&r#sed o( (rames o( sma'' re&et#t#$e structura' mem,ers, and where, 2a3 the roo( and wa'' &'anes are c'ad, sheathed or ,raced on at 'east one s#de, 2,3 the sma'' re&et#t#$e structura' mem,ers are s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c., 2c3 the c'ear s&an o( any structura' mem,er does not e5ceed 12.20 m, 2d3 the ma5#mum de('ect#on o( the structura' roo( mem,ers con(orms to %rt#c'e, 2e3 the ma5#mum tota' roo( area, notw#thstand#ng any se&arat#on o( ad0o#n#ng buildings ,y firewalls, #s 4 110 m2, and


2(3 (or ('at roo(s, there are no s#gn#(#cant o,struct#ons on the roo(, such as &ara&et wa''s, s&aced c'oser than the d#stance ca'cu'ated ,y,
" o =102 = o N 0. /s ! _ )

where, "o S =o S /s S m#n#mum d#stance ,etween o,struct#ons, m, he#ght o( the o,struct#on a,o$e the roo(, m, ground snow 'oad, 7-a, and un#t we#ght o( snow, 7B!m3.

_ S

9,5,2,2, (.eci/ied (no2 Lo$ds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, s&ec#(#ed snow 'oads sha'' ,e not 'ess than those ca'cu'ated us#ng the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a: 1/ S ), [ /s V /r where, / S s&ec#(#ed snow 'oad, ), S ,as#c snow 'oad roo( (actor, wh#ch #s 0.41 where the ent#re w#dth o( a roo( does not e5ceed 4.3 m and 0.11 (or a'' other roo(s, /s S 1-#n-10 year ground snow 'oad #n 7-a, determ#ned accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, and /r S assoc#ated 1-#n-10 year ra#n 'oad #n 7-a, determ#ned accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?. 829 +n no case sha'' the s&ec#(#ed snow 'oad ,e 'ess than 1 7-a. 8!9 *ow str#ng, arch or sem#-c#rcu'ar roo( trusses ha$#ng an unsu&&orted s&an greater than 6 m sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the snow 'oad re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 4.1.6. 9,5,2,!, %l$t/orms (ub@ect to (no2 $nd Occu.$nc3 Lo$ds 819 *a'con#es, dec7s and other access#,'e e5ter#or &'at(orms #ntended (or an occupancy and su,0ect to snow 'oads sha'' ,e des#gned to carry the s&ec#(#ed roo( snow 'oad or 1.9 7-a, wh#che$er #s greater, where the &'at(orm, or each segregated area o( the &'at(orm, ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,5,2,5, Attics $nd Roo/ (.$ces 819 )e#'#ng 0o#sts or truss ,ottom chords #n res#dent#a' attic or roof spaces ha$#ng '#m#ted access#,#'#ty that &rec'udes the storage o( e:u#&ment or mater#a' sha'' ,e des#gned (or a tota' s&ec#(#ed 'oad o( not 'ess than 0.31 7-a, where the tota' s&ec#(#ed 'oad #s the sum o( the s&ec#(#ed dead load &'us the s&ec#(#ed live load o( the ce#'#ng. 9,5,!, #e/lections 9,5,!,1, #e/lections 819 ;he ma5#mum de('ect#on o( structura' mem,ers sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 829 +ead loads need not ,e cons#dered #n com&ut#ng de('ect#ons re(erred to #n /entence 213. T$ble 9,5,!,1, )$?imum #e/lections Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 /tructura' <em,ers Roo( ra(ters, roo( 0o#sts and roo( ,eams )e#'#ng 0o#sts F'oor ,eams, ('oor 0o#sts and ('oor dec7#ng *eams, 0o#sts and dec7#ng (or ,a'con#es, dec7s and other access#,'e e5ter#or &'at(orms )o'umn 2 ;y&e o( )e#'#ng /u&&orted Bo ce#'#ng Other than &'aster or gy&sum ,oard -'aster or gy&sum ,oard Other than &'aster or gy&sum ,oard -'aster or gy&sum ,oard %'' cases /er$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit Other )o'umn 3 <a5. %''owa,'e "e('ect#on as an 65&ressed Rat#o o( the )'ear /&an 1!1 0 1!240 1!360 1!240 1!360 1!360 1!240 1!360


9,5,5, +ound$tion Conditions 9,5,5,1, Allo2$ble Be$ring %ressures 819 Foot#ng s#Ces (or shallow foundations sha'' ,e, 2a3 determ#ned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.11., or 2,3 des#gned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. us#ng, 2#3 the ma5#mum allowable bearing pressures #n ;a,'e, or 2##3 allowable bearing pressures determ#ned (rom subsurface investigation. T$ble 9,5,5,1, Allo2$ble Be$ring %ressure /or (oil or RocA Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. )o'umn 1 ;y&e and )ond#t#on o( Soil or 1oc# "ense or com&act sand or gra$e' Loose sand or gra$e' "ense or com&act s#'t /t#(( c'ay F#rm c'ay /o(t c'ay ;#'' )'ay sha'e /ound roc# )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Allowable $earing 4ressure, 7-a 110 10 100 110 .1 40 200 300 100

829 ;he des#gn &rocedures descr#,ed #n /ect#on 4.2. are &erm#tted to ,e used #n '#eu o( the des#gn &rocedures #n th#s /u,sect#on. 8!9 ;he des#gn &rocedures descr#,ed #n /ect#on 4.2. sha'' ,e used where, 2a3 deep foundations are used, 2,3 the (oot#ng s#Ce (a''s outs#de the sco&e o( th#s /ect#on, or 2c3 the foundation #s constructed on &eat, (#''ed ground or on sens#t#$e c'ays as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9,5,5,2, +ound$tion C$.$cit3 in 6e$Aer (oil $nd RocA 819 8here a soil or roc# w#th#n a d#stance e:ua' to tw#ce the (oot#ng w#dth ,e'ow the bearing surface has a 'ower allowable bearing pressure than that at the bearing surface as shown #n %rt#c'e, the des#gn ca&ac#ty o( the foundation sha'' not ,e greater than wou'd cause the wea7est soil or roc# to ,e stressed ,eyond #ts allowable bearing pressure. 829 +n ca'cu'at#ng su,sur(ace &ressures re(erred to #n /entence 213, the 'oads (rom the (oot#ngs sha'' ,e assumed to ,e d#str#,uted un#(orm'y o$er a hor#Conta' &'ane w#th#n a (rustum e5tend#ng downward (rom the (oot#ng at an ang'e o( 60 to the hor#Conta'. 9,5,5,!, Eig0 6$ter T$ble 819 8here a foundation ,ears on gra$e', sand or s#'t, and the water ta,'e #s w#th#n a d#stance ,e'ow the bearing surface e:ua' to the w#dth o( the foundation, the allowable bearing pressure sha'' ,e 10F o( that determ#ned #n %rt#c'e 9,5,5,5, (oil )o1ement 819 8here a foundation #s 'ocated #n an area where soil mo$ement caused ,y changes #n soil mo#sture content, (reeC#ng, or chem#ca'-m#cro,#o'og#ca' o5#dat#on #s 7nown to occur to the e5tent that #t w#'' damage a building, measures sha'' ,e ta7en to &rec'ude such mo$ement or to reduce the e((ects on the building so that the buildingCs sta,#'#ty and the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es w#'' not ,e ad$erse'y a((ected. 9,5,5,7, Reser1ed 9,5,5,<, 6$lls (u..orting #r$ined E$rt0 819 65ce&t where constructed #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.11., wa''s su&&ort#ng dra#ned earth sha'' ,e des#gned, 2a3 (or a &ressure e:u#$a'ent to that e5erted ,y a ('u#d w#th a dens#ty o( not 'ess than 4 0 7g!m 3 and a de&th e:ua' to that o( the reta#ned earth, or 2,3 #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. so as to ,e a,'e to res#st the 'oads and e((ects descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 829 8a''s su&&ort#ng other than dra#ned earth sha'' ,e des#gned, 403

2a3 (or the &ressure descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132a3 &'us the ('u#d &ressure o( the surcharge, or 2,3 #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. so as to ,e a,'e to res#st the 'oads and e((ects descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e (ection 9,7, #esign o/ Are$s, (.$ces $nd #oor2$3s 9,7,1, Gener$l 9,7,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art, th#s /ect#on a&&'#es on'y to dwelling units that are #ntended (or use on a cont#nu#ng or year-round ,as#s as the &r#nc#&a' res#dence o( the occu&ant. 9,7,1,2, )et0od o/ )e$surement 819 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art, the areas, d#mens#ons and he#ghts o( rooms or s&aces sha'' ,e measured ,etween (#n#shed wa'' sur(aces and ,etween (#n#shed ('oor and ce#'#ng sur(aces. 9,7,1,!, +loor Are$s 819 <#n#mum ('oor areas s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on do not #nc'ude c'osets or ,u#'t-#n ,edroom ca,#nets un'ess otherw#se #nd#cated. 9,7,1,5, Combin$tion Rooms 819 ;wo or more areas may ,e cons#dered as a com,#nat#on room #( the o&en#ng ,etween the areas occu&#es the 'arger o( 3 m2 or 40F or more o( the wa'' measured on the s#de o( the de&endent area. 829 8here the de&endent area #s a ,edroom, d#rect &assage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the two areas. 8!9 ;he o&en#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' not conta#n doors or w#ndows. 9,7,1,7, Lesser Are$s $nd #imensions 819 %reas o( rooms and s&aces are &erm#tted to ,e 'ess than re:u#red #n th#s /ect#on &ro$#ded #t can ,e shown that the rooms and s&aces are ade:uate (or the#r #ntended use, such as ,y the &ro$#s#on o( ,u#'t-#n (urn#ture to com&ensate (or reduced s#Ces. 9,7,2, B$rrier:+ree #esign 9,7,2,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and %rt#c'e 3. .1.1., e$ery building sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 3. . 829 ;he re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3. . need not ,e &ro$#ded (or houses, #nc'ud#ng sem#-detached houses, du&'e5es, tr#&'e5es, town houses, row houses and ,oard#ng or room#ng houses w#th (ewer than e#ght ,oarders or roomers. 9,7,2,2, %rotection on +loor Are$s 2it0 $ B$rrier:+ree %$t0 o/ Tr$1el 819 8here a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' re:u#red #n %rt#c'e #s &ro$#ded to any storey a,o$e the first storey, the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3.3.1... sha'' a&&'y. 9,7,2,!, (tud 6$ll Rein/orcement 819 +( wood wa'' studs or sheet stee' wa'' studs enc'ose the ma#n ,athroom #n a dwelling unit, re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t the (uture #nsta''at#on o( a gra, ,ar on a wa'' ad0acent to, 2a3 a water c'oset #n the 'ocat#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 3. .3. .2132d3, and 2,3 a shower or ,athtu, #n the 'ocat#on re:u#red ,y )'ause 3. .3.13.2132(3.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !!, 5!9

819 +( wood wa'' studs or sheet stee' wa'' studs enc'ose the ma#n ,athroom #n a dwelling unit, re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t the (uture #nsta''at#on o( the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 (or a water c'oset, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'auses 3. .3. .2332a3 and a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3. .2332c3, 2,3 (or a shower, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3.13.2232(3, and 2c3 (or a ,athtu,, a gra, ,ar descr#,ed #n )'ause 3. .3.13.2432c3. 9,7,!, Ceiling Eeig0ts 9,7,!,1, Ceiling Eeig0ts o/ Rooms or (.$ces 819 ;he ce#'#ng he#ghts o( rooms or s&aces #n residential occupancies and live,wor# units sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e


829 %reas #n rooms or s&aces o$er wh#ch ce#'#ng he#ght #s not 'ess than the m#n#mum s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e cont#guous w#th the entry or entr#es to those rooms or s&aces. T$ble 9,7,!,1, Room Ceiling Eeig0ts Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 Room or /&ace L#$#ng room or s&ace, d#n#ng room or s&ace, 7#tchen or 7#tchen s&ace *edroom or ,edroom s&ace )o'umn 2 <#n#mum =e#ghts213 2 300 mm o$er at 'east .1F o( the re:u#red ('oor area w#th a c'ear he#ght o( 2 100 mm at any &o#nt o$er the re:u#red area 2 300 mm o$er at 'east 10F o( the re:u#red area or 2 100 mm o$er a'' o( the re:u#red ('oor area. %ny &art o( the ('oor ha$#ng a c'ear he#ght o( 'ess than 1 400 mm sha'' not ,e cons#dered #n com&ut#ng the re:u#red ('oor area 2 100 mm o$er at 'east .1F o( the basement area e5ce&t that under ,eams and ducts the c'earance #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to 1 910 mm 2 100 mm #n any area where a &erson wou'd norma''y ,e #n a stand#ng &os#t#on 2 100 mm

3. 4. 1.

$asement s&ace *athroom, water c'oset room or 'aundry area a,o$e grade -assage, ha'' or ma#n entrance $est#,u'e and (#n#shed rooms not s&ec#(#ca''y ment#oned a,o$e

Botes to ;a,'e


%rea o( the s&ace sha'' ,e measured at ('oor 'e$e'. 819 ;he ce#'#ng he#ght a,o$e and ,e'ow a mezzanine ('oor assem,'y #n a'' occupancies sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 100 mm.

9,7,!,2, )e--$nines 9,7,!,!, (tor$ge G$r$ges 819 ;he c'ear he#ght #n a storage garage sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 000 mm. 9,7,5, Li1ing Rooms or (.$ces 2it0in #2elling nits 9,7,5,1, Are$s o/ Li1ing Rooms $nd (.$ces 819 L#$#ng areas w#th#n dwelling units, e#ther as se&arate rooms or #n com,#nat#on w#th other s&aces, sha'' ha$e an area not 'ess than 13.1 mA. 829 8here the area o( a '#$#ng s&ace #s com,#ned w#th a 7#tchen and d#n#ng area, the '#$#ng area a'one #n a dwelling unit that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than two &ersons sha'' ,e not 'ess than 11 mA. 9,7,7, #ining Rooms or (.$ces 2it0in #2elling nits 9,7,7,1, Are$ o/ #ining Rooms or (.$ces 819 % d#n#ng s&ace #n com,#nat#on w#th other s&ace sha'' ha$e an area o( not 'ess than 3.21 mA. 829 "#n#ng rooms not com,#ned w#th other s&ace sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum area o( . mA. 9,7,<, Iitc0ens 2it0in #2elling nits 9,7,<,1, Iitc0en Are$s 819 Z#tchen areas w#th#n dwelling units e#ther se&arate (rom or #n com,#nat#on w#th other s&aces, sha'' ha$e an area o( not 'ess than 4.2 mA #nc'ud#ng the area occu&#ed ,y the ,ase ca,#nets, e5ce&t that #n dwelling units conta#n#ng s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than two &ersons, the m#n#mum area sha'' ,e 3.. mA. 9,7,;, Bedrooms or (.$ces in #2elling nits $nd #ormitories 9,7,;,1, Are$s o/ Bedrooms 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es 9.1...2. and 9.1...3., ,edrooms #n dwelling units sha'' ha$e an area not 'ess than . mA where ,u#'t-#n ca,#nets are not &ro$#ded and not 'ess than 6 mA where ,u#'t-#n ca,#nets are &ro$#ded. 9,7,;,2, Are$s o/ )$ster Bedrooms 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 9.1...3., at 'east one ,edroom #n e$ery dwelling unit sha'' ha$e an area o( not 'ess than 9. mA where ,u#'t-#n ca,#nets are not &ro$#ded and not 'ess than . mA where ,u#'t-#n ca,#nets are &ro$#ded. 9,7,;,!, Are$s o/ Combin$tion Bedrooms 819 *edroom s&aces #n com,#nat#on w#th other s&aces #n dwelling units sha'' ha$e an area not 'ess than 4.2 mA. 401

9,7,;,5, Are$s o/ Ot0er ( Rooms 819 /'ee&#ng rooms other than #n dwelling units sha'' ha$e an area not 'ess than . mA &er &erson (or s#ng'e occupancy and 4.6 mA &er &erson (or mu't#&'e occupancy. 9,7,;,7, Recre$tion$l C$m.s 819 1ecreational camps sha'' ha$e an area #n the s'ee&#ng :uarters o( at 'east 3..2 mA &er cam&er or, #( dou,'e or tr#&'e t#er ,un7 un#ts are used, 2..9 mA &er cam&er. 9,7,;,<, C$m.s /or Eousing 6orAers 819 % camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum area o( 3..2 mA &er em&'oyee #n e$ery room used (or s'ee&#ng &ur&oses. 9,7,=, Combined (.$ces 9,7,=,1, Combined Li1ing, #ining, Bedroom $nd Iitc0en (.$ces 819 "es&#te /u,sect#ons 9.1.4. to 9.1..., where '#$#ng, d#n#ng, ,edroom and 7#tchen s&aces are com,#ned #n a dwelling unit that conta#ns s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or not more than two &ersons, the area o( the com,#ned s&aces sha'' ,e not 'ess than 13.1 m2. 9,7,9, B$t0rooms $nd 6$ter Closet Rooms 9,7,9,1, (.$ce to Accommod$te +i?tures 819 +n e$ery dwelling unit an enc'osed s&ace o( su((#c#ent s#Ce sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to accommodate a water c'oset, 'a$atory and ,athtu, or shower sta''. 9,7,9,2, #oors to Rooms Cont$ining 6$ter Closets 819 % door sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to each room conta#n#ng a water c'oset w#th#n a dwelling unit. 9,7,1>, E$ll2$3s 9,7,1>,1, E$ll2$3 6idt0 819 ;he uno,structed w#dth o( a ha''way w#th#n a dwelling unit sha'' ,e not 'ess than 60 mm, e5ce&t that the ha''way w#dth #s &erm#tted to ,e .10 mm, where, 2a3 there are on'y ,edrooms and ,athrooms at the end o( the ha''way (urthest (rom the '#$#ng area, and 2,3 a second e"it #s &ro$#ded, 2#3 #n the ha''way near the end (urthest (rom the '#$#ng area, or 2##3 #n each ,edroom ser$ed ,y the ha''way. 9,7,11, #oor2$3 (i-es 9,7,11,1, #oor2$3 O.ening (i-es 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es, and, doorway o&en#ngs w#th#n dwelling units sha'' ,e des#gned to accommodate at 'east the door s#Ces #n ;a,'e (or sw#ng-ty&e doors or (o'd#ng doors. T$ble 9,7,11,1, )inimum #oor (i-es Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 %t 6ntrance to: +welling unit 2re:u#red entrance3 Hest#,u'e or entrance ha'' /ta#rs to a ('oor 'e$e' that conta#ns a (#n#shed s&ace %'' doors #n at 'east one '#ne o( &assage (rom the e5ter#or to the basement @t#'#ty rooms 8a'7-#n c'oset *athroom, water c'oset room, shower room 213 Rooms 'ocated o(( ha''ways that are &erm#tted to ,e .10 mm w#de Rooms not ment#oned a,o$e, e5ter#or ,a'con#es

)o'umn 2 <#n#mum 8#dth, mm 10 10 610 610 610 .60

)o'umn 3 <#n#mum =e#ght, mm 19 0 19 0 19 19 19 19 0 0 0 0

Botes to ;a,'e

/ee %rt#c'e

9,7,11,2, #oors to %ublic 6$ter Closet Rooms 406

819 "oors to &u,'#c water c'oset rooms sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm w#de and 2 030 mm h#gh. 9,7,11,!, #oors to B$t0rooms 819 8here a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' con(orm#ng to /ect#on 3. . #s &ro$#ded #nto a suite o( residential occupancy and where a ,athroom w#th#n the suite #s at the 'e$e' o( the suite entrance door, the doorway to such ,athroom and to each ,edroom at the same 'e$e' as such ,athroom sha'' ha$e, when the door #s #n the o&en &os#t#on, a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess than, 2a3 .60 mm where the door #s ser$ed ,y a corr#dor or s&ace not 'ess than 1 060 mm w#de, and 2,3 10 mm where the door #s ser$ed ,y a corr#dor or s&ace 'ess than 1 060 mm w#de. (ection 9,<, Gl$ss 9,<,1, Gener$l 9,<,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 g'ass #n, 2#3 #nter#or w#ndows and #nter#or doors and the#r s#de'#ghts, 2##3 c'othes c'osets, 2###3 s#te-,u#'t e5ter#or w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts, 2#$3 shower or ,athtu, enc'osures, 2$3 g'aCed &ane's and partitions, and 2,3 the &rotect#on o( g'ass. 9,<,1,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds /or Gl$ss 819 4'ass sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass,? 2,3 )%B!)4/*-12.2-<, >F'at, )'ear /heet 4'ass?, 2c3 )%B!)4/*-12.3-<, >F'at, )'ear F'oat 4'ass?, 2d3 )%B!)4/*-12.4-<, >=eat-%,sor,#ng 4'ass,? 2e3 )%B!)4/*-12. , >+nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#ts?, 2(3 )%B!)4/*-12.10-<, >4'ass, L#ght and =eat Re('ect#ng?, 2g3 )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2h3 %/;< 62190, >+nsu'at#ng 4'ass @n#t -er(ormance and 6$a'uat#on?. 829 <#rrored g'ass doors are &erm#tted to ,e used on'y at the entrance to c'othes c'osets and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( )%B!)4/*- 2.6-<, >"oors, <#rrored 4'ass, /'#d#ng or Fo'd#ng, 8ardro,e?. 8!9 <#rrored g'ass doors re#n(orced w#th a (#'m ,ac7#ng sha'' meet the #m&act res#stance re:u#rements s&ec#(#ed #n )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, ><#rrors, /#'$ered?. 9,<,1,!, (tructur$l (u//icienc3 o/ Gl$ss 819 4'ass sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)4/*-12.20-<, >/tructura' "es#gn o( 4'ass (or *u#'d#ngs?. 829 ;he ma5#mum area o( #nd#$#dua' &anes o( g'ass (or doors sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,<,1,!, )$?imum Gl$ss Are$ /or #oors Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 4'ass ;h#c7ness, mm <a5#mum 4'ass %rea, m2 ;y&e o( 4'ass %nnea'ed %nnea'ed <u't#&'e4'aCed Factory/ea'ed @n#ts )o'umn 4 Lam#nated )o'umn 1 8#red )o'umn 6 )o'umn . )o'umn Fu''y ;em&ered <u't#&'e4'aCed Factory/ea'ed @n#ts

=eat Fu''y /trengthened ;em&ered


1. 2. 3. 4.

3 4 1 6

0.10 1.00 1.10 1.10

0..0 1.10 1.10 1.10

213 213 213

213 213 213



1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10

1.00 4.00 Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t

2.00 4.00 Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t

Botes to ;a,'e

Bot genera''y a$a#'a,'e.

9,<,1,5, o/ Gl$ss $nd %rotection o/ Gl$ss 819 4'ass s#de'#ghts greater than 100 mm w#de that cou'd ,e m#sta7en (or doors, g'ass #n storm doors and g'ass #n s'#d#ng doors w#th#n or at e$ery entrance to a dwelling unit and #n &u,'#c areas sha'' ,e, 2a3 sa(ety g'ass o( the tem&ered or 'am#nated ty&e con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2,3 w#red g'ass con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, g'ass #n entrance doors to dwelling units and #n &u,'#c areas, other than the entrance doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213, sha'' ,e sa(ety g'ass or w#red g'ass o( the ty&e descr#,ed #n /entence 213 where the g'ass area e5ceeds 0.1 m2 and e5tends to 'ess than 900 mm (rom the ,ottom o( the door. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, trans&arent &ane's that cou'd ,e m#sta7en as a means of egress sha'' ,e &rotected ,y ,arr#ers or ra#'#ngs. 859 /'#d#ng g'ass partitions that se&arate a public corridor (rom an ad0acent occupancy and that are o&en dur#ng norma' wor7#ng hours need not con(orm to /entences 223, 233 and 213, e5ce&t that such partitions sha'' ,e su#ta,'y mar7ed to #nd#cate the#r e5#stence and &os#t#on. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, e$ery g'ass or trans&arent door access#,'e to the &u,'#c sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th hardware, ,ars or other &ermanent (#5tures des#gned so that the e5#stence and &os#t#on o( such doors #s read#'y a&&arent. 8<9 4'ass, other than sa(ety g'ass, sha'' not ,e used (or a shower or ,athtu, enc'osure. (ection 9,;, 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 9,;,1, Gener$l 9,;,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts se&arat#ng conditioned space (rom uncond#t#oned s&ace or the e5ter#or, and 2,3 ma#n entrance doors. 829 For the &ur&ose o( th#s /ect#on, the term >s7y'#ght? re(ers to un#t s7y'#ghts, roo( w#ndows and tu,u'ar day'#ght#ng de$#ces. 8!9 For the &ur&ose o( th#s /ect#on, the term >doors? #nc'udes g'aC#ng #n doors and s#de'#ghts (or doors. 9,;,2, Re4uired 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 9,;,2,1, Entr$nce #oors 819 % door sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at each entrance to a dwelling unit. 829 <a#n entrance doors to dwelling units sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a door $#ewer or trans&arent g'aC#ng #n the door, or 2,3 a s#de'#ght. 9,;,2,2, Ot0er Re4uirements /or 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 819 8#ndows and s7y'#ghts #nsta''ed to &ro$#de re:u#red non-heat#ng season $ent#'at#on sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 829 8#ndows and doors #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red means of egress (rom ,edrooms sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.9.10. 8!9 8#ndows and doors #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the re:u#red access to a building (or (#re(#ght#ng &ur&oses sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.10.20. 859 ;he &rotect#on o( w#ndow and door o&en#ngs aga#nst &ersons (a''#ng through the w#ndow or door o&en#ng sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 9. . .1. 879 <#n#mum s#Ces o( doorways and doors w#th#n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.1. 40

8<9 ;he 'ocat#on and &rotect#on o( w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts #n order to contro' the s&read o( (#re sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.10.12. 8;9 "oors ,etween dwelling units and attached garages sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 8=9 ;he sur(ace flame-spread rating (or doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 9.10.1..1. 899 -ro&ert#es o( w#ndows and doors w#th#n e"its sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.9. 9,;,2,!, )inimum 6indo2 Are$s 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e and /entence 233, the m#n#mum w#ndow g'ass area (or rooms #n buildings o( residential occupancy or rooms that are used (or s'ee&#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9...2.3. T$ble 9,;,2,!, Gl$ss Are$s /or Rooms o/ Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9...2.3.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 Locat#on

)o'umn 2 <#n#mum @no,structed 4'ass %rea 8#th Bo 6'ectr#c L#ght#ng Laundry, basement recreat#on room, un(#n#shed basement 4F o( area ser$ed 8ater c'oset room 0.3. mA Z#tchen, 10F o( area ser$ed 7#tchen s&ace, 7#tchen a'co$e L#$#ng rooms and d#n#ng rooms 10F o( area ser$ed *edrooms and other (#n#shed rooms not ment#oned a,o$e 1F o( area ser$ed213

)o'umn 3 <#n#mum @no,structed 4'ass %rea 8#th 6'ectr#c L#ght#ng 8#ndows not re:u#red 8#ndows not re:u#red 8#ndows not re:u#red 10F o( area ser$ed 1F o( area ser$ed213

Botes to ;a,'e 9...2.3.:

/ee /u,sect#on 9.9.10. 829 ;he uno,structed g'ass area o( a door or s7y'#ght #s cons#dered e:u#$a'ent to that o( a w#ndow. 8!9 8or7 areas #n live,wor# units sha'' con(orm to )'ause 3...2.1.2232a3.

859 8here rooms w#th d#((erent re:u#rements (or w#ndow g'ass area are com,#ned as descr#,ed #n /entence, the more restr#ct#$e re:u#rement sha'' go$ern. 9,;,!, %er/orm$nce o/ 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 9,;,!,1, Gener$l %er/orm$nce Criteri$ 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243, w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts and the#r com&onents se&arat#ng conditioned space (rom uncond#t#oned s&ace or the e5ter#or sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed so that, when #n the c'osed &os#t#on, they, 2a3 res#st the #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto #nter#or s&ace, 2,3 res#st w#nd 'oads, 2c3 contro' a#r 'ea7age, 2d3 res#st the #ngress o( #nsects and $erm#n, 2e3 where re:u#red, res#st (orced entry, and 2(3 are eas#'y o&era,'e, un'ess they are (#5ed un#ts. 829 /7y'#ghts and the#r com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed so that, when #n the c'osed &os#t#on, they res#st snow 'oads. 8!9 <a#n entrance doors and the#r com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed so that, when #n the c'osed &os#t#on, they, 2a3 contro' a#r 'ea7age, 2,3 res#st the #ngress o( #nsects and $erm#n, 2c3 res#st (orced entry, and 2d3 are eas#'y o&era,'e. 859 /torm doors, s'#d#ng doors and the#r com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed so that, when #n the c'osed &os#t#on, they, 409

2a3 res#st w#nd 'oads, 2,3 contro' a#r 'ea7age to a m#n#mum a''owa,'e 1 m3h!m and a ma5#mum a''owa,'e .31 m3h!m, 2c3 res#st the #ngress o( #nsects and $erm#n, and 2d3 are eas#'y o&era,'e. 879 )om&'#ance w#th the &er(ormance re:u#rements descr#,ed #n /entences 213 to 243 sha'' ,e demonstrated ,y, 2a3 com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements #n, 2#3 /u,sect#on 9...4. or 9...1., and 2##3 /u,sect#on 9...6., or 2,3 des#gn and construct#on con(orm#ng to -art 1. 9,;,!,2, Ee$t Tr$ns/er %er/orm$nce 819 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts descr#,ed #n )'ause 9...1.1.2132a3 and the#r com&onents sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed to, 2a3 m#n#m#Ce sur(ace condensat#on on the warm s#de o( the com&onent, and 2,3 ensure com(orta,'e cond#t#ons (or the occu&ants. 829 )om&'#ance w#th the heat trans(er &er(ormance re:u#rements descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e demonstrated ,y, 2a3 com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 9...3.3., or 2,3 des#gn and construct#on con(orm#ng to -art 1. 9,;,!,!, T0erm$l C0$r$cteristics o/ 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, meta' (rames and sash o( w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' #ncor&orate a therma' ,rea7. 829 8#ndows and doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 do not re:u#re a therma' ,rea7 where they are #nsta''ed as, 2a3 $eh#cu'ar access doors, 2,3 storm w#ndows and doors, or 2c3 w#ndows and doors that are re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 8!9 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts, w#th or w#thout storm doors or sash, that are #nsta''ed #n buildings where the #ntended use o( the #nter#or s&ace w#'' not resu't #n h#gh mo#sture generat#on sha'' ha$e a ma5#mum therma' transm#ttance 2@-$a'ue3 or m#n#mum tem&erature #nde5 2+3 #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 9...3.3. 859 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts, w#th or w#thout storm doors or sash, that are #nsta''ed #n &ort#ons o( buildings where the #ntended use o( the #nter#or s&ace w#'' resu't #n h#gh mo#sture generat#on sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 1.3. T$ble 9,;,!,!, )$?imum :1$lue or )inimum$ture Inde? 8I9 /or 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 819 829 8!9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9...3.3.233
+tem )o'umn 1 )om&onent 8#ndows and "oors /7y'#ghts )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 2.1F January "es#gn ;em&erature *etween -11E) and -30E) ma5. @-$a'ue, 8!m2Z m#n. + 2.0 6 223 3.0 )o'umn 4 )o'der than -30E) ma5. @-$a'ue, 8!m2Z 1.. 2.. )o'umn 1 m#n. + ..

1. 2.

Botes to ;a,'e 9...3.3.:

@-$a'ues (or s&ec#(#c &roducts can ,e determ#ned accord#ng to measures re(erenced #n %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?. ;em&erature #nde5 2+3 #s determ#ned accord#ng to the &hys#ca' test &rocedure g#$en #n )/% %440.2!%440.3, >Fenestrat#on 6nergy -er(ormance!@ser 4u#de to )/% %440.2-09, Fenestrat#on 6nergy -er(ormance?.

;here #s no a&&ro&r#ate test &rocedure a$a#'a,'e (or test#ng the condensat#on res#stance o( s'o&ed g'aC#ng.



8here the @-$a'ue #n th#s ;a,'e d#((ers (rom the @-$a'ue &ro$#ded #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, >6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements? or <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-12, >6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng?, the most restr#ct#$e @-$a'ue sha'' a&&'y. 9,;,5, )$nu/$ctured 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 9,;,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts that are w#th#n the sco&e o( %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?. 9,;,5,2, Gener$l 819 <anu(actured and &re-assem,'ed w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts and the#r #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?, 2,3 )/% %440/1, >)anad#an /u&&'ement to %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?, 2c3 th#s /u,sect#on, and 2d3 the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9...6. 9,;,5,!, %er/orm$nce Re4uirements 819 -er(ormance grades (or w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' ,e se'ected accord#ng to )/% %440/1, >)anad#an /u&&'ement to %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts? so as to ,e a&&ro&r#ate (or the cond#t#ons and geogra&h#c 'ocat#on #n wh#ch the w#ndow, door or s7y'#ght w#'' ,e #nsta''ed. 829 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' con(orm to the &er(ormance grades se'ected under /entence 213 when tested #n accordance w#th %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ - Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?. R. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum 'e$e' o( &er(ormance re:u#red (or w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' ,e that o( the -er(ormance )'ass

859 65ter#or wood doors sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-O132.2 /er#es, >8ood F'ush "oors? and sha'' ha$e 'eg#,'y #nd#cated on them, 2a3 the name o( the manu(acturer, 2,3 the standard to wh#ch they were &roduced, and 2c3 that they are o( an e5ter#or ty&e. 9,;,7, (ite:Built 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 9,;,7,1, A..lic$tion $nd$nce 819 <ater#a's, des#gn, construct#on and #nsta''at#on o( w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts that se&arate conditioned space (rom uncond#t#oned s&ace or the e5ter#or ,ut that are not w#th#n the sco&e o( %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts? sha'', 2a3 con(orm to, 2#3 th#s /u,sect#on or /u,sect#on 9...4., and 2##3 the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9...6., or 2,3 con(orm to -art 1. 829 4'ass (or s#te-,u#'t w#ndows, doors, s#de'#ghts (or doors, and s7y'#ghts sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#on 9.6. 9,;,7,2, Resist$nce to +orced Entr3 /or #oors 819 65ce&t (or e5ter#or doors to garages and to other anc#''ary s&aces, th#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to, 2a3 sw#ng#ng entrance doors to dwelling units, 2,3 sw#ng#ng doors ,etween dwelling units and attached garages or other anc#''ary s&aces, and 2c3 sw#ng#ng doors that &ro$#de access d#rect'y or #nd#rect'y (rom a storage garage to a dwelling unit. 829 "oors, (rames and hardware that con(orm to a secur#ty 'e$e' o( at 'east 4rade 10 as descr#,ed #n the %nne5 to %/;< F4.6, >/ecur#ty o( /w#ng#ng "oor %ssem,'#es?, are not re:u#red to con(orm to /entences 233 to 2.3. 411

8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, wood doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e so'#d core or st#'e-and-ra#' ty&e, 2,3 ,e not 'ess than 41 mm th#c7, and 2c3 #( o( the st#'e-and-ra#' &ane' ty&e, ha$e a &ane' th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 19 mm, w#th a tota' &ane' area not more than ha'( o( the door area. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a dead,o't 'oc7 w#th a cy'#nder ha$#ng no (ewer than (#$e &#ns, and 2,3 a ,o't throw not 'ess than 21 mm 'ong, &rotected w#th a so'#d or hardened (ree-turn#ng r#ng or ,e$e''ed cy'#nder hous#ng. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, an #nact#$e 'ea( #n dou,'e doors used #n 'ocat#ons s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th hea$y-duty ,o'ts to& and ,ottom ha$#ng an engagement o( not 'ess than 11 mm. 8<9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, h#nges (or doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened, 2a3 to wood doors w#th wood screws not 'ess than 21 mm 'ong and to wood (rames w#th wood screws such that at 'east two screws &er h#nge &enetrate not 'ess than 30 mm #nto so'#d wood, or 2,3 to meta' doors and meta' (rames w#th mach#ne screws not sma''er than Bo. 10 and not 'ess than 10 mm 'ong. 8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, str#7e&'ates (or dead,o'ts descr#,ed #n /entence 243 sha'' ,e (astened, 2a3 to wood (rames w#th wood screws that &enetrate not 'ess than 30 mm #nto so'#d wood, or 2,3 to meta' (rames w#th mach#ne screws not sma''er than Bo. and not 'ess than 10 mm 'ong. 8=9 65ce&t (or storm doors or screen doors, doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 that sw#ng outward sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th h#nges or &#ns so that the doors cannot ,e remo$ed when they are #n the c'osed &os#t#on. 899 /o'#d ,'oc7#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on ,oth s#des at the 'oc7 he#ght ,etween the 0am,s (or doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and the structura' (ram#ng so that the 0am,s w#'' res#st s&read#ng ,y (orce. 9,;,7,!, Resist$nce to +orced Entr3 /or 6indo2s 819 +n dwelling units, w#ndows, any &art o( wh#ch #s 'ocated w#th#n 2 m o( ad0acent ground 'e$e', sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or res#stance to (orced entry as descr#,ed #n )'ause 1.3.1 o( %%<%!8"<%!)/% 101!+./.2!%440, >B%F/ Borth %mer#can Fenestrat#on /tandard!/&ec#(#cat#on (or 8#ndows, "oors, and /7y'#ghts?. 9,;,<, Inst$ll$tion 9,;,<,1, Inst$ll$tion o/ 6indo2s, #oors $nd (A3lig0ts 819 ;he #nsta''at#on o( w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%440.4, >8#ndow, "oor and /7y'#ght +nsta''at#on?, e5ce&t that, 2a3 sh#ms used to su&&ort w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts are &erm#tted to ,e o( treated &'ywood, and 2,3 &rotect#on (rom &rec#&#tat#on (or wa''s #ncor&orat#ng w#ndows or doors and (or roo(s #ncor&orat#ng s7y'#ghts, and the #nter(aces o( these wa''s w#th w#ndows or doors and o( roo(s w#th s7y'#ghts, sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.2.. 829 ;he #nsta''at#on o( manu(actured and &re-assem,'ed w#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts and the (#e'd assem,'y o( manu(actured w#ndow and door com,#nat#on un#ts sha'' con(orm to the manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons. 8!9 8#ndows, doors and s7y'#ghts sha'' ,e sea'ed to a#r ,arr#ers and vapour barriers. 9,;,<,2, (e$l$nts, Trim $nd +l$s0ing 819 ;he sea'#ng com&ound used to sea' the g'ass com&onent o( an #nsu'at#ng g'aC#ng un#t to the sash com&onent sha'' ,e com&at#,'e w#th the sea'#ng com&ound used to edge sea' the g'ass com&onent. 829 F'ash#ng used to &rotect o&en#ngs sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'es 9.2..3... and 9.2..3. . 8!9 /ea'ants sha'' ,e a&&'#ed ,etween w#ndow (rames or tr#m and the e5ter#or c'add#ng or masonry #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.2..4. 859 %'' un(#n#shed &ort#ons o( the (rame and other com&onents o( a'um#num w#ndows, doors or s7y'#ghts #n contact w#th the edges o( masonry, concrete, stucco or &'aster sha'' ,e &rotected w#th an a'7a'#-res#stant coat#ng. (ection 9,=, (t$irs, R$m.s, E$ndr$ils $nd Gu$rds 9,=,1, A..lic$tion 9,=,1,1, Gener$l 412

819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the des#gn and construct#on o( #nter#or and e5ter#or sta#rs, ste&s, ram&s, handra#'s and guards. 9,=,1,2, (t$irs, R$m.s, L$ndings, E$ndr$ils $nd Gu$rds in G$r$ges 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 9. .6.2. 233, sta#rs, ram&s, 'and#ngs, handra#'s and guards #n a garage that ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or sta#rs, ram&s, 'and#ngs, handra#'s and guards w#th#n a dwelling unit. 9,=,1,!, E?it (t$irs, R$m.s $nd L$ndings 819 8here a sta#r, ram& or 'and#ng (orms &art o( an e"it, the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n /ect#ons 9.9. and 9.10. sha'' a'so a&&'y. 9,=,1,5, Esc$l$tors $nd )o1ing 6$lAs 819 6sca'ators and mo$#ng wa'7s sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n -art 3. 9,=,2, (t$ir #imensions 9,=,2,1, (t$ir 6idt0 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, re:u#red e"it sta#rs and &u,'#c sta#rs ser$#ng buildings o( residential occupancy sha'' ha$e a w#dth, measured ,etween wa'' (aces or guards, o( not 'ess than 900 mm. 829 %t 'east one sta#r ,etween each ('oor 'e$e' w#th#n a dwelling unit, and e5ter#or sta#rs and re:u#red e"it sta#rs ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, sha'' ha$e a w#dth o( not 'ess than 60 mm. 8!9 Re:u#red e"it sta#rs and &u,'#c sta#rs ser$#ng buildings o( other than residential occupancy sha'' ha$e a w#dth o( not 'ess than the greater o(, 2a3 900 mm, or 2,3 mm &er &erson ,ased on the occupant load '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. 9,=,2,2, Eeig0t o1er (t$irs 819 ;he c'ear he#ght o$er sta#rs sha'' ,e, 2a3 measured $ert#ca''y, o$er the c'ear w#dth o( the sta#r, (rom a stra#ght '#ne tangent to the tread and 'and#ng nos#ngs to the 'owest &o#nt a,o$e, and 2,3 not 'ess than, 2#3 1 910 mm (or sta#rs ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2##3 2 010 mm (or sta#rs not ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,=,!, (t$ir Con/igur$tions 9,=,!,1, (tr$ig0t $nd Cur1ed Runs in (t$irs 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, sta#rs sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 stra#ght-runs, or 2,3 cur$ed-runs. 829 /ta#rs w#th#n dwelling units sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 stra#ght-runs, 2,3 cur$ed-runs, 2c3 stra#ght-runs w#th w#nders, or 2d3 stra#ght-runs w#th cur$ed-runs. 9,=,!,2, )inimum Number o/ Risers 819 65ce&t (or sta#rs w#th#n a dwelling unit, at 'east three r#sers sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n #nter#or ('#ghts. 9,=,!,!, )$?imum Eeig0t o/ (t$irs 819 ;he $ert#ca' he#ght ,etween any 'and#ngs sha'' not e5ceed 3.. m. 9,=,5, (te. #imensions 9,=,5,1, #imensions /or Risers 819 ;he r#se, wh#ch #s measured as the $ert#ca' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9. .4.1.


T$ble 9,=,5,1, Rise, Run $nd Tre$d #e.t0 /or Rect$ngul$r Tre$ds Form#ng -art o( /entences 9. .4.1.213 and 9. .4.2.213
+tem )o'umn 1 /ta#r ;y&e /er$#ce and mezzanines #n live,wor# units213 -r#$ate223 -u,'#c233 )o'umn 2 %'' /te&s R#se, mm ma5. no '#m#t 200 1 0 )o'umn 3 m#n. 121 121 121 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 Rectangu'ar ;reads Run, mm ma5. m#n. 311 no '#m#t 311 210 no '#m#t 2 0 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . ;read "e&th, mm ma5. m#n. 311 no '#m#t 311 231 no '#m#t 2 0

1. 2. 3.

Botes to ;a,'e 9. .4.1.:

/er$#ce sta#rs are sta#rs that ser$e areas used on'y as service rooms or service spaces and sta#rs that ser$e mezzanines not e5ceed#ng 20 m2 w#th#n live,wor# units.

-r#$ate sta#rs are #nter#or sta#rs w#th#n dwelling units and e5ter#or sta#rs ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit or a garage that ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit.

-u,'#c sta#rs are a'' sta#rs not descr#,ed as ser$#ce sta#rs or &r#$ate sta#rs.

9,=,5,2, #imensions /or Rect$ngul$r Runs $nd Tre$ds 819 ;he run, wh#ch #s measured as the hor#Conta' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, and the tread de&th o( rectangu'ar treads sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9. .4.1. 829 ;he de&th o( a rectangu'ar tread sha'' ,e not 'ess than #ts run and not more than #ts run &'us 21 mm. 9,=,5,!, #imensions /or Angled Tre$ds 819 %ng'ed treads #n re:u#red e"it sta#rs sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 9. .4.1., ang'ed treads #n other than re:u#red e"it sta#rs sha'' ha$e an a$erage run, wh#ch #s measured as the hor#Conta' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, o( not 'ess than 200 mm and a m#n#mum run o( 110 mm. 8!9 ;he de&th o( an ang'ed tread sha'' ,e not 'ess than #ts run, measured as the hor#Conta' nos#ng-to-nos#ng d#stance, at any &o#nt and not more than #ts run at any &o#nt &'us 21 mm. 9,=,5,5, ni/ormit3 $nd Toler$nces /or Risers $nd Tre$ds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, r#sers sha'' ,e o( un#(orm he#ght #n any one ('#ght w#th a ma5#mum to'erance o(, 2a3 1 mm ,etween ad0acent treads or 'and#ngs, and 2,3 10 mm ,etween the ta''est and shortest r#sers #n a ('#ght. 829 65ce&t (or re:u#red e"it sta#rs, where the to& or ,ottom r#ser #n a sta#r ad0o#ns a s'o&#ng (#n#shed wa'7#ng sur(ace such as a garage ('oor, dr#$eway or s#dewa'7, the he#ght o( the r#ser across the sta#r sha'' $ary ,y not more than 1 #n 12. 8!9 ;reads sha'' ha$e un#(orm run w#th a ma5#mum to'erance o(, 2a3 1 mm ,etween ad0acent treads, and 2,3 10 mm ,etween the dee&est and sha''owest treads #n a ('#ght. 859 8here ang'ed treads or w#nders are #ncor&orated #nto a sta#r, the treads #n a'' sets o( ang'ed treads or w#nders w#th#n a ('#ght sha'' turn #n the same d#rect#on. 879 ;he s'o&e o( treads sha'' not e5ceed 1 #n 10. 9,=,5,7, 6inders 819 /ta#rs w#th#n dwelling units are &erm#tted to conta#n w#nders that con$erge to a centre &o#nt &ro$#ded, 2a3 the w#nders turn through an ang'e o( not more than 90E, 2,3 #nd#$#dua' treads turn through an ang'e o( not 'ess than 30E or not more than 41E, and 2c3 ad0acent w#nders turn through the same ang'e. 829 8here more than one set o( w#nders descr#,ed #n /entence 213 #s &ro$#ded #n a s#ng'e sta#rway ,etween ad0acent ('oor 'e$e's, such w#nders sha'' ,e se&arated #n &'an ,y at 'east 1 200 mm. 9,=,5,<, Le$ding Edges o/ Tre$ds 819 Lead#ng edges o( treads that are ,e$e''ed or rounded sha'', 414

2a3 not reduce the re:u#red tread de&th ,y more than 11 mm, and 2,3 not, #n any case, e5ceed 21 mm hor#Conta''y. 9,=,5,;, Interior (t$irs E?tending t0roug0 t0e Roo/ 819 +nter#or sta#rways e5tend#ng through the roo( o( a building sha'' ,e &rotected (rom #ce and snow. 9,=,7, R$m.s 9,=,7,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to &edestr#an ram&s e5ce&t ram&s #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 829 Ram&s #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3. .3.4. 9,=,7,2, R$m. 6idt0 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e"it ram&s and &u,'#c ram&s ser$#ng buildings o( residential occupancy sha'' ha$e a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess than 900 mm. 829 % ram& ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit sha'' ha$e a w#dth o( not 'ess than 60 mm. 8!9 6"it ram&s and &u,'#c ram&s ser$#ng buildings o( other than residential occupancy sha'' ha$e a c'ear w#dth o( not 'ess than the greater o(, 2a3 900 mm, or 2,3 mm &er &erson ,ased on the occupant load '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. 9,=,7,!, Eeig0t o1er R$m.s 819 ;he c'ear he#ght o$er ram&s sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 1 910 mm (or ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2,3 2 010 mm (or ram&s not ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,=,7,5, (lo.e 819 ;he s'o&e o( ram&s sha'' ,e not more than, 2a3 1 #n 10 (or e5ter#or ram&s, 2,3 1 #n 10 (or #nter#or ram&s ser$#ng residential occupancies, 2c3 1 #n 6 (or mercantile or industrial occupancies, and 2d3 1 #n (or a'' other occupancies. 9,=,7,7, )$?imum Rise 819 8here the s'o&e o( the ram& #s greater than 1 #n 12, the ma5#mum r#se ,etween ('oors or 'and#ngs sha'' ,e 1 100 mm. 9,=,<, L$ndings 9,=,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to 'and#ngs, e5ce&t 'and#ngs (or ram&s #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e'. 829 Land#ngs (or ram&s #n a barrier-free &ath o( tra$e' sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 3. .3.4. 8!9 F#n#shed ('oors, and ground sur(aces w#th a s'o&e not e5ceed#ng 1 #n 10, at the to& and ,ottom o( sta#rs or ram&s sha'' ,e cons#dered as 'and#ngs. 9,=,<,2, Re4uired L$ndings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243 and /entence, a 'and#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, 2a3 at the to& and ,ottom o( each ('#ght o( #nter#or and e5ter#or sta#rs, #nc'ud#ng sta#rs #n garages, 2,3 at the to& and ,ottom o( e$ery ram& w#th a s'o&e greater than 1 #n 10, and 2c3 where a doorway o&ens onto a sta#r or ram&. 829 8here a door at the to& o( a sta#r #n a dwelling unit sw#ngs away (rom the sta#r, no 'and#ng #s re:u#red ,etween the doorway and the sta#r. 8!9 % 'and#ng may ,e om#tted at the to& o( an e5ter#or sta#r ser$#ng a garage or a secondary entrance to a s#ng'e dwelling unit, #nc'ud#ng an entrance (rom an attached garage, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the sta#r does not conta#n more than three r#sers, 411

2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n )'ause 2c3, the door #s a s'#d#ng door or sw#ngs away (rom the sta#r, and 2c3 where a storm or screen door #s &ro$#ded, #t may sw#ng o$er the sta#r #( #t #s e:u#&&ed w#th hardware to ho'd #t o&en. 859 % 'and#ng may ,e om#tted at the ,ottom o( an e5ter#or sta#r or ram& &ro$#ded there #s no o,struct#on, such as a gate or door, w#th#n the 'esser o( the w#dth o( the sta#r or ram&, or, 2a3 900 mm (or sta#rs or ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2,3 1100 mm (or sta#rs or ram&s not ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,=,<,!, #imensions o/ L$ndings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 to 263, the w#dth and 'ength o( 'and#ngs sha'' com&'y w#th ;a,'e 9. .6.3. T$ble 9,=,<,!, #imensions o/ L$ndings Form#ng -art o( /entence 9. .6.3.213
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 %&&'#cat#on /ta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit )o'umn 2 Land#ng )on(#gurat#on +n stra#ght-run sta#r or ram&, or 'and#ng turn#ng through 'ess than 30, w#th#n a dwelling unit +n stra#ght-run e5ter#or sta#r or ram&, or e5ter#or 'and#ng turn#ng through 'ess than 30 Land#ng turn#ng through an ang'e o( 30 or more, ,ut 'ess than 90 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum 8#dth, mm 8#dth o( sta#r or ram& 8#dth o( sta#r or ram& 8#dth o( sta#r or ram& measured at r#ght ang'e to &ath o( tra$e' )o'umn 4 Length, mm Bot 'ess than 60 Bot 'ess than 900 2a3 Bot 'ess than 230 measured at the #ns#de edge o( the 'and#ng, and 2,3 Bot 'ess than 3.0 measured 230 (rom the #ns#de edge o( 'and#ng or handra#' Bot 'ess than w#dth o( sta#r or ram& 'and#ng Lesser o( re:u#red w#dth o( sta#r or c'ear w#dth o( ram&, or 1 100 Bot 'ess than w#dth o( sta#r or c'ear w#dth o( ram&

Land#ng turn#ng through not 'ess than 90 2. /ta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng other than s#ng'e dwelling units +n stra#ght-run sta#r or ram&, or 'and#ng turn#ng through 'ess than 30 Land#ng turn#ng through 30 or more

8#dth o( sta#r or ram& measured at r#ght ang'e to &ath o( tra$e' 8#dth o( sta#r or c'ear w#dth o( ram& 8#dth o( sta#r or c'ear w#dth o( ram& measured at r#ght ang'e to &ath o( tra$e'

829 Reser$ed 8!9 8here sta#rs or ram&s o( d#((erent w#dths ad0o#n a s#ng'e 'and#ng, the m#n#mum w#dth o( the 'and#ng sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than the greater re:u#red sta#r or ram& w#dth, where one or more o( the sta#r or ram& w#dths do not e5ceed the#r res&ect#$e re:u#red w#dths, or 2,3 not 'ess than the 'esser actua' sta#r or ram& w#dth, where a'' o( the w#dths o( the sta#rs or ram&s e5ceed the#r res&ect#$e re:u#red w#dths. 859 8here a door sw#ngs toward a sta#r, the (u'' arc o( the sw#ng sha'' ,e o$er the 'and#ng. 879 ;he s'o&e o( 'and#ngs sha'' not e5ceed 1 #n 10. 8<9 8here a doorway or sta#rway o&ens onto the s#de o( a ram&, the 'and#ng sha'' e5tend (or a d#stance o( not 'ess than 300 mm on e#ther s#de o( the doorway or sta#rway, e5ce&t on a s#de a,utt#ng an end wa''. 9,=,<,5, Eeig0t o1er L$ndings 819 ;he c'ear he#ght o$er 'and#ngs sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 1 910 mm (or 'and#ngs ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2,3 2 010 mm (or 'and#ngs not ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,=,;, E$ndr$ils 9,=,;,1, Re4uired E$ndr$ils 416

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243, a handra#' sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on sta#rs and ram&s #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e 9. ...1. T$ble 9,=,;,1, E$ndr$ils /or (t$irs $nd R$m.s Form#ng -art o( /entence 9. ...1.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Locat#on o( /ta#r or Ram& )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 =andra#'s /er$#ng /ta#rs /ta#rs X 1 100 mm 8#de /tra#ght )ur$ed Bum,er o( /#des Re:u#red to ha$e a =andra#' 1 1 1 2 )o'umn 4 /ta#rs 1 100 mm 8#de %'' 1 2 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 =andra#'s /er$#ng Ram&s Ram&s X 1 100 mm Ram&s 1 100 8#de mm 8#de /tra#ght or )ur$ed %'' 1 2 2 2

1. 2.

8#th#n a dwelling unit %'' other 'ocat#ons

829 8here a sta#r or a ram& #s re:u#red to ,e at 'east 2 200 mm w#de due to the occupant load, a handra#' sha'' ,e #nsta''ed such that no &os#t#on on the sta#r or ram& #s more than 21 mm (rom a handra#'. 8!9 % handra#' #s not re:u#red (or sta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, where, 2a3 #nter#or sta#rs ha$e not more than two r#sers, 2,3 e5ter#or sta#rs ha$e not more than three r#sers, or 2c3 ram&s r#se not more than 400 mm. 859 On'y one handra#' #s re:u#red on e5ter#or sta#rs ha$#ng more than three r#sers, &ro$#ded such sta#rs ser$e a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,=,;,2, Continuit3 o/ E$ndr$ils 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, at 'east one re:u#red handra#' sha'' ,e cont#nuous throughout the 'ength o( the sta#r or ram&, #nc'ud#ng 'and#ngs, e5ce&t where #nterru&ted ,y, 2a3 doorways, or 2,3 newe' &osts at changes #n d#rect#on. 829 For sta#rs or ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, at 'east one re:u#red handra#' sha'' ,e cont#nuous throughout the 'ength o( the sta#r or ram&, e5ce&t where #nterru&ted ,y, 2a3 doorways, 2,3 'and#ngs, or 2c3 newe' &osts at changes #n d#rect#on. 9,=,;,!, Termin$tion o/ E$ndr$ils 819 =andra#'s sha'' ,e term#nated #n a manner that w#'' not o,struct &edestr#an tra$e' or create a haCard. 829 65ce&t (or sta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, at 'east one handra#' at the s#des o( a sta#r or ram& sha'' e5tend hor#Conta''y not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the to& and ,ottom o( each sta#r or ram&. 9,=,;,5, Eeig0t o/ E$ndr$ils 819 ;he he#ght o( handra#'s on sta#rs and ram&s sha'' ,e measured $ert#ca''y (rom the to& o( the handra#' to, 2a3 a stra#ght '#ne drawn tangent to the tread nos#ngs o( the sta#r ser$ed ,y the handra#', or 2,3 the sur(ace o( the ram&, ('oor or 'and#ng ser$ed ,y the handra#'. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, the he#ght o( handra#'s on sta#rs and ram&s sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 61 mm, and 2,3 not more than 961 mm. 8!9 8here guards are re:u#red, handra#'s re:u#red on 'and#ngs sha'' ,e not more than 1 0.0 mm #n he#ght. 859 =andra#'s #nsta''ed #n add#t#on to re:u#red handra#'s need not com&'y w#th /entence 223. 9,=,;,7, Ergonomic #esign 41.

819 % c'earance o( not 'ess than 10 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween a handra#' and any sur(ace ,eh#nd #t. 829 %'' handra#'s sha'' ,e constructed so as to ,e cont#nua''y gras&a,'e a'ong the#r ent#re 'ength w#th no o,struct#on on or a,o$e them to ,rea7 a handho'd, e5ce&t where the handra#' #s #nterru&ted ,y newe's at changes #n d#rect#on. 9,=,;,<, %ro@ections into (t$irs $nd R$m.s 819 =andra#'s and &ro0ect#ons ,e'ow handra#'s, #nc'ud#ng handra#' su&&orts and sta#r str#ngers, sha'' not &ro0ect more than 100 mm #nto the re:u#red w#dth o( a sta#r or ram&. 9,=,;,;, #esign $nd Att$c0ment o/ E$ndr$ils 819 =andra#'s and any building e'ement that cou'd ,e used as a handra#' sha'' ,e des#gned and attached #n such a manner as to res#st, 2a3 a concentrated 'oad at any &o#nt o( not 'ess than 0.9 7B, and 2,3 (or handra#'s other than those ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, a un#(orm'y d#str#,uted 'oad o( 0.. 7B!m. 829 8here a handra#' ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit #s attached to wood studs or ,'oc7#ng, the attachment sha'' ,e deemed to com&'y w#th /entence 213, where, 2a3 the attachment &o#nts are s&aced not more than 1.2 m a&art, 2,3 the (#rst attachment &o#nt at e#ther end #s 'ocated not more than 300 mm (rom the end o( the handra#', and 2c3 the (asteners cons#st o( no (ewer than two wood screws at each &o#nt, &enetrat#ng not 'ess than 32 mm #nto so'#d wood. 9,=,=, Gu$rds 9,=,=,1, Re4uired Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery sur(ace to wh#ch access #s &ro$#ded (or other than ma#ntenance &ur&oses, #nc'ud#ng ,ut not '#m#ted to ('#ghts o( ste&s and ram&s, e5ter#or 'and#ngs, &orches, ,a'con#es, mezzanines, ga''er#es and ra#sed wa'7ways, sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a guard on each s#de that #s not &rotected ,y a wa'' (or the 'ength, where, 2a3 there #s a d#((erence #n e'e$at#on o( more than 600 mm ,etween the wa'7#ng sur(ace and the ad0acent sur(ace, or 2,3 the ad0acent sur(ace w#th#n 1.2 m (rom the wa'7#ng sur(ace has a s'o&e o( more than 1 #n 2. 829 0uards are not re:u#red, 2a3 at 'oad#ng doc7s, 2,3 at ('oor &#ts #n repair garages, or 2c3 where access #s &ro$#ded (or ma#ntenance &ur&oses on'y. 8!9 8hen an #nter#or sta#r has more than two r#sers or an #nter#or ram& r#ses more than 400 mm, the s#des o( the sta#r or ram& and the 'and#ng or ('oor 'e$e' around the sta#rwe'' or ram& sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a guard on each s#de that #s not &rotected ,y a wa''. 859 "oors #n buildings o( residential occupancy, where the (#n#shed ('oor on one s#de o( the door #s more than 600 mm a,o$e the ('oor or other sur(ace or ground 'e$e' on the other s#de o( the door, sha'' ,e &rotected ,y, 2a3 a guard #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 a mechan#sm ca&a,'e o( contro''#ng the (ree sw#ng#ng or s'#d#ng o( the door so as to '#m#t any c'ear uno,structed o&en#ng to not more than 100 mm. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, o&ena,'e w#ndows #n buildings o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e &rotected ,y, 2a3 a guard #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 a mechan#sm ca&a,'e o( contro''#ng the (ree sw#ng#ng or s'#d#ng o( the o&ena,'e &art o( the w#ndow so as to '#m#t any c'ear uno,structed o&en#ng to not more than 100 mm measured e#ther $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y where the other d#mens#on #s greater than 3 0 mm. 8<9 8#ndows need not ,e &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence 213, where, 2a3 the w#ndow ser$es a dwelling unit that #s not 'ocated a,o$e another suite, 2,3 the on'y o&en#ng greater than 100 mm ,y 3 0 mm #s a hor#Conta' o&en#ng at the to& o( the w#ndow, 2c3 the to& sur(ace o( the w#ndow s#'' #s 'ocated more than 4 0 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor on one s#de o( the w#ndow, or 2d3 the w#ndow #s 'ocated #n a room or s&ace w#th the (#n#shed ('oor descr#,ed #n )'ause 2c3 'ocated 'ess than 1 00 mm a,o$e the ('oor or ground on the other s#de o( the w#ndow. 41

8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2 3, g'aC#ng #nsta''ed o$er sta#rs, ram&s and 'and#ngs that e5tends to 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the sur(ace o( the treads, ram& or 'and#ng sha'' ,e, 2a3 &rotected ,y guards #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 non-o&ena,'e and des#gned to w#thstand the s&ec#(#ed 'atera' 'oads (or guards as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 8=9 +n dwelling units, g'aC#ng #nsta''ed o$er sta#rs, ram&s and 'and#ngs that e5tends to 'ess than 900 mm a,o$e the sur(ace o( the treads, ram& or 'and#ng sha'' ,e, 2a3 &rotected ,y guards #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 non-o&ena,'e and des#gned to w#thstand the s&ec#(#ed 'atera' 'oads (or guards as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 899 4'aC#ng #nsta''ed #n &u,'#c areas that e5tends to 'ess than 1 000 mm (rom the ('oor and #s 'ocated a,o$e the second storey #n buildings o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e, 2a3 &rotected ,y guards #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on, or 2,3 non-o&ena,'e and des#gned to w#thstand the s&ec#(#ed 'atera' 'oads (or guards as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 9,=,=,2, Lo$ds on Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, guards sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st the s&ec#(#ed 'oads &rescr#,ed #n ;a,'e 9. . .2. T$ble 9,=,=,2, (.eci/ied Lo$ds /or Gu$rds Form#ng -art o( /entence 9. . .2.213
+tem )o'umn 1 Locat#on o( 0uard =or#Conta' Load %&&'#ed +nward or Outward on 6'ements 8#th#n the 0uard, +nc'ud#ng /o'#d -ane's and -#c7ets 0uards w#th#n dwelling units and 0.1 7B!m or concentrated 'oad 0.1 7B a&&'#ed o$er a e5ter#or guards ser$#ng not more than o( 1.0 7B a&&'#ed at any ma5#mum w#dth o( 300 mm 2 dwelling units &o#nt213 and a he#ght o( 300 mm223 0uards ser$#ng access wa'7ways to )oncentrated 'oad o( 1.0 7B )oncentrated 'oad o( 0.1 7B e:u#&ment &'at(orms, cont#guous a&&'#ed at any &o#nt a&&'#ed at any &o#nt on sta#rs and s#m#'ar areas #nd#$#dua' e'ements %'' other guards 0..1 7B!m or concentrated )oncentrated 'oad o( 0.1 7B 'oad o( 1.0 7B a&&'#ed at any a&&'#ed at any &o#nt on &o#nt213 #nd#$#dua' e'ements )o'umn 2 <#n#mum /&ec#(#ed Loads =or#Conta' Load %&&'#ed +nward or Outward at any -o#nt at the <#n#mum Re:u#red =e#ght o( the 0uard )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 6$en'y "#str#,uted Hert#ca' Load %&&'#ed at the ;o& o( the 0uard 1.1 7B!m 1.1 7B!m 1.1 7B!m

1. 2. 3.

Notes to T$ble 9,=,=,2,&

213 223

;he 'oad that creates the most cr#t#ca' cond#t#on sha'' a&&'y. /ee /entence 223.

829 8here the w#dth and s&ac#ng o( ,a'usters #n guards w#th#n dwelling units and #n e5ter#or guards ser$#ng not more than two dwelling units #s such that three ,a'usters can ,e engaged ,y a 'oad #m&osed o$er a 300 mm w#dth, the 'oad sha'' ,e #m&osed so as to engage three ,a'usters. 8!9 Bone o( the s&ec#(#ed 'oads &rescr#,ed #n ;a,'e 9. . .2. need ,e cons#dered to act s#mu'taneous'y. 859 For guards w#th#n dwelling units and (or e5ter#or guards ser$#ng not more than 2 dwelling units, ;a,'e 9. . .2. need not a&&'y where the guard construct#on has ,een demonstrated to &ro$#de e((ect#$e &er(ormance. 879 0uards constructed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-., >4uards (or =ous#ng and /ma'' *u#'d#ngs? sha'' ,e deemed to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 213. 9,=,=,!, Eeig0t o/ Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 263, a'' guards sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm h#gh. 829 %'' guards w#th#n dwelling units sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm h#gh. 8!9 65ter#or guards ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm h#gh where the wa'7#ng sur(ace ser$ed ,y the guard #s not more than 1 00 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ground 'e$e'. 859 0uards (or ('#ghts o( ste&s, e5ce&t #n re:u#red e"it sta#rs, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm h#gh. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, the he#ght o( guards sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 419

2a3 920 mm (or re:u#red e"it sta#rs, and 2,3 1 0.0 mm around 'and#ngs. 8<9 ;he he#ght o( guards (or e5ter#or sta#rs and 'and#ngs more than 10 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm. 8;9 ;he he#ght o( guards (or sta#rs and 'and#ngs sha'' ,e measured $ert#ca''y (rom the to& o( the guard to, 2a3 a stra#ght '#ne drawn tangent to the tread nos#ngs o( the sta#r, or 2,3 the sur(ace o( the 'and#ng. 9,=,=,5, Gu$rds /or +loors $nd R$m.s in G$r$ges 819 65ce&t (or ('oors o( garages re(erred to #n /ect#on 9.31., where garage ('oors or ram&s are 600 mm or more a,o$e the ad0acent ground or ('oor 'e$e', e$ery o&en#ng through a garage ('oor and the &er#meter o( ('oors and ram&s that ha$e no e5ter#or wa''s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 a cont#nuous cur, not 'ess than 110 mm #n he#ght, and 2,3 a guard not 'ess than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor 'e$e'. 829 Heh#c'e guardra#'s sha'' ,e des#gned (or a concentrated hor#Conta' 'oad o( 22 7B a&&'#ed outward at any &o#nt 100 mm a,o$e the ('oor sur(ace. 9,=,=,7, O.enings in Gu$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, o&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9. . .1. sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&her#ca' o,0ect ha$#ng a d#ameter o( 100 mm un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 829 O&en#ngs through any guard that #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9. . .1. and that #s #nsta''ed #n a building o( industrial occupancy sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&her#ca' o,0ect ha$#ng a d#ameter o( 200 mm, un'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that e5ceed th#s '#m#t do not re&resent a haCard. 8!9 @n'ess #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs that do not com&'y w#th the (o''ow#ng '#m#ts do not re&resent a haCard, o&en#ngs through any guard that #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9. . .1. and that ser$es a building o( other than industrial occupancy, sha'' ,e o( a s#Ce that, 2a3 w#'' &re$ent the &assage o( a s&her#ca' o,0ect ha$#ng a d#ameter o( 100 mm, or 2,3 w#'' &erm#t the &assage o( a s&her#ca' o,0ect ha$#ng a d#ameter o( 200 mm. 9,=,=,<, Gu$rds #esigned Not to +$cilit$te Climbing 819 0uards re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9. . .1., e5ce&t those #n industrial occupancies and where #t can ,e shown that the 'ocat#on and s#Ce o( o&en#ngs do not re&resent a haCard, sha'' ,e des#gned so that no mem,er, attachment or o&en#ng 'ocated ,etween 140 mm and 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor or wa'7#ng sur(ace &rotected ,y the guard w#'' (ac#'#tate c'#m,#ng. 9,=,=,;, Gl$ss in Gu$rds 819 4'ass #n guards sha'' ,e, 2a3 sa(ety g'ass o( the 'am#nated or tem&ered ty&e con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.1-<, >;em&ered or Lam#nated /a(ety 4'ass?, or 2,3 w#red g'ass con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-12.11-<, >8#red /a(ety 4'ass?. 9,=,9, Construction 9,=,9,1, Lo$ds on (t$irs $nd R$m.s 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'es 9. .9.4. and 9. .9.1., sta#rs and ram&s sha'' ,e des#gned (or strength and r#g#d#ty under un#(orm 'oad#ng cr#ter#a to su&&ort s&ec#(#ed 'oads o(, 2a3 1.9 7-a (or sta#rs and ram&s ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2,3 4. 7-a (or other sta#rs and ram&s. 9,=,9,2, E?terior Concrete (t$irs 819 65ter#or concrete sta#rs w#th more than two r#sers and two treads sha'' ,e, 2a3 su&&orted on un#t masonry or concrete wa''s or &#ers not 'ess than 110 mm #n cross-sect#on, or 2,3 cant#'e$ered (rom the ma#n foundation wa''.


829 /ta#rs descr#,ed #n /entence 213, when cant#'e$ered (rom the foundation wa'', sha'' ,e constructed and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9. .10. 8!9 ;he de&th ,e'ow ground 'e$e' (or foundations (or e5ter#or ste&s sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9.12. 9,=,9,!, E?terior 6ood (te.s 819 65ter#or wood ste&s sha'' not ,e #n d#rect contact w#th the ground un'ess su#ta,'y treated w#th a wood &reser$at#$e. 9,=,9,5, 6ooden (t$ir (tringers 819 8ooden sta#r str#ngers sha'', 2a3 ha$e a m#n#mum e((ect#$e de&th o( 90 mm, measured &er&end#cu'ar'y to the ,ottom o( the str#nger at the &o#nt o( m#n#mum cross-sect#on, and an o$era'' de&th o( not 'ess than 231 mm, 2,3 ,e su&&orted and secured to& and ,ottom, 2c3 ,e not 'ess than 21 mm actua' th#c7ness #( su&&orted a'ong the#r 'ength and 3 mm actua' th#c7ness #( unsu&&orted a'ong the#r 'ength, and 2d3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, ,e s&aced not more than 900 mm o.c. (or sta#rs ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit, and 600 mm o.c. #n other sta#rs. 829 For sta#rs ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit, where r#sers su&&ort the (ront &ort#on o( the tread, the s&ace ,etween str#ngers sha'' ,e not more than 1 200 mm. 9,=,9,7, Tre$ds 819 /ta#r treads o( 'um,er, &'ywood or O-2 grade O/* w#th#n dwelling units sha'' ,e not 'ess than 21 mm actua' th#c7ness, e5ce&t that #( o&en r#sers are used and the d#stance ,etween str#ngers e5ceeds .10 mm, the treads sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm actua' th#c7ness. 829 /ta#r treads o( &'ywood or O/*, that are not cont#nuous'y su&&orted ,y the r#ser sha'' ha$e the#r (ace gra#n or d#rect#on o( (ace or#entat#on at r#ght ang'es to the str#ngers. 9,=,9,<, +inis0 /or Tre$ds, L$ndings $nd R$m.s 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 243, the (#n#sh (or treads, 'and#ngs and ram&s sha'' ,e,
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 striAing out BE?ce.t $s re4uired in (entence 859C $t t0e beginning in t0e .ortion be/ore Cl$use 8$9 $nd substituting BE?ce.t $s re4uired b3 (entence 879C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !5 819, 5!9

2a3 wear-res#stant, 2,3 s'#&-res#stant, and 2c3 smooth, e$en and (ree (rom o&en de(ects. 829 ;he (#n#sh (or treads, 'and#ngs and ram&s #n dwelling units, #nc'ud#ng those (rom an attached garage ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, sha'' ,e deemed to com&'y w#th /entence 213 where these treads, 'and#ngs or ram&s are (#n#shed w#th, 2a3 hardwood, 2,3 $ert#ca' gra#n so(twood, 2c3 res#'#ent ('oor#ng, 2d3 'ow-&#'e car&et, 2e3 mat (#n#sh ceram#c t#'e, 2(3 concrete, or 2g3 (or sta#rs to un(#n#shed basements and to garages, &'ywood. 8!9 /ta#rs and ram&s, e5ce&t those ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit or service rooms or service spaces, sha'' ha$e e#ther a co'our contrast or a d#st#nct#$e &attern to demarcate, 2a3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the treads, 2,3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the 'and#ng, and 2c3 the ,eg#nn#ng and end o( a ram&.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !5 829, 5!9

8!9 /ta#rs and ram&s, e5ce&t those ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, service rooms or service spaces, sha'' ha$e a co'our contrast or a d#st#nct#$e $#sua' &attern to demarcate, 421

2a3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the treads, 2,3 the 'ead#ng edge o( the 'and#ng, and 2c3 the ,eg#nn#ng and end o( a ram&. 859 ;reads and 'and#ngs o( #nter#or and e5ter#or sta#rs and ram&s, other than those w#th#n dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a s'#&res#stant (#n#sh or ,e &ro$#ded w#th s'#&-res#stant str#&s that e5tend not more than 1 mm a,o$e the sur(ace.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 859 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !5 829, 5!9

859 65ce&t (or sta#rs ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, service rooms or service spaces, a tact#'e attent#on #nd#cator con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3. .3.1 . sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 at the to& o( the sta#rs start#ng one tread de&th ,ac7 (rom the edge o( the to& sta#r, and 2,3 at the 'ead#ng edge o( 'and#ngs where a doorway o&ens onto sta#rs. 879 ;reads and 'and#ngs o( #nter#or and e5ter#or sta#rs and ram&s, other than those w#th#n dwelling units, sha'' ha$e a s'#&res#stant (#n#sh or ,e &ro$#ded w#th s'#&-res#stant str#&s that e5tend not more than 1 mm a,o$e the sur(ace. 9,=,1>, C$ntile1ered %rec$st Concrete (te.s 9,=,1>,1, #esign 819 65ter#or concrete ste&s and the#r anchorage system that are cant#'e$ered (rom a foundation wa'' sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed to su&&ort the 'oads to wh#ch they may ,e su,0ected. 9,=,1>,2, Anc0or$ge 819 )ant#'e$ered concrete ste&s re(erred to #n %rt#c'e 9. .10.1. sha'' ,e anchored to concrete foundation wa''s at 'east 200 mm th#c7. 9,=,1>,!, %re1ention o/ #$m$ge #ue to +rost 819 /u#ta,'e &recaut#ons sha'' ,e ta7en dur#ng ,ac7(#''#ng and grad#ng o&erat#ons to ensure that su,se:uent (reeC#ng o( the soil w#'' not cause u&'#(t (orces on the unders#de o( cant#'e$ered concrete ste&s to the e5tent that the ste&s or the wa''s to wh#ch they are attached w#'' ,e damaged. (ection 9,9, )e$ns o/ Egress 9,9,1, Gener$l 9,9,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 /ta#rways, handra#'s and guards #n a means of egress sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9. . as we'' as to the re:u#rements #n th#s /ect#on. 9,9,1,2, +ire %rotection 819 +n add#t#on to the (#re &rotect#on re:u#rements &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#on 9.9.4., flame-spread ratings, fire-resistance ratings and fire-protection ratings (or means of egress sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.10. 9,9,1,!, Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 ;he occupant load o( a floor area or &art o( a floor area, or o( a building or &art o( a building not ha$#ng a floor area, sha'' ,e ,ased on, 2a3 two &ersons &er s'ee&#ng room or s'ee&#ng area #n a dwelling unit or suite, and 2,3 (or occupancies other than as descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3, the num,er o( &ersons, 2#3 (or wh#ch the area #s des#gned, or 2##3 determ#ned (rom ;a,'e 3.1.1..1. 9,9,2, $nd %ur.ose o/ E?its 9,9,2,1, o/ E?its 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on, an e"it (rom any floor area sha'' ,e one o( the (o''ow#ng used s#ng'y or #n com,#nat#on: 2a3 an e5ter#or doorway, 2,3 an e5ter#or &assageway, 2c3 an e5ter#or ram&, 2d3 an e5ter#or sta#rway, 422

2e3 a (#re esca&e 2as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 3.4...3, 2(3 a horizontal e"it, 2g3 an #nter#or &assageway, 2h3 an #nter#or ram&, or 2#3 an #nter#or sta#rway. 829 F#re esca&es are &erm#tted to ,e used as e"its on e5#st#ng buildings &ro$#ded they are des#gned and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.4... 8!9 F#re esca&es sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed on any new building. 859 8here a horizontal e"it #s used, #t sha'' con(orm to /entence and %rt#c'e 9,9,2,2, %ur.ose o/ E?its 819 %n e"it sha'' ,e des#gned (or no &ur&ose other than (or e5#t#ng, e5ce&t that an e"it may a'so ser$e as an access to a floor area. 9,9,2,!, Ele1$tors, (lide Esc$.es $nd 6indo2s $s )e$ns o/ Egress 819 6'e$ators, s'#de esca&es or w#ndows sha'' not ,e cons#dered as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress. 829 65ce&t (or floor areas o( mercantile occupancy, casement w#ndows not 'ess than 1 060 mm h#gh, 160 mm w#de, w#th a s#'' he#ght not more than 900 mm a,o$e the #ns#de ('oor, are &erm#tted to ,e cons#dered &art o( a re:u#red means of egress to &ro$#de access to (#re esca&es, when (#re esca&es are &erm#tted. 9,9,2,5, %rinci.$l Entr$nces 819 65ce&t (or doors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, at 'east one door at e$ery &r#nc#&a' entrance to a building &ro$#d#ng access (rom the e5ter#or at ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements (or e"its. 9,9,2,7, +ront Edge o/ (t$ir Tre$ds 819 65ce&t (or cur$ed sta#rs, the (ront edge o( sta#r treads #n e"its and access to e"its sha'' ,e at r#ght ang'es to the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 9,9,2,<, E?terior E?it (t$irs t0$t (er1e $ Eotel 819 ;reads and 'and#ngs o( e5ter#or e"it sta#rs that ser$e a hotel sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e (ree (rom #ce and snow accumu'at#on. 9,9,!, #imensions o/ )e$ns o/ Egress 9,9,!,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to e$ery means of egress e5ce&t e"its that ser$e not more than one dwelling unit and access to e"its w#th#n dwelling units. 9,9,!,2, E?it 6idt0 819 65ce&t (or doors and corr#dors, the w#dth o( e$ery e"it (ac#'#ty sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm. 9,9,!,!, 6idt0 o/ Corridors 819 ;he w#dth o( e$ery public corridor, corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c, and e"it corr#dor sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 100 mm. 9,9,!,5, Cle$r Eeig0t 819 65ce&t (or sta#rways, doorways and storage garages, the m#n#mum c'ear he#ght #n e"its and access to e"its sha'' ,e 2 100 mm. 829 ;he c'ear he#ght #n e"its and access to e"its #n a storage garage sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 000 mm. 9,9,5, +ire %rotection o/ E?its 9,9,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es and, th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the (#re &rotect#on o( a'' e"its e5ce&t e"its ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,9,5,2, +ire (e.$r$tion /or E?its 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213 and %rt#c'e 9.9. .1., e$ery e"it other than an e"it doorway sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each ad0acent floor area or (rom another e"it ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the floor area. 423

829 8here there #s no ('oor assem,'y a,o$e, the fire-resistance rating re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e 'ess than that re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 9.10. . (or the ('oor assem,'y ,e'ow, ,ut #n no case sha'' the fire-resistance rating ,e 'ess than 41 m#n. 8!9 % fire separation common to two e"its sha'' ,e smo7e-t#ght and not ,e &#erced ,y doorways, duct wor7, &#&#ng or any other o&en#ng that may a((ect the cont#nu#ty o( the se&arat#on. 859 % fire separation that se&arates an e"it (rom the rema#nder o( the building sha'' ha$e no o&en#ngs e5ce&t those (or e'ectr#ca' w#r#ng, noncombustible condu#t and noncombustible &#&#ng that ser$e on'y the e"it, and (or stand&#&es, s&r#n7'er &#&#ng, e"it doorways and w#red g'ass and g'ass ,'oc7 &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e 879 ;he re:u#rements #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to an e5ter#or e"it &assageway &ro$#ded the &assageway has at 'east 10 &er cent o( #ts e5ter#or s#des o&en to the outdoors and #s ser$ed ,y an e"it sta#r at each end o( the &assageway. 9,9,5,!, 6ired Gl$ss or Gl$ss BlocA 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to w#red g'ass #n doors, and w#red g'ass or g'ass ,'oc7 #n s#de'#ghts, where these are #nsta''ed #n fire separations ,etween e"it enc'osures and floor areas. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the com,#ned area o( g'aC#ng #n doors and s#de'#ghts sha'' not e5ceed 0. mA. 8!9 8here an e"it enc'osure connects w#th a floor area through an enc'osed $est#,u'e or corr#dor se&arated (rom the floor area ,y fire separations ha$#ng not 'ess than a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating, the g'aCed areas descr#,ed #n /entence 213 need not ,e '#m#ted as re:u#red #n /entence 223. 9,9,5,5, O.enings Ne$r nenclosed E?it (t$irs $nd R$m.s 819 8here an unenc'osed e5ter#or e"it sta#r or ram& &ro$#des the on'y means of egress (rom a suite, and #s e5&osed to (#re (rom o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( another fire compartment, the o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( the building sha'' ,e &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n (#5ed stee' (rames or g'ass ,'oc7 con(orm#ng to %rt#c'es and 9.10.13... when the o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( the building are w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y and 'ess than 10 m ,e'ow or 'ess than 1 m a,o$e the e"it sta#r or ram&. 9,9,5,7, O.enings in E?terior 6$lls o/ E?its 819 6#ther o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( an e"it or o&en#ngs #n ad0acent e5ter#or wa''s o( the building the e"it ser$es sha'' ,e &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n (#5ed stee' (rames or g'ass ,'oc7 #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es and 9.10.13..., where, 2a3 the e"it enc'osure has e5ter#or wa''s that #ntersect the e5ter#or wa''s o( the building at an ang'e o( 'ess than 131E measured on the outs#de o( the building, and 2,3 the o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( the building are w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y and 'ess than 2 m a,o$e the o&en#ngs #n the e5ter#or wa''s o( the e"it. 9,9,5,<, O.enings ne$r E?it #oors 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to, 2a3 e"it doors ser$#ng other than s#ng'e dwelling units, and 2,3 e"it doors ser$#ng s#ng'e dwelling units where there #s no second and se&arate e"it (rom the dwelling unit. 829 8here an e5ter#or e"it door descr#,ed #n /entence 213 #n one fire compartment #s w#th#n 3 m hor#Conta''y o( an unprotected opening #n another fire compartment and the e5ter#or wa''s o( these fire compartments #ntersect at an e5ter#or ang'e o( 'ess than 131E, the o&en#ng sha'' ,e &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n (#5ed stee' (rames or g'ass ,'oc7 con(orm#ng to %rt#c'es and 9.10.13... or w#th a rated closure con(orm#ng to ;a,'e w#th res&ect to the rat#ng o( the fire separation ,etween the two com&artments. 9,9,5,;, (t$ir2$3s in Grou. # or E Buildings 819 Botw#thstand#ng the re:u#rements o( /entences, 9.9. .2.213 and %rt#c'e, where a suite o( 4rou& " or 6 occupancy #s 'ocated &art'y on the first storey and &art'y on the second storey or &art'y on the second storey and &art'y on the th#rd storey, sta#rways ser$#ng that suite need not ,e constructed as e"it sta#rs, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building #s not greater than three storeys #n building height, 2,3 the suite #s se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n, 2c3 the area occu&#ed ,y the suite #s not greater than 100 mA &er storey, other than the e"it 'e$e' storey, 2d3 the ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt #n the suite to an e5ter#or e"it #s not greater than 21 m, 2e3 the ('oor assem,'#es ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n or are o( noncombustible construction, 424

2(3 the basement and first storey are se&arated ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n, and 2g3 a smo#e alarm #s #nsta''ed on each ('oor o( the suite, #nc'ud#ng the basement, #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19. 829 ;he re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e, (or se&arat#on o( e5ter#or o&en#ngs, do not a&&'y to an occupancy con(orm#ng w#th /entence 213. 9,9,7, Obstructions $nd E$-$rds in )e$ns o/ Egress 9,9,7,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to o,struct#ons and haCards #n e$ery means of egress e5ce&t those w#th#n a dwelling unit or ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,9,7,2, Occu.$ncies in Corridors 819 8here a corr#dor conta#ns an occupancy, the occupancy sha'' not reduce the uno,structed w#dth o( the corr#dor to 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the corr#dor. 9,9,7,!, Obstructions in %ublic Corridors 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, o,struct#ons 'ocated w#th#n 1 9 0 mm o( the ('oor sha'' not &ro0ect hor#Conta''y more than 100 mm #nto e"it &assageways, corr#dors used ,y the &u,'#c or public corridors #n a manner that wou'd create a haCard (or &ersons w#th no or 'ow $#s#on tra$e''#ng ad0acent to wa''s. 829 ;he hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( an o,struct#on #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to e5ceed 100 mm where the o,struct#on e5tends to 'ess than 6 0 mm a,o$e the ('oor. 9,9,7,5, Obstructions in E?its 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 9.9.6. and %rt#c'e 9. ...6., no (#5ture, turnst#'e or construct#on sha'' &ro0ect w#th#n the re:u#red w#dth o( an e"it. 9,9,7,7, Obstructions in )e$ns o/ Egress 819 Bo o,struct#ons such as &osts or turnst#'es sha'' ,e &'aced so as to restr#ct the w#dth o( a re:u#red means of egress (rom a floor area or &art o( a floor area to 'ess than .10 mm un'ess an a'ternate uno,structed means of egress #s &ro$#ded ad0acent to and &'a#n'y $#s#,'e (rom the restr#cted egress. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, no o,struct#ons, such as counter gates, that do not meet the re:u#rements (or e"it doors, sha'' ,e &'aced #n a re:u#red means of egress (rom a floor area or &art o( a floor area un'ess an a'ternate uno,structed means of egress #s &ro$#ded ad0acent to and &'a#n'y $#s#,'e (rom the restr#cted egress. 8!9 O,struct#ons, such as counter gates, that do not sat#s(y /entence 223, are &erm#tted to ,e &'aced #n a re:u#red means of egress (rom a &art o( a floor area #n mercantile occupancies and business and personal services occupancies , &ro$#ded that the &art o( the floor area ser$ed ,y the o,structed means of egress #s not genera''y access#,'e to the &u,'#c. 9,9,7,<, )irrors or #r$.eries 819 Bo m#rror sha'' ,e &'aced #n or ad0acent to any e"it so as to cause con(us#on regard#ng the d#rect#on o( e"it, and no m#rror or dra&er#es sha'' ,e &'aced on or o$er e"it doors. 9,9,7,;, +uel:+ired$nces 819 Fue'-(#red appliances sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n an e"it or corr#dor ser$#ng as an access to e"it. 9,9,7,=, (er1ice Rooms 819 Service rooms conta#n#ng e:u#&ment su,0ect to &oss#,'e e5&'os#on, such as boilers des#gned to o&erate at a &ressure #n e5cess o( 100 7-a, and certa#n ty&es o( re(r#gerat#ng and trans(ormer e:u#&ment, sha'' not ,e 'ocated under re:u#red e"its. 9,9,7,9, Ancill$r3 Rooms 819 %nc#''ary rooms such as storage rooms, washrooms, to#'et rooms, 'aundry rooms and service rooms sha'' not o&en d#rect'y #nto an e"it. 9,9,<, #oors in $ )e$ns o/ Egress 9,9,<,1, Obstructions b3 #oors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, sw#ng#ng doors #n the#r sw#ng sha'' con(orm to /entences 223 and 233, 2a3 at e"it doors, 2,3 at doors that o&en #nto or are 'ocated w#th#n a public corridor, and 2c3 at doors that o&en #nto or are 'ocated w#th#n another (ac#'#ty that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a suite. 421

829 8hen (u''y o&en, doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not decrease the re:u#red e"it w#dth ,y more than, 2a3 100 mm #n e"it corr#dors, and 2,3 10 mm (or other e"it (ac#'#t#es. 8!9 ;he sw#ng o( doors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not reduce the w#dth o( the &ath o( tra$e' to 'ess than, 2a3 the re:u#red e"it w#dth #n e"it corr#dors and &assageways, and 2,3 .10 mm on e"it sta#rs or 'and#ngs. 859 "oors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit need not com&'y w#th /entences 223 and 233. 9,9,<,2, Cle$r O.ening Eeig0t $t #oor2$3s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the c'ear o&en#ng he#ght o( doorways sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2 030 mm h#gh at, 2a3 e"it doors, 2,3 doors that o&en #nto or are 'ocated w#th#n a public corridor, and 2c3 doors that o&en #nto or are 'ocated w#th#n another (ac#'#ty that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a suite. 829 ;he c'ear o&en#ng he#ght under door c'osers and other de$#ces #n doorways descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm. 8!9 "oorways ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit need not com&'y w#th /entences 213 and 223. 9,9,<,!, Cle$r O.ening 6idt0 $t #oor2$3s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the c'ear o&en#ng w#dth o( doorways sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 223 at, 2a3 e"it doors, and 2,3 doors that o&en #nto or are 'ocated, 2#3 w#th#n a public corridor, or 2##3 w#th#n another (ac#'#ty that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a suite. 829 "oorways descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 2,3 00 mm w#de where there #s on'y one door 'ea(, 00 mm w#de where mu't#&'e-'ea( doors are #nsta''ed w#th on'y one act#$e 'ea( w#th a 'atch#ng mechan#sm descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.9.6..., and

2c3 1210 mm w#de where mu't#&'e-'ea( doors are #nsta''ed w#th two act#$e 'ea$es. 8!9 +n doorways descr#,ed #n /entence 213 that ha$e mu't#&'e-'ea( doors #nsta''ed, 2a3 no act#$e 'ea( sha'' ,e 'ess than 10 mm w#de where on'y one 'ea( #s act#$e, and 2,3 no s#ng'e 'ea( sha'' ,e 'ess than 610 mm w#de where two 'ea$es are act#$e. 859 "oorways ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit need not com&'y w#th /entence 223. 9,9,<,5, #oor Action 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 213, re:u#red e"it doors and doors #n re:u#red means of egress, e5ce&t doors #n means of egress w#th#n dwelling units, sha'' sw#ng on the $ert#ca' a5#s. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, ,rea7away s'#d#ng doors, #nsta''ed as re:u#red e"it doors or re:u#red doors #n means of egress, sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed as sw#ng#ng doors ,y means o( a 'a,e' or deca' a((#5ed to the door. 8!9 Re$o'$#ng doors sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 859 <o$a,'e partitions used to se&arate a public corridor (rom an ad0acent business and personal services occupancy or a mercantile occupancy need not con(orm to /entence 213, &ro$#ded the partitions are not 'ocated #n the on'y means of egress. 879 6"it doors need not con(orm to /entence 213 or 223, where, 2a3 the doors ser$e accessory buildings where '#(e sa(ety #s not ad$erse'y a((ected, or 2,3 the doors ser$e storage garages or other accessory buildings ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,9,<,7, #irection o/ #oor (2ing


819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223 and e5ce&t (or doors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, e"it doors that are re:u#red to sw#ng sha'' sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 829 %n e"it door need not sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' where #t ser$es, 2a3 a room, suite or floor area ha$#ng an occupant load o( not more than 60 &ersons, or 2,3 as &art o( a means of egress (rom more than one floor area and the floor areas so ser$ed ha$e a tota' occupant load o( not more than 60 &ersons. 8!9 "oors that o&en onto a corr#dor or other (ac#'#ty that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom a room or suite ha$#ng an occupant load o( more than 60 &ersons sha'' sw#ng on the $ert#ca' a5#s #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 859 "oors that d#$#de a corr#dor that #s not who''y conta#ned w#th#n a suite sha'' sw#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 879 8here a &a#r o( doors #s #nsta''ed #n a corr#dor that &ro$#des access to e"it #n ,oth d#rect#ons, the doors sha'', 2a3 sw#ng #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons, w#th the door on the r#ght hand s#de sw#ng#ng #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e', or 2,3 sw#ng #n ,oth d#rect#ons. 9,9,<,<, %ro?imit3 o/ #oors to (t$irs 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the d#stance ,etween a sta#r r#ser and the 'ead#ng edge o( a door #n #ts sw#ng, e5ce&t (or doors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 300 mm. 829 8here there #s a danger o( ,'oc7age (rom #ce or snow, an e"it door, #nc'ud#ng a door ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, may o&en onto not more than one ste& &ro$#ded the r#ser o( such ste& does not e5ceed 110 mm. 9,9,<,;, #oor L$tc0ing, LocAing $nd O.ening )ec0$nisms 819 -r#nc#&a' entrance doors, e"it doors and doors to suites, #nc'ud#ng e5ter#or doors to dwelling units, and other doors #n an access to e"it sha'', 2a3 ,e o&ena,'e (rom the #ns#de or #n tra$e''#ng to an e"it w#thout re:u#r#ng 7eys, s&ec#a' de$#ces or s&ec#a'#Ced 7now'edge o( the door o&en#ng mechan#sm, or 2,3 #n the case o( e"it doors, ,e contro''ed ,y e'ectromagnet#c 'oc7#ng mechan#sms #n accordance w#th /entence 243. 829 65ce&t (or doors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit and doors to accessory buildings and to garages ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, door re'ease hardware on doors #n a means of egress sha'' ,e o&era,'e w#th one hand and the door sha'' ,e o&ena,'e w#th not more than one re'eas#ng o&erat#on. 8!9 "oor re'ease hardware on doors #n a means of egress sha'' ,e #nsta''ed not more than 1 200 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ('oor. 859 65ce&t (or hotels, a door o&en#ng onto a public corridor that &ro$#des access to e"it (rom suites sha'' ,e des#gned not to 'oc7 automat#ca''y when such doors are e:u#&&ed w#th an automat#c se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. 9,9,<,=, E//ort Re4uired to O.en 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 3. ., e$ery e"it door, e5ce&t doors ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit, sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed so that when the 'atch #s re'eased the door w#'' o&en #n the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e' under a (orce o( not more than 90 B a&&'#ed to the door re'ease hardware. 9,9,;, Access to E?its 9,9,;,1, Egress /rom Roo/ Are$, %odiums, Terr$ces, %l$t/orms $nd Cont$ined O.en (.$ces 819 %n access to e"it sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom e$ery roo( #ntended (or occu&ancy and (rom e$ery &od#um, terrace, &'at(orm or conta#ned o&en s&ace. 829 8here a roo( #s #ntended (or an occupant load o( more than 60 &ersons, at 'east two se&arate means of egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom the roo( to sta#rs des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or e"it sta#rs and 'ocated remote (rom each other. 8!9 8here a &od#um, terrace, &'at(orm or conta#ned o&en s&ace #s &ro$#ded, egress re:u#rements sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements (or rooms or suites #n %rt#c'e 9.9...4. 9,9,;,2, )e$ns o/ Egress /rom (uites 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence, each suite #n a floor area occu&#ed ,y more than one suite sha'' ha$e, 2a3 an e5ter#or e"it doorway, 2,3 a doorway to a public corridor, or 42.

2c3 a doorway to an e5ter#or &assageway. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 9.9...3.213 and 9.9. .2.223, (rom the &o#nt where a doorway descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132,3 or 2c3 enters the public corridor or e5ter#or &assageway, #t sha'' ,e &oss#,'e to go #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons to each o( two se&arate e"its. 9,9,;,!, #e$d:End Corridors 819 % dead-end public corridor #s &erm#tted #n an occupancy shown #n ;a,'e 9.9...3., where, 2a3 the dead-end corr#dor, 2#3 does not e5ceed the d#stance o( tra$e' measured (rom the most remote &o#nt o( the dead-end to a &o#nt where #t #s &oss#,'e to go #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons to each o( two se&arate e"its, and 2##3 #s &ro$#ded w#th doors e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces, or 2,3 there #s a second and se&arate egress doorway (rom each room or suite not 'ead#ng #nto the dead-end corr#dor. T$ble 9,9,;,!, #e$d:End %ublic Corridors Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.9...3.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. %olumn & ;ccupancy 4rou& ) 4rou& " 4rou& 6 4rou& F )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Length o( "ead-6nd 4ublic %orridor, m 6 6 9 9 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum ;ccupant <oad or Suites /er$ed ,y "ead-6nd 4ublic %orridor 4 suites 30 30 30

829 "ead-end public corridors #n residential occupancies and business and personal services occupancies sha'' conta#n on'y suite door o&en#ngs arranged so that not more than two such doors ha$e to ,e &assed to reach the nearest e"it. 8!9 ;he area o( w#red g'ass #n doors re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' not e5ceed 641 cmA. 9,9,;,5, Number $nd (.$cing o/ Egress #oors 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units, at 'east two egress doors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where, 2a3 the area o( a room or suite e5ceeds 200 mA #n a 4rou& ", 6, F2 and F3 occupancy, or 110 mA #n a 4rou& ) occupancy, or 2,3 the d#stance measured (rom any &o#nt w#th#n a room or suite to the nearest egress door e5ceeds 21 m. 829 "oors re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e s&aced so that #n the e$ent one door #s made #naccess#,'e ,y a (#re w#th#n such a room or suite, the other door w#'' &ro$#de sa(e egress. 9,9,;,7, Inde.endent Access to E?it 819 Re:u#red access to e"it (rom suites sha'' not ,e through any other dwelling unit, service room or other occupancy. 9,9,;,<, Tr$1el #ist$nce 2it0in Rooms $nd (uites 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units, the tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt w#th#n the room or suite to the nearest egress door sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance #n %rt#c'e 9.9. .2. 9,9,=, E?its /rom +loor Are$s 9,9,=,1, )e$surement o/ Tr$1el #ist$nce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on, tra$e' d#stance means the d#stance (rom any &o#nt #n the floor area to an e"it measured a'ong the &ath o( e"it tra$e'. 829 8here a room or suite #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( at 'east 41 m#n, or #n a sprin#lered building, ,y a fire separation that #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, the tra$e' d#stance #s &erm#tted to ,e measured (rom an egress door o( the room or suite to the nearest e"it. 8!9 8here a public corridor #s not 'ess than 9 m w#de and con(orms to )'ause, the tra$e' d#stance #s &erm#tted to ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th that )'ause. 9,9,=,2, Number o/ Re4uired E?its 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 and /u,sect#on 9.9.9., at 'east two e"its sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom e$ery floor area, s&aced so that the tra$e' d#stance to the nearest e"it #s not more than, 2a3 40 m #n the case o( business and personal services occupancies , 42

2,3 41 m (or a'' occupancies where the floor area #s sprin#lered, and 2c3 30 m (or a'' other occupancies. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#on 9.9.9., a s#ng'e e"it #s &erm#tted (rom each storey #n buildings o( 1 and 2 storeys #n building height &ro$#ded the floor area and tra$e' d#stance re:u#rements con(orm to those re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 9.9...4. and the tota' occupant load ser$ed ,y an e"it (ac#'#ty does not e5ceed 60 &ersons. 8!9 +n boarding, lodging or rooming houses, 2a3 where s'ee&#ng accommodat#on #s &ro$#ded (or not more than e#ght &ersons, a s#ng'e e"it #s &erm#tted (rom each floor area, or 2,3 where s'ee&#ng accommodat#on #s not &ro$#ded #n the basement, a s#ng'e e"it #s &erm#tted (rom the basement floor area. 9,9,=,!, Contribution o/ E$c0 E?it 819 8here more than one e"it #s re:u#red (rom a floor area, each e"it sha'' ,e cons#dered as contr#,ut#ng not more than ha'( the re:u#red e"it w#dth. 9,9,=,5, Loc$tion o/ E?its 819 8here more than one e"it #s re:u#red (rom a floor area, at 'east two e"its sha'' ,e #nde&endent o( each other and ,e &'aced remote (rom each other a'ong the &ath o( tra$e' ,etween them. 9,9,=,7, E?iting t0roug0 $ Lobb3 819 Bot more than one e"it (rom a floor area #s &erm#tted to 'ead through a 'o,,y. 829 ;he ('oor o( the 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not more than 4.1 m a,o$e grade, and the &ath o( tra$e' through the 'o,,y to the outdoors sha'' not e5ceed 11 m. 8!9 ;he 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm #n a'' res&ects to the re:u#rements (or e"its, e5ce&t that rooms other than service rooms, storage rooms and rooms o( residential or industrial occupancy are &erm#tted to o&en d#rect'y onto such 'o,,y. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, an e"it #s &erm#tted to 'ead through a 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded the 'o,,y #s not 'ocated w#th#n an interconnected floor space other than as descr#,ed #n /entence 3.2. .2.263. 879 -assenger e'e$ators are &erm#tted to o&en onto the 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded the e'e$ator doors are des#gned to rema#n c'osed e5ce&t wh#'e 'oad#ng and un'oad#ng. 8<9 %n e"it that ser$es a hotel #s &erm#tted to 'ead through a 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded the 'o,,y #s not 'ocated w#th#n an interconnected floor space. 8;9 8here the 'o,,y re(erred to #n /entence 213 and ad0acent occupancies that are &erm#tted to o&en #nto the 'o,,y are sprin#lered, the fire separation ,etween such occupancies and the 'o,,y need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating. 9,9,=,<, )e--$nine )e$ns o/ Egress 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entences 223 and 233, the s&ace a,o$e a mezzanine sha'' ,e ser$ed ,y at 'east two means of egress 'ead#ng to e"its access#,'e at the mezzanine 'e$e' on the same ,as#s as floor areas. 829 One means of egress (rom a mezzanine #s &erm#tted, where, 2a3 the mezzanine #s not re:u#red to term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation, as &erm#tted ,y /entence, 2,3 the occupant load o( the mezzanine #s not more than 60, 2c3 the area o( the mezzanine does not e5ceed the area '#m#ts o( )'ause 9.9...4.2132a3, and 2d3 the d#stance '#m#ts o( )'ause 9.9...4.2132,3 measured a'ong the &ath o( tra$e', are not e5ceeded (rom any &o#nt on the mezzanine to, 2#3 an egress door ser$#ng the s&ace that the mezzanine o$er'oo7s #( the s&ace #s ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e egress door, or 2##3 an egress sta#rway 'ead#ng to an access to e"it #n the s&ace ,e'ow #( that s&ace #s re:u#red to ,e ser$ed ,y two or more egress doorways #n con(ormance w#th /entence 9.9...4.213. 8!9 One o( the means of egress (rom a mezzanine that #s not re:u#red to term#nate at a fire separation as &erm#tted ,y /entence and that e5ceeds the '#m#ts o( /entence 223, #s &erm#tted to 'ead through the room #n wh#ch the mezzanine #s 'ocated &ro$#ded a'' other means of egress (rom that mezzanine 'ead to e"its access#,'e at the mezzanine 'e$e'. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the ma5#mum tra$e' d#stance (rom any &o#nt on a mezzanine to the nearest e"it sha'' ,e not more than, 2a3 40 m #n a business and personal services occupancy, 429

2,3 41 m #n a floor area that #s sprin#lered &ro$#ded #t does not conta#n a high hazard industrial occupancy, or 2c3 30 m #n any floor area not re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 or 2,3. 9,9,9, Egress /rom #2elling nits 9,9,9,1, Tr$1el Limit to E?its or Egress #oors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, e$ery dwelling unit conta#n#ng more than 1 storey sha'' ha$e e"its or egress doors 'ocated so that #t sha'' not ,e necessary to tra$e' u& or down more than 1 storey to reach a 'e$e' ser$ed ,y, 2a3 an egress door to a public corridor, enc'osed e"it sta#r or e5ter#or &assageway, or 2,3 an e"it doorway not more than 1 100 mm a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 829 8here a dwelling unit #s not 'ocated a,o$e or ,e'ow another suite, the tra$e' '#m#t (rom a ('oor 'e$e' #n the dwelling unit to an e"it or egress door #s &erm#tted to e5ceed 1 storey where that ('oor 'e$e' #s ser$ed ,y an o&ena,'e w#ndow or door, 2a3 &ro$#d#ng an uno,structed o&en#ng o( not 'ess than 1 000 mm #n he#ght and 110 mm #n w#dth, and 2,3 'ocated so that the s#'' #s not more than, 2#3 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor, and 2##3 . m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 8!9 ;he tra$e' '#m#t (rom a ('oor 'e$e' #n a dwelling unit to an e"it or egress door #s &erm#tted to e5ceed 1 storey where that ('oor 'e$e' has d#rect access to a ,a'cony. 9,9,9,2, T2o (e.$r$te E?its 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 9.9...3.213, where an egress door (rom a dwelling unit o&ens onto a public corridor or e5ter#or &assageway #t sha'' ,e &oss#,'e (rom the 'ocat#on where the egress door o&ens onto the corr#dor or e5ter#or &assageway to go #n o&&os#te d#rect#ons to two se&arate e"its un'ess the dwelling unit has a second and se&arate means of egress. 9,9,9,!, (0$red Egress +$cilities 819 % dwelling unit sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a second and se&arate means of egress where an egress door (rom the dwelling unit o&ens onto, 2a3 an e"it sta#rway ser$#ng more than one suite, 2,3 a public corridor, 2#3 ser$#ng more than one suite, and 2##3 ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it, 2c3 an e5ter#or &assageway, 2#3 ser$#ng more than one suite, 2##3 ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it sta#rway or ram&, and 2###3 more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e', or 2d3 a ,a'cony, 2#3 ser$#ng more than one suite, 2##3 ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it sta#rway or ram&, and 2###3 more than 1.1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e'. 9,9,1>, Egress /rom Bedrooms 9,9,1>,1, Egress 6indo2s or #oors /or Bedrooms 819 65ce&t where a door on the same ('oor 'e$e' as the ,edroom &ro$#des d#rect access to the e5ter#or, e$ery ('oor 'e$e' conta#n#ng a ,edroom #n a suite sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th at 'east one outs#de w#ndow that, 2a3 #s o&ena,'e (rom the #ns#de w#thout the use o( too's, 2,3 &ro$#des an #nd#$#dua', uno,structed o&en &ort#on ha$#ng a m#n#mum area o( 0.31 mA w#th no d#mens#on 'ess than 3 0 mm, and 2c3 ma#nta#ns the re:u#red o&en#ng descr#,ed #n )'ause 2,3 w#thout the need (or add#t#ona' su&&ort.


829 65ce&t (or basement areas, the w#ndow re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a ma5#mum s#'' he#ght o( 1 000 mm a,o$e the ('oor. 8!9 8hen s'#d#ng w#ndows are used, the m#n#mum d#mens#on descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' a&&'y to the o&ena,'e &ort#on o( the w#ndow. 859 8here the s'ee&#ng area w#th#n a live,wor# unit #s on a mezzanine w#th no o,struct#ons more than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e the ('oor, the w#ndow re:u#red #n /entence 213 may ,e &ro$#ded on the ma#n 'e$e' o( the live,wor# unit &ro$#ded the mezzanine #s not more than 21F o( the area o( the live,wor# unit or 20 m2, wh#che$er #s 'ess, and an uno,structed d#rect &ath o( tra$e' #s &ro$#ded (rom the mezzanine to th#s w#ndow. 879 8here a w#ndow re:u#red #n /entence 213 o&ens #nto a w#ndow we'', a c'earance o( not 'ess than 110 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n (ront o( the w#ndow. 8<9 8here the sash o( a w#ndow re(erred to #n /entence 213 sw#ngs towards the w#ndow we'', the o&erat#on o( the sash sha'' not reduce the c'earance #n a manner that wou'd restr#ct esca&e #n an emergency. 8;9 8here a &rotect#$e enc'osure #s #nsta''ed o$er the w#ndow we'' re(erred to #n /entence 213, such enc'osure sha'' ,e o&ena,'e (rom the #ns#de w#thout the use o( 7eys, too's or s&ec#a' 7now'edge o( the o&en#ng mechan#sm. 9,9,11, (igns 9,9,11,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to a'' e"its e5ce&t those ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit. 9,9,11,2, 'isibilit3 o/ E?its 819 6"its sha'' ,e 'ocated so as to ,e c'ear'y $#s#,'e or the#r 'ocat#ons sha'' ,e c'ear'y #nd#cated. 9,9,11,!, E?it (igns 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 2.3, e$ery e"it door sha'' ha$e an e"it s#gn &'aced o$er #t or ad0acent to #t #( the e"it ser$es, 2a3 a building that #s 3 storeys #n building height, 2,3 a building ha$#ng an occupant load o( more than 110, or 2c3 a room or floor area that has a (#re esca&e as &art o( a re:u#red means of egress. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 263, e$ery e"it s#gn sha'', 2a3 ,e $#s#,'e on a&&roach to the e"it, 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, cons#st o( a green &#ctogram and a wh#te or '#ght'y t#nted gra&h#ca' sym,o' meet#ng the co'our s&ec#(#cat#ons re(erred to #n +/O 3 64-1, >4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's N /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns N -art 1: "es#gn -r#nc#&'es (or /a(ety /#gns #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas?, and 2c3 con(orm to the d#mens#ons #nd#cated #n +/O .010, >4ra&h#ca' /ym,o's N /a(ety )o'ours and /a(ety /#gns N /a(ety /#gns @sed #n 8or7&'aces and -u,'#c %reas?, (or the (o''ow#ng sym,o's: 2#3 6001 emergency e5#t 'e(t, 2##3 6002 emergency e5#t r#ght, 2###3 6001 90-degree d#rect#ona' arrow, and 2#$3 6006 41-degree d#rect#ona' arrow. 8!9 +nterna''y #''um#nated e"it s#gns sha'' ,e cont#nuous'y #''um#nated, and, 2a3 where #''um#nat#on o( the s#gn #s &owered ,y an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th )/% 22.2 Bo. 141, >6mergency L#ght#ng 6:u#&ment?, or 2,3 where #''um#nat#on o( the s#gn #s not &owered ,y an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)/1.2, >-hoto'um#nescent and /e'(-Lum#nous /#gns and -ath <ar7#ng /ystems?. 859 65terna''y #''um#nated e"it s#gns sha'' ,e #''um#nated at a'' t#mes ,y a '#ght (#5ture su&&'#ed ,y an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t. 879 ;he c#rcu#try ser$#ng '#ght#ng (or e5terna''y and #nterna''y #''um#nated e"it s#gns sha'', 2a3 ser$e no e:u#&ment other than emergency '#ght#ng #n the area where the e"it s#gns are #nsta''ed, and 2,3 ,e connected to an emergency &ower su&&'y as descr#,ed #n /entences, 233 and 2.3. 8<9 %n e"it s#gn con(orm#ng to )'auses 2232,3 and 2c3 w#th an arrow or other #nd#cator &o#nt#ng at the d#rect#on o( egress sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where no e"it #s $#s#,'e (rom, 431

2a3 a public corridor, 2,3 a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c, or 2c3 a &r#nc#&a' route ser$#ng an o&en floor area ha$#ng an occupant load o( more than 110. 8;9 65ce&t (or suite doors o&en#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, e$ery e"it ser$#ng a hotel sha'' ha$e an e"it s#gn &'aced o$er #t or ad0acent to #t. 9,9,11,5, (igns /or (t$irs $nd R$m.s $t E?it Le1el 819 +n buildings that are 3 storeys #n building height, any &art o( an e"it ram& or sta#rway that cont#nues u& or down &ast the 'owest e"it level sha'' ,e c'ear'y mar7ed to #nd#cate that #t does not 'ead to an e"it where the &ort#on ,e'ow e"it level may ,e m#sta7en as the d#rect#on o( e"it tra$e'. 9,9,11,7, +loor Numbering 819 %ra,#c numera's #nd#cat#ng the ass#gned ('oor num,er sha'' ,e, 2a3 e5ce&t #n hotels, mounted &ermanent'y on the sta#r s#de o( the wa'' at the 'atch s#de o( doors to e"it sta#r sha(ts, 2,3 #n hotels, mounted &ermanent'y on each s#de o( the e"it doors to the e"it sta#r sha(t, 2c3 not 'ess than 60 mm h#gh, ra#sed a&&ro5#mate'y 0. mm a,o$e the sur(ace, 2d3 'ocated 1 100 mm (rom the (#n#shed ('oor and not more than 300 mm (rom the door, and 2e3 contrast#ng #n co'our w#th the sur(ace on wh#ch they are a&&'#ed. 9,9,12, Lig0ting 9,9,12,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the '#ght#ng o( a'' means of egress e5ce&t those w#th#n dwelling units. 9,9,12,2, Re4uired Lig0ting in Egress +$cilities 819 6$ery e"it, public corridor or corr#dor &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (or the &u,'#c sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed to &ro$#de #''um#nat#on to an a$erage 'e$e' o( not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e' and at a'' &o#nts such as ang'es and #ntersect#ons at changes o( 'e$e' where there are sta#rs or ram&s. 829 ;he m#n#mum $a'ue o( the #''um#nat#on re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 15. 9,9,12,!, Emergenc3 Lig0ting 819 6mergency '#ght#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n, 2a3 e"its, 2,3 &r#nc#&a' routes &ro$#d#ng access to e"it #n an o&en floor area, 2c3 corr#dors used ,y the &u,'#c, 2d3 underground wa'7ways, and 2e3 public corridors. 829 6mergency '#ght#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom a source o( energy se&arate (rom the e'ectr#ca' su&&'y (or the building. 8!9 L#ght#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to ,e automat#ca''y actuated (or a &er#od o( not 'ess than 30 m#n when the e'ectr#c '#ght#ng #n the a((ected area #s #nterru&ted. 859 +''um#nat#on (rom '#ght#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a$erage 'e$e's o( not 'ess than 10 '5 at ('oor or tread 'e$e'. 879 ;he m#n#mum $a'ue o( the #''um#nat#on re:u#red ,y /entence 243 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 15. 8<9 8here #ncandescent '#ght#ng #s &ro$#ded, '#ght#ng e:ua' to 1 8!mA o( floor area sha'' ,e cons#dered to meet the re:u#rement #n /entence 243. 8;9 8here se'(-conta#ned emergency '#ght#ng un#ts are used, they sha'' con(orm to )/% )22.2 Bo. 141, >6mergency L#ght#ng 6:u#&ment?. (ection 9,1>, +ire %rotection 9,1>,1, #e/initions $nd A..lic$tion 9,1>,1,1, (u..ort o/ Noncombustible Construction 432

819 8here an assem,'y #s re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction and to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, #t sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y noncombustible construction. 9,1>,1,2, (lo.ed Roo/s 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on, roo(s w#th s'o&es o( 60 or more to the hor#Conta' and that are ad0acent to a room or s&ace #ntended (or occu&ancy sha'' ,e cons#dered as a wa''. 9,1>,1,!, Items nder %$rt ! *urisdiction 819 ;ents, air-supported structures, trans(ormer $au'ts, wal#ways, e'e$ators and esca'ators sha'' con(orm to -art 3. 829 8here rooms or s&aces are #ntended (or an assembly occupancy, such rooms or s&aces sha'' con(orm to -art 3. 8!9 $asements conta#n#ng more than 1 storey or e5ceed#ng 600 m2 #n area sha'' con(orm to -art 3. 859 8here rooms or s&aces are #ntended (or the storage, manu(acture or use o( haCardous or e5&'os#$e mater#a', such rooms or s&aces sha'' con(orm to -art 3. 879 Reser$ed 8<9 O&en#ngs through ('oors that are not &rotected ,y sha(ts or closures sha'' ,e &rotected #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 3.2. . 8;9 )hutes and sha(ts sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 3.6.3. e5ce&t where they are conta#ned ent#re'y w#th#n a dwelling unit. 8=9 /&r#n7'er systems sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.1...213, %rt#c'es to and %rt#c'e . 899 /tand&#&e and hose systems sha'' ,e des#gned, constructed and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e . and /u,sect#on 3.2.9. 81>9 F#re &um&s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es . and 9,1>,1,5, Items nder %$rt < *urisdiction 819 +n 7#tchens conta#n#ng commerc#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment used #n &rocesses &roduc#ng grease-'aden $a&ours, the e:u#&ment sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th -art 6. 829 8here (ue'-(#red appliances are #nsta''ed on a roo(, such appliances sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th -art 6. 9,1>,2, Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tion 9,1>,2,1, Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tion 819 6$ery building or &art o( #t sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed accord#ng to #ts major occupancy as ,e'ong#ng to one o( the grou&s or d#$#s#ons descr#,ed #n ;a,'e T$ble 9,1>,2,1, Occu.$nc3 Cl$ssi/ic$tions Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. )o'umn 1 4rou& ) " 6 F F )o'umn 2 "#$#s#on I I I 2 3 )o'umn 3 "escr#&t#on o( 9ajor ;ccupancies 1esidential occupancies $usiness and personal services occupancies 9ercantile occupancies 9edium hazard industrial occupancies <ow hazard industrial occupancies 2"oes not #nc'ude storage garages ser$#ng #nd#$#dua' dwelling units3

9,1>,2,2, Reser1ed 9,1>,2,!, )$@or Occu.$ncies $bo1e Ot0er )$@or Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e, #n any building conta#n#ng more than 1 major occupancy #n wh#ch one major occupancy #s 'ocated ent#re'y a,o$e another, the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 9.10. .1. (or each &ort#on o( the building conta#n#ng a major occupancy sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to that &ort#on as #( the ent#re building was o( that major occupancy. 9,1>,2,5, Buildings Cont$ining )ore T0$n One )$@or Occu.$nc3 819 +n a building conta#n#ng more than 1 major occupancy, where the aggregate area o( a'' major occupancies #n a &art#cu'ar grou& or d#$#s#on does not e5ceed 10F o( the floor area on the storey on wh#ch they are 'ocated, they need not ,e cons#dered as major occupancies (or the &ur&oses o( %rt#c'es and 9.10. .1. &ro$#ded they are not c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 occupancies. 9,1>,!, R$tings 433

9,1>,!,1, +ire:Resist$nce $nd +ire:%rotection R$tings 819 8here a fire-resistance rating or a fire-protection rating #s re:u#red #n th#s /ect#on (or an e'ement o( a building, such rat#ng sha'' ,e determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th the test methods descr#,ed #n -art 3, or #n accordance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, or <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, >F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es?. 9,1>,!,2, +l$me:(.re$d R$ting 819 8here a flame-spread rating #s re:u#red #n th#s /ect#on (or an e'ement o( a building, such rat#ng sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th the test methods descr#,ed #n -art 3, or #n accordance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. 829 @n'ess the flame-spread rating #s re(erred to #n th#s -art as a >sur(ace flame-spread rating?, #t sha'' a&&'y to any sur(ace o( the e'ement ,e#ng cons#dered that wou'd ,e e5&osed ,y cutt#ng through #t as we'' as to the e5&osed sur(ace o( the e'ement. 9,1>,!,!, +ire E?.osure 819 F'oor, roo( and ce#'#ng assem,'#es sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re on the unders#de. 829 65ter#or wa''s sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re (rom #ns#de the building, e5ce&t that such wa''s need not com&'y w#th the tem&erature r#se '#m#tat#ons re:u#red ,y the standard tests re(erred to #n %rt#c'e #( such wa''s ha$e a limiting distance o( not 'ess than 1.2 m, and due a''owance #s made (or the e((ects o( heat rad#at#on #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements #n -art 3. 8!9 7irewalls and #nter#or $ert#ca' fire separations re:u#red to ha$e fire-resistance ratings sha'' ,e rated (or e5&osure to (#re on each s#de. 9,1>,!,5, (us.ended )embr$ne Ceiling 819 8here a ce#'#ng construct#on has a sus&ended mem,rane ce#'#ng w#th 'ay-#n &ane's or t#'es that contr#,ute to the re:u#red fire-resistance rating, ho'd down c'#&s or other means sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to &re$ent the '#(t#ng o( such &ane's or t#'es #n the e$ent o( a (#re. 9,1>,5, Building (i-e #etermin$tion 9,1>,5,1, )e--$nines not Considered $s (tore3s 819 9ezzanines sha'' not ,e cons#dered as storeys (or the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng building height where the aggregate area o( mezzanine ('oors does not e5ceed 10F o(, 2a3 the suite #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, where there #s more than one suite #n the storey, or 2,3 the storey #n wh#ch #t #s 'ocated, #n a'' other cases. 829 9ezzanines sha'' not ,e cons#dered as storeys (or the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng building height where they occu&y an aggregate area not e5ceed#ng 40F o( the area o( the room or the storey #n wh#ch they are 'ocated &ro$#ded the s&ace a,o$e the mezzanine ('oor has no $#sua' o,struct#ons more than 1 0.0 mm a,o$e such ('oors. 9,1>,5,2, )ore T0$n One Le1el o/ )e--$nine 819 8here more than 1 'e$e' o( mezzanine #s &ro$#ded #n a storey, each 'e$e' add#t#ona' to the (#rst sha'' ,e cons#dered as a storey. 9,1>,5,!, B$sement (tor$ge G$r$ges 819 8here a basement #s used &r#mar#'y as a storage garage, the basement #s &erm#tted to ,e cons#dered as a se&arate building (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on &ro$#ded the ('oor a,o$e the basement and the e5ter#or wa''s o( the basement a,o$e the ad0o#n#ng ground 'e$e' are constructed as fire separations o( masonry or concrete ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. 9,1>,5,5, Roo/:To. Enclosures 819 Roo(-to& enc'osures &ro$#ded (or e'e$ator mach#nery, sta#rways and service rooms, used (or no &ur&ose other than (or ser$#ce to the building, sha'' not ,e cons#dered as a storey #n ca'cu'at#ng the building height. 9,1>,7, %ermitted O.enings in 6$ll $nd Ceiling Assemblies 9,1>,7,1, %ermitted O.enings in 6$ll $nd Ceiling )embr$nes 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 243, a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating sha'' not ,e &#erced ,y o&en#ngs #nto the assem,'y un'ess the assem,'y has ,een tested and rated (or such o&en#ngs.


829 % wa'' or ce#'#ng mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating #s &erm#tted to ,e &#erced ,y o&en#ngs (or e'ectr#ca' and s#m#'ar ser$#ce out'et ,o5es &ro$#ded such out'et ,o5es are t#ght'y (#tted. 8!9 8here ,o5es re(erred to #n /entence 223 are 'ocated on ,oth s#des o( wa''s re:u#red to &ro$#de a fire-resistance rating, they sha'' ,e o((set where necessary to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the fire separation. 859 % mem,rane ce#'#ng (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y ass#gned a fire-resistance rating on the ,as#s o( ;a,'e 2 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, >F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es?, #s &erm#tted to ,e &#erced ,y o&en#ngs 'ead#ng to ducts w#th#n the ce#'#ng s&ace &ro$#ded the ducts, the amount o( o&en#ngs and the#r &rotect#on con(orm to the re:u#rements #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. 9,1>,<, Construction 9,1>,<,1, Combustible Elements in Noncombustible Construction 819 8here a building or &art o( a building #s re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction, combustible e'ements sha'' ,e '#m#ted #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 3.1.1. 9,1>,<,2, Ee$13 Timber Construction 819 8eavy timber construction sha'' ,e cons#dered to ha$e a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating when #t #s constructed #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements (or heavy timber construction #n %rt#c'e 3.1.4... 9,1>,;, (teel )embers 9,1>,;,1, %rotection o/ (tructur$l (teel )embers 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, structura' stee' mem,ers used #n construct#on re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e &rotected to &ro$#de the re:u#red fire-resistance rating. 9,1>,=, +ire:Resist$nce, Combustibilit3 $nd (.rinAlers in Rel$tion to Occu.$nc3, Eeig0t $nd (u..orted Elements 9,1>,=,1, +ire:Resist$nce R$tings /or +loors $nd Roo/s 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the fire-resistance ratings o( ('oors and roo(s sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.10. .1. T$ble 9,1>,=,1, +ire Resist$nce R$tings /or (tructur$l )embers $nd Assemblies Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.10. .1.213
+tem )o'umn 1 9ajor ;ccupancy 1esidential 24rou& )3 %'' other occupancies )o'umn 2 <a5#mum $uilding 8eight, Storeys 3 2 3 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 <#n#mum 7ire-1esistance 1ating ,y $uilding 6'ement, m#n F'oors 65ce&t F'oors o$er 9ezzanine F'oors Roo(s )raw' /&aces 41 41 I 41 I I 41 41 41

1. 2.

9,1>,=,2, +ire:Resist$nce R$tings in (.rinAlered Buildings 819 65ce&t (or roo(s that su&&ort an occupancy, the re:u#rements #n ;a,'e 9.10. .1. (or roo( assem,'#es to ha$e a fireresistance rating are &erm#tted to ,e wa#$ed #n sprin#lered buildings where, 2a3 the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence, and 2,3 the o&erat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system w#'' cause a s#gna' to ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243. 9,1>,=,!, +ire:Resist$nce R$tings /or 6$lls, Columns $nd Arc0es 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, a'' loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches #n the storey #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow a ('oor or roo( assem,'y sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the su&&orted ('oor or roo( assem,'y. 9,1>,=,5, Autom$tic (.rinAler (3stems 819 % ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 sha'' ,e sprin#lered #n accordance w#th /entence 3. 9,1>,=,7, (er1ice Rooms 819 )onstruct#on su&&ort#ng a service room need not con(orm to %rt#c'e 9.10. .3. 9,1>,=,<, )e--$nines 431

819 9ezzanines re:u#red to ,e counted as storeys #n %rt#c'es and sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or >F'oors 65ce&t F'oors o$er )raw' /&aces? #n ;a,'e 9.10. .1. 9,1>,=,;, Roo/s (u..orting $n Occu.$nc3 819 8here a &ort#on o( a roo( su&&orts an occupancy, that &ort#on sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng a fireresistance rating con(orm#ng to the rat#ng (or >F'oors 65ce&t F'oors o$er )raw' /&aces? #n ;a,'e 9.10. .1. 9,1>,=,=, +loors o/ E?terior %$ss$ge2$3s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the ('oor assem,'y o( e$ery e5ter#or &assageway used as &art o( a means of egress sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n or ,e o( noncombustible construction. 829 Bo fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red (or ('oors o( e5ter#or &assageways ser$#ng buildings o( 4rou& ", 6 or F major occupancy that are not more than 2 storeys #n building height. 8!9 Bo fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red (or ('oors o( e5ter#or &assageways ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit where no suite #s 'ocated a,o$e or ,e'ow the dwelling unit. 9,1>,=,9, Cr$2l (.$ces 819 8here a craw' s&ace e5ceeds 1 00 mm #n he#ght or #s used (or any occupancy or as a plenum #n combustible construction or (or the &assage o( flue pipes, #t sha'' ,e cons#dered as a basement #n a&&'y#ng the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e 9.10. .1. 9,1>,=,1>, A..lic$tion to Eouses 819 ;a,'e 9.10. .1. does not a&&'y to a dwelling unit that has no other dwelling unit a,o$e or ,e'ow #t or to a dwelling unit that #s not a,o$e or ,e'ow another major occupancy. 9,1>,=,11, %$rt ! $s $n Altern$ti1e 819 ;he fire-resistance ratings o( ('oors, roo(s, loadbearing wa''s, co'umns and arches need not con(orm to th#s /u,sect#on #( such assem,'#es con(orm #n a'' res&ects to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n /ect#on 3.2. 9,1>,9, +ire (e.$r$tions Bet2een Rooms $nd (.$ces 6it0in Buildings 9,1>,9,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to fire separations re:u#red ,etween rooms and s&aces #n buildings e5ce&t ,etween rooms and s&aces w#th#n a dwelling unit. 9,1>,9,2, Continuous B$rrier 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e, a wa'' or ('oor assem,'y re:u#red to ,e a fire separation sha'' ,e constructed as a cont#nuous ,arr#er aga#nst the s&read o( (#re. 829 ;he cont#nu#ty o( a fire separation sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned where #t a,uts another fire separation, a ('oor, a ce#'#ng, a roo( or an e5ter#or wa'' assem,'y. 9,1>,9,!, O.enings to be %rotected 6it0 Closures 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'es to 9.10.9..., o&en#ngs #n re:u#red fire separations sha'' ,e &rotected w#th closures con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.10.13. 9,1>,9,5, +loor Assemblies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 to 243, a'' ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e constructed as fire separations. 829 F'oor assem,'#es conta#ned w#th#n dwelling units need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 8!9 F'oor assem,'#es (or wh#ch no fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red ,y /u,sect#on 9.10. . and ('oors o( mezzanines not re:u#red to ,e counted as storeys #n %rt#c'es and need not ,e constructed as fire separations. 859 8here a craw' s&ace #s not re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9.10. .9. to ,e constructed as a basement, the ('oor a,o$e #t need not ,e constructed as a fire separation. 9,1>,9,7, Interconnected +loor (.$ces 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e 9.9.4..., interconnected floor spaces sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2. . 9,1>,9,<, %enetr$tion o/ +ire (e.$r$tions 819 -#&#ng, tu,#ng, ducts, chimneys, w#r#ng, condu#t, e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es and other s#m#'ar ser$#ce e:u#&ment that &enetrate a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e t#ght'y (#tted or (#re sto&&ed to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the se&arat#on.


829 -enetrat#ons o( a firewall sha'' ,e sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that, when su,0ected to the (#re test method #n )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, has an F; rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-resistance rating (or the fire separation. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 to 2123 and %rt#c'e 9.10.9..., &#&es, ducts, e'ectr#ca' out'et ,o5es, tota''y enc'osed raceways or other s#m#'ar ser$#ce e:u#&ment that &art'y or who''y &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e noncombustible un'ess the assem,'y has ,een tested #ncor&orat#ng such e:u#&ment. 859 6'ectr#ca' w#res or other s#m#'ar w#r#ng enc'osed #n noncombustible tota''y enc'osed raceways are &erm#tted to &art'y or who''y &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233. 879 /#ng'e conductor meta'-sheathed ca,'es w#th combustible 0ac7et#ng that are more than 21 mm #n o$era'' d#ameter are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233, &ro$#ded the ca,'es are not grou&ed and are s&aced a m#n#mum o( 300 mm a&art. 8<9 6'ectr#ca' w#res or ca,'es, s#ng'e or grou&ed, w#th combustible #nsu'at#on or 0ac7et#ng that #s not tota''y enc'osed #n raceways o( noncombustible mater#a', are &erm#tted to &art'y or who''y &enetrate an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233, &ro$#ded the o$era'' d#ameter o( the w#r#ng #s not more than 21 mm. 8;9 %ombustible tota''y enc'osed raceways that are em,edded #n a concrete ('oor s'a, are &erm#tted #n an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233, where the concrete &ro$#des at 'east 10 mm o( co$er ,etween the raceway and the ,ottom o( the s'a,. 8=9 %ombustible out'et ,o5es are &erm#tted #n an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233, &ro$#ded the o&en#ng through the mem,rane #nto the ,o5 does not e5ceed 160 cmA. 899 %ombustible water d#str#,ut#on &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &art'y or who''y &enetrate a fire separation that #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ,e#ng #ncor&orated #n the assem,'y at the t#me o( test#ng as re:u#red #n /entence 233, &ro$#ded the &#&#ng #s &rotected w#th a fire stop #n con(ormance w#th /entence 81>9 %ombustible s&r#n7'er &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation &ro$#ded the fire compartments on each s#de o( the fire separation are sprin#lered. 8119 /&r#n7'ers are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ha$#ng to meet the fire stop re:u#rements o( /entence 213, &ro$#ded the annu'ar s&ace created ,y the &enetrat#on o( a (#re s&r#n7'er #s co$ered ,y a meta' escutcheon &'ate #n accordance w#th BF-% 13, >+nsta''at#on o( /&r#n7'ers?. 8129 %ombustible &#&#ng (or centra' $acuum systems #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation &ro$#ded the #nsta''at#on con(orms to the re:u#rements that a&&'y to combustible &#&#ng #n /entences 9.10.9...223 to 263. 81!9 7ire dampers are &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation or a mem,rane (orm#ng &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating w#thout ha$#ng to meet the fire stop re:u#rements o( /entence 213, &ro$#ded the fire damper #s, 2a3 #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es,? or 2,3 des#gned s&ec#(#ca''y w#th a fire stop. 9,1>,9,;, Combustible 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 to 263, combustible &#&#ng sha'' not ,e used where any &art o( a &#&#ng system &art'y or who''y &enetrates a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating or &enetrates a mem,rane that contr#,utes to the re:u#red fire-resistance rating o( an assem,'y. 829 %ombustible &#&#ng not 'ocated #n a $ert#ca' sha(t #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating or a mem,rane that (orms &art o( an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating, &ro$#ded the &#&#ng #s sea'ed at the &enetrat#on ,y a fire stop that has an F rat#ng not 'ess than the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the fire separation. 8!9 ;he rat#ng re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e ,ased on )%B!@L)-/111, >F#re ;ests o( F#resto& /ystems?, w#th a &ressure d#((erent#a' o( 10 -a ,etween the e5&osed and une5&osed s#des, w#th the h#gher &ressure on the e5&osed s#de. 859 %ombustible dra#n &#&#ng #s &erm#tted to &enetrate a hor#Conta' fire separation or a mem,rane that contr#,utes to the re:u#red fire-resistance rating o( a hor#Conta' fire separation, &ro$#ded #t 'eads d#rect'y (rom a noncombustible water c'oset through a concrete ('oor s'a,. 879 %ombustible &#&#ng #s &erm#tted, 2a3 on one s#de o( a $ert#ca' fire separation &ro$#ded #t #s not 'ocated #n a $ert#ca' sha(t, and 43.

2,3 to &enetrate a $ert#ca' or hor#Conta' fire separation when the fire compartment on each s#de o( the fire separation #s sprin#lered. 8<9 +n buildings conta#n#ng 2 dwelling units on'y, combustible &#&#ng #s &erm#tted on one s#de o( a hor#Conta' fire separation. 9,1>,9,=, Coll$.se o/ Combustible Construction 819 %ombustible construction that a,uts on or #s su&&orted ,y a noncombustible fire separation sha'' ,e constructed so that #ts co''a&se under (#re cond#t#ons w#'' not cause co''a&se o( the fire separation. 9,1>,9,9, Reduction in T0icAness o/ +ire (e.$r$tion b3 Be$ms $nd *oists 819 8here &oc7ets (or the su&&ort o( ,eams or 0o#sts are (ormed #n a masonry or concrete fire separation, the rema#n#ng tota' th#c7ness o( so'#d masonry and!or grout and!or concrete sha'' ,e not 'ess than the re:u#red e:u#$a'ent th#c7ness shown (or ;y&e / mono'#th#c concrete #n ;a,'e 2.1.1. o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?, (or the re:u#red fire-resistance rating. 9,1>,9,1>, Conce$led (.$ces $bo1e +ire (e.$r$tions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a horizontal service space or other concea'ed s&ace 'ocated a,o$e a re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separation sha'' ,e d#$#ded at the fire separation ,y an e:u#$a'ent fire separation w#th#n the s&ace. 829 8here a horizontal service space or other concea'ed s&ace #s 'ocated a,o$e a re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separation other than a $ert#ca' sha(t, such s&ace need not ,e d#$#ded as re:u#red #n /entence 213 &ro$#ded the construct#on ,etween such s&ace and the s&ace ,e'ow #s constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the $ert#ca' fire separation, e5ce&t that where the $ert#ca' fire separation #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating greater than 41 m#n, the fire-resistance rating o( the ce#'#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to 30 m#n. 9,1>,9,11, (e.$r$tion o/ Residenti$l Occu.$ncies 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 243, residential occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom a'' other major occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a major occupancy c'ass#(#ed as a residential occupancy, #nc'ud#ng live,wor# units, sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other major occupancies c'ass#(#ed as mercantile or medium hazard industrial occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. 8!9 8here not more than 2 dwelling units or live,wor# units are 'ocated #n a building conta#n#ng a mercantile occupancy, such mercantile occupancy sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the dwelling units or live,wor# units ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than 1 h fire-resistance rating. 859 ;he re:u#rement (or fire separations ,etween major occupancies #n /entence 213 #s wa#$ed (or the occupancies a''owed w#th#n live,wor# units. 9,1>,9,12, Residenti$l (uites, Li1e"6orA nits $nd Industri$l Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, not more than 1 suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e conta#ned w#th#n a building c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy. 829 65ce&t where a 4rou& F "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy #s d#rect'y re'ated to live,wor# units, not more than one suite o( residential occupancy sha'' ,e conta#ned w#th#n a building c'ass#(#ed as 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 2 major occupancy. 9,1>,9,1!, (e.$r$tion o/ (uites 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e and as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, each suite #n other than business and personal services occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom ad0o#n#ng suites ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n. 829 +n sprin#lered buildings, suites o( business and personal services occupancy and mercantile occupancy that are ser$ed ,y public corridors con(orm#ng w#th /entence are not re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom each other ,y fire separations. 9,1>,9,15, (e.$r$tion o/ Residenti$l (uites 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 and %rt#c'e, suites #n residential occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom ad0acent rooms and suites ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n. 829 /'ee&#ng rooms #n boarding, lodging or rooming houses where s'ee&#ng accommodat#on #s &ro$#ded (or not more than ,oarders or 'odgers sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the floor area ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 30 m#n where the s'ee&#ng rooms (orm &art o( the &ro&r#etorDs res#dence and do not conta#n coo7#ng (ac#'#t#es. 8!9 +welling units that conta#n 2 or more storeys #nc'ud#ng basements sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h. 43

9,1>,9,17, (e.$r$tion o/ %ublic Corridors 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, public corridors sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating. 829 +n other than residential occupancies, no fire-resistance rating #s re:u#red (or fire separations ,etween a public corridor and the rema#nder o( the building #(, 2a3 the floor area #s sprin#lered, 2,3 the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence, and 2c3 the o&erat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system w#'' cause a s#gna' to ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243. 8!9 +n other than residential occupancies, no fire separation #s re:u#red ,etween a public corridor and the rema#nder o( the building #(,

2a3 the floor area #s sprin#lered,

2,3 the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed #n con(ormance w#th /entence, 2c3 the o&erat#on o( the s&r#n7'er system w#'' cause a s#gna' to ,e transm#tted to the (#re de&artment #n con(ormance w#th /entence 3.2.4. .243, and 2d3 the corr#dor e5ceeds 1 m #n w#dth. 9,1>,9,1<, (e.$r$tion o/ (tor$ge G$r$ges 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, a storage garage sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 1.1 h fire-resistance rating. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, storage garages conta#n#ng 1 motor $eh#c'es or (ewer sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation o( not 'ess than 1 h. 8!9 8here a storage garage ser$es on'y the dwelling unit #t #s attached to or ,u#'t #nto, #t sha'' ,e cons#dered as &art o( that dwelling unit and the fire separation re:u#red #n /entence 223 need not ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the garage and the dwelling unit. 859 8here a storage garage #s attached to or ,u#'t #nto a building o( residential occupancy, 2a3 an air barrier system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.21.3. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween the garage and the rema#nder o( the building to &ro$#de an e((ect#$e ,arr#er to gas and e5haust (umes, and 2,3 e$ery door ,etween the garage and the rema#nder o( the building sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 879 8here mem,rane mater#a's are used to &ro$#de the re:u#red a#rt#ghtness #n the air barrier system, a'' 0o#nts sha'' ,e sea'ed and structura''y su&&orted. 9,1>,9,1;, (e.$r$tion o/ Re.$ir G$r$ges 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, a repair garage sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. 829 %nc#''ary s&aces d#rect'y ser$#ng a repair garage, #nc'ud#ng wa#t#ng rooms, rece&t#on rooms, too' and &arts storage areas and su&er$#sory o((#ce s&ace, need not ,e se&arated (rom the repair garage ,ut sha'' ,e se&arated (rom other occupancies as re:u#red #n /entence 213. 8!9 ;he fire separation re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h, where, 2a3 the building #s not more than one storey #n building height, 2,3 the building #s o&erated as a s#ng'e suite, and 2c3 the on'y occupancy other than the repair garage #s a mercantile occupancy. 259 8here a building conta#n#ng a repair garage a'so conta#ns a dwelling unit, an air barrier system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.21.3. sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween the dwelling unit and the suite conta#n#ng the garage to &ro$#de an e((ect#$e a#r ,arr#er to gas and e5haust (umes. 879 8here mem,rane mater#a's are used to &ro$#de the re:u#red a#rt#ghtness #n the air barrier system, a'' 0o#nts sha'' ,e sea'ed and structura''y su&&orted. 9,1>,9,1=, E?0$ust #ucts (er1ing )ore T0$n One +ire Com.$rtment 819 8here a vertical service space conta#ns an e"haust duct that ser$es more than one fire compartment, the duct sha'' ha$e a (an 'ocated at or near the e5haust out'et to ensure that the duct #s under negat#$e &ressure.


829 +nd#$#dua' fire compartments re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' not ha$e (ans that e5haust d#rect'y #nto the duct #n the vertical service space. 9,1>,9,19, Centr$l '$cuum (3stems 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 9.10.1 ...213, a centra' $acuum system sha'' ser$e not more than one suite. 9,1>,1>, (er1ice Rooms 9,1>,1>,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to service rooms #n a'' buildings e5ce&t rooms 'ocated w#th#n a dwelling unit. 9,1>,1>,2, (er1ice Room +loors 819 ;he fire-resistance rating re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y to the ('oor assem,'y #mmed#ate'y ,e'ow a service room. 9,1>,1>,!, (e.$r$tion o/ (er1ice Rooms 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and %rt#c'es and, service rooms sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 1 h when the floor area conta#n#ng the service room #s not sprin#lered. 829 8here a room conta#ns a '#m#ted :uant#ty o( ser$#ce e:u#&ment and the ser$#ce e:u#&ment does not const#tute a (#re haCard, the re:u#rements #n /entence 213 sha'' not a&&'y. 9,1>,1>,5,$nces $nd E4ui.ment to be Loc$ted in $ (er1ice Room 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 and %rt#c'e, (ue'-(#red appliances sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a service room se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 1 h fire-resistance rating. 829 65ce&t as re:u#red #n the appliance #nsta''at#on standards re(erenced #n /entences and, (ue'(#red space-heating appliances, s&ace-coo'#ng appliances and service water heaters need not ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building as re:u#red #n /entence 213 where the e:u#&ment ser$es, 2a3 not more than one room or suite, or 2,3 a building w#th a building area o( not more than 400 mA and a building height o( not more than 2 storeys. 8!9 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to (#re&'aces and coo7#ng appliances. 9,1>,1>,7, Inciner$tors 819 Service rooms conta#n#ng #nc#nerators sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 2 h. 829 ;he des#gn, construct#on, #nsta''at#on and a'terat#on o( each #ndoor #nc#nerator sha'' con(orm to BF-% >+nc#nerators, 8aste and L#nen =and'#ng /ystems and 6:u#&ment?. 2,

8!9 6$ery #nc#nerator sha'' ,e connected to a chimney flue con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9.21. and ser$#ng no other appliance. 859 %n #nc#nerator sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a room w#th other (ue'-(#red appliances. 9,1>,1>,<, (tor$ge Rooms 819 Rooms (or the tem&orary storage o( combustible re(use #n a'' occupancies or (or &u,'#c storage #n residential occupancies sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 1 h fireresistance rating, e5ce&t that a 41 m#n fire separation #s &erm#tted where the fire-resistance rating o( the ('oor assem,'y #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n, or where such rooms are sprin#lered. 9,1>,1>,;, Emergenc3 %o2er Inst$ll$tions 819 8here a generator #ntended to su&&'y emergency &ower (or '#ght#ng, (#re sa(ety and '#(e sa(ety systems #s 'ocated #n a building, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated #n a room that, 2a3 #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than, 2#3 1 h, #( the ('oor assem,'y #s not re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( more than 1 h, and 2##3 2 h, #( the ('oor assem,'y #s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( more than 1 h, and 2,3 conta#ns on'y the generat#ng set and e:u#&ment that #s re'ated to the emergency &ower su&&'y system. 9,1>,11, +ire2$lls 9,1>,11,1, Re4uired +ire2$lls 440

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es and, a party wall on a &ro&erty '#ne sha'' ,e constructed as a firewall. 9,1>,11,2, +ire2$lls Not Re4uired 819 +n a building o( residential occupancy #n wh#ch there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, a party wall on a &ro&erty '#ne ,etween dwelling units need not ,e constructed as a firewall &ro$#ded #t #s constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 1 h fire-resistance rating. 829 ;he wa'' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' &ro$#de cont#nuous &rotect#on (rom the to& o( the (oot#ngs to the unders#de o( the roo( dec7. 8!9 %ny s&ace ,etween the to& o( the wa'' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and the roo( dec7 sha'' ,e t#ght'y (#''ed w#th m#nera' woo' or noncombustible mater#a'. 9,1>,11,!, Construction o/ +ire2$lls 819 8here firewalls are used, the re:u#rements #n -art 3 sha'' a&&'y. 9,1>,11,5, +ire2$lls in #et$c0ed G$r$ges 819 8here a garage #s detached (rom the dwelling unit ,ut attached to another garage on the ad0acent &ro&erty, the party wall so (ormed sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n. 9,1>,12, %re1ention o/ +ire (.re$d $t E?terior 6$lls $nd Bet2een (tore3s 9,1>,12,1, Termin$tion o/ +loors or )e--$nines 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and #n %rt#c'es and, the &ort#ons o( a floor area or mezzanine that do not term#nate at an e5ter#or wa'', a firewall or a $ert#ca' sha(t, sha'' term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the ('oor assem,'y that term#nates at the se&arat#on. 829 % mezzanine need not term#nate at a $ert#ca' fire separation where the mezzanine #s not re:u#red to ,e cons#dered as a storey #n %rt#c'es and 9,1>,12,2, Loc$tion o/ (A3lig0ts 819 8here a wa'' #n a building #s e5&osed to a (#re haCard (rom an ad0o#n#ng roo( o( a se&arate uns&r#n7'ered fire compartment #n the same building, the roo( sha'' conta#n no s7y'#ghts w#th#n a hor#Conta' d#stance o( 1 m o( the w#ndows #n the e5&osed wa''. 9,1>,12,!, E?terior 6$lls )eeting $t $n Angle 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, where e5ter#or wa''s o( a building meet at an e5terna' ang'e o( 'ess than 131 , the hor#Conta' d#stance (rom an o&en#ng #n one wa'' to an o&en#ng #n the other wa'' sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1.2 m where the o&en#ngs are #n d#((erent fire compartments. 829 ;he e5ter#or wa'' o( each fire compartment re(erred to #n /entence 213 w#th#n the 1.2 m d#stance, sha'' ha$e a fireresistance rating not 'ess than that re:u#red (or the #nter#or $ert#ca' fire separation ,etween the com&artment and the rema#nder o( the building. 9,1>,12,5, %rotection o/ (o//its 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to the &ort#on o( any so((#t enc'os#ng a &ro0ect#on that #s, 2a3 'ess than 2.1 m $ert#ca''y a,o$e a w#ndow or door, and 2,3 'ess than 1.2 m (rom e#ther s#de o( the w#ndow or door. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 213, the so((#t descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence 233 where the so((#t enc'oses, 2a3 a common attic or roof space that s&ans more than 2 suites o( residential occupancy and &ro0ects ,eyond the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building, 2,3 a ('oor s&ace where an u&&er storey &ro0ects ,eyond the e5ter#or wa'' o( a 'ower storey and a fire separation #s re:u#red at the ('oor ,etween the two storeys, or 2c3 a ('oor s&ace where an u&&er storey &ro0ects ,eyond the e5ter#or wa'' o( a 'ower storey, and the &ro0ect#on #s cont#nuous across a $ert#ca' fire separation se&arat#ng two suites. 8!9 -rotect#on re:u#red ,y /entence 223 sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y, 2a3 noncombustible mater#a' ha$#ng a m#n#mum th#c7ness o( 0.3 mm and a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow 610), 2,3 not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum so((#t ,oard or gy&sum wa'',oard #nsta''ed accord#ng to )/% % 2.31-<, >4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on,? 441

2c3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 &'ywood, 2d3 not 'ess than 12.1 mm th#c7 O/* or wa(er,oard, or 2e3 not 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 'um,er. 859 +n the case o( a so((#t descr#,ed #n /entence 213 that #s at the edge o( an attic or roof space, and com&'ete'y se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the attic or roof space ,y fire bloc#s, the re:u#rements #n /entence 223 do not a&&'y. 879 8here a'' suites s&anned ,y a common attic or roof space or s#tuated a,o$e or ,e'ow the &ro0ect#ng ('oor are sprin#lered, the re:u#rements #n /entence 223 do not a&&'y &ro$#ded that a'' rooms, #nc'ud#ng c'osets and ,athrooms, ha$#ng o&en#ngs #n the wa'' ,eneath the so((#t are sprin#lered, notw#thstand#ng any e5ce&t#ons #n the s&r#n7'er standards re(erenced #n %rt#c'e 9,1>,1!, #oors, #$m.ers $nd Ot0er Closures in +ire (e.$r$tions 9,1>,1!,1, Closures 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, o&en#ngs #n re:u#red fire separations sha'' ,e &rotected w#th a closure con(orm#ng to ;a,'e and sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th BF-% 0, >F#re "oors and Other O&en#ng -rotect#$es?, un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s -art. T$ble 9,1>,1!,1, +ire:%rotection R$tings /or Closures Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 Re:u#red 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( 7ire Separation 30 or 41 m#n 1h 1.1 h 2h 3h 4h

)o'umn 2 Re:u#red 7ire-4rotection 1ating o( %losure 20 m#n213 41 m#n213 1h 1.1 h 2h 3h

Notes to T$ble 9,1>,1!,1,&

/ee %rt#c'e

9,1>,1!,2, (olid Core 6ood #oor $s $ Closure 819 % 41 mm th#c7 so'#d core wood door #s &erm#tted to ,e used where a m#n#mum fire-protection rating o( 20 m#n #s &erm#tted or ,etween a public corridor and a suite &ro$#ded the door con(orms to )%B!@L)-/113, >8ood )ore "oors <eet#ng the -er(ormance Re:u#red ,y )%B!@L)-/104 (or ;wenty <#nute F#re Rated )'osure %ssem,'#es?. 829 "oors descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e not more than a 6 mm c'earance ,eneath and not more than 3 mm at the s#des and to&. 9,1>,1!,!, nr$ted 6ood #oor +r$mes 819 "oors re:u#red to &ro$#de a 20 m#n fire-protection rating or &erm#tted to ,e 41 mm so'#d core wood sha'' ,e mounted #n a wood (rame o( at 'east 3 mm th#c7ness where the (rame has not ,een tested and rated. 9,1>,1!,5, #oors $s $ )e$ns o/ Egress 819 "oors (orm#ng &art o( an e"it or a &u,'#c means of egress sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.9.6. #n add#t#on to th#s /u,sect#on. 9,1>,1!,7, 6ired Gl$ss $s $ Closure 819 8#red g'ass con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e that has not ,een tested #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e #s &erm#tted as a closure #n a $ert#ca' fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not more than 1 h &ro$#ded such g'ass #s not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7 and #s mounted #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223. 829 8#red g'ass descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e mounted #n (#5ed stee' (rames ha$#ng a m#n#mum meta' th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 1.31 mm and a g'aC#ng sto& o( not 'ess than 20 mm on each s#de o( the g'ass. 8!9 +nd#$#dua' &anes o( g'ass descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not e5ceed 0. mA #n area or 1.4 m #n he#ght or w#dth, and the area o( g'ass not structura''y su&&orted ,y mu''#ons sha'' not e5ceed ..1 mA. 9,1>,1!,<, (teel #oor +r$mes 819 /tee' door (rames (orm#ng &art o( a closure #n a fire separation, #nc'ud#ng anchorage re:u#rements, sha'' con(orm to )%B4-/101-<, >F#re "oor Frames <eet#ng the -er(ormance Re:u#red ,y )%B4-/104?. 442

9,1>,1!,;, Gl$ss BlocA $s $ Closure 819 4'ass ,'oc7 that has not ,een tested #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e #s &erm#tted as a closure #n a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not more than 1 h. 9,1>,1!,=, )$?imum (i-e o/ O.ening 819 ;he s#Ce o( an o&en#ng #n an #nter#or fire separation, e$en where &rotected w#th a closure, sha'' not e5ceed 11 mA, w#th no d#mens#on greater than 3.. m, #( a fire compartment on e#ther s#de o( the fire separation #s not sprin#lered. 829 ;he s#Ce o( an o&en#ng #n an #nter#or fire separation, e$en where &rotected w#th a closure, sha'' not e5ceed 22 mA, w#th no d#mens#on greater than 6 m, when the fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( the fire separation are sprin#lered. 9,1>,1!,9, #oor L$tc0 819 6$ery sw#ng ty&e door #n a fire separation sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a 'atch. 9,1>,1!,1>, (el/:Closing #e1ice 819 65ce&t as descr#,ed #n /entence 223, e$ery door #n a fire separation sha'' ha$e a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. 829 /e'(-c'os#ng de$#ces are not re:u#red ,etween public corridors and suites #n business and personal services occupancies, e5ce&t #n, 2a3 dead-end corr#dors, or 2,3 a corr#dor that ser$es a hotel. 9,1>,1!,11, Eold:O.en #e1ices 819 8here ho'd-o&en de$#ces are used on doors #n re:u#red fire separations, they sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 3.1. .12. 9,1>,1!,12, (er1ice Room #oors 819 /w#ng-ty&e doors sha'' o&en #nto service rooms conta#n#ng (ue'-(#red e:u#&ment where such doors 'ead to public corridors or rooms used (or assem,'y ,ut sha'' sw#ng outward (rom such rooms #n a'' other cases. 9,1>,1!,1!, +ire #$m.ers 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 to 213 and /entence, a duct that &enetrates an assem,'y re:u#red to ,e a fire separation w#th a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es 3.1. .4. and 3.1. .9. 829 % fire damper #s not re:u#red where a noncombustible ,ranch duct &#erces a re:u#red fire separation &ro$#ded the duct, 2a3 has a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow .60), 2,3 has a cross-sect#ona' area 'ess than 130 cmA, and 2c3 su&&'#es on'y air-conditioning un#ts or com,#ned air-conditioning and heat#ng un#ts d#scharg#ng a#r at not more than 1.2 m a,o$e the ('oor. 8!9 % fire damper #s not re:u#red where a noncombustible ,ranch duct &#erces a re:u#red fire separation around an e"haust duct r#ser #n wh#ch the a#r ('ow #s u&ward &ro$#ded, 2a3 the me't#ng &o#nt o( the ,ranch duct #s not ,e'ow .60), 2,3 the ,ranch duct #s carr#ed u& #ns#de the r#ser at 'east 100 mm, and 2c3 the e"haust duct #s under negat#$e &ressure as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e . 859 3oncombustible ducts that &enetrate a fire separation se&arat#ng a vertical service space (rom the rema#nder o( the building need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation &ro$#ded, 2a3 the ducts ha$e a me't#ng &o#nt a,o$e .60), and 2,3 each #nd#$#dua' duct e5hausts d#rect'y to the outs#de at the to& o( the vertical service space. 879 % duct ser$#ng commerc#a' coo7#ng e:u#&ment and &#erc#ng a re:u#red fire separation need not ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a fire damper at the fire separation. 9,1>,1!,15, +ire (to. +l$.s 819 7ire stop flaps #n ce#'#ng mem,ranes re:u#red #n /entence sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-2, >F#re -er(ormance Rat#ngs?. 9,1>,1!,17, #oors Bet2een G$r$ges $nd #2elling nits


819 % door ,etween an attached or ,u#'t-#n garage and a dwelling unit sha'' ,e t#ght-(#tt#ng and weatherstr#&&ed to &ro$#de an e((ect#$e ,arr#er aga#nst the &assage o( gases and e5haust (umes and sha'' ,e (#tted w#th a se'(-c'os#ng de$#ce. 829 % doorway ,etween an attached or ,u#'t-#n garage and a dwelling unit sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n a room #ntended (or s'ee&#ng. 9,1>,1!,1<, #oor (to.s 819 8here a door #s #nsta''ed so that #t may damage the #ntegr#ty o( a fire separation #( #ts sw#ng #s unrestr#cted, door sto&s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &re$ent such damage. 9,1>,15, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion Bet2een Buildings 9,1>,15,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 9.10.11., th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to a'' buildings. 9,1>,15,2, Are$ $nd Loc$tion o/ E?.osing Building +$ce 819 ;he area o( an e"posing building face sha'' ,e, 2a3 ta7en as the e5ter#or wa'' area (ac#ng #n one d#rect#on on any s#de o( a building, and 2,3 ca'cu'ated as, 2#3 the tota' area measured (rom the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' to the u&&ermost ce#'#ng, or 2##3 the area (or each fire compartment, where a building #s d#$#ded #nto fire compartments ,y fire separations w#th fire-resistance ratings not 'ess than 41 m#n. 829 For the &ur&ose o( us#ng ;a,'e to determ#ne the ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings &erm#tted #n an #rregu'ar'y-sha&ed or s7ewed e5ter#or wa'', the 'ocat#on o( the e"posing building face sha'' ,e ta7en as a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that there are no unprotected openings ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch limiting distance #s measured. 8!9 For the &ur&ose o( us#ng ;a,'e to determ#ne the re:u#red ty&e o( construct#on, c'add#ng and fire-resistance rating (or an #rregu'ar'y-sha&ed or s7ewed e5ter#or wa'', 2a3 the e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e d#$#ded #nto any num,er o( &ort#ons and the fire-resistance rating, ty&e o( c'add#ng and &ercentage o( unprotected openings '#m#tat#ons #s &erm#tted to ,e determ#ned #nd#$#dua''y (or each &ort#on ,ased on the limiting distance (or each &ort#on so d#$#ded, 2,3 the e"posing building face sha'' ,e ta7en as the &ro0ect#on o( the e5ter#or wa'' onto a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that no &ort#on o( the e5ter#or wa'' o( the building #s ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch the limiting distance #s esta,'#shed #n )'ause 2a3, and 2c3 (or the &ur&ose o( determ#n#ng the actua' area o( unprotected openings &erm#tted #n an e5ter#or wa'', the unprotected openings sha'' ,e &ro0ected onto the $ert#ca' &'ane esta,'#shed #n )'ause 2,3. 859 ;he re:u#red limiting distance (or an e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e measured to a &o#nt ,eyond the &ro&erty '#ne that #s not the centre '#ne o( a street, 'ane or &u,'#c thorough(are #(, 2a3 the owners o( the &ro&ert#es on wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured and the municipality enter #nto an agreement #n wh#ch such owners agree that, 2#3 each owner co$enants that, (or the ,ene(#t o( 'and owned ,y the other co$enantors, the owner w#'' not construct a building on h#s or her &ro&erty un'ess the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces #n res&ect o( the &ro&osed construction #s measured #n accordance w#th the agreement, 2##3 the co$enants conta#ned #n the agreement are #ntended to run w#th the 'ands, and the agreement sha'' ,e ,#nd#ng on the &art#es and the#r res&ect#$e he#rs, e5ecutors, adm#n#strators, successors and ass#gns, 2###3 the agreement sha'' not ,e amended or de'eted (rom t#t'e w#thout the consent o( the municipality, and 2#$3 they w#'' com&'y w#th such other cond#t#ons as the municipality cons#ders necessary, #nc'ud#ng #ndemn#(#cat#on o( the municipality ,y the other &art#es, and 2,3 the agreement re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( the &ro&ert#es to wh#ch #t a&&'#es. 879 8here an agreement re(erred to #n /entence 243 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( a &ro&erty, the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces #n res&ect o( the construction o( any buildings on the &ro&erty sha'' ,e measured to the &o#nt re(erred to #n the agreement. 9,1>,15,!, In$de4u$te +ire/ig0ting +$cilities


819 8here there #s no (#re de&artment or where a (#re de&artment #s not organ#Ced, tra#ned and e:u#&&ed to meet the needs o( the commun#ty, the re:u#red limiting distance determ#ned (rom /entences, 213 and 263 and /entence, sha'' ,e dou,'ed (or a building that #s not sprin#lered. 9,1>,15,5, O.enings in E?.osing Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 to 2.3 and /entence, the ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings #n an e"posing building face sha'', 2a3 con(orm to ;a,'e, 2,3 con(orm to /u,sect#on 3.2.3., or 2c3 where the '#m#t#ng d#stance #s not 'ess than 1.2 m, ,e e:ua' to or 'ess than, 2#3 the limiting distance s:uared, (or residential occupancies, business and personal services occupancies and low hazard industrial occupancies, and 2##3 ha'( the limiting distance s:uared, (or mercantile occupancies and medium hazard industrial occupancies. T$ble 9,1>,15,5, )$?imum Aggreg$te Are$ o/ n.rotected O.enings in E?terior 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem %olumn & ;ccupancy )'ass#(#cat#on o( $uilding 1esidential, business and personal services, and lowhazard industrial )o'umn 2 <a5#mum ;ota' %rea o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace, mA 10 11 20 21 30 40 10 100 O$er 100 10 11 20 21 30 40 10 100 O$er 100 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 16 <a5#mum %ggregate %rea o( >nprotected ;penings, F o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace %rea <imiting +istance, m Less 1.2 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 6 10 12 16 20 21 than 1.2 0 12 21 33 11 96 100 I I I I I I 0 10 1. 21 3. 6. 100 I I I I I I 0 10 11 21 30 13 100 I I I I I I 0 9 13 19 26 41 100 I I I I I I 0 . 9 12 1. 23 39 100 I I I I I 0 . 11 11 20 32 69 100 I I I I I 0 . 10 14 1 2 1. 100 I I I I I 0 . 9 11 13 1 34 16 4 100 I I I 0 . . 9 10 12 19 2 40 11 92 100 I 0 4 6 10 1. 21 4 100 I I I I I I 0 4 1 13 1 34 2 100 I I I I I 0 4 1 . 11 11 2. 63 100 I I I I I 0 4 1 . 9 13 22 11 94 100 I I I I 0 4 4 6 9 12 20 44 0 100 I I I I 0 4 4 6 10 16 34 61 9. 100 I I I 0 4 4 1 . 9 14 29 10 .9 100 I I I 0 4 4 4 1 6 9 1. 2 42 60 100 I I 0 4 4 4 4 1 6 10 14 20 2. 46 .0 100



9ercantile and medium-hazard industrial

829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, o&en#ngs #n a wa'' ha$#ng a limiting distance o( 'ess than 1.2 m sha'' ,e &rotected ,y closures, o( other than w#red g'ass or g'ass ,'oc7, whose fire protection rating #s #n con(ormance w#th the fireresistance rating re:u#red (or the wa''. 8!9 ;he ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings sha'' ,e not more than tw#ce the area determ#ned accord#ng to /entence 213 where the unprotected openings are g'aCed w#th, 2a3 w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, or 2,3 g'ass ,'oc7s, as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.10.13... 859 8here the building #s sprin#lered, the ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings sha'' ,e not more than tw#ce the area determ#ned accord#ng to /entence 213 &ro$#ded a'' rooms, #nc'ud#ng c'osets and ,athrooms, that are ad0acent to the e"posing building face and that ha$e unprotected openings are sprin#lered, notw#thstand#ng any e5em&t#ons #n the s&r#n7'er standards re(erenced #n %rt#c'e 879 ;he ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings #n an e"posing building face o( a storage garage need not com&'y w#th /entence 213 where, 2a3 a'' storeys are constructed as open-air storeys, and 2,3 the storage garage has a limiting distance o( not 'ess than 3 m. 441

8<9 ;he ma5#mum aggregate area o( unprotected openings #n an e"posing building face o( a storey that (aces a street and #s the same 'e$e' as the street need not com&'y w#th /entence 213 where the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 9 m. 8;9 ;he '#m#ts on the area o( unprotected openings need not a&&'y to the e"posing building face o( a detached garage or accessory building (ac#ng a dwelling unit, where, 2a3 the detached garage or accessory building ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit, 2,3 the detached garage or accessory building #s 'ocated on the same &ro&erty as that dwelling unit, and 2c3 the dwelling unit ser$ed ,y the detached garage or accessory building #s the on'y major occupancy on the &ro&erty. 9,1>,15,7, Construction o/ E?.osing Building +$ce $nd 6$lls $bo1e E?.osing Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 2.3, each e"posing building face and any e5ter#or wa'' 'ocated a,o$e an e"posing building face that enc'oses an attic or roof space sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e and /u,sect#on 9.10. . T$ble 9,1>,15,7, )inimum Construction Re4uirements /or E?.osing Building +$ces Form#ng -art o( /entences to 233
+tem %olumn & )o'umn 2 ;ccupancy )'ass#(#cat#on <a5#mum %rea o( >nprotected o( $uilding ;penings -erm#tted, F o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace %rea 1esidential, business and 0 - 10 personal services, and W10 ,ut b21 low-hazard industrial W21 ,ut X100 9ercantile and mediumhazard industrial 0 - 10 W10 ,ut b21 W21 ,ut X100 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Re:u#red 7ire-1esistance 1ating 1h 1h 41 m#n 2h 2h 1h )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( )onstruct#on ;y&e o( )'add#ng Re:u#red Re:u#red 3oncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible or noncombustible



829 )'add#ng on e"posing building faces and e5ter#or wa''s 'ocated a,o$e e"posing building faces need not con(orm to the ty&e o( c'add#ng re:u#red ,y ;a,'e where, 2a3 the e"posing building face #s constructed w#th no unprotected openings, 2,3 the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 0.6 m, and 2c3 the c'add#ng, 2#3 con(orms to /u,sect#on 9.2..12., 2##3 #s #nsta''ed w#thout (urr#ng mem,ers o$er not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum sheath#ng or o$er masonry, 2###3 has a flame-spread rating not more than 21 when tested #n accordance w#th /entence, and 2#$3 #s not more than 2 mm #n th#c7ness e5c'us#$e o( (asteners, 0o#nts and 'oca' re#n(orcements. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, where a garage or accessory building ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit and #s detached (rom any building, the e"posing building face, 2a3 need not con(orm to the m#n#mum re:u#red fire-resistance rating #n ;a,'e, where the limiting distance #s 0.6 m or more, 2,3 sha'' ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n where the limiting distance #s 'ess than 0.6 m, and 2c3 need not con(orm to the ty&e o( c'add#ng re:u#red #n ;a,'e regard'ess o( the limiting distance. 859 ;he re:u#rements (or fire-resistance rating, ty&e o( construct#on and ty&e o( c'add#ng need not a&&'y to the e"posing building faces o( a dwelling unit and a detached garage or accessory building that (ace each other, where, 2a3 the detached garage or accessory building ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit, 2,3 the detached garage or accessory building #s 'ocated on the same &ro&erty as that dwelling unit, and 2c3 the dwelling unit ser$ed ,y the detached garage or accessory building #s the on'y major occupancy on the &ro&erty.


879 65ce&t (or buildings conta#n#ng 1 or 2 dwelling units on'y, combustible &ro0ect#ons on the e5ter#or o( a wa'' that are more than 1 000 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e', such as ,a'con#es, &'at(orms, canopies, ea$e &ro0ect#ons and sta#rs, and that cou'd e5&ose an ad0acent building to (#re s&read, sha'' not ,e &erm#tted w#th#n, 2a3 1.2 m o( a &ro&erty '#ne or the centre '#ne o( a public way, or 2,3 2.4 m o( a combustible &ro0ect#on on another building on the same &ro&erty. 8<9 =ea$y t#m,er and stee' co'umns need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 &ro$#ded the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 3 m. 8;9 Bon-loadbearing wa'' com&onents need not ha$e a m#n#mum fire-resistance rating where, 2a3 the building #s 1 storey #n building height, 2,3 the building #s o( noncombustible construction, 2c3 the building #s c'ass#(#ed as low hazard industrial occupancy and #s used on'y (or 'ow fire load occupancies such as &ower generat#ng &'ants or &'ants (or the manu(acture or storage o( noncombustible mater#a's, and 2d3 the e"posing building face has a limiting distance o( 3 m or more. 9,1>,15,<, )inor O.enings in E?.osing Building +$ce 819 %n o&en#ng #n an e"posing building face not more than 130 cm2 sha'' not ,e cons#dered an unprotected opening. 9,1>,17, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion Bet2een Eouses 9,1>,17,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to buildings that, 2a3 conta#n on'y dwelling units and ha$e no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, and 2,3 are not des#gned #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.14. 9,1>,17,2, Are$ $nd Loc$tion o/ E?.osing Building +$ce 819 ;he area o( an e"posing building face sha'' ,e, 2a3 ta7en as the e5ter#or wa'' area (ac#ng #n one d#rect#on on any s#de o( a building, and 2,3 ca'cu'ated as, 2#3 the tota' area measured (rom the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' to the u&&ermost ce#'#ng, 2##3 the area (or each fire compartment where a building #s d#$#ded #nto fire compartments ,y fire separations w#th fire-resistance ratings not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2###3 where ;a,'e #s used to determ#ne ma5#mum area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs, the area o( any num,er o( #nd#$#dua' $ert#ca' &ort#ons o( the wa'' measured (rom the (#n#shed ground 'e$e' to the u&&ermost ce#'#ng. 829 For the &ur&ose o( us#ng ;a,'e to determ#ne the ma5#mum &erm#tted area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs #n an #rregu'ar'y-sha&ed or s7ewed e5ter#or wa'', the 'ocat#on o( the e"posing building face sha'' ,e ta7en as a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that there are no g'aCed o&en#ngs ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured. 8!9 +n determ#n#ng the re:u#red c'add#ng-sheath#ng assem,'y and fire-resistance rating (or an #rregu'ar'y-sha&ed or s7ewed e5ter#or wa'', the 'ocat#on o( the e"posing building face sha'' ,e ta7en as a $ert#ca' &'ane 'ocated so that no &ort#on o( the actua' e"posing building face #s ,etween the $ert#ca' &'ane and the '#ne to wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured. 859 ;he re:u#red limiting distance (or an e"posing building face #s &erm#tted to ,e measured to a &o#nt ,eyond the &ro&erty '#ne that #s not the centre '#ne o( a street, 'ane or &u,'#c thorough(are #(, 2a3 the owners o( the &ro&ert#es on wh#ch the limiting distance #s measured and the municipality enter #nto an agreement #n wh#ch such owners agree that, 2#3 each owner co$enants that, (or the ,ene(#t o( 'and owned ,y the other co$enantors, the owner w#'' not construct a building on h#s or her &ro&erty un'ess the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces #n res&ect o( the &ro&osed construction #s measured #n accordance w#th the agreement, 2##3 the co$enants conta#ned #n the agreement are #ntended to run w#th the 'ands, and the agreement sha'' ,e ,#nd#ng on the &art#es and the#r res&ect#$e he#rs, e5ecutors, adm#n#strators, successors and ass#gns, 2###3 the agreement sha'' not ,e amended or de'eted (rom t#t'e w#thout the consent o( the municipality, and 2#$3 they w#'' com&'y w#th such other cond#t#ons as the municipality cons#ders necessary, #nc'ud#ng #ndemn#(#cat#on o( the municipality ,y the other &art#es, and 44.

2,3 the agreement re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( the &ro&ert#es to wh#ch #t a&&'#es. 879 8here an agreement re(erred to #n /entence 243 #s reg#stered aga#nst the t#t'e o( a &ro&erty, the limiting distance (or e"posing building faces #n res&ect o( the construction o( any buildings on the &ro&erty sha'' ,e measured to the &o#nt re(erred to #n the agreement. 9,1>,17,!, In$de4u$te +ire/ig0ting +$cilities 819 8here there #s no (#re de&artment or where a (#re de&artment #s not organ#Ced, tra#ned and e:u#&&ed to meet the needs o( the commun#ty, the re:u#red limiting distance determ#ned (rom /entences and 213 and /entence, sha'' ,e dou,'ed (or a building that #s not sprin#lered. 9,1>,17,5, Gl$-ed O.enings in E?.osing Building +$ce 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 to 213, the ma5#mum area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs #n an e"posing building face sha'', 2a3 con(orm to ;a,'e, 2,3 con(orm to /u,sect#on 3.2.3. as #( the g'aCed o&en#ngs were unprotected openings, or 2c3 where the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 1.2 m, ,e e:ua' to or 'ess than the limiting distance s:uared. T$ble 9,1>,17,5, )$?imum Are$ o/ Gl$-ed O.enings in E?terior 6$lls o/ Eouses Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum ;ota' %rea o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace, mA 10 11 20 21 30 40 10 100 O$er 100 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 <a5#mum %ggregate %rea o( 4'aCed O&en#ngs, F o( 6"posing $uilding 7ace %rea <imiting +istance, m Less 1.2 1.1 2 2.1 3 4 6 10 12 16 than 1.2 0 12 21 33 11 96 100 I I I I 0 10 1. 21 3. 6. 100 I I I I 0 10 11 21 30 13 100 I I I I 0 9 13 19 26 41 100 I I I I 0 . 9 12 1. 23 39 100 I I I 0 . 11 11 20 32 69 100 I I I 0 . 10 14 1 2 1. 100 I I I 0 . 9 11 13 1 34 16 4 100 I 0 . . 9 10 12 19 2 40 11 92 14 20 I I I I I I I I 100 11 21 I I I I I I I I I

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9.

829 8here the '#m#ts on the area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs are determ#ned (or #nd#$#dua' &ort#ons o( the e5ter#or wa'', as descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause,32###3, the ma5#mum aggregate area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs (or any &ort#on sha'' not e5ceed the $a'ues #n the row o( ;a,'e (or the tota' area o( the ent#re e"posing building face ,ased on the limiting distance o( the #nd#$#dua' &ort#on. 8!9 ;he '#m#ts on the area o( g'aCed o&en#ngs sha'' not a&&'y to the e"posing building face o( a dwelling unit (ac#ng a detached garage or accessory building, where, 2a3 the detached garage or accessory building ser$es on'y one dwelling unit, 2,3 the detached garage or accessory building #s 'ocated on the same &ro&erty as that dwelling unit, and 2c3 the dwelling unit ser$ed ,y the detached garage or accessory building #s the on'y major occupancy on the &ro&erty. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, o&en#ngs #n a wa'' ha$#ng a limiting distance o( 'ess than 1.2 m sha'' ,e &rotected ,y closures, o( other than w#red g'ass or g'ass ,'oc7, whose fire-protection rating #s #n con(ormance w#th the fire-resistance rating re:u#red (or the wa''. 879 %n o&en#ng #n an e"posing building face not more than 130 cm2 sha'' not ,e cons#dered an unprotected opening. 9,1>,17,7, Construction o/ E?.osing Building +$ce o/ Eouses 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 243 and 263, each e"posing building face and any e5ter#or wa'' 'ocated a,o$e an e"posing building face that enc'oses an attic or roof space sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10. ., 2a3 (or the e"posing building face as a who'e, or 2,3 (or any num,er o( se&arate &ort#ons o( the e"posing building face. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y where, 2a3 the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 1.2 m, 44

2,3 the limiting distance #s 'ess than 1.2 m ,ut not 'ess than 0.6 m, &ro$#ded that the e"posing building face has a fireresistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n, or 2c3 the limiting distance #s 'ess than 0.6 m, &ro$#ded that the e"posing building face has a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n and #s c'ad w#th noncombustible mater#a'. 8!9 8here the limiting distance #s 'ess than 0.6 m, c'add#ng on the e"posing building face and on e5ter#or wa''s 'ocated a,o$e the e"posing building face that enc'ose an attic or roof spaces need not ,e noncombustible, &ro$#ded the c'add#ng, 2a3 con(orms to /u,sect#on 9.2..12., 2,3 #s #nsta''ed w#thout (urr#ng mem,ers o$er not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 gy&sum sheath#ng or o$er masonry, 2c3 has a flame-spread rating not more than 21 when tested #n accordance w#th /entence, and 2d3 #s not more than 2 mm #n th#c7ness e5c'us#$e o( (asteners, 0o#nts and 'oca' re#n(orcements. 859 ;he re:u#rements (or fire-resistance rating, ty&e o( construct#on and ty&e o( c'add#ng need not a&&'y to the e"posing building faces o( a dwelling unit and a detached garage or accessory building that (ace each other, where, 2a3 the detached garage or accessory building ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit, 2,3 the detached garage or accessory building #s 'ocated on the same &ro&erty as that dwelling unit, and 2c3 the dwelling unit ser$ed ,y the detached garage or accessory building #s the on'y major occupancy on the &ro&erty. 879 65ce&t (or buildings conta#n#ng 1 or 2 dwelling units on'y, combustible &ro0ect#ons on the e5ter#or o( a wa'' that are more than 1 000 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e', such as ,a'con#es, &'at(orms, canopies, ea$e &ro0ect#ons and sta#rs, and that cou'd e5&ose an ad0acent building to (#re s&read, sha'' not ,e &erm#tted w#th#n, 2a3 1.2 m o( a &ro&erty '#ne or the centre '#ne o( a public way, or 2,3 2.4 m o( a combustible &ro0ect#on on another building on the same &ro&erty. 8<9 =ea$y t#m,er and stee' co'umns need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 &ro$#ded the limiting distance #s not 'ess than 3 m. 9,1>,1<, +ire BlocAs 9,1>,1<,1, Re4uired +ire BlocAs in Conce$led (.$ces 819 )oncea'ed s&aces #n #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oors and craw' s&aces sha'' ,e se&arated ,y fire bloc#s (rom concea'ed s&aces #n e5ter#or wa''s and attic or roof spaces. 829 7ire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at a'' #nterconnect#ons ,etween concea'ed $ert#ca' and hor#Conta' s&aces #n #nter#or co$ed ce#'#ngs, dro& ce#'#ngs and so((#ts where the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the concea'ed s&aces ha$e a sur(ace flamespread rating greater than 21. 8!9 7ire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the to& and ,ottom o( each run o( sta#rs where they &ass through a ('oor conta#n#ng concea'ed s&ace #n wh#ch the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating greater than 21. 859 +n uns&r#n7'ered buildings o( combustible construction, e$ery concea'ed s&ace created ,y a ce#'#ng, roo( s&ace or unoccu&#ed att#c s&ace sha'' ,e se&arated ,y fire bloc#s #nto com&artments o( not more than 300 mA #n area where such s&ace conta#ns e5&osed construct#on mater#a's ha$#ng a sur(ace flame-spread rating greater than 21. 879 Bo d#mens#on o( the concea'ed s&ace descr#,ed #n /entence 243 sha'' e5ceed 20 m. 8<9 )oncea'ed s&aces #n mansard or gam,re' sty'e roo(s, e5ter#or corn#ces, ,a'con#es and cano&#es o( combustible construction #n wh#ch the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating e5ceed#ng 21 sha'' ha$e $ert#ca' fire bloc#s at #nter$a's o( not more than 20 m and at &o#nts where such concea'ed s&aces e5tend across the ends o( re:u#red $ert#ca' fire separations. 9,1>,1<,2, Re4uired +ire BlocAs in 6$ll Assemblies 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, fire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ,'oc7 o(( concea'ed s&aces w#th#n wa'' assem,'#es, #nc'ud#ng s&aces created ,y (urr#ng, 2a3 at each ('oor 'e$e', 2,3 at each ce#'#ng 'e$e' where the ce#'#ng contr#,utes to &art o( the re:u#red fire-resistance rating, and 2c3 at other 'ocat#ons w#th#n the wa'', so that the d#stance ,etween fire bloc#s does not e5ceed 20 m hor#Conta''y and 3 m $ert#ca''y. 829 7ire bloc#s re:u#red #n /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded, #(, 449

2a3 the #nsu'ated wa'' assem,'y conta#ns not more than one concea'ed a#r s&ace and the hor#Conta' th#c7ness o( that a#r s&ace #s not more than 21 mm, 2,3 the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace are noncombustible, or 2c3 the e5&osed construct#on mater#a's w#th#n the s&ace, #nc'ud#ng #nsu'at#on, ,ut not #nc'ud#ng w#r#ng, &#&#ng or s#m#'ar ser$#ces, ha$e a flame-spread rating o( not more than 21. 9,1>,1<,!, +ire BlocA )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, fire bloc#s sha'' ,e constructed o( mater#a's that w#'' rema#n #n &'ace and &re$ent the &assage o( ('ames (or not 'ess than 11 m#n when su,0ected to the standard (#re e5&osure #n )%B!@L)-/101, >F#re 6ndurance ;ests o( *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on and <ater#a's?. 829 7ire bloc#s are deemed to com&'y w#th /entence 213, #( they are constructed o( not 'ess than, 2a3 0.3 mm sheet stee', 2,3 12.. mm gy&sum wa'',oard, 2c3 12.1 mm &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard, w#th 0o#nts ha$#ng cont#nuous su&&orts, 2d3 2 'ayers o( 19 mm 'um,er w#th 0o#nts staggered, or 2e3 3 mm 'um,er. 8!9 +n a building &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction, sem#-r#g#d (#,re #nsu'at#on ,oard &roduced (rom g'ass, roc7 or s'ag, #s &erm#tted to ,e used to ,'oc7 the $ert#ca' s&ace #n a dou,'e-(rame wa'' assem,'y (ormed at the #ntersect#on o( the ('oor assem,'y and the wa''s, &ro$#ded the w#dth o( the $ert#ca' s&ace #s not more than 21 mm and the #nsu'at#on ,oard, 2a3 has a dens#ty not 'ess than 41 7g!m3, 2,3 #s secure'y (astened to one set o( studs, 2c3 e5tends (rom ,e'ow the ,ottom o( the to& &'ates #n the 'ower storey to a,o$e the to& o( the ,ottom &'ate #n the u&&er storey, and 2d3 com&'ete'y (#''s the nom#na' ga& o( 21 mm ,etween the headers and ,etween the wa'' &'ates. 9,1>,1<,5, %enetr$tion o/ +ire BlocAs 819 8here fire bloc#s are &#erced ,y &#&es, ducts or other e'ements, the e((ect#$eness o( the fire bloc#s sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned around such e'ements. 9,1>,1;, +l$me (.re$d Limits 9,1>,1;,1, +l$me:(.re$d R$ting o/ Interior (ur/$ces 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on, the e5&osed sur(ace o( e$ery #nter#or wa'' and ce#'#ng, #nc'ud#ng s7y'#ghts and g'aC#ng, sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 110. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, doors need not con(orm to /entence 213 &ro$#ded they ha$e a sur(ace flamespread rating o( not more than 200. 8!9 "oors w#th#n dwelling units, other than $eh#c'e garage doors, need not con(orm to /entences 213 and 223. 9,1>,1;,2, Ceilings in E?its or %ublic Corridors 819 %t 'east 90F o( the e5&osed sur(ace o( e$ery ce#'#ng #n an e"it or uns&r#n7'ered ce#'#ng #n a public corridor sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 21. 9,1>,1;,!, 6$lls in E?its 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, at 'east 90F o( the e5&osed sur(aces o( e$ery wa'' #n an e"it sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 21. 829 %t 'east .1F o( the wa'' sur(ace o( a 'o,,y used as an e"it #n %rt#c'e 9.9. .1. sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 21. 9,1>,1;,5, E?terior E?it %$ss$ge2$3s 819 8here an e5ter#or e"it &assageway &ro$#des the on'y means of egress (rom the rooms or suites #t ser$es, the wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes o( that &assageway, #nc'ud#ng the so((#t ,eneath and the guard on the &assageway, sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flamespread rating o( not more than 21, e5ce&t that u& to 10F o( the tota' wa'' area and 10F o( the tota' ce#'#ng area #s &erm#tted to ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 110. 9,1>,1;,7, 6$lls in %ublic Corridors 410

819 %t 'east 90F o( the tota' wa'' sur(ace #n any uns&r#n7'ered public corridor sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than .1, or at 'east 90F o( the u&&er ha'( o( such wa''s sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 21. 9,1>,1;,<, C$lcul$tion o/ 6$ll $nd Ceiling Are$s 819 /7y'#ghts, g'aC#ng, combustible doors, and combustible '#ght d#((users and 'enses sha'' not ,e cons#dered #n the ca'cu'at#on o( wa'' and ce#'#ng areas #n th#s /u,sect#on. 9,1>,1;,;, Corridors Cont$ining $n Occu.$nc3 819 8here a public corridor or a corr#dor used ,y the &u,'#c conta#ns an occupancy, the #nter#or (#n#sh mater#a's used on the wa''s or ce#'#ng o( such occupancy sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating #n con(ormance w#th that re:u#red (or public corridors. 9,1>,1;,=, Lig0t #i//users $nd Lenses 819 L#ght d#((users and 'enses ha$#ng flame-spread ratings that e5ceed those &erm#tted (or the ce#'#ng (#n#sh, sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 9,1>,1;,9, Combustible (A3lig0ts 819 +nd#$#dua' combustible s7y'#ghts #n corr#dors re:u#red to ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y fire separations sha'' not e5ceed 1 mA #n area and sha'' ,e s&aced not 'ess than 1.2 m a&art. 9,1>,1;,1>, %rotection o/ +o$med %l$stics 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, (oamed &'ast#cs that (orm &art o( a wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'y #n combustible construction sha'' ,e &rotected (rom ad0acent s&ace #n the building, other than ad0acent concea'ed s&aces w#th#n attic or roof spaces, craw' s&aces and wa'' assem,'#es, ,y, 2a3 one o( the (#n#shes descr#,ed #n /u,sect#ons 9.29.4. to 9.29.9., 2,3 sheet meta' mechan#ca''y (astened to the su&&ort#ng assem,'y #nde&endent o( the #nsu'at#on and ha$#ng a th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 0.3 mm and a me't#ng &o#nt not ,e'ow 610 ) &ro$#ded the building does not conta#n a 4rou& ) major occupancy, or 2c3 any therma' ,arr#er that meets the re:u#rements o( )'ause 829 Foamed &'ast#c #nsu'at#on ha$#ng a flame-spread rating o( not more than 100 #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n (actoryassem,'ed doors #n storage garages ser$#ng buildings o( residential occupancy &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the #nsu'at#on #s co$ered on the #nter#or w#th a meta''#c (o#', 2,3 the assem,'y has a sur(ace flame-spread rating o( not more than 200, and 2c3 the assem,'y #ncor&orates no a#r s&aces. 9,1>,1;,11, 6$lls $nd Ceilings in B$t0rooms 819 ;he #nter#or (#n#sh o( wa''s and ce#'#ngs #n ,athrooms w#th#n suites o( residential occupancy sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flamespread rating o( not more than 200. 9,1>,1;,12, Co1erings or Linings o/ #ucts 819 8here a co$er#ng or a '#n#ng #s used w#th a duct, such '#n#ng or co$er#ng sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating con(orm#ng to -art 6. 9,1>,1=, Al$rm $nd #etection (3stems 9,1>,1=,1, Access %ro1ided t0roug0 $ +ire2$ll 819 8here access #s &ro$#ded through a firewall, the re:u#rements #n th#s /u,sect#on sha'' a&&'y to the floor areas on ,oth s#des o( the firewall as #( they were #n the same building. 9,1>,1=,2, +ire Al$rm (3stem Re4uired 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 #n e$ery building that conta#ns more than 3 storeys, #nc'ud#ng storeys ,e'ow the first storey, 2,3 where the tota' occupant load e5ceeds 300, or 2c3 when the occupant load (or any major occupancy #n ;a,'e 9.10.1 .2. #s e5ceeded. 829 % (#re a'arm system #s not re:u#red #n a residential occupancy where an e"it or public corridor ser$es not more than 4 suites or where each suite has d#rect access to an e5ter#or e"it (ac#'#ty 'ead#ng to ground 'e$e'.


T$ble 9,1>,1=,2, )$?imum Occu.$nt Lo$d /or Buildings 2it0out +ire Al$rm (3stems Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.10.1 .2.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. %olumn & 9ajor ;ccupancy )'ass#(#cat#on 1esidential $usiness and personal services, mercantile <ow- or medium-hazard industrial %olumn 2 ;ccupant <oad %,o$e wh#ch F#re %'arm /ystem #s Re:u#red 10 2s'ee&#ng accommodat#on3 110 a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey .1 a,o$e or ,e'ow the first storey

9,1>,1=,!, #esign $nd Inst$ll$tion Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, (#re a'arm, (#re detect#on and smo7e detect#on de$#ces and systems, and the#r #nsta''at#on, sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 3.2.4. and %rt#c'es 3.2... . and 3.2...10. 829 %rt#c'es,,,,, and do not a&&'y to -art 9 buildings. 9,1>,1=,5, Rooms $nd (.$ces Re4uiring Ee$t #etectors or (moAe #etectors 819 8here a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red, e$ery public corridor #n buildings o( residential occupancy and e$ery e"it sta#r sha(t sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th smo#e detectors. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, #( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red #n a building, fire detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the (o''ow#ng s&aces: 2a3 storage rooms not w#th#n dwelling units, 2,3 service rooms not w#th#n dwelling units, 2c3 0an#torsD rooms, 2d3 rooms #n wh#ch haCardous su,stances are to ,e used or stored, 2e3 e'e$ator ho#stways, chutes and dum,wa#ter sha(ts, and 2(3 'aundry rooms #n buildings o( residential occupancy, e5ce&t those w#th#n dwelling units. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 243, heat detectors and smo#e detectors descr#,ed #n /entence 223, are not re:u#red #n dwelling units or #n sprin#lered buildings #n wh#ch the s&r#n7'er system #s e'ectr#ca''y su&er$#sed and e:u#&&ed w#th a water ('ow a'arm. 859 8here a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red #n a hotel, heat detectors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n e$ery room #n a suite and #n e$ery room not 'ocated #n a suite #n a floor area conta#n#ng a hotel, other than washrooms w#th#n a suite, saunas, re(r#gerated areas and sw#mm#ng &oo's. 9,1>,1=,7, (moAe #etectors in Recircul$ting Air E$ndling (3stems 819 65ce&t (or a rec#rcu'at#ng a#r system ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit, where a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed, e$ery rec#rcu'at#ng a#r hand'#ng system sha'' ,e des#gned to &re$ent the c#rcu'at#on o( smo7e u&on a s#gna' (rom a duct-ty&e smo#e detector where such system su&&'#es more than one suite on the same ('oor or ser$es more than 1 storey. 9,1>,1=,<, %ortions o/ Buildings Considered $s (e.$r$te Buildings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where a $ert#ca' fire separation ha$#ng a fire-resistance rating o( at 'east 1 h se&arates a &ort#on o( a building (rom the rema#nder o( the building and there are no o&en#ngs through the fire separation other than those (or &#&#ng, tu,#ng, w#r#ng and condu#t, the re:u#rements (or (#re a'arm and detect#on systems #s &erm#tted to ,e a&&'#ed to each &ort#on so se&arated as #( #t were a se&arate building. 829 ;he &erm#ss#on #n /entence 213 to cons#der se&arated &ort#ons o( a building as se&arate buildings does not a&&'y to service rooms and storage rooms. 9,1>,1=,;, Centr$l '$cuum (3stems 819 % centra' $acuum c'ean#ng system ser$#ng more than one suite or storey #n a building e:u#&&ed w#th a (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e des#gned to shut down u&on act#$at#on o( the (#re a'arm system. 9,1>,1=,=, O.en:Air (tor$ge G$r$ges 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 9.10.1 .1., a (#re a'arm system #s not re:u#red #n a storage garage con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 3.2.2. 3. &ro$#ded there are no other occupancies #n the building. 9,1>,1=,9, +ire Al$rm (3stem in $ Eotel 819 +( a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red #n a building conta#n#ng a hotel, a s#ng'e stage (#re a'arm system sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 9,1>,1=,1>, Commissioning o/ Li/e ($/et3 $nd +ire %rotection (3stems 412

819 8here '#(e sa(ety and (#re &rotect#on systems are #nsta''ed to com&'y w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( th#s )ode or the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B, the comm#ss#on#ng o( these #ntegrated systems must ,e &er(ormed as a who'e to ensure the &ro&er o&erat#on and #nter-re'at#onsh#& o( the systems. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y to a building that conta#ns on'y dwelling units and has no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit. 9,1>,19, (moAe Al$rms 9,1>,19,1, Re4uired (moAe Al$rms 819 Smo#e alarms con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/131, >/mo7e %'arms?, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit and #n each s'ee&#ng room not w#th#n a dwelling unit.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article 9,1>,19,1, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (entence& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !7, 5!9

829 Smo#e alarms descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a $#sua' s#gna''#ng com&onent con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements #n 1 .1.3. 2L#ght, )o'or and -u'se )haracter#st#cs3 o( BF-% .2, >Bat#ona' F#re %'arm and /#gna'#ng )ode?. 9,1>,19,2, (ound %$tterns o/ (moAe Al$rms 819 ;he sound &atterns o( smo#e alarms sha'', 2a3 meet the tem&ora' &atterns o( alarm signals, or 2,3 ,e a com,#nat#on o( tem&ora' &attern and $o#ce re'ay. 9,1>,19,!, Loc$tion o/ (moAe Al$rms 819 8#th#n dwelling units, su((#c#ent smo#e alarms sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that, 2a3 there #s at 'east one smo#e alarm #nsta''ed on each storey, #nc'ud#ng basements, and 2,3 on any storey o( a dwelling unit conta#n#ng s'ee&#ng rooms, a smo#e alarm #s #nsta''ed, 2#3 #n each s'ee&#ng room, and 2##3 #n a 'ocat#on ,etween the s'ee&#ng rooms and the rema#nder o( the storey, and #( the s'ee&#ng rooms are ser$ed ,y a ha''way, the smo#e alarm sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the ha''way. 829 % smo#e alarm re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/113, >+nsta''at#on o( /mo7e %'arms?. 8!9 Smo#e alarms re:u#red #n %rt#c'e and /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on or near the ce#'#ng.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !<, 5!9

8!9 % smo#e alarm re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ha$e a $#sua' s#gna''#ng com&onent con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements #n 1 .1.3. 2L#ght, )o'or and -u'se )haracter#st#cs3 o( BF-% .2, >Bat#ona' F#re %'arm and /#gna'#ng )ode?. 859 Smo#e alarms re:u#red #n %rt#c'e and /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on or near the ce#'#ng. 9,1>,19,5, %o2er (u..l3 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, smo#e alarms re:u#red #n /entence sha'', 2a3 ,e #nsta''ed w#th &ermanent connect#ons to an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t, 2,3 ha$e no d#sconnect sw#tch ,etween the o$ercurrent de$#ce and the smo#e alarm, and 2c3 #n case the regu'ar &ower su&&'y to the smo#e alarm #s #nterru&ted, ,e &ro$#ded w#th a ,attery as an a'ternat#$e &ower source that can cont#nue to &ro$#de &ower to the smo#e alarm (or a &er#od o( not 'ess than . days #n the norma' cond#t#on, (o''owed ,y 4 m#n o( a'arm. 829 8here the building #s not su&&'#ed w#th e'ectr#ca' &ower, smo#e alarms are &erm#tted to ,e ,attery o&erated. 8!9 Suites o( residential occupancy are &erm#tted to ,e e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e detectors #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms, &ro$#ded the smo#e detectors, 2a3 are ca&a,'e o( #nde&endent'y sound#ng aud#,'e s#gna's w#th#n the #nd#$#dua' suites, 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded ,y /entence 243, are #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, and 2c3 (orm &art o( the (#re a'arm system. 859 Smo#e detectors &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233 are &erm#tted to sound 'oca'#Ced a'arms w#th#n #nd#$#dua' suites, and need not sound an a'arm throughout the rest o( the building. 9,1>,19,7, Interconnection o/ (moAe Al$rms 413

819 8here more than one smo#e alarm #s re:u#red #n a dwelling unit, the smo#e alarms sha'' ,e w#red so that the act#$at#on o( one a'arm w#'' cause a'' a'arms w#th#n the dwelling unit to sound. 9,1>,19,<, (ilencing o/ (moAe Al$rms 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, a manua''y o&erated de$#ce sha'' ,e #ncor&orated w#th#n the c#rcu#try o( a smo#e alarm #nsta''ed #n a dwelling unit so that the s#gna' em#tted ,y the smo#e alarm can ,e s#'enced (or a &er#od o( not more than 10 m#n, a(ter wh#ch the smo#e alarm w#'' reset and sound aga#n #( the 'e$e' o( smo7e #n the $#c#n#ty #s su((#c#ent to reactuate #t. 829 Suites o( residential occupancy e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e detectors #nsta''ed to )%B!@L)-/124, >+nsta''at#on o( F#re %'arm /ystems?, wh#ch are &art o( the (#re a'arm system #n '#eu o( smo#e alarms as &erm#tted #n /entence, need not #ncor&orate the manua''y o&erated de$#ce re:u#red #n /entence 213. 9,1>,19,;, Instructions /or )$inten$nce $nd C$re 819 8here #nstruct#ons are necessary to descr#,e the ma#ntenance and care re:u#red (or smo#e alarms to ensure cont#nu#ng sat#s(actory &er(ormance, they sha'' ,e &osted #n a 'ocat#on where they w#'' ,e read#'y a$a#'a,'e to the occu&ants (or re(erence. 9,1>,2>, +ire/ig0ting 9,1>,2>,1, 6indo2s or Access %$nels Re4uired 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a w#ndow or access &ane' &ro$#d#ng an o&en#ng not 'ess than 1 100 mm h#gh and 110 mm w#de and ha$#ng a s#'' he#ght o( not more than 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on the second and th#rd storeys o( e$ery building #n at 'east one wa'' (ac#ng on a street #( such storeys are not sprin#lered. 829 %ccess &ane's re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e read#'y o&ena,'e (rom ,oth #ns#de and outs#de or ,e g'aCed w#th &'a#n g'ass. 8!9 %ccess &ane's re:u#red #n /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded #n buildings conta#n#ng on'y dwelling units where there #s no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit. 9,1>,2>,2, Access to B$sements 819 65ce&t #n basements ser$#ng not more than one dwelling unit, each uns&r#n7'ered basement e5ceed#ng 21 m #n 'ength or w#dth sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th d#rect access to the outdoors to at 'east one street. 829 %ccess re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded ,y a door, w#ndow or other means that &ro$#des an o&en#ng not 'ess than 1 100 mm h#gh and 110 mm w#de, the s#'' he#ght o( wh#ch sha'' not ,e more than 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor. 8!9 %ccess re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s a'so &erm#tted to ,e &ro$#ded ,y an #nter#or sta#r access#,'e (rom the outdoors. 9,1>,2>,!, +ire #e.$rtment Access to Buildings 819 %ccess (or (#re de&artment e:u#&ment sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to each building ,y means o( a street, &r#$ate roadway or yard. 829 8here access to a building as re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s &ro$#ded ,y means o( a roadway or yard, the des#gn and 'ocat#on o( such roadway or yard sha'' ta7e #nto account connect#on w#th &u,'#c thorough(ares, we#ght o( (#re(#ght#ng e:u#&ment, w#dth o( roadway, rad#us o( cur$es, o$erhead c'earance, 'ocat#on o( (#re hydrants, 'ocat#on o( (#re de&artment connect#ons and $eh#cu'ar &ar7#ng. 9,1>,2>,5, %ort$ble +ire E?tinguis0ers 819 -orta,'e (#re e5t#ngu#shers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a'' buildings, e5ce&t w#th#n dwelling units, #n con(ormance w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 9,1>,2>,7, +ree-e %rotection /or +ire %rotection (3stems 819 6:u#&ment (orm#ng &art o( a (#re &rotect#on system that may ,e ad$erse'y a((ected ,y (reeC#ng tem&eratures and that #s 'ocated #n an unheated area sha'' ,e &rotected (rom (reeC#ng. 9,1>,21, +ire %rotection /or Construction C$m.s 9,1>,21,1 Re4uirements /or Construction C$m.s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es to, camps for housing of wor#ers sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#ons 9.10.1. to 9.10.20. 9,1>,21,2, (e.$r$tion o/ ( Rooms 819 65ce&t (or s'ee&#ng rooms w#th#n dwelling units, s'ee&#ng rooms #n a building #n a camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each other and (rom the rema#nder o( the building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 30 m#n fireresistance rating. 414

9,1>,21,!, +loor Assemblies Bet2een t0e +irst $nd (econd (tore3 819 65ce&t #n a dwelling unit, a ('oor assem,'y #n a building #n a camp for housing of wor#ers se&arat#ng the first storey and the second storey sha'' ,e constructed as a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 30 m#n fire-resistance rating. 9,1>,21,5, 6$lA2$3s Connecting Buildings 819 5al#ways o( combustible construction connect#ng buildings sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each connected building ,y a fire separation ha$#ng not 'ess than a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating. 9,1>,21,7, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tions 819 $uildings #n a camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' ,e se&arated (rom each other ,y a d#stance o( not 'ess than 10 m un'ess otherw#se &erm#tted #n /u,sect#on 9.10.14. 9,1>,21,<, +l$me:(.re$d R$tings 819 65ce&t #n dwelling units and e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the sur(ace flame-spread rating o( wa'' and ce#'#ng sur(aces #n corr#dors and wal#ways, e5c'us#$e o( doors, sha'' not e5ceed 21 o$er not 'ess than 90 &er cent o( the e5&osed sur(ace area and not more than 110 o$er the rema#n#ng sur(ace area. 829 65ce&t w#th#n dwelling units, corr#dors that &ro$#de access to e"it (rom s'ee&#ng rooms and that ha$e a fire-resistance rating o( not 'ess than 41 m#n sha'' ha$e a flame-spread rating con(orm#ng to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9.10.1.. 9,1>,21,;, (moAe #etectors 819 65ce&t #n dwelling units, corr#dors &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (rom s'ee&#ng rooms #n e$ery building #n a camp for housing of wor#ers w#th s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or more than 10 &ersons sha'' ha$e a smo#e detector connected to the building a'arm system. 9,1>,21,=, %ort$ble +ire E?tinguis0ers 819 6ach building #n a camp for housing of wor#ers sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th &orta,'e (#re e5t#ngu#shers #n con(ormance w#th the &ro$#s#ons o( the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 9,1>,21,9, Eose (t$tions 819 6$ery building #n a camp for housing of wor#ers &ro$#d#ng s'ee&#ng accommodat#on (or more than 30 &ersons sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a hose stat#on that #s &rotected (rom (reeC#ng and e:u#&&ed w#th a hose o( su((#c#ent 'ength so that e$ery &ort#on o( the building #s w#th#n the range o( a hose stream. 829 =ose stat#ons re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'ocated near an e"it. 8!9 =oses re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm #ns#de d#am and sha'' ,e connected to a centra' water su&&'y or to a storage tan7 ha$#ng a ca&ac#ty o( at 'east 4 100 L w#th a &um&#ng system ca&a,'e o( su&&'y#ng a ('ow o( at 'east 1 L!s at a gauge &ressure o( 300 7-a. 9,1>,22, +ire %rotection /or G$s, %ro.$ne $nd Electric CooAto.s 9,1>,22,1, Inst$ll$tion o/ R$nges 819 Reser$ed 829 )'earances (or and &rotect#on around gas, &ro&ane and e'ectr#c ranges sha'' ,e not 'ess than those &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es and 9,1>,22,2, 'ertic$l Cle$r$nces $bo1e CooAto.s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, (ram#ng, (#n#shes and ca,#netry #nsta''ed d#rect'y a,o$e the 'ocat#on o( the coo#top sha'' ,e not 'ess than .10 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' o( coo#top ,urners or e'ements. 829 ;he $ert#ca' c'earance descr#,ed #n /entence 213 (or (ram#ng, (#n#shes and ca,#nets 'ocated d#rect'y a,o$e the 'ocat#on o( the coo#top #s &erm#tted to ,e reduced to 600 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the e'ements or ,urners &ro$#ded the (ram#ng, (#n#shes and ca,#nets, 2a3 are noncombustible, or 2,3 are &rotected ,y, 2#3 as,estos m#'',oard not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7, co$ered w#th sheet meta' not 'ess than 0.33 mm th#c7, or 2##3 a meta' hood w#th a 121 mm &ro0ect#on ,eyond the (ram#ng, (#n#shes and ca,#nets. 9,1>,22,!, %rotection Around CooAto.s


819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, combustible wa'' (ram#ng, (#n#shes or ca,#nets w#th#n 410 mm o( the area where the coo#top #s to ,e 'ocated sha'' ,e &rotected a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the heat#ng e'ements or ,urners ,y mater#a' &ro$#d#ng (#re res#stance not 'ess than that o( a 9.1 mm th#c7ness o( gy&sum ,oard. 829 )ounterto& s&'ash ,oards or ,ac7 &'ates that e5tend a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the heat#ng e'ements or ,urners need not ,e &rotected as descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 65ce&t (or ca,#netry descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, ca,#netry 'ocated not 'ess than 410 mm a,o$e the 'e$e' o( the heat#ng e'ements or ,urners need not ,e &rotected as descr#,ed #n /entence 213. (ection 9,11, (ound Control 9,11,1, (ound Tr$nsmission Cl$ss R$ting 8Airborne (ound9 9,11,1,1, #etermin$tion o/ (ound Tr$nsmission Cl$ss R$tings 819 /ound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ngs sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %/;< 6413, >)'ass#(#cat#on (or Rat#ng /ound +nsu'at#on?, us#ng resu'ts (rom measurements #n accordance w#th, 2a3 %/;< 690, >La,oratory <easurement o( %#r,orne /ound ;ransm#ss#on Loss o( *u#'d#ng -art#t#ons and 6'ements?, or 2,3 %/;< 6336, ><easurement o( %#r,orne /ound %ttenuat#on *etween Rooms #n *u#'d#ngs?. 9,11,2, Re4uired (ound Control Loc$tions 8Airborne (ound9 9,11,2,1, )inimum (ound Tr$nsmission Cl$ss R$tings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, e$ery dwelling unit and e$ery suite #n hotels sha'' ,e se&arated (rom e$ery other s&ace #n a building #n wh#ch no#se may ,e generated, ,y an assem,'y &ro$#d#ng a sound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ng o( at 'east 10, measured #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.11.1. or as '#sted #n ;a,'es 1 and 2 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, >F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es?. 829 8here a dwelling unit or suite #n a hotel #s ad0acent to an e'e$ator sha(t or a re(use chute, the se&arat#ng assem,'y sha'' ha$e a sound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ng o( at 'east 11, measured #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.11.1. or as '#sted #n ;a,'es 1 and 2 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, >F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es?. 9,11,2,2, Building (er1ices in $n Assembl3 819 $uilding ser$#ces 'ocated #n an assem,'y re:u#red to ha$e a sound transm#ss#on c'ass rat#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a manner that w#'' not decrease the re:u#red rat#ng o( the assem,'y. (ection 9,12, E?c$1$tion 9,12,1, Gener$l 9,12,1,1, Remo1$l o/ To.soil $nd Org$nic )$tter 819 ;he to&so#' and $egeta,'e matter #n a'' une5ca$ated areas under a building sha'' ,e remo$ed. 829 +n 'oca'#t#es where term#te #n(estat#on #s 7nown to ,e a &ro,'em, a'' stum&s, roots and other wood de,r#s sha'' ,e remo$ed (rom the soil to a de&th o( not 'ess than 300 mm #n une5ca$ated areas under a building. 8!9 ;he ,ottom o( e$ery e"cavation sha'' ,e (ree o( a'' organ#c mater#a'. 9,12,1,2, (t$nding 6$ter 819 6"cavations sha'' ,e 7e&t (ree o( stand#ng water. 9,12,1,!, %rotection /rom +ree-ing 819 ;he ,ottom o( e"cavations sha'' ,e 7e&t (rom (reeC#ng throughout the ent#re construct#on &er#od. 9,12,1,5, %rec$utions #uring E?c$1$tion 819 6$ery e"cavation sha'' ,e underta7en #n such a manner to &re$ent damage to ad0acent &ro&erty, e5#st#ng structures, ut#'#t#es, roads and s#dewa'7s at a'' stages o( construct#on. 829 <ater#a' sha'' not ,e &'aced nor sha'' e:u#&ment ,e o&erated or &'aced #n or ad0acent to an e"cavation #n a manner that may endanger the #ntegr#ty o( the e"cavation or #ts su&&orts. 9,12,2, #e.t0 9,12,2,1, E?c$1$tion to ndisturbed (oil 819 6"cavations (or foundations sha'' e5tend to und#stur,ed soil. 9,12,2,2, )inimum #e.t0 o/ +ound$tions


819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 to 2.3, the m#n#mum de&th o( foundations ,e'ow (#n#shed ground 'e$e' sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,12,2,2, )inimum #e.t0s o/ +ound$tions Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( Soil 1oc# )oarse gra#ned soils /#'t )'ay or soils not c'ear'y de(#ned )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum "e&th o( 7oundation )onta#n#ng =eated $asement or )raw' /&ace213 4ood Soil "ra#nage -oor Soil "ra#nage Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t 1.2 m233 Bo '#m#t 1.2 m )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 <#n#mum "e&th o( 7oundation )onta#n#ng no =eated /&ace223 4ood Soil "ra#nage -oor Soil "ra#nage Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t Bo '#m#t *e'ow the de&th o( (rost &enetrat#on *e'ow the de&th o( (rost *e'ow the de&th o( &enetrat#on233 (rost &enetrat#on 1.2 m ,ut not 'ess than the 1.2 m ,ut not 'ess de&th o( (rost &enetrat#on233 than the de&th o( (rost &enetrat#on

1. 2. 3. 4.

Notes to T$ble 9,12,2,2,&

213 223 233

7oundation not #nsu'ated to reduce heat 'oss through the (oot#ngs. +nc'ud#ng foundations conta#n#ng heated s&ace #nsu'ated to reduce heat 'oss through the (oot#ngs. 4ood soil dra#nage to not 'ess than the de&th o( (rost &enetrat#on.

829 8here a foundation #s #nsu'ated #n a manner that w#'' reduce the heat ('ow to the soil ,eneath the (oot#ngs, the foundation de&th sha'' con(orm to that re:u#red (or foundations conta#n#ng no heated s&ace. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum de&th o( foundations (or e5ter#or concrete ste&s w#th more than 2 r#sers sha'' con(orm to /entences 213, 223 and 213. 859 )oncrete ste&s w#th 1 and 2 r#sers are &erm#tted to ,e 'a#d on ground 'e$e'. 879 ;he foundation de&ths re:u#red #n /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e decreased where e5&er#ence w#th 'oca' soil cond#t#ons shows that 'esser de&ths are sat#s(actory, or where the foundation #s des#gned (or 'esser de&ths. 8<9 ;he foundation de&ths re:u#red #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to foundations (or,

2a3 buildings,
2#3 that are not o( masonry or masonry $eneer construct#on, and 2##3 whose su&erstructure con(orms w#th the re:u#rements o( the de(ormat#on res#stance test #n )/% O240.2.1, >/tructura' Re:u#rements (or <anu(actured =omes?, or 2,3 accessory buildings, 2#3 that are not o( masonry or masonry $eneer construct#on, 2##3 not more than 1 storey #n building height, 2###3 not more than 11 mA #n building area, and 2#$3 where the d#stance (rom the (#n#shed ground to the unders#de o( the ('oor 0o#sts #s not more than 600 mm. 8;9 ;he foundation de&ths re:u#red #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to foundations (or dec7s and other access#,'e e5ter#or &'at(orms, 2a3 that are o( not more than 1 storey, 2,3 that are not more than 11 mA #n area, 2c3 where the d#stance (rom the (#n#shed ground to the unders#de o( the ('oor 0o#sts #s not more than 600 mm, 2d3 that are not su&&ort#ng a roo(, and 2e3 that are not attached to another structure, un'ess #t can ,e demonstrated that d#((erent#a' mo$ement w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect the &er(ormance o( that structure. 9,12,!, B$cA/ill 9,12,!,1, %l$cement o/ B$cA/ill


819 *ac7(#'' sha'' ,e &'aced to a$o#d damag#ng the foundation wa'', the dra#nage t#'e, dra#nage 'ayer, e5terna''y a&&'#ed therma' #nsu'at#on, water&roo(#ng and dam&&roo(#ng o( the wa''. 9,12,!,2, Gr$ding o/ B$cA/ill 819 *ac7(#'' sha'' ,e graded to &re$ent dra#nage towards the foundation a(ter sett'#ng. 9,12,!,!, #eleterious #ebris $nd Boulders 819 *ac7(#'' w#th#n 600 mm o( the foundation sha'' ,e (ree o( de'eter#ous de,r#s and ,ou'ders 'arger than 210 mm d#am. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, ,ac7(#'' sha'' not conta#n &yr#t#c mater#a' or mater#a' that #s susce&t#,'e to #ce 'ens#ng #n concentrat#ons that w#'' damage the building to a degree that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect #ts sta,#'#ty or the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments. 8!9 *ac7(#'' w#th mater#a' o( any concentrat#on that #s susce&t#,'e to #ce 'ens#ng #s &erm#tted where foundation wa''s are cast-#n-&'ace concrete, concrete ,'oc7 #nsu'ated on the e5ter#or or concrete ,'oc7 &rotected (rom the ,ac7(#'' ,y a mater#a' that ser$es as a s'#& &'ane. 9,12,!,5, L$ter$l (u..ort o/ +ound$tion 6$ll 819 8here the he#ght o( foundation wa'' #s such that 'atera' su&&ort #s re:u#red, or where the re:u#red concrete strength o( the wa'' has not ,een reached, the wa'' sha'' ,e ,raced or 'atera''y su&&orted ,e(ore ,ac7(#''#ng. 9,12,5, Trenc0es Bene$t0 +ootings 9,12,5,1, Com.$cting or +illing 6it0 Concrete 819 ;he soil #n trenches ,eneath (oot#ngs (or sewers and waterma#ns sha'' ,e com&acted ,y tam&#ng u& to the 'e$e' o( the (oot#ng ,ase, or sha'' ,e (#''ed w#th concrete ha$#ng a strength not 'ess than 10 <-a to su&&ort the (oot#ng. (ection 9,1!, #$m..roo/ing, 6$ter.roo/ing $nd (oil G$s Control 9,1!,1, Gener$l 9,1!,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the contro' o( mo#sture and soil gas #ngress through wa''s, ('oors, and roo(s #n contact w#th the ground. 9,1!,2, #$m..roo/ing 9,1!,2,1, #$m..roo/ing 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, where the e5ter#or (#n#shed ground 'e$e' #s at a h#gher e'e$at#on than the ground 'e$e' #ns#de the foundation wa''s, e5ter#or sur(aces o( foundation wa''s ,e'ow ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e dam&&roo(ed. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233 and %rt#c'e, ('oors-on-ground sha'' ,e dam&&roo(ed. 8!9 F'oors #n garages, ('oors #n unenc'osed &ort#ons o( buildings and ('oors #nsta''ed o$er granu'ar fill #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e need not ,e dam&&roo(ed. 859 "am&&roo(#ng #n /entence 213 #s not re:u#red where the e5ter#or sur(aces o( foundation wa''s ,e'ow ground 'e$e' are water&roo(ed. 9,1!,2,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on, mater#a's used (or e5ter#or dam&&roo(#ng sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..1-<, >)hem#ca' 6mu's#(#ed ;y&e, 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng?, 2,3 )%B!)4/*-3..2-<, >6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't, <#nera' )o''o#d ;y&e, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng and (or Roo( )oat#ngs?, 2c3 )4/* 3.-4--6<a, >%s&ha't, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?, 2d3 )%B!)4/*-3..16-<, >F#''ed, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2e3 )4/* 3.-4--1 <a, >;ar, )ut,ac7, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng?, 2(3 )%B!)4/*-11.34-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet, (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?, 2g3 )%B!)/%-%123.4, >%s&ha't (or )onstruct#ng *u#'t-@& Roo( )o$er#ngs and 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems,? or 2h3 )4/* 3.-4--16<, ><em,rane, <od#(#ed, *#tum#nous, -re(a,r#cated, and Re#n(orced (or Roo(#ng?. 9,1!,2,!, (t$nd$rds /or A..lic$tion 819 ;he method o( a&&'#cat#on o( a'' ,#tum#nous dam&&roo(#ng mater#a's sha'' con(orm to, 41

2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..3-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2,3 )4/* 3.-4--12<a, >%&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng?, or 2c3 )%B!)4/*-3..22-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( @n(#''ed, )ut,ac7 ;ar Foundat#on )oat#ng (or "am&&roo(#ng?. 9,1!,2,5, %re.$r$tion o/ (ur/$ce 819 @n#t masonry wa''s to ,e dam&&roo(ed sha'' ,e, 2a3 &arged on the e5ter#or (ace ,e'ow ground 'e$e' w#th not 'ess than 6 mm o( mortar con(orm#ng to /ect#on 9.20., and 2,3 co$ed o$er the (oot#ng when the (#rst course o( ,'oc7 #s 'a#d. 829 )oncrete wa''s to ,e dam&&roo(ed sha'' ha$e ho'es and recesses resu't#ng (rom the remo$a' o( (orm t#es sea'ed w#th cement mortar or dam&&roo(#ng mater#a'. 8!9 ;he sur(ace o( #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s to ,e dam&&roo(ed sha'' ,e re&a#red and (ree o( &ro0ect#ons and de&ress#ons that cou'd ,e detr#menta' to the &er(ormance o( the mem,rane to ,e a&&'#ed. 9,1!,2,7, A..lic$tion o/ #$m..roo/ing )$teri$l 819 "am&&roo(#ng mater#a' sha'' ,e a&&'#ed o$er the &arg#ng or concrete ,e'ow ground 'e$e'. 9,1!,2,<, )oisture %rotection /or Interior +inis0es 819 ;he #nter#or sur(ace o( foundation wa''s ,e'ow ground 'e$e' sha'' ,e &rotected ,y means that m#n#m#Ce the #ngress o( mo#sture (rom the foundation wa'' #nto #nter#or s&aces where, 2a3 a se&arate #nter#or (#n#sh #s a&&'#ed to a concrete or un#t masonry wa'' that #s #n contact w#th the soil, or 2,3 wood mem,ers are &'aced #n contact w#th such wa''s (or the #nsta''at#on o( #nsu'at#on or (#n#sh. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, where the &rotect#on o( #nter#or (#n#shes re:u#red #n /entence 213 cons#sts o( mem,ranes or coat#ngs, 2a3 the mem,rane or coat#ng sha'' e5tend (rom the basement ('oor sur(ace u& to the h#ghest e5tent o( the #nter#or #nsu'at#on or (#n#sh, ,ut not h#gher than the e5ter#or (#n#shed ground 'e$e', and 2,3 no mem,rane or coat#ng w#th a &ermeance 'ess than 1.0 ng!2-a[s[m 23 sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to the #nter#or sur(ace o( the foundation wa'' a,o$e ground 'e$e' ,etween the #nsu'at#on and the foundation wa''. 8!9 8here #nsu'at#on (unct#ons as ,oth mo#sture &rotect#on (or #nter#or (#n#shes and as a vapour barrier #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.21.4., #t sha'' ,e a&&'#ed o$er the ent#re #nter#or sur(ace o( the foundation wa''. 9,1!,2,;, #$m..roo/ing o/ +loors:on:Ground 819 8here ('oors are dam&&roo(ed, the dam&&roo(#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,e'ow the ('oor, e5ce&t that where a se&arate ('oor #s &ro$#ded o$er a s'a,, the dam&&roo(#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e a&&'#ed to the to& o( the s'a,. 829 8here #nsta''ed ,e'ow the ('oor, dam&&roo(#ng mem,ranes sha'' cons#st o( &o'yethy'ene not 'ess than 0.11 mm th#c7, or ;y&e / ro'' roo(#ng. 8!9 Jo#nts #n dam&&roo(#ng mem,ranes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 100 mm. 859 8here #nsta''ed a,o$e the s'a,, dam&&roo(#ng sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 no (ewer than 2 mo&&ed-on coats o( ,#tumen, 2,3 not 'ess than 0.01 mm &o'yethy'ene, or 2c3 other mater#a' &ro$#d#ng e:u#$a'ent &er(ormance. 9,1!,2,=, #$m..roo/ing o/ %reser1ed 6ood +ound$tion 6$lls 819 -reser$ed wood foundation wa''s sha'' ,e dam&&roo(ed as descr#,ed #n )%B!)/%-/406, >)onstruct#on o( -reser$ed 8ood Foundat#ons?. 9,1!,!, 6$ter.roo/ing 9,1!,!,1, Re4uired 6$ter.roo/ing 819 8here hydrostat#c &ressure occurs, water&roo(#ng #s re:u#red (or e5ter#or sur(aces o(, 2a3 ('oors-on-ground, and 2,3 ,e'ow ground wa''s, where the e5ter#or (#n#shed ground 'e$e' #s at a h#gher e'e$at#on than the ground 'e$e' #ns#de the foundation wa''s. 829 Roo(s o( underground structures sha'' ,e water&roo(ed to &re$ent the entry o( water #nto the structure. 419

9,1!,!,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on, mater#a's used (or e5ter#or water&roo(#ng sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..2-<, >6mu's#(#ed %s&ha't, <#nera'-)o''o#d ;y&e, @n(#''ed, (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng and (or Roo( )oat#ngs?, 2,3 )%B!)4/*-3..16-<, >F#''ed, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't (or "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2c3 )%B!)/%-%123.4, >%s&ha't (or )onstruct#ng *u#'t-@& Roo( )o$er#ngs and 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems?, or 2d3 )4/* 3.-4--16<, ><em,rane, <od#(#ed, *#tum#nous, -re(a,r#cated, and Re#n(orced (or Roo(#ng?. 9,1!,!,!, (t$nd$rds /or A..lic$tion 819 ;he method o( a&&'#cat#on o( a'' ,#tum#nous water&roo(#ng mater#a's sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-3..3-<, >%&&'#cat#on o( 6mu's#(#ed %s&ha'ts (or "am&&roo(#ng or 8ater&roo(#ng?. 9,1!,!,5, %re.$r$tion o/ (ur/$ce 819 @n#t masonry wa''s that are to ,e water&roo(ed sha'' ,e &arged on e5ter#or sur(aces ,e'ow ground 'e$e' w#th not 'ess than 6 mm o( mortar con(orm#ng to /ect#on 9.20. 829 )oncrete wa''s that are to ,e water&roo(ed sha'' ha$e a'' ho'es and recesses resu't#ng (rom remo$a' o( (orm t#es sea'ed w#th mortar or water&roo(#ng mater#a'. 8!9 ;he sur(ace o( #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s that are to ,e water&roo(ed sha'' ,e re&a#red and (ree o( &ro0ect#ons and de&ress#ons that cou'd ,e detr#menta' to the &er(ormance o( the mem,rane to ,e a&&'#ed. 9,1!,!,7, A..lic$tion o/ 6$ter.roo/ing )embr$nes 819 )oncrete or un#t masonry wa''s to ,e water&roo(ed sha'' ,e co$ered w#th no (ewer than 2 'ayers o( ,#tumen-saturated mem,rane, w#th each 'ayer cemented #n &'ace w#th ,#tumen and coated o$era'' w#th a hea$y coat#ng o( ,#tumen. 9,1!,!,<, +loor 6$ter.roo/ing (3stem 819 $asement ('oors-on-ground to ,e water&roo(ed sha'' ha$e a system o( mem,rane water&roo(#ng &ro$#ded ,etween 2 'ayers o( concrete, each o( wh#ch sha'' ,e not 'ess than .1 mm th#c7, w#th the ('oor mem,rane mo&&ed to the wa'' mem,rane to (orm a com&'ete sea'. 9,1!,5, (oil G$s Control 9,1!,5,1, (oil G$s Control 819 8here methane or radon gases are 7nown to ,e a &ro,'em, construct#on sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements (or soil gas contro' #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, >Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro'?. 9,1!,5,2, Re4uired (oil G$s Control 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a'' wa'', roo( and ('oor assem,'#es #n contact w#th the ground sha'' ,e constructed to res#st the 'ea7age o( soil gas (rom the ground #nto the building. 829 )onstruct#on to res#st 'ea7age o( soil gas #nto the building #s not re:u#red (or, 2a3 garages and unenc'osed &ort#ons o( buildings, 2,3 buildings constructed #n areas where #t can ,e demonstrated that soil gas does not const#tute a haCard, or 2c3 buildings that conta#n a s#ng'e dwelling unit and are constructed to &ro$#de (or su,('oor de&ressur#Cat#on #n accordance w#th <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, >Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro'?. 8!9 8here soil gas contro' #s re:u#red, a soil gas ,arr#er sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at wa''s and roo(s #n contact w#th the ground accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, >Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro'?. 859 8here soil gas contro' #s re:u#red, #t sha'' cons#st o( one o( the (o''ow#ng at ('oors #n contact w#th the ground: 2a3 a soil gas ,arr#er #nsta''ed accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, >Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro'?, or 2,3 where the building conta#ns a s#ng'e dwelling unit on'y, a su,('oor de&ressur#Cat#on system #nsta''ed accord#ng to <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-9, >Re:u#rements (or /o#' 4as )ontro'?. 9,1!,5,!, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 <ater#a's used to &ro$#de a ,arr#er to soil gas #ngress through ('oors-on-ground sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.34-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet, (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?. (ection 9,15, #r$in$ge 460

9,15,1, (co.e 9,15,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to su,sur(ace dra#nage and to sur(ace dra#nage. 9,15,1,2, Cr$2l (.$ces 819 "ra#nage (or craw' s&aces sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.1 . 9,15,1,!, +loors:on:Ground 819 "ra#nage re:u#rements ,eneath ('oors-on-ground sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.16. 9,15,2, +ound$tion #r$in$ge 9,15,2,1, +ound$tion 6$ll #r$in$ge 819 @n'ess #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, dra#nage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the ,ottom o( e$ery foundation wa'' that conta#ns the building #nter#or. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 243 and 213, where the #nsu'at#on on a foundation wa'' e5tends to more than 900 mm ,e'ow the ad0acent e5ter#or ground 'e$e', 2a3 a dra#nage 'ayer sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to the e5ter#or sur(ace o( a foundation wa'' cons#st#ng o(, 2#3 not 'ess than 19 mm m#nera' (#,re #nsu'at#on w#th a dens#ty o( not 'ess than 1. 7g!m 3, or 2##3 not 'ess than 100 mm o( (ree dra#n#ng granu'ar mater#a', or 2,3 a system sha'' ,e #nsta''ed that can ,e shown to &ro$#de e:u#$a'ent &er(ormance to that &ro$#ded ,y the mater#a's descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3. 8!9 8here m#nera' (#,re #nsu'at#on, crushed roc7 ,ac7(#'' or other dra#nage 'ayer med#um #s &ro$#ded ad0acent to the e5ter#or sur(ace o( a foundation wa'', 2a3 the #nsu'at#on, ,ac7(#'' or other dra#nage 'ayer med#um sha'' e5tend to the (oot#ng 'e$e' to (ac#'#tate dra#nage o( ground water to the foundation dra#nage system, and 2,3 any &yr#t#c mater#a' #n the crushed roc7 sha'' ,e '#m#ted to a concentrat#on that w#'' not damage the building to a degree that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect #ts sta,#'#ty or the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments. 859 65ce&t when the #nsu'at#on &ro$#des the dra#nage 'ayer re:u#red #n )'ause 2232a3, when e5ter#or #nsu'at#on #s &ro$#ded, the dra#nage 'ayer sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on the e5ter#or (ace o( the #nsu'at#on. 879 ;he dra#nage 'ayer re:u#red #n /entence 223 #s not re:u#red, 2a3 when the foundation wa'' #s not re:u#red to ,e dam&&roo(ed, or 2,3 when the foundation wa'' #s water&roo(ed. 8<9 8here dra#nage #s re:u#red #n /entence 213, the dra#nage sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.14.3. or 9.14.4. 9,15,!, #r$in$ge Tile $nd %i.e 9,15,!,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 "ra#n t#'e and dra#n &#&e (or foundation dra#nage sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< )4, >)'ay "ra#n ;#'e and -er(orated )'ay "ra#n ;#'e?, 2,3 %/;< )412<, >)oncrete "ra#n ;#'e 2<etr#c3?, 2c3 %/;< )444<, >-er(orated )oncrete -#&e 2<etr#c3?, 2d3 %/;< ).00, >H#tr#(#ed )'ay -#&e, 65tra /trength, /tandard /trength and -er(orated?, 2e3 )%B!)4/*-34.22, >%s,estos-)ement "ra#n -#&e?, 2(3 )%B!)/%-*1 2.1, >-'ast#c "ra#n and /ewer -#&e and -#&e F#tt#ngs?, 2g3 )%B!)/%-4401, >)orrugated /tee' -#&e -roducts?, or 2h3 *BM 3624-111, >-o'yethy'ene 2-63 -#&e F#tt#ngs N F'e5#,'e -#&es (or "ra#nage N )haracter#st#cs and ;est <ethods?. 9,15,!,2, )inimum (i-e 819 "ra#n t#'e or &#&e used (or foundation dra#nage sha'' ,e not 'ess than 100 mm #n d#am. 9,15,!,!, Inst$ll$tion 461

819 "ra#n t#'e or &#&e sha'' ,e 'a#d on und#stur,ed or we''-com&acted soil so that the to& o( the t#'e or &#&e #s ,e'ow the ,ottom o( the ('oor s'a, or the ground co$er o( the craw' s&ace. 829 "ra#n t#'e or &#&e w#th ,utt 0o#nts sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th 6 mm to 10 mm o&en 0o#nts. 8!9 ;he to& ha'( o( 0o#nts re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e co$ered w#th sheath#ng &a&er, 0.10 mm &o'yethy'ene or Bo. 11 as&ha't or tar-saturated (e't. 859 ;he to& and s#des o( dra#n &#&e or t#'e sha'' ,e co$ered w#th not 'ess than 110 mm o( crushed stone or other coarse c'ean granu'ar mater#a' conta#n#ng not more than 10F o( mater#a' that w#'' &ass a 4 mm s#e$e. 9,15,5, Gr$nul$r #r$in$ge L$3er 9,15,5,1, T3.e o/ Gr$nul$r )$teri$l 819 4ranu'ar mater#a' used to dra#n the ,ottom o( a foundation sha'' cons#st o( a cont#nuous 'ayer o( crushed stone or other coarse c'ean granu'ar mater#a' conta#n#ng, 2a3 not more than 10F o( mater#a' that w#'' &ass a 4 mm s#e$e, and 2,3 no &yr#t#c mater#a' #n a concentrat#on that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect #ts sta,#'#ty or the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments. 9,15,5,2, Inst$ll$tion 819 4ranu'ar mater#a' descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e sha'' ,e 'a#d on und#stur,ed or com&acted soil to a m#n#mum de&th o( not 'ess than 121 mm ,eneath the (oot#ng o( the building and e5tend not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the outs#de edge o( the (oot#ngs. 9,15,5,!, Gr$ding 819 ;he ,ottom o( an e"cavation dra#ned ,y a granu'ar 'ayer sha'' ,e graded so that the ent#re area descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e #s dra#ned to a sum& con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 9,15,5,5, 6et (ite Conditions 819 8here ,ecause o( wet s#te cond#t#ons soil ,ecomes m#5ed w#th the granu'ar dra#nage mater#a', su((#c#ent add#t#ona' granu'ar mater#a' sha'' ,e &ro$#ded so that the to& 121 mm #s 7e&t (ree o( soil. 9,15,7, #r$in$ge #is.os$l 9,15,7,1, #r$in$ge #is.os$l 819 7oundation dra#ns sha'' dra#n to a sewer, dra#nage d#tch or dry we''. 9,15,7,2, (um. %its 819 8here gra$#ty dra#nage #s not &ract#ca', a co$ered sum& w#th an automat#c &um& sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to d#scharge the water #nto a sewer, dra#nage d#tch or dry we''. 829 )o$ers (or sum& &#ts sha'' ,e, 2a3 des#gned to res#st remo$a' ,y ch#'dren, and 2,3 sea'ed #n accordance w#th /entence 9,15,7,!, #r3 6ells 819 "ry we''s are &erm#tted to ,e used on'y when 'ocated #n areas where the natura' groundwater 'e$e' #s ,e'ow the ,ottom o( the dry we''. 829 "ry we''s sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 m (rom the building foundation and 'ocated so that dra#nage #s away (rom the building. 9,15,<, (ur/$ce #r$in$ge 9,15,<,1, (ur/$ce #r$in$ge 819 ;he building sha'' ,e 'ocated or the building s#te graded so that water w#'' not accumu'ate at or near the building and w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect ad0acent &ro&ert#es. 9,15,<,2, #r$in$ge $2$3 /rom 6ells or Le$c0ing Beds 819 /ur(ace dra#nage sha'' ,e d#rected away (rom the 'ocat#on o( a water su&&'y we'' or leaching bed. 9,15,<,!, 6indo2 6ells 819 6$ery w#ndow we'' sha'' ,e dra#ned to the (oot#ng 'e$e' or other su#ta,'e 'ocat#on. 9,15,<,5, C$tc0 B$sin 462

819 8here runo(( water (rom a dr#$eway #s '#7e'y to accumu'ate or enter a garage, a catch ,as#n sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de ade:uate dra#nage. 9,15,<,7, #o2ns.outs 819 "owns&outs sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 9.26.1 .2. (ection 9,17, +ootings $nd +ound$tions 9,17,1, A..lic$tion 9,17,1,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es and, th#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 concrete or un#t masonry foundation wa''s and concrete (oot#ngs not su,0ect to surcharge, 2#3 on sta,'e soils w#th an allowable bearing pressure o( .1 7-a or greater, and 2##3 (or buildings o( wood (rame or masonry construct#on, 2,3 wood (rame foundation wa''s and wood or concrete (oot#ngs not su,0ect to surcharge, 2#3 on sta,'e soils w#th an allowable bearing pressure o( .1 7-a or greater, and 2##3 (or buildings o( wood (rame construct#on, and 2c3 ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s and concrete (oot#ngs not su,0ect to surcharge, 2#3 on sta,'e soils w#th an allowable bearing pressure o( .1 7-a or greater, and 2##3 (or buildings o( '#ght (rame or ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm construct#on that are not more than 2 storeys #n building height, w#th a ma5#mum ('oor to ('oor he#ght o( 3 m, and conta#n#ng on'y a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 829 7oundations (or a&&'#cat#ons other than as descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.4. 8!9 8here a foundation #s erected on (#''ed ground, &eat or sens#t#$e c'ay, the (oot#ng s#Ces sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 4.2. 859 For the &ur&ose o( /entence 233, sens#t#$e c'ay means the gra#n s#Ce o( the ma0or#ty o( the &art#c'es #s sma''er than 0.002 mm, #nc'ud#ng 'eda c'ay. 9,17,1,2, %erm$/rost 819 $uildings erected on &erma(rost sha'' ha$e foundations des#gned ,y a designer com&etent #n th#s (#e'd #n accordance w#th the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements o( -art 4. 9,17,1,!, +ound$tions /or #e/orm$tion Resist$nt Buildings 819 8here the su&erstructure o( a detached building con(orms to the re:u#rements o( the de(ormat#on res#stance test #n )/% O240.2.1, >/tructura' Re:u#rements (or <anu(actured =omes?, the foundation sha'' ,e constructed #n con(ormance w#th, 2a3 th#s /ect#on, or 2,3 )/% O240.10.1, >/#te -re&arat#on, Foundat#on, and %nchorage o( <anu(actured =omes?. 9,17,2, Gener$l 9,17,2,1, Concrete 819 )oncrete sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.3. 9,17,2,2, nit )$sonr3 Construction 819 )oncrete ,'oc7 sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%161.1, >)oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts?, and sha'' ha$e a com&ress#$e strength o$er the a$erage net cross-sect#ona' area o( the ,'oc7 o( not 'ess than 11 <-a. 829 <ortar, grout, mortar 0o#nts, cor,e''#ng and &rotect#on (or un#t masonry sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.20. 8!9 For concrete ,'oc7 foundation wa''s re:u#red to ,e re#n(orced, 2a3 mortar sha'' ,e ;y&e /, con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-%1.9, ><ortar and 4rout (or @n#t <asonry?, 2,3 grout sha'' ,e coarse, con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-%1.9, ><ortar and 4rout (or @n#t <asonry?, and 2c3 &'acement o( grout sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%3.1, ><asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. 9,17,2,!, %ier T3.e +ound$tions 819 8here &#er ty&e foundations are used, the &#ers sha'' ,e des#gned to su&&ort the a&&'#ed 'oads (rom the su&erstructure. 463

829 8here &#ers are used as a foundation system #n a building o( 1 storey #n building height, the &#ers sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to su&&ort the &r#nc#&a' (ram#ng mem,ers and sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 3.1 m a&art a'ong the (ram#ng, un'ess the &#ers and the#r (oot#ngs are des#gned (or 'arger s&ac#ngs. 8!9 ;he he#ght o( &#ers descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' not e5ceed 3 t#mes the#r 'east d#mens#on at the ,ase o( the &#er. 859 8here concrete ,'oc7 #s used (or &#ers descr#,ed #n /entence 223, they sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th cores &'aced $ert#ca''y, and where the w#dth o( the building #s 4.3 m or 'ess, &'aced w#th the#r 'ongest d#mens#on at r#ght ang'es to the 'ongest d#mens#on o( the building. 9,17,2,5, 6ood +r$me +ound$tions 819 7oundations o( wood (rame construct#on sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-/406, >)onstruct#on o( -reser$ed 8ood Foundat#ons?, or 2,3 -art 4. 9,17,!, +ootings 9,17,!,1, +ootings Re4uired 819 Foot#ngs sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under wa''s, &#'asters, co'umns, &#ers, (#re&'aces and chimneys that ,ear on soil or roc#, e5ce&t that (oot#ngs are &erm#tted to ,e om#tted under &#ers or mono'#th#c concrete wa''s #( the sa(e loadbearing ca&ac#ty o( the soil or roc# #s not e5ceeded. 9,17,!,2, (u..ort o/ +ootings 819 Foot#ngs sha'' rest on und#stur,ed soil, roc# or com&acted granu'ar fill. 829 4ranu'ar fill sha'' not conta#n &yr#t#c mater#a' #n a concentrat#on that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect #ts sta,#'#ty or the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments. 9,17,!,!, A..lic$tion o/ +ooting 6idt0 $nd Are$ Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, the m#n#mum (oot#ng w#dth or area re:u#rements &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es to 9.11.3... sha'' a&&'y to (oot#ngs where, 2a3 the (oot#ngs su&&ort, 2#3 foundation wa''s o( masonry, concrete, or ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s, 2##3 a,o$e ground wa''s o( masonry, ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s or '#ght wood (rame construct#on, and 2###3 ('oors and roo(s o( '#ght wood (rame construct#on, 2,3 the s&an o( su&&orted 0o#sts does not e5ceed 4.9 m, and 2c3 the s&ec#(#ed live load on any ('oor su&&orted ,y the (oot#ng does not e5ceed 2.4 7-a. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, where the s&an o( the su&&orted 0o#sts e5ceeds 4.9 m, (oot#ngs sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. 8!9 8here the s&ec#(#ed live load e5ceeds 2.4 7-a (oot#ngs sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th /ect#on 4.2. 9,17,!,5, B$sic +ooting 6idt0s $nd Are$s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233 and #n %rt#c'es to 9.11.3..., the m#n#mum (oot#ng w#dth or area sha'' com&'y w#th ;a,'e T$ble 9,17,!,5, )inimum +ooting (i-es Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3.
213 223 233

)o'umn 1 Bum,er o( F'oors /u&&orted 1 2 3

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum 8#dth o( /tr#& Foot#ngs, mm /u&&ort#ng 65ter#or 8a''s223 /u&&ort#ng +nter#or 8a''s233 210 200 310 310 410 100

)o'umn 4 <#n#mum Foot#ng %rea (or )o'umns /&aced 3 m o.c.213, m2 0.40 0..1 1.0

Notes to T$ble 9,17,!,5,&

/ee /entence 9.11.3...213. /ee /entences /ee /entence 464

829 8here the su&&orted 0o#st s&an e5ceeds 4.9 m #n buildings w#th '#ght wood (rame wa''s, ('oors and roo(s, (oot#ng w#dths sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to, 2a3 /ect#on 4.2., or 2,3 the (o''ow#ng (ormu'a: 8 S w ] Tk s0s ! 2storeys ] 4.93U where, 8 S m#n#mum (oot#ng w#dth, w S m#n#mum w#dth o( (oot#ngs su&&ort#ng 0o#sts not e5ceed#ng 4.9 m, as de(#ned ,y ;a,'e, k s0s S the sum o( the su&&orted 0o#st s&ans on each storey whose 'oad #s trans(erred to the (oot#ng, and storeys S num,er o( storeys su&&orted ,y the (oot#ng. 8!9 8here a foundation rests on gra$e', sand or s#'t #n wh#ch the water ta,'e 'e$e' #s 'ess than the w#dth o( the (oot#ngs ,e'ow the bearing surface, 2a3 the (oot#ng w#dth (or wa''s sha'' ,e not 'ess than tw#ce the w#dth re:u#red ,y /entences 213 and 223, and %rt#c'es and, and 2,3 the (oot#ng area (or co'umns sha'' ,e not 'ess than tw#ce the area re:u#red ,y /entences 213 and 223, and %rt#c'e 9.11.3... 9,17,!,7, Ad@ustments to +ooting 6idt0s /or E?terior 6$lls 819 ;he str#& (oot#ng w#dths (or e5ter#or wa''s shown #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y, 2a3 61 mm (or each storey o( masonry $eneer o$er wood (rame construct#on su&&orted ,y the foundation wa'', 2,3 130 mm (or each storey o( masonry construct#on su&&orted ,y the foundation wa'', and 2c3 110 mm (or each storey o( ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa'' construct#on su&&orted ,y the foundation wa''. 9,17,!,<, Ad@ustments to +ooting 6idt0s /or Interior 6$lls 819 ;he m#n#mum str#& (oot#ng w#dths (or #nter#or loadbearing masonry wa''s shown #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 100 mm (or each storey o( masonry construct#on su&&orted ,y the (oot#ng. 829 Foot#ngs (or #nter#or non-loadbearing masonry wa''s sha'' ,e not 'ess than 200 mm w#de (or wa''s u& to 1.1 m h#gh and the w#dth sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 100 mm (or each add#t#ona' 2.. m o( he#ght. 9,17,!,;, Ad@ustments to +ooting Are$ /or Columns 819 ;he (oot#ng area (or co'umn s&ac#ngs other than shown #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e ad0usted #n &ro&ort#on to the d#stance ,etween co'umns. 9,17,!,=, +ooting T0icAness 819 Foot#ng th#c7ness sha'' ,e not 'ess than the greater o(, 2a3 100 mm, or 2,3 the w#dth o( the &ro0ect#on o( the (oot#ng ,eyond the su&&orted e'ement. 9,17,!,9, (te. +ootings 819 8here ste& (oot#ngs are used, 2a3 the $ert#ca' r#se ,etween hor#Conta' &ort#ons sha'' not e5ceed 600 mm, and 2,3 the hor#Conta' d#stance ,etween r#sers sha'' ,e not 'ess than 600 mm. 9,17,5, +ound$tion 6$lls 9,17,5,1, %erm$nent +orm )$teri$l 819 +nsu'at#ng concrete (orm un#ts sha'' ,e manu(actured o( &o'ystyrene con(orm#ng to the &er(ormance re:u#rements o( )%B!@L)-/.01, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, *oards and -#&e )o$er#ng?, (or ;y&e 2, 3 or 4 &o'ystyrene. 9,17,5,2, +ound$tion 6$ll T0icAness $nd Re4uired L$ter$l (u..ort 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223, the th#c7ness o( foundation wa''s made o( unre#n(orced concrete ,'oc7 or so'#d concrete and su,0ect to 'atera' earth &ressure sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e (or wa''s not e5ceed#ng 3.0 m #n unsu&&orted he#ght. 461

T$ble 9,17,5,2,A, T0icAness o/ (olid Concrete $nd nrein/orced Concrete BlocA +ound$tion 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( 7oundation 8a'' )o'umn 2 <#n#mum 8a'' ;h#c7ness, mm )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 <a5#mum =e#ght o( F#n#sh 4round %,o$e $asement F'oor or )raw' /&ace 4round )o$er, m =e#ght o( =e#ght o( 7oundation 8a'' Latera''y /u&&orted at 7oundation 8a'' the ;o&213223 Latera''y @nsu&&orted at the ;o&213223 b3.0 m b2.1 m W2.1 m and W2..1 m and b2..1 m b3.0 m 0. 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.2 2.11 2.11 2.1 1.4 2.3 2.6 2.1 1.1 2.3 2.6 2. 1 0. 1. 1.6 1.6 1.2 2.3 2.3 2.2 1.4 2.3 2.6 2. 1 1.1 2.3 2.6 2. 1 0.6 0. 233 233 0.9 1.2 233 233 1.2 1. 1.4 2.2 -


/o'#d concrete, 11 <-a m#n. strength


/o'#d concrete, 20 <-a m#n. strength


@nre#n(orced concrete ,'oc7

110 200 210 300 110 200 210 300 140 190 240 290

Notes to T$ble 9,17,5,2,A,&

213 223 233

/ee %rt#c'e /ee %rt#c'e /ee ;a,'e*. 829 ;he th#c7ness o( concrete #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'' ,e not 'ess than the greater o(, 2a3 140 mm, or 2,3 the th#c7ness o( the concrete #n the wa'' a,o$e. 8!9 7oundation wa''s made o( ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm un#ts sha'' ,e 'atera''y su&&orted at the to& and at the ,ottom.

859 ;he th#c7ness and re#n(orc#ng o( foundation wa''s made o( re#n(orced concrete ,'oc7 and su,0ect to 'atera' earth &ressure sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e*. and /entences 213 to 2 3 where, 2a3 the wa''s are 'atera''y su&&orted at the to&, 2,3 a$erage sta,'e soils are encountered, and 2c3 w#nd 'oads on the e5&osed &ort#on o( the foundation are no greater than 0..0 7-a. T$ble 9,17,5,2,B, Rein/orced Concrete BlocA +ound$tion 6$lls L$ter$ll3 (u..orted $t t0e To. 819 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum =e#ght o( F#n#shed 4round a,o$e $asement F'oor or )raw' /&ace 4round )o$er, m223 1. 0. 2. 1.0 3. 1.2 4. 1.4 1. 1.6 6. 1. )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 /#Ce and /&ac#ng o( )ont#nuous Hert#ca' Re#n(orcement, < at mm o.c. 190 mm <#n#mum 8a'' ;h#c7ness 7oundation 8a'' =e#ght )o'umn 6 )o'umn .

240 mm <#n#mum 8a'' ;h#c7ness 7oundation 8a'' =e#ght

2.1 m
233 233 233

2..1 m

3.0 m

2.1 m
233 233 233 233 233 233

2..1 m
233 233

3.0 m
233 233

1-11< at 1 600 1-11< at 1 400 1-11< at 1 400

1-11< at 1 00 1-11< at 1 600 1-11< at 1 600 1-11< at 1 400 1-11< at 1 400

1-11< at 1 00 1-11< at 1 600 1-11< at 1 600 1-11< at 1 400 1-11< at 1 200

1-20< at 2 000 1-20< at 1 00 1-20< at 1 600 1-20< at 1 600

1-20< at 2 000 1-20< at 1 00 1-20< at 1 600 1-20< at 1 600


.. . 9. 10. 11. 12.

2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2. 3.0

1-11< at 1 200 2-11< at 1 200 2-11< at 1 000 B!% B!% B!%

1-11< at 1 000 or 1-20< at 1 200 2-11< at 1 000 2-11< at 1 000 2-11< at 00 or 1-21< at 1 000 B!% B!%

2-11< at 1 200 2-11< at 1 000 2-11< at 00 2-11< at 00 or 1-21< at 1 000 1-20< at 600 1-20< at 400 or 1-21< at 600

1-20< at 1 600 1-20< at 1 400 1-20< at 1 400 B!% B!% B!%

1-20< at 1 600 1-20< at 1 400 1-20< at 1 400 1-20< at 1 000 B!% B!%

1-20< at 1 600 1-20< at 1 400 1-20< at 1 200 1-20< at 1 000 1-20< at 00 or 2-11< at 1 000 2-11< at 00

Notes to T$ble 9,17,5,2,B,&

213 223 233

/ee %rt#c'e /ee %rt#c'e Bo re#n(orcement re:u#red. 879 For concrete ,'oc7 wa''s re:u#red to ,e re#n(orced, cont#nuous $ert#ca' re#n(orcement sha'', 2a3 ,e &ro$#ded at wa'' corners, wa'' ends, wa'' #ntersect#ons, at changes #n wa'' he#ght, at the 0am,s o( a'' o&en#ngs and at mo$ement 0o#nts, 2,3 e5tend (rom the to& o( the (oot#ng to the to& o( the foundation wa'', and 2c3 where foundation wa''s are 'atera''y su&&orted at the to&, ha$e not 'ess than 10 mm em,edment #nto the (oot#ng, #( the ('oor s'a, does not &ro$#de 'atera' su&&ort at the wa'' ,ase.

8<9 For concrete ,'oc7 wa''s re:u#red to ,e re#n(orced, a cont#nuous hor#Conta' ,ond ,eam conta#n#ng at 'east one 11< ,ar sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 a'ong the to& o( the wa'', 2,3 at the s#'' and head o( a'' o&en#ngs greater than 1.2 m #n w#dth, and 2c3 at structura''y connected ('oors. 8;9 +n concrete ,'oc7 wa''s re:u#red to ,e re#n(orced, a'' $ert#ca' ,ar re#n(orcement sha'' ,e #nsta''ed a'ong the centre '#ne o( the wa''. 8=9 +n concrete ,'oc7 wa''s re:u#red to ,e re#n(orced, 'adder or truss ty&e 'atera' re#n(orcement not 'ess than 3. mm #n d#ameter 2Bo. 9 %/843 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the ,ed 0o#nt o( e$ery second masonry course. 9,17,5,!, +ound$tion 6$lls Considered to be L$ter$ll3 (u..orted $t t0e To. 819 /entences 223 to 243 a&&'y to 'atera' su&&ort (or wa''s descr#,ed #n /entence 829 7oundation wa''s sha'' ,e cons#dered to ,e 'atera''y su&&orted at the to& #(, 2a3 such wa''s su&&ort so'#d masonry su&erstructure, 2,3 the ('oor 0o#sts are em,edded #n the to& o( the foundation wa''s, or 2c3 the ('oor system #s anchored to the to& o( the foundation wa''s w#th anchor ,o'ts, #n wh#ch case the 0o#sts may run e#ther &ara''e' or &er&end#cu'ar to the foundation wa''s. 8!9 @n'ess the wa'' around an o&en#ng #s re#n(orced to w#thstand earth &ressure, the &ort#on o( the foundation wa'' ,eneath an o&en#ng sha'' ,e cons#dered 'atera''y unsu&&orted, #(, 2a3 the o&en#ng #s more than 1.2 m w#de, or 2,3 the tota' w#dth o( the o&en#ngs #n the foundation wa'' const#tutes more than 21F o( the 'ength o( the wa''. 859 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 233, the com,#ned w#dth o( the o&en#ngs sha'' ,e cons#dered as a s#ng'e o&en#ng #( the a$erage w#dth #s greater than the w#dth o( so'#d wa'' ,etween them. 879 F'at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'' ,e cons#dered to ,e 'atera''y su&&orted at the to& #( the ('oor 0o#sts are #nsta''ed accord#ng to %rt#c'e 9.20.1..1. 9,17,5,5, +ound$tion 6$lls Considered to be L$ter$ll3 (u..orted $t t0e Bottom 819 F'at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'' ,e cons#dered to ,e 'atera''y su&&orted at the ,ottom where the foundation wa'', 2a3 su&&orts ,ac7(#'' not more than 1.2 m #n he#ght, 2,3 #s su&&orted at the (oot#ng ,y a shear 7ey and #s su&&orted at the to& ,y the ground ('oor (ram#ng, or 46.

2c3 #s dowe''ed to the (oot#ng w#th not 'ess than 11< ,ars s&aced not more than 1.2 m o.c. 9,17,5,7, Rein/orcement /or +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm +ound$tion 6$lls 819 =or#Conta' re#n(orcement #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'', 2a3 cons#st o(, 2#3 one 10< ,ar &'aced not more than 300 mm (rom the to& o( the wa'', and 2##3 10< ,ars s&aced not more than 600 mm o.c., and 2,3 ,e 'ocated, 2#3 #n the #ns#de ha'( o( the wa'' sect#on, and 2##3 w#th a m#n#mum co$er o( 30 mm (rom the #ns#de (ace o( the concrete. 829 Hert#ca' wa'' re#n(orcement #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'', 2a3 con(orm to, 2#3 ;a,'e (or 140 mm wa''s, 2##3 ;a,'e*. (or 190 mm wa''s, and 2###3 ;a,'e (or 240 mm wa''s, 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n the #ns#de ha'( o( the wa'' sect#on w#th a m#n#mum co$er o( 30 mm (rom the #ns#de (ace o( the concrete wa'', and 2c3 where #nterru&ted ,y wa'' o&en#ngs, ,e &'aced not more than 600 mm (rom each s#de o( the o&en#ngs. 8!9 )o'd 0o#nts #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th at 'east one 11< ,ar s&aced not more than 600 mm o.c. and em,edded not 'ess than 300 mm on ,oth s#des o( the 0o#nt. 859 Re#n(orc#ng around o&en#ngs #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm foundation wa''s sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 9.20.1..3. or 9.20.1..4. T$ble 9,17,5,7,A, 'ertic$l Rein/orcement /or 15> mm +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm +ound$tion 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum =e#ght o( F#n#shed 4round %,o$e F#n#shed $asement F'oor, m 1.31 1.60 2.00 2.20 2.31 2.60 3.00 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Hert#ca' Re#n(orcement <a5#mum @nsu&&orted $asement 8a'' =e#ght 2.44 m 2..1 m 10< at 400 mm o.c. 10< at 400 mm o.c. 10< at 400 mm o.c. 10< at 3 0 mm o.c. 10< at 3 0 mm o.c. 10< at 3 0 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c. n!a 10< at 210 mm o.c. n!a 10< at 210 mm o.c. n!a n!a )o'umn 4 3.00 m 10< at 400 mm o.c. 10< at 3 0 mm o.c. 10< at 3 0 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c. 10< at 210 mm o.c.

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. ..

T$ble 9,17,5,7,B, 'ertic$l Rein/orcement /or 19> mm +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm +ound$tion 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum =e#ght o( F#n#shed 4round %,o$e F#n#shed $asement F'oor, m 2.20 2.31 2.60 3.00 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Hert#ca' Re#n(orcement <a5#mum @nsu&&orted $asement 8a'' =e#ght 2.44 m 2..1 m none re:u#red 10< at 400 mm o.c. n!a 10< at 300 mm o.c. n!a 10< at 300 mm o.c. n!a n!a )o'umn 4 3.00 m 10< at 400 mm o.c. 10< at 300 mm o.c. 11< at 400 mm o.c. 11< at 400 mm o.c.

1. 2. 3. 4.

T$ble 9,17,5,7,C, 'ertic$l Rein/orcement /or 25> mm +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm +ound$tion 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4


<a5#mum =e#ght o( F#n#shed 4round %,o$e F#n#shed $asement F'oor, m 1. 2. 3. 2.20 2.60 3.00

<#n#mum Hert#ca' Re#n(orcement <a5#mum @nsu&&orted $asement 8a'' =e#ght 2.44 m 2..1 m none re:u#red none re:u#red n!a 11< at 400 mm o.c. n!a n!a

3.00 m none re:u#red 11< at 400 mm o.c. 11< at 400 mm o.c.

9,17,5,<, E?tension $bo1e Ground Le1el 819 65ter#or foundation wa''s sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e (#n#shed ground 'e$e'. 9,17,5,;, Reduction in T0icAness 819 8here the to& o( a foundation wa'' #s reduced #n th#c7ness to &erm#t the #nsta''at#on o( ('oor 0o#sts, the reduced sect#on sha'' ,e not more than 310 mm h#gh and not 'ess than 90 mm th#c7. 829 8here the to& o( a foundation wa'' #s reduced #n th#c7ness to &erm#t the #nsta''at#on o( a masonry e5ter#or (ac#ng, the reduced sect#on sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 90 mm th#c7, and 2,3 t#ed to the (ac#ng mater#a' w#th meta' t#es con(orm#ng to /entence s&aced not more than, 2#3 200 mm o.c. $ert#ca''y, and 2##3 900 mm o.c. hor#Conta''y. 8!9 ;he s&ace ,etween wa'' and (ac#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e (#''ed w#th mortar. 9,17,5,=, Corbelling 819 )or,e''#ng o( masonry foundation wa''s su&&ort#ng cavity walls sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 9,17,5,9, Cr$cA Control *oints 819 )rac7 contro' 0o#nts sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n foundation wa''s more than 21 m 'ong at #nter$a's o( not more than 11 m. 829 Jo#nts re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned to res#st mo#sture &enetrat#on and sha'' ,e 7eyed to &re$ent re'at#$e d#s&'acement o( the wa'' &ort#ons ad0acent to the 0o#nt. 9,17,5,1>, Interior )$sonr3 6$lls 819 +nter#or masonry foundation wa''s not su,0ect to 'atera' earth &ressure sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.20. 9,17,7, (u..ort o/ *oists $nd Be$ms on )$sonr3 +ound$tion 6$lls 9,17,7,1, (u..ort o/ +loor *oists 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, foundation wa''s o( ho''ow un#t masonry su&&ort#ng ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e, 2a3 ca&&ed w#th not 'ess than 10 mm o( so'#d masonry or concrete, or 2,3 ha$e the to& course (#''ed w#th mortar or concrete. 829 )a&&#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e om#tted, 2a3 #n 'oca'#t#es where term#tes are not 7nown to occur, 2,3 when the 0o#sts are su&&orted on a wood &'ate not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm, and 2c3 when the s#d#ng o$er'a&s the foundation wa'' not 'ess than 12 mm. 9,17,7,2, (u..ort o/ Be$ms 819 Bot 'ess than a 190 mm de&th o( so'#d masonry sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,eneath ,eams su&&orted on masonry. 829 8here the ,eam re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s su&&orted ,e'ow the to& o( the foundation wa''s, the ends o( such ,eams sha'' ,e &rotected (rom the weather. 9,17,7,!, %il$sters 819 -#'asters sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under ,eams that (rame #nto un#t masonry foundation wa''s 140 mm or 'ess #n th#c7ness. 829 -#'asters re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 90 mm ,y 290 mm and sha'' ,e ,onded or t#ed #nto the wa''. 8!9 ;he to& 200 mm o( &#'asters re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e so'#d. 9,17,<, %$rging $nd +inis0ing o/ +ound$tion 6$lls 9,17,<,1, +ound$tion 6$lls Belo2 Ground 469

819 )oncrete ,'oc7 foundation wa''s sha'' ,e &arged on the e5ter#or (ace ,e'ow ground 'e$e' as re:u#red #n /ect#on 9.13. 9,17,<,2, +ound$tion 6$lls Abo1e Ground 819 65ter#or sur(aces o( concrete ,'oc7 foundation wa''s a,o$e ground 'e$e' sha'' ha$e too'ed 0o#nts, or sha'' ,e rendered, &arged or otherw#se su#ta,'y (#n#shed. 9,17,<,!, +orm Ties 819 %'' (orm t#es sha'' ,e remo$ed at 'east ('ush w#th the concrete sur(ace. (ection 9,1<, +loors:on:Ground 9,1<,1, (co.e 9,1<,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to ('oors that are su&&orted on ground or granu'ar fill and that do not &ro$#de structura' su&&ort (or the su&erstructure. 9,1<,1,2, (tructur$l +loor (l$bs 819 F'oors-on-ground that su&&ort 'oads (rom the su&erstructure sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th -art 4. 9,1<,1,!, Re4uired +loors:on:Ground 819 %'' s&aces w#th#n dwelling units, e5ce&t craw' s&aces, sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a ('oor-on-ground, where, 2a3 access #s &ro$#ded to the s&ace, and 2,3 a ('oor su&&orted ,y the structure #s not &ro$#ded. 9,1<,1,5, #$m..roo/ing $nd 6$ter.roo/ing 819 "am&&roo(#ng and water&roo(#ng sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.13. 9,1<,2, )$teri$l Bene$t0 +loors 9,1<,2,1, Re4uired Inst$ll$tion o/ Gr$nul$r +ill 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, not 'ess than 100 mm o( coarse c'ean granu'ar mater#a' conta#n#ng not more than 10F o( mater#a' that w#'' &ass a 4 mm s#e$e sha'' ,e &'aced ,eneath ('oors-on-ground. 829 4ranu'ar mater#a' need not ,e #nsta''ed under, 2a3 s'a,s #n garages, car&orts or accessory buildings, or 2,3 buildings o( industrial occupancy where the nature o( the &rocess conta#ned #n the occupancy &erm#ts or re:u#res the use o( 'arge o&en#ngs #n the building en$e'o&e e$en dur#ng the w#nter. 9,1<,2,2, (u..ort o/ +loors 819 <ater#a' that #s susce&t#,'e to changes #n $o'ume due to $ar#at#ons #n mo#sture content or chem#ca'-m#cro,#o'og#ca' o5#dat#on sha'' not ,e used as fill ,eneath ('oors-on-ground #n a concentrat#on that w#'' damage the building to a degree that wou'd ad$erse'y a((ect #ts sta,#'#ty or the &er(ormance o( assem,'#es se&arat#ng d#ss#m#'ar en$#ronments. 829 <ater#a' that #s susce&t#,'e to changes #n $o'ume due to (reeC#ng sha'' not ,e used as fill ,eneath ('oors-on-ground that w#'' ,e su,0ected to (reeC#ng tem&eratures. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, fill ,eneath ('oors-on-ground sha'' ,e com&acted. 859 7ill ,eneath ('oors-on-ground need not ,e com&acted where the mater#a' #s c'ean coarse aggregate conta#n#ng not more than 10F o( mater#a' that w#'' &ass a 4 mm s#e$e. 9,1<,!, #r$in$ge 9,1<,!,1, Control o/ 6$ter Ingress 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e or where #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, #ngress o( water underneath a ('oor-on-ground sha'' ,e &re$ented ,y grad#ng or dra#nage. 9,1<,!,2, E3drost$tic %ressure 819 8here groundwater 'e$e's may cause hydrostat#c &ressure ,eneath a ('oor-on-ground, the ('oor-on-ground sha'' ,e, 2a3 a cast-#n-&'ace concrete s'a,, and 2,3 des#gned to res#st such &ressures. 9,1<,!,!, +loor #r$ins 4.0

819 8hen ('oor dra#ns are re:u#red, the ('oor sur(ace sha'' ,e s'o&ed so that no water can accumu'ate. 9,1<,5, Concrete 9,1<,5,1, (ur/$ce +inis0 819 ;he (#n#shed sur(ace o( concrete ('oor s'a,s sha'' ,e trowe''ed smooth and e$en. 829 "ry cement sha'' not ,e added to the ('oor sur(aces to a,sor, sur&'us water. 9,1<,5,2, Course 819 8here a to&&#ng course #s &ro$#ded (or a concrete ('oor s'a,, #t sha'' cons#st o( 1 &art cement to 2.1 &arts c'ean, we'' graded sand ,y $o'ume, w#th a water!cement rat#o a&&ro5#mate'y e:ua' to that o( the ,ase s'a,. 829 8hen concrete to&&#ng #s &ro$#ded #t sha'' not ,e 'ess than 20 mm th#c7. 9,1<,5,!, T0icAness 819 )oncrete s'a,s sha'' ,e not 'ess than .1 mm th#c7 e5c'us#$e o( concrete to&&#ng. 9,1<,5,5, Bond Bre$A 819 % ,ond-,rea7#ng mater#a' sha'' ,e &'aced ,etween the s'a, and (oot#ngs or roc#. 9,1<,5,7, Com.ressi1e (trengt0 819 8here dam&&roo(#ng #s not &ro$#ded, the concrete used (or ('oors-on-ground sha'' ha$e a com&ress#$e strength o( not 'ess than 21 <-a a(ter 2 days. 829 8here dam&&roo(#ng #s &ro$#ded as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.13.2..., the concrete used (or ('oors-on-ground sha'' ha$e a com&ress#$e strength o( not 'ess than 11 <-a a(ter 2 days. 9,1<,7, 6ood 9,1<,7,1, 6ood +r$me +loors 819 F'oors-on-ground constructed o( wood sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-/406, >)onstruct#on o( -reser$ed 8ood Foundat#ons?. (ection 9,1;, Columns 9,1;,1, (co.e 9,1;,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to co'umns used to su&&ort, 2a3 ,eams carry#ng 'oads (rom not more than 2 wood (rame ('oors where, 2#3 the su&&orted 'ength o( 0o#sts ,ear#ng on such ,eams does not e5ceed 1 m, and 2##3 the live load on any ('oor does not e5ceed 2.4 7-a, 2,3 ,eams or header 0o#sts carry#ng 'oads (rom not more than 2 'e$e's o( wood (rame ,a'con#es, dec7s or other access#,'e e5ter#or &'at(orms, or 1 'e$e' and the roo(, where, 2#3 the su&&orted 'ength o( 0o#sts ,ear#ng on such ,eams or 0o#sts does not e5ceed 1 m, 2##3 the sum o( the s&ec#(#ed snow 'oad and the 'oad due to use and occupancy does not e5ceed 4. 7-a, and 2###3 the &'at(orm ser$es on'y a s#ng'e suite o( residential occupancy, or 2c3 car&ort roo(s. 829 )o'umns (or a&&'#cat#ons other than as descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 9,1;,2, Gener$l 9,1;,2,1, Loc$tion 819 )o'umns sha'' ,e centra''y 'ocated on a (oot#ng con(orm#ng to /ect#on 9.11. 9,1;,2,2, L$ter$l (u..ort 819 )o'umns sha'' ,e secure'y (astened to the su&&orted mem,er to reduce the '#7e'#hood o( 'atera' d#((erent#a' mo$ement ,etween the co'umn and the su&&orted mem,er. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 233, co'umns sha'' ,e 'atera''y su&&orted, 2a3 d#rect'y, or 4.1

2,3 ,y connect#on to the su&&orted mem,ers. 8!9 )o'umns need not ,e &ro$#ded w#th 'atera' su&&ort as descr#,ed #n /entence 223 where, 2a3 the 'ength o( the co'umns are not more than 600 mm measured (rom the (#n#shed ground to the unders#de o( the su&&orted mem,er, and 2,3 the co'umns su&&ort a dec7 w#th no su&erstructure. 9,1;,!, (teel Columns 9,1;,!,1, (i-e $nd T0icAness 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 223, stee' &#&e co'umns sha'' ha$e an outs#de d#ameter o( not 'ess than .3 mm and a wa'' th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 4..6 mm. 829 )o'umns o( s#Ces other than as s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213 are &erm#tted to ,e used where the loadbearing ca&ac#t#es are shown to ,e ade:uate. 9,1;,!,2, End Be$ring %l$tes 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, stee' co'umns sha'' ,e (#tted w#th not 'ess than 100 mm ,y 100 mm ,y 6.31 mm th#c7 stee' &'ates at each end, and where the co'umn su&&orts a wooden ,eam, the to& &'ate sha'' e5tend across the (u'' w#dth o( the ,eam. 829 ;he to& &'ate re:u#red #n /entence 213 need not ,e &ro$#ded where a co'umn su&&orts a stee' ,eam and &ro$#s#on #s made (or the attachment o( the co'umn to the ,eam. 9,1;,!,!, %$int 819 65ter#or stee' co'umns susce&t#,'e to corros#on sha'' ,e treated on the outs#de sur(ace w#th at 'east one coat o( rust#nh#,#t#$e &a#nt. 9,1;,!,5, #esign o/ Ad@ust$ble (teel Columns 819 8here the #m&osed 'oad does not e5ceed 36 7B, ad0usta,'e stee' co'umns sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-..2, >%d0usta,'e /tee' )o'umns?. 829 %d0usta,'e stee' co'umns other than those descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 9,1;,5, 6ood Columns 9,1;,5,1, Column (i-es 819 ;he w#dth or d#ameter o( a wood co'umn sha'' ,e not 'ess than the w#dth o( the su&&orted mem,er. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, co'umns sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 4 mm (or round co'umns and 140 mm ,y 140 mm (or rectangu'ar co'umns, un'ess ca'cu'at#ons are &ro$#ded to show that 'esser s#Ces are ade:uate. 9,1;,5,2, )$teri$ls 819 8ood co'umns sha'' ,e e#ther so'#d, g'ue-'am#nated or ,u#'t-u&. 829 *u#'t-u& co'umns sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 (u''-'ength mem,ers, 2a3 ,o'ted together w#th not 'ess than 9.12 mm d#am ,o'ts s&aced not more than 410 mm o.c., or 2,3 na#'ed together w#th not 'ess than .6 mm na#'s s&aced not more than 300 mm o.c. 8!9 4'ued-'am#nated co'umns sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 4.3. 9,1;,5,!, Columns in Cont$ct 2it0 Concrete 819 8ood co'umns sha'' ,e se&arated (rom concrete #n contact w#th the ground ,y 0.01 mm &o'yethy'ene (#'m or ;y&e / ro'' roo(#ng. 9,1;,5,5, 6ood Column Termite %rotection 819 8here term#tes are 7nown to e5#st, e5ter#or wood co'umns, such as &orch su&&orts, sha'' ,e, 2a3 &ressure-treated w#th a chem#ca' that #s to5#c to such term#tes, #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, or 2,3 su&&orted on non-ce''u'os#c mater#a' e5tend#ng not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e the (#n#shed ground and sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 10 mm (rom the e5ter#or wa'' o( an ad0acent building. 9,1;,7, nit )$sonr3 Columns 9,1;,7,1, )$teri$ls 819 @n#t masonry co'umns sha'' ,e ,u#'t o( masonry un#ts, 4.2

2a3 con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-%161.1, >)oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts?, and 2,3 ha$#ng a com&ress#$e strength o$er the net area o( the ,'oc7 o( not 'ess than 11 <-a. 9,1;,7,2, (i-es 819 @n#t masonry co'umns sha'' ,e not 'ess than 290 mm ,y 290 mm or 240 mm ,y 3 0 mm #n s#Ce. 9,1;,<, (olid Concrete Columns 9,1;,<,1, )$teri$ls 819 )oncrete sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.3. 9,1;,<,2, (i-es 819 )oncrete co'umns sha'' ,e not 'ess than 200 mm ,y 200 mm (or rectangu'ar co'umns and 230 mm d#am (or c#rcu'ar co'umns. (ection 9,1=, Cr$2l (.$ces 9,1=,1, Gener$l 9,1=,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 +n th#s /ect#on, a craw' s&ace re(ers to an enc'osed s&ace ,etween the unders#de o( a ('oor assem,'y and the ground co$er d#rect'y ,e'ow, w#th a c'earance 'ess than 1 00 mm #n he#ght. 9,1=,1,2, +ound$tions 819 7oundation wa''s enc'os#ng craw' s&aces sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.11. 9,1=,1,!, Ee$ted $nd n0e$ted Cr$2l (.$ces 819 )raw' s&aces sha'' ,e cons#dered to ,e heated where the s&ace, 2a3 #s used as a warm a#r plenum, 2,3 conta#ns heat#ng ducts or heat#ng &#&es that are not sea'ed and #nsu'ated to m#n#m#Ce heat 'oss to the s&ace, or 2c3 #s not se&arated (rom heated s&ace #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.21. 829 =eat#ng o( heated craw' s&aces sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.33. 8!9 +nsu'at#on, an air barrier system and a vapour barrier sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the wa''s o( heated craw' s&aces #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.21. 9,1=,2, Access 9,1=,2,1, Access O.enings 819 %n access o&en#ng o( not 'ess than 100 mm ,y .00 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to each craw' s&ace where the craw' s&ace ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 900 mm (or other craw' s&aces. 829 %ccess o&en#ngs sha'' ,e (#tted w#th a door or hatch, e5ce&t when the craw' s&ace #s heated and the access o&en#ng #nto the craw' s&ace #s (rom the ad0acent heated s&ace. 9,1=,!, 'entil$tion 9,1=,!,1, 'entil$tion o/ n0e$ted Cr$2l (.$ces 819 @nheated craw' s&aces sha'' ,e $ent#'ated ,y natura' or mechan#ca' means. 829 8here an unheated craw' s&ace #s $ent#'ated ,y natura' means, $ent#'at#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to the outs#de a#r ,y not 'ess than 0.1 mA o( uno,structed $ent area (or e$ery 10 mA o( floor area. 8!9 Hents sha'' ,e, 2a3 un#(orm'y d#str#,uted on o&&os#te s#des o( the building, and 2,3 des#gned to &re$ent the entry o( snow, ra#n and #nsects. 9,1=,!,2, 'entil$tion o/ Ee$ted Cr$2l (.$ces 819 =eated craw' s&aces sha'' ,e $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th /ect#on 9.32. 9,1=,5, Cle$r$nce 9,1=,5,1, Access 6$3 to (er1ices


819 8here e:u#&ment re:u#r#ng ser$#ce such as &'um,#ng c'eanouts, tra&s and ,urners #s 'ocated #n craw' s&aces, an access way w#th a he#ght and w#dth o( not 'ess than 600 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (rom the access door to the e:u#&ment and (or a d#stance o( 900 mm on the s#de or s#des o( the e:u#&ment to ,e ser$#ced. 9,1=,7, #r$in$ge 9,1=,7,1, #r$in$ge 819 65ce&t where #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, the #ngress o( water #nto a craw' s&ace sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y grad#ng or dra#nage. 829 "ra#nage o( foundation wa''s sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 8!9 "ra#nage o( the ground co$er or ('oor-on-ground #n the craw' s&ace sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.16.3. 859 "ra#ns sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.14. 9,1=,<, Ground Co1er 9,1=,<,1, Ground Co1er in n0e$ted Cr$2l (.$ces 819 8here a craw' s&ace #s unheated, a ground co$er sha'' ,e &ro$#ded cons#st#ng o( not 'ess than, 2a3 10 mm o( as&ha't &a$#ng mater#a', 2,3 100 mm o( 11 <-a -ort'and cement concrete, 2c3 ;y&e / ro'' roo(#ng, or 2d3 0.10 mm &o'yethy'ene. 829 Jo#nts #n sheet-ty&e ground co$er re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 100 mm and we#ghted down. 9,1=,<,2, Ground Co1er in Ee$ted Cr$2l (.$ces 819 8here a craw' s&ace #s heated, a ground co$er cons#st#ng o( not 'ess than 0.11 mm &o'yethy'ene sheet con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-11.34-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet, (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed as &art o( an air barrier system #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.21.3. 829 ;he ground co$er re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ha$e #ts 0o#nts 'a&&ed not 'ess than 300 mm, and sea'ed and we#ghted down, or 2,3 ,e co$ered w#th a concrete s7#m coat not 'ess than 10 mm th#c7. 8!9 ;he &er#meter o( the ground co$er re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e sea'ed to the foundation wa''. 9,1=,;, +ire %rotection 9,1=,;,1, Cr$2l (.$ces $s 6$rm Air %lenums 819 On'y craw' s&aces under 1-storey &ort#ons o( dwelling units sha'' ,e used as warm a#r plenums. 829 6nc'os#ng mater#a' #n craw' s&aces descr#,ed #n /entence 213, #nc'ud#ng #nsu'at#on, sha'' ha$e a sur(ace flame-spread rating not greater than 110. 8!9 %ombustible ground co$er used as enc'os#ng mater#a' #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e co$ered w#th noncombustible mater#a'. 859 3oncombustible mater#a' descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'', 2a3 e5tend not 'ess than 300 mm ,eyond the &ro0ect#on o( a reg#ster o&en#ng, and 2,3 ha$e turned-u& edges. (ection 9,19, Roo/ (.$ces 9,19,1, 'enting 9,19,1,1, Re4uired 'enting 819 65ce&t where #t can ,e shown to ,e unnecessary, where #nsu'at#on #s #nsta''ed ,etween a ce#'#ng and the unders#de o( the roo( sheath#ng, a s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the #nsu'at#on and the sheath#ng, and $ents sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &erm#t the mo$ement o( a#r (rom the s&ace to the e5ter#or. 9,19,1,2, 'ent Re4uirements 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the uno,structed $ent area sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1!300 o( the #nsu'ated ce#'#ng area. 829 8here the roo( s'o&e #s 'ess than 1 #n 6 or #n roo(s that are constructed w#th roo( 0o#sts, the uno,structed $ent area sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1!110 o( the #nsu'ated ce#'#ng area. 4.4

8!9 Re:u#red $ents are &erm#tted to ,e roo( ty&e, ea$e ty&e, ga,'e-end ty&e or any com,#nat#on o( them, and sha'' ,e d#str#,uted, 2a3 un#(orm'y on o&&os#te s#des o( the building, 2,3 w#th not 'ess than 21F o( the re:u#red o&en#ngs 'ocated at the to& o( the s&ace, and 2c3 w#th not 'ess than 21F o( the re:u#red o&en#ngs 'ocated at the ,ottom o( the s&ace. 859 65ce&t where each roo( 0o#st s&ace re(erred to #n /entence 223 #s se&arate'y $ented, roo( 0o#st s&aces sha'' ,e #nterconnected ,y #nsta''#ng &ur'#ns not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm on the to& o( the roo( 0o#sts. 879 Hents sha'' com&'y w#th )%B3-%93-<, >Batura' %#r('ow Hent#'ators (or *u#'d#ngs?. 9,19,1,!, Cle$r$nces 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, where $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded to a roo( 0o#st s&ace, not 'ess than 63 mm o( s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the to& o( the #nsu'at#on and the unders#de o( the roo( sheath#ng. 829 8here $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded at the 0unct#on o( s'o&ed roo(s and e5ter#or wa''s and where &re(ormed ,a(('es are used to conta#n the #nsu'at#on, the ,a(('es sha'', 2a3 &ro$#de an uno,structed a#r s&ace ,etween the #nsu'at#on and the unders#de o( the roo( sheath#ng, that #s, 2#3 not 'ess than 21 mm #n d#mens#on, and 2##3 o( su((#c#ent cross area to meet the attic or roof space $ent#ng re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e, and 2,3 e5tend $ert#ca''y not 'ess than 10 mm a,o$e the to& o( the #nsu'at#on. 8!9 )e#'#ng #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a manner that w#'' not restr#ct a (ree ('ow o( a#r through roo( $ents or through any &ort#on o( the attic or roof space. 9,19,1,5, )$ns$rd or G$mbrel Roo/ 819 ;he 'ower &ort#on o( a mansard or gam,re' sty'e roo( need not ,e $ent#'ated. 829 ;he u&&er &ort#on o( roo(s descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e $ent#'ated #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es to 9,19,2, Access 9,19,2,1, Access 819 6$ery attic or roof space sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an access hatch where the attic or roof space, 2a3 measures not 'ess than, 2#3 10 mA #n area, 2##3 1 000 mm #n 'ength or w#dth, and 2###3 600 mm #n he#ght o$er at 'east the area descr#,ed #n /u,c'auses 2#3 and 2##3, or 2,3 conta#ns a (ue'-(#red appliance. 829 65ce&t where an attic or roof space conta#ns a (ue'-(#red appliance, the hatch re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 110 mm ,y 900 mm e5ce&t that, where the hatch ser$es a s#ng'e dwelling unit, the hatch may ,e reduced to, 2a3 0.32 m2 #n area w#th no d#mens#on 'ess than 141 mm, or 2,3 100 mm ,y .00 mm. 8!9 =atchways to attic or roof spaces sha'' ,e (#tted w#th doors or co$ers. (ection 9,2>, )$sonr3 $nd Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls Not in Cont$ct 2it0 t0e Ground 9,2>,1, A..lic$tion 9,2>,1,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, th#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 unre#n(orced masonry and masonry $eneer wa''s not #n contact w#th the ground, where, 2#3 the he#ght o( the wa''s constructed on the foundation wa''s does not e5ceed 11 m, and 2##3 the roo( or ('oor assem,'y a,o$e the first storey #s not o( concrete construct#on, and 2,3 ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s not #n contact w#th the ground that, 4.1

2#3 ha$e a ma5#mum ('oor to ('oor he#ght o( 3 m, 2##3 are erected #n buildings not more than 2 storeys #n building height and conta#n#ng on'y a s#ng'e dwelling unit, and 2###3 are erected #n 'ocat#ons where the se#sm#c s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, /a20.23, #s not greater than 0.4. 829 For wa''s other than those descr#,ed #n /entence 213, or where the masonry wa''s or #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s not #n contact w#th the ground are des#gned (or s&ec#(#ed 'oads on the ,as#s o( u't#mate and ser$#cea,#'#ty '#m#t states, /u,sect#on 4.3.2. sha'' a&&'y. 9,2>,1,2, E$rt04u$Ae Rein/orcement 819 +n 'ocat#ons where the se#sm#c s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, / a20.23, #s greater than 0.11, loadbearing e'ements o( masonry buildings more than 1 storey #n building height sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th not 'ess than the m#n#mum amount o( re#n(orcement as re:u#red #n /u,sect#on 9.20.11. 829 +n 'ocat#ons where the se#sm#c s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, / a20.23, #s greater than 0.31, ,ut 'ess than or e:ua' to 0.11, loadbearing e'ements o( masonry buildings 3 storeys #n building height sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th not 'ess than the m#n#mum amount o( re#n(orcement as re:u#red #n /u,sect#on 9.20.11. 9,2>,2, )$sonr3 nits 9,2>,2,1, )$sonr3 nit (t$nd$rds 819 <asonry un#ts sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 %/;< ).3, >)a'c#um /#'#cate *r#c7 2/and-L#me *r#c73?, 2,3 %/;< )126, >)eram#c 4'aCed /tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e, Fac#ng *r#c7, and /o'#d <asonry @n#ts?, 2c3 %/;< )212, >/tructura' )'ay Fac#ng ;#'e?, 2d3 )%B!)/%-% 2.1-<, >*urned )'ay *r#c7 2/o'#d <asonry @n#ts <ade (rom )'ay or /ha'e3?, 2e3 )/% % 2.4-<, >/tructura' )'ay Load-*ear#ng 8a'' ;#'e?, 2(3 )/% % 2.1-<, >/tructura' )'ay Bon-Load-*ear#ng ;#'e?, 2g3 )%B3-% 2. -<, >=o''ow )'ay *r#c7?, 2h3 )%B!)/%-%161.1, >)oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts?, 2#3 )%B!)/%-%161.2, >)oncrete *r#c7 <asonry @n#ts?, 203 )%B!)/%-%161.3, >-re(aced )oncrete <asonry @n#ts?, or 273 )%B3-%161.4-<, >%utoc'a$ed )e''u'ar @n#ts?. 9,2>,2,2, sed BricA 819 @sed ,r#c7s sha'' ,e (ree o( o'd mortar, soot or other sur(ace coat#ng and sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e 9,2>,2,!, Gl$ss BlocAs 819 4'ass ,'oc7s sha'' not ,e used as loadbearing un#ts or #n the construct#on o( (#re&'aces or chimneys. 9,2>,2,5, Cellul$r Concrete 819 <asonry made w#th ce''u'ar concrete sha'' not ,e used #n contact w#th the soil or e5&osed to the weather. 9,2>,2,7, (tone 819 /tone sha'' ,e sound and dura,'e. 9,2>,2,<, Concrete nits E?.osed to t0e 6e$t0er 819 )oncrete ,'oc7s e5&osed to the weather sha'' ha$e we#ght and water a,sor&t#on character#st#cs con(orm#ng to )'asses %, *, ) or ", descr#,ed #n )%B!)/%-%161.1, >)oncrete *'oc7 <asonry @n#ts?. 9,2>,2,;, Com.ressi1e (trengt0 819 ;he com&ress#$e strength o( concrete ,'oc7s sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.20.2... T$ble 9,2>,2,;, Com.ressi1e (trengt0 o/ Concrete BlocAs Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.20.2...213
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( *'oc7 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum )om&ress#$e /trength O$er Bet %rea, <-a 65&osed to 8eather )o'umn 3 Bot 65&osed to 8eather


1. 2. 3.

/o'#d or ho''ow concrete ,'oc7s /o'#d loadbearing ce''u'ar ,'oc7s /o'#d non-loadbearing ce''u'ar ,'oc7s

11 Bot &erm#tted Bot &erm#tted

10 1 2

9,2>,!, )ort$r 9,2>,!,1, )ort$r )$teri$ls 819 )ement#t#ous mater#a's and aggregates (or mortar and grout sha'' com&'y w#th )%B!)/%-%1.9, ><ortar and 4rout (or @n#t <asonry?. 829 8ater and aggregate sha'' ,e c'ean and (ree o( s#gn#(#cant amounts o( de'eter#ous mater#a's. 8!9 L#me used #n mortar sha'' ,e hydrated. 859 +( '#me &utty #s used #n mortar, #t sha'' ,e made ,y s'a7#ng :u#c7'#me #n water (or not 'ess than 24 h or soa7#ng hydrated '#me #n water (or not 'ess than 12 h. 9,2>,!,2, )ort$r $nd Grout )i?es 819 <ortar ty&es sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 829 <ortar (or g'ass ,'oc7 masonry sha'' ,e, 2a3 ;y&e / -ort'and cement-'#me where e5&osed to the e5ter#or, or 2,3 ;y&e / or B where &rotected (rom the e5ter#or. 8!9 <ortar m#5 &ro&ort#ons sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e*., w#th su((#c#ent water to ,r#ng the m#5ture to a cons#stency ade:uate (or 'ay#ng masonry un#ts. 859 4rout m#5 &ro&ort#ons sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e, w#th su((#c#ent water to &ro$#de a su#ta,'e ('ow to (#'' a'' $o#ds com&'ete'y, w#thout e5cess#$e segregat#on or ,'eed#ng. 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, mortar sha'' ,e used and &'aced #n (#na' &os#t#on, 2a3 w#th#n 1.1 h a(ter m#5#ng when the a#r tem&erature #s 21) or h#gher, and 2,3 w#th#n 2.1 h a(ter m#5#ng when the a#r tem&erature #s 'ess than 21). 8<9 <ortar and grout conta#n#ng a set-contro' adm#5ture sha'' ,e manu(actured o((-s#te #n a ,atch#ng &'ant and sha'' ,e used and &'aced #n (#na' &os#t#on w#th#n a t#me not e5ceed#ng the use(u' '#(e as st#&u'ated ,y the manu(acturer. 8;9 4rout used (or re#n(orced masonry sha'' ,e &'aced #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%-%3.1, ><asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. T$ble 9,2>,!,2,A, )ort$r se Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Locat#on 65ter#or, a,o$e ground 65ter#or, at or ,e'ow ground +nter#or )o'umn 2 $uilding 6'ement <oadbearing wa''s and co'umns Bon-loadbearing wa''s and co'umns -ara&ets, chimneys and masonry $eneer 7oundation wa''s and chimneys <oadbearing wa''s and co'umns Bon-loadbearing wa''s and co'umns )o'umn 3 <ortar ;y&e / B or / B or / / B B

T$ble 9,2>,!,2,B, )ort$r )i? %ro.ortions 8b3 'olume9 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 <ortar ;y&e -ort'and )ement / B 1 h 1 )o'umn 3 L#me h 1 )o'umn 4 <asonry )ement ;y&e B 1 1 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 <asonry )ement ;y&e / F#ne %ggregate 2dam&, 'oose-state sand3 3h to 4h 1 2g to 3 3h to 4h 4h to 6 2g to 3


T$ble 9,2>,!,2,C, Grout )i? %ro.ortions 8b3 'olume9 Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 -ort'and )ement 1 )o'umn 2 L#me 0 to 1!10 )o'umn 3 F#ne %ggregate 2sand3 2g to 3 t#mes the sum o( the cement and '#me $o'umes )o'umn 4 )oarse %ggregate 1 to 2 t#mes the sum o( the cement and '#me $o'umes

9,2>,5, )ort$r *oints 9,2>,5,1, T0icAness 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, mortar 0o#nt th#c7ness (or ,urned c'ay ,r#c7 and concrete masonry un#ts sha'' ,e 10 mm. 829 -erm#tted to'erances #n head and ,ed 0o#nts sha'' ,e -1 mm to V10 mm. 9,2>,5,2, (olid )$sonr3 nits 819 65ce&t (or head 0o#nts 'e(t o&en (or wee& ho'es and $ent#'at#on, so'#d masonry un#ts sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th (u'' head and ,ed 0o#nts. 9,2>,5,!, Eollo2 )$sonr3 nits 819 =o''ow masonry un#ts sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th mortar a&&'#ed to head and ,ed 0o#nts o( ,oth #nner and outer (ace she''s. 829 Hert#ca''y a'#gned we,s o( ho''ow masonry un#ts sha'' ,e 'a#d #n a (u'' ,ed o( mortar, 2a3 under the start#ng course, 2,3 #n a'' courses o( co'umns, and 2c3 where ad0acent to ce''s or ca$#t#es that are to ,e (#''ed w#th grout. 9,2>,7, )$sonr3 (u..ort 9,2>,7,1, )$sonr3 (u..ort 819 %'' masonry sha'' ,e su&&orted on masonry, concrete or stee', e5ce&t that masonry $eneer wa''s are &erm#tted to ,e su&&orted on foundations o( wood (rame constructed #n con(ormance w#th /entence 829 6$ery masonry wa'' sha'' ,e at 'east as th#c7 as the wa'' #t su&&orts, e5ce&t as otherw#se &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e 9,2>,7,2, Lintels or Arc0es 819 <asonry o$er o&en#ngs sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y stee', re#n(orced concrete '#nte's or masonry arches des#gned to su&&ort the #m&osed 'oads. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 263, stee' ang'e '#nte's su&&ort#ng masonry a,o$e o&en#ngs sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 8!9 /tee' ang'e '#nte's su&&ort#ng masonry $eneer a,o$e o&en#ngs sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e*. 859 /tee' '#nte's descr#,ed #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'', 2a3 ha$e e$en and 'e$e' ,ear#ng and sha'' ha$e not 'ess than 110 mm 'ength o( ,ear#ng at end su&&orts, and 2,3 ,ear on masonry, concrete or stee'. 879 /tee' ang'e '#nte's su&&ort#ng masonry sha'' ,e &r#med or &a#nted or otherw#se &rotected (rom corros#on. 8<9 /tee' ,eams su&&ort#ng masonry $eneer and wood stud wa''s a,o$e o&en#ngs sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 8;9 /tee' ,eams descr#,ed #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e su&&orted at each end ,y a stee' co'umn, and ha$e a m#n#mum 6 mm &'ate we'ded to the ('ange to su&&ort the masonry $eneer. T$ble 9,2>,7,2,A, Loose (teel Lintels /or )$sonr3 M No, O (i-e o/ Angles Re4uired 8<9 8;9 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'. 1 )o'. 2 )o'. 3 )'ear 65ter#or %ng'es, mm /&an213233 For *r#c7 For /tone 100 mm 100 mm V 10 mm stone (ac#ng )o'. 4 8a'' ;h#c7ness, mm )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. )o'. 9 )o'. 10 +nter#or %ng'es, mm <a5#mum F'oor Loads &er <etre o( /&an #n Bewtons 223243213 Bone 3 610 . 300 10 910 14 600 1 210 )o'. 11

21 900



Bo F'oor Load 1.2 m or L- 9 R 9 R 6.4 L-12. R 9 'ess R ..9

203 301


1.1 m

L- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R ..9

203 301


1. m

L-102 R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 12. 203 R ..9 301


2.1 m

L-102 R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 12. 203 R ..9 301


2.4 m

L-12. R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 12. 203 R ..9 301


2.. m

L-12. R 9 R 11

L-12. R 12. 203 R 11 301


3.0 m

L-112 R 102 R 11

L-12. R 12. 203 R 13 301

L- 9 R 9 R 6.4 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L- 9 R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-102 R 9 R ..9 2Ls-102 R 9 R ..9 L-102 R 9 R ..9 2Ls-102 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R ..9 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R 11 2Ls-12. R 112 R 11 L-112 R 102 R 11 2Ls-112 R 102 R 11

L- 9 R 9 R 6.4 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L- 9 R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R ..9 2Ls-102 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R 11 L-112 R 102 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R 13

L- 9 R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R ..9 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9 L-112 R 102 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R 11

L-102 R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9 L-112 R 102 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 9 R ..9 2Ls- 9 R 9 R ..9 L-12. R 9 R 13 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 9 R 11 2Ls-102 R 9 R ..9 L-112 R 9 R 11 2Ls-12. R 9 R ..9

L-12. R 9 R 13 2Ls-102 R 9 R ..9

2Ls-12. R 9 R 11

2Ls-12. 2Ls-112 2Ls-112 R 9 R 102 R 102 R 11 R 11 R 11

2Ls-112 2Ls-112 R 102 R 102 R 11 R 11

2Ls-112 R 102 R 11

2Ls-112 R 102 R 11

Notes to T$ble 9,2>,7,2,A,&

213 223 233

/ee /entence Om#t ('oor 'oad #n '#nte' when d#stance to ,ottom o( ('oor construct#on #s greater than w#dth o( o&en#ng.

+nter#or and e5ter#or ang'es #n 200 mm wa''s and #nter#or ang'es #n 300 mm wa''s are ,o'ted together when c'ear s&an #s o$er 1 00 mm.

8hen masonry '#ghter than ,r#c7 #s used o$er #nter#or ang'es ('oor 'oad may ,e #ncreased ,y the d#((erence #n we#ght &er s:uare metre t#mes the w#dth o( the o&en#ng. Bot genera''y a$a#'a,'e.
213 263 2.3

+nter#or ang'es ha$e ,een des#gned (or ('oor 'oad &'us ,r#c7 masonry o( he#ght e:ua' to w#dth o( o&en#ng. (s S 13 <-a., "e('ect#on ma5#mum S 1!.00 s&an. ;he (#gures #n the ;a,'e #nd#cat#ng wa'' th#c7ness and ang'e cross-sect#on are #n mm. T$ble 9,2>,7,2,B, )$?imum Allo2$ble (.$ns /or (teel Lintels (u..orting )$sonr3 'eneer, m Form#ng -art o( /entence


)o'umn 1 <#n#mum %ng'e /#Ce, mm

)o'umn 2

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 <a5#mum %''owa,'e /&ans, m

)o'umn 6


1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11.

Hert#ca' Leg 9 9 102 12. 12. 12. 112 112 112 1. 1.

=or#Conta' Leg .6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 102 102 102

;h#c7ness 6.4 6.4 6.4 ..9 11 13 11 13 13 11 13

.0 mm *r#c7 2.11 2.19 2..9 3.4. 3.64 3. 2 4.06 4.32 4.3. 4.1. 4. .

90 mm *r#c7 I 2.4. 2.66 3.31 3.4 3.19 3. 2 4.0. 4.12 4.30 4.19

100 mm /tone I 2.30 2.4 3.0 3.24 3.33 3.14 3... 3. 2 3.99 4.21

T$ble 9,2>,7,2,C, )$?imum Allo2$ble (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting )$sonr3 'eneer, m819, 829 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 /ect#on 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36

)o'umn 2 .0 mm *r#c7 4.23 4.6 1.26 1.1. 1..0

)o'umn 3 90 mm *r#c7 4.09 4.12 1.0 1.3. 1.49

)o'umn 4 100 mm /tone 3.92 4.32 4. 4 1.11 1.23

Notes toT$ble 9,2>,7,2,C,&

;hese s&ans assume that the ,eam su&&orts the $eneer, a wood stud wa'' and a ma5#mum s&ec#(#ed roo( '#$e 'oad o( 2.3 7B!m.

8here the stee' ,eam carr#es ('oor 'oads or 'arger roo( 'oads, re(er to %rt#c'e

9,2>,<, T0icAness $nd Eeig0t 9,2>,<,1, T0icAness o/ E?terior 6$lls 819 <asonry e5ter#or wa''s, other than cavity walls, #n 1 storey buildings and the to& storeys o( 2 and 3 storey buildings sha'' ,e not 'ess than 140 mm th#c7 &ro$#ded the wa''s are not more than 2. m h#gh at the ea$es and 4.6 m h#gh at the &ea7s o( ga,'e ends. 829 ;he e5ter#or wa''s o( the ,ottom storeys o( 2 storey buildings, and e5ter#or wa''s o( the ,ottom 2 storeys o( 3 storey buildings sha'' ,e not 'ess than 190 mm th#c7. 8!9 +n e5ter#or wa''s com&osed o( more than one wythe, each wythe sha'' ,e not 'ess than 90 mm th#c7. 9,2>,<,2, C$1it3 6$lls 819 %avity walls sha'' ,e made w#th not 'ess than 90 mm w#de un#ts #( the 0o#nts are ra7ed and not 'ess than .1 mm w#de un#ts #( the 0o#nts are not ra7ed. 829 ;he w#dth o( a ca$#ty #n a cavity wall sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm and not greater than 110 mm. 8!9 ;he m#n#mum th#c7ness o( cavity walls a,o$e the su&&ort#ng ,ase sha'' ,e 230 mm (or the to& ..6 m and 330 mm (or the rema#n#ng &ort#on, e5ce&t that where .1 mm w#de un#ts are used, the wa'' he#ght a,o$e the to& o( the foundation wa'' sha'' not e5ceed 6 m. 9,2>,<,!, T0icAness o/ Interior 6$lls 819 ;he th#c7ness o( loadbearing #nter#or wa''s sha'' ,e determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the ma5#mum 'atera' su&&ort s&ac#ng as &ro$#ded #n /entences and 233. 829 ;he th#c7ness o( #nter#or non-loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e, 2a3 determ#ned on the ,as#s o( the ma5#mum 'atera' su&&ort s&ac#ng as &ro$#ded #n /entences and 233, and 2,3 #n any case, not 'ess than 61 mm. 9,2>,<,5, )$sonr3 'eneer 819 65ce&t (or masonry $eneer where each masonry un#t #s su&&orted #nd#$#dua''y ,y the structura' ,ac7#ng, masonry $eneer sha'' ,e o( so'#d un#ts not 'ess than .0 mm th#c7. 829 Heneer descr#,ed #n /entence 213 o$er wood (rame wa''s sha'' ha$e not 'ess than a 21 mm a#r s&ace ,eh#nd the $eneer. 4 0

8!9 <asonry $eneer 'ess than 90 mm th#c7 sha'' ha$e unra7ed 0o#nts. 859 <asonry $eneer sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 4.3.2. where the masonry un#ts are re:u#red to ,e #nd#$#dua''y su&&orted ,y the structura' ,ac7#ng. 9,2>,<,7, %$r$.et 6$lls 819 ;he he#ght o( &ara&et wa''s a,o$e the ad0acent roo( sur(ace sha'' ,e not more than three t#mes the &ara&et wa'' th#c7ness. 829 -ara&et wa''s sha'' ,e so'#d (rom the to& o( the &ara&et to not 'ess than 300 mm ,e'ow the ad0acent roo( 'e$e'. 9,2>,<,<, (tone or Concrete +$cings 819 /'a, and &ane' (ac#ngs o( &recast concrete and natura' or art#(#c#a' stone sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 4.3.2. 9,2>,;, C0$ses $nd Recesses 9,2>,;,1, )$?imum #imensions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 9.20...2.223 and %rt#c'e 9.20...4., the de&th o( any chase or recess sha'' not e5ceed one-th#rd the th#c7ness o( the wa'', and the w#dth o( the chase or recess sha'' not e5ceed 100 mm. 9,2>,;,2, )inimum 6$ll T0icAness 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and %rt#c'e 9.20...4., no chase or recess sha'' ,e constructed #n any wa'' 190 mm or 'ess #n th#c7ness. 829 Recesses may ,e constructed #n 190 mm wa''s &ro$#ded they do not e5ceed 100 mm #n de&th, .10 mm #n he#ght and 100 mm #n w#dth. 9,2>,;,!, (e.$r$tion o/ C0$ses $nd Recesses 819 )hases and recesses sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 (our t#mes the wa'' th#c7ness a&art, and 2,3 600 mm away (rom any &#'aster, cross wa'', ,uttress or other $ert#ca' e'ement &ro$#d#ng re:u#red 'atera' su&&ort (or the wa''. 9,2>,;,5, Non:Con/orming C0$ses or Recesses 819 )hases or recesses that do not con(orm to the '#m#ts s&ec#(#ed #n %rt#c'es 9.20...1. to 9.20...3. sha'' ,e cons#dered as o&en#ngs, and any masonry su&&orted a,o$e such a chase or recess sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y a '#nte' or arch as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 9,2>,;,7, C0$ses or Recesses Cut into 6$lls 819 )hases or recesses sha'' not ,e cut #nto wa''s made w#th ho''ow un#ts a(ter the masonry un#ts are #n &'ace. 9,2>,=, (u..ort o/ Lo$ds 9,2>,=,1, C$ o/ Eollo2 )$sonr3 6$lls 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, loadbearing wa''s o( ho''ow masonry un#ts su&&ort#ng roo( or ('oor (ram#ng mem,ers sha'' ,e ca&&ed w#th not 'ess than 10 mm o( so'#d masonry or ha$e the to& course (#''ed w#th concrete. 829 )a&&#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 may ,e om#tted where the roo( (ram#ng #s su&&orted on a wood &'ate not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm. 9,2>,=,2, C$1it3 6$lls (u..orting +r$ming )embers 819 F'oor 0o#sts su&&orted on cavity walls sha'' ,e su&&orted on so'#d un#ts not 'ess than 1. mm h#gh. 829 F'oor 0o#sts descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not &ro0ect #nto the ca$#ty. 8!9 Roo( and ce#'#ng (ram#ng mem,ers ,ear#ng on cavity walls sha'' ,e su&&orted on, 2a3 not 'ess than 1. mm o( so'#d masonry, ,r#dg#ng the (u'' th#c7ness o( the wa'', or 2,3 a wood &'ate not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7, ,ear#ng not 'ess than 10 mm on each wythe. 9,2>,=,!, Be$ring o/ Be$ms $nd *oists 819 ;he ,ear#ng area under ,eams and 0o#sts sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to carry the su&&orted 'oad. 829 +n no case sha'' the m#n#mum 'ength o( end ,ear#ng o( ,eams su&&orted on masonry ,e 'ess than 90 mm. 8!9 ;he 'ength o( end ,ear#ng o( ('oor, roo( or ce#'#ng 0o#sts su&&orted on masonry sha'' ,e not 'ess than 40 mm. 9,2>,=,5, (u..ort o/ Be$ms $nd Columns 4 1

819 *eams and co'umns su&&orted on masonry wa''s sha'' ,e su&&orted on &#'asters where the th#c7ness o( the masonry wa'' or wythe #s 'ess than 190 mm. 829 Bot 'ess than 190 mm de&th o( so'#d masonry or concrete sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under the ,eam or co'umn re(erred to #n /entence 213. 8!9 -#'asters re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e ,onded or t#ed to masonry wa''s. 859 )oncrete &#'asters re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm ,y 300 mm. 879 @n#t masonry &#'asters re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 100 mm ,y 290 mm. 9,2>,=,7, #ist$nce to Edge o/ (u..orting )embers 819 <asonry $eneer o( ho''ow un#ts rest#ng on ,ear#ng su&&ort sha'' not &ro0ect more than, 2a3 30 mm ,eyond the su&&ort#ng ,ase where the $eneer #s not 'ess than 90 mm th#c7, and 2,3 12 mm ,eyond the su&&ort#ng ,ase where the $eneer #s 'ess than 90 mm th#c7. 829 <asonry $eneer o( so'#d un#ts rest#ng on ,ear#ng su&&ort sha'' not &ro0ect more than one-th#rd o( the w#dth o( the $eneer. 8!9 8here the masonry $eneer descr#,ed #n /entence 223 #s rough stone masonry, 2a3 the &ro0ect#on sha'' ,e measured as the a$erage &ro0ect#on o( the un#ts, and 2,3 the w#dth o( the $eneer sha'' ,e measured as the a$erage w#dth o( the $eneer. 9,2>,9, Bonding $nd T3ing 9,2>,9,1, *oints to be O//set or Rein/orced 819 Hert#ca' 0o#nts #n ad0acent masonry courses sha'' ,e o((set un'ess each wythe o( masonry #s re#n(orced w#th the e:u#$a'ent o( no (ewer than two corros#on-res#stant stee' ,ars o( 3..6 mm d#am &'aced #n the hor#Conta' 0o#nts at $ert#ca' #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 460 mm. 829 8here 0o#nts #n the re#n(orc#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 occur, the ,ars sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 110 mm. 9,2>,9,2, Bonding or T3ing o/ Ot0er t0$n )$sonr3 'eneer 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e (or masonry $eneer, masonry wa''s that cons#st o( two or more wythes sha'' ha$e the wythes ,onded or t#ed together w#th masonry ,ond#ng un#ts as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e or w#th meta' t#es as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'es 9,2>,9,!, Bonding 819 8here wythes are ,onded together w#th masonry un#ts, the ,ond#ng un#ts sha'' com&r#se not 'ess than 4 &er cent o( the wa'' sur(ace area. 829 *ond#ng un#ts descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 600 mm $ert#ca''y and hor#Conta''y #n the case o( ,r#c7 masonry and 900 mm o.c. #n the case o( ,'oc7 or t#'e. 8!9 @n#ts descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 90 mm #nto ad0acent wythes. 9,2>,9,5, T3ing 819 8here two or more wythes are t#ed together w#th meta' t#es o( the #nd#$#dua' rod ty&e, the t#es sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /entences 233 to 263. 829 Other t#es may ,e used where #t can ,e shown that such t#es &ro$#de wa''s that are at 'east as strong and as dura,'e as those made w#th the #nd#$#dua' rod ty&e. 8!9 <eta' t#es o( the #nd#$#dua' rod ty&e sha'', 2a3 ,e corros#on-res#stant, 2,3 ha$e a m#n#mum cross-sect#ona' area o( not 'ess than 1.. mmA, and 2c3 ha$e not 'ess than a 10 mm &ort#on ,ent at r#ght ang'es at each end. 859 <eta' t#es o( the #nd#$#dua' rod ty&e sha'', 2a3 e5tend (rom w#th#n 21 mm o( the outer (ace o( the wa'' to w#th#n 21 mm o( the #nner (ace o( the wa'', 2,3 ,e com&'ete'y em,edded #n mortar e5ce&t (or the &ort#on e5&osed #n cavity walls, and 2c3 ,e staggered (rom course to course.

4 2

879 8here two or more wythes #n wa''s other than cavity walls and masonry $eneer!masonry ,ac7-u& wa''s are t#ed together w#th meta' t#es o( the #nd#$#dua' rod ty&e, the s&ace ,etween wythes sha'' ,e com&'ete'y (#''ed w#th mortar. 8<9 ;#es descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e, 2a3 'ocated w#th#n 300 mm o( o&en#ngs and s&aced not more than 900 mm a&art around o&en#ngs, and 2,3 s&aced not more than 900 mm a&art hor#Conta''y and 460 mm a&art $ert#ca''y at other 'ocat#ons. 8;9 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entences 2 3 and 293, where the #nner and outer wythes o( cavity walls are t#ed w#th #nd#$#dua' w#re t#es, the t#es sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 900 mm a&art hor#Conta''y and 400 mm a&art $ert#ca''y. 8=9 8#th#n 100 mm o( the ,ottom o( each ('oor or roo( assem,'y where the ca$#ty e5tends ,e'ow the assem,'#es, the t#es descr#,ed #n /entence 2.3 sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 600 mm a&art hor#Conta''y. 899 8#th#n 300 mm o( any o&en#ngs, the t#es descr#,ed #n /entence 2.3 sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 900 mm a&art. 9,2>,9,7, Ties /or )$sonr3 'eneer 819 <asonry $eneer .0 mm or more #n th#c7ness and rest#ng on a ,ear#ng su&&ort sha'' ,e t#ed to masonry ,ac7-u& or to wood (ram#ng mem,ers w#th stra&s that are, 2a3 corros#on-res#stant, 2,3 not 'ess than 0..6 mm th#c7, 2c3 not 'ess than 22 mm w#de, 2d3 sha&ed to &ro$#de a 7ey w#th the mortar, and 2e3 s&aced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e T$ble 9,2>,9,7, 'eneer Tie (.$cing Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 <a5#mum Hert#ca' /&ac#ng, mm 400 100 600 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum =or#Conta' /&ac#ng, mm 00 600 400

829 ;he stra&s descr#,ed #n /entence 213 that are (astened to the wood (ram#ng mem,ers sha'' ,e, 2a3 ,ent at a r#ght ang'e w#th#n 6 mm (rom the (astener, and 2,3 (astened w#th corros#on res#stant 3.1 mm d#am screws or s&#ra' na#'s ha$#ng a wood &enetrat#on o( not 'ess than 30 mm. 8!9 <asonry $eneer #nd#$#dua''y su&&orted ,y masonry or wood (rame ,ac7-u& sha'' ,e secured to the ,ac7-u& #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 4.3.2. 859 ;he stra&s descr#,ed #n /entence 213 may ,e #nsta''ed aga#nst one o( the sheath#ngs '#sted #n ;a,'e &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the t#e #s #n contact w#th the e5ter#or sur(ace o( the sheath#ng, and 2,3 the sheath#ng ,eneath the t#e #s not com&ressed. 9,2>,9,<, Rein/orcing /or Gl$ss BlocA 819 4'ass ,'oc7 sha'' ha$e hor#Conta' 0o#nt re#n(orcement o( two corros#on-res#stant ,ars o( not 'ess than 3..6 mm d#am or e5&anded meta' str#&s not 'ess than .1 mm w#de, 2a3 s&aced at $ert#ca' #nter$a's o( not more than 600 mm (or un#ts 190 mm or 'ess #n he#ght, and 2,3 #nsta''ed #n e$ery hor#Conta' 0o#nt (or un#ts h#gher than 190 mm. 829 Re#n(orcement re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 110 mm. 9,2>,1>, L$ter$l (u..ort 9,2>,1>,1, L$ter$l (u..ort Re4uired 819 <asonry wa''s sha'' ,e 'atera''y su&&orted ,y ('oor or roo( construct#on or ,y #ntersect#ng masonry wa''s or ,uttresses. 829 ;he s&ac#ng o( su&&orts re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not more than, 4 3

2a3 20 t#mes the wa'' th#c7ness (or a'' loadbearing wa''s and e5ter#or non-loadbearing wa''s, and 2,3 36 t#mes the wa'' th#c7ness (or #nter#or non-loadbearing wa''s. 8!9 +n a&&'y#ng /entence 223, the th#c7ness o( cavity walls sha'' ,e ta7en as the greater o(, 2a3 two-th#rds o( the sum o( the th#c7nesses o( the wythes, or 2,3 the th#c7ness o( the th#c7er wythe. 859 F'oor and roo( structura' e'ements &ro$#d#ng 'atera' su&&ort (or wa''s as re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e constructed to trans(er 'atera' 'oads to wa''s or ,uttresses a&&ro5#mate'y at r#ght ang'es to the 'atera''y su&&orted wa''s. 9,2>,11, Anc0or$ge o/ Roo/s, +loors $nd Intersecting 6$lls 9,2>,11,1, Anc0or$ge o/ +loor or Roo/ Assemblies 819 8here re:u#red to rece#$e 'atera' su&&ort, masonry wa''s sha'' ,e anchored to each ('oor or roo( assem,'y at ma5#mum #nter$a's o( 2 m, e5ce&t that anchorage o( ('oor 0o#sts not more than 1 m a,o$e grade may ,e om#tted. 829 %nchors re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant and ,e not 'ess than the e:u#$a'ent o( 40 mm ,y 4..6 mm th#c7 stee' stra&s. 8!9 %nchors re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e sha&ed to &ro$#de a mechan#ca' 7ey w#th the masonry and sha'' ,e secure'y (astened to the hor#Conta' su&&ort to de$e'o& the (u'' strength o( the anchor. 859 8hen 0o#sts are &ara''e' to the wa'', anchors re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' e5tend across no (ewer than three 0o#sts. 9,2>,11,2, Bonding $nd T3ing o/ Intersecting 6$lls 819 8here re:u#red to &ro$#de 'atera' su&&ort, #ntersect#ng wa''s sha'' ,e ,onded or t#ed together. 829 8here ,ond#ng #s used to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, 10F o( the ad0acent masonry un#ts #n the #ntersect#ng wa'', d#str#,uted un#(orm'y o$er the he#ght o( the #ntersect#on, sha'' ,e em,edded #n the 'atera''y su&&orted wa''. 8!9 8here ty#ng #s used to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, the t#es sha'' ,e, 2a3 corros#on-res#stant meta', 2,3 e:u#$a'ent to not 'ess than 4..6 mm ,y 40 mm stee' stra&&#ng, 2c3 s&aced not more than 00 mm o.c. $ert#ca''y, and 2d3 sha&ed at ,oth ends to &ro$#de su((#c#ent mechan#ca' 7ey to de$e'o& the strength o( the t#es. 9,2>,11,!, 6ood +r$me 6$lls Intersecting )$sonr3 6$lls 819 8ood (rame wa''s sha'' ,e t#ed to #ntersect#ng masonry wa''s w#th not 'ess than 4..6 mm d#am corros#on-res#stant stee' rods s&aced not more than 900 mm o.c. $ert#ca''y. 829 ;#es re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e anchored to the wood (ram#ng at one end and sha&ed to &ro$#de a mechan#ca' 7ey at the other end to de$e'o& the strength o( the t#e. 9,2>,11,5, 6ood +r$me Roo/ (3stems 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, roo( systems o( wood (rame construct#on sha'' ,e t#ed to e5ter#or masonry wa''s ,y not 'ess than 12.. mm d#am anchor ,o'ts, 2a3 s&aced not more than 2.4 m a&art, 2,3 em,edded not 'ess that 90 mm #nto the masonry, and 2c3 (astened to a ra(ter &'ate o( not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7 'um,er. 829 ;he roo( system descr#,ed #n /entence 213 #s &erm#tted to ,e anchored ,y na#'#ng the wa'' (urr#ng str#&s to the s#de o( the ra(ter &'ate. 9,2>,11,7, Cornices, (ills $nd Trim 819 )orn#ces, s#''s or other tr#m o( masonry mater#a' that &ro0ect ,eyond the wa'' (ace sha'' ha$e not 'ess than 61F o( the#r mass, ,ut not 'ess than 90 mm, w#th#n the wa'' or sha'' ,e ade:uate'y anchored to the wa'' w#th corros#on-res#stant anchors. 9,2>,11,<, %iers 819 8here anchor ,o'ts are to ,e &'aced #n the to& o( a masonry &#er, the &#er sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence and sha'' ,e ca&&ed w#th concrete or re#n(orced masonry not 'ess than 200 mm th#c7. 9,2>,12, Corbelling 9,2>,12,1, Corbelling 4 4

819 %'' cor,e''#ng sha'' cons#st o( so'#d un#ts. 829 ;he un#ts re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e cor,e''ed so that the hor#Conta' &ro0ect#on o( any un#t does not e5ceed 21 mm and the tota' &ro0ect#on does not e5ceed one-th#rd o( the tota' wa'' th#c7ness. 9,2>,12,2, Corbelling /or C$1it3 6$lls 819 %avity walls o( greater th#c7ness than the foundation wa'' on wh#ch they rest sha'' not ,e cor,e''ed ,ut may &ro0ect 21 mm o$er the outer (ace o( the foundation wa'' d#sregard#ng &arg#ng. 829 8here the foundation wa'' re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s un#t masonry, #t #s &erm#tted to ,e cor,e''ed to meet ('ush w#th the #nner (ace o( a cavity wall &ro$#ded, 2a3 the &ro0ect#on o( each course does not e5ceed ha'( the he#ght or one-th#rd the w#dth o( the cor,e''ed un#t, and 2,3 the tota' cor,e' does not e5ceed one-th#rd o( the foundation wa'' th#c7ness. 9,2>,12,!, Corbelling /or )$sonr3 'eneer 819 <asonry $eneer rest#ng on a ,ear#ng su&&ort sha'' not &ro0ect more than 21 mm ,eyond the su&&ort#ng ,ase where the $eneer #s at 'east 90 mm th#c7, and 12 mm ,eyond the su&&ort#ng ,ase where the $eneer #s 'ess than 90 mm th#c7. 829 +n the case o( rough stone $eneer, the &ro0ect#on, measured as the a$erage &ro0ect#on o( the stone un#ts, sha'' not e5ceed one-th#rd the ,ed w#dth ,eyond the su&&ort#ng ,ase. 9,2>,1!, Control o/ R$in 6$ter %enetr$tion 9,2>,1!,1, )$teri$ls /or +l$s0ing 819 <ater#a's used (or ('ash#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 829 %'um#num ('ash#ng #n contact w#th masonry or concrete sha'' ,e e((ect#$e'y coated or se&arated (rom the masonry or concrete ,y an #m&er$#ous mem,rane. T$ble 9,2>,1!,1, +l$s0ing )$teri$ls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . )o'umn 1 <ater#a' %'um#num )o&&er )o&&er or a'um#num 'am#nated to (e't or 7ra(t &a&er =ot d#&&ed or ga'$an#Ced stee' Lead sheet -o'yethy'ene Ro'' roo(#ng, ;y&e / O#nc )o'umn 2 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm 65&osed F'ash#ng 0.4 0.46 I 0. 33 1..3 I I 0.46 )o'umn 3 )oncea'ed F'ash#ng I 0.46 0.01 0.33 1..3 0.10 standard 0.46

9,2>,1!,2, +$stening o/ +l$s0ing 819 Fasten#ng de$#ces (or ('ash#ng sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant and, where meta' ('ash#ng #s used, sha'' ,e com&at#,'e w#th the ('ash#ng w#th res&ect to ga'$an#c act#on. 9,2>,1!,!, Loc$tion o/ +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n masonry and masonry $eneer wa''s, 2a3 ,eneath 0o#nted masonry w#ndow s#''s, 2,3 o$er the ,ac7 and to& o( &ara&et wa''s, 2c3 o$er the heads o( g'ass ,'oc7 &ane's, 2d3 ,eneath wee& ho'es, and 2e3 o$er the heads o( w#ndow and door o&en#ngs #n e5ter#or wa''s when the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween the to& o( a w#ndow or door (rame and the ,ottom edge o( the ea$e e5ceeds one-:uarter o( the hor#Conta' ea$e o$erhang. 829 ;hroughwa'' ('ash#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a masonry $eneer wa'' such that any mo#sture that accumu'ates #n the a#r s&ace w#'' ,e d#rected to the e5ter#or o( the building. 9,2>,1!,5, E?tension o/ +l$s0ing

4 1

819 8hen #nsta''ed ,eneath 0o#nted masonry w#ndow s#''s and 0o#nted masonry co&#ngs or o$er the heads o( o&en#ngs, ('ash#ng sha'' e5tend (rom the (ront edge o( the masonry u& ,eh#nd the s#'' or '#nte'. 829 % ('ash#ng may ,e om#tted when the masonry at the s#'' o( a wa'' o&en#ng or the to& o( a wa'' #s &rotected ,y an #m&er$#ous non-0o#nted masonry co&#ng that con(orms to %rt#c'e 9,2>,1!,7, +l$s0ing /or 6ee. Eoles in )$sonr3 'eneer")$sonr3 6$lls 819 F'ash#ng ,eneath wee& ho'es #n cavity walls and masonry $eneer!masonry ,ac7-u& wa''s sha'', 2a3 ,e ,edded not 'ess than 21 mm #n the #ns#de wythe, 2,3 e5tend to not 'ess than 1 mm ,eyond the outer (ace o( the building e'ement ,e'ow the ('ash#ng, and 2c3 ,e #nsta''ed w#th a nom#na''y hor#Conta' s'o&e toward the outs#de wythe. 9,2>,1!,<, +l$s0ing /or 6ee. Eoles in )$sonr3 'eneer 819 F'ash#ng ,eneath wee& ho'es #n masonry $eneer o$er masonry ,ac7-u& wa''s sha'' con(orm to the ('ash#ng re:u#rements (or cavity walls and masonry $eneer!masonry ,ac7-u& wa''s #n %rt#c'e 829 F'ash#ng ,eneath wee& ho'es #n masonry $eneer o$er wood (rame wa''s sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that #t e5tends (rom a &o#nt not 'ess than 1 mm ,eyond the outer (ace o( the building e'ement ,e'ow the ('ash#ng to a &o#nt 110 mm u& the wood (rame wa''. 8!9 8here the (rame wa'' #s sheathed w#th a sheath#ng mem,rane, a non-wood-,ased r#g#d e5ter#or #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng or a sem#-r#g#d #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng w#th an #ntegra' sheath#ng mem,rane, the ('ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,eh#nd the sheath#ng mem,rane or #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng. 859 F'ash#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 223 #s &erm#tted to con(orm to the re:u#rements (or concea'ed ('ash#ng #n ;a,'e 9,2>,1!,;, +l$s0ing *oints 819 Jo#nts #n ('ash#ng sha'' ,e made watert#ght. 9,2>,1!,=, Re4uired 6ee. Eoles 819 8ee& ho'es s&aced not more than 00 mm a&art sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the ,ottom o(, 2a3 ca$#t#es #n cavity walls, and 2,3 ca$#t#es or a#r s&aces #n masonry $eneer wa''s. 829 ;he ca$#t#es or a#r s&aces descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' #nc'ude those a,o$e '#nte's o$er w#ndow and door o&en#ngs re:u#red to ,e ('ashed #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e 8!9 ;he wee& ho'es re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e #n a 'ocat#on such that any water that co''ects #n the ca$#ty or s&ace w#'' ,e d#rected to the e5ter#or o( the building. 9,2>,1!,9, %rotection o/ Interior +inis0 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, where the #nter#or (#n#sh o( the e5ter#or wa''s o( a building #s a ty&e that may ,e damaged ,y mo#sture, e5ter#or masonry wa''s, other than cavity walls or wa''s that are &rotected (or the#r (u'' he#ght ,y a roo( o( a car&ort or &orch, sha'' ,e, 2a3 &arged on the #nter#or sur(ace, and 2,3 co$ered w#th Bo. 11 ,reather-ty&e as&ha't-saturated &a&er con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-11.32-<, >/heath#ng, <em,rane, *reather ;y&e?, and sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 100 mm at the 0o#nts. 829 +n s#tuat#ons descr#,ed #n /entence 213, ('ash#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where water w#'' accumu'ate, to 'ead #t to the e5ter#or. 8!9 8here the #nsu'at#on e((ect#$e'y '#m#ts the &assage o( water $a&our and #s a&&'#ed ,y a water&roo( adhes#$e or ,y mortar d#rect'y to the masonry, the re:u#rements (or sheath#ng &a&er do not a&&'y. 9,2>,1!,1>, )ort$r #ro..ings 819 %avity walls sha'' ,e constructed so that mortar dro&&#ngs are &re$ented (rom (orm#ng a ,r#dge to a''ow the &assage o( ra#n water across the ca$#ty. 9,2>,1!,11, C$ulAing $t #oor $nd 6indo2 +r$mes 819 ;he 0unct#on o( door and w#ndow (rames w#th masonry sha'' ,e cau'7ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.2..4. 9,2>,1!,12, #ri.s Bene$t0 6indo2 (ills

4 6

819 65ce&t (or wa'' o&en#ngs 'ocated 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e', where a concea'ed ('ash#ng #s not #nsta''ed ,eneath w#ndow and door s#''s, such s#''s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th an outward s'o&e and a dr#& 'ocated not 'ess than 21 mm (rom the wa'' sur(ace. 9,2>,15, %rotection #uring 6orA 9,2>,15,1, L$3ing$ture o/ )ort$r $nd )$sonr3 819 <ortar and masonry sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned at a tem&erature not ,e'ow 1 ) dur#ng #nsta''at#on and (or not 'ess than 4 h a(ter #nsta''at#on. 829 Bo (roCen mater#a' sha'' ,e used #n the mortar m#5. 9,2>,15,2, %rotection /rom 6e$t0er 819 ;he to& sur(ace o( uncom&'eted masonry e5&osed to the weather sha'' ,e com&'ete'y co$ered w#th a water&roo(#ng mater#a' when construct#on #s not #n &rogress. 9,2>,17, Rein/orcement /or E$rt04u$Ae Resist$nce 9,2>,17,1, Amount o/ Rein/orcement 819 8here re#n(orcement #s re:u#red #n th#s /ect#on, masonry wa''s sha'' ,e re#n(orced hor#Conta''y and $ert#ca''y w#th stee' ha$#ng a tota' cross-sect#ona' area o( not 'ess than 0.002 t#mes the hor#Conta' cross-sect#ona' area o( the wa'', so that not 'ess than one-th#rd o( the re:u#red stee' area #s #nsta''ed e#ther hor#Conta''y or $ert#ca''y and the rema#nder #n the other d#rect#on. 9,2>,17,2, Inst$ll$tion (t$nd$rd 819 8here re#n(orcement (or masonry #s re:u#red #n th#s /ect#on, #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements (or re#n(orced masonry as conta#ned #n )%B!)/%-%3.1, ><asonry )onstruct#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. 9,2>,1<, Corrosion Resist$nce 9,2>,1<,1, Corrosion Resist$nce o/ Connectors 819 )ar,on stee' connectors re:u#red to ,e corros#on-res#stant sha'' ,e ga'$an#Ced to at 'east the m#n#mum standards #n ;a,'e T$ble 9,2>,1<,1, )inimum Re4uirements /or G$l1$ni-ing Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4.

)o'umn 1 )onnector <ater#a' 8#re t#es and cont#nuous re#n(orc#ng 2hot-d#&&ed ga'$an#C#ng3 =ardware and ,o'ts /tr#&, &'ate, ,ars, and ro''ed sect#ons 2not 'ess than 3.1 mm th#c73 /heet 2'ess than 3.1 mm th#c73

)o'umn 2 %/;< /tandard %113 ! %113< %113 ! %113< %123 ! %123< %123 ! %123<

)o'umn 3 )oat#ng )'ass )'ass *2 or 41 g!mA /ee %113 ! %113< 610 g!mA 301 g!mA on mater#a' 0..6 mm th#c7213

Notes to T$ble 9,2>,1<,1,&

%/;< %123 ! %123< does not a&&'y to meta' 'ess than 3.1 mm th#c7. 4a'$an#C#ng coat#ngs may ,e #nter&o'ated (or th#c7nesses ,etween 3.1 mm and 0..6 mm. 9,2>,1;, Abo1e:Ground +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 9,2>,1;,1, T0icAness o/ +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 ;he th#c7ness o( concrete #n ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s not #n contact w#th the ground sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 140 mm, and 2,3 constant (or the ent#re he#ght o( the wa''. 9,2>,1;,2, Rein/orcement /or +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 =or#Conta' re#n(orcement #n a,o$e-grade ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'', 2a3 cons#st o(, 2#3 one 10< ,ar &'aced not more than 300 mm (rom the to& o( the wa'', and 2##3 10< ,ars s&aced not more than 600 mm o.c., and 2,3 ,e &'aced #n the m#dd'e th#rd o( the wa'' sect#on. 4 .

829 Hert#ca' re#n(orcement #n a,o$e-grade ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'', 2a3 cons#st o( 10< ,ars s&aced not more than 400 mm o.c., and 2,3 ,e &'aced #n the m#dd'e th#rd o( the wa'' sect#on. 8!9 Hert#ca' re#n(orcement re:u#red #n /entence 223 and #nterru&ted ,y wa'' o&en#ngs sha'' ,e &'aced not more than 600 mm (rom each s#de o( the o&en#ng. 9,2>,1;,!, O.enings in Non:Lo$dbe$ring +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 Bo o&en#ngs sha'' occur w#th#n 1.2 m o( #nter#or and e5ter#or corners o( e5ter#or non- loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s. 829 -ort#ons o( wa''s o$er o&en#ngs #n non- loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum de&th o( concrete o( not 'ess than 200 mm o$er the w#dth o( the o&en#ng. 8!9 O&en#ngs more than 600 mm ,ut not more than 3 m #n w#dth #n non-loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e re#n(orced at the to& and ,ottom w#th one 10< ,ar. 859 O&en#ngs more than 3 m #n w#dth #n non- loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e re#n(orced on a'' (our s#des w#th two 10< ,ars. 879 Re#n(orc#ng ,ars descr#,ed #n /entences 233 and 243 sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 600 mm ,eyond the edges o( the o&en#ng. 8<9 ;he cumu'at#$e w#dth o( o&en#ngs #n non-loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e not more than .0F o( the 'ength o( any wa''. 9,2>,1;,5, O.enings in Lo$dbe$ring +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 Bo o&en#ngs sha'' occur w#th#n 1.2 m o( #nter#or and e5ter#or corners o( e5ter#or loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s. 829 +n loadbearing ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s, '#nte's sha'' ,e &ro$#ded o$er a'' o&en#ngs w#der than 900 mm. 8!9 L#nte's descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e constructed #n accordance w#th ;a,'es %-1., %-1 or %-19. 859 L#nte's descr#,ed #n /entence 223 o$er o&en#ngs w#der than 1.2 m sha'' ,e re#n(orced (or shear w#th 10< st#rru&s at a ma5#mum s&ac#ng o( ha'( the d#stance (rom the ,ottom re#n(orc#ng ,ar to the to& o( the '#nte'. 9,2>,1;,7, +r$ming (u..orted on +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 F'oor 0o#sts su&&orted on the s#de o( ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e su&&orted w#th 0o#st hangers secured to wood 'edger ,oards. 829 ;he 'edger ,oards descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 3 mm th#c7, and 2,3 the de&th o( the ('oor 0o#sts. 8!9 %nchor ,o'ts sha'' ,e used to secure 'edger ,oards to ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s and sha'' ,e, 2a3 em,edded #n the wa'' to a de&th not 'ess than 100 mm, and 2,3 s&aced #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 9.20.1..1. 859 F'oor 0o#sts and building (rames su&&orted on to& o( ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e anchored #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'e T$ble 9,2>,1;,7, )$?imum Anc0or Bolt (.$cing /or t0e Connection o/ Ledger Bo$rds to +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.20.1..1.233
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 <a5#mum )'ear F'oor /&an, m 2.44 3.00 4.00 1.00 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum %nchor *o't /&ac#ng, mm /taggered 12.. mm "#ameter %nchor *o'ts 410 400 300 2.1 )o'umn 3 /taggered 16 mm "#ameter %nchor *o'ts 100 410 400 321

9,2>,1;,<, Anc0oring o/ Roo/ +r$ming to To. o/ +l$t Insul$ting Concrete +orm 6$lls 819 Roo( (ram#ng su&&orted on the to& o( ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e (#5ed to the to& &'ates, wh#ch sha'' ,e anchored to the wa'' w#th anchor ,o'ts, 4

2a3 not 'ess than 12.. mm #n d#ameter, and 2,3 s&aced not more than 1.2 m o.c. 829 ;he anchor ,o'ts descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &'aced #n the centre o( the ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa'' and sha'' ,e em,edded not 'ess than 100 mm #nto the concrete. 8!9 %ttachment o( roo( (ram#ng to wood to& &'ates sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 9,2>,1;,;, %rotection /rom$tion $nd #$m$ge 819 %,o$e ground ('at #nsu'at#ng concrete (orm wa''s sha'' ,e &rotected (rom &rec#&#tat#on and damage #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 9.2.. (ection 9,21, )$sonr3 $nd Concrete C0imne3s $nd +lues 9,21,1, Gener$l 9,21,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 rectangu'ar masonry or concrete chimneys not more than 12 m #n he#ght ser$#ng (#re&'aces or ser$#ng appliances ha$#ng a com,#ned tota' rated heat out&ut o( 120 78 or 'ess, and 2,3 flue pipes ser$#ng so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, chimneys 2other than those descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and /entence, gas vents and flue pipes ser$#ng gas-, o#'- or so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances and assoc#ated e:u#&ment sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 6.3. 9,21,1,2, +$ctor3:Built C0imne3s 819 7actory-built chimneys ser$#ng so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances, and the#r #nsta''at#on, sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/629<, >610) Factory-*u#'t )h#mneys?. 9,21,1,!, +lue 819 7lue pipes ser$#ng so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng stoves, coo#tops and space heaters sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*361, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d-Fue' *urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment?. 9,21,1,5, C0imne3 or +lue %i.e 6$lls 819 ;he wa''s o( any chimney or flue pipe sha'' ,e constructed to ,e smo7e- and ('ame-t#ght. 9,21,2, C0imne3 +lues 9,21,2,1, C0imne3 +lue Limit$tions 819 % chimney flue that ser$es a (#re&'ace or #nc#nerator sha'' not ser$e any other appliance. 829 % chimney flue that ser$es a so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance sha'' not ,e connected to a natura' gas- or &ro&ane-(#red appliance. 8!9 % chimney flue that ser$es a so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance sha'' not ,e connected to an o#'-,urn#ng appliance un'ess the so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance #s listed (or such #nsta''at#on and the #nsta''at#on o( ,oth appliances meets the#r res&ect#$e #nsta''at#on re:u#rements. 9,21,2,2, Connections o/ )ore T0$n One$nce 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, two or more (ue'-,urn#ng appliances are &erm#tted to ,e connected to the same chimney flue &ro$#ded ade:uate dra(t #s ma#nta#ned (or the connected appliances and the connect#ons are made as descr#,ed #n /entences 223 and 233. 829 8here two or more so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances are connected to the same chimney flue, the appliances must ,e 'ocated on the same storey. 8!9 ;he connect#on re(erred to #n /entence 223 (or a so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance sha'' ,e made ,e'ow connect#ons (or appliances ,urn#ng other (ue's. 9,21,2,!, Inclined C0imne3 +lues 819 %himney flues sha'' not ,e #nc'#ned more than 41 to the $ert#ca'. 9,21,2,5, (i-e o/ C0imne3 +lues 819 65ce&t (or chimneys ser$#ng (#re&'aces, the s#Ce o( a chimney flue sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( the so'#d (ue',urn#ng appliance #nsta''at#on standard re(erenced #n /entence and %rt#c'e 4 9

829 8here a chimney flue ser$es on'y one so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance, the flue area sha'' ,e at 'east e:ua' to that o( the flue pipe connected to #t. 9,21,2,7, +ire.l$ce C0imne3s 819 ;he s#Ce o( a chimney flue ser$#ng a masonry (#re&'ace sha'' ,e w#th#n the a''owa,'e range s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e or ;a,'e*. T$ble 9,21,2,7,A, #i$meter o/ Round +lues /or +ire.l$ce C0imne3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 F#re&'ace O&en#ng, mA )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 %himney =e#ght, m 3.0 to 4.1 F'ue d#ameter, mm <#n. <a5. 110 1.0 110 210 1 0 240 220 2 0 260 320 290 310 330 390 360 420 390 410 420 4 0 I I I I I I )o'umn 4 W 4.1 to 1.9 <#n. 100 130 160 200 230 260 290 320 310 3 0 400 I I <a5. 160 190 220 260 290 320 310 3 0 410 440 460 I I )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 W 1.9 to .9 <#n. 90 130 110 190 220 240 2.0 300 330 310 3.0 400 I <a5. 110 190 210 210 2 0 300 330 360 390 410 430 460 I )o'umn . )o'umn W .9 to 12 <#n. 90 120 140 1.0 200 220 210 2.0 300 320 340 360 3 0 <a5. 110 1 0 200 230 260 2 0 310 330 360 3 0 400 420 440 )o'umn 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

@& to 0.110 0.111 to 0.210 0.211 to 0.310 0.311 to 0.100 0.101 to 0.610 0.611 to 0. 00 0. 01 to 1.00 1.01 to 1.20 1.21 to 1.40 1.41 to 1.60 1.61 to 1. 0 1. 1 to 2.00 2.01 to 2.20

T$ble 9,21,2,7,B, Rect$ngul$r +lue (i-es /or +ire.l$ce C0imne3s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 F#re&'ace O&en#ng, mA )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 %himney =e#ght, m 3.0 to 4.1 F'ue /#Ce, mm <#n. <a5. 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 I I I I I I I I )o'umn 4 W 4.1 to 1.9 <#n. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 I I I <a5. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 I I I )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 W 1.9 to .9 <#n. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 I I <a5. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 I I )o'umn . )o'umn W .9 to 12 <#n. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 <a5. 100 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 200 200 R 300 200 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 300 300 R 400 300 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 400 R 400 )o'umn 9

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10 11. 12.

@& to 0.110 0.111 to 0.210 0.211 to 0.310 0.311 to 0.100 0.101 to 0.610 0.611 to 0. 00 0. 01 to 1.00 1.01 to 1.20 1.21 to 1.40 1.41 to 1.60 1.61 to 1. 0 1. 1 to 2.00

9,21,2,<, O1$l C0imne3 +lues 819 ;he w#dth o( an o$a' chimney flue sha'' ,e not 'ess than two-th#rds #ts ,readth. 9,21,!, C0imne3 Lining 9,21,!,1, Lining )$teri$ls 819 6$ery masonry or concrete chimney sha'' ha$e a '#n#ng o( c'ay, concrete, (#re,r#c7 or meta'. 9,21,!,2, *oints in C0imne3 Liners 819 Jo#nts o( chimney liners sha'' ,e sea'ed to &ro$#de a ,arr#er to the &assage o( ('ue gases and condensate #nto the ca$#ty ,etween the '#ner and the surround#ng masonry.


829 Jo#nts o( c'ay, concrete or (#re,r#c7 chimney liners sha'' ,e struc7 ('ush to &ro$#de a stra#ght, smooth, a'#gned chimney flue. 9,21,!,!, Cl$3 Liners 819 )'ay '#ners sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%324-<, >)'ay F'ue L#ners?. 829 L#ners re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 11.9 mm th#c7 and sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( res#st#ng, w#thout so(ten#ng or crac7#ng, a tem&erature o( 1100). 9,21,!,5, +irebricA Liners 819 F#re,r#c7 '#ners sha'' con(orm to %/;< )2., >)'ass#(#cat#on o( F#rec'ay and =#gh %'um#na Re(ractory *r#c7?. 829 F#re,r#c7 '#ners sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th h#gh tem&erature cement mortar con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-10.3, >%#r /ett#ng Re(ractory <ortar?. 9,21,!,7, Concrete Liners 819 )oncrete flue '#ners sha'' con(orm to )'ause o( )%B!)/%-%401-<, >"es#gn and )onstruct#on o( <asonry )h#mneys and F#re&'aces?. 9,21,!,<, )et$l Liners 819 <eta' '#ners sha'' ,e constructed o( at 'east 0.3 mm th#c7 sta#n'ess stee'. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, meta' '#ners re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' on'y ,e used #n chimneys ser$#ng gas- or o#'-,urn#ng appliances. 9,21,!,;, Inst$ll$tion o/ C0imne3 Liners 819 %himney liners sha'' ,e #nsta''ed when the surround#ng masonry or concrete #s &'aced. 9,21,!,=, (.$ces Bet2een Liners $nd (urrounding )$sonr3 819 % s&ace not 'ess than 10 mm w#de sha'' ,e 'e(t ,etween a chimney liner and the surround#ng masonry. 829 ;he s&ace re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e (#''ed w#th mortar. 9,21,!,9, )ort$r /or C0imne3 Liners 819 %himney liners used #n chimneys (or so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliances sha'' ,e 'a#d #n a (u'' ,ed o(, 2a3 h#gh tem&erature cement mortar con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-10.3, >%#r /ett#ng Re(ractory <ortar?, or 2,3 mortar cons#st#ng o( one &art -ort'and cement to three &arts sand ,y $o'ume. 829 %himney liners used #n chimneys (or o#'- or gas-,urn#ng appliances sha'' ,e 'a#d #n a (u'' ,ed o( mortar cons#st#ng o( one &art -ort'and cement to three &arts sand ,y $o'ume. 9,21,!,1>, E?tension o/ C0imne3 Liners 819 %himney liners sha'' e5tend (rom a &o#nt not 'ess than 200 mm ,e'ow the 'owest flue pipe connect#on to a &o#nt not 'ess than 10 mm or more than 100 mm a,o$e the chimney ca&. 9,21,5, )$sonr3 $nd Concrete C0imne3 Construction 9,21,5,1, nit )$sonr3 819 @n#t masonry sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.20. 9,21,5,2, Concrete 819 )oncrete sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.3. 9,21,5,!, +ootings 819 Foot#ngs (or masonry chimneys and concrete chimneys sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /ect#on 9.11. 9,21,5,5, Eeig0t o/ C0imne3 +lues 819 % chimney flue sha'' e5tend not 'ess than, 2a3 900 mm a,o$e the h#ghest &o#nt at wh#ch the chimney comes #n contact w#th the roo(, and 2,3 600 mm a,o$e the h#ghest roo( sur(ace or structure w#th#n 3 m o( the chimney. 9,21,5,7, L$ter$l (t$bilit3 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, chimneys sha'' ,e ,raced #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 4.3.2. to &ro$#de sta,#'#ty under w#nd 'oads. 491

829 % chimney need not ,e 'atera''y ,raced &ro$#ded, 2a3 no hor#Conta' outs#de d#mens#on #s 'ess than 400 mm, and 2,3 the chimney e5tends not more than 3.6 m a,o$e a roo( or the masonry wa'' o( wh#ch #t (orms a &art. 9,21,5,<, C0imne3 C$.s 819 ;he to& o( a chimney sha'' ha$e a water&roo( ca& o( re#n(orced concrete, masonry or meta'. 829 ;he ca& re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' s'o&e (rom the '#n#ng and ,e &ro$#ded w#th a dr#& not 'ess than 21 mm (rom the chimney wa''. 8!9 )ast-#n-&'ace concrete ca&s sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the chimney liner ,y a ,ond ,rea7 and ,e sea'ed at that 'ocat#on. 859 Jo#nted &recast concrete or masonry chimney ca&s sha'' ha$e ('ash#ng #nsta''ed ,eneath the ca& e5tend#ng (rom the '#ner to the dr#& edge. 9,21,5,;, Cle$nout 819 65ce&t (or a chimney flue constructed to ser$e a masonry (#re&'ace, a c'eanout o&en#ng w#th a meta' (rame and t#ght(#tt#ng meta' door sha'' ,e #nsta''ed near the ,ase o( the chimney flue. 9,21,5,=, 6$ll T0icAness 819 ;he wa''s o( a masonry chimney sha'' ,e ,u#'t o( so'#d un#ts not 'ess than .0 mm th#c7. 9,21,5,9, (e.$r$tion o/ +lue Liners 819 7lue '#ners #n the same chimney sha'' ,e se&arated ,y not 'ess than .0 mm o( masonry or concrete e5c'us#$e o( '#ners where c'ay '#ners are used, or 90 mm o( (#re,r#c7 where (#re,r#c7 '#ners are used. 829 7lue '#ners re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &re$ent s#gn#(#cant 'atera' mo$ement. 9,21,5,1>, +l$s0ing 819 Junct#ons w#th ad0acent mater#a's sha'' ,e ade:uate'y ('ashed to shed water. 9,21,7, Cle$r$nce /rom Combustible Construction 9,21,7,1, Cle$r$nce /rom Combustible )$teri$ls 819 ;he c'earance ,etween masonry or concrete chimneys and combustible (ram#ng mater#a' sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 10 mm (or #nter#or chimneys, and 2,3 12 mm (or e5ter#or chimneys. 829 % c'earance o( not 'ess than 110 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween a c'eanout o&en#ng and combustible mater#a'. 8!9 %ombustible ('oor#ng, su,('oor#ng and ce#'#ng (#n#shes sha'' ha$e not 'ess than a 12 mm c'earance (rom masonry or concrete chimneys. 9,21,7,2, (e$ling o/ (.$ces 819 %'' s&aces ,etween masonry or concrete chimneys and combustible mater#a' sha'' ,e sea'ed to& or ,ottom w#th noncombustible mater#a'. 9,21,7,!, (u..ort o/ *oists or Be$ms 819 Jo#sts or ,eams may ,e su&&orted on masonry wa''s that enc'ose chimney flues &ro$#ded the combustible mem,ers are se&arated (rom the flue ,y a m#n#mum o( 290 mm o( so'#d masonry. (ection 9,22, +ire.l$ces 9,22,1, Gener$l 9,22,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as otherw#se s&ec#(#ca''y stated #n th#s -art, th#s /ect#on a&&'#es to masonry (#re&'aces constructed on s#te. 9,22,1,2, )$sonr3 $nd Concrete 819 65ce&t as otherw#se stated #n th#s /ect#on, un#t masonry sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.20. and concrete to /ect#on 9.3. 829 <asonry a,o$e o&en#ngs sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y stee' '#nte's con(orm#ng to /entence, re#n(orced concrete or a masonry arch. 9,22,1,!, +ootings 819 Foot#ngs (or masonry and concrete (#re&'aces sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.11. 492

9,22,1,5, Combustion Air 819 6$ery so'#d (ue'-(#red (#re&'ace, #nc'ud#ng a (actory-,u#'t (#re&'ace, sha'' ha$e a su&&'y o( com,ust#on a#r (rom outdoors #n accordance w#th /entences 223 to 2.3. 829 ;he com,ust#on a#r sha'' ,e su&&'#ed ,y a noncombustible and corros#on-res#stant su&&'y duct. 8!9 ;he su&&'y duct sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a d#ameter o( not 'ess than 100 mm or e:u#$a'ent area, and 2,3 an e5ter#or #nta7e (or entry o( a#r (rom the outdoors. 859 ;he su&&'y duct sha'' conta#n a t#ght-(#tt#ng dam&er that sha'' ,e 'ocated c'ose to the #nter#or out'et and ,e o&era,'e (rom the room conta#n#ng the (#re&'ace. 879 ;he o&erat#ng mechan#sm sha'' c'ear'y #nd#cate the actua' &os#t#on o( the dam&er. 8<9 ;he #nter#or out'et sha'', 2a3 ,e 'ocated as c'ose as &oss#,'e to the o&en#ng #n the (ace o( the (#re&'ace, and 2,3 ,e des#gned to &re$ent em,ers (rom enter#ng the su&&'y duct. 8;9 8here a su&&'y o( com,ust#on a#r #s &ro$#ded d#rect'y to the (#re cham,er o( a (#re&'ace, #nc'ud#ng a (actory-,u#'t (#re&'ace or a stee' (#re&'ace '#ner, the #nsta''at#on sha'' com&'y w#th the >Outdoor %#r /u&&'y? re:u#rements &ro$#ded #n )%B!)/%-%401-<, >"es#gn and )onstruct#on o( <asonry )h#mneys and F#re&'aces?. 9,22,2, +ire.l$ce Liners 9,22,2,1, BricA or (teel Liners 819 65ce&t where a (#re&'ace #s e:u#&&ed w#th a stee' '#ner, e$ery (#re&'ace sha'' ha$e a (#re,r#c7 '#ner. 9,22,2,2, +irebricA Liners 819 F#re&'ace '#ners sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 10 mm th#c7 (or the s#des and ,ac7, and 2,3 21 mm th#c7 (or the ('oor. 829 F#re,r#c7 '#ners sha'' ,e 'a#d w#th h#gh tem&erature cement mortar con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-10.3, >%#r /ett#ng Re(ractory <ortar?. 8!9 Jo#nts ,etween a (#re,r#c7 '#ner and the ad0acent ,ac7-u& masonry sha'' ,e o((set. 9,22,2,!, (teel Liners 819 /tee' '#ners (or (#re&'aces sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/639<, >/tee' L#ner %ssem,'#es (or /o'#d-Fue' *urn#ng <asonry F#re&'aces?, and sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th the #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons #n that standard. 9,22,!, +ire.l$ce 6$lls 9,22,!,1, T0icAness o/ 6$lls 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the th#c7ness o( the ,ac7 and s#des o( a (#re&'ace, #nc'ud#ng the th#c7ness o( any (#re,r#c7 '#ner, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 190 mm where a meta' '#ner or a (#re,r#c7 '#ner 'ess than 11 mm th#c7 #s used. 829 8hen a stee' (#re&'ace '#ner #s used w#th an a#r c#rcu'at#ng cham,er surround#ng the (#re,o5, the ,ac7 and s#des o( the (#re&'ace sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 so'#d masonry un#ts not 'ess than 90 mm th#c7, or 2,3 ho''ow masonry un#ts not 'ess than 190 mm th#c7. 9,22,5, +ire C0$mber 9,22,5,1, +ire C0$mber #imensions 819 ;he d#stance (rom the ,ac7 o( the (#re cham,er to the &'ane o( the (#re&'ace o&en#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 300 mm. 9,22,7, Ee$rt0 9,22,7,1, Ee$rt0 E?tension 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223, (#re&'aces sha'' ha$e a noncombustible hearth e5tend#ng not 'ess than 400 mm #n (ront o( the (#re&'ace o&en#ng measured (rom the (ac#ng, and not 'ess than 200 mm ,eyond each s#de o( the (#re&'ace o&en#ng. 829 8here the (#re cham,er ('oor #s e'e$ated more than 110 mm a,o$e the hearth, the d#mens#on o( the hearth measured &er&end#cu'ar to the &'ane o( the (#re&'ace o&en#ng sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y not 'ess than, 493

2a3 10 mm (or an e'e$at#on a,o$e 110 mm and not more than 300 mm, and 2,3 an add#t#ona' 21 mm (or e$ery 10 mm #n e'e$at#on a,o$e 300 mm. 9,22,7,2, (u..ort o/ Ee$rt0 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, the (#re cham,er ('oor and hearth sha'' ,e su&&orted on a re#n(orced concrete s'a, not 'ess than a 100 mm th#c7 at #ts su&&orts and, #( cant#'e$ered, not 'ess than 10 mm th#c7 at #ts unsu&&orted edge. 829 % hearth (or a (#re&'ace w#th an o&en#ng ra#sed not 'ess than 200 mm (rom a combustible ('oor #s &erm#tted to ,e su&&orted on that ('oor &ro$#ded the re:u#rements o( )'auses to 1.3.6... o( )%B!)/%-%401-<, >"es#gn and )onstruct#on o( <asonry )h#mneys and F#re&'aces?, are (o''owed. 9,22,<, #$ 9,22,<,1, Re4uired #$ $nd (i-e 819 ;he throat o( e$ery (#re&'ace sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a meta' dam&er su((#c#ent'y 'arge to co$er the (u'' area o( the throat o&en#ng. 9,22,;, (moAe C0$mber 9,22,;,1, (lo.e o/ (moAe C0$mber 819 ;he s#des o( the smo7e cham,er connect#ng a (#re&'ace throat w#th a flue sha'' not ,e s'o&ed at an ang'e greater than 41 to the $ert#ca'. 9,22,;,2, 6$ll T0icAness 819 ;he th#c7ness o( masonry wa''s surround#ng the smo7e cham,er sha'' ,e not 'ess than 190 mm at the s#des, (ront and ,ac7, e5ce&t that the &ort#ons o( the ,ac7 e5&osed to the outs#de may ,e 140 mm th#c7. 9,22,=, +$ctor3:Built +ire.l$ces 9,22,=,1, Con/orm$nce to (t$nd$rd 819 Factory-,u#'t (#re&'aces and the#r #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/610-<, >Factory-*u#'t F#re&'aces?. 9,22,9, Cle$r$nce o/ Combustible )$teri$l 9,22,9,1, Cle$r$nce to t0e +ire.l$ce O.ening 819 %ombustible mater#a' sha'' not ,e &'aced on or near the (ace o( a (#re&'ace w#th#n 110 mm o( the (#re&'ace o&en#ng, e5ce&t that where the combustible mater#a' &ro0ects more than 3 mm out (rom the (ace o( the (#re&'ace a,o$e the o&en#ng, such mater#a' sha'' ,e at 'east 300 mm a,o$e the to& o( the o&en#ng. 9,22,9,2, )et$l E?.osed to t0e Interior 819 <eta' e5&osed to the #nter#or o( a (#re&'ace such as the dam&er contro' mechan#sm sha'' ha$e at 'east a 10 mm c'earance (rom any combustible mater#a' on the (ace o( the (#re&'ace where such meta' &enetrates through the (ace o( the (#re&'ace. 9,22,9,!, Cle$r$nce to Combustible +r$ming 819 Bot 'ess than a 100 mm c'earance sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the ,ac7 and s#des o( a so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng (#re&'ace and combustible (ram#ng, e5ce&t that a 10 mm c'earance #s &erm#tted where the (#re&'ace #s 'ocated #n an e5ter#or wa''. 829 Bot 'ess than a 10 mm c'earance sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the ,ac7 and s#des o( the smo7e cham,er o( a so'#d (ue',urn#ng (#re&'ace and combustible (ram#ng, e5ce&t that a 21 mm c'earance #s &erm#tted where the (#re&'ace #s 'ocated #n an e5ter#or wa''. 9,22,9,5, Ee$t Circul$ting #uct O.enings 819 ;he c'earance o( combustible mater#a' a,o$e heat c#rcu'at#ng duct o&en#ngs (rom those o&en#ngs sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 300 mm where the combustible mater#a' &ro0ects not 'ess than 3 mm (rom the (ace, and 2,3 110 mm where the &ro0ect#on #s 'ess than 3 mm. 9,22,1>, +ire.l$ce Inserts $nd Ee$rt0:)ounted (to1es 9,22,1>,1,$nce (t$nd$rd 819 F#re&'ace #nserts and hearth mounted stoves $ented through the throat o( a (#re&'ace sha'' con(orm to @L)-/62 , >F#re&'ace +nserts?. 9,22,1>,2, Inst$ll$tion


819 ;he #nsta''at#on o( (#re&'ace #nserts and hearth mounted stoves $ented through the throat o( a (#re&'ace sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*361, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d-Fue' *urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment?. 829 F#re&'ace #nserts and hearth mounted stoves $ented through the throat o( a (#re&'ace descr#,ed #n /entence 213 may ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng (#re&'aces on'y #( a m#n#mum th#c7ness o( 190 mm o( so'#d masonry #s &ro$#ded ,etween the smo7e cham,er and any e5#st#ng combustible mater#a's, un'ess the #nsert #s listed (or 'esser c'earances. 8!9 % (#re&'ace #nsert #nsta''ed #n a masonry (#re&'ace sha'' ha$e, 2a3 a listed meta' chimney '#ner #nsta''ed (rom the #nsert co''ar to the to& o( the chimney, or 2,3 a d#rect sea'ed connect#on to the chimney flue where such &ro$#s#on #s &art o( an #nsert con(orm#ng to /entence (ection 9,2!, 6ood +r$me Construction 9,2!,1, A..lic$tion 9,2!,1,1, Limit$tions 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es where wa'', ('oor and roo( &'anes are genera''y com&r#sed o( 'um,er (rames o( sma'' re&et#t#$e structura' mem,ers, or eng#neered com&onents, and where, 2a3 roo( and wa'' &'anes are c'ad, sheathed or ,raced on at 'east one s#de, 2,3 the sma'' re&et#t#$e structura' mem,ers are s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c., 2c3 the wa''s do not ser$e as foundations, 2d3 the s&ec#(#ed live load on su&&orted su,('oors and ('oor (ram#ng does not e5ceed 2.4 7-a, and 2e3 the s&an o( any structura' mem,er does not e5ceed 12.20 m. 829 8here the cond#t#ons #n /entence 213 are e5ceeded (or wood construct#on, the des#gn o( the (ram#ng and (asten#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 4.3.1. 9,2!,2, Gener$l 9,2!,2,1, (trengt0 $nd Rigidit3 819 %'' mem,ers sha'' ,e so (ramed, anchored, (astened, t#ed and ,raced to &ro$#de the necessary strength and r#g#d#ty. 9,2!,2,2, %rotection /rom #ec$3 819 6nds o( wood 0o#sts, ,eams and other mem,ers (ram#ng #nto masonry or concrete sha'' ,e treated to &re$ent decay where the ,ottom o( the mem,er #s at or ,e'ow ground 'e$e', or a 12 mm a#r s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the end and s#des o( the mem,er. 829 %#r s&aces re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e ,'oc7ed ,y #nsu'at#on, vapour barriers or a#r t#ght mater#a's. 9,2!,2,!, %rotection /rom #$m.ness 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, wood (ram#ng mem,ers that are not &ressure-treated w#th a wood &reser$at#$e and that are su&&orted on concrete #n contact w#th the ground or fill sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the concrete ,y not 'ess than 0.01 mm &o'yethy'ene (#'m or ;y&e / ro'' roo(#ng. 829 "am&&roo(#ng mater#a' re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s not re:u#red where the wood mem,er #s at 'east 110 mm a,o$e the ground. 9,2!,2,5, Lumber 819 Lum,er sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9.3.2. 9,2!,2,7, Termite %rotection 819 8here term#tes are 7nown to e5#st, un'ess &ressure-treated w#th a chem#ca' that #s to5#c to such term#tes #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e, wood ste&s sha'' rest on a non-ce''u'os#c ,ase or a&ron e5tend#ng at 'east 110 mm a,o$e the ground. 829 8ood 'att#ce or s7#rt#ng around &orches sha'' ,e se&arated (rom &#ers and soil ,y at 'east 10 mm. 9,2!,!, +$steners 9,2!,!,1, (t$nd$rds /or N$ils $nd (cre2s 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and e'sewhere #n th#s -art, na#'s s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on sha'' ,e common stee' w#re na#'s or common s&#ra' na#'s, con(orm#ng to, 2a3 %/;< F166., >"r#$en Fasteners: Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?, or 491

2,3 )/% *111, >8#re Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?. 829 Ba#'s used to com&'y w#th ;a,'e sha'' ha$e a d#ameter not 'ess than that re:u#red ,y ;a,'e T$ble 9,2!,!,1, #i$meter o/ N$ils /or +r$ming Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <#n#mum Length o( Ba#'s, mm 1. 62 .6 2 101 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum "#ameter o( Ba#'s, mm 2. . 3.21 3.66 3.66 4.

1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

8!9 8ood screws s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on sha'' con(orm to %B/+!%/<6 *1 .6.1., >8ood /crews 2+nch /er#es3?. 9,2!,!,2, Lengt0 o/ N$ils 819 %'' na#'s sha'' ,e 'ong enough so that not 'ess than ha'( the#r re:u#red 'ength &enetrates #nto the second mem,er. 9,2!,!,!, %re1ention o/ (.litting 819 /&'#tt#ng o( wood mem,ers sha'' ,e m#n#m#Ced ,y stagger#ng the na#'s #n the d#rect#on o( the gra#n and ,y 7ee&#ng na#'s we'' #n (rom the edges. 9,2!,!,5, N$iling o/ +r$ming 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, na#'#ng o( (ram#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2!,!,5, N$iling /or +r$ming Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. )o'umn 1 )onstruct#on "eta#' F'oor 0o#st to &'ate N toe na#' 8ood or meta' stra&&#ng to unders#de o( ('oor 0o#sts )ross ,r#dg#ng to 0o#sts "ou,'e header or tr#mmer 0o#sts F'oor 0o#st to stud 2,a''oon construct#on3 Ledger str#& to wood ,eam Jo#st to 0o#st s&'#ce 2/ee a'so ;a,'e 9.23.13. .3 =eader 0o#st end na#'ed to 0o#sts a'ong &er#meter ;a#' 0o#st to ad0acent header 0o#st 2end na#'ed3 around o&en#ngs 6ach header 0o#st to ad0acent tr#mmer 0o#st 2end na#'ed3 around o&en#ngs /tud to wa'' &'ate 2each end3 toe na#' or end na#' "ou,'ed studs at o&en#ngs, or studs at wa''s or wa'' #ntersect#ons and corners "ou,'ed to& wa'' &'ates *ottom wa'' &'ate or so'e &'ate to 0o#sts or ,'oc7#ng 2e5ter#or wa''s3 213 +nter#or wa''s to (ram#ng or su,('oor#ng =or#Conta' mem,er o$er o&en#ngs #n non-loadbearing wa''s N each end L#nte's to studs )e#'#ng 0o#st to &'ate N toe na#' each end Roo( ra(ter, roo( truss or roo( 0o#st to &'ate N toe na#' Ra(ter &'ate to each ce#'#ng 0o#st Ra(ter to 0o#st 2w#th r#dge su&&orted3 Ra(ter to 0o#st 2w#th r#dge unsu&&orted3 4usset &'ate to each ra(ter at &ea7 Ra(ter to r#dge ,oard N toe na#' N end na#' )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Length o( Ba#'s, mm 2 1. 1. .6 .6 2 .6 101 2 101 2 101 62 2 .6 .6 2 2 2 2 2 2 101 .6 .6 1. 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er or <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( Ba#'s 2 2 2 at each end 300 mm 2o.c.3 2 2 &er 0o#st 2 at each end 3 1 3 1 3 4 2 .10 mm 2o.c.3 600 mm 2o.c.3 400 mm 2o.c.3 600 mm 2o.c.3 2 2 at each end 2 3 2 3 /ee ;a,'e 9.23.13. . 4 3


21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.


)o''ar t#e to ra(ter N each end )o''ar t#e 'atera' su&&ort to each co''ar t#e Jac7 ra(ter to h#& or $a''ey ra(ter Roo( strut to ra(ter Roo( strut to loadbearing wa'' N toe na#' 3 mm R 140 mm or 'ess &'an7 dec7#ng to su&&ort -'an7 dec7#ng w#der than 3 mm R 140 mm to su&&ort 3 mm edge 'a#d &'an7 dec7#ng to su&&ort 2toe na#'3 3 mm edge 'a#d &'an7 to each other

.6 1. 2 .6 2 2 2 .6 .6

3 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 410 mm 2o.c.3

Notes to T$ble 9,2!,!,5,&

/ee /entence

829 8here the ,ottom wa'' &'ate or so'e &'ate o( an e5ter#or wa'' #s not na#'ed to 0o#sts or ,'oc7#ng #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e, the e5ter#or wa'' may ,e (astened to the ('oor (ram#ng ,y, 2a3 ha$#ng &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard sheath#ng e5tend down o$er ('oor (ram#ng and (astened to the ('oor (ram#ng ,y na#'s or sta&'es con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, or 2,3 ty#ng the wa'' (ram#ng to the ('oor (ram#ng ,y 10 mm w#de ga'$an#Ced-meta' str#&s, 2#3 not 'ess than 0.41 mm #n th#c7ness, 2##3 s&aced not more than 1.2 m a&art, and 2###3 (astened at each end w#th at 'east two 63 mm na#'s. 9,2!,!,7, +$stening /or (0e$t0ing or (ub/looring 819 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 213, (asten#ng o( sheath#ng and su,('oor#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2!,!,7, +$steners /or (0e$t0ing $nd (ub/looring Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 6'ement )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <#n#mum Length o( Fasteners, mm )ommon or R#ng ;hread Roo(#ng /&#ra' Ba#'s Ba#'s or Ba#'s /crews 11 11 B!% B!% 11 11 41 41 B!% B!% 41 41 B!% B!% 44 44 B!% B!% )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 <#n#mum Bum,er or /ta&'es <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( Fasteners 11 2 &er su&&ort 11 3 &er su&&ort 2 110 mm 2o.c.3 a'ong B!% edges and 3 300 mm 11 2o.c.3 a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts B!%

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

*oard 'um,er 1 4 mm or 'ess w#de *oard 'um,er more than 1 4 mm w#de F#,re,oard sheath#ng u& to 13 mm th#c7 4y&sum sheath#ng u& to 13 mm th#c7 -'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard u& to 10 mm th#c7 -'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard o$er 10 mm and u& to 20 mm th#c7 -'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard o$er 20 mm and u& to 21 mm th#c7





829 /ta&'es sha'' not ,e 'ess than 1.6 mm #n d#ameter or th#c7ness, w#th not 'ess than a 9.1 mm crown dr#$en w#th the crown &ara''e' to (ram#ng. 8!9 Roo(#ng na#'s (or the attachment o( (#,re,oard or gy&sum sheath#ng sha'' not ,e 'ess than 3.2 mm #n d#ameter w#th a m#n#mum head d#ameter o( 11.1 mm. 859 F'oor#ng screws sha'' not ,e 'ess than 3.2 mm #n d#ameter. 879 8here roo( sheath#ng su&&orts are s&aced at more than 406 mm o.c., the ma5#mum s&ac#ng o( (asteners (or roo( sheath#ng sha'' ,e 110 mm a'ong edges and #ntermed#ate su&&orts. 9,2!,5, )$?imum (.$ns 9,2!,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 /&ans &ro$#ded #n th#s /u,sect#on (or 0o#sts, ,eams and '#nte's su&&ort#ng ('oors sha'' a&&'y on'y where, 2a3 the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or


2,3 the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oors does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e 829 /&ans (or 0o#sts, ,eams and '#nte's su&&ort#ng ('oors sha'' ,e determ#ned accord#ng to /u,sect#on 4.1.3. where the su&&orted ('oors, 2a3 ser$e other than res#dent#a' areas, or 2,3 su&&ort a un#(orm live load #n e5cess o( that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas. 9,2!,5,2, (.$ns /or *oists, R$/ters $nd Be$ms 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223 and %rt#c'e, the s&ans (or wood 0o#sts and ra(ters sha'' con(orm to the s&ans shown #n ;a,'es %-1 to %-. (or the un#(orm live loads shown #n the ;a,'es. 829 /&ans (or ('oor 0o#sts that are not se'ected (rom ;a,'es %-1 and %-2 and that are re:u#red to ,e des#gned (or the same 'oad#ng cond#t#ons, sha'' not e5ceed the des#gn re:u#rements (or un#(orm 'oad#ng and $#,rat#on cr#ter#a. 8!9 /&ans (or ,u#'t-u& wood and g'ued-'am#nated t#m,er ('oor ,eams sha'' con(orm to the s&ans #n ;a,'es %- to %-11. 859 /&ans (or roo( r#dge ,eams sha'' con(orm to the s&ans #n ;a,'e %-12 (or the un#(orm snow 'oad shown. 9,2!,5,!, (teel Be$ms 819 ;he s&ans (or stee' ,eams w#th 'atera''y su&&orted to& ('anges sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e (or ('oors and ;a,'es %20 to %-29 (or roo(s and ('oors. T$ble 9,2!,5,!, )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting +loors in #2elling nits Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 /ect#on 8110 R 22 8200 R 21 8200 R 2. 8200 R 31 8210 R 24 8210 R 33 8210 R 39 8310 R 31 8310 R 39 /ect#on 8110 R 22 8200 R 21 8200 R 2. 8200 R 31 8210 R 24 8210 R 33 8210 R 39 8310 R 31 8310 R 39 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . /u&&orted Jo#st Length, m 2=a'( the sum o( 0o#st s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam3 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 One Storey /u&&orted 1.1 1.2 4.9 4. 4.6 4.1 6.1 6.2 1.9 1.. 1.4 1.1 ..3 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.1 1.9 .. ..4 ..1 6. 6.6 6.4 .1 ..6 ..3 ..0 6.6 6.2 9.2 .. .3 .0 ... ..1 10.0 9.4 9.0 .6 .4 .1 10.4 9. 9.4 .9 .4 .0 11.4 10.. 10.2 9. 9.1 9.2 ;wo Storeys /u&&orted 4.9 4.4 4.1 3. 3.1 3.4 1.6 1.1 4.6 4.3 4.1 3. 6.4 6.1 1.6 1.3 4.9 4.. 6.9 6.1 6.2 1. 1.4 1.1 6. 6.1 1.6 1.2 4.9 4.6 .2 ... ..0 6.1 6.1 1. . .3 .. ..2 6. 6.4 .. .. ..2 6.. 6.2 1.9 10.0 9.3 .1 ..9 ..4 ..0 )o'umn 6.0 4.3 4.9 1. 6.2 1.9 ..3 ..9 ..6 9.0 3.2 3.. 4.4 4.9 4.4 1.1 6.1 1.6 6..

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 .

829 *eams descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' at 'east meet the re:u#rements (or 4rade 310 8 stee' #n )/% 440.21, >4enera' Re:u#rements (or Ro''ed or 8e'ded /tructura' Mua'#ty /tee'?. 8!9 % ,eam may ,e cons#dered to ,e 'atera''y su&&orted #(, 2a3 the wood 0o#sts ,ear on #ts to& ('ange at #nter$a's o( 610 mm or 'ess o$er #ts ent#re 'ength, 2,3 the 'oad ,e#ng a&&'#ed to th#s ,eam #s transm#tted through the 0o#sts, and 2c3 19 mm ,y 3 mm wood str#&s #n contact w#th the to& ('ange are na#'ed on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam to the ,ottom o( the 0o#st su&&orted. 9,2!,5,5, Concrete 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, where a ('oor #s re:u#red to su&&ort a concrete to&&#ng, the 0o#st s&ans shown #n ;a,'e %-1 or the s&ac#ng o( the mem,ers sha'' ,e reduced to a''ow (or the 'oads due to the to&&#ng.


829 8here a ('oor #s re:u#red to su&&ort a concrete to&&#ng, 0o#st s&ans are &erm#tted to ,e se'ected (rom ;a,'e %-2 &ro$#ded the concrete, 2a3 #s 3 to 11 mm th#c7, 2,3 #s norma' we#ght, 2c3 #s &'aced d#rect'y on the su,('oor#ng, and 2d3 has not 'ess than 20 <-a com&ress#$e strength a(ter 2 days. 8!9 8here a ('oor #s re:u#red to su&&ort a concrete to&&#ng not more than 11 mm th#c7, the ,eam s&ans shown #n ;a,'es %- to %-11 sha'' ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y 0. or the su&&orted 'ength o( the ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e reduced to a''ow (or the 'oads due to the to&&#ng. 9,2!,5,7, Ee$13 Roo/ing )$teri$ls 819 8here a roo( #s re:u#red to su&&ort an add#t#ona' un#(orm dead load (rom roo(#ng mater#a's such as concrete roo(#ng t#'e, or mater#a's other than as s&ec#(#ed #n /ect#on 9.26., such as c'ay roo(#ng t#'es, the add#t#ona' 'oad sha'' ,e a''owed (or ,y reduc#ng, 2a3 the s&ans (or roo( 0o#sts and ra(ters #n ;a,'es %-4 to %-., or the s&ac#ng o( the mem,ers, and 2,3 the s&ans (or r#dge ,eams and '#nte's #n ;a,'es %-12 to %-16. 9,2!,7, Notc0ing $nd #rilling 9,2!,7,1, Eoles #rilled in +r$ming )embers 819 =o'es dr#''ed #n roo(, ('oor or ce#'#ng (ram#ng mem,ers sha'' ,e not 'arger than one-:uarter the de&th o( the mem,er and sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 10 mm (rom the edges, un'ess the de&th o( the mem,er #s #ncreased ,y the s#Ce o( the ho'e. 9,2!,7,2, Notc0ing o/ +r$ming )embers 819 F'oor, roo( and ce#'#ng (ram#ng mem,ers are &erm#tted to ,e notched &ro$#ded the notch #s 'ocated on the to& o( the mem,er w#th#n ha'( the 0o#st de&th (rom the edge o( ,ear#ng and #s not dee&er than one-th#rd the 0o#st de&th, un'ess the de&th o( the mem,er #s #ncreased ,y the s#Ce o( the notch. 9,2!,7,!, 6$ll (tuds 819 8a'' studs sha'' not ,e notched, dr#''ed or otherw#se damaged so that the undamaged &ort#on o( the stud #s 'ess than two-th#rds the de&th o( the stud #( the stud #s loadbearing or 40 mm #( the stud #s non- loadbearing, un'ess the wea7ened studs are su#ta,'y re#n(orced. 9,2!,7,5, To. %l$tes 819 ;o& &'ates #n wa''s sha'' not ,e notched, dr#''ed or otherw#se wea7ened to reduce the undamaged w#dth to 'ess than 10 mm un'ess the wea7ened &'ates are su#ta,'y re#n(orced. 9,2!,7,7, Roo/ Trusses 819 Roo( truss mem,ers sha'' not ,e notched, dr#''ed or otherw#se wea7ened un'ess such notch#ng or dr#''#ng #s a''owed (or #n the des#gn o( the truss. 9,2!,<, Anc0or$ge 9,2!,<,1, Anc0or$ge o/ Building +r$mes 819 $uilding (rames sha'' ,e anchored to the foundation un'ess a structura' ana'ys#s o( w#nd and earth &ressures shows anchorage #s not re:u#red. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, anchorage sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,y em,edd#ng the ends o( the (#rst ('oor 0o#sts #n concrete, or (asten#ng the s#'' &'ate to the foundation w#th not 'ess than 12.. mm d#am anchor ,o'ts s&aced not more than 2.4 m o.c. 8!9 %nchor ,o'ts re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e (astened to the s#'' &'ate w#th nuts and washers and sha'' ,e em,edded not 'ess than 100 mm #n the foundation and so des#gned that they may ,e t#ghtened w#thout w#thdraw#ng them (rom the foundation. 9,2!,<,2, Anc0or$ge o/ Columns $nd %osts 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, e5ter#or co'umns and &osts sha'' ,e anchored to res#st u&'#(t and 'atera' mo$ement. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, where co'umns or &osts su&&ort ,a'con#es, dec7s, $erandas and other e5ter#or &'at(orms, and the co'umns or &osts e5tend not more than 600 mm a,o$e (#n#shed ground 'e$e', the su&&orted 0o#sts or ,eams sha'' ,e, 499

2a3 anchored to a foundation to res#st u&'#(t and 'atera' mo$ement, or 2,3 d#rect'y anchored to the ground to res#st u&'#(t. 8!9 %nchorage #s not re:u#red (or &'at(orms descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that, 2a3 are not more than 1 storey, 2,3 are not more than 11 mA #n area, 2c3 do not su&&ort a roo(, and 2d3 are not attached to another structure, un'ess #t can ,e demonstrated that d#((erent#a' mo$ement w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect the &er(ormance o( that structure. 9,2!,<,!, Anc0or$ge o/ (m$ller Buildings 819 $uildings not more than 4.3 m w#de and not more than 1 storey #n building height are &erm#tted to ,e anchored #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements o( )/% O240.10.1, >/#te -re&arat#on, Foundat#on and %nchorage o( <anu(actured =omes?. 9,2!,;, (ill %l$tes 9,2!,;,1, (i-e o/ (ill %l$tes 819 8here s#'' &'ates &ro$#de ,ear#ng (or the ('oor system they sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm mater#a'. 9,2!,;,2, Le1elling o/ (ill %l$tes 819 /#'' &'ates sha'' ,e, 2a3 'e$e''ed ,y sett#ng them on a (u'' ,ed o( mortar, or 2,3 'a#d d#rect'y on the foundation where the to& o( the foundation #s 'e$e'. 829 ;he 0o#nt ,etween the s#'' &'ate (or e5ter#or wa''s and the foundation sha'' ,e sea'ed #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.21.3. 9,2!,=, Be$ms to (u..ort +loors 9,2!,=,1, Be$ring /or Be$ms 819 *eams sha'' ha$e e$en and 'e$e' ,ear#ng and sha'' ha$e not 'ess than 9 mm 'ength o( ,ear#ng at end su&&orts, e5ce&t as re:u#red #n notes to ;a,'es %- to %-11. 9,2!,=,2, %riming o/ (teel Be$ms 819 65ter#or stee' ,eams susce&t#,'e to corros#on sha'' ,e sho& &r#med w#th rust-#nh#,#t#$e &a#nt. 9,2!,=,!, Built:u. 6ood Be$ms 819 8here a ,eam #s made u& o( #nd#$#dua' &#eces o( 'um,er that are na#'ed together, the #nd#$#dua' mem,ers sha'' ,e 3 mm or greater #n th#c7ness and #nsta''ed on edge. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, where #nd#$#dua' mem,ers o( a ,u#'t-u& ,eam are ,utted together to (orm a 0o#nt, the 0o#nt sha'' occur o$er a su&&ort. 8!9 8here a ,eam #s cont#nuous o$er more than one s&an, #nd#$#dua' mem,ers are &erm#tted to ,e ,utted together to (orm a 0o#nt at or w#th#n 110 mm o( the end :uarter &o#nts o( the c'ear s&ans, &ro$#ded the :uarter &o#nts are not those c'osest to the ends o( the ,eam. 859 <em,ers 0o#ned at :uarter &o#nts sha'' ,e cont#nuous o$er ad0acent su&&orts. 879 Jo#nts #n #nd#$#dua' mem,ers o( a ,eam that are 'ocated at or near the end :uarter &o#nts sha'' not occur #n ad0acent mem,ers at the same :uarter &o#nt and sha'' not reduce the e((ect#$e ,eam w#dth ,y more than ha'(. 8<9 Bot more than one ,utt 0o#nt sha'' occur #n any #nd#$#dua' mem,er o( a ,u#'t-u& ,eam w#th#n any one s&an. 8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2 3, where 3 mm mem,ers are 'a#d on edge to (orm a ,u#'t-u& ,eam, #nd#$#dua' mem,ers sha'' ,e na#'ed together w#th a dou,'e row o( na#'s not 'ess than 9 mm #n 'ength, s&aced not more than 410 mm a&art #n each row w#th the end na#'s 'ocated 100 mm to 110 mm (rom the end o( each &#ece. 8=9 8here 3 mm mem,ers #n ,u#'t-u& wood ,eams are not na#'ed together as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2.3, they sha'' ,e ,o'ted together w#th not 'ess than 12.. mm d#am ,o'ts e:u#&&ed w#th washers and s&aced not more than 1.2 m o.c., w#th the end ,o'ts 'ocated not more than 600 mm (rom the ends o( the mem,ers. 9,2!,9, +loor *oists 9,2!,9,1, End Be$ring /or *oists 100

819 65ce&t when su&&orted on r#,,on ,oards, ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ha$e not 'ess than 3 mm 'ength o( end ,ear#ng. 829 R#,,on ,oards re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 9 mm 'um,er 'et #nto the studs. 9,2!,9,2, *oists (u..orted b3 Be$ms 819 F'oor 0o#sts may ,e su&&orted on the to&s o( ,eams or may ,e (ramed #nto the s#des o( ,eams. 829 8hen (ramed #nto the s#de o( a wood ,eam, 0o#sts re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e su&&orted on, 2a3 0o#st hangers or other acce&ta,'e mechan#ca' connectors, or 2,3 not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 64 mm 'edger str#&s na#'ed to the s#de o( the ,eam, e5ce&t that 3 mm ,y 3 mm 'edger str#&s may ,e used &ro$#ded each 0o#st #s na#'ed to the ,eam ,y at 'east (our 9 mm na#'s, #n add#t#on to the na#'#ng (or the 'edger str#& re:u#red #n ;a,'e 8!9 8hen (ramed #nto the s#de o( a stee' ,eam, 0o#sts re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e su&&orted on the ,ottom ('ange o( the ,eam or on not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm 'um,er ,o'ted to the we, w#th not 'ess than 6.3 mm d#am ,o'ts s&aced not more than 600 mm a&art. 859 Jo#sts re(erred to #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e s&'#ced a,o$e the ,eam w#th not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm 'um,er at 'east 600 mm 'ong to su&&ort the ('oor#ng. 879 Bot 'ess than a 12 mm s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the s&'#ce re:u#red #n /entence 243 and the ,eam to a''ow (or shr#n7age o( the wood 0o#sts. 9,2!,9,!, Restr$int o/ *oist Bottoms 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, ,ottoms o( ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e restra#ned (rom tw#st#ng at each end ,y toe-na#'#ng to the su&&orts, end-na#'#ng to the header 0o#sts or ,y &ro$#d#ng cont#nuous stra&&#ng, ,'oc7#ng ,etween the 0o#sts or cross-,r#dg#ng near the su&&orts. 9,2!,9,5, (tr$ $nd Bridging in T$bles A:1 $nd A:2 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, where stra&&#ng #s s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e %-1, #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 64 mm, na#'ed to the unders#de o( ('oor 0o#sts, 2,3 'ocated not more than 2.1 m (rom each su&&ort or other rows o( stra&&#ng, and 2c3 (astened at each end to a s#'' or header. 829 8here ,r#dg#ng #s s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e %-1, #t sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 64 mm or 3 mm ,y 3 mm cross ,r#dg#ng 'ocated not more than 2.1 m (rom each su&&ort or other rows o( ,r#dg#ng. 8!9 8here ,r#dg#ng and stra&&#ng are s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e %-1, 2a3 ,r#dg#ng sha'', 2#3 com&'y w#th /entence 223, or 2##3 cons#st o( 3 mm so'#d ,'oc7#ng 'ocated not more than 2.1 m (rom each su&&ort or other rows o( ,r#dg#ng and secure'y (astened ,etween the 0o#sts, and 2,3 e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, stra&&#ng sha'' com&'y w#th /entence 213 and ,e #nsta''ed under the ,r#dg#ng. 859 *r#dg#ng s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e %-2 sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 ,r#dg#ng as descr#,ed #n /entence 223, or 2,3 3 mm so'#d ,'oc7#ng 'ocated not more than 2.1 m (rom each su&&ort or other rows o( ,r#dg#ng and secure'y (astened ,etween the 0o#sts. 879 /tra&&#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and )'ause 2332,3 #s not re:u#red where, 2a3 (urr#ng str#&s com&'y#ng w#th ;a,'e are (astened d#rect'y to the 0o#sts, or 2,3 a &ane'-ty&e ce#'#ng (#n#sh com&'y#ng w#th /u,sect#on 9.29.1., 9.29.6., 9.29..., 9.29. ., or 9.29.9. #s attached d#rect'y to the 0o#sts. 8<9 8here a ce#'#ng attached to wood (urr#ng #s s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e %-2, 2a3 the ce#'#ng (#n#sh sha'' cons#st o( gy&sum ,oard, &'ywood or O/* not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7, and 2,3 the (urr#ng sha'' ,e, 2#3 19 mm ,y 9 mm wood (urr#ng s&aced at not more than 610 mm o.c., or 2##3 19 mm ,y 64 mm wood (urr#ng s&aced at not more than 406 mm o.c. 101

9,2!,9,7, Ee$der *oists 819 =eader 0o#sts around ('oor o&en#ngs sha'' ,e dou,'ed when they e5ceed 1.2 m #n 'ength. 829 ;he s#Ce o( header 0o#sts e5ceed#ng 3.2 m #n 'ength sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y ca'cu'at#ons. 9,2!,9,<, Trimmer *oists 819 ;r#mmer 0o#sts around ('oor o&en#ngs sha'' ,e dou,'ed when the 'ength o( the header 0o#st e5ceeds 00 mm. 829 8hen the header 0o#st e5ceeds 2 m #n 'ength, the s#Ce o( the tr#mmer 0o#sts sha'' ,e determ#ned ,y ca'cu'at#ons. 9,2!,9,;, (u..ort o/ T$il $nd Ee$der *oists 819 8hen ta#' 0o#sts and header 0o#sts are su&&orted ,y the ('oor (ram#ng, they sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y su#ta,'e 0o#st hangers or na#'#ng #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 9,2!,9,=, (u..ort o/ 6$lls 819 Bon-loadbearing wa''s &ara''e' to the ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y 0o#sts ,eneath the wa'' or on ,'oc7#ng ,etween the 0o#sts. 829 *'oc7#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 (or the su&&ort o( non- loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm 'um,er, s&aced not more than 1.2 m a&art. 8!9 Bon-loadbearing #nter#or wa''s at r#ght ang'es to the ('oor 0o#sts are not restr#cted as to 'ocat#on. 859 <oadbearing #nter#or wa''s &ara''e' to ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y ,eams or wa''s o( su((#c#ent strength to trans(er sa(e'y the des#gn 'oads to $ert#ca' su&&orts. 879 <oadbearing #nter#or wa''s at r#ght ang'es to ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e 'ocated not more than 900 mm (rom the 0o#st su&&ort when the wa'' does not su&&ort a ('oor, and not more than 600 mm (rom the 0o#st su&&ort when the wa'' su&&orts one or more ('oors, un'ess the 0o#st s#Ce #s des#gned to su&&ort such 'oads. 9,2!,9,9, C$ntile1ered +loor *oists 819 F'oor 0o#sts su&&ort#ng roo( 'oads sha'' not ,e cant#'e$ered more than 400 mm ,eyond the#r su&&orts where 3 mm ,y 1 4 mm 0o#sts are used and not more than 600 mm ,eyond the#r su&&orts where 3 mm ,y 231 mm or 'arger 0o#sts are used. 829 ;he cant#'e$ered &ort#ons re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' not su&&ort ('oor 'oads (rom other storeys un'ess ca'cu'at#ons are &ro$#ded to show that the des#gn res#stances o( the cant#'e$ered 0o#sts are not e5ceeded. 8!9 8here cant#'e$ered ('oor 0o#sts descr#,ed #n /entences 213 and 223 are at r#ght ang'es to the ma#n ('oor 0o#sts, the ta#' 0o#sts #n the cant#'e$ered &ort#on sha'', 2a3 e5tend #nward away (rom the cant#'e$er su&&ort a d#stance e:ua' to not 'ess than s#5 t#mes the 'ength o( the cant#'e$er, and 2,3 sha'' ,e end na#'ed to an #nter#or dou,'ed header 0o#st #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e 9,2!,1>, 6$ll (tuds 9,2!,1>,1, (tud (i-e $nd (.$cing 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the s#Ce and s&ac#ng o( studs sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2!,1>,1, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ (tuds Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( 8a'' +nter#or )o'umn 2 /u&&orted Loads 2#nc'ud#ng dead loads3 Bo 'oad %tt#c not access#,'e ,y a sta#rway )o'umn 3 <#n#mum /tud /#Ce, mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 R3 R 9 ('at213 R 64 R 64 ('at213 R 9 R 9 ('at213 R 9 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum /tud /&ac#ng, mm 406 406 610 406 610 406 406 )o'umn 1 <a5#mum @nsu&&orted =e#ght, m 2.4 3.6 3.0 2.4 3.6 2.4 3.6


%tt#c access#,'e ,y a sta#rway &'us 1 ('oor Roo( 'oad &'us 1 ('oor %tt#c not access#,'e ,y sta#rway &'us 2 ('oors Roo( 'oad, %tt#c access#,'e ,y a sta#rway

3 R 64




%tt#c not access#,'e ,y a sta#rway &'us 1 ('oor %tt#c access#,'e ,y a sta#rway &'us 2 ('oors Roo( 'oad &'us 2 ('oors %tt#c access#,'e ,y a sta#rway &'us 3 ('oors Roo( 'oad &'us 3 ('oors Roo( w#th or w#thout att#c storage Roo( w#th or w#thout att#c storage &'us 1 ('oor Roo( w#th or w#thout att#c storage &'us 2 ('oors Roo( w#th or w#thout att#c storage &'us 3 ('oors
Notes to T$ble 9,2!,1>,1,&

3 R 9 3 R 9 64 R 9 3 R 140 3 R 140 3 R 64 3 R 9 3 R 9 3 R 140 3 R 9 64 R 9 3 R 140 3 R 140

610 301 406 406 301 406 610 406 610 301 406 406 301

3.6 3.6 3.6 4.2 4.2 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.6 1.



/ee %rt#c'e

829 /tuds (or wa''s not '#sted #n ;a,'e and su&&ort#ng roo( 'oads sha'' con(orm to ;a,'es %-30 to %-33, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the studs are c'ad w#th not 'ess than 9.1 mm th#c7 &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard sheath#ng on the e5ter#or (ace, and not 'ess than 12.1 mm gy&sum ,oard on the #nter#or (ace, 2,3 so'#d ,r#dg#ng #s &ro$#ded at not more than 1.2 m o.c, 2c3 the studs are (astened to the to& and ,ottom &'ates w#th no (ewer than three 2 mm toe-na#'s, 2d3 the dou,'e to& &'ates are (astened together w#th not 'ess than .6 mm na#'s s&aced not more than 200 mm o.c, 2e3 roo( (ram#ng mem,ers s&aced not more than 610 mm are (astened to the to& &'ates w#th no (ewer than (our 2 mm toena#'s, and 2(3 the ,ottom &'ate #s (astened to the ('oor 0o#sts, ,'oc7#ng or r#m 0o#st w#th not 'ess than 2 mm na#'s s&aced not more than 200 mm o.c. 9,2!,1>,2, Br$cing $nd L$ter$l (u..ort 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, each e5ter#or wa'' #n each storey sha'' ,e ,raced w#th at 'east one d#agona' ,race con(orm#ng to /entence 233. 829 *rac#ng #s not re:u#red where the wa''s, 2a3 ha$e an #nter#or (#n#sh con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 9.29., or 2,3 where the wa''s are, 2#3 c'ad w#th &ane'-ty&e s#d#ng, 2##3 d#agona''y sheathed w#th 'um,er, or 2###3 sheathed w#th &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard, gy&sum or (#,re,oard sheath#ng. 8!9 8here ,rac#ng #s re:u#red, #t sha'', 2a3 cons#st o( not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 9 mm wood mem,ers, 2,3 ,e a&&'#ed to the studs at an ang'e o( a&&ro5#mate'y 41 to the hor#Conta', and 2c3 e5tend the (u'' he#ght o( the wa'' on each storey. 859 *rac#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e na#'ed to each stud and wa'' &'ate ,y at 'east two 63 mm na#'s. 879 8here loadbearing #nter#or wa''s are not (#n#shed #n accordance w#th /entence 223, ,'oc7#ng or stra&&#ng sha'' ,e (astened to the studs at m#d-he#ght to &re$ent s#deways ,uc7'#ng. 9,2!,1>,!, Orient$tion o/ (tuds 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 and 233, a'' studs sha'' ,e &'aced at r#ght ang'es to the wa'' (ace. 829 /tuds on the ('at are &erm#tted to ,e used #n ga,'e ends o( roo(s that conta#n on'y un(#n#shed s&ace or #n nonloadbearing #nter#or wa''s w#th#n the '#m#ts descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 8!9 8a'' studs that su&&ort on'y a 'oad (rom an att#c not access#,'e ,y a sta#rway are &erm#tted to ,e &'aced on the ('at w#th#n the '#m#ts &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e &ro$#ded, 103

2a3 the studs are c'ad on at 'east one s#de w#th &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard sheath#ng (astened to the (ace o( the studs w#th a structura' adhes#$e, and 2,3 the &ort#on o( the roo( su&&orted ,y the studs does not e5ceed 2.1 m #n w#dth. 9,2!,1>,5, Continuit3 o/ (tuds 819 8a'' studs sha'' ,e cont#nuous (or the (u'' storey he#ght e5ce&t at o&en#ngs and sha'' not ,e s&'#ced e5ce&t ,y (#nger0o#nt#ng w#th a structura' adhes#$e. 9,2!,1>,7, (u..ort /or Cl$dding )$teri$ls 819 )orners and #ntersect#ons sha'' ,e des#gned to &ro$#de ade:uate su&&ort (or the $ert#ca' edges o( #nter#or (#n#shes, sheath#ng and c'add#ng mater#a's, and #n no #nstance sha'' e5ter#or corners ,e (ramed w#th 'ess than the e:u#$a'ent o( two studs. 829 8here the $ert#ca' edges o( #nter#or (#n#shes at wa'' #ntersect#ons are su&&orted at $ert#ca' #nter$a's ,y ,'oc7#ng or (urr#ng, the $ert#ca' d#stance ,etween such su&&orts sha'' not e5ceed the ma5#mum d#stance ,etween su&&orts s&ec#(#ed #n /ect#on 9.29. 9,2!,1>,<, (tuds $t (ides o/ O.enings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, studs sha'' ,e dou,'ed on each s#de o( o&en#ngs so that the #nner studs e5tend (rom the '#nte' to the ,ottom wa'' &'ate and the outer studs e5tend (rom the to& wa'' &'ates to the ,ottom wa'' &'ate. 829 /#ng'e studs are &erm#tted to ,e used on e#ther s#de o( o&en#ngs, 2a3 #n non-loadbearing #nter#or wa''s not re:u#red to ha$e fire-resistance ratings, &ro$#ded the studs e5tend (rom the to& wa'' &'ate to the ,ottom wa'' &'ate, or 2,3 #n loadbearing or non-loadbearing #nter#or or e5ter#or wa''s, &ro$#ded, 2#3 the o&en#ng #s 'ess than and w#th#n the re:u#red stud s&ac#ng, and 2##3 no two such o&en#ngs o( (u'' stud s&ace w#dth are 'ocated #n ad0acent stud s&aces. 9,2!,1>,;, (tud %osts Built into 6$lls 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, stud &osts sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 829 ;he num,er o( studs #n a wa'' d#rect'y ,e'ow a g#rder truss or roo( ,eam sha'' con(orm to ;a,'es %-34 to %-3., &ro$#ded, 2a3 the studs are (astened together to (orm a &ost #n accordance w#th /entence 9.1..4.2.223, 2,3 the wa'' #s not 'ess than 1.2 m 'ong and sheathed on at 'east one s#de w#th &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard or gy&sum sheath#ng, and 2c3 the wa'' sheath#ng #s (astened to the stud &ost w#th at 'east one row o( (asteners con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e and s&aced not more than 110 mm o.c. 8!9 ;he w#dth o( the stud &ost sha'' ,e not 'ess than the w#dth o( the g#rder or ,eam that #t su&&orts. 9,2!,11, 6$ll %l$tes 9,2!,11,1, (i-e o/ 6$ll %l$tes 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, wa'' &'ates sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7, and 2,3 not 'ess than the re:u#red w#dth o( the wa'' studs. 829 +n non-loadbearing wa''s and #n loadbearing wa''s where the studs are 'ocated d#rect'y o$er (ram#ng mem,ers, the ,ottom wa'' &'ate may ,e 19 mm th#c7. 9,2!,11,2, Bottom 6$ll %l$tes 819 % ,ottom wa'' &'ate sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a'' cases. 829 ;he ,ottom &'ate #n e5ter#or wa''s sha'' not &ro0ect more than one-th#rd the &'ate w#dth o$er the su&&ort. 9,2!,11,!, To. %l$tes 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 to 243, no (ewer than two to& &'ates sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n loadbearing wa''s. 829 % s#ng'e to& &'ate #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n a sect#on o( a loadbearing wa'' conta#n#ng a '#nte' &ro$#ded the to& &'ate (orms a t#e across the '#nte'.


8!9 % s#ng'e to& &'ate #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n loadbearing wa''s where the concentrated 'oads (rom ce#'#ngs, ('oors and roo(s are not more than 10 mm to one s#de o( the su&&ort#ng studs and #n a'' non-loadbearing wa''s. 859 ;he to& &'ates need not ,e &ro$#ded #n a sect#on o( loadbearing wa'' conta#n#ng a '#nte' &ro$#ded the '#nte' #s t#ed to the ad0acent wa'' sect#on w#th, 2a3 not 'ess than .1 mm ,y 110 mm ,y 0.91 mm th#c7 ga'$an#Ced stee', or 2,3 19 mm ,y 9 mm ,y 300 mm wood s&'#ce na#'ed to each wa'' sect#on w#th at 'east three 63 mm na#'s. 9,2!,11,5, *oints in To. %l$tes 819 Jo#nts #n the to& &'ates o( loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e staggered not 'ess than one stud s&ac#ng. 829 ;he to& &'ates #n loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e 'a&&ed or otherw#se su#ta,'y t#ed at corners and #ntersect#ng wa''s #n accordance w#th /entence 243. 8!9 Jo#nts #n s#ng'e to& &'ates used w#th loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e t#ed #n accordance w#th /entence 243. 859 ;#es re(erred to #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e the e:u#$a'ent o( not 'ess than .1 mm ,y 110 mm ,y 0.91 mm th#c7 ga'$an#Ced stee' na#'ed to each wa'' w#th at 'east three 63 mm na#'s. 9,2!,12, +r$ming O1er O.enings 9,2!,12,1, O.enings in Non:Lo$dbe$ring 6$lls 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, o&en#ngs #n non- loadbearing wa''s sha'' ,e (ramed w#th not 'ess than 3 mm mater#a' the same w#dth as the studs secure'y na#'ed to ad0acent studs. 829 O&en#ngs (or doors #n non-loadbearing wa''s re:u#red to ,e fire separations w#th a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e (ramed w#th the e:u#$a'ent o( at 'east two 3 mm th#c7 mem,ers that are the same w#dth as the wa'' &'ates. 9,2!,12,2, O.enings in Lo$dbe$ring 6$lls 819 O&en#ngs #n loadbearing wa''s greater than the re:u#red stud s&ac#ng sha'' ,e (ramed w#th '#nte's des#gned to carry the su&er#m&osed 'oads to ad0acent studs. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, where two or more mem,ers are used #n '#nte's, they sha'' ,e (astened together w#th not 'ess than 2 mm na#'s #n a dou,'e row, w#th na#'s not more than 410 mm a&art #n each row. 8!9 L#nte' mem,ers may ,e se&arated ,y (#''er &#eces. 9,2!,12,!, Lintel (.$ns $nd (i-es 819 /&ans and s#Ces o( wood '#nte's sha'' con(orm to the s&ans shown #n ;a,'es %-12 to %-16, 2a3 (or buildings o( residential occupancy, 2,3 where the wa'' studs e5ceed 3 mm ,y 64 mm #n s#Ce, 2c3 where the s&ans o( su&&orted 0o#sts do not e5ceed 4.9 m, and 2d3 where the s&ans o( trusses do not e5ceed 9. m. 829 +n loadbearing e5ter#or and #nter#or wa''s o( 3 mm ,y 64 mm (ram#ng mem,ers, '#nte's sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 so'#d 64 mm th#c7 mem,ers on edge, or 2,3 3 mm th#c7 and 19 mm th#c7 mem,ers (astened together w#th a dou,'e row o( na#'s not 'ess than 63 mm 'ong and s&aced not more than 410 mm a&art. 8!9 L#nte's re(erred to #n /entence 223, 2a3 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm greater #n de&th than those shown #n ;a,'es %-12 to %-16 (or the ma5#mum s&ans shown, and 2,3 sha'' not e5ceed 2.24 m #n 'ength. 9,2!,1!, Roo/ $nd Ceiling +r$ming 9,2!,1!,1, Continuit3 o/ R$/ters $nd *oists 819 Roo( ra(ters and 0o#sts and ce#'#ng 0o#sts sha'' ,e cont#nuous or sha'' ,e s&'#ced o$er $ert#ca' su&&orts that e5tend to su#ta,'e ,ear#ng. 9,2!,1!,2, +r$ming $round O.enings 819 Roo( and ce#'#ng (ram#ng mem,ers sha'' ,e dou,'ed on each s#de o( o&en#ngs greater than two ra(ter or 0o#st s&ac#ngs w#de. 101

9,2!,1!,!, End Be$ring Lengt0 819 ;he 'ength o( end ,ear#ng o( 0o#sts and ra(ters sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm. 9,2!,1!,5, Loc$tion $nd Att$c0ment o/ R$/ters 819 Ra(ters sha'' ,e 'ocated d#rect'y o&&os#te each other and t#ed together at the &ea7, or may ,e o((set ,y the#r own th#c7ness #( na#'ed to a r#dge ,oard not 'ess than 1..1 mm th#c7. 829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, (ram#ng mem,ers sha'' ,e connected ,y gusset &'ates or na#'#ng at the &ea7 #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e 8!9 8here the roo( (ram#ng on o&&os#te s#des o( the &ea7 #s assem,'ed se&arate'y, such as #n the case o( (actory-,u#'t houses, the roo( (ram#ng on o&&os#te s#des #s &erm#tted to ,e (astened together w#th ga'$an#Ced-stee' str#&s not 'ess than 200 mm ,y .1 mm ,y 0.41 mm th#c7 s&aced not more than 1.2 m a&art and na#'ed at each end to the (ram#ng ,y at 'east two 63 mm na#'s. 9,2!,1!,7, (0$.ing o/ R$/ters 819 Ra(ters sha'' ,e sha&ed at su&&orts to &ro$#de e$en ,ear#ng sur(aces and su&&orted d#rect'y a,o$e the e5ter#or wa''s. 9,2!,1!,<, Ei. $nd '$lle3 R$/ters 819 =#& and $a''ey ra(ters sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm greater #n de&th than the common ra(ters and not 'ess than 3 mm th#c7, actua' d#mens#on. 9,2!,1!,;, Intermedi$te (u..ort /or R$/ters $nd *oists 819 )e#'#ng 0o#sts and co''ar t#es o( not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm 'um,er are &erm#tted to ,e assumed to &ro$#de #ntermed#ate su&&ort to reduce the s&an (or ra(ters and 0o#sts where the roo( s'o&e #s 1 #n 3 or greater. 829 )o''ar t#es re(erred to #n /entence 213 more than 2.4 m 'ong sha'' ,e 'atera''y su&&orted near the#r centres ,y not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 9 mm cont#nuous mem,ers at r#ght ang'es to the co''ar t#es. 8!9 "war( wa''s and struts may ,e used to &ro$#de #ntermed#ate su&&ort to reduce the s&an (or ra(ters and 0o#sts. 859 8hen struts are used to &ro$#de #ntermed#ate su&&ort, they sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm mater#a' e5tend#ng (rom each ra(ter to a loadbearing wa'' at an ang'e o( not 'ess than 41 to the hor#Conta'. 879 8hen dwar( wa''s are used (or ra(ter su&&ort, they sha'' ,e (ramed #n the same manner as loadbearing wa''s and secure'y (astened to& and ,ottom to the roo( and ce#'#ng (ram#ng to &re$ent o$era'' mo$ement. 8<9 /o'#d ,'oc7#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween ('oor 0o#sts ,eneath dwar( wa''s re(erred to #n /entence 213 that enc'ose (#n#shed rooms. 9,2!,1!,=, Ridge (u..ort 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, roo( ra(ters and 0o#sts sha'' ,e su&&orted at the r#dge o( the roo( ,y, 2a3 a loadbearing wa'' e5tend#ng (rom the r#dge to su#ta,'e ,ear#ng, or 2,3 a r#dge ,eam su&&orted ,y not 'ess than 9 mm 'ength o( ,ear#ng. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the r#dge ,eam re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to the s#Ces and s&ans shown #n ;a,'e %-12, &ro$#ded, 2a3 the su&&orted ra(ter or 0o#st 'ength does not e5ceed 4.9 m, and 2,3 the roo( does not su&&ort any concentrated 'oads. 8!9 ;he r#dge ,eam re(erred to #n /entence 213 need not com&'y w#th /entence 223 where, 2a3 the ,eam #s o( not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 140 mm mater#a', and 2,3 the ,eam #s su&&orted at #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 1.2 m ,y not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9 mm mem,ers e5tend#ng $ert#ca''y (rom the r#dge to su#ta,'e ,ear#ng. 859 8hen the roo( s'o&e #s 1 #n 3 or more, r#dge su&&ort need not ,e &ro$#ded when the 'ower ends o( the ra(ters are ade:uate'y t#ed to &re$ent outward mo$ement. 879 ;#es re:u#red #n /entence 243 are &erm#tted to cons#st o( t#e rods or ce#'#ng 0o#sts (orm#ng a cont#nuous t#e (or o&&os#ng ra(ters and na#'ed #n accordance w#th ;a,'e 9.23.13. . 8<9 )e#'#ng 0o#sts re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened together w#th at 'east one more na#' &er 0o#st s&'#ce than re:u#red (or the ra(ter to 0o#st connect#on shown #n ;a,'e 9.23.13. . 8;9 <em,ers re(erred to #n /entence 263 are &erm#tted to ,e (astened together e#ther d#rect'y or through a gusset &'ate.


T$ble 9,2!,1!,=, R$/ter:to:*oist N$iling 8 nsu..orted Ridge9 Form#ng -art o( /entences 9.23.13. .213 and 263
+tem )o'. 1 Roo( /'o&e )o'. 2 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm )o'. 3 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. <#n#mum Bum,er o( Ba#'s not 'ess than .1 mm Long Ra(ter ;#ed to e$ery Jo#st $uilding 8#dth $uilding 8#dth u& to .0 m u& to 9. m Roo( /now Load, 7-a Roo( /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 2.0 1.0 1.1 2.0 or or more or 'ess or more 'ess 4 1 6 1 . 6 9 I I 4 4 1 1 6 . 1 . . 9 11 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 6 1 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 6 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 )o'. 9 )o'. 10 )o'. 11 )o'. 12 )o'. 13 )o'. 14 Ra(ter ;#ed to Jo#st e$ery 1.2 m $uilding 8#dth $uilding 8#dth u& to .0 m u& to 9. m Roo( /now Load, 7-a Roo( /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 2.0 1.0 1.1 2.0 or 'ess or more or 'ess or more 11 11 . . 6 6 1 1 4 4 4 4 I I 10 10 . . 1 1 4 4 I I I I 9 9 6 6 4 4 I I 9 I . . 1 1 4 4 I I I I I I 9 9 6 6 4 4 I I I I I I 11 11 . . 1 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

1 #n 3

406 610 1 #n 2.4 406 610 1 #n 2 406 610 1 #n 1..1 406 610 1 #n 1.33 406 610 1 #n 1 406 610

9,2!,1!,9, Restr$int o/ *oist Bottoms 819 Roo( 0o#sts su&&ort#ng a (#n#shed ce#'#ng, other than &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard, sha'' ,e restra#ned (rom tw#st#ng a'ong the ,ottom edges ,y means o( (urr#ng, ,'oc7#ng, cross ,r#dg#ng or stra&&#ng con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e 9,2!,1!,1>, Ceiling *oists (u..orting Roo/ Lo$d 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ce#'#ng 0o#sts su&&ort#ng &art o( the roo( 'oad (rom the ra(ters sha'' ,e not 'ess than 21 mm greater #n de&th than re:u#red (or ce#'#ng 0o#sts not su&&ort#ng &art o( the roo( 'oad. 829 8hen the roo( s'o&e #s 1 #n 4 or 'ess, the ce#'#ng 0o#st s#Ces re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e determ#ned (rom the s&an ta,'es (or roo( 0o#sts. 9,2!,1!,11, 6ood Roo/ Trusses 819 Roo( trusses that are not des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4 sha'', 2a3 ,e ca&a,'e o( su&&ort#ng a tota' ce#'#ng 'oad 2 dead load &'us live load3 o( 0.31 7-a &'us two and two-th#rds t#mes the s&ec#(#ed '#$e roo( 'oad (or 24 h, and 2,3 not e5ceed the de('ect#ons shown #n ;a,'e when 'oaded w#th the ce#'#ng 'oad &'us one and one-th#rd t#mes the s&ec#(#ed roo( snow 'oad (or 1 h. T$ble 9,2!,1!,11, )$?imum Roo/ Truss #e/lections Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 ;russ /&an 4.3 m or 'ess O$er 4.3 m )o'umn 2 ;y&e o( )e#'#ng -'aster or gy&sum ,oard Other than &'aster or gy&sum ,oard -'aster or gy&sum ,oard Other than &'aster or gy&sum ,oard )o'umn 3 <a5#mum "e('ect#on 1!360 o( the s&an 1!1 0 o( the s&an 1!360 o( the s&an 1!240 o( the s&an

829 ;he 0o#nt connect#ons used #n trusses descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 4.3.1. 8!9 8here the 'ength o( com&ress#on we, mem,ers #n roo( trusses descr#,ed #n /entence 213 e5ceeds 1. 3 m, such we, mem,ers sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th cont#nuous ,rac#ng to &re$ent ,uc7'#ng. 859 *rac#ng re:u#red #n /entence 233 sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 9 mm 'um,er na#'ed at r#ght ang'es to the we, mem,ers near the#r centres w#th at 'east two 63 mm na#'s (or each mem,er.


879 8here the a,#'#ty o( a truss des#gn to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #s demonstrated ,y test#ng, #t sha'' cons#st o( a (u'' sca'e 'oad test carr#ed out #n con(ormance w#th )/% /30.-<, >Load ;est -rocedure (or 8ood ;russes (or =ouses and /ma'' *u#'d#ngs?. 8<9 8here the a,#'#ty o( a truss des#gn to sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #s demonstrated ,y ana'ys#s, #t sha'' ,e carr#ed out #n accordance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce such as descr#,ed #n ;-+), >;russ "es#gn -rocedures and /&ec#(#cat#ons (or L#ght <eta' -'ate )onnected 8ood ;russes?. 9,2!,15, (ub/looring 9,2!,15,1, (ub/looring Re4uired 819 /u,('oor#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,eneath (#n#sh ('oor#ng where the (#n#sh ('oor#ng does not ha$e ade:uate strength to su&&ort the des#gn 'oads. 9,2!,15,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, wood-,ased &ane's (or su,('oors sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )/% O121, >"oug'as F#r -'ywood?, 2,3 )/% O111, >)anad#an /o(twood -'ywood?, 2c3 )/% O113-<, >-o&'ar -'ywood?, 2d3 )%B!)/%-O321.0, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, or 2e3 )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?. 829 -art#c'e,oard su,('oor#ng may ,e used on'y where a building #s constructed #n a (actory so that the su,('oor w#'' not ,e e5&osed to the weather. 8!9 /u,('oor#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' con(orm to grade "-2 or "-3 #n %B/+ %20 .1, >-art#c'e,oard?. 859 /u,('oor#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' ha$e #ts u&&er sur(ace and a'' edges treated to restr#ct water a,sor&t#on where the su,('oor #s used #n ,athrooms, 7#tchens, 'aundry rooms or other areas su,0ect to &er#od#c wett#ng. 9,2!,15,!, Edge (u..ort 819 8here the edges o( &ane'-ty&e su,('oor#ng are re:u#red to ,e su&&orted, such su&&ort sha'' cons#st o( tongue-andgroo$e &ane' edges or not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm ,'oc7#ng secure'y na#'ed ,etween (ram#ng mem,ers. 9,2!,15,5, #irection o/ Inst$ll$tion 819 -'ywood su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th the sur(ace gra#n at r#ght ang'es to the 0o#sts and w#th 0o#nts &ara''e' to ('oor 0o#sts staggered. 829 O/* su,('oor#ng con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O321.0, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, or to O-1 and O-2 grades #n )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?, and wa(er,oard su,('oor#ng con(orm#ng to R-1 grade #n )/% O43..0 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that the d#rect#on o( (ace or#entat#on #s at r#ght ang'es to the 0o#sts and the 0o#nts &ara''e' to the ('oor 0o#sts are staggered. 9,2!,15,7, (ub/loor T0icAness or R$ting 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, su,('oors sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e or*. T$ble 9,2!,15,7,A, T0icAness o/ (ub/looring Form#ng -art o( /entences and 9.23.11...213
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm -'ywood and O/*, O-1 4rade, and O/*,O-2 4rade 8a(er,oard, R-1 4rade 11.1 11.9 11.1 11.9 1 .1 19.0 )o'umn 4 -art#c'e,oard 11.9 19.0 21.4 )o'umn 1 Lum,er 1..0 19.0 19.0

1. 2. 3.

406 10 610

T$ble 9,2!,15,7,B, R$ting /or (ub/loor 20en A..l3ing CAN"C(A:O!27,> Form#ng -art o( /entences and 9.23.11...213
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm )o'umn 2 -ane' <ar7 /u,('oor )o'umn 3 @sed w#th -ane'-;y&e @nder'ay


1. 2. 3.

406 10 610

1F16 1F20 1F24

2F16 2F20 2F24

829 8here the (#n#shed ('oor#ng cons#sts o( not 'ess than 19 mm matched wood str#& ('oor#ng 'a#d at r#ght ang'es to 0o#sts, s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c., su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e &erm#tted to cons#st o( not 'ess than, 2a3 12.1 mm th#c7 &'ywood, 2,3 12.1 mm th#c7 O/* con(orm#ng to O-2 grade, 2c3 12.. mm th#c7 O/* con(orm#ng to O-1 grade, 2d3 12.. mm th#c7 wa(er,oard con(orm#ng to R-1 grade, or 2e3 O/* con(orm#ng to 2R32 ! 2F16 grade. 8!9 65ce&t where the ('oor#ng cons#sts o( ceram#c t#'es a&&'#ed w#th adhes#$e, where a se&arate &ane'-ty&e under'ay or concrete to&&#ng #s a&&'#ed to a su,('oor on 0o#sts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., the su,('oor may cons#st o( not 'ess than, 2a3 12.1 mm th#c7 &'ywood, 2,3 12.1 mm th#c7 O/* con(orm#ng to O-2 grade, 2c3 12.. mm th#c7 O/* con(orm#ng to O-1 grade, 2d3 12.. mm th#c7 wa(er,oard con(orm#ng to R-1 grade, or 2e3 O/* con(orm#ng to 2R32 ! 2F16 grade. 9,2!,15,<, Annul$r Groo1ed N$ils 819 8hen res#'#ent ('oor#ng #s a&&'#ed d#rect'y to an O/*, wa(er,oard, &art#c'e,oard or &'ywood su,('oor, the su,('oor sha'' ,e (astened to the su&&orts w#th annu'ar groo$ed na#'s. 9,2!,15,;, Lumber (ub/looring 819 Lum,er su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e 'a#d at an ang'e o( not 'ess than 41 to the 0o#sts. 829 Lum,er su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e (u''y su&&orted at the ends on so'#d ,ear#ng. 8!9 Lum,er (or su,('oor#ng sha'' ,e o( un#(orm th#c7ness and not more than 1 4 mm w#de. 9,2!,17, Roo/ (0e$t0ing 9,2!,17,1, Re4uired Roo/ (0e$t0ing 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 9.26., cont#nuous 'um,er or &ane'-ty&e roo( sheath#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to su&&ort the roo(#ng. 9,2!,17,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 8ood-,ased &ane's used (or roo( sheath#ng sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o(, 2a3 )/% O121, >"oug'as F#r -'ywood?, 2,3 )/% O111, >)anad#an /o(twood -'ywood?, 2c3 )/% O113-<, >-o&'ar -'ywood?, 2d3 )%B!)/%-O321.0, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, or 2e3 )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?. 9,2!,17,!, #irection o/ Inst$ll$tion 819 -'ywood roo( sheath#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th the sur(ace gra#n at r#ght ang'es to the roo( (ram#ng. 829 O/* roo( sheath#ng con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O321.0, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, or to O-1 and O-2 grades as s&ec#(#ed #n )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th the d#rect#on o( (ace or#entat#on at r#ght ang'es to the roo( (ram#ng mem,ers. 9,2!,17,5, *oints in %$nel:T3.e (0e$t0ing 819 -ane'-ty&e sheath#ng ,oard sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that 0o#nts &er&end#cu'ar to the roo( r#dge are staggered where, 2a3 the sheath#ng #s a&&'#ed w#th the sur(ace gra#n &ara''e' to the roo( r#dge, and 2,3 the th#c7ness o( the sheath#ng #s such that the edges are re:u#red to ,e su&&orted. 109

829 % ga& o( not 'ess than 2 mm sha'' ,e 'e(t ,etween sheets o( &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard. 9,2!,17,7, Lumber Roo/ (0e$t0ing 819 Lum,er roo( sheath#ng sha'' not ,e more than 2 6 mm w#de and sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that a'' ends are su&&orted w#th end 0o#nts staggered. 9,2!,17,<, Edge (u..ort 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, where &ane'-ty&e roo( sheath#ng re:u#res edge su&&ort, the su&&ort sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 meta' = c'#&s, or 2,3 not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm ,'oc7#ng secure'y na#'ed ,etween (ram#ng mem,ers. 829 ;he su&&orts re(erred to #n /entence 213 are not re:u#red when tongued-and-groo$ed edged &ane'-ty&e sheath#ng ,oard #s used. 9,2!,17,;, T0icAness or R$ting 819 ;he th#c7ness or rat#ng o( roo( sheath#ng on a ('at roo( used as a wa'7#ng dec7 sha'' con(orm to e#ther ;a,'e or ;a,'e*. (or su,('oors. 829 ;he th#c7ness or rat#ng o( roo( sheath#ng on a roo( not used as a wa'7#ng dec7 sha'' con(orm to e#ther ;a,'e 9.23.11...%. or ;a,'e 9.23.11...*. T$ble 9,2!,17,;,A, T0icAness o/ Roo/ (0e$t0ing Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.11...223
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm 301 406 610 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm -'ywood and O/*, O-2 4rade 6dges /u&&orted ..1 ..1 9.1 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 Lum,er 1..0 1..0 19.0 O/*, O-1 4rade and 8a(er,oard, R-1 4rade 6dges @nsu&&orted 6dges /u&&orted 6dges @nsu&&orted ..1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 11.1 12.1 11.1 12..

1. 2. 3.

T$ble 9,2!,17,;,B, R$ting /or Roo/ (0e$t0ing 60en A..l3ing CAN"C(A:O!27,> Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.11...223
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm 406 10 610 )o'umn 2 -ane' <ar7 6dges /u&&orted 2R16 2R20 2R24 )o'umn 3 6dges @nsu&&orted 1R16 1R20 1R24

8!9 %s&ha't-coated or as&ha't-#m&regnated (#,re,oard not 'ess than 11.1 mm th#c7 con(orm#ng to )%B!@L)-/.06, >8ood F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs?, #s &erm#tted to ,e used as a roo( sheath#ng o$er su&&orts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., &ro$#ded the roo(#ng cons#sts o(, 2a3 a cont#nuous sheet o( ga'$an#Ced stee' not 'ess than 0.33 mm #n th#c7ness, or 2,3 a cont#nuous sheet o( a'um#num not 'ess than 0.61 mm #n th#c7ness. 859 %'' edges o( sheath#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y ,'oc7#ng or (ram#ng. 9,2!,1<, 6$ll (0e$t0ing 9,2!,1<,1, Re4uired (0e$t0ing 819 65ter#or wa''s and ga,'e ends sha'' ,e sheathed when the e"terior cladding re:u#res #ntermed#ate (asten#ng ,etween su&&orts or #( the e"terior cladding re:u#res so'#d ,ac7#ng. 9,2!,1<,2, T0icAness, R$ting $nd )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 8here wa'' sheath#ng #s re:u#red (or the &ur&ose o( com&'y#ng w#th th#s /ect#on, #t sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e or ;a,'e*.


T$ble 9,2!,1<,2,A, 6$ll (0e$t0ing T0icAness $nd (.eci/ic$tions Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( /heath#ng F#,re,oard 2#nsu'at#ng3 4y&sum /heath#ng Lum,er <#nera' F#,re, R#g#d *oard, ;y&e 2 O/*, O-2 4rade O/*, O-1 4rade, and 8a(er,oard, R-1 4rade -heno'#c, (aced -'ywood 2e5ter#or ty&e3 -o'ystyrene, ;y&es 1 and 2 -o'ystyrene, ;y&es 3 and 4 -o'yurethane and -o'y#socycanurate ;y&e 1, (aced -o'yurethane and -o'y#socycanurate ;y&es 2 and 3, (aced )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm213 8#th /u&&orts 406 8#th /u&&orts 610 mm o.c. mm o.c. 9.1 11.1 9.1 12.. 1..0 21 6.0 6.31 21 6 3 21 3 21 1..0 21 ..1 ..9 21 ..1 3 21 3 21 )o'umn 4 <ater#a' /tandards )%B!@L)-/.06 )%B!)/%-% 2.2.-< %/;< )11.. ! )11..< %/;< )1396 ! )1396< /ee ;a,'e )%B!@L)-/.02 )/% O43..0 )/% O43..0 )%B!)4/*-11.21-< )/% O121 )/% O111 )/% O113-< )%B!@L)-/.01 )%B!@L)-/.01 )%B!@L)-/.04 )%B!@L)-/.04

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.


Notes to T$ble 9,2!,1<,2,A,&

/ee a'so /entences 9.2..1.1.223 to 243. T$ble 9,2!,1<,2,B, R$ting +or 6$ll (0e$t0ing 60en A..l3ing CAN"C(A:O!27,> Form#ng -art o( /entence

+tem 1. 2. 3.

)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm 406 10 610

)o'umn 2 -ane' <ar7 816 820 824

9,2!,1<,!, Att$c0ment o/ Cl$dding to (0e$t0ing 819 4y&sum sheath#ng, r#g#d #nsu'at#on and (#,re,oard sha'' not ,e used (or the attachment o( s#d#ng mater#a's. 829 Ba#'s used #n attach#ng the mater#a's '#sted #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3.2 mm d#am w#th a m#n#mum head d#ameter o( 11 mm. 9,2!,1<,5, Lumber (0e$t0ing 819 Lum,er wa'' sheath#ng sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that a'' ends are su&&orted. 829 8here 'um,er wa'' sheath#ng #s re:u#red to &ro$#de ,rac#ng accord#ng to %rt#c'e, #t sha'' ,e a&&'#ed w#th end 0o#nts staggered. 9,2!,1<,7, *oints in %$nel:T3.e (0e$t0ing 819 % ga& o( not 'ess than 2 mm sha'' ,e 'e(t ,etween sheets o( &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard or (#,re,oard. 9,2!,1<,<, )$ns$rd (t3le Roo/s 819 8here the ,ottom &ort#ons o( mansard sty'e roo(s are $ented, the $ert#ca' (ram#ng mem,ers ,eh#nd the s'o&#ng &ort#ons sha'' ,e cons#dered on the same ,as#s as e5ter#or wa'' studs and sha'' con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es 9.2..3.2. to 9.2..3.6. (ection 9,25, (0eet (teel (tud 6$ll +r$ming 9,25,1, Gener$l 9,25,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to sheet stee' studs (or use #n non-loadbearing e5ter#or and #nter#or wa''s. 829 8here loadbearing stee' studs are used, they sha'' ,e des#gned #n con(ormance w#th -art 4. 111

9,25,1,2, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 /tee' studs and runners sha'' con(orm to %+/+ /201, >Borth %mer#can /tandard (or )o'd Formed /tee' Fram#ng N -roduct "ata?. 9,25,1,!, )et$l T0icAness 819 <eta' th#c7ness s&ec#(#ed #n th#s /ect#on sha'' ,e the m#n#mum ,ase stee' th#c7ness e5c'us#$e o( coat#ngs. 9,25,1,5, (cre2s 819 /crews (or the a&&'#cat#on o( c'add#ng, sheath#ng or #nter#or (#n#sh mater#a's to stee' studs, runners and (urr#ng channe's sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< )914, >/tee' "r#'' /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to /tee' /tuds (rom 0.033 #n. 20. 4 mm3 to 0.112 #n. 22. 4 mm3 #n ;h#c7ness?, or 2,3 %/;< )1002, >/tee' /e'(--#erc#ng ;a&&#ng /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to 8ood /tuds or /tee' /tuds?. 9,25,1,7, Cl$dding, (0e$t0ing $nd Interior +inis0 Re4uired 819 )'add#ng or sheath#ng, and #nter#or (#n#sh sha'' ,e #nsta''ed on stee' stud (ram#ng and sha'' ,e (astened w#th screws, 2a3 s&aced at the a&&ro&r#ate s&ac#ng descr#,ed #n /ect#on 9.29., and 2,3 &enetrat#ng not 'ess than 10 mm through the meta'. 9,25,2, (i-e o/ +r$ming 9,25,2,1, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ (tuds in Interior 6$lls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'es and, the s#Ce and s&ac#ng o( stee' studs (or non- loadbearing #nter#or wa''s sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,25,2,1, (teel (tuds /or Non:Lo$dbe$ring Interior 6$lls819 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'umn 1 <#n#mum /tud /#Ce, mm 32 R 41 32 R 64 32 R 9 32 5 112 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum /tud /&ac#ng, mm 406 610 301 406 610 301 406 610 301 406 610 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum 8a'' =e#ght, m 3.0 2.. 4.4 4.0 3.1 1.2 4.6 3.9 6.6 1. 4.9

Notes to T$ble 9,25,2,1,&


;he $a'ues #n the ;a,'e are ,ased on a s#ng'e 'ayer o( 12.. mm gy&sum &ane' sheath#ng #nsta''ed on each s#de o( the studs. 8here one s#de #s not access#,'e, gy&sum &ane's on on'y one s#de w#'' su((#ce. ;he $a'ues are a'so ,ased on attach#ng gy&sum &ane' sheath#ng us#ng screws not sma''er than Bo. 6 s&aced at a ma5#mum o( 300 mm at edges and at #ntermed#ate su&&orts. 9,25,2,2, T0icAness o/ (tuds 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, stee' studs #n non- loadbearing #nter#or wa''s sha'' ha$e a meta' th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 0.46 mm. 9,25,2,!, Runners 819 Runners (or #nter#or and e5ter#or non-loadbearing wa''s sha'' ha$e a th#c7ness o( not 'ess than the th#c7ness o( the corres&ond#ng studs and sha'' ha$e not 'ess than 30 mm ('anges. 9,25,2,5, O.enings in +ire (e.$r$tions 819 8here o&en#ngs (or doors #n non-loadbearing fire separations re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating do not e5ceed 1.2 m #n w#dth, 2a3 the w#dth o( stee' studs sha'' ,e not 'ess than 63 mm, and 112

2,3 the stee' th#c7ness sha'' ,e not 'ess than 0.46 mm. 829 8here o&en#ngs descr#,ed #n /entence 213 e5ceed 1.2 m #n w#dth, 2a3 the w#dth o( stee' studs sha'' ,e not 'ess than 91 mm, and 2,3 the meta' th#c7ness sha'' ,e not 'ess than 0. 1 mm. 8!9 ;he d#stance to the (#rst stud ,eyond the 0am, o( any door o&en#ng #n a fire separation re:u#red to ha$e a fireresistance rating sha'' not e5ceed 400 mm. 859 8here the d#stance ,etween the (ram#ng o$er the o&en#ng re(erred to #n /entence 233 and the to& runner e5ceeds 400 mm #n such wa''s, #ntermed#ate su&&ort sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at #nter$a's o( not more than 400 mm a,o$e the o&en#ng. 9,25,2,7, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ (tuds in E?terior 6$lls 819 ;he s#Ce and s&ac#ng o( non-loadbearing stee' studs (or e5ter#or wa''s sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,25,2,7, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ (teel (tuds /or Non:Lo$dbe$ring E?terior 6$lls Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <#n#mum /tud /#Ce, mm 30 R 91 30 R 91 30 R 91 30 R 91 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum <eta' ;h#c7ness, mm 0.13 0.69 0. 1 1.0 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum /tud Length, m /&ac#ng o( /tuds 301 mm 2o.c.3 406 mm 2o.c.3 3.0 2.4 3.3 2.. 3.6 3.0 4.0 3.3 )o'umn 1 610 mm 2o.c.3 I 2.4 2.. 3.0

1. 2. 3. 4.

9,25,!, Inst$ll$tion 9,25,!,1, Inst$ll$tion o/ Runners 819 Runners sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the to&s and ,ottoms o( wa''s. 829 Runners re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e secure'y attached to the building at a&&ro5#mate'y 10 mm (rom the ends, and at #nter$a's o( not more than 610 mm o.c. (or #nter#or wa''s and 301 mm o.c. (or e5ter#or wa''s. 8!9 Fasteners used (or attachment descr#,ed #n /entence 223 sha'' cons#st o( the e:u#$a'ent o( 63 mm na#'s or 21 mm screws. 859 /tuds at o&en#ngs and that are not (u'' wa'' he#ght sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y a runner at the ends o( the studs, secure'y (astened to the (u'' 'ength studs at the s#des o( the o&en#ng. 9,25,!,2, +ire:R$ted 6$lls 819 /tee' studs used #n wa''s re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that there #s not 'ess than a 12 mm c'earance ,etween the to& o( the stud and the to& o( the runner to a''ow (or e5&ans#on #n the e$ent o( (#re. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e, studs #n wa''s re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' not ,e attached to the runners #n a manner that w#'' &re$ent such e5&ans#on. 8!9 Fram#ng a,o$e doors w#th stee' door (rames #n non- loadbearing fire separations re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' cons#st o( two runners on the ('at (astened ,ac7 to ,ac7. 859 ;he 'ower runner re:u#red #n /entence 233 sha'' ,e cut through the ('anges and ,e ,ent at each end to e5tend u&wards at 'east 110 mm and (astened to the ad0acent studs. 9,25,!,!, Orient$tion o/ (tuds 819 /tee' studs sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th we,s at r#ght ang'es to the wa'' (ace and, e5ce&t at o&en#ngs, sha'' ,e cont#nuous (or the (u'' wa'' he#ght. 9,25,!,5, (u..ort /or Cl$dding )$teri$ls 819 )orners and #ntersect#ons o( wa''s sha'' ,e constructed to &ro$#de su&&ort (or the c'add#ng mater#a's. 9,25,!,7, +r$ming $round O.enings 819 /tuds sha'' ,e dou,'ed on each s#de o( e$ery o&en#ng where such o&en#ngs #n$o'$e more than one stud s&ace, and sha'' ,e tr#&'ed where the o&en#ngs #n e5ter#or wa''s e5ceed 2.4 m #n w#dth. 829 /tuds descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened together ,y screws, cr#m&#ng or we'd#ng to act as a s#ng'e structura' un#t #n res#st#ng trans$erse 'oads. 113

9,25,!,<, Att$c0ment o/ (tuds to Runners 819 /tuds sha'' ,e attached to runners ,y screws, cr#m&#ng or we'd#ng around wa'' o&en#ngs, and e'sewhere where necessary to 7ee& the studs #n a'#gnment dur#ng construct#on. 829 8here c'earance (or e5&ans#on #s re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, attachment re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e a&&'#ed ,etween studs and ,ottom runners on'y. 9,25,!,;, O.enings /or +ire #$m.ers 819 O&en#ngs (or fire dampers #n non-loadbearing fire separations re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating sha'' ,e (ramed w#th dou,'e studs on each s#de o( the o&en#ng. 829 ;he s#'' and header (or o&en#ngs descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' cons#st o( a runner trac7 w#th r#ght ang'e ,ends made on each end so as to e5tend 300 mm a,o$e the header or ,e'ow the s#'' and (astened to the studs. 8!9 ;he o&en#ngs descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e '#ned w#th a 'ayer o( gy&sum ,oard at 'east 12.. mm th#c7 (astened to stud and runner we,s. (ection 9,27, Ee$t Tr$ns/er, Air Le$A$ge $nd Condens$tion Control 9,27,1, Gener$l 9,27,1,1, (co.e $nd A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to heat, a#r and water $a&our trans(er and measures to contro' condensat#on. 829 %'' wa''s, ce#'#ngs and ('oors se&arat#ng conditioned space (rom uncond#t#oned s&ace, the e5ter#or a#r or the ground sha'' ,e, 2a3 &ro$#ded w#th, 2#3 therma' #nsu'at#on con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.21.2., 2##3 an air barrier system con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.21.3., and 2###3 a vapour barrier con(orm#ng to /u,sect#on 9.21.4., and 2,3 constructed #n such a way that the &ro&ert#es and re'at#$e &os#t#on o( a'' mater#a's con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.21.1. 8!9 +nsu'at#on and sea'#ng o( heat#ng and $ent#'at#ng ducts sha'' con(orm to /ect#ons 9.32. and 9.33. 9,27,2, T0erm$l Insul$tion 9,27,2,1, Re4uired Insul$tion 819 %'' wa''s, ce#'#ngs and ('oors se&arat#ng heated s&ace (rom unheated s&ace, the e5ter#or a#r or the e5ter#or soil sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th therma' #nsu'at#on #n con(ormance w#th /ect#on 12.2. to &re$ent mo#sture condensat#on on the#r room s#de dur#ng the w#nter and to ensure com(orta,'e cond#t#ons (or the occu&ants. 9,27,2,2, Insul$tion )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223, therma' #nsu'at#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o(, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-11.21-<, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -heno'#c, Faced?, 2,3 )4/* 11-4--2.<, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, Loose F#''?, 2c3 )%B!@L)-/.01, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, *oards and -#&e )o$er#ng?, 2d3 )%B!@L)-/.02 ><#nera' F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs?, 2e3 )%B!@L)-/.03, >)e''u'ose F#,re +nsu'at#on 2)F+3 (or *u#'d#ngs?, 2(3 )%B!@L)-/.04, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'yurethane and -o'y#socyanurate, *oards, Faced?, 2g3 )%B!@L)-/.01.1, >;herma' +nsu'at#on N /&ray %&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty N <ater#a' N /&ec#(#cat#on?, or 2h3 )%B!@L)-/.06, >8ood F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. 829 ;he flame-spread rating re:u#rements conta#ned #n the standards '#sted #n /entence 213 sha'' not a&&'y. 8!9 +nsu'at#on #n contact w#th the ground sha'' ,e #nert to the act#on o( soil and water and ,e such that #ts #nsu'at#$e &ro&ert#es are not s#gn#(#cant'y reduced ,y mo#sture. 859 ;y&e 1 e5&anded &o'ystyrene #nsu'at#on as descr#,ed #n )%B!@L)-/.01, >;herma' +nsu'at#on, -o'ystyrene, *oards and -#&e )o$er#ng?, sha'' not ,e used as roo( #nsu'at#on a&&'#ed a,o$e the roo(#ng mem,rane. 9,27,2,!, Inst$ll$tion o/ T0erm$l Insul$tion 114

819 +nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that there #s a reasona,'y un#(orm #nsu'at#ng $a'ue o$er the ent#re (ace o( the #nsu'ated area. 829 +nsu'at#on sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to the (u'' w#dth and 'ength o( the s&ace ,etween (urr#ng or (ram#ng. 8!9 65ce&t where the #nsu'at#on &ro$#des the &r#nc#&a' res#stance to a#r 'ea7age, therma' #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that at 'east one (ace #s #n (u'' and cont#nuous contact w#th an e'ement w#th 'ow a#r &ermeance. 859 +nsu'at#on on the #nter#or o( foundation wa''s enc'os#ng a craw' s&ace sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that there #s not 'ess than a 10 mm c'earance a,o$e the craw' s&ace ('oor #( the #nsu'at#on #s o( a ty&e that may ,e damaged ,y water. 879 +nsu'at#on around concrete s'a,s-on-ground sha'' ,e 'ocated so that heat (rom the building #s not restr#cted (rom reach#ng the ground ,eneath the &er#meter, where e5ter#or wa''s are not su&&orted ,y (oot#ngs e5tend#ng ,e'ow (rost 'e$e'. 8<9 8here #nsu'at#on #s e5&osed to the weather and su,0ect to mechan#ca' damage, #t sha'' ,e &rotected w#th not 'ess than, 2a3 6 mm as,estos-cement ,oard, 2,3 6 mm &reser$at#$e-treated &'ywood, or 2c3 12 mm cement &arg#ng on w#re 'ath a&&'#ed to the e5&osed (ace and edge. 8;9 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 2 3, #nsu'at#on and vapour barrier sha'' ,e &rotected (rom mechan#ca' damage ,y a co$er#ng such as gy&sum ,oard, &'ywood, &art#c'e,oard, O/*, wa(er,oard or hard,oard. 8=9 +n un(#n#shed basements, the &rotect#on re:u#red #n /entence 2.3 need not ,e &ro$#ded (or m#nera' (#,re #nsu'at#on, &ro$#ded #t #s co$ered w#th &o'yethy'ene vapour barrier o( at 'east 0.11 mm #n th#c7ness. 899 +nsu'at#on #n (actory-,u#'t buildings sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that #t w#'' not ,ecome d#s'odged dur#ng trans&ortat#on. 9,27,2,5, Inst$ll$tion o/ Loose:+ill Insul$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 to 263, 'oose-(#'' #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e used on hor#Conta' sur(aces on'y. 829 8here 'oose-(#'' #nsu'at#on #s #nsta''ed #n an uncon(#ned s'o&ed s&ace, such as an att#c s&ace o$er a s'o&ed ce#'#ng, the su&&ort#ng s'o&e sha'' not ,e more than, 2a3 4.1 #n 12 (or m#nera' (#,re or ce''u'ose (#,re #nsu'at#on, and 2,3 2.1 #n 12 (or other ty&es o( #nsu'at#on. 8!9 Loose-(#'' #nsu'at#on may ,e used #n wood (rame wa''s o( e5#st#ng buildings. 859 8here ,'own-#n #nsu'at#on #s #nsta''ed #n a,o$e-ground or ,e'ow-ground wood (rame wa''s o( new buildings, 2a3 the dens#ty o( the #nsta''ed #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to &rec'ude sett'ement, 2,3 the #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,eh#nd a mem,rane that w#'' &erm#t $#sua' #ns&ect#on &r#or to #nsta''at#on o( the #nter#or (#n#sh, 2c3 the #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a manner that w#'' not #nter(ere w#th the #nsta''at#on o( the #nter#or (#n#sh, and 2d3 no water sha'' ,e added to the #nsu'at#on, un'ess #t can ,e shown that the added water w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect other mater#a's #n the assem,'y. 879 8ater re&e''ent 'oose-(#'' #nsu'at#on may ,e used ,etween the outer and #nner wythes o( masonry cavity walls. 8<9 8here so((#t $ent#ng #s used, measures sha'' ,e ta7en, 2a3 to &re$ent 'oose-(#'' #nsu'at#on (rom ,'oc7#ng the so((#t $ents and to ma#nta#n an o&en &ath (or c#rcu'at#on o( a#r (rom the $ents #nto the attic or roof space, and 2,3 to m#n#m#Ce a#r ('ow #nto the 'oose-(#'' #nsu'at#on near the so((#t $ents to ma#nta#n the therma' &er(ormance o( the mater#a'. 9,27,2,7, Inst$ll$tion o/ (.r$3:A..lied %ol3uret0$ne 819 /&ray-a&&'#ed &o'yurethane #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th )%B!@L)-/.01.2, >;herma' +nsu'at#on N /&ray-%&&'#ed R#g#d -o'yurethane Foam, <ed#um "ens#ty N %&&'#cat#on?. 9,27,!, Air B$rrier (3stems 9,27,!,1, Re4uired B$rrier to Air Le$A$ge 819 8a'', ce#'#ng and ('oor assem,'#es that se&arate conditioned spaces (rom uncond#t#oned s&aces or (rom the ground sha'' ,e constructed so as to #nc'ude an air barrier system that w#'' &ro$#de a cont#nuous ,arr#er to a#r 'ea7age, 2a3 (rom the #nter#or o( the building #nto wa'', ('oor, attic or roof spaces su((#c#ent to &re$ent e5cess#$e mo#sture condensat#on #n such s&aces dur#ng the heat#ng season, and 111

2,3 (rom the e5ter#or #nward su((#c#ent to &re$ent mo#sture condensat#on on the room s#de dur#ng the heat#ng season. 829 ;he cont#nu#ty o( the air barrier system sha'' e5tend throughout the basement. 9,27,!,2, Air B$rrier (3stem %ro.erties 819 /heet and &ane' ty&e mater#a's #ntended to &ro$#de the &r#nc#&a' res#stance to a#r 'ea7age sha'' ha$e an a#r 'ea7age character#st#c not greater than 0.02 L!2s[m23 measured at an a#r &ressure d#((erent#a' o( .1 -a. 829 8here &o'yethy'ene sheet #s used to &ro$#de the a#r-t#ghtness #n the air barrier system, #t sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.34-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?. 9,27,!,!, Continuit3 o/ t0e Air B$rrier (3stem 819 8here the air barrier system cons#sts o( an a#r-#m&ermea,'e &ane'-ty&e mater#a', a'' 0o#nts sha'' ,e sea'ed to m#n#m#Ce a#r 'ea7age. 829 8here the air barrier system cons#sts o( ('e5#,'e sheet mater#a', a'' 0o#nts sha'' ,e, 2a3 sea'ed w#th com&at#,'e mater#a' such as ta&e or ('e5#,'e sea'ant, or 2,3 e5ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 233, 'a&&ed not 'ess than 100 mm and c'am&ed, such as ,etween (ram#ng mem,ers, (urr#ng or ,'oc7#ng and r#g#d &ane's. 8!9 8here an air barrier system cons#st#ng o( ('e5#,'e sheet mater#a' #s #nsta''ed at 'ocat#ons where #t #s not su&&orted ,y an #nter#or (#n#sh, such as a ,eh#nd a ,ath tu,, shower enc'osure or (#re&'ace, the cont#nu#ty o( the a#r ,arr#er sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned ,y sea'#ng #ts 0o#nts. 859 8here an #nter#or wa'' meets an e5ter#or wa'', ce#'#ng, ('oor or roo( re:u#red to ,e &ro$#ded w#th an a#r ,arr#er &rotect#on, the air barrier system sha'' e5tend across the #ntersect#on and sha'' ,e sea'ed #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 223. 879 8here an #nter#or wa'' &ro0ects through a ce#'#ng or e5tends to ,ecome an e5ter#or wa'', s&aces #n the wa'' sha'' ,e ,'oc7ed to &ro$#de cont#nu#ty across those s&aces w#th the air barrier system #n the a,utt#ng wa''s or ce#'#ng ,y, 2a3 sea'#ng each a#r ,arr#er to the ,'oc7#ng, or 2,3 wra&&#ng each a#r ,arr#er around the trans#t#on and sea'#ng #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 223. 8<9 8here an #nter#or ('oor &ro0ects through an e5ter#or wa'' or e5tends to ,ecome an e5ter#or ('oor, cont#nu#ty o( the air barrier system sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned (rom the a,utt#ng wa''s across the ('oor assem,'y. 8;9 8here an #nter#or ('oor &ro0ects through an e5ter#or wa'' to ,ecome an e5ter#or ('oor, 2a3 the a#r ,arr#er o( the wa'' under the ('oor sha'' ,e cont#nuous w#th or sea'ed to the su,('oor or the a#r ,arr#er on the unders#de o( the ('oor, 2,3 the a#r ,arr#er o( the wa'' a,o$e the ('oor sha'' ,e cont#nuous w#th or sea'ed to the su,('oor or the a#r ,arr#er on the to& o( the ('oor, and 2c3 the s&aces ,etween ('oor 0o#sts sha'' ,e ,'oc7ed and sea'ed. 8=9 8here a header wra& #s used as an a#r ,arr#er, #t sha'' ,e sea'ed or 'a&&ed to the wa'' a#r ,arr#er a,o$e and ,e'ow #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 223. 899 -enetrat#ons o( the air barrier system, such as those created ,y the #nsta''at#on o( e'ectr#ca' w#r#ng, e'ectr#ca' ,o5es, &#&#ng or ductwor7, sha'' ,e sea'ed w#th com&at#,'e mater#a' such as ta&e or cau'7#ng to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the air barrier system o$er the ent#re sur(ace. 81>9 -enetrat#ons o( the air barrier system, such as those created ,y the #nsta''at#on o( doors, w#ndows and other (enestrat#on sha'' ,e sea'ed to ma#nta#n the #ntegr#ty o( the air barrier system o$er the ent#re sur(ace. 8119 8here an #nter#or a#r ,arr#er #s &enetrated ,y doors, w#ndows and other (enestrat#on, the a#r ,arr#er sha'' ,e sea'ed to the door (rame or w#ndow (rame w#th, 2a3 com&at#,'e ta&e, or 2,3 s&ray (oam #nsu'at#on. 8129 8here an e5ter#or a#r ,arr#er #s &enetrated ,y doors, w#ndows and other (enestrat#on, the a#r ,arr#er sha'' ,e sea'ed to the door (rame or w#ndow (rame w#th, 2a3 com&at#,'e ('e5#,'e ('ash#ng mater#a', 2,3 cau'7#ng, or 2c3 s&ray (oam #nsu'at#on. 116

81!9 %n access hatch #nsta''ed through an assem,'y constructed w#th an air barrier system sha'' ,e weatherstr#&&ed around the &er#meter to m#n#m#Ce a#r 'ea7age. 8159 )'earances ,etween chimneys or gas vents and the surround#ng construct#on that wou'd &erm#t a#r 'ea7age (rom w#th#n the building #nto a wa'' or attic or roof space sha'' ,e sea'ed ,y noncombustible mater#a' to &re$ent such 'ea7age and sha'' ,e sea'ed to the a#r ,arr#er w#th ta&e or another com&at#,'e mater#a', and to the $ent w#th h#gh tem&erature cau'7#ng #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons. 8179 8here the foundation wa'' and ('oor s'a, are used as an a#r ,arr#er, they sha'' ,e cau'7ed at a'' 0o#nts, #ntersect#ons and &enetrat#ons. 81<9 /um& &#t co$ers sha'' ,e sea'ed to ma#nta#n cont#nu#ty o( the air barrier system. 9,27,!,5, '$.our B$rriers sed $s Air B$rriers 819 % vapour barrier used as an a#r ,arr#er sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on. 9,27,5, '$.our B$rriers 9,27,5,1, Re4uired B$rrier to '$.our #i//usion 819 ;herma''y #nsu'ated wa'', ce#'#ng and ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e constructed w#th a vapour barrier su((#c#ent to &re$ent condensat#on #n the wa'' s&aces, ('oor s&aces or attic or roof spaces. 9,27,5,2, '$.our B$rrier )$teri$ls 819 ?apour barriers sha'' ha$e a &ermeance not greater than 60 ng!2-a[s[m 23, measured #n accordance w#th %/;< 696, >8ater Ha&or ;ransm#ss#on o( <ater#a's?, us#ng the des#ccant method 2dry cu&3. 829 8here the #ntended use o( the #nter#or s&ace w#'' resu't #n h#gh mo#sture generat#on, the assem,'y sha'' ,e des#gned accord#ng to -art 1. 8!9 8here &o'yethy'ene #s #nsta''ed to ser$e as the vapour barrier, #t sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.34-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, -o'yethy'ene /heet (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?. 859 <em,rane-ty&e vapour barriers other than &o'yethy'ene sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.33-<, >Ha&our *arr#er, /heet, 65c'ud#ng -o'yethy'ene, (or @se #n *u#'d#ng )onstruct#on?. 879 8here a coat#ng #s a&&'#ed to gy&sum ,oard to (unct#on as the vapour barrier, the &ermeance o( the coat#ng sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th )%B!)4/*-1.101-<, ><ethod (or -ermeance o( )oated 8a'',oard?. 8<9 8here #nsu'at#on (unct#ons as the vapour barrier, #t sha'' ,e su((#c#ent'y th#c7 so as to meet the re:u#rement o( /entence 213. 9,27,5,!, Inst$ll$tion o/ '$.our B$rriers 819 -roducts #nsta''ed to (unct#on as the vapour barrier sha'' &rotect the warm s#de o( wa'', ce#'#ng and ('oor assem,'#es. 829 8here d#((erent &roducts are used (or the vapour barrier and the #nsu'at#on, the vapour barrier sha'' ,e #nsta''ed su((#c#ent'y c'ose to the warm s#de o( the #nsu'at#on to &re$ent condensat#on at des#gn cond#t#ons. 8!9 8here the same &roduct #s used (or the vapour barrier and the #nsu'at#on, the &roduct sha'' ,e #nsta''ed su((#c#ent'y c'ose to the warm s#de o( the assem,'y to &re$ent condensat#on at des#gn cond#t#ons. 9,27,7, %ro.erties $nd %osition o/ )$teri$ls in Building En1elo.e 9,27,7,1, Gener$l 819 /heet and &ane'-ty&e mater#a's #ncor&orated #nto assem,'#es descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e sha'' con(orm to %rt#c'e where, 2a3 the mater#a' has, 2#3 an a#r 'ea7age character#st#c 'ess than 0.1 L!2s[m23 at .1 -a, and 2##3 a water $a&our &ermeance 'ess than 60 ng!2-a[s[m 23 when measured #n accordance w#th %/;< 696,!696< >8ater Ha&or ;ransm#ss#on o( <ater#a's?, us#ng the des#ccant method 2dry cu&3, and 2,3 the #ntended use o( the #nter#or s&ace where the mater#a's are #nsta''ed w#'' not resu't #n h#gh mo#sture generat#on. 829 8here the #ntended use o( the #nter#or s&ace w#'' resu't #n h#gh mo#sture generat#on, the assem,'y sha'' ,e des#gned accord#ng to -art 1. 8!9 8ood-,ased sheath#ng mater#a's not more than 12.1 mm th#c7 and com&'y#ng w#th %rt#c'e need not com&'y w#th /entence 213. 9,27,7,2, %osition o/ Lo2 %erme$nce )$teri$ls 11.

819 /heet and &ane'-ty&e mater#a's descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 on the warm (ace o( the assem,'y, 2,3 at a 'ocat#on where the rat#o ,etween the tota' therma' res#stance o( a'' mater#a's out,oard o( #ts #nnermost #m&ermea,'e sur(ace and the tota' therma' res#stance o( a'' mater#a's #n,oard o( that sur(ace #s not 'ess than that re:u#red ,y ;a,'e, or 2c3 out,oard o( an a#r s&ace that #s $ented to the outdoors. T$ble 9,27,7,2, R$tio o/ Outbo$rd to Inbo$rd T0erm$l Resist$nce Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 =eat#ng "egree "ays o( $uilding Locat#on213, )e's#us "egree-days @& to 4 999 1 000 to 1 999 6 000 to 6 999 . 000 to . 999 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Rat#o, ;ota' ;herma' Res#stance Out,oard o( <ater#a'Ds +nner /ur(ace to ;ota' ;herma' Res#stance +n,oard o( <ater#a'Ds +nner /ur(ace 0.20 0.30 0.31 0.40

1. 2. 3. 4.

Notes to T$ble 9,27,7,2,&

/ee <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?.

829 For wa''s, the a#r s&ace descr#,ed #n )'ause 2132c3 sha'' ,e dra#ned and $ent#'ated and sha'' ,e not 'ess than 10 mm dee& ,eh#nd the c'add#ng, o$er the (u'' he#ght and w#dth o( the wa''. (ection 9,2<, Roo/ing 9,2<,1, Gener$l 9,2<,1,1, %ur.ose o/ Roo/ing 819 Roo(s sha'' ,e &rotected w#th roo(#ng, #nc'ud#ng ('ash#ng, #nsta''ed to shed ra#n e((ect#$e'y and &re$ent water (rom enter#ng the roo( as a resu't o( #ce damm#ng. 829 For the &ur&ose o( /entence 213, roo(s sha'' #nc'ude &'at(orms that e((ect#$e'y ser$e as roo(s w#th res&ect to accumu'at#on or dra#nage o( &rec#&#tat#on. 9,2<,1,2, Altern$te Inst$ll$tion )et0ods 819 <ethods descr#,ed #n )%B3-%123.11-<, >%s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:3 and /tee&er?, or )%B3%123.12-<, >%s&ha't /h#ng'e %&&'#cat#on on Roo( /'o&es 1:6 to Less than 1:3?, are &erm#tted to ,e used (or as&ha't sh#ng'e a&&'#cat#ons not descr#,ed #n th#s /ect#on. 9,2<,1,!, (ol$r Collector (3stems 819 % so'ar co''ector system #s &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed a,o$e roo(#ng mater#a's con(orm#ng to /entence 9,2<,2, Roo/ing )$teri$ls 9,2<,2,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 Roo(#ng mater#a's sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)4/*-3..4-<, >F#,rated, )ut,ac7 %s&ha't, La& )ement (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng?, 2,3 )%B!)4/*-3..1-<, >)ut,ac7 %s&ha't -'ast#c, )ement?, 2c3 )%B!)4/*-3.. -<, >%s&ha't, )ut,ac7, F#''ed, (or Roo( )oat#ng?, 2d3 )4/* 3.-4--9<a, >-r#mer, %s&ha't, @n(#''ed, (or %s&ha't Roo(#ng, "am&&roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2e3 )4/* 3.-4--21<, >;ar, )ut,ac7, F#,rated, (or Roo( )oat#ng?, 2(3 )%B!)4/*-3..10-<, >=ot %&&'#ed, Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2g3 )4/* 3.-4--12<, >Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane, /heet %&&'#ed, 6'astomer#c?, 2h3 )%B!)4/*-3..14, >-o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng <em,rane?, 2#3 )4/* 3.-4--16<, ><em,rane, <od#(#ed, *#tum#nous, -re(a,r#cated, and Re#n(orced (or Roo(#ng?, 203 )4/* 41-4--6<, >/heets, ;hermosett#ng -o'yester -'ast#cs, 4'ass F#,er Re#n(orced?, 11

273 )%B!)4/*-11.32-<, >/heath#ng, <em,rane, *reather ;y&e?, 2'3 )/% %123.1 ! %123.1, >%s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom Organ#c Fe't and /ur(aced w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es ! %s&ha't /h#ng'es <ade (rom 4'ass Fe't and /ur(aced w#th <#nera' 4ranu'es?, 2m3 )%B!)/%-%123.2, >%s&ha't )oated Roo(#ng /heets?, 2n3 )/% %123.3, >%s&ha't /aturated Organ#c Roo(#ng Fe't?, 2o3 )%B!)/%-%123.4, >%s&ha't (or )onstruct#ng *u#'t-@& Roo( )o$er#ngs and 8ater&roo(#ng /ystems?, 2&3 )/% %123.1., >%s&ha't 4'ass Fe't @sed #n Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?, 2:3 )%B!)/%-%220.0-<, >-er(ormance o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es?, 2r3 )/% O11 .1, >8estern Red )edar /ha7es and /h#ng'es?, or 2s3 )/% O11 .2-<, >6astern 8h#te )edar /h#ng'es?. 9,2<,2,2, N$ils 819 Ba#'s used (or roo(#ng sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant roo(#ng or sh#ng'e na#'s con(orm#ng to, 2a3 %/;< F166., >"r#$en Fasteners: Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?, or 2,3 )/% *111, >8#re Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?. 829 Ba#'s sha'' ha$e su((#c#ent 'ength to &enetrate through or 12 mm #nto roo( sheath#ng. 8!9 Ba#'s used w#th as&ha't roo(#ng sha'' ha$e a head d#ameter o( not 'ess than 9.1 mm and a shan7 th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 2.91 mm. 859 Ba#'s used w#th wood sh#ng'es or sha7es sha'' ha$e a head d#ameter o( not 'ess than 4. mm and a shan7 th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 2.0 mm and sha'' ,e sta#n'ess stee', a'um#num or hot-d#&&ed ga'$an#Ced. 9,2<,2,!, (t$.les 819 /ta&'es used to a&&'y as&ha't or wood sh#ng'es sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant and sha'' ,e dr#$en w#th the crown &ara''e' to the ea$es. 829 /ta&'es used w#th as&ha't sh#ng'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm 'ong, 1.6 mm d#am or th#c7ness, w#th not 'ess than a 21 mm crown, e5ce&t that an 11 mm crown may ,e used as &ro$#ded #n /entence 9.26...4.223. 8!9 /ta&'es used w#th wood sh#ng'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 29 mm 'ong, 1.6 mm d#am or th#c7ness, w#th not 'ess than a 9.1 mm crown and sha'' ,e sta#n'ess stee' or a'um#num. 9,2<,!, (lo.e o/ Roo/ (ur/$ces 9,2<,!,1, (lo.e 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the s'o&es on wh#ch roo( co$er#ngs may ,e a&&'#ed sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2<,!,1, Roo/ing $nd (lo.e Limits Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( Roo(#ng %s,estos-)ement )orrugated /heets %s&ha't /h#ng'es Low s'o&e a&&'#cat#on Borma' a&&'#cat#on *u#'t-u& Roo(#ng %s&ha't ,ase 2w#thout gra$e'3 %s&ha't ,ase 2gra$e''ed3 )oa'-tar ,ase 2gra$e''ed3 )o'd &rocess )edar /ha7es )'ay ;#'e 4'ass F#,re Re#n(orced -o'yester Roo(#ng -ane's <od#(#ed *#tum#nous <em,ranes -ro(#'ed <eta' Roo(#ng Ro'' Roo(#ng )o'umn 2 <#n#mum /'o&e 1 #n 4 1 #n 6 1 #n 3 1 #n 21 1 #n 10213 1 #n 10213 1 #n 21 1 #n 3 1 #n 2 1 #n 4 1 #n 10 1 #n 4223 )o'umn 3 <a5#mum /'o&e no '#m#t no '#m#t no '#m#t 1 #n 2 1 #n 4 1 #n 21 1 #n 1.33 no '#m#t no '#m#t no '#m#t 1 #n 4 no '#m#t

4. 1. 6. .. . 9.


10. 11. 12
213 223

4 0 mm w#de se'$age as&ha't roo(#ng )o'd a&&'#cat#on (e't /mooth and m#nera' sur(aced /heet <eta' /h#ng'es /'ate /h#ng'es 8ood /h#ng'es

1 #n 6 1 #n 10 1 #n 4 1 #n 4223 1 #n 2 1 #n 4

no '#m#t 1 #n 1.33 no '#m#t no '#m#t no '#m#t no '#m#t

Notes to T$ble 9,2<,!,1,&

/ee /entence /ee /entence

829 %s&ha't and gra$e' or coa' tar and gra$e' roo(s may ,e constructed w#th 'ower s'o&es than re:u#red #n /entence 213 when e((ect#$e dra#nage #s &ro$#ded ,y roo( dra#ns 'ocated at the 'owest &o#nts on the roo(s. 8!9 -ro(#'ed meta' roo( c'add#ng systems s&ec#(#ca''y des#gned (or 'ow-s'o&e a&&'#cat#ons are &erm#tted to ,e #nsta''ed w#th 'ower s'o&es than re:u#red #n /entence 213, &ro$#ded they are #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th the manu(acturerDs wr#tten recommendat#ons. 859 65ce&t where ,ac7-s'o&e w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect ad0acent su&&orted or su&&ort#ng e'ements due to water #ngress, roo(s and e'ements that e((ect#$e'y ser$e as roo(s sha'' ,e constructed w#th su((#c#ent s'o&e away (rom, 2a3 e5ter#or wa''s, and 2,3 guards that are connected to the roo(, or to an e'ement that e((ect#$e'y ser$es as a roo(, ,y more than &#c7ets or &osts. 879 ;he s'o&e re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' ,e su((#c#ent to ma#nta#n a &os#t#$e s'o&e, 2a3 a(ter e5&ected shr#n7age o( the building (rame, where these sur(aces are su&&orted ,y e5ter#or wa''s and on e5ter#or co'umns, and 2,3 once des#gn 'oad#ng #s ta7en #nto cons#derat#on, where these sur(aces are cant#'e$ered (rom e5ter#or wa''s. 9,2<,5, +l$s0ing $t Intersections 9,2<,5,1, Re4uired +l$s0ing $t Intersections 819 65ce&t where the om#ss#on w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect ad0acent su&&orted or su&&ort#ng e'ements, ('ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at 0unct#ons ,etween roo(s and, 2a3 wa''s that r#se a,o$e the roo(, and 2,3 guards that are connected to the roo( ,y other than &#c7ets or &osts. 829 For the &ur&ose o( /entence 213, roo(s sha'' #nc'ude &'at(orms that e((ect#$e'y ser$e as roo(s w#th res&ect to accumu'at#on or dra#nage o( &rec#&#tat#on. 9,2<,5,2, )$teri$ls 819 /heet meta' ('ash#ng sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than, 2a3 1..3 mm th#c7 sheet 'ead, 2,3 0.33 mm th#c7 ga'$an#Ced stee', 2c3 0.33 mm th#c7 co&&er, 2d3 0.31 mm th#c7 C#nc, or 2e3 0.4 mm th#c7 a'um#num. 9,2<,5,!, '$lle3 +l$s0ing 819 8here s'o&#ng sur(aces o( sh#ng'ed roo(s #ntersect to (orm a $a''ey, the $a''ey sha'' ,e ('ashed. 829 Ha''ey ('ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed o$er cont#nuous sheath#ng. 8!9 )'osed $a''eys sha'' not ,e used w#th r#g#d sh#ng'es on s'o&es o( 'ess than 1 #n 1.2. 859 )'osed $a''ey ('ash#ng sha'' cons#st o( sheet meta', se'( sea'#ng com&os#te mem,ranes cons#st#ng o( &o'yethy'ene and ,#tum#nous mater#a' or one 'ayer o( e#ther ;y&e / smooth sur(ace ro'' roo(#ng or ;y&e < m#nera' sur(ace ro'' roo(#ng 2m#nera' sur(ace down3 not 'ess than 600 mm w#de, and na#'s sha'' not &enetrate the ('ash#ng w#th#n .1 mm o( #ts edge or 124 mm o( the ,ottom o( the $a''ey centre'#ne. 879 O&en $a''eys sha'' ,e ('ashed w#th, 2a3 at 'east one 'ayer o( sheet meta' not 'ess than 600 mm w#de, or 120

2,3 no (ewer than two 'ayers o( ro'' roo(#ng. 8<9 ;he ,ottom 'ayer o( roo(#ng re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than ;y&e / smooth ro'' roo(#ng or ;y&e < m#nera' sur(ace ro'' roo(#ng 2m#nera' sur(ace down3 not 'ess than 41. mm w#de, centred #n the $a''ey and (astened w#th na#'s s&aced not more than 410 mm o.c. 'ocated 21 mm away (rom the edges. 8;9 ;he to& 'ayer o( roo(#ng re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than ;y&e < m#nera' sur(ace ro'' roo(#ng 2m#nera' sur(ace u&3, 914 mm w#de, centred #n the $a''ey, a&&'#ed o$er a 100 mm w#de str#& o( cement a'ong each edge o( the ,ottom 'ayer, and (astened w#th a su((#c#ent num,er o( na#'s to ho'd #t #n &'ace unt#' the sh#ng'es are a&&'#ed. 9,2<,5,5, Intersection o/ (0ingle Roo/s $nd )$sonr3 819 ;he #ntersect#on o( sh#ng'e roo(s and masonry wa''s or chimneys sha'' ,e &rotected w#th ('ash#ng. 829 )ounter ('ash#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e em,edded not 'ess than 21 mm #n the masonry and sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 110 mm down the masonry and 'a& the 'ower ('ash#ng not 'ess than 100 mm. 8!9 F'ash#ng a'ong the s'o&es o( a roo( descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e ste&&ed so that there #s not 'ess than a .1 mm head 'a& #n ,oth the 'ower ('ash#ng and counter ('ash#ng. 859 8here the roo( descr#,ed #n /entence 213 s'o&es u&wards (rom the masonry, the ('ash#ng sha'' e5tend u& the roo( s'o&e to a &o#nt e:ua' #n he#ght to the ('ash#ng on the masonry, ,ut not 'ess than 1.1 t#mes the sh#ng'e e5&osure. 9,2<,5,7, Intersection o/ (0ingle Roo/s $nd 6$lls Ot0er T0$n )$sonr3 819 ;he #ntersect#on o( sh#ng'e roo(s and wa''s c'ad w#th other than masonry sha'' ,e &rotected w#th ('ash#ng. 829 F'ash#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so that #t e5tends u& the wa'' not 'ess than .1 mm ,eh#nd the sheath#ng &a&er, and e5tends not 'ess than .1 mm hor#Conta''y. 8!9 %'ong the s'o&e o( the roo(, the ('ash#ng re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e ste&&ed w#th not 'ess than a .1 mm head 'a&. 9,2<,5,<, Intersection o/ Built: . Roo/s $nd )$sonr3 819 ;he #ntersect#on o( ,u#'t-u& roo(s w#th masonry wa''s or chimneys sha'' ha$e a cant str#& at the #ntersect#on and a roo(#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e mo&&ed o$er the cant str#& and not 'ess than 110 mm u& the wa''. 829 )ounter ('ash#ng #nsta''ed o$er the #ntersect#on re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e em,edded not 'ess than 21 mm #n the masonry, and sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent 'ength to e5tend down not 'ess than 110 mm, 'a&&#ng the mem,rane on the masonry not 'ess than 100 mm. 9,2<,5,;, Intersection o/ Built: . Roo/s $nd 6$lls ot0er t0$n )$sonr3 819 ;he #ntersect#on o( ,u#'t-u& roo(s w#th wa''s c'ad w#th other than masonry sha'' ha$e a cant str#& at the #ntersect#on. 829 ;he roo(#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e mo&&ed o$er the cant str#& re(erred to #n /entence 213. 8!9 F'ash#ng &'#es sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 110 mm u& the wa'' re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,eh#nd the sheath#ng &a&er. 9,2<,5,=, C0imne3 ($ddles 819 65ce&t as otherw#se &erm#tted #n /entence 213, chimney sadd'es sha'' ,e #nsta''ed where the u&&er s#de o( a chimney on a s'o&#ng roo( #s more than .10 mm w#de. 829 %himney sadd'es sha'' ,e co$ered w#th sheet meta' or roo(#ng mater#a' o( we#ght and :ua'#ty e:u#$a'ent to the roo(#ng. 8!9 /add'es sha'' ,e ('ashed where they #ntersect the roo(. 859 ;he #ntersect#on o( the sadd'e and the chimney sha'' ,e ('ashed and counter('ashed as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 879 % chimney sadd'e need not ,e #nsta''ed #( the #ntersect#on ,etween the chimney and roo( #s &rotected ,y sheet meta' ('ash#ng that e5tends u& the chimney to a he#ght e:ua' to at 'east one-s#5th the w#dth o( the chimney, ,ut not 'ess than 110 mm, and u& the roo( s'o&e to a &o#nt e:ua' #n he#ght to the ('ash#ng on the c himney, ,ut not 'ess than 1.1 t#mes the sh#ng'e e5&osure. 8<9 F'ash#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 at the chimney sha'' ,e counter('ashed as re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9,2<,7, E$1e %rotection /or (0ingles $nd (0$Aes 9,2<,7,1, Re4uired E$1e %rotection 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ea$e &rotect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded on sh#ng'e, sha7e or t#'e roo(s, e5tend#ng (rom the edge o( the roo( a m#n#mum o( 900 mm u& the roo( s'o&e to a '#ne not 'ess than 300 mm #ns#de the #nner (ace o( the e5ter#or wa''. 829 6a$e &rotect#on #s not re:u#red, 2a3 o$er unheated garages, car&orts and &orches, 121

2,3 where the roo( o$erhang e5ceeds 900 mm measured a'ong the roo( s'o&e (rom the edge o( the roo( to the #nner (ace o( the e5ter#or wa'', 2c3 on roo(s o( as&ha't sh#ng'es #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.26. ., 2d3 on roo(s w#th s'o&es o( 1 #n 1.1 or greater, or 2e3 #n reg#ons w#th 3 100 or (ewer degree-days. 9,2<,7,2, )$teri$ls 819 6a$e &rotect#on sha'' ,e 'a#d ,eneath the starter str#& and sha'' cons#st o(, 2a3 Bo. 11 as&ha't-saturated (e't 'a#d #n two &'#es 'a&&ed 4 0 mm and cemented together w#th 'a& cement, 2,3 ;y&e < or / ro'' roo(#ng 'a#d w#th not 'ess than 100 mm head and end 'a&s cemented together w#th 'a& cement, 2c3 g'ass (#,re or &o'yester (#,re coated ,ase sheets, or 2d3 se'(-sea'#ng com&os#te mem,ranes cons#st#ng o( mod#(#ed ,#tum#nous coated mater#a'. 9,2<,<, nderl$3 Bene$t0 (0ingles 9,2<,<,1, )$teri$ls 819 65ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223, when under'ay #s used ,eneath sh#ng'es, #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 as&ha't-saturated sheath#ng &a&er we#gh#ng not 'ess than 0.191 7g!mA, or 2,3 Bo. 11 &'a#n or &er(orated as&ha't-saturated (e't. 829 @nder'ay used ,eneath wood sh#ng'es sha'' ,e ,reather ty&e. 9,2<,<,2, Inst$ll$tion 819 8hen used w#th sh#ng'es, under'ay sha'' ,e #nsta''ed &ara''e' to the ea$es w#th head and end 'a& o( not 'ess than 10 mm. 829 ;he to& edge o( each str#& re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened w#th su((#c#ent roo(#ng na#'s to ho'd #t #n &'ace unt#' the sh#ng'es are a&&'#ed. 8!9 ;he under'ay re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' o$er'a& the ea$e &rotect#on ,y not 'ess than 100 mm. 9,2<,;, As.0$lt (0ingles on ( o/ 1 in ! or Gre$ter 9,2<,;,1, Co1er$ge 819 )o$erage sha'' ,e not 'ess than two th#c7nesses o( sh#ng'e o$er the ent#re roo(, d#sregard#ng cutouts. 9,2<,;,2, (t$rter (tri. 819 % starter str#& sha'' ,e #nsta''ed a'ong the 'ower edge o( the roo( so that #t e5tends a&&ro5#mate'y 12 mm ,eyond the ea$es and ra7e o( the roo( and (astened a'ong the ,ottom edge w#th na#'s s&aced not more than 300 mm o.c. 829 /tarter str#&s sha'' ,e, 2a3 at 'east ;y&e < m#nera'-sur(aced ro'' roo(#ng not 'ess than 300 mm w#de, 2,3 sh#ng'es o( the same we#ght and :ua'#ty as those used as a roo( co$er#ng w#th ta,s (ac#ng u& the roo( s'o&e, or 2c3 &re-manu(actured starter str#&s #nsta''ed w#th sea'ant at the ea$es. 8!9 /tarter str#&s need not ,e &ro$#ded where ea$e &rotect#on o( not 'ess than ;y&e < m#nera'-sur(aced ro'' roo(#ng #s &ro$#ded or se'(-sea'#ng com&os#te mem,ranes cons#st#ng o( &o'yethy'ene and ,#tum#nous mater#a' #s &ro$#ded. 9,2<,;,!, Ee$d L$. 819 /h#ng'es sha'' ha$e a head 'a& o( not 'ess than 10 mm. 9,2<,;,5, +$steners 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, sh#ng'es sha'' ,e (astened w#th at 'east (our na#'s or sta&'es (or 1 000 mm w#de sh#ng'es so that no na#'s or sta&'es are e5&osed. 829 8here sta&'es w#th an 11 mm crown are used, sh#ng'es sha'' ,e (astened w#th at 'east s#5 sta&'es. 8!9 Fasteners may ,e reduced (or narrower sh#ng'es #n &ro&ort#on to the w#dth o( the sh#ng'e or when sh#ng'es #ncor&orat#ng #nter'oc7#ng de$#ces are used. 859 Fasteners re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,e 'ocated 21 mm to 40 mm (rom each end o( each str#& sh#ng'e w#th other (asteners e:ua''y s&aced ,etween them. 122

879 Fasteners re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 12 mm a,o$e the to&s o( the cutouts. 9,2<,;,7, (ecuring o/ T$bs 819 /h#ng'e ta,s sha'' ,e secured ,y a s&ot o( &'ast#c cement not e5ceed#ng 21 mm d#am under the centre o( each ta, or ,y #nter'oc7#ng de$#ces or se'(-sea'#ng str#&s. 9,2<,;,<, Ei.s $nd Ridges 819 /h#ng'es on h#&s and r#dges sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so they e5tend not 'ess than 100 mm on e#ther s#de o( the h#& or r#dge, and sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 110 mm. 829 /h#ng'es re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened w#th na#'s or sta&'es on each s#de 'ocated not more than 21 mm (rom the edge and 21 mm a,o$e the ,utt o( the o$er'y#ng sh#ng'e. 9,2<,;,;, E$1e %rotection 819 6a$e &rotect#on sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.1. 9,2<,;,=, +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.4. 9,2<,=, As.0$lt (0ingles on ( o/ Less T0$n 1 in ! 9,2<,=,1, Co1er$ge 819 65ce&t (or the (#rst two courses, co$erage sha'' ,e not 'ess than three th#c7nesses o( sh#ng'e o$er the ent#re roo(, d#sregard#ng cutouts. 9,2<,=,2, (t$rter (tri. 819 % starter str#& sha'' ,e #nsta''ed as #n %rt#c'e 9.26...2. 829 /tarter str#&s re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a#d #n a cont#nuous ,and o( cement not 'ess than 200 mm w#de. 9,2<,=,!, (ecuring o/ T$bs 819 /h#ng'e ta,s sha'' ,e secured w#th co'd a&&'#cat#on cement a&&'#ed at the rate o( not 'ess than 0.1 L!mA o( cemented area, or hot a&&'#cat#on as&ha't a&&'#ed at the rate o( 1 7g!mA o( cemented area. 9,2<,=,5, (ecuring o/ (0ingle Courses 819 ;he (#rst course o( sh#ng'es sha'' ,e secured ,y a cont#nuous ,and o( cement a'ong the ea$es a&&'#ed so that the w#dth o( the ,and e:ua's the sh#ng'e e5&osure &'us 100 mm. 829 ;he succeed#ng courses o( sh#ng'es sha'' ,e secured ,y a cont#nuous ,and o( cement a&&'#ed so that the w#dth o( the ,and e:ua's the sh#ng'e e5&osure &'us 10 mm. 8!9 ;he ,and re:u#red #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e 'ocated not more than 10 mm a,o$e the ,utt o( the o$er'y#ng course o( sh#ng'es. 9,2<,=,7, Ei.s $nd Ridges 819 /h#ng'es on h#&s and r#dges sha'' ,e not 'ess than 300 mm w#de a&&'#ed to &ro$#de tr#&'e co$erage. 829 /h#ng'es re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e cemented to the roo( sh#ng'es and to each other w#th a coat o( cement and (astened w#th na#'s or sta&'es 'ocated 40 mm a,o$e the ,utt o( the o$er'y#ng sh#ng'e and 10 mm (rom each edge. 9,2<,=,<, +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.4. 9,2<,=,;, +$stening 819 /h#ng'es sha'' ,e (astened #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 9.26...4. 9,2<,9, 6ood Roo/ (0ingles 9,2<,9,1, #ecAing 819 "ec7#ng (or wood sh#ng'ed roo(s may ,e cont#nuous or s&aced. 9,2<,9,2, Gr$de 819 8estern cedar sh#ng'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than Bo. 2 grade. 829 6astern wh#te cedar sh#ng'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than * 2c'ear3 grade. 9,2<,9,!, (i-e 819 8ood sh#ng'es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 400 mm 'ong and not 'ess than .1 mm nor more than 310 mm w#de. 123

9,2<,9,5, (.$cing $nd *oints 819 /h#ng'es sha'' ,e s&aced a&&ro5#mate'y 6 mm a&art and o((set at the 0o#nts #n ad0acent courses not 'ess than 40 mm so that 0o#nts #n a'ternate courses are staggered. 9,2<,9,7, +$stening 819 /h#ng'es sha'' ,e (astened w#th two na#'s or sta&'es 'ocated a&&ro5#mate'y 20 mm (rom the s#des o( the sh#ng'e and 40 mm a,o$e the e5&osure '#ne. 9,2<,9,<, E?.osure 819 ;he e5&osure o( wood roo( sh#ng'es sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2<,9,<, E?.osure o/ 6ood (0ingles Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 Roo( /'o&e X1 #n 3 c1 #n 3 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum 65&osure, mm Bo. 1 or % 4rade Length o( /h#ng'e, mm 400 410 600 100 111 161 121 140 190 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . Bo. 2 or * 4rade Length o( /h#ng'e, mm 400 410 600 90 100 140 100 111 161

1. 2.

9,2<,9,;, +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.4. 9,2<,9,=, E$1e %rotection 819 6a$e &rotect#on sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.1. 9,2<,1>, Ced$r Roo/ (0$Aes 9,2<,1>,1, (i-e $nd T0icAness 819 /ha7es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 410 mm 'ong and not 'ess than 100 mm nor more than 310 mm w#de w#th a ,utt th#c7ness o( not more than 32 mm and not 'ess than 9 mm. 9,2<,1>,2, nderl$3 819 8here ea$e &rotect#on #s not &ro$#ded, an under'ay con(orm#ng to the re:u#rements #n %rt#c'e (or wood sh#ng'es sha'' ,e 'a#d as a str#& not 'ess than 900 mm w#de a'ong the ea$es. 829 % str#& o( mater#a' s#m#'ar to that descr#,ed #n /entence 213 not 'ess than 410 mm w#de sha'' ,e #nter'ayed ,etween each course o( sha7es w#th the ,ottom edge o( the str#& &os#t#oned a,o$e the ,utt '#ne at a d#stance e:ua' to dou,'e the e5&osure o( the sha7es. 8!9 +nter'ayed str#&s #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed at 'east 110 mm at h#&s and r#dges #n a manner that w#'' &re$ent water (rom reach#ng the roo( sheath#ng. 9,2<,1>,!, (.$cing $nd *oints 819 /ha7es sha'' ,e s&aced 6 mm to 9 mm a&art and the 0o#nts #n one course sha'' ,e se&arated not 'ess than 40 mm (rom 0o#nts #n ad0acent courses. 9,2<,1>,5, +$stening 819 /ha7es sha'' ,e (astened w#th na#'s 'ocated a&&ro5#mate'y 20 mm (rom the s#des o( the sha7es and 40 mm a,o$e the e5&osure '#ne. 9,2<,1>,7, E?.osure 819 ;he e5&osure o( wood sha7es sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 190 mm (or sha7es not 'ess than 410 mm 'ong, and 2,3 240 mm (or sha7es not 'ess than 600 mm 'ong. 9,2<,1>,<, +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.4. 9,2<,1>,;, E$1e %rotection 819 6a$e &rotect#on sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.1. 9,2<,1>,=, Gr$de 124

819 /ha7es sha'' ,e not 'ess than Bo. 1 or =ands&'#t grade. 9,2<,11, Built: . Roo/s 9,2<,11,1, Ju$ntit3 o/ )$teri$ls 819 ;he :uant#t#es o( ,#tum#nous mater#a's used on ,u#'t-u& roo(s sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,2<,11,1, Ju$ntities o/ Bitumen /or Built: . Roo/s Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( Roo( %s&ha't and aggregate )oa'-tar and aggregate )o'd &rocess roo(#ng )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 %mount o( *#tumen &er /:uare <etre o( Roo( /ur(ace <o&&#ng )oats *etween Layers F'ood )oat 1 7g 3 7g 1.2 7g 3.6 7g 0..1 L co'd &rocess cement 2 L co'd &rocess to& coat#ng

9,2<,11,2, Co$l:T$r $nd As.0$lt %roducts 819 )oa'-tar &roducts and as&ha't &roducts sha'' not ,e used together #n ,u#'t-u& roo( construct#on. 9,2<,11,!, Roo/ +elts 819 *#tumen roo(#ng (e'ts sha'' ,e not 'ess than Bo.11 (e't. 9,2<,11,5, Aggreg$te (ur/$cing 819 %ggregate used (or sur(ac#ng ,u#'t-u& roo(s sha'' ,e c'ean, dry and dura,'e and sha'' cons#st o( &art#c'es o( gra$e', crushed stone or a#r-coo'ed ,'ast (urnace s'ag ha$#ng a s#Ce o( (rom 6 mm to 11 mm. 829 ;he m#n#mum amount o( aggregate sur(ac#ng &er s:uare metre o( roo( sur(ace sha'' ,e 11 7g gra$e' or crushed stone or 10 7g crushed s'ag. 9,2<,11,7, +l$s0ing 819 F'ash#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.26.4. 9,2<,11,<, Number o/ L$3ers 819 *u#'t-u& roo(#ng sha'' cons#st o( at 'east three mo&&ed-down 'ayers o( roo(#ng (e't ('ood coated w#th ,#tumen. 9,2<,11,;, Inst$ll$tion o/ L$3ers 819 +n hot &rocess a&&'#cat#ons, each 'ayer o( ,#tumen-saturated (e't sha'' ,e 'a#d wh#'e the ,#tumen #s hot, w#th each 'ayer o$er'a&&#ng the &re$#ous one. 829 ;he (u'' w#dth under each 'a& re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e coated w#th ,#tumen so that #n no &'ace does (e't touch (e't. 8!9 Fe't sha'' ,e 'a#d (ree o( wr#n7'es and sha'' ,e ro''ed d#rect'y #nto the hot ,#tumen and ,roomed (orward and outward (rom the centre to ensure com&'ete adhes#on. 9,2<,11,=, Roo/ing o1er 6ood:B$sed (0e$t0ing 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, ,u#'t-u& roo(#ng a&&'#ed o$er wood, &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard roo( sheath#ng sha'' ,e 'a#d o$er an add#t#ona' ,ase 'ayer o( (e't 'a#d dry o$er the ent#re roo( dec7 w#th at 'east a 10 mm head'a& and a 10 mm s#de'a& ,etween each sheet. 829 8here &'ywood, O/* or wa(er,oard roo( sheath#ng #s used, the dry 'ayer o( (e't re:u#red #n /entence 213 may ,e om#tted when the 0o#nts are ta&ed and the sheath#ng #s &r#med w#th as&ha't. 9,2<,11,9, Att$c0ment to #ecAing 819 Roo(#ng sha'' ,e secure'y attached to the dec7#ng or where #nsu'at#on #s a&&'#ed a,o$e the dec7, the #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e secure'y attached to the dec7 ,e(ore the (#rst 'ayer o( (e't #s (astened to the #nsu'at#on. 9,2<,11,1>, C$nt (tri.s 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 243, a cant str#& sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at the edges o( roo(s. 829 Bo (ewer than two &'#es o( the roo(#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e carr#ed o$er the to& o( the cant str#&. 8!9 F'ash#ng sha'' e5tend o$er the to& o( the cant str#& and ,e sha&ed to (orm a dr#&. 859 ;he cant str#& re:u#red #n /entence 213 may ,e om#tted where a gra$e' sto& #s &ro$#ded at the edge o( roo(s. 121

879 ;he roo(#ng mem,ranes sha'' ,e carr#ed o$er the edge o( the roo( ,e(ore the gra$e' sto& re(erred to #n /entence 243 #s (astened and two &'#es o( roo(#ng mem,rane mo&&ed to the to& sur(ace o( the gra$e' sto& ,e(ore the ('ood coat #s a&&'#ed. 8<9 ;he gra$e' sto& re(erred to #n /entence 243 sha'' e5tend o$er the edge o( the roo( to (orm a dr#& or sha'' ,e ('ashed so that the ('ash#ng e5tends o$er the edge to (orm a dr#&. 9,2<,12, (el1$ge Roo/ing 9,2<,12,1, #ouble Co1er$ge 819 8#de se'$age as&ha't roo(#ng sha'' &ro$#de dou,'e co$erage o$er the ent#re roo( sur(ace. 9,2<,12,2, *oints 819 -'#es o( se'$age roo(#ng sha'' ,e cemented together to ensure a water-t#ght 0o#nt. 9,2<,1!, (0eet )et$l Roo/ing 9,2<,1!,1, T0icAness 819 /heet meta' roo(#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 0.33 mm th#c7 ga'$an#Ced stee', 2,3 0.46 mm th#c7 co&&er, 2c3 0.46 mm th#c7 C#nc, or 2d3 0.4 mm th#c7 a'um#num. 9,2<,1!,2, (u..ort 819 8here sheet meta' roo(#ng #s not su&&orted ,y roo( dec7#ng ,ut s&ans ,etween s&aced su&&orts, the &ane's sha'' ,e des#gned to su&&ort the s&ec#(#ed live loads (or roo(s. 9,2<,15, Gl$ss Rein/orced %ol3ester Roo/ing 9,2<,15,1, (u..ort 819 8here g'ass re#n(orced &o'yester roo(#ng &ane's are not su&&orted ,y roo( dec7#ng ,ut s&an ,etween s&aced su&&orts, the &ane's sha'' ,e des#gned to su&&ort the s&ec#(#ed roo( 'oads. 9,2<,17, Eot A..lied Rubberi-ed As.0$lt Roo/ing 9,2<,17,1, Inst$ll$tion 819 =ot a&&'#ed ru,,er#Ced as&ha't roo(#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th )%B!)4/*-3..11-<, >%&&'#cat#on (or =ot %&&'#ed Ru,,er#Ced %s&ha't (or Roo(#ng and 8ater&roo(#ng?. 9,2<,1<, %ol31in3l C0loride (0eet Roo/ing 9,2<,1<,1, Inst$ll$tion 819 -o'y$#ny' ch'or#de sheet a&&'#ed roo(#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th )4/* 3.-4--11<, >%&&'#cat#on o( /heet %&&'#ed F'e5#,'e -o'y$#ny' )h'or#de Roo(#ng <em,rane?. 9,2<,1;, Concrete Roo/ Tiles 9,2<,1;,1, Inst$ll$tion 819 )oncrete roo( t#'es sha'' ,e #nsta''ed accord#ng to )%B!)/%-%220.1-<, >+nsta''at#on o( )oncrete Roo( ;#'es?. 9,2<,1=, Roo/ #r$ins $nd #o2ns.outs 9,2<,1=,1, Roo/ #r$ins 819 8hen roo( dra#ns are &ro$#ded they sha'' con(orm to -art .. 9,2<,1=,2, #o2ns.outs 819 8here downs&outs are &ro$#ded and are not connected to a sewer, e5tens#ons sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to carry ra#nwater away (rom the building #n a manner that w#'' &re$ent soil eros#on. (ection 9,2;, Cl$dding 9,2;,1, A..lic$tion 9,2;,1,1, Gener$l


819 8here 'um,er, wood sh#ng'es, sha7es, (#,re-cement sh#ng'es, &'an7s and sheets, &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard, hard,oard, $#ny', a'um#num and stee', #nc'ud#ng tr#m and so((#ts, are #nsta''ed as c'add#ng on wood (rame wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the c'add#ng assem,'y sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 /u,sect#ons 9.2..2. to 9.2..12., or 2,3 -art 1. 829 8here stucco #s #nsta''ed as c'add#ng on wood (rame or masonry wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the c'add#ng assem,'y sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 /u,sect#ons 9.2..2. to 9.2..4., and /ect#on 9.2 ., or 2,3 -art 1. 8!9 8here masonry ser$es as c'add#ng on wood (rame or masonry wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the c'add#ng assem,'y sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 /u,sect#ons 9.2..2. to 9.2..4., and /ect#on 9.20., or 2,3 -art 1. 859 8here as&ha't sh#ng'es are #nsta''ed as c'add#ng on wood (rame wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the c'add#ng assem,'y sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 /u,sect#ons 9.26... and 9.2..2. to 9.2..4., or 2,3 -art 1. 879 8here c'add#ng mater#a's other than those descr#,ed #n /entences 213 to 243 are #nsta''ed, or where these are #nsta''ed on su,strates other than those #dent#(#ed #n /entences 213 to 243, the mater#a's and #nsta''at#on sha'' com&'y w#th -art 1.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 879 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, ;>, 15> 8299

879 8here an e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh system #s #nsta''ed as c'add#ng on wood-(rame, masonry, co'd-(ormed stee' stud or cast-#n-&'ace concrete wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on, the c'add#ng assem,'y sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 /u,sect#ons 9.21.1., 9.2..2. to 9.2..4. and 9.2..13., or 2,3 -art 1. 8<9 8here c'add#ng mater#a's or systems other than those descr#,ed #n /entences 213 to 213 are #nsta''ed, or where these are #nsta''ed on su,strates other than those #dent#(#ed #n /entences 213 to 213, the c'add#ng mater#a's or systems and the#r #nsta''at#on sha'' com&'y w#th -art 1. 9,2;,2, Re4uired %rotection /rom$tion 9,2;,2,1, )inimi-ing $nd %re1enting Ingress $nd #$m$ge 819 65ce&t where e5ter#or wa''s are &rotected (rom &rec#&#tat#on or where #t can ,e shown that #ngress w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect occu&ant hea'th or sa(ety, e5ter#or wa''s sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to, 2a3 m#n#m#Ce the #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto the assem,'y, and 2,3 &re$ent #ngress #nto #nter#or s&ace. 829 65ce&t where e5ter#or wa''s are &rotected (rom s&ec#(#c mechan#sms o( deter#orat#on, such as mechan#ca' #m&act and u'tra$#o'et rad#at#on, e5ter#or wa''s sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to m#n#m#Ce the '#7e'#hood o( the#r re:u#red &er(ormance ,e#ng reduced to an unacce&ta,'e 'e$e' as a resu't o( those mechan#sms. 9,2;,2,2, )inimum %rotection /rom$tion Ingress 819 65ter#or wa''s e5&osed to &rec#&#tat#on sha'' ,e &rotected aga#nst #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on w#th an e5ter#or c'add#ng assem,'y cons#st#ng o( a (#rst &'ane o( &rotect#on and a second &'ane o( &rotect#on where the wa'' enc'oses s&aces o( residential occupancy or s&aces that d#rect'y ser$e s&aces o( residential occupancy. 9,2;,2,!, +irst $nd (econd %l$nes o/ %rotection 819 8here wa''s re:u#red to &ro$#de &rotect#on (rom &rec#&#tat#on com&r#se assem,'#es w#th (#rst and second &'anes o( &rotect#on, 2a3 the (#rst &'ane o( &rotect#on sha'', 2#3 cons#st o( c'add#ng, w#th a&&ro&r#ate tr#m, accessory &#eces and (asteners, and 2##3 ,e des#gned and constructed to m#n#m#Ce the &assage o( ra#n and snow #nto the wa'' ,y m#n#m#C#ng ho'es and manag#ng &rec#&#tat#on #ngress caused ,y 7#net#c energy o( ra#ndro&s, sur(ace tens#on, ca&#''ar#ty, gra$#ty, and a#r &ressure d#((erences, 12.

2,3 the second &'ane o( &rotect#on sha'' ,e des#gned and constructed to, 2#3 #nterce&t a'' &rec#&#tat#on that gets &ast the (#rst &'ane o( &rotect#on, and 2##3 e((ect#$e'y d#ss#&ate any &rec#&#tat#on to the e5ter#or, and 2c3 the &rotect#on &ro$#ded ,y the (#rst and second &'anes o( &rotect#on sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned at, 2#3 wa'' &enetrat#ons created ,y the #nsta''at#on o( com&onents and ser$#ces such as w#ndows, doors, $ent#'at#on ducts, &#&#ng, w#r#ng and e'ectr#ca' out'ets, and 2##3 the #nter(ace w#th other wa'' assem,'#es. 9,2;,2,5, %rotection o/ Cl$dding /rom )oisture 819 % c'earance o( not 'ess than 200 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween (#n#shed ground and c'add#ng that #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y mo#sture, such as untreated wood, &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard and hard,oard. 829 % c'earance o( not 'ess than 10 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween a roo( sur(ace and c'add#ng that #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y mo#sture, such as untreated wood, &'ywood, O/*, wa(er,oard and hard,oard. 9,2;,!, (econd %l$ne o/ %rotection 9,2;,!,1, Elements o/ t0e (econd %l$ne o/ %rotection 819 ;he second &'ane o( &rotect#on sha'' cons#st o( a dra#nage &'ane w#th a&&ro&r#ate #nner ,oundary and ('ash#ng to d#ss#&ate ra#nwater to the e5ter#or. 829 ;he #nner ,oundary o( the dra#nage &'ane sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'es 9.2..3.2. to 9.2..3.6.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 829 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, ;1, 15> 8299

829 ;he #nner ,oundary o( the dra#nage &'ane sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 %rt#c'es 9.2..3.2. to 9.2..3.6., or 2,3 /u,sect#on 9.2..13. 8!9 ;he &rotect#on &ro$#ded ,y the second &'ane o( &rotect#on sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned, 2a3 at wa'' &enetrat#ons created ,y the #nsta''at#on o( com&onents and ser$#ces such as w#ndows, doors, $ent#'at#on ducts, &#&#ng, w#r#ng and e'ectr#ca' out'ets, and 2,3 at the #nter(ace w#th other wa'' assem,'#es. 859 F'ash#ng mater#a' and #nsta''at#on sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'es 9.2..3... and 9.2..3. . 9,2;,!,2, (0e$t0ing )embr$ne )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 /heath#ng mem,ranes sha'' con(orm to the &er(ormance re:u#rements o( )%B!)4/*-11.32-<, >/heath#ng, <em,rane, *reather ;y&e?. 9,2;,!,!, Re4uired (0e$t0ing )embr$ne $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'es 9.2..3.4. to 9.2..3.6., at 'east one 'ayer o( sheath#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e a&&'#ed ,eneath s#d#ng, stucco or masonry $eneer. 829 /heath#ng mem,rane re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that 0o#nts are 'a&&ed not 'ess than 100 mm. 8!9 8here sheath#ng mem,rane re:u#red #n /entence 213 #s a&&'#ed hor#Conta''y, the u&&er sheets sha'' o$er'a& the 'ower sheets. 9,2;,!,5, Insul$ting (0e$t0ing in Lieu o/ (0e$t0ing )embr$ne 819 8here non-wood-,ased r#g#d e5ter#or #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng, or e5ter#or #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng w#th an #ntegra' sheath#ng mem,rane #s #nsta''ed, a se&arate sheath#ng mem,rane #s not re:u#red. 829 8here #nsu'at#ng sheath#ng #s #nsta''ed as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, 2a3 sheath#ng &ane's su,0ect to mo#sture deter#orat#on sha'' ,e sea'ed at a'' 0o#nts, and 2,3 the 0o#nts o( sheath#ng &ane's not su,0ect to mo#sture deter#orat#on sha'' ,e, 2#3 sea'ed at a'' 0o#nts, or 2##3 'a&&ed or tongue and groo$e, and deta#'ed to ensure dra#nage o( water to the e5ter#or. 9,2;,!,7, (0e$t0ing )embr$nes in Lieu o/ (0e$t0ing 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e 9.2..3.6., where no sheath#ng #s used, at 'east two 'ayers o( sheath#ng mem,rane sha'' ,e a&&'#ed ,eneath the c'add#ng. 12

829 %'' 0o#nts #n the sheath#ng mem,rane re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' occur o$er (ram#ng, and the mem,rane sha'' ,e (astened to the (ram#ng w#th roo(#ng na#'s or sta&'es s&aced not more than 110 mm a'ong the edges o( the outer 'ayer o( sheath#ng &a&er. 8!9 8a'' sheath#ng #s &erm#tted to ,e used #n '#eu o( one 'ayer o( sheath#ng mem,rane re:u#red #n /entence 213, and the th#c7ness need not con(orm to ;a,'e 9,2;,!,<, +$ce (e$led Cl$dding 819 /heath#ng mem,rane #s &erm#tted to ,e om#tted ,eneath c'add#ng when the 0o#nts #n the c'add#ng are (ormed to e((ect#$e'y &re$ent the &assage o( w#nd and ra#n #n con(ormance w#th /entence 223 or 233, as a&&'#ca,'e. 829 )'add#ng cons#st#ng o( sheets o( &'ywood, hard,oard, O/*, wa(er,oard or (#,re cement #s cons#dered to meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 213, &ro$#ded the c'add#ng #s a&&'#ed so that, 2a3 a'' edges are d#rect'y su&&orted ,y (ram#ng, 2,3 the $ert#ca' 0o#nts ,etween ad0acent sheets are sea'ed and, 2#3 co$ered w#th ,attens, 2##3 sh#&'a&&ed, or 2###3 otherw#se matched to &ro$#de weathert#ght 0o#nts, and 2c3 the hor#Conta' 0o#nts ,etween ad0acent sheets are sea'ed and, 2#3 sh#&'a&&ed, or 2##3 otherw#se matched to &ro$#de weathert#ght 0o#nts. 8!9 <eta' s#d#ng cons#st#ng o( sheets o( meta' #s cons#dered to meet the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 where the 0o#nts ,etween sheets are o( the 'oc7ed-seam ty&e. 9,2;,!,;, +l$s0ing )$teri$ls 819 F'ash#ng sha'' cons#st o( not 'ess than, 2a3 1..3 mm th#c7 sheet 'ead, 2,3 0.33 mm th#c7 ga'$an#Ced stee', 2c3 0.46 mm th#c7 co&&er, 2d3 0.46 mm th#c7 C#nc, 2e3 0.4 mm th#c7 a'um#num, or 2(3 1.02 mm th#c7 $#ny'. 9,2;,!,=, +l$s0ing Inst$ll$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, ('ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed at, 2a3 e$ery hor#Conta' 0unct#on ,etween c'add#ngs e'ements, 2,3 e$ery hor#Conta' o((set #n the c'add#ng, and 2c3 e$ery hor#Conta' '#ne where the c'add#ng su,strates change and where, 2#3 the su,strates d#((er su((#c#ent'y (or stresses to ,e concentrated a'ong that '#ne, or 2##3 the #nsta''at#on o( the c'add#ng on the 'ower su,strate may com&rom#se the dra#nage o( mo#sture (rom ,eh#nd the c'add#ng a,o$e. 829 F'ash#ng need not ,e #nsta''ed as descr#,ed #n /entence 213, 2a3 where the u&&er c'add#ng e'ements o$er'a& the 'ower c'add#ng e'ements ,y not 'ess than 21 mm, 2,3 where, 2#3 the c'add#ng a,o$e and ,e'ow the 0o#nt #s #nsta''ed out,oard o( a dra#ned and $ented a#r s&ace, and 2##3 the hor#Conta' deta#' #s constructed so as to m#n#m#Ce #ngress o( &rec#&#tat#on #nto the a#r s&ace, or 2c3 at hor#Conta' construct#on 0o#nts #n stucco, where, 2#3 the 0o#nt #s (#n#shed w#th an e5&ans#on-contract#on str#&, and 2##3 the c'add#ng #s #nsta''ed out,oard o( a dra#ned and $ented a#r s&ace. 129

8!9 F'ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed o$er e5ter#or wa'' o&en#ngs where the $ert#ca' d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( the ea$e to the to& o( the tr#m #s more than one-:uarter o( the hor#Conta' o$erhang o( the ea$e. 859 F'ash#ng descr#,ed #n /entences 213 and 233 sha'', 2a3 e5tend not 'ess that 10 mm u&ward #n,oard o( the sheath#ng mem,rane or sheath#ng #nsta''ed #n '#eu o( the sheath#ng mem,rane, 2,3 ha$e a s'o&e o( not 'ess than 6F toward the e5ter#or a(ter the e5&ected shr#n7age o( the building (rame, 2c3 term#nate at each end w#th an end-dam, 2#3 w#th a he#ght #n m#''#metres not 'ess than 21 mm or 1!10 o( the $a'ue o( the 1 #n 1 dr#$#ng ra#n w#nd &ressure #n -a, and 2##3 at the he#ght de(#ned #n /u,c'ause 2#3, e5tend#ng to the (ace o( the ad0acent c'add#ng, 2d3 'a& not 'ess than 10 mm $ert#ca''y o$er the building e'ement ,e'ow, and 2e3 term#nate #n a dr#& e5tend#ng not 'ess than 1 mm outward (rom the outer (ace o( the building e'ement ,e'ow. 879 8here the s#''s o( w#ndows and doors #nsta''ed #n e5ter#or wa''s are not se'(-('ash#ng, ('ash#ng sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ,etween the unders#de o( the w#ndow or door and the wa'' construct#on ,e'ow. 9,2;,5, (e$l$nts 9,2;,5,1, Re4uired (e$l$nts 819 /ea'ant sha'' ,e &ro$#ded where re:u#red to &re$ent the entry o( water #nto the structure. 829 /ea'ant sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween masonry, s#d#ng or stucco and the ad0acent door and w#ndow (rames or tr#m, #nc'ud#ng s#''s un'ess such 'ocat#ons are com&'ete'y &rotected (rom the entry o( ra#n. 8!9 /ea'ant sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at $ert#ca' 0o#nts ,etween d#((erent c'add#ng mater#a's un'ess the 0o#nt #s su#ta,'y 'a&&ed or ('ashed to &re$ent the entry o( ra#n. 9,2;,5,2, )$teri$ls 819 /ea'ants sha'' ,e, 2a3 non-harden#ng ty&es su#ta,'e (or e5ter#or use, 2,3 se'ected (or the#r a,#'#ty to res#st the e((ects o( weather#ng, and 2c3 com&at#,'e w#th, and adhere to, the su,strate to wh#ch they are a&&'#ed. 829 /ea'ants sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< ) 34, >Late5 /ea'ants?, 2,3 %/;< )920, >6'astomer#c Jo#nt /ea'ants?, 2c3 %/;< )11 4, >/tructura' /#'#cone /ea'ants?, or 2d3 %/;< )1311, >/o'$ent Re'ease /ea'ants?. 8!9 *ac7er rod sha'' con(orm to %/;< )1330, >)y'#ndr#ca' /ea'ant *ac7#ng (or @se w#th )o'd L#:u#d-%&&'#ed /ea'ants?. 9,2;,7, Att$c0ment o/ Cl$dding 9,2;,7,1, Att$c0ment 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 223 to 2.3, c'add#ng sha'' ,e (astened to the (ram#ng mem,ers or (urr#ng mem,ers, or to ,'oc7#ng ,etween the (ram#ng mem,ers. 829 Hert#ca' 'um,er and stucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng are &erm#tted to ,e attached to sheath#ng on'y where the sheath#ng cons#sts o( not 'ess than, 2a3 14.3 mm 'um,er, 2,3 12.1 mm &'ywood, or 2c3 12.1 mm O/* or wa(er,oard. 8!9 Hert#ca''y a&&'#ed meta' s#d#ng and wood sh#ng'es and sha7es are &erm#tted to ,e attached to the sheath#ng on'y where the sheath#ng cons#sts o( not 'ess than, 2a3 14.3 mm 'um,er, 2,3 ..1 mm &'ywood, or 130

2c3 ..1 mm O/* or wa(er,oard. 859 %s,estos-cement sh#ng'es are &erm#tted to ,e attached to the sheath#ng on'y when the sheath#ng cons#sts o( not 'ess than, 2a3 14.3 mm 'um,er, 2,3 9.1 mm &'ywood, or 2c3 9.1 mm O/* or wa(er,oard. 879 8here wood sh#ng'es or sha7es are a&&'#ed to sheath#ng that #s not su#ta,'e (or attach#ng the sh#ng'es or sha7es, the sh#ng'es or sha7es may ,e attached to a wood 'ath not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 9.1 mm th#c7 secure'y na#'ed to the (ram#ng and a&&'#ed as descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.2....1. 8<9 8here as,estos-cement sh#ng'es are a&&'#ed to sheath#ng that #s not su#ta,'e (or attach#ng the sh#ng'es, the sh#ng'es may ,e (astened to a wood 'ath not 'ess than 9 mm ,y 9.1 mm th#c7 secure'y na#'ed to the (ram#ng. 8;9 Lath re(erred to #n /entence 263 sha'' ,e a&&'#ed so that #t o$er'a&s the &reced#ng sh#ng'e course ,y not 'ess than 20 mm. 9,2;,7,2, BlocAing 819 *'oc7#ng (or the attachment o( c'add#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm ,y 3 mm 'um,er secure'y na#'ed to the (ram#ng and s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 9,2;,7,!, +urring 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entences 9.2..1.1.213 and 263, (urr#ng (or the attachment o( c'add#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 3 mm 'um,er when a&&'#ed o$er sheath#ng. 829 8hen a&&'#ed w#thout sheath#ng, (urr#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 19 mm ,y 64 mm 'um,er on su&&orts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., or 2,3 19 mm ,y 9 mm on su&&orts s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 8!9 Furr#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e, 2a3 secure'y (astened to the (ram#ng, and 2,3 s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 9,2;,7,5, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ +$steners 819 Ba#' or sta&'e s#Ce and s&ac#ng (or the attachment o( c'add#ng and tr#m sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2..1.4. T$ble 9,2;,7,5, Att$c0ment o/ Cl$dding Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2..1.4.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( )'add#ng 8ood tr#m Lum,er s#d#ng or hor#Conta' s#d#ng made (rom sheet meta' <eta' c'add#ng 8ood sha7es u& to 200 mm #n w#dth o$er 200 mm #n w#dth 8ood sh#ng'es 200 mm #n w#dth o$er 200 mm #n w#dth %s,estos-cement sh#ng'es -ane' or sheet ty&e c'add#ng u& to . mm th#c7 more than . mm th#c7 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Ba#' or /ta&'e Length, mm 11 11 3 11 11 32 32 32 3 11 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum Bum,er o( Ba#'s or /ta&'es I I I 2 3 2 3 2 I I )o'umn 4 <a5#mum Ba#' or /ta&'e /&ac#ng, mm 2o.c.3 600 600 600 2na#'ed to (ram#ng3 400 2na#'ed to sheath#ng on'y3 I I I I I 110 2a'ong edges3 300 2a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts3

9,2;,7,7, +$stener )$teri$ls 819 Ba#'s or sta&'es (or the attachment o( c'add#ng and wood tr#m sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant and sha'' ,e com&at#,'e w#th the c'add#ng mater#a'. 131

9,2;,7,<, E?.$nsion $nd Contr$ction 819 Fasteners (or meta' or $#ny' c'add#ng sha'' ,e &os#t#oned to &erm#t e5&ans#on and contract#on o( the c'add#ng. 9,2;,7,;, %enetr$tion o/ +$steners 819 Fasteners (or sha7es and sh#ng'es sha'' &enetrate through the na#'-ho'd#ng ,ase or not 'ess than 19 mm #nto the (ram#ng. 829 Fasteners (or c'add#ng other than that descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' &enetrate through the na#'-ho'd#ng ,ase or not 'ess than 21 mm #nto the (ram#ng. 9,2;,<, Lumber (iding 9,2;,<,1, )$teri$ls 819 Lum,er s#d#ng sha'' ,e sound, (ree o( 7not ho'es, 'oose 7nots, through chec7s or s&'#ts. 9,2;,<,2, T0icAness $nd 6idt0 819 "ro&, rust#c, no$e'ty, 'a&&ed ,oard and $ert#ca' wood s#d#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 14.3 mm th#c7 and not more than 2 6 mm w#de. 829 *e$e' s#d#ng sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 1 mm th#c7 at the to&, and 2,3 not 'ess than, 2#3 12 mm th#c7 at the ,utt (or s#d#ngs 1 4 mm or 'ess #n w#dth, and 2##3 14.3 mm th#c7 at the ,utt (or s#d#ngs w#der than 1 4 mm. 8!9 *e$e' s#d#ng sha'' ,e not more than 2 6 mm w#de. 9,2;,<,!, *oints 819 Lum,er s#d#ng sha'' &re$ent water (rom enter#ng at the 0o#nts ,y the use o( 'a&&ed or matched 0o#nts or ,y $ert#ca' wood ,attens. 829 /#d#ng sha'' o$er'a& not 'ess than 1 mm &er 16 mm w#dth o( 'um,er, ,ut not 'ess than, 2a3 9.1 mm (or matched s#d#ng, 2,3 21 mm (or 'a&&ed ,e$e' s#d#ng, or 2c3 12 mm (or $ert#ca' ,attens. 9,2;,;, 6ood (0ingles $nd (0$Aes 9,2;,;,1, )$teri$ls 819 /h#ng'es and sha7es sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )/% O11 .1, >8estern Red )edar /ha7es and /h#ng'es?, or 2,3 )/% O11 .2-<, >6astern 8h#te )edar /h#ng'es?. 829 8estern cedar sha7es sha'' ,e not 'ess than Bo. 1 grade or =ands&'#t grade, and western cedar sh#ng'es not 'ess than Bo. 2 grade, e5ce&t that Bo. 3 grade may ,e used (or undercours#ng. 8!9 6astern wh#te cedar sha7es sha'' ,e at 'east * 2c'ear3 grade, e5ce&t that ) grade may ,e used (or undercours#ng. 9,2;,;,2, 6idt0 819 /h#ng'es and sha7es sha'' ,e not 'ess than 61 mm or more than 310 mm w#de. 9,2;,;,!, +$steners 819 /h#ng'es or sha7es sha'' ,e (astened w#th na#'s 'ocated a&&ro5#mate'y 20 mm (rom each edge and not 'ess than 21 mm a,o$e the e5&osure '#ne (or s#ng'e-course a&&'#cat#ons, or a&&ro5#mate'y 10 mm a,o$e the ,utt (or dou,'e-course a&&'#cat#ons. 9,2;,;,5, O//setting o/ *oints 819 +n s#ng'e-course a&&'#cat#on, 0o#nts #n succeed#ng courses sha'' ,e o((set at 'east 40 mm so that 0o#nts #n any two o( three consecut#$e courses are staggered. 829 +n dou,'e-course a&&'#cat#on, 0o#nts #n the outer course sha'' ,e o((set (rom 0o#nts #n the under-course ,y not 'ess than 40 mm, and 0o#nts #n succeed#ng courses sha'' ,e o((set not 'ess than 40 mm. 9,2;,;,7, +$stening to L$t0 132

819 8hen 'ath #s used w#th dou,'e-course a&&'#cat#on 2see /entence 9.2..1.1.2133, #t sha'' ,e s&aced accord#ng to the e5&osure and secure'y (astened to the (ram#ng. 829 ;he ,utts o( the under-course o( the a&&'#cat#on re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' rest on the to& edge o( the 'ath. 8!9 ;he outer course o( the a&&'#cat#on re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e (astened to the 'ath w#th na#'s o( su((#c#ent 'ength to &enetrate through the 'ath. 859 ;he ,utts o( the sh#ng'es or sha7es sha'' ,e so 'ocated that they &ro0ect not 'ess than 12 mm ,e'ow the ,ottom edge o( the 'ath re(erred to #n /entence 213. 879 +( wood 'ath #s not used, the ,utts o( the under-course sh#ng'es or sha7es o( the a&&'#cat#on re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'ocated 12 mm a,o$e the ,utts o( the outer course. 9,2;,;,<, E?.osure $nd T0icAness 819 ;he e5&osure and ,utt th#c7ness o( sh#ng'es and sha7es sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2....6. T$ble 9,2;,;,<, E?.osure $nd T0icAness o/ 6ood (0ingles $nd (0$Aes Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2....6.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 /ha7e or /h#ng'e Length, mm 400 410 600 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum 65&osure, mm /#ng'e )ours#ng 190 216 292 )o'umn 3 "ou,'e )ours#ng 301 316 406 )o'umn 4 <#n#mum *utt ;h#c7ness, mm 10 11 13

9,2;,=, %l32ood 9,2;,=,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 -'ywood c'add#ng sha'' ,e e5ter#or ty&e con(orm#ng to, 2a3 )/% O111-<, >=ardwood and "ecorat#$e -'ywood?, 2,3 )/% O121, >"oug'as F#r -'ywood?, 2c3 )/% O111, >)anad#an /o(twood -'ywood?, or 2d3 )/% O113-<, >-o&'ar -'ywood?. 9,2;,=,2, T0icAness 819 -'ywood c'add#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7 when a&&'#ed d#rect'y to sheath#ng. 829 8hen a&&'#ed d#rect'y to (ram#ng or o$er (urr#ng str#&s, &'ywood c'add#ng th#c7ness sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2.. .2. T$ble 9,2;,=,2, )inimum %l32ood Cl$dding T0icAness Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2.. .2.223
+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm 406 610 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm, where Face 4ra#n -ara''e' to <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm, where Face /u&&orts 4ra#n at R#ght %ng'es to /u&&orts 6 11

8!9 ;he th#c7ness o( groo$ed or te5tured &'ywood sha'' ,e measured at the &o#nt o( 'east th#c7ness. 9,2;,=,!, Edge Tre$tment 819 ;he edges o( &'ywood c'add#ng sha'' ,e treated w#th a su#ta,'e &a#nt or sea'er. 9,2;,=,5, %$nel Cl$dding 819 -'ywood a&&'#ed #n &ane's sha'' ha$e a'' edges su&&orted. 829 Bot 'ess than a 2 mm ga& sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween &ane's re(erred to #n /entence 213. 8!9 Hert#ca' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &rotected w#th ,atten str#&s or cau'7#ng when the &'ywood 0o#nts are not matched. 859 =or#Conta' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm or sha'' ,e su#ta,'y ('ashed. 133

9,2;,=,7, L$..ed (tri. (iding 819 -'ywood a&&'#ed #n hor#Conta' 'a&&ed str#&s sha'' ha$e not 'ess than a 2 mm ga& &ro$#ded at the ,utted ends, wh#ch sha'' ,e cau'7ed. 829 ;he hor#Conta' 0o#nts o( s#d#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm. 8!9 8edges sha'' ,e #nserted under a'' $ert#ca' ,utt 0o#nts and at a'' corners when hor#Conta' 'a&&ed &'ywood #s a&&'#ed w#thout sheath#ng. 9,2;,9, E$rdbo$rd 9,2;,9,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 Factory-(#n#shed hard,oard c'add#ng sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.1<, >=ard,oard, -recoated, Factory-F#n#shed, (or 65ter#or )'add#ng?. 829 =ard,oard c'add#ng that #s not (actory (#n#shed sha'' con(orm to ;y&es 1, 2 or 1 #n )%B!)4/*-11.3-<, >=ard,oard?. 9,2;,9,2, T0icAness 819 ;y&e 1 or 2 hard,oard c'add#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 6.0 mm th#c7 when a&&'#ed o$er sheath#ng that &ro$#des cont#nuous su&&ort, and 2,3 ..1 mm th#c7 when a&&'#ed to (urr#ng or (ram#ng mem,ers not more than 406 mm o.c. 829 ;y&e 1 hard,oard c'add#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 9.0 mm th#c7 when a&&'#ed o$er sheath#ng that &ro$#des cont#nuous su&&ort or o$er (urr#ng or (ram#ng mem,ers s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c. 8!9 8here hard,oard c'add#ng #s groo$ed, the groo$es sha'' not e5tend more than 1.1 mm #nto the m#n#mum re:u#red th#c7ness. 9,2;,9,!, %$nel Cl$dding 819 =ard,oard c'add#ng a&&'#ed #n &ane's sha'' ha$e a'' edges su&&orted w#th not 'ess than a 1 mm ga& &ro$#ded ,etween sheets. 829 Hert#ca' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &rotected w#th ,atten str#&s or cau'7#ng when the 0o#nts are not matched. 8!9 =or#Conta' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm or sha'' ,e su#ta,'y ('ashed. 9,2;,9,5, L$..ed (tri. (iding 819 =ard,oard a&&'#ed #n hor#Conta' 'a&&ed str#&s sha'' ha$e not 'ess than a 1 mm ga& &ro$#ded at the ,utted ends, wh#ch sha'' ,e cau'7ed or otherw#se &rotected w#th su#ta,'e mou'd#ngs. 829 ;he hor#Conta' 0o#nts o( s#d#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' o$er'a& not 'ess than 1 mm &er 16 mm w#dth o( s#d#ng ,oard ,ut not 'ess than 9.1 mm (or matched 0o#nt s#d#ng or 21 mm (or 'a&&ed s#d#ng. 9,2;,9,7, Cle$r$nce 819 Bot 'ess than 3 mm c'earance sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween hard,oard s#d#ng and door or w#ndow (rames. 9,2;,1>, O(B $nd 6$/erbo$rd 9,2;,1>,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 O/* and wa(er,oard c'add#ng sha'' con(orm to )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?. 9,2;,1>,2, T0icAness 819 O/* con(orm#ng to O-2 grade sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6.0 mm th#c7 where a&&'#ed d#rect'y to sheath#ng. 829 O/* con(orm#ng to O-2 grade a&&'#ed d#rect'y to (ram#ng or o$er (urr#ng str#&s sha'' con(orm to the th#c7ness shown (or &'ywood #n ;a,'e 9.2.. .2. 8!9 O/* con(orm#ng to O-1 grade and wa(er,oard con(orm#ng to R-1 grade sha'' ,e not 'ess than ..9 mm th#c7 where a&&'#ed d#rect'y to sheath#ng. 859 8here a&&'#ed d#rect'y to (ram#ng or o$er (urr#ng str#&s, O/* con(orm#ng to O-1 grade and wa(er,oard con(orm#ng to R-1 grade sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 9.1 mm th#c7 on su&&orts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., and 2,3 12.. mm th#c7 on su&&orts s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 9,2;,1>,!, %$nel Cl$dding 134

819 O/* and wa(er,oard a&&'#ed #n &ane's sha'' ha$e a'' edges su&&orted and treated w#th a &r#mer or sea'er. 829 Bot 'ess than a 3 mm ga& sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween sheets #n c'add#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 Hert#ca' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e &rotected w#th ,atten str#&s or cau'7#ng when the O/* and wa(er,oard 0o#nts are not matched. 859 =or#Conta' 0o#nts #n c'add#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 21 mm or sha'' ,e su#ta,'y ('ashed. 9,2;,1>,5, Cle$r$nce 819 %t 'east a 3 mm c'earance sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween O/* and wa(er,oard c'add#ng and door or w#ndow (rames. 9,2;,11, )et$l 9,2;,11,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rds 819 =or#Conta' and $ert#ca' str#& stee' s#d#ng, #nc'ud#ng ('ash#ng and tr#m accessor#es, sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-93.4, >4a'$an#Ced /tee' and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy )oated /tee' /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a, -re(#n#shed, Res#dent#a'?. 829 /tee' sheet c'add#ng sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum th#c7ness o( 0.3 mm and con(orm to )%B!)4/*-93.3-<, >-re(#n#shed 4a'$an#Ced and %'um#num-O#nc %''oy /tee' /heet (or Res#dent#a' @se?. 8!9 =or#Conta' and $ert#ca' str#& a'um#num s#d#ng, #nc'ud#ng ('ash#ng and tr#m accessor#es, sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*93.2-<, >-re(#n#shed %'um#num /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a, (or Res#dent#a' @se?. 859 %'um#num sheet c'add#ng sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-93.1-<, >/heet, %'um#num %''oy, -re(#n#shed, Res#dent#a'? and sha'' ha$e a th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 0.1 mm, e5ce&t that s#d#ng su&&orted ,y ,ac7#ng or sheath#ng sha'' ha$e a th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 0.46 mm. 9,2;,12, 'in3l (iding 9,2;,12,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 H#ny' s#d#ng, #nc'ud#ng ('ash#ng and tr#m accessor#es, sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-41.24, >R#g#d H#ny' /#d#ng, /o((#ts and Fasc#a?. 9,2;,12,2, Att$c0ment 819 ;he attachment o( $#ny' s#d#ng sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9.2..1. (or meta' s#d#ng.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ection 9,2;, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (ubsection& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, ;!, 15> 8299

9,2;,1!, E?terior Insul$tion +inis0 (3stems 9,2;,1!,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh systems that, 2a3 are co$ered #n the sco&e o( )%B!@L)-/.16.1, >65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N <ater#a's and /ystems?, and 2,3 ha$e a geometr#ca''y de(#ned dra#nage ca$#ty w#th a m#n#mum ca$#ty de&th o( 6 mm and an o&en area e:ua' to not 'ess than 13F o( the area o( a (u''-s#Ce e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh systems &ane'. 829 65ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh systems not descr#,ed #n /entence 213 and the#r com&onents sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 9,2;,1!,2, )$teri$ls 819 ;he mater#a's used #n e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh systems sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/.16.1, >65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N <ater#a's and /ystems?. 829 ;he su,strate on wh#ch an e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh system #s #nsta''ed sha'', 2a3 ,e com&at#,'e w#th that &art#cu'ar system, and 2,3 com&'y w#th the structura' re:u#rements (or sheath#ng mater#a's set out #n /ect#on 9.23. 9,2;,1!,!, #esign $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 ;he des#gn o( an e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh system sha'' com&'y w#th )%B!@L)-/.16.3, >65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N "es#gn %&&'#cat#on?. 829 ;he #nsta''at#on o( an e5ter#or #nsu'at#on (#n#sh system sha'' com&'y w#th )%B!@L)-/.16.2, >65ter#or +nsu'at#on and F#n#sh /ystems 26+F/3 N +nsta''at#on o( 6+F/ )om&onents and 8ater Res#st#$e *arr#er?. (ection 9,2=, (tucco 9,2=,1, Gener$l 131

9,2=,1,1, (0e$t0ing Bene$t0 (tucco 819 /heath#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,eneath stucco a&&'#ed o$er wood (rame wa''s e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n %rt#c'e 9.2 .4.2. 829 8here a&&'#ed ,eneath stucco, sheath#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.23.16. 9,2=,1,2, L$t0 $nd Rein/orcing 819 /tucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e used to attach stucco to any su,strate other than masonry. 829 /tucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e used to attach stucco to masonry where, 2a3 the masonry #s so(t-,urned t#'e or ,r#c7 o( 'ess strength than the stucco, or 2,3 the masonry sur(ace #s not sound, c'ean and su((#c#ent'y rough to &ro$#de a good 7ey. 8!9 /tucco a&&'#ed o$er masonry chimneys sha'' ,e re#n(orced. 9,2=,1,!, Concrete )$sonr3 nits 819 /tucco (#n#sh sha'' not ,e a&&'#ed o$er concrete masonry un#ts 'ess than one month o'd un'ess the un#ts ha$e ,een cured ,y the autoc'a$e &rocess. 9,2=,1,5, Cle$r$nce o1er Ground Le1el 819 /tucco sha'' ,e not 'ess than 200 mm a,o$e (#n#shed ground 'e$e' e5ce&t when #t #s a&&'#ed o$er concrete or masonry. 9,2=,1,7, +l$s0ing $nd (e$l$nts 819 F'ash#ng and sea'ants used w#th stucco sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#ons 9.2..3. and 9.2..4., e5ce&t that #( a'um#num ('ash#ng #s used, #t sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the stucco ,y an #m&er$#ous mem,rane or coat#ng. 9,2=,2, (tucco )$teri$ls 9,2=,2,1, %ortl$nd Cement 819 -ort'and cement sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-%3001, >)ement#t#ous <ater#a's (or @se #n )oncrete?. 9,2=,2,2, Aggreg$te 819 %ggregate sha'' ,e c'ean, we''-graded natura' sand or sand manu(actured (rom crushed stone, gra$e' or a#r-coo'ed ,'ast (urnace s'ag and sha'' conta#n no s#gn#(#cant amounts o( de'eter#ous mater#a'. 829 %ggregate grad#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2 .2.2. T$ble 9,2=,2,2, Aggreg$te Gr$ding /or (tucco Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2 .2.2.223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 /#e$e /#Ces, mm 4 2 1 0.1 0.21 0.121 )o'umn 2 F %ggregate -ass#ng /#e$e <a5#mum I I 90 60 30 1 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum 100 90 60 41 10 I

9,2=,2,!, 6$ter 819 8ater sha'' ,e c'ean and (ree o( s#gn#(#cant amounts o( de'eter#ous mater#a'. 9,2=,!, +$steners 9,2=,!,1, )$teri$ls 819 Fasteners (or stucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e corros#on-res#stant and o( a mater#a' other than a'um#num. 9,2=,!,2, N$ils $nd (t$.les 819 Ba#'s (or stucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3.2 mm d#am w#th a head d#ameter o( not 'ess than 11.1 mm. 829 /ta&'es (or stucco 'ath re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1.9 mm d#am or th#c7ness. 8!9 /ta&'es and na#'s (or attach#ng stucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng to $ert#ca' sur(aces sha'' ,e o( su((#c#ent 'ength to &enetrate 21 mm #nto (ram#ng mem,ers or to the (u'' de&th o( the sheath#ng where the sheath#ng #s used (or attachment. 859 On hor#Conta' sur(aces na#'s (or stucco 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm 'ong. 136

9,2=,5, (tucco L$t0 9,2=,5,1, )$teri$ls 819 R#, 'ath or e5&anded meta' stucco mesh sha'' ,e, 2a3 co&&er-a''oy stee' coated w#th rust-#nh#,#t#$e &a#nt a(ter (a,r#cat#on, or 2,3 ga'$an#Ced. 829 8o$en or we'ded w#re mesh sha'' ,e ga'$an#Ced. 9,2=,5,2, No (0e$t0ing Re4uired 819 /heath#ng need not ,e &ro$#ded ,eneath stucco where not 'ess than 1.19 mm d#am ga'$an#Ced w#re #s a&&'#ed hor#Conta''y to the (ram#ng at $ert#ca' #nter$a's not e5ceed#ng 110 mm, or where &a&er-,ac7ed we'ded w#re meta' 'ath #s used. 9,2=,5,!, (tucco L$t0 (.eci/ic$tions 819 /tucco 'ath sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2 .4.3. T$ble 9,2=,5,!, (tucco L$t0 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2 .4.3.213
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 Locat#on Hert#ca' sur(aces )o'umn 2 ;y&e o( Lath 8e'ded or wo$en w#re )o'umn 3 <#n#mum "#am o( 8#re, mm 1.11 1.30 1.10 I I I )o'umn 4 <a5#mum <esh O&en#ng 21 mm 3 mm 11 mm 21. cm2 I I )o'umn 1 <#n#mum <ass, 7g!m2 I I I 0.9 1. 4 I


/tucco mesh re#n(orc#ng 2e5&anded meta'3 =or#Conta' 9.1 mm r#, 'ath sur(aces )edar 'ath

9,2=,5,5, (el/:+urring #e1ices 819 /tucco 'ath sha'' ,e he'd not 'ess than 6 mm away (rom the ,ac7#ng ,y means o( su#ta,'e se'(-(urr#ng de$#ces. 9,2=,5,7, A..lic$tion o/ (tucco L$t0 819 /tucco 'ath sha'' ,e a&&'#ed w#th the 'ong d#mens#on hor#Conta'. 829 =or#Conta' and $ert#ca' 0o#nts #n stucco 'ath sha'' ,e 'a&&ed not 'ess than 10 mm. 8!9 6nd 0o#nts o( stucco 'ath sha'' ,e staggered and sha'' occur o$er (ram#ng mem,ers. 859 65terna' corners o( stucco 'ath sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th a $ert#ca' str#& o( 'ath or re#n(orc#ng e5tend#ng not 'ess than 110 mm on ,oth s#des o( the corner, or the 'ath or re#n(orc#ng sha'' e5tend around corners not 'ess than 110 mm. 9,2=,5,<, +$stening 819 /tucco 'ath sha'' ,e (astened #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.2..1. 829 Fasteners on $ert#ca' sur(aces sha'' ,e s&aced not more than, 2a3 110 mm o.c. $ert#ca''y and 406 mm o.c. hor#Conta''y, or 2,3 100 mm o.c. $ert#ca''y and 610 mm o.c. hor#Conta''y. 8!9 Ba#'#ng &atterns other than those re:u#red #n /entence 223 are &erm#tted to ,e used &ro$#ded there are not (ewer than 20 (asteners &er s:uare metre o( wa'' sur(ace. 859 Fasteners on hor#Conta' sur(aces sha'' ,e s&aced not more than, 2a3 110 mm o.c. a'ong the (ram#ng mem,ers when mem,ers are s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., and 2,3 100 mm o.c. a'ong mem,ers when mem,ers are s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 9,2=,7, (tucco )i?es 9,2=,7,1, )i?es 819 /tucco m#5es sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.2 .1.1.


T$ble 9,2=,7,1, (tucco )i?es Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.2 .1.1.213

+tem 1. 2. )o'umn 1 <ater#a's, $o'ume -ort'and )ement 1 1 )o'umn 2 <asonry )ement I 1 )o'umn 3 L#me 0.21 to 1 I )o'umn 4 %ggregate 3.21 to 4 &arts &er &art o( cement#t#ous mater#a'

9,2=,7,2, %igments 819 -#gment #( used sha'' cons#st o( &ure m#nera' o5#des #nert to the act#on o( sun, '#me and cement. 829 -#gment sha'' not e5ceed 6F o( the &ort'and cement ,y we#ght. 9,2=,7,!, )i?ing 819 <ater#a's sha'' ,e thorough'y m#5ed ,e(ore and a(ter water #s added. 829 /tucco sha'' ,e a&&'#ed not 'ater than 3 h a(ter the #n#t#a' m#5#ng. 9,2=,<, (tucco A..lic$tion 9,2=,<,1, Lo2$ture Conditions 819 ;he ,ase (or stucco sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned a,o$e (reeC#ng. 829 /tucco sha'' ,e ma#nta#ned at a tem&erature o( not 'ess than 10 ) dur#ng a&&'#cat#on and (or not 'ess than 4 h a(terwards. 9,2=,<,2, Number o/ Co$ts $nd Tot$l T0icAness 819 /tucco sha'' ,e a&&'#ed w#th at 'east two ,ase coats and one (#n#sh coat, &ro$#d#ng a tota' th#c7ness o( not 'ess than 11 mm, measured (rom the (ace o( the 'ath or (ace o( the masonry where no 'ath #s used. 9,2=,<,!, +irst Co$t 819 ;he (#rst coat sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7, measured (rom the (ace o( the 'ath or masonry, (u''y em,edd#ng the 'ath. 829 ;he sur(ace o( the (#rst coat sha'' ,e scored to &ro$#de a 7ey w#th the second coat. 9,2=,<,5, (econd Co$t 819 ;he second coat sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7. 829 ;he sur(ace o( the second coat sha'' ,e '#ght'y roughened to &ro$#de a 7ey w#th the (#n#sh coat #( the (#n#sh coat #s other than stone dash. 9,2=,<,7, +inis0 Co$t 819 8hen the (#n#sh coat #s other than stone dash, the ,ase sha'' ,e dam&ened ,ut not saturated ,e(ore the (#n#sh coat #s a&&'#ed. 829 ;he th#c7ness o( the (#n#sh coat sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm. 8!9 8hen a stone dash (#n#sh #s used, the stone sha'' ,e &art#a''y em,edded #n the second coat ,e(ore the second coat starts to set or st#((en. (ection 9,29, Interior 6$ll $nd Ceiling +inis0es 9,29,1, Gener$l 9,29,1,1, +ire %rotection $nd (ound Control 819 % wa'' or ce#'#ng (#n#sh sha'' a'so con(orm to the a&&ro&r#ate re:u#rements #n /ect#ons 9.10. and 9.11. #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements #n th#s /ect#on. 9,29,2, 6$ter.roo/ 6$ll +inis0 9,29,2,1, 60ere Re4uired 819 8ater&roo( (#n#sh sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to a he#ght o( not 'ess than, 2a3 1 00 mm a,o$e the ('oor #n shower sta''s, 2,3 1 200 mm a,o$e the r#ms o( ,athtu,s e:u#&&ed w#th showers, and 13

2c3 400 mm a,o$e the r#ms o( ,athtu,s not e:u#&&ed w#th showers. 9,29,2,2, )$teri$ls 819 8ater&roo( (#n#sh sha'' cons#st o( ceram#c, &'ast#c or meta' t#'e, sheet $#ny', tem&ered hard,oard, 'am#nated thermosett#ng decorat#$e sheets or '#no'eum. 9,29,!, 6ood +urring 9,29,!,1, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ +urring 819 8ood (urr#ng (or the attachment o( wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,29,!,1, (i-e $nd (.$cing o/ +urring Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( Furr#ng, mm 301 406 610 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum /#Ce o( Furr#ng, mm <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( Furr#ng /u&&orts )ont#nuous /u&&orts 406 mm 2o.c.3 19 R 3 19 R 3 19 R 3 19 R 3 19 R 3 19 R 64 )o'umn 4 610 mm 2o.c.3 19 R 64 19 R 64 19 R 9

1. 2. 3.

9,29,!,2, +$stening 819 Furr#ng sha'' ,e (astened to the (ram#ng or to wood ,'oc7s w#th not 'ess than 11 mm na#'s. 9,29,5, %l$stering 9,29,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 %&&'#cat#on o( &'aster wa'' and ce#'#ng (#n#shes, #nc'ud#ng #nsta''at#on o( meta' or gy&sum 'ath, sha'' con(orm to )/% % 2.30-<, >+nter#or Furr#ng, Lath#ng and 4y&sum -'aster#ng?. 9,29,7, G3.sum Bo$rd +inis0 8T$.ed *oints9 9,29,7,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;he re:u#rements (or a&&'#cat#on o( gy&sum ,oard #n th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y to the s#ng'e 'ayer a&&'#cat#on o( gy&sum ,oard to wood (urr#ng or (ram#ng us#ng na#'s or screws. 829 4y&sum ,oard a&&'#cat#ons not descr#,ed #n th#s /u,sect#on sha'' con(orm to )/% % 2.31-<, >4y&sum *oard %&&'#cat#on?. 9,29,7,2, )$teri$ls 819 4y&sum &roducts sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-% 2.2.-<, >4y&sum *oard?, 2,3 %/;< )11. ! )11. <, >)oated 4'ass <at 8ater-Res#stant 4y&sum *ac7#ng -ane'?, or 2c3 %/;< )1396 ! )1396<, >4y&sum *oard?. 9,29,7,!, )$?imum (.$cing o/ (u..orts 819 <a5#mum s&ac#ng o( su&&orts (or gy&sum ,oard a&&'#ed as a s#ng'e 'ayer sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,29,7,!, (.$cing o/ (u..orts /or G3.sum Bo$rd Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 ;h#c7ness, mm )o'umn 2 Or#entat#on o( *oard to Fram#ng )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm o.c. 8a''s )e#'#ngs -a#nted F#n#sh )o'umn 1


8ater-*ased ;e5ture F#n#sh 4y&sum ,oard con(orm#ng to /entence 2e5ce&t /ect#ons 9 and 12 o( %/;< )1396 ! )1396<3 9.1 -ara''e' I I I -er&end#cu'ar 406 406 I 12.. -ara''e' 610 406 I -er&end#cu'ar 610 610 406 11.9 -ara''e' 610 406 I



-er&end#cu'ar 610 610 4y&sum ,oard con(orm#ng to )'ause 2on'y /ect#on 12 o( %/;< )1396 ! )1396<3 12.. -ara''e' 610 406 -er&end#cu'ar 610 610

610 I 610

9,29,7,5, (u..ort o/ Insul$tion 819 4y&sum ,oard su&&ort#ng #nsu'at#on sha'' ,e at 'east 12.. mm th#c7. 9,29,7,7, Lengt0 o/ +$steners 819 ;he 'ength o( (asteners (or gy&sum ,oard sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e, e5ce&t that 'esser de&ths o( &enetrat#on are &erm#tted (or assem,'#es re:u#red to ha$e a fire-resistance rating &ro$#ded #t can ,e shown, on the ,as#s o( (#re tests, that such de&ths are ade:uate (or the re:u#red rat#ng. T$ble 9,29,7,7, +$stener %enetr$tion into 6ood (u..orts Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 Re:u#red 7ire-1esistance 1ating o( <#n#mum -enetrat#on, mm %ssem,'y 8a''s Ba#'s /crews Bot re:u#red 20 11 41 m#n 20 20 1h 20 20 1.1 h 20 20 )o'umn 4 )e#'#ngs Ba#'s 20 30 41 60 )o'umn 1 /crews 11 30 41 60

1. 2. 3. 4.

9,29,7,<, N$ils 819 Ba#'s (or (asten#ng gy&sum ,oard to wood su&&orts sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %/;< F166., >"r#$en Fasteners: Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?, or 2,3 )/% *111, >8#re Ba#'s, /&#7es and /ta&'es?. 9,29,7,;, (cre2s 819 /crews (or (asten#ng gy&sum ,oard to wood su&&orts sha'' con(orm to %/;< )1002, >/tee' /e'(--#erc#ng ;a&&#ng /crews (or the %&&'#cat#on o( 4y&sum -ane' -roducts or <eta' -'aster *ases to 8ood /tuds or /tee' /tuds?. 9,29,7,=, (.$cing o/ N$ils 819 For s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on ce#'#ngs, na#'s sha'' ,e s&aced, 2a3 not more than 1 0 mm o.c. on ce#'#ng su&&orts, or 2,3 e$ery 300 mm o.c. a'ong ce#'#ng su&&orts, #n &a#rs a,out 10 mm a&art. 829 8here the ce#'#ng sheets are su&&orted ,y the wa'' sheets around the &er#meter o( the ce#'#ng, th#s su&&ort may ,e cons#dered as e:u#$a'ent to na#'#ng at th#s 'ocat#on. 8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 243, (or s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on wa''s, na#'s sha'' ,e s&aced, 2a3 not more than 200 mm o.c. on $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts, or 2,3 e$ery 300 mm o.c. a'ong $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts, #n &a#rs a,out 10 mm a&art. 859 For s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on wa''s, where gy&sum ,oard #s re:u#red to &ro$#de ,rac#ng, 'atera' su&&ort or (#re &rotect#on, na#'s sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 200 mm o.c. on, 2a3 $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts, and 2,3 to& and ,ottom &'ates. 879 ;he u&&ermost na#'s on $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts sha'' ,e not more than 200 mm ,e'ow the ce#'#ng. 8<9 Ba#'s sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 10 mm (rom the s#de or edge o( the ,oard. 8;9 Ba#'s sha'' ,e dr#$en so that the heads do not &uncture the &a&er. 9,29,7,9, (.$cing o/ (cre2s 819 For s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on a ce#'#ng, screws sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 300 mm o.c. on ce#'#ng su&&orts. 829 8here the ce#'#ng sheets are su&&orted ,y the wa'' sheets around the &er#meter o( the ce#'#ng, th#s su&&ort may ,e cons#dered as e:u#$a'ent to screw#ng at th#s 'ocat#on. 140

8!9 65ce&t as re:u#red ,y /entence 243, (or s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on wa''s, screws sha'' ,e s&aced, 2a3 not more than 300 mm o.c. on $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts where the su&&orts are more than 406 mm o.c., or 2,3 not more than 400 mm o.c. on $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts where the su&&orts are not more than 406 mm o.c. 859 65ce&t as &erm#tted ,y /entence 213, (or s#ng'e-'ayer a&&'#cat#on on wa''s, where gy&sum ,oard #s re:u#red to &ro$#de ,rac#ng, 'atera' su&&ort or (#re &rotect#on, screws sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 300 mm o.c. on, 2a3 $ert#ca' wa'' su&&orts, and 2,3 to& and ,ottom &'ates. 879 8here a fire-resistance rating #s determ#ned ,ased on ;a,'e 1 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-3, >F#re and /ound Res#stance o( *u#'d#ng %ssem,'#es?, /entence 243 need not a&&'y (or the &ur&ose o( (#re &rotect#on. 8<9 /crews sha'' ,e 'ocated not 'ess than 10 mm (rom the s#de or edge o( the ,oard. 8;9 /crews sha'' ,e dr#$en so that the heads do not &uncture the &a&er. 9,29,7,1>, Lo2$ture Conditions 819 +n co'd weather, heat sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to ma#nta#n a tem&erature o( not ,e'ow 10 ) (or 4 h &r#or to ta&#ng and (#n#sh#ng and ma#nta#ned (or not 'ess than 4 h a(ter that. 9,29,<, %l32ood +inis0 9,29,<,1, T0icAness 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the m#n#mum th#c7ness o( &'ywood #nter#or (#n#sh sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,29,<,1, T0icAness o/ %l32ood Interior +inis0 Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'es, and
+tem )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( /u&&orts, mm o.c. 406 610 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm213, on /u&&orts <#n#mum ;h#c7ness, mm213, on /u&&orts w#th no =or#Conta' *'oc7#ng w#th *'oc7#ng at Hert#ca' +nter$a's not 65ceed#ng 1.2 m 4.. 4.0 .0 4..

1. 2.

Notes to T$ble 9,29,<,1,

;h#c7ness '#m#ts sha'' a&&'y to the net e((ect#$e th#c7ness 2B6;3 o( groo$ed, str#ated, te5tured and!or em,ossed &ane's and to the actua' th#c7ness o( ('at &ane's. 829 % manu(actur#ng to'erance o( -0.4 mm may ,e a&&'#ed to the th#c7nesses '#sted #n ;a,'e 8!9 Bo m#n#mum th#c7ness #s re:u#red where &'ywood #s a&&'#ed o$er cont#nuous ,ac7#ng. 9,29,<,2, Groo1ed %l32ood 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, where &'ywood (or #nter#or (#n#sh #s groo$ed, the groo$es sha'' not e5tend through the (ace &'y and #nto the &'#es ,e'ow the (ace &'y un'ess the groo$e #s su&&orted ,y (ram#ng or (urr#ng. 829 +( the gra#n o( the (ace &'y #s at r#ght ang'es to the su&&ort#ng mem,ers, the groo$e #s &erm#tted to e5tend #nto the &'#es ,e'ow the (ace &'y &ro$#ded the th#c7ness o( the &'ywood e5ceeds the $a'ue shown #n ;a,'e ,y an amount e:ua' to not 'ess than the de&th o( &enetrat#on o( the groo$es #nto the &'#es ,e'ow the (ace &'y. 9,29,<,!, N$ils $nd (t$.les 819 Ba#'s (or attach#ng &'ywood (#n#shes sha'' not ,e 'ess than 3 mm cas#ng or (#n#sh#ng na#'s s&aced not more than 110 mm o.c. a'ong edge su&&orts and 300 mm o.c. a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts, e5ce&t that sta&'es &ro$#d#ng e:u#$a'ent 'atera' res#stance may a'so ,e used. 9,29,<,5, Edge (u..ort 819 %'' &'ywood edges sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y (urr#ng, ,'oc7#ng or (ram#ng. 9,29,;, E$rdbo$rd +inis0 9,29,;,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 =ard,oard sha'' con(orm to )%B!)4/*-11.3-<, >=ard,oard?. 9,29,;,2, T0icAness 141

819 =ard,oard sha'' ,e not 'ess than, 2a3 3 mm th#c7 where a&&'#ed o$er cont#nuous ,ac7-u&, 2,3 6 mm th#c7 where a&&'#ed to su&&orts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c., and 2c3 9 mm th#c7 where a&&'#ed to su&&orts s&aced not more than 610 mm o.c. 9,29,;,!, N$ils 819 Ba#'s (or (asten#ng hard,oard sha'' ,e cas#ng or (#n#sh#ng na#'s not 'ess than 3 mm 'ong, s&aced not more than 110 mm o.c. a'ong edge su&&orts and 300 mm o.c. a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts. 9,29,;,5, Edge (u..ort 819 %'' hard,oard edges sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y (urr#ng, ,'oc7#ng or (ram#ng where the ,ac7-u& #s not cont#nuous. 9,29,=, Insul$ting +ibrebo$rd +inis0 9,29,=,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 +nsu'at#ng (#,re,oard sha'' con(orm to )%B!@L)-/.06, >8ood F#,re ;herma' +nsu'at#on (or *u#'d#ngs?. 9,29,=,2, T0icAness 819 +nsu'at#ng (#,re,oard sheets sha'' ,e not 'ess than 11.1 mm th#c7 on su&&orts not more than 406 mm o.c. 829 +nsu'at#ng (#,re,oard t#'e sha'' ,e not 'ess than 12.. mm th#c7 on su&&orts s&aced not more than 406 mm o.c. 9,29,=,!, N$ils 819 Ba#'s (or (asten#ng (#,re,oard sheets sha'' ,e not 'ess than 2.6 mm shan7 d#ameter cas#ng or (#n#sh#ng na#'s o( su((#c#ent 'ength to &enetrate not 'ess than 20 mm #nto the su&&orts. 829 Ba#'s sha'' ,e s&aced not more than 100 mm o.c. a'ong edge su&&orts and 200 mm o.c. a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts. 9,29,=,5, Edge (u..ort 819 %'' (#,re,oard edges sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y ,'oc7#ng, (urr#ng or (ram#ng. 9,29,9, %$rticlebo$rd, O(B or 6$/erbo$rd +inis0 9,29,9,1, )$teri$l (t$nd$rd 819 -art#c'e,oard (#n#sh sha'' con(orm to %B/+ %20 .1, >-art#c'e,oard?. 829 O/* or wa(er,oard (#n#sh sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 )%B!)/%-O.321, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, or 2,3 )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?. 9,29,9,2, )inimum T0icAness 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 223 and 233, the m#n#mum th#c7ness o( O-2 grade O/* used as an #nter#or (#n#sh sha'' con(orm to that shown (or &'ywood #n ;a,'e 829 ;h#c7ness '#sted #n ;a,'e sha'' &erm#t a manu(actur#ng to'erance o( -0.4 mm. 8!9 Bo m#n#mum th#c7ness #s re:u#red where O-2 grade O/* #s a&&'#ed o$er cont#nuous ,ac7#ng. 859 O/* con(orm#ng to O-1 grade, wa(er,oard con(orm#ng to R-1 grade and &art#c'e,oard sha'' ,e, 2a3 not 'ess than 6.31 mm th#c7 on su&&orts not more than 406 mm o.c., 2,3 not 'ess than 9.1 mm th#c7 on su&&orts not more than 610 mm o.c., and 2c3 not 'ess than 6.31 mm th#c7 on su&&orts not more than 610 mm o.c. #n wa''s where ,'oc7#ng #s &ro$#ded at m#dwa'' he#ght. 879 O/* con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O321.0, >)onstruct#on /heath#ng?, sha'' meet the m#n#mum &ane' mar7 o(, 2a3 816, on su&&orts not more than 406 mm o.c., 2,3 824, on su&&orts not more than 610 mm o.c., and 2c3 816, on su&&orts not more than 610 mm o.c. where ,'oc7#ng #s &ro$#ded at m#dwa'' he#ght. 9,29,9,!, N$ils 819 Ba#'s (or (asten#ng &art#c'e,oard, O/* or wa(er,oard sha'' ,e not 'ess than 3 mm cas#ng or (#n#sh#ng na#'s s&aced not more than 110 mm o.c. a'ong edge su&&orts and 300 mm o.c. a'ong #ntermed#ate su&&orts. 142

9,29,9,5, Edge (u..ort 819 %'' &art#c'e,oard, O/* or wa(er,oard edges sha'' ,e su&&orted ,y (urr#ng, ,'oc7#ng or (ram#ng. 9,29,1>, 6$ll Tile +inis0 9,29,1>,1, Tile A..lic$tion 819 )eram#c t#'e sha'' ,e set #n a mortar ,ase or a&&'#ed w#th an adhes#$e. 829 -'ast#c t#'e sha'' ,e a&&'#ed w#th an adhes#$e. 9,29,1>,2, )ort$r B$se 819 8hen ceram#c t#'e #s a&&'#ed to a mortar ,ase the cement#t#ous mater#a' sha'' cons#st o( one &art -ort'and cement to not more than one-:uarter &art '#me ,y $o'ume. 829 ;he cement#t#ous mater#a' descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e m#5ed w#th no (ewer than three nor more than (#$e &arts o( aggregate &er &art o( cement#t#ous mater#a' ,y $o'ume. 8!9 <ortar sha'' ,e a&&'#ed o$er meta' 'ath or masonry. 859 )eram#c t#'e a&&'#ed to a mortar ,ase sha'' ,e thorough'y soa7ed and &ressed #nto &'ace (orc#ng the mortar #nto the 0o#nts wh#'e the t#'e #s wet. 9,29,1>,!, Ad0esi1es 819 %dhes#$es to attach ceram#c and &'ast#c t#'e sha'' ,e a&&'#ed to the (#n#sh coat or ,rown coat o( &'aster that has ,een stee'-trowe''ed to an e$en sur(ace or to gy&sum ,oard or to masonry &ro$#ded the masonry has an e$en sur(ace. 9,29,1>,5, )oisture Resist$nt B$cAing 819 )eram#c and &'ast#c t#'e #nsta''ed on wa''s around ,athtu,s or showers sha'' ,e a&&'#ed o$er mo#sture res#stant ,ac7#ng. 9,29,1>,7, *oints bet2een Tiles $nd B$t0tub 819 ;he 0o#nts ,etween wa'' t#'es and a ,athtu, or shower sha'' ,e su#ta,'y cau'7ed w#th mater#a' con(orm#ng to )%B!)4/*-19.22-<, ><#'dew Res#stant /ea'#ng )om&ound (or ;u,s and ;#'e?. (ection 9,!>, +looring 9,!>,1, Gener$l 9,!>,1,1, Re4uired +inis0 +looring 819 F#n#shed ('oor#ng sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n a'' residential occupancies. 9,!>,1,2, 6$ter Resist$nce 819 F#n#shed ('oor#ng #n ,athrooms, 7#tchens, &u,'#c entrance ha''s, 'aundry and genera' storage areas sha'' cons#st o( res#'#ent ('oor#ng, (e'ted-synthet#c-(#,re ('oor co$er#ngs, concrete, terraCCo, ceram#c t#'e, mast#c or other ty&es o( ('oor#ng &ro$#d#ng s#m#'ar degrees o( water res#stance. 9,!>,1,!, (lee.ers 819 8ood s'ee&ers su&&ort#ng (#n#shed ('oor#ng o$er a concrete ,ase su&&orted on the ground sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm ,y 3 mm and sha'' ,e treated w#th a wood &reser$at#$e. 9,!>,1,5, +inis0 Ju$lit3 819 F#n#shed ('oor#ng sha'' ha$e a sur(ace that #s smooth, e$en and (ree (rom roughness or o&en de(ects. 9,!>,2, %$nel:T3.e nderl$3 9,!>,2,1, Re4uired nderl$3 819 % &ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under res#'#ent ('oor#ng, &ar:uet ('oor#ng, ceram#c t#'e, (e'ted-synthet#c-(#,re ('oor co$er#ngs or car&et#ng 'a#d o$er 'um,er su,('oor#ng. 829 % &ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under res#'#ent ('oor#ng, &ar:uet ('oor#ng, (e'ted-synthet#c-(#,re ('oor co$er#ngs or car&et#ng on &ane'-ty&e su,('oor#ng whose edges are unsu&&orted. 8!9 -ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under ceram#c t#'e a&&'#ed w#th adhes#$e. 859 -ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e &ro$#ded under res#'#ent ('oor#ng on wa(er,oard or strand,oard su,('oor#ng. 9,!>,2,2, )$teri$ls $nd T0icAness 819 -ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e not 'ess than 6 mm th#c7 and sha'' con(orm to, 2a3 %B/+ %20 .1, >-art#c'e,oard?, 143

2,3 )%B!)4/*-11.3-<, >=ard,oard?, 2c3 )/% O111-<, >=ardwood and "ecorat#$e -'ywood?, 2d3 )/% O121, >"oug'as F#r -'ywood?, 2e3 )/% O111, >)anad#an /o(twood -'ywood?, 2(3 )/% O113-<, >-o&'ar -'ywood?, or 2g3 )/% O43..0, >O/* and 8a(er,oard?. 9,!>,2,!, +$stening 819 -ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e (astened to the su,('oor w#th sta&'es, annu'ar groo$ed ('oor#ng na#'s or s&#ra' na#'s, s&aced not more than 110 mm o.c. a'ong the edges and 200 mm o.c. ,oth ways at other 'ocat#ons. 829 Ba#'s (or &ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'' ,e not 'ess than 19 mm 'ong (or 6 mm th#c7 under'ay and 22 mm 'ong (or ..9 mm th#c7 under'ay. 8!9 /ta&'es (or &ane'-ty&e under'ay sha'', 2a3 ha$e not 'ess than a 1.2 mm shan7 d#ameter or th#c7ness w#th a 4.. mm crown, and 2,3 ,e not 'ess than, 2#3 22 mm 'ong (or 6 mm under'ay, and 2##3 2 mm 'ong (or ..9 mm and 9.1 mm under'ay. 9,!>,2,5, *oints O//set 819 8here &ane'-ty&e under'ay #s re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed o$er &'ywood, or O/* or wa(er,oard, the 0o#nts #n the under'ay sha'' ,e o((set at 'east 200 mm (rom the 0o#nts #n the under'y#ng su,('oor. 9,!>,2,7, (ur/$ce #e/ects 819 @nder'ay ,eneath res#'#ent or ceram#c ('oors a&&'#ed w#th an adhes#$e sha'' ha$e a'' ho'es or o&en de(ects on the sur(ace &atched so that the de(ects w#'' not ,e transm#tted to the (#n#shed sur(ace. 9,!>,!, 6ood (tri. +looring 9,!>,!,1, T0icAness 819 ;he th#c7ness o( wood str#& ('oor#ng sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,!>,!,1, T0icAness o/ 6ood (tri. +looring Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 ;y&e o( F'oor#ng <atched hardwood 2#nter#or use on'y3 <atched so(twood 2#nter#or or e5ter#or use3 /:uare edge so(twood 2e5ter#or use on'y3 )o'umn 2 <a5#mum Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 406 610 406 610 406 610 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <#n#mum ;h#c7ness o( F'oor#ng, mm 8#th /u,('oor Bo /u,('oor ..9 19.0 ..9 33.3 19.0 19.0 19.0 31.. I 21.4 I 3 .1

9,!>,!,2, (tri. #irection $nd End *oints 819 8ood str#& ('oor#ng sha'' not ,e 'a#d &ara''e' to 'um,er su,('oor#ng un'ess a se&arate under'ay #s &ro$#ded. 829 +( wood str#& ('oor#ng #s a&&'#ed w#thout a su,('oor, #t sha'' ,e 'a#d at r#ght ang'es to the 0o#sts so that the end 0o#nts are staggered and occur o$er su&&orts or are end matched. 8!9 +( the ('oor#ng #s end matched, #t sha'' ,e 'a#d so that no two ad0o#n#ng str#&s ,rea7 0o#nts #n the same s&ace ,etween su&&orts and each str#& ,ears on no (ewer than two su&&orts. 9,!>,!,!, N$iling 819 8hen na#'s are used, wood str#& ('oor#ng sha'' ,e toe na#'ed or (ace na#'ed w#th at 'east one na#' &er str#& at the s&ac#ngs shown #n ;a,'e, e5ce&t that (ace na#'ed str#&s o( more than 21 mm #n w#dth sha'' ha$e at 'east two na#'s &er str#&. 829 Face na#'s sha'' ,e countersun7. 144

T$ble 9,!>,!,!, N$iling o/ 6ood (tri. +looring Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 F#n#sh F'oor ;h#c7ness, mm ..9 11.1 19.0 21.4 31.. 3 .1

)o'umn 2 <#n#mum Length o( F'oor#ng Ba#'s, mm 3 213 11 1. 63 .0 3

)o'umn 3 <a5#mum /&ac#ng o( F'oor#ng Ba#'s, mm 200 300 400 400 600 600

Notes to T$ble 9,!>,!,!,&

/ee %rt#c'e

9,!>,!,5, (t$.les 819 /ta&'es are &erm#tted to ,e used to (asten wood str#& ('oor#ng not more than ..9 mm #n th#c7ness and not more than 10 mm #n w#dth &ro$#ded the sta&'es, 2a3 are not 'ess than 29 mm 'ong, 2,3 ha$e a shan7 d#ameter o( not 'ess than 1.19 mm, 2c3 ha$e a crown o( not 'ess than 4.. mm, and 2d3 are s&aced not more than 400 mm o.c. 829 /ta&'es are &erm#tted to ,e used to (asten wood str#& ('oor#ng not more than 19 mm #n th#c7ness and not more than 3 mm #n w#dth &ro$#ded the sta&'es, 2a3 are not 'ess than 11 mm 'ong, 2,3 ha$e a shan7 d#ameter o( not 'ess than 1. 2 mm, 2c3 ha$e a crown o( not 'ess than 12.. mm, and 2d3 are s&aced not more than 400 mm o.c. 9,!>,5, %$r4uet +looring 9,!>,5,1, Ad0esi1e 819 %dhes#$e used to attach &ar:uet ,'oc7 ('oor#ng sha'' ,e su#ta,'e (or ,ond#ng wood to the a&&'#ca,'e su,('oor mater#a'. 9,!>,7, Resilient +looring 9,!>,7,1, )$teri$ls 819 Res#'#ent ('oor#ng used on concrete s'a,s su&&orted on ground sha'' cons#st o( as&ha't, ru,,er, $#ny'-as,estos, un,ac7ed $#ny' or $#ny' w#th an #norgan#c ty&e ,ac7#ng. 829 F'oor#ng descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e attached to the ,ase w#th a su#ta,'e water&roo( and a'7a'#-res#stant adhes#$e. 9,!>,<, Cer$mic Tile 9,!>,<,1, (ubstr$te 819 )eram#c t#'e sha'' ,e set #n a mortar ,ed or a&&'#ed to a sound smooth ,ase w#th a su#ta,'e adhes#$e. 829 -ane'-ty&e su,('oor to wh#ch ceram#c t#'e #s to ,e a&&'#ed w#th adhes#$e sha'' ha$e #ts edges su&&orted accord#ng to %rt#c'e (ection 9,!1, %lumbing +$cilities 9,!1,1, (co.e 9,!1,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s /ect#on a&&'#es to plumbing (ac#'#t#es and plumbing systems ser$#ng dwelling units. 829 4lumbing (ac#'#t#es, gra, ,ars, ('oor dra#ns and ('oor and wa'' (#n#shes around ur#na's sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 3...4. and %rt#c'e ..1.1.2. #n, 141

2a3 a recreational camp, 2,3 a camp for housing of wor#ers, or 2c3 a'' other buildings not descr#,ed #n /entence 213. 8!9 <ed#ca' gas &#&#ng systems sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 3...1. 9,!1,2, Gener$l 9,!1,2,1, Gener$l 819 ;he construction o( plumbing systems sha'' con(orm to -art .. 9,!1,2,2, Corrosion %rotection 819 <eta' &#&es #n contact w#th c#nders or other corros#$e mater#a' sha'' ,e &rotected ,y a hea$y coat#ng o( ,#tumen or other corros#on &rotect#on. 9,!1,2,!, Gr$b B$rs 819 8hen &ro$#ded, gra, ,ars sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( res#st#ng a 'oad o( not 'ess than 1.3 7B a&&'#ed $ert#ca''y or hor#Conta''y. 9,!1,!, 6$ter (u..l3 $nd #istribution 9,!1,!,1, Re4uired 6$ter (u..l3 819 6$ery dwelling unit sha'' ,e su&&'#ed w#th a water distribution system where a drin#ing water system #s a$a#'a,'e. 9,!1,!,2, Re4uired Connections 819 +n a dwelling unit w#th a water distribution system, &#&#ng (or hot and co'd water sha'' ,e connected to e$ery 7#tchen s#n7, 'a$atory, ,athtu,, shower, s'o& s#n7 and 'aundry area. 829 -#&#ng (or co'd water sha'' ,e run to e$ery water c'oset. 9,!1,5, Re4uired +$cilities 9,!1,5,1, Re4uired +i?tures 819 % dwelling unit w#th a water distribution system sha'' conta#n, 2a3 a 7#tchen s#n7, 2,3 a 'a$atory, 2c3 a ,athtu, or shower sta'', and 2d3 a water c'oset or a dra#n'ess com&ost#ng to#'et. 9,!1,5,2, L$undr3 +i?tures 819 Laundry (ac#'#t#es or a s&ace (or 'aundry (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n e$ery dwelling unit or grou&ed e'sewhere #n the building #n a 'ocat#on con$en#ent'y access#,'e to occu&ants o( e$ery dwelling unit. 9,!1,5,!, Eot 6$ter (u..l3 819 +n a dwelling unit w#th a water distribution system, a hot water su&&'y sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 829 % water distribution system su&&'y#ng hot water to plumbing fi"tures sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on ..6.1. 9,!1,5,5, +loor #r$ins 819 % ('oor dra#n sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a basement (orm#ng &art o( a dwelling unit. 9,!1,7, Reser1ed 9,!1,<, (er1ice 6$ter Ee$ting +$cilities 9,!1,<,1, Eot 6$ter$ture 819 8here a hot water su&&'y #s re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e, e:u#&ment sha'' ,e #nsta''ed to &ro$#de to e$ery dwelling unit an ade:uate su&&'y o( ser$#ce hot water w#th a tem&erature range (rom 41) to 60). 829 %n e'ectr#c storage-type service water heater sha'' ha$e a m#n#mum set storage tem&erature o( 60E). 9,!1,<,2, E4ui.ment $nd Inst$ll$tion 819 6$ery service water heater and #ts #nsta''at#on sha'' con(orm to -art .. 829 Reser$ed 146

8!9 8here the building #s #n a 'ocat#on where the s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, / a20.23, #s greater than 0.11, service water heaters sha'' ,e secured to the structure to res#st o$erturn#ng and d#s&'acement. 9,!1,<,!, Corrosion:Resist$nt Co$ting 819 8here storage tan7s (or service water heaters are stee', they sha'' ,e coated w#th C#nc, $#treous ename' 2g'ass '#ned3, hydrau'#c cement or other corros#on-res#stant mater#a'. 9,!1,<,5, +uel:Burning Ee$ters 819 Fue'-,urn#ng service water heaters sha'' ,e connected to a chimney flue con(orm#ng to /ect#on 9.21. 9,!1,<,7, Ee$ting Coils 819 =eat#ng co#'s o( service water heaters sha'' not ,e #nsta''ed #n a flue or #n the com,ust#on cham,er o( a boiler or (urnace heat#ng a building. (ection 9,!2, 'entil$tion 9,!2,1, Gener$l 9,!2,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the $ent#'at#on o( rooms and s&aces #n residential occupancies ,y natura' $ent#'at#on and to se'(-conta#ned mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on systems ser$#ng on'y one dwelling unit. 6. 829 <echan#ca' $ent#'at#on systems, other than se'(-conta#ned systems ser$#ng s#ng'e dwelling units, sha'' con(orm to -art 8!9 Hent#'at#on o( rooms and s&aces #n other than residential occupancies sha'' con(orm to -art 6. 859 % storage garage (or more than (#$e cars sha'' ,e $ent#'ated #n accordance w#th -art 6. 879 % c'othes dryer e"haust duct system sha'' con(orm to -art 6. 9,!2,1,2, )ec0$nic$l 'entil$tion /or #2elling nits 819 6$ery dwelling unit that #s su&&'#ed w#th e'ectr#ca' &ower sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.32.3. 9,!2,1,!, 'entil$tion o/ Rooms $nd (.$ces 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, rooms or s&aces #n a dwelling unit sha'' ,e $ent#'ated ,y natura' means #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.32.2. 829 ;he natura' $ent#'at#on o( rooms or s&aces re:u#red #n /entence 213 may ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca' means. 8!9 8here a room or s&ace #s not &ro$#ded w#th natura' $ent#'at#on as descr#,ed #n /entence 213, mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to e5haust #ns#de a#r (rom or to #ntroduce outs#de a#r to that room or s&ace at the rate o( one-ha'( a#r change &er hour #( the room or s&ace #s mechan#ca''y coo'ed #n summer, and one a#r change &er hour #( #t #s not. 9,!2,2, N$tur$l 'entil$tion 9,!2,2,1, N$tur$l 'entil$tion Are$ 819 ;he uno,structed o&ena,'e $ent#'at#on area to the outdoors (or rooms and s&aces #n res#dent#a' buildings $ent#'ated ,y natura' means sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e T$ble 9,!2,2,1, N$tur$l 'entil$tion Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 Locat#on 8#th#n a dwelling unit )o'umn 2 *athrooms or water c'oset rooms @n(#n#shed basement s&ace "#n#ng rooms, '#$#ng rooms, ,edrooms, 7#tchens, com,#ned rooms, dens, recreat#on rooms and a'' other (#n#shed rooms *athrooms or water c'oset rooms /'ee&#ng areas Laundry rooms, 7#tchens, recreat#on rooms )orr#dors, storage rooms and other s#m#'ar &u,'#c rooms or s&aces @n(#n#shed basement s&ace not used on a shared ,as#s )o'umn 3 <#n#mum @no,structed %rea 0.09 mA 0.2 &ercent o( the ('oor area 0.2 mA &er room or com,#nat#on o( rooms 0.09 mA &er water c'oset 0.14 mA &er occu&ant 4 &ercent o( the ('oor area 2 &ercent o( the ('oor area 0.2 &ercent o( the ('oor area


Other than w#th#n a dwelling unit

829 8here a $est#,u'e o&ens d#rect'y o(( a '#$#ng or d#n#ng room w#th#n a dwelling unit, $ent#'at#on to the outdoors (or such rooms may ,e through the $est#,u'e. 14.

9,!2,2,2, %rotection /rom 6e$t0er $nd Insects 819 O&en#ngs (or natura' $ent#'at#on other than w#ndows sha'' ,e constructed to &ro$#de &rotect#on (rom the weather and #nsects. 829 /creen#ng sha'' ,e o( rust-&roo( mater#a'. 9,!2,!, )ec0$nic$l 'entil$tion 9,!2,!,1, Gener$l 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on a non-so'#d (ue'-(#red appliance sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as, 2a3 d#rect $ented where,y the com,ust#on a#r #s su&&'#ed d#rect'y (rom the outdoors to the com,ust#on cham,er $#a a sea'ed &assageway, and the &roducts o( com,ust#on are e5hausted d#rect'y outdoors through an #nde&endent sea'ed $ent, 2,3 mechan#ca''y $ented #nduced dra(t where,y com,ust#on a#r #s su&&'#ed (rom w#th#n the building en$e'o&e and the &roducts o( com,ust#on are &os#t#$e'y con$eyed to the outdoors ,y means o( a ded#cated sea'ed $ent, or 2c3 natura' dra(t where,y com,ust#on a#r #s su&&'#ed (rom w#th#n the building en$e'o&e and the &roducts o( com,ust#on are con$eyed to the outdoors through a chimney or ;y&e * $ent. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /u,sect#on a dwelling unit sha'' ,e categor#Ced as, 2a3 ;y&e + when, 2#3 a'' (ue'-(#red com,ust#on appliances 'ocated #n the dwelling unit are d#rect $ented or, e5ce&t (or (#re&'aces, are mechan#ca''y $ented #nduced dra(t, and 2##3 the dwelling unit does not conta#n a so'#d (ue'-(#red com,ust#on appliance, 2,3 ;y&e ++ when a so'#d (ue'-(#red com,ust#on appliance #s #nsta''ed #n a ;y&e + dwelling unit, 2c3 ;y&e +++ when a mechan#ca''y $ented #nduced dra(t non-so'#d (ue'-(#red (#re&'ace or a natura' dra(t appliance #s &resent, or 2d3 ;y&e +H when electric space heating #s &resent. 9,!2,!,2, Re4uired )ec0$nic$l 'entil$tion 819 ;he mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system re:u#red #n %rt#c'e sha'' com&'y w#th, 2a3 -art 6, or 2,3 th#s /u,sect#on (or a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system #n a ;y&e +, ;y&e ++ or ;y&e +H dwelling unit. 9,!2,!,!, Tot$l 'entil$tion C$.$cit3 819 ;he m#n#mum tota' $ent#'at#on ca&ac#ty o( the $ent#'at#on system re:u#red #n )'ause,3 sha'' ,e the sum o( the #nd#$#dua' room ca&ac#t#es g#$en #n ;a,'e T$ble 9,!2,!,!, 'entil$tion C$.$cit3 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.

)o'umn 1 Room <aster ,edroom213 Other ,edrooms L#$#ng room223 "#n#ng room223 Z#tchen Fam#'y room223 Recreat#on room $asement233 Other ha,#ta,'e rooms243 *athroom or water c'oset room Laundry room @t#'#ty room

)o'umn 2 )a&ac#ty, L!s 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1

Notes to T$ble 9,!2,!,!,&

%t 'east one ,edroom #n each dwelling unit sha'' ,e des#gnated as the master ,edroom. 14


Hent#'at#on ca&ac#t#es ass#gned to any com,#ned '#$#ng!d#n#ng or (am#'y!d#n#ng s&ace sha'' ,e determ#ned as #( the s&aces were #nd#$#dua' rooms.

8here a basement #ncor&orates rooms o( the ty&es des#gnated #n th#s ;a,'e, the ass#gned $ent#'at#on ca&ac#t#es (or each room sha'' ,e as s&ec#(#ed (or those ty&es o( rooms. $asement areas used (or other &ur&oses that e5ceed l o( the tota' basement ('oor area sha'' ,e ass#gned a (an ca&ac#ty o( 10 L!s. ;hose that are 'ess than l o( the tota' ('oor area sha'' ,e ass#gned 1 L!s.

Other ha,#ta,'e rooms sha'' ,e ass#gned a $ent#'at#on ca&ac#ty o( 1 L!s. ;h#s does not #nc'ude s&aces #ntended so'e'y (or access, egress, storage or ser$#ce e:u#&ment. 9,!2,!,5, %rinci.$l E?0$ust 819 % &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an sha'' ,e #nsta''ed and sha'' ,e rated to &ro$#de not 'ess than the ca&ac#ty g#$en #n ;a,'e T$ble 9,!2,!,5,A, %rinci.$l E?0$ust +$n C$.$cit3 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( *edrooms #n +welling >nit 1 2 3 4 1 <ore than 1 )o'umn 2 )a&ac#ty, L!s 11 22.1 30 3..1 41 /ystem must com&'y w#th /entence

829 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 233, the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a manua' sw#tch. 8!9 % &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an re:u#red under th#s %rt#c'e may ,e contro''ed ,y a dehum#d#stat or other automat#c contro' de$#ce where the manua' sw#tch re:u#red #n /entence 223 #s ca&a,'e o( act#$at#ng the (an regard'ess o( the sett#ng o( the automat#c contro'. 859 ;he sw#tches re:u#red #n /entences 223 and 233 sha'' ,e centra''y 'ocated #n the dwelling unit and sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed w#th the words 'ENTILATION +AN. 879 ;he &r#nc#&a' e5haust re:u#red #n th#s %rt#c'e may ,e &ro$#ded ,y means o( a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 8<9 8here the #nsta''ed ca&ac#ty o( the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an e5ceeds the m#n#mum ca&ac#ty re:u#red #n /entence 213 ,y more than 10F, the contro' re:u#red #n /entence 223 sha'' #nc'ude &ro$#s#on to a''ow reduct#on o( the ('ow to w#th#n d10F o( the m#n#mum ca&ac#ty s&ec#(#ed #n /entence 213. 8;9 8here an e5haust a#r #nta7e (or the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an #s connected d#rect'y to the duct system o( a (orced a#r heat#ng system or other centra' a#r c#rcu'at#ng system, #t sha'', 2a3 ,e connected to the return a#r s#de o( the system, and 2,3 ,e connected not 'ess than 1 000 mm u&stream (rom any outdoor a#r su&&'y duct. 8=9 8here an e5haust a#r #nta7e (or the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an #s 'ocated #n the 7#tchen, #t sha'' ,e 'ocated #n the ce#'#ng or on the wa'' w#th#n 300 mm o( the ce#'#ng. 899 /#ng'e or mu't#&'e e"haust ducts ser$#ng the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to -art 6 e5ce&t that they may ,e s#Ced accord#ng to ;a,'e*. where, 2a3 the 'ongest tota' duct 'ength, (rom #nta7e gr#''e to outdoor hood, does not e5ceed 12 m, and 2,3 the num,er o( e',ows does not e5ceed 4, ,ut, #n any case, they sha'' not ,e sma''er than recommended ,y the manu(acturer o( the (an. T$ble 9,!2,!,5,B, %rinci.$l E?0$ust #uct (i-e Form#ng -art o( /entences and 2103
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 Bum,er o( *edrooms #n +welling >nit <#n#mum 6"haust +uct "#ameter "ucts )onnected to +n'et and Out'et o( -r#nc#&a' 65haust Fan )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 "ucts )onnected to One /#de On'y o( -r#nc#&a' 65haust Fan


/mooth "uct, mm 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. 1 2 3 4 1 <ore than 1 100 121 121 110 110 -art 6 des#gn

F'e5#,'e "uct, mm 121 110 110 1.1 1.1 -art 6 des#gn

/mooth "uct, mm 100 121 110 110 110 -art 6 des#gn

F'e5#,'e "uct, mm 121 110 1.1 1.1 1.1 -art 6 des#gn

81>9 +n a&&'y#ng ;a,'e*., 2a3 where there #s more than one e5haust a#r #n'et duct connected d#rect'y to the (an, the d#ameter o( the #n'et ducts may ,e decreased ,y 21 mm, and 2,3 where the e"haust duct #s connected to the duct system o( a (orced a#r heat#ng system, the duct d#ameter sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 21 mm. 9,!2,!,7, (u..lement$l E?0$ust 819 %dd#t#ona' su&&'ementa' e5haust ca&ac#ty sha'' ,e #nsta''ed as necessary so that the tota' ca&ac#ty o( a'' 7#tchen, ,athroom, water c'oset room and other su&&'ementa' e5haust a#r #nta7es #s not 'ess than the tota' $ent#'at#on ca&ac#ty, as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, m#nus the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an ca&ac#ty, as re:u#red #n %rt#c'e 829 %n e5haust a#r #nta7e sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n each 7#tchen, ,athroom and water c'oset room. 8!9 8here the #nta7e (or a su&&'ementa' e5haust (an, other than a coo7#ng appliance e5haust (an ser$#ng a coo#top, #s #nsta''ed #n a 7#tchen, #t sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n the ce#'#ng or on the wa'' w#th#n 300 mm o( the ce#'#ng. 859 6"haust ducts ser$#ng the re:u#red 7#tchen, ,athroom, water c'oset room and other su&&'ementa' e5haust a#r #nta7es sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to -art 6 e5ce&t that they may ,e s#Ced accord#ng to ;a,'e where, 2a3 the tota' duct 'ength does not e5ceed 9 m, and 2,3 the num,er o( e',ows does not e5ceed 4, ,ut, #n any case, they sha'' not ,e sma''er than recommended ,y the manu(acturer o( the (ans. T$ble 9,!2,!,7, Iitc0en, B$t0room $nd 6$ter Closet Room E?0$ust #uct (i-e Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 Fan )a&ac#ty, L!s 21 10 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum 6"haust +uct "#ameter213 "ucts )onnected to +n'et and Out'et o( 65haust Fan, mm 121 110 )o'umn 3 "ucts )onnected to One /#de On'y o( 65haust Fan, mm 121 110

1. 2.

Notes to T$ble 9,!2,!,7,&

8here ('e5#,'e duct #s used, the duct d#ameter sha'' ,e #ncreased ,y 21 mm.

879 % su&&'ementa' e5haust (an re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a manua' sw#tch 'ocated #n the room ser$ed ,y the e5haust (an. 8<9 8here the su&&'ementa' e5haust #s &ro$#ded ,y an e5haust (an ser$#ng mu't#&'e e5haust a#r #nta7es re:u#red #n rooms descr#,ed #n /entence 223, the e5haust (an sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a manua' sw#tch 'ocated #n each room ser$ed ,y that e5haust (an and w#red #n &ara''e'. 8;9 8here the su&&'ementa' e5haust #s &ro$#ded ,y a &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an ser$#ng mu't#&'e e5haust a#r #nta7es re:u#red #n rooms descr#,ed #n /entence 223, the &r#nc#&a' e5haust (an sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a manua' sw#tch 'ocated #n each room ser$ed ,y that e5haust (an and w#red #n &ara''e' w#th the manua' sw#tch re:u#red #n /entence 8=9 8here a su&&'ementa' (an re:u#red ,y th#s %rt#c'e #s contro''ed ,y a dehum#d#stat or other automat#c contro' de$#ce #n add#t#on to the manua' sw#tch re:u#red ,y /entences 213 to 2.3, the manua' sw#tch sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( act#$at#ng the (an regard'ess o( the sett#ng o( the automat#c contro'. 899 /u&&'ementa' e5haust re:u#red #n th#s %rt#c'e may ,e &ro$#ded ,y means o( a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 9,!2,!,<, 'entil$tion (3stems Cou.led 2it0 +orced Air Ee$ting (3stems 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system #n a dwelling unit that conta#ns a (orced a#r heat#ng system wh#ch #s used (or de'#$ery o( $ent#'at#on a#r. 110

829 +n a ;y&e + dwelling unit, a $ent#'at#on su&&'y #n'et #s not re:u#red. 8!9 +n a ;y&e ++ dwelling unit, the mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system sha'' #nc'ude a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator, cou&'ed to the (orced a#r heat#ng system, #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 859 ;he (orced a#r heat#ng system c#rcu'at#on (an sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a manua' sw#tch 'ocated ad0acent to the $ent#'at#on (an sw#tch re:u#red #n /entence 879 ;he sw#tch re:u#red #n /entence 243 sha'' ,e #dent#(#ed ,y the words CIRC LATION +AN. 9,!2,!,;, 'entil$tion (3stems Not Cou.led 2it0 +orced Air Ee$ting (3stems 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to a mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system #n a dwelling unit that, 2a3 does not conta#n a (orced a#r heat#ng system, or 2,3 conta#ns a (orced a#r heat#ng system wh#ch #s not used (or c#rcu'at#on o( the $ent#'at#on a#r. 829 ;he mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on system sha'' #ntroduce a#r to and c#rcu'ate a#r throughout the dwelling unit #n com&'#ance w#th th#s %rt#c'e. 8!9 ;he mechan#ca' system #n th#s %rt#c'e sha'' #nc'ude a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator #nsta''ed #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 859 Outdoor a#r sha'' ,e d#str#,uted ,y a ductwor7 system (rom the heat reco$ery $ent#'ator re:u#red #n /entence 233 to each ,edroom, to any storey w#thout a ,edroom and, #( there #s no storey w#thout a ,edroom, to the &r#nc#&a' '#$#ng area. 879 % supply duct (rom the outdoors to the heat reco$ery $ent#'ator re:u#red #n /entence 233 and a ma#n d#str#,ut#on trun7 duct sha'' ,e &ro$#ded and sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to -art 6, e5ce&t that the supply duct and the ma#n d#str#,ut#on trun7 duct may ,e s#Ced accord#ng to ;a,'e 9.32.3...%. where, 2a3 the tota' duct 'ength (rom the outdoor hood to any su&&'y reg#ster does not e5ceed 21 m, and 2,3 the tota' num,er o( (#tt#ngs does not e5ceed . T$ble 9,!2,!,;,A, )inimum Outdoor Air (u..l3 $nd )$in TrunA #uct (i-es Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.32.3...213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( *edrooms #n +welling >nit 1 2 3 4 1 <ore than 1 )o'umn 2 <#n#mum Outdoor %#r /u&&'y and <a#n "#str#,ut#on ;run7 "uct "#ameter, mm 110 110 1.1 1.1 1.1 /ystem must com&'y w#th /entence

8<9 ;he outs#de a#r supply duct re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' not ,e cons#dered to &ro$#de com,ust#on and!or d#'ut#on a#r to (ue'-,urn#ng appliances. 8;9 *ranch supply ducts 'ead#ng (rom the ma#n d#str#,ut#on trun7 duct re:u#red ,y /entence 213 to the rooms to wh#ch outdoor a#r #s to ,e d#str#,uted sha'' ,e &ro$#ded and sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to -art 6, e5ce&t that the ,ranch supply ducts may ,e s#Ced accord#ng to ;a,'e 9.32.3...*. where, 2a3 the tota' duct 'ength (rom the outdoor hood to any su&&'y reg#ster does not e5ceed 21 m, and 2,3 the tota' num,er o( (#tt#ngs does not e5ceed . T$ble 9,!2,!,;,B, )inimum Br$nc0 (u..l3 #uct (i-es Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.32.3...2.3
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Room, /&ace or Storey /er$ed <aster ,edroom Other ,edrooms Storey w#th no ,edrooms or '#$#ng area )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 <#n#mum *ranch Supply +uct "#ameter, mm 1 and 2 *edroom +welling >nits 3, 4 and 1 *edroom +welling >nits 100 100 .1 .1 .1 100


8=9 +n a&&'y#ng /entence 2.3, where the dwelling unit has more than 1 ,edrooms, duct#ng sha'' ,e s#Ced accord#ng to -art


899 %'' ,ranch supply ducts that are not (#tted w#th d#((users w#th ad0usta,'e ,a'ance sto&s sha'' ,e su&&'#ed w#th access#,'e dam&ers that can ,e ad0usted and (#5ed #n the#r ad0usted &os#t#ons and that #nc'ude de$#ces to #nd#cate the &os#t#ons o( the dam&ers. 81>9 -ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made (or the (ree ('ow o( a#r to a'' rooms ,y 'ea$#ng ga&s ,eneath doors, us#ng 'ou$red doors or #nsta''#ng gr#''es #n doors. 9,!2,!,=, %rotection Ag$inst #e.ressuri-$tion 819 8hen determ#n#ng the need to &ro$#de &rotect#on aga#nst de&ressur#Cat#on, cons#derat#on must ,e g#$en to, 2a3 whether the &resence o( soil gas #s deemed to ,e a &ro,'em, and 2,3 the &resence o( so'#d (ue'-(#red com,ust#on appliances. 829 8here a so'#d (ue'-(#red com,ust#on appliance #s #nsta''ed, the $ent#'at#on system sha'' #nc'ude a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator that #s des#gned to o&erate so that the ('ow o( e5haust a#r does not e5ceed the ('ow o( #nta7e a#r #n any o&erat#ng mode, and that com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e 8!9 ;he &ro$#s#on o( ma7e-u& a#r #s not re:u#red (or mechan#ca' e5haust#ng de$#ces o&erat#ng a su,('oor de&ressur#Cat#on system #nsta''ed (or the &ur&ose o( reduc#ng the r#s7 o( radon #ngress. 9,!2,!,9, +$n R$tings 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, ca&ac#ty rat#ngs (or re:u#red (ans sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th, 2a3 )%B!)/%-)260-<, >Rat#ng the -er(ormance o( Res#dent#a' <echan#ca' Hent#'at#ng 6:u#&ment?, or 2,3 =H+ 916, >%#r('ow ;est -rocedure?. 829 /ound rat#ngs (or re:u#red (ans sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th, 2a3 )%B!)/%-)260-<, >Rat#ng the -er(ormance o( Res#dent#a' <echan#ca' Hent#'at#ng 6:u#&ment?, or 2,3 =H+ 911, >-rocedure (or Loudness Rat#ng o( Res#dent#a' Fan -roducts?. 8!9 )a&ac#ty rat#ngs (or re:u#red (ans sha'' ,e ,ased on a stat#c &ressure d#((erent#a' o( 10 -a, 21 -a or ..1 -a de&end#ng on whether the (an #s #nsta''ed w#th ductwor7 connected on ,oth s#des, one s#de or ne#ther s#de, res&ect#$e'y. 859 65ce&t (or heat reco$ery $ent#'ators, e5haust (ans re:u#red to ma7e u& any &art o( the tota' $ent#'at#on ca&ac#ty re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e sha'' ha$e a sound rat#ng not greater than that s&ec#(#ed #n ;a,'e T$ble 9,!2,!,9, +$n (ound R$ting Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. )o'umn 1 Fan %&&'#cat#on )o'umn 2 <a5#mum /ound Rat#ng, sones Rated accord#ng to )%B!)/%-)260-< -r#nc#&a' e5haust (an 2.0 /u&&'ementa' e5haust (ans #nsta''ed #n ,athrooms and 2.1 water c'oset rooms and the#r ma7e-u& a#r (ans /u&&'ementa' e5haust (ans #nsta''ed #n 7#tchens and no rat#ng re:u#red the#r ma7e-u& a#r (ans )o'umn 3 Rated accord#ng to =H+ 911 2.1 3.1 no rat#ng re:u#red

879 Re:u#red (ans sha'' ,e #nsta''ed accord#ng to the manu(acturerjs #nstruct#ons. 8<9 <echan#ca' $ent#'at#on de$#ces sha'' con(orm to )/% )22.2 Bo. 113-<, >Fans and Hent#'ators?. 9,!2,!,1>, #ucts 819 Hent#'at#on ducts sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( -art 6 (or supply ducts, e5ce&t that e"haust ducts that ser$e on'y a ,athroom or water c'oset room may ,e o( combustible mater#a' &ro$#ded the duct #s reasona,'y a#rt#ght and constructed o( a mater#a' #m&er$#ous to water. 829 6"haust ducts sha'' not d#scharge #nto heated or unheated enc'osed s&aces. 8!9 8here an e"haust duct &asses through or #s ad0acent to unheated s&ace, the duct sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to not 'ess than R/+ 0.1. 859 8here a duct carry#ng outdoor a#r that #s not tem&ered or not m#5ed w#th #ndoor a#r &asses through heated s&ace, #t sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to not 'ess than R/+ 0.1 e5ce&t that, where such a duct #s e5&osed #n the heated s&ace (or more than 3 m o( 'ength #n the heated s&ace, #t sha'' ,e, 2a3 #nsu'ated to not 'ess than the $a'ues '#sted #n ;a,'e, and 112

2,3 &ro$#ded w#th a vapour barrier. T$ble 9,!2,!,1>,A, Insul$tion o/ #ucts C$rr3ing Outdoor Air Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 Outs#de 8#nter "es#gn ;em&erature as &er <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?213, ) N. to N11 N12 to N1. N1 to N24 N21 to N29 N30 to N34 N31 and co'der

)o'umn 2 <#n#mum ;herma' Res#stance, R/+ 0.1 0.9 1.2 1.4 1. 2.1

Notes to T$ble 9,!2,!,1>,A,&

;he outs#de w#nter des#gn tem&eratures sha'' ,e those '#sted (or the January 2.1 &ercent $a'ues.

879 % 7#tchen e"haust duct not e:u#&&ed w#th a (#'ter at the #n'et end sha'' ,e des#gned and #nsta''ed so that the ent#re duct can ,e c'eaned. 8<9 "uctwor7 (or coo7#ng appliance e5haust (ans sha'', 2a3 ,e o( noncombustible, corros#on-res#stant mater#a', and 2,3 'ead d#rect'y to the outdoors w#thout connect#on to other e5haust (ans or ducts. 8;9 "uctwor7 (or coo7#ng appliance e5haust (ans sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a grease (#'ter at the #nta7e. 8=9 %'' ductwor7 sha'' ,e &ermanent'y su&&orted or c'#&&ed to &re$ent sagg#ng, e5cess#$e mo$ement and $#,rat#on. 899 %'' duct#ng connected to su&&'y and e5haust (ans sha'' ,e constructed so as to #nh#,#t a#r 'ea7age at 0o#nts. 81>9 8here rectangu'ar duct #s used #n &'ace o( round duct, #t sha'' ,e se'ected accord#ng to ;a,'e*. T$ble 9,!2,!,1>,B, E4ui1$lent #uct (i-es Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 Re:u#red Round "uct /#Ce, mm -erm#tted 6:u#$a'ent Rectangu'ar "uct /#Ce, mm /tac7 "uct 100 mm "e&th 121 mm "e&th .1 2 R 210 1. R 100 100 2 R 210 9 R 100 .1 R 121 121 2 R 210 121 R 100 100 R 121 110 2 R 300 200 R 100 110 R 121 1.1 2 R 310 2.1 R 100 200 R 121 <ore than 1.1 -art 6 des#gn -art 6 des#gn -art 6 des#gn )o'umn 1 110 mm "e&th .1 R 110 9 R 110 121 R 110 1.1 R 110 -art 6 des#gn

9,!2,!,11, Ee$t Reco1er3 'entil$tors 819 8here a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator #s #nsta''ed to &ro$#de a'' or &art o( the re:u#rements o( th#s /u,sect#on, th#s %rt#c'e sha'' a&&'y. 829 =eat reco$ery $ent#'ators sha'' ,e des#gned to &ro$#de a m#n#mum 11F sens#,'e heat reco$ery e((#c#ency when tested to the 'ow tem&erature therma' and $ent#'at#on &er(ormance test method set out #n )%B!)/%-)439, >Rat#ng the -er(ormance o( =eat!6nergy-Reco$ery Hent#'ators?, at a /tat#on 1 test tem&erature o( N21) at an a#r ('ow not 'ess than 30 L!s. 8!9 8here a heat reco$ery $ent#'ator #s connected to a (orced a#r heat#ng system, the su&&'y s#de o( the $ent#'ator sha'' ,e d#rect'y connected to the return a#r s#de o( the (orced a#r heat#ng system. 859 ;wo or more heat reco$ery $ent#'ators sha'' not ,e connected #n &ara''e' a#r ('ow to a common a#r supply duct un'ess s&ec#(#ca''y recommended ,y the manu(acturer. 879 ;wo or more heat reco$ery $ent#'ators sha'' not ,e connected #n &ara''e' a#r ('ow to a common downstream e"haust duct. 8<9 =eat reco$ery $ent#'ators #nsta''ed #n unheated s&aces sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to a$o#d condensat#on o( mo#sture on (ans and motors #n e5haust a#r, #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerjs #nstruct#ons.


8;9 %'' start-u& &rocedures recommended ,y the manu(acturer #nc'ud#ng a#r ,a'anc#ng and a#r-('ow determ#nat#on sha'' ,e (o''owed. 8=9 Free ('ow o( condensate sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerjs recommendat#ons or, #n the#r a,sence, a condensate dra#n o( m#n#mum h #nch nom#na' &#&e s#Ce &#tched #n the d#rect#on o( ('ow and com&'ete w#th a tra& or condensate &um& w#th su((#c#ent ca&ac#ty sha'' ,e #nsta''ed. 899 ;he heat reco$ery $ent#'ator and a'' condensate '#nes sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n a s&ace where the am,#ent tem&erature w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect the o&erat#on o( the system. 81>9 8hen o&erat#ng at the rate re:u#red #n %rt#c'e, the su&&'y and e5haust a#r('ow rates o( the heat reco$ery $ent#'ator sha'' ,e ,a'anced so that the $a'ue o( the 'esser ('ow sha'' ,e at 'east 90F o( the $a'ue o( the greater ('ow, un'ess otherw#se recommended ,y the manu(acturer. 9,!2,!,12, Outdoor Int$Ae $nd E?0$ust O.enings 819 /e&arate a#r #nta7e and e5haust out'et o&en#ngs, when 'ocated on the same wa'' or roo(, sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to a$o#d contam#nat#on o( the $ent#'at#on a#r ,y the e5haust a#r. 829 +nta7e o&en#ngs sha'' ,e 'ocated so as to a$o#d contam#nat#on o( the $ent#'at#on a#r (rom other 'oca' sources such as automo,#'e e5hausts and e5haust (rom ad0acent buildings. 8!9 ;he d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( an a#r #nta7e o&en#ng to (#n#shed ground 'e$e' or to any nearer and 'ower &ermanent hor#Conta' sur(ace sha'' ,e not 'ess than 410 mm or the de&th o( e5&ected snow accumu'at#on, wh#che$er #s greater. 859 ;he d#stance se&arat#ng a#r #nta7es (rom building en$e'o&e &enetrat#ons that are &otent#a' sources o( contam#nants, such as gas vents or o#' (#'' &#&es, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 900 mm. 879 %#r #nta7es sha'' ,e c'ear'y 'a,e''ed as such (or #dent#(#cat#on (rom 'ocat#ons outs#de the dwelling unit. 8<9 ;he d#stance (rom the ,ottom o( an e5haust out'et to (#n#shed ground 'e$e' or to any nearer and 'ower &ermanent hor#Conta' sur(ace sha'' ,e not 'ess than 100 mm. 8;9 8here a#r #nta7e and e5haust o&en#ngs are #n e5&osed 'ocat#ons, &ro$#s#on sha'' ,e made to &rotect them (rom the entry o( &rec#&#tat#on ,y the use o( 'ou$res, weather cow's or other su#ta,'e &rotect#on. 8=9 %#r #nta7e o&en#ngs sha'' #ncor&orate screens or gr#''es to &rotect aga#nst the entry o( an#ma's and #nsects. 899 65ce&t (or e5haust out'ets ser$#ng heat reco$ery $ent#'ators, e5haust out'ets sha'' #ncor&orate ,ac7dra(t dam&ers. 81>9 65ce&t (or c'othes dryers, e5haust out'ets sha'' ,e (#tted w#th screens o( mesh not 'arger than 11 mm, e5ce&t where c'#mat#c cond#t#ons may re:u#re 'arger o&en#ngs. 8119 8here a screen or gr#''e re:u#red ,y /entences 2 3 and 2103 has a screen mesh 'ess than 6 mm, the screen or gr#''e sha'' ,e remo$a,'e (or c'ean#ng. 8129 ;he gross area o( the screens or gr#''es #nsta''ed #n #nta7e and e5haust o&en#ngs sha'' ,e three t#mes that o( the duct ser$ed. 81!9 /creens and gr#''es sha'' ,e o( corros#on-res#stant mater#a'. 8159 ;he net (ree area o( an a#r #nta7e or e5haust out'et sha'' ,e e:ua' to or greater than the cross-sect#ona' area o( the duct ser$ed. 9,!2,!,1!, Inst$ll$tion 819 +nsta''at#on o( (ans and heat reco$ery $ent#'ators sha'' ,e #n accordance w#th manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons (or m#n#m#C#ng no#se and $#,rat#on transm#ss#on and ach#e$#ng the re:u#red sound rat#ng. 829 8here ('ow-regu'at#ng dam&ers are re:u#red, they sha'' ,e ad0usta,'e and access#,'e w#thout re:u#r#ng the remo$a' o( (ans, motors, or #nsu'at#ng mater#a's and w#thout the need (or s&ec#a'#Ced too's. 8!9 Hent#'at#on e:u#&ment sha'' ,e access#,'e (or #ns&ect#on, ma#ntenance, re&a#r and c'ean#ng. 859 Hent#'at#on e:u#&ment #nsta''ed #n unheated s&aces sha'' ,e #nsta''ed so as to a$o#d condensat#on o( mo#sture on (ans and motors #n accordance w#th the manu(acturerDs #nstruct#ons. (ection 9,!!, Ee$ting $nd Air:Conditioning 9,!!,1, Gener$l 9,!!,1,1, #esign $nd Inst$ll$tion Re4uirements 819 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( centra' heat#ng systems, #nc'ud#ng re:u#rements (or com,ust#on a#r, sha'' con(orm to -art 6 and th#s /ect#on. 829 ;he des#gn and #nsta''at#on o( air-conditioning systems sha'' con(orm to -art 6. 114

8!9 Re&a#rs or com&onent re&'acements that change the ca&ac#ty or e5tent o( sa(ety o( an e5#st#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng or air-conditioning system and that a'ter the method o( o&erat#on sha'' con(orm to th#s )ode. 9,!!,1,2, (olid +uel:Burning$nces 819 ;he des#gn, construct#on and #nsta''at#on, #nc'ud#ng the &ro$#s#on o( com,ust#on a#r, o( so'#d-(ue' ,urn#ng appliances and e:u#&ment, #nc'ud#ng stoves, coo#tops and space heaters, sha'' con(orm to )%B!)/%-*361, >+nsta''at#on )ode (or /o'#d-Fue'-*urn#ng %&&'#ances and 6:u#&ment?. 829 /o'#d (ue'-,urn#ng stoves, furnaces and hydron#c heat#ng systems des#gned to ,urn so'#d (ue's, other than coa', sha'' con(orm to the &art#cu'ate em#ss#on '#m#ts o(, 2a3 )/% *411.1, >-er(ormance ;est#ng o( /o'#d-Fue'-*urn#ng =eat#ng %&&'#ances?, or 2,3 the >/tandards o( -er(ormance (or Bew Res#dent#a' 8ood =eaters?, set out #n /u,&art %%% o( -art 60 o( ;#t'e 40 o( the )ode o( Federa' Regu'at#ons, &u,'#shed ,y the @n#ted /tates 6n$#ronmenta' -rotect#on %gency, as #t read on Bo$em,er 1, 2013. 9,!!,1,!, (tructur$l )o1ement 819 8here the building #s #n a 'ocat#on where the s&ectra' res&onse acce'erat#on, / a20.23, #s greater than 0.11, heat#ng and air-conditioning e:u#&ment w#th (ue' or &ower connect#ons sha'' ,e secured to the structure to res#st o$erturn#ng and d#s&'acement. 9,!!,2, Re4uired Ee$ting (3stems 9,!!,2,1, Residenti$l Ee$ting (3stems 819 Res#dent#a' buildings #ntended (or use #n the w#nter months on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th heat#ng (ac#'#t#es con(orm#ng to th#s /ect#on. 9,!!,2,2, E4ui.ment (i-ing 819 ;he heat#ng system ca&ac#ty sha'' ,e ,ased on the heat#ng 'oad ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th /entence 829 8here a coo'#ng system #s #nsta''ed, the coo'#ng system ca&ac#ty sha'' ,e ,ased on the coo'#ng 'oad ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th /entence 8!9 ;he heat#ng and coo'#ng e:u#&ment ca&ac#t#es sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( )%B!)/%F2 0-<, >"eterm#n#ng the Re:u#red )a&ac#ty o( Res#dent#a' /&ace =eat#ng and )oo'#ng %&&'#ances?.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 8!9 is $mended b3 striAing out BCAN"C(A:+2=>:)C $nd substituting BC(A +2=>C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, =2, 15> 8299

9,!!,!, #esign$tures 9,!!,!,1, Indoor #esign$tures 819 %t the outs#de des#gn tem&erature, re:u#red heat#ng (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e ca&a,'e o( ma#nta#n#ng an #ndoor a#r tem&erature o( not 'ess than, 2a3 22) #n a'' '#$#ng s&aces, 2,3 22) #n un(#n#shed basements, and 2c3 11) #n heated craw' s&aces. 9,!!,!,2, Outdoor #esign$tures 819 ;he outdoor cond#t#ons to ,e used #n des#gn#ng heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng and air-conditioning systems sha'' ,e the a&&ro&r#ate $a'ues (or the 'ocat#on as set out #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-1, >)'#mat#c and /e#sm#c "ata?, us#ng 2.1 &ercent des#gn tem&erature cr#ter#a. 9,!!,5, C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms 9,!!,5,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to e$ery building that, 2a3 conta#ns a residential occupancy, and 2,3 conta#ns a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance or a storage garage. 9,!!,5,2, Loc$tion o/ C$rbon )ono?ide Al$rms 819 8here a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance #s #nsta''ed #n a suite o( residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n the suite.


829 8here a (ue'-,urn#ng appliance #s #nsta''ed #n a service room that #s not #n a suite o( residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed, 2a3 ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n e$ery suite o( residential occupancy that #s ad0acent to the service room, and 2,3 #n the service room. 8!9 8here a storage garage #s 'ocated #n a building conta#n#ng a residential occupancy, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n e$ery suite o( residential occupancy that #s ad0acent to the storage garage. 859 8here a storage garage ser$es on'y the dwelling unit to wh#ch #t #s attached or ,u#'t #n, a car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e #nsta''ed ad0acent to each s'ee&#ng area #n the dwelling unit. 879 % car,on mono5#de a'arm sha'' ,e mechan#ca''y (#5ed, 2a3 at the manu(acturerDs recommended he#ght, or 2,3 #n the a,sence o( s&ec#(#c #nstruct#ons, on or near the ce#'#ng. 9,!!,5,!, Inst$ll$tion $nd Con/orm$nce to (t$nd$rds 819 ;he car,on mono5#de a'arm re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e sha'', 2a3 e5ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence 223, ,e &ermanent'y connected to an e'ectr#ca' c#rcu#t and sha'' ha$e no d#sconnect sw#tch ,etween the o$ercurrent de$#ce and the car,on mono5#de a'arm, 2,3 ,e w#red so that #ts act#$at#on w#'' act#$ate a'' car,on mono5#de a'arms w#th#n the suite, where 'ocated w#th#n a suite o( residential occupancy, 2c3 ,e e:u#&&ed w#th an a'arm that #s aud#,'e w#th#n ,edrooms when the #nter$en#ng doors are c'osed, where 'ocated ad0acent to a s'ee&#ng area, and 2d3 con(orm to, 2#3 )%B!)/%-6.19, >Res#dent#a' )ar,on <ono5#de %'arm#ng "e$#ces?, or 2##3 @L 2034, >/#ng'e and <u't#&'e /tat#on )ar,on <ono5#de %'arms?. 829 8here the building #s not su&&'#ed w#th e'ectr#ca' &ower, car,on mono5#de a'arms are &erm#tted to ,e ,attery o&erated. (ection 9,!5, Electric$l +$cilities 9,!5,1, Gener$l 9,!5,1,1, Reser1ed 9,!5,1,2, Re4uired +$cilities 819 8here e'ectr#ca' ser$#ces are a$a#'a,'e, e'ectr#ca' (ac#'#t#es sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or e$ery building #n con(ormance w#th th#s /ect#on. 9,!5,1,!, Loc$tion o/ E4ui.ment in %ublic Are$s 819 6ntrance sw#tches, meters, &ane' ,o5es, s&'#tter ,o5es, t#me c'oc7s and other s#m#'ar e:u#&ment sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n any &u,'#c area un'ess ade:uate &recaut#ons are ta7en to &re$ent #nter(erence w#th the e:u#&ment. 9,!5,1,5, Recessed Lig0ting +i?tures 819 Recessed '#ght#ng (#5tures sha'' not ,e 'ocated #n #nsu'ated ce#'#ngs un'ess the (#5tures are des#gned (or such #nsta''at#ons. 9,!5,1,7, 6iring $nd C$bles 819 65ce&t (or dwelling units and e5ce&t as re:u#red #n /entence 223, o&t#ca' (#,re ca,'es and e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es #nsta''ed #n buildings &erm#tted to ,e o( combustible construction sha'', 2a3 not con$ey ('ame or cont#nue to ,urn (or more than 1 m#n when tested #n con(ormance w#th the Hert#ca' F'ame ;est #n )'ause 4.11.1. o( )/% )22.2 Bo. 0.3, >;est <ethods (or 6'ectr#ca' 8#res and )a,'es?, 2F;1 Rat#ng3, or 2,3 ,e 'ocated #n, 2#3 tota''y enc'osed noncombustible raceways, 2##3 masonry wa''s, 2###3 concrete s'a,s, or 2#$3 tota''y enc'osed non meta''#c raceways con(orm#ng to )'ause,3.


829 8here a concea'ed s&ace #n a ('oor or ce#'#ng assem,'y #s used as a plenum, e'ectr#ca' w#res and ca,'es w#th#n the plenum sha'' con(orm to /entence 9,!5,2, Lig0ting Outlets 9,!5,2,1, Lig0ting o/ Entr$nces 819 %n e5ter#or '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch 'ocated w#th#n the building sha'' ,e &ro$#ded at e$ery entrance to buildings o( residential occupancy. 829 ;he e5ter#or '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture re:u#red ,y /entence 213 may ,e contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch or &ane' access#,'e to author#Ced &ersonne' on'y, where #t ser$es, 2a3 a building entrance ser$#ng mu't#&'e suites o( residential occupancy, 2,3 mu't#&'e dwelling unit entrances, 2c3 hotels, or 2d3 mote's. 9,!5,2,2, Outlets in #2elling nits 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n 7#tchens, ,edrooms, '#$#ng rooms, ut#'#ty rooms, 'aundry rooms, d#n#ng rooms, ,athrooms, water c'oset rooms, $est#,u'es and ha''ways #n dwelling units. 829 8here a rece&tac'e contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch #s &ro$#ded #n ,edrooms or '#$#ng rooms, such rooms need not con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 213. 9,!5,2,!, (t$ir2$3s 819 6$ery sta#rway sha'' ,e '#ghted. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, 3-way wa'' sw#tches 'ocated at the head and (oot o( e$ery sta#rway sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to contro' at 'east one '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture (or sta#rways w#th (our or more r#sers #n dwelling units. 8!9 ;he sta#rway '#ght#ng (or basements that do not conta#n (#n#shed s&ace or 'ead to an outs#de entrance or ,u#'t-#n garage and that ser$e not more than one dwelling unit #s &erm#tted to ,e contro''ed ,y a s#ng'e sw#tch 'ocated at the head o( the sta#rs. 9,!5,2,5, B$sements 819 % '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or each 30 mA o( ('oor area or (ract#on o( #t #n un(#n#shed basements. 829 ;he out'et re:u#red #n /entence 213 nearest the sta#rs sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch 'ocated at the head o( the sta#rs. 9,!5,2,7, (tor$ge Rooms 819 % '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n storage rooms. 9,!5,2,<, G$r$ges $nd C$r.orts 819 % '#ght#ng out'et w#th (#5ture sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or an attached, ,u#'t-#n or detached garage or car&ort. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, '#ght#ng out'ets re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch near the doorway. 8!9 8here the '#ght#ng out'et and (#5ture re:u#red #n /entence 213 are ce#'#ng mounted a,o$e an area not norma''y occu&#ed ,y a &ar7ed car, or are wa'' mounted, a (#5ture w#th a ,u#'t-#n sw#tch #s &erm#tted to ,e used. 859 8here a car&ort #s '#ghted ,y a '#ght at the entrance to a dwelling unit, add#t#ona' car&ort '#ght#ng #s not re:u#red. 9,!5,2,;, %ublic $nd (er1ice Are$s 819 6$ery &u,'#c or ser$#ce area #n buildings, #nc'ud#ng a recreational camp and a camp for housing of wor#ers, sha'' ha$e '#ght#ng out'ets w#th (#5tures contro''ed ,y a wa'' sw#tch or &ane' to #''um#nate such areas. 829 8hen &ro$#ded ,y #ncandescent '#ght#ng, #''um#nat#on re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e 9.34.2... 8!9 8hen other ty&es o( '#ght#ng are used, #''um#nat#on e:u#$a'ent to that shown #n ;a,'e 9.34.2... sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. T$ble 9,!5,2,;, Lig0ting /or %ublic Are$s Form#ng -art o( /entences 9.34.2...223 and 233
+tem )o'umn 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3


Room or /&ace 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .! . 9. /torage rooms Service rooms and 'aundry areas 4arages -u,'#c water c'oset rooms /er$#ce ha''ways and sta#rways Recreat#on rooms =a''ways, corr#dors, sta#rways and s'ee&#ng areas #n recreational camps and camps for housing of wor#ers Z#tchen #n recreational camps and camps for housing of wor#ers %'' other rooms #n recreational camps and camps for housing of wor#ers

<#n#mum +''um#nat#on, '5 10 200 10 100 10 100 100 100 210

<#n#mum L#ght#ng -ower "ens#ty, 8!m2 o( floor area 2#ncandescent '#ght#ng3 1 20 1 10 1 10 10 10 21

9,!5,!, Emergenc3 Lig0ting 9,!5,!,1, Emergenc3 Lig0ting 819 6mergency '#ght#ng sha'' con(orm to /u,sect#on 9.9.12. (ection 9,!7, G$r$ges $nd C$r.orts 9,!7,1, (co.e 9,!7,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to garages and car&orts ser$#ng a s#ng'e dwelling unit. 9,!7,1,2, Construction Re4uirements 819 ;he construct#on o( a garage or car&ort sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements (or other buildings #n th#s -art e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n th#s /ect#on. 9,!7,2, Gener$l 9,!7,2,1, C$r.ort Considered to be G$r$ge 819 8here a roo(ed enc'osure used (or the storage or &ar7#ng o( motor $eh#c'es has more than 60 &er cent o( the tota' &er#meter enc'osed ,y wa''s, doors or w#ndows, the enc'osure sha'' ,e cons#dered a garage. 9,!7,2,2, G$r$ge +loor 819 8here an attached or ,u#'t-#n garage #s &ro$#ded, the garage ('oor sha'' ,e s'o&ed to dra#n '#:u#ds to the outdoors. 9,!7,!, +ound$tions 9,!7,!,1, +ound$tion Re4uired 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n th#s /u,sect#on, foundations con(orm#ng to /ect#ons 9.12. and 9.11. sha'' ,e &ro$#ded (or the su&&ort o( car&ort and garage su&er-structures, #nc'ud#ng that &ort#on ,eneath garage doors. 9,!7,!,2, %rotection /rom #$m$ge due to (oil )o1ement 819 +n c'ay-ty&e soils su,0ect to s#gn#(#cant mo$ement w#th a change #n soil mo#sture content, the foundation de&th o( car&orts or garages connected to a dwelling unit d#rect'y or ,y a ,reeCeway sha'' ,e a&&ro5#mate'y the same de&th as the ma#n building foundation. 829 8here s'a,-on-ground construct#on #s used, a construct#on 0o#nt sha'' ,e &ro$#ded ,etween the ma#n building s'a, and the garage or ,reeCeway or car&ort s'a,. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 9.12., foundations (or attached unheated garages or car&orts sha'' ,e ,e'ow (rost 'e$e'. 9,!7,!,!, (m$ll G$r$ges 819 "etached garages o( 'ess than 11 mA ('oor area and not more than 1 storey #n he#ght may ,e su&&orted on wood mud s#''s &ro$#ded the garage #s not o( masonry or masonry $eneer construct#on. 9,!7,!,5, Column %iers 819 -#ers (or the su&&ort o( car&ort co'umns sha'' e5tend not 'ess than 110 mm a,o$e ground 'e$e'. 829 -#ers re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' &ro0ect not 'ess than 21 mm ,eyond the ,ase o( the co'umn ,ut #n no case ,e 'ess than 190 mm ,y 190 mm #n s#Ce. 9,!7,5, 6$lls $nd Columns 11

9,!7,5,1, Interior +inis0 819 +nter#or (#n#sh need not ,e a&&'#ed to garage and car&ort wa''s. 9,!7,5,2, Columns 819 )o'umns (or garages and car&orts sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.1.., e5ce&t that 9 mm ,y 9 mm wood co'umns may ,e used. 9,!7,5,!, Anc0or$ge 819 4arage or car&ort wa''s and co'umns sha'' ,e anchored to the foundation to res#st w#nd u&'#(t #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.23.6., e5ce&t that where a garage #s su&&orted on the sur(ace o( the ground, ground anchors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to res#st w#nd u&'#(t. (ection 9,!<, Cott$ges 9,!<,1, (co.e 9,!<,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to buildings o( residential occupancy used or #ntended to ,e used as seasona' recreat#ona' buildings. 829 ;he buildings descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' com&'y w#th a'' the re:u#rements o( th#s -art, e5ce&t where they are s&ec#(#ca''y e5em&ted #n th#s /ect#on. 9,!<,2, Gener$l 9,!<,2,1, E?clusions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#on 9.10.11. and %rt#c'es and, buildings used or #ntended to ,e used as seasona' recreat#ona' buildings need not com&'y w#th /ect#ons 9.1. to 9... and 9.9. to 9.11. 829 F'oor#ng need not com&'y w#th /ect#on 9.30., ,ut t#ght-(#tt#ng ('oors sha'' ,e &ro$#ded to su&&ort the live and dead loads. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, therma' #nsu'at#on, vapour barrier, a#r ,arr#er construct#on, #nter#or (#n#shes, &'um,#ng, heat#ng, mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on, air-conditioning and e'ectr#ca' (ac#'#t#es, need not ,e &ro$#ded, ,ut where any o( these are &ro$#ded, they sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s -art. 859 8here heat#ng and air-conditioning are &ro$#ded, %rt#c'e need not ,e com&'#ed w#th. 9,!<,2,2, +ound$tions 819 )ont#nuous &er#meter foundation wa''s are not re:u#red, ,ut when they are &ro$#ded, they sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( th#s -art. 829 8here un#t masonry co'umns are used, the he#ght o( such co'umns sha'' not e5ceed, 2a3 #n the case o( ho''ow masonry un#ts, 4 t#mes the 'east d#mens#on o( the un#ts, 2,3 #n the case o( so'#d masonry un#ts or ho''ow un#ts w#th $o#ds (#''ed w#th concrete, 10 t#mes the 'east d#mens#on o( the co'umn, or 2c3 where the co'umn #s re#n(orced w#th at 'east (our 13 mm d#am ,ars and (#''ed w#th concrete, 1 t#mes the 'east d#mens#on o( the co'umn. 8!9 )o'umns #n e5cess o( the he#ght '#m#tat#ons o( )'auses 2232a3 to 2c3 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 9,!<,2,!, 6$ter.roo/ing $nd #$m..roo/ing 819 8here foundations ,e'ow ground 'e$e' and concrete ('oors on ground are used, they sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#on 9.13. 9,!<,2,5, (moAe Al$rms 819 6$ery dwelling unit w#th#n the sco&e o( th#s /ect#on sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th a smo#e alarm #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19. 9,!<,!, Tourist Accommod$tion 9,!<,!,1, Buildings /or (e$son$l Tourist Accommod$tion or /or Rent 819 8here buildings are used or #ntended to ,e used (or seasona' tour#st accommodat#on or (or rent, they sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#ons 9.1. to 9. . #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on. (ection 9,!;, Log Construction 9,!;,1, Gener$l 119

9,!;,1,1, )$teri$l Re4uirements 819 Logs that are sound and (ree o( (ractures may ,e used (or foundations, ,eams, &osts and s#m#'ar mem,ers, &ro$#ded #t can ,e shown ,y a structura' ana'ys#s or tests or &re$#ous e5&er#ence that the strength o( the mem,er #s ade:uate (or #ts #ntended &ur&oses. 9,!;,1,2, Re4uirement /or 6ood %reser1$ti1e 819 ;he &ort#on o( any 'og com#ng #n contact w#th masonry or concrete at or ,e'ow grade sha'' ,e treated w#th a wood &reser$at#$e to &re$ent decay. 9,!;,1,!, E?terior *oints 819 %'' e5ter#or 0o#nts ,etween 'ogs sha'' ,e rendered water-t#ght ,y methods such as mach#ned 0o#nts, oa7um &ac7#ng, cement &arg#ng, ch#n7#ng, cau'7#ng or a com,#nat#on o( these. 9,!;,2, 6$lls 9,!;,2,1, Logs 819 8a''s may ,e ,u#'t o( natura' or manu(actured 'ogs. 9,!;,2,2, Att$c0ment o/ Logs 819 8a''s made o( 'ogs #n a hor#Conta' &os#t#on sha'' ha$e #nter'oc7#ng #ntersect#ons that w#'' &re$ent the co''ect#on o( water #n the 0o#nts, or the hor#Conta' 'ogs sha'' ,utt to a $ert#ca' corner &ost to wh#ch the hor#Conta' 'ogs sha'' ,e (#rm'y attached. 9,!;,2,!, *oining Logs 819 6ach 'og #n a hor#Conta' &os#t#on sha'' ,e scr#,ed as c'ose as &oss#,'e to #ts ,earer and (astened to the ,earer #n at 'east three &'aces throughout #ts 'ength, ,y dowe's, cont#nuous mach#ned 0o#nts, $ert#ca' (ram#ng mem,ers or #nter'oc7#ng #ntersect#ons or any com,#nat#on o( these, ,ut #n no case sha'' the d#stance ,etween (asten#ngs e5ceed 1 00 mm. 9,!;,2,5, 'ertic$l Logs 819 6ach 'og #n a wa'' ,u#'t o( $ert#ca' 'ogs sha'' ,e scr#,ed to (#t as c'ose'y as &oss#,'e to the ad0acent 'ogs. 9,!;,2,7, %l$tes 819 Logs used #n a $ert#ca' &os#t#on sha'' ha$e a &'ate at the to& and a &'ate at the ,ottom and the &'ates sha'' ,e at 'east as w#de as the 'argest end d#ameter o( any o( the 'ogs. 9,!;,!, Lintels 9,!;,!,1, (u..ort O1er O.enings 819 Logs &'aced #n $ert#ca' &os#t#on sha'' ,e su&&orted o$er w#ndow and door o&en#ngs ,y '#nte's meet#ng the re:u#rements o( ;a,'es %-12 to %-16. 9,!;,!,2, Cle$r$nce 819 %t e$ery o&en#ng #n a wa'' made o( 'ogs #n a hor#Conta' &os#t#on where shr#n7age can occur there sha'' ,e a c'earance ,etween the rough ,uc7 header and the '#nte' 'og o( not 'ess than 13 mm #n w#dth (or each 300 mm o( he#ght to a''ow (or sett'ement. (ection 9,!=, %$rA )odel Tr$ilers 9,!=,1, (co.e 9,!=,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to manu(actured buildings des#gned and constructed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es, >-ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers?, and used or #ntended to ,e used as a seasona' recreat#ona' building o( residential occupancy. 9,!=,2, Gener$l 9,!=,2,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /u,sect#on 9.3 .3., a manu(actured building used or #ntended to ,e used as a seasona' recreat#ona' building o( residential occupancy #s deemed to com&'y w#th th#s )ode #( #t #s des#gned and constructed #n con(ormance w#th )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es, >-ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers?. 9,!=,!, Re4uirements 9,!=,!,1, Ot0er Building Com.onents 819 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s )ode sha'' a&&'y to building com&onents des#gned and constructed outs#de the &'ace o( manu(acture o( a building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.3 .1.1. 160

9,!=,!,2, (.$ti$l (e.$r$tion 819 $uildings descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.3 .1.1. sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#on 9.10. where the building #s, 2a3 used or #ntended to ,e used (or seasona' tour#st accommodat#on, or 2,3 'eased or #ntended to ,e 'eased. 9,!=,!,!, +ound$tions $nd Anc0or$ge 819 $uildings descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.3 .1.1. sha'' ,e su&&orted and anchored #n con(ormance w#th the manu(acturerjs #nsta''at#on #nstruct#ons. 9,!=,!,5, %ro?imit3 to Abo1e Ground Electric$l Conductors 819 $uildings descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 9.3 .1.1. sha'' com&'y w#th %rt#c'e (ection 9,!9, Rein/orced Concrete (l$bs 9,!9,1, (co.e 9,!9,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to, 2a3 re#n(orced concrete s'a,s that are sus&ended o$er co'd rooms #n basements, and are su&&orted ,y foundation wa''s a'ong the &er#meter o( the s'a, w#th no add#t#ona' #nter#or su&&orts, and 2,3 s'a,s #n wh#ch the c'ear s&an ,etween su&&ort#ng wa''s #s not more than 2.1 m a'ong the shortest d#mens#on o( the s'a,. 829 /'a,s (or cond#t#ons other than descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4. 8!9 ;h#s /ect#on does not a&&'y to re#n(orced concrete s'a,s #ntended to su&&ort motor $eh#c'es. 9,!9,1,2, Concrete 819 )oncrete sha'' con(orm to /ect#on 9.3. 9,!9,1,!, Rein/orcing (teel 819 Re#n(orc#ng stee' sha'' con(orm to 4rade 400 #n )%B!)/%-430.1 -<, >*#''et-/tee' *ars (or )oncrete Re#n(orcement?. 9,!9,1,5, (l$b Construction 819 )oncrete sha'' ,e cast aga#nst (orm wor7 #n accordance w#th )/% %23.1, >)oncrete <ater#a's and <ethods o( )oncrete )onstruct#on?. 829 ;he s'a, sha'' ,e not 'ess than 121 mm th#c7. 8!9 ;he s'a, sha'' ,e re#n(orced w#th 10< ,ars s&aced not more than 200 mm o.c. #n each d#rect#on, w#th 30 mm c'ear co$er (rom the ,ottom o( the s'a, to the (#rst 'ayer o( ,ars, and the second 'ayer o( ,ars 'a#d d#rect'y on to& o( the 'ower 'ayer #n the o&&os#te d#rect#on. 859 ;he s'a, sha'' ,ear not 'ess than .1 mm on the su&&ort#ng foundation wa''s and ,e anchored to the wa''s w#th 600 mmR 600 mm 10< ,ent dowe's s&aced at not more than 600 mm o.c. 879 65&osed s'a,s sha'' ,e s'o&ed to e((ect#$e'y shed water away (rom the e5ter#or wa''. (ection 9,5>, Addition$l Re4uirements /or C0$nge o/ se 9,5>,1, (co.e 9,5>,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es where &ro&osed construction #n res&ect o( an e5#st#ng building w#'' resu't #n any o( the (o''ow#ng changes o( use o( a'' or &art o( the building: 2a3 a change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( a building that #s des#gnated w#th a >\? #n ;a,'e o( "#$#s#on ), 2,3 a suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy #s con$erted #nto more than one suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2c3 a farm building or &art o( a farm building #s changed to a major occupancy, 2d3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a post-disaster building, 2e3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, or


2(3 the use o( a building or &art o( a building #s changed and the &re$#ous major occupancy o( the building or &art o( the building cannot ,e determ#ned. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on and /entences and, the changes o( use set out #n )'auses 213 2,3 to 2(3 are a'so deemed to const#tute a change #n major occupancy. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( th#s /ect#on are #n add#t#on to the re:u#rements o( other -arts o( the )ode as they a&&'y to the &ro&osed construction. 9,5>,2, Addition$l Construction 9,5>,2,1, C0$nge o/ se $nd Com.ens$ting Construction 819 8here &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n a change o( use descr#,ed #n )'auses to 2e3, add#t#ona' construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n order that the building or &art o( a building su,0ect to the change o( use con(orms to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#ons 9.1.1. and 9.1.3. to 9.1.10., /ect#on 9.6., %rt#c'e 9...2.3. /entences 9...1.1.223 and 9...6.2.213 and 233, %rt#c'es 9. . .1. and, /u,sect#on 9.10.1.. and /ect#ons 9.31., 9.32. and 9.34. as they a&&'y to the new major occupancy that the building or &art o( a building #s to su&&ort. 829 For the &ur&oses o( th#s %rt#c'e, e5#st#ng buildings sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as to the#r construction and occupancy as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 9,5>,2,2, %er/orm$nce Le1el E1$lu$tion $nd Com.ens$ting Construction 819 ;he performance level o( a building a(ter construction sha'' not ,e 'ess than the performance level o( the building &r#or to construction. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, reduct#on o( performance level sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'es, and 8!9 8here the &ro&osed construction wou'd reduce the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building, com&ensat#ng construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th %rt#c'es,, and 859 /ect#on 11.1. a&&'#es #n res&ect o( the re:u#rements o( /entences, 233 and 243. 1T$ble A:1 )$?imum (.$ns /or +loor *oists M Gener$l C$ses819 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. 8#th *r#dg#ng Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.19 1.99 1..3 3.44 3.12 2..3 4.1 3.92 3.19 4. 6 4.1. 4.29 1.49 1.16 4. 1 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.00 3..6 3.44 4.66 4.3 4.11 1.26 4.94 4.61 1.91 1.69 1.3 2.. 2.41 1.9. 3.3 2.93 2.39 4.14 3.1 2.93 4. 0 4.16 3.39 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1. 1.63 1.33 2.16 1.96 1..1 3.39 3.0 2.69 4.12 3. . 3.14 4. 0 4.11 4.23 1.42 1.09 4.. 2.09 1.90 1.66 )o'. 9 )o'. 10 )o'. 11 )o'. 12 Jo#st /#Ce, <a5#mum /&an, m mm 8#th /tra&&#ng223 Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.13 1.9. 1..3 3.23 3.0. 2..3 3. 3.69 3.11 4.1. 4.34 4.13 1.21 4.91 4..1 2.00 1. 1 1.66 3.09 2.91 2.62 3..1 3.13 3.36 4.3 4.16 3.96 4.99 4..1 4.12 1.90 1.69 1.3 2.. 2.41 1.9. 3.3 2.93 2.39 4.14 3.1 2.93 4. 0 4.16 3.39 1.90 1... 1.61 1. 1 1.63 1.33 2.0 1.93 1..1 3.1 3.03 2.69 3. 2 3.64 3.46 4.10 4.2 4.0 1.14 4. 9 4.61 2.00 1. 1 1.66


"oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3


3 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 =em N F#r /e'ect 3 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 /tructura' 3 and %ma,#'#s F#r3 3 3 3 3

/e'ect /tructura'

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9

8#th /tra&&#ng223 and *r#dg#ng Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.19 1.99 1..3 3.44 3.12 2..3 4.3. 4.0. 3.19 1.01 4..0 4.39 1.66 1.2 4.92 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.19 3.90 3.44 4. 4 4.11 4.20 1.43 1.06 4..2 1.91 1.69 1.3 2.. 2.41 1.9. 3.3 2.93 2.39 4.14 3.1 2.93 4. 0 4.16 3.39 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1. 1.63 1.33 2.16 1.96 1..1 3.39 3.0 2.69 4.31 4.02 3.14 4.9 4.64 4.33 1.19 1.21 4. 6 2.09 1.90 1.66


Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

3 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

3.09 3..1 4.3 4.99 1.90 2.99 3.60 4.24 4. 4 1.90 1. 1 1.91 3.01 3.66 4.31 4.91 1. 6 2.92 3.14 4.1. 4..1 1. 1 2. 4 3.4. 4.09 4.6. 1. 1 1..0 1.61 2.19 3.2. 3. 1 4.39 1.19 2.11 3.19 3..6 4.29 1.14 2.42 3.12 3.6. 4.19 1.14 1.4

2.91 3.13 4.16 4..1 1... 2.. 3.42 4.03 4.60 1... 1.6 1. 1 2. 1 3.4 4.10 4.6. 1..2 2..1 3.36 3.96 4.12 1.6 2.64 3.30 3. 9 4.44 1.6 1.1 1.13 2.41 3.11 3.66 4.1 1.4 2.33 3.04 3.1 4.0 1.43 2.24 2.90 3.49 3.9 1.43 1.3.

2.62 3.36 3.96 4.12 1.61 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.61 1.39 1.64 2.1. 3.31 3.90 4.41 1.1 2.49 3.20 3... 4.30 1.11 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.11 1.44 1.42 2.24 2.94 3.4 3.9. 1.3. 2.16 2. 4 3.41 3. 1.32 1.94 2.3. 2. 9 3.36 1.32 1.11

3.29 4.00 4.66 1.26 2.03 3.19 3. 4.11 1.10 2.03 1.96 2.06 3.24 3.94 4.19 1.1 1.99 3.14 3. 1 4.44 1.01 1.96 3.0 3..4 4.36 4.92 1.96 1. 1. 4 2.90 3.12 4.10 4.63 1. 0 2. 3 3.44 4.01 4.13 1..4 2..4 3.31 3.91 4.42 1..4 1.63

2.99 3..6 4.3 4.94 1. 4 2.90 3.61 4.24 4..9 1. 4 1..1 1. . 2.91 3..0 4.31 4. . 1. 1 2. 1 3.1 4.1. 4..1 1.. 2. 0 3.12 4.09 4.62 1.. 1..1 1.6 2.63 3.31 3. 1 4.31 1.64 2.1. 3.23 3... 4.21 1.1. 2.3 2.90 3.14 4.11 1.1. 1.41

2.62 3.44 4.11 4.61 1.61 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.61 1.39 1.64 2.1. 3.3 4.01 4.1. 1.1 2.49 3.2. 3.92 4.42 1.11 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.11 1.44 1.46 2.30 3.03 3.62 4.09 1.43 2.21 2.96 3.14 4.00 1.36 1.94 2.3. 2. 9 3.36 1.40 1.11

3.29 4.19 4. 4 1.43 2.03 3.19 4.06 4.6 1.26 2.03 1.96 2.06 3.24 4.12 4..6 1.34 1.99 3.14 3.99 4.60 1.1. 1.96 3.0 3.92 4.12 1.0 1.96 1. 1. 4 2.90 3.69 4.26 4.. 1. 0 2. 3 3.60 4.16 4.6. 1..6 2..1 3.31 4.06 4.11 1..6 1.63

2.99 3.90 4.11 1.06 1. 4 2.90 3.61 4.3. 4.90 1. 4 1..1 1. . 2.91 3. 4 4.44 4.9 1. 1 2. 1 3..2 4.29 4. 2 1.. 2. 0 3.61 4.22 4..3 1.. 1..1 1.6 2.63 3.44 3.9. 4.41 1.64 2.1. 3.36 3. 4.31 1.60 2.3 2.90 3.14 4.11 1.60 1.41

2.62 3.44 4.20 4..2 1.61 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.61 1.39 1.64 2.1. 3.3 4.14 4.64 1.1 2.49 3.2. 4.00 4.49 1.11 2.43 2.91 3.61 4.19 1.11 1.44 1.46 2.30 3.03 3..0 4.11 1.43 2.21 2.96 3.62 4.06 1.36 1.94 2.3. 2. 9 3.36 1.40 1.11



3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /&ruce N -#ne N F#r /e'ect 3 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' /tructura' 3 s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a 3 /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, 3 Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r 3 and %'&#ne F#r3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes /e'ect 3 any )anad#an /&ec#es /tructura' 3 co$ered ,y the BL4% 3 /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3

Notes to T$ble A:1&


/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oor does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e

/ee /entence (or a'ternat#$es to stra&&#ng. T$ble A:2 )$?imum (.$ns /or +loor *oists M (.eci$l C$ses819 Form#ng -art o( /entences and


)o'umn 1

)o'umn 2

)o'umn 3 Jo#st /#Ce, mm

)o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'.

)o'. 9 )o'. 10

)o'. 11

)o'. 12

)ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on 4rade

<a5#mum /&an, m Jo#sts w#th )e#'#ngs %ttached to 8ood Furr#ng 8#thout *r#dg#ng 8#th *r#dg#ng

Jo#sts w#th )oncrete ;o&&#ng 8#th or 8#thout *r#dg#ng223



"oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3

/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3.


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes any )anad#an /&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9

Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.19 1.99 1..3 3.44 3.12 2..3 4.24 3.99 3.19 4.9 4.69 4.29 1.6. 1.34 4. 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.06 3. 3 3.44 4.. 4.10 4.11 1.44 1.12 4.6 1.91 1.69 1.3 2.. 2.41 1.9. 3.3 2.93 2.39 4.14 3.1 2.93 4. 0 4.16 3.39 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1. 1.63 1.33 2.16 1.96 1..1 3.39 3.0 2.69 4.1 3.94 3.14 4.92 4.63 4.23 1.60 1.2. 4. 2 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.06 3. 3 3.44 4.. 4.10 4.11 1.44 1.12 4.6 2.03 1. 4 1.61 3.19 2.90 2.43 3.94 3.61 2.91 4.63 4.36 3.61 1.2. 4.96 4.19 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1.96 1..1 1.39 2.06 1. . 1.64 3.24 2.91 2.1. 4.00 3... 3.3 4..0 4.43 4.01 1.31 1.04 4.61 1.99 1. 1 1.1 3.14 2. 1 2.49 3. . 3.64 3.2. 4.11 4.2 3.91 1.1 4. 4.46 1.96 1.. 1.11 3.0 2. 0 2.43 3. 0 3.1 2.91 4.4. 4.21 3.61 1.09 4..9 4.19 1.96 1.. 1.11 1. 1..1 1.44 1. 4 1.6 1.46 2.90 2.63 2.30 3.1 3.3. 3.03 4.20 3.96 3.62 4..9 4.11 4.12 1. 0 1.64 1.43 2. 3 2.1. 2.21 3.10 3.29 2.96 4.11 3. . 3.14 4.6 4.40 4.03 1..6 1.60 1.36

Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.19 1.99 1..3 3.44 3.12 2..3 4.12 4.11 3.19 1.4. 1.20 4.1 6.19 1. 9 1.14 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.33 3.93 3.44 1.24 4.9 4.31 1.93 1.64 1.00 1.91 1.69 1.3 2.. 2.41 1.9. 3.3 2.93 2.39 4.14 3.1 2.93 4. 0 4.16 3.39 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1. 1.63 1.33 2.16 1.96 1..1 3.39 3.0 2.69 4.46 4.01 3.14 1.39 1.13 4.12 6.10 1. 1 1.4. 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.33 3.93 3.44 1.24 4.9 4.39 1.93 1.64 1.21 2.03 1. 4 1.61 3.19 2.90 2.43 4.1. 3.61 2.91 1.0 4.42 3.61 1..4 1.13 4.19 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1.96 1..1 1.39 2.06 1. . 1.64 3.24 2.91 2.1. 4.26 3. . 3.3 1.16 4.91 4.32 1. 4 1.11 1.23 1.99 1. 1 1.1 3.14 2. 1 2.49 4.12 3..1 3.2. 4.99 4..1 4.1 1.61 1.3. 1.06 1.96 1.. 1.11 3.0 2. 0 2.43 4.01 3.61 2.91 4.90 4.42 3.61 1.11 1.13 4.19 1.96 1.. 1.11 1. 1..1 1.44 1. 4 1.6 1.46 2.90 2.63 2.30 3. 1 3.46 3.03 4.61 4.39 3. 6 1.22 4.96 4.6 1. 0 1.64 1.43 2. 3 2.1. 2.21 3..2 3.3 2.96 4.11 4.29 3..6 1.10 4. 1 4.36 1..6 1.60 1.36

Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.19 1.99 1..3 3.44 3.12 2..3 4.12 4.11 3.19 1... 1.24 4.1 6. 3 6.3. 1.1 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.11 4.33 3. 1 3.11 1.3. 4.61 3. 0 6.24 1.40 4.41 1..2 1.49 1.21 2.41 2.12 1..3 2.9 2.1 2.11 3.61 3.16 2.1 4.23 3.66 2.99 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1.66 1.44 1.1. 2.16 1.96 1..1 3.39 3.0 2.69 4.46 4.01 3.14 1.69 1.1. 4.12 6..4 6.2 1.10 2.09 1.90 1.66 3.29 2.99 2.62 4.33 3.93 3.26 1.13 4. 3.99 6.14 1.66 4.63 2.03 1. 3 1.10 3.02 2.62 2.14 3.6 3.1 2.60 4.10 3. 9 3.1 1.22 4.12 3.69 2.03 1. 4 1.61 1..4 1.10 1.23 2.06 1. . 1.64 3.24 2.91 2.1. 4.26 3. . 3.3 1.41 4.91 4.32 6.41 6.01 1.26 1.99 1. 1 1.1 3.14 2. 1 2.49 4.12 3..1 3.2. 1.2. 4..9 4.13 6.23 1. 1 4..9 1.96 1.. 1.10 3.02 2.62 2.14 3.6 3.1 2.60 4.10 3. 9 3.1 1.22 4.12 3.69 1.96 1.. 1.11 1. 0 1.16 1.2. 1. 4 1.6 1.46 2.90 2.63 2.30 3. 1 3.46 3.03 4. . 4.42 3. 6 1..6 1.3. 4.14 1. 0 1.64 1.43 2. 3 2.1. 2.23 3..2 3.32 2..1 4.69 4.06 3.31 1.44 4..1 3. 4 1..0 1.4. 1.20


)onstruct#on /tandard
Notes to T$ble A:2&

3 3 3 3 3 3

R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

2..1 3.31 4.01 4.16 1..6 1.63

2.3 2.90 3.14 4.11 1.60 1.41

1.94 2.3. 2. 9 3.36 1.40 1.11

2..1 3.31 4.09 4..1 1..6 1.63

2.3 2.90 3.14 4.11 1.60 1.41

1.94 2.3. 2. 9 3.36 1.40 1.11

2.42 2.91 3.61 4.1 1..6 1.44

2.10 2.11 3.12 3.62 1.60 1.21

1..1 2.0 2.11 2.96 1.3. 1.02

/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oor does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e

Bo ,r#dg#ng #s assumed (or s&ans (or ('oor 0o#sts w#th concrete to&&#ng. T$ble A:! )$?imum (.$ns /or Ceiling *oists M Attic not Accessible b3 $ (t$ir2$3 Form#ng -art o( /entence


)o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on "oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3

)o'umn 2 4rade /e'ect /tructura'

)o'umn 3 Jo#st /#Ce, mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6


Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

)o'umn 4 <a5#mum /&an, m Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 3.41 1.3. ..01 9.01 10.96 3.2. 1.14 6..6 .63 10.10 3.1. 4. 9 1.91 ..2. .44 3.1. 3.06 3.36 1.29 6.96 . 10. 1 3.2. 1.14 6..6 .63 10.10 3.1. 4.9 6.11 .36 10.1 3.1. 3.06 3.22 1.06 6.61 .10 10.34 3.11 4.90 6.44 .22 10.00

)o'umn 1 406 3.10 4. 6.41 .1 9.96 2.9. 4.6. 6.14 .. 4 9.14 2. 4.23 1.11 6.30 ..31 2. 2.. 3.06 4. 1 6.32 .0. 9. 2 2.9. 4.6. 6.14 .. 4 9.14 2. 4.13 1.91 ..60 9.01 2. 2.. 2.92 4.60 6.01 ...2 9.40 2. 3 4.41 1. 1 ..4. 9.09

)o'umn 6 610 2..1 4.26 1.60 ..11 ..0 2.19 4.0 1.36 6. 1 .34 2.42 3.46 4.20 1.14 1.9. 2.11 2.34 2.6. 4.20 1.12 ..01 .1 2.19 4.0 1.36 6. 1 .34 2.11 3.91 1.19 6.34 ..36 2.10 2.43 2.11 4.02 1.2 6..4 .21 2.4. 3. 9 1.11 6.12 ..94


Bo. 3


)onstruct#on /tandard Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes /e'ect /tructura' any )anad#an /&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3 Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3

)onstruct#on /tandard

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

3.06 4. 1 6.32 .0. 9. 2 3.06 2.94 2. 4.13 1.91 ..60 9.21 2. 1 4.42 1. 1 ..42 9.03 2..4 4.31 1.6. ..19 .34 2..4 2.6.

2.. 4.3. 1..4 ..33 .93 2.. 2.6. 2.61 4.11 1.40 6.90 .40 2.11 4.02 1.2 6..4 .21 2.49 3.92 1.09 6.23 ..23 2.49 2.43

2.43 3. 2 1.02 6.34 ..36 2.43 2.33 2.2 3.19 4..2 6.03 ..34 2.23 3.11 4.61 1. 9 ..1. 2.1 3.42 4.16 1.0 1.90 2.1 2.03

T$ble A:5 )$?imum (.$ns /or Roo/ *oists M (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$ds 1,> to 2,> A%$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. )o'. 9 )o'. 10 )o'. 11 )o'. 12 Jo#st /#Ce, <a5#mum /&an, m mm /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 301 406 610 /e'ect 3 R 9 2..1 2.46 2.11 2.3. 2.11 1. /tructura' 3 R 140 4.26 3. . 3.3 3..2 3.3 2.91 3 R 1 4 1.60 1.09 4.44 4. 9 4.44 3. 3 R 231 ..11 6.49 1.6. 6.24 1.6. 4.96 3 R2 6 ..0 ..90 6.91 ..60 6.91 6.03 Bo. 1 and 3 R 9 2.19 2.36 2.06 2.2. 2.06 1. 0 Bo. 2 3 R 140 4.0 3..1 3.24 3.1. 3.24 2. 3 3 R 1 4 1.36 4. . 4.26 4.69 4.26 3..2 3 R 231 6. 1 6.22 1.44 1.9 1.44 4..4 3 R2 6 .34 ..1. 6.40 ..2 6.62 1.10 Bo. 3 3 R 9 2.49 2.16 1..6 2.14 1. 1 1.11 3 R 140 3.16 3.0 2.11 3.06 2.61 2.16 3 R 1 4 4.33 3..1 3.06 3..2 3.22 2.63 3 R 231 1.29 4.1 3..4 4.11 3.94 3.22 3 R 2 6 6.14 1.32 4.34 1.2 4.1. 3..3 )onstruct#on 3 R 9 2.11 2.2 1.99 2.20 1.99 1..4 /tandard 3 R 9 2.41 2.0 1..0 2.0. 1..9 1.46 /e'ect 3 R 9 2.6. 2.43 2.12 2.33 2.12 1. 1 /tructura' 3 R 140 4.20 3. 2 3.33 3.6. 3.33 2.91 3 R 1 4 1.12 1.02 4.3 4. 2 4.3 3. 3 3 R 231 ..01 6.41 1.60 6.16 1.60 4. 9 3 R2 6 .1 .. 0 6. 1 ..10 6. 1 1.91 Bo. 1 and 3 R 9 2.19 2.36 2.06 2.2. 2.06 1. 0 Bo. 2 3 R 140 4.0 3..1 3.24 3.1. 3.24 2. 3 3 R 1 4 1.36 4. . 4.26 4.69 4.26 3..2 3 R 231 6. 1 6.22 1.44 1.9 1.44 4..1 3 R2 6 .34 ..1. 6.62 ..2 6.62 1... Bo. 3 3 R 9 2.11 2.2 1.99 2.20 1.99 1..4


"oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

2.0 Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.11 1.91 1..1 3.3 3.0. 2.6 4.44 4.04 3.13 1.6. 1.11 4.10 6.91 6.2. 1.4 2.06 1. . 1.63 3.24 2.94 2.1. 4.26 3. . 3.3 1.44 4.94 4.22 6.62 6.00 4.90 1.91 1.61 1.31 2..2 2.36 1.92 3.31 2. . 2.34 4.01 3.11 2. 6 4..0 4.0. 3.32 1.99 1. 1 1.1 1. 4 1.60 1.30 2.12 1.93 1.6 3.33 3.03 2.61 4.3 3.9 3.4 1.60 1.09 4.44 6. 1 6.19 1.41 2.06 1. . 1.63 3.24 2.94 2.1. 4.26 3. . 3.3 1.44 4.94 4.32 6.62 6.01 1.21 1.99 1. 1 1.1



/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3


Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes any )anad#an /&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /e'ect 3 /tructura' 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /e'ect 3 /tructura' 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3

R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

3.91 1.20 6.13 ..1. 2.11 2.43 2.11 4.02 1.2 6..4 .21 2.4. 3. 9 1.11 6.12 ..94 2.43 3. 2 1.02 6.41 ..1. 2.43 2.33 2.2 3.19 4..2 6.03 ..34 2.23 3.11 4.61 1. 9 ..1. 2.1 3.42 4.2 1.23 6.0. 2.1 2.09

3.19 4.62 1.61 6.16 2.2 2.1 2.32 3.61 4. 0 6.13 ..46 2.24 3.13 4.64 1.93 ..21 2.20 3.4. 4.16 1.61 6.16 2.20 2.12 2.0. 3.26 4.29 1.4 6.6. 2.03 3.19 4.19 1.31 6.12 1.9 3.01 3..1 4.13 1.26 1.9 1. 1

3.10 3... 4.61 1.31 1.99 1.. 2.03 3.19 4.19 1.31 6.12 1.96 3.0 4.01 1.1 6.30 1.93 3.03 3... 4.61 1.31 1.93 1. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3..1 4..9 1. 2 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.1 1..3 2.49 3.03 3..0 4.29 1..3 1.4

3.41 4.14 1.61 6.11 2.20 2.12 2.23 3.11 4.61 1. 9 ..1. 2.16 3.40 4.46 1..0 6.94 2.12 3.33 4.3 1.60 6.11 2.12 2.04 1.99 3.14 4.12 1.2. 6.41 1.91 3.0. 4.03 1.11 6.26 1.90 2.99 3.6 4.10 1.22 1.90 1. 0

3.14 3.9. 4. 6 1.64 1.99 1. 2.03 3.19 4.19 1.31 6.12 1.96 3.0 4.01 1.1 6.30 1.93 3.03 3.9. 4. 6 1.64 1.93 1. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3..1 4..9 1. 2 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.69 1..3 2.62 3.19 3.90 4.12 1..3 1.16

2.6. 3.24 3.9. 4.60 1..4 1.13 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.69 1..1 2.69 3.14 4.12 1.10 1.6 2.61 3.24 3.9. 4.60 1.6 1.19 1.1 2.49 3.2. 4.1 1.09 1.11 2.43 3.20 4.09 4. 0 1.10 2.14 2.60 3.1 3.69 1.11 1.2.

3.14 4.09 1.00 1. 0 1.99 1.93 2.03 3.19 4.19 1.31 6.12 1.96 3.0 4.01 1.1 6.30 1.93 3.03 3.9 1.00 1. 0 1.93 1. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3..1 4..9 1. 2 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.69 1..3 2.69 3.2 4.01 4.61 1..3 1.60

2. 1 3.14 4.33 1.02 1. 1 1.6. 1. 4 2.90 3. 1 4. 6 1.92 1.. 2. 0 3.6 4..0 1..3 1..1 2..1 3.14 4.33 1.02 1..1 1.6 1.61 2.19 3.40 4.31 1.29 1.61 2.13 3.33 4.21 1.1. 1.1. 2.33 2. 4 3.4. 4.03 1.1. 1.3

2.3. 2. 9 3.13 4.10 1.1 1.36 1.61 2.13 3.33 4.21 1.1. 1.16 2.41 3.22 4.11 1.00 1.13 2.3. 2. 9 3.13 4.10 1.13 1.41 1.44 2.26 2.9. 3. 0 4.62 1.41 2.21 2.91 3.6 4.2. 1.33 1.90 2.32 2. 3 3.29 1.3. 1.13

T$ble A:7 )$?imum (.$ns /or Roo/ *oists M (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$ds 2,7 $nd !,> A%$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 Jo#st /#Ce, mm )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 <a5#mum /&an, m /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 2.1 Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 1.99 1. 1 1.1 3.14 2. 1 2.49 4.12 3..1 3.2. 1.2. 4..9 4.1 6.41 1. 2 1.09 1.91 1..4 1.12 3.01 2..3 2.39 3.91 3.19 3.14 1.01 4.19 3. 4 6.14 1.46 4.46 1..4 1.10 1.23 2.4 2.11 1..1 3.01 2.61 2.13 )o'umn . )o'umn )o'umn 9


"oug'as F#r N Larch /e'ect 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and /tructura' 8estern Larch3

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4

3.0 Jo#st /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 1. 1..1 2.91 2.6 3. 3.13 4.96 4.10 6.03 1.4 1. 0 1.63 2. 3 2.1. 3..2 3.3 4..1 4.32 1.. 1.01 1.60 1.39 2.29 1.9 2..9 2.41

610 1.49 2.34 3.0 3.93 4..9 1.43 2.21 2.90 3.11 4.12 1.13 1.62 1.9.



=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3


Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes any )anad#an /&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

)onstruct#on /tandard /e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

Bo. 3

)onstruct#on /tandard

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

3.69 4.2 1. 1 1.6 1.9. 3.10 4.0. 1.20 6.32 1.91 3.01 3.91 1.01 6.14 1. 1 2.91 3..2 4.11 1.2 1. 1 1..6 1. 2.96 3. 9 4.9. 6.01 1. 2 2. 6 3..6 4. 1 1. 1 1..9 2. 1 3..0 4.11 1.2 1..9 1..2 1.6 2.61 3.4 4.44 1.41 1.64 2.19 3.40 4.34 1.2 1.60 2.41 2.9 3.61 4.23 1.60 1.46

3.19 3..0 1.6 1.41 1..9 2. 1 3..0 4..2 1..1 1..4 2..3 3.19 4.19 1.1 1.6 2.61 3.22 3.94 4.1. 1.6 1.12 1..1 2.69 3.14 4.12 1.10 1.61 2.60 3.42 4.3. 1.31 1.62 2.16 3.22 3.94 4.1. 1.62 1.16 1.13 2.40 3.16 4.04 4.91 1.49 2.31 3.09 3.94 4..6 1.46 2.12 2.1 3.16 3.66 1.46 1.26

2.61 3.03 1.4. 1.19 1.16 2.46 3.23 4.12 1.02 1.12 2.39 3.14 4.01 4.6 1.4. 2.16 2.63 3.22 3..3 1.4. 1.24 1.49 2.31 3.09 3.94 4. 0 1.44 2.2. 2.99 3. 2 4.64 1.42 2.16 2.63 3.22 3..3 1.42 1.29 1.34 2.10 2..6 3.13 4.29 1.31 2.01 2..0 3.31 3. 9 1.21 1..3 2.11 2.1 2.99 1.2. 1.03

3.41 3.91 1..4 1.11 1. 1 2.91 3. 3 4. 9 1.91 1. 0 2. 3 3..2 4..1 1.. 1..4 2..4 3.44 4.20 4. 1..4 1.62 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.69 1..1 2.69 3.14 4.12 1.10 1.6 2.61 3.44 4.20 4. 1.6 1.62 1.1 2.49 3.2. 4.1 1.09 1.11 2.43 3.20 4.09 4.9. 1.11 2.26 2..6 3.3. 3.91 1.11 1.34

2.91 3.42 1.1 1.34 1.6 2.61 3.4 4.44 1.41 1.63 2.1. 3.3 4.32 1.21 1.1 2.41 2.9 3.64 4.22 1.1 1.40 1.61 2.13 3.33 4.21 1.1. 1.16 2.41 3.22 4.11 1.00 1.13 2.40 2.9 3.64 4.22 1.13 1.46 1.44 2.26 2.9. 3. 0 4.62 1.41 2.21 2.91 3..1 4.40 1.3. 1.96 2.39 2.92 3.39 1.3. 1.16

2.41 2..9 1.3 1.10 1.4. 2.31 3.04 3. 4..2 1.43 2.21 2.91 3..2 4.32 1.3 2.00 2.43 2.9. 3.41 1.3 1.11 1.41 2.21 2.91 3..1 4.12 1.36 2.14 2. 1 3.19 4.3. 1.34 2.001 2.43 2.9. 3.41 1.34 1.19 1.26 1.9 2.60 3.32 4.04 1.23 1.93 2.13 3.10 3.19 1.12 1.60 1.91 2.3 2..6 1.20 0.91

T$ble A:< )$?imum (.$ns /or Roo/ R$/ters M (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$ds 1,> to 2,> A%$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 Ra(ter /#Ce, mm )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. <a5#mum /&an, m /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a )o'. 9 )o'. 10 )o'. 11 )o'. 12



"oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3

/e'ect /tructura'


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3


Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes any )anad#an s&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

3 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /e'ect 3 /tructura' 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /e'ect 3 /tructura' 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 /e'ect 3 /tructura' 3 3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6

1.0 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 3.41 3.10 2..1 1.3. 4. 4.26 ..01 6.41 1.60 9.01 .1 ..11 10.96 9.96 ..0 3.2. 2.9. 2.19 1.14 4.6. 3.91 6..6 1. 4. 0 .30 ..19 1. . 9.63 .34 6. 1 2.61 2.30 1. . 3.. 3.2 2.6 4.61 3.99 3.26 1.63 4. 3.9 6.13 1.66 4.62 3.1. 2. 2.42 2.16 2.22 1. 1 3.36 3.06 2.6. 1.29 4. 1 4.20 6.96 6.32 1.12 . .0. ..01 10. 1 9. 2 .1 3.2. 2.9. 2.19 1.14 4.6. 4.0 6..6 6.14 1.04 .63 ..14 6.16 10.11 ..1 ..11 3.1. 2. 3 2.31 4.6. 4.04 3.30 1.6 4.92 4.02 6.91 6.02 4.91 .06 6.9 1..0 3.1. 2. 2.11 2.6 2.32 1.90 3.22 2.92 2.11 1.06 4.60 4.02 6.61 6.01 1.2 .10 ...2 6..4 10.34 9.40 .21 3.11 2. 3 2.4. 4.90 4.41 3. 9 6.44 1. 1 1.11 .22 ..4. 6.3 10.00 9.06 ..40 3.06 2.. 2.31 4.6. 4.04 3.30 1.6 4.92 4.02 6.91 6.02 4.91 .06 6.9 1..0 3.06 2.. 2.43 2.. 2.41 1.9. 2. 2.61 2.2 4.13 4.11 3.19 1.91 1.40 4..2 ..60 6.90 6.03 9.21 .40 ..01 2. 1 2.11 2.23 4.42 4.02 3.44 1. 1 1.13 4.19 ..24 6.2. 1.12 .40 ..2. 1.94

1.1 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2.9 2..1 2.3. 4.69 4.26 3..2 6.16 1.60 4. 9 .. . ..11 6.24 9.1 ..0 ..40 2. 6 2.19 2.2. 4.49 4.0 3.34 1..4 4.9. 4.06 ..02 6.0 4.96 .14 ..01 1..6 2.24 1.94 1.1 3.20 2... 2.26 3. 9 3.3. 2..1 4..6 4.12 3.3. 1.12 4.. 3.91 2... 2.10 2.04 2.1. 1. 1.13 2.94 2.6. 2.33 4.62 4.20 3.6. 6.0 1.12 4. 2 ...6 ..01 6.16 9.41 .1 ..2 2. 6 2.19 2.2. 4.49 4.0 3.10 1.90 1.21 4.26 ..36 6.3. 1.20 .14 ..40 6.04 2..6 2.39 1.91 3.91 3.42 2..9 4. 0 4.16 3.40 1. . 1.0 4.11 6. 1 1.90 4. 2 2... 2.11 2.14 2.2. 1.96 1.60 2. 1 2.11 2.23 4.42 4.02 3.11 1. 1 1.2 4.61 ..42 6..4 1. 9 9.03 .21 ..1. 2..2 2.4. 2.16 4.2 3. 9 3.40 1.62 1.11 4.41 ..1 6.12 1.39 ..4 ..66 6.21 2.6. 2.39 1.91 3.91 3.42 2..9 4. 0 4.16 3.40 1. . 1.0 4.11 6. 1 1.90 4. 2 2.6. 2.43 2.12 2.31 2.04 1.66 2.11 2.2 1.99 3.91 3.19 3.14 1.20 4..2 4.12 6.64 6.03 1.11 .0 ..26 1.93 2.46 2.23 1.91 3. 6 3.11 2.91 1.00 4.33 3.14 6.12 1.30 4.33 ..10 6.11 1.02

2.0 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 2..1 2.46 2.11 4.26 3. . 3.3 1.60 1.09 4.44 ..11 6.49 1.62 ..0 ..90 6.12 2.19 2.36 2.06 4.0 3.60 2.94 1.06 4.3 3.1 6.19 1.36 4.3 ..1 6.22 1.0 1.9 1..1 1.40 2. 2 2.44 1.99 3.43 2.9. 2.43 4.20 3.64 2.9. 4. . 4.22 3.44 2.11 2.21 1. 0 1.91 1.61 1.31 2.6. 2.43 2.12 4.20 3. 2 3.33 1.12 1.02 4.3 ..01 6.41 1.14 .1 .. 0 6.42 2.19 2.36 2.06 4.0 3..1 3.0 1.31 4.60 3..1 6.49 1.62 4.19 ..13 6.12 1.33 2.44 2.11 1..2 3.4 3.01 2.46 4.23 3.6. 2.99 1.1 4.4 3.66 6.01 1.20 4.21 2.11 2.2 1. 9 2.00 1..3 1.41 2.11 2.32 2.03 4.02 3.61 3.19 1.2 4. 0 4.19 6..4 6.13 1.31 .21 ..46 6.12 2.4. 2.24 1.96 3. 9 3.13 3.0 1.11 4.64 3. 9 6.12 1. 2 4..1 .. 0 6..6 1.12 2.43 2.11 1..2 3.4 3.01 2.46 4.23 3.6. 2.99 1.1 4.4 3.66 6.01 1.20 4.21 2.43 2.20 1.93 2.0. 1..9 1.4. 2.2 2.0. 1. 1 3.19 3.26 2. 1 4..2 4.29 3.6 6.03 1.4 4.11 ..34 6.40 1.23 2.23 2.03 1... 3.11 3.14 2.16 4.41 3. 2 3.12 1.40 4.6. 3. 2 6.26 1.42 4.43


Bo. 3

3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

2.62 3..4 4.16 1.1. 6.46 2..4 2.22

2.2. 3.24 3.94 4. 2 1.60 2.49 1.93

1. 1 2.61 3.22 3.94 4.1. 2.11 1.1.

2.22 3.16 3. 1 4..1 1.46 2.40 1.

1.92 2..4 3.33 4.0 4..3 2.1 1.63

1.1. 2.24 2..2 3.33 3. 6 1.90 1.33

1.91 2..9 3.40 4.11 4. 2 2.1 1.66

1.69 2.42 2.94 3.60 4.1. 1.93 1.44

1.3 1.9. 2.40 2.94 3.41 1.1. 1.1.

T$ble A:; )$?imum (.$ns /or Roo/ R$/ters M (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$ds 2,7 $nd !,> A%$ Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 Ra(ter /#Ce, <a5#mum /&an, m mm /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 2.1 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 610 /e'ect 3 R 9 2.11 2.2 1.99 /tructura' 3 R 140 3.91 3.19 3.14 3 R1 4 1.20 4..2 4.12 3 R 231 6.64 6.03 1.0 3 R2 6 .0 ..23 1.90 Bo. 1 and 3 R 9 2.41 2.19 1. 6 Bo. 2 3 R 140 3..6 3.26 2.66 3 R1 4 4.1 3.96 3.24 3 R 231 1.60 4. 1 3.96 3 R2 6 6.10 1.63 4.19 Bo. 3 3 R 9 1..9 1.11 1.26 3 R 140 2.11 2.21 1. 0 3 R1 4 3.10 2.69 2.20 3 R 231 3. 0 3.29 2.6 3 R2 6 4.41 3. 2 3.12 )onstruct#on 3 R 9 2.30 2.00 1.63 /tandard 3 R 9 1..3 1.10 1.22 /e'ect 3 R 9 2.4 2.21 1.9. /tructura' 3 R 140 3.90 3.14 3.10 3 R1 4 1.13 4.66 4.0. 3 R 231 6.11 1.91 1.01 3 R2 6 ..9. ..12 1. 1 Bo. 1 and 3 R 9 2.41 2.19 1.91 Bo. 2 3 R 140 3..9 3.42 2..9 3 R1 4 4. 0 4.16 3.40 3 R 231 1. . 1.0 4.11 3 R2 6 6. 1 1.90 4. 2 Bo. 3 3 R 9 2.21 1.91 1.16 3 R 140 3.11 2..3 2.23 3 R1 4 3. 3 3.32 2..1 3 R 231 4.6 4.06 3.31 3 R2 6 1.13 4..1 3. 4 )ommerc#a' 3 R 9 2.33 2.09 1..1 /tandard 3 R 9 1. 1 1.1. 1.2 /e'ect 3 R 9 2.3. 2.11 1. /tructura' 3 R 140 3..3 3.39 2.96 3 R1 4 4.90 4.41 3. 9 3 R 231 6.26 1.69 4.9. 3 R2 6 ..62 6.92 1.90 Bo. 1 and 3 R 9 2.29 2.0 1. 2 Bo. 2 3 R 140 3.61 3.2 2. 6 3 R1 4 4..4 4.31 3.12 3 R 231 6.06 1.2. 4.30 3 R2 6 ..06 6.11 4.99 Bo. 3 3 R 9 2.21 1.91 1.16 3 R 140 3.11 2..3 2.23 3 R1 4 3. 3 3.32 2..1 )o'umn . )o'umn )o'umn 9


"oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

3.0 Ra(ter /&ac#ng, mm 301 406 2.3. 2.11 3..2 3.3 4. 9 4.44 6.24 1.6. ..60 6.61 2.2. 2.06 3.46 3.00 4.21 3.61 1.11 4.46 1.9 1.1. 1.64 1.42 2.31 2.03 2. 6 2.4. 3.49 3.02 4.01 3.11 2.12 1. 4 1.19 1.3 2.33 2.12 3.6. 3.33 4. 2 4.3 6.16 1.60 ..10 6.11 2.2. 2.06 3.1. 3.14 4.42 3. 3 1.40 4.6 6.2. 1.43 2.03 1..6 2.90 2.11 3.12 3.01 4.31 3..3 1.00 4.33 2.20 1.93 1.66 1.44 2.23 2.03 3.11 3.19 4.61 4.19 1. 9 1.31 ..1. 6.12 2.16 1.96 3.40 3.0 4.46 3.96 1.19 4. 4 6.49 1.62 2.03 1..6 2.90 2.11 3.12 3.01

610 1. 2.91 3. 3 4.6 1.43 1..1 2.41 2.9 3.64 4.23 1.16 1.66 2.02 2.4. 2. . 1.10 1.12 1. 1 2.91 3... 4.61 1.34 1. 0 2.1. 3.12 3. 2 4.43 1.43 2.01 2.49 3.01 3.14 1.1. 1.1 1... 2..9 3.66 4.6 1.43 1..1 2.66 3.23 3.96 4.19 1.43 2.01 2.49



3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3 Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes /e'ect 3 any )anad#an s&ec#es /tructura' 3 co$ered ,y the BL4% 3 /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3 3 3 Bo. 1 and 3 Bo. 2 3 3 3 3 Bo. 3 3 3 3 3 3 )onstruct#on 3 /tandard 3

R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 9

4.6 1.43 2.21 1. . 2.12 3.33 4.3 1.60 6.69 2.0. 3.26 3.99 4. 1.66 1... 2.12 3.0. 3..6 4.36 2.01 1.10

4.06 4..1 2.01 1.62 1.93 3.03 3.9 4.99 1..9 1. 2. 4 3.46 4.23 4.90 1.13 2.19 2.66 3.21 3... 1..4 1.30

3.31 3. 4 1... 1.33 1.6 2.61 3.33 4.0 4..3 1.62 2.32 2. 2 3.41 4.00 1.21 1.. 2.1. 2.66 3.0 1.42 1.06

4.31 1.00 2.12 1..2 1.99 3.14 4.12 1.2. 6.11 1.91 3.02 3.6. 4.49 1.21 1.63 2.32 2. 2 3.41 4.01 1. 1 1.3

3..3 4.33 1.93 1.49 1. 1 2. 1 3..1 4.19 1.33 1... 2.61 3.1 3. 9 4.11 1.41 2.01 2.41 2.99 3.4. 1.60 1.19

3.01 3.14 1.63 1.22 1.1 2.49 3.0. 3..1 4.31 1.49 2.13 2.60 3.1. 3.6 1.11 1.64 2.00 2.44 2. 3 1.31 0.9

T$ble A:= )$?imum (.$ns /or Built:u. +loor Be$ms (u..orting not more t0$n One +loor 819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on "oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3 )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 /u&&orted Length, mm233243 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 <a5#mum /&an, m213263 /#Ce o( *u#'t-u& *eam, mm 3N3 4N3 1N3 R1 4 R1 4 R1 4 3.36 3..0 3.99 3.12 3.44 3..0 2.94 3.23 3.4 2..9 3.0. 3.31 2.6. 2.94 3.1. 2.14 2. 3 3.04 2.41 2..3 2.94 2.9. 3.42 3. 2 2.61 3.06 3.42 2.42 2. 0 3.13 2.24 2.19 2. 9 2.10 2.42 2..1 1.9 2.2 2.11 1. 2.1. 2.42 3.32 3.61 3.93 3.0 3.39 3.61 2.90 3.19 3.44 2..1 3.03 3.2. 2.63 2.90 3.12 2.49 2..9 3.00 2.2 2.69 2.90 3.11 3.11 3. 2 2.. 3.21 3.11 2.14 2.93 3.2 2.31 2..2 3.04 2.20 2.14 2. 4 2.0. 2.39 2.6 1.9. 2.2. 2.14 3.1. 3.49 3..6 2.91 3.24 3.49 2... 3.01 3.29 2.63 2.90 3.12 2.12 2... 2.99 2.42 2.6. 2. . )o'. . 3N3 R 231 4.30 3.99 3..1 3.12 3.29 3.11 2.91 3.63 3.24 2.96 2..4 2.16 2.42 2.29 4.24 3.93 3..0 3.4. 3.24 2.91 2..0 3. 0 3.40 3.11 2. 2.69 2.14 2.41 4.01 3..6 3.14 3.36 3.22 3.09 )o'. 4N3 R 231 4..3 4.39 4.13 3.92 3..1 3.19 3.40 4.19 3..1 3.42 3.1. 2.96 2..9 2.61 4.66 4.33 4.0 3. . 3..0 3.13 3.31 4.39 3.93 3.19 3.32 3.11 2.93 2.. 4.46 4.14 3.90 3..0 3.14 3.41 )o'. 9 1N3 R 231 1.09 4..3 4.41 4.23 4.04 3. 9 3..1 4.6 4.19 3. 2 3.14 3.31 3.12 2.96 1.03 4.66 4.39 4.1. 3.99 3. 3 3..0 4. 4.39 4.01 3..1 3.4. 3.2. 3.11 4. 1 4.46 4.20 3.99 3. 1 3.6. )o'. 10 )o'. 11 )o'. 12 3N3 R2 6 1.23 4. 4 4.41 4.09 3. 2 3.60 3.42 4.21 3..6 3.44 3.1 2.9 2. 1 2.66 1.16 4..6 4.31 4.02 3.66 3.32 3.04 4.41 3.91 3.60 3.34 3.12 2.94 2..9 4.93 4.1 4.31 4.09 3. 2 3.60 4N3 R2 6 1.66 1.34 1.03 4..2 4.41 4.16 3.91 4. 6 4.31 3.9. 3.6. 3.44 3.24 3.0. 1.61 1.2. 4.96 4.61 4.31 4.10 3. . 1.10 4.16 4.16 3. 1 3.60 3.40 3.22 1.42 1.04 4..4 4.11 4.31 4.14 1N3 R2 6 1.99 1.66 1.41 1.14 4.92 4.61 4.41 1.43 4. 6 4.44 4.11 3. 4 3.62 3.44 1.93 1.61 1.34 1.0. 4. 1 4.1 4.31 1..0 1.10 4.61 4.31 4.03 3. 0 3.60 1..3 1.42 1.11 4. 1 4.64 4.46


/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r /e'ect 2#nc'udes /&ruce /tructura' 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne,


*a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


Borthern /&ec#es 2#nc'udes any )anad#an s&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0

2.34 3.0. 2. 1 2.63 2.44 2.2 2.11 2.04 2. 4 2.63 2.4 2.31 2.16 2.04 1.93 2.19 2.31 2.11 1.91 1. 3 1..2 1.64

2.1. 3.3 3.14 2.91 2. 0 2.63 2.4 2.31 3.12 2.90 2..3 2.19 2.4 2.31 2.23 2.99 2.6. 2.44 2.26 2.11 1.99 1. 9

2... 3.64 3.3 3.1 3.02 2. 9 2... 2.63 3.36 3.12 2.94 2..9 2.6. 2.1. 2.4 3.29 2.99 2..3 2.12 2.36 2.23 2.11

2.91 3.92 3.12 3.22 2.9 2..9 2.63 2.49 3.62 3.34 3.01 2. 2 2.64 2.49 2.36 3.16 2. 3 2.1 2.39 2.24 2.11 2.00

3.29 4.32 4.01 3..1 3.44 3.22 3.03 2. 3.99 3..0 3.4 3.26 3.01 2. . 2..3 3.61 3.2. 2.9 2..6 2.1 2.43 2.31

3.14 4.61 4.32 4.06 3. 4 3.60 3.39 3.22 4.30 3.99 3..1 3.1. 3.41 3.21 3.01 4.0 3.61 3.33 3.09 2. 9 2..2 2.1

3.32 4.1. 4.09 3..3 3.46 3.23 3.01 2. 9 4.33 3. 3.14 3.2 3.06 2. 9 2..4 3.6. 3.2 3.00 2... 2.19 2.41 2.32

3.91 1.21 4..2 4.31 3.99 3..3 3.12 3.34 4. 1 4.4. 4.0 3.. 3.14 3.34 3.16 4.24 3..9 3.46 3.20 3.00 2. 2 2.6

4.31 1.19 1.21 4. 2 4.46 4.1. 3.93 3..3 1.23 4. 1 4.1. 4.23 3.96 3..3 3.14 4..4 4.24 3. . 3.1 3.31 3.16 3.00

Notes to T$ble A:=&


*eam s&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oors does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e
223 233 243 213 263

8hen the ('oors ha$e a concrete to&&#ng o( not more than 11 mm, the s&ans must ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y 0. . /u&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the 0o#sts s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /tra#ght #nter&o'at#on may ,e used (or other su&&orted 'engths. /&ans are c'ear s&ans ,etween su&&orts. For tota' s&an, add two ,ear#ng 'engths.

3-&'y ,eams w#th su&&orted 'engths greater than 4.2 m re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 114 mm. %'' other ,eams re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm. T$ble A:9 )$?imum (.$ns /or Built:u. +loor Be$ms (u..orting not more t0$n T2o +loors 819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on 1. "oug'as F#r N Larch 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 8estern Larch3 )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 /u&&orted Length, mm233243 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. )o'. 9 )o'. 10 3N3 R2 6 4.01 3.62 3.30 2.99 2.69 2.41 2.26 3.11 2. 2 2.1. 2.3 2.23 2.10 1.99 3.99 3.34 2. 2.11 2.30 )o'. 11 4N3 R2 6 4.6. 4.1 3. 2 3.13 3.30 3.0 2. 3 3.64 3.21 2.9. 2..1 2.1. 2.43 2.30 4.60 4.12 3.61 3.21 2. )o'. 12 1N3 R2 6 1.16 4.6. 4.2. 3.91 3.69 3.4 3.30 4.0. 3.64 3.32 3.0. 2. 2..1 2.1. 1.09 4.60 4.20 3. . 3.46 <a5#mum /&an, m213263 /#Ce o( *u#'t-u& *eam, mm 3N3 4N3 1N3 3N3 R 1 4 R 1 4 R 1 4 R 231 2. 0 3.0 3.32 3.49 2.11 2. 6 3.0 3.12 2.33 2.69 2.90 2. 1 2.16 2.49 2..1 2.64 2.00 2.33 2.60 2.3 1. 2 2.20 2.41 2.1. 1.6. 2.0 2.33 2.00 2.22 2.16 2. . 2..2 1.99 2.29 2.16 2.43 1. 1 2.09 2.34 2.22 1.6 1.94 2.1. 2.01 1.1. 1. 1 2.03 1.92 1.4 1..1 1.91 1. 1 1.40 1.62 1. 1 1..2 2..6 3.04 3.2. 3.43 2.11 2. 2 3.04 2.9. 2.11 2.61 2. 6 2.16 1.90 2.40 2..2 2.26 1..0 2.11 2.16 2.03

/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes 8estern =em'oc7 and %ma,#'#s F#r3

/e'ect /tructura'

4N3 R 231 3.93 3.60 3.29 3.04 2. 1 2.6 2.11 3.14 2. 0 2.16 2.3. 2.22 2.09 1.9 3. 3.11 3.24 2. 1 2.16

1N3 R 231 4.24 3.93 3.6 3.40 3.1 3.00 2. 1 3.11 3.14 2. 6 2.61 2.4 2.34 2.22 4.1 3. 3.62 3.31 3.0


Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3

/e'ect /tructura'

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


Borthern /&ec#es /e'ect 2#nc'udes any )anad#an /tructura' s&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0

1.16 1.44 2.33 2.0 1.90 1..6 1.61 1.11 1.44 2.64 2.41 2.31 2.0. 1. 1 1.69 1.16 2.41 2.16 1.9. 1. 2 1..1 1.61 1.13 2.29 2.04 1. . 1..3 1.62 1.12 1.44 1.94 1..3 1.1 1.46 1.3. 1.29 1.22

1.91 1..9 2.69 2.41 2.20 2.03 1.90 1..9 1..0 2.91 2..0 2.14 2.41 2.31 2.13 1.91 2..9 2.49 2.2. 2.11 1.9. 1. 6 1..6 2.60 2.36 2.16 2.00 1. . 1..6 1.6. 2.24 2.00 1. 3 1.69 1.1 1.49 1.41

2.31 2.11 3.01 2.69 2.41 2.2. 2.13 2.00 1.90 3.13 2.91 2..3 2.60 2.4 2.39 2.31 3.03 2..9 2.14 2.31 2.20 2.0 1.9. 2. 0 2.60 2.41 2.23 2.09 1.9. 1. . 2.10 2.24 2.04 1. 9 1... 1.6. 1.1

1. 6 1..2 2. 1 2.11 2.33 2.11 2.01 1. 6 1..2 3.3. 3.12 2..9 2.46 2.21 2.02 1. 6 2.91 2.64 2.41 2.23 2.09 1.9. 1. 6 2. 0 2.10 2.2 2.11 1.9 1. 6 1..2 2.3. 2.12 1.93 1..9 1.6. 1.1 1.10

2.32 2.14 3.29 2.94 2.6 2.49 2.33 2.19 2.0 3..1 3.41 3.24 3.04 2..9 2.13 2.32 3.41 3.01 2.. 2.1. 2.41 2.2. 2.11 3.23 2. 9 2.64 2.44 2.2 2.11 2.04 2..3 2.44 2.23 2.0. 1.93 1. 2 1..3

2..9 2.16 3.6 3.29 3.00 2.. 2.60 2.41 2.33 4.00 3..1 3.49 3.32 3.1. 3.00 2..9 3. 1 3.41 3.11 2. 2.69 2.14 2.41 3.1. 3.23 2.91 2..3 2.11 2.41 2.2 3.06 2..3 2.10 2.31 2.16 2.04 1.93

2.11 1.96 3.30 2.96 2..0 2.10 2.30 2.11 1.96 4.01 3.62 3.14 2... 2.10 2.2 2.11 3.42 3.06 2..9 2.19 2.42 2.2 2.11 3.24 2.90 2.61 2.41 2.29 2.11 1.96 2..1 2.46 2.24 2.0 1.94 1. 3 1..4

2.62 2.42 3. 2 3.41 3.12 2. 2..0 2.14 2.41 4.12 4.1 3. 2 3.10 3.14 2. 1 2.62 3.91 3.13 3.23 2.99 2..9 2.63 2.10 3..1 3.31 3.06 2. 3 2.61 2.10 2.3. 3.1. 2. 4 2.19 2.40 2.24 2.11 2.01

3.14 2. 4.2. 3. 2 3.4 3.22 3.02 2. 4 2..0 4. . 4.12 4.21 3.91 3.69 3.42 3.14 4.42 3.91 3.61 3.34 3.12 2.91 2..9 4.19 3..1 3.42 3.1. 2.96 2..9 2.61 3.11 3.1. 2.90 2.6 2.11 2.36 2.24

Notes to T$ble A:9&


*eam s&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oors does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e
223 233 243 213 263

8hen the ('oors ha$e a concrete to&&#ng o( not more than 11 mm, the s&ans must ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y 0. . /u&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the 0o#sts s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /tra#ght #nter&o'at#on may ,e used (or other su&&orted 'engths. /&ans are c'ear s&ans ,etween su&&orts. For tota' s&an, add two ,ear#ng 'engths.

3-&'y ,eams re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 114 mm. 4-&'y and 1-&'y ,eams w#th su&&orted 'engths greater than 3 m re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 114 mm. %'' other ,eams re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm. T$ble A:1> )$?imum (.$ns /or Built:u. +loor Be$ms (u..orting not more t0$n T0ree +loors 819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on 1. )o'umn 2 4rade )o'umn 3 /u&&orted Length, mm233243 2.4 3.0 3.6 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 )o'. . )o'. )o'. 9 )o'. 10 3N3 R2 6 3.3. 2.92 2.13 )o'. 11 4N3 R2 6 3. 9 3.4 3.1 )o'. 12 <a5#mum /&an, m213263 /#Ce o( *u#'t-u& *eam, mm 3N3 4N3 1N3 3N3 R 1 4 R 1 4 R 1 4 R 231 2.3 2..4 2.91 2.91 2.13 2.46 2..4 2.60 1. 2.24 2.11 2.24

"oug'as F#r N Larch /e'ect 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r /tructura' and 8estern Larch3

4N3 R 231 3.36 3.00 2..4

1N3 R 231 3..1 3.36 3.06

1N3 R2 6 4.31 3. 9 3.16


Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


=em N F#r 2#nc'udes /e'ect 8estern =em'oc7 and /tructura' %ma,#'#s F#r3

Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


/&ruce N -#ne N F#r /e'ect 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' /tructura' s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam F#r and %'&#ne F#r3 Bo. 1 and Bo. 2


Borthern /&ec#es /e'ect 2#nc'udes any /tructura' )anad#an s&ec#es co$ered ,y the BL4% /tandard 4rad#ng Ru'es3 Bo. 1 and Bo. 2

4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4. 1.4 6.0

1.66 1.10 1.3 1.2 1. 1 1.66 1.11 1.40 1.31 1.23 1.1. 2.22 1. 1 1.61 1.43 1.30 1.19 1.11 1.94 1..4 1.1 1.43 1.30 1.19 1.11 2.31 2.02 1..4 1.11 1.40 1.2 1.19 2.01 1. 0 1.64 1.12 1.40 1.2 1.19 1.91 1..0 1.16 1.43 1.30 1.19 1.11 1.61 1.44 1.32 1.22 1.14 1.0 1.02

2.0 1. 1..1 1.1 2.14 1.91 1..4 1.62 1.11 1.42 1.31 2..0 2.31 2.02 1.. 1.61 1.4. 1.36 2.24 2.00 1. 3 1.69 1.1 1.4. 1.36 2.1 2.40 2.20 1.94 1..4 1.19 1.4. 2.32 2.0 1.90 1..1 1.64 1.11 1.4. 2.20 1.9. 1. 0 1.66 1.16 1.4. 1.36 1. 6 1.6. 1.12 1.41 1.32 1.24 1.1

2.32 2.1. 2.01 1. 2.39 2.14 1.91 1. 1 1.69 1.19 1.11 2.91 2..0 2.43 2.14 1.92 1..4 1.61 2.11 2.24 2.01 1. 9 1... 1.6. 1.1 2.. 2.1 2.43 2.31 2.09 1.90 1..4 2.60 2.32 2.12 2.96 1. 4 1..3 1.64 2.46 2.20 2.01 1. 6 1..4 1.64 1.16 2.0 1. 6 1..0 1.1. 1.4. 1.39 1.32

1.99 1. 0 1.61 1.13 2.26 2.02 1. 1 1..1 1.60 1.11 1.43 2.64 2.21 1.92 1..1 1.16 1.44 1.34 2.3. 2.12 1.92 1..1 1.16 1.44 1.34 2. 9 2.40 2.0 1. 1 1.6 1.14 1.44 2.46 2.20 2.01 1. 1 1.6 1.14 1.44 2.33 2.0 1.90 1..1 1.16 1.44 1.34 1.9. 1..6 1.61 1.49 1.40 1.32 1.21

2.49 2.24 2.04 1. 9 2.61 2.34 2.13 1.9 1. 1 1..4 1.61 3.31 2..9 2.40 2.13 1.92 1..6 1.63 2..4 2.41 2.24 2.0. 1.92 1..6 1.63 3.30 3.00 2.62 2.31 2.0 1.90 1..6 2. 4 2.14 2.32 2.11 2.01 1. 9 1..6 2.69 2.41 2.20 2.03 1.90 1..6 1.63 2.2 2.04 1. 6 1..2 1.61 1.12 1.44

2. 4 2.61 2.44 2.24 2.92 2.61 2.39 2.21 2.0. 1.91 1. 1 3..0 3.31 2. 9 2.14 2.2 2.0 1.92 3.06 2..4 2.10 2.32 2.1. 2.04 1.92 3.11 3.30 3.06 2... 2.4 2.26 2.0 3.1. 2. 4 2.19 2.40 2.24 2.12 2.01 3.01 2.69 2.46 2.2. 2.13 2.01 1.90 2.11 2.2 2.0 1.93 1. 0 1..0 1.61

2.21 2.04 1. 1..1 2.63 2.31 2.14 1.99 1. 6 1..1 1.66 2.9 2.10 2.1 1.91 1... 1.64 1.13 2..1 2.46 2.1 1.91 1... 1.64 1.13 3.24 2..1 2.31 2.10 1.91 1..6 1.64 2. 1 2.11 2.33 2.10 1.91 1..6 1.64 2..0 2.42 2.1 1.91 1... 1.64 1.13 2.29 2.01 1. . 1..3 1.62 1.13 1.41

2. 1 2.13 2.31 2.14 3.03 2..1 2.4 2.29 2.14 2.02 1.92 3.. 3.14 2..1 2.40 2.1 2.00 1. 1 3.1 2. 4 2.60 2.40 2.1 2.00 1. 1 3. 9 3.42 2.91 2.61 2.31 2.16 2.00 3.29 2.91 2.69 2.49 2.33 2.16 2.00 3.12 2..9 2.11 2.36 2.1 2.00 1. 1 2.64 2.36 2.16 2.00 1. . 1..6 1.6.

3.29 3.02 2..1 2.13 3.39 3.03 2... 2.16 2.40 2.26 2.14 4.29 3.. 3.24 2. 6 2.1 2.31 2.1 3.16 3.1 2.90 2.69 2.11 2.31 2.1 4.33 3. 9 3.14 3.12 2. 0 2.11 2.31 3.6 3.29 3.01 2.. 2.60 2.46 2.33 3.49 3.12 2. 1 2.64 2.4. 2.33 2.1 2.96 2.64 2.41 2.23 2.09 1.9. 1. .

Notes to T$ble A:1>&


*eam s&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oors does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e
223 233 243 213

8hen the ('oors ha$e a concrete to&&#ng o( not more than 11 mm, the s&ans must ,e mu't#&'#ed ,y 0. . /u&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the 0o#sts s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /tra#ght #nter&o'at#on may ,e used (or other su&&orted 'engths. /&ans are c'ear s&ans ,etween su&&orts. For tota' s&an, add two ,ear#ng 'engths. 1.4


3-&'y ,eams w#th su&&orted 'engths greater than 4.2 m re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 112 mm. %'' other ,eams re:u#re m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 114 mm. T$ble A:11 )$?imum (.$ns /or Glue:L$min$ted +loor Be$ms M 2>/:E Gr$de819 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 Bum,er o( Storeys /u&&orted 1 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'. 4 )o'. 1 )o'. 6 *eam 8#dth, mm /u&&orted <a5#mum /&an, m2432132632.3 Length, m223 *eam "e&th, mm 233 22 266 304 0 2.4 4.32 1.04 1..6 3.0 3. . 4.11 1.11 3.6 3.13 4.12 4..0 4.2 3.2. 3. 1 4.36 4. 3.06 3.1. 4.0. 1.4 2. 3.36 3. 4 6.0 2..3 3.19 3.64 130 2.4 1.11 6.43 ..31 3.0 4.93 1..1 6.1. 3.6 4.10 1.21 6.00 4.2 4.16 4. 6 1.11 4. 3.90 4.14 1.19 1.4 3.6. 4.2 4.90 6.0 3.4 4.0. 4.61 0 2.4 3.2 3. 3 4.3. 3.0 2.93 3.42 3.91 3.6 2.6 3.12 3.1. 4.2 2.4 2. 9 3.31 4. 2.32 2..1 3.09 1.4 2.19 2.11 2.91 6.0 2.0. 2.42 2... 130 2.4 4.1 4. 1.1. 3.0 3..4 4.36 4.99 3.6 3.41 3.9 4.11 4.2 3.16 3.69 4.21 4. 2.96 3.41 3.94 1.4 2..9 3.21 3..2 6.0 2.64 3.0 3.13 0 2.4 2..1 3.21 3.66 3.0 2.46 2. . 3.2 3.6 2.24 2.62 2.99 4.2 2.0 2.42 2... 4. 1.94 2.2. 2.19 1.4 1. 3 2.14 2.44 6.0 1..4 2.03 2.32 130 2.4 3.10 4.09 4.6. 3.0 3.13 3.66 4.1 3.6 2. 6 3.34 3. 1 4.2 2.61 3.09 3.13 4. 2.4 2. 9 3.30 1.4 2.34 2..2 3.11 6.0 2.22 2.1 2.91 )o'. . 342 6.4 1. 0 1.29 4.90 4.1 4.32 4.10 .26 ..39 6..1 6.21 1. 4 1.11 1.23 4.92 4.40 4.02 3..2 3.4 3.2 3.11 6.2. 1.61 1.12 4..4 4.43 4.1 3.9. 4.12 3.69 3.3. 3.12 2.91 2..1 2.61 1.21 4..0 4.29 3.9. 3..2 3.10 3.32 )o'. 3 0 ..20 6.44 1. 1.44 1.09 4. 0 4.16 9.1 .21 ..10 6.94 6.49 6.12 1. 1 1.4. 4. 9 4.46 4.13 3. 6 3.64 3.46 6.9. 6.23 1.69 1.2. 4.93 4.64 4.41 4.1 4.10 3..4 3.46 3.24 3.01 2.90 1. 4 1.22 4... 4.41 4.13 3. 9 3.69 )o'. 9 41 ..92 ..09 6.4. 1.99 1.60 1.2 1.01 10.10 9.03 .21 ..64 ..14 6..3 6.39 6.01 1.3 4.91 4.14 4.21 4.01 3. 0 ..66 6. 1 6.26 1..9 1.42 1.11 4. 1 1.04 4.11 4.11 3. 1 3.16 3.36 3.19 6.42 1..4 1.24 4. 1 4.14 4.2 4.06 )o'. 10 416 .64 ...3 ..06 6.13 6.11 1..6 1.4. 11.02 9. 6 9.00 .33 ...9 ..31 6.9. 6.16 1. . 1.36 4.96 4.64 4.3. 4.11 .36 ..4 6. 3 6.32 1.91 1.1. 1.29 1.10 4.92 4.49 4.11 3. 9 3.66 3.4 ..01 6.2. 1..2 1.30 4.91 4.6. 4.43




Notes to T$ble A:11&


/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load on the ('oor does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e
223 233 243 213

/u&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the 0o#st s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /tra#ght #nter&o'at#on may ,e used (or other su&&orted 'engths. /&ans are $a'#d (or g'ued-'am#nated t#m,er con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O122 and )/% O1... /&ans are c'ear s&ans ,etween su&&orts. For tota' s&an, add two ,ear#ng 'engths. 1.1


-ro$#de a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm. 2%'ternat#$e'y, the ,ear#ng 'ength may ,e des#gned #n accordance w#th -art 4.3

;o& edge o( ,eam assumed to ,e (u''y 'atera''y su&&orted ,y 0o#sts.

T$ble A:12 )$?imum (.$ns /or Built:u. Ridge Be$ms $nd Lintels (u..orting t0e Roo/ $nd Ceiling Onl3 M No, 1 or No, 2 Gr$de Form#ng -art o( /entences, and 233, 9.23.13. .223 and 9.3..3.1.213
+tem )o'umn 1 )ommerc#a' "es#gnat#on )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 *eam or L#nte' /#Ce, mm <a5#mum /&an, m213223233 /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 "oug'as F#r N Larch 3N3 R1 4 2.61 2.2 2#nc'udes "oug'as F#r and 4 N 3 R 1 4 3.06 2.64 8estern Larch3 1N3 R1 4 3.43 2.91 3 N 3 R 231 3.21 2..9 4 N 3 R 231 3..1 3.22 1 N 3 R 231 4.19 3.60 3N3 R2 6 3... 3.24 4N3 R2 6 4.31 3..4 1N3 R2 6 4. 6 4.1 =em N F#r 2#nc'udes 3N3 R1 4 2.. 2.39 8estern =em'oc7 and 4N3 R1 4 3.21 2..6 %ma,#'#s F#r3 1N3 R1 4 3.19 3.09 3 N 3 R 231 3.40 2.93 4 N 3 R 231 3.93 3.3 1 N 3 R 231 4.39 3.. 3N3 R2 6 3.91 3.40 4N3 R2 6 4.16 3.92 1N3 R2 6 1.10 4.3 /&ruce N -#ne N F#r 3N3 R1 4 2. 2.4 2#nc'udes /&ruce 2a'' 4N3 R1 4 3.30 2. 6 s&ec#es e5ce&t )oast /#t7a 1 N 3 R 1 4 3.11 3.10 /&ruce3, Jac7 -#ne, 3 N 3 R 231 3.13 3.03 Lodge&o'e -#ne, *a'sam 4 N 3 R 231 4.0. 3.10 F#r and %'&#ne F#r3 1 N 3 R 231 4.14 3.91 3N3 R2 6 4.09 3.12 4N3 R2 6 4..2 4.06 1N3 R2 6 1.2 4.14 )o'umn 1 2.0 2.03 2.31 2.62 2.49 2. . 3.21 2. 3.33 3..2 2.13 2.46 2..1 2.61 3.01 3.36 3.02 3.49 3.90 2.21 2.11 2. 2 2..0 3.12 3.49 3.13 3.62 4.04 )o'umn 6 2.1 1. 1 2.14 2.39 2.26 2.61 2.92 2.62 3.03 3.39 1.94 2.24 2.10 2.3. 2..4 3.06 2..1 3.1 3.11 2.01 2.32 2.19 2.46 2. 4 3.1. 2. 1 3.29 3.6 )o'umn . 3.0 1..1 1.9. 2.21 2.09 2.41 2..0 2.43 2. 0 3.13 1..9 2.0. 2.31 2.19 2.13 2. 3 2.14 2.94 3.2 1. 6 2.14 2.40 2.2. 2.62 2.93 2.63 3.04 3.40




Notes to T$ble A:12&


*eam and '#nte' s&ans are ca'cu'ated ,ased on a ma5#mum su&&orted 'ength o( 4.9 m. /&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 1F (or su&&orted 'engths o( not more than 4.3 m, ,y 10F (or su&&orted 'engths o( not more than 3.. m, and ,y 21F (or su&&orted 'engths o( not more than 2.4 m.

For r#dge ,eams, su&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ra(ter, 0o#st or truss s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. For '#nte's, su&&orted 'ength means ha'( the sum o( truss, roo( 0o#st or ra(ter s&ans su&&orted ,y the '#nte' &'us the 'ength o( the o$erhang ,eyond the '#nte'.

-ro$#de a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm. T$ble A:1! )$?imum (.$ns /or #ougl$s +ir M L$rc0 Lintels M No, 1 or No, 2 Gr$de M Non:(tructur$l (0e$t0ing819 Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233 and 9.3..3.1.213

+tem )o'umn 1 L#nte' /u&&ort#ng

)o'umn 2 L#nte' /#Ce, mm223


L#m#ted att#c storage and ce#'#ng

2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6

)o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m233243 65ter#or 8a''s /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 2.0 ;h#s %rea +ntent#ona''y Le(t *'an7

)o'umn 6

)o'umn .

)o'umn +nter#or 8a''s


3.0 1.21 1.. 2.1. 2.61 3.0



Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 0.6 m ma5#mum3213


Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 4.9 m ma5#mum3263


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 storey2332632.3


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 storeys2332632.3


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 storeys2332632.3

2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3

R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6

2.6 4.21 1.10 6.61 ..66 1.21 1.. 2.1. 2.61 3.0 0.96 1.3. 1.6. 2.04 2.3. 0. 6 1.23 1.10 1. 4 2.13 0. 1 1.11 1.40 1..1 1.99

2.34 3.6 4. 4 1.9. 6.92 1.0. 1.13 1. 6 2.2 2.64 0. 1.26 1.13 1. 2.1 0. 1 1.16 1.41 1..2 2.00 0... 1.10 1.33 1.63 1. 9

2.13 3.34 4.39 1.16 6.44 0.96 1.36 1.66 2.03 2.31 0. 2 1.1. 1.42 1..4 2.02 0... 1.09 1.33 1.63 1. 9 0..3 1.01 1.2 1.16 1. 1

1.9. 3.10 4.0 1.21 6.09 0. . 1.24 1.11 1. 1 2.14 0... 1.10 1.34 1.63 1.90 0..3 1.04 1.2. 1.11 1. 0 0..1 1.01 1.22 1.10 1..4

1. 6 2.92 3. 4 4. 1.66 0. 0 1.11 1.40 1..1 1.9 0..3 1.04 1.26 1.14 1..9 0..0 0.99 1.21 1.4 1..2 0.6 0.9. 1.1 1.44 1.6.

1.9. 3.10 4.0 1.21 6.09 0. . 1.24 1.11 1. 1 2.14 0.6 0.9. 1.1 1.44 1.6. 0.61 0. . 1.06 1.30 1.11 0.1. 0. 2 1.00 1.22 1.41

Notes to T$ble A:1!&


8here structura' sheath#ng #s used, '#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 11F. /tructura' sheath#ng cons#sts o( a m#n#mum 9.1 mm th#c7 structura' &ane' con(orm#ng to )/% O121, )/% O111, )%B!)/%-O321.0 or )/% O43..0 (astened w#th at 'east two rows o( (asteners to the e5ter#or (ace o( the '#nte', and a s#ng'e row to the to& &'ates and studs. Fasteners sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e
223 233

% s#ng'e &#ece o( 9 mm th#c7 'um,er may ,e used #n '#eu o( 2 &#eces o( 3 mm th#c7 'um,er on edge.

+( ('oor 0o#sts s&an the (u'' w#dth o( the building w#thout su&&ort, '#nte' s&ans sha'' ,e reduced ,y 11F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 storey?, ,y 20F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 storeysG, and ,y 21F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 storeysG.

For ends o( '#nte's (u''y su&&orted ,y wa''s, &ro$#de m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 3 mm (or '#nte' s&ans u& to 3 m, or m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm (or '#nte' s&ans greater than 3 m.

/&ans (or 0.6 m tr#,utary w#dth are ca'cu'ated (or '#nte's #n end wa''s that su&&ort on'y a 0.6 m w#dth o( roo( and ce#'#ng, ,ut do not su&&ort roo( 0o#sts, roo( ra(ters or roo( trusses.

L#nte' s&ans are ca'cu'ated ,ased on a ma5#mum ('oor 0o#st, roo( 0o#st or ra(ter s&an o( 4.9 m and a ma5#mum roo( truss s&an o( 9. m. L#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 1F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 4.3 m and roo( truss s&ans are not more than .6 m. /&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 10F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 3.. m and roo( trusses are not more than ..4 m.

/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e T$ble A:15 )$?imum (.$ns /or Eem M +ir Lintels M No, 1 or No, 2 Gr$de M Non:(tructur$l (0e$t0ing819 Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233 and 9.3..3.1.213
+tem )o'umn 1 L#nte' /u&&ort#ng )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 L#nte' /#Ce, mm223 <a5#mum /&an, m233243 65ter#or 8a''s /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 2.0 L#m#ted att#c storage and 2 N 3 R 9 ;h#s %rea +ntent#ona''y Le(t *'an7 ce#'#ng 2 N 3 R 140 2N3 R1 4 2 N 3 R 231 2N3 R2 6 2N3 R 9 2.6 2.34 2.13 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . )o'umn +nter#or 8a''s 2.1 3.0 1.31 1. . 2.2. 2.. 3.23 1.9.




1. 6






2N3 Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 0.6 m 2 N 3 ma5#mum3213 2N3 2N3 Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2N3 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 4.9 m 2 N 3 ma5#mum3263 2N3 2N3 2N3 Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 2N3 storey2332632.3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 2N3 storeys2332632.3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 2N3 storeys2332632.3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3

R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6

4.21 1.10 6.61 ..66 1.31 1. . 2.2. 2.. 3.23 1.01 1.44 1..1 2.14 2.49 0.91 1.29 1.1. 1.90 2.11 0. 1 1.21 1.43 1..2 1.91

3.6 4. 4 1.9. 6.92 1.13 1.61 1.91 2.39 2... 0.93 1.32 1.61 1.96 2.22 0. 1 1.21 1.44 1..3 1.9. 0. 1 1.14 1.33 1.60 1. 2

3.34 4.39 1.16 6.44 1.00 1.43 1..4 2.13 2.4. 0. 6 1.23 1.4. 1..6 2.00 0. 0 1.13 1.33 1.60 1. 2 0... 1.06 1.21 1.10 1..2

3.10 4.0 1.21 6.09 0.91 1.30 1.1 1.92 2.1. 0. 1 1.14 1.34 1.60 1. 2 0..6 1.01 1.24 1.49 1..0 0..4 1.00 1.1 1.42 1.63

2.92 3. 4 4.90 1. 2 0. 4 1.20 1.42 1..1 1.94 0..6 1.01 1.23 1.4 1.69 0..2 0.9 1.16 1.40 1.60 0.69 0.91 1.12 1.31 1.11

3.10 4.0 1.21 6.09 0.91 1.30 1.1 1.92 2.1. 0.69 0.91 1.12 1.31 1.11 0.60 0. 2 0.9 1.19 1.3. 0.11 0..6 0.91 1.10 1.2.

Notes to T$ble A:15&


8here structura' sheath#ng #s used, '#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 11F. /tructura' sheath#ng cons#sts o( a m#n#mum 9.1 mm th#c7 structura' &ane' con(orm#ng to )/% O121, )/% O111, )%B!)/%-O321.0 or )/% O43..0 (astened w#th at 'east two rows o( (asteners to the e5ter#or (ace o( the '#nte', and a s#ng'e row to the to& &'ates and studs. Fasteners sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e
223 233

% s#ng'e &#ece o( 9 mm th#c7 'um,er may ,e used #n '#eu o( 2 &#eces o( 3 mm th#c7 'um,er on edge.

+( ('oor 0o#sts s&an the (u'' w#dth o( the building w#thout su&&ort, '#nte' s&ans sha'' ,e reduced ,y 11F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 storey?, ,y 20F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 storeysG, and ,y 21F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 storeysG.

For ends o( '#nte's (u''y su&&orted ,y wa''s, &ro$#de m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 3 mm (or '#nte' s&ans u& to 3 m, or m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm (or '#nte' s&ans greater than 3 m.

/&ans (or 0.6 m tr#,utary w#dth are ca'cu'ated (or '#nte's #n end wa''s that su&&ort on'y a 0.6 m w#dth o( roo( and ce#'#ng, ,ut do not su&&ort roo( 0o#sts, roo( ra(ters or roo( trusses.

L#nte' s&ans are ca'cu'ated ,ased on a ma5#mum ('oor 0o#st, roo( 0o#st or ra(ter s&an o( 4.9 m and a ma5#mum roo( truss s&an o( 9. m. L#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 1F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 4.3 m and roo( truss s&ans are not more than .6 m. /&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 10F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 3.. m and roo( trusses are not more than ..4 m.

/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e T$ble A:17 )$?imum (.$ns /or (.ruce M %ine M +ir Lintels M No, 1 or No, 2 Gr$de M Non:(tructur$l (0e$t0ing 213 Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233 and 9.3..3.1.213
+tem )o'umn 1 L#nte' /u&&ort#ng )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 )o'umn 1 L#nte' /#Ce, mm223 <a5#mum /&an, m233243 65ter#or 8a''s /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 2.0 2N3 R 9 ;h#s %rea +ntent#ona''y Le(t *'an7 2 N 3 R 140 2N3 R1 4 2 N 3 R 231 2N3 R2 6 2N3 R 9 2.11 2.23 2.02 )o'umn 6 )o'umn . )o'umn +nter#or 8a''s 2.1 3.0 1.2. 1.93 2.31 2. 3.34 1.


L#m#ted att#c storage and ce#'#ng





Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 0.6 m ma5#mum3213 3. Roo( and ce#'#ng on'y 2tr#,utary w#dth o( 4.9 m ma5#mum3263

2 N 3 R 140 2N3 R1 4 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 2N3 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6 R 9 R 140 R1 4 R 231 R2 6

4.01 1.2. 6.3. ..3 1.2. 1.93 2.31 2. 3.34 1.01 1.49 1. 2 2.22 2.1 0.94 1.34 1.63 1.99 2.31 0. 1.21 1.12 1. 6 2.11

3.10 4.61 1..6 6.6. 1.11 1.66 2.02 2.4. 2. . 0.96 1.3. 1.6. 2.04 2.36 0. 1.26 1.13 1. . 2.12 0. 3 1.19 1.44 1..3 1.96

3.1 4.1 1.34 6.21 1.01 1.4 1. 0 2.20 2.16 0. 9 1.2. 1.11 1. 9 2.11 0. 3 1.19 1.44 1..2 1.96 0. 0 1.14 1.31 1.62 1. 4

2.96 3. 4.96 1. . 0.93 1.31 1.64 2.01 2.33 0. 4 1.19 1.44 1..3 1.96 0..9 1.13 1.33 1.60 1. 2 0... 1.0 1.2. 1.13 1..4

2.. 3.66 4.6. 1.61 0. . 1.21 1.12 1. 4 2.09 0..9 1.13 1.33 1.19 1. 1 0..6 1.06 1.21 1.10 1..1 0..4 1.02 1.21 1.41 1.66

2.96 3. 4.96 1. . 0.93 1.31 1.64 2.01 2.33 0..4 1.02 1.20 1.41 1.66 0.64 0. 1.01 1.2. 1.41 0.19 0. 1 0.9. 1.1. 1.31


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 storey2332632.3


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 storeys2332632.3


Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 storeys2332632.3

Notes to T$ble A:17&


8here structura' sheath#ng #s used, '#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 11F. /tructura' sheath#ng cons#sts o( a m#n#mum 9.1 mm th#c7 structura' &ane' con(orm#ng to )/% O121, )/% O111, )%B!)/%-O321.0 or )/% O43..0 (astened w#th at 'east two rows o( (asteners to the e5ter#or (ace o( the '#nte', and a s#ng'e row to the to& &'ates and studs. Fasteners sha'' con(orm to ;a,'e
223 233

% s#ng'e &#ece o( 9 mm th#c7 'um,er may ,e used #n '#eu o( 2 &#eces o( 3 mm th#c7 'um,er on edge.

+( ('oor 0o#sts s&an the (u'' w#dth o( the building w#thout su&&ort, '#nte' s&ans sha'' ,e reduced ,y 11F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 1 storey?, ,y 20F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 2 storeysG, and ,y 21F (or >Roo(, ce#'#ng and 3 storeysG.

For ends o( '#nte's (u''y su&&orted ,y wa''s, &ro$#de m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 3 mm (or '#nte' s&ans u& to 3 m, or m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( .6 mm (or '#nte' s&ans greater than 3 m.

/&ans (or 0.6 m tr#,utary w#dth are ca'cu'ated (or '#nte's #n end wa''s that su&&ort on'y a 0.6 m w#dth o( roo( and ce#'#ng, ,ut do not su&&ort roo( 0o#sts, roo( ra(ters or roo( trusses.

L#nte' s&ans are ca'cu'ated ,ased on a ma5#mum ('oor 0o#st, roo( 0o#st or ra(ter s&an o( 4.9 m and a ma5#mum roo( truss s&an o( 9. m. L#nte' s&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 1F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 4.3 m and roo( truss s&ans are not more than .6 m. /&ans may ,e #ncreased ,y 10F #( ra(ter and 0o#st s&ans are not more than 3.. m and roo( trusses are not more than ..4 m.

/&ans a&&'y on'y where the ('oors ser$e res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e, or the un#(orm'y d#str#,uted live load does not e5ceed that s&ec#(#ed (or res#dent#a' areas as descr#,ed #n ;a,'e T$ble A:1< )$?imum (.$ns /or Glued:L$min$ted Timber Lintels M 2>/:E (tress Gr$de M E?terior 6$lls M Roo/ $nd Ceiling Lo$d Onl3 Form#ng -art o( /entences and 233 and 9.3..3.1.213
+tem )o'. 1 2 3 4 1 6 . L#nte' /#Ce, mm <a5#mum /&an, m213223233 /&ec#(#ed /now Load, 7-a 1.0 1.1 /u&&orted Length, /u&&orted Length, m243213 m243213 2.4 3.6 4. 2.4 3.6 4. 1. 130 R 304 6.23 1.63 1.24 1.63 1.09 4..3 2. 0R3 0 6.12 1. 9 1.4 1. 9 1.32 4.96 3. 130 R 342 6. 0 6.11 1..2 6.11 1.16 1.1. 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 16

2.0 /u&&orted Length, m243213 2.4 3.6 4. 1.24 4..3 4.40 1.4 4.96 4.12 1..2 1.1. 4. 1

2.1 /u&&orted Length, m243213 2.4 3.6 4. 4.91 4.4 4.1. 1.19 4.69 4.11 1.41 4. 9 4.11

3.0 /u&&orted Length, m243213 2.4 3.6 4. 4..3 4.2 3. . 4.96 4.39 3. 0 1.1. 4.6. 4.31


4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10.
213 223

0 R 41 130 R 3 0 0 R 416 130 R 41 0 R 494 0 R 132 130 R 416

..00 ..36 ..4 ..91 ..94 .39 .44

6.33 6.61 6..6 ..11 ..1. ..1 ..63

1. 9 6.19 6.29 6.61 6.6 ..06 ..10

6.33 6.61 6..6 ..11 ..1. ..1 ..63

1..2 6.01 6.10 6.46 6.4 6. 1 6. 9

1.32 1.19 1.6 6.01 6.03 6.3 6.41

1. 9 6.19 6.29 6.61 6.6 ..06 ..10

1.32 1.19 1.6 6.01 6.03 6.3 6.41

4.96 1.21 1.29 1.19 1.61 1.93 1.9.

1.1. 1. 6 1.91 6.29 6.31 6.6. 6..1

1.03 1.29 1.3. 1.6 1..1 6.03 6.0.

4.12 4.92 4.93 1.29 1.31 1.61 1.61

1.32 1.19 1.6 6.01 6.03 6.3 6.41

4. 1 1.06 1.13 1.43 1.41 1..6 1. 0

4.1 4..0 4.16 1.01 4.94 1.32 1.39

Notes to T$ble A:1<&

/&ans are $a'#d (or g'ued-'am#nated t#m,er con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O122 and )/% O1...

-ro$#de a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm. 2%'ternat#$e'y, the ,ear#ng 'ength may ,e ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th -art 4.3
233 243 213

;o& edge o( '#nte' assumed to ,e (u''y 'atera''y su&&orted. /u&&orted Length means ha'( the 'ength o( trusses or ra(ters, &'us the 'ength o( o$erhang ,eyond the wa''. For #ntermed#ate su&&orted 'engths, stra#ght #nter&o'at#on may ,e used.

T$ble A:1; )$?imum Allo2$ble Cle$r (.$ns /or Lintels in +l$t Lo$dbe$ring Insul$ting Concrete +orm 8IC+9 6$lls 8198298!9 81:1>) Bottom B$r9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.20.1..4.233
+tem )o'umn 1 <#n#mum L#nte' ;h#c7ness, mm )o'umn 2 <#n#mum L#nte' "e&th, mm )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum )'ear /&an, m /u&&ort#ng L#ght-Frame Roo( On'y <a5#mum 4round /now Load, 7B!m2 1.10 3.33 1.41 1.1 1.. 1.10 2.0 1..1 2.33 1.9. 2.11 2.16 1.41 1.1 1.. 1.10 2.0 1..1 2.33 1.9. 2.14 2.11 1.41 1.1 1.. 1.10 2.0. 1..1 2.32 1.96 2.13 2.11 1.41 1.19 1.. 1.10 2.06 1..4 2.30 1.91 2.11 2.13 1.41 1.19 1... 1.49 2.06 1..4 2.30 1.91 2.10 2.13 1.41 1.19 1..6 1.49 2.04 1..3 2.2. 1.93 2.4. 2.11 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 /u&&ort#ng +)F /econd Storey and L#ghtFrame Roo( 1.10 1.03 1.30 1.13 1..2 1. 9 1.02 1.29 1.11 1..0 1. . 1.01 1.2 1.10 1.6 1. 1 0.9 1.24 1.41 1.63 1.. 0.9. 1.23 1.43 1.61 1... 0.94 1.1 1.3 1.11 1..0 3.33 0.93 1.1 1.3 1.16 1..1 0.92 1.1. 1.3. 1.14 1..0 0.91 1.16 1.36 1.13 1.6 0. 9 1.13 1.32 1.49 1.63 0. 9 1.12 1.31 1.4 1.62 0. 6 1.09 1.2. 1.43 1.16













200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600

Notes to T$ble A:1;&

213 223

"e('ect#on cr#ter#a #s L!240, where >L? #s the c'ear s&an o( the '#nte'. L#near #nter&o'at#on #s &erm#tted ,etween ground snow 'oads and ,etween '#nte' de&ths. 1 0


10< st#rru&s are re:u#red at a ma5#mum d!2 s&ac#ng (or s&ans greater than 1 200 mm, where >d? #s the d#stance (rom the to& o( the '#nte' to the 'e$e' o( the ,ottom re#n(orc#ng ,ar #n the '#nte'. T$ble A:1= )$?imum Allo2$ble Cle$r (.$ns /or Lintels in +l$t Lo$dbe$ring Insul$ting Concrete +orm 8IC+9 6$lls 8198298!9 81:17) Bottom B$r9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.20.1..4.233
+tem )o'umn 1 <#n#mum L#nte' ;h#c7ness, mm )o'umn 2 <#n#mum L#nte' "e&th, mm )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum )'ear /&an, m /u&&ort#ng L#ght-Frame Roo( On'y <a5#mum 4round /now Load, 7B!m2 1.10 3.33 1.63 1.46 2.43 2.0 2.90 2.44 3.26 2..1 3.1 3.03 1.6. 1.49 2.4 2.0 2.90 2.44 3.26 2..1 3.1. 3.02 1..0 1.13 2.4 2.0 2.90 2.44 3.21 2..1 3.16 3.02 1. 0 1.61 2.4 2.09 2. 9 2.44 3.23 2..4 3.13 3.00 1. 3 1.64 2.4 2.09 2. 2.44 3.22 2..4 3.12 2.99 1.93 1.61 2.4. 2.0 2. 6 2.43 3.19 2..2 3.4. 2.9. )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 /u&&ort#ng +)F /econd Storey and L#ghtFrame Roo( 1.10 1.31 1. 1 2.13 2.41 2.61 1.33 1..9 2.11 2.3 2.62 1.31 1.. 2.09 2.36 2.19 1.36 1..3 2.03 2.29 2.11 1.31 1..1 2.01 2.26 2.4 1.30 1.66 2.94 2.1 2.39 3.33 1.23 1.64 1.93 2.1 2.40 1.21 1.62 1.91 2.16 2.3 1.26 1.61 1.90 2.14 2.36 1.24 1.1 1. 1 2.09 2.30 1.23 1.1. 1. 4 2.0. 2.2 1.20 1.12 1.. 2.01 2.20













200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600

Notes to T$ble A:1=&

213 223 233

"e('ect#on cr#ter#a #s L!240, where >L? #s the c'ear s&an o( the '#nte'. L#near #nter&o'at#on #s &erm#tted ,etween ground snow 'oads and ,etween '#nte' de&ths.

10< st#rru&s are re:u#red at a ma5#mum d!2 s&ac#ng (or s&ans greater than 1 200 mm, where >d? #s the d#stance (rom the to& o( the '#nte' to the 'e$e' o( the ,ottom re#n(orc#ng ,ar #n the '#nte'. T$ble A:19 )$?imum Allo2$ble Cle$r (.$ns /or Lintels in +l$t Lo$dbe$ring Insul$ting Concrete +orm 8IC+9 6$lls 8198298!9 82:17) Bottom B$r9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.20.1..4.233
+tem )o'umn 1 <#n#mum L#nte' ;h#c7ness, mm )o'umn 2 <#n#mum L#nte' "e&th, mm )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 <a5#mum )'ear /&an, m /u&&ort#ng L#ght-Frame Roo( On'y <a5#mum 4round /now Load, 7B!m2 1.10 3.33 1.63 1.46 2.43 2.1 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 /u&&ort#ng +)F /econd Storey and L#ghtFrame Roo( 1.10 1.31 1.96 3.33 1.23 1. 4



200 300

1 1











400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600 200 300 400 100 600

3.22 4.00 4..1 1.6. 2.4 3.29 4. 0 4. . 1..0 2.13 3.36 4.16 4.91 1. 0 2.6. 3.13 4.3 4.92 1. 3 2. . 3.. 4.46 4. 6 2.0. 3.0. 3.91 4.40 4..

2.90 3.60 4.20 1.49 2.23 2.96 3.6 4.20 1.13 2.2 3.02 3..6 4.20 1.61 2.40 3.19 3. 1 4.19 1.64 2.44 3.24 3. 1 4.1 1..4 2.19 3.3 3. 0 4.16

2.60 3.21 3.61 1.33 1.99 2.64 3.29 3.64 1.31 2.02 2.6 3.2. 3.61 1.39 2.09 2... 3.1 3.10 1.41 2.11 2..9 3.11 3.4. 1.46 2.1 2..0 3.04 3.34

2.42 2..0 2.9. 1.21 1. . 2.41 2..4 3.02 1.2. 1.90 2.4 2.. 3.0 1.32 1.9. 2.16 2.90 3.21 1.33 2.00 2.11 2. 9 3.1 1.3 2.0. 2.4 2. 0 3.0

Notes to T$ble A:19&

213 223 233

"e('ect#on cr#ter#a #s L!240, where >L? #s the c'ear s&an o( the '#nte'. L#near #nter&o'at#on #s &erm#tted ,etween ground snow 'oads and ,etween '#nte' de&ths.

10< st#rru&s are re:u#red at a ma5#mum d!2 s&ac#ng (or s&ans greater than 1 200 mm, where >d? #s the d#stance (rom the to& o( the '#nte' to the 'e$e' o( the ,ottom re#n(orc#ng ,ar #n the '#nte'. T$ble A:2> )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 BricA 'eneer M 1,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 8 310 R 12 8 310 R 60 8 360 R 33 8 360 R 39 8 360 R 41 8 360 R 11 /tee' *eam /ect#on )o'umn 2 1.0 2.4 2.4 2.96 3.32 3.62 3. 0 4.06 4.1. 4.42 4..1 1.04 1.32 1.66 1.96 6.33 6.10 1.61 6.01 6.3 6..0 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 2. 6 3.22 3.10 3.6 3.93 4.04 4.29 4.16 4. 1.11 1.49 1... 6.13 6.30 1.43 1. 3 6.19 6.49 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 4. 2.4 2.. 3.13 3.40 3.1 3. 2 3.93 4.16 4.43 4..1 1.01 1.33 1.61 1.96 6.12 1.2 1.66 6.01 6.31 )o'umn . )o'umn 6.0 2.4 2..1 3.04 3.32 3.49 3..2 3. 2 4.01 4.31 4.62 4. . 1.19 1.46 1. 1.96 1.14 1.11 1. 1 6.14 )o'umn 9

3.6 2..9 3.14 3.41 3.19 3. 3 3.94 4.1 4.44 4..6 1.02 1.34 1.62 1.9 6.14 1.29 1.6 6.03 6.32

3.6 2..1 3.01 3.32 3.49 3..3 3. 3 4.06 4.32 4.63 4. 9 1.20 1.4. 1. 2 1.9 1.11 1.13 1. . 6.16

3.6 2.61 2.9 3.24 3.41 3.64 3..4 3.96 4.22 4.12 4... 1.0. 1.34 1.6. 1. 3 1.03 1.39 1..2 6.00

3.6 2.19 2.91 3.1. 3.33 3.16 3.61 3. . 4.12 4.41 4.66 4.96 1.22 1.14 1.69 4.91 1.2. 1.19 1. .

1 2

8 360 R 1.
Notes to T$ble A:2>&
213 223









/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

T$ble A:21 )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort Interior (tud 6$lls or E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 (iding M 1,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41
Notes to T$ble A:21&
213 223

)o'umn 2 1.0 2.4 2.4 4.20 4..2 1.14 1.41 1... 1.93 6.29 6.69 ..1. ..16 .01 .4.

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 3.9 4.4 4. 1.13 1.4 1.63 1.9. 6.31 6. 0 ..1. ..63 .03

)o'umn 1

)o'umn 6 4. 2.4 3. 1 4.2 4.66 4.90 1.23 1.3 1..0 6.06 6.49 6. 1 ..29 ..6

)o'umn .

)o'umn 6.0 2.4 3.66 4.11 4.4 4..1 1.02 1.16 1.4. 1. 2 6.24 6.1 ..01 ..3.

)o'umn 9

3.6 3. 2 4.30 4.6 4.92 1.21 1.40 1..2 6.09 6.12 6. ..32 ...1

3.6 3.6. 4.13 4.49 4..2 1.04 1.1 1.10 1. 1 6.26 6.61 ..03 ..40

3.6 3.11 3.9 4.33 4.16 4. 6 1.00 1.30 1.64 6.04 6.3. 6.. ..14

3.6 3.31 3. 1 4.19 4.41 4..1 4. 4 1.13 1.41 1. 1 6.1. 6.16 6.91

T$ble A:22 )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 BricA 'eneer M 1,7 A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ #esign (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 8 310 R 12 8 310 R 60 8 360 R 33 8 360 R 39 8 360 R 41 8 360 R 11 8 360 R 1. /tee' *eam /ect#on )o'umn 2 1.1 2.4 2.4 2. 6 3.22 3.10 3.6 3.93 4.04 4.29 4.16 4. 1.11 1.49 1... 6.13 6.30 1.43 1. 3 6.19 6.49 6.. )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 2..4 3.0 3.36 3.13 3... 3. 4.11 4.3. 4.6 4.94 1.26 1.13 1. 6.04 1.21 1.1 1.93 6.22 6.10 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 4. 2.4 2.64 2.9. 3.23 3.40 3.63 3..3 3.96 4.21 4.11 4..6 1.06 1.33 1.66 1. 1 1.01 1.3 1..1 1.99 6.26 )o'umn . )o'umn 6.0 2.4 2.11 2. . 3.13 3.29 3.11 3.61 3. 2 4.0. 4.36 4.60 4. 9 1.11 1.4. 1.62 4. 1 1.20 1.12 1..9 6.01 )o'umn 9

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

3.6 2..1 3.01 3.32 3.49 3..3 3. 3 4.06 4.32 4.63 4. 9 1.20 1.4. 1. 2 1.9 1.11 1.13 1. . 6.16 6.43

3.6 2.62 2.94 3.20 3.3. 3.60 3..0 3.92 4.1. 4.4. 4..1 1.01 1.2 1.61 1..6 4.9. 1.33 1.61 1.93 6.20

3.6 2.13 2. 1 3.10 3.26 3.4 3.1 3..9 4.03 4.32 4.16 4. 1 1.11 1.43 1.1. 4. 1 1.11 1.4. 1..4 6.00

3.6 2.46 2..6 3.01 3.16 3.3 3.4. 3.6 3.91 4.19 4.42 4..1 4.91 1.26 1.41 4.66 1.00 1.31 1.1. 1. 2

1 3

Notes to T$ble A:22&

213 223

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

T$ble A:2! )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort Interior (tud 6$lls or E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 (iding M 1,7 A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41
Notes to T$ble A:2!&
213 223

)o'umn 2 1.1 2.4 2.4 3.9 4.4 4. 1.13 1.4 1.63 1.9. 6.31 6. 0 ..1. ..63 .03

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 3..3 4.19 4.16 4. 0 1.12 1.2. 1.1 1.94 6.36 6..1 ..14 ..12

)o'umn 1

)o'umn 6 4. 2.4 3.13 3.9. 4.32 4.14 4. 1 4.9 1.2 1.62 6.02 6.31 6..6 ..11

)o'umn .

)o'umn 6.0 2.4 3.36 3.. 4.12 4.33 4.62 4..1 1.04 1.36 1..4 6.06 6.41 6..

)o'umn 9

3.6 3.6. 4.13 4.49 4..2 1.04 1.1 1.10 1. 1 6.26 6.61 ..03 ..40

3.6 3.4 3.91 4.26 4.4 4.. 4.92 1.21 1.14 1.94 6.2. 6.6. ..02

3.6 3.30 3..4 4.0. 4.2 4.1. 4..0 4.9 1.30 1.6. 1.99 6.3. 6..1

3.6 3.12 3.19 3.91 4.11 4.39 4.11 4.. 1.09 1.41 1..1 6.12 6.44

T$ble A:25 )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 BricA 'eneer M 2,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 8 310 R 12 8 310 R 60 8 360 R 33 8 360 R 39 8 360 R 41 8 360 R 11 8 360 R 1.
Notes to T$ble A:25&

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

)o'umn 2 2.0 2.4 2.4 2.. 3.13 3.40 3.1 3. 2 3.93 4.16 4.43 4..1 1.01 1.33 1.61 1.96 6.12 1.2 1.66 6.01 6.31 6.19

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 2.64 2.9. 3.23 3.40 3.63 3..3 3.96 4.21 4.11 4..6 1.06 1.33 1.66 1. 1 1.01 1.3 1..1 1.99 6.26

)o'umn 1

)o'umn 6 4. 2.4 2.13 2. 4 3.09 3.21 3.4. 3.1. 3.. 4.02 4.31 4.11 4. 4 1.10 1.41 1.16 4. 0 1.14 1.46 1..3 1.99

)o'umn .

)o'umn 6.0 2.4 2.43 2..3 2.9. 3.13 3.34 3.43 3.64 3. . 4.11 4.3. 4.61 4.90 1.21 1.31 4.61 4.94 1.21 1.11 1..6

)o'umn 9

3.6 2.61 2.9 3.24 3.41 3.64 3..4 3.96 4.22 4.12 4... 1.0. 1.34 1.6. 1. 3 1.03 1.39 1..2 6.00 6.2

3.6 2.13 2. 1 3.10 3.26 3.4 3.1 3..9 4.03 4.32 4.16 4. 1 1.11 1.43 1.1. 4. 1 1.11 1.4. 1..4 6.00

3.6 2.43 2..4 2.9 3.13 3.34 3.44 3.64 3. 4.11 4.3 4.66 4.91 1.21 1.36 4.62 4.91 1.26 1.12 1...

3.6 2.31 2.64 2. 3.02 3.23 3.32 3.12 3..4 4.01 4.23 4.10 4..4 1.03 1.1. 4.46 4.. 1.0 1.33 1.1.

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. 1 4


/u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

T$ble A:27 )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort Interior (tud 6$lls or E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 (iding M 2,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41
Notes to T$ble A:27&
213 223

)o'umn 2 2.0 2.4 2.4 3. 1 4.2 4.66 4.90 1.23 1.3 1..0 6.06 6.49 6. 1 ..29 ..6

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 3.13 3.9. 4.32 4.14 4. 1 4.9 1.2 1.62 6.02 6.31 6..6 ..11

)o'umn 1

)o'umn 6 4. 2.4 3.32 3..3 4.06 4.2. 4.16 4.6 4.96 1.2 1.66 1.9. 6.31 6.69

)o'umn .

)o'umn 6.0 2.4 3.11 3.14 3. 1 4.01 4.32 4.41 4..1 1.01 1.3. 1.6. 6.03 6.31

)o'umn 9

3.6 3.14 3.9 4.33 4.16 4. 6 1.00 1.30 1.64 6.04 6.3. 6.. ..14

3.6 3.33 3..4 4..0 4.2 4.1. 4.0. 4.9 1.30 1.6. 1.99 6.3. 6..1

3.6 3.13 3.11 3. 6 4.06 4.34 4.46 4..2 1.03 1.3 1.6 6.04 6.36

3.6 2.94 3.39 3.69 3. 4.14 4.26 4.11 4. 0 1.14 1.43 1... 6.0

T$ble A:2< )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 BricA 'eneer M 2,7 A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 8 310 R 12 8 310 R 60 8 360 R 33 8 360 R 39 8 360 R 41 8 360 R 11 8 360 R 1.
Notes to T$ble A:2<&
213 223

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

)o'umn 2 2.1 2.4 2.4 2..1 3.04 3.32 3.49 3..2 3. 2 4.01 4.31 4.62 4. . 1.19 1.46 1. 0 1.96 1.14 1.11 1. 1 6.14 6.42

)o'umn 3

)o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 2.11 2. . 3.13 3.29 3.11 3.61 3. 2 4.0. 4.36 4.60 4. 9 1.11 1.4. 1.62 4. 1 1.20 1.12 1..9 6.01

)o'umn 1

)o'umn 6 4. 2.4 2.43 2..3 2.9. 3.13 3.34 3.43 3.64 3. . 4.11 4.3. 4.61 4.90 1.21 1.31 4.61 4.94 1.21 1.11 1..6

)o'umn .

)o'umn 6.0 2.4 2.33 2.62 2. 1 2.99 3.20 3.29 3.4 3..1 3.9. 4.19 4.46 4.69 4.9 1.12 4.42 4..3 1.03 1.2. 1.11

)o'umn 9

3.6 2.19 2.91 3.1. 3.33 3.16 3.61 3. . 4.12 4.41 4.66 4.96 1.22 1.14 1.69 4.91 1.2. 1.19 1. . 6.13

3.6 2.46 2..6 3.01 3.16 3.3 3.4. 3.6 3.91 4.19 4.42 4..1 4.91 1.26 1.41 4.66 1.00 1.31 1.1. 1. 2

3.6 2.31 2.64 2. 3.02 3.23 3.32 3.12 3..4 4.01 4.23 4.10 4..4 1.03 1.1. 4.46 4.. 1.0 1.33 1.1.

3.6 2.26 2.14 2... 2.91 3.10 3.19 3.3 3.60 3. 1 4.0. 4.33 4.11 4. 4 4.9. 4.29 4.60 4. 1.12 1.31

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. 1 1

T$ble A:2; )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort Interior (tud 6$lls or E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 (iding M 2,7 A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 )o'umn 2 2.1 2.4 2.4 3.66 4.11 4.4 4..1 1.02 1.16 1.4. 1. 2 6.24 6.1 ..01 ..3. )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 3.36 3.. 4.12 4.33 4.62 4..1 1.04 1.36 1..4 6.06 6.41 6.. )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 4. 2.4 3.11 3.14 3. 1 4.01 4.32 4.41 4..1 1.01 1.3. 1.6. 6.03 6.31 )o'umn . )o'umn 6.0 2.4 2.9 3.31 3.64 3. 3 4.09 4.21 4.46 4..4 1.0 1.36 1..0 6.00 )o'umn 9

3.6 3.43 3. 1 4.19 4.41 4..1 4. 4 1.13 1.46 1. 1 6.1. 6.16 6.91

3.6 3.19 3.19 3.91 4.11 4.39 4.11 4.. 1.09 1.41 1..1 6.12 6.44

3.6 2.9 3.39 3.69 3. 4.14 4.26 4.11 4. 0 1.14 1.43 1.. 6.0

3.6 2..9 3.23 3.11 3.69 3.94 4.01 4.30 4.14 4.90 1.1. 1.4. 1..9

Notes to T$ble A:2;&

213 223

T$ble A:2= )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 BricA 'eneer M !,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 8 310 R 12 8 310 R 60 8 360 R 33 8 360 R 39 8 360 R 41 8 360 R 11 8 360 R 1. )o'umn 2 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.64 2.9. 3.23 3.40 3.63 3..3 3.96 4.21 4.11 4..6 1.06 1.33 1.66 1. 1 1.01 1.3 1..1 1.99 6.26 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 2.4 2.. 3.03 3.19 3.40 3.10 3..1 3.94 4.23 4.46 4..4 4.99 1.31 1.41 4..0 1.04 1.31 1.61 1. . )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 4. 2.4 2.31 2.64 2. . 3.02 3.22 3.31 3.11 3..4 4.00 4.22 4.49 4..3 1.03 1.16 4.41 4... 1.0. 1.32 1.16 )o'umn . )o'umn 6.0 2.4 2.24 2.12 2..4 2. 3.0 3.16 3.31 3.1. 3. 2 4.03 4.29 4.11 4. 0 4.93 4.21 4.16 4. 4 1.0 1.31 )o'umn 9

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

3.6 2.13 2. 1 3.10 3.26 3.4 3.1 3..9 4.03 4.32 4.16 4. 1 1.11 1.43 1.1. 4. 1 1.11 1.4. 1..4 6.00

3.6 2.39 2.69 2.93 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.1 3. 1 4.0 4.30 4.1 4. 2 1.12 1.26 4.14 4. 6 1.16 1.42 1.66

3.6 2.2 2.16 2..9 2.93 3.13 3.21 3.41 3.62 3. 4.10 4.36 4.19 4. 1.01 4.32 4.63 4.92 1.16 1.39

3.6 2.1 2.41 2.6. 2. 1 3.00 3.0 3.26 3.4. 3..2 3.93 4.1 4.40 4.6. 4. 0 4.14 4.44 4..1 4.94 1.1.

Notes to T$ble A:2=&

213 223

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam.

1 6

T$ble A:29 )$?imum (.$ns /or (teel Be$ms (u..orting $ Roo/ $nd One +loor in #2elling nits 60ere Be$ms (u..ort Interior (tud 6$lls or E?terior (tud 6$lls 2it0 (iding M !,> A%$ (.eci/ied Roo/ (no2 Lo$d Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 <a5#mum /&an, m Roo( <ive <oad, 7-a /u&&orted Roo( Length, m213 /u&&orted F'oor Length, m223 8 110 R 22 8 110 R 30 8 110 R 3. 8 200 R 2. 8 200 R 31 8 200 R 36 8 200 R 42 8 210 R 33 8 210 R 39 8 210 R 49 8 310 R 39 8 310 R 41 )o'umn 2 3.0 2.4 2.4 3.13 3.9. 4.32 4.14 4. 1 4.9 1.2 1.62 6.02 6.31 6..6 ..11 )o'umn 3 )o'umn 4 3.6 2.4 3.23 3.63 3.91 4.11 4.43 4.16 4. 3 1.14 1.11 1. 1 6.1 6.11 )o'umn 1 )o'umn 6 4. 2.4 3.01 3.3 3.6 3. . 4.13 4.21 4.10 4..9 1.13 1.42 1..6 6.0. )o'umn . )o'umn 6.0 2.4 2. 3 3.19 3.4 3.61 3.90 4.01 4.21 4.12 4. 4 1.11 1.44 1..2 )o'umn 9

3.6 3.33 3..4 4.0. 4.2 4.1. 4..0 4.9 1.30 1.6. 1.99 6.3. 6..1

3.6 3.0 3.4. 3... 3.9. 4.23 4.31 4.61 4.91 1.26 1.11 1.90 6.21

3.6 2. 1 3.26 3.11 3..3 3.9 4.09 4.34 4.61 4.94 1.21 1.11 1. 4

3.6 2.66 3.09 3.3. 3.12 3.. 3. 4.12 4.33 4.69 4.91 1.21 1.14

Notes to T$ble A:29&

213 223

/tee' *eam /ect#on

/u&&orted roo( 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the roo( (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. /u&&orted ('oor 'ength means ha'( the sum o( the ('oor (ram#ng s&ans on ,oth s#des o( the ,eam. T$ble A:!> (i-es /or (.ruce:%ine:+ir No, 2 Gr$de E?terior 6$ll (tuds 2it0 BricA 'eneer 819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence







)o'umn 1 2 /tud /#Ce and /&ac#ng =our'y 8#nd -ressure 21!103, 7-a /&ec#(#ed Roo( /tud /now Load, Length, m 7-a 1.0 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.1 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.0 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 2.1 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3.0 3.

3 0.40

1 0.41

. 0.10 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % * * ) ) ) ) " " " " % % * * ) ) ) ) " " " " % % * * ) ) ) ) " " " " % % * * ) ) ) ) " " " " % %

9 0.60


/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % * * ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % * * ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % * * ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % * * ) ) ) ) ) ) % %

/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % %

/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % * * ) ) " " " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " %

1 .

4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6

Legend : (tud (i-e $nd (.$cing A P != Q 15> mm $t 5>< mm on centre B P != Q 15> mm $t !>7 mm on centre

% * ) ) )

% * ) ) )

% * ) ) "

% * ) ) "

* ) ) " "

* ) ) " "

* ) " "

* ) " "

C P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t 5>< mm on centre # P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t !>7 mm on centre Notes to T$ble A:!>&

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.1 7-a has ,een assumed. ;he ;a,'e does not a&&'y where the stud su&&orts add#t#ona' 'oads (rom hea$y roo(#ng mater#a's such as concrete t#'es or c'ay roo(#ng t#'es.

8a'' construct#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence T$ble A:!1 (i-es /or (.ruce:%ine:+ir No, 2 Gr$de E?terior 6$ll (tuds 2it0 (iding819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence


)o'umn 1 2 /tud /#Ce and /&ac#ng =our'y 8#nd -ressure 21!103, 7-a /&ec#(#ed Roo( /tud Length, m /now Load, 7-a 1.0 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6

. 0.10 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % % % * * * * % % % % % % % % * * * * % % % % % % % % * * * * % % % % % % % % * * * * % % % % % % % % * * * *











0.40 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % * % % % % % % % % % * % *

0.41 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % % % % % * * % % % % % % % % % % * * % % % % % % % % % % * * % % % % % % % % % % * * % % % % % % % % % * * *

0.60 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) )

Legend : (tud (i-e $nd (.$cing A P != Q 15> mm $t 5>< mm on centre B P != Q 15> mm $t !>7 mm on centre

C P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t 5>< mm on centre # P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t !>7 mm on centre Notes to T$ble A:!1&

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.1 7-a has ,een assumed. ;he ;a,'e does not a&&'y where the stud su&&orts add#t#ona' 'oads (rom hea$y roo(#ng mater#a's such as concrete t#'es or c'ay roo(#ng t#'es.

8a'' construct#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence T$ble A:!2 (i-es /or Nort0ern (.ecies No, 2 Gr$de E?terior 6$ll (tuds 2it0 BricA 'eneer 819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence


)o'umn 1 2 /tud /#Ce and /&ac#ng =our'y 8#nd -ressure 21!103, 7-a /&ec#(#ed Roo( /tud /now Load, 7-a Length, m 1.0 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6

3 0.40

1 0.41

. 0.10 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 * * ) ) ) ) " " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) " * ) ) "

9 0.60



/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) " % * ) ) "

/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % * * ) ) " " " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " " % * ) " "

/u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 * * ) ) " "



* ) "

* ) "



* ) "

* ) "



* ) "

* ) "



* ) "

* ) "

Legend : (tud (i-e $nd (.$cing A P != Q 15> mm $t 5>< mm on centre B P != Q 15> mm $t !>7 mm on centre C P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t 5>< mm on centre # P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t !>7 mm on centre Notes to T$ble A:!2&
213 % roo( dead 'oad o( 0.1 7-a has ,een assumed. ;he ;a,'e does not a&&'y where the stud su&&orts add#t#ona' 'oads (rom hea$y roo(#ng mater#a's such as concrete t#'es or c'ay roo(#ng t#'es. 223

8a'' construct#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence 1 9

T$ble A:!! (i-es /or Nort0ern (.ecies No, 2 Gr$de E?terior 6$ll (tuds 2it0 (iding819829 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem )o'umn 1 2 /tud /#Ce and /&ac#ng =our'y 8#nd -ressure 21!103, 7-a /&ec#(#ed Roo( /tud /now Load, 7-a Length, m 1.0 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3. 4.2 4.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 3 0.40 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % % % * * ) ) % % % % % % % % * * ) ) % % % % % % % % * * ) ) % % % % % % % * * * ) ) % % % % % * % * * ) ) ) 4 1 0.41 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % % * * * * ) ) % % % % % * * * * ) ) ) 6 . 0.10 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % % % * * ) ) ) ) % % % % % % * * ) ) ) ) % % % % % % * * ) ) ) ) % % % % % % * * ) ) ) ) % % % % % * * * ) ) ) ) 9 0.60 /u&&orted Roo( Length, m 3.0 6.0 % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " % % % % * * ) ) ) ) " " 10










Legend : (tud (i-e $nd (.$cing A P != Q 15> mm $t 5>< mm on centre B P != Q 15> mm $t !>7 mm on centre C P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t 5>< mm on centre # P t2o != Q 15> mm studs $t !>7 mm on centre Notes to T$ble A:!!&

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.1 7-a has ,een assumed. ;he ;a,'e does not a&&'y where the stud su&&orts add#t#ona' 'oads (rom hea$y roo(#ng mater#a's such as concrete t#'es or c'ay roo(#ng t#'es.

8a'' construct#on sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /entence

T$ble A:!5 )inimum Number o/ != Q =9 mm (.ruce:%ine:+ir (tud %osts in E?terior (tud 6$lls (u..orting Girder Trusses $nd Roo/ Be$ms8198298!9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.10...223
)o'. 1 2 3 4 1 6 . <#n#mum Bum,er o( /tuds /&ec#(#ed Roo( /now Load, 7-a 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 16 1. 1 19 20 21 22


/tud =e#ght, m 2.4


/&an o( *eam or 4#rder, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 ..2 .4 9.6 10. 12.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 ..2 .4 9.6 10. 12.0

1.0 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 1

1.1 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1

2.0 2.1 /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 4 1 3 4 1 3 4

3.0 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1

2 3 4 1

3 4 1

3 4

2 3 4 1

3 4

4 1

3 4 1

4 1

3 4

Notes to T$ble A:!5&

213 223 233

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.62 7-a has ,een assumed. Roo( ,eams re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm. 4#rder trusses re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed ,y the truss manu(acturer.

T$ble A:!7 )inimum Number o/ != Q 15> mm (.ruce:%ine:+ir (tud %osts in E?terior (tud 6$lls (u..orting Girder Trusses $nd Roo/ Be$ms8198298!9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.10...223
)o'. 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 <#n#mum Bum,er o( /tuds /tud /&an o( /&ec#(#ed Roo( /now Load, 7-a =e#ght, *eam or 1.0 1.1 m 4#rder, /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 3.0 2.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4. 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 6.0 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 ..2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 .4 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 9.6 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 10. 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 12.0 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 3.6 2.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3.6 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4. 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 6.0 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 ..2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 .4 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 9.6 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 10. 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 12.0 2 3 4 1 3 4 1
Notes to Table A-35:
213 223 233












2.0 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1

2.1 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 3 1 4 1

3.0 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 4 4 1 4 4

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.62 7-a has ,een assumed. Roo( ,eams re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 140 mm. 4#rder trusses re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 140 mm un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed ,y the truss manu(acturer. 191

T$ble A:!< <#n#mum Bum,er o( 3 R 9 mm Borthern /&ec#es /tud -osts #n 65ter#or /tud 8a''s /u&&ort#ng 4#rder ;russes and Roo( *eams8198298!9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.10...223
)o'. 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 16 1. 1 <#n#mum Bum,er o( /tuds /tud /&an o( /&ec#(#ed Roo( /now Load, 7-a =e#ght, *eam 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 m or /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m 4#rder, 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 m 2.4 2.4 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 3.6 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 4. 2 3 4 4 3 4 1 3 4 4 1 6.0 2 3 4 1 3 4 4 1 4 ..2 3 4 1 4 1 4 1 .4 3 4 4 1 9.6 4 1 1 10. 4 1 12.0 4 3.0 2.4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3.6 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 1 4 1 4. 3 4 1 3 1 4 1 6.0 3 1 4 1 ..2 4 1 1 .4 4 9.6 1 10. 1 12.0
Notes to T$ble A:!<&
213 223 233





3.0 /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2 3 4 1 3 4 4 1

3 4

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.62 7-a has ,een assumed. Roo( ,eams re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm. 4#rder trusses re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 9 mm un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed ,y the truss manu(acturer. T$ble A:!; )inimum Number o/ != Q 15> mm Nort0ern (.ecies (tud %osts in E?terior (tud 6$lls (u..orting Girder Trusses $nd Roo/ Be$ms8198298!9 Form#ng -art o( /entence 9.23.10...223

)o'. 1 2 3 4 1 6 . 9 10 <#n#mum Bum,er o( /tuds /tud /&an o( /&ec#(#ed Roo( /now Load, 7-a =e#ght, m *eam or 1.0 1.1 4#rder, /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m m 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 2.4 3.6 4. 6.0 3.0 2.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3.6 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 4. 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 6.0 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 ..2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 .4 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 9.6 2 3 4 4 3 4 1 10. 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 12.0 2 3 4 1 3 4 3.6 2.4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3.6 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 4. 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 6.0 2 2 3 4 2 3 4 1 ..2 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 .4 2 3 4 1 3 4 1












2.0 2.1 3.0 /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m /u&&orted Length, m 2.4 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 3 3.6 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 4. 2 2 3 4 4 1 6.0 2 3 4 1 1 2.4 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 3.6 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 4. 2 3 4 4 1 6.0 2 3 4 1 2.4 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 3.6 2 3 3 4 1 1 4. 2 3 4 1 6.0 3 4 1

2 3 4 1 1

3 4 1

2 3 4 1

3 4 1

2 3 4 1

3 4 1

3 1


9.6 10. 12.0

Notes to T$ble A:!;&
213 223 233

2 3 3

3 4 4

4 1 1

3 3 4

4 1 1

4 4 1

4 1 1

% roo( dead 'oad o( 0.62 7-a has ,een assumed. Roo( ,eams re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 140 mm. 4#rder trusses re:u#re a m#n#mum ,ear#ng 'ength o( 140 mm un'ess otherw#se s&ec#(#ed ,y the truss manu(acturer. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 9G O. Reg. 111!13, s. 2 -30G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 49-69, .2, .4- 1, 3-96.

(ection (ection (ection

1>,1, 1>,1,1, 1>,2, 1>,2,1, 1>,!, 1>,!,1, 1>,!,2, 1>,5, 1>,5,1,

Gener$l (co.e Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ E?isting Buildings Cl$ssi/ic$tion Re4uirements Gener$l %er/orm$nce Le1el$nce Altern$ti1es$nce Altern$ti1es


(ection 1>,1, Gener$l 1>,1,1, (co.e 1>,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 1>,1,1,2, C0$nge in )$@or Occu.$nc3 819 ;he (o''ow#ng changes o( use are a'so deemed to ,e a change #n major occupancy (or the &ur&oses o( th#s -art: 2a3 a suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy #s con$erted #nto more than one suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2,3 a suite or &art o( a suite o( a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 or 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 major occupancy #s con$erted to a gaming premises, 2c3 a farm building or &art o( a farm building #s changed to a major occupancy, 2d3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a post-disaster building, 2e3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, or 2(3 the use o( a building or &art o( a building #s changed and the &re$#ous major occupancy o( the building or &art o( the building cannot ,e determ#ned. (ection 1>,2, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ E?isting Buildings 1>,2,1, Cl$ssi/ic$tion 1>,2,1,1, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ )$@or Occu.$nc3 819 6$ery e5#st#ng building or &art o( #t sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed accord#ng to #ts major occupancy #n accordance w#th the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.1.2. 1>,2,1,2, Cl$ssi/ic$tion According to Construction $nd Occu.$nc3 819 For the &ur&oses o( th#s -art, e5#st#ng buildings sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as to the#r construction and occupancy as &ro$#ded (or #n /entence 1>,2,1,!, Building (i-e $nd Construction 819 ;he re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. do not a&&'y to th#s -art. (ection 1>,!, Re4uirements 1>,!,1, Gener$l 193

1>,!,1,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 10.4., a building or &art o( a building su,0ect to a change o( major occupancy sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., /ect#ons 3..., 3.11. and 3.12., /entences, and 6.2.4... 213, /u,sect#ons 9.1.1. and 9.1.3. to 9.1.10., /entences, 243 and 2.3 to 293, %rt#c'e 9...2.3., /entences 9. . .1.213 to 293 and to 2.3, /u,sect#on 9.10.1.., /ect#ons 9.31. and 9.32., and /u,sect#ons 9.34.1. to 9.34.3. as they a&&'y to the new major occupancy that the building or &art o( a building #s to su&&ort. 1>,!,2, %er/orm$nce Le1el 1>,!,2,1, Gener$l 819 ;he performance level o( a building a(ter the change o( major occupancy sha'' not ,e 'ess than the performance level &r#or to the change o( major occupancy. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, reduct#on o( performance level sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e 1>,!,2,2, Reduction in %er/orm$nce Le1el 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the performance level o( a building or &art o( a building #s reduced where the e5#st#ng structura' ('oor and roo( (ram#ng systems and the#r su&&ort#ng mem,ers are not ade:uate to su&&ort the &ro&osed dead loads and live loads o( the new major occupancy that the building #s to su&&ort. 829 ;he #nade:uacy o( the e5#st#ng structura' ('oor or roo( (ram#ng system and #ts su&&ort#ng mem,ers to su&&ort the &ro&osed dead loads and live loads does not reduce the performance level o( the building #( the &ort#on o( the ('oor a((ected ,y the &ro&osed 'oads #s restr#cted to the 'oad#ng #t w#'' su&&ort and s#gns stat#ng the restr#ct#ons are &osted. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 10.4., the performance level o( a building or &art o( a building #s reduced where the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems re:u#rements o( the building do not meet the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems re:u#rements set out #n ;a,'e (or the new major occupancy that the building #s to su&&ort. T$ble 1>,!,2,2,A, +or E1$lu$tion o/ E$rl3 6$rning"E1$cu$tion Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 6ar'y 8arn#ng ! 6$acuat#on 6$a'uat#on 6ar'y 8arn#ng and 6$acuat#on to ,e chec7ed aga#nst 2a3 access to e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.3.1. or 9.9.3.G 2,3 e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.4.3. or 9.9.3.G 2c3 e"it s#gns #n /u,sect#on 3.4.1. or 9.9.11.G 2d3 '#ght#ng o( e"its, '#ght#ng o( access to e"its and emergency '#ght#ng #n /u,sect#on 3.2... or 9.9.12.G 2e3 (#re a'arm system #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4. or 9.10.1 .G 2(3 smo#e alarms #n /u,sect#on 9.10.19.G 2g3 tra$e' d#stance and num,er o( e"its #n other -arts o( th#s "#$#s#onG 2h3 smo7e contro' measures, and at 'east one e'e$ator to &erm#t trans&ort o( (#re(#ghters to a'' ('oors #n hotels whose ('oor 'e$e' #s more than 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey as &er /u,sect#on 3.2.6.G and 2#3 door re'ease hardware re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es and, and de(#c#enc#es sha'' ,e u&graded.
Notes to T$ble 1>,!,2,2,A,&

)o'umn 2 %ompliance Alternative 213 6%RL\ 8%RB+B4 2a3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted may ,e used.

6H%)@%;+OB 2,3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted to access to e"it and e"it w#dths, num,er o( e"its, door re'ease hardware, and tra$e' d#stance may ,e used.

/ee ;a,'es,*.,,"!6. and (or compliance alternatives that may ,e used. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where a change #n use w#'' resu't #n a change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building to another major occupancy o( a greater hazard inde". 879 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 263, #( the hazard inde" o( the new major occupancy #s greater than the hazard inde" o( the e5#st#ng major occupancy, the performance level #s not reduced where the hazard inde" o( the new major occupancy #s not greater than the construction inde" o( the e5#st#ng building. 8<9 /ma'' or med#um s#Ced e5#st#ng buildings as determ#ned #n ;a,'es*. to (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets may ,e ass#gned a hazard inde" cred#t o( 1, wh#ch may ,e su,tracted (rom the hazard inde" o( the new major occupancy &ro$#ded, 194

2a3 the building does not conta#n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1, a 4rou& ), or a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, and 2,3 (#re(#ght#ng access com&'y#ng w#th %rt#c'es to or /u,sect#on 9.10.20. #s &ro$#ded. 8;9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 2 3, the performance level o( a building or &art o( a building #s reduced #n an e5#st#ng building constructed o( combustible construction where, 2a3 the occupancy #s changed to a residential occupancy #n a'' or &art o( the building, and 2,3 #( the building was new, #t wou'd ha$e ,een re:u#red to ,e constructed o( noncombustible construction. 8=9 % change #n the occupancy o( a building or &art o( a building to a residential occupancy does not reduce the performance level o( the building or &art o( the building where, 2a3 the building #s sprin#lered, and 2,3 the building does not e5ceed 6 storeys #n building height. 899 ;he performance level o( a building or &art o( a building #s reduced where the new major occupancy #n an e5#st#ng building o( mu't#&'e occupancy #s not se&arated (rom ad0o#n#ng major occupancies ,y fire separations ha$#ng fire-resistance ratings con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e, /u,sect#on 9.10.9. or ;a,'e*. T$ble 1>,!,2,2,B,819 Addition$l .gr$ding /or )ulti.le )$@or Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entence
)o'umn 1 Bew 9ajor ;ccupancy %'' )o'umn 2 )ode Re:u#rements ;a,'e and /u,sect#on 9.10.9. 8here: 1 h rat#ng re:u#red 2 h rat#ng re:u#red 3 h rat#ng re:u#red )o'umn 3 %ompliance Alternative For 65#st#ng $uilding Reduce to 41 m#n 1.1 h 2h )o'umn 4 +( Sprin#lered Reduce to 30 m#n 1h 1.1 h

Notes to T$ble 1>,!,2,2,B,&


For buildings w#th mu't#&'e major occupancies on'y, where there #s a change #n major occupancy.

81>9 ;he performance level o( a building #s reduced where the building a(ter the change o( major occupancy w#'' not com&'y w#th %rt#c'e or 8119 ;he performance level o( a building or &art o( a building #s reduced where, a(ter a change o( major occupancy, 2a3 the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow o( the new major occupancy, ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3., e5ceeds the ca&ac#ty o( any com&onent o( a sewage system ser$#ng the building, or 2,3 the ty&e or amount o( sanitary sewage that w#'', under the new major occupancy, ,e d#scharged to a sewage system ser$#ng the building #s &roh#,#ted ,y %rt#c'e .1.3.1. 8129 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building or &art o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where, 2a3 the use o( the building or &art o( the building #s changed to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, and 2,3 any o( the (o''ow#ng a&&'#es: 2#3 the ret#rement home #s not sprin#lered, 2##3 )'ause 3.2.6. .2132,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, re:u#res that a $o#ce commun#cat#on system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e ,e &ro$#ded #n the building and such a system #s not &ro$#ded #n the building, or 2###3 the ret#rement home conta#ns one or more doors to suites or s'ee&#ng rooms not w#th#n suites, other than doors 'ead#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, that are not e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces. (ection 1>,5,$nce Altern$ti1es 1>,5,1,$nce Altern$ti1es 1>,5,1,1, (ubstitution 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a compliance alternative to a re:u#rement conta#ned #n -art 3, 4, 6 or that #s shown #n ;a,'es,*.,,"!6. or may ,e su,st#tuted (or the re:u#rement where the chief building official #s sat#s(#ed that com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rement #s #m&ract#ca,'e ,ecause, 2a3 o( structura' or construction d#((#cu't#es, or 191

2,3 #t #s detr#menta' to the &reser$at#on o( a heritage building. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a compliance alternative to a re:u#rement conta#ned #n -art 9 or 12 shown #n ;a,'es,"!6. or may ,e su,st#tuted (or the re:u#rement w#thout sat#s(y#ng the chief building official that the re:u#rement #s #m&ract#ca,'e. 8!9 8here the building has ,een #n e5#stence (or 'ess than (#$e years, compliance alternatives may on'y ,e used #n res&ect o( re:u#rements o( th#s "#$#s#on that are re(erenced #n /entences, 213 and ;a,'e*. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 10G O. Reg. 111!13, ss. 31, 32.
(ection 11,1, 11,1,1, 11,1,2, 11,2, 11,2,1, 11,!, 11,!,1, 11,!,2, 11,!,!, 11,!,5, 11,!,7, 11,5, 11,5,1, 11,5,2, 11,5,!, 11,7, 11,7,1, Gener$l (co.e A..lic$tion Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ E?isting Buildings Cl$ssi/ic$tion %ro.osed Construction Ne2 $nd E?isting Building (3stems E?tension o/ Buildings Reno1$tion %lumbing (e2$ge (3stems %er/orm$nce Le1el E1$lu$tion $nd Com.ens$ting Construction Gener$l Reduction in %er/orm$nce Le1el Com.ens$ting Construction$nce Altern$ti1es$nce Altern$ti1es

(ection (ection



(ection 11,1, Gener$l 11,1,1, (co.e 11,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 11,1,1,2, #e/initions 819 +n th#s -art, $uilding system means a com,#nat#on o( e'ements or com&onents that (orm a com&'ete ma0or d#$#s#on o( construction #n the des#gn o( a building or &art o( a building, #nc'ud#ng a structura' or (ram#ng system, a water&roo(#ng system, a drainage system, an e"terior cladding system, a roo(#ng system, a w#ndow system, a partition system, a corr#dor system, a sta#r system, a (#re a'arm and detect#on system, a s&r#n7'er system or a heat#ng, $ent#'at#on or air-conditioning system, a foundation system, a stand&#&e and hose system, a ('oor#ng system, a plumbing system, a sewage system or an e'ectr#ca' system. 11,1,2, A..lic$tion 11,1,2,1, E?tension, )$teri$l Alter$tion or Re.$ir 819 8here an e5#st#ng building #s su,0ect to e5tens#on, mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r, 2a3 the &ro&osed construction sha'' com&'y w#th /ect#on 11.3., and 2,3 the performance level o( the building sha'' ,e e$a'uated and com&ensat#ng construction sha'' ,e underta7en #n accordance w#th /ect#on 11.4. (ection 11,2, Cl$ssi/ic$tion o/ E?isting Buildings 11,2,1, Cl$ssi/ic$tion 11,2,1,1, Construction Inde? $nd E$-$rd Inde? 819 8here &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n the change o( major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building to another major occupancy, the building sha'' ,e c'ass#(#ed as to #ts, 196

2a3 construction on the ,as#s o( #ts construction inde" as &ro$#ded (or #n th#s -art, #nc'ud#ng ;a,'e, and 2,3 occupancy on the ,as#s o( #ts hazard inde" as &ro$#ded (or #n th#s -art, #nc'ud#ng ;a,'es*. to 829 /ma'' or med#um s#Ced e5#st#ng buildings as determ#ned #n ;a,'es*. to (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets may ,e ass#gned a hazard inde" cred#t o( 1, wh#ch may ,e su,tracted (rom the hazard inde" o( the &ro&osed major occupancy to reduce the add#t#ona' u&grad#ng re:u#red ,y ;a,'e &ro$#ded, 2a3 the building does not conta#n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 1, a 4rou& ), or a 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 occupancy, and 2,3 (#re(#ght#ng access com&'y#ng w#th %rt#c'es to or /u,sect#on 9.10.20. #s &ro$#ded. 8!9 ;he re:u#rements o( %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. 3. do not a&&'y to th#s -art. 11,2,1,2, )ulti.le Occu.$ncies 819 ;he c'ass#(#cat#on o( an e5#st#ng building o( mu't#&'e occupancy under %rt#c'e sha'' ,e a&&'#ed accord#ng to %rt#c'es to 3.2.2. . 11,2,1,!, %ro0ibition o/ Occu.$nc3 Combin$tions 819 Both#ng #n th#s -art re'#e$es an a&&'#cant (rom com&'y#ng w#th the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or (ection 11,!, %ro.osed Construction 11,!,1, Ne2 $nd E?isting Building (3stems 11,!,1,1, )$teri$l Alter$tion or Re.$ir o/ $ Building (3stem 819 8here an e5#st#ng building system #s mater#a''y a'tered or re&a#red, the performance level o( the building a(ter the mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r sha'' ,e at 'east e:ua' to the performance level o( the building &r#or to the mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r. 11,!,1,2, Ne2 Building (3stems $nd E?tension o/ E?isting Building (3stems 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e and /ect#on 11.1., the des#gn and construction o( a new building system or the e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng building system, sha'' com&'y w#th a'' other -arts. 11,!,2, E?tension o/ Buildings 11,!,2,1, %ortion o/ E?tended Buildings 819 8here an e5#st#ng building #s e5tended, 2a3 th#s -art a&&'#es to the e5#st#ng &ort#on o( the building, and 2,3 the e5tended &ort#on o( the building sha'' com&'y w#th a'' other -arts. 829 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 361!13, s. 9. 223. 11,!,!, Reno1$tion 11,!,!,1, B$sic Reno1$tion 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223 and %rt#c'e, construction may ,e carr#ed out to ma#nta#n the e5#st#ng performance level o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building, ,y the reuse, re'ocat#on or e5tens#on o( the same or s#m#'ar mater#a's or com&onents, to reta#n the e5#st#ng character, structura' un#:ueness, her#tage $a'ue, or aesthet#c a&&earance o( a'' or &art o( the building, #( the construction w#'' not ad$erse'y a((ect the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems, fire separations or the structura' ade:uacy or w#'' not create an unhea'thy en$#ronment #n the building. 829 %onstruction #n res&ect o( a hotel, a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 3 occupancy or a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0 that #s a 4rou& ) occupancy may ,e carr#ed out #n accordance w#th /entence 213 on'y #( the construction w#'' ,e #n con(ormance w#th the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B. 11,!,!,2, E?tensi1e Reno1$tion 819 8here e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed #n an e5#st#ng building and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed #n the building, structura' and (#reres#stance e'ements sha'' ,e constructed #n com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements o( the other -arts. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 11.1., the &ro&osed construction w#th#n an e5#st#ng suite sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3. . where, 2a3 the e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ('oor assem,'#es w#th#n the suite are su,stant#a''y remo$ed #n an e5#st#ng building, 2,3 new #nter#or wa''s or ('oor assem,'#es are #nsta''ed, 2c3 the suite has an area greater than 300 m2, and 19.

2d3 the suite #s 'ocated on, 2#3 a floor area where the e5#st#ng d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the ad0acent ground 'e$e' and the ('oor 'e$e' #s not more than 200 mm, or 2##3 a norma''y occu&#ed floor area wh#ch #s access#,'e ,y a &assenger ty&e e'e$ator or other &'at(orm e:u#&&ed &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ce (rom an entrance storey where the e5#st#ng d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the ad0acent ground 'e$e' and the entrance storey 'e$e' #s not more than 200 mm. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, where e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed on any storey #n an e5#st#ng building and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed, the storey sha'' ,e sprin#lered #(, 2a3 the storey w#'' conta#n a 4rou& ) major occupancy, and 2,3 the building #s o$er 3 storeys #n building height. 859 /entence 233 does not a&&'y where the building, 2a3 con(orms to /u,c'ause, and 2,3 conta#ns dwelling units ha$#ng means of egress con(orm#ng to /entence 3. 879 8here e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed #n an e5#st#ng building or &art o( an e5#st#ng building that #s a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements a&&'y: 2a3 the ret#rement home sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 a $o#ce commun#cat#on system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, #( )'ause 3.2.6. .213 2,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, re:u#res that such a $o#ce commun#cat#on system ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, and 2c3 doors to suites and s'ee&#ng rooms not w#th#n suites #n the ret#rement home, other than doors 'ead#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article 11,!,!,2, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !;, 5!9

11,!,!,2, E?tensi1e Reno1$tion 819 8here e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed #n an e5#st#ng building and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed #n the building, structura' and (#reres#stance e'ements sha'' ,e constructed #n com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements o( the other -arts. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 11.1., the &ro&osed construction w#th#n an e5#st#ng suite sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /ect#on 3. . where, 2a3 new #nter#or wa''s or ('oor assem,'#es are #nsta''ed, 2,3 the suite has an area greater than 300 m2, and 2c3 the suite #s 'ocated #n, 2#3 a floor area where the e5#st#ng d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the ad0acent ground 'e$e' and the ('oor 'e$e' #s not more than 200 mm, or 2##3 a norma''y occu&#ed floor area wh#ch #s access#,'e ,y a &assenger ty&e e'e$ator or other &'at(orm e:u#&&ed &assenger e'e$at#ng de$#ce (rom an entrance storey where the e5#st#ng d#((erence #n e'e$at#on ,etween the ad0acent ground 'e$e' and the entrance storey 'e$e' #s not more than 200 mm. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /ect#on 11.1., the &ro&osed construction w#th#n an e5#st#ng suite sha'' com&'y w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences 3. .1.3.263, 3. .2.3.263, 3. .3.1.263, 3. .3.3.2193, 3. .3...213, 3. .3.11.213 and 3. .3.16.243 where new #nter#or wa''s or ('oor assem,'#es are #nsta''ed and on'y one o( the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements #s met: 2a3 the suite has an area greater than 300 m2, or 2,3 the suite #s 'ocated #n a floor area descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2232c32#3 or #n a norma''y occu&#ed floor area descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2232c32##3. 859 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 213, where e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed on any storey #n an e5#st#ng building and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed, the storey sha'' ,e sprin#lered #(, 2a3 the storey w#'' conta#n a 4rou& ) major occupancy, and 2,3 the building #s o$er 3 storeys #n building height. 879 /entence 243 does not a&&'y where the building, 19

2a3 con(orms to /u,c'ause, and 2,3 conta#ns dwelling units ha$#ng means of egress con(orm#ng to /entence 3. 8<9 8here e5#st#ng #nter#or wa''s or ce#'#ngs or ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are su,stant#a''y remo$ed and new #nter#or wa''s, ce#'#ngs, ('oor assem,'#es or roo( assem,'#es are #nsta''ed #n an e5#st#ng building or &art o( an e5#st#ng building that #s a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements a&&'y: 2a3 the ret#rement home sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 a $o#ce commun#cat#on system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, #( )'ause 3.2.6. .213 2,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, re:u#res that such a $o#ce commun#cat#on system ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, and 2c3 doors to suites and s'ee&#ng rooms not w#th#n suites #n the ret#rement home, other than doors 'ead#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces. 11,!,5, %lumbing 11,!,5,1, E?tension, )$teri$l Alter$tion or Re.$ir 819 "es&#te /u,sect#ons 11.3.1. to 11.3.3., when an e5#st#ng building #s e5tended or su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r, -art . a&&'#es, 2a3 to the des#gn and construction o( plumbing #n the e5tens#ons and those &arts o( the building su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on and re&a#r, and 2,3 to plumbing wh#ch #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the e5tens#on, a'terat#on or re&a#r. 11,!,7, (e2$ge (3stems 11,!,7,1, E?isting (e.tic T$nAs 819 "es&#te /u,sect#ons 11.3.1. to 11.3.3., where an e5#st#ng septic tan# #s su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on, re&a#r or re&'acement, the construction o( the septic tan# sha'' com&'y w#th -art . 11,!,7,2, Hert#ca' /e&arat#ons and 65#st#ng /ewage /ystems 819 "es&#te /u,sect#ons 11.3.1. to 11.3.3., where an e5#st#ng sewage system #s e5tended or #s su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r, the re:u#rements res&ect#ng the $ert#ca' se&arat#on to the water ta,'e set out #n -art a&&'y to the e5tended, a'tered or re&a#red &ort#ons o( the sewage system as we'' as to the e5#st#ng &ort#ons o( the sewage system. (ection 11,5, %er/orm$nce Le1el E1$lu$tion $nd Com.ens$ting Construction 11,5,1, Gener$l 11,5,1,1, %er/orm$nce Le1el 819 ;he performance level o( a building a(ter construction sha'' not ,e 'ess than the performance level o( the building &r#or to construction. 829 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, reduct#on o( performance level sha'' ,e determ#ned #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 11.4.2. 8!9 8here the &ro&osed construction wou'd reduce the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building, com&ensat#ng construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 11.4.3. 11,5,2, Reduction in %er/orm$nce Le1el 11,5,2,1, (tructur$l 819 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where a(ter &ro&osed construction #n a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building, 2a3 the major occupancy w#'' change to a d#((erent major occupancy, 2,3 the occupant load w#'' #ncrease ,y more than 11F, or 2c3 the live load w#'' #ncrease due to change #n use w#th#n the same major occupancy, and the e5#st#ng structura' ('oor and roo( (ram#ng systems and the#r su&&ort#ng mem,ers a(ter the construction are not ade:uate to su&&ort the &ro&osed dead loads and live loads. 11,5,2,2, Incre$se in Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences and 233, the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' #ncrease the occupant load o( an e5#st#ng building ,y more than 11F.


829 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' #ncrease the occupant load ,y 11F or 'ess and the new occupant load w#'' ,e more than 11F a,o$e the occupant load (or wh#ch a (#re a'arm system #s re:u#red under /entence 8!9 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' #ncrease the occupant load ,y 11F or 'ess and the new occupant load w#'' ,e more than 11F a,o$e the e5#st#ng e"it ca&ac#ty as re:u#red under %rt#c'e 11,5,2,!, C0$nge o/ )$@or Occu.$nc3 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence, the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n, 2a3 the change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building to another major occupancy o( a greater hazard inde", 2,3 the con$ers#on o( a suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy #nto more than one suite o( 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2c3 the con$ers#on o( a suite or &art o( a suite o( a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 or a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 major occupancy #nto a gaming premises, 2d3 the change o( a farm building or &art o( a farm building to a major occupancy, 2e3 the change o( a building or &art o( a building to a post-disaster building, 2(3 the change o( a building or &art o( a building to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, or 2g3 the change #n use o( a building or &art o( a building where the &re$#ous major occupancy o( the building or &art o( the building cannot ,e determ#ned. 829 For the &ur&ose o( th#s %rt#c'e and /entences and, the change o( use set out #n )'auses 2132,3 to 2g3 #s a'so deemed to const#tute a change #n major occupancy. 8!9 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems re:u#rements o( other -arts (or the &ro&osed major occupancy e5ceed those o( the e5#st#ng building. 859 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where the &ro&osed major occupancy #n the building #s not se&arated (rom the ad0o#n#ng major occupancies ,y fire separations ha$#ng fire-resistance ratings con(orm#ng to ;a,'es and*. 879 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where the occupancy o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building o( combustible construction #s changed to a new major occupancy that wou'd re:u#re the building, #( #t were a new building, to ,e constructed o( noncombustible construction. 8<9 "es&#te )'ause 2132a3, the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n the change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( an e5#st#ng building to a 4rou& ) major occupancy #n a building o$er 3 storeys #n building height, e5ce&t #n a building con(orm#ng to /u,c'ause and ha$#ng an egress (ac#'#ty con(orm#ng to /entence 3. 11,5,2,5, %lumbing 819 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where the e5#st#ng building #s e5tended or su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r, and plumbing #n the e5#st#ng building #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the e5tens#on, a'terat#on or re&a#r. 11,5,2,7, (e2$ge (3stems 819 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where the e5#st#ng building #s e5tended or su,0ect to mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r and a sewage system ser$#ng the e5#st#ng building #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the e5tens#on, a'terat#on or re&a#r o( the e5#st#ng building. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' #ncrease the occupant load o( an e5#st#ng building, and the new occupant load w#'' resu't #n the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow o( the building, ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3., e5ceed#ng the ca&ac#ty o( any com&onent o( a sewage system ser$#ng the building. 8!9 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng dwelling unit #s reduced where proposed construction that, 2a3 #ncreases the num,er o( ,edrooms #n the dwelling unit, 2,3 e5ceeds 11F o( the (#n#shed area o( the dwelling unit, or 2c3 adds new plumbing fi"tures to the dwelling unit, w#'' resu't #n the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow o( the dwelling unit, ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3., e5ceed#ng the ca&ac#ty o( any com&onent o( a sewage system ser$#ng the dwelling unit. 600

859 ;he performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced where &ro&osed construction w#'' resu't #n the change o( a major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( the e5#st#ng building to another major occupancy and, 2a3 the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow o( the &ro&osed major occupancy, ca'cu'ated #n accordance w#th %rt#c'e .2.1.3., e5ceeds the ca&ac#ty o( any com&onent o( a sewage system ser$#ng the building, or 2,3 the ty&e or amount o( sanitary sewage wh#ch w#'', under the &ro&osed major occupancy, ,e d#scharged to a sewage system ser$#ng the building, #s &roh#,#ted ,y %rt#c'e .1.3.1. 11,5,!, Com.ens$ting Construction 11,5,!,1, Gener$l 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /u,sect#on 11.4.2., com&ensat#ng construction sha'' ,e carr#ed out #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, com&ensat#ng construction re:u#red under th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the &art o( the building ,e#ng a'tered and sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 fire separations, w#th the re:u#red fire-resistance ratings, se&arat#ng the &art ,e#ng a'tered (rom the floor areas #mmed#ate'y a,o$e and ,e'ow and (rom the #mmed#ate ad0acent areas, and 2,3 access to e"its and e"its (rom the building, where the a'terat#on ad$erse'y a((ects the e"it system o( the building. 8!9 )om&ensat#ng construction re:u#red under th#s /u,sect#on a&&'#es to the e5#st#ng building systems that are ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the &ro&osed construction. 11,5,!,2, (tructur$l 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, 2a3 remed#a' measures sha'' ,e ta7en to su&&ort the &ro&osed 'oads, or 2,3 the &ort#on o( the ('oor a((ected ,y the &ro&osed 'oads sha'' ,e restr#cted to the 'oad#ng #t w#'' su&&ort and s#gns stat#ng the restr#ct#ons sha'' ,e &osted. 11,5,!,!, Incre$se in Occu.$nt Lo$d 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, 223 or 233, the building sha'' ,e e$a'uated, and the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems sha'' ,e u&graded, #n con(ormance w#th the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( ;a,'e 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y #n a 4rou& ) occupancy where the new tota' occupant load #s, 2a3 14 &ersons or (ewer #n a boarding, lodging or rooming house, e5ce&t that where the occupant load #s ,etween 10 and 11 &ersons, an #nterconnected system o( smo#e alarms #n corr#dors near sta#rways #s re:u#red, or 2,3 16 &ersons or (ewer #n a building conta#n#ng res#dent#a' suites wh#ch are dwelling units, e5ce&t that where the occupant load #s ,etween 10 and 1. &ersons, an #nterconnected system o( smo#e alarms #n corr#dors near sta#rways #s re:u#red. 8!9 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, add#t#ona' construction sha'' ,e re:u#red #n order that the building or &art o( the building su,0ect to the #ncrease #n occupant load con(orms to the re:u#rements o( /entence, /u,sect#on 3...4. and %rt#c'e 11,5,!,5, C0$nge in )$@or Occu.$nc3 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under )'ause, 2,3, 2c3, 2d3, 2e3 or 2g3, add#t#ona' u&grad#ng sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th ;a,'e and so that the construction inde" o( the building #s #ncreased to at 'east e:ua' the hazard inde" o( the new major occupancy that the building #s to su&&ort. 829 % building or &art o( the building su,0ect to a change o( major occupancy sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.6., /ect#ons 3..., 3.11., 3.12., /entences, and 6.2.4...2103, /u,sect#ons 9.1.1. and 9.1.3. to 9.1.10., /ect#on 9..., /u,sect#on 9.10.1.., /ect#ons 9.31. and 9.32., and /u,sect#ons 9.34.1. to 9.34.3. as they a&&'y to the new major occupancy that the building or &art o( the building #s to su&&ort. 8!9 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, the building sha'' ,e e$a'uated, and the ear'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on systems sha'' ,e u&graded, #n con(ormance w#th the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( ;a,'e 859 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, u&grad#ng o( the fire separations sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th the a&&'#ca,'e re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e and ;a,'e*. 879 8here the performance level #s reduced under /entence, the re:u#rement (or noncombustible construction #s sat#s(#ed #( the building #s sprin#lered. 601

8<9 8here the performance level #s reduced under /entence, the storey su,0ect to the change sha'' ,e sprin#lered. 8;9 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under )'ause, the (o''ow#ng re:u#rements a&&'y: 2a3 the ret#rement home sha'' ,e sprin#lered, 2,3 a $o#ce commun#cat#on system con(orm#ng to %rt#c'e sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, #( )'ause 3.2.6. .213 2,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, re:u#res that such a $o#ce commun#cat#on system ,e &ro$#ded #n the building, and 2c3 doors to suites and s'ee&#ng rooms not w#th#n suites #n the ret#rement home, other than doors 'ead#ng d#rect'y to the e5ter#or, sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces. 11,5,!,7, %lumbing 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under /entence, u&grad#ng o( plumbing #n the e5#st#ng building wh#ch #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the e5tens#on, a'terat#on or re&a#r sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th -art .. 11,5,!,<, (e2$ge (3stems 819 8here the performance level o( an e5#st#ng building #s reduced under %rt#c'e, u&grad#ng o( a sewage system wh#ch #s ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the construction, #ncrease #n occupant load, #ncrease #n the tota' da#'y des#gn sanitary sewage ('ow or change #n amount or ty&e o( sanitary sewage sha'' ,e re:u#red #n con(ormance w#th -art . (ection 11,7,$nce Altern$ti1es 11,7,1,$nce Altern$ti1es 11,7,1,1,$nce Altern$ti1es 819 % compliance alternative shown #n ;a,'e,*.,,"!6. or may ,e su,st#tuted (or a re:u#rement conta#ned #n -art 3, 4, 6 or where the chief building official #s sat#s(#ed that com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rement #s #m&ract#ca,'e ,ecause, 2a3 o( structura' or construction d#((#cu't#es, or 2,3 #t #s detr#menta' to the &reser$at#on o( a heritage building. 829 % compliance alternative shown #n ;a,'e,*.,,"!6. or may ,e su,st#tuted (or a re:u#rement conta#ned #n -art 9 or 12 w#thout sat#s(y#ng the chief building official that com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rement #s #m&ract#ca,'e. 1T$ble 11,2,1,1,A, Construction Inde? +orming %$rt o/ (entence 11,2,1,1,819
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12.
213 223

)o'umn 1 7ire-1esistance 1ating F'oors o$er $asement 3h 2h 1h 41 m#n 41 m#n 41 m#n 41 m#n 41 m#n 30 m#n 30 m#n 0h 0h

)o'umn 2 Other F'oors 3h 2h 1h 41 m#n 41 m#n 41 m#n 0h 41 m#n 0h 30 m#n 30 m#n 0h

)o'umn 3 Roo( 1.1 h 1h 41 m#n 0h 41 m#n 41 m#n 0h 0h 0h 0h 0h 0h

)o'umn 4 ;y&e o( %onstruction 3oncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible 3oncombustible 8eavy Timber %ombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible 3oncombustible %ombustible %ombustible %ombustible

)o'umn 1 %!/!223

. 6 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 2 1213

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,A,&

%!/! o( 1 #s 'owest (#re &rotect#on performance level and %!/! o( #s h#ghest. ;a7e h#ghest rat#ng (or %!/! (rom ;a,'e (or e5#st#ng building.


T$ble 11,2,1,1,B, (1)(4) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 4rou& % "#$#s#on 1 "#nner ;heatres L#$e ;heatres <ot#on -#cture ;heatres O&era =ouses ;e'e$#s#on /tud#os 28#th %ud#ence3

)o'umn 2 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' 4 4 4 4 4

)o'umn 3 <ed#um 1 1 1 1 1

)o'umn 4 Large 6 6 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,B,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 300 occupant load ma5#mum ! 1 storey - 600 m2 ! 600 occupant load ma5#mum ! 1 storey w#th 'ess than 40F 2 storey 263 - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213 263

/ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e ;a7e 'owest rat#ng (or 8!/! (rom ;a,'e (or major occupancy change. $uilding may ha$e 'ess than 40F o( #ts area as 2 storeys (or &ur&oses as descr#,ed #n )'auses,3 and 2c3. T$ble 11,2,1,1,C, (1)(4)(6) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2..

)o'umn 1 4rou& % "#$#s#on 2 %rt 4a''er#es %ud#tor#a *#''#ard =a''s, %musement %rcades *ow'#ng %''eys )hurches )'u,s, Lodges 2Bon-Res#dent#a'3 )ommun#ty =a''s )oncert =a''s )ourt Rooms "ance =a''s "aycare )entres 65h#,#t#on =a''s 28#thout /a'es3 65h#,#t#on =a''s 28#th /a'es3 0aming premises 4ymnas#a 2<u't#--ur&ose3 4ymnas#a 2%th'et#c3 Lecture =a''s L#,rar#es L#censed *e$erage 6sta,'#shments L#censed )'u,s, Lodges <useums -assenger /tat#ons ! "e&ots 4ublic 8eritage $uildings Recreat#ona' -#ers Restaurants /choo's, )o''eges @nderta7#ng -rem#ses

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 /ee 4rou& 6 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4

)o'umn 4 Large 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,C,&



$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 400 m2 ! 1 storey - 210 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - 00 m2 ! 2 storey - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213 263

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e ;a7e 'owest rat#ng (or 8!/! (rom ;a,'e (or major occupancy change. $uildings wh#ch e5ceed 3 storeys #n building height and are o( combustible construction sha'' ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,2,1,1,#, (1)(4) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 4rou& % "#$#s#on 3 %renas 2Bo Occu&ancy On %ct#$#ty /ur(ace3 %rmour#es 2Bo Occu&ancy On %ct#$#ty /ur(ace3 6nc'osed /tad#a or 4randstand +ce R#n7s 2Bo Occu&ancy On %ct#$#ty /ur(ace3 +ndoor /w#mm#ng -oo's

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4

)o'umn 4 Large 6 6 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,#,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 1000 m2 ! 1 storey - 2000 m2 ! 2 storey - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213

/ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e ;a7e 'owest rat#ng (or 8!/! (rom ;a,'e (or major occupancy change. T$ble 11,2,1,1,E, (1)(4) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'umn 1 4rou& % "#$#s#on 4 %musement -ar7 /tructures *'eachers 4randstands 2O&en3 Re$#ew#ng /tands /tad#a 2O&en3

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

)o'umn 4 Large 1 1 1 1 1

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,E,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 2,100 occupant load ma5. ! m#n. limiting distance o( 6 m 2combustible3 - 11,000 occupant load ma5#mum 2w#th roo( at 'east h rat#ng #( combustible3 - @n'#m#ted occupant load

/ma'' <ed#um Large

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. 604

233 243 213

$uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e ;a7e 'owest rat#ng (or 8!/! (rom ;a,'e (or major occupancy change. T$ble 11,2,1,1,+, (1) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3.

)o'umn 1 4rou& * "#$#s#on 1 "etent#on Fac#'#t#es 2<#n#mum /ecur#ty3 243 "etent#on Fac#'#t#es 2%'' Other ;y&es o( /ecur#ty3 -o'#ce /tat#on w#th "etent#on

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!233213 /ma'' <ed#um 4 1 6 6 3

)o'umn 4 Large 6 .

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,+,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3223 - %ny area ! 1 storey - 600 m2 ! 1 storey 2-o'#ce /tat#on w#th "etent#on3 - %ny area 2noncombustible3 ! 2 storey - %ny area 2noncombustible3G 100 m2 2combustible3 ! 2 storey - O$er 1 m #n building height 2noncombustible3 - O$er 100 m2 2combustible3 ! o$er 2 storey
223 233 243 213

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S . 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. <#n#mum secur#ty means occu&ants (ree to e5#t building #n a (#re emergency. +etention occupancy w#th any 8!/! sha'' ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,2,1,1,G, (1)(4) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

)o'umn 1 4rou& * "#$#s#on 2 =os&#ta', Long-;erm )are =ome 2+mmo,#'e3 263 =os&#ta', Long-;erm )are =ome 2Bon-%m,u'atory3 263 =os&#ta', Long-;erm )are =ome 2%m,u'atory3 263 -sych#atr#c Fac#'#ty 2<a5#mum )on(#nement3 -sych#atr#c Fac#'#ty 2<#n#mum )on(#nement3 -o'#ce /tat#on 8#th "etent#on 2as -erm#tted #n %rt#c'e

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!2132.3 /ma'' <ed#um 4 1 4 1 3 4 4 1 3 4 3

)o'umn 4 Large . 6 6 . 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,G,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3223233 - 210 m2 ! 1 storey - 600 m2 ! 1 storey 2-o'#ce /tat#on w#th "etent#on3 - 100 m2 ! 2 storeyG 1000 m2 ! 1 storey - %ny area 2noncombustible3G 100 m2 2combustible3 ! 2 storey - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213 263

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used.

+mmo,#'e means &at#ents are attached to '#(e su&&ort systems and cannot ,e mo$ed. Bon-%m,u'atory means &at#ents are con(#ned to ,ed and re:u#re trans&ortat#on. %m,u'atory means &at#ents may wa'7 on the#r own. 601


%are and treatment occupancy w#th any 8!/! sha'' ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,2,1,1,E, (1) E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4.

)o'umn 1 4rou& * "#$#s#on 3 Res#dent#a' care (ac#'#t#es 2%m,u'atory3 263 2Bon-%m,u'atory3 263 )h#'dren )ustod#a' =omes )on$a'escent =omes 2%m,u'atory3 263 2Bon-%m,u'atory3 263 4rou& =omes For %du't Res#dents w#th "e$e'o&menta' "#sa,#'#t#es 2<#n#mum )on(#nement3 2<a5#mum )on(#nement3

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!243213 /ma'' <ed#um 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 1

)o'umn 4 Large 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,E,&


$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3223233 - 600 m2 ! 1 storey - 100 m2 ! 2 storeyH 1000 m2 ! 1 storey - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213 263

/ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. %are occupancy w#th any 8!/! sha'' ,e sprin#lered.

Bon-%m,u'atory means &at#ents are con(#ned to ,ed and re:u#re trans&ortat#on. %m,u'atory means &at#ents may wa'7 on the#r own. T$ble 11,2,1,1,I, 819 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16.

)o'umn 1 4rou& ) %&artments *oard#ng =ouses!4rou& =omes )'u,s, Res#dent#a' )o''eges, Res#dent#a' )on$ents "orm#tor#es!=oste's 8otels =ouses Lodg#ng =ouses <ive,wor# units <onaster#es 4ublic 8eritage $uildings Rector#es Ret#rement =omes Room#ng =ouses /choo's, Res#dent#a'

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!243 /ma'' <ed#um 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 4

)o'umn 4 Large 6 6 6 6 6 6 . 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,I,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233


- 600 m2 ! 3 storey - 210 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - 2000 m2 ! not e5ceed#ng 6 storeys - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 36 m #n building height - O$er 36 m #n building height - 8otels o$er 1 m h#gh, measured ,etween grade and the ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey
223 233 243

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S . 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uildings wh#ch e5ceed 3 storeys #n building height and are o( combustible construction sha'' ,e sprin#lered. ;a7e 'owest rat#ng (or 8!/! (rom ;a,'e (or major occupancy change. T$ble 11,2,1,1,*, 819859 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3..

)o'umn 1 4rou& " %d$ert#s#ng and /a'es O((#ces %utomat#c *an7 "e&os#t *ar,er!=a#rdresser /ho&s *eauty -ar'ours *ranch *an7s )ar Renta' -rem#ses )h#ro&ract#c O((#ces )ommun#cat#ons O((#ces 2;e'ecommun#cat#ons3 )ommun#cat#ons O((#ces 2)our#er3 )om&uter )entres )onstruct#on O((#ces )ostume Renta' -rem#ses "enta' O((#ces 2"enture )'#n#c3 "enta' O((#ces 24enera'3 "enta' O((#ces 2/urg#ca'!%naesthes#a3 "ry )'ean#ng "e&ots "ry )'ean#ng -rem#ses 2/e'(-/er$e3 =ea'th!F#tness )'u,s Laundr#es 2/e'(-/er$e3 <assage -ar'ours <ed#ca' O((#ces 265am#nat#on3 <ed#ca' O((#ces 2/urg#ca'!%naesthes#a3 O((#ces 2*us#ness3 O((#ces 2)har#ta,'e3 O((#ces 2Lega'!%ccount#ng3 O((#ces!/tud#os 2"es#gn3 -harmacy O((#ces -hotogra&h#c /tud#os -hys#othera&y O((#ces -o'#ce /tat#ons 2Bo "etent#on3 -r#nt#ng and "u&'#cat#ng 4ublic 8eritage $uildings -u,'#c /aunas Rad#o /tat#ons 2Bo %ud#ence3 /ma'' ;oo' Renta' -rem#ses /untan -ar'ours Heter#nary O((#ces

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4

)o'umn 4 Large 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,*,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 00 m2 ! 2 storey - 210 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - 1600 m2 ! 3 storey - %ny area ! not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um Large


- O$er 1 m, ,ut not e5ceed#ng 36 m #n building height - O$er 36 m #n building height

223 233 243 213

8!/! S 6 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. T$ble 11,2,1,1,I, 8198598<9 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41. 46.

)o'umn 1 4rou& 6 %utomot#$e!=ardware "e&artment /tores )h#na /ho&s "e&artment /tores 6'ectr#ca' /tores 2F#5tures3 65h#,#t#on =a''s 28#th /a'es3 >Fast Food? Out'ets Feed and /eed /tores F'ea <ar7ets F'owers /ho&s >Food? and Hegeta,'e <ar7ets 4arden /ho&s >4as? *ars 4#(t /ho&s =ome +m&ro$ement /tores Z#tchen!*athroom )u&,oards /tores -'um,#ng /tores 2F#5tures!%ccessor#es3 >-o&? /ho&s 4ublic 8eritage $uildings Renta's 2/ee >4rou& "?3 Restaurants 2Bot <ore ;han 30 -ersons as -erm#tted ,y %rt#c'e /ho&&#ng <a''s /tat#onery!O((#ce /u&&'y /tores /tores 2%rt3 /tores 2*a7ed 4oods3 /tores 2*eer3 /tores 2*oo73 /tores 2)amera3 /tores 2)andy3 /tores 2)'oth#ng3 /tores 2"rugs3 /tores 26'ectron#c3 /tores 2F'oor )o$er#ngs3 /tores 2Food3 /tores 2Furn#ture!%&&'#ances3 /tores 2=ardware3 /tores 2=ea'th3 /tores 2=o,,y3 /tores 2Jewe''ery3 /tores 2-a#nt!8a''&a&er3 /tores 2-et3 /tores 2Records!;a&es3 /tores 2/&#r#ts3 /tores 2;oys3 /tores 2Har#ety3 /tores 2H#deo /a'es!Renta'3 /u&ermar7ets

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 4 1 3 4 4 1 3 3 4 1 3 4 4 1 4 1 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 4 4 1 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 4 1 4 4 3 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4

)o'umn 4 Large . 6 . 1 . 1 . . 6 6 6 . 6 . 6 1 6 1 . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 . 6 6 . 6 6 1 . 6 6 . . 6 6 6

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,I,&



$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 600 m2 ! 2 storey - 210 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - 00 m2 ! 3 storey - %ny area ! u& to 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height
223 233 243 213 263

/ma'' /ma'' <ed#um Large 8!/! S .

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. %'' buildings 1 100 m2 and o$er are to ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,2,1,1,L, 819859879 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

)o'umn 1 4rou& F "#$#s#on 1 %mmun#t#on <anu(actur#ng and /torage *'ac7 -owder <anu(actur#ng and /torage *u'7 -'ants (or F'amma,'e L#:u#ds *u'7 /torage 8arehouse 2=aCardous /u,stances3 )erea' and Feed <#''s )hem#ca' <anu(actur#ng!-rocess#ng -'ant +istilleries "ry )'ean#ng -'ants 2F'amma,'e3 65&'os#$es <anu(actur#ng and /torage Fert#'#Cer <anu(actur#ng -'ants F#rewor7s <anu(actur#ng and /torage F'our <#''s 4as 2F'amma,'e3 )om&ressor /tat#ons 4as 2F'amma,'e3 <anu(actur#ng and /torage 4ra#n 6'e$ators Lac:uer Factor#es Load#ng %rea (or a'' 4rou& F, "#$#s#on 1 <attress Factor#es 2=#gh F#re Load3 -a#nt!Harn#sh!-yro5y'#n Factor#es -etrochem#ca' -'ants Re(#ner#es Ru,,er -rocess#ng -'ants /&ray -a#nt#ng O&erat#ons 8aste -a&er -rocess#ng -'ants 2"ry3

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!233 /ma'' <ed#um 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6

)o'umn 4 Large

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,L,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223 - 400 m2 ! 2 storey - 600 m2 ! 4 storey - 1 100 m2 ! 4 storey
223 233 243 213

/ma'' <ed#um Large

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. %'' buildings 1 100 m2 and o$er are to ,e sprin#lered. %'' ('oor assem,'#es sha'' ,e fire separations.


T$ble 11,2,1,1,), 8198598<9 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. )o'umn 1 4rou& F "#$#s#on 2 %#rcra(t =angars %,atto#rs *a7er#es *ody /ho&s )andy -'ants )o'd /torage -'ants %ombustible +nsu'at#on F'amma,'e Re(r#gerant %ombustible -ac7ag#ng %ombustible +nsu'at#on F'amma,'e Re(r#gerant 3oncombustible -ac7ag#ng %ombustible +nsu'at#on Bon-F'amma,'e Re(r#gerant 3oncombustible -ac7ag#ng 3oncombustible +nsu'at#on Bon-F'amma,'e Re(r#gerant 3oncombustible -ac7ag#ng "ry )'ean#ng 6sta,'#shments 2Bon-('amma,'e or Bon-e5&'os#$e3 6'ectr#ca' /u,stat#ons Factor#es 2=#gh F#re Load3 Fre#ght "e&ots 2=#gh F#re Load3 =e'#co&ter Land#ngs 2On Roo(3 La,orator#es 2=#gh F#re Load3 Laundr#es 2Bot /e'(-/er$e3 <anu(acturer /a'es 2=#gh F#re Load3 <attress Factor#es <eat -ac7#ng -'ants -ac7ag#ng <anu(acturers 2)e''u'ose3 -ac7ag#ng <anu(acturers 2Boncom,ust#,'e3 -ac7ag#ng <anu(acturers 2-'ast#cs3 -a&er -rocess#ng -'ants 28et3 -'an#ng <#''s -r#nt#ng -'ants 4ublic 8eritage $uildings Re&a#r 4arages /am&'e "#s&'ay Rooms 2=#gh F#re Load3 /e'(-/er$#ce /torage *u#'d#ngs /er$#ce /tat#ons 2Bo /&ray -a#nt#ng3 /torage Rooms 2=#gh F#re Load3 ;e'e$#s#on /tud#os 2Bo %ud#ence3 ;#re /torage 8arehouses 2=#gh F#re Load3 8e'd#ng /ho&s 8ho'esa'e Rooms 2=#gh F#re Load3 8ood 8or7#ng Factor#es 8or7sho&s 2=#gh F#re Load3 )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 3 1 3 4 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 1 )o'umn 4 Large 6 1 6 6 1 .

3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 4 3 4 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 1 4 1 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 4 6 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6

.. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31.

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,),&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 600 m2 ! 2 storey - 00 m2 !4 storey - 600 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - %ny area ! 6 storey not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m #n building height

/ma'' <ed#um <ed#um Large 8!/! S .


223 233 243 213 263

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. %'' buildings 1 100 m2 and o$er are to ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,2,1,1,N, 819859 E$-$rd Inde? Form#ng -art o( /entences and 223

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


)o'umn 1 4rou& F "#$#s#on 3 )reamer#es Factor#es 2Low F#re Load3 Fre#ght "e&ots 2Low F#re Load3 La,orator#es 2Low F#re Load3 <anu(acturers /a'es 2Low F#re Load3 -ower -'ants 4ublic 8eritage $uildings /am&'e "#s&'ay Rooms 2Low F#re Load3 /torage 4arages /torage Rooms 2Low F#re Load3 8arehouses 2Low F#re Load3 8ho'esa'e Rooms 2Low F#re Load3 8or7sho&s 2Low F#re Load3

)o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 ;ccupancy 8!/!213 /ma'' <ed#um 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

)o'umn 4 Large 3 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4

Notes to T$ble 11,2,1,1,N,&

$uilding /#Ce 2<a5#mum3 223233 - 00 m2 ! 2 storey - 1200 m2 ! 4 storey - 600 m2 ! 3 storey 24ublic 8eritage $uilding3 - %ny area ! 6 storey not e5ceed#ng 1 m #n building height - O$er 1 m, ,ut not e5ceed#ng 36 m #n building height - O$er 36 m #n building height
223 233 243 213

/ma'' <ed#um <ed#um Large 8!/! S 1 8!/! S 6

/#Ces are ,ased on building area and building height. $uilding s#Ce #s ,ased on the e5#st#ng building (ac#ng one street. For e5#st#ng buildings (ac#ng mu't#&'e streets, see /entence and ;a,'e 8hen the s#Ce o( a building (a''s #nto more than one category, the 8!/! (or the 'east restr#ct#$e #s &erm#tted to ,e used. T$ble 11,5,!,!, +or E1$lu$tion $nd .gr$ding o/ E$rl3 6$rning"E1$cu$tion Form#ng -art o( /entences and

)o'. 1 Botes


)o'umn 2 6ar'y 8arn#ng and 6$acuat#on, 6$a'uat#on and @&grad#ng 6ar'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on to ,e chec7ed aga#nst 2a3 access to e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.3.1. or 9.9.3.G 2,3 e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.4.3. or 9.9.3.G 2c3 e"it s#gns #n /u,sect#on 3.4.1. or 9.9.11.G 2d3 '#ght#ng o( e"its, '#ght#ng o( access to e"its and emergency '#ght#ng #n /u,sect#on 3.2... or 9.9.12.G 2e3 (#re a'arm system #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4. or 9.10.1 .G 2(3 smo#e alarms #n /u,sect#on 9.10.19.G 2g3 tra$e' d#stance and num,er o( e"its #n other -artsG and 2h3 door re'ease hardware re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es and, and de(#c#enc#es sha'' ,e u&graded. 6ar'y warn#ng and e$acuat#on to ,e chec7ed aga#nst

)o'umn 3 -art 11 %ompliance Alternative 213 6%RL\ 8%RB+B4 2a3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted may ,e used. 6H%)@%;+OB 2,3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted to access to e"it and e"it w#dths, num,er o( e"its, door re'ease hardware, and tra$e' d#stance may ,e used.



access to e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.3.1. or 9.9.3.G e"it w#dths ,ased on occupant load #n /u,sect#on 3.4.3. or 9.9.3.G e"it s#gns #n /u,sect#on 3.4.1. or 9.9.11.G '#ght#ng o( e"its, '#ght#ng o( access to e"its and emergency '#ght#ng #n /u,sect#on 3.2... or 9.9.12.G 2e3 (#re a'arm system #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4. or 9.10.1 .G 2(3 smo#e alarms #n /u,sect#on 9.10.19.G 2g3 tra$e' d#stance and num,er o( e"its #n other -artsG 2h3 smo7e contro' measures, and at 'east one e'e$ator to &erm#t trans&ort o( (#re(#ghters to a'' ('oors #n hotels whose ('oor 'e$e' #s more than 1 m h#gh measured ,etween grade and ('oor 'e$e' o( the to& storey as &er /u,sect#on 3.2.6., and 2#3 door re'ease hardware re:u#rements #n %rt#c'es and, and de(#c#enc#es sha'' ,e u&graded.

2a3 2,3 2c3 2d3

6%RL\ 8%RB+B4 2a3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted may ,e used. 6H%)@%;+OB 2,3 %ompliance alternatives as '#sted to access to e"it and e"it w#dths, num,er o( e"its, door re'ease hardware, and tra$e' d#stance may ,e used.

Notes to T$ble 11,5,!,!,&

213 223 233

/ee ;a,'es to (or compliance alternatives that may ,e used. %&&'#es to change o( major occupancy to one o( e:ua' or 'esser haCard, and to #ncrease #n occupant load ,y 11F or 'ess. %&&'#es to change o( major occupancy to one o( greater haCard, and to #ncrease #n occupant load greater than 11F. T$ble 11,5,!,5,A, Addition$l .gr$ding Form#ng -art o( /entences and


)o'umn 1 Bew 9ajor ;ccupancy 28!/!3 Bum,er 233 8!/!2

)o'umn 2 +ncrease o( %!/! to 6:ua' 8!/! to /u&&ort Bew 9ajor ;ccupancy %!/! 1 to 2

)o'umn 3 %dd#t#ona' Re:u#red @&grad#ng )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 2 )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 3 )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 4 )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 1 )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 1

)o'umn 4 -art 11 %'ternat#$e )om&'#ance 2%.).3 2a3 -ro$#de ear'y warn#ng system, or 2,3 )om&'y w#th any %.).Ds #n )o'. 4. 2a3 -ro$#de ear'y warn#ng system, or

)o'umn 1 )omments 213,223




%!/! 21 or 23 to 3

%ombustible to %ombustible on'y.



%!/! 21, 2 or 33 to 4

4. 1.

8!/!1 8!/!1

%!/! 4 to 1 %!/! 21, 2 or 33 to 1

6. .. . 9. 10. 11.

8!/!6 8!/!6 8!/!6 8!/!6 8!/!6 8!/!.

%!/! 1 23oncombustible3 to 6

)om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 6 %!/! 1 28eavy timber3 to 6 )om&'y w#th %.). %!/! 1 2%ombustible3 to 6 )om&'y w#th %.). %!/! 23 or 43 to 6m %!/! 21, 2, 3 or 43 to 6mm %!/! 6 to . )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( 6 )om&'y w#th %.). )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( .

2,3 )om&'y w#th any %.).Ds #n )o'. 4. -ro$#de s&r#n7'ers #n 'ocat#ons %ombustible to where assem,'#es do not %ombustible! com&'y w#th ;a,'e 3oncombustible to 3oncombustible. -ro$#de s&r#n7'ers #n 'ocat#ons where assem,'#es do not com&'y w#th ;a,'e -ro$#de s&r#n7'ers #n 'ocat#ons %ombustible to where assem,'#es do not %ombustible! com&'y w#th ;a,'e 3oncombustible to 3oncombustible! 2a3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system, &'us 41 m#n roo( rat#ng. 2,3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system. 2c3 -ro$#de 1 h rat#ng &'us s&r#n7'er system. 2d3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system, m For 3oncombustible &'us 41 m#n rat#ng. construction on'y. 2e3 -ro$#de 1 h rat#ng &'us mm For %ombustible construction on'y. s&r#n7'er system. 2a3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system.


12. 13. 14. 11.

8!/!. 8!/! 8!/! 8!/!

%!/! 23, 4 or 13 to .m %!/! . to %!/! 6 to %!/! 23, 4 or 13 to m

)om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( . )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o( )om&'y w#th ;a,'e rat#ngs (or %!/! o(

2,3 -ro$#de 1 h rat#ng &'us s&r#n7'er system. 2a3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system. 2,3 -ro$#de su&er$#sed s&r#n7'er system.

m For 3oncombustible construction on'y.

2d3 -ro$#de s&r#n7'er system, m For 3oncombustible &'us 1 h rat#ng. construction on'y.

Notes to T$ble 11,5,!,5,A,&

213 223 233

One aster#s7 2m3 re(ers to noncombustible construction. ;wo aster#s7s 2mm3 re(ers to combustible construction. 4rou& *, occupancy w#th any 8!/! sha'' ,e sprin#lered. T$ble 11,5,!,5,B,(1) Addition$l .gr$ding /or )ulti.le )$@or Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( /entences and

)o'umn 1 Bew 9ajor ;ccupancy %''223

)o'umn 2 )ode Re:u#rements ;a,'e and /u,sect#on 9.10.9. 8here: 1 h rat#ng re:u#red 2 h rat#ng re:u#red 3 h rat#ng re:u#red

)o'umn 3 -art 11 %ompliance Alternative For 65#st#ng $uilding Reduce to 41 m#n 1.1 h 2h

)o'umn 4 +( Sprin#lered Reduce to 30 m#n 1h 1.1 h

Notes to T$ble 11,5,!,5,B,&

213 223

For buildings w#th mu't#&'e major occupancies on'y, where there #s a change #n major occupancy. /ee /ect#on 11.4. T$ble 11,7,1,1,A,$nce Altern$ti1es /or Assembl3 Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e

+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

)o'. 1 N )BER %1 %2 %3 %4 %1

)o'umn 2 %ART ! REJ IRE)ENT( 3.1.4... to 3.1.1... to to 3.1...1.

)o'umn 3 %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or e5&osed (oamed &'ast#cs, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;o match e5#st#ng, mater#a's may ,e added (rom on or o(( s#te. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echnc#a' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng assem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fireresistance rating as that su&&orted. 2a3 65#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound doors #n e5#st#ng buildings that are e#ther ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n and conta#n#ng w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223 are &erm#tted #n '#eu o( doors not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n,

6. ..

%6 %.

3.1...1.233 3.1. .1.223


. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1..

% %9 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %11 %16 %1.

3.1. ... to 3.1. .9. 3.1. .10.213 3.1. .11.213 3.1. .13. 3.1. .14. 3.1. .11. to 3.1. .1.. 3.1.11.,3 and 2c3 3.2.3.

1 . 19.

%1 %19 3.2.4.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21.

%20 %21 %22 %23 %24 %21 and 223 to 3.2.1...

26. 2.. 2 .

%26 %2. %2


2,3 a'' e5#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n doors wh#ch carry e5#st#ng 1.1 h 'a,e's are acce&ta,'e #n '#eu o( current 1.1 h 'a,e's and may conta#n w#red g'ass &ane's not e5ceed#ng 0.0641 mA, at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, and 2c3 e$ery (#re door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 7ire dampers or fire stop flaps are not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng ducts at &enetrat#ons o( e5#st#ng fire separations. 65#st#ng 41 mm so'#d core wood doors acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e 'atch#ng de$#ces, e5c'ud#ng draw ,o'ts, are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 #s secure'y (#5ed to a stee' (rame w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 8here the concea'ed s&ace #s ,e#ng mater#a''y a'tered, smo7e or heat detect#on #n that s&ace #n '#eu o( fire bloc#s and t#ed #nto (#re a'arm system #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems need not com&'y. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es not c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, sha'' ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered! 65#st#ng roo( so((#t &ro0ect#ons acce&ta,'e. 2a3 65#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered. "oes not a&&'y, e5ce&t where a change #n major occupancy occurs (rom a 'esser hazard inde". 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n e5#st#ng buildings that do not con(orm to BF-% 13 may ,e a'tered, added to, or e5tended (rom the e5#st#ng system w#thout com&'y#ng w#th BF-% 13, &ro$#ded the system #s o&erat#ona' and ade:uate w#th res&ect to co$erage, water su&&'y and contro's, and &ro$#ded the system #s e$a'uated ,y a :ua'#(#ed des#gner. 2a3 "oes not a&&'y to buildings 6 storeys and 'ess. 2,3 "oes not a&&'y to sprin#lered buildings. One egress door #s a''owed where the occupant load #s not greater than 100 &ersons, &ro$#ded floor area #s sprin#lered and tra$e' d#stance does not e5ceed 21 m. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 914 mm #s acce&ta,'e.


29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1. .2. .3. .4. .1. .6.

%29 %30 %31 %32 %33 %34 %31 %36 %3. %3 %39 %40 %41 %42 %43 %44 %41 %46 %4. %4 %49 %10 %11 %12 %13 %14 %11 %16 %1. %1 %19 %60 %61 %62 %63 %64 %61 %66 %6. %6 %69 %.0 %.1 %.2 %.3 %.4 %.1 %.6 3 . 3.3.1...213 to 233 3.4.1. . 3 and 293 to 2113, 243 and 213 3.4.6...213 3.4.6. ., 223 and 243 and 233 3.4...2. 3.1.1. 3.6.2...213 to 213 to 213 and 2 3 3.6.4. 3...1.3.233 3...2.1.233 3...4. 3. .1.2. 3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.3.213 .3.4.2132a3 .3. .2132d32#3 .3.13.2132(3

%n e5#st#ng dead end corr#dor #s &erm#tted where the occupant load #s not greater than 20 &ersons, &ro$#ded tra$e' d#stance #s not greater than 6 m &'us corr#dor w#dth to >e"it cho#ce? &o#nt. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs may rema#n #n heritage buildings, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy and w#th occupant load no greater than 100. 65#st#ng doors may rema#n #n a heritage building, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y where a gas7eted door and se'( c'oser are &ro$#ded #n the e5#st#ng fire separation. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng guard #s not 'ess than 914 mm. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and where there #s no change #n major occupancy. Beed not com&'y where there #s no #ncrease #n occupant load. 65#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not more than 11F a,o$e the e"it ca&ac#ty. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng headroom c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng washrooms o&en#ng d#rect'y #nto an e"it sta#rwe'' sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the e"it sta#rwe'' ,y a 41 m#n closure. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e e"it s#gns are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( $#sua''y a&&arent. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings or a change #n occupancy w#th no #ncrease #n occupant load. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. %ombustible (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected (rom (#re #n accordance w#th /entence are &erm#tted or may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng fire separation o( not 'ess than 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2 h fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 1 h acce&ta,'e #( sprin#lered. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2.1 m #s acce&ta,'e. ;he m#n#mum g'ass areas may ,e reduced ,y 10F. 8here the occupant load #s #ncreased ,y more than 11F a,o$e the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng (ac#'#t#es, (ac#'#t#es to ,e added to accommodate the #ncrease. 65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! %.43 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e.


... . . .9.

N )BER %.. N )BER %. N )BER %.9

%ART 5 REJ IRE)ENT( 4.1. . %ART < REJ IRE)ENT( %ART = REJ IRE)ENT( .2.1.4.


% 0


%ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E ;he re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E Re:u#red outdoor a#r rates may ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca', natura' or com,#nat#on o( natura' and mechan#ca' means. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng c'earances acce&ta,'e where a sewage system #s re&'aced w#th another sewage system w#th#n the same c'ass and the ca&ac#ty o( the re&'acement sewage system does not e5ceed the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng sewage system. 65#st#ng c'earances are acce&ta,'e where a re&'acement sewage system re:u#res 'esser c'earances than those re:u#red #n -art (or the e5#st#ng sewage system!

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Items ;> to ;< $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !=, 5!9



3. .1.2.

.1. .2. .2.1 .3. .3.1 .4. .1. .1.1 .6. .6.1 .6.2 .6.3

%.1 %.2 %.2.1 %.3 %.3.1 %.4 %.1 %.1.1 %.6 %.6.1 %.6.2 %.6.3

3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.2.2332,3 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.3.21132a3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.4.2132a3 .3. .213 .3.12. .3.13.2232(3 .3.16.

65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! %.43 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng &r#nc#&a' entrance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded at 'east one barrier-free entrance #s a$a#'a,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur, ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded w#dth not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng d#stance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e'. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng un#$ersa' washroom acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dr#n7#ng (ounta#n con(orm#ng to )'auses 3. .3.16.2232a3 and 2,3 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear w#dth acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 900 mm. 65#st#ng &a#nted '#ne acce&ta,'e.

T$ble 11,7,1,1,B,$nce Altern$ti1es /or C$re, C$re $nd Tre$tment or #etention Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. )o'. 1 N )BER *1 *2 *3 *4 )o'umn 2 %ART ! REJ IRE)ENT( to 3.1.1... to to 3.1...1. )o'umn 3 %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or e5&osed (oamed &'ast#cs, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng assem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fireresistance rating as that su&&orted. 2a3 65#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound doors #n e5#st#ng buildings that are e#ther ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n and conta#n#ng w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223 are &erm#tted #n '#eu o( doors not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n, 2,3 a'' e5#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n doors wh#ch carry e5#st#ng 1.1 h 'a,e's are acce&ta,'e #n '#eu o( current 1.1 h 'a,e's and may conta#n w#red g'ass &ane's not e5ceed#ng 0.0641 mA, at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, and

1. 6.

*1 *6

3.1...1.233 3.1. .1.223


.. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11.

*. * *9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 *11

3.1. ... to 3.1. .9. 3.1. .10.213 3.1. .11.213 3.1. .12.213 and 223 3.1. .13. 3.1. .14.213 and 223 3.1. .14.233 3.1. .11. to 3.1. .1.. and 223

16. 1.. 1 .

*16 *1. *1

3.1.11. 3.1.14.G 3.1.11. 3.2.3.

19. 20.

*19 *20 3.2.4.

21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26.

*21 *22 *23 *24 *21 *26 to

2c3 e$ery (#re door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 7ire dampers or fire stop flaps are not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng ducts at &enetrat#ons o( e5#st#ng fire separations. For e5#st#ng un'a,e''ed doors #n e5#st#ng buildings, at 'east 41 mm so'#d core wood or meta' c'ad are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e, #nc'ud#ng de$#ces w#th >&ause? hardware. *etween &at#ent or #nmate rooms, and corr#dors, e5#st#ng >&ause? ty&e se'(c'os#ng de$#ces may ,e used as ho'd-o&en de$#ces where (unct#ona''y o&era,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e 'atch#ng de$#ces, e5c'ud#ng draw ,o'ts, are acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t #n Cone or e"it fire separations not re:u#red to ,e greater than 1 h, e5#st#ng w#red g'ass #nsta''at#ons are acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded they are set #n stee' or meta' c'ad (rames. 65#st#ng g'ass ,'oc7 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs #n e5#st#ng ce#'#ng mem,ranes to rema#n. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs may ,e mo$ed to another 'ocat#on #n the same ce#'#ng &ro$#ded the aggregate area o( o&en#ngs does not #ncrease and are not cumu'at#$e, and the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same rat#ng as the ce#'#ng assem,'y. 8here the concea'ed s&ace #s ,e#ng mater#a''y a'tered, &ro$#de smo7e or heat detect#on #n that s&ace #n '#eu o( fire bloc#s and t#e #nto (#re a'arm system. 65#st#ng roo( assem,'#es and roo( co$er#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es no c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, to ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng roo( so((#t &ro0ect#ons acce&ta,'e. 2a3 65#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. 65#st#ng access to an e5#st#ng occupancy acce&ta,'e. 8here the e5#st#ng building #s changed to a >*? occupancy, e5#st#ng access are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t where a change #n occupancy occurs to a >*1? or >*2? occupancy. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access route to e5#st#ng occupancy #s acce&ta,'e #( the building #s sprin#lered. 8here e5#st#ng building #s changed to a >*? occupancy, access route sha'' ,e &ro$#ded.


2.. 2 .

*2. *2

3.2.1...G .

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

*29 *30 *31 *32 *33 *34


31. 36. 3..

*31 *36 *3. .

3 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19.

*3 *39 *40 *41 *42 *43 *44 *41 *46 *4. *4 *49 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 *11 *16 *1. *1 *19

3.3.3... 3.3.1...233 3.4.1. . and 293 to 243 to 2113 to 213 3.4.6...213 3.4.6. ., 223 and 243 and 233 .2132c3 3.4...2.

60. 61. 62. 63.

*60 *61 *62 *63

3.1.1. 3.6.2...213

"oes not a&&'y e5ce&t where a change #n occupancy occurs to a >*1? or >*2? occupancy, where occu&ants are not norma''y e$acuated (rom the building. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n e5#st#ng buildings that do not con(orm to BF-% 13 may ,e a'tered, added to, or e5tended (rom the e5#st#ng system w#thout com&'y#ng w#th BF-% 13, &ro$#ded the system #s o&erat#ona' and ade:uate w#th res&ect to co$erage, water su&&'y and contro's, and &ro$#ded the system #s e$a'uated ,y a :ua'#(#ed des#gner. "oes not a&&'y e5ce&t where a change #n occupancy occurs to a 4rou& * occupancy, where occu&ants are not norma''y e$acuated (rom the building. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 914 mm #s acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 65#st#ng door sw#ngs may rema#n #n heritage buildings, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy and w#th occupant load no greater than 100. 65#st#ng doors acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng non-con(orm#ng ca&ac#t#es o( access to e"its are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that the e5cess#$e ca&ac#ty #s no greater than 11F and, 2a3 corr#dor fire separations are rated to )ode &'us ear'y warn#ng system &ro$#ded, or 2,3 there are s&r#n7'ers, &'us smo#e alarms #n suites. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dead end corr#dors acce&ta,'e w#th 30 m#n fire separation o( corr#dor &'us s&r#n7'er#ng o( floor area, &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not greater than 10 &ersons and tra$e' d#stance not greater than 6 m &'us corr#dor w#dth to >e"it cho#ce? &o#nt. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y where a gas7eted door and se'( c'oser are &ro$#ded #n the e5#st#ng fire separation. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and &ro$#ded fire separations com&'y w#th -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded there #s no change #n occupancy to a >*2? or >*3?. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng headroom c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e e"it s#gns are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( $#sua''y a&&arent. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e w#th r#se no greater than 3.. m. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded there #s no change #n occupancy to a >*2? or >*3?. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e where there #s no change #n major occupancy or #ncrease #n occupant load greater than 11F. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access to e5#st#ng occupancy #s acce&ta,'e 8here the e5#st#ng building #s changed to a >*? occupancy, e5#st#ng access #s acce&ta,'e. %ombustible (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected (rom (#re #n accordance w#th /entence are &erm#tted or may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 8here ser$#ng non-am,u'atory &ersons, m#n#mum w#dth sha'' ,e 1 100 mm. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t where building #s c'ass#(#ed under /u,sect#on 3.2.6. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2 h fire separation acce&ta,'e.


64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1. .2. .3. .4. .1. .6. ... . . .9. 0.

*64 *61 *66 *6. *6 *69 *.0 *.1 *.2 *.3 *.4 *.1 *.6 *.. N )BER *. N )BER *.9 N )BER * 0 to 213, 233, 2432a3, 213 and 2103 3.6.4. 3...1.3.213 3...2.1.223 3...4. 3. .1.2. 3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.4.2132a3 3. .3. .2132d32#3 3. .3.13.2132(3 %ART 5 REJ IRE)ENT( 4.1. . %ART < REJ IRE)ENT( %ART = REJ IRE)ENT( .2.1.4.

41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t where a change #n occupancy occurs to a 4rou& * occupancy. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;he m#n#mum g'ass areas may ,e reduced ,y 10F. 8here the occupant load #s #ncreased ,y more than 11F a,o$e the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng (ac#'#t#es, (ac#'#t#es to ,e added to accommodate the #ncrease. 65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! *.13 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E ;he re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E Re:u#red outdoor a#r rates may ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca', natura' or com,#nat#on o( natura' and mechan#ca' means. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng c'earances acce&ta,'e where a sewage system #s re&'aced w#th another sewage system w#th#n the same c'ass and the ca&ac#ty o( the re&'acement sewage system does not e5ceed the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng sewage system. 65#st#ng c'earances are acce&ta,'e where a re&'acement sewage system re:u#res 'esser c'earances than those re:u#red #n -art (or the e5#st#ng sewage system!


* 1


Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Items ;1 to ;; $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, !9, 5!9



3. .1.2.

.2. .3. .3.1 .4. .4.1 .1. .6. .6.1 ... ...1 ...2 ...3

*.2 *.3 *.3.1 *.4 *.4.1 *.1 *.6 *.6.1 *.. *...1 *...2 *...3

3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.2.2332,3 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.3.21132a3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.4.2132a3 .3. .213 .3.12. .3.13.2232(3 .3.16.

65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! *.13 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng &r#nc#&a' entrance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded at 'east one barrier-free entrance #s a$a#'a,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur, ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded w#dth not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng d#stance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e'. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng un#$ersa' washroom acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dr#n7#ng (ounta#n con(orm#ng to )'auses 3. .3.16.2232a3 and 2,3 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear w#dth acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 900 mm. 65#st#ng &a#nted '#ne acce&ta,'e.

T$ble 11,7,1,1,C,$nce Altern$ti1es /or Residenti$l Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. 2, 3. )o'. 1 N )BER )1 )2 )3 )o'umn 2 %ART ! REJ IRE)ENT( 3.1.4... to 3.1.1... to )o'umn 3 %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or e5&osed (oamed &'ast#cs, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;o match e5#st#ng, mater#a's may ,e added (rom on or o(( s#te.


4. 1.

)4 )1 to 3.1...1.

65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng assem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fireresistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e and may ,e re'ocated w#th#n the same e5#st#ng fire separation. 2a3 65#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound doors #n e5#st#ng buildings that are e#ther ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n and conta#n#ng w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223 are &erm#tted #n '#eu o( doors not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n, 2,3 a'' e5#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n doors wh#ch carry e5#st#ng 1.1 h 'a,e's are acce&ta,'e #n '#eu o( current 1.1 h 'a,e's and may conta#n w#red g'ass &ane's not e5ceed#ng 0.0641 mA, at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, and 2c3 e$ery (#re door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 65ce&t (or hotels, fire dampers or fire stop flaps are not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng ducts at &enetrat#ons o( e5#st#ng fire separations. For e5#st#ng un'a,e'ed doors #n e5#st#ng buildings, at 'east 41 mm so'#d core wood or meta' c'ad are acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or residential occupancies, e5#st#ng c'osure rat#ng o( 20 m#n w#'' not ,e re:u#red where the ent#re floor area #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e 'atch#ng de$#ces, e5c'ud#ng draw ,o'ts, are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n fire separations not re:u#red to ,e greater than 1 h may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 8here the concea'ed s&ace #s ,e#ng mater#a''y a'tered, &ro$#de smo7e or heat detect#on #n that s&ace #n '#eu o( fire bloc#s and t#e #nto (#re a'arm system. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n 1 storey buildings need not com&'y. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es not c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, sha'' ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered! 65#st#ng roo( so((#t &ro0ect#ons acce&ta,'e.

6. .. .

)6 ). )

3.1...1.233 3.1. .1.223G 3.1. .6.213 and 223 3.1. .1.223

9. 10.

)9 )10

3.1. ... to 3.1. .9. 3.1. .10.213

11. 12.

)11 )12

3.1. .13. 3.1. .14.

13. 14. 11. 16.

)13 )14 )11 )16

3.1. .11. to 3.1. .1.. 3.1.11.,3 and 2c3 3.2.3.




1 .



19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 21.

)19 )20 )21 )22 )23 )24 )21 to

26. 2..

)26 )2.


2 .





30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31.

)30 )31 )32 )33 )34 )31 ;a,'es and*.

2a3 65#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. /uch smo#e alarms may ,e ,attery o&erated. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2a3 For buildings 6 storeys and 'ess, e5#st#ng access to e5#st#ng occupancy #s acce&ta,'e, and 2,3 where e5#st#ng building #s changed to a >)? occupancy, an access route sha'' ,e &ro$#ded, or the e5#st#ng access #s acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng water su&&'y and hydrants are acce&ta,'e #n buildings u& to 6 storeys #n building height. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n e5#st#ng buildings that do not con(orm to BF-% 13 may ,e a'tered, added to, or e5tended (rom the e5#st#ng system w#thout com&'y#ng w#th BF-% 13, &ro$#ded the system #s o&erat#ona' and ade:uate w#th res&ect to co$erage, water su&&'y and contro's, and &ro$#ded the system #s e$a'uated ,y a :ua'#(#ed des#gner. "oes not a&&'y to buildings 4 storeys and 'ess. For e5#st#ng buildings o$er 4 storeys #n building height, e5#st#ng stand&#&e and hose systems water su&&'y #s acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded #t can de'#$er a m#n#mum ('ow rate o( 261 L!m#n (or 30 m#n at 341 7-a 2gauge3 at the two h#ghest and most remote hose $a'$es, w#th not 'ess than 132 L!m#n (rom each o( the two s#mu'taneous'y. 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e to se&arate corr#dors or e"its #n buildings not e5ceed#ng 6 storeys #n building height, e5ce&t that 41 m#n #s re:u#red (or e"its #n buildings e5ceed#ng 3 storeys #n building height. For buildings e5ceed#ng 6 storeys #n building height, 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e where smo#e detectors are #nsta''ed #n corr#dors, e5ce&t 1 h #s re:u#red #n e"its. 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e to se&arate public corridors, e"its or suites #n hotels, &ro$#ded fire detectors are #nsta''ed #n e$ery room #n a suite and #n e$ery room not 'ocated #n a suite, other than corr#dors, washrooms, c'osets #n suites, saunas, re(r#gerated areas and sw#mm#ng &oo's. +n )o'umn 2, ma5#mum area o( room or suite to ,e un'#m#ted. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 914 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs may rema#n #n heritage buildings, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy and w#th occupant load no greater than 100. 65#st#ng doors acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm w#de. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng non-con(orm#ng ca&ac#t#es o( access to e"its are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that the e5cess#$e ca&ac#ty #s no greater than 11F and, 2a3 corr#dor fire separations are rated to )ode &'us ear'y warn#ng system &ro$#ded, or 2,3 there are s&r#n7'ers, &'us smo#e alarms #n suites. "oes not a&&'y to heritage buildings. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 1.1 h fire separation acce&ta,'e. For buildings 6 storeys and 'ess, doorway (rom dwelling unit w#'' ,e &erm#tted to o&en d#rect'y #nto e"it sta#rway or #nter#or corr#dor ser$ed ,y a s#ng'e e"it #( a (#re a'arm system com&'y#ng w#th /u,sect#on 3.2.4. #s #nsta''ed and the dwelling unit has a second and se&arate means of egress. Beed not com&'y where a gas7eted door and se'( c'oser are &ro$#ded #n the e5#st#ng fire separation. 65ce&t (or hotels, the (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used (or buildings not o$er 6 storeys #n building height:

36. 3.. 3 . 39.

)36 )3. )3 )39 .,32#3,32##3, 2###3,32#$3 and 213

40. 41.

)40 )41 and 3.3.1...233


42. 43. 44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 .

)42 )43 )44 )41 )46 )4. )4

3.4.1. .

49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1. .2. .3. .4. .1.

)49 )10 )11 )12 )13 )14 )11 )16 )1. )1 )19 )60 )61 )62 )63 )64 )61 )66 )6. )6 )69 ).0 ).1 ).2 ).3 ).4 ).1 3 and 293 and 233 and 2113 and 243 3.4.6...213 3.4.6. . to 263 and 223 to 233 3.4...2. 3.1.1. 3.6.2...213 to 213 and 213

.6. ... . .

).6 ).. ). to 3...1.1.223

2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to ground 'e$e', 2,3 areas o( re(uge where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e and that com&'y w#th <easure L o( /entences 243 to 2103, 21 3 and )'auses 22032a3, 2,3 and 2d3 #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and &ro$#ded fire separations com&'y w#th -art 3. 65#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not more than 11F a,o$e the e"it ca&ac#ty. 65ce&t (or heritage buildings, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 00 mm. 65#st#ng headroom c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or e"its, no rat#ng re:u#red where floor areas are spin#lered. 7ire separations o( e"its &erm#tted #n buildings: - 30 m#n, u& to 3 storeys #n building heightG - 41 m#n, #n hotels u& to 3 storeys #n building heightG - 41 m#n, u& to 6 storeys #n building heightG - 1 h, o$er 6 storeys #n building height. 65#st#ng washrooms o&en#ng d#rect'y #nto an e"it sta#rwe'' sha'' ,e se&arated (rom the e"it sta#rwe'' ,y a 41 m#n closure. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e e"it s#gns are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( $#sua''y a&&arent. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e w#th r#se no greater than 3.. m. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n heritage buildings &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not more than 60. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. %ombustible (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected (rom (#re #n accordance w#th /entence are &erm#tted or may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e e5ce&t where building #s c'ass#(#ed under /u,sect#on 3.2.6. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2 h fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e u& to 6 storeys. 8here 2 h fire separation #s re:u#red,1 h #s acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or '#nen d#scharge rooms where 1 h fire separation #s re:u#red, 41 m#n #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s#Ces acce&ta,'e. 8here 2 h fire separation #s re:u#red,1 h #s acce&ta,'e. )e#'#ng fire separation need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating where s&r#n7'er#ng, su,0ect to %!A! )2., o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. 65#st#ng to meet flame-spread rating o( 21 or to ,e sprin#lered. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. <#n#mum room he#ght sha'' ,e not 'ess than 1 910 mm o$er the re:u#red ('oor area and any 'ocat#on that wou'd norma''y ,e used as a means of egress.





0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. . 9. 90. 91.

) 0 ) 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) ) ) ) N ) N ) 4 1 6 . )BER )BER 9

3...4. 3. .1.2. 3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.4.2132a3 3. .3. .2132d32#3 3. .3.13.2132(3 %ART 5 REJ IRE)ENT( 4.1. . %ART < REJ IRE)ENT( 6.2.3. .G G

)90 )91

2a3 8here w#ndows are not used as means of egress and where they do not con('#ct w#th $ent#'at#on re:u#rements, the m#n#mum g'ass areas as shown #n ;a,'e 9...2.3. may ,e reduced ,y 10F, or 2,3 an e5#st#ng room con$erted to an #nter#or room, created ,y an add#t#on, sha'' not re:u#re a w#ndow, &ro$#ded there #s an o&en#ng #n a d#$#d#ng wa'' occu&y#ng not 'ess than 30F o( the se&arat#ng &'ane to an ad0o#n#ng room, where the ad0o#n#ng room has a m#n#mum o( 1F w#ndow area o( the com,#ned ('oor areas, and &ro$#ded the re:u#red $ent#'at#on (or the com,#ned room #s ma#nta#ned. 8here the occupant load #s #ncreased ,y more than 11F a,o$e the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng (ac#'#t#es, (ac#'#t#es to ,e added to accommodate the #ncrease. 65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2see %!A! ) 13 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E ;he re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E Re:u#red outdoor a#r rates may ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca', natura' or com,#nat#on o( natura' and mechan#ca' means. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e.

92. 93. 94. 91.

)92 )93 )94 )91

96. 9.. 9 . 99.

)96 )9. )9 N )BER )99


)100 N )BER )101


+n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units or res#dent#a' suites, the e5#st#ng heat#ng or air-conditioning system may ,e a'tered to ser$e more than one dwelling unit or suite, &ro$#ded smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit or suite and &ro$#ded a smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed #n the su&&'y or return a#r duct system ser$#ng the ent#re building wh#ch wou'd turn o(( the (ue' su&&'y and e'ectr#ca' &ower to the heat#ng system u&on act#$at#on o( such detector. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs, gr#''es and d#((users acce&ta,'e. to 233, 213, 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2113 and 2123 8here the duct system #s ,e#ng a'tered, 'esser amounts and e5tent o( #nsu'at#on w#'' ,e &erm#tted. 6.2.4...2103 +n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units or res#dent#a' suites, the e5#st#ng heat#ng or air-conditioning system may ,e a'tered to ser$e more than one dwelling unit or suite, &ro$#ded smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit or suite and &ro$#ded a smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed #n the su&&'y or return a#r duct system ser$#ng the ent#re building wh#ch wou'd turn o(( the (ue' su&&'y and e'ectr#ca' &ower to the heat#ng system u&on act#$at#on o( such detector. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. )ar,on mono5#de a'arms may ,e ,attery o&erated or &'ugged #nto an e'ectr#ca' out'et. 6.3.1. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded &roducts o( com,ust#on are sa(e'y $ented. %ART = REJ IRE)ENT( %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E .2.1.4. 65#st#ng c'earances acce&ta,'e where a sewage system #s re&'aced w#th another sewage system w#th#n the same c'ass and the ca&ac#ty o( the re&'acement sewage system does not e5ceed the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng sewage system. .2.1.4. 65#st#ng c'earances are acce&ta,'e where a re&'acement sewage system re:u#res 'esser c'earances than those re:u#red #n -art (or the e5#st#ng sewage system! %ART 9 REJ IRE)ENT( %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E /ound used 'um,er may ,e acce&ta,'e (or reuse w#thout a grade stam& &ro$#ded that: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, 2,3 where the grade or s&ec#es #s un7nown, the m#n#mum grade sha'' a&&'y (or s&an ta,'e use, and 2c3 'um,er has not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on.




103. 104. 101. 106. 10..

)103 )104 )101 )106 )10. and 233G and 223 9...2.3.

10 . 109.

)10 )109

9.. 9. .1. to 9. .4.

110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116.

)110 )111 )112 )113 )114 )111 )116

9. .4.3. 9. .4.1. 9. .1.1.223 9. ... 9. . . 9. .9.6.243 to 233

11.. 11 .

)11. )11



120. 121.

)120 )121

122. 123. 124. 121.

)122 )123 )124 )121 and 223 9.9.1. .

+n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, 2a3 m#n#mum room he#ght sha'' not ,e 'ess than 1 910 mm o$er the re:u#red ('oor area and #n any 'ocat#on that wou'd norma''y ,e used as a means of egress, or 2,3 m#n#mum room he#ght sha'' not ,e 'ess than 2 030 mm o$er at 'east 10F o( the re:u#red ('oor area, &ro$#ded that any &art o( the ('oor ha$#ng a c'ear he#ght o( 'ess than 1 400 mm sha'' not ,e cons#dered #n com&ut#ng the re:u#red ('oor area. "oors may ,e 'esser he#ghts to su#t ce#'#ng he#ghts. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm. 65#st#ng doors and s#de'#ghts ,e#ng reused or re'ocated need not con(orm #( #dent#(#ed or &rotected. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( mar7ed to #nd#cate the#r e5#stence and &os#t#on. 2a3 8here w#ndows are not used as a means of egress and where they do not con('#ct w#th $ent#'at#on re:u#rements, the m#n#mum g'ass areas as shown #n ;a,'e 9...2.3. may ,e reduced ,y 10F, and 2,3 an e5#st#ng room con$erted to an #nter#or room, created ,y an add#t#on, sha'' not re:u#re a w#ndow, &ro$#ded there #s an o&en#ng #n a d#$#d#ng wa'' occu&y#ng not 'ess than 30F o( the se&arat#ng &'ane to an ad0o#n#ng room, where the ad0o#n#ng room has a m#n#mum o( 1F w#ndow area o( the com,#ned ('oor areas, and &ro$#ded the re:u#red $ent#'at#on (or the com,#ned room #s ma#nta#ned. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. Re&'acement or e5tens#on o( e5#st#ng sta#r systems sha'' ,e e5em&t (rom the &ro$#s#ons o( these /u,sect#ons, e5ce&t that they sha'' ha$e: 2a3 a m#n#mum w#dth ,etween wa'' (aces o( .00 mm, and 2,3 a m#n#mum c'ear he#ght o$er tread nos#ng or 'and#ng o( 1 00 mm. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs are acce&ta,'e. 8here a sta#r com&'#es w#th /u,sect#on 9. .4., an e5tens#on to a sta#r may conta#n two sets o( w#nders &ro$#ded that they are se&arated ,y at 'east three treads or a 'and#ng. 65#st#ng ram&s acce&ta,'e, where &ract#ca'. 65#st#ng handra#'s acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng guards acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or hotels, the (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used: 2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to grade, 2,3 areas o( re(uge a&&ro$ed ,y the chief building official, where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e, or 2c3 combustible or noncombustible e5ter#or sta#rways or (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence ;hese may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65ce&t (or hotels, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2a3 +n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units, the w#dth o( e$ery e"it (ac#'#ty may ,e as the e5#st#ng, ,ut not 'ess than 00 mm, or 2,3 #n a building conta#n#ng more than (our dwelling units, the w#dth o( e$ery e"it (ac#'#ty may ,e as the e5#st#ng, ,ut not 'ess than 900 mm. 2a3 +n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units, the m#n#mum w#dth o( a public corridor may ,e 00 mm, or 2,3 #n a building conta#n#ng more than (our dwelling units, the m#n#mum w#dth o( a public corridor may ,e 900 mm. 65#st#ng c'ear he#ght o( not 'ess than 1 910 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %!A! )136, #n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units or suites, one e"it need not ,e se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building at the first storey where there are one or more other e"its com&'y#ng w#th %!A! )122. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded m#n#mum 41 m#n fire separation and where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that the enc'osure has a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating.


126. 12.. 12 . 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 131.

)126 )12. )12 )129 )130 )131 )132 )133 )134 )131 9.9.6. . 9.9...4.2132a3 9.9...1. 9.9. .2.213 9.9. .1.




65ce&t (or hotels, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear o&en#ng he#ght o( not 'ess than 1 910 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng door w#dths are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded e"it w#dths con(orm to %!A! )11 . 65#st#ng door sw#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings, where a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. 8here e"it doors o&en onto a 'and#ng, they sha'' not e5tend ,eyond the (ace o( the (#rst r#ser. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &assage or &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. <a5#mum area o( e5#st#ng room or suite does not a&&'y. 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %!A! )136, #n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the )ode re:u#rement a&&'#es. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and &ro$#ded fire separations com&'y w#th -art 9. +n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units or suites, e5#st#ng g'aCed so'#d wood doors to 'o,,y may rema#n #n '#eu o( new 20 m#nute doors, &ro$#ded the fire separations (or the ('oor a,o$e or ,e'ow are &ro$#ded as &er %!A! )14., and a second means of egress (rom the dwelling units com&'#es w#th the )ode re:u#rements. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, e"it re:u#rements are acce&ta,'e #( at 'east one o( the (o''ow#ng cond#t#ons e5#sts: 2a3 a door, #nc'ud#ng a s'#d#ng door, that o&ens d#rect'y to the e5ter#or (rom a dwelling unit, ser$es on'y that dwelling unit and has reasona,'e access to ground 'e$e', and the dwelling units are e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e alarms #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19., 2,3 an e"it that #s access#,'e to more than one dwelling unit and &ro$#des the on'y means of egress (rom each dwelling unit, &ro$#ded that the means of egress #s se&arated (rom the rema#nder o( the building and common areas ,y a fire separation ha$#ng a 30 m#n fire-resistance rating and &ro$#ded (urther that the re:u#red access to e"it (rom any dwelling unit cannot ,e through another dwelling unit, service room or other occupancy, and ,oth dwelling units and common areas are &ro$#ded w#th smo#e alarms that are #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19. and are #nterconnected, or 2c3 access to an e"it (rom one dwelling unit wh#ch 'eads through another dwelling unit where, 2#3 an add#t#ona' means o( esca&e #s &ro$#ded through a w#ndow that con(orms to the (o''ow#ng: 2%3 the s#'' he#ght #s not more than 1 000 mm a,o$e or ,e'ow ad0acent ground 'e$e', 2*3 the w#ndow can ,e o&ened (rom the #ns#de w#thout the use o( too's, 2)3 the w#ndow has an #nd#$#dua' uno,structed o&en &ort#on ha$#ng a m#n#mum area o( 0.3 mA w#th no d#mens#on 'ess than 460 mm, 2"3 the s#'' he#ght does not e5ceed 900 mm a,o$e the ('oor or (#5ed ste&s, 263 where the w#ndow o&ens #nto a w#ndow we'', a c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 000 mm sha'' ,e &ro$#ded #n (ront o( the w#ndow, and 2F3 smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit and #n common areas #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19. and are #nterconnected, 2##3 an add#t#ona' means o( esca&e #s &ro$#ded through a w#ndow that con(orms to the (o''ow#ng: 2%3 a casement w#ndow not 'ess than 1 060 mm h#gh, 160 mm w#de, w#th a s#'' he#ght not more than 900 mm a,o$e the #ns#de ('oor, 2*3 the s#'' he#ght o( the w#ndow #s not more than 1 m a,o$e ad0acent ground 'e$e', and 2)3 smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit and #n common areas #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19. and are #nterconnected, or 2###3 the building #s sprin#lered and the dwelling units are e:u#&&ed w#th smo#e alarms #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19.


13.. 13 . 139. 140.

)13. )13 )139 )140 9.9.11. 9.9.12.

141. 142. 143.

)141 )142 )143 3 to 2103 9.10.3.



141. 146. 14..

)141 )146 )14. 9.10... 9.10. .1.G 9.10. .3.G 9.10. . .

14 . 149.

)14 )149


110. 111. 112.

)110 )111 )112 and 233G 213

+n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e, where there #s d#rect access to the e5ter#or. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e s#gns are acce&ta,'e (or e"it s#gns, #( a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on a&&'y on'y where the cond#t#on descr#,ed #n 2,3 o( %!A! )136 e5#sts. %ssem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fire-resistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng #nsta''at#ons acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A!js )26, )2. and )2 . 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 2a3 65#st#ng o&en#ngs #n e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng mem,ranes to rema#n. 2,3 65#st#ng o&en#ngs may ,e mo$ed to another 'ocat#on #n the same wa'' or ce#'#ng, &ro$#ded the aggregate area o( o&en#ngs does not #ncrease and are not cumu'at#$e, and the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same rat#ng as the e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'y. 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or heritage buildings, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( chief building official. 2a3 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n 2,3 and 2c3, 30 m#n rat#ng #s acce&ta,'e. 2,3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, 11 m#n hor#Conta' fire separation #s acce&ta,'e where, 2#3 smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit and #n common areas #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19., and 2##3 smo#e alarms are #nterconnected. 2c3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation #s wa#$ed where the building #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n e5#st#ng fire separations. )e#'#ng fire separation need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating where s&r#n7'er#ng, su,0ect to %!A! )2., o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. 65ce&t (or hotels, 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. +n '#eu o( the 2 h fire separation, s&r#n7'ers may ,e used #n the mercantile occupancy or medium hazard industrial occupancy, w#th a 1 h fire separation. 2a3 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n 2,3 and 2c3, 30 m#n fire separation #s acce&ta,'e. 2,3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, 11 m#n hor#Conta' fire separation #s acce&ta,'e where, 2#3 smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit and #n common areas #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19., and 2##3 smo#e alarms are #nterconnected. 2c3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the fire-resistance rating o( the fire separation #s wa#$ed where the building #s sprin#lered. 2a3 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n 2,3 and 2c3 and #n %rt#c'es and, 30 m#n fire separation #s acce&ta,'e.




114. 111. 116.

)114 )111 )116

11.. 11 . 119.

)11. )11 )119

160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 161. 166. 16..

)160 )161 )162 )163 )164 )161 )166 )16. 9.10.13... 9.10.13. .

16 . 169.

)16 )169

1.0. 1.1.

)1.0 )1.1 and 233G 223G and 233G

2,3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the fire-resistance rating o( the $ert#ca' fire separation #s wa#$ed where, 2#3 smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n e$ery dwelling unit and #n common areas #n con(ormance w#th /u,sect#on 9.10.19., and 2##3 smo#e alarms are #nterconnected. 2c3 +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, the fire-resistance rating o( the $ert#ca' fire separation #s wa#$ed where service rooms are sprin#lered. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, a party wall w#th 1 h fireresistance rating #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A!Ds ) and )116. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, e5#st#ng un'a,e''ed doors at 'east 41 mm so'#d core wood or meta' c'ad are acce&ta,'e. For e5#st#ng closures, rat#ngs o( 20 m#n w#'' not ,e re:u#red where the ent#re floor area #s sprin#lered. +n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units or suites, e5#st#ng g'aCed so'#d wood doors to corr#dors may rema#n #n '#eu o( new 20 m#n doors, &ro$#ded they are not 'ocated #n a dead end corr#dor. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded that wood door (rames are secured w#th h#nge screws go#ng through (rame #nto the stud. 65#st#ng w#red g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng stee' door (rames acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng g'ass ,'oc7 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s#Ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&era,'e 'atches acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&era,'e se'(-re'eas#ng e'ectromagnet#c ho'd-o&en de$#ce acce&ta,'e, and e5ce&t (or hotels, (us#,'e '#n7 ho'd-o&en de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng sw#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %!A! )16 , #n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units, the e5#st#ng heat#ng or air-conditioning system may ,e a'tered to ser$e more than one dwelling unit, &ro$#ded smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit and &ro$#ded a smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed #n the su&&'y or return a#r duct system ser$#ng the ent#re building wh#ch wou'd turn o(( the (ue' su&&'y and e'ectr#ca' &ower to the heat#ng system u&on act#$at#on o( such detector. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n %!A! )1.0, #n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units, the e5#st#ng heat#ng or air-conditioning system may ,e a'tered to ser$e more than one dwelling unit, &ro$#ded smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit and &ro$#ded a smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed #n the su&&'y or return a#r duct system ser$#ng the ent#re building wh#ch wou'd turn o(( the (ue' su&&'y and e'ectr#ca' &ower to the heat#ng system u&on act#$at#on o( such detector. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 8here an add#t#on to an e5#st#ng res#dent#a' building has #ts e"posing building face (urther d#stant (rom the '#ne than the e5#st#ng e"posing building face and the limiting distance #s at 'east 1 200 mm, the tota' area o( a''owa,'e unprotected openings may ,e determ#ned under /entence or (or the com,#ned new and e5#st#ng e"posing building faces and, 2a3 where the e5#st#ng e"posing building face has no unprotected openings, or the e5#st#ng unprotected openings are to ,e (#''ed #n, the tota' a''owa,'e area o( unprotected openings may ,e #nsta''ed #n the new e"posing building face, or 2,3 where the e5#st#ng unprotected openings are to rema#n,




1.3. 1.4.

)1.3 )1.4 9.10.1 .

1.1. 1.6. 1... 1. . 1.9. 1 0. 1 1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 1 1. 1 6. 1 .. 1 . 1 9. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194.

)1.1 )1.6 )1.. )1. )1.9 )1 0 )1 1 )1 2 )1 3 )1 4 )1 1 )1 6 )1 . )1 )1 9 )190 )191 )192 )193 )194 9.10.20. 9.1 .2. 9.1 .3. 9.19. 9.20.3. 9.21. 9.22.1. to 9.22... 9.23. 9.24. 9.21. 9.26. 9.2.. 9.2 . 9.29.4. 9.32.

2#3 the#r area sha'' ,e deducted (rom the tota' a''owa,'e area o( unprotected openings, and the ,a'ance may ,e #nsta''ed #n the new e"posing building face, and 2##3 /entences and or /entences and a&&'y on'y to the new e"posing building face! 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es no c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, to ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 8here ,a''oon (ram#ng #s e5&osed dur#ng reno$at#on, fire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 2a3 /u,0ect to a&&ro$a' ,y the chief building official, e5#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. Smo#e alarms may ,e ,attery o&erated. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng $ents and $ent#'at#on acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. @sed masonry may ,e reused (or &atch#ng and (#''#ng o&en#ngs to match ad0acent wor7. @sed #nter#or ,r#c7 may not ,e used (or e5ter#or a&&'#cat#ons. %rcha#c mortars may ,e used to match e5#st#ng 0o#nt#ng. /ound 0o#nt#ng techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed to match e5#st#ng archa#c 0o#nts. )or,e''#ng may ,e constructed to match e5#st#ng or or#g#na' deta#'s, &ro$#ded that #t #s structura''y ade:uate (or the &ro&osed use. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded the &roducts o( com,ust#on are sa(e'y $ented and &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. /ound &er#od mater#a's, des#gns and techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed #n recreated (#re&'aces, &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. % vapour barrier may cons#st o( &a#nt or other coat#ng w#th s&ec#(#ed &erm rat#ng such as two coats o( 'ea(#ng a'um#num &#gmented &a#nt. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t when remo$#ng and re&'ac#ng sh#ng'es, com&'y w#th the ea$e &rotect#on re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 9.26.1. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng stucco may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng &'aster may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. +n detached houses, sem#-detached houses, townhouses and row houses conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units, rooms or s&aces #n dwelling units to ,e $ent#'ated ,y natura' means #n accordance w#th /u,sect#on 9.32.2. or ,y &ro$#d#ng ade:uate mechan#ca' $ent#'at#on.






19.. 19 .

)19. )19 9.3..


N )BER )199


+n a building conta#n#ng not more than (our dwelling units, the e5#st#ng heat#ng or air-conditioning system may ,e a'tered to ser$e more than one dwelling unit, &ro$#ded smo#e alarms are #nsta''ed #n each dwelling unit and &ro$#ded a smo#e detector #s #nsta''ed #n the su&&'y or return a#r duct system ser$#ng the ent#re building wh#ch wou'd turn o(( the (ue' su&&'y and e'ectr#ca' &ower to the heat#ng system u&on act#$at#on o( such detector. /ound, used or ant#:ue appliances are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y corros#on or other damage, 2,3 no structura' &arts are m#ss#ng, 2c3 no crac7s are &resent #n the com&onents #ntended to su&&ort the appliance or enc'ose the (#re, and 2d3 'oad#ng and ash remo$a' door 'atches and h#nges ho'd the door c'osed. )ar,on mono5#de a'arms may ,e ,attery o&erated or &'ugged #nto an e'ectr#ca' out'et. /ound used mater#a's sha'' ,e acce&ta,'e (or reuse, su,0ect to the (o''ow#ng '#m#tat#ons: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, and 2,3 'ogs ha$e not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 2a3 8here the (ram#ng systems are ,e#ng a'tered to match the e5#st#ng (ram#ng, 'esser amounts and e5tent o( #nsu'at#on and vapour barrier #s acce&ta,'e. 2,3 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or %rt#c'e o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-12, >6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng?. 2c3 65#st#ng &re$#ous'y occu&#ed 'og houses that are d#smant'ed and reconstructed are e5em&t (rom %rt#c'e o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-12, >6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng?.

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Items =1 to =; $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 5>, 5!9


) 1

3. .1.2.

2. 3. 3.1 4. 4.1 1. 6. 6.1 .. ..1 ..2 ..3

) 2 ) 3 ) 3.1 ) 4 ) 4.1 ) ) ) ) ) 1 6 6.1 . ..1

3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.2.2332,3 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.3.21132a3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.4.2132a3 .3. .213 .3.12. .3.13.2232(3 .3.16.

) ..2 ) ..3

65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2see %!A! ) 13 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng &r#nc#&a' entrance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded at 'east one barrier-free entrance #s a$a#'a,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur, ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded w#dth not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng d#stance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e'. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng un#$ersa' washroom acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dr#n7#ng (ounta#n con(orm#ng to )'auses 3. .3.16.2232a3 and 2,3 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear w#dth acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 900 mm. 65#st#ng &a#nted '#ne acce&ta,'e.

T$ble 11,7,1,1,#"E,$nce Altern$ti1es /or Business")erc$ntile Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. )o'. 1 )o'umn 2 N )BER %ART ! REJ IRE)ENT( "61 3.1.4... "62 "63 "64 "61 to 3.1.1... to to 3.1...1. )o'umn 3 %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65ce&t (or e5&osed (oamed &'ast#cs, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;o match e5#st#ng, mater#a's may ,e added (rom on or o(( s#te. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on:


6. .. .

"66 "6. "6

3.1...1.233 3.1. .1.223G 3.1. .6. 3.1. .1.223

9. 10. 11. 12.

"69 "610 "611 "612

3.1. ...G 3.1. .9. 3.1. .10.213 3.1. .13. 3.1. .14.

13. 14. 11. 16.

"613 "614 "611 "616

3.1. .11. to 3.1. .1.. 3.1.11.,3 and 2c3 3.2.3.

1.. 1 . 19.

"61. "61 "619 3.2.4.



1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng assem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fireresistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e and may ,e re'ocated w#th#n the same e5#st#ng fire separation. 2a3 65#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound doors #n e5#st#ng buildings that are e#ther ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n and conta#n#ng w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223 are &erm#tted #n '#eu o( doors not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n, 2,3 a'' e5#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound ho''ow doors wh#ch carry e5#st#ng 1.1 h 'a,e's are acce&ta,'e #n '#eu o( current 1.1 h 'a,e's and may conta#n w#red g'ass &ane's not e5ceed#ng 0.0641 mA, at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, and 2c3 e$ery (#re door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 7ire dampers or fire stop flaps are not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng ducts at &enetrat#ons o( e5#st#ng fire separations. For e5#st#ng un'a,e''ed doors #n e5#st#ng buildings, at 'east 41 mm so'#d core wood or meta' c'ad are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e 'atch#ng de$#ces, e5c'ud#ng draw ,o'ts, are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 8here the concea'ed s&ace #s ,e#ng mater#a''y a'tered, smo7e or heat detect#on #n that s&ace #n '#eu o( fire bloc#s and t#ed #nto (#re a'arm system #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n 1 storey buildings need not com&'y. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es not c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, sha'' ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng roo( so((#t &ro0ect#ons acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y (or >6? occupancy. 2a3 65#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings.


21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26.

"621 "622 "623 "624 "621 "626 to 3.2.1...

2.. 2 . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

"62. "62 "629 "630 "631 "632 "633

3.2.9. ;a,'es and*.

"oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered. "oes not a&&'y, e5ce&t where a change #n major occupancy occurs (rom a 'esser hazard inde". 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n e5#st#ng buildings that do not con(orm to BF-% 13 may ,e a'tered, added to, or e5tended (rom the e5#st#ng system w#thout com&'y#ng w#th BF-% 13, &ro$#ded the system #s o&erat#ona' and ade:uate w#th res&ect to co$erage, water su&&'y and contro's, and &ro$#ded the system #s e$a'uated ,y a :ua'#(#ed des#gner. "oes not a&&'y to buildings 6 storeys and 'ess. "oes not a&&'y to sprin#lered buildings. +n )o'umn 2, ma5#mum area o( room or suite to ,e un'#m#ted. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 914 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs may rema#n #n heritage buildings, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy and w#th occupant load no greater than 100. 65#st#ng doors acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm w#de. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng non-con(orm#ng ca&ac#t#es o( access to e"its are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that: 2a3 the #ncrease #n occupant load #s not greater than 11F, 2,3 the corr#dor fire separations are rated to )ode, and 2c3 ear'y warn#ng systems are &ro$#ded, or 2d3 there are s&r#n7'ers, &'us smo#e alarms #n suites. "oes not a&&'y to heritage buildings. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y where a gas7eted door and se'( c'oser are &ro$#ded #n the e5#st#ng fire separation. ;he (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used (or buildings not o$er 6 storeys #n building height: 2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to grade, 2,3 areas o( re(uge where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e and that com&'y w#th <easure L o( /entences 243 to 2103, 21 3, and )'auses 22032a3, 2,3 and 2d3 #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not more than 11F a,o$e the e"it ca&ac#ty. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng headroom c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 7ire separations o( e"its &erm#tted #n buildings: - 30 m#n, u& to 3 storeys #n building heightG - 41 m#n, u& to 6 storeys #n building heightG - 1 h, o$er 6 storeys #n building height. 65#st#ng washrooms o&en#ng d#rect'y #nto e"it sta#rwe'' sha'' ,e se&arated (rom e"it sta#rwe'' ,y a 41 m#n closure. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e e"it s#gns are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( $#sua''y a&&arent. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e w#th r#se no greater than 3.. m. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e.

34. 31. 36. 3..

"634 "631 "636 "63. . 3.3.1...233

3 . 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

"63 "639 "640 "641 "642 "643

3.4.1. .

44. 41. 46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1..

"644 "641 "646 "64. "64 "649 "610 "611 "612 "613 "614 "611 "616 "61. 3 and 293 and 233 to 2113 to 213 3.4.6...213 3.4.6. . to 263 and 223


1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0.

"61 "619 "660 "661 "662 "663 "664 "661 "666 "66. "66 "669 "6.0 3.4...2. 3.1.1. 3.6.2...213 to 213

.1. .2. .3. .4. .1. .6. ... . . .9. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6.

"6.1 "6.2 "6.3 "6.4 "6.1 "6.6 "6.. "6. "6.9 "6 0 N )BER "6 1 N )BER "6 2 "6 3 "6 4 "6 1 to 3...4. 3. .1.2. 3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.4.2132a3 3. .3. .2132d32#3 3. .3.13.2132(3 %ART 5 REJ IRE)ENT( 4.1. . %ART < REJ IRE)ENT( G 6.2.3. .21 3

65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings or a change #n occupancy w#th no #ncrease #n occupant load. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. %ombustible (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected (rom (#re #n accordance w#th /entence are &erm#tted or may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e e5ce&t where building #s c'ass#(#ed under /u,sect#on 3.2.6. 65#st#ng fire separation o( not 'ess than 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2 h fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e u& to 6 storeys. 2a3 8here 2 h fire separation #s re:u#red, 1 h #s acce&ta,'e. 2,3 8here 1 h fire separation #s re:u#red, 41 m#n #s acce&ta,'e. 2c3 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th /entence )e#'#ng fire separation need not ha$e a fire-resistance rating where s&r#n7'er#ng, su,0ect to %!A! "62., o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. 65#st#ng to meet flame-spread rating o( 21 or to ,e sprin#lered. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 8here the occupant load #s #ncreased ,y more than 11F a,o$e the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng (ac#'#t#es, (ac#'#t#es to ,e added to accommodate the #ncrease. 65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! "6. 3 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E ;he re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E Re:u#red outdoor a#r rates may ,e &ro$#ded ,y mechan#ca', natura' or com,#nat#on o( natura' and mechan#ca' means. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs, gr#''es and d#((users acce&ta,'e, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( chief building official. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng c'earances acce&ta,'e where a sewage system #s re&'aced w#th another sewage system w#th#n the same c'ass and the ca&ac#ty o( the re&'acement sewage system does not e5ceed the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng sewage system. 65#st#ng c'earances are acce&ta,'e where a re&'acement sewage system re:u#res 'esser c'earances than those re:u#red #n -art (or the e5#st#ng sewage system! %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E /ound used 'um,er may ,e acce&ta,'e (or reuse w#thout a grade stam& &ro$#ded that: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, 2,3 where the grade or s&ec#es #s un7nown, the m#n#mum grade sha'' a&&'y (or s&an ta,'e use, and 2c3 'um,er has not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm. 65#st#ng doors and s#de'#ghts ,e#ng reused or re'ocated need not con(orm #( #dent#(#ed or &rotected.

N )BER %ART = REJ IRE)ENT( "6 6 .2.1.4.


"6 .



9. 90.

"6 9 "690 and 233G and 223


91. 92. 93.

"691 "692 "693 and 243G 9. . .1.2.3 and 293 9... 9. .1. to 9. .4.

65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. Re&'acement or e5tens#on o( e5#st#ng sta#r systems sha'' ,e e5em&t (rom the &ro$#s#ons o( these /u,sect#ons, e5ce&t that they sha'' ha$e: 2a3 a m#n#mum w#dth ,etween wa'' (aces o( .00 mm, and 2,3 a m#n#mum c'ear he#ght o$er tread nos#ng or 'and#ng o( 1 00 mm. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng ram&s acce&ta,'e, where &ract#ca'. 65#st#ng handra#'s acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng guards acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;he (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used: 2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to grade, 2,3 areas o( re(uge a&&ro$ed ,y the chief building official, where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e, or 2c3 combustible or noncombustible e5ter#or sta#rways or (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence ;hese may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 961 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear he#ght o( not 'ess than 1 910 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded m#n#mum 41 m#n fire separation and where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that the enc'osure has a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear o&en#ng he#ght o( not 'ess than 1 910 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng door w#dths are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded e"it w#dths com&'y w#th %!A! "6103. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings, where a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. 8here e"it doors o&en onto a 'and#ng, they sha'' not e5tend ,eyond the (ace o( the (#rst r#ser. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &assage or &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. <a5#mum area o( e5#st#ng room or suite to ,e un'#m#ted. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and &ro$#ded fire separations com&'y w#th -art 9. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e s#gns are acce&ta,'e (or e"it s#gns, #( a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. %ssem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fire-resistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng #nsta''at#ons acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A!Ds "626 and "62.. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 2a3 65#st#ng o&en#ngs #n e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng mem,ranes to rema#n. 2,3 65#st#ng o&en#ngs may ,e mo$ed to another 'ocat#on #n the same wa'' or ce#'#ng, &ro$#ded the aggregate area o( o&en#ngs does not #ncrease and are not cumu'at#$e, and the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same rat#ng as the e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'y.

94. 91. 96. 9.. 9 . 99. 100.

"694 "691 "696 "69. "69 "699 "6100

9. 9. 9. 9.

.3.2. .4.3. .1.1.223 ...

9. . . to 233

101. 102. 103. 104. 101. 106. 10.. 10 . 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116. 11.. 11 . 119. 120.

"6101 "6102 "6103 "6104 "6101 "6106 "610. "610 "6109 "6110 "6111 "6112 "6113 "6114 "6111 "6116 "611. "611 "6119 "6120 9.9.1. . 9.9.6. . 9.9...4. 9.9. .2.213 3 to 2103 9.10.3.




122. 123. 124. 121. 126. 12.. 12 . 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 131. 136. 13.. 13 .

"6122 "6123 "6124 "6121 "6126 "612. "612 "6129 "6130 "6131 "6132 "6133 "6134 "6131 "6136 "613. "613 9.10... 9.10. .1. 9.10. .2. 9.10. .3. 9.10. . . 9.10.9...G

139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 141. 146. 14..

"6139 "6140 "6141 "6142 "6143 "6144 "6141 "6146 "614. 9.10.13... 9.10.13. .

14 . 149.

"614 "6149 9.10.1 .




65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( the mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or heritage buildings, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( chief building official. 65#st#ng 30 m#n rat#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems com&'y#ng w#th %!A! "62. and /entence are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( the chief building official. 30 m#n rat#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n e5#st#ng fire separations. )e#'#ng fire separation need not ,e (#re-res#stance rated where s&r#n7'er#ng o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. +n '#eu o( the 2 h fire separation, s&r#n7'ers may ,e used #n the mercantile occupancy w#th a 1 h fire separation. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y (or mercantile occupancy. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A! "6 . 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that wood door (rames are secured w#th h#nge screws go#ng through (rame #nto the stud. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng stee' door (rames acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng g'ass ,'oc7 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s#Ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&era,'e 'atches acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e #n >6? occupancy. 65#st#ng o&era,'e se'(-re'eas#ng e'ectromagnet#c and (us#,'e '#n7 ho'd-o&en de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng sw#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es no c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, to ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 8here ,a''oon (ram#ng #s e5&osed dur#ng reno$at#on, fire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 2a3 /u,0ect to a&&ro$a' ,y the chief building official, e5#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stageD system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e.


111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116. 11.. 11 . 119. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 161. 166.

"6111 "6112 "6113 "6114 "6111 "6116 "611. "611 "6119 "6160 "6161 "6162 "6163 "6164 "6161 "6166

9.1 .2. 9.1 .3. 9.19. 9.20.3. 9.21. 9.22.1. to 9.22... 9.23. 9.24. 9.26. 9.2.. 9.2 . 9.29.4.




65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng $ents and $ent#'at#on acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. @sed masonry may ,e reused (or &atch#ng and (#''#ng o&en#ngs to match ad0acent wor7. @sed #nter#or ,r#c7 may not ,e used (or e5ter#or a&&'#cat#ons. %rcha#c mortars may ,e used to match e5#st#ng 0o#nt#ng. /ound 0o#nt#ng techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed to match e5#st#ng archa#c 0o#nts. )or,e''#ng may ,e constructed to match e5#st#ng or or#g#na' deta#'s, &ro$#ded that #t #s structura''y ade:uate (or the &ro&osed use. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded the &roducts o( com,ust#on are sa(e'y $ented and &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. /ound &er#od mater#a's, des#gns and techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed #n recreated (#re&'aces, &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t when remo$#ng and re&'ac#ng sh#ng'es, com&'y w#th ea$e &rotect#on re:u#rements #n /u,sect#on 9.26.1. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng stucco may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng &'aster may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. /ound, used or ant#:ue appliances are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y corros#on or other damage, 2,3 no structura' &arts are m#ss#ng, 2c3 no crac7s are &resent #n the com&onents #ntended to su&&ort the appliance or enc'ose the (#re, and 2d3 'oad#ng and ash remo$a' door 'atches and h#nges ho'd the door c'osed. /ound used mater#a's sha'' ,e acce&ta,'e (or reuse, su,0ect to the (o''ow#ng '#m#tat#ons: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, and 2,3 'ogs ha$e not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on.

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Items ;5 to => $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 51, 5!9



3. .1.2.

.1. .6. .6.1 ... ...1 . . .9. .9.1 0. 0.1

"6.1 "6.6 "6.6.1 "6.. "6...1 "6. "6.9 "6.9.1 "6 0 "6 0.1

3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.2.2332,3 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.3.21132a3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.4.2132a3 .3. .213 .3.12. .3.13.2232(3 .3.16.

65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! "6. 3 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng &r#nc#&a' entrance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded at 'east one barrier-free entrance #s a$a#'a,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur, ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded w#dth not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng d#stance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e'. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng un#$ersa' washroom acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dr#n7#ng (ounta#n con(orm#ng to )'auses 3. .3.16.2232a3 and 2,3 acce&ta,'e.

T$ble 11,7,1,1,+,$nce Altern$ti1es /or Industri$l Occu.$ncies Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. 2. )o'. 1 N )BER F1 F2 )o'umn 2 %ART ! REJ IRE)ENT( 3.1.4... to )o'umn 3 %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e.


3. 4. 1.

F3 F4 F1

3.1.1... to to 3.1...1.

65ce&t (or e5&osed (oamed &'ast#cs, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or >F2? and >F3? occupancies. ;o match e5#st#ng, mater#a's may ,e added (rom on or o(( s#te. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?. 4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222, >F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng assem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fireresistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e and may ,e re'ocated w#th#n the same e5#st#ng fire separation. 2a3 65#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound doors #n e5#st#ng buildings that are e#ther ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n and conta#n#ng w#red g'ass at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223 are &erm#tted #n '#eu o( doors not re:u#red to e5ceed 41 m#n, 2,3 a'' e5#st#ng (unct#ona' and sound ho''ow meta' or 7a'ame#n doors wh#ch carry e5#st#ng 1.1 h 'a,e's are acce&ta,'e #n '#eu o( current 1.1 h 'a,e's and may conta#n w#red g'ass &ane's not e5ceed#ng 0.0641 mA, at 'east 6 mm th#c7 and con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, and 2c3 e$ery (#re door, w#ndow assem,'y or g'ass ,'oc7 used as a closure #n a re:u#red fire separation sha'' ,e #nsta''ed #n con(ormance w#th good eng#neer#ng &ract#ce. 7ire dampers or fire stop flaps are not re:u#red to ,e #nsta''ed #n e5#st#ng ducts at &enetrat#ons o( e5#st#ng fire separations. For e5#st#ng un'a,e''ed doors #n e5#st#ng buildings, at 'east 41 mm so'#d core wood or meta' c'ad are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e de$#ces acce&ta,'e (or >F2? and >F3? occupancies. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e 'atch#ng de$#ces, e5c'ud#ng draw ,o'ts, are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 8here the concea'ed s&ace #s ,e#ng mater#a''y a'tered, smo7e or heat detect#on #n that s&ace #n '#eu o( fire bloc#s and t#ed #nto (#re a'arm system #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n 1 storey buildings need not com&'y. 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th %rt#c'e . (or >F2? occupancy. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es not c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, sha'' ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 65#st#ng roo( so((#t &ro0ect#ons acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y (or >F2? occupancy.

6. .. .

F6 F. F

3.1...1.233 3.1. .1.223G 3.1. .6. 3.1. .1.223

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

F9 F10 F11 F12 F13

3.1. ...G 3.1. .9. 3.1. .10.213 3.1. .11.213 3.1. .13. 3.1. .14.

14. 11. 16. 1..

F14 F11 F16 F1.

3.1. .11. to 3.1. .1.. 3.1.11.,3 and 2c3 3.2.3.

1 . 19.

F1 F19





21. 22. 23. 24. 21. 26. 2..

F21 F22 F23 F24 F21 F26 F2. to 3.2.1...

2 . 29.

F2 F29


30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 31. 36. 3.. 3 . 39.

F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F31 F36 F3. F3 F39 ;a,'es and*. and 2143 ., 233 and 213 3.3.1...

40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 41.

F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F41

3.4.1. .

46. 4.. 4 . 49. 10. 11.

F46 F4. F4 F49 F10 F11 3 and 293

2a3 65#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n e5ce&t that %rt#c'e does not a&&'y where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and 2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. "oes not a&&'y to e5#st#ng #nsta''at#ons #n buildings. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the building #s sprin#lered. "oes not a&&'y, e5ce&t where a change #n major occupancy occurs (rom a 'esser hazard inde". 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems #n e5#st#ng buildings that do not con(orm to BF-% 13 may ,e a'tered, added to, or e5tended (rom the e5#st#ng system w#thout com&'y#ng w#th BF-% 13, &ro$#ded the system #s o&erat#ona' and ade:uate w#th res&ect to co$erage, water su&&'y and contro's, and &ro$#ded the system #s e$a'uated ,y a :ua'#(#ed des#gner. "oes not a&&'y to buildings 6 storeys and 'ess o( >F2? and >F3? occupancies. "oes not a&&'y to sprin#lered buildings. 30 m#n #s acce&ta,'e to se&arate public corridors or e"its #n buildings not e5ceed#ng 6 storeys #n building height, e5ce&t that 41 m#n #s re:u#red (or e"its #n buildings e5ceed#ng 3 storeys #n building height. 65ce&t (or e"its, no rat#ng re:u#red where floor areas are sprin#lered. For >F2? and >F3? occupancies #n )o'umn 2, ma5#mum area o( room or suite to ,e un'#m#ted. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 914 mm #s acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y where connected ,a'cony or area o( re(uge #s &ro$#ded #n com&'#ance w#th %!A! F39. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs may rema#n #n heritage buildings, e5#st#ng or ,e#ng restored, w#th no change #n major occupancy and w#th occupant load no greater than 100. 65#st#ng doors acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm w#de. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. Beed not com&'y where a gas7eted door and se'( c'oser are &ro$#ded #n the e5#st#ng fire separation. For >F2? and >F3? occupancies, the (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used (or buildings not o$er 6 storeys #n building height: 2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to grade, 2,3 areas o( re(uge where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e and that com&'y w#th <easure L #n /entences 243 to 2103, 21 3 and )'auses 22032a3, 2,3 and 2d3 #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-4, ><easures (or F#re /a(ety #n =#gh *u#'d#ngs?. 65#st#ng sta#ned, etched, ,e$e''ed, 'eaded or (#gured g'ass acce&ta,'e. For >F2? and >F3? occupancies, e5#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where the floor area #s sprin#lered. For >F2? and >F3? occupancies, e5#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded the occupant load #s not more than 11F a,o$e the e"it ca&ac#ty. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng headroom c'earance o( not 'ess than 1 9 0 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 7ire separations o( e"its &erm#tted #n buildings: - 30 m#n, u& to 3 storeys #n building heightG - 41 m#n, u& to 6 storeys #n building heightG - 1 h, o$er 6 storeys #n building height. 65#st#ng washrooms o&en#ng d#rect'y #nto e"it sta#rwe'' sha'' ,e se&arated (rom e"it sta#rwe'' ,y 41 m#n closure. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e e"it s#gns are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, #( $#sua''y a&&arent. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e w#th r#se no greater than 3.. m. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e.


12. 13. 14. 11. 16. 1.. 1 . 19. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 61. 66. 6.. 6 . 69. .0. .1.

F12 F13 F14 F11 F16 F1. F1 F19 F60 F61 F62 F63 F64 F61 F66 F6. F6 F69 F.0 F.1 and 233 to 2113 to 213 3.4.6...213 3.4.6. . to 263 and 223 3.4...2. 3.1.1. 3.6.2...213 to 213

.2. .3. .4. .1. .6. ... . .9. 0. 1. 2. 3.

F.2 F.3 F.4 F.1 F.6 F.. F. F.9 F 0 F 1 N )BER F 2 N )BER F 3 to 3...4. 3. .1.2. 3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.4.2132a3 3. .3. .2132d32#3 3. .3.13.2132(3 %ART 5 REJ IRE)ENT( 4.1. . %ART < REJ IRE)ENT(, 233 and 243

4. 1. 6. ..

F 4 F F N F 1 6 )BER . G %ART = REJ IRE)ENT( .2.1.4.

65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. For >F2? and >F3? occupancies, e5#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings or a change #n occupancy w#th no #ncrease #n occupant load. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. %ombustible (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected (rom (#re #n accordance w#th /entence are &erm#tted or may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, e5ce&t where building c'ass#(#ed under /u,sect#on 3.2.6. and e5ce&t where e5#st#ng e'e$ators are >o&en? ty&e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 2 h fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e u& to 6 storeys. 2a3 8here 2 h fire separation #s re:u#red, 1 h #s acce&ta,'e. 2,3 8here 1 h fire separation #s re:u#red, 41 m#n #s acce&ta,'e. 2c3 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th /entences and 213. )e#'#ng fire separation need not ,e (#re-res#stance rated where s&r#n7'er#ng, su,0ect to %!A! F2., o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. 65#st#ng to meet flame-spread rating o( 21 or to ,e sprin#lered. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 8here the occupant load #s #ncreased ,y more than 11F a,o$e the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng (ac#'#t#es, (ac#'#t#es to ,e added to accommodate the #ncrease. 65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! F.93 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E ;he re:u#rements under th#s /u,sect#on do not a&&'y. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E Storage garages w#th a tota' ca&ac#ty o( (ewer than 20 motor $eh#c'es need not ha$e mechan#ca' $ent#'at#ng systems #( the downward s'o&e o( the ('oor to the outs#de door #s 1 #n 120 and the garage ('oor #s a,o$e outs#de ground 'e$e'. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or >F2? and >F3? occupancies. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs, gr#''es and d#((users acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or >F2? and >F3? occupancies. %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E 65#st#ng c'earances acce&ta,'e where a sewage system #s re&'aced w#th another sewage system w#th#n the same c'ass and the ca&ac#ty o( the re&'acement sewage system does not e5ceed the ca&ac#ty o( the e5#st#ng sewage system. 65#st#ng c'earances are acce&ta,'e where a re&'acement sewage system re:u#res 'esser c'earances than those re:u#red #n -art (or the e5#st#ng sewage system! %ART 11 CO !"#ANCE A"TERNAT#$E /ound used 'um,er #s acce&ta,'e (or reuse w#thout a grade stam& &ro$#ded that:

F N )BER F 9

.2.1.4. %ART 9 REJ IRE)ENT(



90. 91. 92. 93. 94.

F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 and 233G and 223 and 243G 9. . .1.2.3 and 293 9... 9. .1. to 9. .4.

2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, 2,3 where the grade or s&ec#es #s un7nown, the m#n#mum grade sha'' a&&'y (or s&an ta,'e use, and 2c3 'um,er has not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 600 mm. 65#st#ng doors and s#de'#ghts ,e#ng reused or re'ocated need not con(orm #( #dent#(#ed or &rotected. 65#st#ng ,arr#ers acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. Re&'acement or e5tens#on o( e5#st#ng sta#r systems sha'' ,e e5em&t (rom the &ro$#s#ons o( these %rt#c'es, e5ce&t that they sha'' ha$e: 2a3 a m#n#mum w#dth ,etween wa'' (aces o( .00 mm, and 2,3 a m#n#mum c'ear he#ght o$er tread nos#ng or 'and#ng o( 1 00 mm. 65#st#ng cur$ed or s&#ra' sta#rs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng ram&s acce&ta,'e, where &ract#ca'. 65#st#ng handra#'s acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng guards acce&ta,'e, un'ess cons#dered unsa(e ,y chief building official. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. ;he (o''ow#ng ty&es o( e"its may a'so ,e used: 2a3 connected ,a'con#es, wh#ch connect across firewalls, or connect to another e"it, or w#th access to grade, 2,3 areas o( re(uge a&&ro$ed ,y the chief building official, where (#re ser$#ce rescue #s &oss#,'e, or 2c3 combustible or noncombustible e5ter#or sta#rways or (#re esca&es wh#ch are &rotected #n accordance w#th /entence ;hese may ,e reconstructed or recreated 2as #n the case o( a heritage building3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#dth o( e"its acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#dth o( public corridors o( not 'ess than 961 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng c'ear he#ght o( not 'ess than 1 910 mm #s acce&ta,'e. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e &ro$#ded m#n#mum 41 m#n fire separation and where e5&'os#on-res#stant construction or $ent#ng #s &ro$#ded. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that the enc'osure has a 41 m#n fire-resistance rating. 65#st#ng door w#dths are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded e"it w#dths com&'y w#th %!A! F104. 65#st#ng door sw#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n public heritage buildings, where a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. 8here e"it doors o&en onto a 'and#ng, such doors sha'' not e5tend ,eyond the (ace o( the (#rst r#ser. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e &assage or &an#c hardware acce&ta,'e. <a5#mum area o( e5#st#ng room or suite does not a&&'y. 65#st#ng tra$e' d#stance acce&ta,'e where floor area #s sprin#lered and &ro$#ded fire separations com&'y w#th -art 9. 65#st#ng #''um#nated 'eg#,'e s#gns are acce&ta,'e (or e"it s#gns, #( a&&ro$ed ,y chief building official. %ssem,'#es re:u#red to ,e o( noncombustible construction may ,e su&&orted ,y combustible construction ha$#ng at 'east the same fire-resistance rating as that su&&orted. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A!Ds F2. and F2 . 7ire-resistance ratings may a'so ,e used where they are ,ased on: 1. =@" Reha,#'#tat#on 4u#de'#nes, >4u#de'#ne on F#re Rat#ngs o( %rcha#c <ater#a's and %ssem,'#es?. 2. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 194, >F#re 6ndurance o( -rotected /tee' )o'umns and *eams?. 3. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 20., >F#re 6ndurance o( @n#t <asonry 8a''s?.

91. 96. 9.. 9 . 99. 100. 101.

F91 F96 F9. F9 F99 F100 F101

9. .4.3. 9. .1.1.223 9. ... 9. . . 9. .9.6.243 to 233

102. 103. 104. 101. 106. 10.. 10 . 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116. 11.. 11 . 119.

F102 F103 F104 F101 F106 F10. F10 F109 F110 F111 F112 F113 F114 F111 F116 F11. F11 F119 9.9.1. . 9.9.6. . 9.9...4. 9.9. .2.213 3 to 2103 9.10.3.




121. 122. 123. 124. 121. 126. 12.. 12 . 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 131.

F121 F122 F123 F124 F121 F126 F12. F12 F129 F130 F131 F132 F133 F134 F131 9.10... 9.10. .1. 9.10. .2. 9.10. .3. 9.10. . . 9.10.9...G

136. 13.. 13 . 139. 140. 141. 142. 143.

F136 F13. F13 F139 F140 F141 F142 F143 9.10.13... 9.10.13. .

144. 141.

F144 F141 9.10.1 .

4. "*R ;echn#ca' -a&er Bo. 222. F#re 6ndurance o( L#ght-Framed and <#sce''aneous %ssem,'#es?. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs #n e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng mem,ranes to rema#n. 65#st#ng o&en#ngs may ,e mo$ed to another 'ocat#on #n the same wa'' or ce#'#ng, &ro$#ded the aggregate area o( o&en#ngs does not #ncrease and are not cumu'at#$e, and the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same rat#ng as the e5#st#ng wa'' or ce#'#ng assem,'y. 65#st#ng heavy timber construction acce&ta,'e where construction #s w#th#n 90F o( the mem,er s#Ces '#sted #n -art 3. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e (or heritage buildings, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( chief building official. 65#st#ng 30 m#n rat#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s&r#n7'er systems com&'y#ng w#th %!A! F2. and /entence 213 are acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, su,0ect to a&&ro$a' o( chief building official. 30 m#n rat#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e #n e5#st#ng fire separations. )e#'#ng fire separation need not ,e fire-resistance rated where s&r#n7'er#ng o( fire compartments on ,oth s#des o( $ert#ca' fire separation #s &ro$#ded and where such fire separation #s not re:u#red to e5ceed 1 h. +n '#eu o( the 2 h fire separation, s&r#n7'ers may ,e used #n the medium hazard industrial occupancy w#th a 1 h fire separation. 30 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 41 m#n fire separation acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona' closures are acce&ta,'e su,0ect to %!A! F . 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that wood door (rames are secured w#th h#nge screws go#ng through (rame #nto the stud. 65#st#ng w#red g'ass acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng transoms or s#de'#ghts 'ocated #n re:u#red fire separations may ,e reta#ned #( w#red g'ass, at 'east 6 mm th#c7, #s secure'y (#5ed to a wood (rame o( at 'east 10 mm th#c7ness w#th stee' sto&s. O&era,'e transoms sha'' ,e (#5ed c'osed. 65#st#ng stee' door (rames acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng g'ass ,'oc7 acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng s#Ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&era,'e 'atches acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng (unct#ona''y o&era,'e se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng o&era,'e se'(-re'eas#ng e'ectromagnet#c and (us#,'e '#n7 ho'd-o&en de$#ces acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng sw#ngs acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng w#ndows. 2a3 65#st#ng w#ndows #n wa''s may ,e re'ocated to another &art o( the wa'', &ro$#ded the e5#st#ng o&en#ng #s ,'oc7ed u& to &ro$#de the same (#re rat#ng (or the wa'', and the &ro0ect#on o( the new o&en#ng, at a r#ght ang'e to the &ro&erty '#ne onto another building, '#es no c'oser than 300 mm (rom a w#ndow #n such other building, where the >o&&os#te? w#ndow #s 'ess than 2 400 mm (rom the o&&os#te new o&en#ng, and 2,3 e5ce&t re'ocat#on o( un#ts, to ,e restr#cted to the same fire compartment and sha'' con(orm to the re:u#rements o( %rt#c'e or where a&&'#ca,'e, or 2c3 where a building does not sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on 3.2.3. (or the amount o( o&en#ngs (ac#ng a yard or s&ace that does not ha$e su((#c#ent limiting distance, such e5#st#ng o&en#ngs are a''owed to ,e re'ocated &ro$#ded: 2#3 such o&en#ngs are not #ncreased #n s#Ce and they are &rotected w#th w#red g'ass #n stee' (rames con(orm#ng to /entence 3.1. .14.223, or 2##3 the building #s sprin#lered. 8here ,a''oon (ram#ng #s e5&osed dur#ng reno$at#on, fire bloc#s sha'' ,e &ro$#ded. 2a3 /u,0ect to a&&ro$a' ,y the chief building official, e5#st#ng (#re a'arm system may rema#n where the (#re sa(ety &'an 2as descr#,ed #n the F#re )ode made under the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B3 (or the building addresses the #ntent o( /u,sect#on 3.2.4. 2#.e. >stage? system, e'ectr#ca' su&er$#s#on, detect#on as re:u#red, F#re "e&artment connect#on, and emergency &ower su&&'y3, and


146. 14.. 14 . 149. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 111. 116. 11.. 11 . 119. 160. 161. 162.

F146 F14. F14 F149 F110 F111 F112 F113 F114 F111 F116 F11. F11 F119 F160 F161 F162

9.10.20. 9.1 .2. 9.1 .3. 9.20.3. 9.21. 9.22.1. to 9.22... 9.23. 9.24. 9.26. 9.2.. 9.2 . 9.29.4.




2,3 e5tens#on o( an e5#st#ng system must ensure cont#nu#ty and com&at#,#'#ty, and #ntegr#ty o( the system. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng $ents and $ent#'at#on acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng access acce&ta,'e. @sed masonry may ,e reused (or &atch#ng and (#''#ng o&en#ngs to match ad0acent wor7. @sed #nter#or ,r#c7 may not ,e used (or e5ter#or a&&'#cat#ons. %rcha#c mortars may ,e used to match e5#st#ng 0o#nt#ng. /ound 0o#nt#ng techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed to match e5#st#ng archa#c 0o#nts. )or,e''#ng may ,e constructed to match e5#st#ng or or#g#na' deta#'s, &ro$#ded that #t #s structura''y ade:uate (or the &ro&osed use. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded the &roducts o( com,ust#on are sa(e'y $ented and &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. /ound &er#od mater#a's, des#gns and techn#:ues may ,e em&'oyed #n recreated (#re&'aces &ro$#ded no (#re haCard #s created. 65#st#ng need not com&'y w#th %rt#c'e 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng stucco may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. 65#st#ng acce&ta,'e. %'' re&'acement or recreat#on o( e5#st#ng &'aster may ,e com&at#,'e w#th the e5#st#ng mater#a's and a&&'#cat#on. /ound, used or ant#:ue appliances are acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded that: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y corros#on or other damage, 2,3 no structura' &arts are m#ss#ng, 2c3 no crac7s are &resent #n the com&onents #ntended to su&&ort the appliance or enc'ose the (#re, and 2d3 'oad#ng and ash remo$a' door 'atches and h#nges ho'd the door c'osed. /ound used mater#a's sha'' ,e acce&ta,'e (or reuse, su,0ect to the (o''ow#ng '#m#tat#ons: 2a3 $#sua' e5am#nat#on shows no e5cess#$e wea7en#ng ,y ho'es, notches, na#' s&'#ts or other damage, and 2,3 'ogs ha$e not ,een su,0ected to term#te #n(estat#on.

Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Items ;7 to =1 $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<="1!, ss, 52, 5!9



3. .1.2.

.6. ... ...1 . . .1 .9. 0. 0.1 1. 1.1

F.6 F.. F...1 F. F. .1 F.9 F 0 F 0.1 F 1 F 1.1

3. .1.3.213 3. .1.3.243 3. .3.2.2332,3 3. .3.3.213 3. .3.3.21132a3 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. .3.4.2132a3 .3. .213 .3.12. .3.13.2232(3 .3.16.

65#st#ng access#,'e entrance acce&ta,'e. 2/ee %!A! F.93 65#st#ng cur, ram& con(orm#ng to /entence 3. .3.2.233 #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng &r#nc#&a' entrance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded at 'east one barrier-free entrance #s a$a#'a,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed w#dth o( 920 mm m#n#mum #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng uno,structed s&ace not 'ess than 1 100 mm #n w#dth and 1 100 mm #n 'ength 'ocated not more than 30 m a&art #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng cur, ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded w#dth not 'ess than 1 200 mm. 65#st#ng doorway acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 10 mm w#de. 65#st#ng d#stance acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than 1 200 mm &'us the w#dth o( any door that sw#ngs #nto the s&ace #n the &ath o( tra$e'. 65#st#ng ram& acce&ta,'e, &ro$#ded not 'ess than .0 mm ,etween handra#'s. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng un#$ersa' washroom acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng gra, ,ar #s acce&ta,'e. 65#st#ng dr#n7#ng (ounta#n con(orm#ng to )'auses 3. .3.16.2232a3 and 2,3 acce&ta,'e.

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 11G O. Reg. 111!13, ss. 33-3.G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 9.-113.
(ection (ection 12,1, 12,1,1, 12,2, Gener$l A..lic$tion Energ3 E//icienc3, C$rbon #io?ide E4ui1$lents $nd %e$A Electric #em$nd


12,2,1, 12,2,2, 12,2,!, 12,2,5, (ection (ection 12,!, 12,!,1, 12,5, 12,5,1,

Energ3 E//icienc3 #esign C$rbon #io?ide E4ui1$lents %e$A Electric #em$nd )otion (ensors Energ3 E//icienc3 /or Buildings o/ Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 6it0in t0e (co.e o/ %$rt 9 Gener$l 6$ter E//icienc3 Gener$l

(ection 12,1, Gener$l 12,1,1, A..lic$tion 12,1,1,1, (co.e 819 ;he sco&e o( th#s -art sha'' ,e as descr#,ed #n /u,sect#on 1.1.2. o( "#$#s#on %. 12,1,1,2, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s -art a&&'#es to resource conser$at#on and en$#ronmenta' #ntegr#ty #n the des#gn and construction o( buildings. (ection 12,2, Energ3 E//icienc3, C$rbon #io?ide E4ui1$lents $nd %e$A Electric #em$nd 12,2,1, Energ3 E//icienc3 #esign 12,2,1,1, Energ3 E//icienc3 #esign Be/ore *$nu$r3 1, 2>1; 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or ,e(ore January 1, 201.. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, the energy e((#c#ency o( a'' buildings sha'' con(orm to "#$#s#on 1 and "#$#s#on 2 or 4 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, >6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements?. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the energy e((#c#ency o( a building or &art o( a building o( residential occupancy that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 and #s #ntended (or occu&ancy on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s dur#ng the w#nter months sha'', 2a3 meet the &er(ormance 'e$e' that #s e:ua' to a rat#ng o( 0 or more when e$a'uated #n accordance w#th BR)an, >6ner4u#de (or Bew =ouses: %dm#n#strat#$e and ;echn#ca' -rocedures?, or 2,3 con(orm to )ha&ters 1 and 2 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-12, >6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng?. 859 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y to, 2a3 a farm building, 2,3 a building that does not use e'ectr#ca' &ower or (oss#' (ue', 2c3 a manu(actured building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, or 2d3 a seasona' recreat#ona' building descr#,ed #n /ect#on 9.36. or 9.3 . 12,2,1,2, Energ3 E//icienc3 #esign A/ter #ecember !1, 2>1< 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2016. 829 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, the energy e((#c#ency o( a'' buildings sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned to e5ceed ,y not 'ess than 13F the energy e((#c#ency 'e$e's re:u#red ,y /entence, or 2,3 con(orm to "#$#s#on 1 and "#$#s#on 3 or 1 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, >6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements?. 8!9 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 243, the energy e((#c#ency o( a building or &art o( a building o( residential occupancy that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 and #s #ntended (or occu&ancy on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s dur#ng the w#nter months sha'', 2a3 ,e des#gned to e5ceed ,y not 'ess than 11F the energy e((#c#ency 'e$e's re:u#red ,y /entence, or 2,3 con(orm to )ha&ters 1 and 3 o( <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-12, >6nergy 6((#c#ency (or =ous#ng?. 859 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y to, 2a3 a farm building, 2,3 a building that does not use e'ectr#ca' &ower or (oss#' (ue', 2c3 a manu(actured building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, or 2d3 a seasona' recreat#ona' building descr#,ed #n /ect#on 9.36. or 9.3 . 642

12,2,2, C$rbon #io?ide E4ui1$lents 12,2,2,1, C$rbon #io?ide E4ui1$lents 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a'' buildings sha'' ,e des#gned to con(orm to the )O 2e em#ss#on re:u#rements set out #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, >6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements?. 829 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y to, 2a3 a building or &art o( a building o( residential occupancy that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 and #s #ntended (or occu&ancy on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s dur#ng the w#nter months, 2,3 a farm building, 2c3 a building that does not use e'ectr#ca' &ower or (oss#' (ue', 2d3 a manu(actured building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, or 2e3 a seasona' recreat#ona' building descr#,ed #n /ect#on 9.36. or 9.3 . 12,2,!, %e$A Electric #em$nd 12,2,!,1, %e$A Electric #em$nd 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a'' buildings sha'' ,e des#gned to con(orm to the &ea7 e'ectr#c demand re:u#rements set out #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /*-10, >6nergy 6((#c#ency Re:u#rements?. 829 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y to, 2a3 a building or &art o( a building o( residential occupancy that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 and #s #ntended (or occu&ancy on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s dur#ng the w#nter months, 2,3 a farm building, 2c3 a building that does not use e'ectr#ca' &ower or (oss#' (ue', 2d3 a manu(actured building descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e, or 2e3 a seasona' recreat#ona' building descr#,ed #n /ect#on 9.36. or 9.3 . 12,2,5, )otion (ensors 12,2,5,1, )otion (ensors 819 L#ght#ng #nsta''ed to &ro$#de the m#n#mum #''um#nat#on 'e$e's re:u#red ,y th#s )ode may ,e contro''ed ,y mot#on sensors e5ce&t where the '#ght#ng, 2a3 #s #nsta''ed #n an e"it, (b) #s #nsta''ed #n a corr#dor ser$#ng &at#ents or res#dents #n a 4rou& *, "#$#s#on 2 or "#$#s#on 3 occupancy, or (c) #s re:u#red to con(orm to /entence 3.2...1.263. 829 8here mot#on sensors are used to contro' m#n#mum '#ght#ng #n a public corridor or corr#dor &ro$#d#ng access to e"it (or the &u,'#c, the mot#on sensors sha'' ,e #nsta''ed w#th sw#tch contro''ers e:u#&&ed (or (a#'-sa(e o&erat#on and #''um#nat#on t#mers set (or a m#n#mum 11-m#nute durat#on. 8!9 % mot#on sensor sha'' not ,e used to contro' emergency '#ght#ng. (ection 12,!, Energ3 E//icienc3 /or Buildings o/ Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 6it0in t0e (co.e o/ %$rt 9 12,!,1, Gener$l 12,!,1,1, A..lic$tion 819 ;h#s /ect#on a&&'#es to the energy e((#c#ency o( a building or &art o( a building o( residential occupancy that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 and #s #ntended (or occu&ancy on a cont#nu#ng ,as#s dur#ng the w#nter months. 12,!,1,2, 6indo2s $nd (liding Gl$ss #oors 819 ;he energy rat#ng and the o$era'' coe((#c#ent o( heat trans(er re:u#red (or w#ndows and s'#d#ng g'ass doors sha'' ,e determ#ned #n con(ormance w#th, 2a3 )%B!)/%-%440.2, >Fenestrat#on 6nergy -er(ormance?, or 2,3 BFR) 100, >-rocedure (or "eterm#n#ng Fenestrat#on -roduct @-(actors? and BFR) 200, >-rocedure (or "eterm#n#ng Fenestrat#on -roduct /o'ar =eat 4a#n )oe((#c#ent and H#s#,'e ;ransm#ttance at Borma' +nc#dence?. 12,!,1,!,$ture Control in #2elling nits 643

819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233 and e5ce&t where s&ace heat#ng energy #s &ro$#ded ,y a so'#d (ue'-,urn#ng appliance or a ground source heat &um&, the #ndoor a#r tem&erature #n a dwelling unit sha'' ,e contro''ed ,y at 'east one &rogramma,'e thermostat#c contro' de$#ce. 829 ;he &rogramma,'e thermostat#c contro' de$#ce re:u#red #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 a''ow the sett#ng o( d#((erent a#r tem&eratures (or at 'east, 2#3 (our t#me &er#ods &er day, and 2##3 two d#((erent day-ty&es &er wee7, 2,3 #nc'ude a manua' o$err#de, and 2c3 a''ow the sett#ng o( the a#r tem&erature to, 2#3 13E) or 'ower #n heat#ng mode, and 2##3 29E) or h#gher #n coo'#ng mode, where air-conditioning #s &ro$#ded. 8!9 % manua' thermostat#c contro' de$#ce #s &erm#tted #( #t, 2a3 contro's a heat#ng or coo'#ng system where the heat#ng or coo'#ng ca&ac#ty #s not more than 2 78, or 2,3 ser$es an #nd#$#dua' room or s&ace. 12,!,1,5, Eot 6$ter Insul$tion 819 =ot water &#&es that are $ert#ca''y connected to a hot water storage tan7 sha'' ha$e heat tra&s on ,oth #n'et and out'et &#&#ng as c'ose as &ract#ca' to the tan7, e5ce&t where the tan7, 2a3 has an #ntegra' heat tra&, or 2,3 ser$es a rec#rcu'at#ng system. 829 ;he (#rst 2.1 m o( hot water out'et &#&#ng o( a hot water storage tan7 ser$#ng a non-rec#rcu'at#ng system sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to &ro$#de a therma' res#stance o( not 'ess than R/+ 0.62. 8!9 ;he #n'et &#&e o( a hot water storage tan7 ,etween the heat tra& and the tan7 ser$#ng a non-rec#rcu'at#ng system sha'' ,e #nsu'ated to &ro$#de a therma' res#stance o( not 'ess than R/+ 0.62. 12,!,1,7, Residenti$l +urn$ces A/ter #ecember !1, 2>15 819 /entence 223 a&&'#es to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014. 829 % (urnace ser$#ng a dwelling unit sha'' ,e e:u#&&ed w#th a ,rush'ess d#rect current motor. 12,!,1,<, Energ3 (u..l3 /or Iitc0en $nd L$undr3 +$cilities A/ter #ecember !1, 2>15 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e a&&'#es to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014. 829 +n order to su&&'y energy to coo7#ng a&&'#ances and c'othes dryers, e$ery 7#tchen and 'aundry s&ace sha'' ,e &ro$#ded w#th, 2a3 an e'ectr#ca' out'et, 2,3 a natura' gas '#ne, or 2c3 a &ro&ane '#ne. (ection 12,5, 6$ter E//icienc3 12,5,1, Gener$l 12,5,1,1, %lumbing (3stems 819 %'' buildings sha'' con(orm to the water e((#c#ency re:u#rements o( /u,sect#on ..6.4. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on *, -art 12G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 114-119.
(ection (ection 1,1, 1,1,1, 1,2, Administr$tion Administr$tion #esign $nd Gener$l Re1ie2


1,2,1, 1,2,2, (ection 1,!, 1,!,1, 1,!,2, 1,!,!, 1,!,5, 1,!,7, 1,!,<, 1,5, 1,5,1, 1,7, 1,7,1, 1,<, 1,<,1, 1,;, 1,;,1, 1,=, 1,=,1, 1,9, 1,9,1, 1,1>, 1,1>,1, 1,1>,2,

#esign Gener$l Re1ie2 %ermits $nd Ins.ections %ermits (ite #ocuments Occu.$nc3 o/ Buildings +ire #e.$rtment Ins.ection Notices $nd Ins.ections As Constructed %l$ns (e$rc0 6$rr$nt +orms #esign$ted %ersons $nd %o2ers Gener$l %rescribed %erson Gener$l En/orcement o/ t0e %ro1isions o/ t0e Act $nd Building Code Rel$ted to (e2$ge (3stems Gener$l L$ngu$ge L$ngu$ge +ees +ees (e2$ge (3stem )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$ms #iscretion$r3 )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$ms )$nd$tor3 )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$m

(ection (ection (ection (ection (ection (ection (ection

(ection 1,1, Administr$tion 1,1,1, Administr$tion 1,1,1,1, Con/orm$nce 2it0 Administr$ti1e Re4uirements 819 ;h#s )ode sha'' ,e adm#n#stered #n con(ormance w#th the %ct. (ection 1,2, #esign $nd Gener$l Re1ie2 1,2,1, #esign 1,2,1,1, #esign 819 8here the foundations o( a building are to ,e constructed ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( the (oot#ngs o( an ad0acent building and w#th#n the ang'e o( re&ose o( the soil, as drawn (rom the ,ottom o( the (oot#ngs, the foundations sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 829 % s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.1. .1 . o( "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 8!9 % shelf and rac# storage system descr#,ed #n /ect#on 3.16. o( "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 859 ;he t#me-,ased egress ana'ys#s (or a shelf and rac# storage system descr#,ed #n /entence 3.16.1...2.3 o( "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e &re&ared and &ro$#ded ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 879 ;he su&&ort#ng (ram#ng structure and anchorage system (or a tent occu&y#ng an area greater than 221 m 2 sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 8<9 % s#gn structure sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson where #t #s, 2a3 a ground s#gn that e5ceeds ..1 m #n he#ght a,o$e the ad0acent (#n#shed ground, 2,3 a &ro0ect#ng s#gn that we#ghs more than 111 7g, or 2c3 a roo( s#gn that has any (ace that #s more than 10 m2. 8;9 % &ro0ect#ng s#gn attached or (astened #n any manner to a &ara&et wa'' sha'' ,e des#gned ,y a su#ta,'y :ua'#(#ed and e5&er#enced &erson. 641

1,2,2, Gener$l Re1ie2 1,2,2,1, Gener$l Re1ie2 b3 Arc0itect or %ro/ession$l Engineer 819 ;he construction, #nc'ud#ng, (or greater certa#nty, en'argement or a'terat#on, o( e$ery building or &art o( #t descr#,ed #n ;a,'e sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y an architect, professional engineer or ,oth. T$ble 1,2,2,1,859 Gener$l Re1ie2 Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. )o'umn 1 $uilding )'ass#(#cat#on ,y 9ajor ;ccupancy Assembly occupancy on'y )o'umn 2 $uilding "escr#&t#on 6$ery building )o'umn 3 4enera' Re$#ew ,y: Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect223

Assembly occupancy and any other major occupancy e5ce&t 6$ery building industrial %are, care and treatment or detention occupancy on'y 6$ery building %are, care and treatment or detention occupancy and any other major occupancy e5ce&t industrial 1esidential occupancy on'y 6$ery building


.. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


6$ery building that e5ceeds 3 storeys #n building height 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 #n gross area and that conta#ns a residential occupancy other than a dwelling unit or dwelling units 1esidential occupancy on'y 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 #n gross area and conta#ns a dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 #n building area, conta#ns 3 or more dwelling units and has no dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit 1esidential occupancy and any other major occupancy 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 e5ce&t assembly, care, care and treatment, detention or #n gross area or 3 storeys #n industrial occupancy building height $usiness and personal services occupancy on'y 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 #n gross area or 3 storeys #n building height $usiness and personal services occupancy and any other 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 major occupancy e5ce&t assembly, care, care and #n gross area or 3 storeys #n treatment, detention or industrial occupancy building height 9ercantile occupancy on'y 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 #n gross area or 3 storeys #n building height 9ercantile occupancy and any other major occupancy 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 e5ce&t assembly, care, care and treatment, detention or #n gross area or 3 storeys #n industrial occupancy building height /ndustrial occupancy on'y and where there are no su,s#d#ary 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 occupancies #n gross area or 3 storeys #n building height /ndustrial occupancy and one or more other major ;he non-#ndustr#a' &ort#on o( e$ery occupancies where the &ort#on o( the area occu&#ed ,y one building o( the other major or su,s#d#ary occupancies e5ceeds 600 ;he #ndustr#a' &ort#on o( e$ery m2 building /ndustrial occupancy and one or more other major 6$ery building that e5ceeds 600 m2 occupancies where no &ort#on o( the area occu&#ed ,y one #n gross area or 3 storeys #n o( the other major or su,s#d#ary occupancies e5ceeds 600 building height m2



Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect or professional engineer233 Architect and professional engineer213 Architect or professional engineer233 Architect or professional engineer233

Notes to T$ble 1,2,2,1,&


%n architect sha'' &ro$#de genera' re$#ew ser$#ces w#th#n the &ract#ce o( arch#tecture and a professional engineer sha'' &ro$#de genera' re$#ew ser$#ces w#th#n the &ract#ce o( &ro(ess#ona' eng#neer#ng.

%n architect may engage a professional engineer to &ro$#de genera' re$#ew ser$#ces w#th#n the &ract#ce o( &ro(ess#ona' eng#neer#ng. 646

233 243

On'y a professional engineer may &ro$#de genera' re$#ew ser$#ces w#th#n the &ract#ce o( &ro(ess#ona' eng#neer#ng.

Re:u#rements (or genera' re$#ew ,y an architect or professional engineer or ,oth (or the construction, #nc'ud#ng, (or greater certa#nty, en'argement or a'terat#on, o( a building are set out #n the Architects Act and the 4rofessional 6ngineers Act. 829 % &erson who #ntends to construct or ha$e constructed a building or &art o( #t re:u#red ,y /entences 213 and 243 to 293 to ,e re$#ewed ,y an architect, professional engineer or ,oth, sha'' ensure that an architect, professional engineer or ,oth are reta#ned to underta7e the genera' re$#ew o( the construction o( the building #n accordance w#th the &er(ormance standards o( the Ontar#o %ssoc#at#on o( %rch#tects or the %ssoc#at#on o( -ro(ess#ona' 6ng#neers o( Ontar#o, as a&&'#ca,'e, to determ#ne whether the construction #s #n genera' con(orm#ty w#th the &'ans, s7etches, draw#ngs, gra&h#c re&resentat#ons, s&ec#(#cat#ons and other documents that (orm the ,as#s (or the #ssuance o( a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct or any changes to #t author#Ced ,y the chief building official. 8!9 ;he architect, professional engineer or ,oth who ha$e ,een reta#ned to underta7e the genera' re$#ew o( the construction o( a building, sha'' (orward co&#es o( wr#tten re&orts ar#s#ng out o( the genera' re$#ew to the chief building official or registered code agency, as the case may ,e. 859 8here the foundations o( a building are to ,e constructed ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( the (oot#ngs o( an ad0acent building and w#th#n the ang'e o( re&ose o( the soil, as drawn (rom the ,ottom o( the (oot#ngs, the construction o( the foundations sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y a professional engineer. 879 ;he construction o( a s&r#n7'er &rotected g'aCed wa'' assem,'y descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e 3.1. .1 . o( "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y a professional engineer. 8<9 ;he construction o( a shelf and rac# storage system descr#,ed #n /ect#on 3.16. o( "#$#s#on * sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y a professional engineer. 8;9 ;he construction o( a su&&ort#ng (ram#ng structure and anchorage system (or a tent occu&y#ng an area greater than 221 m2 sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y a professional engineer. 8=9 ;he construction o( a s#gn structure sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y an architect, professional engineer or ,oth, where the s#gn #s, 2a3 a ground s#gn that e5ceeds ..1 m #n he#ght a,o$e the ad0acent (#n#shed ground, 2,3 a &ro0ect#ng s#gn that we#ghs more than 111 7g, or 2c3 a roo( s#gn that has any (ace that #s more than 10 m2. 899 ;he construction o( a &ro0ect#ng s#gn attached or (astened #n any manner to a &ara&et wa'' sha'' ,e re$#ewed ,y an architect, professional engineer or ,oth. 1,2,2,2, Restriction /or Gener$l Re1ie2 819 On'y an architect may carry out or &ro$#de the genera' re$#ew o( the construction o( a building, 2a3 that #s constructed #n accordance w#th a des#gn &re&ared or &ro$#ded ,y an architect, or 2,3 #n re'at#on to ser$#ces that are &ro$#ded ,y an architect #n connect#on w#th the des#gn #n accordance w#th wh#ch the building #s constructed. 829 On'y a professional engineer may carry out or &ro$#de the genera' re$#ew o( the construction o( a building, 2a3 that #s constructed #n accordance w#th a des#gn &re&ared or &ro$#ded ,y a professional engineer, or 2,3 #n re'at#on to ser$#ces that are &ro$#ded ,y a professional engineer #n connect#on w#th the des#gn #n accordance w#th wh#ch the building #s constructed. 1,2,2,!, #emolition o/ $ Building 819 ;he a&&'#cant (or a &erm#t res&ect#ng the demolition o( a building sha'' reta#n a professional engineer to underta7e the genera' re$#ew o( the &ro0ect dur#ng demolition, where, 2a3 the building e5ceeds 3 storeys #n building height or 600 mA #n building area, 2,3 the building structure #nc'udes &re-tens#oned or &ost-tens#oned mem,ers, 2c3 #t #s &ro&osed that the demolition w#'' e5tend ,e'ow the 'e$e' o( the (oot#ngs o( any ad0acent building and occur w#th#n the ang'e o( re&ose o( the soil, as drawn (rom the ,ottom o( such (oot#ngs, or 2d3 e5&'os#$es or a 'aser are to ,e used dur#ng the course o( demolition. (ection 1,!, %ermits $nd Ins.ections 1,!,1, %ermits 1,!,1,1, Re4uirement /or %ermits 64.

819 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a &erm#t under sect#on 2a3 (or the demolition o( a building 'ocated on a (arm,

o( the %ct,

2,3 su,0ect to /entence 223, (or the construction or demolition o( a building #n terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on, or 2c3 (or the construction o( a )'ass 1 sewage system. 829 ;he e5em&t#on #n )'ause 2132,3 (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a &erm#t does not a&&'y to the construction o( a sewage system #n terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on. 8!9 ;he a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t res&ect#ng the demolition o( a building to wh#ch /entence a&&'#es sha'' #nc'ude descr#&t#ons o( the structura' des#gn character#st#cs o( the building and the method o( demolition o( the building. 859 Bo &erson sha'' commence demolition o( a building or any &art o( a building ,e(ore the building has ,een $acated ,y the occu&ants e5ce&t where the sa(ety o( the occu&ants #s not a((ected. 879 % tent or grou& o( tents #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a &erm#t under sect#on (rom com&'#ance w#th the )ode &ro$#ded that the tent or grou& o( tents are, 2a3 not more than 60 m2 #n aggregate ground area, 2,3 not attached to a building, and 2c3 constructed more than 3 m (rom other structures. 1,!,1,2, A..lic$tions /or %ermits under (ection = o/ t0e Act 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct to construct or demolish a building sha'' ,e made ,y, 2a3 the owner o( the &ro&erty on wh#ch the &ro&osed construction or demolition #s to ta7e &'ace, or 2,3 the author#Ced agent o( the owner re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3. 829 %n a&&'#cat#on re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' ,e #n a (orm a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister. 8!9 +n /entence 213, >owner? #nc'udes, #n res&ect o( the &ro&erty on wh#ch the construction or demolition w#'' ta7e &'ace, the reg#stered owner, a 'essee and a mortgagee #n &ossess#on. 1,!,1,!, %eriod 6it0in 60ic0 $ %ermit is Issued or Re/used 819 /u,0ect to /entences 223 and 233 and un'ess the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 263 e5#st, #( an a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t under su,sect#on 213 o( the %ct that meets the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #s su,m#tted to a chief building official, the chief building official sha'', w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e corres&ond#ng to the c'ass o( building descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch the a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2a3 #ssue the &erm#t, or 2,3 re(use to #ssue the &erm#t and &ro$#de #n wr#t#ng a'' o( the reasons (or the re(usa'. 829 +( an a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t under su,sect#on 213 o( the %ct &ro&oses construction or demolition o( two or more buildings o( d#((erent c'asses descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e that ha$e d#((erent t#me &er#ods #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, the 'onger o( the t#me &er#ods sha'' ,e the t#me &er#od (or the &ur&oses o( /entence 213. 8!9 +( an a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t under su,sect#on 213 o( the %ct &ro&oses construction or demolition o( a building descr#,ed #n /entence 243, the t#me &er#od (or the &ur&oses o( /entence 213 sha'' ,e the 'onger o(, 2a3 10 days, and 2,3 the t#me &er#od corres&ond#ng to the c'ass o( the building descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e that the building descr#,ed #n /entence 243 ser$es, #( any. 859 % building re(erred to #n /entence 233 #s, 2a3 a structure occu&y#ng an area o( 10 m2 or 'ess that conta#ns plumbing, #nc'ud#ng the plumbing a&&urtenant to #t, 2,3 plumbing not 'ocated #n a structure, 2c3 a sewage system, or 2d3 a structure des#gnated #n %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %. 879 ;he re:u#rements that an a&&'#cat#on (or a &erm#t under su,sect#on /entence 213 are, 213 o( the %ct must meet (or the &ur&oses o( o( the %ct and #s e5em&t

2a3 that the a&&'#cat#on #s made #n the (orm descr#,ed #n /entence, 64

2,3 that the a&&'#cant (or the &erm#t #s a &erson descr#,ed #n )'ause or 2,3, 2c3 that a'' a&&'#ca,'e (#e'ds on the a&&'#cat#on (orm and re:u#red schedu'es are com&'eted, 2d3 that a'' re:u#red schedu'es are su,m#tted w#th the a&&'#cat#on, 2e3 that &ayment #s made o( a'' (ees that are re:u#red, under the a&&'#ca,'e ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on made under c'ause . 213 2c3 o( the %ct, to ,e &a#d when the a&&'#cat#on #s made, and 2(3 that the a&&'#cant has dec'ared #n wr#t#ng that, 2#3 the a&&'#cat#on meets a'' the re:u#rements set out #n )'auses 2a3 to 2e3, 2##3 the a&&'#cat#on #s accom&an#ed ,y the &'ans and s&ec#(#cat#ons &rescr#,ed ,y the a&&'#ca,'e ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on made under c'ause . 213 2,3 o( the %ct, 2###3 the a&&'#cat#on #s accom&an#ed ,y the #n(ormat#on and documents &rescr#,ed ,y the a&&'#ca,'e ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on made under c'ause . 213 2,3 o( the %ct wh#ch ena,'e the chief building official to determ#ne whether the &ro&osed building, construction or demolition w#'' contra$ene any applicable law, and 2#$3 the &ro&osed building, construction or demolition w#'' not contra$ene any applicable law. 8<9 ;he chief building official #s not re:u#red to ma7e a dec#s#on w#th#n the t#me &er#od re:u#red ,y /entence 213 w#th res&ect to an a&&'#cat#on that meets the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #( the chief building official, 2a3 determ#nes that, 2#3 the a&&'#cat#on #s not accom&an#ed ,y the &'ans, s&ec#(#cat#ons, #n(ormat#on and documents re(erred to #n /u,c'auses 2132(32##3 and 2###3, or 2##3 the &ro&osed building, construction or demolition w#'' contra$ene any applicable law, and 2,3 ad$#ses the a&&'#cant o( h#s or her determ#nat#on and &ro$#des #n wr#t#ng the reasons (or the determ#nat#on w#th#n two days. 8;9 /u,0ect to /entences 293 and 2103, the t#me &er#od descr#,ed #n /entences 213 to 233 and #n )'ause 2632,3 sha'' ,eg#n on the day (o''ow#ng the day on wh#ch an a&&'#cat#on that meets the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #s su,m#tted to the chief building official. 8=9 ;he t#me &er#ods descr#,ed #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e and #n )'ause 2632,3 sha'' not #nc'ude /aturdays, ho'#days and a'' other days when the o((#ces o( the principal authority are not o&en (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness w#th the &u,'#c. 899 ;he t#me &er#od #n /entence 2103 a&&'#es where, 2a3 an a&&'#cat#on #s made (or the construction o( a building that #s ser$ed ,y a sewage system, 2,3 construction #s &ro&osed #n res&ect o( the sewage system that ser$es the building, and 2c3 a ,oard o( hea'th, conser$at#on author#ty, &'ann#ng ,oard or the counc#' o( an u&&er-t#er mun#c#&a'#ty #s res&ons#,'e (or the en(orcement o( the &ro$#s#ons o( the %ct and th#s )ode re'ated to the sewage system under sect#on 3.1 o( the %ct or &ursuant to an agreement under sect#on 6.2 o( the %ct. 81>9 ;he t#me &er#od descr#,ed #n /entences 213 to 233 and #n )'ause 2632,3 (or an a&&'#cat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2932a3 sha'' ,eg#n on the day (o''ow#ng the 'ater o(, 2a3 the day on wh#ch an a&&'#cat#on that meets the re:u#rements o( /entence 213 #s su,m#tted to the chief building official, and 2,3 the day on wh#ch a &erm#t (or the construction o( the sewage system re(erred to #n )'ause 2932,3 #s #ssued. T$ble 1,!,1,!, %eriod 6it0in 60ic0 %ermit (0$ll be Issued or Re/used Form#ng -art o( %rt#c'e
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 )'ass o( $uilding 2a3 % detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse, or row house where no dwelling unit #s 'ocated a,o$e another dwelling unit. 2,3 % detached structure that ser$es a building descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3 and does not e5ceed 11 m2 #n building area. 2c3 % tent to wh#ch /ect#on 3.14. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es. 2d3 % s#gn to wh#ch /ect#on 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es. 2a3 $uildings descr#,ed #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3 o( "#$#s#on %, other than buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( any o( +tems 1 and 4 o( th#s ;a,'e. 2,3 7arm buildings that do not e5ceed 600 m2 #n building area. )o'umn 2 ;#me -er#od 10 days


11 days


3. 4.

20 days 2a3 $uildings descr#,ed #n )'ause or 2,3 o( "#$#s#on %, other than buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( any o( +tems 1 and 4 o( th#s ;a,'e. 2,3 7arm buildings e5ceed#ng 600 m2 #n building area. 30 days 2a3 4ost-disaster buildings. 2,3 $uildings to wh#ch /u,sect#on 3.2.6. o( "#$#s#on * or any &ro$#s#on #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es.

1,!,1,5, %ermits nder (ection 1> o/ t0e Act 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, the (o''ow#ng changes #n use o( a building or &art o( a building const#tute an #ncrease #n haCard (or the &ur&oses o( sect#on 10 o( the %ct and re:u#re a &erm#t under sect#on 10 o( the %ct: 2a3 a change o( the major occupancy o( a'' or &art o( a building that #s des#gnated w#th a >\? #n ;a,'e ta7es &'ace, 2,3 a suite o( a 4rou& ) major occupancy #s con$erted #nto more than one suite o( 4rou& ) major occupancy, 2c3 a suite or &art o( a suite o( a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 2 or a 4rou& %, "#$#s#on 4 major occupancy #s con$erted to a gaming premises, 2d3 a farm building or &art o( a farm building #s changed to a major occupancy, 2e3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a post-disaster building, 2(3 a building or &art o( a building #s changed to a ret#rement home regu'ated under the 1etirement 8omes Act, 20&0, or 2g3 the use o( a building or &art o( a building #s changed and the &re$#ous major occupancy o( the building or &art o( the building cannot ,e determ#ned. T$ble 1,!,1,5, %ermit Re4uired /or C0$nge o/ se Form#ng -art o( /entence
;O233 %-1 %-2 %-3 %-4 *-1 *-2 *-3 ) " 6 F-1 F-2 F-3 FRO< %-1 %-2 B213 \ \ B213 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 B213 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213

%-3 \ \ B213 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

%-4 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213 B213

*-1 \ \ \ \ B213 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

*-2 \ \ \ \ \ B213 B213 B213 B213 \ \ \ \

*-3 \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 B213 B213 \ \ \ \

) \ \ \ \ \ \ \

\ \ \ \ \

" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 \ \ \ B213

6 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 \ \ B213

F-1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 B213 B213

F-2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 \ \ B213 B213

F-3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B213 \ \ \ B213

Notes to T$ble 1,!,1,5,&

213 223 233 243 213

/ee )'ause and )'auses 3.1..1.1.2132a3 and o( "#$#s#on *. 9ajor occupancy o( a'' or &art o( a building ,e(ore change o( use. 9ajor occupancy o( a'' or &art o( a building a(ter change o( use. /ee )'ause,3 and )'auses 3.1..1.1.2132,3,,3 and,3 o( "#$#s#on *. >B? #s on'y a&&'#ca,'e where the major occupancy o( the ent#re suite #s changed.

829 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a &erm#t under sect#on 10 o( the %ct where the change #n use o( the building or &art o( the building w#'' resu't (rom &ro&osed construction and a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct has ,een #ssued #n res&ect o( such construction. 8!9 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to o,ta#n a &erm#t under sect#on 10 o( the %ct (or the change o( use o( a building #n unorgan#Ced terr#tory. 1,!,1,7, Condition$l %ermits 819 ;he chief building official sha'' not #ssue a cond#t#ona' &erm#t (or any stage o( construction under su,sect#on 233 o( the %ct un'ess com&'#ance w#th the (o''ow#ng a&&'#ca,'e 'aws has ,een ach#e$ed #n res&ect o( the &ro&osed building or construction: 610

2a3 1regu'at#ons made ,y a conser$at#on author#ty under c'ause 2 213 2c3 o( the %onservation Authorities Act w#th res&ect to &erm#ss#on o( the author#ty (or the construction o( a building or structure #(, #n the o&#n#on o( the author#ty, the contro' o( ('ood#ng, eros#on, dynam#c ,eaches or &o''ut#on or the conser$at#on o( 'and may ,e a((ected ,y the de$e'o&ment, 2,3 s1ect#on 1 o( the 6nvironmental Assessment Act w#th res&ect to the a&&ro$a' o( the <#n#ster or the 6n$#ronmenta' Re$#ew ;r#,una' to &roceed w#th an underta7#ng, 2c3 su,sect#on 24 233 o( the 3iagara 6scarpment 4lanning and +evelopment Act, 2d3 su,sect#on 2. 233 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act, 2e3 su,sect#on 30 223 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to a consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a building where the counc#' o( the municipality has g#$en a not#ce o( #ntent to des#gnate the building under su,sect#on 29 233 o( that %ct, 2(3 sect#on 33 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality (or the a'terat#on o( &ro&erty, 2g3 sect#on 34 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the counc#' o( a municipality (or the demolition o( a building, 2h3 sect#on 34.1 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the consent o( the <#n#ster to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a des#gnated building, 2#3 su,sect#on 34.. 223 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to a consent o( the <#n#ster to the a'terat#on or demolition o( a building where the <#n#ster has g#$en a not#ce o( #ntent to des#gnate the building under sect#on 34.6 o( that %ct, 203 ,y-'aws made under sect#on 40.1 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act, 273 sect#on 42 o( the ;ntario 8eritage Act w#th res&ect to the &erm#t g#$en ,y the counc#' o( a municipality (or the erect#on, a'terat#on or demolition o( a building. 829 For the &ur&oses o( #ssu#ng a cond#t#ona' &erm#t under su,sect#on 233 o( the %ct, a &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement #n c'ause 233 2a3 o( the %ct o( com&'#ance w#th ,y-'aws &assed under sect#ons 34 and 3 o( the 4lanning Act where, 2a3 a comm#ttee o( ad0ustment has made a dec#s#on under sect#on 41 o( the 4lanning Act author#C#ng one or more m#nor $ar#ances (rom the &ro$#s#ons o( any ,y-'aws made under sect#ons 34 and 3 o( that %ct, 2,3 such m#nor $ar#ance or $ar#ances resu't #n the ach#e$ement o( (u'' com&'#ance w#th such ,y-'aws, and 2c3 no &erson #n(ormed the comm#ttee o( ad0ustment o( o,0ect#ons to the m#nor $ar#ances e#ther #n wr#t#ng or #n &erson at the hear#ng o( the a&&'#cat#on. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( #ssu#ng a cond#t#ona' &erm#t under su,sect#on 233 o( the %ct, a &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement #n c'ause 233 2a3 o( the %ct o( com&'#ance w#th ,y-'aws &assed under sect#ons 34 and 3 o( the 4lanning Act where the construction #n res&ect o( wh#ch the cond#t#ona' &erm#t #s #ssued #s re:u#red #n order to com&'y w#th an order #ssued under su,sect#on 21 213 o( the 7ire 4rotection and 4revention Act, &22B or under su,sect#on 11.9 243 o( the %ct. 859 % &erm#t #ssued under su,sect#on 233 o( the %ct sha'' #nd#cate #ts cond#t#ona' nature. 1,!,1,<, In/orm$tion to be gi1en to T$rion 6$rr$nt3 Cor.or$tion 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 2 .13 o( the %ct, the #n(ormat#on re'at#ng to &erm#ts #ssued under sect#on o( the %ct and the a&&'#cat#ons (or those &erm#ts that the chief building official #s re:u#red to g#$e to Tarion 5arranty %orporation and the t#me w#th#n wh#ch the #n(ormat#on #s re:u#red to ,e g#$en. 829 ;he chief building official sha'' g#$e the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on to Tarion 5arranty %orporation w#th res&ect to &erm#ts #ssued under sect#on o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( buildings descr#,ed #n /entence 243, 2a3 the dates the &erm#ts are #ssued and the num,ers or other #dent#(y#ng sym,o's (or the &erm#ts, and 2,3 the #n(ormat#on conta#ned #n the a&&'#cat#on (orms su,m#tted #n res&ect o( the &erm#ts, other than the #n(ormat#on conta#ned #n the schedu'es or other attachments to the a&&'#cat#on (orms. 8!9 "es&#te /entence 223, the chief building official #s not re:u#red to g#$e to Tarion 5arranty %orporation #n(ormat#on wh#ch re'ates to the e5tens#on or mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r o( an e5#st#ng building. 859 ;he buildings re(erred to #n /entence 223 are any building whose &ro&osed use #s c'ass#(#ed as a 4rou& ) major occupancy and wh#ch #s not a boarding, lodging or rooming house or a building conta#n#ng a hotel. 879 ;he chief building official sha'' g#$e the #n(ormat#on descr#,ed #n /entence 223 w#th#n 41 days a(ter the day on wh#ch the &erm#ts to wh#ch the #n(ormat#on re'ates are #ssued. 611

8<9 ;he t#me &er#od descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' not #nc'ude /aturdays, ho'#days and a'' other days when the o((#ces o( the principal authority are not o&en (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness w#th the &u,'#c. 1,!,2, (ite #ocuments 1,!,2,1, %ermit %osting 819 8here a &erm#t has ,een #ssued &ursuant to the %ct, the &erson to whom #t #s #ssued sha'' ha$e the &erm#t or a co&y o( #t &osted at a'' t#mes dur#ng construction or demolition #n a cons&#cuous &'ace on the &ro&erty #n res&ect o( wh#ch the &erm#t was #ssued. 1,!,2,2, #ocument$tion on (ite 819 ;he &erson #n charge o( the construction o( the building sha'' 7ee& and ma#nta#n on the s#te o( the construction, 2a3 at 'east one co&y o( draw#ngs and s&ec#(#cat#ons cert#(#ed ,y the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official to ,e a co&y o( those su,m#tted w#th the a&&'#cat#on (or the &erm#t to construct the building, together w#th changes that are author#Ced ,y the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official, 2,3 co&#es o( author#Cat#ons o( the *u#'d#ng <ater#a's 6$a'uat#on )omm#ss#on on the ,as#s o( wh#ch the &erm#t was #ssued, and 2c3 co&#es o( ru'#ngs o( the 9inister, made under c'ause 29 213 2a3 or 2c3 o( the %ct, on the ,as#s o( wh#ch the &erm#t was #ssued. 1,!,!, Occu.$nc3 o/ Buildings 1,!,!,1, Occu.$nc3 %ermit K Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &erm#tted #n /entence, a &erson may occu&y or &erm#t to ,e occu&#ed any building or &art o( #t that has not ,een (u''y com&'eted at the date o( occu&at#on where the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official has #ssued a &erm#t author#C#ng occu&at#on o( the building or &art o( #t &r#or to #ts com&'et#on #n accordance w#th /entence 233. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y #n res&ect o( the occu&ancy o( a building to wh#ch %rt#c'e a&&'#es. 8!9 ;he chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official sha'' #ssue a &erm#t author#C#ng occu&at#on o( a building, where, 2a3 the structure o( the building or &art o( #t #s com&'eted to the roo(, 2,3 the enc'os#ng wa''s o( the building or &art o( them are com&'eted to the roo(, 2c3 the wa''s enc'os#ng the s&ace to ,e occu&#ed are com&'eted, #nc'ud#ng ,a'cony guards, 2d3 a'' re:u#red fire separations and closures are com&'eted on a'' storeys to ,e occu&#ed, 2e3 a'' re:u#red e"its are com&'eted and (#re se&arated #nc'ud#ng a'' doors, door hardware, se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces, ,a'ustrades and handra#'s (rom the u&&ermost ('oor to ,e occu&#ed down to grade 'e$e' and ,e'ow #( an e"it connects w#th 'ower storeys, 2(3 a'' sha(ts #nc'ud#ng closures are com&'eted to the ('oor-ce#'#ng assem,'y a,o$e the storey to ,e occu&#ed and ha$e a tem&orary fire separation at such assem,'y, 2g3 measures ha$e ,een ta7en to &re$ent access to &arts o( the building and s#te that are #ncom&'ete or st#'' under construction, 2h3 ('oors, ha''s, 'o,,#es and re:u#red means of egress are 7e&t (ree o( 'oose mater#a's and other haCards, 2#3 #( ser$#ce rooms shou'd ,e #n o&erat#on, re:u#red fire separations are com&'eted and a'' closures #nsta''ed, 203 a'' building drains, building sewers, water systems, drainage systems and venting systems are com&'ete and tested as o&erat#ona' (or the storeys to ,e occu&#ed, 273 re:u#red '#ght#ng, heat#ng and e'ectr#ca' su&&'y are &ro$#ded (or the suites, rooms and common areas to ,e occu&#ed, 2'3 re:u#red '#ght#ng #n corr#dors, sta#rways and e"its #s com&'eted and o&erat#ona' u& to and #nc'ud#ng a'' storeys to ,e occu&#ed, 2m3 re:u#red stand&#&e, s&r#n7'er and (#re a'arm systems are com&'ete and o&erat#ona' u& to and #nc'ud#ng a'' storeys to ,e occu&#ed, together w#th re:u#red &um&er connect#ons (or such stand&#&es and s&r#n7'ers, 2n3 re:u#red (#re e5t#ngu#shers ha$e ,een #nsta''ed on a'' storeys to ,e occu&#ed, 2o3 ma#n gar,age rooms, chutes and anc#''ary ser$#ces thereto are com&'eted to storeys to ,e occu&#ed, 612

2&3 re:u#red (#re(#ght#ng access routes ha$e ,een &ro$#ded and are access#,'e, and 2:3 the sewage system has ,een com&'eted and #s o&erat#ona'. 859 8here a registered code agency has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( the building, the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official sha'' #ssue the &erm#t re(erred to #n /entence 233 a(ter rece#&t o( a certificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed #ssued ,y the registered code agency #n res&ect o( the building. 1,!,!,2, Conditions /or Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 819 % &erson may occu&y or &erm#t to ,e occu&#ed a building #ntended (or residential occupancy that has not ,een (u''y com&'eted at the date o( occu&at#on &ro$#ded that, 2a3 the building, 2#3 #s o( three or (ewer storeys #n building height and has a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 mA, 2##3 has not more than 1 dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, 2###3 has not more than 2 dwelling units shar#ng a common means of egress, and 2#$3 has no accommodat#on (or tour#sts, 2,3 the (o''ow#ng building com&onents and systems are com&'ete, o&erat#ona' and #ns&ected: 2#3 re:u#red e"its, handra#'s and guards, (#re a'arm and detect#on systems, and fire separations, 2##3 re:u#red e5haust (ume ,arr#ers and se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces on doors ,etween an attached or ,u#'t-#n garage and a dwelling unit, 2###3 water su&&'y, sewage d#s&osa', '#ght#ng and heat#ng systems, and 2#$3 &rotect#on o( (oamed &'ast#cs re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9.10.1..10. o( "#$#s#on *, 2c3 the (o''ow#ng building com&onents and systems are com&'ete, o&erat#ona', #ns&ected and tested:

2#3 water systems,

2##3 building drains and building sewers, and 2###3 drainage systems and venting systems, and 2d3 where a&&'#ca,'e, the building con(orms to %rt#c'e 9.1.1... o( "#$#s#on *. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y #n res&ect o( the occu&ancy o( a building to wh#ch %rt#c'e a&&'#es. 1,!,!,!, Noti/ic$tion 819 8here a &erson has occu&#ed or &erm#tted the occu&ancy o( a building under %rt#c'e or, such &erson sha'' not#(y the chief building official (orthw#th u&on com&'et#on o( the building. 1,!,!,5, Occu.$nc3 %ermit K Cert$in Buildings o/ Residenti$l Occu.$nc3 819 Bo &erson sha'' occu&y or &erm#t to ,e occu&#ed a building descr#,ed #n /entence 233, or &art o( #t, un'ess the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official has #ssued a &erm#t author#C#ng occu&at#on o( the building or &art o( #t #n accordance w#th /entence 243. 829 ;h#s %rt#c'e does not a&&'y #n res&ect o( the occu&ancy o( an e5#st#ng building, or &art o( #t, that has ,een su,0ect to e5tens#on or mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r. 8!9 % building re(erred to #n /entence 213 #s a building #ntended (or residential occupancy that, 2a3 #s o( three or (ewer storeys #n building height and has a building area not e5ceed#ng 600 mA, 2,3 has no accommodat#on (or tour#sts, 2c3 does not ha$e a dwelling unit a,o$e another dwelling unit, and 2d3 does not ha$e any dwelling units shar#ng a common means of egress. 859 ;he chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official sha'' #ssue a &erm#t author#C#ng occu&at#on o( a building descr#,ed #n /entence 233, where, 2a3 the structure o( the building w#th res&ect to the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed #s su,stant#a''y com&'ete and ready to ,e used (or #ts #ntended &ur&ose,


2,3 the building en$e'o&e, #nc'ud#ng, ,ut not '#m#ted to, c'add#ng, roo(#ng, w#ndows, doors, assem,'#es re:u#r#ng fireresistance ratings, closures, #nsu'at#on, vapour barriers and a#r ,arr#ers, w#th res&ect to the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed, #s su,stant#a''y com&'ete, 2c3 the wa''s enc'os#ng the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed con(orm to /entence o( "#$#s#on *, 2d3 re:u#red e'ectr#ca' su&&'y #s &ro$#ded (or the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed, 2e3 re:u#red (#re(#ght#ng access routes to the building ha$e ,een &ro$#ded and are access#,'e, 2(3 the (o''ow#ng building com&onents and systems are com&'ete and o&erat#ona' (or the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed: 2#3 re:u#red e"its, ('oor access and egress systems, handra#'s, guards, smo#e alarms, car,on mono5#de a'arms and fire separations, #nc'ud#ng, ,ut not '#m#ted to, (#re sto&&#ng, 2##3 re:u#red e5haust (ume ,arr#ers and se'(-c'os#ng de$#ces on doors ,etween an attached or ,u#'t-#n garage and the dwelling unit, 2###3 water su&&'y, sewage d#s&osa', '#ght#ng and heat#ng systems, and 2#$3 &rotect#on o( (oamed &'ast#cs re:u#red ,y %rt#c'e 9.10.1..10. o( "#$#s#on *, 2g3 the (o''ow#ng building com&onents and systems are com&'ete, o&erat#ona' and tested (or the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed: 2#3 water system, 2##3 building drain and building sewer, and 2###3 drainage system and venting system, 2h3 re:u#red plumbing fi"tures #n the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed are su,stant#a''y com&'ete and o&erat#ona', and 2#3 where a&&'#ca,'e, the building con(orms to %rt#c'e 9.1.1... o( "#$#s#on * w#th res&ect to the dwelling unit to ,e occu&#ed. 879 8here a registered code agency has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( a building descr#,ed #n /entence 233, the chief building official or a &erson des#gnated ,y the chief building official sha'' #ssue the &erm#t re(erred to #n /entence 243 a(ter rece#&t o( a certificate for the occupancy of a building described in Sentence &!'!'!(!)'* of +ivision % #ssued ,y the registered code agency #n res&ect o( the building. 1,!,5, +ire #e.$rtment Ins.ection 1,!,5,1, +ire #e.$rtment A..ro1$l 819 /u,0ect to /entence 223, #( the counc#' o( a municipality ass#gns s&ec#(#c res&ons#,#'#ty (or the en(orcement o( any &ort#on o( th#s )ode res&ect#ng (#re sa(ety matters to an inspector who #s the ch#e( o( the (#re de&artment o( the municipality, the chief building official sha'' not #ssue a &erm#t to construct a building un'ess the inspector a&&ro$es the draw#ngs su,m#tted w#th the a&&'#cat#on (or the &erm#t as com&'y#ng w#th that &ort#on o( th#s )ode. 829 +( a registered code agency has ,een a&&o#nted under c'ause 4.1 243 2a3 or 2c3 o( the %ct, 2a3 a municipality sha'' not ass#gn res&ons#,#'#ty under /entence 213 to the ch#e( o( the (#re de&artment w#th res&ect to a building (or wh#ch the registered code agency has ,een a&&o#nted, and 2,3 any ass#gnment o( res&ons#,#'#ty under /entence 213 w#th res&ect to a building (or wh#ch the registered code agency #s a&&o#nted sha'' ,e cance''ed as o( the date o( the a&&o#ntment. 1,!,7, Notices $nd Ins.ections 1,!,7,1, %rescribed Notices 819 ;h#s %rt#c'e sets out the not#ces that are re:u#red under sect#on 10.2 o( the %ct. 829 ;he &erson to whom a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct #s #ssued sha'' not#(y the chief building official or, where a registered code agency #s a&&o#nted under the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates, the registered code agency o(, 2a3 read#ness to construct (oot#ngs, 2,3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( (oot#ngs and foundations &r#or to commencement o( ,ac7(#''#ng, 2c3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( structura' (ram#ng and ductwor7 and &#&#ng (or heat#ng and air-conditioning systems, #( the building #s w#th#n the sco&e o( -art 9 o( "#$#s#on *, 2d3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( structura' (ram#ng and rough#ng-#n o( heat#ng, $ent#'at#on, air-conditioning and a#rcontam#nant e5tract#on e:u#&ment, #( the building #s not a building to wh#ch )'ause 2c3 a&&'#es, 614

2e3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( #nsu'at#on and vapour barriers, 2(3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( air barrier systems, 2g3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( a'' re:u#red fire separations and closures and a'' (#re &rotect#on systems #nc'ud#ng stand&#&e, s&r#n7'er, (#re a'arm and emergency '#ght#ng systems, 2h3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( (#re access routes, 2#3 read#ness (or #ns&ect#on and test#ng o(, 2#3 building sewers and building drains, 2##3 water service pipes, 2###3 fire service mains, 2#$3 drainage systems and venting systems, 2$3 the water distribution system, and 2$#3 plumbing (#5tures and plumbing a&&'#ances, 203 read#ness (or #ns&ect#on o( suct#on and gra$#ty out'ets, co$ers and suct#on &#&#ng ser$#ng out'ets o( an outdoor pool descr#,ed #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on %, a public pool or a public spa, 273 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( the c#rcu'at#on ! recirculation system o( an outdoor pool descr#,ed #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on %, a public pool or public spa and su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( the &oo' ,e(ore #t #s (#rst (#''ed w#th water, 2'3 read#ness to construct the sewage system, 2m3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( the #nsta''at#on o( the sewage system ,e(ore the commencement o( ,ac7(#''#ng, 2n3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( #nsta''at#on o( plumbing not 'ocated #n a structure, ,e(ore the commencement o( ,ac7(#''#ng, 2o3 com&'et#on o( construction and #nsta''at#on o( com&onents re:u#red to &erm#t the #ssue o( an occu&ancy &erm#t under /entence or to &erm#t occu&ancy under /entence, #( the building or &art o( the building to ,e occu&#ed #s not (u''y com&'eted, and 2&3 com&'et#on o( construction and #nsta''at#on o( com&onents re:u#red to &erm#t the #ssue o( an occu&ancy &erm#t under /entence 1,!,7,2, Addition$l Notices 819 % ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on made ,y a principal authority under c'ause . 213 2e3 o( the %ct may re:u#re that not#ce o( one or more o( the (o''ow#ng stages o( construction ,e g#$en ,y the &erson to whom a &erm#t #s #ssued under sect#on o( the %ct: 2a3 commencement o( construction o( the building, 2,3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( structura' (ram#ng (or each storey, #( the building #s a ty&e o( building that #s w#th#n the sco&e o( "#$#s#on *, other than -art 9, 2c3 commencement o( construction o(, 2#3 masonry (#re&'aces and masonry chimneys, 2##3 (actory-,u#'t (#re&'aces and a''#ed chimneys, or 2###3 stoves, ranges, space heaters and add-on furnaces us#ng so'#d (ue's and a''#ed chimneys, 2d3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( #nter#or (#n#shes, 2e3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( heat#ng, $ent#'at#ng, air-conditioning and a#r-contam#nant e5tract#on e:u#&ment, 2(3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( e5ter#or c'add#ng, 2g3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( s#te grad#ng, 2h3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( the &oo' dec7 and dress#ng rooms (or a public pool or public spa and read#ness (or #ns&ect#on o( the emergency sto& system (or a public pool or public spa, 2#3 com&'et#on and a$a#'a,#'#ty o( draw#ngs o( the building as constructed, and 203 com&'et#on o( a building (or wh#ch an occu&ancy &erm#t #s re:u#red under %rt#c'e 1,!,7,!, %rescribed Ins.ections


819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, an inspector or registered code agency, as the case may ,e, sha'', not 'ater than two days a(ter rece#&t o( a not#ce g#$en under /entence, underta7e a s#te #ns&ect#on o( the building to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates. 829 8here a not#ce g#$en under /entence re'ates to matters descr#,ed #n )'ause'3 or 2m3, an inspector or registered code agency, as the case may ,e, sha'', not 'ater than (#$e days a(ter rece#&t o( the not#ce, underta7e a s#te #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates. 8!9 8hen underta7#ng an #ns&ect#on re:u#red under /entence 213 or 223, the inspector or registered code agency, as the case may ,e, may cons#der re&orts concern#ng whether the building or a &art o( the building com&'#es w#th the %ct or th#s )ode. 859 ;he t#me &er#ods re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' ,eg#n on the day (o''ow#ng the day on wh#ch the not#ce #s g#$en. 879 ;he t#me &er#ods re(erred to #n /entences 213 and 223 sha'' not #nc'ude /aturdays, ho'#days and a'' other days when the o((#ces o( the principal authority are not o&en (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness w#th the &u,'#c. 1,!,7,5, Construction o/ (e2$ge (3stems 819 ;he (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on #s &rescr#,ed (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 11.12 233 o( the %ct and must ,e &ro$#ded to the chief building official ,e(ore the commencement o( the construction o( a sewage system: 2a3 the #n(ormat#on descr#,ed #n /entence as #t re'ates to, 2#3 the &erson reg#stered under %rt#c'e, and 2##3 the &erson w#th the :ua'#(#cat#ons descr#,ed #n )'ause who w#'' su&er$#se construction on-s#te o( the sewage system, and 2,3 the name and te'e&hone num,er o( the re&resentat#$e o( the &erson descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2a32#3 who may ,e contacted ,y the chief building official #n res&ect o( the construction o( the sewage system. 1,!,7,7, Orders 819 %n order #ssued under su,sect#on 12 223, 13 213 or 263, 14 213 or 11.10.1 223 or c'ause 1 213 2(3 o( the %ct sha'' ,e #n a (orm a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister. 1,!,<, As Constructed %l$ns 1,!,<,1, A..lic$tion 819 8here a ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on has ,een made ,y a principal authority under c'ause . 213 2g3 o( the %ct, the chief building official may re:u#re that as constructed plans (or the who'e o(, or any &art or system o(, a building or any c'ass o( buildings ,e &ro$#ded ,y the &ersons res&ons#,'e (or the construction. (ection 1,5, (e$rc0 6$rr$nt 1,5,1, +orms 1,5,1,1, In/orm$tion O 6$rr$nt +orms 819 %n #n(ormat#on to o,ta#n a warrant to enter and search a building, rece&tac'e or &'ace under su,sect#on 21 213 o( the %ct sha'' ,e #n Form 829 % warrant to enter and search a building, rece&tac'e or &'ace under su,sect#on 21 213 o( the %ct sha'' ,e #n Form*. FOR< +BFOR<%;+OB ;O O*;%+B /6%R)= 8%RR%B; @B"6R /6);+OB 21 OF ;=6 *@+L"+B4 )O"6 %);, 1992 $uilding %ode Act, &222 OB;%R+O )O@R; OF J@/;+)6 -ROH+B)6 OF OB;%R+O ;h#s #s the #n(ormat#on o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2name3 o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. (address) 2occu&at#on3 + ha$e reasona,'e ground to ,e'#e$e and do ,e'#e$e that the o((ence o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn contrary to $uilding %ode Act, &222 /ect#on nnnnnnn has ,een comm#tted and that the entry #nto and search o( a certa#n ,u#'d#ng, rece&tac'e or &'ace, name'y, 616

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2,u#'d#ng, rece&tac'e or &'ace3 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2owner3 2address3 w#'' a((ord the (o''ow#ng e$#dence: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2descr#,e e$#dence to ,e searched (or, #nc'ud#ng th#ngs to ,e se#Ced, #( any3 re'e$ant to the comm#ss#on o( the o((ence. %nd + (urther say that my grounds (or so ,e'#e$#ng are: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;here(ore, + re:uest that a search warrant ,e #ssued to enter #nto and search the sa#d nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2,u#'d#ng, rece&tac'e or &'ace3 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (or the sa#d e$#dence. )hec7 a&&ro&r#ate ,o5 enter #nto and search the sa#d nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2,u#'d#ng, rece&tac'e or &'ace3 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (or the sa#d e$#dence and to se#Ce the (o''ow#ng th#ngs: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2descr#,e th#ngs to ,e se#Ced3 ______________________________________________ +n(ormant /worn ,e(ore me at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, th#s nnnnnnn day o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn -ro$#nc#a' Judge or Just#ce o( the -eace #n and (or the -ro$#nce o( Ontar#o FOR<*. /6%R)= 8%RR%B; @B"6R /6);+OB 21 OF ;=6 *@+L"+B4 )O"6 %);, 1992 $uilding %ode Act, &222 ONTARIO COURT OF JUSTICE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO To: ___________________________________________________________________________________________, Whereas, on the information on oath of _______________________, I am satisfied that there is reasonable ground to believe that the offence of ____________________________________________ contrary to $uilding %ode Act, &222 Section _______________________ has been committed and that ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (describe evidence to be searched for, including things to be seized, if any) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ that there is reasonable ground to believe will afford evidence of the said offence may be found at ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (building, receptacle or place) of ______________________________________, at ____________________________________________________ (owner) (address) hereinafter called the premises. This is therefore to authorize you to enter such _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (name or location of building, receptacle or place) between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., or ____________________________________________ (time warrant to be executed) 61.

and to search (or the sa#d e$#dence. )hec7 a&&ro&r#ate ,o5 and to search (or the sa#d e$#dence and to se#Ce the (o''ow#ng th#ngs: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2descr#,e th#ngs to ,e se#Ced3 and carry them ,e(ore me or another -ro$#nc#a' Judge or Just#ce o( the -eace so that they may ,e dea't w#th accord#ng to the 'aw. This warrant expires on the _______ day of _______________________, ____________, a day not later than the fifteenth day after its issue. Issued at __________________________________, th#s nnnnnnn day o( nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnn ___________________________________________________________ Provincial Judge or Justice of the Peace in and for the Province of Ontario (ection 1,7, #esign$ted %ersons $nd %o2ers 1,7,1, Gener$l 1,7,1,1, Gener$l 819 ;he director and em&'oyees #n the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng who wor7 under the su&er$#s#on o( the director and are s&ec#(#ed ,y the director are des#gnated (or the &ur&oses o( the en(orcement o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n re'at#on to the :ua'#(#cat#ons o(, 2a3 chief building officials, 2,3 inspectors, 2c3 registered code agencies, 2d3 &ersons engag#ng #n the act#$#t#es descr#,ed #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct, and 2e3 &ersons engaged #n the ,us#ness o( constructing on s#te, #nsta''#ng, re&a#r#ng, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng sewage systems. 829 ;he director may, (or the &ur&oses set out #n /entence 213, e5erc#se the (o''ow#ng &owers under the %ct o( a chief building official: 2a3 cert#(y (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 3. 223 o( the %ct statements as to any matter o( record #n the o((#ce o( the director, and 2,3 a&&'y (or an order under sect#on 3 o( the %ct. 8!9 ;he em&'oyees #n the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng des#gnated ,y the director may, (or the &ur&oses set out #n /entence 213, e5erc#se the (o''ow#ng &owers under the %ct o( an inspector: 2a3 su,0ect to sect#on 16 o( the %ct, e5erc#se the &owers o( entry (or #ns&ect#on &ur&oses #n su,sect#on 12 213 o( the %ct, and 2,3 e5erc#se the &owers o( an inspector under sect#on 1 o( the %ct. 859 /ect#ons 11.23 and 19 o( the %ct a&&'y to the e5erc#se o( &owers under th#s %rt#c'e ,y the director and em&'oyees #n the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng des#gnated ,y the director. (ection 1,<, %rescribed %erson 1,<,1, Gener$l 1,<,1,1, Gener$l 819 ;he director #s &rescr#,ed (or the &ur&oses o( sect#on 3 .1 o( the %ct. (ection 1,;, En/orcement o/ t0e %ro1isions o/ t0e Act $nd t0is Code Rel$ted to (e2$ge (3stems 1,;,1, Gener$l 1,;,1,1, Gener$l 819 ;he ,oards o( hea'th and conser$at#on author#t#es '#sted #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e 1...1.1. are &rescr#,ed, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 3.1 213 o( the %ct, as the ,oards o( hea'th and conser$at#on author#t#es that are res&ons#,'e (or the en(orcement 61

o( the &ro$#s#ons o( the %ct and th#s )ode re'ated to sewage systems #n the municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on &rescr#,ed #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e 1...1.1. T$ble 1,;,1,1, En/orcement o/ t0e .ro1isions o/ t0e Act $nd t0is Code Rel$ted to (e2$ge (3stems Form#ng -art o( /entence 1...1.1.213
+tem 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 6. .. )o'umn 1 *oard o( =ea'th or )onser$at#on %uthor#ty *oard o( =ea'th o( the Borthwestern =ea'th @n#t )o'umn 2 4eogra&h#c %rea %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the Borthwestern =ea'th @n#t *oard o( =ea'th o( the ;hunder *ay "#str#ct =ea'th @n#t %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the ;hunder *ay "#str#ct =ea'th @n#t *oard o( =ea'th o( the -orcu&#ne =ea'th @n#t %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the -orcu&#ne =ea'th @n#t *oard o( =ea'th o( the %'goma =ea'th @n#t %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the %'goma =ea'th @n#t *oard o( =ea'th o( the /ud,ury and "#str#ct =ea'th @n#t %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the /ud,ury and "#str#ct =ea'th @n#t *oard o( =ea'th o( the ;#m#s7am#ng =ea'th @n#t %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n the ;#m#s7am#ng =ea'th @n#t Borth *ay-<attawa )onser$at#on %uthor#ty %'' municipalities and terr#tory w#thout mun#c#&a' organ#Cat#on 'ocated #n: a. the "#str#ct o( B#&#ss#ng, e5ce&t those &arts o( the "#str#ct o( B#&#ss#ng 'ocated #n the ;#m#s7am#ng =ea'th @n#t, and ,. the "#str#ct o( -arry /ound, e5ce&t (or the ;ownsh#& o( ;he %rch#&e'ago, the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#&s o( *'a#r, *rown, =arr#son, =en$ey, <owat and 8a'',r#dge and the unsur$eyed terr#tory north o( the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( =en$ey to the French R#$er.

(ection 1,=, L$ngu$ge 1,=,1, L$ngu$ge 1,=,1,1, L$ngu$ge sed on Re4uired (igns 819 %'' re:u#red s#gns #n th#s )ode sha'' ,e d#s&'ayed #n the 6ng'#sh 'anguage or #n the 6ng'#sh and French 'anguages, #nc'ud#ng o&erat#ona' mater#a' on a'' '#(e sa(ety e:u#&ment and de$#ces. (ection 1,9, +ees 1,9,1, +ees 1,9,1,1, Annu$l Re.ort 819 ;he re&ort re(erred to #n su,sect#on . 243 o( the %ct sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on #n res&ect o( (ees author#Ced under c'ause . 213 2c3 o( the %ct: 2a3 tota' (ees co''ected #n the 12-month &er#od end#ng no ear'#er than three months ,e(ore the re'ease o( the re&ort, 2,3 the d#rect and #nd#rect costs o( de'#$er#ng ser$#ces re'ated to the adm#n#strat#on and en(orcement o( the %ct #n the area o( 0ur#sd#ct#on o( the principal authority #n the 12-month &er#od re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3, 2c3 a ,rea7down o( the costs descr#,ed #n )'ause 2,3 #nto at 'east the (o''ow#ng categor#es: 2#3 d#rect costs o( adm#n#strat#on and en(orcement o( the %ct, #nc'ud#ng the re$#ew o( a&&'#cat#ons (or &erm#ts and #ns&ect#on o( buildings, and 2##3 #nd#rect costs o( adm#n#strat#on and en(orcement o( the %ct, #nc'ud#ng su&&ort and o$erhead costs, and 2d3 #( a reser$e (und has ,een esta,'#shed (or any &ur&ose re'at#ng to the adm#n#strat#on or en(orcement o( the %ct, the amount o( the (und at the end o( the 12-month &er#od re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3. 829 ;he principal authority sha'' g#$e not#ce o( the &re&arat#on o( a re&ort under su,sect#on . 243 o( the %ct to e$ery &erson and organ#Cat#on that has re:uested that the principal authority &ro$#de the &erson or organ#Cat#on w#th such not#ce and has &ro$#ded an address (or the not#ce. 1,9,1,2, C0$nge o/ +ees 819 *e(ore &ass#ng a ,y-'aw or reso'ut#on or ma7#ng a regu'at#on under c'ause . 213 2c3 o( the %ct to #ntroduce or change a (ee #m&osed (or a&&'#cat#ons (or a &erm#t, (or the #ssuance o( a &erm#t or (or a ma#ntenance #ns&ect#on, a principal authority sha'', 619

2a3 ho'd the &u,'#c meet#ng re:u#red under su,sect#on . 263 o( the %ct, 2,3 ensure that a m#n#mum o( 21 days not#ce o( the &u,'#c meet#ng #s g#$en #n accordance w#th )'ause 2c3, #nc'ud#ng g#$#ng 21 days not#ce to e$ery &erson and organ#Cat#on that has, w#th#n (#$e years ,e(ore the day o( the &u,'#c meet#ng, re:uested that the principal authority &ro$#de the &erson or organ#Cat#on w#th such not#ce and has &ro$#ded an address (or the not#ce, 2c3 ensure that the not#ce under )'ause 2,3, 2#3 sets out the #ntent#on o( the principal authority to &ass the ,y-'aw or reso'ut#on or ma7e a regu'at#on under sect#on . o( the %ct and whether the ,y-'aw, reso'ut#on or regu'at#on wou'd #m&ose any (ee that was not #n e((ect on the day the not#ce #s g#$en or wou'd change any (ee that was #n (orce on the day the not#ce #s g#$en, 2##3 #s sent ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address &ro$#ded ,y the &erson or organ#Cat#on that re:uested the not#ce #n accordance w#th )'ause 2,3, and 2###3 sets out the #n(ormat#on descr#,ed #n )'ause 2d3 or states that the #n(ormat#on w#'' ,e made a$a#'a,'e at no cost to any mem,er o( the &u,'#c u&on re:uest, and 2d3 ma7e the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c: 2#3 an est#mate o( the costs o( adm#n#ster#ng and en(orc#ng the %ct ,y the principal authority, 2##3 the amount o( the (ee or o( the change to the e5#st#ng (ee, and 2###3 the rat#ona'e (or #m&os#ng or chang#ng the (ee. (ection 1,1>, (e2$ge (3stem )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$ms 1,1>,1, #iscretion$r3 )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$ms 1,1>,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on go$erns, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 34 22.13 o( the %ct, maintenance inspection programs esta,'#shed under c'ause . 213 2,.13 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( sewage systems. 1,1>,1,2, A..lic$tion $nd Ins.ections 819 % maintenance inspection program re(erred to #n /entence sha'' a&&'y to a'' sewage systems #n the area a((ected ,y the maintenance inspection program. 829 % maintenance inspection program re(erred to #n /entence sha'' &ro$#de that, su,0ect to %rt#c'e, an inspector sha'' #ns&ect a'' sewage systems a((ected ,y the maintenance inspection program (or com&'#ance w#th the standards &rescr#,ed under c'ause 34 223 2,3 o( the %ct #n re'at#on to sewage systems that are en(orced ,y the &rogram. 1,1>,1,!, Certi/ic$te $s Altern$ti1e to )$inten$nce Ins.ection 819 % principal authority that esta,'#shes a maintenance inspection program #n res&ect o( sewage systems may, as an a'ternat#$e to conduct#ng an #ns&ect#on o( a sewage system re:u#red under /entence acce&t a cert#(#cate descr#,ed #n /entence 223 (rom the owner o( the &ro&erty on wh#ch the sewage system #s 'ocated. 829 ;he cert#(#cate re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e #n a (orm a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister, 2,3 ,e s#gned ,y a &erson descr#,ed #n /entence 233, and 2c3 con(#rm that the &erson, 2#3 has conducted an #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, and 2##3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that, on the date on wh#ch the cert#(#cate #s s#gned, the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th the standards &rescr#,ed under c'ause 34 223 2,3 o( the %ct #n re'at#on to sewage systems that are en(orced ,y the maintenance inspection program. 8!9 /u,0ect to /entence 243, the (o''ow#ng &ersons are author#Ced to s#gn a cert#(#cate re(erred to #n /entence 213: 2a3 a &erson reg#stered under %rt#c'e #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( +tem 10 o( ;a,'e, 2,3 a &erson reg#stered under %rt#c'e, 2c3 an architect, 2d3 a professional engineer. 859 % &erson sha'' not s#gn a cert#(#cate re(erred to #n /entence 213 #( the &erson wou'd ,e #n a con('#ct o( #nterest.


879 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 243, a &erson wou'd ,e #n a con('#ct o( #nterest #( the &erson, or an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the &erson 2where the &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&3, or any &erson engaged ,y the &erson to &er(orm (unct#ons (or the &erson, 2a3 has &art#c#&ated or &art#c#&ates, #n any ca&ac#ty, #n design activities or construction re'at#ng to any &art o( the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, 2,3 #s or has ,een em&'oyed w#th#n the &re$#ous 1 0 days ,y a &erson who carr#ed out design activities or construction re'at#ng to any &art o( the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, 2c3 has a &ro(ess#ona' or (#nanc#a' #nterest #n, 2#3 the construction o( the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, 2##3 the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, or 2###3 the &erson res&ons#,'e (or the des#gn o( the sewage system to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates, or 2d3 #s an e'ected o((#c#a', o((#cer or em&'oyee o( a principal authority. 1,1>,2, )$nd$tor3 )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$m 1,1>,2,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /u,sect#on esta,'#shes and go$erns, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 34 22.23 o( the %ct, a maintenance inspection program #n res&ect o( standards &rescr#,ed under c'ause 34 223 2,3 o( the %ct #n re'at#on to sewage systems. 1,1>,2,2, Administr$tion o/ )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$m 819 ;he principal authority that has 0ur#sd#ct#on #n an area a((ected ,y the maintenance inspection program esta,'#shed under /entence sha'' adm#n#ster the &rogram (or that area and sha'' conduct #ns&ect#ons under the &rogram #n accordance w#th th#s /u,sect#on. 1,1>,2,!, )$inten$nce Ins.ection %rogr$m 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e, an inspector sha'' #ns&ect a'' sewage systems 'ocated #n who'e or #n &art #n the areas set out #n /entence 223 (or com&'#ance w#th the re:u#rements o( /ect#on .9. o( "#$#s#on *. 829 ;he areas re(erred to #n /entence 213 are: 2a3 the str#& o( 'and that #s 'ocated a'ong the <a#e Simcoe shoreline and that #s 100 m w#de measured hor#Conta''y and &er&end#cu'ar to and u&'and (rom the <a#e Simcoe shoreline, e5ce&t (or the &ort#ons o( the str#& o( 'and that are descr#,ed #n /entence 233, and
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1<, (entence 829 is $mended b3 striAing out B$ndC $t t0e end o/ Cl$use 8298$9 $nd b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing Cl$uses& 8(ee& O, Reg, !!2"12, (entences 5,2,1,1,859, 5,5,1,1,8299

2a.13 &ort#ons o( the str#& o( 'and a'ong the <a#e Simcoe shoreline descr#,ed #n /entence 233, 2a.23 the str#& o( 'and that #s 'ocated a'ong each o( the (o''ow#ng r#$ers, streams, 'a7es or &onds and that #s 100 m w#de measured hor#Conta''y and &er&end#cu'ar to and u&'and (rom the r#$er, stream, 'a7e or &ond, 2#3 any r#$er or stream #n the <a#e Simcoe watershed that cont#nua''y ('ows #n an a$erage year, 2##3 any 'a7e or &ond #n the <a#e Simcoe watershed that #s connected on the sur(ace to a r#$er or stream descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2#3, and 2###3 any other 'a7e or &ond #n the <a#e Simcoe watershed that has a sur(ace area greater than hectares, and 2,3 areas w#th#n a vulnerable area that are 'ocated #n a source protection area and that are #dent#(#ed #n the most recent o( the (o''ow#ng documents as the areas where an act#$#ty descr#,ed #n /entence 243 #s or wou'd ,e a significant drin#ing water threat: 2#3 the assessment re&ort (or the source protection area, as #n#t#a''y a&&ro$ed under the %lean 5ater Act, 200. or as most recent'y a&&ro$ed (o''ow#ng any u&dat#ng under that %ct, or 2##3 the source protection plan (or the source protection area, as #n#t#a''y a&&ro$ed under the %lean 5ater Act, 200. or as most recent'y a&&ro$ed (o''ow#ng any amendments or re$#ews under that %ct. 8!9 ;he e5ce&ted &ort#ons o( the str#& o( 'and a'ong the <a#e Simcoe shoreline re(erred to #n )'ause 2232a3 are: 2a3 that &ort#on o( the str#& o( 'and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( Oro, now #n the mun#c#&a' ;ownsh#& o( Oro-<edonte, #n the )ounty o( /#mcoe, and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#&s o( +nn#s(#' and Hes&ra, now #n the )#ty o( *arr#e, ,e#ng ,ounded on the north ,y the east '#m#t o( Lot 1, )oncess#on 1 6ast -enetangu#shene Road o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( Oro and #ts souther'y &ro'ongat#on and on the south ,y the east '#m#t o( Lot 14, )oncess#on 13 o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( +nn#s(#' and #ts norther'y &ro'ongat#on, 661

2,3 that &ort#on o( the str#& o( 'and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#&s o( Borth 4w#''#m,ury and 4eorg#na, now #n the ;own o( 4eorg#na, and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( 6ast 4w#''#m,ury, now #n the ;own o( 6ast 4w#''#m,ury, a'' #n ;he Reg#ona' <un#c#&a'#ty o( \or7, ,e#ng ,ounded on the west ,y the west '#m#t o( Lot 6, )oncess#on 1 o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( Borth 4w#''#m,ury and #ts norther'y &ro'ongat#on and on the east ,y the east '#m#t o( Lot 3, )oncess#on o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( 4eorg#na and #ts norther'y &ro'ongat#on, and 2c3 that &ort#on o( the str#& o( 'and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( <ara, now #n the mun#c#&a' ;ownsh#& o( Ramara, #n the )ounty o( /#mcoe, and #n the geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( ;horah, now #n the mun#c#&a' ;ownsh#& o( *roc7, #n ;he Reg#ona' <un#c#&a'#ty o( "urham, ,e#ng ,ounded on the north ,y the west '#m#t o( Lot 13, )oncess#on ) o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( <ara and #ts souther'y &ro'ongat#on and on the south ,y the west '#m#t o( Lot 14, )oncess#on 6 o( the sa#d geogra&h#c ;ownsh#& o( ;horah and #ts norther'y &ro'ongat#on. 859 ;he act#$#ty re(erred to #n )'ause 2232,3 #s an act#$#ty that #s su,0ect to the %ct and that #s descr#,ed #n &aragra&h 2 o( su,sect#on 1.1 213 o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 2 .!0. 24enera'3 made under the %lean 5ater Act, 200.. 1,1>,2,5, Time %eriods /or )$inten$nce Ins.ections 819 %n #ns&ect#on re:u#red under /entence sha'' ,e conducted #n res&ect o( a sewage system #n an area descr#,ed #n )'ause, 2a3 #n#t#a''y, no 'ater than, 2#3 January 1, 2016, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed ,e(ore January 1, 2011, or 2##3 (#$e years a(ter the construction o( the sewage system, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed on or a(ter January 1, 2011, and 2,3 therea(ter, e$ery (#$e years a(ter the most recent #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system has ,een conducted.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1<, Article 1,1>,2,5, is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (entence& 8(ee& O, Reg, !!2"12, (entences 5,2,1,1,879, 5,5,1,1,8299

81,19 %n #ns&ect#on re:u#red under /entence sha'' ,e conducted #n res&ect o( a sewage system #n an area descr#,ed #n )'ause or 2a.23, 2a3 #n#t#a''y, no 'ater than, 2#3 January 1, 2021, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed ,e(ore January 1, 2016, or 2##3 (#$e years a(ter the construction o( the sewage system, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed on or a(ter January 1, 2016, and 2,3 therea(ter, e$ery (#$e years a(ter the most recent #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system has ,een conducted. 829 %n #ns&ect#on re:u#red under /entence sha'' ,e conducted #n res&ect o( a sewage system #n an area affected by a significant drin#ing water threat, 2a3 #n#t#a''y, no 'ater than, 2#3 (#$e years a(ter the date on wh#ch not#ce o( the a&&ro$a' o( one o( the (o''ow#ng documents #s &u,'#shed on the en$#ronmenta' reg#stry under the %lean 5ater Act, 200., #n the case o( a sewage system constructed ,e(ore the date o( &u,'#cat#on, 2%3 the assessment re&ort (or the source protection area, #( the source protection plan #s one &re&ared under sect#on 22 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200., or 2*3 the source protection plan (or the source protection area, #( the source protection plan #s one &re&ared under sect#on 26 or 33 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200., or 2##3 (#$e years a(ter the construction o( the sewage system, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed on or a(ter the date o( &u,'#cat#on, and 2,3 therea(ter, e$ery (#$e years a(ter the most recent #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system has ,een conducted. 8!9 +( add#t#ona' areas affected by a significant drin#ing water threat are #dent#(#ed (or a source protection area a(ter the date o( &u,'#cat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2232a3, an #ns&ect#on re:u#red under /entence sha'' ,e conducted #n res&ect o( a sewage system #n those add#t#ona' areas, 2a3 #n#t#a''y, no 'ater than, 2#3 (#$e years a(ter the (o''ow#ng date o( a&&ro$a' or &u,'#cat#on, as a&&'#ca,'e, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed ,e(ore that date, 2%3 the date o( a&&ro$a' under sect#on 19 o( the %lean 5ater Act, 200. o( the u&dated assessment re&ort #n wh#ch the add#t#ona' areas are #dent#(#ed, or


2*3 the date o( &u,'#cat#on on the en$#ronmenta' reg#stry under the %lean 5ater Act, 200. o( not#ce o( the a&&ro$a' o( the amended or u&dated source protection plan #n wh#ch the add#t#ona' areas are #dent#(#ed, or 2##3 (#$e years a(ter the construction o( the sewage system, #n the case o( a sewage system constructed on or a(ter the date o( a&&ro$a' or &u,'#cat#on, as a&&'#ca,'e, and 2,3 therea(ter, e$ery (#$e years a(ter the most recent #ns&ect#on o( the sewage system has ,een conducted. 1,1>,2,7, Certi/ic$te $s Altern$ti1e to )$inten$nce Ins.ection 819 ;he principal authority that adm#n#sters the maintenance inspection program esta,'#shed under /entence, may, as an a'ternat#$e to conduct#ng an #ns&ect#on o( a sewage system re:u#red under /entence, acce&t a cert#(#cate descr#,ed #n /entence 223 (rom the owner o( the &ro&erty on wh#ch the sewage system #s 'ocated. 829 ;he cert#(#cate re:u#red ,y /entence 213 sha'' sat#s(y the re:u#rements o( /entence and (or these &ur&oses /entences to 213 a&&'y w#th necessary mod#(#cat#ons. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on ), -art 1G O. Reg. 111!13, ss. 3 , 39G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 120-122.


(ection 2,1, 2,1,1, (ection 2,2, 2,2,1, (ection 2,!, 2,!,1, (ection 2,5, 2,5,1, 2,5,2, 2,5,!, Altern$ti1e (olutions #ocument$tion o/ Altern$ti1e (olutions Building Code Commission Ee$rings Building )$teri$ls E1$lu$tion Commission A..lic$tion +ee Rulings $nd Inter.ret$tions )inisterGs Rulings K Inno1$ti1e )$teri$ls, (3stems or Building #esigns )inisterGs Rulings K Altern$ti1e )$teri$ls, (3stems or Building #esigns Inter.ret$tions B3 )inister

(ection 2,1, Altern$ti1e (olutions 2,1,1, #ocument$tion o/ Altern$ti1e (olutions 2,1,1,1, #ocument$tion 819 ;he &erson &ro&os#ng the use o( an alternative solution sha'' &ro$#de documentat#on to the chief building official or registered code agency that, 2a3 identifies a&&'#ca,'e objectives, functional statements and acceptable solutions, and 2,3 esta,'#shes on the ,as#s o( &ast &er(ormance, tests descr#,ed #n %rt#c'e or other e$a'uat#on that the &ro&osed alternative solution w#'' ach#e$e the 'e$e' o( &er(ormance re:u#red under %rt#c'e o( "#$#s#on %. 829 ;he documentat#on descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' #nc'ude #n(ormat#on a,out re'e$ant assum&t#ons, '#m#t#ng or restr#ct#ng (actors, test#ng &rocedures, stud#es or building &er(ormance &arameters, #nc'ud#ng any comm#ss#on#ng, o&erat#ona' and ma#ntenance re:u#rements. 2,1,1,2, Tests 819 8here no &u,'#shed test method to esta,'#sh the su#ta,#'#ty o( an alternative solution &ro&osed under %rt#c'e e5#sts, then the tests used (or the &ur&oses o( that %rt#c'e sha'' ,e des#gned to s#mu'ate or e5ceed ant#c#&ated ser$#ce cond#t#ons or sha'' ,e des#gned to com&are the &er(ormance o( the mater#a' or system w#th a s#m#'ar mater#a' or system that #s 7nown to ,e acce&ta,'e. 829 ;he resu'ts o( tests or e$a'uat#ons ,ased on test standards, other than as descr#,ed #n th#s )ode, may ,e used (or the &ur&oses o( /entence 213, #( the a'ternate test standards &ro$#de com&ara,'e resu'ts. (ection 2,2, Building Code Commission 2,2,1, Ee$rings 2,2,1,1, #i1isions 819 ;he *u#'d#ng )ode )omm#ss#on may s#t #n two or more d#$#s#ons s#mu'taneous'y so 'ong as a :uorum o( each d#$#s#on #s &resent. 2,2,1,2, (ingle )ember


819 One mem,er o( the *u#'d#ng )ode )omm#ss#on may, w#th the a&&ro$a' o( the cha#r or $#ce-cha#r, hear and determ#ne any d#s&ute set out #n /entence 223 and, (or that &ur&ose, the mem,er has a'' the 0ur#sd#ct#on and &owers o( the )omm#ss#on. 829 ;he d#s&utes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 any d#s&ute descr#,ed #n c'ause 24 213 2a3 o( the %ct res&ect#ng the su((#c#ency o( com&'#ance w#th techn#ca' re:u#rements o( th#s )ode re'ated to sewage systems, and 2,3 any d#s&ute descr#,ed #n c'ause 24 213 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct. 2,2,1,!, Time %eriod 819 % hear#ng to dec#de a d#s&ute descr#,ed #n )'ause,3 sha'' ,e he'd not more than (#$e days a(ter the )omm#ss#on rece#$es an a&&'#cat#on (or a hear#ng #n a (orm a&&ro$ed ,y the )omm#ss#on. 829 ;he t#me &er#od descr#,ed #n /entence 213 commences on the day a(ter the )omm#ss#on rece#$es the a&&'#cat#on and e5c'udes /aturdays, ho'#days and a'' other days when the o((#ces o( the 4o$ernment o( Ontar#o are not o&en (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness w#th the &u,'#c. 2,2,1,5, Eligibilit3 819 ;he (o''ow#ng re'at#onsh#&s to a registered code agency are &rescr#,ed (or the &ur&oses o( c'ause 23 233 2d3 o( the %ct as re'at#onsh#&s to a registered code agency that ma7e a &erson #ne'#g#,'e to ,e a mem,er o( the )omm#ss#on: 2a3 the &erson #s reg#stered under %rt#c'e as a registered code agency, 2,3 the &erson #s an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( a registered code agency, or 2c3 the &erson #s engaged ,y a registered code agency to &er(orm (unct#ons under the %ct on ,eha'( o( the registered code agency. 2,2,1,7, A..lic$tion +ee 819 ;he (ee on an a&&'#cat#on to the *u#'d#ng )ode )omm#ss#on under su,sect#on 24 21.13 o( the %ct #s, 2a3 o1.0, (or 2014, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 223 and 233 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2011 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 829 On and a(ter January 1, 2011, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 8!9 "es&#te /entence 223, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. (ection 2,!, Building )$teri$ls E1$lu$tion Commission 2,!,1, A..lic$tion +ee 2,!,1,1, A..lic$tion +ee 819 ;he (ee on an a&&'#cat#on to the *u#'d#ng <ater#a's 6$a'uat#on )omm#ss#on #s o910.00. (ection 2,5, Rulings $nd Inter.ret$tions 2,5,1, )inisterGs Rulings K Inno1$ti1e )$teri$ls, (3stems or Building #esigns 2,5,1,1, #esign$ted )$teri$ls E1$lu$tion Bodies 819 ;he (o''ow#ng ,ody #s des#gnated as a mater#a's e$a'uat#on ,ody (or the &ur&oses o( c'ause 29 213 2a3 o( the %ct: )anad#an )onstruct#on <ater#a's )entre o( the Bat#ona' Research )ounc#' o( )anada 2,5,1,2, +ee 819 ;he (ee on a re:uest (or a ru'#ng under c'ause 29 213 2a3 o( the %ct #s, 2a3 o160, (or 2014, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 223 and 233 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2011 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 829 On and a(ter January 1, 2011, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs


)anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 8!9 "es&#te /entence 223, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. 2,5,2, )inisterGs Rulings K Altern$ti1e )$teri$ls, (3stems or Building #esigns 2,5,2,1, Criteri$ 819 /entence 223 sets out cr#ter#a to ,e (o''owed ,y the 9inister when ma7#ng a ru'#ng under c'ause 29 213 2c3 o( the %ct to a&&ro$e the use o( an a'ternat#$e mater#a', system or building des#gn. 829 ;he 9inisterCs a&&ro$a' o( the use o( an a'ternat#$e mater#a', system or building des#gn re(erred to #n /entence 213 may ,e granted on'y #( the a&&ro$a' #s cons#stent w#th, 2a3 a dec#s#on o( the *u#'d#ng )ode )omm#ss#on #n res&ect o( a d#s&ute descr#,ed #n c'ause 24 213 2a3 o( the %ct, 2,3 an a&&ro$a' o( the use o( the mater#a', system or building des#gn #n the who'e o( another &ro$#nce or terr#tory #n accordance w#th the 'aw o( that &ro$#nce or terr#tory, or 2c3 a re$#s#on o( the ))*F) BR)) 13301, >Bat#ona' *u#'d#ng )ode o( )anada?, or the ))*F) BR)) 13302, >Bat#ona' -'um,#ng )ode o( )anada?, that has ,een a&&ro$ed ,y the )anad#an )omm#ss#on on *u#'d#ng and F#re )odes. 2,5,!, Inter.ret$tions B3 )inister 2,5,!,1, Inter.ret$tions B3 )inister 819 6$ery #nter&retat#on #ssued ,y the 9inister under sect#on 2 .1 o( the %ct sha'' ,e made a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c, 2a3 ,y &ost#ng the #nter&retat#on on the $uilding %ode website, and 2,3 ,y &ro$#d#ng a wr#tten co&y o( the #nter&retat#on on rece#&t o( a re:uest (or #t. O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on ), -art 2G O. Reg. 360!13, ss. 1-3.
(ection !,1, !,1,1, !,1,2, !,1,!, !,1,5, !,1,7, !,1,<, !,1,;, !,1,=, !,1,9, !,1, !,1,1, !,1,2, !,1,!, !,1,5, !,1,7, !,1,<, !,1,;, !,2, !,2,1, !,2,2, !,2,!, !,2,!, !,2,5, !,2,7, !,2,7, !,2,<, !,2,<, !,2,;, !,!, Ju$li/ic$tions /or C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls $nd Ins.ectors (co.e C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers Ins.ectors Ino2ledge )$inten$nce In/orm$tion +ees %ublic Register C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions Ju$li/ic$tions /or C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls $nd Ins.ectors (co.e $nd #e/inition C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers Ins.ectors Ju$li/ic$tions K C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls, (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers, $nd Ins.ectors %ublic Register Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions Ju$li/ic$tions /or #esigners (co.e Gener$l #e/inition #e/inition Ju$li/ic$tions K %ersons Eng$ged in t0e Business o/ %ro1iding #esign Acti1ities to t0e %ublic Ju$li/ic$tions K Ot0er #esigners Ju$li/ic$tions K Ot0er #esigners %ublic Register %ublic Register Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions Ju$li/ic$tions /or %ersons Eng$ged in t0e Business o/ Constructing On (ite, Inst$lling, Re.$iring, (er1icing, Cle$ning or Em.t3ing (e2$ge (3stems





!,!,1, !,!,2, !,!,!, !,!,5, (ection !,5, !,5,1, !,5,2, !,5,!, !,5,5, !,5,7, !,7, !,7,1, !,7,2, !,<, !,<,1, !,<,2, !,;, !,;,1, !,;,2, !,;,!, !,;,5, !,;,7, !,;,<, !,;,;,

(co.e #e/inition Ju$li/ic$tions %ublic Register Ju$li/ic$tions /or Registered Code Agencies (co.e #e/inition Ju$li/ic$tions %ublic Register Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions (co.e Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions Insur$nce (co.e Insur$nce /or Registered Code Agencies $nd %ersons Re/erred to in (ubsection 17,11 879 o/ t0e Act Registered Code Agencies A..ointment o/ Registered Code Agenc3 under (ection 5,1 o/ t0e Act 60en $ Registered Code Agenc3 m$3 not be A..ointed or Continue to Act under $n A..ointment Addition$l +unctions t0$t Registered Code Agencies m$3 be A..ointed to %er/orm )$nner in 60ic0 Registered Code Agenc3 (0$ll %er/orm +unctions Termin$tion o/ A..ointment o/ $ Registered Code Agenc3 In/orm$tion to be %ro1ided Re/err$l o/ (to. 6orA Order




(ection !,1, Ju$li/ic$tions /or C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls $nd Ins.ectors !,1,1, (co.e !,1,1,1, (co.e 819 6"cept as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#ons 11.11 213, 223 and 233 o( the %ct, 2a3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as, 2#3 a chief building official under the %ct, or 2##3 an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to plumbing, 2,3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as, 2#3 an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to sewage systems, or 2##3 an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on o( sewage systems under the %ct, and 2c3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as an inspector under the %ct, other than an inspector descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2a32##3 or 2,32#3 or 2##3. 829 ;he :ua'#(#cat#on re:u#rements (or chief building officials and inspectors #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on o(, 2a3 s#te ser$#ces #nc'ud#ng, 2#3 sur(ace dra#nage, and 2##3 plumbing 'ocated underground e#ther outs#de a building or under a building, 2,3 construction o( a (actory-,u#'t house cert#(#ed to )/% %2.., >-rocedure (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs?, 2c3 construction o( a mo,#'e home con(orm#ng to )/% O240 <= /er#es, ><anu(actured =omes?, 2d3 construction o( a &ar7 mode' tra#'er con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es, >-ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers?, or 2e3 s#gns. !,1,2, C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls !,1,2,1, Ju$li/ic$tions


819 ;he (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as a chief building official or as an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to sewage systems or plumbing: 2a3 the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode and the &owers and dut#es o( chief building officials, 2,3 #(, under su,sect#on 22 223 o( the %ct, the &erson w#'' a'so e5erc#se any o( the &owers or &er(orm any o( the dut#es o( an inspector, the &erson sha'' a'so ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons conta#ned #n /entence, and 2c3 the &erson sha'' (#'e the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entence w#th the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 % &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence 213. !,1,!, (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers !,1,!,1, Ju$li/ic$tions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as the :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es are so'e'y the su&er$#s#on or management o( inspectors: 2a3 the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode and the &owers and dut#es o( chief building officials, 2,3 the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n any one category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, and 2c3 the &erson sha'' (#'e the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entence w#th the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 % &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence 213. !,1,5, Ins.ectors !,1,5,1, Ju$li/ic$tions 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e or, the (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on under the %ct: 2a3 the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category or categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&ond to the ty&es o( buildings set out #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e #n res&ect o( wh#ch the &erson w#'' e5erc#se the &owers or &er(orm the dut#es o( an inspector under the %ct, and 2,3 the &erson sha'' (#'e the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entence w#th the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 % &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence 213. !,1,5,2, Ju$li/ic$tions /or Intern Ins.ectors 819 % &erson may ,e a&&o#nted or rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an #ntern inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude su&er$#sed &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on under the %ct, e$en #( the &erson does not ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n %rt#c'es and, &ro$#ded the &erson #s enro''ed #n an #nternsh#& &rogram a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister. 829 %n #ntern inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 sha'' ,e su&er$#sed ,y an inspector or chief building official who meets the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on #n res&ect o( wh#ch the #ntern inspector w#'' e5erc#se the &owers or &er(orm the dut#es. 8!9 %n #ntern inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 sha'' not, 2a3 #ssue orders under the %ct e5ce&t orders under su,sect#on 12 223 or 13 213 o( the %ct, or 2,3 underta7e a s#te #ns&ect#on o( a building re'ated to a not#ce #n res&ect o(, 2#3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( (oot#ngs and foundations &r#or to commencement o( ,ac7(#''#ng, or 66.

2##3 com&'et#on o( construction and #nsta''at#on o( com&onents re:u#red to &erm#t the #ssuance o( an occu&ancy &erm#t under /entence or to &erm#t occu&ancy under /entence, #( the building or &art o( the building to ,e occu&#ed #s not (u''y com&'eted. !,1,5,!, Ju$li/ic$tions /or )$inten$nce %rogr$m Ins.ectors 819 % &erson may ,e a&&o#nted or rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude maintenance inspections o( sewage systems, e$en #( the &erson does not ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n %rt#c'es and #n res&ect o( these dut#es. 829 %n inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 #s author#Ced to conduct maintenance inspections o( sewage systems on'y #( the (o''ow#ng cond#t#ons are met: 2a3 the &erson #s su&er$#sed ,y an inspector or chief building official who meets the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on descr#,ed #n )o'umn 2 o( +tem 10 o( ;a,'e, and 2,3 the &erson does not #ssue orders under the %ct. !,1,7, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce !,1,7,1, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 +t #s a &rescr#,ed :ua'#(#cat#on (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#ons 11.11 213, 223 and 233 o( the %ct, that, ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am to a &erson under /entence 223, the &erson to whom the not#ce #s g#$en sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce. 829 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 233 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, or 2,3 or, as a&&'#ca,'e, to e$ery &erson who #s deemed under %rt#c'e, or, as a&&'#ca,'e, to ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram. 8!9 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 223 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 859 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 223 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the &erson that has ,een (#'ed w#th the director. !,1,<, In/orm$tion !,1,<,1, In/orm$tion 819 ;he #n(ormat#on re(erred to #n )'auses, and,3 #s the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 the &ersonDs name, res#dence address and res#dent#a' ma#'#ng address, #( d#((erent (rom the res#dence address, 2,3 the name and address o( e$ery principal authority that has a&&o#nted the &erson as a chief building official or inspector under the %ct, and 2c3 #n(ormat#on a,out e$ery e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, or 2,3 or that the &erson has success(u''y com&'eted, #n such (orm and #n such deta#' as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director. 829 % &erson who has (#'ed #n(ormat#on w#th the director under )'ause, or,3 or a &redecessor o( these &ro$#s#ons sha'' ad$#se the director o( any change o( the #n(ormat#on not 'ater than 11 days a(ter the change. !,1,;, +ees !,1,;,1, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e u&on the (#'#ng o( #n(ormat#on under )'ause, or,3 #s o 0. 829 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, or 2,3 or #s o110. 8!9 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 360!13, s. 4. !,1,=, %ublic Register !,1,=,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he director sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y su,sect#ons 11.11 213, 223 and 233 o( the %ct and has ,een a&&o#nted as a chief building official or inspector ,y a principal authority. 66

829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to each &erson '#sted #n #t: 2a3 the name o( the &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to that &erson, 2c3 the name o( each principal authority that has a&&o#nted that &erson as a chief building official or inspector, and 2d3 the categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons o( that &erson. !,1,9, C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,1,9,1, C$tegories 819 ;a,'e conta#ns the categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ection !,1, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 7, 25 8299

(ection !,1, Ju$li/ic$tions /or C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls $nd Ins.ectors !,1,1, (co.e $nd #e/inition !,1,1,1, (co.e 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, th#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#ons 11.11 213, 223 and 233 o( the %ct, 2a3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as, 2#3 a chief building official under the %ct, or 2##3 an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to plumbing, 2,3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as, 2#3 an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to sewage systems, or 2##3 an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on o( sewage systems under the %ct, and 2c3 the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must sat#s(y to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted as an inspector under the %ct, other than an inspector descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2a32##3 or 2,32#3 or 2##3. 829 ;he :ua'#(#cat#on re:u#rements (or chief building officials and inspectors #n /entence 213 do not a&&'y to &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on o(, 2a3 s#te ser$#ces #nc'ud#ng, 2#3 sur(ace dra#nage, and 2##3 plumbing 'ocated underground e#ther outs#de a building or under a building, 2,3 construction o( a (actory-,u#'t house cert#(#ed to )/% %2.., >-rocedure (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs?, 2c3 construction o( a mo,#'e home con(orm#ng to )/% O240 <= /er#es, ><anu(actured =omes?, 2d3 construction o( a &ar7 mode' tra#'er con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es, >-ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers?, or 2e3 s#gns. !,1,1,2, #e/inition 819 +n th#s /ect#on, >reg#stered? means reg#stered under /entence, or, as a&&'#ca,'e. !,1,2, C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls !,1,2,1, Ju$li/ic$tions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as a chief building official or as an inspector who has the same &owers and dut#es as a chief building official #n re'at#on to sewage systems or plumbing: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence, as #t read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence 213 unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the &erson #s reg#stered under /entence, and 669

2,3 <arch 31, 2011. !,1,2,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e 3.1.1..., the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#strat#on, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode and the &owers and dut#es o( chief building officials, 2,3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson a'so has the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence, #n the case o( an a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who, under su,sect#on 22 223 o( the %ct, w#'' a'so e5erc#se any o( the &owers or &er(orm any o( the dut#es o( an inspector, 2c3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2d3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, a &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence, as #t read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 2132a3. 8!9 +( a &erson #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on e#ther a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence or, on or ,e(ore "ecem,er 31, 2014, under /entence, as #t read on that date, and does not success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, /entence 223 ceases to a&&'y to the &erson at the end o( that &er#od. !,1,!, (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers !,1,!,1, Ju$li/ic$tions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es are so'e'y the su&er$#s#on or management o( inspectors: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence, as #t read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence 213 unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the &erson #s reg#stered under /entence, and 2,3 <arch 31, 2011. !,1,!,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e 3.1.1..., the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#strat#on, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode and the &owers and dut#es o( chief building officials, 2,3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n any one category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, 2c3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2d3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, a &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence, as #t read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses 2132a3 and 2,3. 8!9 +( a &erson #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on that re'ates to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause 2132a3 or 2,3, as a&&'#ca,'e, e#ther a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence or, on or ,e(ore "ecem,er 31, 2014, under /entence, as #t read on that date, and does not success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, /entence 223 ceases to a&&'y to the &erson at the end o( that &er#od w#th res&ect to the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 2132a3 or 2,3, as a&&'#ca,'e. !,1,5, Ins.ectors !,1,5,1, Ju$li/ic$tions


819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n %rt#c'e or, the (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a &erson to ,e a&&o#nted and to rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on under the %ct: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence #n a category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, as they read on that date, #s deemed to ,e reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on that corres&onds to that category o( :ua'#(#cat#on unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the &erson #s reg#stered #n that c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence, and 2,3 <arch 31, 2011. !,1,5,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e 3.1.1..., the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#strat#on, #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2,3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2c3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on, a &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence #n a category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, as they read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 2132a3 #n that category o( :ua'#(#cat#on. 8!9 +( a &erson #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on that re'ates to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on e#ther a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence or, on or ,e(ore "ecem,er 31, 2014, under /entence, as #t read on that date, and does not success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, /entence 223 ceases to a&&'y to the &erson at the end o( that &er#od. !,1,5,!, Ju$li/ic$tions /or Intern Ins.ectors 819 % &erson may ,e a&&o#nted or rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an #ntern inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude su&er$#sed &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on under the %ct, e$en #( the &erson does not ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n %rt#c'e, &ro$#ded the &erson #s enro''ed #n an #nternsh#& &rogram a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister. 829 %n #ntern inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 sha'' ,e su&er$#sed ,y an inspector or chief building official who #s reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on #n res&ect o( wh#ch the #ntern inspector w#'' e5erc#se the &owers or &er(orm the dut#es. 8!9 %n #ntern inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 sha'' not, 2a3 #ssue orders under the %ct e5ce&t orders under su,sect#on 12 223 or 13 213 o( the %ct, or 2,3 underta7e a s#te #ns&ect#on o( a building re'ated to a not#ce #n res&ect o(, 2#3 su,stant#a' com&'et#on o( (oot#ngs and foundations &r#or to commencement o( ,ac7(#''#ng, or 2##3 com&'et#on o( construction and #nsta''at#on o( com&onents re:u#red to &erm#t the #ssuance o( an occu&ancy &erm#t under /entence or to &erm#t occu&ancy under /entence, #( the building or &art o( the building to ,e occu&#ed #s not (u''y com&'eted. !,1,5,5, Ju$li/ic$tions /or )$inten$nce %rogr$m Ins.ectors 819 % &erson may ,e a&&o#nted or rema#n a&&o#nted under the %ct as an inspector whose dut#es #nc'ude maintenance inspections o( sewage systems, e$en #( the &erson does not ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n %rt#c'e #n res&ect o( these dut#es. 829 %n inspector who #s e5em&t under /entence 213 #s author#Ced to conduct maintenance inspections o( sewage systems on'y #( the (o''ow#ng cond#t#ons are met: 2a3 the &erson #s su&er$#sed ,y an inspector or chief building official who #s reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on descr#,ed #n )o'umn 1 o( +tem 10 o( ;a,'e, and 2,3 the &erson does not #ssue orders under the %ct. 6.1

!,1,7, Ju$li/ic$tions K C0ie/ Building O//ici$ls, (u.er1isors $nd )$n$gers, $nd Ins.ectors !,1,7,1, A..lic$tion /or Registr$tion or Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made to the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 %n a&&'#cat#on (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made at 'east 60 days ,e(ore the e5&#ry o( the reg#strat#on to ,e renewed. 8!9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude an underta7#ng ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson to com&'y w#th the cond#t#ons set out #n %rt#c'e 859 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'', 2a3 set out the a&&'#cantDs or reg#stered &ersonDs name, res#dence address and res#dent#a' ma#'#ng address, #( d#((erent (rom the res#dence address, 2,3 set out the name and address o( e$ery principal authority that has a&&o#nted the &erson as a chief building official or inspector under the %ct, and 2c3 conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses and 2,3, and 2,3, or, as a&&'#ca,'e. !,1,7,2, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res one year a(ter #t #s #ssued ,ut the director may, (or the &ur&oses o( stagger#ng the renewa' dates o( the reg#strat#ons, #ssue the #n#t#a' reg#strat#on (or a term o( not 'ess than 90 days and not more than 1 months. !,1,7,!, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, or 2,3 or #s o110. 829 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o101, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 233 and 243 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 8!9 On and a(ter January 1, 2016, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 859 "es&#te /entence 233, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. !,1,7,5, Not Tr$ns/er$ble 819 % reg#strat#on #s not trans(era,'e. !,1,7,7, Conditions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are the cond#t#ons o( a reg#strat#on: 2a3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e$ent, not#(y the director #n wr#t#ng o( any change #n the #n(ormat#on set out #n )'ause or 2,3, 2,3 #n the case o( a reg#stered &erson who #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on under /entence, the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, and 2c3 #n the case o( an inspector reg#stered under /entence, the &erson sha'' e5erc#se h#s or her &owers and &er(orm h#s or her dut#es on'y #n res&ect o( the ty&e o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e that corres&ond to the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on he'd ,y the &erson. !,1,7,<, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, or 2,3 or, as a&&'#ca,'e, to e$ery &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence, or, as a&&'#ca,'e, o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct. 6.2

829 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 8!9 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the &erson that has ,een (#'ed w#th the director. !,1,7,;, (us.ension, Re1oc$tion, Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director may, #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant or to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2,3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( the reg#strat#on, 2,3 the reg#strat#on was #ssued on the ,as#s o( m#sta7en, (a'se or #ncorrect #n(ormat#on, 2c3 an order under su,sect#on 69 223 o( the 4rovincial ;ffences Act #s #n e((ect d#rect#ng that the reg#strat#on o( the &erson ,e sus&ended and that no reg#strat#on ,e #ssued to that &erson unt#' a (#ne #s &a#d, 2d3 the a&&'#cat#on #s #ncom&'ete, or 2e3 any (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e rema#n un&a#d. 8!9 +( the director &ro&oses to re(use to reg#ster or renew a reg#strat#on or &ro&oses to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the &ro&osa', together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 879 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson does not re:uest a hear#ng ,y the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the director may carry out the &ro&osa' stated #n the not#ce under /entence 233. 8<9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order d#rect the director to carry out the directorCs &ro&osa' or re(ra#n (rom carry#ng #t out and to ta7e such other act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses, the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8;9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. 8=9 /entences 233 to 2.3 do not a&&'y and the director may cance' the reg#strat#on o( a reg#stered &erson u&on rece#&t o( a re:uest #n wr#t#ng (or cance''at#on (rom the reg#stered &erson #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 899 +(, w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n /entence, the reg#stered &erson has a&&'#ed (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on and &a#d the (ee re:u#red under %rt#c'e, the reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the reg#strat#on #s renewed, and 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s ser$ed w#th not#ce that the director &ro&oses to re(use to renew the reg#strat#on, the day the t#me (or g#$#ng not#ce re:uest#ng a hear#ng e5&#res or, #( a hear#ng #s he'd, the day the Tribunal ma7es #ts order. !,1,<, %ublic Register !,1,<,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he director sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y su,sect#ons 11.11 213, 223 and 233 o( the %ct and has ,een a&&o#nted as a chief building official or inspector ,y a principal authority. 829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to each reg#stered &erson: 2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the name and address o( each principal authority that has a&&o#nted the reg#stered &erson as a chief building official or inspector, and 2d3 the c'asses o( reg#strat#on o( the reg#stered &erson. !,1,;, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,1,;,1, Cl$sses $nd C$tegories 6.3

819 ;a,'e conta#ns the c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on. (ection !,2, Ju$li/ic$tions /or #esigners !,2,1, (co.e !,2,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( c'ause &erson who carr#es out design activities. !,2,2, Gener$l !,2,2,1, %ersons Eng$ged in t0e Business o/ %ro1iding #esign Acti1ities to t0e %ublic 819 6$ery &erson engaged #n the ,us#ness o( &ro$#d#ng design activities to the &u,'#c must ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence !,2,2,2, Ot0er #esigners 819 6$ery &erson who carr#es out design activities must ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entence, #( the &erson #s not re:u#red to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,2,2,2, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, <, 25 8299

223 2c3 and su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct, the :ua'#(#cat#ons (or a

!,2,2,2, Ot0er #esigners 819 6$ery &erson who carr#es out design activities must ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence, #( the &erson #s not re:u#red to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n /entence !,2,!, #e/inition !,2,!,1, #e/inition 819 +n th#s /ect#on, >reg#stered? means reg#stered under /entence
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,2,!, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, ;, 25 8299

!,2,!, #e/inition !,2,!,1, #e/inition 819 >Reg#stered? means, 2a3 #n /u,sect#on 3.2.4., reg#stered under /entence, and 2,3 #n /u,sect#on 3.2.1., reg#stered under /entence !,2,5, Ju$li/ic$tions M %ersons Eng$ged in t0e Business o/ %ro1iding #esign Acti1ities to t0e %ublic !,2,5,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entences 233 and 243, e$ery &erson engaged #n the ,us#ness o( &ro$#d#ng design activities to the &u,'#c must ha$e the (o''ow#ng :ua'#(#cat#on: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to com&'y w#th the :ua'#(#cat#on #n /entence 213, #( the &ersonDs design activities re'ate on'y to, 2a3 construction o( a home as de(#ned under the ;ntario 3ew 8ome 5arranties 4lan Act that w#'' ,e constructed or so'd ,y that &erson, #( the &erson #s a ,u#'der or $endor as de(#ned #n that %ct and #s reg#stered under that %ct, 2,3 construction o( a building that #s owned ,y that &erson, 2c3 construction o( a farm building that, 2#3 #s o( low human occupancy, 2##3 #s 2 storeys or 'ess #n building height, and 2###3 has a building area o( 'ess than 600 m2, 2d3 the e5tens#on, mater#a' a'terat#on or re&a#r o( a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house, 2e3 a sewage system to ,e constructed ,y that &erson #( the &erson #s reg#stered under %rt#c'e, 6.4

2(3 construction o( tents descr#,ed #n /entence o( "#$#s#on *, 2g3 construction o( s#gns, 2h3 construction o( s#te ser$#ces, #nc'ud#ng, 2#3 sur(ace dra#nage, and 2##3 plumbing 'ocated underground, e#ther outs#de a building or under a building, 2#3 construction o( a (actory-,u#'t house cert#(#ed to )/% %2.., >-rocedure (or Factory )ert#(#cat#on o( *u#'d#ngs?, 203 construction o( a mo,#'e home con(orm#ng to )/% O240 <= /er#es, ><anu(actured =omes?, 273 construction o( a &ar7 mode' tra#'er con(orm#ng to )%B!)/%-O241 /er#es, >-ar7 <ode' ;ra#'ers?, 2'3 construction o( &re-eng#neered e'ements o( a building, #( the des#gn o( the e'ements #s carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n the s&ec#(#c d#sc#&'#ne a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances, 2m3 construction o( a&&'#ances, e:u#&ment and s#m#'ar #nc#denta' com&onents o( a building, or 2n3 construction o( a building (or wh#ch a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct #s a&&'#ed (or or #ssued ,e(ore January 1, 2006 and (or wh#ch construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued. 859 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rements to com&'y w#th the :ua'#(#cat#on #n /entence 213, #( the &ersonDs design activities are w#th res&ect to a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house and the design activities re'ate on'y to, 2a3 a plumbing system, 2,3 a heat#ng, $ent#'at#on and air-conditioning system, or 2c3 anc#''ary buildings such as garages. !,2,5,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#strat#on, #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, a d#rector, o((#cer, &artner or em&'oyee o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2,3 a'' other &ersons engaged ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities &ro$#ded to the &u,'#c ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson (or the &ur&oses o( )'ause 3.2.4...2132d3 ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2c3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, 2d3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2e3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, #s reg#stered #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct and com&'#es w#th the cond#t#ons o( reg#strat#on set out #n %rt#c'e 3.2.4... o( "#$#s#on ) o( that regu'at#on #s deemed to ,e reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence o( th#s )ode, and (or these &ur&oses, the &ersonDs reg#strat#on #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' #ts term e5&#res. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause or 2,3, as a&&'#ca,'e, o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause or 2,3, as a&&'#ca,'e, o( th#s )ode, #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on, ,ut ceases to ,e deemed to ha$e these :ua'#(#cat#ons #( the &erson does not success(u''y com&'ete a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on as re:u#red under /u,c'ause 3.2.4...2132d32#3 or 2##3, as a&&'#ca,'e. !,2,5,!, A..lic$tion /or Registr$tion or Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made to the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 6.1

829 %n a&&'#cat#on (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made at 'east 60 days ,e(ore the e5&#ry o( the reg#strat#on to ,e renewed. 8!9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude an underta7#ng ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson to com&'y w#th the cond#t#ons set out #n %rt#c'e 3.2.4... 859 +( a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on #s the a&&'#cant (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, the a&&'#cat#on sha'' set out the names and res#dence addresses o( a'' #ts &artners, d#rectors or o((#cers, as the case may ,e. 879 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n the names o( a'' &artners, d#rectors, o((#cers or em&'oyees o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, and a'' other &ersons engaged ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, who, 2a3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause #n the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on (or wh#ch the a&&'#cat#on #s made, and 2,3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 and w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or the design activities &ro$#ded to the &u,'#c ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #n the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on (or wh#ch the a&&'#cat#on #s made. 8<9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, that the &ersons re(erred to #n /entence 213 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause or 2,3. 8;9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #n such (orm and #n such deta#' as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director, that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or. !,2,5,5, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res one year a(ter #t #s #ssued ,ut the director may, (or the &ur&oses o( stagger#ng the renewa' dates o( the reg#strat#ons, #ssue the #n#t#a' reg#strat#on (or a term o( not 'ess than 90 days and not more than 1 months. !,2,5,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on #s o121. 829 ;he (ee (or a reg#stered &erson to add a new c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s o21. 8!9 ;he (ee (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s o 0. 859 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause or 2,3 #s o110. 879, 8<9 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 360!13, s. 9.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,2,5,7, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 1>, 25 8299

!,2,5,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause or 2,3 #s o110. 829 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o161, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 8!9 ;he (ee (or the add#t#on o( a new c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o31, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 859 ;he (ee (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o121, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 879 On and a(ter January 1, 2016, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 6.6

8<9 "es&#te /entence 213, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. !,2,5,<, Not Tr$ns/er$ble 819 % reg#strat#on #s not trans(era,'e. !,2,5,;, Conditions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are the cond#t#ons o( a reg#strat#on: 2a3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' carry out design activities on'y #n res&ect o( the ty&e o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e that corres&ond to the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on he'd ,y the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, there must throughout the term o( the reg#strat#on ,e an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the reg#stered &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause (or each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e that #s he'd ,y the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause or 2,3 #n res&ect o( the c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e. to wh#ch the design activities re'ate w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on that are &ro$#ded to the &u,'#c ,y the reg#stered &erson, 2d3 ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the reg#stered &erson under /entence 3.2.4. .213, the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that the (o''ow#ng &ersons ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce: 2#3 the reg#stered &erson and the &ersons descr#,ed #n )'ause 2,3 who are deemed under /entence to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates, and 2##3 &ersons descr#,ed #n )'ause 2c3 who are deemed under /entence to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 #n res&ect o( the c'ass o( reg#strat#on to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates and who w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities &ro$#ded to the &u,'#c ,y the reg#stered &erson #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on, 2e3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that a &erson descr#,ed #n )'ause 2c3 who re$#ews and ta7es res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities &ro$#ded to the &u,'#c ,y the reg#stered &erson sha'' #nc'ude the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on on any document su,m#tted to a chief building official or registered code agency #n the c#rcumstances set out #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct: 2#3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson and any reg#strat#on num,er #ssued to the reg#stered &erson ,y the director, 2##3 a statement that the &erson has re$#ewed and ta7en res&ons#,#'#ty (or the design activities, 2###3 the &ersonDs name and any #dent#(y#ng num,er #ssued to the &erson ,y the director #n res&ect o( the :ua'#(#cat#ons descr#,ed #n )'ause or 2,3 that the &erson has, and 2#$3 the &ersonDs s#gnature, 2(3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on, ,e co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2., 2g3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e$ent, not#(y the director #n wr#t#ng o(, 2#3 any change #n address o( the reg#stered &erson (or corres&ondence re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on, and 2##3 any change #n the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entences and 213, 2h3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' g#$e &rom&t wr#tten not#ce to the director o( any mater#a' change #n any o( the #n(ormat#on, other than the #n(ormat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2g3, that #s conta#ned #n or accom&an#es an a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, 2#3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', (rom t#me to t#me, at the reg#stered &ersonDs e5&ense, g#$e the director such documents or #n(ormat#on re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on or to act#$#t#es carr#ed out under the reg#strat#on as the director may reasona,'y re:u#re, and 203 the reg#stered &erson sha'' a''ow the re&resentat#$es o( the director access to the reg#stered &ersonDs ,oo7s and records dur#ng norma' ,us#ness hours (or the &ur&ose o( con(#rm#ng matters re'ated to the reg#strat#on. !,2,5,=, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause or 2,3 to e$ery &erson who #s reg#stered under /entence #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on to wh#ch the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re'ates. 6..

829 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 8!9 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the reg#stered &erson that has ,een &ro$#ded to the director. !,2,5,9, (us.ension, Re1oc$tion, Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director may, #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant or to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2,3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n contra$ent#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode, 2,3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( the reg#strat#on other than the cond#t#on set out #n )'ause 3.2.4...213 2(3, 2c3 the reg#strat#on was #ssued on the ,as#s o( m#sta7en, (a'se or #ncorrect #n(ormat#on, 2d3 the director #s o( the o&#n#on that the &ast conduct o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on, the &artners, o((#cers or d#rectors o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, a((ords reasona,'e grounds (or ,e'#e( that the ,us#ness that wou'd ,e or #s author#Ced ,y the reg#strat#on w#'' not ,e carr#ed on #n accordance w#th 'aw, 2e3 the a&&'#cat#on #s #ncom&'ete, or 2(3 any (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e rema#n un&a#d. 8!9 +( the director &ro&oses to re(use to reg#ster or renew a reg#strat#on or &ro&oses to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on under /entence 213, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the &ro&osa', together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 879 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson does not re:uest a hear#ng ,y the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the director may carry out the &ro&osa' stated #n the not#ce under /entence 233. 8<9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order d#rect the director to carry out the directorCs &ro&osa' or re(ra#n (rom carry#ng #t out and to ta7e such other act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8;9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. 8=9 /entences 233 to 2.3 do not a&&'y and the director may cance' the reg#strat#on o( a reg#stered &erson u&on rece#&t o( a re:uest #n wr#t#ng (or cance''at#on (rom the reg#stered &erson #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 899 +(, w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n /entence, the reg#stered &erson has a&&'#ed (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, &a#d the (ee re:u#red under %rt#c'e and &ro$#ded e$#dence sat#s(actory to the director that the reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. (or the term o( the renewa' o( the reg#strat#on, the reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' the ear'#est o(, 2a3 the day the reg#strat#on #s renewed, 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s ser$ed w#th not#ce that the director &ro&oses to re(use to renew the reg#strat#on, the day the t#me (or g#$#ng not#ce re:uest#ng a hear#ng e5&#res or, #( a hear#ng #s he'd, the day the Tribunal ma7es #ts order, and 2c3 the day when the reg#stered &erson ceases to ,e co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. !,2,5,1>, )$nd$tor3 (us.ension or Re1oc$tion o/ Registr$tion or Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 Registr$tion 819 ;he director sha'', #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant, 2,3 re(use to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2c3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 6.

829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are that, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s not co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2., or 2,3 an order under su,sect#on 69 223 o( the 4rovincial ;ffences Act #s #n e((ect d#rect#ng that the reg#strat#on o( the &erson ,e sus&ended and no reg#strat#on ,e #ssued to the &erson unt#' a (#ne #s &a#d. 8!9 +( the director re(uses to reg#ster an a&&'#cant, re(uses to renew a reg#strat#on or sus&ends or re$o7es a reg#strat#on under /entence 213, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the re(usa', sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on, together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on o( a reg#strat#on under /entence 213 ta7es e((ect #mmed#ate'y and the commencement o( a &roceed#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal does not stay the o&erat#on o( the sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on o( the reg#strat#on. 879 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 8<9 ;he Tribunal may, on the a&&'#cat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, stay the o&erat#on o( a dec#s#on o( the director to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on, and may grant the stay su,0ect to cond#t#ons. 8;9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 213, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order con(#rm, a'ter or re$o7e the dec#s#on o( the director to re(use to reg#ster or to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on, as the case may ,e, and may ta7e such act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8=9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. !,2,7, Ju$li/ic$tions M Ot0er #esigners !,2,7,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 223, a &erson who carr#es out design activities ,ut #s not re:u#red under /entence to ,e reg#stered w#th the director must ha$e the (o''ow#ng :ua'#(#cat#ons: 2a3 he or she sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to h#s or her 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to the ty&e o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch the &erson carr#es out design activities, 2,3 he or she sha'' (#'e the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entence w#th the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director, and 2c3 he or she sha'' #nc'ude the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on on any document res&ect#ng design activities that the &erson has re$#ewed and ta7en res&ons#,#'#ty (or and that #s su,m#tted to a chief building official or registered code agency #n the c#rcumstances set out #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct: 2#3 the &ersonDs name and any #dent#(y#ng num,er #ssued to the &erson #ssued ,y the director #n res&ect o( the :ua'#(#cat#ons descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3, 2##3 a statement that the &erson has re$#ewed and ta7en res&ons#,#'#ty (or the design activities, and 2###3 the &ersonDs s#gnature. 829 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to com&'y w#th the :ua'#(#cat#ons #n /entence 213, #( h#s or her design activities re'ate on'y to, 2a3 design activities #n res&ect o( wh#ch a &erson descr#,ed #n )'ause 3.2.4...2132c3 or who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red under /entence 213 w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty, 2,3 construction o(, 2#3 a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house owned ,y the &erson and conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house, or 2##3 an anc#''ary building that ser$es a building descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2#3, 2c3 construction o( a farm building that, 2#3 #s o( low human occupancy, 2##3 #s 2 storeys or 'ess #n building height, and 2###3 has a building area o( 'ess than 600 m2, 6.9

2d3 a sewage system to ,e constructed ,y that &erson and, 2#3 the &erson #s reg#stered under %rt#c'e, or 2##3 the sewage system #s owned ,y the &erson, 2e3 construction o( tents descr#,ed #n /entence o( "#$#s#on *, 2(3 construction o( s#gns, 2g3 construction o( s#te ser$#ces #nc'ud#ng, 2#3 sur(ace dra#nage, and 2##3 plumbing 'ocated underground, e#ther outs#de a building or under a building, 2h3 construction o( &re-eng#neered e'ements o( a building, #( the des#gn o( the e'ements #s carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n the s&ec#(#c d#sc#&'#ne a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances, 2#3 construction o( a&&'#ances, e:u#&ment and s#m#'ar #nc#denta' com&onents o( a building, 203 construction o( an anc#''ary building, 2#3 that ser$es a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house #( the house conta#ns not more than two dwelling units, and 2##3 that has a building area o( not more than 11 m2, or 273 construction o( a building (or wh#ch a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct #s a&&'#ed (or or #ssued ,e(ore January 1, 2006 and (or wh#ch construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued. 8!9 % &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses and 2,3 o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses 2132a3 and 2,3. !,2,7,2, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 +t #s a &rescr#,ed :ua'#(#cat#on (or the &ur&oses o( c'ause 223 2c3 and su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct, that, ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am to a &erson under /entence 223, the &erson to whom the not#ce #s g#$en sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce. 829 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 233 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause to e$ery &erson who #s deemed under /entence to ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram. 8!9 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 223 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 859 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 223 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the &erson that has ,een (#'ed w#th the director. !,2,7,!, In/orm$tion 819 ;he #n(ormat#on re(erred to #n )'ause,3 #s the (o''ow#ng: 2a3 the &ersonDs name, res#dence address and res#dent#a' ma#'#ng address, #( d#((erent (rom the res#dence address, and 2,3 #n(ormat#on a,out e$ery e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause that the &erson has success(u''y com&'eted, #n such (orm and #n such deta#' as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director. 829 % &erson who has (#'ed #n(ormat#on w#th the director under )'ause,3 or a &redecessor o( that &ro$#s#on sha'' ad$#se the director o( any change o( #n(ormat#on not 'ater than 11 days a(ter the change. !,2,7,5, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e u&on the (#'#ng o( #n(ormat#on under )'ause,3 #s o 0. 829 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause #s o110. 8!9 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 360!13, s. 12.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,2,7, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 1!, 25 8299

!,2,7, Ju$li/ic$tions K Ot0er #esigners 6 0

!,2,7,1, Gener$l 819 65ce&t as &ro$#ded #n /entence 233, a &erson who carr#es out design activities ,ut #s not re:u#red under /entence to ,e reg#stered w#th the director under /entence must ha$e the (o''ow#ng :ua'#(#cat#on: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director under /entence 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to com&'y w#th the :ua'#(#cat#on #n /entence 213, #( h#s or her design activities re'ate on'y to, 2a3 design activities #n res&ect o( wh#ch a &erson descr#,ed #n )'ause 3.2.4...2132c3 or who has the :ua'#(#cat#on re:u#red under /entence 213 w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty, 2,3 construction o(, 2#3 a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house owned ,y the &erson and conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house, or 2##3 an anc#''ary building that ser$es a building descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2#3, 2c3 construction o( a farm building that, 2#3 #s o( low human occupancy, 2##3 #s 2 storeys or 'ess #n building height, and 2###3 has a building area o( 'ess than 600 m2, 2d3 a sewage system to ,e constructed ,y that &erson and, 2#3 the &erson #s reg#stered under %rt#c'e, or 2##3 the sewage system #s owned ,y the &erson, 2e3 construction o( tents descr#,ed #n /entence o( "#$#s#on *, 2(3 construction o( s#gns, 2g3 construction o( s#te ser$#ces #nc'ud#ng, 2#3 sur(ace dra#nage, and 2##3 plumbing 'ocated underground, e#ther outs#de a building or under a building, 2h3 construction o( &re-eng#neered e'ements o( a building, #( the des#gn o( the e'ements #s carr#ed out ,y a &erson com&etent #n the s&ec#(#c d#sc#&'#ne a&&ro&r#ate to the c#rcumstances, 2#3 construction o( a&&'#ances, e:u#&ment and s#m#'ar #nc#denta' com&onents o( a building, 203 construction o( an anc#''ary building, 2#3 that ser$es a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house #( the house conta#ns not more than two dwelling units, and 2##3 that has a building area o( not more than 11 m2, or 273 construction o( a building (or wh#ch a &erm#t under sect#on o( the %ct #s a&&'#ed (or or #ssued ,e(ore January 1, 2006 and (or wh#ch construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued. 859 % &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence #n a category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, as they read on that date, #s deemed to ,e reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on that corres&onds to that category o( :ua'#(#cat#on unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the &erson #s reg#stered #n that c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence, and 2,3 <arch 31, 2011. !,2,7,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e 3.2.1. ., the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#strat#on, #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made. 6 1

2,3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2c3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on, a &erson who was :ua'#(#ed on "ecem,er 31, 2014 under )'auses and 2,3 #n a category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e, as they read on that date, #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 2132a3 #n that category o( :ua'#(#cat#on. 8!9 +( a &erson #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on that re'ates to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on e#ther a(ter "ecem,er 31, 2014 under /entence 3.2.1...213 or, on or ,e(ore "ecem,er 31, 2014, under /entence, as #t read on that date, and does not success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, /entence 223 ceases to a&&'y to the &erson at the end o( that &er#od. !,2,7,!, A..lic$tion /or Registr$tion or Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made to the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 %n a&&'#cat#on (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made at 'east 60 days ,e(ore the e5&#ry o( the reg#strat#on to ,e renewed. 8!9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude an underta7#ng ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson to com&'y w#th the cond#t#ons set out #n %rt#c'e 859 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'', 2a3 set out the a&&'#cantDs or reg#stered &ersonDs name, res#dence address and res#dent#a' ma#'#ng address, #( d#((erent (rom the res#dence address, and 2,3 conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause !,2,7,5, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res one year a(ter #t #s #ssued ,ut the director may, (or the &ur&oses o( stagger#ng the renewa' dates o( the reg#strat#ons, #ssue the #n#t#a' reg#strat#on (or a term o( not 'ess than 90 days and not more than 1 months. !,2,7,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause #s o110. 829 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o101, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 233 and 243 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 8!9 On and a(ter January 1, 2016, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 859 "es&#te /entence 233, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. !,2,7,<, Conditions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are the cond#t#ons o( a reg#strat#on: 2a3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' carry out design activities on'y #n res&ect o( the ty&e o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e that corres&ond to the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on he'd ,y the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 #n the case o( a reg#stered &erson who #s g#$en not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on under /entence 3.2.1...213, the &erson sha'' success(u''y com&'ete the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the &erson, 2c3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e$ent, not#(y the director #n wr#t#ng o( any change #n the #n(ormat#on set out #n )'ause, 2d3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' #nc'ude the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on on any document res&ect#ng design activities that the &erson has re$#ewed and ta7en res&ons#,#'#ty (or and that #s su,m#tted to a chief building official or registered code agency #n the c#rcumstances set out #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct: 6 2

2#3 the &ersonDs name and any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned to the &erson ,y the director #n res&ect o( the &ersonDs reg#strat#on, 2##3 a statement that the &erson has re$#ewed and ta7en res&ons#,#'#ty (or the design activities, and 2###3 the &ersonDs s#gnature. !,2,7,;, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause to e$ery &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses and 2,3 o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct. 829 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 8!9 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the &erson that has ,een (#'ed w#th the director. !,2,7,=, (us.ension, Re1oc$tion, Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director may, #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant or to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2,3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( the reg#strat#on, 2,3 the reg#strat#on was #ssued on the ,as#s o( m#sta7en, (a'se or #ncorrect #n(ormat#on, 2c3 an order under su,sect#on 69 223 o( the 4rovincial ;ffences Act #s #n e((ect d#rect#ng that the reg#strat#on o( the &erson ,e sus&ended and that no reg#strat#on ,e #ssued to that &erson unt#' a (#ne #s &a#d, 2d3 the a&&'#cat#on #s #ncom&'ete, or 2e3 any (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e rema#n un&a#d. 8!9 +( the director &ro&oses to re(use to reg#ster or renew a reg#strat#on or &ro&oses to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the &ro&osa', together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 879 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson does not re:uest a hear#ng ,y the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the director may carry out the &ro&osa' stated #n the not#ce under /entence 233. 8<9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order d#rect the director to carry out the directorCs &ro&osa' or re(ra#n (rom carry#ng #t out and to ta7e such other act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses, the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8;9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. 8=9 /entences 233 to 2.3 do not a&&'y and the director may cance' the reg#strat#on o( a reg#stered &erson u&on rece#&t o( a re:uest #n wr#t#ng (or cance''at#on (rom the reg#stered &erson #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 899 +(, w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n /entence, the reg#stered &erson has a&&'#ed (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on and &a#d the (ee re:u#red under %rt#c'e, the reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the reg#strat#on #s renewed, and 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s ser$ed w#th not#ce that the director &ro&oses to re(use to renew the reg#strat#on, the day the t#me (or g#$#ng not#ce re:uest#ng a hear#ng e5&#res or, #( a hear#ng #s he'd, the day the Tribunal ma7es #ts order. !,2,<, %ublic Register !,2,<,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he director sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y c'ause 223 2c3 and su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct. 829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery reg#stered &erson: 6 3

2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the ,us#ness address o( the reg#stered &erson, 2d3 c'asses o( reg#strat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, 2e3 the names o( the &erson or &ersons who w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities carr#ed out ,y the reg#stered &erson #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on, and 2(3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the &erson or &ersons re(erred to #n )'ause 2e3. 8!9 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery &erson '#sted #n #t who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'auses and 2,3: 2a3 the name o( the &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to that &erson, and 2c3 the categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons o( that &erson.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ubsection !,2,<, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 1!, 25 8299

!,2,<, %ublic Register !,2,<,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he d#rector sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y c'ause 223 2c3 and su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct. 829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery &erson reg#stered under /entence 2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the ,us#ness address o( the reg#stered &erson, 2d3 the c'asses o( reg#strat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, 2e3 the names o( the &erson or &ersons who w#'' re$#ew and ta7e res&ons#,#'#ty (or design activities carr#ed out ,y the reg#stered &erson #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on, and 2(3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the &erson or &ersons re(erred to #n )'ause 2e3. 8!9 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery &erson reg#stered under /entence 2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, and 2c3 the c'asses o( reg#strat#on o( the reg#stered &erson. !,2,;, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,2,;,1, Cl$sses $nd C$tegories 819 ;a,'e conta#ns the c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on. (ection !,!, Ju$li/ic$tions /or %ersons Eng$ged in t0e Business o/ Constructing On (ite, Inst$lling, Re.$iring, (er1icing, Cle$ning or Em.t3ing (e2$ge (3stems !,!,1, (co.e !,!,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 11.12 213 o( the %ct, the :ua'#(#cat#ons (or &ersons engaged #n the ,us#ness o( constructing on s#te, #nsta''#ng, re&a#r#ng, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng sewage systems. !,!,2, #e/inition !,!,2,1, #e/inition 819 +n th#s /ect#on, >reg#stered? means reg#stered under /entence !,!,!, Ju$li/ic$tions 6 4

!,!,!,1, Gener$l 819 -ersons engaged #n the ,us#ness o( constructing on s#te, #nsta''#ng, re&a#r#ng, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng sewage systems sha'' ha$e the (o''ow#ng :ua'#(#cat#on: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8!9 % &erson #s e5em&t (rom the re:u#rement to com&'y w#th the :ua'#(#cat#on #n /entence 213 #n res&ect o( the act#$#t#es o( c'ean#ng and em&ty#ng sewage systems #(, 2a3 the &erson has ,een #ssued, 2#3 ,e(ore Octo,er 31, 2011, a cert#(#cate o( a&&ro$a' under sect#on 39 o( the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act #n res&ect o( these act#$#t#es, or 2##3 on or a(ter Octo,er 31, 2011, an en$#ronmenta' com&'#ance a&&ro$a' under the 6nvironmental 4rotection Act #n res&ect o( these act#$#t#es, and 2,3 the cert#(#cate o( a&&ro$a' or the en$#ronmenta' com&'#ance a&&ro$a', as a&&'#ca,'e, has not ,een sus&ended or re$o7ed under that %ct. !,!,!,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e, the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#stered &ersonDs reg#strat#on, #(, 2a3 a'' &ersons who w#'' su&er$#se the construction on s#te, #nsta''at#on, re&a#r, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng o( sewage systems carr#ed out ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct, th#s )ode and the construction, ma#ntenance and o&erat#on o( sewage systems, 2,3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2c3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 /u,0ect to %rt#c'e, a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, #s reg#stered under /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct and com&'#es w#th the cond#t#ons o( reg#strat#on set out #n %rt#c'e 3.3.3... o( "#$#s#on ) o( that regu'at#on #s deemed to ,e reg#stered under /entence o( th#s )ode, and (or these &ur&oses, the &ersonDs reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' #ts term e5&#res. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( th#s )ode, ,ut ceases to ,e deemed to ha$e these :ua'#(#cat#ons #( the &erson does not success(u''y com&'ete a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on as re:u#red under )'ause 3.3.3...2132,3. !,!,!,!, A..lic$tion /or Registr$tion or Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made to the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 %n a&&'#cat#on (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made at 'east 60 days ,e(ore the e5&#ry o( the reg#strat#on to ,e renewed. 8!9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude an underta7#ng ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson to com&'y w#th the cond#t#ons set out #n %rt#c'e 3.3.3... 859 +( a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on #s the a&&'#cant (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, the a&&'#cat#on sha'' set out the names and res#dence addresses o( a'' #ts &artners, d#rectors or o((#cers, as the case may ,e. 879 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n the names o( a'' &artners, d#rectors, o((#cers or em&'oyees o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, and a'' other &ersons engaged ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, who, 2a3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, and 2,3 w#'' su&er$#se the construction on s#te, #nsta''at#on, re&a#r, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng o( sewage systems to ,e carr#ed out ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 8<9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, that the &ersons re(erred to #n /entence 213 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause !,!,!,5, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res 3 years a(ter the date o( #ts #ssuance.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,!,!,5, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 15, 25 8299

6 1

!,!,!,5, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res one year a(ter the date o( #ts #ssuance. 829 "es&#te /entence 213, a reg#strat#on e5&#res three years a(ter the date o( #ts #ssuance, #( the a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s made ,e(ore January 1, 2011. !,!,!,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s o10. 829 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause #s o110. 8!9, 859 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 360!13, s. 11.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,!,!,7, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 1<, 25 8299

!,!,!,7, +ees 213 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause #s o110. 223 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o101, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 233 and 243 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 8!9 On and a(ter January 1, 2016, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 859 "es&#te /entence 233, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. !,!,!,<, Not Tr$ns/er$ble 819 % reg#strat#on #s not trans(era,'e. !,!,!,;, Conditions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are the cond#t#ons o( a reg#strat#on: 2a3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that the construction on s#te, #nsta''at#on, re&a#r, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng o( sewage systems carr#ed out ,y the reg#stered &erson #s su&er$#sed ,y a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, 2,3 ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the reg#stered &erson under /entence 3.3.3. .213, the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that &ersons who are deemed under /entence to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause and who w#'' su&er$#se the construction on s#te, #nsta''at#on, re&a#r, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng o( sewage systems carr#ed out ,y the reg#stered &erson ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce, 2c3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e$ent, not#(y the director #n wr#t#ng o(, 2#3 any change #n address o( the reg#stered &erson (or corres&ondence re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on, and 2##3 any change #n the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entences and 213, 2d3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' g#$e &rom&t wr#tten not#ce to the director o( any mater#a' change #n any o( the #n(ormat#on, other than the #n(ormat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2c3, that #s conta#ned #n or accom&an#es an a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, 2e3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', (rom t#me to t#me, at the reg#stered &ersonDs e5&ense, g#$e the director such documents or #n(ormat#on re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on or to act#$#t#es carr#ed out under the reg#strat#on as the director may reasona,'y re:u#re, and 2(3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' a''ow the re&resentat#$es o( the director access to the reg#stered &ersonDs ,oo7s and records dur#ng norma' ,us#ness hours (or the &ur&ose o( con(#rm#ng matters re'ated to the reg#strat#on. !,!,!,=, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce

6 6

819 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause to e$ery &erson who #s reg#stered under /entence 829 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 8!9 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the reg#stered &erson that has ,een &ro$#ded to the director. !,!,!,9, (us.ension, Re1oc$tion, Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director may, #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant or to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2,3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n contra$ent#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode, 2,3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( the reg#strat#on, 2c3 the reg#strat#on was #ssued on the ,as#s o( m#sta7en, (a'se or #ncorrect #n(ormat#on, 2d3 the director #s o( the o&#n#on that the &ast conduct o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on, the &artners, o((#cers or d#rectors o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, a((ords reasona,'e grounds (or ,e'#e( that the ,us#ness that wou'd ,e or #s author#Ced ,y the reg#strat#on w#'' not ,e carr#ed on #n accordance w#th 'aw, 2e3 an order under su,sect#on 69 223 o( the 4rovincial ;ffences Act #s #n e((ect d#rect#ng that the reg#strat#on o( the &erson ,e sus&ended and that no reg#strat#on ,e #ssued to that &erson unt#' a (#ne #s &a#d, 2(3 the a&&'#cat#on #s #ncom&'ete, or 2g3 any (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e rema#n un&a#d. 8!9 +( the director &ro&oses to re(use to reg#ster or renew a reg#strat#on or &ro&oses to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the &ro&osa', together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 879 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson does not re:uest a hear#ng ,y the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the director may carry out the &ro&osa' stated #n the not#ce under /entence 233. 8<9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order d#rect the director to carry out the directorCs &ro&osa' or re(ra#n (rom carry#ng #t out and to ta7e such other act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8;9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. 8=9 /entences 233 to 2.3 do not a&&'y and the director may cance' the reg#strat#on o( a reg#stered &erson u&on rece#&t o( a re:uest #n wr#t#ng (or cance''at#on (rom the reg#stered &erson #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 899 +(, w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n /entence, the reg#stered &erson has a&&'#ed (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on and &a#d the (ee re:u#red under %rt#c'e, the reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' the ear'#er o(, 2a3 the day the reg#strat#on #s renewed, and 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s ser$ed w#th not#ce that the director &ro&oses to re(use to renew the reg#strat#on, the day the t#me (or g#$#ng not#ce re:uest#ng a hear#ng e5&#res or, #( a hear#ng #s he'd, the day the Tribunal ma7es #ts order. !,!,5, %ublic Register !,!,5,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he director sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y su,sect#on 11.12 213 o( the %ct. 829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery reg#stered &erson: 6 .

2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the ,us#ness address o( the reg#stered &erson, 2d3 the names o( the &erson or &ersons who w#'' su&er$#se the construction on s#te, #nsta''at#on, re&a#r, ser$#c#ng, c'ean#ng or em&ty#ng o( sewage systems carr#ed out ,y the reg#stered &erson, and 2e3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the &erson or &ersons re(erred to #n )'ause 2d3. (ection !,5, Ju$li/ic$tions /or Registered Code Agencies !,5,1, (co.e !,5,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses su,sect#on 11.11 243 o( the %ct, the :ua'#(#cat#ons that a &erson must ha$e #n order to ,e e'#g#,'e to ,e a&&o#nted as a registered code agency under the %ct. !,5,2, #e/inition !,5,2,1, #e/inition 819 +n th#s /ect#on, >reg#stered? means reg#stered under /entence !,5,!, Ju$li/ic$tions !,5,!,1, Gener$l 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are &rescr#,ed as :ua'#(#cat#ons (or &ersons to ,e a&&o#nted under the %ct as a registered code agency: 2a3 the &erson must ,e reg#stered w#th the director. 829 % reg#strat#on sha'' ,e #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. !,5,!,2, Registr$tion $nd Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, the director may reg#ster an a&&'#cant, or renew a reg#stered &ersonDs reg#strat#on, #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, #(, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, a d#rector, o((#cer, &artner or em&'oyee o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, has success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode and the &owers and dut#es o( a registered code agency, 2,3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, one or more d#rectors, o((#cers, &artners or em&'oyees o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2c3 a'' &ersons who w#'' carry out &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on act#$#t#es on ,eha'( o( the reg#stered &erson ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the e5am#nat#on &rogram adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng re'at#ng to the &ersonDs 7now'edge o( the %ct and th#s )ode #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on set out #n )o'umn 2 o( ;a,'e that corres&onds to each c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch a&&'#cat#on #s made, 2d3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson has #n &'ace a :ua'#ty management &'an re(erred to #n /entence (or carry#ng out the act#$#t#es o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson under the reg#strat#on that #s acce&ta,'e to the director, 2e3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or, 2(3 the a&&'#cat#on #s com&'ete, and 2g3 a'' (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e are &a#d. 829 /u,0ect to %rt#c'es and, a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, #s reg#stered #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct and com&'#es w#th the cond#t#ons o( reg#strat#on set out #n %rt#c'e 3.4.3... o( "#$#s#on ) o( that regu'at#on #s deemed to ,e reg#stered #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on under /entence o( th#s )ode, and (or these &ur&oses, the &ersonDs reg#strat#on #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' #ts term e5&#res. 8!9 For the &ur&oses o( a reg#strat#on or a renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, 6

2a3 a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( th#s )ode, ,ut ceases to ,e deemed to ha$e these :ua'#(#cat#ons #( the &erson does not success(u''y com&'ete a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on as re:u#red under )'ause 3.4.3...2132c3, 2,3 a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 o( th#s )ode #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on, ,ut ceases to ,e deemed to ha$e these :ua'#(#cat#ons #( the &erson does not success(u''y com&'ete a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on as re:u#red under )'ause 3.4.3...2132c3, and 2c3 a &erson who, on "ecem,er 31, 2013, has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on ) o( Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s deemed to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause o( th#s )ode #n the c'ass o( reg#strat#on, ,ut ceases to ,e deemed to ha$e these :ua'#(#cat#ons #( the &erson does not success(u''y com&'ete a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on as re:u#red under /entence 3...4.2.223. !,5,!,!, A..lic$tion /or Registr$tion or Rene2$l o/ $ Registr$tion 819 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made to the director #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 829 %n a&&'#cat#on (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' ,e made at 'east 60 days ,e(ore the e5&#ry o( the reg#strat#on to ,e renewed. 8!9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude a :ua'#ty management &'an (or carry#ng out the act#$#t#es o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson under the reg#strat#on, #nc'ud#ng, w#thout '#m#tat#on, 2a3 &rocedures re'at#ng to the commencement o( act#$#t#es as a registered code agency, #nc'ud#ng &rocedures to $er#(y that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s :ua'#(#ed to underta7e the act#$#t#es and to $er#(y that there e5#sts no con('#ct o( #nterest w#th#n the mean#ng o( /entence 3...2.1.243, 2,3 #dent#(#cat#on o( the res&ons#,#'#t#es o( &ersons who w#'' carry out &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on act#$#t#es o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson and &rocedures (or the su&er$#s#on o( those &ersons, 2c3 &rocedures (or assess#ng &'ans and s&ec#(#cat#ons (or con(orm#ty w#th th#s )ode, #nc'ud#ng &rocedures (or the assessment o( alternative solutions, 2d3 &rocedures (or #ns&ect#ng the construction o( buildings, 2e3 &rocedures (or rece#&t o( not#ces that construction #s ready (or #ns&ect#on and o( wr#tten re&orts (rom architects and professional engineers ar#s#ng out o( the genera' re$#ew o( the construction o( buildings, 2(3 &rocedures (or the #ssuance o( cert#(#cates and orders under the %ct, #nc'ud#ng the res&ons#,#'#ty o( the &ersons w#th the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n /entences 3...4.3.213 and 223, 2g3 &rocedures (or re(erra' o( matters to a chief building official under su,sect#on 14 213 o( the %ct, 2h3 &rocedures (or &art#c#&at#on o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #n &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the *u#'d#ng )ode )omm#ss#on under sect#on 24 o( the %ct and ,e(ore the /u&er#or )ourt o( Just#ce under sect#on 21 o( the %ct, 2#3 &rocedures (or document#ng the act#$#t#es o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson under the reg#strat#on, #nc'ud#ng data contro', records retent#on and the ma#ntenance o( secur#ty and con(#dent#a'#ty o( records, and trans(err#ng records to the principal authority, 203 &rocedures (or tra#n#ng and su&er$#s#on o( &ersonne', and 273 &rocedures (or the re$#ew and u&dat#ng o( the :ua'#ty management &'an. 859 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' #nc'ude an underta7#ng ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson to com&'y w#th the cond#t#ons set out #n %rt#c'e 3.4.3... 879 +( a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on #s the a&&'#cant (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, the a&&'#cat#on sha'' set out the names and res#dence addresses o( a'' #ts &artners, d#rectors or o((#cers, as the case may ,e. 8<9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n the names o( a'' &artners, d#rectors, o((#cers or em&'oyees o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, and a'' other &ersons engaged ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, who, 2a3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, 2,3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 #n the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on (or wh#ch the a&&'#cat#on #s made, and

6 9

2c3 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause #n the c'ass or c'asses o( reg#strat#on (or wh#ch the a&&'#cat#on #s made and w#'' e5erc#se &owers and &er(orm (unct#ons under the %ct on ,eha'( o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #n that c'ass o( reg#strat#on. 8;9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, that the &ersons re(erred to #n /entence 263 ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3. 8=9 %n a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on sha'' conta#n e$#dence, &ro$#ded ,y the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #n such (orm and #n such deta#' as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director, that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on a&&'#ed (or. !,5,!,5, Term 819 % reg#strat#on e5&#res one year a(ter the date o( #ts #ssuance. !,5,!,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on #s o300. 829 ;he (ee (or the add#t#on o( a new c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s o10. 8!9 ;he (ee (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s o220. 859 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3 #s o110. 879, 8<9 R6HOZ6": O. Reg. 360!13, s. 19.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, Article !,5,!,7, is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 2>, 25 8299

!,5,!,7, +ees 819 ;he (ee &aya,'e (or an a&&'#cat#on to ta7e an e5am#nat#on that #s &art o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3 #s o110. 829 ;he (ee (or a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o391, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 8!9 ;he (ee (or the add#t#on o( a new c'ass o( reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o61, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 859 ;he (ee (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on #s, 2a3 o290, (or 2011, and 2,3 the amount determ#ned #n accordance w#th /entences 213 and 263 rounded to the nearest do''ar, (or 2016 and su,se:uent ca'endar years. 879 On and a(ter January 1, 2016, the (ee (or a ca'endar year #s the (ee (or the &re$#ous ca'endar year ad0usted ,y the &ercentage change (rom year to year #n the )onsumer -r#ce +nde5 (or Ontar#o 2%''-+tems3 as re&orted month'y ,y /tat#st#cs )anada under the author#ty o( the Statistics Act 2)anada3, a$eraged o$er the 12-month &er#od that ends on <arch 31 o( the &re$#ous ca'endar year, rounded to the (#rst dec#ma' &o#nt. 8<9 "es&#te /entence 213, #( the &ercentage change resu'ts #n a negat#$e amount, the (ee (or a ca'endar year sha'' rema#n at the same 'e$e' as the &re$#ous ca'endar year. !,5,!,<, Not Tr$ns/er$ble 819 % reg#strat#on #s not trans(era,'e. !,5,!,;, Conditions 819 ;he (o''ow#ng are the cond#t#ons o( a reg#strat#on: 2a3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' carry out act#$#t#es under the reg#strat#on #n accordance w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on there must ,e,


2#3 an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the reg#stered &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, and 2##3 one or more o((#cers, d#rectors, &artners or em&'oyees o( the reg#stered &erson who ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 #n res&ect o( each c'ass o( reg#strat#on that #s he'd ,y the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 ,y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the reg#stered &erson under /entence 3.4.3. .213, the reg#stered &erson sha'' ensure that the &ersons who are deemed under )'ause or 2,3 to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause or 2,3, as a&&'#ca,'e, ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce, 2d3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', dur#ng the term o( the reg#strat#on, ,e co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2., 2e3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e$ent, not#(y the director #n wr#t#ng o(, 2#3 any change #n address o( the reg#stered &erson (or corres&ondence re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on, and 2##3 any change #n the #n(ormat#on set out #n /entences and 263 , 2(3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' g#$e &rom&t wr#tten not#ce to the director o( any mater#a' change #n any o( the #n(ormat#on, other than the #n(ormat#on re(erred to #n )'ause 2e3, that #s conta#ned #n or accom&an#es an a&&'#cat#on (or reg#strat#on or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, 2g3 the reg#stered &erson sha'', (rom t#me to t#me, at the reg#stered &ersonDs e5&ense, g#$e to the director such documents or #n(ormat#on re'at#ng to the reg#strat#on or to act#$#t#es carr#ed out under the reg#strat#on as the director may reasona,'y re:u#re, and 2h3 the reg#stered &erson sha'' a''ow the re&resentat#$es o( the director access to the reg#stered &ersonDs ,oo7s and records dur#ng norma' ,us#ness hours (or the &ur&ose o( con(#rm#ng matters re'ated to the reg#strat#on. !,5,!,=, Ino2ledge )$inten$nce 819 ;he director sha'' g#$e not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on adm#n#stered or author#Ced ,y the <#n#stry o( <un#c#&a' %((a#rs and =ous#ng #n res&ect o( changes descr#,ed #n /entence 223 that re'ate to the su,0ect matter o( an e5am#nat#on &rogram re(erred to #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3 to e$ery &erson who #s reg#stered under /entence 213 #n a c'ass o( reg#strat#on set out #n )o'umn 1 o( ;a,'e to wh#ch the e5am#nat#on re'ates. 829 ;he changes re(erred to #n /entence 213 are changes made to the %ct and Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 (rom "ecem,er 31, 2006 to "ecem,er 31, 2013 and changes made at the t#me that regu'at#on #s re&'aced ,y th#s )ode on January 1, 2014. 8!9 ;he director may g#$e the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 213 ,y send#ng #t ,y regu'ar ma#' to the 'ast address o( the reg#stered &erson that has ,een &ro$#ded to the director. !,5,!,9, (us.ension, Re1oc$tion, Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director may, #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant, 2,3 re(use to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2c3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are, 2a3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n contra$ent#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode, 2,3 the reg#stered &erson #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( the reg#strat#on other than the cond#t#on set out #n )'ause 3.4.3...213 2d3, 2c3 the reg#strat#on was #ssued on the ,as#s o( m#sta7en, (a'se or #ncorrect #n(ormat#on, 2d3 the director #s o( the o&#n#on that the &ast conduct o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson or, #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s a &artnersh#& or a cor&orat#on, the &artners, o((#cers or d#rectors o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, as the case may ,e, a((ords reasona,'e grounds (or ,e'#e( that the ,us#ness that wou'd ,e or #s author#Ced ,y the reg#strat#on w#'' not ,e carr#ed on #n accordance w#th 'aw, 2e3 the director #s o( the o&#n#on that there are reasona,'e grounds (or ,e'#e( that the act#$#t#es o( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson are or w#'' ,e carr#ed on #n a manner that &oses a threat to &u,'#c sa(ety, 2(3 the a&&'#cat#on #s #ncom&'ete, or 2g3 any (ees re:u#red under %rt#c'e rema#n un&a#d. 691

8!9 +( the director &ro&oses to re(use to reg#ster or renew a reg#strat#on or &ro&oses to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on under /entence 213, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the &ro&osa', together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 879 +( an a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson does not re:uest a hear#ng ,y the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the director may carry out the &ro&osa' stated #n the not#ce under /entence 233. 8<9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 243, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order d#rect the director to carry out the directorCs &ro&osa' or re(ra#n (rom carry#ng #t out and to ta7e such other act#on as the Tribunal cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or those &ur&oses the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8;9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. 8=9 % &ro&osa' to sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on ,y reason o( )'ause 2232e3 ta7es e((ect #mmed#ate'y and the commencement o( a &roceed#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal does not stay the o&erat#on o( the &ro&osa' to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on. 899 ;he Tribunal may, on the a&&'#cat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, stay the o&erat#on o( the &ro&osa' o( the director to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on, and may grant the stay su,0ect to cond#t#ons. 81>9 /entences 233 to 293 do not a&&'y and the director may cance' the reg#strat#on o( a reg#stered &erson u&on rece#&t o( a re:uest #n wr#t#ng (or cance''at#on (rom the reg#stered &erson #n a (orm esta,'#shed ,y the director. 8119 /u,0ect to /entence 2 3, #( w#th#n the t#me &er#od set out #n /entence a reg#stered &erson has a&&'#ed (or renewa' o( a reg#strat#on, &a#d the (ee re:u#red under %rt#c'e and &ro$#ded e$#dence sat#s(actory to the director that the reg#stered &erson #s co$ered ,y #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. (or the term o( the renewa' o( the reg#strat#on, the reg#strat#on #s deemed to cont#nue unt#' the ear'#est o(, 2a3 the day the reg#strat#on #s renewed, 2,3 #( the reg#stered &erson #s ser$ed w#th not#ce that the director &ro&oses to re(use to renew the reg#strat#on, the day the t#me (or g#$#ng not#ce re:uest#ng a hear#ng e5&#res or, #( a hear#ng #s he'd, the day the Tribunal ma7es #ts order, and 2c3 the day when the reg#stered &erson ceases to ,e co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2. !,5,!,1>, )$nd$tor3 (us.ension or Re1oc$tion o/ Registr$tion or Re/us$l to Register or Rene2 $ Registr$tion 819 ;he director sha'', #n the c#rcumstances set out #n /entence 223, 2a3 re(use to reg#ster an a&&'#cant, 2,3 re(use to renew a reg#strat#on, or 2c3 sus&end or re$o7e a reg#strat#on. 829 ;he c#rcumstances re(erred to #n /entence 213 are that, 2a3 the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s not co$ered ,y the #nsurance re:u#red under /u,sect#on 3.6.2., or 2,3 an order under su,sect#on 69 223 o( the 4rovincial ;ffences Act #s #n e((ect d#rect#ng that the reg#strat#on o( the &erson ,e sus&ended and no reg#strat#on ,e #ssued to that &erson unt#' a (#ne #s &a#d. 8!9 +( the director re(uses to reg#ster an a&&'#cant, re(uses to renew a reg#strat#on or sus&ends or re$o7es a reg#strat#on under /entence 213, the director sha'' ser$e a not#ce o( the re(usa', sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on, together w#th the reasons (or #t, on the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson. 859 % sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on o( a reg#strat#on under /entence 213 ta7es e((ect #mmed#ate'y and the commencement o( a &roceed#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal does not stay the o&erat#on o( the sus&ens#on or re$ocat#on o( the reg#strat#on. 879 ;he Tribunal may, on the a&&'#cat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, stay the o&erat#on o( a dec#s#on o( the director to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on, and may ma7e the stay su,0ect to cond#t#ons. 8<9 % not#ce under /entence 233 sha'' state that the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson #s ent#t'ed to a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson, w#th#n 11 days a(ter ser$#ce o( the not#ce re(erred to #n /entence 233, ser$es the director and the Tribunal w#th not#ce #n wr#t#ng re:uest#ng a hear#ng. 8;9 +( the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson re:uests a hear#ng ,e(ore the Tribunal #n accordance w#th /entence 263, the Tribunal sha'' a&&o#nt a t#me (or and ho'd a hear#ng and may ,y order con(#rm, a'ter or re$o7e the dec#s#on o( the director to re(use to reg#ster or to sus&end or re$o7e the reg#strat#on, as the case may ,e, and may ta7e such act#on as the Tribunal 692

cons#ders the director ought to ta7e #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode, and (or such &ur&oses the Tribunal may su,st#tute #ts o&#n#on (or that o( the director. 8=9 ;he director, the a&&'#cant or reg#stered &erson who re:uested the hear#ng, and such other &ersons as the Tribunal may s&ec#(y, are &art#es to &roceed#ngs ,e(ore the Tribunal. !,5,5, %ublic Register !,5,5,1, %ublic Register 819 ;he director sha'' esta,'#sh and ma#nta#n a reg#ster a$a#'a,'e to the &u,'#c that '#sts e$ery &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons re:u#red ,y su,sect#on 11.11 243 o( the %ct. 829 ;he reg#ster re(erred to #n /entence 213 sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on w#th res&ect to e$ery reg#stered &erson: 2a3 the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2,3 any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 the ,us#ness address o( the reg#stered &erson, 2d3 the c'asses o( reg#strat#on o( the reg#stered &erson, and 2e3 the names o( any &ersons who w#'' e5erc#se &owers and &er(orm (unct#ons under the %ct on ,eha'( o( the reg#stered &erson #n each c'ass o( reg#strat#on and any #dent#(y#ng num,er ass#gned ,y the director to that &erson. !,5,7, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,5,7,1, Cl$sses $nd C$tegories 819 ;a,'e conta#ns the c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or the &ur&oses o( th#s /ect#on. (ection !,7, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,7,1, (co.e !,7,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on sets out c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or the &ur&oses o( /ect#ons 3.1., 3.2., 3.4. and 3... !,7,2, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions !,7,2,1, Ins.ectors $nd %ersons 60o C$rr3 out #esign Acti1ities 819 ;a,'e sets out the c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or &ersons who carry out design activities and the categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or inspectors.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (entence 819 is $mended b3 striAing out t0e .ortion be/ore t0e T$ble $nd substituting t0e /ollo2ing& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 22 819, 25 8299

!,7,2,1, Ins.ectors $nd %ersons 60o C$rr3 out #esign Acti1ities 819 ;a,'e sets out the c'asses o( reg#strat#on and categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or inspectors and &ersons who carry out design activities. T$ble !,7,2,1, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions /or Ins.ectors $nd %ersons 60o C$rr3 out #esign Acti1ities 819

Form#ng -art o( /entence

+tem )o'umn 1 )'asses o( Reg#strat#on (or -ersons 6ngaged #n the *us#ness o( -ro$#d#ng +esign Activities to the -u,'#c )'asses o( Reg#strat#on (or /nspectors and -ersons 8ho )arry out +esign Activities =ouse )o'umn 2 )o'umn 3 )ategor#es o( Mua'#(#cat#ons (or ;y&e o( $uilding /nspectors and -ersons "escr#,ed #n )'auses and 2,3 and



2a3 % detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house and the building systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems a&&urtenant to these buildings, #nc'ud#ng: 2,3 an anc#''ary building that ser$es the building, and



/ma'' $uildings

/ma'' $uildings


Large $uildings

Large $uildings

4. 1.

)om&'e5 $uildings 4lumbing N =ouse

)om&'e5 $uildings 4lumbing - =ouse


4lumbing - %'' $uildings

4lumbing - %'' $uildings


=H%) N =ouse

=H%) N =ouse

$uilding /er$#ces

$uilding /er$#ces


$uilding /tructura'

$uilding /tructura'


On-s#te Sewage Systems

On-s#te Sewage Systems

e5c'ud#ng: 2c3 buildings and &arts o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( any o( +tems 1, 6, ., , 10 and 11 o( th#s ;a,'e. 2a3 $uildings descr#,ed #n /entence o( "#$#s#on % and the building systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems a&&urtenant to these buildings, #nc'ud#ng: 2,3 buildings and &arts o( buildings, 2#3 descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( +tem 1 o( th#s ;a,'e, or 2##3 to wh#ch any o( /ect#ons 3.10., 3.11., 3.12., 3.14. and 3.11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'y and that are a&&urtenant to or ser$e buildings descr#,ed #n )'ause 2a3, e5c'ud#ng: 2c3 buildings and &arts o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( any o( +tems 4 to 10 o( th#s ;a,'e, and 2d3 s#gns descr#,ed #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on %. 2a3 $uildings descr#,ed #n /entence, 233 or 243 o( "#$#s#on % and the building systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems a&&urtenant to these buildings, e5c'ud#ng: 2,3 buildings and &arts o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( any o( +tems 4 to 11 o( th#s ;a,'e, and 2c3 s#gns descr#,ed #n )'ause o( "#$#s#on %. $uilding systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems to wh#ch /u,sect#on 3.2.6. o( "#$#s#on * or any &ro$#s#on #n %rt#c'es 3.2. .3. to 3.2. .11. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es. %'' plumbing systems to wh#ch -art . o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es that are a&&urtenant to a building that #s a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house. 2a3 %'' plumbing systems to wh#ch -art . o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es, #nc'ud#ng: 2,3 buildings and &arts o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( +tem 1 o( th#s ;a,'e. %'' building systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems to wh#ch /ect#on 9.32. or 9.33. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es that are a&&urtenant to a building that #s a detached house, sem#-detached house, townhouse or row house conta#n#ng not more than two dwelling units #n each house. 2a3 $uilding systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems that are a&&urtenant to buildings descr#,ed #n /entence, 233 or 243 or /entence o( "#$#s#on % and that re'ate to (#re su&&ress#on, (#re detect#on, smo7e contro', e5haust, $ert#ca' mo$ement o( smo7e, energy e((#c#ency, '#ght#ng and emergency &ower, and 2,3 building systems, wor7s, (#5tures and ser$#ce systems a&&urtenant to buildings to wh#ch -art 6 o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es or to wh#ch /ect#on 9.32. or 9.33. o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es, #nc'ud#ng: 2c3 buildings and &arts o( buildings descr#,ed #n )o'umn 3 o( +tem . or 11 o( th#s ;a,'e. +nterna' and e5terna' loadbearing structura' e'ements essent#a' to the sta,#'#ty or strength o( a building descr#,ed #n /entence or o( "#$#s#on % and that res#st dead loads or live loads #nc'ud#ng, ,ut not '#m#ted to, foundations, ('oors, wa''s, roo(s, co'umns and ,eams. Sewage systems to wh#ch -art o( "#$#s#on * a&&'#es.



"etect#on, L#ght#ng and -ower

"etect#on, L#ght#ng and -ower


F#re -rotect#on

F#re -rotect#on

6ar'y warn#ng and e'ectr#ca' systems #nc'ud#ng systems a&&urtenant to buildings descr#,ed #n /entence or o( "#$#s#on % and that re'ate to (#re a'arm and detect#on systems, $o#ce commun#cat#on systems, '#ght#ng systems, emergency '#ght#ng systems or emergency &ower systems (or building ser$#ces #n a'' buildings. F#re su&&ress#on, (#re detect#on, (#re(#ght#ng and (#re sa(ety systems a&&urtenant to buildings descr#,ed #n /entence or /entence o( "#$#s#on %.

Notes to T$ble !,7,2,1,&


%n inspector :ua'#(#ed #n one category o( :ua'#(#cat#on may carry out &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on #n another category where to do so does not const#tute a su,stant#a' &art o( the &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on on any &ro0ect.

% &erson reg#stered #n one c'ass o( reg#strat#on or a &erson :ua'#(#ed #n one category o( :ua'#(#cat#on may carry out design activities #n another c'ass or category where to do so does not const#tute a su,stant#a' &art o( the design activities on any &ro0ect.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, t0e 0e$ding to Column 1 is re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 22 8!9, 25 8299 Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, t0e 0e$ding to Column 2 is $mended b3 striAing out B!,2,7,1,8198$9C $nd substituting B!,2,7,2,8198$9C, 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 22 859, 25 8299 Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, t0e Notes to T$ble !,7,2,1, $re re1oAed $nd t0e /ollo2ing substituted& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<>"1!, ss, 22 879, 25 8299 Notes to T$ble !,7,2,1,&

213 %n inspector reg#stered #n one c'ass o( reg#strat#on may carry out &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on #n another c'ass where to do so does not const#tute a su,stant#a' &art o( the &'ans re$#ew or #ns&ect#on on any &ro0ect. 223 % &erson reg#stered #n one c'ass o( reg#strat#on may carry out design activities #n another c'ass where to do so does not const#tute a su,stant#a' &art o( the design activities on any &ro0ect. !,7,2,2, Registered Code Agencies 819 ;a,'e sets out the c'asses o( reg#strat#on (or registered code agencies and the categor#es o( :ua'#(#cat#ons (or &ersons descr#,ed #n )'auses to 2c3. T$ble !,7,2,2, Cl$sses o/ Registr$tion $nd C$tegories o/ Ju$li/ic$tions /or Registered Code Agencies Form#ng -art o( /entence
+tem 1. )o'umn 1 )'asses o( Reg#strat#on (or 1egistered %ode Agencies =ouse )o'umn 2 )ategory o( Mua'#(#cat#on (or -ersons "escr#,ed #n )'auses to 2c3 =ouse 4lumbing - =ouse =H%) N =ouse On-/#te Sewage Systems /ma'' $uildings 4lumbing - %'' $uildings $uilding /er$#ces $uilding /tructura' On-/#te Sewage Systems Large $uildings 4lumbing - All $uildings $uilding /er$#ces $uilding /tructura' On-s#te Sewage Systems )om&'e5 $uildings 4lumbing - %'' $uildings $uilding /er$#ces $uilding /tructura' On-s#te Sewage Systems On-s#te Sewage Systems )o'umn 3 ;y&e o( $uilding Re(erence to ;a,'e )o'umn 3 o( +tem 1 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 1 )o'umn 3 o( +tem . )o'umn 3 o( +tem 10 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 2 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 6 )o'umn 3 o( +tem )o'umn 3 o( +tem 9 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 10 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 3 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 6 )o'umn 3 o( +tem )o'umn 3 o( +tem 9 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 10 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 4 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 6 )o'umn 3 o( +tem )o'umn 3 o( +tem 9 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 10 )o'umn 3 o( +tem 10


/ma'' $uildings


Large $uildings


)om&'e5 $uildings


On-s#te Sewage Systems

(ection !,<, Insur$nce !,<,1, (co.e 691

!,<,1,1, (co.e 819 ;h#s /ect#on &rescr#,es, (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 11.13 213 o( the %ct, the #nsurance co$erage that registered code agencies and &ersons re(erred to #n su,sect#on 11.11 213 o( the %ct must ha$e. !,<,2, Insur$nce /or Registered Code Agencies $nd %ersons Re/erred to in (ubsection 17,11 879 o/ t0e Act !,<,2,1, #e/inition 819 +n th#s /u,sect#on, >reg#stered &erson? means a &erson who #s reg#stered under /entence or !,<,2,2, (co.e 819 6$ery reg#stered &erson sha'' ha$e #nsurance co$erage under an #nsurance &o'#cy that sat#s(#es the re:u#rements set out #n %rt#c'e !,<,2,!, Insur$nce Co1er$ge 819 ;he #nsurance &o'#cy, 2a3 sha'' #ndemn#(y the reg#stered &erson aga#nst '#a,#'#ty #m&osed ,y 'aw ar#s#ng out o( the &er(ormance o( or the (a#'ure to &er(orm ser$#ces as a reg#stered &erson dur#ng any t#me wh#'e the &erson #s reg#stered under /entence or (or c'a#ms that are (#rst made and re&orted to the #nsurer dur#ng the &er#od o( #nsurance or dur#ng any e5tended re&ort#ng &er#od re:u#red ,y )'ause 2132c3, 2,3 sha'' set out the name o( the reg#stered &erson, 2c3 #n the case o( a registered code agency reg#stered under /entence, 2#3 sha'' re:u#re an e5tended re&ort#ng &er#od o( two years (or the &ur&oses o( g#$#ng not#ce o( any c'a#m or occurrence that the registered code agency cou'd reasona,'y (oresee m#ght g#$e r#se to a c'a#m, w#th res&ect to an e$ent that occurs &r#or to the &erson ceas#ng to ,e #nsured, 2##3 sha'' &ro$#de that the e5tended re&ort#ng &er#od descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2#3 sha'' commence on the day the registered code agency ceases to ,e #nsured, and 2###3 sha'' re:u#re the registered code agency to ma7e (u'' &ayment o( a'' &rem#ums (or the e5tended re&ort#ng &er#od re(erred to #n /u,c'ause 2#3 as &art o( the &rem#ums (or the #ssuance o( the #nsurance &o'#cy, 2d3 sha'' &ro$#de (or #nsurance co$erage to commence, 2#3 on the date the reg#stered &erson ,ecomes reg#stered, or 2##3 #n the case o( a reg#stered &erson &re$#ous'y #nsured #n accordance w#th th#s %rt#c'e, on the e5&#ry o( the &re$#ous &o'#cy, 2e3 sha'' re:u#re the #nsurer to &ro$#de &rom&t wr#tten not#ce to the director #( the &o'#cy #s dec'ared $o#d (or mater#a' m#sre&resentat#on, 2(3 sha'' s&ec#(y a '#m#t o( #ndemn#ty (or any one c'a#m and #n the aggregate dur#ng any one &er#od o( #nsurance that #s not 'ess than, 2#3 #n the case o( &ersons reg#stered under /entence, 2%3 o1,000,000 &er c'a#m and o2,000,000 #n the aggregate, #( the &erson ,#''ed o100,000 or more #n (ees #n the 12 months #mmed#ate'y ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, 2*3 o100,000 &er c'a#m and o1,000,000 #n the aggregate, #( the &erson ,#''ed more than o10,000 and 'ess than o100,000 #n (ees #n the 12 months #mmed#ate'y ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, 2)3 o210,000 &er c'a#m and o100,000 #n the aggregate, #( the &erson ,#''ed o10,000 or 'ess #n (ees #n the 12 months #mmed#ate'y ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, or 2"3 the '#m#ts o( #ndemn#ty (or any one c'a#m and #n the aggregate that are set out #n /u,-su,c'ause 2%3, 2*3 or 2)3, as determ#ned ,y re(erence to the &ersonDs est#mated (ees ,#''#ngs (or the 12-month &er#od #mmed#ate'y a(ter the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, #( the &erson has ,een reg#stered 'ess than one year ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, and 2##3 #n the case o( a registered code agency reg#stered under /entence, o1,000,000 &er c'a#m and o2,000,000 #n the aggregate, e5ce&t that those '#m#ts sha'' a&&'y e5c'us#$e'y to the e5erc#se o( the &owers and &er(ormance o( the dut#es o( a registered code agency under the %ct and sha'' ,e #n add#t#on to any #nsurance a&&'#ca,'e to any other act#$#t#es carr#ed on ,y the registered code agency,


2g3 sha'' &ro$#de that any costs and e5&enses necessar#'y #ncurred ,y the #nsurer #n the #n$est#gat#on, de(ence or sett'ement o( c'a#ms under the &o'#cy sha'' not ,e &art o( the '#m#t o( #ndemn#ty set out #n )'ause 2(3 un'ess the '#m#t o( #ndemn#ty (rom any one c'a#m e5ceeds o2,000,000, 2h3 sha'' not &ro$#de that the #nsured sha'' ,e res&ons#,'e (or the (#rst &ort#on o( any sum that the #nsured ,ecomes 'ega''y '#a,'e to &ay #n res&ect o( a c'a#m made aga#nst h#m, her or #t #n res&ect o( any one c'a#m or occurrence #n an amount e5ceed#ng the 'esser o(, 2#3 o.0,000, and 2##3 1F o(, 2%3 the amount o( (ees ,#''ed ,y the #nsured #n the 12 months #mmed#ate'y ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, or 2*3 the amount o( the #nsuredDs est#mated (ees ,#''#ngs (or the 12-month &er#od #mmed#ate'y a(ter the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, #( the #nsured has ,een reg#stered under /entence 'ess than one year ,e(ore the #ssuance o( the &o'#cy, 2#3 sha'' &ro$#de that #t cannot ,e cance''ed ,y the #nsured un'ess, 2#3 the #nsured #mmed#ate'y re&'aces the &o'#cy w#th another &o'#cy that sat#s(#es the re:u#rements o( th#s %rt#c'e, 2##3 the #nsurer has g#$en not#ce #n wr#t#ng o( the &ro&osed cance''at#on to the director, and 2###3 the not#ce descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2##3 was rece#$ed ,y the director at 'east 30 days ,e(ore the day the &o'#cy #s cance''ed, 203 sha'' &ro$#de that #t cannot ,e cance''ed ,y the #nsurer un'ess, 2#3 #t #s cance''ed (or non-&ayment o( a &rem#um, 2##3 the #nsurer has g#$en not#ce #n wr#t#ng o( the &ro&osed cance''at#on to the director, and 2###3 the not#ce descr#,ed #n /u,c'ause 2##3 was sent to the director at 'east 30 days ,e(ore the day the &o'#cy #s cance''ed, 273 sha'' &ro$#de (or the cont#nuat#on o( co$erage #( the #nsured #s ad0udged a ,an7ru&t, #nso'$ent, #ncom&etent or d#es dur#ng the &er#od o( #nsurance, and 2'3 may &ro$#de that co$erage ,e su,0ect to such e5c'us#ons and cond#t#ons and otherw#se on such terms as are cons#stent w#th norma' #nsurance #ndustry &ract#ce (rom t#me to t#me. (ection !,;, Registered Code Agencies !,;,1, 60en $ Registered Code Agenc3 m$3 not be A..ointed under (ection 5,1 o/ t0e Act !,;,1,1, Agreements 819 % registered code agency may not ,e a&&o#nted under su,sect#on 4.1 223 o( the %ct, un'ess the agreement entered #nto ,etween a principal authority and the registered code agency com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements set out #n /entences 223 and 233. 829 %n agreement descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e made #n wr#t#ng, 2,3 s&ec#(y the (unct#ons that the registered code agency #s author#Ced to &er(orm, 2c3 s&ec#(y the construction o( the building or c'ass o( buildings #n res&ect o( wh#ch the (unct#ons w#'' ,e &er(ormed, 2d3 set out the &rocedure ,y wh#ch the principal authority w#'' a&&o#nt the registered code agency to &er(orm s&ec#(#ed (unct#ons #n res&ect o( the construction o( a building or c'ass o( buildings, 2e3 re:u#re that the registered code agency carry out #ts (unct#ons under the agreement #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, and 2(3 &ro$#de (or the &ro$#s#on ,y the principal authority to the registered code agency o( such &'ans, s&ec#(#cat#ons and other #n(ormat#on, #nc'ud#ng a&&'#cat#ons (or &erm#ts, that the registered code agency may re:u#re #n order to act under the a&&o#ntment. 8!9 %n agreement descr#,ed #n /entence 213, 2a3 may conta#n &ro$#s#ons #n add#t#on to the &ro$#s#ons re:u#red under /entence 223 #( the add#t#ona' &ro$#s#ons are not #ncons#stent w#th the &ro$#s#ons re:u#red under that /entence, and 2,3 sha'' not conta#n any &ro$#s#on that re'ates to the construction o( buildings (or a c'ass o( reg#strat#on (or wh#ch the registered code agency #s not reg#stered under /entence 69.

!,;,1,2, A..ointments 819 % registered code agency may not ,e a&&o#nted under su,sect#on 4.1 223 o( the %ct un'ess the a&&o#ntment com&'#es w#th the re:u#rements o( /entences 223 and 233. 829 %n a&&o#ntment descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'', 2a3 ,e made #n wr#t#ng, 2,3 s&ec#(y the construction o( the building or c'ass o( buildings #n res&ect o( wh#ch the a&&o#ntment re'ates, 2c3 s&ec#(y the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n sect#on 11.11 o( the %ct that the registered code agency #s a&&o#nted to &er(orm, and 2d3 re:u#re that the registered code agency carry out #ts (unct#ons under the a&&o#ntment #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause 8!9 %n a&&o#ntment descr#,ed #n /entence 213 may conta#n &ro$#s#ons #n add#t#on to the &ro$#s#ons re:u#red under /entence 223 #( the add#t#ona' &ro$#s#ons are not #ncons#stent w#th the &ro$#s#ons re:u#red under that /entence. !,;,2, 60en $ Registered Code Agenc3 m$3 not be A..ointed or Continue to Act under $n A..ointment !,;,2,1, Gener$l 819 % registered code agency may not ,e a&&o#nted to &er(orm (unct#ons under sect#on 11.11 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( a building or cont#nue to act under an a&&o#ntment #n res&ect o( a building #( the registered code agency, 2a3 #s not reg#stered under /entence #n res&ect o( the c'ass o( reg#strat#on to wh#ch the construction o( the building re'ates, or 2,3 #s #n ,reach o( a cond#t#on o( #ts reg#strat#on under %rt#c'e 3.4.3... 829 8here the des#gn and genera' re$#ew o( construction o( a building must ,e underta7en ,y an architect or professional engineer or ,oth, a registered code agency may not ,e a&&o#nted to &er(orm (unct#ons under sect#on 11.11 o( the %ct or cont#nue to act under an a&&o#ntment #n res&ect o( the construction o( the building un'ess the registered code agency or an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the registered code agency #s an architect or professional engineer or ,oth, as the case may ,e. 8!9 % registered code agency may not ,e a&&o#nted under the %ct or cont#nue to act under an a&&o#ntment #( the registered code agency wou'd ,e #n a con('#ct o( #nterest. 859 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 233, a registered code agency wou'd ,e #n a con('#ct o( #nterest #( the registered code agency or an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the registered code agency or any &erson engaged ,y the registered code agency to &er(orm (unct#ons (or #t, 2a3 has &art#c#&ated or &art#c#&ates, #n any ca&ac#ty, #n design activities or construction re'at#ng to any &art o( the building to wh#ch an a&&o#ntment re'ates, 2,3 #s or has ,een em&'oyed w#th#n the &re$#ous 1 0 days ,y a &erson who carr#ed out design activities or construction re'at#ng to any &art o( the building, 2c3 has a &ro(ess#ona' or (#nanc#a' #nterest #n, 2#3 the construction o( the building to wh#ch the a&&o#ntment re'ates, 2##3 the building to wh#ch the a&&o#ntment re'ates, or 2###3 the &erson res&ons#,'e (or the des#gn o( the building to wh#ch the a&&o#ntment re'ates, or 2d3 #s an e'ected o((#c#a', o((#cer or em&'oyee o( a principal authority. 879 For the &ur&oses o( )'ause 2432c3, #n$o'$ement w#th a building as a registered code agency and ent#t'ement to any (ee &a#d (or act#ng as a registered code agency #n res&ect o( a building sha'' not ,e cons#dered to ,e a &ro(ess#ona' or (#nanc#a' #nterest #n the construction o( the building, the building or the &erson res&ons#,'e (or the des#gn o( the building. !,;,!, Addition$l +unctions t0$t Registered Code Agencies m$3 be A..ointed to %er/orm !,;,!,1, Gener$l 819 +n add#t#on to the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n &aragra&hs 1 to 1 o( sect#on 11.11 o( the %ct, a registered code agency may ,e a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons set out #n /entence 3...4.3.213 or 263. !,;,5, )$nner in 60ic0 Registered Code Agenc3 (0$ll %er/orm +unctions !,;,5,1, Gener$l 819 ;he registered code agency sha'' &er(orm the (unct#ons s&ec#(#ed #n an a&&o#ntment #n accordance w#th the %ct and th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause 69

829 ;he registered code agency sha'' &er(orm the (unct#ons s&ec#(#ed #n an a&&o#ntment #n accordance w#th the code o( conduct set out #n <<%= /u&&'ementary /tandard /)-1, >)ode o( )onduct (or Reg#stered )ode %genc#es?. !,;,5,2, %l$ns Re1ie2 $nd Ins.ection Acti1ities 819 ;he registered code agency sha'' ensure that &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on act#$#t#es o( the registered code agency are carr#ed out ,y a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 or 2c3 #n res&ect o( the ty&e o( building set out #n )o'umn 3 o( ;a,'e (or wh#ch the &erson #s carry#ng out the act#$#t#es. 829 *y the end o( the e#ghteenth month (o''ow#ng the month #n wh#ch the director g#$es not#ce o( a 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on to the registered code agency under /entence 3.4.3. .213, the registered code agency sha'' ensure that the &ersons descr#,ed #n /entence 213 who are deemed under )'ause,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, to ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 or 2c3, as a&&'#ca,'e, #n the category o( :ua'#(#cat#on to wh#ch the not#ce re'ates and who w#'' carry out &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on act#$#t#es o( the registered code agency #n that category o( :ua'#(#cat#on, ha$e success(u''y com&'eted the 7now'edge ma#ntenance e5am#nat#on re(erred to #n the not#ce. 8!9 % registered code agency sha'' &re&are wr#tten records o( e$ery #ns&ect#on o( the construction o( a building that #s underta7en ,y the registered code agency #n the course o( &er(orm#ng (unct#ons under an a&&o#ntment. 859 ;he record re:u#red under /entence 233 sha'' #nc'ude, 2a3 the date o( rece#&t o( the not#ce o( read#ness (or #ns&ect#on, #( any, 2,3 the date o( the #ns&ect#on, 2c3 the reason (or the #ns&ect#on, and 2d3 whether non-com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode was o,ser$ed #n the course o( the #ns&ect#on and the deta#'s o( the noncom&'#ance. 879 +( a registered code agency has #ssued an order under su,sect#on 12 223, 13 213 or 13 263 o( the %ct, the registered code agency sha'' &re&are a wr#tten record cons#st#ng o(, 2a3 a co&y o( the order, 2,3 the &ersons on whom the order was ser$ed and the date and manner o( ser$#ce, 2c3 when and how the order was com&'#ed w#th, and 2d3 #( the order has not ,een com&'#ed w#th, the e((orts made ,y the registered code agency to ach#e$e com&'#ance ,y the &ersons res&ons#,'e (or com&'#ance. !,;,5,!, Issu$nce o/ Certi/ic$tes b3 Registered Code Agencies 819 /u,0ect to /entence 223, e$ery cert#(#cate #ssued under the %ct ,y a registered code agency sha'', #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, ,e s#gned ,y the registered code agency or, #( the registered code agency #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, ,y a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 829 +( the cert#(#cate #s #ssued #n res&ect o( the construction o( a building that wou'd ,e re:u#red to ,e des#gned ,y and under the genera' re$#ew o( an architect or professional engineer or ,oth, the cert#(#cate sha'' a'so ,e s#gned on ,eha'( o( the registered code agency ,y an architect or a professional engineer or ,oth, as the case may ,e, who #s an o((#cer, d#rector, &artner or em&'oyee o( the registered code agency. 8!9 % registered code agency may #ssue a plans review certificate #( the registered code agency, 2a3 has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2a3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the &ro&osed construction o( the building to wh#ch the plans review certificate a&&'#es, 2,3 has, #n con(orm#ty w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, carr#ed out the a&&'#ca,'e (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted, and 2c3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that, on date on wh#ch the plans review certificate #s #ssued, the &ro&osed construction o( the building to wh#ch the plans review certificate re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode. 859 % registered code agency may #ssue a change certificate #( the registered code agency, 2a3 has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2a3, 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction or &ro&osed construction o( the building to wh#ch the change certificate a&&'#es, 2,3 has, #n con(orm#ty w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause , carr#ed out the a&&'#ca,'e (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted, and 2c3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that, on the date on wh#ch the change certificate #s #ssued, the &ro&osed construction o( the building to wh#ch the change certificate re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode.


879 % registered code agency may #ssue a certificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed #( the registered code agency, 2a3 has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( the building to wh#ch the certificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed a&&'#es, 2,3 has, #n con(orm#ty w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, carr#ed out the a&&'#ca,'e (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted, and 2c3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that, on the date on wh#ch the certificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed #s #ssued, the construction o( the building to wh#ch the certificate for the occupancy of a building not fully completed re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th )'auses to 2:3. 8<9 % registered code agency may #ssue a certificate for the occupancy of a building described in Sentence &!'!'!(!)'* of +ivision % #( the registered code agency, 2a3 has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( a building descr#,ed #n /entence to wh#ch the cert#(#cate a&&'#es, 2,3 has, #n con(orm#ty w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, carr#ed out the a&&'#ca,'e (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted, and 2c3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that, on the date on wh#ch the certificate for the occupancy of a building described in Sentence &!'!'!(!)'* of +ivision % #s #ssued, the construction o( the building to wh#ch the cert#(#cate re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th )'auses to 203. 8;9 % registered code agency may #ssue a final certificate #( the registered code agency, 2a3 has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm the (unct#ons descr#,ed #n c'ause 4.1 243 2,3 or 2c3 o( the %ct #n res&ect o( the construction o( the building to wh#ch the final certificate a&&'#es, 2,3 has, #n con(orm#ty w#th the %ct, th#s )ode and the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, carr#ed out the a&&'#ca,'e (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted, and 2c3 #s sat#s(#ed on reasona,'e grounds that on the date on wh#ch the final certificate #s #ssued, the construction o( the building to wh#ch the final certificate re'ates #s #n com&'#ance w#th th#s )ode. 8=9 6$ery cert#(#cate #ssued under the %ct ,y a registered code agency sha'' ,e #n a (orm a&&ro$ed ,y the 9inister. !,;,5,5, Issu$nce o/ Orders b3 Registered Code Agencies 819 Orders under su,sect#ons 13 263 and 14 213 o( the %ct sha'', #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, ,e s#gned ,y the registered code agency or a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause 829 Orders under su,sect#ons 12 223 and 13 213 and c'ause 1 213 2(3 o( the %ct sha'', #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, ,e s#gned ,y the registered code agency or ,y a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause,3 or 2c3. !,;,5,7, Aut0ori-ed %ersons 819 -ersons who ha$e the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause, 2,3 or 2c3 are &rescr#,ed (or the &ur&oses o( su,sect#on 11.1. 213 o( the %ct. 829 ;he cert#(#cate o( author#Cat#on re(erred to #n su,sect#on 11.1. 223 o( the %ct sha'', #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, ,e s#gned ,y a re&resentat#$e o( the registered code agency who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause and sha'' conta#n the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on: 2a3 the name o( the registered code agency and any #dent#(y#ng num,er #ssued ,y the director to the registered code agency, 2,3 the t#t'e, ,us#ness address and ,us#ness te'e&hone num,er o( a re&resentat#$e o( the registered code agency who may ,e contacted to answer :uest#ons a,out the cert#(#cate and the author#Cat#on to wh#ch #t re'ates, 2c3 the name o( the author#Ced &erson and any #dent#(y#ng num,er #ssued ,y the director to the author#Ced &erson #n res&ect o( that &ersonDs :ua'#(#cat#ons, 2d3 the sco&e o( the &owers that may ,e e5erc#sed and the (unct#ons that may ,e &er(ormed ,y the author#Ced &erson, 2e3 the date o( #ssuance o( the cert#(#cate. 8!9 6$ery &erson descr#,ed #n /entence 213 sha'' carry h#s or her cert#(#cate o( author#Cat#on when &er(orm#ng dut#es and sha'' &roduce the cert#(#cate (or #ns&ect#on u&on re:uest. !,;,5,<, %ro0ibition .00

819 % registered code agency sha'' not d#sm#ss, sus&end, demote, d#sc#&'#ne, harass or otherw#se d#sad$antage an em&'oyee, or deny an em&'oyee a ,ene(#t o( em&'oyment, ,y reason that, 2a3 the em&'oyee, act#ng #n good (a#th and on the ,as#s o( reasona,'e ,e'#e(, has d#sc'osed to the director that the registered code agency or any other &erson has contra$ened or #ntends to contra$ene a &ro$#s#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode or a &redecessor o( th#s )ode, 2,3 the em&'oyee, act#ng #n good (a#th and on the ,as#s o( reasona,'e ,e'#e(, has re(used or stated an #ntent#on o( re(us#ng to do anyth#ng that #s a contra$ent#on o( a &ro$#s#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode or a &redecessor o( th#s )ode, 2c3 the em&'oyee, act#ng #n good (a#th and on the ,as#s o( reasona,'e ,e'#e(, has done or stated an #ntent#on o( do#ng anyth#ng that #s re:u#red to ,e done #n order that a &ro$#s#on o( the %ct or th#s )ode or a &redecessor o( th#s )ode not ,e contra$ened, or 2d3 the registered code agency ,e'#e$es that the em&'oyee w#'' do anyth#ng re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3, 2,3 or 2c3. 829 Both#ng #n th#s /ect#on #m&a#rs any r#ght o( an em&'oyee e#ther at 'aw or under an em&'oyment contract or co''ect#$e agreement. 8!9 +n th#s %rt#c'e, >em&'oyee? #nc'udes an #nde&endent contractor and >em&'oyer? #nc'udes the &erson who reta#ns an em&'oyee who #s an #nde&endent contractor. !,;,5,;, In/orm$tion $nd Records 819 ;he registered code agency sha'' ma#nta#n records o( a'' &'ans re$#ew and #ns&ect#on act#$#ty, o( a'' cert#(#cates and orders and o( any other act#$#t#es ta7en #n carry#ng out (unct#ons under an a&&o#ntment #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause 829 %ny #n(ormat#on co''ected ,y a registered code agency #n the course o( the e5erc#se o( &owers and the &er(ormance o( dut#es under the %ct may ,e used on'y (or the &ur&ose o( &er(orm#ng (unct#ons under an a&&o#ntment under su,sect#on 4.1 223 o( the %ct and may ,e d#sc'osed on'y, 2a3 to a principal authority &ursuant to an agreement under su,sect#on 4.1 213 o( the %ct, 2,3 to a principal authority to a#d the en(orcement #n any manner o( the %ct, or 2c3 where re:u#red or &erm#tted under the %ct, th#s )ode, other a&&'#ca,'e 'eg#s'at#on or an order o( a court. 8!9 % registered code agency sha'' ensure that any agreement under wh#ch the registered code agency engages a &erson to ass#st the registered code agency to &er(orm (unct#ons under an a&&o#ntment #nc'udes a &ro$#s#on that re:u#res the &erson to com&'y w#th /entences 213 and 223. !,;,7, Termin$tion o/ A..ointment o/ $ Registered Code Agenc3 !,;,7,1, Termin$tion o/ $n A..ointment )$de under (ubsection 5,1 829 o/ t0e Act 819 % principal authority may, #n accordance w#th the terms o( an agreement under su,sect#on 4.1 213 o( the %ct, term#nate the a&&o#ntment o( a registered code agency ,e(ore the a&&o#ntment e5&#res under sect#on 11.19 o( the %ct. !,;,<, In/orm$tion to be %ro1ided !,;,<,1, In/orm$tion to be %ro1ided b3 $ %rinci.$l Aut0orit3 to t0e #irector 819 +( a principal authority that has a&&o#nted a registered code agency term#nates the a&&o#ntment ,e(ore the a&&o#ntment e5&#res under sect#on 11.19 o( the %ct, the principal authority sha'', as soon as &oss#,'e a(ter the term#nat#on, g#$e the director not#ce o( the term#nat#on and such other #n(ormat#on concern#ng the c#rcumstances o( the term#nat#on and as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director. 829 +( a chief building official has #ssued an order under su,sect#on 11.21 213 o( the %ct, the principal authority sha'' as soon as &oss#,'e a(ter the order #s #ssued g#$e the director a co&y o( the order and such other #n(ormat#on concern#ng the c#rcumstances o( the order and as may ,e re:u#red ,y the director. !,;,<,2, In/orm$tion to be %ro1ided b3 $ Registered Code Agenc3 to t0e #irector 819 % registered code agency that ,ecomes or e5&ects to ,ecome una,'e to carry out the (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted sha'' as soon as &oss#,'e g#$e not#ce to the director o( th#s s#tuat#on. !,;,<,!, In/orm$tion to be %ro1ided b3 $ Registered Code Agenc3 to t0e C0ie/ Building O//ici$l 819 % registered code agency sha'' not#(y the chief building official #( the registered code agency ,ecomes or e5&ects to ,ecome una,'e to carry out the (unct#ons (or wh#ch the registered code agency was a&&o#nted. 829 % registered code agency sha'' g#$e co&#es o( the (o''ow#ng records to the chief building official, 2a3 a'' orders #ssued ,y the registered code agency under su,sect#ons 12 223, 13 213 and 13 263 o( the %ct, .01

2,3 a'' wr#tten records &re&ared ,y the registered code agency under /entences 3...4.2.233, 243 and 213, 2c3 a'' final certificates that are #ssued ,y the registered code agency, 2d3 records descr#,ed #n /ect#on 2.1. re'at#ng to the use o( an alternative solution, and 2e3 any records o( #n(ormat#on, co&#es o( documents or th#ngs, tests, sam&'es or &hotogra&hs &roduced, remo$ed, re:u#red, ta7en or ordered to ,e ta7en under su,sect#on 1 213 o( the %ct. 8!9 ;he documents re(erred to #n /entence 223 sha'' ,e g#$en to the chief building official, 2a3 w#th#n the t#me &er#od s&ec#(#ed #n any agreement under %rt#c'e 3...1.1. or a&&o#ntment under %rt#c'e 3...1.2. #n res&ect o( wh#ch the documents re'ate, wh#che$er t#me &er#od ends ear'#er, 2,3 w#th#n 11 days a(ter the e5&#ry or term#nat#on o( the a&&o#ntment o( the registered code agency #n res&ect o( wh#ch the documents re'ate, #( there #s no t#me &er#od s&ec#(#ed #n the agreement or a&&o#ntment re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3, or 2c3 #( the chief building official has g#$en not#ce to the registered code agency that he or she re:u#res the documents ,e(ore the t#me set out #n )'ause 2a3 or 2,3, w#th#n 2 days a(ter the re:uest (or documents. 859 ;he re:u#rements o( /entence 223 a&&'y e$en #( the registered code agency #s no 'onger reg#stered under /entence 879 +( a registered code agency #n the course o( carry#ng out (unct#ons under an a&&o#ntment has reason to ,e'#e$e that a building descr#,ed #n /entence 2.3 #s unsa(e w#th#n the mean#ng o( su,sect#on 11.9 223 or 233 o( the %ct, the registered code agency sha'' as soon as &oss#,'e g#$e not#ce to the chief building official o(, 2a3 the 'ocat#on o( the building, and 2,3 the reason why the registered code agency has reason to ,e'#e$e that the building #s unsa(e. 8<9 % registered code agency that has g#$en a not#ce to the chief building official under /entence 213 sha'' g#$e the chief building official such other #n(ormat#on a,out the unsa(e cond#t#on as the chief building official may re:u#re. 8;9 /entence 213 a&&'#es to, 2a3 a building #n res&ect o( wh#ch the registered code agency has ,een a&&o#nted to &er(orm (unct#ons, and 2,3 a building that has ,een ad$erse'y a((ected ,y the construction o( a building re(erred to #n )'ause 2a3. 8=9 For the &ur&oses o( /entence 233, a t#me &er#od re(erred to #n )'ause 2332a3, 2,3 or 2c3, 2a3 does not start unt#' the day a(ter the day on wh#ch the o,'#gat#on to &ro$#de the documents ar#ses, and 2,3 does not #nc'ude /aturdays, ho'#days and a'' other days on wh#ch the o((#ces o( the principal authority are not o&en (or the transact#on o( ,us#ness w#th the &u,'#c. !,;,;, Re/err$l o/ (to. 6orA Order !,;,;,1, Re/err$l 819 % registered code agency sha'' re(er a matter under su,sect#on 14 213 o( the %ct to the chief building official ,y g#$#ng the chief building official, as soon as &oss#,'e, 2a3 a re&ort that conta#ns the (o''ow#ng #n(ormat#on: 2#3 a co&y o( the order made under sect#on 12 or 13 o( the %ct that was not com&'#ed w#th and o( the order under sect#on 14 o( the %ct, 2##3 the &ersons on whom the orders were ser$ed and the date and manner o( ser$#ce, 2###3 a statement that the orders ha$e not ,een com&'#ed w#th, and 2#$3 the e((orts made ,y the registered code agency to ach#e$e com&'#ance w#th the orders ,y the &ersons res&ons#,'e (or com&'#ance, and 2,3 such other #n(ormat#on as the chief building official may re:u#re #n res&ect o( the matter that has ,een re(erred. 829 ;he re&ort under )'ause 2132a3 sha'' ,e s#gned, #n accordance w#th the :ua'#ty management &'an descr#,ed #n )'ause, ,y the registered code agency or, #( the registered code agency #s a cor&orat#on or &artnersh#&, ,y a &erson who has the :ua'#(#cat#ons set out #n )'ause O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on ), -art 3G O. Reg. 360!13, ss. 4, , 9, 11, 12, 11, 1.-19, 21, 22 223, 23G O. Reg. 361!13, ss. 123-136.
(ection 5,1, 5,1,1, Tr$nsition Rule Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>15


5,1,2, 5,1,!,

Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>17 Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>1;

(ection 5,1, Tr$nsition Rule 5,1,1, Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>15 5,1,1,1, Tr$nsition Rule 819 /u,0ect to /entence 223, Ontar#o Regu'at#on 310!06 2*u#'d#ng )ode3 made under the %ct, as #t read on "ecem,er 31, 2013, #s deemed to cont#nue #n (orce w#th res&ect to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or ,e(ore January 1, 2014. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y un'ess the construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>17, (ection 5,1 is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (ubsection& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, 1!= 819, 15> 8299

5,1,2, Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>17 5,1,2,1, Tr$nsition Rule 819 /u,0ect to /entence 223, th#s Regu'at#on, as #t read on "ecem,er 31, 2014, #s deemed to cont#nue #n (orce w#th res&ect to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or ,e(ore January 1, 2011. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y un'ess the construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued.
Note& On *$nu$r3 1, 2>1;, (ection 5,1 is $mended b3 $dding t0e /ollo2ing (ubsection& 8(ee& O, Reg, !<1"1!, ss, 1!= 829, 15> 8!99

5,1,!, Tr$nsition, *$nu$r3 2>1; 5,1,!,1, Tr$nsition Rule 819 /u,0ect to /entence 223, +tem 329 o( ;a,'e and /entence . o( "#$#s#on * o( th#s Regu'at#on, as they read on "ecem,er 31, 2016, are deemed to cont#nue #n (orce w#th res&ect to construction (or wh#ch a &erm#t has ,een a&&'#ed (or ,e(ore January 1, 201.. 829 /entence 213 does not a&&'y un'ess the construction #s commenced w#th#n s#5 months a(ter the &erm#t #s #ssued. (ection 5,2, O)ITTE# 2%RO'I#E( +OR A)EN#)ENT( TO TEI( REG (ection 5,!, O)ITTE# 2RE'OIE( OTEER REG

O. Reg. 332!12, /ect#on 4.2.


O. Reg. 332!12, /ect#on 4.3. O. Reg. 332!12,

(ection 5,5, O)ITTE# 2%RO'I#E( +OR CO)ING INTO +ORCE O+ %RO'I(ION( O+ TEI( REG /ect#on 4.4.

O. Reg. 332!12, "#$#s#on ), -art 4G O. Reg. 360!13, ss. 13., 139.

*ac7 to to&


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