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The High Middle Ages

The Byzantine Emperor asks the Pope for help.

Turks gain control of Palestine and threaten Constantinople. Pope Urban II asks the European lords to free the Holy Land from the Turks.

Some 10,000 Europeans take up the cause.

Effects of the First Crusade

Europeans control Holy Land. European institutions spread. Crusaders set up small states.

Feudalism spread. Trade between Europe and the Holy Land. Italian shipping business grew.

Europeans wore Eastern clothes and ate Eastern foods. Christians learned to respect Muslims.

The Other Major Crusades and their outcomes



Combined European forces returned in disgrace in 1149. Richard I of England negotiates a truce ith Saladin. !enetians gained control of the "#$antine trade. %an# #oungsters died on their a# to the &ol# 'and.

Results of the Crusades

Weapons and warfare: The crossbow The catapult The use of powder Political changes: Kings and Church gained more power.

Third Fourth Childrens Crusade

Ideas and trade: New knowledge from the Byzantines and the Muslims. Goods from the East: apricots, lemons, melons rice and sugar.

Italian ships brought goods back from Asia. The Crusades stimulated trade.

Print and paste.

Viking ships brought Asian goods to northern Europe.

Flanders became a meeting center of different trade routes.

Revival of Trade
The Hanseatic League set up trading posts.


The domestic manufacturing s#stem is born( )or*ers did the +ob at home.

"an*ing as born, so people didnt ha-e to carr# mone# from one place to another, and also for mone# lending.

Commerce as mainl# through the barter s#stem, but mone# as also used.


The most important centres for commerce ere the fairs, hich not onl# ere for the e.change of goods, but also social and cultural e-ents.

)atch the follo ing -ideo.


Freedom( Freedom /fter a #ear and a da# of li-ing in to n. E.emption( T o nspeople didnt ha-e to E.emption or* in the manor. +ustice( T o n courts to tr# T o n +ustice to nspeople. pri-ileges( Freedom to sell Commercial pri-ileges their goods and to ta. 0toll1 outsiders ho anted to trade there.

)rite a definition of 2uild, and the chart e.plaining the process to belong to a guild.


"eginning in 1344, a plague called "lac* 5eath spread through Europe from /sia transported b# the fleas hosted in the blac* rats hich usuall# tra-elled on the merchant ships. /bout 163 of the European population died because of it.


Spread of the first a-e of the "lac* 5eath.

Vernacular Literature in the Middle Ages

7ind of 'iterature Characteristics
Poems about love and chivalry Fictional stories, sometimes of heroes Short comic stories written in rhymed verse Long poem about a hero National epic Miracle, morality, and mystery plays Short dramas with religious or biblical themes

Love songs King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table

%ost educated people spo*e 'atin, but the uneducated people spo*e -ernacular 0local1 languages, hich mi.ed ith 'atin and ga-e a# to most of the European 'anguages.

Troubadour songs



Reynard the Fox The Song of Roland The Poem of Mio Cid Noahs Flood


Education in the Middle Ages

Teachers and pupils formed guilds which were called universitas. Between 1000 and 1200 the universities in Paris (Universit de Paris or La or!onne" and at #$ford% in &ngland% as well as the Universit' of alerno% in (tal'% were famous for their teachings.

Philosophy in the Middle Ages tried to make Aristotles ideas work with those of the Church. This attempt is called Scholasticism. The main exponent of Scholasticism is St Thomas Aquinas, who wrote Summa Theologie and Summa Contra Gentiles.

The most important buildings of the %iddle /ges are religious ones. "et een 1888 and 1198, architects follo ed the Romanes:ue st#le; then came the 2othic st#le, lighter and taller.

Cathedral of Milano

Cathedral of Pisa


Take photographs of Templo Expiatorio or Templo del Padre Galvan and paste them on your scrapbook. onus points if you appear in the photo.

Wars and the growth of nations

England lost all of its French lands e.cept Calais. 7nightl# arfare as ea*ened b# the use of longbo s, cannons and gunpo der. < arliament gained more po er o-er the *ing. In France, the English soldiers robbed the French people and destro#ed their propert#. French people star-ed e-en during peace time. The French *ing became more po erful.


Jeanne dArc
)as a 38 #ears ar bet een the house of >or* and the house of 'ancaster. In 14@9, &enr# T udor, of the house of 'ancaster, on the ar and became &enr# !II. T o end the ri-alr#, he married Elisabeth of >or*. &enr# !II made the English monarch# strong again.

She as born to a peasant famil# in east=central France. Claiming di-ine guidance, she led the French arm# to se-eral important -ictories during the &undred >ears? )ar, hich pa-ed the a# for the coronation of Charles !II of France.

'ouis AI became the *ing of France after his father, Charles I!, died in 14B1. It as during his reign that the Cne &undred >ears ar ended. &e made the French monarch# e-en stronger.

We are Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon. When we got married, our two kingdoms united, it was the year 14 !. In 14!", we #aptured $ranada and ended the %oor o##upation of our #ountry, and in 1&1& we anne'ed the kingdom of (a)arre. We took power from the Chur#h and for#ed the *ews to #on)ert or lea)e +pain.


A Habsburg was elected emperor in 1273.

The Habsburgs used their position to arrange marriages with powerful families.

Download, print, answer and deliver chapter 5s Test and Geography activity. (next class!) Remem er to attach everything in its place.

Through marriage the Habsburg family gained control of Austria and nearby lands.

More well-planned marriages gave the Habsburgs control of much of the empires territory.

The Habsburgs became the most powerful family in Europe.

The Rise of the &absburgs and the &ol# Roman Empire


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