The Reported Speech 3

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The Reported Speech 3

Some verbs express in a more concise and specific way the expressive communicative
function of the Reported Speech:
Alcuni verbi esprimono in modo più conciso e preciso la funzione comunicativa del
Discorso Indiretto:

a. invite (invitare), forbid (proibire a qlc.), remind (ricordare a qlc.), advise

(consigliare), ask (chiedere):

Verb + object + infinitive

“Would you like to go to the cinema?”

Dave invited me to go to the cinema.

P.S. Other verbs using this structure are:

Altri verbi che usano questa struttura sono:
tell (dire, with the meaning of ordinare), force (costringere, obbligare), enable
(permettere a qlc di fare), teach (insegnare), order (ordinare), warn (avvisare)
persuade (persuadere, convincere), recommend (raccomandare), encourage
(incoraggiare), allow (permettere), permit (permettere).
b. refuse (rifiutarsi di), promise (promettere), offer (offrirsi), to threaten

Verb + infinitive

“I won’t go. It’s always so boring there.” He refused to go.

“I’ll help you if you want.” She offered to help.

c. reply o answer (rispondere), add (aggiungere), explain (spiegare), agree

(essere d’accordo), state (affermare, dichiarare), complain (lamentarsi), say, tell
(dire), claim (dichiarare), announce (annunciare), think (pensare):

Verb + (that) + sentence

“I’m innocent.” He stated (that) he was innocent.

“Yes, you’re right.” He agreed (that) I was right.

d. suggest (proporre, suggerire), admit (ammettere), deny (negare):

1. Verb + verb in -ing

When the subject of the main verb is also the subject in the subordinate.
Quando il soggetto del verbo introduttivo è lo stesso del verbo del Reported Speech.

“I didn’t take your pen.” She denied taking my pen.

“Why don’t we go to the disco?” She suggested going to the disco.

2. Verb + (that) + sentence

When the subject of the main verb is not the same as the one in the subordinate.
Quando il soggetto del verbo introduttivo non è lo stesso del verbo del Reported

“No, the mobile phone isn’t mine.” She denied (that) the mobile was hers.
“Why don’t you have a holiday?” She suggested (that) I had a holiday.

e. Verbs with prepositions: Verbi con preposizione:

1. apologize for (scusarsi):

Verb + for + verb in -ing

“I’m sorry I’m late.” He apologized for being late.

2. blame someone for (incolpare qualcuno)

Verb + obj + for + verb in -ing

“It’s your fault we arrived late.” Dave blamed his girlfriend for arriving late.

3. accuse someone of (accusare qualcuno:

Verb + obj + of + verb in -ing

“ you broke my sunglasses!” David accused Li zof breaking his sunglasse.

4. discourage someone from (scoraggiare qualcuno):

Verb + obj + of + verb in -ing

I wouldn’t tell him, if I were you. He discouraged me from telling him.

5. congratulate someone on (congraturasi con qlc):

Verb + obj + of + verb in -ing

“Congratulations on passing the exam. She congratulated me on passing the


*Interactive Exercises

*Please note:
listen to the following videos explaining the reported speech 3. ascoltate i seguenti
video che vi parleranno del reported speech 3:

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