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Foreword MAY 2012 SULLI POV I stir, opening my eyes to a bright and sunny morning of May. Choi Minho's face immediately caught my eyes, sleeping peacefully beside me. A little smile played on my lips, it is not unusual to wake up in the morning with Minho beside me, sharing the same bed... we sleep together way back when we were young. Yes, Choi Minho and I are best of friend, childhood friend and neighbor. We grew up together since both our parents are very good friends long before we were born. I was an only child and so did Minho so we depended on each other and shared a lot of memories together, from the most memorable to the not so memorable. We attended the same school from elementary, highschool and college. Our common friends called us "THE CHOI SIBLINGS" since both of us share the same surname. Despite being the best of friends and the same age we are completely opposite. I am stubborn, honest, immature, impulsive and rebellious, Minho on the other hand is obedient, intelligent, shy and passionate. He excelled on almost everything that he does, top nothcher in academics, captain of the soccer team and president of the glee drama club, he was known as MINHO THE PRINCE, boys envy him while girls admire him. While I, Choi Jinri used to be the last on the class due to my failed grades, captain of the tardiness team and president of the sorority club. . i was known as SULLI THE TROUBLEMAKER, boys and girls were scared of me. We're like North and South, black and white, sugar and salt... but we are match made in heaven. I felt something heavy around my waist, I would have ignore it and continue my daydreaming when I noticed that Minho's arm snake around my waist, then he's hand move and softly caressing my bare back... that is when I realized that I am completely naked under the cover sheet! ! ! I immediately got up, clutched the hem of the cover sheet as if my life depended on it. My eyes and my mouth wide open, bewilderment registered my face and then i felt something unfamiliar and painful around my thigh... I gasped in complete shocked... I feel like my head is gonna explode in disbelief. "What happened?" i asked myself, still trying to figure out what truly happened last night. The champagne... the music... the dance... then Minho and I kissed... then... we... "Shit", i cursed under my breath. Minho stirred, he had a happy smile on his face, he open his big brown eyes. "Good morning", he said in a husky tone then he frowned when he saw the horror look on my face. "What's the matter, did some--", he did not finish what he was about to say when he realized that he was only wearing his birthsuit underneath the cover sheet. He mirrored the same reaction on my face when he realized what happened last night. Eyes wide open... mouth wide open... shocked and disbelief were all over written in our faces.

"D-Did we---", we both uttered the same word. They say friends can be lovers but lovers cannot be friends... I never thought in a million years that we will crossed the thin line between friendship and love... can we? can we not?

Chapter 1 February 2012 MINHO POV Ding Dong I was doing push ups when I heard the door bell. "Maybe she forgot something" I thought to myself, I got up and walk towards the door. I opened the door while flashing a bored look on my face. "Surprise!" "S-Sulli?" I know I said her name correctly, I am indeed surprise and well shocked. "W-What are you doing here?" I asked, still in shock as if i am seeing some kind of apparition. "What kind of question is that?" said by my unexpected guest while raising an eyebrown" Am I not welcome here in your cozy bachelor's pad?" And before I could say a word she was inside, near the doorway. "Woah, you have a nice crib all over her lovely face. "You know, I I have messy, unorganize and full of toy gadgets but opposite, slick and sophisticated" "Thank you" "I miss you frog prince"she said and hug me tightly I was rendered speechless, unable to move nor say a word, then i felt the familiar warm, tingling sensation inside my heart. The kind of feeling that I have been nourishing eversince I realized that I am madly inlove with Sulli. And yes if all of you are wondering she's my bestfriend, we've been friends since forever, her parents and my parents are good friends and we practically grew up together. Her father is a well known prosecutor while her mother is just a plain housewife. Sulli was nine years old when her mother passed away because of a heart failure, though it broke her young heart his father on the other hand has never recover from the tragic loss of his wife. He became cold and distant to Sulli, he spend most of his time at work, oftentimes leaving Sulli to the care of my mother whom she treat and adore as her own. He provided Sulli finacially from expensive gifts to a large sum of money but he never gave her any kind of affection and attention. Sulli on the other hand, despite the love and care that our family provided still yearning from his father's attention, she became feisty, stubborn and rebellious. She was a notorious trouble maker in our school and neighborhood, people called her names; SULLI THE MENACE, SULLI THE TROUBLEMAKER, DEVIL GIRL, SPOILED BRAT etch... I was the first one to be leaving her travelling bag huh?" she said admiration seen some bachelor pad with yours is the exact

affected by the negative backlashed on Sulli, I oftentimes defended her from all those people who criticize her, i told them that she is just misunderstood and that Sulli is the nicest person that I've ever met. Probably the craziest thing that she's ever done was when we were in 5th grade, our homeroom teacher Ms Kim keep on calling her a spoiled brat and that her father must be ashamed for having a daughter like her, this hurt Sulli... I remembered seeing her crying in the corridor, I comforted her by giving her her favorite vanilla icecream. The next day, Sulli goes to school carrying a box of a dead rat, she put the box in our teacher's table and tell her that her personality stinks just like the smell of the dead rat. She was suspended for 3 days, but her father, instead of depending her just gave her a cold stare. It trigger her more to continue her rebellious streaked. During highschool, she was caught cheating not once but twice and of course there was the occasional cutting classes, her constant involvement in fights (she's a taekwando blackbelter) and her famous sorority group FX. Despite all the trouble that she's been thru her father never even bothered to care. There was a time that I heard him and my father talking and he said that my father is so lucky for having a son like me, I know I should be feel proud upon hearing that but it actually pisses me off because my sympathy goes to the little girl he physically and emotionally abandoned. I was the sole witnessed of her heartaches and pains, everynight she goes inside my room, lay beside me and cry like nonstop and all I can do is to hug her and reassure her that everything will be better tommorrow. Sulli maybe cheerful, tough and happy on the outside but inside she's a lonely girl. I sighed and gently push her away. "I miss you too"I said softly. I miss you so much Choi Jinri, more than you'll ever know... "So what brought here?" I asks, I noticed that she's wearing her trademark signature outfit: jeans, plain T-shirt and sneakers. "Heechul and I broke up"she said, sadness cross her eyes "Why?" "I caught him sleeping with another woman in his apartment" her voice started to crack up, tears started to pool in her eyes. Then she faked a smile. " I decided to dumped him right there and then I resigned from my high paying job in New York and the next morning I was on the plane going back here in Seoul" I had the urge to punch Heechul in the face if only he's in front of me right now. My eyes caught the travelling bag that she left near the doorway. "Can I stay here for the meantime? I have no where else to go" "Huh?" I thought I misheard the words that she said. "Can I stay here? I promise to you that I'll behave, I will find a job as soon as possible and then I will move out," Sulli said, her eyes begging. I dunno why, but I find her adorable at that moment, I pinched her nose. "Yaa Choi Jinri, it is so unlikely you, I've never thought that you are such a drama queen, I'm actually having goosebumps right now", Sulli throws a pillow on me and laughed. " So can I stay here or not?"

"Well since your a crybaby and I'm afraid that if dont allow you to stay here you might end up as a thug or a homeless person in the street... "I paused and then said " So yes, rabbit princess you can stay here, you occupied the empty room on the left beside the bathroom" "Thank you Minho", she happily said and before I can utter a word she kiss me on the cheek I blushed, my heart started to pound like crazy. "Ya, no skin to skin contact ok", i said, a traced of irriation on my voice, but deep inside excitement filled me, but hell will freeze first before I admit that to her. "Since when did you become prudent" Sulli laugh. "We are Choi siblings, we used to take bath together, completely naked don't you remember?" "W-What? ! of course not! when did we---" I was stunned by what she said, instictively I cross my arms around my chest as if trying to hide my fully clothed body against her mischievous eyes. Sulli's enjoying my sudden awkwardness. " When we were kids babo, our moms used to bathed us together have you forgotten?" she said in a teasing tone This girl really gets into my nerves. "That was a long time ago, but its different now ok" "Allright, i won't teased you again"she said then wink I smiled, the kind of smile that comes from the heart, and for the first time after two years I feel at home again... Then out of nowhere a woman's name popped into my mind... KWON YURI Chapter 2 SULLI POV Coffee Shop "Woah! daebak!" I exclaimed while looking at the 18th karat diamond engagement ring of my friend Jung Krystal. "I really did not expected and not even in a million years that Kai will proposed to me. I mean we all know his reputation as a playboy"Krystal said. "Omg Sulli, i feel like im in a cloud nine right now" I laughed. Yesterday... out of the blue, I got a text from Krystal : 6PM tomorrow, meet me at the coffee shop that we frequently hang out before. Need to talk to you. Urgent. "So where are you staying right now?" she ask "I'm staying at Minho's pad" I answered. Krystal almost choke on the tea that she's sipping upon hearing my answer. "W-what? have I gone deaf because I thought I heard Minho's name"

"No your not deaf, and yes I'am currently staying at Minho's place" "B-But--" she seemed lost for words, and I can't blame her... Krystal knows my secret... she sympathetically hold my hand. "Sulli, you know he's been dating Yuri right?" I nodded. " I already resolved my feelings for Minho a long time ago. "I lied, of course I cannot tell Krystal that I am still inlove with Minho, it will only complicate things. And yes I am secretly inlove with my bestfriend, only in my case it was too late... I only realized that I no longer like him as a friend when Yuri came into the picture. Then Heechul came into my life and rescued me, I thought I can learn to love him but I was wrong, well I tried... I cried when I found out that he cheated on me, yet I totally understand why he did that, because he did not succeeded on conquering my heart. "Dont you worry about me Kryst, you know he doesn't like me, as a woman" I rolled my eyes "Well he is such a fool for not liking you, I mean your Choi Sulli every guy in our school have a crush on you. Anyway have you heard anything from Amber, Luna and Victoria?" I shooked my head. I haven't seen my fellow sorority friends since I left two years ago. "Guess what, Amber and Key got married last year, and now she's two months pregnant"she said excitedly. " And Luna is also engaged to a young chaebol" "How about Victoria?" "She's been in the US for quite a while studying her masteral" I sighed deeply, I miss them. Krystal cleared her throat. "Uhmm Ssul I haven't told you before, I know this is already two years late but remember the day you were about toconfess your feelings to Minho?" "Yes" I answered... how can I forget that day... i felt a sudden tugging in my heart "Actually that night after you left with Heechul, Minho came to our apartment looking for you" And so I thought my never ending saga for Minho finally comes to an end... guess i was wrong...

December 2010 SULLI POV I pout my lips while looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a white cotton mini dress with floral trim, it hugged my slim body perfectly then I matched it with my roman style stiletto hig heels. I

apply a light make up and i decided to just let my long light brown hair loosed. Excitement filled me, I imagine Minho's reaction, probably his mouth might hung wide open... he usually see me wearing my typical jeans, shirt and sneaker combo. But today is a special day, this is the day that I decided to confess my feelings for him, the feelings that i've been harboring for such a long time and I already prepared myself for the outcome, if ever he accept my feelings i am probably the luckiest girl alive and if rejected my feelings well... I will still cherished him and I will do anything for him to like me also. I checked my watch, 7:45 pm... perfect Krystal's eyes pop wide upon upon seeing me" Wow, are kidding me right now? ! Is that really you Choi Sulli? !" I gave her a sweet smile. Then she hugged me. "Goodluck rabbit princess, I hope that you come home later together with frog prince"

Italian Restaurant 8:00pm My heart is racing, my palm is sweaty and my stomach is doing some nervous flips... this is it The waiter ushered me to Minho's table at the patio of the restaurant, I immediately saw his back, he was standing, both of his hand were on his pocket. I was probably 5 steps away from him when I suddenly frozed. Kwon Yuri out of no where came out, looking lovely as ever, she approached Minho and then they... kiss! ! ! I don't remember how I managed to get out of the restaurant, everything seems blurred... I thought someone stabs my heart that the pain is so unbearable. I get my phone and on trembling hand I dialed Heechul's number.

Hanriver After 30 minutes, Heechul came "What happened? why are you crying?" he asked with a worried look on his face "Heechul, do you still like me?" I dont know what I am thinking at that moment, maybe i am just so desperate to forget him, maybe my impulsive nature strikes again... "Of course, I never stop liking you" he answered "Then lets get out here, away from Korea. You told me that you have plans of working abroad, I will come with you" Heechul frowns. "Did something happens? Did Minho---" "Please Heechul, I am begging you lets lets get out of here" I plead.

He sighed deeply then hugged me " Ok Sulli, we will go to the US as soon as possible, I don't know what happens between you and Minho but you must promise me one thing... " I looked at him "Promise me that when you are with me you will never ever gonna see nor communicate to Minho again" That day I lost the only person that I trust the most all thru out my life... the only person who never left by my side thru thick and thin... That day I almost cross the so called thin line of frienship and love... Chapter 3 YURI POV Tokyo, Japan "Congratulation Miss Smith, the clothes are so beautifully made and elegant, you've done a great job once again" "Thank you Miss Kimura, glad you like it' I smiled bitterly, Miss Nicole Smith my boss, got all the praises from the critiques and audience but I receive nothing, when in fact some of the clothes that were launched at the fashion show are created by me. I've been working so hard for the last two years as Nicole Smith's assistant but she never gave me a break, not even once. I know I have the talent to become a successful and famous fashion designer, but nobody's willing to sponsor me. How i wish Minho oppa is here with me right now, comforting me... God I miss him, its been 2 days since I last saw him... I was about to leave when a man on a gray suit approached me "Miss Kwon Yuri?" "Yes" I immediately recognize him Jung Yonghwa, 27 years old, heir of the Jung Empire... tall and handsome... and a playboy "We've met before in some occasions, but I never had the chance to properly introduce myself to you, by the way my name is Jung Yonghwa" he said then offer his hand. I shake hands with him. "Nice to meet you Mr Jung" "Can I invite you to have coffee with me later? , I have something important to discuss with you" I was suddenly confuse, why does he want? I 'm about to decline his offer when my phone rang. Minho Oppa is calling "Excuse me, im just gonna answer this call". He nod

"Minho Oppa, i miss you" I heard him sighed in the other line. "Listen Yuri, there is something that I need to tell you" "What is it?" "Sulli cameback and she's staying at my place right now" "WHAT? ! ! !"

MINHO POV "Expect Yuri to have a violent reaction"I said to myself sarcastically, after telling Yuri that Sulli is staying at my pad she went balisstic on the other line, ordering me to kick Sulli out as soon as possible, well of course I will never do that. It is not new to me that Sulli and Yuri didn't get along, since highschool they were always into each others neck, I tried many times to fix their differences but I failed, they really hate each other. I look at the wall clock, it's 8:00 PM and Sulli is not yet home, I called her many times but her phone is off... Im starting to worry I was sitting on the couch watching soccer game on TV when Sulli came. "Where have you been? I've been calling you but your phone is off" I said with a grumpy face "I met up with Krystal at the coffee shop, we chat nonstop and I didn't notice that it is already late, my phone is lowbatt" "Have you had your dinner?" I ask Sulli nodded Aish, this girl has really no consideration... isn't she aware that I was waiting for her because I wanted both of us to have dinner together, I even cooked for her and now I'm hungy... "How about you? Did you have your dinner already?" "Yes I already did, why? do you think I will wait for you? huh in your dreams" "Why are you so angry? I just ask if you had your dinner, you don't have to shout... "she snapped She sit beside me. "Ya Minho, I have a good news for you, Krystal recommended me to work at her cousin's company and I will start tomorrow, isn't that great?" I just ignore her and continue watching the soccer game, I am still annoyed Sulli pout and stand up. "Oh well I will go to my room now, seems like

your in a sour mood" She walk towards her room but stop at the dining area when she notice the food in the table. " Minho, I thought you had dinner already why is there food in the table?" I turn around and look at her. " Those are leftovers" "Ah ok, well since I don't wanna waste food so I'll just gonna eat your left overs" she sit and started to eat I hurriedly walk towards the dining table and sit beside her. "Ya Sulli, let me join you... im feeling hungry again"

After 1 hour I am on the edge of my sit, the game is getting intense... the score is tie between Brazil and Korea at the Fifa World Cup, only a few minutes left "C'mon Korea, you can do it" My eyes is so focus on the game that I did not even notice that Sulli sat beside me on the couch and took the remote control that is on the sofa table "Park Ji sung gets a free kick and then---" The announcer did not finish what he said because Sulli change the channel. "What the---" I look at her and try to snatch the remote. "Ya Choi Sulli, give me the remote control" Sulli stand up, holding the remote control tightly. "Oh no, I must watch Running Man, just watch a replay of the soccer game Minho" I managed to snatched the remote out of her hand, I immediately change the channel to the soccer game. "Its live pabo, I don't watch replay... you just watch rerun of that show" "Omo, Minho look at the ceiling there is a lizard" I looked up and it was a mistake, Sulli snatch again the remote and change the channel, she then put the remote control inside her shirt. "Sorry Minho, but you know that you cannot win against me" I stand up and gave her a deadly glare, my hands on my hips. Sulli grab the bag of doritos and started to dig in while watching "Omo, Kwangsoo is so funny hahaha" she started to laugh. Her laugh is so infectious that I laugh also. i sit again beside her and watch her laugh, my face become softer... I probably won't get tired watching her looking so happy, and I will let her hold the remote control for as long as she wanted to... even if I can't watch my favorite soccer game on TV

Sulli look back. "Why are you looking at me like that? Have I grown two heads?" "Because you look ridiculous and i'm still mad at you" I said defensively. I am also starting to enjoy the show when all of the sudden I let out a loud "fart" Sulli look at me then started laughing, she pinch her nose. My face become so red because of embarrassment. "S-sorry" "Why? were you embarrassed? there is nothing to be shy of... people do fart, even dogs do... its normal" "Dogs? I've living quite a long time but i've never seen a dog fart" I said. "Neither do I, I just read it on the internet" I chuckled... God i love her, she is so natural and real After 2 hours I open my eyes, I fell asleep while watching TV, Sulli"s is head is on my shoulder. She's sleeping like a baby My heart started to race again like crazy. I softly caressed her cheek. I stand up and carry her towards her room, I gently put her to bed and tuck the cover sheet above her chest. "Goodnight rabbit princess... "I whisper and gently kiss her on the forehead Chapter 4 SUV POV I open my eyes, lights is filling inside my room... I blink twice I look at my alarm clock at the sidetable: 6:00 am I groan and decided to rise from bed. Minho is sipping coffee at the dining table. He's wearing a navy blue two button suit without a tie, he sure look dashing. "Goodmorning" he greeted "Goodmorning yourself" I mumble. "Wow, bacon and pancakes". I started to eat I glance at Minho and I could tell that he is trying hard not to smile while watching me eating the bacon and pancake like a mad woman, damn but I am so freakin' hungry! "Why are so early? It is only 6:00am" i said while chewing "I have an early appoinment with a client" I nod, Minho is an architech working at Bae's firm alongside Jonghyun

his friend. "Sulli... there is something that I wanted to ask you... "he said then paused. "Well you can or cannot answer me, I will totally understand" "What is it?" He scratch his head. "Well... errr... "he seemed to struggle with his on word, then he cleared his throat "When you and Heechul went to New York... did something... "he paused again "Did something what?" I ask impatiently He sigh deeply then shook his head. "Ah forget it... I shouldn't have ask you that, that is too personal" then sip his coffee I quickly get what he is trying to say. "Ahhh you mean, if Heechul and I had sex? Is that what you want to ask" Minho almost choke on his coffee. "Ya Choi Sulli, watch your mouth!" "Why? did I said something wrong? everybody talks about sex... as if you never heard about that word before" I said casually He gave me a blazing look, he sure look piss. "To answer your question... nothing happened between me and Heechul" His face change, from being piss to shock and relief? Not sure about the last word, I might imagining things "W-why? I mean don't get me wrong but your a very attractive woman" I feel like on cloud nine upon hearing the word attractive "I don't know, I just don't feel like doing it with Heechul... "I said. "How about you? did you and Yuri---" "I'm not gonna answer your question" I pout. " Why? we're bestfriend right, we should not hide secrets from each other" "Because I don't want too, its too personal... " he said then stand up I gave him a you-are-so-unfair-look "By the way, I bump to Taemin yesterday at the mall and he ask about you" I frown. "Taemin?" "Lee Taemin, your first love"

Sangwoo High September 2005 "Sulli!" Luna's voice echoed all over the room, she immediately grab Sulli's hand and pull her at the corner. "Have you heard the latest news?" Sulli shook her head. " No?" "My neighbor Kwanghee told me that Lee taemin has a huge crush on you and he is planning to ask you out" "Really?" "Yes its true, he said Taemin finds you cute and he wanted to get to know you" Sulli blush, she puts both of her hand on her cheeks. Soon after, Krystal, Victoria and Amber join the conversation. "Omo Sulli, you are so lucky... Taemin is the campus hearthrob of Jongkook High, almost every girl likes him" Victoria said "When he ask you out, you should say yes right away" Amber said Sulli just smile then he look at Minho's direction, he's reading a book and doen't seem to care about Sulli and Taemin's news

SULLI POV After 1 week "C'mon, you promise to treat me to the icecream shop after class" I said to Minho while batting my eyelashes, I cling my left arm to his right arm He look irritated. "Aish, ok fine... but this is the last time understand" "Your the best Minho Oppa!" "Ya! don't call me oppa, some people might misunderstand us both" he said acidly I just ignore him and we walk together. We reach the gate of the school "Choi Sulli" Minho and I turn around, then a cute guy wearing a cap and a school uniform that is different from ours walk toward our direction. Its Lee Taemin! " Hi!" he greeted never leaving his eyes on me I immediately pulled out my left arm on Minho and shyly look at Taemin. "Hello Taemin"

Minho raised an eyebrow " How are you? Did you receive the flowers that I sent you yesterday?" I nodded shyly. Then I look at Minho, my eyes is gesturing that he must leave right away because I needed some Taemin and Sulli moment He narrows his eyes on me. "C'mon Sulli, lets go" "You go ahead Minho, I'll just walk with Taemin" He gave me a death glare and then to Taemin before walking away.

After 2 weeks MINHO POV

Why do birds suddenly appear... everytime you are near... just like me they long to be... close to you... A carpenter's song is playing on the radio Im laying on my bed and thinking about Sulli... its been a week but I still can't get her off my head, I tried to keep myself busy by focusing more on my study and my soccer practice but she still keeps on pestering my mind. Im about to sleep when I heard something over my window, it seems like someone is throwing peeble rocks on it. I got up and walk toward the window and open it. I saw Sulli in her pigtails standing, she wave then put the ladder into my window and started to climb. "Ya Sulli! what are you doing? get down!" I yelled at her "Shhh... be quiet" When she reached my window, I grab her hand and pull her inside my room. "You are so stubborn! I told you not to climb on the ladder, what if you slip and fall?" I scolded her She doesn't seem to mind what I said, she walks toward my bed and sit on a froggie position her one hand on her chin "Get out, omma might see you... we will be in big trouble" I said. When we were young, we used to sleep together but after Sulli and I reach puberty period my mother prohibited us to go inside each other's room, my mother explained to us that it is not like she doesn't trust us both

but it seem awkward on her part since we are not blood related(were neighbor) plus the fact that she's conservative in many ways. "Minho, have you kiss a girl before?" "What?" Sulli get up then walks towards me, she's just a few inches away from me. I can smell her scent... roses and lavender "Can I ask you favor?" "what favor?" "Can you teach me how to kiss? Taemin and I are officially dating and I don't know how to kiss, im sure he'll like me more if I know how to kiss" I thought i'd gone deaf after hearing what she said. "Are you crazy? Im not gonna kiss you" "Why not? Look, we are like brother and sister, I'm sure there is no malice if we kiss. I'm just curious on how it feels like to be kiss by someone on the lips" she reasoned out "No" "Please" "No No No No! !" i said with defiance Sulli sigh in resignation. " Ok fine if you say so" I thought she's gonna turn around and walk away but I am completely dumb struck when she move one step closer, grab both of my cheeks then kiss me. My eyes are wide open, I thought my heart stop beating and I died. The kiss lasted just a few seconds then she release me. "Ah so that how it feels like... " she said, her eyes dancing with joy then she walks away. I don't know how long I was standing inside my room, eyes wide open... mouth wide open... but one things for sure it is gonna be one sleepless night. just like me they long to be close to you... why? close to you... Chapter 5 SULLI POV I look up at the twenty glass story building of Jung's Telecommunication Company. All made of glass steel and sand stone. I check my outfit for the last time; I'm wearing a black slacks, a white blouse and a black stiletto shoes, my long hair is in pony tail for a neat look.

I entered the building and went straight to the receiption area, she then ushered me to the tenth floor of the Vice President's office. I walk over to the elevator and presses the button of the tenth floor. I notice that I'm not alone inside the elevator. I glance at the woman beside me out of curiosity. She's probably on her mid 40's or early 50's, white porcelain skin just like mine and her hair is in soft curls, my eyes move into her attire; she's wearing a smoked glass sungglasses which occupies half of her face, she's wearing a Prada ivory coat which hide her clothes on the inside, a birkin ostrich hermes bag cling into her right arm and her shoes is a black Jimmy Choo wedges. "Daebak" i exclaimed to myself, she's indeed look expensive and sophisticated. My eyes caught the blue logan sapphire in her right ring finger. "I could probably buy ten Choi Minho look a alike at the price of that sapphire" I thought to myself. Heck! I'm thinking of Choi Minho again. After a few minutes the elevator reach the tenth floor, I step out and so did MissMrs. Blue Sapphire... she went on the opposite direction. I went to the Vice President's secretary table. "Good morning, I'm Choi Sulli, the newly hired accountant" The secretary stand up. "Ah yes, Vice President Jung is waiting for you inside" He open the door, and my eyes caught the tall and handsome man sitting in his high back office chair . He stand up upon seeing me and walks toward me. " Miss Choi Sulli, nice to meet you... my name is Jung Yonghwa, its a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the Jung's company" he said then shakes hand with me. '"Pleasure to meet you too sir" "Just call me Yonghwa" I gave him a half hearted smile then my eyes landed on his outfit. He's wearing a black one button three piece suit, but what makes me cringe is the tie he's wearing. " Really? ! Fuschia pink!" I said to myself... Yonghwa's eyes darted on where is my eyes are looking at. "Something's wrong Miss Choi? why are looking at my tie?" "Huh?" "You are looking at my tie like it was some kind of specimen" I cleared my throat. I look at his face. " I don't wanna be rude sir but I just wanna make an honest opinion about your tie" "fireaway" he said in a cool voice " Did you bought that tie?" I ask pointed out the tie "No, it was given to me as a gift" he answered

"Your three piece suit doesn't match the tie... "I paused then continue. "Seriously fuschia pink? ! I like that color but it doesn't look good on you, seems like the person that gave you that tie is either color blind or heshe hold some grudges on you, and now heshe is vindicated for the revenge plot" Yonghwa laugh... and I laugh also but mine is fake. " Miss Choi I like you... you are so funny" After a few minutes of conversation about my work as a company's accountant, I bid my goodbye. I was about to open the door when he called me. "Miss Choi" "Yes sir?" "About this tie, I just wanna share that the person who gave me this is actually my mother... she gave this to me as a birthday present last year" he explain while holding the fuschia pink tie I just wanna chop my head off after hearing what he said.

YONGHWA POV "She's really funny and very pretty" I thought to myself. I never met a woman like Choi Sulli, she's honest and lack's pretension. "Seems like my work here at the company will never gonna be boring anymore" My phone rang, I smile wickedly upon seeing the name of the caller : KWON YURI

One day ago Tokyo Japan Coffee Shop "What do want from me?" Yuri ask Yonghwa lean his back on the armchair. "Lets order first, what do you like?" "Americano"she answered "Two americano" Yonghwa said to the waiter "Now, don't beat around the bush Mr. Jung what do you want from me?" " I've been following your works for some time now Miss Kwon, and

frankly speaking I'm impress"he said while twiching his lips. " You've been working for Nicole Smith for almost two years and she never gave you a break... you never had a chance to showcase your creation due to lack of fund am I right?" Yuri nodded. " I will help you to achieve your big break Miss Kwon, I will sponsor you... " he said in cool tone. "but theres a catch... " "What is it?" "You will have to date me" Yuri smirk. "Mr. Jung I'm sure there is a line of women out there who are more than willing to date you... I'm already dating someone else" "Miss Kwon, I'm a very very persistent man" then he lean forward, there faces only inches away from each other "And I always get what I want"

MINHO POV " Congratulation Yuri, Im happy for you" I said "Thank you Oppa, let's celebrate later... I will go to your place and I will cook for you a delicious dinner" Yuri said in the other line "I think it will be better if we just dine outside" I suggested "Oh no oppa, I already made plans of the dinner later... I have to go I love you" I sigh deeply. "Me too... " i said

SULLI POV I get the key in my bag and open the door of Minho's pad. Since there is no partition between the living room and the dining area... my eyes immediately flew to the two person in the dining table. " Sulli" Minho said then stand up, he seems awkward upon seeing me. "Have you had your dinner already? If not then come and join us" I dismissed Minho's invitation because my eyes is staring into the girl beside him. Kwon Yuri I never hide my sour face in her and she also did have a sour face while staring at me. . as if you're seeing your long lost enemy for the first time again after so many years...

Chapter 6 SULLI POV " Excuse me, I have to answer a call" Minho said then goes outside Yuri and I were momentarily silent, then she stand up and walks towards me. She stop a few inches away from me. I look at her from head to foot, her hair is still the same as I remember long black and straight. She's wearing a sexy pencil red dress by Versace that wraps her body like an ivy, her shoes is a beige leather and chain high heel by Christian Louboutin and the only jewelry that she's wearing is a red lampwork crystal earrings. I squirm inside upon realizing that im wearing a typical slacks and blouse, have I known that Yuri is coming today I should have worn a ballgown! She stop a few inches away from. " How have you been Choi Sulli?" "Still breathing" I answered in a bored tone "I can see that you are so jealous right now considering on how you look at me and to what i'm wearing... expensive right" she said with confidence. "While you on the other hand... "she paused "Still wears cheap and baggy clothes, very classless" then laugh mockingly. "What? me jelous? over my dead sexy body" I told myself. I move closer. " Listen carefully Yuri, I maybe wearing a cheap and baggy clothes but I will never ever gonna be jelous of you, I'm sure all of your expensive clothes and shoes are freebies"I whisper " You are nothing but a cunning manipulative girl that I used to know" She raised her hand as if to slap me and I raise my face taunting her. "C'mon Yuri bring it on" I said to myself. But she put her hand down and turn around, her face change from being mad angry to being a trying hard innocent wannabee, she walk towards Minho who just cameback. She wrapped her left arm to his right arm. "Oppa, Its getting late... I wanna go home" Minho seems uncomfortable , he look at me and then back to Yuri. "Allright but I have to wash the dishes first" Yuri lean her head into Minho's shoulder. I feel like my blood is boiling. "No need to Oppa, Sulli told me that she'll gladly wash the dishes because she wanted us to spend more time together" she said while battling an eyelashes. "Really?" Minho look at me as if confirming what Yuri said. "Well thanks Ssul" I gave them a are-you-kidding-me-look... if looks could only kill they are probably on their graves right now...

After 3 hours I keep on tossing and turning in my bed, I can't sleep... I look at my clock: 11:00 pm I rise from my bed... I'm still pissed by the whole Yuri drama that had happened a while ago... I wanted to strangle her neck and kick her outside of planet earth and I don't care if she a became a martian or an asteroid, I just wanted her out of my life! I felt that my throat gone dry, I get up... I walk towards the vanity mirror. I'm wearing a pink hello kitty pajama and my hair is dishevelle like sadako. Then I smile and make some aegyo face. "Hah atleast im cute and funny" I decided to drink some water and went outside. I walk towards the kitchen, I open the fridge and pour some water on the glass. I was holding the glass of water in my hand when I turn around and saw Minho doing some push ups, he is wearing a black short and nothing on the top! the popping veins on his arms and biceps is very visible, the hard rippling muscles on his back look so darn hard everytime he moves. Why is it that I feel like Minho's bachelor pad is on fire... like hotness overload inside I blink like countless of times and my mouth is half open, then he stand up and saw me. He walk towards me, and like in movies and TV I look at him in slow motion. I look at his wide chest and his perfect chiseled six pack abs... I didn't notice that i am drooling... hell yeah I'am drooling so what? ! can you blame me... Minho is the sexiest man alive in my eyes that moment. He move closer then grab the glass of water that I am holding, then he drinks the water. And I had the fascination of watching his adams apple move in every gulp he make. Then I look at the sweats on his forehead, my naughty eyes follow the single sweat trailing from his forehead down to his cheek bone... then down to his jaw... then to his neck... then to his collarbone... then to his torso. . then to his abs... then to his navel and then to his... oh well now I know what I wanted to be in my next life... I wanna be Minho's sweat... "Are you allright?" Minho ask. "Why is your face so red?" then he move a little more closer and put his hand on my forehead. Instinctively I raise both of my hand and put it on his chest to push him but my hands were an ultimate traitors because it glued into Minho's delicious chest. He cocked his head on one side. "Well you don't have a fever" he put the glass on top of the dining table then his eyebrows furrows. "Ya Choi Sulli, your drooling"... ' he said while pointing the saliva in the side of my mouth. "Huh?" "Your drooling"

I immediately remove my hands in his torso and wipe the saliva. "I-I have slept a while ago then I woke up and got thirsty" I said lying Minho chuckled. "Go back to sleep rabbit princess, its late... " he said then ruffles my hair and walk towards his room Oh please Lord... grant my wish... I wanna be Minho's sweat...

MINHO POV Next Day I closed the door of my room and was about to walk towards the livingroom when I heard Sulli's voice inside the bathroom... she's singing... I lean closer in the bathroom door and listen to her off tune voice. I'm lucky i'm inlove with my bestfriend... lucky to have been where I have been... lucky to be coming home again... i smiled. I can imagine what she's doing inside... she's probably having a bubble bath, closed eyes and listening to her IPAD... Sulli is the most amazing woman that I've ever met... and I am so lucky for having her as my bestfriend... well I wish for more... Then I shook my head at the thought and walks away. I look at my wristwatch. "Damn I'm already late at my work. . " lucky were inlove in every way... lucky to have stayed were we have stayed... lucky to becoming home someday...

Chapter 7 My two feet landed on a chic botique shop in Cheongdamdom. I enter the shop and the sales lady bowed and greeted me, I smile and started checking out the clothes. I rarely shop, I just buy new clothes and shoes if its needed. I can't even remember when was the last time I went on to shop... a couple of months ago? last year? ... I'm also not into designer clothes, well I like reading fashion magazines and lurking into fashion blogs but I just don't find myself buying a piece of a designer bag or a dress that is equivalent to my one month salary. I still prefer cheap and baggy clothes. I look at my phone and check my inbox, Minho texted Minho: Where are you? let's have dinner together, im on my way back home

I smile... my heart started to go nuts again. I bought two pairs of jeans and shirt and was about to leave the shop when I bump to someone. "Sorry" I said without even looking to the person I bump into "Choi Sulli?" "Yes" "Is it really you Choi Sulli? !" I stare at the person I bump into; He's a tall man, medium built and has a blonde hair... he is wearing a blue jeans, a tight fitting black shirt and a black boots... and he seems familiar. My eyes narrow into slits as my brain neurons is working overtime to remember where and when have is seen this guy in front of me. "How are you snow white?" My eyes flicker in surprise, the only person who calls me snow white is... "Choi Siwon? !"

SANGWOO HIGH 2005 Taemin and I dated for a span of two months then I broke up with him. I really did not cry a river about the breakup because well I find him cute and charming but I got bored. We really did not have much in common and most of the time he talks about stuff that I can't relate to like computers, video games and gadgets. After the break-up I never saw him again. A month later Choi Siwon, the captain of the basketball team of our school approached me. I've known him since gradeschool since we go the same school back then but we rarely talk to each, he has different group of friends and I only hang out with Minho my bestfriend. I was in complete shock and surprise when Siwon ask me out, I mean he is one of the hearthrob of Sangwoo High aside from Minho, girls talk about him all the time, my FX group is so jelous upon hearing that Siwon is interested in me. At first I was kind of hesitant to say yes, but there is something in him that I find intriguing and mysterious so I decided to give it a try. We walk together after school " Sulli, do you wanna go out with me this weekend?" Siwon ask. "Sure, where are we going?" "A mall or amusement park, not sure yet... " he shrugged I nodded Weekend came and Siwon and I went to the amusement park, it was our first date together so I did not expect some fireworks and chemistry will built up so easily. I really had a great time with him, we talk a

lot and I found out we had a lot of things in common. We like the same color, favorite food, favorite movies and music. But one thing that I notice about him is that he is a sensitive guy, he can easily understand what I feel inside, its as if I found another friend that I can trust aside from Minho and my fellow FX girls. Minho's Room "Ya Choi Sulli, are you listening?" Minho said and tap the pencil gently into my forehead as if to wake me up from my reverie "Huh?" Minho's face became grim as he close the math book and move a little closer, we are both sitting on his bed doing our assignment "Your acting a little bit weird today? do you have a problem?" I scratch my head then sighed deeply. "Uhmmm I don't know if I should ask you this question or not, but recently something is really bugging me" "what is it?" I pout my lips then look at him. "Well since you've never dated a girl before so I don't know if your the right person that I should ask about my problem" Minho tap my forehead again with the pencil this time a little too strong. "Ouch" i said and caressed my forehead. I glare at him 'Ya just tell me?" he said impatiently "Minho... if ever you will date a girl aside from giving her flowers and chocolates, going out and telling her that you like her ... what else will you do to show your love and affection? to make her feel special" Minho look at the ceiling while holding his chin as if thinking. "Well I will call her everyday and I will cook for her and I will walk with her after school" "As a man? are you going to hold her hand and kiss her?" "Of course, I will always hold her hand and hug her and kiss her" he said then suddenly he blush as he seem to have remember something. That leave me into deep thoughts. Siwon and I have been going out for more than one month but he never hold my hand, he never hug or kiss me not even once. At first I thought he must have had great respect to girls which I find very touching, but now I find it weird, it is not like i am craving or expecting him to do those things to me I just noticed something odd about him... he doens't like skin to skin contact... one time I accidentally brushed my arm into his arm and he flinched. And then there's this close bonding with Taeyeon his team mate, most of our dates he tag Taeyeon along which I find annoying because we never really had our own moments together, its as if Taeyeon is the third wheel in our relationship. "Ya Choi Sulli, your mind is flying again somewhere" Minho said in an irritated voice. "Instead of thinking about your boyfriend Siwon why don't you just focus on your study, your grades is low and your in the

last ranking in our class" I felt embarrassed when he mentioned my low grades that I throw a pillow on him. "Ya Choi Minho, Im not in the last rank... I am actually second to the last" Minho laugh then started to mess my hair. 'Stop messing with my hair" I get another pillow and so did MInho, we started engaging to the classic pillow fight. We are laughing and shrieking like little kids while hitting it each other with the pillow, then he hit me so hard that I fall on the bed. We are both running our breaths after the fight. "Thank god your omma is not at home or else she will have you grounded once she found out i'm here and were playing pillow fights"I said while rising from the bed. "Look at what you've done to my hair, it is so messy" i said in an annoyed voice and try to comb my hair with my fingers He join me in the bed. "Turn around" "Huh" "I said turn around" I obliged, I turn my back on him, then he touch my hair and started to comb it with his hand and then he started to braid it. I am completely surprised. "Who taught you how to braid hair?" "Omma... remember she used to have a long hair and I always watch her braiding her hair" I nod. Then I felt a sudden sadness as I remember my late mother, she used to braid my hair when I was little. And I was completely touch by Minho's action because aside from my mother he is the only person who do this to me. I tried to control a sob, my eyes become misty. "Are you crying?" "No... I'm just... I'm happy" I said and for the first time in my life I felt something unfamiliar and warm tingling sensation inside my heart. Chapter 8 SULLI POV Sangwoo High 2005 It's late afternoon, classes already ended, I walk towards the basketball gymnasium looking for Siwon. I looked around but the court is empty. Dissapointment written in my face. "Aish, I should have come earlier maybe Siwon went straight home" i thought and then I look at the box of

chocolate that I'am holding, I wanted to give him a chocolate after I found out that Sangwoo High won the championship in the Highschool Basketball League. "I guess I will just give this chocolate to Minho". I turn my back and was about to leave when I abruptly remember that I haven't try to look for him in the men's locker room. "Should I go there?" I ask to myself. I'm having some hesitation but my impulsive instinct prevail again. "So what if I go to the men's locker room. It is not as if Im gonna die if I go there right? and beside I'm Choi Sulli people know me as a troublemaker, whoever is inside might not be surprise if he will see me there" I reasoned out. I walk towards the locker room, the door is close but when I turn the knob I found out that it was not lock. I step inside without creating a sound, I peek at the first stalls but I found no one. Then I heard something... seems like two people whispering... I make a few steps almost like tiptoe walking to where the whispering sound is coming from, and to my shock I saw Siwon and Taeyeon together whispering sweet nottings, hugging and then they... kiss! I drop the chocolate box...

"Im so sorry Sulli... I really really wanted to tell you about it but I am so afraid to hurt you because you've been so good to me and honestly I really do care for you" Siwon said then he bent his head. "Ya Siwon! do you know that I am just trying so hard not to beat you right now, I wanted to punch you and kick you non stop" I said while shouting. "Why did you date me if your inlove with Taeyeon?" "Because of peer pressure, honestly I really have no intention to date you but people around me keep on pushing me to do so since they really don't know what my real sexual preference. You are the most notorious girl in the school and that my friends think your a challenge. "he explain then on bended knees he said. "Please Sulli forgive me, some people threatened me that they will start to spread rumors about me if I don't date you" I wanted to hate Siwon for what he had done but I can't find myself to hate him, because in almost one month of our relationship, I found a friend. He's been so good to me that my anger melts away so quickly. "Siwon, please stand up... " He stand up. "So how long are you planning to hide your relationship with Taeyeon, I mean you can't hide it forever" "After my college graduation, I will tell my parents about it and I am ready for the consequence, Taeyeon and I had already plans to study abroad" he answer then he place both of his hand on my shoulder. "Sulli you are the most amazing girl that I have ever met, it was so fun when you're around like there is no dull moment. You are so real and so

quirky, the guy that you will love someday is so lucky" I hugged him. Weird but Minho's name pop into my mind when he said to the man that I will love someday. "Ya Choi Siwon you owe me bigtime, treat me to the icecream shop now"

FEBRUARY 2012 Japanese Restaurant "I'm so happy to see you again Sulli, you are beautiful now" Siwon said I drop my chopsticks. "Just now? you really don't find me attractive back then?" I said while chewing "Because I only see you as a sister and as friend" he said smiling "So you and Taeyeon are still together?" Siwon nod. I was to take a bite of the sushi when my phone rang. its Minho "Omo! I forgot, he's waiting for me" I quickly answer the call "Hello?" "Ya Choi Sulli where are you? I've been waiting here for more than one hour, I told you to have dinner with me" Minho said in an angry tone "i'm sorry Minho I forgot, I bump into Siwon and he invited me to have dinner with him" "Siwon? you mean Choi Siwon your ex boyfriend?" "Yes, i'll be coming home right now. Can you wait for me?" "Forget it, take your time with Siwon your ex boyfriend, and I will just eat alone... bye" he said then hang up. "Ok fine, then just eat alone as if I care!" I muttered

Minho's Pad The next morning I woke up and I saw Minho dressed up and putting some clothes in the bag. "Where are you going?" I ask in a sleepy tone "I will go to Incheon, its omma's birthday today" he answered I check at the calendar, today is saturday

"Is Yuri will go be going with you?" He shook his head. "She said she's busy" then paused and look at me. "Do you wanna go with me, I'm sure your father misses you" "Ok, I will take a bath and change my clothes" I said and immediately went to the bathroom

After 45 minutes "Nice car" I murmur while touching the dashboard of his FORD ESCAPE "i know" he said while grinning We put the seatbelt on and then he started the ignition and the engine roars behind us. Then were out into the sunny saturday in Seoul. I push the button of the car stereo. Reo Speedwagon's I Can't Fight This Feeling" were playing on the radio. I can't fight this feeling any longer... And yet I'm still afraid to let it show... What started out as a friendship... Has grown stronger... I only wish I had the strength to let it show... I was looking at him intently while the song is playing, he is wearing a blue denim, white T-shirt, black cap and Ray Ban sungglasses. He sure look so damn sexy. God must have been in a good mood when he created Minho! "Why are looking at me like that?" he ask while glancing at me then he turn his eyes to the road again "What do you mean?" "Your looking at me as if im some kind of a hunk" "Hah! how did he know, Am I too obvious?" i said to myself. But of course I'd rather die than to admit to him that he's right. "Actually I was looking at you because I think your boring... " I said teasingly He smirk. "And your loud and impulsive" he counter attack And then the game of he saidshe said started "Your introvert" i said "Your obnoxious"he said "Your a nerd" I said

"Your a troublemaker" he said " Your a weirdo" I said "If your a food I bet your overcooked"he said "If your a food I bet your tasteless, colorless, odorless... in short your bland"I counter attack He pause as if thinking but got frustrated when he couldn't find any words to attack me, I burst on laughter. "Lost your tongue Choi Minho, I won ha ha ha" I said while laughing. He pout his lips and narrow is eyes on me. I open my bag and open the plastic of orange fruits. I peel one orange "Minho here" I said He turn his head and open his mouth and I feed him one orange slice. All through out the duration of our journey to Incheon we bicker, tease and laugh. Its feels so good when your with the one you love. Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore... I've forgotten what i've started fighting for... And if I have to crawl upon the floor... Come crushing to your door. . Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore... Chapter 9 SULLI POV After more than one hour we reached our hometown Incheon. Minho drop me off in front of my house. I told him that after my visit to my mother's grave I will go to their house, he bid his farewell and proceeded. I sighed deeply as I am looking at our house, it is a french style house, it is made of hard stone, the french inspired exterior has a wrought iron balconies, hipped roof, half timber and detailed arched and a main entrance doorway. . tall oversized second floor window allows bright and natural light to enter inside... the house whom I share some of my happy and sad memories, the house that I shared with my father and my late mother, I haven't been home since I left from the States two years ago. My father and I never had a good relationship after my mother die, its as if he already forgot that he has a daughter craving for his love and affection. Countless of times, I have wait for him outside of the house waiting for his return and when he does he just ignore me. I get my key and open the main door and walk inside. The bright , open main floors of the house has hard wood floor and tall ceilings. I roam

my eyes through the living room. Then I walk through the open spaced and fully equipped kitchen whom my mother used to spend most of her time cooking our favorite meal. I went to the second floor and instead of going straight to my room, my two feet landed in my mother and father's bedroom. I turn the knob and was surprise that the door is not close, either my father is inside the house somewhere or he forget to lock the door. I went inside, the room is still the same from what I remember. I walk towards the closet and open it, my mother's clothes still hangs in there as if she's still alive. My fingers touched the fine clothes, I pick one of her dress, it is a classic V neck Yves Saint Laurent light beige above the knee dress. The color is skin tone and this is one of my mother's favorite dress. I put the dress in the bed and walk towards the vanity mirror, the perfumes, lotions and make up are still there. I pull the drawer and open the jewelry box, I touch the earrings, the necklace and the bracelet then something caught my eyes, I pick the blue sapphire necklace. It is a tear drop cut blue sapphire. Then I notice that there is an initial graving in the back of the pendant; L. Y. A. I frown but decided to return the necklace to the jewelry box. After an hour I went to my mother's grave site, I'm wearing my mother's beige dress, red flat shoes and l let my long hair loose. In my hand is a boquet of baby's breath that I bought in our way... my mother's favorite flower. I spend almost an hour to the grave before going home walking since the cemetary is just near to our house. While walking, the rain started to pour, it touch my skin and instead of running to find some shed I welcome the rain, I raised both of my hands and look above the sky feeling the rain drops in the palm of my hands and my face. The rain is still pouring when I reach Minho's house and he was standing a few steps away from me outside the house. He is wearing a khaki shorts, powder blue cotton shirt and he's holding a yellow umbrella. He look at me, his eyes became intense Then he purposely drop the yellow umbrella and walks towards me, his big brown eyes staring at me with so much love and longing. When he is just a few inches away, he roughly pulled me into his arms and kissed me with so much passion and I kiss him back with the same intensity. After seems like forever he stop and cupped my face in his hands. His eyes tenderly roams my face as if he's trying to memorize everything. "Choi Jinri, I love you so much" he said softly, full of sincerity. My eyes got misty. "Choi Minho, I love you too" I said with the same sincerity. Then he bend his head again and kiss me again, my arms curled around his neck while his one hand snake around my waist and the other sofly carressing my back. This time the kiss is more deep and full of desire. We kissed like there is no tomorrow... under the pouring rain...

"Ya Choi Sulli! your soaking wet!"

I heard Minho's voice and its enough for me to wake up from my day dreaming. "Huh" "Why did you rush into the heavy rain without an umbrella?" he softly scolded He shooked his head as if I'm twisted. Then I cameback to reality, the rain has already stop and the sun is peeking again in the sky. I squirm inside...

MINHO POV My brows furrows as I'm looking at Sulli, she seem lost... "Aigoo Sulli, your soaking wet, come inside and change your clothes before you catch a cold" my omma said she's carrying a cake and put it in top of the garden table. "its ok aunt, I'll change later and I'm not that cold. I will eat the cake first" Sulli said then step towards the table. "Ok I will get some towel" omma said and went inside. I look at Sulli, she's standing and staring at the cake with awe. My eyes flew in her damp hair, why is it that she look so damn sexy with her wet hair and since she's soaking wet the beige dress hugged her body likea second skin, from afar she look naked... then my eyes travel to her semi parted pink full lips... I inhaled sharply. I wanted to crush her lips with my lips. Then my eyes travel to her slender neck, then to her full bossom and then to her small waist and then to her well rounded hips and then to her long white silky long legs. "She is torturing me!" i said to myself full of agony inside. Then my eyes went back to her lovely face and I have a wild guess that she used to be Helen of Troy in her previous life because she can make a man go crazy. Sulli cut a small portion of the cake via fork and started to eat. I am so engrossed watching her eating the cake when I notice the smear of icing in her upper lips. "Let my lips wipe the icing" I said to myself. Sulli unconciously wipe the icing with her pink tongue. The sight is too strong that I thought someone punch me in the stomach. I abruptly turn my back on her to hide my "huge" problem. I'm breathing raggedly, no other woman make me feel like this that I have to make a fist to control my desire in broad daylight! I heard the metal chair move, she sit on it. "Ya Choi Minho, are you allright? I can hear your labored breathing" I don't know if she's just playing with me or she is just plain dumb.

"Are you crazy? ! why did you rush to the rain without an umbrella? or you should have wait until the rain stop before going here"I can't even hear my own voice. "It is just a rain, your over reacting... you can scold me to your hearts content if I welcome the tsunami" she said and I already imagine her rolling her eyes. "Aish but still you should have... "then I paused. "I'll go inside and get some water"i said angrily. Good Lord, I needed some cold shower... Chapter 10 SULLI POV I'm sweating bullets as I continue running to the fine sand of Incheon beach. It is a bright morning sunny sunday, the beautiful big ocean wave's are crashing against the clifts while the seagulls joyfully fly around in circles in the air. Growing up near the beach, Minho and I spend most our younger years running around or walking to the warm golden sand and we used to collect gorgeous shiny sea shells that have been washed into the shore by the rippling waves. Minho went back to Seoul this morning because he and Jonghyun has to visit a contruction site today. After an hour, I decided to come home. I am a few steps away from the house when I saw a woman standing near the front gate. I stare at her; her hair is in soft curls, she's wearing a Burberry dark smoke sungglasses, her dress is a black Channel front pleat dress and her shoes is black Louie Vuitton stiletto and so did her bag. I frown as I am trying to identify the woman. " She seems familiar, I think I already saw her somewhere" I told myself, then my eyes darted to the blue sapphire in her ring finger. "She's the woman in the elevator"I muttered to myself. "The expensive woman from Jung's company... but what is she doing in front of our house?" I was about to approached the woman when she walk towards her black mercedez benz car and minutes later she's gone into my eyes. I frown and went inside. "Aigoo Sulli! when did you cameback?" "Ajumma!" I said and hug the old woman. Mrs Kim is the caretaker of our house who often come by to clean and cook food especially when my father is around. "You've grown so beautifully Sulli" she said and touch my face. I saw that she's cooking something in the kitchen. "Thank you ajumma, is appa in the house?" "Yes, he's in the study room" I excitedly went to the study room... I knock three times but he did not

answer so I turn the knob and open the door. My father is sitting in his high backed chair while reading some documents in the office table. He turn his head on me. "Appa! how are you? its been two years since I last saw you... you seem to have lost some weight" I said smiling My father stand up and sigh deeply, he put both of his hand in his pocket and turn around, facing the window. "Aren't you going to ask me what am doing right now? what is my job? where do I live?" my eyes started to get misty. My father is the same cold distant person I know. He turn around and look at me, his face is expressionless. "i wish you never came back" he said in a cold voice. A pain slice inside my heart upon hearing what he said. "Why? did you hate me that much? I'm your daughter, your only child but you treat me like a total stranger. Why?" I said in a croaked voice, tears fell in my eyes. "I think this is the right time to tell you the truth" "What truth?" "First and foremost, I am asking for your forgiveness because I've never been a good father to you... " he said and then paused. " When Yumi died, a part of me also died, she is the center of my universe, I breath and love because of her. Up to this time I still can't accept the fact that she's gone. " his voice laced with sadness. "Sulli. . Yumi and I never had a child... you are adopted" I feel like my whole world crashed upon hearing my father's confession.

MINHO POV Its been a tiring day, after driving from Incheon to Seoul I went straight to the construction site that me and my partner Jongyun is working on and spend the whole day in there. When evening came, Yuri came by the pad and we had dinner. I tried calling Sulli again for the tenth time while lying in my bed. Her phone is still off. "Why is her phone still in off mode? Is she still in Incheon? What is she doing right now?" i ask to myself and a worry feeling starting to built up inside me. I had the urge to go back to Incheon just to see her. I switch my iPad on. My two hand is at the back of head while staring at the ceiling. I missed Sulli so much. My mind has been pre occupied by her and my hang over from yesterday scene is still not wearing off. i was about to close my eyes when the door open. I was dazzled from the lights outside my room since my light is turn off inside, then a person emerges to the room. i rise from the bed as I immediately recognize the

person who came by my room. "Sulli? !" She walks toward my bed, I can hear her faint sob as she crawl into my bed and sit beside me. "What happen? why are crying?" I ask in a worry tone. She did not answer me and continued to cry, I wipe her tears and hug her tightly. She hug me back and lay her head in my chest. We lay together, my hands softly caressing and patting her back while she keeps on crying in my chest. My iPad keeps on playing as Adele's voice echoes all through out my room. When the rain is blowing in your face... And the whole world is on your case... I could offer you a warm embrace... To make you feel my love... I don't know how long we stay in that position but it feels like dejavu... Sulli used to cry in my chest when she's upset and sad when we were young... Sulli look at me and it broke my heart as I see the pain and sorrow in her eyes. "Minho... I... " she sob again then continue. "Appa told me that I' am... adopted" A single tear fell in my eye, I felt her pain. I pulled her even more closer to my arms, giving her a tight embrace. "Go ahead and cry more . Tomorrow will be better, I promise... "I whisper softly and kiss her in the forehead. My heart swells with love for this woman that I am willing to give everything that I have just to see her sweet smile again. i could make you happy, make your dreams come true... No there is nothing that I wouldn't do... Go to the ends of the Earth for you... To make you feel my love. . Chapter 11 SULLI POV

There is light everywhere inside the room. Bright, warm, piercing light and I don't want to wake up.

I lie back for a moment staring through the windows, then I finally succumb to wakefulness. I clamber out of Minho's bed feeling down and lonely. The adopted" issue is still ringing to my mind and I don't know how long I will carry the pain of yesterday's revelation. I look at the clock at the side table: 7:30 AM "Geez I'm late" I said and immediately went outside of the room and to the kitchen to prepare a quick breakfast. I smile when I saw what is in the dining table: french toast and eggs benedict with a glass of orange juice. "Minho, you really know how to melt my heart" I told myself and then I saw a sticky note in the glass of orange juice. I read it. Goodmorning Rabbit Princess, don't leave with an empty stomach... I prepared a delicious breakfast hoping this will make you smile at the start of the day. P. S: I will grant one of your all time wish: lets have vanilla icecream and topokki later... my treat

I started to get mushy thoughts. I know that girls into this trance sometimes and Minho's sweet gesture makes me feel fuzzy inside like butterflies set a flea market in my gut. "Vanilla icecream and topokki... "

SANGWOO HIGH 2005 "Ya Kwon Yuri!" Luna's voice echoes all through out the classroom. The student's inside the classroom scrambles through the back as they saw the FX group approaching. Yuri stand up from her chair. "Yes?" "Are you the one who is spreading a rumor that the only reason why Sulli passed the midterm exam is beacause she cheated. Is it really you huh?" Victoria ask "Yes its me... why? Its already given because she's an ultimate cheater right" Yuri said in casual tone "Ya do you wanna die right now huh!" Amber shouted ready to pounce "What is your problem? Are you jealous of Sulli because she's popular and your not?" Krystal ask in an angry tone Yuri twitch her lips. "Me? jelous of her? !" she said sarcastically while pointing to Sulli. "Please... she's not even in my level"

Sulli make a fist, trying so hard to control herself from smacking Yuri in the face. Amber take a step forward into Yuri and grab the collar of her uniform. "You don't know who your dealing with bitch... do you really wanna die right now huh, I can give that to you!" Yuri hold Amber's arms and shove it down. "Try me" she said taunting Amber raised her right arm, make a fist and was about to give Yuri a punch in the face when Sulli hold her hand. "Stop it Amber" Sulli said in a cold tone. Amber look at her as if questioning why she let her stop then let her arms down. Sulli look into Yuri. "Did I do something bad in you? Coz I can't remember anything... I really don't know why you hate so much" Yuri smirk then move a step closer to Sulli. "You really don't know... Choi Sulli you're a pest in this school"she said while pointing her index finger into Sulli's chest. "I'm sure your late mother is rolling in her grave right now because her daughter is such a dissapointment" then she laugh mockingly Sulli's face turns into red upon hearing Yuri's insulting words. She can forgive Yuri calling her a pest but mentioning her late mother is too much. Eveything became so blurred at that moment. She slap Yuri in the face and grab her hair. Yuri shouted from the pain then fights back, she pull Sulli's hair also. Then they fell into the floor, Sulli is on top of Yuri and slap her non stop. "How dare you bitch! I'm gonna kill you" Sulli shouted. The students and even the Fx girls did not intercept into the fight because they are scared of Sulli. Then came Minho, who is still breathing raggedly from running towards the classroom upon learning that Sulli and Yuri is fighting. He immediately went into Sulli and grab her into the waist and pulled her away from Yuri. "Let go of me!" Sulli hissed and tried to resist into Minho's tight grip in her arms. "Stop it Sulli!" Minho shouted. "Why do always get yourself involved into a fight huh! Is this really what you want? going to school just to beat people! If this is really what you wanted to do then just quit school and be a gangster!" She gave Minho a deadly stare and then forcefully tried to release herself, Minho sigh then let her go. She walk towards the door without even saying a word, the Fx girls follows her. Then she stop at the door entrance and turn around to Minho. Minho then look at Yuri who is still in the floor, he walk towards her and pulled her up. Yuri's face is red from Sulli's slap and her nose is bleeding. He get his white hankerchief in his pocket and gently wipe Yuri's blood. Sulli saw that scene and she doesn't know what is more painful; Yuri's insult or Minho comforting Yuri. "Maybe both" Sulli said to herself and wipe the single tear that fell in

her cheek.

MINHO POV After five hours. " Please open the door and let's talk" I said while knocking at Sulli's room door. I get no response and keep on knocking. " Please Sulli, open the door and let's talk... I'm sorry about what I said a while ago, I should not have said that, Victoria and Krystal came up to me and they told me what really happensed, please open the door" After a few minutes Sulli's door open. "You really feel sorry?" she ask, her face is still gloomy. I nod. "I am sincerely sorry... please accept my apology" I said then smile. "I brought some vanilla icecream... " Sulli smile back and hug me. "Apology accepted now, where is the icecream?" After thirty minutes. We are at the living room, sitting in the couch watching MTV while eating icecream in one big bowl. "Do you like that band?" Sulli ask while pointing to the band No Doubt, the music video "Don't Speak" is currently playing. "Yes, they are one of my favorite band and also Maroon Five. Recently I'm into alternative and classic love songs" I answer while grabing a spoonful of icreceam. "I thought your tone deaf" Sulli said teasingly. I pinched her cheek and smile. She smile back. You and me... We used to be together... Everyday together always... I really feel... That I'm losing my bestfriend... i can't believe... this could be the end... "By the way Minho... about what happened a while ago, it made me realized that you are right after all" "What do you mean?" I ask while looking at her. Sulli put the spoon in her chin and look at the ceiling. "I decided not

to be a troublemaker anymore, that instead of fighting and making troubles I will concentrate in my study and be a good student and I also don't wanna tarnished my omma and appa's name anymore, it really does hurt my feelings when people keep on involving my parents name" A flicker of surprise cross my eyes. "Really? well that's good... I'm happy for you Sulli" I said smiling. "Then we should make a pinky promise about that" "Pinky promise?" I nodded. "Yes a pinky promise" I raised my hand and so did she. I then entwined my pinky finger into her pinky finger. Sulli giggle. "i promise to come to school early and I promise to do my assignment and I promise that I will never going to sleep again while the class is on going and I promise to come home earlier after class and I promise that I will never ever gonna be involve in a fight again" she said while looking straight into my eyes. At that moment, my heart jump into admiration to Sulli... I finally admitted that I like her more than as a friend. I am so bewitch by her charm and beauty. "Should I admit to her that I like her? will she reject me if I told her now that I like her not as a friend but as a girl. that I wanted her to be my girlfriend" I ask myself then I swallowed hard and tenderly look at her lovely face. "Uhmmm Ssul... I have something to tell you... I've been wanting to tell you this but I am afraid that---" "Oh wait there's more... "Sulli interrupted me. "Choi Minho, I promise to be your bestfriend forever and ever and ever" she said. Our pinky fingers still entwined. I gave a frustrated sigh. "Bestfriend forever... "I said then smile bitterly. Maybe she's not into me and that she only see's me as her bestfriend. "Ya Minho, my wish is that you promise me that you will always treat me to the icecream shop with vanilla icecream and also my favorite topokki at the sidewalk store" I shooked my head. "No way that I will promise and grant your wish... just find another bestfriend who is willing to treat you to vanilla icecream and topokki" i said teasingly. She make a face and kick me in the leg. "Ouch!" I said. Sulli stick her tongue out. I don't know why but I feel happy and sad at the same time... happy because finally Sulli decided to ended her rebellious streaked and sad because I can't express my real feelings for her. Don't speak...

I know just what youre saying... So please stop explaining... I know what youre thinking... I don't need a reason... Don't tell me cause it hurts... Chapter 12 SULLI POV "Well, hello there Miss Fuschia Pink" My eyes darted to a smiling Yonghwa who is leaning to my office table. I was so busy doing tons of paper works that I did not even noticed his entry in to my office. "Hi Mr. Jung, nice to see you again. What brought you here?" I ask then give him a half smile " I told you to just call me Yonghwa. I came by here to give you this. " he put it on top of the table. " It's an invitation to my mother's birthday party on saturday. I wanted you to be there. Seven O' clock Seoul Hotel" I picked up the invitation card and read it. "So since this a cocktail party I have to wear a gown" I utter and squirm inside. I hate attending social gatherings. I rarely go to parties plus I don't have have a dress to wear to the occasion. He smiled. "You can wear a pajama to the party and still look pretty" he said "Thank you" I said and tucked some starnds of hair at the back of my ear. "Do you mind if I tag along a friend of mine... like an escort" "Sure, see you there" He said then wink before leaving. I quickly dialed Minho's number.


I crumpled a paper again and throw it in the garbage bin. I'm having a hard time concentrating in my work because my mind is pre occupied by Sulli and Minho. Call me paranoid but my woman's instinct is telling me that there is something going on between those two. Lately, Minho's acting weird, its as if his distracted and cold when he's with me. " I have do something about it" I said.

I picked up my phone and dialed Minho's number. His phone is busy. Then my phone rang. I smiled expecting it to be Minho only to be dissapointed when I saw Yonghwa's name. I answered it. "Hi! Yonghwa Oppa!" I said in a fake sweet tone. " Yuri baby, how are you? are you busy right now? let's have lunch together, I'll drop by your work place later" "Yes I'm quite busy, can we cancel the lunch date today? Maybe some other time" "Allright, by the way my mother's birthday is on saturday. I want you to be there. I will introduce you to my mother as my girlfriend" I gave a frustrated sighed. "Allright" " i miss you Yuri baby" "Me too... " then I hang up. I put both of my hands in my head. "What am I doing? I am cheating on Minho... God, i'm getting crazy!" I scream I decided to accept Yonghwa's offer because I badly needed some money for the launching of my line and to pay my father's huge debt from the people he swindled. Though i feel guilty inside for cheating Minho but my ambition to be a famous fashion designer blinded all my reasonings. I came from a poor family, my father is a jobless alcoholic who constantly beat his wife and seven children. As the eldest child, I work and study at the same time to feed my family. Since I am a bright and hardworking student, the mayor of Incheon granted me a full time scholarship to Sangwoo High, the most prestigious school in Incheon. During my highschool days I experienced being bullied and trampled by some students due to the fact that I am poor. Only Minho shows kindest to me, I don't know if its only pity on his part but eventually I fell for him. And then there was Choi Sulli... the notorious trouble maker, from the very first time that I saw Sulli I hated and envy her. Hated because Minho is her bestfriend and he took good care of her. . envy because she came from a rich family. "Choi Sulli... you will never ever gonna have Minho Oppa"

DECEMBER 2010 "Minho Oppa, where are you going?" I came by Minho's pad to see him. I stare at him... he is all dressed up, wearing a two button suit with a tie and black leather shoes. He look so handsome. Minho closed the maindoor of his pad. "I'm sorry Yuri, I can't entertain you right now, I have something very important to attend to" My eyes caught a small tiffany box that he's holding and before he could react, I grab the tiffany box in his hand. " What is this?" i ask and open the box, my eyes widened as I saw a princess cut 18 karat tiffany

engagement ring. "A-are you going to give this to S-Sulli?" I said stammering. Minho's eyes glows with love upon hearing Sulli's name then smile. "Yes, I am going to confess my feelings for her tonight and if she will accept me... I am planning to propose to her" I bitterly smile then closed the small box and return it. "Well, congratulation oppa... I'm happy for you" i said giving my fake smile. Minho ruffles my hair. "Thank you Yuri" then looked at his wristwatch. "I have to go" I decided to follow him. I called a cab and instructed the driver to follow Minho's car. After 30 minutes, Minho's car stop at the Italian restaurant. He immediately goes inside and I followed him. He's at the patio of the restaurant, smiling from ear to ear and from the vey first time I saw a side of Minho that I have never seen before. He wa so in love. I gritted my teeth and at the corner of my eyes I saw Sulli walking towards Minho. I quickly step forward into him and then kissed him. Minho who is so shocked by my action frozed. I clung my arms into his nape and kissed him passionately. My eyes caught Sulli who immediately walk out. "That's right Sulli... back off and walk away coz Minho is mine" I said to myself, completely enjoying the moment. Minho who finally recovered from shocked push me and shove my arms. "Why did you do that Yuri? ! why did you kiss me? !" "Minho Oppa... I'm inlove with you... "

SULLI POV "Ready? !" Minho said smiling. I nodded while smiling. "Let's go "i said feeling so excited. We walk towards the main door, Minho opened the door while grinning when suddenly our eyes caught the unexpected guest standing at the doorway. "Yuri" Minho said. "Going somewhere Oppa?" Yuri said, her eyes keep on bouncing between me and Minho. I gave her a grumpy look. "God dammit of all people why did Satan's Mistress showed up at this time" I told myself. Minho scratched his head. " Uhmmm Sulli and I are going out to eat vanilla icecream and topokki" he answered while looking at me.

Yuri rolled her eyes. "That is so childish Oppa" then she clung her right arm to Minho's left arm. "Let's have dinner together, I know a perfect restaurant around the corner who serve delicious sushi" she said At that moment I had the urge to punch Yuri in the face. God she is so fake, I bet she used to be Medusa in her previous life. "Yuri, I promise Sulli that I will treat her today... lets have dinner tomorrow ok" Yuri put her head into Minho's shoulder. "But Oppa I wanted to have dinner with you now... "she said then look at me. "I'm sure Sulli wouln't mind if I borrowed my boyfriend tonight right Sulli dear?" I gave her a do-you-wanna-die-look Minho sighed in resignation. "Do you wanna join us Sulli?" Yuri asked. "Are you kidding me? I'd rather jump the Petrona's Tower than to join you two" i said to myself while gritting my teeth. Then I put my one hand in my temple. "I think I'll just stay here coz I feel so dizzy and I feel like I'm gonna vomit" "Why? did you ate a spoil food Sulli dear?" Yuri ask in a fake concern tone. "Oh no... I happened to came across a big smelly dog poop a while ago and I can't forget the sight so it makes me feel like vomiting" i answered. "Ewww... that is so disgusting!" she exclaimed. Oh yeah Kwon Yuri, you are so disgusting and you look like a dog poop. I look at Minho and there is a hint of amusement in eyes when I mentioned the dog poop. "C'mon oppa let's go" She said smiling. "Sulli... lets talk later" he said and gave me his sweetest smile before going out with Miss Neanderthal Girl. "I wish that Yuri step into a big smelly dog poop tonight" i whispered and proceeded to my room feeling dissapointed.

"Oh my God! this so yucky! !" Yuri exclaimed. She happened to accidentally stepped into a big and smelly dog poop on our way to the restaurant. Minho tried to control his self from laughing. "Why do I have a feeling that Sulli has to do with this? I bet she's gonna laugh out so loud if she learn that Yuri had stepped into a dog poop" i said to myself. " Let's go inside Yuri" Yuri immediately went inside the restroom. After thirty minutes she joined Minho in the table. " I already ordered for us, hope you don't mind"

"Of course I don't mind Oppa" Then she paused. "Oppa... after the fashion show can we go for a vacation, I really wanted to go to Paris with you" "Yuri... about our relationship... I think we should---" "Oppa, you know how much I love you right?" Yuri said then held his one hand and put it into her face. " I can't imagine my life without you, you are the nicest person that I've ever met. You never looked down on me unlike the other people I met. You encourage me to be strong and you became a very supportive boyfriend to me. I am so thankful that you are here by myside, you know how much struggles I have to endure while working in the fashion industry... the sad thing is that no matter how talented and hardworking you are if you don't have the money and connection you cannot achieve your dream. i am so thankful that there is a good samaritan who offered his money to sponsor me. And now I am one step closer to my dream... and all of my creations and hardwork, I will dedicate it to you" "Yuri... Do it for yourself and not for me" Yuri shook her head. "Oppa, promise me that you will always stay by my side and that you will be present in my debut show in May" Minho gave her nod... then sadness crossed his eyes.

MINHO POV Tha lights are off when I opened the door. I walk towards Sulli's room. She is already sleeping peacefully. I stepped closer and sat on the side of her bed. I gaze at her tenderly. I touched her hand and put it in my lips. I kissed the inside of her palm. "Sulli... can you wait for me?" I softly whispered then I leaned forward to her face... her breath fanned my face. "Just give me three months Sulli... just three months and I will make you mine... this time around i will never ever gonna let you go" I said with sincerity in my voice then I gently kissed her forehead, and the tip of her nose and I lightly brushed my lips into her soft pink lips.

Chapter 13 SULLI POV

Today is saturday, Minho and I will attend the birthday celebration of Yonghwa's mother. I look at myself in the mirror then a satisfied smile broke my lips. I am wearing Krystal's light pink flower embellished cocktail dress by Christian Dior, my shoes is a nude mini glitter high heels by Loubotin and my purse is a silver vintage Hermes. My hair is in glamourous curls and I put on a light make up. The only jewelry that I have is my late

mother's blue sapphire necklace. I touched the pendant of the necklace. When I asked my father about the identity of my biological parents he said that my real mother used to be a friend of my adopted mother. He barely know my real mother and her whereabouts. He also said that when my late mother came home with me he was against it, but my mother insisted to adopt me since my real mother had already abandoned me and that she had been wanting to have a child since she's not allowed to get pregnant due to her heart illness. I heard a knock on the door. "Sulli... are you ready? we have to go" Minho said "Yes, I'm coming"

MINHO POV My eyes glimmeres upon seeing Sulli in her pink cocktail dress. She look so lovely that I stand immobilized, staring and admiring her beauty. I looked at my black two button Calvin Klein tuxedo, it sure looks good and suited to Sulli's cocktail dress. I feel like we are going to a prom tonight. "Shall we. . " I said while smiling. She nodded and clung her arm into my arm.

YURI POV "Yuri, i want you to meet my mother Jung Young Ae, President and CEO of Jung Empire" Yonghwa proudly said. "Mom i want you to meet my girlfriend Kwon Yuri, soon to be most sought after fashion designer in Korea" "Please to meet you Mirs. Jung and happy birthday" I said while shaking hands with her then I kissed her cheek. I looked at her from head to foot, she's wearing a midnight blue strapless bead gown by Naeem Khan, swarovsky clutch , Chopard necklace and her hair is in french bun. Then I notice the blue sapphire in her right ring finger. "She sure look elegant and sophisticated, very classy" i said to myself. Envy and jelousy registered in my eyes. "Please to meet you too Yuri" she said in a cold voice. It seems like she doesn't like me. I excused myself and proceeded to the powder room when my eyes caught two familiar figures approaching the entrance door of the grand ballroom. "Minho and Sulli!" I said in total shocked to myself then I drop my clutch bag. My eyes widened as if I am seeing some horror scene ready to unfold. "Why are they here? I should leave before Minho see's me" I quickly picked up my clutch bag on the floor and goes to the exit door.

i was about to call a cab when Yonghwa catch up on me. "Yuri, why are you leaving? the party is not even started" he askes and touch my hand. "Are you allright? you look so pale?" "Oppa... My head is aching... I badly needed to go or else I might collapse on the floor" i said while holding my head in my temple. Yonghwa sighed. "allright, then let me take you home... I'll just gonna get my car" "Oh no Oppa you don't have to, I'll just take a cab... you go back to the hotel and please tell your mom that I am greatly sorry that I have to leave early" Yonghwa kissed me on the cheek. "Allright, call me when you reach home ok"

SULLI POV I swallowed hard and my palms is sweaty as nervousness crept inside me. Minho look at me and smiled reasurringly. "Relaks, i know your not used into this kind of gatherings, don't worry I will always gonna be by your side" he said then hold my one hand, he gently squeezed my sweaty palm. I feel like butterflies doing some riot rally inside my stomach upon his sweet gestures. I smiled back. Yonghwa who just came by from outside immediately approached us, I introduce him to Minho and vice versa and he ushered us to his mother's table. My eyes gaze into the lovely woman in front me then a flicker of surprise registered my face as I recognize her. She's Miss Mrs Blue Sapphire! "Mom, i want you to meet our newly hired accountant Miss Choi Sulli and her friend Choi Minho" he said. " Miss Choi and Mr Choi, i want you to meet my mother Mrs Jung Young Ae the celebrant and PresidentCEO of Jung Empire" "I'm so glad to have finally met you President Jung" i said and offered my hand She accepted it and I felt an odd sensation, its as if I already known her all my life. "Nice to meet you Miss Choi... " she said then paused when her eyes travels to my necklace. Her face became pale and astonishment and shock shown in her face. "W-Where... where did you get that necklace?" she said while pointing into my necklace. I unconciously touched my blue sapphire necklace then turn my eyes into her again. "T-this is my late mother's necklace... " I answered, completely bewildered by her reaction.

"Are you all right mother?" Yonghwa asked concern shown in his face. Mrs Jung looked at Yonghwa then nod. "Y-yes" she answered then look back at me again. "I'll just go to the powder room"she excused herself and Yonghwa assisted her. "She seems lost... as if she's seeing a ghost" I whispered. After the dinner were serve, some men and women flock to the dance floor. "Y a Choi Sulli, you wanna dance? let's dance" Minho asked, smiling while showing his perly white teeth. The band in the stage started to play "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric clapton We proceeded to the dance floor, he takes me in his arms and started to move. He keeps me close, not letting me go. He put his one hand in my back and the other hold my hand. We are so close that his scent tikcles my nose, a mixture of soap and his Calvin Klein eternity aqua for men. . we go to a party and everyone turns to see... this beautiful lady that's walking around with me... and then she asks me,"do you feel allright?" ... and i say say. "I feel wonderful tonight"...

"I love this song" he whispered, gazing down at me. Then he spins me around. We are having so much fun as if we had a liitle world of our own. "May I cut in" Yonghwa said. We stop dancing, Minho's face change... from being happy to jealousy? or maybe I'm just being delutional at that moment. Minho grudgingly let me go. Yonghwa takes me into his arms. "You don't have a date tonight?" i asked Yonghwa twitch his lips. "I did have a date but she went home earlier, she's not feeling well' "How sad... you must have been missing her already" He shugged his shoulder. "Looks like your escort is having a hard time watching us dancing together" he said while pointing his eyes into Minho's direction. I turn around and I saw Minho watching us intently while drinking a glass of margarita. "He must have been enjoying dancing then you cut off his momentum" I reasoned out then my eyes goes to Mrs. Jung's direction. She's been watching me the whole night and it starting to creep me out. I'm having some odd feelings about her... its as if I have known her before but I'm scared to get to know the real Mrs Jung Young Ae. We reached home around 10 PM. We are both feeling a little bit tipsy

from the four glasses of margarita and some wines that we drank at the party, we are laughing and joking at each other. Minho closed the maindoor "Oh my god I had so much fun!" i said happiness radiated in my face. "Me too " he said grinning. I inhaled softly. "I'll go ahead and sleep... goodnight frog prince" I turn around but Minho hold my wrist. "Sulli... " he called my name softly. Our eyes begun to locked. He move closer never letting go of his grip in my wrist. I stare at him as if I' am being hypnotized by his beautiful big brown eyes. He leaned forward and I tilt my head and close my eyes, anticipating the kiss... I knew he's gonna kiss me. His face is just one inches away from me that I could already feel his warm breath in my face... Then suddenly the door bell rang... I open my eyes and look at him... he seems frustrated from the unexpected door bell. "Don't go... I want you to stay there... " he said softly. I watch him as he walks toward the main door, when he opened it a very drank Yuri burst inside, her steps swaying. "Yuri!" "Minho Oppa. . " she said slurring and wrapped her arms into Minho's body. Then she kissed him deeply in the mouth. And that scene is enough for me to wake up from the magical moment that has happened a while ago. Chapter 14 SULLI POV I wake up. It's light and my head is aching, throbbing at my temples. I groan inside. I hope I don't have a hangover. I rise from the bed. After the whole magical moment that Yuri ruined I abruptly went inside my room and cried like crazy . I did not even bother to care what happened to those two, they can rot to hell for all I care! I look at my clock at the sidetable: 7:00AM I got up and decided to have my breakfast. Just like any other usual morning, Minho is at the dining table having breakfast. I did not gave him a look although he is staring at me as if it is the first time he have seen Choi Sulli. I sat on the opposite side of the dining table and started to eat the bacon and pancakes quietly.

Minho cleared his throat. "Ssul... " he called I gave him a blank look then I frown as I noticed that he is wearing a black shirt and blue denim jeans. "Your going somewhere? its sunday today, do you still have to work even on weekend?" I ask while sipping my coffee. "I have to visit again the site with Jonghyun" he answered. "Sulli about what happened last night... before Yuri came, i just---" "Where's Yuri?" I interrupted him, avoiding his eye contact. My head turns around the unit as if I really am looking to that snake woman when the truth is I just wanna divert the conversation. I don't wanna hear his lame excuses; you know the typical last night was a mistake I should have not attempted to kissed you, it is just because of the four margaritas and mixed wines that we drank to the party that I thought I am looking at Yuri and then I realized it was my bestfriend Sulli. God... it will hurt my badly bruised heart and my pride if I hear those words from him. He sigh. " I took her home last night" " I thought she slept in your room... " I said almost like a whisper. I'm a little bit surprised. "She's not allowed to sleep in my pad, I never let her sleep here nor we never sleep together" "Why? I mean she's your girlfriend and your a man... I just thought you and Yuri are... " then I pout my lips and continued. " So if she is not allowed to sleep here and you never sleep with her... and she is your one and only girlfriend... so that leads me into a conclusion that you are still a virgin? am I right?" i ask, my mood started to change from gloomy Sulli to naughty Sulli. He gave me glare. "Do you really have to say that at the start of the day? it is early in the morning for christ sake!" "And why not? people talk about sex at any time of the day, it if I commited a crime for talking about sex and your virginity early hour of the morning. And there is nothing to be ashamed are still a virgin because I am a virgin also" i said casually my coffee. is not as at this of if you then sip

Minho stand up. "I've had enough of this conversation"he said and walk towards the livingroom I called him, he turn his head and look at me. "Ya Choi Minho, does Yuri knows that you like to read playboy magazine" I said teasingly. His eyes narrows into a slit. "You know Miss Choi... I really really really like to strangle your lovely neck right now" I thought my stomach is gonna burst because of laughter.

Sangwoo High 2005 The class has already ended, Minho was walking at the corridor of the school when someone grab his arms. "What the--" He did not finished what he was about to say when he recognized Jonghyun and Key. Jonghyun put his arm into Minho's shoulder. "Ya Minho, do you have a soccer practice today?" he ask Minho shake his head. Jonghyun and Key look and smiled mischievously. "Minho, do you wanna come with me and Key to my house?" Jonghyun ask then lean forward near Minho's ear. "My parents is not at home and I secretly bought some adult videos and some soju's, lets have fun tonight" "I'm sorry guys, but I have already made some plans tonight... maybe some other time" Minho said "C'mon, it will be fun... don't be such a kill joy" Key said. "I really can't go" Minho insisted "Aish... you are such a loner and a pain in the ass sometimes" Jonghyun said irritated. He get something in his backpack and gave it to Minho. "Ya, I will let you borrowed that magazine... maybe after you read that you will change your mind. Just call me ok" he said. Then they walk away leaving Minho scratching his head He look at the magazine in his hand. "Playboy Magazine. . "

MINHO POV After eight hours. . I was in my room, lying on my bed while reading Jonghyun's playboy magazine. My left hand is holding the magazine while my right is busy flipping the pages of the said magazine. "Wow" I said while admiring the pictures of the female models. Then out of nowhere I heard peeble rocks throwing in my window. I already knew who was the culprit. "Aish... what does she want this time" i said completly irritated. I got up from my bed and walks toward the window. I opened it and saw Sulli in her pigtails waving at me and smiling. And just like before she climb thru the ladder and I pulled her inside my room. "Ya Choi Sulli, its late at night, why are you here?" i said, my hands in my hips.

"Because I'm bored and I can't sleep" she answered and walk towards my bed. She sat on it. My eyes widened when I realize that I left the magazine in the bed, and before I can pick it up it was in Sulli's hand. She look at me then to the magazine, then she stand up. "Ya Sulli, give me that magazine" She laugh. "Ya Minho, I never thought you are reading this kind of stuff"then she open the magazine and flip the pages. "Wow daebak!" "Give me the magazine!" I tried to snatch it from her hand but she move away from me "Minho is a pervert!" she chant. "Choi Minho the pervy ha ha ha" I blushed from embarassment "I'm gonna kill you!" I tried to snatch again the magazine but she move backwards, I managed to grab her shirt. She out balanced and fell to the bed, her one hand grasp my arm and I fell into the bed with her. I am on top of her, my forehead touch her forehead but what makes matter worst is that my right hand is on top of her right breast! Sulli blink twice as if trying to convince herself that our current situation is just a dream of her. My eyes widened but I can't move as if I am in a comatose condition, then I let a silent gasp when I felt something growing just below my navel. I swallowed hard And that is enough for me to pull away from her body like she's some kind of a fire that I have to avoid or else I might burn. Sulli got up, completely dumbstruck... her face is blushing just like mine. "I'll go ahead... goodnight" she said then walks away. I let out a loud sigh after she had left... I knew she was trouble once again... and this is another one sleepless night for me.

Chapter 15 "Really? Where are you?" Sulli ask while putting her dirty clothes to the laundry bag. "Your downstairs? allright... wait me there" Sulli was about to do some laundry when she got a call from Krystal. She quickly put all the dirty clothes to the bag and walk to the door. And because she's in a hurry, she did not noticed that she had left her door open and one of her underwear drop to the floor.

MINHO POV I opened the door and was surprised to see Sulli and Krystal sitting on the couch in the living room.

"I thought you will go to the site today?" Sulli ask "I just cameback to get the blue print that Jonghyun will be presented today, its in my room" I answered then smiled to Krystal. "Hi Krystal, long time no see" "Hello Minho, you still look as good as ever" Krystal said smiling. I smiled back then my eyes caught a little dog sitting in the carpet. "Oh by the way let me introduce you to my pet dog Charlie, he's a french bulldog" she said. The dog bark when I tried to move closer. "Seems like Charlie doesn't like you" Sulli snorted. I gave her a glare then proceeded to my room. The dog follows my trail but goes to Sulli's room. After 10 minutes I get out of my room carrying the blue print. The living room is empty, seems like Sulli and Krystal goes outside. I walk towards the living room when my eyes captured Charlie tossing his head and biting something like a small black garment. I frown, put the blueprint in the table and slowly move closer to Charlie to see what is that small black garment he is biting and chewing. My jaw drops when I found out that Charlie is biting an underwear! "Sulli's underwear!" I said to myself then I turn around and discovered that Sulli's room is partially open. I drop on my knees and tried to reach the underwear but the dog run away to the dining area carrying the underwear by his mouth. "Ya! comeback here you little rascal!" I run towards the dining area and ducked under the dining table. I reach for the garment again and I achieved on holding the underwear but Charlie doesn't wanna give up. Then a tug of war started. Charlie the french bulldog vs Choi Minho the frog prince. "Give me that undies!" I scowl at Charlie. And because I am way much stronger than the dog I succeeded on snatching Sulli's underwear through his mouth. "Gotcha!" I exclaimed. Triumph registered in my face. Charlie barks as if he's protesting to my win. But my celebration is short lived because panicked mode crept inside me as I heard foot steps approaching in the doorway. I quickly put the black underwear in my pocket. "Minho, why are you still here?" Sulli ask then frown when she noticed my awkward look "I-Im having some playtime moment with Charlie" I lied then stare at

Charlie who is growling at me. The dog sure looks mad!

It was a boring and hot afternoon. I am starting to feel uneasy and my forehead is sweating bullets inside the meeting room. I roam my eyes and observe that the people inside the meeting room is also starting to feel uneasy. "Minho, it is so hot in here right? I heard from the maintenance crew that the aircon is not functioning" Jonghyun said who is sitting beside me. He unbotton his shirt. I tried my best to concentrate on the speakers presentation to the up and coming project but my sweats keeps on falling from my forehead. I get my "handkerchief" inside my pocket without even looking at it and started to wipe my sweats, from my forehead, my jawline and my neck. Then I heard some giggles from the people in front me, some of them were trying their best not to laugh. I was about to ask them when my eyes darted in the "handkerchief" that my hand is holding. "Shit!" I cursed inside my breath. I am holding Sulli's black underwear! My face is as red as a ripped tomato. Jonghyun nudge me. "Ya Minho, shall I replace your title from the shy and reserve Choi Minho to a wild and kinky Choi Minho?" he said teasingly then he burst into laughter. I gritted my teeth. "Shut up Jonghyun!" I hissed. The people in the meeting room burst into laughter too. "I am really really really gonna strangle your lovely neck Choi Sulli!" I said to myself feeling so embarrass and humiliated.

I was so pissed when I came home, Jonghyun keeps on teasing and pestering me about the underwear incidence. The lights are turn off when I open the maindoor. I turn the lights on and proceeded to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I wanted to go to Sulli's room but i change my mind as I'm thinking that she might be sleeping. I went inside my room and sat on my bed. Then I open the drawer in the sidetable. I get the small tiffany box and open it. I pick up the engagement ring and gaze at it with longing in my eyes. I felt again the pain as my mind flies back again to that day...

ITALIAN RESTAURANT 2010 "Minho Oppa... I'm inlove with you... " Yuri said

"Yuri, I'm inlove with Sulli... I only see you as a friend" I said. "Please just leave... " Yuri cries but decided to leave. I sighed deeply... then I waited to Sulli... one hour has passed but she's nowhere in sight... I tried calling her but her phone is off. "I know she's coming... maybe she got stuck up in a traffic" i reasoned out as I am holding the tiffany box tightly. Then two hours has passed... then three hours... but I still waited... the customers started to leave the restaurant. I waited until the restaurant had finally come to its closing time. I leave with a heavy heart but decided to go to Sulli's apartment. "Maybe she got sick and couln't get up in the bed that's why she did not show up to our date" I said My heart is still in Sulli's apartment. I someone is inside as the radio. I knocked a positive mode. After thirty minutes I reached knock twice but the door did not open. I know I am hearing Queens classic lovesong playing on again, this time the door opened.

love of my life you've hurt me... you've broken my heart and now you leave me... love of my life can't you see... bring it back... bring it back... don't take it away from me because... you don't know what it means to me... "Minho" Krystal said "Hi Krystal, Is Sulli there? We were suppose to meet up today but she did not show up, I tried calling her but her phone is off, I'm just worried that something might had happen to her" I said. Krystal bit her lips. "Uhmmm Minho... Sulli is gone... " i tried to smile as if I just heard a joke from her. "What do you mean? Where would Sulli go? Did she went back to Incheon?" She shook her head then cleared her throat. "She left a few hours ago with Heechul... " I don't know where, how long and how far I have walk that night... I just continued on walking... my tears keeps on falling and I did not even bothered to wipe any single one of them... I just continued on walking and crying as if someone has took my heart away... when i grow older... i will be there at your side to remind you...

how I still love you... i still love you... Chapter 16 SULLI POV "Good morning, Miss Choi" Mrs Jung greeted me with a bright pleasant smile as I entered her cozy and big office. Her face today is a contraction to what she had shown last saturday at the party. "Good morning, President Jung" She guided me to sit in the black leather office couch. "Would you like something to drink? coffee or tea?" she ask "Tea" I answered She called her secretary to bring us some tea. She smiled. "You might be wondering why I called you this morning to come to my office" I nodded. She cleared her throat. "Miss Choi, at the party I asked you about the blue sapphire necklace that you wore right?" "Yes" I said then I frown, what does she know about my mother's necklace? I'm still clueless She sighed deeply then she looked at me straight in the eyes. "Miss Choi... that blue sapphire necklace belongs to me. If you checked the pendant, there is an engrave of letters L. Y. A at the back... it stands for Lee Young Ae my maiden name and that blue sapphire necklace is customized. I am the only one who owns that necklace partnered to with my blue sapphire ring" she said. Shocked written all over my face upon hearing what she had said. "I know your adopted Miss Choi, after meeting you last saturday I immediately made an investigation about your identity, then I found out that you are Choi Yumi's only child" "Y-you know my adopted mother?" I said stammering She nodded, never leaving an eye contact with me. "A-are you by any chance m-my real mother?" Im not even hearing my own voice when I asked her. My hands were trembling from shock and nervousness. A little smile plays on her lips then she hold my trembling hands. "How I wish I am your real mother... but I am not Sulli" I open my mouth to say something then closed it again as words doesn't

come out. "Sulli... I am the sister of your biological mother. Your mother's name is Lee Young Shin" "W-where is she now? I-I wanted to see her" Sadness crossed her eyes. "She died while giving birth to you. We came from a very rich family in the states, my father disowned her when she got pregnant out of wedlock, worst your biological father abandoned my sister. She decided to return here in Korea and before she left I gave her my necklace. She met your mother Yumi in Incheon and they became friends. Yumi often times visited her during her pregnancy, then Young Shin died while giving birth to you. When I received the news, I immediately return to Korea, when I asked about the child of Young Shin, Yumi said that the child also died that day and that she scattered Young Shin and the child's ashes in the beach of Incheon. For so many years I did believed your mother's story, then last week on Young Shin's birthday I went to Incheon to pray and pay respect to her and decided to visit Yumi only to have learned that she also died a couple of years ago. And then you showed up to the party last saturday wearing my necklace, upon seeing you I immediately felt something, you reminded me of my late sister. As I' am looking at you right now, I would say that you got her lovely eyes and full lips. "she said then smile warmly at me. "When i found out that your Yumi's daughter I went to Incheon yesterday and I talked to your father. He then confirmed to me that you are indeed adopted and that you came into their live's the day Young Shin died" While listening to her story, tears keeps on falling to my cheeks. I felt sad about learning that my real mother died giving birth to me. "Sulli... although your mother is not here anymore, I am sure she is always watching you in heaven and she must be so proud of you. You can treat me as your second mother, my heart and my home is always welcome for you" I hug her tightly and she hug me back, we are both crying...

MAY 2012 Time flies back so quickly and before I knew it the month of May had finally arrived. I spend most of my time with my Aunt Young Ae, we eat dinner together and sometimes we go out to shop together. I feel so happy and blessed to have found her because she treated me like her own daughter and Yonghwa treated me as his little sister. But despite the happiness that i am feeling right now I know deep in my heart that something is missing... Minho. We still have our own bonding moments together, we eat breakfast together, we sometimes eat dinner, we bicker and we laugh. Yuri on the other hand always stick with him like a piece of used bubble gum... which of course annoying so there are times that I'd rather chose to sleep in my Aunt Young Ae's house than to see her face and her fake personality.

One night I came home late at night, the lights are turn off when I open the maindoor. I turn the lights on and walk towards the kitchen to drink a glass of water when I decided to check Minho in his room. i turn the knob and open the door. He is lying in the bed, his eyes close and lips parted, his head keeps on tossing as if he's in pain. I move closer, the cover sheet wrapped around his body as if he is so cold and there are sweats in his forehead. Then he groaned. I nudge his shoulder. "Minho, are you all right?" I ask and touched his forehead. I gasped. "Your burning with fever!" I said. I dash towards the bathroom and kitchen to get an icepack, basin with cold water and clean towel. And then I open the medicine cabinet to get the thermometer and ibuprofen tablet. I soak the towel into the basin and went back to Minho's room. I put the thermometer in his mouth and put the icepack to his forehead while I apply the damp cloth to his neck, arms, legs and feet. I checked his temperature; 39 degrees celcius. I was about to get a glass of water to the kitchen when his hand hold my wrist. "Don't go... " he said in a weak voice. "Please stay by my side... " I look at him, his eyes staring at me as if begging for me to stay by his side. I sat on the side of the bed and touch his face. My heart runneth with love for this man! "I'm not going anywhere I promise you... " I whispered He put my hand in his chest and closed his eyes. I continued to monitor his fever all through the night but his fever did not subside. I decided to take him to the hospital. I open the drawer of his sidetable in search for his car key. I found it inside the drawer but my eyes also caught the tiffany box beside the key. I get the box and with trembling hands open it only to be shock as I saw the engagement ring. "D-does Minho planning to propose to Yuri?" I ask to myself as pain sliced my heart.

Once we reached the emergency room of the hospital, the nursing aid laid Minho to the bed. The nurse immediately get his vital signs. I bit my lips as worried and concern crept inside my body. After the assign nurse had finished checking his vital signs, she talk to the doctor in charge to show the result. I frown as my eyes stare to the approaching doctor. The said doctor smiled at me as he seemed to have remember me first. "Choi Sulli! its been a long time since I last saw you... how are you?" "Doctor Lee Jong Hyun!"

Chapter 17 SULLI POV September 2007 I met Doctor Lee Jong Hyun during my second year at Hanyang University. I took up Accountancy while Minho took up Achitecture course. At around mid September Krystal was rushed to the hospital due to appendicitis, Lee Jong Hyun at that time is a medical student when our path first cross. He was completely smitten by my charm and beauty that he asked for my number the day I visited Krystal at the hospital. We became friends, he was a nice considerate handsome guy. Then one day he confessed his feelings for me. "Sulli, i like you a lot... please be my girlfriend" I was caught off guard, I didn't know what to say. Of course I find him attractive and we get along pretty well but I just don't see myself going out with him as his girlfriend. At first i thought that my hesitation is due to my last relationship with Siwon, whom i found out as gay, then Minho's name keeps on popping into my mind. I tried to denied the growing feelings that I'm having for my bestfriend Minho so I decided to accept his proposal. We did go out for a span of two months then I decided to pulled out the plug. Just like a gentleman that he is, he accepted the break up lightly and promise to remain a good friend to me. Everytime we bumped into each other we smiled and nod.

"Where are you going?" I ask Minho one afternoon. We were at Incheon spending the weekend together. I follow him to the garage. "I'm going to take pictures of this house and make a report" he said and gave me a picture. It's an old lodge house. "My professor, upon learning that I'm from Incheon wanted me to make a report on that house, he said that house was built in the 1900's, it is one of the oldest house here in Incheon. " "Do you know where it is located?" He nod. "I already made my research, it is located somewhere on the out skirt of this town, it would probably take a two hour drive from here" "Can I come with you? i really wanted to see that house too... seems interesting" He gave a resignation sighed. "All right but don't make any trouble ok, will just gonna take pictures of the house then will go home right away" he said then walk towards the car. "Seriously Minho, are we gonna ride to that car!" i said while looking at the car. It was a 1974 toyota sr car in faded orange. "Why? do you have a problem with this car? my father took the SUV out so I have no choice but to use his old car, c'mon let's go"Minho said then goes inside I follow him feeling unsure about the car.

I'm starting to feel fidgety and uneasy, we are travelling for almost three hours now but we haven't found out the said house yet, what makes matters worst is that the place we are travelling is spooky and creepy. There is no house at sight, tall trees and bushes are everywhere and were travelling at a dirt road. I check my cellphone. "Geez, there is no signal in here!" I mutter I look at Minho and I can sense that he is also starting to feel uneasy. "Are we lost? we are far away from the city now, I'm starting to feel nervous" I said. After another one hour of travelling in the dirt road we finally reach our destination. We both get out of the car "Wow it sure looks old huh! who in his sane mind would build a house in the middle of a creepy forest" I said while roaming my eyes into the house. It was made of heavy timbers and has a large windows. I cling my arm into Minho's arm as we are walking towards the house. There are many tall trees around and I saw some raven birds flying back and forth. My morbid thoughts started to built up, fear crept inside me. I touch Minho's arm tightly. "Ya Minho, what if there is a ghost here? or a man with a chainsaw suddenly burst into the door and killed us? or a wild boar suddenly appear in the bushes? or big foot who wanted to kill us for his dinner later"I said in a nervous tone. He tap my head lightly. "Ya Choi Sulli, stop being paranoid!" he said then started to take pictures of the house with his digicam. I stick with him like a glue. Minho tried to open the maindoor but it was locked. After thirty minutes of picture taking we decided to go back to the car. I was so busy turning my head to the tall trees around me that I did not notice a pond of mud, I tumble and fall while screaming. "Sulli!" Minho said and rush towards me. My whole body and face is covered with mud. He reach his arms to pull me but my silly mind started to play tricks again. I held his hand tightly and pulled him into the mud. "What the---"he said then look at me angrily. I burst into laughter. "God dammit! I hate you Choi Jinri!" he shouted, his whole body and face is also dreanched by mud. He stand up and did not even bother to help me, i follow him while still laughing. He turn around to face me, his eyes in blazing fury. "I can't believe you still have the nerve to laugh! look at us! we are covered with mud, how are we suppose to go home right now looking like this!" he scolded. I look around to see if there is a river or a falls near the house, then my eyes caught a deep well. "Look Minho! there is a deep well" I exclaimed while pointing my index

finger. We walk towards the deep well to wash our face and body. "Wait here... I'll go back to the car and see if there is a clothes that we can wear temporarily" he said. I started to wash my face and body then I squirm inside when I realize that even my underwear is drenched with mud. I wanted to slap myself. "Crazy! crazy! crazy Choi Sulli! now, what are you gonna suppose to wear? ! you and your impulsive mind!" I scolded myself. Minho went back carrying two red checkered picnic table cloth. "This is the only cloths that i found inside the car" he said then throw me one table cloth. "Really? ! a picnic table cloth! great!" I said sarcastically. "Why? do you have a problem with that? ! this is all your fault!" I rolled my eyes on him. "Ya Choi Minho, turn around and don't look back ok, I am going to take off my dirty clothes. I will snatch your big froggy eye balls if I caught you peeping on me!" I threatened then started to unbotton my blouse. "Huh! In your dreams!" he said. I take off my muddy pink blouse, white short, my bra and my panty. My eyes keep on auto lock mode to Minho who's back is facing the opposite direction. I wrapped the table cloth in my body then criss cross the edges and tied a notch to my nape. The table cloth reach just above my knees. then it's Minho's turn to wash his muddy face and body, just like him I turn around facing the opposite direction. I inhaled softly as I am hearing his drenched clothes falling to the green grass. "I'm finished" he said. I turn around and laugh loudly. He wrapped the table cloth in his waist and tied a notch. We look like we belong to some african tribe in our outfit and we are barefoot! . Afterwards we wash our dirty clothes and shoes then lay it down to the green grass to be dry. "How long do you think that our clothes will be dry?" I ask him while sitting on the grass. "i don't know! you should ask nostradamus about it! I'm still mad at you!" he said glaring at me. I gave him a I-dont-give-a-damn-if-your-furiously-mad-at-me-look. Then suddenly Minho grab my hand and drags me towards the car before I could even react. "Ya Sulli, let's go inside the car! there is a small tornado coming to our direction!" he shouted and we quickly goes inside the car. Then I heard a loud whistling sound, the place became dark and our car shakes as the small tornado pass through us. Minho automatically wrapped his arms around me as if to protect me and I scream as the tornado violently shake the car. "My clothes and shoes!" i screamed as I remember our clothes and shoes that we laid to the grass. After seems like forever, the tornado was gone... falling leaves and dust were all over the place. We get out of the car and I immediately

searched for my shoes and clothes. "My clothes! that heartless tornado took my clothes and shoes!" I said crying while pulling my hair in frustration. Minho just shook his head in dissapointment. I searched around hoping to find my clothes then I look up, my eyes captured the pink blouse and bra hanging on top of the tree. I nudge Minho's shoulder. "Minho, go ahead and climb that tree. I just saw my blouse and bra hanging in there" i said while pointing my index finger. He raised his eyebrow then look at me. "Are you crazy! I'm not gonna climb that tree, it is too tall! what if I slip and fall? ' he said then paused. "And do you realize how would it be so awkward to climb a tree with our current situation" I look at myself... he has a point there... it would definitely embarrassing to climb a tree without an underwear. But it would rather be more embarrassing to walk around without decent clothes. I pick some rocks and started to to throw to the branches in hopes that my clothes will fall to the ground. "Ya Choi Sulli, no wonder your brain is just a size of a peanut. Do you really think that throwing rocks will make your clothes fall?" he said while shaking his head. "That tree is just as tall as a sky scraper and more than 100 years old"Minho said then smile as his eyes caught his white underwear to the grass. I hopelessly sighed then turn my head to face Minho. "Ya Minho, where are you going?" I ask "Huh?" "I said where are you going?" i repeated "I'm going to wear my brief" he answered. My eyes widened. "Give me that brief!" "Are you nuts! I'm not gonna give you my brief! this is mine" I put my hands in my hips. " Ya Choi Minho! I know my brain is just like a size of a peanut but I am not crazy to walk and roam around this creepy forest without an underwear just like Winnie The Pooh!" He chuckled upon hearing my remarks. "If your Winnie the Pooh then who am I? Donald Duck?" "No, your Kermit the Frog! c'mon give me your brief, it is so uncomfortable for a woman to wear nothing underneath" He gave me a deadly glare but decided to give his brief to me and I wear it. We walk towards our car and goes inside. He start the ignition only to be frustrated when the car did not start up. "Shit!" he muttered then get out to check the engine. He open the hood and started to troubleshoot the problem.

It was already dark but Minho is unable to solve the problem of the car. He goes back to the car, an annoyed look shown in his face. "I guess we have no choice but to spend the whole night here, the car wouldn't start up and its already dark" My stomach started to riot because of hunger. "I'm hungry" I said while pouting my lips. He open the drawer and gave me the skittles. "That is the only food I have" he said. I smiled and started to eat the skittles, then I share some bits to him. "Regarding my peanut size brain, someday I will definitely make a big chunk of profit if I decided to sell this brain of mine" I said "Really? how come?" "Well it is slightly use unlike your brain so I'm sure many buyer's will make an interest out of it" I said jokingly. Minho burst into laughter.

MINHO POV I am tenderly gazing at Sulli, she is facing me while keeping her eyes closed, her soft pink lips slightly parted. Our body is wrapped with an old newspapers that I found at the backseat. The car stereo is playing Billy Joel's classic "She's Always a Woman To Me". she can kill with a smile... she can wound with her eyes... she can ruin your faith with her casual lies... and she only reveals what she wants you to see... she hides like a child... but she's always a woman to me... "Minho... "Sulli called softly. . "Hmmm... " "How long are we gonna stay here? ... "she ask, her eyes still closed. I tuck some strands of hair behind her ear then lovingly stare at her. "Forever... " I whisper sofly. Sulli smile sweetly and drifted to sleep... and she'll promise you more... than the garden of Eden...

then she'll carelessly cut you... and laugh while your bleedin'. . but she bring out the best... and the worst you can be... blame it all on yourself... cause she's always a woman to me... mmmm... Chapter 18 SULLI POV

I open my eyes. I'm in the clean and sterile hospital room of Minho. Then my eyes caught Yuri staring coldly at me. I groan inside. " God dammit! of all people why did the witch from hell have to show up at t this early hour of the day" I said to myself. I turn my eyes to Minho who is sleeping in the bed, an IV is attached to the inside of his elbow to prevent dehydration. Dr. Lee Jong Hyun told me last night that Minho suffers from Viral Infection maybe due to the constant change in weather and fatigue coz Minho is such a workaholic person, he advised that Minho be confine for two days. I had the urge to touch his face but decided to turn my eyes again to Yuri. She smirk. "Why didn't you tell me that my boyfriend is sick and was rushed to the hospital last night? I went to the pad a while ago and his nosy neighbor told me what happened to Oppa last night, you should have called or texted me" "Geez here we again"I said to myself as I am expecting a catfight again. "And why would I have to call you? ! I can't even stand your face and your fake personality" I said while giving her a surly look. Her eyes narrow into slits. " May I remind you Miss Choi that I am Minho Oppa's girlfriend, so I have the right to know what happened to my boyfriend. While you on the other hand is just an annoying friend of Oppa... well you can leave now, he doesn't need you anymore" This girl is really really really getting into my nerves! I stand up and move closer to her. "You know Yuri, the world will be a better place to live in without you in it so I am giving you three option. One is that you hang yourself at home... two you go the supermarket and buy dozens of insecticides, drink all of it at the same time... and three jump into a hot flaming lava... in short just die... " I said and walk pass through her. I was about to turn the knob of the door when she hold my arm. "You can say nasty remarks about me and call me names but one thing is for sure,

you will never ever gonna steal Minho Oppa from me because he is head over heels inlove with me" she said then raised her chin as if taunting me. " I can't wait for the day that Oppa will finally propose to me coz I will make sure that you will be out of his life"she said with confidence. I shove her hand. "Oh my god Yuri I'm so scared right now... " I said sarcastically. "He will never ever gonna give up his frienship to me even if you kneel in front him and slit your neck with a knife... " For a few seconds my eyes lingers to MInho who is still sleeping and oblivious to the whole Yuri-Sulli drama that had happened. I left the hospital with a heavy heart.


When I open my eyes, I saw Yuri sitting beside me and leaning to my bed with her head on her folded arms. "Yuri... " I called in a weak voice She startles awake and then smile. She grasps my hand, squeezing it tightly. " Oppa... I'm so happy that you're finally awake" I gave her a half hearted smile then my eyes roam around the hospital room. " Where is Sulli?" Yuri's face change. "Sulli already left... " she answered. "She called me this morning demanding that I should come here as soon as possible because she doesn't wanna take care of you anymore.. " I raised an eyebrow. "Really? but she was so worried about me last night, she even watched and stayed by my side the whole night... I don't think Sulli-- " "Oppa Sulli has her own life too... you don't expect her to be there for you always because she only see you as a friend. And I just heard her talking to someone this morning on the phone, seems like she's planning to get back again with Heechul"she said then sighed. "Oh well Sulli must be so inlove with him. . remember she left you and runaway with that guy two years ago"she said casually I shake my head in disbelief... "Is it true? Is Sulli gonna rekindle her relationship with Heechul after he cheated on her? Could it be that Sulli is still inlove with him?" I ask myself then i felt the familiar pain again... I feel like my heart has been crushed into pieces once again.


I was busy peeling the apple's skin when my phone rang. Yonghwa is calling!

My face became pale then I look at Minho who seem like in deep thoughts. I pick up my phone and stand up. "Oppa I will just answer this call" I said and went outside of the room. With trembling hands I answer the phone. "Hello?" "Where are you? I've been trying to call you since yesterday but your not answering my call. Are you avoiding me?" Yonghwa said in the other line. "Yonghwa Oppa. . sorry for not answering your call, I'm so busy preparing for the coming fashion show that will be held six days from now... I hope you understand" I heard him sighed in the other line. "I miss you so much Yuri baby, I can't stop thinking about you. Let's have dinner later, i'll pick you up at your workplace at around seven" "Allright Oppa... " I said then rolled my eyes... I can't wait to dump him!

After 3 days SULLI POV Coffee Shop I receive a text from Krystal: SSul, Coffee Shop 5pm... be there, even if you have other plans cancel it coz Luna and I need to talk you, urgent. "Sulli! I thought you weren't going to show up" Krystal smiled widely I smiled back at Krystal and Luna. I sat beside Krystal. We ordered three fraffucino. "So what's up?" I ask... Krystal and Luna look at each other before looking at me. "Sulli, have you talked to Minho lately? Did he mention anything about his current relationship with Yuri"Luna ask I frown at Luna's question. I haven't seen Minho for three days, I know that he was already discharged from the hospital two days ago but I decided to stay at my Aunt Young Ae's house for the past three days since Yuri is sticking with him like a gum again. Minho was calling me yesterday but I wasn't able to answer his call and when I tried calling him back Yuri answer the call. But today I decided to return to Minho's pad tonight because I miss him so much... " We rarely talk about Yuri and their relationship. Why?" I asked totally clueless. Luna sighed. "I saw Yuri with a man 3 days ago at Seoul Hotel. From the looks of it the guy that she's been with doesn't seem like a friend, they were so into each other"

"That Yuri girl is cheating on Minho" Krystal said My jaws drop open, completely shock by what Luna said. I can't believe that Prying Mantis girl is cheating on my bestfriend Minho! she is cheating on the guy that I have been secretly inlove with for the past years! Minho the love of life! Geez I wanted to strangle Yuri's neck or more likely I wanted to murder her at that moment. "Did you by any chance know the guy she's been with?" Luna shook her head. "I wasn't been able to look closely to the guy's face because I was surprise to see Yuri there. I haven't seen her for years, good thing thogh she did not see me" Suddenly I had the urge to find Yuri and smack her in the face. Krystal held my hand. "Sulli... you have to do something, we want you to break Minho's relationship with that cheater. " i sighed deeply. "Yeah I have to do something... I will tell Minho tonight that Yuri is cheating on him" "What if he doesnt believe you?" Luna said "I know he will believe me... I'm his bestfriend, we have known each other since forever... he will believe me for sure... " I said with confidence Chapter 19 March 2008 "Surprise!" Minho was startles to see Sulli in his my room. It was the start of semester break so he went back home to Incheon. "Why are you here? I thought youre going for a 3 days vacation in Jeju with Krystal and Kai?" he asked after recovering from shock cause by his unexpected guest. Sulli sat on the bed. "I back out since it will be Krystal and Kai's first vacation as a couple, I don't wanna make myself look like a chaperone of those two. They've been so inseparable ever since they started going out a few months ago"she said. Minho ruffles her hair and smile. "Have you had your dinner? Omma is cooking something in the kitchen. She's been asking about you eversince I came home yesterday, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you" "Allright, but I have to pee first" she said then and walk towards Minho's bathroom. Sulli sat on the toilet bowl and started to pee then she frown when she heard some water dripping sound coming from the shower area. She shrugged her shoulder and ignore it. After peeing she washes her hands to the sink but she got distracted by the sound of water dripping

that she decided to check it out of curiosity. Sulli walks towards the shower area and shove the shower curtain, she then inspect where is the sound of the water dripping coming from. She look at the shower head but have found no traces of water drip, her eyes then travel to the shower handle then to the shower's pipe body. "Aha gotcha!" she said as she found a small leak on the lower part of the pipe. Her playful mind started to play tricks again. She ducked, touch and tap the small leak by her fingers then all of the sudden the leak burst and start spraying water. Sulli shriek as she was trying to cover by her hand the busted pipe leak, waters keep on spraying into her face and body. Minho heard her scream and rushed inside the bathroom. "What happened?" he said, his eyes keeps on bouncing between Sulli who is soaking wet from the water and to her hand who is trying to cover the water sprying. 'H-help!" she said. Minho quickly went outside of the bathroom and pull the drawer to get some electric tape and rubber, then return to the bathroom. He gently push Sulli away from the leak pipe and wrap the electric tape and rubber. Although water is still dripping, the sprying of water stop as the rubber blocked it. Sulli remain stand still as she watches Minho tied the rubber... he is soaking wet too. Then he turn his head to Sulli, he is completely annoyed. He comb his wet hair by hand in frustration. "What did you do? why did the leak pipe suddenly burst? did you tap it?" She nodded. "S-sorry... my stupidity got into me again, I just touch and tap it out of curiosity, I didn't expect that the leak wil suddenly burst"she said while pouting her lips. "Aish... you always gets me into trouble! when will you grow up? !" Minho yelled, his hand on his hips. "Look at you... and look at me... we are both soaking wet! !" "Ya Choi Minho! i said I'm sorry and stop yelling at me... "Sulli said while twisting the hem of her shirt to drain the water. Minho sighed in frustration then stared at Sulli... he swallow hard. "Damn! she look sexy and cute while trying to drain the water in her shirt!" he said to his self. Sulli was still draining the hem of her shirt when suddenly Minho steps closer to her and pulled her into his arms. She was completly surprise by his action "W-what are you doing ?" she ask and unconciously parted her lips. She

put her hands into his chest. Minho pulled her tightly into his arms, water is dripping all over their faces. "Sulli... do you have any idea what you are doing to me? you are making me lost my mind"he whispered then his head bend slowly to her "Ya... a-are you going to kiss me?" "I can't control it anymore... you bring out feelings in me that are completely new. I like to control things but with you... "he paused and tightens his grip to her waist. "... everything changes... " Sulli blink twice... she was about to say something when Minho's lips cover her lips in a passionate kiss. He tenderly explore her soft pink lips as his hands keep on moving upward and downward to her wet back and waist. Sulli close her eyes and put her hands into Minho's nape... she kiss him back with so much passion... and the years of physical deprivation finally makes it up as they kissed endlessly... under the shower... with their wet clothes on...

"Ya Choi Minho!" Sulli called then nudge his shoulder "Huh?" "Let's get out of here, I heard your omma is calling you because dinner is ready, we must immediately change our wet clothes" she said then frown as she stared at Minho's confused look. "Are you allright?" He inhaled sharply as he realized that everything is just a pigment of his imagination. They really did not kiss in reality. "Ya Sulli... get out... I need to change first" he said then turn around to hide his "rising" problem to her. Sulli frown but obliged to Minho's demand.

SULLI POV May 2012 I reached Minho's apartment at around 8:00Pm. I get the key from the bag and quickly open the door. Minho is sitting on the couch... he threw a blank look at me as I entered inside the living room. A Maroon Five's song is playing on the radio. it is so easy to see... dysfunction between you and me... we must free up these tired souls...

before the sadness kills us both... i tried and tried to let you know... i love you but i'm letting go... it may not last but i don't know... just don't know... "Why does he look serious upon seeing me? isn't he supposed to smile because we haven't seen each other for 3 days? it looks like I am the only one who misses him" I said to myself totally dissapointed by Minho's cold reception. I sat beside him on the couch. "How are you? are you feeling well?" He nodded but didn't say anything. I inhaled deeply. "This is it... I have to tell him that Yuri is cheating on him" I said to myself. I cleared my throat then gaze at him . "Minho... there is something that you need to know... about Yuri" He look at me. "What about Yuri?" "Well... Luna had just told me that she saw Yuri 3 days ago with a man in Seoul Hotel"i said then bit my lips. Minho look at me as if he did not understand what I said. "So Luna saw Yuri with a man... then what?" his voice laced with irritation. My brows furrow upon seeing his reaction. "Huh? Luna just saw her with a man in a hotel Minho... Yuri is cheating on you!" i said the last word with conviction. Minho stand up then shook his head. "Yuri cannot do that, cheating on me? ! ... maybe that man is just a client of her, she already explain to me that sometimes she meet up with some clients or male models for the show, purely business. . " My jaws drop in complete shock... I wanted to punch Minho in the face for being utterly stupid! I stand up and move closer to him. "I can't believe i'm hearing those words from you! I dont know if your just in denial or you just love Yuri that much that you can accept everything from her bad and fake attitude and to her being a cheater. You've just made yourself so low Minho, I am totally dissapointed with you" I said then paused. "I am your bestfriend and i care so much for you... please listen to me... Yuri is cheating on you!" His eyes narrow into slits. "Listen to you? ! Why sulli? why would I listen to you? did you listen to me when I told you and warned you countless of times not to go out with Heechul because he is a cheater and a womanizer! and now you are planning to come back to him again despite the fact that he cheated on you? did you love him so much huh? !" he said full of agony in his voice. "Do you have any idea how much you've hurt me when you runaway with him?"

My eyes started to pool with tears while looking at his face. . he was totally broken. "I've waited for you that day... I wanted to give you the world but you left me... "he closes his eyes as tears keeps on flowing his cheeks... "Minho... I runaway with Heechul because... I--"my voice croaked... I wanted to tell him that the reason why I runaway two years is because of Yuri but he cut it off. "Please stop Sulli... I don't wanna hear your reason... its too late... " he walk towards the main door. He's about to open the door when he stop and look back at me. His big brown eyes changes from pain to icy cold "It seems to me that the damage is irrepairable... " He turned and walk away I remained frozen as his figure receded... he eventually vanished from my sight. Tears begin to ooze down my cheeks... loss and despair all swells in my heart. Minho did not go home that night... by morning I packed all my clothes and decided to leave his apartment with a broken heart. everyday with every worthless word ... we get more far away... the distance between us makes it so hard to stay... nothing last forever, but be honest babe... it hurts but it maybe the only way...

Chapter 20 MINHO POV I woke up from sleeping on the floor last night. I'd been drinking all night long... its been three days since Sulli left the apartment and I've been drinking non stop for the past three days. My eyes roam around the room... bottles everywhere... sticks of used cigarettes... I don't usually smoke but after what happened a couple of days ago, I feel like I had already giving up life. Jonghyun called several times because I've been absent from work but I just ignore it and Yuri called constantly and went to the apartment to see me but I did not even bother to open the door for her. All I wanted to do was to be alone and lick my wounded heart. I stand up and goes out of the room. My head is throbbing like crazy from the hangover. I groan aloud as I put my hand to my head.

I walk towards the bathroom, my steps is swaying... I stared at myself in the mirror; I am only wearing a boxer short, dark circles where pretty visible below my eyes. . I haven't shave for the last three days that the stubbles is beginning to grow and my skin is so pale as if someone sucked all my blood. I stunk as hell as I haven't been taking a bath for the past three days... I look every inch of a wasted man... I look like shit! "Minho you look like a loser! ... you are such a loser!" I said to myself. I goes out of the bathroom and went straight to the kitchen to drink some water. While drinking I heard my phone buzz... and I know it was Yuri...

At around 9 O' clock in evening I decided to go outside. My two feet landed on the bar that Jonghyun and I frequently go to have some shots. There are only a few customers inside, I walk towards the bar counter and sat on the wooden bar stool. I ordered a glass of cognac brandy to the bartender. A Coldplay song echoes around the bar. come up to meet you, tell you im sorry... you don't know how lovely you are... i had to find you, tell you i need you... tell you i set you apart...

I was on my third glass of brandy when a woman approached me. She's wearing a red mini body hugging dress with a very depth cleavege neckline. She smiled provacative at me. "Hi Minho, its been a long a time since I last saw you here... " she said while showing her perfect white teeth. "Jessica. . "I said almost like a whisper. Jonghyun and I met her in this bar. She playfully run her index finger to my arm. "Are you alone? I can offer you my company. . "she said then wink I twitched my lips. "No thanks... but your not Sulli" She raised an eyebrow. "Who's Sulli?" "The love of my life" I answered She smiled bitterly then shrugged her shoulder. "Oh well just in case you change your mind, you know where to find me" Jessica said then walks away. I was on my fourth glass when suddenly the memories of the day Sulli runaway with Heechul popped into my head. "Could it be... that Sulli showed up to our date? is she trying to tell me three days ago that she runaway with Heechul because. . "I paused then my eyes widened as Yuri's name came up. "Did she saw Yuri kissed me at that time?"

I hold the glass tightly as I finally came up to the conclusion. I pay the bill and immediately hop to my car and drive to Yuri's place.

YURI POV "You lied to me Yuri! you told me that you already dump your boyfriend for me but what is this?" Yonghwa's voice echoed all through out my studio as he gave me my cellphone. "I read all your sent messages to that guy! who is he?" I just stand in a totally compose look. Yonghwa's anger did not even make me flinched, in fact I've been waiting for this day coz I can finally end our relationship. Although I feel guilty inside because he help me for my first fashion show that debut a while ago, I don't have any regrets. I will still choose Minho over him. "i'm sorry Yonghwa oppa but I really don't love you... I'm still inlove with my boyfriend" I said in a bored look. Pain registered in Yonghwa's face, he raised his hand to slap me, I raised my chin, expecting his hand to landed on my face. "You heartless bitc---"he stop what he was about to say and lowered his hand. "Your pathetic... " Then he walks away, slamming the door. I sighed and pick up my bag only to drop it when Minho's figure appeared in front of me. "O-oppa... "I said while trembling.

MINHO POV "That was a really nice show Yuri... I really applauded you for being such a great actress" I said sarcastically while stepping closer to her. Yuri step backwards, her face became pale and her eyes widened in fear. "How long has it been Yuri... you... cheating on me" "O-oppa... I did not---" "I know that guy, he's Sulli's cousin Yonghwa. I feel so sorry for him because you just used him for your personal interest. " i said then paused. "Sulli was right from the start, your fake inside and out" Yuri felt the table behind her that she finally stop from stepping backward. "O-oppa l-let me explain... its not what you think... "her voice tremble. She tried to reach my hand but I shove her hand. My eyes narrow in a slit. "Did you by any chance has something to do with what happened to me and Sulli two years ago? ... did you purposely kissed me then and unfortunately Sulli saw you kissing me that is why she run away with Heechul. Am I right Yuri?" my voice laced with bitterness. Yuri shook her head. "N-no... of course not O-oppa... I don't have anythi---"

"Guess I don't have to hear your full explanation, the expression in your face alone says it all" I said then turn around to walk away. Yuri hug me tightly at the back. "Please oppa... don't leave. . I'm begging you, I can't leave without you. . " she said while sobbing. "Oppa you promise me that you will stay by my side... I know that you love... please oppa don't leave me... " I smirk. "I already granted your wish Yuri... I've stayed for three months because you wanted me to be there for you while preparing for your debut fashion show, when in fact I should have ditch you before" I remove her hand. "And I never, not even for a second did love you... it was always Sulli from the start" the words were full of sadness, as I regret being with Yuri for more than a year. I walk out without even looking back... Yuri was left crying on the floor...

I quickly dialed Sulli's number only to be dissapointed because her phone is on off mode. I hop into my Ford Escape and drove to her Aunt Young Ae's house . When I reached the house, her Aunt Young Ae told me that Sulli hasn't been at home since afternoon, I quickly drove towards Krystal's place but she wasn't there. Frustration started to build up inside me as I am desperate to find Sulli, I went to Luna and Amber's house but did not also find Sulli. I drove the car from Seoul to Incheon in the hope that she might went home... but she wasn't there. I drove back to Seoul hoping to find her in some places that we frequently hang out... tell me your secrets and ask me your questions... oh let's go back to the start... running in circles, coming up tails... heads on a science apart...

I drove, run and roam around Seoul the whole night but failed to find her. I finally succumb from exhaustion and decided to go back to my pad. I get out of the car feeling so down, angry to myself and frustrated... I punched the wall near the elevator... my hand was swelling and bleeding... I can feel my fingers are broken from the strong impact but I just ignore the physical pain... i get my key and open the door of my apartment. My eyes flickered in surprise as I notice that the lights are turn off... the only glow that I am seeing in the livingroom is from the several candles scattered on the floor... then there are rose's petals everywhere... Then a figure emerged... the girl is wearing a white above the knees

sabrina dress and ballet flats... I blink twice as if i'm seeing some kind of imagination again... but this girl did not vanish from my eyes... I walk slowly towards her... and it was probably the longest walk that I've ever experience as my eyes lock through this girl... My eyes got misty... I feel like my chest is gonna explode from the different mix emotions that i am feeling for this girl... this girl who turns my world upside down... this girl who holds my heart in her tiny hands... this girl who I can't stop thinking about 365 days every year... this girl who I worship eversince I admitted to myself that I'm inlove with her... My tears fall when my feet finally landed on where she stands... then I roughly pulled her into my arms... I embrace her so tightly that even an air cannot pass thru us... My nose and lips nuzzle through her neck... smelling her scent... roses and lavander. . my hand sofly caressing her hair while the other tightly grip to her tiny waist. . "I-I can't breath" she said as she was trying to resist my tight embrace. But I did not loosen up... instead I pulled her even more closer to my body... relishing the magical moment that we are sharing right now... "I will never ever gonna let you go again... " I whispered softly She hug me back... And after seems like eternity I loosen my embrace just enough to tenderly gaze at her lovely face. She's looking at me with wonders in her eyes... "Ssul... dance with me... " nobody said it was easy... oh, its such a shame for us to part... nobody said it was easy... no one ever said it would be so hard... i'm going back to the start... Chapter 21 SULLI POV I have survived my three days post Minho-Sulli separation... I wake up. . go to work. . I cry endlessly and then sleep... it was so hard but I try to dismiss the pain in my heart by keeping my mind numb and blank as possible. Aunt Young Ae and Yonghwa were worried since I haven't been

able to eat properly... It was late afternoon when I decided to walk around the street of Apgujeong to relax my stress mind. . but memories of Minho lingers again. "Oh please... I don't wanna cry again... not out on the street" I said to myself as I am trying to hold my tears and swallowed a big lump on my throat. I was about to enter a botique shop when someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around. "Choi Sulli... how are you?" My eyes widened. "Lee Taemin!" He smiled. "You still look so pretty. . " I don't know what I am thinking at that moment, maybe im starting to become a crazy person who's heart is shattered into pieces... the emotions that I am trying to hide and control suddenly explode. My tears keeps on falling like waterfalls. Taemin hug me. "Hush... I can't believe that after so many years of not seeing you, you will only cry to me" he said while laughing. We end up on a Chinese Restaurant "Sorry bout my crying scene a while ago... " i said while wiping my tears with tissue "Thats all right, I am always willing to lend my shoulders for you. . " he said while smiling. "So Sulli... care to share me the reason why you look so blue today?" I shared to him what happened from my one sided love to Minho up to the time I left his apartment. Taemin just listened as if trying to analyze eveything. "Then I left his apartment and decided to stay with my Aunt Young Ae... it was so hard... I don't know how long I can take this pain" i said in a croaked voice. Taemin was silent for a moment... he seems to be in deep thoughts. Then he leaned forward. "I still remember, my grades suffered when we started going out because I spend most of my time on computer games and other stuff. . I was so down at that time but you told me not to lose hope and that whenever you wanted something, you went after it with great passion and single minded determination. Your encouragement help me to stand up again and I passed all my exams. I know you are a tough girl Sulli... you never back out on any fights" I just stared in Taemin's face with complete awe. "Taemin was right... I cannot give up... I would win Choi Minho. By God I will!" I said to myself.

At around 9:30 pm I was on Minho's apartment.

I sighed deeply... my hands are sweating like non stop and my heart is on sinus tachycardia rythmn I get the key on my bag and open the door. My eyes caught a dark lonely apartment... it looks like Minho went outside. I entered the livingroom. I started preparing my plan... I put all the candles that I bought to the floor and scattered all the petals. I lit all the candles and turn the lights off. I went to the kitchen and open one drawer. I pulled out one champagne bottle. "I need a shot just to lessen my agitation... " I said to myself while drinking a glass of champagne. But the one glass became four glasses as I am still waiting for Minho. I'm feeling a little bit tipsy then suddenly the maindoor opens. I stand up and stared at the man walking slowly towards me... my eyes dancing in glow watching this man whose eyes never left mine. The look in his eyes... full of love and sincerity... his eyes got misty... my eyes got misty too... Then he roughly pulled me in his arms, he imprisoned my body in a very tight embrace that I can't hardly breath... "I-I can't breath. . " I tried to resist but he refused to let me go, instead he wrapped his arms around me more tighter. "I will never ever gonna let you go again" he whispered to my ear. My tears keeps on falling and my heart flutters because of so much joy... this is all I always dream of... sharing a magical moment with him... I hug him back... Then after seems my face. My eyes every details... afraid that when it used to be... like eternity he loosen his embrace just enough to see keeps roaming around his beautiful face... memorizing every line... I wanted to preserve this moment as I am I wake up tomorrow everything will be back to the way

"Ssul... dance with me... "

swaying room as the music start... strangers making the most of the dark... two by two their bodies become one...

i can see you through the smoky air... can't you see the weight of my stare. . you're so close but still a world away... what i'm dyinh to say, is that...

Minho pulled Sulli into his body, his one hand at her back and the other holding her hand. They move side to side with their eyes lock into each other. He spins her around to Sulli's delight then he keeps her close again to his arms. He cradle Sulli's head to his shoulder while humming to the song... their eyes closed as if savoring the moment together... Then Minho open his eyes... loosen up his embrace and cupped Sulli's face, his fingers sofly trace her face as if examining every details. Then his thumb brushes her lower lip and he inhaled sharply. He lean forward and she tilt her head, waiting for the kiss... "This is crazy!" Sulli suddenly exclaime in a soft whisper... her hands trembling in anticipation and nervousness. "I'm crazy for you Choi Jinri!" Minho said before locking his lips to her lips. He tenderly explore Sulli's lips... taking his time... he sofly suck and nip her upper lip then her lower lip. His one hand is busy caressing and stroking her back while the other runs a finger to her hair. Sulli put her hands into Minho's nape and imitated what his lips are doing. She moan into his mouth giving him full access to explore the inside of her mouth by his tongue. His tongue tentatively strokes her tongue in a slow, erotic dance full of emotion and sensation. She tasted the cognac brandy in his mouth. After seems like forever, Minho stop kissing Sulli and they both open their eyes... they were running out of breath. His eyes gazing down at her with passion... claiming and possesing... while Sulli is still in awe as if eveything seems like so unreal. He leans down again and kisses her again... this time more intense... more hot that Sulli thought she's drowning from too much passion that is beginning to burn inside of her body. He scoop her into his arms and walk towards his bedroom. He gently lay her down to bed... Sulli's heart is pounding as Minho's breathing became shallow. He joined Sulli in the bed and kiss her tenderly in the lips. His inexperienced hands roam her body... a moan escape on Sulli's mouth as Minho kisses and nibble her neck... his one hand pulled the zipper on her back... his eyes marvels to her body... then he rise from the bed, started to unbotton his shirt and then pulled down his jeans... Sulli grab the opportunity and touch Minho's greek god body... her fingers runs to his wide chest then to his perfect chiseled six pack abs... She giggle as she remember the time when she saw Minho doing push ups without his top on, at that moment she wanted to be Minho's sweat.

Minho frown at Sulli's expression. "Why are you smiling?" he ask She shook her head. "I just... remember something funny... "her naughty smile plastered in her face. He grin and move closer to Sulli... he continue to kiss her in the lips while his hands is busy unclasping the hook of her lacy black bra... when he finally remove her bra he then proceeded to remove her black panties. His eyes glinted in admiration while staring down at her body. Sulli blushed because of shyness... "You're very beautiful Ssul... "he said almost like a whisper. He lies down beside her and his hands trails up from her hips, her waist and up to her breast. His eyes on blazing fire as he tasted and sucked her body. He position his self on top of her, they are both naked... his eyes became tender. "Ssul... this might hurt... do you trust me?" he ask as his voice laced with fear and concern. Sulli gently touch his face and stared into his big brown eyes. "With all my heart... " They made love that night... Minho and Sulli finally crossed the line between frienship and love.


I stir, opening my eyes to a bright sunny morning of May. Choi Minho's face immediately caught my eyes, sleeping peacefully beside me. A little smile played on my lips. Then I felt something heavy on my waist, I would have ignore it and continue my daydreaming when i noticed Minho's arm snake around my waist, then his hand move and sofly caressing my bare back... that is when i realized that I am completely naked under the cover sheet! ! I immediately got up, clutched the hem of the cover sheet as if my life depended on it. My eyes and my mouth wide open, bewilderment registered my face then i felt something unfamiliar and painful around my thighs. I gasped in complete shocked... I feel like my head is gonna explode in disbelief... "What happened?" i asked myself, still trying to figure out what truly happened last night. The champagne... the music... the dance... then Minho and I kissed... then... we... "Shit" I cursed myself under my breath. Minho stirred, he had a happy smile on his face, he open his big brown eyes. "Goodmorning"he said in a husky tone then he frowned when he saw the horror look on my face. "What's the matter, did some---"he did not finish what he was about to say when he realize that he was only wearing his birthsuit underneath

the cover sheet. He mirrored the same reaction on my face when he realized what happened last night. Eyes wide open... mouth wide open... shocked were written all over our faces. "D-did we---"we both uttered the same word.

i'm crazy for you. . touch me once and you know it's true... i never wanted anyone like this... it's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss... i'm crazy for you... crazy for you...

Chapter 22 Minho cleared his throat and break the long silence. "Yes we did... " Sulli's eyes started to pool with tears after hearing Minho's answer, then she get a white pillow and started to hit him. "How could you... I hate you Choi Minho! ! !" she shouted while crying, hitting Minho with the pillow over and over again. "W-why? why are you so mad at me?" he said frowning then he grab the pillow that Sulli is holding. After he captured it, he threw the pillow to the floor Sulli then make a fist and started to punch Minho in the chest. "Why? why? you have the nerve to asked me why? I wanna kill you Choi Minho!" Minho chuckled then hold both of her wrist tightly in his hands, Sulli tried to resist. "Stop it Sulli!" he said while smiling. He pinned Sulli down to the bed, his one hand holding both of her wrist to the top of her head, his other hand gently sweap some strands of hair that covers her lovely face. His naked warm body covers her naked warm body. Sulli swallow hard. Minho lovingly stared at her. "Have I ever told you before that you look so beautiful in the morning Ssul... " he said softly, his eyes shining with admiration. "Let me go!" she hissed and tried to wriggle. "Sssh... stop wriggling Sulli! or else we might do it again!" Minho said in amusement. "I'm starting to feel something so you better behave" Sulli's eyes widened as she saw the desire into his eyes. "You have to marry me... " she utter

Minho raised an eyebrow. "Are you proposing to me right now Miss Choi?" he said teasingly. She made a grumpy face. "No its not a proposal but an order Mr. Choi! I am demanding you to marry me or else I will kick your ass to planet Jupiter" He laugh" God I love this girl" he told his self. Minho showered tiny kisses to Sulli's face, her expression became softer. He let go of her wrist and cupped her face. He gaze at her tenderly. "Choi Jinri... I love you so much... I have loved you long enough that I don't know if there is any feelings that can surpassed to my undying love for you... You are my love, my world, my destiny... and i love everything about you from the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful... there is no reasons, no yardstick... I want to spend the rest of my life loving you" Sulli's eyes got misty, she thought her chest is gonna explode from overwhelming happiness. Minho rise from the bed and pulled the drawer. He get the tiffany box and join Sulli again to the bed. "Ssul... please marry me... " he said then he open the box and pulled out the engagement ring. Sulli just stared in complete awe, she's speechless. Minho put the ring to her left ring finger. "When you left two years ago, I feel like you took my heart away with you and when you return three months ago. . you made me whole again" he said then kissed her forehead. Sulli smile sweetly. "I-Im hungry... " she whispered Minho frowned. "Huh?" "I said I'm hungry" she said then rise from the bed. Minho's jaws drop. "Ya Choi Sulli... I'm declaring my undying love to you and all you are thinking of is food? !" he said in disbelief. Sulli rolled her eyes then laugh. "Really Choi Minho, marriage proposal in bed without our clothes on... how unromantic is that" she said teasingly. He grinned. "Well... I am actually planning of proposing to you in a restaurant, with roses and violins playing but atleast this is very original" She stand up and walk to his closet, Minho just remained in bed and watched her with fascination. She wear one of his shirt. "She look so damn sexy in my shirt!" he told his self a naughty smile played on his lips "Ssul... I wanna hear your confession... do you love me too?" Sulli turn her head. "Do I love you? hmmm I'll think about it" she said then laugh. She run towards the door. "Aish! Ya Sulli comeback here!" he shouted.

She stick her tongue out before going out of the room.

After thirty minutes. "God dammit! why is it so hard to fry an egg!" she said whining. She's having a hard time frying an egg, she decided to make their very first breakfast as a couple. Though she never really cook her entire life but she wanted to make breakfast for Minho. The egg turns out to be overcooked. Minho laugh loudly. "I told you that i will be the one to cook but you insisted... well I will still eat your egg even if its overcooked" She pouts her lips while preparing the table, Minho help her by putting the plates and utensils. Her eyes caught Minho's injured hand. "What happened to your hand?" she ask "I punched a wall last night because I was so frustrated with myself for not finding you... I really don't wanna go home last night without you" he answered. Sulli hold his injured hand. "It must have been painful... its swelling" she said then kiss his injured hand. "I will put a bandage to your hand later and you have to go to the hospital to make it check by the doctor" Minho nodded. "Let's eat. . "he said then sat on a chair. He thought Sulli will sit on the chair beside him but he was surprise when she sat on his lap. " I wanna feed you Minho Oppa since your one hand is injured" she said smiling. Minho snake his one arm to Sulli's waist while she put her arm around his shoulder. She's smiling from ear to ear, he smiled back. "I love you Choi Minho... more than words can say... you are my world, my destiny and my everything" she declared then gave him a peck in the lips. "I love you more rabbit princess... " he said After sharing their first breakfast as a couple, they washed the dishes together then Sulli volunteered to shave Minho's stubbles. Sulli is sitting on the bathroom vanity countertops and facing Minho who is holding her waist. She put some shaving cream around his jaws, sideburns and around the mouth. Then she hold the shaving blade and started to shave his stubbles. Minho's froggy eyes stared into her lips. He swallow hard. She rinsed his face with water and pat it with a dry and clean towel. She was about to walk towards the door when Minho grab her wrist and imprisoned her in his arms. "W-Why?" she ask. He lowered his head and gave her a smack to the lips. Then the smack

kiss ended up in a passionate kissed. He snake his arms to her waist and lift her to the floor. She wrapped her legs to his waist and he lean her back to the bathroom tiled wall. She bend and kiss him back with intense passion. His one hand found the hemline of the shirt and Sulli help him by raising her arms to remove the shirt. Minho was busy kissing her neck when suddenly the door bell rung. "Someone's outside... "she said in a ragged voice "Let that person wait... " he said as he continue to kiss and nibble her neck. She moan in pleasure but got distracted when the door bell continous to rung. "Aish!" Minho exclaimed in irritation... he lowered Sulli to the floor but did not let her go from his embrace. His breathing raggedly as he was trying control his desire. His eyes is still on fire. "Go ahead and open the door" Sulli said and release herself to his embrace... she is also irritated to whoever that disturbed their moment. "Just stay here... I'll be back. . " he said then wink at her before walking out of the bathroom. Minho walks toward the maindoor with an annoyed look on his face. He turn the knob and open the door. His eyes widened upon seeing the person standing in the doorway. "Kim Hyuna!" Chapter 23 SULLI POV July 2008 Minho turn the knob and open the door of his apartment. "Surprise!" I said while giving him my widest smile. He sighed deeply after seeing me. "What are you doing here?" he asked I raised my one hand that popsicle sticks, my other currently licking. Before apartment. "Where is your popsickle. is holding a plastic that contains icecream hand is holding a popsickle stick that I am Minho could ever react I goes inside of his room mate Jonghyun?" I asked then lick the

"He went on a date with his girlfriend at Haundae" he answered then he comb his hair with his hand. "Sulli, I can't entertain you today... I'm so busy on working with my thesis right now... can you just go back tommorrow" I was about to say something when a woman appeared in front of me. I freezed the popsickle in my mouth. My eyes rested on the woman. She's wearing a Calvin Klein white sleeveless top and blue denim jeans with the same brand and sneakers. She's petite and pretty. Minho cleared his throat. "Sulli... she's Kim Hyuna my thesis partner" he

said then turn his head to Hyuna. "Hyuna she's Sulli my bestfriend" Hyuna smiled... but I can immediately guess it was fake since her eyes says otherwise. "Nice to meet you Sulli" I bowed my head and force to give her a smile... fake also. Then she move closer to Minho and touch his arm. My eyes were now focused on her hand that is on Minho's arm. "Is it legal to kill someone just because she touch your secret love?" I ask myself while giving Hyuna a flying dagger stare. "Minho, I thought were going out to buy some materials to our project?" she ask in a sweet voice. He look at me. "Sulli were going out, do you wanna stay here or---" "I will stay here for a while" I abruptly intterupted him then I walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge and put the popsickles to the freezer. I heard the door closed. I walk towards the living room feeling so annoyed because of that Hyuna girl. "i'm having a weird feeling about her" i said to myself then shrugged my shoulders. "Oh well I do have also the same feelings to Yuri... maybe its natural since I'm jelous" I reasoned out then my eyes caught a landscape project proposal made of cardboard. I move closer to the project presentation. "Wow daebak! so this is what that they are working on" I said with admiration while looking at the tiny buildings and green landscape area, it looks like some lego toys. I gently touch one tiny building then out of the blue a part of the popsickle that i am holding suddenly drop to the landscape project. I gasped in complete shock. "Omo! ! !" I exclaimed and quickly put away the melted popsickle. But to my horror, some parts of the project were destroyed since it was only made of cardboard, I bite my fingers as fear crept inside me. "Shit! I am so dead right now! Minho is gonna murder me!" i muttered as I am trying to find a better solution to my dilemma. I saw a tissue paper and hastily get it to wipe the smear of popsickle to the buildings. Then with trembling hands I tried to fixed some of the destroyed building but failed. I pulled my hair out of frustration. "Aigoo Choi Sulli! you are so dead right now!" And to my shock the door open and a smiling Minho and Hyuna appeared. I squirm inside. "Ya Sulli... why do you look so pale? did something happened?" he asked in a worry tone. I shook my head, seems like my tongue is missing today. "Oh by the way i forgot to remind you that you should not go near to the thesis project that we are working on right now" I'm sweating bullets out of fear and nervousness. "I-Ill be g-going now... " I said stammering, totally guilty inside.

He nodded. I was a few steps away on the doorway when I heard Minho's loud voice. "Ya Choi Sulli!" I bit my lips"Please don't murder me Minho" I said to myself praying to my guardian angels to save me. I slowly turn my head to him. His face is so red because of anger, his hands on a fist and his jaws tightened. "What did you do to our project? !" I silently recite the Hail Mary prayer. "I-Im sorry Minho... I-It was an accident... " He walk towards me, his eyes on blazing fury. "Accident? ! we were about to present that project tomorrow and now you destroyed it. My God Choi Sulli when will you grow up! you are nothing but trouble to me!" he scolded I fist my hand, I was completely offended by the way he yelled at me... he can scold me to his hearts content if its only the two of us but Hyuna was there so I felt humiliated. I gave him a deadly glare. "Ya Choi Minho... you are right, I am nothing but trouble. I will not be called Sulli the troublemaker if I don't like to create trouble... this is who I am whether you like it or not. " Hyuna step closer to Minho and tap his shoulder. "its ok Minho, we have plenty of time to fix it... why don't we go outside and eat dinner, my treat" she said smiling. I wanted to punch Hyuna in the face because of jelousy, then I stomped my feet and walk away. I was on the street, just in front of Minho's apartment when my silly mind played tricks on me again. "Huh! so you two are going out for dinner? ! let's see about that" My eyes caught Minho's light blue Honda accord that is parked on the side of the street. I look around the surrounding if there are people outside. I secretly smiled then I pulled my hairpin that is on my hair. "Thank God my hairpin is as sharp as a katana" I said to myself completely amused. Then I move closer to the car's tires and ducked. I stabbed the two tires in front using my sharp hairpin. "Let's see if you two will be able to have dinner together, seems like you have no choice but to take a bus or take a long walk" I said then I hide to a lamp post just a few meters away to the car. After thirty minutes of waiting Minho and Hyuna goes outside. I cover my mouth with my hands to control my laughter. Minho and Hyuna gets inside the car, he started the ignition and the car maneuver backwards. He stop the car and gets out with a pissed look on his face. He put his hands to his hips while inspecting the flat tires, then he kicked the tire out of anger. I almost died from laughter just looking at his face. I was crying and

laughing silently at the same time. "Omo... my stomach hurts!" I said to myself.

DECEMBER 2012 I open my eyes, it's morning. I turn my eyes to Minho my husband. He's up and all dressed and fresh... leaning over me... "Goodmorning rabbit princess. . "he greeted then gave me a peck in the lips. "What time is it?" "Seven thirty in the morning... I already prepared the breakfast for you" I groan inside, it looks like I'm late at work... I decided to just take a sickleave since I'm not feeling well. "Aren't you going to work today chagiya?" he ask smiling. I shook my head. "I'm not feeling well... I'd rather stay here the whole day" I answered while staring at his handsome face. He rubs his nose against mine. "Allright... just take a beauty rest. " he said then paused. "Have I ever told you before that your my dream girl?" I rolled my eyes, he is beginning to be mushy again. "Yes... multiple times" He grinned then kiss me on the lips. "I love you so much Jinri, I can't imagine living my life without you" he murmur to my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Please don't go to work... just stay here with me the whole day. Let's have vanilla icecream and toppoki later" His eyes is shining with love. "I'd love to but I have to go to Busan today, it is a very important project chagiya"he said then paused. "I'll be back tonight I promise. " He stand up "Is Kim Hyuna gonna be there too?" I ask He nod. My face changes after seeing his answer. "You know I don't like her right?" He sweetly smile and rub his thumb to my lower lip. "Yes I know, but you don't have to worry because my heart and my eyes belongs only for you" "That is so romantic Mr. Choi... "I said smiling "I love you Mrs. Choi... I have to go" he gave me a peck again to the lips before walking towards the door. He was about to open the door when he stop and wink at me. "I'll call you later chagiya" he said before going out. I was left feeling on a cloud nine. I buried my face to his pillow and inhaled his scent. I can't believe that we are a married couple now.

We married last June, it was a simple wedding that was attended by our immediate families and closed friends. Minho and I decided to be wed on Incheon beach... to where most of our childhood memories have taken placed. I still vividly recall every details of the wedding... I was wearing a Vera Wang strapless gown with looped on back bustle and trapunto stiched bustier with gros-grain multi-bow sash... my hair is on french bun and I just wear a light simple make up, I'm holding a boque of white roses . My father volunteered to walk me thru the aisle, though we really have a rough history together, we are able to patch things up. Aunt Young Ae and Yonghwa were there and so did my Fx friends and Minho's parents and some of his closest friends. I was floating like an angel while walking down the aisle, then my eyes caught my frog prince, wearing a black Armani tuxedo... looking so dashing as ever. He look at me with so much love in his eyes. When I finally reach the aisle, we were both misty eyed. We exchanges our marriage bows while never leaving our eyes to each other, it was such a sweet moment. After the wedding reception we proceeded to the airport for our honeymoon. We went to London since Minho has always been dreaming of going there to watch the soccer game live. We are so blissfully happy... he is the sweetest husband that anyone could ever have... I sighed and close my eyes to continue my daydreaming...

MINHO POV The meeting was finished at around five o'clock, I immediately walk towards my Ford Escape when Hyuna called me. "Minho!" I turn around. "Yes?" She smiled. "Can I tag along with you on your way back to Seoul? my car suddenly had an engine malfunction so I have no choice but to call a forklift to have it check to Seoul" At first I was kind of hesistant coz I'm having some weird vibe with Hyuna . "All right" I said in a dry tone. We both hop in inside the car. We were both silent while travelling on the road. I keep on throwing glances at her, she seemed to be in deep thoughts. Then she turn her head to me. "Minho... how's married life?" she ask. i smiled upon remembering my wife. "Great... Im so happy everyday" i answered. Hyuna's expression change, her face darkens. "Do you have any plans of divorcing your wife any time soon?" i frowned after hearing her question. "No... i love my wife so much" Hyuna inhaled deeply. "I've been waiting for this day Minho... I can't

believe that this day finally comes... " she said in a weird voice. "You must be aware that I'm inlove with you right?" I shook my head in disbelief. "Hyuna... you know I'm married and I only see you as my collegue... plus I know that you are also married"i said in a cold voice while focusing my eyes on the road. She smile sarcastically. "Minho... I already left my husband for you... because I do believe that we are meant to be" she said My eyebrows furrows. "What? are you crazy? we are not meant to be because I don't like you" i said completely annoyed. She pulled some hair in anger. "But I love you Minho... " she said her tone begging. I just ignore her and continue driving. I was so focused on the road that I did not notice her pulling a caliber 45 to her bag. She pointed the gun on me. I was completely shocked that I accelerated the car faster. "Shit! Hyuna put the gun down!" I shouted She laugh hysterically. "Minho Oppa... you are mine... if you can't be with me then it is better if we die together" she said while laughing. I knew at that moment that I'm dealing with a lunatic person, while holding my one hand to the wheel I abruptly turn my eyes to her and grab the gun to her hand. She resisted so I have no choice but to punch her in the face, she drop the gun to her lap and I grab it. I open my window and threw the gun outside. I decided to pull stop the car to drop Hyuna. I step on the brake pedal only to again when the car did not stop. "Shit! ! !" I muttered as my in fear. "What did you do to the brake? !" I shouted to her. laughing hysterically with her bleeding nose. "Let's be together forever Minho Oppa... "she said. "Goddammit! go to hell Hyuna!" I shouted again and for the first time I was so scared. I maneuver the car to the left and it hit the metal clift barrier. The car flew on the air. And I knew at that moment that it is the end of my life. "I love you so much Choi Jinri" i whispered before closing my eyes. The car landed on the rocky lower part of the clift then minutes later a loud and large explosion happened. Chapter 24 JUNE 2012 London, England Minho wraps his arms around Sulli and kiss her in the cheek while lying on the bed. They just made love for the third time that night, both have a satisfied smile on their lips. Sulli pulled the duvet to cover her body, then she turn around facing Minho. over and be shock eyes widened She was just

"You're amazing. . "she said. Her eyes is glowing while staring at him. "I know... "he said then pinched her nose. "And you my naughty wife is also amazing... we are match made in heaven" She giggle. "Chagiya, you've never had sex before so who taught you about... " "Instinct... and some of the adult videos that I borrowed to Jonghyun" he answered while smiling. Sulli laugh. "I knew you had a dirty side Choi Minho! and you should thank Jonghyun for lending his adult videos and magazines" she said while her index and middle fingers is busy on travelling to his six pack abs. "Yeah I owe Jonghyun a lot. . " he said in an amuse tone then he raised an eyebrow when he noticed Sulli's naughty fingers going to his happy trails. He caught her naughty hand. "Ya Choi Sulli... can you give this poor man some rest, we've done nothing but made love the whole night. Aren't you feeling tired?" Sulli leaned forward and showered his face with tiny kisses. "Blame Jonghyun and his adult videos and playboy magazines" she said grinning. Minho cupped her face and stared at her tenderly. "I have never wanted and loved anyone but you Ssul... I love you" then he kiss her deeply in the lips. "I love you too frog prince... " she said after they kissed. "Now where did I stop?" her fingers continue the naughty assault to his happy trails Minho shake his head while laughing. "Oh god! I think I'll be on a wheel chair tomorrow... seriously I badly needed some Superman or Batman strength... " Sulli just burst into laughter at his remark.

DECEMBER 2012 SULLI POV I get the key on my bag and open the door. Tears begin to pool again in my eyes while looking around our apartment. Minho and I shared a lot of memories in this pad. . and its killing me inside knowing that he's not here with me. It's been four days since the fatal accident happened. The charred car of Minho where discovered and so did Hyuna's burned body... but Minho's body were never recovered. The authorities immediately conducted a search and rescue operation to find Minho but they found nothing... not even a trace that may lead to his where abouts... dead or alive. On the third day, the authorities

decided to stop temporarily the operation because they are having a hard time conducting the operation due to the heavy snow... some people where assuming that my husband is already dead... but my faith and belief says otherwise. I walk towards our bedroom. Tears keeps on falling like waterfalls... I walk to the closet and open it... I pulled one of his favorite shirt... I touch it and inhale the scent... I hug the shirt tightly as if i'm hugging my husband. "Minho... why are doing this to me? why? I'm having a hard time dealing with your absence, please come home chagiya... I miss you so much" I said while sobbing. I haven't slept for three days and I haven't ate properly, Aunt Young Ae and Yonghwa were so worried that they offered that I should just stay to their house for the mean time but I refused their offer. I put his shirt to the bed and goes outside of the room and went straight to the bathroom. I stripped all my clothes and open the shower when all of the sudden I felt like my vision is spinning. I clutched the shower curtain tightly and slowly sat on the bathtub. My heart is beating faster and I'm sweating cold... "What is happening to me... could it be?" After a few minutes in that state, I stand up. . wrapped my body to a white towel and reaches out to the bathroom countertop drawer, I open it and pulled out a pregnancy kit. My hands are trembling while holding the kit. Tears fell again when I finally saw the result. I slowly sat on the tiled floor totally dumbstruck, confused and happy... there are so many mixed emotions that I thought my chest is just gonna burst from the overwhelming feelings. "I'm pregnant!" I said to myself... then I touched my belly while crying. How I wished Minho was here with me sharing the same joy that I am feeling right now... he will be ecstatic and thrill to the baby news. I buried my face to my knees while sobbing uncontrollably as fear of being pregnant without Minho beside me crept inside me. "Oh please Minho... comeback... I need you now more than ever... " I said while my shoulders were shaking. After thirty minutes of crying on the bathroom I went back to our bedroom... I lay to the bed while clutching his shirt... I put the shirt on top of my chest. "Minho... I miss you... we will be parents soon... " I whispered as if Minho is just beside me. "Please come home... I promise I will be a good wife to you, I will cook and wash the dishes... and I will make love to you every night just please come back to me... I can't live without you".

It was already dawn when I woke up, I slept from crying non stop. I'm still clutching his shirt as if my lifeline depended on it. Then all of the sudden the doorbell rung... I just ignore it and closed my eyes again. But the person outside seems to be persistent as the door

bell rung again. I rise from the bed and stand up still holding the shirt in my hand. I walk slowly towards the maindoor. I turn the knob and open the door. I held my breath after seeing the person standing in the doorway. Just when I thought that my tears ducts had gone dry from crying the whole day, my eyes started to pool again with tears while staring at the person in front of me. I move closer and embrace him tightly. "I love you... I love you... I love you so much! ! !" I said while sobbing into his chest. Chapter 25 Sulli gasps and sobs, she can no longer hold back her tears. She wraps her arms to Minho--holding him close. Minho embrace her back more tighter and cry with her... he nuzzle and kiss her neck. . he holds her and rock her to and fro, comforting her. "I thought I will never see you again Ssul. . " he whispered to her ear. "Those four days has been a torture to me, I almost died from agony and longing. . please don't you ever do that to me again" she said while crying. He loosen his embrace and stared at her face. "I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere" he said and force a smile... he kiss her forehead. "Are you okay?" Sulli ask, she touch his chest, his arms and his waist. He is wearing the same clothes that he was wearing the last time she saw him. Minho chuckled. "I'm okay chagiya except for this... " he turn his head to the side and show her an eight stitches injury on the left side of his head. "Oh!" she exclaimed and gently touch the stitches. "W-What happened? where were you?" Minho sighed and they wak towards the couch and sit down. His hand clutching her hand tightly. He tell her what happened prior to the accident. "When i found out that Hyuna did something to the brake, I knew I was going to die. The car hit the metal barrier, that is when I knew that its the end of my life. I closed my eyes and pray then your image lingered to my mind. I said to myself I have to survived for my wife because I made a promise to her that I will stay by her side no matter what. Before the car landed to the rocky part of the clift, i managed to open my car door and jumped. My head hit a stone and that causes the concussion. I run towards the wooden forest looking for help, I don't know how long i was running and walking but before I lost conciousness an old man found me and brought me to a near by hospital. I don't have any identification card with me and the doctor said I was unconcious for more than 24 hours. When I finally woke up, I suffered from temporary memory loss due to the shock and the hemorrage that I got. It is just yesterday that I finally regained my memory and decided to leave the hospital despite the doctors refusal. " he said.

Sulli was teary eyed while listening to her husband. He gave her a comforting smile and kiss her hand. "You my little wife save me from the death... I love you so much that I cannot imagine leaving you in pain and suffering. "his eyes got misty then he lean forward and kissed her passionately in the lips. "I love you Minho" she said after they kissed. " Are you hungry chagiya? do you wnat something to eat or drink?" she ask He shook his head. "What I wanted to do right now is to take a nice warm bubble bath with my wife"

They were sitting on the bathtub, Minho was leaning to the tub, his one hand is holding the sponge while the other is on Sulli's waist. She's leaning her head to Minho's chest. A Christina Perri's song is playing on the Ipad heart beats fast... colors and promises. . how to be brave... how can i love when i'm afraid... to fall... but watching you stand alone... all of my doubt... suddenly goes away somehow... one step closer. .

Sulli close her eyes while savoring the moment with her husband. Minho gently rubbed the sponge to her silky white long legs. Then she open her eyes as she remember something. She turn her head to Minho. Excitement and happiness radiates her face. "Chagiya, I'm pregnant... " she said smiling. A flicker of surprise registered into Minho's face. "Really? !" he said She nodded. He cupped her face. "Oh thank God! finally... I love you, I love you, I love you Choi Jinri! !" he uttered and shower her face with kisses. "I'm so happy right now" Sulli smiled sweetly then she touched his face, she look at him

tenderly. There eyes lock to each other, then she kiss him deeply... cherished him. . worshipped him... loving him... endlessly...

MARCH 2013

Sulli tucked some hair strands to the back of her ear. The wind is blowing through her face softly. She close her eyes and inhaled deeply... this is the life she's always been dreaming of... pure happiness. She open her eyes and stare at the blue ocean, the waves gently brush to the shore as some seagull flocks there feathers to the blue sky. She's at the second floor balcony of there newly built house near the Incheon beach, her eyes caught some children playing and building sand castle. Sulli smiled and touch her baby bump, then she was startles when suddenly Minho hug her from the back and wrap his arms around her. He look at her lovingly. "The OB just called, she said that my baby and my wife is doing well... Yougeun and Ssul are healthy and strong" he said while smiling. Her brows furrows. "Yougeun?" He nodded. "Yes, I want our baby to be name Yougeun if its a boy"he answered She smile. "Ah... and what if its a girl?" "I haven't think about it... do you have any suggestion Chagiya?" "Hmmm. . give me a few days, I have to carefully think about it" she said. He kiss her cheek. "Ssul... after Yougeun is born, let's make another baby" She sneered at him. "Ya Choi Minho, do you know how hard it is to get pregnant and in a few moths I will be experiencing a painful labor... and you wanted to have another baby as soon as possible? are you crazy?" He laugh. "Because I wanted to form a soccer team... twelve children isn't bad right?" he said teasingly. She pinched his nose. "You wanted twelve huh? ! then let's just swap bodies! you get pregnant and gave birth to twelve babies! ' she said then pouts her lips. "I love it when your scowling at me... very cute"he said in amusement. She wrap her arms to his nape. "I love you Choi Minho... let's grow old together" He touch his forehead to her forehead. "I love you too Choi Jinri... and

yes we will grow old together loving each other forever and ever" he said and kiss her lips.


"Sulli, promise me that you will never go out with Heechul" Minho said while looking at her. They are walking together towards Sulli's apartment. She smiled. "Yes I promise. . " she said then raised her one hand for a pinky promise. He smiled back and entwined his pinky finger to her pinky finger. A few minutes later, they reached Sulli's apartment. She was about to open the door when Minho called her. "Ssul" She turn around to face him. He sighed deeply then stared at her face. "Are you free tomorrow?" "Yes, why?" she asks. He scratch his head. "Well... there is something that I have to tell you. . let's meet at our favorite Italian restaurant tomorrow evening 8:00pm"he said in a nervous tone. "Okay, tomorrow 8:00pm" she said then turn around to open the door. "Ssul" She turn her head again to Minho. "it's a date" he said smiling. She smiled back. "Yes it's a date" she said. Her eyes glowing with love. Minho bid his farewell. Sulli leaned her back to the door, her heart is jumping from joy. "I will confess to him tomorrow! I will tell Minho that I love him" she uttered then she put her hands into her chest as if dreaming. Minho feels like his walking on clouds... he was so damn happy. "Finally! tomorrow is the day! I will confess to her my feelings!" he said grinning. He look up to the dark sky... there are so many stars shining brightly to his eyes... then all of the sudden a falling star appear. He close his eyes. "I wish that someday Sulli and I will get married and

live happily ever after"

all along I'll believed. . i would find you... time has brought your heart to me... i have loved you for a... thousand years... i'll love you for a ... thousand more... Chapter 26 Sangwoo High 2005 Spring season is approaching, flowers starts to blossom beautifully around the campus. Minho was in high spirit as he strode to the hallway looking for his bestfriend---the notorious trouble maker Choi Sulli. He cant wait to share to her the good news that Sangwoo High Soccer Team had won in the High Shool Soccer League and he was hailed as the most valuable player. He will treat Sulli to the ice cream shop as a token of appreciation for her continous support and of course being his inspiration. He is planning to formally ask her out, not like a friendly date---he will confess to her his feelings. The deep, ardent and sincere emotion that he's been harboring eversince he had learned the word love. "Have you seen Sulli?" Minho asked to one of their classmates. "She's in the school yard with her friends. I think they are beating some girls in there" Minho's eyes widened from shocked after hearing his classmate's answer. He bolted toward the school yard to stop Sulli and FX girls.

Sulli's POV Holding a baseball bat in my right hand, I started marching back and forth to the four girls that we just beat. All of them with bruises in their faces and messy hair while kneeling down on the ground. "You all think your tough huh?" I smirked. "How dare you to spread false and degrading rumors against IU!" the veins in my neck and forehead pop out due to anger. The four girls: UEE, Hyorin, Suzy and Hara spread rumors that IU is the school's slut and had contracted herpes to some random ajusshi. It pissed me off after I heard the news because IU used to be my seat mate at Chemistry Subject and she was the nicest and most genuine female classmate of mine aside from the FX girls. I found out later that UEE and her gang was the one who started the gossip.

Amber took a few pictures of the four girls. "I will post this tomorrow to the bulletin board with a caption "What goes around comes around" "Yeah they deserve to be humiliated for what they did to poor IU"Victoria quilps. "What's going on here?" Minho said. The girls all turned to Minho's direction. "Yikes. . Mr. President is here"Luna said. My anger melted like butter upon seeing my bestfriend, my heart leap from joy, but of course I'd rather jumped to Eiffel Tower than to admit to him my true feelings. "What are you doing here?" "You promised me last week that you wil stay out of trouble Choi Jinri!" he said in a raised voice as if I was his child. "Is this some sort of habit? to beat people? God your pathetic... "he shook his head in dissapointment. I scratched my head. "Errr... let me explain Minho... its not what you think. . " "I'm sick and tired of hearing your nonsense excuses"Minho turned his back on me and walk away. I felt the searing pain in my heart while staring at his receeding figure. Regret drowned me because I let him down once again.

Minho's POV I keep on staring at the white ceiling of my room but failed to find an answer to my current dilemma---Choi Sulli. My mind and heart is in total chaos on what I shall do to my hidden feelings. Should I confess to her that I love her or I'll just bury my stupid feelings for her. I sighed deeply and stood up to get the love letter that I wrote for Sulli. I pulled the drawer of my nighstand and picked up the letter. I open and read it for the tenth time. To my special friend, my love Choi Jinri, The first time I have known you. You have been so good and you have been so nice to me. We became best of friends and shared every tear, every sadness, joy, and happiness in life. However as years passed by I never expect that time will change everything . you were more than a friend. You became someone special in my heart. Its a love that grows like flowers in the field. A love I felt as time goes on. A love I will care till the end. A love that I will keep and cherish forever. I know I love you and you are the one I'm waiting for and you are the SOMEONE special I long for. Someone special in my heart.

I closed the letter and held it tightly in my hand. My mind is undecided on whether to throw the letter or to give it to her. "Minho!" I stared at my window as Sulli keep on throwing peeble rocks on it. I step closer to the window and peeked my head out. A smiling Sulli in pigtails caught my eyes. And just like before, she climbed on the ladder and I pulled her inside. "Its late at night. Why are you here? what do want from me?" "Can I sleep here tonight?" she said while flipping her long thick eyelashes. I secretly smile. Damn, she's so cute that I wanna kiss her cheeks over and over again. "No! I want to sleep alone tonight. Just go back to your house and sleep in your room"I said with traces of annoyance in my voice. She pouted her lips then frowned when her droopy eyes captured the letter in my hand. "Is that a loveletter?" Sulli asked and before I could hide it she managed to snatched it out of my hand. I panic and tried to steal it to her. "Ya! give me that letter!" Sulli amusingly raised the letter and climbed on the bed. "You're dead meat if you dare to open that letter Choi Sulli!" I shouted and jumped on the bed to retrieve the letter. She laughed and started to open tthe letter. "Dear... " My adrenaline spikes through my system, I lunged at her and snatched the letter out of her hand. Unfortunately, we both fell on the bed... I am on top of her and my lips accidentally landed to her soft lips... Our eyes got bigger from shocked... my heart keep on bouncing back and forth against my chest... the second kiss! we just had our second kiss!

June 2013 Sulli folded the loveletter and tenderly gazes at her husband. "Do you like it?" She snorted and smiled at him. "Mushy and chessy... " He grinned and clasps her hand tightly, they headed to the balcony of their newly built house near the Incheon Beach. Minho's omma handed to Sulli their four week old baby.

"Finally, he's asleep"Sulli said and softly kiss Yoogeun's forehead. He looked down and gave Yoogeun a gentle kiss on the cheek. "He look a lot like me" She arch her eyebrow. "Of course not, my son look like me" "Look like you? he got my big brown beautiful eyes Mrs Choi" "Well he got my nose and lips Mr Choi" His lips curled in a fond smile. "Yoogeun got our best features chagiya"he said softly. "Thank you for giving birth to my son and I love you so much my trouble maker Choi Sulli" She kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too my prince Choi Minho" FIN

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