ShahadahNotes QabeelatIhsaan

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As Salmualaikum, Verily all the Praises are due to Allh (s.w.t.), we praise Him, we seek His help and we ask for His forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Him from the evil within our souls and from the evils of actions. Whomsoever Allh (s.w.t.) guides, no one can misguide him and whomsoever He misguides, no one can guide him. We bear witness that there is no God but Allh (s.w.t.) and that Muhammad (s.a.w.) is His final Prophet and Messenger. We thank Allh (s.w.t.) Who helped us all along the way in producing this notes and it would be no exaggeration to say that without His Help we would have indeed failed. We also thank Him who preferred us upon many of His believing slaves in preparing this notes, alamdulillh. This document contains the notes from the AlMaghrib Institute double weekend seminar, Shahadah: Fiqh of Dawah which was taught by our own Shaykh Kamal El Mekki in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted by Qabeelat Ihsaan on 2426 May and 12 June 2013. We would like to thank the contributors of this Class Notes namely to Br. Amar Zaim, Sis. Anis Ishak and Sis. Aqqiela Zuhra. AlMaghrib Institute or its instructors are not responsible for the material inside this notes. There is no copyright associated with this work, it is highly encouraged to spread around this knowledge to everyone; however, it should be done without editing. Allh (s.w.t.) says in the Qurn, and man was created weak (Surat An-Nis, 4:28) So indeed, in this booklet you will find mistakes but since we are weak creatures, we do mistakes, so please accept our apology in advance. If you find any mistakes, please email us back at or message us on Facebook page. Feel free to share it with others as well. Kindly remember us in your dua and may Allh (s.w.t.) accept this effort. We hope that Allh (s.w.t.) accepts from us this work and benefits the Muslims and nonMuslims alike as a source of guidance and away from misguidance, so that it can be a source of asant for us even after death; as Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge and righteous offspring who will pray for him. (Muslim) Was Salmualaikum wa Ramatullhi wa Baraktuh, Qabeelat Ihsaan Academic Team, 23 June 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Email: Phone: Facebook: +6013.399.8837 (Office Hours)



Section 1: The Dawah The Definition of Dawah The Excellence and Virtues of Dawah The Nature of Guidance or Why You Can Move Mountains The Ruling on Giving Dawah Advice Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil Viable Dawah For the Sake of Dawah. Studies vs. Barakah Fumes The Types of Dawah Section 2: The Diyah Understanding Yourself Are You Extroverted or Introverted? Obstacles Manners Akhlq with Allh Akhlq with People Akhlq with Yourself Find out the beliefs of the person you are talking to Section 3: The Madu Understanding People: The Three Personality Types Change Obstacles to Change Cognitive Dissonance Theory Reciprocity Your Approach The Art of Disarming The Differences between how Men and Women Communicate Ethnocentrism Section 4: The Calling Dawah Methods Logic vs. Emotion Straightforward Approach Answering Questions Rapport Changing Behavior, Changing Minds The Tools & Techniques to Change People Channeling Thoughts Thinking Outside the Box: Fixing the Mindset Low Point / High Point Golden Rules Walking Away 1 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 18 18 22 24 24 27 31 32 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 49 50 51 54 57 60 63 64 66

Section 5: Religions and Beliefs Wheres the Truth? The Qurn The Senseless Evasion of the Muammad (s.a.w.) Equation The Trinity The Atheist Hamburgers are My Lifestyle! Section 6: Conclusion 67 67 69 70 74 77 82 84


SECTION 1: The Dawah

The Definition of Dawah

Root word

It means to call request encourage supplicate incline (towards) seek aid ask command

It means to call or to invite people to Allh make people better worshipper help them become better o in practice and understanding of the religion o in their manner and their dealings

To call
The nature of dawah: friendly welcoming warm

In the Qurn, sometimes dawah is referred to in the form of commanding what is good forbidding what is evil

When we invite people, it has to be friendly, welcome. You do not ask people to come to your house with an argument. It is always about calling to Allh, not calling people to the Sheikh or our Organization. It is never about us.

SECTION 1: The Dawah

The Excellence and Virtues of Dawah
It Is The Way Of The Prophets

And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], Worship Allh and avoid ght. And among them were those whom Allh guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed... Al-Nal 16:36

We have already sent Our messengers with clear evidences and sent down with them the Scripture and the balance... Al-add 57:25

It Is The Way Of The Prophet (s.a.w.) And Those Who Follow Him
Say, This is my way; I invite to Allh with insight, I and those who follow me... Ysuf 12:108

What does the word This refers to? Opinion 1 It refers to Islm Opinion 2 It refers to dawah

SECTION 1: The Dawah

It Is The Best Of Speech

And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allh and does righteousness and says, Indeed, I am of the Muslims. Fuilat 41:33

There Is Great Reward In It

The ant in its burrow and the fish in the sea will pray for us.

Verily Allh and His angels, even the ants in its burrow and the fish in the sea will pray for the one who teaches people good. a Al-Jami

...verily the one who guides (someone) to good is like the one who does it (in reward). a Al-Tirmidhi

The reward will be like what the one we guide does.

Better than red camels (best of wealth) In another narration: Better than the whole world and everything in it.

For Allh to guide one person through you is better for you than the red camels. a Al-Bukhri

SECTION 1: The Dawah

It Is One Of The Reasons Why We Were Preferred Over Other Nations
You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allh. li-Imrn 3:110

Enjoin good Forbid evil Believe in Allh BEST NATION!

It Is Also A Sign That Tawhid Is Complete And man Is Strong

You would not call others to something unless you know it and have no doubt in it, so dawah is part of tawd.

In The Heart

It Strengthens man

Many people make the mistake of waiting for their mn to increase before they go and call people to Allh. The truth is, giving dawah is itself an action that increases mn.

SECTION 1: The Dawah

The Nature of Guidance
Types Of Hidayah
Hidyatul- Irshd When we try to direct someone to the truth Hidyatulq

When Allah opens a person's heart to Islam

you guide to a straight path.

Al-Shra 42:52 Indeed, [O Muammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allh guides whom He wills. Al-Qaa 28:56

And indeed, [O Muammad],

Why is this distinction so important? It is crucial to distinct the two types of guidance so that we know our roles and Allh roles in giving people hidayah

Our Prophet (s.a.w.) used to call his uncle abu talib . to Islm, but the response is negative.

SECTION 1: The Dawah

The Ruling on Giving Dawah
Opinion 1
On a basic level: OBLIGATORY TO ALL as it is part of mn and shahadah.

The religion is sincere advice. a Bukhri and Muslim

with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided. Al-Nal 16:125

Invite to the way of your Lord

(to the people) even if it were one yah or sentence. a Bukhri

Convey my teachings

let those who are present convey (the message) to those who are absent. And it may be that those who pass it on understand it less than some of those who hear it. a Bukhri and Muslim

what is right and forbid what is wrong

and establish prayer and give zakh and obey Allh and His Messenger. Those - Allh will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allh is Exalted in Might and Wise. Al-Tawbah 9:71

The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin

On a higher level: MANDATORY ONLY ON CERTAIN PEOPLE, for example: Issuing fatwah is mandatory on Muftis only. Teaching the Sciences of adth is for scholars or those educated on the subject. Enjoining good and forbidding evil at certain levels is only for those appointed by the Imm. For example, the police.

SECTION 1: The Dawah

Opinion 2

And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful. li-Imrn 3:104

Both verses mention a group of people doing dawah

And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate

from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they
return to them that they might be cautious. Al-Tawbah 9:122

Here is the thing about Opinion 2 Opinion 2 can also referred as High Level Dawah in Opinion 1 if we compare them. We have to understand the Qurn by looking at all verses together.

SECTION 1: The Dawah


The phrase The religion is nasa stresses the important of giving advice in Islm.
The religion is naah. We asked, To whom, O Prophet of Allh? He said, To Allh, and to His Book, and to His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and to the common folk. a Bukhri and Muslim

It is similar when the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, ajj is Arafah.

Some Manners Of Giving Advice Try not to offer your advice to someone in public A believer covers up and gives naah, whereas an evildoer exposes and humiliates. - Al-Fuayl ibn Iy Make an agreement that the two of you will exchange advice freely "Let's make a deal, if you see I something do wrong, tell me" Be gentle in offering your advice Start with important thing first, prioritise! If the person plays guitar and does not pray, start with praying first. Be mirror to other believers Bypass the ego or avoid hurting their pride Offer yourself for advice first

SECTION 1: The Dawah

Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil

And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allh; indeed, Allh is severe in penalty. Al-Midah 5:2

The adth does not show the flow of doing dawah. The instruments of change of depends on three things: the sin who is doing the sin who is doing the dawah

Whoever sees a munkar (reprehensible act), then let him change it with his hand. If he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he cant, then with his heart
and that is the weakest of mn. a Muslim

Bear in mind: Do not change the evil if that leads to destruction of property or bodily harm The order of the instruments of change depends on the evil itself Do not expose yourself to the arm in the process

Hate the sin, Love the sinner

SECTION 1: The Dawah

Viable Dawah
Your Dawah
Identify the goals of your dawah It has to be clear Everyone in the team must know the goal Write it out Have it in front of your eyes Access you resources Have a realistic(and legal) plan Remember the Black Van Dawah plan? Measure the result of your work To maintain energy and motivation Persevere

Your Dut
Avoid overburdening your team Have enough people in the team Have obedient and disciplined dut To preserve the group The essence of the adth mentioning when we are travelling, pick a person to be the leader. Have trained and knowledgeable dut

Determining The Objectives Of Your Dawah

Having clear goal(s) is very essential for your dawah cause. These are guidelines on how you determine the objectives of your dawah:


SECTION 1: The Dawah

For the Sake of Dawah
The best interest of dawah is to always adhere to the pillars and principles dawah is founded upon. Do these sounds familiar to you?
I lied to him just to make our dawah work easier The money I earn from selling liquor will go to the masjid. I talk to a lot of girls, but only to bring them to Islm! I entered the nightclub for the sake of dawah!

We do not compromise when it comes to fundamental issues. But for lesser important issues compromises can be made based on the needs of time and place; and it has to be on scholars opinion.


They wish that you would soften [in your position], so they would soften [toward you]. Al-Qalam 68:9


SECTION 1: The Dawah

We do not negotiate in the religion of Allh, especially when it comes to Tawd.

Say, "O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion. Al-Kfirn 109:1-6

In Surat Al-Kfirn (The Disbelievers), on the second and forth verse emphasize the fact that we do not negotiate in the religion of Allh.

The ends do not justify the means

Verily Allh is good and only accepts that which is good. a Muslim


SECTION 1: The Dawah

Studies vs. Barakah Fumes
Stage I: Conduct Research Identify target audience Stage II Write initial draft Review by Imam/knowledgeable persons Stage III Assimilate feedback from Stage I Stage IV Receive focus group feedback Stage V Incorporate feedback Prepare final draft Stage VI: Print Deliver to the audience Document lessons learned Prepare initial draft Identify goals of material

What do we know about reverts?

The majority of people revert to Islm because of? Those that left Islm left mostly because of? Did they leave within the first day, two days, or first week after accepting Islm? What percentage of reverts are kicked out of home by their parents? When is follow-up with a revert needed the most? - On the 1st 48 hours, do the follow up What are the problems they face when they are integrated into the Muslim community?


SECTION 1: The Dawah


SECTION 1: The Dawah

Types of Dawah
Individual Dawah To invite or advise one person individually Group Dawah lectures, reminders, khuab. With khuab in particular: - Make sure you have a take-home message - Do not go over the time allotted - Do not make the khubah too long - Keep your audience interested (stories, questions, pauses) Private or specialized classes Usually the task of scholars or learned individuals Dawah through writing, correspondence and authorship Dawah through distribution of materials (pamphlets, booklets, CDs) Dawah using means of mass communication Indirect Dawah Influencing people and altering behavior without speaking directly. - Dawah through good manners. - Performing acts of worship in public. - Printed messages on clothing, bumper stickers, etc. - Having a discussion with a friend intending others to hear. - Leaving dawah materials in public places. Excogitables! Change the method but not the message.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Understanding Yourself
Before you understand others: You need to understand yourself. You need to know what your strong points are and use them to your advantage. Be aware of your weaknesses and figure out how to improve.

Are You Extroverted or Introverted?

Extrovert Often friendly, talkative and easy to get to know Easily express emotions; what you see is what you get Often take action and then think about it afterward Use dramatic language for effect Prefer to talk problems over, and often change their minds after discussing things with others Often have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances Relatively comfortable being the center of attention Tend to talk more than listen and may interrupt without realizing they are doing it One is not better than the other! Introvert Often happy with their own company Tend to think first and then act Often very loyal to few close friends rather than have a wide circle of friends Prefer constancy and routine, and prefer depth to breadth A strong need for privacy and a preference not to be the center of attention Often feel drained by meeting too many people and need privacy to mentally rehearse before speaking They relax by being alone Tend to listen more than talk and may get interrupted by the nearest extrovert Prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings inside. Reserved, but have a rich inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions


SECTION 2: The Diyah

UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF Why is this important?
1. Extrovert or introvert, it does not mean you have to fulfill all of the above characteristics. You may fit a mix of characteristics from both styles. 2. Do not allow people to limit yourself to certain characteristics You can push yourself beyond your comfort zone. 3. Knowing these characteristics would allow us to have better understanding of others and their attitudes and this will lead to better dawah and interaction.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Beware of
Being Extremist

O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allh except the truth Al-Nis 4:171

There are two extremes in any belief system, and there is a middle. In Islm, who is in the middle? Rasulullah (s.a.w.). Doing more than what he did is moving towards one extreme, and doing less than what he did is moving towards the other extreme.

Not Practicing the Deen

You are doing LESS than what the Prophet (s.a.w.)Muammad (s.a.w.) did

You are doing what the Prophet Muammad (s.a.w.) did = MODERATE

You are doing MORE than what the Prophet (s.a.w.)Muammad (s.a.w.) did


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Speaking About Allh Without Knowledge
Say, My Lord has only forbidden immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed - and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allh that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you

Speaking about Allh without knowledge is mentioned after Shirk. This shows the seriousness of the issue since it is only Allh (s.w.t.) decides the arm or all. REMINDER If you do not know, just say so. Do not guess!
I think Maybe

say about Allh that which you do not know.

Al-Arf 7:33

Partisanship Loyalty to certain group that could ruin the To A Group brotherhood between Muslims. The Opposite Sex
Many times dawah begins sincere and then turns over when emotions develop. Sufyn Al-Thawri said, I would not be alone with a woman even if teaching her the Qur'n. Guidelines Proper dress code Proper manners Lower your gaze Talk in public Talk does not goes outside of Religion Swap! At dawah tables, if a woman comes to a brother, bring her over to the sisters to continue the conversation, and vice versa.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Not Knowing How To Disagree
Not every dissension should lead to separation FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES: No disagreement We must put effort to reform and teach the people. If they still stick to their incorrect beliefs, this is a major issue, and it is a valid cause for separation. FIQH ISSUES: Can have different opinions It is not worth of separation of the Muslim community and this should be dealt politely and even compromised over.


Only related to acts of worship. Three questions to identify whether an act is a bidah: 1. Is what you are doing changing the way we worship Allh? 2. Was it something done by the Prophet (s.a.w.)? 3. If not, was there a reason why he (s.a.w.) did not do it? If the final answer is No, then it is considered as bidah. For example: The compilation of the Qurn into one book 1. Is what you are doing changing the way we worship Allh? No 2. Was it something done by the Prophet (s.a.w.)? It was not done during the Prophets time 3. If not, was there a reason why he (s.a.w.) did not do it? The revelation was still coming down During the Abbasid dynasty, the khubah for Eid was done before the alah (because the people did not stay for the khubah after alah), whereas in the time of the Prophet (s.a.w.) it was done after the alah 1. Is what you are doing changing the way we worship Allh? No 2. Was it something done by the Prophet (s.a.w.)? It was not done during the Prophets time 3. If not, was there a reason why he (s.a.w.) did not do it? There was nothing preventing the Prophet (s.a.w.) from doing that. He could have put the khubah before the alah if he wanted (like the Jumuah khubah).

The act is not a bidah

Since the Prophet (s.a.w.) was able to do it and he did not, that makes this act a bidah.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Making Things Difficult And Constricting The World Around People

Make things easy and do not make things difficult, give the good news and do
not turn people away. ai Al-Bukhri

ishah (r.a.) narrated that if the Prophet (s.a.w.) was given two choices, he would pick the easier thing as long as it was not arm. If you find difficulty in the deen, it is probably that you did the wrong way; or you come from lax environment


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Obstacles Faced By Diyah

Expecting instant results

For some, they want to see immediate result. Sometimes, the results show up years later, and many times, you will not even see the fruit of our work at all. The truth is that every Muslim has enough basic knowledge to call to good and to stop evils that we know about. When Abu Bakr (r.a.) become Muslim, he immediately do dawah and 6 out of them that accepted Islam are from those that were promised paradise. If you do not know something, just say it. Imm Mlik once answered only 8 out of 40 questions given to him. The other 32 questions? He said he did not know. Research shows that people like someone with imperfection better than someone who is perfect. Every single Muslim on the planet whether a scholar or a layman needs reminders or dawah.

Not having enough knowledge

I am in need of dawah

That does not mean we cannot invite and teach others those things that we know. We should strive to be the best while teaching others. NOTE! Doing dawah increases your mn.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

It is hard to start talking to people right away on the street, or doing dawah immediately. But after a few tries, you become used to it and it becomes natural to talk to people then. It is like jumping into a swimming pool: after a few seconds, you are used to it. TRY THE HANDPHONE TECHNIQUE! Pretend to discuss Islam with a friend on the phone. Raise your voice loud enough for your target to hear. Find out who you are talking to by asking about their religion, beliefs, culture, and issues that they are facing

I am too shy

Not knowing who you are talking to

and then tailor your speech accordingly. Having good manners goes a long way. For example, in the story of the imam and the drunkard:
The Imam very knowledgeable, BUT very bad mannered very mean When the community mention the Imam, they mention his bad qualities. vs. The Drunkard polite well mannered When they mention the drunkard, they mention how sweet and nice he is.

Having bad akhlq

Having wrong intentions

You will not get the promised reward if you do dawah not for the sake of Allh.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

If you possess all the knowledge in the world but have very bad manners, who will want to receive knowledge from you? People generally put you under the microscope and associate your actions with your religion. Akhlq with Allh Have a close relationship with Allh Have sincere intention (Ikhl) Akhlq with People Be humble Be gentle Be patience Be caring Akhlq with Yourself Be truthful to yourself Review yourself Strive to better yourself Free your heart from envy

Akhlq With Allh Have A Close Relationship With Allh

Worship Dont be the candle that illuminates for others at the expense of burning itself out. People are naturally drawn to devout worshippers. This is evident in the adth of the man who killed 99 people. The 100th victim of the man was a worshipper (bid). Why did the people send him to the worshipper when he asked for advice? Because people naturally love the ubbad, the frequent and constant worshippers.

Excogitables! If your level of knowledge is above average, you should not be content with worship that is average.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Dua This is an aspect that is often overlooked by many dut. The Prophet (s.a.w.) would make dua to Allh to guide people, e.g.:
the mother of Abu urayrah the tribe of Daws.

Always make dua to ask for guidance for people. Allh asks every night in the last third of the night, Is anyone asking so I may give him, is anyone seeking forgiveness so that I may forgive him? We must take advantage of this time. If there was any worldly need which we were worried about, and we were told that someone could fix it for good at 3am tonight, wed stay up to wait for that person without any problem. Allh can correct any issue you have, so wake up to ask from Him! Trust Examine the lives of the Prophets and see the effects of trusting in Allh on their dawah. How many times did it seem like the end, but the Prophet (s.a.w.) didnt lose hope in Allh?

Akhlq With Allh Have Sincere Intention (Ikhls)

The early Muslims would say the most difficult thing is to struggle with is ones intention. But it is not impossible, or otherwise Allah will not ask for it. GOOD NEWS! Callers to Allh can refresh and renew their intentions so that their efforts are for the sake of Allh not for the sake of reputation not for personal benefit Our definition of dawah is when you work to make people closer to Allh (s.w.t.). If you stay focused on this as your ultimate goal, your dawah will not be for the sake of money, power or fame.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Remember the adth of the young Jewish boy in the book of Abu Dawd? When the Prophet (s.a.w.) went to visit the boy when he was on his deathbed, he was walking so fast that the companions were struggling to keep up with him. When the boy becomes a Muslim the Prophet (s.a.w.) says, Alhamdulillah who has saved him from the Hellfire through me. This young dying boy would not add anything to the strength of the Muslim society, nor would he increase the wealth of the Muslims, but the Prophet (s.a.w.) rushed to him just to save one soul from the Hellfire.

How To Know If You Are Not Sincere In Your Dawah? WHEN YOU LOVE THAT YOUR NAME IS MENTIONED OR RECOGNIZED and hate to be ignored A man who prayed every time in the front row for 40 years one day came late and was in the second or third row. He kept thinking Today, people will see Im not in the front row. Then he realized that for 40 years he was praying in the front row for the sake of people instead for the sake of Allh. He should have been thinking that Allh would not see him in the front row. WHEN YOU WANT TO SHOW YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS TO OTHERS (Not from an educational standpoint) The early Muslims would hide their good deeds just like they would hide their bad deeds. * This showing off does not include telling stories or achievements to encourage people to do good deed. IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR DESIRES IN DAWAH You do something because you get a personal non-religious benefit from it Are we benefiting Islm or are we benefiting from Islm? Are we religious for the sake of Marriage Wealth / discount Fame Special treatment etc.?

IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH When you are sincere, you accept the truth from anyone, no matter who it was. The Prophet (s.a.w.) accepted the truth from a group of Jews who visited him, and corrected the companions not to say If Allh and His Messenger will that is only for Allh.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Abdullh ibn Ubay ibn Sall, the leader of the hypocrites, would stand up when the Prophet (s.a.w.) was speaking and command the people to listen to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and obey him. After Tabk, when it became clear what he was, people would ignore him or tell him to sit down. They hated him because they knew he was a hypocrite that didnt practice what he preached.

You will also be more effective if you: Practice what you tell people to do.

Akhlq With People

Your akhlq with people is based upon your Akhlq with Allh simply because how you treat people is: 1. For the sake of Allh (s.w.t.) 2. Governed by the Laws of Allh

Akhlq With People


Humility is that you submit to the truth no matter who it comes from and that you treat people with gentleness and kindness no matter who they are. The opposite of humility is arrogance, which is rejecting the truth and looking down upon people (Abu Dawd). Consider how the Prophet (s.a.w.) greeted and dealt with people. Sometimes the slightest gesture accompanied by humility affects someone for the rest of his/her life The Prophet (s.a.w.) would greet people with his whole body and full attention. This shows that you respect people and give them what they deserve, instead of being half interested in them and not even paying attention to them The Prophet (s.a.w.) traveled with a little girl to Khaybar, and he treated her so well and so gently. He brought a necklace for her and put it around her neck with his own blessed hands. When she was an old woman, she said that the necklace never left her neck and she wanted to be buried with it on so she could meet the Prophet (s.a.w.) on the Day of Judgment with it on her neck. If you are kind with people, people will remember you for a long time.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Akhlq With People Gentleness
Someone once went to the Khalifah Harn Ar-Rashd and the man was very harsh to him.
And speak to him with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded or fear [Allh]. h 20:44

The Khalifah told him, Allh sent someone better than you to advise someone worse than me, and still he was gentle with him. He was talking about what is said in the above ayah, from Allh to Musa, sending him to Firawn.

So by mercy from Allh, [O Muammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from around you. li-Imrn 3:159

IS IT BETTER TO BE LOVED OR FEARED? one would like to be both the one and the other: but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. Machiavelli, The Prince This is an incorrect statement for many reasons, e.g.: People will only obey you when youre there But they will do anything they want behind your back

Excogitables! Anything in which you deal with harshly will not go over smoothly.

The Prophet (s.a.w.) was the perfect example of a leader being loved. If it was out of fear, as soon as the Prophet (s.a.w.) died, the nation would have collapsed. The fact that we now 1400 years later still obey and love the Prophet (s.a.w.) is testament to love being more powerful than fear.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Akhlq With People Patience

And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy from among the criminals. But sufficient is your Lord as a guide and a helper. Al-Furqn 25:31

Sufyn Al-Thawri commented on the ayah saying,

And we have made among them leaders guiding by Our Command when they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs. Al Sajdah 32:24

Leadership in din is attained through patience and certainty. Be patience with people when it comes to dawah.

Akhlq With People

The Prophet (s.a.w.) was extremely concerned for peoples welfare. He was worried over people not accepting the message, so much so that Allh told him not to kill himself over grief of their non-acceptance. The best dut is from the one that cared most about people.

Then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them, [O Muhammad], if they do not believe in this message, [and] out of sorrow. Al-Kahf: 6


SECTION 2: The Diyah

The Prophet (s.a.w.) dealt with children in the best manner, treating them kindly and making them feel important.

You will also be more effective if you: Give people attention and make them feel important. Help people.

LET THE OTHER PERSON SPEAKS ! Dont cut people while they are talking and never rush them to speak quickly. Give people attention by getting to know them. Ask them about their day, hobbies or interest. PEOPLE WOULD REMEMBER YOU MORE WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES RATHER ABOUT YOU

THE SECRET TO CARING FOR PEOPLE Imagine that people are walking towards the Fire, and you are the only one that can save them. This will ingrain care in you for others & the desire to give everyone dawah. Make excuses for people. Everyone has their weaknesses. They may actually be better than you. Rush to give people dawah. Make them comfortable with Islam so they embrace it, do not push people away. Focus on the positive instead of the negative. Give salm and also presents. Do not look down on them. Put yourself in their places, try to stand in their shoes. If you understand their condition, you will care more for them and youll know how to approach them in the best way. Want for others what you want for yourself. Make it one of the ways of loving Allh: caring for His creation


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Akhlq With Yourself
This is when you are truthful with yourself. You always review yourself and engage in self-criticism. You sincerely strive to better yourself and free your heart from envy and all other problems. You can do this every night: review your day and see what you mistakes are and what you can do better. Hold yourself accountable before Allh holds you accountable. I DONT HAVE THE COURAGE! WHAT SHOULD I DO? Admit it! It will be easier. Admitting a weakness is one step to overcoming it. Recognize da'wah as a responsibility. Remember that MORE DIFFICULT = MORE REWARD. Do it for the sake of Allah.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Find Out the Beliefs of the Person You Are Talking To
The idea here is that if something will make you more effective and credible as a diyah, use it as long as it is not arm or deceptive.

Use Simple Words And Be Straightforward Use simple language so that it could be easily understood by everyone. Stay On The Main Topic Main topic = Tawd. You will get side-tracked to other hot issues but bring yourself back to the main point. Find Out The Beliefs And Obstacles Of The Person Assess where they are spiritually and their knowledge. Tailor your talk based on that knowledge

Avoid Arguments Do not say things that will hurt their feelings. For example if they love music, do not start attacking on the fiqh of music, rather talk about the love of Allh.

Be An Educator

Understand Needs, Obstacles, And Issues Identify the issue faced by the person, only then resolve those issues.

Acknowledge All Questions As Intelligent Do not make them feel stupid. Just respond to the question.

Avoid Human Obstacles E.g. When Rasulullah (s.a.w.) invited his family to eat, the second time he didnt invite Abu Lahab, who told him not to talk about Islm.

Have A Partner Whenever Possible A partner can add value to the conversation have a different view of the situation can save the day. * Not more than 3.


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Attack Or Be Aggressive Either they will become Muslim or they will hate you more. REMEMBER! Debate is not the default dawah method. Use Annoying (Or Inappropriate) Approaches Shouting at people or disturbing peoples privacy Be Evasive Avoiding or not directly answering the question, covering flaws. People might think there is loop holes in Islm It is better to say I dont know

Give Up If The Person Seems Uninterested Sometimes people seem unconvinced outwardly but inwardly they are

Make A Judgment Based On Looks Avoiding doing dawah to people that seem difficult (e.g. those with tattoos)

Falsify Information Making Islm look exactly like Christianity What reason do they have to become Muslim then?


SECTION 2: The Diyah

Changing Styles
Use different methods and techniques of dawah
N (a.s.) called his people at different times at different places by night and by day in secret and in public. AL-WU They focused on admonitions: hellfire punishment of the grave death accounting The Qurn also uses different methods: It is not always targhib (glad tidings) and not always tarhib (punishment) and not always stories.

AL-QAAN They exist during the early Muslim. The dut use stories all the time.

The early Muslims did not like the Qaan.

Ibn Masd described that the Prophet (s.a.w.) would fear to overuse the mawi to the point where they lose their effect. Shaqq ibn Salamah reported: We were sitting at the door of Abdullh (Ibn Masd) waiting for him (to come out and deliver a sermon to us). Abdullah Ibn Masd lost no time in coming out to us and said, I was informed of your presence here but nothing hindered me to come out to you but the fact that I did not like to bore you by giving you sermons (every day) and follow the example of Allh's Messenger (s.a.w.) who used to preach us on certain days lest it might be boring for us. The scholars also used to say, Mawi are like whips after a while, their effect is no longer the same.

1. GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY NEED, NOT WHAT THEY WANT. Sometimes people want stories and jokes all the time. But the wisdom is to give people what they need in the way they want. It is not about getting people to like you and becoming popular. The best? If you can give them both. 2. TEACH WHAT IS IMPORTANT THEN THE LESS IMPORTANT, AND NOTHING IN OUR RELIGION IS NOT IMPORTANT. Everything is important but some things are more important than the others.


SECTION 2: The Diyah


SECTION 3: The Madu

Understanding People: The Three Personality Types

They are leaders who value a strong handshake, and have a husky, dominating physic Words: TACKLE, POWER, FEEL, SENSE, GRASP, TOUCH, PEOPLE, TEAM
Speak with confidence and make them feel important

They are self-defining, and intellectuals Words: THINK, SOUNDS, UNDERSTAND, NUMBERS, SENSE, LOGICAL, PROVE, KNOW, REASON
Show the profit, logical and clever designs, statistics, expert endorsement



They enjoy being CREATIVE and have QUICK & EASY mindset. Strong sign: always have paper and pen, and start scribbling while explaining Words: SHOW, SEE, LOOK, VISUALIZE, PICTURE, WATCH, EASY, QUICK, FAST, INSTANT, PERSPECTIVE, PERCEPTION, IMMEDIATE


Show visually dramatic presentation, some diagrams or graph while explaining, quick and easy


SECTION 3: The Madu

Can someone change? YES! Everyone wants to change. When change is welcomed and planned, it can be a fairly easy process provided there are no obstacles involved. Abu Juray complained to the Prophet (s.a.w.) that he had the crudeness of the Bedouins. The Prophet (s.a.w.) gave him this advice: Do not curse anyone. What was the effect of these three words? He says, So I never cursed (after that) a free man, nor a slave, nor a camel nor sheep. (ai Abu Dawd, by Shaykh Al-Albani) Scholars said: Every act of a person is either pushing out something bad or bringing in something good, directly or indirectly, now or future.

The more resources you have, the greater guilt you feel for not changing.


SECTION 3: The Madu

Obstacles to Change
Not aware of the fact that they need to change Staying the same is easier Staying the same is more beneficial Do not know what to change No proper resources External shackles External obstacles e.g. poverty and oppression Self-imposed shackles Internal obstacles e.g. laziness, procrastination, excess guilt Learned helplessness Linking the change to a sign or an event Sometimes to change someone you have to change yourself When you give up, you set yourself for a FAILURE They can stop us from moving forward. It will take time to "perfect" them: KEEP ON TRYING!

It is a blessing when you know what you need to change.


SECTION 3: The Madu

Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Cognitive Dissonance
What you believe What you already know or believe The discomfort felt when there is a difference between: vs. vs. How you behave New information or interpretation

To reduce the discomfort, one may resort to:

Changing the action Changing the attitude/belief Justifying, blaming, denying Example: Buyers Remorse After buying something you feel its expensive, and then you convince yourself that I need it, its useful, and its better quality, etc in order to feel less guilty. Criticizing the item Example: The Fox and the Grapes A fox tried to get some grapes but failed again and again. Giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, "They are probably sour anyway". Convincing yourself It wont happen to me

Other things related to cognitive dissonance theory:

Effort justification Where working for something (or paying more) causes someone to like it more Selective attention When you only pay attention to what is consistent with what you believe Selective interpretation Only interpreting information consistent with your beliefs Selective retention You only remember information consistent with your belief

Excogitables! The bigger the gap between where you are and your potential, the more room you have for misery in your life.


SECTION 3: The Madu


It is a basic norm of human nature, when a person tries to repay what another has provided

Use this nature to control the situation, by trying to bring that person to your level/state

How Do You Prevent A Debate?

What if someone is being rude? How to have a discussion with someone arrogant?

DONT RECIPROCATE! Try to disarm them using these: Were only here to share our belief with you. It will be better if we have full understanding between each other. So let me share this with you Im not here to argue with you. What if they still INSIST TO ARGUE? These are the options: Highlight the seriousness of the situation (maybe they are not aware of rewards and punishments). Ignore the argumentation and speak gently; they might do the same. Begin to wrap up the discussion because you cant move forward. Stop the argument by seeing their viewpoint. If they keep repeating their viewpoint, maybe they think you dont understand. Repeat their point to ensure them you heard it.


SECTION 3: The Madu

Your Approach
There are NO HARD-and-FAST RULES with dawah and NO MAGIC WAND!

What is the most suitable approach depends on Library


The Place etc.




SECTION 3: The Madu

The Art of Disarming
Research has shown that if people like you, you are more likely to get a yes out of them.

Jokes It is hard for someone to be angry with you if you are making them laugh. Good manners It is hard to dislike a wellmannered person.

Gifts Not only is it hard to be angry with someone who has just given you a gift, but you also feel the need to reciprocate.



Praise We all like people who praise us and have a good opinion of us.

We naturally like people who are similar to us.


SECTION 3: The Madu

The Differences Between How Men And Women Communicate
Speak to report facts in short phrases with little or no details. Want and need the bottom line first and foremost, followed up with more details. Dont like to be interrupted. Have a more difficult time understanding emotions that are not explicitly verbalized.

Speak in paragraphs to build rapport with lots of details. Want and need to build up to the bottom line, their enjoyment comes from telling the story. Interruptions are not as severe. Tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues.

FACTS! On average A woman maintain eye contact while speaking for 12 seconds. A man maintaining eye contact for 3 seconds. On average The female brain is 150 grams smaller than the males. When a woman falls in love, her testosterone level increases. When a man falls in love, his testosterone level decreases.


SECTION 3: The Madu

It is to believe in the inherent superiority of ones own ethnic group or culture. It is a major obstacle when understanding certain issues. Examples: The age of 'ishah when married to the Prophet (s.a.w.) She was 9 years old That was in a different culture with a different maturity level. The enemies (Quraysh, etc.) never said anything. She herself never said anything bad about it. The World Series Why is it called "The World Series" when only a few countries are competing? Eating pork Celebrations HOW TO ANSWER How old do you expect/ prefer her to be? Why? Is age gap the issue, or her maturity level?

Do not be quick to judge, but pay attention and try to see if something is wrong.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Dawah Methods
In the Qur'n, Allh uses a number of techniques to prove an issue; and to get people to act upon it. Consequences or harm of leaving Benefits of doing Rewards & punishments

Direct Order


Stories & analogies


SECTION 4: The Calling

Logic vs. Emotion
Which do people use more: logic or emotion? In the Qurn, are they more logical or emotional arguments? In most of psychology books, it is said that people use emotion to make 90% of their decision ; and then use logic to justify them. However, in Islm, we believe that emotion and logic are interrelated. Tears dont roll down for no reason, something has to cause the emotion. Some examples from the Qurn

And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their

They say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses. Al-Midah 5:83

eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth.

Nor [is there blame] upon those who, when they came to you that you might give them mounts, you said, I can find nothing for you to ride upon. They turned back while their eyes overflowed with

tears out of grief that they could not find something to spend [for the cause of Allh].
Al-Tawbah 9:92


SECTION 4: The Calling

Straightforward Approach
This method can be used only in certain cultures. Some people feel uncomfortable when we use straightforward method. For example, it is alright to use this method in the US and it is a big no no in countries like UK and South East Asian countries. We save a lot of time and our message will get across clearly. Diyah: Are you a Muslim? Madu: No. Diyah: Why not?

They do not have a good reason why they are not Muslims.

They tell you they are not Muslim because of their affiliation to another religion

Madu: Because I have my Lord and savior Jesus Christ thats why not!
We now know that: 1. They are Christian. 2. They believe in Trinity or the divinity of Jesus. 3. They are probably religious or strongly attached to their faith (because they got upset or irritated).

Diyah: Oh really? Well you know we also believe in Jesus! But do you know what the main difference is between our belief in Jesus and your belief in him?

Madu: What is the difference? Notice theyve already calmed down? And you keep going from there.


SECTION 4: The Calling


SECTION 4: The Calling

Answering Questions
When we are giving dawah to Muslim or non-Muslims, there are higher chance that we will be asked with questions. Some questions deserve to be answered. Some questions need to be corrected before we answer it. For example, Why does God need us to worship Him? No matter how well we answer the question, we will always be affirming that God needs us to worship him. We need to fix the question first before we proceed. The rule is: Do not immediately accept the persons premise, or you may be at a disadvantage.

Ways of Answering Questions


SECTION 4: The Calling

Rapport is establishing a relationship or connection with an individual. Sometimes, it might be too abrupt to call someone to Islm or give a Muslim advice at your first time meeting the person. We can also start with building rapport. This technique is very suitable if we are going to meet our madu in regular basis, e.g. neighbors, officemates, etc.

Emotional Mirroring
How would you feel if you were conveying exciting news to a friend and they responded to you in a bored tone? Or what if you are telling them about something bad that happened and they respond with a happy tone? Most likely you would feel that they are not connecting with you or not being sympathetic. When someone reacts accordingly, that is known as emotional mirroring.

It is best to start approaching our target madu with finding something in common e.g. shared interests and so on. Prophet (s.a.w.) quickly changes his dialect when a companion came and spoke to him with a dialect. When Using Rapport Rapport is only another suggested way to do dawah. Some people respond to straight forward dawah better. If you may not have to chance to see the person again, e.g., during street dawah, using rapport would not be a good method. Do not make your dawah just rapport. Do not talk about the weather all the time. After a few times, try to create a conversation that redirect to Islam.


SECTION 4: The Calling


SECTION 4: The Calling

Changing Behavior, Changing Minds

Contemplate the following ayah:

And do not argue with the people of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are in submission to Him. Al- Ankabt 29:46


SECTION 4: The Calling

Building YESSES
If we start a conversation with a point we agree, it will remove the debate element in the conversation and easier to move forward. Building YESSES will also keep the diyah and the madu in the state of mind. Do you remember this dialogue that took place after the Treaty of udaybiyyah? Umar (r.a.) Prophet (s.a.w.) Umar (r.a.) Prophet (s.a.w.) Umar (r.a.) : : : : : Arent you indeed the Messenger of Allh? Yes. Arent we upon the truth and our enemies upon falsehood? Yes. Then why should we suffer any humiliation in our deen?

Then Umar (r.a.) went and asked the same questions to Abu Bakr (r.a.). A father might use this approach to convince his son to go to Qurn school. He might ask: Do you not love me? Do you not love the Qurn? Wouldnt you love to be a afi of the Qurn? Dont you want to be of the people of Jannah? Wouldnt you want to be amongst those who are beloved by Allh? Then why dont you want to go to Qurn school if you love Allh and love the Qurn? After agreeing to all these things, it wouldnt make much sense to want to be a afi yet not want to go to if school. When the father mentions so many points that they agree upon, he makes the child see that they are on the same page but differ on a very small issue or only one point out of many.


SECTION 4: The Calling

The Tools & Techniques to Change People
The following are psychological strategies to get people to change their behavior:


SECTION 4: The Calling

Think highly Think highly of individuals and respect their intelligence. In return, they will try to live up to your expectation (even if it is not their true selves) Readjust goals Changing the action wont do anything. Change their goals. Story of Imam Malik Imam Malik wanted to be a singer. His mother readjust his goals. She dressed him up like a mini scholar. Own goal Ask the to set their own goal, objectives or what not. This will make them work harder since it is their goal, not yours. Easy to fix Make them think that their problem is easy to fix and changing is not that hard. Example of kids when they falls, he would look at how the adult react.

Simple change Start simple! Give them momentum. Dont overwhelm them with super hard change. Now you have the momentum, use it to get the person moving in the right direction

Advise others Ask them to advise others with same problems with theirs.

Stay in minds Get them to feel that the new way is a continuation of their thinking and not a departure from it Public Pledge Let others know the goal or the change you want to make This will make you more discipline in achieving the goal

Enthusiasm is contagious Show them your enthusiasm!

The spotlight Push your madu into the spotlight

You get what you give Do a small favor and then ask for a favor


SECTION 4: The Calling

Things to Consider with Teenagers/Children Specifically Place the more serious activity between two that are fun

Be consistent

Avoid reactance

Avoid excessively harsh punishments

Avoid excessive laxness

Be receptive to bargaining so acceptable compromises can be found

Show affection when enforcing discipline so that they feel they are being loved even when reprimanded

Never punish a child/teenager by telling them to read a book or the Qurn!

Dont yell all the time!

If you force me upon your point of view, then be sure that Im still upon mine.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Channeling Thoughts
When we call people to Islm, our main topics should be the tawd. People would not understand the finer points in Islm if they are not clear about Allh. Prophet (s.a.w.) advice to Mudh ibn Jabal when he was sent to Yemen: Let the first thing that you call them to be the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped but Allh and I am Allhs Messenger, and if they obey you in that, then teach them that Allh has enjoined on them five prayers in every day and night, and if they obey you in that, then teach them that Allh has made it obligatory for them to pay the zakah from their property and it is to be taken from the wealthy among them and given to the poor. Key point: Talk about Allh first. Only then talk about His commandments.

The other benefit of starting with tawd is that the tawd is the gateway to processing other information. Many people think when we invite to Islm, the idea is to throw lots of information at people and hopefully some of it will stick. The idea should be to get them to see the logic, wisdoms, benefits and reasons why they should obey Allh.



TO HERE You approach a total stranger in the street, where do you begin?

Gold! 5 Pillars Muhammad Jesus Prophets The Creator



SECTION 4: The Calling

Find out if he believes in a Creator or not Yes Find out if he believes in the prophets Yes No Make him see the logical connection Jesus (a.s.) Because there is an erroneous belief concerning him. Muammad (s.a.w.) Because that is one of the two shahadahs and essential to becoming a Muslim. Explain the pillars of Islam No Prove the existence of Allh For example: Contemplate on the creations If there is a Creator, He must have announced His presence to mankind. It logically follows that He would choose humans to convey the message to other humans and not any other created being. It also follows that since this Creator is fair and just, He will not punish people without sending them a Prophet who will inform them about Allh and teach them right from wrong.

Talk about two prophets

Doing great?


Discuss the teachings that Muammad (s.a.w.) came with Doing great? Yes!

Part of the benefits: You assuage their fears of entering a religion they know little about. They feel confident that there isnt an element in Islam that might turn them off later on.

Go for the GOLD!

During the entire process, constantly ask the person if what you are saying is making sense. Dont proceed based on the assumption that the person understands. Always ask and make sure.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Explain The Concept/Logic
The gap between what is logically possible and what we believe to be truth is small. If someone is willing to accept that it is logically possible that God sent the Prophet (s.a.w.), then it is probable that they are not too far from believing that because if you ask if it is logically possible to Jim Jones was one of the Prophet of Allh, most likely the answer will be No! Why? Because Jim Jones and his teachings do not fit the mould of a prophet. But Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Jesus (a.s.) fit with the mould of a prophet. The beauty of the phrase logically possible: We are drawing the gap between us and the other person. We are not asking Is that what you believe? We are not asking them to believe in it (not yet). It is almost impossible to respond to with a No! Why? Because if Allh wanted, He could have sent Jesus as His messenger and not His son, and He could have sent Muammad (s.a.w.) after Jesus if He wanted. There is nothing to stop Him from doing it!


SECTION 4: The Calling

Thinking outside the Box: Fixing the Mindset
For those who believe in transmigration, concept of trinity, and worshiping something that they built with their own hands, they would not see what is wrong to embrace these belief systems UNLESS THEY STEP OUTSIDE OF THEIR BOX. Our job? Get them to step out of their box. How? Ask the right questions.

A Method Used By Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.)

Questions That Get People To Think Outside The Box

What is the purpose of life? Is the Trinity 3 in 1 or 1 in 3? How many gods where there during the 3 days when Jesus was dead? What effect did his absence have on the universe since they are co-equal, which means 33% of the work was not being done? Why is there no clear and explicit mention of the Trinity in the Bible?

already known that these do not speak! He said, Then do you worship instead of Allh that which does not benefit you at all or harm you? Uff to you and to what you
worship instead of Allh. Then will you not use reason? They said, Burn him and support your gods if you are to act. Al-Anbiy 21:6268

They said, Have you done this to our gods, O Abraham? He said, Rather, this - the largest of them - did it, so ask them, if they should [be able to] speak. So they returned to [blaming] themselves and said [to each other], Indeed, you are the wrongdoers. Then they reversed themselves, [saying], You have

Why would God link a concept that we cant comprehend to our salvation? Who died on the cross: a man or a god? Was Adam forgiven for his sin? If so, then why did someone have to die for a sin that was already forgiven?


SECTION 4: The Calling

Questions By Imm Ibn Al-Qayyim
O worshippers of Messiah, we have a question to which we want an answer from the one who understands it. If a god dies because of the actions of people who kill him? What is this god? Is he pleased with what they did to him? Then, they must be lucky for they have earned his pleasure. If he is displeased with what they did to him, their power has nevertheless overwhelmed his. Did the universe remain without a god who hears all and answers those who call upon him? Were the seven heavens left with no god above them when he was buried in the ground?
Was the Messiah brought back to life or is

Other Thoughts Regarding The Death Of Jesus

When someone has to die for someone elses sin, then that is not true forgiveness. If you were to save someone about to be hit by a car by jumping and saving them, you dont push your child in front of the car and expect the child to save that person!

Believing in more than one God is illogical. Ask these to polytheists: How many gods are there? And how did they come to know this information? It is guaranteed there will be a problem with the source since its not the Qurn. Allh explains what would happen if there were more than one God:

the one who revived him another god?

would have taken what it created, and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Exalted is Allh above what
they describe [concerning Him]. Al-Muminn 23:91

Allh has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity

So exalted is Allh, Lord of the Throne, above what they describe. Al-Anbiy 21:22

both would have been ruined.

Had there been within the heavens and earth gods besides Allh, they


SECTION 4: The Calling

Polytheism (continued)
If someone once argued: These gods use collaborative leadership to rule the world together and never disagree. ASK: Are these gods are equal? If the answer is Yes, they are equal. ASK: How they decided to split their powers and abilities and knowledge right down the middle? Did they give up some of their abilities until they all became equal? Or did another force make this split? How do they control the love of their creation? If one god is loved by 20% of the people and another by 15%, then the last god who commands 65% of the earths love is superior to the others. If the answer is No, they are not co-equal. ASK: Why dont we just focus on worshipping the strongest one and ignore the weaker ones? Why waste time with them? Similarly, if they have different tasks then why dont we focus on the nicest one of them like the god of mercy? This problem also exists in Christianity. People love Jesus more. Why? He is the one supposedly sacrificed himself for their salvation. God the father was the angry God that could not forgive mankind until the son did something about it.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Low Point / High Point
When we encounter missionaries and in the same time we want to call them to Islm, Apply Low Point/ High Point technique. Present them with a difficult question or ask about a concept they cannot explain. When you do this, they lower their head in shame. When they are quieted down with your question, present them with Islm.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Golden Rules
Gold here refers to the Shahadah. So, go for it when we are doing dawah. Find the problem with what they understand Fix the problem Present about Islam (quick, 5 minutes) Focus on Tawd

ASK: Do you know much about Islam?







Ask him/her to become A MUSLIM.

THE 2ND GOLDEN RULE: Create The Sense of Urgency

Urgency is not pushing. Why is creating urgency so important? There are many things caught their attention. If we dont create the urgency to take some form of action, we may never see them again. Some people think they have forever to think about their decision and consider embracing Islm. But the fact is they might die while thinking about decide whether to accept Islm or not. This method was used with Abu Sufyn Uqbah ibn Abi Mut Thummah ibn Uthl Umar ibn Al-Khab and many more.


SECTION 4: The Calling

What Are The Reasons People Hesitate Or Need More Time?

To remove these reasons from their mind, ask them questions and clear the air. Finally, tell them not to procrastinate and go for the gold again.


SECTION 4: The Calling

Walking Away
The big question we have when we do dawah, When do I walk away? Do not quickly give up when giving dawah. Try your best. There is no limit to the number of times we can give a person advice. However, there are some instances where you should walk away.


Are drunk

Are insane

Do not want to listen

Only want to argue


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Wheres the Truth?
How Many Truths Are There?
There are many ways to God as there are souls on earth. The above quote implies that there is more than one truth. The Qurn, however, teaches that there is only one religious truth.

For that is Allh, your Lord, the Truth. And what can be beyond truth except error? So how are you averted? Ynus 10:32

Can We Prove Who Has The Truth?

If one religion is from Allh and the rest are from conmen, devils, and imposters, then it should be easy to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. Al-Anbiy 21:18

And say, Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart. Al-Isr 17:81


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

One True Religion
What analogies could you use to explain this concept? TO NON-MUSLIMS The Map Two men who go to different directions will not reach the same destination Fairness of God God creates human and sent the books and messengers as clear guidance. 1 God = All religions are the same Then why did God tell some groups that the others are wrong? TO MUSLIM Different interpretation and understanding of the Qurn There is no contradiction in the fundamental issues The tafsr does not change the deen One straight way
The Prophet (s.a.w.) drew in the sand

a long line straight line several short curvy lines deviating from the straight line


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

The Qurn

The Qurn is the most powerful dawah tool. Many who read the Qurn recognize that it was not written by a human being. What other support could you lend to this argument? Style and structure the verses in Quran were not written in plainly Historical accuracy No human will know the whole information of the past events Correction of Prophet's mistake Mentioning mistakes indicates that it was not from human Mention of other Prophets The Prophet (s.a.w.) is mentioned 4 times as Muammad and 1 times as Amad Mention of future events Contains no contradiction Is consistent The theme did not change during the Year of Sadness For a long period of time, it was impossible for human to write consistently Mention of science It is not possible to be written by human 1400 years ago Falsification tests Allh tell us that to do a test: If it was from other than Him, you will find any contradiction in the Qur'n Anything that cannot have falsification test are most probably false


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

The Senseless Evasion of the Muammad (s.a.w.) Equation
If someone approaches you claiming to be a Prophet sent by God How long would it take you to decide if he is an imposter or if hes speaking the truth? What would you demand as proof? What kinds of questions would help you prove his message as either true or false? These are the only options regarding the Prophet (s.a.w.) either he was genuine Prophet (s.a.w.) or he simply was not (can you think of a third option?). From analyzing the available data (his life, teachings, and actions) we should be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a genuine Prophet of Allh.

Pen, Paper and A Kfir

STEP What are the signs of a genuine prophet and an imposter?

First lesson: Tawd

Visited by Jibril

A shepherd

Noble lineage

Practised what he preached

Consistent and persevere In ease/hardship

Good akhlq Knowledgeable Trustworthy The opposite!

Not into dunya

Personal life = public life

Consistent ruling

Only for the sake of Allah

Never wish to be a Prophet

Quality of companions


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

STEP Describe the setting (Arabia). Hypothesize what an imposters motive would be.



Fame/ Pride/ Power

Love war



SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

STEP Using what you know about the Prophet (s.a.w.), disprove all motives. Wealth Had money in the beginning (before prophethood) Did not accept Quraisy offer to give wealth Did not ask for wages as a messenger Distributed all wealth to others (including 1/5 of ghanimah) Lived humbly in a one room house (~36 feet square) ''ishah (r.a.): They only had water and dates for 2 months Fame/Pride/Power Dressed like everyone, sat with everyone An outsider sometimes had to ask which one is the Prophet (s.a.w.) Other prophets are mentioned more than him in the Qur'n Woman Did not accept Quraisy offer to give beautiful women At that time, even without religion, you could still get women Prostitution and zina was declared as arm Examples from his marriages: He was not a womanizer Love war The tribes were already at war with one another Fighting in war was not allowed during the initial stage Greeting: Assalmu'alaikum (Peace be upon you) Insanity How many mad people had come up with great systems like the ones we have in Islam?


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

STEP Provide additional reasons why he could not have been a false Prophet. It is not possible for him to have come up the Qur'n himself Contains many scientific facts Contains predictions of the future (e.g. Abu Lahab's continuous disbelief, Rome vs. Persian, Fathul Makkah) He did not allow people to over-praise him The Prophet (s.a.w.) told people not to praise him like the Christians praised Jesus, and to call him the slave of Allh and His messenger. [ai Bukhri] He dressed like and sat with everyone else When he was sitting with other people, even the enemy could not recognize which one was him. He did not take advantage over situations A sun eclipse occured on the day Ibrahim, his son, died. Some people said the eclipse occured because of his death, but the Prophet (s.a.w.) said the sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life of someone. [ai Bukhri] His multidisciplinary skills Military, counseling, marriage, etc. Science, if they say he wrote the Qur'n Was he the reincarnation of the greatest minds?


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

The Trinity
A Brief History of the Trinity
No single clear and explicit mention of the Trinity anywhere in the Bible! Jesus never clearly says he is divine, so where did this idea come from? One website claims that reasons given for believing in the Trinity include: Explains the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit while affirming monotheism The nature of God would not be expected to make sense to human minds

Taught indirectly in various statements in the Bible

The Key Players

Tertullian (160 220) Latin theologian who wrote in the early third century. Introduced the terms Trinity and Person Explained that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were one in essence - not one in Person. Origen (185254) The greatest contributor to the development of the Trinitarian doctrine in the Eastern Church as Tertullian was in the Western Church. The first to teach An Eternal Trinity Of Persons": The Son was not only eternal, but was eternally begotten by the Father. Although he spoke of equality in the Trinity saying, Nothing in the Trinity can be called greater or less", he also said that God the Word is a separate being and has an essence of His own. Only the Father is (the God), while the Son is only (God). Emperor Constantine Wanted to end the controversy over the nature of Jesus Initiated the Council of Nicaea*. Athanasius (a.k.a. The Father of the Trinity) Declared : Acceptable to refer to the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost as one substance as long as this was not understood to mean an obliteration of distinction between the three persons. Declared : Acceptable to speak of the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost as three substances as long as this was not understood to separate the three as three individual gods.


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

* The Council of Nicaea (325 CE) The Council of Nicaea set out to officially define the relationship of the Son to the Father. The creed adopted by the council described Christ as God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance (homoousios) with the Father.

Fast Facts on the Trinity

The Word Trinity
First used by Tertullian (c. 155-230)

Say No to Trinity: The Christian Faiths Past and present Christian faiths who do not believe in the Trinity include: Arianism* Some Radical Reformers (16th century), such as Michael Servetus Jehovahs Witnesses Mormonism Unitarianism Say No to Trinity: The Reasons Reasons given for rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity include: Not mentioned in the Bible. Does not make philosophical sense. Not compatible with monotheism.

The Doctrine
Commonly expressed as:

One God, three Persons

Formally defined in the Nicene Creed, which declares Jesus to be God of God

Light of Light very God of very God begotten not made

being of one substance with the Father.

* Arianism Anti-Trinitarian belief system Taught by Arius In the early fourth century AD Who is Arius? An elder in the Alexandrian church Affirmed the uniqueness of God Denied the complete divinity of the Son (Christ) Taught that Christ was a created and changeable being, who, while superior to humans, is not of the same order as the one God

Arius and Arianism were condemned at the famous Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which proclaimed that the Son was of the same substance as the Father. After Constantines death, Arianism flourished again for some decades and almost overcame the Nicene party. Arianism was finally condemned at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD.


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Evidence To Trinity: The Top Proofs
Jesus had no biological father He performed many miracles John 10:30 I and the Father are one. Genesis 1:26 Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness. John 1:1-3 1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 - He was in the beginning with God. 3 - All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

REMEMBER. None of them will ever be clear or explicit!


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

The Atheist
Why Atheism?
Why does the atheist believe there is no God? We have found that in most cases it has nothing to do with science or rationale. Here are two of the main culprits: An event or calamity in their life that they could not understand This led them to conclude that no God would allow this to happen. Their examination of the existence of God is usually based on Judeo-Christian sources, which typically dont make sense The truth is that believing in Allh is rational, logical, and easier on the mind

No One Is Really An Atheist

Some scholars believe that there is no such thing as a 100% atheist. This is based on how the Qurn described what was in Firawns heart. So he was internally convinced yet still continued with his persecution of the Prophet of Allh. This internal feeling is one of the reasons they are not difficult to convince. Humans were created with the need to believe in something. Many times you will find that atheists believe in the existence of some other type of higher power or extraterrestrial life. If they do not believe in something, they will not be bothered to argue. The fact that atheists keep arguing, it means they know God exists.

they rejected them, while their [inner] selves were convinced thereof, out of

But when there came to them Our visible signs, they said, This is obvious magic. And

injustice and haughtiness. So see how was the end of the corrupters. Al-Naml 27:13-14

The strongest proof that they believe in God is the anger, aggression and profanity they display!


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

It Is A Weak Argument
Allh directly refutes atheism in one place in the Qurn because it is such a weak argument.

The universe cannot be the result of a coincidence. The Creator has to be different from what He creates. If He is of the same nature, He would have to be temporal and need a maker as well.

Or were they created by nothing, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they are not certain. Al-r 52:35-36

Everything in this world has a purpose, so what is the purpose of man?

This verse allows only three explanations for the existence of the universe: 1. It was created by nothing at all. 2. It is the creator of itself. 3. It has a creator outside of itself. Once, Jubayr ibn Muim was sent by the Quraysh to the Muslims in Madinah. When he arrived, he heard the Prophet (s.a.w.) reciting these verses while leading the evening prayer. Jubayr said, My heart was almost rent asunder. He became a Muslim not long after that. The verses resonated with him so much, possibly because it made things clear: It is inconceivable for something to come out of nothing. It is even more inconceivable that it would bring itself into existence.

Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned? Al-Muminn 23:115


The strongest dawah tool with atheists!

Many people have become Muslim just from reading a few verses of the Qurn. Non-Arabic speakers have been able to identify the Qurn as the word of Allh just from listening to it! The easiest way to deal with atheists? Present them with a copy of the Qurn advices on how to read and understand it.


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

The Philosophy of Science
To convince the atheist that there is a Creator, you need to follow a few steps agree on a number of points Before beginning: It is worth mentioning a few points just to get the person to consider their position. Ask the person how we came into existence. Most likely answer: The big bang theory When they say this, ask if they want to base their life on a theory which is abstract reasoning, an assumption based on limited information, speculation and conjecture. Ask how o consciousness came out of unconsciousness o life came out of no life o existence came out of non-existence Make sure you have the understanding that you will not physically show them anything. Your encounter will consist of mental seeing and not physical seeing. If they do not have the willingness to learn, they probably will not benefit from the meeting.

SCIENTIFIC FACTS Most atheists will rely heavily on quoting scientific facts. They use science to justify not believing in God. The philosophy of science refuses to accept God. Science is philosophically: 1. Atheistic 2. Materialistic BUT! BUT! BUT! Many dont realize that a lot of facts are actually theories. Science has not proven the non-existence of God. Not science itself.


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Seeing and Believing?
Do you believe everything that you see? Which takes precedence: What you see with your own eyes? What you know using intellect? Look at the following two images:

With these optical illusions Your eyes see something But you refuse to believe what you see because your intellect takes precedence. Think about the reaction of the people of Prophet ali (a.s.) when Prophet ali (a.s.) presented the miracles they demanded.

so bring a sign, if you should be

of the truthful. Al-Shuar 26:154

You are but a man like ourselves,

Then they began to request what they wanted the camel to look like, all the while mocking and exaggerating in their demands.


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Think about the reaction of the Quraysh when they saw the miracles of the Prophet (s.a.w.).

The Quraysh refused many miracles from the splitting of the moon to the Prophets (s.a.w.) isr. From among their demands is what is mentioned in the Qurn:

The people in the examples might not have been mentally prepared to believe anything. That is why they would not believe even after they saw great signs. So Do not attempt to convince the atheist with pictures of a watermelon whose seeds spell Allh! Put them in the mental state where they are able to accept that there is a Creator. This is perhaps the reason why Allh would many times refuse to send miracles to the Quraysh when they asked for it. They were asking with the intent of only offering a challenge. They were not mentally prepared to accept the proofs. Consider these questions and arguments: There is no scientific proof for Gods existence. Most evil that exists is due to religion. How do you explain the evil on earth if there is a Merciful God?

And they say, We will not believe you until you break open for us from the ground a spring. Or [until] you have a garden of palm trees and grapes and make rivers gush forth within them in force [and abundance]. Or you make the heaven fall upon us in fragments as you have claimed or you bring Allh and the angels before [us]. Or you have a house of gold or you ascend into the sky. And [even then], we will not believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book we may read. Say, Exalted is my Lord! Was I ever but a human messenger? And what prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them except that they said, Has Allh sent a human messenger? Al-Isr 17:90-94


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Hamburgers Are My Lifestyle!
ARGUMENT Youre born like that
It is not caused by genetic. The lifestyle suddenly surfaced in 1 village and in 1 generation (the People of L) Research on identical twins showed them having different sexual orientations (1 homosexual, 1 heterosexual)

It is an illness that can be cured. psychiatric therapy hormonal therapy Allah will not create you and then punish you for how you are created. order you to commit immorality.

And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds? Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people. Al- Arf 7:80-81

And when they commit an immorality, they say, We found our fathers doing it, and Allh has ordered us to do it. Say, Indeed,

Allh that which you do not know? Al- Arf 7:28

Allh does not order immorality. Do you say about

Its a Right!

Its only a DESIRE Desire is never a right! Desire is never a lifestyle! But they made it a right issue so that they can claim to be oppressed.

Animals do it!

No such thing as gay animals Even if there were, animals are not role models!


SECTION 5: Religions and Beliefs

Why is it that couples have to go outside the relationship to have children? Why are normal people repulsed by it? One of the two has to assume the role of the other sex. How do you know if youre gay? But you dont ask the same question about being a heterosexual. Youre the one that put it out there and made it public. If you keep it to yourself then thats fine, but you announced it.

Why do you interfere in my personal life?


SECTION 6: Conclusion
Life After Shahadah Following Up With Reverts
ENCOURAGEMENT AFTER SHAHADAH Keep talking to them about their commitments, prayer and attending classes to learn more about Islam. BROTHERHOOD SYSTEM Assign a brother or a sister to be in charge of care for a new revert COMMITMENT SYSTEM Instead of telling the new Muslim which class to attend, give them a choice and have them commit themselves to a specific class or lesson time KEEP IN CONTACT DURING THE EARLY STAGES It is most important to keep in contact with reverts in the few days after they accept Islam COMMUNITY CHALLENGE Separate responsibilities and get the entire community involved LET THEM KNOW THEY MIGHT ENCOUNTER HARDSHIPS One way to prepare them well is to them well is to them how the companions endure suffering and torture Excogitables! Do what you can handle; most people want to start out big, but some of the best dawah started off small. QUALITY BRINGS QUANTITY To get 5 new Muslim a year who will memorize Qurn, pray, become members of the community and start a Muslim family is much better than 500 who become Muslim in the street or at an event and then have nothing to do with Islam until they die


SECTION 6: Conclusion

Write down any idea that you have in a book. You might have a great idea but now is not the right time for it or perhaps you currently dont have the necessary funds. Discuss your dawah ideas together inject realism. Do not allow yourself to be derailed. Do not fall in love with your voice. Do not use da'wah for money Do not use it to get married. Remember to always renew your intention and to make your action truly for the sake of Allh. Its never too late. Youre never too old for dawah. The Prophet (s.a.w.) started when he was forty years old. But he changed the entire world!


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