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Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (work in progress)

html Reinier de Blois

(1) adj (a)

Foolish (State/Process) , , , , , , , = state of absence of wisdom, which manifests itself in excessive anger, talking too rashly and too much, sinful behavior, and laziness, and results in poverty, shame, punishment, and trouble and grief for other people; foolishness is thought to reside in a person's heart; the behavior and treatment of fools is often compared to that of animals - foolish, dull (PSA.49:11; 92:7; 94:8 ...) Wisdom [show/hide contextual meanings]: Temper - fools (get angry easily) (PRO.29:11; ECC.7:9) Communication , , - fools (talk unwisely, too rash, and too much) (PRO.10:18; 12:23; 14:7 ...) Heart , - (foolishness resides in the heart of the) fool (PRO.14:33; 15:7; ECC.10:2 ...) Joy - fools (are a source of sorrow to other people) (PRO.10:1; 15:20; 17:21 ...) Life - fools (die as well as wise people) (PSA.49:11; ECC.2:15,16 ...) Morals and Ethics - fools (like to do wrong) (PRO.10:23; 13:19; 14:16 ...) Status - fools (do not get respect) (PRO.3:35; 26:1,8 ...) Punishment , - fools (will be punished but will not learn from it) (PRO.1:32; 17:10; 18:6 ...) Wealth - fools (will not obtain lasting wealth) (PRO.19:10; 21:20) Well-Being - fools (cause trouble for other people) (PRO.13:20; 17:12; 18:6 ...) Work - fools (are lazy and unsuitable employees) (PRO.26:6,10; ECC.4:5 ...) Human > Animal - fools (are like animals) (PRO.17:12; 26:3,11 ...)


noun m (a) Groups; Universe , = group of stars forming a recognized pattern - constellation (ISA.13:10) Universe [show/hide contextual meanings]


noun m (a) Groups > Universe; Names of Constellations , , = group of stars forming a recognized pattern, often identified with "Orion" - Orion (JOB.9:9; 38:31; AMO.5:8 ...) Universe [show/hide contextual meanings]


noun name (a) Names of Locations = town; territory of Judah - Chesil (JOS.15:30) [show/hide contextual meanings]

Reinier de Blois


noun f (a)

Foolish (State/Process) = state of absence of wisdom, possible due to overconfidence, which manifests itself in immoral behavior - foolishness, folly (PRO.9:13) Wisdom ; Confidence [show/hide contextual meanings]

Reinier de Blois
(1) verb

(a) Foolish (State/Process) verb qal = to lack wisdom; applies to: human - to be foolish (JER.10:8) Wisdom [show/hide contextual meanings]

Reinier de Blois


noun m (a) Parts: Creatures = area of the body located on both sides of the spine between the ribs the the hip; location where fat can accumulate - loin (LEV.3:4,10,15 ...) Body [show/hide contextual meanings]


noun m (a)

| noun f

Trust (State/Process) , = state of feeling confident due to one's reliance on God or something else for protection; applies to: human - confidence, trust (JOB.4:6; 8:14; 31:24 ...) Confidence [show/hide contextual meanings]


noun m (a)

| noun f

Foolish (State/Process) = state of absence of wisdom, possibly due to overconfidence, which can manifest

itself, among other things, in relying on wealth rather than on God; applies to: human - foolishness, folly (PSA.49:14; 85:9; ECC.7:25 ...) Wisdom [show/hide contextual meanings]

Morals and Ethics Wealth

- foolishness, folly (of backsliding) (PSA.85:9)

- foolishness, folly (of trusting in one's wealth) (PSA.49:14)

Synonyms treated:

(a) Foolish (State/Process) verb qal; verb ni , , = to lack intelligence, refinement and culture; applies to: human - to be dull; to be stupid; to be coarse; to be brutish (PSA.94:8; ISA.19:11; JER.10:8 ...) Wisdom [show/hide contextual meanings] - to be dull, stupid, coarse, brutish (PSA.94:8; JER.10:8; EZK.21:36 ...) - - to be dull, stupid, coarse, brutish (ISA.19:11; JER.10:14,21 ...)

Reinier de Blois


noun m (a)

Foolish > People = person that is regarded as foolish, because s/he does not fear God, does not listen to advice, talks too much, and is unable to conceal his/her emotions - fool (JOB.5:2,3; PSA.107:17 ...) Wisdom [show/hide contextual meanings]

Eric Tully
(1) verb (a)

| noun m
Dead (Causative) verb qal; verb ni (passive); verb pi; verb pu; noun = to intentionally take the life of a human being illegitimately; done by humans and (by extension) animals - to murder, kill (EXO.20:13; NUM.35:30; DEU.5:17; EZK.21:27a ...) [show/hide contextual meanings]

Aggression ; Crime - to murder, kill (DEU.22:26; JDG.20:4; 1KI.21:19 ...) Aggression ; Human > Animal - to be murdered, killed (by animals that kill, but not for food) (PRO.22:13) Aggression ; Law - to murder, kill (as prohibited by the law) (EXO.20:13; DEU.5:17) Aggression ; Warfare - to murder, kill (in war) (EZK.21:27a) Punishment ; Law - to kill (in response to a murder) (NUM.35:30) (b) Dead (Causative) verb qal = to unintentionally take the life of a human being illegitimately; done by humans - to kill, commit manslaughter (DEU.4:42) [show/hide contextual meanings] Aggression ; Crime - to kill, commit manslaughter (DEU.4:42) (c) Dead (Causative) verb qal pt; verb pi pt = person who take the life of a human being illegitimately - murderer, killer (NUM.35:6,11,12 ...) [show/hide contextual meanings] Aggression ; Crime - murderer, killer (NUM.35:6,11,12 ...) (d) Dead > Distress (Causative) literally: murder in one's bones; hence: = act of non-physical aggression to an individual's personality - murder in one's bones > great distress, agony (PSA.42:11) [show/hide contextual meanings] Body > Human ; Communication ; Conflict - (one's enemies' taunts cause) murder in one's bones > great distress, agony (PSA.42:11)

Enio R. Mueller


??verb (a) Breathe > Non-Happen (Action) verb ni , literally: to (be able to) breathe; = to cease or interrupt a strenuous activity in order to recover one's strength and ability to function; applies to: human - to refresh oneself; to rest (EXO.23:12; 31:17; 2SA.16:14 ...) Strength [show/hide contextual meanings] Journey - to refresh oneself, rest (after a long journey) (2SA.16:14) Work , - to refresh oneself, rest (from work) (EXO.23:12; 31:17) Work > Creation ; Human > God - (God) rested (from his work on the seventh day of creation) (EXO.31:17) Law ; Festival , - to refresh oneself, rest (on the sabbath, according to the law) (EXO.23:12)

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