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IRAC Writing Guide

ISSUE - Explanation: This is the question that the trial will be addressing. Write the issue as a question, including the area of the law that will be applied and significant facts from the case. This should be one sentence only. - Hook words to use: Since this is written as a question, any question words could apply i.e. Did.? Does.? When .? - Examples: o Did George Zimmerman act in self-defense when he followed 17 year-old Trayvon Martin after being told by 911 dispatchers not to do it, confronted Trayvon alone, and shot and killed him? o Did Ms. Schorr conduct a valid 4th Amendment search and seizure when she confiscated Johnnys ipad during class in response to rumors she heard that he was sending inappropriate messages and the ipad is school property? RULE - Explanation: This is the rule of the law you are applying in the case, including all of the elements. Write this out in 1-2 sentences. - Hook words to use: Begin the sentence with Under. - Examples: o Under the rule of self-defense, a person acts in self-defense when s/he felt a threat of harm, acted to defend himself/herself, and used reasonable force. o Under the rule of murder, a person conducts murder when s/he killed a human, with intent and the intent was to kill that certain person, and that person was both sane and did not have legal authority to do so. ANALYSIS - Explanation: This is where you write out your argument. You must walk through each element of the rule. Each element of the rule will be made up of one paragraph. Therefore, you will have the same number of paragraphs as there are elements. (i.e. Since the self-defense rule has 3 elements, you would have 3 paragraphs in this section) Begin each paragraph by stating your position on the element of the rule. - Hook words to use: Since you are walking through each element, use sequencing words i.e. o First.. Second.. Third. o Then o In addition, o Next, o Also, o Lastly, o To begin, - Examples: First, George Zimmerman did not feel a threat of harm. He got out of his car voluntarily to follow Trayvon. In fact, he continued to follow Trayvon even after the 911-dispather specifically told him not to do it. If he felt a threat of harm, he would have stayed in his car and not followed Trayvon. Zimmerman was also the adult and Trayvon was a 17 year-old teenager who was approached by a man that was over 50 pounds heavier. In addition, with Zimmermans training in martial arts and his possession of a gun, Zimmerm did not feel a threat by young Trayvon. Second, Zimmerman did not act to defend himself. He went out of his way to follow Travyon. In fact, it was Trayvon that was trying to run away from him. Trayvon said to his girlfriend, DeeDee that he lost him, as he hurried away and ran behind buildings to hide from Zimmerman. When Trayvon went around the corner, Zimmerman found him again and approached him. Trayvon was the one that asked him, Why are you following me? Therefore, Zimmerman was the one confronting Travyon, not acting to defend hi mself. Third, Zimmerman did not use reasonable force. When he shot Trayvon in the chest, he aimed to kill him instead of injuring him. He could have shot him in the leg if he did not want him to flee or if it was merely to give himself an opportunity to escape. The average person in that same situation would not have shot to kill a teenager. CONCLUSION - Explanation: This is where you summarize your position. You take the question that you wrote out in the Issue part and re-state that as an affirmative statement. - Hook words to use: Therefore, Thus, Moreover, In closing, Hence, In summary, - Example: Therefore, George Zimmerman did not act in self-defense when he followed 17 year-old Trayvon Martin after being told by 911 dispatchers not to do it, confronted Trayvon alone, and shot and killed him.

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