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Review on the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure


Rule 127 Provisional Remedies in Criminal Cases

The most extensive discussion in provisional remedies is when we discuss provisional remedies and special civil actions in civil procedure. The main rules are from Rule 57 to 61. The concept is, if there are provisional remedies in civil cases, there must also be provisional remedies in criminal cases. EX !"#E$ #et%s &o first to civil cases$ 'uppose (ou borrowed mone( from me and (ou refused to pa(. 'o, )%ll file a case a&ainst (ou. *$ +an ) immediatel( run a&ainst (our properties, $ -ot (et because the case is still pendin&. .ut if there is still sufficient propert( of the debtor, there is no problem. .ut suppose (ou start sellin& (our properties ever(da(. .( the time ) win the case, (ou ma( be as poor as a rat. 'o ) must do somethin&. /nder Rule 57, ) can as0 the court to issue preliminar( attachment. That is provisional remed(. 'ome of (our properties will be attached to prevent (ou from disposin&. )t is now m( securit(. *$ )s that applicable in criminal cases, $ 1f course. 2ust remember the rule, when (ou file a criminal case, there is a civil action which is deemed instituted to recover civil liabilit(. The victim is interested for the civil liabilit( and so, he has to wait for the criminal case to end. .ut now even if the case is &oin& on, the accused is hidin& his propert( one b( one. 3e is tr(in& to dispose. 'o, ) will as0 for the remed( of preliminar( attachment in criminal cases. .ut in order that Rule 147 will appl(, the condition is, the offended part( has not waived the civil liabilit( or has not reserved. SECTION 1. Availability of provisional remedies. The provision l re!e"ies in #ivil #$ions% inso& r s $he' re ppli# (le% ! ' (e v ile" o& in #onne#$ion )i$h $he #ivil #$ion "ee!e" ins$i$u$e" )i$h $he #ri!in l #$ion. *1 + The provisional remedies in civil actions are also available in criminal actions. 5ou can find them in Rule 57 to 61. The most famous of them is the remed( of preliminar( attachment. 'o, if there is attachment in civil cases, there is also in criminal cases. SEC. 2. Attachment. ,hen $he #ivil #$ion is properl' ins$i$u$e" in $he #ri!in l #$ion s provi"e" in Rule 111% $he o&&en"e" p r$' ! ' h ve $he proper$' o& $he ##use" $$ #he" s se#uri$' &or $he s $is& #$ion o& n' -u".!en$ $h $ ! ' (e re#overe" &ro! $he ##use" in $he &ollo)in. # ses/ * + ,hen $he ##use" is (ou$ $o (s#on" &ro! $he Philippines0 *(+ ,hen $he #ri!in l #$ion is ( se" on #l i! &or !one' or proper$' e!(e11le" or &r u"ulen$l' !is pplie" or #onver$e" $o $he use o& $he ##use" )ho is pu(li# o&&i#er% o&&i#er o& #orpor $ion% $$orne'% & #$or% (ro2er% .en$ or #ler2% in $he #ourse o&


Review on the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure

his e!plo'!en$ s su#h% or (' n' o$her person in viol $ion o& "u$'0

Rule 127 Provisional Remedies in Criminal Cases

&i"u#i r' # p #i$'% or &or )ill&ul

*#+ ,hen $he ##use" h s #on#e le"% re!ove"% or "ispose" o& his proper$'% or is (ou$ $o "o so0 n" *"+ ,hen $he ##use" resi"es ou$si"e $he Philippines. *2 + 'o, (ou can avail of attachment upon filin& of the case or it is pendin& in court provided there is no waiver or reservation of the civil action and there should be the presence of an( of the four 678 &rounds. -ow, (ou tr( to compare the &rounds in attachment in civil cases with the &rounds in criminal cases. )f (ou read Rule 57, the &rounds are almost the same. )n civil cases, the defendant can as0 for dama&es in case of an improper attachment made b( the plaintiff, 0a(a n&a ma( attachment bond eh to answer for dama&es. *$ -ow in criminal cases, can the accused claim for dama&es for ille&al or improper attachment under Rule 147, $ 5E', the same in civil cases. nd that is confirmed in Rule 119, 'ection 11 :b;$ R3LE 114% SEC. 11. Order of trial. The $ri l sh ll pro#ee" in $he &ollo)in. or"er/ 55555 *(+ The ##use" ! ' presen$ evi"en#e $o prove his "e&ense n" " ! .es% i& n'% risin.% &ro! $he issu n#e o& provision l re!e"' in $he # se. 55555 That is the end of review on criminal procedure.


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