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A Study on How National Examination for Tertiary Level Affects Employment, Job Matc in!

and Socio"Economic #rowt $n Selected %ountries

Apolo, &eac y Anne Ar!uelles, Anvari 'a!uman, (eo 'e (ivera, Ana Hendri)a (a!uindin, Joy

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Advanced Legal Writing Bachelor of Laws

Atty* +allesteros

Arellano ,niversity Sc ool of Law Taft Ave. corner Menlo St. Pasay City First Semester, Academic Year 2 !"#2 !$

Ac%nowledgment %HA&TE( $/ THE &(-+LEM AN' $TS +A%0#(-,N' &ntroduction''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(! Bac%ground of the Stud)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''2 Statement of the *roblem((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+ Significance of the Stud)'''''''''''''''''''''''''''+ Scope and Limitations''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(, %HA&TE( $$/ (E1$E2 -. (ELATE' L$TE(AT,(E *hilippines''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''((.ther /ountries''''''''((''''''''''''''''''''''0 %HA&TE( $$$/ METH-'-L-#3 1ethod of 2esearch'''''''''''''''''''''('(''''''!+ 3ata /ollection and 2espondents of the Stud)'''''''''(''''''''(!+ Surve)'''''''''''''''''''(''''''''''''''((!, %HA&TE( $1/ &(ESENTAT$-N, ANAL3S$S AN' $NTE(&(ETAT$-N -. 'ATA 2esults of the Stud)''''''''''''''''''''''''(''''(!4 2esults of the Surve)''''''''''''''''''''''''''''2 % apter 1/ S,MMA(3, %-N%L,S$-NS AN' (E%-MMEN'AT$-NS Summar) of Findings 5 /onclusions'''''''''''''''''''''(((2! 2ecommendations''''''((((((( ''''''''''''''''''''''(((2" +iblio!rap y


First and foremost, the researchers would li%e to e6press gratitude to our adviser and professor, Att)( Ballesteros for being available for consultation and for encouraging us b) giving words of inspiration( 7han% )ou for giving us )our honest opinion about our chosen topic and for giving us a heads up that it8s not an eas) tas% but is ver) interesting and feasible( We would also li%e to e6press our heartfelt than%s to all the respondents who too% time in answering the surve) questions in order to help us in gathering data for this research( We would also li%e to than% our parents, friends and schoolmates for being supportive to us throughout this stud)( 7han%s for )our motivation and love( 7hat in all things and persons, 9od ma) be glorified(

A+ST(A%T 7his stud) is about the national entrance e6amination for the tertiar) level and its advantages, disadvantages, implications and its general effect on :ob matching and emplo)ment rate in the *hilippines as well as other selected countries( 7he researchers studied the educational setting and bac%ground of the *hilippines and how it evolved into the present s)stem( 7his stud) also shows the tertiar) education s)stem for selected Asian countries and the ;nited States and its over#all effect to the emplo)ment rate( 7he researchers conducted a surve) with -+ respondents who answered questions pertaining to their educational attainment and current emplo)ment( Based on the descriptive, qualitative method conducted b) the researchers in this stud), the main solution to the issue on :ob matching as well as unemplo)ment in the *hilippines should be addressed not onl) b) implementing a national e6amination but b) ad:usting the level of instruction in the tertiar) level and b) allocating more funds for education( 7he /ommission on <igher =ducation and other <igher =ducation &nstitutions should li%ewise enhance their programs on learning, completion and emplo)ment in order to aid the students and future :ob#see%ers in getting a :ob that the) reall) want and to earn mone) not onl) for their da)# to#da) e6penses but also for the future, which is one of the %e) ob:ectives of getting a stable :ob, to secure an individual8s future which as a whole, would affect the countr)8s socio#economic growth and global competitiveness(

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