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Accordion with electronic devices, experimental Keyboards, Voice, sounds & found Objects
ZAP Pascal started playin! accordion at the a!e of " with a classical and popular music trainin!# $n his teena!e years, he has been impressed by the effervescence of the post pun% era & roc% in opposition, new wave, no wave, new music, industrial movement and avant roc% jewels# $n those days he played mainly in dance halls or dance parties and at the same time he be!an to run into the roc% scene# 'eetin! afterwards with blues, blac% music and ethnic music led him up pro!ressively to free ja((, free improvisation and all %ind of experimental stuff# $n the nineties he re!ularly improvised on accordion, electronic %eyboards, voice and percussion with a collective of local musicians and be!an practisin! contemporary music and experimental music theater# On occasions he had the chance to play with !reat international musicians, notably )*!is +uby, )amon ,ope(, Phil 'inton, 'a!!ie -ichols, .eijiro 'urayama, /ean 0ran1ois Pauvros, +*l2ne 3reschand, 0aust, ,45nfance )ou!e etc# +is meetin! with sound poetry opened new hori(ons for him in creatin! and performin! dada texts# 6herefore day after day his music developped in a more intuitive and personal form, both intimate and inspired by nature and social environment# ZAP Pascal actually wor%s on spontaneous compositions that explore sounds and spaces and wander thou!ht new sonorous countries# +e mixes his mutant chromatic accordion with electronic !ear, a sampler, analo!ue %eyboards, voice, percussion and several ethnic instruments# +is spontaneous compositions are in a way the chance meetin! of dada poetry and chamanic travel# +e plays solo re!ularly on different occasions, for instance recently an openin! act for a 'atmos concert# +e continues to play conductions pieces in creatin! collective ensemble li%e the Oblivious 5nsemble, a nonet of improvisors he reunited to improvise his piece 7 ,45sprit 0rappeur 7 in february 899:# $n may 899" with /ean 0ran1ois Pauvros, +*l2ne 3reschand and ; other musicians he brou!ht to life 7 .huffle 7, an incredible chance piece by <hristian 'arclay, based on instructions !iven by photo!raphs printed onto a dec% of cards### = $n 8998 he created .ystyle with the multi percussionnist <hristian 'e!he, a duet that concentrates on sonorous landscapes and textures of sound# 6hey have shared the same bill with Alan .ilva4s >uartet $n 6he 6radition or miss Andrea Par%ins and improvised in nature with the ? 'urmur of .tones @ =

-owadays this duet composes a mixed media improvised art form with an artist that creates live paintin!s in a project untitled 7 sonorous writin!s 7 that is shown in several art !alleries# ,ocusta 'i!ratoria is another duet with a noise !uitar player that wor%s on electronic, industrial, ambiant and experimental atmospheres# 6heir first ,P is due to be released in october on Kd3 )ecords# 6hey plan to tour in 5urope next year# +e continues to meet re!ularly with several artists, li%e the <anadian !uitar player 5ric <henaux Afrom the <onstellation labelB with whom he4s recorded a few months a!o some stuff between fol% music and electroacoustic improvisations, a butoh dancer or recently he4s improvised on readin!s by a writer and comedian from Paris, /ean /ac>ues <hollet#

0or further information, you can reach the followin! websites & http&CC(appascal#free#fr http&CCmyspace#comC(appascal 5 mails & or

7 .on!es D 7 & 7 .on!es 8 7 Aautoproducted cdr, 899; & 899EB 7 .oava Fia 7 Alive 899EB A<olonies cdr, 899"B Oblivious 5nsemble & 7 ,45sprit 0rappeur 7 AKd3 )ecords <F, 899"B

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