Valvert 2014 - Ngandong Tiger Data Sheet

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The Ngandong tiger

Scientific name: Panthera tigris soloensis Location: Ngandong and Watualang sites, east Java. Time period: Upper Pleistocene (100,000 years BP). Habitat: Open woodland in the Pleistocene Sunda shelf.

Head-body length: 172 - 233 cm (in straight line). Total length: 258 - 350 cm. Shoulder height: Up to 120 cm. Weight: 143 368 kg - (probably up to 400 kg). Largest fossil found: A complete femur of 480 mm in greatest length.

Map with the location of the Ngandong tiger in the island of Java (light gray is the Pleistocene Sunda shelf).

By Ral Valvert. Guatemala, January of 2014.

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* Size comparison between the Ngandong tiger (largest size) and a male Homo sapiens (175 cm tall).

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