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MANAGER, HR ROLE: Create and maintain a knowledgeable, skilled and motivated Human Resource in the Company.

Maintain harmonious Industrial Relations on a sustained basis. Develop and implement HR systems and processes and institutionalize them or a high degree o maturity.
RESPONSIBILITIES: !dministration, "ecurity, #ransport, Recruitment, #raining and Development, Career

progression, Morale and motivation. ACTIVITIES: $uild personnel data base incorporating all relevant ields o in ormation and maintain the same. !ssess training needs or all employees. Design suitable training programs. Draw up training calendar and conduct the in%company programs. &ominate persons or e'ternal training programs also. !ssess e ectiveness o training programs in class room, at work place with eedback rom the departmental heads. ( ective administration o )both company contract sta *+ address employee concerns, communicate in ormation,instructions accurately and in good time, ensure timely prompt transport acility, good house%keeping practices, visit shop loors regularly or employee eedback, anticipate employee issues and plan corrective measures. (nsure prompt payment o wages and salaries to all sta and contract employees. -ook out or symptoms o employee unhappiness, dissent, cynicism, criticism etc. and resolve the issues in time. Maintain good working relations with all related government agencies and ensure compliance with all labor and other related legislations. .eep up the morale o all sta and contract employees by prompt attention to their needs and motivating them. /rganize or e ective security unction+ (mployee, visitor and vehicle movements, sa e%keeping o company assets, perimeter security )day and night*, general security and sa ety o all personnel. .eeping Company premises very presentable and help build an e'cellent image. Create pleasant e'perience or all visitors+ $e aware o all visitors or the day in advance, arrange or their proper reception, courteous interaction, arrangements or discussions and seeing them o . 0hen transport and hospitality are committed, make sure they are e'tended promptly. !dminister incentive schemes, suggestion schemes and other reward recognition systems as and when needed.

Recruit personnel as per the Company recruitment policy, arrange or induction training and post them at the work place making them com ortable with the work environment and the people in the department. !rrange or their mentoring with the designated o icers. Carry out the periodical per ormance appraisal o employees and o icers, grant o increments and promotions as per HR policy. (stablish daily routines on house%keeping, security, attendance and cleaning services etc... Review compliance with all applicable rules, regulations with labor department and environmental aspects. Develop and maintain the skill%matri' or all employees to ensure everyone is e1uipped with ade1uate knowledge, skill and attitude or high on%the%2ob% per ormance Clari y role,responsibilities o all HR personnel and assist them in achieving over all goals and ob2ectives o HR unction. #ake lead role in bringing about /rganizational Development initiatives. 3lan and achieve continuous improvements in HR processes.

MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE: 4uality o Industrial Relations. (mployee productivity. (mployee,('ecutive satis action levels. Company Image 5 reputation amongst employees, Customers, "uppliers, 6overn% ment and "ociety.

CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES: "igni icant academic and pro essional credentials. 3roven e'perience. -eadership 1uality, ability to drive systems. !bility to assess situations, taking right decisions in good time, e1uity and airness and high ethical standards in all deliberations. Maintaining e'cellent inter%personal relations.

Educational Quali ication and E!"#$i#nc#:

M! sociology or Diploma in 3ersonnel and Industrial Relations or M$! with specialization in HR.

7%89 years o proven e'perience in manu acturing industry. ! good record o pro essional accomplishments

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