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July 21, 2009

Midnight in New York

Nine pages © 2009 The New York Times Visit The Times on the Web:

Hard-Line Force Stifles Dissent in Iran obama pushing,

CAIRO — As Iran’s political
elite and clerical establishment but early vote
into nearly every sector of the
economy. It runs laser eye-sur-
media, where it guides television
and radio programming.
splinter over the election crisis,
the nation’s most powerful insti-
tution — the Islamic Revolution-
on health fades
gery clinics, manufactures cars,
builds roads and bridges, devel-
ops gas and oil fields and controls
“They are the proponents of
an authoritarian modernization,
convinced that the clergy should
ary Guards Corps — has emerged black-market smuggling, experts continue supplying the legitima-
as a driving force behind efforts say. tion for the regime as a sort of WASHINGTON — As Presi-
to crush a still-defiant opposition Its fortune and its sense of enti- military chaplains, but definitely dent Obama began a new push
movement. tlement have grown under Presi- not run the show,” said a political Monday to overhaul the health
From its origin 30 years ago as dent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. scientist who worked in Iran for system, Democratic Congres-
a militia force serving Islamic Since 2005, when he took office, years. sional leaders, bowing to unease
leaders, the corps has grown to companies affiliated with the The corps has as many as among lawmakers and gover-
assume an increasingly asser- Revolutionary Guards have been 130,000 members and runs five nors in their own party, suggest-
tive role in virtually every aspect awarded more than 750 govern- armed branches that are inde- ed scaling back a plan to tax top
of Iranian society. ment contracts in construction pendent from the national mili- earners to pay for the sweeping
Its drive to silence dissenting and oil and gas projects, Iranian tary. Its best-known subsidiaries legislation and signaled a retreat
views has led many political ana- news reports document. All of its are the Quds Force, which has from their ambitious timetable.
lysts to describe the events sur- finances stay off the budget, free carried out operations in other House and Senate leaders had
rounding the June 12 presidential from any state oversight or need countries, including the training been pressing for floor votes be-
election as a military coup. to provide an accounting to Par- and arming of the Hezbollah mili- fore lawmakers depart for the
“It is not a theocracy anymore,” liament. tia in Lebanon; and the Basij mi- August recess. But Congressio-
said Rasool Nafisi, an expert in The corps’s alumni hold dozens litia. The Basiji include millions nal aides said it was increasingly
Iranian affairs and a co-author of of seats in Parliament and top of volunteer vigilantes used to clear that the Senate would not be
a study of the corps for the RAND government posts. Ahmadinejad crack down on election protests ready to vote on its bill before its
Corp. “It is a regular military se- is a former member, as are the and dissidents. recess begins on Aug. 8 and that
curity government with a facade speaker of Parliament, Ali Lari- Members of the Revolutionary House Democrats seemed unwill-
of a Shiite clerical system.” jani, and the mayor of Tehran, Guards and their families receive ing to vote to raise taxes without
The corps has become a vast Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. And privileged status at every level, knowing where the Senate stood.
military-based conglomerate, the influence of the Revolution- which benefits them in university The House speaker, Nancy
with control of Iran’s missile bat- ary Guards reaches deep into the admissions and in the distribu- Pelosi, suggested revising the
teries, oversight of its nuclear education system, where it indoc- tion of subsidized commodities, tax-raising provisions, one of
program and a multibillion-dol- trinates students in loyalty to the experts said. the most contentious parts of the
lar business empire that reaches state, and into the state-controlled MICHAEL SLACKMAN House bill, which would impose
a surtax on high-income house-
holds. Pelosi said she would pre-
Suspect in Mumbai Terrorist Attack Confesses fer that fewer people had to pay
the tax, which was approved Fri-
MUMBAI, India — The sole tel. “Inflict maximum damage. at a train station, then planted an- day by the Ways and Means Com-
surviving gunman of the deadly Keep fighting. Don’t be taken other bomb in a taxi. mittee.
rampage in Mumbai unexpect- alive.” “I was firing, and Abu was hurl- Obama, in an interview on
edly confessed in court here on But it did not appear to be the ing hand grenades,” he told the PBS, said he had not given up on
Monday, adding his voice to what evidence that prompted Kasab to court, referring to his partner and his timetable. Earlier in the day,
may be the most well-document- confess to his role in the attacks, to the assault on the train station, while on a visit to the Children’s
ed terrorist attack anywhere. where more than 160 people were where more than 50 people were National Medical Center in Wash-
The gunman, Ajmal Kasab, killed in November. He said it killed. “I fired at a policeman, ington, he spoke out strongly
21, was the man in an infamous was because his native Pakistan after which there was no firing against a health system that he
surveillance photograph, looking had begun cooperating more with from the police side.” said was increasingly unafford-
calm with a blue T-shirt and a ma- India and identified him as a par- His journey to Mumbai was at able to families.
chine gun. The photograph was ticipant. once banal and strange. But rather than repeating his
one part of an extraordinary elec- “I don’t think I am innocent,” he He told Judge M. L. Tahilyani demand that each chamber of
tronic record reviewed during the said, speaking in subdued Hindi. that he was broke and tired of Congress pass a bill before the
trial, which the judge ruled would “My request is that we end the his job working for a decorator August break, Obama stressed
go on. Recordings of intercepted trial and be sentenced.” in Jhelum, a small town in Paki- the need to reach a final agree-
phone calls provided a spooky, For the better part of a day he stan. He and a friend had hatched ment by the end of the year.
real-time narration between the held the courtroom spellbound: a plan. They would earn cash by Aides to Pelosi said she wanted
handlers and the gunmen, who at he portrayed himself as a poor robbing people. And to improve to lift the surtax thresholds to
times needed to be prodded into Pakistani who joined the militant their banditry skills they would $500,000 for individuals and $1
action and were stunned at the group Lashkar-e-Taiba only for seek out military training from million for joint filers, so the new
opulence of one hotel. money. But in the end, the mis- the easiest source available to a levy could be described as a tax
“Everything is being recorded sion was martyrdom. He told the young Pakistani man: Islamic on millionaires.
by the media,” one of the handlers court how he and his partner had militants.  VIKAS BAJAJ DAVID M. HERSZENHORN
told the gunmen at the Oberoi Ho- assembled a bomb in a bathroom and LYDIA POLGREEN and ROBERT PEAR
International Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2

Bomb Kills 4 G.I.’s, Swelling Afghan Toll in brief

KABUL — Four U.S. soldiers plosive devices, or I.E.D.’s, used The military tallies do not in-
were killed by a roadside explo- by Iraqi guerrillas, who drew on clude Afghan civilians regularly Lower Terror Alert
sion in eastern Afghanistan on huge stockpiles of artillery shells. killed by I.E.D.’s often intended Britain lowered its terrorism
Monday, making July the deadli- In later years, Shiite insurgents for Western or Afghan forces. On alert by a notch on Monday to
est month for U.S. service mem- also employed the explosively Sunday at least 10 Afghans died in its lowest level since 2005, just
bers in the country since 2001 and formed penetrator, a more Farah Province along the Iranian before the bombings in London
underscoring the frightening rise precisely machined bomb that border when a civilian minibus that year. The British home sec-
in the sophistication and accura- launched a fist-size molten ball and truck were struck by two hid- retary, Alan Johnson, said that
cy of roadside bombs. that could pierce the military’s den bombs, authorities said. the level had been reduced from
At least 30 Americans have thickest armor. Many of the Taliban’s bombs “severe” to “substantial” but
died in the first three weeks of Afghan guerrillas have fewer are made from ingredients like warned that an attack remained
July, surpassing the highest pre- tools at their disposal, yet the toll fertilizer and diesel fuel. Such a “strong possibility.”  (NYT)
vious monthly toll, 28, reached in of I.E.D. deaths continues to rise, bombs are less effective than
June 2008. just as it did as the Iraqi insurgen- military muntions, but with
Part of the reason for July’s cy grew stronger in 2005. enough fertilizer and diesel, Af- Violence in Iraq
sharply higher fatalities is the Twenty-one American troops ghan guerrillas have shown they Five Iraqi police officers and
three-week-old offensive in Hel- have died from I.E.D. blasts so can destroy almost anything U.S. two civilians were shot dead in
mand Province, where U.S. Ma- far this month, according to da- forces operate in the rugged coun- a series of six attacks by gun-
rines and British soldiers are ta recorded by, tryside. men on Monday in Mosul, and
trying to take control of areas which tracks military deaths. Six The British military has lost 17 a car bomb near the headquar-
dominated by the Taliban. more Americans were killed by soldiers this month. Lt. Col. Ru- ters of the provincial govern-
But the most significant factor gunfire, rockets, mortars shells pert Thorneloe, the 39-year-old ment in Ramadi killed two po-
is the increasing power of road- and rocket-propelled grenades. commander of the First Battalion licemen, security officials said.
side bombs employed by guer- Two Air Force officers were of the Welsh Guards, was killed  (NYT)
rillas in eastern and southern Af- killed when their F-15E fighter by an I.E.D. on July 1, the most se-
ghanistan, including Helmand. jet crashed Saturday, and a sailor nior British commander to die in
The bombs are generally not as died from pneumonia, according battle since the Falklands war. China Death Toll
powerful as the improvised ex- to the group’s Web site. RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. Twelve of the nearly 200 peo-
ple killed during an ethnic riot
this month in Urumqi, China,
Khamenei Rebukes Former Iranian Presidents were shot by Chinese security
forces, the state news agency
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Iran’s But his comments made clear of the protesters arrested in the reported over the weekend. It
supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali that the governing elite was not recent street protests. Khatami was China’s first official ac-
Khamenei, warned political lead- backing down in the face of an em- expanded on those comments on counting of the number of peo-
ers on Monday to be cautious in boldened opposition that rejected Sunday, calling for a referendum ple killed by the police and
addressing the country’s recent President Mahmoud Ahmadine- on the government’s legitimacy. paramilitary troops.  (NYT)
unrest, in an apparent rebuke to jad’s re-election as fraudulent and Those remarks posed a chal-
two former presidents who have mounted renewed street protests lenge to Khamenei, who has hailed Cambodians in Court
openly criticized the govern- in recent days. Ahmadinejad’s victory as fair and
ment’s handling of the disputed Khamenei’s remarks appeared blamed foreign agitators and jour- Cambodia’s courts have been
June 12 presidential election. to be aimed at two former presi- nalists for the unrest. busy in recent weeks with cases
Khamenei, in a meeting with dents who have taken up the man- Khamenei spoke contemptu- of defamation, disinformation
government officials that was tle of Iran’s opposition in recent ously of the protesters on Monday, and incitement brought by the
broadcast by state television, days: Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsan- saying: “It is a mistake to believe government of Prime Minister
kept his remarks vague, warn- jani and Muhammad Khatami. that a limited group of people, in Hun Sen in what critics say is
ing against “a hand that wishes to Rafsanjani, the cleric who leads Tehran only — setting fire to rub- part of a broad assault on civil
strike at the system,” and saying two important state institutions, bish bins, to public property, to liberties. In the most prominent
the political elite could “collapse” said Friday that the government motorbikes, to their cars, to their cases, two opposition politicians
if it does not adequately meet the had lost the trust of many Ira- banks — are people. These are not have been stripped of their par-
challenge it now faces. nians, and he urged the release people.’’ ROBERT F. WORTH liamentary immunity and sued
for libel. The editor of one of
the country’s last opposition
Clinton, in India, Helps Inaugurate a Strategic Dialogue newspapers was sent to pris-
on in June for articles he had
NEW DELHI — The United administration signed off on an The United States and India in- published. and another editor
States pledged Monday to em- agreement that will open the door augurated a strategic dialogue, agreed to shut down his newspa-
bark on a new era of deeper rela- to military sales by the United spanning issues from education per to avoid court action.
tions with India — a partnership States to India. In addition, India to climate change, and drawing  (NYT)
of what Secretary of State Hillary said it had designated two sites in participants from the business
Rodham Clinton likes to call the where U.S. companies would world and academia, as well as Trial in Turkey
world’s largest democracy and build nuclear power plants. the government.
its oldest continuously function- “We will work not just to main- The United States generally The second mass trial of secu-
ing one. tain our good relationship, but to reserves strategic dialogues for larists charged with plotting to
As Clinton conjured up a vision broaden and deepen it,” Clinton major countries like China, so topple the government of Tur-
of friendship between the two said at a news conference with this is a symbolic acknowledg- key began Monday, with two re-
countries in a speech to a univer- the Indian minister for external ment of India’s rising role. tired generals among the 56 de-
sity audience here, the Obama affairs, S. M. Krishna.  MARK LANDLER fendants.  (NYT)
national Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3

Government Withheld Data on Driving Risks in brief

In 2003, researchers at a feder- agency said he was urged to with- problem.
al agency proposed a long-term hold the research to avoid antago- Research shows that motorists
study of 10,000 drivers to assess nizing members of Congress. talking on a phone are four times California Seals
the safety risk posed by cellphone Critics say that rationale and more likely to crash than other A Budget Deal
use behind the wheel. the failure of the Department of drivers, and are as likely to cause
California lawmakers, their
They sought the study based on Transportation, which oversees an accident as someone with a .08
state broke and its credit rating
evidence that such multitasking N.H.T.S.A., to more vigorously blood alcohol content.
shot, finally sealed the deal with
was a serious and growing threat pursue distracted driving has The research team based its fa-
the governor Monday night on
on America’s roadways. cost lives and allowed a culture of tality and accident estimates on
a plan to close a $26 billion bud-
But such an ambitious study behind-the-wheel multitasking to studies that quantified the risks
get gap. All told, the deal con-
never happened. And the re- further develop. of distracted driving, and an as-
tains $15.6 billion in spending
searchers’ agency, the National “We’re looking at a problem sumption that 6 percent of driv-
cuts, about $2.1 billion in bor-
Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- that could be as bad as drunk ers were talking on the phone at a
rowing, $3.9 billion in new reve-
tration, decided not to make pub- driving, and the government given time. That figure is roughly
nues and about $2.7 billion in ac-
lic hundreds of pages of research has covered it up,” said Clarence half what the Department of
counting maneuvers like shift-
and warnings about the use of Ditlow, director of the Center for Transportation assumes to be the
ing a payday into the next fiscal
phones by drivers — in part, of- Auto Safety. case now.
year. While the state’s health in-
ficials say, because of concerns The safety researchers esti- Dr. Jeffrey Runge, the head
surance program for children,
about angering Congress. mated that cellphone use by driv- of the safety agency at the time,
Healthy Families, remains, it
On Tuesday, the full body of re- ers caused around 955 fatalities said he grudgingly decided not to
was cut by $144 million, mean-
search is being made public for and 240,000 accidents over all in publish the Mineta letter and pol-
ing thousands of children will
the first time by two consumer 2002. icy recommendation because of
probably be on a waiting list un-
advocacy groups, the Center for The researchers also shelved political considerations. He said
less a private foundation makes
Auto Safety and Public Citizen, a draft letter they had prepared transportation officials told him
up the balance, as the Legisla-
which filed a Freedom of Infor- for Transportation Secretary he could jeopardize their financ-
ture hopes.  (NYT)
mation Act lawsuit for the docu- Norman Y. Mineta to send to the ing if Congress perceived that
ments states, warning them that hands- N.H.T.S.A. had crossed the line
The former head of the safety free laws might not solve the into lobbying. MATT RICHTEL Tourism Boycott
Coal miners and their em-

Harvard Professor Jailed; Officer Accused of Bias ployers in West Virginia are en-
couraging a boycott of travel to
Tennessee in retaliation for Sen.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Col- a few minutes when Sgt. James badge number. Lamar Alexander’s support of a
leagues of Henry Louis Gates Jr., Crowley of the Cambridge Police But according to the police re- federal ban on mountaintop re-
the Harvard scholar of African- Department appeared at his door port, Gates initially refused to moval mining. Two companies
American history, are accusing and asked him to step outside. show identification. Crowley said canceled their picnics at Dol-
the police here of racism after Gates, 58, refused to do so, Ogle- that as he told Gates he was inves- lywood, Dolly Parton’s amuse-
Gates was arrested at his home tree said. From that point, the ac- tigating a possible break-in, Gates ment park.  (NYT)
last week by an officer investi- count of Gates and the police be- exclaimed, “Why, because I’m a
gating a report of a robbery in gan to differ. black man in America?” and ac-
progress. According to his lawyer, Gates cused the sergeant of racism. Mining Restriction
Gates, who has taught at Har- told the sergeant that he lived Gates ultimately followed him The Obama administration
vard for almost two decades, ar- there and showed his Massa- outside the report said, and kept said Monday that it was desig-
rived home on Thursday from a chusetts driver’s license and yelling at him despite the ser- nating nearly one million acres
trip to China to find his front door his Harvard identification card, geant’s warning “that he was be- of Arizona land near the Grand
jammed, said Charles J. Ogle- but Crowley still did not seem coming disorderly.” Crowley then Canyon off limits to new ura-
tree, a law professor at Harvard to believe that Gates lived in the arrested him. Gates was held at nium mining claims for two
who is representing him. home, a few blocks from Harvard police headquarters for several years. Environmental groups
He forced the door open with Square. At that point, his lawyer hours before being released on have argued that extensive min-
the help of his cab driver, Ogle- said, Gates grew frustrated and his own recognizance. ing operations could contami-
tree said, and had been inside for asked for the officer’s name and  ABBY GOODNOUGH nate the watershed around the
canyon. The decision will not
block development of mines
Obama Honors Apollo 11 Crew on 40th Anniversary whose claims have already
been validated. Some of the
WASHINGTON — President lent about specific intentions for a Obama did not talk about the 10,600 existing claims within the
Obama paid tribute on Monday new chapter of space exploration. timing of another voyage to acreage could thus end up as
to the astronauts of Apollo 11, He talked about increasing stan- the moon or mention the planet mining operations.  (NYT)
who took man’s first steps on the dards for math and science edu- Mars.
moon 40 years ago in a landmark cation but seemed to suggest the Several Apollo astronauts
moment that he said inspired a best days of the space program called for new emphasis on space
Illinois Candidate
generation of scientists and en- were in the past. exploration. Obama has endorsed Rep. Mark Steven Kirk, a Re-
gineers. “I think it’s fair to say,” Obama the Bush administration’s plan to publican, is running for the U.S.
But as Obama welcomed Buzz said, “that the touchstone for return astronauts to the Moon Senate seat once held by Presi-
Aldrin, Neil A. Armstrong and excellence in exploration and by 2020, asking for a 5 percent in- dent Obama. Kirk, 49, is in his
Michael Collins to the White discovery is always going to be crease in the National Aeronau- fifth term representing Illinois’
House and hailed them as “genu- represented by the men of Apollo tics and Space Administration 10th Congressional District,
ine American heroes,” he was si- 11.” budget.  JEFF ZELENY which is north of Chicago.  (AP)
business Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4
DJIA 8,848.15 U 104.21 Dollar/YEN 94.23 D 0.01 gold (ny) $948.70 U 11.20 nikkei 9,395.32 U 51.16

NASDAQ 1,909.29 U 22.68 10-yr treasury 3.61% D 0.04 crude oil $63.98 U 0.42 ftse 100 4,443.62 U 54.87

N.Y.S.E. Most Active Issues

Ad Hoc Strategy to Manufacturing’s Decline Vol. (100s) Last Chg.
Citigrp 3766696 2.79 – 0.23
If the Obama administration “We must make a serious com- dustrial production has fallen 17.3 BkofAm 3668362 12.24 – 0.65
CIT Gp 3103235 1.25 + 0.55
has a strategy for reviving manu- mitment to manufacturing and percent, the sharpest drop during SPDR 1513538 95.13 + 1.00
facturing, Douglas Bartlett would exports. This is a national imper- a recession since the 1930s. SPDR Fncl 1054216 12.24 + 0.10
like to know what it is. ative,” Jeffrey R. Immelt, chair- So far, however, the Obama ad- GenElec 916840 11.67 + 0.02
Buffeted by foreign competi- man and chief executive of Gen- ministration has not come up with iShEMkt s 674170 34.77 + 1.20
WellsFargo 639124 25.52 + 0.52
tion, Bartlett recently closed his eral Electric, said in a speech last a formal plan to address the rapid LVSands 633384 9.86 + 1.27
printed circuit board factory, month, while acknowledging that decline. Instead, it has pursued ad FordM 630795 6.19 + 0.05
founded 57 years ago by his fa- G.E. was enriched by its overseas hoc initiatives — bailing out Gen-
ther, and laid off the remaining 87 operations, too. eral Motors and Chrysler, for ex- Nasdaq Actives
workers. Last week, he auctioned President Obama, agreeing in ample, and pushing green energy Vol. (100s) Bid Chg.
off the machinery, and soon he will effect, has declared, “The fight by supporting the manufacture of
HumGen 1114443 12.51 + 9.19
raze the factory itself in Cary, Ill. for American manufacturing is items like wind turbines and solar PwShs QQQ 905931 37.92 + 0.36
Though manufacturing has long the fight for America’s future.” panels. Cisco 770017 21.15 + 0.64
been in decline, the loss of factory The United States ranks behind The auto bailout, for all its im- Intel 754611 18.90 + 0.11
jobs has been especially brutal of every industrial nation except provisations, served notice that Microsoft 468203 24.53 + 0.24
Dell Inc 304530 12.94 + 0.27
late, with nearly two million dis- France in the percentage of over- the administration would prob- ETrade 295085 1.28 + 0.05
appearing since the recession be- all economic activity devoted to ably rescue any giant manufac- Oracle 275384 21.51 – 0.23
gan in December 2007. Even a few manufacturing — 13.9 percent, turer it deemed too big (or too Yahoo 261222 17.01 + 0.17
Apple Inc 255720 152.91 + 1.16
chief executives, heading compa- the World Bank reports, down iconic) to fail, and would help the
nies that have shifted plenty of a percentage point or so in a de- suppliers of failing giants transi- Amex Actives
production abroad, are beginning cade. The 19-month-old recession tion to other industries. Vol. (100s) Last Chg.
to express alarm. has contributed to this decline. In-  LOUIS UCHITELLE
Hemisphrx 108486 2.49 + 0.38
PSCrudeDL 92997 4.18 + 0.20

Leading Indicators Give the Markets Momentum GoldStr g

NthgtM g
US Gold
Most Americans are still wait- leading indicators, coupled with than expected,” said James W. EldorGld g 24177 9.52 + 0.31
ing for this painful recession to a run of healthy earnings results Paulson, the chief investment GranTrra g 17481 3.85 + 0.11
NovaGld g 16729 4.33 + 0.27
end. But on Wall Street, new signs from major banks and corpora- strategist at Wells Capital Man- NwGold g 13491 2.88 + 0.14
that the economy just might be tions in recent days, added to the agement. “We’ve got tons of in- Taseko 13349 1.78 + 0.05
turning heartened investors on growing sense that the worst is formation telling us we’ve turned CapAcquis 13192 9.75 + 0.04
Monday. The broad stock market over and that the recession is at the corner.” Foreign Exchange
leapt to its highest level since the least easing. The Dow Jones industrial av- Fgn. currency Dollars in
bleak days of last November on While many Wall Street traders erage rose 104.21 points, or 1.19 in dollars fgn.currency
news that the index of leading eco- remained cautious about pushing percent, to 8,848.15, driven by big Mon. Fri. Mon. Fri.
nomic indicators, which is used share prices much higher, mo- gains in Caterpillar, Alcoa and Australia .8154 .8037 1.2264 1.2442
to spot peaks and troughs in the mentum seems to be building in Walt Disney. Since June 10, the Bahrain 2.6521 2.6528 .3771 .3770
Brazil .5251 .5193 1.9043 1.9258
economy, rose in June for a third the marketplace. The chief U.S. blue-chip index has gained 8.6 Britain 1.6533 1.6382 .6048 .6104
consecutive month, something investment strategist at Gold- percent to land back in positive Canada .9033 .8958 1.1070 1.1163
it had not done since 2004. Hopes man Sachs, for instance, raised territory for the year. China .1464 .1463 6.8318 6.8340
that the CIT Group, the troubled his year-end target for the Stan- The S.&.P.’s 500-stock index Denmark .1909 .1899 5.2383 5.2659
commercial lender, would avert dard & Poor’s 500-stock index on rose 10.75, or 1.14 percent, to its Dominican .0278 .0277 35.92 36.06
Egypt .1793 .1791 5.5763 5.5823
bankruptcy added to the buoyant Monday to 1,060 — a level nearly highest level since last Novem- Europe 1.4221 1.4139 .7032 .7072
mood. 11.5 percent higher than Mon- ber. It has gained 41 percent since Hong Kong .1290 .1290 7.7500 7.7500
While the economy remains day’s close of 951.13. early March. The Nasdaq com- Japan .01061 .01061 94.23 94.24
fragile, optimism on Wall Street “There’s a loud noise coming posite index rose 22.69 to 1909.29. Mexico .07527 .07502 13.284 13.329
seems to be growing. The June from reports turning out better  GERRY SHIH Norway .1584 .1569 6.3117 6.3745
Singapore .6941 .6898 1.4407 1.4498
So. Africa .1274 .1247 7.8475 8.0182

Barnes & Noble to Create a Giant Center for E-Books

So. Korea .00079 .00079 1266.4 1266.4
Sweden .1288 .1280 7.7640 7.8125
Switzerlnd .9352 .9305 1.0693 1.0746
Four months after acquir- acquired Fictionwise in March, e-bookstore as the world’s larg-
ing an e-book retailer, Barnes & that online retailer had about est, an implicit stab at Amazon.
Noble, the world’s largest chain 60,000 books in its catalog. com, which offers about 330,000 Halliburton Profit Falls
of bookstores, is starting its own More than 500,000 of the books for its Kindle device. Currently, HOUSTON — Halliburton, the
mega e-bookstore on its Web site, now offered electronically on Google’s public domain books oil field service company, said can be downloaded cannot be read on a Kindle. Monday that its second-quarter
In an announcement on Mon- free, through an agreement with The number of e-books avail- profit declined 48 percent be-
day, Barnes & Noble said that Google to provide electronic ver- able on compares with cause of sluggish exploration
it would offer more than 700,000 sions of public domain books that 1.2 million in stock that can be and production activity. Net in-
books that could be read on a Google has scanned. Sony an- bought in print form from the come for the April-June period
wide range of devices, including nounced a similar deal in March company’s Web site. A further fell to $262 million, or 29 cents a
Apple’s iPhone, the BlackBerry to offer the public domain books one million books can be ordered share. That compared with $504
and various laptop or desktop on its Reader device. from in the print-on-de- million, or 55 cents a share, a
computers. When Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble is promoting its mand format.  MOTOKO RICH year ago. (AP)
business Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5

Bank Holdups Are on the Rise in Spain in brief

BARCELONA — The 52-year- proaching 20 percent, the highest gue that there is no proven link
old contractor was desperate to in Europe, and the overall econo- between the falling economy and
save his business. Unable to pay my expected to shrink by 4.2 per- the rise in bank robberies, many Leading Indicators
his workers and facing bankrupt- cent this year, bank robberies in Spaniards say they think the More plans to build homes,
cy, Ausencio C.G., as the Spanish 2009 are running 20 percent ahead trends are more than coinciden- higher stock prices and fewer
police identify him, went to the of 2007’s pace, according to the tal — including the union that rep- people filing first-time claims
bank — but not for a loan. Spanish Banking Association. resents bank workers. It recently for jobless aid sent a private-
Covering his fingertips with “In recent months, it has be- persuaded the Spanish govern- sector forecast of Ameri-
surgical tape and wearing a ski come apparent that Spain is suf- ment to classify bank robbery as can economic activity higher
mask and a reflective jacket to fering from an increase in bank an occupational hazard. than expected in June. It was
blur his image on security cam- robberies,” said Francisco Pérez “There’s unemployment, the third consecutive month-
eras, the contractor reportedly Abellán, head of the criminology there’s hunger and there’s mon- ly increase for the Conference
stole 80,000 euros from four banks department at the University ey in the banks, and the three Board’s index of leading eco-
before getting caught as he tried of Camilo José Cela in Madrid. factors combine,” said José nomic indicators. The index
his fifth stickup near Barcelona in “We are seeing people commit- Manuel Murcia, head of health rose 0.7 percent last month.
February. That is a total of about ting offenses through necessity, in the workplace for the financial (AP)
$115,000 — half of which came first-time offenders who can no sector of one of Spain’s largest
from his first heist, and was used longer continue to maintain their trade unions, the CC.OO (Confed-
to pay his workers, according to lifestyle and so turn to crime.” eración Sindical de Comisiones Wyeth Merger Vote
what he told the police. In the Barcelona area, only 7 Obreras). TRENTON, N.J. — Sharehold-
Now in prison awaiting trial, the percent of bank robbers were All told, there were 165 holdups ers of the drugmaker Wyeth
contractor, who is from Lleida, a first-time offenders in 2008, ac- in the first four months of 2009, voted overwhelmingly on Mon-
town about 150 kilometers west of cording to José Luis Trapero, the according to the Spanish Bank- day to be bought by industry gi-
here, is reported to be part of one chief of investigations for the re- ing Association. But Murcia said ant Pfizer Inc., pushing aside
group that is busier than ever in gional police squad. That figure he believed the actual number of one of the deal’s final hurdles.
this recession-battered country: has jumped to 20 percent so far bank robberies was higher than More than 98 percent of Wyeth
bank robbers. this year. the figures disclosed by the banks. stockholders voted for the $68
Indeed, with unemployment ap- Though bank executives ar-  NELSON D. SCHWARTZ billion acquisition. (AP)

Large Print Weekly

journal Tuesday, July 21, 2009 6

A Professor Fights Illegal Immigration One Court at a Time

DALLAS — On a recent morning, Kris group had set up early at the opposing table, fornia, Arizona, Missouri and Pennsylvania,
W. Kobach, a conservative law professor, fortified with legal assistants and stacks of among other states, with civil liberties and
rushed late into a federal courtroom here case documents. Unfazed, Kobach unleashed Hispanic groups on one side and Kobach on
with his suit slightly rumpled and little more a cascade of constitutional arguments. the other.
than a laptop under his arm. His mission was Kobach is on a dogged campaign to fight A professor at the University of Missouri-
to persuade the judge to uphold an ordinance illegal immigration at the local level, riding Kansas City law school and a Republican pol-
adopted by a Dallas suburb that would bar an insurgency by cities and states fed up with itician, Kobach developed his immigration
landlords from renting housing to illegal im- what they see as federal failures on immigra- views while working in the Justice Depart-
migrants. tion. As these local governments have taken ment at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks.
“To rigidly separate local government on enforcement roles once reserved for the The cases he has championed — from
from federal government when we think federal government, he is emerging as their housing restrictions on illegal immigrants
about immigration enforcement is not only leading legal advocate. in Farmers Branch, Texas., to sanctions for
legally incorrect, it’s also bad policy,” said The Dallas hearing — the judge has yet to employers in Valley Park, Mo., who hire such
Kris W. Kobach. issue a ruling — was one match in an immi- immigrants — are fiercely fought, with Ko-
A team of lawyers from a Latino advocacy gration contest playing out in courts in Cali- bach’s opponents accusing him of fostering
discrimination against Hispanics and divid-
crossword Edited By Will Shortz ing immigrant communities.
But Kobach’s allies say he has borrowed
a page from the Mexican American Legal
ACROSS 40 D-Day vessels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Defense and Educational Fund and other
1 Almost half of 41 Desktop symbols
U.S. immigrants 14 15 16 pro-immigrant groups he confronts before
43 The Dapper Don
in 1840 the bench, by rethinking the conservative
45 With 55-Across,
6 Male tabbies
message left by
17 18 19
tenet that the courts should not be a forum for
10 O.K. Corral figure 28-Across for 20 21 policy change.
14 Actress Thomas future explorers And with the Obama administration in-
15 Smell ___ (be 49 Peeve 22 23 24 25 26 27
dicating that it will put off an overhaul of
suspicious) 50 Geom. immigration until late this year or beyond,
28 29 30 31
16 Console used prerequisite
with the game
the courtroom campaign for tougher rules is
51 “Aladdin” hero
32 33
likely to expand as cities and states remain
52 Little Red Book
17 Like stadiums writer 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 the main battleground for shaping immigra-
after touchdowns
55 See 45-Across
tion policy.
18 Places to put
59 Even more
41 42 43 44
Lawyers who have confronted Kobach in
briefs court say the cases he pursues would cover
certain: Lat. 45 46 47 48
20 New York Times
headline of 61 Diacritical the country in a patchwork of local immigra-
7/21/69 squiggle 49 50 51 52 53 54
tion rules that are contrary to federal law and
22 Letters that 62 Sight in the Arctic 55 56 57 58 costly to defend.
please angels Ocean “These laws divide communities, stereo-
23 Clumsy boat 63 When morning 59 60 61
type Latinos, burden businesses and trigger
24 Hoagy
62 63 64 needless and expensive litigation,” said
Carmichael lyric 64 “Silas Marner”
author Lucas Guttentag, the director of the Immi-
“___ lazy river …”
25 1988 Dennis 65 Whirling water
65 66 67
grants’ Rights Project of the American Civil
Quaid/Meg Ryan 66 Anglo-Saxon 7/21/09 (No. 0721)
Liberties Union.
movie laborer Kobach rejects any accusation that his
5 Whom Hamlet 26 Handling the 44 Not pure
28 Subject of a 67 Opportunities, calls “A man that matter strategies unfairly target Latinos. “The driv-
photo beneath 46 Julia’s “Seinfeld”
metaphorically Fortune’s buffets 27 Matures role ing principle is to restore the rule of law,” he
20-Across and rewards /
29 Minneapolis 47 Inuit homes
32 La ___ vita Hast ta’en with
DOWN suburb
33 Old-time equal thanks” 48 Estevez of the
1 Mosque leaders
Norwegian 6 Sass, with “to” 30 Have the throne Brat Pack
skating sensation 2 Less common
7 McFlurry flavor 31 Archaeologist’s 53 Choice words
34 Soprano ___ Te 3 Like some find
Kanawa patches 8 Large wine bottle 54 “Waiting for
34 Fuzzy fruit Lefty” playwright
620 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018
37 Loses traction 4 Cabbage dish 9 They may come •
in sheets 35 Cupcake finisher 56 Bacchanalian Tom Brady, Editor
36 1970s James
revelry e-mail:
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 10 ___ 67 (onetime
Montreal event) Garner TV title 57 “Dianetics” •
role author ___ TimesDigest Sales Office
11 Forsakes
38 Pleasure-
Hubbard phone: (212) 556-1200
I N I T E L I O T E X A M 12 Reel’s partner
E T N A B L A I R S P R Y associated 58 D.E.A. seizure, fax: (646) 461-2364
13 Stores for G.I.’s neurotransmitter maybe e-mail:
P R U N E S T A O R C 19 Reluctant 39 Inscribed pillar 59 The Rail Splitter •
21 Respites 42 Natty 60 G-man
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opinion Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7

editorials of the timeS david brooks

The Sotomayor Nomination Liberal Overreach

As the Senate prepares to act on the nomi- ing the law has little meaning. It was interesting to watch the Republican
nation of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme That, however, is not what judicial confir- Party lose touch with America. You had a
Court, it has learned more than enough about mation hearings are now about. Since the fe- party led by conservative Southerners who
her qualifications to give her a seat on the vered battle over Judge Robert Bork’s nomi- neither understood nor sympathized with
court. It would also be good if senators — and nation in 1987, the goal for nominees has been moderates or representatives from swing
the nation — had a deeper sense of her views to skate through saying as little as possible. districts.
on some of the most pressing legal questions Sotomayor avoided saying much of sub- They brought in pollsters to persuade their
of our times. stance about abortion rights, the scope of members that the country was fervently be-
We were disappointed that at her confirma- presidential power, and other hot-button is- hind them. They were supported by their in-
tion hearings last week, she continued what is sues. It’s not entirely her fault. The Senate has terest groups and cheered on by their activ-
becoming an unbreakable habit of nominees shown repeatedly that it will tolerate this sort ists and the partisan press. They spent federal
dodging controversy. of evasion. But the public has a right to know money in an effort to buy support but ended up
It was clear that Republicans had over- where judicial nominees stand on important disgusting the country instead.
played their hand in weeks of trying to por- legal issues that will have a direct impact on It’s not that interesting to watch the Demo-
tray her as radical, intemperate and even their lives. crats lose touch with America. That’s because
racist. She was disarming in her appearances Gamesmanship aside, the talent and drive the plotline is exactly the same. The party is
before the Senate Judiciary Committee — that took Sonia Sotomayor from a Bronx hous- led by insular liberals from big cities and the
erudite, likable and eminently sensible. She ing project to Yale Law School and, eventual- coasts, who neither understand nor sympa-
defused some of the main attacks on her by ly, to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the thize with moderates. They have their own
backing away from a past statement that a Second Circuit in New York were very much media and activist cocoon, their own plans to
“wise Latina” judge could decide cases better on display. lavishly spend borrowed money to buy votes.
than a white man and by saying that she saw The National Rifle Association, and some This overreach won’t be any more success-
a judge’s duty as applying the law, not mak- die-hard conservatives, are still fighting the ful than the last one. A Washington Post-ABC
ing it. nomination. But with at least three Republi- News poll released Monday confirms that sup-
At times, she too willingly ceded ground to can senators already saying that they plan to port for Democratic policies is sliding fast. In
her conservative questioners. We wish she vote for her, Sotomayor seems almost certain March, only 32 percent of Americans thought
had spoken out forthrightly in favor of empa- to be confirmed. The main suspense now is President Obama was an old-style, tax-and-
thy, a quality President Obama has said he is over how bipartisan the confirmation will be spend liberal. Now 43 percent do.
looking for in his judicial nominees. We would when the Judiciary Committee takes its vote. We’re only in the early stages of the liberal
have liked to hear her boldly defend the idea There is a historic aspect to this nomination suicide march, but there already have been
of the Constitution as a living document, one since Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic three phases. First, there was the stimu-
that changes with the times. And we would on the Supreme Court. But every new justice lus package. You would have thought that a
have preferred if she had used the hearings to changes the court. We hope the Senate con- stimulus package would be designed to fight
explain to the public that the much-mentioned firms her without delay so we can see more unemployment and stimulate the economy
distinction between judges making and apply- clearly what her contribution will be. during a recession. But Congressional Demo-
crats used it as a pretext to pay for $787 billion
worth of pet programs with borrowed money.
Gun Crazy in the Senate Only 11 percent of the money will be spent by
the end of the fiscal year — a triumph of ideol-
On Wednesday, the Senate is expected to firearm. It would be a boon for illegal gun traf- ogy over pragmatism.
vote on the latest assault on public safety in fickers, making it easier to transport weapons Then there is the budget. Instead of allaying
the name of gun ownership. Introduced as an across state lines without being caught. moderate anxieties about the deficits, the bud-
amendment to the military’s budget bill by Proponents of Thune’s attempt to create get is expected to increase the government
Sen. John Thune, a Republican of South Da- the equivalent of a national concealed carry debt by $11 trillion between 2009 and 2019.
kota, this radical measure would nullify the system claim it will reduce crime. But the Finally, there is health care. The bills are
laws of almost every state, subjecting police evidence shows otherwise. Between May modeled on the Massachusetts health reform
officers to increased risk and increasing the 2007 and April 2009, people holding concealed law that is currently coming apart at the
potential for gun violence. handgun permits killed at least seven police seams precisely because it doesn’t control
Nearly all states issue licenses to carry con- officers and 44 private citizens, according to costs. They do little to reward efficient provid-
cealed firearms, but the criteria for granting a new study by the Violence Policy Center, a ers and reform inefficient ones.
such permits vary widely, and it is now, sen- gun control advocacy group. Other examples The House bill adds $239 billion to the fed-
sibly, up to each state to decide whether to ac- of crimes committed by concealed-carry li- eral deficit during the first 10 years alone, ac-
cept another state’s permits. censees are plentiful. cording to the Congressional Budget Office. It
At least 35 states prevent people from car- For Alaska to permit residents who have would pummel small businesses with an 8 per-
rying concealed weapons if they have certain committed repeated violent misdemeanors cent payroll penalty. It would jack America’s
misdemeanor convictions. At least 31 states or who have committed misdemeanor sex top tax rate above those in Italy and France.
prohibit alcohol abusers from obtaining a con- offenses against minors to carry a concealed Top earners in New York and California would
cealed carry permit and require gun safety weapon is terrible public policy. For the Sen- be giving more than 55 percent of earnings to
training. The Thune amendment would force ate to extend that permit to 47 other states one government entity or another.
states with more restrictive standards to ac- would be the height of irresponsibility, as Nancy Pelosi has lower approval ratings
cept concealed carry permits from states well as a breathtaking violation of legitimate than Sarah Palin. And yet Democrats have al-
with less stringent rules — in effect giving the states’ rights. lowed her policy values to carry the day. Who’s
lax rules national reach. Sens. Charles Schumer of New York and going to stop this leftward surge? Months ago,
Passage of the amendment would make it Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey are leading it seemed as if Obama would lead a center-left
much harder for law enforcement to distin- the fight to defeat the Thune amendment. We coalition. Instead, he has deferred to the Old
guish between legal and illegal possession of a fervently hope they succeed. Bulls on Capitol Hill on issue after issue.
sports Tuesday, July 21, 2009 8

As Watson Moves On, Cink Answers Doubts in brief

TURNBERRY, Scotland — For he will no doubt be congratulated “In the end, you know, it’s a tour-
all its beauty and innate fairness, by his peers for beating 154 of the nament to see who lasts the lon- Football in the Bronx
golf can be a cruel sport. Tom 155 other golfers in the field. gest,” he said. “It’s a survival test The Yankees said Notre
Watson, who already knew this, “This would have been a great out there, as you look at the score- Dame and Army would play the
was reminded of it in the early- memory,” he said on Sunday. board, with the winning score first football game at the new
evening chill on Sunday. Then he smiled, and thought about being 2. It’s a survival test, and I stadium next year, reigniting
The 138th British Open was how his friend Jack Nicklaus has don’t know what else to say.” one of college football’s great
over, and Stewart Cink held the memory lapses when he is asked It was the perfect way to say rivalries. The game, which is
claret jug that nearly had — some to recall losing the 1977 Duel in the that he had no intention of losing scheduled for Nov. 20, 2010, will
say should have had — Watson’s Sun at Turnberry. “Now it’s go- to a 59-year-old man in a four-hole most likely be the first of sever-
name inscribed for the sixth time ing to be like Jack,” Watson said. playoff, even if it was Tom Wat- al football games a year at the
in three decades. “I’ll never remember what the son, living legend and people’s stadium. The last football game
What Watson, 59, did during hell club I hit any time during the choice. at the old Yankee Stadium was
four days of inspiring play was whole tournament.” Cink was able to execute, under held in 1987 between Grambling
put on one of the best shows of his For Stewart Cink, 36, the take- the pressure of a major champion- and Central State.  (NYT)
long and illustrious career. Yes, away from Turnberry is entirely ship Sunday, the putting changes
he had an 8-footer at the 72nd hole positive. Despite some questions he had recently implemented and
that would have won it all, thereby about his role as the spoiler of one the mind-set he has been trying to Timberwolves Trade
chasing down all the ghosts and of golf’s greatest stories — and acquire to make that happen. His Minnesota forward Mark
breaking numerous age-related a headline in the Scottish Sun work with Butch Harmon to rein- Madsen was traded with Sebas-
records. But the run ended badly. tabloid that screamed “Stewart force many of the things he knew tian Telfair and Craig Smith to
He got up Monday morning and Stink: Champ doesn’t care he already, and to pick up some he the Clippers for Quentin Rich-
headed south to Wentworth, Eng- killed off dream” — Cink validat- did not, has been a factor in the ardson. The Timberwolves
land, for this week’s British Se- ed his place among golf’s major transformation. made the deal to try to achieve
nior Open at Sunningdale, where champions in a number of ways.  LARRY DORMAN better roster balance while re-
taining salary-cap flexibility,
possibly with an eye on their top
Vick Finishes Sentence, but Future Is Cloudy draft pick, 18-year-old Ricky
Rubio. Rubio is faced with a
Michael Vick, who served 18 making his decision. Arthur Blank, the Atlanta Fal- multimillion-dollar buyout of
months in a federal prison and an Greg Aiello, an N.F.L. spokes- cons’ owner and Vick’s former his contract with Spain’s Joven-
additional two months in home man, said Monday: “The review boss, have made it clear that they tut. (AP)
confinement for his role in a dog- of Michael Vick’s status is ongo- hope Vick has broken ties with as-
fighting operation, completed his ing. We are providing no other sociates who they think were bad
sentence Monday, making him details right now.” influences. If Goodell is not satis- Baseball — AL
a free man. But Vick’s future, With training camps opening fied when he meets Vick, he can SUNDAY’S LATE GAMES
wrapped up in whether he has next week, Vick’s chance to play continue his suspension. Texas 5, Minnesota 3, 12 innings
remorse for his actions, remains a meaningful role for a new team Vick has been out of football Yankees 2, Baltimore 1
murky. will diminish as time passes, par- for two years and even if he is Texas 6, Boston 3
Vick, a quarterback, is not eli- ticularly because he has been reinstated for all or part of the L.A. Angels at Kansas City, ppd., rain
gible to restart his football career unable to work out fully while in 2009 season, his options may be Chicago White Sox 4, Tampa Bay 3
until he is reinstated by N.F.L. prison and in home confinement. limited. He is 29, young enough Baseball — NL
Commissioner Roger Goodell. Goodell, who has established a for many productive seasons, but
Goodell, who had said that he reputation for cracking down on he was becoming a less accurate Philadelphia 10, Chicago Cubs 1
would consider Vick’s case after lawbreaking players, has said he thrower as his career went on, and Mets 6, Washington 2
the sentence was completed, has wants to see remorse from Vick. few teams may be willing to take Atlanta 11, San Francisco 3
not committed to a schedule for In recent months, Goodell and him on as a starter.  (NYT) Houston 3, St. Louis 2

Kansas City
93/ 78 0
81/ 63 0
95/ 77 PC 95/ 76 PC
76/ 62 C 83/ 60 PC
Cape Town
79/ 50
65/ 50
66/ 50 S
66/ 54 R
61/ 48 PC
64/ 54 PC
High/low temperatures for the 20 hours ended at 4 p.m.
yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in inches) Los Angeles 88/ 70 0 86/ 68 S 84/ 67 S Geneva 82/ 55 0 86/ 66 PC 90/ 68 PC
for the 18 hours ended at 2 p.m. yesterday. Expected Miami 91/ 75 0.79 90/ 77 T 88/ 78 T Hong Kong 91/ 81 0.59 88/ 81 T 88/ 81 Sh
conditions for today and tomorrow. Mpls.-St. Paul 82/ 57 0 78/ 65 T 81/ 61 PC Kingston 91/ 81 0 88/ 77 R 88/ 79 R
New York City 81/ 67 0 77/ 65 T 83/ 67 PC Lima 66/ 62 Tr 72/ 61 S 72/ 59 PC
Weather conditions: C-clouds, F-fog, H-haze, I-ice, PC- Orlando 84/ 71 0.31 90/ 71 PC 88/ 73 T London 72/ 54 0.02 64/ 55 R 68/ 57 PC
partly cloudy,R-rain, S-sun, Sh-showers, Sn-snow, SS- Philadelphia 86/ 66 0 79/ 64 Sh 85/ 64 PC Madrid 93/ 64 0 99/ 72 PC 91/ 72 PC
snow showers, T-thunderstorms, Tr-trace, W-windy. Phoenix 109/ 91 0 111/ 90 S 109/ 89 S Mexico City 75/ 57 0.01 79/ 50 PC 77/ 50 Sh
Salt Lake City 93/ 72 0 95/ 67 S 97/ 69 S Montreal 74/ 57 0.01 81/ 50 PC 81/ 59 C
U.S. CITIES San Francisco 65/ 55 0 71/ 55 PC 69/ 54 PC Moscow 80/ 59 0 75/ 59 PC 72/ 55 S
Yesterday Today Tomorrow Seattle 79/ 60 0 89/ 59 S 83/ 58 S Nassau 95/ 73 0.08 87/ 77 T 93/ 79 T
Atlanta 81/ 61 0 85/ 62 PC 85/ 66 PC St. Louis 83/ 59 0 69/ 63 T 80/ 59 PC Paris 78/ 55 0 90/ 61 C 75/ 64 R
Albuquerque 96/ 71 0 89/ 70 PC 88/ 65 PC Washington 83/ 70 0 81/ 68 PC 87/ 70 PC Prague 71/ 52 Tr 81/ 59 PC 90/ 70 PC
Boise 89/ 59 0 100/ 64 S 101/ 66 S Rio de Janeiro 65/ 63 0.02 76/ 59 PC 81/ 63 S
Boston 76/ 64 0 69/ 64 R 82/ 65 PC FOREIGN CITIES Rome 82/ 59 0 86/ 64 S 88/ 66 S
Buffalo 76/ 54 0 74/ 60 T 79/ 63 PC Yesterday Today Tomorrow Santiago 55/ 42 0 48/ 41 R 46/ 37 PC
Charlotte 83/ 64 0 85/ 65 Sh 89/ 65 PC Acapulco 99/ 79 0 90/ 79 T 90/ 75 T Stockholm 70/ 55 – 68/ 55 PC 72/ 54 PC
Chicago 76/ 55 0 80/ 60 PC 75/ 62 Sh Athens 96/ 77 0 88/ 70 S 90/ 70 S Sydney 70/ 43 0 72/ 50 S 73/ 55 PC
Cleveland 79/ 57 0 78/ 60 T 76/ 60 C Beijing 95/ 77 0.20 95/ 77 PC 97/ 75 PC Tokyo 86/ 79 Tr 82/ 72 R 86/ 77 T
Dallas-Ft. Worth 86/ 76 0.01 94/ 74 PC 91/ 73 PC Berlin 72/ 54 0.20 77/ 55 PC 88/ 64 T Toronto 75/ 54 0 75/ 57 PC 73/ 63 Sh
Denver 86/ 59 0 84/ 57 PC 85/ 55 S Buenos Aires 61/ 48 Tr 54/ 48 R 50/ 43 PC Vancouver 70/ 57 0 80/ 61 S 81/ 57 S
Detroit 79/ 59 0 76/ 62 T 77/ 63 T Cairo 97/ 79 0 100/ 77 S 100/ 79 S Warsaw 72/ 54 0.17 72/ 55 PC 86/ 59 T
sports journal Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9

The Unwelcome Mat Is Out for Beckham American League

East W L Pct GB
CARSON, Calif. — David Beck- the stadium. Several more secu- through decisions by the league, Boston 55 37 .598 —
ham has been hung in effigy out- rity guards, A.C. Milan defender the Galaxy and Beckham’s advis- Yankees 55 37 .598 —
side a London pub, has had his Alessandro Nesta and Galaxy ers, some of which were chroni- Tampa Bay 51 42 .548 4{
photograph printed with a bull’s- midfielder Stefani Miglioranzi cled in a recently published book, Toronto 46 47 .495 9{
eye around it in a British tabloid, pulled Beckham away as a fan “The Beckham Experiment,” by Baltimore 41 51 .446 14
and has endured visits to stadi- threw a white No. 23 Galaxy jer- Grant Wahl of Sports Illustrated, Central W L Pct GB
ums that roared with derogatory sey at him. the train seems to have come off Detroit 48 42 .533 —
chants about his wife. That such a scene played out not the tracks. Chicago 48 44 .522 1
None of it seemed to fluster in Rome or London or Barcelona, Sunday night’s game, which Minnesota 47 45 .511 2
him. caldrons of European soccer, but ended in a 2-2 tie, was typical. It Kansas City 37 54 .407 11{
At least not the way a 28-year- outside Los Angeles — where the was brokered when the Galaxy Cleveland 36 57 .387 13{
old video-game technician did atmosphere more often resem- agreed to extend Beckham’s loan West W L Pct GB
Sunday night when he questioned bles an echo chamber — left some to A.C. Milan last off-season to six Los Angeles 52 38 .578 —
Beckham’s loyalties during an participants in disbelief. months, from three. As Galaxy Texas 50 41 .549 2{
Seattle 49 43 .533 4
exhibition between the Los An- “I’m flabbergasted,” Marti- fans watched Beckham hug and
Oakland 38 52 .422 14
geles Galaxy and A.C. Milan, his nous said later at a bar. “I’ve laugh with the Milan players, his
current and former — or is it fu- spent three years trying to get body language seemed to make it
ture? — clubs. under the skin of players who are clear where he would rather be. National League
On his way off the field at half- nobodies, and I got under David Paige and Martinous are regu-
time, Beckham charged toward a Beckham’s skin? Never in my lars in a Galaxy fan club called East W L Pct GB
small pocket of Galaxy fans who, wildest dreams did I think he’d the L.A. Riot Squad, which has Philadelphia 52 38 .578 —
feeling jilted over his desire to lose his head like that.” developed a reputation for witty Atlanta 47 46 .505 6{
move to Milan, had taunted him Paige, an independent film pro- if sometimes lewd chants. Gal- Florida 46 47 .495 7{
Mets 44 48 .478 9
with chants and signs, and booed ducer, was issued a $55 ticket for axy Coach Bruce Arena and the
Washington 26 66 .283 27
his every touch of the ball. Beck- trespassing and released by the team’s captain, Landon Donovan,
ham pointed a finger, shouted police. saluted the group before Sunday’s Central W L Pct GB
St. Louis 51 43 .543 —
several epithets and attempted “It was surreal,” he said. “When game, and other players paid vis-
Chicago 47 44 .516 2{
to climb over a signboard while David Beckham calls you out, its afterward.
Milwaukee 47 45 .511 3
challenging a Galaxy fan, David you get on the field. In hindsight, It might have been that way Houston 46 46 .500 4
Martinous, to come down on the I wish I didn’t stoop to his level. I for Beckham, too. But when his Cincinnati 44 47 .484 5{
field. wish I was the bigger man.” effort flagged noticeably in the Pittsburgh 40 51 .440 9{
Martinous did not, but a man These days, the stature of latter half of last year’s M.L.S. West W L Pct GB
sitting next to him, Josh Paige, Beckham is rapidly shrinking. season, and he then sought to Los Angeles 58 34 .630 —
did. When Paige jumped down His highly publicized arrival make his loan to A.C. Milan per- Colorado 50 42 .543 8
about 8 feet, he was immediately in 2007 was heralded as a boost manent, many Galaxy fans tuned San Francisco 50 42 .543 8
pinned to the ground by three se- that would carry Major League out or were turned off. Arizona 39 53 .424 19
curity guards and escorted from Soccer into the mainstream. But  BILLY WITZ San Diego 37 55 .402 21

Behind Court Battle, Nascar’s Drug Policy Questioned Vote of Confidence

Nascar lagged well behind the news and taken the focus On July 1, a judge determined WASHINGTON — The good
other American professional away from Nascar’s program, that the chance of a false posi- news has come in small doses
sports in establishing a formal which many specialists in the tive was “quite substantial” and for the Mets in this immensely
drug testing program. Only this field of drug testing have derided ruled in Mayfield’s favor, lifting disappointing season. So when
year, prompted in part by a truck as less than ideal. the suspension. That day, Nascar General Manager Omar Mina-
series driver’s heroin use, did the While applauding the intent, confirmed published reports that ya was asked on Monday night
auto racing authority begin test- they say the plan lacks a full and Mayfield had tested positive for about the good news that had re-
ing all drivers and crew mem- specific list of disallowed drugs, methamphetamine. cently been revealed about him,
bers. fails to establish precise pen- The case became messier last he was initially stumped. “Good
Even before its season-opening alties, does not have a formal week when Nascar said that news, like what?” Minaya said.
Daytona 500 Sprint Cup race, Na- medical exception standard and Mayfield, who had offered to be “What is the good news?”
scar started naming names of is without a clearly established retested, had failed a second test The good news, at least for
those attached to positive tests, appeals or arbitration process. for meth. Among the new result Minaya and Manager Jerry
and it has suspended eight crew Many of those elements are and other papers filed by Nascar Manuel, is that Jeff Wilpon, the
members so far. But it was not playing out in the Mayfield case. to persuade the court to lift the chief operating officer, has told
until May that there was a drug- Known in Nascar circles more injunction was testimony from both men in the last few weeks
related suspension of a driver — for his outspokenness than rac- Mayfield’s stepmother that she that their jobs are safe this sea-
Jeremy Mayfield, a 17-year vet- ing success, Mayfield, 40, sued had observed him ingesting the son. As the injury-ravaged Mets
eran with five career wins in the the organization in May after he drug some 30 times over seven began free-falling, Wilpon want-
top-tier Cup series. was suspended for failing a drug years. ed to assure his general manag-
The case has become like a test. Nascar, which by practice In an interview with ESPN, er and manager that they would
multicar pileup at the speedway; does not disclose the exact drug Mayfield cast his stepmother as not be sacrificed.
you can’t take your eyes off it. detected, countersued. Mayfield the person who “shot and killed Before the Mets defeated the
The increasingly salacious ele- sought a temporary injunction to my dad.” (His father’s shooting dreadful Washington Nationals,
ments of the story and the stigma restore his driving privileges, his death in 2007 was ruled by a med- 6-2, on Monday, the Mets had
of the drug commonly referred to lawyers arguing in court that he ical examiner as self-inflicted.) lost 14 of their last 20 games.
as crystal meth have dominated never used recreational drugs.  MIKE TIERNEY  (NYT)

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