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Executive Summary

Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd (STS) was established in February 2001 as a limited liability company. STS manufactures and supplies a wide range of Tags, Printed / Woven Labels and Packaging products for the Export and Apparel Industry. Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd has established, documented, implemented and maintains a Quality Management System based on the requirement of ISO 9000 2000. This QMS policy manual summarizes the policies and intentions of management for each element of the QMS of manufacturing packaging products. This policy manual is referred to as the QMS policy manual. The Quality Management System focuses on the fulfillment of customer requirements. So it ensures the application of Quality Management System with long term commitment of top level management. This QMS has a proper direction to select suppliers. This QMS measures the total quality, and customer satisfaction. To measure the quality related activities it use various statistical control methods such as Pareto diagram, cause and-effect diagram etc. it takes various improvement actions to reduce defective products such as on time delivery, employee training etc.

1.0 Company Profile:

Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd (STS) was established in February 2001 as a limited liability company. Located at 274 Tejgaon Industrial Area, Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208, STS manufactures and supplies a wide range of Tags, Printed / Woven Labels and Packaging products for the Export and Apparel Industry.

o o o o o Sheet Fed Offset Flexo Graphic Digital Thermal Transfer Broad Loom Weaving

Press equipment Thermal Printing Equipment Pre-press equipment Finishing and Bindery equipment Desktop Publishing Woven Label Equipment Printed fabric Equipment

1.3 Some of Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd products are:

Tags, Fabric Printed Labels and Woven labels.

1.4 Scope:
Printing, weaving and supplying of tags, labels and packaging products for the Export and Apparel Industry.

2.0 Quality Management System:

The intention of Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd. is to develop and implement a Quality Management System (QMS) which complies with the requirements of the ISO 9000:2000 International Standards. ISO 9001 QMS will assist in achieving its broad policy and objectives. The QMS is structured and documented with the purpose of managing and controlling the activities and processes which can have a significant impact on the Quality; minimizing quality impacts of activities and processes; achieving continuous improvement of the QMS and the quality performance. The policies and procedures of the QMS are closely integrated with operation. QMS and operations share some procedures, while others are independent. This allows for more efficient documentation and implementation of approved practices. Understanding, implementation and maintenance of quality policy are required for all personnel throughout the organization. Every employee is responsible to minimize adverse quality impacts by complying with approved procedures and practices, identifying and reporting problems, initiating corrective actions, and recommending ways to improve QMS and work place. 2.1 Quality Policy: Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd is committed to customer satisfaction by providing innovative Merchandise Identification solutions that consistently and continually meet or exceed defined requirements for product quality, delivery and customer support and to take appropriate actions to continually improve process performance of the Quality Management Systems. 2.2 Quality Objectives: Reducing the current customer complaints trend average (of 1.46% to 2.46% of the total sales value of the month) by 80% in the forthcoming six months and identifying any abnormal (above the trend average) complaints and take corrective measures. Meeting the delivery dates of customers by increasing delivery performance by 95%. Ensure to fulfill and meet or exceed defined customer requirements and the appropriate standards every time by assuring the ongoing commitment to quality of products from management and employees. Minimize process losses for product related reworks at all stages of production. Supporting valuable customers by deploying innovative information technology capabilities, and services. Establishment of effective and proactive approaches and disciplines for ongoing and continual improvement of the Quality Management Systems. Achieve and sustain ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Systems throughout the organization.

2.3 Role of Management towards Quality Policy: The board of directors and entire staff of Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd are committed to the principles and objectives set out in the Quality policy. The board of directors and entire staff act to ensure the implementation of this policy and will monitor progress on the QMS. In developing quality policy, management has taken into account the significant environmental aspects and impacts of operations within the scope of QMS. The quality policy is implemented by way of approved level 2 QMS procedures as referred to through the QMS manual. The quality policy is communicated to all employees by pasting in key locations, printing in company newsletters, and by other suitable means including related training sessions. The quality policy is maintained through a periodic management review process, which takes into account any changes in quality aspects, the results of internal and external QMS audits, the views of interested parties, and other relevant factors. The policy is made available to the public and interested parties by posting on the boards, posting on the web site, and by mail, fax, meetings, Internet, and / or other methods depending on the nature of the request. 2.4 Quality Manual: The managing director of STS delegates the responsibility for the preparation, distribution and the maintenance of the quality policies manual to the general manager. Assigned holders of the quality policies manual are responsible for maintaining controlled copies and for the communication / training required by the most recent revisions. Initial Review / approval-The General Manager and Managing Director reviews and approves the quality policies manual. The managing Director approves the quality policy. Review / approval of revisions Revisions to the quality policies manual are subject to the same review and approval process as the original. Details of all changes shall be recorded in the Master Control Register. Amended words in a page when less than 10 shall be cut with a horizontal line in ink and initiated by MR to be legible and the new words should be introduced above the amended words so as it to be clearly visible.

2.5 Revision Distribution: The management representative revises all copies of the quality policies manual and distributes as required. It is the responsibility of the Managing Director and General Manager to implement and maintain Quality System defined in the Quality Policies manual. The MR (Managing Director) is responsible for the issuance and controlled copies of the Quality Policy Manual. The MR maintains a record for all controlled copies of the Quality Policies Manual. Manuals are either controlled or uncontrolled issues. STSs personnel use only controlled copies unless otherwise authorized. Approval of QMS Procedures and Documents: Individual documents of the Quality Management System are approved in accordance with the document control Procedures. 2.6 Quality Steering Committee (QSC): The Quality Steering Committee defines the roles and responsibilities for all employees and teams whose work could have affected on the quality. In general, these reflect the organizational positions and units shown in the organizational chart and matrix as shown in the specific Quality Procedures manual. Personnel at all levels are responsible for QMS of activities and processes under their control. All employees are expected to follow the approved policies and procedures. 2.7 Management Representatives: The General Manager will be appointed as the Management Representatives (MR).The MR has responsibility and authority for: Ensuring the QMS is implemented and maintained in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Reporting on the performance and effectiveness of the QMS. Maintaining and improve the QMS and relevant practices. Serving as a resource to any employee who has concern or ideas for improvement with respect to Quality Policies, procedures, operational controls and related employee training.

2.8 Management Review of Quality Performance: The General Manager provides quarterly reports to the Chairman / MD on on-going quality issues and performance, including a summary of non-conformances and preventive actions. The General Manager holds a special meeting of designated members of the quality steering committee at least twice per year to review QMS effectiveness and performance and to initiate appropriate action to maintain and improve the QMS.

3.0 Exclusions
The QMS is relevant to organization and products, and to customer and regulatory requirements. Some Requirements of ISO 9001 standard do not apply to STS products and processes. Below the examples of exclusions: Design or development design controls- STS does not design or develop products. Instead, customers specify all products characteristics. Their designing activities are limited to developing methods and means of production. Servicing- STS does not service its products. Validation of Processes- Subsequent monitoring or measurement can verify resulting output. Hence the validation of process is excluded.

4.0 Requirements of QMS:

4.1 General Requirements QMS:
Shore To Shore Ltd has established, documented, implemented and maintains QMS and continuously improves its effetiveness in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Shore To Shore Bangladesh Ltd has Identified the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization. Determined the sequence and interaction of these processes. Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes. Ensured the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes. Monitored, measured and analyzed these processes. Implemented actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes. STS does not outsource any of its processes.

4.2 Documentation Requirements:

The quality system documentation consists of four levels. These are: Level 1: Quality Policies Manual- the Quality Policies Manual establishes requirement and guidelines for the overall Quality Systems Objectives. These requirements and guidelines are applicable to the operations at STS. Level 2: Quality Procedures- The quality procedures manual is a collection of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which are documented in conformance with, and support of the manuals requirements and guidelines. The quality procedures manual details the implementation of requirements and guidelines for the operations. Level 3: Work Instructions- Work Instructions are documented as necessary to support each applicable quality procedure. Level 4: Records- Completed forms provide the objective evidence of compliance.

Quality Manual (Level 1): STS Bangladesh Ltd has establish and maintains a quality manual that includes The scope of the QMS, including details of and justification for any exclusion. The documented procedures established for the quality management systems. A description of the interaction between the processes of the quality management systems.

Control of the procedures (Level 2): STS establishes implements and maintains documented procedures to control all documentation and data that relate to quality system requirements, to include documents of external origin such as standards and customer drawings. It is the responsibility to the MR and the assigned holders of quality system documents to maintain quality system documentation.

Control of Work Instructions (Level 3): Documents and data are review and approved for adequacy by the GM and the appropriate department heads as per the documented procedures. These controls ensure that: All document instructions and procedures are adequate for their intended purpose. Correct documents, instructions and procedures are available at effected work locations and accessible to appropriate personnel. Obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue or use. All documents should be legible and readily identifiable. Any changes to be reviewed and approved by MR prior to distribution. Revision levels of documents can be readily identified.

Control of Records (Level 4): Records have been established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the quality management system. Records will remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. A documented procedure has been established to define the controls needed for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records. The MR responsible for the control of quality records. Departments heads are also responsible for documentation, accumulation and maintenance of quality records.

5.0 Management Responsibility:

5.1 Management Commitment:
Shore To Shore (Bangladesh) ltd. has provided top management evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the quality management system and are continually improving its effectiveness by(a) Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements by conducting weekly staff meetings (b) Establishing among all levels of employees the quality policy (c) Ensuring that quality objectives are established at all levels within the organization (d) Ensuring the availability of resources

5.2 Customer Focus:

STS top management ensures that procedures are established and implemented on the basis of customer requirements and their satisfaction. Such procedures are contract review, Product ID and Product Maser Records, customer communication and customer satisfaction. Also top management is directly involved in the review and improvement on this process.

5.4 Quality Planning:

5.4.1 Quality Objectives STS top management ensures that quality objectives including those needed to meet requirements for products are established at relevant functions and levels within the organizations. The quality objective shall be measurable and consistent with the quality. 5.4.2 When a new product, project or contract is evaluated for adoption into quality system, the appropriate staff members meet to define and document. The requirement for quality will be met according to the product ID and product master records. 5.4.3 An assessment is prepared of the impact new products, projects or contracts will have with regards to the following resources: Information technology: determine the computer hardware, software and applications needed. Documentation: designing, production scheduling. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other manufacturing documents. Equipment: printing machinery, packaging equipment and inspection measuring and test equipment. Human resources: ensure all staff has appropriate skills for the job /tasks performed. Stocks: availability of raw materials, components, and manufacturing aids. Quality audits: planned audits after activity completion.

6.0 Procedure of supplier evaluation:

6.1 Responsibility and Authority:
Director General Manager Accountant Sourcing Manager Production Manager Accountant



6.2.1 A Registered Suppliers List is maintained and updated annually in the Supplier Management System. 6.2.2 For the purpose of the evaluation of a supplier, Supplier Evaluation Questionnaire 01 is sent to the new suppliers to be sent back after completion. 6.2.3 Scrutinizing the information sent through the Supplier Evaluation Questionnaire by Accountant and General Manager assesses the capability of new suppliers. 6.2.4 If necessary, prospective supplier premises are visited by any one of the managers who scrutinized the questionnaire and making necessary comments. 6.2.5 Suppliers who satisfy the above assessment are entered into the Registered Suppliers List. 6.2.6 If a supplier is out of the registered suppliers list, approval from Director is obtained for purchases. 6.2.7 Annual Evaluation of suppliers (except ISO 9001 or 9002 certified) is done according to the following criteria:

Maximum allowable scores are given in the table below:

Evaluation Criteria
Quality On-Time Delivery Price Competitiveness

Maximum Score
Sixty Twenty Twenty

Method of calculation is given below: Lots Rejected Rating for Quality Lots Accepted X 60

Lots Delivered Rating for Delivery Lots Accepted X 20

Lower offer received Rating for Price Suppliers Offer X 20

A Suppliers registration will be updated if they earn an overall minimum score of 75. ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 certified suppliers would be directly updated in the Registered Suppliers. 6.2.8 In order to facilitate the recording and evaluation, a Supplier performance record is maintained in every Suppliers file.

7.0 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement:

7.1.0 Procedure for Statistical Techniques:
7.1.1 Responsibility and Authority Director General Manager Production Manager Manager MIS Management Representative

7.1.2 Procedure The records and reports mentioned below are monitored and maintained to identify trends with respect to defects / non-conformities. These trends are analyzed to find root causes. Customer Complaints Non-Conformity records Inspection and test reports Internal Quality audit report

Application of Pareto analysis and cause and effect analysis. Data collected in Non-Conforming reports raised for defective plates are analyzed using Pareto principle and cause and effect diagram. Data collected on defective finished products by Quality Assurance Department are analyzed using Pareto Principle and cause and effect diagram.

All data collected for statistical analysis are analyzed every three months and appropriate actions will be decided as per Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure. Customer complaints are analyzed according to the Graph.

7.2.0 Control of Non-Conforming Products:

7.2.1 Responsibility and Authority General Manager Manager Quality Assurance Production Manager Manager MIS Manager Pre-Press & PD HOD Purchase & Stores Machine Operators / Designer / Quality Control Personnel

7.2.2 Procedure While receiving the purchased products non-confirming products are identified visually and on the basis of specifications. In case of any non-conformance supplier is informed through letter / telephone for replacement of the product(s). Quality / Production have the overall responsibility to control the non-conforming product at Work-In-Process and final stage. Quality Department has got overall authority to stop production when the production is not matching as per the tolerance range / master samples of a particular product. When a non-conforming product is detected appropriate Non-Conforming Report is filled by Designer / Operator / Quality Checker, and the Non-Conforming Tag is attached on the Jobs. Departments involves in the QMS processes use the Non Conformity Report (NCR) to record the nature of non conformity and forward to appropriate department or manager to make recommendation for action of disposition. Relevant Manager or a nominee evaluates the Non-Conformity and recommend the appropriate action for disposition in the same Non-Conforming Report. The relevant section implements the recommended action.

If the decision is to rework, the product will be re-inspected to conform the specified requirements are met before releasing to the next stage. If the decision is to scrap, then a Reject Label is attached until it is disposed. Recovery of concessions/deviations will be informed to the customer. Records pertaining to the non-conforming products are maintained in files by the relevant departments as Quality Records. All records pertaining to the Control of Non-Conforming Products are analyzed by Production Manager as per Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure.

7.3.0 Internal Quality Audit:

7.3.1 Responsibility Director General Manager Management Representative Internal Quality Audit Team Quality Steering Committee (QSC)

7.3.2 Purpose of Internal Quality Audit The purpose of Internal Auditing is to ensure that the Quality Management System is being operated correctly and effectively, by performing planned and documented checks, designed to ensure that: The Quality System documentation adequately defines the needs of the business The documented Procedures and Work Instructions are practical, understood and implemented. The training of employees is adequate to allow them to do their tasks

The purpose of Internal Audits is not to search for the guilty, or to find fault with individuals' performance. The System is being audited - not the individuals. Persons performing audit (Auditors), must be suitably qualified, and must approach this important task with the seriousness it deserves. Internal Audits are the most effective way of continually assessing the effectiveness of the Quality System - they provide feedback. 7.3.3 Responsibilities The MR is responsible for ensuring that the Internal Audit program takes place, for allocation and training of Internal Auditors, and for preparing and approving the Internal Audit Schedule. Responsibilities of the Auditor are described in the following paragraphs. The MR is responsible for nominating suitably qualified individuals to perform Internal Auditing. 7.3.4 Definition of an Audit An internal quality audit is a structured and independent examination to determine whether activities and their related results comply with planned arrangements, and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively. Other types of Audit may take place - Health & Safety, Financial etc. - but they are outside the scope of this procedure. 7.3.5 Definition of an Auditor An auditor is a person who is qualified to carry out the task of auditing the Company's Quality Management System. He will survey and sample the Quality Management System by questioning, listening, observing, challenging, and noting facts, which allows him to compare the activity with the planned arrangements in an impartial manner. Wherever possible, the Auditor will be independent of the process / activity being audited. 7.3.6 Definition of an Auditee An Auditee is the person who is being audited. He must supply information to the Auditor. In many audits there is more than one Auditee. 7.3.7 Procedure The process of Internal Auditing falls into five broad categories:

Audit Planning Audit Preparation Auditing Writing the Audit Report Following up the Actions

Audit Planning Audit Planning consists of preparing the Internal Audit Schedule, which is a controlled document, authorized by the MR. The schedule covers all aspects of the Quality Management System at least once a year - although particular activities may be audited more frequently depending on their importance. The Schedule has room (time) for unscheduled audits in response to: anticipated problem areas / actual problems / requests from Management / unforeseen changes in circumstances. Audit Preparation

The Auditor will prepare for each Audit as follows: By reading through previous Audit reports covering the same area (in order that previous 'problem areas' can be examined in more detail, or that areas previously unexamined can be looked at more closely) By familiarizing himself with the requirements of ISO 9001 - 2000 and the local standards (Quality Manual / Procedures / Work Instructions) By contacting the Auditee and confirming the date/time for the Audit By preparing an Audit Checklist or similar aide-memoir

Auditing During the Audit, the Auditor will: Make use of standard Auditing Techniques to collect objective information concerning the subject being audited Not respond to rumor and hearsay Avoid confrontational situations and arguments Make notes to aid in the writing of the Audit Report Collect documentary evidence of conformity or nonconformity Note where current procedures could be improved Keep the Auditee informed as to the progress of the Audit and any findings

Writing the Audit Report After the Audit, the Auditor will prepare an Audit Report, which classifies the findings of the Audit as follows: Acceptable - satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001 - 2000 and the Company's own standards, procedures, manual etc. Major - fails to satisfy the requirements of ISO 9001 Minor - satisfies ISO 9001 but fails to satisfy the Company's own internal standards, procedures, manual etc. Observation - An area of weakness that could be improved Records the good points as well as the bad and Records only factual evidence (not hearsay) Makes constructive suggestions where possible Clearly identifies the areas where corrective actions are required, and who is responsible for carrying them out Contains: Scope of the Audit / Date of the Audit / Names of the Auditor & Auditee / Location of the Audit / Distribution List for the Audit Report / signed-off by all parties as being a true and accurate representation of the facts.

Following-up the Actions The Auditor is responsible for checking that follow-up actions have taken place. If an Auditee persistently fails to carry out the assigned follow-up actions, the auditor must inform the MR, who will take steps to ensure that the follow-up actions take place. As the follow-up actions are completed the Auditor will record them by up-issuing the original Audit Report. Once all follow-up actions have been completed, the Auditor will sign-off the Audit Report as 'complete'. Quality Records Completed Audit Records are stored as Quality Records - and have the following important functions: Demonstrating that the Audit System exists, is functioning & effective Allowing analysis of types of problems - and identifying the most common problems so that preventative action can be taken Analyzing response & correction times Allowing the Auditor to prepare for Audits by reviewing the past Audit Reports for that area or function. Providing valuable summary for use in Management Reviews of the Quality System

7.4 Corrective & Preventive Action:

7.4.1 Responsibilities and Authorities Managing Director Director General Manager Management Representative Departmental Heads

7.4.2 Procedure of correction:

Customer Complaints/Compliments (Favor): On receipt of a customer complaint / compliment (favor) by the relevant CSD personnel all details are entered into the Customer Complaint Management System. A Free of Charge (FOC / Complaint No.) is obtained and the Complaint Sheet is generated from the system. The complaint is forwarded to the relevant department for them to identify root causes for the Customer Complaints. Corrective actions are identified and recorded in the Complaint / Compliment (Favor) Management System and are approved by the Managing Director / Director. The Customer complaints (FOC) are resolved within 3 (three) days.

Departmental Non-Conformities (Internal NCRs) All non-conformities are recorded on the internal NCR format. Root cause analysis is done by the technical team of the department and corrective action is decided which will be approved by the Director. All the summarized reports are submitted for the Management Review Meeting (MRM).

Preventive Action As per the Data Analysis carried out, preventive actions are identified for the elimination of potential non-conformities. Any staff in the company can propose potential non-conformities on the experience gained by analyzing the processes. Preventive actions thus identified are forwarded to the management for their approval and implementation The MR monitors the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive actions implemented. Relevant information on action taken is submitted for management review. 7.4.3 ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT: Area of Improvement Product quality Strategies and action taken o Actions taken to improve the quality of raw materials by better sourcing o Recruit efficient new people as well as make a good arrangement for trained up the Q.C. people Ensure on-time delivery and rich logistics department For best level of customer service we have increase C.S. manpower & giving them proper training Ensure strong follow-up by arranging more meetings and focusing on delivery lead time Giving training to improve answering manner Strongly taken initiative to minimize O.H. cost and offer best price Decentralized the authority for quoting the price to our P.D. dept and marketing manager Responsibility Concern production manager

Timeliness to delivery Level of customer care

Logistic In-charge Concern C.S. person

Follow up action by STS staff Answering manner by STS staff Competitiveness of price Timeliness in quotation

Concern C.S. person

Concern C.S. & marketing P.D in charge P.D. in marketing

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