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Rules for working push pull trains.



Rules for working push pull trains

PPR-I : (i) In addition to these rules, all general and subsidiary rules which control the movement and operation of Steam Diesel & Electric trains shall also apply to the movement and operation of push pull trains except as other-wise provided in these rules. (ii) Station Masters, Inspectors and staff working push pull trains must have thorough knowledge of these rules. PPR-II : (i) Push pull train means a train having a DSL. Loco in the middle with coaches attached on both sides with two driving cabs having electrical controls one on each end. PPR-III : Definitions : (i) (ii) Motorman :- means a duly certified Loco pilot of a push pull train. Guards emergency brake valve :- means a valve fitted in the driving compartments of push pull train equipped with compressed air brakes, by means of which Guard can apply the brakes of the train in times of emergencies. Jumpers :- means multiple cone flexible cables connected between all coaches of push pull trains by which the control of the electrical equipment is effected from any driving compartment in use. Trailer coach :- means one of the two driving coaches in rear of train duly occupied by Guard incharge of the train.



PPR-IV : Only one Motorman is necessary for operation of a push pull train. The following exceptions are permitted : (a) GR 4.15 (1) (a) : Side Lights showing white towards the front and red towards the rear are not provided on push pull trains. (b) SR-6.03/3 (a) (iv) : On a push pull train only one Motorman is provided for driving and he must not leave his post except for attending to defective equipment in his train and for protection. On a Double or Multiple line section if adjacent line is obstructed or fouled Motorman himself will protect in front as per GR. 6.03.


Rules for working push pull trains.


PPR-V : Work inside push pull Car Shed :In case of work to be done in push pull trains Car Shed, it should be ensured that proper safety precautions are taken like display of red flag/fixed light, blocking of the movement on the line by scotch block and locking the same. PPR-VI : Fire : (i) In the event of a fire on a push pull train stock, the Motorman shall immediately switch off the circuit breakers and shut down the engine. The train shall be brought to a stop at once. The Guard shall give all possible assistance to the Loco pilot in putting out the fire. The fire extinguishers of approved type shall be provided on each driving coach of a Push Pull train, when a rake is turned out from the Car Shed. The SSE/SE(C&W) Incharge of the Shed shall inspect the fire extinguishers and ensure that these are in good working order.

(ii) (iii)

PPR-VII : Every employee in the push pull train must immediately inform the section controller by telephone as quickly as possible in the event of (a) Accident (b) Disabling of train (c) Any unusual occurrence affecting the working of trains. PPR-VIII : No unauthorised person is allowed to travel in Motorman or Guards compartment or Diesel Loco of a push pull train unless he holds a Motorman or Guards compartment pass. The number of authorised persons, other than the Motorman and Guard (if travelling with Motorman) travelling in Motormans cabin must not be more than two at any time. PPR-IX : The Push Pull train shall carry (a) one headlight (b) one flasher light (c) one red tail light (d) two marker lights (e) one code light. PPR-X : Responsibility for headlights of push pull trains : The Motorman is responsible for carrying out the correct headlights by night and for ensuring that the tail light are not exhibited in the front. The Guard is responsible for seeing that the tail light/tail board as the case may be are correctly exhibited. In case of failure of electrical red lights, the Guard shall fix his hand signal lamp on the bracket provided for this purpose. PPR-XI : Lighting and Fans Circuits of Push Pull Trains :Guards must regulate the lighting of coaches and switch off the fans when not required. In the event of a defect in the lighting, the Guard will inform the Motorman and the next Station Master who will inform control to arrange for electrical staff to rectify the defects.


Rules for working push pull trains.


PPR-XII (i) Before a push pull train is brought on to a running line after inspection or maintenance in a shed or stabling line, the brakes of the train shall be jointly checked by the Motorman and the Guard to ensure that the brakes are functioning normally and the brake pipe is continuous through out the train, the horns should be sounded and precautions taken to see that no one is working on push pull train before the brake test is undertaken. (ii) As far as possible, this joint test should be taken before the push pull train leaves the shed or stabling line. However, if specially authorised the brake test may be taken on the platform before commencement of the first trip. (iii) Examination and adjustment of brakes must be carefully carried out before entering service. Motorman must ensure that jumpers and hose pipes are properly secured in their dummy receptacles after coupling. He must make a careful examination of the rake before taking into service. Any deficit or deficiency must be brought to the notice of the Supervisor. The Motorman must see that the Defect Card/Repair book is in position and all defects entered have been rectified and initialled by supervisor maintenance to this effect. (iv) When taking over from another Motorman, it will be his duty to ascertain whether any defect exists and the Motorman with handing over must acquaint him while any fault or defect likely to affect the working of the train. (v) The above procedure must always be carried out most carefully when putting the unit into service after stabling, also after the two units have been coupled up. The train crew must assist the station staff in coupling & uncoupling the units. PPR-XIII : Working of V.C.D. (Vigilance Control Device) : (i) VCD has been provided in the motor cab of the push pull train. The Motorman should normally press VCD push button once every 60 seconds to confirm that he is fully alert. VCD shall operate bringing the engine to idle and apply train brakes by venting of brake pipe pressure to atmosphere in case the Motorman does not perform any of the following functions for 60 seconds. (a) Press VCD Push Button. (b) Press Horn Push Button. (c) Change the throttle position. (d) Apply Brake. If for 60 seconds none of the above mentioned functions has been



Rules for working push pull trains.


performed by Motorman, a light shall flash in Motor cab for 17 seconds. If still Motorman does not perform any of the 4 functions mentioned above a bell sounds upto next 17 seconds to alert the Motorman. If still none of above mentioned functions is performed VCD shall come in Penalty position and apply the train brakes. (iii) For resetting the VCD after a penalty application Motorman should. a) Bring throttle to idle position. b) Push rest button of VCD. PPR-XIV (i) Every Motorman and Guard must have with him while on duty all the equipment prescribed in PPR-XXI. (ii) The Guard and the Motorman should ensure that emergency telephone set is provided both in the front and rear cab before starting the train.

PPR-XV (I) In coupling the unit together, the station staff/Car Shed staff will be responsible for seeing that the jumper connections are properly made. Care is to be taken not to touch the contacts or to let them come into contact with the rails, ballast or metal work of the coach when inserting jumpers in the receptacles provided. In all cases, this operation will be carried out under the supervision of the Motorman who will ensure that all the motor, generator sets are switched off. Guards are responsible for seeing that all lights and fans switches and the main light switches are off before units are coupled or uncoupled. PPR-XVI : Formation of push pull trains : Unless special instructions are issued to the contrary, the formation of push pull trains is not to be altered. Push pull trains are not to be used to haul ordinary train coaches. PPR-XVII : Shunting of push pull Trains : When shunting is to be performed, the rules contained in GR 5.14 and SRs thereunder must be complied with. PPR-XVIII : Working of push pull trains when Loco pilot is not operating from the front cab : (A) The rules contained in GR-4.21 should also be applicable for the push pull trains. The speed should not exceed 15 KMPH. G.R. 4.21. Driving a push pull Train : 1. In case of a push pull train, the Loco pilot /Motorman shall be in the leading driving compartment when the train is in motion or train is


Rules for working push pull trains.



stationary on any running line, except as otherwise prescribed in these rules. (a) In the case of a push pull train, if the driving apparatus in the leading driving compartment becomes defective, the train shall be driven cautiously from the rear driving compartment. In this event the Guard shall travel in the leading driving compartment and shall convey the necessary signals to the Loco pilot , the Guard shall also sound the horn or whistle as necessary and apply the brake in case of emergency and shall be responsible for stopping the train correctly at signals, stations and obstructions. (b) Before giving the starting code signal to the Motorman, the Guard must satisfy himself that the correct signals are shown for train to start and that the section is clear. The Guard must keep a good look out and must exhibit a signal to the Motorman. The absence of such signals shall indicate the danger and the Motorman must stop at once. He must keep a good look out and be prepared to stop the train when necessary. He will also be responsible for observing all further signals en route. All caution orders warning notices, advices and authorities regarding defective signals, authorities to proceed with or without line clear etc. must be first delivered to the Loco pilot who will countersign these before they are sent to the Guard in the leading compartment. The Guard will retain such documents that the orders are carried out. At the end of the run these documents must be handed over to the Motorman and his signatures obtained.

PPR-XIX : (a) The following code of bell signals shall be given by the Guard and acknowledged by the Motorman :Indication 1. Starting train 2. Starting train when working under GR 4.21 3. Push back train 4. Stop train 5. Stop train when working under GR 4.21 6. Guard leaving the cab. Code 00 00-00 000 0 0000 00-0000 Acknowledged by Motorman 00 (Starting the train) 00-00 000 0 (Stopping the train) 0000 00-0000


Rules for working push pull trains.



The following code of bell signals shall be given by the Motorman and acknowledged by the Guard :Indication Code 0000-0000 Acknowledged by Guard 0000-0000

1. Passing an automatic signal in ON position as per GR 9.02. 2. Train running through station. 3. Guard required by Motorman 4. Motorman has received an authority to pass a signal at danger. 5. For testing the brakes. 6. Protect train in rear Note : 0 means One ring.

00 000-000 0000-00

00 000-000 0000-00 (followed by code to start the train) 00000 000-0000

00000 000-0000

PPR-XX : Disabled train :- In the event of push pull train failing, another Diesel engine may be used to assist the disabled train. Only after the Motorman has certified that it is safe to be moved, and under no circumstances, push pull train rakes are equipped with compressed air brakes, the train will be controlled by engine brakes only. The speed hauling a disabled train must be cautious. PPR-XXI : Working of alarm bell and inter communication chain apparatus of push pull train. When in an emergency the inter communication chain handle is pulled by a passenger a red disc rotates in the corresponidng coach and an Electrical contact is made completing the electric circuit of the alarm bell located in each driving cab. The bell will continuously ring in both the cabs warning Motorman to stop the train immediately. On hearing the alarm bell, the Motorman should apply the emergency brakes and stop the train as per extant rules. After ascertaining the reason of alarm chain pulling the Guard should reset the disc in the corresponding coach. (i) The following articles shall comprise the prescribed equipment of a Guard working on push pull train which he must carry with him at all times while performing duty : 1. 2. One flashing hand signal lamp (tri-colour). One set of flags (one green 2 red).


Rules for working push pull trains.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Two flag sticks of aluminium telescopic pipes. One First-Aid Box. One case containing 10 detonators. One Tail board. One Whistle. One carriage key. One ACP resetting key. One watch. One Working Time-Table. One Rule Book. One Guards memo book. Competency Certificate of working in Automatic Block System.

(ii) The following articles shall comprise personal equipment of Loco pilot Working on push pull train which he must carry with him at all times while performing duty :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Note Book/trouble shooting diary Working Time-Table Carriage key Hand signal flag (red & green with sticks) Flashing hand signal lamp (tri-colour) One case containing 10 detonators Competency Certificate if working in automatic system Rule Book Duster Watch ACP resetting key. 1 1 1 2 each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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