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The Day After Tomorrow

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The Day After Tomorrow

#oland $mmerich #oland $mmerich Produced by %ark &ordon #oland $mmerich Written by Jeffrey 'achmanoff Dennis (uaid Jake &yllenhaal Starring $mmy #ossum )an *olm +ela Ward Music by *arald ,loser Cinematography -eli +teiger Editing by David .renner /entropolis $ntertainment Studio 0ions &ate Distributed by 12th /entury Fo3 %ay 14, 1224 ('ew 5ork /ity premiere! Release dates %ay 16, 1224 (-nited +tates! Running time 718 minutes

Directed by

Country Language Budget Box office

-nited +tates $nglish 971: million 9:44,1;1,421<7=

The Day After Tomorrow is a 1224 American science fiction disaster film co>written, directed, and produced y #oland $mmerich" The film depicts fictional catastrophic climatic effects in a series of e3treme weather events that usher in glo al cooling and leads to a new ice age" The film was made in Toronto and %ontreal and is the highest> grossing *ollywood film to e made in /anada (if ad?usted for inflation!" @riginally planned for release in the summer of 122A, The Day After Tomorrow premiered in %e3ico /ity on %ay 7;, 1224 and was released worldwide from %ay 18 to %ay 16 e3cept in +outh ,orea and Japan, where it was released June 4B:, respectively"


7 Clot 1 /ast A Croduction 4 #eception o 4"7 .o3 office o 4"1 /ritical reaction o 4"A Awards and nominations : /riticism 8 *ome media ; +ee also 6 #eferences D $3ternal links

@n an e3pedition in Antarctica, paleoclimatologist Jack *all and his colleagues Frank and Jason are drilling for ice>core samples on the 0arsen )ce +helf for the '@AA when the shelf reaks off" 0ater, Jack presents his findings on glo al warming at a -nited 'ations conference, ut fails to convince diplomats or Eice Cresident of the -nited +tates #aymond .ecker" *owever, Crofessor Terry #apson of the *edland /limate #esearch /entre in +cotland elieves in JackFs theories" +everal uoys in the 'orth Atlantic simultaneously show a massive drop in the ocean temperature, and #apson concludes that melting polar ice has started to disrupt the 'orth Atlantic current" *e contacts Jack, whose paleoclimatological weather model shows how climate changes caused the first )ce Age" *is team, along with 'A+AFs meteorologist Janet Tokada, uilds a forecast model"

Across the world, violent weather causes mass destruction" -"+" Cresident .lake authoriGes the FAA to suspend all air traffic due to severe tur ulence" At the )nternational +pace +tation ()++! three astronauts see a huge storm system spanning the northern hemisphere, delaying their return home" The situation worsens when the storm system develops into three massive hurricane>like super storms with eyes holding >7:2 degree Fahrenheit temperatures that freeGes anything it comes in contact with" The three cells are located over 'orthern /anada, +i eria and +cotland" The weather ecomes increasingly violent, causing traffic>?ammed %anhattan streets to ecome flooded knee>deep" JackFs son +am, visiting 'ew 5ork /ity as he is participating in a decathlon, calls his father, promising to e on the ne3t train home, ut flooding closes the su ways and &rand /entral Terminal" As the storm worsens, a massive wave hits %anhattan" +am and his friends seek shelter with a large group of people in the 'ew 5ork Cu lic 0i rary, ut not efore his friend and love interest, 0aura gets in?ured" Cresident .lake orders the evacuation of the southern states of the -nited +tates, causing almost all of the refugees to head to %e3ico" Jack and his team set out for %anhattan to find his son" Their truck crashes into another vehicle ?ust past Chiladelphia, so the group continues on snowshoes" %ost of the group taking shelter in the li rary leaves when the water outside freeGes, leaving ?ust +am and a few others" They urn ooks to stay alive and reak into a vending machine for food" While ?ourneying to 'ew 5ork, Frank falls through the glass roof of a snow>covered shopping mall" As Jason and Jack try to pull him up, the glass under them continues cracking and Frank sacrifices himself y cutting the rope" 0aura appears to have a cold, so +am comforts her and confesses his feelings for her" )n %e3ico, Eice Cresident .ecker hears from the +ecretary of +tate that Cresident .lakeFs motorcade was caught in the super storm efore it could make it to %e3ico causing Eice Cresident .ecker to e sworn in as the new Cresident" The ne3t morning, the group determine that 0aura has lood poisoning from the cut on her leg, so +am and two others search for penicillin in a derelict #ussian cargo>ship that drifted inland" The eye of the super storm passes over the city and the three arely return to the li rary with medicine in time" During the deep freeGe, Jack and Jason take shelter in an a andoned WendyFs restaurant" -pon reaching %anhattan, Jack and Jason discover the li rary uried in snow, ut find +amFs group alive" They radio this to the government>in>e3ile in %e3ico and Cresident .ecker orders helicopters flown into 'ew 5ork, finding more survivors" .ecker orders search>and>rescue teams to look for other survivors as he gives his first address to the nation" The movie concludes with the astronauts looking down at $arth from the +pace +tation, showing most of the northern hemisphere covered in ice and snow, with one of the astronauts stating H0ook at that""""*ave you ever seen the air so clearIH


Dennis (uaid as Crofessor Jack *all Jake &yllenhaal as +am *all $mmy #ossum as 0aura /hapman )an *olm as Crofessor Terry #apson +ela Ward as Dr" 0ucy *all /hristopher .ritton as Eorsteen Ar?ay +mith as .rian Carks Dash %ihok as Jason $vans Jay @" +anders as Frank *arris +asha #oiG as Carker Austin 'ichols as J"D" Adrian 0ester as +imon Tamlyn Tomita as Janet Tokada &lenn Clummer as 0uther Cerry ,ing as Cresident .lake ,enneth Welsh as Eice Cresident (later Cresident! #aymond .ecker Amy +loan as $lsa +heila %c/arthy as Judith 'estor +errano as Tom &omeG /hristian Tessier as Aaron

This section does not cite any references or sources" Clease help improve this section y adding citations to relia le sources" -nsourced material may e challenged and removed" (July 2012) The film was inspired y The Coming Global Superstorm, a ook co>authored y Coast to Coast A talk radio host Art .ell and Whitley +trie er" +trie er also wrote the filmFs noveliGation" The ook HThe +i3th WinterH written y Douglas @rgill and John &ri in and pu lished in 7D;D, follows a similar theme" +o does the novel !"e#, y Arnold Feder ush, pu lished in 7D;6" +hortly efore and during the release of the film, mem ers of environmental and political advocacy groups distri uted pamphlets to moviegoers descri ing what they elieved to e the possi le effects of glo al warming" Although the film depicts some effects of glo al warming predicted y scientists, such as rising sea levels, more destructive storms, and disruption of ocean currents and weather patterns, it depicts these events happening much more rapidly and severely than is considered scientifically plausi le, and the theory that a HsuperstormH will create rapid worldwide climate change does not appear in the scientific literature" When the film was playing in theaters, much criticism was directed at -"+" politicians concerning their re?ection of the ,yoto Crotocol and climate change" The filmFs scientific adviser was Dr" %ichael %olitor, a leading climate change consultant who worked as a negotiator on the ,yoto Crotocol"

Box office
@ver its four>day %emorial Day opening, the film grossed 96:,62;,A47J however, it still ranked K1 for the weekend, ehind Shre$ 2Fs 9D:,:;6,A8: 4>day tally, however The Day After Tomorrow led the per>theater average chart with a four>day average of 91:,2:A, compared to Shre$ 2Fs four>day average of 911,8AA" At the end of its o3 office run, the film grossed 9768,;42,;DD domestically and 9:41,;;7,;;1 worldwide"<7= The film did well at the o3 office, grossing 9:41,;;7,;;1 internationally" )t is the si3th> highest grossing film not to e K7 in the -nited +tates ( ehind y %ig &at Gree$ 'e((ing, Al)in an( the Chipmun$s and its seLuel, Sherlo"$ *olmes, and !"e Age+ Dawn of the Dinosaurs!" *owever worldwide, it is third ehind only !"e Age+ Dawn of the Dinosaurs and Casino ,oyale"

Critical reaction
The Day After Tomorrow generated mi3ed reviews from oth the science and entertainment communities" The online entertainment guide, #otten Tomatoes, rated the film at 4:M, with an average rating of :"AN72" The siteFs general consensus states that it was HA ludicrous popcorn flick filled with clunky dialogues, ut spectacular visuals save it from eing a total disaster"H<1= #oger $ ert of the Chi"ago Sun-Times, praised the filmFs special effects, giving the film three stars out of four" $nvironmental activist and The Guar(ian columnist &eorge %on iot called The Day After Tomorrow Ha great movie and lousy science"H<A= )n a .SA To(ay editorial y Catrick J" %ichaels, a #esearch Crofessor of $nvironmental +ciences at the -niversity of Eirginia who re?ects the scientific evidence for glo al warming, %ichaels called the film Hpropaganda,H noting, HAs a scientist, ) ristle when lies dressed up as FscienceF are used to influence political discourse"H<4= )n a Spa"e Daily editorial y Joseph &utheinG, a college instructor and retired 'A+A @ffice of )nspector &eneral, +enior +pecial Agent, &utheinG called the film Ha cheap thrill ride, which many weak>minded people will ?ump on and stay on for the rest of their lives"H<:= Caleoclimatologist William *yde of Duke -niversity was asked on -senet whether he would e seeing the filmJ he responded that he would not unless someone were to offer him 9722"<8= @ther readers of the newsgroup took this as a challenge, and (despite *ydeFs protests! raised the necessary funds" *ydeFs review criticiGed the filmFs portrayal of weather phenomena that stopped at national orders, and finished y saying that it was Hto climate science as &ran$enstein is to heart transplant surgeryH, as Luoted in /ew S"ientist" *owever, +tefan #ahmstorf of the Cotsdam )nstitute for /limate )mpact #esearch, e3pert for thermohaline ocean circulation and its effects on climate, was impressed how the script writer Jeffrey 'achmanoff was well informed a out the science and politics of

glo al climate change after the talk with him at the preview of the film in .erlin" *e stated: H/learly this is a disaster movie and not a scientific documentary, the film makers have taken a lot of artistic license" .ut the film presents an opportunity to e3plain that some of the asic ackground is right: humans are indeed increasingly changing the climate and this is Luite a dangerous e3periment, including some risk of a rupt and unforeseen changes" After all > our knowledge of the climate system is still rather limited, and we will pro a ly see some surprises as our e3periment with the atmosphere unfolds" 0uckily it is e3tremely unlikely that we will see ma?or ocean circulation changes in the ne3t couple of decades ()Od e ?ust as surprised as Jack *all if they did occur!J at least most scientists think this will only ecome a more serious risk towards the end of the century" And the conseLuences would certainly not e as dramatic as the Psuper>stormO depicted in the movie" 'evertheless, a ma?or change in ocean circulation is a risk with serious and partly unpredicta le conseLuences, which we should avoid" And even without events like ocean circulation changes, climate change is serious enough to demand decisive action" ) think it would e a mistake and not do the film ?ustice if scientists simply dismiss it as nonsense" For what it is, a lock uster movie that has to earn ack 712 %9 production cost, it is pro a ly as good as you can get" For this type of movie for a very road audience it is actually Luite su versive and manages to slip in many thought>provoking things" )Fm sure people will not confuse the film with reality, they are not stupid > they will know it is a work of fiction" .ut ) hope that it will stir their interest for the su ?ect, and that they might take more notice when real climate change and climate policy will e discussed in future"H<;= )n 1226, 5ahooQ %ovies listed The Day After Tomorrow as one of Top 72 +cientifically )naccurate %ovies"<6= The film was criticiGed for depicting several different meteorological phenomena occurring over the course of hours, instead of the possi le time frame of several decades or centuries"<D=

!ards and nominations

Sub"ect .est +cience Fiction Film +aturn Awards .est +pecial $ffects .AFTA Awards .est Eisual $ffects E$+ Awards .est +ingle Eisual $ffect .est Action +eLuence %TE %ovie .est Awards .reakthrough Cerformance )rish Film R .est )nternational !ard #ominee Result 'ominated 'ominated Won ,aren $" &oulekas, 'eil /or ould, &reg +trause and #emo .alcells 'ominated 'ominated HThe destruction of 0os AngelesH $mmy #ossum Jake &yllenhaal Won 'ominated 'ominated

Television Actor Awards &olden Trailer .est Action Film 'ominated Awards $nvironmental .est Film Won %edia Awards .%) Film Awards .est %usic *arald ,loser Won %ark C" +toeckinger, 0arry ,emp, .est +ound &lenn T" %organ, Alan #ankin, %ichael &olden #eel $diting > $ffects ,amper, Ann +ci elli, #andy ,elley, 'ominated Awards R Foley *arry /ohen, .o .eher and /raig +" Jaeger

There was some controversy regarding the casting of ,enneth Welsh as the Eice> Cresident of the -nited +tates due to his striking physical resem lance to then Eice> Cresident Dick /heney" #oland $mmerich later confirmed that he deli erately chose Welsh for that very reason" $mmerich stated that the characters of the Cresident and Eice>Cresident in the film were intended to e a not>so>su tle criticism of the environmental policies of the presidency of &eorge W" .ush" The White *ouse did not respond to reLuests for comment on the film"<72= )n response to accusations of insensitivity y including scenes of 'ew 5ork /ity eing devastated less than three years after the +eptem er 77 attacks, $mmerich claims that it was necessary to depict the event as a means to showcase the increased unity people now have when facing a disaster, ecause of DN77"<77=<71=<7A= A num er of scientists were critical of the scientific aspects of the film:

Daniel P$ Schrag, a paleoclimatologist and professor of $arth and planetary sciences at *arvard -niversity, e3pressed oth support and concern a out the film, stating that H@n the one hand, )Fm glad that thereFs a ig> udget movie a out something as critical as climate change" @n the other, )Fm concerned that people will see these over>the>top effects and think the whole thing is a ?oke""" We are indeed e3perimenting with the $arth in a way that hasnFt een done for millions of years" .ut youFre not going to see another ice age B at least not like that"H Marshall Shepherd, a research meteorologist at the 'A+A &oddard +pace Flight /enter e3pressed similar sentiments, stating that H)Fm heartened that thereFs a movie addressing real climate issues" .ut as for the science of the movie, )Fd give it a D minus or an F" And )Fd e concerned if the movie was made to advance a political agenda"H ndre! Wea%er, a climatologist at the -niversity of Eictoria said, H)tFs The Towering !nferno of climate science movies, ut )Fm not losing any sleep over a new ice age, ecause itFs impossi le"H<72=

&ome media
This section does not cite any references or sources" Clease help improve this section y adding citations to relia le sources" -nsourced material may e challenged and removed" (July 2012) The Day After Tomorrow was first released on DED in 'orth America on @cto er 71, 1224, in oth widescreen and full screen versions" )t also had a limited E*+ release with a full screen format" A 1>disc HcollectorFs editionH containing production featurettes, two documentaries (a H ehind>the>scenesH and another called HThe Forces of DestinyH!, story oards and concept sketches was released on %ay 14, 122:" The film was released in high>definition video on .lu>ray Disc in 'orth America on @cto er 1, 122;, and in the -nited ,ingdom on April 16, 1226, in full 7262p with a lossless DT+>*D %aster Audio track ut with few onus features" The film made 9772 million in DED sales, ringing its total film gross to 98:1,;;7,;;1"

See also
Film portal

*istorical events 7DDA +torm of the /entury, a large cyclonic storm that occurred on %arch 71B7A, 7DDA, on the $ast /oast of 'orth America .ooks and literature The Coming Global Superstorm, a ook on which the movie is ased &ifty Degrees %elow, a ,im +tanley #o inson novel in which greenhouse warming similarly disrupts the &ulf +treamJ the rate of cooling is somewhat less e3aggerated Si0 Degrees+ 1ur &uture on a *otter 2lanet, a non>fiction ook Time of the Great &ree3e, a novel y #o ert +ilver erg a out a second )ce Age The 'orl( in 'inter, a 7D81 ook y John /hristopher a out the eginning of a new ice age Film

!"e, a 7DD6 film with a similar premise starring &rant +how, -do ,ier, and $va 0a #ue<7:= 2012 4nowing


HThe %idnight +un,H an episode of The Twilight 5one in which $arth is rapidly heating Superstorm, a 122; ../ miniseries HTwo Days .efore the Day After TomorrowH, an episode of South 2ar$ that parodies the film

S Jump up to: a b The Day After Tomorrow (1224!" %o0 1ffi"e o6o" )%D " #etrieved April 78, 1277" 1" 'ump up ( HThe Day After TomorrowH" ,otten Tomatoes" Fli3ter" #etrieved April 78, 1277" A" 'ump up ( %on iot, &eorge" (%ay 74, 1224!" HA hard rainFs a>gonna fallH" Guar(ian7"o7u$" #etrieved April 78, 1277" 4" 'ump up ( Catrick J" %ichaels" HFDay After TomorrowF: A lot of hot airH" .SATo(ay7"om" #etrieved April 78, 1277" :" 'ump up ( #ichard &utheinG Jr", Joseph (%ay 1;, 1224!" HThere Will .e A Day After TomorrowH" Spa"eDaily7"om" #etrieved April 78, 1277" 8" 'ump up ( HThe Day After TomorrowH" #etrieved July 77, 1271" ;" 'ump up ( http:NNwww"pik>potsdam"deNTstefanNtdatUreview"html 6" 'ump up ( HTop 72 +cientifically )naccurate %oviesH" 8ahoo# o)ies (July 1A, 1226!" #etrieved April 78, 1277" D" 'ump up ( HDisaster Flick $3aggerates +peed of )ce AgeH" S"ien"eDaily7"om (%ay 7A, 1224!" #etrieved April 78, 1277 72" S Jump up to: a b .owles, +cott (%ay 18, 1224!" HFThe Day After TomorrowF heats up a political de ateH" .SATo(ay7"om" #etrieved January 71, 122D" 77" 'ump up ( &ilchrist, Todd (%ay 1224!" HThe Day After Tomorrow: An )nterview with #oland $mmerichH" %la"$&ilm7"om" #etrieved %arch 78, 122D" 71" 'ump up ( #o ert $pstein, Daniel" H#oland $mmerich of The Day After Tomorrow (12th /entury Fo3! )nterviewH" .G17"om" #etrieved %arch 78, 122D" 7A" 'ump up ( /hau, Thomas (%ay 1;, 1224!" H)'T$#E)$W: Director #oland $mmerich on HThe Day After TomorrowHH" Cinema Confi(ential" #etrieved %arch 78, 122D" 74" 'ump up ( H0eeFs %ovie )nfo > DED +ales /hart > 1224 Full 5earH" 9ee:s o)ie!nfo7net" #etrieved April 78, 1277" 7:" 'ump up ( H)ce (7DD6!H" ! Db" AmaGon"com" #etrieved July 77, 1271" 7"

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