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How to Change Tyre (by Brendan O'Connell at .

Bren: Ok, everybody who drives a car knows that occasionally[1] you get a puncture[2] or a flat tyre[3]. So, it is i portant to know how to change a tyre in case of[!] an e ergency. So, today "# going to show you how to change a tyre[$]. "#

going to need a few tools,

first of all a wheel brace, which is %ust a big spanner Jane+ (hat#s a brand new[1,] tyre- "s it. Bren: "t#s never been used. Jane: So, it#s brand new then. Bren: "t#s %ust for e ergencies. "#

for undoing the bolts['], and a

screwdriver. (ake the spare tyre[)] out of the boot[*].

%ust going to take the hub cap[11] off[12]. " use the going to undo [13] the anti2

screwdriver. /ush it into the 000 Ok. 1ow, with the wheel brace "# clockwise[1&]. 3ust loosen the move) "#

bolts. (he first thing " have to do is loosen the bolts[1!], that#s turn[1$] the

before you lift the car up. So, " put the spanner on the

bolt. (Brendan loosens the bolts you can hear that the bolts are very tight and difficult to going to use this tool, it#s called a %ack[1'], to lift the car up or to %ack the car up[1)]. So put the %ack under the car. Jane: 4ow do you know where to put it. Bren: "f you look in the car, in the user#s anual[1*] it tells you e5actly where to put the %ack. "f you put it in the wrong place it will go through the floor[2,] and da age the car. Jane: 6ight, O7. Oh yes the car is going off the ground now. " can see the wheel co ing up. Bren: 8ift it so the car is off the ground. Jane: 4ow far off the ground does it have to be. Bren: "t %ust needs to be a few inches of the ground. 9 few centi etres. Jane: Ok. Bren: " turn it anti2clockwise to undo the bolts. 1ow, that#s a bolt and it has got a thread on it like that. (Brendan shows the spiral form of the bolt thread) So, now the car is %acked up and the bolts are out, "# that#s the old wheel. 1ow " a going to take the tyre off, take the wheel off. So, by turning the clockwise[22]. going to put the spare wheel on. 1ow, we are going to nice and tight. ;e don#t want the tyre falling off[2!]

put the bolts back in and tighten[21] the Jane: :ake sure that[23] you get the while we are driving.

Bren: (hank you 3ane. (spo en with a sarcastic tone) Jane: 9lways ready with a useful piece of advice[2$]. Bren: 1ow the bolts are on but they#re not very tight yet, it#s better to tighten the bolts= after we have let the car down Jane: ;hy.


Bren: >ecause otherwise[2'] the car can fall off the %ack. "t could be very dangerous, the car could fall on top of you. Jane+ Oh, because of the ove ent while you are tightening the . Bren: ?es. So, let the %ack down. So, now we tighten the . (Brendan tightens the bolts with wheel brace) /ut the hub cap back on[2)]. 9nd that is how you change a tyre. :aybe one day in an e ergency that will help you.

Here is Audio Word Study #067 on DailyStep !o"

4ere are all the useful e5pressions fro >ren#s >log on how to change a tyre. ?ou can download a free /@A file at the botto of this bo5, and if you want to hear and save the audio, please subscribe here. (o help you re e ber the phrases in this ;ord Study, try speaking along with y audio recording. # occasionally B fro ti e to ti e $ a puncture B a hole in the tyre that causes the tyre to deflate, nor ally caused by so ething sharp such as a nail % a flat tyre B a tyre fro which all the air has escaped C a tyre with no air in it & in case of B in the event of (more formal) ' to change a tyre B to put a new tyre or wheel on the car 6 a spanner B a tool for loosening and tightening nuts and bolts 7 undoing the bolts B loosening the bolts <turning the order to re ove the = ( the spare tyre B the e ergency tyre or wheel (usually stored in the boot or underneath the car) ) the boot B the rear storage area of the car (note: in !merican "nglish this is nown as the trun . #he engine is under the bonnet or$ in the %S!$ the hood) #0 brand new B totally new ## the hub cap B the bolts #$ to take so ething off (phrasal verb) B to re ove so ething #% to undo B to loosen C to disconnect #& loosen the bolts B #' turn B rotate #6 anti2clockwise B in circular direction the opposite way to how a clock #7 a %ack B a tool for raising a vehicle off the ground #( to %ack the car up (phrasal verb& to 'ac something up ( to lift something using a 'ac ) B to raise the car using the %ack #) the user#s anual B the instruction book that is provided with the car $0 it will go through the floor (phrasal verb& to go through ( to puncture ) to penetrate) B it will penetrate the floor oves ove the bolts slightly so that they are easier to take out etal or plastic plate at the centre of a wheel that protects the in an anti2clockwise direction in

$#. to tighten B to turn until fully in place C to fasten tightly into position C to tighter

ake ove

$$ clockwise B in a circular direction, the sa e direction that the hands of a clock $% :ake sure thatD B Ensure thatD (more formal) $& falling off (phrasal verb& to fall off) B beco ing disconnected fro $' a useful piece of advice B a good reco the car to gradually beco e lower $7 >ecause otherwise D B >ecause if notD C >ecause if you don#t do thatD $( /ut the hub cap back on (phrasal verb& to put something bac on) B 6eplace the hub cap 1ow, how endation

$6 we have let the car down (phrasal verb& to let down ( to lower) B we have allowed

any of these can you re e ber. ;atch the video again, read the script and

try to find all these words and phrases. (hat#s all for Audio Word Study #067 on DailyStep !o".

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