Ö The Advantages: Traditional Concrete Block House Construction

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10 July 2004

Irish Farmers Journal


T raditional concrete block house construction the advantages

Main point
Considering Irish farmhouses' high level of exposure, the harsh farm environment and the particular need to be practical and durable, it makes sense to use tried and trusted traditional forms of construction

Murchu By Brian O
Irish Concrete Federation
Irish farmhouses are traditionally strong and durable. Our buildings need to be durable because as an Island nation on the west coast of Europe, wet and windy conditions are common. As people who work outdoors, Irish farmers are acutely aware of the Irish weather and its corrosive effects. The Irish farmyard is a particularly corrosive environment and many farmers, to their cost, have had to deal with severe corrosion in farm buildings. The use of durable materials including concrete, combined with adequate ventilation, has reduced the problem of corrosion. Because of the presence of animal slurry, the farmyard itself is also a corrosive environment. To counteract this, the Department of Agriculture, together with the Irish Concrete Federation, have developed recommended concrete mixes to ensure adequate levels of durability. Much of what applies to constructing farm buildings also applies to building the farmhouse itself. Unlike city dwellers, who live in sheltered building clusters, farmhouses are typically sited in more exposed areas with fewer windbreaks. Because the house is linked to the farm, the farmer cannot easily move house, whereas those in the city move house on average once every seven years. For this reason, `build once and build properly' is a rule which particularly applies to building farmhouses. supporting fixtures in the house, such as kitchen presses, shelving, pictures, or simply a place to hang your coat. By using insulated cavity construction, with concrete blocks plastered on

The use of

flood line and use structural materials such as concrete blocks which can dry out and will not rot. Studies by the UK Department of the Environment have shown that when timber frame buildings are subject to flooding they are very costly to repair and plasterboard etc. has to be removed to allow the structure to dry out.

vermin although they tend not to make their home in concrete structures. Mice which find their way into an insulated timber structure will not be easily removed. Should small animals die within a structure this can cause severe odour and a health hazard.

durable materials including concrete, combined with adequate ventilation, has reduced the

Things to look out for

The most important factor is the selection of materials. Traditionally, farmhouses have been built using stone and concrete blocks and these have withstood the test of time. Sand and cement renders and concrete roof tiles also have proven performance. Using durable materials such as concrete blocks has many advantages. The obvious advantages are that concrete does not rot, rust, warp or burn but there are other factors to be considered.

the inner leaf, it is easy to fix anything to the wall. In contrast, timber frames and plasterboard are very difficult to fix to and generally require specialist fixings.

9. Investment 6. Local labour

Farmhouses are often constructed using locally available tradesmen with the farmer contributing some of his own labour and organisational skills. Using traditional materials and methods or construction is a great advantage since the farmer is familiar with the materials and the correct building details to use to achieve a long-lasting structure. Security of investment is one of the main considerations when building. Using durable forms of construction is the most secure investment in the future. Various new forms of construction have made an appearance in recent years. Houses using these types of construction are often purchased for investment purposes or as `first houses' where the purchasers will sell up and move on when more money becomes

3. Insulation
Because they are exposed, farmhouses need to be well insulated so that heating bills can be kept down. All forms of concrete block construction comply with Part L of the building regulations, which stipulate insulation values of 0.27 W/m

problem of corrosion.

in the wall. Concrete block

construction matches or betters every other

1. Fire
Resistance to fire is of particular importance since fire services in the countryside tend to be further away and take longer to arrive at the scene of the fire. Concrete blocks are incombustible and will not burn, so the house structure will stay intact in the event of fire. In contrast, if a timber frame structure catches fire it will burn to the ground quickly.

form of construction in terms of thermal performance.

7. Future extension
It is important to consider future extension since circumstances or requirements may change in the future. Nowadays, people frequently extend their houses, so it is important to use a building method which is easily extendible. Concrete block construction is easily extendible and the farmer can often extend using his own labour and skills.

available. Some new construction types are particularly aimed at the second home or holiday home market. Some, if not all of these construction methods will prove to be not as durable as traditional methods of construction. Considering the high level of exposure, the harsh farm environment and the particular need for farmhouses to be practical and durable, it makes sense for farmers to use tried and trusted traditional forms of construction.

4. Concrete floors
The use of precast upper floors is increasingly popular. Concrete floors offer great sound reduction and are incombustible. Most people who have installed concrete upper floors highly recommend them.

2. Fixing to walls
Farmhouses must be practical and it is important to think of simple things like

5. Flooding
If you live in an area which is prone to flooding, close to a river or wetlands, build above the

8. Infestation
The countryside is home to mice and other

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