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MONDAY Kampala North Kampala South Mengo Kasangati Naguru TUESDAY Sunrise (Breakfast) Bukoto Rubaga Impala Makindye Kololo Bweyogerere WEDNESDAY Entebbe Kyambogo Kiwatule Kampala Central Kampala West Mukono Nansana Portbell Muyenga Kajjansi Kampala Naalya THURSDAY Day Break Gaba Kampala Kampala East Kampala Ssese Bugolobi Natete Seeta Namugongo FRIDAY Ntinda Kibuli Kyengera Muyenga Breeze Nob View Hotel 7.00 pm Hotel Africana 6.00 pm Rose Gardens 7.00 pm Hotel Intern 6.30 pm Grand Imperial 7.00 am Green Valley 7.00 pm Grand Imperial 1.00 pm Hotel Africana 7.00 pm Nommo Gallery 6.00 pm Hotel Royale 7.00 pm Ivys Hotel 7.00 pm Rider Hotel 7.00 pm Abba Hotel 7.00 pm Lake Victoria 7.00 pm Kireka Sports View 6.00pm Kabira Club 7.00 pm Hotel Africana 6.00 pm Shanghai 1.00 pm Colline Hotel 7.00 pm Ivory Hotel 7.00 pm Silver Springs 7.00 pm Hotel Intern. 6.30 pm Dream Guest Hse 7.00 pm Ndere Centre 7.00 pm Shanghai 6.00 pm Hotel Africana 6.00 pm. Mamerito Hotel 6.30 pm Shanghai Hotel 7.00 am Kabira Club 7.00 pm Pope Paul Club 1.00 pm Nommo Gallery: 6.00 pm Hotel Africana : 6.00 pm Pope Paul Club 12.45 pm Kasangati Resort 7.00 pm Kati Kati 7.00 pm

WEEKLY BULLETIN January 15, 2014

The Grace
For Friendship and fellowship, we thank thee Lord; For what we are about to receive, may God make us truly thankful and ever mindful of the needs of others. Amen . The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to All Concerned? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to All Concerned? The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: 1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; 2. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; 3. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; 4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Rotary Awareness Month

Issue 45: ROTARY CLUB KAMPALA NAALYA: CLUB NO: 84340; SINCE 14/03/2012

1. Message from DG


2. Rotary News
3. Rotary Voices 4. Ekitoobero News 6. Club News 7 Who meets where? When

My Family of Rotary,

Welcome to the New Year! The beginning of 2014 brings us to the second half of Rotary year 2013-2014, and it gives me great joy to look back and see the distance we have covered together. Thank you for being part of this great historic journey, joining hands with me and making an amazingly powerful and vitalizing team. Needless to say, there are many people out there who would be happy to join us but do not know how. Many envy us but are not aware that they are Rotary material and can join this great organisation. It is our duty as Rotarians to find them and educate them on what we do and how they can be part of us. We are also aware that there is another group of people out there who have a warped image of what Rotary is, and what we do. Again we have a duty to disabuse them of their misconceptions. This is an ongoing process that we must all take part in, to ensure that as many people as possible have an accurate understanding of Rotary. Another group that needs our attention is made up of our new Rotarians. These come on board with different expectations. But most of them have one thing in common; they are eager to serve and make a difference. I appeal to all Clubs to engage new members in all avenues of service. Mentor them and help them to learn that Rotary is a responsibility that we cannot afford to take lightly, but also one that guarantees a good amount of gratification to those who are committed to Service Above Self. During this Rotary Awareness Month, it is my hope that every Club will take a close look at how much of the above has been done. What strategy has been put in place to create Rotary awareness in the communities and how effective has it been? How many new members have been inducted into Rotary and what has been done to make them comfortable, happy and proud to be Rotarians? Fellow Rotarians, let us blow the Rotary trumpet not only by word of mouth, by also by the way we conduct our business.

Reproduced from Rotary International
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Save these dates!

2014 Rotary International Convention Sydney, Australia 1-4 June

Transforming Rotary Clubs

President Holly Ransom RC of Crawley, Australia

Holly Ransom has more than 10,000 followers on Twitter. Her Facebook profile picture shows her with Hillary Clinton. Shes spoken to audiences all over Australia and in several other countries about intergenerational engagement and social innovation, and was recently named one of 100 women of influence by the Australian Financial Review.

What makes this dizzying list of accomplishments even more impressive is that Ransom is just 23 years old. In fact, shes still finishing up her last year as a double major in law and economics at the University of Western Australia while also working as a business analyst for mining and metals multinational Rio Tinto. Ransom became one of Rotarys youngest club presidents when she took the helm of the Rotary Club of Crawley in 2012. Shed joined in 2011, a year after the club was chartered with 20 members. Today, it has more than 100 members, who embrace a different Rotary in that the club has dropped some of the usual formalities, recruits across generations, and focuses on volunteer opportunities. Ransom believes that Rotarys leadership development, mentorship, and intergenerational attitude are all unique selling points for attracting young leaders. She says that young professionals need to feel comfortable in the club environment, which often means scaling back formality and tradition to emphasise inclusiveness.

Our Guests last week Rotarians now have until 15 January 2014 to Margaret completeOkello discounted early registration for the 2014 1. Rtn RC Naguru Rotary International Convention in Sydney, Australia, saving $100 off the onsite registration fee.

Early bird rates extended

Registration fees Rotarians Rotaractors

2. Rtn Bryan OkediRC Kla Sunrise Until 15th January 16th Jan 31st March 1 April 4th June 3. Rtn David KasingwireRC Kampala $310 $66 $360 $410 4. Rtn Grace MurindwaRC Bukoto 5. Rtn Robert $99 MugaigaRC Namu$132 gongo 6. Rtn Sheila BwangoRC Bukoto 7. Mr. Lad Ategeka Amooti


I hope to play a lead role in the reinvigoration of the Rotary movement and help to improve its relevancy and engagement of the younger generations.
Holly Ransom
Club President John Mugisa Club Secretary Flavia Serugo Club Treasurer Emmanuel Mwanja


Rotary voices
By Rtn Flavia Serugo

Lessons from the Conflict in South Sudan

Our speaker last week was President ElectRtn Sheila KawamaraMishambi who has just returned from a short term work contract for the UN Women and Government of South Sudan (GOSS).

Reminiscing days gone by

December is for me the best time of the year. Not only do I get a break from work but also the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and party. While back in the day you would expect to receive new clothes, participate in Christmas plays and listen to Christmas carols at our local church, things have changed. As time goes on, the old traditions are slowly fading and all you can hear these days is the old Boney M songs and Philly Lutaayas Merry ChristmasBonne Annee blaring from shops in the city. You can therefore imagine my delight when we got an invitation from Rtn Julie that RC Kasangati was organizing Christmas Carols. For me this was a great opportunity to not only to reminisce childhood Christmas memories but to also bring back the spirit of Christmas into our families. So my family and Rtn Lad Ategekas family got together, formed a choir and we sang! The choir idea brought new meaning to the Family of Rotary and was an opportunity for us to celebrate the Rotary family month. Contd on Pg 4.

Our Guests last week

1. 2. 3. 4. CP Kato SettimbaRC Kyengera Rtn Mildred BahemukaRC Kasangati Rtn Robert MugaigaRC Namugongo Rtn Patricia KyazzeRC Kasangati Rtn Charles Okolong- RC Bweyogerere Rtn BamwoyerakiRC Kasangati Rtn Harriet ObboRC Kampala North Rtn Paschal OmachRC Naguru

While narrating her 5. experience of escaping from the latest conflict in South Sudan, Rtn Sheila also 6. highlighted a few lessons that she considers important for 7. the future of GOSS. These include the need to:


Promote a governance model hinged on the 9. Rtn Fred KimuheRC Kampala North principles of inclusiveness, compromise and power 10. Rtn Doreen MubalaRC Bweyogerere sharing rather than the winner takes it all. Broaden the ongoing peace talks to include other stakeholders other than the main warring factions 12. Ms. Kathie LungiweInflate Africa since other people also have a stake in the stability 13. Mr. Fred LubulwaInflate Africa of the country. Including women who bear the 14. Mr. Paddy NahabweBrain Trust Cons brunt of such conflicts is critical. Limit foreign intervention to peace-keeping duties and give the Sudanese an opportunity to craft their 16. Mr. Turyamureba Tinyefuza own path to peace. 17. Mr. Charles OwekmenoAMICALL Avoid dividing and managing countries along 18. Ms. Emily Nyanzi KabuyeUVRI ethnic lines & promote an ethos of nationalism. 19. Mr. Matia KabuyeMUK
15. Dr. Paul & Mrs NampalaMUK 11. Rct MutalyejusaRCT Rubaga

Bible Stories gone wrong..
A pastor recently drowned in front of his congregation as he tried to walk on water. Pastor Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation that he had received a revelation that told him that with enough faith he could do what Jesus was able to do. According to an eyewitness the pastor took his congregation out to the beach in Libreville. He told them that he would cross the Kombo estuary by foot, which is normally a 20 -minute boat ride. Sadly, Kabele found himself completely submerged on the 2nd step and never came up.

Registration for the 89th District Conference & Assembly

Early Bird registration of USD $150 ends this Friday 17/1/14. And for those of you who would like an extraordinary experience there are only 30 tickets left for the dinner cruise. Grab yours now.

At Ibadan zoo in south-west Nigeria, a selfproclaimed prophet claimed he was able to do what the Daniel did by walking into a den full of lions. The zoo keepers had warned the man numerous times, but he saw them as the enemies of his progress. With a crowd watching, the man put on a red robe and attempted to enter the cage full of lions. Within seconds of opening the door, the lions ripped the man apart.
The moral of these storieskeep the faith but do not try out everything that you read!

Contact Rtn Denis Jjuuko - our onto Munyonyo Officer for further details.


The RC Kampala Naalya Family Choir

Caroling in Kasangati
Bring two families of Rotarians together and what do you get? The Family of Rotary! Well, when the Ategeka and Serugo families got together they went one step further. We formed the RC Kampala-Naalya Family Choir! The Family Choir made a guest appearance at RC Kasangatis Christmas Carols gala on 23rd December and we left quite an impression. The Family Choir was the brain child of Rtn Flavia who swiftly assembled a team of vocalists. From the Serugo family, we had Maggie, James Jr, Cousin Kathy (a regular visitor to RC Kampala Naalya) and Flavia as Conductor. To complete the ensemble, Rotarian Lad played the lead guitar, while my girls (Estella & Amanda) did the backup guitars. My Ann Florence added her beautiful vocals as our son Edgar hummed along. We did renditions of popular X-Mas Carols like Silent Night and Away in a Manger so beautifully that every Buddy Group from RC Kasangati was demanding that we sing with them. Too bad, that in the heat of the excitement, we forgot to take pictures of the live performance.

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