2 The Laws of Table Tennis

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2.1 THE TABLE 2.1.1 The upper surface of the table, known as the playing surface, shall be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 7 cm abo!e the floor. 2.1.2 The playing surface shall not include the !ertical sides of the tabletop. 2.1." The playing surface may be of any material and shall yield a uniform bounce of about 2"cm when a standard ball is dropped on to it from a height of "#cm. 2.1.4 The playing surface shall be uniformly dark coloured and matt, but with a white side line, 2cm wide, along each 2.74m edge and a white end line, 2cm wide, along each 1.525m edge. 2.1.5 The playing surface shall be di!ided into 2 e$ual courts by a !ertical net running parallel with the end lines, and shall be continuous o!er the whole area of each court. 2.1. %or doubles, each court shall be di!ided into 2 e$ual half&courts by a white centre line, "mm wide, running parallel with the side lines' the centre line shall be regarded as part of each right half&court. 2.2 THE NET ASSEMBLY 2.2.1 The net assembly shall consist of the net, its suspension and the supporting posts, including the clamps attaching them to the table. 2.2.2 The net shall be suspended by a cord attached at each end to an upright post 15.25cm high, the outside limits of the post being 15.25cm outside the side line. 2.2." The top of the net, along its whole length, shall be 15.25cm abo!e the playing surface. 2.2.4 The bottom of the net, along its whole length, shall be as close as possible to the playing surface and the ends of the net shall be as close as possible to the supporting posts. 2.3 THE BALL 2.".1 The ball shall be spherical, with a diameter of 4#mm. 2.".2 The ball shall weigh 2.7g. 2."." The ball shall be made of celluloid or similar plastics material and shall be white or orange, and matt. 2.4 THE RACKET 2.4.1 The racket may be of any size, shape or weight but the blade shall be flat and rigid. 2.4.2 (t least )5* of the blade by thickness shall be of natural wood' an adhesi!e layer within the blade may be reinforced with fibrous material such as carbon fibre, glass fibre or compressed paper, but shall not be thicker than 7.5* of the total thickness or #."5mm, whiche!er is the smaller. 2.4." ( side of the blade used for striking the ball shall be co!ered with either ordinary pimpled rubber, with pimples outwards ha!ing a total thickness including adhesi!e of not more than 2.#mm, or sandwich rubber, with pimples inwards or outwards, ha!ing a total thickness including adhesi!e of not more than 4.#mm. 2.4.".1 Ordinary pimpled rubber is a single layer of non&cellular rubber, natural or synthetic, with pimples e!enly distributed o!er its surface at a density of not less than 1# per cm+ and not more than "# per cm+. 2.4.".2 Sandwich rubber is a single layer of cellular rubber co!ered with a single outer layer of ordinary pimpled rubber, the thickness of the pimpled rubber not being more than 2.#mm. 2.4.4 The co!ering material shall e,tend up to but not beyond the limits of the blade, e,cept

that the part nearest the handle and gripped by the fingers may be left unco!ered or co!ered with any material. 2.4.5 The blade, any layer within the blade and any layer of co!ering material or adhesi!e on a side used for striking the ball shall be continuous and of e!en thickness. 2.4. The surface of the co!ering material on a side of the blade, or of a side of the blade if it is left unco!ered, shall be matt, bright red on one side and black on the other. 2.4.7 The racket co!ering shall be used without any physical, chemical or other treatment. -light de!iations from continuity of surface or uniformity of colour due to accidental damage or wear may be allowed pro!ided that they do not significantly change the characteristics of the surface. 2.4.) .efore the start of a match and whene!er he changes his racket during a match a player shall show his opponent and the umpire the racket he is about to use and shall allow them to e,amine it. 2.5 DEFINITIONS 2.5.1 ( rally is the period during which the ball is in play. 2.5.2 The ball is in play from the last moment at which it is stationary on the palm of the free hand before being intentionally pro/ected in ser!ice until the rally is decided as a let or a point. 2.5." ( let is a rally of which the result is not scored. 2.5.4 ( point is a rally of which the result is scored. 2.5.5 The racket hand is the hand carrying the racket. 2.5. The free hand is the hand not carrying the racket' the free arm is the arm of the free hand. 2.5.7 ( player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist. 2.5.) ( player obstructs the ball if he, or anything he wears or carries, touches it in play when it is abo!e or tra!elling towards the playing surface, not ha!ing touched his court since last being struck by his opponent. 2.5.0 The server is the player due to strike the ball first in a rally. 2.5.1# The receiver is the player due to strike the ball second in a rally. 2.5.11 The umpire is the person appointed to control a match. 2.5.12 The assistant umpire is the person appointed to assist the umpire with certain decisions. 2.5.1" (nything that a player wears or carries includes anything that he was wearing or carrying, other than the ball, at the start of the rally. 2.5.14 The ball shall be regarded as passing over or around the net assembly if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface. 2.5.15 The end line shall be regarded as e,tending indefinitely in both directions. 2.6 THE SERVICE 2. .1 -er!ice shall start with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the ser!er1s stationary free hand. 2. .2 The ser!er shall then pro/ect the ball near !ertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 1 cm after lea!ing the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck. 2. ." (s the ball is falling the ser!er shall strike it so that it touches first his court and then,

after passing o!er or around the net assembly, touches directly the recei!er1s court' in doubles, the ball shall touch successi!ely the right half court of ser!er and recei!er. 2. .4 %rom the start of ser!ice until it is struck, the ball shall be abo!e the le!el of the playing surface and behind the ser!er1s end line, and it shall not be hidden from the recei!er by the ser!er or his doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry. 2. .5 (s soon as the ball has been pro/ected, the ser!er2s free arm and hand shall be remo!ed from the space between the ball and the net.
The space between the ball and the net is defined by the ball, the net and its indefinite upward e,tension.

2. . 3t is the responsibility of the player to ser!e so that the umpire or the assistant umpire can be satisfied that he complies with the re$uirements of the 4aws, and either may decide that a ser!ice is incorrect. 2. . .1 3f either the umpire or the assistant umpire is not sure about the legality of a ser!ice he may, on the first occasion in a match, interrupt play and warn the ser!er' but any subse$uent ser!ice by that player or his doubles partner which is not clearly legal shall be considered incorrect. 2. .7 5,ceptionally, the umpire may rela, the re$uirements for a correct ser!ice where he is satisfied that compliance is pre!ented by physical disability. 2.7 THE RETURN 2.7.1 The ball, ha!ing been ser!ed or returned, shall be struck so that it passes o!er or around the net assembly and touches the opponent1s court, either directly or after touching the net assembly. 2.8 THE ORDER OF PLAY 2.).1 3n singles, the ser!er shall first make a ser!ice, the recei!er shall then make a return and thereafter ser!er and recei!er alternately shall each make a return. 2.).2 3n doubles, the ser!er shall first make a ser!ice, the recei!er shall then make a return, the partner of the ser!er shall then make a return, the partner of the recei!er shall then make a return and thereafter each player in turn in that se$uence shall make a return. 2.)." 6hen two players who are in wheelchairs due to a physical disability are a pair playing doubles, the ser!er shall first make a ser!ice, the recei!er shall then make a return but thereafter either player of the disabled pair may make returns. 7owe!er, no part of a player2s wheelchair shall protrude beyond the imaginary e,tension of the centre line of the table. 3f it does, the umpire shall award the point to the opposing pair. 2. A LET 2.0.1 The rally shall be a let if in ser!ice the ball, in passing o!er or around the net assembly, touches it, pro!ided the ser!ice is otherwise correct or the ball is obstructed by the recei!er or his partner' if the ser!ice is deli!ered when the recei!ing player or pair is not ready, pro!ided that neither the recei!er nor his partner attempts to strike the ball' 2.0.1." if failure to make a ser!ice or a return or otherwise to comply with the 4aws is due to a disturbance outside the control of the player' if play is interrupted by the umpire or assistant umpire' if the recei!er is in wheelchair owing to a physical disability and in ser!ice the ball, pro!ided that the ser!ice is otherwise correct, after touching the recei!er2s court returns in the direction of the net' comes to rest on the recei!er1s court'" in singles lea!es the recei!er2s court after touching it by either of its sidelines. 2.0.2 8lay may be interrupted to correct an error in the order of ser!ing, recei!ing or ends' to introduce the e,pedite system' 2.0.2." to warn or penalise a player or ad!iser' because the conditions of play are disturbed in a way which could affect the outcome of the rally. 2.1! A POINT 2.1#.1 9nless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point 2.1#.1.1 if an opponent fails to make a correct ser!ice' 2.1#.1.2 if an opponent fails to make a correct return' 2.1#.1." if, after he has made a ser!ice or a return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by an opponent' 2.1#.1.4 if the ball passes o!er his court or beyond his end line without touching his court, after being struck by an opponent' 2.1#.1.5 if an opponent obstructs the ball' 2.1#.1. if an opponent deliberately strikes the ball twice in succession' 2.1#.1.7 if an opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the re$uirements of 2.4.", 2.4.4 and 2.4.5' 2.1#.1.) if an opponent, or anything an opponent wears or carries, mo!es the playing surface' 2.1#.1.0 if an opponent, or anything an opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly' 2.1#.1.1# if an opponent1s free hand touches the playing surface' 2.1#.1.11 if a doubles opponent strikes the ball out of the se$uence established by the first ser!er and first recei!er' 2.1#.1.12 as pro!ided under the e,pedite system :2.15.4;. 2.1#.1.1" if both players or pairs are in a wheelchair due to a physical disability and 2.1#.1.1".1 his opponent does not maintain a minimum contact with the seat or cushion:s;, with the back of the thigh, when the ball is struck' 2.1#.1.1".2 his opponent touches the table with either hand before striking the ball' 2.1#.1.1"." his opponent2s footrest or foot touches the floor during play. 2.1#.1.14 as pro!ided under the order of play :2.).";. 2.11 A "AME 2.11.1 ( game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 1# points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subse$uently gaining a lead of 2 points. 2.12 A MATCH 2.12.1 ( match shall consist of the best of any odd number of games. 2.13 THE ORDER OF SERVIN"# RECEIVIN" AND ENDS 2.1".1 The right to choose the initial order of ser!ing, recei!ing and ends shall be decided by lot and the winner may choose to ser!e or to recei!e first or to start at a particular end. 2.1".2 6hen one player or pair has chosen to ser!e or to recei!e first or to start at a particular end, the other player or pair shall ha!e the other choice. 2.1"." (fter each 2 points ha!e been scored the recei!ing player or pair shall become the ser!ing player or pair and so on until the end of the game, unless both players or pairs score 1# points or the e,pedite system is in operation, when the se$uences of ser!ing and recei!ing shall be the same but each player shall ser!e for only 1 point in turn.

2.1".4 3n each game of a doubles match, the pair ha!ing the right to ser!e first shall choose which of them will do so and in the first game of a match the recei!ing pair shall decide which of them will recei!e first' in subse$uent games of the match, the first ser!er ha!ing been chosen, the first recei!er shall be the player who ser!ed to him in the preceding game. 2.1".5 3n doubles, at each change of ser!ice the pre!ious recei!er shall become the ser!er and the partner of the pre!ious ser!er shall become the recei!er. 2.1". The player or pair ser!ing first in a game shall recei!e first in the ne,t game of the match and in the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to recei!e ne,t shall change their order of recei!ing when first one pair scores 5 points. 2.1".7 The player or pair starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in the ne,t game of the match and in the last possible game of a match the players or pairs shall change ends when first one player or pair scores 5 points. 2.14 OUT OF ORDER OF SERVIN"# RECEIVIN" OR ENDS 2.14.1 3f a player ser!es or recei!es out of turn, play shall be interrupted by the umpire as soon as the error is disco!ered and shall resume with those players ser!ing and recei!ing who should be ser!er and recei!er respecti!ely at the score that has been reached, according to the se$uence established at the beginning of the match and, in doubles, to the order of ser!ing chosen by the pair ha!ing the right to ser!e first in the game during which the error is disco!ered. 2.14.2 3f the players ha!e not changed ends when they should ha!e done so, play shall be interrupted by the umpire as soon as the error is disco!ered and shall resume with the players at the ends at which they should be at the score that has been reached, according to the se$uence established at the beginning of the match. 2.14." 3n any circumstances, all points scored before the disco!ery of an error shall be reckoned. 2.15 THE E$PEDITE SYSTEM 2.15.1 5,cept as pro!ided in 2.15.2, the e,pedite system shall come into operation after 1# minutes2 play in a game or at any time when re$uested by both players or pairs. 2.15.2 The e,pedite system shall not be introduced in a game if at least 1) points ha!e been scored. 2.15." 3f the ball is in play when the time limit is reached and the e,pedite system is due to come into operation, play shall be interrupted by the umpire and shall resume with ser!ice by the player who ser!ed in the rally that was interrupted' if the ball is not in play when the e,pedite system comes into operation, play shall resume with ser!ice by the player who recei!ed in the immediately preceding rally. 2.15.4 Thereafter, each player shall ser!e for 1 point in turn until the end of the game, and if the recei!ing player or pair makes 1" correct returns in a rally the recei!er shall score a point. 2.15.5 3ntroduction of the e,pedite system shall not alter the order of ser!ing and recei!ing in the match, as defined in 2.1". . 2.15. <nce introduced, the e,pedite system shall remain in operation until the end of the match.


3.1 SCOPE OF LAWS AND RE"ULATIONS 3.1.1 T%&'( )* C)+&',-,-). ".1.1.1 (n international competition is one that may include the players of more than one (ssociation. ".1.1.2 (n international match is a match between teams representing (ssociations. ".1.1." (n open tournament is one that is open to the players of all (ssociations. ".1.1.4 ( restricted tournament is one that is restricted to specified groups of players other than age groups. ".1.1.5 (n invitation tournament is one that is restricted to specified (ssociations or players, indi!idually in!ited. 3.1.2 A&&/-012-/-,% ".1.2.1 5,cept as pro!ided in ".1.2.2, the 4aws :=hapter 2; shall apply to 6orld, =ontinental, <lympic and 8aralympic title competitions, open tournaments and, unless otherwise agreed by the participating (ssociations, to international matches. ".1.2.2 The .oard of >irectors shall ha!e power to authorise the organiser of an open tournament to adopt e,perimental law !ariations specified by the 5,ecuti!e =ommittee. ".1.2." The ?egulations for 3nternational =ompetitions shall apply to ".1.2.".1 6orld, <lympic and 8aralympic title competitions, unless otherwise authorised by the .oard of >irectors and notified in ad!ance to the participating (ssociations' ".1.2.".2 =ontinental title competitions, unless otherwise authorised by the appropriate =ontinental %ederation and notified in ad!ance to the participating (ssociations' ".1.2."." <pen 3nternational =hampionships :".7.1.2;, unless otherwise authorised by the 5,ecuti!e =ommittee and notified in ad!ance to the participants in accordance with ".1.2.4' ".1.2.".4 open tournaments, e,cept as pro!ided in ".1.2.4. ".1.2.4 6here an open tournament does not comply with any of these regulations the nature and e,tent of the !ariation shall be specified in the entry form' completion and submission of an entry form shall be regarded as signifying acceptance of the conditions of the competition, including such !ariations. ".1.2.5 The 4aws and ?egulations are recommended for all international competitions but, pro!ided that the =onstitution is obser!ed, international restricted and in!itation tournaments and recognised international competitions organised by unaffiliated bodies may be held under rules laid down by the organising authority. ".1.2. The 4aws and the ?egulations for 3nternational =ompetitions shall be presumed to apply unless !ariations ha!e been agreed in ad!ance or are made clear in the published rules of the competition. ".1.2.7 >etailed e,planations and interpretations of regulations, including e$uipment specifications, shall be published as Technical 4eaflets authorised by the .oard of >irectors and in 7andbooks for @atch <fficials and Tournament ?eferees. 3.2 E3UIPMENT AND PLAYIN" CONDITIONS 3.2.1 A&&4)5'6 1.6 A7,8)4-('6 E97-&+'., ".2.1.1 The appro!al and authorisation of playing e$uipment shall be conducted on behalf of the .oard of >irectors by the 5$uipment =ommittee' appro!al or authorisation may be withdrawn by the .oard of >irectors at any time if its continuation is found to be detrimental to the sport. ".2.1.2 The entry form or prospectus for an open tournament shall specify the brands and

colours of table, net assembly and ball to be used' the choice of e$uipment shall be as laid down by the (ssociation in whose territory the competition is held, selected from brands and types currently appro!ed by the 3TT%. ".2.1." The co!ering material on a side of the blade used for striking the ball shall be currently authorised by the 3TT% and shall be identified by the 3TT% number :when present;, the supplier and brand names and shall be attached to the blade so that this identification is clearly !isible nearest the handle.
4ists of all appro!ed and authorised e$uipment and materials are maintained by the 3TT% <ffice and details are a!ailable on the 3TT% web site.

".2.1.4 Table legs shall be at least 4#cm from the end line of the table for wheelchair players. 3.2.2 P/1%-.: C/),8-.: ".2.2.1 8laying clothing shall normally consist of a short&slee!ed or slee!eless shirt and shorts or skirt or one&part sports outfits, socks and playing shoes' other garments, such as part or all of a track suit, shall not be worn during play e,cept with the permission of the referee. ".2.2.2 The main colour of a shirt, skirt or shorts, other than slee!es and collar of a shirt shall be clearly different from that of the ball in use. ".2.2." =lothing may bear numbers or lettering on the back of the shirt to identify a player, his (ssociation or, in club matches, his club, and ad!ertisements in accordance with the pro!isions of ".2.5.1#' if the back of a shirt bears the player2s name, this shall be situated /ust below the collar. ".2.2.4 (ny numbers re$uired by organisers to identify a player shall ha!e priority o!er ad!ertisements on the centre part of the back of a shirt' such numbers shall be contained within a panel ha!ing an area not greater than ##cm 2. ".2.2.5 (ny markings or trimming on the front or side of a playing garment and any ob/ects such as /ewellery worn by a player shall not be so conspicuous or brightly reflecting as to unsight an opponent. ".2.2. =lothing shall not carry designs or lettering which might cause offence or bring the game into disrepute. ".2.2.7 (ny $uestion of the legality or acceptability of playing clothing shall be decided by the referee. ".2.2.) The players of a team taking part in a team match, and players of the same (ssociation forming a doubles pair in a 6orld or <lympic Title =ompetition, shall be dressed uniformly, with the possible e,ception of socks, shoes and the number, size, colour and design of ad!ertisements on clothing. 8layers of the same (ssociation forming a doubles pair in other international competitions may wear clothes of different manufacturers, if the basic colours are the same and their Aational (ssociation authorises this procedure. ".2.2.0 <pposing players and pairs shall wear shirts that are of sufficiently different colours to enable them to be easily distinguished by spectators. ".2.2.1# 6here opposing players or teams ha!e a similar shirt and cannot agree which of them will change, the decision shall be made by the umpire by lot. ".2.2.11 8layers competing in a 6orld or <lympic title competition or <pen 3nternational =hampionships shall wear shirt and shorts or skirt of types authorised by their (ssociation. 3.2.3 P/1%-.: C).6-,-).( ".2.".1 The playing space shall be rectangular and not less than 14m long, 7m wide and 5m high, but the 4 corners may be co!ered by surrounds of not more than 1.5m length' for

wheelchair e!ents, the playing space may be reduced, but shall not be less than )m long and m wide. ".2.".2 The following e$uipment and fittings are to be considered as part of each playing areaB The table including the net assembly, umpires tables and chairs, score indicators, towel and ball bo,es, printed numbers identifying the table, surrounds, floor mats, boards on the surrounds indicating the names of players or (ssociations. ".2."." The playing area shall be enclosed by surrounds about 75cm high, all of the same dark background colour, separating it from ad/acent playing areas and from spectators. ".2.".4 3n 6orld, <lympic and 8aralympic title competitions the light intensity,measured at the height of the playing surface, shall be at least 1### lu, uniformly o!er the whole of the playing surface and at least 5## lu, elsewhere in the playing area' in other competitions the intensity shall be at least ## lu, uniformly o!er the playing surface and at least 4## lu, elsewhere in the playing area. ".2.".5 6here se!eral tables are in use, the lighting le!el shall be the same for all of them, and the le!el of background lighting in the playing hall shall not be greater than the lowest le!el in the playing area. ".2.". The light source shall not be less than 5m abo!e the floor. ".2.".7 The background shall be generally dark and shall not contain bright light sources or daylight through unco!ered windows or other apertures. ".2.".) The flooring shall not be light&coloured, brightly reflecting or slippery and its surface shall not be of brick, ceramics, concrete or stone' but the flooring may be of concrete for wheelchair e!ents. ".2.".).1 3n 6orld and <lympic title competitions the flooring shall be of wood or of a brand and type of rollable synthetic material authorised by the 3TT%. 3.2.4 R10;', C).,4)/ ".2.4.1 3t is the responsibility of each player to ensure that racket co!erings are attached to their racket blade with adhesi!es that do not contain harmful !olatile sol!ents. ".2.4.2 ( racket control centre shall be established at all 3TT% 6orld Title and <lympic competitions as well as at a select number of 3TT% 8ro Tour and Cunior =ircuit competitions and may be established at =ontinental and ?egional competitions. ". The racket control centre shall test rackets, according to the policy and procedure established by the 5,ecuti!e =ommittee on recommendation of the 5$uipment =ommittee, to ensure that rackets abide by all 3TT% regulations including, but not limited to, racket co!ering thickness, flatness and presence of harmful !olatile substances. ". The racket control test should usually be carried out after the match at random, but from the $uarter finals on, racket control tests should be carried out before all the matches of indi!idual e!ents and the selected indi!idual matches in all team matches. ".2.4.2." ?ackets that do not pass the racket control test before the match cannot be used in the abo!e listed competitions. 3n the case where rackets do not pass a random ?acket =ontrol test after the match, the offending player will be liable to penalties as implemented at the 2#1# 6orld =hampionships. ". (ll players are entitled to ha!e their rackets tested !oluntarily without any penalties before the match. ".2.4." ( properly !entilated area shall be pro!ided for the attachment of racket co!erings to rackets, and li$uid adhesi!es shall not be used anywhere else at the playing !enue.

D8laying !enueE means the whole establishment in the playing building and the ground where the playing building stands, which contains the doorway, the parking lot and related facilities.

3.2.5 A65'4,-('+'.,( ".2.5.1 3nside the playing area, ad!ertisements shall be displayed only on e$uipment or fittings listed in ".2.".2 and there shall be no special additional displays. ".2.5.2 (t <lympic Fames ad!ertisements on playing e$uipment, on playing clothing and on umpires2 clothing shall be according to 3<= regulations. ".2.5." 6ith the e,ception of 45> :light emitting diodes; ad!ertisements on surrounds fluorescent or luminescent colours shall not be used anywhere in the playing area. ".2.5.".1 45> ad!ertisements on surrounds shall not mo!e at any other time than before the start and after the end of a match and during authorised inter!als :".4.4;. ".2.5.4 4ettering or symbols on the inside of surrounds shall not include white or orange nor more than two colours and shall be contained within a height of 4#cm' it is recommended that they be in a slightly darker or slightly lighter shade of the background colour. ".2.5.5 @arkings on flooring shall not include white or orange' it is recommended that they be in slightly darker or slightly lighter shade of the background colour. ".2.5. There may be up to 4 ad!ertisements on the floor of the playing area, 1 at each end and 1 at each side of the table, each contained within an area of 2.5m+' they shall not be less than 1m from the surrounds and those at the ends shall not be more than 2m from the surrounds. ".2.5.7 There may be 1 temporary ad!ertisement on each half of each side of the tabletop and 1 on each end, clearly separated from any permanent ad!ertisements and each contained within a total length of #cm' they shall not be for other table tennis e$uipment suppliers. ".2.5.) (d!ertisements on nets shall be in a slightly darker or slightly lighter shade of the background colour, shall not be within "cm of the tape along the top edge and shall not obscure !isibility through the mesh. ".2.5.0 (d!ertisements on umpires1 tables or other furniture inside the playing area shall be contained within a total area on any face of 75#cm 2. ".2.5.1# (d!ertisements on playing clothing shall be limited to ".2.5.1#.1 the maker1s normal trademark, symbol or name contained within a total area of 24cm 2' ".2.5.1#.2 not more than clearly separated ad!ertisements, contained within a combined total area of ##cm2, on the front, side or shoulder of a shirt, with not more than 4 ad!ertisements on the front' ".2.5.1#." not more than 2 ad!ertisements, contained within a total area of 4##cm 2, on the back of a shirt' ".2.5.1#.4 not more than 2 ad!ertisements, contained within a combined total area of 12#cm 2, only on the front and the sides of shorts or skirt. ".2.5.11 (d!ertisements on players1 numbers shall be contained within a total area of 1##cm 2. ".2.5.12 (d!ertisements on umpires1 clothing shall be contained within a total area of 4#cm 2. ".2.5.1" There shall be no ad!ertisements on players1 clothing or numbers for tobacco goods, alcoholic drinks or harmful drugs. 3.2.6 D)&-.: 0).,4)/ ".2. .1 (ll players participating in international competitions, including Cunior competitions, shall be sub/ect to in&competition testing by the 3TT%, the player2s Aational (ssociation and any other (nti&>oping <rganisation responsible for testing at a competition in which they

participate. 3.3 MATCH OFFICIALS 3.3.1 R'*'4'' ".".1.1 %or each competition as a whole a referee shall be appointed and his identity and location shall be made known to the participants and, where appropriate, to the team captains. ".".1.2 The referee shall be responsible for ".".1.2.1 the conduct of the draw' ".".1.2.2 the scheduling of the matches by time and table' ".".1.2." the appointment of match officials' ".".1.2.4 conducting a pre&tournament briefing for match officials' ".".1.2.5 checking the eligibility of players' ".".1.2. deciding whether play may be suspended in an emergency' ".".1.2.7 deciding whether players may lea!e the playing area during a match' ".".1.2.) deciding whether statutory practice periods may be e,tended' ".".1.2.0 deciding whether players may wear track suits during a match' ".".1.2.1# deciding any $uestion of interpretation of 4aws or ?egulations, including the acceptability of clothing, playing e$uipment and playing conditions' ".".1.2.11 deciding whether, and where, players may practise during an emergency suspension of play' ".".1.2.12 taking disciplinary action for misbeha!iour or other breaches of regulations. ".".1." 6here, with the agreement of the competition management committee, any of the duties of the referee are delegated to other persons, the specific responsibilities and locations of each of these persons shall be made known to the participants and, where appropriate, to the team captains. ".".1.4 The referee, or a responsible deputy appointed to e,ercise authority in his absence, shall be present at all times during play. ".".1.5 6here the referee is satisfied that it is necessary to do so he may replace a match official with another at any time, but he may not alter a decision already made by the replaced official on a $uestion of fact within his /urisdiction. ".".1. 8layers shall be under the /urisdiction of the referee from the time at which they arri!e at the playing !enue until they lea!e it. 3.3.2 U+&-4'# A((-(,1., U+&-4' 1.6 S,4);' C)7.,'4 ".".2.1 (n umpire and an assistant umpire shall be appointed for each match. ".".2.2 The umpire shall sit or stand in line with the net and the assistant umpire shall sit directly facing him, at the other side of the table. ".".2." The umpire shall be responsible for ".".2.".1 checking the acceptability of e$uipment and playing conditions and reporting any deficiency to the referee' ".".2.".2 taking a ball at random as pro!ided in ".' ".".2."." conducting the draw for the choice of ser!ing, recei!ing and ends' ".".2.".4 deciding whether the re$uirements of the ser!ice law may be rela,ed for a player with physical disability' ".".2.".5 controlling the order of ser!ing, recei!ing and ends and correcting any errors therein' ".".2.". deciding each rally as a point or a let' ".".2.".7 calling the score, in accordance with specified procedure'

".".2.".) introducing the e,pedite system at the appropriate time' ".".2.".0 maintaining the continuity of play' ".".2.".1# taking action for breaches of the ad!ice or beha!iour regulations' ".".2.".11 drawing by lot which player, pair or team shall change their shirt, should opposing players or teams ha!e a similar shirt and cannot agree which of them will change. ".".2.".12 ensuring that only authorised persons are at the playing area. ".".2.4 The assistant umpire shall ".".2.4.1 decide whether or not the ball in play touches the edge of the playing surface at the side of the table nearest him' ".".2.4.2 inform the umpire for breaches of the ad!ice or beha!iour regulations. ".".2.5 5ither the umpire or the assistant umpire may ".".2.5.1 decide that a player1s ser!ice action is illegal' ".".2.5.2 decide that, in an otherwise correct ser!ice, the ball touches the net assembly while passing o!er or around it' ".".2.5." decide that a player obstructs the ball' ".".2.5.4 decide that the conditions of play are disturbed in a way that may affect the outcome of the rally' ".".2.5.5 time the duration of the practice period, of play and of inter!als. ".".2. 5ither the assistant umpire or a separate official may act as stroke counter, to count the strokes of the recei!ing player or pair when the e,pedite system is in operation. ".".2.7 ( decision made by the assistant umpire in accordance with the pro!isions of ".".2.5 may not be o!erruled by the umpire. ".".2.) 8layers shall be under the /urisdiction of the umpire from the time at which they arri!e at the playing area until they lea!e it. 3.3.3 A&&'1/( ".".".1 Ao agreement between players, in an indi!idual e!ent, or between team captains, in a team e!ent, can alter a decision on a $uestion of fact by the responsible match official, on a $uestion of interpretation of 4aws or ?egulations by the responsible referee or on any other $uestion of tournament or match conduct by the responsible management committee. ".".".2 Ao appeal may be made to the referee against a decision on a $uestion of fact by the responsible match official or to the management committee on a $uestion of interpretation of 4aws or ?egulations by the referee. "."."." (n appeal may be made to the referee against a decision of a match official on a $uestion of interpretation of 4aws or ?egulations, and the decision of the referee shall be final. ".".".4 (n appeal may be made to the competition management committee against a decision of the referee on a $uestion of tournament or match conduct not co!ered by the 4aws or ?egulations, and the decision of the management committee shall be final. ".".".5 3n an indi!idual e!ent an appeal may be made only by a player participating in the match in which the $uestion has arisen' in a team e!ent an appeal may be made only by the captain of a team participating in the match in which the $uestion has arisen. ".".".5.1 The name of the team captain, playing or non&playing, shall be designated beforehand to the umpire. ".".". ( $uestion of interpretation of 4aws or ?egulations arising from the decision of a referee, or a $uestion of tournament or match conduct arising from the decision of a competition management committee, may be submitted by the player or team captain eligible

to make an appeal, through his parent (ssociation, for consideration by the 3TT% ?ules =ommittee. ".".".7 The ?ules =ommittee shall gi!e a ruling as a guide for future decisions, and this ruling may also be made the sub/ect of a protest by an (ssociation to the .oard of >irectors or a Feneral @eeting, but it shall not affect the finality of any decision already made by the responsible referee or management committee. 3.4 MATCH CONDUCT 3.4.1 S0)4' I.6-01,-). ".4.1.1 The umpire shall call the score as soon as the ball is out of play at the completion of a rally, or as soon as is practicable thereafter. ". 3n calling the score during a game the umpire shall call first the number of points scored by the player or pair due to ser!e in the ne,t rally of the game and then the number of points scored by the opposing player or pair. ". (t the beginning of a game and when a change of ser!er is due, the umpire shall point to the ne,t ser!er, and may also follow the score call with the ne,t ser!er2s name. ".4.1.1." (t the end of a game the umpire shall call the number of points scored by the winning player or pair followed by the number of points scored by the losing player or pair and may then name the winning player or pair. ".4.1.2 3n addition to calling the score the umpire may use hand signals to indicate his decisions. ". 6hen a point has been scored, he may raise his arm nearer to the player or pair who won the point so that the upper arm is horizontal and the forearm is !ertical with the closed hand upward. ". 6hen for any reason the rally is a let, he may raise his hand abo!e his head to show that the rally has ended. ".4.1." The score and, under the e,pedite system, the number of strokes shall be called in 5nglish or in any other language acceptable to both players or pairs and to the umpire. ".4.1.4 The score shall be displayed on mechanical or electrical indicators so that it is clearly !isible to the players and the spectators. ".4.1.5 6hen a player is formally warned for bad beha!iour, a yellow marker shall be placed on or near the score indicator. 3.4.2 E97-&+'., ".4.2.1 8layers shall not choose balls in the playing area. ". 6here!er possible players shall be gi!en the opportunity to choose one or more balls before coming to the playing area and the match shall be played with one of these balls, taken at random by the umpire. ". 3f a ball has not been chosen before players come to the playing area, the match shall be played with a ball taken at random by the umpire from a bo, of those specified for the competition. ".4.2.1." 3f a ball is damaged during a match, it shall be replaced by another of those chosen before the match or, if such a ball is not a!ailable, by one taken at random by the umpire from a bo, of those specified for the competition. ".4.2.2 The racket co!ering shall be used as it has been authorised by the 3TT% without any physical, chemical or other treatment, changing or modifying playing properties, friction, outlook, colour, structure, surface, etc.

".4.2." ( racket shall not be replaced during an indi!idual match unless it is accidentally damaged so badly that it cannot be used' if this happens the damaged racket shall be replaced immediately by another which the player has brought with him to the playing area or one which is handed to him in the playing area. ".4.2.4 9nless otherwise authorised by the umpire, players shall lea!e their rackets on the table during inter!als' but if the racket is strapped to the hand, the umpire shall allow the player to retain his racket strapped to the hand during inter!als. 3.4.3 P410,-0' ".4.".1 8layers are entitled to practise on the match table for up to 2 minutes immediately before the start of a match but not during normal inter!als' the specified practice period may be e,tended only with the permission of the referee. ".4.".2 >uring an emergency suspension of play the referee may allow players to practise on any table, including the match table. ".4."." 8layers shall be gi!en reasonable opportunity to check and to familiarise themsel!es with any e$uipment which they are to use, but this shall not automatically entitle them to more than a few practice rallies before resuming play after the replacement of a damaged ball or racket. 3.4.4 I.,'451/( ".4.4.1 8lay shall be continuous throughout an indi!idual match e,cept that any player is entitled to ". an inter!al of up to 1 minute between successi!e games of an indi!idual match' ". brief inter!als for towelling after e!ery points from the start of each game and at the change of ends in the last possible game of an indi!idual match. ".4.4.2 ( player or pair may claim one time&out period of up to 1 minute during an indi!idual match. ". 3n an indi!idual e!ent the re$uest for a time&out may be made by the player or pair or by the designated ad!iser' in a team e!ent it may be made by the player or pair or by the team captain. ". 3f a player or pair and an ad!iser or captain disagree whether a time&out is to be taken, the final decision shall be made by the player or pair in an indi!idual e!ent and by the captain in a team e!ent. ".4.4.2." The re$uest for a time&out, which can be made only between rallies in a game, shall be indicated by making a GTG sign with the hands. ". <n recei!ing a !alid re$uest for a time&out the umpire shall suspend play and shall hold up a white card with the hand on the side of the player or pair who re$uested it' the white card or another appropriate marker shall be placed on the court of that player or pair. ". The white card or marker shall be remo!ed and play resumed as soon as the player or pair making the re$uest is ready to continue or at the end of 1 minute, whiche!er is the sooner. ".4.4.2. 3f a !alid re$uest for a time&out is made simultaneously by or on behalf of both players or pairs, play will resume when both players or pairs are ready or at the end of 1 minute, whiche!er is the sooner, and neither player or pair shall be entitled to another time&out during that indi!idual match. ".4.4." There shall be no inter!als between successi!e indi!idual matches of a team match e,cept that a player who is re$uired to play in successi!e matches may claim an inter!al of up

to 5 minutes between those matches. ".4.4.4 The referee may allow a suspension of play, of the shortest practical duration, and in no circumstances more than 1# minutes, if a player is temporarily incapacitated by an accident, pro!ided that in the opinion of the referee the suspension is not likely to be unduly disad!antageous to the opposing player or pair. ".4.4.5 ( suspension shall not be allowed for a disability which was present or was reasonably to be e,pected at the beginning of the match, or where it is due to the normal stress of play' disability such as cramp or e,haustion, caused by the player1s current state of fitness or by the manner in which play has proceeded, does not /ustify such an emergency suspension, which may be allowed only for incapacity resulting from an accident, such as in/ury caused by a fall. ".4.4. 3f anyone in the playing area is bleeding, play shall be suspended immediately and shall not resume until that person has recei!ed medical treatment and all traces of blood ha!e been remo!ed from the playing area. ".4.4.7 8layers shall remain in or near the playing area throughout an indi!idual match, e,cept with the permission of the referee' during inter!als between games and time&outs they shall remain within " metres of the playing area, under the super!ision of the umpire. 3.5 DISCIPLINE 3.5.1 A65-0' ".5.1.1 3n a team e!ent, players may recei!e ad!ice from anyone authorised to be at the playing area. ".5.1.2 3n an indi!idual e!ent, a player or pair may recei!e ad!ice only from one person, designated beforehand to the umpire, e,cept that where the players of a doubles pair are from different (ssociations each may designate an ad!iser, but with regard to ".5.1 and ".5.2 these two ad!isors shall be treated as a unit' if an unauthorised person gi!es ad!ice the umpire shall hold up a red card and send him away from the playing area. ".5.1." 8layers may recei!e ad!ice only during the inter!als between games or during other authorised suspension of play, and not between the end of practice and the start of a match' if any authorised person gi!es ad!ice at other times the umpire shall hold up a yellow card to warn him that any further such offence will result in his dismissal from the playing area. ".5.1.4 (fter a warning has been gi!en, if in the same team match or the same match of an indi!idual e!ent anyone again gi!es ad!ice illegally, the umpire shall hold up a red card and send him away from the playing area, whether or not he was the person warned. ".5.1.5 3n a team match the dismissed ad!iser shall not be allowed to return, e,cept when re$uired to play, and he shall not be replaced by another ad!iser until the team match has ended' in an indi!idual e!ent he shall not be allowed to return until the indi!idual match has ended. ".5.1. 3f the dismissed ad!iser refuses to lea!e, or returns before the end of the match, the umpire shall suspend play and report to the referee. ".5.1.7 These regulations shall apply only to ad!ice on play and shall not pre!ent a player or captain, as appropriate, from making a legitimate appeal nor hinder a consultation with an interpreter or (ssociation representati!e on the e,planation of a /uridical decision. 3.5.2 M-(2'815-)74 ".5.2.1 8layers and coaches or other ad!isers shall refrain from beha!iour that may unfairly affect an opponent, offend spectators or bring the sport into disrepute, such as abusi!e language, deliberately breaking the ball or hitting it out of the playing area, kicking the table or

surrounds and disrespect of match officials. ".5.2.2 3f at any time a player, a coach or another ad!iser commits a serious offence the umpire shall suspend play and report immediately to the referee' for less serious offences the umpire may, on the first occasion, hold up a yellow card and warn the offender that any further offence is liable to incur penalties. ".5.2." 5,cept as pro!ided in ".5.2.2 and ".5.2.5, if a player who has been warned commits a second offence in the same indi!idual match or team match, the umpire shall award 1 point to the offender1s opponent and for a further offence he shall award 2 points, each time holding up a yellow and a red card together. ".5.2.4 3f a player against whom " penalty points ha!e been awarded in the same indi!idual match or team match continues to misbeha!e, the umpire shall suspend play and report immediately to the referee. ".5.2.5 3f a player changes his racket during an indi!idual match when it has not been damaged, the umpire shall suspend play and report to the referee. ".5.2. ( warning or penalty incurred by either player of a doubles pair shall apply to the pair, but not to the non&offending player in a subse$uent indi!idual match of the same team match' at the start of a doubles match the pair shall be regarded as ha!ing incurred the higher of any warnings or penalties incurred by either player in the same team match. ".5.2.7 5,cept as pro!ided in ".5.2.2, if a coach or another ad!iser who has been warned commits a further offence in the same indi!idual match or team match, the umpire shall hold up a red card and send him away from the playing area until the end of the team match or, in an indi!idual e!ent, of the indi!idual match. ".5.2.) The referee shall ha!e power to dis$ualify a player from a match, an e!ent or a competition for seriously unfair or offensi!e beha!iour, whether reported by the umpire or not' as he does so he shall hold up a red card. ".5.2.0 3f a player is dis$ualified from 2 matches of a team or indi!idual e!ent he shall automatically be dis$ualified from that team e!ent or indi!idual competition. ".5.2.1# The referee may dis$ualify for the remainder of a competition anyone who has twice been sent away from the playing area during that competition. ".5.2.11 %ollowing 4 accumulated failures on any aspect of official racket testing o!er 4) months, a player shall be suspended for 12 months from participating in 3TT% e!ents. ".5.2.12 3f a player is dis$ualified from a match, e!ent or competition for any reason, he shall automatically forfeit any associated title, medal, prize money or ranking points. ".5.2.1" =ases of !ery serious misbeha!iour shall be reported to the offender1s (ssociation. 3.5.3 "))6 P4'('.,1,-). ".5.".1 8layers, coaches and officials shall uphold the ob/ect of good presentation of the sport' in particular players ha!e to do their utmost to win a match and shall not withdraw e,cept for reasons of illness or in/ury. ".5.".2 (ny player who deliberately fails to comply with these principles shall be disciplined by total or partial loss of prize money in prize e!ents andHor by suspension from 3TT% e!ents. ".5."." 3n the e!ent of complicity pro!en against any ad!iser or official the rele!ant national (ssociation is also e,pected to discipline this person. ".5.".4 ( >isciplinary 8anel appointed by the 5,ecuti!e =ommittee, consisting of 4 members and a chairman, shall decide on whether an infringement committed and if necessary on appropriate sanctions' this =ommission shall decide according to directi!es gi!en by the

5,ecuti!e =ommittee. ".5.".5 (n appeal against the >isciplinary 8anel2s decision may be made by the disciplined player, ad!iser or official within 15 days to the 3TT% 5,ecuti!e =ommittee whose decision on the matter shall be final. 3.6 DRAW FOR KNOCK<OUT COMPETITIONS 3.6.1 B%'( 1.6 371/-*-'4( ". .1.1 The number of places in the first round proper of a knockout e!ent shall be a power of 2. ". .1.1.1 3f there are fewer entries than places, the first round shall include enough byes to make up the re$uired number. ". .1.1.2 3f there are more entries than places, a $ualifying competition shall be held such that the number of $ualifiers and the number of direct entries together make up the re$uired number. ". .1.2 .yes shall be distributed as e!enly as possible throughout the first round, being placed first against seeded places, in seeding order. ". .1." Iualifiers shall be drawn as e!enly as possible among the hal!es, $uarters, eighths or si,teenths of the draw, as appropriate. 3.6.2 S''6-.: 2% R1.;-.: ". .2.1 The highest ranked entries in an e!ent shall be seeded so that they cannot meet before the closing rounds. ". .2.2 The number of entries to be seeded shall not e,ceed the number of entries in the 1st round proper of the e!ent. ". .2." The entry ranked 1 shall be placed at the top of the first half of the draw and the entry ranked 2 at the bottom of the second half, but all other seeded entries shall be drawn among specified places in the draw, as followsB ". .2.".1 the entries ranked " and 4 shall be drawn between the bottom of the first half of the draw and the top of the second half' ". .2.".2 the entries ranked 5&) shall be drawn among the bottom places of the odd&numbered $uarters of the draw and the top places of the e!ennumbered $uarters' ". .2."." the entries ranked 0&1 shall be drawn among the bottom places of the odd& numbered eighths of the draw and the top places of the e!ennumbered eighths' ". .2.".4 the entries ranked 17&"2 shall be drawn among the bottom places of the odd& numbered si,teenths of the draw and the top places of the e!ennumbered si,teenths. ". .2.4 3n a team knockout e!ent only the highest ranked team from an (ssociation shall be eligible for seeding by ranking. ". .2.5 -eeding by ranking shall follow the order of the latest ranking list published by the 3TT% e,cept that ". .2.5.1 where all the entries eligible for seeding are from (ssociations belonging to the same =ontinental %ederation the latest list published by that %ederation shall take precedence' ". .2.5.2 where all the entries eligible for seeding are from the same (ssociation the latest list published by that (ssociation shall take precedence. 3.6.3 S''6-.: 2% A(()0-1,-). N)+-.1,-). ". .".1 Aominated players and pairs of the same (ssociation shall, as far as possible, be separated so that they cannot meet before the closing rounds of an e!ent. ". .".2 (ssociations shall list their nominated players and pairs in descending order of playing

strength, starting with any players included in the ranking list used for seeding, in the order of that list. ". ."." The entries ranked 1 and 2 shall be drawn into different hal!es and those ranked " and 4 into $uarters other than those occupied by the first two. ". .".4 The entries ranked 5&) shall be drawn as e!enly as possible into eighths other than those occupied by the first four. ". .".5 The entries ranked 0&1 shall be drawn as e!enly as possible into si,teenths other than those occupied by higher ranked players or pairs and so on, until all the entries ha!e been allocated. ". .". ( men1s or women1s doubles pair consisting of players from different (ssociations shall be considered a pair of the (ssociation of the player ranked higher in the 6orld ?anking 4ist, or, if neither player is in this list, in the appropriate =ontinental ?anking 4ist' if neither player is included in a 6orld or =ontinental ?anking 4ist, the pair shall be considered a member of the (ssociation whose team is ranked higher in the appropriate 6orld Team ?anking 4ist. ". .".7 ( mi,ed doubles pair consisting of players from different (ssociations shall be considered a pair of the (ssociation to which the man belongs. ". .".) (lternati!ely, any doubles pair consisting of players from different (ssociations may be considered a pair of both of these (ssociations. ". .".0 3n a $ualifying competition, entries from the same (ssociation, up to the number of $ualifying groups, shall be drawn into separate groups in such a way that $ualifiers are, as far as possible, separated in accordance with the principles of ". ."."&5. 3.6.4 A/,'41,-).( ". .4.1 ( completed draw may be altered only with the permission of the responsible management committee and, where appropriate, the agreement of the representati!es of (ssociations directly concerned. ". .4.2 The draw may be altered only to correct errors and genuine misunderstandings in the notification and acceptance of entry, to correct serious imbalance, as pro!ided in ". .5, or to include additional players or pairs, as pro!ided in ". . . ". .4." Ao alterations other than necessary deletions shall be made to the draw of an e!ent after it has started' for the purpose of this regulation a $ualifying competition may be regarded as a separate e!ent. ". .4.4 ( player shall not be deleted from the draw without his permission, unless he is dis$ualified' such permission must be gi!en either by the player if he is present or, if he is absent, by his authorised representati!e. ". .4.5 ( doubles pair shall not be altered if both players are present and fit to play, but in/ury, illness or absence of one player may be accepted as /ustification for an alteration. 3.6.5 R'<641= ". .5.1 5,cept as pro!ided in ". .4.2, ". .4.5 and ". .5.2, a player shall not be mo!ed from one place in the draw to another and if for any reason the draw becomes seriously unbalanced the e!ent shall, where!er possible, be completely re&drawn. ". .5.2 5,ceptionally, where the imbalance is due to the absence of se!eral seeded players or pairs from the same section of the draw, the remaining seeded players or pairs only may be re& numbered in ranking order and re&drawn to the e,tent possible among the seeded places, taking account as far as is practicable of the re$uirements for seeding by (ssociation nomination.

3.6.6 A66-,-).( ". . .1 8layers not included in the original draw may be added later, at the discretion of the responsible management committee and with the agreement of the referee. ". . .2 (ny !acancies in seeded places shall first be filled, in ranking order, by drawing into them the strongest new players or pairs' any further players or pairs shall be drawn into !acancies due to absence or dis$ualification and then into byes other than those against seeded players or pairs. ". . ." (ny players or pairs who would ha!e been seeded by ranking if they had been included in the original draw may be drawn only into !acancies in seeded places. 3.7 OR"ANISATION OF COMPETITIONS 3.7.1 A7,8)4-,% ".7.1.1 8ro!ided the =onstitution is obser!ed, any (ssociation may organise or authorise open, restricted or in!itation tournaments within its territory or may arrange international matches. ".7.1.2 3n any season, an (ssociation may nominate one senior, one /unior and one !eterans1 open tournament which it organises as its -enior, Cunior or Jeterans1 <pen 3nternational =hampionships. ".7.1." 8layers from affiliated 3TT% member (ssociations, when competing internationally, can only participate in 3TT% e!ents, 3TT% appro!ed e!ents and 3TT% registered e!ents entered through their national (ssociation, as well as in 3TT% recognised e!ents entered through their Aational <lympic =ommittee. 8articipation in any other type of e!ent can only be allowed with the e,press written permission of the national (ssociation of the player or the 3TT%' permission to players will be considered gi!en unless a specific or general notification is made by the national association of the player or the 3TT% withholding the permission to participate in an e!ent or series of e!ents. ".7.1.4 ( player or team may not take part in an international competition if heHit is suspended by hisHits (ssociation or =ontinental %ederation. ".7.1.5 Ao e!ent may use a 6orld title without the permission of the 3TT%, or a =ontinental title without the permission of the appropriate =ontinental %ederation. 3.7.2 R'&4'('.,1,-). ".7.2.1 ?epresentati!es of all (ssociations whose players are taking part in an <pen 3nternational =hampionships e!ent shall be entitled to attend the draw and shall be consulted on any alterations to the draw or any decisions of appeal that may directly affect their players. 3.7.3 E.,4-'( ".7.".1 5ntry forms for <pen 3nternational =hampionships shall be sent to all (ssociations not later than 2 calendar months before the start of the competition and not later than 1 calendar month before the date for the close of entries. ".7.".2 (ll entries nominated by (ssociations for open tournaments shall be accepted but the organisers shall ha!e power to allocate entries to a $ualifying competition' in deciding this allocation they shall take account of the rele!ant 3TT% and =ontinental ranking lists and of any ranking order of entries specified by the nominating (ssociation. 3.7.4 E5'.,( ".7.4.1 <pen 3nternational =hampionships shall include men1s singles, women1s singles, men1s doubles and women1s doubles and may include mi,ed doubles and international team e!ents for teams representing (ssociations.

".7.4.2 3n world title competitions, players in youth, /unior and cadet e!ents must be under 21, under 1) and under 15 respecti!ely on "1st >ecember immediately before the calendar year in which the competition takes place' these age limits are recommended for corresponding e!ents in other competitions. ".7.4." 3t is recommended that team matches at <pen 3nternational =hampionships be played according to one of the systems specified in ".7. ' the entry form or prospectus shall show which system has been chosen. ".7.4.4 3ndi!idual e!ents proper shall be played on a knockout basis, but team e!ents and $ualifying rounds of indi!idual e!ents may be played on either a knockout or a group basis. 3.7.5 "4)7& C)+&',-,-).( ".7.5.1 3n a group, or Ground robinG, competition, all members of the group shall compete against each other and shall gain 2 match points for a win, 1 for a loss in a played match and # for a loss in an unplayed or unfinished match' the ranking order shall be determined primarily by the number of match points gained. 3f a player is defaulted after the completion of a match for any reason, he shall be deemed to ha!e lost the match, which shall subse$uently be recorded as a loss in an unplayed match . ".7.5.2 3f two or more members of the group ha!e gained the same number of match points their relati!e positions shall be determined only by the results of the matches between them, by considering successi!ely the numbers of match points, the ratios of wins to losses first in indi!idual matches :for a team e!ent;, games and points, as far as is necessary to resol!e the order. ".7.5." 3f at any step in the calculations the positions of one or more members of the group ha!e been determined while the others are still e$ual, the results of matches in which those members took part shall be e,cluded from any further calculations needed to resol!e the e$ualities in accordance with the procedure of ".7.5.1 and ".7.5.2. ".7.5.4 3f it is not possible to resol!e e$ualities by means of the procedure specified in ".7.5.1& " the relati!e positions shall be decided by lot. ".7.5.5 3n the $ualifying stages of 6orld, <lympic and <pen 3nternational =hampionships players shall be drawn into groups and assigned group positions in descending order of their current world ranking, taking account as far as possible of separation by (ssociation. ".7.5. 9nless otherwise authorised by the Cury, if 1 player or team is to $ualify the final match in the group shall be between the players or teams numbered 1 and 2, if 2 are to $ualify the final match shall be between the players or teams numbered 2 and " and so on. 3.7.6 T'1+ M1,08 S%(,'+( ".7. .1 .est of 5 matches :Aew -waythling =up system, 5 singles; ".7. .1.1 ( team shall consist of " players. ".7. .1.2 The order of play shall be 1; ( ! K 2; . ! L "; = ! M 4; ( ! L 5; . ! K ".7. .2 .est of 5 matches :=orbillon =up system, 4 singles and 1 doubles; ".7. .2.1 ( team shall consist of 2, " or 4 players. ".7. .2.2 The order of play shall be

1; ( ! K 2; . ! L "; doubles 4; ( ! L 5; . ! K ".7. ." .est of 5 matches :<lympic system, 4 singles and 1 doubles; ".7. .".1 ( team shall consist of " players' each player shall compete in a ma,imum of 2 indi!idual matches. ".7. .".2 The order of play shall be 1; ( ! K 2; . ! L "; doubles = N ( or . ! M N K or L 4; . or ( ! M 5; = ! L or K ".7. .4 .est of 7 matches : singles and 1 doubles; ".7. .4.1 ( team shall consist of ", 4 or 5 players. ".7. .4.2 The order of play shall be 1; ( ! L 2; . ! K "; = ! M 4; doubles 5; ( ! K ;=!L 7; . ! M ".7. .5 .est of 0 matches :0 singles; ".7. .5.1 ( team shall consist of " players. ".7. .5.2 The order of play shall be 1; ( ! K 2; . ! L "; = ! M 4; . ! K 5; ( ! M ;=!L 7; . ! M ); = ! K 0; ( ! L 3.7.7 T'1+ M1,08 P4)0'674' ".7.7.1 (ll players shall be selected from those nominated for the e!ent. ".7.7.2 .efore a team match the right to choose (,.,= or K,L,M shall be decided by lot and the captains shall name their teams to the referee or his representati!e, assigning a letter to each singles player. ".7.7." The pairs for a doubles match need not be nominated until the end of the immediately preceding singles match. ".7.7.4 ( team match shall end when one team has won a ma/ority of the possible indi!idual matches.

3.7.8 R'(7/,( ".7.).1 (s soon as possible after the end of a competition and not later than 7 days thereafter the organising (ssociation shall send to the 3TT% -ecretariat and to the -ecretary of the appropriate =ontinental %ederation details of the results, including points scores, of international matches, of all rounds of =ontinental and <pen 3nternational =hampionships and of the closing rounds of national championships. 3.7. T'/'5-(-). ".7.0.1 (n e!ent other than 6orld, =ontinental or <lympic title competitions may be broadcast by tele!ision only with the permission of the (ssociation from whose territory the broadcast is made. ".7.0.2 8articipation in an international e!ent presumes the consent of the (ssociation controlling the !isiting players to the tele!ising of that e!ent' in 6orld, =ontinental or <lympic title competitions such consent is presumed for the showing anywhere of li!e or recorded tele!ision during the period of the e!ent and within 1 calendar month afterwards. 3.8 INTERNATIONAL ELI"IBILITY ".).1 5ligibility in <lympic title competitions is regulated separately by 4.5.1 and additional eligibility regulations apply to 6orld title e!ents :4.1.", 4.2.", 4.". , 4.4.";. ".).2 ( player shall be regarded as representing an (ssociation if he accepted to be nominated by this (ssociation and subse$uently participates in a competition listed in ".1.2." other than indi!idual e!ents at <pen 3nternational =hampionships. ".)." ( player is eligible to represent an (ssociation only if he is a national of the country in which that (ssociation has /urisdiction, e,cept that a player who has already represented an (ssociation of which he was not a national in accordance with pre!ious rules may retain that eligibility. ".).".1 6here the players of more than one (ssociation ha!e the same nationality, a player may represent one of these (ssociations only, if he is born in or has his main residence in the territory controlled by that (ssociation. ".).".2 ( player who is eligible to represent more than 1 (ssociation shall ha!e the right to choose which of the rele!ant (ssociations he will represent. ".).4 ( player is eligible to represent a =ontinental %ederation :1.1).1; in an e!ent of continental teams only if he is eligible to represent a member (ssociation of this =ontinental %ederation according to ".).". ".).5 ( player shall not represent different (ssociations within a period of " years. ".). (n (ssociation may nominate a player under its /urisdiction :1.21; to enter any indi!idual e!ents of <pen 3nternational =hampionships' such nomination may be indicated in results lists and 3TT% publications but does not affect the eligibility of this player according to ".).2. ".).7 ( player or his (ssociation shall, if so re$uested by the referee, pro!ide documentary e!idence of his eligibility and his passport. ".).) (ny appeal on a $uestion of eligibility shall be referred to an 5ligibility =ommission, consisting of the 5,ecuti!e =ommittee, the chairman of the ?ules =ommittee, the chairman of the ?anking =ommittee and the chairman of the (thletes2 =ommission, whose decision shall be final.

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