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A Primer
Srinivas Madhav

Contents Introduction Indian View American View English View Scottish View Australian View Annexure : CIC decisions on u!lic interest #he u!lic interest test $ a %low chart 2 5 9 11 13 17 2" 2&

' Co(er ainting : )a*a )a(i Varma+s ainting de icting )a*a Sat,a -arischandra.



A Primer
Introduction #he )ight to In%ormation Act 2""5 does not de%ine / u!lic interest0 12o other 3reedom o% In%ormation 4aw in the world does it1 2on$disclosure o% in%ormation under 5uali%ied exem tions interest test1 Something in the ser(es the interests o% practice. #his is an attem t to ma7e an elementar, stud, o% international ex erience1 /Public /'4atin publicus ) means :0 11 ha(ing to do with the a%%airs or o%%icial a%%airs o% all eo le8 as o a ri(ate grou 01'adjective. 21 the 'noun.
2 1

re6uires a

lication o% the


u!lic interest is sim l, something which However, it may not be that simple in


osed to *ust

eo le in general8 regardless o% mem!ershi

o% an,

articular grou 1

/Interest'alteration o% earlier interesse8 %rom Anglo$3rench8 %rom 9edie(al 4atin8 %rom 4atin8 to !e !etween8 ma7e a di%%erence8 concern8 %rom inter-!etween8 among : esse to !e . means a right8 title8 claim or share in ro ert,1 ;Public interest< means : 11#he well$!eing commonweal1 o% the general u!lic=
& 3

! e n e % i c i a l t o t h e u ! l i c 1


21#he attention o% the eo le with res ect to e(ents1 rotected and ad(anced1 Public interest ci(ic causes8 in o goals.1 #he considered

>#he general wel%are and rights o% the u!lic that are to !e recogni?ed8 is a term used to denote osition o% olitical mo(ements and orting general u!lic and

organi?ations that are in the public interest@su

ri(ate and cor orate ones ' articularistic

u!lic interest can also mean more generall, what is

11 Exem tions which are su!*ect to Exempions to Disclosure of nformation. 2. en. wi!tionary.or" 31 dictionary

u!lic interest test1'all


exem tions under

sA'1..1 See article: &1 dictionary 51 dictionary B.


It is o%ten (er, di%%icult $ $#o s eci%, exactl, what is meant !, the C u!lic interest8C es eciall, since Cs ecial interestsC themsel(es so o%ten s ea7 in %a(or o% their goals using the language o% the u!lic interest1 $#o %oretell that a instead1 #he term is also used in *ournalism8 usuall, to descri!e disclosures that would assist mem!ers o% the u!lic ma7e more in%ormed olitical or ersonal decisions1 'Source: #i!ipedia, the free encyclopedia) et cause romoted !, a gi(en organi?ation or mo(ement would !e !ene%icial to the u!lic or would !ring er(erse e%%ects

1C #he u!lic interest is central to olic, de!ates8 olitics8 democrac, and the nature o% go(ernment itsel%1 Dhile nearl, e(er,one claims that aiding the common well$!eing or general wel%are is ositi(e8 there is little8 i% an,8 u!lic must u!lic consensus on what exactl, constitutes the u!lic interest1 #here are di%%erent (iews on how man, mem!ers o% the !ene%it %rom an action !e%ore it can !e declared to !e in the

interest: at one extreme8 an action has to !ene%it e(er, single mem!er o% societ, in order to !e trul, in the u!lic interest= at the other extreme8 an, action can !e in the 1 #he u!lic interest as long as it !ene%its some o% the olitical o ulation and harms none1 u!lic interest is a crucial8 i% ill$de%ined8 conce t in much hiloso h,1 It should !e noted that it is also ossi!le that in some cases ad(ancing the u!lic interest will hurt certain ri(ate interests1 #his ris7s the Ct,rann, o% the ma*orit,C in an, democrac,8 since minorities+ interests ma, !e o(erridden1 En the other hand8 we are all a minorit, in some ca acit, $ thus8 rotection o% minorit, rights argua!l, !ecomes art o% the u!lic interest1 In l!"8 or regulations '%or instance %reedom o% in%ormation laws in the FG.1
1 11 en.wi!ipedia.or"

u!lic interest is a de%ence against certain lawsuits '%or instance

some li!el suits in the Fnited Gingdom. and an exem tion %rom certain laws


$troud%s &udicial Dictionary8 Vol1&'&th edition. de%ines 1 as: ;A matter o% u!lic or general interest

u!lic interest
11 D.*.+haware ( $tate others of ,aharashtra and K2""5L SCC 59"1 21 +he -ublic -hilosophy

/does not mean that which is ecuniar, interest8 or some

interesting as grati%,ing curiosit, or a lo(e o% in%ormation or amusement = !ut that in which a class o% the communit, ha(e a interest !, which their legal rights or lia!ilities are a%%ected0 >< 'lac!(s )aw Dictionary 'Bth Edition. de%ines u!lic interest as : ;Something in which the u!lic8 the communit, at large8 has some ecuniar,

'1955. 31Ma,91Sha%rit? and E1D1)ussel8 ntroducin"-ublic .dministration /0



&1 +he #orld .lmanac1

interest8 or some interest !, which their legal rights or lia!ilities are a%%ected1 It does not mean an,thing so narrow as mere curiosit,8 or as the interests o% the articular localities8 which ma, !e a%%ected !, the matters in 6uestion1 Interest shared !, citi?ens generall, in a%%airs o% local8 state or national Ho(ernment C1 An American *ournalist Dalter 4i man

wrote8 CIu!lic interest is

generall, ta7en to mean a commonl, acce ted good1 Iu!lic interest ma, !e resumed to !e what men would choose i% the, saw clearl,8 thought rationall,8 acted disinterestedl, and !ene(olentl,C1

#he classic exam le o% disinterested )oman atrician1 Cincinnatus8 a %armer8 was a

u!lic ser(ice was 4ucius 5uinctius Cincinnatus8 a

In &5A J1C18 when )ome was threatened with militar, de%eat8 ointed dictator !, the senate to deal with the emergenc,1 low mid $%ield to ta7e command1 Dithin 1B da,s he

4egend has it that he literall, a!andoned his

de%eated the enem,8 resigned %rom the dictatorshi 8 and returned to his low1 E(er since8 oliticians ha(e !een insincerel, asserting how much the, ,earn to gi(e u and return to the %arm8 as Cincinnatus did1


Heorge Dashington is one o% the %ew genuine Cincinnatus %igures in world histor,1 American (ictor, o(er Jritish Arm, was due largel, to Dashington+s 4eadershi 1 -e was unanimousl, elected resident8 and reelected in 17928!ut re%used to consider a third term as resident8 retired to 9ount Vernon8 su%%ered acute lar,ngitis a%ter a ride in snow and rain around his estate8 died1


)e$nowned legal scholar 8S1I1 Sathe $ di%%erentiated !etween u!lic interest and

in &udicial activism in ri(ate interest: Cin%act e(en


11 '2nd edn82""3.

ad*udication su!ser(es Iu!lic Interest !ecause it is in the honour rights in ro ert, or status1 indirectl, in litigants8 it is ser(ed more directl, !, Jut whereas u!lic

u!lic interest that interest is ser(ed

eo le should honour contracts8 should !e lia!le %or ci(il wrongs8 and should ri(ate litigation 8 the main %ocus !eing on ri(ate interest o% the

u!lic law ad*udication !ecause the %ocus is on the

unconstitutionalit, arising %rom either lac7 o% ower or inconsistenc, with a constitutionall, guaranteed rightC

Indi!n #ie" $ #he Indian )ight to In%ormation Act is ,et to ta7e$o%%1 -owe(er the Central In%ormation Commission o% India has gi(en man, Necisions on Iu!lic Interest8 which are annexed at the end1 #he Su reme Court o% India #he Su reme Court o% India issued man, guidelines'199A. descri!ing the u!lic interest 8 to !e %ollowed %or entertaining letters or etitions recei(ed in the court as u!lic interest litigation and suggested that the %ollowing issues are regarded to !e something in u!lic interest : 11 Jonded la!our maters 21 2eglected children 31 2on$ a,ment o% minimum wages to wor7ers and ex loitation o% casual wor7ers and com laints o% (iolation o% la!our laws 'exce t in indi(idual cases. &1 Ietitions %rom *ails com laining o% harassment %or remature release and see7ing release a%ter ha(ing com leted 1& ,ears in *ail8 death in *ail8 trans%er8 release on ersonal !ond8 s eed, trial as a %undamental right 51 Ietitions against olice %or re%using to register a case8 harassment !, olice and death in olice custod, -5-

B1 Ietitions against atrocities on women8 in harassment o% !ride8 !ride$!urning8 7idna !, co$(illagers or !, Scheduled Castes olice %rom and


ing etc1

71 Ietitions com laining o% harassment or torture o% (illagers ersons !elonging to #ri!es and Scheduled

economicall, !ac7ward classes A1 Ietitions ertaining to en(ironmental ollution8 distur!ance o% ecological !alance8 drugs8 %ood8 adulteration8 maintenance o% heritage and culture8 anti6ues8 %orest and wildli%e and other matters o% u!lic im ortance 91 Ietitions %rom riot$(ictims 1"1 3amil, ension And the %ollowing issues are not considered to !e in u!lic interest : 11 4andlord$tenant matters 21 Ser(ice matters and those ertaining to ension and gratuit, 31 Com laints against CentralOState Ho(ernment Ne artments and local !odies exce t those relating to item 2os1'1. to '1". a!o(e &1 Admission to medical and other educational institutions1

#he Su reme Court o% India in &anata Dal v .1.H.$. 2howdhary the ur ose o% the u!lic interest is $ ;K#Lo wi e out the tears o% the

o!ser(ed that
11 K1992L & SCC 3"51 21 AI) 19A2 SC 1&91

oor and need,8 su%%ering %rom (iolation o% their

%undamental rights8 !ut not %or ersonal gain or ri(ate ro%it o% olitical moti(e or an, o!li6ue consideration1C In $.-.3upta v -resident of ndia 8 Mustice Jhagawati said: K)Ledressing u!lic in*ur,8 en%orcing u!lic dut,8 rotecting social8 collecti(e8 +di%%used+ rights and interests are (indicating the communit, ha(e legal rights or lia!ilities are a%%ected1 -6u!lic interest>en%orcement u!lic or a class o% o% u!lic interest or general interest in which the

ecuniar, interest or some interest !, which their

In $tate of 3ujarat v ,ir4apur ,oti 5ureshi 5asab &amat 6 others, AI) 2""B Su reme Court 2128 the Su reme Court held ;the interest o% general u!lic ' u!lic interest. is o% a wide im ort co(ering u!lic order8 u!lic health8 u!lic securit,8 morals8 economic wel%are o% the communit,8 and the o!*ects mentioned in Iart IV o% the Constitution 'i1e1 Nirecti(e Irinci les o% State Iolic,.<1 #he %ollowing Articles contain the Nirecti(e Iolic,: rinci les o% State

3 A 1 S t a t e t o s e c u r e a s o c i a l o r d e r % o r t h e r o m o t i o n o % we l % a r e o % t h e e o l e 1 @ ' 1. #he State shall stri(e to romote the we l% are o% the eo le !, se curin g and rotectin g as e%% ecti(e l, as it ma , a social order in which *u stice8 soc ial8 economic and olitical8 shall in% orm all the institut ions o% the national li% e1 '2. #he State shall8 in articula r8 stri(e to minimise the ine6ualit ies in incom e8 and endea(our to eliminate ine 6ualit ies in status8 % acilit ies and o ortunities8 not onl, amongst indi(iduals !ut also amongst grou s o% eo le res idin g in di% % erent areas or en gaged in di%% erent (ocations1 3 9 1 C e r t a i n r i n c i l e s o % o l i c , t o ! e % o l l o we d ! , t h e S t a t e %@
# h e S t a t e s h a l l 8 i n a r t ic u la r 8 d ir e c t it s o l i c , t o w a r d s s e c u r i n g @ / a ) t h a t t h e c i t i ?e n s 8 m e n a n d w o m e n e 6 u a l l ,8 h a ( e t h e r i g h t t o a n a d e 6 u a t e m e a n s o % l i( e l ih o o d = /b) that the ownershi and control o% the material resources o% the c o m m u n it , a r e s o d is t r i ! u t e d a s ! e s t t o s u ! s e r (e t h e c o m m o n g o o d = / c ) t h a t t h e o e r a t i o n o % t h e e c o n o m ic s ,s t e m d o e s n o t r e s u l t i n t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n o % w e a lt h a n d m e a n s o % r o d u c t i o n t o t h e c o m m o n d e t r im e n t = / d ) t h a t t h e r e is e 6 u a l a , % o r e 6 u a l w o r 7 % o r ! o t h m e n a n d w o m e n = / e ) t h a t t h e h e a lt h a n d s t r e n g t h o % w o r 7 e r s 8 m e n a n d w o m e n 8 a n d t h e t e n d e r a g e o % c h i l d r e n a r e n o t a ! u s e d a n d t h a t c i t i ?e n s a r e n o t % o r c e d ! , e c o n o m ic n e c e s s it , t o e n t e r a ( o c a t i o n s u n s u i t e d t o t h e ir a g e o r s t r e n g t h = /f) that children are gi(en o o r t u n it i e s a n d % a c il i t i e s t o d e (e l o in a h e a lt h , m a n n e r a n d i n c o n d i t io n s o % % r e e d o m a n d d ig n it , a n d t h a t c h i ld h o o d a n d ,o u t h a r e r o t e c t e d a g a in s t e x lo i t a t i o n a n d a g a in s t m o r a l a n d m a t e r ial a!andonment1

3 9 A 1 E 6 u a l * u s t i c e a n d % r e e l e g a l a i d % @ #he State shall secure that the o eration o% the legal s ,stem romotes *ustice8 o n a !asis o% e6ual o ortunit ,8 and shall8 in articula r8 ro (ide % ree legal aid8 ! , suita!le legis lation or schemes or in an, other wa ,8 to ensure that o ortunities % or securin g *ust ice are not denied to an, citi?en ! , reason o% economic or other d isa!ilities 1 & " 1 E r g a n i s a t i o n o % ( i l l a g e a n c h a , a t s % @#he State shall ta7e ste s to organis e (illage ancha,at s and endow them with such o wers an d authorit , a s ma , !e necessar, to ena!le them to % unction as units o% sel% $go (ern ment1 & 1 1 ) i gh t t o wo r 7 8 t o e d u c a t i o n a n d to u ! l i c a s s i s t a n c e i n c e r t a i n c a s e s % @#he State shall8 with in the limits o% its economic ca acit , and de(elo ment8 ma7e e%% ecti(e ro (is ion % or securin g the right to wo r78 to education and to u !lic assistance in cases o% unem lo,ment8 old age8 s ic7ness and disa!lement8 and in other cases o% undeser(ed want1 & 2 1 I r o ( i s i o n % o r * u s t a n d h u m a n e c o nd i t i o n s o % wo r 7 a n d m a t e r n i t , r e l i e % 1 @ #he State shall ma7e ro(ision % or securing *ust and humane conditions o% wor7 and % or maternit, relie% 1


& 3 1 4 i ( i n g w a g e 8 e t c 1 8 % o r w o r 7 e r s % @#he State shall endea(our to secu re8 !, suita!le le gislation or economic organisation or in an , other wa ,8 to all wor7 ers8 agricultu ral8 industrial or otherwise8 wo r78 a li(ing wage8 conditions o% wor7 ensurin g a decent standard o% li% e and % ull en*o,ment o% leisure and socia l and cultural o ortunities and8 in articular8 the State shall endea(our to romote cottage indust ries o n an indi(idual o r co $o erati(e !as is in rural areas1 & 3 A 1 I a r t i c i a t i o n o % wo r 7 e r s i n m a n a g e m e n t o% i n d u s t r i e s % @ #he State shall ta7e ste s8 !, suita!le legis lation or in an , other wa ,8 to secu re the artic i ation o% wo r7e rs in the management o% underta7ings8 esta !lishments or ot her organ isations en ga ged in an, industr,1 & & 1 F n i % o r m c i ( i l c o d e % o r t h e c i t i ? e n s % @#he State shall e ndea(our to secu re % or the citi?ens a uni% orm ci(il code throu ghout the territo r, o% India1 & 5 1 I r o (i s i o n % o r % re e a n d c om u l s o r , e d u c a t i o n % o r c h i l d r e n % @#he State shall endea(our to ro (id e8 with in a e riod o% ten ,ears % rom the commencement o% this Constitution8 % or % ree and com ulsor, education % or all children until the, com lete the age o% % ourteen ,ea rs1 &B1 Iromotion o% educational and economic interests o% Sc h e d u l e d C a s t es 8 S c h e d u l e d # r i ! e s a n d o t h e r we a 7 e r s e c t i o n s % @#he State shall romote with s ecial ca re the educational and economic interests o% the wea7e r sect ions o% the eo le8 and8 in articular8 o% the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled #ri!es8 and shall rotect them % rom social in*u stice and all % orms o% ex loitation1 & 7 1 N u t , o % t h e S t a te t o r a i s e t h e l e (e l o % nu t r i t i o n a n d t h e s t a n d a r d o % l i (i n g a n d t o i m r o (e u ! l i c h e a l t h % @#he State shall re ga rd the rais ing o% the le (el o% nutrition and the standard o% li(ing o% its eo le and the im ro (ement o% u!lic health as among its rimar, dut ies and8 in articular8 the St ate shall endea (our to !rin g a!out rohi!ition o% the consum tion exce t % or medicinal ur oses o% intoxicat ing d rin7 s a nd o% drugs which a re in*u rious to healt h1 & A 1 E r g a n i s a t i o n o % a g r i c u l t u r e a n d a n i m a l h u s ! a n d r , % @ # h e St a t
e s h a l l e n d e a ( o u r t o o r g a n is e a g r ic u lt u r e a n d a n im a l h u s ! a n d r , o n m o d e r n a n d s c ie n t i% ic l i n e s a n d s h a ll 8 in a r t ic u la r 8 t a 7 e s t e s % o r r e s e r (i n g a n d im r o (i n g t h e ! r e e d s 8 a n d r o h i! it i n g t h e s l a u g h t e r 8 o % c o ws a n d c a l (e s a n d o t h e r m ilc h a n d d r a u g h t c a t t l e 1

& A A 1 I r o t e c t i o n a n d i m r o (e m e n t o % e n (i r o n m e n t a n d s a % e gu a r d i n g o % % o r e s t s a n d w i l d l i % e % @ # h e St a t e s h a l l e n d e a (o u r t o r o t e c t
a n d im r o ( e t h e e n (ir o n m e n t a n d t o s a % e g u a r d t h e % o r e s t s a n d w i ld l i% e o % t h e c o u n t r ,1

& 9 1 I r o t e c t i o n o % m o n u m e n t s a nd l a c e s a n d o ! * e c t s o% na t i o n a l i m o r t a n c e %& I t s h a l l ! e t h e o ! li g a t io n o % t h e St a t e t o r o t e c t e (e r , m o n u
m e n t o r l a c e o r o ! * e c t o % a r t is t ic o r h is t o r ic in t e r e s t 8 d e c l a r e d ! , o r u n d e r l a w m a d e ! , I a r l i a m e n t t o ! e o % n a t i o n a l im o r t a n c e 8 % r o m s o l ia t io n 8 d is % i g u r e m e n t 8 d e s t r u c t i o n 8 r e m o (a l8 d is o s a l o r e x o r t 8 a s t h e c a s e m a , ! e 1

5"1 Se aration o% *u diciar, % rom e xecuti(e % @ # h e St a t e s h a l l t a 7 e s t e s t o s e

a r a t e t h e * u d ic i a r , % r o m t h e e x e c u t i (e i n t h e u ! l ic s e r (i c e s o % t h e S t a t e 1

e a c e a n d s e c u r i t , %& # h e S t a t e s h a ll endea(our to@ / a ) r o m o t e in t e r n a t io n a l e a c e a n d s e c u r it ,= / b ) m a i n t a i n * u s t a n d h o n o r a ! l e r e la t i o n s ! e t w e e n n a t i o n s = / c ) % o s t e r r e s e c t % o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l l a w a n d t r e a t , o ! l i g a t io n s i n t h e d e a li n g s o % o r g a n i ?e d e o l e s w i t h o n e a n o t h e r = a n d

5 1 1 I r o m o t i o n o % i n te r n a t i o n a l

/ d ) e n c o u r a g e s e t t le m e n t o % in t e r n a t io n a l d is

utes !, ar!itration1



A'eric!n #ie" $ #he Council %or Iu!lic Interest 4aw set u !, the 3ord 3oundation in FSA in its )e ort o% Iu!lic Interest 4aw8 FSA8 197B: descri!ed the constituents o% and to signi%icant interests1 Such grou s and interests include the en(ironmentalists8 consumers8 racial and ethnic minorities and othersC1 Armin )osencran? and Sh,am Ni(an made similar descri tion o% u!lic interest in FSA : C!, the mid $ 197"s111 u!lic interest em!raced such di(erse issues as consumer rotection8 en(ironmental rotection8 land use8 occu ational health and sa%et,8 health care8 media access and em lo,ment !ene%its1< Im ortant o!ser(ations made !, the American courts : #he onl, rele(ant u!lic interest under the Act remains C#he Citi?ens right to !e in%ormed a!out what their go(ernment is u to1< Iu!lic o(ersight o% Ho(ernment o erations is the essence o% u!lic interest under the Act1 I% the re6uest im licates no u!lic interest at all8 u!lic aurhorit, need not linger o(er the !alance1 Something outweighs nothing e(er, time1 Se(eral courts ha(e im licitl, recogni?ed that there can !e u!lic interest in the non disclosure o% in%ormation$ articularl, the u!lic interest in a(oiding the im airment o% ongoing and %uture law en%orcement in(estigations1
2 1

u!lic ro er

11 Environmental )aw and -olicy in ndia '2nd edn82""1. 21 www. usdoj."ov789foia1 31B5B8312dA5B8ABB 'N1C1cir119A1.1 1

interest grou s who111C ro(ide111 ser(ices to signi%icant segments o% the o ulation

9ost ex licitl,8 the N1C1 Circuit court o% a

eals in :und for constitutional


3overnment ( *ational1 $ervice archives 6 records has recogni?ed that C the u!lic interest ro erl, %actors into !oth sides o% the !alance1


A re6uester+s identit, is irrele(ant in the

rocessing o% a re6uest8 !ut a

re6uester+s reason %or ma7ing a re6uest8 as an e(identiar, showing on an asserted u!lic interest is re6uired8 can a%%ect decision ma7ing1 A re6uest made %or urel, commercial ur oses does not %urther a or her re6uest1 the !alancing In%ormation that would in%orm the rocess1 u!lic

interest1 Identit, o% the re6uester can ha(e no !earing on the merits o% his u!lic o% (iolations o% the u!lic trust has a strong u!lic interest and is accorded great weight in Nemonstrated wrong doing o% a serious and u!lic intentional nature !, a high le(el go(ernment o%%icial is o% su%%icient

interest to outweigh almost an, ri(ac, interest o% that o%%icial1 J, contrast less serious misconduct !, low$le(el em lo,ees is not considered o% su%%icient u!lic interest to outweigh the ri(ac, interest o% that em lo,ee1 ri(ac,

9ere allegations o% wrong doing cannot outweigh an indi(idual+s

interest1 Jecause i% mere allegations were all that necessar, to o(erride a ersonal ri(ac, interest8 then that ri(ac, would !ecome worthless1 9ore than mere allegations is re6uired1 9eaning%ul e(identiar, showing must roduce e(idence that would warrant a !elie% !, a reasona!le erson that the alleged im ro riet, might ha(e occurred11 9ere s eculation a!out h, othetical u!lic !ene%its cannot outweigh a demonstra!le signi%icant in(asion o% ri(ac,1

Derivative interest:




Iu!lic interest that stems not %rom the documents themsel(es !ut rather %rom a deri(ati(e use to which the document could !e weighed in the !alancing theor, is !eing ut could e(er !e -owe(er this rocess against ri(ac, interest1

- 10 -

6uestioned !, a recent Su reme Court o% F1S E inion in ;. .2. v :avish ser(edC and rotected the CSur(i(or death

11 2o1"2$95&:;ffice 2ounsel of v. ndependent .llan &.:avish 21 F1G1In%ormation .ct

necessar, nexus !etween the in%ormation re6uested and the u!lic interest to !e ri(ac,C !, holding that the %amil, o% scene hotogra hs due to deceased indi(idual has own right and interest in ersonal ri(ac, rotection with res ect to decedent+s their

Commissioner+s :; on public interest.

exce tional

sensiti(it,1 Ho(ernment need not ro(e

.wareness 3uidance *o.0

to a certaint, that release will lead to an unwarranted in(asion o% ersonal ri(ac,1 Iu!lic interest standard is not satis%ied when re6uesters see7 law en%orcement in%ormation ertaining to li(ing ersons1 3JI uses se(eral ste s to determine whether a rule+ which a ,ears old1 erson mentioned in a is +1"" ,ear record is ali(e or dead8 one o% which is em lo,ing

resumes that an indi(idual is dead i% his or her !irth date

ears in the res onsi(e documents and he or she would !e o(er 1""

En(lis) #ie" $

#here is a resum tion running through the Act that o enness is8 in itsel%8 to !e regarded as something which is in the u!lic interest1 out the considerations %or a u!lic authorit, when re(iewing its u!lication schemes8 the Act re6uires that C111 a u!lic authorit, shall ha(e regard to the u!lic interest $$ a1 in allowing u!lic access to in%ormation held !, the authorit,8 and !1 in the u!lication o% reasons %or decision held !, the authorit,1C It ma, !e hel %ul to thin7 a!out wh, o enness should !e regarded as !eing %or the u!lic good1 In the Introduction to the 3reedom o% In%ormation Act 2"""8 the Commissioner lists the %ollowing would encourage the disclosure o% in%ormation: 11 %urthering the understanding o% and artici ation in the u!lic interest %actors that Setting ado ting or

u!lic de!ate o% issues o% the da,1 #his %actor would come into la, i% disclosure would allow a more in%ormed de!ate

- 11 -

o% issues under consideration !, the Ho(ernment or a local authorit,1 21 romoting accounta!ilit, and trans arenc, !, authorities %or decisions ta7en !, them1 u!lic

Ilacing an

o!ligation on authorities and o%%icials to ro(ide reasoned ex lanations %or decisions made will im ro(e the 6ualit, o% decisions and administration1 31 romoting accounta!ilit, and trans arenc, in the s ending o% u!lic mone,1 #he u!lic interest is li7el, to !e ser(ed8 %or instance in the context o% ri(ate sector deli(er, o% u!lic ser(ices8 i% the disclosure o% in%ormation ensures greater com etition and !etter (alue %or mone, that is u!lic1 Nisclosure o% in%ormation as to gi%ts and ex enses ma, also assure the u!lic o% the ersonal ro!it, o% elected leaders and o%%icials1 &1 allowing indi(iduals and com anies to understand

decisions made !, those decisions1

u!lic authorities a%%ecting their li(es

and8 in some cases8 assisting indi(iduals in challenging

51 !ringing to light in%ormation a%%ecting u!lic sa%et,1 #he

u!lic health and

rom t disclosure o% in%ormation !,

scienti%ic and other ex erts ma, contri!ute not onl, to the re(ention o% accidents or out!rea7s o% disease !ut ma, also increase u!lic con%idence in o%%icial scienti%ic ad(ice1 B1 contri!ution towards scienti%ic ad(ancements8 71 ensuring the !etter o eration o% %inancial and currenc, mar7ets - 12 -

A1 assisting in the access to *ustice and %undamental rights #he F1G1 In%ormation Commissioner in 'oston 'orou"h 2ouncil ' )e%erence 2o1 3S 5""B&5A1 . discussed u!lic interest : C> consider the u!lic interest in disclosing the in%ormation against the u!lic interest in maintaining the dut, o% con%idenceC1111C#he central tenet %or the u!lic interest in disclosing in%ormation8 in this case8 surrounds the creation o% trans arenc, and accounta!ilit, o% u!lic !odies in their decisions and actions1 #his includes the s ending o% u!lic mone, and the u!lic interest in the disclosure o% in%ormation which would highlight or in%orm issues o% u!lic de!ate>C

Scottis) +ie"$ #he Scottish In%ormation Commissioner has issued excellent Jrie%ing on the u!lic interest test as art o% :reedom of nformation /$cotland) .ct <88< 'riefin"s $eries /http:77www.itspublic!nowled"e.info7index.htm) : Dhat is held to !e in the u!lic interest will change o(er time and it will also de end on the articular circumstances o% each case1 Dhether to include a set de%inition o% the term within the legislation was considered extensi(el, during the Scottish Iarliament de!ates on the 3reedom o% In%ormation 'Scotland. Jill1 It was decided that an, attem t to de%ine the u!lic interest could limit its e%%ecti(eness and its otential a lication in %uture cases1 As Scottish Executi(e o%%icials stated at the time: ;Eur understanding is that the u!lic interest is de%ined nowhere in legislation1 It is not de%ined in the FG Jill8 and we are not aware that it is de%ined in an, other legislation that re%ers to re6uirements to consider the u!lic interest in ma7ing a decision or disclosure1 #hat is artl, !ecause no single %actor can de%ine the u!lic interest1 Consideration o% the u!lic interest is made case !, case1< A l,ing the u!lic interest test:

:actors which may inform a decision about the public interest include:P the general u!lic interest that in%ormation is accessi!le i1e1 whether disclosure would enhance scrutin, o% decision$ma7ing rocesses and there!, im ro(e accounta!ilit, and artici ation1
#his goes to the heart o% %reedom o% in%ormation legislation1 Dithout an ade6uate 7nowledge o% the !asis u on which decisions are made8 the u!lic will not ha(e an o ortunit, to call

- 13 -

u!lic authorities to account= nor can the, ho e to artici ate in the decision$ma7ing rocess and contri!ute to the %ormation o% olic, and legislation i% that rocess is hidden %rom (iew1 As was stated in a Canadian court case8 ;#he o(erarching ur ose o% access to in%ormation legislation > is to %acilitate democrac,1 It does so in two related wa,s1 It hel s to ensure %irst8 that citi?ens ha(e the in%ormation re6uired to artici ate meaning%ull, in the democratic rocess8 and secondl,8 that oliticians and !ureaucrats remain accounta!le to the citi?enr,1<

P whether disclosure would contri!ute to the administration o% *ustice and en%orcement o% the law including the re(ention or detection o% crime or the a rehension or rosecution o% o%%enders1
#he u!lic interest must !e aramount in situations where a erson considering whether to withhold or disclose in%ormation has reasona!le grounds %or !elie(ing that a %ailure to ma7e the in%ormation a(aila!le would !e li7el, to re*udice the re(ention or detection o% crime1 In such an instance it is not enough sim l, to !elie(e that that an indi(idual to whom the in%ormation a lies ma, ha(e !een in(ol(ed in %raudulent acti(it,8 there must !e a su!stantial chance rather than a mere ris7 that harm would occur i% the in%ormation was not disclosed1

P whether disclosure would a%%ect the economic interests o% the whole or art o% the Fnited Gingdom1
#his ma, include instances where the release o% in%ormation would im ede the %inancial o erations o% the Scottish Iarliament or where the FG go(ernment0s a!ilit, to run the econom, would !e a%%ected1 Dhere it is claimed that the economic interests o% the whole or art o% the FG would !e a%%ected an authorit, would ha(e to esta!lish a clear and direct lin7 !etween the disclosure o% the s eci%ic in%ormation and the ro!a!le harm that is li7el, to result %rom that disclosure1 #he in%ormation could consist o% documents that contain sensiti(e %inancial details o% exchange rates8 interest rates or taxes1

P whether disclosure would contri!ute to ensuring e%%ecti(e o(ersight o% ex enditure o% u!lic %unds and that the u!lic o!tain (alue %or mone,1
Iu!lic authorities should consider the u!lic interest in ensuring maximum o enness in relation to the use o% u!lic %unds1 #he Irish In%ormation Commissioner has stated8 ;Such o enness is a signi%icant aid to ensuring e%%ecti(e o(ersight o% u!lic ex enditure8 to ensuring the u!lic o!tains (alue %or mone,8 to re(enting %raud and corru tion and to re(enting the waste or misuse o% u!lic %unds<1

P whether disclosure 7ee s the u!lic ade6uatel, in%ormed o% an, danger to u!lic health or sa%et,8 or to the en(ironment1
As alwa,s with the consideration o% the u!lic interest test8 much will de end o% the circumstances o% the case in 6uestion8 and this can !e seen with two relati(el, similar Canadian cases1 Dhere a *ournalist re6uested records %rom #rans ort Canada in relation to (iolations o% the Aeronautics Act and )egulations !, commercial ilots8 the Commissioner was not con(inced that the u!lic interest ser(ed !, disclosure would !e outweighed !, the in(asion o% ri(ac, that would result1 -e acce ted the argument that #rans ort Canada0s regulator, role ade6uatel, ser(es the u!lic interest in airline sa%et, without the need %or the u!lic to intrude into the ri(ac, o% ilots1 En the other hand8 when a *ournalist re6uested in%ormation %rom the #rans ortation Sa%et, Joard concerning air tra%%ic control ta es and transcri ts relating to a lane crash8 the Commissioner decided that the Joard had not considered the u!lic interest ro erl, and that u!lic interest in air sa%et, outweighed an, ri(ac, considerations1

- 14 -

P whether disclosure would im act ad(ersel, on sa%eguarding national securit, or international relations1
Exam les o% otential harm to international relations include the ris7 that disclosure would im ede negotiations8 undermine %ran7ness and candour in di lomatic communications8 and im air con%idential communications and candour !etween go(ernments or international !odies1 Dhere in%ormation relates to ongoing acti(ities8 some o% that in%ormation ma, remain sensiti(e %or man, months or ,ears a%ter a articular decision is made1 -owe(er8 it should !e recognised that the sensiti(it, o% such in%ormation generall, reduces o(er time1 It should also !e noted that the test is one o% ad(erse im act1

P whether disclosure would contri!ute to ensuring that an, u!lic authorit, with regulator, res onsi!ilities is ade6uatel, discharging its %unctions1
Dhere disclosure would allow the u!lic to assess the er%ormance and scrutinise the acti(ities o% a u!lic authorit, and there is a ris7 o% danger to u!lic health or sa%et,8 such as in the regulation o% nuclear ower lants8 u!lic concerns are unli7el, to !e alla,ed !, an authorit, sim l, ad(ising the u!lic that re(iews o% o erations are conducted against the highest ossi!le standards1 #he authorit, should instead ro(ide enough in%ormation %or the u!lic to assess the ade6uac, o% such a sa%et, rogram itsel% in meeting its o!*ecti(es1 Similarl,8 the existence o% other accounta!ilit, mechanisms should not !e used as an argument %or the non$disclosure o% in%ormation under the Act in relation to the legal res onsi!ilities o% a u!lic authorit,1 In 5ueensland8 Australia8 an a licant re6uested in%ormation to allow ins ection o% success%ul a lications %or %inancial assistance under a go(ernment scheme1 #he 5ueensland In%ormation Commissioner stated: ;I consider that there is a u!lic interest in ermitting an, interested mem!er o% the communit, to ha(e access to in%ormation which will allow scrutin, o% the a,ments made under the Scheme8 and whether the announced u!lic olic, ur oses o% the Scheme are !eing met in ractice1;

P whether disclosure would ensure %airness in relation to a lications or com laints8 re(eal mal ractice or ena!le the correction o% misleading claims1
3or exam le8 in%ormation should !e disclosed where it would assist a com lainant to understand the ste s ta7en !, a u!lic authorit, in de aling with his or her a lication or com laint1 It is also in the u!lic interest %or in%ormation to !e disclosed which would enhance the accounta!ilit, o% a u!lic authorit, with res ect to the in(estigation o% com laints1

P whether disclosure would contri!ute to a de!ate on a matter o% interest1


Dhere the release o% in%ormation will allow the u!lic to ma7e an in%ormed decision on a su!*ect it will !e easier %or a u!lic authorit, to conclude that the u!lic interest in disclosure outweighs the otential harm1 In one case in(ol(ing a u!lic wor7s ro*ect the u!lic interest in ha(ing access to a small amount o% additional anal,tical material was not held to !e strong enough to outweigh the harm that disclosure might ha(e caused to the %ran7ness o% discussion1 -owe(er8 it has !een recognised that where the in%ormation re6uested relates to a high ro%ile issue that has %eatured hea(il, in the media and which in(ol(es the accounta!ilit, %or u!lic %unds8 there will !e a strong u!lic interest in releasing that in%ormation1

P whether disclosure would re*udice the rotection o% an indi(idual+s right to ri(ac,1

- 15 -

In a 2ew Qealand case it was decided that where Iolice held a hotogra h o% an indi(idual committing a crime it should not !e disclosed to an a licant who re6uested it1 #he reasoning !ehind this decision was that not onl, would the disclosure re*udice the indi(idual0s ri(ac, !ut also that matters which ma, !e interesting to the u!lic are not necessaril, matters which it ma, !e in the u!lic interest to disclose1 In a Canadian case where a go(ernment em lo,ee C!lew the whistleC on alleged contracting irregularities and misuse o% go(ernment %unds it was held that there was a u!lic interest in ex osing cases where there was misa ro riation o% u!lic mone, and that this clearl, outweighed an, in(asion o% ri(ac,1 #he Canadian Commissioner noted the comments in a case %rom the 3ederal Court: ;It is alwa,s in the u!lic interest to dis el rumours o% corru tion or *ust lain mismanagement o% the tax a,ers0 mone, and ro ert,1 2aturall, i% there has !een negligence8 somnolence or wrongdoing in the conduct o% a go(ernment institution0s o erations it is !, (irtual de%inition8 in the u!lic interest to disclose it and not to co(er it u in wra s o% secrec,1<

9an, %actors are li7el, to ha(e to !e considered on a case !, case !asis8 de ending on the re6uest %or in%ormation1 #he u!lic interest test must !e a lied not as a whole !ut to the s eci%ic use o% each 6uali%ied exem tion1 Dhere authorities see7 to rel, on such an exem tion the, must ro(ide their reasons to the a licant %or claiming that the u!lic interest does not outweigh the a lication o% the exem tion1 A detailed record o% decision$ma7ing rocesses should !e 7e t at e(er, ste when considering exem tions8 so that i% the a licant re6uests a re(iew or su!se6uentl, a eals to the Commissioner %or a decision8 there is a clear record o% the arguments considered regarding the u!lic interest test1 Iu!lic authorities must !e a!le to ro(ide e(idence o% all o% the %actors that ha(e !een ta7en into consideration when the u!lic interest test is a lied to an, 6uali%ied exem tion that the, cite1 It will not !e enough sim l, to list all the %actors which are thought to !e contrar, to the u!lic interest1 Instead8 the authorit, should ro(ide all o% the u!lic interest %actors8 !oth %or and against disclosure8 which were ta7en into account in a l,ing the test1 #he, must !e a!le to show that a s eci%ic detriment will occur !ecause o% the disclosure1 A detailed and o!*ecti(e anal,sis o% the %actors considered under the u!lic interest test is not onl, im ortant in assisting a licants to assess whether an a lication %or re(iew is *usti%ied8 !ut also to alla, unwarranted criticism o% the (iew that the u!lic !od, has ta7en8 e(en where the original decision is su!se6uentl, o(erturned on re(iew1 In a recent decision under the now de%unct Code o% Iractice on Access to Scottish Executi(e In%ormation8 the Scottish In%ormation Commissioner underlined the im ortance o% the re6uirement %or u!lic authorities to ro(ide detailed reasoning when claiming exem tions: ;Authorities must !e mind%ul o% the need to *usti%, their decisions to withhold in%ormation such that the a licant can consider whether the authorit, has acted reasona!l, and can understand the !asis on which their re6uest has !een re%used K>L I !elie(e it is in the interests o% the authorit, to do so as a %ull ex lanation is more li7el, to satis%, a licants and ma, then lead to %ewer re6uests %or re(iew and a eals1<

- 16 -

Austr!li!n #ie" $ #he Australian 4aw )e%orm Commission ';A4)C<. in its re ort $;pen "overnment :a review of the federal :reedom of nformation .ct =>?</ A4)C 77. recommended the u!lic interest test was in need o% clari%ication8 ro riate8 guidelines #he A4)C stating that although a statutor, de%inition was not a

issued !, the in%ormation Commissioner would !e hel %ul1

suggested that the guidelines could contain %actors to !e ta7en into account that could !e (iewed as rele(ant and irrele(ant to the consideration o% the u!lic interest1 $u""ested included: relevant factors

the general u!lic interest in go(ernment in%ormation !eing accessi!le whether the document would disclose the reasons %or a decision whether disclosure would contri!ute to de!ate on a matter o% u!lic interest whether disclosure would enhance scrutin, o% go(ernment decision ma7ing rocesses and there!, im ro(e accounta!ilit, and artici ation1 $u""ested included: irrelevant factors

the seniorit, o% the erson who is in(ol(ed in re aring the document or who is the su!*ect o% the document that disclosure would con%use the u!lic or that there is a ossi!ilit, that the u!lic might not readil, understand an, tentati(e 6ualit, o% the in%ormation that disclosure would cause a loss o% con%idence in the go(ernment that disclosure ma, cause the a licant to misinter ret or misunderstand the in%ormation contained in the document !ecause o% an omission %rom the document or %or an, other reason1

- 17 -

#he Commission also recommended that the 3EI Act should !e amended to ro(ide that8 %or the ur ose o% determining whether release o% the document would !e contrar, to the u!lic interest8 it is irrele(ant that the disclosure ma, cause em!arrassment to the go(ernment1

In%ormation Commissioner o% 2orthern #erritor, issued the %ollowing guidelines on u!lic interest: D hat u!lic interest %actors can %a(our disclosureR 11 accountability 21 -ublic "overnment 3overnment participation in

#he rocess o% go(ernment olic, ma7ing and decision$ma7ing can o%ten !e im ro(ed !, constructi(e contri!utions %rom mem!ers o% the u!lic1 #hese contri!utions are enhanced !, disclosure o% in%ormation that !etter in%orms those eo le who choose to ta7e art1 An, in%ormation created or recei(ed !, go(ernment ma, enhance go(ernment accounta!ilit, and u!lic artici ation in a articular case1 #his ma, include: in%ormation that records reasons %or decisions made= in%ormation that was considered in the course o% ma7ing a decision8 %or exam le8 ad(ice and recommendations8 !ac7ground a ers8 witness statements8 olic, o tions a ers= re orts on er%ormance o% %unctions1 #he a(aila!ilit, o% in%ormation a!out the ad(ice and o inions gi(en !, u!lic ser(ants and considered in ma7ing agenc, decisions can !e signi%icant in terms o% understanding how go(ernment and agencies ha(e carried out their %unctions1 #he more in%ormation that can !e reasona!l, disclosed a!out these rocesses8 the !etter e6ui ed the u!lic will !e to ma7e *udgements on the er%ormance o% go(ernment1 In%ormation that shows the thin7ing rocesses decisions is signi%icant %or the same reasons1 !ehind go(ernment

Nisclosure o% ad(ice and o inions 'including ad(ice and o inions that ma, not ha(e !een ado ted. can hel mem!ers o% the communit, to understand what o tions ha(e !een considered and wh, the, ha(e !een acce ted or re*ected1 #his allows %or !etter in%ormed de!ate a!out issues o% current rele(ance1 Communit, mem!ers are ut in a !etter osition to consider whether o tions ha(e !een ro erl, ado ted or re*ected8 and to raise arguments that a

- 18 -

re*ected o tion should !e %urther in(estigated or an entirel, new o tion should !e in(estigated1 31-ublic awareness Ho(ernment acts as a re ositor, %or large amounts o% in%ormation1 #here ma, !e a u!lic interest in disclosing in%ormation sim l, !ecause it will in%orm the communit, a!out matters o% general concern1 3or exam le8 there ma, !e a in%ormation: u!lic interest in disclosing

that will in%orm consumers a!out their choices in a articular mar7et= that will in%orm eo le a!out general issues li7e u!lic health and sa%et,= %or the ur ose o% research that ma, ultimatel, add to u!lic awareness a!out issues o% general concern1 &1 $pecial interest of class /&ustice to an individual) Dhile an, erson ma, a l, %or in%ormation8 there can !e a u!lic interest in a licants %rom a articular class ha(ing access to in%ormation in which the, ha(e a s ecial interest1 3or exam le8 there ma, !e a u!lic interest in com lainants getting in%ormation a!out how their com laint was handled1 Er there ma, !e a u!lic interest in unsuccess%ul romotion a licants getting access to in%ormation that oints to what changes the, ma, ha(e to ma7e to im ro(e their er%ormance and their ros ects %or success in the %uture1 n some cases, a factor of this type may mean that the balance of the public interest favours disclosure of information to one person when it mi"ht not be in the public interest to disclose it to the world at lar"e1 D hat u!lic interest %actors can go against disclosureR 11 exemptions. 21 efficient operations and effective conduct of "overnment

I% disclosure o% articular in%ormation would re*udice the a!ilit, o% go(ernment to carr, out its %unctions on !ehal% o% the communit, in an e%%icient and e%%ecti(e wa,8 this will gi(e rise to a u!lic interest %actor against disclosure1 31 private individual) interests /fairness to an

#he Iri(ac, exem tion and the Iri(ac, scheme included in the nformation .ct re%lect the underl,ing u!lic interest in rotecting ersonal ri(ac,1

A u!lic interest %actor ma, also arise in terms o% ensuring %airness to an indi(idual or ri(ate sector organisation8 i%8 %or exam le8 there are allegations

- 19 -

o% wrongdoing in a document that are untested8 or in relation to which there has !een no chance %or res onse1 3actors that can0t !e raised : #he nformation .ct excludes 3 things %rom consideration: the reasons that access is !eing sought 's117.= the ossi!ilit, that disclosure ma, result in em!arrassment to8 or a lac7 o% con%idence in8 the #erritor, Ho(ernment or a u!lic sector organisation 's15".= the ossi!ilit, that the a licant ma, misunderstand the in%ormation disclosed 's15".1 A erson ma, or ma, not choose to ex lain the articular reason or reasons wh, the, are see7ing in%ormation1 I% the, do ex lain8 those reasons ma, suggest u!lic interest %actors that %a(our disclosure1 Jut an, stated reason does not a%%ect the u!lic interest %actors that are rele(ant1 -owe(er8 the 5ueensland In%ormation Commissioner added two more additional %actors against disclosure in their information sheet on public interest balancin" tests :/ www.infocomm.@ld." . 11 interests o% third arties$ ri(ac,8 trade secrec, 21 %low o% in%ormation to law en%orcement and regulator, agencies %rom citi?ens

Centr!l In,or'!tion Co''ission o, Indi! Necisions on Public Interest A eal 2o1ICIJOA$1OCICO2""B dt1311"112""B

Conscious o% the %act that access to certain in%ormation ma, not !e in the u!lic interest8 the Act also ro(ides certain exem tions %rom disclosure1 A eal 2o1ICIJOA$3OCICO2""B8dt11"1"212""B

3urnishing o% co ies o% e(aluated answer a ers would !e against u!lic interest as has !een rightl, o ined !, the a ellate authorit, that su l, o% a co , o% the e(aluated answer a er would com romise the %airness and im artialit, o% the selection rocess1<

- 20 -

eal "5OIC'A.OCICO2""B8dt1"31"312""B

#he a ellant has not made a case o% !ona%ide u!lic interest %or disclosure o% IA2O#A2 2um!ers o% 2B com anies on grounds o% su!missions o% their a lication %or a!o(e ur oses or %iling o% tax returns1 A eal 2o1 12OIC'A.O2""B8dt11&1"312""B

#he a ellant has not indicated an, !ona%ide u!lic interest in ha(ing access to the Jan7 account o% the Com an,8 with8 which he has no association or !usiness relationshi 1 A eal 2o1 15OIC'A.O2""B8dt1221"312""B

#he a ellant has not indicated an, !ona%ide u!lic interest in see7ing the in%ormation a!out the Com an, or its Iartners1 9oreo(er8 he has no association or !usiness relationshi with the Com an,1 A eal 2o1 1BOIC'A.O2""B8dt1 2A1"312""B

#he a ellant was in(ol(ed in a litigation against the Com an, a!out which he sought the a!o(e in%ormation1 -e had also ta7en the matter with the -igh Court8 9um!ai which o!ser(ed that the issue raised !, the a ellant was not a !ona%ide u!lic interest1 #he a eal is there%ore not maintaina!le1 A eal 2o1 17OIC'A.O2""B8dt12A1"312""B

#he lin7 !etween (aluation o% mortgaged ro erties o% !orrowers and 2IA is not clear1 #here is there%ore no !ona%ide u!lic interest in disclosure o% (aluation re orts su!mitted to the Jan7 !, the !orrowers1 #he a ellant has sought the details o% loans alread, sanctioned and dis!ursed to a articular Com an,1 -e has howe(er not indicated the !ona%ide u!lic interest in see7ing the in%ormation1 #he a ellant authorit, o% the Jan7 has contended that the details o% ro erties and securities su!mitted !, the !orrowers are in the nature o% commercial con%idence8 the disclosure o% which is exem ted under Section A'd. o% the )#I Act1 Also8 the in%ormation sought relate to collateral and securities ta7en !, the concerned Com an, and its directors8 which are ersonal in%ormation1 #his has no relationshi with an, u!lic acti(it, or interest1 Nisclosure o% such in%ormation would cause unwarranted in(asion o% ri(ac, o% indi(idual O third art,8 as er Section A'1. '*.1 A eal 2o CICOD JOCO2""BO"""&"8dt12&1"&12""B

Although the A ellate authorit, is not co(ered !, the enal ro(isions o% this Act8 Shri VG Hu ta has clearl, %ailed in this case to u hold the law or act in the u!lic interest1

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eal 2o1 22OIC'A.O2""B8dt13"1"312""B

Income #ax )eturns %iled !, the assessee are con%idential in%ormation8 which include details o% commercial acti(ities and that it relates to third art,1 #hese are su!mitted in %iduciar, ca acit,1 #here is also no u!lic action in(ol(ed in the matter In the s irit o% )#I Act8 the u!lic authorit, is re6uired to ado t an o en and trans arent rocess o% e(aluation norms and rocedures %or assessment o% tax lia!ilities o% (arious categories o% assessee1 E(er, action ta7en !, the u!lic authorit, in 6uestion is in u!lic interest and there%ore the rele(ant orders ertaining to the re(iew and re(ision o% tax assessment is a u!lic action1 #here is there%ore no reason wh, such orders should not !e disclosed1 #he Chie% Commissioner o% Income #ax is accordingl, directed to su l, rele(ant co ies o% the income tax assessment orders8 i% an,8 ro(ided that such documents are not exem ted under Section A'1. o% the Act1 A eal 2o1 23OIC'A.O2""B8dt11"1"&12""B

#he a ellant8 while see7ing a large 6uantit, o% data and in%ormation o% di%%erent t, es and nature8 has not indicated the !ona%ide u!lic interest in see7ing the in%ormation1 An in%ormation see7er ought to 7ee in mind the cost e%%ecti(eness as ects o% disclosure o% in%ormation1 #he ex ected !ene%its %rom disclosure o% in%ormation should in(aria!l, outweigh the costs o% ro(iding it1 -e is there%ore directed to minimi?e and rioriti?e his in%ormation needs which can !e ro(ided without undul, *eo ardi?ing the normal acti(ities o% the Jan78 as the in%ormation is to !e ro(ided within the sti ulated eriod o% 3" da,s1 #he Commission is in ossession o% letters which the a ellant8 9r1 Gishur M1 Aggarwal8 Editor$ in$Chie% o% a num!er o% Nail, Ia ers O 9aga?ines has written to almost all the ISFs %or eliciting their su ort %or romotion o% his !usiness interests1 -is Com an,8 named as 2FF))IE 9edia 4td1 has launched thirt, nine '39. we!sites co(ering the acti(ities o% all sections o% the societ,1 -e has !een as7ing %or the %a(our o% carr,ing out ad(ertisements in his maga?ines O we!sites1 Clearl,8 his modus o erandi is to use )#I %or in%luencing ISFs %or romotion o% his !usiness8 rather than ser(ing the social interests such as ensuring trans arenc, and e%%icienc, in %unctioning o% ISFs1 #his is indeed a !latant misuse o% )#I Act which ought to !e discouraged1 As an enlightened citi?en8 e(er, in%ormation see7er should resort to )#I Act res onsi!l,8 as most eo le are doing and rea ing the !ene%its o% this ower%ul Act1 A eal 2o127OIC'A.O"B8dt11"1"&12""B

-a(ing alread, examined a large num!er o% a eals against se(eral u!lic authorities %rom the a ellant %or similar in%ormation8 which he is not utili?ing %or u!lic ur oses8 we are con(inced that the a ellant is mis$using the Act %or romotion o% his own !usiness as mentioned elsewhere in decision

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2o123OIC'A.O"B1 #here is no e(idence o% ro er use o% in%ormation that he has alread, !een ro(ided !, se(eral u!lic authorities1 As a media erson8 he could ha(e highlighted i% there was an, mal%unctioning in the organi?ations8 which ha(e su lied in%ormation to him1 -e is8 there%ore8 warned to exercise restraint in see7ing in%ormation that he is not ma7ing an, use o% it in the u!lic interest1 #he a ellant is seemingl, using the tactics o% see7ing in%ormation %rom ISFs %or %urtherance o% his own !usiness1 A eal 2o132OIC'A.O"B8dt1"21"512""B

#he Jan7s are under o!ligation to maintain the secrec, o% the Jan7 accounts o% its customers8 including the accounts o% u!lic authorities1 #here is also no o(erriding u!lic interest in disclosure o% such in%ormation1 A eal: 2o1CICOEGOAO2""BO"""&B8dt1"21"512""B

#he Commission was o% the (iew that the in%ormation was in no wa, ersonal in nature and was in the u!lic domain1 It is8 in %act8 in the larger u!lic interest to disclose the in%ormation ertaining to re$ em lo,ment o% sta%% to ma7e decision$ma7ing rocess o% the uni(ersit, trans arent and accounta!le %or its decision1 Necision 2o137OIC'A.O2""B8N#1121"512""B A ellant has made the case o% u!lic interest on the grounds o% adulteration in distri!ution o% diesel and etrol8 he has howe(er not su!stantiated his oint as to how he would ro(e his allegations on the !asis o% disclosure o% I# returns %iled !, the third art,1 A arentl, there is no direct relationshi !etween mal ractices o% etrol and diesel and I# returns8 which is mainl, the !asis %or see7ing in%ormation1 -!rn!t!.! St!te In,or'!tion Co''ission$ Garnata7a State In%ormation Commission ruled that assets and lia!ilities o% a Ho(ernment o%%icial is not a ri(ate or con%idential document and8 as such8 ma, !e re6uisitioned !, an, citi?en1' #he Indian Ex ress8 Manuar, 118 2""B .

[ +his article reflects the law as at <8 ,ay <88A ] Art design$$Dhanunjay

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i% not exem ted

i% exem ted

disclose the In%ormation

A!solute exem tion 's98 co ,right.

5uali%ied exem tions Ks A '1.L

withhold the in%ormation

Identi%, the u!lic interest in exem tions

Identi%, the u!lic interest in disclosure

u!lic interest in disclosure 111 "it))old t)e in,or'!tion u!lic interest in exem tion

u!lic interest in exem tion

u!lic interest in disclosure 111 disclose t)e in,or'!tion

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